#i wish i could have clones just to give EVERYONE the support they work so hard to get but qshfe i guess i have to do things slow >:'Dc
yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
You're an awesome person, and though I say it (almost) every time I reblog your art, I'm gonna say it again. Your art is so good and awesome and pretty! And they way you improved is always so cool and amazing!
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DRAG!!! you sweet sweet kind amazing friend omg!!! :'Dc <3333
you've always been a constant from even BEFORE my blog so i don't know how you think you can just go around saying i'm cool when you're a thousand times more fantastic yourself!!! you absolute wonderful bean don't you ever think i don't think the same about your art if not more!! <3333333
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corvusalbus93 · 5 months
Thoughts & Feelings after the TBB Finale
Loved the show, but there are a couple of things I wish had been different/added. We still got damn good finale; pretty tense at times, action was great, Hemlock died (and Hunter and Crosshair got to do it together. Remember; sharing is caring), the way Rampart and Nala Se met their end, we even had a pretty happy ending for once, lots of good stuff.
However, I am disappointed Rex and his rebellion didn’t really play a part, despite being the reason Echo was gone for so much of the show and the screen time they got in season 2. They were also looking for Tantiss, determined to free their brother, so I’d been hoping Echo would manage to get a message out. Just imagine Rex with his boys showing up clutch, keeping troops occupied, evacuating the prisoners, giving the Batch the opening they need to get to Hemlock or something.
While I like how the show stayed focused on the Bad Batch, and didn’t drag in too many characters from other stories, this could have made Echo’s absence/working with Rex feel more vital. Maybe the Rex-storyline was dropped and they’re saving some of these plotlines for another Rex-centred show; those might also show when Wolffe switched sides or what happened to Cody, after he went AWOL.
Now, am I sad Tech is really dead? Yes and no.
While I am sick of every other character in Star Wars returning from the dead, part of me had hoped he’d survived somehow. As mentioned in previous posts, it felt like he died in the middle of his character arch (which his death certainly didn’t complete); Romar in the first episodes of season 2 gave him inside into the value of culture, and how people weren’t defined by what side they were on during the war. Phee added to this with her own love of history and culture...and then it didn’t go anywhere. They also teased the possibility of a romance with her, but it was ended with an awkward goodbye and we didn’t see her react to his death. She mentions him, but its business as usual for everyone at that point. Tech could have been on vacation the way everyone acted most of the time in season 3.
Seriously, the main reason I’m unsatisfied with his death is the lack of reaction and consequences in this season. Even in the episode he died in, it was kinda overshadowed by Omega’s abduction 5 minutes later. Not to mention that it ended with Emeri revealing she was her sister; you lost a science-inclined sibling with glasses? Well, don’t worry, here’s another. Bit overdramatic on my part, I know, but I really didn’t like that reveal, not at the time. Should have been in season 3.  Though honestly? Emeri didn’t need to be related to any of them; just have her be a not morally bankrupt person and the story wouldn’t have changed. She didn’t need to be related to the other kids to care about them, so what really was the point of her being another clone?
Going back to Tech, it’s a shame we didn’t see Crosshair or Phee react. Like, did Crosshair blame himself for what happened? I’m sure he did on some level, but we have not really seen it. Even in episode 5, when he argues with Hunter, Crosshair says he risked everything to send the message, but Hunter ignored him and allowed Omega to get abducted...but nothing about Tech’s death. They all just silently look down a few episodes later, when Tech is mentioned, and in the final episode Crosshair points out the team died with Tech. It’s something, but I wish there had been more. Maybe show different ways they deal with loss and how to support each other. Maybe Phee and/or Shep show them what funeral rites on Pabu are like, as a way to say goodbye to the departed. Compare how clones and civilians handle death, something like that. We had a little mourning in season 2, but again, was abruptly ended/undercut by Omega’s abduction.
Concerning consequences; the team operated pretty normally, once Crosshair was back with them. I think it would have added weight, if there had been more things they weren’t able to do at all without Tech. Really make his loss be felt/shown in the way they approach their missions, but there was only like one instance, when they were trying to find out about M-count and otherwise they operated pretty much as usual.
Now, even if Tech had survived there still should have been consequences. I have made posts like a year ago, talking about the possibility of him being permanently disabled (e.g. paralysed below hip/unable to walk), but still able to help the team, as his mind has always been his greatest asset. Still, I’m okay with him staying dead, so I’m not going expand on this further here.
Moving on, we never learned why Omega was created the way she was. We know why she was useful for Hemlock, but why did Nala Se made her to begin with? Did she have similar goals/did the Kaminioan have a similar project at some point? Was Emeri like a failed test-version of Omega? Just things I wish they had answered, rather than spending two episodes on finding out what M-count means, something the audience already knows.
Which brings me to my next point: why Ventress was in the show? The Batch found out what the M-count was, which honestly is a piece of information Shand could have given them at the end of her episode. Testing if Omega was force sensitive or the taming of that sea creature, didn’t set up anything in the finale as some suspected, so despite enjoying Ventress’ episode, I wish they’d used the time on other plot points. 
We also never did find out what exactly Project Necromancer tried to accomplish (though we got a good idea), or how close Hemlock was to achieving his breakthrough. Could have added tension, if we’d known how far along he truly was, added catharsis to see him fail so close to his goal.
Overall I’m not quite happy Omega got brought to Tantiss and escaped twice with minimal help (really undermining the place as a whole). Why did infiltrating Tarkin’s “summer home” feel more dangerous/consequential than the secret mountain-base they built up so much? I love we finally got a happy ending, but one named character on the good guys’ side should have died, not just nameless prisoners we only just met. This is where the clone rebellion could have come in, some sacrificing themselves, helping the Batch, or maybe have Phee (who felt underutilised) get shot down, after getting them to Tantiss.
If you’ve seen previous posts, you know I’m pretty mad about what they’ve done with Scorch overall. What happened in the final episode can be summed up like this:
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He’s unrecognizable from the games and books, to the point I wonder why they even bothered to include him. He didn’t even really do anything. Was it just because he was recognizable? And where is the rest of Delta? We never got closure concerning Sev and now this, a waste of a pretty fun character.
Speaking of clones working for Hemlock.
While I don’t mind the CX-clones being no one special, they had no personality, and except for CX-2 perhaps, no rivalries with the Batch either. They didn’t even get voice lines, so they looked cool for 5 minutes of screen time and died, but were pretty forgettable overall. They are this far down on my list, ‘cause I legit forgot about them. If only they’d been introduced sooner.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts. I still like the show and would recommend it to any Star Wars fan, but there were a few things I just needed to get off my chest.
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Hi friends! I rarely post here but with tonight being the final Bad Batch Eve, I thought I’d share how much this show has meant to me.
I grew up in a small town in Texas. I was never as outgoing as my brother. Often forgotten about. Bullied severely from elementary school to high school. I was never able to find anyone I could relate to. Never able to find anyone who shared my interests. Never really found my people.
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since before I can remember. Lucky for me, my dad is also a huge fan. His birthday also happens to be May 4th. (He jokes that he’s a real life Jedi). I remember October 3rd, 2008 so vividly. I was 10 years old. The premiere of The Clone Wars was a moment that I will never forget. I was so excited. In that moment, it didn’t matter that I didn’t have friends. The hateful things said to me at school didn’t matter. All that mattered was these amazing characters and their stories. The Clone Wars gave me my first comfort characters: Echo and Fives. I cried through “losing” Echo. I cried through losing Fives. It truly felt like losing a friend. I know to some, that may be ridiculous. And that’s okay. Maybe it is. But the comfort they brought me in my darkest times was so real. (You can imagine my excitement during the final season when we discovered Echo survived).
Fast forward to 2021: 23 years old and in my last year of college. Still healing from the mentally abusive relationship I had just left behind. Still trying to find my people. Trying to find where I fit in. And then The Bad Batch premiered. Little did I know how much one show would change my life for the better. I found comfort in not just the show, but also in fanfics and TikTok’s. I started to make my own TikTok’s about my love for the Batch (and Star Wars in general). It was scary at first. I’ve always been too afraid to put myself out there. But I love to laugh. And I love making people laugh. So I started to make funny little TikTok’s. I’d post just about every day. And eventually I started posting daily. I eventually worked up the courage to comment and interact with other Star Wars fans. It became one of the best parts of my day. My fiancé (now husband) and I would sit together and read the hilarious comments left on my posts.
(Speaking of my husband, I want to give him a shout out for being SOO supportive. Anytime I was too nervous to put myself out there, he was (and is) constantly there to reassure me. He reminds me every day that I’m worthy of love and friendship. 💖)
I gained some AMAZING mutuals. We mainly just commented back and forth. We would recommend fanfics to each other and send our favorite edits or memes back and forth. While those interactions may seem small, they made me feel so seen, loved, and accepted.
We came together in good times and bad. Every Bad Batch Eve, every time new Star Wars news would drop, and anytime a toxic fanboy decided to try and put us down, we had each other. We were in it together. I’ve never experienced community like that. It truly felt and still feels like a family. I had finally found my people. Finally found where I fit in. And it’s all because of The Bad Batch. It all started with Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Omega.
Thank you to everyone who has been so kind. Everyone who has laughed and cried with me through out the series. The wonderful community we have here is something I wish little me could’ve had. But how amazing is it that I get to have it now? It’s the best feeling in the world. The Bad Batch may be ending, but it will live on through us. These wonderful characters will live on. They will always be with us.
TBB Forever❤️🖤
Tiktok & Insta: Echossarad
Main insta: toe.morrow
X: Echossarad
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usedpidemo · 9 months
Update - Happy New Year! (and some housekeeping)
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*TV static intensifies*
Hey everyone! π here.
Once again, I'd like to wish all of you formally a happy new year! This will be my third year with you, and I hope you're still enjoying my works and I appreciate you for your continued support.
Now that I have your attention, I'd like to give you an overall update on things happening behind the scenes, but first:
2023 Poll
I only posted 10 fics over the previous year, rip, but they're easily some of my most popular and positively received works in the library. Vote up to three of your favorite fics released from me during 2023! I was supposed to include Plaid on the list, but I didn't finish it on time, and as a result this poll also delayed lol. You can change your votes anytime if you have a change of heart. Poll begins from today until January 7, 2024 1:00 P.M. KST/12:00 AM EST.
2024 Road map
And because I only posted 10 fics all throughout 2023, my personal goal in 2024 is to increase the amount of releases, while continuing to improve the quality and maintain consistency. Hopefully. In real life, I'll be entering my third year of college once the holidays are over, and this may be the last full year of freedom I get. I might have to do on-the-job training (OJT) and write up my thesis, which requires a lot of personal commitment so I can finally graduate. I'm basically on borrowed time at this point.
Plans change. Shit happens. Everything that I'm about to say isn't exactly a 100% guarantee, and I really don't wanna promise anything because I've broken way too many promises. But here's the initial proposed list of idols that will be getting fics in 2024:
Minji (Newjeans)
And this doesn't include idols I've already written :)
Looks ambitious—and it is—but if I can complete even half of that list, I feel as if I've already accomplished my goal.
To the people who've been waiting for their requests, once again I'd like to apologize for the delays. I feel terrible knowing I've got so many projects in limbo because of circumstances beyond my control, and it feels as though I've betrayed your trust. However, we're picking things up and I'll gradually be releasing them throughout the early stages of 2024. Thank you for waiting just a little bit longer.
With that said, my personal plan is to implement the following so this never happens again: I'll be scaling back on the number of commissions I can accept at a time so there's more breathing room for requests as well as personal ideas/projects. Ideally, this would mean releasing fics in a 2-to-1 format: 2 commissions then 1 personal idea, but this would vary based on personal schedule and overall demand. Balancing real life commitments with burnout is a huge challenge, and I believe this is the most comfortable situation for me. Please understand that I'm still just one guy and I can't do everything all at once. If I could clone myself, I would abuse the shit out of that ability.
Overall, I've been blessed to have such a wonderful 2023, and I pray 2024 will be just as kind, if not kinder. I've experienced some of the highest highs and the lowest lows, but I personally feel that 2023 was the best year I've had in almost a decade, and this blog is one reason for that. It wasn't as productive as it used to be, but the increasing support is simply humbling. Heck, I've been entrusted to bring some of your visions/fantasies to life, which shows how much faith you have in me to succeed and bring you quality art. There's no amount of words that can express how truly grateful I am to you, the readers, my peers in the writing community, and to our heavenly Father.
Regardless of what happens to me or this blog, I hope 2024 will be kind to you all. Love you.
with grace,
peter / π
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robotstrategy · 9 months
Recalled • Part 2 • 15 - Sam
Previous • Series Masterlist • Part 2 Masterlist • Next If it’s not a support group day or the weekend most of Sam’s days play out the same way, breakfast in the mourning, two periods of classwork, lunch, two more periods of classwork, and finally at 3 PM he can go relax with his roommates.
Sam sits down for breakfast with his other classmates, Sam won't lie, he wishes he could take classes with the older kids, because of Nero the friends he makes are approximately two to three years older than him, and everyone who’s around fourteen like him just feels like a baby. 
His other classmates problem-solve equations and discuss topics from other classes, while he dozes off imagining what his other friends are going through right now.
“Sam, do you know the answer to this question?” Someone asks.
Sam snaps out of his daze to look at the classmate beside him showing him a math equation.
“It’s -1, Madelin, weren’t you supposed to finish this last night?”
Madelin becomes flustered, “I- I did, I just need help with the last question.”
Sam turns away from his classmates again, he gets up from the bench and sets his tray down on the pile and the garbage and recycling.
Heading down the hallway he watches the military boeufs outside, they’re practicing aiming. There’s a drill sergeant next to Nero as she holds a pistol in her left hand, they’re trying to find a way for her to pull the trigger, if she can’t do it in time they're thinking of cloning her left hand and swapping it out. Nero eventually goes back to using her right hand, she aims quite well.
Sam enters the Education Wing, he goes to the second story, entering his homeroom. He sits at the front next to the window, watching the busy streets of Indianapolis.
“I heard you went to the support group this weekend, did you make any friends there?”
Sam looks over to the teacher who walks in.
“Yeah, a Recall named Roland.”
“How old is he?”
“About 19.”
“Don’t you have any friends your age?”
“Not really.”
All his other classmates come in as the bell rings, and the teacher goes over the math homework, of course Sam gets everything correct, a little ‘Thank you Sam.’ can be heard as they correct the last question.
The teacher hands out a page to each student. ‘Find your body family, write down each Rewind you know that shares a body part with you’ it reads.
“This work doesn’t count, so don’t feel pressured to do it, but it is a way to get you out of the classroom.” The teacher exclaimed.
Sam and the others walk out of the classroom, there’s no use for Sam to go ask around if he shares any body parts with others as he’s already asked about it before. Ainsley, Nero, Micheal, Chauntee, Bruce, and Chris are all the Rewinds he shares body parts with, after writing down their names on a window sill outside of the classroom he goes down the stairs back to the Military Boeuf site. 
He walks up the fence and waves at Nero, Nero after the ‘OKAY’ from a drill sergeant walks to the outside of the fence.
“Hey there ya little freak, did teach let you get some fresh air or are you already becoming a Class Rebel?” She headlocks him and gives him a noogie.
“No, I’m just out here for classwork, although I kinda wish I was rebelling.”
Nero puts her hands on her hips, “Still no friends in your class, what a loser!” She laughs.
“Ugh! But they all act like babies!”
“And you’re a Drama Queen.”
“Am not!”
“Oh yeah?”
Nero licks her left hand from bottom to top before shoving it in Sam’s face, he tries to push it away, but his little twig arms can’t beat her muscular ones.
“EEEWWWWWW, noooooo, you got freaking mystery spit all over me! My face is ruined!” Sam yells.
“First of all, I did not get it all over you, I got in on your face. Second of all, it’s spit, it’s clear, there’s no staining, and I don’t have mouth herpes. Third of all, I did not somehow jumble up your facial features, you’re fine Sam.” Nero replies.
Sam sighs. “You’ve got it so much better than me Nero, you get to do your job, and all I get to do is dumb classwork.”
Nero’s face tenses up, before she can say anything a whistle is blown on the other side of the fence. She walks back and speaks to him, “Don’t you ever say that again!'' Then she returns to her post.
Sam walks back up the stairs back to the classroom, there’s already a few of his classmates sitting at their desks.
“Did you find everyone, Sam?” The teacher asks.
“Good! Now just wait until the others get back.”
Sam looks over to his classmates playing Quack Dilly Oso.
“Would you like to join us Sam?” one of them asks.
“And play the game that Clappers dressing as caretakers use to blow up preschools, yeah no thanks.” He replies.
The rewind just smiles and shrugs and goes back to playing.
Soon enough everyone comes back to the classroom, they all talk with each other about their new discoveries. 
“You know that girl I look up to,” One of them starts. “Turns out we share a few body parts, it’s so cool!”
“Hey Sam, who do you share body parts with?” Madelin asks.
“Oh yeah, I’ve got Ainsley, Nero, Micheal, Chauntee, Bruce, and Chris.” He tells her.
“Isn’t Nero, like, aged out of the system, she’s gonna get drafted soon right?” Another one asks.
“Yes, she’ll be out in a few months, once they get her a new hand.” The teacher responds.
“Wait, drafted?! I’ll still get to see her, right?” Sam asks.
Everyone looks at Sam with apologetic looks. “Well, if she gets a job as a guard then maybe, but she’ll most likely be put in the military, and Sam, sometimes people don’t come back from tours.” The teacher tells him. 
Sam’s eyes go wide and watery, he doesn’t wait for the bell, or to be excused, or asks to even be excused. He just gets his bag and bolts for the door, he runs down the hallway as people call after him, he doesn’t stop, he just keeps going down the stairs to the lower hallway until his body slams into someone.
“Ewah! Sam, watch where you’re going!” Sam looks up to see Ian and Tonya standing in front of him.
“Oh gosh, are you alright Sam? You look like you’ve been crying.” Tonya picks up Sam, dusting him off. 
“They, they talked about Nero maybe dying at her job, I don’t want Nero to die!” He confesses.
“Oh, Sam.” Tonya pulls Sam into a hug, “Well it is a possibility in the military,” Tonya shoots Ian a dirty look for what he just said. “But, it’s still a sad thing to think about.” He continues.
“Why don’t you sit with us today at lunch?” Tonya suggests.
“But aren’t I supposed to sit with my grade?”
“Eh, I don’t think the lunch guards really care, sure, I’m not setting the best example as a future teacher by letting you sit with us, but I don’t care, because you're sad, and I don’t want you to be sad.”
At lunch, Sam gets to sit with the seventeen-year-olds, surprised that the lunch guards really don’t care. During that time, he, Ian, and Tonya discuss what they can do after school.
“I could teach you how to play chess, you’ll be so concentrated that’ll you forget you were ever upset at all.” Tonya proposes.
“You know how to play chess?” Ian questions. 
“Yeah, when I went to Miss Marple’s Academy for the Highly Gifted that one time, a girl there taught me how to play. I won one out of five rounds I played with her.” She exclaimed.
“How’d you even get to visit Miss Marple’s Academy for the Highly Gifted?”
“It was filled to the brim with siennas, they probably wanted brownie points.”
“Do you have any ideas on what we could do Ian?” Sam asks.
“Actually, I do!” He pauses, “I was walking around the city on the weekend and saw that there was this cool arcade, and guess what, it stays open until midnight!”
“Oh, that sounds amazing! Do you think we could invite Nero, Sam?” Tonya asks.
“Yeah, I think she would enjoy it there, come to think of it, do you think we could invite Roland? He’s the Recall me and Nero sat with at the support group.”
“Oh, of course, gosh, I feel so bad for him, the stupid Rewind from StaHo 2 who sat beside me kept bad-mouthing the whole time.”
“Huh, never met a Recall before, this should be interesting.” Ian exclaims, “Well then it’s settled guys, tonight we go to the arcade!”
After lunch Sam goes back to class to be met with a plethora of apologies, especially from the teacher who realized that she hadn’t been sensitive enough about the subject, Sam brushes it off before going back to his spot, he stares out the window, the whole time, looking down the street to see if he can catch a glimpse of the arcade, he wonders where Roland lives and if he knows of the arcade. Sam suddenly realizes that it’s probably impossible to invite Roland if they don’t know where he lives, so he lets go of the invitation. Maybe the hospital nearby knows where Roland lives, but they probably wouldn’t tell 4 random Rewinds of his location. The bell rings, and Sam gets up from his seat and walks out the door.
Getting to his dorm the first thing he does is get his homework over with and then, picks through his small pile of clothes imagining what he might wear to the arcade tonight. After choosing an outfit and going downstairs to eat he lays on his bed, waiting for 5:30 PM to roll around so that Nero will be done with work for the day.
At 5:15 Sam heads downstairs to the StaHo’s common room, he meets up with Ian and Tonya. 
“Are you excited? ‘cause I’m excited!” Tonya asks.
“Yeah, but I realized we probably can’t invite Roland since we don't know where he lives.”
“Ah, shame.” She replies
Soon enough, Nero enters the common room with Ian, Sam, and Tonya cornering her at the entrance.
“Umm, what’s this about?” She asks, bewildered.
“We were gonna go to the arcade, we’d like to know if you’ll join us?” Ian announced.
“The arcade two blocks over, sure. It’s just the four of us?” She questions.
“Well I was gonna invite Roland, but…” Sam starts.
“You don’t know where he lives,” Nero responds.
Nero squints her eyes, thinking. “I could find him.”
“You’re not gonna do anything creepy right?” Ian asks.
“Oh god no, I think I’d scare the living daylight out of Roland if I did anything remotely weird,” Nero answered.
Confirming where they’re going to the receptionist, they head out the front door.
“Where are you going first?” Sam asks Nero.
“The hospital, and Sam, if I’m not with you at the arcade within two hours, call the police.”
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Hi I've been looking at your Mewtwo stuff for awhile now and I can't help but notice how nuanced and mature your takes are, especially on Giovanni who can be likened to a narcissistic abuser. Compared to most, ahem "artists" on here, who simply treat Mewtwo as a meme or housepet. You really seem to respect him, and I can't wait to see the comic on how you met him. I also admire how unapologetic you are to self ship with him.
Thank you so much for sending this to me! This seriously made my day!
I treat Mewtwo differently than most because I have a certain reverence for him. He was truly my guiding light at times where I didn't even want to exist any more. He inspires me to keep going and honestly I wouldn't even be having a job in biological research now if it wasn't for him. Considering how much impact he has had on my life so far, I could never just treat him as some sort of stupid meme or a housepet. Frankly, treating him as such is insulting. He is too intelligent to be a housepet, and he knows how to take care of not only himself, but also those close to him (I mean, look at him, and how he is depicted in official media as a HEALER. Always taking care of wounded and abandoned Pokémon,whether it's his clones, or wild Pokemon). I don't like the stereotypes surrounding him in the Fandom.
I don't think that many people are able to recognize Giovanni as a narcissist because they lack the experience of being raised by one, like me and my brother have been (we have real, lived experience of that, which is hard to understand for anyone who had supportive and normal parents). Or these people still have the naive belief that everyone deep down has a good core. They are oblivious to the fact that we have psychopaths among us who truly only care about themselves and who cannot be redeemed. A mafia boss who created a living weapon like Mewtwo to serve in his plan of world domination certainly counts as a fictional depiction of such psychopaths. Team Rocket has plundered Pokémon and tortured them and sold them for financial gain. But Fandom still gives Giovanni a pass somehow just because he is "sexy".
I was raised by a narcissist mother. I never felt truly seen by her, and she told me she made me to be her slave. So how else was I able to interpret Giovanni but as a narcissist, when he said the same to Mewtwo in the movie? "You were made to serve me." No wonder I took Mewtwo as my role model. I remember wishing I had actual psychic powers too, it would have made escaping so much easier. Instead I thought of him when I needed strength.
Oh man, when it comes to Mewtwo and shipping... I don't have any hesitation here. I have always loved Mewtwo, so why should I pretend that I don't? He was always important to me in real life as well, after all. Or why should I make up some Pokémon OC and use that as a proxy to ship with Mewtwo? Lakota/mewtwoandme actually admitted to me in a DM that this is what Gwen the Gardevoir is, BTW. She was too afraid to ship herself with Mewtwo because she worried that people will judge her for it and that it is seen as "icky" to selfship as herself. I am kind of disappointed of that, but it is her comic and story to tell. I am not really a fan of the Gardevoir x Mewtwo, or Mew x Mewtwo or Lucario x Mewtwo ships in general, they are too cliché for my liking and I don't see how movie1!Mewtwo would ever fall in love with them. However, I ADORE honest selfshippers of Mewtwo or Newtwo! I always get curious about their stories and how they fell in love with them!
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy my comic! Even though I gotta apologize that it is taking so long to finish - I am still swamped with work IRL, but will officially be free starting from the 16th, so hopefully I will get way more done then. Though I am wondering if to post on my blog here or make an entirely new blog? Or at least a special tag so people can just look at the comic and don't have to see my other selfships if they are only here for the Mewtwo content.
Thanks for sending this ask! :D Have a nice day!
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Hii I was lowkey wondering if you would do something maybe like a one shot of neglected where reader is older (18-20) and dipped out of the house and became a singer and one of her songs basically exposed them for how they treated reader and in like an interview she full on tells them how she doesn’t even talk to them and like only Jason
This is literally perfect. I love this idea! I was planning on making a singer batsis reader anyway so here you go! I'll be making this part 4 of the series instead of a one shot. There’s a bit of angst. Btw, thanks so much for your support everyone! I'm glad you enjoy this series! Feel free to request anything you'd like besides smut as well!
This is the longest thing I have ever written so there will be a part 5. I planned on this being the last part but it's just so much. It’s not proofread and neither are all of the other parts because I post at 1 am most of the time lol. Hope you like it!
f/n = friend name
Y/G/N = your group name
N/S = news station
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Current) Part 5
You were sick of it. Sick of how even after confronting them about how you felt and almost dying because of it, they still neglected you. You couldn't wait to move out at the age of 18, even if it proved to be a struggle. You had taken mini jobs since you turned 15 and saved up since then. You just couldn't see them anymore as it would remind you of how they treated you that day at that hospital. None of them apologized either. They just pretended it never happened and continued to ignore you. The media had a field day with speculation of what had happened but eventually stopped because Bruce had claimed it was “just a bad case of the flu” which they believed.
Jason was always the only one that would talk to you. He was the only one that actually cared enough to make sure you were taking proper care of yourself and that you wouldn't have a repeat of what happened. He took you places, spent time with you and gave you advice. You even had a tradition where you'd always meet up at the manor's library every week at the same time that same day every week and just have a mini book club together. He always made time for you and never bailed on you.
So on your 18th birthday, he helped you move out. You managed to rent a small apartment in Star City with the money you had saved up. It wasn’t that close to the manor which was a good thing. The neighborhood wasn’t good but it wasn’t as bad as Gotham’s neighborhoods so you would be fine. You could handle yourself with your assassin training if needed. You also managed to get hired at a cafe which was about a five minutes walking distance from your apartment.
It had taken a while but eventually, you had packed all of your belongings into color coded containers and moved them into Jason’s car with his help. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone as you had no friends to say bye to and you knew that your so called “family” couldn’t care less about what you did with your life. ‘This is it, hopefully the last time I’ll ever be near this place.’ You thought. You didn’t plan on stepping foot in Gotham ever again after you left. It would bring back too many memories you prefer to keep buried away deep inside your mind.
The car ride to Star City was entertaining. You and Jason conversed the whole time, telling jokes and listening to his funny tales with the radio playing softly in the background. Eventually, a song you both loved came on and you both started yell-singing along to the lyrics. You wished those moments could be permanent. You were both so carefree and nothing else mattered besides having fun and enjoying yourselves.
You now stood in the doorway of your new apartment, admiring your new home. Jason and yourself had just finished unpacking all of your belongings. You really liked how it looked and thought you both did an amazing job at designing the place perfectly according to your style. Jason, unfortunately, had to leave in order to avoid raising suspicions. Once you both said your byes, he left you to your apartment.
Jason drove back home in silence. He hated to admit it but he would miss you dearly. You were always there for him and helped him with anything. You tried your best to always comfort him and make him feel better on his darkest days and it would always work. Somehow you seemed to always have the right words to say or knew exactly what to do to help him. Out of everyone he was closest to you. He assumed it was because he could relate to you the most. More so how you felt. He’d felt like the black sheep of the family before you came, and he was. When you came, you took that role from him. It pained him to see how much their insults would affect you, even if you were good at hiding it. He could just tell.
Jason made it back to the manor after a while and went straight to the library. He didn't want to deal with the others. After the whole hospital situation, he'd never really bother interacting with them. He hated how they treated you as if you didn’t exist and hated how much pain they had caused you and that they didn’t even care. He guessed that they'd probably be doing something for Damian's birthday and forgot that you were his twin. They probably couldn’t even remember that Damian had a twin.
He made it to the library and pulled out one of his favorite books. He’d read it so many times you’d often joke that he could probably recite the whole book by heart at this point. Sitting down in a chair, he started to read. However, he couldn’t bring himself to stop thinking about what it would’ve been like if they treated you how they did Damian. The both of you were Bruce’s real children. You both even looked like clones of him! At first, Jason thought you would’ve been the favorite twin due to your personality. Even though you were twins, your personalities were polar opposites. You even refused to kill! You were trained by the League so why didn’t you kill as Damian did?
Jason knew you would benefit them greatly if you joined. You had self control, didn’t kill, could act perfectly, lie perfectly, do well under pressure, and not to mention your skills. Being raised by the League may have been torture, but you managed to gain incredible skills out of it. You could take on at least ten guys who doubled you in size and beat them within five minutes. You even bested Damian in spars and he was supposedly dubbed the “better twin” by Talia, so why hadn’t they let you join their nightly crusades like they had let Damian when the both of you first arrived?
Damian passed by your room but noticed something was off. He decided to take a look. He twisted the doorknob and pushed. The room which was once occupied by you now looked extremely plain and bare, stripped of all of its accessories. The only things left were the bed itself, multiple dressers, and a vanity. It looked as if it had been vacant the whole time. It might as well have been. Damian couldn’t really remember what it had looked like since he’s never paid much mind to it but he could tell there was a drastic difference. He knew that you disliked just leaving your room plain unlike himself and wanted at least something to make it look less boring.
He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Had you finally been kicked out by Bruce? Did you get shipped off to a boarding school like he had been suggesting to your father for years? He decided to go ask. He exited the room and closed the door behind him, taking off for Bruce’s office. Walking down the hall, he suddenly remembered that he had seen you leave with Jason. This meant that you were not at a boarding school like he had originally thought. But then why was your room vacant?
Instead of going to see Bruce, he decided to go see Jason and bring up the matter with him instead. He changed directions and headed to the library where he knew he’d find Jason. It was no secret that Jason was a book worm so Damian had a fifty percent chance of finding him there.
He entered the library and was immediately greeted with the sight of Jason sitting comfortably on a chair, legs crossed with a book opened in his hands. Jason didn’t bother to look up from his book as he spoke.
“What do you want Demon Spawn?”
“I’ve come to obtain the whereabouts of my sister.”
“You mean my sister?”
“She’s not your sister!” Damian exclaimed.
“Well I act more like a brother than you do.”
“Where is Y/N? Her whole room is bare.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
“Just tell me, you imbecile!” Damian said, growing increasingly frustrated by Jason’s blunt answers.
“She’s not here.”
“Then where is she?”
“Not here.”
“Just tell me already Todd, I have no time for your foolish games!”
“She moved out.” Jason said, giving in.
“What?! Where.” Damian demanded.
“Why would I tell you?”
“Because I demand to know!”
“Okay and?”
“Tell me!”
“Why not!”
“Because you don’t even care.”
“And you do?”
“Yes, I actually do Damian! I’m there for her when she needs me the most. I’m there for her while she’s watching you live the perfect life that she’s just a background character in! While you and the others ignore that she even exists! I’m there for her when she breaks down and has panic attacks! And what were you all doing to try and help her? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jason snapped.
“Y/N’s fine, I know my twin!” Damian screamed.
“Do you even know what her favorite color is?” Jason questioned in a harsh tone.
“...” Was Damian’s reply.
“Exactly! You don’t! You and the others have never cared about her, so why all of a sudden do you care now? You don’t know anything about her so don’t act like you do!” Jason then stood up and walked out of the room in a fit of rage.
Damian stood there, shocked. Had Jason just refused to answer his question? He was about to follow him but decided against it. Why was Damian going to chase Jason down just for her? She was just an annoyance, a mistake, imperfect. He had been wanting to get rid of her for so long, so why doesn’t he feel relieved? Why does he feel guilty? He decided to stop dwelling on it and get on with life. He figured it would happen eventually if it hadn’t happened then.
It had been a year since that day. The day you left your old life behind and started a new life, a better one. One where you weren’t constantly ignored. One where you actually had more than one person care about you. Instead of seeing yourself as a failure and disappointment, you now saw yourself as an amazing person (which you always were). You had been going to a community college in Star City. You made many friends there and started up a music career with three of them.
Their names were f/n, f/n and f/n. You all started off by taking random gigs anywhere you could. You performed covers of songs and would receive standing ovations all the time. Seeing as your group was well liked, you decided to write and produce your own songs. At the age of 19, Y/G/N released their first album. It went viral within a day and everyone was talking about it. After a week, several articles were posted, praising your work. News Stations talked about all the records Y/G/N managed to break. People started to stream it like crazy, and you couldn’t be happier with all the positive feedback you were receiving.
You had been a Wayne once, meaning you had experience in dealing with the media. Since you had already been used to it, you knew you’d all eventually be invited to interviews. So, when you had received an email stating how N/S wanted a one on one interview with you, you weren’t sure how to feel. You weren’t looking forward to interviews with your whole group, let alone one where you would be alone. You knew how unfiltered interviewers could be and didn’t feel comfortable with it.
However, you decided it would be best to go. So here you were, sitting in front of the interviewer in an uncomfortable chair preparing for the interview to start. You had somehow managed to keep a smile plastered on your face the entire time while you were a nervous wreck on the inside. You hoped none of the questions would be sexist as they usually were towards women. However, you had no more time to think about that. You heard clicking, signaling that you were about to go live. Once you heard the last click, you knew you were live and the interview had begun.
“Hello everyone, welcome back to N/S. My name is Jerald Tangleberry and I’m here today with songwriter, singer, and celebrity, Y/N Wayne! How are you?”
You waved to the camera and then answered, “Hello everyone! I’m doing good, how about you?”
“I’m doing great, thanks for asking! So by now I’d assume everyone knows that you’ve released an album with your group. How does it feel to gain more fame?”
“It doesn’t feel any different. Fame wasn’t our goal when we released the album. It was to express ourselves.”
“Mhm, well Ms. Wayne, what inspired you to write songs?”
“Well we know people may be in a tough spot in their life right now and want them to know they aren’t alone.”
“That’s so true. Some fans have been speculating that every member has three songs that specifically relate to them since there are twelve songs in total and three of the songs have the same group member as the introduction part of the song. Is this true?”
“Yes, it is true.”
“So all three of your songs relate to family issues of some sort. Is that hinting that you have family issues?”
“Yes, actually. My family isn’t the best. They ignored me all the time, even when they weren't busy. The only person who didn’t was Jason.”
“You’re saying it in the past tense.”
“I moved out about a year ago. When I was around 14, I suffered from anorexia. My family would always ignore me since they were either busy doing work or hanging out with each other. The only family member that acknowledged me was Jason. I assumed it was because there was something wrong with me. I started to hate myself so much to the point of starvation. One day, I passed out right before a gala and my oldest brother Dick found me passed out on the floor. They took me to the hospital and when I woke up, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian started fussing about how I’d ruin their image if the media knew what actually happened. They started to yell at me and told me how I was a useless burden. I started to have a panic attack so I kicked them out. Jason stayed behind with me and comforted me. Ever since then I made a planed to save enough money so I could move out when I turned 18, which I did.”
“Oh, wow. So Jason was the only one who interacted with you?”
“Looks like the Wayne family isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“No family is actually perfect.”
“Did your family try contacting you at all after they found out about Y/G/N?”
“Not yet. They’re probably too busy or don’t care.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright, I got over it. What’s the next question.”
“Oh-” He cleared his throat and continued the interview. (So basically I don’t wanna bore you all lol)
Jason had woken up late into the afternoon that day. Patrol that morning had exhausted him. There was a huge breakout at Arkham they had assisted with. They successfully locked up every escapee, so today, Jason just wanted to relax until it would be time for patrol again. Even though he was exhausted, he knew he couldn’t take a break. The others wouldn’t and it would be unfair to them if he did.
He headed over to his couch with his phone and a bowl of popcorn in hand, ready to watch random movies the entirety of the day. He set down his phone on the coffee tables and grabbed the TV remote. When he turned on the TV, he almost dropped the popcorn and remote. You were sitting on a chair, giving an award winning smile while you politely answered the man’s questions. He was baffled. He didn’t know why you were being interviewed, let alone on TV at all! You made it clear you didn’t want to have any relations with your family any longer and you couldn’t stand publicity, so what were you doing?
He placed the bowl down and snatched his phone off the table. Unlocking his phone, he quickly dialed your phone number. However, he realized that the interview was live and that he would be interrupting it if he called you then. Deciding to wait, he placed his phone back down, picked up the bowl, and then got comfortable.
Tag list: @fake-id-69 @pepelachanel @loxbbg @what-0-life @yoongi-holland @omnivorousfangirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @sexysamsungl @iceddonuts @buginetye @portrait-ninja @azazel-nyx @alculai
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Beautiful (Omega x Mom!Reader x Bad Batch)
A/N: So, I have been seeing all of these other stories with a few scenes of the reader being a mom towards Omega and then the rest of the story being with a member of the batch. While I love those my brain went “ Give this little girl done love and support” and I came up with this story which is basically Omega and the reader just hanging out by themselves. ( I also left the ending open so you can imagine the batch member of your choosing😉)
Warnings: None/fluff
Plot: The reader does Omegas make-up for the first time.
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“ What are you doing?” The young girl asked innocently. She caused you to jump slightly, it has taken a while to get used to a new voice around the ship. “ People on this planet wear a large amount of make-up so I decided to wear some while I go out to get food and supplies. Here I would stand out much more if I didn’t wear any, opposed to if I did.” You explained brushing on some finishing touches. Meanwhile Omega just watched you, she has never seen anything even close to what you were doing, but then again she didn’t know much about anything outside Kamino.
When you finished you turned to the child and asked “ What do you think?” She smiled and said “ It looks good. A little weird because you look a little different, but still good.” She gave a soft chuckle “ Well thank you, I appreciate your honesty.” Just as you were about to put your makeup away Omega chimed in “ Can I try some on?” You turned back to the girl as she gave you a curious and pleading look. With a small smile on your face you approved with a “ Sure. Come sit down.”
You stood up from your vanities chair to let her sit in it hoping it would make her feel special, in some weird way that’s how you thought of the chair. Pulling a stool close so that you could sit while helping her. “ Lets see...” You said studying Omegas face, you didn’t want to put too much makeup on her since this is probably her first time putting anything on her face. While doing this you noticed many qualities she did share with other clones, making Techs statement a few weeks ago resonate with you. She of course was very different from Regs just like the rest of the batch was, but little traits here and there are where you can tell they are related.
“ Okay so, since I don’t want to put too much on you just incase you have a poor reaction to the makeup, we are just going to do yours a little lighter than mine.” You explained and she nodded in acknowledgment before asking “ What do you mean by reaction?” You then explained how some makeup isn’t compatible with people’s skin and how sometimes people have allergic reactions. After noticing the slight nervousness on the kids face you soothed her by telling her that you only use hypoallergenic makeup and the likelihood of her having a reaction would be very low, but you just want to be careful. After that reasoning she seemed to have gone back to her usual curious nature. “ So usually we would start with foundation, that this part that covers the entire face...” you gestured a circle around yours as you continued “ ...but since I don’t have your exact skin tone of foundation , we are going to use this powder.”
Showing her the brush and translucent powder. “ Now let me know at anytime if you are uncomfortable. Then I will stop and we will make sure everything is okay.” With that you started gently brushing the powder along her face. She giggled at first “ It tickles.” You smiled at her adorable laugh “ Yes it does at first, but I need you to try to hold still the best you can okay?” She then nodded and you continued. The brush was big and soft she had never felt anything like it before. It was a nice feeling as you gently brushed and stippled along her face. You then decided to skip the eye shadow primer and things such as that. Those are for another time when you could teach her longer and had more makeup for her to try.
“ Next, I’m going to have you close your eyes and we are going to use this brush with these two colors and put them right on your eyelids. After that I’m going to wet this brush and put a little line of eyeliner on. That’s this around the base of my eyelashes.” You explained closing your own eyes. She smiled and closed her eyes trusting you not to hurt her. You and the boys always made sure that she was comfortable, no matter what. However there was this different feeling she had towards you than with the others. While she trusted them and loved being around them, there was this different kind of feeling of care you gave off. Maybe it was that “mother” feeling the others told her you had. You just seemed to know the right thing to say and how to say it. You also knew exactly what everyone needed when sometimes they didn’t know themselves.
“ (Y/N), can I ask you something?” As you switched colors you replied in a calm yet reassuring tone “ Of course.” “ How did you learn to do makeup?” You smiled at her question as memories started to fill your head. Taking a breath you explained “ I used to watch my mom. My mother she was, beautiful. With or without make up she had the ability it make a transport ship stop in its tracks. She had these two friends and sometimes they would all put their makeup on together before they would go out. They had this setup where they would put all their mirrors, like this one, all together in a row in front of this huge window we had at my family’s house. And from there I would watch them and think ‘ I can not wait until I am old enough to play with this stuff.’ “ As you finished your story you told Omega to open her eyes and instructed her on the next step. “ It’s all coming together now! This next part is a little scary, but I promise I will not poke you in the eye. I’m going to take this mascara wand and gently put this on your eyelashes.” Omega nodded an okay, then you explained “ Okay, I’m going to need to open your eyes really really wide and look right here.”
You pointed right at where your neck meets your collar bone and quickly put on the mascara. You remember how uncomfortable you were the first time you had it put on for you. Omega seemed a little more relieved after you put it on as well. She then blinked and fluttered her eyes as they adjusted to the new sensation. She then looked back up to you with your soft smile still adorned on your face and asked “ Do you think I’m pretty?” A little taken back you then confidently answered “ Yes Omega, you are very pretty. You have these big, round, and bright eyes, a cute nose...” you said giving her a light tap on her nose to emphasize your point. That caused her to scrunch it up and let out a little laugh. “ And you have this amazing smile.”
Omega had a small blush creep on to her face as you complimented her. You can’t imagine her life back on Kamino, even though she probably treated differently from the rest, you knew that her life, her beginning of her childhood must have been hard. Yet she almost always seemed happy. “ Alright here’s where the hard decision comes in, for your lips do you want a solid color or something shiny.” You said holding a lipstick and a lipgloss in each hand. “ Definitely the shiny one.” She said pointing to the one in your right hand.
“ Excellent choice! Now I’m going to ask you to make a really weird faces. Kinda make your lips go like this.” Omega then mimicked the pursing of your lips making sure she was doing it right. You always thought it was cute when she would try to do the same actions as you all did in the ship, her favorite person to mimic was Hunter, but you couldn’t blame her. “ Alright, now we blot. We want to make sure that our lipstick or lipgloss doesn’t stick or wear off to easily.” Grabbing a tissue of the vanity and showing her what you wanted her to do. Making you lips form a line and gently putting them together, but not actually putting the tissue in your mouth.
Once Omega finished you stood up and asked “ Are you ready to take a look?” She nodded her head with excitement and you spun the chair around to have her face the mirror. You saw her eyes widen and get bigger, if that was even possible, as they filled with wonder. A small whisper of her exclaiming “ woah” left her as she looked at the makeup you did. A bit of pride and affection towards the girl swelled in your chest as the girl copied the head tilts you did earlier as you finished your own makeup. “ Beautiful.”
She smiled as she continued to admire your work “ Thank you!” She exclaimed with a beaming smile looking up at you. “ You are very welcome, but you have to remember it is never the makeup that makes you look pretty, it’s how you treat others and what is on the inside that makes you beautiful.” When you finished that statement Omega turned the chair around and gave you a hug. With tears pricking your eyes you hugged her back. You felt bad for everyone that lived on Kamino, you remember the first time you hugged the others and they were a little taken back and confused by the gesture. Omega however was different due to her young age and hugged you quite often. You wished her the best in the galaxy and wanted to protect her and your boys, your family from any danger.
The hugged lasted a while but you didn’t care, what the two of you didn’t know was that someone was watching you from the doorway. His heart swelled at the interaction between the two of you. He wasn’t there long, he had only been standing there a few minuets. Everyone seemed to have changed a little when Omega came on to the team, and while you didn’t change as much as the others your personality amplified. The way you are able to take care of them became more noticeable, you just had this amazing way with all of them and your ability to care so much.
Everything you did was amazing, making sure they we’re rested, making sure that they had eaten, that they didn’t overwork themselves, reassuring them when they had doubts, and giving hope. He started feeling different about you after the first few months of you being with them. Back then he didn’t know how to describe what he was feeling, but now he knew. He had fallen in love with you. Seeing you with Omega assured him that you would always be there with his family and that you wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt them. He wanted a life with you, his brothers, and Omega. No one will ever take that dream away from him, ever.
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Rexobi. I really just wanna see Rex and Obi-wan drinking together and complaining about the disaster that is Anakin Skywalker. They decide to team up to get anakin to calm the heck down and to talk about his feelings. Anakin doesn’t realize what’s going on but gets the idea he needs to play matchmaker with his master and his captain. He thinks he’s the smart one but he’s really not
(i have once again chickened out of your full prompt and instead give you the leadup to rexobi getting anakin to talk about his feelings. 
i uhhh may be unable to think of anything but a rexobi au à la this post by @norcumii and @dharmaavocado about roleswap-ish senior padawan obi hella vibing with this mutant clone that can’t get above the rank of captain even as an arc trooper because the kaminoans are Like That, and qui-gon is going spare, because between anakin somehow being allowed to be in charge of a whole battalion and obi-wan picking fights with every single seperatist leader, he and cody never get a moment of peace. and like. just obi and rex being dumbass 20 year olds trying to deal with a general/master like anakin in the middle of a war. i don’t have TIME for that though
thank you for the prompt as always, i think this is the only rexobi/obex prompt i’ve ever gotten and this ship is criminally underappreciated. like?? kadavo?? anyways here’s whatever this is)
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 Not for the first time, Rex wishes Kote were the one here dealing with this, because “how to comfort your favorite Jedi” hadn’t exactly been covered in ARC training – actually, Alpha probably withheld the information on purpose, the fucker.
  But Kote is on the other side of the galaxy with the 187th and just as upset they’re not here in Rex’s stead: it’s barely a month off General Kenobi returning to his own face, and Rex knows his vod would strangle the entire Senate if given even half a chance for deploying them separately on their general’s first mission back after the Hardeen... incident. 
  And Fett’s Ghost knows Rex’s own general is going to pitch a fit when he finds out Rex is here instead of taking leave like the rest of the 501st, but Kote certainly wasn’t about to let Kenobi go all the way to Alderaan unguarded so soon after his supposed death; and honestly, Rex would have been offended if they had asked anybody else to do it. Thankfully, Kenobi hadn’t seemed offended when Rex had shown up at the Jedi Temple’s flight hangar before he could take off; instead, he had been rather amused. 
  Even luckier, Alderaan is barely a day’s jump from Coruscant, so they don’t have to spend too much time awkwardly pretending that Rex hadn’t attended the man’s funeral in Kote's place (that he would have attended anyways), or that Rex doesn’t know Anakin hasn’t spoken to his former master since their debrief to the High Council about Cad Bane. Which Rex should absolutely not know in the first place, but Anakin is his friend, for better or for worse, and Ahsoka thinks her master airs far too many of his grievances to his captain.
  It isn't until their cruiser is making the descent over Alderaan that Kenobi finally addresses the tension between them, which only proves that Kenobi is well aware of it, but had put it off as long as he could. It's a humanising observation, that Rex wishes he could have had when he isn't the only vod in a ten mile radius that isn't the pilot, because at least then he wouldn't be the sole receiver of the soft smile Kenobi gives him as he joins Rex to wait by the shuttle's access hatch.
  Rex thanks his progenitor's laughing corpse he has his bucket on, because all he can do is stare. 
  "You are worried about Anakin," Kenobi says matter of factly, though not unkindly, and Rex lets out a breath that's almost a laugh. 
  "I promise I am far more discrete with my thoughts in the field, sir."
  Kenobi chuckles warmly, tucking his arms behind his back to watch the planet under them grow larger as they approach. "Do try not to worry so much, my dear, this will all resolve itself in time." 
  It's hard to stare right at his gentle assuredness, so Rex looks away. "You have far more faith in his ability to forgive than I, sir."
  That laugh strains at the edges. "Yes, well, I'm afraid some of my lessons seem to have been... lacking."
  Rex has regs carbon-printed on his brain, he knows that even without the direct chain of command, the soft push and pull of his relationship with Kenobi, the steady, serene growth of it, is... problematic, for so many reasons that he wouldn't know where to start. Not least of all is rank, how much more important a Jedi is than a replaceable CC-track washout, but, well, Rex had washed out for being too emotional, so it's not as if he's exactly unused to reacting to things inappropriately for a good little soldier.
  "It's not my place, sir," he murmurs, remembering Kadavo, remembering Umbara, remembering the hand Kenobi had laid on his shoulder for far too long after the Blue Shadow virus, and has Rex really been this gone since then? "just say the word and I won't mention it again. But just because Kote isn't here doesn't mean you have to... shoulder all of this alone."
  In fact, it's wildly not his place to make such an offer, however implicit, but that month on Kadavo did happen, and Rex isn't so self-deprecating to believe he  hadn't had a heavy hand in helping Kenobi make it out on the other side as well as he did. He doesn't think so little of the bond they had formed then, to believe that Obi-Wan is unaware of it. 
  Not when he smiles at Rex like that, like he's a warm cup of caf after a week in the trenches, like Rex is... worthy of such sincere affection. 
  As the shuttle settles around them and the pilot announces their arrival over comm, Obi-Wan simply says, "I did not for a moment believe I was, my dear."
  "You and Rex seem close."
  Normally Obi-Wan can feel Anakin coming from an entire corridor away, but he also knows Quinlan has been teaching him a few Shadow tricks, so he isn't entirely surprised when Anakin appears at his elbow in the empty bridge looking like a smug necu.
  Aside from eating firstmeal with Kote in the mess, Obi-Wan hasn't even seen Rex today, much less interacted with him: as he understands it, Rex is trying to round up the remaining 501st shinies that are running around the Negotiator, so Obi-Wan really doesn't know where Anakin had gotten that notion. Recently, at least. 
  Anakin rolls his eyes and scoffs, leaning back on the railing next to him and crossing his arms. "Please, Master, even Snips has noticed."
  Obi-Wan refrains from telling him that anyone with a modicum more self-awareness than him has noticed. Be that as it may, "This is one of those times where I truly don't know what you're trying to say, my dear: I have been close with Rex since he was in the 212th."
  It isn't even an exaggeration, that there had been... something between them before Anakin whisked Rex away to his own battalion after his knighting, though back then it had been nothing more than friendship. If he recalls correctly, and he does, the cleanup of the Ryloth capitol had been the first time since then that they had worked closely, while Anakin had been on the ground with the locals and Mace had been with General Syndulla, and Obi-Wan had found he still quite enjoyed the way they worked together. Their time on Naboo combating the Blue Shadow virus had only endeared the captain more to him —he does remember a slip in propriety in his relief that Rex had been rescued safely with Padmé and Ahsoka, a hand left too long on the captain's shoulder until Kote had called him away— enough that Obi-Wan had been both relieved and horrified that it was Rex there to support him on Kadavo.
  "Cody said Rex was the one to go with you to Alderaan; you sure nothing 'happened' while you were there?" Anakin chuckles to himself like he's being incredibly clever, like there isn’t a hickey visible over the collar of his under tunic.
  Obi-Wan raises a brow slowly and refrains from rolling his eyes. "Despite what you may believe, Anakin, not everyone leaps into committed relationships after life-threatening situations." Not that Alderaan had been life-threatening, it had actually been as close to actual leave as Obi-Wan has had the entire war.
  "Please, it took Padmé and I ages to–" 
  Anakin seems to swallow his tongue, then, face rapidly going purple, and it really is a miracle the entire Republic doesn’t know about his marriage; the GAR certainly does.
  Sighing, Obi-Wan checks the chrono and decides it isn't too early for another cup of tea. "If you have a specific question about my relationship with Captain Rex, I do wish you’d be direct, my dear."
  Anakin splutters. "Relationship?!"
  "Great Maker, Anakin, you’re easier to spook than a half-starved blurrg." He pats Anakin’s arm, his sonbrother floundering for anything other than abject confoundment, as Obi-Wan turns away from the bridge to go locate both tea, and his commander to hopefully finalise their newest mission orders. "Don't worry," he calls over his shoulder, "I'll actually let you come to the wedding, unlike someone."
  Not that Obi-Wan has any such plans, Maker knows he and Rex have yet to address their feelings in the first place, but he'd be lying if part of him doesn't want to conspire with the captain in question —and perhaps Ahsoka— to see just how far they could take this before Anakin realises they're stringing him along. 
 Remarkably, Rex is waiting by Obi-Wan’s office with a flimsi cup of tea and a harried smile that promised quite the day chasing after shinies, and Obi-Wan decides conning his former apprentice can wait.
Mando’a: vod/e — “brother/s”, “comrade/s”, “sibling/s”, technically gender neutral but used most often in fandom as “brother/s”
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pretz3l-log1c · 4 years
I wish you would write a fic where Jango and Obi Wan are in a relashionship/married, and when Jango and Boba somehow run into the 212st (Jango got to keep his head idk how) it quickly becomes evident that they uh. Forgot to tell everyone? Hilarious confusion ensues.
I thought about how this could work and I’m thinking an AU where Jango escapes slavery and returns to Mandalore space to take back his title/place as Mand’alor and kill Tor Vizla. Things are still rough but getting better when Santine and Obiwan end up on the run. Jango finds them and offers what protection he and the True Mandalorians can provide, for a price. Jango wants an alliance with the New Mandalorians, with a political marriage to act as a preliminary sign of agreement.
Obiwan suggests Jango marry him instead to protect Santine/give implied Republican support of the True Mandalorian faction/make amends for Galidraan. No one is happy with this arrangement but that’s how they do it. Jango and Santine assure Obiwan that Mandalorian divorces are just as quick and easy as marriages. Jango and Obiwan fall in love during Obiwan’s time in Mandalore space. Jango pointedly ‘forgets’ to divorce Obiwan and Obiwan ‘forgets’ they’re married.
Obiwan maybe ‘forgets’ a little too well because he doesn’t tell anyone he’s married. The most the Jedi Order knows is that Obiwan basically has the Mand’alor’s blessing to wear beskar but isn’t sworn to the Resol’nare. Obiwan stays in touch with Jango and Santine and to the Order it looks like Obiwan made some politically powerful friends. True of Santine, not so much Jango.
Then the Naboo incident happens and by the time that’s all handled Obiwan receives word that Jango is officially missing, has been missing for some time actually, and Death Watch has re-emerged under the guidance of Pre Vizla. The only thing Pre has to say about Jango is laugh and that he’s sure the galaxy will be seeing his face again soon enough.
Years go by, most assume Jango is dead. Then Zam Wessel’s assassination attempts on Padmé lead Obiwan to chase Bounty Hunter Montross back to Kamino where he discovers a very much alive Jango, his unaltered clone-son Boba, and the millions of clone troopers wearing Jango’s face. Obiwan helps Jango escape with Boba before he chases Montross to Genosis. Montross loses his head to Mace and Obiwan is too caught up in war to track down Jango.
Which is why it’s very surprising that the troopers come across Jango and Boba. Obiwan would really like to know just what Jango is doing when Mandalore has been missing their Mand’alor for a decade and could use him. Especially with the clone troopers making tensions even worse.
And Jango refers to the clones as THEIR sons. About how he can’t turn his back on THEIR kids until he figures out what kind of Sith-trap went into their creation, they’re freed, and given a longer lifespan. Mandalore space can wait until his clan/house has been sorted and any Mandalorian that doesn’t understand that is an idiot. Obiwan is a bit exasperated because he is working on it, all the Order is working doing the best for THEIR kids. Obiwan knows Jango has trust issues with the Order and Republic but could he not give them the benefit of a doubt in this matter?
At which point Anakin and Ashoka are like “Excuse us, Obiwan. When did you adopt the Vode?”
Obiwan is all. “Why would I have to adopt them? They’re Jango’s sons, so they’re my sons. By the way, Jango this is my former padawan Anakin and my great padawan Ashoka.”
Jango makes a face. “I’m too young to be a grandfather. Wait, you adopted an ad? You adopted an ad and didn’t tell me?”
“You were missing!”
“Did you at least raise him according to the Resol’nare?”
“Of course I did. Bo-Katan was kind enough to supervise his coming of age test. Anakin’s the first Mandalorian Jedi in millennia.”
And it turns out Obiwan and Jango honestly forgot they were keeping their marriage a secret.
There’s fallout of course. In good and bad ways. And I would write this idea out but honestly I’ve already got plans for using some of these ideas in WIPs so you get this long post instead.
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inkformyblood · 4 years
You Speak Of Grace
Commander Cody Week Day 02 Origins [ @commandercodyweek ]
Pairing: Codywan
Summary: Cody is about to meet his new Jedi, but he will make sure his men are as prepared as they can be. Little does he know that Obi-Wan is anything but what he was expecting.
“Once more.” Cody’s voice rang out as the test alarms died away, eliciting a fresh wave of groans from the assembled clones. From behind his helmet, Cody glanced over the group, running through the list in his mind once again. The heavy gloves hid the faint trembling of his hands as his fingers danced over the datapad, drawing up another scenario. “Test Scenario 00726. Oya!”
Distantly, Cody could almost hear Alpha-17’s low rumbling laugh echo forth from his memory at their displays of grumbling compliance. He carefully ignored the brother at the back — Crys, he thought, judging from the bright yellow daubed over his pauldrons and the dark hair growing up through the unnatural yellow dye — who ducked behind a console and emerged after swallowing down the last dregs of his caf.
The consoles rang shrilly as they ran through the necessary checks once more, heads lowered as the other clones focused on their own work. Cody sensed movement just behind him, but didn’t turn, watching the grey painted shape of Helix, their medic, move up behind him in the reflection of a console.
“Permission to speak freely, sir?”
Helix’s voice was soft but no less filled with purpose, expecting to be heard and understood. Cody was the Commander of the Battalion, but Helix was the medic, and that was something entirely different.
Helix tapped the comm on his wrist, shifting to a private channel, and Cody stifled the reflexive twinge of fear that rattled down his spine. Fear was useful, Alpha-17 had barked at the younger clones in the Command Track, echoing the words of the trainers before him, but it was also dangerous. Drawing in a deep breath, letting it flow through him rather than rule his thoughts, Cody switched to the private channel as well.
“You are doing a good job,” Helix murmured, his voice slightly distorted over the comm. “You are already a good commander, and having a Jedi won’t change that.”
Cody didn’t respond, didn’t want to think about what Helix could read in the sudden stillness of his hands or the lines of tension that flickered into life along his shoulders, but merely nodded, his throat tight.
Helix lightly tapped the back of his wrist guard against Cody’s hip in a silent benediction. “I’m going to head down to medical. Over the next few days, I’ll need to check on the troopers and the Jedi to get a baseline.”
“I’ll draw up a rota,” Cody promised, adding yet another item onto his mental checklist. Dimly, he spared a thought for how his brothers in the command track were faring. Their own comms channel had been eerily quiet since they had received their battalion allocations and left in the early hours of the morning with one final message each of “Oya”.
“Appreciate it,” Helix said with an inclination of his head and stepped away. The other medics, Border and Patience, shadowed him like ghosts, barely half a step behind in a haunting unison that would have made the trainers proud.
Cody turned back to the men, tracking their progress as they worked through the machines, feeling a warm glow of pride settle in his chest. This would work. This had to work.
A warning prickled at the base of his skull, and Cody was already turning to face the doorway by the time his mind had drawn the context clues together.
As Helix left, his pace had slowed slightly, and the soft whoosh of the doors closing took longer than it should have. One of the troopers had raised his head, gaze fixed at something over Cody’s shoulder as one of his hands formed the beginning of the symbol for ‘Mother’, a warning of being watched back on Kamino. But the critical clue was the message flashing from the Command Track Chat from Bly that only read ‘oh no my Jedi’s hot.’
“Hello there.”
“Hello, sir,” Cody said, running on instinct as the rest of his mind went blissfully blank. The only information he had been given was a name and a grainy holo picture to recognise his Jedi by. A small thrill ran down his spine at that thought. Possession was still something all the clones were getting used to, and the knowledge that this man was his, was theirs, was more than Cody could have thought possible.
“Jetti on bridge,” Cody barked over his shoulder to the others, feeling the weight of their eyes on his back.
Obi-Wan smiled, the edges of his eyes — so unbelievably blue, like the point where the ocean met the sky — crinkling. “Please, Commander, call me Obi-Wan.”
“Obi-Wan,” Cody repeated with a nod, further committing it to memory. He was grateful for the helmet that was still covering his head as he felt the heat settle in his cheeks. Full armour was cumbersome for now, but it had been better to be safe than sorry.
“From what I understand, you have names as well?” Obi-Wan’s gaze darted around the room; his voice pitched low. “I don’t wish to cause any offence; this situation is very new to me.” He tucked his hands into his sleeves, clasping them in front of him.
“CC-2224 is my designation. But my name is Cody, sir.”
It was as if Cody’s words ripped the oxygen from the room, every trooper freezing in place in perfect military rest. Obi-Wan had to feel the pressure lowering onto his shoulders, but he merely grinned once more.
“Cody. That’s an excellent name and a good choice.” Obi-Wan paused, glancing around the room and meeting the gaze of every trooper who quickly lowered their heads back to their consoles at Cody’s signal.
“I trust I can count on you to keep me right, Cody? I will defer to your expertise.” Obi-Wan’s grin was as warm as sunlight, intoxicating when it was directed at just Cody, and he felt his cheeks burst with heat once more.
“Yessir,” Cody said, snapping back into parade rest out of habit.
“I’m not sure what the Kamioans have told you, but if you’re amenable, full armour outside of active combat isn’t required.” Obi-Wan paused with a heavy sigh, looking far older than he was for a moment before he pushed whatever memory it was away. “This isn’t my first war, but no need to make it harder than it needs to be.”
“So,” Cody swallowed, turning his head slightly to track Boil and Waxer’s whispering, their heads pressed together out of the corner of his eye, “Permission to dismiss the men to store their extras?”
“Permission more than granted, Commander.”
If Cody had thought that his mind went blank before, it was nothing compared to being alone on the bridge with Obi-Wan. In every scenario, every training simulation or exercise, nothing could have prepared him for this moment. Alpha-17 and the others took after Prime almost perfectly, and that applied to his lack of attraction as well, at best able to offer rough support to a heartbroken trooper in basic training.
Obi-Wan began to move around the bridge, glancing over the simulated manoeuvres that had been programmed in with a gleam of interest in his eyes. “If you want, Cody, you can store your belongings as well. We’re going to be working together for a while, and I see no reason to start out with extreme formality.”
Cody’s hands were steady as he reached up to remove his helmet, subtly pressing at the itch that had erupted two hours ago at the nape of his skull as he did so. Obi-Wan’s face softened as he watched him, unable to hide the obvious curiosity in his eyes.
“I can definitely see the resemblance.”
Cody laughed, the noise startled out of him, jaw snapping shut with a click.
“I’m sorry, sir,” he began, but Obi-Wan cut him off with a wave of his hand, his shoulders shaking with barely suppressed laughter.
“Please, don’t apologise, Cody. If there is anyone at fault, then it is me.”
“No, sir.” Cody paused to find the correct words, tapping his fingers against the edge of the datapad as he thought. This wasn’t what he had been expecting, Obi-Wan wasn’t what he had been expecting, but he always had been quick on his feet. “As you said, no reason to start out with extreme formality. No fault here.”
Obi-Wan hummed quietly as he thought, and Cody took a moment to inspect the Jedi he would be serving under. The robes hid much of his frame, but Obi-Wan had moved with confidence, despite the fact that the fabric wouldn’t give much protection or possibly act as a hindrance. Cody made another note on his mental list, needing to confer with the other Commanders once everyone had settled again.
“I think this is going to be an excellent partnership, Cody,” Obi-Wan said at last. “With that in mind, with the full reassurance that you can tell me no at any time for whatever reason, would you like to join me for a cup of tea? I believe there is some final paperwork to go over.”
“Yessir,” Cody answered before the full implication hit him. Obi-Wan would be sharing, even serving most likely, something precious of his, something he had deliberately chosen to bring aboard a battleship, knowing the cargo restrictions. “I’d be honoured.”
“Excellent! Anakin, my padawan—” Obi-Wan paused, and Cody wordlessly fell into pace at his side, a few inches shorter than the other man as he titled his head to continue watching him, “—he never quite got the taste for it, unfortunately.”
“I am looking forward to it, sir.”
Obi-Wan gave him a look, his grin all fond curled edges.
“Obi-Wan,” Cody corrected himself. He felt like a fool to hope, but it was a hope he held onto tightly.
Out of sight, Cody tapped a message into the Command Chat before silencing it, knowing the explosions it would spawn. ‘Mine’s better, vod.’
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Gang of Friendship!
Not gonna lie, you, guys. It was really nice to have an episode that highlighted friendship. ^w^
I enjoyed the Lady Noir movie date. XD It was super sweet how he tried to be there for her and offered to talk if she ever felt like talking. Too bad she’s feeling so isolated and crushed by her responsibilities that she doesn’t feel like she can talk to anyone, not even her partner. I’m glad they got to go swimming, though.
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The cute JuleRose moment was sweet too. They just really want Marinette to be their sister-in-law. I also liked looking at all of Alya’s comic books. XD
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The little rabbit fist bump is probably one of my favourite moments from the entire episode. I adore it.
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Also, I would like to nominate this little guy as MVP of the episode. Trixx makes me happy. I like how he steps up and tries to help. We were robbed of Trixx and Alya reunion content. Robbed. I wanted a Trixx and Alya hug, gosh darn it! XD
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But, for real, I was seriously heartbroken for Marinette this episode. That was so bad. I’m really happy that it worked out in the end.
Tikki...wasn’t very helpful, and I was kind of disappointed. I know she loves Marinette and wants good things for her, but Tikki is too much of a “bigger picture” thinker. She’s too busy thinking about the success of the greater plan and protecting Paris and keeping Marinette safe from Papillon that I feel she loses sight of what Marinette needs from moment to moment. Tikki doesn’t seem to take actions that nurture Marinette where she is in the present. I know someone has to look out for the success of the greater plan, but...Marinette obviously needs help now, and I wish Tikki could give it to her. Their bond is so beautiful, and I just want Tikki to be able to help Marinette. ;-;
In other news, Papillombre’s outfit is still hideous, and I don’t know why he bothers to combine Duusu and Nooroo and wear that ugly costume when he’s not planning on using Duusu’s powers. I continue to question his viability as a fashion designer.
Random, but important: Go back and admire the way reflections are animated in Chronogirl’s visor. It’s beautiful. Seriously. Look at the reflections and how they move! Someone spent a lot of time getting that right, and it’s a beautiful feat of animation.
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Not going to lie, I wish the girls would get some new akuma forms? Please? I guess it’s good for our heroes to get used to fighting the same akumas so that they can defeat them faster by being familiar with their powers and what their objects are, but I feel like Juleka’s power wasn’t really relevant here? Turning everyone into clones wouldn’t have achieved anything if not for Rose turning them into servants afterwards.
I’m super proud of Alya for fighting off akumatization, though. It reminds me of when Chloé refused akumatization last season. I’m really proud of my girl. That’s the power of friendship! ^o^ The Alyabug content was wonderful.
Also, Juleka calling Rose “Princess”. XD I know it’s because she was Princess Fragrance at the time, but... I’m a sucker for when one character calls another “princess” unironically.
This group hug made me super happy. ^w^ I’m really glad that Marinette is being loved and supported.
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And this hug too! I’m so glad that Marinette was able to tell someone. I need Episode Four to pick up right where this leaves off. Seriously. For some reason, I don’t trust the writers, and I’m afraid Alya’s not going to believe her or something crazy like that. Can I just have content of Marinette being loved and supported?
Can I just have content of Alya steering Chat Noir towards Marinette? XD
While we’re at it, can I just have content of Marinette and Adrien hanging out and being friends? We haven’t had much Adrienette this season yet, have we? Things have been too hectic. ^.^; I think I just need some fluff without the drama.
Maybe I need to go write some fluff? What do you guys think?
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding IX
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
Part I - - - - - Part II - - - - - Part III - - - - - Part IV  - - - Part V - - - - - Part VI - - - - - Part VII - - - - - Part VIII
Content Warning: This chapter contains potentially triggering material, particularly aftermath of attempted suicide as well as discussions of bodily injury.
Cody woke up the morning after the...drunken keldabe still feeling uneasy. He spent half an hour attempting to read over reports in preparation for the Umbaran campaign before giving it up as a lost cause. He distracted himself for a little while by pouring over last night’s cantina surveillance, before giving up on that as well and sending a message to General Skywalker.
‘Any updates on General Kenobi’s status?’
He watched the comms as communications from everyone besides the General trickled in. He answered a few requests for requisitions, forwarded some medical reports, and ignored an irritating handful of overly-personal questions. 
Agonizing over it the whole time, he opened a comm-text link to Obi-Wan. It took nearly an hour, but he managed to send two sentences. ‘Hope you’re recovering well. Look forward to upcoming mission discussion.’
He immediately wanted to retroactively delete the message, mortified by every word and deeply concerned at every second that passed without a reply.
He spent the next 30 minutes hunched over, quickly closing every incoming CT and CC communication, justifying the time to himself as ‘technically on leave.’
He lurched forward when he finally received a General’s comm code, but slumped in disappointment when it was Skywalker, not Kenobi.
‘Not as drunk but still seems a little high. He says he wasn’t drugged. He’s taking the rest of the day off. I’m monitoring.’
Taking the rest of the day off. Did that mean he wasn’t carrying around his comm? Kriff. Should he more or less concerned that the general was actually taking a day off?
He decided to be more concerned.
‘Thank you for the update. Respectfully request information on any changes.’
Hopefully that would encourage Skywalker to keep him informed even if he stopped freaking out over his vod’s behavior.
Stowing the remote comm, he stood up and exited the temporary planet-side office, throwing himself into cleaning up the mess that was nearly 20,000 clone troopers simultaneously attempting to get the most out of a very brief R&R. 
Shortly before mid-day, he received another update from Skywalker.
‘Just managed to get him to medical. Healer cleared him of drug interactions but Obi-Wan’s still acting strange (not crying, but a lot of hugging).’
Cody stared at that for a long while.
‘Any other verbal indications of upcoming danger?’ he finally asked. Skywalker didn’t reply. 
Shortly after nightfall, his incident reports were interrupted by a call from an unknown temple number. He quickly opened it, and a holo of an unfamiliar Mon Calamari female healer appeared in miniature on the desk.
“Commander Cody. Thank you for answering so quickly. Are you somewhere private?” she asked, voice deliberately neutral.
The Commander tensed up. “Yes, sir. I’m in CC office space, alone. The room and the channel are both secure. Is this regarding General Kenobi?”
“Yes.” She replied. “My name is Master Bant Eerin; I’m a temple healer as well as a personal friend of Obi-Wan’s. He’s...he’s in the healing halls right now. We’re still trying to understand exactly what happened- I’ll tell you what I can but first we need to rule out any possible drugs he may have contact with. I need you to describe in detail anything he may have been exposed to that could have possibly had mind-altering effects.”
The Commander was a professional. He swallowed back his fear, his questions, and his demands to know what was going on.
“Of course. Everything on the Negotiator was GAR Standard, and I was with him when we left the ship. We went directly to the lower levels. The first time he was exposed to anyone outside the 212th was when we left our transport on level 3915. I...actually have footage of him the whole time night after that point. I’m sending it over right now, sir.”
“That would be extremely helpful, thank you.” He watched as she pulled it up on a second comm, sound barely audible. 
He continued with his report: “One of the boys took it without permission. He didn’t mean anything by it, he’s just an idiot; I’ve already issued a severe reprimand. In any case, he brought it to me after I issued surveillance on the cantina, it tracks everything the General did- as far as I can tell, he had a glass of house grub wine, two shots of rancor blood, and an unnamed mixed cocktail ‘on the house.’ You can see everything the bartender added- as far as I can tell nothing was slipped in. He just... blacked out suddenly after the fourth drink, and quickly startled awake, confused by his surroundings.”
“I see.” Her tone was still carefully neutral and Cody didn’t know how to read her expression. He waited, wishing he was wearing his bucket so he didn’t have to keep schooling his face into professional patience.
“You brought him back to the temple...correct?” 
“Yes, sir.”
She let out a deep breath, gills fluttering slightly. “We’ll probably have more questions later, but please understand our inquires are entirely based around determining how we can best help Obi-Wan. This call and any future ones are not intended, and should absolutely not be interpreted, as indications of blame. He’s actually spoken to me about you before, I know he has the deepest respect for you, personally and professionally. Someone will likely be assigned to talk to everyone whose spent time with him recently, including myself.”
The sick feeling in his gut from last night returned full force. “I...believe I understand sir. His condition is serious, then?”
Her gills fluttered again.
“Even now, I think we can safely anticipate a full physical recovery. He...there’s no easy way to say this...it appears he attempted to end his own life. Knight Skywalker got to him just in time, and he received bacta within minutes of the initial burn. I...like I said...we’ll began work to figure out why-”
Her voice broke and she stared up, large tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. She hastily wiped them away.
“Rest assured commander, he’s getting the best treatment possible. Thank you for your assistance. I’ll do my best to answer any questions you might have right now. This is my personal comm link- please feel free to reach out to me at any point for updates.”
“I-” Cody cleared his throat. “Can I come to the temple? To...” he trailed off, not sure how to finish.
“Not tonight, I’m sorry. The healers need to focus; he’s not allowed any visitors until he’s out of Bacta, I’m afraid.”
“Skywalker must be throwing a fit at that” Cody remarked numbly.
The healer winced. “Knight Skywalker is currently sedated. He was...injured in the struggle to keep Obi-Wan from further harm. Master Windu witnessed part of it, but we’ll have to wait until its safe to wake him to get the full story. I’ll be notifying Captain Rex of the situation after we finish speaking.”
“I’ll do it.” Cody offered immediately. “Tell me what happened.”
Eerin hesitated. 
“Please, Sir. It will be better coming from me and...if he’s the only other trooper who’s being informed at the moment...”
“Of course,” she said quietly. “We don’t know the full circumstances, but at some point in performing emergency care for Master Kenobi, Knight Skywalker was stabbed in the lower abdomen with a vibroblade. It pierced his large intestine. The blade was pulled out shortly before healers arrived, causing some further damage and blood loss. He’s already finished surgery, and should only need a few hours of Bacta at most. Considering his extraordinary past recovery rates, he’ll likely be out of bed tomorrow and fully healed by the end of the week.”
“General Kenobi wouldn’t...” Cody trailed off again. He was having a hard time putting coherent sentences together.
Bant looked at the ceiling for a moment, seeming to collect her thoughts.
“Psychosis can have many manifestations. Even with- with conventional injuries, people can mistake help for harm. There’s just too much we don’t understand, and only so much we can learn before they wake up. Are you certain you wish to be the one to inform Captain Rex?”
“Yes.” That was about the only thing the Commander was certain of right now. “Is there anyone else in the GAR I should inform of...anything?”
“The military aspect of this isn’t my area of expertise. If there’s someone you trust who can be a support for you, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to tell them in confidence. Some form of what happened is going to get out eventually.” she replied. “Please use your discretion, I suppose. It’s...not really my speciality but I imagine you’ll receive further orders on how much to release to the GAR once Obi-Wan’s stable.”
Right. Discretion. Because Obi-Wan wasn’t just Obi-Wan- he was a high general in charge of nearly 1/3 of the republic’s forces. If word of this got out to the wrong ears it would cause mass panic, maybe even an emboldened separatist advance. It was an insane amount of responsibility for one person, no wonder - he deliberately didn’t finish the thought.
“I’ll comm the Captain immediately. Thank you for the information, General.” he said out loud.
“Feel free to contact me for further updates, and tell Captain Rex he’s welcome to do the same. I’ll message you when its clear to visit the halls.”
“Yes, Sir.” Cody responded, saluting automatically. 
“Take care of yourself, Commander Cody”
The hologram blinked out. Cody sat motionless for several long moment before sweeping his desk off, sending the assorted flimsies and redundant comm-units of various designations to the ground.
He stared at the empty desk, then tapped a button on his wrist comm, opening a private audio channel. “CT-7567, please come in” he said calmly.
“Cody?” came the alarmed reply. “I’m here, what’s going on?” Why did he sound so panicked? He had deliberately used his calmest voice. Oh well.
“Please report immediately to CC Office 12 in Guard Headquarters”
“I’ll be there in 10″
Cody hung up. He stared at the blank wall. He knew something was wrong with how the General said goodbye.
He opened the single desk drawer and dumped the odd wires and coins inside to the floor. Eerin had said burn. That could mean a lot of things, but lightsaber was the most likely. 
Cody puked profusely into the empty drawer. He stared at the vomit for a moment before carefully closing the drawer. He still felt a little sick. He hadn’t even said anything back to the General, he just stood there, frozen. 
He stared vaguely at the wall across, wondering if he was going to puke again.
Rex burst into the room. “Cody! What’s going on?! You- kark, what is that smell?”
“I puked in the desk drawer” Cody explained.
Rex shut the door behind him and slowly walked over. He knelt down next to the desk, gently taking Cody’s hands in this own. “Cody. Vod. Talk to to me.” 
“Obi-Wan tried to kill himself.”
Rex’s hands tightened over Cody’s compulsively and Cody squeezed back harder. He closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at Rex’s expression.
“Some of ghost company went out for drinks last night. Obi-Wan started acted oddly. We flew towards the temple. He started crying. We got to the temple. He Keldabe kissed me. He told me goodbye. I didn’t say anything back.”
“Oh, vod” Rex whispered. He gently pulled the slack Cody off the chair and onto his lap on the floor. Cody continued mechanically. “I did reports today. Skywalker said he was with him. I left Obi-Wan a message. I don’t think he saw it. He tried to kill himself. Skywalker must have left him alone. He saved him. Obi-Wan stabbed Skywalker.”
Rex froze, still holding on to Cody. 
“The healer called. Asked about drugs. They don’t think its drugs but they had to ask. She said they’re both going to heal completely fine. I have a link if you want to call the healer directly. That’s...it. I have reports to do now.”
Rex held Cody tighter. “Not right now”
“It’s war. People get hurt. People die. I have work to do”
“Not right now,” Rex repeated. “You have the right to be upset. You have the right to grieve. You’re a person, of course you have feelings.”
“Obi-Wan said that.” Cody whispered. Then he started crying. He continued to quietly sob for some time, hurt and bewildered and scared. They sat on the floor together; Rex barely moved, simply held on to his older brother as he fell apart.
Inevitably, Cody’s tears dried up and he pulled away. 
“I don’t know how to clean this,” he said gesturing at that closed drawer. 
“I’ll take care of it. Let’s just get you to bed. There’s CC bunks here, right? 
“Yes but...”
Cody didn’t really like sleeping so isolated, but he also couldn’t imagine facing the 212th right now. 
“I’ll stay here with you. We’ll go to the temple together in the morning.”
Rex shepherded Cody to the fresher. He stared at the mirror with a vague sense of recognition before automatically moving through a standard sanitation routine. By the time he finished, Rex had joined him in his room.
“What did you do with the vomit?” Cody asked, suddenly exhausted. They slipped into bed together.
“Swapped the whole desk with Pond’s. That bastard knows what he did.”
Cody let out a snort. Then, much to his surprise, he sank heavily into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Part X
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sepublic · 3 years
With what Boba said about how ‘people like us’ should band together and start calling the shots... Well, there’s only room for that in a Season 2 that might not even happen;
But I kinda wish we’d see Boba Fett establish his own guild of mercenaries and bounty hunters. An organization that bounty hunters can join as a part of; Sure there’s obviously a few and you have to share a portion of your cuts. But it’s a support network, you have everyone else willing to help you on a mission. If an employer screws things up and gets you hurt, tries to stand you up; It’s the entire organization after you. They will hold contractors responsible for the well-being of employees, ensuring they’re taken care of and not recklessly endangered; Investigations occur for a death, not just for the culprit, but to see if the client was negligent and could’ve prevented this, with retribution occurring if so. Boba’s policy is that if you mess with one bounty hunter, you mess with all of them... Kind of like a more benevolent Dark Hunters from Bionicle, more comradery.
Boba’s gang provides housing in his palace; There’s always a room to stay over for members, for people to lay low as a hub. His organization works to get missions and offers available for members, Boba even arranges contracts for his employees, like a bounty hunter union. It’s similar to the guild from The Mandalorian, but as a much more concise unit of people who collaborate together. Members perform missions at Boba’s command, as he figures out which mercenaries are the best fit for a team.
And Boba’s not just working for others; His gang is amassing power to leverage some of its own. Mostly stuff like smoothing out the outer rim, stamping out injustices like massacres, helping the Tuskens. There’s a code to Boba’s organization, and they’ll provide humanitarian relief and support when the New Republic or others have failed; Free of charge, straight out of Boba’s vaults! He assigns and coordinates and protects, as bounty hunters work with each other, lash back at those who’d hurt their family, and do the occasional Good Samaritan work, paid for by Boba himself.
We could see fan-favorites and loners join up, like Bossk, or Dengar. Rookies struggling on their own get the help of a family and support network early on, with mentors to guide and train them. Boba Fett is of course mindful to avoid monopolies because he’s not a scumbag, so he does provide room for autonomy. And since he’s a man of honor, you can count on his guild to carry out their mission (unless they learn it goes against their code), and sometimes Boba does assignments on his own to sharpen himself. He finds and provides assignments for his people and gives them security; People with such talents can see them put to good work and still have some freedom.
In general, Boba Fett’s organization acts like a mafia for hire, taking missions and assigning operatives, and providing order where there otherwise wouldn’t be; Stuff like harmful drugs or slavery is out of the question in Boba’s turf. He’s a safe haven for many, and I could see Boba setting aside resources to aid clone trooper veterans, his own brothers; Clones who join as muscle for hire, and/or for a decent retirement plan, courtesy of Fett with no strings attached. It’s another way of honoring his father’s legacy, after all. Honestly, I expected us to get into the nitty-gritty of the criminal underworld and discuss some real compelling politics and worldbuilding, like Game of Thrones in space... See Boba actually help the populace from visible damage in the present-day; So it’s a shame we don’t.
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priortoallthoughts · 3 years
TBB Character Thoughts
Where do you live Filoni I just wanna talk
Why are they white Filoni
Filoni answer me
Spoilers for TBB episodes 1 & 2 under the cut 
There are two distinct instances where we see Crosshair being more than just the asshole character and I’m gonna talk about them 
The first one is S7E4 of TCW when everyone is escaping Skako Minor and he and Wrecker are comparing kill counts 
don’t look at me blushing about Crosshair being a top
But just look at Crosshair’s mannerisms when he says “no he won’t~” 
Popping up right after Hunter assures Wrecker just to rub it in that he topped him killed more droids 
The little head shake and shoulder shrug he does 
And his voice 
That’s not the voice of someone saying something cruel
That’s a straight up teasing voice 
He’s teasing his vod like vode do 
The second instance is in TBB S1E1 when they’re loading the marauder for their mission to Onderon 
“He actually cried”
And ya know what?
I don’t doubt that Wrecker cried 
But “hey, we both did”
I like to think that Crosshair, seeing a fully stocked armory with force knows how many (probably new) rifles, also teared up a bit 
THAT’S the Crosshair I’m holding out hope for 
But I swear if I don’t see him trying to fight the chip’s control 
(Just like Rex tried to do)
(Just like Jesse tried to do)
If I don’t see that and he doesn’t get any character development beyond being just the bad guy 
I’m gonna go feral 
But maybe we do see it?
He still wants Hunter’s permission before pulling the trigger even with his chip half active 
And Wrecker is a big target 
Crosshair only hits his shoulder when they’re escaping Kamino
From that close range he misses a kill shot?
No sir I don’t think so
There was never a doubt in my mind that Wrecker would be good with kids 
Look at him standing up behind Omega in the galley for intimidation like the ori’vod he is
And to see him interact with Shaeeah and Jek 
“Uncle Wrecker!” 
I just 🥺
And can I just say that when they’re locked up on Kamino and he punches the wall the first time 
He explains the sounds to the guard almost verbatim the way Tech did to him 
Had me cracking up because the way he’s written, he would never say that by himself 
He trusts Tech’s explanation so much that he parrots it back to the guards
Not to mention all the little interactions between Tech and Wrecker in both episodes 
Them arguing about the hand signals 
Him reacting to Tech’s teasing about his conditioning 
Wrecker suplexing the droid which was hot
And maybe they’ve done it before, but all Crosshair needing to say is “knife” for Wrecker to know what to do
Great moment 
And his SCAR
We get a so much more detailed image of it in the first episode 
Like, I’m of the opinion that that injury is part of the reason he acts as childish as he does 
Because are those or are those not electrical scars 
His brain was fried
Them mentioning it at all would be nice 
Give me more than big dumb guy 
I love and support the headcanon of him being emotionally intelligent 
Also, him going through the Marauder with Omega and they both fall asleep together is the sweetest 
He probably showed her everything they have while talking about it
He showed her where they hide the snacks
Lula is cute and so is Wrecker’s poncho and hat 
His confidence in everything he says is so attractive
He might be misinformed about some things, namely the inhibitor chips
But boy
Him being positive about where to hit the wall to break out of their cell
The fact that he could slice into imperial data easily even though he’s never seen those codes before 
How he didn’t tell Hunter about his plan to impound the Marauder until after the fact because he knew his plan would work
The biggest flex
Also, I want him to hear Rex explain the true purpose of the chips 
I want him to say “actually” like he’s about to say something 
I want Rex to have undeniable proof of it all
And I want Tech to become progressively more horrified about what he sees/hears
Tech is Tech
He knows technology
He trusts technology 
And look at what the Kaminoans put inside him and his vod 
He immediately starts planning on how to get the chip out of Crosshair
Also he’s a secret softie with Omega 
He probably researched everything about her right after they meet the first time 
He’s upset because she’s upset on the farm in Saleucami
The way he reaches up to catch her when she drops down from the Marauder 
“That would be dirt” 
Like he can and will happily explain anything about anything to her if she asks 
Guess who just made the Galaxy’s Top 10 list of best dad’s? 
Look at him trying to be a dad 
You don’t know everything yet but you’re doing great sweetie 
Immediate ride or die for Omega as soon as he finds out she’s some sorta defective like them 
Also the way he goes after Caleb to try and protect him from the other clones 
He just wants to help kids 
Probably shoulda called Crosshair out on his acting strange more/earlier 
He knows his vod, and Cross is not being Cross
The way he watches Cut and Suu to try and figure this parenting thing out because he’s just acquired a child 
The way Cut and Suu look at him when he interacts with Omega
Cut’s like, yeah vod, I’ve been there
Also talking about gorgeous 
Hunter in civvies 
He wasn’t yelling at Omega because he was mad, he was yelling because he was scared 
He was yelling at Tech because he was mad
I knew Omega wasn’t going to leave but him suggesting it because he wants her to be safe
So good, so pure 
And he’s a great leader, honestly 
He doesn’t do anything to put them in danger if he can help it (see: Onderon)
Crosshair says he’s missing the big picture but I think he sees everything, but he also knows it’s an incomplete picture 
He just wants the best for his vode and that means getting all the facts straight before he does anything 
My man deserves to know exactly how Fives’s actions helped saved Rex and Ahsoka and is still helping to save other vode 
He deserves to remember his last batch mate fondly
I love how he reacted to AZI-3 
The recognition of his PTSD is a good thing as much as it hurts to see 
Need more of that 
Echo using his cybernetic arm as a shank on the droids during the training simulation is peak feral fighting
Also he definitely asked to get some kamas again 
He earned his ARC status before and he’s not gonna lose that too
Plus he knows the kamas are hot
The fact that he’s complaining about the smell of their room too is just so funny?
Like it’s an offhand comment at first
But then he gripes about it again when Wrecker says it smells funny in the cell
“That’s because it’s clean”
All Echo wants is to kick everyone out of their room for the day and deep clean everything 
And the way he acts because of Omega
“Harm her and you’re a dead man”
Completely serious
He absolutely would murder someone if they so much as scratch her
I wish we got more bonding between him and the others
He probably had that awkward phase when you find a new friend group but you’re still new so you can’t just be your normal weird self
He’s gotta build up to being just bantha-shit insane
Otherwise the others would think he’s serious about the shit he says
And be worried 
But it’s actually nothing to worry about 
I just want them all showing love to him and each other 
Also, in case you were curious,
Galaxy’s Top 10 Best Dads (in no particular order):
Din Djarin
Jango Fett
Plo Koon
Cut Lawquane
Kanan Jarrus
Bail Organa
Chewbacca, probably 
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Imagine making Hunter a custom weighted blanket:
Every time the boys would go out on a mission that didn’t require your assistance, you would stay on the ship and work on it. You kept it well hidden in your closet under other arts and craft supplies so that no one of the boys would think twice about it if they stumbled upon it. You tried your best not to be suspicious about it and not give the surprise away, but Tech figures it out when you were asking about the average weight and strength of clones. Luckily after explaining that a weighted blanket is usually one fourth of the persons body weight and that it can be used for calming people down as a grounding technique, he was supportive of your idea and was curious to see how it would turn out.
After weeks of working on it, the blanket was finished. As everyone heads back to their bunks you asked “ Hey, do you have a minute?” He just turns and smile “ For you, I do.” You then gesture for him to sit and with a confused yet amused looked he sits where you showed him. “ Alright I’ll be right back.” Hunter then lightly brushed your hand to get you attention and ask “ What is this about?” Turning your head as you start to walking away again you explain “ Well, if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise, but with your senses you’ll probably know what it is as soon as I pick it up.” Hunter knew you were making something over the past few weeks, but he just assumed it was another project to calm yourself with. He didn’t expect what you had brought to him.
“ Ta-Da!” You softly proclaimed presenting your handy work. Hunter then hesitantly took it from you, feeling the weight as you rested it in his hands. “ You made this?” He questioned as tears stung his eye and a small smile crept its way onto his face. “ Yeah, I know that sometimes you have trouble sleeping so I thought that maybe this would help with the tossing and turning. I made it out of a bed sheet material so that I knew that I got the right thread count. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. And I had to haggle the merchant for the glass beads because they kept trying to sell me scented ones, when I explicitly asked for none scented.” As you kept explaining the process of the blankets creation, Hunter admired the gift.
As he ran his hand lightly along the stitched squares the fabric felt cool and soft. Knowing that you made sure to use a breathable material so he could use it no matter the temperature of the ship. The only part that you got wrong was that it did have a scent, it smelt like you. Every inch of this gift was thought out according to his needs and even though throughout time he has learned to deal with them you were one of the few who took notice of his preferences. He didn’t realize he wanted to cry until a tear rolled down his cheek. “ Oh Hunter, don’t cry.” You said as you walked over to kneel in front of him.
“ You are far to good for this galaxy and especially for us.” He said trying to regain his strong leader demeanor. “ Hunter you take care of so much, you deserve something nice.” You explained. You knew that they clones weren’t allowed much and their lives weren’t the best or the easiest, you wished to help in any way you could. At a loss for words he pulled you up into a hug and whispered a “ thank you” into your neck. You would do anything for your boys they deserved so much. That night Hunter had the best sleep he has had in a long time.
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