#i will never get over the details in it and how meticulously well done it is
iamnotthere-idonotdie · 3 months
i wanted to look into what kind of car is used in the batman (2022) because i loved how real it is compared to other adaptations and i just have to share some bits from this article from screen rant because it is so perfect
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binniebakery · 2 months
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Bf!Taehyun x Fem!Reader Est. Relationship
♡ Warnings: very suggestive! sir kink, little bit of degradation (reader gets called a whore, angel, etc), little bit of exhibitionism mentioned as well, lmk if i missed something! ♡ A/N: i honestly forgot ppl were asking for more coquette tubatu... so ask and u shall receive smile. i rewrote this so many times too because I've been going through a period where i hate everything i write sdfgddfss so please be kind (i also know nothing about cars.. be warned.)
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "Smarty" by Lana Del Rey
0:09 ━●────────── 4:47 ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷
——-˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹ 𐦍 ˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹——-
As stars began to bloom in the night sky, you meticulously glided your lipstick across those pretty plump lips of yours. Your room was filled with the scent of apple cinnamon along with a hint of slight smoke from the iron that you were using to form soft curls into your delicate hair.
Your pretty eyelashes fluttered shut as you hummed the tune of your favorite song, your heart soaring in excitement at the thought of your boyfriend coming over in his new car to take you out on a date.
With hair soft and neat, pretty heels in perfect combination with your lacey mini skirt and top, and your nails freshly done in pretty white and pink details, you sprinkle yourself in your favorite perfume. Fresh vanilla, something your boyfriend just couldn’t resist when you were in the vicinity.
A buzz from your phone interrupts your thoughts and you look over to see your boyfriend’s name displayed across your screen.
“Tyunnie!” You smile, your voice cheery as you practically jump in your chair from the excitement of knowing he was on the other line.
“Hi angel, I’m here. You ready?” Taehyun’s low voice mixed with the sound of his car engine as it rumbled in the background.
“Course I am! Coming out right now!” You chirp as you grab your purse, the sound of your expensive heels clicking against the floor while you skip out of your room.
“Good girl, see you right now then.” Taehyun ends the call with a click.
Taehyun is already standing outside of his brand-new car by the time you reach him. He watches you with a slight smirk, eyes following your every movement as you gracefully make your way to his car.
A black Porsche. A perfect match to your boyfriend’s polished and sleek appearance.
“Like my new car baby?” Taehyun tilts his head, his voice a saccharine tone.
“It’s pretty, looks expensive..” You stand in front of your boyfriend, letting him wrap his arms around your waist as he pulls you in.
“Yeah, you think so?… It’ll never be as pretty as my angel though” Taehyun mumbles into your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses from under your ear to your collarbone.
Your breath hitches as you feel his teeth nip pretty purple flowers onto your delicate skin.
“Mm, tyun wait– let’s wait till we get to the d– drive in..”
You attempt to lean away, but the way his strong hands firmly hold you against him has your stomach tied in knots. Taehyun takes in the scent of your sweet perfume and smiles.
“Smell so good I could take you right now baby”
You let out a whine and Taehyun takes it as his sign to pull away before he gets carried away. Your boyfriend grins at the way your face is flushed, lips formed into the cutest pout.
His pretty, pretty girl.
Taehyun opens the door to his car and you slide into your spot as passenger princess, taking in the black leather interior and fresh scent of a brand new car. Your cute little heels were a sweet contrast to the dark aesthetic you were sitting in.
“You ready to see how fast this goes, angel?” he tilts his head towards you as the engine of his car purrs.
Taking your doe eyes off of the mirror, you bat your lashes as you turn to him.
“I’ll go anywhere you take me, sir.”
Your boyfriend always spoiled you, stopping by the nearest convenience store to buy you that same cherry slush you always begged for. After all, the cherry-flavored make-out session that followed was addicting to him, licking your red-stained lips in the back of his car as his strong arms lifted you into his lap. Your laced skirt riding up giving him the best view of your thighs, he always found himself gripping onto them while he made a mess of your makeup.
Every Friday night he’d pick you up and take you wherever you wanted to go, his treat.
If you were being honest, you had no idea what movie was being shown tonight, it didn’t matter as you had other ideas, and of course– your cunning boyfriend always picked up on anything you had planned.
As Taehyun parked his car towards the back of the lot, your eyes scanned around the area searching for any possible unwanted viewers. Luckily for you, the nearest car was quite a distance away.
“You finally got your nails redone, was afraid the money I gave you went towards something else.” Taehyun chuckles, taking your dainty hand in his large one. He gently holds your fingertips as he admires the details.
“Of course, I got them done just for you. Do you like them?” You smile warmly.
“Did you now?” Taehyun reaches for the dainty necklace hanging around your neck and gently tugs you towards him. Your body leans towards him over the console, exposed thighs trembling from how soft yet rough he was being with you.
The movie hadn’t even started yet.
“A-- ah yeah.. just for you..” You blurb out, face now flushed from the sudden closeness between you and your boyfriend.
“Just for me..” He repeats, his voice low and sultry as his face holds an unreadable expression. Taehyun’s eyes are scanning your entire outfit now– and you don’t miss the way his dark eyes hold a deep hunger as they trail over your curves.
“C’mere angel.”
Taehyun scoots his chair backward and you’ve never swung your body over to the driver’s side so quickly in your life.
You settle yourself into his lap and you can practically already feel how hard your boyfriend is against you. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you in, his chest pressing against yours.
“Such a pretty girl..” he tilts your chin to look up at him and the way your lips form into the cutest pout, the way your sweet eyes stare at him like a deer caught in headlights, so innocent and pure– it has him sliding his fingers under your skirt in between your thighs.
You feel yourself shiver and you can’t help but bury your head into his neck as he traces circles into the delicate lace of your panties.
“Not wearing shorts? Such a whore..”
You unwillingly let out a soft whimper at his remark, and Taehyun lets out a mean chuckle.
“You really are a naughty girl, aren’t you..? C’mon say it.”
“Mmh..y- yeah” you stutter, “I- I’m a naughty girl tyun.”
Taehyun pulls his fingers away from your aching core and the whine you let out is so embarrassingly loud you’re thankful nobody’s parked near your boyfriend's car.
“That’s sir to you, angel.”
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brokebonewritings · 4 months
Be Mine, Forever?
Matt Murdock x Reader
Tags/ Warnings: 18+, Smut, Fluff, Valentine's Day Special
Summary: Your day is interrupted by an impromptu girl's day. and your night is filled with passion as Matt surprises you for Valentine's Day. You had a surprise for him as well. Song: Here (In Your Arms) - First Dance by Hellogoodbye
Word Count: 4.4K
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The day started normally enough. Of course, Valentine’s day fell on a week day this year so you were stuck at work. You sent Matt a few ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Happy Valentine's Day’ texts, but it's been radio silence from the other end. This was expected though, since he had already informed you that he was going to be in court all day. 
You sit back at your desk, you've been preparing all month for a new exhibit at The Met. The plans that spread across your desk puzzle you as you try to figure out where to place each case and art piece.
As you meticulously arrange the plans for the new exhibit, your mind can't help but wander back to Matt. The silence from him is starting to feel unusual, as he's always been the one to send you sweet messages and surprises on special occasions. But you brush it off, he's never disappointed you.
Just as you're about to finalize the placement of the last art piece, Marci rushes into your office, a mix of urgency and excitement in her eyes. "Hey!"
"How did you get in here?" You respond with a raised eyebrow. "Did my assistant let you in?"
Just as you finish your question Justin, your assistant, rushes in behind her. "I am so sorry. I tried stopping her, but she is so fast in those heels."
"Lawyer walk." Both you and Marci say in unison. 
She turns back to you with a smile plastered on her face. "I need you to come with me for the rest of the day."
"Marci, I can't just leave work in the middle of the day." You cross your arms over your chest.
"Oh yes you can, I already spoke to your boss! So come on." She grabs your coat that's by the door, along with your umbrella. "We got things to do, come on."
You sigh and thank Justin for trying, and invite him to also take the rest of the day off. Which he does happily.
"So what are we even going to do?" You ask. Grabbing your bag, and putting away your belongings.
"Well we're gonna go get ready for our Valentine's Date Nights, duh." She helps you get your coat on, and you both were off. "I just know that Foggy, and Matt are planning something special for us."
You smile at the thought. "Have you heard from Foggy today? I know they had a busy day."
"Not a word. You didn't hear it from me, but apparently their client is very demanding of their time."
"Oh shit, really?" 
You loved the gossip you got from your lawyer friends. Not that it was filled with a ton of details. Client/Lawyer confidentiality and all that.
"Mhm, Needs lots of attention to detail." She says before dragging you into a nail salon. You realize how nice this salon is after looking around. "Hey, wait, I don't think I'm gonna be able to afford this right now. Trying to save up for a new apartment with Matt, remember?"
She laughs before checking the both of you in for the appointment she had already made. "Who said you were paying? It's all on me today, hun."
"Oh my god, no way! I seriously cannot accept this."
"Too late! It's already done, you don't wanna ruin this day for me do you?" She pouts after turning back to you.
You sigh and shake your head. "Thank you, this is incredibly kind of you."
"Don't even mention it. I wanna make sure we both are dolled up!"
You're both called back after about 5 minutes. The salon was nicer than you thought. When you had both settled at the manicure station, they had offered you both a glass of champagne. Who were you not to accept a free glass?
It was truly relaxing, you were glad that Marci got you out of work early. You both spent the next two hours getting your nails prepped for a night out. Usually you don't get long nails since you work with your hands most of the time, but she insisted you get something more elegant. You couldn't refuse since she was the one paying.
Just as the nail technician finished with your right hand, your phone buzzed on the table beside you. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw Matt's name flashing on the screen. You quickly picked it up and answered, not wanting it to go to voicemail.
"Hey! Happy Valentine's Day!" You chirp happily. "How is court?"
There was a brief pause before Matt's voice came through, heavy with exhaustion. "Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetheart." It's been chaos. I couldn't even find a moment to catch my breath."
You let out a sigh of relief, understanding his predicament. "Then I guess tonight will be a good night to cash in one of those massages I owe you, huh?"
Hearing the low rumble of his chuckle sent chills through your body. "Yeah, guess it will be." He pauses. "I was wondering if you would meet me on the roof tonight, like we used to?"
"Yeah, of course I will." You blush, it has been a while since you both sat on the roof together. "What time do you want me there?"
"8:30. There is room for you to be fashionably late, of course."
You let out a giggle. "Yeah okay, 8:30 then. I'll see you then."
"I love you." He says with a loving sigh.
"I love you too." You respond before hanging up.
"Soooooo," Marci pipes up. "Romantic Dinner?"
The blush was still tinting your face from the conversation. "Yeah, on his rooftop."
"That sounds lovely, very romantic."
As you finish up at the nail salon, Marci insists on taking you to a cafe nearby. She called it a Galentine's Brunch, just the girls. When you both arrived, you were surprised to see that Karen was able to join you. 
"I thought you were in court with Matt, and Fog?"
"Oh no, I told them I wouldn't be in today. Playing hookie." She laughed lightly. "Besides, Im not going to deny Marci a girls brunch. We need it."
As you settled into the cozy booth at the cafe, sipping on your latte, the three of you began catching up on each other's lives. Karen shared stories about her latest investigative assignment, Marci talked about her recent courtroom victories, and you filled them in on the details of the upcoming exhibit at The Met.
Marci nudges you playfully. "Have you thought about what you're going to wear?" she asks with a mischievous smile.
You shake your head, realizing that you've been so caught up in work and the surprise day off that you haven't even considered your outfit. 
"I just figured I would wear what I was wearing right now."
"You're joking." Marci says. "You have to wear something else. Not saying that what you're wearing right now isn't cute, but this is Valentine's Day."
"Yeah you gotta wear something he can undress you with" Karen chimes in with a mischievous smile. "Cause you know he'll love it if you wore something hot."
"Okay, okay. I have been saving a silk dress for a special occasion."
"Silk? I gotta see this." Marci says forcefully.
You pull out your phone and find the dressing room photo you took of the dress in question. It was a lavender colored dress with a cowl neckline. They both stare at the photo then back to you.
"Where have you been hiding that!" Karen says in disbelief.
"In the back of my closet." You respond with a laugh. "I just didn't know how to style it."
"I will simply just have to come over and help you with that." Marci states. 
"And." You pause. "There's matching lingerie."
They both squeal before you change the subject back to Marci and Foggy's plans for the evening.
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You stare in the mirror at the dress you had shown Marci, and Karen earlier in the day.They had left about an hour ago to get ready for their own plans. Not without them giving your outfit their seal of approval though. 
Sitting on your bed, you pull on the heels Marci had carefully chosen. This was going to be a good night, but you didn't know why the butterflies in your stomach felt so prominent. You haven't been this nervous since you started dating Matt.
Taking a deep breath, you remind yourself that there's nothing to worry about. It's just a rooftop date with the love of your life. You run a hand down the front of your dress, feeling its smooth texture against your skin.
As you do your makeup, you can't help but replay all the beautiful moments you've shared with Matt. From late-night conversations under the stars to stolen kisses on the rooftop, every memory fills you with warmth and love. Tonight is just another chapter in your story together, a celebration of your deep connection.
With your hair styled in loose waves, you stand in front of the full-length mirror and admire the final look. The dress drapes perfectly over your figure, accentuating your best features. You feel confident, more confident than you've felt in years.
You look at the clock on your nightstand, and see that it just hit 8:00. Perfect. You grab your bag and set out walking towards his apartment building.
The city is alive with the energy of Valentine's Day. Lovers walk hand in hand, their laughter and joy filling the air. As you make your way through the bustling streets, you can't help but smile. The anticipation in your heart grows with every step.
Finally, you arrive at Matt's apartment building. Taking a deep breath, you enter and climb the stairs towards the rooftop. The familiar sound of the door creaking open greets you as you step onto the familiar space that holds so many precious memories.
The sun has already set, casting a magical glow over the city skyline. The soft twinkle of lights fills the air, creating an atmosphere that feels straight out of a fairy tale. And there he is, standing near the edge of the rooftop, tall and handsome as ever.
Matt turns as he hears your footsteps approaching. A smile spreads across his face, lighting up his eyes in a way that makes your heart skip a beat. That's when you realize that you're not alone. You turn to see that your friends are there. Not only your friends but also your Aunt May and Peter.
"What is happening right now?" You say with a nervous laugh.
"Sweetheart," You hear him say and you turn back and give him your full attention. "I have been meaning to do this for a while, but I didn't know how to go about it."
"Matt, are you?" You begin before he cuts you off with a kiss.
"Ever since I met you I have been so entranced by you.You've brought so much light and love into my life, and I can't imagine a future without you by my side," Matt says, his voice filled with sincerity. He takes a step back, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small velvet box. Opening it to reveal a dainty opal ring, he drops to one knee.
You stand there for a moment, wondering if this was actually happening or if you were have a really specific dream.
"Will you marry me?" Matt asks, his voice filled with vulnerability and love.
The world around you seems to fade away as you lock eyes with him, feeling a mixture of excitement and overwhelming joy. The weight of his question hangs in the air, and time seems to stand still.
Tears well up in your eyes as you try to find your voice. This moment feels like a dream, but the warmth in your heart tells you it's all too real. You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the question like a beautiful promise.
"Yes," you whisper, barely able to contain your joy. "Yes, Matt, I will marry you."
The rooftop erupts in cheers and he stands and slips the ring onto your finger. You glance around, realizing that they had all conspired together to create this magical moment. Aunt May wipes away a tear of happiness while Peter grins ear to ear. Marci and Karen are practically jumping up and down with excitement, their eyes shining with joy. Foggy is trying to conceal his tears by wiping his eyes with his sleeves.
Embracing Matt tightly, you feel an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. This rooftop, once a place of solace and refuge for the two of you, now holds even more significance. It symbolizes the foundation of your future together, a place where love can blossom and dreams can be realized.
Amidst the cheers and laughter, you take a moment to soak in the beauty of this milestone in your relationship. The twinkling lights of the city below seem to dance in celebration, mirroring the joy in your hearts.
"This is so epic, and I got it all on video." Peter says amidst the celebration.
As the cheers die down, Aunt May steps forward, her eyes glistening with tears. "Oh, darling" she says, her voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't be happier for you both. You deserve all the love in the world. Your father would have loved Matt."
"Thanks Aunt May." You say with a tearful smile.
As the rooftop continues to buzz with excitement and congratulations, you and Matt share a tender moment together. He pulls you into his arms, his embrace warm and comforting. You feel safe and cherished as you rest your head against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat echoing in your ears.
"I love you so much," Matt murmurs softly, his voice filled with emotion. "And I promise to spend the rest of my life proving it to you."
You look up at him, your eyes filled with adoration. "I love you too, Matt," you reply, your voice filled with sincerity. "And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
After the shared dinner with all of your friends and family, you all decide it's time to head home to spend the rest of Valentine's Day in the comfort of your homes.
Saying goodbye to everyone, you and Matt clean the roof top and share a few intimate moments with kisses and lingering touches.
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On your way back down the stairs, you can feel Matt's presence hovering over you. So you stop for a moment and turn to see what he is doing. As you turn, you feel his hand slide up your jaw as he pushes you against the wall. You gasp as he presses himself against you, one hand around your neck and the other sitting on your waist.
"Ive been waiting all day to be alone with you." He growls into your ear before kissing you roughly.
Your heart races as his lips claim yours, a hunger and desire that electrifies your senses. The intensity of his touch against the coolness of the wall sends shivers down your spine.
His hands explore every inch of your body, igniting a fire within you that only he can quench. The urgency and longing in his kisses leave you breathless.
With each touch, each caress, the connection between you deepens. Your bodies move together in perfect harmony, driven by a love that transcends words.
As he pulls away, you feel dizzy with the intensity of his attack. "We need to get back to your apartment." You state.
"Oh do we?" He questions. "I have no problem ravishing you right here in this stairwell."
You huff, as you stare at his smirking face. "I would actually love for you to ruin this dress, but in the comfort of our bed."
"Our bed?" 
"Yes, our bed." You smirk as you push his hands away and begin to walk back to his apartment.
He follows closely behind you, his eyes never leaving your body. The desire he has for you is palpable, and it fuels you as well. As you pass each door, you can't help but imagine what would happen behind your own.
Approaching his door, you grab the keys from his hand and begin to unlock the door.
"I promise, I'll ruin that dress, right here," he whispers in your ear, causing you to shiver.
You hear the click of it unlocking as you turn to him, "Well, Mr. Devil. Ruin the dress then." you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
As the door creaks open, the sound echoes throughout the hallway, the anticipation in the air is palpable. Together, you step inside and kick the door shut behind you. He pins you against the wall, his hands roaming over your body like a man possessed.
He seems desperate to claim you, to conquer every inch of you. You're aching for him too, the want and need between you undeniable. You need his touch, his kiss, his warmth. You're completely vulnerable to him, ready to give yourself to him in every way.
His lips meet yours in a searing kiss, his hands holding your neck as your fingers dig into his shirt. You break the kiss, both of you panting heavily, your hearts pounding in sync. 
"I love you so much," you whisper, your voice shaking with emotion.
"And I love you more," Matt replies, his voice filled with warmth and devotion.
With that his hands grip the top of your dress and he pulls, ripping the dress down the front. You moan at the intensity of the moment. He really did ruin the dress.
You're left in the lingerie you had on underneath as the dress drops to the floor. He takes a moment before feeling up your sides and realizes what you have on.
"Oh you dirty girl." He groans. "You wanted this to happen tonight, didn't you?"
You smile, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. "Maybe I did"
"Well, I'm not complaining." He says slowly. "You have no idea how hard this is making me."
"I think I have some idea." You say as you lift your knee, feeling his erection already straining under the fabric of his pants.
His hand maneuvers down to pull your lingerie to the side, revealing your most intimate parts. "I'm going to make you scream, baby."
With that, he lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bedroom. The moment you step into the room, he drops you onto the bed and crawls on top of you.
"I want you so bad," he growls into your mouth. You feel his erection pressing into your thigh, and you're more than ready for him.
He breaks the kiss and starts to unbutton his shirt, you lay back watching as he undresses himself. What a sight it was, he could have been a Greek god.
Once he's stripped down to his boxers, he leans down to kiss you again, his hand traveling down your body, tracing patterns on your skin as he does. His fingers run along the edge of your underwear and you shudder at the sensation.
He hooks his fingers into the waistband of your underwear and slowly pulls them down, revealing your naked body to him. He leans down and begins to kiss your inner thigh, nuzzling into the most inner part.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his thumbs brushing against your waist.
Before you can respond, his tongue swipes up against your core. You gasp at the sudden electricity of the situation. He repeats the motion, his tongue swirling around your clit in slow, steady circles. Your hips start to rise in response, your hands finding their way to his hair, pulling him closer. You arch your back, moaning softly.
Matt responds with a gentle growl, his fingers still moving against your waist, caressing your skin. He reaches down and slowly pushes two fingers inside you, drawing out a loud moan.
His other hand moves to your breast, gently squeezing and kneading it. You mewl, your body trembling with need. His tongue continues to dance around your most sensitive flesh, and you feel yourself growing closer and closer to the edge.
"Oh, Matt," you moan, "I need you inside me."
He stops his ministrations, lifting his head towards you. "Not yet," he says, standing up and helping you off the bed. "I want to make you beg for it."
He leads you over to a table by the window, bending you over it. The cool glass feels amazing against your naked skin, as you're exposed to the room with your legs spread apart.
Matt positions himself behind you after dropping his boxers. You can feel his erection pressing against your ass, precum leaking out. You know he's ready for it.
"You're going to make me come so hard," you whisper.
He rubs his tip against your entrance, teasing you, making you crave him even more. Sliding his cock between your folds. You push back against him for any sort of friction.
A loud crack echoes through the apartment. His hand lingers, massaging the area he just spanked. "You need to be a good girl for me. Or else the next one will be a lot harder. Do you understand?"
You nod, pleasure spread across your face as you lean against the table. 
"Good girl, sweetheart. Such a good listener."
Beginning to slide against you once again, you hold back every instinct to push back against him. With every teasing thrust, you feel electrified, your desire for him only growing. He knows what he's doing to you, and he loves every moment.
He slowly begins to tease your hole as you stand there whimpering. Pushing the head inside you, and quickly taking it out.
"Please, Matt, fuck me," you plead. "I can't take it anymore."
He pulls away, a devious grin on his face. "Not yet," he says, kissing the side of your face.
He picks you up, carrying you over to the bed. He lays you down, spreading your legs wide apart and kneeling between them.
"I need you to beg. Okay, sweetheart?" He says and you nod.
He slips two fingers into you, pumping and curling to find your sweet spot. You cry out in pleasure as he hits you right where it feels good. 
"Please, oh god, Matt" You moan loudly. "I'm going to come, please I need you in me."
That must have been enough for him. With a low growl, Matt plunges into you, filling you up to the hilt. He thrusts deep inside you in one swift motion, the bed frame creaking under the force of his passion.
He pulls out almost immediately, leaving you emptiness. "Please," you beg, wanting more.
He chuckles softly, teasing you by running his cockhead up and down your slit. "Patience, sweetheart. I want this to last."
He thrusts back into you, moving slowly, savoring every moment. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
The way his cock pulsed inside of you was almost too much to bear. He began to pick up the pace, each thrust harder than the last.
You let out a loud, trembling moan, your head falling back as pleasure washed over you. 
"I love you," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
"I love you too," you choke out, the emotions taking over you.
He picks up his pace, driving into you harder and faster, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room. Your body responds in kind, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you.
"I'm going to come," you gasp, your voice breaking as your orgasm starts to build.
Matt's thumb found your sensitive clit, sending you soaring towards the edge. "Come for me, baby." he growls.
You let out a wail, your nails digging into his back as your orgasm hit you like a freight train. Your inner walls clenched around him, milking him as you shook uncontrollably.
He continued to thrust into you, driving you further over the edge. Your orgasm seemed to go on forever, your body writhing beneath him in pure ecstasy.
Finally, he slides out of you, leaving your inner walls quivering. He pulls you into his arms, holding you close as your heartbeats sync.
You lay there for a moment, basking in the afterglow of your intense lovemaking.
"My ass hurts." You after taking a deep breath. He begins to chuckle as you giggle. 
"Sorry, too much?"
"Not at all."
"Good" He says as he pulls you closer and peppers your face with kisses.
As you lay there entwined in each other's arms, your skin still flushed and sweaty, you can't help but smile. This was more than just sex; it was a powerful expression of love and intimacy.
Matt pulls away and smiles, a look of pure contentment on his face. "I just can't get enough of you." 
You giggle and wrap your arms around him, feeling safe and loved in his embrace.
"Can we talk about the fact that we're engaged now?"
"I've been planning it for the last 2 weeks with Foggy, Peter, and your Aunt May."
"There is no way that Peter kept a secret for that long. How did you even manage that."
"You can thank your aunt for that one. She basically grounded him from texting you."
This made you both laugh. "You know, I'm gonna have to get used to being called Mrs. Murdock."
A smile spreads across his face, "I'm already getting used to it."
As he pulls you in for another kiss, you can't help but feel a rush of emotion. This man. This strong, protective, and passionate man, is now your fiancé. The thought brings a smile to your face, and you wrap your arms around him even tighter.
"I can't wait to see what the future holds for us," you whisper.
He pulls away slightly, a gentle smile on his face. "The future is ours, my love. And I promise to love and cherish you, always."
"Though I do have one complaint."
"And what is that?" He raises an eyebrow.
"You never asked me to be your valentine."
Chuckling, he pulls your hips closer before whispering in your ear. "Be Mine, Forever?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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I love your writing so much!!!
Could you maybe write where hozier and you just get engaged or maybe finally get married and its the most sweetest thing? Maybe smutty??
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x gn!reader
Summary: Andrew plans out his proposal to you, meticulously laying it out to make sure it’s perfect. And it is.
Content Warning: language (slightly), mostly just a diabetic amount of fluff, use of y/n (i tried to avoid it but it was necessary here)
A/N: oh my god hey, thank you for the request! I made this fic centred more so around them getting engaged and around the proposal, I hope that’s okay. Also, this is just tooth ache sweet fluff, the smut would’ve made it too long. Maybe I can write a part two? 👀
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Hydrangeas. You notice the hydrangeas sitting at the dining table, they grab your attention since they are, after all, your favourite flowers but you almost never get them to put up in the house.   
“Andrew?” You call out to him, smiling at the thought that he bought them for you.
“Yeah, hun. Oh shit you weren’t supposed to see those” he laughs trying to cover up his complete lack of subtlety.
“Did you get them for me?” You press them against your chest trying hard to suppress the stupid grin spreading over your face.
“No I got them for the poltergeist in the attic. Of course I got them for you” he crosses the room making his way to your side, he held your waist in his arms pressing a kiss atop your head.
“Why though? I mean it’s just a Wednesday” you couldn’t help but be a little surprised. Andrew loved serenading you, whispering the most heart flutteringly beautiful words in your ears and even cooking for you, he treated you like you had descended from the heavens. But flowers were new, it felt nice though the sheer surprise of it all.
“I just wanted to get them for you, I never get you flowers and I know you don’t particularly like receiving them but I saw them today and I thought if you” he gazes down at you, stroking your cheek with his free hand.
“Andrewwww, thank you they’re lovely. I love it” you’re usually a very confident person and you pride yourself in that, but things like these make you bashful to no end. You bury your head in his chest, breathing in his scent. Always smells like home.
You feel his chest echo with his laugh, “oh come on it’s nothing” he pulls your head away, cupping the sides of it to plant a soft kiss on your lips.
“I should find a vase for them, clearly you’ve done a terrible job at hiding them” you tease.
“Okay okay, I wasn’t expecting you to come in here. I do pride myself in my secrecy, thank you very much” he chuckles as you entered the other room to look for a vase.
Shit. That wasn’t supposed to happen. The flowers were supposed to be a surprise, well not the flowers per se but they were supposed to aid the process of revealing a bigger surprise, the ring. He had been feeling the comforting weight of the ring in his breast pocket for a few days now, not trusting himself to keep it anywhere but right next to his heart. After months of thoroughly coming up with all the possible ways he could propose to you, he has finally crafted a plan. Meticulously going over every detail, to have it be perfect. Today was the day. He was going to ask you to be his. Forever, if you’ll have him. 
He had unequivocally been yours since the day you started your courtship, but there was nothing he desired more than to be your husband. It made sense, it made perfect sense. 
And he wanted to you to feel the depths of his emotions. How every fibre of his felt intrinsically connected to yours. It had to be perfect, nothing short of it. But he had already fucked up, the flowers.
It’s fine, maybe he can get the ceiling covered in hydrangeas instead. A bouquet? What was he thinking in the first place, it had to be more special than that. He had called up all your friends and his to help him set up the house to look like a dream. After all he might be fulfilling one of his that night.
But he didn’t want anyone to be there when he proposed to you, he wanted to it to be the both of you against the world. He often thought of love that way. Especially the kind of pov e the two of you shared. It was intimate, tender and he wanted to uphold that. They had all agreed only if he promised to call them right after you said yes. If you said yes.
You were surprisingly unaware of the grand plans he had orchestrated. Your friends, back home, painstakingly trying to bring his vision to life. They kept him updated, sending him pictures through your dinner. He was so jittery but he tried to portray himself as if this was just another dinner date, after all he wanted dinner to be just as special. Afterwards, both of you walked a round the canal, hand glued together and laughter echoing through the air. It was lovely, like it always was with him.
Once both of you were back home, you turned the key in the doorway to let the two of you in. As you swung the door open, the sight that met you eyes was of your living room drenched in an aureate glow from the hundreds of flickering candles set up across the length of the room. Before you could take it all in, your eyes travelled up to see bunches of hydrangeas hanging from the ceiling in what looked like another roof altogether. You could see pictures of the two of you hanging in different corners, your first date, your first trip together, the first you went to show. Years and years of beautiful memories creating the timeline of your love. Leading to the centre of the room, where on a tiny coffee stand stood the bouquet you received in the morning, in the ceramic vase you placed it in. Your mouth agape, as you walked further into the room, standing at the centre of it, Andrew following closely behind you. His breath was hitched in his throat, did you like it? Was it perfect? He held his breath, as he let you take it all in.
You turned around to look at Andrew, his face beaming and eyes soft. 
He walked closer to you and then stopped right before he could be at arms length. Slowly sinking down to one knee. Oh. Oh. He was proposing. You felt your eyes well up with tears and as your hands flew to your mouth.
“Hey. Y/N Y/L/N, you are the light of life. A beacon of brilliance in what I thought was unbridled darkness. You are a force of nature. The way you carry yourself from your boundless kindness, enchanting smile, your ridiculous sense of humour, your ability to be the heart and soul of every connection you form suffice to I’ve been completely whipped. I love you. I love how smart you are, how you care so much, how you snort when you laugh, that mole on your chin, your incredibly lame puns, how steadfast you are in your resolve. And more selfishly, I love you because you make me feel like the luckiest man to walk the earth. I used to think that I needed someone to feel whole, you made me realise that I am already whole. I’m so grateful to have you, beyond anything I could ever articulate into a song let alone a mere speech. You inspire me to do my best and to be my best. You’ve helped my hone my craft simply by being you. By existing. Alongside me, behind me, leading me. And I love you, for all of it and more. So much so, that I want to spend the rest of our time on this godforsaken planet with you. Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I. I want to be in your light till death do us part, even then no grave can hold my body down because I know I will always crawl back home to you. Thank you for all that you are and all that you have been. Saying I love you is an understatement but it’s what my feeling are down to their most distilled form. I love you and I promise to love you till you let me. Please.
Let me.
Make me the most fortunate soul by marrying me. Will you marry me?”
If it wasn’t for the way you clearly looked down at him right now you would’ve believed that you had become a puddle on the ground. He was crying, you were crying. Your chest filled with the kind of love that cannot be caged, it was as if your heart was gonna burst through the walls of it’s enclosure and nestle itself in his hands. Because that’s where it belongs. You fall to your knees, at the same level as him now.
“Yes. Yes yes yes yes Andrew” 
You fling yourself into his arms as both of you fall backwards. 
“Really?” It’s as if he couldn’t believe it. Tears now freely flowing down his cheek, vanishing in his beard’s auburn forest.
“Yes you idiot, I love you. So much. More than can I ever fully comprehend. I love you, I want to be with you. Now and forever”
Before you can even catch a breath, you feel his lips crash into yours. Lifting you up off the ground, as his lips engulfed yours. You felt the saltiness of both your tears in the kiss, as he grabbed your face and tasted you as if he was man starved. I love you. I love you. Both of you kept reciting as if it was hymn into each other’s mouths. The intimacy of the kiss was unparalleled and the passion was palpable. You felt his hands cling to your every curve, as if he thought this was dream and he was desperately trying to hold onto it. But it was real, as real as the green hues of his eyes and the mole on your chin. You could do this forever you thought, you are going to be doing this forever.
I loved writing this so much, I just love telling people how much I love them so writing his little proposal speech was really fun. Thank you for the request anon, I hope I could do it justice!
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jinxhallows · 8 months
kinktober #oo8 | the doctor is in
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KINKTOBER 2023 || jinxhallows the doctor is in (medical play) || chan x fem!reader summary: you and chan have been together for a while and decide to explore something more outside the box in regards to intimacy. he's always thought your former job as a nurse was fascinating, and the idea of a hot nurse was always a sexy concept to him; but now, its chan's turn to play doctor, and he’s done his research in full, and takes to his role a little too well… warnings: medical play, and all that entails, without revealing too much - including medical instruments, gynecological based scenes, description/plot heavy, I purposefully saved this for the 8th entry because it’s kinky on the border of off putting to some folx, I wanted you to be familiar with how far I push limits in my work by digesting the previous entries first, if you do not like it, skip it, established relationship, 'good girl' and 'good girl' adjacent pet names, non-idol AU
word count: 3.7k masterlist - click here
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"Do you remember when we talked about trying out that doctor roleplay?" you inquire, gently setting the cardboard box on the table. The solid thud of its weight makes Chan wince. Leaning across the table, you give him a quick kiss.
As you pull back, Chan opens his eyes and asks, "Yeah? Why do you bring it up now? What's on your mind?"
"I've decided to bring some work home this time."
You begin unpacking the supplies, starting with a box of syringes with securely attached needles. Then, you reveal a pack of sterilized hemostats, along with packs of gauze, bandages, catheters (both IV and urinary), and various other medical instruments. While these items are familiar to you from your former career as a nurse, Chan has never encountered such materials outside of a doctor's office, and some of them are entirely new to him.
But Chan does remember the vivid conversation you had, especially after your last check-up when you excitedly shared your detailed ideas.
It was something he had never heard of at the time—medical play?
"So, basically like...playing doctor?" Chan leaned back in his chair, interlocking his fingers behind his head.
"Kind of. But this time, I want to make it more immersive, by actually using real supplies," you explain. Your eyes briefly drift to his veiny forearm and back to his eyes, but you're not subtle enough, and he catches your glance, lowering his arms.
"I remember now," he says, his face lighting up with a humorous recollection as he continues, "Back when you first started in the Emergency, you kept saying you wanted to draw my blood, claiming I'd be an easy poke."
You're about to offer a retort, but he stops you with a raised finger, a mischievous grin spreading across his lips as he starts laughing at the thought. After a moment, he takes a breath, turning somewhat serious.
"If we do this, I get to go first."
You're relieved at his enthusiasm. It's certainly an unusual request, but by now, Chan is well-acquainted with your eccentricities.
"What do you mean? As the patient or the doctor?"
"The Doctor, of course," Chan says, slowly turning in his chair. He forms an imaginary TV screen with his hands in front of his face. "Yeah, I can see it now." The chair completes its 360-degree turn, bringing him back to face you as he concludes,
"Dr. Bang will see you now."
As you meticulously unpack the box, your boyfriend's hand reaches over, picking up a container of 25g needles, and he studies it with intense curiosity. His leg bounces nervously beneath the table.
"On a scale of one to a serious medical emergency, how likely are we to kill each other tonight?" he quips, his eyes lifting from the box, a dubious brow raised in question.
"As long as we steer clear of sharps to start with, we’ll be alright."
“We’ll be alright,” Chan scoffs with a laugh. He cracks a grin as he opens the box between his hands and extracts one of the capped needles, spinning it between his fingers. With a swift, deft 'crack,' he twists it open and removes the cap, revealing the sharp, fine needle underneath. He gives it another once-over before turning his gaze back to you. He's pondering deeper now, his eyes tracing down to the sliver of skin peeking out from your silk robe, stopping at the upper thigh.
"I don't even wanna know how you got a'hold of all of this."
Chan caps the needle and carefully sets it back down on the table. He recognizes that admitting a desire like this was a vulnerable thing for you, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious himself ever since you first had mentioned it.  One night, when you were out, he threw the term you taught him into a porn site—medical play—and watched, wide eyed and bricked up from all the scenes he began to discover.
You trust him, you've said, to handle your body with care. You couldn't imagine letting anyone other than Chan partake in this experiment, and once he gets past the initial discomfort of potentially messing up, you're certain he'll take excellent care of you.
Because that's just Chan's nature.
"Well then, shall we?" He rises from his seat, wrapping a reassuring arm around your waist beneath your robe, pulling your body close to his. Your naked skin brushes against the fabric of his clothes as he plants a gentle kiss on your lips. "I need to change first. Can you give me a few minutes?"
You respond with a light, airy snort.  “You’re gonna change your clothes?  You’re really dedicated, huh?”
"I mean, personally, I wouldn't want a doctor in boardies, a singlet, and thongs anywhere near me with a scalpel. Wouldn't be very professional now, would it?" Chan says as he heads towards the bottom of the stairs, kicking off his house shoes. The sound of his bare footsteps fades as he ascends the stairs, leaving you alone with your thoughts. 
You nibble on the inside of your lower lip, feeling a touch of nervousness. You expected more resistance from him, but not only is he going along with it, it seems like he's enjoying the idea.
You pack everything back into the box and hurry upstairs to the bedroom. You grab a folding table from storage and unfold it, providing a surface for the tools of the trade for tonight. One by one, you lay out the supplies. Both of you are uncertain about what this experience will be like, or if you'll even enjoy it, so you've gathered a variety of items. Feeling apprehensive about making incisions? Opt for a needle. If you're new to poking, avoid breaking the skin and use a blunt medical tool instead. If things get a little too intense, there are bandages, staplers, and skin glue to the rescue. There are so many options here; surely, there's something that Chan will feel comfortable using.
As you arrange the table neatly, you can't help but imagine the sensual sensation of each item against your skin. You set everything up for easy access, lost in your thoughts, when you suddenly hear the door creak open behind you.
You turn around to find your very own Christopher Bang standing there, fastening his watch.  The sleeves of his white collared shirt are rolled up to his elbows, revealing firehose veins that run up his arms like the roots of a sturdy tree. It makes you wish you were the one in charge tonight.
The thought of drawing blood from him is undeniably enticing.
Chan, dressed impeccably in a white button-down tucked into dark pants, fits the part perfectly. The desire to clear the table and let him have his way with you right there and then crosses your mind.
"Fuck me," you mutter under your breath.
He chuckles. "Maybe later, but for now, have a seat for me?" He taps the edge of the bed and settles into the office chair that used to belong at his computer desk, now strategically positioned next to your makeshift doctor's examination bed. Chan busies himself with the satisfying snap of pulling on his gloves, casting his eyes over the array of instruments spread out on the table. He inspects each object before swiveling the chair to face you, a confident smile gracing his features. His gloved hands dangle between his legs, fingers intertwined.
"So, Y/N, I'm Dr. Bang, and I'm the doctor on call tonight.”  He lifts his wrist to glance at his watch before his eyes meet yours again, “It's pretty late, though. Care to tell me what's going on?"
His act is so convincing that you blink twice, half-expecting him to break character at any moment, dissolve into laughter, and physically cringe. But Chan smoothly glides closer, planting both hands on your knees. Your breath catches in your throat.
“Hey, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to tonight, yeah? You still up for this?” He checks in with you, and his sincerity reassures you that he's the right person to explore this with.
“Of course, I just didn’t expect you to take it so seriously.”
“You trust me, and I take that very seriously.”  He runs his hands up and down the silky expanse of your thighs, his smile revealing a tiny dimple. "Go ahead and lie back for me." He rises as you recline onto the bed, and he attentively adjusts your robe, ensuring your modesty. Chan gently tugs the fabric closed over your body, all the while looking down at you with genuine affection. "Not a fan of doctor's visits, are you? You seemed nervous earlier, but are you experiencing any discomfort right now?" He starts applying gentle pressure around the perimeter of your abdomen. His touch feels eerily authentic, causing you to briefly forget this is a role-play scenario.
"I am," you confess, observing him as he focuses on the area just below your navel. A sharp sensation shoots through you, making you gasp involuntarily, a sound that surprises both of you. Chan momentarily halts, clearly caught off guard, before reestablishing eye contact with you. "Did that hurt?" He presses again, and you instinctively cover your mouth, stifling your reaction.
"Hey," Chan tenderly grasps your wrist, guiding your hand away from your mouth, "I'm not a vet. I need my patients to use their words, so I can provide the best care."
"It's right below where you pressed, Doctor; it just...it's uncomfortable right now, like–an ache. It’s hard to explain.” you say, barely managing to articulate in a roleplay appropriate way that you're getting hornier by the second and can swear your pussy has its own heartbeat at this point.
"Below, like... here?" Chan's gloved right hand moves an inch lower, hovering right above your soft, puffy pubis. He's teasing, and his mischievous grin gives it away.
"Lower," you reply with a sultry undertone, encouraging his exploration.
Chan's fingers press against your warmth, causing your hips to rise against his touch. He immediately stops and wheels himself backward to a nearby table laden with an array of medical equipment. You lift your head, peering over your chest to see what he's up to. Sensing your curious eyes on him, he looks over at you, his hand resting on a packaged instrument that remains elusive from your vantage point on the bed.
A chuckle escapes his lips. This was what you wanted, wasn't it? Well, now he's getting into the role-play more than he expected. The clinical setting, the pristine, sterile instruments, and your presence in that beautiful black silk robe, waiting with bated breath and those wide, enchanting eyes – it all triggers a surge of power in Chan that he didn't anticipate. Not like this, at least.
"So, when did you first notice the pain?"
“When you came in the fucking room.”
Chan laughs softly. "You're not very good at this," he remarks, picking up a stethoscope and draping it around his neck. "Let's start with some basics since you're a bit anxious. I'll ease you into it."
His tone conveys an underlying promise, and you watch as he leans over your body, slipping his hand beneath the fabric of your robe, the cool stethoscope head making contact with your skin. As soon as you feel the gloved fingers on your body, you sense your nipples hardening against the silk fabric. Chan notices too as he listens, although he's uncertain what he's searching for, his brow furrowed as he shifts the stethoscope over slightly, catching the rapid increase in your heartbeat.
He likes being able to hear the effect he has on you.
Chan removes the stethoscope from his ears, placing it around his neck again. "You've got a strong ticker!" he remarks with a smile, closing your robe as professionally as a real doctor. "Now, open up for me,"
You blink at him, an immediate desire to spread your legs rising within you, but you obediently open your mouth instead as he places a thermometer underneath your tongue. You hold it firmly in place.
"Good girl. Keep this up, and I might reward you with a lollipop later." The thermometer beeps, and he removes it, sitting back down in his chair and rolling over to the table. "Ninety-nine point six, perfect. See? Nothing to be afraid of." He picks up a nearby pen and scribbles something down on a notepad, then proceeds to examine the various instruments, silently evaluating each one.
What was he going to do to you? Was he going to poke you with a needle? Give you an enema?  You’d give anything to be inside of his brain right now and know what he’s plotting.
"Ah, ah, ah," he tuts, raising a finger into the air, still deciding his next move.
You stop yourself, close your eyes, and take a deep breath.
"Dr. Bang," you say, emphasizing his title with respect.
"Hmm?" He responds, much more content with the formal address than his first name.
"What exactly... are you planning to do to me today?"
To your dismay, he spins around toward you, holding a chosen instrument—a metal speculum. Out of all things? Does he even know how to work it? 
You swallow hard, the thought of him meddling with your insides making you squirm internally. But you play your part. You're in an examination.
“I'm here to make you feel better; it's my job. I'll need to take a good look inside to determine why you’re in so much discomfort.”
You watch and wait for him to ask you how to open the sterilized package. Instead, he deftly peels it open from the top and holds the speculum over a green surgical drape on a nearby metal tray with a muffled clang, tossing the packaging aside. He can sense your disbelief in your expression as he looks back up at you.
"How did you-"
"Yeah, so you know how people say your phones are always listening to you?" Chan slides his chair back until he's positioned right between your legs, and the sheer confidence in his movement reminds you of the residents you've assisted on numerous occasions. It's undeniably turning you on.
"Yeah?" you reply.
"Well, ever since we first discussed it, my algorithm's gone haywire," he says, shaking his head with a sigh, his elbow resting on his thigh. "It takes a truly special person to do this kind of work." He taps the edge of the bed as he speaks, and you shift up so your hips rest on the edge, your legs hanging off.
"That being said," Chan hooks his arms underneath your legs' crooks, lifting them up so your feet lie flat on the bed, spread open. Your robe is far from sufficient to keep you from being exposed. The swiftness of his motion sends a breeze across your most intimate area, letting you know just how aroused he's gotten you with minimal contact. You can hear the click of the lid on the lube as he coats his fingers.  
“You'll feel my fingers first, and then a little cold and some pressure, alright?"
His voice is soothing, and you exhale, saying, "Alright," your hands folded on your stomach.
"Take a deep breath for me," You feel his fingers first, just as he promised. Two gloved digits slide inside you, and your gasp is nearly reflexive as you clench around them when he curls them upwards, caressing that special spot. "That's it, keep breathing, relax," he instructs.
As he guides you into a state of calm with his slow and soothing words, you notice the change in temperature and texture as the cool metal speculum slides gently into you, not all the way, slowly stretching against your pulsing walls. Here you are, in your own bedroom, with Chan talking you through it, his palm resting on your inner thigh. His eyes switch between your glistening core and your furrowed brows, and your slow panting. He’s waiting for you to fold, to tell him to stop, that this is too much. But you don’t.
Chan secures the device in place, creating an opening that's not too wide but still provides him with better access than he's ever had before. And you're willingly letting it happen.
He checks in on you, discreetly adjusting the front of his pants to make room for the tent he was pitching. "How are you feeling?"
"It feels different than it usually does," you remark, your tummy fluttering with a chuckle, dispelling any lingering tension.
"Yeah? Different in what way?" His hand vanishes between your thighs as he slides his fingers back inside you, and this time, he stands over you, studying your reactions while his other hand moves beneath your navel.
"I mean, usually I don't expect my doctor to—" You cut yourself off with a moan as he presses both inside you and firmly on top of you simultaneously. 
At that moment, Chan decides that he absolutely loves this.
"What was that?" he asks, as if that moment hadn’t happened.
"I usually don't expect my doctors to... well, you know," you say.
God, you were such a freak.
Did he turn you on that much? That you’d let him do this to you? Does he have that much of a hold on you?
“This is where it hurts?”
He really doesn’t need you to say it.  He knows you want him to rail you, as if your expressons aren’t enough; he can feel your walls yearning to close around something, anything, so desperately.
The anticipation of what it would feel like to remove the speculum and have your tightness engulf him as it shrinks back sends a shiver down his spine.
He tugs at the crotch of his pants again.
"How about when I do this?" He starts a gentle but confident massage of your abdomen, and your hips slowly begin to rotate, pleading for more pressure.  You can’t move much, the device forcing your movements to remain minute, lest it become uncomfortable.
"Feels–" you curl your fingers into the sheets, the pressure from the speculum inside you battling with your natural urge to clench around nothing, stealing your breath.
Chan captures your lips with his own. "Does that feel good?"
"Mhm," you nod, feeling his hand slipping between your legs again, accompanied by the sounds of his belt buckle being undone as he kisses you once more, both of you breathless.  This must’ve been turning him on too, and now, you can hear it and feel it in the stiff, swollen head of his cock leaking against the warmth of your inner thigh as he disengages the metal spacer, it feels far warmer than it did going in, and you sigh as it leaves your body, but before you can register the emptiness left behind, Chan’s warm, girth  replaces the foreign object, and you both groan in tandem with the feeling.
“Fuck, babe,” He breathes at the sensation.  Your pussy is so hungry for him, the way you swallow him up is unholy.  And as he pulls his hips back and snaps them into you again, he’s certain you’ve never been this wet before, ever.
“Oh god, finally,” Your eyes roll back into your head, knees pushed back, your robe now fully splayed open, with the most perfect visuals of your tits, Chan leans forward and you wrap your legs around his waist, “I think I figured out what’s wrong,” he whispers, the ends of his stethoscope dangling onto your bare skin, “Want me to make you feel better baby?” He begins thrusting into you, “Is that why it was hurting? Hm? Because you needed me to fill you up?”
“Yeah, yeah I did—needed you–so bad–doctor, god I–fuck Chan I–love you–I-”
You don’t even make any sense and you resort to a breathless laugh as your teeth chatter with a sharp inhale.
“Aw, my babygirl, you’re a mess.  It’s worse than I thought.” Chan chuckles and has to pause to regain his composure. Pulling the stethoscope off, he tosses it aside and lifts the hem of his dress shirt, holding it between his teeth as he thrusts into you, now able to watch how you paint his cock with your juices every time he disappears inside of you. His lower abs flex and contract with each stroke, while muffled, elongated groans escape through clenched teeth. His palm presses down on that spot beneath your tummy again, and he feels your body clenching under his touch as he thrusts even deeper, he wants to feel himself inside of you, each movement of your hips daring him to split you in half entirely.
Your vision becomes hazy, and you struggle to concentrate beneath drooping eyelids, on the verge of being overwhelmed by sensations. You move your mouth, but words won't form, only heavy sighs and gasps provoked by his every move as if you were his puppet. If you could form coherent thoughts, you'd be thanking him for reminding your lungs to breathe, enabling you to catch your breath at all.
Now, you're climaxing, and it takes him by surprise. A choked, guttural groan escapes his throat as the wet end of his shirt falls from between his teeth, thin streams of drool trickling down his chin as he climaxes just moments after yours. The release leaves him feeling lightheaded, and he catches himself on his elbow, breathing heavily with his forehead pressed against yours. Your eyes are closed as you try to catch your own breath.
Chan's stamina surpasses yours, and his heavy breathing turns into soft laughter as he places his palm against your cheek. You laugh along with him; it's hard not to when Chan's laughing. It serves as a release that sends chills and butterflies through your stomach, having experienced something so exhilarating together.
Your fingers curl around his palm against your cheek as your eyes crinkle. "You've definitely done this before."
Chan sits next to you on the bed.  “I haven’t, promise,” “Hm.  You may have a future in theatre then.” “Think so? Maybe I can get famous and quit my shitty job.” He laughs leaning down to kiss the tip of your nose. “Since you’re the one with the medical background, I wouldn’t be against you poking me next time.”
“Next time?”
“Oh yeah. You’ve got all those supplies.  I’m just getting started.”
- fin
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n3xii · 2 years
Mecury signs as writers
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I'm sure people have done posts like these before but this is just my take on it, enjoy I hope it resonates !!
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Aries mecury 》 wants to pioneer in a new style and wants to be the best at their style of writing. Similar to Aquarius mecury in this way because Aries wants to go by their own rules. They are adventurous writers, Aries mecuiries will use writing to explore their own ideas and creativity. I feel like this placement enjoys anything that motivates them and riles them up. They may feel competitive with other writers and strive to always imporve
Taurus mecury 》 the taurus mecury has a distinct voice in their writing that doesn't change over time. You could always tell who it was through their writing. they write to relax and unwind. They may get stuck on technicalities or struggle to express intangible ideas.
Aquarius mecury 》 this is the writer who knows the rules and how to break them. They write to inspire, provoke or even offend. Their style of writing is always changing and evolving. Aquarius mecuries will write and express ideas in unheard of ways, they may have a very mature way of communicating just about anything. Their style challenges ideas surrounding what makes a person a good writer.
Libra mecury 》 this placement can make someone an amazing writer. Libras balance and harmonize so they will likely have a sense for perfect sentence variety, language, grammar, etc. Libra mecuries know when a sentence is too long, when there's too many repetitive phrases, when there's not enough adjectives or verbs. This is a writer who also becomes a perfectionist as they want a sense of harmony in their writing. Libra mecuries write to influence people as they have a chronic awareness of their audience. They are also AMAZING editors.
Capricorn mecury 》 this is a writer who writes to make things tangible for themselves. They create lists, outlines, plots. I also feel like Capricorn mecuries would also be unnecessarily good at erotica fiction. They know how to make nonfiction engaging to read as well. Capricorn may get a reputation of being stoic and while their writing serve a professional and pratical importance
Virgo mecury 》 I feel like this writer is a mix of libra and Capricorn. But of course, having a sign in its home planet is bound to make you a great writer. They are very cirical of their own writing, always editing and going back to revise something. They write to organize, understand, and differentiate between ideas. They are also amazing editors, but their perfectionist approach makes it hard to even finalize a project. Their technical and creative skills are refined but they'd never know it because of how high their standards are. They are also great at analytical writing, such as analyzing the creative value of a piece of media or a person.
Scorpio mecury 》 don't even get me started. This sign is detailed, thorough and meticulous in their writing. If they want to write a scene they would make sure every aspect of this scene was understood, from the dialouge, setting, mood etc. Their essays are long, well researched and beautifully written. They like to focus on ideas that are underground or not well known. They write to integrate and transform the parts of themselves they don't even understand.
Cancer mecury 》 their style of writing is very personable, they know how to tap into emotions and manipulate them in order to fully engage a reader. They write well from a feminine perspective and they may be talented at Journaling. Their style of writing is also very intuitive. They go with the flow and let whatever comes out to touch pen to paper. Cancer mecuires may also have a great humor in their writing as well
Gemini mecury 》 this style of writer can adapt to whatever is required of them at the moment. They can be technical writers, creative, straightforward, influential etc. They love to express opinions and ideas, they engage all sides of a situation like a libra can, but unlike libra they allow contradicting ideas to co exist without feeling pressure to choose between them. They can mimic the voice of anyone as well, gemini writers may struggle to find their own voice for this reason. This type of writer has a dynamic approach, always adapting and using their senses to understand the world around them.
Pisces mecury》 this is the poets, imaginative and visionaries. So many poets and song writers have pieces placements. This writer doesn't adhere to rules right away, they have an awareness of what's going on subconsciously and have an ability to make that subconcious energy surface in their writing. Their style is not always easy understood. you would have to approach their writing from the heart. Their style is intuitive and unique to them.
Leo mecuries》 these placements could create some of the most entertaining and popular pieces of all time. Their writing is meant to to be read aloud, or even made into a screenplay. Their voice can be dominant, dramatic and powerful. They have a dramatic way of expressing mundane things. They have a style of writing where you can't put it down or look away, you're fully engaged and feel inclined to share it with others.
Sagittarius mecury 》 Sagittarius mecruies have a way of crossing boundaries, their style appeals to people of many cultures and spiritual backgrounds. They write to free their own ideas and develop them to educate others. Their writing has great depth and meaning, like Scorpio mecuries they bring layers and complexity to ideas. They have a purpose in their writing and they want that to be accessible to everyone.
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aimbutmiss · 3 months
It was another long night in the office for Crocodile.
To be fair, it was never intentional. He always reminded himself to retreat to his sleeping quarters at acceptable hours as he sat down to get some work done, but the idea was forgotten the moment he picked up a document.
So, he had severe time management problems. Whatever.
He dropped the paper he was holding and rubbed his temple with a groan. He was getting too old for sleepless nights like this. But work never ended with Cross Guild. He had a lot of things to overlook, even with the help he had from Daz and Buggy, who surprisingly made quite the good businessman. And maybe he was being a bit too cautious—too detailed with his work, but he found out the hard way that attention to detail payed off. He wasn't new to all this, he had built Baroque Works from ground up and he had also very much done the same with Cross Guild. He was proud of his meticulous work habits. No matter how many sleepless nights he had, it was always worth it.
And he loved his office; it was his safe place. He loved having a little corner to himself, away from everyone and everything. Karai Bari was loud, always home to some type of festivity. Crocodile was never one for such ruckus, and only allowed it because it helped with crew morale. But no matter what stupid thing was going on out there, he could shut it out and hide in the peaceful silence of this room. He could crunch numbers day and night, without having to deal with nightmares in his bed.
Yes, Sir Crocodile had nightmares; for he was human like any other.
He wasn't ashamed of his demons, but he'd never admit it to anyone if asked about it. He had spent years building the strong, powerful persona he had. He had convinced many that he was invincible, without weakness. It would all crumble if the world found out he woke up in cold sweat some nights, tears staining his face.
Monsters did not cry.
He slammed his head on the desk and closed his eyes for a second. Trying to get his much needed rest from a few seconds of shut eye was ridiculous, but it was better than nothing.
Before he could get up and get back to work, the door to his office slowly opened. He could have looked up to see who it was, not that there were many people who would walk into his office in the dead of night, but he decided to act as if he had fallen asleep for some reason. He just... felt like it. He didn't move an inch as footsteps approached closer to his desk.
"That could be a fire hazard, you idiot."
The mysterious intruder turned out to be just Buggy, which was weird. The clown had no reason to pay him a visit, especially not at this hour. The man picked up the lit cigar on the ashtray and put it out. A few second later, he gently laid a blanket on the "sleeping" man's shoulders, making sure he was covered up nicely. He hadn't moved from his place, so he must have detached his hands to pick it up from wherever.
"You don't have to work yourself this hard, you stubborn old man."
Crocodile was suddenly hyper aware of everything: the smell of Buggy's newly washed hair; his hand on his back, drawing slow circles into his tense muscles... He felt himself involuntarily relax into the touch.
"I could have changed you into something more comfortable and carried you to your bed if you weren't built like a fucking sea king. Oh well, this should do for now."
Before his business partner left the room, he could barely feel him give a kiss on his head. Yet it was enough to make the hairs on his neck stand up.
Buggy walked to the door, trying his best to be silent, and shut the lights. He left with a gentle whisper of "Good night." and Crocodile didn't have it in himself to get up for the next... God knows how long.
Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep just like that. When he woke up the next morning, he had mild back pain from sleeping while hunched over a chair. But despite that, he hadn't slept so well in ages.
No nightmares, just a warm blanket and the lingering smell of shampoo.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Yan Genshin Boys / Overhearing Darling Say They Dislike Them.
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Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, some feelings have been hurt on this day, implied stalking/eavesdropping. 
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Not the best idea on your part, even if you were taking care to keep the admission on the down low. Childe is beaming as he strolls up to you. Greets you like an old friend, but turns his back to your company, making it clear that he’s here to whisk you away whether you like it or not. Whispers in the most lifeless tone you’ve ever heard him take to come up with an excuse to leave or he’ll think of something. The following walk is the most nerve-wracking you’ve ever experienced — he purposefully stays quiet so you’re forced to awkwardly fill the air. 
This isn’t a report he was expecting (or wanting) to receive. Those in his information network that shadow him seemed rightfully hesitant to provide this in their accounts, but Diluc was stern about what he wanted; including transcripts of your conversations. He stays planted at his desk for some time, shrouded in darkness as the light from his candle went out hours prior. His self-righteous beliefs about “looking after you”, no strings attached, and confronted directly. This isn’t altruism. It never was. Diluc wants from you more than you’re willing to give. Which leaves him with the unfortunate alternative of taking what he wants instead of waiting for reciprocation that’ll never come.
Kaeya isn’t going to drag you away, oh no, not when you’re speaking your heart out like this! As a shadow leans over you from behind, he tells you that he wants in on all the details. Implores you to start from the top and to leave nothing out. He doesn’t mind working with this antipathy of yours, it must mean he’s on your mind more often than he’s not. What stings his pride a little bit is that you’re openly sharing this information with others. Now that just won’t do, he can’t have any loose ends lying around should he ever have to take you into his custody. He’ll need a way to smooth over this blip lest an unfortunate fate befell the one who learned this.
Zhongli feels little reason to intervene when the person you revealed this to isn’t giving it much credence. His reputation precedes him, they’re singing his praises while you stand there, unsure of how to articulate what is technically an unfounded hunch. If there’s anything the archaic god understands well, it’s negotiation. He doesn’t consider his previous conversations with you to be negotiations gone wrong, oh no, not with his meticulous planning. He took into account that you might not respond kindly to his thinly veiled threats and coercions. This just means that when you inevitably budge due to circumstance, he’ll have more to work with. That was the offer then, he’ll tell you. Matters are different now. I expect more in return. Zhongli’s patience makes it so waiting for that day is no straining matter. 
Albedo likes to think himself above holding petty grievances. He returns to his workshop without issue, picks up where he left off, only realizing moments later that he mixed the wrong contents together in his reverie. The ensuing explosion’s residue is still refusing to come off his coat to this day. Albedo struggles to concentrate on anything the rest of the day and eventually comes to terms with the fact nothing will be getting done in this state. Human instinct is a deviant variable he could never account for, he decides. His performance around you could be immaculate and your intuition would still steer you toward caution. He decides to lay off his direct interactions with you for the near future and focus his efforts on observation.
Xiao doesn’t really comprehend it at first, not when he’s too preoccupied with making sure the paths you’ll be using shortly are safe for travel. It might not be until days later that the entire weight of your words hits him like a ton of bricks. Frustration mounts more than anything — what do the inconsequential musings of a mortal mean to him? Xiao tells himself this despite dwelling on the issue frequently. He can’t help but look at those you do see to like with disdain. The word envy is foreign to his vocabulary and he wants to keep it that way. There’s comfort to be found that in the company you do keep, his abilities far eclipse whatever puny resistance they could muster. When it matters most, he will be indispensable to you. 
No, he’s not upset about it, he’s not even bothered by it. It’s whatever, honestly. Your taste is abysmal. If anything, this is probably a compliment, he’s seen the simpletons you call ‘friends’ and would rather perish than be grouped into any category with them. Expect thunderclouds overhead even if it was a sunny day minutes prior. What truthfully bothers Scaramouche the most about this is that deep down, he already knew, yet was managing to convince himself otherwise. Hearing it from your lips means he can’t feign ignorance any longer. He comes to the conclusion that the word like is inconsequential to his designs anyway. He’s going to have you loving him, no, worshipping him. 
Kazuha drops whatever he’s holding and just stands there, while those behind him grunt impatiently, pushing him along. The tightness in his chest is unlike anything he’s ever experienced — it’s a wonder he has enough wits about him to leave and find refuge in nature. He comes to the conclusion that he’s been coming off too strong. It’s a tricky, uphill battle in his view, there are so many praises for you that he wants to sing that he rarely holds his tongue. Does this mean he should perhaps examine his ways and change them? He thinks not. There must be another, more suitable solution for him to find, such as making it so he’s your only choice for company...
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asentienthaze · 1 year
Into The Woods: Why the movie was shit
I'm not the first person to talk about this, nor will I be the last. It's pretty widely accepted among theatre fans that Disney bungled up this fantastic show. But it's important nevertheless to talk about how it went wrong, 'cause adaptations are delicate things, and the core of a good adaptation is an understanding of the themes and messages that constitute the story, and not just the story itself. Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine together wove a fairly meticulous fabric that is this musical, and it's fascinating to see how Disney's adaptation reduced it to rags.
For a summary of this show's plot, I recommend watching the first few minutes of Sideways' video on the themes in this show, mainly because it's a fairly complex plot and he explains it well. This is especially important, since the plot of the movie is……definitely not the same.(The whole video is definitely worth a watch too, and it brings up points that I might talk about here too.) Done that? Good, let's keep going.
"The narrator comes on stage, and he starts, 'Once upon a time.' Now once he says that, the audience starts to relax inside. Now what I wanted to do was to wake them up immediately, so before [the narrator] gets to the fifth word, I wanted a loud sound from the orchestra, or the piano"
That was Stephen Sondheim talking about the very beginning of the show. The choices he made in the songs were almost all deliberate, they were for a reason.
Now what does the movie do? They say the entire first line of the song before playing the musical sting. They knew that they had to have that there, since it was part of the prologue song, but they didn't understand at all why the song was structured the way it was.
Let this be an omen as to how the movie will adapt this musical.
Another important part of the first song is the constant quarter note motion the piano makes throughout. It's what keeps the energy of the first song going, and is the song's connective tissue. Guess what the movie didn't do? As a result, it makes the prologue feel like five different disconnected small songs.
The main problem that the adaptation suffered, was the removal of seemingly small things, but which ultimately led to the plot of the movie collapsing in on itself.
The first major one is the removal of the narrator and the baker's father. Yes, the movie technically had a narrating voice, and the father got….like one scene, both played much more prominent roles in the original musical. The baker's father, initially a mysterious old man, pulled many of the threads that made the various characters really interact, and he's an outside force helping move the story along. As for the narrator…well it's important to note that the narrator is a character. A major feature of the show is that it's a story with characters, and the show knows that. The narrator dictated how the story would go, and when the witch sacrifices him to the giant, the characters are left to fend for themselves, and that is how most of the destruction in the second act really happens.
The second one is Rapunzel's death. In the musical Rapunzel is crushed by the giant, and it leads to Witch's Lament:
"This is the world I meant. / Couldn't you listen? / Couldn't you stay content, safe behind walls / As I could not?"
An important thing to note is while yes her relationship with Rapunzel is definitely toxic, there's a complexity that arises out of her over sheltering Rapunzel to protect her, and then as a result she comes to despise that "shelter", and is then ultimately killed. The fact that she is grieving the loss of her daughter plays largely into her character in the second act, something that is entirely lacking in the movie. SO MANY OF HER LINES get undermined by this one detail, that Rapunzel never died, and that she was wrong the whole time.
Lastly, songs that were cut. There are four main ones that are important to talk about.
First, Maybe They're Magic. It's sung right after the Baker and his wife sell the beans to get the cow. It's the first time the question of whether or not they'll really have to lie and possibly steal to obtain the items, and what the ethics of it really are, arises. It also exemplifies the character of the Baker's Wife, and her more clever side, which we further see when she obtains her items mostly through either deceit or persuasion. This glimpse into her character helps set her up for 'Moments in the Woods', a song much later which also expresses her inner thoughts.
Two: Ever After/Prologue: So Happy. This is how the show ends its first act and begins the second. In the movie the events in the second act occur immediately after the wedding, while in the musical there is a time gap between the acts. The music is referenced in the instrumental track, but it's never actually sung. Although the songs are definitely very much suited for a theatrical performance, cutting both the songs means that the resulting events that occur within them have to be shuffled and rearranged. The way that the characters make their way into the woods changes, and the prince and Rapunzel run off together much later, which doesn't allow for their later scenes to ever happen in the movie. It's where the cracks in the movie start to show, and ultimately the way the decisions made for earlier parts snowballs into the later parts of the movie.
Three: Agony Reprise. Agony as a song is famous from both the movie and the show. However the reprise happens in the second act, when it turns out the two princes are not focused on the giant, but in fact on another maiden somewhere else, much like how they were in the first act. Except now they're married. Removing this song is basically like telling a joke without the punchline. Yes, Agony by itself is funny, but it's the perfect setup for its reprise. As the plot stood in the movie, it's clear why it couldn't be put in, but,,,like that's the problem. That's the whole problem
Finally: No More. This song is the one I'm most mad that they cut out. It's the final interaction the Baker has with his father, just after he runs away leaving his baby son with Cinderella. The movie,,,,badly paraphrases it, and then cuts to the Baker,,,,,crying? There's no actual emotional development, no actual introspection, and it removes one of the best written scenes in the show.
"Where are we to go?
Where are we ever to go?
Running away—we'll do it
Why sit around, resigned?
Trouble is, son
The farther you run
The more you feel undefined.
For what you left undone,
And more, what you left behind"
I implore you, watch this scene, if nothing else. It's a work of art, and the fact that it's completely cut out is a crime.
Pretty much every character in the movie became a duller and flatter version of their original, but the most egregious examples are Jack and his mother. Jack is older in the show, significantly so. He's basically in his late teens, and is sweet and naive, but not particularly bright. In the movie, however, he's,,,,a child. Like just straight up a child, and now his personality is no longer "too ungrounded for his age" but instead it's exactly how a child his age might act. Conversely, Jack's mother is overbearing, but ultimately 'stern but sweet', and is much more gentle with Jack than in the movie. In the movie though, she's mean and almost callous towards Jack, in a way that doesn't make her an enjoyable character.
I won't blame the actors for most of this. Yes, a point can be made that some of the acting itself may have been bad, but most of the fault in what I've talked about goes to the directors and script writers.
In every adaptation, choices need to be made. Since this was no longer a theatrical performance, liberties had to be taken to fit it into a film format. But each choice has a consequence, and their choices to change parts of the story snowballed into the climax of the movie, making it almost entirely different from the musical.
We talk about Into The Woods as a Sondheim show, but it is just as much a show by Lapine as it is by Sondheim. Lapine's ability to craft a story with strong and clear themes, no matter how complex or abstract the plot is, is one of the show's greatest assets. The movie was a disservice to original stage musical, but most of all it was a disservice to Lapine, taking his carefully crafted story and muddling and twisting it, until the end product had killed the central spirit of the original.
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firecooking · 8 months
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(bruhstation) hey neil! thank you very much for supporting fortezza bigg city so far :] I really appreciate the thought you've put into analyzing bits of my silly little AU, and I've also gained a huge appreciation for your own works as well. it's so clear you've put a lot of thought and research into your AU and it really blew my mind because everything is so meticulously thought out!!! and I'm looking forward to more!!! here's a quick sketch of your gal zaffre! once again thanks :3 (also you're inspiring me to make my own z-stacks oc! haha)
OHHH MY GOD LOOK AT HER MY BABY GIRL MY SWEET CHEESE SHE LOOKS AMAZING AHHH YOUR ART IS SO GOOD I LOVE YOUR FORM AND VOLUME AND HOW YOU DO YOUR LINE WEIGHT WITH THE OPACITY AND LINE DYNAMICS your handle on anatomy and rendering is really interesting to me, reading you work in Fire Alpaca with a mouse is mind boggling to me, i remember when I was doing the same years and years ago and the skill you show is really fascinating and i am jealous, the way your art is put together is scratching my brain. i have been doing art studies of it and trying to dissect it, it'd have such a interesting feel for animation, you have a wonderful style for breaking down into a limited animation style with a emphasis on dynamics with animation in a 8s, 6s, and 4s with 2s detailing and a hard tweening style [<- just professional animator things lol] The way you render shadow and lighting is also ough. This Zaffre is genuinely so wonderful, new desk top background moments. I love her gesture and expression here, it really captures her as a character! Also the way you draw hands, augh, just augh I wish.
You, my friend, are a fabulous illustrator!
And oh my god your AU is scratching my brain in ways I didn't think possible! I know so little yet there is so much there. When I genuinely say that it is affecting me as much as if not more that @askthefamous8 that is the highest compliment I can muster [that AU has been one of my special interests since 2015,]. I am legit making a post it note wall over FBC just like ATF8 had when I was in middle/high school
You have the most loyal human AU fan on your team now, I genuinely smile thinking about Fortezza Bigg City all day long, my friends and partner are getting annoyed to death from me ranting. sorry dear if you are reading this: I know you hate tugs
Also thank you! I really love doing in depth research, its the autism at work. I am a proud vehicle autistic. I've said it before but working on a ship for a summer just to know the mechanics of how actual sailing works is probably the most unhinged thing I can say I've done for accuracy sake. Loved my Captain and fellow crew, very sad I got sick and had to leave. Honestly would love to be a sailor if my heath wasn't bungled up and I wasn't like $200k of debt in animation college.
My humanoid vehicle AU's are partially based on my sadly never going to be picked up pitch bible for a science fiction based historical vehicle show [my fatal flaw is niche interests] And it literally makes my day to sit down and work on the most expansive and historically researched BS on earth, my AU is both a lovely love letter to TUGS as the show it is and a Love Letter to what TUGS wanted to be! At the end of the day TUGS wanted to be it's days Steven Universe or MASH [something I am gonna elaborate in another format later] but unfortunately it just didn't have the right ingredients. Its the Same as the TUGS musical I'm working on, it's a love letter to what TUGS both is and was supposed to be along with being a love letter to the characters themselves
Join the Z-Stacks OC League, we have cool hats and crime
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Can a request a yandere fashion designer x reader ?
thank you for requesting, anon! i struggled a little with this one but i really hope you still enjoy it! also you never specified what type of fashion designer so.. ufufu
i want my fashion designer to specialize in lolita fashion 👉👈 but feel free to imagine any kind of fashion!
🌻 yandere fashion designer x gn reader!
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- a well known fashion designer who was renowned for their high quality clothes in their online store, yet they lacked one thing.. a model! they’d been modeling their clothes themselves but having an actual model would be ideal. the only problem was.. they were incredibly picky with who could wear their clothes. thats why you were so surprised when they suddenly contacted you to work as their model..
- but you just had.. something.. some unique charm about you! they needed to have you. they’d pay any price, just name it! you were oh so captivating, you’re the perfect model! it doesn’t matter if you’ve never worked as a model, please just let them design all of your clothes!
- you finally accepted and you were called to an apartment instead of like.. a proper shooting location. they were treating you like a guest instead of a employee.. but when they finally asked to measure you, they seemed to take a bit longer than expected and getting way too close.. they said they wanted to be sure they measured you properly but was that really the reason why?
- they were acting super familiar. complimenting you, making comments about every small detail they found cute.. the conversation went from clothes to just you. as it should! you made even their worst designs look like their magnum opus! huh? oh right! you were here to model, haha! here, they already chose some outfits! why don’t you let them help you change- oh okay..
- getting their camera ready, some of the shots they wanted to take were.. they were just for reference! this was completely normal! they just wanted to see what angles worked best! they definitely didn’t want a separate, private album full of photos of you! not at all! ahaha! what gave you that idea? ..it didn’t? oh, nevermind then!
- once you were done with modeling, it seemed like a lot of the clothes you wore were part of matching couple outfits? thats surely a coincidence though! its not as though they’ve been meticulously planning an outfit that will suit the both of you! alongside your payment, they insisted they give you the clothes you wkre. its fine! they’re all about your size anyways! don’t ask how they got your estimate sizing though, just take them! make sure to show it off to everybody!
- it was odd how some clothes never seemed to show up on their website but.. don’t stress the details, doll face! they just finished about.. maybe ten or so designs and they want your opinion! these would be tailored exactly for you, after all. well, they’ve been tailoring clothes specifically for you for a while, this is just the first time they’ll be exactly fitted to your measurements.
- hm.. maybe you should come see them in person! its better that way, doll face. just come on by and you can discuss it together over tea! doesn’t that sound nice? you could even model a little for them! so don’t worry about a thing! just enjoy the strong aroma of freshly made tea.. this is what you always order at cafes, right?
- they finally dropped the act when your eyes started drooping, catching you before you fell over. they seemed even more infatuated with you somehow.. you have pretty eyes, my little doll! ah.. they wanna style your adorable hair so badly! don’t worry. they finally let you visit their new and improved studio, isn’t this so exciting? it’ll be just the two of you from now on!
- by the time you woke up, you were in what looked like a warehouse filled with clothes. your dear fashion designer had been quite busy from the looks of it. the sound of a photo being taken was heard and they finally showed up.. they felt bad for tying you up but it had to be done! what if their doll got hurt if you tried to run? please bear with it for a little while!
- they had already taken a few photos of your peaceful sleeping face.. at last, they were free to take as many photos of your cute face! and in whatever outfits they wanted! you had indeed been changed into different clothes and now you two were matching, just like a couple! now, little doll. its time for the final photoshoot to begin! just the two of you.
come on, you signed up for this! didn’t you read the contract? it clearly said that they could call for you at anytime for photoshoots and you had to stay for its entire duration! you’re going to be such a cute little doll for them, aren’t you? they’d hate to hurt their precious model after all!
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
100 Follower Special!
Thank you sooooo much for 100 followers! 🥰🥰 (technically 101 now, but semantics, semantics) I know that's a relatively small number, but I've been here for about 3 months, and I'm still happy anyway. Love you guys so much! 🩵🩵
TW: minor violence, bruises mention
Villain knows this. They've spent the past few weeks studying every detail of Hero's base meticulously. This was why Supervillain had chosen them for this mission. Because they didn't get distracted easily and they kept their full focus on their task.
Sneaking inside admittedly wasn't easy. Villain had spent hours racking their brain for answers as they typed away on their keyboard, trying to hack into the system. And after many sleepless nights and one too many large mugs of coffee, they'd finally gotten through Hero's security.
The positions of every door, every hidden door's placement, every secret passageway, and even where all the cameras were (they'd managed to disable them) were all etched into their memory.
They almost glide around with such ease, they might as well have owned the place. But their outwardly calm and collected demeanour was a somewhat fragile façade. Hero may have kept up a friendly persona and thrown quite a bit of banter their way, but they were dangerous in their own right, with deadly control over their power. The scattered bruises lining the villain's body are a testament to that.
They weren't sure they'd like to imagine what Hero would do if they caught them sneaking around in their own house.
But they're Villain, for God's sake. They'd fought and won against people much worse than Hero. Yet they'd never been even half this nervous.
Steeling themselves, they take a deep breath as they try to push all the negative thoughts out of their head. They place their ear to the door, listening for any noises, and the action brings a comfortable sense of familiarity to them from the number of times they'd done it. Hearing no sound, their hands work as swift as machinery, taking the lockpick out of their suit's pocket and working on the lock.
They finally manage to get it open, the door leading into their nemesis's living room. What kind of psychopath locks their living room's door? But the criminal didn't find that a surprise. Carefully lifting the dark green plush rug off the floor, they manage to loosen the fake floorboard underneath, leading to the trapdoor. Another detail they'd discovered spying on Hero through their computer.
Lifting the door, Villain wills the air in the room to return the floorboard and the carpet back to their place as the door shuts. They smirk to themselves at how smoothly their power works as they carefully make their way down the long staircase.
When they finally reach the end of the staircase, they are almost giddy with excitement. One that you could never read off their somber face. The same rush of blood and adrenaline pulsing through them as their first heist.
Walking carefully around Hero's base and resisting the temptation to explore the sleek, well-equipped place, they quickly find exactly what they were here for. The flash drive in the shiny glass case, more precious to Villain than any treasure. It may have looked so easy to get a hold of, but simplicity was impossible with Hero. There was a sick, twisted puzzle only a psychopath or a bitter STEM major could dream up that they had to solve first.
Their heartbeat quickly grows erratic, and their hands shake as they go through the bloody puzzle. Their eyes light up with glee as the glass case unlocks, and they reach inside, fingers almost closing around their prize.
"Well done," a silky voice croons. It sounds proud rather than annoyed.
The crime-fighter stands there, leaning against the wall, arms folded over their chest with an amused glint in their eyes. They were dressed in a dark, satin robe thrown carelessly over their figure and tied at the waist, not even bothering with a mask. They regard Villain the same way one regards a child who'd been caught sneaking yet another cookie.
They chuckle lightly. "Ya know, if you wanted an invitation, you could've just asked. I believe I gave you my number last time we fought, hm?"
"Hilarious," they counter, whipping around and making a run for it, flash drive in hand. They try to send a blast of air towards their enemy, except there was barely any air in this damned basement. So all their attempts served was to send a pathetic, little breeze towards Hero.
As though they needed any further humiliation.
It barely takes a moment for the crime-stopper to confiscate the flash drive, twisting the villain's arm somewhat painfully and shoving them into the wall, and they toss the drive back into the case. It locks automatically.
Villain does not appreciate their current position at all. Pinned against the wall, a horribly overused cliché, leaving them mortified, if the look on their face is any indication. Said face is now flushed a bold red, their normally sharp tongue now rendered useless.
Worst of all is Hero's smug, lopsided smirk and the way that they look at Villain in general, with their prying eyes, their gaze sparkling with curiosity. It made them feel like a specimen being examined.
"Shh, it's no use struggling, darling," Hero purrs somewhat soothingly. And their words hold truth because Hero's super strength doesn't falter, and Villain's squirming serves little to no purpose but to embarrass them, and apparently entertain their nemesis.
"W-what are you going to do to me?" they all but squeak.
The crime-fighter laughs, and they feel their heartbeat quicken to impossible degrees, not just out of fear, but out of something far more dangerous. . .
"Relax, I won't hurt you. I'd hate to mess up the oh-so-beautiful artwork, hm?" they murmur
Heat spreads through Villain's body like wildfire. Their words catch in their throat, and their breathing becomes shallower. They'd kept it all professional when responding to Hero's flirtations, being dedicated to their job meant adhering to the concept that they were strictly enemies. But then why are they an incoherent mess of emotions right now?
Hero's honey-sweet tone, the blinding grin flashed on perfect white teeth against dark tan skin, and the flowery scent of their fragrance don't sit well with the criminal. But nothing compares to the way they fix their gaze on Villain, as though they were someone to be admired, someone alluring, more than just a weapon. And, it's not like their life had been devoid of romance, but no one had ever looked at them with the same awe-filled fiery passion like Hero did.
"What do you want?" they breathe out. An honest question.
"Right now at least, I want to invite you to have breakfast here with me, it bring pretty early in the morning. It'll be fun, sweetheart," They run the fingers of their free hand along their nemesis's jaw, a feather-light caress.
Whatever the hell Villain was feeling had just intensified to impossible degrees. They are intoxicated with the almost magnetic charm that made it difficult impossible to think straight. And they didn't want it to end.
"Fine," they answer, trying to keep the shakiness out of their words, which come out at a higher pitch than they intend. Damn you, Hero.
Their enemy's whole face lights up, and they flash them a huge grin. Not one of their seductive, lopsided smirks. But a big smile full of utter joy.
That's adorable. Am I growing soft?
"Sure, but I just have one more request."
"Enlighten me."
They trace the shape of their mask in the air. Well, if they're going to have breakfast with this hero, in an outright romantic setting, then the usage of the mask didn't seem to make much sense.
Hero lifts their arm off, and Villain had half a mind to run off and get a hold of the drive. But one look into those gorgeous sea-green eyes, and all their plans were swiftly discarded and shredded to smithereens.
They peel the mask off, heartbeat now erratic.
"Y-you're absolutely breathtaking in every sense of the word, Villain," Hero coos, snaking an arm around Villain's waist and pulling them close against their side.
"You're not so bad yourself, hotshot," they laugh, pleased to finally have anything on the hero.
This was foolish, risky, and it broke every single goddamn rule in Villain's book. But never in their life had something ever felt so right.
Tagging for this one specifically: @thelocalnemesis @deckofaces @onlywhump @justalittlecorrupted (u usually ask me to tag u on my stuff, I hope this isn't too presumptuous, Corrupted!) @featheryvee
Also, some of y'all r alr on the taglist, so you'll just be tagged there.
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-whump @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @dodo-docs @vernilliom @sirrsnakesssss
Wanna be on the taglist? This will take you there!
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fuckalicent · 10 months
hotd ao3 recs that make me slightly feral
it’s finally here!!! i will potentially be adding to this in the future so keep an eye out <3 also this may not stick only to hotd and extend to the wider asoiaf world.
baby teeth by zoe_millin_writes
aemond x helaena. incredibly written aemond character analysis. chapters are from aemond’s pov throughout his childhood and into his adulthood and his trauma surrounding sex, his parents, his injury etc etc is so incredibly and profoundly done. i don’t think i’ve read anything more beautiful and intense. there is also one helaena pov and my god is it so amazingly written. the characterisation and details are out of this world. definitely read all the warnings because it is very intense and potentially triggering. the exploration of aemond’s relationship with religion and by extension his mother and sister is done so well and genuinely what kept me tied to this fic.
see, what had happened was… by daylander
aemond x rhaena. from rhaena’s pov. i can’t remember it all as vividly as i should because i read it a while ago but god is it a delight. it’s funny, sad, amusing, entertaining & overall just so incredible. there is so much about rhaena’s experience living without her sister for so long on dragonstone and how it impacts her relationship with baela. so much about her relationship with daemon and by extension the velaryon/targaryen relations. just so so great. the scenes with rhaena and aemond are just.. chef’s kiss. they’re my favourite chaotic childhood friends to… whatever they are LMAO
spring’s end by navree
oneshot (9k words) from alicent’s pov about the lead-up to her wedding to viserys. made me wince more than a few times just because she deserved so much better :( the way her relationships with rhaenyra, her father, viserys & even criston (although brief) are shown is so beautiful and haunting to me.
would that they were not by navree
i fucking cried. a oneshot (7k words) about the fateful encounter with blood and cheese. so beautifully written and the relationships between the kids, alicent, cole and otto are described so heartbreakingly.
in your grave by 136108
This is the thing you married, the voice in the back of her head whispered gleefully. You saw its pretty smile and its dainty hands and so you dragged it into your bed and upon your cock and trusted that it could never hurt you. You bred it like a bitch and you promised to cut out its tongue and all this time you should have been worried about its teeth. But you did not and now it will leech your throne and your legacy and its pretty mouth will swallow the House of the dragon whole.
SO FUCKING CATHARTIC!!! we deserved vengeful evil alicent and i’m forever mad we didn’t get her… season 2 will be her moment trust. this is a short yet incredibly impactful piece about alicent visiting viserys on his death bed. amazingly written and the most satisfying thing ever.
5 times alicent and criston almost kissed and the 1 time they almost didn’t by gracelesson
I FUCKING CRIED!!!!!!!!!!!! most healing comforting beautiful thing ive read in a while oh my god op is crazy talented i’m in awe. the way s/a, marriage, sexuality & growing up were handled here were literally incredible and i cant even begin to express how much i love this. this is a modern au and it’s probably very different from whatever you’re expecting. i adore the dynamics shown between alicent, cole & her children ugh i swear i feel giddy all over. beautiful.
my hand was the one you reached for by nuncasais
literally the best. snapshots of alicent, criston, and her kids’ lives at the keep during the time jump. i love these types of fics that cover unseen periods of time — the detail and thought gone into each chapter is incredible and so so meticulous. chapters are from either criston or alicent’s pov’s. beware u might (definitely) cry.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Sleeping Castle
[ - Cottage (Fem!reader) + Roses (Yandere) + Diluc (Genshin Impact) + Black coffee (Sleeping Beauty au) - ] - Anon's Ask
Summary: You woke up but true love's first kiss but other than you none of your family woke up. Diluc was a kind man taking you in a helping you save your family.
Additional warnings/tags: fantasy au, manipulation, background character deaths, obsessive / dark themes, slightly ooc Diluc
[ - Fairytale Picnic Event - closed - ]
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"You should be thankful, Diluc. Do you know how much of a burden it is to cast such a spell dear? I worried for my skin." Diluc tune Lisa's teasing voice as he turned away from her. He had finished what he was supposed to do here and now he planned to leave. "I will have Adeline send the finest wine to the wicked fairy's hut soon."
"My, you say such hurtful words dear." Lisa sighed placing a hand on her face as if she was hurt by his mean comment. Yet there was a sly smile on her face that could not be contained by the acting. "You are always welcome Diluc. Ahhh a nice glass of your company's finest wine will just do the trick to help me relax a bit."
Leaving the witch's hut Diluc left to go and return to his home. A few hours away by a horse he was prepared for the long journey. Relief in his heart that everything was over and done. Every small detail and such were tied together and meticulously checked.
He also got something he had become rather fond of, even if how he got them was rather... unorthodox.
"You should be careful Diluc. If you get caught it is all over for you." Lisa's warning echoed in his mind, the cold wind hit his face as his horse galloped back. "She would never love you anymore. She will only spiral into an obsession of revenge or will become forever lost."
"If that happens come to me and I will wrap up a little something for you. A particular potion that I am rather proud of, you see~"
Witches were in a way considered fairies. They were rare beings who could use magic and brew potions a few living here on this continent. They were respected creatures... mostly while some were feared more so than others. Lisa was particularly known to be the smartest if not strongest fay yet she choose to hide in a small hut in the middle of a deep forest. Many fear her and when the winds blew people can hear screams from the forest rumors spread.
When it was just the trees making that sound.
Diluc just so happened to make a deal with her. Foolish people so caught up with what they hear to scared to even take a step into the forest... he knew Lisa much longer than that.
There was a group Diluc was after, a certain group he wanted to take revenge on for years now. He followed their every move, finding anything and everything about them. And one of them was that they were teaming up with a certain kingdom near his home.
He preferred a more hands on approach than letting others do most of the work when he set off to spy over the kingdom with a few others, it was much more convenient for him to see everything that was happening by himself.
Who would have thought that he would meet a fair lady there, a hidden princess of the kingdom born with a curse that was cast on her birthday? The royal family wanted to hide her yet they weren't able to do so in his eyes. Affectionate you were so different from your rotten family.
Now you were in his hands.
"Diluc you are back. I didn't see you this morning and I was wondering where you have gone." Diluc let himself breathe when he saw you running down the steps of the mansion to greet him. His heart beat when he saw what you were wearing, a flowing pale color dress that made you look like a fairy.
"Where did you go?" You asked smiling at him.
Innocent you were at who he truly was and what he could do. He just shrugged "I meet an acquaintance." He didn't elaborate any further but it seems you have become too curious.
"Acquaintance? If I could ask... why did you meet them." The hesitation in your eyes when you knew well that you were overstepping your boundaries. How you played with your fingers tips angsty for his answer.
He knew you were getting impatient. Diluc had the servants watch over you to make sure you won't do anything stupid and to report everything you did to him.
He knew how worried you have become when your family sleeps soundly in the old small castle in your kingdom long dead, put to sleep but Lisa's magic and killed by the sword of knights of the duke Ragnvindr family.
You were supposed to die a daughter of the king who Diluc personally killed himself. How simple it was to stab the old man in the heart as he continued to sleep peacefully as if nothing happened. Diluc wished he could give the man a much more painful death.
When the kingdom joined sides with the group of the abyss. It was an unfortunate thing for them that they had a spy in their miths, who quickly reported the situation to Diluc.
Many thought that it had been the work of an evil fairy or a witch. That they have angered one of the fays and they choose to take revenge over the whole kingdom putting everyone to sleep. While the people and the innocent soon woke up others and the royal family did not.
Well except for you, Lisa played a cruel joke on him telling him that you would only wake up from a kiss of true love. The surprise in your eyes when you woke up in your deep slumber, a pretty flush in your face made Diluc's face flush too.
Many said he was your faithed one, and Diluc chose not to say anything. You stayed close to him, unable to stay in the castle where you once lived due to its dangers. You begged Diluc to help you save your family, you who didn't know what your family did behind closed doors.
He told you that the blame goes to a group of the abyss, that it was because of them your family had to suffer. You had to suffer.
It was for the best. Diluc never wanted to lie to you yet he could not let you know the deep secrets that he holds over you. Most of your family will forever sleep unable to wake up anymore.
"I... I am sorry... for asking. You are working so hard yet here I am constantly asking you if you have found a way." You looked down ashamed of yourself, yet the guilty face of yours look so adorable in Diluc's eyes.
He will keep you safe.
"Did you eat? Would you like to join me for dinner?" Diluc asked you instead, changing the subject. "No, I didn't. I had a bit of snack after lunch." You told him, the atmosphere lightening a little more.
Diluc glanced over to the head maid Adelinde, knowing the lady smiled when bowing her head to welcome him home. The servants here were all rather fond of you.
The peace you give to their duke, naive you were unable to notice how manipulative they were to keep you here. Diluc knew all that was happening and at one point he felt guilt over it. Not anymore.
Taking your arm he guided you to the dining room, the smile on your face warms his heart as he asked you about your day. You don't have a home but now you do right here in his arms. With that Diluc was satisfied.
He will be the one to protect you, even if you push him away he would still hold you in his arms. Even if you scream he would not let you go, even if you try to run away he would bring you back.
Even if you try to kill him he would still give his heart to you.
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retro-vagabond · 8 months
So I wrote a fic for @batboysxprompts for Pumpkin. It's a #steddie Halloween fic. That became a little longer than I anticipated. Reminder I haven't wrote since high school and this was done on my phone notepad so I apologize for format being kinda meh. Anyway hope you enjoy and Happy Halloween!! 🎃:
He stands on the porch holding the horror tape he was asked to bring, fixing his glasses one more time. Almost hesitating to knock, he doesn't want to seem too eager, he told himself to ease into things with this. Eddie and him had found something in each other that clicked since the Vecna incident happened.
The kids were growing up finally free to roam without the threat of a ticking clock or whatever creature that stumbled into this dimension. They were out at a monster/horror double feature at the drive-in, Wayne out with Jim for beers and bowling, leaving him and Eddie alone for the night.
He could smell Wayne's famous chili through the door, as he raised and knocked. Eddie had invited him over for a surprise, he honestly wasn't sure what to expect, but a night in with him sure beat any Halloween rager that would be going on tonight.
It didn't take long before he was greeted with big earthy brown eyes and smile, pulling him in for a warm embrace, "I was wondering what was taking you so long out there big boy. C'mon I need your help, what we need is in the back of the van still."
"Back of the van-? What do you have planned?", he follows puzzled after letting go of him.
"Well I didn't want anyone to smash them before we had our fun with them!", opening the back doors to his van to reveal two big pumpkins. "I stopped at Merrill's Pumpkin Patch on my way home. Figured we could carve them, have some of Wayne's chili he left in the crock pot for us, and maybe watch whatever movie you picked out."
He looks at Eddie taking him in as he's nervously fidgeting with his hair, "This isn't to lame for Steve Harrington is it? This is probably lame. I mean we could do something el-"
"N-no no! This is actually perfect," he cuts him off to stop the self doubt. He rubs the back of his neck, "I've just never carved a jack-o-latern before."
"What!? How have you never done this before?!", he shrieks theatrically.
"Dad didn't like getting dirty, said mud would ruin my our clothes. Same with trick or treating, they were never home so I'd order pizza with the money they left and just watch movies until I pass out. Then high school happened, that stuff just wasn't cool anymore.", Eddie just pulls him into his side, gives him small kiss on the temple. He knows all too well what it's like to have a shit father too.
"Well we're going to change that Pumpkin make this our new tradition. Mom did this with me up until she passed, Wayne and I carried on with it after that, now I get to share it with you.", he reminiscences before pressing another kiss to my cheek and going in to grab a pumpkin to hand it to me and grab the other before closing the door.
"You're such a sweetheart, you know that? My knight in shining armor", I say as we make it into the house. "Only the best for you my liege," he smiles back, if their hands weren't full he playfully swoon into his arms.
Setting up at the kitchen table, Eddie had laid out newspaper and utensils to carve and scrape out the inwards. They come up with designs, Eddie of course meticulous with detail. When he sticks his hand to pull out the guts, it's definitely a weird experience. He has to remind himself that the Upside Down is gone that this thing won't bury its teeth in and drag him under.
He looks at Eddie, his tongue sticking out at the corner of his mouth and the look of determination is enough to push all those bad thoughts away. He's such a kid at heart, and he really loves this man for it. He settles with something that would make Laurie Stroude proud, which is fitting for the movie he brought. Eddie makes sure to save the seeds to rinse, salt, and cook for Wayne later. Tea lights are lit and put into the finished jack-o-laterns. Eddie has out done himself with a tall tower with a dragon wrapped around it. Light shines through the tower window. Eddie takes a snapshot with his Polaroid camera to preserve the memory.
They settle in with a bowl of chili that always hits the spot with this chill in the air. Steve will have to tell Wayne later this one was for the books as he sets his bowl to rub his stomach. Once Eddie finishes he picks both bowls up to set in the sink to soak and wash later. He hurries back to Steve on the couch resuming his spot cuddled up to him.
Steve laces their fingers together, bringing them to his lips to kiss Eddie's knuckles, "Thank you sweetheart, I really needed this."
"Anything for you pumpkin," he grins before pulling him closer to kiss him properly. They settle in for the night eventually dozing on the couch.
When Wayne gets home he smiles getting out of the truck. Lights dimly flickering in the pumpkins on the porch brings a warm smile to his face. Going in he's sure to be quiet, his boys asleep on the couch. Taking Steve's glasses off and putting them on a nearby table before pulling a blanket over the both of them. He's happy deep down seeing Eddie find someone who understands him, he was reluctant at first, but over time he could see Steve needed and loved him just as much. And with that he turns off the kitchen light and calls it a night knowing this house finally feels like a home.
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Like What You See?
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A reflection shows much more than what's on the outside but what is going on beneath the gaze regarding the one who's staring back.
Is it disdain of seeing a stranger from what time lost familiarity to or the watchful gaze of a lover to reunite the reflection with its bearer?
Written off the prompt "Like What You See?"
This story is mature content! 18+ only! It contains lots of descriptive spice, crazed passion and self loathing. You have been properly warned!
I spent way too much time on this to get it close to satisfactory as I could! Story is under the cut, wordcount is roughly 8400. It's a thorough story but worth it I promise. 😅👀😏
After coming through the door and offloading his hat and cane on the hook, Ebenezer took notice by short glance the inhabitant's garments were not already hung indicating he was still gone. Ebenezer groaned as he rubbed the back of his neck, forlorned in the emptiness that brought but steadfast in his persuit to the bedroom regardless. His tired, weary eyes tracked their way across the the grandeur spanse of his lover's flat to the bedroom looking forward to a moment to destress the long day away of closing accounts, offsetting others and the consistent griping of interests that accrued off debts he came to collect.
Maintaining his hardened, stoic decorum to put on a portrayal of strict modest severity waned heavily on his body and mind over time, where now he just wanted to shed that armor and unguard himself without the worry of social scrutiny. To let himself be *him* personally, what he was so careful no one caught notice of and dared thought him be weak.
Well, almost no one...
That thought made him tug a small smile as his guarded walls caved while he mentally shed the heavy armor letting his eyes soften to a dull sweetness as he took in the atmosphere.
Scrooge wasn't a man to be impressed by flaunted luxury dangled about to gain someone's attention, he found it disdainful infact, but his lover wasn't like that. This was his personal space he was allowed access to and was his lover's to spend his money how he pleased. He never tried to win Ebenezer over by it in a flashy style, the doctor certainly would see that as cheap and tasteless. For him it was a persuit of a different kind, one of wit. Ebenezer found that quite humbling in a way which made the opportunities when his lover did press gifts on him, what he shuttered at the price of, truly meaningful. It was something done out of special attention to his interest rather than to gain influence.
Regardless to the sophisticated air he wasn't used to, it felt nice coming here on ocassion as it was admittedly much more cosy than his own home. It was a space that proclaimed intellectualistic elegance and scholarly charm yet in an intimate fashion meant to bring one at ease, it was a far cry from Ebenezer's dusty emptiness of the massive space he called his own.
No detail here was gone unattended to in the meticulous doctor's abode. Highly polished, lavished furnishings of mahogany and rosewood decorated the space covered with plush upholstery and fine leather, anything one could ever dream of wanting. It was always so invitingly warm inside with a soft scent of whatever was in season, currently it was apples and cherries with an aroma of fresh lavender. It was a fragrancy that encouraged relaxation, what he readily looked forward to rewarding himself with.
Yet it also felt equally rewarding that he was finally given his own key in order to do so... He rolled the piece of brass, strung to his pocket by a chaitlaine, about his fingers like a keepsake in deep thought as his passive stare regard it warmly sentimental.
It was an act that took a monumental level of trust and showed much garnered appreciation he never thought he would have again, or ever in this aspect, from another person -particularly one as scrupulous as the doctor. The little gesture of both having exchanged pieces of metal was deeply signifying to him, it was far more than a door opener. It demonstrated an unbreakable bond and commitment between two people, as much as they could represent. One that was hard earned but that made it deeply gratifying to possess now as he dropped the heavily embellished mortise key in his welt pocket for safe keeping.
Not that Francis Osman really gave him the same approach. He had come inside his dwelling when he damn well pleased to deliver a passionate rousting,
not that Ebenezer tried to stop him... but it was getting abit much...
Ebenezer simply gave him a key to save on the stress of it. Yet it took an endeavor to get the same in return, something that upset him at first, but he also understood the sensitive nature of value in both monetary and the research held inside the man's personal quarters that would spell devastation if it was misappropriated by a turncoat. Ebenezer knew what was free to access and what was to be kept off limits, his personal study being the only limit, and he was trusted to respect that.
Yet the most rewarding factor was the fact the man being who he was and how closely he monitored others in his private spaces, trust him in this way without his presence. It felt lovingly validating as he knew the man never confer that to anyone before. It made that piece of brass the most valuable thing he owned.
Entering the bedroom, the first article of clothing to liberate himself of was a small but impactful one. He thread his fingers through the satin loops of the cravat that held his high color snugly about his neck. He loosened the knot absent-mindedly and pulled the constricting garment away to toss over the bedside chair as he welcomed the rush of crisp air against his throat with a small sigh. He popped the top button of his high collar to allow more relief.
He closed his eyes as he tugged the next confining layer off his shoulders and down his arms as he tossed the heavy tailcoat onto the bedside chair as well. Already feeling at ease, he went to unbutton the waistcoat as he opened his eyes to look down at himself in his own regard feeling modestly confident to do so.
He undone the four buttons as he peeled the form fitted, thick piece of clothing away and off his shoulders with a deep sigh of relief as fresh air reached through the thin linen shirt he was only wearing now, allowing his skin underneath to breathe.
He did enjoy how this layered attire tucked away some of his features he knew used to be firm and tight what no longer were. The wear of his age progressed and wore on him bitterly cruel to his mind but there was nothing to be done against time lost but try to conceal and not focus on it. He would just reliesh in the refreshing feeling to be free in the private comforts of such a privileged personal space.
As his next objective was to free his feet of his tightly laced spat boots his next following this was the ornate, mahogany marble poster bed in the center of this room. One he spent many an intimate moment in, but now simply craved languishing in the contentment of its soft, lush sheets. Yet as he kicked off his heeled shoes and passed the large mirror atop the dresser in this process of self relishment, he stopped in his tracks. He gave himself a hard, long look as his restful ready smile began to fade the more he looked in the mirror, scrutinizing himself without sympathy as he turned at all angles. Not appreciating the man he saw in the reflection without the image imagined as his ideal form.
He was drawn in further like a hare to a baited snare as he approached the reflection to lean forward and thread a worried hand through his hair then down the side of his face with a heavy sigh.
He had been feeling good about himself at least until now but he also couldn't stop looking no matter the want to as he held in place while the snare tightened.
Internally dwealing, he waned on all the years he lost just coasting through life, taking time for granted so carelessly, until the day he looked up to ready himself in the mirror one day and saw a man no longer youthful but aging what almost felt overnight. Grey hair had replaced his almond brown locks with a recede as it consumed the color all down his body. His vibrant blue eyes had dulled to pale slate and the hair along his face had started turning white, mercilessly draining even the grey along his temples, ever slowly consuming what color was left at all.
Ebenezer made a soft noise with a somber stare. He looked about like Marley now when he first started working for him just... tirder... Heavier circles under his eyes with more stress marks along their crevices and deep frown lines.
He couldn't understand how this could be a picture of appeal...
Which was why he tried to avoid regards in mirrors, outside of his focused preening. Particularly long ones such as this, because he knew where his thought patterns would lead as the person staring back at him felt like a stranger.
The outside didn’t match the way he felt inside and he found it depressing each time.
Even the hand that was examining his features hadn't escaped time as he glanced down at it through the reflection with an expression like it wasnt his own. Deep palm lines cut into his skin and along the back with wrinkles forming along the skin of his grip.
"Like what you see as much as I do?" The sharp raspy tone of Francis Osman cut the silence so close it made Ebenezer jump. He hated the soft natured talent the man had to almost manifest into a room without sound, he would never get used to it. Taking a quick gander at his well dressed attire, he assumed the man had just arrived home, saw his things by the door and went stealth as a fox on the hunt to purposely stir a fluster out of him. He was successful.
"Not particularly... nor do I necessarily understand how." Ebenezer's brow wrinkled at the disturbance to his self scrutiny but did allow a soft sideways gaze conveying his welcome more than language could. Something they both found mutually at ease to do with another, transfer conversation through expression alone.
"Are you saying I don't have good taste then?" Francis cocked a high brow yet shot a warned expression that he knew what the man was doing in here as he went so quiet.
Scrooge gave a bemused stare before scowling at him as he snipped defensively. "What does that have anything to do with my God given right to be critical about myself?"
"It's good to be attentive but sometimes one can be too critical in doing it..." Francis raised both brows with a heedful exchange. He slipped behind him, regarding an intense stare through the reflection as Ebenezer tried to ignore him and continued to examine himself, his hairline, the sides of his face. It was a through inspection, yet not completely in vain as Francis remarked observantly with a flat tone. "Your dysmorphic preoccupation is obsessed with perceived flaws in your appearance. It is such a repetitive behavior of yours to a point you don't know how you truly look, just what you think you see..."
Ebenezer huffed deeply with a sardonic glare. "Thank you Francis, I am aware. I don't need an analyzation of my frets right now..." He expelled a frustrated sigh as he returned to his inspection.
"Do you think I would have moved half way around the world for any old thing?"
Ebenezer cut a hard stare to him with a pause. "Well... You did..."
The fox moved to break the hare from a snare of its own mind as Francis tsked. "Ebenezer, you are your worst enemy..." He moved closer to rub Ebenezer's shoulders as his hands slip over his chest to pull at the remaining buttons of his shirt. Clearly to illicit a distraction, which was accomplished.
Ebenezer huffed annoyed as he tried to brush them away. "Francis, what are you doing? Quit that. What?-...No..." He finished with a whine at the realization of his undressing as his shoulders went slack. He only exchanged a very expressive pleading look though their reflection to stop yet doesn't try to halt him as Francis continued to unbutton the shirt.
"Why?" Francis chimed whimsically only looking up briefly from his task.
"I just want don't want you to..." Ebenezer exhaled pitifully.
"Want me to what?..."
"You know what..." Ebenezer spoke flat lowering his brows with a stare that conveyed all he needed to explain.
Francis hummed. "You don't like looking at yourself yet you can't hardly be pulled away when you do... I find that hard to believe you can't see what I do..." The side of his mouth twist a smirk, Ebenezer's reflection shot a petulant stare to that.
"There is a big difference in perspective of what I see and you see. I'm realistic in my appearance, you just see something to get perverted with..." He heard Francis chuckle not denying that fact as he felt fingers surround his neck to trace the legnth as they dipped under the stiff material, pulling it back. Ebenezer tried to ignore this as he half shrugged, giving himself a quick glance, before looking away with a knit brow. "So it troubles me sometimes... we all have our faults... its... more than just vanity... alot goes through my mind when I see myself..."
Ebenezer sighed roughly with a frown as he snapped himself out of his thoughts. He tried to slap away the hands that returned to undoing the shirt.
"...I also don't want to watch whatever you're planning on doing infront of this mirror to try and convince me agains't what my eyes see just fine." He glanced back through their reflection resistently yet his cheeks reddened slightly. "That's obscenely uncomfortable..."
"I never said anything about sex..."
Ebenezer barked a laugh with a cynical stare. "If I take my clothes off anywhere around you, I have learned too damn well to know what to expect. You can't control yourself."
"Have you ever complained before?"
"Mm, fair enough... Well, if you were not so stunningly attractive, do you think that would be such a problem?" He shot an alluring glare to his reflection, one that was dangerously seductive and Ebenezer knew it all too well. It was one he found himself held captive to break free from as his mind twist in conflictions.
"...I... don't know... You... You're twisting my words, stop it." Ebenezer exchanged a heated stare before looking away, still uncomfortable with the whole idea.
Francis undone the final button of the linen shirt, resting just over Ebenezer's sternum, as he tugged the material to the side and over his shoulder. Revealing an expanse of pale skin and part of his chest, he rubbed a hand along the warm flesh of Ebenezer's bare shoulder to dip into the wide split V of his stretched collar. Artful fingers brushed through the soft dusting of chest hair underneath as they came around his pectoral form to tease the nipple making Ebenezer flinch from that with a soft, irritated grunt.
"I'm not hearing any complaining." Francis purred through a low rasp.
Ebenezer exchanged a depressive look with troubled brows though the reflection towards him. "When you're this determined, would it matter if I did?"
"My, my what a face... I'm not forcing you just... giving you a little encouragement..." Francis purred behind him as he applied a reassuring kiss to the back of his neck.
Ebenezer swallowed hard, only staring off into the reflection as Francis gathered the material up and pulled it over his head, then forward past his broad shoulders then arms, exposing more and more smooth, pale flesh. Yet as he popped the cuffs and slid them off the man's wrists to pull it away completely, Ebenezer gathered the material to his chest signaling resistance, the same somber look on his face.
"Oh, come on...." Francis spoke with a sedative lull to his tone as he kissed along Ebenezer's neck from back to side with a cunning stare. "Let me show you how beautiful you are..."
Ebenezer stared into the reflection uncomfortably but after a moment of tug a war with the garment, he sighed softly, looking away and let it go. "I can't believe you're making me do this... this is embarrassing..." He barely murmured over a soft breath, brows tensing in resentment.
"It's your body, there's nothing to be embarrassed by it, especially one as lovely as yours." Ebenezer made a small scoff to that looking away as he felt an insisting squeeze to his shoulders. "Now... What do you see?"
Ebenezer huffed a hard sigh through his nostrils, not wanting to look at first, as he rocked his head back to the mirror and gave himself a judgemental regard before rocking his head back to the man behind him. "Do want me to be honest or say what you want me to?"
"Don't be a smart ass."
Ebenezer sighed with an eye roll as he looked back with a languid stare, slate eyes fluttering over his naked torso with a frown. "I see a worn down 50 year old man who should really put a shirt back on..."
"Something positive..." Francis voice went flatly unamused.
Ebenezer's head snapped back as he groused. "What? That wasn't negative, its simply a fact!"
"You know what I meant..." Francis gave him a gentle push from behind.
Scrooge exhaled another sigh as he examined himself again for a moment. "...I'm thin." He half shrugged.
"A bit too thin because you refuse to eat regularly but it's a start."
"I gave it an effort, now who's being critical?" He turned to glare venom over his shoulder.
"No, that was honestly." Francis retort as Ebenezer grunt with a hard stare trying not to show the scathed vulnerability that remark caused as he knit a deep scowl. With a huff he went to move away from the mirror as he was seized quickly. "Ah ah, get back here." Ebenezer gave a pout but complied as Francis even tone spoke affirmed. "That was out of concern for your health, not a scrutinal one. I much adore your figure actually... I just wish you would care more for yourself is all." Fingertips flutter along his sides making Ebenezer twitch as Francis purred with a growing smile, studying him. "I could name all the things I like about what I see if you cannot... hmm... infact..." He hummed warmly nipping Ebenezer's earlobe what the man visibly expressed a sneer as he tried to pull away. Yet as he tried, Francis pinned his thighs between the dresser and himself as he slipped his hands over Ebenezer's wrists to hold him in place. There was a mild protest to that as Ebenezer cut his eyes away from the reflection, his face resentful but he didn't attempt to fight back as his shoulders dropped in defeat. Francis smiled as he studied this, his chin resting in the bend of Ebenezer's neck and shoulder. "How about... you let me do that and we go from there?"
"Go from there?..." Ebenezer parroted the words as his eyes stared off into the reflection with a discerning gaze back to him. "I do believe I am being set up..."
"Now you're being facetious." Francis grinned as he gave Ebenezer's frame a squeese, the man's expression still not swayed as he continued. "Now... hmm..." Francis hummed thoughtfully, keen eyes flicker over the man infront of him for a moment. "I see a beautiful set of slate blue, very expressive, eyes... Do you like your eyes?"
"Other than they seem to betray my very thoughts, I suppose..." Ebenezer glanced up, a soft sparkle in their centers revealing his delight to that compliment. He seemed to realize this and shield them away quickly, knowing this to be a fact.
Feeling himself being regarded with fine detail, Ebenezer's hands broke free to cross over his chest bashfully yet Francis pulled them back down agains't Ebenezer's objection but he relented, huffing a sigh with a stern glare but nothing else. The man's intense gaze bore a considerable weight, enough Ebenezer felt it burning into his skin. It was one he wouldn't dare meet knowing it would be his undoing as he swallowed hard and cut his eyes away.
"I see a squared face shape accented nicely with a wide jawline sculpted by soft, silky hair that frames your lips and strong chin... It makes those eyes quite prominent and emphasizes your smile... when you allow yourself to show one, that is..." He brushed the back of his hand along the sharp curve of Ebenezer's face as he brushed through the hair chiseling his jawline. He passed a finger over his lips making Ebenezer recoil slightly but he did offer a faint smile to it, Francis continued. "Hmm, I also see sharp, high cheekbones that accent your Roman nose very handsomly and soft, dense heavy silk that crowns your face. It's slicked back with a clean scent of pomade creating an arch of bangs forming a swooping, crashing wave..." Francis fingertips brushed along these features as he explained them like a medium to a canvas, pulling a small smile from the man as he grinned shyly, his face reddening. Francis finished his trail by threading his hand through the back of Ebenezer's heavy locks, relishing the texture and the way Ebenezer hummed to his hair being played with. "Don't you agree?"
"I don't know..." Ebenezer barely spoke, only stealing quick glances from his now very flushed face. "Maybe..."
"Alright, well clearly you need more convincing...." Francis hands trailed the elements as he explained further. "I see a slender but strong neck with pronounced muscles within it. A sharp set of clavicle bones that connect your chest creating the platform for a set of firm, square shoulders. A slim but toned torso with an ideal curved chest and soft dusting of hair that decorates it. It is firm, with subtle glandular tissue under two pale, pink areolas..." Francis hands slipped down his form as he teased the curly hair and gave his chest a squeese making Ebenezer grunt stiffly with an uncomfortable squirm to the odd sensation yet he kept quiet as Francis continued. "I see a smooth abdomen with a soft hint of a happy trail that darkens the lower it goes..." His fingers traveled down the soft path of hair that became more coarse the lower they descend making Ebenezer's muscles ripple there as the sensation sent a warm stir down his belly the closer they got to his core. He took a deep breath while the man persisted exploring. "This is paired nicely with a narrow, svelte waist that's sharply accented by hips covered in solid thigh muscles..." Francis fingers rest along the dips in Ebenezer's pelvic bones with a fluttering tease making him jump from the hypersensitivity that skin had. The sensation forced a loppy smile to twist with a small snicker as Ebenezer squirmed making himself all the more blood-red. A mischievous simper grew on Francis face as he rest over his shoulder watching that. "I know of more ample features southward but you're still wearing trousers..." One hand fell back to slide down the curve of Ebenezer's backside with a cupping motion as his voice turns sharply metallic. "Do you need more convincing?"
"Mm, so you want my trousers off just so you can keep describing me?..." Ebenezer hummed staring into the mirror thoughtfully, now with much softer eyes.
"Do you want me to stop? Perhaps you have something positive to say now to take over..."
"No, no keep going..." He teased a small smile with eyes that tempted devilry. "You're far better at it than I would be..."
Francis smiled with a leer as he released a husky hot breath along Ebenezer's neck that gave the man a stir in his chest. "Very well... though that could land you in some trouble..."
"Oh dear, would it? How dreadful..." Ebenezer hummed warmly, staring through the reflection and playing alarm with a rebellious smile that teased teeth.
There was a heavy handed squeeze to his ass in response to such leaking sarcasm, making Ebenezer lerch forward with a sharp inhale. The hand resting on his hip then snaked down his inner thighs, teasing the form between them causing a grunt to expell out of the man who was trying hard to remain resistant. Lips brush against his throat line feeling the pulse beneath with a purr into his ear. "Or I can just show you..." Francis cut a predatory stare at him through the mirror that gave Ebenezer chills in a most raw way.
"Hmm, I don't know..." Scrooge grinned as he leaned back into his lover, his head resting in the bend of his shoulder as he revealed the full legnth of his neck. He applied a soft grind of friction against the warm body behind him as he stared the man down through the reflection behind him with sultry bedroom eyes. "I might be convinced if you keep going..."
Francis growled, lowering his head to inhale the sweetly spiced scent trails along the exposed legnth of neck made vulnerable to him. "Mm, is that so.. Who's the one who can't contol themselves now?..."
"Oh that's still you, I'm not doing a damn thing. You're the one who's getting handsy..." Ebenezer grinned with a chiding tone as he continued to ever so slighly grind into him. "I simply asked for compliments..." He cut his eyes through the reflection with a demure exchange.
"Mmm, you dirty tease... Don't play innocent..." Francis growled, his deep blue eyes darkening as his head dipped forward, his metallic voice deepening. He nipped the legnth of his neck making Ebenezer stifle out a groan he tried to hold in.
Francis paused to give the heat of Ebenezer's neckline a soft inhale again, rolling the sweetly spiced scent of his natural musk through his olfactories, his eyes sharpened from the chemistry detected. Its naturally sweet, vanilla-spiced redolence was permiating the air around him with seasoned vigor and strong eros, an enticing signal to come satisfy. What Francis, in his animalistic reaction to it, responded with his equally wanting signal back.
"The scent of your erotic carnality is melting off of you with a warm ardor." He growled while exhaling the intoxicating scent slowly through his lips to savor it again through taste. "I could decimate you, see what you've done?..." He pulled Ebenezer's hips hard against his loins to let the man feel the tented arousal pulse agains't him. Like Ebenezer already didn't know. "You've been grinding yourself agains't me wanting to be railed like an animal in heat and you're about to make me give it to you like one."
"Mmm, all that from a smell?" Ebenezer hummed amused with a chuckle and snarky grin. "You already are an animal, nose and all. That is simply another fact-"
His voice cracked; however, as the little nips along the tender flesh of his neck turned to a hard bite. Ebenezer cried out, yet not necessarily in pain, as his body limply caved. If not for the hands holding his weight about his axis prone, he would have went to the floor.
Ebenezer crashed forward onto the dresser with a wet gasp as Francis bent forward to follow him, not letting go, making the furniture rock from the impact as Ebenezer held onto its edge for dear life. He felt his knees buckling from the latching drawl to his throat that sent shivers down him in a wild, warming rush of heat to spark fire in his nethers.
"Bloody hell..." He gasped out barely through a despirate breath of air to cool his heating core.
Ebenezer looked up to his reflection seeing how red faced he was now and breaking sweat across his forehead and chest. His bangs had broke loose from the hard motion forward and swung in his face. He watched as his lover staked a claim to his neck so ferverously wild like the man was attempting to consume him. Ebenezer cut his eyes away and simply breathed, his own trousers having become uncomfortably tight. This action alone had sent his state of semi-firm arousal from teasing, to rock solid with the skin pulling back to its full legnth within seconds.
The more it persisted so feverently commanding him, Ebenezer felt himself boiling to a throbbing ache as he swallowed hard and tried to keep the noise this exploit from him to a minimum. He was slightly resentful how well this move entrapped him into immediate subdual and made him so pliable to a level he felt he would bend to any wish wanted while it was being done to him. It was as lethal as a gun to his head but worse, this took all his sensibilities away and left him lost in a fog of euphoric wantonness...
It was also definitely going to leave a smarting mark he would struggle to hide yet he was in no means capable of, or wanting, to stop it. Ebenezer's body yield into the declaration entirely as he rocked agains't the rolling of hips that pressed the hardened length agains't his backside. Its legnthy form throbbed, craving the friction he could provide.
This luring draw of motion caused him to cut his eyes back to their reflection again as Ebenezer watched the hand that had been teasing his loins now slip up his stomach and dip into his trousers while the other made quick work of the buttons to drop the clothing to the floor. It was damn near impressive to watch, the man was skilled with his hands, there was no denying that.
It was also sensual just to see him work with his fingers in such an artful way. Powerful hands that showed great dexterity of a surgeon capable of malice to carve through flesh with such brutality yet could be so skillfully smooth on a lover. It was exciting to watch in fact, the anticipation his spectatation caused set fire to his arousal all the more as he observed the final bit of clothing drop off his hips.
The hand slipped around and firmly grasped the base of his freed member as Ebenezer bit his tongue to keep from screaming from the firey energy that action pulsed through him. Instead he bucked back into the hard form behind him with a wounded groan, and by the motion of fabric being undone about it, he knew was being freed for him.
Once freed, Ebenezer felt the pronounced shaft pulse a burning heat between his thighs that transfered to his own as he held his breath in anxious anticipation. Those same fingers are the only thing to touch him; however, as they return to caress his curves from behind and gently trail up his thighs to dip between his legs. Two broad digits slip up inside him unforgivingly but with great ease.
He had to admit the sight of this happening to him in this reflection did excite him wildly but he would never utter such a shameful admittance. Yet it was becoming ever difficult to rip his eyes away from the regard, the more intense it got. What more as he saw Francis produce a small vile of oil from his personage and dip his fingers into it. The subtle action made Ebenezer shiver at the intimate signal it declared as he heard fabric jostle loose behind him.
Ebenezer's eyes widened with a gasp and a frail cry but he spread his thighs further apart, invitingly. His heart pound like a war drum in his chest as the erotic pain ebbed away to a burning ache. A bolt of pleasure surged through him as the digits drove deeper, past the knuckles to collide across his prostate, sending him rocking forward with a wail of platitudes.
Seeing his pupils dilate to a wild carnality in his reflection while he rode this pleasure, sent Ebenezer to bend his head downward and let out a low, rolling growl, staring himself down with feral intensity.
"Mmm... what a wild thing you are... You're loving this, aren't you..." He heard purred in his ear with a tone of sheer raw venery as Francis released his neck to nip at his lobe, capturing every moment. "You sound like you need a demon let out of you..."
"I got a devil trying to get in is more like it." Ebenezer stifled out through a sharp, wounded noise as he took in a breath, still shivering from the unforgiving assault to his sensitive organ that persisted. He redirect that same ferine stare through the reflection toward him as he was being worked over.
Francis chuckled with a sinister grin that rivaled Luicifer himself. "Perhaps it's that you like seeing me fuck you." His eyes cut at him through the mirror with a knowing glare. "It excites you. You're leaping in my hand and your pulse is like wild horses." He lapped his tongue across his neck to taste the wound he left behind making Ebenezer whimper. With the fingers deep in their punishing rythym, Francis tugged the two digits forward inside him in a calling way, making Ebenezer almost choke as he shuttered in response. "I'm right, aren't I? Just say it..."
Scrooge grunt with a hardened expression, looking away. "Of course I am! You got half your hand up my ass tempting me and my bodies reacting to it!" He growled out, his entire self quivering in his churning boil.
"Do you not like it? You're riding my fingers like an animal. These digits are skilled but damn... its not even my cock yet." He twitched his fingers inside Ebenezer again making him shiver with a shaky cry as the man's wild eyes dart back to their reflection while Francis observed him further. "You seem enamored with your reflection watching me do this to you... Just can't take your eyes away just as before, but now, you find pleasure in looking at yourself, excited by the sight of your aroused nakedness being ravished..." His eyes leered piercing into him like the devil himself read his mind, so much so Ebenezer had to look away as he grunt under such a gaze.
"Just don't stop..." He barely request, a deeply mortified look on his face from the accusation but he didn't deny it.
Just then, the fingers that were causing such fire removed as Ebenezer whined in protest for them to be replaced. Yet with an adjust and a hard thrust as those fingers firmly grasped his hips, they were as his lover's solid shaft drove straight into him.
Ebenezer yelped out from the startling pressure of his channel being filled so quickly as he wretched, quivering uncontrollably. He clenched his eyes shut as hot tears sprung to his eyes against the sudden overcrowding invasion, yet he arched his back and thrust backward, further impaling himself. The burning pain warped to an erotic one as the member filling him rammed his prostate hard sending him throwing forward again, now spinning in a flurry of blazing euphoria.
"God!..." Ebenezer wailed out through a gasp of air that ended in a broken cry.
"Yes?" Francis purred behind him in a seductive lull.
Ebenezer glared dazed bewilderment into the reflection as he struggled to stay coherent. "...That was horrid..." He choked out. "If anything, you're the true devil incarnate." He snipped, his voice quite high in his distress.
Francis smiled viciously pleased by that. "Well at this current moment, am I not your God?... Though I suppose if you wish... worship such as this fits the devil quite nicely, it's practiced even..." With another hard thrust he fully entered him as Ebenezer whined out caught between rapture and misery. He felt his cock leap in the tight grip that offered no friction, his precum held inside by tight fisted denial as the rocking motion continued deep inside his viscera endlessly stimulating him. The aching pulse intensified, setting his core to blaze in bridled agony as he felt himself boiling over, threatening to destroy his grip on reality if denied any further. All the while, Francis continued humming temptations in his ear. "So be it God or Devil of your choosing, I can give you all the pleasure you want, all you have to do is pray to me for it..."
"I'm going to... please..." Ebenezer barely managed to whimper out through a long drawl. His head lulled dizzily as he gasp for air staring back into the reflection pleading, his face blood red and in tears. His hair clung to his face and mingled with sweat and saliva.
"Hmm... I believe that was a combination of both an acknowledgement and a request, please be more specific..." Francis lulled with an edge of amusement.
Scrooge groaned out in frustration as he spoke between despirate gasps for air. "Hard to- talk with you -buried up my ass!" He cried out again as the shaft pulled half way out to rammed hard over his spot stimulating him over and over until the reflection he was looking at started to blur dizzily. The constraining force built to intolerable duress as he felt he might faint from the maddeningly, pressurized need for release that was held captive. "I can't take it anymore! Please!" Ebenezer rocked agains't the hand that held his member so tightly, not allowed even his own devoted friction to slide the skin between it and escape the erotic torture.
None was given as only fingertips began to relentlessly tease the nerves under the head, taking full advantage in the knowledge being uncut these nerves were wildly sensitive. He was just edged along a hairbreadth from climax over and over for what felt like an eternity in hell as his whole body shook violently.
Sweat rolled down his forehead and dripped from his soaked hair across his face as he pant heavy breaths, despirate for relief from the fire incinerating his core as the licking lusty flames became agonizing in his roused state what felt a brush away from despirate relief. He could barely take in a breath as he swallowed hard to form words he knew was demanded.
"Your taunting is burning me alive!... Please, I'm right on the cusp...Please, I need it... Please, give me relief..." He managed more submissively as his slate eyes cut through the reflection expressively pleading for release.
"Mmm, how I love the sight of you begging..." Francis eyes sharpened dangerously with a carnal growl. One deep enough it rumbled through the man beneath him as the hand along his hip gripped tightly, nails digging into the tender flesh.
"Stop..." Ebenezer groaned out loudly with a wail while panting his breath, writhing in his need.
"Stop?" Francis tilt his head curiously as his rythym slowed and the hand about Ebenezer's cock started to pulled away with a fluttering tease of fingers. "You want me to stop?..."
"NO!!! Don't, please!- Ugh..." Ebenezer whined out pitifully, wild eyes dart about in delirium for a moment, terrified at the thought of being left like this. "You're confusing me - stop torturing me, please!..." He plead out with a loud whimper.
"Please what?" Francis coerced as Ebenezer grunt uneasily, writhing about in his conflagration like he was truly burning. "Look at the reflection and tell me exactly what you need..." Francis purred as he leaned down to kiss a trail at his heated neckline and intake his despirate lustfulled redolence. He paused a moment to admire the sweat slickened back muscles ripple as Ebenezer's spine twist in his internal battle.
"Francis, please..." Ebenezer whined pitifully, utter humiliation on his face making him flush more, if it were even possible.
"Say it or you're not getting it..." Francis tone spoke through a metallic rasp. "My endurance can roll you across coals for the next hour if necessary."
Ebenezer whimpered resistently with a brief struggle, gasping his breath as he blinked back tears from his blood-rushed face. Reluctantly, he shot his eyes into their reflection with a sigh. Sheepishly cutting his eyes to him, he surrendered to despirately plead with demeaning language that made him knowingly uncomfortable. "...Please let me cum...."
Mildly pacified Francis hummed with a raised brow. "Do you like the sight of yourself in the mirror now?"
"Yes!" Ebenezer wailed.
"How about you tell the reflection what you like..." His smile grew with a hard stare.
Ebenezer grunt out miserably at the insistence of more but he was despirate as he continued with a subdued stare and said whatever he thought would get him past this hurdle. "I love it when you finger fuck me, it s-stimulates me wild. I love it when you edge me senseless and fuck my ass hard."
Francis chortled with an expression of suprise through the reflection. "Mmm, my my. I would have settled for you simply complimenting yourself but that is satisfyingly relishing to hear..." He licked his lips with a lusty grin.
Ebenezer whined out loudly, despirately whimpering from his humiliation and scorching, roused confusion. "Please, please let me cum now..." He plead hard, writhing needful. "I did what you wanted. Please..." He whimpered into nonsensical frailties.
A lecherous grin grew. "Of course, my sweet little pet who loves getting his ass fucked hard..."
Ebenezer snarled a venomous exchange with a bitter growl in response to that but felt his member squeezed hard as he shivered, losing all sense of anger as he was slammed forward and drove into even harder by quick sucessions until his vision was violently spinning. Ebenezer rocked his hips against the motion as he felt his shaft being stroked now, a thumb massaging the delicate nerves of his swelled, throbbing head as built up precum was allowed to pool out as the skin rocked past it in quick, violent rythyms.
Shamefully lured, Ebenezer glanced up to watch this spectacle, to see himself being manipulated and being ground hard into. The observation of that was all it took to send him over the edge in a flash of vibrant colors.
He cried out with a quiver, doubling forward as his abdomen muscles clenched to a point they quaked. White, erotic agony rushed hot causing pure blazing energy to flood over him like a crushing heatwave as he released copious amounts in the hand and across the surface below him intensely.
After spending the last dregs he could out of his debilitating climax, Ebenezer collapsed forward, gasping air as his woosy lust-crazed mind absently dissappeared into dazed beatitude. His body now limp in the man's grip as he continued to drive into him, both hands now latched on his hips.
The still rapid convulsions of his internal muscles spasming wildly through his channel finished off his lover as Francis growled with a low purr as he leaned over Ebenezer, emptying heat into him. Thrusting deep inside his vitals to ensure it stayed there as Ebenezer yelped weakly to the roughness in his sensitive state while he was still being fed off the crests of his fierce orgasm.
Laying there Ebenezer felt the hot viscous, fluid pour into him as he only breathed and tried to come back from the foggy haze what held him helplessly interned in its depths. In this state of limbo, he rest his cheek along the refreshingly cool, hardwood surface, still seeing stars.
After his final thrusts ensuring he had fully inundated his deep insides, Francis finally took in a recouping breath as he leaned forward to kiss the back of Ebenezer's neck. He continued to hold the man up by his hips as he doubt Ebenezer could stay upright on his own now.
Weakly shaking, Ebenezer gasped out as Francis straightened causing the member still resting inside him to move about his insides as Francis gave him a soft pat to his rump. He pulled out with a slick noise making Ebenezer groan gutturally, partly in relief and partly feeling oddly empty inside now.
Leaning over the man, Francis stared into their reflection as he mussed his fingers through Ebenezer's soaked hair. He slipped his hand down the man's face to lift his head off the hardwood by fingers nestled under his chin to force eye contact through the mirror. All the while Ebenezer whined to being moved at all.
"See how well sexed you look in that reflection? Tell me that's not a thing of beauty." Francis voice lulled warmly seductive.
Ebenezer's lids barely open, still trying to catch his breath but he gave the reflection a serious regard. He saw the soft afterglow of sweat along his skin, his redden blood-rushed face, damp hair in strands about his head and in his face mingled with sweat, saliva and tears from the sheer exertion his body just ruptured. He huffed weakly with laced sarcasm but he tugged a faint smile. "That is an outright mess, that is what I see."
"Mm, well I see beauty. Perhaps a messy one but one I'm proud to have made love to such a state." Francis brushed his own shambled hair back over his ear as he leaned over Ebenezer again to trail his hand along his spine, following the twitching muscles under the skin. His hand then slipped around Ebenezer's side and underneath to hold his chest, feeling the strong heart pounding inside. "Now... Do you need me to carry you?" He grinned as he brushed the messy hair out of the man's face to regard him further. "Or are you going to try and walk to the bed like a newborn fawn?"
Ebenezer pant his breath, still weakly quivering, but he managed a disheveled, seething glare as his tone rolled husky gravel. "Do shut up..." He stared bitterly resentful the man above him was damn near unphazed by the same activity. "You're really proud of this, aren't you... tormenting me to such a state..." He weakly spoke between asthenic breaths.
"Particularly so, yes." Francis flashed an arrogant smile as his breathing was much more controlled. "You seem to enjoy it... Afterall, you yourself said you love being edged along and fucked hard." His grin grew still relishing in that admittance he would adoringly weaponize as an upset look of regret twist Ebenezer's face. "You love begging for it and being tormented along because it gives you such an intense moment like this, you can't deny it..."
"Ridiculous..." Ebenezer scoffed with a hard stare, not exactly refuting his avow. With a sore groan, he went to try and upright himself. Soon as he does so; however, his knees buckle, sending him jerking forward as ready hands quickly caught him about the waist. Ebenezer hesitated any further movement, his arms quivering as he gripped onto the wood surface with wide eyes as he thought a moment, panting softly.
It would be far more embarrassing to fall trying to be stubbornly independent so he conceded.
"On second thought... You did this to me, so yes, you carry me." He spoke masking his prostration with lofty arrogance.
"Of course..."
In one fluid swoop, Francis snagged him in a hoist, one hand caught under his knees as the other support his back to hold tight onto his side. Ebenezer startled a yelp to being lifted off the floor so unexpectedly quick as he clung onto Francis shoulders despirate for grounding balance. Ebenezer then gave him a stern side eye.
"You did that a little too well..." He stared at him, again resentfully. "I seem to hardly weight anything to you, I'm not that thin... I'm larger than the average man."
"Mm... You are quite light, I'm sorry to tell you hight doesn't add much in terms to body mass." Francis wavered with a smirk as Ebenezer frowned bitterly. "Though I am used to lifting dead weight bodies in the ward for my lecture preparations, it keeps me quite fit in between exercise."
Ebenezer stared at him queasily uneasy. "Please don't share something like that while you're holding me in a likewise manner..."
Francis huffed a chuckle but agreed as they continued across the room. When they moved past the desired bed; however, Ebenezer started to stir warily in his grip.
"Wait, the bed is over there- Francis! Where are you taking me-?!" He started to squirm, looking about frantically.
"The bath..."
"OH!" Scrooge groaned out with a growl and a hard shove. "You tricked me! I thought you were taking me to bed!"
Francis smirked, flashing teeth. "I did not, I never said I was taking you to the bed. I just assumed you would have taken yourself there."
"Obviously yes, I would have! Francis put me down now!" Ebenezer whined with a pout and a wriggling squirm, yet with the grip Francis had on him, he wasn't going anywhere. Too exhausted and physically spent to continue fighting, he surrendered but he didn't stop protesting. "Not right now, Francis please! Let me have a moment to recover from all that for God's sake!"
"You think I'm putting your sweaty, sordid mess on my good sheets? I think not." Francis retorted with a high brow side eyeing him.
Scrooge gasped with an icy stare. "How rude, you did this! Besides... I thought you were going on about how beautiful it was moments ago, now it's not?" He cocked a brow side eyeing him back.
"Not as far as cleanliness is concerned and I'm taking one with you. Come now, you'll enjoy it."
"I already have..." Ebenezer cut his eyes up to him smartly with a wicked grin.
"Now you're being cheeky."
"Hm... so... were taking a bath together?" His eyes narrowed with a hum rumbling in his throat. "Why do I feel like this is going to be more than a wash..." Francis grinned as Ebenezer groaned with a hard eye roll. "Christ, HOW?... No Francis please, I cannot..."
"We can take a nap afterward and I'll fix dinner when we wake up, you can enjoy a nice nightcap while you wait. How does that sound?" He spoke in a tantalizing lull Ebenezer always found so dangerously enticing.
Both brows raised at that offer as Ebenezer craned his head back slightly surprised. "A midday nap AND your cooking?" Ebenezer's eyes perked up immediately with excitement as he nulled his thoughts with a hum, bouncing a single leg in consideration. "Now that I could negotiate for..."
Francis chuckled with a tsk. "You are gratified by the most simplest things, Ebenezer. It's quite charming..." He kissed Ebenezer's forehead while they dissappeared into the wash room to draw a bath, luckily Francis home wasn't in short supply of ample hot water.
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