#i know youre technically not supposed to use them as your jewelry
jonny-b-meowborn · 11 months
Life is okay actually (remembered that tomorrow my Package will be delivered (new jewelry for my big ass ear holes))
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readychilledwine · 9 months
Bound by Fate
Azrielx Archeron Oc
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A/N- happy day 4 of my week celebrating over 100 new friends 💙 here is the winning poll piece with Azriel and our little Archeron OC, Kaylee. This mostly takes place pre-hybern and the Cauldron, but expect a turn at the end. This is a little bit of a Rollercoaster because I love the idea of Az and Kaylee going into her being made already kind of courting.
Summary - After her older sister returns home with 3 males in tow, Kaylee finds her life turn upside down by one of them. She is unknowingly drawn to the scarred male, and he to her.
Less fun Warnings - mentions of death and child loss (nothing graphic just in a healing house sense), mentions of SA, angst. Kidnapping
The fun warnings - smut, fingering, dirty talk, praise kink, dom/sub dynamics (because what kind of Az fic doesn't pay into bdsm?), innocent oc, one use of impact play
Word count - around 3866
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
The first time Azriel came, Feyre and Kaylee held eye contact, communicating silently. Her older sister had brought 3 men, males, she corrected herself, into their home, and now, she sat next to the one who had pretty blue gems. She supposed he was pretty, too.
If you liked your partner to quite possibly be able to kill you with their bare teeth.
And Kaylee supposed, again, that she maybe did. She looked at him before looking at Feyre and then went back to poking at her food.
When she went to bed that night, locked in her room alone by Nesta's orders, Kaylee could have sworn she saw a shadow move before something cool danced in hair and laced between her fingers.
On his second visit, Azriel found himself looking for Kaylee. He had bought something for her at a jewelry shop, without any inkling as to why. He held the small box containing the pretty raw sapphire necklace as he entered her room at the estate.
He froze at the sight of her. Her long sandy blonde hair was damp, she was wrapped in a soft fluffy robe. She was sitting at her vanity, frozen as she stared back at him. "Aren't you supposed to be dropping a letter off to Nesta?" Her voice reminded him of summer rain. It had played in his mind constantly the past couple weeks.
"I did. I was hoping to see you." He smiled as a flush instantly hit her face, gracing her cheekbones. "Only if that is okay, though. Nesta and Elain do not know I snunk up here." Kaylee nodded. She motioned for him to join her in the room, and he sat on her bed. The smell of jasmine and vanilla hit him instantly. Expensive, a shadow whispered. "How is the healing house?"
Kaylee smiled as she turned to him, running an oil through her long beautiful hair. Soft, another shadow whispered. "It's been okay. Lots of kids this week with colds and allergies. Poor little things."
"Do you want kids someday?" The question was out before Azriel could stop himself. "Sorry I-"
"With the right person, yes." Kaylee answered without hesitation. "But only if Feyre likes them. Which I guess gives me my short lifetime to find someone." Azriel felt his heart deflate at the reminder. Human, a shadow whispered. She is just human.
Azriel stood as she turned back to the mirror, keeping the box behind his back and he approached her. "Hold your hair up for me, Kaylee." She watched him from the mirror but did as he asked. "I bought this for you. I thought I couldn't help but to think of it with your eyes when I saw it." She allowed him access to her neck without fear as she watched him. His hands were shaking from his nerves as he placed the delicate necklace on her and closed the latch.
He couldn't help himself as he reached behind her, positioning the stone so it sat perfectly centered above her breasts. "Beautiful," he whispered to her softly. "Absolutely beautiful."
On his third visit, Azriel wasn't even supposed to technically be there. He had been trying to get into the Mortal Queen's Castle. During his flight, he was struck with an arrow. It wasn't ash, wasn't laced with faebane, but he took advantage of the injury nonetheless, using it as an excuse to see Kaylee. He was currently sat on her vanity stool, shirtless, as she cleaned the wound. "I don't know much about fae healing. It looks like it's already closing, though."
Azriel chuckled. "It probably is. I just wanted an excuse to see you." He laughed again as her face flushed and she smacked him on the shoulder. "Can you blame a male for wanting a pretty girl to tend to his injuries?"
Kaylee shook her head smiling before moving to clean the barely there cut on his face. "You are a shameless flirt, Azriel."
"Only when it comes to you, honeybee." He adjusted the sapphire necklace, smiling slightly. "How are you?"
Kaylee shrugged. "Nesta and Cassian got into it today when he stopped by. The energy of the house has been off since then. It's just a heavy feeling?" She looked at him, hoping he understood what she meant and he nodded. "How are you?"
"I was shot with an arrow today, Kaylee. I too have had better days." She couldn't help but to laugh at the statement, her head falling into his shoulder. He'd do anything to hear her laugh, to see her smile. "I did get to see you. So that does make up for it." She pulled back slightly, her face near his. The cut was long gone, the wound in his side had closed and all that was left was a faint pink mark.
Az, a familiar purr came into his mind. Where are you?
Almost to the wall. I'll be home soon. Azriel locked Rhysand out, his hand absent-mindedly moving to Kaylee's face.
Neither of them know if he moved in, or if she did, but one second there was a breath of air between them, the next, there was nothing but his lips on hers. Moving together as he pulled her closer between his legs and her hands came to rest on his chest.
It felt like, for once, something good was in his pathway. Something whole and pure. He pulled away from her, instantly missing the taste of honey and green tea that lingered on her, and rested his forehead against hers. "I have to go, Rhys is calling for me."
Kaylee just nodded. "Was that your way of saying goodbye?" Azriel nodded. "We should always say goodbye like that then."
Azriel's third visit was spent mapping out the house. He had not seen Kaylee since his last stop, but a small box sat heavy in his pocket waiting for the moment Nesta was done with him so he could see her.
"The last room is Kay's," the oldest sister glared at him. "She might be in there, so if she is, do not speak with her and leave her alone." Azriel nodded. "She's had a rough week."
Azriel opened the door, closing it behind him when he found the mortal who haunted his every waking moment curled in a ball on her bed. Crying. Lost someone. The shadow he had trailing her told him. Little one.
Azriel sat on her bed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Kaylee." She was instantly in his arms, crying harder as he held her against him. He adjusted slightly so she'd be in his lap, then pulled the box out and set it on her night stand. "It's okay, honeybee."
"It's not fair," and Azriel knew it wasn't. The shadow had finished filling him in. "He didn't even have a chance." He shushed her softly, pulling her in tighter. "It's just not fair."
"I know, Kaylee. I know. The loss of a babe is never fair, nor easy." They held each other in silence until her sobs became soft sniffles. Asleep. Likes to cuddle with the otter on the corner of the bed. We snuggle it every night. Azriel could have laughed at his shadows' confession. He laid Kaylee down, tucking her into the bed and handing her the otter. He watched as the shadow he had unknowingly lost to her weaved between her fingers and almost nestled into her. Ours, it whispered.
He kissed her lips gently and whispered a goodbye to her, leaving a quickly scribbled note with the box.
His fourth visit wasn't fun, nor did it allow him much time with her. He watched as Nesta fixed Kaylee's long soft waves, dissatisfied with the looks of her youngest sister.
They all had told the sisters how beautiful they looked, only for Nesta to back hand the compliment to Kaylee. "Had someone been home earlier, she'd look better."
There's nothing fucking wrong with her, Rhysand growled into the link he, Cassian, and Azriel were sharing. What is Nesta's fucking problem with her younger siblings?
From what my shadows caught, Kaylee did not get home until almost an hour ago. Something happened last night and she was pulled from bed.
That explains the medicine smell on her skin still. Cassian said softly. I think she looks fine. She looks extra glowy in that shade of blue, wouldn't you say, Azriel?
Ah yes, Rhysand said. With that clearly fae made jewelry. Admit you're courting her, Brother. We do not care..
Azriel slammed them out, moving to Kaylee as Nesta tried to force her younger sister to let her tie her hair up in braids. "Enough. She looks fine." He pulled Kaylee back to the wall by him and Cassian. They shared a silent look between them. He smiled as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, exposing the sapphire earrings he had purchased her.
Kaylee whispered quietly, "They're late." Cassian shrugged, trying to hide his annoyance. Kaylee jumped as a male suddenly appeared before her, guards and the queens winnowing in. Her hand had grabbed Azriel's, and he had protectively pulled the youngest sister behind him, almost handing her to Cassian with a growl. They did not get to kiss goodbye on that visit. An action Azriel would fly back soon to fix.
He had flown back a week later, sneaking into her room using the balcony door, and waited for her on her bed. He had not noticed her bathroom light was on. he was just anxiously waiting, mind in his own world. "Oh Gods! Azriel! You have to stop sneaking up on me." His gaze shot up and instantly widened.
Kaylee was standing there in her towel. Her long legs exposed to him, her upper chest exposed to him. "I-" he shut his mouth as quickly as he opened it and looked away.
"Is everything okay?" Kaylee moved closer to him until she was right in front of him. "Are you okay?"
He swallowed thickly, eyes locked on her toned thighs. "You are naked."
"Do fae not bathe naked? You all just leave your clothing on? Are you all ever naked?" He smirked at the question and bit at the bait she had tossed out.
"I'm naked when I bathe, Kaylee. I spend a lot of time naked actually." She hummed softly, tucking the end of her towel into itself. "Everything is fine, by the way. I just had a night off and thought I'd spend it seeing you." Kaylee nodded and smiled. "I figured we could maybe talk, or-" he trailed off, eyes on her legs again.
"Ooooor?" He shook his head. "Or what, Azriel?"
He swallowed again. "I will be honest. I forgot every idea I had once I realized you were naked."
Kaylee was debating something. Finally making her choice she dropped the towel, crawling into his lap, bare to him. "Does my nakedness bother you?" Azriel groaned, instantly switching their positions so she was below him.
He growled at her slightly parted lips before diving into them and kissing her deeply. His hands began to roam, going up from her waist to her breasts and squeezing the tender flesh. He devoured her moans, groaning in response as her legs fell wider apart to allow him more space. He moved his lips from hers, kissing down her neck, then biting into the pulse point softly.
Kaylee was responsive to him, to his every touch, lick, and kiss. He felt as if he were a sex God at how the littlest things he did seemed to be magic to her. "You are so beautiful. You know that?" He whispered into her ear before lightly biting it. She doesn't, the shadow said. She doesn't believe you. Azriel lifted her from the bed, pulling them in front of her full length floor mirror and stationed himself behind her. He continued kissing her neck and shoulders, hands playing with her nipples as she turned to hide her face in his neck.
Her skin was on fire with every touch of his hands, only to be instantly cooled by his shadows. "So fucking beautiful," Azriel groaned into her neck. "Look at yourself in the mirror and say you're beautiful."
His hands roamed lower and lower, finger tips leaving goosebumps in their wake as he continued to kiss her neck. "Az-"
"I gave you an order, little one," he bit harshly at her pulse point, soaking in her gasp and moan. "I expect you to follow it."
Kaylee's eyes rolled back as she moaned again. "Look in the mirror and say you are beautiful." Kaylee pulled back from him slightly, holding eye contact with him before realizing he was serious. "Do it or I stop. I will leave you here wet and alone, Kaylee. I only play with good girls."
She whimpered softly. His hand came up to grip her jaw, turning her face to look into the mirror. He had her spread out to him, his other large hand splayed on her lower stomach and public mound. "How can you see this beautiful body, those eyes, those legs, every fucking day and not realize how beautiful you are? Say. It."
Kaylee swallowed thickly as he watched her. "I'm beautiful," Azriel's hand on her chin moved to her throat, gripping gently. His other hand moved lower again, cupping her sex as he groaned at the feeling of her dripping for him.
"Again." He commanded.
"I'm beautiful," a single finger moved through her folds, gathering wetness.
"Again, honeybee."
"I'm beautiful." Azriel pushed his finger into her tight entrance, rewarding her obedience. "Fuck, Az." He slowly pulled it out, pushing it back in again. Watching her watch him.
"Look at how pretty you look right now with your cunt swallowing my finger." She blushed instantly at his words, moaning as he curled the digit into a spot she had never found before. "Such a pretty cunt, Kaylee." He slipped a second finger in, the stretch almost burning as Kaylee moaned. "Has anyone else played with you, beautiful? Or is this tight little hole all mine?" He knew immediately based on the blush and smirked. "Say red if you want to stop at any point, baby."
His fingers began moving inside of her as he continued to force her to watch. He was opening and closing them like scissors, curling them into that spot teasingly, pulling them out just to push them back in so slowly. "You smell so fucking divine, baby. I bet you taste like heaven." He growled in her ear as she tried to look at him. He ripped his fingers from her, smacking her soaked cunt lightly. He delighted in the squeal that left her throat followed by a whine. "Eyes stay on the mirror." He pushed his fingers back in, palm grazing the swollen bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. "Follow my rules and I will reward you, Kaylee. Break them and I will have to teach you some lessons. Am I understood?"
"Yes," she nodded as best she could with the hand still holding her throat.
"Yes sir," he corrected her.
"Yes sir." He nodded and began to pleasure her again, shadows moving in play with her peaked nipples. A heat Kaylee had rarely experienced in her self exploration began to build in her stomach. A coil was tightening and building quickly as she moaned more and more. Azriel was smirking watching her, feeling her walls fluttering around his fingers. "Az," she lost her thoughts as he put pressure on her clit again.
"I know, Kaylee. I can tell. Do you want to cum? Want to soak my hand like a good girl?" She began nodding eagerly. "Do you deserve to?"
"Yes sir." She answered instantly. A smile bloomed on his face. "Please?"
"Tell me why you deserve to cum."
"Because I was good, and I listened-" She moaned loudly as his fingers began constantly curling into that spot, his palm constantly running over her clit. "Sir. Please."
"Tell me one last time what I want to hear."
"I'm beautiful."
"Yes you are, baby. Cum for me." Kaylee finished stunningly. Her back arching slightly as her hips began to ride his hand. Her lips parted in a silent scream as that coil snapped. Azriel watched in bliss, eyes wide as hers squeezed shut and her cunt pulsed around his fingers, soaking them like he had predicted.
He slowed his movements, riding her high out gently as he whispered praise in her ear. He slowly removed his fingers from her but forced her to watch him in the mirror again. He put them in his mouth, the feral being inside of him growling at the taste of her pleasure and essence. He sucked and licked his fingers clean, maintaining eye contact with her. "Heaven." He confirmed before turning her in his arms. "You taste like heaven."
She fell asleep in his arms that night, his naked body pressed tight against hers. She had stopped before it went too far, wanting to wait to cross that line fully once they had looked into fae and human couplings more. Azriel had played with her hair before falling asleep as well.
He had relectantly drug himself out of her bed, only waking her to kiss her goodbye as the sun began to rise.
The next visit was silent and tense. "How long has she been missing?" Cassian asked softly. "When was she last seen?"
Elain shook her head. "She was at the healing house. They said a man came, asking for her specifically by name and claiming his son had fallen ill. Kaylee is known for her work with children. She hasn't been seen since."
Rhys rolled his eyes. "Right. We got that. How long ago was it?" Feyre was holding Azriel's hand tightly as the male tried to school his expression and breath.
"About two weeks ago." Nesta finally answered.
"Our sister has been gone for two weeks, and you haven't looked for her?"
"It wouldn't be the firs-" Cassian cut Nesta off with a single hand raised to her.
"I do not want to hear your excuses. Az?"
"I will find her." The shadow singer said softly. "She should have one shadow with her. If it hasn't come back to me-" His jaw tightened. The sentence didn't need to be finished as he and Rhys made eye contact and the high lord nodded. It was clear to all of the fae in the room. Kaylee was alive, but possibly in danger.
Somewhere in Hybern, Kaylee pulled her knees to her chest as she sat locked in a dark cell. Fae males were guarding her as she sniffled and cried for what felt like the 1000th time today.
She had been forced to bathe and dine with a king. One who whispered in her ear what he planned to do to her, to her sisters, before hurting her, using her, laughing while she cried and a human male watched.
Kaylee watched from the corner of her eye as the little shadow that followed her returned with more. One tried to approach the cell before falling still on the ground and regrouping to join the other ones.
She was losing hope. Hope that Rhys could hear her as she screamed for him mentally. Hope that Feyre would come save her. Losing hope that anyone could come save her. Kaylee fiddled with the chain of her necklace as she cried harder. Help me, she pleaded mentally to anyone listening. Someone please help me.
Kaylee didn't bother fighting the guards pulling her into the throne room. She knew the pathway well at this point. Nesta was struggling, Elain was crying. Kaylee just walked, numb to all of it. Nesta and Elain were stopped at a certain point while Kaylee was dragged to the King of Hybern and forced to sit at his feet.
Rhys growled loudly at the sight of her. "What did you do to her?! Kaylee! Honey, look at me!" She refused to look at Rhysand, wrapping her hand around the King's calf and playing the part of the good little toy he had forced her to become.
"You and Kaylee have something in common now dear Rhysand. You're both little pleasure whores." The king tilted her jaw, eyes sparkling with the lifelessness he found in Kaylee's. "The only difference is my toy had to be broken into submission while you handed yours away freely."
He dropped her jaw and Kaylee zoned out, waiting for what she knew was coming, almost begging for it. She blocked out Elain's screams. She blocked out the panic as Nesta stayed in too long. She blocked out the image of Cassian reaching for her older sister despite being nearly unconscious.
"Put my pet in. I want to see if she's worth breeding once she is fae." A soft growl snapped Kaylee back to reality. She knew it was Azriel. She knew he was dying. She almost fought as the Hybern guards gripped her arms, but it all went limp as one realized what she was about to do and back handed her. "Evidently there is some fight left in her. No matter, that can be fixed."
Kaylee allowed them to drag and lift her. She heard Feyre scream as Rhys held her back. But all Kaylee felt was water and cold and pain.
Azriel woke up in his own bed, squeezing his eyes shut before his hands shot to his chest. "You're fully healed," a tired voice came from the corner as Rhysand stood. "You've been asleep for 3 days."
"Cassian-" Azriel began coughing and Rhysand handed him water.
"Asleep in his room. He's been awake off and on. His wings will be fine. Just a slow healing process." Rhysand sat on the edge of Azriel's bed. "Feyre is in Spring acting as a spy. She is okay." Rhysand handed Azriel broth, hoping to help him build strength. "Nesta and Elain are awake. Traumatized, but awake and alive." He watched as Rhysand swallowed thickly. "Kaylee hasn't woken up yet. She shows no signs of waking up anytime soon. Madja and her team are monitoring her day and night. I am going into her mind every so often looking for changes."
"Take me to her." Rhysand sighed heavily at the request. "Rhys. Take me to Kaylee. Please."
The high lord nodded. "They all have powers now, Az. We can't tell what they all are, but be aware, Kaylee's body is strumming with her magic. I don't know why or what she is, but she's dangerous, Az."
Azriel nodded, moving to stand and walk with Rhys. "Did Cassian?"
"The bond snapped for him the second he saw her. We were correct. Just like I have a feeling we're about to be again." He opened the door to the room next to Azriel's.
The brothers entered the room quietly and Azriel released a soft sob. Kaylee was asleep, hair spread out on the pillow as she took deep breaths. Azriel knew what Rhysand meant immediately. Her power was intoxicating, all consuming. His eyes flicked to the birds and other animals watching from the ledge of her balcony. He shot Rhysand a questioning look, and the High Lord shrugged.
Azriel began to note the changes in her. Her ears had changed shape, her limbs slightly longer, cheekbones higher. He fixed her necklace, and removed her earrings gently. Azriel took her small hand in his, ignoring the strumming glittering bond that snapped the second he touched her.
Rhys paused as he studied the light of it. "Azriel, did you two?"
"Not to the full extent, no." His brother was stroking her head. "We played. That's it." Rhys nodded. Grabbing two chairs so they could sit with her.
He was in Kaylee's mind. She was dreaming about walking through the woods and countless animals and lesser fae. Her mind showed no signs of waking her anytime soon. "I have Amren looking into her dream symbolism and her sudden new furry and feathery friends, we have guesses, but-"
"All we can do is wait?" Azriel's voice was desperate as he kissed Kaylee's cold fingers.
"Correct. All we can do is wait."
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theangelwithawand · 1 year
Good Omens Incorrect Quotes 5
Still not mine.
Crowley as Aziraphale: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Crowley as Aziraphale: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
Crowley: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
Warlock, T-posing in the doorway: Greetings, Nanny.
Crowley, not looking up from their coffee: Good morning, problem child.
Aziraphale: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don’t murder someone right now.
Crowley: There are no books in prison.
Aziraphale: *sighs* Thank you.
Aziraphale: Jesus Saves.
Crowley: Passes to Moses, SCOOOOOORE!
Crowley: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
Crowley: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Aziraphale: ...We're on the ground floor.
Crowley: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
Aziraphale: I made this friendship bracelet for you.
Crowley: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person.
Aziraphale: You don’t have to wear…
Crowley: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Crowley: So jellyshish-
Aziraphale, laughing: JELLYSHISH!?
Crowley: You know what I meant!
Crowley: What's gone wrong, Aziraphale?
Aziraphale: Hey! That’s one heck of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis.
Crowley: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling?
Aziraphale: Well... There’s a crisis.
Crowley, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks.
Aziraphale: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks.
Aziraphale: Crowley? What are you doing here?
Crowley, wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and holding a gatorade: My best.
Newt: I’m here for the cult stuff.
Shadwell: How did you find us?
Newt: I saw your ad on craigslist.
Aziraphale: I am in charge of this disaster!
Crowley: I have a name, you know.
Crowley, wiping tears from their eyes: If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it’s meant to be…
Aziraphale: I’m literally just going to the store.
Crowley: I have issues.
Gabriel: Finally, you admit it! The first step to redemption is accept-
Crowley: With you.
Crowley: *on the phone with Anathema* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
Anathema: You’re pulling Oreos apart and saving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you.
Crowley: Maybe.
Crowley: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Crowley: *upends the bottle*
Aziraphale: Sorry, I'm late to the party. I've been doing things.
Crowley, entering in an unbuttoned shirt: I got caught up doing things too.
Anathema: Wow, Aziraphale was late too! What a coincidence!
Aziraphale: You spent all our money on THIS??
Crowley, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Crowley: Where are you going?
Aziraphale: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
Crowley: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday!
Anathema, knowing full well that Crowley got Aziraphale an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Crowley: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Aziraphale: You’re drunk.
Crowley: Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, Aziraphale.
Aziraphale: Do you see yourself as a glass half-full or glass half-empty kind of person?
Anathema: Half-full, definitely.
Anathema: Half-full and constantly rising.
Anathema: Soon the water will escape its container and consume us all.
Crowley: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
Aziraphale: AS ENEMIES?!
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 2 years
The Ascent of Tataru
When Tataru Taru was created, a WoW-led ideology was still huge in the MMO space. The idea that an MMO could - indeed, should attempt to - tell a story well was still kind of laughable. You had games attempting it (Guild Wars made a genuine attempt, with some hits and misses in its storytelling and some glaring technical limitations keeping it from greatness both in storytelling and in general appeal). MMOs were broadly thought to be sandboxes with stories in them, and even the story-heaviest of the MMOs was telling its tales in the shadow of WoW. (FFXIV’s team has been very open about their admiration for WoW as a game)
This led to characters you weren’t supposed to get quite so attached to, and also probably led to slightly less work going into the design and characterization and emotes and idiosyncrasies.
Tataru was one of FFXIV’s lamentable “nothing characters” on release. Like Minfilia she was there and she had a personality, kind of, but you didn’t have a sense of what her deal was. Like, what kind of joke would she always laugh at? You knew she spooked easily - a trait she shared with one of the other diminutive Lalafell you’d met - and that she...was a receptionist. But if you’ve had receptionist friends you also know that if you only see them on the job you’ve basically never met them.
At the end of ARR and lead-in to Heavensward, she expresses herself. Her characterization is still pretty bland - she wants to be less useless so she tries to become a mage, it doesn’t work out, and she contents herself with gathering pearls on the beach to make a bit of jewelry for her boss.
(Side Note: I absolutely love the sidequest where you find out Tataru has possibly the most aether of any mortal being, sustaining a Carbuncle for months on end and at greater distance than most trained Summoners can manage. It’s exactly the kind of point designed to make powerfologists theorize that she’s actually the Most Powerful in FFXIV in spite of that being extremely silly)
But really the point where she comes into her own is in Heavensward when she makes Alphinaud’s clothes. This is the point where we really see what she’s growing into. She isn’t attempting to be a mighty warrior, but at this point she’s proven - and will continue to prove - that she is extremely good at her job.
In Endwalker, by the end of the whole base story, you’re level 90, and I like to think Tataru Taru is also a Level 90 Receptionist.
She wears it well. Some Level 90 Receptionist feats: She is the receptionist for a secret society. She is running a multinational business conglomerate as a side hustle. When she feels you deserve a break, a place you can get away from your worries? She buys you a goddamn island. Her financial acumen pays for the scene in which you gather artisans and merchants from the world over for a world-saving project.
[EDIT: I have been reminded in the tags that even before she hits level 90 Receptionist she blackmails a pirate to get the scions a free ride across the ocean. Also from the tags I figured out the daily quest she used to grind from 80-90 in Receptionist: She was wrangling ESTINIEN (He’s the Azure Dragoon!) the whole time]
I don’t know. I just really appreciate the way they have her become Extremely Powerful but in a way that doesn’t have to involve swords or spells.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Caramel macchiato
Chapter 2! Also, the drink part is so fun, I hope you guys are enjoying that part as much as me.
Ghost had went home afterwards and stretched. He added the sleeve from his London Fog Latte to his hoard before slipping his shirt off and inspecting his back in the mirror. 
Down his spine, a line, or maybe cut would be better, split his skin in half. It looked like a tattoo until he moved, the skin moving slightly. Ghost pulled out his dragon wings. A full shift wasn’t really possible in his flat. He’d be too big for the space. But his wings fit. Kinda. He had to be careful, but they had been hiding under his skin so long that he just wanted to stretch them. 
They were black with gold speckling. There were no claws at the ends or anything, just simple black wings. They folded easily against his back again before stretching to their limits. The bones cracked and he made a pleased hum. His flat was set so there tons of big windows with sheer curtains to keep his privacy but also let tons of sunlight in. It also set on the top floor, basically a penthouse, so no one would be looking through his windows anytime soon. 
Ghost had a bay window he usually lounged on and right now, he wanted nothing more but to soak in the sun. He stretched out and purred contently when the heat of the sun touched his skin. 
His phone rang and Ghost pondered what he did to have friends who hated him so much. It was Alejandro, but that did not ease his frustration. Regardless, he picked up the phone. 
They sat there silently for a moment before Alejandro started talking, apparently getting some signal that Ghost didn’t notice. 
“Hey, so I was wonderin-”
“If you wanted to come out later?” Alejandro ignored his interruption. 
“Why does everyone want me to be social? I have a month on leave. I want to enjoy being away from you guys.” 
Alejandro laughed. “You’d stay in your house like a hermit if not for us. Come on. Come out of your house.”
Ghost thought for a moment. “Not tonight, but tomorrow, do you want to go for coffee?”
“Simon… You know I thought we were going to walk around our chemistry forever.” Alejandro sounded very teasing. 
“There’s a hot barista I want to see again.”
“Thank God. What his name?”
“His nametag says Soap. I hope I can find out his real name but I was stupid and didn’t even ask.” Ghost hummed. Soap had annoyingly been on his mind quite a bit. Stupid Scottish man. 
“Soap? No weirder than Ghost I suppose.”
“Kill yourself.” 
Alejandro laughed immediately. “See you in the morning, hermano.”
“Nos vemos.” Ghost responded before hanging up. He stretched again. Admittedly, he did some yoga. For his job, he needed to be flexible and just like his friend Koenig, he wasn’t exactly built for that naturally. Being big had a few disadvantages. 
He considered it but he decided against it for now, instead taking a shower and looking over his hoard. Most of it was made of trinkets from his missions but there were a few personal items. A few hoodies that he had stolen from his friends over the years. Several book series he liked. Tons of jewelry that he thought glittered nicely. Technically, he considered several of his friends to be part of his hoard, but it was tangential. Strictly platonic and he didn’t exactly want to lay on them the way he did his other stuff. After a while, he went to bed, curling up and relaxing. Sleep took a while, but this was a fight Ghost was used to. 
His internal clock woke him up at 5 am sharp. Ghost hated the military sometimes. But regardless, he got dressed and put his boots on. It was freezing outside and there was no snow on the ground. He put a coat on and gloves. His fingers tended to go numb when he got too cold and he didn’t to deal with that. 
He walked for a while. Mostly just in circles honestly. His ending destination would be Alejandro and Rodolfo’s place and then he’d be heading to the Sealie Cafe. He’d probably order whatever Alejandro does. Trying to try more drinks and stuff. 
Maybe he’d try one of those pastries. 
Probably not. Ghost wasn’t a big sweets person. 
Soap would probably taste sweet. And warm. 
He stopped walking. This was hoarding behavior. An instinct to drag Soap up the mountain like he was a pretty princess that couldn’t defend himself. 
Even if he did get closer to Soap, revealing himself was something that would take a lot of time. He hadn’t told Jason until they were almost adults and they had been friends since they were kids. His team knew because almost none of them were human, not anything to really hide. 
But Soap would be different. 
Wouldn’t really work anyway. His job didn’t really allow him to have long term relationships outside his colleagues. Jason was an exception and that was just because the man was stubborn and wanted to stay around him. 
“Two ships passing in the night” was something that passed through Ghost’s mind. He arrived at Alejandro’s at 8 am and knocked, hearing them moving around. 
Alejandro opened the door, hair sticking up everywhere. His curls hadn’t been layered down with products so they poked everywhere. He looked like shit. 
“Did you just wake up?”
“Yes, Ghost. It is 8 am on our leave.”
“Well you guys keep demanding I get out so you just have to deal with it. Get dressed.”
Alejandro muttered something in Spanish and left. Ghost stepped in. 
“Hey Ghost.” Rodolfo waved, clearly having been awake for a while. He looked much more put together. “So a barista huh?”
Ghost really should’ve seen that coming. Of course Alejandro would tell Rodolfo. “Yeah. I don’t plan on doing anything serious with him. Don’t have time.” If he told Rodolfo that, he’d stick to it. 
“If you say so.”
“So you and Alejandro…”
“No.” Rodolfo said immediately, aggressively shoving a piece of egg from his Huevos Rancheros. “That’s not something I want to talk about right now. If you’re hungry, there’s food on the table.”
Ghost saluted him quickly and nodded. “Understandable. No thanks.” His body had decided as soon as he woke up that food just… wasn't going to work today. The thought made him nauseous. 
Rodolfo nodded and smiled when Alejandro reentered the room. Alejandro smiled and said he’d grab lunch on the way home before leaving with Ghost. 
The cafe was a little busy so they waited in line. Simon noticed that he was almost a head taller than everyone else and straightened up a bit. Alejandro laughed, but didn’t comment on it. 
They stood at the front and Alejandro hummed. “Macchiato please.”
Soap narrowed his eyes. “Cafe or Latte?”
“Oh, cafe.”
“Okay, dude, look, a cafe is 3.75 and is a shot of espresso with a small amount of milk foam.” Ghost thought that sounded gross. “Latte is where its the milk with the espresso on top like the one from Starbucks.”
Alejandro frowned. “Yes. I know what they are.”
“Are you sure?” Soap stared him in his eyes.
Alejandro blinked. “Yes.”
“Okay! One cafe macchiato and then for you Ghost?” Soap smiled at him. 
“I will take the one that’s from Starbucks.” Ghost wondered if Soap would stare at him like he just did Alejandro. Instead, he laughed and nodded. 
“I’ll have that right out.” Soap stepped away to make it. It occurred to Ghost that he had never seen anyone else there.
“Him? Really?? Also, you forgot to ask his name.” 
“Oh, I’ll get it in a second.” Ghost led Alejandro away to a table. He stretched. “So Rodolfo.”
“He looked so pretty this morning right?” Alejandro sounded dreamy, like a teen talking about their crush. 
It took… a strong amount of self control to not roll his eyes. “You should ask him out.”
“We’ve been friends so long… What if he doesn’t see me that way? I don’t want to risk it, ya know?”
“I really think you’re overthinking it, Ale. Just… Ask him out.”
“No. it’s got to be romantic. Special.”
“Well if you don’t do it soon, he might not be there to ask.” Ghost pointed out, watching Alejandro glare at him. “I’m just saying. He’s an attractive guy. Wouldn’t be that hard for him.” He was being a little mean, but those two had been tiptoeing around each other so long. Alejandro had already admitted that he considered Rodolfo his. They were both dragons, so Ghost understood. He also understood if there was anything that would rile Alejandro up, it was the idea of Rodolfo no longer being his. 
“He wouldn’t…”
“Are you expecting him to wait forever?” Ghost rubbed his face through the mask. 
Soap appeared, perfect timing as always. He slid Alejandro’s drink to him and set Ghost’s down. “So do they really only call him Ghost?” He addressed it to Alejandro. 
“Yep. Only name we use at work.”
“Ah. Disappointing.”
“I’ll tell you my name if you’ll tell me yours?” Ghost looked up at him, watching the soft blush on Soap’s face. Yeah, it definitely wasn’t the piercings and Ghost wanted to be the evil dragon in the story and drag him to a cave. 
“I think I prefer Ghost.” Soap winked at him and left.
Ghost felt like he was floating. 
“How do you manage to look so lovestruck with just your eyes?”
Ghost kicked him hard under the table. Soap had decorated his drink again. Extra espresso, swirled slightly. The foam had once again been made in a heart with golden sprinkles over it. Ghost almost didn’t want to drink it. 
“The favoritism here is nauseating.”
“What was it like? When he stared at you?”
Alejandro looked at him like he was a delinquent. “Like he was stabbing my soul directly for every customer that’s ever gotten confused by the difference.”
Also, want to be part of a tag list for this fic? Just reply to this and I'll make one :)
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averseunhinged · 4 months
it's wip wednesday! hooray. my actual ongoing wip are all kind of at a point of almost doneness where i should stop sharing snippets from them, so here is a thing from the archives. no idea when i might finish this, because of all the other things.
technically, it's a soulmates au, but doesn't really get into all that until like ten pages later.
The young woman who opened the door was none of the three he expected.
"Hi," she said hesitantly, elongating the word. "Can I help you?"
"The answer to your question is entirely dependent on whether you're planning on using that," Elijah pointedly looked down at the crossbow held nonchalantly in her hand.
"Oh!" she yelped and easily swung the heavy weapon up behind her back. "That's nothing. It's...a prop! Made of Styrofoam. My friend's a drama major. No big deal."
He heard a sigh from further inside the room and the approach of bare feet in sandals. A slim, pale hand appeared from behind the door and opened it wider.
"Well, you tried," Caroline Forbes said with an exhausted tilt to her inflection. "Points for thinking fast and coming up with a solid, truth-based lie. Would've been better to avoid flashing medieval weaponry around in the hallway in the first place, but you did stick the landing." She focused her attention back on him. "I thought that sounded like a Mikaelson. Hello, Elijah."
"Miss Forbes."
"Well, at least you know each other. I'm Ivy," the other girl cheerfully introduced herself and held out her hand for him to shake.
"Did you not learn your lesson the last time?" Caroline pushed Ivy's hand down and scooted the other girl back into the room. "Don't try to make friends with supposed friends of friends who turn up out of nowhere!"
"I'm already dead, what else could happen?"
"You could always be more dead, or about a trillion other awful things. Do you want to get shot in the head? I've been shot in the head. It sucks. There. The benefit of my experience. No need to do your own research."
"I give you my word no harm will come to your," Elijah paused and then questioned, "sireling?"
"Adopted. Her sire's an idiot, but he's an idiot I inherited, and unfortunately, I'm attached to him now." She sighed and looked over her shoulder. At what, he wasn't sure. "Okay, I'm kind of on a time crunch, so you should come in. No," she commanded, pointing one stern finger at him, "shenanigans. I will be super upset if you do any heart-ripping."
Elijah solemnly traced an X on his chest and said, with gravity, "Cross my heart and hope to die."
"Oh great. More hilarious jokes." Caroline stepped back and waved him in. "You all have the worst sense of humor. Like it's seriously terrible."
Whitmore was one of the oldest universities in the American South, and a wealthy one at that. Judging by its size and appointments, Caroline's dormitory room looked as though it had originally been a common room. There was typical evidence of young women--cosmetics and jewelry, warring perfumes, several brassieres hanging over the back of a chair--but there were also stacks of old, rough-bound books and an open train case smelling strongly of a witch's tools of the trade. Spread across one of the single beds and the surrounding floor area was an incongruous array of weapons.
The other girl, Ivy, was on the floor, peering at a rectangular, carved box. "Stilettos of Suffering?" she read from the small, engraved plate on it, confused.
"Not shoes, obviously, and not cute. They're like icepick knives with a curse attached, so don't open it. Witches," Caroline shook her head and sketched out an exasperated gesture. "They say we're nasty pieces of work, but I've never wanted to liquify someone's internal organs with a single poke."
With all his family had gone through over the past year, Elijah had to agree. "Vampires do tend to be a bit more direct."
"So," Caroline said cheerfully, taking the stilettos away from Ivy and placing them back in an old footlocker with respectful precision, "I don't know what you need, but Elena had a psychotic break on witch LSD and made the incredibly constructive decision to have her memory erased and Bonnie's dead. Sort of. Maybe." She toed off her sandals next to one of the clear beds and shook a pair of black trousers out of their precise, folded square. "It's complicated. Damon's unavailable, plus he sucks, and Stefan just won the award for biggest jerk ever, and he didn’t even have his humanity off this time. Oh, and there's this stupid Traveler barrier around Mystic Falls. You stop being a vampire and then die the way you died if you cross it. So, probably don't do that. Or do, if you want to. I don't know what's in your life right now. That's between you and Jesus." She squinted at him and tilted her head. "Or maybe Thor, I guess? Because Vikings."
Elijah hummed. "I'm not in correspondence with either one, and my to do list has far too many items left undone, at present, for a suicide attempt."
"You and me both, buddy."
"And as fascinatingly convoluted as that sounds," he began, placidly watching as she tugged on snug jeans under her pretty, pink sundress, bouncing a little bit from their tight fit, "I've already located my quarry."
She froze at his congenial tone, slowly removing her hands from underneath her dress, where she had finished fastening her jeans, and looked at him in quick-dawning denial.
"Oh no," Caroline insisted, shaking her head, her thick ponytail and the late summer humidity ringlets framing her face bouncing from the force of it. "No, no, no. I have my own idiot to rescue from his poor decision-making skills. I don't have time to get sucked back into your idiot's bad choices."
"From what I understand, Miss Forbes, my idiot just so happens to be your idiot as well, and perhaps even more in need of rescue."
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somedayonbroadway · 7 months
Imagine your dance teacher disappering and you finally see him again but not in the way you were hoping
I know. The poor thing.
The Ballerina Masterlist
Race’s head was swimming. He couldn’t tell what was real and what was a dream. He heard people talking, felt people touching him and couldn’t lift his arms to push them away. He could feel sores and burns from the ropes all over him and he knew that if they knew he was awake, they’d find a knew position to put him in. He tried to take deep breaths. It had to be a secret that he was aware now. Maybe he could just listen and find out where they were and maybe the earpiece would turn back on and Jack could find him and—
Wait. The earpiece. It was gone. The boy couldn’t feel it in his ear anymore. He stopped breathing for a moment as his throat got tight. He didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want them to see him cry. But that didn’t stop a tear from trailing down his cheek. He sniffled, still not taking a proper breath. He heard something start beeping and blinked his eyes open a bit to find a blurry mess of a world. “Oh my god, is he breathing? Hey… hey, blondie, take a breath, you’re okay, you’re so safe,” someone whispered. “It’s okay.”
“I c-can’t hear him anymore, I c-can’t hear Jack,” Race began to sob, completely uncontrollably. Then he remembered something else. “S-Smalls?! Saraya?!”
“Hey, hey,” the voice whispered. “It’s okay, it’s alright, just breathe. In and out, just breathe. I got you, Toots.”
That’s when the voice clicked. Race managed to take a quick gasp of air before he clenched his hand a bit, like he was trying to grab something. “S-Sean?” he whimpered, his voice breaking.
Spot immediately laced his fingers through his fiancé’s. “Hey, Racer. I’m right here. Smalls is safe. She’s with Jack. Pretty shaken up but she’s alright,” he promised.
When Race’s vision finally adjusted, he saw his beautiful fiancé sitting in a chair beside him. And he himself felt an uncomfortable mattress beneath his back. Everything was blue and white and plastic and metal and Race knew right then he was in some stuffy hospital. He couldn’t move his head to look around though. He could feel his heartbeat pulsing through his entire body. Every single muscle in him was sore to the point of paralysis. He just stared at Spot and tried to place the pieces together. He couldn’t remember what happened. Not even a little bit. “Jack is here?”
“Of course Jack is here,” Spot assured. “H-he’s the one that saved you,” he admitted. “Right now he’s talking to a social worker.”
Race blinked, confused. “But I’m too old ta have a social worker.”
That made Spot smile for a minute. It was a sad smile, but a smile nonetheless. “Not for you, baby. For Saraya. She’s become somewhat attached to him and since he’s already technically a foster parent, he might actually have a shot at taking her in.”
Race didn’t even know what to say to that. He told his brain to tell his body to move but nothing happened. “Why can’t I move?” he whimpered. “Jack?! Jackie!” he started to scream, but it wasn’t as loud as he thought it would be. His voice was broken. It hurt to talk a bit.
“Tyler, your body is just resting, you need rest. It’s like… you remember that episode of How I Met Your Mother? When Barney tried to run a marathon without training and then he couldn’t get off the subway?” Spot explained. “It’s… it’s like that. You were using your muscles for too long and now they’re fatigued and you need to rest.”
The dancer blinked up at him as more tears welled up in his eyes. His eyes didn’t hurt so bad anymore when he cried. He supposed that must be due to an IV. He swallowed hard. “H-he took my ring,” Race whimpered. “C-Creep… h-he took my engagement ring. I-I’m so sorry, I told him ta give it back. I told him—“
“Angel, it’s just a ring,” Spot whispered. “I will buy you a million more pieces of jewelry, I don’t care, we’ll get you a new ring.” That didn’t seem to make Race feel any better. So Spot sighed and pulled a necklace out of his pocket. The dream catcher necklace. Race’s felt himself melt at that. “We found it outside the studio…”
“I-I thought it was gone,” Race whispered.
Spot gently let the thing dangle around Race’s neck. “Why don’t you close your eyes, huh? Try to relax…”
“I wanna see Jack,” Race insisted.
Spot nodded. “He’ll be here the second he’s done with the social worker—“
“No, I need to talk ta my brother, Spot. He thinks I hate him,” Race whimpered.
“I promise that’s not true,” Spot insisted. “Look, he’s gonna come back as soon as you can. He’s barely left your side in three days.”
“Three days?” Race whimpered.
Spot ran a hand over his hair, brushing it back so he could kiss the younger man’s forehead. “You’re still a little warm,” he whispered. “The fever should go away soon.”
Race blinked a bit. He tilted his head up so he could kiss Spot. It was barely a peck. Spot was a bit stunned. Race swallowed hard. “Kiss me,” he begged.
“Tyler,” Spot sighed.
“Spot, kiss me. I n-need you ta touch me, please, please just get on top of me and use you’re stupid muscles—“ the blond begged.
But Spot shook his head. “You’re exhausted, Race, you don’t know what you’re saying—“
“I can still feel him, Sean!” Race whimpered. “Please, I don’t wanna feel him anymore…”
Spot sighed, holding Race’s hand close to his chest. His whole body burned at the thought of that man manipulating his love. He hadn’t seen the videos. Jack had made sure of that. But Spot knew that Jack had watched them. So had so many other feds. He was sure Race didn’t know and he didn’t want him to. The poor thing would be humiliated. “Baby, I promise we’ll be okay. I promise it’ll be okay. But you need to rest.”
Race just managed to turn away from him, sighing in frustration. He didn’t anticipate that to make him dizzy. He closed his eyes and sniffled, not knowing if he’d ever be able to move again, much less dance. He didn’t want to think. He didn’t wanna be aware. He just wanted Jack.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hiiii can you recommend some stories that are really well plotted? Preferably AU. I'm looking for multichapter stories that don't even have to be novel length or anything, but ones where you can tell the author put a lot of thought into the story arc, that are well paced and have a cohesive plot. If they include romance or smut, even better. Is that too vague an ask? Or too picky even? If you could recommend fics that are like this, you truly are angels.
Hello! You’ll want to check out our #plotty tag for fics with a focus on story and plot. Here are a few more I can recommend...
The Pocket Watch by HolyCatsAndRabbits (E)
August Fell has a problem: his jewelry shop was just broken into and the thieves took everything, including his beloved pocket watch. Anthony Crowley has a different problem: he knows exactly where the watch is, but how is he going to get it back to the man he's desperately in love with without revealing how he got it?
The Pillow Fort by Kalimyre (E)
Chronically touch-starved, Crowley decides to try one of those "professional cuddling" places. Aziraphale volunteers there for reasons of his own. Crowley gets attached far too quickly, but it's not as one-sided as he thinks.
Obliviously Haunted by catiegeekgirl (T)
There wasn’t much for a demon to do in an empty cottage in Tadfield. After some exploration, Crowley concluded that he was tied to the house. He also concluded that any of his miscreant doings in said house were going completely unnoticed. After only two months, Crowley was ready to pull his metaphysical hair out. And then came the angel. He wasn’t a real angel, of course. A real angel would have stepped into the cottage, immediately sensed the presence of a demon, and gone straight to taking advantage of his unfortunate situation. The stout man in tartan was not, technically, ethereal, but something about his soft cheeks and light blond curls gave him the air of being everything heaven was supposed to be. And Crowley wanted nothing more than to haunt him.
You were an Angel Once by cyankelpie (T)
In the photo, Crowley lounged across the corner of a park bench while Aziraphale sat on the other side, his mouth open in a laugh at something that Crowley had said. All the blood drained from Aziraphale’s face. “I-I can explain.”
“Oh, there’s no need,” said Michael sweetly. “I’m sure I already understand.”
With a great effort, Aziraphale tore his eyes from the photo and looked up at her.
“Truly admirable,” she continued, “to try saving the soul of a demon.”
(Aziraphale has two years to save Crowley's soul and convert him back into an angel. If he fails, he will be ordered to kill Crowley with holy water.)
what the water gave me (we'll watch the sun kiss the sea) by sabraneadaz (T)
“What’s your name?” Pepper asked, jumping to crest the next wave. She’d drifted further out to join Adam where he stood between the Them and the stranger.
“All these questions,” the man said, “next you’ll be asking me if I’m an animal, vegetable, or mineral.”
“Go on then,” said Adam. “Which one?”
(The Them find their summer holidays spoiled by fly-tipping. A woman struggles with life without prophecy. A bookshop owner learns to love, and a mysterious man navigates 21st century courtship. In other words, it's the selkie au no-one asked for.)
I Only Have Eyes For You by Twilightcitysky (M)
After narrowly escaping execution, Aziraphale and Crowley want to fly under the radar for a while. Worried that performing miracles will reveal their location to their former bosses, they relocate to the country and stop using their powers. Meanwhile, Aziraphale is ready to start moving faster... and Crowley has a secret. Can he keep Aziraphale from realizing what's changed while juggling moving trucks, furniture assembly, inquisitive mediums, attacks of Feng Shui, and the mortifying ordeal of grocery shopping?
A fic about moving in together, finding yourself, and finding one another.
- Mod D
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
Ahoj, ahoj, zasa ja a mam ďaľšie otázky o vampire AU!
I know this was technically asked before but I don´t think there was any explicit answer sooo ... aside from vampires what other kinds of supernatural creatures are in your AU? And do you have any ideas on which character would be supernatural and what kind they´d be?
So Sapnap and George can be seen in modern mirrors but what about photos? In some stories it´s said that vampires won´t show on photos so now I wonder ... does Dream ever try to take a selfie with these 2 and George and Sapnap are just not there or it´s just their clothes seeming floating around?
I think it was mentioned that after argument or something Dream puts on lot of silver jewelry because vampires hate that. And I´m sorry if this was already answered and I forgot, but how do Sap and Gogy react to this? Also does Dream put on just enough to keep them from biting or does he go overboard putting on ridiculous amount of jewelry just cuz he can and it´s kinda fun walking around the house with enough silver on him that these 2 assholes don´t even dare to come close? They´d be on the opposite end of the room shooting him very wary glances and just "come on babe, we´re sorry" (I also can´t get the picture of Dream holding eyes contact with them while putting on jet another silver necklace in passive aggressive manner)
Do Sapnap and George ever kinda ... stalk Dream around? Like following him to school etc. even if he doesn´t really want them to?
No myslím, že to je nateraz všetko. Vopred sa ospravedľňujem ak sa za pár dní objavím s ďaľšou otázkou 😅
ahojahoj welcome back :D
the au is gonna be centered around the vampires. I know I promised it half a year ago at this point but I do want to introduce other vampires that snf are friends with (cough cough they're from the munchymc crew). honestly I didn't put much thought into other supernaturals? the only one that I am 100% sure of is that Techno is a werewolf (or a wereboar. let me indulge). as of the others I think it would be nice to include fairies, as you can guess it'd be Tina, Sylvee and/or Hannah, but I don't really know what I'd do with them in the AU, so this is more of just a loose idea than a promise
that's an interesting question! I didn't think about it before, but it's probably because silver (or more specifically, silver bromide/AgBr) was used in photography back in the day. given that the images are processed digitally nowadays, they would not have this problem, though the image of that is really funny. (and, to be entirely honest right now, the selfie of them that I drew was supposed to be a window reflection. if you've taken one of those two-storey trains they make for amazing 'mirror selfie' places)
I should genuinely draw that :D it doesn't repel them Entirely, they can still approach him, but they try to avoid touching anywhere near the silver. which sucks for them because Dream loves his silver rings and chains. but the 'babe. babe no y do u do this to us we're sorry' is very much a thing :D the silver is a very clear sign to back off though, so they'd keep some distance. I wonder how much silver would be necessary to keep them at the other end of the room? on a bit of a sidenote, there is one human-vampire couple where the human threatens to get silver lip and tongue piercings whenever his boyfriend gets a little too much
and no, they don't. they respect him and his privacy and wishes, and trust him enough when he texts them about going places or staying somewhere longer. I'm trying to write a healthy relationship for once
thank you for the questions! vôbec sa nemusíš ospravedlňovať, vždy ma tvoje asks potešia, hlavne keď vidím slovenčinu :D
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mysticstarlightduck · 10 months
🧢 share a snippet about clothes
Thank you for the Ask, @clairelsonao3!
I have some snippets that mention clothes, and though they're not necessarily the main focus clothes certainly play an important role in starting these interactions. I chose two:
(Misunderstandings at the Imperial Masquerade. A bittersweet snippet from Luciya's POV)
They walked into the Great Hall, where the festivities of the week were about to start. Tonight, the Glimmering Waltzes would be the talk of the Capital.
Luciya groaned. “I look like a baby pigeon that fell from a tree. I mean - look at this dress, it’s not even fitted. I’m sure Lady Avaline chose this as a cruel joke, because nothing explains this.” She pouted, looking down at her wonky and bland grey dress and pointing at her unimpressive mask.
Still, she looked just like any of the other maids in the castle, which had technically been her unwanted occupation for a couple of years now. It was supposed to be a good thing, no one could recognize or catch her in this costume, but she still envied those who actually got to enjoy the finest of the festivities she used to dream about. 
“On the bright side, you won’t have everyone looking at your every move like hungry vultures. I feel like a damn preened peacock”  Quinn chuckles, gesturing to all of him. It seemed like there wasn’t an inch of him that wasn’t covered in the burdensome myriad of shimmering jewelry that adorned his flowy and gold-trimmed silk clothes. A walking gemstone. 
“You do have a point, but at least you get to look I don't know, pretty.”
The words soured as soon as she spoke them, and Luciya wished she could take them back. She had meant them as a compliment - just hadn’t realized soon enough that she’d chosen the worst one. It’s that specific word, Luciya scolded herself, she should’ve chosen anything else. Quinn blinked a couple times, before he quickly shook his head. He tried to laugh it off, but he had gone paler than the statues around the now bustling great hall.
Pretty thing. She suddenly recalled what Quinn patrons had often called him.
Luciya grimaced, hating herself even more as she remembered that. How could she have forgotten? She had accidentally all but rubbed salt in that fresh wound. More than nothing, she wanted to take her careless previous comment back before she even said it.
“It would seem so,” Quinn answered her previous comment, barely audible through the masquerade’s rising music. The faint touch of bitterness in his voice faded away into a sigh as straightened his posture, placing the party’s golden mask, that had been chosen for him, over his expertly expressionless face. Before she could fix her mistake, her friend continued with his trademark carefully crafted smile.
“Anyways, the party is about to start,” Quinn said out loud, words perfectly smooth despite her recent slip-up. He continued, lowering his voice so that only she could hear what he was about to say. “If our friend’s plan is going to work, this is as perfect of a time as we’re ever going to get. When the masquerade reaches its peak, you’ll slip away to the gardens, unseen. You get to the gardens, give Cassander the information, get that scroll in return, and come back before the last song ends. The Emperor wants the masquerade to last until dawn, so I don’t believe timing will be much of a problem for us.”
Right, there was no time to wallow in feelings or how they looked, Luciya reminded herself. They had work to do, and there were lives on the line. She nodded. 
“I know a small hallway that leads down the palaces. It’s only ever used by the nobles - and the occasional servant - but now that they’re all here, the hallway should be empty. I’ll get in and get out before the songs even finish.”
Quinn nodded at her, a mix of satisfaction and worry where his eyes peeked through the mask. He turned to walk away with a playful flourish. “And I’ll make sure to put up a good show.”
He smirked, and turned away, smoothly walking to his assigned seat at the high tables. 
A curious realization (A snippet from Darian's POV)
Darian could almost feel Seira staring at him but said nothing until his curiosity got the better of him. "What are you doing?" Darian asked, amusedly.
Seira, patted her chin, pensively, before pointing at his cape as they walked.
"Darian, I'm pretty sure my uncle made that cloak." She paused, tugging at the fabric so that she could pull one of the edges closer to her eyes, and hummed. "Yeah, it even has his signature stitch pattern on the velvet trim. Interesting."
Darian huffed out a chuckle. "Wait, are you serious? Let me see." He leaned closer to the edge of the cloak she was holding up, finally recognizing the patterns. "I'll be damned... I never even realized that."
"Well, well, well, would you look at that," Seira smiled warmly, throwing an arm over her friend's shoulder "It seems our Rebel Boy got clothes made by the finest and most highbrow tailor in all of the Free Realms."
She laughed. "Oh, I would pay to see the look on his face if my uncle ever found out the rebel heir was his number one client. Oh, that would've been precious to witness."
Darian looked at her, a sly smirk on his face as he giggled.
"What can I say, I am a man of good tastes."
Seira shook her head playfully. "I'm glad to see you haven't changed a bit in the past three years."
In front of them, Lukan looked over his shoulder, almost stumbling into a moving cart. "Would you two focus? You're going to make me make a wrong turn and lose the address - and then we'll have a real problem on our hands. Be more careful and less loud."
Darian felt Seira snort out a laugh. "Since when did you get so bossy, Luk?" She asked playfully, though Darian noticed her moves becoming more cautious, like Lukan had suggested.
Lukan didn't turn around. "Ever since you dragged me into this city which I'd rather forget." The mercenary answered drily, before looking around, talking to himself. "... Now if we continue through here - No, wait, there. Yeah, that's it. How can one place change so much in so few years, my Gods...?"
Seira nudged Darian, who was staring concernedly at their unwitting guide's struggle to figure out where they should go from here. "Don't worry, he usually gets it right after a few tries - well most of the time."
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 7 months
pixlriffs for blaseball? and maybe zed and oli if youre so inclined
Just answered a different ask with Zed, but I'll do both Oli and both Pix-s!
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Oli Orionsound is a pitcher for the Seattle Garages. He spends his time not playing Blaseball writing far too much music for the Garages, forgetting to schedule the gigs he's supposed to, and bothering Pixl Rifts.
Oli was an incineration replacement around season 3. He managed to dodge the effects of pretty much every plot event like Neo and instead had his own plot going on in the background. He's one of the many lead singers of the Garages and, for the 6 or so seasons they play together, has a violent rivalry with team captain Scott Riven. Oli is supernaturally terrible at setting up equipment for their gigs and hates doing it, but Scott makes him do it solely because he knows Oli hates it. The rest of the team hates this entire arrangement because they have to deal with the consequences of this and usually have to help Oli untangle himself from the wires he's managed to get himself into.
Oli and Pixl Rifts (season 2 Pix) also have a violent rivalry but it's completely one sided. Pix plays for the Crabs, who are one of the Garages' main rivals, and Oli takes team rivalries way too seriously. Pix couldn't care less about this, but he also doesn't care enough to tell him to stop. They also make out at parties and Oli wrote shutout about him but no one's allowed to know that (LITERALLY EVERYONE KNOWS. IT'S NOT SUBTLE.)
Garages Song Assignment: shutout, as previously stated
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Pixl Riffs is a pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints. He spends his time not playing Blaseball volunteering at the Randall Marijuana Memorial Cat Cafe, being the guy you go to if you need to schedule a funeral, and making jewelry.
Pix was a season 1 member of the Breath Mints. I don't know how he picks up Roamin', but he does for the sake of the bit. The bit in question is that in season 14, Pix is an unfortunate casulty and finds himself ghosting in the Hall of Flame. At the end of season 14, Pix resolves that "if it sucks, hit da bricks" and uses Roamin' to simply leave.
Pix doesn't have the Vigil in this universe, but he still feels a deep connection to death, and often helps out other players with their team's respective death rituals. The most important example of this (to me) is that Pearl makes him an official caretaker of the Memorial Bat Forest.
Garages Song Assignment: Song For A Fallen Player
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Pixl Rifts is a third baseman for the Baltimore Crabs, a pitcher for the Yellowstone Magic, and a third baseman again for the Magic. When he's not playing Blaseball, he spends his time grilling the Old One/Lōotcrates for history facts, pretending he's a ~coffee connoisseur~, and doing puzzles.
Pixl Rifts is a season 1 member of the Crabs who takes Blaseball maybe a little less seriously than he should, considering it's a death game, but he's ignoring the reality of it all. In season 9, Pix dies. In season 10, the whims of fate have him at spot 14 on the Hall of Flame memorial board, meaning he and Xornoth get swapped when the Idol Board closes. This means that Pix, technically, has a hand in saving the world, but he doesn't let it get to his head. He spends one season replacing Xornoth as a pitcher for the magic, and though he gets a Party Time boost, he is abysmal and is swapped to batting again as quickly as possible.
Pix isn't an archeologist in this universe, but he's a big history buff and spends most of his time on the Crabs talking to the old god that lives in the Chesapeake and then, when Lōotcrates shows up, the League Historian, trying to grill them for history knowledge. The Old One is much more willing to talk than Lōotcrates, as to be expected.
I already talked about the weirdness he has going on with Oli in this post I just wanted to remind you.
Garages Song Assignment: double play
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pyraelia · 2 years
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November 21 - Day 2 Orbit / Illusion
Companion to Fiorenze's Day 1 -> here
Pyraelia stared her sister down as she tried to process the tempest of information that had been unceremoniously thrown at her without warning or preamble.
Xylaes had a Quel’dorei-Kaldorei son that her sister had known about for five years.
That son— Garren. His name was Garren. —was going to be staying in the guest room of her tower— Fiorenze’s tower, technically —until Xylaes could help him find lodging.
This wasn’t a request so much as it was an edict. It was happening, the invitation had already been extended.
The family meeting was only to catch her up on the particulars.
Her mouth felt dry. Sure, Fiorenze didn’t need to ask for her permission, but it would have been polite. Pyraelia had been the primary resident of the family tower for the better part of three years.
She could feel the acid in her tongue and her pulse in her temples.
“You studied astronomy with me, Fiorenze,” she said, maintaining a steady tone and even breathing. Six seconds in, six seconds out. Not biting a caring hand was a choice, “You know throwing new bodies in skews everything off orbit. What about how this affects me—”
Fiorenze cut her off, her own voice not unkind but firm, “And your research? Your life? You’re clever enough to adjust, Pyra. He’s done nothing to you, and as someone who has once been cast out by her own family and forced to figure out my own way with very little to my name you can understand why I’m interested in lending a hand.”
That wasn’t entirely true, Pyraelia knew she’d taken a handful of jewelry with her to start her life as Fiorenze Sunbinder, the commoner, off. The rest of it made her nose wrinkle because Fio had a point, Pyraelia had forced her out and started a disastrous two year reign as Lady. And it was her tower. She had every right.
But it would’ve been nice to have the illusion of choice, in this.
Fiorenze sighed, “Don’t be upset with me, or them. If I had more time I would have done this more gently, you know that.”
Pyraelia rubbed at her eyes with her non-prosthetic hand, pressing her thumb and index finger in along her lash line as she took a minute. Sixty seconds. “Five years you knew, Fiorenze. You had so much time.”
“He wasn’t my son to tell you about, and you’ve dug in your trenches with Xylaes over nothing,” her sister pointed out gently.
It wasn’t over nothing, was it? For all that they had their differences… Pyraelia sulked, “You deserve someone who loves you, Fiorenze. I don’t think that’s nothing.”
That got an airy laugh from her sibling who only shrugged, “He does in his own way, I think, even if it’s not in a language either of us recognize.”
It was poetic enough to cut the thread of tension that had wound its way up Pyra’s own spine, and she took another deep breath in before sighing it out, “I suppose that’s why he asked you for a room. You’re right. I will get my own feelings in line.”
Her elder sister smiled and took both of her hands, flesh and metal, and drew her back into her grand circuit, “It won’t be for long. Thank you for handling it well.”
She felt her ruffled feathers soothe as she nodded, agreeing to the arrangement, “I’ll make sure he’s shown all the Sunmote hospitality we were taught for friends of the family.” That would make her sister happy, and it was what the boy— Garren —was.
It was always better to be kind, and if he truly had been kicked out it would probably be nice to know someone in Dalaran who wasn’t Fiorenze or his Father.
@daily-writing-challenge @fio-renze / @xylaes / @garrennorassin
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fuzzyblanketcuddles · 2 years
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I posted 12,774 times in 2022
9 posts created (0%)
12,765 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 631 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 57 posts
#more useless facts about me - 48 posts
#lol - 9 posts
#rhys darby - 5 posts
#🤣🤣🤣 - 5 posts
#david dastmalchian - 5 posts
#anyway - 5 posts
#prev tags - 4 posts
#abner krill - 4 posts
#listen - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#(but like she wasnt robbing them because she was technically part of the family and had access to the accounts she just wasnt supposed to-)
My Top Posts in 2022:
abelia + edelweiss + taro
Abelia- do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear/can't part with?
There's a set of plain silver plated rings that used to be my grandma's. It's one of the only things we have left of her. Unfortunately my fingers tend to swell and I don't really wear them because of it.
Edelweiss- how do you think of your url? What's it associated with to you?
So it's actually a funny story. Back in highschool I had discovered the teenage love of wattpad and was obsessed with this show and I made it a big part of my username. Fastforward to like Jr year and I HATED my username because it was 'cringe' so I tried to find something more mature and I had seen people have user names like teabooksnmovies or something and I LOVED it. So here we are 🤷
Taro- if someone called you right now to catch up, what're the things you'd tell them?
Hmmmmmm I dont know really. I don't find anything in my life particularly interesting... I guess I'm working 2 jobs again, uh one of the girls I was BFFs with in highschool just got married so I got to see them all again... I'm going on 2 yrs working at the hospital now too...
2 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
I've been at home sick the last 3 days and just got Paramount, and there are a bunch of good oldies on here, but I almost wish I could queue up episodes of different shows to run. Almost like the queue on YouTube, so when one ends a different episode of a different show plays, maybe throw in a movie here or there. Almost like cable TV, but you can set it up to run whatever you like with no commercials.
2 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
20, 28, 49 for the ask game 💐🌹🥀🌺🌷
Thank you!! You picked some serious questions, lol.
20. What/who do you miss?
... probably my cousin Spencer. We grew up together and he was pretty much my everything. Was always there for me. Our family was fighting a lot when we were younger and I moved out of state so we lost touch. He's in the military now, might even be married too!
28. How are you really?
Haha, not great! But I will be eventually.
49. What does your last text say?
It's to my mom actually:
"Coolio, headed to lunch soon."
Thank you for the asks I really enjoy them!!!
2 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
3 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
a school subject your good with?
how many alarms do you have set?
do you shop at thrift stores?
what’s the meaning behind your url?
Oooo! Just saw this, thank you!!
1. I was always really good at math, surprisingly! I understood it quickly and it wasn't hard to learn.
2. 3, and that's on a good day, lol. The first one is to shock me awake a little early, I completely miss/ sleep through the second, and get up at the third!
3. Absolutely, I've shopped at thrift stores and garage sales my whole life! I love them so much!
4. Well whenever I had to made up a name for something, like a game, a story, kahoot, i would use a random word generator. And there was this one where you put in the name of a bunch of your favorite stuff and it mashes them together, so i put a bunch of different things that made me happy and this was the first one that i liked!
Thank you for the ask, I love love love doing these!
3 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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akumastrife · 2 years
Yule Be Caught; Under Bright Boughs {TRC//Fic Advent: Day 1}
((Officially, Happy Holidays! I’m going to do my best to post every day up until the 25th. A few longer fics, maybe a couple drabbles, maybe even some smut. Who knows. I wanted to be farther ahead in my plans by now but WHOOPS pantsing merrily all the way per usual.))
Things were supposed to have calmed down--Adam was supposed to have calmed down. All of him. All of this. But any party at Fox Way, Yule especially, was bound to cause some sort of chaos. He’s not even sure it’s technically his fault. (Theme: Mistletoe)
{Part 1} {Part 2}  {Part 3}  {Part 4 - Final}
Adam was used to Fox Way being an ever-revolving whirlwind of aunts, cousins, and various pets that shouldn’t be. But this… whatever this gathering was supposed to be, was just excessive.
“Fuck me,” Ronan hissed, jamming his hands into his jacket pockets. It was already unbuttoned and disheveled, a scotch stain at the corner of his lapel. “I’m gonna kill that little vole.”
Adam scratched at the side of his neck, skin crawling under some invisible presence. It’d been bothering him for the last hour. Probably allergic to rubbing elbows with all of Richard Gansey the Senior’s guests. 
“Don’t start a fight, please,” Gansey begged.
“Yeah,” Adam added, “Calla will break you in half.”
“Like to see her try,” Ronan said. And knowing Ronan, he’d probably prefer that to their halting progress through cackling laughter, sticky drinks being jostled, and a thousand homemade shawls covered in a thousand different perfumes.
“Blue!” Gansey cried in delight.
Adam couldn’t see her yet, but that was normal. He’d find her eventually. They weaved through elbows and clouds of hair, and found themselves in the big kitchen filled with crock-pots and trays and crystal bowls of various chilled and steaming liquids. Some of them somehow both.
“There’s the riffraff,” said a throaty voice.
Orla: curls like a halo and dripping in metallic gold fabrics, so much bronzed skin out and criss-crossed in endless looping chains of jewelry. He swallowed, eyes flickering down and then back up faster. Scratched at his neck.
He was sure the gold meant something, but he wasn’t inclined to find out.
“Hello Orla, happy holidays,” Gansey said, hand out for a shake.
Orla simply gripped the tips of his fingers, smiling when he took the hint and kissed the back of her hand. “A Happy Yule to you. And you, pet.”
Ronan bared his teeth.
Adam pushed them both past her, but was stopped himself with a long-nailed finger tracing down his neck to his shoulder.
“Hmm,” she said.
He batted her hand away, shoulder jacking up. Scratched at the tickle she’d left.
“You’re late,” Blue said.
“The silent auction ran long,” Gansey said. “Forgive me?”
“Never.” She still handed him a cup of something steaming. Glanced at his side, face scrunching in horror. “What’s that?”
“Presents.” Gansey brightened, lifting the bag bulging with soft wrapped packages, all mostly the same shape. Gansey had been awfully pleased with himself—and uncharacteristically tight lipped—about it for days.
“I don’t want your charity. Take it back to Tiffany’s.”
“It’s not from Tiffany’s. That’s jewelry, nothing would be in a package this large. Well, unless you were Orla, I suppose. I’m just she could find—”
Blue huffed a laugh, flicking his nose. “I know what Tiffany’s is.”
“Please don’t be mad,” Gansey begged, already desperately out of his depth.
Adam smiled, relaxing some. There were still too many people and too many twinkling lights, but his friends made their own bubble, and he breathed a little easier to melt into the crowds. And the banter was normal; softer than whatever Ronan always did in the BMW after a Gansey Event, knuckles white on the steering wheel and Gansey disapproving in the passenger seat. Even if they weren’t fighting, it was an uncomfortable familiarity to sit in the back under the passing lights, both seventeen and seven at once, the same dreadful anticipation curdling in his throat.
“Can I have some?”
Adam jumped, torn from his thoughts by both the voice and the cold hand to his wrist. Noah, whole and bright, and staring beseeching at the napkin-wrapped mini pie of some sort in his hand. He didn’t remember picking it up; didn’t remember being handed it either. That was the magic of Fox Way, hundreds of women like generators, and a house humming heavy with domestic energy that tugged his mind into complacency.
He took a bite of the pie.
“It’s spiced fruit and nuts,” Adam told him. Admittedly, very good. He wondered who had made it. “You can’t eat.”
Noah pouted, looking forlorn between him and pie. And then leaned in to press their lips together.
A tongue, decidedly tangible and cold, swiped into his mouth and muffled his embarrassing noise of surprise.  
“The fuck?” Ronan snapped.
Dazed, Adam could only kiss back, something in his tired brain shorting and misfiring and only responding to warmth, to tongue, to want.
“Oh,” Noah sighed, pulling back and licking his lips, watching Adam’s with pupils too dark and wide. “Oh, that’s delicious, you’re right.”
“Huh?” Adam said, with all of his 4.0 grades.
“I’m getting better at borrowing energy,” Noah said, still staring at Adam’s mouth. “Borrowing senses from living.”
Adam’s heart tripped and ratcheted faster, feeling cornered and with it that inescapable hunger he tried to shove back down with the old and calloused grief at Noah’s fate.
“He’s getting very good at it,” Blue said proudly, but even she was staring at Adam’s mouth. Or maybe something below it. “We’ve been practicing.”
Gansey whined—terribly betrayed and pathetic about it—and was ignored.
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lgcjisoo · 2 years
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what were the last 5 songs that you’ve listened to?
“let’s see... fifth is ‘candy’ by shin-sunbaenim. speaking of which, are those dating rumours true...? i don’t know hanbyul well enough to ask,” jisoo hums with curiosity in passing. “ the fourth song is ’if you’re not the one for me who is’, by keshi. i really enjoy keshi’s music. third last song, ‘bad dreams’ by bevy maco and summer soul, this is one of my favourites that i keep going back to. the last two songs i listened to were english ones, mmm... ‘summer is for falling in love’ by sarah kang and eyelovebrandon, and ‘cursive’ by billie marten. i found those two songs off a playlist. i really do like spotify for that, because you never know when you’ll find another song you like enough to add into your own personal playlists. 
what are the top 5 most used apps on your phone?
messenger & facetime, kakao T, yogiyo food delivery, spotify, youtube
"my screen time is miserably low.” it’s quite funny that none of the camera or social media apps actually make it onto his top 5, but it’s no surprise. “sometimes when i don’t feel like taking transit, it’s practical to use transport services. and food delivery. always a bonus. and yes, i do pay for youtube premium... it’s expensive but someone’s got to do it.” jisoo grimaces slightly, but after he’s tested out the trial, it’s hard to go back. “but number one is definitely messenger and facetime. after splitting up from the guys in the trainee group, i miss them a lot, honestly and with our schedules not aligning anymore, this is the best way to stay in touch with those that i’m closest to.”
what is the most random note in the notes app? 
“sometimes i keep track of my dreams once i wake up and put them in the notes app. i don’t want to bother anyone else with it, and i’m rather private regarding the majority of things. i’m pretty sure there was a note in here.. let’s see. ‘ran away, axe murderer or something, kept running until i jumped off, woke up, sweaty’, with lots of typos. yea. i don’t remember anything about this night, or when this was,” the note was dated from 2018 too, which was even before his time at the company. “but apparently it was a rough night. if i don’t write it down, i genuinely don’t remember any of my dreams or nightmares. food for thought.” 
what was the last message or call you’ve received and who was it from?
 “there’s like three people who i speak to on the phone regularly,” as jisoo swipes through the phone log, it’s really a cycle of the same people. “my dad, my mom, and teddy,” he laughs, as it’s the same names with the exception of some work calls in between. “other than the work calls, of course. i’m not going to ignore the agency and i’m always down for a work call. mmm..... i speak to my mom more than my dad, but it’s nice of both of them to check in. also, text message is probably keeho.” a ding goes off, and jisoo laughs as it’s an update from keeho. “right on cue.” 
what were the 5 most recent online searches?
“they’re all things i was looking at fashion wise, it’s so boring. look. i was looking up some silver jewelry, and ‘how expensive is a birkin’. ‘how to buy a birkin’. ‘why are birkins so expensive’. i’ll count that as one, to be nice, i suppose but that was three different searches, technically.” no, jisoo doesn’t actually want to own one. he just wonders why people fawn over them in the stylists clothing selections like crazy. “oh yes, ’popular niche fragrances for winter.’ i am in the middle of trying to expand my fragrance collection, beyond oh... elysium and some others,” jisoo chuckles at the name drop. “it seems that there’s so many popular fragrance brands lately that it’s hard to choose. but i’ve been told i don’t really need it, though it should still be a good accessory for red carpet events. oh... and the most recent search was for what movies were playing at the theater near me so... yea.” 
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rald5in · 4 months
Soma <- He gives me nobility vibes, so he is basically a curious and optimistic noble who set his own adventure of the world of Thalassa. His parents are definitely against him going out, especially since he is a *Sea Child.
(*People whose prayers were answered by the sea, granting them abilities that are retained by their desires and personality, such as his bird appearance and ability that reflect his desire.)
However, he is determined to see the world through his eyes, so when he is 18 years old he sneaks, then his first adventure is to a 3-day walked town, which he is greatly excited about but he literally got pick-pocked fast which he panics because that's most of his savings yet that didn't deter his spirit, so he sells a couple of jewelry.
He does have experience with fighting but it is basic and he has no actual experience. He gets his ass beat with certain creatures and trick by people.
So he sold the jewelry and rented a inn for a night or two to just explore the town since this is the furthest he have ever walked without bodyguards or his parents.
He does have some survival knowledge as he is supposed to be a doctor and he knows a lot about his faunas and floras. It also helps that he is a birdman so he did managed to survive for 3 days by just sleeping at the top of a tree and eating bugs.
He could theoretically survive but he also doesn't help that he is a Sea Child which increase his chances of being enslaved since they're susceptible to become an *item upon death.
(*The physical manifestation of one’s desire with high desire, extreme yearning, and longing then it would manifest into a item that encompasses that desire.)
That why he wears a cloak, thick boots, and plague doctor's mask since he's going to get bad attention, so it does help that he is technically a doctor-in-training.
So kind of thinking about taking advantage of said knowledge to become a healer adventurer that mostly heal light ailments such as stomach aches, allergies, illness, and more.
Earning him the nick name of Bird Doctor (Might change this)
One day in the forest, he ended up seeing an injured white cat against some old ruins when they see him, they went defensive; hissing and glaring. He rose both of his arms up, "Look, I am not here to hurt you." In which, the Cat doesn't believe.
"Watch it, pest. I'm not afraid to claw you out if step a foot closer."
Soma scanned the injury, it looks bad, and big. He doesn't want to leave them be and he cursed himself for being soft-hearted.
"I...I'm also a Sea Child. Just like you." As he remove his mask.
That made them paused and lighten up their threatening aura.
"I understand that you do not trust me but I am a doctor and that injury of yours is bad that could get infected. It could be fatal." He said removing his cloak and sword down to the side of a tree where the cat can still see it, "There is my sword."
"...Fine. Do something funny, you'll better say goodbye to one of your limbs."
"You have my word."
When the doctor finished and wrap the injury. The cat, who introduce themselves as Fenn, raise a brow, "You're pretty kind there, bird. I'm grateful for the help, so I own you a debt-"
"Oh, you don't have to-"
"Ah! Ah! Shush! I don't wanna hear that humble pie of yours and I'll repay your kindness in the future but word of advice that goody-good attitude of yours will get you killed. Don't reveal to much of your cards, Doc." They snort, "The fact that you reveal your status of Sea Child, some aren't as kind when that information is given."
"I'll take your word for it." Giving a couple of medicine and ointments to Fenn and waving a goodbye.
(Their first meeting)
That debt is one day going to be repaid.
One day when he went to another town, he got found out that he is a Sea Child by people who he thought he could trust so he ended up being chased to the forest. It helps he flies but what doesn't help that those slave traders have items that's used for capturing.
He got captured by using a wired net, he tries to pry it off but it's difficult, and it hurts his body. He tries not to struggle too much, the less his injured, the better.
He is then put in a cart, he's quietly panicking, trying to think of ways to loosen his bindings with minimal damage so he could escape properly. Before he could even think, he heard a yell.
One of the trade slavers got their head cut off and then a familiar voice.
"Well, seems like I repaid my debt, Doc."
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