#i love any and all love for roach my beloved
captain-mj · 3 months
Are we gonna get a part four for love potion pretty please I‘m eating drywall right now
Of course!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Soap went into the woods that night with Ghost to search for the beast. Well, that’s why Ghost invited him. He was collecting some of the ingredients for Roach. And then he did it the next night. And the next. Eventually, it had been two full cycles of the moon. 
Ghost had become slightly more lax around him. Not much, but if his armor exposed some of his skin or he just didn’t know what to say, he let Soap know. He joked with Soap. Soap was pretty sure he smiled at him. He swore he heard it in his voice. 
Right now, Ghost casually took off his mask. This far away from his beloveds, his eyes were normal. His hair had been cut a bit shorter since they had last talked. Soap wanted to draw him. Or kiss his freckles. Or both. “Hungry?” 
If he had less of a filter, he would’ve said yes, for him. The time together did not do him any favors. Instead of finding flaws with him, something to convince him that his crush is stupid. All it did was make him want him more and more. Sometimes all he wanted was to press his face against Ghost’s neck. 
If he was honest, with all of his spare time being used for Roach as well, he had a similar feeling. He wanted to press against him, kiss him breathless.
It was a good thing neither wanted him as it would impossible to ever choose. 
Soap nodded. “I could eat.” He pulled his bag out and sat down to lean against a tree. He expected Ghost to pick a different tree to sit at but instead, he sat right next to Soap, thighs almost pressed together. “We do this for how long, sir? Won’t Lord Roba miss you?”
“He’s found his time with me.” Ghost sighed. “Always does.” He stole a piece of the goat cheese Soap had and popped it in his mouth. 
Soap watched him, fascinated with how his teeth chewed through things. He took a piece of the fruit Ghost had and ate it quietly. 
Memories faded. That was part of the passage of time. But that night had been sealed into his brain. Ghost in the throes of pleasure, head tilted back, mouth open. Soap knew he could do better than them. With no spell, he was sure he could do better by Ghost. 
Maybe it was a bit of a wicked thought.. Especially with what he knew Ghost went through. But God that did not help his feelings for him. He wanted to kiss him desperately. To touch him. Run his fingers through his hair. Press against him. 
“Finds time?”
“In the morning. Today he decided to get my time before I left.” 
Soap glanced at him, biting his jealous back. Now that he pointed it out, Soap could see the bites right at the edge of his collar. “Hmm. And when do you sleep?”
Ghost laughed. “I don’t sleep.”
“Elf thing?”
“Ghost thing. Never slept well. Especially not now a days.” Ghost closed his eyes. 
“Did they do something that hurts?”
Ghost paused and glanced at him. “Why do you care?”
“I want to know if you’re hurt.” Soap answered honestly. 
He seemed to accept that answer as he nodded and looked away again. “Some cuts on my thighs. I can move just fine. My fault?”
“How was it your fault?”
Ghost finished his food and sighed. He glanced at him. “Haven’t found the thing yet. They’re punishing me until I find it.” 
Soap nodded. “We’ll find it.” Or he’d die trying. He hated the idea of Ghost being punished for the crime of not being able to track a creature that might not even exist. 
Ghost sighed. “I hope we don’t. I can take it. It’s just a creature following it’s nature. Doesn’t deserve to die for that. I’m used to being hurt.”
“You joked about eating it.”
“I’ll make the most of it if we do. I won’t hesitate to kill it. But… I don’t want to. I stopped wanting to hurt anyone a long time ago.” Ghost smiled and closed his eyes. 
Soap swallowed and chose to sit in silence with that. He looked at him, wanting to kiss him. 
Simon looked at him. Soap could feel the difference. Something changed from one second to another. “Johnny.”
“Simon, do you think if we were miles away, things would be different?”
“What do you mean?”
“If we were somewhere else, miles removed from everything, what would you do?” 
Ghost thought about it for a minute. “I’d go home to Roba and Pilar as soon as I could.” 
Soap felt his heart break. “Ah. I see. Let’s keep going.” 
Ghost nodded and got up, pulling his mask back on. 
The two of them ventured further out and Soap looked for the last two ingredients on his list. Something from Ghost and foxgloves. They had something to do with deception and the breaking of it. 
Soap had no clue how he was going to get something from Ghost. He did tell Ghost he was looking for foxglove. When asked why he’d need foxglove, he fumbled before just awkwardly explaining they were his favorite.
Ghost had stared at him for a minute before they continued through the night. As the moon started to set, Soap realized it was another night without the plant he needed and another day where Ghost would be punished for not finding this fucking thing. 
Soap sighed as they circled the entire town. “Guess we’ll have to call it a night, Simon.” He turned around and paused. 
Ghost had a bundle of foxglove out. “Here. I passed some earlier.” 
Soap swallowed and took it slowly. “Thank you.” 
Ghost nodded and left him alone there. Soap looked at the flowers in his hand and swallowed thickly. His hand came up slowly to touch the buds. 
It took him a long time to walk away from that spot as his head spun. But eventually he did. He went straight to Roach. 
Roach who beamed when he saw him. Roach who always let him stay longer than he needed to. 
Roach who took the foxglove and noticed an important detail. 
Ghost had used his handkerchief to hold the stems together. 
“Everything I need.”
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still-fatemeh · 27 days
Not the bsd coded songs in my playlist...
A.M.P. by Movement (There's not any other song that gives me this magnificent of beast dazai vibes)
Are You Ready? by Måneskin (Who let stormbringer chuuya cook?)
All I Can Never Be by Trash Boat (Odasaku my beloved)
Be Nice to Me by The Front Bottoms (Who let teen chuuya cook again? Fuck you verlaine)
Black Out Days by Phantogram (Beast dazai, our lovely pathetic emotional wreck of a man)
Blood // Water by Grandson ( I know this song is about corporate greed and political corruption, culminating in environmental degradation but if you read in between the lines, fyodor and his obsessive need to wipe out sin and ability users from the world will show itself.)
Born for Greatness by Papa Roach (Chuuya, for literally no reason)
Boys Don't Cry by The Cure (Beast dazai. The lupin scene... He's never had any tears to cry...)
Broken Home by Papa Roach (Sigma, except he doesn't even have parents. He has no home.)
Bullet by Hollywood Undead (15 dazai. The upbeatness of the song mixed with the gruesome message screams teen dazai.)
Can't Be Tamed by Miley Cyrus (The most corny chuuya one, tachihara too)
Counting Stars by One Republic (Odasaku, I know the rythem doesn't suit him but the lyrics do him justice)
DiE4u by Bring Me the Horizon (Soukoku)
Dirty Little Animals by BONES UK (YES, the arcane song. This screams teruko)
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Feel free to add to this🩷
(I only covered the letters A to D in this post)
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inkblot22 · 2 months
Idia and the expression of displeasure
Uh, shoutout to that guy who I thought was my friend, asked me if I wanted to hook up despite being over 1000 some-odd miles away, despite me being very openly not that into men and, more importantly, telling him very clearly that I have no interest in dating him specifically. You're so cool for that, man. I just love to feel like an object. The "something about me" is the crippling c-PTSD, anxiety, and possible psychotic illness rotting my brain and your reading of me as a "Creepy Goth Chick", thank you.
Anyway, I hope I was able to direct that shitty man behavior onto our beloved Idia. I did tag you, it's later on and if you'd like me to remove it, I can absolutely do so, just let me know. Also all I can think about is this vine.
Dividers by @/cafekitsune
TW for verbal abuse, manipulation, emotional abuse, captivity, use of a shock collar, mention of physical abuse, Idia is an asshole, abusive relationship dynamics, lack of communication.
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Idia is the type of person to believe he is pragmatic, when, in reality, he is rather mercurial. He will fly off the handle at the smallest thing but be completely unbothered by larger issues.
I imagine this could lead to a few problems for his dear, sweet partner. (By the way, I refer to Idia’s darling as his partner because that is what they have rationalized their situation to be, currently: they are Idia's captive partner. Idia doesn’t label them very often, and although he does call them his partner, he definitely sees them as an endearing pest, kind of. Despite them being there because of him, he often acts like they're a mouse or roach that popped up one day and he grew attached to.)
Idia is not the type to like striking or physically harming his partner. He’s the type to get rude and nasty, and play victim. This does not mean he doesn’t ever physically harm his partner.
See, that shock collar around their neck? We have previously established that this is connected to his technomantic energy, and his technomantic energy is connected to his inherent magic ability.
The collar is set up with a warning system. If Idia’s partner does anything he remotely dislikes or any set of pre-established actions that they are not made aware of, they will receive three low-voltage, quick-tap jolts of electricity right against the column of their pretty throat.
These actions include, but are not limited to: acting in any way to harm Ortho or Idia, attempting to harm themselves (this one had to be added after the hanger incident), walking too close to the door or the covered-up window, touching any of Idia’s current or past projects without permission, touching Idia’s gaming setup, ignoring Ortho (this only is put in place if Idia’s partner is hostile towards Ortho at any point, even just once) and refusing any food or drink given to them by Idia specifically. It's important to reiterate that Idia has not told his partner literally any of these rules. Much like the ways that some people train a dog, they have to learn the hard way.
After the three taps, Idia’s emotions and/or intentions dictate how intense the next shock is. Sometimes it’s a bored little zap, like a fourth warning to cut it out before he gets mad, sometimes it’s a rolling pulse that pulls them away from whatever they’re doing, sometimes it’s a tidal wave that literally brings them to their knees and makes them throw up. It really depends on the most annoying kidnapper in the world. 
Idia is very aware that holding this person hostage because of his own predilections and perversions is a wildly morally incorrect thing to do, but Idia also doesn’t give a steaming shit. He’s been given what he wants, having grown up as a member of the upper crust, and if he doesn’t get it given to him, he finds a way to get it.
This means that, as much as we all love him, Idia is a whiny pisslord. The second his partner doesn’t do what he wants, he’s grumbling about it, he’s whining, playing victim, getting huffy.
While that might not sound bad, please remember that Idia’s partner has a bunch of exposed wires situated with the intent of shocking them around their neck at all times, and the shock collar is connected to Idia’s emotions. While getting shocked in a more violent manner isn’t very common for them, it can still happen, and therefore it's possibly best to do a little eggshell walking.
Besides that, it’s not very pleasant to be around someone who is so volatile, even if at their most disappointed they just complain for a few hours or days. Having to deal with someone else’s displeasure in life while being more or less unable to discuss your own does not do wonders for your mental health.
Let’s go over some scenarios and the punishments connected to them.
Idia has been playing some online fighting game all day, pretty much ignoring his partner. He hears them move during a cooldown between matches, turns around in his chair, and asks demands that they come over and let him kiss them a little. Of course, Idia’s partner declines. In this situation, Idia would usually get upset and complain about it for a while, name calling included. His words and mood definitely have the vibe of, “How dare you breathe around me and then not let me touch and kiss you. That’s just leading me on, breathing around me.”
Idia’s partner made some cup noodles while Idia was taking a nap after he raged all night and well into the afternoon. He wakes up and sees them sitting in his gaming chair, facing away from his computer and eating. In this situation, Idia would straight up zap them for two reasons. Number one, they didn’t make him anything to eat, and number two, they’re not supposed to be sitting in his chair or at his desk. Anywhere near his computer/anything that could possibly be used to contact someone on the outside without supervision is a huge issue. Keep in mind that he never deigned to share this rather important rule with his partner.
Idia’s partner has a bad day and snaps at Ortho, shoving him away very, very gently. It almost goes without saying; they’re getting zapped to the point of unconsciousness, because Idia panics and then gets mad, in that order and in rapid succession. The emotions blend together for a moment which makes the jolt stronger. This is when the “no ignoring Ortho” rule would be implemented, because they’d better be really nice to Ortho for the next few months before Idia decides he can trust the two of them to interact without his watchful eye. He trusts his little brother, but he doesn’t trust his partner.
In honor of a certain discussion I had with @tht0nesimp (thank you so much, you're very insightful,) Idia’s partner has a meltdown (understandably) and starts throwing things, including a glass of water that was brought to them after they had a bit of a cry in the shower (stay hydrated, everyone.) The glass, still with the water in it, sails across the room and clocks Idia right in his pretty face, ideally breaking his nose. While it’d be understandable to assume that Idia would be mad enough to hit his partner with a jolt of electricity that would bring them to their knees, Idia is sensible enough to understand that this is a display of some form of hysterical emotions that his partner has been bottling up until this point. Therefore, instead of electrocuting his partner, he just starts complaining, more loudly than usual. It is not peculiar for his voice to rise in volume but not in inflection, we hear this in game, but imagine that just a bit louder and more whiny.
“Wow, and here I thought you were an adult. I can’t believe you can’t even control your emotions.”
“My nose hurts. No, don’t apologize. It’s your fault anyway. I don’t even want to know what you’d do if you were really mad.”
“If you want to make it up to me, you could- don’t make that face. Whatever, I knew you weren’t being serious. Whatever. Just ask Ortho to get me an ice pack and go sit somewhere away from me. It's fine. It's fine!”
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kedreeva · 2 months
What’s a good food that peafowls tend to really like! I have tried blue berries and they seemed to really enjoy that!
I have some fruits at home and I can safely feed them as they live in my city
Mainly mangos, plantains,Asian pear, and apple!
They can eat mangos, plantains, pears, and apples, but they probably WON'T eat mangoes or apples. they MIGHT eat pears, and they'll probably eat plantains (idk how sweet plantains are, but if they taste anything like bananas, then peafowl love banana so they should go for it). They prefer small bites of things, but I've never had a bird who enjoyed the taste of plain apples or was particularly impressed with mango, if they'll even try it in the first place. I've never had a pea willing to eat papaya at all, they won't even touch it here.
Beloved favorite fruits here are blueberries, watermelon (cut in half and just put out, they will Destroy it with glee), cantelope (more hesitant, but once they figure it out they love it just cut in half and put out for them), blackberries, cherries (pitted), raspberries (especially black raspberries), bananas (cut up), and cut grapes (they'll SOMETIMES eat whole ones if they're small but they may ignore whole grapes if they're too large to be appealing and they can't taste juice). They prefer darker grapes to green grapes. If they're offered nothing better, they'll eat cutup strawberries, pears, apples, peaches, and honeydew melon, but it's Under Protest. Mine won't touch papaya or kiwi or citrus fruits (except Bug, who loves canned mandarin oranges).
I know it's not fruit, but they will also eat veggies, just less enthusiastically. I've found boiling carrots to make them just a LITTLE softer gets better results. They love cucumber, tomato, and basically any kind of pepper (even hot ones, capsaicin doesn't affect them like it does mammals). They can be offered cooked potato, but raw should be avoided. Raw or cooked sweet potato is fine, but they're more likely to eat cooked. Pumpkin is also fine in any state, and they will delight in Destroying a raw one cut in half- same goes for any pumpkin-like squash like spaghetti or acorn or whatever.
They also really like cooked pasta, like elbow macaroni, roasted peanuts, raw shrimp (cut up), small raw fish (minnows, guppies, goldfish, mollies, platies, baby panfish like bluegill fry, etc), f/t pinkie mice, live bugs (crickets, dubia roaches, superworms, mealworms, waxworms, hornworms (domestically raised blue ones, the green ones that have fed on tomato plants may contain toxic amounts of solanine), silkworms, etc), and leafy greens (though if yours are free range ferals that's probably not as appealing). You can by processed treats, they really like suet nuggest, preferably in blueberry or other fruit flavors, but they'll eat the normal stuff too.
Mine also really like a bowl of their normal chow, with water added to make it soft. They can lack enthusiasm for a lot of raw/fresh foods, but they always bicker over who gets to eat the wet chow first.
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ejunkiet · 1 year
ej!!! im about to buy fernweh book 1 after looking through it on your account, do you have any other IF recommendations? i read wayhaven chronicles due to your posts and it was 🫶🫶
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hehehehe EXCELLENT >:D I LOVE FERNWEH!!! I absolutely have other recommendations!! >:3 I'll stick with completed games, as demos break my heart, but here are a few favourites!!
Fallen Hero Rebirth & Retribution: @fallenhero-rebirth - on steam, but also found on the app store. Start with Rebirth, then import your saves into Retribution to continue the story. One of the best written games out there, play as an ex-vigilante hero turned villain. Ortega is one of my favourite characters of any game okay
Blood Moon: @barbwritesstuff - okay so technically so the full game isn't out until June, but this remains one of my favourites. Werewolves, and just beautifully nuanced and fleshed out characters. play the demo, and get excited with me for the full release!
The Passenger: @the-passenger-if - horror, you're literally an eldritch horror being hunted by another horror. mind the content warnings, but this is a ROMP. again, wonderfully fleshed out characters, fall in love with Roach with us >:3
Blooming Panic: on twitch here! - a visual novel, but absolutely fantastic. it's free, and I recommend playing all the routes to unlock the true route - it's a love letter to fan communities and I love it.
Bad Ritual by @heart-forge- I've been following this for a long time, and it's also a romp, and wonderful. Unleash a demon and learn about the inherent prejudices of society. Siruud, beloved. <33
The Fog Knows Your Name - on the app store, I just finished this, and it was fun. Solve the mystery of an ex-friends death, and save the town!
Okay, so this should be a good start? ANYONE ELSE GOT RECS? >:3
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fixfoxnox · 10 months
Use this ask to ramble about anything, better if it's about Roach 🪳💖
(btw I think I found you in twitter by accident, I'm not sure, too anxious to follow anyway)
I haven't gotten to yell about my boy by himself in so long omggggg
Oh also before I forget, you probably did find my Twitter! I haven't really made any posts about it cause, tbh, I still have no idea what I want to post there, but I do indeed have a Twitter! It is here for anyone who wants to follow me. Right now I've just really been dropping random cod thoughts and reposting a lot of artists content, but who knows maybe I'll start doing some Twitter exclusive stuff or thread fics or something (has no idea how thread fics work). Anyways on to the boy:
I'm using this as an opportunity to just talk about whatever comes to mind and the first thing I wanna start with are like some alternate ideas I had for Roach's family before I landed on the Sanderson dynamic that I have now:
Roach from a military family
Imagine how fun it would be if Roach was raised in a military family, especially if they still had that overprotective aspect to them. Like baby boy who was raised around the military so he's been intimately familiar with it
Maybe he had some different talent and his family wanted him to go down a different path and not go military like them
He says fuck that and joins the military and fucks around and ends up joining taskforce 141
Extra funny points if his family don't realize that he's on a specialized taskforce cause he was so nervous about telling them and they find out in dramatic fashion
Maybe he drops in to save them on a mission or something like 🤭 the drama of it all I love it
Also side note but I was thinking so hard about the Sanderson boys (Johnathan and Eddie) and I can't draw so I have to snatch some Face Claims for them so this is what I think Roach's older brothers look like:
Johnathan is played by Lee Pace don't test me this man is tall and probably acts as his own security at his bar and also is a goofball and idk Lee Pace is perfect (this should not detract from me also thinking that Lee Pace is a perfect fc for König)
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Eddie to me has to look something like Luke Norris idk I feel like he needs a softer and more like nervous/panicky energy than Johnathan and this man fits don't test me don't test me
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Also for anyone who is wondering: No, I still don't have a face claim for my Roach. In my mind he changes so much I see so many different artists versions of Roach in my brain at all times so choosing an actor for him is so hard. I have...thoughts, but idk that anyone would enjoy the thoughts that I have so we'll pretend I don't have them.
More on Roach cause he's my lil guy, my lil dude, my lil buddy
Listen y'all know Southern Roach is my bias but also also also have been falling in love more and more with the idea of Russian Roach. He would be so funnn like he works with Nik beforehand maybe he was undercover with the ultranationalists. I also enjoy the idea of him cursing Shepherd and/or Makarov out in Russian I think it would be fun.
However Southern Roach rains supreme I was thinking so hard about a ghostroachsoap au recently based loosely on the song "Farmer's Daughter" by Rodney Atkins. (Y'all let me know if you want the full au its really just farm au cuteness)
Thinking so hard of Roach just being beloved in his small town as this Golden Child precious little dude then he goes off to the military and finally let's that feral side come out a little. Imagine how funny it would be for Ghost and Soap to go home with Roach and see their boyfriend pu on this innocent act and listen to people describe him as this perfect little guy when they know for a fact that Roach is like borderline feral two steps away from being considered a wild animal.
"He's such a good boy, would never hurt a fly."
Ghost and Soap who watched Roach tear a man's throat out with his teeth last week:
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Also taking the opportunity to say that we as a community need to start acknowledging hoe canonically skilled Roach is with weapons! Like this is a boy who had both Price and Soap cursing because they couldn't get any kills because he was killing them to fast. This is a boy who beat Ghost (his luitenant) on a rifle test by a wide margin and on the test that ghost beat him he only fell behind four points.
Roach canonical has several extremely brutal takedown moves that he can do, including the pickaxes and the little fucking kick thing he does to the one guy before stabbing him. Also he's like straight up flipping his guns and doing tricks with them and shit in his weapons inspections, Soap talks about how good he is with C4 and shit.
Like I think people see the like spots where he got into trouble and nearly died in the campaign and take that to mean that he's like not as good as Ghost and Soap and needed their help a lot but like honest to God all of the trouble he gets in to is less because he fucked up and more because the world seems to have it out for him.
The roof breaking out from under him, the ice cracking on him, explosions happen to rock his ass just as soon as he hits an open field. Like someone was trying to kill this little fuck and two outta the three times they failed.
And like its not like Roach doesn't help himself during these situations. Like when he fell yeah he had Soap guiding him but he was the one having the run and slide and do all that shit like no amount of Soap's guiding could have made that easy for him.
Also this boy almost falls off a cliff but is able to get himself back on track enough that he not only finishes climbing the cliff but then does a whole ass stealth mission basically invading a Russian military base on his own???
Roach is a very talented and skilled bug and we should all be patting him on the head for how cool he is.
Also I think its absolutely funny cause In my mind he's smaller than Soap and Ghost both like height and build wise (not small, just smaller than those two behemoths) and so when the trio of them are together people like tend to underestimate him meanwhile Ghost and Soap are like "Uh, no, no you uh hey dude no" because they know that Roach will gladly fuck people up.
I also love the idea of Roach appearing out of nowhere like a fucking cryptid. There is no talking behind Roach's back or keeping secrets he is everywhere at once and will appear out of thin air. Ghost and Soap have to like fully leave base if they want to plan a surprise for him and even then both of them have no trust that Roach won't somehow pop into existence next to them waahahhahaha
Alright thats all for my rambling for now
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blingblong55 · 7 months
Hey hey 👋 I hope everything’s okay! What are your thoughts abt the new MW3?
have so many opinions so I know I must give a warning for spoilers
A/N: This is a summary and personal opinion, so piss off if you get hurt about what I say
MW3 Spoilers ahead
Started the campaign somewhat early in the day off the early access thing and I have to admit that as someone who loves to read the last pages of books for possible spoilers, I avoided the internet until I was able to play it myself. And oh do I have opinions.
Now, as someone who has been involved in Call of Duty since 2009, I was 6 years old (my cousins played it, but I have great recollection and memories from them) I have to unfortunately admit this one was bad. The storyline made no sense. The problems that were written for this part of MW were not resolved however they created even more problems. The way past characters were filled with real human emotions, the crying, the anxiousness and the evil and vile acts that were presented in OG times are simply thrown out the window this time around.
Yes we lost a well beloved character and to be honest, as much as the next person I am upset and saddened, however, the death was foreseeable. We know Soap, Gaz, Roach and Ghost die in the OG. So for me, Soap's death came as no impact, it was shit how they didn't give much grief around it as in the OG but it is what it is and now he is dead. Sorry it sounds mean but it's the truth.
Now, let's talk about Makarov and the 'No Russian' mission.
In the original, I remember that everyone around the world was in shock by how evil this mission was. I mean it, this certain part even went on international news and so many tv networks talked about how violent it was, just look it up. It is one of the many reasons why COD is titled a 'Violent' game. But this time around, the mission for me at least wasn't as shocking as the original. In the OG, the way it all came down, how it even had a warning before playing that certain mission was proof enough of how violent and evil it will be for its players. This time around, I truly believe they downgraded, Activision and the entire team behind COD went soft for this mission, and it is a reason as to why I believe many, including myself, find this reboot so shit.
The game went soft, there I said it.
Soap's death:
I won't shine a huge light on Soap as like I said before, the death wasn't something that was heartbreaking. However, I will talk about the reactions to the characters death. For this, I will compare the OG and the 2023 reboot. In the OG, we see and hear Price have such a huge reaction to his death, which is very reasonable. Ghost as well, I mean they all lost their teammate and a man who fought until his very last breath, someone they trusted with all. Reboot was shit, we don't see even a single outburst of any emotion that isn't heartbreaking besides their cold way of dealing with it. Take in consideration they know him well, he allows Ghost to call him Johnny, Price to call him sunshine and Gaz to call him brother, all this and not a 'SOAP, NO NO NO SOAP' ???? yeah, not in character. I think it was in retaliation to what the women in the COD community have given, we give them so much emotion when writing non canon emotions or actions of them that I strongly believe they didn't want to make it canon that these men do have more than a soldier mentality.
Much nicer moments:
Now, on a cuter note. I love the relationship we see between Price and Farah as well as the moments we got with the banter between the 141 men.
MW 2019, we get introduced to two young people who will become great leaders. Farah and Price. A woman who has so much potential and a man who also has immense potential in his field. Then, if we see how much they've grown, taking in account they met when both weren't in their now respective ranks, we can get a glimpse of how deeply their bond goes. "Old man," she calls him, something I found so adorable and how she is his option of snipers. Who do you choose for this mission, he gets asked multiple times since the reboot and most of the time, when needed/available, Farah is that answer.
The banter, we love to see it and I love it how in moments of darkness, we got a glimpse of the man with the skull mask being just any other man who says jokes or teases his mates. When Gaz says that Price's face could've melted(along the lines bc I simply forgot the exact quote), Ghost responds and it gives me the impression he isn't just a cold soldier. Something along the lines of "If you ask me it would've been an improvement," when his captain nearly died because of the gas, made me chuckle, its a glim of a man who does find humour in dark spaces but it makes other chuckle with him.
The way Price called Soap 'Sunshine' was to me adorable. I often call my friends honey or babe bc I am fond of them and to hear Price say it made my heart melt. 'Brother' when Nik called Gaz that, gosh the most cutest of them all. It shows these men are truly bonded by memories, trust and that life no one outside of that team will understand. 'Boss' Another cute nickname that Price was given my Ghost, a glimpse that yet again, there is respect but also friendship, something that will stay in the field, even if it isn't in the guidebook.
I think the rating the game was given, which was 4, is very reasonable. Take in mind, Activision wants to expand into more games with the remaining characters. Some of the good guys in this campaign might become the bad guys, like the now criminal Cpt. John Price. Some villains are wanted to be the good guys, to have some character development. But I truly do believe Activision and COD in general should do a better job, it's lacking in creativity, and a steady storyline. I fear most gamers will abandon the game and move on and that COD will become just another shit game from the past.
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sophiasharp · 11 months
I think I might be the sole target audience for this but
The Papas during Lobster Mini-Season
Designated boat driver
Really good sense of direction, helps a lot when it comes to keeping track of old hot spots
Can also cheat and just magic his way into figuring out where all the lobster are hiding. Don’t tell the regulars, they’ll be pissed
Enjoys singing along to the radio while his brothers do most of the actual catching
Goes out again when the rest have their fill to his own secret spots. Enjoys some peace and quiet, taking his time catching his limit. He refuses to tell his brothers where he goes and it pisses them off to no end lol
Beach! Bum! Secondo! My! Beloved!
More of a Vegas guy but still LOVES him some ocean time, especially in The Keys. Viva La Conch Republic babyyyyyy!
Gets day drunk while he’s on the boat but then has ruthless efficiency in the water. Soon as he’s out again, the buzz comes back. No one has any idea how the fuck that works.
Is the one that makes sure they adhere to the legal limit. “I refuse to get our asses arrested and have the Ministry deal with that PR issue just because we got greedy with some sea roaches. I’m on thin ice as is, that would just be embarrassing.”
Puts the lobsters he catches in his own personal cooler. This also happens to be where he keeps his drinks. He doesn’t seem to mind so no one questions it.
Insists on listening to Jimmy Buffett when he’s in charge of the boat and at any other opportunity.
Weirdly competitive about it, has this inherent need to be The Best at lobster catching. Probably the Middle Sibling Instinct kicking in.
Him and Secondo go head to head every year over who can get more over the mini-season. They’re about evenly matched skill-wise so it tends to go back and forth every year.
Will sometimes start arguments in the water over a catch
“That one was mine! I chased it out of the hole when your bald ass got in the way and stole it!” “I found that lobster fair and square and you know it, fuck off” “Right sure, and Nihil loves us. I hope you sunburn your skull, stronzo.”
There have been slap fights between two grown men in 4 feet of water.
Was the one to figure out that the lobster are calmer and taste better when you keep them on ice. It took. An embarrassing amount of time for them to figure that out. They started this tradition before Google, alright? Give them a break.
Likes to sing along to the radio as well, but makes up new lyrics when Secondo gets on his nerves.
New to this whole thing cause he was scared of getting in the water and having to pick the lobsters up by hand. Mostly just slept on the boat in years prior
Now that he’s Papa though the others made him participate with them.
He is. Very nervous. First time he scared a lobster out of a hole he somehow scared out a second that was faced the other way and it swam directly at his face, scaring the absolute shit out of him.
His snorkel keeps falling over his ear :(
Lost his net and his tickle stick in water with 4 feet of visibility, managed beyond all odds to find them again, then lost his looper in the process of catching something.
Somehow still managed to get the biggest lobster of the day. Like cartoonishly so. It was his big trophy. They cooked it for him for dinner as a reward for his first outing.
Just here so the brothers can increase their legal limit.
He’s become one with the sea grass
Sleeping with the fishies
Don’t worry he’ll wake up when a crab tries to bite his ass
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seas-storyarchive · 3 months
altruist radio - au
Alastor dies for his friends, in true altruist fashion
nullifying his deal - the way to break it is forming bonds of friendship
he wakes up in heaven
and is given .. saint hood??
turns out, in the time it took for him to die and then wake up, many angels that popped up in heaven post 1930s, vouched that he killed their abusers- be they their fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, the occasional mother, aunt, what have you that was an abuser
the higher ups, over sera, grant alastor saint hood
he is saint alastor, protector of the weak
he is given a radio tower in heaven
Emily comes down to hell with a special radio
"Hello everyone! Welcome to the another day of havens new favorite radio sssshow: Ssstrawberry Roach."
"That's pentious!"
"Strawberry Roach?"
"Vagina, shh."
"With our beloved mc, the king of roachessss himsssself, ssssaint alasssstor!"
The room goes quiet, as husk spits out his drink, niffty bounces about in her seat, and emily turns up the radio
"Thank you, Pentious, my fine fellow." Alastor smiled. "So, as some of our heavenly listeners know - I've been meaning to try this new fangled asmr."
"Yesss. Quite the thing to try. Do you have anything to -" *sounds of papers going wubwub, and then they go again* -"ah, so I see you do."
*wubwubs the papers a few more times*
"Is he-"
"Vagina, I swear to our saintlah friend, I will get violent!" *just in time for the wubbing to be over*
"now that my fascination with that paper noise is over, I want to do something our heavenly and other viewers will like"
*the sounds of paper being torn is heard, first in half, then into quarters, then into eigths - with each tear, husk and nifftys chains broke*
"Whatever do you intend to- agh!"
"For our views listening in, I just gave my co-host a paper shower"
"you are too kind"
"Well, I'll help you clean this up, but first.. ah! Let's play one for our friends at the happy hazbin hotel. This one is for you, dear friends. I hope you all are well"
the tracks of some old jazz were playing
everyone was crying - husk was hugging angel, charlie was hugging a sobbing niffty, vaggie was trying not to cry
"and, we're back."
"truly a lovely ssssong, friend."
"thanks, chum. now, let's have a word from our guests- let's start with your names"
"I'm molly, and I want to thank you for havin' me here. And I'd like tah say something to my brothers, if I may."
"Of course, my dear. The airways are yours"
"Anthony and Arackniss, I swear if you two don't get your heads out of your-"
"I don't mean to interrupt, young lady, but the audience.."
"Right, right sorry." Molly took a breath. "Just, get better, you mugs. Mom an' i are waitin' for ya both."
"M- Molls.." Angel wiped his eyes. "I.. I'll try Molls, I'll make sure Arc does too."
"we love and miss you and.." she sobbed openly into the radio
"oh, my dear. here, let'sss get you-"
*the line ended and after a few moments, alastor's voice returns*
"not to worry, everyone. molly is just taking a minute to breath. but, Anthony, know that I have faith in you, and your spirit. you will be here with your loved ones, someday."
*alastor clears his throat*
"now, for our next guest. what is your name, my fine fellow?"
"my name's mike. I uh.. I heard from you that my brother's new name is Husker?"
"well, his name is Husk, I call him husker"
"mm. well, in any case, hey big bro. I know you can hear me, so get your tail up here before i go down there and drag you up here!"
"I- I'm trying, mike.. I- i promise, little brother." Husk wiped his eyes at the same time the other voice sniffed
*after a few more moments of tears and cries on the radio*
"and, now we open up the lines. from on high, to down below. delightful little friends, you know what to do."
Emily called the radio station, it rang once, twice-
"hello? you've reached strawberry roach. king roach on the line."
"Alastor? Can you hear me?"
"Charlotte? is that you? my word, how are you? is everyone alright?"
"we're fine, Al. We just.."
"we miss you, smiles. But from what we heard, you and Pentious are doin' tha lords work up dhere."
"why.." *there was a pause* "i feel touched by your words."
"so, saint, hm?" husk asked, grinning
"um.. yes. oh! did you all like my asmr-thing?"
"it was great, mister alastor sir!"
"niffty! oh dear, how are you?"
"I'm okay. I just miss you."
"I miss you as well, little flea." *laughter* "say.. Pentious, remember that idea you had yesterday?"
"that we broadcassst a ssshow live from hell? why, alasssstor, whatever for?"
"to give our heavenly audience a taste of the other side - and to show our old hellish friends that radio isn't dead."
"ah.. perfect!"
"you guys are coming!?"
"yes, dear charlotte! Next week, Pentious and I are coming home!"
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blackjack-15 · 5 months
syd eating a sundae (name of the ep!) while a love song plays and she watches a couple in the booth across from her? on a food tour thing carmy was supposed to be on with her? forget a comedy, the bear is a romcom. this is explicitly text.
and back to the bear! all roads lead to rome etc
why is he looking inside like he's got a mistress in there. the bear is a comedy.
"what are you doing here?" "c'mon, i'd love to show you" shades of aladdin here, loving it, loving it
okay i know only like me and twelve others watched the John Cho/Karen Gillian magnum opus that was Selfie, but there's a whole scene where Eliza (Gillian) is talking to Henry (Cho) about girls liking it when men touch them while flirting, since she's trying to help him get laid, and Henry says he doesn't like touching people for no reason, and she retorts that she's not talking about no reason, she's talking about one, very specific reason (aka sexual attraction).
Yeah. This back touch? there's no reason for this, apart from one very specific reason.
kicking the debris out from in front of sydney? regency shit right there. my land, just lay your coat out for the lady
i do see where syd is coming here, but the wall had to go down. termites and roaches and raccoons, babe. he 100% should have called tho
carmy gets all the way in her space here, they're talking like 2 inches apart. what is the reason carmy. hmm.
"umm" *follows sydney* dad's in trouble with mom...
RICHIE'S FACE. richie can join tina and cicero in the They Been Knowing club.
the sorry sign, carmy balancing the slight sarcasm with an actual desire to solve the problem with syd
"Thanks, chef" oh back to titles
the way carm whips around to stare at him for it. syd's reaction.
i know a lot of tumblr is just pictures of two characters and the text "there's no platonic explanation for this" but like. there is No platonic explanation for this. you don't use this blocking, this dialogue, these reactions for any other reason. one specific reason, remember?
cooking by her own, and it's not right. two dishes failed, two different reasons.
the episode is called Sundae -- a dish made with a dozen little ingredients, all working together harmoniously.
we're on the way, but we're not there yet
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candycrypt1d · 7 months
A Rogue Breeze
After the tadpole nonsense has been settled, Eidolon and Astarion have settled down in the city to live their lives, free of any higher influence. "Living" includes organizing all of the trinkets they've acquired over the course of their adventures. They might need a bigger office...
In which, a simple mishap with a Gust spell ruins Astarion's office.
tav x astarion - tav is a tiefling sorcerer named eidolon
short ficlet, 657 words
read on AO3
Eidolon’s voice is exhausted, yet amused. The office is smothered, head to toe, with scrolls, parchments, books, you name it. Sat right in the middle of the mess is the vampire himself, hunched over a pile of spell tomes. He stares at them as if they’d personally wronged him, and knowing the nature of the magic that Astarion likes to collect, Eidolon wouldn’t be shocked if they somehow had done exactly that.
“Ah, ah.” Astarion doesn’t look up as Eidolon takes a step into the cluttered room, merely holding up a hand and stopping him in his tracks. “Not another step, darling, I’ve nearly got this figured out.”
“Have you, now?” Eidolon asks, his gaze once again sweeping across the office. “And what exactly is ‘this’?”
“Reorganizing. Obviously.” Astarion scoffs. He grabs a stack of spell scrolls and gently taps them against the floor until they’re flush with each other. Astarion then glances behind him, and Eidolon sees the way he represses a groan at the scattered mess he has yet to go through.
“Would you like help, dear?” Eidolon offers. “I’m sure there’s a much better way to do this.”
“Oh, hush. I know exactly what I’m doing.” Astarion insists. He reaches for another book, slapping it down on top of the ever growing pile. The vampire coughs as a layer of dust puffs up into his face, and scowls at Eidolon’s chuckle.
“I don’t doubt that you do.” Eidolon says. He carefully sidesteps the already organized papers, mindful of his tail, and takes a seat beside his beloved. “But I believe that four hands are better than two. Allow me - just tell me how you want to do this.”
Astarion affixes Eidolon with a half hearted glare, but relinquishes some of the spell scrolls anyways. “Here.” Astarion says. “You know your way around these wretched things better than I do.”
“I could teach you, you know.” Eidolon says. “How exactly did this happen, by the way? Your office was spotless just the other day.” The mention of said cleanliness makes Astarion roll his eyes. He sorts through the piles of paper on the floor, until he pulls out a scroll with a wind symbol on it.
“This. This little roach of a scroll was defective!” Astarion cries, waving it around in the air. “I certainly did NOT recite a ‘Gust’ spell, yet what does the little wretch decide to do? Scatter all of my possessions around this room as if I didn’t know how to organize my things! Honestly, the nerve! And now it STILL sits here, taunting me, laughing at my misery!”
Astarion holds a hand to his head, dramatically falling backwards onto Eidolon’s lap. “Gods, darling, you have no idea how difficult it is to fight with pieces of parchment all day long.”
Eidolon laughs, combing his fingers through Astarion’s hair. He massages Astarion’s temples, earning a contented hum. “No, I don’t. Sorcerers don’t tend to need scrolls for their spells, in case you forgot.”
“Oh, yes, just flaunt your magical prowess in front of my poor, talentless soul.” Astarion scoffs. “You wound me, darling.”
“Whatever shall I do to make it better, hm?” Eidolon asks, leaning over Astarion to meet his gaze. Astarion cracks his eyes open, and a cheeky smirk flits across his face. Astarion reaches up and pulls Eidolon closer, locking their lips together in a short kiss.
“That,” Astarion mumbles, “should more than suffice. For now.” Eidolon smiles in response, and Astarion sits back up. “Now then, where were we? Ah, yes, this lovely little mess. For the scrolls I want offensive spells off to the right…”
The rest of the evening hours are spent in a comfortable rhythm of shelving books and rustling papers. And if a myriad of swear words could be heard from their little home after a suspiciously strong gust of wind blew through an open window, well, it’s best not to mention it.
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 11 months
tuesday again 7/18/2023
idk man i just work here
not another rockstar, maisie peters. spotify
this is a little poppier than i generally prefer-- the first knee-jerk comparison i can make for the vocals is taylor swift, esp in the first verse? luckily for everyone, i was white-knuckling it down the katy freeway (26 lanes. never again) and did not have the extra concentration necessary to skip it on whatever autogenerated dance playlist spotify spat out for me. as a fellow woman with a Type, i must tip my hat to ms peters.
Hmm, funny I could pick 'em in a line up, line up Pretty certain I could do it with my eyes shut, eyes shut A little self-obsessive and I sign up, sign up Where's the pen? Where's the line?
@pasta-pardner has made a gorgeously lush electronic/indie pop cowboy playlist. my very favorite song (so far, still have it on loop) is Horsie by Twilight Circus Dub Sound System. it sounds like the opening theme to Samurai Champloo. it ripples and grooves. it lives somewhere between rock and reggae. the whole album is incredible music to hang out to.
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retractionwatch (my beloved) linked out to datacolada.org in a recent article and my ears perked up. data colada gets REAL deep into the investigative reporting of specific papers, including some fascinating excel sleuthing. they use CalcChain!!! i thought i was the only one who used CalcChain!!!
CalcChain tells Excel in which order to carry out the calculations in the spreadsheet. It tells Excel something like "First solve the formula in cell A1, then the one in A2, then B1, etc." CalcChain is short for 'calculation chain'.
one of my worst traits as a person is that i looooooooove an academic trainwreck. i love watching academia eat itself. i love watching people get caught for sloppy shit like "excel file sorted REAL weird, pointing to tampering with individual data points"
new jennings motor sport!!! the oil change is. hough. impressively disgusting. oil does some funky shit when it's been sitting for ??? decades
ive been playing genshi/n impact like it's my job. having a lot of thoughts about crunch, and content, and player expectations vs shareholder expectations and Line Go Up and if AAA free-to-play video games are at all ethical to play for anyone ever, but hey! look at this snarky catgirl!
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also lol. lmao. this is a game for children. we are all aware of the restrictions and limitations placed upon games for children in the chinese and american markets so yeah the answer is going to be yes, every time
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lately i have been going to my best friend's house after work (what an unimaginable sentence a month ago) and hanging out and watching whatever toddler shows are on tv while we shoot the shit and i knit. there's another half-repeat on the baby blanket for the baby who has just turned four months old, but it's in the car and the night is dark and full of mosquitoes.
i literally cannot do any life shit, even most doctor's appointments, until i have a real physical stable address so all i am really doing is knitting and playing genshi/n and opening and closing my email like the fridge. i have one security deposit back from the old mass apt plus one more paycheck (but, crucially, not the nearly $2k from the roach apt and we are rapidly approaching lawsuit time) so the cat and i are a little bit more stable/able to put down a security deposit on something else the minute it comes along. this would not have been possible without the incredible generosity of readers like you during that very bad first week here. thank you. i want to do some sort of thank you...stream? liveblog? series of posts about something? but i'm not sure what yet. stay tuned. tell me your thoughts. what would you like to see?
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simplegenius042 · 5 months
I'd love to know about "Call to Arms" for the WIP round up. FC5 and CoD my beloveds...
Ah yes! I'd love to talk about the Call To Arms duology!
Since there were two versions of CODMW, I had been stuck on doing either the original version or the reboot. Then I remembered, "I'm a fanfic writer, I can have BOTH!" And that's how I ultimately decided to combine both, so that's going to be fun to work out.
Call To Arms is a Call Of Duty Modern Warfare fic which acts as an origin story for Nadi Sinclair, John Seed's second-in-command in my FC5 fics, explaining why Nadi is so willing to sell her soul to John and Eden's Gate and devote herself to their ideals despite the red flags.
Call To Arms is split in two (due to being a duology); the first fic focuses on the first Modern Warfare and setting up the second, acting as a prologue of sorts, while the second fic focuses on both Modern Warfare 2 & 3, where things start taking a turn for the worst. I'll be sticking with the original's timeline (mostly anyway), as the reboot's timeline just doesn't work for Silva's Hope.
Nadi Sinclair is an Iranian-Frenchwoman who joined the French army and eventually got recruited into SAS operations, specifically the 22nd SAS Regiment, due to her exceptional sharpshooting skills, and acts as designated marksman on good days and sniper on bad days. Despite the work she does, she still retains an optimistic and cheerful demeanor, earning her the nickname "Quokka". She's joined alongside one other recruit; Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish, and are both mentored by SAS Captain John Price and Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. The dynamics I'm going for in this group is that Nadi and Soap have this vitriolic sibling energy between them, and are considered the "younger" siblings (being in their early and mid 20s), Gaz the well-behaved one, and Price acting as the big brother everyone looks up to even when he commits the occasional war crime.
There's also Kate Laswell who's the mother hen that covers their asses when they do stupid shit, and checks in on them from time to time to make sure they're all okay. Farah and Alex are the favorite long-distant cousins they wish they got to see more of (with Hadir as the least favorite) and Nikolai is the uncle whose been to prison more than once but does get them out of trouble so he gets a pass, and Griggs is just a stand-up guy who showed up sopping wet like a kitten lost in the rain so they kind of adopted him.
Shepherd also appears a little earlier than he does in both canons (though I'm going for the original MW2 Shepherd as I despise the reboot version) who's either the most impressed dad in the world or the most disappointed. Graves and Valeria are the bad kids who the team want to keep Nadi far away from.
Ghost, Roach, Alejandro, Yuri, and all the others will be introduced in the second fic but while I don't have much to share about their relationship with Nadi now (except that Ghost kind of scares her even though he would absolutely kill anyone who bothered her and help hide the body), I must make this adamantly clear. I do not have any romance at all for this duology, the focus is more on brotherhood/sisterhood. The most you'll get is playful flirting, whatever Alejandro and Valeria got going on, and discussions of Nadi's obvious poor tastes in men and women at her expense (which may explain her crush on a certain Seed brother...).
Makarov is still his horrible self and no one wants him around.
I'm still trying to get things together for this one, I'll need to go on the hunt for the original games (it's... been a while) and replay the reboots (I don't have the third one and while I'm hesitant to get it from what I've heard, I'll do it just for the fic).
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
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fixfoxnox · 6 months
wip title game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by: @thatdemonbish (Hi Fish my beloved)
Y'all know I love a good WIP game and I unfortunately (or fortunately) have a ton! :)
Please note that while a large majority of these are COD, some of them are not and some of them have been mostly abandoned :( however I'm willing to share anything from any of them for those curious!
Game Night Gone Wrong (Right)
People You Know Can Hurt You The Most
Pretty In A Skirt
At the Captains Mercy
The Exit
I Won't Watch You Fall in Love
Pyre (Further Chapters)
Cartel! Rudy Chap 3
Fix It
Letters to Love
Roach Gay Cowboy
Streamer AU
The Kind Hand of Death
Game On
The Belt Buckle pt. 2
Lost in A Storm of our Future Selves
Makarov Ew (Affectionate)
Romeo and Juliet? No, Spiderman and little Goblin Boy Jr
Meet in The Middle
Letters From Another Realm
Turkish Delight
Something About Shakespeare
August Vesuvius
Uhhh Something with Stars
12 Days of COD-mas
Tagging @bananaktchp and @probablylikesixducks cause I know they write and I am silly and only know a few folks teehee
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ourflagmeanslegos · 9 months
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left to right, top to bottom:
lucius, stede, ed, izzy
buttons (and karl), jim, oluwande, frenchie
the swede, roach, black pete, wee john
mary, evelyn, fang, ivan, calico jack
pics of everyone individually under the cut!
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our favorite scribe, holding a notebook and quill so he can keep track of all the takes! (<- that was a typo from "tales" but tbh i like "takes" better.)
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looking prim and proper with his little teacup. this is actually more like his s2 hair, and i'm looking forward to updating him with some new clothes, since i'm not a huge fan of the outfit i was able to put together.
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i love his little beard so much and it's a shame it will not be forever. we can always look at the old pics, though. his little one-armed jacket is so fun and i wish i had the fine motor skills to give him some tattoos.
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pretty sure this is the angriest face i own lol. i love his one glove, i think that's a nice touch. i also have an update ready for him for s2 ;)
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i do not have a "balding on top" hair unfortunately, but i was lucky enough to find a seagull at a lego convention earlier this year, where i also found a number of other pieces for this project.
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complete with knife, of course, and featuring optional hat. best shirt i could find has an ammo belt though lol.
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my beloved. comes with or without orange hat, which i also found at that convention.
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speaking of things i found at the convention, A LUTE!! before i got that, he had a fucking electric guitar because that was the closest i had lmao.
the swede
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i know his shirt is totally the wrong color but it was the closest i had in terms of design. he's got some orange juice too, so he doesn't lose any more teeth.
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wish i had a butcher knife or something, but instead he has a lovely pie.
black pete
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i don't have much to say about him lol. he is bald and silly.
wee john
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of course i had to give him FIRE. also i love this head's facial hair for him. it came with a pirate ship set i got recently, as did this shirt.
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she is ready to paint and to murder her husband. i love this hairstyle for her, even if it's a bit lighter than real mary's hair.
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was very happy to find a feminine face with an eyepatch at the convention, and it's even on the correct eye! i wanted to give her maroon sleeves too but the only shirts i had with that color sleeves broke when i tried to remove the arms lol. they were from a harry potter set i got over a decade ago though so i don't care <3
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i love his jacket, even though it's not quite accurate for him. and you know i HAD to give him a dog, he deserves it goddamnit.
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i LOVE this hair i was able to find for him, and the surprisingly accurate shirt that i happened to already have.
calico jack
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my garbage boy <3 i had this whip from an indiana jones set, and i found the bottle at the convention. i wasn't originally planning on making him but when i came across this face i knew i had to.
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leavingautumn13 · 7 months
Do you have any burning regrets in life? Also who is your favorite fictional pet and why is it dogmeat?
because dogmeat is the best boy, duh.
as for your first question... the first job i got after i moved out of my bio mom's house was at a pet store. stupid naïve sheltered younger autumn, not quite disillusioned with the capitalist hellscape that is modern america, thought to herself, "a pet store will be a great job for me! i love animals, i'll love getting to work with them every day!"
wrong. (well, okay, i did enjoy getting to pet dogs regularly.)
so, here's the thing about pet stores, or at least the pet store i worked at: ultimately, it's retail, and those animals are products for the company to sell to turn a profit and not, you know, living creatures who deserve care if we're going to be removing them from their natural habitats. it's also, you know, RETAIL. with all that that implies. suffice to say i was made very bitter very quickly.
another thing you should know about me is that my beloved father introduced me to spyro the dragon when i was four years old, and i've loved dragons and all manner of reptiles ever since. naturally, when i started working at the pet store, i got pretty attached to the selection of geckos and bearded dragons and what have you and endeavored to learn everything i could about them. i even bought a beardie and a skink of my own.
anyway, all of this culminated in me being the "reptile person" at the store. if customers had a question about reptile diets, or terrarium care, or whatever, talk to autumn. i was known for sending customers home with big printouts of what the best foods would be, what temperature ranges needed to be, etc. and if i didn't have that information out of pocket, well, i'd take them up to the register and look it up for them. i was a damn good employee.
so one day, i'm in the reptile section, and this super sweet lesbian couple is talking to me about wanting to purchase a bearded dragon. we're going over heat lamp requirements and how you definitely can't have a baby beardie on sand because of the ingestion and compaction risk, when this middle aged man steps between us and demands my attention. no waiting for a pause, no "excuse me," just bursts right in with his question. this might be petty of me, but i thought it was pretty rude, and to be honest i don't even remember what he asked, but i directed him on his way and got back to helping the couple.
once i get the couple sorted with their tank, substrate, uvb and heating lamps and accessories, etc, i let them know i'll meet them at the register once i've wrangled their little dragon, and that we can get their food situation sorted once we get up there, since live bugs were kept behind the register. so i do so, lizard in his little carry box, but there's a line. no worries, i hop on and help my coworker check people out.
middle aged dude from earlier is also in line, and actually DIRECTLY in line before the couple. i get him and his lady friend checked out, and the lesbian couple approaches the register. i turn around and grab the box of small dubia roaches, which in my somewhat professional opinion are the best starter food for a little beardie, since they've got a higher protein-to-chitin ratio than mealworms or crickets. the caveat though is they're more expensive, so i'm about to try and make a hard sale to these two nice ladies to please buy some cockroaches.
i've got the box open, and i have to dig around for a dubia because there were only about a half dozen left. (they go really quickly, even being .5 USD per bug. like i said, good eating.) but now i've got one in my hand and am holding it up to show the nice lesbians, and they're going "oohhh" and leaning into look at it and whatever.
middle aged guy from before and his lady friend overhear me talking about bugs, and for whatever reason, turn around halfway to the door. they come back to the register and get in the nice lesbian couples' space, and lady friend says,
"that's DISGUSTING! you'd have that in your HOUSE?? i could NEVER have something so gross in my home!"
here's another thing you've got to know about me. i was in the gifted program as a kid but got shit grades in school and was always getting in trouble for reading during class. but i was a girl child, so instead of the adhd diagnosis i needed (and actually only got last year, FINALLY), i got told i had all of this potential i was wasting.
but it's not that, the potential was never there, whatever. i just have adhd. it makes me, let's say, the tiniest bit impulsive.
i look this lady in the eye. i smile. "actually," i say, leaping to the defense of one of my favorite invertebrates, "they're an excellent source of protein."
i am about to eat that cockroach in front of her, in front of the nice lesbians, in front of my coworker tom, in front of the whole damn line, just to ruin this lady's entire fucking day.
but. i only have six roaches left. and i really want to make this sale. and like i said--dubias are pricey for bugs.
i don't eat the roach.
and that is my burning regret. fuck that company and fuck its profits, and especially fuck working retail in the first place. i should have eaten that cockroach.
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