#i mean it thinks it is but shit's close to the difference between repressed trauma and remembered trauma.
ipatrichor · 11 months
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mask without sim, aka what happens when your soul is split and the part of you that has an anxiety disorder is stolen and you no longer have access to the memories and emotions that shaped you into who you were
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brain-bumbler · 1 year
hey. hey. you know that one au you did? where dion got a job in the mailroom? think about it again. think about its wonder and greatness. and gimme deets 🤲
oh that is my greatest work ever. i will forever have so much to say about it.
Dion starts out not enjoying the job or looking forward to it, just doing it since his mom won't stop talking about how proud she is of Raz and Frazie, and he needs something to do to fill the hours. Plus a paycheck is nice.
But despite his reservations, the minute Raz walks into the mailroom Dion has his feet up on the table smirking like his swivel chair is a throne. Big brother instinct to show no weakness.
Raz is torn because this is sort of his brother making an effort to ger more involved in psychic stuff. He genuinely wants Dion to do better and learn to cope with the changes in their family.
But also, he's ten. The Psychonauts is HIS thing in his head. He wants Frazie to join him because she was his secret psychic buddy that he probably trauma bonded with and he wants to heal the divide between them. I think it'd be normal for him to not be 100% stoked about it. Like oh great, maybe the mailroom is where evil villains are made and Dion's gonna decide to turn to the dark side.
At first Dion is jumpy and standoffish with people. But luckily he unlocks the pure dopamine of sorting objects for his repressed adhd-autism brain. He completely zones out during his shift and then snaps back an hour after closing time when the packages stop coming. Holy shit stacking boxes of different sizes into cubes like tetris and then sorting them based on color, he's not showing it but his brain is just enjoying it So Damn Much.
He gets so hyperfocused that he forgets to slack off and act superior and grumpy. He clears out the blacklog in 3 days and then designs a new sorting system. It needs revisions but that just means more stacking and sorting fuck yeah!
Gisu was expecting him to skip work to come see her but he's in the ZONE and its hard to break him away from it. But after awhile it is easier to leave because he needs variety in his day, which makes flipping across the Motherlobe and finding new ways to deliver mail great.
He makes up challenges for himself. Can he sneak packages to people from the vents like a spy, something he'd never admit to thinking was cool? Can he do deliveries while playing "the ground is lava" in his head?
Also he keeps writing letters to Gisu that have to be "hand delivered" so they can meet up. Hollis lets it slip since he solved their budget crisis by discovering Nick was stealing money, and Dion is insanely effective at his work. If only she could get him to wear anything business casual.
Dion's biggest bad habit is skipping meals. He doesn't like eating in the Noodle Bowl without someone he knows, it makes him nervous. So if he doesn't bring lunch he ends up skipping it, or even if he dues he just throws it away without telling anyone.
He makes the mailroom the most popular part of the Motherlobe tour by putting on an acrobatics performance that enthralls all the visitors. Maybe he slips out some pamphlets for the Aquato circus, it never hurts to advertise!
Having the alone time and investing in something not related to his family is really good for his personal mental health and boundaries.
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wackybuddiemewbs · 3 years
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Here's something that still makes me go feral. That hug. This hug right there. THAT hug.
I mean, the whole scene was gold, really. That entire "seriously, right in front of all my (many) salads"-look Ana gives Eddie when he acts all weird about her… that shit's still sending me places. 🤣 But that's not what makes me go feral.
It's that hug that makes me go like:
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For one, it's the certified cutest™, obviously. But I'm just so stuck on Buck's expression there (how Oliver portrays it). Because this is not the kind of "hey buddy, what gives? Let's high-five, pal!" kind of hug. Because they might've gone there all the same, narratively. Like, just a quick pulling close, or Buck going down to give a high-five or whatever.
But that's not the route they've been taking with this scene. They are going for a *big* hug.
Buck's holding him close, eyes closed, rocking back and forth a bit, with that huge smile on his face. He *lingers* in that moment. It's more than just a quick greeting of his little buddy. Because he seemingly missed Christopher. Because everything is crazy right at that moment with the blackouts, and everyone just wants to go home and not be stuck there in the dark. So he holds on to that lil ray of sunshine. Extra tight. It's a *big* hug. And to me, it feels like that's not without purpose.
Though I may be just seeing things. I'm feral, after all.
To me personally, it also feels different from the hug we've seen in season 4, when Christopher ran away from home (and yeah, that he headed straight to Buck was surely not a hint *ahem*...).
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The level of genuine care and emotional intimacy between the two is just as visible, that's not the thing. But that other time, *Christopher* initiated it. It was a hug *for Christopher*. Because he was upset and Buck comforted him and helped him navigate those feelings. But the season 5 hug, to me at least, feels like it was really a hug *for Buck*.
Christopher is happy to see him, don't get me wrong, he's excited and laughs, he also leans in because he's happy to see Buck. And Buck's happy, too. But he's also taking that moment to hug the boy *extra* tight. It reminds me much more of how Eddie hugs his son or how Buck hugged him during the tsunami.
It feels like a moment Buck is taking *for himself*. He takes comfort in the little guy's presence and doesn't want to let go quite that fast. So he holds on that extra second.
Like, of course, this sends me all sorts of places coz of the Buddie material right there. But I also find it so very beautiful to see this relationship between Buck and Christopher. That development there, the level of emotional intimacy between them. And how openly they express it. Because Buck's not afraid to show his genuine affection for that boy. And Christopher finds comfort and joy in the close contact with Buck, as he does with his father.
Which, you know, is telling, I guess.
But yeah, what really has me feral here is that they gave us that moment that's supposed to give Eddie some perspective on his relationship with Ana and his anxiety (read: repressed trauma).
And in that scene meant to give him insight, Buck goes for the big hug with Christopher. And Eddie is smiling like a lovesick dork. He tells Buck later that he isn't ready for the ready-made family with Ana and all that. But when is Eddie perfectly at ease? When is he smiling fondly?
Yup, when Buck and Christopher are that close together. It isn't news, but it is telling, I think. That the ready-made family seems to be right there, holding each other close, and that's not scaring him one bit. It's the relationship Eddie held on to for too long for both Ana's and his own good.
So yeah. Feral. Still very feral about this.
Head empty, just ferality.
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whatanoof · 4 years
Cal Kestis Headcanons that No One Asked For
So I’ve slowly been going through story mode of Jedi: Fallen Order, and I’m about to go to the Fort Inquisitorius so I haven’t even finished yet but I’m absolutely in love with Cal Kestis, so here are some hc about him, romantic and non-romantic.
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Cal x female!reader
You both love it when you play with his hair. The first time was almost an accident on your part, because you were just sitting behind him on the bunk while he’s tinkering with his saber and staring at the back of his head. It’s so red, and you’d honestly rarely seen such a bright color naturally occurring, much less growing out of a human head? Your hand brushed a strand almost of its own volition, and you both just froze. He slowly turned to look at you, and you almost stopped breathing because Did you just mess up did you just fuck up the relationship oh shit shit shit--. And he just whispers, “Uh, could you do that again?” And you’re in such a state of shock and relief that you just scoot back on the bunk and gesture at your open lap. Cere walks in on the two of you later, him dopey and almost asleep with his head in your lap, your fingers running through the silky strands. She doesn’t say anything, even when Greez points out the two small braids that you left at the nape of his neck.
He’s so competitive. Like come on, this man refused to back down from  two or three separate fights against fully-fledged Inquisitors and one insane Jedi Master while he was still technically a Padawan. So he won’t let you beat him. At anything. You’re watering the latest seed that he brought back from a planet? Bam, he’s got Greez’s special plant food and he’s giving every single one of them a five-course meal. If you’re a Jedi, and you’re meditating in the back of the Mantis? You open your eyes after ten or so minutes and he’s right there in front of you, doing that little concentration face that you fell in love with so easily. If you’re a Jedi, you’re evenly matched in almost everything that you do in terms of abilities, and you teach each other where you’re not. Greez is terrified of watching you two spar, because you don’t hold back, but you’re also so equal to him in skill that it’s a whirl of light and blocking known attacks. 
Him and BD-1 were a package deal, but as soon as you were welcomed aboard the Mantis, Cal couldn’t believe how easily the little droid warmed up to you. Of course, BD sticks with Cal and is his right hand man on adventures, but Cal no longer occupies 100 percent of BD’s free time. You refuse to tell Cal exactly where, but you found a spot right behind BD’s “head” where if you scratch it, the droid is on the ground and kicking a leg in the air in happiness. If you’re a mechanic, you can usually be found in the back, tinkering with BD’s processor to make it run more efficiently, or oiling his joints again, or designing new paint jobs for the happy little droid. Either way, you’ve stolen a decent fraction of the droid’s affection, and none of the Mantis crew has any idea how you did it. It’s actually the first thing that urged you and Cal to start spending more time together, and you remember BD’s happy little hops after you’d finally kissed Cal for the first time.
There is absolutely no backing for this, but I think that Cal can sing. Nothing fancy, of course, it’s not like there are vocal lessons available on Bracca or in the Jedi Order, but he can carry a tune. It’s sometimes the only way you can fall asleep on the Mantis, because even though Greez and the crew make it cozy, it’s not home. But as soon as you’re curled up in the twin-sized bunk, and Cal starts humming to you, you’re out before he’s finished the chorus. Sometimes the songs are happy, but they’re often little ditties that he heard from the clones before Order 66, or mourning songs that fellow workers on Bracca would sing during the night when the rain was pounding on the metal and creating a natural rhythm and harmony for the tired mechanics. They’re songs of lost love, fallen brothers, and vague longings for newer, better lives. You fall asleep to his soothing voice, but you often wake with an ache in your heart for the suffering and pain that Cal has experienced and witnessed in his short life.
He’s ticklish. He hates that you know. He hates that you told Merrin, and now she can blackmail him into getting her favorite foods from supply markets. But you love the childish giggles that you’re able to pull out of him when you finally corner him and run your fingers over his neck. Tickle fights always end in make-out sessions.
+18 NSFW under the cut
So... Cal never had the chance to understand wanting intimacy before you, sexual and non-sexual. He was terrified the first time he looked at you and didn’t recognize that strange feeling in his chest. He’d never felt it before, was there something wrong with him? Was he sick? It takes a sit-down with Greez for him to figure out what’s going on, and it’s even scarier than the possibility of illness. Jedi were forbidden to love, it had always been a taboo in his mind, even if he had never had the opportunity to find out what it felt like.
He pushes it away at first. He ignores the flutters in his chest when you’re laughing with Merrin at dinner. He denies the complete shorting out of his brain when he accidentally brushes too close to you while trying to get to your shared bunk. 
He has his first wet dream, and wakes up absolutely throbbing with the memory of the dream that involved you and him and way too little clothes for his repressed childhood. He tries to grit his teeth and go back to sleep, but it’s too uncomfortable, and he can’t get the image of your body out of his mind. Jedi Masters always gave their Padawans the sex talk, and Jaro Tapal was nothing if not a good Master. So Cal knows basically what he has to do to relieve the tension so that he can get a little more sleep. He just doesn’t expect to lose control of himself to the point where he grunts your name when he comes. His heart just about stops when he hears the bed above him creak, and he yanks the sheets over his head until he’s sure that you’re not awake. He gets up early the next morning so that he can clean up without fear of you catching him.
After you get together, Cal is even more scared of the relationship. He had checked with Cere, and though she skews more traditional in her beliefs, she knows that Cal’s trauma and overcoming of it is more than she could hope to understand. Maybe this relationship could bring a stability to his life that nothing else could provide. She cautions him on the power of Dark Side, and how the fear of losing love dragged many great Jedi astray. But she also trusts you, and she knows that you would never do anything to hurt him. She hadn’t missed the lovesick puppy eyes you’d been sending his way.
You start out promising to take it slow. Neither of you had much experience in the areas of relationships and dating, much less sex, so at the beginning, you make sure to clarify that there’s no pressure to rush through anything. It’s mostly just spending more time together, slowly exploring each other. You both learn about each other’s pasts, and spend time talking through the different experiences, rationalizing and comforting each other. Before you even begin to experiment in bed, he’s become your best friend.
When you finally do, it’s short and sweet and perfect for two people who are trying to take their relationship slow. You teach him about what you like, and he gasps out in between moans what feels good and ohhh, what feels even better. 
Okay, a bit of a time skip here, but after Cal’s more experienced, he is a sucker for you riding his thigh. He’s built and strong, so the ridge of muscle beneath you and rubbing against every single spot that sparks delicious warmth in your belly brings you to climax so much more quickly than you could have expected. He loves looking up at you, mouth open and eyes half shut in ecstasy as you chase your high, your heat leaving sticky wetness on his thigh that only serves to make him harder. He’ll grind his leg up if only to hear that heavenly little squeal and whimper that he can get out of you. You’re beautiful to him even on the worst days, but when you’re above him, sweaty and on the brink of coming all over his thigh? Stars, you’re the most glorious thing he’s ever seen, and he rode a shyyyo bird over the untouched forest of Kashyyyk.
Sadcanons. Don’t read if you don’t want sad feels tonight
There is no denying that Cal’s not a whole person at the beginning of the storyline. He definitely regains some of himself back, but there are parts of him that I believe died with the clones and died with Jaro. There are times where he has nightmares, and when he wakes up, he doesn’t want to be with anyone. Even you. He’ll lapse into silence for hours and days at a time, staring at the blank wall while you try to get him to eat or drink something because damnit it’s been days and he hasn’t so much as moved. Your heart breaks at every sign of his damage, because you know that there is only so much you can do to help. This is a journey that he has to complete independently, though it doesn’t mean that you won’t be here for him when he wakes up.
You trace his scars to comfort him. He’s insecure about them, and is terrified of the memories that they bring back. But when you’re there, loving even his jagged edges, it’s all marginally better and he can bear to live with himself a little more.
He comforts you too. Whatever your background, the Clone Wars and the Purge gave everyone a little bit of damage, and you were no different. He holds you when you’re crying, and comforts you after your nightmares. He’ll purposefully pick a happy song to sing when he knows that you’re down, and he never fails to make you laugh through the tears.
His psychometry allows him to understand your trauma better than you could hope to understand his. Before you even allow him to sense your past, you make him promise to not internalize any of it. You know that he would, though it makes no logical sense. He promises. 
Oops I made myself yearn. Now back to our regularly scheduled program of single life. School’s kicking my ass right now, but this made me feel better so I can’t complain too much.
But in all seriousness, I recommend this game 10/10. The Star Wars content is absolutely impeccable, the graphics are gorgeous, it gives me a thrill in my chest to know that every single second is canon. Cal is a beautifully written character, and even though his story breaks my heart, it’s written so well. He doesn’t lash out in anger, rather internalizing his fears and pain in a way that I can relate to, and he’s scarily powerful. It’s a feel good story for me despite the pain, and I’m looking forward to finishing it this weekend!
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master-sass-blast · 3 years
Children of the Gods: Part Three, Chapter Two.
I had to input every single italic you see in this fic by hand because Tumblr doesn’t hold text format when I paste it innnnnn. *pained smile*
Please give this chapter some love, because that was fucking painful to do.
Summary: The aftermath of capturing Allison proves messy -both in dealing with the teen's evident trauma, and in all the skeletons in various closets that get unleashed soon after.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, Frank Castle x Karen Page, and Alexandra Rasputin x Nikolai Rasputin.
Rating: M for gun violence, depictions of death and injuries, depictions of emotional trauma, and gratuitous use of the word “fuck.”
Word count: 8.9k.
Set after “Children of the Gods: Part Three, Chapter One.”
Taglist: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @super-darkcloudstudent, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @leo-writer, @emma-frxst, @sadstone-s
“What the hell were you thinking!”
“Ooh, careful there, Doohan,” Wade snarks, head rolling to indicate he’s rolling his eyes. “Get any more agitated and you’ll be saying all the no-no words.”
Scott scowls at Wade. “Stuff it, Wilson.”
“Every damn night, laser pointer.”
A mixture of grimaces, sighs, and groans go up through the crowd.
You’re all gathered in the medical wing of Xavier’s –the X-Force and nearly all of the X-Men. Allison’s off being examined by Dr. McCoy and Alyssa –to make sure she’s stable enough to be taken out of the handcuffs and the suppression band—and Frank and Karen are sequestered in a separate room until it's clear how everything's going to shake out.
Because, naturally, there’s been a wrench thrown in the situation.
Or maybe the whole damn toolbox, you mentally amend as Wade and Scott resume arguing.
“We cannot harbor a mob criminal here—”
“She’s thirteen, Summers!” Wade snaps. The eyes on his mask narrow into slits. “She’s not a criminal –and her parents’ choice don’t automatically make her guilty!”
“Murder, illegal theft and possession of firearms, assault, stalking, kidnapping,” Scott starts listing, ticking off each of Allison’s misdeeds on his fingers.
“She lost her family,” Nathan interjects, voice going to gravel. “Where the fuck were all of you when she needed support? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?”
The room goes silent. Many of the X-Men members look away or hang their heads slightly.
“We had no way of knowing that Allison was a mutant,” Ororo speaks up. “Without the proper information, we can’t help. It’s unfortunate, yes, but out of our control all the same.”
“But you know now,” Wade argues. “You knew with Russell. You knew with all the kids at Essex house. You turned your back on him and those kids, just like you’re turning your back on Allison now.” He scoffs, disgusted. “Same shit, different day. You’re all a bunch of cowardly cocksuckers.”
“We do have limits,” Professor Xavier speaks up from his chair. “Russell and the other members of Essex house were considered wards of the state. Legally, that meant Essex house had custody of them until they turned eighteen. We wrote petitions. We did as much as we could to bring attention to the issue. Unfortunately, it got swept under the rug or stonewalled by anti-mutant members of the legal system. As for Allison…” He sighs. “Taking in wards with criminal connections put the school at risk. Not just for fear of retaliation –as would certainly be a risk with Miss Ricci’s connections to the mafia—but also our funding and licensing. As an orphaned mutant, she is certainly deserving of our help—” he pauses to glare sternly at Scott and a few of the more stubborn, self-righteous members present “—but we have to consider the needs of our other residents and students, too.”
“I think we’re overlooking that Allison is here right now,” Jean pipes up. “Whether or not she stays with us is one thing, but we need to decide what to do for at least the next forty-eight hours.”
“She stays here,” you say automatically. “As far as we know, she has no other guardians, potentially even nowhere to go. I don’t think it’s gonna kill us to give her a bed and some food to eat.”
“Absolutely not,” Scott fires back –and, behind him, Angel and Iceman nod. “She’s far too aggressive to possibly put the students at risk.”
“She’s agitated and traumatized,” you reason, “but that doesn’t mean she’s going to lash out at people left and right.”
“Doesn’t she have a guardian of sorts?” Neena pipes up. “Artemis? Has anyone gotten ahold of them?”
“We reached out with the number Miss Ricci gave us,” Xavier explains. “The call picked up, but there wasn’t any verbal response for the duration of the call.”
Well, that bodes well. “What about her attorney?” you ask. “If we can’t keep her here, wouldn’t her attorney be able to arrange some sort of safe place for her to stay.”
“Thus far, we haven’t been able to reach her attorney.”
And that bodes even worse. You fight the urge to sigh or roll your eyes, and instead mentally curse monkey wrenches and whoever thought to invent the damn things.
“For the time being, I’ve contacted some of our external resources” –the glance Xavier shoots at both you and Piotr tells you that it’s your uncle and Alexandra—“to help with matters until the dust settles. They should be arriving soon, so—”
There’s a loud crash from down the hall, the sound of glass shattering, and an angry screech that sounds suspiciously like, “Fuck you, Castle!”
You give into the urge to sigh before booking it towards the sound of chaos and rage. Great. Now it’s an entire toolshed.
Subduing Allison this time, at least, is easier for several reasons.
First, she’s still wearing the repression cuff on her wrist. Without her powers –without a way to pop in and out of this existence, specifically—she’s much easier to catch.
Second, she’s tired. It’s not just the bags under her eyes or the sweat glistening at her furrowed brow. She’s stumbling unevenly, panting as she tries to exact her revenge.
Third, Illyana happens to show up at the exact same time with your uncle and Alexandra (and Nikolai as well, though he has less involvement in the “subduing process”).
Alex reacts fastest. She hooks one strong arm around Allison’s waist, then scoops her away from Karen and a hangdog-looking Frank. “Alright, that’s enough.”
Allison, however, doesn’t seem to agree. (Though whether it’s due to general teenage contrariness or trauma-induced rage, the jury’s still out.
…Actually, it’s probably both.)
“You don’t even get it, Castle!” Allison snaps with a manic grin, eyes wide and haunted. “You killed a good man. My dad was getting out! He was going to testify against them—”
Alex clamps a hand over the teen’s mouth, making her cut herself off with a garbled grunt. “I said enough.”
Allison thrashes in the older woman’s iron-clad grasp –to no avail, unsurprisingly. Her face scrunches up, then her jaw starts flexing. There’s a moment where her expression goes slack when Alex doesn’t react, then her nose scrunches up again and her jaw starts working harder.
Alex sighs, then starts carrying Allison back down the hall (she’s astonishingly unfazed by been chomped down on). “Come on. Let’s get you calmed down, malen’kiy.”
At the other end of the hall, Neena pokes her head into the fray. “Someone who calls herself Artemis is at the front door.”
Professor Xavier nods, then says, “Please escort her back to Miss Ricci’s room,” before wheeling after Alex and Artemis.
You look between Neena and the Professor –then, in the interest of going where you’re actually allowed to be (and not being bored out of your mind because you’ll be literally shut out of the room), you head towards the foyer.
“Do you think Frank was set up to stop the trial?”
Your uncle shrugs; the two of you have taken up a spot at the back of the room, where you can watch things unfold and gossip like the two old ladies you are in spirit. “It’s possible. It’s also possible that it was retribution for Allison being a mutant. The Ricci syndicate is notoriously… intolerant.”
You grimace. You certainly understand just how far people will go against their own flesh and blood for intolerance’s sake. “Blood and water.”
Your uncle nods, expression equally sour. “You fucking said it, punk.”
There’s not much point in hashing it out any further –both from the standpoint of “forbidden knowledge” and digging up old trauma—so you settle back into watching Artemis go through the mandatory security check.
She’s tall, with broad shoulders. Her hair’s dark, just starting to streak with silver at the temples, and her eyes are deep, intense, borderline black color. Her nose is slightly crooked –comes with the territory in this walk of life—and she’s dressed in black motorcycle wear and combat boots.
She honestly looks so fucking familiar.
You frown, brows pinching together as you try and place her face in your memory. Failing your own abilities at recollection, you lean over and whisper, “Is she one of your team members? I swear I’ve seen her before.”
“Uh –no,” your uncle replies (and it’s too fast and shaky, but you’re too caught up in figuring out whom the fuck you’re looking at to notice). “I mean –everyone has a doppelganger, right?”
“I guess.” You squint at Artemis, as though physically narrowing your eyes will help your brain puzzle things out—
And then Alex strides into the foyer –wiping the hand that Allison bit, and if you look close enough you’re pretty sure you can still see a few bloody teeth marks—and the cloud of confusion lifts from your mind.
“Oh!” you gasp quietly. “That’s why she looks familiar! She looks like Alex.” You look from the Rasputin matriarch, to the other black-leather clad woman, then back again. “She looks… a lot like Alex, actually.” You laugh softly –coincidence is a hell of a thing—then keep rambling when your uncle doesn’t say anything. “Two women who love the color black and carry enough weapons on their person to stock an army. You’d think the universe broke the mold with Alex, huh?”
Your uncle shifts from foot to foot next to you, but says nothing.
“You really weren’t kidding about the whole ‘doppelganger’ thing, huh.” You cock your head to one side, then frown as another epiphany starts growing in your mind. “Actually… she kind of looks like you, too.”
Your uncle makes a quiet, pained choking noise. “Punk—”
“Yeah, she’s got more of your build…”
“And her lower lip has that weird lopsided curve like yours—”
You peer closer at Artemis’s face. “Actually, her nose looks like you took yours and Alex’s and mashed them together—”
You finally look up at him and take in the pale, wide-eyed, tight-lipped expression on his face. “What?” When he doesn’t say anything, you look at Artemis, then Alex, and then back at him—
Oh God.
Oh God.
Holy fucking shit.
You stare up at your uncle, agape. “Wait a second –you and—”
“Okay, shut the fuck up!” he hisses, panicked, before dragging you out of the foyer and into the nearest hallway.
“You and Alex had a baby,” you blurt –albeit in a voice no louder than a harsh whisper. “Artemis is your and her lovechild!”
He winces, then holds up his hands. “I can explain—”
“I don’t think you can!” you hiss. “Why didn’t you tell me that I have a cousin who happens to be my husband’s half fucking sister! Oh God, does Piotr know? Do any of the Rasputins know?”
“I…” He trails off, then cringes. He rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not sure, actually.”
You stare up at him, dumbfounded. “You’re not sure. How are you not sure? Nick knows who you are –what, you think Alex just kept a whole child from his knowledge—”
“I mean, he probably knows that there was a baby at one point—”
“The baby is in this fucking house!” you snap in a quiet growl, arms flailing wildly. “She’s a full grown adult who probably pays taxes and has a 401k going! Why wouldn’t Alex tell her husband—”
“Look,” your uncle interjects, cutting you off. “As far as Alex knows… she thinks she’s… dead?”
You gape. Then, as quietly as you can manage (given the circumstances), you exclaim, “What the fuck!”
“Keep your voice down!” your uncle hisses, gesturing wildly in panic. He looks over his shoulder, then when he’s certain no one overheard you, he sighs and looks back to you. “Look, it’s a long story—”
“I’m sure it fucking is!” You cross your arms over your chest when he winces. “How is it that you know your secret lovechild is alive, but Alex doesn’t? What, did she just abandon her?”
“No, no—”
“Didn’t think so. So what the fuck happened?”
He sighs, shoulder slumping, and runs one hand through his already disheveled hair. “Look –long story short, the people who ‘made’ Alex took the baby—”
“Artemis. Her daughter. Your daughter.”
He purses his lips, but concedes with a nod. “They took her away after she was born and told Alex she was dead –and that’s actually what prompted her to get out, but that’s another story for another day—”
“Okay, hang on a second.” You squeeze your eyes shut and hold up one hand. “Alex thinks her baby is dead –probably one of the most traumatic things in her whole life. You’ve known that she’s alive…” You open your eyes again and fix your uncle with a stern stare. “Okay, how long have you known for?”
He grimaces and shifts uncomfortably. “…well, the US took her, but she didn’t present early, so they turned her loose into the foster system because she didn’t have potential as an ‘asset’—”
“How fucking long?”
He ducks his head, carefully avoiding your gaze. “…tracked her down when she was ten.”
Your eyes widen –and then you slug him in the shoulder. “You fucking colossal asshole!”
He panics again, motioning for you to keep it down while checking over his shoulder. “Shut the fuck up!”
“No! Not only have you lied to Alex for decades—”
“She never asked—”
“A lie by omission is still a fucking lie!” you snap in a gravelly whisper. “So, not only did you lie to her, but you also abandoned your daughter to the mercies of the US foster care system!”
“My life wasn’t safe to keep a kid around!” he hisses back at you. “I couldn’t take care of you, and I couldn’t take care of her! If anything, it was safer for her if the government thought I didn’t know she was alive!”
You sigh, pinch the bridge of your nose, and wave dismissively with your other hand. “Okay –fine. That still doesn’t justify the whole lying thing, but whatever. Does Artemis know that you and Alex are her parents?”
“…Yes. She tracked me down when she was in her twenties and I told her the truth.”
“Well, it sounds like determination runs in the family,” you mutter. “But at least you two have kept in touch…” You look up, see your uncle’s grimace, and sigh. “You didn’t keep in touch with her.”
He shoves his hands in his jacket pockets. “I didn’t know how to handle it.”
“Pretty sure ‘not like that’ is a good answer.” You sigh again, then shrug and put your hands on your hips. “Well, you’ve probably solved your own problem. She’ll probably just tell Alex who she is just to spite you, assuming she got the ‘petty vengeance’ gene too.”
Your uncle’s eyebrows spike to his hairline, and his expression goes through the five stages of grief in a matter of seconds. “She –she can’t—”
“She can and she probably will.”
He hunches over, crouching, and grips the back of his head. “Shitfuckshitfuckshitfuckshitfuck—”
You and your uncle both jump, then whirl in unison and give your husband your best convincing, “we’re totally not talking about long lost, hidden family members and other poor life choices” smiles that you can each manage.
(Consider that you don’t look like you just shit your pants, you win.)
Piotr’s forehead wrinkles with concern. “What… is everything alright?”
“Just fine, baby,” you assure him, subtly kicking your uncle so he relaxes. “Just talking about what happens next.”
Piotr nods after a moment, likely picking up on that whatever’s going on right now isn’t life or death and that you’ll fill him in later. “I actually came to find you,” he says, gesturing to your uncle. “Professor Xavier still cannot reach Allison’s lawyer. He has asked for your assistance.”
“Right. Absolutely. On it,” your uncle says with a none-too-convincing smile. He shoots your husband a pair of finger guns, then books it out of the hall and towards the medical wing of the mansion.
Piotr stares after him, then shoots you a confused frown. “Is he okay?”
You shrug. “He’s doing about his usual.” You decide to further sidestep the issue by ambling over to him and giving him a gentle hug. “How are you?” Are doing okay?”
Piotr wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. “I am fine now. Just a little sore.”
“Me too.” You nuzzle your cheek against his burly chest. “We really should invest in that hot tub we keep talking about getting. It’d be great for post-mission recovery.”
“Hot tubs are expensive, myshka,” he chuckles.
“Yes, but we’re not getting any younger. It’d be a good investment in taking care of our bodies.” You tilt your head back and grin up at him. “I thought you were all about that life.”
He sighs and shakes his head, feigning exasperation, but his amused smile is a dead giveaway. “Whatever shall I do with you, myshka?”
You grin wider. “You could kiss me.”
Piotr grins back, then dips his head and presses his lips against yours—
Mikhail appears next to you out of thin air. “Ah. Gross. Big meeting is happening. All hands on deck.”
Piotr rolls his eyes when his elder brother teleports away once more, then looks back down at you and strokes your cheek with his thumb. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine, baby.” You unwind your arms from his massive trunk of a torso, then slide your fingers between his as the two of you walk towards the medical wing.
“—I am telling you, Charles, not being able to reach this kid’s lawyer is a bad fucking sign.”
You and Piotr walk into a conference room to find your uncle and Professor Xavier locked in a heated argument.
Wade, Nate, and Neena are leaning against the table to watch, occasionally leaning over to whisper bits of commentary to each other (or, in Wade’s case, speak at normal volume).
In the corner of the room, where a couple of armchairs are positioned, Nikolai sits with his two other children; they’re speaking in hushed Russian, but none of them seem too concerned about everything else going on.
“As I previously stated,” Xavier says, words clipped, “we cannot release Miss Ricci without speaking first to her attorney. The X-Men operate as a special law enforcement service, and failure to comply with criminal and civil statutes will have enormous consequences for the Institute—”
“There’s going to be a bunch of fucking ‘enormous consequences’ for the Institute,” your uncle interrupts, growling through clenched teeth, “if you don’t evacuate this building right fucking now! Fuck’s sake, Charles –you hired me as a security advisor; just listen to me.”
Piotr frowns and curls one hand over your shoulder. “What is happening?”
“What’s happening,” a new, strong, feminine voice interjects from the hall, “is that we’re leaving.” Artemis shoulders past your husband –a feat not easily achieved by many—with Allison in tow, then holds up the teen’s arm that has the repression cuff still attached. She glares at Xavier (and God, she really looks like Alex when she does that), then spits out through gritted, bared teeth, “Get this fucking thing off my kid.”
There’s a longsuffering sigh in the hall, and then Alex steps into the doorway. “She has that cuff on for her own safety –as I already told you—”
Artemis whirls, face contorted by a vicious scowl, and snaps, “I didn’t fucking ask for you input!”
(Boy, if that doesn’t just scream ‘repressed trauma and mommy issues.’)
Your uncle looks like he’s about to pass out again, but Alex seems remarkably nonplussed. She merely raises one eyebrow at Artemis, as if to say ‘that’s all you got?’
There’s no way she knows, you think as you watch the two stare each other down. Not with how much she cares about her kids. There’s no fucking way—
“Actually, we’ve got bigger problems,” your uncle pipes up, voice quavering slightly before he clears his throat. “We can’t reach your kid’s shark.”
“They have other clients,” Artemis retorts, upper lip curling in a derisive sneer. Her dark eyes smolder with barely constrained hatred as she tosses a withering glance in his direction (daddy issues, too, this chick won the whole lottery). “Or maybe they got stuck in traffic.”
Your uncle narrows his eyes at that (and now the two of them look so much alike, overcome by ire as they are). “You cannot possibly be that fucking stupid.”
Artemis sucks a breath through her teeth, eyes widening with rage and hurt. “You fucking dick—”
In the corner of the room, Illyana bolts upright before going stock still. Then, she gasps and reaches out towards her mother. “Mama!”
(The way Artemis’s face mars with a pained grimace makes your heart ache.)
Alex tenses, eyes glowing gold as she starts scanning the horizon (presumably checking for heat signatures). “Gde?”
The room goes quiet –and then you hear it.
The sound of engines rumbling –multiple engines—and car wheels crunching against gravel. Doors thumping open and shut, followed by footsteps. Hushed voices.
You scamper over to the nearest window and float up, just enough to see several men clad in black and Kevlar and carrying rifles stalking towards the front door and around the sides of the house in groups. “Guys with guns. Lots of them.”
“Then get down!” Nate hisses before yanking you back from the window.
“Lights out,” Alex orders before hitting the switch herself. “Get everyone to a reinforced room.”
“There’s a safe room at the end of the hall,” Xavier says before wheeling himself towards the door.
Allison clings to Artemis’s sleeve, much like a baby koala. “What’s going on? What’s going to happen?”
“Go with the Professor,” Artemis says. She quickly –but gently—frees her arm, then clasps the teen’s face with both hands. “Look at me. Listen to the Professor, and stay put until I come get you. Okay?”
Allison’s forehead puckers, and her lower lip starts trembling. “But—”
“Is alright,” Nikolai interjects with a kind, reassuring smile. He gently ushers Allison towards the door, then down the hall before she can protest further.
A few doors down, Karen pokes her head out of the room where she and Frank have holed up. She frowns as she takes in the chaos. “What’s going on?”
“Mafia men with guns!” Wade chirps as he half-skips, half-jogs towards the mansion’s entryway. “Tell your boy to suit up!”
“There’s a safe room at the end of the hall,” Neena adds as she runs after Wade.
Frank squeezes around Karen and kisses her temple before falling in line behind the two assassins.
You step to the side so Karen can run past you, then turn and press a hasty kiss against Piotr’s cheek. “Love you.”
He kisses your cheek in return, equally as brief. “Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu.”
And then the two of you run towards the danger bearing down on your home.
In all the firefights you’ve been in, there’s always this moment of silence. A calm before the storm. A moment where everything goes still, while both sides wait for the other to make a move.
You duck behind a wall as the mafia gunmen continue hammering away at the front door, tucking yourself in a shadow. Your stomach tenses, breathing going quick and hard as your mind starts putting a plan together. Don’t want to risk collapsing part of the house by doing a pressure vacuum. Best option is to probably knock them to the ground so the others can jump them.
The door rattles. The wooden portal splits on one side, sending jagged splinters poking out into the air.
You slow your breathing, forcing yourself into a calm, focused state. Wait for them to get past the entryway so you can hit as many of them as possible.
In the back of the house, near the kitchen, you hear glass shatter.
They’re in. You clench your fists at your sides, watching as the front door slowly gives way. Three… two… one…
The door breaks open, swinging inwards as the first gunmen step into the foyer—
And then the door snaps off its hinges and slams into the men, taking them out like bowling pins.
Strike, a small, inane part of your brain giggles.
Shouts go up through the house. You can hear the sounds of rushed footsteps, shattering glass, and what sounds like people being bodyslammed through tables (and, given the type of people fighting for your side, it just might be that). Gunfire pierces the air –and is accompanied by the telltale, metallic plinks of the bullets ricocheting off your husband’s armor.
Angry screams emanate from the front step. Men barge in, firing down the hall, towards some unseen target (likely Alex or Nate, given the door trick).
You wait until as many men are piled into the foyer as possible, then send down a downdraft that blows out the windows on either side of the door.
The gunmen tumble to the floor, swearing in a mixture of English and Italian.
Nate, Wade, and Neena swoop in. They descend upon the mafia men like a pack of wolves, breaking bones, dislocating joints, and cracking skulls as they disarm –and, in some cases “un-alive”—the gunmen.
“It’s raining men!” Wade sings as he runs one of his katanas through the gut of one assailant. “Hallelujah! It’s raining men!” He ramps off a nearby wall, then t-bags another man before stabbing him through the temple. “Amen!”
You crouch, tracking the movement of the scuffle. You tense when you see a couple of the men jump Nathan, then charge towards the railing and dive over when a few more try to break past to run down the hallway. You flip in the air, land in the hallway ahead of them, and unleash a blast of wind right in their faces.
The mafia men fly out through the front door. They sail over half the front drive, then bounce off the gravel surface and roll several times before coming to a stop.
You let out a harsh breath, then dart down the hall towards the kitchen when you hear glass shattering and the sound of Frank bellowing angrily.
The kitchen and rec room are a mess. Glass shards from shattered windows coat the floor, glittering before being crushed underfoot. Doors are cracked from having people slammed into them. The rec room couch is overturned –and is sagging suspiciously on one side, hinting at a cracked frame. The entertainment system is shattered, with smoking bullet holes littering the TV, speakers, and media systems.
Frank has one of the guys pinned down over the sink. He’s snarling as he uses the lip of the sink to choke the guy out. There’s blood smeared his lips and chins, trailing back up to his chin.
Another gunman stalks in through the dining room, gun trained on Frank’s head.
You whip a blast of air at the second man, sending him sailing into the wall so hard the drywall cracks.
He drops to the ground, unconscious.
There’s some terrified shrieking –and then a gunman is punted up and out of the basement stairwell. He sails through the kitchen window headfirst, crumpling in a heap in the hedges outside.
Your husband storms up the staircase, teeth bared in an angry snarl. The waning daylight glints off his metal exterior, almost making him look like some sort of avenging angel. He stops short when he sees you, though; his irate expression vanishes, replaced by concern. “Ty v poryadke?”
You manage a smile and flash him a thumbs up—
And then a truck with a Gatling gun strapped to the roof rolls up to the back door.
“Get down!” Frank hollers before tackling you to the ground behind the kitchen island.
The room explodes into chaos. Bullets plow into the walls, sending up spurts of drywall dust in their wake. Wooden doorframes and floorboards crack, unleashing cascades of splinters in every direction. Glass shatters, raining down upon everything in its reach.
Frank positions himself over you, shielding you as fragmented bullets rain down upon your both. He cups your head with his hands, doing his best to protect you from the hellfire.
Over the din, you can just make out a loud, angry bellow –and then the sound of bullets hitting metal. Heavy, deliberate stomps make the floor shake.
The gunfire cuts off. A shriek pierces the air just before you hear what sounds like a car being tossed into a tree.
(As you’ll discover later, that’s precisely what you heard.)
Frank lifts his head, then carefully rolls off you. He crouches next to you and holds out a hand. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Your ears are ringing, and you’re pretty sure you’ve got glass shards and splinters in your hair, but you’ve been worse. You take his hand, flinching when you hear the sound of more gunfire outside.
Frank peers over the lip of the island. “Reinforcements. At least five more cars headed our way.”
You suck in a breath. “Piotr—”
“Is holding his own for now,” Frank says.
“I’m gonna help him,” you rasp out. “Make sure everyone in the house that’s not on our side… stays down. And that we’ve still got all our people.”
Frank nods, then runs off towards the foyer.
You catch your breath, then creep towards the back door (better safe than sorry). You flatten yourself against the wall next to the doorway, then peer around the broken frame.
Piotr’s facing off against the new influx of cars. He’s got one hand on the hood of one Range Rover, arm extended out like he’s fending off a five-year-old. With his other hand, he flips another SUV over, causing the thing to land on its roof and putting the vehicle squarely out of commission.
Your stomach sinks when five more Range Rovers tear across the lawn, leaving deep, muddy tracks in their wake –and are followed by three more trucks with Gatling guns attached to the roofs. You sprint out the door, take a flying leap over Piotr, then send out a shockwave of air when you land on the ground.
A few of the cars fly backwards, rolling across the lawn like tumbleweeds. A majority of them, however, manage to stay upright or bump into each other and recover.
Your eyes widen when one of the Gatling gun operators aims directly at you. Shit.
Piotr leaps in front of you, whirling so his back is to the gun. He curls his body over yours, shielding you as gunfire rains down on you both.
You grit your teeth, grunting. You can feel the impact of the gunfire resonating through your husband’s metal body. Worry clutches at your heart when Piotr lets out sharp, ragged groans; he’s largely invulnerable in his armor, not to mention his sense of touch is severely dulled, but you know that with shit like this he’s still feeling some sort of pain –and there’s nothing you can do. You’re both pinned down, and as powerful as your shockwaves are, they’re not enough to stop or even skew the trajectory of a bullet—
Blue light washes over both of you. The sound of the gunfire wanes, replaced by warbling, pinging noises instead.
You peer around Piotr’s side to see Illyana standing between the two of you and the oncoming cars. She has her arms outstretched, palms facing the onslaught of adversaries. A shimmering, sky blue shield with various magical incantations floating through it surrounds all of you, stretching into the sky for at least forty feet.
Illyana grunts. She’s being shoved backwards from the force of impact from the bullets. Her feet are digging into the ground, leaving ruts as she tries to hold her stance. “We need new plan!”
“How about ‘stay alive?’” Piotr shouts back as he digs shrapnel out of the grooves on his arms.
Wade, Neena, Nate, and Frank come barreling out the back door, faces streaked with soot and blood. They dive for the ground, covering the backs of their heads and necks with their hands—
An explosion goes off inside the mansion. The shockwave shatters windows on both the first and second floor, blowing out window frames and trim.
Piotr covers your body with his once more. He cups your head with his hand, shielding you from the falling debris and the worst of the shockwave.
You cough and hack as smoke billows out the broken windows and doors. You do your best to make a vortex to suck the smoke away and send it up into the air. Your lungs burn, and your ears are ringing like a bell from all the gunfire and the explosion—
Four more gunmen emerge from the smoke pouring out the back door.
You snarl, then whip blasts of air at them, slamming them into the exterior walls of the house.
One of them goes down, while the other three are merely stunned.
Mikhail comes barreling out next. He lets out a guttural battle cry, then sucker punches one of the men in the back of the head before aiming a blast of rust colored energy at another’s gut.
The man screams as he sails into the air, arcing over the tree line and disappearing somewhere in the canopies.
The third man aims his gun at Mikhail –then staggers and drops to the ground when a beam of golden energy sears through his chest.
Alex storms out of the smoke with Artemis and your uncle trailing close behind her. She glares down the remaining gunmen and cars, teeth bared in a vicious snarl. Blood is flecked across her face and spattered over her leather jacket. “House is clear!”
“Yeah, except now we’re about to be cleared out!” Wade hollers back. “As in, ‘all sales final, no returns, no exchanges!’”
“If we could make plan,” Illyana screams, voice strained with the effort of holding the shield, “would be very great!”
You look over to Alex –and see her eyes widen. You whirl towards the gunmen just in time to see one of them aim a rocket launcher at all of you. “Oh, for the love of—”
The first hit is technically deflected by Illyana’s shield, insomuch that the projectile and the shield both shatter the moment they meet. The force of the magic breaking sends out a shockwave of blue energy that flies backwards into all of you, knocking those who managed to get up back off their feet and stunning the rest of you.
You groan, head reeling. Your vision clears slowly, casting double images when you move too quickly. Shit.
You can make out Piotr, just next to you. He’s lying face down on the lawn, grunting and moving in slow, clumsy movements. He turns his head, brow furrowing when he sees you, and reaches out towards you.
You extend your hand to grab his –but he’s just out of your reach, no matter how far you strain. Your body feels heavy with fatigue and pain; everything inside you is screaming to get up, to fight, to keep moving because death is knocking right on your door, and you’ll be damned if this is how you go out—
Alex recovers first –no surprise there. She shoves herself to her feet, seething and growling like a feral beast. She hurls a blast of energy at one of the cars –and, from the sounds of the carnage, makes a direct hit. She storms towards the sea of mafia men like an avenging angel, hell bound on vengeance and blood.
Audible gasps go up from the amassed assassins.
You lift your head to see several of the gunmen backing away from the mansion and crossing themselves with shaking hands. You chalk it up to Alex being Alex, and make to drop your head back against the ground once more—
And then you see Allison standing in the ruined doorway.
She’s glaring down the gunmen with a viciousness that doesn’t suit the youthful roundness of her face. Her brows are knit together, and her mouth is twisted into an ugly scowl. Her eyes are glowing a brilliant shade of blue and give off little wisps of azure colored smoke. Her skin and hair are smoking as well, creating an aura around her body. Blood drips down from her nose and onto her shirt –which is stained with ash and soot. There are burn marks and indents on her wrists from where the repression cuff and the handcuffs used to be, respectively, but the restraints themselves are gone.
The ground begins to shake. Two patches of cerulean light appear underneath the grass, growing larger until they form swirling vortexes of magical energy. The ground begins to crumble at the edges of the portals, eroding away and growing wider until they make gaping tunnels that channel so deeply into the earth there’s no telling how far they truly go.
You recoil when the smell of sulfur and smoke blenches forth from the tunnels. Shit, did she hit a gas line? Fucking dammit, like this day can get any worse—
Echoing, blood-chilling howls emanate from the tunnels.
Your eyes widen –and then your heart starts working overtime when you see two, then four massive hellhounds (like the ones Allison summoned at the mall) crawl out of the tunnels.
Shrieks of terror sound from the gunmen. Several take off running, while others try to shoot the beasts.
The hounds snap and snarl at the gunmen, then charge at the group. Two of them go off after the runners, while the other two start lunging after the assassins like they’re rabbits.
You stare at the chaos in disbelief –and then a set of strong hands grab you underneath the arms.
“Get up.” You uncle tugs you to your feet, keeping you steady when you stumble. “You can’t be in the flow of traffic for this.”
Behind you, Allison is panting like she’s run a marathon. The aura of blue smoke is growing around her, trailing into the air and floating over the ground. Veins of light spread across her face and arms, glowing the same shade of vibrant blue as her eyes. Her breathing grows louder and more ragged, until she’s growling and shaking with each exhale— and then she screams.
Much like the first confrontation in the cemetery, all those months ago, the scream unleashes a shockwave of blue energy. This time, though, the shockwave is far from a decoy for escape. It washes over you, the X-Force, your uncle, the other Rasputins, Frank, and Artemis harmlessly enough –then slams into the mafia forces and vehicles like the wall of a hurricane.
Alex charges after the shockwave, carefully trailing behind it. She waits until it clears the first line of gunmen, then slams her fist into the face of the man closest to her. She blocks his attempt to strike her, then twists his arm –dislocating the shoulder, which makes him shriek in pain. Then, she wrenches his rifle away from him. She shoots him once in the center of his forehead, then turns the firearm on his fellow men and keeps firing.
Mikhail and Artemis go after the one surviving Gatling gun. Mikhail teleports onto the truck bed; he sweeps the back of one man’s jacket over his head, effectively blinding him, then kicks the other man present in the balls before shoving him over the side of the truck.
Artemis, on the other hand, stops a few feet away from the truck. She uses her telekinesis to rip the Gatling gun off its mount, then yanks the driver out through the windscreen –headfirst, no less—and dumps him on the lawn.
He doesn’t get back up.
“Come on,” your uncle says, pointing towards the further reaches of the property, where some of the gunmen are still trying to outrun the hellhounds. “Let’s give the dogs a helping hand.”
The two of you reach out, creating a wind current that slices through the air and slams into the stragglers.
The men careen into nearby hedges –and the hellhounds have it from there.
The familiar sonic blast of Nathan’s gun rips through the air. The shot slams into the last remaining SUV, rendering the vehicle to little more than glass shards and mangled metal.
The back lawn and gardens fall silent, save for the sounds of groans of pain and the hellhounds chewing on various gunmen.
Mikhail takes a fall off the back of the truck bed. He flops onto the ruined grass below, limbs splaying like a rag doll’s. “Alright. Is time for nap. Wake me… never.”
Illyana scoffs from where she’s sat next to a smoldering bush. She picks up a nearby stone, then chucks it at her eldest brother’s head (and hits her target, no less). “There is still clean up. Bezdel'nik.”
Mikhail flips her off, then groans as he rubs the bridge of his nose.
“She’s right,” Alex lectures her eldest as she picks her way through the carnage. She nudges one body with the toe of her combat boot, then shoots him through the temple when he groans.
“Mama!” Piotr gapes at her, expression scandalized. He sputters, looking between her and the body at her feet.
“Chto? Vy khotite yego zhivym? Chtoby on mog dolozhit' svoim khozyayevam? Chtoby on mog obrushit' adskiy ogon' na etu shkolu i vsekh, kogo vy lyubite? No –no.” She holds up her index finger and stares sternly at Piotr when he tries to argue. “You do not leave enemies on your six o’clock, medvezhonok. First rule of survival.”
Piotr swallows hard, then says softly, “X-Men do not kill.”
Alex shrugs. “And I am not an X-Man.”
“We’ll handle it,” Nathan says. He holds his hand out for Alex’s rifle, nodding when she hands it to him after a moment’s hesitation.
(Wade and Frank are already working their way through the sea of dead and wounded. Frank’s traversing the chaos methodically, sticking to minimal shots to kill the survivors, while Wade’s alternating between singing “Dancing Queen” and getting post-mortem revenge.
“You shot my dick off inside!” Wade gasps as he peers down at a –slightly chewed on—corpse. “Extra bullets for you!” He then shoots the dead body several times before resuming his pitchy serenade.)
“What now?” Allison asks, staring out at the carnage with a slightly shocked expression.
“‘What now?’” Artemis repeats, laughing incredulously. She stomps towards Allison, pulling a pack of tissues out of her inner jacket pocket. “What the hell are you even doing out here? You were supposed to stay in the safe room—”
“They had cameras in there,” Allison says with a roll of her eyes, as if that justifies her decision to join the fracas. “You guys were getting your asses kicked.”
“We would’ve handled it.”
“Yeah, except you weren’t,” Allison fires back. She scrunches up her face when Artemis starts wiping the blood off her face, but otherwise takes the mothering without any complaint.
“It’s not your responsibility to deal with this shit,” Artemis says, voice and expression softening for a moment. She cleans up Allison’s face –then scowls. “And where the fuck are your cuffs? How did you even get out of them?”
Allison shrugs. “I used my powers to short the repression cuff out and ash it off.”
Illyana’s, Alex’s, and your uncle’s heads all snap around to stare at Allison.
“Are you kidding me?” Artemis hisses through clenched teeth. “You could’ve fucking killed yourself!”
“Or caused magical paradox that ripped hole in space-time continuum,” Illyana snaps.
“Ruptured blood vessels in your brain and caused an aneurysm, made the cuff deliver a lethal electrical shock, turned your magic against your own body and rendered yourself to ash,” your uncle continues, ticking off items on his fingers.
“Well, I didn’t do any of that!” Allison snarls, glaring at the others while Artemis keeps cleaning up her face. “And I made sure you losers won the fight –so fuck off!”
“Get her something to eat and drink,” Alex says. “Her blood sugar is bound to be low after pulling a stunt like that.”
Artemis glares at Alex and opens her mouth to respond—
Across the yard, Wade lets out a pained shriek. “My balls are not fetch toys! Bad Fido! Bad!”
Your eyes widen as you watch one of the hellhounds swing Wade around by his legs. You bite down on your lip, holding in a shock-induced laugh.
“Where’s this mutt’s off-switch –hey, hey! No!” Wade wriggles in the hellhound’s mouth, panicking as another beast bounds towards him. “My spine is not a tug toy! Can someone get rid of Fido and Rufus before they rip me in half!”
Allison snorts –then, before anyone can stop her, holds out her hand and flicks her wrist.
All four hellhounds melt back into the ground, disappearing to the depths of hell from whence they came.
Artemis swears under her breath, then catches the teen when she stumbles. She moves frantically, grabbing more tissues as blood starts pouring out of Allison’s nose once more. “You fucking idiot. Why the fuck did you do that? When are you going to fucking learn that you’re not invincible—”
Allison lets out a sharp, hoarse laugh –then passes out.
The wreckage inside the mansion is heartbreaking.
You stare at the ruined furniture, the scorched walls, the splintered doors, the ruined rec room and kitchen, and you have to wonder what was the fucking point?
Part of you understands that the mafia came prepared for war; they were going up against powerful mutants, so –naturally—they would want to be prepared. Having the strongest, most powerful weapons available increased their chances of success. Logically –from a strictly tactical standpoint—it makes sense.
Glass crunches under your shoes. You stare down at a litany of fallen picture frames, heart wrenching as you stare at the ruined pictures of graduates, students, and workers inside. We’re just a school. We work with kids. What was the point of trying to wipe us out?
Piotr ambles up behind you. He puts his arms around your shoulders and kisses the top of your head. “Cleaners and repairmen will be here in less than one hour.”
You feel numb. You place your hand on his arm. “That’s good.”
“We have back ups of pictures,” he murmurs. He kisses your cheek. “Insurance to cover replacing damaged items. We will be fine.”
“I know.” You sigh, leaning back against your husband’s chest. “We’re just a school. What… what was the point? Why try to wipe us out?”
“I do not know.” Piotr kisses your other cheek, hugging you reassuringly. “Perhaps they believed we knew information about ‘family business.’ Or that we were protecting Allison for some reason.”
“She’s just a kid,” you argue, voice breaking as your grief and exhaustion wells up and threatens to overtake you. “She’s only thirteen…”
Piotr says nothing, merely holds you closer.
You sigh—
And then a door slams. Hurried stomps echo down the hall. There’s creaking as a door opens again, followed by more footsteps and exasperated shouts.
Allison storms past you and Piotr, heading towards the kitchen. Her jaw is set, fists clenched at her sides.
You and Piotr look at each other –then follow after her, if only to be sure that nothing else is going to explode today.
She slams her hands down on the island counter –and, on the opposite side, Frank and Karen both flinch and stare at her warily.
Allison glares at Frank, jaw working convulsively. Her shoulders heave with each breath she takes. Her eyes shine with unshed tears, making the bags underneath seem darker and deeper by comparison. She trembles, expression flickering wildly between grief, white hot rage, and the neutral mask she’s trying so desperately to hold. She sucks in a breath that sounds more like a pained sob, then stares Frank down and spits out through gritted teeth, “You leave my people alone, I leave yours alone. Deal?”
Frank sighs. He nods, expression heavy with grief and eyes shining with remorse. “Yeah, kid. You got a deal.”
Allison clenches the edge of the island so hard her hands go white. She lets out a strangled, angry laugh as the tears finally start to fall. She ducks her head briefly, then glares back up at Frank. “I fucking hate you.”
Frank grimaces, but nods and says, “I know kid. It’s okay. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
“That ain’t worth shit.”
“I know… believe me, I know.”
Artemis –who’d previously been watching at the kitchen threshold—steps forward and puts her arm around Allison’s shoulders. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go.”
Allison clenches her teeth together, but still lets out a choked sob. She presses her lips together, looking around the room to try and regain her composure, to stop the flow of tears. She manages a deep breath, then takes one last look at Frank and snarls, “If I have to see your fucking face again, I’m ripping out your guts,” before storming out of the room.
Frank, to his credit, doesn’t respond (though you suspect he feels too guilty to even consider arguing). He merely hangs his head, expression that of a kicked dog.
Karen leans against him. She interlocks her fingers with his, murmuring in his ear (likely about how it isn’t his fault, and while it looks like that may technically be the case, you’re glad you don’t have to walk the spider’s silk of a line those facts lie upon).
What a shitshow.
Piotr puts an arm around your shoulders and gently leads you out of the kitchen. “Come on, myshka. Let’s go find spot to rest.”
Frank and Karen leave shortly after “making the deal” with Allison.
Allison and Artemis hang back for a bit to talk to Xavier. You don’t get all the gorey details but from what you can tell, it’s essentially an offer to help train Allison’s powers so she doesn’t hurt herself rolled in with a warning to keep her nose clean, stay on the straight and narrow, etcetera etcetera.
The sun’s just starting its descent from the sky before the two of them walk out of the meeting room.
Allison is wearing Artemis’s jacket and looks downright haggard.
Artemis has her arm around the teen and is gently guiding her while she talks to Xavier (though, perhaps the term “talk” is too generous, considering most of her responses are nods or terse, one-to-two word replies).
The rest of the Rasputin family, you, Piotr, and your uncle are all gathered in the foyer to make sure Allison and Artemis leave without too much trouble (or causing more trouble themselves).
Your uncle is sweating bullets and looks like he just shit his pants; he’s glancing between Alex and their daughter so fast it’s a miracle he hasn’t given himself a headache yet.
Now or never, you think, watching him with pursed lips. Tell your secrets before they’re told for you.
Alex kneels down next to Allison. “Are you okay?”
Allison’s gaze doesn’t leave the floor. “The fuck do you think?”
She quirks her mouth to the side. “Not all that good.” Alex ducks her head lower, trying to catch Allison’s gaze. “You remember what we talked about?”
Allison’s eyes narrow. She moves her gaze away from Alex. “Go to hell. I know what I know.”
“Sometimes… it’s better to not,” Alex says. She stares at Allison for a moment longer, then pats her shoulder before standing and walking away.
Artemis stares after Alex, expression morphing rapidly between fury and shock. She sputters for a moment before snapping, “What –that’s all you have to fucking say?”
Alex pauses, turning slightly so she can see Artemis. She raises one eyebrow, otherwise looking unbothered. “Is there something else I should be saying?”
“You don’t have anything to say to me?” Artemis presses, crossing her arms over her chest. “Nothing at all?”
“Is there something you want me to say to you?” Alex fires back, smirking slightly.
Artemis stares at Alex for a long, hard moment. She shakes her head, eyes welling up with tears, then turns her glare onto your uncle. “You really didn’t fucking tell her.”
“What?” Alex’s expression sobers, going wary as she looks between your uncle and Artemis. “What didn’t you—”
“This really isn’t the time or place—” Your uncle tries.
And here it goes.
“I’ve gotta do all the work, then,” Artemis snarls with a vicious smile. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense, considering I’m not your favorite,” she tacks on with an angry glare towards you. She storms towards Alex, one hand outstretched, with a cruel, angry smile stretched across her face. “Hey, mom. How’s it going?”
Alex’s eyes widen. She stares at Artemis, eyes tracking over the younger woman’s face. “What…”
“You fucking heard me.”
Illyana, Piotr, and Mikhail look at each other, then at Alex, then at Nikolai. They explode into confused Russian, gesturing between their parents, Artemis, and your uncle—
Realization dawns in Alex’s dark eyes. Her expression trembles, tears welling up in her eyes as she stares at Artemis’s face.
And then she uses her telekinesis to yank your uncle over and decks him.
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avenger-hawk · 3 years
Why do you like Kakasasu?
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I waited to reply to this because I wanted to be sure it wasn’t a troll and it wasn’t a drama starting attempt (like this or this, gems found in the sasuke/KS tag) since it’s a subject I am very interested in.
I replied to Kakashi/Sasuke related asks, shippy or not shippy, here, here and here. More about them here, here and here. Put yourself comfortable cause this is gonna be long. Not putting it under a readmore cause I remember ppl complaining they coulnd’t open it on mobile phones (?). Also, moralists who are lurking: don’t interact, get out of my blog. Youll be blocked on sight.
When I started reading N*ruto I was into Bleach a lot, and the fact that the characters were a little older and looked older made me not get into Nar that much at first, because they looked like kiddies lol. I didn’t care about Nar as a character and his initial rivalry with Sas was cute but not enough to get me interested. Only when Kakashi got closer to Sasuke I started being veery interested in the story and in the characters. What I found intriguing was that Kakashi was older and an authority figure, but also someone to look up and who helped his students, BUT at the same time he wasn’t exactly a father-like figure or a big brother-like figure, because he had his dark side, that back then wasn’t well flashed out but that nevertheless showed a closed-off person who kept everything inside, not letting others get too close to him.
(then I started liking N*rusasu mostly because there were so many cool doujinshi especially Emi10/Rankai and Engawaken, while KS doujinshi were so meh, kinda in old yaoi style like Loveless, with tiny Sas who looked even younger hahaha, not my thing)
As those who know my blog and/or my writing know already, I am not interested in healthy, cute, positive dynamics in fiction. I might enjoy them, I might be happy when there are such moments, but I can’t like a whole relationship/dynamic/story only like this because I like to explore complicated ones in fiction.Because fiction is very useful for this, it makes you explore dark, taboo things, without affecting reality (no matter what idiots say), it’s cathartic, it’s a way to do, see, experience things without doing anything.
Back to topic tho, I found their initial dynamic very intriguing. A broken, traumatized yet extremely driven Sasuke, acting as confident and strong as he can, but showing his trauma in various occasions, otherwise being mostly aloof, lost in his own thoughts, and a differently broken Kakashi, acting chill but at the same time always ready to act when needed, yet always kinda distracted, aloof, lost in his owh thoughts (and later we’ll know he took Obito’s mannerisms because he was a stickler to rules). The way Kakashi takes a special interest for Sasuke, clearly the most driven, the best of the team, with whom he holds back much less (when he trains them, like when in the beginning, during the bell test, he fights with Sas and seeing that he almost took it, he overpowers him) while he is different with the others (Nar will have Jiraiya later). The way he protects Sasuke during the chuunin exams, while he’s in the hospital and Kabuto is trying to kill him.
Mostly, the controversial moments...like I said I live for these kind of things. where he both protects and threatens him...like when he does that seal to Sasuke, for his curse mark, and he tells him that if that curse mark takes over he’ll kill him. Or when he ties Sasuke up so he won’t join Orochimaru.
Before someone says bs like *you’re not Sas fan if you like that scene* (I know there are many like this and I want all of them out of my blog btw) uh, it’s not how it works guys. You can support a character and still be intrigued by scenes where said character is tied up/in a forcibly submitted position and so on. Guess what, some of those scenes are made for fanservice even (and Sas has many of these, so if you don’t see the appeal/refuse to admit that there is appeal, it’s you who have a problem). So even tho I disagree with Kakashi not wanting to listen to Sasuke’s reasons for revenge (and later supporting SHikamaru’s, I replied to this in one of the asks I linked) I do find that scene interesting...I mean Sasuke tied up in a very suggestive way and yet defying him and threatening to kill his loved ones and Kakashi opening up in a very weird way vaguely replying that he lost those ppl already? It shows a lot about them, their personalities, everything.
I am sticking to part 1 because there are more meaningful interactions between them, I wished there were more in part 2 but kishi shifted Kakashi’s ‘interest’ to Nar, making him one of Nar’s followers...even so, the intractions they had were very interesting. Their fight after Sasuke fights Danzo is one of my fave moments in the whole story tbh, much more than the later confrontation with Nar. Kakashi for the first time has an inner only, yet strong, emotional reaction, having to fight and supposedly kill his former student who became a rogue with a death sentence on his head...he realizes this is how Hiruzen felt against Orochimaru. It’s a strong realization from someone like him who was always so closed off and aloof that he totally lacked empathy.
On the other hand Sasuke is in a different mindset. He’s sort of high for having succeeded in eliminating the one who made Itachi suffer so much, he’s thinking about killing the elders and destroy the village, so he’s basically lost in the recent past of Danzo’s death and in the future plans he’s making, he’s not in the present moment almost...but he has to fight anyway, and it’s a cool fight, also because he’s weakened already and Kakashi is strong...and then he gets blind, totally, and it’s an amazingly intriguing moment, the kind of controversial stuff I’m interested in, because that’s when he could be totally overpowered by Kakashi, if the story didn’t have other priorities (putting Nar in the center of attention with their confrontation).
Their later moments, like during the war, are meh cause the interest shifted already completely, but their moments in jail (anime only ofc) and their Shinden interactions (only through messages) are interesting to me. Very much so, because they show power dynamics very well, with Kakashi as THE authority and Sasuke as the one submitted. In jail it’s even more evident with him looking down at the younger tied up and blindfolded...like, wow. It’s like fanfiction material (in fact I wrote one (ff.net/a03) and there was the coolest fanart inspired by it! here..there were more but this came on my dash today so).
You mentioned power dynamics...their dynamics are all power dynamics because Kakashi was never at Sasuke’s same level and he never acted like he was, and when Sasuke was stronger, during the war, they basically didn’t interact, and when the war was over and Sasuke was brainwashed and tamed into submission the power dynamic remained the same.
The difference imo between them and other power dynamics based pairings is that they are closer than what could be defined rare pairings such as Obito (they had a very interesting one tho, if only it was developed), Madara (the story was already developed in a pro Konoha-anti Uchiha way but it would have been so cool to have the 2 Uchiha interact more), or other older and stronger characters, so the dynamic could be written in a cool way in a fanfiction but in canon Kakashi created it already. So, while I can imagine something like Shisui/Sasuke, Obisasu or more, in my head, and I can come up with some AU or canon divergent/canon behind the screen (like when Sas stayed with Obito after the transplant), Kakashi and Sasuke had canon interactions that showed power dynamics already.
(Then there is Itasasu, which is a huge power dynamic based relationship, that also had amazingly strong feelings though, and those who know me know that for me Itachi will always be Sasuke’s most loved person, and that he was the same for Itachi. So ofc imo IS is a much stronger bond compared to KS but still. Also I remember in the beginning how many fics I read where Itachi was abusive to Sas and Kakashi stepped in lol. And it’s not a mystery that even though I think the IS bond is the strongest I find other pairings and character dynamics very interesting, so much that I like to explore them even more than IS, which, imo, is almost a given fact so I don’t always feel the need to explore it)
Another thing I find intriguing is that Kakashi always saw Sas at his ‘worst’...in Konoha’s terms I mean. When he wanted revenge in pt 1, after he killed Danzo and he was weak and so desperate and hysterical that they thought he got crazy, when he was jailed. It’s a big power he has, to be able to see someone like this.
Tbh it’s a pity that there were no post war moments (B*ruto shit doesn’t count) where they interact ‘normally’ cause I would have liked to see them, both as normal interactions where they get closer again, now that Sas is older, where they train and they get physical (and Kakashi has a lot of repressed anger, jealousy and possessiveness to let out on the one who betrayed his sensei and went to another...not my opinion but it could be Kakashi’s pov) because I think power dynamic would come up a lot, even from apparently cute moments.
I’ll end this super long essay hoping that you didn’t fall asleep lol, and adding that Kakasasu was the first Nar pairing I shipped, which it speaks a lot about why I get so irritated when someone mentions it negatively.
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thebigqueer · 4 years
i just remembered i have a bunch of random prompts i came up with in my notes (they’re all pretty angsty sorry) so uh Will Solace with this prompt, feel free to include whoever you think should be in it thank youuuu <3
“i wish you could see what’s become of me. maybe you’d finally give up”
okay literally when i saw this ask i literally had to plan it out in my head all throughout the school day because it’s such a good prompt holy shit. like i couldn’t decide who i wanted to put in it!!! naomi or nico? nico or naomi??? i had no fuckin clue
anyway, i hope you like this one! and thank you for the prompt!
as always, i do minimal editing on these, so please don’t be too judgmental. 
It’s a dark day at Camp Half-Blood, what with the gray clouds rolling over the camp. Of course, the rain doesn’t come pouring down (thanks to the magical barrier) but they still threaten the campers as they tightly circle the camp, angrily thundering outside. 
Nico and Will sit on the edge of the son of Apollo’s bed, tension screaming silently in the air. Will feels as though acid is burning down his body, stinging his chest. A chill blows into the cabin, shoving past Nico and Will as if impatient to hear the next words that fall between the two. 
Nico watches the blond, their dark eyes filled with confusion and frustration. Will can barely even look at him; he knows Nico doesn’t understand what he’s saying, but how is he supposed to explain? 
“What do you mean, Will?” Nico asks, eyebrows furrowed, a look of disbelief splashed against their face. His fingers shake in his lap, rings shivering. Their pale skin seems ashen under the seeping darkness. 
“Nico, it’s getting worse,” Will says, his voice tight with an urgency that Nico’s never heard before. The blond shoves his face into his hands, which are much less vibrant than usual. His fingers tangle themselves into his golden curls. “I can... I can feel it. It’s like it’s taking control of me.” 
Nico shakes their head, dark hair sweeping dramatically. His hands reach for Will’s, de-tangling them from his curls and pulling them closer to their body. Will’s eyes turn to Nico’s, and a shiver runs down the child of Hades’ back; he looks lost, broken, as if he’s fighting for control over something.
Over himself. 
“Listen to me.” Nico tugs at Will’s hands, edging him even closer, feeling his body heat. It’s a comfort to Nico, knowing that their boyfriend is close to them, knowing that they have someone to lean onto. The child of Hades lets go of Will’s warm fingers and places their own hands over the blond’s face, the skin underneath the fingertips surprisingly soft. Will leans into the touch, his cheek pressing against Nico’s palm. There’s a paleness to him, as if he’s been de-saturated of all color. An ache builds up in Nico’s chest, a hollowness. “You just need to learn to control it, my love. I know it’s hard; the darkness threatens to consume you. But you have to learn to fight it, to take back what’s yours. These powers aren’t a curse; in a different light, you could even see them as a blessing from your father. It’s just a matter of how you use them, of how you learn to take the reigns on them.” 
Then, something comes over Will, something Nico’s never seen before. A rage glows in his eyes, seething, pulsating under his skin. He stands abruptly, a scowl built onto his features. He’s not angry at Nico; he’s angry at himself, for not being able to control this monster in him. “Nico, believe me, I’ve tried. But you haven’t been in my body; it’s not working.” A sob builds in his chest, closing up his throat. He opens his mouth to speak but only projects unspoken words. Shaking his head in frustration, Will covers his face over with his fingers again, his skin feverish under their touch. 
Nico wouldn’t get it. It’s not because they haven’t seen their own fair share of darkness; it’s because he doesn’t have the same powers as Will. How in hell is Will supposed to explain the way the plague powers consume him at night, memories he doesn’t even remember? The powers feel ancient, as if they’ve been around for centuries. He sees images of hundreds of years worth of plagues, of illnesses, of people crying out, screaming, yelling for help, only to be silenced by the cold hands of death as their illnesses take over their life force.
And that’s not even the worst of it. No, actually, it’s the way the plague’s negativity pushes itself over Will, making him an entirely new person. Every time he brings them back up again, every time he tries to even feel an inkling of their power, he’s overcome only with the feeling of anger, of resentment, of the desire to demolish all people in his path who threaten him. The plague powers are like a demon in him, using all his insecurities and traumas against him. 
Will has never viewed himself as a strong demigod; he hasn’t been one of the “important” type. And the plague powers? They use that against him. Any time he sees anyone, he feels only a burning rage against them, a voice screaming in his mind, “They’re better than you; demolish them. No one cares about you until you do something to hurt them.” 
How is he supposed to see the powers as a blessing when they only demolish him, break him down into the smallest components of his being?
The powers only make him less human. 
Over the past few weeks, he’s been trying to tame them, to wash down the fire. But it hasn’t been working. He’s repressed the demon for so long that it’s only etching to let loose. Chiron has been advising him to only pull an inkling of the powers, but he brings too much, and the anger always returns. 
Will’s only recently confessed this to him, the darkness of his body roiling inside him. But Nico isn’t getting it; they think it will fix itself, that Will is able to pull himself together. His argument is that “You’re a strong demigod, Will. You’ll get through it. I know you can. And I’ll be here every step of the way” 
Nico can’t see the monster in him, can’t feel it. But Will can. 
And every day, he only gets more hopeless.
Nico stands now, a pounding in their chest. Will looks lost, scared, as if he’s just a small child who’s been abandoned in the woods, left to fend for himself. He looks alone. 
He steps towards the golden boy, who is suddenly not so golden anymore. The darkness washes out his brightness, diluting him. He’s frightened, scared of himself. Nico knows what that’s like, and it pains them to see that their boyfriend is suddenly terrified of himself.
Nico holds his fingers out to Will, edging closer. Will doesn’t take Nico’s fingers, but he doesn’t stop the child of Hades from taking his hand either. Nico holds their mingled hands together, showing him that they’re here, that they’re going to stay. And again, as Will is expecting, they say, “You just need practice, Will. You’ll get through it. I know you can.”
But this time, Will’s done. He doesn’t want to hear Nico’s optimism when he’s only drowning in pity and sorrow. Will pulls away, blue eyes clouded over with a darkness neither of them understand. 
Nico’s heart skips a beat as Will pushes back. He’s never done that before. Suddenly, it feels as if the two are on two different universes, separated by several thousand miles. It’s like he barely understand Will anymore. 
They’re on two different astral planes, drifting further and further from each other.
Will sighs and shakes his head. His voice is shaky, broken, tense as he whispers words that only break Nico even more. “I wish you could see what’s become of me.” Turning around, back facing Nico, he mutters, “Maybe you’d finally give up.”
And with that, Will wanders out of the cabin, leaving Nico to his own self, surrounded only by darkness.
Outside, the rain comes crashing down, thundering on the outskirts of the camp.
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creampievampire · 4 years
Could you go into the difference between the subtext and queerbaiting in it, I'm still kind of -well it's obviously gay but nothing was really ever said or shown that says that expect for people talking about it- Like are the characters and their relationship just queer-coded (positivly ofc lol) but the baitiness comes from them sort of confirming it off the show?
of course! im assuming by ‘it’ you mean merlin, but rather than explaining the reasons why i think bbc merlin is a matter of subtext (or queer coding) and not queerbaiting, i think it would be easier and more productive to explain the difference between the two in general. they are very similar - which is why i think a lot of people are unable to tell the difference between them - but they have important differences
just a warning, this is going to be a LONG post lmao ive bolded exactly what each term means below, after which i go into more detail on the whole issue. this is something im passionate about so,,, ♥
queerbaiting specifically refers to a marketing technique in which creators hint at but dont actually depict a queer character or relationship. They do this in order to attract a queer audience with the suggestion of a character or relationship they can relate to, while also avoiding alienating their queerphobic audiences
queer coding is the subtextual coding of a character as queer through the use of things like metaphor, allegory, hinting, recognisable traits/stereotypes/experiences, etc. This is done to build believable characters and create more complex plot lines, and it is also regularly used by people who want to tell queer stories but are unable to do so explicitly. it CAN be used negatively to enforce damaging stereotypes, but that is just a small part of its usage
both of these things utilise subtext in order to work. subtext is not only a crucial part of the creation of any piece of media, but is impossible to avoid.
an example of the most basic types of subtext is when a character tells someone that everything is going to be okay, but you can tell they dont believe it. or when youre watching a story unfold and you suddenly connect the dots and realise whats going to happen before its explicitly stated - you used subtext and the hidden meanings and hints to figure it out!
the people involved w a piece of media create their story with a specific purpose or meaning in mind, and they construct the subtext of the story to reflect that purpose/meaning. HOWEVER, the viewers dont always see things the same!
your experiences and personality shape the way you view and interpret every piece of media you consume. if you hate cops youll see the insidious undertones in cop shows - if you grew up with an abusive parent youll see the biting implications in a characters dialogue that others find innocent - if youre queer you will search for and fine queer characters everywhere, regardless of the creators intentions
now, both queerbaiting and queer coding use subtext to function, right? so how do you know which is being used and whether or not its a bad thing? its all about intention
to give a specific explanation of the difference im going to use two examples that are (arguably) very similar in the way their queer characters became canon
example 1: adventure time featured the characters marceline and princess bubblegum, who have been forever depicted as a couple in fan content. their interactions in the show were read into and latched onto bc we saw ourselves in them and we saw it as positive queer rep. but their relationship was never explicitly discussed during the course of the show and was only confirmed at the end of the final episode.
that makes 10 seasons in which their relationship existed only in subtext, and when it did finally exist in canon it was only for a few minutes, if that.
example 2: supernatural featured the characters dean and castiel (lol) who have been depicted as a queer couple pretty much since the first episode cas appeared in. i personally hung on their every interaction, analysed every glance between them, bc i interpreted deans character as a parallel to my own childhood trauma.
cas joined the show in season 4, so that makes 11 seasons in which him being gay existed only in subtext, and when it was confirmed he was immediately cut out of the show. the exact nature of dean and castiels relationship still remains in subtext.
so why is it that adventure time is widely considered perfectly fine but supernatural is dunked on as being the poster boy for queerbaiting?
its bc adventure time involved queer creators and was an earnest representation of queer characters, but they were boxed in by their publisher, Cartoon Network and thus the only way for the relationship to exist in the show was through subtext.
supernatural, however, consistently neglected their queer character and employed transparent tropes and stereotypes - bringing him in just sparingly enough to keep queer audiences interested while never being gay enough to alienate their macho manly man queerphobe audiences. they would have dean and cas stare into each other eyes for a full 30 seconds and then almost immediately follow it up with an episode about dean banging a disposable female character.
so imho adventure time falls under queer subtext, and supernatural falls under queerbaiting
when it comes to a show like bbc merlin i see a lot of debate about whether or not its queer coding or queerbaiting, and my intention is not to convince you of either. merlin was very much a product of its time, and i have argued the same about seasons 4-6 of supernatural as well, before the queerbaiting escalated and became exhausting to me
the purpose of this post is to start giving you the information you need to analyse any piece of media and come to your OWN opinion as to whether or not its queerbaiting or whatever else
people will ALWAYS have differing opinions about this shit yall. i have debated so many times w so many people about where the line is and whats okay and what should be ‘cancelled’ and if consuming something deemed problematic makes you a bad person or not
and my conclusion?
if youre capable of acknowledging the flaws and issues w a piece of media without trying to defend it as a shining beacon of purity simply bc you like it, then you do you. enjoy whatever you want to enjoy - if i think its reprehensible i simply will never interact with you lol
at some point everyone has to stop regurgitating these generic woke speak cancel culture speeches and buzzwords and formulate their own opinions
my advice to anyone reading this is to learn how to do close reading (ill provide a link to a wonderful short guide on it in a reblog bc tumblr hates links) and start really considering where you draw the lines with all types of content. decide for yourself whether merlin or supernatural or adventure time crosses the line into content you cant stomach, but respect other people whose interpretations differ from yours
i know a HUGE amount of people think supernaturals confession scene was homophobic and toxic - a slap in the face - but when i watched it i saw myself reflected in dean. a repressed bisexual whose emotions had been stunted by lifelong trauma, who wasnt ready to face his feelings for cas but quickly realising that his chronic avoidance and fear was about to tear them apart possibly forever. to me it was tragic and beautiful, and i loved it
i also think merlin is a tragic and beautiful love story, and to me its a pivotal piece of queer media that changed the way i viewed love and made me believe that it was a possibility for me bc i related so deeply to arthur
i hope that you can draw a satisfying answer from this, anon, and i apologise for this post being a full essay lol but i believe it needed to be said  - i dont think there is a right or wrong answer here
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thevioletjones · 4 years
34 for prompt list thing! 💖
Thanks! 💜
Prompt 4: “I might never get another chance to say this.”
Now to War
Ian understood why Mickey was still in the closet. That was never really the issue. He was aware of the deeply scary, tyrannical nature of Mickey’s father, and how his horrible ways had left a lasting impression that was hard for him to shake. However, Ian had eventually started to feel a burden that he was frankly sick of bearing.
He’d never asked or expected Mickey to openly date him in front of his own family, but he would've appreciated some kind of quiet commitment where maybe they could at least let Ian’s family in on the secret (Lip already knew, but Mickey didn’t know he knew). Ian’s family had always been supportive when it came to Ian’s orientation. He knew they’d be supportive of Mickey too, even if they didn’t fully understand him, or even like him. They just wanted Ian to be happy.
But Mickey couldn’t even give him that much. He still fucked women to please his dad; still worked as his right-hand man doing illegal shit, instead of forging his own path; still stayed under that disgusting, oppressive thumb with no plans to ever get out from under it. Mickey still just didn’t believe that he could do or be anything different; had resigned himself to this depressing fate of constantly repressing himself for the rest of his life.
Ian just couldn’t stomach it anymore. Part of that was selfish, because yeah, he wanted to have a real relationship that wasn’t full of darkness and drama all the time. But the bigger part of it was about how deeply he cared for Mickey. He hated witnessing what he considered Mickey’s slow demise over a long period of time. If Ian couldn’t convince him that he deserved better, then what exactly was he doing sticking by Mickey’s side? He couldn’t just let himself be a doormat and get treated like shit just because he was in lo—no, he had to stop thinking of it that way.
What was done was done, ancient history style. The last time shit had fallen apart and Mickey had kowtowed to his dad, tossing Ian’s heart in a blender in the process, Ian had ended things. For good. Probably. He was as terrible at staying away from Mickey as Mickey was at staying away from him. He couldn’t even count how many times they’d renounced each other at this point, but he was doing what he could to make it stick.
That’s why Ian had to go and force things to be different now. He couldn’t risk just falling back into the same old toxic pattern with his wayward ex. There were so many good qualities in Mickey that no one else really got to see, but at the end of the day, they couldn’t outweigh the bad enough to strike a fair balance when it came to Ian.
So after much consideration of options, Ian had finally done what he’d always intended, professionally speaking, and signed up for the army.
It had been nearly 8 months now. Basic and AIT had gone well, considering all his years of ROTC, and now he was back home for a brief visit before being deployed for the first time. He was excited to finally be fulfilling his lifelong dream of being active military, but if he said he wasn’t nervous as shit too, he’d be lying. There was a definite fear there in the background of his mind, but he’d always kind of lived for danger in a way. He liked conquering it.
He supposed every soldier went off to war thinking they wouldn’t be one of the ones to die or get severely wounded, and maybe he was an idiot for believing it, but despite that inevitable fear, Ian truly knew he’d be okay. He trusted his instincts and reactions to volatile situations (thanks, Gallagher family trauma), so he had to trust himself. Maybe if he believed in the idea of coming out the other side of combat unscathed enough, he would manifest it.
Still, no matter his sixth sense, there was that feeling of wanting to make sure that he left everything in his life back home in a nice, neat place, just in case he was terribly wrong and never set foot back on American soil again. He needed all of his important relationships to be appropriately cemented. It was easy with his family (well, the siblings portion of it, at least), but Mickey was a whole different story.
Despite having broken it off months ago, the idea of leaving that whole thread hanging felt terrifying. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to feel closure with Mickey, but he had to try. There was a good chance he’d either get mocked, or socked in the face for making overtures, but he had to try anyway.
He felt resolute as he walked toward the Milkovich house, but once it came into view, his insides were consumed with nerves until his gut twisted with the weight of his apprehension.
What if Mickey wasn’t there? What if Terry and a bunch of Mickey’s idiot brothers were laying about? What if Mickey had done the unthinkable and married some random whore so he could pretend he was straight to please his dad? Ian would hope that either Lip or Mandy would’ve informed him of such a development, but since Ian liked to bury things and not talk about them, maybe they’d just decided not to bring it up?
He took a deep breath, muttered, “Fuck it,” to himself, and made his way to the front door. All he could do was try. If Mickey was gone, or had forgotten him, or didn’t care anymore, then he’d just have to accept it and move on.
He gulped thickly as he knocked, hoping that at least Mickey would be the one to answer, and that the ability to form words based on coherent thoughts would manifest as needed.
He steeled himself for whatever might happen, standing with his back straight as an arrow as the door wrenched open.
The moment those ice-blue eyes met his, every single thought flew out of Ian’s head, feeling breathless as blood rushed to his head. Without a doubt, he’d never seen Mickey so surprised before. His ex wasn’t the type to be at a loss for words, but his mouth hung open, and the full irises of his eyes were exposed, eyebrows raised high on his forehead.
He wasn’t sure how long they stood there studying each other in silence before Ian gained the courage to speak.
“Hi, Mick.”
“Gallagher.” Clear uncertainty permeated his tone.
“Hope it’s not a bad time. Just wanted to talk to you for a minute?”
Mickey crossed his arms and widened his stance, walls going back up. “Been a long fuckin’ time. What, you find out you got an STD or some shit? Come to do the whole benevolent legal disclosure thing?”
One corner of Ian’s mouth lifted in a sad attempt at amusement. “Nah, nothing like that. Can I come in? Or if someone’s home, we can sit out here I guess.”
Mickey scanned him from head to toe, so Ian took advantage and did the same. “Never known you to come over for a conversation before.”
Ian nodded. “Look, I won’t stay long. I really just have something I need to say. Then, if you never wanna see me again, you won’t. I’d just rather not do it awkwardly standing in the doorway if possible.”
Mickey shrugged and walked into the house, leaving Ian to follow. “Whatever, man. No one else is here right now. Terry’s in the slammer, so he won’t barge in or anything.”
“Cool,” said Ian, closing the door behind him.
Mickey sat down on the couch, but Ian had no idea whether to follow or not. Didn’t know how close to get. He hated feeling so weird around Mickey. In spite of everything, he’d always felt a strange sense of comfort and belonging when they were together. Like he could just be himself. Well, a somewhat ‘withholding of affection’ version of himself, but the rest felt natural.
“You gonna sit the fuck down and spit it out or what?” Mickey demanded.
“Right…” Ian took a seat on the sofa, leaving the entire middle cushion between them. “Uh… I don’t really know where to start now that I’m here.” He chuckled nervously.
“Jesus, Gallagher, you fuckin’ dying or somethin’?”
Ian grimaced, unable to tame that tiny pessimistic molecule inside himself. “No. Well, I hope not. Uh, I enlisted.” He looked up from his lap to gauge Mickey’s reaction, pleased to find his expression slipping into something more serious and less put-upon. “I’ve been away training. Shippin’ out tomorrow. Last night home and all that.”
Mickey exhaled raggedly. “Fuck, Ian. The fuck’d you do that for?”
“You know I’ve always wanted to, Mick. Childhood dream and all that. Finally found a reason to bite the bullet, so to speak.”
Mickey ran a shaky hand over his face, snickering derisively. “Wow. So you came here to tell me you’re runnin’ off to get shot, and that it’s pretty much my fault too? That’s real swell of you, Firecrotch. Real nice.”
Ian shook his head. “That’s not what I’m trying to say at all. It’s not a guilt-trip. I just needed you to know, in case…”
“In case what? You don't come back? You fuckin’ die?”
Ian nodded. “Yeah, pretty much.”
Mickey shot to his feet and started pacing, running his hands through his black hair, and worrying his pink lip. “So what? Now I'm s'posed to lay awake worryin’ about your stupid, army-go-lucky ass every night? That’s not a fuckin’ guilt-trip?”
“No, Mick, it’s not. It’s not really about you, but I couldn’t just leave without seein’ you again. I miss you, okay? I stand by what I did, leaving… still feels like I had to do it… but that doesn’t just turn the feelings off. I thought about you a lot while I was away.”
“Christ, Ian, what are you talkin’ about? Just stop.”
Ian stood up and walked toward Mickey, forcing him to meet his eye without laying a hand on him. “I won’t. Not this time. I might never get another chance to say this, and it would be great if you could just shut the fuck up for once in your life and listen. I don’t care if you have nothing to say to me in return, okay?”
Mickey rolled his eyes, looking very uncomfortable.
“There's a lotta reasons I left,” Ian continued, “but that doesn’t mean that I wanted to, as much as I needed to. You just never let me tell you what I was feeling. Which is fine. I always knew what you were about, and I know why you’re not out. I didn’t want to punish you, I just had to do it for me. Cuz I can’t live like that—”
“Why are you sayin’ all this shit to me now? It’s in the past.”
“I’m just trying to get to the point, fuck. Maybe I’m rambling. I just mean… I know you don’t wanna hear it, but I have to say it just once, and then I’ll go…” Ian took a deep breath, steadying himself for this ridiculous, sincere proclamation. “Mickey Milkovich, I love you. More than anything. And I’ll be thinkin’ about you while I’m over there. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m sure I’ll fade from your mind soon enough, anyway. But I'll remember you. The good stuff, you know? And I’m sorry that it didn’t work out, but now you know.”
Ian smiled dimly and put a hand on Mickey’s shoulder, giving it a short squeeze. “Maybe this was selfish of me,” he added. “It feels good to get it off my chest, though. I hope you get to live your life the way you should one day, Mick. Just, you know… bein’ yourself. Not pretending. Happy; or something close to it. You deserve it.”
Mickey was as still and silent as a statue, probably completely unequipped to deal with all the shit Ian just threw at him, so Ian patted him on the cheek, moving to walk past. Which was fine. He hadn’t expected much more. The point was that Ian had said what he thought and felt, and now he could take that knowledge with him. Hopefully one day, Mickey would get it. Maybe take Ian’s words to heart. Maybe break away and live his truth in some way. And Ian would find his own path too. He was doing what he could to search for it.
He only made it a couple steps, though, before he felt Mickey’s hand slide around his wrist, pulling him back.
“Don’t,” he heard Mickey say softly.
“Don’t what?”
“Just… don’t.”
And then Mickey’s lips were on his for the first time in months, and he couldn’t believe it was happening. His sense memory activated, and he put everything he had into the kiss, in case it was all he got.
It wasn’t all he got, though, because Mickey’s passion matched his own in that moment, and their mutual understanding of each other’s bodies took over. The clothes were coming off before they even made it to the bedroom.
Ian hadn’t expected goodbye sex on his last night in town, but he definitely wasn’t unhappy to receive it… or give it, as it were. What he expected even less than that was Mickey suddenly becoming verbal again.
He was letting him stay the night, and they were practically sharing a pillow, just staring at each other. Not something that had usually been on the menu when they were together.
“Why’d you have to come say all this shit now?” asked Mickey. “When you’re just gonna leave again, maybe for good this time?”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“That's not what I mean. I know you’re good at the army bullshit, alright? I’ve seen you shoot. Seen your nerd-ass training. But no one can control bullets and bombs in a war zone, Gallagher. Plus, even if all goes well, you might still settle down somewhere else, right? Go full army life and live full-time on a base somewhere.”
“Are you saying that if I were here you’d want things to be different?”
Mickey sighed, running a thumb over Ian’s cheek in a way that was almost gentle. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
“It’s okay. You gotta do what you gotta do. But…”
“But what?”
“Since we’re talkin’ fuckin’ life and death and all that heavy shit… I should say… that I feel it too.”
“Feel what too?”
Mickey rolled his eyes and smacked Ian’s cheek. “You know what.”
“I really don’t,” said Ian, biting his lip with a mixture of anxiety and glee.
Mickey sighed very loudly, huffing and puffing like saying the actual words would kill him. “I…”
“God, I hate you. But I love you. I love your stupid, freckly, gingery ass. And I don’t fuckin’ want you to go off to war, okay?”
Ian’s grin stretched across his entire face. “You mean it?”
“No, I'm fuckin’ lyin’, cuz admitting warm and fuzzies is my favorite sarcastic pastime, asshole.”
Ian leaned forward and kissed Mickey tenderly once more. “Will you wait for me?”
“Don’t make me punch you in the face now, dipshit.”
“Will you?”
“Fuck no!”
“Yeah you will.”
“I really won’t.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Fuck you, Gallagher.”
“I think we can squeeze a few more in.”
“You got the shittiest timing of anyone I’ve ever met.”
Ian shrugged. “Yeah, I know. Gallagher curse.”
“You stupid motherfucker. Better not die.”
When Ian got on the bus the next afternoon, he felt so much lighter. And the future was something that he looked forward to. Whatever came.
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memoriashell · 4 years
with age comes wisdom ( or at the very least, entirely unneccessary celebrations )
Characters /  Pairing: Fukawa Touko / Naegi Komaru ( focused ), Syo / Komaru, Warriors of Hope
crossposted on ao3
Notes: happy @tokomaruweek week everyone!! i love these funky wlw so i am going to try and have some stuff up this week, but i probably won’t manage to do the whole week / i'll go back to do the ones i miss afterwards? we’ll see.
for today i decided to combine the birthdays + warriors of hope prompts.
i’m also just ignoring canon’s timeline bc god knows i did not want to figure out that bs sorry dr3 ily but i dont love you that much just know it is somewhere post sdr2 / pre dr3 probably?
i also use they/them for syo ( nonbinary hc ) and while there aren’t any specific trauma mentions, given the group of characters this revolves around, there’s refrences to the fact they have shit lives. and some lighthearted murder jokes and self-deprication?
Summary: nothing says happy birthday quite like babysitting her ( favorite ) group of brats
It’s just her luck that this would happen— a coincidence for sure, but that doesn’t make Touko any happier about the whole thing.
This is the situation: they don’t usually see the ( former ) Warriors of Hope much. The kids stay on their side of Towa, and her and Komaru tend to stick closer to the adults. The adults are the ones that need to be kept under supervision, in her opinion. Not that the kids are blameless, but is there much reasoning with brainwashed kids? No. Of course not. Are the adults also practically brainwashed and hard to reason with. Yes. Would this all be easier if Future Foundation was involved? Yes. Yes it would, but for obvious reasons they are not ( they have all agreed to omit some information from public record for the sake of those involved, and right now Naegi’s stunt with the Remnants have Future Foundation’s attention away from them ).
Sometimes Komaru takes some of the things that they get over to the kids because things are rough enough as it is, and Syo will go with her because they can keep the Monokuma off their tracks better. Or you know, because Syo is generally more helpful to Komaru when it comes to things like that. She’s not jealous.
Allegedly— Touko does not know this for a fact herself since she hadn’t been fronting, and only learns this second hand while she is in the middle of typing up a report to send back to the foundation— Kotoko is the one to bring it up, casually handing off some of her share of the cookies Komaru had made for them, to Jataro. An early birthday present, she had said ( pointedly ignoring Nagisa, who’d pointed out she had given Jataro the ones he hated ), before turning to Komaru to ask if they could throw a party. A small one. With no murder, because that would be ‘totally not adorbs’. And no adults, because they stink ( it goes unsaid that Komaru and Touko themselves are the clear exception to this rule, which is some kind of progress, supposedly ).
That seemed like a fairly reasonable request, according to Komaru, who’s only response was to ask when his birthday was. And then accidentally lets it slip that hey, that’s the week that Touko-chan’s birthday is! And that’s how Touko finds out that apparently, she’s having a joint birthday party with the kids because Masaru managed to turn a party into a competition, somehow? Touko has no clue what that actually entails, because Komaru refuses to elaborate.
( Also, at one point before leaving, Komaru had tried asking Jataro if there was anything she could get him; to which he’d remarked, “A new mask?”
...Yeah, Touko can’t blame her for not knowing what to say to that, even if Komaru had spun it as not the most self-deprecating thing he could have said, which was an improvement? She personally disagrees, but whatever )
Here, she should point out the obvious fact that she does not want to really celebrate her birthday, let alone have a party for it. Because those kind of things lean so far into the zone of things Touko doesn’t really know how to handle, that it makes her close to uncomfortable. And if— if she had humored herself in imagining how she would ideally spend her birthday this year; quite frankly, it would be very quiet and boring and only with Komaru. Not with a group of ten year olds. Ten year olds that she might think of rather fondly, but ten year old brats all the same.
( It’s not like she has any alive friends: if Touko acknowledges the other survivors, justifiably they are too busy with more important matters to fuss over a birthday. They aren’t kids anymore. Some of them hadn’t ever really been like normal kids to begin with, but that’s besides the point )
“Look at the bright side,” She starts, and she bites back a snide what bright side and remark about how that’s all Komaru’s good at ( it’s not. She’s more talented than she gives herself credit for ). “None of you probably have really positive memories when it comes to birthdays or parties, so even if it isn’t the greatest, at least the bar to please should be pretty easy to clear!”
Touko thinks she probably gets the point she is trying to make here, but Komaru’s complete and utter lack of tact doesn’t make for the best delivery. “Are you trying to...to make me feel bad? S-So sorry my life was complete sh-shit growing up.”
“No! That’s not what I meant at all!” Komaru pouts at her. “Does that mean you’re not interested in having a party?”
It’s not like she’s so cold-hearted and selfish that she’s going to say no to that. Well, no, that’s not quite true, Touko might be just that; but it doesn’t really matter either way, because Komaru gives her best kicked dog impression, so she says ( a less than enthusiastic ) no, she doesn’t mind, yes you can have a party; even if she thinks she’ll probably regret that choice.
Okay, if you are to be honest with herself, some part of Touko that never got to be a normal child doesn’t entirely mind the thought of a party, even if it’s...not the most ideal scenario, the impractical fantasy situation that lives in her head. But if she says that aloud, Komaru will either take it too seriously, use it as an excuse to celebrate things more often, or something else that probably has consequences that she doesn’t want to think about. And also admittedly because if she says it aloud, she has to acknowledge it, and maybe she doesn't want to get her hopes up over something as stupid as a party.
( There’s also the fact that, deep in her extremely repressed memories of Hope’s Peak before the tragedy, she does remember parties. Birthdays. Celebrating things with her classmates, if somewhat forcibly so. She has no desire to remember those things, so those feelings remain repressed with most of her trauma )
It’s easy to not acknowledge any of that when she has to deal with the sudden onslaught of a headache that is Syo forcing themselves into their shared headspace, hand rubbing at her temples. Not trying to co-front, she can tell they aren’t trying to snatch control from her ( for now ), just forcing her to pay attention to them. It works, even though Touko has told them to not do this specifically because of how irritating it is for her.
I could scare the kids into cooperating? It’ll save us a headache and a half! Syo offers, maybe too eagerly. Their ideas of scare and cooperate are probably different from her own. Still. She also knows Syo is aware of more than they are letting on, given that they had been present when this conversation had occurred, but she doesn’t think she’ll get much out of them in that regard.
No. Touko tells them firmly. It’ll be counterproductive, Komaru won’t let you do that, and they’re all traumatized enough without you adding to that.
Boo, you sure about that? Consider it a birthday gift from me!
No. She repeats herself sternly, and she feels them withdraw a bit after that. Ugh, Syo hasn’t had a chance to front much recently, now that she thinks about it. Since they usually only take over when she’s in danger, and she hasn’t really been in ( as much ) danger now that things are starting to calm down. Well, relatively speaking. Syo is probably just looking for an excuse to be allowed to front, since it’s probably rough going from being very present to rarely getting the chance to be out: akin to going cold turkey on an addiction. That’s not exactly her fault ( or theirs ), but maybe she’ll ask Komaru if she’d be okay with hanging out with Syo more, if only to placate them a little, before they try something more drastic.
“Everything okay? That was Syo, right?” She hears Komaru ask after a few minutes, and Touko rubs her eyes and blinks. “You looked a little frustrated.”
She considers telling her the truth, but no point in getting her concerned over nothing. She’d like to figure out what she wants to negotiate with Syo firstm so she’ll leave that conversation for another time. “Fine. They just...ugh, just wanted to make sure I was okay with it.”
“And you are okay with it, right? You aren’t agreeing just because I asked?” Touko thinks she begged more than she asked, but she’s pretty sure Komaru will only sulk if she brings that up.
“I wouldn’t let you if, if I was really opposed to it.” Probably. She...trusted Komaru, or something like that, so she figures she’d probably be more honest with herself and not mentally torture herself by putting herself through something she has no interest in. “But...what are you even planning on doing to celebrate? I can’t im-imagine we’ve really got much around here that we can use for a party.”
“Ah. Uhm.” Komaru looks a little embarrassed at that. “About that. I was kind of hoping you and Syo might help pitch in. You don’t mind, right?”
You’re hopeless, she wants to mutter, but—
Yeah!!!! Syo wakes right back up upon being mentioned, no sense of self awareness at all, much to your annoyance, but it’s not like you completely disagree with the feeling that is shared between you two.
“You— You really bit off more than you could chew, hm...? Good thing this wasn’t supposed t-t-to be a surprise.” She quips, leaning over to peer at the paper she’d been making her notes on. “We’ll help, just tell us what we...what we need to do.”
“Thank you, Touko-chan! And Syo too!” Komaru sounds somewhere mixed between grateful and relieved, and casually plants a kiss on her cheek as if it’s no big deal—
She said my name last, so the kiss was for me! She knows Syo is intentionally trying to provoke her and get a rise out of her ( yeah, a rising sense of jealousy ), but puts that aside for the time being because Komaru’s blabbering on like nothing happened.
“I know we probably won’t have the whole day to ourselves to do whatever—” Correctomundo, Dekomaru! “— but I’ll make it up to you on your birthday, okay? We’ll do something that you want.”
“You don't...there’s no need for that.” She forces out between gritted teeth, trying to ignore the flustered feeling in the pit of her stomach, chewing around a fingernail ( what an unattractive sight to follow that ). “Because— ugh, don’t repeat th-this, okay? What I want to do is spend time with...with you. That’s all. So don’t go...you don’t need to go out of your way trying to do s-s-something over the top. Stick to being normal.”
“Really? You’re sure?” Komaru sounds a little uncertain, but happy enough to pull her into a hug, despite her grumbled complaint. “Oh, but Syo has their own birthday, don’t they? So I should probably ask them what they want as well, right?”
“Don’t make me repeat m-myself. It’s embarrassing...” Touko huffs, but lets herself be held against her side, just for a moment. It’s nice, though she won’t admit it ( it is better than any real gift that she could receive ). Syo is kind enough to back off long enough to let her have this moment. “You can ask them later— focus on, on what you need to plan.”
By something short of a miracle, they are able to pull together a party that is not a complete disaster, even if Komaru probably has a point when she says the bar to clear is a pretty low standard for all parties involved. The closest she has to an actual concern is the very narrowly avoided fight that almost breaks out when Masaru and Kotoko fight over which one of them should give their present first— which is apparently the competitive aspect of the party? It’s probably meant to be heartwarming, if it were not such a foreign thing to Touko. Which Nagisa is quick to put an end to: because this is how they would treat Monaca, which is not inherently healthy, and she’s glad that at least one of them can recognize that fact now. Jataro spends the entirety of the fight trying to hide behind her long skirt and, relatable kid, and rubs the top of his head while Komaru tries to both scold them for fighting and appease them because they’re, well. Kids. Who still need to learn some things and have time to unlearn things.
So yeah, it’s a good party— for not being on her actual birthday, she’ll consider it one of the better memories Touko has associated with the day. The start of many, she’d like to hope.
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aeondeug · 4 years
list 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
@wolffyluna left it open to whoever felt like it and I need a break between class and studying so...let’s go in no particular order... 1. Jame from The Chronicles of the Kencyrath. For a lot of reasons, really. Jame is just kind of...A mood? And one I personally really have needed. She’s like very much not a girly girl, but she’s still got like girly concerns and also she rides a death metal unicorn and she has a cat she is magically bonded to. Jame is very much a little girl power fantasy kind of character, but she’s also like deeply fucked up due to her very fucked up upbringing. And the handling of said mental issues and trauma is handled really well and in a Very Real sort of way. Jame’s also just fun and cute and hot and she falls off of something once a book at least. Also a character, a woman at that, whose method of helping things is breaking stuff? While also challenging the fact that choices are hard and your best intentions might still fuck shit up? Hell yeah. Go Jame. 2. Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Trilogy. THE NEWEST FAV OF THE BUNCH. She’s goth. She’s a nun. She’s gay. She’s a necromancer. This is all very good shit alone. But then there is like the sort of person Harrow is. And Harrow is the sort of girl who will go days without sleep and break a bone and be like “Well I got a test today...” before downing 15 Red Bulls and taking some pain killers before going to class. Then she will get an A on the test and be a fuck about that. She’s mean, she’s got an ego, she’s weird and standoffish. But like she hates herself and she’s like weirdly repressed in certain ways and she’s neglected as shit. I love this awful bone witch 10/10 would watch her kick Griddle in the face again. 3. Soifon from Bleach. She’s angry. She’s short. She’s wasp themed. Also like the entirety of her story in the Soul Society arc is this like...It’s the aftermath of your typical S narrative, except the little sister and big sister were highly trained murder ninjas from the afterlife. Also one turns into a cat. Soifon’s just kind of a mood and she’s fun and she’s got a lot of potential for fans to play around with, both seriously and jokingly. Also like Soifon’s bookending is just...It works really well I feel like. Honestly, Soifon’s arcs in general are fun things and they’re good shows of what the narrative strengths of Bleach are and where they are. 4. Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I have written over 80 poems involving this woman. I have written essays about her. El and her deal with trauma just...Hits right in a lot of ways. Also I appreciate having like an abuse survivor who is a woman who like...Doesn’t just lie down and take shit? And I appreciate that we can see what an Edelgard who doesn’t start recovering becomes versus what an Edelgard who does start recovering is like. We get to see both sides of this in one character. She can be both a hero and a monster. And that’s just really important to see when you’re an abuse survivor with BPD. I also really appreciate that she’s just such a cute goober about romance? Like El’s a romantic. She wants a fairy tale romance and a happily ever after. That’s cute as fuck. 5. Zero from Force of Will. Is Force of Will’s story awkward trash? Yeah. It is. But I love this grumpy gay vampire bitch so much. She is a gay vampire wizard who is married to a gay elf and her magic is at its most potent when she is pissed the fuck off. Good shit. She’s also the ruler behind my absolute favorite deck in the entire game and like in a tcg in general? She’s scrappy and annoying and hard to get rid off and she’ll tell you “No” a lot while also hitting you very hard in the face. I like that. It’s fun and can make people feel helpless against it. Which I think works well with her character? Her rulers also never work well with her wife’s, which I find a funny way of representing that they argue a lot via gameplay mechanics. 6. Houjou Satoko from Higurashi. A lot of people say she’s irritating and the worst character and you know what? That’s fair. Satoko is annoying. She’s a huge fucking brat. But like. I dunno. I get why she is. And she’s the first time I can think of where I saw like the way kids can and will sabotage attempts to get CPS involved in their situation portrayed. Like she knows she’s being abused and she knows that shit sucks and would like it to not suck, but she still sabotages her friends’ attempts to get the authorities involved because she knows what happens when the authorities can’t get you out. I’ve got a complicated relationship with CPS, due to my experiences with it as a kid. The arc where they come this close to saving her and fail is the most soul crushing fucking thing. 7. Tsukino Usagi from Sailor Moon. So like with Jame this is partly a case of like a girl who is very authentically girl. She cries a lot and easily. She’s kind of lazy as hell. She wants to just laze about and eat shit food and read comics and play games. But she also like wants to have a fairy tale romance and like. Fuck that’s a mood. Like that’s it. That’s what being a girl is like! Authentically a girl! Also there’s just something very satisfying about Usagi getting so fucking sad that the universe just outright apologizes to her basically and brings a dead girl back to life. Is it realistic? No. But I don’t care. Sometimes you just want reality to listen to you and your feelings. 8. ENA from...ENA. ENA’s rapid and extreme mood swings are like. They’re cool. I mean not cool cool but like. I’ve got BPD so like seeing extreme mood shifts like that is cool. Also she’s fucking rad as hell looking and in a really weird ass series of shorts? With hourglass dogs and turrónes and what not. I find ENA hard to describe. Just go watch Auction Day. 9. Fate Testarossa from Nanoha. Starts out a highly abused child and then ends up a gay mom. Fate’s just a really sweet person and she cares a lot. And I really like that she like has a weird complicated relationship with her mom. Like she knows the woman hated her and she knows that they way she was abused was shit but like...She does still love her mom. A lot. And what happened to her affects the entire trajectory of her life from that point on. Hell, she fucking chooses her career path as like a space cop for the express purpose of making sure that there aren’t any other Fate Testarossas made. Fate’s a character who is affected heavily by her trauma, but she’s not stuck in her trauma. She’s not destroyed by it. But it still very much impacts her life and it’s never going away. 10. Remilia Scarlet from Touhou. She’s a fucking vampire what the fuck else do I need? She’s like one of those eternal child vampires too so she’s a fucking brat who tries to act cool and refined. But really she’s like a dumb kid in a lot of ways. She still tries to be an adult though. There’s a lot of fun ways you can handle Remilia. A lot of fun ways that people have written her. That’s part of the fun of Touhou in general, really. Remi’s just my favorite of the Touhous because she’s a bratty vampire with a Dio reference maid. Also have you seen her blocking animation from Hisoutensoku? Because if not you fucking should. It’s great. anyway. whoever else wants to do this go for it i guess.
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morsking · 5 years
when in the hands of a writer who gives a shit about her and sees beyond the weird possessive mom jokes raikou can be an excellent character. i admit i was pretty neutral on raikou prior to shimosa and her overall design really didn’t help me feel much for her. but once she had a spotlight in the story proper i really warmed up to her and understood her better as a character. sakurai really made her character a massive favor by showing us what happens when raikou is placed in a scenario where she can no longer stuff her inhumanity away and pretend it isn’t there. 
raikou slaughters an ungodly amount of people. nearly 10,000 japanese soldiers turned into countless gooey piles of flesh in the span of one night, with only one left surviving just for him to succumb to trauma and exhaustion after delivering the news of what happened in a final raving ramble of death. it was an encounter raikou enjoyed. she finally had no excuse to hold back against humans or protect them because they were warriors. she was free to bask in the terrifying power she was born with, the devil-like strength she is proud and confident of. by all means, raikou as she initially appears in shimosa is monstrous and merciless. so much so that shuten tries to encourage in walking down that path to its conclusion. regardless of whether ushi gozen is there or not, raikou cannot escape the inhumanity inherent to her, so she might as well give in, sink further in, and never come back...
but what happens instead is what’s really fascinating. raikou resists shuten’s encouragement. for all the profoundly reprehensible actions raikou has committed throughout her run in shimosa, she still refuses to cross a certain line. raikou, and by extension the player, realizes how well she can get along with shuten when she’s no longer shackled by morality or common sense. raikou as she is in shimosa, to an extent, is worryingly more lucid than she could ever be as a berserker. and that lucidity makes it all the more upsetting to her that she, a person who dedicated her life to slaying oni, finds herself so drawn to and understood by one, and worse still, finds herself understanding one mutually. 
raikou insists on being hostile to shuten on certain occasions, but grows somewhat attached to her since instead of turning in on shuten, keeps her around because shuten is the only one who understands her. shuten has also gone through that harrowing internal conflict of being inhuman but wanting to be close to humans. oni kill humans. oni devour humans. and shuten was an oni who loved a human so much she would rather him kill her than feel the crushing grief of destroying that connection. that feeling of personal repression and destruction of the self, both spiritual and physical, is something that connects them both, and so shuten is the only thing that keeps raikou from being completely and utterly alone and forgetting her personal ideology. 
raikou weeps every time she’s made to confront this, especially when in the presence of onui and tasuke. raikou as she is in shimosa is compelled to do evil by her curse, but doesn’t want to. in her heart there is a painful sense of loss and confusion. raikou is so out of her depth that she can’t even bring herself to remember kintoki, the man she lovingly raised as a foster mother and considers her bravest warrior and follower once she’s reminded of him. her sorrow is incredibly overwhelming, but what is truly sad is that it also keeps her from realizing the truth about herself, and that truth is that raikou really truly loves humanity, dearly, and is a good person at her core. for all her bloodthirst and primal-like desire to fight, raikou fundamentally has the human capacity to love and want to be loved, and to fight to the death for that love. the duality of both being able to nurture life and destroy it is natural to raikou, so much so that she’s afraid of crushing what she’d rather protect. 
shimosa forces raikou to acknowledge that monstrosity is a defining part of her. she cannot run away from it, defeat it in combat, silence it, or delude herself into thinking it doesn’t exist. but what she can’t acknowledge due to spending her whole life trying to deny it (on top of the annihilation curse’s compulsion to kill), is that one can be a monster, but one does not have to be monstrous. what raikou needed all along was an outlet, an opportunity to accept that side of her and redirect her penchant for destruction into a more worthwhile cause. when she was an oni slayer, she could only bring that half-way. because while she did protect humans, she did so while in denial of her nature rather than doing so in harmony with it, and that made all the difference between her time alive and her appearance in shimosa.
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ernmark · 5 years
In regards to Juno and Peter's relationship dynamic for the next few episodes following The Conversation, I'm of the opinion (like lots of other fans) that it would be really surprising if they got together this early. But it's clear they really want to be together at some level. Do you think it's possible they might become lovers? Not boyfriends, not (officially) confessing any romantic feelings, but something deeper than just being teammates.
There are really a lot of ways this can go, depending on what the big picture is meant to look like. So here’s a breakdown of a couple possibilities and some things that stand out about them:
Juno and Peter become sexual partners right away.
1) Peter has flat-out said (with Nova) that he’d be perfectly willing to get into a relationship he wasn’t into in order to get what he wants or needs. We also know that he’s been running from and repressing things long enough that his judgement and emotional awareness are… not that great right now. So yes, he could very easily decide that he wants Juno, and choose to pursue him sexually before he’s in the right place emotionally to do so. 
2) This line right here:
And he goes on like that for some time. I hear his apology, but more than that I hear his voice and I hear him… (Man in Glass)
He’s really deep in thought, and we know now that when he does that, he has a tendency to glaze over important contextual details. There is a very real possibility that Peter doesn’t realize the extent of the shit Juno’s been through (not least because Juno’s trying to apologize, not exonerate himself), and doesn’t realize the mental state Juno’s been in or just how fragile he is right now.
3) Juno is working hard on doing better, but it’s not that easy. There are days that will still be really bad, and on those days he’s going to be most vulnerable to backsliding and making bad choices. Notably, he just came back from his first proper criminal heist and (in his mind) he screwed it up big time, and he clearly blamed himself for how badly it went.
NUREYEV: Well? I… apologize if my tone seems short, Captain, but I’ve received quite a lot of criticism for my performance today already.BUDDY: You and Juno both, yes. Most of all from yourselves. (Man in Glass)
Like I said, that leaves him vulnerable to bad choices, whether he’s choosing to self-harm by getting into an intimate relationship he knows he’s not ready for, or whether he’s choosing to cling frantically to any scrap of affection and affirmation that he can find– or both at the same time. So if Peter were to push even slightly for it, Juno would probably consent (just like he did in Final Resting Place). 
4) Peter was ready to bone Juno after a few hours of knowing him, and his idea of helping Juno cope with mutilation and extended trauma by sleeping with him. To Peter, sex is a simple, easy solution to quite a number of problems. As much as Peter and Juno are in sync, as much as they work well together, they’re not great at really communicating yet. So I really do think that Peter might try to skip past the whole “boyfriends” thing and go straight to “lovers” and not fully realize why that might be a bad way to go with this particular situation.
My thoughts: this one is uncomfortably likely, but it’ll go very badly before it gets any better. Here, the source of conflict is very much internal.
Juno and Peter become Close, but take it slow
This one’s a more optimistic take. Juno recognizes his own self-destructive tendencies well enough to tread carefully; Peter is so inspired by Juno’s transformation that he chooses to really invest the necessary time and energy into all that uncomfortable communication stuff.
Whether or not they think of themselves as Together, whether or not they’re public about that information, the entire crew will know within minutes of it happening, because they’re all Like That. 
There’s still room for conflict, because that’s what being human is, but I expect less focus on the two of them with each other and more focus on their interactions with other characters, with them coming together for support.
This level of growth would be pretty much unheard of in mainstream media (especially so quickly), but the Vibert and Kaner are actually pretty awesome when it comes to growth and development, so it’s less of a long shot.  
My thoughts: this one would keep the focus on growth and self-care at the expense of drama, and likely at the expense of shared screentime between the two of them. Here, the source of conflict would have to move to something external, both with the plot and with the crew. 
Peter doesn’t actually accept the apology
It’s very notable that we never actually heard Peter reply to Juno’s apology. We heard that he wants to stay, but we’ve also heard him juxtapose that fear with a powerful desire to flee. 
Maybe he closes himself off further. Maybe he leaves outright, fearing that he can’t be part of this family when he’s still so in love with Juno. 
Twice now we’ve seen Juno seem to give in to his feelings, only to deny Peter’s advances and leave him– once when he turned Peter over to the cops, and once in The Final Resting Place. This could very easily be Peter’s opportunity to do the same. 
In mainstream media this would be incredibly likely, because it draws out the romantic conflict with at least another season’s worth of unnecessary pining and drama. 
My thoughts: I don’t think it’s going to happen here.
Peter pursues Juno, who doesn’t reciprocate
See the above for my reasoning: Peter’s seven different kinds of a mess right now, and it’s very easy for him to idealize Juno and the progress he’s made. So why not go full tilt into a relationship? That’ll fix everything, right???
Meanwhile, Juno is actively working on his shit, he has Jet and Rita and (to a slightly lesser extent) Buddy as a support network, and he has very recent past experience to tell him that diving right in would be a mistake. So he admits the desire to make it work, but politely declines.
Which Peter interprets as “you were a dick to me so you’ve got to woo me all over again”. 
Improperly handled, it could potentially get really creepy, but I think I’ve made it clear that I trust these guys.
You could get an interesting mix of internal/external conflict going on here, where they keep it friendly and supportive (thus leaning on other characters/plot for conflict) but Peter spends some time obviously pining, slowly realizes why Juno refused him, and comes to the realization that he needs to work on himself for his own sake.
My thoughts: I mean, I’d read it. 
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spookyceph · 5 years
Peace Offering, a Shigadabi Fanfic
The first in a series of Shigadabi fics. Because why not?
WARNINGS for mention of destructive/depressive thoughts, language, and unabashed self-indulgence.
Rating: Teen and Up
Words: 3,378
Also, find it on my Ao3 account @ CarlyChameleon.
For someone who hated to drink, Tomura spent a lot of time sitting at the hideout’s bar. He couldn’t have done it if the place were still in business—some unlucky server would’ve had several drunk assholes to mop up off the floor before the night ended. But with it sealed off from the outside world the atmosphere suited him fine. It was quiet. Clean. Both adjectives that applied to his room upstairs, but locking himself in there too long gave him the urge to start climbing the walls. Even he needed to get out of his own head once in a while, whether that involved speaking with Sensei or just watching Kurogiri dust the glasses.
The open space of the bar never threatened to close in and suffocate him. All the different sizes and shapes of the bottles occupying the shelves, glinting in the low lighting, gave him something to look at while he thought besides a glowing screen or blank ceiling as he laid in bed. Or, like now, he could simply trace the swirling grain of the bar top with one finger and think nothing. Or what passed for nothing in his case—his mind churned and surged as relentlessly as the sea grinding away the edges of the land. He’d only learned how to roll back the tide enough to allow for some sleep or brief breaks that kept him from throwing himself off the roof and quieting his brain for good.
The Internet had fished up terms like rumination and obsessive compulsive and thought loops when he’d done a search once. Psychobabble for being his own worst enemy, in other words. Tracing patterns in fabric or wood or pictures or whatever did help sometimes like a few of the articles had suggested, though. Listing colors or items in his surroundings too when he became overwhelmed and started to flounder. (Breathing exercises, however, could fuck right off—all those did was cause him to hyperventilate as he counted each inhale and exhale faster and faster.) The tricks allowed him to hit reset and go back to a previous save point, in a way. The level didn’t get any easier when he returned to it, but the momentary respite allowed him to regroup and adjust his tactics.
He’d been doing an awful fucking lot of both ever since Giran’s first two finds had moved in. Tomura’s nail scraped against polished wood, digging in while his mind replayed the conversation with Kurogiri the evening before, clear as a cutscene.
We cannot further our ends without skilled support, Shigaraki Tomura.
I know, damn it. He couldn’t have even said what his party was fighting on-screen. He’d just kept selecting Attack each round. That doesn’t mean we have to take in every stray Giran drags in from the gutter.
True…yet please recall why we hired the man in the first place: to scout for promising candidates. He wouldn’t present us with anyone he considered beneath our notice. Each point had been spoken with the polite but unwavering logic that had won him the job as Tomura’s handler to begin with. Drifting over to the computer desk, Kurogiri had warped two manila folders onto it. At least skim their profiles before declaring your ultimate decision.
So, Tomura had. And he’d seen beyond a doubt that the fucking walking Rorschach test had been right, as usual. The description of the brat’s quirk had been particularly surprising. Tomura’s mind had roiled with all the possible uses for her. The smartass’s, on the other hand, didn’t boast as much versatility, but it did promise the kind of ranged and wide-area attacks needed to control a battle.
Giran had brought him an illusionist assassin and a black mage. With them, he’d have a better chance at clearing higher level quests. He hated the facts, but that didn’t change them, as he’d been taught in no uncertain terms during the little excursion to UA’s training facility.
Thus, Toga Himiko and Dabi, whoever he really was, had been granted permission to move what worldly goods they possessed into rooms of their choosing upstairs. Tomura hadn’t bothered to learn which. He figured he’d reduce the chances of murdering them in their sleep if he didn’t know.
His hand left the bar and relocated to his throat. The fingers didn’t scratch, but they flexed in the familiar pattern. Letting those two move in might have been a mistake—yet another in a growing string of them. He shouldn’t have given in to Kurogiri so easily because of rattled confidence. He should have insisted all recruits stay somewhere else until they proved their worth and loyalty. To hell with Giran’s professional instincts. What if they were spies for some hero agency? The Toga brat especially, with a quirk like hers. Barring that, they still hadn’t made it past basic introductions without trying to kill each other. How could they be expected to follow orders or not botch a mission because of their own petty goals? And anyway, both of them were just fucking weird.
A sound barged into Tomura’s thoughts from the outer world. Only the small, metallic click of a door handle turning, but it made his head snap in the direction of the hallway. Kurogiri never used the door. He didn’t need to.
Sure enough, there slouched a tall, ragged figure. The zombie. The one name wonder. Dabi.
The skin of Tomura’s throat stung as his nails finally found purchase. Of course the last person on Earth he wanted to see would show up at that very moment. Of course. Because the universe fucking hated him and the feeling was very much mutual.
For a minute, Dabi just filled up the space in the doorway, watching and being watched. When Tomura didn’t move to attack, he finally stepped into the room. His ugly boots clomped on the floorboards as he approached. Still wary, still keeping an eye on where Tomura’s hands rested, he paused at the far corner of the bar. Kurogiri must have had a chat with both newcomers, oh yes. Now they had to be aware of just how close they’d come to never annoying the shit out of anyone ever again.
“So.” Dabi nodded toward the shelves. “We gotta pay for booze or is it included in our membership?”
Even while asking a simple question he couldn’t sound anything less than full of contempt. Putting on an air of boredom despite the knot of tension between his shoulder blades, Tomura shrugged. “Knock yourself out. None of this shit comes out of my pocket.”
No further invitation was required. Dabi strode behind the bar and started examining labels, back turned. Tomura’s fingers twitched. Patchwork asshole. Like he’d fall for a trap that obvious.
Dabi settled on a dark blue bottle with a foreign label. Turning around, he grabbed a glass from beneath the bar, twisted the cap open, and poured without restraint. Fumes wafted over, crinkling Tomura’s nose. Great. Wonder-fucking-ful. The reek of alcohol made his stomach tie itself in knots just as much as it had after his first and final hangover.
He’d thought that drinking the toxic shit might help shut his brain up. And, after choking down an acidic gulp—he’d chosen something a deep gold because he’d just liked the color—it had, sort of. His thoughts had softened, stretching out and slowing with a new elasticity. So, even though his chest and nostrils had still been full of napalm he’d knocked back another swallow. The volume of his mental chatter had faded with the third. By the fifth it became benign background noise. The alcohol’s chemical burn had faded away on the seventh. Memories slid into blank blackness sometime after the tenth.
Kurogiri must have warped him to bed that night because when Tomura woke, sweaty, shaking, sicker than a lab rat, the man already had a bucket at the ready. He spoke not a word while letting Tomura puke his guts up. Or when he brought miso broth, umeboshi, and tea after the dry heaves stopped. He didn’t have to. Tomura hadn’t drunk a drop since.
“You look like you swallowed a bug.”
Tomura’s gaze leapt up from the bar to find Dabi staring at him over the rim of the now empty glass. A little riff of unease jangled his nerves. He’d never seen eyes such a deep blue. They caught and glinted in the low lighting the same way the selected bottle did. The patches of ruined skin sagging beneath just made them more striking.
“Must be the company.” His tongue moved too sluggishly to be sharp, turning the comeback into little more than a mumble. Another jolt of realization lanced through Tomura: Father wasn’t shielding his own face. There wouldn’t be much to see with his hair hanging in a messy curtain…but he still had to repress the urge to fidget on the stool and shift away.
Dabi smirked. Tomura couldn’t tear his stare away from how the smooth skin of his upper cheeks and the trauma-purple scar tissue of his jaw pulled in opposite directions against the surgical staples—the fuckmothering staples—binding them at the seams. The smirk only grew under the attention.
“Yeah, about that…” Dabi reached into his raggedy jacket and Tomura tensed. Then mentally cursed when not a weapon but a small jar was produced. Dark glass, unlabeled, it looked utterly boring in the other man’s palm (also stapled, also intensely weird) as he offered it across the bar. “For you.”
“What…what’s in it?”
“A gesture of goodwill.”
The scarred corner of Tomura’s upper lip peeled back just enough to show a glimmer of teeth. “You couldn’t have given me one in the first place by introducing yourself properly?”
Those disquieting eyes almost glowed. “Sure. But then I wouldn’t have seen who you are. People always show their real selves when they’re pissed.”
A fine tremor infected Tomura’s hands. One swift, short lunge. That’s all it would take to disintegrate Frankendick’s face for good. There would be no Kurogiri to play referee either… “So, what? That was just part of some elaborate test? You going to amaze me with an in-depth character analysis now?”
“Nope. I’m not feeling that generous.”
Right. That did it for his quota of fucks to give for the day. If he stuck around for another thirty seconds there really would be a murder in progress. Tomura turned away from the bar with a scoff.
“Hurts, huh? The stuff around your eyes.”
He froze with one foot on the floor, one still hooked on the bottom of the stool.
“Itches like a sonuvabitch too when it’s humid probably,” Dabi continued, sensing the hook had set. “What’s in the jar helps with that kind of thing.”
“Nothing helps.” The words hissed out of Tomura like a jet of steam.
“This will. I make it. Look how good it works on me.”
For the next solid minute, Tomura could do nothing except grapple with the question of how this staple-faced fucker could even be for real.
Dabi, for his part, let his smirk soften into something that almost resembled an actual smile. Unscrewing the jar’s lid, he set it down on the bar and dipped two fingers into the contents. When he reached forward, Tomura’s hand shot up and captured him around the wrist. Only his index finger didn’t touch, pointed at the ceiling and ready to clamp down in an instant.
On the verge of being reduced to bloody slush staining the floor, Dabi just cocked his head. “Jumpy, are we?”
“The hell do you think you’re doing?” It came out entirely too high and strained to spare Tomura’s dignity.
“I told you. Showing goodwill.” A pause. “Are you touch averse?”
“Am I what?”
“You know. Like, being touched gets you nervous or grosses you out. That sort of thing.”
“The fuck would I know? It’s not like I ever let anyone try!”
Okay. That hadn’t come out quite as intended. Tomura dug his fingers into Dabi’s wrist, deep enough to leave marks even through the sleeve of a jacket, daring the bastard to laugh or make a crude quip. Instead, said bastard quit smiling. His strange, stained-glass eyes only observed, absorbing details while giving none away. Contrary to the lack of mockery, hot blood rushed straight up Tomura’s neck and flooded his face.
All he had to do was flex one finger and Dabi would be dead. Every scenario that played out in inside his mind showed him having the clear advantage at such a close range. So why, why, why had the pulse in his chest and temples kicked into hyper mode?
“Think of this another way,” Dabi said, as if reading his thoughts and causing another spike in blood pressure. “As a show of trust.”
“T-trust?” The word tripped up Tomura’s tongue like it came from an alien language. “We tried to kill each other yesterday.”
The response was a shrug. “That’s yesterday. Like I said, you showed me what I wanted to know. Now I’m returning the favor. That’s why you were so pissed, wasn’t it? When I didn’t make an introduction? You wanted to see if you could trust me. Well, here I am, close enough for you to use your quirk on without much chance to dodge. Still not gonna tell you my name, though.”
All valid points. And having Dabi at his mercy did make for a strong show of dominance. It still didn’t explain why Tomura was the one on the edge of his seat. He eyed the pale goop coating Dabi’s fingers. Sensei had educated him on a wide variety of poisons used for killing or incapacitating victims, but he held few suspicions from that angle. Another crackpot personality test sounded more plausible. For cowardice? To see if he’d flinch if confronted? The only thing Tomura knew for sure was that he couldn’t back down without proving both. He could do nothing except follow the limited dialog and action choices to see what ending he got.
Gathering his will, he eased his fingers from Dabi’s wrist. “Fine. I accept.” A little forethought went a long way; the words came across as gracious rather than sullen.
Dabi continued to study him for a few more heartbeats. When he caught no hint of a trick he reached out and closed the gap.
The warmth came as a shock. It radiated off his fingers just before they made contact with Tomura’s cheek. Against skin they bordered on searing. Despite the extensive training in muscle control and pain tolerance Sensei had drilled into him, a twitch from his jaw betrayed him.
Raising his eyebrows a fraction, Dabi pulled away a few centimeters. “All right?”
Mismatched ass rag. He’d probably raised his body temperature with his fire quirk to provoke a reaction. Rather than Decay his hand and snap it off at the wrist, Tomura said through a snarl, “I’m fine.”
Dabi’s hooded stare declared his doubts on that, but he reached out again. Tomura didn’t falter a second time. The ointment, whatever it was made of, glided onto his cracked skin hot, clingy, and stinging. The fingertips applying it, though, did so with gentle strokes. After a minute or so the sting fizzled into tingling and the heat turned tolerable. It seeped into Tomura’s skull, his jaw and neck. The pinched muscles of his face slowly relaxed. Not so terrible after all. Weird to the nth degree, and he had no clue what he’d do if Kurogiri warped in on them, but not awful. Maybe he’d order Dabi to do this again in the near future. See how much the fucker smirked when his plan worked too well.
Fingers sliding into his hair scattered all petty plans of revenge. Tomura jumped and jerked his head away, blinking, startled.
Dabi’s skin pulled at the seams slightly from a small smile. “Your hair’s covering the other side of your face.”
“Oh.” The only way he could have sounded stupider was if he’d fried his brain like the UA kid with the electricity quirk. A possibility, given how his cheeks and neck were burning up. How the hell had he wound up on the defensive—again? This was why he liked games: whenever a dialog option or approval interaction went wrong he could backtrack and do it over until he got the desired result.
He should kill Dabi where he stood. Eliminate such a major factor of uncertainty. The League needed members to grow, yes, but it also needed stability. Kurogiri would come to see that eventually. Even if he didn’t there wasn’t shit he could do about it in the end. Tomura’s fingers curled on his thighs, ready to leap up and grab any bit of exposed flesh.
A gentle, stitched up hand beat him to it. Dabi brushed aside Tomura’s hair, tucking it back behind his ear. The tickle of the messy strands and strokes from warm fingertips sent fireworks sizzling and popping along the bundles of nerves in his neck and shoulders. Instead of going in for an easy kill his fingers dug into his legs. He barely managed to swallow what would definitely have been a humiliating noise in his surprise. He didn’t even want to consider what his expression had betrayed in that instant.
Was this why people hugged and held hands and all that? Because contact gave them a high? Somehow, Tomura doubted it. Novelty and his inexperience were probably heightening the sensations. Every touch he could remember had been a threat, either given or received. This would turn out no different. He raised his eyes from the bar, intent on finding some shred of evidence to support the suspicion.
Instead, he caught Dabi watching him. Not focused on rubbing the salve in. Not gauging reactions. Just…staring straight at him, irises as bright as the hearts of candleflames. Brain upended, Tomura shrunk in on himself a bit. Seriously, what the blazing fuck did this guy want? Why not spit it out already? The game didn’t have a point without a clear objective.
Tiny sparks spat across the network of nerves in Tomura’s scalp as fingers slipped into his hair again, combing through it. The sharp, involuntary breath he sucked in had nothing to do with the few strands that got caught and pulled by staples. Dabi took his hand away only to let it settle against the curve of Tomura’s cheek. The mildly calloused pad of his thumb caressed soothing heat into the peeling skin.
“There. Better?” His voice was almost as soft as his touch.
Against his will, Tomura realized it was. Not just his face either. For several glorious seconds, his thoughts stayed silent, at rest. There was nothing but warmth and blue eyes and strange feelings he had no names for.
Then the last possibility he would have considered for the whole bizarre encounter breached the calm surface of his mind, churning it back into chaos.
The stool tipped precariously under Tomura as he lurched back from Dabi’s reach. He latched onto the bar’s edge in the nick of time, keeping a finger on each hand away purely by the grace of reflex.
“You really are jumpy. Like a damn stray cat.”
If looks could Decay, he would have given Kurogiri something to sigh about in the form of sixty-eight kilograms’ worth of dust sprayed all over the immaculate shelves and cabinets.
Willfully oblivious, Dabi pushed the little jar across the bar top. “Here. Keep it. Should last awhile.” The smirk returned to his mismatched face as if it had never left. “Don’t expect me to share my chapstick, though. You’re on your own with that one, creep.”
Nothing but a strangled sound of outrage managed to escape Tomura’s constricted throat while the unbelievable bastard grabbed his chosen bottle and sauntered away. He considered flinging the empty glass after him. Using his quirk to bring the entire building crashing down on everyone inside. Crawling into the nearest hole and never coming out too. By the time Dabi was halfway across the room, Tomura had made his decision.
Slowly, his hand went to the jar. One finger touched the lid.
Dabi stopped in front of the door.
A second finger touched the dark glass.
The handle turned.
Three points of contact now.
Faint light spilled in from the hallway.
Tomura’s thumb wrapped around the jar in fourth place.
The door swung shut behind Dabi just as Shigaraki Tomura made his gesture of goodwill disappear, not in his grip but into his pocket.
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alittlebitoftrauma · 5 years
so, about ainsley
So, I think one of the biggest differences between Malcolm & Ainsley is their motivations: Malcolm is desperately searching for the truth because of a desire to rescue the girl in the box and a resultant deep sense of guilt: his attempt to save the girl in the box was interrupted, in a way; his search for the truth is the part of him that’s still trying to save her, even if that just means figuring out what happened to her and bringing closure.
Ainsley is searching for the truth in order to find out the truth. She was too young to really understand what was happening when Martin was arrested, and so her family broke apart without her being able to do anything about it; she feels that if she can discover the truth about her father and why he did what he did, she’ll figure out the truth about what happened to her mother and brother.
Both Malcolm and Ainsley are deeply focused on getting to the truth, and both have a streak of ruthlessness that helps them on it. What is Malcolm’s biggest obstacle to discovering the truth? His own brain, which repressed memories in order to protect him. This, coupled with his guilt, means his ruthlessness in chasing the truth is turned inwards: he’s going to find out what happened no matter what happens to himself. Standing in Ainsley’s way, though, is her family; thus, her drive to find out what happened leads her to be ruthless towards them instead, especially when she’s this close to finding something important out.
And this doesn’t absolve Ainsely of using Malcolm’s trauma as a way of getting to her dad, and it doesn’t make Malcolm’s reckless disregard for his own life a good thing. They’re both characters with flaws (which is good! It wouldn’t be half as good a show otherwise!). It also doesn’t help the general audience’s perception of Ainsley that Malcolm is more fleshed out, and--partly from some of the writing, partly by sheer dint of the differences in their screen time and all the interactions between him and the nypd crew, where he’s humanized by becoming friends with them--we just tend to get a more sympathetic view of him. 
Ainsley we see a lot less, and when we do see her, it’s very often in a scene with Jessica and Malcolm, where there’s the friction/tension of a dysfunctional family to begin with, and the topics of those scenes is usually to introduce more things to stress Malcolm and ratchet up the tension. In scenes we have with Ainsley and Malcolm alone, she’s pushy and, yeah, a bit ruthless (grabbing his phone to see the voicemails), but she’s also shown to genuinely care for Malcolm, reassuring him about being fired, asking him if he’s all right. There’s genuine, sweet warmth between them. And when she confronts Martin with Malcolm’s trauma--yes, she’s using her brother’s private pain as leverage to get a good interview/to get one up on him, but she also is literally confronting her father about how he hurt her brother. It’s not kind of her and not a good move, but there is concern for Malcolm there.
The thing is, I hadn’t really thought this through about Ainsley, but I wrote half a post the other day about why this--the different motivations--were a large part of what separated Malcolm from other similar protagonists such as Sherlock*. Sherlock? Was a fucking prick, but dear god did fandom love him. In most cases, especially in the early seasons, he was absolutely driven to find out the truth just for the sake of finding out the truth. 
Malcolm is a warmer person to begin with, sure, but that wouldn’t matter as much if it weren’t for Malcolm’s driving need to save every murderer he comes across (because they’re murderers, the same as Martin, and Martin said he and Malcolm were the same, so if he can save them and they can be made whole then it means he can be saved and made whole himself)--and that his motivation to investigate comes from a place of deep empathy, so much caring and regret about the girl in the box that his mind can barely let him live with himself. So in this world we’ve got a crime procedural about brilliant young profiler Malcolm Bright, who’s trying to find out the truth about his father so he can fix himself.
In another world, though, we have a show set at a tv station, about brilliant young reporter Ainsley Whitly, who’s trying to find out the truth about her father so she can fix her family. Though, lbh, network tv being network tv, this is a show about Andrew Whitly. And in this world, even though he’s a Sherlockian dick who causes emotional hurt to people around him when they get in his way, Andrew is beloved of fandom, gets the shit whumped out of him, and fandom despises his ‘useless, stupid’ younger sister, Malory, who lots of fans think is being used as a stooge by Martin.
Sigh. I’m not even the biggest Ainsley fan, and I think she’s being naive in her dealings with Martin, and, yeah, the whole interview with Malcolm bit was Bad and Mean, but. Jeeze. Come on, people. Not being a walking empathy hug wrapped in a softness blanket doesn’t make you a psychopath who’s indistinguishable from a literal serial killer.
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queenitn · 5 years
To the people hating on Steve because of Endgame
I get it. It sucks. But still-
He didn't abandon Bucky. He didn't abandon Sam.
I understand why you feel that way. I felt it too, that how can he do that feeling. But he DIDN'T ABANDON BUCKY OR SAM.
I DON'T like his ending. AT ALL. Because it's not logical, or feasible. Because it's not in line with what his character arc had been before. Because of the the things it implies. But not because of this.
Here's the thing, he's allowed. He's been through a traumatic five years, and he's allowed to up and start over if he wants. If that's what he needs to heal. SHIT HAPPENS, AND HOWEVER MUCH YOU LOVE SOMEONE, SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO GET AWAY FOR A WHILE.
Bucky did that when he chose to not return to Steve even after getting (presumably) a significant amount of his memories back between TWS and CW. Tony started over with Pepper. Hell, from what I saw in Endgame, even Bruce didn't look like he'd stayed in contact much with the other Avengers. It's ok.
The funny part is that it's only Steve specifically who gets hate for this reason. Why is that? He doesn't just get it from the really aggressive SamBucky stans (yeah they're cute but their relationship, whatever it may turn out to be, does not depend upon the intensity with which you shit on Steve, so please relax), he actually gets it from Stucky shippers themselves. What the hell guys?? Does that mean that his only purpose up till now was to satisfy his role in your fav ship?
Hell I can't completely say that I'm different either. The amount of anger I see directed towards Steve from these fandoms leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and makes me actively avoid Stucky fics despite loving the ship. I love the ship, but I really don't like some of the shippers.
Anyway, the ironic part about Steve Rogers is that despite being such a central character, despite being one half of some of the most popular ships of Marvel...his character is very rarely examined or thought about closely as an individual. At most, it's going to be the "Steve Rogers is a little shit" thing. He IS. That's not the point. The point is that THAT still isn't an entire character. That's a very small part of who Steve is.
I admit that my protectiveness of Steve is deeply personal and I'm probably not as objective as I can be. But from where I'm standing, I see a character who's not at all emotionally open or emotive. And I see people judging him based on that. And I think that this is a very significant part of who he is that goes largely unacknowledged.
Wtf is up with that? What do you do when you see a closed off person irl? Assume they're a serial killer?
Note that neither Natasha nor Bucky are very open either, but apparently because their trauma is clear cut and obvious, that makes them baby. I'm not saying they're not. But I'm saying that being reserved about your emotions isn't exclusive to Russian assassins. And being emotionally reserved for real, the way Steve is and not the romanticized version you see generally on screen...often leads to people not realizing the emotions exist at all.
I know because I'm like that. It took me eight years to tell my mom about that one time I got groped when I was nine. For absolutely no reason, I just couldn't. Until one day I'd processed it enough so I could. My closest friend who's known me for years still tells me that she has to remind herself that just because she can't see it doesn't mean I don't also feel pretty extreme shit.
I'm not saying all that to gain sympathy. I don't want it.
I'm saying it because I see this in Steve too. I see him talking about his turmoil a bit to Peggy, who is his confidante, in TWS. I see him trying to reach out to Sam, but clamming up when shit gets real. It's the reason why he failed to tell Tony about his parents. Because he's processing his grief still, his depression and PTSD, and now his guilt over knowing what Bucky went through...and his default setting is to talk about things after.
After he's done processing, after he's come to terms with it, after he's worked through the worst of it on his own. I see him being able to talk about losing Peggy in Endgame because that's a grief he's processed, and he can talk about it now...but never once mentioning either Sam or Bucky's name, because that still keeps him up at night, and he can't yet.
That's what I see. I don't know how much of it is me projecting...but I am convinced that he's a seriously emotionally repressed guy, to the point that people apparently forget that he too is capable of grief and pain, and that he has the right to put himself first.
To whoever bothered to actually read all this, you can disagree with me on literally everything I just said. But I hope this gives you something to think about.
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