#i’m just so empty. i don’t have anything left in me my dudes. i feel like i’m trying to pour from an empty cup with every single thing i do
grocerystoreanxiety · 20 days
my tolerance for ppl is getting concerningly low
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icepopstar5105us · 3 months
“Hey. Uh, Johnny?” Danny said awkwardly, “What does it mean when one of the older ghosts calls you their favored and why does it freak people out?”
Johnny 13 gave the halfa a bewildered look, “Dude. Didn’t you listen to Death? At all?”
“Death?” Danny scrunched his face, “What do you mean? I don’t…”
“Wait.” Johnny straightened, “You’ve talked with Death, right? She explained-?”
Danny shook his head, confused, “Was I supposed to?”
“When you first died, she’s supposed to appear. She gives a whole spiel and then transfers a bunch of information.” Johnny frowned, “She did it for Plasmius, so it’s not a halfa thing.”
“Oh.” Danny looked down, “What if… What if someone died and came back a few times very quickly? Would that… Would that cause any problems?”
Johnny stilled, horrified, “Ok. Look, do you want to talk about your death? Because I’m not asking if you don’t, but...”
“I guess…” Danny said, “So you know that my parents made the portal, right?”
“Yeah.” Johnny said.
“They’d been trying to do it for a long time. Plasmius actually worked with them for a while back when they were in college. It’s why all of their tech is similar in design.” Danny explained, “They built the thing, plugged it in, turned it on… and nothing.”
“But it works now.” Johnny frowned.
“Yeah. It does.” Danny nodded, “But remember my friends? Sam and Tucker?”
“The edgy emo and the computer geek?”
“As Sam’s friend, I am obligated to inform you that she is goth not emo… but yes, those two.” Danny smiled sadly, “My mom and dad were upset. They left the house and Jazz was working her shift at a library. The whole house was empty and I was… you know. A normal teenager home alone.”
Johnny snorted at that, “Ah yes. A completely normal teenager
“Yeah, yeah. The point is, the first thing I did after being left home alone was call my friends over.” Danny rolled his eyes, “Told them what happened and… It was Sam who suggested we go down there first — she’s always been into ghost and occult stuff — and look around. Tucker was down, because it was tech even if we didn’t think most of the tech would work. He wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to mess around with it. Jazz had given me some lectures on lab safety — my parents don’t usually follow it themselves — and I had a bad feeling so I put on the Hazmat suit.”
“That’s not a superhero costume you came up with?” Johnny asked, eyes widening.
“No, um. It’s a hazmat suit. The only way I changed my form was the insignia and even then that was Sam’s idea.”
“Yeah, but um….” Danny paused, “We wound up standing outside the portal. It wasn’t working or anything, but there was a big spooky metal hole in the wall. You know, the kind of thing you’d expect in sci-fi movies. Sam dared me to go in and I was nervous. That bad feeling just intensified, but again — fourteen. I wasn’t being smart about it. So… I went into it. I kept going and it was dark. I was turning back when I tripped and I flailed. Accidentally hit some button that was on the side and it turned on.”
Johnny took a sharp breath.
“And um. Did you know that the portal takes a lot of electricity to start up?” Danny joked weakly, “Took three blocks worth. Um, lots of ectoplasm, too — from both the zone and the artificial stuff my parents use.” He shuffled, “So um, turns out both those things can revive and kill people. So I just kind of — died and revived a lot until it turned on and basically spat me out into the lab.
“That’s - Kid…”
“So um, maybe since I was dying and reviving so much death didn’t have a chance to fill me in? Honestly, would have like the heads up.” Danny said sheepishly, “I didn’t even understand what had happened until ghosts started coming through the portal.”
Danny shrugged, “I mean, I kind of suspected. I was falling through floors. It was hard to ignore, but I didn’t know - My parents are good inventors, but not the best scientists and it made things hard to figure out.”
“What? You bought that whole non-sentient BS?”
“No.” Danny shook his head, “I just didn’t buy any of it — and I mean none of it. I wanted nothing to do with the whole thing. The whole town thought my parents were crazy, they were always in the lab working, and I only ever saw them briefly once or twice a day. Don’t get me wrong. They’re still my parents and I love them, but… they have two big priorities. Their work and their kids. Their work is just… a higher priority to them.”
“Oh.” Johnny cringed, “Oh. Kid…”
“So yeah. Life sucks. Death sucks… but I really need to know what to do and why Ember is freaking out over me being called ‘favored one’.”
“Uh, right.” Johnny paused, “Well, it’s like old ghost language. Um. Basically, it’s like being called a really, really close friend or adopted family. Kind of like… ‘hey, this is my person that I love and protect’. It’s platonic unless they specify otherwise.”
“Huh, okay.” Danny blinked, “That makes sense, but why would Ember freak out?”
“Well… who called you that?”
“Oh! Clockwork and Pandora call me that when I visit.”
Johnny blanched, “What?”
“And now you’re freaking out, too.”
“You’ve been just- Kid! Are you just casually talking to them?”
“Um, yeah? They said it was okay?”
“Do you know nothing about the hierarchy of the- Wait. No. You didn’t get to talk to Death. Of course you don’t-“ Johnny sighed — covering his eyes, “Okay, so do you know what the ancients are?”
“I thought that was just a saying.”
“No, it’s not-” Johnny pinched the bridge of his nose, “The Ancients are the most powerful spirits in the Zone. They’re ghosts, but they resemble ideals more than they do a person most of the time. Practically gods. The ancients are Undergrowth, Frostbite, Nocturne, Pandora, Clockwork, Vortex, and Pariah Dark. Thing is… where most ghosts plateau at a certain power level the ancients can just keep growing in power. Clockwork is one of the strongest — so strong, the Observants bound him to their will.”
“Yeah, I heard about that, but he’s really nice, you know.” Danny smiled, “And he makes really good cookies really fast.”
Johnny stared at Danny for a long moment, “Danny. Do you not hear yourself right now? He’s basically the god of time.”
“Yeah, but if he didn’t want me to visit, I wouldn’t be able to find him.” Danny shrugged, “So he told me if I can see the clocktower, I’m welcome to come in.”
“Besides. I’m friends with half of those guys and they’re cool.”
“Wha- How many ancients do you know?”
“Um… All the ones you just listed? I’m friends with Frostbite, Pandora, and Clockwork. I fought Undergrowth, Vortex and Nocturne before, but Nocturne likes me now. Um, Undergrowth doesn’t like me, though. Loves Sam, though… Um, obviously I know who Pariah Dark is after the whole thing in Amity-“
Johnny stilled, “Wait a minute… Kid. I need you to answer me honestly here… Did Pariah ever mention a challenge when you fought him?”
“Well, um. I guess? He was all formal speak, though, so…”
“Kid.” Johnny said very slowly, “Did he ever issue a challenge or accept a challenge from you?”
“… Um. He did say that he accepted my challenge or something, but wasn’t that just fight-talk or…”
“I think I get it now.” Johnny sighed, facepalming, “Just… maybe don’t tell people about this and consider asking one of the ancients allies you have about what Pariah accepting your challenge means for you.”
“For me? What-“
“Just… give it some thought.” Johnny paused, “And- Well, I can talk to Ember for you, yeah?”
Danny curled up on a sofa as Pandora embraced him with three arms and ran her fourth hand through his hair.
“Pandora.” Danny said softly, “Some of my friends say you, Frostbite, and Clockwork are ancients.”
“They are correct.”
“I didn’t know what ancients were.”
“I noticed.” Pandora laughed a bit, “But you’re a sweet child. You helped me get my box back and did not demand my favor. Perhaps it was selfish not to tell you, but I didn’t want to distress you. You are a kind and humble soul. Is it such a surprise I wish to continue seeing you?”
“You thought I would stop if I did?” Danny asked, confused, “I mean, sure my other friends were shaken up by it, but they don’t know you. Why would I be afraid when you’re so nice?”
Pandora blinked and then smiled warmly — a little laugh pulling from her throat. Oh, the innocence of such a young spirit, “Why, indeed? I suppose I didn’t give you or myself enough credit, did I?”
Danny shrugged, “I don’t have room to judge people for being different anyway. I’m a halfa. Pretty sure that’s even rarer than being an Ancient, right?”
“I suppose that is true.” Pandora smiled, “There are only a few halfas and none are quite like you. There will only ever be one of you.”
“Does this have something to do with why I never got to meet death?” Danny asked, confused, “That’s the only thing I can find that seems all that different-“
“In a way… Yes, but there are many more differences. The main one is that you powers have grown beyond Vlad Masters and they continue to do so.” Pandora said, “You are what we call a ‘Juna Potenco’. Most realms will never have heard of such things, but us ancients do not forget and when faced with a gift like yourself… well, you’ll only see more of us with time.”
“What does that mean? Is it bad?”
“No, no. It is a gift, not a punishment.” Pandora promised, “You are an inspiring soul, favored one, and it seems the realms themselves have seen that.”
“That doesn’t sound right.” Danny pulled away and sat up as he shook his head, “I’m a halfa, but that’s what I am. It doesn’t say anything about who I am. There isn’t anything special about who I am.”
“Everyone else disagrees with that last statement.” Pandora shook her head, “But I will let you in on the secret.”
“These are not due to your half spirit nature, but something truly special.” Pandora cupped his cheek, “Danny, do you truly wish to know? As amazing as this is, I am not sure you will be ready for the truth just yet.”
“I’m - I’ve been debating what colleges to apply for, but… I don’t know if any of them will take me now with my grades. I still look fourteen — fifteen at the oldest… and I still feel fourteen.” Danny looked at Pandora with pleading eyes, “So if this would impact my future, I think I’d like to know. Before things get complicated.”
“Are you sure?”
Suddenly, everything froze.
Danny looked up to see Clockwork putting a medallion on Pandora while Frostbite gave him a smile.
“I presume you’re here to assist in informing him?” Pandora asked.
“Indeed.” Frostbite nodded.
“Informing me of what?” Danny asked, confused.
“When you went to face Pariah Dark, you stated your intention to fight him.” Clockwork said, “And he accepted your challenge. You fought in single combat, removed the Crown of Fire from his head, and then managed to get him into the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep.”
“Plasmius might have locked the Sarcophagus, but you have repeatedly bested him and even when he has gotten the best of you, it has not been in single combat. However, Plasmius at one point claimed your fight was a ‘fun challenge’. You agreed — officially accepting it as such. When you defeated him, he lost any fragile claim to the throne.”
“Claim to the- Wait. What are you saying?” Danny glanced between them, “What? No. No… you have to be kidding me. I’m just me. I was trying to help, not-“
“Child, your soul was always going to be tied to the zone one way or another.” Pandora said, “Mortality is already a fragile thing, but someone so surrounded by ectoplasm at a young age all while experiencing the struggles you did with your parents absence… it was inevitable that you would be a powerful ghost.”
“But, then, Great One.” Frostbite continued, “You stood fully emerged in the space between worlds and thought of protection and forgiveness — mercy. You did not even consider vengeance or desires of your own. Only the wellbeing of others. It is an act of great sacrifice and not one many can complete so fully.”
“To put it simply, Danny.” Pandora said, “You’re one of us, Juna Protenco. New and young power that will grow infinitely. Though you are far from ancient, you will be with time.”
“An ancient to be.” Danny said distantly.
“The Ancient of Protection, Space, Mercy, and Matter.” Clockwork turned into his newborn form, “The best candidate for king we’ve had in a long time. Though, perhaps I am a bit biased.”
“Does it have something to do with space-time?” Danny guessed, “Because Matter, Time, and Space…”
“Correct.” Clockwork smirked, “Matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move. I guide you and you make changes that I will use to guide you again.”
Dannu blinked, “Oh. I get it.”
“You do?” Pandora blinked.
“That’s domains for you.” Frostbite chuckled and then quickly explained when Danny gave him a confused look, “We all innately understand our domains and their meanings. My domain is progression, society, and advancement.”
“Mine is responsibility, hope, protection, and perseverance.” Pandora revealed.
“Indeed.” Clockwork transformed into the middle aged man again, “But now that you know of your future, we must prepare.” He put his hand on Danny’s shoulder, “Your coronation must happen by the time you turn eighteen. As Ghost King, you will need to learn some diplomatic skills. We will teach you while you finish your human schooling.” Clockwork promised, “You can tell your parents the truth or you can say you are simply leaving for college, but Maddie and Jack Fenton cannot move to the Zone with you. Your sister is welcome. Your friends are welcome, but unfortunately…”
“I understand.” Danny lowered his head, “I don’t think I’ll tell them just yet. Maybe I’ll leave a note or a video, but…”
Clockwork’s eyes glazed over briefly — clearly checking the timeline.
“That is a good idea.” Clockwork nodded.
“Okay.” Danny swallowed, “I can’t -”
“No.” Clockwork said, “Honored as these two would be, they have their duties and people. They cannot. I am both bound by the Observants and a little too prone to acts of selfishness. It is too much power for me. No. It must be you.”
“You’re not selfish. You helped me.” Danny tilted his head, confused.
Clockwork chuckled guiltily as Pandora made a face and Frostbite shifted awkwardly.
“There is a reason people fear me, Danny.” Clockwork seemed more amused than anything by the sudden awkwardness, “I appreciate your trust in me, but I was not so good or kind in life. I hold domain over regret and retribution as well as time. It is a position I earned after giving and getting both in equal measure. I am not a protective spirit by nature. I am one that seeks justice and sometimes revenge.”
“I don’t get it.” Danny frowned, confused.
“Soon, you will.” Clockwork said grimly, “But for now… Trust me when I say all is as it should be.”
“Okay.” Danny said, “I trust you.”
“Now, time in.” Clockwork said. When Danny tried to give him the medallion he shook his head, “No, hold onto it. I believe it goes without saying, but do not lose it.”
“I know. I won’t.” Danny promised.
“Good, now… I believe you have some friends to talk to?”
“Er, right!” Danny said and rushed off.
“He doesn’t know who you are?” Frostbite turned to Clockwork, “And you haven’t told him?”
“… He’ll learn during his studies.” Clockwork admitted begrudgingly, “And it’s best that he come to me after he processes the information than during.”
“Just remember, Kronos.” Pandora glared as she handed over her medallion, “One wrong move-“
“Yes, yes, I am very aware of your opinions of me, Keeper of Hope.” Clockwork held a hand to Frostbite, “Shall I take you back to your people?”
“Er, yes.”
“Good, then-“
“Hey! I was not finished-“
Pandora sighed as they disappeared, “Ugh. He is always such a petty menace. One of these days…”
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seventh-district · 1 year
i. am so goddamn tired
CW: i’m probably about to do a lil venting in the tags
#cw vent#cw vent post#vent post#vent#Seven.txt#Seven’s Public Diary#look at me meticulously tagging my vent posts like i’m not currently on the verge of a breakdown lmao#doesn’t matter how upset i am i still gotta try to tag things appropriately. which isn’t a standard i hold anyone else to but. y’know#i’m the exception to the rule. everyone else is allowed to be upset and make it everyone’s problem but when im upset i gotta bury it#in the tags of a little vague vent post that i heavily tag and then post it to my personal tumblr so the least amount of people will#potentially have to scroll across it. because i am. considerate of others to a fault and don’t wanna boooother anybody 🙃#anyways my thoughts are so scattered i can’t really make any sort of comprehensive explanation post regarding my recent absence#at this point i’ll just sound like a broken record if i do try to explain anything#i’m just. struggling right now. a bit more than usual. and i’ve never felt so drained- physically mentally and emotionally#i’m just so empty. i don’t have anything left in me my dudes. i feel like i’m trying to pour from an empty cup with every single thing i do#and this isn’t anyone’s fault in particular i’m just. not someone that can handle life’s demands very well#i feel like a very… broken person. but whatever. i don’t even want to talk about anything i just. wanted to say something.#i’m trying to at least be considerate of any of the kind individuals that still are aware of my existence and may have a passing thought#about me and wonder how i am or why i’ve gone silent again. it’s just. my usual bullshit. with even more ✨new✨ bullshit piled on top of it!!#and it took me several days to even make myself take the time to try and make this little announcement#i think. that maybe when i’m non-verbal (which is most of the time. i have a very weak voice from under-use and i can’t talk very loud#or for very long) i think it also sometimes extends to affecting my ability to even communicate through alternative means#(like texts and messages and whatnot) and i hate that! i really do!! i wish it wasn’t so damn draining for me to try to communicate!!!#like. i am a human being. we are social creatures. so why. am i struggling. with being social? when i crave it??? like????#i want to experience human connection but i often don’t have the energy to make myself do the things required to experience that.#anyways. once i learn to communicate telepathically it’s over for u bitches. u won’t ever get me to shut up /j#until then i shall sit here in frustrated silence and hope that no one takes it personally because i promise you it’s not#anyways yeah once again i will do my best to get back to people as quickly as i am able to and maybe one day i’ll get better at this whole#‘being a normal considerate human being that responds to people in a timely manner’ thing#okay. i’m gonna go uhhhhhh eat an ungodly amount of roasted asparagus. and i’m going to fucking bed
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vincentintheflesh · 1 month
Head On Over
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“Damn, I look so fucking hot..” He mumbled to himself as he admired the picture of his exposed self.
“Wonder which one I should use for the next post..”
Draft edited 05/04/2015
Sup guys! Jason here.
As you can see, I’ve been taking pictures of myself out in the open and exposed! Why? Well, people don’t really pass by these areas and it gives me this weird (but good) feeling when I show myself off. Not in the kind of way where you feel like you could get caught- but in a way where someone is actively watching you. No one was ever there when I checked around though. Dunno. I swear I never got this feeling before getting to this place but it’s prob nothing.
Aside from my sexy little shots, everything here is pretty cool. Lots of nature, sunlight, mountains, and hot locals. One of the guys here in particular has really stuck in my mind. He didn’t really do anything interesting- he just seems to be everywhere. Dunno how he does it but I see him at least 3 times whenever I go out, and he has a different outfit on each time. Not gonna lie I was a bit creeped out because I thought he was stalking me. The more I thought about it though, the more I realized that he never glanced in my direction until I approached him. I was able to talk to him a bit and I guess he’s cool and pretty hot up close. Also noticed something about his neck but I didn’t say anything.
He also told me that I was welcome to “head on over” anytime. Wasn’t sure if I really wanted to enter a stranger’s house at first,  but we’d already talked for a good bit so why not? What could go wrong? I could totally beat his ass if needed to. And I’m pretty sure that this area is relatively safe too so maybe he won’t kill me lol. Don’t really have much else to do��anyway since my vacation is almost over. Might as well have a bit more fun before I go.
Draft edited 05/05/2015
Alright, I’m heading over to that guy’s house. Wish me luck dudes.
“Hey! Good to see you, Jason.” He nonchalantly said as he waved his muscular left arm at Jason. His smile was wide as he sat up from his shaded porch to walk towards him. As he moved into the sun, his hard and defined muscles revealed its chiseled form under its light. 
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“What’s up, man.” Jason returned the smile, his eyes darting between the man’s face and abs.
“Come on in.” He said with a knowing smirk  “I’ve only got milk for drinks right now. Is that alright?”
“..You hinting at something?”
“...No.” He smirked as he pulled the door open.
The moment I walked through that door… I suddenly remembered the pictures that I took of myself and the feeling of it. Huh, that’s random.
Before I could question it any further, his voice pulls my attention towards him.
“Follow me.” He said in his usual friendly manner.
I immediately listened for some reason. I assumed that he was going to lead me to the living room or something, but he just kept bringing me to these doorless, empty, and identical hallways. We occasionally took a few turns but that was it. And throughout it all, he seemed a bit.. Out of it? Each time I tried to make conversation, he just gave me clipped answers with that same smile. What was up with him..? 
I looked behind me, contemplating whether or not I should leave but only saw the endless hallway.
“Oh- we’re almost there! Don’t turn around just yet!” He suddenly called to me from farther ahead. At this point, I really didn’t want to be here anymore. When I tried to just leave though, my feet just wouldn’t budge. It was like the carpet was gripping onto me whenever I tried to step away from the man, so the only way was towards him.
We eventually reached a room that seemed to somewhat resemble a living room. Wooden floor, two couches and a table.. And that was it. No windows or decorations. I knew it- this guy was a weirdo… I sigh as I stepped forward.
The moment he stepped into the room, he was overcome by an overwhelming numbness.
… Wait.. Why does my neck- Why can’t I feel anything…? 
“Sorry- ” the man apologetically said as he turned to me.
What’s going on..? 
“I’ve really been needing this..and so has the house so… Yeah.”
He shrugged. There was a bent smile on his lips.
“But I’ll take good care of your body, alright? It’s a promise.”
What the fuck is he talking about?? What’s happening?!
I tried to scream as I felt his cold hands gently clasp around my neck. And then, they suddenly tightened and pulled upwards.
“There we go!”
My eyes widened as I looked down after hearing the noise.
Is that.. 
My body? 
The man gently placed Jason’s head down onto the little table, facing him in a way that guaranteed that he would see what was about to happen. He silently smirked at Jason as he roamed his hands around the headless body’s bulging muscles. As he did so, his hands slowly inched towards his pants… and suddenly, the body’s semi-hardened package straining against his jocks was in full view for both Jason and the man. Jason couldn’t believe his eyes as he witnessed what was unfolding. His very own body twitched and squirmed whilst under the mercy of the grinning man.
For a moment, he stopped his groping and stepped back.
“Alright, give it to him.” He said, clapping his hands twice.
Just then, the spot of the ceiling directly above the body began to twist and morph as if it were slime. It only did so for a few seconds until something familiar emerged from it. A hint of recognition passed through Jason’s eyes as he watched it cleanly plunge onto the stump of his headless body. He glanced between the man that brought him here, and the head. They shared the same dark hair, dark eyes, stubble, thick eyebrows, styled hair, and mismatching skin tones on their necks… Suddenly, everything made sense to him.
The newly attached head slowly opened its eyes and looked around. Its lips curled into a smirk when its eyes fell upon Jason’s bodiless form. 
Its right arm rose up and bent into a flex, while its other hand made its way down to its bulging jock, firmly squeezing it.
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“Mmmm… Fuuuuck…” It moaned as it began to peel away its jockstrap to free his throbbing member.
As it controlled Jason’s limbs to feel its stolen muscles up, the other man approached his body from behind, pressing his tented pants against his bubble butt. The two of them lustfully grinned at each other before pressing their lips together. Their tongues twisted into each other whilst their warm bodies grazed on one another. The head began to stroke his hardened length and the man hungrily rubbed his cock against his ass, the both of them desperate for a release. The man then pulled away and repositioned himself in front of the body. He kneeled down and quickly took its length deep into his throat. Wet squelches of his mouth echoed throughout the room as he relentlessly thrusted his head back and forth.
The body thief reeled its head back and grunted in pleasure. It thrusted forward, grasping the man’s head as he erupted, warm drops of white leaking out from the corners of the man’s mouth.
And throughout all of this, Jason could only watch as a bystander- hindered by his bodiless form. 
“...It’s… cold…” he finally said. His eyelids became heavy as he drifted off to a deep slumber. The ceiling shifts again, twisting and turning. This time, thick tendrils emerge from it, reaching down onto Jason’s head and encircling it. As if accepting an offering, it pulled his head into itself.
“Do you think he’ll mind a little makeover?” The man nonchalantly asked the head as he looked at the ceiling.
“Well, who would mind looking like me… or rather, us?” The head replied with a laugh.
The man smiled “Hm, no one of course- but we’ll need to find a body for him.”
“Right right… But why don’t we have a bit more fun before that..?”
“I'm all yours.”
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zeltqz · 4 months
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call me or not, it's up to you pt 2 | haitani ran
☰ — synopsis : you finally called ran back after a disagreement with your boyfriend.
☰ — pairing : haitani ran x fem!reader ☰ — length : 5.8k words ☰ — contents : nsfw and 18+ contents, mentions of violence, protected sex, protective ran ☰ — notes : this has been in the drafts for WEEEKS but i had to post for my mans birthday, couldn't miss it
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On the way home, Ran’s peaceful drive was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. Initially he would’ve ignored it, but one glance to where his phone was sitting in the cup holder, he almost lost control of the wheel seeing your name. The streets were fairly empty at this time of night, so nobody was disrupted when he pulled over abruptly, clearing his throat before answering.
Soft sniffles filled the car from where his phone was connected to his speakers, and his concern grew significantly. “Ran?”
“Why are you crying?” he asked, fingers tightening against the wheel as he waited for you to continue.
You paused briefly, exhaling exhaustedly. “A—are you busy right now?”
“No.” He started driving again, slowly. “But why are you crying?”
“I need you to pick me up. If that’s not too much stress for you. I, um, I really need help.”
“Sure, I mean. Send me your location.” You murmured a soft agreement and he heard your fingernails tapping against the screen, a notification message sliding down his screen seconds later. “Why do you need help? Talk to me.” Ran leaned forward to connect his GPS to your location.
“It’s a long story,” you sighed. He could hear your teeth clattering together as you shivered. It was incredibly dark outside right now, the skies pitch black, streets tinted orange from the streetlights, and the heavy rainfall that’d been plaguing the city for the last few hours. 
“We have time,” Ran responded simply. He could practically feel you hesitating. “(Name) I need the full story here. Talk to me while I come get you.”
You pressed your lips together tightly, wrapping your arms around yourself as you shivered, goosebumps erupting on your skin. Your shirt was soaked through at this point, your jeans soggy and the lack of a coat made you certain you’d catch hypothermia later. 
“I—uh. Basically I got into an argument with um, Masato. You know him? He’s the um, dude from my story. A month ago?”
“I’m aware,” Ran responded dryly.
You swallowed thickly. “Yeah well. He was driving me home and we got into an argument because I didn’t like how he was flirting with one of the waitresses at the restaurant. And then he wanted to check my phone. I said no of course, but not because I was cheating or anything. I just didn’t like how he kept deflecting whenever his issues was brought up. But anyway, the argument escalated and he basically kicked me out the car and left me stranded god knows where. All the buses stopped running an hour ago, and the nearest train station is a 45 minute walk away. I have no money so I can’t call a cab. My wallet is in his car…and everything is just such a mess. I don’t have a jacket, I’m cold and I just don’t know what to do.” 
By the time you finished your voice was tiny, and the sniffles came back as you fought from crying. Ran could practically picture your face right now, all teary eyed and sad and his grip on the wheel tightened immensely. 
“I’m about fifteen minutes away, baby. Okay? Is there anywhere warm you can get to?”
You looked at your surroundings. A lone empty highway, with a diner in the distance, the words “OPEN 24/7” flashing in neon lights. “Yeah. There’s a diner around here.”
Ran looked at the map on his phone and confirmed the location of the diner with you. You nodded and he told you to get there quickly and he’d order you something once he got there. You thanked him and hung up, slowly making your way inside. You felt like a crazy person when you walked in, clothes soaked and wetting their floors as you made your way to sit down by the heater. A few concerned employees and customers glanced at you, but you ignored them in favour of wrapping your arms around yourself, a pitiful attempt of creating warmth.
Ran’s speeding managed to cut the fifteen minute drive into eight, and you were too busy staring at the table, tracing the wooden pattern with your eyes to see him pull into the parking lot. It wasn’t until the bell rang as  he walked did you finally look up and meet his gaze. 
He rushed over to you and you stood up quickly, wrapping your arms around him. He dropped his head to rest on top of yours and he could feel you shaking against him. 
“You alright?” he asked and you nodded, not removing your head from his chest. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, feeling you clutch onto the front of his shirt. 
“Um excuse me?” The two of you broke apart, staring at the waitress that stood a few feet away from you both, a notepad in her hand. “Are you two ordering anything?”
“You hungry?” Ran asked, looking down at you. You shook your head. “Thirsty?” You thought for a minute before nodding. “Hot chocolate for the lady please. Put marshmallows, whipped cream, whatever’s available in there.” He handed her his credit card and turned his attention back to you. “Look at me.”
You tilted your head up to look at him and he reached a tentative hand out to your cheek, cupping it. Your face was wet, from tears or the rain he didn’t know, frankly he didn’t care. His thumbs wiped some of the water away from your cheek, tracing over your features softly.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, wiping at your own face. 
“For what?”
“For calling you like this. I didn’t want you to see me like this again. This is so embarrassing.” 
Ran dropped his hand down to your arm, soothing the goosebumps erupted on your skin. “Take this.” He shrugged his jacket off his shoulders and you held your arms out as he helped you fit in through it.
“I look ridiculous,” you said with a teary laugh. 
“You look cute.” He pinched your cheek and you pushed his hands away, a small smile on your face despite it all. The waitress came with your drink and the two of you sat down. He watched you take small sips of your drink, avoiding his intense eye contact.
After you finished your drink, he reached forward and wiped some whipped cream from the corner of your mouth. His thumb traced down to your chin, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away. 
“Thank you for the drink.” You pushed the mug in the middle of the table, wrapping your arms back around yourself. “I’ll pay you back—”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t want you—”
“You just told me your wallet is gone. How are you going to pay me back?”
“...I’ll get it back—”
“Like hell you are,” he interrupted and you sat back, looking at him shocked. “You’re never seeing that man again. I’ll make sure of that.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “Unbelievable. I didn’t call you so you can control every aspect of my life again Ran.”
He leaned forward, elbows resting on the table. “Why did you call me then? Last I recall, you have plenty of other friends that have cars.” 
“T—that doesn’t matter why I called you, Ran,” you spluttered, not sounding the least bit convincing. His eyebrows rose and so did your temper. “I’m serious. I called you because you were the first person I thought of. You’re thinking too much about it.”
“Sure. If that’s what you believe,” he said, tone dripping with condescension that made you roll your eyes. Times like this is when you realised that missing Ran is completely different than actually being around him. He was insufferable and you remembered exactly why you had to break things off. 
Ran stood from the table, dusting his clothes. “I’ll take you home. Come on.” He held his hand out.
Reluctantly you stood, grabbing your phone and storming past him, ignoring his hand. He simply smirked and followed after you. You waited outside his car, standing by the backseat with your arms crossed, his jacket over your head acting as an umbrella.
He unlocked his car and you slipped into the back.
 “You can sit up front,” he suggested, shrugging when you stubbornly shook your head, staring resolutely out the window. He rolled his eyes, a light smirk still on his face. He drove at a slower speed than he usually would when he saw you starting to doze off against the seats, driving around in circles just to give you enough time to rest. You woke up an hour later, rubbing your eyes and blinking to adjust to the bright lights. 
Looking around you realised you were parked in a familiar looking garage, the car empty. You slipped out of the car and into the house, walking through until you entered the living room. Ran was seated on the couch, watching tv and texting on his phone.
“Uh, Ran?” You approached the couch and he casted a glance in your direction. “Why am I here?”
“You really thought I’d take you home after that story you just told me on the phone?” His nose scrunched as he flipped through the channels. “I’m not stupid.”
“Okay, Masato isn’t like a serial killer or something. Relax. I’m safe at home.”
“Any right minded man that would leave a girl stranded on the streets in the freezing cold is definitely a cause for concern alright. You’re not going back there till I take care of things.”
“Oh. And by “take care” you mean getting your men to kill him? That’s it?” He stayed silent and you groaned. “I can’t do this. I’m tired, Ran. You know I hate violence. I don’t want the man dead either—”
“Well I do.”
“Good thing it’s not your call then,” you shot back, frowning. “This is my life not yours. You don’t get to decide who gets to stay in it or not.”
He tilted his head back and looked behind at you, the smile on his face turning into more of a smirk. “Do I get to stay or na?” You rolled your eyes and he reached behind him, grabbing your arm and pulling you closer to the couch. “Well?”
You shrugged, looking down at him. “I dunno.” 
Shrugging his jacket off your shoulders, you folded it neatly and slung it on the back of the couch. “It’s complicated Ran,” you said, placing both hands on either side of his head, on the back of the couch.
“Doesn’t have to be.” He grabbed one of your hands, caressing your knuckles.
You found yourself hard pressed to look into those violet eyes of his staring intently back into yours. “Ran…it’s not that simple.”
“It can be. You just don’t like simple.”
You forcefully removed your hand from his. “Excuse me?”
“You always feel like shit has to be complicated in order for it to work. I noticed that you know?” You scoffed, and he rolled his eyes. “Don’t act dumb. We dated for seven years, I think you’d know a person after that long.”
“Crazy because if I were to sit here and say false things about you, then you’d just deny them because I don’t know better than you. Isn’t that right?” 
“Nothing about what you say about me is false. You know this,” he said with an exaggerated sigh. He reached in his pocket, putting a cigarette into his mouth. 
“So if I called you cold and manipulative, would you say I’m correct?”
He lit his cigarette and tossed his head back to look at you, exhaling smoke from his mouth. “You wouldn’t be wrong, no. But you’re only focusing on the negatives.” He reached his hand out again and you hesitated for a split second before grabbing his hand, allowing him to pull you back closer. 
“I can’t think of any positives.”
He rolled his eyes. “Sure.” He took the cigarette out of his mouth and patted the spot on the couch next to him. You walked around the couch, sitting beside him, cringing at the feeling of your wet clothes on his leather couch. 
He put the cigarette back in his mouth and examined you. “You’re still cold.”
“I’m fine.”
He wrinkled his nose, exhaling smoke through his nostrils. “Go shower. Wear some of my clothes.”
“Are you sure?” 
He waved in the general direction of his bathroom and you thanked him. You returned back to the living room half an hour later, wearing one of his shirts that were too big for your body. Flopping back on the couch beside him, he offered you a cigarette to which you shook your head.
“Anyway back to me,” Ran said. You rolled your eyes. “You really can’t think of any positives to describe me? Come on, think deep.”
“This is starting to sound like couples therapy,” you stated dryly, He didn’t respond, just continued staring at you. “I dunno,” you said, picking at the skin on your lips. “Like, you’re funny I guess? You’re sweet, and caring in your own twisted fucked up way. You’re protective in a way that is a perfect mix of just good and overbearing. You’re fucking annoying sometimes too and—”
“Woah woah woah. Going off topic, a little bit?”
You smiled, a genuine laugh leaving your lips and Ran’s heart fluttered at the sight. He slung an arm over your shoulder, tugging you closer. You sighed, resting your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes when he kissed your forehead. 
“I missed you a lot, you know?” You hummed in response, snuggling up beside him. When Ran had came back home and let you sleep in his car, he turned the heating on in every room in the house for you. The fact you still snuggled close to him for warmth made him smile a little bit.  “Didja get my voicemail all those weeks ago?”
“Yeah.” You shifted to look up at him. “Gave me a bit of an ego boost not gonna lie,” you admitted.
He looked down at you. “Why’d you take so long to call me then?” he asked, trying to keep his voice calm and level, to not show any betrayal of emotion. You didn’t respond and looked at the tv, distracted by your thoughts. He jostled you lightly. “Hm?”
“I don’t know,” you finally said after a few seconds. You looked back up at him. “I was petty and hurt still and part of me wanted to make you jealous.” You laughed lightly. “Was pretty shitty of me. I wanted to call you, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. And I shouldn’t have left you hanging like that. But I’m sorry, Ran.”
Ran hummed, the sound vibrating from his chest into yours. He looked away from you, staring at the television with an unreadable expression.There were many times you couldn’t understand what he was thinking. Ran was a man with an unbreakable exterior, and you could only think of one time in your eight year long relationship when you actually managed to crack through that hard shell of his. 
When you found out Izana had died and Ran had gotten himself and his friends arrested. He was released a couple hours later and you came to pick him up from the station. It was hard seeing him more quiet than usual. He barely said a single word to you when you took him home and spent the night with him. That night was when you finally saw Ran cry for the first time and it was overwhelming for you. He wasn’t balling with tears, just a few drops and you wiped each tear drop away with your thumb. That night was so memorable for you and it stayed in your mind all those years later. 
Right now he had that same unreadable, blank expression on his face as he stared at the television, his fingers softly grazing the unshaven stubble on his jaw. You looked up at him, chin on his shoulder and waited for him to finish his thoughts.
“What’s his full name?” he asked after a long moment of silence.
You swallowed. “Why?”
He shrugged. “Just curious.” You were looking at him weirdly, eyes roaming over his face as you tried to uncover any hidden agendas he might have. It still pissed you off how irritatingly good his poker face was.
Squinting at him, you slowly pulled back to sit close beside him, fiddling with the loose string on the sleeve on your shirt. “Promise you won’t…hurt him?”
“I won’t… not kill him,” he said with a smile that grew when you looked up at him exasperated. “I just wanna ask him some questions, s’all.”
You nervously chewed your bottom lip raw by the time you decided. You sighed. “It’s Masato Hirakawa. He’s my accountant,” you told him and Ran shifted on his side to look at you better. “He asked me out one evening and I said yes. We didn’t make things official until like two weeks ago and then that’s when things started going downhill.”
“Whaddya mean?”
You scrunched your nose. “We got drunk at a club last week and Yuzuha drunkenly mentioned the voicemail you left me and I just laughed it off but Masato looked confused and asked what we were talking about. I told him not to worry about it and he got upset, thinking I was hiding shit from him which made no sense because you left that voicemail before we were even official so I wasn’t cheating. But he didn’t care. He then went down a rabbit hole once he figured out your name and started like internet stalking you. He was googling everything he could find about you, was stalking your Instagram, seeing your lifestyle and he took whatever he was feeling out on me.”
Ran’s eyebrows slowly rose as he considered what you just said. 
“Not physically,” you quickly added upon seeing his reaction. “No I mean he would get mad and yell at me, then one night he accused me of being a gold digger and using him for his money and I reminded him just because he’s an accountant that he’s not some millionaire and he needs to calm down. He started ranting and raving about you at any given time and it just got annoying. Every time I was on my phone he thought I was having an affair with you even though we haven’t been in contact in a literal year.” You laughed dryly. 
“It was so stupid. And for what? It was only a week and it made me feel like I was just so…” you paused, trying to figure out the right words. “I don’t know. I just hated it so much. Then today with the car I slept in the car and he took my phone and listened to the voicemail you left and then was convinced that I was sleeping with you while seeing him and he woke me up by yelling at me and stuff. Then kicked me out.”
“Is that why you called me?”
You nodded, fingers trembling as you played with the string. “I’m sorry, by the way. I didn’t mean for all this to happen. You were just the first person I could think of helping me in that moment. I didn’t—”
“Stop stressing.” He grabbed your wrist and you let go of the string as he guided your hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “You calling me back was the best thing you could’ve done.” You smiled wryly, meeting his eyes for a few seconds before looking away. “Come here.”
Slipping into his lap, he cradled you against him. “You mad at him?” he asked and you nodded. “Let me take care of this? Please?”
“I don’t know…”
“I won’t kill him if that’s what you’re so scared about. Just wanna spook him a little,” he said, making you giggle. 
You looked up at him and nodded. “Just a spook. Promise?” His eyes dropped down to your lips and your face heated up when you realised where his gaze was trained. 
He leaned down and kissed you softly, his hand rising to your cheek., looking searchingly in your eyes for the longest two seconds of your life. “I promise,” he whispered against your lips before pulling you in for another kiss.
Twisting your body, you turned to loop your arms around his neck, his hand sliding over your knee to pull you over, straddling his lap. His hands slipped under your shirt, rubbing up and down your back. He pulled away, smirking. “No  bra?”
“It was wet from the rain,” you mumbled, kissing him again. He groaned into your mouth, all decorum gone as moved his hands to your chest, cupping your breasts, your nipples already hard and poking his palms.
“Mmm take this off,” he said, tugging at your shirt. 
You shut him up, kissing him again as your hands flew to his shoulders, your whole body warming at the feel of solid muscle, still prominent even through his shirt, underneath your palms. “Take yours off shirt,” you replied, biting his bottom lip with a smile.
He rolled his eyes. “Unbutton me then.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes, his smile growing as you got to work, unbuttoning them one by one, your skin growing hot at black ink peeking through. He shrugged his shirt off and your hands flew right back to his shoulders, running them down his chest and letting your fingers trace along his abs. 
He sat up and kissed under your jaw. “Now your turn.” You cupped his face as he sucked, your fingers moving to his hair, tugging when his tongue licked and sucked harder. 
You pushed him back and he watched you lift your shirt up and over, stretching in the process and tossing it to the other end of the couch. He licked his lips as his hands flew to your hips, fingers dipping shallowly against the band of your panties, snapping them back against your skin.  You kissed him sloppily again.
His hands slipped under your thighs, lifting you up and carrying you as you squealed, legs wrapping tightly around his waist as he carried you to his bedroom. Depositing you on his bed, he wasted no time climbing on top of you, pinning your wrists to the mattress as he kissed down your body. 
He latched onto a nipple, his tongue snaking around it as he licked and sucked. The warmth of his mouth and his hands tweaking your other nipple were making you dizzy, biting your bottom lip hard as you began to get restless. He kissed down your stomach, his hands pushing your legs apart. 
“Holy fuck, you’re so fucking wet,” he breathed, eyeing the wet patch in your panties.  He peeled them away and ran his finger through your folds, smirking at the hitch in your breath. “All we did was kiss.”
“S—shut up,” you hissed, irritation turning to pleasure when he swirled his finger around your entrance, and he had to bite his lips to keep from groaning when your hips started stuttering, a silent plea for him to go further. He slowly sunk his finger in and you gasped, back arching against the bed. He pulled out before sinking fully in, teasing you with only the tip of his finger.
You irritatingly looked at him. “Stop being a fucking tease,” you complained, trying to shimmy your body further down the bed, needing more of him. Ran grabbed at your hip, stilling you and you whined loudly.
“Easy.” His voice was light and playful and that only angered you even more. Idly pumping his finger in and out of you, he added another and you writhed, restlessly moving to fight back the heat forming in your abdomen. His fingers curled against that spot that had you melting against the sheets. When you were least expecting it, your eyes closed and head thrown back, he leaned forward, wrapping his lips around your clit, and sucked. 
You moaned loudly as his tongue began working at your cunt, licking sloppily like a man starved. Slipping his fingers out, he parted your folds with two fingers, eyes trained on the way your pussy was gleaming with a mixture of your slick and his saliva.
 “Fuck,” he breathed. He looked up at your body, over the curve of your breasts. “Sit up for me. Wanna see that pretty face.”
“Nn-nn,” you said, shaking your head, writhing against the sheets as he buried his face back into your pussy, sucking obligingly at your clit. His tongue was making you feel everything at once, his fingers sliding back into your pussy making your hips stutter, your body was heating up, and you could feel the incoming pressure of an all familiar orgasm building until it stopped.
Ran simply stopped his ministrations and stilled his fingers in you, the thickness of his two fingers sitting in your pussy has you gushing a little more around them, and your clit felt cold without his mouth. 
You sat up and stared confusingly at him. “Why’d you stop?” 
He presses a longing kiss to your inner thighs. “You didn’t wanna cooperate with me. So why should I give you what you want?” You groaned loudly as he smiled, lips curving against your skin. He continued to lather kisses to your thighs, coming dangerously close to your pussy and just when you’d get your hopes up, he’d move back to your thighs. 
“Ran, please.” You moved your hand to his hair, trying to tug him away from the marks he was leaving against your thigh but he was nothing but stubborn. “Rannnnnnnn,” you groaned. 
“You know what I was want,” he stated simply, and your face scrunched imperceptibly. “You’re so cute when you do that.”
“Ran I’m serious. Eat me out or I’m leaving.”
He arched an eyebrow at you. “So bossy.” He looked up at you and you were still partially glaring at him. He smiled. “Keep looking at me just like that.” His head lowered, ignored hearing you call him a masochist under your breath and smirked at the sound of your breathing hitching, effectively shutting you up as he licked a stripe up your slit.
The eye contact was overwhelming and hard to maintain, especially when he slipped two fingers back inside you without warning. You were struggling to keep your eyes open and effectively failed, shutting them as his lips sealed around your throbbing clit. The pressure was re-building and your hands flew to his hair, gripping tight and tugging as you chanted his name over and over again as you came. 
Ran sat up, swiping a hand over his mouth as he rearranged you on the bed, wasting no time and letting you catch a breath before he pinned your wrists to the mattress with one hand, sloppily reaching for a condom in his bedside table with the other. 
He grabbed a condom and you watched as he rolled it on in record time, his eagerness rolling off him in waves as his hands darted straight to your hips, lifting them up at an angle, fingers digging into your skin as he slid his cock in slowly. His mouth fell open at the tight warmth stretch of your pussy, a low groan escaping him. 
You raised your arms up and he let go of your hips, leaning down to let you accommodate him, wrapping your arms around his neck as your legs locked around his waist. He slid his arms under your back and held you back just as tightly, his hips pressing flush against yours. 
You almost whined at the feeling of being so full, the thickness of his cock nestled between your walls dizzying. He pulled out and slowly pushed back in, his pace speeding up as you started to let your moans out. He buried his face into your neck, inhaling that sweet perfume you always love to overspray on yourself, taking in the heat of your naked body below him, and began littering your neck with kisses, sucking hard at your skin till it bruised. 
Your hands flew to his neck, taking your nails up and down and dragging red long streaks onto his skin. He pushed himself up, hands on either side of your head and began snapping his hips until you got louder. The bed was squeaking,  your voice was getting higher, and the wet sounds of your pussy reached your eyes making you feel hot. 
“I’m close,” you whimpered, gripping onto his arms, and he grunted at the bite of your nails digging into his muscle. 
“Me too baby.” He pressed down on your stomach with a firm hand, hips slowing down to slow but deep thrusts. You could feel his cock stretching you out as he hit deeper, his hand applying more and more pressure until it was unbearable. You came with another loud cry, his hips stuttering against yours before he cusses and pulls out abruptly, your body cold and empty and you push yourself weakly onto your elbows to watch as he sprays his cum on your inner thighs, painting them white. He tapped his cock against your pussy, sliding it up and down your wet folds before exhaling deeply. 
He sat back onto his knees and examined your spent body, how your eyes were unable to stay open for more than three seconds without slowly closing shut. 
He moved to lay beside you, gathering you in his chest. 
“Wait. I need to clean up,” you muttered, trying to keep your legs open to chase away the feeling of wet cum in your inner thighs. 
“Who cares,” he grumbled, hand sliding down your leg to throw it over his hip. “Sleep with me. It’s almost 3 am.” He fell asleep not even a second after finishing his sentence and you rolled your eyes, a fond smile on your face. 
Ran was nothing but a deep sleeper, and you took advantage of that to brush his hair out of his face and cup his cheeks, playing with his nose as he slept soundly in front of you. It took an hour for you to fall back asleep and you woke a few hours later. 
Rolling onto your side, you slapped around for his laptop on the bedside table and opened it,wincing at the bright screen. Through the blindness you were able to make out the time as 8am. Carefully you slipped out of bed and took a brief shower before heading to his kitchen. 
Ran was able to sleep through mainly anything, even his alarms, but the sounds of you clattering around his kitchen effectively did succeeded in waking him up. He snorted once he checked the time, mumbling “this girl,” under his breath and slipped out of bed to take a shower and brush his teeth. Whatever you were cooking ended up taking nearly a whole hour and you re-entered the bedroom with a tray full of food, Ran had been reduced to idly scrolling on his phone, scratching his stomach. 
“Good morning,” you chirped, climbing onto the bed and placing the food on his lap.
“Morning baby.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you smiled at him. “What’s all this?”
“I felt bad about um, getting you to pick me up yesterday so I wanted to uh, treat you I guess.” You sat beside him, resting your head on his shoulder and looked up at him. “I barely cook so you better finish every single thing on that plate.”
He snorted and pulled you in for a kiss. “I appreciate it. Thank you.” 
“No thank you. Seriously. I really owe you one Ran.” You smiled shyly at him before clearing your throat. “Now shut up and eat.”
He rolled his eyes when you grabbed the fork, forcefully stabbed the eggs and held it up to his mouth. “Say aaah.”
He stared blankly at you until you glared at him. He sighed and opened his mouth, the smile coming back in your face in full force as you fed the fork into his mouth. He chewed and you were already restabbing the fork on the plate to pick up some waffles when he stopped you. 
“I can feed myse—“
You shoved more food into his mouth. “Is it good?” You asked, trying not to laugh as you saw him struggling to chew with his mouth full. He nodded once he swallowed, kissing your forehead again and gathering you back into his chest. 
“It tastes amazing. My baby so talented. Come here.” He brought you back in for another longing kiss, his hand cupping the back of your head. You pulled away and removed your head back to his shoulder, tracing your fingers across his chest as he ate. He pushed the plate to the side once he finished and turned to face you. “What’re you doing today?”
You hummed and spread your hands flat against his stomach, feeling the slow rise and fall of his chest. “Me and Yuzuha are going to Masato’s to pressure him into giving me my shit. If he doesn’t then I’ll call the police.” 
He wrinkled his nose at the idea and you went back to dragging your finger across his skin, tracing his bellybutton. 
“I don’t want you going over there.”
“Relax. Hakkai and Mitsuya are going to be there too incase he wants to try something.” He wrinkled his nose again and you turned to look up at him. “Okay don’t be like that. They’re strong!”
“All it took for me was a brick and he was out.” Ran laughed when you rolled your eyes. 
“You’re not immortal, you know. Smashing anyone over the head with a brick would knock them out!”
“All I hear is excuses. Besides I thought you said you’d let me handle it, hm?” He jostled you playfully and you shook your head. 
“I was thinking about it and I really do not want you and your goonies to torture the dude until he’s on the verge of death. I hate him but I don’t want to hurt him either.”
“You’re too nice for your own good you know? People will take advantage of that,” he stated calmly and you sighed, settling back beside him. 
“…I know.”
“So let me handle it,” he proposed. You weren’t looking at him so he tilted your face back to his, forehead pressing against yours. “Let me take care of it. And you.” He laced your fingers together as you stared him deeply in the eyes, letting him attempt to persuade you. 
After a few moments you bit down on your lip and sighed. “Okay. Take care of it but I don’t wanna hear what you do or say to him. Alright?”
His grin turned wolffish and he pressed another kiss to your forehead. “You don’t gotta worry about a thing. Just get some sleep,” he said as he gently laid you back down on the bed and tucked you back in, “and let handle everything for you.”
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 5 months
fic idea!! ethan and y/n had a fight but she ended up on her knees sucking him to make it up to him.
they had to quickly go back to school because they all eat lunch with chad tara etc.
ethan has his hand on her thigh as they all talk and laugh, but y/n is still horny after that incredible bj.
he teases her, caresses her thigh, hand going up under her skirt, only slightly brushing against her panties. *with pleasing eyes she whispers* "Please ethan ill be quiet i promise"
he ends up fingering her under the table. bonus if she stops him before orgasming because she knows she'll be too loud and they end up fucking in an empty classroom next to the lunch tables
I absolutely loved this idea! I hope you like it!💕
Alone Together - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: After a fight with Ethan, you make it up to him. It unfortunately leads to you being a horny mess until he finally takes care of you.
Contains: Angst-ish?, Oral - m receiving, fingering, semi-public sex acts, spanking, unprotected sex but like...pulling out lmao. (If I missed anything, let me know:)
A/N: Dude I'm so close to 500 followers, and I want to write something HUGE for it once I get there. 🥹
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You and Ethan rarely argued, but after something simple turned into the first major fight of the relationship, you felt so awful that it got to the point that it did. It all started after you told Ethan about the boy that sat beside you in class, and mentioned how he asked you for your number to talk about assignments. Ethan thought that was the stupidest excuse to get a girl’s number, but you were a little oblivious and didn’t think there were any other intentions, so you did end up giving the guy your number. Ethan got angrier the more you tried to downplay it, and he even started to question what your intentions were.
Once he’d had enough of the conversation, he stormed out. He needed to calm down, because he was so close to saying things that he didn’t mean. As hurt as he felt, he didn’t want to hurt you.
After Ethan didn’t talk to you for the rest of the day, he showed up to your dorm after his morning class. He was hoping the two of you could talk it out, because he did love you, regardless of how irritated he was.
“Hey,” you said, once you’d opened the door for him. You were trying to fight off your tears as soon as you saw him, so he pulled you into a hug.
“I’m sorry I left yesterday, but I was just so mad,” Ethan said, as his hands ran across your back. “I don’t want anyone else to think they can have you.”
“Do you want to break up?” you asked against his chest, as he chuckled.
“I love you too much to do that,” he sighed, “But I’m not going to lie, it hurt my feelings that you just gave your number out like that. I was starting to think that you wanted him to text you.”
“What?” you asked, pulling away to look at him. “You think I’d want to be with someone else?”
“I never did before yesterday,” he said, “Maybe I’m just a little insecure.”
“And a little possessive,” you mumbled, as he leaned down to kiss you.
You knew that Ethan loved you but seeing him get so mad and upset over someone trying to move in on what was his, it showed you how deep his feelings were for you. The simple kiss quickly turned into something more as his hands roamed your body and his tongue moved across your bottom lip. You gasped into his mouth once his hand moved underneath the skirt you were wearing, his hand massaging your ass as he started to back you towards your bed.
“Wait,” you said, as you pulled away. “We don’t have a lot of time for make-up sex.”
“Fuck, I forgot about lunch,” Ethan groaned, running his hand through his hair. “I’m going to be hard for the rest of the day thinking about you.”
“I think I know something that’ll help you,” you said, as you sank to your knees in front of him.
You rubbed your hand over his jeans, smiling once you felt how hard he was for you. You unbuttoned them and slid them down his hips as his eyes stayed on you.
“Are you sure we have time for this?” he asked, as you giggled to yourself.
“You know it doesn’t take me long to make you cum.”
He groaned at your words as you slid his boxers down, and you grabbed his cock as it stood at attention in front of your face. You looked up at him as you leaned in, taking his pink tip past your lips as you swirled your tongue over it.
“Fuck, baby,” he said, as his hand ran across your cheek to rest in your hair.
You were inching him in your mouth as you started to bob your head, taking more of him every time. He groaned at the feeling as your cheeks hollowed, his hand that was loosely resting in your hair gripping it tighter. Once you got to the point that you were gagging around him, your mouth getting even more wet, he started to praise you. “You make me feel so good.” “That’s it, baby. You can take it.” “Fuck, your mouth is so perfect.”
All the things he was saying to you had your core throbbing, because it turned you on so much to make him feel that good. You moved your hand up and down what you couldn’t take, as he whimpered at the feeling. Your hand moved with your mouth, his entire cock getting the attention it needed as he struggled to keep his fluttering eyes on yours. You didn’t look away, though. You loved seeing him like this. The way his breathing got heavier, the rosy tint to his cheeks, the way his head was starting to roll back.
“Fuck, gonna cum,” he panted, as you hummed around him.
His hand was tugging on your hair, the feeling making you moan around him as his eyes screwed shut, a low moan slipping past his lips as the salty liquid coated your taste buds. You bobbed your head a few more times, a lot slower than you had been going because you didn’t want him to get over stimulated, until you slid him out of your mouth, a sweet smile on your lips as he looked down at you.
“I’m definitely not mad at you anymore,” he said with a smile, as his breathing started to return to normal. “Come here, baby.”
He reached down for you to grab his hands as he helped you to your feet before he pulled you into his chest.
“Now I’m the one that gets to be a horny mess all day,” you said, as he ran his hands over your hips.
“Oh, I’ll take care of you later…you won’t be able to walk when I’m done with you.”
Whenever Ethan told you that, he meant it. The idea of him having you in all the positions and him eating it out until you couldn’t take it anymore had your head spinning. You almost wish he hadn’t told you that, because it was all you were going to be able to think about as you tried to make it through the rest of your day.
As you sat at lunch across from Tara and Chad, you were hoping that the conversation would distract you from the not-so-innocent thoughts you were having about your boyfriend.
“Did your boyfriend tell you about what happened to him yesterday?” Chad asked you, as you turned to look at Ethan.
“No…what happened?”
“So he’d just came back from showering, and I came back to our dorm earlier than I was supposed to. He didn’t realize I was there until I said something once he dropped his towel,” Chad said, cracking up as Ethan’s cheeks started to turn bright red. “He fucking screamed, dude. Like, high-pitched and everything.”
You and Tara started to giggle as you thought about it, and it was getting to the point that you couldn’t look at your boyfriend, because you knew you’d only laugh harder.
“Hey, I had a lot going on yesterday. I didn’t expect you to be there,” Ethan said, as Chad wiped a few tears off his cheeks from laughing so hard. He turned to look at you, shaking his head once he noticed how hard you were trying to keep it together. That’s when you felt his hand brush against your thigh before he squeezed it. A strained moan slipped past your lips at the feeling, as he tried to feign innocence. “You okay, babe?”
“Yeah, I accidentally kicked the table,” you lied, trying to play it off as you took a deep breath.
Once Chad and Tara stopped laughing, they brought up the weekend plans that the friend group had been looking forward to. You were trying so hard to be present for that conversation, but once Ethan’s hand inched up further until it was under your skirt, you looked over at him. He met your gaze, and smirked once he noticed your eyes pleading with his. He shook his head before he turned his attention back to Chad, but his hand didn’t stop.
You bit your bottom lip as you felt his hand run over your panties, your eyes going wide as you tried to calm down. Ethan just kept talking, like he had no idea how badly his fingers rubbing over your swollen clit was affecting you.
Once Chad and Tara started to talk about plans that they had for dinner that night, you leaned over to whisper into Ethan’s ear.
“I need more,” you said, as he lightly chuckled. “Please, baby. I’ll be quiet.”
“You promise?” he questioned, as he pushed your panties to the side.
The way he had his arm angled, it looked like he was just being a sweet boyfriend with his hand resting on your leg. Chad and Tara had no idea that his ring and middle finger were buried inside of you, moving back and forth over that spongy spot inside of your pussy.
You were happy to be getting some of the attention you needed, but it was taking everything in you to keep your breathing steady. Ethan’s pace kept changing, almost like he wanted you to be loud. He’d slow his fingers down, but then he’d start pressing his fingers so hard against that spot that your hands were gripping the sides of the chair.
You felt yourself getting closer, and you knew you couldn’t be quiet, especially after you had to play off a whimper by doubling over like you’d just gotten a bad cramp. You grabbed Ethan’s wrist with both hands, as you tried to get him to stop, but he just kept going. He looked over at you, noticing how fast you were breathing, and how you looked like you could cry from the stimulation. That’s when he realized that he needed to stop, because there was no way you could make it though your orgasm without it being obvious to your friends across the table.
He pulled his fingers out, and once Tara and Chad talked to each other, he looked back over at you and brought the fingers that were covered into your wetness up to his lips. You needed to cum so bad, and once he did that, you were sure you were going to go feral if you didn’t get your orgasm.
“We need to go,” you whispered, as he looked back over to Chad and Tara.
“We’ll leave soon, babe,” he said, as you huffed in frustration.
“If you don’t take me somewhere and fuck me right now, I’m going to go crazy.”
“You need it that bad?” he questioned, looking back at your friends to make sure they were still in their own conversation.
“Please, Ethan.”
“Hey guys, I think we’re going to get out of here,” Ethan said, as Chad and Tara looked at the two of you.
“Is everything okay?” Tara asked, once she noticed that you weren’t really saying anything.
“Yeah, it’s just cramps. I’m going to walk with her back to her dorm really quick before class,” he said, as your friends nodded.
Once you and Ethan got up, he took his hand in yours as he led you away from the table.
“We don’t have time to go back to my dorm,” you said, as he started to laugh.
“That’s not where we’re going,” he said, as he led you down the hall to a room that was used for study groups.
“We’re going to fuck in here? There’s no lock on the door,” you huffed, running your hand through your hair as Ethan grabbed a chair and propped it up under the door knob.
“No one’s getting in here,” he said, as he walked over to you. “I’m going to fuck you right here on this table.”
“Are you sure we won’t get caught?” you asked, as he reached under your skirt and grabbed your panties and slid them down your hips.
“That depends on how loud you are.”
Ethan tuned you around and had you bent over the table, your elbows resting against the wood as you waited for him to fuck you. You heard the zipper to his jeans get slid down before you felt him move your skirt, so it was bunched up on your hips.
“This is going to have to be quick, baby. Is that okay?” he asked, as he pushed the tip of his cock in your dripping pussy.
“Mhm,” you moaned at the feeling, as he slid the rest of himself inside you. “Just..don’t get your cum on my clothes.”
“It’s going to go all over this perfect ass of yours.”
He wasted no time before his cock started to thrust in and out of you, soft moans slipping out of your mouth. He was so focused on you, but once he glanced up at the clock on the wall and noticed you had less time than he originally thought, he started to pound into you. The sudden pace change caught you off guard, and you had to time to process it before you started letting out loud moans. The tip of Ethan’s cock hit your g-spot with every thrust, and after his fingers a few minutes before, you knew it wasn’t going to take much for him to make you cum. His hands were gripping your hips as he pulled them back to meet his thrusts, your hands moving to grip the side of the table so you wouldn’t fall off it.
Seeing you like this, and it being in a slightly public setting ignited something in Ethan. He let go of one of your hips to give a sharp smack to your ass, the feeling making you whimper as he soothingly rubbed over it before he did it again.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, “I’m so close.”
His hand went back to your hip as he mercilessly fucked you, loud whines flooding out of your mouth as the grip you had on the table got even tighter.
Ethan’s heavy breathing turned to groans once your pussy started to squeeze his cock, and you were bringing him so close to his own orgasm, but he was trying so hard to hold out so he could fuck you through yours. The sounds you were making didn’t make it any easier for him, so he finally pulled out.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, once he looked down at his release all over your ass cheek. “You gotta see this.”
You didn’t say anything as you caught your breath against the table, a sweet smile playing on your lips as he walked around to show you his phone.
“Whoa, that’s hot,” you said, as you looked at the picture of the red handprint that was covered in his cum.
“Yeah,” he said, as he walked over to grab some tissues from the other side of the room. “Did you like doing it in here?”
“Yeah, if you want this to be our new spot for quickies, I’m down.”
“I know we just hooked up, but I still want you to come over tonight. I didn’t have enough time for all the things I wanted to do to you,” he said, as he slid his boxers and jeans back up.
“I’d love to, babe,” you said, smiling at him as you stood up.
“Good, because again, you won’t be able to walk when I’m done with you.”
ANOTHER AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know I did it again and left it open for a part 2, so if y'all want another part of this where it'll probably consist of nothing but fucking, let me know lmao. It'd definitely be more on the rough side👀
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strnzzvsp · 2 months
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snap out of it.
summary: chris is ur best friend and he fell in love but little does he know…
pairing: lovesick!chris x jealous!reader
warnings: cursing, obnoxious chris’ gf, and chris is a love sick puppy
a/n: this is HEAVILY inspired by ‘Snap out of it’ by arctic monkeys. and ik i said i’d be gone for a while but when i got this idea i really wanted to post it😭
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱
it all started on june 1st 2024. chris texted you saying he got a girlfriend, and you felt a pit in your stomach, like someone just told you your dog died or something, ever since then you’ve been distant with chris, until you ran to him at one of tara’s party’s, you were just wearing something you put together the night before (outfit here), and chris was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans, not surprising honestly. (his outfit here), you attempted to walk away from him but he grabbed your arm and turned you around.
“why have you been ignoring me kid, hmm?” he asked, his voice was so smooth and gentle. you were basically a puddle and unable to form words.
“i-uh- what? i haven’t been ignoring you!!” you defended yourself. he just rolled his eyes and dragged you to the nearest empty room and sat down. patting the seat next to him, you slowly sat down beside him and gulped, waiting on him to speak.
“what’s been happenin’ in the world dude. what’s up with you?” he questioned. you shrugged and looked away. he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before grabbing your chin and making you look at him.
“look at me when i’m talking to you, damnit.” he started. “why are you ignoring me? i asked nick and he said you haven’t told him anything. it don’t sound much like you, girl.” you took a deep breath and spoke up. “i’m sorry chris i just really can’t fucking stand your girlfriend and your always around her and i just can never get a single word i-“ suddenly chris cut you off with a scoff. “that’s what this is about?! what the actual hell y/n!” he blurted out. making you jump, he’s never yelled at you like that.. “it’s not my fucking fault you don’t like her. you just have to suck it up and confront her cuz she’s gonna be here for a while.” he said angrily. “chris, how could you be so blind!? it’s like your under a spell, your hypnotized!” you snapped back. right as he was about to reply his girlfriend walked in. “hi baby!” she said to chris. oh god how you hated her. she made her voice was so obnoxiously high around him. “why are you talking to her? we agreed you wouldn’t talk to her anymore sweet thing..” you couldn’t believe your ears. your eyes damn near popped out your head. chris down sheepishly and mumbled an apology, the girl rolled her eyes and grabbed his wrist. “cmon handsome let’s go!” she said cheerfully, eyeing you down. oh how you wanted to fucking snap her neck sometimes. you suddenly snapped out of thought when you heard chris speak. “y-yes ma’am..” he said quietly and walked out. hand in hand with her, leaving you shocked.
i wanted to grab both his shoulders and shake baby, and just tell him to snap out of it but i got the feeling i left it too late but baby, snap out of it..
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱
a/n: did this take embarrassing long? yeah, do i hate it? yeah😭😭
tags in comments!
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bueckersstrap · 4 months
paige b. x reader
masterlist + playlist here !
warnings : language, cheating
wc : 850-900
tags : @mayghosts
a/n : ok so idk this was really short so imma make it like a prologue if ya catch my drift 😉 hope yall enjoy, chapters will be longer ofc. lmk what yall do and don’t like 💘💘💘 xoxo - cel
0. told her i would call her back, i forgot to text her / PROLOGUE
paige : dude it’s literally not what it looks like chill tf out 😂 11:56 PM
you : chill out ..? ur out cheating and im supposed to chill out ? alr . go have fun w ur lil home wrecking ass friend. 11:58 PM
paige : i’m out tryna enjoy my time w my friends nd ur stressing me ? imma call u after tho , ight? 11:59 PM
paige : i didnt mean it like that ur not stressing me 12:00 AM
deadass i didnt ???
read at 12:02 AM
seriously y/n 12:09 AM
bro y ru acting like that
nah fuck u
wait yes
fuck you
read at 12:10AM
‘paige’ has been blocked by ‘y/n’
the loud knock that erupted on the apartment door must’ve rung throughout the empty hallways of paige’s complex.
nervously shifting her weight between her feet, holding the cardboard box — that was filled to the brim with all of paige’s stuff — was heavy of a weight enough and the extra anxiety wasn’t helping.
y/n felt like she must have been waiting at paige’s door for hours when it really was only a minute or so.
paige’s expression turned blank, not expecting to ever see y/n again after the incident.
“your stuff. i didn’t need it taking up space in my apartment anymore.” you said, shallow and shoving the box into her chest.
“I- uh. thank you?”
it seemed as if paige swallowed her pride and was going to say something but before she could you flashed her a tight lipped expression and begged yourself not to give in to her antics if she tried anything.
you two had been in this situation countless times, it always ended up in sex. but you didn’t want that this time. not yet, atleast.
it was the awkward silence that confirmed the end of you two was catching up to the years that lacked apologies and proper communication. there was nothing you could’ve done to stop it, what was done was done and paige’s actions couldn’t be controlled. that’s just how she is.
paige looked scared, almost. her expression was unexplainable and as hard as you tried to study the way her lips curled or the way her eyes scanned your own face; you couldn’t figure it out.
without saying anything more, you gave her once last look and walked away, completely shattered.
‘the incident’ that was referenced was the moments leading up to when you were sitting in your apartment, innocently and mindlessly scrolling on tiktok when you came across your girlfriends’ friend — ice brady’s — live.
you clicked to see them all out at a bar. this wasn’t unexpected as paige had already told you what her plans for the night were. you watched contently for a little bit, admiring the night your friends were having, that you weren’t invited to. it was weird to not be invited to a group hangout and not be asked to go with, not even by your girlfriend. it had already made you uneasy but it didn’t matter and you brushed your feelings under the rug.
ice shifted the camera to her left and for a split second the world stopped. you immediately recognized the blonde. the grown out roots with the slender hands that wrapped around presumably — from the back — her teammate, azzi fudd.
it wasn’t just a hug as you might’ve thought, her hands were on azzi’s waist and azzi’s hands were around paige’s neck. the distance between them was non-existent and very clear to everybody on live.
ice uncomfortably shifted the camera back to her, exchanging looks with her friend caroline. both the women’s expressions turned into ones of pure shock and slight panic as her and caroline tried to play it off as normal. nothing was normal about this, though.
“what the fuck?” you mumbled, furrowing your brows to try and capture the moment in your brain. it didn’t last as long as it felt though.
for a couple minutes you set your phone down, pacing around your apartment. too many thoughts you had to calculate came at lighting speed in your pounding head. at first, you tried to justify her actions, thinking, maybe it wasn’t what it looked like. but then you started thinking more rationally. you knew what you saw and there was no defending her actions no matter how much you tried. you attempted reading between the lines, trying to catch a loophole in which azzi and paige weren’t kissing within an inch of life between them but the hand placement was a dead give away. the realization made your blood run cold and gave you the confidence needed to say something, not wanting to silence you or your feelings anymore.
that’s how the whole text situation ended up happening because the pure shock turned into pure anger. you concluded that azzi fudd was a home wrecker, and paige bueckers was a lying slut cheater.
was it fair to label azzi that, just by seeing the live? probably not. but the heat that rose to your cheeks in your anxiety driven body made it hard for you to think straight. but this wasn’t about azzi, this was about paige and her extremely ignorant tendencies. especially her intoxicated ones.
it hurt but you knew it was a long time coming, anyway. the toxic relationship you two shared had been ongoing since your junior year when you hooked up at a halloween party and were on and off since.
you couldn’t tell whether knowing that the cycle between you and paige would continue until one of you broke— which wasn’t going to happen— brought you comfort or sadness. it was very unfortunate that you wasted this much time on paige, but considering your past and the very foreseeable future, it was hard not to. as fast as you tried to run away you knew you’d probably end up being caught up to sooner or later. until the pattern repeated itself, you’d try and heal like normal and be destroyed when she came back and ruined your life.
it was the circle of paige.
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vlance · 10 months
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Echo of You
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I decided I wanted to be a little angsty today. So I will feed y’all with this, I am not sorry. This is also like 1.3k words.
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Silence, the silence was deafening. Standing here, in the exact apartment. The memories echoed. They echoed off the walls, it’s making me go insane. Knowing that right here right now all there is, is an empty shell of something that once was.
Memories of your laughter filled my head. The memory of your smile. The laugh that once made me laugh with you. The smile that once lit up my world and my life.
It’s nowhere to be found. All the memories that were created turned sour. Seeing you as the devil you truly were. The person that was never there to bring me up, but only to tear me down. Break every piece of myself until I couldn’t recognize myself.
The constant banging in my head, wishing that you would just become a memory of the past. But here I am, reminiscing in the memories we once shared.
The early mornings spent together cuddling under the sheets. All the late nights spent talking about our hopes and dreams. The plans we made for the future. Feeling all your love and adoration for me.
Just to see you give all the love and adoration to someone else in the blink of an eye. Realizing you were no longer mine.
Walking through the house seeing all the pictures up on the walls. All the pictures of the good times. It just made me angry. Knowing that in the end you threw all of it away for some fling. For someone that was more fun, for someone that supposedly made you feel free. The memory of the days that led up to that night.
“Wony baby can I use your phone for something really quick, mine died” I looked up at the girl and asked.
“Uh yeah sure hold on” She quickly closes the tab on whatever she was doing. She hesitates on handing her phone to me.
I should have known then. Like a fool I didn’t think anything of it.
“What are you doing baby?” I sat down next to her on the couch and laid my head on her shoulder. She quickly closed the conversation she was having on her phone with someone and put her phone face down on the coffee table. She turned to me and smiled. “Don't worry about it” Smiling as she pats my head.
I should have seen the warning signs. Being blinded by love is one of the worst sins you can participate in. How does someone blind you to the point of no return? They will take and take until you’re left with nothing.
“WHO IS SHE WONYOUNG!” I yelled at her from across the kitchen counter. She just smiled at me and reached her hand across the counter to hold my hand. Gently rubbing her thumb against my knuckles. Quickly soothing my anger.
“She’s just a friend baby. I promise there is nothing between us” Giving me a reassuring smile. Walking over to me to give me a peck on my cheek. “Now I have to go run some errands. I'll be back later okay” She smiled and leff the house.
Should have known all the smiles were just a disguise. They hid the real you. All the reassuring looks were just a way to manipulate me, just like your words.
“I would never do that to you baby, why do you never believe me?” pausing and looking up with anger in her eyes. “Whatever you can believe in me or not I don’t care” She stormed out of the house.
Then it all came crashing down. Tearing out my heart right there and feasting on it. Like wolf, cunning, and deceiving. I believed you for so long.
“Hey did you know your girlfriend is at the bar right now right”
“What do you mean Gaeul? She said she was at Rei’s house” I said confusedly as I paused the movie on the TV. “She said she was gonna be helping her and was gonna be late”
“Dude that’s a complete lie” She scoffed.
“How would you even know this?” I asked the older girl.
“I’m literally staring at her from across the room” Sending me photos to confirm her statement. “What the fuck” I quickly sit up looking at the photos. She’s sitting in a girl's lap wrapping her arms around her as she’s leaning in. In the next photo they are kissing. The same girl she said not to worry about.
So many emotions rushed over me. The main ones being sadness and anger. How could she? Why did she do this to me? So many questions in my head.
“Do you want the address?” Gaeul asked.
“No, I’m going to wait till she gets home” I hung up the phone. I sat there baffled. Wondering so many things. The tears finally start to fall. I kept telling myself how stupid I was for not seeing it sooner. Then it came, the sadness was still there, but was replaced by the most overwhelming anger I have felt in my life.
The fuming anger that filled me. A rage that could not even be put into words. I waited for her, for what seemed like years. The clock on the wall ticking. Every tick just filled me with even more rage. Every passing second, every minute, every hour I sat there waiting.
The anger bubbling in me knowing that she has been out there for almost four hours. It was almost two am when she came back. She walked through the door with a gleaming smile. As if nothing happened. She kicked off her shoes and hung up her coat.
I sat there in the living room waiting, waiting for her to acknowledge me. She walked into the living room. Confused as to why I sat there when I’m usually asleep at this time.
“Where were you?” I lifted my head up to meet her eyes. The fiery anger that burned in my eyes scared her. Her eyes flashed with nervousness for a second. She slowly makes her way over to me. “Is something wrong baby?” She asked, standing over me.
“Answer the question Wonyoung” I tried composing myself to make sure I wouldn't burst out in anger. “Did you forget silly, I was at Jiwons house” She laughs softly. “Don’t lie to me wonyoung” I looked up at her.
“I’m telling you the truth, You see you never believe me” She scoffs. “How insecure can you be Y/N” Anger now rising in her eyes.
“Stop lying” I get up swiftly. “I’ve seen photos, you aren’t as slick as you think” I pushed her chest lightly.
“What is your problem, you're actually sick” She pushes me back lightly. “It over wonyoung, get out” I sat back down.
“Wow over something that you believe is true just like that Y/N” Scoffing I looked at her. “Give it up Wonyoung I have proof” I take my phone out and pass it to her. She pauses not knowing what to say.
“Can you blame me”
“Excuse me”
“I meant what I said”
I rolled my eyes and glared at her. “Don’t look at me like that, you think I actually loved you?” She laughs and pushes back her hair. “Like seriously, you’re a loser, I really just felt bad plus I needed the money”
“You’re honestly so stupid too how could you not see the signs”
“It baffles me how you think someone like me would ever love someone like you” She walks up the stairs. Coming back down with a bag full of her things. I just sat there in my own thoughts
“Look at you, you're honestly so pathetic” and just like that. She was out the door. Never turning back, never an apology, nothing. That’s when the tears fell.
Realizing she never loved me. So many red flags, so many warning signs. They all went over my head. Just like that, it was too good to be true. Now sitting here again three weeks later with the walls still littered with picture frames. The apartment still has that vanilla scent. Still filled with all the little decorations you insisted on putting up. It’s like you were still here, but you weren’t. It was just an echo of you.
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I totally have an idea for pt 2 of this with like a little revenge arc
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all4seth · 9 months
seth clearwater x female reader
lower case intended
i sat down at one of the empty tables and let my right shoe slip off my foot for a moment. it hurt my feet; my dress was also too tight and it started feeling itchy, my hair wasn’t sitting right and i could have ripped my bracelats off my wrist right then and there.
i closed my eyes and replayed seth’s promposal in my head. he had brought me flowers and asked me in private, because he knew i would get shy if it had been in front of other people. of course i said yes; seth has been my boyfriend for so long now, yet it didn’t feel boring, not one bit. my love for him only grew day by day.
i opened my eyes and searched through the crowd. there were so many people, many of whom know my boyfriend, yet i know none of them. i wish it was easier for me to talk to people.
seth was out there, surrounded by his friends. he looked so happy. he patted one of the guys’ arm and then his eyes quickly searched for mine. when his gaze met me, a huge smile grew on his face, and i couldn’t help but smile back.
i got up from my seat and waited for him to reach me, and when he did, he gently caught my waist and spun me around as he kissed me.
“you look so beautiful” he whispered.
“thank you. i love you”
“i love you too, baby”
“who’s the pretty lady, seth?” a voice asked from behind us.
we flinched and quickly pulled away, only to see the group of guys that seth was talking to earlier.
they burst into laughter once they saw our faces.
“don’t be jerks, guys. this is y/n, i’ve talked about her to you” seth said.
i could feel my face getting red.
“we’re joking, of course we know who you are”
“seriously though, seth talks about you all day, every day” a shorter boy said.
“quil…” seth murmured, faking annoyance while he was clearly embarassed.
“he’s driving us nuts” an older boy laughed “i’m jared cameron”
“i’m y/n. wait, actually, you said you know who i am. sorry, i’m a little nervous” i giggled, stiffly.
seth rubbed my arm, in an attempt to calm me down.
“we won’t bite” embry laughed.
“speak for yourself” jared replied.
seth gave the boy a dirty look; you could see just how jealous he was.
i intertwined my fingers with seth’s and squeezed his hand.
he looked at me with soft eyes, as if asking “do you want to go somewhere else?”
i nodded.
“it was great meeting you” i told the boys that were still joking around.
“see you guys around” seth greeted them and the two of us walked away.
“leaving so soon?” paul pouted, as a joke.
seth rolled his eyes in annoyance but kept on walking.
“i was just getting to know your little girlfriend, too bad she doesn’t speak much” paul added, but no one laughed this time.
my heart sank. not when paul’s words reached my ears, but when seth turned to him, his body shaking, trying as hard as possible to keep composed.
“don’t speak about her like that” seth demanded.
“calm down, dude” paul mocked.
i brushed my fingers against seth’s and he instantly calmed down, just as our eyes met.
he and i left the school without adressing another word to paul.
seth drove us to my house and entered with me.
my parents were gone for the weekend, meaning it was only the two of us. we made our way to the second floor, into my room.
he was still visibly angry so i rubbed his back, but he didn’t look at me.
“oh, seth” i sighed and kissed his cheek.
he looked into my eyes and i could see the anger vanishing, sadness taking its place.
we sat in silence, as i rubbed his back, replaying tonight’s events in my mind. i didn’t want seth to feel pressured into talking to me, so i silently let him know he could talk to me, whenever he felt ready.
“you know paul wasn’t actually hitting on you, right?” seth said “i’m not saying you’re not pretty or anything, because you’re obviously the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen, but he’s just such a jerk and i-“
i kissed him.
“i know, baby, it’s ok. i only want you” i reassured him.
he kissed me back, more passionately this time. his tongue made its way into my mouth and i ran my hands through his hair. his right hand was holding my waist, while the other was cupping my face. his left hand fell on my waist as well.
he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.
“i love you, y/n”
“i love you too”
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thebubblesareevil · 1 year
School’s Haunted
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Danny watched students swarm around the front entrance to Gateway High. They were all over the place, way more than Casper High. Danny took a deep breath, only to have it knocked out of him as a Travis smacked him on the back.
“What’s up man, exited for your first day?” Danny scoffed.
“Excited isn’t exactly the word I’d use. Dread, despair, devastated, some other word that begins with D.” Danny shrugged. “ I don’t know man, my last first day of high school didn’t go too well.”
“Oh come on, it couldn’t have been too bad.”
“A few days before, I got electrocuted which kinda fried my nerves for a bit. I ended up getting a lifetime ban from holding anything made of glass.” Danny quirked an eyebrow “Plus my old bully ended up in the same class as me. Not Fun.” He replied.
“Sheesh, we’ll it’s not like this time can be any worse.” Danny’s jaw dropped.
“I’m sorry, did you just jinx my first day, Dude!” Travis laughed.
“If it makes you feel better, I could ask some of my buds on the football team to keep an eye out. Bullies are a pretty big no go around here.” Danny laughed.
“That’s what they all say. There’s always one.” Travis shook his head.
“Fair enough, but we’re pretty tight knit here. Trust me and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” He said pushing Danny forward. “Now hurry up, you don’t wanna be late on your first day.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll talk to you later.” Danny made his way through the crowd of teens, using the makeshift map to try to find his class.
“Are you lost?” Danny turned around to see a girl wearing her gym clothes. She looked almost surprised he heard her.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Mr.Graham’s class.” She gave him a huge grin.
“Down the hall, take a left and it’s the first door to the right.” He smiled.
“Thanks you’re a lifesaver.”
“Don’t mention it!” She said as she walked the other way.
With newfound direction, Danny made his way to his home room. When he walked in he saw Matt sitting near the middle of the room, there was an empty seat next to him. He was just about to make his way over when he was stopped.
“You must be our new student, why don’t you come up here and introduce yourself.” Danny froze with dread. ‘Why me?!’
“Come on now! Don’t be shy!” Danny gave up, making his way to the front of the class as Matt gave him a look of sympathy.
“Hi, my name’s Danny Prince, not Daniel, not Dan, not Dano, Danny.”
“We’ll let me be the first to welcome you to our class Danny! So what made decide to come to our wonderful school?” He prompted joyfully. Danny had a dark look of glee in his eye. One Matt recognized from the one, and only, time Danny was invited to join his and Travis’ D&D campaign.
The DM hasn’t been the same since.
“Well sir, I just couldn’t resist sunny California. What with the the beaches and rich history here in Gateway city.” The teacher puffed up his chest in pride. “After my parents died in that car accident I just couldn’t say no when my cousin invited me to live here!” He said cheerily. Mr.Graham paled.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” He hastily responded.
“You’re fine. Figured it was best to get it out now. I’d hate to have to keep repeating it over and over again.” Danny said with wide eyes. The teacher coughed.
“Why don’t you take a seat by Mr. Miller?” He suggested, gesturing towards Matt.
“Probably for the best.” He continued his journey to his seat uninhibited.
“That was cruel.” Matt claimed
“No, cruel is making a teenager stand in front of his class on his first day. That was revenge.” He said with a grin. He heard a giggle from behind him, he turned.
“He’s not wrong you know, it’s practically inhumane.” a girl commented. “The names Simone. Sorry about your parents.”
“Nice to meet you Simone.”
“Likewise, how are you liking Gateway?” Danny smiled.
“It’s great, all things considered. I got a job over at the museum, at the space exhibit!” Danny announced, practically glowing. Simone blushed.
“Oh? Do you like it?” She asked. Matt groaned from Danny’s other side.
“I love it! Dr. Scott even let’s me use the telescope sometimes!” His smiled widened. Simone’s blush got darker. The bell rang.
“What” Simone cleared her throat “what class do you have first?” Danny took his schedule out of his pocket.
“Looks like history first. Shouldn’t be too hard.” He shrugged. Simone pouted.
“I’ve got math first. Maybe I’ll catch you later?” She asked. "Maybe we could sit together at lunch?"
“That’d be awesome! Hey all four of us can sit together!” She stopped as he left in search of his next class. She felt a hand on her shoulder.
“I know your pain.” Matt sighed watching Danny make his way down the hall. He handed Simone a pamphlet, before he too headed to his next class.
She looked down at the paper and read in bold letters
So you’ve got a crush on Danny Prince. Here’s everything you need to know.
At the back of the pamphlet was a museum schedule for space shows.
The bell rang.
She kept the pamphlet.
There are many benefits to being the honorary grandson of the Master of all Time. One of which is the ability to go back in time to study for history.
This has caused Danny many issues. History is written by the victors, and not many of them were interested in historical accuracy. Which is why Danny ended up completely derailing his entire history by starting a debate on Julius Caesar. By the end of class Mrs. Beatle was practically vibrating with excitement. There was not a single silent voice as they questioned what was written in their books. Everyone booed when the bell rang, including Mrs. Beatle, but she promised they could continue the debate the next class.
Most of Danny’s classes ended much the same. Chemistry was especially exciting, they were meant to be doing a simple experiment to show a chemical reaction that would change the color of some paper. Danny’s glowed.
Mr. Thorne spent the rest of the class trying to figure out how.
Danny made his way through math, surprised at how much he enjoyed it.
And that brings him to where he is now.
Gym class.
The class met in the gym only to be led out to the field, for a soccer game to start off the new year. He couldn’t really be mad at Coach Cooper, she was actually pretty cool. But facts are we’re facts, and the fact is Danny hates gym.
Sure he can show off a little, but it was way too easy to forget what was okay and what wasn’t. Way to easy to slip up. He slowly followed the rest of the class.
“Why the long face?” Danny shrugged.
“Not really a big sports fan, plus no doubt Coach is gonna make me take off my hoodie. I really just don’t want anyone staring at my scars."
“Scars?” She looked at him concerned.
“Yeah, fighting ghosts is pretty dangerous. You don’t always walk away unscathed .” He replied with a shrug. The girl froze.
“I’m not gonna fight you.” He watched as everyone started to congregate on the field. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your haunt, but I kinda gotta go to school. You know how it is.” He kept walking, joining the rest of his class.
“Uh, yeah. I do.” She muttered under her breath.
Vanessa watched the strange boy for the rest of the day. He was right about the sweatshirt, however he made up a story about a car accident and no one questioned it.
Since the moment he entered the school, she felt compelled to follow him. She hadn’t been a ghost long, but he felt different than anyone else. He felt powerful, terrifyingly strong…and safe.
Everyday she was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, she walked through the halls, watching them go about their day unseen. But this year things were different this year there was Danny.
Vanessa smiled as she watched him leave the school from her perch on the roof. He stopped after crossing the street, turning around he looked right at her and waved. Her smile grew brighter.
This was going to be a fun year indeed.
Danny quickly made his way back home, excited to tell Diana all about his first day. Travis was right, though Danny would never admit it, and most of the students were pretty cool. He hadn't expected to meet a ghost, luckily she seemed pretty unaggressive. Last thing he wanted was to fight a ghost in the cafeteria...again.
Racing up the stairs he barged through the front door, Diana spun around from where she was sitting at her computer.
"How was school? Make any friends?" She smiled.
"It was great! Sure the teachers were no Mr. Lancer, but they were pretty cool. I made a few new friends, but get this! The school is haunted!" Danny grinned like a maniac.
"Don't you think its a little early in the year to start spooking you classmates?" Danny scoffed, heading towards the kitchen for a snack.
"Cousin mine, its never to early for a good spook. But I'm not talking about me, there's another ghost. I'm pretty sure she was a student there when she died." That got Diana's attention.
"Danny, promise me you won't join forces with the school ghost to reek havoc." Danny gave her the fakest offended look she had ever seen, she raised a single brow.
"Okay, fine. I won't haunt the school, except on Halloween, Frighty would disown me if I didn't scare some teens." He declared dropping the act as he grabbed a thermos filled with ectoplasm.
"Actually, the museum might be doing a temporary exhibit on the history of Halloween. The whole tour is meant to be haunted." she grinned. "I was thinking we could team up and give the Ancient Egyptian crew a run for their money." Diana grinned as her cousin practically started to vibrate from excitement.
"Are you kidding?!?!? That would be awesome!" His feet left the ground as he flew over to the table. "I learned this trick awhile back that I've been DYING to try out!" She smiled as Danny started mapping out plans for a perfect haunted museum.
"We have plenty of time to plan things out," she said laying a hand on his shoulder "tonight however we are celebrating your first day of school in this world so I was thinking we would go out to eat tonight." Danny grinned. "They just opened a new burger place down the street and-" She was cut off by the sound of her communicator. She stepped away from the table as she picked up the communicator, Danny zipped his lips as she answered the call.
It didn't take long, but from the look on her face Danny could tell they would not be going out tonight. Diana sighed after she ended the call.
"I'm sorry Danny, I have to go. Batman has an emergency meeting to discuss some things."
"Is everything okay?" She hesitated before shaking her head.
"Many of the higher priority villains have become increasingly quiet, while weaker villains have been more active than ever. We have been keeping an eye on the situation, however there have been some unexpected developments." Danny nodded.
"Don't worry about dinner, I'll go hang out with gramps tonight and we can do something tomorrow. Just be careful, last time Plasmius went quiet for too long I ended up fighting Pariah Dark."
"You'll have to tell me about that sometime." She smiled "I'll call when I get out of the meeting, hopefully we'll have some time for a movie and ice cream when I get back. Your pick."
"Awesome! There's a new movie that just came out called the Evil Dead that I've been wanting to check out." Diana ruffled his hair.
"Have fun with Grandfather." she said as she headed out.
Diana was frustrated, she was meant to have dinner with Danny, instead she was called to an emergency League meeting. The Team found evidence of alien technology being used in the Bialyian desert. The criminal behind the project appeared to be Psimon, a powerful psychic who wiped the memories of the young heroes and put them in extreme danger.
Luckily the Team made it out in one piece, though not completely unscathed.
For the 3 hours they had been going over intelligence by the Team, going over any changes in the conflict, and reviewing other villains recent movements. The more they talked, the more Diana was sure something greater was at play.
To many people were staying far too quiet.
When the meeting finally ended, Batman approached once more.
"Batman, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she smiled congenially.
"What is your opinion of Superboy?" he asked in his usual blunt tone.
"He shows great potential. He needs to work on directing his strength and keeping his temper under control." Diana was quite proud of her new student.
"He's a loose cannon as things stand. We need to keep him under tight supervision." Her smile dropped.
"He may have trouble controlling his temper, but considering everything he's been through in the past months he's doing remarkably well. He listens well and, while stubborn at first, he was an attentive student. Until such a time when Superman decides to train him, I intend to continue with our training." She left no room for argument. Batman nodded.
"If you notice anything-"
"I will handle it personally." She interrupted him, her mood now sour. "And he prefers the name Conner."
"Noted. I won't keep you any longer." He grunted with a nod.
Diana made her way to the Zeta tubes, nodding to her fellow heroes as she passed though her mind was busy. Something was bothering the Bat, and that never boded well for anyone.
She said her farewells and left the base. Once she made it back to the apartment, she changed into her pajamas and pulled out her phone to call Danny. Smiling as she saw messages from her cousin, she tapped the screen to see the pictures.
She choked.
There on the screen, was none other than Vandal Savage, the ruthless warrior who fought against the Justice Society...with neon pink hair trying his very best to look serious in the middle of a meeting. She clicked on the next picture.
It was Vandal again though this time he seemed visibly furious as he stood against the Justice Society... covered from head to toe in glitter. The next message was a video.
Vandal was standing before a group of villains, clearly making some kind of presentation, as Danny and their Grandfather danced in the background. Colorful lights flashing as though they were at a party. From Vandal's twitching eye and the lack of reaction from the other villains... he was the only one who could see or hear them. Upon closer inspection, Danny appeared to be singing along to something. Diana was already at her limit as she unmuted her phone and pressing play, the moment the music came blasting through her phone she had to brace herself against the couch to stop herself from falling from the force of her laughter. She dropped her phone on the floor as the apartment was filled with the sound of-
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick@dr-syko-pharm-4@observerblock23@addie-lover-of-stories@rainybyday@berseid@pastalavistamf@ae-vixrose@sunflowershine03@theauthorandtheartist@ruelukas22@krzys2000@onlyhereforthechaos@stargirl1331@apointlessbox@mewzaque@distractedducky@cutelittlebeanie@unorthodoxdreamers @universallytacowolfbakery @joseph557@ver-444@icedbluesoul@shark-time@milo-l-l @spookytragedyshark@nutcase8691@idfk-man10 @s1eepyreader @all-eyes-no-dragon@demented-trashcan@avelnfear@tuhguo@genuine-muse@mentalcarebear@britcision@v-inari@redhoneysugarorange@kayekate244@litlecameron@magic-pincushion@mutable-manifestation@@kyrianclawraith@potatoeofwisdom@fisticuffsatapplebees@akikkobara@spooky-fm
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simplydannie · 7 months
Tumblr media
Veneer wakes up to find his sister gone… Only thing she left behind was a note. To keep the feeling of loneliness from building up, Veneer takes comfort in the company of the Trolls. All seem happy… except for Branch.
Part 2
Sorry for just leaving you like this. I know you’re hoping the Trolls can help us…. Maybe they can… but I need to figure some stuff out on my own. I just really need to figure who I am, and so do you. I changed you and I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell you because I KNOW you would follow me. Not this time Veneer. I’ll be back, I don’t know when. Just stay out of trouble. Don’t do anything stupid. And PLEASE make some friends! Again, DO NOT FOLLOW ME! I’ll see when I see you.
- Velvet
Veneer awoke to find his sister’s room empty. She had gone and taken all her things. He didn’t know how long he cried for. First their parents, and now his sister has ran off to who knows where. He was alone… he was truly alone.
She couldn’t have gone back to Rageous…there was nothing for them there. If she went back they wouldn’t accept her on top… she’d go back to lower parts of Rageous…. Should he go after her? Should he drop everything and follow her? But she said not too? He felt so unsure.
The next couple of days after her disappearance he spent clinging to the Trolls. He was afraid to be alone, afraid dark thoughts would seep through. Floyd was more than happy to have Veneer around…
Don’t leave Veneer alone for too long. Keep an eye on him.
That’s all she had written him. Floyd wondered what she had met by that…So he kept him close. Slowly most of the Trolls accepted him, Poppy, Viva, and most of his brothers…Branch wasn’t to easily convinced.
Branch stared in jealousy one day as Floyd and Veneer talked during their stay in Bergentown, a big goofy smile on the Rageouns face. Veneer began to dress more normal, well normal for a Rageoun….
“Looks like Bitty B has a GIANT admirer.” John Dory chimed in.
“What?” Branch asked.
“The kid. He follows you around like no tomorrow! He really looks up to you.” JD smiled.
“Yeah! And I don’t know why! I guess “leave me alone, go away” means “let’s hang out” in his language.” Branch scoffed.
“Come on, give the kid a break…. He’s alone right now is. Who knows where Velvet went too.” John said.
“Probably to go steal more Trolls…. I don’t trust them. It’s sad how they have Floyd at the palm of their hands still.” Branch said as he glared at Veneer. He continued to frown on how well Floyd got along with him…. Floyd was his brother, not Veneers. Branch couldn’t take it anymore, he walked away…. He needed some space…. He needed to take a walk.
Branch made his way towards the gates that lead outside and followed a path.
As he walked he felt the ground shake slightly.
“What the heck?” He murmured.
“Branch!” Branch heard a voice… he grunted and rolled his eyes. Oh no, Branch growled. He ignored Veneers call as he approached… he kept walking.
“Hey wait! For something so small, you walk fast.” Once he caught up Veneer had no problem keeping up with Branch. They walked in silence for a moment.
“Where are you going?” Veneer asked.
“Forward.” Branch responded. Veneer giggled.
“Duh! But like where?” He asked again.
“Just forward Veneer.” Branches patience began wearing thin.
“Okay.” Veneer said. More silence…
“Hey! I did some, uh, lyrics. Silly huh? Would you like to take a look at them? I want your opinion. Oh! Maybe Brozone can use them for your next album! Cool right! Hey maybe you think I can help out? I can be your lighting and sound technician! Do you guys have machines for that in my size? Anyways…” Veneer kept rambling on. He was nervous, Veneer always rambled when he was nervous. He kept talking and talking that he didn’t see Branch ticking like a fuse bomb….
“DUDE SHUT UP!” Branch yelled. Veneer stopped in his tracks, staring at Branch confused. “Can you not get the hint! You’re annoying Veneer! I don’t know why you keep following me around! I don’t trust you, I don’t trust your sister. You kidnapped my brother and nearly killed him! I never wanted you guys here, I DONT want to be your friend! I’ll NEVER forgive you! Can’t you understand why maybe your sister left! Maybe she couldn’t stand you! Because I definitely can’t right now!” Branch yelled staring up at Veneer. His breathing was hard as his anger fused…. The Rageoun was silent… Branch could see tears beginning to form in Veneers eyes. A lumped formed in Veneers throat…he wanted to say something… but he felt that whatever he would say wouldn’t matter. Veneer knew now how Branch really felt about him now, how everyone probably did. Maybe he was right? Velvet left because she couldn’t stand him…. No one ever did. He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned around. Hugging himself, Veneer walked away.
Branch just stared after him until he disappeared from his line of view. His anger began to go away. It was then Branch realized what he had said to Veneer…. Guilt began to settle in. No! Branch thought to himself… he wasn’t going to feel sorry. Kid or not, what Veneer did was unforgivable…Branch continued walking the opposite direction….. his mind was set… but his heart was still telling him that he shouldn’t have done that, he shouldn’t have said those things….
Branch didn’t know how fragile Veneer really was.
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massivedrickhead · 9 months
we’re here tonight (and that’s enough)
Words: 2778
Summary: Merry Pitchmas @wordsofmyreality! I’m your secret Santa this year! I hope you like this little bit of Christmas fluff 💖 @merry-pitchmas
Read on AO3
“Chlo’?” Beca called from her spot in the living room, her hands on her hips as she surveyed their fireplace. 
“Yeah?” Chloe replied from the kitchen. 
“Did you move my stocking?”
“Your what?” Chloe asked, struggling to hear her wife over the sound of the music playing in the kitchen. 
“My stocking,” Beca said back, raising her voice so it could be heard over Mariah Carey. 
“It’s on the fireplace.”
“It isn’t,” Beca said, staring at the empty spot where her stocking had once hung. Bright red with a golden B embroidered on it. She turned her head to where Chloe’s still hung - bright red with a golden C - and then back to the empty spot where hers should be. 
“Huh,” Chloe said, entering the living room, wiping her hands on her apron before resting one on Beca’s back. “Weird.”
“It was here this morning before I left for work,” Beca said. 
“Have you checked David’s hiding spot?” Chloe asked.
Beca glanced down to where their dog - named after David Guetta - was curled up. His head lifted at the sound of his name. He did have a habit of stealing their clothes, but he’d never pulled anything down before. 
“I’ll look now,” she said. “How’s dinner prep going?” 
“I’m almost done,” Chloe said. She gave Beca a quick kiss on the cheek. “Once you’ve checked his spot can you take him for a W-A-L-K?”
“Sure,” Beca said. “You don’t want to come?”
Chloe shook her head. “I’m so beat from work this week, I just wanna go lie in the bath for an hour. Is that okay?”
“Of course it is,” Beca said. “Are you feeling okay? You’ve been tired all week.” 
“I’m fine,” Chloe said, smiling at the look of concern on Beca’s face. 
“Am I a bad wife for letting you do all the Christmas dinner prep?”
“A terrible wife,” Chloe replied, rolling her eyes as she kissed Beca on the cheek again. “I need to get back in there.”
Chloe returned to the kitchen and Beca watched her go, feeling that pull to follow that she always got when Chloe left a room. 
David nudged her leg with his head and she looked down. His tail was wagging, and Beca wondered if he’d somehow learned to spell. 
She scratched him behind the ear and then went to the spot in the room where he hid his stolen wares. 
Beca had been reluctant about getting a dog all those years ago. She’d always liked dogs, and had always envisioned having one in the future, but she’d still been hesitant. 
It was before they were married - before they were even engaged - and they’d only been living together for a few months when Chloe mentioned the puppy that had been brought into the veterinary surgery where she’d worked at the time. 
“He’d been abandoned, Bec,” Chloe told her, tears in her eyes as she showed him pictures on her phone. “Left on the side of the road, tied to a telephone pole. He’s just a baby.”
Chloe told Beca about how skittish and afraid he was of them. How he wouldn’t let anyone get near him, except for Chloe. He reminded her so much of Beca, that Chloe just had to have him. 
“Comparing me to an abandoned dog isn’t the compliment you think it is.”
Beca had been hesitant but eventually agreed. Now, nearly five years later, she couldn’t imagine their life without him. 
Chloe had been right, as always. 
Beca scratched him behind the ear again as she searched through his dog toys for his hidden stolen goods. 
She found several of her missing socks, a dish towel, and even one of Chloe’s bras, but there was no bright red stocking. 
“So you’re not the stocking thief,” Beca said to him. “But we do have to talk about the bra thing, dude. Those things aren’t cheap, you know.”
Once she was wrapped up in her winter coat and had pulled on her boots, she clipped David’s leash to his collar and they set out for his evening walk. 
They walked around their neighbourhood, David sticking close to her side instead of running ahead like he usually did. 
She supposed he must be able to feel it too, that tinge of sadness that had clung to Beca ever since she found out that - once again - her Mom wouldn’t be coming for Christmas. 
Beca had told Chloe she was fine, that she was used to her Mom flaking on her by now, and while all of that was true, there was still a part of her that had hoped for change. It had been years since they’d spent any real time together and, despite her flaws, Beca did love her Mom. 
David stopped to do his business, and Beca looked out at the houses in their neighbourhood. The Christmas lights shone through the windows, casting their snow-covered lawns in warm and colourful glows. She wished she could take some of that glow with her and bring it into her own home. 
She took a deep breath of cold air and held it in her chest before slowly expelling it, watching a cloud form and dissipate quickly as the air left her body. 
David tugged against the leash, pulling her arm back in the direction of home. 
“Okay,” she said out loud. “I’m coming.”
The house was quiet when they got back, and Beca was desperate to shift the sadness that clung to her like the cold. She tried to leave it at the door along with the snow she’d kicked off her boots, but it wouldn’t go. 
She spent longer than necessary in the entryway of their home, drying David’s paws with the towel they kept in there for that reason. 
Chloe was on the sofa fiddling with her phone when Beca finally entered the living room. 
Everything felt heavy, and the lack of her stocking on the fireplace seemed to perfectly mirror her lack of Christmas cheer. 
She dropped onto the sofa beside Chloe and wasted no time in pressing a kiss to the side of her head. Chloe’s hair was still damp but the familiar smell of her shampoo seemed to ground Beca.
“You’re freezing!” Chloe shrieked as Beca’s cold hands slipped beneath Chloe’s Christmas pyjama top and pressed against her warm skin. 
Beca laughed as Chloe batted her hands away. She removed them and placed them over the pyjamas, her hand going to Chloe’s stomach without thinking. 
Chloe covered Beca’s hand with her own. “We’ll find out soon,” she said. “I promise. I just… it was our first attempt. There’s a good chance it didn’t work and I don’t want to put a downer on things if that's the case.”
“I know,” Beca said, kissing the side of her head again. The anxiety of not knowing if they would soon become parents mixed unpleasantly with her already lingering sadness about her Mom, and she searched for something to distract herself. Her eyes fell on the fireplace. “How come you stole my stocking?”
“What makes you think it was me?” 
“Well it wasn’t David, and it wasn’t me, so that doesn’t leave a lot of options,” Beca said. 
“That’s like the opposite of Santa’s vibe,” Beca said. “He gives presents, not steals them. You’re thinking of the Grinch.”
“Oh, well it must have been the Grinch then,” Chloe said, smiling as Beca’s thumb continued to brush back and forth across her stomach. “Or maybe Santa knows that you can’t be trusted not to peek in your stocking before Christmas morning, and he wants your gift to be a surprise for once.”
“Ah, is that it?” Beca asked. 
“It must be,” Chloe replied. 
The Christmas stockings had been a tradition that Chloe had brought from her childhood. 
Beca had always thought they were a place to put small gifts - ones that weren’t really tree-worthy - but the Beales had used them for the gifts that were more sentimental or special. 
It’s how Beca had proposed to Chloe all those years ago, only to find that Chloe had had the same idea, and now Beca couldn’t be trusted not to squeeze the stocking and try to guess what might be inside. 
She was fairly confident in her gift this year - a USB full of original songs that Beca had written, sung, and produced just for Chloe - but she still couldn’t stop herself from checking her own stocking just in case Chloe had once again outdone her. 
“What time are your parents arriving tomorrow?” Beca asked after a comfortable silence had settled over them. 
“Around midday,” Chloe said. “We can do the stocking presents in the morning and save the rest until after dinner.”
“Let’s hope Santa brings mine back in time,” Beca said, the conversation lapsing into silence again. 
“You’re sad about your Mom,” Chloe said. It wasn’t a question. Beca could insist she was fine and that she didn’t care, but Chloe knew when she was lying. 
“Kinda,” Beca said. “But it's my own fault. I should know by now what she’s like, I don’t know why I expected anything different.”
“You’re allowed to hope for the best and hope that people might change,” Chloe said, turning her head so she could press a kiss to Beca’s temple. “This isn’t your fault.”
“It is what it is,” Beca said. “I’m gonna go get changed.”
“I’ll order pizza,” Chloe said. 
They spent the rest of their Christmas Eve curled up together on the sofa, eating pizza, and watching Chloe’s choice of Christmas movie. 
Beca had a glass of wine, but Chloe complained of a headache so just stuck to water. 
“I hope you aren’t getting sick,” Beca said, running her hand through Chloe’s hair, her nails lightly scratching her scalp. 
“I’m just tired,” Chloe said. “Work was crazy this week.”
“Thank you for taking care of the dinner prep,” Beca said. “It really makes cooking it all so much easier tomorrow.”
“I prep, you cook,” Chloe said, stifling a yawn. “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
“Let’s go to bed,” Beca said with a soft laugh. “I’ll let David out. Do you want anything for your headache?”
Chloe shook her head. “It’ll pass,” she said. “You go on up, I’ll let him out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” Chloe said. “You took him out, I can stand by the door and wait for him to pee.”
As soon as Chloe heard Beca begin climbing the stairs, she withdrew her stocking from where it had been stashed. She smiled to herself as she hung it back on the fireplace, and she hoped that what was inside would do something to help cheer her wife up. 
When Chloe reached the bedroom, Beca was lying in bed scrolling on her phone, but she set it down on the charger as soon as she felt the bed dip beside her. 
“Are you answering work emails at 10 pm on Christmas Eve?”
“Not anymore I’m not,” Beca said. 
“You know if I see you working tomorrow you’re going to be in trouble, right?”
“Does that mean I can’t fake a work call when your dad tries to talk to me about college basketball?” Beca asked.
“If I have to discuss classic literature with your dad when we see him at Thanksgiving, you can handle college basketball with mine when we see him at Christmas,” Chloe said.
“Fair,” Beca said, curling into Chloe’s side as soon as she was settled in bed. 
It didn’t take long for Beca to drift off, but Chloe stayed awake for hours. She was full of the kind of Christmas Eve excitement that she hadn’t felt as a kid. 
She heard the neighbourhood church bells begin to ring, and it took everything she had not to wake Beca up, wish her a Merry Christmas, and drag her downstairs. 
Eventually, she managed to get some sleep and woke up not long after 8 am, Beca still sleeping soundly beside her. 
Chloe woke her up and coaxed her out of bed with kisses and promises of coffee and presents. 
Beca grumbled but didn’t argue when Chloe took her hand and pulled her downstairs. 
“My stocking came back,” Beca said, raising an eyebrow at Chloe as she settled on the sofa, a mug of coffee in hand. 
“I told you, Santa must have taken it,” Chloe replied, setting her own mug down on the coffee table before retrieving their stockings from the fireplace. She handed Beca hers, who wasted no time in squeezing the sides, and she sat down beside her. 
“You go first,” Beca said.
Chloe reached into the stocking and pulled out two small wrapped gifts. 
“Open the bigger one first,” Beca said,
Chloe did, and her eyes lit up as she pulled out a CD case. The cover was a photograph of the two of them from their wedding, and when she flipped it over she saw a list of five song titles that she didn’t recognise. 
“Open the second one,” Beca said. Chloe unwrapped a USB drive. “No one really uses CDs anymore,” she said, by way of explanation. 
“Bec, is all of this new music?”
Beca nodded. “My next EP,” she said. “All the songs were written for you.” 
Chloe squealed and wrapped her arms around Beca. “I love it!”
“You haven’t even heard it yet,” Beca replied, laughing. 
Chloe wiped the tears from her eyes and looked back at the CD case. 
“I don’t know if that’s the final album art,” Beca said. “But I wanted you to have your own version.”
“This is amazing, Beca. I can’t wait to listen to it,” Chloe said. She looked back up at her wife. “Is it okay if… can I listen to it on my own first? Just so I can really listen and hear it all?”
“Of course,” Beca said. “So, can I open mine now?” 
Chloe swallowed and nodded, a smile spreading across her face.
Beca pulled three small wrapped gifts from her stocking. As she always did, she gave them a squeeze and a shake. Two were soft, and one was a box that rattled when it shook. “Which one first?”
Chloe thought for a second, before tapping on one of the softer gifts. 
Beca unwrapped it and pulled out what at first seemed like a small red piece of fabric. She unfolded it and saw it was a stocking, just like the one she and Chloe had. 
“Is this in case my stocking goes missing again?” Beca asked, laughing lightly but not really understanding the gift. She looked at Chloe, whose eyes were now shining with tears. Something started happening in Beca’s chest. It felt like her heart was starting to beat faster. Like her body knew what the gift meant before she did. 
“Open this one,” Chloe said, tapping on the box. 
Beca did, her hands shaking though she couldn’t explain why. 
Under the paper was a clear plastic box, and it took Beca a second to realise what was inside. She swallowed and looked back at Chloe. 
“Two lines?” Beca asked, her voice trembling. “Two means… right?”
“Open the last one,” Chloe said, the tears that had been filling her eyes now slipping down her cheeks. 
Beca did, her hands shaking harder than ever.
She pulled out a tiny white babygrow, with the words ‘Baby Mitchell’ printed on the front. 
She couldn’t describe the noise that came out of her - something between a gasp and a sob and a cheer - but soon she was sobbing hard, her hands reaching out for Chloe, who eagerly pulled her into her arms. 
They held each other and cried until David jumped onto the sofa to try and investigate. 
Beca laughed as he wiggled his way in between them.
“I take it these are happy tears?” Chloe asked, wiping her own eyes as they ended their hug. 
“The happiest,” Beca said, laughing. “How long have you known?”
“A couple of weeks,” Chloe said. “It’s been killing me keeping this in, but I wanted to wait until after I’d seen my doctor, just in case. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.”
“Don’t apologise,” Beca said, looking down at the tiny babygrow in her hands. “This is the best present you could have gotten me.” She wiped her eyes and took hold of Chloe’s hand. “We’re going to be parents. I’m… I’m so happy.”
“Me too,” Chloe said. “Merry Christmas.” She pulled Beca into a kiss which Beca eagerly accepted. 
“Merry Christmas,” Beca replied, between kisses. “I love you so much.” Her hand touched Chloe’s stomach. “I love you both so much.”
“Me too, baby,” Chloe replied. “Me too.” 
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zeltqz · 1 year
Hey this is my first time requesting , can you make a angst where hanma treats his girlfriend ( reader ) like shit and cheats on her constantly and the reader loves him so much , but one day reader decides to leave without telling shuji and just leaves a note in their shared apartment and when hanma sees it he realises that he treated reader harshly and tries to find her to apologise but reader doesn't care anymore . Make it angsty pls , sorry if it's too long
a long request calls for a long fic haha
enjoy this 8k long ass fic mwahhhhh
feckless | hanma shuji
/ˈfɛkləs/ lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.
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pairing. fwb!hanma x fem!reader
featuring. kazutora hanemiya, hinata tachibana, hanma shuji, takemichi hanagaki
word count. 8.5k
content. hurt/comfort, angst, one sided pining, weed mention, smoking, explicit sexual content, toxic relationship with hanma, he ghosts you alot, and you just take it, low self esteem reader
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This particular Thursday afternoon, the sun shines blindingly bright, warming your back as you kick a stone in front of you every step you make. It’s not a far walk to your house from the mall; shopping bags in one hand, phone in the other.
As the sun is setting, the streets are partially empty, minus the few cars driving past, and the silence is deafening.
You stop just at the end of the road, seeing traffic building up across the road towards your house. They must be doing more construction.
With a hefty sigh, you turn the other way, walking down a thick alleyway that runs behind your street. This is only a route you take when you’re in desperate needs. Though it’s much faster than the main street, it’s also smellier and darker. 
You stop in your tracks and that’s when you see it.
A few grunts, thuds, and the sound of what is definitely a fist punching someone in the stomach. The poor guy, around seventeen, maybe, if his school uniform was anything to go off of, was now laying on the floor, clutching his stomach, groaning in pain as someone much taller, lankier, makes a show of dropping to sit on his back.
He idly smokes a cigarette like he isn’t currently stopping the flow of oxygen and blood of the poor guy beneath him.
“How boring ,” he sighs, lifting the cigarette from his lips to blow a puff of smoke into the air. “Thought you’d be able to entertain me with all that shit you was talkin’.”
“I—argh—I can’t breathe—”
“Hmmm,” the guy hums and the sound vibrates through the alley, rippling it’s way through your body. “And what do you expect me to do ‘bout that?”
The boy couldn’t verbally respond, nor formulate a perfect sentence, only able to respond in grunts and groans and the sound of his lungs desperately searching for air.
If you don’t step in, you’d have to live with yourself forever, knowing you just witnessed this man commit a murder and nothing was done about it.
It takes a moment to uncurl your fingers from the shopping bag, your body trembling, feet heavy as your lungs match the jagged, unsteady rhythm of your breathing before you’re walking over towards the man.
Stopping right next to him, it feels like forever until he lazily turns his head to look up at you.
His eyebrow arches, face filled with nothing but interest as he lets his eyes rake down your body.
It’s like he knows he’s making you uncomfortable, because the corner of his lips twitch upwards into a smile when you shift uneasily on your feet.
“And you are?” His voice is slack and lazy, dragging his words on sluggishly as he blinks at you.
It feels like minutes, hours, days have passed with how long it takes your brain to co-operate with you. “I—I’m—”
The poor dude on the floor tries to lift the guy off his back, gathering every inch of strength he has left in his weak body to try shrug him off, but the sadist on top of him only raises his hand (and it is huge, what the fuc—), and slams it down on his head, applying pressure until his chin smacks painfully against the floor.
“Can’t you see the young lady is tryna speak?” He asks him before letting go of his head, removing his cigarette from his lips, holds them with two fingers and you watch as he brings the cigarette in front of his eyes. The orange lit bud at the end sends flickers of ash into the air. “Do your eyes me to burn some energy into ‘em? Huh?”
Your stomach churns distressingly at the mental image painted into your brain. Everything moves in slow motion, he’s moving the cigarette downwards to the man’s eyes before you step in. “Leave him alone! Th—this isn’t funny!”
“It’s not?” He shrugs his shoulders. “It seems pretty fun t’me.” His body twists round to face you, still sitting heavily atop of the man, and it’s surprising how he hasn’t lost his breath yet. “You’re not havin’ fun?”
“No.” Your response comes quickly, more stern that you initially planned, and his eyes widen marginally. “This is sick what you’re doing. Just—let him go.”
He raises his brow again, confused at who you think you are to order him around. Then he notices you aren’t as confident as you make yourself out to be; your hands tremble against the bag you were holding.
Sighing heavily, he stands up and the poor boy lets out the biggest exhale of his life. You’re about to rush over to him and ask if he’s okay but your feet remain planted in place as he walks over to you.
He’s so tall, looming above you that the lump in your throat hardens, making it harder to swallow, and even more harder to speak. You would’ve ran away by now if it wasn’t for the pitiful fact that your feet were heavy, sinking deeper into the ground by the second.
“I let him go free. See?” He looks over his shoulder at the boy who’s struggling to run away with the limited oxygen supply in his lungs. Eventually, he manages to scramble his way out from the alley, leaving the two of you alone. “So, what’re you gunna gimme in exchange?”
“I…do you want money? Because I spent all of it.” His eyes drop downwards to your bag, and you only clutch it harder once you see the glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
“Lemme see.”
“No. It’s mine—hey !” He snatches the bag from what you thought was your tight grip with so much ease it makes you question your strength, and begins rummaging through it.
Your cheeks burn hot as he digs through the bag. Of course the day you had decided to go underwear and bra shopping was the day you get potentially robbed by a hoodlum.
“Oooh,” he hums with glee, his voice doing wonders to stress you out even more. Between his fingertips,  he pulls out a lacy bra, wiggling it in his grasp. “Someone’s naughty.”
“Give it back!” You try to reach for it, but unfortunately for you, he has quicker reflexes—insanely long arms that stretch over his head, and yours. 
It’s almost sickening how amused he is by this situation, watching you jump upwards like a rabbit, desperately trying to get your bra back. Something warm buzzes through his chest, makes him far too interested in seeing how far he can push you before you tip over the edge.
“I like you a lot.” His hand descends and you take this moment to snatch it back quickly, stuffing it inside your bag with a pout.
“Well, I don’t like you,” you spit back, glaring at him as hard as you can because who (???) does he think he is. 
“You’re going to.” He leans forward until you’re stepping backwards to avoid him.
His hand darts out, grabs the back of your head and before you know it, his lips are on yours, sucking obscenly at your bottom lip till you feel it swelling. He’s kissing you quick and fast, and you barely have time to react, not when his tongue shoves itself deep into your mouth, swirling around yours. He tastes like cigarettes, and the faint smell of tobacco nudges itself into your mouth as he all but sucks the saliva from your tongue with his needy mouth.
Your hands rise to push him off but he’s pulling away before you can.
He smiles down at you, wolfish, and evil, yet boyishly charming, with spit soaked lips. 
Hanma Shuji—he introduces himself as— ends up following you home despite your recurring complaints, telling him to fuck off  and die. He only reponds with a giggle that grates your eardrums everytime the high pitched sound leaves his lips. It’s a miracle you live alone, because your parents would most definitely disown you for bringing someone like him into their house.
“What an adorable home,” he says into your apartment as he steps inside the tiny space.
“Yeah…ok.” You tug your shoes off and leave the door open behind you. “Can you go now?”
He shakes his head with a tut, handing rising to point at the bag on your side. “Not till you gimme a lil’ fashion show.”
“I—” You purse your lips and look down at the bag. The lacy lingerie you bought earlier practically taunts you, making you regret ever leaving your house this morning to go buy it. “Absolutely not! I don’t even know you.”
His face goes blank and he stares at you, unbothered, like he didn’t just ask you for such an outrageous request. “And?”
“And?” You scoff in disbelief at the fact you even have to explain such a simple concept to him. “And, I’m not going to show a stranger my—”
He sighs, long and heavy, and you instantly shut up at the sound. There’s a disappointed look on his face. “And here I thought you were interestin’.”
“Wha—” Your complaint dies in your throat, and you blink dumbly up at the man in front of you. “Y—you thought I was interesting?”
No one’s ever called you interesting before.
He shrugs his shoulders, arms folding across his chest. “No one else woulda had the guts to stop me earlier so yeah , thought you was really interestin’ and different.” His low sigh is filled with nothing but disappointment and you can’t help the hollow feeling in your chest as it slowly eats away at you. “Turns out you’re another borin’ prude like everybody else.”
The gravity of his words hit you like a truck, and you frown slightly, knowing this is how he perceives you. A boring prude. 
Being someone with not a lot of friends, being called boring isn’t something new to you, having heard it almost all your life, you’re practically immune to being affected by it. But being called boring by someone like him seems to hurt more than any other time. Maybe it’s because for a second, he was the only person you met that actually thought you weren’t boring, that you were different than everybody else, that you had enough guts to stand up to him despite trembling the entire time.
Holding onto that thought, you bite your lip and glance back down to your bag, then sigh. “Follow me.”
You kick the door closed and begin to walk to your bedroom. Though you can’t see the feral smile on his face, you can most definitely feel it, as well as the feeling of his eyes shamelessly raking itself down the length of your body from behind as you lead him further into your apartment.
Pushing him onto the bed, you order him to stay there. “I’m going to change.” 
He lays flat on the bed, lounging on it like it’s his own, not even bothering to remove his shoes. You stare at him blankly for a couple seconds when he says, “Go on then.”
Rolling your eyes, you head over to your bathroom and change.
It feels weird, changing for a man you haven’t known for longer than an hour at best, you think as you begin to strip your clothes off. Wearing something this explicit in front of somebody else takes months—maybe even years—of trust and you’re throwing all that away just because he called you interesting. Not even pretty. Interesting.
So far, Hanma’s managed to light a cigarette and is currently smoking it as you step out of the bathroom, standing awkwardly and scratching your arm lightly as you wait for him to say something.
His eyes blink their way down your body, mind and thoughts going wild as his tongue darts out to lick at his lips. “C’mere.”
You take a couple steps forward till you’re beside your bed, toes doing a jittery dance on the soft, fuzzy rug the longer you watch him watch you. His hand moves quickly, tugging you forward onto the bed. 
It’s barely enough time to react, but you stop yourself before you face plant onto the bed. Manhandling you on top of him, his big, warm hands grip onto your hips. A thick cloud of smoke blows into your face, and you cough, swatting at the air. He’s shamelessly dragging his eyes down your neck, pressing light touches to the curve of your breast and softly kneads the cup of the bra into his hand.
Unable to hold back (as much as you try fight it), soft moans leave your mouth, and you have no other choice but to bite your lip to conceal it.
“Little Miss Perfect, hm?” He grins from ear to ear as your face flushes from his touches.
“I’m—um. I’m not perfect.”
“Yes you are.” He’s adjusting you on his lap, and you gasp when he grinds your hips down his erection. The feel of it digs into the curve of your thighs. “Hiding all this from me, huh?”
He’s gesturing to your half naked body, and you frown. “I wasn’t hiding anything—” It’s hard to concentrate on your words when he's running his hands along your body, lower back, then grips firmly onto your ass. “It’s called wearing clothes—”
He kisses your smart mouth before you could finish talking, all rough and eager with his tongue sweeping into your mouth with fervour. His hand rests behind your head, steadily holding you there as he invades your mouth. Mindlessly, your hands reach up to hold the sides of his face, moaning ever so quietly into his mouth. He’s grabbing you by the hair and pulls you backwards before forcing your head up to stare at the ceiling so he can bend down to suck down the column of your throat.
It’s a ticklish feeling, his warm lips against your skin, sucking and biting his way down your body.
“Mmm, flip over f’me.” He watches you shuffle off his lap onto his bed, resting your head against your pillows as you lay on your back.
Picking up the cigarette he dropped on your bedside table, he fits it between his lips once more as he shifts his way between your legs. The sight beneath him makes him groan and digs his palms into the fat of your thighs as he spreads your legs. 
“Remove your bra.”
More smoke fills the air as you sit up to tug the straps of your bra down and off your body, throwing the lacy fabric onto the end of the bed. Seeing your bare tits makes him groan, instatnly reaching out to grab and squeeze painfully at them.
Your face scrunches up as he fondles them, and takes another drag from his cigarette. “You a virgin?”
“Hm.” He blows the smoke out and continues to knead your breast, brushing his thumbs past your nipple. “You single?”
Your lip quivers as the ticklish feeling of his thumb rolling your nipple around fills your veins. “Y—yes.”
He nods, blowing another stream of smoke towards you, flicking his thumb across your hardening nub. He watches you, eyes roaming down the rest of your body, pausing at your panties.
With slow deliberation, he spreads your legs apart, grazing his finger down your slit, barely crossing the barrier of the fabric and your folds. Your breath catches at the touch, letting out a stifled moan as he glides two fingers inside you, slowly stretching you open.
At your quick gasp, his eyes glance back up at yours, studying your expression intently, listening for any sounds that might betray the pleasure he brings you.
You lift yourself off the bed, positioning yourself closer to him and he leans down for a deeper kiss. Your legs wrap around his hips, feeling how large he really is compared to what you’ve been used to.
He lays you back flat on your back, he spreads your legs wider and you press your palm against the mattress to steady yourself. Gripping onto your hip, he grinds his cock into your inner thigh, slick against your own dampness.
“Fuck,” he pants heavily, capturing your mouth again, scraping his teeth agaisnt your lower lip.
Nibbling on his tongue, you reach downwards to his crotch, sticking your hand down his pants and twist your hand against his shaft, twirling the sensitive head around. 
His body tenses under your touch. “Are you on birth control?” He asks without looking at you, eyes only on your hands moving inside his pants.
He clicks his tongue, looking fairly irritated and bored. “Boring.”
A sudden wave of panic flows through you, and you quickly refute your statement. “I mean, yes but I haven’t taken it in a while. Is that…okay?”
He doesn’t seem interested in answering your question. Instead, his breathing grows heavier and heavier as his hips grind into your touch. Grunts occasionally leave his mouth as his muscles tighten as you begin jerking him faster.
Turning your head slightly, you latch onto his collarbone and neck, pressing light kisses into the skin, hot and bothered at the fact he’s this worked up already.
“Just fucking do it,” he whispers harshly, referring to the hickies you so desperately want to leave on his skin. His fingers tese gently at your clit, giving you the thrill you need to suck hard on his neck.
Swallowing dryly, you dig your nails into his shoulder and rub your hand against the thick shaft of his cock faster. Shifting to the side, you bring your forehead to his and run your nose across his sharp jawline. There’s a sharp intake of breath before his grip around your hip relaxes, pulling himself away, he flips positions till you’re straddling him and pulls his cock out to stand tall against your abdomen. 
“Holy shit, baby,” he growls as you slip inside and ride him in earnest. 
He grips onto your hips and holds onto you roughly as he bounces you along his length, impaling you onto his cock. You feel your body tense up as you reach the edge, pushing against his cock in search of release and squeal into his mouth as your fingers work frantically to stroke your clit.
You scream loudly by his ear, louder than you initially planned to, as you climax. There’s no way you expected someone to make you cum so hard in such a short span of time.
Hanma’s holding onto you so tight you can feel every movement of his hips and cock buried deep inside you, hands gripping your waist firmly to prevent you from sliding off. His tongue latches onto the sensitive underside of your breast, licking hungrily and working up at the intensity of your climax until it takes over completely, overriding all rational thoughts and giving into it’s demanding grasps as his cock continues to thrust inside you.
There’s no real sound left in your lungs as you gulp deeply into his mouth, little gasps of his name escaping your lips as your second orgasm hits its peak. 
Hanma’s mouth forms an O against your nipple when you clench around his cock again, running his tongue along your breast and biting at it as you thrash above him, hips stuttering and twitching eractically as your body tries to recover from the overstimulation.
His breathing comes quicker and his heart pounds wilder, filled with nothing but adrenaline, no doubt the cause of the strength of your climax. You tighten your legs around his waist, loving the feeling of  hugging his larger body against yours as his cock plunges relentlessly into yours.
When he thrusts deep inside you again, filling your insides with warmth and fullness, you whimper at the wet squelch of his cum splattering against your walls. 
You flop forwards onto his chest, a droplet of sweat rolling down the side of your face and panting loudly, wanting nothing more than to curl up in his arms.
“That was good,” he murmurs, and you yelp when he smacks your ass playfully.
The smack vibrates along your flesh, sending goosebumps to cover your entire body.
“Was that ‘boring’ enough for you?” You tease, lifting your face from his neck to stare into his eyes.
He shakes his head, rolling his hips upwards to shut you up once more. His fingers reach downwards, rubbing your slit to coat his fingertips with your juices before bringing it up to his lips, and you watch with wide eyes and parted lips as he sucks the wetness off. 
He brushes his lips against yours. “You taste sweet,” he mutters, nipping at your bottom lip.
You shiver, meeting his kisses with your own, pressing into his mouth. 
“Mmm,” he sighs into your mouth, flicking your tongue with his before pulling away to grab his half diminished cigarette from your bedside table and takes a drag from it.
He leans backwards and scoops you up, tucking you beneath his arm as you lay on his chest. A bright smile crosses his features as you snuggle into his bigger body, but then disappears, looking troubled. He shakes his head slightly, eyes darting towards the corner where his discarded clothes lay.
The smell of smoke becomes too much for you and you pull yourself from his arms, wandering to your closet to fetch some clothes. You change into your pyjamas then go grab your clothes from earlier from your bathroom floor and hang them back into your closet.
He watches you with amused eyes. “C’mere.”
Bending up to pick up his remaining clothes, you toss them to the end of your bed and flop back into the bed with him. His eyes rake up and down your body appreciatively, intently focused on your nipples through your shirt, as you crawl in front of him.
“Let’s get some food,” he suggests, reaching over to your drawer to grab a takeout pamphlet.
You both decide on Chinese and eat it sitting on the couch, facing the TV. Hanma slides closer to you on the leather after he’s finished his own food, and rests his hands on your thighs, his gaze lingering on your mouth as you’re in the midst of chewing a spring roll. 
“I wanna bite those pretty lips again,” he says, pulling the chopsticks away from your hands.
“But I’m hungry,” you frown at the idea of your food getting cold because this motherfucker cannot control his erections. 
He leans forward till you’re laying on your back against the couch and grinds his cock against your half spread legs. 
“Just a quickie, I promise.” he whispers before letting out a heavy sigh when he rolls his hips just right against your pussy.
You know from the looks of him, and his personality, that he’s not the type of guy to mean his promises, and you tell him so, watching as his grin broadens, stretching wider and wider until it cracks his cheeks, making his handsome features nearly unrecognizable.
He ends up sleeping over that night and you spend the rest of Saturday with Hanma makes it his job to come over to your house every other weekend late at night. He’s finally found someone that entertains him, and you found someone that thinks you’re entertaining. Sure enough, you have more common sense to know the way he treats you is sub par. You know him showing up in the middle of the night to fuck you isn’t fair but you don’t fight back, just allow him to practically use your body as a cum dumpster.
That’s actually his favourite nickname for you, cumdump (you frowned and complained when you saw yourself as that in his contacts). There’s also: babe, baby, princess, but he doesn’t call you that unless he’s trying to kiss and goad his way into sleeping with you when you’re in a bad mood, and it always feels very condescending. Everytime he makes you cry with his words, or actions, he’s wiping your tears then kissing you softly to calm you down. Once you’re back in his arms, he’s fucking you, maybe two , three more times until he’s satisfied with how much cum he’s left inside you.
He’s outside all the time . As much as you hope it’s an exaggeration, it’s not. The only times you see him is when he wants you to see him. He’s gone a whole month without contacting you before, and it left you crying everytime you click back on your messages with him, refreshing every five seconds to see if he’s responded to the many texts you’ve spammed him with.
Just leave him , your brain tells you; Hina tells you. And you’ve tried. Once, you told Shuji if he leaves for a long period of time again, then it’s over. 
Of course he didn’t take you seriously, so you blocked him. Then after a few weeks, he started texting you from a burner phone.
I miss u
Can I see u?
Everything inside you crumbled when you saw the messages, and he showed up to your house, high, on a Sunday evening. You can’t remember what he saaid, or what he did, but you found yourself kissing him and pulling him into your house. 
The smell of weed was strong as he tore your panties off, devouring your pussy with his lips and fingers before he fucked you, thrusting into you over and over again.
He flips you over onto your stomach, bending you over the armrest, pressing your body down as he fucked his cock into you from behind, grunting and groaning everytime your pussy clenched around his cock.
“Fuck yes, like that!” you yell over and over again, uncaring of the loud volume of your moans and the slap on slap skin ringing through the thin walls of your apartment.
When you came, you hear him holding back noises, eyes shut as he clutches your ass tight, making sure you don’t squirm away as he fills you with as much cum as possible.
That was a week ago, and of course he hasn’t spoken to you since then, nor has he replied to any of your messages.
You wake up to him on a Saturday morning after a drunk night together. His sleeping features are illuminated by the bright sunlight shining through your open windows. Your cheek rests against his shoulder, mouth half-open and his arm is thrown loosely over you.
It feels nice being here, feeling safe and warm in his arms. Even though he left a week ago, he still manages to fill you with joy, arousal and comfort. In fact, it wouldn’t be a lie to say you couldn’t imagine life without him.
You hum absently, yawning as you rub your tired eyes. All those recent incidents have left you feeling all sorts. Everything about him changed, the games he plays and his attitude towards you. How many times have you been used by him and treated like dirt, thrown away like garbage?
You’ll never forget the time he came to your house ready to fuck you with a fresh, red hickey on his neck.
“Who fucking gave you that, Shuji?” You ask suspiciously, removing his wrist to inspect the red mark. “Why do you keep coming here? Are you really interested in me?”
“Does it matter?” He responds with a blank face.
His purple eyes usually sparkled with lust and arrogance, now fuelled with indifference and confusion. For the first time in your life, you felt hollowed out and alone.
“If it didn’t matter, why would I ask?” You retort.
He smiles thinly, tilting his head slightly. His lips part as if to speak, then close again, a slight frown etched onto his brow.
“Are you okay?” You notice and reach up smooth his messy hair back. 
“You talk too fuckin’ much,” he answers, ignoring your offended face to lean forward to press his lips against yours.
At first you hesitated, unsure whether or not he was serious, but he pushes harder, moving his hands to cup your cheeks, thumbs rubbing the delicate skin at your temples.
You instinctively wrap your legs around him, opening your mouth to kiss him back. As you lean into him, he groans, slipping his hands down your sides and clutching at your ass. A moan escapes his throat as his tongue darts into your mouth, forcing your body to twist against his, toes curling as he presses into you, grinding his—what seems so—permanement erection into your pelvis.
You try your best to stay awake while staring at the walls of the motel room he paid for to cheer you up. Staring blankly at the small details, the painted lines that slowly become blurred, blending into one another until they all look the same. It almost looks like black smoke unless you blink and make out certain colours. 
You close your eyes to fixate on Hanma instead, seeing his tattoos, hearing his soothing voice as he whispers naughty things to you, half asleep.
You sigh deeply, scratching your cheek lightly. “Where the hell is my phone?” You say aloud, wincing at the sudden pain in your thighs from being fucked so hard.
Fumbling around the drawer, you grab the first phone and clutch it close to your chest, inhaling sharply when you unlock it. The lockscreen is different and you instantly realise it’s Hanma’s. The phone has no password because it’s his burner, but something tells you to check his messages and see tons of texts and nude pictures sent from a girl to that number.
Swinging your legs off the bed, you scoot backwards and put on your shoes.
A wave of nausea crashes into your stomach, heart lurching painfully in your chest as you feel a cold sweat begin to form along your forehead. Your limbs shake as you cross the room, grab your stuff and clutch the doorknob of the motel. Your steps falter for a moment, but you steady yourself and push through the doors, onto the pavement.
Once you hit the late night streets, you feel your breathing start to return to normal, stomach relaxing, shaky legs returning back to normal.
You hurry past the car park, crowded with cars all over and walk quickly to the corner. You see a bus stop sign inddicating you should walk the opposite direction. Instead of walking south, you turn north, going whichever direction feels right because you honestly have no clue how to get home. There aren’t many people this late at night, only a few people strolling around and there are none on the buses at this hour.
Scanning the buildings along the streets, you keep your gaze alert, looking for any signs that say Harajuku Station.
Eventually, you give up, and pull out your phone, swiping away from Hanma’s messages and clicking on Hina’s contact.
Hey can we meet? I just really need a friend right now. Can you come get me?
Hina responds almost instantly: :) okay! Send me your location!
Hina will understand why you need help, won’t judge you or question your motivations. She knows it’s personal, and she’s probably been thinking of ways to let you out of your predicament for weeks now. 
What’s most important to you is the people you surround yourself with. Hina is your only friend, and you love her, but Shuji managed to come in and steal all common sense from you. It feels empty knowing that the only person you have a connection with is Shuji, that you don’t have anyone to fall back on for support, no one to depend on. Just a couple months ago, you were ecstatic to find someone who wasn’t a bad influence in your life, who actually cared about you. But now? Your life is shattered into pieces, the foundations crumbled, broken and buried underneath piles of rubble.
When you get to Hina’s place, Takemichi is there also, but seeing a crying girl makes him panic and he leaves to give you both space. Not soon after he leaves the house, you burst into tears and tell Hina everything; from how Shuji’s mentally ruined you, his cheating, how you can’t help but go back to him each time because you’re addicted to the way he makes you feel. Hina coos softly, nodding and comforts you with hugs and words of assurance. 
She suggests that you leave him, citing what happens to the ones who continue staying with him and ends the conversation with an earnest ‘please’. 
“I have someone for you that can treat you better,” she suggests once you’ve calmed down a bit.
“His name is Kazutora. He’s one of Michi’s friends. If you want, I can introduce you to him if you want?”
Afterwards, you tell her you’ll think about it and she gets her boyfriend to drive you back home. You spend the night on the couch, too busy to go to your room and Hina makes you some hot tea to soothe your sore throat.
Everytime you attempt to think of this Kazutora guy, but you find yourself reliving those moments with Hanma again and again. It’s a vicious cycle, one that’s becoming unbearable. Your brain remembers all of them, even those bits where you thought you might die and got laid afterwards. Your hormones churn, taking complete control of your body, heart rate soaring, blood pressure rising and no amount of alcohol or drugs could help alleviate the physical sensations caused by your years.
You spend the next week laying on the couch, curled into a fuzzy blanket, body soaked in fatigue, guilt and sorrow before Hina helps you get your shit together. Introducing yourself to Kazutora was awkward, but eventually you two got closer as the weeks pass by. 
Still no contact from Shuji.
After a nice date with Kazutora, he takes you home and plants a kiss on your cheek before heading on his merry way. It’s not until you’re removing your makeup in your bathroom when you hear a knock on the door, drawing your attention.
You shuffle towards the door, peeking through the peephole before freezing, nerves running wild. 
What does he want? Did he change his mind? You hope that maybe he’s coming back to apolgoise for being gone for almost a month, hoping to gain your forgiveness even though you should be keeping that door locked.
Your vision narrows to an area directly in front of you, like it’s telescoping inward, slowly reducing your sight until only Hanma is visible. 
Heart pounding heavily, pushing blood through your veins faster than you’d like, your body fills with thick tension and anxiety. 
There’s another knock on the door when you take too long to open, this time harder and louder.
“Coming,” you call, voice wavering slightly, trying your hardest to sound confident, like all the progress you’ve spent healing weren’t about to crumble the second he steps inside your place.
Shuji enters, carrying himself with ease and confidence. He stands in the doorway, surverying the room. The air in the room instantly changes, the stale air swirling around and leaving behind it a thick cloud of moisture. Hanma’s features soften, taking on a pensive expression as he begins to enter the apartment.
He notices a pair of male sneakers resting in the hallway and his jaw tightens, brow furrowing, and arms folding across his chest as he scans the interor of your room. Your clothes law strewn across the floor, tossed haphazardly around the living room, abandonded before you had a chance to pick them up from your previous night with Kazutora
Tension builds in your stomach once you realise what he’s seen, fear welling up inside you, making it difficult to swallow.
Slowly, he turns around to take in your position, glaring daggers at you through narrowed eyes. 
His eyes bore holes through you, and there’s an intense fire burning hot and deep within them. If you squinted, you’d swear that the red flames emanating from them are mocking you.
“Get on the bed.” He commands quietly, and his not-so-harsh tone does nothing but scare you even more.
You mindlessly obey, treading carefully, like the calm before the storm. He snatches your chin and tips your head up to examine your features closely. “Spread your legs.”
You lift your skirt up and pull your panties down, spreading your legs as instructed. Taking a step forward, he stares at you with anger and disdain. “How long has this been goin’ on?” His eyebrows draw together when he sees you fumble with words. “Have you been sleeping with him since the beginning?”
Tears sting at your eyes, lips trembling as you hesitate, strugglign to form a reply. 
“Answer me,” he demands loudly, tightening his gips on your chin.
“Just—just the last couple days—” you whisper nervously, biting your bottom lip, taking a quick glance at the bed. “I’m sorry—”
He shoves you down onto the mattress, standing over you with menacing slowness. 
“Shut up.” He grows lowly, tanking down your shirt and shoving it roughly to your neck, ignoring the way it rips beneath your skin and throws your bra to the floor.
Your nipples ache painfully from the aggression, yearning to be touched and caressed. All thoughts of apologising forgotten as his grip clenches and pulls, eliciting a sharp gasp from your lungs.
Your squirm under his hold, eyes darting to his face and pleading for him to remove his hands. It seems as if he senses your desperate plea, unclenching his hold just enough for you to breathe. His dark, brooding gaze drops to your naked body and lingers, analyzing you intently.
“Did he ever tell you how much he loves you?” he asks quietly, licking his lips, eyes following the movement of your breasts, rising and falling with each uneven breath you take. “Did he make you feel good?”
Nerves pulse through your body, goosebumps breaking out along your skin. You know what’s happening is wrong, this isn’t supposed to happen, yet somehow you still enjoy the feeling.
Tilting your head, you attempt to ignore his questions and press your lips against his nose, kissing it once.
“ Don’t .” He snarls, tightening his hold and pulls you closer to him. “Don’t answer me. Because if I find out he did, I wouldn’t be able to control myself.”
Eyes squeeze shut, mouth pulled into a firm line, you bite your tongue hard and clamp your teeth down on it to keep silent. Your hands fly to cover your face as he slams his cock into you, kissing you hard and forceful. This is the moment you’re not sure you’ll be able to comeback from, if you let him fuck you, you’re unsure you’ll be able to face Kazutora anymore. But the way his tongue pushes its way between your lips, touching the tip to your own and sliding it along the roof of your mouth have your thoughts going hazy and you give in.
His movements are fast, controlled, seductive, and deadly. He knows what he’s doing, and uses the knowledge of your body to his full advantage, never allowing you to relax or remove his stranglehold on your neck.
And then you feel him, everywhere at once. It’s so overwhelming feeling his cock split you open with each painful thrust, sending an electric current surging through your body. The bed shakes with every thrust and he pulls out to flip you over. Your hips writhe rhythmatically, anticipating the moment he slams back into you before you have a better idea.
You change the positions, pushing him down to the bed and straddle him. He looks at you, chest heaving and eyes glazed with lust.
“Touch me,” he whispers huskily, lacing his fingers through yours and gently guiding your hands upwards, pressing them against his torso. “Feel how hard you make me, baby.”
You slide your palms over his smooth, warm skin, muscles twitching with each stroke as you travel downwards. You slip your fingers underneath the hem of his sweatshirt and trail them upwards, carressing and massaging the ridges of his abs. Goosebumps break out on his flesh, skin rippling with every touch you give, becoming slick with perspiration.
“If you see him again,” he pants when you begin to jerk his cock, looking down at him with those eyes that drive him crazy. “I’ll fuckin’ kill him and make you watch.”
You freeze and tears stream down your cheeks, soaking your jawling and dripping off your chin when you realise he’s being serious. 
“What do you mean?” you ask weakly, shaking your head, trying to clear it. You wipe the tears away quickly, and hold his stare. “A—are you threatening me?”
You start moving your hands away, and immediately he grabs them again and places them back on his cock, watching in rapt attention as he guides your hands to continue stroking him.
“You fuckin’ heard me,” he says lowly, growing agitated. “Don’t you fuckin’ dare see him.”
His grip on your hand grows tighter and more painful.
“Shu—” you whimper, tugging on his hands to get him to release you. “Let go—”
With a swift push, he flips you over onto your back, catching you effortlessly as you collapse backwards, stunned by his sudden aggressive attitude. Before you have time to react, he’s positioned above you, bent over at the waist, hands digging into your shoulders, exerting downward force.
“Hanma!” you cry out, gripping his shoulders writhing underneath him as he thrusts his cock back inside you. He lifts your hips up and holds you there, arching your back off the bed as you scrabble at the sheets, too overwhelmed with each powerful thrust.
“I hate you,” he growls, smacking his hips against your ass with brute force. “This’ll teach you not to fuck around. You’re—fuck— mine .”
It hurts. So fucking badly. But even after everything, you still love him. It’s painful, and torture, but you find yourself moaning loud and repetitively as he pushes his cock deeper and deeper into you. Every motion sends a new wave of pleasure coursing through your entire body, building up and up until you cannot take it anymore.
In the end, your knees buckle, and he supports your weight, slowing down and withdrawing his erection to cum on your stomach. For the first time since you’ve met him, he didn’t cum inside you. It’s a shock to you as you feel his warm cum on your stomach. 
A groan escapes his throat, one that sounds entirely different from the angry groan from earlier. It’s quiet, hesitant, and filled with regret.
You roll onto your side, gaze seeping across his distorted face. For a brief second, he seems to be looking at you, not seeing anything else but you. Then his eyes dart downwards, following the path of your body to your cum stained stomach.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he mutters, kissing the corner of your eye and crawling off the bed, disappearing into the bathroom.
As soon as you hear the water running, you begin making your way into the bathroom with him.
Naked and covered in sweat, you want nothing more than to wash away your stress. It seems as if it was just yesterday that he stormed his way into your life, determined to let you know how little you mattered to him. And now? 
Well, you don’t know how to feel anymore. It’s all confusing and disoreientating. 
You step into the shower with Hanma and stand behind him. 
Out of nowhere, he asks, “Do you love me?”
You hesitate for a moment and look down at your feet on the shower floor. “I do…but I don’t want to.”
The harsh words cut him, but his back straightens slightly. His voice turns firm, decisive. “Tell me the truth.”
Closing your eyes tightly, you sigh, opening them again to stare at him. He stares back, almost earnestly, daring you to admit the truth.
Considering the question carefully, you exhale. “Yes. Of course I do.”
His expression shifts instantly, eyes narrowing as his hand drops to his side with the shower head. A slow nod comes forth, as if convincing himself of something important. The shower suddenly falls silent as the water hits the side of the tub instead, and the both of you share the tense silence. It’s uncomfortable, the sound of the water echoing in the empty space.
“But…” You’re the first to break the silence. “I think we should stop seeing each other, Shu. It’s not healthy, what we have.” He stays silent as you continue to speak. “I feel like you’re using me…to satisfy your needs.” 
You look at his back as you wipe a tear from your cheek. “And I stupidly enough grew attached to you. But I want to end it. I—I can’t keep doing this.” Your voice goes quiet at the end and the room is filled with silence again.
The light overhead crackles and fizzles, adding to the already tense environment as the brightness dims. You glance towards the flickering bulb, resting crookedly on the ceiling.
“Okay.” He sighs, turning away. His hand brushes the edge of the shower head as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have come here today.”
It’s scary to lose him and you can’t breathe properly. And it’s even more scary to admit that maybe he was right, that it wasn’t fair to come here today. A reminder to you how weak and pathetic you really were.
Hanma stands there, turning to face you, leaning against the wall. 
He waits. Until he feels ready to say what’s bothering him. It’s hard for him to get the words out, but he no longer feels fearful, or ashamed. “I’m sorry.”
His simple words send you flying back into his arms, tears flowing freely as you sob uncontrollably against his neck. He lets you cling to him, bury your face into the space between his shoulder and neck. His arms tighten around you, fingers tracing and scratching lightly along your spine.
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” he admits softly, lifting his hand to tilt your head back to look at you closer. “I’ve been thinking about things lately, and I realised I need to change my attitude towards you.” He rocks you back and forth in his arms, soothingly. “Even if it means ending our relationship. You deserve better.”
“Hanma,” you cry out softly, swallowing down the lump in your throat.  You bury your nose back in his shoulder, inhaling deeply. 
Fuck, he smells wonderful, like sweat and musky cologne, always so overpowering and strong. 
And you realise he still hasn’t told you goodbye.
A part of you wishes you could go on together, sleeping together. It’s not hard to deny you’ve fallen in love with him, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally, to the point where you feel hollow without him. When you’ve lost someone that close to you, it leaves you feeling isolated and lonely.
You’ve never felt more alone. Like everything you had build is collapsing beneath you. 
But another aprt of you yearns for companionship. A partner that reciprocates the same love you give back. Maturing realises that you’ll never get that with Shuji, and as much as you love him, you know it won’t last forveer. 
It would end with you getting hurt. Or worse.
All these thoughts swirl around your mind, clouding your judgement.
“I…can understand why you’d be frustrated with me,” he lets out a dry chuckle, completely humourless. “We’ve grown close in such a short amount of time. It’s fair to cut it off now.” His breath tickles your ear as he presses a kiss to your temple. “It’s obvious we’re not right for each other. We both know it, so why are we still trying?”
Such a good question that you can’t find the answer for. You try to remain calm and collected, fighting the emotions inside you. The light buzz above your head again, casting a strange shadow of your figures over the wall. The water trickles slowly down your skin, creating more goosebumps on your exposed arms and legs.
You wish you could just drown yourself in the vast ocean surrounding you.
Instead, you stay there, in his arms, enjoying the warmth feel of his chest against you, the water stinging your face as the glassy reflection in the shower door remind you of your situation.
Then he says the words you’ve been dreading to hear. 
“I’m leaving.”
He speaks it directly into your ear, with a slight edge of nervousness creeping into his voice.
You stay still, body rooted in place, holding onto him for support as he continues, “I’ll make sure you’re okay. I’m not gonna abandon you, so don’t fall off the deep end, alright?” 
His hand cups your chin, tilting your head back up to stare into your eyes. A soft smile plays on his lips, water drops falling off the tip of his nose as he looks down at you with a slight light in his eyes.
And in that moment, you decide.
He blinks at you and you notice the dark circles under his eyes, due to the lack of sleep and exhaustion.
You lean forward and kiss him passionately, wrapped tight in his arms, heart thumping widely in your chest.
“Say goodbye to me, Shuu,” you whisper, biting your bottom lip as his lips graze your forehead, planting soft kisses across your eyelids and cheeks.
He finally gives in, parting his lips and speaking softly into your ear. 
“Goodbye, baby.”
For a split second, you kind of expected him to say ‘I love you’ or perhaps some sort of heartfelt goodbye that’ll make you break down in tears. Instead, he presses a final kiss to your jawline, whispering, “Have fun,” before slipping out of the shower.
You stay in the bathroom as you hear him pack up his stuff and get dressed.
Silence reigns supreme once he’s gone, a weight hanging over your shoulders. The tears fall freely, silently, as your mind races. Should you stay with Shuji and let Kazutora go? Would Kazu forgive you? Could he forgive you?
You blink the tears away and step out of the shower, drying yourself up before dressing up. You attempt to go to the living room to Hanma off when you hear your doorbell ring. 
Hanma is finishing dressing up as you walk over to the door, towel in arms to dry your hair. 
You open the door and see Kazutora waiting, flowers in hand, staring down at you. 
“Hey,” you answer sheepishly, forgetting he told you he’s coming to get you tonight.
Kazutora purses his lips. “Are you ready to go out now? You’re not dressed yet.”
Before you can respond, Hanma slips past the door, clutching his phone in hand. He glances between you and Kazutora and frowns, tempted to say something but stops himself, because he knows you deserve better.
“Yeah, sorry I took so long. Hanma wanted to give me something before I left.”
Kazutora knows you’re both lying, but nods and smiles faintly. The redness in your eyes is telling enough.
Your relationship/friendship with Hanma isn’t just shallow, it’s unhealthy. But then again, Kazutora did tell you that if you plan on becoming something, you shouldn’t be fucking Hanma, nor letting him in your life.
“Alright, then.” Kazutora nods and takes a step backwards to let Shuji pass. 
Hanma makes it halfway down the steps of your apartment before Kazutora calls his name. “Thanks, Shuji.”
Hanma shares one more look at you, biting your lip to stop it trembling, and fights the urge to scoop you up from the floor and take you home with him. But he stops himself. “Yeah, whatever.”
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lucidwindz · 1 month
billford ramblings
I’m seeing a lot of delightful fics of Bill being sent back to GF as a human and truly adore the premise.
throwing my own hat into the ring; I love some complex psychological horror and or unhealthy yet compelling dynamics, therefore in the AU that only exists in my head (for now), Bill broke out of Theraprism by himself, lands back onto earth and possesses the body of just some guy who was about to die, therefore an empty vessel yknow. His powers would be diminished, or he’d need to keep them under wraps so as not to catch the eye of any supernatural police. The Stan twins have been travelling across the globe to catch any residual weirdness, and Bill’s little fall to earth had pinged off on their radar, so they go to the anomaly place and just find Some Guy.
Bill has to do his best to convince the twins that he’s just Some Guy, and that the reason he’s giving Weird Vibes is bc he came into contact with the anomaly and it left his arms charred, and being able to do some magical tricks. He decides the best place to hide is wherever everyone least expects him, so he joins the twins on their adventures as resident Strange Guy But Kinda Smart and Useful so sure, tag along.
Now here’s the thing. Bill and Stanford get along really well, they’re both intellectuals and they bond over creating strange inventions, much to the despair of poor Stanley who has to make sure they don’t go too crazy and make Weirdmaggedon 2 electric bugaloo. But sometimes he participates yknow, dude learned some advanced shit in the 30 years fixing the portal. Either way, they rly end up bonding.
All the while, however, Bill realizes how much he missed being with Stanford, and becomes increasingly worried about the cat coming out of the bag and ruining this second chance. He’s careful that his demeanours are never too similar to how he used to act, he’s desperate not to shatter the illusion. One way or another, this entire thing teaches him to slow down and cherish something. Still, he cannot fully contain his chaotic nature, it’s a non stop push and pull between his godhood and his growing care for humanity. How does a cosmic, unfathomable being such as himself change? Can they even? Or would that very change tear himself asunder?
On Stanford’s side, he cannot help but find this stranger familiar, can’t help the incessant déjà-vu, anytime he and the man stay up late into the night discussing the mysteries of the universe. But he thinks it’s unfair to pile his trauma onto this random guy, so he restrains himself. Still, it is a quiet scream in the back of his head he can’t shut out. He also realizes slowly that the other man seems to always be repressing himself, and he wants his friend to break out of his shell and be truthful, but another part of him dreads it to his bones.
Still, both of them can’t help falling for each other. Stanford feels like someone finally sees him completely, and this time they’re on equal footing; it is not a believer on his knees for a god, it is a slow waltz as they hold hands. A comforting, soft partnership.
(at the core of billford, I think, is we never truly know if they loved each other. Perhaps they only loved the idea of each other; stanford’s love for Bill is that of a believer, a worshipper. He saw Bill as this clairvoyant eye to finally bathe him with the acknowledgment he always craved, the hole in his heart left by Stanley, to fill with achievements and noises. If a God can acknowledge me, then I must be doing things right, I must be good, I must be enough. Yet when that shatters, and Bill is revealed to be a demon, what says that about Stanford, who reveled in his gaze? As for Bill, he fully saw Stanford as a pawn till he lost him. Is it truly love and regret? Or is it a child losing its favourite toy? Is it mere disbelief that anything can slip through his, a god, a king’s fingers? Even a pawn that he liked a little more than the others, that he expected would remain on his board but vanishes and he can’t help but linger on its empty square? Does he mourn his loss of control or does he mourn just a little bit, the company of someone who understands him, his incessant need for escapism, from his broken home, his oddness, his ‘defect’?)
Eventually, everything comes to a head when Bill has to use his full powers to save Stanley during a mission gone wrong. Sirens blare across the universe and Bill knows he will be found out and sent back to the hell of infinite therapy. But for that moment, all Bill cared about was Stanford’s happiness and wellbeing, because he knew that losing his brother would break him fully. He had to care for Ford, despite his fear of losing him forever. Despite the fact that this would be the end of the road for him.
As for the ending, idk what would be most appropriate. I’d love a happy ending but I think though Stanford will try to save Bill from his fate in theraprism to repay his debt, he would be too hurt to fully forgive the demon. Maybe they part ways, and Bill places a kiss on Stanford’s scarred knuckles and accepts that to love is to lose, and he has to accept that if you truly love another, it means letting them be happy even if that happiness is without you.
I think some of my love for the Jedi’s philosophy leaked in all that yapping but anyways. Might draw or write a lil something for this AU down the line. I like unclean resolutions, they’re both forever stained with the other’s handprint, but would they trace it softly on their skin or cover it up with a high collar. Who knows? It makes no damn sense, compels me though!
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
i would like to say that ozzie COULD have been better as i do love his character but MAN did they fucking butcher him in the new episode
he is the embodiment of lust, making him the WEAKEST sin is well a sin and also since he’s apart of the seven deadly SINS he should be ya’ know POWERFUL because in that episode he just feels like some rich guy akin to every other rich guy in this show, he should be a guy that the whole cast are afraid of(and honestly the same thing happened to bee where she’s a deadly sin and NO ONE is acting like she of any importances)
how i would fix him personally is well not make him soft uwu boy i do like the fact he cares about fizz but well he’s powerful we should FEEL how powerful he is make some imps or succbi be cowering near him, fizz not sprouting jokes and blowing a BLOW HORN in his ear give us the feeling that he’s not to be mess with, and the stolas and ozzie team up honestly should be studied on how to kill a character, they shouldn’t made ozzie just be the same hight as stolas and i mean that IN EVERYWAY POSSIBLE because stolas seems to be scared of him thats good but ozzie ya’ know is chill about everything i mean stolas didn’t cause anything but him being chill is very stupid. thats my take of everything about ozzie and honestly im curious on what your take of fixing him is
So I’m not against Ozzie being nice and soft to Fizz, but him in general being the nicest sin and a cool “chill” dude does bother me. Again, these characters are supposed to be the rulers of Hell and I refuse to believe they’re just nice, it’s how I felt for Beezlebub. Same for Leviathan since Viv confirmed she wants him to be a chill surfer dude and so far the only sin she plans to be an asshole is Mammon. In Ozzie’s case, it’s also weird seeing him say how “lust shouldn’t be forceful” when I feel like the writers are confusing love and lust again. He’s also called the “deadly SIN” for a reason, he’s normally supposed to represent the sin itself, how sinners let lust consume them, in a bad way.
For Viv’s interpretation, I genuinely have no idea. Despite being called the “sins”, I feel like the seven sins in this show aren’t connected to the sinners at all, since they’re all in the Pride Ring and Lucifer was the one confirmed to be ruling over them, so we’re only left to believe that the sins tend to the hellborns. We know that Ozzie rules the Succubi’s, I guess you could say those are the types of demons for his ring, but I thought that the whole reason he gave the succubi’s crystals in the first place was to let them tempt those on earth….and yet he’s saying “lust” shouldn’t be forceful. See how it kinda doesn’t make much sense for his character? Then again there’s not a lot we know about Ozzie, outside of Viv describing him as chill and nice. For his job, all he seems to do is handle the sex objects that hellborns use. I’m not against the idea of him being an inventor/tinkerer either, these are interesting concepts, I just feel like not much is done with them. There’s still tons of empty gaps for this character, even after the new episode we still barley know him, so it’s kinda hard to say on what I think would “fix” him.
All I can say is just make him more threatening and intimating, which is funny because Stolas CLEARY was intimidated by Ozzie in S1E7, but Oops really makes you wonder what he was afraid of in the first place, especially if you’re going to paint him as the “weakest sin”. What if…as a better contrast to Blitz and Stolas, what if Ozzie was nice to Fizz, but mean and threatening to everyone else? His workers, other demons, basically a guy you don’t want to mess with, a person who takes his business seriously (whatever that would be lol). And while Fizz loves him, he questions their relationship and if he should be getting involved with a sin. There’s a lot you can do, I’m just kinda tired of characters in Helluva being “just good” and “just bad”. It’s very black and white and this is Hell.
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