#if you draw him as Some Guy but with feathers you are weak
measureyourlifeincake · 9 months
ysee, i believe people can do whatever they want in their fanart + headcanons, though i myself am not really big on headcanoning appearances for characters we never see bc i don't have a very strong visual imagination and it just doesn't super interest me
however, i also believe that if you draw the protagonist of slay the princess (or any of the voices or the narrator) without a beak then you are a coward
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sirensea14 · 3 months
Do you have any headcanons for Kickinchicken x Female reader (Cartoon & Big Bodies)?
(I'm CRAVING more KC x Reader hcs) (there aren't enough and it makes me sad )
AAAAAAAAA its been a while since ive had any thought about kickinchicken, and sadly, ive gotten over him now😭 (a long time ago, actually) But i know u guys love him sm more than i do so I'll give him some thoughts. Note: some previous posted headcanons that i had while i was brainrotting with poppy playtime might repeat here, but im too lazy to go back and check on that post so here ya go. [Those 'x reader's i made might have a mention on this too] i might refer the reader as "you" or "her" but either way, its the same lol, idk why i keep switching povs T-T
KickinChicken x Fem!Reader headcanons!
Cartoon version:
[Imagine: Reader is any animal you like. The Smiling Critters is a show and all the times you are living is when a child is watching you on-screen]
Kickin often ruffles/pats reader's fur/feathers/head whenever the reader successfully did something
Kickin instinctively goes to the reader's side whenever the critters are preparing to [inhale catnap's bad breathe] sleep
The reader is sometimes the storyteller of the group during sleepovers. Kickin lays on his stomach, rests his chin on both of his palms and watches you read with dreamy eyes
Kickin is prolly the most flirty and pun enjoyer of the group. If someone actually had a counter against his flirt, he would be flabbergasted. You did this more than thrice in the show (dw, these are all child-friendly flirts)
Catnap sometimes fights you whenever you want to tell a story while Catnap wants to make the othe critters sleep. Kickin cheers at you and says "Fight! Fight! Fight! Go y/n, go!" Which makes the situation worse (he receives numerous bombastic side eyes) Dogday and Hoppy interrupts tho
You and kickin are the most sarcastic couple duo of the group. He makes you laugh, you make him laugh, "Ew. You guys are making us cringe" says hoppy. Others nodded in agreement.
Dogday is your best man and woman in a wedding episode "Wait, when did that hap--" (pickypiggy)
S i d e w a l k r u l e 👑 (also applies to episodes with dangerous adventures)
You guys share each other's food. And sometimes with Pickypiggy if you two didnt have any food with you
When you guys are chilling, he likes to nestle beside you, bird style✨ He also loves the cuddles and pats you give him (and your attention too, he's an attention seeker)
Despite his confident and brave attitude, he is actually the first one to cower and run whenever the group faces danger, but when you're with him, he pauses from running and decides to shield you from danger (which is most often a boulder in one of the smiling critters' adventures) you get squished, tom and jerry style
His blanket is (your favorite color x color and pendant shape) while yours is yellow with red star pattern
He likes to show off along with his "shades of coolness" that he brings out magically from his 'pocket'. (Typical cartoon character) You match him with your own (favorite shape) shades
Kickin once asked a commission for Crafty to draw you and him together under a tree. The unicorn bought new crayons with over 100 after that
Bigger Bodies version:
[Imagine: reader is the player. Depends on you whether the player/reader is an ex-employee, an orphan that was adopted til adulthood, or random person wandering.
KickinChicken breathes Yellow Smoke, which can calm down any living thing nearby; children, adults, and the reader. It also has a dreamscape-like effect (like what Catnap did in the game). For the BBI experiments and living toys tho, it will slow them down as if the smoke has a "freezing" effect. Some will sleep when theyre weak enough, but this smoke cannot completely combat CatNap's red smoke.
BBI KC (this will be what i will refer him to as to not to be confused with the cartoon one) doesn't like it when the reader goes out on her own
If you chose the reader/player to be an ex-employee; BBI KC will recognize her as the caretaker who showed genuine care to him even as an experiment. As a result, he has a small childish crush on her but set it aside because of survival. (He still has it tho)
If you chose the reader/player to be an orphan; BBI KC will recognize you as one of his old playmates when he was still "alive". He was very protective of you after you encountered him in the factory.
If you chose the reader/player to be a random explorer; he spared you and took interest in your offer to bring him to the outside world. He admired your determination to go back home alive and your luck to deal with the shittiest toy factory in the world. You two worked together to solve puzzles and activate the power switches etc.
When the two of you got outside of a building, you took the opportunity to fly with BBI KC and explored every bit of PlayCare (specifically, after BBI Dogday's chase sequence) You loved grabbing on BBI KC' s talons as he flew up. You had the impulsive thought of leaving it all behind by flying up to the entrance of the cable car but Ollie called before you can even tell BBI KC to do so.
When BBI KC rests, you snuggle up to his chest and he chirps in a hoarse voice. He will also exhale some yellow smoke to prevent enemies from getting closer.
He tries his best to be with you at every second but there are times when he cant (like sneaking into vents or the School)
He hugs you with his wings to keep you warm.
Whenever you're scared, BBI KC always says pleasant things to boost your confidence up. He doesnt like it when y/n shakes in fear.
He got extremely violent with CatNap. Especially that one time when he was about to eat your head.
He has bird instincts to pick up random stuff and pile it near you whenever you're at rest. (he's like building a nest)
If there was food in the game, BBI KC wouldve gotten you lots of it.
He likes playing with your grabpack and often high-fives with you whenever you two activated a generator
He hates ollie the moment interruptor
Uhh i think thats all for my hc lol, hope u enjoy it even tho its kindaaa not really good but not that bad either
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hannahmanderr · 11 months
Ooh, the full everlasting trio with kiss 29 or 21?
~ 21. "we'll face this together" kisses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sam figured there'd be some tears shed on the day of Danny's coronation.
She just hadn't been expecting them to be Danny's tears.
It was only the three of them in the wing, waiting for Danny's cue to enter the throne room. His crying had been so quiet at first, it had taken her and Tucker a long time to notice. Too long, in her opinion.
"Whoa, whoa," Tucker said. They were by Danny's side in an instant. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Danny sniffled and wiped a tear away. "I'm fine," he mumbled. "Don't... just don't worry about me."
"Fat chance, ghost boy." Sam grabbed his hand. "It's your coronation, you should be, like, over the moon."
"I am!"
The look she and Tucker gave him communicated their clear disbelief.
"Seriously, D. Just talk to us." Tucker grabbed his other hand. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's okay."
Danny took a deep, shaky breath. Silent tears still ran down his face. "It's nothing, I swear. Just... I'm being stupid. It's not a huge deal."
"If it's a huge deal to you, then it's a huge deal to us."
"And don't," Sam said, cutting off Danny as he opened his mouth to retort, "go apologizing for making us worry or whatever nonsense. We love you, of course we're gonna worry about you. Deal with it."
That earned them a weak smile from the soon-to-be king. "I was gonna say I don't want to make it a huge deal..."
She and Tucker exchanged a glance. True, they couldn't read each other's minds, nor could they read Danny's, but many years of friendship and now more equipped them with the experience necessary to deduce what he was on about.
Sam smiled, soft and gentle, and leaned in. Tucker did the same. They planted simultaneous, feather-light kisses on either corner of his cheek. When they pulled away, he stared at them with wide green eyes.
"What was that for?" She didn't think she'd ever get over how cute his look of confusion was every time.
"You're not gonna do this alone, you dork," she said, delivering a playful punch to his arms.
"We'll walk right up there with you, and if those stuffy eyeballs get mad about it, you can just tell them off. You're gonna be in charge after all," Tucker added with a cheeky grin.
Danny laughed, albeit hollowly. He looked back and forth between the two of them. "I just don't know..."
"And you don't have to. That's why we're gonna be right there by you, no matter what. So you'll always have someone to fall back on."
The corners of his lips twitched upward.
"Your Highness? They're ready for you."
Danny breathed in again. "You guys promise?" he asked in a hoarse whisper, squeezing their hands.
Sam squeezed his hand right back. Somehow, she knew Tucker did too. "Of course. Not that I can talk for Tucker, but of course I promise. With all my heart."
"And mine too!"
"... Okay." He exhaled, blowing bangs out of his eyes. "Okay. Yeah. I've got this."
Tucker made a buzzer sound. "Nope. Try again."
That finally got a true smile out of Danny. "Fine, whatever," he said with a playful roll of his eyes. "We've got this."
They entered the throne room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Send me a ship and a number from this ask game and I'll write a blurb or draw a sketch!
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afterartist · 1 year
Little known fact about me
I really love birds!!
And I love Winged AUs, so I thought, why not make my own version
So here’s my take on some of the well known AUs as what wings they would have (plus some dumb little notes lmao)
Classic: Pigeon
(Come on- its perfect- I don’t need to explain this-)
Fell: Bearded Vulture
(They coat themselves in blood and red mud- that’s totally edgy mc edge lords kinda thing)
Swap: Parrot
(Super smart, bright and dexterous- He deserves this- best boy)
Dream: Barn Owl
(Very silent fliers but don’t have water proof feathers so can’t fly well in rain (dream has a fear of storms- it’s all coming together))
Ink: Pelican
(Idk why- it just fits in my mind (he’s not a parrot shut up-))
Error: Secretary Bird
(Long distance and usually one shot attacks- like- these guys are so badass but also rly super dumb- they’re perfect)
Nightmare: Raven
(Only the edgiest bird for the lord of angsty teens (but also a super smart king of negativity ig)
Killer: Magpie
(Smart, dangerous and easily distracted by shiny things)
Dust: Herron
(Very precise, well timed, attacks in multiple different terrains via super sharp beak)
Horror: Wedged Tailed Eagle
(These things take out paragliders- you can’t tell me a tank like horror wouldn’t be one of these)
Cross: Woodpecker
(It was either this or a chicken and I don’t want the cross fangirls after me-)
Fresh: Cuckoo
(Plus My AUs (for funnies))
Barrier: Swan
(Anger issues go brrrrr- also he’s pretty but an asshole <3<3)
Idle: Osprey
(They can sometimes track their prey for miles and have versatile talons(technically this is spoilers but y’all don’t have context yet lol))
Spoke: Lovebird
(Very smart but usually underestimated and thought of as ‘weak’)
Rivper: Arctic Tern
(Who better to be a multiverse taxi then someone who literally won’t stop migrating)
Helical: Burrowing Owl
(Lives in the desert, attracted to shiny things and hides from the sun- it’s literally him- what more can I say)
Climate: Red Winged Fairy-Wren
(his colour palette, loves storms and doesn’t have a neck)
Idk, I may draw some of these if y’all are interested but this is just a dumb little idea that’s probably rly badly thought out
But I like birbs and I like this so u have to deal with it (:
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paxcallow · 2 months
Sooo youre one of the only people ive seen post Psychonauts t-word stuff... crazily, because it seems primed for it. Anyway your characterization is so good and cute and my crops are starving, do you have headcanons about any of the characters, lol?
uh oh, am i now known as the psychonauts tickling person? i swear i like the games normally too.
however as of writing this sentence the power for my whole neighborhood just went out while i was drawing an unrelated OC comic about tickles. so. yeah you got me there sure i'll talk about the t word! (thank you for liking my characterizations. im just a memer.)
they're mostly about
raz is a tickle monster yeah yeah we've been over this. tickles friends, tickles enemies. tickles himself. tickles fish. (crow feather was enrichment for raz. it's messed up that someone in the pelican definitely took it away from him before they got to the motherlobe.)
he likes to make people laugh! his favorite person to tickle is lili zanotto for obvious reasons, and also because she always takes revenge. which is all he wants, he's so disappointed whenever someone doesn't tickle him back. :') raz is probably most ticklish under his arms.
i think lili probably only has two targets, being her dad and raz. she catches on pretty quick to raz's love of tickling and takes advantage of it to be a good and/or bad girlfriend, but she can kind of... overdo it. (TK, herbaphony, general ruthlessness.) and has to be politely asked once or twice to please please please dial it back, probably through hysterical laughter.
funny HC i just came up with just now: what truman knows but raz does not is that lili's biggest weakness is playing "this little piggy" on her feet. all of her resolve crumbles. lili would give away government secrets under this inhumane torture. she has to keep this from getting to raz and also milla.
milla loves to tickle the children <3 and it's great because she's a great empath so she can tell when someone just isn't in the mood or what have you. milla likes to pretend there's an invisible tickle monster that goes after kids who lie/stay up super late/etc. the monster is of course her own telekinesis, but this doesn't stop anyone from referring to it as "milla's tickle monster" and treating it as a genuine threat.
milla enjoys tickles too, but just isn't a freak about it like RAZPUTIN AQUATO, who is incidentally the only one who will tickle her on account of he tickles everyone. she appreciates that little goblin.
sasha isn't ticklish.
oh except on his neck. only one person knows this, though. i bet you cant guess her name!! :)
anyway that's the main guys. i'm sure i have HCs about some of the other characters. truman. hollis. those 7 guys what made the psychonauts. thorney towerers. everyone should be tickled.
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tkfanz428 · 11 months
If your requests are still open!! You should write some Alejandro headcanons if you’re comfortable with it!
No problemo!
This one I will not add a drawing as those are tiring for every headcannon.
Also I’m gonna add in Tyler as well for this guy.
Alejandro: he may be a demon as a Ler, but as a lee, he’s a complete hypocrite. He expects people to let him tickle them but not let them tickle him. His body isn’t as sensitive as Cody or Noah, but he has a similar problem like Harold, it’s all compacted into one section, for him specifically is his neck down to ribs. I can Noah or maybe heather using this to their advantage for either sabotage or revenge. The rest of his body is more slightly ticklish, and there’s some orange on his belly.
Tyler: Tyler is very clutzy, and gets him stuck in situations where he is very vulnerable to tickles. His upper half is the main target since it’s both accessible and sensitive. If you’ve seen my first Tyler fic, you’d what I mean when I say a feather is it takes for him to break. His weakest spot would be his underarms, since I like the idea that bigger muscles are more sensitive to tickles. His ankles are also pretty weak, but he will kick you if you try, and it will hurt. He is on our top ten ticklish contestants, ranking at number seven.
And like I’ve said on my pinned post, specify what you want when you make requests.
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if you want to, feel free to talk more about trust fall and poor unfortunate souls 👍 id love to hear more of your thoughts :)
sorry for taking a few days, i forgot the original question by now (if there was one) so we’re doing a mini director’s cut ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Poor Unfourtunate Souls:
“You know, nothing you can do to me will make me talk,” the vet drawled, hiding apprehension under snark.
look. look. opening a scene where legend is snarky at first, but we all know it’s a front and then it crumbles so fast- that makes me go feral, I will never get tired of writing it.
Legend scowled, thinking hard about what would be safe to say without being an obvious lie. “One has a huge, ferocious wolf that follows him around everywhere. Could maul you in a heartbeat, but obeys every command from him. Another hates mirrors. Show him his reflection and he’ll be depressed for a week. Oh, and one guy? Pillows, blankets, anything soft and cuddly.”
just one of those little things i was so proud of thinking of :) it’s so fun to write hints that the readers but not the characters will understand.
“You want the truth?” Legend asked, and the blademaster inclined his head. “I don’t know. I’ve been locked up in here for ages, they could be anywhere by now.”
that moment when he realizes that he’s not getting anywhere by being funny and he takes the risk of telling the truth but it’s not enough-
Now that they finally, finally, had a safe and quiet moment, Legend took the time to actually inspect Four. The smith’s breathing was ragged and wet, and Legend prayed that his lungs were free of water. Liquid dribbled from Four’s mouth, nose, and eyes; water and bodily fluids combining into one sticky mess. The tips of his hair were damp, and the feather which usually swayed from his ear was now heavy and still. His broken wrist was clutched to his chest with his other hand to reduce agitation.
if i knew how to render i would draw this in a heartbeat. gonna go cry over the poor thing instead :(
Four’s eyes were wide, swirling with blue and red, but then he narrowed them and nodded determinedly.
foreshadowing for the eventual sequel!! right now vio and green are in shock so the most emotional colors are stuck in the front. red is still terrified and blue is too, but the latter is trying his hardest to direct his anger at the yiga instead of focusing on their own feelings.
Four’s mouth opened in a silent scream, lungs too weak to produce anything but a high, wispy whine.
there's definitely going to be some lasting physical effects too, he just practically drowned three times for goddess' sake.
Trust Fall:
starting with the title this time since i already talked about the other one! this was a stand-in title that i immediately fell in love with. it represents the actual trust fall that legend shares with warriors, letting him administer the sedative. it also makes me think about how close legend was to falling (unconscious), without being able to rely on trust. if warriors hadn’t gotten there just in time, this would be a very different story.
They held him in place as he watched the remaining medic draw up a sedative in… in a…
this isn’t the only time this happens; I try to show how even thinking certain words is a big trigger for legend. even in his own mind, he can’t bring himself to fully acknowledge what’s happening.
He knew that it was worse to look but he couldn’t make himself look away and Warriors would tell him to stop but Legend was alone and scared and-
here’s a writing tip! run-on sentences are very good for when you want to portray that your character is spiraling into a panic. shorter sentences work for a character who can barely think because their panic is more of the hyperventilating kind.
Then the captain spoke, and Legend realized that he was furious. His tone cold and commanding as he ordered the other soldiers to “Release him. Now.” “B-but sir,” the soldier on Legend’s right said, “He’s highly dangerous and violent.” “So am I,” Warriors hissed. “Hands. Off.”
*obligatory pause for the screaming fangirls*
He let out a ragged sob, and let Warriors pull him into a loose embrace.
in hanging by a thread, warriors asked hyrule to hold legend because hyrule is more comfortable with touch. warriors is able and willing to provide physical comfort if there's no other option, and he doesn't hesitate for a moment this time. anything to help his brother feel safe.
While Legend did that, Warriors looked over his shoulder at the confused medic. “Put that away,” he whispered, nodding at the syringe in their hand. [...] Legend heard a few soft clicks as they capped the needle and hid the syringe in a drawer.
this is the first time that legend actually acknowledges the fact that the medic is wielding a syringe. warriors' presence helps him face his fears even the tiniest bit.
He could do this. He was still injured for goddess’ sake.
fun fact i spent so long trying to figure out what injury he should have before deciding that it isn't plot-relevant enough to bother wasting my time on it.
If Warriors asked if he was ready, Legend didn’t think that he would say yes. Warriors gently loosened Legend’s hands and held them in his own. “Come with me,” he said, pulling Legend up to stand with him.
warriors knows. he knows that asking would make things worse, so he just takes things into his own hands. he's exactly who legend needs right now.
Legend heard the rustle of fabric as Warriors awkwardly unclipped his scarf. He fumbled to undo the clasp with only one hand; the other was holding something.
we're back to treating the syringe as an unspoken thing... legend's fear has returned in full force and not even warriors can comfort him enough.
“I’ll be fast. Just a few moments, then you can rest.” The cadence of Warriors’ voice was steady, almost unnaturally so.
this isn't easy for warriors either. he hates that he has to do this again, but he can't let legend know that. maybe i'll mess around with a warriors pov someday...
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missamyrisa2 · 1 year
Seeing these wonderful teases puts me in such a lee mood that I've never felt before, that being said I'm pretty well known in my circle of friends for being the stoic guy that never laughs at anything. No jokes or weak attempts at tickling me ever do the trick. Say, however, I found myself spread eagle on a table, how would you be able to break my stoicism? and maybe even get my friends to become a gang of merciless lers?
Oooh ~ I adore a stoic tough guy that thinks ticklish laughs aren't going to get the better of him ~ makes it such a fun challenge, and in my experience, makes your giggles ever so much more squeaky and giggly~
Hmmm~ maybe we'll call this giggle milking ~! Oh yes, you spread all snug on my purple massage table. The sweet scents invade your nostrils as I pace about, the cuteness of my floral outfit filling your eyes with girlish design ~ how silly, the idea that this would somehow be torture, that you could be made to laugh. "Oh, I'd save your strength~" I muse, seeing you try to test the restraints. "You're quite comfy there, and we're not going anywhere until I get what I want from you~" I suddenly crawl up onto the table, spreading my fingers wide showing you an impressive span of nails~ "And I always get what I want from boys who think themselves tough~" I start wriggling my fingers in claw-like motions, making threatening gestures towards your upper body. "Mmmhm. Act like it doesn't bother you. Struggle. Be confident. Fight it off. That's right~" I grin and shake my head slowly, studying your every reaction and expression. My index fingers poke and stroke lightly at your biceps. "That doesn't tickle, does it? Nooo~" I follow your trembles, working around the curvatures of your arms, tracing the veins and testing each muscle with feather-like strokes and rubs.
"Fight. Struggle~" I repeat, nodding at your tight-lipped countenance. My blue eyes glow through my glasses as I asses every part of your body. My hair starts to fall in my face and I don't push it away, my concentration on your body can't be shaken. My fingers work together inward, tracing your collar now. "No ticklish boy here. Not at all. You won't be giggling and pleading for mercy, nuh-uh." I work to your neck with one hand, drawing up and down as my other hand begins probing an armpit. "Work those muscles. So tough. So mmmacho!" I crinkle my nose in contempt at your stoicism, working around, down your ribs to draw nails along each one and each gap. One hand picks up a feather from the table and uses the tip to test each chest button. "Boy buttons. Two of them. And you're not sensitive huh? Don't get a little snickery when a girl plays with your nipples? Nooo, that's not for you. You're a tough little boy cookie. You don't crumble." I scoot back and let the feather trace into your navel, dipping in and out. I stroke my fingers on your taut belly, feeling around for every twitch I can find. "Such a pretty tummy. Are you a pretty boy? Mmm? What, you don't like being called that? I see some blushes. Gorgeous body. Mmhmm. Lovely form, amazing figure. Quite the guy~ fight it, fight off my words ~ they're just words and yet your cheeks are getting so pink. I think you want to giggle. I think you're a ticklish boy. You wanna know how I know?"
I cackle, bringing my tickly fingers full bore into your sides, attacking every spot I had been carefully cataloging - and avoiding. With a sneer I skitter my nails up your ribs and across your nipples to flick them earnestly before digging into your underarms. I bounce with you on the table. "Tickles by exclusion! That's what got ya~ Silly boy. Now I'm gonna milk every giggle from you mmmhmm~" I show how I can make you thrash with one hand as the other rests on my waist, my superior smirk beaming down. I scoot back further and play with your hips, rubbing them with my thumbs, sliding fluffy makeup brushes on each hip dip to make you really dance. "And oh yes, I didn't forget about these feet~! Go ahead giggle boy, mr tough pants, show me how impervious you are!" I snicker and turn around, giving you an ample show of my bouncing tush and wide feet as I merrily start drawing my nails up and down your soles, digging under each toe, prying them apart to play with the webbing between~ my teasing voice carries over as I delight in your brokenness. "Aww, so close too~! You almost made it huh? Now you have to give me alll those giggles, yep~ I'm taking every one of them!" I cackle again and start placing feathers between each toe before raking my nails maniacally along your soles ~ teasing every wrinkle and curve I can find. "Coochie cooooo~!" I sing out, working your body and teasing you endlessly with mine ~
And with you all giggle milked, you feel the restraints loosen. I'm over you again, smiling down brightly as I tap your wrists. "You're free to go my tough giggle cookie~" I can barely hold back a growing grin and you know I'm up to something but still hop off the table and consider the options. Two steps into your exit, the door flings open and a collection of shadows fall over your body through the harsh light. Footsteps approach, and you realize the room they emerge from was facing this one through a two-way mirror. Familiar faces enter the light, with unfamiliar smiles. Your friends are wearing the smiles of newly inspired ticklers. And they've been watching the whole show. I put my hands on my waist and smile with such satisfaction. "Take him~" I command, and watch as your friends descend to wrestle and tickle you to absolute bits with my demonstration in mind~ very quickly you are pinned with legs on your arms, a smiling face looking down with hands stroking your neck and underarm. Two bodies plop on your legs, one facing your belly and another your feet for endless attention on those areas. I stroll about, handing out makeup brushes and feather dusters ~ dipping down occasionally to insert a feather into your pants or between a toe. Phones light up around you as those who can't tickle yet are taking photos and videos, telling you "Smile cutie! Oh wait~" laughing at your plight ~ and to seal your ticklish fate I equip one of your friends with my supple paintbrush and paint, and direct them to label you as a cute ticklish boy right across your belly and chest in looping pink letters~<3
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asleepyb0i · 2 years
Leo followed his reptilian friend through the dark alleyways of New York. He could barely see his own hand, but the mutant ahead of him seemed to know exactly where he was going.
Kai turned his head to see if the slider was still following. He was. He let out a short sigh. “I normally don’t bring anyone here.” He started. “But I feel that I can trust you, Lee…”
Putting on his usual demeanor, Leo crossed his arms behind his head and smirked. “Bringing me somewhere private in the dingy alleyways? I’m interested~” he flirted.
As usual, Kai wasn’t amused. “Please, try and be serious. This place is very special to me.”
He toned it down a notch, but his smirk remained on his face. “I’m the most serious mutant of the sewers. Your secret place is safe with this guy.” He pointed his thumb towards himself.
Giving an unsure nod, Kai led him forward into another set of alleyways that brought them to a small, overgrown plot. It was sandwiched between two apartment complexes, and shaded away from the rest of the world. The only light peering into the garden was partially shielded by the large oak grown in the center of the plot. Various flowers had grown from the ground, dull, but alive.
Leo ran his fingers through the tall reeds. He felt a sense of comfort by being here. The noises of the city did little to make their way to the small haven Kai led him to. 
Kai breathed in the floral aroma emitted by the flowers. “I wasn’t always in company with birds.” He told his friend. “When I ran away from my home, I brought my little sister with me. She found this place, and planted these flowers when they were seeds.” He solemnly stared at a wooden cross dug into the grass.
The red eared slider gazed at the cross. He stepped forward to wrap his lean arms around Kai’s waist. “I’m… sorry…” he muttered. He rested his chin on his shoulder.
Kai sat down at the grave. “Lily loved flowers, and wanted to be a princess in a castle when she grew up- the kind of stuff that little girls liked. She couldn’t hear or see well, but flowers were so colorful, she thought they were the most beautiful things in the world.” He faintly smiled. It soon faded. “From the minute she came out of the egg, she was very weak. Despite this, she believed in herself that she would be able to become strong one day…”
Leo nodded along with his story, listening to how he talked about Lily. He also listened to his heart beat to different tunes when it came to different stories.
“How did she…?”
A small tear ran down his cheek. Kai rubbed it away with a shaky sigh. He tried his best to stay nonchalant, but his sister was always the fault in his armor of steel. “A few years ago, I went into the sewers to escape some thugs. I told Lily to stay where she was, but she wanted to be with me.” He narrowed his eyes. “I didn’t know that the drains were being flooded, and before we could get to safety, she…”
The turtle pushed close against Kai. He felt his heart sink as he began to catch on to what happened.
The mutant lizard clenched his fists, and the mane of feathers on his head stood on end. “The sewers swallowed her up, along with the pursuers that I tried to shake off my tail. If I had known!…” he growled. “Then I wouldn’t have lost my baby sister. I… I didn’t even have a body to bury, only the ghosts and whispers that never go away.”
“When you invited me to join your family in swimming in the sewers, I lied about having stuff to do. I just couldn’t bear to go back into the sewers that killed Lily- and cause a scene.” He lowered his head in shame. “I already see her in the corners of my eyes, drawing on the wall as my eyelids fall. I can’t go back in there, or it just might break me.”
Leo nuzzled his beak against Kai’s cheek affectionately. “It’s ok, mi amigo. I get it. You don’t need to justify not wanting to go into the sewers.” He played with the red feathers pinned into his skin. “I want you to know that I’m here for you.”
Kai nodded. His feathers slipped out from between Leo’s fingers. “I know that. It’s just that for so long, it was just me and my birds. They keep me grounded, and remind me that those voices aren’t real. After so long, it’s hard to fathom that I’m not dreaming.” A contented sigh seeped from his maw as Leon ran his fingers through his feathers.
The turtle rested his head on his shoulder. “I think you should see someone for your hallucid-ations. It’s not normal to hear and see things.”
“Hallucinations, bud,” Kai corrected him. “And how can I do that when the only doctors around here would freak out at the sight of me?”
“There are yokai doctors too.”
“In the hidden city? No. I told myself that I would never go back there again. I would be walking into a nest of serpents by doing that…”
Leo hummed in acknowledgment. “Then I’ll see if Donnie knows anything about your condition. He knows everything, and can figure something out.”
Kai knitted his scaly eyebrows. “Why do you care so much? I don’t want you to be burdened by my broken mind.”
Leonardo tilted Kai’s head to face his. He placed a brief kiss on his muzzle. A faint blush graced his snout. “Because I care about you. Believe it or not, you’re one of the most normal people I know.”
“I hardly believe that.”
“It’s true!” Leo laughed. “My dad is an ex-movie star turned sewer rat with ninja skills. My other dad was an evil scientist that wanted to destroy humanity using mutants. Then there’s April-”
Kai smirked. “Ok. I get it.” He let out a sigh as he leaned back. 
The slider grinned. “And you’re sure that we can’t have some fun in this super secret, private place.”
“Not in my sister’s garden,” Kai responded as he shot a glare at Leon.
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anthony-sharma · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread - Ch. 16
Chapter 16: Inej
“Kaz killed a lot of people. Rotty saw him go after the Black Tips who had you up on the crates. I believe his exact words were, ‘There was enough blood to paint a barn red.’”
He really became a little unhinged when he saw the Black Tips surrounding and almost killing his “investment”. Almost a little too much for her to be just an investment but Kaz is slow to acknowledge his feelings, so he’ll do it in due time.
“He was afraid for you.”
“Kaz isn’t afraid of anything.”
“You should have seen his face when he brought you to me.”
“I’m a very valuable investment.”
Nina’s jaw dropped. “Tell me he didn’t say that.”
“Of course he did. Well, not the valuable part.”
“How’s Matthias?”
“Also an idiot. Do you think you can eat?”
Of course Kaz is afraid of things, he just does a spectacular job of hiding his fears as to not let others know who his weaknesses are. Inej being up there, of course. 
But also...men are a little bit trash. In this case, both Kaz and Matthias. 
“I could read to you if I had anything to read. There’s a Heartrender at the Little Palace who can recite epic poetry for hours. Then you’d wish you had died.”
NO ONE IS GOING TO BE SPEAKING BAD ABOUT MY BABY TOLYA AND HIS LOVE OF POETRY, OKAY? But also, that’s probably an accurate description.
Inej was quiet for a while. “You saw my scars.” Nina nodded. “When Kaz got Per Haskell to pay off my indenture with the Menagerie, the first thing I did was have the peacock feather tattoo removed.”
“Whoever took care of it did a pretty rough job.”
“He wasn’t a Corporalnik or even a medik.” Just one of the half knowledgeable butchers who plied their trade among the desperate of the Barrel. He’d offered her a slug of whisky, then simply hacked away at the skin, leaving a puckered spill of wounds down her forearm. She hadn’t cared. The pain was liberation. They had loved to talk about her skin at the House of Exotics. It was like coffee with sweet milk. It was like burnished caramel. It was like satin. She welcomed every cut of the knife and the scars it left behind. “Kaz told me I didn’t have to do anything but make myself useful.”
This is interesting, since we see in season 2 that this part is changed, and Nina erases the tattoo instead and does an incredibly good job of it. I like that she got to become part of Inej’s liberation of the Menagerie, but at the same time I think I also like the version in SoC as well, because it shows how desperate she was to not be part of the House of Exotics she was willing to do anything for it. Which also ties back and makes it significant that Kaz was not willing to mark her since he knew and understood her background and trauma. 
“Kaz said if I proved myself I could join the Dregs when I was ready. And I did. But I didn’t take the tattoo.”
Nina’s brows rose. “I didn’t think it was optional.”
“Technically it isn’t. I know some people don’t understand, but Kaz told me … he said it was my choice, that he wouldn’t be the one to mark me again.”
I love how Kaz prides himself at being someone with no morals, and someone ruthless and cunning and so on, and says that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for the right price but he actually has morals he abides himself by! And this reminds me to the scene at the beginning of CK, where he throws the guy from the lighthouse because of how he was speaking of the prostitute. He might be ruthless and “without morals” but he draws a line at disrespecting women and he knew how important her freedom was for Inej and respected her for it by not marking her any further, giving her the choice to choose when it mattered.
“Teach me the chorus,” Inej said.
“You should rest.”
So Nina taught her the words, and they sang together, fumbling through the verses, hopelessly out of key, until the lanterns burned low.”
I love that they find even the most strange moments to bond and forge a friendship. If what I’ve read is correct, trauma makes people bond, and them being the only 2 girls in the Crows, I love seeing them bond and become even closer as the books progress.
Next we get into Jesper’s head and how he’s been holding up throughout all this craziness. 
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gridgirldrabbles · 2 years
Welcome Home
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Pairing: Pierre Gasly x Y/N
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: Smut, minors DNI
Request: Can I have a smutty request pls with Pierre - I'd really love to read a fic about some slow, lazy, soft morning sex, when he just wants to make the reader feel how much he loves her...this scenario is my weakness, and when it is combined with Pierre and his comments in french...ohmygod.
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this, it’s my first time writing smut so any and all feedback is appreciated!! to my lovely anon, I’m sorry this took slightly longer than expected, I hope I did your request justice, I’m sorry if my French is bad too!!
Your eyes slowly fluttered awake as you took in your surroundings. It was exactly like it always was, your bedroom curtains fluttering slightly in the breeze that came through the open window, the sunlight following behind it. There was something slightly different today though. A pair of muscular arms were wrapped around your middle and feather light kisses were being placed on your bare shoulder from behind.
Your eyes shut again as a smile graced your face, happy to no longer be waking up on your own. You couldn’t help but stretch your toes slightly, a happy sigh escaping your lips.
‘Good morning, mon amour.’ Pierre whispered into your ear, more kisses following his soft words. It was his first morning back in your shared home in Milan for the summer break and he could tell how happy you were to have him home as your arms settled atop of his and you shuffled backwards even further into his chest.
He had arrived home late last night, and the entire evening had been filled with sex and just relishing being in each other’s company. You hadn’t seen each other for three weeks as Pierre’s schedule before his short few weeks off had been hectic, as had yours with work as you’d wanted to get as much done before your lover returned.
‘It’s so nice to wake up in your arms again, I really missed you these last few weeks,’ you spoke, littering kisses along his shoulder that was beside your head.
‘I really missed you too, mon amour,’ his face was nuzzled into your hair, but it was hard to miss how the arms wrapped around you slowly began to travel further down your body, settling around your hips, ‘let me show you just how much.’
You could feel his hard-on behind you, it was hard to miss given the size. You could almost feel him smirking behind you as one of his hands unravelled itself from you, settling itself between your legs. There wasn’t exactly much of a barrier between Pierre’s hand and where you both wanted it to be. You had worn a dainty matching set last night while you were waiting for him to get back from the airport, and he had shown you that it had been very much appreciated. You had thrown the panties back on before you headed to sleep and now you were wishing you hadn’t.
Your legs opened for him almost instantly, albeit slowly given the fact you had just woken up, and Pierre’s hand was quick to follow. His fingers ghosted over where you wanted him most and you couldn’t stop yourself from bucking your hips forward, searching for contact. While Pierre usually loved being a tease, he had decided that this morning was all about you after how well you had behaved for him last night.
His fingers slipped effortlessly under the waistband of your underwear, and he didn’t waste any time before drawing slow circles onto your clit. A sigh of pleasure escaped your mouth, Pierre always knew how to touch you in exactly the right way. As his fingers continued their work, his other hand slid up from your hip to caress your breasts, rubbing your nipple slowly, matching the speed his other hand had already set.
‘Fuck, Pierre.’ Your hips were slowly rocking against his hand, aching for more contact than he was giving. His lips attached themselves to your neck, sucking a small love bite into the crook where your neck joined your shoulders, somewhere he knew you would be able to cover up. The both of you loved when he gave you hickeys, almost as if he was claiming you as his, but you both loved it even more as it was something only you two could see, a secret from the rest of the world.
‘Tell me what you want, mon coeur.’ Pierre was usually the dominant one in the bedroom, but it wasn’t uncommon for you to share mornings like this when he’d been away for a long time. He knew how hard it was for you with him being away so much, and slow morning sex when he got back was almost his way of saying thank you for putting up with him and his insane schedule.
‘I need more, Pierre.’ You moaned, ‘Fuck, I need you.’ His fingers and your hips were maintaining their slow rhythm, both of your minds clouded with a combination of sleep and lust.
‘Don’t want to rush, my love. We’ve got plenty of time this morning.’ Despite his words, his fingers ran down your slit and he slipped the middle one inside you while his thumb continued the torturously slow circles on your clit.
You couldn’t help the groan that escaped your throat, and neither could he as your walls clenched around him, prompting him to insert another finger. His hand that had lazily been squeezing your breast moved up to your face and he placed two of his fingers on your lips. You instinctively opened your mouth to suck on them, having done it thousands of time before as you knew how much it turned him on.
The way your tongue was working around his fingers obviously sparked something within your lover and the fingers inside you and on your clit sped up, and you could quickly feel an orgasm approaching. Your moans became more frequent, and your clenching indicated to Pierre that you were close.
‘Are you going to cum, my beautiful girl?’ You nodded as you moaned, ‘My good girl, cum on my fingers.’ His words pushed you over the edge and his fingers continued there motions until you grabbed his wrist to still them, overwhelmed by the sensitivity of your orgasm. His fingers withdrew from your mouth and turned your faced back towards his to capture your lips in a kiss. It was slow and romantic, and everything you had missed while he had been thousands of miles away.
‘Je veux te baiser, ma cherie.’ He groaned against your mouth, he knew how much you loved him speaking in his native tongue when you were making love. You had picked up on a few of his phrases over the course of your relationship and knew that he wanted to fuck you.
You turned your body towards him, hands tangling themselves in his hair as one of his hands settled on the side of your face while the others palmed your ass. It didn’t take long for him to hook his fingers into the side of your underwear and begin pushing them down your legs, allowing him to get to where he had wanted to be since he had woken up this morning.
He rolled you gently on to your back, climbing on top of you with his elbows settled on either side of your head. He pulled his lips away from your own, causing you to groan in frustration as he laughed. His beautiful blue eyes bore deeply into yours, seeing them over facetime just didn’t do justice to how mesmerising they were in real life.
‘Tu es si belle, mon amour.’ The words of praise made you blush and lift your head to reconnect your lips, a silent thank you passed between you. His lips left yours to leave slow, soft kisses down your neck to your chest, where he enveloped one of your nipples into his mouth. He sucked slowly, just in the way he knew you liked, while his fingers caressed the other. As he lifted himself to switch to the other you grabbed his face between your small hands and guided him until he was level with you.
‘Pierre, I need you to fuck me.’ The throbbing between your legs was becoming unbearable, and you could feel the trail on precum that his cock was leaving on your stomach. His trademark smirk made its way back on to his face as he leaned himself up, grabbing his cock in his hands and giving it a few strokes.
‘My pretty girl wants me to fuck her?’ A small whimper left your mouth as you nodded, the way he was speaking making you weak in the knees.
‘Did you miss me while I was away, my darling? Your tiny fingers just aren’t the same as mine are they?’ You shook your head, eager for him to get on with it, raising you hips slightly in the hopes of hurrying him along.
‘So eager for my cock, huh? Last night obviously wasn’t enough for my beautiful girl.’
He began to run his tips through your folds, collecting your wetness and spreading it around, with a particular focus on your clit. You couldn’t control the sounds leaving your body, not caring how desperate you were sounding. Your mind was still foggy from the few hours of sleep you had gotten, and you were sure that was the reason behind Pierre’s slow movements as well.
‘Pierre, please.’ You whined softly, and he didn’t need to be asked twice. He began pushing himself inside you, taking his time as he knew it took your body a few goes to adjust to his size after he had been away. You gasped as he bottomed out in you, and Pierre leaned back down over you to capture your lips in a tender kiss. His hips remained still for a few moments, letting yourself get used to the feeling of being so full before he began to rock himself back and forth.
The tip of his cock was slowly dragging itself across that spot inside you that made your toes curl and your eyes shut as your hands gripped onto his biceps to keep you grounded. Your legs wrapped gently around his hips as he pulled back from your lips, keeping eye contact as he continued his slow thrusts into you. He couldn’t stop the groans as he watched your face contort with pleasure, seeing you get so much pleasure from his actions was almost as good as the sex itself to him. He always made sure to put your needs before his own and this morning was no exception.
He felt your heels digging slightly into the small of his back, your signal that you wanted him to go faster. Of course, he obliged, increasing the pace of his hips as your hand absentmindedly started to drift down your stomach to your clit. Your eyes snapped open when your wrist was grabbed, and hand pulled away from where you had been heading.
‘Have your forgotten that that’s my job?’ He asked with a smirk on his face, his own hand dropping between you to rub circles onto your clit, groaning as it caused you to tighten around him.
‘Fuck, you’re always so tight for me when I get back my love.’ His eyes shut as his thrusts became sloppier, indicating he was close to his own release. The pace of his fingers increased as he was determined to get you to your orgasm before he reached his.
‘Oh my god, Pierre, you’re so good.’ You couldn’t stop the words of praise tumbling out your mouth, eventually turning into gibberish as your orgasm washed over you, mouth falling open and eyes falling shut in pleasure.
Pierre’s release followed straight after, cumming inside you as he liked to do when he had been away as it made you both feel closer. His hips stilled as his head dropped on to your chest, leaving featherlight kisses in their wake. He pulled out of you slowly as you whimpered at the empty feeling you got, the rush of his cum leaking out of you causing you to close your legs together.
Pierre noticed, as he always did, and picked you up bridal style which caused you to shriek, not expecting to be hoisted into the air so quickly. He carried you into the bathroom where he placed you down and turned on the shower behind you to warm up. He was so gentle in his actions, helping you step into the shower seeing how shaky your legs were after the morning activities. His hands slowly caressed your body, massing the aches in your thighs and even getting down on to his knees to kiss them as he told you how beautiful you were and how much he missed you. With him acting like the perfect boyfriend, it was no surprise that round two ended up happening in the shower only moments later.
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yuorumi · 3 years
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"I don't need your help."
"You look like you do."
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part of @/bluexiao's 5k collab event || event masterlist
characters: immortal!xiao x immortal!gn!reader and immortal!scaramouche x mortal!gn!reader!
prompt: "I don't need your help.” “You look like you do."
warnings: angst with comfort(?), lore based, may contain huge spoilers (scaramouche's true name + lore), OOC, + grammar errors.
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The adeptus stared at your peaceful sleeping body, resting in complete serenity as you gently held his hand as you slept. He wonders why it is that he was here anyway, by your side, when you had fallen asleep, holding his hand. Was it because you asked him to stay with you at night to feel at peace? Or was it because he felt compelled to stay by your side after all that you’ve done for him? Either way,  he knows he should be wandering the mountains and trails of Liyue, hunting monsters of the abyss, and fulfilling his contract to Rex Lapis.
Yet Xiao couldn't find himself leaving your side, especially when you had looked so at peace with him, your fingers tightly intertwined with each other as you leaned on it for warmth and pleasure. Even as you guys had spent years together, Xiao still found you to be an enigma, a puzzle he couldn't figure out. But at the same time, he felt as if he could've with the period you both had spent together. He truthfully didn't know what you were doing to him anymore. All he knew was that the bond you had forged with him was too late to be severed.
When he closes his eyes, Xiao could vividly remember the day where he allowed himself to show a sign of weakness - a side that he has yet to show anyone except for the Geo archon himself.
Through a contract forged by Rex Lapis, he and the other most foremost yakshas pledged to restore order through slaughter. With their own hands they slaughtered the monsters and mutations that roamed the land. However, the price to pay for eons of bloodshed and carnage, would be the suffering and perpetual agony of those guilty of annihilation. His friends had gone mad with fear and lunacy; there was a time where he too, thought there would soon come a day where he too would fall.
However, in the midst of all the chaos and battles, Xiao had stumbled upon a being much like himself; you. You were a god, capable of devouring the sins of both humans and the gods themselves. In your presence he was unable to feel the karmic debt on his shoulders. And for the first time in centuries, he did not feel bound.
Such tranquility was momentary.
There came a day where Xiao could no longer hold the torment in his soul. He allowed the darkness to seep out of his body, all the while letting out millenias of suffering that brought him torture.
He remembered screaming, crying, his body had never felt so much ache and misery. He tried to keep them in, desperately, but he couldn't. At some point he had begun to hear your voice, calling out to him. He recognized it to be the voice of the god that made his shoulders feel feather-light and weightless. He never wanted anyone to see this or be dragged into it; he didn't want an innocent getting hurt. Even if they were god, they were bound to still feel the backfire of his torment.
With gritted teeth, the yaksha yelled at them to back away and leave him to be by himself, "I don't need your help!"
"You look like you do!"
Against his wishes, you began to step closer and closer, pushing against the shadows repelling you as you perilously fought against the constraint. However, the closer you got, the more he began to feel the agony leaving his body. He watched as all the darkness went towards you, as if you were drawing it to your body, your figure seemingly absorbing it all until there was nothing left.
Even now, centuries later, he still remembers it clearly to this very day, the image of you coming to his rescue never leaving his mind as it etched itself into his heart and very soul. And in this present moment, his shoulders still feel as light and loose as ever. And thus far, the vigilant yaksha still cannot comprehend your very thoughts at that moment, risking your life to save him. He couldn't see himself as anyone worth saving. But as time grew on, he began to understand the need and desire for someone's presence and life by your side. You were the very essence of his life and why he was still alive today. Rex Lapis, now Zhongli, may have saved him back then, but now his life belongs to you. So should you wish for it, Xiao would stay by your side until the day comes for both of your departures into the next world together.
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Scaramouche was a being that was not human, he was a prototype creation meant for failure the moment he had taken his first breath as the puppet of the Raiden Shogun; Kunikuzushi.
Hollow and devoid of emotion, he lived as nothing but a shell for years on end. He never questioned why it was that he was different, or why it was that he created.
The day had finally come for his execution, he had no more purpose living a world where he had no value to the other successful replication. However, the shadow stopped herself midway when she saw the that the lifeless puppet had come alive with a will of his own. Pity and reluctance grew in her heart. If he wished to live then so be it, she had no more reason to kill him.
She was too naive.
The more time that passes, the more people and things start to change. Kunikuzushi had rebelled against his creator, taking the name of Scaramouche, the 6th Harbinger of the Tsaritsa, Balladeer.
He became violent, bloodthirsty, and sadistic, becoming a completely different being than his counterparts. He slaughtered the lives of innocent, their blood soaking his entire being as the amount of lives he took was enough to create even the most beautiful and grotesque masterpiece in all of creation. He was immortal that could not be killed, this was what gave the Balladeer the confidence he needed to take the gnosis from the land of Inazuma.
He thought that once he had it in his hands the power of the gods would become his - he was wrong. The product had rejected him.
Despite him being a failed product, he should still have similar composition to that of Ei. Yet once he had taken it and stored it inside his own body it had a negative reaction. The object began to resist his body.
The gnosis was actually trying to leave him. And it angered him to no end.
The power inside the gnosis was gnawing at his insides - his body - creating torrents of electrical energy and sending it across his limbs as if daring him to keep the object inside of him.
Scaramouche was stubborn so of course he refused to let such a tiny trinket control his decisions. Ignoring the constant shocks of lightning sent throughout his body every now and then he kept it inside his body without letting it go. It proved to he successful so far, but one night he was close to throwing the object away, annoyed at the continuous pain sent his way everyday, restricting his usual and mundane life.
Gasping and panting for air, Scaramouche tightly held his chest where the gnosis resided. It was an object just as stubborn as the Harbinger, refusing to stop it's currents until it was finally let out of his body.
If he had been any regular old mortal this would've killed them by now. But Scaramouche wasn't human, and he was willing to do whatever it took in order to ensure that the stupid trinket knows exactly who his new master was.
But while the Balladeer allowed it to happen, a certain mortal servant of his could not.
Foolishly loyal and benevolent, the solider could no longer endure the sight of seeing their superior in so much pain.
And so against his orders they barged into his room, interrupting him and snapping him out of his thoughts. Imagine his surprise seeing your figure at the door, eyes nearly glaring at the sight of seeing a stubborn Scaramouche bent over and in torment with an equally stubborn gnosis inside of him.
He immediately knew what it was that you were trying to do so ignoring your figure at the door he turned away and snarled through his teeth, voice stern and annoyed, "I don't need your help. "
"You look like you do. "
Every time you tried to near his figure he would just try and escape from you, pathetically limping and using the walls as some sort of support. Needless to say he didn't get very far until you stopped him and started scolding him. The latter not heeding your words and instead threatening to take your life if you had not let him go. You didn't.
"Listen Lord Scaramouche, trying to prove that you are powerful is a good thing. But putting yourself in the path of destruction isn't! What point is there in you sacrificing yourself if your not there to see what you had achieve?! If you want to tell others your strong then do it! But if your going to die showing others then your just foolish! "
Those words seemed to snap him out of whatever thoughts he was having, genuine surprise laced his face as he listened to you speak and try to knock some sense into him.
He should've felt annoyed and ended your life right then and there, but at the end of the night he couldn't bring himself to do so and instead removed the gnosis from his body, successfully silencing you and causing you great relief.
It was a good thing he hadn't end your life, if he did, you wouldn't be here now, still following him around like lost puppy. Something inside of him snapped that night. If he didn't need to prove to others that he was strong through self-sacriface and torment, then there was only one person he needed to recognize that he was strong.
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gingersnaaps · 3 years
keishin just can't stand the thought of anyone else being your first.
wc: ~2.5k
tags/tw's(PLEASE READ): noncon, explicit n*fw, alcohol, corruption of innocence, virgin!reader, mild misogyny, possessive ukai, masturbation, fingering, teasing, friends to lovers but fucked up, fem!reader with inner genitals
a/n: written for @seita and their collab! also i probably fucked up the characterization but oh well
i don't want minors interacting with my content
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To Keishin, you’ve always been untouchable.
He’d grown up alongside you - seen you go from your pretty pigtails to your grown-up bob, watched you turn from a schoolgirl into a woman. And through all those years, he’d always thought you were beautiful in the way that spring flowers are, all soft and sweet and dewy, your expression dripping innocence.
You’re pure. Unblemished. Perfect.
But that doesn’t mean he’s never admired from afar.
He almost hates it, these urges he gets. Keishin sees your stupid Instagram posts, your Facebook updates - in fact, he’s practically inundated with photos of you. He can’t escape the pictures of you in your summer skirts, grinning cheekily and holding up a peace sign, or the ones of you in your sundresses, the fabric lightweight and loose, cascading over your body in ripples.
And sometimes, after spending a few hours with you in person - maybe at a concert, maybe just catching up with you as friends - these urges he gets are too much for him to control, too much for just a cold shower to tamp down. He’ll lay his head back against his pillow, groaning in relief as he palms him cock, guilt gnawing him raw as he strokes himself to thoughts of the soft swell of your breasts, the barest brush of your hand - every exposed bit of your skin that he can conjure from his memory.
He always gets this empty feeling in the pit of his stomach after.
Keishin will reprimand himself, muttering about how creepy it is, how wrong it feels, how he’ll never do it again, but soon enough, he’s seeing your pictures all over his feed again, and you’re inviting him to some new outing.
He knows it’s not right, but he can’t really stop himself, either.
So when you call him up just days later, giggling and chatting his ear off about some new amazing discount at this local bar - look, Keishin, I promise it’s not far - going on and on about how he should join you in celebrating your latest raise at work, a wave of nausea sweeps over him. He should say no. He should make up some vague excuse, awkwardly laughing, brushing off your invitation while promising to make it up to you.
But it’s just been so long since he’s seen you.
He clears his throat, and his voice comes out dry and a little unsure on the other end. “Yeah. Yeah - I can go. See you there, [y/n], okay? Take care.”
Keishin hangs up the phone with a click before you even get a chance to respond, his hand unsteady and trembling.
He gets there before you do.
His fingers drum nervously against the tabletops, eyes scanning above the sea of overdressed, garish bargoers, looking around for any sign of you. It’s hard to make out faces among the crowd, all finer features clouded by the smoke and mirrors that dim lighting creates, but he’s looked at you enough times to be able to tell you apart with his eyes closed.
“Hey,” your voice greets, pressed close to his left side. “Never been to a bar before or what? Just relax, Keishin. We’re here to have a good time, right?”
He startles at your sudden appearance, flinching slightly. “Right,” he responds, a smile tugging at his lips.
He beckons the bartender over, ordering a few drinks, and you get settled into a routine of easy conversation. It doesn’t take long for you to get woozy, alcohol flooding your system as your cheeks flush and vision blurs. It loosens your tongue, loosens your wallet, and before long, you start losing track of the time of the drinks you order. All you know is that it feels good to let go, to lose yourself in the light-headed headspace you’ve found yourself in, the kaleidoscope of people around you dissolving until indistinguishable, walling off the rest of the world from just the two of you.
If Keishin’s going to be completely honest, though, he’s not really paying attention to what you're saying.
He’s paying attention to the men around you.
Maybe he’s just being paranoid, but he could swear that half the bar is leering at you, eyes following every movement of your body in ways that are absolutely unacceptable. He’s not an idiot. He knows what those other guys are thinking about; he knows how their dicks are straining in their fucking pants, how their thoughts must be wandering, he knows because he’s been there before.
Because even in the middle of a bar, surrounded by debauchery and alcohol and sluts, you look absolutely angelic. The halo of hair around your head looks so, so soft - he wants to stroke it, kiss it, use it as a handle to maneuver you around for him - and suddenly he’s consumed by thoughts of how much he wants to be the one to force you down around his cock, choking and sobbing, how much he wants to smear his cum on your gorgeous face and ruin you before anyone else can get to it. He can’t tear his gaze away from you as you shift closer, wobbling on your stool, completely oblivious to the way everyone else’s eyes are undressing you.
He knows you’re not doing this on purpose. You can’t be, no matter how many times you wiggle your ass on the bar stool, no matter how far up your thigh the hem of your skirt rides up. You wouldn’t tempt others like that. You’re just not that type of girl - you’re innocent, so open and guileless - you would never.
Keishin isn’t going to let anyone else fuck that up for him.
He knows it’s only a matter of time before some sleazy man comes along, his hands groping at your body, mouth whispering sinful words into your ear, and the mere thought makes him shudder with revulsion.
No, if anyone is going to wreck you, it’s going to be him.
When you eventually get too drunk, words slurring and half delirious, he catches you in his arms and leads you stumbling back to his own car. He revels in how peaceful you look with your eyes lidded with fatigue, clinging onto his arm as he drives back to his apartment.
He takes you inside with him.
“K-Keishin..” you mutter. “Where are we?”
He shushes you softly, carrying you to his off-white bedroom of popcorn ceilings and peeling wallpaper, of warm lights dimmed low and an eerie silence that suspends your surroundings in stillness. Laying you down on his half-made bed, he tenderly brushes aside the hair that frames your face as he crawls on top of you.
“I’m taking care of you, baby.”
Your eyebrows knit in confusion at his pet name, but your mind is still too woozy to fully comprehend the meaning behind his words.
But even a drunk girl like you knows that something’s not right when warm, calloused fingertips reach beneath your skirt and slip under the hem of your panties. You instinctively flinch away from his touch, trying to close your legs back up, but he brings a knee up between your thighs to rest at your cunt.
“Please,” you whisper, sobered from the rush of dread that runs tingling down your spine. “Please, Keishin. We’re friends.”
He ignores you, pressing down on your cunt until you’re squirming beneath him, his gaze softening as your breath hitches with desperation. “You don’t have to worry. I’m gonna make this virgin cunt feel so good,” he breathes. “Gonna show you just what real sex is supposed to feel like.”
He presses his lips to yours, his kiss gentle yet insistent, lips and wet tongue probing your mouth as if he’s trying to pry you apart and open you up. You can taste the alcohol on his hot breath, puffing lightly along your jaw as he trails his mouth further down, dragging his kisses sloppily down the crook of neck to where it meets your collarbone.
You tell yourself that it’s gross, that it’s overwhelming, but it’s impossible to hide the way your clit throbs against him as he flicks his tongue out to tease at your sensitive nipples, a moan almost involuntarily slipping from your lips. His mouth curls into a playful grin, teeth scraping roughly against your tits, and brings up the palm of his hand to cup your pussy.
“See?” he says. “This feels good.”
You cringe at his words, desperately bucking away from his touch, but there’s nowhere left for you to go - one arm cages in your small, frail body, the other strokes at your clit through the fabric of your panties, his mouth is sucking and nipping at the soft flesh of your tits - he’s everywhere, drawing patterns across your skin with lips and tongue, tracing feather-light circles on your pussy until you feel that desire in your cunt pulsing with need. “No,” you whimper quietly, almost as if you’re trying to convince yourself. “No, it doesn’t.”
Keishin ignores your weak protests, because he’s much too fixated on the way you look spread out beneath him. He didn’t think he’d ever get to see you this debauched, a flush riding high on your cheeks as you turn your head away in embarrassment, your hips bucking needily into his waiting hand, hair mussed and pupils blown out with lust.
You’re not the same girl he used to idolize, now that he’s seen you like this.
“I wonder how tight your pussy is,” he muses. “It hasn’t been tainted, right? Except for when you’ve touched yourself.”
Now there’s a sight he wants to see.
He withdraws from between your legs, but he moves his large hands to pry at your thighs and hold you in place. “I want you to do it for me,” he orders. “Show me how you touch yourself.”
You feel so fucking vulnerable in this position, legs forced apart and your glistening cunt bared to his hungry gaze, completely at the mercy of his whims and fancies, your body gone almost limp with fear at the thought of what he could do.
So you follow his directions like a good little girl.
You reach a finger to the entrance of your cunt, but the angle is awkward, and when you shove it inside, you’re barely able to feel even an inch of stretch. It’s frustrating, embarrassing, humiliating to be so helpless in front of Keishin, but you swallow the shame and begin to roughly thrust a finger in and out of your dry hole, even when the ache in your cunt is screaming for something much bigger - much more satisfying - to fill you up and satiate the need throbbing in your pussy.
He clicks his tongue mockingly. “Not good enough?” he asks. Keishin can tell from the pained expression on your face, from the slight twitching of your hips every time your stubby fingers brush against your g-spot, even though your face is turned away from him, and he knows what you’re really asking for with your panting and whining.
You’re asking for him.
Sweetheart, he’s more than okay with teaching you how to do it properly.
He moves your cramped hand away from its pathetic attempt at satisfying you, bringing a thumb up to rest at your clit, relishing at the way it pulses with need after just a few light circles. “More?” he asks.
Guilt is written all over your features, your eyes darting away, fingertips curling to grip at his sheets as he presses down more firmly. The twinge of stimulation sends white-hot arousal rushing to your cunt, your brain becoming hazy and unfocused, and the only thing you can think about is wanting more, more stimulation, more of his soothing words whispered in your ear, more of his deft touches and long, thick fingers.
“Mhm,” you whimper quietly. “Yes.”
Keishin stops the movement of his thumb, the warm palm of his hand resting against your throbbing clit. “More of what?”
You shake your head, embarrassment seeping into your veins. You don’t want to say it. You can’t say it.
He dips a finger into your cunt, teasing at the entrance before trailing light, soft touches up and down your folds. “Use your words, baby. I wanna hear you say it.”
“Please,” you beg, desperation written across your face. “Touch me.”
“Where do you want me to touch you?” he asks, malice glinting in his eyes. He wants to hear you say those filthy words, wants his precious, innocent best friend to beg him to do the things he’d only ever dreamed of.
“My…” you trail off, eyes now hazy and unfocused as you blink back tears. “My pussy. Want your fingers inside my pussy.”
What a good girl.
“Knew you could do it for me,” he growls, slipping his finger deeper into your twitching hole. “When you want something, you have to learn to ask for it.”
He doesn’t hold back now, adding another thick finger inside to stroke and pet at your sensitive walls, pressing up against your g-spot firmly as his thumb rubs steady, even circles on your clit. The stimulation comes crashing down like a wave of relief for your sore, aching hole, his fingers playing with your cunt better than you ever could, reaching deeper inside you, stretching you out further, making you cream around his skilled digits until your hole is left fluttering and fucked out.
You barely have the energy to resist when he pulls out his cock, painfully hard and leaking, and fits it to the entrance of your pussy. He pushes in slowly, gently, his deliberate movement a facade of tenderness, stretching you out until the pleasure pulsing in your core becomes almost unbearable from how unhurried he’s fucking you.
“Holy shit,” he says, swearing under his breath. Keishin wishes all the other undeserving men at the bar could see you now, sprawled out on his bed like his own personal fuckdoll, your eyes rolled back into your head, gasping and moaning as he breaks in your virgin cunt. He knows he’s fucking you better than any other man ever could, wrecking you in ways you’ll think about years in future when you close the blinds and dim the lights and slip a hand between your legs.
And as he finishes, groaning in pleasure as the waves of an orgasm wash over him, he pulls out of your slippery cunt and watches as his thick spurts of cum land all over the soft, smooth skin of your chest and stomach, marking you as his.
You look so beautiful painted white.
No, maybe beautiful is the wrong word. You’d always been so pure in his eyes, so clean and untouchable, but looking down at your quivering form, he begins to finally see what he’d been to blind to all along. For the first time, he sees how slutty your tits are covered in his cum, how they’re almost pushed up to your chin when you’re lying on your back. When he squeezes at your thighs, your ass, your waist, the excess flesh spills over in all the places that make you perfect for fucking.
You’re not innocent anymore, he realizes with a sense of twisted satisfaction. Not after this.
You’ve been ruined, haven’t you?
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if you enjoyed this, please reblog or just drop by my inbox to say hi!
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elishevart · 2 years
I was scrolling through your page and found the absolutely adorable drawings of baby griffin Ford! SO DARN CUTE! Will there be more drawings or a one-shot on your AO3? If not, that's okay!
Thank you anon^^
Yes. The little bugger is too darn adorable^^. There will always be sketches of him from time to time. I am working on a one-shot story with him that won’t be canon to the main story.
Here is a sneak peak.
“Stanford hadn’t just shrunk, he seemed to be younger than before. Too young. The feathers on him were more fluffy than usual, his claws weren’t sharp and barely poked out of his paws and his wings were all tiny next to his sides. The darker stripes that covered most of his body had been replaced with little spots all over. He had a few more under his eyes, they reminded Stan of the freckles he and Ford used to have as kids. His eyes weren’t even opened and his ears were stuck to his head like the ones on lion or tiger cubs. Stan realized that is what he looked like, a small baby. This made a whole new set of worries swirl in his head.
“Wreee..?” The little bundle of feathers said. It rolled on its stomach and tried to stand up but its legs were too weak to hold its weight. Weak and uncoordinated. “Wreee? Wreee? Wreee!”
Its screeches brought Stan back to the present. He crouched down and gently scooped up the tiny griffin into his arms. He was surprised to feel it had already dried up.
“I’ve got ya Sixer, I’ve got ya.” He whispered softly. The cub stopped fussing and settled comfortably against his chest, kneading his coat with his paws. Stan rubbed the back of its head with his thumb. He was so soft now. And so small. […]
Stan shut the book with a loud clap. This wasn’t helpful. He didn’t know how long Ford would be stuck as a cub and if it was permanent. He had to find some sort of cure and run some test. He could feel the start of a headache forming in the back of his head. Hopefully the mass spec would provide more information.
“MEEP!” A high pitched voice screamed from behind him. “MEEP! MEEP! MEEP!” It sounded distressed.
Stan set the book on its shelf and strode quickly back to the nest. He climbed the small wooden wall and peered inside.
“MREE!” The little cub had crawled out of the coat and was now slowly making its way to one of the nest's walls. Its little limbs sprawled all around him. It was shivering all over it’s small frame and bobbing its head up and down. “Reee!”
Stan took a breath and swung himself inside the nest. He landed heavier than he intended near the cub who yelped in surprise and tried to backtrack away from him, getting his little limbs all intertwined in the process.
“Easy, easy there little Sixer.” He said softly.
At the sound of his voice, the little griffin turned its head toward him. It scrunched up its little face as if it was trying to figure out who had just spoken. It moved its little legs and pushed itself forward back toward Stan. “Meeep” It cooed when one of its paws find Stan’s boot.
The biophysicist crouched down and gently petted the little cub’s chin. Ford leaned into the touch and purred happily.
“That’s it, little guy. I ain’t gonna hurt ya” He gently stroked its back, before moving a hand under him and swiftly raising it into his arms. The movement startled the cub for a moment but it didn’t try to escape, preferring to tuck itself against Stan’s chest.
“Meep.” It said softly.
Stan held it in his arm as if it was a newborn baby and exited the nest with his precious little cargo, grabbing his coat in the process. He wondered if Ford was still his adult self in this form or if his memories had also reverted. Well… If he had reverted to a baby, he probably would have been more panicked and scared that he was. He seemed to remember who Stan was and recognize his voice, his adult voice. That was the first good news from that outcome.”
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toweroftickles · 2 years
Do you think that you can write some t word headcannons for the Guardians of Childhood series? It's my favorite book series...
First of all, I would like to sincerely apologize for the long wait. I completely forgot about this ask and have been consumed by a lot of other work for quite a while. Hope you like these!
Tickle Headcanons - Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood
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Jack Frost/Nightlight
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Sides
Jack is a prankster through and through who delights in irritating the easily-annoyed. He is the textbook definition of a tickler.
Has been known to freeze his pranking victims in icy cubes and tickle their exposed feet while they can’t move away.
Tickling doesn't bother him unless it's too intense, but he doesn't like it much either. Has a loud, cackling laugh.
In his previous life as Nightlight, shyer and sweeter and of few words, Jack only wanted Katherine’s happiness above all else. If she was ever sad, he reached out and tickled her until she smiled again. Now, as Jack, his habits haven’t changed, but his motives are more mischievous. ;)
The leaves, his friends to command, are a reflection of his heart and soul…they dance with his mood. They’ll point him in the right direction…encircle you like a cool hug…spy for him…carry secrets on the wind…lift you into the air and playfully tickle you while you watch the snow fall. Sometimes, when Jack is blue or dozing off too much, the leaves will perk him up by gently swirling around the boy’s feet until he laughs.
One of his preferred methods of flirting with Katherine is to take a dry autumn leaf and graze her cheek with it, slowly tracing along her chin and her neck until she giggles.
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E. Aster Bunnymund
Most Ticklish Spots: Ribs, Toes, Lower Belly
He's always trying to maintain his tough-guy image...he's already sensitive enough about being a giant bunny...named "Bunny." Generally cool as a cucumber, there are very few things that can rattle him into anger...guess what one of them is.
Hates hates hates hates hates being tickled. In any way. (Seriously. You will die.)
If you scratch the right spot on his belly, right above his hip, (like a dog) he'll involuntarily kick his leg really fast. The only ones who know this weakness are Jack, Katherine and Tooth, and they all tease him about it if he gets on their nerves.
Always grunts, tightens his eyes, scrunches his nose, and fights to keep from smiling or laughing. He'll hold his breath and make puffing noises while the others try to make him crack.
Bunny will definitely beg you to stop once you get him laughing. But also threaten you. He'll do that a lot.
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Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Belly Button, Armpits
Tooth has a nurturing aura, full of desire to comfort anyone around her...anything to make her friends smile or sleep easier. Sweet, always excited, and loves tickling.
One of her favorite things about tickles is getting to watch other people's ear-to-ear grins when they laugh - the better to see their teeth.
In her youth, she loved being tickled by her parents, friends in the village, and the other Sisters of Flight. Was always a physical and affectionate girl, adoring playful touches.
Her palms and soles (along with her face) are her only spots where her pale skin isn't coated in feathers. As such, her feet are rarely protected or exposed to the elements, and are extremely sensitive. Touching her feet will make her zip around the room in a burst of hyper-speed energy, her delightfully bubbly giggle going nonstop.
Tooth's feathers are the softest and most snuggly in the whole universe. Their touch can draw laughter from almost anyone, including her.
Her tickles are light and fast, like the wings of a hummingbird, flitting around to all of your most ticklish spots with a gentle, electric, affectionate touch.
If you annoy Tooth, you may find yourself at the mercy of her swarm of Mini-Fairies, their delicate wing feathers and tiny swords tickling you all over.
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- art by Guilia Toneatto
Katherine Shalazar
Most Ticklish Spots: Balls of Feet, Ribs, Armpits
Katherine is stoic by nature, but deeply compassionate, friendly, and always seeing the best in people.
Touchy. Often puts her arms around friends' shoulders. Snuggles up to Jack more and more often as time goes on. This occasionally backfires on her, as she's very ticklish.
She doesn't have any particular interest in being tickled and would never actively seek it out, but it always makes her feel happy, safe, and loved. Her heart flutters whenever Nightlight's/Jack's long fingers find her soft spots.
That one particular curl in Katherine's hair that hangs down in her face will seemingly twist around when she's being tickled, as if it's trying not to smile too much.
The Guardian of Storytelling has a soft, warm laugh that just radiates joy. Tooth has said, in private, that it reminds her of the light that once bloomed inside Jack.
Her playful side, somewhat picked up from Jack via osmosis, has occasionally inspired brief moments of tickly mischief from her. Katherine's tickles are always gentle, all about squeezing and poking. She instinctively starts by going after her friends' ribs.
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Pitch Black
He's not ticklish. He lost ability to feel almost anything long ago. But that does not preclude the use of tickling against his victims.
Though many find it fun, a large chunk (if not a majority) of people dislike being tickled. Some kids even have a paranoia about it. And as the god of nightmares, a siphon of misery and fear, Pitch will conjure any form of Fearlings with writhing spider-like fingers to tickle torture helpless kids.
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- art by Marnat5
Emily Jane/Mother Nature
Most Ticklish Spots: Tummy, Armpits
Emily's mood can be difficult to pin down...a lifetime of abandonment and searching for her father has left her emotionally turbulent.
Like Pitch (who encouraged this rebellious behavior as a child), she has a trickster streak. When she was little, she occasionally felt the urge to tickle other children, and her mother, to make them do her bidding. Her natural control over the elements was useful in this.
Living tree branches, vines...all of these would be useful tools of tickle torture, had she the inclination. No one ever really tickles her, but if they did, she would strike back with every evergreen weapon in her arsenal.
Being tickled is something that truly upsets Emily. It's not merely that she's very sensitive and hates it; that kind of playful touching stirs up memories of her youngest years, of the parents she lost, of the friends she no longer has.
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britishassistant · 3 years
Crowley kid! Yuu gets kidnapped by one of the villain dorms and Crowley is touring the the lair and just come across his kid, just chilling their designated chair snacking and roasting the villains, maybe joking around with the minions a bit and then they see each other and it’s like that Spider-Man pointing meme
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
This kiiinda got away from me a bit, but I thought it would be good since this blog has now reached over 200 followers! Whoo! Thank you all for your support!!
Crowley was just popping by to see how Leviathan’s operation was running.
He liked to do this kind of thing, show up when the supervillains competing for his attention least expected (or appreciated) it and demand they show him how their operations were running. The reactions and sights he got to see where always so much more honest than what a prearranged visit could offer him.
Take Leviathan-kun, for instance.
The young man is uncommonly nervous in Crowley’s presence, not quite stuttering, but clearly not far off from it either. He keeps adjusting his glasses minutely, making the light flash off them even as he rattles out his salesman’s spiel of guarantees and flattery.
The thieving corvid inside Crowley preens. Today was an excellent day for a surprise inspection.
There’s clearly something going on right now that Leviathan was desperate to hide from him, which just makes Crowley want to dig deep and uncover whatever this dirty little secret is and drag that wriggling, struggling weakness into the light.
Great Seven, he loves his job.
It doesn’t take long for him to ferret it out—as desperate as Leviathan is to redirect his attention the loyal minions moving like schools of fish through the lower levels of the lair, he doesn’t have the authority to do anything but totter after Crowley as he strides towards the control room of this fine establishment, his cane clicking against the ground with every step.
Great Seven, he loves his job.
There’s the raised voices of Leviathan’s lieutenants emanating from within, along with...someone else?
Crowley pauses, taking in the scene inside.
There is a person is tied to a chair in the center of the room with one of the Leeches hanging sideways off of their lap, arms wrapped around their shoulders as he leans backwards and swings his legs back and forth. The chair is beginning to teeter dangerously.
“Floyd, if you make us fall again, I’m suing you for damages.” A familiar voice quips.
Crowley’s insides go cold.
“Aha! So mean~ I’d never let you get hurt, Shrimpy~” The reckless and violent twin coos, nuzzling close.
“You already did.” The most kidnapped reporter in this city deadpans. “Twice.”
“Bold of you to assume that you’d be able to press charges in the first place, Yuu-san.” The sadistic and coldblooded twin grins.
“Azul likes me better than you two, he’ll represent me if I sell him my kidneys.” Yuu says loftily. “Plus I have witnesses, like that guy...there...”
Well, that’s ruined his dramatic entrance, but Crowley slams open the doors anyway, making his cloak billow and letting those leeches see the angry flash of his eyes.
“A-hem!” He booms. “What exactly do you think you’re doing? Is this how you think professional villains behave?!”
The sadistic twin stands to attention, bowing shallowly to him, as though that will keep Crowley from noticing how he’s moved in front of the hostage and his violent brother, who’s curled over Yuu with his feet planted firmly on the ground and is cocky enough to think baring his teeth at Crowley is somehow a good idea.
“Floyd.” Leviathan’s voice is clipped, moving towards his henchman and the captive. “My deepest apologies on behalf of my staff, sir. I’ll instruct them to take the prisoner back down to the holding cells to continue the inter—”
“No, you will not.” Crowley commands, swirling towards the aquatic supervillain. “You will release them from your custody immediately, and as I am so gracious, I will be sure to educate all of you about how violating personal boundaries—”
“Oh, come off it, you old crow.” Yuu drawls, one eyebrow twitching. “Don’t start pretending like you care now.”
The sadistic brother makes a small, choked noise. Leviathan has gone so still it’s doubtful he’s even breathing. Even the violent twin is staring at the reporter like they’ve grown a second head.
He clears his throat to hide the small sting in his chest at the remark. “W-why I don’t know whatever you are talking about, stranger I have never met before. I will arrange for an escort to guide you home, as I am so gracious.”
The reporter scoffs. “Well, isn’t that just the story of my life. I told you last time, I don’t want any of your goons within ten blocks of my apartment, remember?”
“Yuu, while I always appreciate your sparkling wit, please stop talking.” Leviathan mutters, eyes focused on Crowley. “Are you aware of just who this person is?”
“Who he is? Of course I know who he is.” Yuu’s exasperation is evident in their voice. “He’s my bio dad.”
Crowley bristles, feeling his feathers puff up in alarm. “Hatchling!!”
Leviathan chokes, wheezing for air as he gasps out, “Bio—what—?”
The sadistic Leech brother is visibly startled, whipping his head back and forth between Crowley and Yuu, lips moving too fast to read though no sound comes out.
“Eeeh~? The big scary boss man is Shrimpy’s dad? No waay~” The violent Leech brother jabs a thumb in his direction. “Who would fuck him?”
“Nobody.” Yuu says. “I was born via in vitro fertilization.”
“Hatchling~!” Crowley whines, disliking how wrong-footed his child leaves him. “That is hardly kind!”
Yuu lets out an undignified snort. “Sure, because that compares to dumping me back on Uncle Divvy after a week out of the test tube with instructions to leave me under a bridge somewhere.”
Both Leech twins pin him with equally unnerving stares, and Crowley has to remind himself that he is three times the villain they’ll ever be, that they couldn’t actually hurt him even if they did both attack at once.
Leviathan is just leaning against his desk, mouthing “Uncle Divvy” to himself with the sort of frquency usually reserved for those afflicted by Divus’ hysteria gas.
“We talked about that!” Crowley pleads desperately. “It was to make sure that you could grow strong through adversity! I could hardly expect you to take up my position if you grew up soft and dependent, now could I?”
“Babies are soft and dependent, that’s the whole point. I’d have been dead within the week if Uncle Divvy hadn’t given me to Mom and Dad.” Yuu sighs, slumping back into the chair. “Whatever. I’m never taking over from you and I don’t want any of your money. Can I go home now?”
“I’ll arrange for a car as I am so gracious—” Crowley states firmly at the same time as Leviathan interjects with “Ah, let me take you—”
He shoots a poisonous glare at the young upstart, and then at the unprofessional lackey who’s still clinging to his child.
“No thanks, to both of you.” Yuu sighs. “I’ll just call Yuuken to pick me up—”
“Eeeh?! But Shrimpy, he’s so lame and boring!” The twin in Yuu’s lap whines. “I can’t even squeeze him properly!”
“Yeah, that’s not really a negative here.” The reporter quips, putting up with the way the merman whines and nuzzles into their shoulder, teeth dangerously close to their jugular.
“I don’t like him.” Crowley sniffs. “He’s too good an influence on you.”
“Well, guess whose business that is?!” His offspring asks cheerily, before dropping back into their irritated moue. “Not yours. I’ll spend time with whoever I please, you can go suck an e—”
“I’ve called you a cab, Yuu-san.” The sadistic Leech brother pipes up, pulling his phone away from his ear. “It’s already paid for, so please don’t worry about it.”
The reporter frowns again, before shaking their head with a tired sigh. “Thank you. I need to go sleep off a migraine, so untie me and I’ll see you three next week or something.”
Leviathan moves forward to tug swiftly at the ropes pinning their arms behind their back and pulling his henchmen off of them, finally. “Let me escort you out at least. It wouldn’t do to have any more unpleasant surprises before you got home.”
“Fine.” Yuu pins Crowley with that look that always makes him want to squirm. “Have a lovely day, Dire Crowley-san.”
“Likewise.” He watches his heir walk out as the violent Leech twin calls out “Bye bye, Shrimpy~!”
He turns to those two upstarts, drawing himself up to his full height. “I am certain I don’t need to impress upon you the fact that none of what went on in here leaves this room, yes?”
The sadistic one meets his eye for a moment, spreading his hands wide with an unpleasant smile. “I am unsure of what you mean, Crowley-sama.”
“Yeah, dunno~” The violent one chirps from where he’s now perched in the recently vacated chair.
“Well, suffice it to say that Divus came up with a very interesting potion to affect merfolk, some years ago.” Crowley allows himself a cruel smirk. “One that gives them legs permanently. Shame it doesn’t do the same for lungs. I will not tell him how...carelessly you boys have been treating one of his most prized experiments, as I am gracious, am I not?”
He watches the pair of them swallow reflexively with a thrill of dark satisfaction. “Yes, Crowley-sama.” They chorus.
“Wonderful!” Crowley chirps, clasping his hands together. “Now, I think it’s time for a special lesson on respecting the personal boundaries of one’s hostages, don’t you?”
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