#if they don’t want this scenario to happen.
why does it comfort some people or bring them joy/excitement to imagine their favorite characters in terrible situations and being hurt physically or mentally? wouldn’t you want your favorite characters to be happy and safe?
I’m sure I’ve seen this exact ask being sent to another writing blog before, so seeing one in my own inbox was a little surprising. but anyway, I’ve said this before, but I don’t mind saying it again because lots of people seem to still be confused about this; the enjoyment of imagining or seeing fictional characters in terrible situations in which they are hurt and/or scared is called whump. people who enjoy whump tend to express their interest through art, such as drawings, writings, etc. whump has a community on several online platforms, as well as here on Tumblr. we are simply known as “whump community”.
moving on to your question, “why does it comfort us to imagine our favorite characters in agony?” — there is no definitive answer to the question, because different people enjoy whump for various, different reasons, and all of these reasons are valid. however, what I can give you is some examples of the reasons why people enjoy whump
reasons why people like whump:
some people use whump as a reflection of what they’ve been through, and they let their trauma out by channeling the trauma through fictional characters. to make it as simple as I can, some people use whump as a coping mechanism to help them heal from any traumatic events in their lives.
while whump is indeed about pain, it can also be about the comfort (the healing process) that comes after the pain. I personally known several people who heal by writing whump stories in which their favorite characters went through and survived terrible things that happened to them. the comfort part of the whump was used as a symbol of hope for these people, in the sense that they hold on to the idea that if these fictional characters can survive horrible things that happened to them, they (the writers) can survive and heal too.
some people use whump as a way to let out their frustration, trauma or pain. an abuse victim may fantasize about hurting their abuser back by creating a fantasy world in which their favorite character was hurt, but later healed and/or get their revenge.
it’s also worth mentioning that one doesn’t have go through their own trauma in order to be able to enjoy whump. 
some people like whump where their favorite character is hurt because they just Want to Hurt These Little Guys. 
some people like whump where their favorite character is hurt because they like the part where their favorite character gets comforted and is nursed back to health after they are rescued.
whump that’s followed by comfort (whump with a happy ending) is valid.
whump that has no comfort (whump without a happy ending) is also valid.
because whump is a genre, just like how lots of people like horror movies just for the sake of liking them. 
the term whumperflies is used to describe the euphoric feeling a person experiences while watching, drawing, writing or reading a whump scenario that hits right in the feels. for lack of better comparison, some people experience whumperflies that come close to an orgasm, whether or not whump is a sexual thing to them (some may enjoy whump as a form of kink, while some may enjoy whump for reasons that aren’t sexual at all). for some, whumperflies are these tingling sensation in the chest and/or the stomach, for someone else, whumperflies is like when you ride a rollercoaster and the ride is going down from its highest stop. there's no wrong way to experience whumperflies, as different people describe and experience them differently.
so, yes, some people may enjoy whump just for the euphoria whumperflies bring. and some people — myself included — can’t get whumperflies unless the character that’s going through pain is their most favorite character; it’s like… because you love this character so much, you’re so connected to them, you're so emotionally invested in them that you can only get whumperflies if it’s them going through the torture, meanwhile other characters just don’t make you feel half as strongly.
and that’s explain why people in the whump community prefer their favorite characters to be the ones going through hell.
and again, just like how movies have different genres, whump is a genre — people who like whump aren’t “freaks” or “red flags” in real life, even if they like whump for reasons that aren’t about coping mechanism. whump is a genre and a form of art, and most importantly, whump is fiction. it’s not real.
I do understand why people who aren’t into whump tend to be confused by the concept of whump, and I do understand why these people think being a fan of a fictional character only means wanting said fictional character to be safe and happy, which is why whump is not for everybody, and that’s okay too.
the thing is there is no wrong way to be a fan of something that’s fictional, you can like this fictional character so much you want to see them cry and covered in blood for whatever reasons, and that’s okay. as long as you’re not hurting anybody in real life.
there’s nothing wrong or abnormal about people who enjoy whump, just like how there’s nothing wrong or abnormal about people who like horror movies. it’s fiction and it’s a form of art. and I believe everybody is allowed to express and enjoy their interests through art in whichever way they want, as long as they’re not harming anybody in real life.
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cloudluvrrr · 1 day
Boothill headcannons. 💭
A PROMISE IS A PROMISE 🤞🤞🤞 and I delivered 😍💪 srry ab being mia been busy playing splatoon
My bootyhill is almost MAXXED out yall 😛😛
a/n: Boothill gives me Adrianne Lenker vibes yk I can’t be the only one help anyways enjoy this 😛 long asf and I don’t believe in proof reading
— Precyborg: Boothill x g/n reader
tw warning : fluff and sad ending bc we can’t have a happy one according to hoyoverse !! 💕
ingyadar - Adrianne Lenker
my kind of women - Mac de Marco
The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - ARTMS
-I feel like you and Boothill would be childhood lovers yk? Like you two were close friends and ended up catching feelings (I would too) always hanging around each other and getting into trouble l together.
-because to me he grew up in a small town with a big family (I think of like those towns in cowboy movies 😭)
-especially in highschool, but not for long. I’d think Boothill dropped out during freshman year(?) to help with his dads but you continued your studies.
-when confronted about it he scoffed and said ‘don’t need no fancy algebra or biology.’ He’d say.
-he’d see you at school (during lunch) and you two would usually hang out after school. Or during festivals or parties.
You two would always sneak away to the lake when it would get boring, giggling and laughing along the way. This time it was during a town festival, everyone in town went so of course no one would notice if two highschools went missing.
So off you two went giggling as you stumbled behind him holding his hand (in a platonic way ofc). “Boothill wait up!” You’d giggle as you slid down the hill. “Hurry or the sheriff will get us!” He’d shout as he helped you up, and the two of you began to splash water on each other. Up until night and his dads caught him with you again
-things like that would often happen, anytime one was missing they’d always assume the other would tag along
-your families of course always shipped you two. And knew eventually you’d date (spoilers you do)
- he’d confess to you on a random summer afternoon. While you two sat on his bed in his room
— you two sat on his bed looking around nervously and awkwardly. It was never like this, Boothill would usually say something but he didn’t, he’s open his mouth but nothing came out. His mouth felt dry, unable to confess. But he mustered up the courage.
‘hey.. I, uh” he began before sighing “I really.. really REALLY like you” he finished with a red face as he looked you in the eyes. As you’d giggle nervously and soon turned into a good laugh. “I really like you too Boothill” you said softly kissing his cheek. As he nearly fainted and tackled you into a hug. ‘Finally’ he’d think to himself
- now that you two are dating nothing much has changed. Other than kisses and leaving the door open when you two hang out (his dads are concerned about him doing funny stuff to you)
-not a day went by that you wouldn’t be with him, at his house or yours.
-he liked pet names mostly using ‘baby’ or your name.
-he knew how to play guitar they taught him in school, but he learned it on his own and would often serenade to you.
-he’d love cuddling though, in his bed specifically. Yours is too crowed for his liking. (He has one pillow). And play a few records he managed to snag that were imported from a different planet
- the sun painted the sky a pink and orange hue, as your laid in boothills arms dozing off to the soft music in the background. As he whispered sweet nothings to you and some jokes that kept you up giggling. “Your cute you know” he chuckled kissing you temple as she squeezed you
-an example of how you’d spend your days, other than teasing and bullying each other 😜
-he was dirt poor. So often he’d ask you for money, which would end up in you hitting his head. But giving in as long as he got you something (most of the time it was burgers 😔)
— up until your graduated, he’d always say how he wanted to leave his dads and live alone with you. So secretly (somehow I don’t know) he’d built a small house with his buddies. ( I feel like you’d move until you were like 20 ig)
-so you’d pack up everything and moved in to the small Cabin. It was small a two small rooms and bathrooms with a big enough kitchen. Also including a farm (of fucking course). Housing his horse, two cows, and a chick coop. A barn dog and cat :3
-you lived comfortably and happily, you’d stay at home and he’s venture off to help others or sell your farm goods.
-he couldn’t propose, he barely had any savings left after buying your couch. So it often got postponed, you didn’t mind (your parents did)
-it was a winter night. Boothill was god knows where and you worked in the kitchen making a simple stew. As your pregnant house cat meowed for a piece of beef, you were scolding the cat as Boothill entered the home with a small bundle of blankets in his arms as he closed the door. “Your home.. what’s that?” You’d asked before he walked over showing you the small girl.
“WHOS KID DID YOU KIDNAP” you shouted, startling the little who began to fuss “you idiot I found her..!” He hissed “we don’t have anything for a baby boothill, you know that” you said sighing “I know.. but I couldn’t leave her out there! That’s how my dads found me ya know, aren’t you glad they didn’t leave me to die?” He asked huffing “..sometimes” you shrugged.
— there began your journey as parents, you’d sew dresses and onesies for her. As well as ask both of your parents for old baby things, Boothill had a rough time setting up basically everything
‘You can build a house but not a crib’
‘Shut up nerd’
You stood outside putting the laundry out to dry on the clothesline. And watched from the corner of your eye the little one and Boothill. As he sat in the shade holding her small guitar he’d made for her, as she sat in the middle and giggled at the kittens playing around her. She’d grown, about 8 months and beginning to walk.
“Da” she said pointing to a certain kitten “yup that’s a kitty” he chuckled watching her gently touch the fluffy ball of fur and giggled. Eventually waddling up to him and falling into his lap as she snuggled him and fell asleep. The sight tugging at your heart strings.
-most of your days were spent like that, her playing with the cats. Her waddling around the home or her touching her guitar Boothill made her.
- up until that fateful day, he’d planned to propose to you before he overheard the damn ipc officers joking about burning the town. He didn’t believe it until he saw it. Everything covered in flames, making sure to leave no survivors. And all he could do was watch as the tears fell from his eyes.
- after
he’d often lay in a run down hotel room, in his own head. Admiring the cheap ring he’d finally gotten you, and one you’d never get to wear. Fiddling with it with his metal fingers as he returned it to the small box.
‘I miss you baby’
_ 😜😜
STREAM ARTMS 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
THIA IS CHAOTIC BUT these r my thoughts
comment like and subscribe 😘😘
I’m not ready for Ruan mei & Argenti rerun 😔💔
my requests open 🤞 look at my pinned post for rules and who I write for 😈😈
- sent from my iPhone 💔
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holylulusworld · 21 hours
Indecent Proposal (22)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Characters: M'Baku, Brock Rumlow
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, angst, implied character's death, mentions of suicide (no description)
Indecent Proposal (21)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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Your heart hammers in your chest. Your husbands want to leave the safety of the mansion to go after Rumlow.
“Bucky,“ you cling to him, desperate to stop him from leaving. “I don’t want you to do this. Please stay. I don’t care if he scared me. I’ll just stay inside the house for the rest of my life.”
“Doll,” Steve places his hand on your shoulder. “Rumlow will never stop. He wants revenge and will use you and our babies against us. We won’t let him hurt you.”
You paw at Bucky’s arms, refusing to let him go. He’s already in a tactical suit, and a bulletproof vest, telling you he expects getting shot.
“But…” You cry even harder. “I don’t want you to get hurt. Who’ll dick me down so good if you die?”
“Aw, I’ll always dick you down good,” Bucky coos you. He pecks your hair and whispers filthy words in your ear. “Half-dead or not, a bullet in my ass, I’ll dick you down. That’s a promise.”
You choke out a laugh. “You promise?”
“I promise, baby doll. Stevie and I will come back to give you dick for the rest of your life. You’ll never be empty.”
“You’re a filthy animal, Mr. Barnes,” you purr his name. Slowly you let go of Bucky to cup his face. “You better come back in one piece.” You kiss him softly. “Our babies need you.”
Bucky nods and swallows thickly. He clears his throat when you turn your attention toward Steve.
“—and you, Mr. Rogers,” you grab Steve’s face to kiss him too. “You’ll make sure he doesn’t risk too much. Please come back in one piece. I would miss your dick so much.”
“Doll,” Steve kisses your temple. “We will come back with Rumlow’s head on a silver plate. He’ll regret ever putting his hands on you.”
“STEVE!” Bucky grunts. “You can’t tell her something like that!”
“He wasn’t joking?” you look at Steve, mouth falling open at his serious expression. “I don’t want his head.”
“It’s hunting season and Rumlow’s head will be my trophy.”
A cold shudder runs down your spine at Steve’s words. For the first time, you see the dangerous and deadly man he truly is. He’s dead serious about turning Rumlow’s head into a trophy.
“We won’t put it on a wall,” you scrunch up your nose. “I hate hunting trophies, Steve. I don’t want this kind of thing at my home.”
“We promise to be back in the blink of an eye. You’re safe here, doll. Jake will stay here and check on the cameras. We increased safety once again. Food and everything else you’ll need will get delivered by trusted people. No one we do not know is allowed to enter the mansion.”
Steve tries to calm you by telling you all the preparations, but he scares you even more. What will happen to you and the babies if they do not make it back? Will their enemies take the chance to kill the next generation too?
“Nothing will happen to you and the babies,” Bucky softly speaks to you. He saw the fear in your eyes and tried to calm you. “We have a plan for the worst-case scenario too, Y/N. Do not worry too much. Steve and I intend on coming back to you.”
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Steve, Bucky, and you said your goodbyes before they headed out to hunt Rumlow down. You’re still shaking and can’t calm down.
Jake tried to calm you by showing you the cameras and explaining the security system to you. He meant well, but it didn’t help at all.
All you can think of is that your men are out there, following a man who tried to kill you and your unborn children out of spite.
You can only hope and pray that Steve and Bucky keep their promise and come back to you.
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“I’ll take the back with Steve, Clint, and Sam,” Steve explains the plan once again. “M’Baku, I want you to take the lead. Storm the front entrance with your team. Make some noise, distract him long enough for us to sneak. I want that bastard alive.”
“Got it,” M’Baku nods and gestures to his team to sneak toward the front entrance. He’s well-trained and knows how to take an enemy down without getting one of his teammates killed.
“My knives are waiting for that bastard,” Bucky clenches and unclenches his fists. “Steve, remember our promise to Y/N. Do not get too reckless in there.”
Steve huffs. “I must watch your back. I cannot get reckless. Do you think he has backup?” He follows Bucky and his team toward the back of the abandoned house, taking a deep breath. “Ready…”
“Ready…” Bucky picks the lock. He grips the door handle and listens closely, waiting to open the door until M’Baku crashes through the front door like the giant he is.
“What the fuck!” Brock aimlessly fires at M’Baku and his team, only hitting their bulletproof vests. He wasn’t prepared for a battle with a whole team. Rumlow prefers complicated plans and attacking people out of nowhere.
“You fucked with the wrong people,” M’Baku aims his shotgun at Rumlow. “You better drop that pitiful gun before I rip your head off with my hands. He bares his teeth and chuckles darkly when Bucky and the others step inside the room. “Did you finally join us, Barnes?”
Rumlow drops his gun. His fight and life are over, and he knows it.
“I didn’t want to steal the show from you,” Bucky shrugs. He puts his gun away, huffing as this was easier than he thought. “No friends to help you, Rumlow?”
“She ratted me out, didn’t she?” Rumlow laughs manically. “I knew that red-haired bitch is not to be trusted. She always tried to stop me from looking into your case.” He dips his head to watch Bucky get a knife out. “I should’ve killed her first.”
“Natasha knows where her loyalty lies,” Bucky shrugs. “We pay her well and protect her. No one touches our allies.”
“Did you fuck her too?” Rumlow spats. He wants to take a step toward Bucky but M’Baku blocks his path. “Get out of my way, bastard. I’ll tear you down.”
“You can try to get past me, buddy,” M’Baku chuckles loudly. No man ever got past him. Rumlow won’t be the only exception. “You’re lucky the bosses want you alive or you’d lie on the ground with a broken neck.”
“So…you came here to kill me. I knew you’d try to silence me to get away with murdering my girl.”
“We didn’t murder your girl,” Bucky rolls his eyes. “We had fun for a while. It’s not our fault she was crazier than a skunk on dope. She tried to kill my husband. Anyone else would’ve ended up dead. I let her live and told her to leave town and go back where she belongs.”
“She decided to kill herself because she didn’t get my husband,” Steve circles Rumlow, smirking as M’Baku puts his hand on Rumlow’s chest to stop him from getting away. “I’m sorry she did this, but we had nothing to do with her death. It was her choice.”
“I offered her a second chance,” Bucky points a knife at Rumlow. “I don’t easily grant people a second chance. She wasted it.” He dips his head to look at the man threatening your life more than once up and down. “Sorry to tell you, but you won’t get a second chance…”
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gumnut-logic · 2 days
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Well, this just sucked.
Alan fiddled with the restraints holding him to a bulkhead. Nope, not a thing he could do about it.
Other than him, the room, more a cargo hold than anything else, was empty except for an airlock door on the far side.
Why couldn’t he be kidnapped by an idiot? These ones had actually removed his baldric and his helmet, effectively cutting him off from Thunderbird Five.
Except for the tracker in his wrist, but they didn’t need to know about that.
The nerve, though. He was out here to help. He had thought he was saving a private space yacht that had engine trouble and was making a good attempt at colliding with a satellite or two.
But no, it had all been a trap. Probably to get a hold of his ‘bird.
Why couldn’t the bad guys make their own Thunderbirds and stop messing with theirs.
Oh, yeah, technology and all.
Then go invent your own technology, you assholes, and leave us alone.
Alan gave his restraints another tug and grunted as they bit through his uniform.
Of course, the astronaut in him was having a mild fit. He was stuck in an unknown craft of unknown safety specs with people who undoubtedly did not have his best health in mind, and he had no helmet.
He might as well be naked.
No, don’t give them ideas, you idiot.
Okay, focus. He had his training.
And he had his brothers.
While he had no wish to worry said brothers it was kind of reassuring to think exactly what those brothers might do to the persons responsible for this. If there was one thing he could say, it was that he was ever so proud of his family.
Scott would be pissed. That had both its positives and its negatives. There would likely be tactical scenarios in the future to prevent this from happening again. Scott was all about prepared and strategic readiness.
Couldn’t blame him really. The list of incidents in his brother’s resume was extensive. No doubt, Scott had learnt the hard way.
Now Virgil, Virgil was the softy. He smiled to himself. His tank of a brother was almost as much a worry wart as their eldest brother. He was less likely to get angry, but when he did, the whole house knew about it and avoided him. Only Scott and occasionally John would weather a Virgil snit, simply because it was terrifying. Add the list of equipment the engineer had at hand and buildings had the potential to be reduced to rubble. Nah, you didn’t want to piss off Virg.
But then there was John. No one, just no one dared rankle his middle brother. Alan snorted. John was the quiet one, and that fooled a lot of people. To their detriment. Gordon…it was always Gordon…had once taken a step too far and his music streaming still hadn’t recovered…six years after the incident. There was still whining. John just raised an eyebrow and smiled that gentle smile of his and flickered out.
Bit hard to chase a brother down who was literally thousands of miles away, yet had access to every personal detail, ever digital print, every part of your life.
Not that he didn’t trust John. No, he trusted him with his life, but hell, you did not want to piss him off.
The ship around him suddenly shook and Alan found himself thrown against the bulkhead. A grunt as his suit armour took the brunt, along with his shoulder guards.
These guys were really starting to piss Alan off, much less his brothers.
The ship stilled again and he was left wondering what the hell was going on. What did they want?
He pictured his next eldest brother beside him and the smart ass grin that came with the image. Gordon. Alan couldn’t help but smile. Gordon could be an ass, but he was an ass who was always on your side. The two of them had done so much…often to the ire of the above three brothers, but that just made it more fun.
Alan found himself grinning and he wondered if the assholes had a camera on him. Good luck to them if they did, because Gords was always going to make him smile.
His fish brother was amazing. Alan had seen him go through absolute hell, but his spirit was ever so strong. Alan admired Gordon. He was a role model.
That had him snickering. Scott’s frown at that thought was hilarious. 
But it wasn’t the pranks - though they were hilarious - it was Gordy’s view on life. His ability to keep smiling, stay in the positive, even when everything was absolute shit.
That was a thought for right now. Chained to a bulkhead in a strange ship, possibly abandoned, possibly kidnapped. What would Gords do?
A snort. Put jello in their knickers before kicking their asses out into space.
But Gords wasn’t a fan of space, was he? But his bro was brave and would kick ass anyway.
That was Gords.
Alan swallowed. Would Gords be as scared as he was at the moment?
But he would kick ass anyway.
Like Kayo.
You never pissed off Kayo and lived. Again it was Gordon who had tried exactly that. At the time, Alan had thought his brother was upset. That could be the only reason for tempting death.
He’d been partly right.
The dye in Kayo’s shower rose had prompted her focussed attention. She had cornered Gordon and the next thing Alan knew she had thrown his brother so hard around the spar mat he had bruises.
Which led to a Scott lecture of epic proportions. The smile on Gordon’s face had said so much more.
Alan still questioned his fish brother’s sanity.
And admired him for his bravery.
The whole ship shook around him and Alan startled.
The door on the far side of the bay stayed closed.
Scott, where are you?
And there was the truth of the matter. Scott had been his go to for so long, he was the default he yelled for when he needed help.
He would love to see him walk through that door.
Hell, he would love to see any and all of his brothers and his sister put a fist in these assholes’ faces and set him free.
Honestly, it wasn’t a matter of if, more of when. You don’t piss off a Tracy.
Any of them.
Because they would all kick your ass.
Even the littlest. 
Alan straightened where he floated. Yes, he would kick necessary ass anytime. He may be the littlest, but he was a damned astronaut, he knew stuff.
The restraints were still too damned tight.
The door on the other side of the room suddenly hissed and cracked open.
Alan spun and readied himself. He was not going down without a fight.
A familiar blue helmet peered through the door. “Alan?”
And his big brother was there. A laser cutter and he was free and enveloped in a strong hug. “Hey, Allie.”
Before he knew it, he was being towed towards the door.
“How? Who?” He swallowed as Scott shoved the door wider and pushed him through. “What?”
But the answer was there before him.
Virgil was hovering in the space version of his exosuit, monitoring a forcefield over a massive hole in the side of the spacecraft’s cockpit.
Gordon and Kayo had three men hanging upside down from the ceiling wrapped in so many restraints, breathing appeared optional.
And John was muttering to Eos as he hovered over the controls of the craft. There was snarling.
Oh, dear.
“Here, we found these.” Scott’s hand hadn’t left his shoulder, but his other hand suddenly had Alan’s baldric and helmet hovering in front of him.
There was a hum as a scanner was whisked over him from the direction of Virgil.
Scott’s eyes questioned the engineer, but he must have received the info he needed because a second later those eyes were once again trained on Alan.
As Alan took his baldric and snapped on his helmet, both of Scott’s hands landed on his shoulders. “You okay?”
There were so many eyes trained on him at the moment.
Alan straightened. “Yeah, I’m good.”
One of the bad guys whimpered and Gordon prodded him.
Blue eyes flickered but didn’t leave Alan. “Three is secured, though John is not happy.”
Another snarl issued from his red-haired brother.
Alan arched an eyebrow.
Those hands squeezed his shoulders. “Let’s get you home.”
Alan stared at his four brothers and his sister and smiled. 
“I’m driving.”
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anemoiashifts · 3 days
to respond to the person who said I was spreading mis information, because they blocked me, here’s what i was going to say:
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“i think your misunderstanding what im saying.
when i say “scripting isn’t a guarantee” im saying when you shift you can have all those things but you also have the ability to choose. you can choose to do something different then you scripted in your desired reality even if you didn’t script it. scripting doesn’t eliminate the ability to choose.
“running from your life problems” as in people who struggle mentally. if you shift to run from something that will always linger in the back of your head unless youve resolved them— speaking from experience. ive gotten plenty of messages of people saying that they want to shift so they can escape this reality. there’s nothing wrong with escapism inherently but it can sometimes become dangerous.
yes, you’re right. things don’t come to an end. if we’re going with “energy cannot be created or destroyed” that doesn’t not exempt the ability of changing forms & the very act of becoming new can certainly be seen as an end.
never said there’s anything bad about unscripted scenarios. i don’t script anything. all im saying is to be cautious.
shifting is what you make it. im not trying to make people anxious. & im sorry if the original post made you feel like im trying to push you away from the practice or any of the things i listed above. im not trying to demotivate people. there’s a very real negative side effect to shifting that ive experienced a few years ago & it’s why i care so deeply about mental health because of how much it destroyed & scared me. it pushed me away from shifting & im learning to love it again.
i very much care about the mental health in regards to shifting or not. i have body dysmorphia myself. who the hell are you so say that I’m not worried “about them” ?
dont overthink it but you need to sometimes take a step back & look at the bigger picture & in the end you never know how something is going to effect you. i was pretty much the first shiftok to speak about the mental health decline in regards to reality shifting. im willing to lose some of you guys & take the heat if it means your safety & mental well being.”
again, im sorry if my post hurt anyone. i really truly didn’t intend to harm anyone’s journey or put a bad taste in my mouth. ive had a pretty bad experience my first time shifting myself & that’s why ive always said ive only ever minishifted because i didn’t want to make shifting out to be this horrible thing. i held a lot of shame (for lack of better wording) that everyone seemed to have a good shifting experience but me, but this isn’t about me or what happened to me & didn’t happen. ill always be rooting for fellow shifters but at some point we have to acknowledge that shifting can be harmful to people mentally sometimes. it’s also important to know im not an all knowing force; people may think differently then me & that’s totally okay !
please don’t try & send hate to this person, i don’t think they meant any ill intent & we’re trying to help other shifters, like i do.
please let me know what I can do better & improve on in the future. i just wanted to clarify my stance on that post.
-rinn 🤍
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rowanraven08 · 1 day
So I just need to fucking rant about my boys being stuck in the ‘puters. CAUSE MAN DO I HAVE THOUGHTS. Have probably said some of this before, but not all.
So I’m thoroughly convinced that they’ve been properly coded in, Sergey Ushanka style, and also based off that statement, there’s no doubt in my mind that it hurts for them. I know this is a different universe, but unless computer folks are a common thing here, why would the plot give them anything less than more trauma? But I’m actually kinda concerned about how they’ll be once/if they get out?? Like aside from the trauma of it even, Tessa Winters said you can’t code people in the way people really are, and I’m kinda worried that through the whole thing that they might be different, or have lost a little bit of themself, the way that if you put something through google translate to many times it comes out all messed up, mostly with the same meaning, but words have still changed.
Other than that even, how the hell is Jon gonna cope/currently coping with not being omniscient?? I imagine going from knowing almost everything to having to seek out the information yourself again would be a huge hurdle. Even if now he has the equivalent of what Elias could do, seeing out of any eye, but instead just seeing out of any camera, that would be so disorienting. Never mind the fact they’re in an alternate universe.
The whole thing just makes me so sad, they can’t communicate clearly, are clearly trying tooth and nail to help and to get the OIAR gang to understand, stuck in this nonexistence that is probably excruciating, and no one except probably Colin and Celia even knows they exist. (I’m operating under the assumption Celia knows what’s up, she’s a smart girl she knows this isn’t a coincidence) But Colin clearly fucking hates them, Sam is only just starting to realize the computers are listening, and Celia doesn’t actually seem to be trying to help them, the only thing we know about her research is that she was looking into alternate universes and time travel sort of stuff, and that now she’s looking into alchemy. My boys are SCREAMING to be heard and no one will listen.
Like what will they even do? Worst case scenario, they’re stuck like that forever. Best case scenario, they get out, and somehow manage to get home (unlikely in my opinion) only to be met with a world still rebuilding, where everyone hates them. Last scene in TMA? Literally Melanie, Georgie, and Basira talking about how it’s better off they can’t find Jon, and they’re right,
“I mean, I just don’t think people would exactly be understanding. You remember what happened when they found Simon Fairchild?”
“And he’s not just some powerless left-behind avatar, you know? We’re talking about ‘The Archivist’.”
People would absolutely kill Jon if he came back, and they knew who he was, and I think being able to fly under the radar isn’t an option seeing as he literally haunted people’s dreams for a while. Who’s to say he could even stay alive in a world without the fears? Death might finally catch up to him, the exhaustion, everything. I don’t think going back is an option for them.
Maybe for Celia, if it’s even possible. But I think at this point she’d be happier in Protocol universe than Archives. She couldn’t even remember her original name in late s5, and didn’t remember Martin, she seemed to have lost at least a good portion of her memory if not all. If that didn’t come back after the apocalypse, she has more actual connection to Protocol, the cult being her only real connection to Archives. Maybe she’s trying to get back just because of principle, she’s not considering if that’s really what she wants because it’s the clear next step. But I don’t think she’d be able to leave Jack behind. I don’t even think she really is his proper mother, I’m guessing she somehow took other Celia’s (Lynne’s) identity, and just took over caring for Jack. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love him.
I really do hope Jon and Martin get out of the computer, it’ll be so hard for them to deal with everything, but maybe if they stayed in Protocol they could still build a life together.
Some other random stuff:
So I went through, and found (I think) all the times we hear the jmj. error.
Ep 3 we get an error, which actually starts working when Colin threatens it, and it starts up with a statement from our buddy Norris, and I actually find it kinda amusing to imagine Martin being scared into reading the statement by the frustrated IT guy.
We also get an error in ep 5, after Gwen asks about the German IT guy before Colin. Which a.) why is she asking about him, b.) if I’m right about the errors being an attempt at communication, why do they think the guy’s important? C.) I had thought before that the German bit of code could be Jonah or something since he may have known German? But pretty sure that was too speculative, it makes more sense for it to have just been the German IT guy. D.) he’s mentioned as having a bunch of tattoos, which so far has not meant good things.
Ep 17 which I talked about in a different post, where the error lasted long enough for Gwen and Alice to nearly talk about stuff, only starting up again once they end that bit of the conversation without actually talking about it
And then ofc in 19 when Alice won’t listen to Sam about the computers listening.
I don’t think I missed any, but I might have? So if anyone notices one I missed lemme know please
Also only just realized a few days ago that jmj. isn’t an ACTUAL error, I know Colin says ep 3 it doesn’t mean anything, but I had actually taken that as Colin just being frustrated, and hadn’t read into. Jmj doesn’t even fucking exist, my guess is that it stands for Jon Martin Jonah?
Also what’s everyone’s thoughts on Teddy? Because that man is getting kinda suspicious. Why does he keep showing up? He works into this somehow. Also why doesn’t he actually want to talk to Alice? She’s high energy and not very serious, but it sounds like the guy properly ghosted her, keeps lying about how they’ll hang out more, or how he’ll text her back, could just be him being a bit of a dick, or maybe she did something to kinda deserve it, but it’s could be he’s trying to keep her at a distance to keep her safe? Especially if he is already wrapped up in this crap.
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michi-hawkeye · 2 days
If you need a tourniquet or if you wanna turn and quit Know that I'll be by your side << michi u need to tell me moooooooooooore 😍😍😍
I gladly wil! ❤️
The fic is actually a prompt fill, kinley have been dating for six months before shit hits the fan and the fic starts in Tommy’s pov and takes place right in the aftermath of Buck being struck.
Here’s a snippet of the opening (fair warning its in its rough draft stage)
Tommy watches the rain pound onto the ground of the airfield under the safety of the hanger. He had been anxious all shift due to the anticipation of introducing himself to Captain Nash and Sargent Grant-Nash as Buck’s boyfriend tomorrow night and hopefully be able to ask them a question the little black box to go with it tucked away in his locker. Something bigger than that was eating at him now like some premonition that something is going to go wrong tonight, he usually didn’t let storms get to him since it was part of his job to fly through them. Although he knows Buck is out there working right now and he knows his boyfriend is an unintentional danger magnet so him feeling anxious for somewhat no reason is definitely justified. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as he hopes Buck and his team are staying safe out there before he leans away from the hanger door threshold to go and try to focus on keeping his anxiety at bay.
He tries to keep checking his phone at a minimum as much as he is anxious he can’t be distracted, so he goes through the station chores even through he knows they’ve already been done, so he tries to burn out the anxiety by working out. It wasn’t until he was walking out of the showers after his workout he was finally given the reason for his anxiety.
As he’s changing into a new uniform shirt, his phone goes off with the familiar sounds of the wind and percussion instruments that play The Mandalorian theme song, he had made it Eddie’s ring tone on his phone after watching the show with him, Buck and Chris one day and realizing him and Mando have a very similar personality to Eddie’s begrudging annoyance. Eddie is also one of the few people who is on Tommy’s short Do not disturb bypass list, a rock of dread sinks down his stomach as he tries not to think of worse case scenarios but that would be naive with the storm raging outside tonight and how dangerous their jobs are in general.
Before answering the phone he tries to sallow the forming lump in his throat as he takes a moment to look at the photo he had taken of a smiling Eddie who had a arm thrown over a equally smiling Buck’s shoulder, who had his own arms wrapped around Tommy’s shoulders during a guy’s day out which was used for each of their contact photos.
He tries to keep his voice even as he hears an equally breaking breath on the other end of the line when it connects “Eddie what’s wrong?”
“It’s buck—- there was a accident on a call he’s in critical—-“ Eddie takes a shaky breath while Tommy’s heart shatters, “we’re at Cedars get here as fast as possible” we don’t know if he’ll make it goes unsaid, it kicks Tommy to start packing his duffle.
“Eddie what happened at the call?” Tommy asked, he doesn’t want to be in the dark on how his boyfriend had gotten injured enough to be considered critical.
“I’ll tell you more when you get here I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell you right now, drive safe okay”
“Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can” he blinks away the tears that have been building up, as he listens to the call disconnecting.
“Cap I need to leave family emergency”
Just as he pulls out of the airfield, the bachelor theme plays from his car’s speakers signaling that Maddie is calling, him and Maddie had been binge watching old episodes of the show together when they both had off days in the name of bonding while everyone else had shifts since they couldn't watch the new episodes without chimney, it would have been funny to hear if it wasn’t for the situation at hand, with his eyes still on the road he clicks the green call button on the dashboard screen.
“Tommy” he hears Maddie’s watery voice come through the speakers “did you hear what happened to buck”
He was a only child who has always wanted siblings and having known Maddie these past few months he grew to view her as one, and if she needed him to be strong he’ll try to be, he coughed to try to prevent the impending sob and to try to steady his voice before responding“ Eddie just called me to let me know, I’m heading over there right now”
“Good they’ll both need you”
“I’m here for you too, you know that right?” He asked gently, it always stings when he sees Evan and Maddie throw aside thier mental and emotional well-being in favor of focusing on others like they themselves don’t matter; giving until they break.
“I know but knowing those two Eddie probably saw first hand what had happened, so he’ll need someone to lean on who understands” he thinks back on the stories Buck had mentioned in the past when either one had been injured. They fall into a silence perhaps to let themselves process what's happening.
The silence breaks when he hears the faint barely formed word babbles from Jee-Yun “jelly bean is there?” He had given her the nickname shortly after meeting her and Maddie when he noticed she jumped and skipped around more than walked, and how it must have been a family trait because Buck would do the same given the chance, Maddie and Buck had cracked up when he commented on the shared mannerism.
Maddie gives a sad chuckle “I called Anne and John to pick her up to spend the night with them, they’re planning to meet us at the hospital”
“What about your parents?” Tommy asks, he doesn't trust the buckley parents for shit to care for the sweet girl that he’s starting to let himself view as his niece. He wants to know if they're gonna twiddle their thumbs and not show up for their son again but this time while he’s probably dying.
“I also wanted to warn you too that my parents are coming to the hospital, I know you have your reasons on avoiding them I respect that and this isn't the ideal situation to meet them now, in truth it surprised me that they decided to go at all”
“Maddie they hurt you and Buck, made both your lives hell that's why I avoid them you know that cause if I ever see them I won’t be able to not tell them what I think” he had avoided meeting the Buckley parents the last two nights because how much disdain he had for them but he has enough awareness that two people he cares about still want to try to have that bond and he’ll support them and be there when he helps pick up the pieces when their parents refuse to put in the effort to fix the damage they cause.
“I know, can we continue this later? , I’ll see you at the hospital” he hears Maddie say with a defeated sigh, kicking himself mentally for pushing her at an already stressful time.
He hears Maddie shuffle and with a much brighter tone say “Say bye to Uncle Tommy, Jee” hearing the new title makes him choke on the building lump in his throat.
“Buh Buh, Uh T’my!” Jee says with a giggle, oblivious to what is going on and Tommy hopes when she does learn, Buck will at least be okay by then. He can be strong for her, Maddie, Eddie, and Chris until Evan wakes up
“Bye sweet girl see you soon!” He attempts to say brightly but he can hear how weak it sounds to his own ears. He hears Jee giggle in response before the line disconnects. He lets a few tears fall as he turns another corner on the road towards the hospital.
(You can thank my sister’s car playlist for the title its from Tourniquet by Zach Bryan)
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Why Nakshatra Castes Don't Correspond to Levels of Success
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Nakshatra Castes, unlike what you might think, are not strictly about money or status or levels of success. They’re about visibility. Nakshatra gaze (upwards, downwards, sideways) is more about interest in status itself, and wealth is something very individual to one’s chart and karma. Life is complex and some people who you might think are really wealthy have hidden debts, while many invisible people are very well off.
To imagine how this works, you need to picture an ancient society, an ancient town structure. They were mostly built on hills for defensive purposes, with castles being on the very top of the hill. Since there was no TV or internet, often what was happening at the top was a source of entertainment for the masses. That is especially visible, as non of the Brahmin Nakshatras are upwards (often born or growing into a certain status). But they are all ones that perform activities in front of the masses. And some of those tendencies have survived in our societies.
The prime example is Purva Phalguni and Purva Ashadha being such huge Nakshatras for creativity. They are still “on display” being watched by the masses, even in our times. Purva Bhadrapada, especially in males, loves to put itself on top for the sake of displaying his wisdom and skill. Think of Robert De Niro, who picks roles where even if his character commits crimes secretly, he has quite a social presence. Purva Bhadrapada loves to be active in the community. And finally, Krittika, the ceremonial master, the ultimate priestly expression. Wild and untamed, but again very much on display.
In ancient towns, these would be the people that are talked about. The people whose identity and role would be common knowledge.
To contrast that scenario, think of Mleccha. You can’t say that they most definitely don’t have money or a certain power. But they perform activities that happen outside the town gates. They are the creatures of the underworld, as their talents are of a controversial nature. Does that mean they can’t have wealth or be popular in their own way? Of course not, especially since Shravana is an upwards Nakshatra. Everyone comes to the local Oracle in times of need, even if they don’t admit to it. But there is a certain quirkiness about them, where even though many people use their services, they don’t openly admit to it.
Think also of the butcher caste, that technically is so low in hierarchy, but has 2 upwards Nakshatras within. That is because these people often have an ancestral profession of doing dirty work that is very needed within society, and thus it brings them renown and success. Dirty work may not be done on display, but it is nevertheless a necessary part of daily life.
The difference between Shudra and Mleccha is that while Shudra is the lowest acceptable class, it still deals with needs that people are not ashamed to talk about openly even if it’s not a pleasurable subject. Mleccha is the things everyone does, needs and wants, but is ashamed to admit, so they repress it or do it in hiding. Attraction to the forbidden aspects of sexuality, the taboo, the occult. People do whatever they need to anyway, simply outside the town borders, outside of the social gaze. As a result, Mleccha natives achieve success as providers of these services.
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bvnniz · 1 day
more bunny!reader x Valentino please<33. Maybe in a scenario where they are in a club and bunny is scared of loud music/people in there
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i’m being so fr with you all when i tell u i do not know how to write valentino . . . but i love val & bunny so much
𝜗𝜚 warnings: scared!bunny, fluff, valentino is ooc ngl, valentino has a soft spot for bunny and only bunny, bunny calls valentino daddy.
you hated going out, you were an indoor bunny! you just wanted to be at home with your stuffies cuddling valentino, but here you were in the VIP section of a club
you knew valentino’s status and how everyone wanted to meet the porn overlord. you hated it. when you guys first got there you had been sat on his lap cuddling into his chest but after a few girls showed up fangirling and glaring at you, you moved yourself onto the seat next to him.
valentino was barely even paying attention to you, too busy talking to all his fans, while you were busy being overwhelmed by how many people were around you guys along with the music that seemed to keep getting louder.
you pulled your knees to your chest pushing your lip ears against your head as well as you could to block out the noise. that’s what got valentino’s attention on you as he heard you whimper in pain a couple times from pulling too hard on your ears.
“hey, conejita. don’t do that.” he said while pulling your hands off your ears. “what’s the matter, princesa?” valentino shoo’d his ‘fans’ off as he noticed you didn’t even respond to him, something that rarely happened with you.
he pulled you onto his lap, bringing your head down against his chest. “it’s okay princesa, whatevers scaring you, i won’t let it hurt you.” you just let out another whimper causing him to sigh.
valentino knew you were sensitive that’s one of the things he liked about you most, it’s another reason why he’s never put you in any of his films, even when you begged him to when the two of you first met, he’s just always had a soft spot for you. he doesn’t know why. he wishes he could get the heart to put you in a film. watch your little bunny eyes staring up at the camera the same way he stares up at you whenever he’s not holding you.
valentino put you back down on the seat before getting up and finding the owner before walking back over and holding his hand out “c’mon princesa i have a surprise for you.” you got up before grabbing his hand, him smiling at how small your hand was compared to his.
valentino had talked to the owner and gotten you guys into a private room, the speakers in the room could be adjusted so valentino could adjust them to the right volume to where you won’t be overwhelmed and no one could come in unless valentino agreed they could.
you looked at the room before hugging valentino’s waist, which was all you really could hug of him due to your height difference “thank you, daddy.” he smiled down at you raking one of his hands through your hair “you’re welcome, princesa.”
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writingsbyzuzu · 3 days
Don’t Get The Blues
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chapter 4- curse the goddamn day
Sheriff!Ted Nivison x Outlaw!Reader (Hasan implications, platonic!outlaw!Schlatt and Slimesicle) (Author’s notes: EEEEEE it’s finally here, i’m so sorry for the delay, I hope you guys love it!! just know the thing at the end is not a forced scenario by any means, it’s what reader agreed to, she just doesn’t see the point of doing that event at that point in time, and I hope I communicated that effectively. and no flashbacks this chapter!! please enjoy.)
Charlie sits across from you, the two of you sitting in silence. You’re hemming a dress, the needle moving along between your fingers, as Charlie smiles at you. “You know, you didn’t have to hang back with me on this one,” he says. “It does me good to spend time with you. Seven months of robberies and sharp shooting shows? Lord knows I need a break,” you hum, before lifting up the dress to show him. “Besides, this needed to be done.” Charlie nods. “Sorry we couldn’t get anything nicer,” he mumbles. “No one will remember the dress,” you quickly say, before the two of you sit in silence once more.
“They will. I will at least.” Charlie smiles, before it fades, as he thinks of how to phrase what he had wanted to say next. You look up at him, knowing what he thought. Charlie was your oldest friend, after all. You didn’t want him to feel bad, or nervous.
“Nothing is going to change, Charlie.” You stare at each other for a moment, and his shoulders soften. “You sure?” “I won’t let it. Not on my watch.” Your gaze is intense and firm. “Not on my watch.”
Hasan knew it was a matter of time. One day, enough would be enough, he had hoped, and the six of you could stop, pack up, move somewhere else, try your fortunes elsewhere, taking satisfaction in the knowledge that you had done enough for the people living on the outskirts. The six of you, or even just you and him - could finally live your own lives as people. Have a proper home. If enough wasn't achieved, he knew it was a matter of time before something truly bad happened. And unfortunately for him, that feeling was about to be realized. Normal heist, Kurtis had assured him. Maybe all the successes had lured them into a false sense of security that morning. 
Break the wheel, stop the cart, stop the driver, steal, run. That was the expectation. That was the norm. They went through the motions. Ludwig shot down the wheel. Schlatt, Hasan, and Kurtis approached, as Ludwig held back, and held up the driver. But then Hasan heard a click behind his head. “Get down on the ground and put your hands up.” He turned around. He didn’t recognize the men. It didn’t matter. Hasan wasn’t going to give up that simply when they didn’t even know what he looked like. Hasan held up his gun in response. “We can all shoot you,” the man holding a pistol to Hasan’s head announced.
“Try it.” Hasan said. The other two men turned, and Schlatt and Kurtis turn to pummel the men into the ground. Hasan reaches over, shoving the man’s arm down and wrestling the pistol out of his hand. The men scuffle, before falling onto the ground. The man wrestled an arm free, punching Hasan square in the nose.
And then Hasan faced a horrible realization. 
He felt the bandana slipping from his face. Minutes passed, the punching exchanged throughout the six men.
He finally, finally hears another click. “Get up and get off my friends or I will shoot the three of you,” Ludwig said, holding the rifle. The strange men stood up, along with Kurtis, Schlatt and Hasan. Hasan looked over, Schlatt’s face also exposed. They both went to readjust but it was too late.
“We’re state policemen. They’ll know if you kill us,” one of the men shouts.
It was always a matter of time, Hasan thought. He had just been hoping it wasn’t today of all days.
Ted wasn't sure how many times he could live through this loop. His days felt identical, akin to trudging through quicksand. He knew how he and Eddy were being viewed. Idiots, fools. He figured the townspeople weren't far off with that one. His entire career was on the verge of slipping through his fingers, and he had a front row seat. The governor, tired of the antics and lack of answers, hired men to assist with the investigation. 
And it was these men now who entered the station.  “We saw them. Looked those pests right in the damn eyes, got them dead to rights," one says. Ted sits up, astonishment crossing his face. “You saw them?" The loop, he thinks, is finally ending. Damn to hell losing the credits to catching the robbers, Ted just wanted the ordeal to be over. The man nods. “The governor is gonna be mighty proud," he states. Ted rolls his eyes, getting ready to write. “I know everyone in this damn town, and there will be no arrests without me," Ted mumbles. The man nods again, and the words leave his mouth, and Ted freezes. Time stands still, and his body goes cold.
“One had a mustache and side facial hair. Long hair. The other one, the big one, tan. Freckles. Face covered in hair. Brown eyes."
Ted waves his hand at the man, tears forming in his eyes. “There has to be a mistake," he whispers. “We saw them, our eyes do not deceive us," the man insists. Eddy reaches to grab Ted's shoulder. “Ted-" “No." Ted slams his fist on the desk. “There has to be some mistake," Ted repeats. He knew they were right. “We didn't see the others." 
“No need," Eddy states. “We know who the others are." 
“Was there a woman?" Ted asks. The men look at him confusedly. “No woman. All men. Four. We only saw the two." Eddy nods. “So we can make the arrests then. We can keep our jobs," he says, looking pointedly at Ted, who collapses at his desk. “Tell me everything that happened," he looks up at the men, the shock wearing off.
You had woken up to the sounds of murmurs in the other room. You had chosen to sleep for a while after finishing hemming the dress, and now, hours later, feeling drowsy, woken up in a daze. You slowly sat up, before quietly rising and entering the living room. The men stood around the table, but they had all ceased when you opened the door. Staying in the doorway, your stomach dropped upon seeing their serious faces. “What’s going on?”
They were all looking at you, except Hasan.
“What?” you ask again, peering to look at all of them, the nerves starting to rise, your stomach tightening in knots. They finally looked up at you, and your stomach plummeted. Schlatt had bruising on his cheek, his lip busted. Kurtis wasn’t much better off. But Hasan? Hasan’s nose was clearly broken, the blood all crusted around his mouth, his eye bloodshot, a bruise clearly forming. You step forward, reaching out to him, but he simply holds his hand up. “Get dressed. We’re leaving now.”
You don’t ask to where. You already knew. You had made this deal months before, that morning after that man had tackled you seven months ago. The deal had felt like lifetimes ago, especially with the stark realization that you were going to be caught. 
“Are you sure? But-”
“Do as I say.” Hasan cuts you off. You nod, turning to go back and shut the door. “Everything is going to be okay,” he calls out. You don’t respond. Just wonder why you aren’t even bothering to run.
Eddy had finally gotten Ted out of the chair and onto a horse. He felt sick. He didn’t care about the childish fight over Hasan for you that had lasted their whole lives. What did that matter now? He was still Ted’s friend, in Ted’s mind and heart. You were all his friends no matter how you felt. He had based his whole life on you. And now he was going to arrest and condemn your friends to hell. Eddy had tried to have him think positively. You weren’t there, Charlie wasn’t there. You weren’t guilty. There was suspicion. But the two of you weren’t there. You would live.
But Ted was going to have to hang four people he loved. And it made him sick. But it also made him angry. He knew and he knew you knew. How could you betray him in such a way? Did he deserve it? He knew you only had good intentions. Just those intentions weren’t for him.
He was still circling all the topics in his head when the men approached the cabin. Eddy turns to Ted, who was finally snapping out of his thoughts. They get off the horses, hands on their pistols. Ted knocks on the door. No answer. “Charlie! It’s…It’s Ted. Open the door.”
“Charlie! We can talk about this. But I have to do this. I’m sorry. Open the door.”
“Ludwig! Kurtis! Open the damn door.”
Eddy nor Ted had heard the small child approaching. The child stood behind them watching. “They aren’t home,” the little voice calls out. Ted and Eddy jump a little, but turn to the boy. “Where are they?” Eddy asks, crouching to the child’s level. “I’m not supposed to say,” the boy winces. “You’re gonna hurt them.” “We’re the good guys. They did some bad things,” Eddy whispers. “How was it bad? They helped me. I was sick, and they used money to get me medicine to make me better. They helped my mommy build a home.” “They…well they did bad things to get the money. It isn’t right.”
The little boy’s shoulders fall. “You won’t hurt them right?” Eddy and Ted exchange a guilty glance, and Ted raises an eyebrow. Eddy looks back to the little boy, feeling immense guilt. “We won’t hurt them,” Eddy says. 
“They went to the church.”
“We could just run. We have horses. We could ride away,” you whisper to Schlatt. He shakes his head. “No use, doll. We sealed our fates.” Tears leaked from your eyes. “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I should have listened to you. You said no and I ignored you and I’m going to get you all killed,” you whimper, as you grip his arm. He shakes his head. “Don’t say that. I made that choice, doll. I could have kept saying no. And besides, we helped so many people. We shouldn’t take that back.” “You’re my family. I need you alive. We can run. Why can’t we? Why should we still do this?” You plead with Schlatt, but it’s no use. “You can’t change fate, kiddo.” He turns to you, tucking a strand of your hair, then looks over at Hasan, at the front of the church.”  Then he leans over to whisper in your ear. 
“He always knew it would end up like this. He was just hoping he wouldn’t go out without doing the one thing he’s always wanted to do.” 
Schlatt straightens himself, and you look at each other. “I wish we could have done this under happier circumstances,” you whisper. “Me too. We gotta make do with what we got while we got it, yeah?” He extends his arm, and you take it. You reach down with your other hand and smooth out the white dress.
And with a simple nod, Schlatt is marching you down the aisle to Hasan.
Hasan gives you a small smile under all the bruising, and you take your place beside him. It wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t Ted, and you loved Hasan differently, but you loved him. And if he was going to die for you, you could afford him this last kindness, right? You accept what you have.
And then the doors opened, the familiar pistol click echoing throughout the almost empty church. 
You turn to see Ted, his pistol pointed just straight, Eddy and three other men behind him, also holding pistols. He looks around frantically, seeing Ludwig, Kurtis, and Schlatt sitting in their pews. Hasan lets out a curse, and Ted finally looks to see you, 
standing in your wedding dress, getting married to his childhood’s best friend and worst competitor.
He turns his pistol up at Hasan.
“You’re under goddamn arrest, fucker.”
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violetwolfraven · 12 hours
Whenever I write Jack Kelly, he is practically vibrating with fear at all times. Fear that he won’t be able to protect himself or his chosen family, or worse that the best thing he can do to protect them is to not be there with them. Like if Snyder were to find out where he was, the safest thing for the others would be for him to abandon them. This is a worst case scenario that Jack lives in constant fear of. It would kill him a little, if it ever happened. He covers up the fear with all this bravado, like by acting carefree and confident and pretending like he doesn’t feel fear at all, he can make that true.
And for the most part it works, actually. On the others at least. It’s like that myth about frogs not jumping out of boiling water. The others have lived with the confidence act for so long that they don’t really question it. Maybe when they first met him they could see through it a little, notice a flighty edge to his smile, the way he lives with his head on a swivel, always watching for… something, but over time they become numb to it. It’s their baseline for how Jack is. There are times when things get really bad and he slips, but for the most part they can’t see through the bravado. Jack has this remarkable ability to make others feel safe, and they assume he feels equally safe with them.
But the feelings of safety Jack creates for others are illusions and he knows it. It’s not that he’s lying to them, it’s just that he is very aware that in practical terms, there is a limit to what he physically can protect them from. The others don’t have that same awareness, a fact he is also very aware of. He doesn’t want to scare them with how little he can actually keep them safe, so he doesn’t tell them. He says there’s nothing to worry about and for the most part, they believe him. Jack’s manufactured confidence is all they’ve ever known from him, and it’s not as if he’s given them reason to doubt him. He’s never failed to protect them in a substantial way before.
Davey, however, didn’t grow up with the assumption that if Jack says everything is fine, it is. He’s meeting Jack for the first time at a time of crisis. He can see the fear behind the confidence and he hasn’t had time to become accustomed to it. He knows that Jack isn’t as confident as he tries to seem.
And then Jack fails to protect someone. And unlike the others, Davey is prepared to deal with the fallout, because he never saw Jack as infallible in the first place.
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dozydawn · 1 year
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Needlepoint embroidery (found works made from hobby kits, unpicked and reworked) by Matt Smith.
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hejee · 4 months
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i really just wanna draw them shirtless
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halflifebutawesome · 28 days
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MAY 16, 200-
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myuiis · 6 months
LOOKISM 479 SPOILERS (gungoo edition)
as ceo of gungoo (self proclaimed, probably not true), this chapter made me CRAZY INSANO!!!!
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anyways gun is so unserious like ok 🙄 I get it you have solid, rippling, perfectly sculpted abs now out a damn shirt on it is SNOWING!!
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god this is so homosexual
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they’re pouring drinks for each other 😭😢🥹🥲😢😭🥺UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE
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me and who
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he proposed. I don’t care he proposed. This is a love confession and a marriage proposal.
THEYRE SO DOOMED… they’re doomed to be enemies, they always knew this day would come, they accept it so easily because they both knew each other well and that the other party would’ve chosen this path, no matter what… they’re doomed by the narrative and they accept it, they both knew it the whole time, it’s written on their bones…
ptj giving me more gungoo is scaring men go because he’s establishing goo as guns good friend… and his death.. might… yeah…
also yk Samuel said the same thing to Jake before and we all know how THAT turned out…
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yeyayeya · 3 months
I don’t see enough Feng Xin x Jian Lan content and it makes me sad
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