#i have held the loaded gun in my hands- wondering if i should just say 'fuck it' and traumatize whatever poor bastard found my corpse
dhampir-dyke · 1 year
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
Friends? Never. Pt.1 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
New fic alert? Can you tell I've got a thing for the enemies to lovers trope? Sorryyyyyy. I have loads of ideas for so many stories but this one made me too excited :D I can’t tell if the writing in this is ass but i’m just setting things up hold out hope for me people…
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Ellie opens the door of her new home only to see you, her least favourite person in Jackson, standing at her door with your suitcase in hand.
"No no no no no no no." You say as you immediately start walking away from her. You keep walking until you see Maria walking towards you.
"Don't even start-" She already knows what you're going to say.
"I am not fucking living with her Maria."
"Didn't I tell you not to start? You're wasting your breath anyway, this is the only way we can accommodate all the new arrivals."
"Why do you hate me?" You groan and she spins you around immediately marching you back to your new home.
"I don't, but you and Ellie are a pain in my ass, maybe make the most of it and try and get along hm?" She keeps you held firmly at the front door as she knocks three times.
"Back for more alrea-" Ellie pauses as she sees Maria standing there with a stern look on her face, she pushes you through the door and smiles.
"Enjoy setting up!" She calls over her shoulder and you're sure you hear her laugh.
"Fuck my life." You push past Ellie, bumping her hard enough that she stumbles slightly. You storm off upstairs to find your room huffing at your new reality.
You're unpacking all your belongings when you notice her standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. "Are you just gonna keep staring at me like a creep?"
"Are you gay?"
"Pardon?" You scoff at her bluntness but your heart was beating a mile a minute, you knew it wasn't a big deal, she's a lesbian herself, but for some reason you still found coming out to people so difficult. Your parents hadn't taken it well which is how you found yourself living on your own... well, with Ellie. You breathe in and regain your composure, turning to her and flashing a coy smirk. "Why do you want to know Williams? Got a little crush on me?"
"Ha! You wish. Just wondered seeing as you're nineteen and have never once even held a guys hand."
"Didn't realise you paid so much attention to me, should I be worried I have a stalker?" She rolls her eyes at you obviously avoiding her question. "Why does it matter?"
"It doesn't, just trying to figure out if I should be worried about you getting a crush on me and going all crazy."
You walk over to her until there's only inches between you. "You're so arrogant." You bump her in the shoulder and she stumbles as you walk past her towards the kitchen. "You're also not my type... at all." You call over her shoulder missing the look of bewilderment on her face.
"Wait... so you are?" Ellie calls as she follows you to the kitchen. She's close behind you as you march away until you stop dead in your tracks causing her to bump into you.
"If you must know Ellie, yes I am."
"Oh." Ellie felt her heart clench a little for you as she knows how unaccepting your parents are, that's why you stopped being friends all those years ago after all.
You had met Ellie on the first day she arrived in Jackson, she looked tired and a little gaunt but you still felt butterflies in your stomach when you laid eyes on her for the first time. You remember seeing her walk in and hand a gun she kept in the back of her jeans to Maria, you were gobsmacked because she looked the same age as you and you couldn't imagine holding, let alone using, a gun. You had been born in Jackson, only ever leaving to go on patrol in the last couple years so 14 year old you found the girl all the more intriguing. You had watched her from a distance as Joel spoke to your dad, you still remember the feeling of your stomach dropping when she looked up to see you spying on her. You hadn't spoken to her until later that evening when Joel and her had come to yours for dinner. It was awkward at first but when she saw your record player and limited vinyl collection, the ice thawed quickly, you became inseparable until your parents started taking an issue with your friendship with her, you never understood why they stopped you seeing her and stopped seeing Joel until two years ago when you told them you were a lesbian. Ellie had always known that they were homophobic but it still hurt when they stopped you seeing her, she saw red any time she was near you because she was so hurt that you could cut her out of your life just like that and within a couple months you were bitter rivals that couldn't share a nice word with the other. Her hatred for you was so overwhelming that it forced her to stop being so awkward around people because she was so focused on throwing as many insults your way as possible that her nerves when speaking to others dissipated.
Now, as you stand in the kitchen staring at her leaning on the doorframe you felt a pang of guilt for how you had treated her although it quickly disappeared the second she opened her beautiful mouth.
"Well er... you're not my type either so don't get any ideas." You laugh at the awkwardness of her statement knowing why she suddenly lost confidence in herself.
"Thanks for the clarification." You roll your eyes before busying yourself getting a glass of water, it was the middle of summer so all the moving and unpacking was making you feel severely dehydrated. Ellie watched as you gulped down the water, noting how a couple drops fall down onto your white tank top. She dragged her eyes away from you and cleared her throat.
"Well now we've established the feelings mutual we can go back to never speaking again. Or are you going to bother me constantly with small talk?"
"Oh believe me you have nothing to worry about on my end." You refill the glass again and walk over to her. "And if I'm remembering correctly you're the one that came and spoke to me, so I could ask you the same thing, no?" You jab a finger into her chest as you speak emphasising your point. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go wash this finger of your germs and finish unpacking." You push past her once again and she scoffs as you walk away back upstairs without looking back at her.
You continue unpacking methodically until everything is put away neatly and your decorations are in their new designated homes. As you collapse onto the bed picking up the book you were reading at the moment from your bedside table you breathe a sigh of relief at the breeze making its way through your open window. Your shared cabin was right on the outskirts of Jackson so your view was the beautiful woods that lined the north west section of the wall, as you looked at the greenery that was reflecting glittering spots of sunlight you reminisced on the times you and Ellie had spent in the woods when you were friends. You're interrupted from your thoughts by the growling of your stomach that prompts you to sneak back to the kitchen.
"Fuck's sake." You mutter under your breath as you walk into the kitchen only to be greeted by Ellie leaning on the counter savaging a bowl of cereal.
"You know you're spilling more of that down your shirt than you're getting in your mouth right?" Ellie looks down at her t-shirt only to see that you were correct when you said she was spilling milk down herself, she huffs and continues eating, this time being more careful as she brings the bowl right to her mouth.
"I thought I made it clear I didn't want to talk to you and yet... here you are talking to me." She mumbles through a mouthful of cereal. You roll your eyes and open the fridge only to see the leftovers you had put in there earlier were gone. You take a deep breath before spinning to give Ellie the dirtiest of looks.
"Are you fucking kidding me? That's the only food I had until I go out tomorrow. Why would you eat it?"
"Oh was that yours? My bad I got hungry earlier, it was really good though you gotta make me some more of that sometime." She smiles sweetly and your face twists into a scowl as you feel the rage boiling inside of you.
"Only we live here Ellie, if you're going to steal my food you could at least own it." You walk away and just before you leave the kitchen empty handed you turn back slightly. "Pussy." You go to walk away until you feel a hand enclose around your arm yanking you backwards. She pushes you up against the wall and leans her body weight on you so you can't move, relishing in your struggle.
"Say that again bitch, I dare you." Her eyes are dark and cold only mirroring yours, a devilish grin appears on your face as you lean in closer to her.
"You're a pussy Williams... and you don't scare me." You push her off with all your strength and rush away from her before slamming your door so hard you're shocked it doesn't come off the hinges. You pace around your room muttering and cursing Ellie before you stop, realising you actually have to live with her for the foreseeable future, every time you looked at her all you could think of is the screaming matches you endured with your parents when they banned you from seeing her and the look of defeat on her face as you ignored her for the first time when she came over to you while you were out with your parents, the nausea you were feeling only grew as the memory of when you came out to your parents flashes through your mind as it does multiple times throughout the day. You grab your book and begin reading once again trying to rid yourself of all these memories that Ellie was bringing up. As you finally feel the nausea calming there are three forceful knocks on your door that you ignore reflexively.
"You gonna open the door or what?" Ellie's voice is muffled but clear enough to make out what she's saying.
"No. Fuck off Ellie!" Ellie rolls her eyes before knocking harder this time and she doesn't stop, she continuously bangs on your door until you throw your book down in frustration to storm over to the source of your irritation. As you yank the door open you're greeted by a smirking Ellie. "WHAT? What could you possibly want? You eat my food, you piss me off, you pin me against a fucking wall, what do you want now Ellie?"
Ellie is taken aback by your harsh tone, typically it had a hint of playfulness to it but now you just sounded angry. She gulped before regaining her standoffish demeanour. "Calm down sweetie."
You scoff and go to slam the door in her face but her hand stops you and pushes the door back so hard you stumble backwards with it, you huff and walk away dropping down onto your bed once again.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure whatever. You're gonna do what you want anyway." She stuffs her hands into her front pockets and walks in as she looks at all the decorations in your room before plopping down on your bed sitting directly on your feet. You snatch them away with a huff as you grit your teeth and curl up to put as much distance between you two.
"What... do you want Williams?"
"Nothing really. Just wanted to see your room. It's very... you."
"Mm and I'm sure yours looks like a squatters pit." You smile smugly at her as she rolls her eyes, your face drops as she turns and eyes the book on your bedside table with a smirk.
"You read romance?" She stifles a laugh poorly.
"Yes and what? Can you even read?" She chuckles and you mumble under your breath "idiot"
"Wow you really are a virgin aren't you?" You eyes flash up at her as your eyebrows knit together and your face turns to a grimace.
"Why do you assume I'm a virgin because I read romance? Maybe I just enjoy it."
"Ha! Right. I'm assuming you're a virgin because only virgins read romance books." You kick at her and she grabs your sock-covered foot stopping you in your tracks.
"Oh my god Ellie can you go away!"
"No no, not just yet. My curiosity is piqued about this book now." Before you can stop her she's reaching for the book and standing up while flicking through some pages.
"Wait, No Ellie don't." She holds it above your head as you stand, you try and snatch it from her once but it's too far out of your reach, panic takes over as she opens it above her head and begins reading aloud. "Ellie fucking stop!"
"Why? It's just a romance book right? Nothing too... inappropriate." Your cheeks heat and the familiar rage comes back in full force, you look down at her feet and stomp on the left one as hard as you can, she yelps and drops her arms which allows you to grab the book from her grasp and you immediately rush out of your room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind you with a triumphant smile.
"Ow you bitch!" You hear Ellie call after you. As you eye the bathtub you decide now is the perfect time to relax in the tub so you can escape Ellie for awhile and read your book in peace.
You stay in the bath until the sun has completely set and the room is bathed in a silvery glow from the moonlight, you guess you were in there for at least an hour but as you start to shiver from the cooling water you decide to finally leave your refuge. As you climb out of the bath you're horrified when you realise your towel is still in your room.
"Fuck fuck fuck." You had to walk past Ellie's room to get to yours but ultimately you decide you'd have to risk it, you unlock the door and peak out into the hallway to see its empty, you edge the door open and begin quickly creeping to your room, you're almost there but as you go to walk past Ellie's room she walks out at the exact same time walking straight into your naked form.
"AGH OH MY GOD!" Your hands immediately attempt to cover your dignity but its an almost failed attempt as you notice her looking you up and down. "DON'T FUCKING LOOK!" You scream as you run past her to your room so quickly your feet slip a little. You hear her cackling in the hallway as you lean with your back against the door in utter disbelief. "No no noooo that did not just happen." You mumble to yourself as you run a hand over your face.
You try to put the embarrassment past you as you settle into bed before passing out from the sheer exhaustion of the day.
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anika-ann · 2 years
Love on the Brain - Epilogue
Sitting in a Tree...
Type: MCU x Criminal Minds crossover series
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word Count: 4000
Summary: All things need to come to an end. But this end is sweet – and it just might be a new beginning.
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Series masterlist
Warnings: series includes criminal behaviour such as stalking or kidnapping; graphic violence, gun violence; (mentions of) death; allusions to dub-con; possible PTSD and flashbacks; sexual innuendos and foul language. Loads of fluff and teasing. I’m covering my bases here to make sure - probably sounds worse than it is. If you’re interested in specific warnings for individual chapters, let me know.
A/N: divider by @firefly-graphics ...this one is just gooey sweet
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“They say one picture is worth a thousand words. They’re wrong. Because I looked at yours and I was speechless.” – anonyme
Walking into your apartment building the following morning was both achingly familiar and entirely surreal.
Much like two days ago, Steve was by your side, holding the door open for you. Weariness rested upon your body, but you felt energized at the same time just as if you had just finished your run. On autopilot, your steps led to the mailboxes, reaching for your keys to finish your ritual.
The differences to the morning two days prior were subtle, but meaningful. Steve took the keys from you gently, sorting your mail so you didn’t have to deal with the splinter still remaining on your hand. The reason for your good mood had little to do with physical activity and more with relief, your body tired from lying in a hospital bed and still recovering from having been shot to your arm and mostly healed by Dr.Cho’s cradle.
Most importantly however, as Steve held the door for you, his palm rested firmly on your lower back, leading you through the hall; reassurance, protectiveness and claim. He was here with you. He was yours; and you were his.
The feel on his hand on you remained on your skin like a brand even as he was tucking the mail into the pockets of his leather jacket, the flutter of your heart giddy, smile plastered on your face when his gaze strayed back to you, lips curled in a warm smile as well.
God, you got it BAD.
No wonder the entirety of both the Avengers and the BAU made fun of you, shaking heads at how on Earth it had taken you so long to act upon how insanely in love you were. At least where you were concerned. Not that Steve said the L word back when you had been babbling, high on adrenalin, modified neurotransmitters, the antidote and having been shot. He had just said that you were more than his best friend too. Which was fine. Perfectly fine. You could live with that. You weren’t disappointed or anything. Hell, you kissed only yesterday. You couldn’t exactly expect a marriage proposal or something.
Or could you? Should you?
You didn’t want to think about that. Not when Steve’s hand slipped into yours, gently tugging you towards the elevator, snapping you from your thoughts – and making you stumble despite the minimal strength he used.
You caught against his chest with a hiss, putting the tinniest pressure on your hands before a pain shooting up your thumb and wrist reminded you it was a bad idea.
Steve’s quiet sorry was the only warning you got; the next thing you knew, an arm sneaked under your knees and behind your back and then you were hovering almost five feet above the ground, surprised laughter erupting from your throat.
Chuckling, you gazed up at him with from the safety of his arms. He was grinning down at you, stepping into the elevator, unbothered by your weight – pleased by it if anything – and easily hit the button to your floor, the doors sliding shut.
“I can walk, you know,” you noted, amused, tugging at the lapel of his jacket playfully with your unharmed hand. “Yes, Cho told me to take it easy on the arm and my hand is a little stiff, but my legs are just fine.”
“I know,” he replied with a peck to your temple, one corner of his lips a little higher as the hand on your thigh squeezed your flesh. “And I noticed.”
Suddenly, you were glad you weren’t standing. I would take some time to get used to Steve’s flirting. Apparently, as in anything he put to his mind to, he was a force to reckon with. You felt heat creep into your cheeks.
“Doesn’t feel like you know,” you pipped up.
“Maybe I just like doing things for you. And for me,” he added with a grin, definitely not missing what effect he had on you. Little shit. “I think I quite enjoy carrying you around.”
Yeah, I like it too, you thought, snuggling into the warmth he was radiating, very much aware of the fact you couldn’t feel as much a minute tremble of his muscles. Carrying you didn’t put any strain on him – which was something the logical part of your brain knew, because you witnessed his strength before, but experiencing it from this position was something entirely different and it created rather sinful images in a less rational and more primal parts of your brain. And Steve, the charming bastard, undoubtedly knew.
If you didn’t love him, you’d smack that smug face… which showed no signs of strain either.
Curiously enough, you read something else in his expression; behind the self-satisfied smile and a little playful twinkle in his eye, there was an emotion you had trouble to decipher.
Until you replayed his words, his actions, the faintest heaviness in his voice, the soft sorry – and the correct wires connected in your head, lips parting in heartbroken awe.
Your palm sprawled over his sternum, drawing his attention to you, gazes meeting. And suddenly, you were sure. Baffled, which you really shouldn’t have been, and with a sudden weight on your ribcage, but sure.
“GG, are you… are you feeling guilty because I got shot?”
You had your answer before he even opened his mouth; his body tensed, muscles in his arms turning to steel and it had nothing to do with the ding of the elevator and everything to do with how he used the opportunity to walk out to avert your eyes.
“No.” Bullshit. “There’s no reason for me to do so. There was no way I could have prevented it if I was looking at the case with clear eyes or took it more seriously from the start or even stopped to think the photos were in your mailbox, or at least said that to your old team-“
You pressed against his chest harder, making him falter in his step and in his carefully crafted expression. His eyes were soft and apologetical, his serious tone somehow dripping sarcasm and residual anger peeking through. The very anger which had him no doubt beat the punching bag yesterday afternoon, the anger you had misinterpreted and then promptly forgot about. Between medical check-ups, the team leaving, Steve’s fast healing and his highly effective distraction techniques, his bruised knuckles had slipped your mind.
You felt like an idiot.
Of course, he hadn’t been mad at you – he had tried to tell you. He was mad at himself. Because in the eyes of Captain America, Steven Grant Rogers had done less than perfect. And worse, in the eyes of Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers had done less than perfect as well.
You breathed in deeply before speaking, taking special care to speak softly but firmly – because you needed to get through his thick skull.
“Steve… it was not your fault. I could have done all these things too. Between the two of us, I’m the one with the behavioural analysis background.”
“Well, between the two of us, it was also you who paid the price,” he opposed.
He spoke with such sincerity and such hefty load of self-punishment you felt irritation rise in your chest, only soothed by the fact that you would have felt precisely the same if the roles were reversed. The thing was, however, that you weren’t exactly blameless in the outcome of the rescue mission.
“Are we really back to this? Yes, it was me who got shot, but it could have easily been you. Which would be much worse because those damn bullets were modified specifically to hurt you. And it was my choice to try to fight her off, and I could have done that better. But it happened so fast and suddenly she was about to aim the gun at you and I couldn’t let that happen.”
Steve shook his head in stubbornly.
“You shouldn’t have been there in the first place. I could have prevented it, if I paid more attention, if I haven’t let you walk away… and maybe I antagonized her by being there,” he reasoned, having you deadpan.
“Steve, we both know that’s hardly on you. Hotch wanted you there.”
The fierce look in his eyes told you he would have gone anyway – and in the back of your mind, you knew that too, because there was no world where Steve Rogers would just sit back while his teammate and best friend and more than best friend was in danger, but that was beside the point.
“Yes, he did and then he probably regretted it when I opened my mouth when I shouldn’t have-“
Oh there it is.
There lied the core of the problem – Steve thought he was to blame for the fact Bonnie eventually snapped and fired due to the fact he had interrupted Reid’s negotiation. God, you loved this man, but he was ridiculous. Ridiculously loveable.
Feeling brave, you moved your hand up, cupping his cheek; his shoulders sagged like a charm, effectively shutting him up, having his eyes widen a bit. And damn, did it feel good to have such effect on him.
“GG, could have, should have…” you whispered into the silent hallway, shaking your head, a light smile on your face. “Can we just let it go? We cannot change the past. And none of us sees clearly when it comes to protecting people we love, that’s how I got into that mess in the first place. You-“
You only realized what you just said when his guilt and determination to argue melted away at once, his face suddenly closer. Your heart thundered against your ribcage when Steve’s lips brushed over yours tenderly, drawing a content sigh from your lips. He gently nudged your nose, a tiny warning before he kissed you again, achingly sweet and intimate, causing your head to spin as your eyes slipped shut.
Screw everything, you didn’t even care if he said it back, or that you just unwittingly implied he felt the same. If you were to be rewarded like this every time you professed your love, you could do it all day.
You took a wavering breath when he allowed you to, kissing the corner of your mouth.
“Do you mean it?” he whispered, voice surprisingly small as if this hadn’t been the second time you just put your heart out there for him to do with as he pleased.
The truth was, you trusted Steve with your heart, as you did with everything else – and the answer was clear as day. But he wasn’t playing fair, when he tried to turn your brain into mush with something as simple as a sweet kiss. It was only fair you returned the favour.
“Hmm? Mean what?” you muttered, looking up at him even as his face was only a few inches from yours, your head slightly tilted to side with one corner of your mouth quirked. His eyes were large, watching you somehow with both exasperation and affection – a look you imagined you gave him quite often.
“Sweetheart, this isn’t funny. Are you still high on medication-“
You chuckled, fingers petting the short hair of his nape.
“I’m not high on mediation, but I might get high if you keep kissing me like that,” you hummed, not even lying. Steve watched you, not daring to react – waiting. So you gave him what he wanted, maybe even hoping you’d get it too. “I do love you, Steve.”
The light his smile radiated could battle the Sun itself. And the words he said after lit up a supernova in your chest, its heat spreading through your whole body.
“I love you too, you know.”
“I do know it now,” you muttered, cheeks hurting from smiling too wide, your ribcage humming with nerves and delight.
Steve loved you and he said it. He loved you.
It was amazing. It was beautiful. It was something you could only dream of hearing for almost two years and you didn’t even know what to do with yourself other than curl into a ball of a giggling mess. It was incomparable to anything you ever felt before.  
The only problem was that it was out there now, and you never stopped to think what would happen next. Back in Bonnie’s apartment, your hasty confession happened in a life-threatening situation, rescue machinery at play, but right in this moment… there was no rush. Nothing else to do.
Just you and Steve, standing in the hallway; you in his arms, bridal style, the scene as beautiful as goofy and slightly awkward at you kept gazing at each other, living for the moment and at the same time, unsure what to do next and how to process the onslaught of feelings.
So you played it off as you often did, like the very grown-up you were.
You cleared your throat.
“So are we gonna just stand here or will you finally carry me to my apartment or-?” you teased him lightly, pretending you didn’t have a suffocating amount feeling in your chest.
“How about I carry you to mine instead?” he shot back cheekily, having your lips part in surprise. “I mean, unless that’s too fast. I completely understand if you want some privacy-“
“GG?” you cut of his sudden babbling, squeezing the back of his neck gently.
“Take me to your bed.”
His fingers flexed, wide eyes staring down at you, emotions playing over his face; first a startle, then humour, then want. You realized that this time it might have been you who overstepped – even if this time, you genuinely didn’t mean to… imply things.
“To--to cuddle,” you added, earning Steve’s amused hum that set your cheeks aflame. “I meant to cuddle and rest… for now.”
“Uh-huh, if you say so,” Steve noted with a grin, his legs finally unfreezing and taking you his apartment indeed, somehow – very impressively so – managing to manoeuvre you and the door without as much as dropping his key card.
It did absolutely not lead to your stomach making excited flips, being reminded of his strength and how capable his hands were, how strong his thighs and abs had to be since for a moment he lifted his leg for you to sit on and held your weigh on it without issue. It elicited no reaction. Not even a little bit. You were especially not thinking about how large his hands were, sprawled over your thighs and back and how his muscles danced against your body and he wasn’t even breathing faster, let alone he’d break a sweat.
Perhaps you could revise your own words about cuddling only.
He toed off his shoes, carefully setting you on the shoe-rack, and kicking the door shut before he kneeled in front of you to help you rid of sneakers. You didn’t bother protesting that you could undo your own shoes, thank you very much; why would you, when his deft fingers made such quick and gentle work and his palm curled around your calf to get the sneaker off and it radiated so much warmth and it lingered.
That damn lopsided smile in the corner of his mouth and a playful spark in his eyes, he remained on one knee, face levelling with yours. You wanted to tease him about being a knight indeed but he beat you to it, maintaining eye contact as one of his hands still held your calf, thumb stroking just under your knee, while his other hand took yours, pressing his lips to the back of it firmly.
Damn him, damn him, cheater, how were you supposed to poke fun at him him when he did things like that?
“How’s your hand? You want a heat-pack? Cold pack?” he offered as he beckoned to the splinter on your other hand.
“It’s fine,” you whispered, heart having grown three sizes, because yes, he’d tease you, but he was also the most caring man you had ever met and you had spent a better part of five years working alongside Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan.
Speaking of which. You should report you were released from the med bay.
“You’ll spoil me. Maybe I should send pics to Garcia to let her see that I’m well taken care of and that I’m not keeping you secret from her.”
The corner of Steve’s mouth twitched as he hauled you up again, heading to his bedroom.
“Right. Garcia,” he parroted, doubtful. “What are the chances she’ll show it to everyone?”
“200% percent,” you assured him, grinning as he set you down to the edge of the bed. “Why? …oh. Oh wow, you really are turning physically green a little.”
“Shut up…” he muttered, the tips of his ears turning red for a change as you climbed back towards the headboard, mattress dipping when you joined you. “Or I’ll make you.”
“Oh I like the sound of that!” you exclaimed, too amused to have the threat make you flustered. “But pics first, I don’t want them to make fun of the burn your stubble will leave behind--- on my face!”
Goddamn your choice of words! Goddamn Steve, who was grinning again too, a little wolfish as he turned to you. Damn him for looking straight into your eyes and stealing all air from your lungs with only a few words.
“Good thinking. Because I plan on leaving my mark behind for sure. Wherever you let me.”
You gulped, watching his pupils dilate at his promise, your mouth suddenly dry, all cheeky retorts dying in your throat. Oh he was serious. He’d deliver on this promise and it might not be today, but the premise of that happening somewhere in the future was enough to make you lose your original train of thought. What was it you had wanted to do?
A force to reckon with indeed.
You licked your lips in a lame attempt to gather your thoughts. Steve’s intensity was quite the picture-
Oh. Right.
You reached for your phone.
“They’re…. they’re gonna have a field day from my irises blown wide at your talk. Oh god, I can already hear it-”
“So can I. Please just take a picture so I can stop feeling like there are seven other people in this room with us,” Steve complained, half-heartedly annoyed as he pushed closer, shoulder to shoulder so you could take a selfie.
“I will, as soon as you stop looking so grumpy,” you shot back.
He clearly didn’t expect you to lean in and press a kiss to his cheek as you snaped a photo, because his tense shoulders instantly melted, hand sneaking behind your back to wrap around you and gently grasp your lower arm. While in the first picture, he was caught somewhere between annoyed and pleasantly surprised, the second picture was all soft smiles.
“Atta boy…” you praised him, typing a quick message – as quick as you could with only one hand fully functioning.
He released you only for a moment so you could place the phone on the nightstand, swiftly turning back to him and crawling into his arms. He smiled down at you sweetly, kissing your forehead, seemingly as content as you were.
You grinned up at him. “So… can I be made to shut up now as promised?”
He didn’t reply, the corners of his lips curling up higher as he cradled your cheek and angled your head, capturing your lips in a kiss and making everything else but him disappear.
You ignored the buzzing of your phone when a reply came through.
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“Aaron… are you smiling?”
Agent Aaron Hotchner simply smiled a little wider a Rossi’s question, gaze straying further to look outside the plane’s window.
They were on their way back to Quantico, the whole team back together, this time even with Penelope Garcia. The central four seats of the plane were occupied by Hotch, Rossi, Derek and Emily, with Penelope, Reid and JJ lounging around. Even though they knew they were coming back to the headquarters to a new case on their desk, the atmosphere was serene and light; a job not perfectly done, but done well enough.
“He’s got every reason to, we all do. Johnie’s alive and safe. You guys did a good job,” JJ noted, elbow leaning on the backrest of Emily’s aisle seat.
“Especially Miss Garcia, apparently,” Derek chuckled and Emily nudged his foot under the small desk – but Penelope lit up, not offended in the slightest, instead blissfully remembering the specimen (she only looked at respectfully) addressing her earlier.
“Oh, my chocolate thunder, that man is a true giver, I’m telling you,” she said, pointing her crotchet hook at her best friend. “Good for Johnie.”
“What, and I’m not all of sudden?” Derek complained, only earning a smirk from Emily, having JJ to bite her cheek so she wouldn’t laugh.
The ping of the phone got Garcia’s attention. She instantly reached for it, her work on an owl for her office instantly forgotten.
“Oh, speak of the devil…” she muttered affectionately, opening the messages when she saw Jones name on the screen. “Awww, look at that. TWO pics!”
“Oh, show me!” Emily leaned over instantly, having JJ look over her shoulder as well – but they didn’t exactly have to pull Garcia’s teeth to make her show everyone. She simply placed the phone by the edge of the table for everyone to see.
“He sure isn’t keen on the idea at first, but in that second pic...” JJ observed, amusement clear in her voice.
“Guy’s got his hands all over. Territorial indeed,” Derek couldn’t but point out.
“Hm… pupils dilated, in both of them.”
Everyone’s gazes strayed to Hotch for a moment, shocked by the fact he was the one to bring attention to this.
“Uh-huh, it signals arousal,” Reid added, unnecessarily. The two people in the images were obviously in love with everything that belonged to it. “The intimate setting of the bed in addition to that…”
“Wait, guys…” Emily said, turning the phone to her, zooming in a bit and moving all around the image before returning it, a smirk on her face. “This isn’t her style. She’s not in her bedroom. She’s gotta be in his.”
“Territorial,” Morgan and JJ said at once, exchanging a knowing look.
“I mean, can you blame him?” Rossi joined in, hand turned palm up as he shrugged. “It’s practically a miracle they finally said something after what I understand was about two years on silently pining after each other and being obvious to everyone but themselves.”
Hums of agreement sounded from around the group; three of the BAU members had seen first-hand just how obvious they had been indeed. The pair was so obvious that they honestly had had trouble recognizing what the relationship between Sparkles and GG had been when they first arrived.
“That’s interesting though, their relationship moving from a friendly one to a romantic one. Even though they know each other and have been in intimate proximity on daily basis for over a year and half, their brain chemistry will probably change,” Spencer couldn’t but share, having JJ smile to herself because of course the genius would have a scientific observation of the two lovers. “It’s fascinating, truly. Scientifically speaking, now that they can allow themselves to be in love, the production of testosterone, oestrogen, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin will undoubtedly increase, while the production of so-called attachment hormones, mostly oxytocin and vasopressin, might not.”
“…fascinating,” Emily echoed dryly, but with undeniable affection for the genius’ ramble.
“Oh hush, y’all,” Garcia shushed them, snatching her phone back to her. “Damn profilers. Stop analysing them. Love’s love, no matter what chemicals it makes and what they do to our brain. They’re happy together, let’s leave it at that.”
She pouted at the adorable pictures again, profoundly content her friend found her happiness, even if outside the team and one or three hours away. Especially since it was with a fine man like Steve Rogers – absurdly handsome and with perhaps not so pure intentions, but surely with a pure heart. With a man who disproved what the Bonnie Stiles had written all over the photos and what you apparently felt the need to disprove too, by adding a short text message.
It was something Garcia and the others wholeheartedly agreed with.
Say hi to everyone and tell them I’m well-taken care of, pampered even.
Steve sure is beyond worthy✨
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→ Next in series
Series masterlist // Steve Rogers masterlist // Misc masterlist
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Ta-daa! I can’t believe it’s done! It was such a ride and it made me beyond happy that you were there for me, reading and encouraging me through the comments. Truly, thank you so much 💗
I'm definitely not leaving Sparkles and GG for good - they grew on me too much. They'll be back...sometime next year 😇  Stay tuned!
Which reminds me - have a great start of the new year ✨ Leave the bad behind and hopefully, welcome all the good 💕
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Love Her First Chapter 30
A/N This chapter is a wonderful combination of @omgbarbiegurl and I. Enjoy! Merry Christmas you guys❤️❤️
“Jamie?” he looks up from the paperwork. We have something to tell you.”
“Aye Sassanch?”
She decided the best way to handle this was just to say it. Taken a deep breath, she does. “Brianna is pregnant.”
Jamie stared at his wife and daughters.
“Say that again.”
Claire bit her lip, and looked at Brianna.
“I believe she said she is pregnant Jamie.”
Jamie nodded and took a breath.
“I told the lads, that you two were to remain pure until you were married. I made that explicitly clear to them.”
“It was my fault Da, we-”
“Nae Brianna, it was no your fault. The lad knew my rules.”
Jamie walked over to the rack over the fireplace that held his gun.
Brianna’s eyes widened.
“Da! What are you doing?”
“I’m just going to talk to the young man.”
Jamie quickly loaded the gun and moved out the door; Brianna, Faith, and Claire hot on his heels.
Claire and Brianna begged him to stop and talk about what was going on, but all Jamie kept saying was, ‘I’m just going to talk to him’.
Ian noticed the group as they moved by the barn, and toward the Croft House where Jeremiah and Ian were staying.
He ran to Faith’s side. “What is going on?”
“Brianna is pregnant, and I think Da is going to kill Jeremiah.”
Ian was used to his Uncle, and pressed his lips together to keep the laughter at bay.
“At worst, he will merely castrate him.”
Faith snorted and then hit Ian in the chest. “You are not helping.”
They arrived at the Croft house and Jamie called out, “Jeremiah MacKenzie! Come out and face me! You have tainted my daughter.”
. “Laird Fraser…”
“Not a word!” his eyes glow with rage as he looks at him. “I made it clear what I expected of you. You broke the rules.” He walks right up to his face. “The clear rules I had for courting my daughter. Now, she will enter her marriage with a babe in her. She will enter her marriage a year before she should. You will pay for that! If there was anyone else about that could take the role of her husband and the child ‘s father, I would kill you, kill you and bury you and not lose one second of sleep over it. You will be wed as soon as the bans are read. “ He takes one more step closer, “I promise you, if you harm her anymore, I will geld you. Do you understand me?”
Jeremiah is frozen in terror. He has seen Jamie geld the horses. He does it with cool efficiency. He can see his own balls in his hand. Swallowing hard, he nods before saying, “Aye sir.”
“I would do it now if my wife hadn’t talked me out of it.”
Jeremiah takes a step back. “I apologize for… it wasn’t done with forethought.”
“Or any thought.” Jamie adds.
“You are right. I do love her, very much and will not harm her. I vow to protect and serve her. To see to all she and the bairn has need of.”
“You better.” He turns and walks away and Jeremiah falls against the fence as his legs give out.
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agaymerfry-writing · 7 months
Cozy Cabin-A Short Story
"I wish you would leave my life completely," you mutter, driving us to the graveyard. A fitting place for our last meeting, though why chose a grim place I was yet to understand. And why a graveyard so close to your school? Convivence? It didn't matter now. I blankly assumed it was because it was dark, and the sky had not a cloud in it.
We always talked about watching the stars together. I want them to shine without competition, so here we are, wearing all black, though I’m not sure whose clothing is who's. As we cross into the graveyard's garden you ask me the same question that must be on your mind all the time. "Who's gonna be your savior of the week?", handing me a shovel. "Weak?", I shoot back instantly, my mind confused, but my body starts to dig. And dig I did, just to please you.
It was all just to please you.
But the hole was never deep enough, was it dandelion? I was always too close to you, and that's why you neglected me, right? I wasn’t worth the energy? Did you just not have the space to grow?
These thoughts flood my mind as the dirt grew higher, and my arms grew tired of digging, I begin to stargaze, idolizing you in the constellations, for all that you've done for me. Which wasn't much expect my name, Orion. I called for you to look at the pit I dug for two hours. The pit guided by your hand, in my sad, desperate attempt for your genuine care.
But when I realized dirt was falling on me, getting in my throat and weighing me down, I panicked. Clawed at the unstable walls, scared, looking for any way out. I took the first way fate gave me out, but you know this.
I should’ve yelled for a ladder, or just for help, but why should I have believed you bring me something? I saw you moments ago, kicking the dirt onto me, trying to bury me, and my head goes fuzzy.
No, I think to myself, I did yell. I did ask for help. I was brought rope. I stood there confused, but managed to scramble out of that grave through a twisted, rotting, tree root. My hands were damaged from the digging, and the thorns twisting around the roots did not help.
And there you were. And you were there waiting.
Able to help, I’ll never know. Willing too? Not at all.
I stared at you, a flurry of emotions consuming me; confused, anguish, selfishly wanting you to hurt but not baring to do so, though I know the ways in which I climbed out of that hole hurt you. And for hurting you I am sorry, but I needed out of the pit. I still loved you, even after you kicked dirt on me, I know you didn't mean too...
As I grapple with my thoughts and what you had just done, you pull something out from behind your back, have you had it this entire time? A flood of questions came over me, consuming my thoughts-
You handed me a gun.
Loaded with one, singular round.
“Stars die out, do everyone a favor and take yourself out with a bang.”
And just like that, I was shattered. I was chipping, cracks running all along my body, but this? All respect, love, care, compassion, everything I had ever felt for you was gone in a matter of seconds.
Just like that, you were gone. You left me in that graveyard.
As I sat against the tombstone, i held the gun in my hands, staring at it. Wondering why someone I loved would do this to me, tell me to do such a horrible thing, especially when they know I've thought about this before...
Yet suddenly, in the distance, I hear a dog whining. As I slowly scramble to my feet, I make way towards the noise, finding a dog with fur as dark as my thoughts, but eyes, scarred eyes that shine like the stars, no, eyes that shine like mine.
I approach him slowly, not wanting to startle him. Holding out my hand for him to sniff, he turns to run, but can only get a few feet before letting out a whine, and under the moonlight I notice he’s limping. I call out to it, saying I can help it, though I don’t know what I’m doing. But I managed to gain his trust, and under the moon’s light I was able to remove thorns and tangled vines from the dog’s three legs. I called him Karma.
Together, we made our way out of that cursed grave. He lead me to a cabin, something small and out of the way from those who’d hurt us. Together we stayed, and cared for each other, and the world around us, keeping weeds out of our garden.
Until you sent me a letter. How did you get my address? Why are you still trying to contact me? I’ll tell you though, the letters made me laugh, the way your obsessed with me is funny.
“Theres a thousand things i wish i could say to clear the air. but ive told a thousand lies to muddy the water” and “id tell you everything given the chance” are the funniest.
Tell me what? That you didn’t mean to give me a gun? That you liked when I made my hands bleed digging for you? That you’ll change and not abuse me?
Your desperate attempts at getting me back made for great kindling, which is the most I’ve gotten from you, so I suppose a thanks is in order.
But I’ll indulge you and answer your question from that fateful night.
“Who's gonna be your savior of the week?”
No one.
I don’t need a savior, and I don’t need saving.
I just needed help leaving you, realizing digging holes and bleeding wasn’t normal. Only someone sick, twisted, only an abuser who lost their power would think i need saving, that i cant live for myself.
It’s clear to me though, I was the one to bring them light, but they got mad when I burned bright. It matters no more, I live for myself now.
Something did die that night.
Any care I had for you as a person.
And myself. The old version of me who would take your neglect, your abuse.
He is dead and gone. But Riggs?
Riggs shall live on in his place, shining as bright as the stars he once was, but free.
Free from you.
Free to live his life, Karma at his side.
0 notes
jeogiyo-noona-hokshi · 9 months
Short story I wrote from a random prompt on Pinterest....
786 words
The year is 1823 man named Frederick is out on the town one cool fall night. Strolling along the sidewalk under a canopy of great oak trees, the ground is littered with it’s beautiful colored leaves.
Putting his hands in the pockets of his pants, Frederick turns the corner and is assaulted with the smell of achoul as two drunken men stumble out of a building fighting.
“Take it out side will ya!” The bartender yells closing the door behind the two men. Frederick turns and opens the bar door, walking in he looks around for his friend. He spots Alcott in the corner of the bar, finishing off a beer.
Frederick walks up to the counter and raises two shaking fingers, “Two beers please, ah, please put it on the tab of that young gentleman over there,” He points to Alcott, “Thank you.” Frederick accepts the two beer jugs that were placed on the counter, the beer sloshing out.
He makes his way over to the corner and hands the jug to Alcott, “Hello old boy. What have you been up to?”
Alcott, clearly drunk, leans in. His eyelids low and movements sloopy. “Can I tell you a secret Frederick?” His speech is slurred as he points his finger in Frederick’s face.
“Why not old boy?” Frederick responds.
“I am….” Alcott pauses, “I’m… I’m a wizard.” Alcott says with a kind of seriousness you can’t tell if he’s joking or not.
Frederick cracks a smile and laughs, “Your a wizard. Prove it good ol’ boy.”
The drunken Alcott not liking to be made into a fool straightens, “How do you want me to prove it?” His eyelids seem even lower than before.
“I don’t know Alcott. Make me immortal,” Frederick smiles and takes a swing of his beer.
“All right then.” Alcott closes his eyes and grabs Fredericks shoulders. His brow furrowed and muttering, Frederick starts wondering if he should take his friend home.
“There.” His friend suddenly declares, pushing away from Frederick the drunken man falls over onto his stool.
“Let’s get you back home to Margret, shall we.” Frederick puts his friend’s arm around his shoulders and grabs onto his waist walking out the door and to his home.
The year is now 1825. Alcott passed away one month prior to the events about to take place.
Frederick walks up to his old friends grave, his expression grave as he looks at the gravestone.
Laying some flowers down, he steps back and stands respectfully. As he stands there, he hears noise coming from a different part of the cemetery. Walking over to see if a funeral is being held, Frederick is met with the click of a gun being loaded and pointed at his head.
He slowly puts his hands up and turns to face the person with the gun. Grave diggers busy at work while one of the men standing guard had Frederick at gunpoint.
“Who ar’ you?” The grave digger asked with a heavy London accent.
“I am just here to pay my respects to an old friend when I heard noise. Please let me go, I have a family and kids.”
“No, we can’t do that now can we?” With out any warning, the man lowered his gun then fired at his chest.
Everything goes black.
Frederick walks the streets of New York City, wondering about Alcott. Two hundred years later, everyone Frederick knew is dead. And he is alone in the world. Opening the door to a Subway, he takes his airpods out and looks at the menu.
After ordering, he sits down to eat and notices some mid twenties girls looking over at him. Frederick clears his throat and takes a bite of his food. Quickly eating he exits the store and heads back to the newspaper where he works.
Having to move every ten years to keep from being discovered, Frederick has found he likes working at newspaper places the best.
Walking into the shop, he takes off his coat and places it on his chair, looking over at one of the reporters hard at work he pauses. All these people will die soon, but he will remain. After the first hundred years of being immortal, Frederick has stopped trying to make friends or getting married and such. He just lives his life.
The reporter smiles and motions over to Frederick, a man, about twenty five, walks over. The reporter gives him a weary face to tell him not to hire the man.
“Hello Frederick.”
Frederick’s head snaps up as he stares into Alcotts bright eyes, “I told you I was a wizard didn’t I?”
Frederick smiles. As he is suddenly not alone in the world anymore.
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drakenology · 4 years
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the yakuza wife - yakuzaboss!bakugo x housewife reader - inspired by @hanji-is-life ‘s sexy ass. 
yakuza au
tw: violence, sadism, mentions of blood, smut, cum, cussing, daddy/ddlg kinks undertones, mentions of guns, very much harley quinn and joker only joker actually loves harley in this ya know?
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“where the fuck is my money?” bakugo asks this bludgeoned man tied up to a metal chair in some god forsaken warehouse god only knows where. 
“please sir, i’ll get it to you as soon as I can! please stop!” the man pleads, flinching when bakugo raises his fist to land a mean left hook into his jaw with a dark chuckle. 
“you know you shouldn’t borrow from people if you have no intentions in payin’ em back. it’s fuckin’..” he pauses before taking a crowbar and bashing the man in both his knees, blood curdling screams filling the empty space. “rude!”
bakugo smirks as the man begs for mercy, pulling a set of pliers of his pocket and holding them up to the man’s face to tease him, grabbing by his neck to make him meet his intimidating gaze. 
“shoulda thought of that before trying to playing me for a fuckin’ fool.. hey, I wonder how many teeth I can pull outta ya before your weak ass passes out.” he grunts, waving the plier in his face until the sound of his phone ringing stops him from doing anything.
“you’re lucky I gotta take this.” he mumbles, taking a piece of dirty cloth and shoving it into his mouth to keep him quiet.
bakugo turns away and rolls up his sleeve, setting up his tools for torture as he answers the phone. 
“hi baby!” you chime, at the mall having the time of your life with his credit card. 
“hey. ‘m workin’ whaddaya want?” he says, holding up his pliers and sitting them down on the table as his hostage screams in the background. 
“just checking on you, dummy! whatcha want for dinner, hm? i know you haven’t eaten yet.” you say, holding up different dresses to your frame to imagine yourself in them. “hey, pink or powder blue?”
“pink. and ‘m not hungry. you’ve got security with you, right baby?” he asks, kicking the man onto the floor with a loud thud. 
“of course. you won’t let me leave the house without them.” you respond, not even paying attention to the muffled screams you hear in the background. you’ve learned not to ask too many questions when it comes to being a yakuza wife. 
“gotta keep my baby safe, right? listen, princess I gotta go. i’ll be home before 9 okay?” 
you suck your teeth and roll your eyes, “fine. be careful okay?”
“always am. love you baby.” as he hangs up and returns to his task. 
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the difference between you and katsuki was night and day. everyone knew you to be so sweet and kind; unbeknownst to them all how you ended up with a cretin like Bakugo. even though Katsuki was immoral in many ways, he knew marrying you was the right thing to do. who else would want to dress his wounds and pick out his suits for the day?
katsuki demanded you quit your job. in fact he came with you to put in your two weeks notice, tough scowl staining his features as your boss signed the approval with shaking hands.
from that day on he ensured you were well taken care of and that marrying him and becoming his housewife came with many perks.
for starters, your husband was loaded. all those years of extorting and money laundering paid off every time you come home with a couple shopping bags from the mall.
katsuki loved lavishing you in the finest of everything, adoring how you look in designer. so much so, he fucks you by the bay window of your luxury penthouse, the Chanel dress he just bought you hiked up over your ass as his calloused fingers make way into your mouth. you’re pinned to the glass, bare breasts pressed against the window as he railed you from behind. and he wonders why you turned out to be a spoiled brat.
your gifts always made you stand out above the rest. many men fawn over you and he knows this. just a small price to pay for having a fine ass wife. but if anyone ever forgot their place, if anyone ever got to close. well. that’d be the last time you’d ever see them. course you have no idea why. but even though katsuki loved you with all his heart, you could be a real pain in the ass. you were so bratty, especially when he was busy. 
one day you came trotting into his office in the middle of some business deal. whatever. your jimmy choos popped and you needed a new pair before the yacht party you were attending started. 
“daddy’s taking care of business right now, okay? go wait outside.”
“no! you promised we’d go shopping! I need new shoes what the fuck am I supposed to do with these?” you whine, pouting like usual to get your way. bakugo’s brow raised, walking towards you and gesturing for the meeting to continue without him. his hand rested on your lower back as he escorted you out.  
he fucked your brains in in the next room for disobeying him, panties around your ankles, your charm anklet jingling as he picked up your legs. 
“spoiled fuckin’ brat. told you to wait didn’t I? hm? or did you make a scene ‘cause you wanted my dick?” your head hangs back as your hips are held down by him, thrusts brutal as you cry for him to slow down, face turned away from his. he grabs your chin and turns you around harshly with his scarred and calloused hands, bruised knuckles turning white with a tight grip. 
“look at me when i’m fuckin’ talkin’ to you.” 
he came inside you when he was done, pulling your panties up for you as it dripped down your leg. 
“now.. back to what I was doin’. tell the driver to take your ass home.” he huffs with a zip of his pants and a shake in his sleeves to fix them. bakugo leaves you on the desk, leaving the door cracked for you to leave when you got yourself together. and when you did you could hardly hold yourself up, holding your high heels in your hand as you limp to the car waiting outside for you. 
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having a yakuza boss as a husband was always exciting. something in you liked the danger; the thrill.
you tell this tale to your other socialite girlfriends and they almost never believe you.
you were out with bakugo on a date when work called. to your dismay, he had to get up and leave. you insisted on being brought along, hating being left alone in that big house that was often empty without him. he agreed but only if you promised to be quiet like a good little girl. 
when you arrive at some warehouse (the same one mentioned earlier), a man was already hog tied on the ground, muffled screams behind a piece of duck tape as bakugo ripped it off. you sat by a table, legs folded in annoyance. this interrupted date night? you scoff and fold your arms. 
“ah. good seeing you old friend. remember me?” he asks, taunting him a little with a gun in his hand pressing it against his jaw as the man let out muffled pleas for him not to shoot. 
“you tried stealing from me. fuckin’ idiot. my boys caught you in some hotel with your little girlfriend. did you think you were gonna have a victory fuck after you made off with my money, hm?” bakugo asks, hitting him upside the head with the butt of his pistol.
you jump at the sound of the blow, a small part of you turned on watching your husband beat the crap out of a complete stranger. your pussy starts to ache when you peer over at bakugo’s strong tattooed arms as he flung his jacket aside, rolling his white sleeves up to ensure his expensive suit doesn’t get soiled. 
“oh fuck, where are my manners? this is my lovely wife, y/n. say hi baby.” he coos at you, a switch from rough to gentle when he spoke to you. you smile and wave, the hostage sobbing out a weak greeting when bakugo demands him to. 
“anyways. what’d you do with the money, asswipe? gonna tell me or are you gonna make me fuck you up in front of my pretty wife. god, look at ‘er, ain’t she gorgeous? you know I was about 30 minutes from railing her before you had to go along and ruin our night. I should kill you right here.” bakugo turns his head towards you with a sick look in his eye. 
“whaddaya think, princess? what should I do to this motherfucker, huh?” he asks. 
“smack him again. he ruined date night.” you grumble, folding your arms. 
“he sure did, baby.” bakugo says, punching the hostage in his jaw. he gestured for his men to crowd around him, all of them taking turns kicking and beating him with metal bars. katsuki walks towards you and pulls you into a passionate kiss, a bit of blood on his knuckles as he pulled your hair. god, this whole situation was sick. but why was it so hot?
bakugo carries you away to the car, tells the driver to fuck off somewhere while he rails you in the back seat, knowing his men will take care of the rest of what he started inside the warehouse. you straddle his lap, bouncing up and down on his stiff cock as the car rocked back and forth. the car windows fog up as your body heat commingled throughout the space, your hands pressing against the glass to gain to balance as you rode his fat cock. 
“fuck, daddy. you’re so hot when you’re handling business. ooh, you’re dick’s so hard.” you purr, bakugo’s hand pinching and playing with your breast as his hips thrust upwards. He smirks at you, almost a bit shocked you got as turned on as he did from the pain he inflicted.
“hmm, I know baby. god, you’re sick. getting this wet from watching me beat up some punk. dirty fuckin’ girl.” he huffed into your hair, leaving sloppy kisses on your neck followed by harsh nibbles.
truth is even though you were so sweet and caring, you had a dark side no one knew about. I mean why else would you marry into the yakuza? 
you were both fucking insane. 
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Friends To Arranged Marriage To...Wait, How Many Kids?
Bruce Wayne x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: Y'all ever write a self-indulgent Friends To Lovers fic? 'Cause that's what this is. Enjoy! -Thorne
It wasn’t unusual for her to suddenly appear in his office. She did it most days. Okay, it was more like every day but that’s not important. The fact is, she showed up and he wasn’t at all the least bit surprised when she barged through the office door and slammed it behind her.
“Morning,” he murmured, taking his eyes off the screen but a moment to lock them with hers.
“Good morning, Bruce,” she responded with a polite smile. “We need to talk.”
That wasn’t unusual either. When she came to the office it was because she wanted to either complain about something going on or because she was bored and didn’t have anything to do, so badgering her best friend seemed like the best option. It wasn’t, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.
“What do we need to talk about?” Bruce questioned, clicking at the mouse until his screen loaded.
“Something important. Something especially important.” She replied and with one hand reached behind her and flipped the lock on his door.
Now that was unusual. And Bruce saw this going one of two ways and he hoped it wasn’t the first way that involved her pulling a gun.
“Okay,” he said and watched her out of the corner of his eye as waltzed around his desk and perched herself on the corner. “Am I in trouble, (Y/N)?”
“If you disagree with me, you will be,” she retorted and she started fumbling in her tote.
“You sound serious,” Bruce noted.
(Y/N) harrumphed. “I am quite possibly the most serious I’ve been in years.” She pulled out three manila folders and handed them to him, watching as he opened the first and started reading through it.
He didn’t say anything as he opened the others and read them but frowned when he set them aside and went back to his computer.
“I’ve already planned on a new secretary, (Y/N).”
She watched him with careful eyes and explained, “Those aren’t secretary files, Bruce. They’re marriage candidates.”
At that, his entire body went rigid and ever so slowly he drew his gaze from the screen back to her, staring her straight in the eyes.
“I…beg your pardon?” he asked as if not understanding what she’d just said.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and picked up the files. “Each of these women are successful elites from either Metropolis, Star, or Central City. You have arranged marriage meetings with them Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to decide which one you want to marry.”
This was happening way too fast, and he still didn’t know what “this” was.
“I’m not opposed to marriage, (Y/N), but why?”
She pointed to the picture on his desk, and he briefly glanced at it. Him, Dick, and Alfred on Christmas morning last year.
“Dick needs a mother.” She was never one to mince her words. “A father can raise a son, but the boy needs a mother’s love too, Bruce.”
“I think you’re a bit out of line here.” He remarked, brows pulling together. “We’re fine at the manor.”
“Bruce…please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re not a soft man. You’re hard edges and firmness, and while that isn’t a bad thing, Dick needs a mother who can be the parent that isn’t firm. He needs a mother’s guiding hand.”
She handed him the files again. “I’ve met each of these women. They’re good women who will make wonderful wives and even better mothers.” She stared at him. “You should know how important it is for a boy to have a mother.”
Bruce was on his feet in an instant, in front of her, eyes narrowed into a glare as he bit out, “(Y/N), now you’re out of line.”
“Really?” she challenged, not at all threatened by his towering figure. “Look my in the eye and tell me which parent you miss more. Thomas…or Martha?”
“I miss both of my parents. Every day.”
“And I don’t doubt that. But I know you miss Martha the most. Isn’t she the one you promised to save Gotham for?” (Y/N) questioned and his mouth snapped shut, jaw clenching tightly as he averted his eyes because he knew she was right.
She reached out and rested a hand on his forearm, forcing his eyes to hers once more; her gaze softened and she murmured, “You miss your mother more than the world, Bruce. How do you think Dick feels every night when he goes to sleep? Fathers are the protectors for their children, but mothers are the comforters—there are going to be things that you can’t help him with, but a woman can.”
(Y/N) gazed at him and pulled her hand away. “At least go and meet them,” she requested and when he didn’t say anything, she sighed and picked up her tote, making her way to the door.
She flipped the lock and paused, glancing over her shoulder to say, “At least think about what I’ve said, Bruce. For Dick…and for you.” He met her eyes and she added, “I think getting married would be good for you too.”
He nodded, and since that was all they could hope for, she left the office and Bruce collapsed into his chair, turning around to stare out the window.
His theory that she would show up Friday evening proved true when she waltzed into his office and took a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk, delicately crossing one of her legs over the other.
“How’d the interviews go?” she asked, not even bothering to ask him how his day was or how his week had been.
“My day was great, (Y/N), thanks for asking,” he mocked with a glare and she waved it off.
“Interviews, Bruce. How’d they go.”
He let out a sigh. “They went well. Each of them was polite and kind.”
“And?” (Y/N) gestured for him to continue.
“And nothing. That’s it.”
She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “Seriously? You just met them for a singular purpose and all you’ve got it, they’re polite and kind?” She glared at him. “What’d you talk about?”
Bruce sighed again and reclined in his office chair. “Humanitarian works, college days, high society—you know, the usual.”
(Y/N) gave him an unamused look. “Did any ask for a second date?”
“All of them in fact.”
“Did you agree?”
Her head lolled back, and she glared at the ceiling. “Did you even think about what I talked about a few days ago?”
“I still am.”
“Then why didn’t you agree to see one of them again?”
“Because there wasn’t anything we had in common.”
“Most people who have arranged marriages don’t, Bruce. That’s why you go on dates and get to know them.” Her eyes were still on the ceiling. “What’s the real reason you said no?” She always knew when he’d lied to her.
After a moment, he murmured, “…I didn’t think any of them would be suitable to be Dick’s adoptive mother.”
“I guess that’s…fair,” she agreed and they both fell silent.
A couple minutes later, he said, “I’ve been thinking about what you said though, (Y/N). About finding a wife who would be a good mother for Dick.”
“Uh huh.”
“I think you’re right. I do offer Dick everything a father could. Support, protection, guidance…but he is missing that love only a mother can give a son.”
“And how’s that making you feel?” she questioned softly.
His voice got quiet. “Like how I was when I was growing up without mother. (Y/N), I…I don’t want Dick to feel that way.”
At that, she drew her gaze from the ceiling to his eyes and she reasoned, “Then I think you should call one of the girls back and agree to a second date. You won’t find perfection in one day, even with how intuitive you are.”
Bruce shrugged. “I just want to find someone closer to Gotham. Someone who is familiar with us already.”
(Y/N) grunted. “I purposely moved away from Gotham because no one is.”
“That’s fair,” Bruce chuckled, and they fell into a silence again.
Suddenly, a thought flashed across her mind and she sat up. “Us.” She blurted out and he looked at her.
(Y/N) gestured between them. “Us, Bruce. You and me.”
“I don’t follow,” he replied with a confused expression and she huffed, rolling her eyes.
“You’re an idiot,” she griped, then she stood and planted her hands on his desk, leaning over to get in his face. “You and I are the closest to Gotham as you’ll get, and I’m familiar with you and Dick.” She smiled. “Marry me.”
She could count on one hand how many times she’d ever stunned her best friend silent and that was number two because his jaw went slack and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, steel blue eyes wide.
(Y/N) frowned. “Oh, come on, you can’t tell me the thought didn’t cross your mind at least once.” Silence. “Oh my God, are you serious? You didn’t even think about it at all? Like ever?”
He shook his head, mouth still hanging open.
“Oh, for God’s sakes, close your mouth and wipe that stupid look off your face. It’s not a completely inconceivable idea, you moron.” (Y/N) held a hand up, counting off her fingers, “I’m of acceptable status, I dress well, I’m thoroughly educated, I do humanitarian work all over the world, I love your son, and I’m probably the one woman that doesn’t make you wanna stab yourself in the eye with a fork.”
She grinned at him. “You’re not going to find anyone better than me here in Gotham, Brucie-boy. Besides, I think (Y/N) Wayne has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Finally, he managed to make himself speak and he blurted out, “I stopped thinking like five minutes ago. I’m not even sure how to do that anymore.”
(Y/N) pulled a face and griped, “You’re an idiot.”
“I am not,” he retorted with a glare. “You can’t just propose to your best friend out of the blue and expect them to function like it’s normal!”
“You’re Batman,” she whispered. “Figure it out.” (Y/N) pointed at him. “There’s another plus on my side! I already know your deepest secrets! See, aren’t I a catch?”
“Was this your plan all along?” Bruce suddenly questioned and she gaped at him for a second before shaking her head.
“(Y/N),” he drawled, and she sighed.
“Alright, it crossed my mind a couple times but that’s why I started with the other women first. I was kinda hoping you’d pick one of them.” (Y/N) looked at him. “I really don’t see anything wrong with us getting married though. We’ve been friends since we were babies, we have a lot of the same interests, and we both care for Dick.”
She shrugged. “I mean we might not be in love, but our marriage doesn’t have to be. We’re stepping up for a greater good. For a young boy who deserves to have two parents.” (Y/N) reached out and held out her hand. “So? What do you say?”
Bruce gazed at her for a long time, longer than she was comfortable with because she knew he was mentally pulling her mind apart. After a few moments he stood and walked around the desk to stand in front of her.
She pulled her hand back in and gave a curious look. “Bruce?” His hands gently took hold of her cheeks and he leaned forward, even as her eyes went wide and she whispered, “Bruce, what—”
He softly brushed his lips against hers and (Y/N) all but melted against him, her hands pressed flat against his chest. They pulled away a moment later and he rested his forehead to hers.
“I think we can make it work, (Y/N).”
She couldn’t fight the giddy smile that came over her face. “Yeah?”
Bruce matched her smile. “Yeah.”
“So, you’re tellin’ me,” he started dubiously, looking at him. “That you and Ma only got together because you guys wanted to make sure Golden-boy had two parents instead of just you?”
Bruce didn’t even take his eyes off the screen as he responded absentmindedly, “That pretty much covers it.”
Jason threw his hands in the air. “There’s no way! There’s no way that shit was arranged! You two make googly eyes at one another when you think no one is watching and you kiss Ma before you go to work every day!” he looked at his brothers. “Y’all know what I’m sayin’ right?”
Tim nodded. “Jay’s got a point, dad. For an arranged marriage, the two of you are really in love.”
Dick placed a hand over his heart and smugly admitted, “You’re welcome everyone, for bringing mom and dad together in real love.”
A chorus of “Fuck you’s” echoed from Jason and Tim, and Damian placed his hands on his hips.
“When did you know you loved Umi, Father?”
Finally, he pulled his gaze from the Batcomputer, and even behind his cowl, they could see the love he had in his eyes and in his voice as he said, “Your mother and I dated for a year before we married, but the night of our wedding, we spent it at the manor and Dick crawled into our bed and spent the night wrapped in our arms.”
Bruce smiled. “I woke up early that morning and saw him curled in (Y/N)’s arms and all I could think was that I’d never loved a woman more than that moment then.” His eyes shifted to all of his sons. “And I’ve only fallen deeper in love with her with each of you that’s come into our home. You make us better parents every day and I wouldn’t change what I was given for anything in the world.”
He barely had time to breathe before all four of his sons were crashing into him, squeezing him as tears spilled down their cheeks.
Bruce huffed a quiet laugh and took a moment to brush a hand through each of his sons’ hair. “I love you, boys.”
A chorus of “I love you too’s” came back at him and before anyone could speak, they heard someone coo, “Aww, that’s so sweet!”
They spun around to see (Y/N) with her phone out, a mile-wide smile on her face, eyes shining with tears.
“Ma…what are you doing?” Jason questioned and she clicked something on her phone.
“Oh, nothing, my sweet boy,” she smiled, and all of her sons started pulling away from Bruce.
“Did you just record that?” Tim asked and she took a step back.
“I would never!” and she stared them down for a split second before spinning on her heel and hauling off towards the stairs. Her sons sprinted after her and she let out a squeal as she skipped the steps two at a time to get away from them.
“Ma come back here!” Jason shouted.
“Umi! Our dignity is on that phone!”
“I dunno, I think it’s sweet!”
“It’s not going to be sweet when she sends it to the group chat that every superhero is in, Dick! We have reputations!”
“Oh…that’s a good point, Tim. Mom! Come back here!”
(Y/N) gasped as someone’s arms wrapped around her waist and she came face to face with Bruce—well, Batman, and she yelped when he pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“Bruuuuuuce!” she whined. “Please don’t delete it!” (Y/N) reached for the phone and he held it out of reach. “Darling, my sweet darling, Bruce, please,” she plead. “If you love your wife and mother of your children, you won’t do that.”
His gaze darted to hers and she pouted, sticking her bottom lip out in the way that she knew he’d crack. “Please, my heart. Let me have a reminder of my beautiful boys.”
“You won’t send it to the chats?” he asked, and she crossed a finger over her heart.
“Cross my heart, darling.” He handed her back the phone and she smiled, leaning up to peck the corner of his mouth. “Thank you, Bruce.”
He cupped her cheek with his gloved hand, thumb brushing over her cheekbone and he pulled her into a real kiss, ignoring the exaggerated gags behind him.
“I love you,” he murmured as he pulled away from her lips. “More than you know.”
(Y/N) hummed, her eyes still closed, and she whispered, “You might love me more, but I love you most.” She opened her eyes and gazed at him. “All my boys.”
Suddenly, her phone started dinging like crazy and he stared at her, his Batman voice coming out as he surmised, “You sent it to the chat, didn’t you?”
She gave him an innocent smile and giggled, “I might’ve.”
“You’re going to pay for all the teasing that Hal and Barry are going to give me, (Y/N) Wayne,” he warned, and she scoffed.
“Oh, boo hoo, I’m so scared of what the big bad Bat is go—” a gasp escaped her when he hauled her up against his body and she stared at him with wide eyes.
A siren went off down in the cave and he looked towards the boys. “Go.” They all hurried off, complaining about the various texts they were all getting.
Bruce looked back at her, voice lowering as he growled, “After patrol I’m coming up to the bedroom and you’d better be ready, because I’m not going to stop ravishing you until you’re begging me for release.”
Something hot, tight, and fierce shot through (Y/N)’s gut and she could only flounder like a fish as he pulled her into another searing kiss before he spun on his heel and descended into the cave.
She gathered herself and called out after him, “You can’t just say something like that and then leave! That’s not fair, Bruce! Bruce, are you listening to me!”
Only his laughter echoed from below.
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nebulablakemurphy · 3 years
Miss American Pie
Chapter Five: This Will Be The Day (Finale)
Warning: this series features a romantic Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader pairing.
Summary: Everyone has returned but the battle for humanity against Thanos wages on.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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You wake in a coughing fit, the rubble surrounding you sears your lungs. “Natasha.” You call into the rocks and flickering lights. Clearing your throat, you try again. “Natasha!”
“Here, I’m here.” Her voice is rough, pained.
You push yourself toward the sound, through the dust you can make out her hair. “You ok?”
“Mostly.” She’s laying face up, a few scratches visible.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“I can’t move.” She nods at the piece of collapsed cement. “My leg is broken, you should go.” Nat says, staring up at the sky.
“I should’ve never let you go to Vormir. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” You try uselessly to budge the blockage over her leg.
“What is Vormir?” She asks.
“Doesn’t matter.” You swallow the lump in your throat. “How much do you remember?”
“The red room.”
“Do you remember getting out?”
“No one gets out.” She shakes her head.
“We did.” You inform her. “Yelena did.”
“Yelena?” Her gaze finds yours. “You know Yelena? Is she here?”
“Yes, I know her.” You press your lips together. “She’s not here though.”
“The rest of this building is coming down. If you were really trained in the red room you have to know that.” Natasha frowns. “You need to leave.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“Don’t be a hero.” She whispers. “Let me go, it’s ok.”
“No, it’s not.” You argue. “I won’t do it again.”
“What about Yelena?” Natasha gives you a pointed look.
“She’ll understand.” This is what she would do.
“Hey,” Natasha pushes herself up on her elbows. “Would it be a good thing or a bad thing if a giant man in a metal suit carrying a smaller man and a raccoon appeared behind your head?”
You turn toward the man in question. Scott Lang. “It would be a good thing.”
Natasha is taken somewhere safe. She can’t fight.
As the strange doctor and his disciples start opening portals you see that you’re not alone. Through one comes Alexei, Melina and Yelena.
Her white suit is pristine, dirty blonde hair held away from her face in ponytails.
On shaky legs you move toward her, taking your rightful place at her side. Facing what lies ahead together.
Yelena catches your hand, “this isn’t much of a welcome home.”
You can’t help but laugh, “pretty cool way to die though.”
“Very,” she agrees. “Natasha?”
“She is a little worse for wear.” You warn her, “but alive…and safe.”
Yelena gives you a watery smile, squeezing your fingers. “And you?”
“A tower fell on me.”
“Of course it did.”
Thanos’ army is nothing to scoff at. Giant airborne creatures hover over his troops. Larger monsters stand in their ranks, space ship overhead ready to destroy.
Steve is almost unrecognizable, covered in dirt, his shield battered and broken. But you know it is time when he gives the order. “Avengers, assemble.”
Fighting is easy, it’s what you know. What you were trained to do. Fight to stay alive, fight for what you believe in, fight with Yelena; for Yelena.
The two of you move together like a well oiled machine. Like riding a bike, even after all this time you could never forget.
“We’ve got company to the left.” Yelena says through gritted teeth, kicking at the alien creature beside her. Dropping an empty cartridge to the ground and reloading her gun seamlessly, firing several shots.
Despite everyone’s best efforts they just keep coming. “Do we have a plan here?”
“Getting there,” Steve replies. “Anybody have eyes on the gauntlet?”
“Yeah!” Clint rushes past you with the glove in hand. “What am I supposed to do with it?”
“Get it out of here!” Tony insists.
“What’s happening?” Alexei shouts over the chaos. “I still don’t have ear piece.”
“Just keep their army away from that guy in the tank top.” You grunt, falling backwards from the force of one of Thanos’ soldiers colliding with you.
“We have to get the stones back where they came from.” Rhodey reminds everyone.
“The time space tunnel is completely collapsed.” Tony points out.
“That isn’t our only time machine.” Lang cuts in.
“Does anyone see an ugly brown van out there?” Captain America’s voice hums through the ear bud.
“I do,” a female voice chimes in. “But you’re not going to like where it’s parked.”
After grappling for far too long, you manage to knock the creature from you. Using your knife to dismember it.
“Next time, we get the cool laser guns.” Yelena yells loud enough to be heard by everyone on the network, as she hauls you to your feet.
“Friday, please add laser guns for the ballerinas to my grocery list.” Stark gives his smart ass remark.
“What’s the word on the van?” Rhodey wonders.
“Working on it now.”
The ship at Thanos’ disposal begins raining fire, no regard for their own troops.
“We’ve got people going down!” Rocket hollers.
“Clint,” you call into the microphone. “How’s that gauntlet?”
“Moving down the field.” The archer replies, “I’m alright too, thanks for asking.”
“Good.” You bite back a smile.
Hell continues breaking loose around you. Glowing circular orbs unfold in the air above, providing coverage from the missiles. You’re not sure if this is winning or losing. It feels like a bit of both.
———————————————————————- Thanos and his army are dusted away. Leaving you surprised and still swinging as the shock wears off.
You won. You. Won.
And you lost.
You lost Tony Stark. The man you’d barely known, but offered you clarity that will stay with you forever.
You lost the Natasha you’d come to know over the five years that Yelena was gone. Some parts of the redhead stripped away for the price of the stone.
But she’s still here. Waiting in the wings to be greeted by Yelena and their little makeshift family. You share a look of understanding when your eyes meet over the blonde’s shoulder.
Others come, Banner refuses to leave her side. Despite the fact that Natasha doesn’t remember him.
Clint falls to the ground at her feet. Breaking down at the sight of his friend, his family alive and well. She doesn’t remember him either, but welcomes him into her arms somewhat awkwardly.
Her expressions flicker from happy to overwhelmed. Hesitant to open herself up to the possibility that she is wanted, needed and loved.
Too confusing for the girl who only remembers the red room. Adjusting to this life will take time.
Everyone begins clearing out, their jobs finished. Rushing home to reunite with their loved ones. Tomorrow will bring about new challenges. The world is in shambles, and so are you.
Steve decides that he should be the one to return the stones. His goodbye tells you that he has a bit more in mind. But this is his life. His choices, not yours.
“Well, I guess we should head out too.” You say after a while. Your car is gone, lost in the wreckage from the explosion.
The setting sun is eclipsed, causing all of you to turn your gaze upwards just in time to see the ship’s door open.
“Is that a raccoon?” Melina asks, pointing toward Rocket.
“Do you want a ride or not?” Rocket shoots back.
“Not the avenger’s super jet, but it will do huh?” Alexei smiles, this is his dream.
“This is better!” A man’s voice carries down from the interior.
“Well,” Yelena shrugs, “if you say so.” She leads the pack up the ramp and onto the ship.
“Fanny and the pigs will be expecting dinner soon.”
“How are they?” Melina asks, “have you been taking care of them.”
“That was me!” Alexei says proudly, bending at the waist to gather Natasha into his arms. “Aye honey,” he grunts, hoisting her up. “You are only little girl in my heart.”
Nat pushes against his chest in retaliation.
“Do you mind if I hitch a ride too?” Clint asks.
“The extra stop will cost you,” Nebula stares blankly at him from her seat.
“They always do.” He remarks, trotting up the ramp.
Bruce paces at the foot of the metal grate, watching the rest of you load up. “I gotta hang back, make sure Steve gets there in one piece.”
“After what happened with Scott the first time I’d say that’s probably the best bet.” You agree, standing near the entrance.
“Yeah,” he smiles, kindly. “Keep me posted on Nat, will ya?”
“I will,” you return the smile.
“I’ll see you around.”
You nod, “I’ll see you.”
The captain of the ship introduces himself as Star-lord, and after a moment without response, Quill.
“Any requests?” He asks, finger hovering over the control panel.
Alexei creeps over to the younger man, quietly relaying a message.
“Alright,” Quill nods. Stroking the keys until a familiar set of notes ring out.
“A long, long time ago-“ The singer croons.
You let out a chuckle.
“I can still remember how that music used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those people dance. And maybe they'd be happy for a while.”
“We’re really doing this?” Yelena puts a hand to her head, the corners of her mouth turning upward.
“But February made me shiver, with every paper I'd deliver. Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn't take one more step.” The melody carries on.
“It’s your song.” Natasha turns to her sister.
“I can't remember if I cried. When I read about his widowed bride.” Melina’s eyes are far away, carried back to their years in Ohio. Before the world had been so cruel.
“Something touched me deep inside, the day the music-“
“Died.” Yelena joins in, lulling her head to the side to gage your reaction.
You sigh, all of this beyond surreal. But you allow yourself to live in this moment, because you might not get another. “So bye, bye Miss American Pie…”
“Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry.” The roaring chorus of voices fills the silence you’ve grown used to. Fills the parts of you that were empty for so long. “And them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye. Singin', “this’ll be the day that I die.”
“This’ll be the day that I die.” Yelena sings, her face alight with a childlike glee.
Melina, Natasha and Alexei stay with you for a while. A few weeks as Natasha heals and becomes acclimated to her life.
She claims to hate the attention, but deep down you know she’s full of it.
The Ohio house is bursting at the seams with five adults, nine pigs and one dog.
That isn’t enough to keep visitors at bay. Namely Clint, his wife Laura and their three children.
Things feel a bit off when everyone begins moving out. Alexei, Melina, and their pigs return to the farm outside of Saint Petersburg.
Natasha finds herself drawn to New York, with Bruce and the makeshift building he’s using as a lab.
You adjust to the steady thrum that is daily life, with Fanny and Yelena.
After dinner you load the dishwasher, drying your hands on the nearby tea towel before selecting a cycle.
“So how does it feel?” Yelena asks, leaning against the doorframe.
“Hmm?” You turn to face her.
“Being a hero.” She clarifies, a smile playing at her lips.
“I’m not-“
“Oh cut the crap, Y/N. You saved the world.” Yelena narrows her eyes at you.
“I did it for you.” You say simply, because it’s true.
Yelena closes the space between you, “why?”
“You know why.” You whisper as she cups your face in her hands, gently stroking her thumb over your cheek. “It’s ok if you wouldn’t have done the same.”
“I’d do more for you, and worse.” She assures you. “But do you really want to spend the rest of your life fumbling around feelings in the dark when you could have someone who-“
“I want you. I only ever want you.” You beckon her closer. “Anyway I can have you, that will be enough for me.”
Sometimes wires get crossed and you want things you never have before. And she provides them before you have a chance to ask. You give back to her tenfold, so that neither glass is ever empty. That is love. True love, the only way you’ve ever known it.
“I am yours…in every way a person can belong to another.” Yelena breathes, “and then some.”
Series taglist: @jeyramarie @freeshavocadoooo @ilovewinter101 @3and30aresoultwins @yelenabelovv @miphas-trident @1800-fight-me
If you loved this series as much as I did, you can check out the prequel here!
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kaleidoscope, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Don’t let him back in. Don’t kiss him. Don’t hold him. And above all, don’t say his name. If you don’t say his name, then it’s like he’s never here. If you don’t say his name, then he’s just a body to use and fuck, not someone who broke your heart and is coming back to piece it together.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; angst; hate / make-up sex (fem reader, too much crying and it gets everywhere; nipple play, fingering, f-receiving oral, cowgirl, penetrative sex); non-idol!BTS - exes to lovers
it's an emotional kaleidoscope when i face you >> now playing – forget me too by machine gun kelly ft. halsey
You hated this part right here, because one minute you were shoving him and yelling at him, and telling him he was stupid and dumb and shouldn't be here, but the next moment he grabbed your head and crashed his lips to yours, holding your face, telling you he loved you, and you kept crying and saying that was stupid, so stupid, because you should never take friendship personal, and he had all this shit going on, so it was a terrible idea, a terrible idea to kiss him back, a terrible idea to let him grab your sleep shirt and yank it up and over your head.
"We broke up because you didn't want to commit," you hissed, his hands on your bra-covered breasts now, squeezing roughly, breathing hard on your chin. "Because you didn't want this."
"I know."
His right hand, covered in tattoos, cupping your face, brushing your tears away, replacing them with his because he was crying too, crying for what? Crying because he told you that he didn't want this anymore? Stupid. Kissing you between tears, black hair brushing your face, wild and intense and you were pushing his jacket off, dumping it to the floor, revealing his tattooed right arm and bare left one, wearing only a black t-shirt underneath.
"God, you're so fucking stupid," you muttered, pressing your chest against his, knowing you were just as stupid, just as stupid for grasping his shirt and pulling him to you, kissing him over and over, wet, messy kisses with too many tears. "Some bitch turn you down or what?"
"Nobody turns me down." he muttered, kissing you back, hands on your waist, digging his fingers into your back and scratching harshly, leaving burning lines of lust. "I was making out with my date and it was fine until I thought of you kissing someone else and then it was suddenly shit and I hated it and I didn't want it anymore."
You wanted kisses full of tears? you wondered, but you couldn't say anything, because his hand travelled up and unhooked your bra, pulling it off and tangling it in your arms, not caring, grabbing your tits and squeezing them, pinching your nipples just the way you liked. You moaned into his mouth and flung your bra aside. It tumbled to the floor, just like everything else.
You didn't want to say his name, because it would be like he was here, and you didn't want to think he was here, leaning down and making out with your tits, licking them all over, taking your nipples in his mouth and flicking them with his tongue, telling you how good they tasted, how sexy they were. He hurt you, hurt you with his stupid excuses, and this wasn't fair to you, it wasn't fair to him, but you were doing it anyway, because it wasn't him, he wasn't here, as long as you didn't say his name.
He came back up to your face, kissing you again, tasting like your nipples, breathing your name, telling you he loved you.
"Shut the fuck up. You're an asshole."
You tried to sound rough, annoyed, and you were, but your voice was cracking, because this wasn't fair, wasn't fair that he smelled like someone else's perfume and was dumping it all on you, mixing it with his cologne and the smell of your nipples, kissing you over and over.
“I hate you so fucking much,” you muttered wetly, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and yanking it up and over his head, ruining his hair even more, accidentally smacking him in the chin, but fuck it, he deserved it, it deserved it all, wasting your time and making you think you had love before denouncing it for what it was and taking it all away, grabbing you by the ass and pulling you to him, onto his jean-covered crotch, his lap that someone else had sat in hours before, multiple people maybe. Who the fuck knew? His mouth, so good on yours, his teeth biting your lips, wiping your tears away with the back of his hand as if that would do anything.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he chanted against your lips, taking your exhales, taking your hopeless breath, taking it all away, the nights you spent alone, staring at pictures of him and you, wondering if it was real or not.
“You liar,” you breathed, rolling your body into his, the familiar heat and hardness, making you moan as your sensitive nipples touched his skin, touched his skin like some other bitch must have touched him in between your tears, in between your pretend make-believe that you were okay, your make believe you lived by day, saying he can’t hurt you, not you, the impervious, the confident, the glass house that shattered the second the bullet of his pleading gaze pierced you at your doorstep. His hands sliding up your back, scratching you again, leaving his marks on you, hot pain shaking through your nerves and you holding onto his shoulders, body asking for more, lips on his some more, your pleas in his mouth, don’t stop, fuck, don’t you fucking stop.
His cheek pressed against yours, soaking you with salt and tears. “I’m not a liar.”
“You didn’t say you weren’t an asshole.”
He left one hand splayed on your stinging back as the other slipping down your side, snaking between your legs, the soaked heat burning you and him, igniting you and him, pushing his moan into your throat as he slipped his fingers underneath your panties, running his nails over your slippery folds. The worst, the worst that you wanted it, one hand in his black hair, bunching it up and yanking on it, the other on his back, leaving scalding lines of lust, swearing to yourself to ignore him, just fuck him and destroy him, fuck him and rip up his lies and ruin his life, don’t believe him when he tells you he loves you while plunging his fingers into you, heated kisses and building the pace you loved most.
“I didn’t think I would ever want anybody,” he gasped, dragging you with him, deeper into your apartment and your life, putting himself in places he didn’t belong. “But I want you.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” you gritted out, pulling harder on his hair and making him groan, pressing his straining erection against your thigh.
“I don’t fucking know.”
Pain rippling through his voice, breathing harder, forcefully shoving two fingers into the deepest parts of you, pleasure flowing through you, trying to lower his head to suck on your nipples again, but you didn’t let him, firm grip on his hair, and he moaned, denied, kissing you instead, desperation and pace increasing, faster, faster, driving you to the edge of the world and throwing you over, throwing your head back and spitting curses, so wet it was disgustingly loud and embarrassing, you hated it, hated that you liked  the feeling of him pulling his fingers out to gasp and lick his fingers off, savoring your taste, before kissing your again, the taste of your pussy and nipples mixing together with his addictive saliva and his whispers of love.
“I’ll be good to you this time, I promise,” he murmured, nudging you with his nose, tongue tracing your lips, reminding you how good it was, reminding you of long nights flat on your back and his head between your legs, coaxing the pleasure out, so he could drink it all and walk away from you.
“That’s a load of shit,” you scowled, pushing his head down by his hair, his tongue extending, swiping down your torso licking every centimeter of skin you let him have access to, nails digging into your back and all the way down your ass, dragging your panties down, down.
Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say his name and he won’t be here.
Dark brown orbs looked up on you, his knees colliding with the floor, shirtless, hard muscles all tense, tattoos on his right arm gleaming with sweat, still wearing his dark jeans, regret poisoning his handsome features, black hair a mess in your hands and all over his face, pink tongue hanging out, begging for your taste, but your grip on his hair preventing him from getting any closer.
It wasn’t fair.
He whined in his throat, fingernails tearing up your skin, his marks like tattoos, permanently on your skin because you missed him every second of every day even though he ruined everything.
“You’re the worst, Jungkook.”
You rolled your hips into his face, colliding into his teeth, and his eyes rolled back, hungry tongue lapping it all up, warm and soft like his embrace when he held you all those nights before he fucked it all up. He drank you like he was parched, dying, and you didn’t know if it was a lie or the truth but you didn’t care anymore.
Just didn’t care whatever the fuck Jeon Jungkook was.
His eyes snapped back to watch your face and you bucked your hips into his mouth, throwing one leg over his shoulder, squeezing his jaw, brows furrowed, keeping your orgasm at bay, making him work for it, making him ache for it, his fingers sinking into your ass, tongue swiping all over, inside your folds, funneling your nectar into his throat before latching onto your clit, soft and fast and tight, furrowing his own brows, knowing you were denying him, but why did you care, he did this to himself.
“I hate you,” you gasped, tears falling again, staring down at him, clutching his black hair, everything shattering, riding his face, tipping your head back so you weren’t looking at him anymore, gravity forcing the tears back, back, riding the high instead, fuck the sadness and turn into your drug, your drug between your legs, breath constricting in your throat as you came, filling his mouth and splattering on his chin.
Jungkook moaned your name and shook his head in between your legs to smear your juices all over his face, tugging on his own hair in your hand.
“I love you,” he panted, licking you all over, his saliva dripping down your thighs with your orgasm.
“I don’t want to hear the shit you tell everyone else,” you scoffed, releasing his hair and throwing him back, unhooking your leg and backing up, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand and flicking it aside, breathing hard, head and chest tight, not thinking straight, high on pleasure and low on life, naked and guarded, still backing up as Jungkook got to his feet, pushing his hair back from his messy face, using his own shirt to clean it off before throwing it back down on your floor, your marks all over him and his marks all over your body and your surroundings. You wished you could find him ugly with bloodshot eyes and ruined hair, his scratched-up torso shuddering and struggling for breath, guilt weakening his strong features.
You stared each other down, heavy exhale matching heavy exhale.
Jungkook said your name, streaked with pain.
“Say my name again.” Coming closer to you, voice cracking. “Even if it’s with the words, ‘I hate you, Jungkook.’ I just want to hear you say my name.”
Remembering all those days and all those nights, throwing your phone aside as he ignored your call for the hundredth time, screaming alone at your walls, wishing these same walls would cave in and take you with them, wishing you weren’t going out to drink way too much and pray you didn’t wake up anymore, wishing it wasn’t Jeon Jungkook who did this to you.
Was it him?
Or was it you, loving to hard, knowing it was going to crash and burn, knowing that this love had been a cigarette that had an ending, a burn that would turn to ash and float away, two people who weren’t ready for anything more than that?
You turned away, unable to look at him anymore, throwing yourself on your bed, the crying place, the place of lust, the place of long nights alone, looking up at the ceiling, wishing the walls would cave in and crush you so you didn’t have to wake up alone.
He was on you in an instant, hands on your hands, pushing you onto your back, kissing you again, getting on top of you, looking for love and you gave it to him, yanking your hands out and grabbing his face, hungry, desperate, messed-up kisses, your taste on his lips, his apologies getting stifled by your tongue forcing its way into his mouth, fucking him mercilessly, turning his words into moans, hooking your legs around his waist and pressing your wetness all over his pants, all over his jeans, replacing that cheap perfume and his own cologne, covering him with you.
“You think all your whores will want you when they know you’re back here with me?” you snarled, grabbing him by the shoulders and rolling him onto his back, pinning him down with violent kisses and brutal scratches down his chest.
“Probably,” he gasped, following your mouth when you pulled back, his words in your throat. “They want me no matter what.”
You clicked your tongue, yanking at his jeans, undoing them sloppily.
“Just like how I love you no matter what.”
You pulled them down, curling your lip in distaste at his response, seeing the wet spot in the front of his underwear, his pre-cum soaked through. You dragged those down too, his hard cock popping up, reaching down to his back jeans pocket, pulling out the condom he always kept there. Your gaze flickered up, narrowing your eyes.
“You’re so stupid, Jungkook.”
He was breathing hard, chest torn up by your rage, red lines on tan skin.
“Yeah, I am.”
You ripped the condom open and took it out, throwing the wrapper aside, rolling it down his stiff length with him moaning, pants will half-on, but you ignored it, getting up and sinking down on him, swallowing him with your heat, setting him and you on fire, riding him agonizingly slow to piss him off, to make him growl, enduring it for only a few minutes before grabbing your arms and pinning you to his body, rolling you back over to your side of the bed and planting his hands on the bed, fucking you forcefully and hurriedly, clenching his jaw.
“So eager to finish?” you taunted, almost spitting in his face, so furious your core tightened, muscles choking his cock and making him hiss. “So ready to run away just like how you ran away last time, Jungkook, telling me bullshit about how you didn’t want to be loved by me?”
He grabbed your legs and pushed them up to his shoulders, slapping his hips into yours, his crotch and balls getting soaked with your cum and his saliva, wet loud smacks that used to fill up this room most nights, his eyes staring into yours, nearly black with his expanded pupils, the dark sea swimming in those orbs, drowning you and drowning him, dotting your face with his tears once more.
“Shit on me some more, why don’t you?” he ground out.
“You fucking deserve that shit,” you shot back, now slapping your hips back into his, feeling it now, feeling the unbearable lust and heat and fury and pain and desire for this to be real, your hands finding his hair again, pulling on it with every thrust, your whines and his cries mixing together, chasing blind release, watching his cock disappear into you and fill you to an almost unbearable tightness before looking back up to his face, neck and jaw tense, harder, harder, you holding back and him holding back, a stupid game of cat and mouse, his fucking favorite.
“Cum for me, fuck,” he panted. “Fucking cum for me, I need it, need you to feel good with my cock, please, fuck, don’t do this, please…”
Harder, faster, louder, you pulling his head down to kiss him messily, tits and bed bouncing, nails digging into his scalp, so close, barely holding on as it always was with him, on the verge of fireworks, getting your hands singed and burnt along the way, cursing loudly, your fate, your luck, and him, all at once, the feeling racing down your spine and exploding in between your joined hips.
Jungkook moaned in your mouth, cock milked by spasming velvety walls, shooting large spurts of cum into the condom, your pussy responding in kind, drenching his balls and crotch, your softness bent underneath his hardness, his kisses all over you again and you tried to shove him off, only for him to pin your wrists down, kissing you deeply, and you exhaling in his mouth, filling him from below and above, drowning him with you.
“Let me stay…” he sobbed in your face.
“So you can leave before I wake up?” you hiccupped, the pressure in your head and your legs numbing you, swearing you would never fall in love with Jeon Jungkook ever again, but you didn’t have to, because you were already in love with him, still in love with him, stupidly in love with him.
“Tie me down, lock me up, I don’t care,” he managed to get out in between sniffles, letting go of your hands and lowering your legs, wrapping his arms around you and rolling your bodies, putting you on top of him, his cock sliding out, but he held you tight, soul crushingly so. “Don’t sleep, watch me all night, anything you want.” Your name formed wetly on his lips, his hair and his scent all over your pillows once more, the place he looked best, the place he belonged. “Anything.”
You seized his head, shaking him. “Don’t you see how crazy you’re acting?”
Those dark brown orbs were sinking with his thoughts and your anger.
“That’s how I know I made a mistake.”
His hand cupped your cheek, searching your eyes, looking for his validation.
“I promise it’s different this time.”
His promises didn’t mean anything.
“Just forget me, Jungkook…” you cracked, forehead hitting his, adrenaline dying out, the crushing weight of your mistakes excruciating, wishing it would all go away. “Remember that you were the one who didn’t want this.”
He kissed you, far too long and too wet, a complete and utter mess.
“My memory’s shit,” he whispered, shudders shaking his tone and soul. “Absolute fucking garbage. It only remembers that I love you more than anything else in the world.”
“You’re so fucking stupid.”
You closed your eyes and, when you opened them again, his clothes were all over the floor.
His taste still on your lips.
His tears still soaked in your skin.
His body still tangled up in your life, his lips still saying I love you like a broken record.
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A fluffy 'Dean WinchesterXTrans!Male' Reader one-shot where you had come out to Dean, and Dean decided he's going to do everything he can to support you.
“So,” Dean began. His heart was pounding. He rather be facing any number of ghosts and ghouls to avoid fucking this part up. Hell, he’d even take a few demons over this. Anything over these tense emotional moments. Still, he was glued to the bed, hand holding yours. He loved you. He wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of helping you.
“Y-yeah?” You stumbled over your words. You had no idea how your boyfriend was going to handle the news. Tears were threatening to fall over your cheeks as you kept your eyes glued to the floor.
Dean swallowed. Dammit, his brother mentioned something like this in the past. Why couldn’t he remember now? “Well in that case, I suppose we better get you some comfier clothes. C’mon.” He stood up, offering his hand to you. Looking up, you saw that same smile dance across his lips, the same smile you fell in love with. “Wouldn’t want my boyfriend to be uncomfortable.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you jumped into his arms, relief and love washing over you. Dean just chuckled, quietly as he shifted to wrap his arms around you, squeezing you against him. “Thanks Dean…Thank you so much.”
“Of course. You have a different name you like to be called now?”
“Y/N now- I uh, kinda picked it out when I realized I just-”
“Y/N is perfect babe.” His lips left a light little peck at your nose. “C’mon. Sammy’s with Bobby looking for another job, let’s take the day to get you feeling as good as possible, hm? I just had that great poker payout-”
“I thought that was for silver bullets-”
“Pshh. I can win another game or too.” Dean went to smile, but it quickly drooped into a frown. “Your clothes...do they make you feel-” He tried to find the right word.
“Dysphoric? Well I mean a bit. I didn’t exactly have time to choose great clothes when I ran off with you Dean.” Before you could even finish your sentence, Dean was digging through his duffle.
“I was going to drop them off somewhere, they feel a little small.” Dean grinned, poking his head back up. In his hands were an AC/DC shirt and an old pair of jeans. He even pulled out his spare hunting boots. “Might not be the most practical all the time, but we’ll get you some stuff today.”
You tried not to cry once again.
Few minutes later, you found yourself wrapped up in your boyfriend's clothes, in the passenger seat of the car. AC/DC rang out through the speakers. You couldn’t help but smile.
“You...really don’t mind Dean?”
“Mind? Why the hell would I mind?”
“Well you were into me as a-”
“I am into you, period.” Dean smiled a little. “Masculine, feminine, It makes no difference to me. You are still you. So, clothes we’re doing. Not half assed Walmart clothes either, we’re gonna get you some good hunting gear.” You couldn’t help but chuckle a little at that. “Masculine fake IDs from now on, easy enough. Anything else you need?”
“At the moment, I’m not sure...I kinda like what Sam does with his hair so I don’t think I’ll cut it off yet. It isn’t as long as his at the moment anyway.” You giggled at the scrunch in Dean’s nose at the mention of his brother.
“Cute guy with a ponytail never hurts either. Ah. Here’s the shop.”
“Dean this is a mall-”
“Yeah, sporting goods, including guns, bullets, as well as various clothing stores to get you what you need. Plus crowds to blend into. Malls are great Y/N.” He turned into the parking lot, picking a spot somewhere in the middle. “Plus, the impala doesn’t stick out too much here.”
Dean slipped out of his side, opening the door for you before you were even unbuckled. His calloused hand still felt tender as it grasped yours tightly, pulling you towards the store.
Your boyfriend was right after all. The crowds were seamless and the selection would be much greater.
“I’m thinking, we hit the sporting goods store, get some food and supplies. Take our time with it. Then just meet up with Sam and Bobby for the job, sound good Y/N?”
“Sounds perfect Dean.” Your smile was glued to your face as you leaned against his arm walking into the shop Dean had picked. “Is this where you got all your flannels and things?”
“Most of em, yeah. Why? You like that one?” He winked as he saw your cheeks turn a little pink. Sure, you loved the flannel. It made you feel more you, it also smelled like the man you loved more than anything.
“Well it’s nice and warm and-” You tripped over your words again. “Just really nice hunting clothes ya know? Like durable enough you have some protection, it’s also warm enough for nights but I can always open it ya know.”
“Great. So a couple flannels. Some jeans that won’t trip you up. Shirts.” Dean guided you to the clothing area of the store, whipping out his cellphone.
“Dean? Something the matter?” He doesn’t often look at his screen with that much concentration.
“Nope. I was just looking at a size chart.” He matched his screen to a couple of the tags. “These your colors?” He held out some forest green flannel and a black shirt.
“To start with, yeah! Although lighter colors are still nice. I don’t want anything thinking I’m your little brother if I match your style.”
“My style is functional and timeless. Plus, if I had a nickel for everyone who thought Sam and I should-” He scowled as you laughed. You couldn’t help but pick up those books when you saw them. Plus, as prank wars broke out it definitely gave you an upper hand.
“Alright, I concede your style is wonderful Dean.”
“Damn right it is.” He smiled a little. “But I get it, c’mon. Let’s walk around and see what catches your eye.”
The two of you scoured the store from top to bottom. Dean’s arms quickly became laden with fabric as you both approached the fitting rooms.
“Find everything you need sir, and-?” The guy in charge of the rooms spoke.
“Sir.” You introjected. Your heart rate spiked a little. Dean’s hand rested on your shoulder as he nodded to the cashier, as if confirming what you said.
“Of course, right this way. Here is your room, sir.” Without batting an eye the cashier escorted you back to try on your new wardrobe.
“Give 'em hell babe!” Dean called after you, taking his seat. He fiddled with his phone. Sam had finally convinced him to upgrade, and this one had a camera on it.
Quickly, pulse racing, you put on the first outfit of clothes, and slipped outside to model for Dean. Your nerves subsided when met with that goofy grin of his, and you couldn’t help but match it.
“You look amazing.”
“I feel amazing.”
“Wanna try more?” Dean snapped a photo. “That’s gonna be my new cell wallpaper.” You stuck your tongue out to him, a look he cheekily returned.
You went through this a few more times. Different mixed and matched outfits and hunting gear. Dean flirting with you every time you slipped into his sight. Soon you had a week's worth of clothes, with some extras to wear during a wash. Eventually you made it towards the food court, carrying the bags. You both went immediately to the burger stand and sat down.
“Fucck~” Dean’s eyes were closed in bliss. “I forgot how amazing these burgers were.”
“God we ate at gas stations so much I had forgotten food could be juicy.” You were devouring your burger as ravenous as Dean was. Oblivious to the look he was giving you.
Dean just smiled, chewing as he looked at you. It had only been a few months since you were traveling with him. Demon blooded kid like Sammy, you wanted to be able to help. Truthfully you were thankful they accepted.
Dean sometimes kicks himself at night for almost saying no. He had fallen for you, hard, the first time you rode in the back of the car. The way your eyes lit up as his own music started to play. The way you got along with Sam. He had fallen hard. You were perfect in his eyes now as you were then.
“Dean?...” Your voice was quiet, head against the window. After eating Dean had loaded you and your new things into the impala before starting to make your guy’s way to Bobby's place.
The excitement of the day had driven your eyelids to a close by this point. The soft rumblings of the engine were lulling you to sleep. Dean’s hand found yours once more, with a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah babe?”
“I love you Dean…”
“I love you too Y/N.” His words were the last things you heard before finally succumbing to sleep.
Dean drove on, hand never leaving yours. He had found the best boyfriend in the world, and he intended to keep things that way.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Of Quartz I Will
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Amethyst You So Much✨ Part 2: Of Quartz I Will
Summary: after 2 years of dating, Spencer decides it's finally time to get Y/N something to match her Amethyst bracelet.
Warnings: fluff, gun violence, shooting tw, Reid's season 5 knee injury, hurt/comfort, emotional smut, body massage, hand jobs, riding, penetrative sex.
word count: 6K
Spencer notices her as she walks in, through the briefing room window, she’s wearing his purple shirt. He wanted to wear that for work today but couldn’t find it anywhere, now he knows why.
“Excuse me,” he says to his group of teammates as they contribute reading case files.
“Hey,” Spencer grabs her attention from the railing beside the briefing room. “I’ve been looking for that shirt everywhere.”
“It’s mine now,” she smiles, setting her things down at her desk for the night. “I’ll buy you a new purple dress shirt.”
“Buy yourself one, I like that one,” he whines.
“Finders keepers, doctor Reid. Either stop leaving your shit on my bedroom floor or move in already.”
Everyone hears it. All eyes are on them as they bicker in the middle of the bullpen, including the team of profilers just beyond the window.
“Okay,” he agrees. “We’ll talk about this later.”
She climbs the stairs quickly, giving him a good morning hug even though it was 9pm. “I love you, that’s why I’m wearing your shirt.”
He smiles against her shoulder as he holds her, “I love you, more so in my shirt.”
When he sits back down at his chair at the round table, everyone is waiting with a raised brow. They want details, they want his opinion, they want to hear him stutter and see him blush like he used to. But he doesn’t.
“Yes, I will be moving in with her. We have people to save,” Spencer reminded them. Avoiding eye contact and flipping through the files.
Derek tugs on his amethyst bracelet, he hasn’t taken it off since he got it, almost 2 years ago. “Are you ever going to get her any other jewellery?”
“When she goes home I’ll show you,” he whispers, still avoiding eye contact as they all gasp. “Keep it cool or I will kill you.”
He keeps an eye on her at her desk, smiling when she looks up to see him. She blows him a kiss and waves softly a few times, but other than that, they don’t talk for the rest of the day.
The next time She sees him, he’s in her bed sound asleep as she’s coming home from work. She sits on the edge of the bed and brushes his hair away from his face to wake him up gently, he blinks into the morning sunlight to see her.
“Good morning,” he smiles.
She’s in his pink shirt today. She liked to keep something of his close on bad cases that take him out of town. In this case, out of the country. He was in Canada for a few days, the case was horrific and she had to deal with all the office work in Penelope’s absence.
“Amethyst,” she whispers, it was part of their secret code.
Spencer, being a cunning linguist, he loved anagrams.
They had Amethyst for I miss you, Quartz for of course, and Olive for I love you. It was easier to keep the PDA to a minimum at work, not wanting to sit in a seminar like Derek and Penny about sexual misconduct and hostile work environments.
“Olive,” Spencer replies, pulling her down into the bed so she can cuddle in.
“We can’t stay, there’s another case. JJ told me to bring you in on my way home,” she explains softly. “They need you to go to ER Doctor Barton’s house, in McLean, he got a note saying someone was going to kill his son. So far they’ve also connected him to a few surrogate kills of Hispanic men, they need the speed reader to go through all his recent surgeries.”
He sighs, holding her tightly and snuggling in against her back, “no.”
She laughs, “Spencer, you can read really fast and the faster you read the faster you can come home to me.”
“Fine,” she has perfect logic, he always tells her that. “Are you driving me to the guy's house?”
“Yep, so we can stop for coffee and talk in the car, I really did miss you a lot,” she struggles out of his grasp to turn and face him, opting to hold his face in her hands as she looks at him. He’s exhausted, just like her.
“I missed you too, I’m sorry I was gone so long,” his voice is barely a whisper, “We should take a day off together soon.”
“Yeah,” she smiles wider, completely in love with him. “I’d really like that, maybe we can look at apartments?”
“Apartments?” He repeats the word with a grin, raising his eyebrow softly. “I thought you liked it here?”
“It’s too small, I want to get a cat, if you’re bringing your closet here we’re going to need a bigger one,” she ranted. “And actually, I was thinking if you’re on the same page as me and this is a long-term thing for you too, what if we just got a bigger place and got a mortgage and start a little life outside the FBI, together?”
He’s so in love with her, “get my bag?” Is all he can say.
“What?” She’s so confused, shaking her head softly as she comprehends it.
“On the floor there, grab my bag, please there’s something for you in there,” he points behind her, trapped under her and the blanker so it’s not like he could get it himself.
She gets up, placing the bag on the bed for him as she watches him dig through it for a little box. “Arminius helped me pick this out.”
He had become best friends with the owner of the rock shop, she wasn’t surprised to hear that he had gotten something else from there for him. It made her giggle with excitement, bouncing softly as Spencer sat up and moved his bag out of the way.
But then he got out of bed, he’s in a pair of purple boxers and his hair is a mess and he’s so nervous and she has no idea why until he gets down on one knee.
“I was waiting to do this.”
“Holy shit.”
He nods with a shaky laugh, “yeah, I’m in it long term if you are?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to drive you to work now?” She laughs, unable to stop smiling as the two of them stare hopelessly at each other. She hasn’t even looked at the ring yet, too occupied with the wonderfully happy look on his face.
“Quartz,” is all she can say, flabbergasted as she keeps laughing with a shocked smile.
He takes it from the box and she watches as he slides the most beautiful purple Amethyst ring over her ring finger and then her hands are back on his cheeks. Pulling him into a kiss, she can’t seem to hold him close enough as she breathes in. Holding her breath as she keeps him there.
He pulls away with a laugh, “when are we supposed to be there?”
“Damn,” they’re all giggles.
And it doesn’t stop, she takes off Spencer’s shirt and he puts it on instead, matching it with a vest and a tie while she makes him a coffee and can’t stop smiling as she glances at the ring.
It really only made sense for their engagement to happen in the same place she fell in love with him.
Sure, she liked him a lot when he was getting her rocks and she really wanted to get to know him more after his last note, but it was the bracelet that made her fall in love. He went out of his way to make her smile on what felt like the worst day of her life, and she knew she wanted forever with him from then on out. Now she was going to get it, she was going to be Agent Y/N Reid, and her ring was absolutely perfect.
He catches her taking photos of it in the sunshine when he comes out of the bedroom. She still can’t stop smiling, it’s just so perfect and she’s just so in love with him.
They get muffins from the bakery under her apartment before getting in her car, “where is it?” Spencer asks, playing the role of GPS whenever they drove together.
“120 Kensington Road, McLean Virginia,” she members it clearly.
“Take a right,” Spencer smiles, and she’s off.
She drives with one hand, looking at her ring almost more than the road as Spencer held her other one. She pulled up to the Doctor’s house and he didn’t want to leave. Sighing, he looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
“I will see you when you get home, I’m going to call out after this case is done and you get mandatory 24 hours off for back-to-back cases,” she said, knowing protocol almost better than him. “Go to work.”
“Fine,” he frowns again, getting out of the car and walking around to her door. She rolls the window down and tilts her chin up, leaning out for the kiss he’s waiting to give her.
“Let me know when you’re done, I can come and pick you back up,” she whispers against his lips between kisses.
One last smooch and he pulls away, backing up so he isn’t tempted to stay any longer, “olive.”
“Olive,” she replies with a smile, waving slightly before he disappears behind the door.
She releases a long sigh, melting into the chair as she lets the butterflies swarm around a bit in her stomach, it felt wonderful.
She went home, napped from 10 till 2 and then sat in bed to stare at her beautiful ring for a little while. She couldn’t believe he proposed just like that. All she asked was if he wanted to get a mortgage on a house and she guesses he heard "spend the rest of your life with me."
Sometimes, when Spencer was on a case in Virginia and too busy to keep her updated, she would turn on the police radio and listen to what was going on around in the area. It was good to keep her mind preoccupied and to remind herself that he was safe.
At least that’s what it used to do.
“Shots fired at 120 Kensington Road, McLean Virginia, 10-999, 11-41, all units in the area are requested.”
“10-999, officer down, 11-41, send ambulances,” she whispers to herself, remembering all the dispatch lingo from the office.
She doesn’t have time to panic, she unlocks her safe and grabs her gun, loading it and then she’s out the door, in her car and pulling up behind the sheriff's car as she’s running out.
She tosses her badge up to show the cops as she tries to run onto the scene, “I’m an FBI agent on his team, let me through!”
She slides her knees along the grass, surely ruining her jeans as she dives for him. She places a hand on his bloody knee and looks everywhere else, “are you okay? Are you good? Holy shit, Spence?”
Her breathing is so heavy, she clutches her chest with her left hand and tries to calm down as he looks up at her and they breathe in and out a few times without breaking eye contact. He’s completely fine, there’s just a bullet in his knee, he assures her.
“I’m fine,” he laughs lightly, wincing at the pain as he leans forward to kiss her gently.
She’s there only 2 minutes before Derek, JJ and Rossi are pulling up on the scene. Everyone huddled around them on the grass as the EMTs bandaged his knee up before taking him to the ambulance.
“You need to call Emily,” Spencer speaks over everyone, “something happened to Hotch, I’m fine here with Y/N, just go see him.”
He was always going to be fine with her, that was for sure. She never left his side, except when they took him in for surgery and forced her back into the waiting room. But as soon as he was okay again, his hand was in hers.
He was given a month off after his knee surgery, but he still ended up in the office most nights. Becoming more of a night owl than usual as he accompanied his fiancé to her desk and sat beside her as she did her work. It was really nice to spend time with her and not have to do anything.
Of course, he filled his time by going over other case files, things they weren’t able to get to as a team and things that didn’t fit the criteria of the BAU. He made phone calls and sent emails, helping small-town cops make simple connections and doing more good that way.
He sat at her desk, his leg resting over her lap as she made a few phone calls. Handing the background of the cases, filing off invoices and approvals. Dispatching units and requesting files and overrides from other departments. She was amazing.
She hangs up the phone, finally, after 45 minutes of rolling her eyes and sighing as she was transferred from office to office all around America. She places her hand on his leg and absentmindedly runs her hand along his shin, staring off at the desk, silently.
“Are you okay?”
She nods, “do you think you’re healed enough to start looking at places?”
He nods back, “actually, I already found one. Hold on,” he slides his leg off her lap and stands with his crutches, hobbling over to his desk where he looks through his files for a new folder.
When he comes back to her, he places the folder in her hands, “forever homes,” is listed on the tag and he sees her heart melt in her eyes. She opens the folder as he sits down, there are about 15 pages of house and apartment listings printed off.
“When did you do all this?” She whispered, shocked and not wanting to cry at work.
“Before I got shot, I was on the phone with Penelope and I asked her to help me find some, she printed off like 50 and I selected the good ones, but there’s more if you don’t like an-“
“Babe,” she cut the rant short, “I’m sure I’ll love any of them, as long as they come with you.”
He pulls a specific sheet from the pile, “this one is my favourite.”
She can see why, it’s a large, green exterior, Victorian home. There’s a turret and a porch, large windows with a bench seat in the kitchen. A garage, 4 bedrooms, a finished basement, a study and a pretty nice backyard.
“It’s a bit of a fixer-upper, but Derek said he’s willing to help teach me how to fix some stuff,” Spencer pressed his lips together awkwardly. He really wanted this on.
“Let’s get a Realtor and set up a walk-through,” she agreed, “and we should bring Derek because he’ll know more than most inspectors anyway. I don’t want to get a place with a cracked foundation or a faulty water heater.”
He smiled again, “remember last week when I had that extra appointment?”
She tilted her head, “no, there is no way you’ve already been there to check it out without me.”
“And I put an offer in, but I was waiting for your approval,” he adds, nervous for her to hate it.
“With what money? I thought we were doing this together?” He’s not sure why she’s upset, normally she loves his surprises.
“When I sold my moms house, I invested the money and it’s been gaining interest for years now,” his voice is soft, “I got through college with scholarships and if I was ever down on money I just had to go to one casino and I always leave with two grand, minimum, I promise, I’m really in this for the long run. I know what I'm doing.”
She smiles, picking up the listing and calling the agency. “Hi this is Y/N Y/L/N calling, my fiancé, Doctor Spencer Reid, recently put an offer in on the listing for 247 Chestnut Drive, I’d love to come and see it soon and take some measurements and things. If you could call me back…”
Spencer is so in love with her it hurts. He wants to scream right then and there, like a kettle on a hot stove for too long, he’s bursting at the seams. She hangs up the phone with the best smile he’s ever seen, “I’m going home early, cause I’m sick, care to join me?”
She stands then, putting her hand out for him so he could stand with her help. “Quartz,” he replies, taking her hand and stands, she gathers their things and she clocks out. No one really cared about all her sick days, she did her job well and they wanted the good doctor to be taken care of.
When he finally gets to show her the inside of the house, she is so in love with it. The hardwood is all original, same with the railings, shelves, banisters and countertops. They're all rustic and beautiful, she can’t help but run her finger over everything as she looks around with an open mouth. X
The kitchen cabinets are green, there is a beautiful colourful wallpaper as a backsplash… and it’s completely empty. It was a remodel, some house flippers did it up and didn’t want to stay. It was made more modern, updated appliances and every safety protocol met. It was perfect.
She turned to him with a smile after only 5 minutes of looking, “this is it.”
“Good,” the women showing them around said, “because your offer was approved, with your say so I can get everything started with escrow.”
“Holy shit!” Y/N cheered, jumping a bit and showing off while Spencer just leaned on his crutch. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his cheek a few times.
“You can start that paperwork,” Spencer smiled, holding her back with his face in the crook of her neck.
The hardest part of moving is transporting all of Spencer’s books from one home to another. It's at least 30 boxes of books and Derek will be faxing his chiropractor bill to Spencer within the week.
His office here was huge, floor-to-ceiling oak shelves and green walls, full of all his books and belongings now. It was his own space in the house he shared with his future wife.
It felt crazy to him.
She used to just be the cute girl in the office, he can remember the exact moment he laid eyes on her. She was walking around aimlessly with some files in her hands when he turned around at his desk. She looked lost, overwhelmed and like she was about to have a breakdown.
She looked at him with the same fear he felt on his first day, he took the file from her and knew exactly where it was meant to go. She followed behind him, quiet as a mouse as he placed it in a folder by the wall under a sign that said "Anderson."
He turned with a press-lipped smile and a nod and then they went their separate ways. Silent conversations became their thing, the only time he really heard her voice was when she called him in in the middle of the night or when he heard her on the phone.
Other than that; she smiled when they passed each other, she’d tap her watch when he needed to be doing something Hotch asked for and was preoccupied with something else, she even knew exactly what he was looking for by just observing his chaos. Always able to pull a sheet of paper from the bottom of the stack with ease, and always silently, until that one day she said sorry to him after slamming the phone.
Now he knows that she talks in her sleep, she likes to go over her plans out loud in the shower every morning, and she sings all day long. Be it little tunes, hums, random tongue clicks or whistling, she’s always making noise. His favourite, however, was when sometimes she’d remember something she was trying to remember during a conversation they had, 4 days prior, and she’d scream it out like he knows what she’s thinking every second of every day.
He was in love with her voice, he never wanted to stop hearing it.
He was in love with her face, he never wanted to stop seeing it.
He was in love with her body, he never wanted to stop touching it.
He was in love with her mind, he never wanted to stop exploring it.
All those thoughts rushing to his brain and rushing a new form of butterflies for him. Like anxiety, but happier. Like he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. It was anticipation rather than fear.
She really was it for him, and as he unboxed his life into the house they were about to share for the upcoming future, it all became very real. This was how the rest of his forever was going to look with her. All their memories from here on out were going to take place in this house, in these rooms.
When he picked this house, it was just a fun idea, and now he looks at the hardwood floors and thinks about how wet baby feet are going to sound during bath time. He wonders how many times the creaky steps are going to let him know she’s coming up to bed, he wonders what screaming matches and fights and love-making will happen beyond the bedroom door across from his study.
He wonders if she’s going to love him as long as he wants to love her.
He opens his study door then, “Hey, babe?”
“Yeah?” She calls up from the bottom of the stairs.
“Can you come up here?”
She marches up the stairs, still not used to the creaky staircase or the length of stairs she had to climb, soon enough, she’s on the second floor and walking into his study, “what’s up?”
He doesn’t know how to ask, he doesn’t even really know what he wants actually. He just missed her, and she was only just downstairs.
“Can I have a hug?”
It comes out more pathetic than he predicted, cringing at the embarrassment as he shrunk into the couch.
“Quartz,” her voice is soft as she approaches him.
Sitting on the brown leather couch that was once in his apartment, she wraps her arms around him and he holds her back softly.
Resting his head on her shoulder, he just wants to hold her for a while. Eventually, they end up laying down with her on his chest, still holding each other as silent as they were in the beginning.
“I love you,” Spencer whispers against her hair.
She snuggles in more, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder softly, “I love you, too, are you okay?”
He nods softly, “I was just thinking about everything and I wanted to hold you.”
She swoons, “do you remember the first night we cuddled like this?”
He nods again, brushing his chin against her head each time, “it all feels like history repeating like it’s supposed to be this way for us.”
“I like to think so,” she agreed. “I actually think you’re my twin flame.”
He hums, thinking about it, “I’m not sure I know what that means.”
“So soulmates are kind of like mirror souls, they are exactly everything that the other needs and they fill the missing parts for each other." She explains softly and he can already tell where her rant is going.
"I don’t think that’s us because we are too similar; sometimes we butt heads and don’t see eye-to-eye, and you drive me crazy a lot of the time because we have the same anxiety and daddy issues, but it’s also because you do things I think about doing and then I can’t do them because they're done already and they’re my calm down things so then I have nothing to calm down with, like yesterday-“
“Babe,” he whispers, “I know, we finish each other’s sandwiches, that’s what your niece said when she saw us together.”
It makes her smile and he can feel her cheekbone against his chest, “twin flames are what happens when one soul is ripped in half and sent to two bodies. They’re capable of surviving separately, as long as they have the right kindling, but they burn brighter together.”
“People sometimes think fire is living because it consumes and uses energy, requires oxygen, and moves through the environment,” Spencer says softly, “have you ever seen something catch fire on both ends?”
“Yeah, a few times, why?”
“It’s never about burning the item entirely, both fires are only concerned with connecting to each other for mass destruction. They always burn in the strangest patterns, but they always connect first before devouring the victim.”
She sits up to look at him, “are you saying I devoured you?”
“That would be de-flowered,” he teases, “but no, I’m saying it makes sense. We really have been burning through everything to find each other.”
“I cannot believe you just said I de-flowered you before the most beautiful thing you’ve ever said,” she laughs, “and it was a mutual de-flowering, might I remind you.”
“I will never forget,” he coos, leaning forward and pressing his lips against hers.
She pushes him back against the couch, it’s been forever since they’ve really done anything. With moving, Spencer’s recovery, her working nights and sleeping all day. It hasn’t been rewarding in a long time, it’s just been enjoyable.
“No,” he whispers as she starts to trail kisses down his neck. “I’m not having sex on the couch the first time we do it in the house.”
She laughs against his neck, pushing herself off the couch and extending a hand to him, “did the doctor even say you can yet?”
“I can’t do all the work, but I can give a second opinion?” He couldn’t stop the grin on his face as she hauled him to his feet.
“Let me heal you,” she whispers, and he knows exactly what she means.
She lays him down on their bed, on top of the covers with no clothes on as she gathers her things. She closes the blinds, turns on her amber lamp, and lights her candles. But his favourite thing that she adds is the sound therapy… helping the water in his body vibrate at the right frequency to calm him completely. She’s going all out for this one.
Much like the first time.
She’s naked too, both of them completely unfazed by each other’s naked form by now. She sits between his legs with all her chakra stones in her hands and she sets them down on his stomach before arranging them in order where they’re supposed to help on his body.
The Amethyst is just above his head for his crown chakra, touching his scalp gently. He closes his eyes as she places a Lapis Lazuli on his third eye, in the centre of his forehead. An Aquamarine on his throat. Rose Quartz on his heart, Tiger’s Eye on his solar plexus, Pyrite on his belly button and finally, Fire Agate at his core.
He always felt so totally relaxed like this, even the first time she ever laid him down like this. He was so calm, he knew he was in good hands and seeing her bless the room made him feel even better.
“Only good may enter here,” the words she repeats every full moon when she opens the windows and blessed the whole house. Keeping them safe, happy, healthy and loved.
She kissed the scar on his knee, causing him to open his one eye to see her. She was laying between his legs now, head resting on his hip as she lightly ran her fingers over his knee, ticking the skin where he finally had feeling again. It took forever for the numbness to go away, even longer for the pain. But she was so patient with him the whole time, taking the best care of him.
She doesn’t mind that he’s hard, she’s very close to his dick as it rests on his stomach beside the crystal.
She kisses his hip, inching each kiss over until she’s pressing one right to the shaft of his dick and he takes a deep breath. Knowing she’ll stop if he forgets how to do the breathing exercises she showed him. He wasn’t allowed to tense his body, this was about pleasure and there was no rush.
For either of them.
He’s done this for her a few times over the years too, just as slow and sensual as she was being. It was calming, rewarding, they bonded with each other and really felt like one being this way.
He heard a cap open, but he was so used to it by now that it filled him with contentment rather than excitement. He remembers the first time she said she wanted to do this, getting some skin-safe, homemade, vegan massage lube and almost turning inside out with how awkward she was asking to do this for their first time.
She sat on her knees between his legs with a small bounce as she got excited about her favourite part. She sat with the bottle resting between her thighs, warming up while she ran some of it over her hands. She massaged his thighs first, getting all the knots and making sure there was no “Charlie's on any horses”, the first time she said that he almost cried laughing and ruined the mood for a little.
She took the rocks off him then, sitting more on his hips as she drizzled the warm oil on his chest. He let his hands rest on her knees, wanting to feel her skin while she felt his. Her hands felt like magic, running over his chest, arms and shoulders like this was her job. She knew every crook, every cranny, every pressure point and soft tissue on him. His body was just as much her’s now.
It's when she presses her body flat against his that he knows the mood is changing. Her breasts are flat against his chest, her hands are behind his head as she looks down at him, her groin pressed right against him as he aches for contact, grinding up into her slowly as she stares into his eyes.
“Better?” She whispered with a small smile, already feeling how much calmer he was, she just wanted confirmation.
“Much,” he’s just as quiet in his reply. “If I don’t bend that knee, it’ll be fine.”
“I don’t mind doing all the work, baby,” she kisses him quickly, “I know you like it more like this anyway.”
She slithers down his body then, his body slick with oil as she easily glides down and creating the most wonderful amount of friction with him. He groans, tossing his head back against the Amethyst on his scalp.
She sits on his good thigh, avoiding pressure with his bad knee like he was an old man now. She makes contact with the only part she didn’t message, adding more of the massage lube to her hand before lazily jerking him off. He keeps a hand on her thigh, groping and managing her right back as she kept a perfect rhythm.
She occasionally grinds against his thigh, mostly when he moans and groans. Extremely turned on by him having a good time, proud of herself for relaxing him, always complaining that he was too tense, she really knew how to release the pressure.
Just as she gets into it, the calming sounds of rain and high-pitched frequencies come to an end… Rhiannon starts playing and he literally watches her come alive; changing her rhythm to match the beat as she starts to grind against him more, she only added his song to the queue, somehow an hour had passed and her music was resuming.
And when Spencer said she was eclectic, he meant she could go from listening to a rare Canadian band called the Tragically Hip, to Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Evanescence and back to Fleetwood Mac. He had no idea where the mood was about to go.
He moved his hand up her thigh as he tried to power through the pleasure, her hand was so amazing he was bubbling away under his skin. He manages to get his middle finger between his leg and her, massaging her clit as she bucked her hips down on him.
Mutual pleasure in any sense was enough for them, seeing the other being perfectly content after everything they went through; it was euphoric. She leans up then and kisses him desperately, unable to stop stroking him as she sucked his tongue into her mouth.
She smiles against his mouth as the song changes again, it’s the song from the ending of Dirty Dancing, he knows how much she loves that movie. Her kisses get softer, she’s so gentle as she strokes him just a few more times before throwing a leg over his hips and lowering herself onto him in one go. Bottoming out faster than before, both of them making the same moan as they curled forward for each other, mouths clashing as they held onto each other.
Grinding together, Spencer kept a hand on her to help her ride as she was preoccupied with her hands in his hair and kissing his neck as they moved in tandem. It was so good, he was incredibly close but he wanted to hold off as long as possible to feel her finish first.
His ultimate pleasure was knowing she was pleasured, he massaged her clit once more between their bodies and she shuttered, “right there,” her words are small as she kisses under his ear, tugging his hair softly as he moans so she can lick at his neck as she moves her hips up and down, gloriously.
He can’t keep his eyes open, everything is too much and he’s so relaxed; it’s like his body is floating on a cloud as she rides him like they’re actually in heaven. He was really having the time of his life and it made him smile at the end of the whimper he released as she tightened around him suddenly and on purpose.
She moves faster, and so does his wrist as he helps her over the edge first. She’s panting in his ear as she rides him with purpose. She cums with a gasp and then he’s gone, her whole body stuttering as she let out the most relaxed and uncontrollable moan he’s ever heard from her.
His grip on her ass tightens as he holds her hips down, he cums with a gasp and it’s so powerful he passes out.
He’s so cute when he sleeps.
She’s got him all cleaned up, everything put away and where it’s supposed to be in their new room. She just lays beside him as she watches him nap, blissed out and relaxed, she doesn’t even care that it’s such a typical guy thing to fall asleep right after.
That was kind of her mission.
He’s been so stressed, he wasn’t going to tell her because he didn’t want his stress to become her stress like it so often did. Feeding off each other like a fire, he really knew how to give a phrase to a feeling. But he was stressed because he was in pain from his knee and no matter how much he lied and said he was fine, she knew he wanted to relieve the pain but he was afraid of even taking a Tylenol.
This is the most relaxed he’s been in months.
She ordered a pizza while he was asleep, it arrived before he woke up too. She sets the pizza box, 2 bottles of pop and a roll of napkins at the end of the bed, gently, before getting back into her spot.
She brushed his hair from his face and kissed the tip of his nose gently, seeing him scrunch his face and swallow before blinking awake. She smiled at him, “Hi, sleepyhead.”
“Hello, beautiful.”
“I ordered pizza,” she whispers.
“Olive,” he replies.
“Well yeah,” it makes her giggle but she has to say it, “I got our regular green olives, mushrooms and extra cheese.”
He laughs too, extra happy after both the sex and his nap. “I love you,” he says the full thing this time.
She presses another kiss to his lips before hauling him into a sitting position, “I love you, too.”
It’s the best night of her life so far.
the house
Taglist: @dreatine for inspiring a part 2 <3
@shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
384 notes · View notes
m00nchild-02 · 3 years
Miss Mafia | jhs (m)
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pairing: Hoseok x reader, Taehyung x reader (He's just a childhood friend, no love interest)
rating: 18+
word count: 15.5k sorry not sorry :)
genre: mafia au, strangers to lovers, secret agent, you are a mafia boss
summary: It's not easy to be the boss of one of the biggest mafias in South-Korea. And surely not as a woman. When a secret agent got discovered by one of your people and brought to you, you would've never dared to guess he would turn your world upside down in multiple ways.
warnings: praising, big d*ck Hoseok, oral (m receiving), hard sex, dom Hoseok, sub reader, v penetration, no protection (reader has an implant so she can't get pregnant. Make always sure you use protection guys!), also a bit of fluff at the end
music recommendations: - Lacrimosa - Mozart - Symphony no 9 - Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven - more songs on this playlist (youtube)
- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1yXNkU806Y7EZruvrbl4g9?si=76931ed2ebae4c2c (spotify)
a/n: Again back with a story! I'm sorry for any grammar errors. It is such a big one shot. I'll probably proof read it later so I'm again sorry for any grammar mistakes in this ff! Just ignore it please :')
I was originally thinking of making this a jungkook ff but I eventually ended up making it a J-Hope ff instead. I think he would do a great job as main character here ;) Give it a lot of support and
enjoy reading!
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Lacrimosa from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Such a pleasant song to listen to with a good glass of wine. You take a sip of the dark red liquid as you softly move your head to the music playing through your boxes. This is how you liked to spend your time alone. A good glass of wine in one hand and the remote of your boxes in your other hand putting on some of your favourite classical music. Like Lacrimosa from Mozart or Beethoven's 9th symphony. All great composers with excellent music. You smiled as you felt your body relax after the long stressful day you had today. Your placed your red tinted lips on the glass for another sip of your wine you would never get to taste.
You let out a deep sigh as you turned around in your chair towards the front of your desk. One of the maids walked inside and bowing at you. You gave her an unpleasant look. "Didn't I told the staff clearly not to come into my study for the rest of the day?" You asked the woman in front of you who kept looking down, probably not daring to look you in the eyes right now. Everyone knew you could be a real furry when you got angry or irritated. You can ask the last butler you had, after dropping a glass of whine on you by accident. It costed him a finger because you accidentally dropped a knife on his hand.
You softened the volume of the music before speaking again. "Tell me what's going on. It better be good if you don't wanna lose your job." You said coldly, don't sparing her a glance as you emptied the bottle into your glass. "I-It's about the issue from last week mam." She said. A bit of fear could be heard in her voice.
"Go on" You said. "They caught him miss." She said. You looked at the girl in front of you and suddenly began to laugh. The girl looked up for the first time, confusion all written over her little face. You turned towards the painting of your father on the right wall of the study and smiled, raising your glass. "See dad? The company is in great hands. I told you I would get him." You turned back towards the girl, that smile/smirk still on your face.
"Tell them to bring him to la grande salle. I'll be there in a minute." You told her. The maid bowed and then left the room closing the door on her way out. " You chuckled as you licked your lips. "Turns out this day is gonna be better than I expected..." You said, turning up the volume of the boxes and taking another sip of your glass of wine.
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A few minutes later and your men walked in dragging a guy with them. His hands and feet tied together, his clothes covered in bloodstains and his hair a complete mess. You leaned forward in you chair as they dropped the man right at your feed. You were currently in your grand salle, how you like to call it, where you handled business of all kinds. From having meetings, recruiting new members till having a talk with bastards like the guy in front of you right now.
"Well, well, well... What do we have here." You said, letting out a small laugh. "Jung Hoseok, isn't it? Secret agent at the National Intelligence Service. They say you're one of the best in your profession. Sad that reputation will end today." You said, leaning back in your chair, snapping your fingers as a sign for the maids to leave the room. Leaving only you, Hoseok and two of your bodyguards. You threw the papers that were in your hand onto the table next to you, the pages falling open on some pictures of Hoseok and his meetings with the NIS.
"I must admit Mister Jung, I'm quite impressed. You have been undercover in my companies for five years. My father always knew there was a spy between us but he never had the chance to catch you." You looked away, staring into the distance as you said your next sentence. "Caught a bullet right through the head. Very tragic." You looked back at the man in front of you. He was still looking down, not saying a word or sparing you a small glance. Was he even still alive? Anyways, you still went on with your little speech. "But times change. After my father's death I took over and look! It's been less than a year and I already caught you."
Suddenly Hoseok started to laugh. You looked at him confused as he slowly tilted his head so you could look at his face for the first time today. His cheeks and upper lip were bruised and a dried stream of blood could be seen under his nose. He looked you right in the eyes. "Took you long enough to figure out it was me." He said. "But congrats. I'm happy you can finally make daddy proud." He mocked, spitting some blood on the white marble floor. His words and actions made your head boil. How dare he speak so lowly about your father. The bodyguards stood read to walk over and beat the shit out of him but you raised your hand stopping them.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your cool. "Listen here," You said, getting off of your chair, slowly walking around the men on the ground before making a halt behind him and squatting down. You pulled out a blade out of your pocket and held it against his neck as you pulled his head backwards. He let out a painful groan making you smirk. You leaned in closer towards his ear before saying the following words, "You can say anything you want Mister Jung but know the more shit comes out of your mouth the less pleasant your stay at my villa will be before I release your soul from your body, understood?" You said, your mouth dangerously close to his ear.
The man didn't seemed intimidated as he scoffed. "Bring it on Missy. Good luck with keeping me locked here." He said.
You stood back up, a bit overwhelmed by his bold words. You walked towards his front, wanting to see his face. "You got a big mouth for a guy who just has been beaten the hell out of." You said. "Maybe I should just kill you here right now. Makes it a lot easier for the both of us." You said as one of the bodyguards handed you a gun. You loaded it and pointed it towards his head.
He looked you right in the eye as you held the trigger ready to shoot. What surprised you the most was that he was smiling. Why was he smiling? This guy made you so confused. "Not the brag princess but-"
"Don't call me that!" You yelled at him with gritted teeth.
"Ok my lady." He said teasingly. "What I wanted to say is you can't kill me." He looked quite relaxed when he said that.
You scoffed. "What are you talking about? I can kill you wherever I want, whenever I want! Just watch me."
He shook his head. "Sorry to burst that bubble of yours but you can't. You see... I've been undercover for 5 whole years. I know a lot about your company and you." He said, smirking, never looking away from your eyes. "I have been in every building, every city and every warehouse of yours."
"And what's your point?" You asked, getting annoyed of his talking. "To make it short, I have placed bombs and dynamite all over the place. If you kill me you'll never get to know the password and won't be able to deactivate them. So say good bye to your drugs, weapons and men... my lady. Bye, bye money." He said before laughing again.
"And why should I believe you?" You asked. "Busan, the warehouse at Ilgon street, number 45 (a/n: I made the street name up. For people who are wondering.). Look under the floor in the janitor's closet." He said.
You heart raised and your breathing became more rapid as you looked at one of the guards. "Go check if it's true what he's saying." You told him. This couldn't be true. If that bomb was really there then he probably said the truth and there would be more. That would also mean the end of your little mafia life and your source of income. That could never happen, not in a million years. Your family has worked so had for all this and now you're finally almost at the top, yes almost, he would barge in and ruin everything. You couldn't let that happen.
You looked at the guard as he finished the call. "They just found two boxes full of dynamite in the basement under the janitor's closet." The guard confirmed what Hoseok just said. "They say there are timers placed on them. They can only be removed by password, cutting a wire would mean the end." He said.
You brought your hand to your mouth and started to bite at your nails as you paced back and forth. "How much time do we have?" You asked. "7 days, mam." The guard answered.
7 days... You had 7 days to figure out that damn password and get rid of these bombs. But would you really be able to dismantle them on time? "Get Taehyung and put him to work." You told the guard before he disappeared to go get your hacker to fix the job. "You," You said, pointing towards the other guard. Lock Mister Jung up in the basement and make sure he doesn't escape." You said. "You can just call me Hoseok my lady. No need for the formalities." He said, giving you a wink. "Oh, shut up you. You're in no position to talk right now."
He laughed. "Right now I'm in a much better position than you would think love." The man came over to Hoseok and picked him up brutally from the ground. "Good luck with finding the password!" He said, before the doors closed, leaving you all alone in the room. You hoped Taehyung would be able to find it because you weren't in the mood of talking to that asshole again.
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"Have you already found something?"
It had been 3 days since your encounter with Hoseok and him telling you about the bombs. 3 days of your hacker Taehyung trying to find a possible password to deactivate them. "I'm sorry y/n. Still nothing." Taehyung was one of the few people that could call you by your real name. You practically grew up with the boy so of course you got some kind of bound with each other.
Taehyung was typing all sorts of things on his computer while something was loading. "Whoever placed these bombs knows damn well how to use them. I can't crack into the system, nor can I track them or dismantle them without the password." He said. "Who did your father mess with?" He asked, his eyes never leaving the screen. "The secret agents agency of South-Korea." You said softly while biting on your nails again. It was a bad habit you did whenever you got stress.
Taehyung pulled at your hand so you couldn't bite on them anymore. "You should really learn how to stop doing that." He told you, looking at you for the first time after you entered the room.
You sighed. Taehyung was not successful in finding the password, the troops you sent hadn't found a single bomb yet except for the one Hoseok told you about and tracing was also out of the question. You were really losing hope. "Just keep looking." You told Taehyung before leaving him behind in his little room.
You were getting tired of all of this and decided to distract your mind a bit. And what is better then visiting your favourite casino when you are bored and stressed? So you went to your room and dressed up for a night out.
Little did you knew a surprise was waiting for you the other day...
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"Mam! Mam!"
The door of your bedroom opened, a maid running inside out of breath as she stood at your bed, bowing first before waiting for your permission for her to speak again.
You groaned as you heard the woman storming in your room. Your head pounding because of the amount you drank the evening before at the casino. You slowly opened your eyes, hand on your head, holding it because of the pain. You gave the woman an angry look. "Speak" You snapped at her.
"M-Mam, T-The prisoner! He- He-"
"He what?!" You yelled, tired of the stuttering and hesitation in her speech.
She swallowed before talking again. "He escaped..." She said softly but clear enough for you to hear.
You made your way down the halls of your mansion while you wrapped your bathrobe around your body. While you made your way downstairs a few of your men were running upstairs but halted once they saw you. They stared at you with wide eyes while you stood there furious looking down on them. "I'll ask you once..." You said as you slowly walked down until you were face to face with the head of the guards. "What happened?"
"We were guarding him like you asked and suddenly someone of the kitchen came to bring us food. They said it was a treat for our hard work. After we ate it... We blacked out. When we woke up again the door was open and he was gone." The man said, looking down.
You clenched your teeth and slapped him right in the face. "YOU IDIOTS! How could you let him escape! I asked one thing of you and you couldn't even do that!!" You yelled at all of them. They all looked down like puppies that were being scolded at. "You're all useless!" You said as you made your way further down the stairs. They all bowed at you one by one as you made your way down.
You took a few corners before ending up in front of Taehyung's bedroom. You knocked, not waiting for an answer, and walked in. "Taehyung I need you to check the CCTV footage of last night. That fucking agent escaped." You said pacing around in Taehyung's room while the boy sat up, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "How late is it?" He asked groggily as he looked at you with puffed cheeks, bad hair and small eyes. "It's 8 am." You told him.
He sighed. "Give me a few minutes to wake up and then I'll go check ok?" You nodded. "Ok, I'll give you 15 min. Not more." You said and you walked out.
Like promised, in 15 minutes Taehyung was already sitting behind his desk returning back to the footage of yesterday evening. You saw the images of you walking out of the house, ready to go to the casino. "You can skip past that." You told him. He skipped a bit forward until you told him to stop. "Stop! right there." You said pointing at the screen. A man with a hood and a mask on walked in the shadows towards the back of the house. Taehyung checked one of the camera's at the back and you saw the men slipping in through the back door where the kitchen is. "He must be the one who drugged the food of the guards."
"They were drugged?" He asked and you nodded. "These morons thought they got food because of their hard work." You answered him. "Now go to the footage of the basement." Taehyung did as you said and showed the images of the sleeping men and the hooded man breaking the chain, letting Hoseok out. "He must have informed someone somehow where he was." Taehyung said.
You sighed. "I need that password. I can't dismantle these bombs without him. I don't like to admit it but... I need him. I need Hoseok." Taehyung turned towards you in his seat. So what are you going to do now?
You thought for a second. Indeed, what were you going to do? You knew everyone would fall for Hoseok's tricks all over again. Except for you. You would never fall for his charms, right? "I'll go after him." You then suddenly decided. Taehyung looked at you in shock. "Are you sure?" He asked. "You got men to do the dirty work for you." He stated.
You nodded. "I know but I can't trust them anymore. Those idiots already let him escape once, I can't let them do it a second time." You told him. "Check the CCTV's of the streets and every nearby city. I need to know where he is."
"Sure will." Taehyung said before going to work again.
While Taehyung worked on tracing Hoseok's location you went towards the dining room to grab some breakfast. Because of all this drama this morning you haven't even had the time to get some food into your system. Your stomach was already growling as you sat down at the filled table, set for two. Two? You may ask. Yes two. Today was the day your second hand would come back from his yearly vacation. He was one of the most trusted men into your house.
His name was Marcus and besides being your second hand he was also your dad's best friend. He has always been by his side and helped him in any way possible. After he died Marcus swore loyal to you and said he would do anything in his might to protect you. So the least you could do for him was to treat him as one of your own show him your gratitude.
While you were peacefully enjoying your meal the doors suddenly opened, revealing a man in suit. You smiled at the man immediately recognising him. "Marcus! Welcome back." You welcomed the man as he walked over towards you. He bowed at you before sitting down at the table where you were already seated. "It feels good to be back mam." He said, smiling before taking a look at the breakfast in front of him. "Well this is sure a great come back." He told you Smith amused eyes. "Please, enjoy yourself." You said. "Take whatever you want." You told him. "I'll sure will." He answered before digging in.
"So how was your trip?" You asked him. "Pretty good. Got some time to relax." He said. "How were things going here while I was gone?" He asked you.
You sighed. "It has been an entire rollercoaster. Oh Marcus," You said dramatically. "How happy I am you're back. I have so much to tell you." After you told him everything Marcus looked at you in shock. "You finally caught him?!" He asked surprised and you nodded. "Kind of, but he escaped yesterday evening while I was gone. These idiots can't do anything right around here anymore..."
"Only if I had been here to stop all this, huh?" He said teasingly and you nodded. "You know you're the best." You told him.
You ate and talked for a good hour before Marcus decided to go see his colleges and try to lessen the damage that had already been caused by Hoseok's escape. You really hoped he could do something about all this.
That evening you also went to go see Taehyung again to check on the situation. "You already found his whereabouts?" You asked the man in front of you. He turned his chair around and smiled at you. "Even better." He said licking his lips and clicking on one single button on his keyboard a whole screen popping up full of information. "I know which city he is in, which district and even in which building!" He told you, all proud of himself.
You walked over and stared at the screen with big eyes. "Really?! You are the best Tae!" You said, wrapping your arms around him in a big hug. The man laughed. "Alright, alright! You're welcome Y/n-ie" He said as you let go again.
"God, I could kiss you right now! You bring me so good news right now!" You yelled at him and he laughed. "You're welcome and about the kiss... no thanks." He said, showing off his boxy smile afterwards. "Go find me a plain ticket for the first flight tomorrow and tell Marcus he has the leadership until I'm back. This girl is going to Busan for some business..."
"Yes mam!"
And so the next day you flew all from Seoul to Busan. You took a taxi from the airport to your hotel while checking the info about Hoseok's whereabouts on your tablet. You mailed Taehyung, telling him you had a safe flight and to thank him again for his good work. He would definitely get a raise once you got back. You smiled as you closed your tablet and looked outside as you drove past the chore. "How long until we reach the hotel sir?" You asked the driver. "We're almost there miss! Just a few more minutes." He said. "Good" You answered, opening your window a bit and closing your eyes, enjoying the fresh sea air filling the car.
After a few more minutes you finally arrived at your destination. A five star hotel Taehyung booked for you. You got out of the taxi, payed the driver and walked inside the building as some staff took your bags out of the cab. You walked towards the counter and asked for your room. Of course it was the penthouse. You knew you could trust Taehyung. He always knew what you wanted. Once you got the key you went towards the elevator and went upstairs. You already felt completely drained from the trip towards where you were now.
As you arrived you walked towards the end off the hall and opened the door with your key card. A big smile as you entered the room. "Finally some rest." You said as you stretched your neck and walked towards the bed. But as soon as you walked through the door two men grabbed you by the arms. You tried to scream and break free from their grasp but it was no use. One of them held a cloth against your mouth and nose with some chloroform on it making you stop struggling after a while and falling into a deep slumber.
While you were unconscious the men dragged you outside the room, making sure no one saw you. They took you inside the elevator where someone was already waiting for your arrival. It was the lady from the counter that gave you your room earlier. "Let's move fast. Once you get out of the elevator go immediately towards the right. Go through the last door and that should lead you towards the back of the hotel. The van is waiting there." She said. Once they got you in the van they drove off to who knows where.
A few hours later you woke up with an incredible headache, as a side effect of the chloroform. You groaned as you opened your eyes, white light shining all around you. Once your eyes got adjusted to the light that came from big windows all around you you could also make out some silhouettes. "Our little princess is finally awake." You heard a voice. The voice sounded awfully familiar. But you couldn't put a name on it just yet.
You tried to move your hands but quickly figured out they were bounded behind your back. Same went for your legs. Tied against the legs of a chair. You looked back in front of you and the silhouette stood up from his place and walked closer until it was close enough. It squatted down in front of you and now you were able to identify the person clearly. "Hoseok..?" You said with unbelief.
He smirked at you. "Good morning princess." He said smiling. "Hope you slept well." Then you noticed the pain in your neck, shoulders and lower back. How long had you been tied to this chair for? You asked yourself. "You've been out for a pretty long time." Hoseok answered before you could even ask. "I hope my men weren't too rough on you." He said letting out a chuckle and standing back up to walk back towards his chair. He picked up an envelope from next to him and gave it to the man on his left. "Here, split it between you and the other guy. You did a great job." He told the man before he left the room, leaving only you and Hoseok.
"W-Where am I?" You asked. Your voice still a bit husk. "Is this xxx street? Your hide out here in Busan after you escaped?" You asked making Hoseok only laugh.
"Oh you wish sweetheart. Busan was just a distraction to get that tech guy of yours and your men off of my tail. We're in Ulsan right now." He told you. "I must admit... Your men are good at finding me but remember, I'm always a step ahead." He said. You looked at him and scoffed. "Asshole..." You muttered under your breath. "I heard that." Hoseok answered.
"Good, glad you know." You told him. He sighed and shoved his chair a bit closer before leaning forward, his arms resting on his thighs. "Tss, even bounded to a chair you still are a furry." He said. "Do you know why I brought you here Miss y/n?" You stayed quiet, clenching your teeth. "I brought you here because I got a proposition for you."
You scoffed. "And what may that be? You're gonna turn yourself in to me and let me torture you?" You asked nonchalantly.
He shook his head and hissed. "Aish, such a beautiful face but such a dirty mouth." He said, leaning back again. "You know the Choi clan right?" He asked. You scoffed. "Of course I know the Choi clan. Who doesn't? They're the biggest mafia out here in South-Korea. My father's mafia's greatest enemy."
Hoseok nodded. "Indeed. We've been already trying for years to stop them but without success."
"And what does all this got to do with me?" You asked him, not impressed by his little talk about the Choi's.
"I need your help." He said, a serious gaze on his face. "I need you to tell us everything you know about the Choi clan and help us arrest them. There is no better view over a mafia as the view of a mafia boss itself." You looked aside, out of the window. Now only noticing you were at a house right next to some low cliffs ending at the sea. You laughed. "And what's in that for me? I can help you but you're probably gonna arrest me afterwards anyways. So why should I bother?" You looked back at him.
He nodded, following your path of thinking. "I knew you would say that. Here's the deal. You help us destroy the Choi clan and I guarantee you won't go to prison. It's that simple." He said, standing up and walking around your chair. You wanted to say something but Hoseok was first. "And I know you're gonna refuse but think for a second... You have no where to run y/n." He stood now right behind you. He leaned in closer towards your right ear. "I got bombs all over your places." Then he switched to your left ear. "And I got you, tied to chair here right now. So either you're going to help or I turn you in right now and then you can say bye bye to your little mafia life." He said.
You scoffed. You wanted to protest but you knew he was right. He had you completely in the palm of his hand. There was no escape from him. "I give you three days starting today to decide whether you're in our out. In that time," He said, cutting the rope that was holding your hands together. "You are free to stand and walk wherever you want but," He said, turing towards your front and also cutting through the ropes at your feet. "You don't go off this domain. You'll stay at the house or at least in its presence. I have guards all over this place so don't you dare escape. Cuz things won't end well if you do" He spoke lowly, standing up while you pulled your hands to your chest, rubbing your sour wrists. The skin a deep red colour from where the rope had been a while ago.
You watched as he walked towards the door at the back of the room. "I'll stay here too. Come see me whenever you made your decision. I hope you enjoy your stay here." He turned his head towards you one last time, giving you a big grin before turning back around and walking out of the room leaving you all alone.
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Already one day and one night had past and you still hadn't made your decision. You know going in on Hoseok's decision was your only option so far but you couldn't stop thinking if there maybe was another way. If your men maybe could get you out of here without Hoseok's deal involving. Should you go accept Hoseok's deal? Maybe. Where you stubborn? ... Hell yes. You don't like to lose and give in to others. So this time you also didn't want to just give into him. You couldn't. You were the boss of a big mafia! You shouldn't bow for just anyone.
That day you didn't talk to Hoseok at all. You did see each other sometimes and ate meals together but that would always be in complete silence. You expected Hoseok to annoy you but surprisingly he didn't. After lunch Hoseok left the house for the first time since you were here leaving you all alone. (The bodyguards are still there so dw, you can't escape that easy ;)).
That night when Hoseok came back he was so frustrated. You could see it at his behaviour as you were both eating dinner together at a rather late hour, you must admit. "What's wrong?" You asked. If you had to stay here for a few days you could at least make it a bit less awkward between the two of you.
Hoseok looked up at you. Surprised that you actually started a conversation with him after ignoring his existence in this house for at least 24 hours. "So you haven't lost your voice yet? That's a relief." He joked.
You sighed. "I'm serious Hoseok. What's wrong?" You tried again, trying to be as friendly as possible es hard as it was. He looked at you confused as for why you would care for him. "It's nothing you should concern about." He stated before starting to eat again.
You sighed. "Look, I know we're enemies and We both know we can't stand each other for one bit but... If I need to stay here for the few days ahead I want to make it at least a bit more comfortable for both of us. So..." You swallowed your proud and stubbornness as you said the following lines. "So, if something is wrong then please don't hesitate to come talk to me. I'm here for you ok?" You cringed at stating your own words but this was something you needed to do. Not only to make it more comfortable but also to earn Hoseok's trust. Maybe it could come in handy later on. You never know.
Hoseok nodded at your request. "I will princess." You wanted to snap at him giving you that nickname again but you quickly figured out you better shouldn't. Hoseok knew you were holding yourself in for not going all furry on him and he loved it. He loved making you all worked up and angry. Besides that fact that you were a dangerous mafia boss you were also a very pretty woman. No denying that. And seeing you all worked up and going all furry on him made him feel some kind of things.
"I'm a bit tired." Hoseok stated after a while. "I'll go get some sleep. You should do the same." He said, shoving his chair backwards and getting up from his seat. "And don't forget to think about my proposition Y/n. It's a very good and reasonable deal if you think about it throughly. I hope you can state me your decision tomorrow. But for now, goodnight." He said and then left towards his room.
After you were done eating you also left towards your room to get some good night rest. You sat onto your bed after putting on some sleep wear. You sighed as you thought about your situation. You really felt stuck. You couldn't contact anyone since you didn't have your phone. Hoseok must have hidden it when you were unconscious. your men also haven't been looking for you yet either... Did they even knew in what kind of situation you were right now? Did Tae knew? Would he be worried right now since you haven't texted him yet in these 2 days you've already gone missing?
You let out a deep sigh as questions kept filling your mind. It made you crazy! But suddenly all worries were blown away, out of your mind, as you felt two arms wrap around your frame from behind and two lips placing a delicate kiss onto your neck. Your eyes widened in shock. You quickly looked at your side only to lock eyes with someone you didn't expect.
He softly smiled at you. "Hey princess." He said, smiling softly. "W-What are you doing here?!" You asked while getting out of the man's grip and standing up from the bed. Why was he here? Why did he touched you like that? Why did he acted so... sweet?
Hoseok tilted his head to the side and looked you up and down, smirking and biting his lip. "Couldn't sleep." He said.
You looked confused at him. He couldn't sleep? So why did he came here then? Out of all places why here? In your room? "So?" You said.
He let out a small chuckle and stood up from the bed, making slow steps forwards, closer to you, making you taking steps backwards until your body hit the wall. No where to run now.
Hoseok placed his hands at both sides of your head, against the wall. "Listen up my lady, I can't sleep and it seems like you can't sleep either, so what do you say about having some fun together hm?" He asked, his eyes scanning your face for some kind of reaction before resting on your perfect shaped lips. God, it drove him wild. Those delicious luscious lips...
You looked at him in shock. Was he really asking what you thought he was asking?! Was he referring to sex? "You tried to slap him in the face but he caught your hand on time and pinned it against the wall making you gasp. You must admit it was kinda hot, seeing his fast reflexes.
He pushed closer against you, one of his legs pushed between yours, his knee against your princess parts, his chest pressed against yours. You swallowed as you looked into his deep brown eyes. You could see they were filled with lust. Completely the opposite of how you both would look at each other a day ago.
God, it made you feel things... That lust filled gaze of him. And his knee, pressed against your core didn't made it any easier. "What will it be love? I don't have all night. I know we're supposed to be enemies but I remember a certain person saying we should get more comfortable around each other and that I was always welcome. Do you still remember that princess?" He asked you and you nodded. You didn't knew what was wrong with you but Hoseok's sudden dominant behaviour got the best of you.
He leaned even more closer towards you, your noses brushing against each other, his lips so close to yours and yet they didn't touch. "What do you want princess? Tell me..." He said, and with those final last words you lost it.
"You" You answered him almost immediately. Without hesitation Hoseok started to kiss you and you surrendered completely to him. You kissed him back and Hoseok let go of your hand that was still pinned against the wall. Your arms fell onto his shoulders. You pulled him closer, deepening the kiss some more, your fingers playing with the locks at the back of his hair. Hoseok bite and sucked at your bottom lip until you finally opened your mouth allowing him inside. Hoseok slipped his tongue inside and started to play with yours. You both moaned into the kiss as it got really steamy and messy. "Fuck Y/n- I didn't knew you could kiss that well." Hoseok stated, breathing heavily between kisses. You smirked. "Had lots of practise in the past i guess." You answered before he guided your leg around his hips, his mouth smashing against yours again in a hot kiss. He slapped your thigh two times, asking you to jump which you gladly did. You wrapped both of your legs around Hoseok's waist, not breaking the kiss as he takes you with him towards the bed.
When he hit the bed frame with his feet he slowly sat down, making you sit on top of his lap. You grinned against him, never breaking the kiss. Soft moans and groans coming out of both of your mouths. Hoseok let go of your lips only to wrap them around your jaw and throat. You moaned, grinding harder against him as he found your sweet spot. "Fuck Hobi-" Without you realising a cute nickname slipped out for the man under you. Hoseok stopped kissing for a while looking up at you. "What- What did you just say?" He asked, already half out of breath from your make-out session.
You blushed as you bite your lip, looking away in embarrassment. Hoseok took a hold of your chin and made you look at him again. "Hey, Look at me while I'm talking. Now answer me princess." He said. "What did you just call me." It sounded more like an order now then a question.
"H-Hobi..." You said quietly. It was quiet for a second. Hoseok just stared at you as he took in your words. Then he suddenly grinned, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. "Cute..." You could hear him whisper under his breath before he pecked your lips. Then he went down again, kissing and napping at your sweet spot. You were sure it was going to leave a bruise later on but right now you didn't mind. Your brain was a haze, your body felt hot and you were so wet down there.
His hands kept roaming your body. From caressing your back to gripping your hips, to grind you more and harder against him, grouping your ass and so on. His hands found their way under you shirt and he pushed it up to get it off of you. You helped him getting it off making him stare at your red laced bra afterwards holding onto your breasts.
He grouped them into his hands, squeezing them softly while you just watched. You knew you shouldn't love all this right now and you knew you surely shouldn't do it with him but you couldn't resist it. And besides, it had been so long since you've had dick. And from what you could feel in his pants right now he got one on the larger size.
You bite your lip as you looked at him getting one breast out of your bra, his thumb caressing over the little but making you whimper. He looked at you, giving you a lazy smirk before he attached his mouth to your breast. He let his tongue roll over your nipple, now and then sucking on it, making them go even harder. His other hand still working on your other breast before he switched sides. Now your left nipple in his mouth and his fingers playing and pinching the other one. While he was busy sucking your tits he unbuckled your bra, making it fall onto your lap. You slept your arms out of the straps and threw it aside.
When you turned your head back towards him his lips met yours again in a quick but deep kiss. "Now love... It has been so long since I've had a woman so close to me. So what would you say of making me feel your mouth, huh? Would you do that for me princess?" He said, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip before slipping onto your mouth. You wrapped your lips around it and started to suck on his finger. It may look strange but it kinda comforted you, making you feel smaller and wanting to submit more to him. Letting him take full control.
You nodded as an answer and smiled, getting his thumb out of your mouth. "Now," he said. "Get on your knees love."
He pulled down his pants and boxers as you sat down on the floor, his dick springing free standing tall and red. He was so ready for you. You licked your lips before kissing his length. Starting at the bottom and making your way towards his already leaking top. When you got at the top you started to take him inside of you, making him groan as you suck on his tip, your tongue rolling over the little slit. "Fuck-, that feels so good princess. Keep going." He said, closing his eyes and putting his hand behind him leaning on his strong arms as he felt his body melt under your touch. After teasing the tip for a while you tried to slowly bob your head up and down, every time when you're going down taking an inch more into your mouth until you couldn't anymore. The part that didn't fit into your mouth you stimulated with your hand, moving it up and down in a steady motion with your head.
Hoseok grasped onto your hair out of pleasure, pulling it softly and getting it out of your face. He wanted to see your face while you pleasured him so well. You were such a good girl for him. So good... He never expected for you to go in on his proposal of having a one night stand for tonight but he loved how turned on you got from him and how submissive you got after you acted like such a brat earlier. He liked to get you worked up and make you go all furry to him but having you now submit to him did something to him. He had been watching you for already so long and now he had you for him alone he couldn't drop the chance and just rushed to your room.
Hoseok felt himself getting close as you went bit faster, your droll already rolling over his dick and towards his balls, your eyes getting teary but you didn't cry. "I'm close baby." He told you. "I'ma cum in your warm little mouth and you're gonna swallow it all. You're my good girl after all, isn't it?" He asked and you nodded.
You loved to be a brat but for some reason hearing Hoseok call you a good girl made you want to please him in all kind of ways. You wanted to be his good girl and his only. You loved his small praises, the cute nicknames he gave you and that irresistible smirk of him whenever you did something he loved or when he had a little plan up in that head of his. In other words he made you go crazy for him.
A few more thrusts and he finally came, tinting the walls of your mouth white. And just like he asked you, you swallowed it all, showing him afterwards. "Good girl. Did so well princess." He praised you again and you smiled up at him as he held your chin, pulling you back up.
He sat you back on his lap and kissed your lips, tasting himself before flipping you over onto your back, on top of the soft mattress. You gasp as he does so.
He grins and hovers over you, ghosting his lips over yours for a while making you hungry for more until he finally kissed you again. He kissed over your jaw and behind your ear. "Princess, I want you to turn around for me." He whispered before biting your ear playfully and getting up so you could turn around for him. You did as he said and turned around now laying on your stomach. He slowly looked you up and down, his hand gliding over your half naked body until he stops at your ass. He helps you out of your pants and panties, throwing them aside. After that he also gets off his remaining clothes before hovering over you again, leaving soft kisses on your shoulders. You whimpered as you felt his hard dick poking your asscheeks. You had been so wet this whole time. Your pussy was craving for some attention.
Hoseok chuckled deeply as he felt you grind against him. "Such a slut for me princess. Your body is just begging me to get touched." He said making you whimper a second time.
But luckily you didn't have to wait long or his full length was already inside you. You moaned as he filled you up so well. "Fuck-" Hoseok breathed out. Because you were already so wet for him he slipped right in and he didn't expected that. But it wasn't like you were to loose. You still felt so tight. It was like your little cunt was just made for him.
He pulled it out before pushing it back in, making you both moan simultaneously this time. You both felt so good. No words to describe it.
When Hoseok started to move for real this time he didn't hold back. He didn't really wait for you to adjust to him (not that you needed to) and started to thrust at an already rapid pace. Moans and groans filled the room as Hoseok was ramming into your pussy like crazy. Right now you felt like you were on cloud nine and on Hoseok's side it was just the same. You both had no thoughts at that moment, the only thing on your minds is how good the other's body felt against your own.
After a short while you felt that familiar knot in your stomach. Meaning you were close. Hoseok could feel it at how tight your pussy became. Sometimes pulsating, driving him crazy. "I-I'm c-close-" You said to him between moans and heavy breaths.
As you told him that he suddenly seemed to stop making your groan and whimper. "Hoseooookkkk-" You were whining, not liking his warm flesh leaving you wet and aching hole. But before anything else he flipped you around and pushed back in. You moaned.
"Want to see your face." He said. "Wanna see how good I make you feel." He stated before slowly starting to trust again, his eyes never leaving your face, taking in every detail, every new expression that took place on that oh so beautiful face. He speed up a bit, seeing your expression change again and hearing your moans getting louder. Like before you ached around him, getting tighter and tighter as that wave of pleasure came back, bringing you close to pure ecstasy. "Cum for me sweetheart." Hoseok said as he felt himself getting close as well.
As like his words were the magic spell your body was waiting to hear you both came undone, Hoseok's mouth devouring yours again, muffling your moans as you came. You both stayed in that position for a while, your lips still attached against each other as Hoseok spilled his load inside of you until his dick softened down again and slipped out. You whimpered at the loss.
Hoseok gave you a last peck on the lips before getting off of you and laying on his back beside you, staring up at the ceiling. "That... Was amazing." He said out of breath. You laughed and nodded. "That was indeed." You answered him. "It has been so long since I had such good sex." You admitted. "Me too, princess. Me too..."
"You're on the pill, right?" Hoseok suddenly asked, turning his head towards you. "Why you asking?" "Well, we didn't use a condom. I hope you don't mind." Hoseok said, blushing a bit and rubbing the back of his neck nervously. How was this the man the one that ever took control over you a while ago?
"I don't take the pill but I got a spiral implanted. So no need to worry about getting me pregnant." You told him. He nodded and then stared back at the ceiling. He suddenly laughed. "What?" You asked turning towards him. He shook his head. "Was just thinking of something.." "Tell me." He played on his side and looked at you. "You know what they say about keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" He asked, a playful smile on his face. "Well I think this way we're definitely keeping our enemies closer." He winked at you and you scoffed, a little smile creeping through.
And that's how you both ended up talked a bit that night until you felt your body getting tired and just fell asleep.
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Opening your eyes the next morning it seems you were the first one awake. You tossed around and laid on your other side facing the still fast asleep man next to you. You smiled as he looked so soft while sleeping. So... harmless. You smiled as you looked at him, admiring his cute, puffy face he made while sleeping. How could anyone want to hurt this man?
You shook your head. Did- Did I just think that?! You asked yourself. Get him out of your head Y/n! He's supposed to be your enemy! You told yourself. But yesterday night was just so... You bite your lip as you thought back about yesterday night. Maybe... Just maybe you could trust this man for once. Maybe it was ok to let go for just a little while.
You thought back about his proposition. You didn't knew if yesterday night was one of his plans to get you to follow him into his idea or not but this morning you finally made your decision. You were gonna take Hoseok's offer. It's not like you had any other plans, right?
Before you knew it the men next to you woke up and when he saw you were awake he smiled, closing his eyes and yawning, stretching his muscular arms. "Morning.." He said softly in his deep morning voice. God, you were such a simp for that voice from now on. "Morning." You answered him. You got a bit shocked as the boy leaned in and softly pecked your lips.
Hoseok looked at your shocked face and let out a small giggle before turning onto his back and looking up at the ceiling taking a deep breath. "Last night was... amazing." He said. You nodded but of course he couldn't see it so you answered him afterwards. "Yeah.." You said softly. "Hoseok?" You asked and he turned his face sideways so he could see you, a soft smile plastered onto his face. "Please call me Hobi." He said. You blushed as you remembered you accidentally calling him that last night.
You gave him a small awkward smile and a soft nod. "H-Hobi?" You tried again. "What is it angel?" He asked. Angel... Well that was a new nickname to add to the list. He hadn't called you angel before. You kinda liked it... Stop it! Stop thinking about it Y/n! You internally sighed. Why did he made you feel like this??
"Y/n?" Hoseok called out your name as he saw you were caught in thoughts all of a sudden. "Huh?" You said as you heard his voice. "Oh.." You looked at him and bite your lip before deciding to be bold and sit a bit up. One hand holding you up and one softly wrapped around Hoseok's naked chest under the blanket. You softly let your fingers glide over the warm skin. "I just wanna say... I'm in." You told him, not really wanna admit it but your heart said it was the only right thing to do and your brain said it was the only option to do.
Hoseok looked at you a bit confused before understanding it. "You're for real?" He asked shocked and you nodded. "I will help you catch the Choi's. I already kinda know how too I think..." You said. You looked up at him and Hoseok was smiling at you. He softly started to pet your head. "You made the right decision. I'm glad you decided to cooperate." You don't know why but hearing Hoseok saying you did well made you feel all giddily and good around him. And on top of that the pats he was giving you... You felt like you were in heaven. You may look and sometimes act like a real bitch, well- actually most of the time-, but somewhere inside there you were just a soft girl.
Hoseok let out a deep breath getting you both out of your silent trance you both seemed to be in. "We should go get some clothes on and then we can discuss further details." He said and you nodded, unwrapping your arm from around him and laying back down so he could get up.
Once you both showered and were fully dressed again you sat together at the table to discuss your plan. "So, you said you had something in mind right?" Hoseok asked and you nodded. "Tell me."
"Well," You started off. "You probably already know Mr Choi has two daughters" Hoseok nodded. "but did you knew he also had a son?" You asked and Hoseok looked at you confused. "We've been through those files multiple times. He had a son. He died 10 years ago." Hoseok said, grabbing the file and showing you.
You smirked and shook your head. "That's the part he made you guys see. The rumour goes that he's still alive." You said and Hoseok looked at you in shock. "How is that possible?"
You grinned. "I don't know either but apparently he is. About this... there is good and bad news. What you wanna hear first?" You asked Hoseok. "Good first." He answered.
"Very well then. The good news is, they guy should be in Korea. Multiple people keep saying he's still here and have seen him. It has also been confirmed with pictures. Now the bad news... We have no idea how he looks like. We have witnesses but no descriptions or clear pics of his face."
"So he could be anyone..." Hoseok said and you nodded. "Exactly." "And what has this son to do with getting the Choi's?" Hoseok suddenly asked.
"Well, get the son and you get to the father! People say they still see each other once a year. You said you couldn't get your hands onto Mr Choi? Well he's your chance." You said.
Hoseok seemed lost in thoughts as he looked at the documents in front of him. "But how are we going to find him?" He asked. "There live thousands of people here in Korea." He stated.
You smirked. "I got the perfect solution for that."
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A few hours of convincing Hoseok and taking a plain back to Seoul and you were standing again at your own house. More specifically, Taehyung's workspace. "So you are sure this guy can find Choi's son?" Hoseok asked you for the already umpteenth time. You sighed. "For the last time Hope, Taehyung is the best. This guy here gets everything done." You said earning a grin from Taehyung himself who was seated at his usual place, behind his computers. "Well, thanks for the compliment Y/n." He said. "And Hoseok, don't worry. I'll find this guy. It's not because you failed that I will." He gave Hoseok a quick wink making him scoff.
How does he even has the audacity. Hoseok thought. "Good luck man." Hoseok said before walking out of the room with you, leaving Taehyung alone to do his job.
"So what do we do in the meanwhile?" Hoseok asked you. "We just relax a bit. There's not much we can do anyways." You told him. And before you knew it you had let him to your bedroom. (Not for what you think you pervs out there.😏 It's not always about sex.)
You sat down on your bed as Hoseok admired your room, standing still at some pictures. "Is that you?" He asked, holding up one in particular. You smiled and nodded, thinking back about old good memories. "That's me and my mom." You said as you thought back about her. Her soft hands, her warm smile. You missed her a lot. "What happened to her?" Hoseok asked; like he could read you expression. "Cancer..." You answered. "Dad was so broken after she died." You looked up from the picture at Hoseok again, giving him a sad smile. "It's not because we are feared mafia's that we don't know what true love is. What mom and dad had... Was something special. They really loved each other." You said.
Hoseok put the picture back down and walked over to you, sitting down next to you and holding your fragile frame. "I wish she was still here. She was a wonderful woman." You said as Hoseok softly caressed your head. "She told me I should always follow my heart."
Hoseok pulled back from the embrace and gave you a small reassuring smile. You don't know why but your body seemed to react on it and you started to smile back at him. You didn't knew how you became from being enemies only a few days ago to feeling so close to him now but it felt good and you kinda didn't want to let go of that feeling.
Hoseok put a strand of hair behind your face before speaking. "Y/n, what would you think of getting out of this... mafia live of yours? Just start a new life, a better one. Maybe even go start a family." He said.
You laughed ad shook your head. "I can't do that... I maybe had a choice as a kid but after my father died and I took over... I can't just leave like that. And besides... Some people here are like family to me. I can't just leave them." You told him.
"What if you could?"
Before you could answer him, the door to your bedroom opened. "Boss! I didn't knew you were already back and oh- You found him?! Do I need to get the guards?" Marcus asked after storming in.
You smiled and turned towards Marcus. "No need Marcus. It's alright. I made a deal with Mr Jung here so from now on he won't be our prisoner anymore. He will be our guest. And besides, I already told you to just call me by your name. You're not just anyone Marcus. You were my father's friend. So please be comfortable and just see me as a friend too." You said, earning a smile back from him. "Sure Y/n. Do you guys need anything?" He asked and you shook your head. "Not really but thank you Marcus. I'll see you later downstairs." You told him and with that he left your room again.
"Marcus?" Hoseok asked and you turned back to him. You nodded. "My father saved him a few years ago when I was still a kid. Since then he had been my father's most trusted man and also his friend. After he died he swore to protect his family no matter what. So that's how he became my wing man now." You told him and Hoseok nodded. "I see.."
You sighed and stood up. "Well... I should go downstairs now. Marcus is probably waiting for me. You can stay here until I come back our just room around a bit in the house. Whatever you like." You told him and he nodded. "see you later Hobi!" You said with a smile as you walked towards the door. Hoseok smiled back, even happier as he heard you used the little nickname again. "See you later." He said before you finally walked out of the door.
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"Ok... explain to me Y/n why that guy is just randomly relaxing in your room?" Marcus asked you once you were both sitting downstairs on the sofa. "Well Marcus, Like I told you, I made a deal with Mr. Jung." "Are you crazy?!" Marcus yelled. "That's like making a deal with the devil!"
"Calm down!" You yelled back at him, making him shut his mouth and sit back down. "Now let me explain." You d-said, fixing your hair. "When I was in Busan I bumped into Hoseok like planned. We... had a little encounter afterwards." You said, thinking back about how he kidnapped you but afterwards how he could pleasure you so well. You swallowed, stopping your thoughts and licking your dry lips. "Then Hoseok came with a proposition. His agency is after the Choi's. Even more then after us. He promised if we helped he would leave us alone afterwards." You explained to the man in front of you.
"And what makes you think he's speaking the truth?" Marcus asked you. You stared into the distance, a small smile forming onto your mouth. "I believe Hobi." You said.
Marcus looked at you with questionable eyes. "H-hobi?" He asked. You swallowed, eyes in shock. Did you just said that out loud?! You looked at Marcus. "I-" How were you going to explain this? "What happened back in Busan?" Marcus asked. "Nothing just-... I was tired of him giving me those little nicknames so I gave him one to annoy him too! Yeah! That's it." You said, a nervous giggle afterwards. You hoped he didn't suspected anything.
Marcus nodded. "Alright then.." He said, dropping the topic. "And besides, Imagine. For so long the Choi's have been at the top of Korea's mafia. Once they're down we're the new number one. We'll finally stand at the top Marcus! How wonderful is that!" You told him enthusiastic. Marcus nodded. "That's... Indeed great!" You frowned your eyebrows. You expected Marcus to be the most enthusiastic out of the two of you. "Is everything alright?" You asked him.
He cleared his throat. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. I was just worried about you. What if something happens to you. I still can't trust that Hoseok guy." He said. You gave him a soft smile, placing your hand on top of his. "Don't worry Marcus. I got this." And with that you stood up and walked out. "By the way Marcus," You said, turning around one last time. "Can you go check how Taehyung's work is going and give me an update on it? It's quite important and I only trust you with it." You told him. He nodded. "Of course. I'll go check right away boss!"
When you came back to your room you were surprised that Hoseok was still there. It was like he never left. "I thought you would've already went off to go explore the place." You said as you walked in. Hoseok looked up at you. "Neah, not really. I rather stay here. It's quiet here." He said, laying back onto the bed.
You went to sit at the edge of the bed and looked outside the big window in your room. Suddenly you felt Hoseok's hand grabbing yours and to Hoseok's surprise you laced your fingers with his. He smiled, looking at your face as it looked beautiful to him with the current lighting coming from your windows. You hair already got a bit messy from walking around all over the place all day. You may have been a target for him at first but right now, the only thing he could think about calling you was his angel. That's how you looked in Hoseok's eyes like an angel still trapped into the claws of the devil... The mafia. If he only could get you out of this life and give you a better one. "Leave this place with me tonight."
You turned your head towards Hoseok as these words came out of his mouth. "What?" "You heard me." Hoseok said, sitting back up and sitting a bit closer towards you. "Leave this place with me. Y/n, I can see this is no life for you... I promise I can give you a better one." Hoseok said, looking deep into your eyes. You suddenly felt all naked, like Hoseok could look right through you and into your soul. It's not like you loved the mafia but it also wasn't like you hated it.
"How...?" You quietly asked. "I already told you it's not that easy..." You said, looking down at your still intertwined hands. "Let's just leave this place tonight. No one will know. And we'll see what happens afterwards." Hoseok pushed your chin back up with his free hand. "Look at me Y/n. Do you trust me?" Hoseok asked.
You thought for a second, nervously chewing on your lip. Eventually you nodded your head. You knew you couldn't deny anymore what was happening between you and Hoseok. You knew it all went quick but there was just this sparkle between you and from today on you couldn't unseen it anymore.
Hoseok smiled at your response. "Good. So please Y/n, please come with me." He said, leaning in closer and delicately kissing your lips. You nodded. "A-alright. Let's get out of here tonight. But... I can't leave Taehyung here behind. I need him to go with us. He's my best friend Hope... We grew up together."
Hoseok looked you into the eyes while playing with your hand. "You're sure you can trust him enough to let him come with us?" He asked and you nodded. "I'm a hundred percent sure of it." Hoseok nodded. "Ok then. Go tell him. We'll leave at 3am. Everyone should be asleep by then."
And so as planned you went to speak to Taehyung. You told him the plan and of course he supported you in your decision. He was glad you asked him to go with you. He joked around saying' if Hoseok didn't take you away from here I would'. You laughed at him but then he started to question you about Hoseok and then the blushing and stuttering came. Of course, as the good friends you are, you told him about how you felt something towards the boy but wasn't quiet sure jet but it just felt right. As last you also talked about who the son of the Choi's could be but Taehyung only said it was difficult and he didn't knew yet.
After your little chat with Taehyung and bumping into Marcus inside the hall you were finally back in your room, making everything ready together with Hoseok. "Go get some rest Y/n." Hoseok said, packing the last of your things. You didn't intended to take much with you but no matter what Hoseok insisted he would help you pack. With the small bag finally packed you lay down onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. You heard Hoseok close the zipper of the back before feeling the mantras getting heavy next to you. "I am surprised I'm doing this... A few days ago I wouldn't even have thought of escaping this life. I was so focused on making my parents proud..." You said before scooping a bit closer towards Hoseok, resting your head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around you. "No matter what you do, I think your parents will always be proud of you Y/n. Now go sleep. You got a few hours." He said, kissing the top of your head.
"Goodnight Hope."
"Goodnight Y/n."
While you slept Hoseok didn't close an eye. He stayed awake all night, staring at you and also keeping the guard. He knew it may be foolish of him but there was someone in this house Hoseok didn't trust. And that was Marcus. Marcus had always been a strange figure in Hoseok's eyes and today it only got worse.
Hoseok lied to you when you asked him if he stayed in your room the whole time you were gone. In fact, Hoseok went to look for Taehyung. He had something in mind and the only one that could confirm it was him.
"Taehyung, can you look into someone for me?" Hoseok asked as he walked into Taehyung's office. "Who do you need me to look for?" The guy asked, looking at him from behind his desk. "I want you to get some research done on that Marcus guy."
Taehyung looked at him in shock. "Marcus? Why?" He asked, genuinely confused. "I don't trust him at all and I need to confirm something..." Hoseok said, standing behind Taehyung, looking at the screens.
"Marcus has been friends with Y/n's father for so long. Why wouldn't you trust him?" Taehyung said. "You don't think that-" Taehyung broke his own sentence into a silence as he finally understood what Hoseok was looking for. Hoseok nodded. "I think he's our man."
And just like he had thought Taehyung confirmed it that evening. Marcus was indeed the person you guys had been looking for. He was the son of the one and only Mr. Choi. But what would the son of a filthy rich mafia boss do in their enemies house? Hoseok could only think of one thing...
Then a bullet shot through the window and got caught by the opposite wall. Hoseok shook you awake. "Y/n wake up! Plans have changed, we need to go now!" You immediately woke up and you both stood up from the bed, only to hear another two gunshots. You both quickly laid flat on the ground. "W-what is that?" You asked, still halve asleep and confused. "They're here to kill you Y/n."
"What?!" You asked confused. "Who would possibly want to kill me?!" Again shots and Hoseok pulled you with him inside your closet. No windows there so the shutters don't know where to shoot anymore. Then a door opened giving you the answer to your question. "Well, hello hello!"
You looked at Hoseok in shock recognising the voice. Was that Marcus?! Hoseok put his finger in front of his lips telling you to not make any noise.
"Where are you little princess? I know you're somewhere in here~" Marcus said as you heard him walk around the room. "I know your lover boy is with you too." He said.
"You know... I wished things would've gone other ways but you just leave me no choice Y/n. You're just like your father." He said before shooting at the ceiling, making you jump a bit.
But what did he mean, just like your father? "You know the day your father died... It was my doing. He tried to escape too and just like you now, he left me no choice but to kill him right there and then."
You placed your hand over your mouth in shock. Your body was trembling while tears were threatening to leave your eyes. Marcus killed your father? But why would he ever do that? They were like best friends. Hoseok took your trembling body in his arms, shushing you quietly while he was eagerly looking for a way out of here.
Marcus started to speak again. "I know you're probably wondering... 'Oh why did you kill my daddy Marcus? Weren't you like best friends?' " Marcus said, trying to imitate your voice. "Well dear, It may look like we were friends but I am his worst nightmare. Your worst nightmare!" You heard him push a closet on the ground, making a hella loud noice. "You know who I am Y/n? Why doesn't Hoseok tell you, huh?" You looked at Hoseok confused. What would he know you didn't? "I am Marcus Choi. The son of the biggest, most feared mafia boss." Then a maniac laughter could be heard from him. "Wasn't it a great idea from me to infiltrate your little mafia and bring it down? After the accident happened everyone thought I died but I didn't, what caused me to be in the most ideal position. I thought when your father died I finally made an end to the Lee's but then you showed up from your house in the US and took over!" This time a vase could be heard shattering onto the ground. "Of course daddy's little girl had to take over business! Now where are you Y/n! Cut the crab and come out already!" Marcus yelled.
Hoseok slammed the door open as on clue and run with you towards the door as Marcus tried to shoot at the both of you. Luckly no bullet caught you. Or so you thought... "Hoseok! Your shoulder!" You said while you were running through the halls. "I'm alright. We need to get to Taehyung first to warn him and then get the hell out of here." He said. You looked at his shoulder and let go of his hand. "You'll need your hand to put pressure on that wound." You said.
You quickly opened the door and ran into Taehyung's room as you heard Marcus yell from upstairs. "Taehyung!" You yelled as you run towards him and hugged him. He hugged you back. "I heard gunshots, what's happening?" He asked, letting go of you. Then he looked at Hoseok and his arm that was covered in blood. "Fuck that looks bad..." He said. "Is it Marcus?!" He asked and Hoseok nodded. "He somehow must have heard us talking about escaping. We need to go now."
Marcus voice could be heard closer and closer. "He's getting near." You said. The panic could be seen in your eyes as you looked at the two boys. "You two need to get out of here as fast as possible." Taehyung said. "And what about you?!" You asked and he gave you a soft smile. "We can't escape with all of us. Marcus knows this place too well. He'll catch onto us in no time. You go and I'll distract him."
"But what if he hurts you like he did to Hoseok?!" You asked concerned. "Don't worry about me Y/n. I'll be alright. I always am in the end. Just trust me ok?" Leave the house and I'll make sure you escape safely." He said.
"He's right Y/n. We got to go now." Hoseok said as he pulled at your arm. You gave Taehyung one last glance. He smiled and nodded, like he was saying 'it's alright. It's all gonna be fine.' And so you trusted him on that and left with Hoseok through the front door.
"THERE YOU ARE!" Marcus yelled from the top of the stairs aiming his gun towards you but shot into the door because Hoseok could close it on time. A tear left your eye as you thought of Taehyung being inside there with that maniac. You were so scared of what Marcus could do to Taehyung. Then you saw the house go into lockdown. You knew this was Taehyung's doing and it was also a sign for you and Hoseok to leave.
"Where are your cars Y/n?" Hoseok asked. "Right there, behind that corner." you told him as you both ran towards the garages. You opened one and got inside the car as fast as possible, Hoseok behind the steering wheel. "Buckle up!" He said and then started the engine. But before you could ride away a shot was heard. You both looked at the side, it was Marcus. Somehow he managed to escape the house and he just shot one of your tiers. This was no good. "You both looked at him in shock as he aimed the gun towards you two again. Fear in both of your eyes this time as you had no where to run to now. You were so scared knowing this could be your last moment.
You still had so many things you wanted to do. You want to stop this mafia shit, make more times to spend with friends and family and most important of all, start a new better life with the one you loved... Hoseok. As you were so concentrated you didn't saw Taehyung stumble out of the house all beaten up by the hooligan in front of you.
You closed your eyes in fear of what would come and then it finally came. Two gunshots could be heard.
...But strangely they never reached you nor Hoseok. You opened your eyes again and saw Marcus coughing up blood before falling down onto the floor. Someone had shot him. Then from everywhere around the building and bushes men with guns appeared. Hoseok rushed out of the car and towards the men. You looked at your saviours in shock as Hoseok talked to them about something. Two persons went to check on the corps while Hoseok looked back and forth between you and then one he was taking to.
You decided to get out of the car as well and with small steps you walked towards Hoseok. He gave you a soft smile and then took you into a tight hug. "It's alright. It's all over now." He shushed you while caressing your hair as you cried into his chest from the chock and all the stress you had been going through tonight.
"Who is this Seok?" The man that was standing with Hoseok earlier asked. "This is Y/n. She was one of the people captured here by Marcus." Hoseok said. "I see... Can you both come testify one by one in a while?" The man asked. "Sheff, can we do it together? I don't think she's in a state to handle this on her own now." Hoseok stated and the guy nodded. "I give you 15min to calm down a bit. Come inside afterwards.
Once the guy left Hoseok let go off you and took a step back to look at you. "It's alright. Just take some deep breaths." You did as Hoseok said and it calmed you down a bit. "Now, I want you to let me speak when we get inside for the interrogation. If they know you're the boss of this whole mafia you hang." "They will put me in prison?!" You asked in shock and Hoseok shock his head. "No, no, no. I won't let that ever happen princess. Just let me do the talking and everything will be alright, ok?" He said and you nodded. "Ok.." "Good."
"Now... How did all these men come here?" You asked, confused on how Hoseok's men suddenly found your house. "I called them in. When you were talking to Marcus I went to Taehyung to search a bit more information about the man."
"You already knew... You didn't trusted him from the start." You said and Hoseok nodded. "I didn't trusted him indeed but I didn't knew. Well... I wasn't sure yet. So that's why I needed proof. Thanks to Taehyung's help I got it. I contacted my boss afterwards. I told them my location and everything they needed to know. My plan was to get you out first so they could storm in and clear this mess without you having to worry about it. I didn't knew he would come and try to kill you first..." Hoseok said, looking down. "I wanted to capture him to get to the Choi's as originally planned but then the shots and he tried to murder you and-"
"ssh," You said, placing your hands on both of Hoseok's cheeks. He looked up at you and you placed your forehead carefully against his. He calmed down a bit, taking a deep breath. "I'm here Hope. I'm right here. I'm still alive thanks to you. You did good by calling your troops here. Thank you for saving me." You said, smiling at him and he smiled back.
You took a deep breath yourself before both going inside for your interrogation. Like you discussed earlier outside Hoseok did the talking. He had to lie a bit for that but it was necessary to not get you in prison. He told them Marcus killed your dad and captured you afterwards. He told them Marcus took over and then caught him too. When you tried to escape today Marcus tried to kill you both and then the troops came in. That's the story Hoseok told the police. "Can you confirm this Ms. Lee?" The agent interrogating you asked. You nodded. "Yes it is. I have been captured by that battered for years until Hoseok finally came and saved me." You said, Hoseok squeezing your hand under the table as if wanting to tell you 'good job'.
After all that happened that day you still had to find a good story for Taehyung. After that was all done and Taehyung was completely healed again you and Hoseok decided to live together. Taehyung was so happy for the both of you. The only thing he ever wanted was to see his best friend happy and now he knew you finally were.
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"Guess who?"
You laughed as you knew who these hands and voice belonged too. "Hoseok, we're the only one in the house right now. Of course it's you." You said giggling. It had been a year since what happened with Marcus and right now you were living happily with Hoseok in a villa at the beautiful coast of Italy.
Hoseok took his hands from around your eyes and went to sit next to your legs onto the sunbed you were currently on. You put off your sunglasses and looked at the man in front of you as he leaned in closer for a kiss. For the ones asking, yes you and Hoseok were a pair. A month after everything that happened and after recovering from the chock for a while Hoseok finally asked you to be his and without hesitating you said yes. And so you now both lived happily in each other's presence.
"I got a surprise for you." Hoseok said, pulling back from the kiss and smiling at you. He then pulled an envelope from behind his back. "What is that?" You asked. "Open it." He said, giving you the envelope. You opened it and pulled out two tickets for... "The opera? Is this real?!" Hoseok smiled and nodded. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so so so muchhhh!!" You said while hugging him happily. In that year of living together Hoseok slowly dithered out your love for opera and classical music so one day when he sat behind his computer he decided to get you a little present. "See it as an early birthday gift." Hoseok said as you let go of him and kissed him full on the lips. He laughed as he kissed you back, loving to see you so happy.
"It's tonight so I suggest you go pick a nice dress to wear because I know if I don't tell you now you'll take ages." You playfully hit his chest while he laughed. "It's true tho! Now go get ready, we leave at 6." He said. You stood up and got a smack onto your ass. "Yah-" You turned around and looked at him. He smiled and just put on his sunglasses laying down onto the sunned you payed on earlier, smirk on his face. "Go get ready! The longer you take the later it will get."
Once you and Hoseok were ready it was indeed almost time. "Told you, you always take a long time in the bathroom." Hoseok said, kissing your naked shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He checked you out through the mirror in front of you. "You look beautiful in that red off shoulder dress." He said and you smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Thanks love. You don't look that bad yourself in that black suit with red tie." You turned around and playfully pulled on his tie, pulling him closer so you could kiss his lips. He kissed back, pushing you a bit backwards against the sink of your bathroom. "We should stop now or we won't even make it to the opera." Hoseok said, pulling away from you.
He did a step backwards and reached his arm towards you. "My lady," He said playfully. You laughed and wrapped your arm around his as you both walked out of the house and towards the car.
Once in the opera house Hoseok saw that sparkle in your eyes and it filled him with love and admiration for you. You looked so happy and it made him happy too. "Look how beautiful and classy it looks here! Wah." You said as you walked towards the giant stairs. "Did you knew that 'common people' always needed to sit at the low levels and that the rich sat at their private balcony? Until now it are still the most expansive places in the house." You told him, already walking towards the door that lead you towards the lower levels assuming your seats were there.
"Where do you think you're going?" Hoseok asked, pulling you back. "I'm going towards our seats?" You said questionable. "What else?"
Hoseok pulled you with him and onto the stairs. "Hoseok-" You said, looking at him in disbelieve while he pulled you with him up the stairs. "My princess only deserves the best." He said, kissing the top of your head before walking further through the hall on the second floor.
He opened a door with Hoseok's name written on and just like in every opera house there was your private balcony. "You really paid for all of this?!" You asked surprised while walking onto the small balcony, looking down at the podium a bit further. Hoseok went to stand behind you and held you as he admired the opera house with you.
You really were surprised at how he managed to pay for this. After leaving the mafia you of course also had to leave all the money behind. Mafia wasn't really legal so the money went towards the government who would do it's thing with it. You were already shocked at him Hoseok managed to buy the villa in Italy you were currently living in and now these expensive opera tickets?
"My job pays quite well Y/n. I think you sometimes underestimate my job as a secret agent love." He said, kissing your nape before letting go of you and sitting down in one of the chairs. "Come sit with me love." You went to sit down and as if on clue the lights dimmed and the show started.
"This was so good Hoseok! I loved it so much!" You said enthusiastically. The whole car it back home you couldn't stop talking about everything that evening. From the beautiful building to the lovely voice of the sopranos. He felt like he just took a little girl towards Disneyland, mesmerised by the many fairytales around her. That's how it felt with you right now. "Cute..." He mumbled as he opened the door for you.
Once you walked inside you saw something you didn't expected. The floor was covered with rose petals and on every closet or chair were cadges lighting the way towards the living room. You turned around towards Hoseok in shock. "Did- Did you do all this?" You asked him and he gave you a bright smile nodding. "I hope you like it." He said and you nodded. "Are you kidding?! I love it! Hope... You're so sweet." You said, a tear leaving your eyes.
Hoseok wrapped you in your arms letting out a soft chuckle. "Oh baby, don't cry now." He wipes the tear away that fell out of your eye. "This is supposed to be a happy day." He told you. You smiled through your tears. "It's just that- You're just so sweet Hobi, you're amazing and so kind and caring towards me. I can't help it." You said.
Hoseok softly kissed your lips. "It's alright love. I like doing cute and sweet stuff for you. Seeing you happy makes me happy. You know that. The only thing I want is for you to feel loved." He said. He turned you around, holding your hand. "Now go walk a bit further. I got another surprise for you." You gave him a questionable look before walking further.
"T-Taehyung?!" You run towards him and unfolded him into a tight hug. "You're here. You're really here!" When you left Korea Taehyung didn't. He decided to stay, going back to his family and live there for a while, while he would try finding a new job. You thought you would never see him again and here he was, right in your arms.
"Did you set this all up?!" You asked, pulling away from your arms. The boy laughed and nodded. "How did you manage to do all this?" You asked, looking around the room. There were red, pink and white balloons hanging at the ceiling, small red paper hearts were covering the curtains and of course the many candles and rose petals all over the place. "Thank you so much for this. Both of you. This is so cute." You said, your hands on your chest as you looked at the two boys and the work they pulled off.
"Oh, where are my manners." You said, fanning your head. "Sit down Tae! It's been so long. I wanna talk and know everything that happen with you while I was gone. You want something to drink?"
Taehyung laughed and stopped you. "It's alright Y/n. You don't need to do all this." He gave you a sweet smile. "Besides, this evening is supposed to be only you and Hoseok. I stay here for two weeks so enough time to talk later. You go and enjoy your night with your manz." Taehyung said, raising his eyebrows and taking his jacket off of the couch. "I'll leave you alone now. Have a great night guys!" He said, winking and smirking at you as he passed by. "See you tomorrow!"
You laughed as he left the place. "Aish that little-" You said as you watched him leave. Hoseok stood behind you again to hug you. He loved giving back hug's a lot lately. Even while you were sleeping he would always spoon you. "Baby?" Hoseok called out your name while he placed his head on your shoulder. "Let's do what Taehyung said and make this night ours." Hoseok said. "And how are you planning to do that Mister Jung?" You asked your boyfriend teasingly.
He took a deep breath. "I don't know yet Misses Jung." You turned around and looked at him in shock. In the past year he had never used his last name to address you until now. "Misses Jung?" He nodded and smiled taking a step backwards and suddenly going down on one knee. Your hands went to cover your mouth in chock. Was this real? Was he really just... proposing to you?
Hoseok pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it. "Y/n Lee, what would you think of becoming Misses Jung? Will you marry me?" He asked sweetly. He was smiling but you knew inside he was very nervous. So you didn't made him wait long and started nodding your head. "Yes, a thousand times yes. I would love to become your wife Hope." You said and Hoseok's smile widened even more as he stood up again and held you close, his lips meeting yours into a soft but passionate kiss. "You have no idea how happy you make me right now." He said, kissing you over and over again.
You were expected to get the ring around your finger but Hoseok just tossed the box onto the couch and picked you up bridle style. You gasped as he swept you from your feet quite literally. "Let's go celebrate this upstairs, shell we?" He asked and you giggled, caressing his cheek and nodding, kissing his lips as he carried you both upstairs towards your room.
"I love you Hope."
"I love you too, Y/n. My miss mafia."
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
@damianwayneweek Day 1 (6-13): Truth serum | Damian Wayne Protection Squad™ | Best friends to lovers
Note: Rushed. I'm sure it's still the 13th somewhere.
Warnings: kidnapping, nonconsensual drugging, needles.
Dick wakes to the taste of blood on his tongue.
Thankfully, after slowly moving his tongue around, it's just because he bit the inside of his cheek sometime between when he was knocked out and when he woke up. His head pounds like a war-drum with his heart as he tries to get ahold of his situation. Without opening his eyes, he assess his arms are restrained behind his back and he's sitting on an uncomfortable metal chair. His legs are also tied to the chair, keeping him from running.
The suit he wears feels suffocating, proof that—once again—him wearing Batman's cowl isn't some sort of sick joke. However, his shoulders are a bit lighter suggesting his cape has been taken. Not that he'll mourn it.
His cowl is on. He silently curses himself for not checking that first. It would be the first thing Bruce checked.
He always prioritized the identity. The mission. Secrecy before safety, Gotham before everything else. Not injuries, not friends, not family, partners-
Dick's eyes fly open, reminding him of the real thing he should have checked for first.
"Robin," he gasps out loud, looking wildly around the room and tugging on the ropes holding his back to the chair.
The room is dark and small, the walls made of cinder bricks that have water mold where it connects to the cement floor. In front of him is a metal table with a black, palm sized box placed on top. Dick ignores that for now and looks to his side, only relaxing when he finds Damian to his right, tied similarly to another chair with his chin to his chest. Only unconscious, Dick notes as he watches his stomach rise and fall.
However, anxiety flutters in his gut when he sees there's a dried trail of blood running down the side of his head.
"Robin," he tries again, knowing at the back of his head that Bruce would be telling him to be quiet. Check for cameras. Look for an escape route. Don't let them know you're awake until you have a plan-
Dick shakes his head. Damian could have a concussion, and that takes priority. Dick could have one as well, considering how badly his head hurts, but Damian is only ten years old and Dick knows better than anyone the lingering effects injuries could have when you're a child.
He presses his feet to the ground and pushes, attempting to slide closer to his protege. He does nothing more than jolt in place. There's not enough leverage.
However, it seems the sound of the metal scraping against the ground is enough to wake up the boy. He comes to with a small groan and a pain laced crease between his brow.
"Robin," Dick repeats a third time. He can do nothing but sit as Damian blinks slowly behind his mask; his shoulders tensing as he too notices the restraints.
Damian opens his mouth, but before any words could leave there's a loud clang. The door in front of Dick and Damian, on the other side of the table, swings open.
In walks three men; two are unfamiliar, but the third Dick recognizes from the case files he and Damian got from Gordon about a week ago. Jonas Gibbs. Known arms dealer and smuggler. He's made his moves in Gotham these past few weeks, getting the police and public nervous about shootings with illegal guns. Batman and Robin had finally pinned down the date, time, and location of his next shipment and intended to take him down then, but he was smart and had hired help from various mercenaries that Dick could confidently bet used to be in the military before they were dishonorably discharged.
The way they moved, worked, and attacked was too strategic and planned. It was only a matter of time before one got a lucky hit on Damian; a blow with the butt of their rifle across the kid's forehead. The barrel of the rifle pointed down at Damian's unconscious body was all it took for Dick to raise his hands in surrender.
And now they're here, in some damp old room. Tied to chairs. A table placed in front of them with a mysterious box set on top of it.
"Perfect timing," Gibbs says, grinning. The two other men, clearly mercs, stand on either side of him as he drags up a chair and sits on the other side of the table. "I was almost afraid we'd have to dump water to get you up."
"What do you want?" Dick growls. He must want something. He hasn't taken off the cowl… or at least he hasn't tried to get through the various traps to pull it off. It means he must need something that an identity reveal wouldn't give him.
"I'm glad you asked, Batman," Gibbs says, a grin spreading on his face. He looks to one of his goons and they immediately pull a small camera out from a bag they had around their shoulder. He points it at Dick.
Dick gets a bad feeling about all of this.
"I want you to tell your real name for the camera."
Dick glares. "Are you serious?"
"Very. One of my men has second degree burns thanks to that cowl of yours electrifying him. So, I decided I'll let you go without any more harm. You tell me your names, and I'll let you go. Won't even show the video to anyone. Well," he smirkes, "unless you get in my way."
Dick clenches his jaw. Besides him, Damian mumbles something.
"I'm going to give you to the count of three," Gibbs says, unphased. "Otherwise it will get unpleasant."
His eyes drift to the black box, signifying it's mysterious importance. Dick doesn't let it scare him. He's not going to let this low life criminal blackmail him... put him and his family in danger. He'll take whatever will be thrown at him until he can work out a way to escape.
Gibbs counts down, and he reaches zero uninterrupted.
"Well," Gibbs says, unsurprised. "The hard way then. Gag him."
The grunts move like clockwork, and before Dick knows it his face is being grabbed and held in place while the other shoves a rag into his mouth and wraps a layer of tape around his face to hold it there.
"Batman..." he hears Damian mumble as the grunts back up. He sounds out of it. In pain. Dick can only hope that the hit he took to his head isn't too serious.
Gibbs retakes his attention, however, when he reaches forward and presses a hatch on the side of the black box, flicking it open on spring-loaded hinges. What's inside makes Dick's stomach drop. A needle and a glass vial filled with a yellow tinted liquid lays neatly inside. One of the grunts lifts the needle and the vial to begin filling it up.
"Do you know what this is?" Gibbs asks as the liquid fills the syringe. "I've yet to test it on anyone, but word is from the man I bought it from... It forces the truth out of you." The grunts finishes filling the syringe and flicks the bubbles. "Truth serum."
Dick has no doubt that the serum will work. He only wonders why he's threatening with it while he's gagged.
When the grunt walks around the table to Damian, he doesn't wonder anymore.
He can only tug on his restraints as the grunt grabs Damian's arm to aim the needle. Damian, for his effort, attempts to pull away, but the weakness of his head injury and his restraints do nothing to stop the needle from entering the inside of his elbow.
"You could have done this the easy way, Batman," Gibbs says. Dick watches as the syringe is pressed down, pushing the liquid into Damian's body. "I never like getting children involved."
Damian squeezes his jaw shut and turns his head away from the needle in his arm. It only takes a moment before the grunt pulls the empty syringe out before returning to standing besides his leader. A bead of blood appears where the needle left Damian's skin, but the boy doesn't move.
The air feels solid. Dick can hardly breathe as he tries to conceal his panic. He wants nothing more than to get out of these restraints and punch Gibbs and his men into next year, but he can't reach anything useful to do so. All he can do is watch Damian sit stock still as drugs spread through his veins.
A minute passes as Gibbs sits there in smug silence. Then, when a few more moments pass, he speaks.
"Robin," he says. Damian flinches, but doesn't look his way. His jaw still clenched. The goon with the camera points it right at Damian. "Why don't we start with something easy? What's your favorite animal?"
Damian curls his fingers behind his back and keeps his jaw grinding shut.
"Tight lipped huh?" Gibbs chuckles. He doesn't look surprised. Or worried. "Don't worry, I was assured that once it's fully in your system, it will hurt more to say nothing. What's your favorite animal, Robin?"
Damian says nothing, but he looks ridged. Tense.
"You look uncomfortable, Robin. Do you feel it in your head? I promise it will get better when you stop resisting. Let's try something different while we wait. Are you from Gotham?"
Damian's knuckles must be white under his gloves.
"How about your favorite color? Is it blue?"
Damian breathes a shaky breath through his nose, and Dick's heart breaks. He works harder to find a weakness in his restraints.
"My, your resilience is admirable. Were you trained on this?" Gibbs asks. Damian remains stubborn, but Gibbs still doesn't look worried. "Who were you trained by?"
"The best," Damian whimpers, cutting himself off with a growl and shutting his jaw. Gibbs smiles.
"What's your favorite animal?"
Damian shakes his head, a frustrated cry caught in his throat.
This continues, Gibbs finding victory in the one slip and pressing with everything he's got. Dick doesn't know how long Damian can last like this, and he doesn't want to find out. With every passing second, Dick knows it's only a matter of time before Damian's lips loosen. No amount of training can beat a good concussion and drugs designed to make your lips loose.
"What grade are you? Do you have any friends?"
After each question, Dick can see more and more discomfort in Damian's position. He's beginning to fidget and whimper and Dick's... Dick's had enough.
"What's your favorite color, Robin?"
"Green," Damian says with strangled gasp, sounding horrified with himself.
Gibbs smirks like a predator, knowing he's finally won.
"What's your real name?"
Yeah. Dick's had enough. With a hard tug, the ropes around his wrists finally snap against where he's been rubbing at them with his gauntlets. Gibbs and his men can barely react before Dick's upon them, cutting away the rest of the ropes with a batarang from his belt. He makes quick work of them in their shock, knocking them out and leaving them on the floor in unconscious piles.
He almost bends to put cable ties on their arms and legs, but he hears a tight whimper behind him. The moment after, he's rushing over to Damian to undo the ropes.
"Are you okay?" Dick asks, cutting through the bonds.
Damian shakes his head. Dick almost kicks himself.
"It's okay," he quickly says. "No one can hear. Let it out."
He's almost afraid Damian will force himself to remain silent, but to his relief and heartache, Damian opens his mouth and lets out a heaving sob. "It hurts- it hurts-"
Dick finally undoes the ropes, then he pulls his kid in close to his chest. "Get it out," he soothes, rubbing Damian's back.
"Dogs-" Damian starts, dissolving into quick rambling breaths. Every question he had been asked begins to be answered. Dick holds him close and lets him get it out with his tears. Silently, he sends a message to Gordon to pick up Gibbs and his men, then he messages Alfred to get the med-bay and lab ready. Soon enough, Damian is silent except for pain laced gasps, he holds tight to Dick's chest as Dick lifts him up and stuffs the vial with extra serum into his belt.
"I got you," he says as Damian continues to cry all the way to the batmobile. "I got you."
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starlessea · 3 years
I See Red (Daryl Dixon/Reader)
Prompt: “If you hurt my brother, I’ll kill you. I swear I’ll kill you all.” Requested by @alex-sulli​​​, numbers #25 and #29 from this post.
Summary: You’ll threaten anyone who dares mess with your little brother; and Daryl is left to pick up the pieces when you feel guilty for doing so.
Words: 2078
Warnings: Language.
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Never before in your life had you found yourself at a loss for words. Whether it was rambling to Daryl during the early hours of the morning whilst he grumbled to let him sleep, or giving your father grief like it were an older sibling’s duty, you always had something to say. That was, however, until now.
Carl had his hands held up, directly in front of his face so that they were visible. He shot you a look, urging you to do the same. You didn’t. Instead, you glanced back and forth between your brother and Ron, like you couldn't quite comprehend what was happening.
"It's fine." Carl said, trying to reassure you. "I've got this."
He didn't. 
You'd been upstairs, watching over Judith whilst your father and Michonne were on their patrols, when suddenly you heard shouting coming from Carl's room. You sighed, thinking you'd have to scold your teenage brother and his friends for being too rowdy when your little sister was fast asleep in her crib. At first, you let them off the hook, but when glass shattered in the distance you decided enough was enough.
You'd bound down the stairs with the practiced heavy footsteps of an older sister, already preparing your best yelling voice. Except, rather than the row you were expecting to give, you were rendered speechless as you flung open the door.
Ron stood with his arm outstretched, pointing a pistol directly at your brother. Carl glanced back at the sound of you entering his room, and pleaded with you to follow his lead. The other boy remained silent, but shifted his weight on his feet as you glared at him. 
Ron was no killer; you watched as his hand trembled over the gun, and he chewed his lip between his teeth. He was no killer - but he was certainly an asshole.
"Put it down." You demanded, taking a few steps closer to him. "Now!"
The boy flinched as you yelled, and Carl glanced back at you nervously. You didn't care what he'd told you; there was no way you'd allow him to diffuse the situation alone. Your innocent baby sister lay asleep upstairs, and your younger brother was facing a loaded gun downstairs. You thought your father would actually kill you if anything happened to either of them on your watch.
Ron fumbled with the gun, narrowing his eyes at you like he was debating your words. You'd expected him to surrender it immediately, and let you march him home to his mother by the ear. Except, he didn't. He trained his aim on you instead, and his shoulders shook even more as he did so. You let out a bitter laugh in disbelief, and raised an eyebrow at him. He didn't back down, but neither did you. 
Carl watched the exchange as you walked even closer to Ron, until the barrel of the pistol lay flush against your chest. He didn't pull the trigger; you knew he wouldn't. You could feel the cold metal quivering against your skin, and you took it from him without hesitation. 
He let you, and took a few steps back in response to you getting even nearer to his face - so close that you could see his skin prickle from your breath on his cheek.
"If you hurt my brother, I'll kill you." You whispered, letting him feel the gun against his own torso this time. "I swear I'll kill you all." 
The boy looked down at his shoes, as your foreheads pressed together.
"You think you can pull a gun on my family?" You questioned, forcing his chin up with your knuckle. "Then wait until you see what I can do to yours."
You unloaded the gun, letting the magazine fall to the floor as you watched the bullets scatter out from it. You took a step back, and watched as Ron seemed to take his first breath. He immediately glanced over at Carl for some support, and you laughed in his face as he did so. You couldn’t believe he dared have the audacity to look to your brother for help not even minutes after threatening to kill him.
"Get out." You spat, and the boy did just that.
Your jacket caught on the handle as you snapped open the door a little too forcefully, and you growled below your breath. You'd been looking forward to returning home all day, and having some time to yourself to relax - but now all you saw was red. You kicked the door shut behind you with your boot, and grimaced at the sound of it slamming, and the glass shaking in the pane.
Daryl looked over at you curiously, raising an eyebrow where he stood in the kitchen. He was covered in grease, and you guessed he'd been working on his motorcycle whilst you were with the teenage firing squad. 
"How was yer day?" He drawled, pouring you a glass of water from the sink.
You sighed, and slumped into his chest when you reached him - letting your forehead drop against his shirt.
"I think I just threatened a sixteen year old." You mumbled there, and heard him chuckle as you did.
Daryl took a sip of the water, forgetting to offer you some first.
"Yeah, mine was good too." He replied, nonchalantly, and you hit him over the shoulder.
"Daryl-" you whined, not having the energy for playful banter.
He smiled at you sheepishly, and rubbed the back of your head, gently playing with some strands of hair between his fingers. There were oil-stains over his clothes, and he looked like he needed a shower. Though, at this moment, you didn't really care that the grease had rubbed off on you, or that your hair probably looked like coal dust.
"What did Carl do this time?" He asked sarcastically, but it made your blood run hot merely thinking about it.
"My brother didn't do anything." You snapped, and immediately regretted your tone. "It was Ron."
Daryl let out a low laugh, and you felt it rumble through his chest. He squeezed your shoulders, feeling the tension that had built up there.
"Does seem like kind of a lil' shit, don' he?"
You sighed; if only he knew the half of it. Daryl pressed his knuckles against your lower back, relieving the stress from your muscles. You closed your eyes, savouring the feeling.
"He pulled a gun on Carl." You admitted to the man, and instantly noticed as he stopped massaging your skin. "Then aimed it at me when I told him to drop it."
It was like you'd shown a red rag to a bull. Daryl went from completely loving to positively menacing in a matter of seconds, and stormed straight past you towards the door. 
"Daryl, stop-" you called out, panicked. "He's just a kid." 
You grabbed onto the man's shoulder, and he turned on his heels as you did so. His brow was furrowed, and you watched him narrow his eyes like he couldn't at all understand why you held him back.
"And kids should know their damn place." He growled, making your shiver.
You placed your hand over his chest, spreading your palm flat to feel his pounding heartbeat.
"He does. I made sure of it." You said quietly, trying to convince the man. "I'm just regretting the way I handled it."
Daryl immediately noticed the way your voice trailed off, and how your eyes dropped to the floor like you were ashamed. You weren't proud of what you did; but it needed to be done. You couldn't risk anything happening to your family - not when you'd all fought this hard just to stay together.
The man brought his hand to your cheek, coaxing you to look up and meet his eyes. You did, and he placed a soft, chaste kiss to your forehead - which you could feel him smile into ever so slightly.
"Is he still breathin'?" He mumbled against your skin, seeming to have calmed down enough to comfort you, instead.
"What-" you stuttered, before registering his words. "Yes, of course." You spoke, a little too loudly and a little too quickly.
Daryl chuckled, and wiped away some oil he'd gotten on your face with his thumb.
"Then ya handled it jus' fine."
There was a knock at your door not even an hour later. You'd told Daryl you would get it, but he bounded there before you had the chance - instructing you to stay on the couch and keep your feet up. He'd gotten a blanket and tucked you in so tightly that it felt like you were on an army base. You giggled to yourself, wondering if there was anything that man wouldn't do for you.
"Is she there?" Ron asked Daryl, mustering every ounce of confidence he had. "I want to apologise."
He scowled back, and practically snarled at the boy barely half his size but twice as stupid. Daryl was sure he could knock him on his ass as easy as the wind blowing a piece of paper through the breeze. He was scrawny, and fumbled with his hands like he couldn't dare to meet his eyes.
"Listen here, ya lil' prick." Daryl spoke, biting out the words. "Ya pull that shit again an' you'll have me to deal with."
You flipped the page of your magazine, re-reading the events from over a year ago and mumbling something about 'yesterday's news.' You tried your hardest to relax, but you had a nagging feeling that you couldn't escape from - making you feel antsy and on edge.
"Hi." Came the voice, wobbling through your living room like it was coated in a layer of shyness. "I just came to say I'm sorry." 
Whipping your head around, you caught sight of Ron, shifting uncomfortably in the doorway. Daryl stood behind him, like he was blocking any escape route he may have planned - but in reality, he looked like a grouchy guard dog having come to make sure you were okay.
For the second time today, you felt speechless, and slowly closed your magazine before tucking it underneath a pillow. Not even an hour ago had you staked your life on how intimidating you could seem, and now you were bundled up near the fire like a grandmother with arthritis. You blinked, and stood up quickly - letting the woven blanket fall to the floor and kicking it under the couch like a poorly kept secret.
"I guess I was jealous of Carl." Ron continued, feeling pressured by your lack of response. "I'll never do anything like that again. I promise."
You met his eyes but he looked away, staring at the photo frames littering your walls - and resting his gaze over the picture of you, Carl and Judith in the centre.
"Damn right you won't." You finally replied, and watched the boy flinch like your words had cut him open.
"Come here." You instructed, and he listened.
When he approached, you slumped back down onto the couch, not caring if he noticed your glossy magazine slipping out from under the pillows. You patted the space next to you, gesturing for him to sit. He did, and the two of you stared into the red flames of the fire, watching them jump and splutter in front of you.
"When we're scared, we do stupid things." You told Ron, your voice coming out a lot softer than it had done before.
You caught sight of Daryl in the corner of your eye, leaning against the doorframe like he was content to watch from afar - leaving you to finish what you'd started. He'd always have your back, but sometimes he just wanted to hang back to see where you decided to take him.
"In this new world, you only have two options." You explained, and gave Ron's shoulder a gentle squeeze.
The boy jumped a little at your touch, but soon settled into it when he realised how different it was from earlier that day.
"You can either fight it, or accept it." You said, listening to the crackle of firewood as it turned into red embers. "Fear it, or control it."
A/N For my sweet @alex-sulli who always leaves the most wonderful comments that never fail to make my day :)
Send me a message if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Lovestruck and Lipstick Stained
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
synopsis: you and Tom don’t feel entirely out of characters after playing lovers in the MCU
thank you to @snowrosestonight​ for the idea!
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“Well hey there Spiderman.”
You walked up to Tom at one of the many photoshoots of the press tour with a cheeky smile. He was dressed in his suit, a sight you had grown to love very dearly. Your time as Gwen Stacy in the MCU had been incredibly memorable, all thanks to Tom.
“Hey yourself.” Tom folded his arms and clocked your outfit, a white t shirt with Spider-Man’s mask in the shape of a heart and skin tight jeans. “Nice jeans. I think I can see the spare change in your pocket.”
You looked down at your jeans and pointed your foot, flexing the cherry red heels they’d put you in and laughed.
“I’m sure they’re no tighter than the suit. And at least I can go to the bathroom without a team to help me.” You teased him as you poked out your tongue.
“Don’t disrespect the suit.” Tom pretended to be insulted. “I recall saving your life a few times in it.”
“I mean no disrespect. Honestly, I never get tired of seeing you in that suit. It’s like a rush of endorphins every time.” You chuckled as you ran your fingertips down his arm. Tom couldn’t feel it through his many layers of material, but the act alone sent shivers down his spine.
“That’s how I felt when I saw that T-Shirt. Seriously, did they mold that to your body?” He teased as he eyed your ridiculously tight shirt. It was a classic look MJ had worn in the comics, and the wardrobe department wanted to pay homage to it. You had felt a little self conscious with the form fitting the ensemble was, but Toms comments had taken the edge off.
“A lady never reveals her secrets.” You shrugged playfully.
“Well you look amazing, darling. You should wear this more often.” Tom complimented as his eyes took their time going down your body. You stepped closer to him and fixed some stray hairs of his that had fallen out of place.
“You know, I just might.” You smiled as you touched up his hair. A content smile rested on Toms lips as comfortable silence settled between you.
“Are you two ready to go?” A set assistant came up to you, taking your attention away from each other.
“I think we are.” You answered for Tom and yourself.
“Let’s get started.”
You were lead onto set and given a mark to stand on. The flash of the camera wasn’t something you were used to yet, but having Tom directly at your side calmed your nerves.
You popped one of your legs up and gave the camera a sultry smile as you clung to Tom. There was a wind machine blowing your hair back as you posed, only adding to the magic. You switched up your face and position but never took your hands off Tom, and he did the same.
“Tom, can you put your hand in Y/n’s back pocket?” One of the photographers asked between shots.
“Is that okay with you?” Tom asked quietly, so only you could hear as he looked at you for permission.
“I prefer it.” You told him as you gave his face a once over. Tom smirked and held your gaze as he slid his hand into your back pocket, letting the cameras capture it. You winked at him before turning your attention back to the photographer, posing for a few more minutes before you took a break.
“Everyone take five. Great work guys.” The photographer smiled at the two of you before walking off set. You slowly untangled yourself from Tom, chuckling shyly as he slid his hand out of your pocket.
“That wasn’t too hard.” You joked as you walked towards your chairs on the set. Four women immediately came over to touch up your hair and makeup as you and Tom spoke.
“Hard? Looking pretty is my day job.” Tom scoffed and pretended to flip hair over his shoulder.
“And looking like I’m in love with you is mine.” You tweaked an eyebrows as someone fixed your hair.
“You do it so well.” Tom boasted. “Best I’ve ever seen, really.”
“Well, you know. I get lots of practice.” You shrugged casually. “And when looking at such a pretty face, it’s not that hard to look in love.” You teased him as you squished his cheeks. Tom laughed and pushed you off, smiling in gratitude at the hair and makeup people as they left.
“I, uh, I got pretty familiar with your back pocket today.” Tom said, keeping his yes down as he took a step towards you.
“Yeah.” You looked away as you felt your cheeks flush. “Not many get to say they’ve had that experience.”
“I better thank my lucky stars then, huh?” Tom folded his arms, giving you a cocky smile. You pursed your lips and rolled your eyes at him, not wanting him to get the upper hand.
“Yeah.” You spike softly, your breath fanning his face. “You better.”
With his chest touching yours now, Tom opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the set assistant.
“Are you guys ready to continue?” He asked, not realizing what he was interrupting. You and Tom shared own last look, heavy with disappointment, as you stepped away from each other and nodded.
“You got the lipstick, right?” He asked you. You looked at Tom in confusion, only to find him a blushing mess.
“Lipstick?” You asked.
“You’re gonna cover Tom’s face in lipstick stains for the second half of the photo shoot.” The assistant informed you, and you immediately understood the blush. Your cheeks flames up in a crimson of their own as you realized you’d have to kiss your best friend again after so many months without it.
“I got it.” Tom bashfully held up tube of red lipstick, avoiding eye contact with you. You stared at the tube, your mind drifting back to the long days on set where you and Tom, or Peter and Gwen, would kiss for hours until you got the perfect take.
“Awesome. Do you need any help Y/n?” The assistant asked you, snapping you out of your daze. You blinked a few times as you came back to reality and shook your head.
“I think I can manage.” You squeaked.
“Great. See you guys in a few.”
The assistant left you alone to get ready, a nervous flutter going through you as he left.
“Did you know about this?” You eyed Tom skeptically as you took the tube of lipstick from him.
“Oh, darling.” Tom snorted. “It was my idea.”
Your jaw dropped as he shrugged smugly and gave him a playful shove.
“You don’t quit, do you?” You clicked your tongue as you opened the lipstick, begging to apply it in the mirror as you held eye contact with him.
“No I do not.” He said proudly as he took a seat in his chair. “You said my face was pretty, right? Come make it even prettier.”
Tom beckoned you over with his fingers, making you gulp as you finished putting on your lipstick.
“Okay.” You waltzed over you him, dragging your finger along the side of your mouth to clean up the line. You put a knee between Toms legs and propped yourself up, leaning over him as you leaned your hands on each of his armrests.
“I think I’ll put one here.” You spoke softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Here.” Corner of the mouth.
“Both cheeks.” You narrated in a hushed tone as you pressed a kiss to either sides of his face. You could feel how hot his skin was under your lips, and it made you smile.
“This is already my favorite photo shoot.” Tom chuckled as you reapplied your lipstick and placed kisses along his hairline.
“Me too.” You mumbled before covering his neck and jawline in the red lipstick stains. After his neck was decently covered, you leaned back to admire your work. Tom looked at you with heavy eyelids, swimming in bliss as he drummed his fingers on your hips.
“One more.” You decided. “To top it off.”
You leaned in and placed a searing kiss to his lips, leaving a bright red mark in your wake.
“Good call.” Tom gave you a dopey smile one you pulled away.
“Come on.” You got up and took his hand. “Let’s go get our picture taken.”
“Wait, look.” You stopped walking to your hotel on your way back from the photoshoot when a certain building caught your eye. Tom stopped with you, as your arm had been linked through his.
“What are we looking at? A tattoo shop?” He looked at you curiously.
“Yeah. I was thinking of getting one to commemorate my time as Gwen Stacy.” You admitted as you shyly scratched behind your ear.
“What did you want to get?”
“Nothing crazy or anything.” You shrugged. “I just want something small to represent my role.”
“Do you have any ideas?” Tom asked as you walked inside the shop.
“About a million.” You chuckled. “That’s my problem. I can’t decide.”
“Well what’s your favorite scene?” He asked you as he browsed the artwork on the walls of the shop.
“I like when Peter sets up a picnic on the giant web. It’s my favorite scene visually and I, uh, I liked shooting it.” You looked at him timidly through your lashes. It was a great day on set, getting to cuddle into Toms side for eight hours straight. It held fond memories for the both of you.
“So there you go.” Tom half smiled. “Get a web.”
“You think I should?” You wanted his approval before you went through with anything.
“Yeah. You know how I know it’s the right move?” He raises his eyebrows.
“That’s my favorite scene too.” He winked at you and pulled you towards the reception desk.
“Then I’ll do it.” You decided. “Under one condition, though.”
“What’s that?”
“I want you to do it.” You told him.
“Darling, I don’t know the first thing about tattoos.” He warned you.
“I don’t care.” You shook your head. “You were my partner in this and if it’s gonna be on my body forever, I want you to do it. It has to be you.”
“I would be honored, love.” Tom smiled softly. “Just remember how much you love me as your partner when it turns out horrible.”
“That will just add to the charm.” You shrugged it off, feeling confident in your decision.
“Are you sure they’ll let me do it on you?” He wondered as the receptionist came to the desk.
“We’re celebrities. They’ll let us do anything.” You laughed before explaining what you wanted done. Within thirty minutes, you were in a chair with Tom at your side. He was armed with a tattoo gun, bouncing his leg nervously as someone else loaded it with ink.
“I need both hands to do this, so you’ll have to squeeze my knee instead if it hurts.” Tom said sympathetically, wishing he could hold your hand to ease your pain.
“Okay. Try to be gentle.” You braced yourself, already squeezing his knee out of fear.
“Right. I’ll just use the gentle setting on the gun.” Tom replied sarcastically, your laughter replacing your fear.
“Just shut up and do me.” You covered your eyes with your hands and turned away.
“Oh? Someones feeling romantic.” Tom poked fun at your accidental innuendo.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” You whined.
“Sure you didn’t, darling. Are you okay to start?” He asked.
“Yeah. Just do it.” You gulped and squeezes your eyes shut as Tom began to freehand a web. There was an actual tattoo artist beside him, instructing him on what to do as he worked. The pain wasn’t as bad as you thought it was, but it didn’t feel great either. You squeezed his knee for an hour straight until you heard the relieving words.
“All done.” Tom said proudly as the buzzing from the gun stopped.
“Is my arm still there?” You asked, still facing away.
“It’s still there, love.” Tom chuckled as he wiped it down. “Do you wanna see it?”
“Yeah.” You beamed as Tom helped you sit up. You excitedly held out your arm. You looked at your tattoo and felt the air get knocked out of your lungs.
“Tom.” You mumbled as you stared at the tattoo.
“Do you like it?” He asked hopefully, staring at your face to read your reaction.
“It’s horrible.” You stared as you gaped at the misshapen web Tom had permanently put on your body. Toms heart stopped when he discovered that you didn’t like it.
“Darling, I’m sorry.” He apologized sincerely. “I told you I wasn’t-“
“I love you.” You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. “And I love it. It’s exactly what I wanted.”
“Really?” He gasped.
“Thank you so much. It’s perfect.” You threw your other arm around him and hugged him tightly as tears of joy streamed down your face.
“I’m glad I could help.” He smiled as he rubbed your back. “I’m definitely going to need a picture of my work.”
“Go ahead. The world deserves to see this masterpiece.” You beamed as Tom took out his phone. He went live on Instagram and held his phone up to his face.
“Guys, Y/n made a really bad decision and let me tattoo her. Wait, how do I flip the camera?” He looked at you for help as you laughed.
“Like this, sweetness.” You tapped his screen twice and held out your arm.
“Okay. Look at this. This is pretty good for my first time.” Tom praised himself as he took your arm and gently twisted it to show off the whole thing.
“I’m in love with it. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” You smiled gratefully as Tom panned the camera up to your face.
“The smile on your face right now is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Look at this girl. How cute is she?” Tom gushed as he squished your cheeks with his free hand.
“I’m just so happy. Look at my tattoo!” You happily held your arm out, absolutely in love with what he had done.
“It’s pretty shit.” Tom laughed at his crooked lines.
“Stop it!” You scolded him. “This is my favorite thing in the entire world right now. And forever.”
“I’m glad you like it. Just like how you guys are gonna like our movie.” He managed to turn the camera around to wink.
“You’re gonna love it. I love it and I’ve never seen it.” You came into view as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You heard the girl. Go see our movie.” Tom commanded as he wrapped his free arm around your waist to hold you close.
“Out next week!” You chirped before he shut the camera off. You let a professional wrap the tattoo before you paid and left the shop. Tom held your hand as you walked down the street, his way of making up for not being able to hold it while you got the tattoo.
“Hey, speaking of the movie, we have the premier in a week and I haven’t picked an outfit.” Tom realized as you neared your hotel.
“Really? I picked my dress the day I was cast.” You joked, tugging Tom into the lobby.
“I fully believe you.” He laughed. “What are you wearing?”
“I have a picture. Here.” You handed him your phone as you got into an elevator. Tom looked at the picture of you in a floor length, off the shoulder, royal blue ball gown that you had taken in a fitting room. His jaw immediately dropped at the sight of you as his heart picked up speed.
“You look incredible. Can you send this to me?” He asked sweetly as he looked up from the phone.
“Sure, but it’s not even the whole look.” You laughed shyly as he gawked at you. “I’m gonna have hair, makeup, and heels on the day of the premier. Plus jewelry.”
“You’re forgetting the most important part.” He clicked his tongue.
“What’s that?”
“Me as your arm candy.” Tom winked at you and handed your phone back.
“How could I forget you? My partner.” You took his hand and squeezed it ostentatiously.
“You keep calling me that, and I kind of love it. I think of you as my partner too.” He said shyly as he played with your fingers.
“Then we should match at the premier. We can show everyone our partnership.” You said as the idea came to you.
“You’re wearing blue…”
“So you wear red.” You finished his sentence. “You’ve always looked good in red.”
“Done.” Tom decoded. “I’ll tell my stylist tomorrow.”
“Awesome.” You smiled as you got to your floor.
“Hey, darling?” Tom asked as you stepped off the elevator.
“Yes?” You stopped in the hallway so you could give him your full attention.
“Would you be my date to the premier?” He asked as his lips curved into a smile. You bit the inside of your cheek and nodded before you could form words.
“I would love too.” You told him. His face lit up like a Christmas tree as he rushed at you, picking you up and spinning you around as he hugged you tightly.
“Yes!” He cheered. “Everyones gonna be jealous of me.”
“Alright, alright.” You laughed as he set you down. “Save that energy for the premier.”
“Trust me darling, I will.” Tom grinned as he stood outside his hotel room, directly across from yours.
“Goodnight, idiot.” You rolled your eyes at him as you stood in your doorway.
“Goodnight Princess.” He blew you a kiss, making you groan. You went inside and shut your door, but Tom stayed out for a moment, looking at your door wistfully before going on himself.
“Are you all done?” You asked as you walked into Toms room while putting in your earring. It was the day of the premier and you had gotten ready in separate rooms like a bride and groom.
“Yeah I’m all…oh my God.” His sentence quickly changed course when he saw you. His jaw was slack as he gawkers at you, taking his time in taking you in.
“Do you like it?” A pink tint covered your face when you saw how star struck he was, making you look down shyly.
“What! What?!” Tom was still in awe as he looked you over, unable to believe how good you looked.
“Stop it. You look incredible.” You complimented him, and he did.
“You look so good!” He exclaimed. “Darling, you take my breath away.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself. Red is definitely your color.” You praised as he twirled you under his arm. His deep red suit perfectly complimented his skin tone and made him look extravagant, especially with the glasses he had opted for. Tom rested his hands on your shoulders and looked at you dress with a proud smile.
“I can’t get over you.” He shook his head in disbelief. “The color blue was made just for you. You look ravishing, love. Absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you.” You mumbled as you pulled him into a hug. Neither of you wanted to admit it, but you both knew this was the last time you’d be together in this way. After tonight, the movie would be out and you’d no longer be on the press tour together. Because of this unspoken feat, the hug lingered a little longer than usually.
“You ready?” Tom asked as he rested his chin on your head.
You walked out onto the red carpet together, hand in hand as the crowd roared. Tom kept one hand on your back as you stopped to pose for the cameras.
“We look like a couple.” He leaned down to say into your ear.
“A couple of besties.” You said without looking at him as you parted his chest. He tightened his grip on your waist as he continued smiling at the cameras.
“I hate you so much for saying that.” He laughed as he held you closer.
“Aw. But I love you.” You leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. The press cheered for you as you made your way down the carpet.
“Let’s do something different poses.” Tom suggested as you fixed your dress.
“Okay. Prom pose has to be first.” You said eagerly as you turned around. Tom wrapped his arms around you from behind and posed like you were going to prom.
“That was so stupid.” He shook his head with laughter as he let go of you.
“Here. Gaze lovingly into my eyes.” You instructed as you turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Why?” His eyebrows knit together in confusion, but he complied.
“So the fans can say “look at the way they look at each other” and swoon.” You laughed as you tugged on the lapel of his jacket. Tom rolled his eyes before placing his other hand on the small of your back and gazing, as you put it, lovingly into your eyes. You put your hand on his cheek to keep his face in place and let the paparazzi have a field day.
You walked a few places down the red carpet before getting into a new pose, this time wrapping your arms around his neck as he kept his arms around your waist.
“We look like the Twilight poster.” You whispered in his ear before smoldering at the press.
“Which one?” Tom chuckled as he looked at you with all the adoration in the world
“All of them.” You told him as you kept your perfectly manicured hand over her heart.
“I want to do the Will Smith pose.” Tom decided, taking a step away from you and opening his arms like he was presenting you. You covered you mouth as you laughed loudly, feeling a warm sense of joy as Tom held his arms out to behold you. You looked at him fondly and blew him a kiss.
“I feel like artwork.” You shouted over the roar of the press.
“You look like it too.” Tom shouted back, holding his hand out for you to take. You happily accepted his hand, letting him twirl you before you spun into his chest. Both laughing happily and only seeing each other, the roar of the crowd disappeared. All you could hear was Tom’s laughter, coming deep from his tummy.
“Stop it.” You shyly hid your face in his neck as he held you tightly. Tom took your chin between his fingers and beamed at you, grinning like a child before resting his forehead against yours.
“You’re my best friend.” He said between his laughter, keeping his eyes shut to block out the rest of the world.
“And you’re mine.” You reached up and gripped the hair at the nape of his neck, looking longingly at him even with his eyes shut.
“Let’s go.” He slipped his hand into yours and pulled you along. “We have more red carpet to dazzle.”
“It’s over.” Tom let out a breath as he plopped on his bed after the premier. “I can’t believe it over.”
You plopped down next to him and both of you stared at the ceiling in silence. You were exhausted from all the screaming fans, interviews and hours on your feet, but you had never been happier. You reached out and took Toms hand which was lying beside yours and intertwined your fingers with his.
“Honestly Tom, this has been a dream with you. You made my experience better than I ever could’ve imagined. I can’t thank you enough.” You told him as you looked to your side to see him. He turned his head to look at you and gave your hand a squeeze.
“You can thank me by keeping me around.” He mumbled. “Getting to know you has been my favorite part of this whole thing, honest to God. I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.”
“I’m sad it’s all coming to an end. I’m gonna miss being with you every day. Eating all our meals together and all that. I loved that.” You spoke softly as you looked down at your hands, trying to hold in tears that came out of nowhere.
“It doesn’t have to end. We can still see each other.” Tom assured you as he propped himself up on his elbow.
“Yeah, but it won’t be the same. You’ll go off and film your next movie and hang out with your newest costar and forget all about me.” You looked up at him sadly. “And yeah, we’ll see each other but it will only be every once in a while. We literally lived together during filming and now I’ll see you every few months. If I’m lucky.”
“Then let’s keep living together.” Tom said as if the idea had been brewing in the back of his mind for a while.
“What?” You lifted your neck a little to get a better look at him.
“I’m serious. Let’s move in together. Who says this ever has to end?” His eyes were hopeful skies with anxious clouds as he waited for your answer. You stared at him a moment as you pondered it, but deep down you knew the answer straight away.
“I don’t want it to.” You mumbled. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You never will.” Tom smiled softly as he brushed a stray hair off of your nose.
“Good.” You stated firmly. “Then let’s move in together to make sure of it.”
“Alright.” He left out a happy sigh and fell on his back. “We can start looking for a flat tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You covered your grin and turned away, not wanting him to see how happy it made you that he felt the same connection you did.
“All the fans are saying we look like a couple.” Tom said suddenly, handing you his phone that was open to twitter. The ship name your fans had coined for you and Tom was number one on trending, Tom was number two, and you were number three. Taking his phone in your hands, you scrolled through a few of the many rows of tweets saying you and Tom made, would make, or were a perfect couple. You couldn’t help but smiling seeing that millions of people wanted you to date your best friend.
“Oh my goodness.” You chuckled as you handed his phone back. “That’s another weird thing. I’m so used to kissing you and acting like I’m your girlfriend from filming. I have to stop myself from being all over you when I see you. I guess I’m still not fully out of character.”
“I have a pretty simple solution for that.” Tom quipped, clicking his phone off and turned on his side to look at you.
“Tell me.” You smirked as you rolled on your side as well.
“You wouldn’t have to stop yourself from being all over me if you…” Tom trailed off and squeezed his eyes shut like he lost his nerve.
“If I what?” You wondered, putting your hand over his to reassure him.
“If you were my girlfriend.” He spoke timidly. “Who says our love has to be limited to the screen?”
“Are you asking me out, Holland?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, darling, I’m sorry if I misread the moment.” His face fell when he thought you didn’t feel the same. “ I thought we-“
You didn’t let him finish, leaning forward and kissing him instead. A hesitant hand molded against your hip as he kissed you back, smiling against your lips until you pulled away.
“You thought right.” You laughed breathlessly. “Whether we’re in front of a camera or not, I want to be your girlfriend.”
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