#imma rant sorry lol
slaasherslut · 1 year
not to be a loser on main but i miss getting together with my friends and playing magic the gathering
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ashes-in-a-jar · 2 months
I haven't thought much about Jonathan Sims for long enough that I kinda feel like I've started thinking about him a little more divorced of the emotional attachment I might have had once. Because I just saw a post lamenting his slow descent into inhumanity and losing his identity, becoming the archivist rather than Jonathan Sims, losing his friends, his house, everything he loves.
But is that true? That put upon head archivist persona he had in the beginning, was that really him? The way I see it, real life has already leached him of any identity he might have had, he didn't really have friends, Tim and Sasha clearly weren't, as we saw in their season 5 recording. He chose to make them his subordinates over beib friends, pushed away Georgie, he became so desperate for approval that he agreed to take a job he clearly has no idea how to do, let his stress over it isolate him from everyone around him, had a desperate need to assert himself in the beginning of every recording as 'head archivist of the Magnus institute london'. Forget about even having a home, he often slept in his office for heaven's sake.
The way I see it, this story is about him finding himself, finding the perfect place for himself in this already doomed world that was already strangling him and everyone around him. He became the Archivist, no longer needing to connect himself to some godforsaken capitalistic institute to identify himself. found his role, he enjoyed its power, even admitted to it. He found love. He found purpose in trying to save the world. In the end he was surrounded with the friends he made along the way (as friendly as they could be under the circumstances). He was finally allowed to make real choices, have true responsibility over himself and not be some tired corporate worker, part of a tired pointless system. Sure his choices weren't that great, and getting there was through outside manipulation and his own ignorance and he had to suffer immensely and pay an awful price of what we like to call his "humanity" but he Became and found what we all look for - his calling.
"It's still me" he says in the last episode. Because he is. He lost nothing and gained everything. Even dying in his lover's arms.
Forget about being human. In the end Jon achieves apotheosis and truly becomes Jonathan Sims
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no but like can we talk about how jun'ichiro is like... an amazing actor? i mean... atsushi's entrance exam, the whole lets himself get taken hostage by the port mafia in cannibalism arc thing... jun'ichiro has RANGE. and like if you think about it, he acts more than he realizes. like... his ability kind of requires him to act and pretend. or he'll need to pretend he's not using it or that it's real... idk i just think jun'ichiro is such an interesting character ahhhhhhhhh
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shslpunkartist99 · 2 months
OW came out with a new support for a bit, and yknow, as a supp simp, I wanted to try her out
It's at least a 10 min que, and I know for a fact the other supp is gonna load in faster than me, so uhhhhh
Might give it a day so people relax and I may get a chance at her
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elendsessor · 1 year
maybe i shouldn’t be complaining since i refuse to buy any of the new pokemon games until there’s an improvement quality wise but for the people sticking around with the franchise the sv dlc is actually insulting. ngl i feel the need to emphasize that i do still love pokemon despite all the blunders in recent years and i’m only so harsh because i want the series to improve and also prove that it doesn’t have to be the butt of jokes now that it’s become infamous for low quality and a rabid fanbase. hell, the fans deserve so much better. they have saintly patiences to put up with the treatment nostalgia blind or not. they shouldn’t be treated like mindless consumers that will buy every bit of slop put out because they, too, love and want to see the franchise they adore get better.
but i don’t care how many copies it sold or how good the story is. i don’t care if it’s overhated or something. i don’t care who decided for it to be priced the way it is or if the staff working on it did the best they could (because it is the higher ups’ fault). this is an insult. this is inexcusable. this is a prime example of how far not just the series but triple a gaming has fallen.
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if you have violet, you have to wait a couple more months. if you don’t have the switch online membership or friends to trade with, you have to buy the same game—a game that costs $60 without tax—and, regardless, pay over half the price to experience a dlc for a game that released in such a poor state that there was mass refunds and nintendo actually had to issue an apology for. that’s visually horrendous and runs like trash for a modern title for a triple a franchise. that still has bugs and glitches galore that hasn’t been ironed out much if at all. that’s basically another cog in the modern gaming mentality machine that is “release the game unfinished.” that’s only backbone is the pre existing fanbase and, again, nostalgia like its goddamn disney. all for a couple new pokemon and the chance that it’s better than the base game. if it has to cost money, at most, it would be worth $10.
i have no idea who decided the pricing but. higher ups at game freak, nintendo, whatever, you make millions upon millions every quarter from merchandise alone. the team that works on these games is incredibly small and not even near the number of workers on other gaming projects by other studios not nearly as successful as the pokemon dev studio. there’s not many who need to be paid and hell they’re probably getting paid the bare minimum. pokemon is the highest grossing franchise in the world. you can afford to make the dlc cheaper. you can afford to take more time to develop newer shit. nobody will complain or care.
please for the love of god do not support this. even if you decide anyways to pay for the dlc, don’t just turn a blind eye to what’s actually going on and where your money actually goes because it does not go towards the improvement of the product’s quality. this goes for anything, really, but for such a big franchise this is especially appalling.
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starbcrnes · 2 years
Just gonna say that if you willingly racebend ocs or use barely legal idols, literally unfollow me now
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mooniemilkieway · 6 months
the way people act towards her and her creator on the internet makes me so upset
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first off, IT IS COMPLETE OKAY TO NOT LIKE NINA THE KILLER !! i may love Nina but I do have a lot of problems with her but the hate for her was just literally insane.
im actually planning on making a post where i call out the misogyny in the creepypasta fandom because it’s just ridiculously bad. like seriously.
i was going through my deviantart page to look at some nina fanart to reference off of and I saw a stamp that was well… an “anti nina the wh0re stamp” which…UM I THINK NINA IS A MINOR HELLO??? And the only character she gets with is Eyeless Jack…she was a fan of Jeff but the author never said that they DATED. and even if they did WHOOOO CARESSS ITS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!! ITS A FANTASY THE AUTHOR HAS!! that doesn’t make Nina nor the author a whore or a homewrecker.
also THE RACISM IVE WITNESS. okay so the author is latina if i am correct and ofc her english isn’t going to be perfect. but. oh. my. god. the way so many people were literally ripping apart Nina’s story because of it’s “bad english” instead of fucking HELPING THE AUTHOR just infuriates me to no end. and it bothers me that these are the same people who’s first language is English and would still fail their English classes like PLEASE HUMBLE YOURSELF OMGGG.
this reasoning isn’t as abhorrent as the other ones but the way people keep calling her a “Jeff Ripoff” when she’s…spoiler alert…A JEFF FANGIRL. NO SHIT SHE WOULD LOOK LIKE JEFF THE KILLER LIKE THATS HER WHOLE POINT
anyways sorry for this rant it just has been bothering my for like YEARS and I’m so glad that Nina is getting some love and appreciation but just knowing that the hate for her was so bad that it even negatively affected the creator of her makes me so so upset.
i PROMISE imma make fanart soon just lemme get through my college classes lol
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lilybug-02 · 24 days
The HK comic was very sweet and wholesome and I loved every second of reading it! :3
Also does Dewi give hornet back her thread? Im pretty sure she needs that for silksong when that eventually releases lol
Also to go off on an unrelated tangent/rant, people have been supposedly like up in arms about how "Silksong will never release!" and how "Its taking FORVEVER to come out!" But like.... First of all, its and indie studio. Secondly It was only announced in 2019, which, yeah, was 5 years ago, but with the way people were describing it I thought it was announced like way earlier. And hollow knight was released in 2017, but the way people talk about it makes me think its like a classic from early 2000's or something. Sure, its a good game, but why are people so stuck on the Silksong thing? Like at least you're pretty sure you're probably gonna get a full game when it releases. With other communities/fandoms you'd be lucky to get even an announcement. Like Deltarune for example. Not even Toby Fox was sure he was gonna be able to do it in the first place lol. And if you think 5 years is bad of a wait, imagine waiting for a new LITERALLY ANYTHING WHATSOEVER from Bethesda that isnt the 100th re-re-release gold ultra plus edition of fucking Skyrim again but now on the fucking smart watch or whatever. I'm 90% sure that most of Bethesda's existance as a company has been spent making something for Skyrim instead of working on anything new or original.
Sorry for the random rant btw
Anyways love your art, have a nice day, kay bye imma go die of awkwardness in the corner :)
First off thank you very very much. I am so glad to hear how much you like the Hollow Knight comic. And to answer your question, Hornet allowed Dewi to keep that thread. She gave it to him as a peace offering for helping the bugs get back home and to lead Dewi through the maze like cave. Don't worry, she has PLENTY of thread back in Hallownest.
And regarding the impatience of Silksong. I get it. I am the very lucky few to get into the game NOW. I haven't had to wait as long as the many other people waiting for Silksong to release, and in that regard I am quite spoiled. Yeah, Deltarune won't fully release in at least another 5 years, but I wouldn't want to say I'm morally better for my "patience". Waiting for a game or any kind of media SUCKS. The fandom keeps it alive, but even those can grow stagnant. As long as you aren't harassing the creators or fans of the project, you can be as angry or frustrated or sad as you want. I think it's normal and can help others feel less alone in their feelings as well.
Not to say your points of contention above aren't relevant!!! Patience and kindness are always important to keep in mind with artistic projects. Art is HARD and can be very taxing. I hope I'm not dampening your message. ❤️ Thanks for sharing
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lexithwrites · 1 month
i did see that the wolfstar hate was bad for a while :( i hope you know we wolfstar shippers love jegulus and are supporting y’all through all the hate bc we’ve been there. i remember the days when i would get death threats in my cc from remadora shippers… i’ve been in this fandom for ten years and back then people hated wolfstar. i think wolfstar being the biggest ship sometimes makes people really jealous and they take it out on others but popular things are popular for a reason!! but yeah it’s calmed down but tbh sometimes people are so homophobic to wolfstar shippers. like “you only post wolfstar your blog is shit” like ?? so ??? loving wolfstar has worked for 10 years for me babe you’re not gonna change that!!! anyway sorry this turned into a rant lol
the whole thing with the hate is just,,,tiring at this point? it's not going to go anywhere and no one is achieving anything by just fighting all the time. i really wish everyone could just stay out of each other's business if they hate something, like yes you can discuss and dislike things but the amount of aggression i've seen on some posts is just,,,its crazy to me. neither side is in the right, ive seen shit from both, but the facts theres even sides doesnt sit right with me lmao. imma stay happy in my bartylus and wolfstar bubble for rn, thats what im happy about writing (and thank you, i hope any wolfstar hate you guys are getting dies tf down because its not needed)
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thedevilsoftruth · 5 months
Hey!, I just finished rewatching moon knight and now scrolling through the moon knight tags when I came across a post about how Mr knight is actually Marc Spector and Steven Grant is a playboy billionaire in the comics and I was shook. Then I came across your post of you ranting about the differences from the show to the comics, which blew my mind!, and now I’m so intrigued and curious about the true lore of moon knight, every time I try to search about it on google I just get references from the shows (so frustrating) I can’t afford to buy the comics, so if you can/want could you please tell me all the important and interesting facts/lore that’s in the moon knight comics?
Sorry for the long message, just came across your page and pressed follow, love your content!. ❤️
in all seriousness, this made my day. I'm so glad you enjoy my content, and I will happily explain to you the MK lore!
I completely get you on the not wanting to but the comics thing. Comics are expensive. Honey, imma be real with you, readcomiconline.li is where it's at. It's where I read all of the comics I didn't have.
So before I go on a tangent and explain things, and this goes for anyone wanting to start reading the comics, heres a little list of all the comics I've read so far in what I understand to be chronological order.
It's a little bit cheesy and a VERY long run, but Marc Spector: Moon Knight from 1989-94 is maaayybbeee where you want to start off, but maybe not. I didn't start off with this run, but even as bad as the old comics are, they're a bit important.
But, I HIGHLY suggest you start out with the Lemire and Smallwood run from 2016. It was the first run I completed, and it's an amazing run and VERY important to read. Many people say it's the best run. It's certainly a run, I'll tell you that. ( Also I didn't read that one online, I received it last year as a Christmas gift. Also readcomic doesn't have all of the issues, so be warned on that. )
Next I read From The Dead. And I moved on to Vengeance of The Moon Knight from 2009. And after I'd suggest reading Age of Khonshu, Devils Reign and then The Midnight Mission. You can read all of these for free on readcomiconline.li ( don't type in comics plural because it will direct you to the wrong site ) be warned though because there are a lot of ads and you will get jumpscared by anime boobies.
Now moving onto what you asked me for. The important stuff, right.
I'm new to this whole comic reading stuff as well, and for anyone else reading this who knows more than I do, please add additional information I missed down in the reply section. It would mean a lot. So now I'm going to give a you a quick run down on Marc's origin story. ( And for a quick disclaimer, I will come off as not taking myself seriously in some parts of this post because I don't take myself seriously lol. )
Marc Spector was born on March 9th, 1987 in Chicago Illinois into a Jewish family. His father was Elias Spector and his mother was Wendy Spector ( his younger brother being Randall Spector )Elias was a rabbi who manged to escape Nazi prosecution during the days of Hitler and all that jazz. Because Elias was a rabbi, Randall would get picked on at school a lot, and Marc would be there to stand up for him. Even at a young age Marc was exposed to a lot of violence. That could come from growing up yk... Kinda poor and having to stand up for your lil bro.
Marc's violent nature was really born when a close family friend of his, Yitz Perlmen was discovered to be a secret serial killer who targeted Jews. From what I understand, Perlmen tried to Kill Marc ( mind you Marc was like 11 or 12 ) but Marc had escaped but his traumatic experiences led him to form D.I.D
As seen in the Lemire run, the first time Marc had encountered Khonshu was when he was 12 and was getting diagnosed for his D.I.D Marc wasn't told to his face from the doctor about his disorder and was told to step outside the office. Marc tried to evesdrop on the conversation, and from outside of the doctor's office, he meets Khonshu. Khonshu tells him, " That man in there is not your true father. I am. " Mind you, Marc is 12!!! 12!!!! Khonshu began manipulating Marc since he was twelve because he was, obviously really fucking young, and traumatized. Khonshus tactics were to strip Marc away from his religion and culture and make him submit to him.
So anyways, Marc was sent to Putnam Psychiatric Hospital and would stay there until he was 18 when his father funeral came along and he was let go for a week to go visit his family. This is where we learn Marc's relationship with his father was complex. Marc tells his mother, Wendy, that his father must have been happy to send him away because he was embarrassed by him. Wendy and Marc have an argument, which ends in Marc saying he's going to the bathroom, when he actually leaves to his childhood bedroom and escapes out the window when he hears Khonshus voice.
Marc later enlisted into the U.S marines Corps and served as a private for a couple years. But on Marc's second tour to Iraq, superiors started to report his odd behavior and they found out that Marc had lied about his disorder, leaving him to be discharged. Marc joined the CIA and served with his brother Randall. Randall was jealous of Marcs talents and killed Marc's girlfriend, Lisa, because she was going to expose a gun scheme. Marc then like... Threw bombs at Randall and shit and then assumed he was dead...but he wasn't.
Marc left the CIA after that and started doing illegal boxing, where he met his soon to be best friend, Jean-Paul Duchamp ( usually refered to as Frenchie ) and they became mercenaries together and started killing a bunch of people, in Marc's case, for mooonnneeyyy!!! Get that bag, girlie. And then Marc got put on trial for war crimes!! His crime being yk...assistanting the president of this south African country called Bosqueverde as one does.
And then he started to do missions under this group call the Karnak Cowboys and fell in love with one of his groupmates, Layla El-faouly, as seen in later issues of The Midnight Mission. Then she fucking died when an escape went wrong.
So anyways Marc meets this funny lil guy named Raoul Bushman ( he is not funny lil guy, he's killed hundred of people, probably) So Marc works for him with Frenchie and they, together, set to north Sudan to raid a dig site. ( This should start to sound familiar, as it was briefly touched on in the show when Arthur's guys captured Steven and put cuffs on him and slammed him in the back of their car ) Looks like raid shadow legends went down again, and things started to get not so epic when Raoul killed the lead Archeologist of the dig site, Peter Alraune in front of his daughter Marlene. This pissed the ever loving shit out of Marc because even though Marc likes violence, he doesn't enjoy violence against innocent people, and so he punches the fucker but uh oh! The Raoul Bushman Strikes Back, and he fucking KILLS MARC IN RETURN AND EVERYONE ELSE EXPECT FOR FRENCHIE AND MARLENE AND THIS ONE MF WHO TOLD HIM HE WOULD TELL HIM WHERE THE DIG SITE WAS. ( really Raoul left Marc mortally wounded, but he was on the brick of death, basically)
Marc was able to regain conscious and drag himself halfway to Khonshus tomb ( which is what Raoul was looking for ) Marlene and a bunch of other citizens find Marc and they carry him to Khonshus tomb. Marc hears Khonshus voice for yet another time, and Marc is revived and becomes the Moon Knight we all know and love. Then he basically killed Raoul's guys and then fell in love with Marlene.
So that's his origin story. Now onto the stuff I know as fact but it won't be explained in chronological order because I haven't read a ton of comics to explain it in chronological order.
He used Steven as a a way to handle money and build wealth so they could have recourses like vehicles, weapons and a ton of other random bullshit ( go!! ) that they don't need. Jake was used as a new York taxi driver so that he had his eye in the streets and knew when shit was goin down. They're both kind of horny. Jake literally spends some of his free time in a strip clubs drinking rum. ( As seen in the midnight mission and implied on in the Lemire run. )
His relationship with Marlene was long, but didn't last because, if I'm recalling correctly, Marc had a mental breakdown and decided to basically stop working for Khonshu so he could be with Marlene. But soon after he started hearing Khonshus voice again and Marlene couldn't take anymore of it, so she left him.
And then there's that bullshit with The Midnight Man. All I know is that he passed away from cancer and had a son named Jeff Wilde. Jeff aspired to Marc and wanted to be his sidekick, kind of like Robin and Batman in the Lego Batman movie with a little less adoption, but Marc kept on refusing as a way to protect Jeff. The Jeff had this whole thing where he turned evil or some shit idk and I guess Marc killed him? I'm not sure. Please, moon knight gang, let me know what happened in the reply section because I'm ignorant.
Marc had his independence from Khonshu after banishing Khonshu to Asgardian Prison ( seen in Age of Khonshu and discussed in The Midnight Mission) and decided " fuck you, I don't need need you anymore. Imma do my own thing and you can't do nothing about it " and then he became Mr. Knight. Mr. Knight is kind of a detective and he consults with policemen ( as seen in From The Dead ) Moon Knight is the one who does all the fighting.
From where Marc's development is at right now, Marc was running a thing called the Midnight Mission, which was a place where citizens would go to to report strange things happening in the city.
Additional, fun information:
Marc has a daughter named Diatrice. He only knows about it because Jake had a secret relationship with Marlene on the side after Marc and Marlene broke up.
He sleeps all day in the tomb of Khonshu and fights crime at night. He's like a bat!!
His ringtone ( as seen in the midnight mission) is The Killing Moon by Echo and The Bunnymen. ( Y'all should listen to it, if you haven't. it's really good. ).
He drives a red convertible car ( as seen in the Brain Micheal Bendis run, don't read it it's REALLY bad and insufficient. ) and also a motorcycle ( as see in Vengeance of The Moon Knight)
He was originally supposed to fight mainly just werewolf's and um... Writers at Marvel had different ideas.
His favorite drink is an ice cold vodka ( as seen in the Midnight Mission)
He had a mansion and then his money went bye bye and now he lives in a haunted house ( as seen, once again, in the Midnight Mission)
Frenchie is also gay! Hes married to a man named Rob! ( And this is only from what I've heard, by he apparently had a secret crush on Marc at some point.)
And yeah. That's all I have for ya today. Thank you if you made it this far, and I hope I was able to satisfy your curiosity a little bit!
Goodknight everyone!!!
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lymmielove · 2 months
LEVY “LIKE THAT” MCGARDEN HCS | for @ray-desoleil and for me too lol
- Natsu and Lucy brought Daybreak back to the guild so that Levy could use her magic to break the spell on it. Lucy gave Levy a share of what her and Natsu earned.
- Inspired by that one official sketch from Mashima, Levy is very skilled at shooting and gunslinging in general. She goes on jobs with Bisca and Alzack sometimes when she’s not up for a group mission with Shadowgear.
- Speaking of Shadowgear, they have broken up multiple times, most initiated on Levy’s part because you can take the girl out of the feral environment but you can’t take the feral out of the girl (The feral: Growing up with Natsu Dragneel)
- Trains with the Thunder Legion on the regular. Bickslow doesn’t like Jet and Droy. Freed just wants to have someone to rant and yap about Word Magic to, to which Levy provides.
- Levy is secondary human google. The primary human google is Freed.
- Levy shot one of the council members when she was a kid because they made Gray cry.
- All the Guild Kids have gotten kidnapped. No, I will not elaborate.
- Levy’s bandanas can also double as effective restraints for any type of magic EXCEPT Dragon Slayer, God Slayer, and Demon Slayer.
- I’ve said this before but imma say it again, Freed took Levy on as an apprentice after the events of the Grand Fairy Tail Fight.
- When Gajeel got accepted into the guild, she did get her get back. She made him swallow non-iron bullets via her gun. Best believe the Fairy Tail Guild Kids were wooping and hollering. Lucy started screaming. Makarov banned Levy from missions for a month and a half afterwards but in everyone else’s eyes and hers, it was worth it.
- The real moment when Gajeel fell for her was when she flipped him on his ass in a fight.
- Levy rewrote the Book of E.N.D.
- She chopped her hair short as a kid in Fairy Tail. It used to be down to her ankles.
- All the dragon slayers like to have Levy with them in a fight because as long as she had magic, she’s walking fuel for them.
- Levy and Jellal are cousins, sorry I don’t make the rules, they just are.
- Her wardrobe consists entirely of cargo pants, compression shirts, fingerless gloves, and belts of many kinds and colors with matching holsters for her guns.
- Locks up the alcohol cabinet with runes after she learns from Freed, just so Fairy Tail as a whole can lower their alcohol budget.
- Is on ‘Make sure Natsu doesn’t eat all our rations’ duty when it’s a Guild Kids Only mission.
- Natsu’s second favorite. The first? Gray.
- Puts her books in alphabetical order instead of arranging them from series to stand alone.
- Can sew and stitch, the Guild Kids’ jackets have emblems and symbols all over them.
- Is the reason why Gajeel wears headbands.
- Gave Gajeel bangs by accident.
- Has matching piercings with the OG 5 (Cana, Gray, Natsu, Her, and Erza, in order of joining)
- Calls Romeo “Lover Boy” based on the story, it drives Romeo insane and it gives her joy.
- Gave Romeo his middle name.
- Fought Macao over parental rights. Romeo interrupted and proudly said that all the Guild Kids are his parents/older siblings. They all cried.
- Nails grow fast, but has a problem with chipping them a lot so she gets acrylics.
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luvvixu · 3 months
Let gooo!
But seriously I’m only one here who doesn’t feel a ton sorry for Satoru? I know satoru getting assaulted by Yukie is wrong and there no excuse for that.
But kind of don’t totally blame her. I mean Satoru treated y/n shit for 5 years straight and all of a sudden one drunken night spent together she get pregnant and he all of sudden started to treat her well and just gave her some human decency and wanted to work on and fix his marriage. 5 years of marriage of hating her and being a ass to her when she didn’t nothing wrong to him and didn’t want this marriage either. Now she get pregnant and gave a preterm birth to their son because he was still mad about her and complaining about her too! When she treat him so well even tho he was ass to her. She still cook for him, getting him his favourite treats, running his bath for him meanwhile he still treats her badly and doesn’t feel guilty about it until when a baby is involved and their both nearly lose their lives. Now he all guilty about how he treats her and cheating on her.
He was all like I’m suffering too! Like bitch how exactly? She didn’t abuse you or cheat on you, insults you or didn’t avoid your existence etc. All you had was You don’t know how much pressure I take just because of that Fucking marriage and everyday that I woke, another constant nagging from these bastards of higher ups, I’m getting so, so tired and I just want to….
And that it nothing about y/n behaviour or how she treats him. He just seems to hate her because he was forced to get married despite she didn’t want this either. So he taking all of hatred on her because he can.
So I can’t really blame Yukie here because imagine how your lover who seems to hate his wife with every fibre and inch of his body that he was forced to marry.All a sudden decided to stop hating her and want to fix their marriage?? Because of one night stand and she gets pregnant??? Now you want to gave this marriage a shot because a baby is involved now??? 5 years of hatred and resentment is suppose gone now? And you’re telling the woman who you didn’t want to let go of. Once she found out you’re married man because you told her that you really love her and not your wife. You love her so much that a year ago you promised to her that you would leave your wife for her and in the present you were still seeing her even when you find out that your wife was pregnant with your baby. You were devoted yourself to her just 2 weeks ago. Only just when you think your wife and baby are going to die. You want to suddenly stop seeing her and fix your marriage just like that.
Sorry for the long rambling rant😖😭
thanks for this anon, this is actually my cue to drop some explanations and I ACTUALLY LOVE READING YOUR RANTS LIKE IF I WASN'T THE AUTHOR, I WOULD DO THIS TOO!!
anyway, let's get serious about this. i've read a lot of these things about how satoru should not end up with the reader and how he deserves bad things for doing this or that. i've also seen a lot of comments about satoru suddenly changing.
i think it's time for me to drop some hints, facts, and a lil spoiler about mind over matter. take note, this is long so pls bare w/ me.
background facts about mind over matter
i created this ff because i really love the song entitled mind over matter by young the giants and got really inspired by its meaning. if you listen to the song, you'll get a hint because that song literally describes the trope between satoru and the reader, at least.
this story has a lot of psychological and philosophical theories (i think this is a perk of being a psychology student?? lol) and ideologies because this is the life we lived in. although this story is purely made by the fragments of imagination, there's still a chance that this occurs in real life. and i only think rational and logical.
the end
ahem, so i know most of y'all are angry at our boy and i understand that. however, i hope you are not forgetting that this is an x reader sooo...
nah im just kidding! there are still some x readers where the ships doesn't end up together—i've actually done this once and it's on the 'the end', a gojo satoru angst oneshot. but does that mean im going to use that ending on this mind over matter? we'll see.
i actually already plotted the ending and after see y'all's comments, i don't think you all are going to like it, i'm afraid. but nevertheless, i will still try my best to make the best of it. so i hope you won't get angry nor disappointed in me :((
and lastly, i will based the ending on how the reader and satoru perceived the tragedy happened in chapter 5. do you get the hint???
satoru's hate trail
satoru was getting a lot of hate because he did some nasty things to the reader like cheat, emotionally abuse, neglect, argue, ect. i would be angry too because i do not tolerate these kind of acts. but if we become a person who has holistic perspective (meaning in my own words: by being objective, we look on both sides before making a judgement), no matter how much we hate this person, we had to see his side. which in this case, we still hadn't see his story completely.
here's a hint about satoru's side: think of yourself as someone who literally carries the safety of the world and is in constant pressure to the point of you developing a fear of failing and losing. you are in a state of big actions comes into a bigger responsibility. what would you feel? what would you do to escape this bullshit reality?
satoru got manifested a maladaptive coping mechanism. this is where people use strategies to manage stress, anxiety, or difficult emotions that may provide short-term relief but ultimately worsen the situation or create additional problems. in this case, satoru was in a constant pressure and stress because of expectation as being the strongest, plus, the things happened during his childhood till adolescence adds fuel to the fire. then this marriage came and satoru loses his mind because he thought someone was controlling him, which we all know, is not.
he never meant to hurt the reader or do those things. that was only the results of his maladaptive coping mechanism. some of the scenarios of this mechanism involves distraction, avoidance, and overcommitment could be observed. he does the things he doesn't wanted to do just to ignore what is happening. BUT that doesn't mean WE are going to let this or HIM slide, yeah?
personally, i don't hate satoru that much in this story even if let's just say im not the author. i know he was such a bad guy and even if he change, there's still a history left behind. but since i'm someone who trained themselves to have a deep understanding and patience, especially that i'm a psychology student, i know satoru would eventually get what he deserve both in good and bad way.
the marriage
now let's talk about marriage, let's see what satoru and reader feel about it:
on the reader, she doesn't want it because it deprives her from chosing what she really wants for herself, like finding someone to marry on your own. but growing up in a clan where your moves are limited and no matter how shitty they were, you couldn't tear yourself away from them. the readers are lacking of validation and support from their own blood—that explains why she still in for this marriage because she still hasn't realize that she can receive what she is searching aside from her family.
on satoru, he doesn't want it too. he feels like this is suffocating him even though the reader did not show any interest on hurting him. but little did y'all know, satoru was looking for someone to blame for all of the things that happened to him. and guess what? he blames it on the closest involved, which are you and the higher-ups. this behavior is called scapegoating. this involves unfairly pointing blame or responsibility to an innocent individual, often to deflect attention from the true source of the problem or to avoid personal accountability.
but what makes the marriage stay intact for over 5 years? easy, they both ran away from addressing the real issue.
i know i've mentioned in one of the chapters that the marriage was on the verge of getting divorced. but the reason for that is because despite all of their personal challenges that greatly affects the marriage, they somehow found themselves into the comfort of their circle. meaning, they still hold on to the very last string of hope that everything could still be fine.
the reader's resiliency
the reader could've divorce satoru long long ago. but what stops her from doing so? simple, her family and empathy for satoru.
it was actually supposed to be sympathy for satoru. but there is a great difference between sympathy and empathy. let's break it down for a lil time. sympathy is where you're acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance. while empathy is you are deeply understanding and sharing another person's feelings and experiences.
here's an example. the scenario is that your friend loses their pet: sympathy, "i'm so sorry for your loss. losing a pet must be really hard." and then empathy, "i understand how hard it is to lose a pet. i know the pain you're going through. let me know how can i support you."
see the difference? good.
ok, enough with the philosophy lesson. this may sound idk, confusing? but this is what the reader feels about satoru as of chapter 5, she had lost her faith in him as her husband but she trusted him a lot as her fellow sorcerer. she understands what he has been going through, and it's a little incomparable to her situation. the reader's back only carries her family, while satoru carries the whole world.
that was the leading reason why despite all of those things that happened, she possesses a deep understanding, patience, and support to the man even if it would destroy her in the process.
our reader is a hero, she's a tough woman. so we cannot just say that she should leave the guy and for another man when she's still not ready to let go of her principles inside this marriage. but of course, we would see what would happen next on the following chapters.
the mistress
i intended to make yukie michiga as an admirable woman. i've actually never seen a fanfiction yet where the third party is not aware that their partner was taken. so maybe, that's why i made her that.
but love blinded us all. we are the victims of love. an own witness of a broken down affair.
i actually love the character i made for yukie michiga. she was a fruit of a harsh reality that no matter how well you are as a person, there's still other factors that would destroyed you and forces you to cross the path you don't plan to.
yukie was against the idea of satoru cheating on you with her. she really tried her best to stop the affair but the love and selfishness wins.
satoru has lots of hook-ups and one night stands from before. but he decided to settle to yukie because he couldn't get enough. that's why her love grow and grow until it overflowed, and now, the self she was before has drowned and the corpse of her has comes to life.
kazuki, the baby
i don't have anything to say on our little sunshine who's unaware of his surroundings but he is the ray of hope for the reader and satoru.
satoru doesn't actually hate the baby even if he shown signs of not wanting the child but he really doesn't hate it. well in fact, he thinks that despite the baby is the fruit of two drunk and impulsive action, kazuki was innocent.
but the reader is innocent too? so why would satoru hate her? we'll never know.
anyway, kazuki be kazuki. he's a cute of mixture of the reader and satoru. since he's a preterm, i cannot say much yet on his appearance. but y'all are too lucky cuz imma say; his hair comes from you, his eyes are from satoru ofc, his complexity hmm maybe satoru? but yeahhh, so sorry i sucked at genes but y'all can think what does kazuki looked like as long as it's adorable cuz he's adorable!
and i must say, i was really taken a back cuz i never thought of that. should i do that? wouldn't it be a nanami x reader instead of gojo x reader?
anw, im so sorry to break it all to y'all, i don't plan doing that nor taking it into a consideration. why? because i have a better plan and i hope y'all gonna favor it.
here's a clue: i really admire how i paint the reader as the most resilient—yeah, that will continue to live. k bye that's it.
nanami was just a good friend for both the reader and satoru. he's good in his own and he's really helpful to those he held dearly, and that would stay that way.
sudden change
we're now down to final discussion for this post. i have a surprise at the end so better read this one out.
saw again a lot of comments, saying why does this satoru dude suddenly change after the reader is on the verge of dying...and other stuffs like that
but lemme asked you, can you handle a guilt and conscience when its other's life we're talking about?
in satoru's defense, this whole incident from the pregnancy complication serves as a biggest slap into his face, the coldest water ever drenched in his body, and the highest caffeine in his system—basically, his cue.
i don't remember saying that satoru doesn't really care for you anymore. he still have humanity towards you because deep inside him, he cares for you, but his exteriors tell otherwise. that's probably why ppl are confused and enraged about his instant care.
i think it's my fault for not clarifying it on the chapters so pls do forgive. but heyyy, at least now you know.
and i've yap a lot, y'all ready right for the surprise? good! cuz here it is....[click me, trust me]
SOOOOOOOO, YOU'VE COME TO THIS END??? 😭 i hope i managed to clear up your questions, but if not, i'm only one ask away so pls do not hesitate
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queenvhagar · 2 months
if they decide to make daeron a bastard imma scream... aside from the fact that it makes alicent even more of a hypocrite daeron being valyrian looking is actually pretty fucking important. in the books jace and daeron are only a few months apart in age and everyone was like "omg look at the queen giving birth to another targaryen looking baby while the princess had a baby that looks nothing like her or her husband!" also how the heck did daeron get a dragon if he's a bastard!?
first they give us no nettles now possibly this shit... I'm so over them adapting grrm's work into a version of whatever they think is cool.
also who the heck was princess aeriana. ik some folk are saying that it's possibly a made up character before aegon's conquest ... but the targaryen's weren't royalty at that point so wtf are the show makers high on, and i'm still mad at the stupid northern plot where they have jace talking about how aegon the conqueror went up north, plus cregan talking about how alyssane and jaehaerys visited winterfell during his dad's time which again makes zero fucking sense ... it was during alaric stark's time and he's probably cregan's grandpa or smth.
don't get me started on how they switched up addam and alyn's ages, plus didn't give us anything on marilda of hull ... oh and rhaenys apparently is totally cool with corlys having bastards and even thinks the boys mom must have been so pretty ...
this season is so boring and overall without context. daemon spends his time being high on harrenhal. alicent is going through major depressio arc. helaena is her usual mumbling self without any agency of her own. aemond is terrible. rhaenyra is ... idk what they're doing with her but i don't like it. aegon ii seems to be the only remotely interesting character but now he's gone.
so glad there's only one episode left of this disaster to get through ... can't believe they made us wait so long for this shit ... personally won't be waiting for season 3 because at this point it's probably going to be just as boring.
so disappointed we never got to see... jace negotiation with manderly's, sara snow, nettles, rhaenyra going mad with grief over luke, b&c going according to the books with helaena offering herself instead of her children, daeron in oldtown, book! accurate alyn and addam and daemon doing something instead of imagining how it'd be to fuck his mom...
sorry for the rant lol everything's just piled up for me since i waited until now to watch the shows and avoided spoilers to the best of my abilities. please do feel free to delete if you wish.
When people tell people that Game of Thrones was slow paced and technically very little happened and this season is just like that and to cope... nope.
As you mentioned in the second to last paragraph there were so many interesting things they could've done with this season to fill the time and expand on the story and characters... Instead there are 3 locations where morning scenes happen that don't grow the characters at all, nobody has any realistic motivations or emotions and reactions to events (and if they do they're framed as incorrect, like Jace or Aegon). It's oversimplified and redundant. No thoughts to be provoked. No depth to explore. No arcs for characters except maybe Daemon but it's been stretched way too far out and made irrelevant. No intrigue or politics. No scheming. Characters seem displaced from the setting...
I hope season 3 is the last season, and I won't be tuning into any other ASOIAF adaptations based on the crap fanfic quality of this one that they're trying to present as profound, deep, groundbreaking television.
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one of the worst feelings ever is wanting to write but your hands hurt too much or the words just don’t want to work so you just sit there staring at a half finished doc with tears in your eyes bc you want to write and you need to write but everything is telling you that you can’t
#and that you’re a terrible writer and that no one cares aaaaaaand imposter syndrome kicks in and you just feel like crap#bc all your friends have been wriying recejtky so why can’t you??? cause they’re bETTER THAN YOU#lol idk why my head is so bad today#the feelings of inferiority and emptiness and idk worthlessness are strong and i hate it but i can’t stop it#i just wanna write!!! and like what i write!!!#but i Can’t and i haven’t liked anything i’ve written in Months and ugh i hate not being able to d something i wanna do#oh and now i’m crying??? why the frick am i cRYING litetally why is typing this making me Worse#sorry guys needed to rant#the inadequacy was strong today#something something students keep telling me how much they dislike me or how i’m whiny for asking them to be respectful and like#i Know i shouldn’t compare myself to my friends but gosh it’s hard when they’re all like. so much better than me.#and i don’t have a lot of time to be on tumblr bc of work so i just feel like i’m watching everything from afar and it’s no one’s fault but#my brain’s like no one is Doing anything it’s just my brain being dumb and i can’t stand it and I want to stop feeling empty and like i’m#missing a part of myself and like the words i write don’t matter gOD why can’t i just feel happy with where i am and not care what the kids#who hate me say or realize that no one cares that i’m not on much like i’m still Here and trying to interact it’s not like everyone hates me#for being busy or for liking side characters more than the main characters and just—#sorry#that felt good actually#idk what came over me#imma just. imma shower. then maybe delete my tags#sorry if anyone got this far aT ALL grace is either asleep or trying to sleep so i don’t wanna bother them since they slept poorly last nigh#okay done now for real sorry delete tags later sorry if you saw this and how freaking messed up ky freaking brain is
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
I just reread your Language Barrier AU and the ballpoint where reader was pissed because these fuckers just couldn't help but talk like Zhongli-
Argh, God. I'm getting mad just thinking about it. 😤 Imagine in a fight and these dudes just sttaight up blurted a fucking 5 book-length, hard bounded soliloquy- I cannot-
No, Venti, Kazuha. You cannot use Haikus-
No, Cyno, you cannot use jokes either- but that is debatable-
And Oh. My. God. I kept thinking about when fighting and y'all kept throwing words (like when using a skill) and I'm just here standing, bracing myself SO HARD trying not to laugh (also irl). And then maybe now and then some mistranslation on Reader's mind since they use JP VA since the start of Genshin (assuming they play?) are new to Teyvat's Language:
'One with the Floor!'
One with the what?
'Shake your ass, sir!'
Cue spitting tea-
(Sorry, that's just me mishearing things 💀) But like at those times, Reader is the one dying of laughter lol. Imagine them explaing to Beidou that they thought she said 'Power of the ending Hotdog' instead of 'Power that ended Haishan'.
Aight, imma just.. go.
*imma send this anonymously because im shy, but do know that I love bread 🥖
Also @2:20
For you 🤲🥨🍩🥧🥐all the bread for the superior ask, anon
I could definitely see myself saying "ONE SENTENCE. U HAVE TO RESPOND IN ONE SENTENCE ONLY." then they manage to still make it a whole 40 word sentence 💀
Tumblr media
^^ Confused Bakugou gif is literally u being shocked bc u keep mishearing everyones bursts on the battlefield LMAO SHAKE UR ASS SIR THAT ONE TOOK ME TF OUT ANON
"Speed of Bite!" (Keqing's Speed of Light lol)
"I will have whore her!" (Zhongli's I will have order 😭)
"Time for... Execution!" (Diluc's time for retribution lol)
You in the background like: 🧍‍♂️... tfs wrong with yall, u glitched??
They're like, physically incapable of making your kind of simple blunt sentences
Like i think some people would get close: Albedo, Xinyan, Klee, Qiqi, Sayu (rlly likes it bc it lets them be lazier), Cyno (maybe at first but then he would like, explain for 10 min after every simple sentence what he meant like his jokes 😭), Hu Tao, Heizou, Lumine/Aether, Xiao (can kinda get close but he gets frustrated and then rants for 30 minutes lmao), Razor (holds the title for the closest to your simple speech,👏👏LMAO PPL ACCIDENTALLY THINKING HES A GOD)
People who will never get it, not even if ur in battle & ur life depends on it LMAO:
Zhongli (he rlly wants to but habits over thousands of years r hard to break 🙏 rip), Yun Jin, Xingqiu, Kuni/Babygirl, Venti, Kazuha, Sucrose, Shenhe, Kokomi, Ei, Nahida (tho it was a valiant effort), Noelle, Alhaitham, Sara, Ningguang (she doesnt want to even try lol), Mona, Fischl, Jean, Ganyu, Eula, Barbara, Diluc + Kaeya (unsurpringly both of them are tied for being the worst attempts at speaking simply 💀, guess its just that fancy etiquette training, its too hard to break) 😔
Yeah, ur pretty much begging the ppl who can get close to ur speech to constantly translate everyone else
Rest in peace traveler, theyre like the first person u turn to,
(Paimon is also kinda bad at speaking simply, closest shes gotten is when she demands food lol)
Feel free to send another in whenever i love talking to yall ♡
♡ the beloveds:
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iciatheguardess · 7 months
Here’s you and Fei’s and Kumo’s Elsie rant pass/idea/concept for the day lol
Your character(s) visit themselves from a different, previous point in time in their lives. Possibly multiple.
What do they say? How would that conversation go?
Ooo OK ok let's do this. Imma choose one point in each of my characters' lives and do a small bit on what would be said. This will indeed reveal a bit of lore.
All of these will be in the past btw
Icia would meet herself at 14. She'd tell her younger self that she's doing great and is very strong.
Starro would meet himself at 17. He'd say that the death wasn't his fault and also advise to never sign his name on the contract.
Dunite would meet herself at 5. She'd say it's okay to be mad and sad at everything (and would teach her how to flip off the world).
Odette would meet themselves at 20. Theyd say no, they won't ever be alone.
And Cit would meet herself at 10. She'd say that citrine really is one of the prettiest gems and someone will prefer it some day.
Sorry if this isn't what you were looking for
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