#i was thinking about the greek gods and dc at the same time
soupinaboot · 7 months
Random but if Batman was some kind of Greek God or something his mythology would be insane. Anyway anyone want to hear my Justice League Greek God's au? 🙂
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maniacwatchestheworld · 7 months
We Need To Talk About Danny's Power Level.
I was hesitant to make this post, but the more I think about it and the more I see... We really HAVE to discuss this. Generally speaking, I really don't want to be seen as someone who is trying to ruin people's fun within this fandom. I want to inform, and while I have issues with some of the very prevalent ideas in this fandom, I don't want to tell people what they should or should not be making! I want people to follow what they find fun to create! But this power level thing...? I think that it has some rather concerning implications to it that need to be examined and discussed! This is an actual, decently serious problem, and after considering it for a time, it occurs to me that I may be one of the few people in this community that recognizes this issue as an actual issue and has the authority to speak on it...
You NEED to stop making Danny so incredibly overpowered in the DPxDC space.
Now please don't misunderstand me. I understand the value of a good fun power fantasy and making Danny more powerful than God can be fun and cathartic if you have a negative history with the Christian faith. But this insistence on the Ghost Zone being The Most Important Thing Ever and Danny being The Most Powerful Entity Within It is actually actively warping how people interpret and think about DC canon as well as certain characters within its canon to the point of unrecognizability as well as robbing characters of what makes them interesting, the point of their stories, and their agency within it. But most importantly of all, all of this is just... Generally, genuinely dismissive and shitty towards most religions, cultures, beliefs, and faiths that people practice, ESPECIALLY the faiths of POC and other minorities. And this is specifically an issue that DC does not have and that people within this space are making an issue by refusing to let the Ghost Zone and Danny have some limitations.
So that you understand where I'm coming from, please understand that I'm a person of color (I'm half Filipino) and that I'm Buddhist (a religion that I decided to convert to and embrace after a lot of thought and soul-searching, even if I'm not very good at practicing it). It also needs to be stated that in the DC universe, all religions and faiths are true and real at the same time, and they all have more or less equal footing as any other faith or religion or mythology explored in this multiverse. Christian heaven and hell are real. Reincarnation is canonical to the DCU. The Greek Pantheon is real and they are just as real and powerful as the Norse Pantheon. (By the by, just to let you know, yes, people in the real life modern day do actually actively worship both of these pantheons today.) Different alien planets have different faiths, and there is precedent for them being real as well. (Hey! Fun fact! Kryptonians are polytheistic!) It does seem that some form of animism is real within the DCU (within concepts of The Red and The Green)! And there is even representation for indigenous African faiths and beliefs within this shared universe! One of the genuinely wonderful things about the DC universe is that all of these faiths are real, they're all valid, and they are all more or less on equal footing to one another! If all the religions and afterlives and gods of each pantheon went to war with one another, it would genuinely be difficult to know who would win, or who would even stand a chance of coming out of this conflict alive!
In fact, a lot of characters and storylines within the DC universe are actually DEPENDENT on all of these faiths existing and being equally valid at the same time. Do you know where Billy Batson gets his powers from? The phrase "SHAZAM," if you didn't know, is actually an acronym for the names of the gods and heroes that he derives his powers from. (Solomon, Heracles, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury.) And it's implied that each person with SHAZAM powers has different heroes and gods that they derive their power from! (Black Adam derives all of his powers from the Egyptian Pantheon. Mary Marvel derives all of her powers from female gods and heroic figures.) Many of Wonder Woman's stories involve her interacting with various different pantheons. Xanthe Zhou gets their powers from traditional Chinese folk ancestor-worshiping practices. Ragman is a Jewish character whose suit is a powerful Jewish artifact- a suit made out of the souls of sinners that was created to protect the Jewish community. Sun Wukong is an actual character in the DCU and he is JUST as overpowered and immortal ×500 as he should be! And there are like... At least 3 entirely different characters that either are iterations of, claim to be, or pull their powers/inspiration from Anansi! DC celebrates a lot of faiths and religions and are bringing in more beliefs and faiths into their universe all the time! TONS of characters derive their powers from their religions, faiths, and beliefs! And DC celebrates them all as being real and valid to all who practice them! ... And you want them all to be forced to be under the same umbrella and less important and powerful as Danny and the Ghost Zone...
Bringing up ideas of ghosts and afterlives are always going to be loaded subjects because they often inherently rub up against actual living people's practiced religions and beliefs. But a belief in ghosts and dimensions better suited for them is also a valid belief that real life people have. And there is precedent for these beliefs also being real within DC canon. But DC only manages to get away with crossing over as many faiths as it does by saying that they are all real, valid, and while you might see less of some pantheons and more of others, they all exist and are doing their own thing just like they do in real life, just off panel... Are you beginning to see what the problem is...?
In the DPxDC fandom's eagerness to incorporate Danny into the DC universe and to make him powerful enough to go toe to toe with the likes of Superman, it seems that most people immediately overcompensated and that no one has really thought to slow down, stop, and actually think about what they are implying. Because the most common headcanons that I have seen regarding the Ghost Zone and other afterlives and religions? It's that they are all parts of the Ghost Zone, but are all ultimately subordinate to it. And since Danny is the Most Powerful and Important Person in the Ghost Zone... This implies that all religions, faiths and beliefs are less important and are indeed subordinate to the Almighty Danny. That all deities and the people following them should just bow down to Danny's might. This is something that DC, in spite of all of its flaws, has managed to avoid. These religions are REAL religions! Actual faiths practiced by actual people! We are NOT talking about dead, irrelevant pantheons that no one alive worship anymore! We are talking about living, active faiths and religions, some of which colonizers have tried to eradicate from the world! Some of these faiths have been suppressed! Some of the people who practice these beliefs have faced genocide for them! And so saying that the Ghost Zone is bigger, better, and that Danny is more important than any single other faith and afterlife...? THAT'S A SHITTY THING TO DO! You are literally doing the shitty Christian missionary thing, but with a fictional afterlife that consists of fictional characters that you know are not actual religious beliefs! You're landing on the sandy polytheistic shores of the DCU and declaring that the Ghost Zone is actually vaster than every faith already in the DCU and that Danny is more powerful and has authority over your gods! That your beliefs and faith and religion should just take a backseat to the Danny power fantasy! That your real, lived religion is not more important nor should it be respected when Danny is in the room! Of course the Buddha should bow down to Danny! Of course the Jewish people should renounce their faith and worship Danny instead because he's better and more powerful than the Jewish God! Why should people pray to their ancestors when Danny ultimately gets to decide what happens to everyone's ancestors!? If they want good things to happen to their ancestors in the afterlife, they should pray to Danny instead! Not like any form of prayer works or matters in this universe anyway because Danny is Almighty! And he doesn't hear the prayers! By making all faiths subordinate to Danny within these stories, you are saying that anyone who practices these beliefs and faiths within these stories are not valid in their beliefs. The only belief that matters and is real in this universe is the Ghost Zone and whatever will appease Danny the most. And while the characters in these stories are not real, the religions, beliefs, and practices they engage in ARE. And so you are implying that real people's faiths and religions don't matter. You are just dismissing real faiths and beliefs as not something worth thinking about or respecting within your works! You are saying that this fictional American white teenage boy and his goopy green land is more important to you than just being respectful of real people's faiths, beliefs, and religions. That your power fantasy is more important than saying that a person is valid for holding on to their beliefs. That when it comes down to it, that you would rather people choose your Danny power fantasy over their religion being portrayed as important and valid. That is honestly insulting. And really alls that you've done is impose monotheism onto the DC universe. You're just enforcing monotheism on people with extra steps. But instead of it being the Christian God, you've put Danny in that position. THIS IS A SHITTY THING TO DO! THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE DEFAULT HEADCANON THAT PEOPLE HAVE IN THIS FANDOM! PLEASE STOP!
Please understand. I know that you didn't do this on purpose or mean to imply this intentionally. I know that you didn't realize that you were insulting and undermining actual faiths and religions by pushing these ideas on the fandom. If one or two people had these thoughts and headcanons and didn't think very much about what they are implying, this would not be a problem. But for this to be the default is VERY disconcerting! As a Buddhist, it does feel genuinely shitty and insulting to imply that Danny has authority over the Buddha and that he outranks and is more powerful than Sun Wukong. It's not fun to think that my beliefs matter to you less than continuing to play with your Danny power fantasy. That you don't think that the pursuit for enlightenment and inner peace is real or worthwhile. That you would find my pursuit of compassion over everything else to be silly, stupid, and laughable when stood next to Danny. I know that you don't mean it. I know that's not what you meant to imply. But it is what you imply by making every faith subordinate to the Ghost Zone. And as someone who has a faith that is so often seen as subordinate to others and just a silly little play fantasy that doesn't matter and isn't real, it's depressing and uncomfortable to see this community as a whole unknowingly echo these sentiments. People in real life don't think that my faith is valid. People don't believe me when I say that I'm Buddhist. And as someone who is Filipino on top of that, I can't help but to think about the utter tragedy of my ancestors being forced to convert to Christianity or die. To forget their beliefs, pretend they never mattered, and embrace Jesus. To be forced to believe that their indigenous beliefs didn't matter. And so many of those indigenous beliefs are now lost and forgotten to their living ancestors (including myself) for it because to the Christians, their belief in Jesus was ultimately more important to them than just letting the Filipino beliefs and religions peacefully exist as they were. It's uncomfortable to me that you would rather I just embrace this view of Danny and let him be more important than and be an authority over my religion. That I should just be comfortable in Danny being more important and better than every religion that people actually practice in real life. That I should just forget the insult to my and any other religion that you make by placing Danny as more important than, and to "just have fun." But I can't. And these ideas are everywhere in this fandom. Even in stories where it shouldn't matter or doesn't need to be present, it's there. This reminder that you don't take my faith seriously- these ideas that Danny is more important than my faith are ubiquitous to this community. An issue that wasn't present in either of the original source materials. Because they thought about it and so went out of their way to not imply it. But here, people are just not willing to make that courtesy for even a second.
But it doesn't have to be this way. You can do better! I know that you can do better. And it isn't even difficult to do! All that you need to do better is to simply... Just... Think about it. When you imply or say "all afterlives are part of the Ghost Zone" actually think about ALL afterlives! Christian and Atheist and Greek ones, yes. But also Asian and Native American and African and South American ones too! Is that kind of thought fair towards Native American faiths, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Palestinians, Hellenists, Animists, and every other person and group that practices a faith? Or does this have majorly fucked up implications towards some or all of these people? If the answer is yes, you can proceed, but you need to be mindful of that fact and just think about it, even if only a little. Even if it's just a small acknowledgement that you don't know what you're talking about or that you are choosing to ignore some of the fucked up implications you're making here for the sake of the story in the tags. I just want you to take a moment and think through the implications of what you are making, and to make a choice on whether you should proceed or reconsider things. If you choose to proceed with the fucked up implications, that's fine. It means that you can do so with other mindsets in mind and can possibly use these ideas in interesting ways! At least you made a stance to possibly be shitty towards some people for the sake of your fun. At least you made the choice to say that some people's beliefs just don't matter to your story. This is a neutral statement. Some works of art are just not made for some kinds of people. And that's fine. But it is always better to knowingly acknowledge and make that choice than to pretend that it isn't there. And if you didn't realize that's what you were doing? If you reconsider and choose to turn back on this idea? At least you made that choice and didn't just passively follow the rest of the crowd to get here. Hopefully, thinking about it will make you more mindful about your art in the future and therefore make it better! The only thing to do about it is to acknowledge that you weren't thinking about the implications, but that you changed your mind, and move forwards with your life.
Now just to be entirely clear, I'm not telling you that I want you to feel guilty about being inconsiderate towards other faiths. That doesn't really do anyone any good. I won't get any satisfaction from you feeling guilty about it or internally punishing yourself for it. Just actually give what you might be implying more thought in terms of religion next time and do better. It's alright to make mistakes. We are all just human and we all make mistakes. Sometimes we don't even realize when we've made a mistake. Just strive to do better next time, be more willing to let go of these ideas that you're so attached to, allow yourself to see things from another perspective, and move on. Sometimes, it's better to just leave things alone. Sometimes you shouldn't meddle and try to rework ideas that were perfectly good on their own to begin with. Sometimes nothing that you personally can add will be a positive contribution. Sometimes the only thing that interfering will do is over-complicate things and rob the idea of what made it so interesting and powerful in the first place. But it's okay to leave it alone. It's going to be okay. I'm not angry. Just disappointed and a little frustrated. But it's better if you are able to just drop these things and move forwards with mindfulness in the future.
As an alternative, I think that it would generally be better for the Ghost Zone to just be its own thing separate from the other afterlives. Equal to other afterlives and not all-encompassing of them. It can be connected or related to other afterlives, but being greater than them as a whole is just a very uncomfortable and cruel implication. You don't need the Ghost Zone to be the most important thing in the multiverse. And Danny does not need to be the most powerful thing in existence. Please. It's okay to have power fantasies. But the invincible overpowered stronger than all Gods Danny should not be the overwhelming norm here to the detriment of everything else. It's only when you let go of Danny NEEDING to be the MOST important thing in the multiverse can you start to really dive into some of the more interesting sides of characters on their own terms and not on yours! Like... Did you know that there is one ghost character in DC called The Spectre and that he's the literal personification of the wrath of God? Did you know that Xanthe Zhou as a spirit envoy is actually half dead and half alive? Did you know that The Wizard Shazam is actually, secretly an aboriginal god? Did you know that in the DC universe that Judas Iscariot still walks the Earth to this day, doing vigilante work to atone for his betrayal of Jesus? Did you know that Ra's Al Ghul's mom has met and hung out with some of the demons that Sun Wukong fought against in Journey to the West? Hell, did you know that Damian is Buddhist!? Imagine that. Danny coming in and telling Damian that he's more important and more powerful than Damian's entire religion. That the Buddha is just a lackey of his and that he rules over all afterlives, including nirvana and cycles of reincarnation. I'm certain that Damian would take that very well and accept it wholeheartedly! Don't you agree with me?!!?!???!
I personally think that all of this is better and more interesting if characters, their religions, and ideas in general are able to interact with Danny's world on their own terms without being forced to fit within Danny's box! You don't need to try to force everything within DC's universe to fit inside Danny's. DC wouldn't ask for Danny's universe to conform to theirs! They would just add everything that Danny's universe has to offer on top of everything else they already have! And trying to fit the entire DC multiverse within the scope of Danny's universe... It's too small a box for too large of a universe! Sometimes you can just let things not be deeply connected. And sometimes things don't need a complicated explanation and it can literally just be magic. There's nothing wrong with trying to tie everything together in a neat and succinct way. But sometimes you need to pull your view out a little and look at what you're doing and genuinely ask yourself if what you're doing actually adds depth, or if it does more harm than good and makes everything worse, make less sense, and more complicated or not. It's okay to fall down the rabbit hole sometimes. I completely understand that happening and do it all the time! Just remember to be mindful about it!
Either way, if you're going to insist on desperately clinging onto these ideas of Danny being the Most Important and Powerful Thing in the Multiverse to the detriment of literally everything else, that's fine. But just be honest with what you're doing and why. This isn't a Ghost King Danny AU. Kingdoms don't have unequivocal power over other and all kingdoms. It's a God Emperor over all Gods Danny AU. Nothing wrong with that concept in of itself. Just tag it properly as something like "God King Danny" so that I don't have to deal with it and the implications you're making about my religion with it. That would be enough! I would be happy with that! Just make your choice. Think about what you're doing, why you're doing it and choose. If you choose to keep going, that's fine! All the more power to you! Have fun! But be honest about what you're making. I may not like it and think that it's an overdone, overplayed idea at this point, but you're free to do it! So go forwards and make what will bring you joy! But now that you've thought about it a little, hopefully you'll continue with a little more knowledge and foresight. And hopefully that will make your work even more interesting and better for it! And if you decide to change course, I'm glad that I was able to sway you and get you to see things from my perspective and come to my side on this. At the very least, hopefully this will help to vary up ideas within the fandom a bit and you won't just take ideas that are happening in this space entirely for granted and as givens! I have so many ideas on interesting ways that these intersections can go and characters that you can use, and ways to look at this community that offer so so SO many interesting story directions! I'm so happy that you've decided to come with me on this journey! You're going to make something great, I'm certain of it! So let's make something wonderful together! I believe in you! There's a lot of fun to be had! ^.^
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adis-is-hades · 16 days
PJO x DC concept: Lantern Corps Demigod(s)
Disclaimer: I haven’t actually read any GL comics so everything I know comes from fanfics and various other sources (Google)
We know that the human GLs tend to have some sort of engineering background, which is why they got the hang of the ring’s constructs pretty quickly. So think about a child of Hephaestus or Athena with a Lantern ring. They’d go feral to have the ability to create stuff with a single thought.
I also just think it’s kind of funny (especially with other kids). Humans can come across as feral to most aliens, and demigods (mostly Greek) are even more so. I can see the GLs (or JL/TT/YJ if the demigod is on a team) being sent in a diplomatic mission that somehow fails and they get dropped into a death tournament. The demigod is absolutely willing to fight tooth and nail, even without weapons. They are taking off fingers (ooh carrot mentality) and tearing skin from muscle and bone. With their prior training (and maybe war experience) they’re wrenching joints from sockets and placing their opponent(s) into submission locks, barely even breaking a sweat.
I think if every demigod got a ring, most of them would have green. All of them qualify for green. The will power it takes to fight and survive as long as they have. That’s a lot. Will to live is such a defining part of many of our canon characters.
Getting more specific:
Percy could possibly have blue (and not just because it’s his favorite color). Blue symbolizes hope. His refusal to release Elpis—hope—to signal surrender is a huge moment in his development in “The Last Olympian”. He could potentially qualify for indigo which symbolizes compassion. He doesn’t kill Iapetus after the Titan’s swim in the Lethe in “Sword of Hades”, instead renaming him Bob and getting him a (relatively) honest job in Hades’ palace. He befriends Damasen in Tartarus. And the pain he feels when he has to leave them behind is tangible.
Annabeth could be orange—greed. Her desire to build a new world is a prideful, almost greedy aspiration. She tries not to let it control her, so perhaps it’s not the best match, but it’s an option. I think she is more apt for green. The will to not let her pride control her (especially after meeting Percy), he will to pursue her dream and become an architect to build a new world is very admirable.
Will I think could qualify for both black—death—and white—life. He canonically has affinity for Apollo’s domains of both healing and plague, so it’s not that far fetched. He could also be indigo. I imagine healing accident prone demigods over and over again takes a lot of compassion.
Nico has the obvious of black, but I think it would be ironic if he had a white ring. The black ring comes from being the son of the god of the dead, but I think that just puts life into perspective for him better than most. He knows the ins and outs of death to the point that he knows that life is sacred and something everyone should get to experience. And think he’d have the opposite of Will’s ring if they had them at the same time, like a yin yang. Nico could also be red, rage, for the fact that his fatal flaw is holding grudges. He holds his anger for months between “The Titan’s Curse” and “The Battle of the Labyrinth” until he finally gets to speak to Bianca and get “permission” to let go. Indigo is yet another option due to his actions of bringing Hazel back to the living world. (If I recall correctly, he was originally looking for Bianca, to offer another chance at life to her, but stumbled on Hazel when he couldn’t find Bianca).
Clarisse is most likely red. Rage is a big part of the Ares kids, and Clarisse is often always angry. She could also be violet—love—or indigo for her acts regarding Chris and Selena.
Rapid fire! With no context and in no particular order:
Piper: red, green, blue
Leo: yellow (fear), indigo, blue
Jason: yellow, blue
Frank: indigo, green
Reyna: green, indigo
Thalia: white, blue
Chiron: green, indigo, blue, violet
Sally: violet, indigo, blue
Feel free to add on!
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mxtantrights · 11 months
famous dc!au (dick's version)
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It's grueling work. The first video was easy but this director has an extravagant and almost larger than life. It's not common for you to star opposite a famous guy who now, on top of that, will play a greek god.
Dick makes it easy. He shows up on set and jokes around with you. And he always eats with you on lunch break, he tries to pay each time but you try to make it even.
Still you can't help but to feel saddened that your friendship is basically over. Along with end of your friendship and the possibility of it being more than that is less than zero. There was no way Dick would have time for you after this video is done. He's too important and busy. And too not over his ex, possibly.
You try your best to smile while on set today.
Dick is freaking out. Like actually nervous and almost throwing up, that type of freaking out. The song he wrote-the one about you but doesn't actually call you out by name, but are about the moments he shared with you-it comes out tonight.
He can't pull the plug on it, he hasn't tried but he knows it won't go over well. His manager talked this single up so well to the studio heads that they wanna renegotiate his contract for one more year.
He doesn't wanna creep you out. But he also can't keep going on like this. It feels like a viscous circle of torture. He's close to telling you and relieving himself of this heavy secret. But then he thinks about how you might not feel the same, and how his confession might chase you out of his life completely. He doesn't want that.
He tries his best to not fall in love with you today.
"Okay and that looks great guys I think we've got it for today. We'll send word if we need to do reshoots." the director says.
Someone is pulling a robe over your body. You're not really paying attention because you're watching Dick walk away from set. You had just finished the dance sequence and you were out of breath and sweating.
But all that was on your mind was Dick. It was crazy.
You can't let this go on for forever. You know that. But you honestly don't know what to do that won't hurt your feelings in the process.
With a sigh you head back to your trailer. When you get in you see a fruit basket on top of the couch. You walk over to it, there's a bright blue note sticking out the top. You take the note out.
Your fingers rip the envelope open.
'Thanks for everything. I wanted to get your opinion on this.-Dick" the note reads.
You look at the bottom of the note to see a QR code. You take your phone out from the safe in your trailer and scan it. The link takes you to a blank site with only a media player on it. The time stamp is two minutes fifty seconds.
You hit play, intrigued. When you put your volume up you can barely hear what is playing but it sounds like a song, it sounds like Dick's voice. You hit pause and look around your trailer for your headphones. You find them in your back.
Quickly you connect them to the bluetooth on your phone and hit play again. The intro plays and your brain gets this fuzzy feeling, like you've heard these sounds before. You rewind once, twice trying to understand why its so familiar.
But you decide to leave it alone as you want to hear the rest of the song. The melody plays out and honestly Dick's voice puts you in a bit of a trance. You don't really notice the words he's saying at first but when he gets to the chorus your focus is brought in.
Maybe we could try if you let me
Take you by the hand
You're the only one who understands
It hits you then. Where you heard the beginning from. It's from the first music video shoot. When you and Dick were throwing jokes at each other. It was your laugh. Dick put your laugh in a song?
You can't believe it. Well, you-not you really cannot. But why did he leave this for you to listen to if...
Was this a confession? You hit pause on the song. Then your feet are moving before you can even fully think out the repercussions of your actions. You walk right out of your trailer and onto the lot, all the way over to Dick's trailer which is on the other side.
When you get to the door that's when you feel how hard your heart is pumping. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. Maybe you had gotten ahead of yourself. Maybe it wasn't a confession but just him letting you know he's using a personal moment between the two of you in his new music.
Just as you're about to walk up the steps to knock on his door, the door opens. Out comes the stunning and beautiful Zantana. You can feel it in real time how your confidence deflates like a balloon. You try to keep your smile on though.
Her lips start moving but you can't hear her, that's when you realize you still have your headphone on. You pull them off your ears.
"Sorry. What did you just say?" you ask.
She smiles, "Oh, I just said that he's not in here. He might've slipped out a while ago."
"Oh." you say.
"I'm Zantana by the way." she says, holding out her hand.
You take it into your own and shake hands, introducing yourself to her as politely as you can. Your brain is working on overdrive. He's not here? How would she know that if she wasn't here with him?
"I can let him know that you were looking for him." she says.
You shake your head wildly, "No it was nothing. I can just text him."
"Okay. See you around maybe? Are you coming to the party?" she asks.
You feel horrible. You feel like absolute shit. Like here she is being so sweet yo you meanwhile you don't know if these two are a thing or not and you've maybe been harboring feeling for her significant other.
"Party?" you ask now.
Zantana nods, "Yeah the release party for his new single."
Your eyes widen. The song you were listening to a few seconds ago? That song? He was planning on releasing it into the world? What? Your mind is jumping through multiple hoops at the same time.
"I didn't know anything about that." you say, lying.
"Hey, I can put you down as my plus one and get you in. Don't worry about it." she offers.
"I'm just not sure if I can make it." you try to wiggle your way out of going.
"It's a really good song! I know your support would mean a lot to him." she explains.
You think to yourself, maybe she thinks the song is about her. or maybe it is about her and you've gone delusional and the laugh at the beginning isn't yours, because maybe some laughs sound the same. Maybe.
You can't decline an invitation like this. If you want to end this on a good note, if you want to end this at all you have to go.
"Okay, I'll be there." you say.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
I don't think Batkid Percy or Batkid Miles are interesting concepts at all tbh and neither of them would let themselves be adopted by Bruce since Percy has so much trauma from older men in power(Poseidon,Gabe,Luke and the gods)and Miles has two perfectly good parents,plus an additional mentor figure he's found family with in Peter B(and full offense to Bruce,Miles has too high of standards after them and Uncle Aaron to put up with him).It would be way more fitting if Percy was a kryptonian-human hybrid to go with her being half god in canon and how kryptonians are deity level strong and Miles should be a Blue Lantern since Atsv is all about him giving hope to other Spiderpeople that they're not doomed by the narrative,plus Percy is canonically a Superman fan and can be the Super to Jason's Bat instead of it getting repetetive by both being Batfam since they're so alike and Miles can be Young Justice's power ring holder and his personality fits right with the canon members.And y'know......Maybe him and Tim can date,i mean he's a lot like Gwen personality wise and alt edgy like Hobie so he's canonically his type and who WOULDN'T have a crush on Miles Morales?
On that note,i really love the idea of Miles ending on Prime Earth right after Utrh and meeting Jason before any other DC characters and that leads to a lot of spending time together both bonding and doing hero work and them ending up becoming found brothers with Miles redeeming Jason while not really trying to,Jason just fixed himself so he could be good enough to be Miles' best friend.And obviously Percy's got her own younger siblings in the other Superkids and she rivals Dick in the 'best eldest sister' award and adds competition to it by adopting Tim and Duke as pseudo-ones and her and Stephanie are only slightly less close than her and Cass purely because Stephcass romantic soulmates by choice in every universe and they do girl things together(doing eachother's hair and nails and makeup,playing video games,cooking fancy foods,talking about their experiences with transfemininity,fighting fascists,coping with their childhood trauma through things meant for younger girls)and her and Jason are the biggest frenemies to ride or die's case ever
Also,just some mix and match thoughts:Son of Helios and Jupiter legacy Miles,son of Poseidon Jason who's a dark parallel to daughter of Poseidon Stephanie like he is in canon(NOT a Luke but an Ethan),Jason Morales(bio kid because he is always afrolatino to me like Percy is)and Percy as either a Spiderpunk variant who's older than Hobie and Nico and Hazel as his Spiderman and Spiderwoman who're all from the same dimension or her own original Spider identity as Seaspider and they meet through dimensional animal spider crossing because they're the Dea Sea Siblings in every universe.Or a three way that stars Miles,Percy and Jason instead and they do things like going to Batburger and getting into fun greek mythos shenanigans and making art together and bonding over being afro-caribbeans.I have so much brainrot for Pjo x Atsv x DC and it's all thanks to them
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genericpuff · 1 year
Hey, I've worked a bit in animation and just wanted to point out that shows very often get pitched and bought out, and can sit in the back burner for a really long time depending on the market! Seems like with all the strikes and post covid lag, and a market thats already saturated with greek mythology atm (think percy jackson live action coming soon, youtube series, other webcomics, etc.), lore olympus is probably floating in the air atm until the time is right. These kinds of things can take years to happen, even 10+ years! Some of the most popular animated shows were pitched years before they were picked up and sent into production. Hoping in the time its on hold, they get some really good writers to clean up the story. I don't mean to disregard your post, but just a lil bit of info on how that nature works in animation. I love lore rekindled too, keep it up!
Oh hey thanks for your input! So I do actually have a diploma in animation (though I never ended up working in the larger industry) so I know a bit about how things like that can happen. Nimona's a great recent example, it was bought in 2015 by 20th Century Fox but never made it through development because of Disney purchasing them and bringing the project to a crawl due to it being LGBTQ+, then they shut down Blue Sky and that kept the project in limbo until it got picked up by a new studio and brought to Netflix. So it took well over 10 years for that one to finally hit the screen.
That said, most of that post is addressing the fact that if LO is going to get a TV show (I'm really strongly believing it isn't at this point, esp not with JHC but that's me) then stalling it out for 10 years or however long probably won't be the best move. Especially not with how things are going with animation at large.
While LO is the biggest on the WT platform, the platform itself still isn't as prestigious here in the west as say, DC or Marvel. Its platform and its comics just don't have that sort of longevity out here. LO is also undoubtedly nearing the end of its run and it's struggling to stay relevant as it is - so to make a show years down the road when it's long gone out of everyone's minds (which it will be as soon as it ends and WT starts shilling the next big thing) just sounds like a missed opportunity. It could rejuvenate interest, sure, but it could just as easily flop due to its fanbase having moved on/lost interest/etc. LO is pretty much reliant on WT's advertising at this point, it's not a good sign that WT has to keep putting notifications to read LO everywhere on the app. WT loooves the "strike while the iron is hot" methodology and now with the show they just drag it out? It feels less like striking the iron while it's hot and more like trying to get a fire going, period.
Like, when Nimona got its movie, it was like "omg Nimona's finally getting a movie!!!" but I can't help get the sense that if LO goes through that same treatment, the response is gonna be, "that gross comic with the underage girl and old man billionaire is still getting a TV show??" Maybe that's a mean assumption to make but if LO is struggling to stay relevant and in a positive light now, god knows what that's going to be like years from now if and when they do release a show.
Especially when it comes to comics like LO which generate so much criticism, I feel like it's going to go through the same thing Twilight did, where people adored it during the peak of its run but as soon as the series was over and the hype left everyone's brains it gave people room to actually reflect on it and realize how icky it was LOL (and if it goes the full way of Twilight, people will read it as a joke over how bad it is).
There are also theories in the community that a lot of what WT is doing with LO rn (paying for Rachel to be in the top billing spot at NYCC, getting her a second Eisner, etc.) could very well be them trying to "shop it around" for investors or a new network, by putting Rachel in the spotlight and going "see! look at how successful this comic is! buy it!" That's just a theory of course, but it really isn't a good look when LO wins awards and people ask why. It feels like WT's is trying to throw money at a problem without realizing what's causing the problem in the first place. It winning an Eisner or being hinted at a TV show or getting a top billing spot at NYCC won't give it legitimacy because the comic they're advertising is still garbage, they're trying to convince people it has merit when it doesn't. If anything, it'll make LO and WT lose even more credibility because it makes people wonder why the fuck a comic like LO is winning those awards and why it's being given more attention and opportunities over other comics on the platform that are far more deserving.
Anyways, this post is kinda all over the place, but that's my two cents, my point really is that if there is a show happening, it's definitely not happening soon (in spite of Rachel saying "yeah it's happening!") because there's no clear timeline or progress that's been made or even team in charge of it at this point - and if it happens down the road, its only chance of doing well will be if it gets a major overhaul in its writing IMO because the comic is way too much of a mess rn for television LOL
That said, I'd love to genuinely believe that the show will happen someday, but I feel like the best time for it to happen has passed, especially with the comic losing the quality and prestige it was sold to JHC for since then. That's just me though.
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black-diamond1329 · 1 year
⭐ Name: Sandra, but you can tell me Sandy 😉.
⭐Age: I feel like I'm 15 years old, I stopped counting at 19 and my friends say that I act like I'm 5 years old XD hahaha ... Nah! I just turned 23 years old this August n_n.
💔 Occupation: Being a universitary girl XD ... Yes! It's so fun! (sarcasm).
🩷 Some things that I love it: Read (I read all kinds of books and about my favorite ships on Ao3! 🤭), cook desserts, listen to music while I do other activities like my homework or when I read, Greek mythology (The love between us will never die! 💗).
⭐Saint Seiya (or Knights of the Zodiac). I found this beautiful serie when I was 7 years old. My favorite is the original serie, although I also like the Lost Canvas a lot and Episode G (because Aioria is the protagonist). Soul of Gold gives me mixed feelings. From Omega and Next Dimension, better don't ask me; my mind lives in denial. My favorite characters are the Golden Saints, especially Aioros and Aioria, being Aioria my super favorite.
Thanks to Saint Seiya I developed a great love for the stars 💫 and I have many scientific books on the subject, as well as books of myths and legends about the constellations ✨.
💥 I'm a Marvel Girl. I love those tormented superheroes and antiheroes. I basically grew up watching Marvel since Iron Man came out in 2008 and I immersed myself fully in the world of the comics, I have a lot of comics and books on my bookshelf 🤭. My favorites are: Iron Man ♥️, Captain America, Spider-Man, Loki, the X-Men, Black Widow and Scarlet Witch, in all their presentations and with all their charms and defects!.
🍿Series: Friends, Full House, The big bang theory, How I met your mother and How I met your father, Modern Family, Mom, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel... I love it K-Dramas like Goblin: The lonely and great God, Crash landing on you, Tale of the Nine Tailed 😋, I have also watched many animes like Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host Club, Toradora, Code Geass, Inuyasha, Kaleido Star, Shaman King, Attack on Titan... it's a long list and I don't remember everything at this moment 🤔. Miraculous Ladybug (I know it's for kids, but ... there is Chat Noir 🖤).
🐉In my House of the Dragon era 🖤: Like many people, I was also terribly disappointed with the horrible ending of Game of Thrones, but I really loved Fire and Blood when I read it in 2020... so I decided to give the serie a chance when I saw the first trailer... and I don't regret it! 🥳. I liked Daemon and Rhaenyra so much in the book and absolutely loved them in the TV Show! (Matt and Emma are incredible! ❣️). Another character that I loved in the book and the one I always wanted to know more about was Jacaerys Velaryon and I must say that I am very pleased with the choice of Harry Collett 😍 (oh yeah baby! 🔥).
I really hope that the directors and writers do justice to this wonderful crown prince! 🥰, because for me he is already one of my favorite characters of all time! ❣️.
🎥 Favorite Movies: Troy 2004 (did I mention I'm a Greek mythology lover?), the Star Wars saga 💫 (1-6 only), The Great Gatsby, A Walk to Remember, Harry Potter 🪄 (books and movies), The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy, The Hunger Games saga ❣️(books and movies), The Twilight saga 😊 (books and movies).
I love Studio Ghibli movies with all my heart 💗 since my dad bought me the movie of Kiki Delivery Service when I was a 6-year-old little girl.
I love everything Disney and Pixar does 💗😘. (think of the happiest things, It's the same as having wings! 🎶)
🎧 Music: I have a very varied taste in music, some would say strange 😅, but if I like the rhythm and lyrics of the song I will surely add it to my playlist (mainly I like rock), AC / DC, Queen, Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Imagine Dragons, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, Lana del Rey, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. I enjoy classical music too 🩷.
⭐ Something more about me: I am an inveterate dreamer and extremely perfectionist. I express myself better by writing than talking 😚.
I haven't drawn anything in almost 5 years and when I did I used to draw with traditional media (watercolor, charcoal, colored pencils, gouche and acrylic paints 🖌️).
But since October (from last year), when I saw Harry Collett as Prince Jacaerys, I felt a desire to draw that I hadn't felt in a long time ❣️.
This is my first time trying to draw in digital media, I hope you like what you see! 😘 (YouTube tutorials don't fail me now! 😭). I spent the whole summer practicing🥺.
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P.S: Sorry if exist some error, the english is not my firts lenguage.
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strunmah-mah · 10 months
Y'all ever noticed that in every single continuity Nubia get associated with a different Pantheon/God? It's really weird.
Nubia is Diana's twin who is kidnapped by Ares/Mars and raised to fight the Amazons. Kay first off: Diana's evil Black twin? Really? Glad that pretty much immediately revealed she was only evil cause mind control and once that was broken she was one of the god guys, but why'd you do it the first place DC? Pantheon: Greco-Roman, The tendency to treat the Greek and Roman names of Gods as interchangeable is something that annoys me, since there is over lap between the two but there's more nuance than that. But that's a personal annoyance that probably isn't going to go away anytime soon, so whatever. I am curious though, why is Ares/Mars always villain? Like obviously the answer is War Bad. But mythologically Ares is Hyppolyta's father. Wouldn't that be an interesting thing for DC to canonize.
Many centuries ago Nu'bia won a contest like Diana did and became the guardian of Doom's Doorway. She crossed over to the other side and was never seen again leaving many Amazons with the assumption she was dead. In truth she lived in Hell for centuries and even became the lover of the god, Ahura Mazda Sidenote: Why did they add an apostrophe to the middle of her name like that? Trying to make it sound more foreign or something? Religion: Zoroastrianism, is actually still an active religion. Impressive considering it's almost as old as Buddhism though the number of practitioners is significantly smaller. Honestly, points for not doing a big name mythology. Seeing as I had never even heard of this religion before I don't dare speak to the accuracy of Ahura Mazda in this comic. But still interesting someone chose this out of all the possible options
Rebirth/Infinite Frontier:
Nubia came out of the Well of Souls around the same time Diana was born. And the two were especially close because of that. Nubia was selected to to become the guardian of Doom's Doorway like her pre-crisis counterpart, but she never goes missing. Instead she eventually becomes the queen of all Amazons. After this she starts having memories of her past life before she came through the well of souls. Which is how it's revealed she used to be a Madagascar princess named, Zahavah, training to become the avatar of Skehmet. Honestly, wtf is this? Madagascar is is it's own country with it's own gods. There is absolutely no reason she would be worshiping a goddess from over 3000 miles to the north of her. This is just treating the entire continent of Africa like a monolith. And it's also annoying because there is an entire tribe of Egyptian Amazons who almost never get stories about the pantheon they are supposedly bound to.
Anyway, I know asking for consistency from DC is tall order especially with how minor of a character Nubia was until recently. I just think the constant pantheon shift is an odd detail to keep changing. Overall, it's a shame how underutilized Nubia is as a character. Especially since according to Wikipedia she's DC's first black female superhero. But how come in every major continuity they manage to make a decision that is not great? Evil Black twin is bad, but makes an unfortunate kind of sense, since it was the 70's. At least she showed some heroic traits while still mind controlled? Nu'bia is an odd little detail, but probably not that big of a deal? But damn if the Egypt/Madagascar thing does not annoy the hell out of me.
Seriously DC, why are you like this?
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
April 2011
April 13, 2011
Problems with my mail order bride
No holes in the box she didn't show up alive
Getting dirty in the places you always thought you'd keep so clean
Mix me in mono so I put you to fucking sleep
I got a machine soul
I keep you in boxes and lists
I don't worry about love
Or the weather
both barely exist
And both rarely resist
Dispatch helicopters
I accidentally got miserable
Black operations
Rome is for romans
Greek gods are dust, the romans are planets still infallible
Not devout but I feel blessed
Load a round of your problem solvers
Mass exodus of feelings from my chest
won't just make you surrender
Gonna Make you sing it to me
Can't seem to see the light but cover your eyes its shining through me
There's a box here but were simply not taking complaints
There are men in white with syringes carrying restraints
I'm a predator so I'm gonna make you pray
For the protection of your saints
I'm not trying to put an end to this
I'm just trying to get home
(stop taking my picture stop asking me questions im on the bench heres my gun and my badge i quit the game)
I can see you're making eyes at this husk surrounding my heart
I can see through you and were sitting in the dark
Bird in a cage
Same as the bird on a perch
Only cause neither of them
Could ever know what they're worth
Love is like a dog
If its laying its best to let it sleep
Life is a case for my trophies
The world just never got me
Oh the controversy
I don't just want the girl with me
After life
I wanna take the whole world with me
Bury me wrapped in c four
My heart your heart
So when they explore
They get more than they're coming for
April 22, 2011
so high and right.
he said they usually pull high and right.
my head goes numb.
he has been one of the most important figures in my life for a very long time. we met when i was fourteen in evanston- all he said was "do you write?". my outstanding response was "you mean like pen pals?". and so a friendship was born. it was steeped heavily in aerosol fumes and cutting holes in the fence at cta fix grounds in skokie. alot of boosting. at least one night or two for trespassing and vandalism of government property. one or two fanzines about friends we hated. a band or two. a single show in my parents basement. a gun, the only one id ever know, with no "bodies" on it. a dog. a tattoo in washington dc. and an eventual and untimely split. he forced me to look at the world differently. to find subversion where there seemed to be none. to see humanity in people many wouldnt consider human. to see art everywhere.
years later we crossed paths again. only now he speaks in hushed tones of the jungle of burma where he take photographs. he says if they pull the trigger you go low and left because they dont know how to use an assault rifle and usually pull high and right. he speaks of thinking he was poisoned as he fled another impoverished country in south east asia. i am again forced to rethink how i see the world. it is almost as he is meant to force the little good that is left in me. to steal my reason and remix how i think of the world.
thanks for being that friend.
April 22, 2011
Coming at me
Got hipsters guarding your body
There's no kingdom
Just a moat and some nobodies
Ahhh 'pity fuck the sick girl'
I'm not mad its just a mad world
Dollar days, french toast
Slip on shoes you mean the most
Killing myself
so im getting laid like a highschool quarterback
I wear painter denim
Got an aerosole mind
So its not my fault my feelings are plastic and crystalized
This is a confessional
I am not terrestrial
This is not my home planet
I don't care
You can have it
Sitting here lobbing tear gas
Riot mob trying to make these tears last
Fuck marry kill
That's not a question
I'm trying to keep still
but i quake
and sure of the years ive got more gray
but im still dorian
which means some of the bottles im pouring
from are more important
i burn hotter than you
(its not a metaphor)
my hearts like a stallion
people seem to just like it more broken
April 29, 2011
this isnt a rescue mission anymore.
they think of my heart like it was a stallion
they seem to like it the more its broken.
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pumaloafing · 3 months
Small pet peeve.
When a series draws inspiration from greek mythology and has the greek gods as characters (or people named after greek gods) except they still have Hercules instead of Heracles because it's more well known.
I see this occasionally in manhwa but I think DC also does the same thing (possibly Marvel too?)
I'm not gonna yell about it or anything but I roll my eyes every time I see it.
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It's funny indeed, but I think you shared something in a mysterious way! Like, you told this little story about where “rubix” comes from, but without revealing too much at the same time, I don't know if you understand where I was actually going. I personally didn't understand much either.
Don't worry, besides thinking it's a cool way to explore the ideas, I literally do the same lmao. Sometimes we just need a little push.
And I won't be finishing the sentence!🤭 Neither the bible nor god himself would be able to handle this... were you always the child who liked vampires, zombies or wolves, etc.?
– 🌟
i think this is the first time in my almost 20 years of being alive that someone describes something i do as mysterious 👀 i don't know if that's an achievement or not but i'll take it! i sort of get you, i'm sharing a lot but without any incredibly detailed information so i'm still somehow mysteriously oversharing. i love oxymorons :)
you could probably argue i let the music i listen to push me off a cliff and directly onto my writing ideas but i'll take your version instead. and i'm glad you understand my not-so-creative writing habit. [i'm also very interested in the fact you do the same but i'll just leave it at that]
not even if i say please? i think you're forgetting the fact that i'm the one who wrote the [incredibly sinful] fic in the first place so...i'm all ears. and no, i actually wasn't into any of that stuff as a kid, my mom was very anti-supernatural stuff growing up and i never cared about it enough to break the rules. i was more into mythology, specifically the greek gods, and superheroes. [funnily enough, i loved DC more than marvel when i was younger 😶] the first vampire-centric piece of media i consumed was literally first kill and that was last year so it's a very new thing for me...unless you count the brief vampire allusions/appearances in shows like legends of tomorrow, the flash, batwoman, etc.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
ok not bbc merlin related. this is about the batfam and slightly pjo related.
okay, so i was remembering pjo’s titan’s curse and how both Artemis and Annabeth hold up the sky and then i began thinking about the dc world and how technically Atlas is in that world since all the greek gods are. 
so, i’ve had this thought in my head for some time and was just curious, who out of the batfam could hold the sky the longest? like it’s this whole deal about mortals being incapable and the sky crashing on them, but let’s be real, the batfam is mortal but not at the same time. 
i have a feeling bruce could do it. he would offer himself first if he was in that situation. Dick or Jason probably could. idk it’s just a thought
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. Pretty much every LO critic is also Anti PJO lmao. Just because PJO fans also dislike LO doesn't mean its critics do too.
2. the creator of covenant literally went viral several times over her dynamic takes on harley quinn and poison ivy to where several big name media sources were praising it and saying DC should pick them for their own and yet DC would rather use their WT partnership to give RS a one shot to shit on the gods once again that was so insignificant even the DC wiki doesn't link to it, despite them doing it for every modern comic issue and anthology they have. someone make it make sense.
3. i just love RS' comment of she'd NEVER do a Norse mythology comic because it's "too popular". ya know, because when you think of unknown mythology you think GREEK MYTHOLOGY. she probably instead knows she doesnt have a popular ship in it to force her weird cishet fantasies onto so that's why she wouldn't touch it (though at the very least Baldur/Hel is a far more interesting dynamic with a looser mythology to make up whatever you want than than HxP does, but why would RS know that?)
4. I do not get why LO has SO MANY characters in it. I was looking at a tier list for it and it had over as 100 different characters (not that you could tell, some of them are copy pasted faces) but seriously, why do they need SO many? Even just limiting it to only the characters in the hymn + the olympians it would only be about maybe 20 characters, which is more than enough, yet Rachel keeps adding more and more, which ironically end up taking away from time that should be used for HxP!
5. superman is probably the only character that is required to have a massive barrel chest but of course rachel doesn't give him that for??? reasons?? and wonder woman is another doe eyed skinny teenager?? im not even touching "circe" thats literally just her friend from art school and im not joking you can check her twitter and see theyre exactly the same. how uncreative is this woman.
6. "why doesnt rachel do LO in black and white? it'd look so much better!" because she can't design characters to save her life so she needs the colors to tell anyone apart, that's why. go on, turn your laptop or phone's color to black and white and pull up a random LO episode and try and tell anyone apart when the colors are gone and see how it goes. I promise you it wouldn't be a fun exercise.
7. TBH I would be totally cool with Eris as Zeus and Hera's daughter in LO if it weren't for the fact she's randomly designed EXACTLY like Nyx is?? Like you can get where she's going with the designs then just yanks the wheel in a random direction and thinks she's clever for it. I don't get it??
8. I get it's a Webtoon thing to have the men be all muscled but the LO men just look uncomfortable, you know what I mean? Their bodies are way too big for their heads (where are my lanky and chubby kings) and I don't see how it's supposed to be attractive. I get the same way with the women being cartoonishly hourglass shaped with their backs broken into an S. It's like RS is trying to be "sexy" but is doing in a way that it looks like satire of oversexualization, but it's supposed to be serious 💀
9. do LO fans want us to critique PJO too? Because I know I certainly have a lot to say about it. Where to start, the racism? Making the Greek gods reject Greece for America? The cringey humor? Framing Ares as wrong for defending his daughter from sexual assault? The list goes on. If anything LO fans should love PJO, it has many of the same issues it does too that they love to defend.
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mxtantrights · 11 months
famous dc!au (dick's version)
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It felt like every other hour you were seeing links to gossip rags about Dick and Zantanna. It was mostly your fault, once you click on one link they all start popping up and finding their way to you. You shouldn’t have clicked it in the first place. But you can’t really help yourself. 
Seeing him with her only made you a thousand percent sure that he didn’t have any romantic feelings for you whatsoever.
You fix the white dress robe that’s laid on your body one more time. Then you put your phone into your bag and walk over to set. This time is a bit different. The video is more elaborate you think. The director gave you the general idea of it, but she also said it would make more sense after adding effects and stuff to it. 
You would be dressed as a Grecian person. And, as if the world wasn’t already throwing you for a spin, Dick would be Apollo. All that you know about the greek god, you knew Dick was anything but that. Yes he was good looking and yes he’s had several relationships. But the version you learned about was cruel and manipulative. Dick was never that.
You walk onto the soundstage for the day. It was nothing but a painted blue sky with clouds. It didn’t look cartoonish, more realistic. You couldn’t help to look around in awe.
Dick walks onto set and sees you glancing around. Your eyes full of wonder and your mouth ajar. He stays right in his place, not wanting to disturb you. He’s scared. Scared that he might slip up and say something about his feelings for you. Or that he might just make a total fool of himself. Or both. Honesty both happening at the same time would be more his style and would send him to an early grave.
A tall PA comes up to him and gives him the run down of what todays’ shoot entails. Honestly he wasn’t paying attention when his team explained to him the video concept. He knows he’s in good hands. Directing his video this time around is The Music Meister. He’s well known for getting the video to go along with the lyrics and the temp of the song. 
Your eyes find his and you smile. But it doesn’t seem to reach your cheeks like it usually does. Dick wonders if something is upsetting you. He wonders if he can even ask you in this capacity. Would that be weird? Surely he can ask in a friendly and non-overreaching way. Yeah, he can do that.
He waves at you, and you wave back at him. Then a makeup assistant is pulling you in another direction. He watches as you go and then looks over at the PA who has seemingly stopped talking. Dick lets out a strangled breath. The PA probably just saw him drool after you, he wants to hit himself over the head.
“I’m sorry about that—“ Dick starts. “Nah, no worries. You’re just getting into the headspace. That’s fine.” The PA says.
And Dick can’t tell if the assistant actually believes that or is just giving him an out. Either way Dick is happy about it and smiles and nods. The PA decides not o pursue the object of getting him the details about the shoot and just walks away with a smile. 
If it wasn’t enough to have to see Dick during the day, you have to see him at night too. It’s not like you hate him now. On the contrary hating him would be easier than—you know. But right now you have feelings for him that aren’t going anywhere anytime soon and the dace instructor is telling you to lean your body onto his.
You let out a chocked breath and follow instructions.
“If this—I know this isn’t something you signed up for so if you’re uncomfortable we can ask for a change in the video.” Dick whispers to you.
You can only really hear him because he’s this close. His voice goes straight to your ears above the noise of the music playing in the background and the instructors directions. 
You shake you head, “I’m good. I’ve just never done this before.” 
The instructor tells you to toss your head back and for Dick to position his arms around your waist. The directions make you want to upchuck with how nervous you’re getting. You can see why Dick would think you’re uncomfortable. You slowly extend your head back as you feel his hands on your left and right sides. 
You hadn’t realized how good he is at holding something. It’s weird. It’s not something you should be thinking about, but it is. Dick Grayson is holding you from losing your balance and you feel like he’s never going drop you. 
You let out a breath, knowing that you had been holding it here and there with being this close to him like this. You can practically feel him breathing on your neck.
The only other man in the room directs Dick to drag a finger up the curve of your front, from your stomach to your neck. Your eyes go wide as you feel it happen and all of a sudden you’re giggling and pulling your head back up. 
You slap your hand over your mouth. You can’t believe you just did that. You remove your hand and look at the instructor and Dick. “I’m so sorry—I’m really ticklish I should’ve said something about that before we started.” You admit.
Dick looks to the man, “can you give us a sec?”
The man leave the two of you, holding his hand up to signal it’s a five minute break. Dick then turns to you with a smile.
“It’s okay. I should’ve asked before I went and followed his directions.” Dick says.
You clear your throat, “Well, I’ll tell you now that I’m ticklish, I can be pretty flexible and I like to crack my joints sometimes.” 
Dick laughs at that, “These are all good things to know.”
You smile.
This smile is different. Dick feels like a weirdo for knowing this, for knowing how your smile goes past your cheeks and both rows of your teeth show and your nose moves. He knows these things and he feels like a lovesick puppy. 
“That’s a nice view.” he says.
Of course he doesn’t mean to say it. It just falls out of his mouth. If Damian and Jason were here, they would scold him. Or, Damian would scold him for just flirting like the back of his hand and Jason would scold him for using such a cheesy line. 
But he means it. 
The smiles you set his way easier today weren’t real. He knows it. 
“What is?” you ask.
“Your smile. I don’t know I just,” Dick scratches the back of his neck, “earlier it seemed like something was eating at you.” 
You rolls your shoulders at his words. The boy wonder wonders if he’s struck a nerve. When he hears the small puff of air you let pass between your lips he definitely thinks he said something wrong.
“I mean something is, but it’s just hard to talk about.” you answer.
Dick nods his head, “I’m here if you wanna talk, or not talk.”
There is a silence between the two of you. Dick knows how that sounded and puts his hands up in surrender, his brain can’t make the words fast enough. It’s only when you let out a hearty laugh that he realizes he can calm down a bit. God, your laugh.
“Promiscuous.” you tease.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean that like—I meant like we could hang out and not talk about it. Like go to the aquarium again.” Dick replies.
“I understood what you meant. And yeah we can hang out again for sure.”
And before he can say anything to that, the dance instructor comes over to you two and claps his hand once, asking you to take positions again. Dick bites his tongue and turns to you fully. You place yourself right in his hold this time, your eyes sparkling. Like you might laugh again if he were to drag his hand up your front but you wouldn’t mind it. He wouldn’t mind it either.
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
this person is literally a fucking maniac I’m so sorry they did that shit to you??? It’s headcanons and you didn’t even mention anything remotely offensive or required whatever shit they were spitting. Fucking SUICIDE BAITING OVER WHAT?? Dios mío. (to get your mind off it if you would like, share with me your favourite punk percy headcanons)
RIGHT LIKE THAT NIGGA REALLY SHOWED ME NOOSE PICS OVER FUCKING PERCY JACKSON💀And said i was 'fetishizing' trans people as if i'm not trans myself and as if she's not a cis woman and probably straight too.Stop projecting come mierda♡
But tysm,i will and you choose a good time to ask because i've been finally continouing my punk history research!!
Always had the punk mindset as seen in canon since she's anti-authority,rebels against all corruption she sees and protects and is extremely loving towards younger minorities
But was too poor to afford the clothes and piercings and such.Didn't bother him though since he cared more about acting punk than looking it
Thalia was his first real experience with the subculture headon and that's why he admired and was lowkey jealous of her along with a bit of gender envy
Goes to protests and does charity work with Rachel
And she bought him a bunch of punk stuff(from punk bussiness ofc,otherwise what's the point)
Learned to diy so many things it's gonna be a running in my fics of her
Rrrrt girl and Mcr fan-Also not punk but loves Ice Spice and Megan Thee Stallion too ofc.Really likes Green Day too!!
The specific types of punk Percy is are afropunk(because i hc them as half afro-dominican and half black-greek),seapunk(NOT because of Poseidon but because of Sally)and either crustpunk or pastel punk depending on wether we're talking her as transfem bigender and a mix of masc and fem or her as a super femme trans woman.Not for gender roles reasons because that would be ridiculous but i think just that their lives would be significantly different so that leads to a few differences in their tastes
Persephone Amelia has comics!Starfire hair,Perseo Isadore has dreads
Straight edge
His autism definitely contributes to how he approches punkness
Their patches jacket has spikes and frills around the collar and the patches are the dominican and trans flags and a black mermaid to represent Sally,a skull and a yellow diamond to represent Nico and Hazel and he has a god handful of pins but his favorites are the Riptide one Lex made him and the cat one(Yes i'm including my Pjo self-insert in this because i couldn't help myself)
Goes on estrogen but only a light dosage and for a short time compared to full transitions and gets no surgeries.Wears makeup too and gets a tongue ring,an eyebrow piercing and forward helix on both ears
Radicalized Nico and Hazel,who are now goth punk and pastel goth punk
Exclusively buys video games and consoles secondhand because of being anti-capitalism
Killed Luke in TLO not only because of being the hero of the prophecy but also because no actual punk wouldn't unalive a fascist who's also a serial ped0phile the second they got the chance.He made sure it was extra painful too and even had Nico use his soul erasing power we saw in BOO on him
And eventually manages to kill Poseidon too-Idk about Perseo but Persephone exists in my Pjo x DC x Spiderverse crossover where she's got kryptonian heritage and i headcanon krytonians are on the same levels of gods in regards to power so that's how.Zeus is too scared of Percy afterwards to stop her from fixing the greek myths world system LMFAOOOOOO
And for a lil more Perlex because i am down horrendous,him and Lex punk4punk but Lex is pastel punk and solarpunk!!They go on punk themed dates like going to concerts in matching outfits and defacing public property together <3 Also Percy has the cocky flirt punk guy thing you usually see in male characters who are but it's a Lex exclusive
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Hello there! Can you write hcs for Tim with a demigodess!reader please? Congrats on your 600 followers btw^^
Tim Drake x Demigoddess!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much! So I’m totally dense about greek myths and stuff and I was gonna make her Thor’s daughter at first but then I forgot about that I did Hades but when I remembered it was already written so oh well
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You were the daughter of Hades and Persephone
You had kind of a weird childhood
Don’t get me wrong, it was a great childhood
Being princess of the underworld and the daughter of the only sane people in all of Olympus had its perks
But compared to everyone else, it was weird
Hades was extremely protective of you because you were a mortal
Meaning that you could die
The thought of having to greet your soul when you died filled him with so much grief
So, he kept you sheltered, kept you safe
Never letting you lift a finger
As princess you had everything you ever needed and everything your heart desired
Since birth you had been trained by Athena and Aries under your father’s watchful eyes
When you were 16 and you finally wanted to see the rest of the world, you begged your parents to let you go to the mortal world
It took months of begging and when they said no, you’d get so upset that all the flowers in the underworld would wither
Persephone seeing how much you wanted to see the world
So, she convinces Hades to let you go
And he agrees but just as long as you promise to visit
You go to the human world and you’re so oblivious about human life that it’s concerning
Walking around in a floor length dress wondering why everyone else wasn’t dressed the same way
This is how you meet Diana Prince
She recognizes you immediately when you arrive at the Smithsonian, looking mildly confused
Your eyes light up when you see a familiar face
You stay with her for a couple of days before she decides that you’d be better off at the cave
That’s exactly what happens
Even though you whine a little and say you want to stay with her
She just knows it’s because you’re nervous about being in a new place
You know that if you were in any real danger your parents would inflict rage on the mortal world
Feeling mildly comforted at the idea
Diana doesn’t tell them to add you to the group
She just tells them that you need a place to stay and someone to help you find your way around
The first people you meet are Batman, Nightwing and Robin
Immediately being comforted just by looking at them
Batman reminded you of your dad and Nightwing of your mom
And Diana trusted them so you did too
You end up following Tim and Dick around for the next couple of days like a lost puppy
Dick finds it amusing
Tim is kinda unsettled but thinks you’re stupid for some reason
It isn’t until he actually talks to you, he realizes you’re much more profound than he gave you credit for
You don’t officially join the team
You just live there
Everyone thinks that you have no training whatsoever
And that you’re just a princess
Which you technically are but
Until you’re watching them train one day and then remember the days you would spar with Athena
It looked like so much fun
Immediately you wanted to join in
Some of them rolled their eyes and thought you were wasting their time
The others were happy to let you join in
They wanted to make Bart spar you but you looked around contemplatively before pointing at Tim
“If it is alright with you, I wish for you to be my partner.”
Tim blushing because what you said sounded like you were choosing him as a life partner, rather than sparring partner
Of course, Bart teases him for it as well as the others
When Tim walks up to the middle, Dick subtlety tells him to take it easy on you and he nods
The match is over before he can even make a move
You had the speed and strength of a god, it wasn’t a surprise
Not to you at least
To everyone else, kind of a huge surprise
Standing over him and giggling
“I want a rematch.”
“But of course.”
Spending the rest of the day sparring with him
He doesn’t beat you even once
And the others just watch you throw him around for an afternoon
After a while it stops being funny and Nightwing is almost concerned
It kind of hurts his pride but you still acknowledge him
“You know, for a human, you’re very skilled.”
“Uh, thank you?”
After that you go through the other members quite quickly
Some of them gave you a little trouble, like Conner
But you managed to be undefeated
They all think you should join the team after that and you agree
Spending more time with Tim that way
Always talking to him about your family’s history and stuff
Telling him all about your parents love story when he asked to hear about it
You talk so fondly of it and he’s honestly just kind of shocked that Greek Mythology isn’t mythology
I mean, he knew it was real because of Diana
But he never really understood how real these gods were
He falls for you
He loves the way your eyes light up and you smile at him
He loves the way you’re always eager to learn
He loves that you’re so kind and gentle but can also beat people up without even trying
He asks you out but it didn’t go as well as he was hoping
“Do you want to go out with me?”
“Yes, a walk sounds lovely.”
“(Y/N), I like you.”
“Aw that’s so sweet Tim, I like you too, friend.”
Everyone else starts enjoying the way he crashes and burns all the time
And Tim would stop asking usually
But he knows it in his bones that you like him too
But he has no other way to tell you aside from marching up to you and kissing you
Makes that Plan B tho
Plan A is getting you a bouquet of your favourite flowers and telling you that he likes you
Not platonically
You grin widely and tell him you like him too
Kissing you just as the sun set that day
It’s one of your favourite memories
His too
Everyone being extremely happy and supporting of your relationship
You can tell Batman is trying to threaten you
But your father is god of the underworld and you have a three headed dog
So, when you and Tim are caught kissing in some hidden crevice in the cave by him and he tries telling you off, you can’t help you smile adorably
“Don’t worry Batman, I have no intention of dishonouring your son.”
Batman is like ???
And Tim is either like “Please don’t speak like we’re in the 1800s.”
or “Please dishonour me.”
He buys you pomegranates as a joke but then you prank him saying that if he eats them, he has to return to the underworld with you
Dick (Nightwing) approves
You like falling asleep in his arms so more often than not you plead with him to stay at the cave and sleep with you
He knows relationships in Olympus generally move a lot quicker so he ends up having to sit you down and explain everything to you so you know his boundaries
Totally accepting them and never going farther than he wants
You appreciate the small things
Like sitting in his lap and eating breakfast
Or being the small spoon
You become the team’s resident couple
Being part of a team, a family is honestly so much fun
Everyone thinking your invincible and practically indestructible
Until one day you’re hurt on the battlefield
Everyone freaking out and getting you back to the cave so you could be treated
The next morning, Tim goes to check up on you and finds something shocking
He’s not sure what to be more surprised by
Cerberus napping at the foot of your bed
Or you crying
Even though the giant, three-headed dog freaks him out, he still sits beside you and asks what’s wrong
“My father demands that I return home. He cannot stand the thought of me being hurt.”
His heart stops
He likes you so much, even bordering on love
And he doesn’t want you to leave
But who was he to stop the God of the Underworld?
Comforting you when you cried, hugging you tightly
“Shh it’s gonna be okay.”
You return home after that and it breaks Tim’s heart
You don’t officially break up but it’s kind of implied because you can never return back to the mortal world
Him being depressed for the next few months but he hides it well
Even though everyone knows how he’s feeling
Things aren’t any better on your end
Your heart aches with every second your away from him
Until one day it happens
Your soul wants to be with Tim
So, it tries to leave your body
You have a heart attack that night and nearly die and it horrifies Hades
He goes all the way to the mortal world to find Tim
Tim doesn’t quite understand how you could have a heart attack from missing him
But is still worried and agrees to go to the Underworld to see you
When he gets there, you’re in so much pain
But once he brings you into his arms you feel sated
When he kisses you, everything fades into a dull ache
Hades wants Tim to stay in the Underworld after that but you argue and tell him to go back to the land of the living
This wasn’t the place for him
“I’ll give up on you, I promise, but you can’t stay here any longer my love.”
“I don’t want to leave your side.”
“I’m sorry, but you know we can’t be.”
Tim goes the next morning and it breaks your heart but you know that it’s for the best
You spend the next few weeks in such sorrow that all of Persephone’s plants die
Hades and Persephone both see how much you love Tim and they are reminded of themselves when they were younger
Making a joint decision to let you go back to the mortal world
But you have to live a long life
That’s the one condition
You running into the cave and crashing into Tim’s arms
Kissing him there and feeling everything go right in the world
You fulfil your parents wish
And live a long, happy life by Tim’s side
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