#i wanted to sneak in a joke about them both being blonde but where the fuck am i supposed to include that
paigemathews · 2 years
Do you ever think about what Wyatt and Billie’s relationship would look like? I mean, do you ever think that maybe he sees Billie as an omen? A prophesied witch with not only extraordinary power, but projection specifically, that evil has hunted and desired for years, to the point of creating intricate plots to turn them from a young age? (While my Wyatt doesn’t realize yet, the fact that Billie and Wyatt both fell into evil’s clutch in the past? That their redemption came at their sibling’s life? That their deaths can be traced directly to them?)
Imagine Billie post-series, who has lost. honestly, everything in under a year. She went from a confident, headstrong newly-discovered witch determined to save the day to a powerful witch who lost her entire family and was manipulated and used by evil to attack good as a whole. After all of that, I don’t really think that you walk out of that without it becoming a deeply impactful and integral part of your experience.
So a Billie who is more subdued and removed from magical affairs. A Billie who knows the price and risks with magic, especially her own. A Billie who learns how to master her magic, because she’s already seen the consequences of her failures, but there is no real need for it anymore with the lack of demonic attacks. And she is asked, by the sisters who she betrayed and had to earn their trust again, to help teach a witch just like her to control his powers.
Beyond her own experiences, do you think Billie ever told the sisters about Dumain showing her what Wyatt was supposed to “become”? Or did she just chalk it up to his lies and manipulation? And even if she did tell them, do you think that the sisters would be able to tell her? When they themselves never actually knew how bad it was in the unchanged future? When they’re still unsure if they can trust her again and handing her that information includes telling them how, despite all of their power, they could still do nothing as a son/nephew died in front of them?
So she tries to impart how important it is that Wyatt uses his powers for good, not to harm. She trains him to control his power, tries to teach him to respect it as something incredibly dangerous. She conveys over and over again that projection is powerful, but dangerous and if you’re not careful, it can create a lot of harm. She isn’t his only teacher, but she, with her own history and the same power and the knowledge that he will outclass them all and that vision that is bad enough without considering what else he is able to do, is the one who is able to understand best. Piper and Phoebe and Paige are extremely powerful, obviously, but their power is rooted in their bond and that itself helps keep them in check because there is a balance. Billie, her sister (the key) dead and her as the real Ultimate Power, is the closest to knowing what that’s like.
Except Wyatt is Wyatt, his mother and father’s son in everyway but especially his heart. He’s the child who tried to prevent conflict before he was even born. He’s the child who took everyone’s burdens on himself as his to solve before he could even speak. He needed to protect his loved ones, no matter how powerful they individually were. When he failed, he blamed himself. When people struggled, and he couldn’t help them, he blamed himself. Not only does he blame himself for not being able to save or help people, he pins his entire worth as a person on his ability to help. This is the child who thought that he deserved to die because of his father’s grief and inner turmoil, something he wasn’t even to blame for. And he sees so much of himself in Billie, sees her story as a warning if he is to slip to the wrong side, if he is to be blinded to evil and used as a weapon. He takes every message that Billie tries to teach and internalizes it just a little bit too much, takes it just a bit too personally.
And imagine what happens. Billie, who can relate to Wyatt’s potential future just a bit too much, trying to teach him caution and instead teaches him fear. Wyatt, who sees a bit too many similarities in Billie’s past, transforms her lessons of control and innocents into repression and his value. Because they see those similarities, but they don’t quite see the differences and those differences change everything.
#charmed#abi speaks#wyatt halliwell#billie jenkins#charmed meta#*pterodactyl screech*#this wasnt supposed to be sad!! this wasnt supposed to be depressing!!#but now im crying at 1 am about billie and wyatt#bc they're so similar but their differences change absolutely everything but they're both drawn to those similarities#and so instead they both create this fear about wyatt's power and what he can do which just fuels that fear and aghhhh#this!! was not!! the plan!!#i wanted to sneak in a joke about them both being blonde but where the fuck am i supposed to include that#how am i supposed to make a blonde joke in this??#but also this v briefly touches on the fact that i feel billie is an incredibly interesting character after the conclusion of the show#tbh she's. insufferable on the actual show but i wanna try to have her as an actually decent character#and the tragic backstory can help with that bc. your parents are dead. your sister is dead.#you (probably) failed out of school and lost all of your friends due to your obsessive magic focus that you couldnt tell them#you betrayed the only people who were still there for you#you are twenty years old and your life is irrevocably destroyed#and you are the only one left to pick up the pieces to try to rebuild something that made any of it worth it#there is no way that doesnt become an integral part of who you are for at least a while#like. look at that amount of trauma in the span of under a year and let's see how billie pieces together something#bc there are no more demons. there are no more fights. there is only your grief and your betrayal and your mistakes that you have left#with all of that no wonder she tries to earn the sisters forgiveness. with all of that no wonder the sisters forgive her#bc what else could happen when its piper who lost a sister and phoebe who became evil for love and paige who lost her parents#bc who else can even attempt to understand besides the sisters that she betrayed? and bc they DO understand they forgive her#honestly i think that could be a pretty powerful story lmao#hey abi are you okay lmao idk im losing my mind over billie jenkins at 1 am what do you think
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resident-mercie · 7 months
Leon Kennedy Slow Burn Fic — Lips of an Angel. (1/?) (NSFW.)
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Themes: High School Seniors!AU, slow-burn, pining, best friends to lovers. Eventual NSFW (penetrative sex, cream pie, semi-public sex), mentions of pregnancy and abortion.
Mercie’s note: yes this is self indulgent as fuck lol i don’t care
— With high school graduation fast approaching, Leon Kennedy gives his best friend, Annie, an offer that neither of them can really refuse.
“Well. Fuck me.”
Annie sits on the white tiles of her bathroom floor, a pregnancy test in either hand. And both of them are positive, because the world can’t let this poor girl catch a break. She’d been studying her ass off for Stanford, which was rapidly approaching in about two months time, and now…
“I’m knocked up. Great.”
It’s not like she was a naïve girl — I mean, if she wasn’t intelligent, she wouldn’t have gotten herself a place at Stanford. She knew what she was getting herself into that night, but… it was one of those instances where you assume it’s never gonna happen to you. Until it does.
Annie groans, standing up, placing the two tests on the counter, looking at herself from the side in the mirror. She was about four weeks along, so it wasn’t visible. The only people who know are herself, and her dog, mostly because the goofy labrador wouldn’t leave her stomach alone. But she knows that she has to tell the other half involved in this incident — after all, it takes two to tango.
She opens her phone, and her thumb hovers over the contact for her best friend, Leon.
They were an unlikely duo, for sure. Annie was the reserved one of the duo. Quiet, elegant, slightly aloof to those who don’t know her. Leon would always tease her, telling her she was like the moon, or a black cat, because of her elegance. And he wasn’t wrong, either. While Annie was never able to see her own beauty, she really was ethereal. Cascading red hair, porcelain skin, and these eyes that ascended beyond being just blue… they were so light in colour that they were piercingly so, but there was a hidden vulnerability to them if you took in her appearance for long enough. She was the definition of “slim thick”, a real knockout for sure. As her closest girl friends, Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine would always say— “how the FUCK are you single, Annie?”
It was something she’d just laugh off.
Leon Kennedy, her best friend, was the total opposite, however. He was the extrovert, the excitable golden retriever puppy, the sun. If the boy had a tail, it’d be wagging a mile a minute. He was popular amongst the senior cohort for being the star quarterback, yet he was as down to earth as he was the day he enrolled as a freshman. He was always smiling, always joking, but was always very respectful of everyone he interacted with. He didn’t care for arbitrary things like popularity or body counts— he was a respectable guy, and treated everyone with the respect they deserved, no matter the cliques they ran in. He was a dirty blonde, toned, slightly muscular, but slender in frame. His blue eyes were a lot deeper, and if you were Annie… they were a lot softer, but only for her. His guy friends, Chris Redfield and Carlos Oliveira, had no idea how he didn’t have a girlfriend, either.
Annie swallows back her pride, and dials Leon’s number, tapping her thumb against her other hand in beat to the dial tone.
“Moon-cat… it’s three in the damn morning… is it your cramps acting up again? Want me to sneak out and cuddle you?”
Annie chuckles softly into her cell, wishing it was just cramps.
“Something like that, yeah. It’s fine if you can’t sneak out, I don’t your mom ripping you a new one like last time…”
There’s a genuine, happy laugh from the other line.
“Don’t be silly. Gimme fifteen and I’ll shimmy up your dad’s wisteria climber like I did in junior year. Wait for me to knock on your window, m’kay? Love you!”
Annie chuckles softly as Leon hangs up, walking out of her en-suite bathroom, and into her bedroom again. Given the time of night, she’s still in her pyjamas, which are a cropped black tank top, wine red cycling shorts, and black fuzzy slippers. She waits by the window, smiling at the memory of junior year — her periods were particularly bad that year, and it made her a very crappy, very emotional mess. So, Leon would set it so that his phone would only make notifications from her audible on a night, and whenever she’d call in tears, there he’d be, shimmying his way up that damned climbing plant that trailed up to her window, with tampons and chocolate. And then, they’d lay there, spooning for hours, until dawn rose, and Leon would dash back to his house before his parents realised where he was in the next morning. He’d be exhausted, but it made him so happy knowing that she was being cared for, by him, and that she wasn’t alone at her worst.
The lines of their friendship had always been blurred, which is why Annie was now carrying his child.
It was about a month ago, and it was one of the last games of American Football of the season before state championships. Annie knew jackshit about sports outside of Formula One, but she always came with their little friend group, to cheer as loud as humanly possible for him. Their friend group was herself, Leon, Jill Valentine, Carlos Oliveira, and Chris and Claire Redfield.
She remembers the night so vividly…
Annie returns from the concession stand, with a cherry slushie. It’s staining her lips red, which makes the others giggle. She’s in her favourite outfit, that she always wears to the games— little black dress, long, black, heeled thigh high boots, and a black and baby pink racing-style jacket. She’s tied her long, red hair back, but she’s left her bangs loose at the front, so that they frame her face. Her lips have a little red tint to them — a mixture of the slushie, and her red lip tint, and her black eyeliner is done with near surgical precision. She takes her seat in between Jill and Claire, and she sees Leon doing some last stretches on the pitch, before the game. He sees Annie, and sticks his tongue out at her childishly — it was a pre-game tradition for them both. She sticks her tongue back out at him, and she immediately sees Leon crack up upon seeing her slushie-stained tongue.
He plays flawlessly, as always. But there’s something about him tonight that makes him seem prettier than usual — maybe it’s the way the floodlights are illuminating his face, maybe it’s the sheen of sweat covering his body, or maybe it’s that damned goofy smile he cracks at her with each touch-down he scores. The friend group are cheering and chanting his name, but Annie is the loudest. She always has been.
The game ends, and naturally, with Leon on the field, it’s a landslide victory, The friend group walk onto the pitch after the game, praising Leon on the win that he made happen. But he always hugs Annie first and tousles her hair, before he reacts to any of the praise.
Chris is grinning.
“Well, folks. Whose turn is it to treat Leon to his celebratory milkshake this time?
Leon chuckles, but waves his hand.
“You guys go on without me. I need to do some cooldown stretches before I go anywhere. I won’t be able to walk in the morning if I don’t.”
“Damn, Leon! That sounds like what I feel like after I’ve gone out hooking up for the night in my car. But it’s way more fun for me, because I get the chicks, and you all you get is to throw a pigskin around.” Chris laughs. “We’ll see you at the diner, yeah? Don’t be late or the free milkshake offer will expire.
Leon just rolls his eyes playfully.
“Yeah, yeah. See you guys in a little while.”
The others head to the diner, but Annie hangs back, smiling at Leon. They look back, expecting her to come with, but Carlos just shakes his head and laughs.
“Leave those two to it. They’re looking at each other with those damned eyes they give each other again. ‘Just best friends”, my ass.”
The others laugh, partially in amusement, partially in agreement, and they head to leave the pitch,
Annie walks up to him, wrapping her arms around him slowly.
“You were incredible out there, really. That thing you did where you threw the ball on the ground? Incredible. Sent everyone fucking bananas.”
Leon laughs softly, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Ever considered the whole sports commentary thing after graduation next month instead of Stanford? You really do have a way with words that makes American Football sound riveting.” He rolls his eyes playfully, nudging her. “C’mon, let’s go sit on the bleachers for a while. I just wanna relax for a bit, because you know the moment we step foot in that damned diner, Chris and Carlos are gonna be ribbing each other over something stupid.”
Annie laughs softly, and Leon takes her hand, and they sit in the very top corner of the bleachers. Everyone has gone now, and the stars are out, illuminating the two souls, whose connection goes beyond just the platonic— but they’re currently none the wiser.
She rests her head on Leon’s shoulder instinctively, as they look up at the stars together. They see one shoot by, and Annie gasps happily.
“Shooting star! You gotta make a wish, Leon.”
Leon laughs softly, breaking his gaze from the stars, to look at Annie’s face.
“C’mon, you seriously don’t believe in all that, right?”
Annie pouts, nudging him playfully.
“I still made a wish,” she grumbles softly.
Leon puts of an act of mock defeat, holding his heart dramatically, as if he’s just been wounded.
“And you didn’t tell me? C’mon, An—ni—iiie! Tell me!” He laughs, shaking her by the shoulders, which makes Annie giggle.
“I can’t tell you. You’ll take the piss out of me.”
“I’m your best friend,” Leon chuckles. “Taking the piss out of you is basically my full-time occupation.”
Annie glares playfully, and Leon notices a slight hint of blush creep across her cheeks.
“F-fine. My wish is… that I’m not gonna graduate as a virgin. I’m one of the only people, to my knowledge, who is still a virgin in the senior cohort. There’s six weeks till graduation, and I’d feel like a total loser if I graduated as a virgin.”
Leon laughs aloud into the stars, but then his expression softens when he realises that Annie really means it.
“Annie… it’s just a dumb teen rite of passage. You don’t gotta do it if you don’t wanna.”
“I know, I know. But after graduation, I have two months, before I end up at Stanford. And I guess… I want my first time to be special, rather than with a college frat boy who sees me as just another notch on his bedpost, you know?’
Leon’s face softens, and he takes his hand in hers, and their gazes both return back to the stars.
“You know I’m still a virgin too, right, Annie?” Leon chuckles softly.
“Bullshit. There’s no way you haven’t lost yours.”
“I’m being serious.”
They both go quiet again, Leon running his calloused thumb over the soft skin of her hand. The stars are flashing, twinkling, and Leon places a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
“Are you really serious about losing your virginity before graduation, Annie? Is this something you really want?”
Annie nods, sighing softly as she keeps her gaze on the stars.
“In that case… let me pitch what might be the most bizarre offer in the history of our friendship, ever,” Leon chuckles, still rubbing her thumb over her dainty little hand. “If you’re dead set on wanting to have your first time, then… let it be with me, your best friend. Let’s give each other our virginities, right here, right now.”
“Wait, for real?”
“Only if you wanna, of course. The bleachers are empty, so… why not?”
Leon stands up, sliding off his varsity jacket. He lays it out on the bleacher table, smiling.
“It’s not the most ideal, I know. But I think having our first times under the stars would be way prettier than doing it in the back of that damn car you never clean,” he teases “so… what do you say?”
Annie stands up now, wrapping herself around Leon, looking up at him with those intensely blue eyes.
“Thank you, Leon. There’s… no one else I’d want to do this with.”
He smiles, and his lips graze against hers softly, his hand coming up to wrap itself against her cascading, red mane. There’s a tenderness, and a hidden longing oozing from the both of them, Annie craning her neck slightly to meet his mouth. Her own hands snake up the back of his neck, and she seems to pull him in closer, desperate for time to just freeze, and for the two of them to be stuck in this moment forever. Annie’s tongue softly meets his lower lip, a sensation that makes Leon shudder in arousal.
“Annie, f-fucking hell…” Leon groans, immediately feeling all the blood rush between his thighs. He’s kissing back with longing, pining, and Annie is moaning softly against his lips.
His free hand travels lower, caressing her ass softly, worshipping her curves with his hand.
“You’re beautiful, Annie,” Leon breathes, pulling away from her softly with a smile. “To do this for you, it’s… well, let’s just say I’m feeling like I’m a damn lucky guy.”
Annie giggles softly, as she presses her forehead to his, her breath hot and sweet. “You’re pretty too, Leon. Pretty damn silly.”
Leon laughs softly, grazing his lips against hers, groaning at the touch. He’s already pitching a tent, and Annie feels herself throbbing from such a simple, yet intimate touch. He scoops her up into those athletic arms of his, and lays her on the varsity jacket he’d laid out on the bleacher bench earlier. He smiles softly at her, as he climbs on top of the bench, over her, caressing her face with his calloused fingertips.
“I-I’m already hard, Annie, I-I won’t lie. I might not last very long…” Leon gives her that signature lopsided smile, and Annie just giggles softly.
“I don’t care about that, Leon. Having you do this for me… well, I can’t thank you enough.”
Leon presses his lips to hers, pining for her touch, and they moan against the other’s lips, as they graze their tongues against one another in such an intimate state.
“Th-the pleasure’s all mine, Annie…”
Leon’s hands snake up her dress, and he looks for Annie to give him the go ahead to slide down her panties, and she nods. They’re black silk, which makes Leon smile softly, and he turns to Annie.
“Good choice in panties.” He chuckles, bringing them down around her ankles.
“Only the best for me.” Annie rolls her eyes playfully, which makes Leon laugh softly, looking at his best friend with an admiration and affection that’s bubbling over the boundaries of platonic.
Leon’s fingers find their way between her thighs, and to her pussy. His thumb finds her clit with ease, and he massages the little bud, while his index and middle fingers trace softly around the outside of her wetness. Annie lets out a happy little purr, arching her back at the touch. The sound she lets out simultaneously makes Leon so happy to see his best friend having a good time, but also makes him even more horny, if that’s even possible. He can’t help but kiss her thighs softly and messily, and Annie lets out a sound that’s half giggle, half moan.
“I’ve always told you this…,” he murmurs from in between her thighs, “but you’ve always had the prettiest voice. You know that, right?”
The sweet smell of her pussy is making him whimper, and he can’t help but lap softly at it, which makes Annie whimper in turn. This is Annie’s experience, he thought to himself, and he just wants to worship every bit of her body, like it deserves. Annie reaches her hand down to stroke his hair as he laps softly at her, her eyelashes fluttering at the sensation. Her happy little moans are like cocaine to him, and he can’t help but smile and whimper with each contented noise she makes.
He gets up from his position now, and leans over the top of her again, running his fingers over her fading self-harm scars from sophomore year, smiling at her with such an intense admiration for her body. Annie can feel the heat rising inside her, and she lets out a little breathy “I’m ready, Leon.”, smiling at him softly. Leon bites his lip a little, sliding down the trousers of his football uniform, his belt making a slight clinking sound. He shakes them from his ankles clumsily, which makes Annie giggle, and him smile. As he pulls down his boxers, Leon notices he’s already been dribbling pre-cum, just from the feel of her lips and the taste of her wetness alone.
Annie giggles softly, as she watches him toss his boxers aside with the trousers of his football uniform.
“Man, I must taste good for you to react like that.”
Leon chuckles, as he climbs back on top of her.
“You were always somehow even prettier when you were more self-confident, Annie.”
He takes one of Annie’s little hands in his larger ones, their fingers interlocking, while the other holds her waist.
“If it feels like too much, promise me you’ll say something. This is your experience, moon-cat.”
“I promise, sun-puppy.”
Leon slides into her, and for a split second, their visions blur, at the sheer sensation of their bodies becoming one. If there was an ultimate nirvana, it was this. Two best friends, who didn’t even realise that in a matter of months, their feelings would stretch beyond the platonic entirely. They both moan at the same time, and then smile at each other, laughing breathlessly. Annie’s hand tightens its grip around Leon’s, as his thrusts start softly and gently in intensity. He’s so needy, so hard, that Annie is almost certain that she can feel him throughout her whole body. She smiles at him, smiling breathlessly, mouth slightly agape, as if to say, ‘keep going’. As they share one another under the stars, all that Leon is thinking about is Annie. And all Annie is thinking about is Leon. She’s quivering pleasurably underneath him, as she wraps her legs around Leon’s toned back, which makes Leon smile softly, kissing the corner of her mouth. Annie uses her free hand to play with his hair, smiling breathlessly at him. It was if they were high, or drunk, on one another. The other’s touch, the other’s pheromones, the other’s presence. It’s as if they can both feel a molten heat rising in their cores, as Leon keeps his gentle pace, but it’s clear they’re both ready for their releases.
Leon takes his free hand, caressing her cheek.
She’s tightening and convulsing around him, as if her body is trying to pull him in closer, deeper. It’s so heavenly that they’re both losing their damn minds — their senses totally clouded by the presence of the other. Leon moans her name softly, groaning as he kisses the corner of her mouth, his cock twitching, flooding her needy pussy with his hot cum. Annie’s eyes roll back. and she pulls Leon closer with her free hand and her legs, and she tightens around him as she reaches her own climax. She’s left a very sweet flood of arousal at the base of his softening cock, as the both of them lay there, spent, panting, but grinning. Annie wasn’t on birth control, and Leon didn’t have a condom to hand, but the feeling of the sex— no, the love-making between them, had completely clouded their judgment. As Leon pulled out, the two of them started laughing breathlessly, and he kissed her forehead tenderly…
As Annie is reminiscing from that night a month ago, she hears a gentle tap at the window. It’s Leon, her “sun-puppy”, having shimmied up the wisteria plant with his iconic lopsided grin, waiting to be let in.
“Hey, moon-cat! I brought chocolate. What’s up, anyway?”
Annie gulps softly as he very clumsily rolls through her window, and takes a deep breath.
This is gonna be one helluva conversation.
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thewritersofdeceased · 6 months
TBP boys reaction Hcs of a a group of girls asking them to go on a date as a prank ? Like , who would believe them , who is used to it , who is surprised , etc . thank u for reading 👌
Thank you for requesting!! God, this'll be sad for some of them :3
I did these as headcanons and little blurbs!!! :3 Again, I didn't know if you wanted Billy and Griffin! So if you want them, please comment or send that in my inbox and I'll add them!! <3
He's one of the ones who is definitely surprised!
He's pointing at himself, sort of confused
Looking over his shoulders in case they're pointing at someone else
He get's so excited about it too!
Telling Robin, Bruce, everyone that he got a date!
Even Gwen's excited!
Though when it turns out he goes to place and nobody shows up
That's when he realizes it's a joke
Finney sat quietly inside the small cafe, constantly messing with his hair and outfit, doing his best to look presentable. In his pocket was a couple bucks in order to pay for the meal! He would feel absolutely bad if the girl had to pay for the meal. As minutes passed and you didn't show up, poor boy realized it was all just a joke.
He's probably one of the only boys who's used to it
He doesn't even bother going to the cafe or wherever you two decide to meet
Kinda used to girls asking him on dates and then "setting him up"
truly they just don't talk to him after, so he's given up whenever someone asks him to go on a date
Type to just agree so they leave him alone
Robin truly couldn't care less. Seeing the girls whispering to one another before one had came up and asked him on a date. He had only shrugged his shoulders, saying a quick "sure". But it was like he didn't care. That's because he didn't. He'd just ask Finney to go somewhere later, sneak to the drive in or something.
Like Finney, he finds it as both a surprise and seems used to it
He's not surprised that he got asked out
No, he's surprised he got stood up
He knows a lot of girls kind of a crush on him, so he finds it surprising he gets stood up
He doesn't cry or talk about it, but it does pop into his mind occasionally
Bruce was more confused. He got stood up? For no reason? Whatever the reason was, he wanted to get answers. Walking through the school only the day after, he watched the group talk amongst themselves, a slightly annoyed expression on his face. "You okay, Bruce?" A voice besides him asked, earning a cold look in response. "Got stood up."
Like Robin, Vance could care less.
Hell, he's surprised someone even has the audacity to ask him out.
Doesn't show up, and if he does, he grabs something for himself then leaves like two minutes after.
So technically, he's the one who stands them up.
He doesn’t care if he gets called out for it.
“You stood me up!” A voice yelled, pointing and jabbing their finger right into Vance’s chest. The blonde only raised a brow, his arms crossed as he stared at the girl. “Oh. you thought I was serious about the date? That's funny." Then he'd only walk off, dragging along Bruce with him.
Confused by all names in hell like Finney!
The date was probably walking around with Rover
So you can see how disappointed he was when you didn’t show up
But he acted like everything was okay’ even at school
As Billy walked, the thoughts in his head grew ever so louder and louder. Why’d he been stood up? Did he do something? Did they just not like Rover? Now that part hurt him. "Oh, did you think I actually wanted to go on a date with you!? That's funny!" The girl only laughed out when being confronted.
Oh, this poor boy knows it's a joke.
Who would willingly want to ask him on a date? Let alone a pretty girl?
He's defintaly scared to go.
Scared to the point where he literally doesn't even bother go o.
He knows he'll be confronted about it, but he's scared.
"You really didn't show up. Sad." The girl spoke, standing over Griffin, who had his back pressed against the wall. "I wasn't going to be stood up... I know girls like you wouldn't ask boys like me out.."
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1989withstyle · 21 days
Whenever I see Tarry fics, it always makes me happy to read because y’know what? Yeah their not a perfect couple by any means but Tim and Darry get each other in a way most people don’t. They understand having to play the role of both brother and father. Of wanting to do more for their siblings, but can’t due to circumstance. They keep their families together even if they don’t always believe that themselves.They’re path together is filled with bumps but they’ll figure it out in the end because they always do.
Then contrast that with Paul and Darry and yeah…there’s no way those two ever had a chance. Paul has too much anger and hate inside, and Darrel loves the gang and his brothers too much to ever leave them.They’re falling out was bound to happen and bound to be nuclear when it did. To the point that whatever fond memories they had of each other became ruined beyond repair.
MEANWHILE theres Keith Matthews and Darry, two boys who are opposite in every way. Two-Bit is the lost boy who seems set on being forever sixteen. Whereas Darry ‘Superman’ Curtis has had to grow up in ways the other boys didn’t. The two grew up side by side, closer than even Steve and Soda at one point. Yet when High school hit things changed in ways neither of them expected.Darry grew up to become the Golden Boy of Tulsa,the Captain of the Football team, and furthermore one of the few greasers who has a chance of leaving Tulsa. The kind of guy that everyone is desperate to follow after.
While Keith Matthews becomes Two-Bit, a no good greaser to most who causes all kinds of trouble. Who’s too lazy to even clean up after himself, much less try hard in school.The two play their roles so perfectly that from an outsiders perspective you wouldn’t even know they were friends. They both know better though, especially when on certain nights Two-Bit sneaks into Darrel’s room. The two laying together and whispering all sorts of secrets to the other. On those nights Darry starts to act more his age and smiles, the same smile that makes Two-Bit feel things he know he shouldn’t. It doesn’t help that when Darry laughs at one of his jokes, he can feel something stir deep inside of him. Especially when he looks at him with such soft eyes, to the point that Two-Bit thinks he’s prettier than any blonde he’s ever fooled around with.
When the Curtis parent’s die, things shift between them once more. Except unlike in high school where they could wait for each other, one day Two-Bit turns to find Darry’s miles away from him. Both physically and mentally, Darry’s older in a way that Two-Bit could never be. He has more important things to worry about now, and Two-Bit understands like he always does. Except Two-Bit has always been wiser and more observant than Darry when it comes to people. He knows whatever they could have had, can’t ever happen now. Especially since Two-Bit is too self aware of himself to know that he won’t ever be the partner that Darry needs. Not this Darry at least. This Darry needs someone that can support him, not someone to take care of.Yet that doesn’t stop him from trying as he’s desperate to hold onto Darry for as long as he can. Trying to crack a joke or two to see just a small glimpse of that smile of his. Trying his hardest to try and remind Darry that he’s still there.Until the day he eventually gives up and stops waiting for him.
The two care and love each other BUT I can’t ever see them lasting as a couple. Honestly them even becoming a couple is a huge stretch. They’re not just best friends, but they’re not quite a couple either. They are a secret third thing that they could never figure out. Unfortunately for them they spent too much time trying to find the answer,that the small opening for them has long since been closed. Don’t get me wrong their still friends, but they can’t ever be anything more.
(P.S: this was heavily inspired by the very long rant I sent to @pumpkinsy0 about these two. Their a real trooper for reading it all 🫡.)
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epitomereally · 2 months
heavenstruck! wednesday wip snip
no one tagged me but i am putting the finishing touches on the next chapter of Heavenstruck! and I am SO EXCITED that we're doing a wednesday wip snip. This chapter fulfills the 'first there's porn, then there's plot!' tag of the story—fast sexual burn, slow emotional burn is my forever beloved.
Would love to see what y'all—yes, YOU!—are working on, if you're seeing this! Am also tagging @oflights for their delicious non-HP wip, @garagepaperback for theirs which I just started LAST NIGHT AND IT'S GORGEOUS, and @mallstars because I love their eighth year wip (just started today!) and love to see their gorgeous prose ahead of time. as always, completely unbetaed, with notes to myself and all!
They somehow made it to the locker room with no one seeing them—not even Proudfoot was sitting in his office, waiting to pounce upon Harry. Perhaps he could sense the mountain of shit Harry would leave on his office chair; not even the chair wanted to eat Harry in this state.
When they get there, Malfoy pulled out his wand, shook his head, and imperiously Vanished the shit on his face and hair and hands. Considering, he looked at Harry, who let out a groan of rage, and spelled his face minty clean. He said, “Not even I want to see you like that, Potter.”
Harry pulled his hoody over his head and dropped it in a sodden, shitty heap on the ground. He said, “Why didn’t we do that immediately?”
“Well.” Malfoy pulled off his robe, turned it inside out, and folded it up neatly on the bench. He doesn’t quite meet Harry’s eye, looking a bit shifty. “Maybe we just Vanished some of the evidence, but…”
Harry snorted. “I’m not about to turn you in, Malfoy. I also don’t like my face covered in shit.”
“Oh?” Malfoy smirked slowly, and then propped a long leg up on a bench, untying a brogue. “What do you like your face covered in?”
Harry groaned, but couldn’t suppress a smile. He pulled off his shirt next. “Oh, piss off, Malfoy.”
“Just”—Malfoy stripped the sock off his foot, showing off the graceful curve of his ankle, the slightly-dark blond leg hair, his elegant feet. Christ, now Harry was even thinking Malfoy’s feet were fit. He might be about to die of sexual frustration—“consider my offer if you don’t yet know what you like your face covered in. That’s an experiment I would be more than happy to run with you.”
Harry barked out a laugh, and couldn’t ignore the tingle of heat zinging up the back of his legs. He toed off his trainers and suddenly realised exactly where he and Malfoy were heading—both towards the showers, towards being completely naked. Harry was doing his very best not to think about the proposition, not that Malfoy was making it easy with his sexual innuendos and the slow unbuttoning, mercifully spared the ravages of the Portaloo by Malfoy’s robes. Harry’s jeans had known no such mercy, stiff as Harry roughly unbuttoned and shoved them down.
Pink [stained] the tips of Malfoy’s cheekbones as he propped his other leg up and slowly rolled off his sock. Harry was down to just his pants now, feeling scrawny and uncomfortable, except for the way Malfoy was sneaking looks at his legs, his chest. Harry was sneaking the exact same looks at the glimpse of Malfoy’s chest, stomach that he could see through his open shirt. And Harry sure as hell wasn’t going to take his pants off while Malfoy was stood there, still almost fully clothed. Absolutely not. He might be unfortunately interested in Malfoy, but not enough to do that without some kind of assurance this wasn’t all some cruel joke.
Malfoy stood up, shook an arm out, and started undoing his cufflinks, his hair falling loose on the sides of his face. The looks were getting bolder now. Harry was full on staring, shifting foot from foot, arms crossed over his chest as goose pimples crawled their way up his flanks.
Distantly, Harry heard the door to the locker room clang open on the far side, behind the row of showers. The clatter of laughter skittered over the tiles—it was Zacharias fucking Smith. Smith and his whole cohort of mates. Probably most of the Auror trainees by the stomp of shoes.
Harry looked at Malfoy. Malfoy looked at him. Smith grew ever closer, his crude jokes echoing around the corner from the showers.
Harry was down to his pants. Malfoy was in his shirtsleeves, buttons ajar, and his posh wool trousers. They both still had remnants of shit licking their temples, dug under their fingernails. Harry knew, suddenly, absolutely, that Smith could not find him and Malfoy in here together. Not like this. Malfoy didn’t sell Harry out to the Prophet, but Smith would. There was no doubt in Harry’s mind.
Grabbing Malfoy’s hand all in a whirl, Harry pulled them both into the nearest shower. They barely fit, but Harry manoeuvred his hand to turn the water on behind them. It came steaming out of the head, hissing and sputtering and filling the stall with mist.
Malfoy smirked, slouched there against the wall. “I didn’t expect you to take me up so quickly—”
Harry shoved his hand over Malfoy’s mouth.
Zacharias Smith came around the corner, his loud guffaw crawling under Harry’s skin. Malfoy’s eyes narrowed, a huff of air from his nose on Harry’s hand. He glared at Harry.
Fuck, Harry was just now taking in their positions. Harry down to his pants. Malfoy still fully clothed, but his posh white shirt plastered down his chest, his trousers clinging wetly to thighs, clinging to his cock which Harry can basically see. Fuck. Harry’s cock jumps in his pants. The shower stall was so small, they’re basically pressed together. Harry knew Malfoy could feel it against his thigh, against the rough wet wool of his trousers. Steam continued to stream from the shower. Malfoy’s hair clung to his delicate skull. Harry pulled his hand away from Malfoy’s mouth like [it was on fire]. They were both panting.
Malfoy shoved Harry up against the wall. Harry let him.
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purpleandstarlight · 11 months
Dadbastian Week 2023 - Day Three: Trick or Treat
It was amusing how his Young Master - despite all his talk of being this invincible Lord of the Underworld, the feared Watchdog, the vicious King of the chessboard, someone ready to throw away his 'pawns' for the sake of his own goals - folded so quickly at a simple word from his own underlings.
Not Sebastian, of course. He was always as vicious as ever with the demonic butler. In fact, when the man clad in back ever suggested something, it only made the little Earl do just the opposite as a way to give him more troubles, even if the head servant had already enough of those.
No, when Sebastian wanted his Young Master to do something, he needed to be sneaky about it. But if Bardroy mentioned seeing something that reminded him of his departed son in a shop's display as a way to apologise for stopping in front of it for a little too long while walking on the street in one of the rare times the Young Master and his servants got out for some much needed shopping, the so-called Cheff would 'misteriously' find said item on his bed that same evening. If Mei-Rin was even slightly inconvenienced after hurting her ankle in a slightly nastier fall than usual, the clumsy maid would soon receive some medicine to help with the pain - and not the cheap kind, either. If the respectable Tanaka, usually silent and so adept at minding his own business, simply arched his eyebrow after one of their Young Master's uglier remarks, the child was quick to calm down and apologise to even the rudest of guests, acting like a proper gentlemen even though he was prey to seemingly uncontrollable rage just a moment before. And if the earl overheard the as-inhumanly-strong-as-extremely-naive gardner as he excitedly wondered how trick-or-treating went, mentioning how he's never celebrated this tradition before...
Well, thats how an amused Sebastian found himself watching his Young Master from afar, disguised as a commoner (probably so that the people who lived on his property didn't suspect it was their own landlord who was now succumbing to such a child-like festivity), while he and the older blond tried to convince the habitants of the little house to share their candy with them by showing some tricks or telling little jokes. Unsurprisingly, Finnian did most of the work, but the family was still enamoured by the younger child's red face and shy behavior.
This had been going on for a little under an hour and, although Sebastian and the blonde were clearly having the time of their lives, their Young Master had clearly reached his limit of social interactions for the day. It was almost bothersome, how inept he was when it came to talking with strangers for more than half-an-hour...Luckly, this wasn't an important business party where he had to keep up appearances, so Sebastian quickly sneaked down from a tree and made his way towards the pair of kids.
After all, if he couldn't save the Phantomhive Earl from too much public speaking, what kind of butler would he be?
"There you are. I take it the evening is going well?" Smiled the demon, carefully hiding his amusement by closing his eyes in a friendly expression, knowing that only the younger of the two would get the slight hint of mockery in his tone.
"Mr. Sebastian! Are you trick-or-treating as well?"
As expected, the Young Master's slightly uncomfortable smile turned into a grimace as soon as the butler made himself known, while the gardener's eyes sparkled at his own honestly ridiculous speculation.
"Not really, no. I just came to find you and bring you both back to the Manor. The Young Master's bed time is fast approaching, after all, and he has important business to attend to all day tomorrow."
He could tell the Earl was clearly unhappy with the idea of going along with the demon's suggestion, but in the end, his despise for social events must have been enough to convince him not to throw a tantrum and just accept the escape route the older being was offering.
"Right, I guess it is quite late...We should head home. You have to work too, after all, Finny, and a gardner job starts as soon as the sun is up."
This annoyed the butler, seeing as the younger servant clearly didn't work as much as he ruined everything and made more work for Sebastian instead, but the man clad in black decided not to speak his thoughts out lout, and instead started leading the two as they walked back to the Manor.
"This way, then."
Though silent, the demon still listened to the conversation happening behind him.
"Thank you for the fun night, Young Master! I never went trick-or-treating before, so i was curious!"
"Didn't you?" He very clearly lied. Of course the gardner never experienced such a tradition. It wasn't as if mad scientists normally let their illegal test subjects run around town asking for chocolate. But their Young Master was always into pretending his acts of kindness towards others were just things made to help himself and himself alone, Sebastian knew, so that wasn't a very surprising answer. "I'm glad this little research for Funtom helped us both then. But from tomorrow, it's back to work, you hear me? No lazing around in bed eating candy all day."
"Yes, my lord!"
Internally, the demon rolled his eyes, amused by the irony. His Young Master was clearly projecting, but again, he'd keep his thoughts to himself for now. It would be against a butler's code to speak against his own Young Master...in public, at least.
"Why did you follow me? If you knew where I was, you clearly already knew Finny was with me, therefore you didn't need to protect me. Are you that much of a control freak that you can't leave your prey alone for more than five minutes?"
More than an hour had passed, and since then, the three had already arrived home, and the Phantomhive Earl was now clean as his butler prepared him for bed.
"You could say that...After all, what kind of butler would I be, if I didn't worry about my Master's safety?"
"Don't give me that crap. You probably just wanted to see me struggle."
Right on the money. He could be quite clever, sometimes, for such a tiny human.
"As a butler, I would never do such a thing."
"And as a Demon?"
"Well, If I had to be honest -and I have to, seeing as that's one of your conditions for our little deal- as a Demon, i just like seeing you fail."
"Pfft," His Young Master let out an amused sound, a smirk on his face. "As expected from a beast."
"That's in my nature, at least. You as a human, though, still like to see me fail as well, so what's your excuse?"
"We could argue that wanting a seemingly perfect being not to succeed is human nature as well, but honestly? I just really despise you."
"I see," the butler had been smirking as well this entire time, and didn't abandon the amused expression even as he got up after fixing the last button on his Master's blouse, making him able to climb up to the bed, ready to be tucked under the covers by the demon. "If that's all then, I'll free you from my despicable presence for tonight."
"Yes, that would be ideal. I am quite tired of seeing your face already."
"Good night, then, my Lord." The malicious entiry bowed elegantly one last time after blowing on the candlestick, leaving the child to his needed rest.
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While he is often joked to be the gay one on the team, he is actually abrosexual who currently switches between bisexual and or pansexual.
His favorite singers are Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Arianna Grande and at times will listen to Justin Bieber.
His favorite comics are DC and his favorite is the Flash and also enjoys Kid Flash. He also loves Beast Boy because he finds him funny.
Leo knows how to cook and bake. Though doesn't really do it often. He does it when he is hungry or bored. Or simply when Mikey can't make them any food.
He has actually babysitted Senor Hueso's son a few times. Mostly taking him out for ice cream, arcade and also buy him whatever he wanted.
Leo enjoys finding any poster or anything with some kind of picture on paper and hanging it on his walls in his room. He also enjoys at times just getting another copy of a comic he already has and cutting out pages and plastering them on his wall thinking it looks cool.
He enjoys collecting action figures and will actively snatch one he finds even if it came from the trash can.
Donnie judges Leo's outfit choices on many occasions and Leo learnt to deal with it. Though then he would just trash Donnie's clothes and make a mess whenever he gives him the most hurtful judgement.
When he is dealing with stress or feeling depressed he will shut his door, plop headphones on, get cuddled and put on his favorite movies and admire characters who he can relate to.
He jokes being a blonde girl after 'Bad Hair Day' episode.
He doesn't like cream the best. Despite that, he will devour cream cake anytime.
Whenever he wants to vent, he looks at a mirror and puts a photo of one of his family members or friends and start venting to them. He would eventually after the events of the movie start to communicate properly and start to genuinely vent to his close ones. He felt as if it was better then to bottle his emotions.
While he is seen as the type of guy to swear on a daily, he actually swears the least along with Donnie. Only when he is fully in-raged and in need of using curse words to express his rage or any other emotion of his. I'd say he is the 3rd to swear.
He actually sneaks out a lot with April to skateboard at a roller skating park at night.
If he had an Instagram, most of his pictures would be of his brothers sleeping or just fails or pranks.
He sliced a rabbit in half... (I feel like certain shippers are gonna come for me or start making jokes about that one rabbit character TMNT has crossovers with lmao-)
For absolutely, NO REASON, he begged Draxum to film him doing a very dangerous stunt with his tentacles. That day he broke 75 limbs and 2 of his ribs and lost 100 pounds of blood (not really but he broke a lot of bones)
He's a sci-fi nerd. Besides, Jupiter Jim, his favorite sci-fi movies are Star Wars, E.T., Monsters VS Aliens, Batman VS Superman.
He loves poor quality movies because he can then make fun of them. That's why him and Raph stopped watching live-action Disney movies-
He developed massive claustrophobia when Raph sacrificed himself for him and got in the pod.
Clings onto Raph after the movie and they both put a leash on each other 24/7 to make sure they are safe. Also since Leo is aware of the tracking devices, he always asks Donnie where Raph is. The same is with everyone else.
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
Hello! Not a request, just a genuine question because I’m obsessed with the Lost Boys head cannons you’ve come up with, especially about the ones where Marko’s Italian and David is from the south. Quick question: what order do you think the boys were turned? Like who’s the “oldest” and who’s the “youngest” out of David, Dwayne, Marko, and Paul? I’d be down if this turned into head cannons but I’m also just hella curious what you think their order is cuz you’ve got such a cool grasp on these characters:)
Well first, thank you so much! ☺️ I'm glad you're enjoying the headcanons!
I definitely went into more detail than I originally meant to but 🤣
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David, Dwayne, Marko, Paul.
Age wise it really varies on what people wanna age them as, I've seen people write them as all 18, sometimes Dwayne is 21, David is 20, Paul is 18, and Marko is 17. I've even seen people use what the actor's ages were at the time of the film coming out (Making Dwayne 25, Paul 24, Marko 22, and David actually the youngest at 21)
But as far as who is the "oldest" and "youngest", turning wise. I would place David as the oldest and Paul as the youngest.
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I think Max met David first (as I mentioned in my David headcanons) and turned him.
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Then I think in his travels David met Dwayne and Dwayne's tribe. I kinda headcanon that Dwayne wanted to adventure out and explore the world but also felt a strong responsibility to his tribe, and to a woman who he was in love with and wished to marry, but when she married another man in the tribe he started listening to David's offer a bit more, ultimately accepting and allowing Max to turn him.
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Upon their adventuring even more I think they happened upon Marko who was a newly arrived Italian immigrant in the 1950s when most came from the southern regions of Italy, driven to the USA by famine, unemployment, natural disasters, and even discrimination from their own. I headcanon that Marko came from a very large family, like, very large, and being one (if not the) oldest, he went out to find "work" I say work this way because Marko has always been quick on his feet and very sneaky, which means he was excellent at pickpocketing. It was during one of these sessions in town at night that he pickpocketed David, who quickly got his wallet back from the Italian boy, who then proceeded to cuss him out in Italian and try to fight him. David liked his spunk, it honestly reminded him of one of his little brothers. But he soon realized that the boy didn't speak a lick of English, but luckily could understand it. I haven't thought of just how David persuaded Marko to become a vampire but the boy happily agreed, when I said he came from a large family I wasn't joking, like his family wouldn't worry too much if there was one less mouth to feed because of how bad off they were, but they would miss him and hope he was doing ok. But even after he was turned, Marko would sneak back to his house at night and leave money in places he knew his family would find it, he did that for years. I headcanon that David and Dwayne both helped Marko learn English from there on out, and in return Marko stole things for them even if they didn't ask him too, it was his way of saying thank you.
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Paul is definitely the youngest of the group. A lot of people headcanon that Paul was turned in the 60s and honestly, I can see that. I headcanon that Paul came from a very strict, prominent member of their town type of family. Like Dad had a high paying job, mom was a perfect house wife, everyone went to church on Sunday, that sort of family. And of course, their only son Paul was to follow that role as well. (Like picture 1950's town where the houses look the same, white picket fence, maybe a flamingo in the yard. And there is little Paulie. Khaki pants, button up shirt, sweater vest, maybe his blonde hair is kept short and slicked back..the typical rich good kid look) and he was ok with it, though it sucked when his parents would tell him to calm down or stop fidgeting, like, he couldn't help it, his body told him to move...No one knew he had ADHD. Fast forward to the 60s. Little Paulie is getting older, discovering himself and realizing, holy shit the world is fuckin bitchin! At least certain people were lol. He jumped in headfirst to the hippie scene, no floaties or anything, just cannonball. Peace, free love, and these funny little cigarette looking things that for once make his brain stop going a mile a minute? Sign him up! It was during one of these late night festivals that he bumped into Marko (who had been scoping out the place for an easy victim). He instantly thought the little Italian boy was awesome. He invited him to chill and smoke, and in their smoke session he found that the boy was really awesome, and that their energies just vibed well. It was Marko who asked Paul if he wanted to change, to which Paul happily agreed to, a life of doing whatever you wanted? Sign him up! Though I do headcanon that Paul stayed a half vampire the longest, after he was changed he didn't know if he could go through with the killing part, and it honestly messed with him a lot to even think about it. He took a bit, even distanced himself from Marko and the boys for a couple of weeks before he just couldn't stand it anymore and came back, and that night he made his first kill.
Like I said, I went a bit more detailed than I originally planned but sometimes when I start writing for them, stories just play out in my head lol. But I hope this answered your question ☺️
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
48 - Official Wedding Planner
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Part 49
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality
Blinking my eyes open I snuggled my head into the crook of Nik’s neck feeling him running his fingers through my hair not breaking the comfortable silence that was in the bedroom at the moment. The girls were spending time at Cami’s house since we didn’t trust Freya being around them. “I don’t think we have had this peaceful of a moment since the girls have been born.”
“Three powerful miracle babies can be a handful that is for certain.” I pointed out to him shifting my weight so that my head was now laying on his bare chest.
His fingers threaded themselves into my blonde hair twisting some of the strands in between them. He had learned long before I was turned that I liked it and it helped me fall asleep on the nights that I couldn’t go to sleep. “Certainly are a handful. So what did you wish to do today while our children are under the watchful eye of my family therapist?”
“Absolutely nothing.” I began tracing the tattoo on his shirt feeling his other hand sneak underneath the shirt I slept in last night.
He quickly pushed me onto my back where he was hovering above me smirking. The sunlight was coming through the window and brightening his natural dirty blonde hair. “I’m not sure about doing absolutely nothing. You see I know you have some ideas running through that head of yours.”
“Ah…could you help remind me what you think is running through my head. I seem to have forgotten.” I joked up at him with a cheeky smirk on my face.
“Gladly, I’ll never refuse my queen. “Nik’s smirk grew wider before he leaned down, capturing my lips with his gentle but hungry at the same time.
Moving my fingers up along his back my nails dug into his back deepening the kiss instantly. “Nik! I need you…please.” I begged him when he laid his head against my heart bridge even though neither of us needed air.
“I am trying to take things slowly, Raelyn.” He chuckled into my tea shirt when I smacked him on his forearm holding his face in my hands.
My eyes sent him a glare spotting at him with my sharp tongue knowing he was kidding but I wasn’t in the mood. “Niklaus, we’ve given up on being slow in this relationship. We slept together and you got me pregnant. Now we’re engaged. I don’t think we know the definition of slow and to be honest…I say , hell to slow anymore.”
“Tell me what you want, Rae Rae. Use your words and I’ll do it.” He said in his thick accent making my entire body shiver, feeling my face turn red at his words.
Grabbing a hold of his dog tag necklace I yanked his lips down onto mine vamping him onto his back catching him off guard for probably the first time. “If anyone else did that their head would be on the end of a spike!” He growled up at me with his hands behind his head smirking that devilish one.
“Yes, yes I know.” I attempted to mimic his accent by throwing my hands up in the air. “I will hunt down everyone you know and everyone you love because I am the Hybrid - ah Klaus!”
I squealed like a schoolgirl when he moved his hands under my shirt tearing it down in half. He buried his face in the crook of my neck when I threw my head back hitting my sweat spot. “Raelyn you are a masterpiece all to myself.” He flipped my back onto the mattress with his hybrid speed proudly grinning down at me.
“Incendia!” I waved my left hand up in the air lighting the candles on the table by the door that had some sage burning in a circle around it.
He tilted his head at me glancing over to the candles. “Have you been studying my mother’s grimoires, sweetheart. If I recall, my mother only burnt sage for a specific reason.”
“Yes and I have good reason to.” I responded reaching down for his shorts until he grabbed my wrist with one hand, pinning both my hands above my head.
“Whatever for I wonder…” He pretended to play dumb but he clearly knew when his eyes darkened.
Yanking my hands out his grasp I scratched his shoulders tugging him down on top of me not wanting to talk anymore this morning. “Well duh, Mikaelson. I don’t want your siblings to hear us by the time you and I are crying the other's name like last time. If I burn the sage they can’t vamp spy on us.”
His hands resting on my hips looking deep in my eyes before he rests a hand behind my neck pulling my lips to his. "I could spend the rest of my days waking up to you, just like this, my heart." We broke apart resting our foreheads together, his raspy morning voice smiling.
I smiled softly, slowly sliding my hand from his shoulder to his cheek, the feel of his stubble against it. “Always trying to be so charming.” My eyes drifted down to his lips then back to his blue gaze that had been intensified solely on me. “You don’t need to be.”
I brushed my lips feather light against his at first and drew back when I felt him inhale sharply, making me pull back waiting for him. Nik stared at me in awe before the hand on my waist slid up my back drawing patterns on it before pressing it against my cheek, he pressed forward, his lips capturing my own and angling my head to deepen the kiss. "We should get up, can't just lie around in bed all day."
Nik's arms slid around my waist as he breathed me in, enjoying the feel of me pressed against him. "I think we’re good where we are, don't you, love?” His head dipped to my neck nudging my hair out of his way and pressed slow kisses to my neck.
I tipped my head back giving him more access as my hands through his hair, the soft curls slipping between my fingers, as I lightly moaned at the feeling. Klaus lips traveled back up from my neck across my jaw and recaptured our lips, one of his hands tangling in my hair, his lips move over mine slowly, savoring the feel of my lips against his. Wanting this moment to be engrained in both their memories for a thousand years to come.
Though we broke apart again my voice raspy as my phone began ringing on the nightstand table. He was moments away from removing the rest of our clothing until I reached over snatching the phone up. “Who the hell is calling me?”
“Woah, Ms. Grouchy. I would have thought you would be thrilled to hear I was calling.” Caroline’s voice came through the phone.
Klaus scooted up until his front was pressing into my back with his mouth on the shell of my ear. “Tell her to stop interrupting our glorious morning of sex.”
“Nik, ohh…stop that.” I moaned holding my hand over the phone speaker when he kept repeatedly kissing my sweat spot until I pushed him away lightly. “Sorry Caroline. You were saying?”
She began spatting off her words at a fast pace. “So basically there was these people called Travelers that have now made it impossible for anyone who is supernatural to cross back over into Mystic Falls. Elena and I are attending college but we still aren’t over Damon and Bonnie dying after destroying this thing called the other side and-“
“Woah Care slow down. What do you mean no one can get into Mystic Falls?” I cut her off hearing Nik flop down on the bed while still listening to our conversation.
She sighed, slowing her words carefully. “If anyone supernaturally crosses the border then they die. Actually die again like how they became a vampire all over again until they cross back over away from the line.”
“Holy crap that’s insane.” Running a hand through my hair I laid down beside Nik sending him a shocked look when he mirrored my shock. “Is there anything else we should know about?”
The blonde vampire responded back to us. “Basically Stefan won’t answer my phone calls so I am on my own on finding a way back into town. I am in college now and oh we are going to the campus your cousin Jo works at. Whitemore, is what you said it was once. What’s new with you?”
“You’re interrupting morning sex, Caroline!” Nik shouted knowing she would hear him where I covered my face blushing like a mad woman even though she couldn’t see me.
Slapping his chest he chuckled tugging me to straddle his waist with me remaining to hold onto the phone too. “Not everyone in New Orleans or Whitmore college needs to hear you, Niklaus!”
“I can call back if that’s-“
“No, it's fine. He can wait a little bit so I’ll make this fast. Basically I finally had my beautiful babies after some witches wanted to sacrifice them for more insane power. Then we just learned that Esther had another daughter named Freya who we don’t really trust at the moment. Oh and don’t be angry but Nik proposed.” I sucked in a breath blabbering on.
She squealed through the phone making us both wince since it was even louder with vampire hearing. “You got engaged and you didn’t tell me. Oh my god Raelyn. You know what, I am coming straight to Orleans and we are going dress shopping because you need an amazing wedding planner.”
“Caroline, thank you. But you don’t have to do that. Go enjoy college.” I told her not wanting to keep her from my life with my own stuff going on.
She scoffed back at me. “Nonsense this is more important. Now did you make any new friends there besides me and Rebekah. If you do, send me their numbers and I’ll tell them what is going on.”
“Alright I have two that I’ll give you. See you later, Caroline.” Hanging up the phone I sit it on the table getting tugged back by my forearm grinning down at my fiance. “Are you mad am I spending our day without the kids with Caroline instead?”
He brushed hair behind my ear kissing my other hand that he held in his. “I’m not happy about you leaving. But I suppose I can let you hang out with your friends for a few hours while I handle our mysterious sister problem.”
“Thank you, thank you. I’ll definitely make it up to you later I promise.” Hugging him giggling lightly he wrapped his arms around me kissing my hair.
He moved his lips up against my ear, kissing it gently when he whispered. “Before you go through I had a thought, since you used to be a virgin that means you’ve never experienced it in the shower. Care to give it a try?”
“Ooh that is so tempting, Nik.” Rolling the words off my tongue I drew my head back resting my hands on his shoulder. “But Care will hate me if I bail on her, so can we save that for the honeymoon pretty please.”
He gives me a slight glare through his puppy dog eyes leaning forward pressing a kiss to my lips briefly. “Fine, anything for you, Raelyn.”
“Thank you, I love you.” Climbing from the bed I head toward the closet searching through my clothes deciding on what to wear.
He sat up so when I glanced back over my shoulder he was laying in the bed bare chest and his hair a tousled mess making it so difficult to not just jump right back into bed with him. “I’ll remember that, siphon queen. But I love you too.” Heading back over to him I perked his lips with a quick kiss needing to change before he convinced me to stay right with him.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
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Hello! I'm not sure if you're doing ships/matchups, so disregard this message if you aren't!
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒔: The Walking Dead & Marvel
I'm pansexual, she/her pronouns. I don't mind being shipped with either gender!
𝑭𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔: I'm about 5'5, pale skin, blue/grey eyes, blonde around my face and brown then black at the ends of my hair. I have many many piercings, and I'm covered in tattoos. I'm curvy/plus size and am body positive.
𝑯𝒐𝒃𝒃𝒊𝒆𝒔: Reading, writing, collecting rings, journaling, tarot. I'm also collecting as many books as I can because I want to have my own library where people can take whichever book they wish.
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: INFJ, Chaotic Good, Gryffindor, Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aries Rising, Pisces Venus (this last one might help with the match especially). I'm a passionate person and have strong opinions. I will always stand up for what I believe in, no matter how scared I feel. I think I'm quite witty and intelligent, although I do get overwhelmed quite easily. I'm incredibly open-minded and progressive. I love to laugh and make others laugh too. I'm sensitive, and intuitive and can pick up on other people very easily. I have strong gut-feelings and kinda ... understand a person's vibe? Like I can sense someone's aura but not see their colour.
𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄: I love cottagecore, I'm very witchy but also a little grunge and gothic at the same time.
𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔: Learning - especially witchcraft, watching tv, day-dreaming, listening and discovering new music, I love being at home, writing and then taking a reading break. I adore baths and constantly buy items from Lush.
𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔: (other than the usual injustices of sexism, racism, and homophobia), I strongly dislike spiders and will scream whenever I see one. I don't like close-minded people, or those who make fun of others. I hate passive-aggressiveness, large crowds and loud sudden noises.
𝑳𝒊𝒍 𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆:
・Have shaved my head. Asked my stepdad for his clippers and went into the bathroom and ...hacked at my hair. It was very liberating, I think every woman should do it at least once in her lifetime
・I adore animals - I have a cat and dog! I want more but my cat is too much of a princess and won't allow any other animal in the house
・Bought a tattoo gun from the internet and I tattoo myself. I do the majority of my own piercings as well. I like to learn how to do things like that. I've kinda learned how to do hair and do mine, my mum's and my nunna's.
Sorry if this was too much, it's hard to describe oneself in a post. Thank you very much, I hope you have a wonderful day x
Hey love!!! Thank you for sending this in!!!
For The Walking Dead I can honestly see you with Tara
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(I'm going to preface this by saying I don't know how old you are, but assuming you're over at least 18, then I think Tara would be a good match).
Once you and Tara meet, I think the two of you would become fast friends, easily making jokes with each other and thus your relationship will bloom. I also think you and Tara probably share the same set of beliefs in which you both are very opinionated and out spoken, a trait that maybe not everyone will appreciate, but fuck them.
With your reading, I can see her and you sneaking off camp to find a library and sitting for hours on end just reading various things off the shelf and trying to remember the old days where libraries weren't full of dead, rotting corpses.
I also think she would be super open to let you practice tattoos on her (if she's not then just ask Daryl, he 1000000000% has done his own tattoos and grows his own tobacco (we love to see it)) and she's also SUPER protective of you, if anyone or anything tries to hurt you, you best believe that she will put her life on the line for you.
For Marvel I can see you with Ned (hear me out)
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You'd probably meet Ned in class and be automatically enraptured by his sense of humor, however you probably wouldn't feel comfortable talking to him while MJ and Peter are there (I mean I wouldn't feel comfortable living in the presence of our queen Zendaya), however I think you would seek him out and talk to him, which would definitely catch his attention.
I think the reason the two of you would work well together is how sharp witted and humorous the two of you are. I think the banter between the two of you would go on and on for Hours, but I also think just sitting in silence with him would be great as well.
As for your hobbies, I think he would definitely take an interest in the witchcraft (given he can open a portal with Strange's sling ring) and would be open to learning about the craft more and maybe even practice some basic spells with you!
Now for your fear..... even though Ned's best friend is SPIDER man, I don't think you would know that fact unless they told you, but even then, it's not like Peter is an actual spider so you should be good!!!
Thank you for requesting a match up and I hope you enjoyed reading!!!!
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yazpadfoot · 2 years
Hello!! I was hoping for a platonic ship and a romantic ship if that’s alright?
I use she/they pronouns and go by Jean. I'm fair skinned with a(n annoying) natural blush and faint scatter of freckles over my cheeks, at a height of 5'2" with extremely wavy, brown hair that reaches a little past my shoulders with a single bleached blonde strand; I usually have it down or up in braided updo's. I have round hazel green eyes, typically blocked by my rounded gold wired-framed glasses (which I would be absolutely blind as a bat without them) and on occasion I'll wear mascara and/or lip gloss (the lip gloss is more common). I have one regular piercing with two cartilage hoops on my right ear, and three regular piercings on my left ear, and I'm typically never without my moonstone key necklace. My wardrobe definitely leans towards a dark academia/dark cottagecore vibe, with lots of button-ups, vests, cardigans & crocheted or thrifted sweaters, slacks, flowery dresses, blouses.
I tend to keep to myself the majority of the type unless someone catches my attention, or if someone that doesn't have an overwhelming presence strikes up a conversation with me. I'm kind of quiet at first, but once I've become close with someone, I'm very energetic/talkative and somewhat chaotic, and very physically and vocally affectionate. I get overwhelmed really easily and will quickly seek comfort from those I'm close with, mostly by me drawing or tracing my finger on the palm of their hand, or just hand-holding in general. I have a very sarcastic/smart-ass kind of humor; being a little shit is very fun, can confirm. I love gift-giving very much and am the type of person to randomly buy or make a gift for people I care about. I'm INFJ and a Capricorn. When I have free time, I tend to spend my time reading (my favorite books being mostly mysteries/thrillers or fantasy adventures), writing, drinking tea, napping, crocheting/embroidering/cross-stitching, baking, binge-watching my favorite shows (basically a lot of "old lady" hobbies lol), and while I typically like to be off on my own, I also really like at least being in the same room as my loved ones, we don't have to be doing anything together as long as we're both there. When I do want to do things with people, I love card games & board games, having deep conversations (literally my favorite thing), and writing/reading together, or even just watching a movie/show together. Also, I love car rides, but only when I'm not the one driving. When I do feel up to going out and about, I love libraries/book stores, thrift stores, and I really wish I could go to museums more often. I’m into acting and theatre, though considering working behind the scenes in script-writing. That was pretty long, I apologize 😅. I hope you have a good day!! <333
Hey :)
You seem really cool and to be honest we have same ' hobbies of old lady '
Platonic relationship - I couldn't decide between Mary and Marlene so I have this solution. You met Mary first time on train and you talked a lot. She was quite opposite of you, because she was confident with people she didn't know. When she got sorted in gryffindor you both started hanging out with Marlene and became besties. In nights you often sneak out of your bed and you go to Marlene's or Mary's bed. In fifth year you all joined Remus' studying group because of OWLs. You are also good friend with Marauders.
Romantic relationship - I think you and James would make awesome couple. He liked you since third year and was really loud about it. You first time went to date in fifth year, because you thought he's just joking and messing with you. He's absolutely romantic and he gives you little gift like he sees a pretty flower so he picks it up and gives it to you, if he's in shop without you he always buys you something. When you have birthday or it's valentine or you just something happened he throws big party for you but always end up leaving with you somewhere where is quieter and just you two. You are his angel, he loves how funny, caring and loving you are to people that matter to you. He also loves to play with your hair and he understands your problems with glasses. (I understand too because I'm blind without mine)
Hope you like this xxx
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Imagine being the Avengers weapon expert and Kate crushing on you
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"Come on Yelena just let me borrow them just this once" Kate pleaded with the blonde.
"No way Kate Bishop you have your arrows, and I have my cool gadgets. Besides I just got my widow bites fixed, and y/n will kill me if I let you break them. On your little kiddie mission" Yelena replied lining up her shot with the dummy a couple of feet away.
Kate was about to plead her case even more but Yelena fired off a small stream of red energy out of her widow bite. The energy strike flew across the training room creating a low whistle sound, and tore right through the dummy's chest. Leaving behind a small gaping hole with little flames.
"Woah I don't remember those things being that deadly" Kate exclaimed.
"It's new y/n did some major upgrades to all of my gadgets. She's going to work on my suit next" Yelena told her with a satisfied smirk.
"No way do you think she could do mine, wait who's y/n?"
Yelena turned to the archer with her eyebrows raised. "Kate Bishop please tell me you're joking."
Kate shook her head making a get on with it motion with her hands, and frowned when the blonde burst into laughter instead.
"Yelena come on don't keep her to yourself. I need cool tech especially trick arrows I lost three on my last mission. I'm down to my last four and Clint says he can't make more."
"If anybody going to want to keep her to themselves. It's you I can't believe you don't know the name of the girl. You've been pining after since we got here" Yelena chuckled.
Kate's eyes widened as she realized just exactly who Yelena was talking about. Four months ago Natasha brought her and Yelena to the new Avengers headquarters to give them a tour. Yelena convinced her it would be a good idea to go off and explore on their own. Maria wasn't going to show them the cool rooms was the blonde's main selling point. And it worked eventually they were able to sneak off while her older sister was busy with a fellow agent.
They were wandering around the halls going into rooms that weren't locked, and picking the ones that could be picked. So far they hadn't found anything interesting just a maintenance room, a few offices, training rooms, and some bedrooms. Kate was ready to call it quits when they finally came upon a lab. Where the doors automatically opened for them revealing a workspace filled with not only chemical experiments. But robotic parts and a wall filled with weapons of all kind.
Yelena's eyes lit up with joy as she made a beeline for the wall. Kate stumbled upon a workstation covered in papers and an open laptop. The schematics were designs for weapons and gadgets in development, and she couldn't help but be intrigued by some of them.
"Hey Kate Bishop check this out" Yelena called out to her.
Kate turned around to see Yelena holding up a black slim and long gun built like a speargun. Her finger was resting on the trigger and it was aimed right at the doors. "Yelena no put that down we have no idea what it does."
"I know that's why I want to take it outside and test it out. Don't worry I'm way too talented with guns to set it off."
The only problem was that was no ordinary gun. It was prototype for some new motion activated weapons you were working on at the time, and it had a lot of kinks that needed to be worked out. Her finger moving away from the trigger was enough to set it off. The side of gun lit up blue and before either of them could do anything. The gun went off releasing a huge blast of blue energy that collided with the doors. Blowing up the entrance and sent both of them flying back. Kate's body was thrown over into a table before she rolled over onto the floor. Yelena slammed into the wall behind her and slumped down.
It's safe to say the blast alerted everyone in the building. Alarms went off but lucky for them you were the first one to reach your lab. Terrified an agent in training had then gone and killed themelves playing around with your work. You pulled your jacket up and over your face to keep the smoke away. The wreckage wasn't too bad considering the surroundings walls were built to withstand a lot of damage. It was the glass doors that were blown to pieces you stepped around it carefully.
"Hey anyone in here if yes please be okay and alive" You shouted. Eyes scanning the lab for any sign of life. Kate let out a groan as she finally started to come to, and you rushed over to her side.
"Hey you don't look familiar you must be new." You threw one of arms around your shoulder and helped her get to her feet. Her body was hurting everywhere but the worst of her injuries was the bleeding cut on her forehead.
"Yel where is Yelena? Is she okay" was the only words to leave her mouth. She was still a bit out of it probably from hitting her head hopefully it was just a concussion. You led her over to a chair and she sat down. Her head leaning back against the cushion "I'm sorry this was an accident. She thought it looked cool" she murmured.
"It's okay mistake happen I've blown up my fair share of labs" You replied with a small smile. Her eyes opened for a few seconds but that was enough for Kate to see your face, and her heart warmed at your smile. "I gotta go help your friend and don't worry about any of this. I'll tell Nat one of my new grenades went off unexpectedly."
Natasha did show up at the lab not too long after you got Yelena up. Somehow you managed to get them out of sight, and told her your story about the grenade. She believed the story considering it was common thing that happened in your lab. Which is why your lab was made out of such strong material, but when she questioned you about. Two young women a blonde, and a dark haired one you shook your head denying seeing either of them.
Afterwards once they finally recovered enough to sneak away Kate and Yelena decided to thank you before leaving. You were hunched over a table with the same gun. Yelena had set it off just a few hours earlier.
Kate hovered behind Yelena nervously eyes filled with awe watching you work. It was the blonde who spoke up first "hey science girl thank you for hiding us, and saving our asses. We owe you one."
You looked up at them with a smirk. "Hey it's no problem and for future references if you ever want to test something out. All you gotta do is ask most people around here are too scared to even touch anything I'm working on before it's finished."
"Sounds like a plan we'll see you in-
At that moment Natasha rounded the corner with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face. "Well well look who finally turned up."
Yelena let out a nervous chuckle before taking off leaving Kate behind staring at you. Natasha chased after her little sister cursing at you for lying to her.
"There's a secret door in the left corner over there" You told Kate nudging your head in the direction. "I suggest you get out of here before she comes back."
"What about Yelena?" Kate asked speaking to you for the first time.
"I'm pretty sure she'll find her own way out if Nat doesn't catch her first. I gotta make some major modifications to this so I'll see you around Kate."
That was her first and only meeting with you because Kate was way too nervous to go return to that lab. For any reason but Yelena visited you multiple times on a daily basis to help you with your weapons, and even brainstorm new ideas. Sometimes the blonde would just keep you company while you worked especially when you pulled all-nighters.
"Her name is y/n y/l/n and she asks me about you sometimes. You should go see her especially if you need cooler arrows" Yelena encouraged her.
"Wait what does she ask about me?" Kate demanded grabbing both of Yelena's shoulders and shaking her.
"I'm not telling you're going to have to ask her for yourself" Yelena said.
"Come on that's not fair tell me."
"No it's time for you to woman up and go talk to her."
"I don't want to woman up."
"Well then I guess you'll have cool weapons or suit. Now leave me alone I got more practicing to do." Yelena told her pulling away from Kate's grip so she could focus on her new widow bites again.
Kate let out a whine knowing that she was truly on her own with you now. It wouldn't be too bad because she really did need new arrows, and you were her only hope on that end. So in all truth Kate didn't have a choice but to muster up some confidence and go ask for that at least.
The lights in your lab was off when she stopped later that night, and Kate let out a frustrated groan. You had probably retired to your room for the night meaning she would have to come back tomorrow. But then just as she turned away to leave her ears picked heard a pen tapping. Kate walked closer to the doors to get a better look, and there you were sitting at a workstation with a notebook and laptop in front of you. Your hair was pulled up into a messy bun and your face was scrunched up in slight irritation. You were adorable and perfect.
Before she could chicken out again the doors slid open, and she stumbled forward with a yelp. Kate threw her hands out desperately trying to find something to stop her from falling. Lucky for her there was chair within reach but now you not only knew she was there, but she had nearly face planted in front of you.
Kate fixed herself and looked up to see you gazing at her in with an amused smile. "Um hi I'm Kate."
You shook your head chuckling "hey Kate do you want to sit and talk? Yelena told me you would me be stopping by."
Taglist: @wandanatvoid @yelenabelovasgf @romanoffomixam @xxromanoffxx @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mellowladyangel @shayzulia @musicinourlips @cyberbonesworld @natashasilverfox @jokertgkk @be-missed
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
“Move the plans”
Pairing: Florence Pugh x actress!reader (platonic)
Summary: Florence tells you to cancel your plans when she ends up in New York.
Warnings: Nothing really bad. Mentions lactose intolerance? Idk if that’s sensitive to people. Probably some spelling errors.
A/n: Hello darlings! I’m back from my unannounced break. I decided to write a platonic Florence fic because she’s a sweetheart and I loved her as Yelena! Also for those who follow me, don’t worry, I will be working on a sequel to my Tom Holland “Sour” fic!! But for now, please enjoy this fic!😚💕
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You stood backstage in front of a mirror, looking at your appearance and making sure there were no wrinkles on the dress you wore. Your hairstylist was behind you, fluffing your hair and managing the stray baby hairs on your head. You were currently at NBC Studios in New York City, about to do an interview with the infamous, Jimmy Fallon. Tingles buzzed through your skin as you heard the cheers and music from the stage. Jimmy’s voice can be heard faintly backstage, only adding to your growing excitement.
The sound of heels clicking approached you, it took less than a second for you to feel the warm presence of Florence behind you. The both of you were starring in the upcoming Black Widow movie alongside Scarlett Johansson; after months of working together and spending days hanging out, you and Florence had become very close friends. She was, without a doubt, your favorite person in the world. Since the moment you met her, she had always been the most sweetest and caring person you’ve ever met—and you were proud to say you had her in your corner.
You met Flo’s eyes in the mirror and bright smiles were instantly on your faces. Turning around, you open your arms wide, and wrap them around her. Bear hugs were a must in your friendship with Flo, you both just loved receiving hugs from each other.
“Ahhh! I told you that dress would be perfect for tonight, you look stunning!” She squealed, tightening her arms around you. A day before Jimmy Fallon, you and Flo had been at your place with your stylist, picking out which dress you should wear for the interview. The dress was casual, but the color was so ever vibrant that it made the dress pop.
You pulled out the hug and looked at what she was wearing. Her gorgeous blonde hair was curled into loose locks and her dress was just as vibrant as yours. The pink of her dress and the orange (yellowish?) of yours complimented each other. Which coincidentally enough, was a parallel of your lovely friendship with Florence.
“Me? Flo, you look gorgeous! I’m so obsessed with this look!” You help her twirl, hyping her up as she showed off her outfit. After sneaking in a little mirror selfie and posting it onto Instagram, the two of you were given a five minute warning from one of the crew members. You and Flo were moved to stand behind the curtain, waiting for your cues to walk onto the stage.
While the two of you were getting mic’d up, Florence leaned closer to you.
“Can I be completely honest with you?” She mumbled, her stare remaining on the curtain before her. Your brow raises in curiosity as your head slightly turns to look at her.
“Of course, hun. What’s up?” You ask, your attention on her. She sighs and leans even closer so only you can hear her.
“I feel like I’m about to shit my pants.” She admits, swallowing nervously. Your mouth gapes, “Did you have iced coffee too?”
Flo’s face scrunches up in confusion, “N-no! That was me telling you I was nervous! Did you have iced coffee?” She fully turns to look at you and judging by the look of guilt plastered across your face, you did in fact have iced coffee.
“Maybe?” You answer, though it came out more like a question. Florence rolls her eyes at you.
“(Y/n), how many times do you have to be reminded that you’re lactose intolerant?” She scolded you.
You scoff, holding a hand up at her, “Trust me, I’m reminded every time I sit on a toilet.” You shake your head, trying to refocus the conversation.
“This isn’t about my poor digestive system—why are you nervous?”
She sighs, “I don’t know why I’m so nervous, I’m used to doing interviews and stuff. But I haven’t been on Jimmy Fallon, and there’s an audience out there and I don’t want to mess up or accidentally spoil the movie.”
You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “You may be British, but you’re not Tom Holland. You won’t spoil anything.” You start. She quickly shoots you a look that screams, “you’re not helping”. You make a gesture physically telling her that you’re getting to the point.
“You’re going to be fine! I mean you did Jimmy Kimmel right? This shouldn’t be that different, it’s the same thing—just different studios, in different states, and different Jimmy’s.” You point out. She nods along as you continue, “Plus, I’m gonna be up there with you. You won’t be alone.”
With the help of your reassurance and witty little comments, Florence felt her anxiousness simmer down. They weren’t completely gone but the fact that you were gonna be up there together made her relax more. Being part of Marvel had its pros and cons. Sure, the movies are spectacular and the actors are outstanding. Though when it comes to doing promo for said movies, it can be quite stressful. It’s a known fact that Marvel and it’s executives can be quite strict when it comes to interviews with anyone involved in the making of their films—their strictness made sense, although for first time MCU members, it took some getting used to.
Florence smiles at you, “Thank you.”
You playfully nudge her shoulder with yours, “Don’t worry about it.” You say with a kind smile.
The wholesome moment was interrupted by one of the stagehands telling you and Florence that the two of you were on in 15 seconds.
“Our guests tonight are making their big MCU debut in the new Black Widow film, please welcome (Y/n) (L/n) and Florence Pugh!”
“So in the movie, there’s three of you guys—where’s the other one?” Jimmy asked, motioning his hand to the small space between you and Flo.
“She’s at home I believe.” Florence answered, glancing at you. “She’s busy doing stuff, you know—adult things.” She added.
You took the opportunity to make a joke and said, “Yet here we are promoting her movie.” You roll your eyes playfully. The crowd bursts out laughing, along with Jimmy, who smacked his desk.
“You know, we deserve a raise for this.” Flo considers, going along with your joke. She slightly snorts and nudges your arm with her elbow. “We could take Scarlett’s check and just split it in half for ourselves.”
“Problem solved.” You shrugged, high fiving her.
Another round of laughs fill the room as Jimmy says, “So you’re both taking Scarlett’s money?”
Jokingly, you nod in approval, “By the end of this interview? Definitely.”
Dropping the bit, you shake your head with a grin on your face. “I’m kidding! I’m only joking, I wouldn’t do that to her, even if I were forced to.”
Jimmy moves on as a picture of you, Florence, and Scarlett pops up on the screen. The picture had been posted on your Instagram and was taken while the three of you were filming in between takes. You were taking the selfie while Scarlett and Florence were poking their heads out from behind you making funny faces.
“I can’t imagine how exciting it is to be on a Marvel set, and to even work with one of the first ever heroes in the MCU—that must be insane!” Jimmy exclaims, motioning to another picture of the three of you.
“It’s unbelievable. To work alongside Scarlett and to follow this kind of path that she’s paved in the MCU is an honor. She really was like our older sister behind the scenes, because she was always guiding us and taking care of everyone. She’s the best.” Florence responded while you nodded in agreement.
“I watched the movie last night and one of the things I enjoyed the most was the dynamic the three of you had. You guys were like actual siblings.” Jimmy mentioned, motioning between you and Flo.
Florence giggled before squeezing you into a tight hug, “Yeah, she’s my big sister.” You smiled beamingly, patting her cheek before she let go.
“No, really! She’s like my actual younger sister.” You tell the audience, who “awed” at the hug you both shared. “We spent months on this movie and we spent every single day with each other. By the middle of production, we were basically roommates.”
“Roommates?” Jimmy questioned, leaning his elbows on his desk.
“Because I was always at her house.” Florence answered in a ‘duh’ tone. “I’ve actually grown an attachment to (Y/n), she’s like my comfort blanket. So I need to have her with me at all times. If she’s not with me, I just won’t leave the house.”
“Speaking of your attachment to (Y/n), there’s this video of you that you apparently sent her?” Jimmy gestured at you, “And you posted it on your Instagram and now the whole internet is obsessed with it.”
“Yup, that’s the one.” You confirmed.
“I know there’s probably some people who haven’t seen it, so here’s the video.” The video of Florence popped up on the screen and began to play.
(This fic was based on this TikTok😭)
Jimmy looked at you and Florence in amusement, “Can we get some context?”
Florence waved her hand at the screen and said, “As you can all see, I’m very persistent.”
“This wasn’t your first time sending her these kinds of videos?” Jimmy asked. You shook your head, a feign look of annoyance on your face.
“No, she does this all the time.”
“In my defense, I was unexpectedly flying out to New York for a project. I knew I was gonna be in the city for a few days, so I decided to call (Y/n) and make the most of my trip.” Flo defended herself, slightly pouting.
You leaned your head on her shoulder, “To be fair, it was also our first time seeing each other since we wrapped Black Widow, and we really missed each other.”
“(Y/n), did you have to move any plans?” Jimmy turns to you. Florence does the same.
“You know what, you never told me if you had plans or not.” She squints her eyes at you. Your arms crossed while your body slowly sunk into the couch.
You pretend to fix your lipstick, quickly muttering, “I might’ve moved some plans around.”
Florence’s mouth gapes in shock, her entire body freezing. She grips onto your shoulder, “Wait, you actually moved plans for me?”
“I might’ve rescheduled a lunch with someone, but that doesn’t really matter.” You replied, trying to move on from the topic. Jimmy pointed at you, a giant grin on his face, “You actually moved plans for Florence!”
Florence’s mouth was still wide in shock, “I can’t believe you actually moved plans for me—(Y/n)!” She whined.
“I missed seeing you, so of course I had to move them.” You bashfully explained, the corners of your lips turning upwards. Florence pulled you into a hug.
“Gosh, you really do love me!” She exclaimed.
“I really do!” You said, your arms wrapping around her as well.
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rafescoke · 3 years
Older ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Maybe falling in love with a Maybank wouldn’t be too bad.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual abuse!, alcohol, getting intoxicated, sexual harassment, swearing, sweet Rafe Cameron
A/N: I don’t think this is my best fic, but let me know if I should continue this mini series!! thank you so much for 500+ followers, ily <33
p.s; you know the drill.. send requests!
(Y/N) wondered if a boy like him would ever like a girl like her.
It’s the soft touches against her skin, you see, that got her all worked up at work. She had a bad day at school, getting in a fight with her brother over not washing the dishes piling up in the sink, and there he was;
In his blue plaid shirt, his hair messily parted and that beautiful smile of his. He laughed at something the girl in front of him had said, and (Y/N) felt a pang of hurt across her heart.
“Go. Table 7.”
“What? I’m on my break!” She huffed, picking up her half-eaten sandwich and motioning it to the manager. “I have 10 minutes left.”
“We’re short of staff today,” he grunted, trying to balance the tray and an iPad on both hands. “Please.”
“Do I get more pay this month?”
“I’ll think about it,” he grumbled, and handed her the tray as she wrapped the sandwich again. “Oh, can you tell your brother that he’s fired? He didn’t come for his shift again today.”
“Not my problem,” she mumbled, taking the tray into her hands before proceeding to the diners. Her eyes swept over the many tables, and stopped at the seventh table from the front.
She swallowed her saliva, trying to contain her nervousness as she walked towards the table. She hoped against hope he wouldn’t notice her and continue to talk to whoever she was in front of him, but she wasn’t that lucky.
“Hey,” Rafe said softly, looking up to her. (Y/N) smiled weakly, not wanting to pull any attention towards her and hurried up to serve them.
“Hey, um-” the girl before him stopped her, and (Y/N) turned to look at her with her usual server smile. She hates it. “The pasta’s cold, can I get a new one?”
“Come on, Dee, it’s not that big of a deal,” Rafe said, but (Y/N) tried her hardest to maintain the smile. She couldn’t care less about her pasta, and she wouldn’t even bat an eye if an animal had crawled into her meal.
“I’ll reheat it for you,” she smiled fakely, picking up the plate before walking back towards the kitchen. Her smile completely disappeared when she pushed through the door separating the dining area and the kitchen, and proceeded to the cook.
“Another bitch?”
“Another bitch,” she sighed, and watched as the cook laughed and placed the pasta in the microwave. “You know, John, I really wish I don’t have to work in a restaurant.”
“It gives money, so I ain’t complaining much,” he mumbled, fiddling with the buttons on the stove. “But you’re still so young, mija. Don’t stress yourself too much. Where’s the brother?”
“JJ? I don’t know. He didn’t even come to school today. I wish he’s a better brother.”
“He is,” he shrugged, watching the timer counted down to signal the end of the reheating process. “He’s just ain’t showing it. They’ll appear.”
“What’ll appear?”
“The love.”
(Y/N) laughed, flatting her tray against the metal surface to let the cook placed the reheated pasta. “There’s no such thing as love, John. It’s all made up for little girls to believe.”
“Are you not a little girl?”
(Y/N) smiled, muttered a ‘thank you’ before proceeding to table number 7. She took a deep breath and forced herself to form the most politest smile ever, and placed the pasta in front of the girl, or Dee, or whatever Rafe was calling her.
“Thanks,” she muttered, not looking at her, but (Y/N) couldn’t help but noticed the side glance Rafe had given her during their brief meeting, but she didn’t want to dwell so much on that thought, not when she needed to make an amount of money to help put food for her family.
“You’re back late.”
“Sorry dad, I was working,” she sighed, placing her house keys on the table. “Have you eaten?”
Luke swatted his hands, motioning that he’s content. (Y/N) sighed a breath of relief, not feeling like making him anything and was just asking out of politeness.
“Your pants are a little bit tight today.”
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes, the sudden wave of fear engulfing her. She bit her lips before turning to her father, “It’s the only pair I have left. The others are still in the laundry bag.”
“Hmm,” Luke hummed, his eyes still intently glued on the television screen. (Y/N) heard the soaring of a football game, and prayed it was his team that had won the match so that he wouldn’t be as cross.
“I’m going to my room, okay?”
Her chest was heaving heavily now, being so afraid of her own father that she could feel her tears starting to form. She forced a weak smile, “Yeah?”
She didn’t realise how he had gotten up from his previous seat in front of the television, being so caught up with the warnings inside her head. He leaned onto her, smelling her scent, and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“You’re not out with any boys, are you?”
“No,” she whispered, and she gripped onto the hem of her work top. “Dad, can I please go?”
“Why are you so scared?” He continued, his pointer grazing against her ear to her cheeks. “I’m your dad, remember?”
Luke pulled away from her and walked towards the television again when a certain blonde boy appeared from the front door, his eyebrows furrowed. JJ’s eyes followed his father’s movement, and ended at the sight of his sister.
The tightness in his body softened as he took a step closer to her, “You’re okay?”
“Yeah,” she mumbled, wiping the hot tears away from her face and giving him a weak smile. “I’m just going to stay in my room, okay?”
“Okay,” JJ said, watching as she walked slowly towards the back of the house. He glanced at his father, silent as ever, and muttered something under his breath before making his way to his room as well.
JJ Maybank hates Luke Maybank more than anything else in the world, but he also loves him more than anything else in the world. He had wished for nothing else other than his father actually being a father figure for (Y/N), if not him. He could see how much she needed Luke to become some kind of a guardian.
Every time there was a PTA meeting, it had been John to come and see her teachers. John had joked a lot of times before, saying how he’s going to adopt her one day, and when JJ was just 14, he used to get so overprotective of his sister that he would pull a face and gesture some kind of a rude word at him.
But if that's what it takes for her to finally be safe, he’s willing to lose her.
“Hey,” JJ knocked on her door softly, and he waited quietly to hear her shuffle of movements. He waited a few more seconds, and when heard the lock unlocking, forced himself a smile.
“Do you want to go to the bonfire party tonight?” He asked, raising his eyebrows to motion how serious he was. JJ never liked bringing (Y/N) to see the other pogues, and he had tried to assure himself that it was because of how she’s a year younger, but he couldn’t deny the real truth;
(Y/N) knew about his huge crush towards Kie, and the last time she hang out with them resulted into him having to tackle her down before she could say anything to the girl.
“Is Kie not coming or something?” (Y/N) made a face, but JJ could see the happy glint in her eyes.
“Can you drop that topic already?” He sighed, “Are you coming or not?”
“Um-” she glanced at something behind her back, sighed, and nodded slowly. “Okay. I guess I could use some time off schoolwork.”
“Don’t stress too much about school,” JJ shrugged, “You’re still 17.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “Can you go, now? And oh, you’re fired by the way.”
“They love me, they’ll hire me again,” JJ shrugged, and gave her another comforting smile before making his way back to his room. “You know you can always tal-”
“No, I don’t know,” she groaned playfully, closing the door against his face as JJ laughed. His heart soared, and he swore he would do anything in his will to protect his sister from their father, heartbreak, or whatever.
. . .
“I missed you!” Kie exclaimed, pulling her into a hug and giving her a kiss on her cheeks. “God, you’re taller than me now.”
(Y/N) glanced at her brother, to which he was motioning his thumb against his neck, trying to tell her that he would kill her if she says anything to the girl. (Y/N) laughed, “I missed you too, Kie.”
(Y/N) situated herself beside Pope, watching as he flicked through his Chemistry text book, and scribbled something a note on one of the pages.
“Isotopes has the same number of protons but different number of neutrons,” (Y/N) mumbled, pointing to false knowledge he’ve written. Pope looked at her, amazed, and let out the loudest laugh ever that JJ had to scream from the front for him to shut up.
“Shit, (Y/N),” he continued to laugh, erasing his mistake and jotting down the correct information. “And you’re younger. Do you hear that JJ?”
“What?” JJ yelled back, his eyes focusing on the road.
“Maybe you should be as clever as your sister,” Pope laughed, and Kie gave him a high-five from the front seat. He turned to look at her again, “Where’d you learn that?”
“JJ’s text book.”
Pope laughed, his head shaking at the thought of JJ sleeping while his sister sneaked into his room to steal his text book. He finally understood the reason why he was always in detention for not bringing his book.
“Stay close, and don’t wander away,” JJ warned, staring straight into her eyes. She laughed at his tone, but her smile disappeared when he pulled her again.
“I mean it, (Y/N).”
“Are you seriously turning into dad, now?”
“Don’t mention his name,” he sighed, fixing his hair and walking before him with his friends. “Just stay close, okay?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, already seeing how boring her night was going to be; trying to understand the inside jokes between JJ and his friends, not being allowed to drink any alcohol and is going to be constantly asked to fix her ribbed top so not much of her skin is exposed.
She sighed, following her brother, but as soon as they got further away she felt the need to just hang out, maybe searching for her friends and getting a drink for herself. She was never a fan of alcohol, so JJ really didn’t have to worry about her getting drunk.
“You’re (Y/N), right?”
(Y/N) looked up to a pair of gorgeous green eyes, and she felt her heart sink. She looked away, not expecting her best friend’s boyfriend, and sighed.
“What do you need, Carter? I’m looking for Emily too.”
“Oh, she’s not coming,” he shrugged, standing beside her. She felt the sudden warmth and scooted further, not wanting to allow any attention towards her. “Something about a stomach ache.”
“Why aren’t you resting with her?” She pulled a look, crossing her arms. She didn’t want to talk to him or even look at him, but he didn’t seem to get that note.
“And pass up this year’s bonfire party? Nah,” he sipped on his red cup, and leaned against her. She could feel his lips beside her ear now, “Wanna get a drink?”
“I don’t drink.”
“Come on,” he expressed, throwing his arms up into the air in fake exasperation. “It’s a party. You cannot enjoy a party without being drunk.”
“Hm,” she shrugged, still not interested. She thought about what else she could say to get him away from her. “Worth trying, I guess.”
“You are damn impossible to please, Maybank,” Carter laughed, showing his pearly white teeth. (Y/N) smiled at this, taking the statement into a compliment, and made to walk away. He grabbed her wrist before she could get away, and she sighed in annoyance.
“One drink,” he smiled. “And I’ll leave you alone.”
(Y/N) thought about this, long and hard, and the sudden thought of wanting to be free for once entered her mind. She gave him a small nod.
“One drink.”
“One drink,” he confirmed, and pulled her to the drinks section. (Y/N) waited for him to get her a drink, her eyes swarming over the sea of people dancing, some talking, some already kissing and some just standing. This was her third bonfire party in Obx, and the party didn’t get any boring.
“Here you go,” Carter appeared, placing the red cup into her hands. “Let’s chug it down together. Are you ready? 1, 2, 3!”
(Y/N) scrunched up her face at the strong taste of vodka, feeling her throat burning. It felt good though, especially when you are in need to forget some hesvy things in your mind.
“What do you say?” Carter smiled, “Want more?”
“I’ll try more,” she laughed, giving him the cup as he muttered ‘I told you so’ and came back with another cup. They counted together again, and (Y/N) never felt better after drinking an intoxicating drink.
She didn’t remember why she never liked alcohol, but at that moment, she felt like drinking her money and family issues away. She didn’t even realise when Carter had placed his arms around her, telling her humourless jokes that she laughed at anyways.
“Wanna go to my car?”
“Huh?” She looked at him, half-smiling and half-frowning. She was at her 7th cup now, but being a lightweight person, she felt like she was on her 30th cup. “What for?”
“Driving around town,” he smiled, standing up and offering his hand. “Wanna drive around with me?”
“Just you?” She mumbled, closing her eyes. She could feel his arms around her, trying to help her walk, but she didn’t have enough energy to push him away. If anything, she was glad he had brought her away from the loud music that made her dizzy.
“Where’s the car?” (Y/N) whined, feeling her arms hurting from the rough grip by Carter. She could hear the crunch of twigs under her feet, and when she finally had an ounce of power to see her surroundings, she saw the empty car park near the beach.
“Carter, I don’t feel so good,” she said, trying to push him away. The grip around her tightened, and she had never felt so panicked as she was at that time. She tried to calm down, still looking for anyone who can help her, but the parking lot was deserted.
“Carter, I can walk,” she tried again, but he didn’t let go. She understood the whole situation clearly now, and wished she had stayed with JJ and his friends instead of wandering around by herself.
“Hey, hey, hey.”
Carter stopped walking, cursing while he turned to look at the voice behind him. (Y/N) grunted, feeling her arms bruising, and she couldn’t even glance up to see who it was that saved her. She could feel her eyesight getting darker as she leaned on Carter for some type of balance.
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business,” Carter groaned, still holding her by his side. “Don’t you have anything to do? Like golf, or something.”
“Nah,” the voice replied, and (Y/N) perked up at the way his voice sounded. It was all so familiar to her. . .
“Look, Cameron, just go, okay? I’m not in your business, so stay out of mine,” Carter huffed, walking backwards slowly. “And she’s with me, right, (Y/N), you’re with me?”
“Let her go, man,” Rafe sighed, “I’m making it easy for you. Let her go.”
“Come on, I’m not letting you take her with you,” he shrugged, “Rafe. I swear. You don’t want to mess with me.”
“Aren’t you a little bit too old for her?” Rafe raised a brow, “Aren’t you my age, or something?”
“Fuck!” Carter yelled, and (Y/N) gasped from the sudden pain coursing through her veins at the jerk. “Go and fuck off.”
“You’re not leaving me a choice, man,” Rafe said, and before anyone could process, Carter was down to the ground, yelling at Rafe for him to stop as he kept throwing punches after punches, his forehead creasing and his knuckles ripping.
(Y/N) groaned from the ground, unable to get up, and she swore he had drugged her. She was never this weak, not even when she was sick, and she hated how she couldn’t even lift a finger.
“Don’t fucking touch her again!” Rafe yelled, spitting on the groaning boy as he grunted against the pain, his knuckles all bruised up and bloody.
“Hey, you’re okay?” Rafe asked, helping her to her feet. (Y/N) nodded, still so weak, and wrapped her hands around his arms as he watched her limped.
“You know what? Let me carry you,” he sighed, looking at the previous space where he had had a fight with Carter. He was nowhere to be seen now, and Rafe didn’t think he could fight him off for the second time, not when he’s tired.
“I can walk,” she mumbled, trying to push him off, but even a second after he let her go she tripped onto the road, and grunted at her burning knees. “My knees, oh my god, I’m in so much pain!”
“Let me carry you,” he sighed again, squatting to her level. She looked so sad, pouting her lips and her eyebrows all scrunched down. She shook her head when he tried to hold her, crossing her arms.
“(Y/N), let me carry you.”
“I don’t even know you!” She spat, her eyes glassy and her cheeks red. Rafe didn’t know she would be like this when she was drunk, but he couldn’t deny the amusement he was feeling.
“Of course you know me,” he tried again, slowly wrapping his fingers around her wrist. “It’s Rafe.”
“I don’t know any Rafe.”
“It’s Rafael Cameron,” Rafe rolled his eyes, cringing at the sound of his full name. He never liked the name, saying how it made him look like some type of a knight in 1823, but it was one of the only memories left of his real mother.
“I know a Rafael,” she nodded. “But he don’t look like you.”
“(Y/N), let’s just go before some creep decides to kidnap you,” he pulled her up, to which she obliged at the sound of ‘kidnapping’. “I’ll send you to your house, okay?”
“No!” She pulled him close, hugging him tightly that he was too stunned to react. His arms weren’t even touching her, stopping midway, and he only hugged her back when she cried.
“He’s gonna be mad at me,” she whimpered, tugging on his collar. “And he’s going to beat me up and-”
“Wait, wait, who?” He pulled her off, watching as she looked at him with those eyes again. Rafe furrowed his eyebrows, his chest heaving. “Does JJ do-”
“Not JJ,” she cried, and pulled him towards a random car. “Can I please just stay with you until the next morning? Please.”
“Are you sure?” Rafe looked around, and he thought about Dee who was waiting for him at the party. He shook his head at the thought, not wanting to put her first. “We can stay somewhere else?”
(Y/N) nodded frantically, and Rafe thought about the truth behind all of her words. She was never this miserable, looking all happy when he sees her at the restaurant, taking orders with that goddamn smile and laughing at the unfunny jokes old men would give her just for some tips.
Without him knowing, the restaurant by the bay became one of his top favourite restaurants, but it wasn’t because of the food. Rafe never really liked their steaks, always preferring the one closer to the country club, but he was willing to put aside his cravings for that one certain waitress.
“Okay,” he nodded, leading her to the jeep parked a few cars away. She looked so tired, her hair messily tucked behind her ears, her makeup smudged, and Rafe felt a sudden wave of relief for being there in the parking lot to grab his phone in the car.
The drive was silent, and Rafe even thought that she had gone to sleep. When he looked at her from the corners of his eyes, he was surprised to see her silently staring at the dark view outside, unmoving.
He parked outside of the hotel he usually goes to when he’s in need for some alone time, checking the time on his phone before helping her out. She didn’t say a word to him, keeping her head down, only inching closer when they were on their way up to their room.
(Y/N) never been to a fancy hotel like this, only staying in a small hotel in Spain with her aunt 4 summers ago, so she was quite bewildered when she looked around the room. She bit her lips, staring at the one queen bed, and turned to look at him.
“Are we sharing a bed?”
“Oh, no, we don’t have to,” Rafe quickly said, trying to calm her down. “I think you should sleep it off. I’ll stay on the sofa.”
“Okay, thanks.”
But she couldn’t close her eyes. Every time she tried to sleep it off, she would think about Luke with his hands around her face, forcing her to look up to his eyes and whispering sweet-nothings into her ear. JJ never knew about this, and (Y/N) never wanted to tell him out of fear and disappointment, so she had been keeping the secret for a really long time.
“Thanks for bringing me here.”
“It’s nothing,” he huffed, and (Y/N) heard him shift. The sound of a pillow hitting the floor blared throughout the dark room, and (Y/N) felt bad about letting him sleep on the sofa, especially when he was the one who had brought her to the hotel.
“You can stay in the bed with me.”
“Really? I can’t do that.”
“Why?” She asked, because she really didn’t mind sharing a bed with Rafe Cameron. It wasn’t like she was going to attack him.
“Just because.”
“Is it because you don’t like me?” She asked, and she heard an amused laugh coming from the sofa.
“Trust me, you’re wrong on that one,” he replied simply, and (Y/N) had to think of what he said again.
“Is it because I’m a minor?”
“We’re only 2 years apart.”
“So what’s the problem?” She pressed, because she couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just sleep on the same bed as her. They didn’t have to be all pushed up to each other. . .
“Because,” he sighed, “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“Of stuff.”
“Rafe, I don’t understand,” she closed her eyes, her mind woozy from the back and forth fight with the boy.
Rafe sighed again, licking his lips before standing up from the sofa. “Okay, but I’m not a creep, okay?”
“So it is because I’m a minor,” she nodded to herself, and she felt a sudden wave of disappointment. If only she was a year older.
“Whatever,” he breathed, trying to get the best position under the covers. He felt her fingers and quickly pulled his hand away, his heart beating.
“You’re weird.”
“I just said I’m scared,” he shrugged, and finally settled comfortably. He felt so much better now, not having to pull his legs together and crossed his arms just to fit on the sofa.
“What if I do want you to sleep with me on the bed?”
“Shut up,” he groaned.
“No, Rafe, what if I do want you-”
“Shut up before I make you.”
(Y/N)’s eyes went wide, and she thought of the many times she had repeated this exact line in a movie and how she had romanticised her own scenario to that line. She never thought of Rafe Cameron as the protagonist, only imagining Timotheé Chalamet and no one else.
“You’re still drunk, okay?” He suddenly said, and (Y/N) bit her lips at his exasperated tone. “I don’t want to take advantage of you. I’m not Carter.”
“Okay,” she said softly, “I didn’t ask for you to fuck me, though.”
“Really? You’re begging for it right now.”
“I just want you to get comfortable.”
“You’re full of yourself.”
“Yeah? You should see the eyes you give me at the restaurant,” he replied simply, and he could feel himself thinking of her slightly narrowed eyes, looking straight at him.
He shifted his position, placing a pillow against his front.
“Why didn’t you act on it?”
“Oh god, we’re still on this?” He grunted, “Go to sleep.”
“Why wouldn’t you want to fuck me?”
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered, and before she could think about anything else to say to him next, he had pulled her shoulders so that she could look at him.
She squinted against the darkness, using the moonlight as a source of light to stare into his beautiful blue orbs.
“I would fuck you, but I won’t do it when you’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk.”
“You are, because-” he grazed his thumb against her bottom lip, and she had to hold her breath. “You’re not this open to me when you’re sober.”
“Isn’t it more fun, though? To fuck when you’re drunk?”
“I’d only do that if you’re my girlfriend.”
“So can I be your girlfriend?”
“I’ll think about it tomorrow,” he smiled, and pushed her back to face the ceiling. “Now sleep.”
“What if I want to become your girlfriend now?”
“JJ will kill me.”
“Can you kill him back?”
“(Y/N),” Rafe sighed, being so tired of going back and worth with her on this. Of course he wanted to touch her, more than anything else in the world, but he couldn’t do it when she was in a state like this. “Go to sleep.”
“Okay. Good girl.”
He waited a few more minutes, ready to answer any remarks, but what came after was only her soft snores. He sighed in relief, leaning on his arms as he stared at her. He watched as her chest heaved peacefully, feeling all kinds of emotions at once, and he finally realised the truth;
This time he wasn’t playing; Rafe Cameron would never bring a girl to a fancy hotel for nothing other than sex, but here he was; refusing her teasings, and keeping her safe. It finally hit him; he would bring (Y/N) anywhere if that’s the only way to keep her smile.
He shut his eyes, making a mental note to make fun of her drunk state in the morning.
#Part 2
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hope mikaelson x reader , bestfriends to rivials to secret protectors to lovers ?
secret protectors is secretly protecting eachother btw
and if you can , can you start it where they are ex bestfriends already
sure thing darling ;) I’ve tweaked it a tad but it’s mostly the same
it’s quite shitty but It’s written with my sleep deprived brain.. so.. sorry.
warnings : swearing, mentions of sex, underage drinking
Y/N Y/L/N and Hope Andrea Mikaelson.
The two of you had an.. interesting history to say the least.
Let’s start with the backstory shall we?
Now the two of you had already come from feuding families, though you had both completely disregarded that fact in your first meeting and there was an instant platonic connection. One which you and her both eagerly deepened as you’d both grown up shadowed from the outside world and without the ability to form relationships of any kind, so it was like a first to the both of you. In a sense.
Your relationship status of friends quickly glided from good friends to close friends to best friends and the two of you were perfectly content with this.
Of course that was until you families had to go ahead and ruin it.
It was actually Hope’s mum Hayley who had found out about your secret friendship first, unbeknownst to you, and Hope had almost burst into tears at the look of shock and mild disgust on her mum’s face.
“You’re father told me about that family.” Hayley had said “They aren’t a good bunch sweetheart.”
And Hope had stayed mute and assumed that that was the end of that — but of course she knew deep down that wasn’t simply going to be the end of this situation she had gotten herself into.
The next day, she was at a family dinner — one which they commonly had every single evening so nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the slightest.
But the tense looks on all her families faces told her otherwise and she had felt her heart psychically constrict at her dad’s next words.
“We don’t want you involved with that y/l/n family.”
That sentence was playing on her mind for days as she actively avoided you at all cost, knowing full well a look into your y/e/c eyes would only worsen her current predicament.
But she made her decision (no matter how difficult).
Family was everything to her...
So the next day, she had met you in person in broken up your friendship in perhaps the rudest way possible she could think of in the hopes you would start disliking her and consequently leaving her life which made her family life so much easier. No matter how the mere thought being without your presence for eternity pained her dearly.
But afterwards it was after your friendship never happened.
You went to thinking she was just like how your parents portrayed her family to be.
And she went to glaring in the halls of school and showcasing her ‘hate’ while dreaming of you when the day turned to dusk.
• • •
“Looking good y/n.” Your friend (kinda) Bianca Goldman whistled as you strutted over to her where she stood leaning against a tree as she observed the lively party.
“You too Ani.” You smiled playfully, twirling a strand of Bianca’s strawberry blonde hair around your finger with a playfully seductive look in your eyes.
“Go find someone else to hit on, you’ve got half the school pining after you.” Bianca scoffed lightly with a joking (mostly) roll of her green eyes but anyone could make out the newly gained pink flush to her pale skin.
“Aww no need to be jealous Ani.” You whispered lightly with a mocking pout as you leaned in a little more and watched in amusement as her pale skin gained a more crimson flush.
However, what you failed to see was from across the forest. Leaning against her own tree was your ex-bestfriend (enemy to everyone’s knowledge) watching you intently with jealously shining transparently in her ocean blue eyes.
“What’s go your thong in a twist princess.” Elizabeth Saltzman smirked jokingly, her eyes alight with the perfect mixture of mirth and entertainment that masked her confusion.
Hope didn’t answer, instead, a glare glazed over her previously envious blue eyes and she pursed her lips together.
“You’re jealous aren’t you?” Lizzie asked in amusement though slight shock, her gaze quickly flickering between both you and Hope with a new sense of interest and determination.
“Jealous of what? I’m only concerned for Bianca, y/n plays people and leaves them high and dry.” Hope spoke defensively.
“More like pleased and happy.” Lizzie corrected cheekily.
Her response was a displeased scoff and Hope taking an even bigger swig of her beer.
• • •
It was officially the next day and those who weren’t suffering with hangovers (the vampires and some werewolves or witches who knew the correct spells) were up bright and early.. most of them.
You were a witch, a bloody good one at that and thankfully you knew the hangover spell but with your lifestyle you sort of had to know it.
Still — instead of attending class like you were obviously meant to, you just went down to the kitchens for some food because hey? food is way more important than studies, right.?
Standing in the kitchens and munching happily on a chocolate chip cookie and you heard a sharp gust of wind. One which you could identify with an approaching vampire.
But before you could even turn, a resounding thud rang out through the kitchen and you turned to see a vampire, a newbie — Leon Arnold — neck snapped on the floor, blood staining his lips, mouth and shirt and vampire features receding back.
You blew out a harsh breath and placed your hand on your head, trying to calm your rapidly racing heart.
Under her own cloaking spell, Hope Mikaelson smiled lightly to herself in accomplishment and relief. Oh so maybe this seemed slightly stalker-ish.. but she was curious to what you did when you didn’t attend class and honestly thank god she did decide to be .. stalker-ish today.
Shit. She just so happened to forget you were an equally as powered witch who could see past her spells.
“You did that..?” You gestured to Leon and much to the annoyance of yourself you felt a warm feeling encase your heart at the thought of her protecting you.
“Yeah..I did.” Hope nodded her head hesitantly and slipped a quick smile over her plush pink lips with her cheeks discreetly flushing at the softer look that entered your y/e/c eyes.
“Well thank you.” You spoke sincerely and cursed yourself out mentally for the butterflies that swarmed around your stomach.
Just like old times
A response wasn’t heard on Hope’s end as you hastily hurried out.
• • •
“Ugh this is stupid.” Lizzie groaned slumping against the wall as she watched Hope pointedly avoid your eyes and you do the same. She had a sneaking suspicion and she also had an idea which in her opinion was spectacular.
“What is?” Josette, Josie, Saltzman asked hesitantly as she looked up with the end of her of pencil resting between her lips absentmindedly.
“This!” Elizabeth practically shouted as she gestured between Hope and you and Josie looked on with wide perplexed eyes.
“No you know what.” Lizzie muttered, putting Hope’s wrist in a tight hold and magically dragging you over. Ignoring your groans and shouts of protest and everyone’s either wide and curious or shocked eyes.
Quickly, she basically threw the both of you in the nearest classroom and placed a spell on the door.
“Talk! Now!”
You and Hope sat in a extremely tense silence for about a minute or so just staring into each other’s heatedly.
Before suddenly she crashed froward and pressed her lips into yours hungrily.
You eagerly responded to the kiss, familiar with this nature of kiss, winding your hands through her soft locks of auburn hair as hers wrapped around your waist. Hope let out a little moan as you ran your tongue over her bottom lip and she obediently opened her mouth slightly for you to proceed.
Abruptly the two of you pulled apart, panting harshly.
“We should—“
“Be my girlfriend—“
It felt like time stopped from a moment and with a wide grin appearing on your face you nodded your head frantically.
Your families the last thing on your minds.
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f3itansgirlygirl · 4 years
drivers license - suna rintarou
part 2 right here
inspired by the song driver's license
his house is right there, right in front of me. 
sitting in the car biting my lip holding back the sob that threatened to escape, how did it become like this? how did i end up sitting in here alone while you went off with her? that was supposed to be me, you said you would wait? 
suna rintarou
a beautiful boy, his smile never failed to warm your heart. the way he would hold you in his arms, pout when you weren't paying attention, brush your hair behind your ear, the way he would kiss you and buy you your favorite drinks or take you to that little park you loved so much as you guys watched the sunset and fell in love all over again.
then how did it get like this? 
“hi my name is l/n y/n and i'm your new manager!,” you introduced yourself. was a first year at inarizaki and needed to get into a club, atsumu decided to introduce you to the coach and give in a few words.
looking around the team you felt a nice presence, and that's when your eyes landed on his, those green piercing eyes. having his knees to his chest laughing at atsumu for trying to punch him for showing him something on his phone. 
the way his laugh died down but kept a smile as he looked at you. 
you blushed but became distracted as kita called you over.
“thank you guys for accepting me have a good night!,” you said grabbing your bag and leaving. “wait up i’ll walk with you,” you heard a voice behind you say. you turned to hear the voice and it belonged to him.
you guys walked under the stars, you shivered forgetting a jacket and that's when he looked at you and smirked. “the old jacket technique huh let me guess you want me to take mine’s off and give it to you,” 
you gasped and looked right at him, “no i actually forgot you weirdo whatever i guess i'll walk faster,” you said speeding up. “wait i’m just teasing here i have a hoodie it’s my sleeping in class hoodie so better not ruin it.”
you took it hesitantly but put it on either way, it was big and burgundy and my god the scent you can still remember to this day how good he smelled like. “looks good on you maybe i’ll let you keep it,” he said as you guys continued to walk.
that was your first interaction, your first words to each other and one of the many nights you guys have come to spend together
everything else came easily, even though having a age gap it didn’t stop your feelings whatsoever, and also never stopped him from showing affection.
you still remember your first kiss
how he kissed you by surpised on the slide of a old park where you guys sneaked out to get ice cream.
still remember how he started bringing extra hoodies and hair ties since you had a habit of forgetting both.
still remember that night under the stars in the backseat of his car when he looked at you and told you he was in love with you.
you teared up staring at him as he giggled softly caressing your face, holding your waist even more closer to his chest as your bodies connected.
“i love you rintarou,” you smiled crying softly. 
he looked at you rubbing your tears away, “and i love you y/n l/n,”
how it was such a good 6 months. looking back you should have seen the way you guys would only hang out around the night or weekdays. 
how he wouldn't hold your hand in school or only be affection around the team.
and how you guys weren't exactly official, never asked you officially to be his but hey because of the memories spent together you thought of course your his and he’s yours.
you first saw her when she came through the doors, holding his notebook as she apologized but nevertheless gave him a smile and he gave one back. she was pretty- like really pretty. 
pretty blue eyes, blonde long hair, beautiful body.
“so this is what overthinking feels like huh,” you mumbled as you shook your head and went back to setting the net up.
after practice you and suna as always walked home 
you guys decided to take a detour heading to your park where many memories were made. 
“hey rin,” you asked as you looked over the river that was by the bridge. “yes love?,” he replied. “what are we?,” you asked him.
please say im yours...
“well your younger than me, i want you to be mines and you already are, always and forever sooo how about this,” he turned to look at you and bent down so his head was right at yours. “when you become a 2nd year and get your driver's license we can officially be together yeah? i'll get down on one knee and ask you to be mine,” he rolled his eyes as you giggled. 
he stuck out his pinkie and you stuck out yours. “you’ll wait for me?,” you said.
he wrapped his pinkie around yours, “always, make sure you just don't crash don't want you dying before your mine but yes i promise i will wait for you l/n,” suna smiled grabbing you and pulling you in for a kiss. 
finals came up and yes you and suna got distant due to you studying, yet you weren't nervous you were excited to finally walk down the halls holding his hand.
looking back you should have seen the signs of him not texting you often or wanting to help you, you shrugged it off maybe he was struggling in some classes too.
finally the day was here, texting osamu all morning about how you would pick them up for school so you can show off to suna. 
laughing driving up to school with the twins, you got out the car and seeing suna’s back against one of the walls
 you were about to call out for him until you saw her again. this time she was wearing the burgundy hoodie, and he was the one holding her hand. he was smiling? the smile he gave you specifically to you he was giving to her. 
tears filled your eyes. 
“y/n chan.. i’m-” , “its okay atsumu just get to class okay?,” you turned around hand shaking as you hold your keys, tears spilling down your eyes. “i'm going to be okay,” you smiled. “no, you’re crying,” 
“i said i’m okay, i’m just going to leave,” you said running to your car and getting the fuck outta there. 
leaving you saw atsumu go up to suna and scream at him. 
your heart felt like it was being pulled, this can’t be real? 
you headed home, slamming your door and falling to the ground, how could you rin? 
flashes of him and her passed your mind seeing how happy he was. 
you looked underneath and saw a photo on the ground. your grabbed it and sat on your bed, it was you and him in a photobooth smiling and then kissing. underneath in his handwriting he wrote “my love always and forever,”
you felt like throwing up, so this is what heartbreak feels like. 
you were hurt mad even at the fact that before anything was able to happen it was already ruined. you cried yourself to sleep wanting to ignore the pain/
you woke up around 9 p.m, you were confused but remembered all that happened today
“so that wasn't a horrible dream?,” you tried to laugh it out but really couldn’t.
you needed fresh air, you changed into sweatpants and a baggy shirt.
going for a drive blasting music, you didn’t know where you were going but you just needed to feel the air flowing past you. you stopped at the red light, everything was getting blurry tears now leaving as you hit the steering wheel. 
you kept driving and ending up parking in this neighborhood, being very familiar but automatically knowing where you ended up. you looked to your right and saw his house.
you were about to get off trying to get closure you said, needing answers still trying to doubt everything and thinking maybe this was a horrible joke from the twins and him but then you got all the closure you needed. seeing as the door opened revealing the girl coming out.
your heart dropped seeing how happy they were and dare you say actually look good together. he smiled down at her and grabbed her for a kiss. 
you gasped as a heart wrenching sob escaped your lips, she walked away as he never took his eyes off her figure.
that was me.
 he then looked turning his head and made eye contact with you, you just silently laughed as you shook your head at him and turned on the car leaving. “y/n wait!,” you heard him say as you left.
you headed to the small park and sat in the slide looking up as you laid down and finally let everything out. “never knew your waiting was just a short trial did i have to pay for millions of hours?,” you cried as you looked up in the sky seeing your memories replay in your head
‘Cause how could I ever love someone else’ And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street’
your phone dinged as you look who texted you
suna rin: y/n we need to talk... suna rin: please, i am so so sorry just hear me out. suna rin: i really did wait i just, please let's just meet up.
you texted back 
“im really happy for you suna, goodbye rintarou.”
you then deleted his contact as you took a deep breathe and sat up.
“i still see your face
In the white cars”
you grabbed your head, “was i not good enough?,” 
“We crossed I still hear your voice In the traffic We're laughing”
flash back
“you know i think we're meant to be,” suna said from your bed as you were on your laptop finishing some things. “wow such a hopeless romantic,” you smiled at him as you were putting back your earphones. “just maybe right person wrong time,” he said softly. you looked back at him, “i'm sorry did you say something,” you asked him. he just shook his head, “nothing i was just saying your a nerd,” he said as he threw a pillow at your face. “you know what,” you got up and jumped on top of him both laughing.
flashback over
‘God, I'm so blue Know we're through But I still fucking love you, babe’
you finally realized what he said, right person wrong timing 
you looked up at the cherry blossom tree and softly smiled
“your right suna we really were meant to be just right person, wrong time.”
i guess not every love story is meant to be complete.
the end.
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