#i was just too exhausted with the hunting for translations stuff
mxngldmxdnsss · 1 year
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The Hunt - series
Chap 2. Blue Magic - Recom Miles Quaritch
spicy parts will take a while because I like build up, but be patient, build up in the story builds tension and tension = good sex
Na’vi is going to be in blue
pairing - recom miles quaritch x omatikaya!fem! reader
cw! torture, the machine that was used on Spider basically, death, gore (?), very descriptive stuff sorry, sexually suggestive things hehe 🤭
mature content ahead : proceed with caution!
Give up the Sullys, your people, give up everything you’ve ever known for these demons. That’s what they wanted from you. The whirring of the machine was worse enough, but to give up your entire life? You couldn’t think of any other hell. Squeezing your eyes shut, you listened as the tiny woman called General, demanded you think of something, anything. But you couldn’t, you couldn’t give up your clan.
You sobbed, the pain was unbearable. It felt like the torture went on for hours, days maybe. There were moments when you almost gave in, almost just fessed up. You knew you’d be banished if you made it back to your clan. That’s if they kill you once they got what they needed. You knew at some point they’d figure out where Sully went whether the information was from you, Spider or simple clues.
Mustering some strength you prayed to Eywa, words jumbled as you fought against the pain. This only pissed the General off even more as Spider reluctantly translated for her. “We can do this all day. Either you fess up now or we find more painful ways to get the information out of you!” The General was too confident you thought, too confident in her stupid sky army and inventions. You just needed to resist a bit more, maybe they’d give up, or maybe you would. It was an internal battle you knew they figured out by now, after all they had your entire mind on display.
You figured you could use it to your advantage, think of something to combat them. Something to show them your strength and resistance. You’d think of crushing them, starting with the tiny woman in front of you. You pictured her in your mind, waiting for the observation of the little people in white coats. Once you heard them alert her, you moved on to the next phase in this scene.
Making sure the thought was clear in your head, you pictured yourself plunging your knife into her body. Hearing her scoff, you opened your eyes, making sure she saw your determination. Before she could walk away, you did your best to think of their fortress in flame, crushed under your peoples fist. “Very theatrical, you and your people, shame you’re all so stubborn, your clan would be great allies.” You hissed at her, watching as she moved to stop the machine, finding no more use in you.
You sighed in relief as the machine slowed, and the restraints loosened around your body. Looking down, you observed as she gestured for the soldier from before to take you away. You almost fought against him as he grabbed you, but the exhaustion was stronger. Going limp in his hold, you gave the woman one last glare before being pulled away from the machine.
Before you could get back to your room, you had to be checked by the ‘scientists’ and ‘doctors’. Once the Colonel was given the green light, he pulled you up by your arms, and began making his way back to your holding cell. Spider followed behind, ducking under the Colonel’s tail as it flicked behind him.
“Y/n! Are you alright? I’m so sorry they had to do that to you.” You groaned in response, the boy’s frantic voice piercing your ears drums. “Go away.” Huffing, you attempted to lay down on the table in the room but were stopped by the buffoon that got you into this mess. “Uh uh sweetheart, doc says you gotta stay awake for the next hour or two to make sure your brain’s alright”
Smacking your teeth, you slapped the Colonel’s hands away and sat back up. Before you could argue with the man you were grabbed by Spider. Wrapping his arms around you, Spider squeezed you tight. “I’m sorry Y/n. I know you think I’ve betrayed your people, but please just listen to me.”
Hearing a pained grunt from you, Spider pulled away and stood back up to full height. You truly did not want to hear the excuses but he was just a boy you thought to yourself. “Go ahead.” You sighed and patted the place next to you for Spider to sit.
“Look, I know it looks bad and all, but I was captured just like you, and they used that machine on me too. And if I could go back in time and make sure I died before they caught me, or got away, I’d make sure of it.” The Colonel chuckled snidely to himself at this, drawing out a growl from you. Turning, you faced Spider and placed a hand on his shoulder. He let out a shuddered breath, that of a sob. “You have to see me Y/n, please. You have to understand that I’d never give up the clan.”
You were torn, within the first few minutes of seeing him in this cell when you woke up, you’d accused him of betrayal to the clan. Rightfully so, which Spider assured you. You had every right to lose faith and trust in him, after all he was without restraint in this place, and the man before you is his father. Well, was. Spider explained everything to you, with the protest of the Colonel, or ‘Miles Quaritch’. He even explained that no, they couldn’t let you go, not even if you begged, or were of no use to the General. They couldn’t risk it. So you’d be stuck here until they somehow captured and killed your former clan leader.
General ‘Ardmore’ would find a use for you, whether you liked it or not, was what ‘Miles’ told you. And within the hour, she did. You’d help the Recom Crew blend in, learn some of the ways of The People. Against your wishes of course. It was one thing to have a human boy raised amongst the Na’vi, but it was another to have a Na’vi, let alone an Omatikaya member.
You’d be fed and given a room to stay in. “We ain’t that cruel.” Is what you remembered ‘Miles’ saying, in a deep accent that made you giggle. Everything he said was hilarious when he sounded like that. Even his half assed threats.
By the end of the day you’d figure out the names of some of the soldiers you saw from Spider’s descriptions. You wondered just why, would these people who hated Na’vi, want to become one? You knew that back home, everyone would find it humorous. Imagining your friends asking about their funny hands and feet. Your clan accepted Jake Sully and his children for their differences, but these dreamwalkers? Never. They’d never become Na’vi.
You chuckled to yourself at this thought. They were signing themselves up for certain failure. Even Jake Sully himself said that the training was tough, and he gave it his all. These people were too clumsy, worse than children, and reluctant to even accept their new identities. But as ‘Miles’ explained, these people, were only meant to be clones. Given the memories of dead marines. It almost comforted you, thinking that these people may have chances to change, but you knew better than to expect more from less.
Laying down on your cot, you sighed and looked up at the ceiling, wishing for the forest noises and night sky to quell your anguish.
For now you’d go over what soldiers to look out for, advice from Spider. ‘Miles’ you knew, was your best shot, if you could get under his skin, or convince him go change, maybe you’d have a chance at escaping. The thought invaded your mind. Just how would you use ‘Miles’ to your advantage? The more you thought, the more your mind shifted to him entirely.
“‘Miles’..” You said his name aloud. Testing it out on your tongue. It was nice but also pitiful almost, to waste such a man on a task. How useful he’d be back home with those arms. That you were focused on most. And his voice, how powerful you sensed it was. As stupid as his accent was, it almost, ignited something inside. Hearing him speak. Watching him move. The way his muscles ripped beneath his skin.
You shuddered at the imagine forming inside your mind. This man had captured you, you couldn’t allow yourself to be deceived by him. You grunted to yourself and flopped onto your side, pacifying yourself with wishes for home, as turmoil filled the back of your mind. Colonel, Miles, demon, dreamwalker, whatever he was, you couldn’t allow yourself to become another piece in their game.
You dreamt of home that night, and the wonders it would become with Miles.
Chap 3. I Caught Myself
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constellationofaries · 2 months
Hey kiddo!
If you wanna do some stuff story wise again, we always have our boys waiting for us up in the skies, those who hide a fair way underground in their labs, perhaps even the ones with their illegal dealings?
The story never stops. It's just that sometimes the ink runs out, or we need new paper. It's okay to take a break from things and step away to better yourself. Don't feel as if a story is wasted because of one chapter! <- I'm not just talking about DSMP here ;)
Love you, kiddo. If you ever need anything, my door is unlocked, there's food on the table, and my arms are ready to hold you forever. Healing is a process, but you don't have to go alone.
hey dad wtf i'm gonna start upgly crying at you. thaynky oyu
i genuinely hope you don't mind but i need to air this out in some form or i might not be able to sleep tonight i think
Okay well. Uh. I'm pretty weirded out with the knowledge that buffoon:
a) placed HIS mental bullshit on me as if my sole purpose in life was to give him attention and 100 reblogs on a 5 minute sketch when i deadass got 2 jobs & ( at the time had a scanlator to commit translations to & ) 3 dogs & MYSELF to take care of & OTHER friends who are not him (ie. you, Raven, Seto, Vulture, Ru, Connor, etc),
b) got prissy that I have friends who give enough of a shit about me to get his ass away from me for my own health despite my reluctance to fully cut communication in every way possible,
c) proceeded to block me on here for a few days and vague about me on his main as if he was the victim,
d) unblocked me to try to send me a message that goes roughly "hey you don't need to reply it's fine if you block me, but i want closure" as if he was the one that was having abandonment issues triggered from almost being forced repeatedly into survival mode to try to keep up when there were clear signs I have severe chronic fatigue and exhaustion,
and e) got prissy and started stalking me on some other account i haven't blocked him on yet and is vagueing me on his main in some extremely gaslighty ass ways ("that's crazy" "you're crazy" "i know i'm not a bad person you're just crazy" <- HELLO?? TEXTBOOK GASLIGHTING)
i know fully well his ass is gonna read this anyway but i frankly have Ceased Caring About This to a degree and will give it no further attention online once I post this.
Moving on about Vincent!
I've (THANK GOD) got my creative groove back by simply doing what the fuck I wanted to do to begin with: OCs and DND! Featuring Ru!!! And Merihem and Práxi!!! And Raven and Atthanli and-
Apparently impromptu campaigns with little to no planning is one hell of a fun way to DM when you've got an attention span about the size of a speck of sand. We accidentally hyperfocused for 3 hours in one session alone. Thank christ for the solo player's toolboxes even though I genuinely want to die sometimes trying to find what I need
My note taking with paper is efficient enough I could genuinely treat them as an outline to a story! So... mayhaps? Who knows! Either way, serotonin is slowly rising again and certainly in far healthier manners now that I'm in better hands (and in a better state of mind all in all)!
I could even pick up my stimboard blog and gifmaking blog back up if I don't have too much on my plate with my campaign with Ru I think!! It's on the back burner for sure though, I miss gif hunting and gif making and editing gifs :(
honestly - i will heal from this and i will move on from it as you've seen me do time and time again. you know it is damn hard to keep me down!
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icharchivist · 3 years
ok i’m out of my liveblog tag now so lmao, highlights! sorry for the small gbf spam before it’s time for it
but yeah so i feel strongly for the Lamorak’s storyline. Like i go more in depth there about why i really love the Wales brothers storyline for personal reasons (......... which ironically if you follow me for a3, is the same reason i love Gekka so much)
but one of the thing that blew my mind with it is that like, I love doing theories and meta right? but the fandoms that get me the most worked up for that are.... generally frozen? like if we don’t count characters studies like i do for a3, i’m talking, actual theories like i do for dgm, or, hxh, which are all saga i made extensive Meta for, are all stuck in hiatus and we have little advancement on the stuff i can meta about. There’s DA that’s a bit different because there was at least one book that made my brain goes brrr and all but aside from that, i rarely get new content for the sagas i theorize about and so i get used to it, and i even less get direct answers that proves or disproves my theories.
but the fact gbf is always getting out some content meant that ultimately i had to face my expectations and metas in the eyes
.... and the Lamorak’s storyline was basically telling me “hey you were right to expect me and also you were right about everything bestie” 
and like. The absolute VALIDATION of it all???
For the year i was into gbf about i was talking all the time about Lamorak to whoever would hear me. A character we only had seen in flashbacks at this point, before and during the incident that caused the major trauma both of his brothers went through and had to overcome as adult. And for a year, i would talk about everything we know about this kid, how he was before his mother’s death and how he would have coped with it, and how he would realistically appear again in the plot again.
i also remember theorizing something totally unrelated, knowing that Gawain was linked to the Wales storyline because he “blackmailed his influence into it” and back then i theorized that it could be something linked to Lamorak and “wouldn’t it be wild if Gawain and Lamorak knew each other actually” and it was totally a crack theory that was having very little foundation for it.
And then Lamorak was namedropped into the newest Percival FE and i kept thinking “okay next event Lamorak will happen. he’ll be there. I know it.”
......... and turns out. I was right. I was trying so hard to manage my expectation but here he was introducing himself in the Gawain centric event (at the time the Gawain involvement in the Dragon Knight saga was a secret kept in his 5* FE!! it was his first time into the Dragon Knights event!!), while also dropping in that indeed him and Gawain knew each other. And all of that while filling a fate i did expect of him and theorize about.
It was like. so wild to me. More than just seeing Lamorak again which i had wanted for a lONG TIME, it was that the way i interpreted and read Lamorak made so much sense that it was the plan. That ended up being the plan.
even for stuff like DA where i still get content to examine, i don’t have answers yet, just more clues and more questions.
but GBF told me “hey you were right about those things”
And it’s so validating??? to think that all of my overreading, all of my theorizing, all this time i spent rambling on and on.... was because i caught the right clues, or, if they hadn’t planned this far, that i understood the character enough to be able to reach the same conclusions as the writers when it came to deciding how he will join the story.
Like i always think i read too far into it, that i’m getting my expectations high, that i’m wrong and i’ll be disappointed. and since i am not in sagas that get answers, i am constantly pushing down my expectations. (which is also why a3 is soothing bc characters analysis don’t come with the crushing expectation of theories lmao).  So Being told that actually this is exactly how it was meant to be? for once i have an answer to my overthinking and it rewarded me for it. Unparalleled.
So yeah the high from the Savior of Dalmore event is unmatched. I will never forget it. Also the fact i managed to go in totally unspoiled and not knowing Lamorak was in it.
So that’s basically “10 times i overanalysed pieces of media (and One Time they told me i was right)” the event story. Forever vindicated.
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lilxberry · 3 years
My Sweet Girl - Legolas (platonic)
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Warnings: None, just fluff
Words: 901
Pairings: Legolas x Daughter!Reader, Thranduil x Granddaughter!Reader
(A/N: Translation of any Sindarin used is in bold between brackets.)
“Adar!” You exclaimed loudly as you spotted you father slowly ascend the steps to the throne room. Legolas smiled as he spotted his young and opened his arms wide, welcoming his daughter to embrace him which you gladly did so. (“father”)
“Iell nín.” He smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around your form. (“my daughter”)
“Had you done well in your hunt?” You asked as you smiled up at your father whilst still in his loving embrace.
“Mín were gelui, nin lend gwen.” You continued to smile as you pulled away. Your father delicately brushed a strand of hair behind your ear before lowering his hand back down to his side. (“we were triumphant, my sweet girl”)
You both were soon interrupted as Thranduil appeared seemingly out of nowhere, to greet his son and welcome him back from his hunt. “Legolas, ion nín, I see you have returned safe and in good health.” He had come to stand beside you, laying a loving hand gently upon your shoulder. You smiled up at your grandfather. (“my son”)
“Yes, all is well. I presume all has been well whilst I was away, adar.” (“father”)
“Indeed, it has been. I am no incompetent ruler.”
You subtly rolled your eyes at the interaction between the father-son due that stood beside you. You lightly tapped Thranduils’ hand that still rested upon your shoulder as you stepped away. “If you’ll excuse me, I shall take my leave and go for a walk.” You spoke as you walked backwards, quickly bowing to your kin.
They both lowered their heads in the slightest as a small bow in return. With that, you turned on your heel and continued on your path, leaving their sight. After a moment of staring at the spot that was now vacant of your form, Thranduil turned to his son ad smiled. “You have produced a wonderful, sweet child. I am proud.”
Legolas’ lips upturned in the slightest as he still looked towards the direction you had headed in. “I, myself, am quite proud too adar.” (“father”)
“He na- sui pure sui i erui dant- -o loss during hríw. She makes a fine, young elven princess.” Thranduil compliments as he gazes down towards his son who wears a mixed expression of pride and love across his face. Thranduil pats his sons’ shoulder and departs. (“she is as pure as the first fall of snow during winter”)
“Indeed, a fine, young elven princess.” Legolas had repeated his father’s words quietly to himself as he turns to take his own leave.
Nightfall had soon arrived, leaving you exhausted from your quite adventurous day around the palace. You had lazily changed into your sleepwear and were about to climb into your bed with beautifully intricate designs carved into the wood when a simple knock had forced you to turn towards it. “Enter.”
As you granted permission to whom stood outside your chambers, the door had creaked open to reveal your father with his sharp, blue eyes and flowing light hair. “Iell nín.” His smile had caused one to break out on your own, though yours had appeared more tired out than his. He walked over to you and ran his hand down the side of your head and came to rest upon your fair cheek. “You appear to be quite tuckered out.” (my daughter)
A giggle laced with exhaustion had passed your lips and you closed your eyes, leaning into your fathers’ hand. “I fear I am, adar. It had been quite the productive day for myself.” (father)
“I believe you should clamber into bed, dilthen er.” He smiled fondly at you as you lazily nodded in agreement. (“little one”)
You pulled away from your fathers’ hand, much to both his and yours dismay, and at a sloth-like pace, made your way towards your bed, Legolas following shortly behind you. You pulled away the sheets made of the finest material and climbed in, laying your head on to your pillows, hair now slightly sprawled across them.
You father smiled as he leaned down and brought the sheets back over to cover your body. He gently tucked you in and smiled down as he ran his fingers through your hair, lulling you further into sleep. Your lips had upturned, creating an almost drunk-like smile. He placed his lips on to your forehead, laying a sweet and delicate kiss upon your soft, smooth skin. “Losto vae, nin lend gwen. May you dream of a land where the ones you love lay and the happiness they bring to you thrives.” (“Sleep well, my sweet girl”)
“Harthon cened le ennas, adar.” You incoherently mumbled out as your breathing had finally evened out, light sounds passing through your ever so slightly parted lips. (“I hope to see you there, father”)
He smiled and left one final kiss upon you before standing to his full height and quietly leave your private chambers. He slightly winced as the door had creaked on his way out but smiled once again as he realised it hadn’t bothered you in the slightest.
He shook his head fondly as he headed towards his own room, wondering what he ever did to be blessed with such a wonderful daughter. Legolas swore he would protect you from harm for you were his light in the darkness, always there to guide home.
Home was with you. His iell. His daughter.
So, I’ve kinda been in the mood for some LOTR/The Hobbit stuff ‘cause I love Tolkiens’ work
I read a fic about Thranduil having a young granddaughter and I loved it, it really made me wanna write something platonic myself
So I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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antiherocorner · 3 years
Niki Lauda - The White Wolf
A Werewolf! Niki Lauda x Reader fic (18+)
So... This is my first AU ever... And also this is my first smut... Kind of... Thing... Ever... Sex scene, let's go with that... I was debating to post it in smaller parts, or a bigger one. I decided the second one might be better.
This is a mess, and a random idea... This could be a psychedelic trip, while you're watching fucking Twilight... Yes, I am familiar with the Twilight Saga... No, I wasn't Team Jacob... No, I didn't intend to base this on that... But it might has some similar stuff (no vampires)... Small stuff... All of them were unintentional, really.... Well... 1 or 2 things weren't, but most of them.
English is still not my native language, apologies for the grammatical mistakes, I tried.
Taglist: @rumblelibrary (you are my first tag in a fic written by me aaaaaaa🥺❤️🔥)
Summary: Your car broke down while you're on a road trip, on your own. You need someone to fix it. There's a small town. What could possibly happen?...
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (don't do it kids), swearing, possibly smoking, drinking, mention of scar (nothing big or serious), google translated German, bad dog jokes, puns, and no, i didn't make a "real" wolf fuck the Reader, i'm not that kinky, i imagined the Reader to be female, but can be gender neutral, no name, or age mentioned, no use of y/n either... That's it?... Idunno, still new to this
(collage made by me, i don't own the pictures, i just used them, it's also very amateur, I haven't done a collage in ages)
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You were in your car ‘till your waist. The damn thing broke down half way into your road trip. You have had enough of your monotonous everyday life, so you decided to pack up the essential stuff of yours, get your car together, and head out into the unknown. You have already seen beautiful mountains from a distance, gone through deep, mysterious forests, taken many pictures. You have tried to live in your car, but occasionally you have stayed in some cheap, low budget motels for 1 or 2 nights. You always had trust in your car, yet there you were. It didn’t run out of gas, it just suddenly stopped in the middle of the road, just outside of a small town. It looked rather friendly, and not busy at all. There wasn’t any other car passing by, so you did what you thought was the best decision: packed your bag, locked the car, and started walking into the town, praying to find someone, anyone really, who can maybe lend a helping hand.
The people you saw were really kind, it seemed they didn’t really get too many outsiders in their small town, and they seemed happy for you. They told you that there was one car mechanic in the town, a little group of guys. They also told you about a motel, which was always open for travellers, and due to the lack of them, it was basically empty. You decided to go to the motel first. The receptionist was a friendly old lady, who, again, got very excited to finally have someone at her place. You got your room, for a very small price, went in and unpacked some of your stuff. You really wanted to know what was up with your car, or if it could be fixed at all, so you didn’t waste much time in your new temporary place. After a few minutes you headed out to the streets, to the direction where you were told before to find the mechanics.
It was one of those warm days, so you were glad you found what you were looking for. You heard music coming out of an open garage. Above the doors you read “The Rat's Den”.
- Hello?... - you popped your head in the garage.
- Can I help you with something? - a tall, blonde haired man, with broad shoulders approached you. He had a cheeky smile on his face, sweat under his long locks. Oh, and shirtless.
- I uhm.. My car broke down just down the main road - you gestured with your hand where your car was - And I was just wondering if you could help me with it… I don’t know what could be the problem, I have been traveling with it for the past few days, weeks, everything was fine up until now. I just can’t get it to work.
- Sure, we can take a look at that thing - you turned your head to the direction from where another voice caught your attention. Another man just slipped out from under a car. He had curly hair, slimmer body than the blonde one, but still tall. You looked him in the eye as he came over. His eyes were like a river of caramel pudding, and they were glowing like a forest fire in the middle of the night. Your mouth watered.
- Thank.. You… - you said shyly. What’s happening? You normally aren't this shy… - When can you do that?
- Are you staying in that old motel? - asked the curly one.
- Yes.
- Alright. Is that good, if I go there around 7 am tomorrow, so I can take a look at it before I open the garage?
- Y-yeah… sure.
- It’s a date then. I’m Niki Lauda, by the way, that’s James Hunt. - he gestured towards the blonde one, James. You didn’t even notice him leaving you two. You told him your name.
- It was nice meeting you. I’ll be there at 7.
- Okay. See you then. And thank you.
- It’s no problem.
And with that you headed out of the garage. You turned back before you completely went outside. You saw a tattoo on James' right shoulder. You didn’t see every detail, but you felt a strange feeling. Unconsciously your eyes wandered to Niki. He was wearing a white shirt, but you could still see a glimpse of something similar, at least as you guessed, just under his neck. Strange.
You went back to the motel. You couldn’t go to sleep during the night so easily. You had a weird feeling about The Rat’s Den. Some kind of an aura was around it. It looked like any other garages where they repair cars and that’s it, but not there. There was something. You couldn’t really describe what you were feeling, or grasp what you should even be looking for. Something was up, you were sure about that.
After a few hours of sleep, you woke up. Niki could be here any minute now. You freshened up a little bit, you felt like shit due to the lack of sleep. Suddenly, you heard a loud car noise. You were the only one there at the motel, you guessed that was Niki. Honk. Yes, most definitely. You opened the door for an old, shiney Ferrari, with Niki sitting at the front.
- You’re coming or no, Schatzi?
You blushed by the petname, but quickly composed yourself, locked your room’s door, and jumped into the passenger seat. The man asked you about where you left your car. You answered and he drove to the correct directions. The short journey was mostly silent, with small talks. You stared out of the window, so you missed the spectating eyes of his.
- You’re good? You look exhausted…
- I’m okay, I just haven’t slept much. - you turned to him.
- Well, that makes the two of us.
You looked at him with curious eyes, but he remained silent, eyes focused on the road. You couldn’t read him, but tried to observe his features. He was pale, especially his knuckles as he was basically suffocating that poor wheel. He was taking deep and slow breaths. He looked like he was having a hard time in his own car.
- Is that your car? - Niki snapped you out of your thoughts.
- Yes, yes, that’s it.
Niki stopped his car in front of yours. You got out, and walked to it. He asked for your keys, so he could open the hood of the car. You took them out of your packet, then placed them in his open palm. Fingers briefly touched. He was warm. Surprisingly warm. For a moment you thought you heard him sharply inhale, but he quickly busied himself with your car. He has a nice butt. You immediately scolded yourself and turned your back to him, leaning on the side of the car, while he was working. After a few minutes, awkward silence, and some rattling, he straightened himself and turned to you.
- The engine gave up. Although it’s nothing serious or expensive, it will take some day to fix it properly, so it won’t die again. - so I stuck here yey - How long will you stay?
- As long as I don’t have a car I guess… - you massaged your nose, the lack of sleep started to catch up - I took it to a mechanic before I left… That’s just great…
- Well, that asshole did a shit job… It’s obvious what’s wrong, and it didn’t happen overnight. - he shrugged and closed the hood - I can’t take it back to the garage now, but during the afternoon I will come back for it with a more usable car.
- Sounds like a plan - you nodded and extended your arm to take your keys back.
Your fingers brushed against his, again, but this time the contact shot electricity up in your arm, which caused you to drop the keys. You instantly crouched after it, but what you grabbed weren’t your keys. It was a hand. Niki’s hand. How does he have these quick reflexes? You looked up, still holding his hand, and just realized that your faces were just a few centimeters away from each other. Both of you froze. Niki even seemed like he wasn’t breathing. His eyes were on yours, before he looked down to your lips. You licked them unconsciously. He purred. What?
- We should get back to the town.
He jumped up, leaving your keys on the ground. You tried to get yourself together, picked up your keys and sat back into his car. The way back to the garage was in complete silence. He didn’t purr, did he? He just breathed weirdly… I am imagining stuff… Right? You were confused.
Not much happened during the rest of the day. You tried to look around the little place, bought some food and just relaxed in your room. When the sun started to settle down you realized that you didn’t give your car keys back to Niki. You left each other in such a hurry, after he took you back to his garage, none of you had it in mind. You couldn’t call him, you didn’t have his number, and you didn’t really want to walk there. Throughout the whole day you had a strange feeling. Something was definitely up. You just felt it in your guts. Niki was like any other man and yet, he had an aura that just gave off some vibes which you just couldn’t grasp, no matter how hard you tried. You were pacing in your room when you looked out of your window. A red Ferrari just stopped in front of the motel. What, is he a mind reader too? You opened your door, spinning your keys in the air with your right hand.
- Catch! - you shouted, throwing them at his back, but before it could hit him, he turned around and caught them in his left hand with incredible accuracy.
You weren't expecting that. He didn’t say anything, just smirked and winked at you, as you locked eyes. You blushed deeply, and he disappeared just as quickly as he came by.
During the evening, you couldn’t rest. Again. This time you decided to go for a little walk. You weren’t really paying attention to where you were going. You just wandered around the quiet, calm town. It seemed like everyone was fast asleep. Not a single person, not a single soul was up. You arrived at a little dirt road which was leading you to a forest, next to your temporary home. You didn’t know why, you followed it. You got to a little field which was shielded with huge trees from the outside world. Some rays of sunshine were still peeking through the bushes, giving it an angelic look. Little red flowers covered your newly found small area. It felt like you were in a fairytale. But you weren’t. You heard a branch break behind you. You turned on your heels, just in time to see a huge, black wolf coming out from the bushes. It looked unusual, there was something in its face, in its eyes that was off. Human? It had a human kind of amused face expression. In the middle of your observation you just realized it was coming close. You panicked. Just when you thought it was going to rip you apart, another one jumped between the two of you, from behind you. This one was white, and slightly bigger. It growled at its own kind, like it was telling him to fuck off. The black wolf looked at you one last time and took off into the trees. The remaining animal calmed down, before it turned to you. It looked majestic. There was something royal in its posture. Around its neck and on his chest it had little patches of curly fur, like a mane. It had a cut on its lip, probably just had a fight, maybe with its prey. It looked deep into your eyes, like it was staring into your soul. There was something familiar in those eyes. The eyes were glowing, and like a river of caramel. Wait. You took a step forward and it instantly disappeared into the shadows. You really did needed to sleep.
You jolted up in your bed. You were covered in sweat, hair was messy. You massaged your face while you were trying to catch your breath, even your breathing. You looked at the clock. 1:30am. You managed to sleep for about an hour, before the nightmare woke you up. You saw the wolves again. They were circling you. The black one jumped forward and tackled you to the ground. Your sight got blurry, but you could still make out the silhouette of the white one. It changed into a man. It had curly hair. You felt like someone or something was watching you. You walked to the window, and pushed the curtain aside. You saw a wolf, watching you from the otherside of the road. A white wolf. That wolf. You immediately turned around, hands were burying in your hair. What the hell is going on? Am I going crazy? What is this place? A knock on the door caused you to jump. With shake legs and hands, you went to the door and opened it. Niki was leaning on the door jamb, with his left hand.
- What an earth are you… - you started with a confused look but it quickly changed into a shock, your eyes got wide when you looked at his lips. He had a fresh scar there. - There’s no way…
- I can’t do this anymore. You drive me crazy. - he looked at you with a beast-like expression on his face.
- What do y- - you couldn’t finish your question.
Niki technically broke into your room, then kicked the door closed. He didn’t mean to scare you, but he was on the edge of completely losing control over himself. He took a step towards you. You didn’t step back. You couldn’t. That animal look on him made your legs weak, your mouth dry. The lust in his eye made you want him. You licked your lips. That was the last straw for him. The next thing you knew you were thrown against the wall. His mouth was on your neck, sucking and biting like a hungry wolf. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he didn’t plan to go easy and kind on you either. He hooked his hands under your knees, picked you up and you instantly wrapped your legs around his waist. His fingers dug into the flesh of your ass and thighs.
- Your smell is intoxicating to me. I still don’t know how did I manage to not to rip your clothes off and fuck you on the hood of your car, when there were just the two of us, alone. - he confessed into your ear, and that made you feel all kinds of incoherent thoughts.
You wanted to answer, but when he sucked on your collarbone, the only thing that came out of your mouth was a moan, which could have been heard in Hell as well. He growled in response, grabbed your shirt on the back, and tore it in half with such ease, letting it fall to the carpet. He took you away from the wall, then placed your back on your bed. He sit up, just to took of his shirt. He placed himself between your legs, arms next to your head to keep himself from crushing you. He looked you deep in the eye. The warm that radiated from him was unbearable. It made your stomach turn in itself. He leaned in to capture your lips, but he stopped just millimeters away from you. There was a silent question in the air. He got his answer when you closed your eyes. When your lips met, you felt like you jumped to another dimension. He tasted like a mixture of cigarette and beer. Your hands found their ways into his curls. His breath stuttered for a second, before letting out a purring sound into your lips and mouth. He liked that. No. He loved that. His left hand wandered down between the two of you, to pull your pants down. You let him. Then it was your turn to free him from his pants. He let you. He was bigger than you would have imagined, and thick. And also hard like a rock. You gently grabbed him to pump him a little bit, but he didn’t let you have your fun for too long. He needed you badly. He wanted to bury himself in you. He pulled your hand away from him, and just as you were to pull your legs up for him to get a better angle, he tightened his grip on your arm a little bit, and turned you around like he just picked up a feather. You got confused for a second but when you felt him at your entrance you put the puzzle together. Oh. He is half wolf after all. And without a second word he trusted his hips toward and filled you up. You pressed your face into your blanket to suppress some of your cry.
- I’m sorry, but you really bring the animal out of me... Meine schöne Beute...- was all he whispered, but waited for a little bit for you, to get used to him, before he started moving.
From slow and sensual trusts, you quickly arrived to needy and shameless fucking. His occasional growles got mixed with your load moans. Niki kept biting your neck and shoulders, and you couldn’t do anything, rather just take it. Not that you had any coherent thoughts about doing anything in that position. As both of you were coming closer to reaching your desires, Niki’s hands found their ways to the back of your own ones, interlocked your fingers, and raised both his and your arms above your heads on the bed. You saw the finish line, but before you could register the checkered flag, your pleasure hit you like a racecar. The man behind you finished the race as a close second. He stayed inside you until he got soft, then collapsed on the bed beside you. After you stopped seeing stars, you looked at him. He was already looking at you with his big caramel eyes. You felt this urge to cuddle him, you were already missing his warmth, although he wasn’t that far from you. He looked like he sensed your thoughts, because he opened one of his arms, invitingly. You quickly snuggled to his side, head on his chest. He was drawing circles on your back with the hand that was behind you. You reached up to the back of his neck, and started to slowly massaging the hair on it. He instantly started purring.
- I love this sound… - you slightly chuckled.
- I can get used to this… - he smiled.
- So am I... - the broken car was long forgotten.
Both of you drifted off to sleep like this, in the arms of each other. The last thing you heard was Niki’s heartbeat. Thump. Thump. Thump. Honk.
You shot your eyes open. You were in your car. In a parking lot. You sit up, confused, trying to solve your thoughts. You were tired, so you stopped to sleep a little bit in your car, before you reached your next destination. Was this all a dream? You climbed over to the driver’s seat. Started the car. Looked in the mirror on your right, on your left, then on the middle one. You saw a little purple spot under your shirt, around your neck. You pulled the shirt aside. A hickey on your collarbone.
The End?...
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narrators-journal · 3 years
CW: predator/prey(?), somnophilia, dubcon.
Warning: here
previous part: here
first part: here
The day after your romp in the bath, Gogol returned again, all smiles and sugar as he brought you your breakfast.        "Good news Golubka! I've got a few days off, so you and I can play a lovely game~" he sang, letting you eat before poofing you out of your cage and into his lap.        "Uh, okay?" you said once settled with your thighs on either side of his, eyeing him suspiciously, your stomach boiling with a combination of lust and dread. Of course, all he did in response to your suspicion, was smile,        "The rules are easy, I will let you go," he tightened his grip on your hips when you tried to bolt for the door, "But, I will also be chasing after you." he finished, "You will get a day's head start, just to make it fair though~" you grimaced at that, not so thrilled to be hunted down by a magical sadist.        "What happens if I get caught?" you asked, eyeing his mischievous grin, knowing damned well this man wasn't going to just put you back into the cage if he 'won',        "Than I get to fuck you~"        "And if I don't get caught?" You asked, and his grin fell into a pout,        "I guess it makes sense you'd want a possible reward," he huffed, thinking for a moment, "If you stay away from me and I don't find you for a week, you can go free. I won't go after you again," he offered, and your (e/c) eyes lit up once more. He grinned at that, this smile much more predatory than before, "So, shall we start, Golubka?" He purred darkly, his voice growing dangerous and...sexy. It sent a shiver down your spine, but when you nodded, he let you go, letting you bounce up from his lap and bolt out of the basement, through the kitchen, and out the backdoor like a cartoon road runner. It was once again dark out when you got outside, but you didn't care, simply relishing the chill of the air and the smell of grass and trees. As you ran, you could see that your captor was living in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and fields, but you could see a road leading through the trees, so you took that and ran for all you were worth. It was slow going, you hadn't been outside in a long while, so your night vision was poor, but you did manage to put some distance between you and the, honestly impressive, house you were held in. Eventually, you ended up back in some sort of town, where you were able to plead your way onto a ride out and even got the reassuring confirmation that you were still in your home country, seemingly only a few towns over from your hometown. You were happy to hitch a few rides through the night, getting within an hours walk of your hometown before your options dwindled, though you were fine with walking in the maybe mid-morning light. Of course, you were exhausted when you finally reached a semi-familiar building, but your adrenaline was boiling and you were too hyper from being outside to think of finding a place to rest. So, instead, you dug out the crumpled twenty your last ride, a kindly old nun group, had given you and found a shop to buy an energy drink and some chips from. You were starving from hours of not daring to touch any food or drink your rides offered, but you needed to reserve as much money as possible to live as off the radar as you could to escape Gogol, so you devoured your chips and chugged your energy drink and went back to walking through the town. Your first thought was to go home, but you shook that thought away when you remembered how you were drugged and kidnapped from your own living room. Instead, when you found this slummy little motel a good distance from your home or usual stomping grounds that was cheap. Since your energy drink high was ending, you didn't complain about the nasty sheets and sticky carpet, you just laid on the bed, planning to rest only for a moment and rely on the last shreds of false energy to help you get up and properly crawl under the covers, but as soon as your body hit the lumpy mattress, you only remember darkness. It wasn't unexpected, you were let go around late evening and had been up until late afternoon on nothing but some energy drinks. Food could wait, your body first demanded sleep. So, you granted it, letting yourself slip into whatever fever dreams your subconscious cooked up. You were in a dinky motel after all, Gogol most likely wouldn't find you so far from your usual habits for a while. You were safe. Your dreams weren't half bad either, full of fantasies of Gogol and plenty of fun. One of the perks of being so tired was that your dreams would sometimes become so vivid you could practically feel Gogol's gloved hands roaming your bare (s/c) skin, squeezing your breasts while he nipped and kissed at your neck, or ground his healthy bulge against your ass. Though, eventually, you did finally wake up. Drowsily taking a moment to remember where  you were, than remember why you were there. Of course, after that, you registered that someone was really nibbling at your neck and dry humping you. You groaned, trying to squirm a bit, but the especially hard bite to your neck made you moan and still. After that, you finally got to see who exactly was littering your throat with bruises, and it shouldn't have surprised you to see Gogol's mismatched eyes glittering with glee,          "Morning Golubka, sleep well?" he hummed, moving so he could hold your wrists above your head with one hand, have the other be free, and stay between your thighs with his very obvious erection pressed against the crotch of your underwear.            "W-what are you doing?" you squeaked, feeling a blush creep into your cheeks as Gogol sat above you without a shirt or his cloak on.             "having some fun," he mumbled, stealing small kisses as he spoke. Finally, he just kept you from saying more by holding a kiss and sweeping you up in a wave of lust that easily overtook you after your dreams and earlier fantasies. So, you kissed back, wrapping your legs around him and feeling him grin against your mouth before his free hand wondered under your shirt to grope at your breast until you moaned and squirmed more. The feeling of his mouth returning to your neck to further abuse your bruising sweet spot sent bolts of pleasure through your bones, especially when coupled with his hand roaming your skin and his bulge brushing against your already sensitive crotch. Because of that, when Gogol pulled your bottoms down and released his twitching erection to tease your slick entrance with the head, you squirmed and mewled like a horny bitch as he grabbed your wrists and held them above your head. Both of you groaned when he pushed into you, filling you up with delicious warmth while tightening his hold on your wrists. Then, once he was as far in as he could go, it was like something snapped in the smiley clown. He was nowhere near gentle, holding your hip in a bruising grip with his free hand and slamming into you mercilessly despite any complaints or pained screams. He spoke in Russian, so you didn't understand anything he said while humping you, but even if you did speak the language, you would've had to translate through a haze of pained pleasure. You were thankful for the times you experimented with rougher, more sadistic sexual acts, because it meant you weren't overtaken by nothing but pain, you were instead hit with a mixture of great pain and equally great pleasure. So, while Gogol was moaning and muttering stuff that you were sure you should be glad you didn't understand, you were a moaning mess of your own, arching your back and curling your toes at the waves of hot ecstasy Gogol was sending through you until a knot in your stomach began to tighten. It took a shamefully short time for you to orgasm, but before the ripples of euphoria had even settled, the clown pulled out and let your wrists go only to roll you over and hike your ass up simply to push back into you and go right back to thrusting at a sadistic pace. You did do your best to stop him, at least get him to slow down, but he ignored your pleading and only pushed your face into the nasty mattress while his other hand kept your hips firmly in place so he could further bruise your (s/c) skin while grunting and moaning out curses. Eventually though, after you had climaxed a second time, Gogol finally stilled, keeping his cock buried in you while he emptied his load into your warmth. Only when he began to feel over-stimulation creep up for himself did he pull out, flopping beside you on the bed with a huff of breath.         "That was fun! We should do it again, Golubka~" he hummed, but you only grunted, passing back out after such a taxing, yet enjoyable romp.
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
Awwww. The Skeppy burrito drawing was so cute! Look at him being all soft XD.
As promised I have even more questions hahah XD. Not so many this time because I'm kinda tired.
Do they ever hug at some point, more likely in the future when they know each other better? As in, does Skeppy's touch starved life get the better of him at some point and he just reaches to cuddle Bad on a particularly exhausting day?
And Bad in the town!!! Ooooh. Does he like visiting the town or does it bring back bad memories? N does he remember anyone there or is he much older than he looks and everyone's passed on? :(
Final one! :D Can Skeppy bring out any of Bad's more animalistic natures? I'm not sure when this is set so I don't think laser pointers/torches (flashlights I think others call em) exist but is he able to make Bad chase things? Or (I don't know if you've ever put a bell on a cat's tail and watched em jump about after it haha) but does tying bells to Bad's antlers make him react?
You have no clue how excited I get when I get the notif that you've posted! <3
Eheheh :3c
Skeppy: *snoring like hoard of zombies* Bad: adorable :3 *puts more dirt and leaves in his hair*
And, oh, yeah, they’ll definitely get to hugs-territory at some point! After they started to become friends, especially after Bad told Skeppy about his past, the trust between them grew, and so did the ease of the casual touching. Sleepover cuddles will be a thing for sure!
And there will be more about this AND the multiple visits to the town in the next story post, this is part of the plot and all. That’s actually why it took me so long to answer this ask (so sorry for that =c=) – I wanted to finish translating and prettying up all my notes to see what details will definitely go in the main post. And I finished it all yesterday! Aaaand there’s a lot of text :DDDD Here’s a sneak peek in my Word:
Tumblr media
First post was a bit over 2k words. The rest of the text is 6.5k, idk if I’ll be able to fit it all in one post with pictures, will see. But this is everything, with flashback to Bad’s past, and the ending, and all.
I still didn’t go in all of the details, so, if after reading the whole thing you’ll still have specific questions about the visits to the town, I’ll gladly fill in the blanks. And you can keep asking about everything, while I prepare the big post, and if it’s something that I didn’t go in depth about in the notes, I will try my best to answer (:
Oh, and about the last part of your ask:
The story is set in the second part of the 90s, so laser pointers are already a thing. BUT they were invented somewhere in the 60-70s, so Bad, who stared living in the woods in the 50s, probably had no idea they exist. Skeppy definitely used this fact to his advantage for light trolling, hiding in the brush and making Bad scramble around, wondering what this little light is.
But this was more confusion and curiosity, than a roper hunt, I’d say. Rat though, Rat would hunt for the Elusive Red Light Of Doom a little bit to intensely. After couple sturdy trees fell victim to her trying to destroy The Offensive Dot, and Bad had to dig Skeppy up from under those trees, and pull a bunch of splinters from Rat’s gums… laser pointers were banned in the forest, permitted to use only in case of emergencies.
And you can tie stuff on Bad’s horns, but there’s a big chance it will fall off or disappear at some point. His horns always change shape, and the ribbons on them are the wishing charms people tie on the branches, like, exactly the ones people tied to the trees recently or in the past. They’re like little contracts for small wishes and protection people ask for from the forest.
So tying something directly on Bad’s horn will be a pretty intimate action, and may result in some unexpected wish fulfilment :DDD
If you want to see more instinctive (and cute) animalistic traits Bad shows around Skeppy, well. I’d say it happens more often when Bad just woke up from a nap; a normal proper nap, not the one where he stops being himself. Sleepy Bad can play with Skeppy’s hoodie strings, or lazily catch dry leaves falling from the trees, or hide in the piles of them to be sneaky. He’s a real delight :D
I’m really glad that you enjoy this story! It’s always a good day when I get a new ask, and my head starts swarming with all the new things I can share about it all.
Sorry again for taking so long to answer, hope you’re having a nice day too <3
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Wooow, first time writing a fic for this fandom. I’m stupidly nervous. Also I only just finished SDR2 so I’m just gonna make this a Non-Despair AU in case there’s any big events in the next canon games I don’t know about yet. Plus i want everybody to be alive and well (chapter four hurt). This is also the first time in years I’ve written any fanfiction, so forgive me if I’m rusty. I do love this pairing. Can be taken romantically or platonic in this one (as this isn’t my only ship for Hajime so I tried to keep it ambiguous). - Circle
Also posted to AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/33332596
Warning: sickfic, descriptions of vomiting (I don’t go into much detail), nightmares/general anxiety.
Kazuichi was the only person Hajime knew with a worse sleep schedule than his own. For months he hadn’t realised - everybody had their own space on the island and Hajime was occupied enough with his own fatigue - but as Fuyuhiko saw how much Kazuichi grew to trust and confide in Hajime, he reported the issue.
“He’s like a fucking baby,” Fuyuhiko muttered bitterly. “If he gets tinkering on something he’ll be at it for days without sleeping. You gotta make sure he doesn’t overdo it. I can’t babysit that dumbass by myself.”
Hajime nodded, letting the insults sail over his head. Fuyuhiko may swear and yell and tell everyone over and over that Kazuichi and Hajime and Akane were the bane of his existence, but he was really the closest thing their group had to a mum friend.
“I’ll keep an eye out,” Hajime promised. It was an easy enough job. At least it gave him something to do. Whenever Hajime found himself unable to sleep now, he’d go hunting for Kazuichi. More often than not he’d be at the airport, dismantling or building things as the mood struck him, and all Hajime had to do was hook his collar and ignore the whining as he dragged his friend away to bed.
But that night was different. Hajime could sense it the second he walked into the airport. Since the other students rarely went in there, Kazuichi had taken over the space, scattering bits of parts and machines in various stages of completion. But he wasn’t hunched over with a fiddly screwdriver or hidden underneath some big contraption with only his legs visible. He was sitting against a large machine, resting his head against the cool metal, his thumb rubbing at the motor oil embedded under his bitten fingernails.
That was concerning. Kazuichi was never still. He was forever biting his fingernails or twirling his wrench idly in his hands or messing with the pockets on his jumpsuit, dragging the zips up and down over and over. It used to drive Hajime mad, but after knowing Kazuichi for so long Hajime could recognise it as a nervous response and he knew not to complain about it.
Because kazuichi was fragile. Not physically - he could easily haul heavy engine parts around and didn’t buckle when Akane jumped on his back - but it was pretty easy to upset him. When Fuyuhiko had started mocking Kazuichi over his obsession with Sonia - “you gotta bully the shitty behaviours out of people, Hajime.” - it had led to Kazuichi knocking at Hajime’s cottage in the middle of the night, tearfully asking him why Fuyuhiko hated him.
Sometimes Hajime really wished they had an Ultimate Therapist on the island.
So now, looking across the abandoned airport to Kazuichi behaving in a very not-Kazuichi way, Hajime proceeded with caution. He made sure to step purposefully, his footsteps loud on the linoleum floor; he’d once surprised Kazuichi from behind and almost received a wrench to his temple… as well as a burst eardrum from the screaming.
Kazuichi looked up, hastily fumbling with his glasses and shoving them into his pocket. He hated anyone seeing him wear them, so Hajime knew not to comment.
Usually Kazuichi’s face brightened when he saw any of his friends, but now his smile was wary, reserved. “Hey, Hajime,” he said, his voice thick with fatigue.
“When was the last time you slept?” Hajime asked bluntly. “Or ate?”
Kazuichi turned back to face the hunk of metal beside him (unidentifiable to Hajime), though he still didn’t start tinkering. “Not hungry.”
“That doesn’t answer my question at all.”
“I slept yesterday. I think… It’s Monday, right?”
Hajime sighed heavily and hooked the collar of Kazuichi’s jumpsuit with his fingers. “Come on, get up. Bedtime. You’re not even doing anything.”
“Mmn. Can’t seem to focus tonight.”
“That’s because you’re exhausted. Go to bed.”
“Okay! Jeez, man, you’re acting like my mother,” Kazuichi whined, sounding more like himself.
The pair walked out into the cool night air together, Hajime taking hold of Kazuichi’s sleeve when he stumbled. Just how long had he been awake? He was acting like a zombie.
“Fuyuhiko said you weren’t sleeping,” Hajime grumbled. “You should take better care of yourself.”
“Fuyuhiko said it? So why did he make you come get me? Are you sure he doesn’t hate me?” Souda pressed.
“Yes, I’m sure. I told you, he was only harsh because he wanted you to leave poor Sonia alone.”
“Well. I have been, haven’t I?” he muttered.
Hajime assumed that was meant to be a rhetorical question, but it came out like Kazuichi was looking for reassurance. It hadn’t occurred to him how often Souda seemed to do that, as if he was worried anything he said would elicit a bad reaction.
“I’ve even been nice to Gundham,” Kazuichi said, much more irritably. “Though that’s a damn uphill battle, Hajime, I’m telling you. I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about half the time.”
Hajime snorted. Watching Souda trying to interact with Gundham was becoming a running joke between the other students now. There was always a five second pause when Gundham finished talking before Kazuichi could reply, his face contorted as he hastily tried to translate.
“You’ll get used to Gundham. I didn’t understand him much at first either.” Hajime frowned as Kazuichi wrapped his arms around himself, shivering. “Are you cold?”
“I’m freezing. Maybe I do need to sleep better. I’m not feeling so good…” He stumbled again as they went across the uneven boardwalk to the cabins, bumping Hajime’s shoulder.
Hajime caught hold of him instinctively - then paused for a second. He quickly cupped both hands over Kazuichi’s cheeks.
“H-Hajime?!” Souda reeled back so fast he almost toppled right off the platform. “What the hell are you doing?”
“You have a fever, Kazuichi,” Hajime groaned. “You’re burning up. That’s why you don’t feel good.”
“I do?” Souda cupped his own cheeks contemplatively. “Huh. That makes sense. I couldn’t focus properly all evening.”
Hajime sighed heavily. Souda could be so oblivious at times it was hard to believe he was so talented with his machines. He seemed so much more confident when he spoke about that stuff. When he’d started getting closer to Kazuichi, Hajime once asked about some little mechanical toy Souda was making - and Souda’s face had just lit up. He talked Hajime’s ear off for a good fifteen minutes about every little piece of the toy and how it worked. Hajime didn’t understand the majority of it, but he always made sure to ask Kazuichi about his various projects after that. Souda was delighted every time, his words tripping over each other with excitement and his eyes shining like beacons. For a second Hajime wondered if that was how it felt to be Sonia.
“Well, you’d better come with me for now,” Hajime said. “I know you don’t have any first aid supplies in your cabin, and we don’t need Mikan to tell us you have some standard virus. I’ve got painkillers and fever reducers.” Hajime held onto Kazuichi by the elbow, guiding him along to the correct cabin. He seemed beyond argument. He flopped onto Hajime’s bed as soon as they went inside, curling onto his side and closing his eyes.
Hajime hovered over him, feeling a pang of anxiety. He wasn’t used to caring for any sick people except Nagito, and caring for Nagito was a wholly bizarre experience all around. Hajime had never seen anybody swing so wildly between self-deprecating, passive aggressive and strangely clingy when he was forced to babysit a sick Nagito. Hajime figured Kazuichi might fall into the clingy category.
Hajime grabbed fever reducers from the bathroom cabinet and went to crouch beside his bed, shaking Kazuichi’s shoulder. Maybe it was the fever or the several days without sleep, but Kazuichi already seemed to be breathing deeper. There was a red flush across both his cheekbones, garishly bright against his pink hair. Hajime checked his forehead again; it was burning.
“Hey, dude, wake up. You’ve gotta take some medicine and go back to your own cabin,” Hajime said, shaking Kazuichi’s shoulder harder. Kazuichi whined irritably, reaching out a clumsy hand without opening his eyes. He managed to find Hajime’s face and tried to shove him away weakly.
“Kazuichi!” Hajime caught hold of his wrist, sighing. “You have motor oil on your hands. Look, I don’t care if you don’t want to take medicine, but go sleep in your own cabin. This happens to be my bed.”
Kazuichi didn’t move, breathing deeply. Hajime wasn’t sure if he was actually sleeping or just ignoring him.
“I kissed Sonia,” Hajime lied.
No response. Hm. Maybe Kazuichi really was asleep.
Well, what was Hajime meant to do now? He didn’t feel mean enough to boot his sick friend off the bed. He supposed he could go stay in Souda’s room, but he didn’t know where his key was, and he didn’t want to go rifling through Kazuichi’s pockets for it while he was sleeping - and maybe Souda needed somebody with him in case his fever got worse. Fevers could turn nasty, right? Not that Hajime would be any use, but he could go get Mikan.
Sighing resignedly, Hajime went to the unoccupied side of his bed, lying back to back with Kazuichi. Most of the bedsheets were trapped under his sick companion no matter now Hajime yanked them, but Souda was so hot Hajime was soon uncomfortably warm. The sleeping boy was taking up a lot of the bed too; he had Kazuichi’s hair in his face and elbows jabbing his ribs no matter what sleeping position Hajime tried. He sighed again. “You’re an utter pain to deal with, Kazuichi,” he mumbled into his pillow. “You need to take care of yourself before you get really sick.”
Hajime, though sure he’d never be able to even doze in this situation, must have slept at some point, because he woke with a start to find the bed shaking so violently he almost toppled off it. In his drowsy state Hajime wondered for a second if the island had any seismic activity, but the earthquake seemed confined to the bed alone. He sat up and fumbled to turn on the bedside lamp, rubbed the sleep from his eyes and turned to his sleeping friend.
Kazuichi was shaking violently, curled into a foetal position. His face had bleached several shades whiter and his fists were clenched tight, crumpling the bedsheets. His brow was furrowed and he made intermittent whines in the back of his throat, barely audible. Whatever dream was playing in his feverish head, it clearly wasn’t a pleasant one.
“Kazuichi,” Hajime called, shaking the sleeping man’s shoulder. Hajime could feel the heat radiating through Kazuichi’s clothes. “Come on, man, wake up.”
When he received no response, he shook harder, momentarily panicked. It was a mistake. Kazuichi jolted awake with a scream, the momentum sending him tumbling right off the bed onto the floor. He banged his head hard on the skirting board.
“Shit! Fuck, Souda, are you okay?” Hajime cried, hurrying over to Kazuichi. Souda scrambled backwards in a panic, clonking his head all over again when he hit the wall. His eyes hadn’t focused yet and he was breathing far too quickly. Hajime was starting to think he really should fetch Mikan.
“Kazuichi, it’s just me. Hajime. You know, your…” He paused, cringing. Only Kazuichi ever called them by that dumb name. “Your soul friend.”
Kazuichi looked up, locking eyes with Hajime. He didn’t stop shaking, but his breathing calmed slightly. For what felt like several minutes, both boys stared helplessly at each, unsure what to do or say. Souda swallowed thickly and finally whispered in a hoarse, rasping voice, “I’m gonna puke.”
“What?” That certainly broke Hajime out of the awkward staring contest. He grabbed hold of Souda by the wrist and yanked him across the bedroom to the bathroom, shoving him firmly towards the toilet. He turned to leave - he didn’t want to witness any of that - when something snagged onto the back of his shirt.
“Are you serious?” Hajime groaned. Souda felt too nauseated to dare opening his mouth, but he tugged insistently at Hajime’s shirt.
Hajime paused. Part of him - maybe even most of him - really wanted to brush Kazuichi’s hand away and flee the room before anything gross started happening. But Souda looked so… pathetic, sitting there trying not to vomit, still shaky and tearful from the nightmare, his hair tangled across his sweaty face.
Damn it. Hajime shouldn’t have looked at him.
“Fine, fine,” he sighed, kneeling beside Souda on the bathroom floor. He hastily gathered Kazuichi’s messy hair away from his face as the sick boy leaned further over the toilet. “You owe me big time for this. Especially when I end up catching this from you.”
Grumbling aside, Hajime stayed, managing not to complain or pull too many faces when Kazuichi was vomiting. He focused on holding Souda’s hair out of the way, glad he had one job he could manage. This comforting thing was way out of his depth. Souda kept one hand reaching backwards to clasp Hajime’s shirt, as if he didn’t quite trust him not to run away.
When the retching finally tapered off, Hajime released Souda’s hair and reached up to flush the toilet, grimacing. “Better?”
Kazuichi made a noise between a whine and a sob, head resting on the toilet seat.
“Well, at least it’s over. I’m gonna go grab you some water, okay?”
He stood up, but Kazuichi hastily lifted his head, looking outraged. “You’re leaving me? I could be dying here!”
“You’re not dying, Souda. Honestly, sometimes I think you should’ve been Ultimate Drama Queen.”
“Stay with me.” Kazuichi shuffled away from the toilet and latched onto Hajime leg.
“Souda, it will take me literally thirty seconds to grab a bottle of water. Now get off.” Hajime tried to yank his leg free, but Souda had a strong grip, even when ill.
“Nope. Don’t leave.”
Hajime sighed heavily. “Then get up and come back to the bed.”
Souda slumped down onto the cool linoleum floor, making sure to keep his arms around Hajime’s ankle. “Don’t wanna move. Everything hurts.”
“Oh, for fuck sake!” Hajime tried to pull Souda up himself, but Souda let his body go limp, sprawling across the bathroom floor, and Hajime couldn’t lift him up when he was dead weight like that.
“You know that’s exactly what toddlers do when they don’t want you picking them up,” Hajime snapped. Honestly, this was almost as bad as Nagito. Why did everybody mess with him when they were sick?
“I can see why. It’s very effective,” Kazuichi muttered.
“I could just leave, you know. Just say fuck it and let you lie there on your own.”
“Don’t.” The jesting tone had disappeared from Souda’s voice. He looked close to tears again, flat on his back and staring up at Hajime pleadingly.
Hajime tried to hold onto his frustration, but he couldn’t. Not with Kazuichi looking at him like that. He sighed and sat on the floor beside Souda, putting a hand on his forehead. “You’re burning up.”
“Keep your hand there,” Kazuichi mumbled. “It’s cold.”
“Fine. But if you let me leave I could get you a cold cloth for your head.”
“Okay, okay.” Hajime paused. Souda’s eyelids were drooping again. If he wanted to ask, Hajime had to do it quickly. “Hey, Kazuichi..?”
“What happened? Earlier, I mean.”
“I puked.”
��No, you dope. Earlier than that. When you woke up. You seemed really terrified. Were you dreaming?” Hajime was already regretting asking. Kazuichi was sick and over-emotional. They were sitting on the bathroom floor, for God’s sake. Nothing good could come of emotional conversations on a bathroom floor.
There was another silence, so long Hajime checked to see if Kazuichi had dozed off. His eyes were wide open now, staring at the ceiling. “It was just a dream. That’s all.”
“Do you remember what it was about?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Kazuichi mumbled.
Hajime sighed. “Look, it’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it. But it clearly freaked you out really bad. If there’s something you’re worried about or something that’s scaring you, I can-“ Hajime stopped as Kazuichi sat up abruptly. He kept his face turned to the wall, but Hajime heard the sniffles, saw his shoulders start shaking.
“Fuck,” Hajime muttered helplessly. “Kazuichi, I’m sorry. I’ll just be quiet. You don’t have to tell me anything. I’m messing this all up, I’m such a fucking idiot sometimes.”
“I’m a fucking idiot,” Kazuichi sobbed. “So stupid I still dream about him! Why can’t he just go away!” He went on talking, but he was howling too hard for Hajime to understand. He’d seen Souda cry countless times before, but this was different somehow. This wasn’t just wailing because some girl he liked had turned him down. This was raw, painful terror.
“Hey hey, calm down! You’re gonna make yourself sick again,” Hajime said, trying hard to keep the panic out of his own voice. He took hold of Kazuichi’s wrists, pulling him gently away from the wall. He’d meant to lay Souda down in the same position as before, but Souda instantly fell against Hajime’s chest, practically knocking him over.
“Right. Um. You’re okay. You’re safe here,” Hajime mumbled, patting his sobbing friend awkwardly. He wasn’t used to embracing people. It felt strange and unnatural but not unpleasant - and Souda clearly needed a hug more than anything else right now. “Souda, breathe. It’s okay. You’re safe. The fever is probably making it worse. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked about the nightmare.”
“Home,” Kazuichi gasped.
“I was dreaming about being back at home.”
Oh God. Where was that Ultimate Therapist again? Hajime didn’t know how to handle this. He couldn’t sort his own problems, let alone anyone else’s. “Oooh. Okay. Shit. Your dad..? You mentioned him once before.”
“Don’t. Don’t talk about it.”
“Okay. Sorry. So your dream was a memory? When he… hurt you?” Hajime guessed.
The sobbing, which had been gradually calming, quickly returned to near-hyperventilating.
“Sorry, sorry. Breathe, okay?” Hajime’s own heart was thumping hard. This was way more than he could handle. “Look… You’re away from there. He’s literally across an ocean. It’s just me and you here. Because you usurped my bed tonight.”
Kazuichi gave a snort that could’ve been a laugh. “It’s not… not usually this bad,” he said, his voice still jerky with sobs. “I-I can handle it on my own. The nightmares.”
“Fevers make nightmares worse. I think. I’d have to check with Mikan,” Hajime said. “But at least you were here this time.” He was surprised to find he really meant that. He couldn’t bear to think of Souda dealing with all that on his own.
They sat in silence for a long time, until Souda’s sobs died down to sniffles, his head still resting on Hajime’s chest. The front of Hajime’s shirt was now damp with tears and snot, and Souda’s feverish body was like a furnace, but he didn’t suggest they move. After a long time he found he’d wound his arms around Kazuichi’s shoulders.
“Are you still awake?” Hajime whispered eventually.
“Mn. Barely…”
“Listen, this is important. If you have dreams like that any other night, you can come over here. If you want. Just knock hard so I wake up.”
Kazuichi shifted in his arms to look at Hajime’s face. “You don’t have to do that. Don’t feel like you’re stuck with me.”
“Maybe I don’t mind being stuck with you,” Hajime retorted.
A ghost of a smile flickered across Kazuichi’s face, though he was still red and tear-stained. “Then you’re fucking crazy.”
“It’s not crazy to want to be your friend, Souda. So will you ask me for help next time you dream something like that? Please?”
Kazuichi wound his arms around Hajime’s middle and squeezed so hard it made Hajime gasp. “Okay. I’ll come get you.” He paused. “Thanks, Hajime.”
Kazuichi fell asleep soon after, still pinning Hajime to the bathroom floor with his weight. And though Hajime would moan about how sore and stiff he was the next morning, he was still glad Souda came to him for help. Just about.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
YOO BROTHERS ANON BACK FROM THE DEAD? My phone started to fucking die half way (like extreme lag, keyboard stopped working at times, sudden shut offs, etc) and I was too scared to work on this in fear it'd get deleted. But im fucking back and have a new phone so I was able to finally finish. Plus after I finished the Brothers AU stuff I decided I hated Tip of The Iceburg AU lore and wanted to redo it so held off til I got that mostly done. I'm also trying to redo From Future to Past a lil bit but thats going slowly and decided I already waited way to long. Some other stuff happened as well like falling out of the fandom (Breath of The Wild and Linked Universe I got into and am actually still kinda in) then getting tossed back in but, anyway there's some smaller details I left out of Rans time living in the wild but everything here is the big stuff. 
Keep in mind most of this happens when he's just 13. And he never acknowledges or treats his trauma, leaving it to build and affect him more and more over time. 
When Ran first steps out of Mizu and into the world, he has nothing but a sword at his back and a book with little information on how to survive at his hip. The book really only provides him how to make certain things (like tools) and some basic information (Spiders are passive in daytime, how to farm, and basic information about each nether biome). The book acts more like a brief overview of the overworld and little information on how to survive than an actual survival book. Because of this the book is basically useless, Ran eventually uses it as a way of marking down notes and ripping out papers to cover wounds and tie things. He quickly learns that sleeping in high places (like a tree or a hole in a mountain) is the safest possible place to sleep, as no mobs or people can get him. Though due to the nights of constant screaming from mobs, his own internal fighting, and eventual hunting, he develops insomnia and paranoia. Leaving him unable to close his eyes in fear of being ambushed, believing himself to be forever unsafe and in danger. When he does manage to sleep he keeps his weapons nearby (like in his hand or under his pillow) and jumps awake at the slightest sound. 
He moves around constantly, never staying in one place for more than 2 weeks. He eventually finds a snow biome and after seeing the little amount of mobs and knowing the snow is to deep for any sane human to try to travel through, he decides to stay there for a entire year and a half before moving again. During this time he grows both physically and mentally. He goes from being a small, lithe 5'5 13 year old to being a strong 6'7 15 year old. He also uses this time to come to terms with what happened and swear revenge against Ranbob for everything he's been through and everyone who's died. Even when Ran came to terms with what his brother did, the promise "Ill never abandon you." Continues to ring in his head, which does nothing but fuel his hatred, believing his brother has been lying to him ever since he was a child. While also growing his knowledge on the world and his survival knowledge, becoming an almost perfect survivalist. 
When he was first alone and dealing with all the emotions brought upon him, he finds out he's hunted very suddenly. He first approached Raq (who he didn't know at the time) when he was desperate and fresh out of Mizu, asking him if there's any nearby town or city or really anything. Raq pretends to want to help Ran and let's him stay at his camp, giving him food and a warm place to sleep. But its 2 full days later, deep in the night when Raq finally trys to attack him, aiming to incapacitate him. But Ran is able to escape him and run away but not without a injury. 
During the fight Raq manages to hit him, specifically on his left ear. He manages to cut deep, but not deep enough, leaving the top of his ear just barely hanging on. Ran runs away and actually has a bit of a head start due to him tripping Raq. But Raq manages to follow/track him, due to the blood flowing out of Rans ear. Ran eventually realizes Raq is tracking him by the blood trail he's leaving, so he stops, steals himself, and rips off the remaining part of his ear, barely holding back a yell, then Ran pushes his hand down on the wound and continues to run. Raq finds the ear and simply hums, intrigued by the lengths Ran will go to escape, before turning around, deciding to let Ran escape this time, because he knows he'll see him again. Ran continues to run, terrified and borderline crying due to the fear and pain. For the next 3 days he believes he is still being followed by Raq so he continues to run, never resting until he eventually collapses from exhaustion. His ear eventually heals over but never grows back, it becomes a reminder of the fact he is being constantly hunted by people and will never escape them. 
Ran encounters Raq a total of 32 times during his time living out in the wild. And every time Ran manages to get away, though sometimes more injured than others. Eventually it gets to the point Raq greets Ran like a old friend. After their 3rd encounter Raq starts to bring others with him, eventually he has 5 others helping him hunt Ran. Though Ran grows and is able to either outwit them by using traps or is just simply able to avoid them most of the time. Though he still gets hit at times, once he made a mistake and a trap failed, leading to him getting stabbed and passing out cause blood loss.
The Nether is less than kind to Ran but kinder than the overworld. He gets shot a lot from both ghasts and skeletons. And almost falls into lava multiple times. He gets stabbed and trips more times than he can count. But he actually manages to make acquaintance with the Piglins he meets due to him being polite to them and giving them gold for nothing in return. He actually is close enough to them to get directions for free and is even given resistance potions when Ran states he is leaving and not coming back as a farewell and stay safe gift. He ends up staying in the Nether for much longer than a normal person would and becomes adapt at traversing and surviving in it. It almost becomes his safe spot because the hunters have never followed him into the Nether. He would've lived there if he could, but due to the heat he isn't used too and the fact he just despised Ghasts more than the hunters, and they were everywhere in there, he didn't stay. But would often vist. Eventually he found netherite which he quickly covered his first and only diamond sword with. His sword also had the enchantments, sharpness 2, unbreaking 3, and sweaping edge. Over time and use the enchantments dimmed, only faintly remaining. At this point Ran had to flee his snow biome house due to a sudden attack, leaving behind the materials he needed to fix the enchantments and his sword. So he abandoned using it, but kept it cause it helped him through years of fighting, he can't exactly drop and leave it.
Extra stuff I couldn't find a way to fit in:
-Ran manages to find a village but actually gets kicked out cause he punches the blacksmith for upping the price of an iron sword.
-Ran slowly grows more cold, uncaring, rude, and harsh over time due to trauma. He doesn't realize he became this way due to untreated trauma until he arrives to The Pit where Watson is able to help him start to slowly heal. Which is why he becomes more open and joking in The Pit because he feels safe and loved. 
-When the group leaves The Pit he becomes cold and hard again due to habit. Its his way of subconsciously defending himself.
-His body is covered in scars due to the hunters and his brushes with mobs. 
-Ran knows how to tailor his own clothes and has made many different kinds of clothes, all designed for certain biomes. 
-Ran never farmed, he always hunted.
-Ran never really built anything, instead he preferred to dig into the side of a mountain or make shelter in a cave. Its only in the snow biome did he actually build a house. And even then it was very clearly meant to be a temporary house. Though he did end up living there longer than he intended. 
-He was at first extremely reluctant to kill, but was forced to kill hunters and animals multiple times. To the point he became almost numb to it and wouldn't hesitate to kill if he was threatened. 
-He would sometimes dream about his family only for it to end with them being slaughtered, which really messed him up and he would just lay in bed mindlessly every time it happened. These dreams still happen. 
Also a edit to when the brothers met in the Pit, Ran actually gets his hands on a broken trident accidentally left in the arena (its the front end only, and the middle spike is shorter than the rest due to a error when being made) and ends up tripping Ranbob then stabbing the trident into the ground over him (if that makes sense?), actually trapping Ranbob, with the middle spike just above his throat, leaving him unable to move unless he wants to cut his neck and trapped on the ground. 
Tip of The Iceburg:
So Karl's watch is still damaged. And Isaac is still the one to convince him to seek help from the others. But midway through the meeting Phil speaks up, mentioning how he found a book in a ruined village that had a replica of Karl's Watch etched into the cover, but is in a language he's never seen. After passing it around the table no one recognizes it. Everyone's discouraged until Foolish suggests they look for the other Travelers (what ima call the Tales people) and maybe one of them will know. Eventually, with picture pinning of supposedly who could be in their world, they all split off into groups to look. Ran is still the first found, but when he's shown the book he actually confirms a part of it is in a old enderman language that fell off long ago, he's able to translate half of that section but says that Ranbob, who studied old languages much more thoroughly than Ran can do the rest (cause here their still brothers but nothing in Brothers AU happened). Giving everyone hope. Eventually Ranbob gets found and translates the rest, but a great amount is still untranslated, which is a problem. So now its a journey of finding more people and mixing languages to find out the rest. 
A sudden twist to the story happens when Billiam joins, and due to his experience with the egg is actually able to translate a random page in the back of the book (the egg made its own language to prevent its plans being discovered). Where they find out the egg is what broke Karls watch, because to it humans are nothing but entertainment, and it gets joy seeing them suffer and wants to mess with their lives. When it gets revealed to the rest of the SMP what the page says, everyone gets pissed. And even when its found how to get the Travelers home they refuse to leave until the egg is destroyed, a few are mad at it and want revenge, others are scared and want to try to prevent it from coming into their time. Karl eventually relents and lets them join in making a plan to take down the egg.  
Also have some fluff scenarios with the brothers since its been a while:
-There's two types of resistance potions in their world, fire resistance and water resistance. The latter of which the brothers have memorized how to make. Their friends do not know water resistance exists. Which leads to the brothers pranking their friends by drinking some then jumping into a lake. Giving Watson a heartattack and making Isaac sob. The two quickly reemerge seeing their reactions and calm them and reassure them. After the explanation you can bet they got a talking too and where grounded. 
-Ran teaches Ranbob to fight!
-Ranbob teaches Ran to fish, Ran complains the entire time. 
-Ranbob responds by threatening to teach Ran how to farm. Ran stops complaining after that….mostly
-Everyone has found the brothers either asleep against each other or one asleep on the other at least twice. 
-*insert Arthur get out of the tank meme but instead it's Ranbob trying to get Ran out of a tree so he can greet people.*
-Ran has his first night in years without a nightmare! 
Now something else I'm planning to work on soon: What happened to Ranbob after Ran left Mizu?
I hope me sending stuff is still ok after so long of sending nothing. 
Good to have you back, Brothers Anon! And sorry to hear about your phone, that sounds like it must've a day.
Brothers AU:
I see we're back to Traumatize The Brothers Time, fantastic.
The fact that Ran has these items on him is interesting. Did he just have them with him when he was fleeing? Did he have the time to grab them? Was he preparing ahead? What led to him having these useful tools on hand when he was forced to flee?
How does he fare with mobs, being a mob hybrid himself? I think it's somewhat been implied that he's good with Endermen, but what about others?
How do the gladiator gang go about helping with his insomnia and paranoia, if they are aware of it?
What's it like for him during his time in the snow-biome, since he's there for awhile? Does he make a more-permanent camp/shelter? Do anything particularly interesting?
Poor Ran! That must've been quite the shock for him, and I imagine it didn't help his trust issues.
How does he get to the Nether? Does he have a base there? What do the piglins think of him, and vice versa? How does the Nether life effect him overall?
What happened to those materials left behind? Where they discovered? Does he manage to go back and get them on the roadtrip? Do they visit his homes on the trip?
How does the group react to his sudden change when they're leaving? What kind of clothes does he make? Does he ever make some for the others? Does he enjoy it, or is it just because it's necessary?
How do the fishermen feel about the close call with the trident, and what happens to the weapon?
Tip Of the Iceberg:
I don't remember if this was mentioned before, but was it Karl's watch that caused the issue then? Who wrote the book? Does the egg have a connection with them?
How do they fare with their plans to take down the Egg(and potentially the Eggpire, if that's a thing here)? How do those with previous experience with Egg feel about this, and what part do they play?
Fluff! At long last!
I love how their thought process went to that. 'We can make water resistance potions, lets jump in a lake in front of our friends'.
That sounds like it should be entertaining.
Ranbob knows how to farm?
That's such a funny mental image. 'Ran, get out of the tree, you have to socialize'. 'Hissing'.
Yay, good for him!
Ooo, what?
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dearophelia · 3 years
combat, i’m ready for combat
long live :: seven of wands :: combat, i’m ready for combat
It's suddenly become very important that Hannah knows what her child faces when she jumps out of a shuttle.
“Zaeed suggested we do an Armax match,” Hannah says, over coffee.
“That's,” Olivia blinks and looks up, starting to approach morning coherency. “That's actually a really good idea.”
“Liv.” She'd been hoping Olivia would help her talk Zaeed out of it. While part of her knows that running through at least one match is the good and sensible thing to do, the rest of her wants to stick her head in the sand and pretend that reapers are just some nightmare that will fade away when she wakes up. They aren't, but that doesn't stop her from hoping.
Olivia swallows a mouthful of coffee and then covers a yawn. “It's a good idea. It'll help you feel comfortable shooting at things that are moving. Hopefully,” she starts a new sentence before Hannah can jump in, “hopefully you'll never have to. But,” she pauses, “I’d feel a little better, I know Zaeed would, and I think you would too, if the first time you had to hit a moving target was not the first time you'd tried.”
Hannah sighs. Zaeed would cancel if she really wanted and Olivia won’t push it if she asks her not to. But much as she doesn't want to admit it – they have a point. She can hit a stationary and labeled target pretty reliably, but in reality that isn't going to do her a damn bit of good.
Olivia uses her pass to book the Arena after hours one night. She's been using it for practice with her team, trying new tactics, weapons, and squad configuration. Armax is more than happy to let her have it after the incident with their scoring system.
Hannah watches in fascination as Olivia straps on her armor. She's seen her daughter in full battle gear before, but never watched the process. Boots, greaves, helmet, gauntlets, shoulders – all black with bright purple accents. Garrus helps Olivia with the shoulder seals of her chest piece and then she's in. Olivia shakes out her arms and bounces around a bit, making sure everything's properly in place.
She actually looks excited.
They're fighting holographic enemies. There's no audience, nothing real at stake. And yet Hannah's scared out of her mind. And her daughter is grinning.
Olivia cracks her neck and turns around. Her grin immediately vanishes – Hannah wonders just what expression was on her face to cause Olivia make an abrupt left turn like that – and she gives her a quiet little comforting smile instead. “I promise. No one's out there. They're not recording this. We're playing on bronze. We've,” she gestures to herself, Garrus, and Zaeed, “got you covered, Mom.”
That Olivia considers this playing is something Hannah thinks she ought to have examined by a professional. “Remind me why we're doing this?”
“Because actual reapers don't stand still in a shooting range with a target on their foreheads.” Zaeed comes up behind Hannah and kisses her cheek. Hannah leans into him a little.
“Be nice if they did,” Olivia says, rotating her shoulder. She got caught by a charging brute last week and she's still a little sore. “How's the armor feel?”
Hannah twists her torso. She's borrowing a set from Liara; Armax requires armor for all combatants and Olivia looked at her like she was nuts when she mentioned renting some from the arena. It fits a bit awkwardly – too tight in the shoulders, too loose in the chest – but it's so much lighter than the suit Ashley offered. She can actually move in this one without feeling like the local gravity quadrupled. “Strange.”
“You get used to it,” Olivia says and checks the capacity on her Black Widow.
Hannah's not sure she wants to get used to armor, but doesn't say so.
“Ready?” Zaeed asks.
Hannah blinks.
“You don't actually have to do this, Mom,” Olivia says quietly, taking a step closer so the two men know to keep their noses out of it. “Say the word. We'll cancel the whole thing and go get dinner.”
Hannah shakes her head and takes a sharp breath. “No. Let's do this.”
“You sure?” Olivia puts one gloved hand onto her mother's arm.
Nodding, Hannah settles her hand over Olivia's. “Yeah.”
“Alright,” Olivia gives her arm a little squeeze she can't feel through the armor and lets go. She stands next to Zaeed and Garrus at the elevator doors. “We're gonna be on Giant, which is a pretty big map. So if all else fails – run the other way.”
“That's your last piece of advice?” Hannah steps up onto the elevator platform with the others. The elevator rises into the arena.
Olivia shrugs and the map starts to load around them. “Works every time. Good hunting.” She taps each of the guys on the shoulder.
“Good hunting,” Garrus and Zaeed echo, giving Olivia and each other the same pat. They take off to set up on opposite sides of the map.
Hannah turns and again finds her daughter grinning beside her as the drone counts down to the beginning of wave one. “Am I going to hate this?”
“Probably,” Olivia says, and motions for Hannah to crouch down behind a crate. “Shoot at the stuff that shoots at you, run when we tell you, and it'll all be over in less than twenty minutes.”
Hannah takes a deep breath as cannibals start to spawn.
Three matches in and she gets the hang of it. It even starts being a little fun. The others rack up medals and points and headshots, but Hannah gets a little less scared, a little more willing to run out of cover, as they keep going.
“That doesn't count,” Garrus says as he and Olivia stand beside a smoking ravager corpse.
“Why not?”
“It doesn't have a head. You can't get a headshot on something that doesn't have a head.”
“Zaeed,” Olivia says into their comms, “we need a judgment call here. Oh,” she gently pulls Hannah back, away from the corpse. “Don't stand in ravager blood.” There's a look in her eyes that tells Hannah she tried that once and it ended badly.
“Did the arena record it as a headshot?”
Olivia pulls up the kill feed on her omnitool as the next wave starts to spawn. “No.”
“Then it doesn't count.”
“I got it right in the center circle thing!”
Hannah starts to fidget. There are enemies – on the other end of the map, but enemies heading their way – and these three are just standing around in the open arguing the validity of a headshot. She ducks behind a container.
“Doesn't count,” he repeats.
“Oh, stop,” Olivia scolds. She turns around and shoves her omniblade into the husk that had been hitting her. “Fine, the ravager shot doesn't count.”
As the others seem unconcerned by the banshee or the brutes headed their way, Hannah begins to realize just how easy they've been taking it. This – lazy enemies with grenades that hardly touch her shields, one banshee at a time – is not their reality.
It's not her daughter's reality, which stirs up something low and scared at the base of her spine.
“Make it harder,” she says when the match is over.
“You sure?” Zaeed asks.
Hannah nods. “Yeah.”
Silently, Olivia bumps it to silver.
A match later, Hannah has to watch from her visor's spectator mode as Olivia solos the back half of wave ten. A lot of things went sideways: Zaeed got slammed into the floor by a brute, Garrus got picked up by a banshee, and she got eaten by a cannibal before she had a chance to revive herself.
(It was for the better. She'd be useless to Liv anyway, probably a liability. They got all the devices activated, at least.)
The arena camera cuts to a front angle of Olivia, who doesn't look scared or even challenged while she works on the two banshees. Mostly she looks bored. Bored and a little hungry.
Olivia takes cover around a door and reloads her Black Widow. With a centering breath, she pops around the corner. In two final shots, both banshees scream and fall. She grins, blows imaginary smoke off the end of her rifle, and winks at Garrus as he stands up and dusts himself off.
This still isn't Olivia's reality.
Hannah swallows, hard.
She pauses behind the others as they get off the elevator after the match. “What does it look like when you're actually fighting?”
Olivia freezes and slowly turns around. “What do you mean?”
“When you're out there, fighting. What's it like?”
There's a look that passes between Olivia and Zaeed. It's a heavy look, a protective look, a we agreed not to tell her about this look, and it nearly makes Hannah cry.
“Tell me,” she insists.
“It's usually like gold. Sometimes the single-enemy platinum waves,” Olivia says softly. Her eyes briefly flick sideways – she's lying, understating reality to make her mother feel better.
“Can we,” Hannah's throat is suddenly dry and it has nothing to do with the exercise. She swallows. “Can we try that?”
It's suddenly become very important that Hannah knows what her child faces when she jumps out of a shuttle.
A look passes between all three of them this time, but it's less heavy, more calculating. Can we carry her through this?
Hannah's dead weight and she knows it, but as the seconds tick past, this becomes more and more something that she has to do. She needs to know that she can stand in front of the same things Olivia can. She runs a fucking bakery, but there's no way in hell she's okay with her kid being out there, trying to save a galaxy that seems hell bent on not being saved, when she can't even face Olivia's daily life when it's presented to her in a holographic combat simulator.
“I soloed Platinum a couple times,” Olivia says, breaking the brief silence.
Hannah hears the translation: we'll be fine. The two men shrug and nod in agreement.
“We can do gold, but in a couple days. I think we're done for the night.”
Without another match in front of her, Hannah realizes how exhausted she is. Olivia, Garrus, and Zaeed look like they could go a few more rounds, but they're career soldiers. She works out regularly, but she's not nearly in the shape they are. She nods as she turns her back to Zaeed so he can help her unseal her armor. “Okay.”
Hannah doesn't see the look on Olivia's face.
The one that begs him, Please talk her out of this, I don't want her to know.
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jadegrey711 · 3 years
Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood
Kylo Ren x Rey
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A/N: I decided to make a very late or very early Halloween treat for everyone and make another vampire Kylo Ren post. It’s pretty short and I’m not sure if I’m going to add on to it later on and make it a bit more smutty but I just love leaving my writing off on one-liners lmao. 
It’s not a continuation of my other one but one I got inspired for because of this picture from vivisketches on Instagram. If you haven’t seen her stuff yet I would highly recommend checking out her art cuz she is amazing. Most definitely part of the pantheon of Reylo goddesses who bless us with content!
Here’s the link to her Insta and the drawing she posted! 
Kylo Ren a vampire decides to have fun this Halloween and enjoy the first full halloween moon in a few years and seduces Rey at a college party who’s dressed as little red riding hood.
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711) 
1999- Prince 
Lil’ Red Riding Hood - Sam the Sham and the Pharohs
Magic Man - Heart 
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This certainly wasn't his normal hunting grounds but it was halloween night and the moon was full and he was in the mood for some trouble. The vampire had chuckled when he’d chosen his costume and looked at himself in the mirror. He took in the sight of himself dressed in one of his old white shirts from another life, a pair of leather britches, black riding boots and to top it all off; a black cloak with a red silk lining. He chuckled to himself, truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This had to be the most dastardly plan he’d come up with, a true creature of the night walking amongst the humans who were playing pretend at being a monster only for a real monster to be walking amongst them tonight playing human. 
He was just walking and enjoying the night, enjoying the sounds of shrieks, screams and laughter of others enjoying the magic of the night. When he found himself at a college fraternity, they were having their own fun in the form of a halloween party, Kylo smiled to himself as he walked up the steps of the fraternity and immersed himself with the rest of the humans, officially on the hunt. 
Rey used to adore celebrating Halloween, obviously dressing up was her favorite part apart from gorging on candy that is. But recently with all her loads of classwork that she’s been doing and trying to finish up her bachelors’ she’s been too exhausted to even notice it was halloween. That is until her best friend and roommate Rose, ripped off her headphones and almost scared Rey half to death as she came face to face with a zombie bride. 
“Jesus!” Rey screeched as she clutched her hand to her chest.  “You scared me half to death Rose!” 
Rose just smiled and said. “Thank you! I worked really hard on this outfit and on Finn’s so I’m excited I actually got to scare someone with it!” She said excitedly. “But, where’s your costume? You’re not going as a zombie student are you?” 
“I’m not going as anything because I have to study.” 
“What! You have to go out tonight! It’s a full moon! On Halloween!” Rose said pointing outside Rey’s little window and saw the full moon blazing down at her and all the other girls and ghouls that were prowling the campus in search of candy and a good time. 
“Wow.” Rey said revertely as she stared up at that bright moon shining down on her. “How often does a full moon occur on Halloween?”
“Not very often so let’s go! Get up and out of that chair, turn off the laptop and let’s see if I have a costume for you.” 
Rey watched as Rose spirited to her closet and flung open the close doors to reveal her repertoire of costumes that she kept year round. I guess having a theater major as your roommate did come in handy sometimes. 
“Oh! What about this?” Rose asked as she pulled out a red riding hood costume, with corset and all. “It’s a classic costume, very sexy, and also helps keep out the cold later on in the night. Maybe when you have to do a walk of victory at the end of the night.” Rose chuckled. 
“It has a corset Rose!” 
“It’s not as bad as everyone always makes them out to be, they actually help with your posture and besides it’ll make your boobs look killer, take it from me.” Rose winked and just then Finn decided to come into the room in all his gory zombie groom state. 
“I know first hand that they do.” He chuckled as he fully came into the room and came up to Rose and gave her a chaste kiss so they wouldn't mess up each other’s makeup. 
Rose let out a satisfied little hum and threw the outfit at Rey. “No more fighting, we’re going to have so much fun tonight. And you need a break from studying, maybe you need to have some tall handsome stranger ring your bell to get you out of this study stupor you’ve been in all month. It’s like I’ve been living with an actual zombie!”
Rey just chuckled to herself and knew there was no fighting her bestfriend or the corset she’d just put in her lap. And instead she decided to get swept away in the magic of the night. 
Rey thought she wouldn’t have any fun at the halloween party that was happening at Finn’s fraternity, but all the fraternity guys seemed to be cool, played decent music and always kept her drink full. Rose had been right, this is exactly what Rey needed tonight. She needed to let loose for a night, dance and get drunk, although it looked like the handsome stranger bit wasn’t going to be happening tonight. Which she thought was a bit of a shame since she was definitely feeling herself in this corset; another thing Rose was right about and Rey would most definitely hear just how right Rose was in the morning. 
As Rey poured herself another drink, suddenly the song changed from the thumping beat of Prince’s 1999, to a slower song and definitely older song, Rey realised as she recognized the opening howl of Sam The Sham and the Pharoh’s Lil Red Riding Hood. And as she looked up from where she was pouring her next beer, her eyes locked onto a pair of dark alluring eyes from across the room. Rey felt transfixed to these dark eyes, that felt like they belonged to a predator and a part of her; a primal part confirmed her suspicions and demanded that she run as far and as fast she could. 
Rey tampered the voice in her mind and tried to calm her suddenly racing heart as she wretched her eyes away from the dark eyes that seemed to command her to him. Rey didn’t dare look back at the stranger lounging on the wall in the fear that she wouldn’t be able to look away next time. But, that awful sense of curiosity filled her, tempted her to look at the stranger again; but Rey knew what happened to that cat who let curiosity get the best of them. Rey decided after another swig of her beer that she’d take another look at him, that feeling of dread was just her imagination getting the better of her, the halloween night air filling her head with visions of dark strangers. 
However, when Rey looked back up to where the stranger was lounging on the back wall he was gone. Rey furrowed her eyebrows and looked around for the stranger but he was nowhere on the dance floor or anywhere near where he first was; maybe she had imagined him. 
Rey turned around to fill her beer again and bumped into a large chest and felt strong arms wrap around her, bracing her so she wouldn’t fall on her ass. When she looked up to thank her savior and apologize, she was struck with terror and awe as those dark eyes pierced her soul. 
“Hey there lil red riding hood.”
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
❞ 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐞, 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐞! ❝
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➻ content: sweet apples and...saliva?
➻ warnings: extra diabetes!
➻ comments: goodness, seems like hunt and felmier are exhausted...
— to my french customers, please do alert me if i used your language wrong. i’m double checking the translations in google translate for it to be accurate but i prefer it coming from you.
— big thanks to @yourlittlerunt (aka rook's twin brother) for correcting me!
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"Roi des Poison?"
Rook looked around the room in worry. Vil was nowhere to be found. It is very unusual for the said dorm leader to not be up around this time of the day. It was nearing classes and Pomefiore hasn’t seen him around. Of course, Rook took it upon himself to go to Vil’s room. Nothing.  He texted Epel, the first year being the first contact
    He’s not in his room.
The blond male sighed and closed the door once he had left. 15 minutes left before classes would start. Vil could be anywhere, he could be in classes right now as he searched. That’s when Rook’s phone dinged.
    I haven't seen him either.
Have you tried his lab?
Again, Vil would be anywhere. With a hand through his hair, Rook walked over to the room Epel had mentioned and entered, "Vil? Are you in here?" he called.
Silence. He walked inside, surely he must be crouching somewhere. Still, nothing. Just as Rook was about to leave, glass breaking was heard in a distance and a small giggle. "Qu’est ce que c’était? [What was that?]" he mumbled and began his search once more. Another vile broke and Rook quickly went to the slightly open cabinet.
“These rats.” He was about to close the door before a small cry was heard inside the cabinet. The male quickly opened the door once more and to his surprise, there was a baby–no, a toddler, inside the cabinet.
A boy that looked too much like Vil crawled out of the cabinet and into his arms. "Oh, what in blazes is a baby like you doing here?" Rook grumbled and held the baby at arm’s length. The toddler babbled and clapped his small hands. "Ookie! Ookie!" He made grabby hands to Rook. Another thing, he’s naked.
"I came here for Vil, not you. Though if I do get my suspicions correct, you may be Vil." Rook carried the baby on his hip. "Oh well. I’m sure he would appear somewhere else if it's not you. I have to get you to the professor," he announced and the kid simply sneezed.
"How adorable!"
Before heading out, Rook went to his room and searched for any alternative clothes he could give the child. He doesn’t have baby-sized clothes that for sure. Neither does Vil nor Epel. He scratched his cheek, deep in thought, then snapped his fingers.
"I can only think of one solution, for now." Rook grabbed a cloth from his drawers and laid it across the bed. The little boy, who obediently sat on the bed with his big eyes staring at Rook, babbled before being carried by the huntsman, "Shush."
"Shoosh!" he repeated with a giggle.
Rook placed the boy on the cloth. "Now stay still." He began to wrap the cloth, as secure as he can, around the little fellow’s hips. At least he has something to catch his pee and poo. Cleaning is going to be a problem. Rook did not sign up for a babysitting job nor does he know how. He needs a little help from a certain first year. He carried the boy and proceeded to head to class.
As expected, the moment he walked through the halls of the school building, all the students that were running to their classes had halted on their steps and stared at the vice prefect dumbfounded. The unfazed man walked inside his first class, Magical Alchemy. “Professor Crewel, do excuse me for being late.”
"Why do you have a baby in your arms, Hunt?"
"You see, I was looking for Vil, but I saw this child in the cabinet."
"That’s Schoenheit."
"Figured. I guess my suspicions were correct, indeed."
Rook looked at the kid in his arms. Little Vil was holding onto his magic pen, too concentrated on trying to remove the gem as he has his lips in a pout. Professor Crewel was correct indeed. Beautiful blond hair with purple highlights and purple eyes. The cutest and most beautiful baby he has ever seen.
"Oh dear, Roi des Poison what ever did you do in that lab?" Rook mumbled.
Divus cleared his throat. "Hunt. We will look at this matter later. Schoenheit is under your responsibility for now. Meet me after classes are over. Now be a good boy and go to your seat." He continued on with classes after Rook had agreed.
He walked over to his sit and placed Vil on his desk. He was receiving looks and whispers, mostly about how cute Vil is or what mishap has caused the prefect to turn into a sapling. Either way, he’s getting more attention now. Rook sighed and leaned on his arm, "You’re adorable." He poked Vil’s chubby cheeks and received a smile in return. Only four pieces of teeth are shown and it sent the blond squealing and bouncing on his seat.
“Apologies, professor!”
Ah, small babbles and giggles had made the class chuckle in delight.
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"Vil is already stunning, it’s no surprise–" Cater snapped another picture. "—that him being so small would make him so cute!" he cooed and squished Vil’s cheeks. Rook snatched the little boy from the third-year. "Of course! He is the Vil Schoenheit after all," he proclaimed whilst Cater just shrugged and continued to admire the shrunken dorm leader.
Vil was placed on the table once lunchtime came, some have approached and played with him for his cuteness. He loved the attention but getting too much cheeks squishes and hearing loud noises had made him cry. Which resulted in Rook getting protective and shooing the students away. All except Cater who’s very much gentle with the kid.
Now, little Vil is sucking on sliced apples while Rook looked around for a certain first-year. He texted him once more.
    What’s taking you so long?
Epel responded.
    I'm sorry! Professor Trein held me back.
Placing his phone back on the table and adjusting his hat, Rook looked at Vil who stared at him while sucking on the fruit. "Is there anything you want?" he asked.
"Appie..." Vil babbled and released the apple from his mouth. Rook pouted and took the slobbery fruit from him and cut it into smaller bits.
"Don’t you have any clothes for him?" Cater had asked.
"Non. As if I would have any clothes for an infant."
"Senior!" someone called out along with fast footsteps, "Ah, Epel. Finally," breathed Rook.
Epel slowed down into a walk once he has gotten closer to the third-years, "What’s the problem– oh.." he began to ask, yet the moment his eyes settled on the little Vil happily eating the small apple slices, he has gotten his answer.
"I have no clue."
Sighing, the first-year scratched his head. "At least he isn’t going to nag again," he mumbled.
"Did you say something?"
"N-Nothing! Have you asked Professor Crewel?" Epel took a seat beside his senior.
"Professor Crewel said to meet him after classes. You and I have taken full responsabilité over small Roi des Poison."
"W-Why am I involved?"
In the midst of the conversation, Vil’s eyes have caught sight of the feather that adorned Rook’s hat. His stubby legs trembled as he pushed himself up from where he sat. He reached his small hands out then plucked the feather from Rook’s hat. Cater looked up from his phone and quickly grabbed the baby before he could topple over the table.
Rook and Epel snapped their heads over to see Cater holding the laughing baby before he placed him back on the table. "Vil–" Rook furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of the feather in Vil’s hand. His own gloved fingers touched his hat before pouting, “Ah. I suppose you could have that for now,” he sighed. Vil giggled loudly whist waving the feather. “Ookie!” he cheered.
“Yes, I’m Ookie.”
“He’s cute.” Epel commented and gently pulled the baby to where he sat. Vil innocently tilted his head to the first year, he thrust the feather to Epel and waved it. The purple-haired student blinked and gave a small smile, “He can stay like this. I’m fine with it.”
“Then you take care of him.”
"I don't know how—"
A sudden stench was smelt by the third-years. Even Cater had scrunched his face, "Did he..." he began. Rook slowly looked at the quiet toddler on the table, Epel stared at him with wide eyes. Vil was just blinking and the feather he had fun playing was now being held gently on his lap. All three students stared at each other before Epel raised his hands, "Not it!" "Cater, you do it."  "Ah well, you see Riddle needs me! I need to go now! See ya, little Vil!’
Cater quickly stood up and ran out of the cafeteria. Rook groaned and looked back at the baby. Vil's big purple eyes innocently looked at the vice dorm leader and sent his little smile. Poking his tongue on the inside of his cheeks, the hunter picked up toddler, and stood up. "Monsieur Apple Princess, come and assist me to Mr. Sam's shop!"
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Rook rubbed his face in distress. Little Vil has scattered the powder everywhere, he doesn't want to sit still, and he tried to touch the makeup pallettes that Rook accidentally left on the bed. Epel was trying to distract the little boy with the plushies they have purchased, however it seems like Vil was more interested on trying to eat makeup bruhes.
"I thought he was a good baby..."
Epel deadpanned and shook his head. "Babies are too curious with stuff. Vil— I-I mean senior Vil wasn't an exception, I guess," he stated and gave the bee stuff toy to Vil. The feather that was plucked from Rook's hat is now forgotten as it stayed on the bed.
The vice dorm leader sighed and grabbed Vil once more. "Roi des Poison, do stay still," he practically begged. A hunter does get tired too, you know. Little Vil giggled loudly before biting on the bee. Quickly, Rook laid the baby's lower half on the diaper and swiftly attached it around his hips. Just in time as Vil started to wiggle and babbled before crawling away.
"Fini! [Finished!]"
Vil crawled towards Epel and sat in between his legs. He started to babble incoherent words that made both males confused. "Huh?" they said.
A knock came on Rook's door. "Vice dorm leader?"
"Come in!"
A Pomefiore student peeked his head in, his eyes going to Vil, who's eyes are starting to water as he continued to nibble on the bee, for a brief moment before looking at Rook. "Professor Crewel is calling for you in the lab," he said.
With a nod, Epel carried the sniffling baby as both males headed over to Pomefiore's laboratory. There, Divus was crouched right beside the cauldron, inspecting what seems to be a broken vile. "Professor," Epel called out as he bounced Vil in his arms.
The older male hummed and held up the broken vile. "Hunt, do you have any idea what happened before Schoenheit turned into a child?"
Rook shook his head before walking towards the cauldron. He looked inside then glanced over at the spilt potion on the ground. "Is this nectar from a Hibiscus flower?" he asked. Just as those words slipped from his lips, Vil started to wail.
Epel reflexively started to bounce the child in his arms more. "Shhhh.." he shushed and poked the saliva-drenched bee to him yet, to no avail, the dorm leader still continued to cry.
Divus hummed. "I knew it. It appears Schoenheit tried to create another moisturizer by using nectars from both Hibiscus and Hydrangea flowers," he began before walking over to the cabinets.
"Isn't Hibiscus nectar...." Epel trailed off. "I don't know how to say it but...fragile to other elements?" He continued to hush the little baby that continued to wail. Rook, being worried by Vil's sudden tantrum, approached the two and took him in his arms.
"Rather than fragile, Hibiscus nectar has a strong trigger effect on other elements . Pouring more than three drops of its nectar can cause a big error to the chemicals. I believe Schoenheit accidentally dropped it and spilled more than half of the vile into the cauldron. The room smells, he must've inhaled quite the smoke." Divus went back to the cauldron, holding viles with two different colored liquids.
"So, him being in the cabinets meant that he tried to reverse the spell.." Rook hummed as Vil clinged on his chest. Sniffling and hiccuping as he made grabby hands towards Epel who held the little bee.
"Correct," Divus commented. Carefully, the professor poured the liquids into Vil's unfinished product. Meawhile, Epel had given the little bee to Vil, the toddler taking it into his arms and proceeds to cuddle with it.
"Do you have any milk formula?"
"No/Non." replied the two students.
With a click of his tongue, Divus sucked the finished elixir into a syringe. "It's now your turn to find a way on how to make him drink this. By the look in his eyes, you'll be having a hard time to make Schoenheit drink this." He gave the syringe to Epel before bidding his students farewell.
Rook has never been THIS tired. Taking care of a little kid, his dorm leader at that, was something he did underestimate. He has misjudged Vil being a sweetheart as a child. Who knew the most beautiful man in the whole school shared his own mishaps in his early days. Of course, Rook wouldn't be surprised at this point. Vil is full of surprises after all. They have only knew each other for three years, there is still more to uncover.
"Ah..." Epel opened his mouth as he gently moved Vil's head. He tried to make the young one to mimic him but, as soon as Vil's eyes locked overbat the syringe, his small hand went flying, nearly hitting the syringe before burying his face on Rook's chest.
"No!" he whined.
"Vil.." Rook grumbled and took a deep breath before smiling. "Do you want more apples, Roi des Poison?"
"Appie!" cheered little Vil once he looked up at the vice dorm leader.
Green eyes looked towards the young freshman. "Come now, Monsieur Apple Princess. I have errands to run and a uniform to clean."
My, my, it seems little Vil has drooled on our hunter's uniform.
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"Are you sure this will work?" asked Epel who placed the child on his bed. The two now resided in Vil's room as it was the safest place for Vil to return back to his normal state. Yes, the baby only has his diaper on so, there was a big possibility for him to be naked once he shifted back.
Rook pulled the syringe's needle out of the small apple slice. The now empty container placed out of reach as he could see Vil's curious eyes staring at it. "I'm sure it will!" Rook gleamed before handing the apple slice to Vil.
The child eagerly took the fruit and ate it. His two sets of teeth biting down on it while his lips began to suck. Epel groaned and rubbed his face. "He's not eating it! I-I mean—"
"Just enjoy your last taste of freedom of speech before he comes back to normal, Epel."
Rook placed the blanket on Vil's head before placing his hands on his hips. He watched Vil eat the whole fruit with a small giggle. The confused freshman blinked, about to respond before a big gush of smoke scattered around the room, leading both males to cough and cover their noses.
As they continued to swatting the smoke away from their faces, the blanket now held a bigger body from the little child that once sat on the bed. Once the smoke was cleared off, Rook looked over at the bed and big smile of relief danced acrossed his face.
"Roi des Poison! You're back!"
Vil moved the blanket away from his head and massaged his temples. Groaning and blinking his eyes once he has completely adjusted. "What happened?" he mumbled and looked at Rook and Epel with confusion. "What are the two of you doing in my room?" He furrowed his eyebrows, his sharp purple eyes now held authority and not the sweet little innocence it once carried.
Epel stiffened and gulped. All the relaxation that he felt when Vil was a sapling disappeared. He was nervous now. Vil is back to the way he was.
"I-I.." he tried to think of excuse. Oh, thank Rook for intervening!
"I'll explain everything once you dress up, Roi des Poison. You might get a cold!"
"Why am I naked?!"
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s Treasure Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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Note: A bullet-point summary, but important scenes have detailed translations!
I think @kudoriee will enjoy this :>
The birthday event basically talks about how KEY likes leaving Kiro puzzles. On one particular day, Kiro solves a pretty tough puzzle which leads him to the amusement park
At first, he thinks he solved the puzzle wrongly because he doesn’t see KEY around, but the amusement park starts blasting birthday music
KEY literally hacked into the system
He appears, and the two of them have wholesome fun
Kiro asks why KEY played birthday music
Baby Kiro doesn’t know when his birthday is...
He literally asks, “Why is it my birthday today?”
And KEY says that since Kiro had so much fun today, they might as well consider it Kiro’s birthday (T口T)
KEY: Kiro, you must definitely remember this date. I might not spend every 9 April with you, but I hope that when this day arrives each year, you will spend it next to someone you like, and who likes you.
Kiro: A person I like and who likes me... will they always be by my side?
KEY: Of course. Because Kiro is the most amazing and most adorable kid in the world.
Kiro: Mm! Oh, when little kids have birthdays, they eat cake and make wishes.
KEY: Pff, you really only know how to eat. Come, let’s go have a birthday cake. 
For his school homework, Kiro is supposed to draw his idea of a home. He draws it (further details will be in the date), but feels that something is missing
He draws a small white bunny next to his name.
Even though he has never owned a rabbit, he knows that there’s a little rabbit waiting for him in a corner of the world.
He repeats the same wish he made the day before.
“Welcome to my home,” Kiro says softly.
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The actual date begins with MC in the office, with Kiki wondering what she’s doing there since she was supposed to be celebrating Kiro’s birthday
Turns out Kiro gave her a map with a set of hints to find clues, and the first stop is the office
Kiro gives her a phone call and helps her find the clue, which leads her to a department store
She retrieves a hotel card from a locker in the department store
At the hotel, she sees Savin stationed downstairs because Kiro was afraid MC wouldn’t be able to find the location
Kiro is in the hotel room preparing for a live broadcast
MC gives him his birthday gift, but he decides to wait till after the live broadcast before opening it together with her
In her hotel room next door, she finds her favourite tidbits on the table, and a set of sleeping attire (a pink rabbit pyjama set).
There’s also a note at the side which reads: “The treasure hunt has been tough on you! Miss Chips, have something to eat and have a nice bath, then rest for a while (° ▽ °*) ”
She watches the livestream in her room
The livestream has a candle-blowing segment, wish-making segment, and Kiro even sings a few songs for his fans
MC leaves a comment, asking if Kiro had any memorable birthdays in his childhood
Surprisingly, Kiro catches the comment
Kiro: When I was young, I had a very cool “boss”, who was also my guardian. He liked giving me all types of puzzles to solve.
Kiro: You’re wondering what kind of prizes I'd get after solving them? Back then, it was sweets and biscuits of course.
Kiro: However, there was one extremely difficult puzzle! I thought about it for a very long time before finding the answer in music. 
He plucks at the strings and plays a short, lively tune. 
Kiro: You should have all heard this before. It was the background music of an amusement park near my house when I was younger. This incredibly cute song was like a signal between me and my boss.
Kiro: As expected, when I ran to the amusement park, he was there waiting for me. And that day... was also my birthday. Reliving happy memories while solving puzzles is something my boss taught me.
Kiro: After spending an extremely~ happy day in the amusement park, I still remembered to finish my homework the next day!
Kiro: The homework was a drawing, and I drew the home in my heart. In my home, there’s a flower field. Within it, there are people who like me, and whom I like, all surrounding me, listening to me sing. This is what I think of as my happiest and most blessed thing. 
Seeing the screen filled with “What an interesting birthday!” “Childhood Kiro was a small genius too!”, I bite my lower lip.
I retrieve the stack of neat maps from my pocket, a tightening sensation in my chest. 
I know that what he said about puzzles and signals was meant for the person across the wall - me. 
He gave me a puzzle on his birthday. The important thing wasn’t the answer, but the key to memories. Every location on this map hides precious memories that Kiro and I shared. 
The livestream ends and she heads to Kiro’s room
Kiro: Miss Ch-
Before he finishes speaking, I have already opened my arms, lunging into his chest. 
MC: Happy birthday, Kiro!
Kiro: Didn’t you already say it once when you gave me the present just now?
MC: As long as it’s your birthday, I can say it an unlimited number of times!  
Kiro: Okay, when it comes to your birthday, I’ll say it an unlimited number of times too!
While speaking, he lifts me up in a hug and swirls me around. We fall onto the soft bed.
The fluffy feather pillows and balloons bounce lightly in response to our weight, and fall to our sides. 
Kiro: I didn’t think you’d really change into the bunny pyjamas!
 MC: Eh? Weren’t you the one who prepared it for me? 
Kiro: Of course it was! Oh right, wait for me... just a while!
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Kiro: Deng deng deng! The birthday party is over, now the pyjama party shall begin!
MC: Eh... how is this a pyjama party. It’s clearly a zoo party!
Kiro: If it’s a zoo, so be it. Little animals are so cute!
He sits beside me, and is about to say something when his phone rings. 
The person on the call is a silver-haired woman - a singer called Saidel Eva - who wishes him a happy birthday. Eva comments that she knows who MC is, because he mentioned that MC is his muse. While she’s stunned, Kiro holds her hand.
Kiro: Mm, she’s not only my artistic muse, but also the most important person in my life. 
MC: [blushing] I’m not... not as amazing as he says...
Right after I finish speaking, the hand on mine slowly entwines with my fingers.
The warmth emanating from his palm causes my heart to calm down.
MC: However... since he has already put it that way, I’ll work hard to become his muse. Because Kiro... is also the most important person to me. 
Eva: Ah, what a cute lady.
She lets out a light huff and turns her eyes back to Kiro, blue orbs filled with approval. 
Eva: I’m guessing your wish has already been fulfilled, am I right? 
Kiro: Yes. 
Eva: I wish the both of you happiness, and enjoyment in life. 
Kiro: Definitely, madam.
He finally opens the gift - it’s a black necklace with a black round pendant surrounded by a few gold coloured small stars. In the middle, there’s an engraved word “KIRO”
It’s a one-in-the-world necklace designed by MC
The necklace is made of siderite from a meteor, and the gold portions are made from star fragments (I’m not entirely sure about the names because I’m not familiar with minerals)
MC notes that it was only after breaking through the atmosphere that these minerals could come to earth
Just as these minerals are ‘gifts’ to the earth, Kiro is a gift to MC
After wearing it for a while, he puts it back into the box, and realises there’s something inside the necklace
 MC tells him not to open it yet, and tries snatching it away from him
She falls into his arms instead <3
So she angrily throws a pillow at him
He stuffs the necklace into his pocket and they engage in a pillow fight
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Kiro declares himself the winner
MC says he cannot open the watch until she's gone
Since he’s in a good mood, Kiro agrees 
They lie together on the bed to chat, exhausted from the pillow fight
MC: Come to think of it, the boss you were talking about during the livestream - was he KEY?
Kiro: Mm, he taught me a lot of things. 
MC: So the reason why you gave me the map, and let me solve the puzzles, was because you wanted to have a signal with me? 
Kiro: That’s one of the reasons, but more importantly... 
While he speaks, he slowly hooks onto my fingertips.
Kiro: Miss Chips and I don’t get to meet often because of all sorts of things, and I know that waiting is a painful process. 
He mutters his response, fastening his fingers tightly with mine, his face half-sinking into the mattress as he reveals a faint smile. 
Kiro: Which is why I don’t want you to feel bored while waiting for me. I hope each time we meet would be a step closer in our journey towards happiness.
MC: Kiro...
Kiro: Now that I think about it, KEY has really taught me a lot. Whether it’s knowledge related to hacking, or in understanding this world. 
MC: Understanding this world? 
Kiro: Mm. It’s that phrase, “you may be in darkness, but your heart is turned towards the light.”
Kiro: When I was still in chaos, these words were my direction. I believe that someday in the future, I will fulfil my dream, and do what I want to do, which includes... meeting the person I’ve been waiting a long time for.
With this, he looks at me quietly, his blue eyes hiding the bright starry sky.
Almost as if telling one not to look away.
My voice becomes incredibly soft, as though it’s floating in the universe. 
MC: You are also... the person I’ve been waiting a long time for.
Sleepiness overtakes my senses in the midst of his tender voice and gaze, but I can still remember to emphasise once more:
MC: Happy birthday, Kiro. Whether or not it’s your birthday, whether it’s today, or tomorrow, or any day in the future, you will always be incredibly happy. 
Kiro: Mm. With you around, I’ll definitely be incredibly happy.
Hearing these words, which sound like a promise, I peacefully and slowly close my eyes. 
In the haziness, I seem to feel a small feather falling on my eyelid.
It is tender and warm, as though it can breathe. 
Kiro: Goodnight. 
The kiss doesn’t disturb the girl’s light slumber. Kiro laughs lightly, and takes out the necklace from his pocket. 
Twisting the switch, the siderite cracks apart to reveal a hidden note.
The note reads - “Oh no, you’ve found the Easter egg > <”
On the other side is a link to a website. 
Thinking about the girl’s sly thoughts when designing such a gift, Kiro laughs again.
He retrieves his notebook computer from the bedside, inserts the link, and finds a downloadable voice pack.
He puts on his earphones and taps on the first voice recording.
MC: Heheh, you didn’t think this would be the second part of your birthday present right? We always have to part temporarily because of all sorts of things. In order for you not to miss me too much, I decided- dang dang! To present you with an MC alarm clock! 
MC: It’s time to wake up! If you don't get out of bed soon, Savin’s anger is going to fill to the brim~
MC: Has Kiro eaten his meals today?
MC: When you’re engrossed in work, don’t forget to protect your eyesight. One, two, three, four, the eye exercises shall begin!
MC: Before saying goodnight, remember to send me updates!
MC: Kiro, welcome home!
Every voice recording, no matter how long or short, is filled with the concern she has for him. 
Hearing the girl’s voice in his hear, Kiro’s lips curl upwards. 
Both of them always think of their own ways to fill in the blank spaces of time, painting them in colours belonging to each other. 
Kiro: Miss Chips...
Kiro leans down to stare at her sleeping face. He speaks in a way that only the two of them can hear clearly.
Kiro: The picture I mentioned in the livestream... I hid a small secret in it that only I know of. I want to share it with you. I drew a small rabbit. She’s my favourite, favourite new friend.
Kiro: Miss Chips, welcome to my home.  
Phone call: here
Video call: here
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
i love the unviable au an unhealthy amount, could you elaborate a little more on how they stop the apocalypse?
HMM. Well. They wake up, and Team Apocalypse is a go. Five absolutely insists that they get Vanya on the team, and he absolutely wants Vanya to know he’s alive. Well, present at least.
(Ben - Ben retreated from the world, after he died. He didn’t want the others to know. He wanted them to grieve and let him go. Besides. With how the rest of the family treated Klaus after - after everything
after Five. After Five vanishing and the drugs and Ben’s death and Klaus’s spiral that no one seemed to care enough to pull him out of. Klaus was the only sibling that could see Ben, and Klaus needed him. Needed him in a way that none of the rest of the family did. 
Ben didn’t ask Klaus to tell them others about him. Klaus figured that no one would believe him anyway.)
Klaus in hemming and hawing but Five isn’t exactly Ben, is he? He can interact with the world, in his own limited way. He can write. He could do this with or without Klaus.
But no one else needs to know, probably.
(Five doesn’t think much about how Team Apocalypse is going to be comprised of mostly people who he didn’t find dead on the ground. The only one he saw dead is Klaus, and isn’t that funny? To Klaus, a solid half of the team is dead.
To Five, only Klaus is.)
So Klaus and Ben and Five get up in the morning, and Five says that they Have To Find Vanya. Except Vanya’s not in the house, she’s gone back to her own apartment because she has stuff to do and a life to live.
(Somewhere, the Commission is getting antsy. Klaus heads towards Vanya’s apartment, and that’s not supposed to happen. Vanya is supposed to be isolated. Something is changing the timeline, and they aren’t sure what.
So they send some investigators. Their best. Hazel and Cha-Cha are deployed.)
So they go to the apartment. Klaus awkwardly knocks on the door and it swings open and there’s Vanya blinking at him in the way she always does. 
“Vanya!” Klaus cheers, and leans forward to wrap her in a hug, because he is a very touchy-feely person and he had to watch as Five and Ben got all the hugs last night. 
“Klaus?” Vanya says, sounding confused, but she lets her brother in. She watches him with wary eyes, and Klaus feels his heart break a tiny bit but - he’s known to his siblings, as a thief and a magpie. 
“Do you want... some tea?” Vanya asks awkwardly, shuffling towards her kitchen, “I have uh. I have a lesson soon, but I mean, uh...”
That’s about the time when Five loses patience from where he’s been telling Klaus to Say Something and starts picking up couch cushions and throwing them. 
“Uh.” Klaus says, staring, from Vanya’s point of view, into space. In actuality he’s looking at Five who is behaving like an absolute gremlin.
(Klaus is reminded, all over again, of how young his brother looks. Is. How old Five was when he died.)
“Do you want to explain what’s going on, Klaus?” Vanya asks tightly.
“Five is really impatient.” Klaus blurts out, and then covers his mouth because oops.
“Five?” Vanya says loudly, and Five rattles a cabinet in confirmation.
“Uh.” Klaus looks at Ben. Ben shrugs, because lets be honest they weren’t able to control Five when they were younger either, they have no chance now.
“Wait,” Vanya says, pale as milk, “So yesterday, in the courtyard...”
“Yup!” Klaus says cheerfully, putting on his best grin, “Aw, you know, a broken calendar is right twice a year and all that!”
“That’s not the saying.” Five informs him, flopping dramatically onto the couch.
“It was almost the saying.” Ben says sympathetically.
Klaus valiantly ignores them. 
“Five is... here?” Vanya asks, her eyes scanning the apartment.
“On the couch, like he owns the place the little shit.” Klaus tells her.
Vanya stares at the seemingly empty couch for a moment, and after a few beats of silence, she just says “I’m going to go ahead and cancel that lesson.”
(Somewhere, somewhen, the Commission’s hackles all go up in alarm as Harold Jenkins frowns down at his phone and wonders if he should try his luck and go to the apartment anyway.)
Later, when Ben has Five distracted trying to teach him to pick something up, Klaus talks quietly to Vanya.
“Van, he’s - he’s so little.” Klaus tells her, voice a little too thick, “He looks - he’s exactly the same as when he left. He’s so tiny, and he’s still in that fucking uniform. He’s so tiny and I can’t stand it.”
And Vanya wraps her arms around her brother. She and Klaus have never been close, not even when they were little, but they’re both outsiders. They’re both rejects. And there’s a certain sort of kinship in that.
“I wish I could see him, too. See them, too.” She whispers, because telling her about Five also means telling her about Ben.
And Klaus could say a million things to that. Could snarl and tell her to be careful what she wished for, because alongside Ben and Five came a hundred million nightmares that rattle around Klaus’s head every time he’s too sober to ignore them. 
But he looks over as Five slaps at Ben’s shoulder to get his attention and then guide his hands over to the apple they have settled in between them as their test subject. 
And then he looks at Vanya, and he says - “Yeah, me too.”
And then there’s a knock on the door.
“Shit.” Vanya says, swearing. “I left a message but - it’s probably my student. Just. Lay on the couch and look miserable or something.”
Klaus is very good at acting, sort of. So he immediately drapes himself across the couch and groans dramatically, adding in a cough for good measure. 
Vanya rolls her eyes, and opens the door to apologize to whatever child was supposed to have a lesson and - 
Oh. Not a child. An adult. She blinks, “Uh, hi. Can I help you?”
“Hi!” The man greets, smiling at her. Not too many people smile at her like that. “I’m here for the lesson? I know, I know. I’m a bit older than your usual clientele - ”
Klaus coughs loudly and Vanya winces, “I’m sorry.” She says, cutting the man off, “I tried to leave a message - I’ve had an emergency come up and I’m not able to do lessons today.”
“Oh, but - ” The man starts, and Vanya suddenly feels someone push on the door as if to close it. She manages to catch it, but considering there’s no one there, well.
“I’m very sorry.” She says firmly, using one hand to bat through the air behind the door to shoo who she assumes is Five away. “If you send me your availability, I’d be happy to reschedule.”
“That would be really great.” The man says, nodding. “Do you think you’d be free tomorrow? It’s just - I’d really like to get started, you know?”
The door rattles again and Vanya winces, “I’m not sure. If it’s urgent I can, uh, send you the information for another teacher. I really am sorry about this.”
“I’ll call later then.” The man says, “Sorry for bothering you.”
“Not a problem.” Vanya says automatically, “Have a good day.” 
And then she closes the door, and turns around to frown at Klaus, “Tell Five to quit, I had that handled.”
“You know, I only have to translate his responses to you.” Klaus points out, sitting up and swiping a hand across the back of his mouth, “Like, he has ears.”
“Five, I had that handled. You didn’t need to be pushing on the door.” Vanya says to the room at large, her hands on her hips. 
“Five!” Klaus says loudly, sounding very scandalized, “Why! We oughtta wash your mouth out with soap!”
Vanya gives him a critical look, “I’m not sure whether you’re saying that to get him into trouble or if he’s actually swearing. Either way, we should probably talk.”
“Five says to clear your schedule for the week.” Klaus says scooting over on the couch and giving it an inviting pat, “You’re officially recruited for team apocalypse.”
“Me?” Vanya asks, completely confused. And why shouldn’t she be? None of her siblings have willingly recruited her for anything before. Forget being the last kid picked for team sports, Vanya wasn’t even on the list. 
Klaus’s eyes soften, because even if Vanya wasn’t on the list, Klaus was still the last picked kid. “Five insists. Loudly.”
And Vanya smiles. It’s wobbly, but it’s there, because she’s been leaving out peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches and leaving the lights on since she was a kid, grieving for the one sibling who was on her side. And here he is. Refusing to ignore her. Picking her for the team. 
Of course the apocalypse can’t happen the same way, because Vanya isn’t isolated. She’s part of Team Apocalypse.
Instead of nagging at her about Leonard, Allison sighs and tells say that she loves Klaus as well but... he’s Klaus. He’s probably going to rob her the moment her back is turned and all that. He’s still their brother, and it’s nice that Vanya is hanging out with him but...
And Vanya bristles, because yeah Klaus is the family fuck up but he’s their brother. She’s the family wallflower, the odd man out, the freak. So she and Allison still fight, and Allison still insists that she’s just looking out for Vanya and Vanya insists that she’s never needed Allison to look out her before now -
An important thing of note.
Five doesn’t have the eyeball.
Five knows what it looks like, he probably had it in his apocalypse nest and poked at it when he was stuck on an equation. He knows that color it is. He probably memorized its serial number. He doesn’t have the physical eye.
Klaus is still chaotic as fuck, but Vanya adds a certain sense of... level headedness to the team. And despite everything, Klaus is actually fairly efficient... when he wants to be. 
Vanya has the exhausted “I don’t want to be here any more than you do” look to her that inspires some measure of sympathy from overworked desk ladies so they probably get the info about the eye not existing yet without all the... extra drama.
Now. Hazel and Cha-Cha aren’t hunting someone down. They’re investigating. So they don’t burst in gun blazing, they’re basically stalking Vanya in an effort to figure out both What Changed and how to isolate her.
I know what you’re thinking. But what about Griddys? Do the squad not know about the commission agents trailing them?
Well, after the whole eye escapade, Klaus is hungry. He fondly recalls food an ex used to make with Vanya and she smiles and marvels at how different their lives are. And then, because she’s suddenly a little nostalgic, she offers to take him to the one restaurant they went to as kids.
So they go, and Ben and Five are there are well, and Klaus probably insists on getting them waffles as well (“it’s lunch time Klaus” “waffle time is ALL the time Vanya”) so they’re sitting there eating
and of course Cha-Cha and Hazel are stalking them. And why be careful and hide their faces. The Hargreeves don’t know them. They can just blend in as two ordinary people, eating lunch.
Except there’s the one little ghost who can. Five spots them, and immediately freaks out because those are ASSASSINS and he never did figure out what role Vanya played and What If They’re There To Kill Her
So he frantically informs Klaus, and Klaus whispers to Vanya, and Five tells them they need to get the hell out of dodge. ESPECIALLY Vanya. 
And this is Vanya’s life now, so she sneakily tucks money under her plate (because she isn’t dining and dashing Klaus, jesus) and smiles at Klaus and goes to the backroom, where she shimmies out the window.
Klaus stuffs the remainder of his waffle in his mouth and grimaces at his hands and goes to the bathroom as well, except he diverts and goes out the back entrance where he meets Vanya in the alley and they both scarper. 
“I can totally talk you through stealing a car.” Five says eagerly, “I saw like, loads of commission agents hotwire a care. I totally know what I’m doing.”
“Fucking sweet.” Klaus says, nodding. “Pick out a ride then, little man.”
“Absolutely not.” Vanya says, having gleaned enough from Klaus’s words to understand, “We are not stealing a car, jesus. If we need a ride, I can always... I don’t know. Call a cab.”
“The little dude has a point.” Klaus says, “Calling a cab isn’t exactly uh, you know. Conducive to a quick getaway.”
Vanya frowns.
“We could steal Diego’s car.” Ben offers, because secretly Ben is also very chaotic.
“Diego’s car.” Klaus agrees with wonder.
“We’re going to get stabbed, aren’t we.” Vanya sighs, putting her face in her hands. It’s not a question.
(And meanwhile in the diner, Cha-Cha realizes that the targets are gone and checks outside, and Hazel gets to chat with the lovely owner. Agnes. What a lovely name, huh?)
Honestly the whole au sort of ends up being like. The Klaus and Vanya show against the siblings while Five and Ben work together in the background and Five causes, you know, absolute chaos. And also gets lots of hugs. Ben and Five get lots of hugs in this au. 
Klaus still gets kidnapped. Not because they want to get Five, but because they want to isolate Vanya. Well, not just that. They’d just kill him if that was it. They also want to know - what changed. What made Klaus seek Vanya out. What changed the timeline.
And Five can move things. Five can write on things. So he sees Klaus get kidnapped and follows him, figured out where he is, tells Ben to look after Klaus, and goes back to Vanya. He grabs a sharpie, and scrawls the address on the closest available surface, and hey if Vanya just happens to be fighting with Diego about the car...
“What the FUCK.” Diego demands.
“Fuck.” Vanya says, looking at the address. “Fuck. Okay. Okay, Diego, are you in?”
“In what?” Diego demands, scrubbing a finger over the sharpie that has popped up on the windows of his fucking car.
“Rescuing Klaus.” Vanya says, looking braver than she feels.
“Klaus can deal with his own shit.” Diego growls.
“Okay.” Vanya says, and of course she’s alone, she’s always been alone in this fucking family -
“Where are you going.” Diego asks, jogging up to her, “I don’t know what the fuck he’s gotten himself into, but you’re going to get yourself killed.”
“Then I guess I’ll get to see Klaus either way.” Vanya bites out, “And the family will have rid itself of another problem, huh? Win win all around.”
Diego swipes a hand over his face and swears, “Fuck just, fuck. Okay. Okay, fine. We’ll go drag Klaus’s ass out of the fire. And then you are going to explain exactly what the fuck happened to my car.”
“Deal.” Vanya says, already in the passenger seat and buckling in with determination. 
Safety first, bitch.
So they go to the hotel. They bust in. They manage to get away. And Klaus manages to get his hands on the briefcase.
“Klaus, wait - no!” Five screams, and Klaus opens the suitcase and vanishes.
(But Five was touching Klaus, was trying to grab his arm to pull him away, terrified and incapable of helping because he’s intangible. Five gets to go with on this side trip to Vietnam.)
And then a light flashes, and there’s Klaus, and Five, and - some random dude.
“I thought you were joking.” Dave hollers, staggering backwards and staring at the suitcase like it’s going to jump up and bite him.
(Five is impatient, and irritable, and wants to get home to take care of things and stop the end of the world. Klaus falls head over heels for a soldier, but in the past few days... he’s gotten awfully fond of Vanya. He wants to help her.
By our powers combined, we have a Klaus who is motivated to go home, but also motivated to convince Dave to come with. We end up with... alive Dave.)
(Wow this is one of the few aus I have with alive Dave. Go me.)
“Vanya, Diego, Ben.” Klaus says, beaming, “Meet my boyfriend, Dave!”
“Klaus, I say this with the utmost sincerity.” Vanya deadpans. “But what the fuck.”
“Ben?” Diego demands.
Vanya and Klaus turn to Diego with contemplative looks.
“Oh yeah, forgot about that.” Vanya says.
“In my defense I’ve been gone for like, months.” Klaus says. And then pauses meaningfully. “Wait a second, does that mean - ”
A pebble flies and hits Klaus in the face. This does not stop him.
“I’m the oldest sibling!” Klaus yells, preening like a peacock, “Behold, infants! It is I, your eldest brother!”
“Absolutely not.” Diego growls, as Klaus points at thin air. 
“Am so. Physically, I am older than everyone else. Yeah, it’s on technicality. Suck it, Casper.”
“Klaus, stop messing with Five.” Vanya sighs, sounding like this is something she has said before. “You know he can probably kill you.”
“Five?” Diego squawks.
“Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on?” Dave asks, already looking like he’s accepted his fate and life might as well be this weird. 
“The world is ending in five days. Welcome to team apocalypse.” Vanya tells him sympathetically.
“The world is what.” Diego hollers.
“Oh yeah.” Klaus muses, “Forgot to mention that as well.” 
“What is going on!” Diego howls.
“Don’t we all want to know.” Klaus flutters in sympathy.
After that, they decide to convene at Vanya’s apartment and go over what they know, and what they’ve learned.
Team apocalypse gains two (2) members! Welcome to the team, Diego and Dave. 
(Diego didn’t complain to Patch about a missing sibling because he doesn’t know Five is around. Patch doesn’t find a ransom note, because Hazel and Cha-Cha didn’t leave one. Patch doesn’t die, and Diego has no reason to go tearing off in grief and anger and vengeance.)
And that’s more on team apocalypse trying to stop the apocalypse lmao
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misterghostfrog · 4 years
Forgiveness Is Divine But I'm An Earthly Thing
Did someone say ‘more scottish safehouse grieving fics’?
Based off my idea of Jon getting Big Sad over Daisy from this ficlet. And ended up with a bit of exploring Martins feelings abt his mum. With a bonus Big Soft at the end. Enjoy!
(Content warnings: Grief and discussions of grieving, vague discussions about past child abuse.)
Jon stares vacantly at the scrap of fabric that might once have been called a curtain resting haphazardly on the coffee table. He feels exhausted. Like someone took all the emotions he had left, scooped them out and dumped them somewhere. Leaving him weighted and hollow.
It had taken him off guard, just how hard the realization had hit him. Sure he’d known she was gone, from the moment he’d heard Basira’s voice over the phone. But there hadn’t been a moment where he’d really considered it. Not until he pulled that blasted curtain out from the knot of sheets that had formed in the linen closet and began running his thumb over the shoddy Daisy patterning lining the bottom.
It had thrown him back to a conversation he and Daisy had had barely a month ago. He’s not sure how it happened, but they had stumbled onto the topic of the worst gifts they had ever received, and Daisy admitted she wasn’t actually a fan of Daisies. She liked the idea of them, the sweet sunshiny association, but the flower itself was sort of underwhelming, not enough color, she’d said. That never stopped people from getting her things with Daisies on them though. She’d told him about how the gifts usually ended up shoved in cupboards or stuck in storage. Only pulled out when she needed to make a show of using the them for the giver, or used as a backup when something else breaks or is ruined until she can replace the item in question with something with a different pattern.
The thought had been something of a fond memory, a quiet respite amid the louder chaos of the archives. And looking at that curtain the thought had suddenly hit him that it would never happen again. 
 He knows he scared Martin when he’d curled over that little piece of scrap fabric, clinging to it like a child. But once he’d started the tears he found he just couldn’t stop. Like a dam had finally broken and he was drowning in the feelings stuck behind it. Unable to so much as speak between the choked gasping sobs.
 Martins arms are wrapped solidly around him now as he leans back against the arm of the couch. His legs are draped across the cushions, he’d positioned the two of them so Jon was curled up in his lap, leaning against his chest. He’d sat with him this whole time, while Jon cried. Patiently waiting until he’d gathered himself.
For what feels like the hundredth time since they’ve settled in the safehouse, Jon wonders how he could ever have not appreciated Martin for everything he does- and is.
 “I’m sorry.” He murmurs hoarsely. Turning his head slightly, breaking his staring contest with the scrap fabric on the coffee table to bury his face in Martin's chest. 
 “Jon- Don’t be. it’s fine. We’ve sort-of been through a lot lately, I think you’ve earned a good cry.” Martin says, carding his fingers through Jons hair. 
 “Thank you... I just-” Jon takes a shaky breath “I suppose the fact that she’s gone didn’t really... hit me. Until now.”
 Martin pauses.
 “Who- you mean Daisy?” He asks
 “I- yes. She was- we were-” Friends he trips on the word. They’d never really said it, that they were friends. But that’s what they were. As much as they could be considering the circumstances. “-close. After- after the buried.”
 There’s a pause, and Jon glances upwards at Martins face. His eyebrows are knit close and his lips pressed together in an expression Jon doesn’t quite have the energy to decipher.
 “Didn’t she, y’know, kidnap you? Throw you in a trunk with-”
 “Yes.” Jon cuts him off, the memory of Daisy throwing him into the back of her car alongside a corpse sits at the back of his mind like a threat “She did.”
 “Sorry- sorry. I just... I guess I know you two were friends but... I guess I find it hard to believe you just... forgave her? Just like that?” Jon can hear the way his voice pitches up in offence at the end of the sentence, always quick to defend Jons honour. He huffs.
 “I didn’t, actually.”
 Martin pauses.
 “I thought you said you were close.”
 “Yes, well. That doesn’t mean I forgave her for what she did- if I had to forgive everyone who's ever hurt me to care about them my life would have been significantly lonelier I think- And she... she didn’t expect me to.” He runs his finger idly over a loose thread of Martins Jumper “I don’t think we could have been friends if she had. And- I think she knew that. And besides that I know she knew that she- she didn't have the right to expect- or even ask me to forgive her.” 
 “And it doesn’t mean I cared about her any less. It just- it just meant our relationship was more... complicated. And despite that I think...” He chuckles wryly “I think I could probably say with reasonable confidence that she was my best friend.” he tries for another laugh, but it comes out wobbly and far too close to a sob as tears he didn’t even know he had left in him threaten to fall.
 “I’m sorry, Jon” Martin says softly. Squeezing his shoulder gently with the hand that isn’t still running through his hair. “But... I mean- she’s not completely gone, is she? I mean you said yourself she’s still alive so-”
 “No.” Jon says softly. “I mean, she is alive. That much is true, but... She gave into the hunt. She had been fighting it for a long time and... she had to make a choice. The hunt or her humanity, and she chose the hunt. She- she chose it to keep us safe but- well. Intent doesn’t really translate that well when it comes to eldritch fear monsters. So technically she is alive. But... what’s left of her- its not Daisy. Not anymore. She’s gone.”
 “Oh.” Martin's voice sounds terribly small. Jon feels awful for dashing his hopes- even though they weren’t even his hopes to begin with. He’d only said that to make Jon feel better. “I’m sorry.”
 “Don’t be. It’s-” It’s not fine, so he doesn’t let himself say it is “It is what it is, I suppose.”
 There’s a silence then, as both their eyes drift to the curtain. Jon knows Martin likely doesn’t have many- if any, pleasant memories of Daisy. But the mere act of trying to understand her importance to Jon is far more significant than he knows.
 In the absence of tears and memories he finds his eyelids drifting shut without his permission. There’s more to be said of course, more to talk about and more to feel. But the consequences of such an exhausting exercise in emotion weighs heavily on him, and for once, he thinks he can indulge in the luxury of rest. So he allows himself to just be wrapped up there for a moment. Exhausted but nonetheless safe. 
 Neither of them sleep well in the safehouse. It’s hardly a surprise, between the cacophony of horrors they’ve both faced over the past few years it’s really a shock they sleep at all. But that doesn’t make the long silent hours of the night when they’re both pretending to sleep for the others benefit any less grueling.
Martin isn’t sure if Jon knows just how little he sleeps, he lies still and quiet well enough. Partly in hopes that Jon will get some rest himself, and partly because he thinks that maybe if he acts like he’s asleep his brain will get the message.
It’s easy to tell when Jon is awake though, he thinks he’s being subtle. But he’s a terrible liar, and a worse actor. And he doesn't know that when he's really asleep he's still as the dead unless you try to move him, at which point he’ll cling as tight as he can to whatevers closest. Which is usually Martin nowadays. So Martin knows he’s not waking him when he speaks quietly into the darkness.
 “Have I ever told you about my mum?” His voice is low, just above a whisper even though it’s just the two of them.
 Jon tenses in his arms, he likely hadn’t even realized Martin was awake. 
 He knows in theory this is hardly the best time for the conversation, but it’s harder to sort good choices from bad so late at night. When it’s practically morning and his head is so fogged with sleeplessness someone could tell him he’s dreaming and he’d believe them.
 “I- no. You haven’t” Jons voice is quietly bewildered, the volume matching Martin’s own tone. “I mean, I know you dropped out to take care of her, but that’s it.”
 Martin humms vacantly, resting his forehead against the crown of Jon's head. Jon has both legs wrapped around one of Martins own, one arm slung over his middle and the other pressed between them. It’s nice, he’s not sure he would be able to deal with the sleepless nights if it wasn’t for Jon curled around him like some sort of affectionate snake. And now the warm contact gives him the courage to continue speaking, to let the words jumble out as they may.
 “She... she never liked me y’know. I tried. I really did but- she got... it wasn’t her fault. My dad- he left, when she got diagnosed. And a-apparently I look just like him. And she... she didn’t like the reminder. A-and it made her say- say things. I suppose.” He takes a shaky breath “But I keep- I keep thinking about what you said about Daisy, h-how you don’t have to forgive someone to care about them...“
 He pauses, Jon doesn’t respond. Running his thumb over Martins shoulder blade, waiting. 
 “is it- is it bad if I can’t forgive my mum?” His voice sounds so small in his own ears. Jon pushes his head further into Martins chest, and sighs.
 “You do realize i’d be something of a hypocrite if I said it was” He says quietly.
 “Yea but, I mean... Daisy was different, wasn’t she? I-I mean- it wasn’t her fault what she did, all that stuff she said. She was- she was hurting. She didn’t-” He stops as Jon shifts, pulling his head back and unwrapping his arms from Martins chest, bringing his hands up to cup Martins face. Gently guiding his head until he’s looking Jon in the eye.
 “Martin- that’s not...you could probably make the same arguments for Daisy. That she didn’t know what she was doing, she didn’t mean to hurt people. But that doesn’t change the fact that she did.” He says seriously.“You don’t owe her your forgiveness. Not if she hurt you.”
 “But... she was my mum, Jon.”
 There’s a pause, Jon runs his thumb over Martins jawline. Martin can barely make out his expression in the faint moonlight. But he can tell he’s thinking.
 “Did I ever tell you I was raised by my grandmother?” He says softly after a long pause.
 “No, you didn’t”
 “Yes, well. My parents died... when I was very young. And she was the only living relative I had left. And while she did her best... well, it was clear she didn’t exactly- she was done raising children. And having one dropped in her lap wasn’t really in her retirement plan. She tried to hide it of course, but... I knew I wasn’t wanted.” He sighs “and that... was damaging. I think. And led to some things that... that weren’t her fault, but I still- it still hurts. I did love her, though. But I can’t forgive her for some of the mistakes she made in raising me. Intentional or not.”
 “Oh, Jon...”
 “You don’t owe your Mother your forgiveness, Martin. It doesn’t make you- ungrateful or bad to not forgive her. It just means she did things you can’t just, let go of. I-if that makes sense.”
 “I... Yeah. I think- it does. Yeah.” 
 There’s a silence, and Martin takes a moment to process the words. He’s not sure if he can use them yet, he never realized how much time he’s spent trying to force himself to forgive his mother for... everything. He knows it’ll be a hard habit to break. But for now, he lets them sit  comfortably in his chest. Curling back around Jon, who sighs into his shirt.
 “Thank you, Jon.” He says softly.
 “Of course.”
 He wishes he could say they both drifted off into an easy sleep after that, but the sleeplessness holds fast until the sun is nearly up. And they find themselves stumbling around the kitchen like every morning, sleep deprived and clumsy. The night's conversation not entirely forgotten, but unimportant in the face of breakfast. 
There’s more to talk about of course, there always will be. He thinks. But for now it’s enough to just be there, together in that cramped barely-functional kitchen. Simply enjoying each others presence.
Always. It’s a thought that hasn’t occurred to him before, but now. Even as sleep deprived and clumsy and miserable as they are in the cramped house. They’re together. And it feels like something they could have. An always. Maybe not here, but together all the same.
Martin watches Jon curse as the milk he pours into his cereal hits the spoon and ricochets onto his shirt. Soaking through even as he tries to wipe it off with his sleeve.
  Always has never seemed so promising.
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farelian · 4 years
Humans Are Weird “Passing Out”
Hello again guys! Here’s another fun thing I just thought about in class, I don’t think this has been written before so hope you enjoy and uh sorry for the quite shitty English
Michael is both proud and regretting accepting this offer, being invited to a GA meeting for Intergalactic Migration is something he thought he'd never be able to attend. He had to catch a shuttle at 5 in the morning that would transport him to the GA headquarters in the Murumu homeworld, a species of bird-like mammals. Their fur is black and white and they can grow up to around 5-6 feet tall. They have a beak for eating small nuts and fruits, and because their nature is flying and vegetarian, they have two strong eagle wings, able to make them fly in the air for long periods
He's personally chosen by the Minister of Immigration of the UTA as a representative in the meeting since he's the first human, species even to migrate to another planet that's under control of a different government.
Of course following the tight morning schedule, and waking up later than usual, he had no time to eat breakfast or even have a small snack, since there's none in the shuttle. So he's on his way to a GA meeting with an empty stomach, and his trusty Zarqonian guide that's always by his side, Yaku Latatarun
He could feel his stomach rumbling, begging for food to support his body, but the Murumu pilot said there's no food on the ship. He sighed deeply and could only hope for food or a buffet when they arrive later. He glanced at Yaku, looking fine and dandy as usual, he then strikes a conversation. "Hey Yaku... you've eaten yet?" He asked
Yaku looked up at the Human, forming a sort of smile. It's hard for Zarqonians to smile due to their horizontal locked jaw, but she tried her best. "Yes sir Michael, I have eaten food 6 cycles ago" If he heard that right, and his math doesn't fail, she ate breakfast at 3 AM in the morning, and it's 6AM
He stared on in disbelief, breakfast at 3 in the morning? He did sometimes get midnight snacks when he's busy researching stuff on his Computer but not a full-on heavy breakfast, usually just instant cup noodles or leftover Zarqonian-made pizza whose taste is not bad, but still unsatisfying to him. "O-oh... that's quite early for a breakfast Yaku"
"It's our normal eating period sir Michael, we've always been eating at 6-morning cycles" That just blows his mind, he just shook his head and nods to her explanation, then sighed again. "Damn..." He doesn't want to tell Yaku about not eating breakfast, he doesn't want to worry her.
But Yaku had noticed the human's strange behavior and decides to confront him with it. "What's wrong sir Michael?"
"N-nothing... nothing Yaku" He answered still attempting to hide the fact he didn't eat breakfast, but it was too obvious by his scrunched up face and rumbling stomach
Yaku wanted to continue, she's starting to get worried but from her previous experiences, when a human says no, it means no. And if he says nothing, then it's probably nothing. So she kept silent and sat in her comfy seat.
The intercom becomes online and the Murumu pilot talks. "Passengers please strap into your seat, we are about to warp" From the callout the two passengers put on the strap around their bodies, essentially gluing their bodies to the seat. "Entering warp in 3, 2, 1"
The ship began to warp and constrict, bending space and time around it as they open an artificial portal, and travel through it. For first-timers, the experience is sickening and shocking, but to Michael, it's just another Tuesday. In 5 seconds the ship went out of warp and glancing out the window, they can see the beautiful tropical homeworld of the Murumurs, Corta.
Neither of them talked with each other as the ship break through the atmosphere and landed on a pad, they took off their straps, as he fixes his tie and pat down his Tuxedo. 2000 years and it’s still a popular formal attire. He stood up accompanied by Yaku as the doors and a ramp extends out for them. Stepping out into the sunlight, they are now in a completely new environment. Unlike the Zarqonians, Murumur architecture uses hexagonal building blocks for their skyscrapers, making a satisfying pattern of hexagons, like a beehive.
Their buildings also climb up towards the sky, and he smells the wonderful air letting out a sigh and form a smile, at least that’s enough to keep his mind off his hungry stomach. Only taking a few steps forward they are met by the GA escorts, three Murumurs, all dressed in modest yellow and white robes. Without many talking, they get escorted to the GA headquarters
Entering the massive building that is the GA headquarters, he’s reminded of his empty stomach as it growl and rumble. He’s starving but doesn’t know how to approach the escorts to ask for food or where the buffet is. There’s gotta be a buffet somewhere, there has to be!
But instead, they are led straight to the meeting room. Pressing a button the door slid open with a hydraulic hiss, and they step aside. The pair enters the wide meeting room, looking around and notices every other species is here. Thankfully they’re not late for the meeting, it hasn’t even started. Taking a seat on their reserved chairs, Michael began to sweat, gulping as he felt his stomach rumble once again.
He looked around and noticed how many aliens there are in the room, there’s the Janids, Zarqons, Murumurs, Likoti. A species of green snakes that evolved arms on the side of their slithering body. He continues to look around the room to see if there’s a table of food anywhere, none.  He turned back towards the podium, then the table in front of him, not even a cup of water.
Before he could go out on a treasure hunt for food, the president of the GA stepped up to the podium, a Murumur of course, it was their idea for a Galactic Assembly that unites all the race in the universe. Then the meeting starts.
He’s been sitting here for TWO hours, his face looked pale trying to stay strong in the meeting and hear everything. The last two hours are filled with speeches and the species' opinion on immigration, and he also got a text from the General Secretary for when it’s Michael’s turn to go up.
He glanced at Yaku that’s sitting beside him, she’s looking on towards the podium focused and doesn’t want to be interrupted. “Michael Stone of the UTA” The announcer called for him and he stood up, and everyone else looked up at him. There it is, the predator that defeated the Janids in the war.
Michael took a deep breath and tries to ignore his stomach’s cries for food, but his body cannot. He feels weak, his stomach aching. He walked up to the podium with the script on his holophone. Setting his holophone and hold one end of the lectern, he started his speech although with difficulty. No one else in the room seemed to notice except for Yaku, his voice sounded strained, and his face is unusually white.
Half an hour in and he’s halfway into the speech, he suddenly stopped in the middle of a word, panting, his eyes bouncing all around the room as he looked down holding his temples with his finger and thumb. “Is something wrong Michael Stone?” The announcer asked without a tone of worry.
He looked back up, his face is a sweaty mess as he swallowed and shook his head. He covered his eyes with her hand to block the lights around the room “Nothing... nothing is wrong...” He looked down at his Holophone, opening his mouth to talk again, and then he fell to the floor.
The crowd gasped in shock as the 6-foot tall predator just flopped to the floor without any reason at all. Yaku being the one more familiar with the human immediately left her seat and ran up to the podium, kneeling down with her tentacles holding the human’s cheeks in her hands. “Call for a human doctor!” She cried out as some of the delegates rushes out of the room in search of a human medic, meanwhile, the ones inside are in shock, sat silently in their seat staring at the unconscious human.
It’s not normal to go unconscious without reason, there has to be a reason. Is it a disease? Either way, everyone in the room is confused and speechless.
A few moments later a human medic from their military arrived in the meeting room, kneeling beside Michael and motioned Yaku to step away, but she won’t leave him, she won’t leave his side. Watched by 20 aliens in the room, the medic began checking Michael’s condition,  his heartbeat, breathing, temperature. It looks like he might be having a migraine and a fever.
Both from not eating and drinking anything the entire day, and standing for thirty minutes while talking. More human medics arrived bringing a stretcher, and carefully places Michael onto it and brought him into the human medical bay where he rests on a real bed.
All the while Yaku staying by his side, making sure he’s not hurt or anything. And when asking one of the medics, he said that he has a fever. Which translates to  having a temperature above the normal range due to an increase in the human body's temperature set point.  
It appears the meeting needs to be pushed to a later date, everyone did learn a valuable lesson though. Humans are fragile and if not maintained well by no feeding it enough or drink water, it could collapse from exhaustion and it’s body’s’ strange behaviors from such deprivation of sustenance and water
Strange, very strange
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