#in my head it's around 5:30 am in this fic
legolasghosty · 1 year
fluffy dialog prompts!! 13 for willex?
Hello anon!!! You probably have no memory of sending this but I hope it reaches you! Sorry for the wait!!!!
Alex has mixed feelings about his graveyard shifts.
On the plus side, he can work on his own and not have to deal with customers while stocking the shelves and cleaning up the bookstore. Apart from when he's chatting with a coworker or checking in with his manager, he usually keeps his earbuds in for the whole shift. Audiobooks are wonderful things. It's calmer at night.
But the downside is that he doesn't get home until 5 or 6 am on the nights he works. So even though he and Willie are finally living together, they only get a couple of full nights together each week. It's not hurting their relationship, and they both make an effort to make lots of time for cuddling and talking during the day. But it is a bit sad that they don't get that basic couple-living-together thing of being able to fall asleep side by side each night.
Well, there is one other positive, Alex thinks as he parks his car outside of their apartment building. Working graveyard shifts usually gets people off his back about how little he sleeps. At least people who don't know him well. People who don't need to know the whole story.
Sure, Alex is working with a therapist now to try and get a handle on the nightmares that began just after he moved out. It's not as bad as it was that first year or two. But he still struggles to stay asleep for more than a few hours at a time.
Alex pushes the thoughts away as he climbs the stairs to his and Willie's apartment. No energy for that right now. All he needs right now is to get inside, change into something comfy, and climb into bed.
The blankets will be comfy and the pillows will be cool and Willie will be there, sound asleep. They'd texted Alex to tell him they were crashing in his bed a couple of hours into Alex's shift. Even though that's what they usually do, it still makes Alex's chest feel a bit looser to know that Willie will be in his bed when he gets home.
Alex fixes that fantasy firmly in his mind as he fumbles with his keys. Just a few more minutes before it becomes a reality. He repeats that over and over as he passes through the dark kitchen, hanging up his keys and kicking off his shoes. He imagines the smell of Willie's freshly washed hair as he brushes his teeth. It's some kind of mix of citrus and coconut that Alex has never been able to figure out but adores. He can barely wait to smell it again. To rest beside his partner and just be together.
The nightmares are always a bit easier when Willie is there.
Finally, he turns off the lamp Willie leaves on for him and slips into his room. Sure enough, there's his partner, snoring softly with his hair splayed out over Alex's pillows. He's a work of art, too stunning to ever truly be captured in words or photos.
Alex chuckles at his own cheesiness. Oh well, he's probably earned a bit of cheesy after so many years of hiding in the closet. He intends to love Willie as well as he can for as long as they want him to.
He quickly swaps out his work clothes for a pair of shorts and a light grey hoodie. Which might have started its life in Willie's closet, but who's counting. He slides off his rings and unclips the necklace he always wears, placing them on the dresser before carefully sliding into bed.
The first signs of sunrise become visible between the window blinds as Alex settles against Willie's back. He tries not to wake them, but even just their body heat is comforting against his skin after a long shift.
Alex takes a deep breath of the clean air of their home and feels his heart begin to slow down. He's safe now. He's in bed with the love of his life. They're together and they're good. Alex's life is good. His home is good, the band is good, all of his friends are good. He doesn't have to worry about it. He can relax.
Willie's snoring stops. Alex freezes, not wanting to wake him. But after a minute, Willie lets out a little hum and rolls over partway to look at Alex.
"You're home," they mumble, smiling.
"Mhm," Alex agrees, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Sorry for waking you."
"'s okay," Willie responds. He leans over a bit to plant a clumsy peck on Alex's nose. "Glad you're back."
"Me too," Alex murmurs, cuddling closer as his eyelids start to droop.
Willie starts to giggle, rolling over so their bare chest is flush against Alex's. "You're unbelievably cute when you're tired," they slur, already starting to drift back to sleep.
Alex knows his cheeks are warm but who cares. "Love you," he mumbles, slowly losing himself to unconsciousness.
He doesn't remain conscious for long enough to hear Willie say it back, but he knows they do. They always do.
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emmy19-05 · 22 days
So Long, London
Ona Batlle x Reader
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GIF from: GIF Maker (ios app)
SUMMARY: After multiple years of playing soccer in London, you return to your hometown to join a highly regarded local team. Upon arrival, you are reunited with Ona, an old teammate, who has become a key player on the team. Despite some initial tension and unresolved feelings from the past, Ona offers you a room in her apartment. As you settle in and start training, a flood in your room forces you to stay with Ona, leading to a rekindling of old emotions and a deep, unexpected connection between you two.
SMUT 18+
Warning!! Contains: cunnilingus, strap/strap sucking, fingering, dirty talk, praising, etc.
(ONA AND THE READER ARE SWITCHES!! They both give and receive in this.)
I’m aware this is longer than most of my other fics😭 but i really enjoyed writing this! This is for all of you who voted for Ona in my poll. haha
Word Count: 2.9k
You are about to board your plane, leaving your old life behind in London. Your time with Chelsea is finally up. You feel sad leaving your old team behind, but you feel you need to start a new chapter in your life. You are excited to go back to your hometown and to hopefully reconnect with some old friends. As you board the plane you think about how excited you are to join the new team who offered you a contract. The team is known in your hometown to be really good and talented, and you can’t wait to meet your new coach and teammates.
You just landed in your hometown, which you haven’t visited in multiple years. You decide to head to your hotel. You just got the offer for the contract recently, so you don’t have a permanent place to stay yet. As you wait in the Uber for the driver to drive you to your hotel, you think about how much you’re going to miss Chelsea and all your friends you almost consider your family.
You realize that your Uber driver is looking at you, you then look out your window to see that you are at your hotel. You hurry up and get out hoping you weren’t staring off into space for too long since he looks annoyed at you. As you walk up to the front desk to check-in you check your phone and see a text from Zecira, a goalie from Chelsea, who you became good friends with during your time at Chelsea. She just wished you a safe travels which you reply a quick thank you and a quick update on everything.
After checking into your hotel, you check the time. It’s currently 3:28pm and you have training at 5pm, you decide to start to get ready. You shower and put on your training kit, excited to meet your new team and coach, you then get into an Uber to head to the stadium.
Traffic is horrible, so you are glad you left early. You forget how bad traffic is here. Especially near the stadium. Your hotel is only 10 minutes away from the stadium, but the Uber’s navigation you can see on the dashboard is saying another 21 minutes. You huff out and start to feel anxious, you simply cannot be late on your first training.
You get into the locker room at 5:24 and you feel immediate relief that you aren’t late . You don’t see any other players in the locker room, so you figure that they’re already on the field warming up. As you put your stuff in your assigned locker, you walk out onto the field at exactly 5:30, well and 39 seconds, but who’s counting? You look around to see if you see the coach so you can go introduce yourself. You spot her in the corner of the pitch talking to some other players. You feel excited to introduce yourself to everyone, but kinda nervous too. You haven’t done much research about the team or who’s on it, you just know they’ve been top of the league for multiple seasons. So you were honored to see they wanted to sign you. As you walk over to your coach you see her look up and smile at you
“Well hello, you must be y/n” The coach says
“Yes, I am! It’s very nice to meet you ma’am.” You say
“Oh please, coach is fine.”
“Ok you got it, coach,” you laugh as she smiles at you.
She’s an older woman probably in her mid 50’s, but she seems really nice. You’re happy at least the coach likes you, well at least you hope.
“Ok, well let’s go introduce you to the team.” Coach says
“Ok, let’s do it.” You smile
You feel tense and nervous hoping you get along with everyone. As you walk up to the team you go to look at all of them, but someone immediately catches your eye. You recognize her from your old team before you made it to the big leagues and moved to London to play in the WSL. You feel tense as she eyes you up and down. You wonder if she recognizes you. It’s been years after all and you look way different. Ona is a full-back, one of the best you’ve ever seen. Ona looks different too, she looks good, really good. You were surprised she never decided to go pro, guess you were wrong because she did, only if you kept in touch. You remember reaching out to her, she always texted you back, of course, but you remember her replies to you always getting shorter and shorter.
You realize the whole time you were thinking about Ona, Coach was introducing you to everyone. You weren’t paying attention at all. It’s going to be awkward having to re-ask everyone’s names because you weren’t paying attention.
“y/n, now that you’ve met everyone, Ona here informed me that you two were on an old team together years back, so I decided to make Ona your official partner for the next few games, consider her a guide. If you have any questions just ask me or her.”
You glare at Ona and she raises her eyebrow and winks. You roll your eyes wondering why Ona after all these years after you ghosting you wanted to be your “guide” you scoff.
“Hello, y/n” Ona walks up to you and says
“Hi,” You say “surprised you remember me.”
“Why wouldn’t I remember you?” Ona says
“Why do you think? Actually never mind don’t answer that. I really don’t care” You begin to walk away.
Ona grabs your wrist and says
“You can’t ignore me forever, princesa,”
You roll your eyes at the nickname she gave you. You remember her calling you that all those years ago then you walk away annoyed.
Game day (2 weeks later)
You are in the locker room getting ready for the first game of the season. Since you barely joined the team; you aren’t starting, but Ona is. You are at least a sub though. You don’t care though it’s routine for every new team you join. You usually don’t immediately start. Especially your first game.
Your team wins the game 3-1. You get subbed in during half-time. You think you did pretty good for your first game on a new team. Ona comes up to you and says
“Hey we are going to go out for some drinks to celebrate if you wanna join us?”
“No thanks” You say
“Oh please, come on.” Ona says
“No, I have to meet up with my real estate agent later tonight and I'm not showing up drunk.”
“Real estate agent, what?” Ona questions
“Since the offer to sign here was so last minute, I am currently staying in a hotel until I can find an apartment to permanently live in.” You say.
One of your teammates puts her arm around Ona’s shoulder and says
“Just stay with Ona for now? You seem to get along, I think at least. Actually, I’m not sure now that I’m thinking about it, but Ona’s roommate just moved out to live with her boyfriend and she has a spare room.” She basically sings out thinking she just solved your problem.
“Absolutely not,” You say. “That’s a horrible idea,”
“What? Why not? That’s actually a good idea, rent is only $1,000 a month each for a two bedroom. I’ll even give you a discount, princesa” Ona says “I was thinking about putting up a “roommate wanted” sign, but I don’t think that’s needed anymore” Ona winks at you.
“Let me think about it,” You say
“Sure,” Ona says.
You go back to the hotel you are staying at and think about the arrangement Ona offered. Only $1,000 a month? That’s nothing. Every apartment in the area is at least $2,000 a month, and that’s for a studio-one bedroom. You decide to text Ona, hoping you still have her number from years ago and that it's still the same.
Me: Yes.
You wait hoping to hear from her soon. While you wait, you decide to shower. You think you probably should’ve been a little more descriptive than just “yes,” but you don’t care, it's fine.
After you shower you hear a ding come from your phone. You pick up your phone, it’s Ona. Your heart rate speeds up.
Ona: I was wondering when I’d hear from you, princesa.
You two talk about a move in date and the payment details and other things about the apartment that you two need to discuss.
Move-in day
You wake up at 9am, you are officially moving into Ona’s apartment today at 10am, you and Ona decided a time that would work for both of you guys. You hate that your only day off you had to wake up so early, but you’re grateful Ona is even letting you move in and is helping you move as well.
You pack up your bags, and since you moved and currently don’t have a car, Ona offered to pick you and your stuff up from the hotel, you happily took the offer.
You get a knock at your door and Ona is there.
“Wow” you say looking at the Apple Watch on your hand “I’m surprised you’re actually 4 minutes early, you must be excited. The one and only Ona Batlle is early for once.” You smile at her and she chuckles at your joke.
Ona helps you get your bags moved into her SUV. You sit in comfortable silence as she drives you downtown to her 2 bedroom apartment, well I guess you could say your guy’s apartment now.
Few hours later…
You are officially moved in. Since you didn’t come with much, just the few suitcases you brought on the plane with you, it only took maybe an hour or two to put all your stuff away. You decide to take a bath from being all sweaty from unpacking. Ona is gone and said she’d be back in a few hours. You turn on the faucet in the bathroom connected to your room and go back to your bed to read for a little bit while the bath fills up.
You wake up to yelling realizing then you fell asleep while reading. You look up at Ona yelling and wondering what she’s on about. You go to get up and your socks feel wet. You then realize you left the water on and your whole room is flooded. Fuck. You think to yourself. The first day you moved in and you flooded your room. Great…
“Ona, oh my god, I am so sorry, I fell asleep I don’t know what I was thinking.” You say “I- I’ll pay for the damage,” You begin to say.
Ona walks up to you and says
“Well this is great, this is only a two bedroom apartment and I don’t even know where you’ll sleep. Who do you even call for a flooding incident? Are there even people for that?” Ona says angrily and confused
“I’m not sure”
“Well it’s saturday, i’m not even sure if places like that are open on weekends, i’ll have to call around on Monday” Ona says “Buckle up, princess, looks like you’re sleeping with me for the next 2 days” she looks at you “minimum,” she continues.
You groan and start to try to apologize again, but Ona cuts you off quickly and says
“It’s fine, it was obviously an accident, don’t worry about it,” She smiles sadly at you.
It’s 1am and you’re trying so hard to stay awake to avoid having to lay with Ona because AWKWARD… But as it hits 1:30am you decide she’s probably sleeping so you’ll just sneak in there and go to sleep. Hoping not to wake her because that’s the last thing you need. She’s already being kind enough by letting you lay with her, you don’t want to wake her up in the process. As you crawl into her bed you close your eyes and immediately start to drift off. It’s been a long day, you think to yourself.
You wake up to feeling something on your stomach. You look at the clock and it reads 3:47am, damn you were barely asleep for 3 hours, damn you Ona. You look down and Ona’s hand is sprawled on your stomach, she begins to play with the drawstrings of your sweatpants you’re currently wearing.
“Ona, you’re sleeping, wake up.” You say
“Not sleeping,” You hear her say
You tense because you think why the fuck is she doing this? It feels too good to tell her to stop though, so you let her continue.
Ona begins to play with your waistband and whispers into your ear
“Can I”
You nod
She slowly creeps her hand into your sweatpants while her front is placed against your back.
“Turn over, sweet girl” She whispers into your ear.
You turn over and she begins to rub you through your underwear.
You moan because damn, Ona knows what she’s doing.
“You don’t know how long I've dreamed of hearing those sounds come from you.”
Your curiosity gets the best of you.
“How long?” You ask
“Since 6 years ago”
You gasp, she’s wanted you all this long? Why did she ghost you then? You think to yourself.
You pull her hands out of your pants and flip her so she’s on her back and you’re straddling her thighs.
You stare at her and Ona pulls you down and kisses you deeply, you moan into her mouth as she fucks your mouth with her tongue. You pull your mouth away from hers and she gasps as you start to kiss her neck sweetly. You begin to kiss down her body and when you get the bottom half of her body, you pull her pants and underwear down.
“Spread your legs for me,” You say
As she does, you put your mouth closer to her and begin to eat her out. She began to moan as you pull your mouth away and begin to finger her.
“Tell me,” You say
“Anything,” Ona says
“Why’d you ghost me all those years ago?” You say
“Anything but that, please.” She says
“Tell me, or I’ll stop.”
She keeps her mouth shut so you pull your fingers out of her and begin to get up.
“Wait no, I’ll tell you just don’t stop, please.” Ona says
You put your fingers back in her and she says
“It hurt too much”
“What do you mean?” You said
“You left me, I liked you so much and you just left, without a second thought.”
“Oh,” You say, feeling ashamed
“I liked you so much, I was going to tell you on my birthday, but left on the 6th, my birthday is on the 10th,” She frowns “You left 4 days before my birthday, you know how sad that made me” she huffs out
“I’m so sorry, I had no clue,” You say sitting there.
“Yeah, that’s the problem.” She says
She gets up and flips you so now she’s on top
“I know how you can make it up to me,”
“Yes, anything,” You say
“You can let me fuck you,” She smirks
You begin to smile
“Well, if you’re offering,” You say
“Oh I differently am,” Ona says
She goes to get the strap from the nightstand
You stare at her as she begin to put the harness around her
“Open up” she says
She sticks the strap into your mouth as you begin to suck it
“You like my cock, baby girl?” Ona says “You suck me so good, fuck I could get off just from watching you suck me”
You moan at that, practically begging her to touch you.
“You want me inside you?” Ona smirks
You pull your mouth off the strap
“Yes, please, Ona. Fuck me,” You say
“Spread your legs, just like that, a little wider, there you go, that’s my good girl” Ona says
You moan at her praises.
Ona crawls in between your legs and slips the strap inside you.
“Fuck you’re so beautiful, princesa,” Ona says while staring into your eyes.
“Fuck Ona keep going please” You begin to moan loudly.
You begin to feel yourself about to cum
“Ona, I’m so close, keep going. Don’t stop,”
Ona pulls out of you and you whine, but she immediately starts to eat you out. It feels so good, as good or maybe even better than the strap. Ona knows how to eat someone out, that’s for sure.
She stops eating you out and begins to finger you. While her fingers are still inside you, she comes up and kisses you breathlessly. As she kisses your neck, Ona whispers, only for you to hear.
“Cum for me, princesa,”
You cum. Hard. That was probably the hardest you’ve ever came, you think.
“God, we are so doing that again.” You say as Ona smiles down at you.
“Oh absolutely” Ona says while smiling and slowly kissing your neck.
“Ready for round 2? You say
Ona laughs and starts to crawl down your body
I’m not sure if i’ll make a part 2 on this, let me know if you guys want one! :)
ALSO, who else loves the Taylor Swift reference?😏
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kingcrow01 · 2 months
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DC/Marvel Pool Noodle Party 2024
Week 5 | Mercs & Murder Husbands
Marc Spector & Harley Quinn, 0 fics!
Here’s the outline of the event for those interested. TLDR, This event celebrates relationship tags that have less than 30 works on ao3, both platonic and romantic. The rarest of rarepairs!
Inspired by Harley harassing interacting with Marc and Damian in chapter 20 of in labyrinths of reflections by @blackkatmagic, specifically these lines:
“Fuck the hell off,” he growls, and gets a hand on her face as she tries to kiss his mask. She’s wearing a lot of lipstick, and he'd rather not run around the rest of the night with a black lip-print on his face. 
Harley blinks at him, big eyes and blond pigtails and smeared makeup that makes her look like a raccoon with a hangover, and then laughs. 
Ho-ly-shit, I cannot begin to express how happy I am with this piece! Initially I was having a hard time with MK’s suit, to the point that I was contemplating just dropping the whole project. (I hate drawing superhero suits, why do I keep on doing this to myself) Like always, all it came down to was retaking my ref and utilizing that handy-dandy line of action, and I finished it pretty easily after that.
Damian was a last minute add-on, and I wanted to draw him on Marc’s right side and a head taller (kids are bigger than you think!) but I ran out of room on the page. I ran into the same problem with Harley’s mallet; I wanted it to be bigger, but with the angle it had to sit at to rest against her thigh, I kept it on the smaller side. 
This piece has made it very clear how limiting my sketchbooks’ size is. For example, I have an idea for another week in this event, but it literally wouldn't fit in this sketchbook so I’m not going to make it. Digital art 1: traditional, 0.
I tried out a new lining style as well, and I’m never going back. Before, I was making every line the same width, but it’s SO much more impactful with alternating line thickness! I attached the lined final sketch below. Do you see how much of a difference it makes?? (Written early May, so I've been using this style since.)
I think it’s silly that Harley’s boots are covered in blood, but not her actual weapon lol
Harley is as tall as she is because she’s standing on her toes in platform boots
The tattoo on Harley’s midsection is of ivy leaves (though, it’s not poison ivy) as a sort of homage to Ivy. Not that she’s dead or anything. They’re just. Lovers. So, tattoo.
I got to put NO WORK into shading the black parts of MK’s suit, and that was FABULOUS
I wanted to give her colored shoe laces, because I love small details like that. I would love to give characters any color of laces, but some of them seem to have negative meanings, especially on Doc Martens, so I went the safe route and gave her purple laces, which represents gay pride. Yes, I know she’s bisexual, but I felt like I didn’t have many options.
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Prompt List
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Hey! I am so sorry for not uploading for like five months! I really want to start uploading again but I think doing so many Taylor Swift inspired prompts burnt me out - if you sent a request or do send one I will get to it just give me time.
Here is a prompt list I'll be using from now on, like always if you have your own idea(s), send them in!
These's prompts include: "dialogue", 'anything in quotations is what the whole fic will be based around', 5 times plus 1, AU's and more!
Send in just one or merge some ideas together!
Click here to add yourself to my tag list! 🤍
1 - “You’re in love with her, you know that right?”
2 - “I didn’t know where else to go.”
3 - “I’m replaceable, you’re not.”
4 - “You kept it?”
5 - Leaning their head on their shoulder
6 - “Because that’s what you and I do, we protect each other.”
7 - “I swear on us.” “Why us?” “Because there is nothing I have ever believed in more.”
8 - Person A getting hurt protect Person B
9 - “Hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
10 - “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
11 - “Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
12 - 5 times Person A and B correct people about their relationship status and the 1 time they just accept it
13 - Everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate. The world goes back to black and white when they die.
14 - “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
15 - Accidental love confession
16 - “You’re staring at him/her again.”
17 - “Give me one good reason why I should trust you?” “Because no matter how much you hate me, you know I have never lied to you.”
18 - “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”
19 - “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
20 - “You had your chance with her. You had your chance and you blew it, and this is my chance and I am not going to blow it because we are made for each other.”
21 - ‘I still hope there is more to our story. Maybe we just had to fall apart to find each other again one day.’
22 - “You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you and you weren’t there!”
23 - “It’s my job to keep you safe, yes, but you could work with me a little to make it easier.”
24 - “Because I haven’t stopped thinking about you and you haven’t stopped thinking about me.”
25 - ‘I am usually an optimist but I have never hoped for a sad ending like I do for you and her.’
26 - “I can’t say if the day I met you was the best or worst day of my life.”
27 - “Don’t look at me like that.”
28 - ‘Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.’
29 - “She’s my best friend, that’s never changed.” “Yeah, the only thing that changed was your feelings for her.”
30 - “How many fingers am I holding up?”
31 - “You’d die for her?”
32 - ‘He had that awkward tenderness of someone who had never been in love and was forced to improvise.’
33 - “I did it for you, you idiot.”
34 - “If I never see you again just know that I love you so, so much.”
35 - ‘He kissed her. Without warning, without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn’t have done anything else.’
36 - “I thought you were dead!”
37 - Squeezing their hand reassuringly
38 - “Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
39 - “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
40 - “I can’t do this without you. I won’t do this without you.”
41 - “See? I told ya they’d get together.”
42 - ‘There is some good left in this world and it is worth fighting for.’
43 - Born with your soulmates first name tattooed on your body
44 - ‘There are some people that you meet and you just know from the get go that they are important, that you have to do anything to keep them in your life. He was that person.’
45 - “You came to me, begging me for help!”
46 - “Tell me about your life before all of this.”
47 - ‘S/he would always be my biggest what if.’
48 - “It turns out I’m absolutely terrible at staying away from you.”
49 - One being forced to hurt the other but refusing, getting themselves hurt instead
50 - “Why is it always the people you can’t trust saying “trust me”?”
51 - ‘If you were going to die, I was going to die with you.’
52 - “You can’t sleep yet kid, I need you to stay awake.”
53 - ‘We met at the wrong time. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe one day, years from now, we’ll meet in a coffee shop, in a faraway city somewhere and we could give it another shot.’
54 - Five times they wanted to say ‘I love you’ and the 1 time they finally did
55 - “I always thought you were the bravest person I’ve ever met.”
56 - “I’ve never had a family before.”
57 - “I’m not leaving without her.”
58 - ‘Sometimes we do everything right and it’s still not enough.'
59 - “Hey, you’re bleeding.”
60 - ‘We’re in love, we just want to be together. What’s wrong with that?’
61 - “Take me instead. Leave her/him and take me.”
62 - Sitting together on a rooftop
63 - “I think…I’m in love with (Name.)” “Congrats on being the last one to find out.”
64 - Needing somebody else to point out the fact you have feelings for character
65 - “I know we’re not…friends or anything, but…I’m here for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
66 - Drunken kiss
67 - “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
68 - ‘Home is not where you are from. It’s where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others find it in a person.’
69 - “If I had it my way, we’d never leave this bed.” 
70 - ‘Everything that needs saying, truly saying, begins with a lump in the throat.’
71 - When mysterious injuries appear on your body, it’s because your soulmate got them.
72 - ‘For old times sake.’
73 - “I’m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?”
74 - “Don’t hurt him! Just stop hurting him, please!”
75 - ‘Sometimes there are no words that can help. Sometimes you just need to sit together in silence and try to come to terms with how the world works.’
76 - “When I let a day go by without talking to you, that’s just not a good day.”
77 – “Do you have a plan?” “I have a gun.”
78 - “How long did you think you could hide that?”
79 - “Leave with me.”
80 - ‘She was good and he needed a little good in his life because without it there was an awful lot of darkness.’
81 - 5 places Person A and B have kissed plus the 1 place where they did more than that
82 - “Honestly I wasn’t listening but I always disagree with whatever you say.”
83 - “There’s no way I’m sharing a bed with you.” “You’re more than welcome to sleep on the floor.”
84 - Person B is frowning all the time but Person A can always see when they are happy (Grumpy x Sunshine)
85 - ‘I want you to always remember me. Will you remember that I existed and that I stood next to you here like this?”
86 - “I’ll do it, but only because you asked me to.”
87 - 5 times Person A treated Person B’s injuries, plus 1 time Person B treated Person A’s injury.
88 - ‘Maybe one day we’ll meet again and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me.’
89 - "Dying in the middle of nowhere doesn't seem so bad if you're here."
90 - “Oh no, you’re a morning person.”
91 - “I hate you.” “I love you too.”
92 - “No, don't stop, keep talking. I like hearing you talk.”
93 - “Are you cold?”
94 - “What do you want from me?”
95 - “Look, I know you hate me but I don’t know what to do and I really need some help.”
96 - “I’m not leaving you. Not this time.”
97 - “I wish things had been different.”
98 - “I can’t leave you alone for a second without you getting into trouble, can I?”
99 - “You’re not sleeping?” “Nope.” “Why not?” “Don’t want you to stab me the second I close my eyes.” “I won’t.”
100 - “This isn’t just an (object), it’s a promise.”
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callsign-dexter · 7 months
Daddy to the Rescue
Request: hi
i was wondering if you could please write about Kelly Severide (chicago fire) having a daughter and maybe while he was at the station she is left with a babysitter but then he has to respond to a call at his house. maybe the reader is stuck so she and kelly are freaking out but he knows he has to stay calm for his daughter and once everyone is safe it is just a bunch of fluff.
totally your choice and maybe the reader is like 5 - 6 ish
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, hospitals, buried alive, inaccurate medical talk
A/N: I know you said fluff but if you know me and my fics you know I have to throw in some angst in there. Hope you don't mind.
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When you came into Kelly’s life 6 years ago, he was shocked but it was to be expected especially with all the sleeping around he did. You had shown up on his doorstep in your car seat with a note pinned to the diaper bag. He didn't know what to do but when you opened your blue eyes, the ones you got from him, he knew that you were gonna stay and that was it. After first he was apprehensive about telling his team but he needed all the help he could get and the fears he thought he was gonna have of them bashing him and putting him down flew out the window. Afterall Firehouse 51 was a family and family looked out for one another. With him telling them about you means you just got a lot of really cool aunts and uncles and you are going to be really protected.
He was really pissed at your mother for just abandoning you but now you were with him safe and sound. You were the result of a drunken one-night stand, he didn’t even know you existed or that she was pregnant until you just showed up on his doorstep. He despised her and would have some words for her if he ever saw her and he hoped for her sake that he never saw her. 
You loved your dad dearly. When you had met him just when you were a few days old you grew close to him, then again, he was the only parent you had. You depended on him for everything and looked up to him for everything and you felt like you could come to him when something went wrong when you were growing up. You had changed his lifestyle for the good he had stopped drinking until he was blacked out and he stopped bringing random women home. He adored you and you adored him. Nothing could break that bond between you both. Everyone was shocked when they noticed how much his mood had brightened and he wasn’t such a hard ass. Kelly loved showing you off and when you found out his job, he just became your favorite person all over again. He was your hero. 
It was a Thursday morning and his alarm started to go off at 7:30 AM signaling him to get up and start getting ready for the day and his shift. Normally he would be getting you up to but since your school had been called off due to the heating and sickness going around you would be staying home. He didn’t have to go into work until 10 AM so he would have a little bit of time with you. 
Kelly took a shower and then got dressed in his uniform and brushed his teeth, next he moved out of his room and down the hall to check in on you. He slowly opened the door and smiled seeing that you were still sound asleep and snoring just slightly. He smiled and shook his head. He went into the kitchen and started some breakfast and coffee and then went and switched over the laundry and started getting ready for his 24 hr shift. He needed to call Kimber Halstead to tell her that he would need her. When he found you on his doorstep, he immediately started to look for a babysitter and when Jay and Will, his good friends, heard about this and met you they immediately got him in touch with their younger sister, who he was also good friends with. You and Kimber hit off and the rest was history and she became your babysitter and she only babysat you. She was going to school so it was the perfect opportunity for some extra cash and you were pretty easy to keep. He pulled out his phone as he pulled down a coffee cup and grabbed the pot and poured some coffee in it. He went to her contact and clicked on it and then the call icon, it rang twice before she answered.
“Kelly! What do I owe the pleasure of this call?” Kimber asked 
“Hello, Kimber. I need you to watch Y/N/N. Her school is closed due to some sickness and the heat is out.” He said and took a sip of his coffee.
“I would love to.” She said “Do you want me to come over now?” She asked 
“Please. I’m gonna have breakfast ready so you can eat here.” He said and he could hear her smile.
“That sounds good. I’ll be over in 5.” She said
“Great. I’ll see you soon.” Kelly said 
“See ya, Kelly.” She said and they hung up the phone. 
He put his phone on the counter and then his coffee cup and headed to your room. He opened the door and saw that you had turned over in your sleep and he walked over and knelt down by your bed. He watched you for a minute and then he was stroking your head. You groaned and but your nose scrunched up, a sign you were waking up. “Y/N/N. Sweetheart. It’s time to get up. Kimber will be here soon.” He said and you groaned but blinked your eyes open and cracked them.
“Daddy?” You asked and he smiled.
“Good morning, Sweetheart.” He said and you smiled and then wrapped your arms around him and he picked you up. He started to walk to the kitchen.
“What about school?” You asked, still confused and you laid your head on his shoulder.
“School is closed due to a heating issue and sickness going around.” He said and you nodded and then he sat you down on a chair. “Kimber will be here soon and breakfast is almost ready.” He said and you nodded. Normally he would be having you getting ready for school but since there wasn’t any, he would let it pass and Kimber would be getting you ready for the day. He had just got done mixing the pancake batter when there was a knock at the door and he knew it was Kimber. “You wanna get that?” He asked you and you smiled, you rarely got to open the door but he knew who it was because it was about that time when she said she was going to be there and the Ring notification he got on his phone. You quickly jumped up and ran to the door “Be careful!” He yelled out and listened to you open the door and let out a screech.
“KIMBER!” You yelled out and he heard a laugh from her.
“Hey, Sweetie.” She said “Your daddy know you answered the door?” She asked and he could just see you nod.
“Yes, he let me!” You said excitedly and she chuckled.
“Well, as long as he said it was ok.” She said and she was walking into the kitchen holding you.
“Hi, Kelly.” She said with a smile and he looked up.
“Hi. Breakfast is almost ready.” He said as he flipped the bacon and the pancake. 
“Y/N/N, you wanna help me get cups and drinks ready?” She said and you nodded wildly and they both laughed. You love helping out when you can. She walked over and got the glasses and handed them to you and they watched you carefully take them over to the table. Kimber got the milk and orange juice out as Kelly took the last of the pancakes and the bacon off and walked them over to the table. Everyone sat down and served themselves. 
“What do you girls have planned today?” Kelly asked and Kimber answered since your mouth was full.
“If it is warm enough, we’ll go play in the backyard and then maybe go out for lunch. Then just play it by ear.” She said and you nodded excitedly. 
“That sounds fun.” He said 
“It is, Daddy!” You said and he smiled. Breakfast was finished quickly and dishes were put in the dishwasher and Kelly had disappeared to grab his duffle and walked out and just stood in the doorway watching you and Kimber have the time of your life in the living room. You were the first one to notice him “Daddy!” You yelled out and quickly ran up to him and jumped into his arms and hugged you tightly. Kimber walked over and then took you from his arms.
“It’s time for daddy to leave. You be good for Kimber and do what she says.” He said and you nodded.
“I promise, Daddy.” You said and he smiled and leaned over to kiss your head and then pulled away and looked at Kimber.
“Don’t hesitate to call if something happens or you need me. If you can’t get ahold of me, you can call Jay and he’ll know how to get ahold of me.” Kelly said and she nodded.
“Don’t worry. I’ll call you if something happens and I also have Will if something medical comes up but I will let you know.” She said and he smiled and nodded. 
“I know you will. I trust you.” He said and then looked back at you. “Daddy loves you.” He said to you and kissed your head again.
“I love you too, Daddy.” You said and he smiled and then grabbed his keys by the front door and was out the door and heading into work.
“Alright, Little One. What do you want to do first?” She asked, looking at you. 
“Blanket fort!” You said excitedly and she laughed.
“You got it!” She said back. She sat you down and the both of you set out to find the materials you needed.
20 minutes later and the fort was ready to be used. Your imagination ran wild and Kimber was all for it. Movies were watched and crafts were made in that fort. During the 5th movie you had fallen asleep snuggled up against Kimber and she pulled out her phone and read through some college stuff she needed to read and every now and then checked in on you. She figured she would let you sleep for an hour and then have you get up and get your teeth brushed and dressed then you would go out for lunch and a walk in the park maybe stop in and see your dad. Then you both would come home and play some in the backyard.
Kelly was exhausted since he had gotten to work. It was nonstop calls; he hadn't even had a break to sit down and check on you and Kimber. Everyone had just gotten back and quickly got the trucks and ambulance done and then they were going to try and have a moment of peace. While everyone was preoccupied, he stepped away and pulled out his phone. He had a few new messages from Kimber and they were pictures of you smiling and goofing around, he smiled and saved them on his phone. One particular one, you were playing with bubbles and she captured the image through the bubble and you were smiling and just being yourself, he set it as his background on his phone when he unlocked it.
He was about to call and ask how you two were doing when he heard a familiar voice “Sylvie!” You yelled out and he smiled.
“Hey, Y/N. Looking for your dad?” She asked 
“Uh huh.” You said and he walked out into the garage and when you spotted him you ran straight to him and jumped into his arms. “Daddy!” You shouted and he laughed and hugged you gently but tightly back. 
“Hey, Sweetheart. I'm surprised to see you.” He said and you just hugged him tighter and everyone smiled glad to see him happy but continued on with working so you could have some time with him.
“She really wanted to see her daddy and I told her we could. It was on the way home from lunch and the park.” Kimber said he smiled and nodded and then sat you down.
“Did you have fun?” He asked
“Yes! We saw a bunch of dogs at the park and most of them were friendly and I got to pet them.” You said with so much brightness in your eyes. He smiled loving that look.
“That sounds like fun. Did you ask permission first?” He asked and you nodded.
“Of course, Daddy.” You said and he smiled. You and Kimber stayed there for a few minutes until it was time to go home and start getting your school work done. “Bye, Daddy. I love you.” You said and he smiled. He hugged and kissed the side of your head.
“I love you too. Be safe.” He said and you nodded and then he and Kimber said their goodbyes and he watched you walk out of the station almost skipping and he could tell you were laughing and smiling and that made him smile. 
You made it back home safely and Kimber let you dad know. She put her phone away and then turned to you “Ok, I want you to do your homework and then we can go outside and play.” She said in a serious tone and you nodded.
“Ok.” You said and then you went and got your backpack and started your work. While you were working, she was working on some of her college work, every now and then you would ask her for help and she helped you. You got what you needed done quickly and then you both were heading outside. Kimber had brought her school work outside so she could work and watch you at the same time. 
Every now and then you would come over and ask her to play and she did and then when you were done, she went back to work. Sometimes she would look up and smile at you having fun. “Y/N, come inside with me to get something to drink.” She said and you looked up from your position in the sand box and got up and headed inside with her. “Do you want a snack?” She asked and you nodded your head.
“Do we have any grapes and apples?” You asked and she smiled and nodded.
“Why yes, we do! I want you to drink something you’ve been running around a lot, don't want you dehydrated.” She said and you nodded and drank some water and ate something and then she brought the rest out with you both. You resumed your position back into the sandbox not seeing that it had sunken in. You were too busy playing to notice that you were starting to sink into the ground. You continued on playing and then you felt a huge drop and that freaked you out.
“Kimber.” You said scared and she looked up and her eyes bugged out.
“Hold on, Sweetie. I’m coming.” She said and hurried over as the chair tipped backwards. 
“I’m scared. I want daddy.” You said beginning to panic.
“It’s ok Y/N/N. We’re going to get you out.” She said and she motioned you to grab her hands and you did but when she began to pull you yelped out in pain and she stopped and you slipped in further and that made you panic and panicking only made you sink deeper. “Don’t panic. It’ll only make it worse. I’m gonna call 911. Ok?” She asked and you nodded your head.
“911 what’s your emergency?” The 911 operator asked.
“Hi, my name is Kimber Halstead and I’m babysitting Y/N Severide at 251 Spiral Lane and she is stuck in a sandbox.” Kimber said
“How old is Y/N?” They asked
“She’s 6. I tried to pull her out but she just sank further down. She then began panicking and sank further.” She said 
“It sounds like she is in a sinkhole. Keep her calm and don’t make her panic, it’ll just make her sink further.” They said
“Kimber, I can’t breathe.” You said 
“Did she just say she can’t breathe?” They asked
“Yes.” Kimber said
“Ok, keep her calm and I have dispatched the nearest first responders.” They said
“Thank you.” Kimber said and turned to look at you.
“Did you hear that? Daddy is coming to the rescue.” Kimber said, trying to keep you calm.
Kelly, Otis, Stella, Sylvie, Gabby, and Herrmann had all sat down to relax and watch some TV and grab something to eat when the bell went off and they groaned but then Kelly turned rigid.
“Engine 51, Truck 81, Rescue Squad 3, Ambulance 61.  6 year old female stuck in a sinkhole, having trouble breathing. Location 251 Spiral Lane.” 
Everyone looked over at Kelly and they instantly knew who it was and they were quick to grab their gear and get into their vehicles and rush over there. Kelly was silent as he got in “Kelly.” Joe began but Kelly wasn’t hearing him; he was worried about his child.
“She’s going to be ok. We’re 2 minutes out.” Capp said but that didn’t make him feel any better. 
True to Capp’s word they arrived at Kelly’s house and he was the first one out. Everyone quickly got their stuff and they followed him through the back gate knowing this path all too well. He left the gate wide open and when he saw you, he wanted to grab you and pull you out and hold you but he needed to stay calm for you. He was quick to come over and when you saw him you cried out to him. “Daddy!” You yelled out and you struggled to reach him but you sank further.
“No, Baby. It’s ok. I’m here.” He said and knelt down and took in his surroundings. He looked at Kimber “What happened?” He asked.
“She was perfectly fine playing in it earlier and then I had her come in and eat and drink something. Then we came back out and she resumed her playing and then she said my name and I looked up from doing some school work and she was sinking.” She said and he nodded, he wasn't mad.
“Daddy, I can’t breathe.” You said and he turned his attention back to you and then to Gabby who was bringing over oxygen. 
“Gabby is going to be something over your nose and mouth to help.” He said and you nodded and looked at Gabby and she smiled.
“Hi, Y/N/N.” She said 
“Hi.” You wheezed out. 
“I’m just gonna put this over your nose and mouth.” She said and you nodded and she did so and air rushed into you.
“Ok, Severide hold her up and watch her. Capp and Cruz start digging. Gabby and Sylvie monitor her vitals. Everyone else start helping out.” Boden said and everyone nodded and got to work. As they were working something happened and you started to slip in further.
“Daddy?” You wheezed out and he soothed you.
“It’s ok, Sweetheart. You’ll be out soon.” He said and you nodded but you started to become light headed.
“I don’t feel good.” You said and then about that time your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you passed out. 
“Woah. Ok. Can we go faster?” Sylvie asked and everyone started working faster. 16 minutes later they got you out and onto the stretcher and quickly loaded into the Ambulance as Kelly and Kimber followed. 
“Kelly, I’m so sorry.” Kimber said and he shook his head.
“No need to apologize. Accidents happen.” He said and she nodded, still feeling guilty. 
“I’m going to meet you up there.” She said and he nodded and then got into the back of the ambulance and nobody argued because you were his kid. They were quick to get going to Med. Kelly heard Sylvie and Gabby talking but he tuned them out and wasn’t listening to him too concerned about you. 
They made it to Med in no time and they were quick to get you out and into the ER. Will was the one that was going to be taking care of you. “How long has she been out?” He asked.
“Around 20 minutes now.” Kelly answered and he nodded and helped transfer you to a bed. Will started trying to arouse you but nothing was working. He took a listen to you and heard some crackling in your lungs and grew concerned.
“I want to admit it. Get her some x-rays and get a line started on her.” Will said and Kelly nodded and that is what they did. With you being unconscious and that concerned everyone. X-rays were taken and it turned out that you had broken some ribs from being stuck in the sand and that caused enough pressure to crack some ribs. When they moved you into the room Will looked over at Kelly “I want to monitor until she wakes up and if she does let me know.” He said an IV line had already been started. Will left the room and that just left Kelly alone with you. He sat there looking at you and then he looked down at his phone and saw his lock screen, it was you and him, he was holding you and you had been looking back over his shoulder smiling at the camera when you were 4 and Stella had taken the picture, she smiled at it. He texted everyone an update and they had come in and saw him but they needed back to work. Kimber came and stayed the longest but Kelly sent her home and promised her an update and because she was so shaken up that she needed rest. Will was in and out checking on you but nothing had changed. 
It was beginning into the night and he had drifted off to sleep still in uniform. He may have been asleep for about 20 minutes until he heard rustling around and he slowly woke to find you awake and groaning in pain. “Daddy?” You asked groggily and he was quick to get up.
“Sweetheart.” He said and leaned over you “I’m gonna get Will. Ok?” He asked and you nodded and he did just that and Will had come in. 
“Hey there, Mini Kelly.” He said and that made everyone smile. Usually, Will was the only one to call you that. “How are you feeling?” He asked.
“Hurts to breathe.” You said and he nodded.
“That’s understandable. You broke some ribs.” He said and you nodded and then turned to address you and your father “I want to keep her overnight just for observation since she was unconscious.” He said and Kelly nodded. You tuned them out since they were using words you didn’t understand and then Will was smiling at you “I’ll see you later on.” He said and you smiled at him.
“Bye, Uncle Will.” You said and he chuckled and left. “Daddy?” You asked and he looked at you.
“Hmmm?” He asked
“Do we have to get rid of the sandbox?” You asked and he smiled sadly.
“Yea we do, Sweetheart.” He said and you nodded.
“Ok. Love you.” You said and he smiled and then you yawned.
“I love you too. Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said as he leaned over and kissed your forehead and you fell back to sleep. He stayed up for the rest of the night and updated everyone. He vowed to himself that the next day he had off he was going to take out that sandbox and fill that hole. He was going to protect you no matter what. Afterall you were his daughter, his life, and his pride of joy. 
You were just glad that your daddy came to your rescue.
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lilacs-honey · 10 months
Pairing: Theodore Nott x Reader
Warnings: Panic Attack, Party, Underage Drinking, Petnames, Unedited
Notes: First Theodore fic kinda nervous
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“God that exam was awful! If these bloody staircases didn’t move I’d be passed out in my bed right now!” I complained stomping up the polished stone stairs. The staircase room was buzzing with people trying to get to dorms and house common rooms since the last exam hour just ended.
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Hermione comforted, “I’m sure you did better than Ron.”
“When do I not do better than Ron? A rat could do better than Ron!” I complained loudly.
A loud, “Hey!” Resounded from behind us as well as a boyish laugh. “It’s not funny Harry! She’s callin’ me daft!” Ron exclaimed.
“Well, she not wrong,” Ginny added.
“Alright guys let’s not pile on. I’m sure Ron did just fine.” I said sarcastically raising my eyebrows as we reached the common room portrait.
We continued our slow journey loosing people along the way to their dorms. By the time Hermione and I reached our dorm room I was exhausted.
“That Theodore Nott guy was staring at you again,” Hermione said passively as she sifted through her pockets for her key.
I chuckled nervously, Theodore and I had been dating for awhile, but I had told none of my friends. “Okay?”
“All you have to say is okay?” She asks incredulously as she opens the wooden door to our slightly messy dorm. “Either he’s incredibly creepy or he’s into you!”
“And either way we both know he’s a dick head.” I run and jump into my plush bed, Hermione followed suit into her own bed.
“But you have to admit,” she pauses with a giggle, “he’s quite hot with all of his brooding anger.”
I rub my temple with my thumb and forefinger. “If you want him that badly you can have him yourself!” I dramatically throw my arms back onto the mattress.
“Oh please! You think I have time to deal with all of that Slytherin drama?”
“And I do?”
“Doesn’t matter, Ginny insists that we go to this party tonight in the Slytherin common room, so you better wake up and prepare yourself for the night if your life!” She stands up and starts rummaging around her trunk.
“A party? Are you bloody serious Hermione? Who are you?”
“I am someone who has worked her self to the bone the entire semester to get perfect grades on the exams that are finally finished! It’s time to have a little fun, don’t you think?” She pulls out a low key yet fashionable outfit and lays it out on her bed. “Now, we have about 3 hours until the party, so take a 30 minute nap and then we are getting to work my friend!”
I’m not sure what Hermione had thought when Ginny said we had to come to this party. Everything about the event is placed on her bad list. There has to be at least 200 people in attendance, so it’s loud and hot, people are drinking and making out, and dancing to the slightly too loud music. To talk you have to yell at the top of your lungs for gods sake!
The already dimly lit common room had become extraordinary dark, so I had lost Hermione and Ginny in about 5 minutes. I sifted through the crowd trying to find someone that I knew but everything is so overwhelming. The people, the music, the darkness, the smell, the heat, everything’s pushing through my brain so fast I can hardly breathe.
What can I taste? Nothing.
What can I smell? Fire whiskey, body odor, and cologne.
What can I touch? What can I feel? People way to many people trying to push me out of the way as I try desperately to find a wall or a closet or anything safe from the numerous people.
I make it to an unoccupied chair in the corner, maybe I can take a moment to breathe. Tears stream down my face but I can’t find the strength to care.
Count your fingers, take a deep breath. In, out. Think about Theo. His charming smile, his sweet words, his voice, his smell… wait his smell…
I’m shocked out of my thoughts by Theodore.
“Hey, sweetheart you’re okay.” He soothed me like a child it was barely audible with the loud yells of people and the music. “Come on.”
He grabs my hand and moves through the crowd with ease. I feel a sort of power radiate off of us, I never realized Theo is as respected as he is.
He leads me all the way to his dorm where it’s much quieter. When we walk into the emerald green room he asks, “Is this better?
“Much,” I sigh. The tears have stopped but my heart beat runs strong and I’m still incredibly shaky. I sit down on his bed bring my knees to my chin. “God, why did I let Ginny and Hermione bring me here? I hope they’re okay.”
“I’m sure they’re just fine,” he sits down next to me and places his hand on my knee, rubbing it gently with his thumb. “And I’m not god, but I think you wanted to have a little fun with your friends.”
“Yeah, but I should’ve known that I’d do this.”
“That wasn’t your fault, you know that right?”
“It was though, I don’t know why I can’t just have fun without being dramatic.”
“That wasn’t dramatic, that was traumatic and you couldn’t help it. It’s just the way your body reacts to stress.” He removes his hand from my knee and sits against his head board. He holds his arms out and says, “Now, come here.”
I crawl towards him and let him wrap me in a warm embrace. “Thank you Theo,” I mumble, attempting to get even closer to him.
“Always my love.”
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tomssexdoll · 5 months
can you do 2010tom x reader fic where they’re having twins<3
Mini me's
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader CONTENT: FLUFF SYPNOSIS: Y/N and Tom are having twins, it's time for her to give birth and she delivers 2 healthy babies, one boy and one girl. Tom is brought to tears seeing your beautiful babies. A/N: i cried while making this WARNINGS: details of giving birth
The day had finally come, 9 dreadfull months of being pregnant. I am being quite dramatic, being pregnant was so fun until the third trimester. The twins were so active when I was nearing my due date, kicking around and making me so nauseous.
I sat in the hospital bed, my water broke 10 hours ago and I was waiting to be fully dialated to give birth. Tom rushed in the doors, chest heaving up and down as he ran to my side, holding my hand.
"Sorry I was late baby..I had to get everything from the house that you needed" I chuckled "you were only 5 minutes late baby don't stress, I haven't even started pushing" he sighed and sat in the hospital chair next to the bed, relieved he didn't miss the birth of his children.
"I can't believe we're having kids at 21, I thought we'd be saving it until we were 30" I sighed, rubbing my huge belly. "Well we both love kids and couldn't wait I guess" he chuckled, rubbing my hand with his thumb softly.
Suddenly I started to feel more contractions and knew I was probably going to give birth any second now, "fuck! Tom get the nurse!" I winced, holding my belly and closing my eyes shut, taking deep breaths to try distract myself from the pain.
Tom shot up instantly and called out for a nurse, 3 of them came in and calmed me down, preparing me for the birth. Tom rushed by my side again and held my hand, whispering sweet nothings into me ear, "it's ok baby..you're doing great" he smiled, kissing my sweat drenched forehead.
I started to push, the pain stabbing into my lower abdomen. "Ahh!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks as I did another big push, "good girl schatz, keep going" Tom called out, I cried out, a few more big pushes made one of the babies heads pop out.
"So close honey! Keep pushing!" the nurse said, grabbing onto the babies head and pulling it out softly. The first baby came out and I was so tired, not being able to open my eyes properly. They took her to wash and treat her, check if she had any abnormalities.
The second babies head popped out a few minutes later, I started pushing again, my body weak and tired. "Cmon, just one more big push honey!" the nurse reassured me, pulling the baby out and cleaning him as well.
I layed back and panted, trying to catch my breath. Tom kissed the top of my head gently, "you did so well, I'm so proud" the nurse came around with the babies and pulled my nightgown down, revealing my chest and placing them on top.
I smiled down at them, tears streaming down my cheeks, "they are beautiful..oh my god" Tom choked out a sob, tears falling down his cheeks too.
Once the babies settled and finished crying I breastfed them, giggling at how tired they looked. "They are so adorable, they have your eyes" he smiled, pulling out clothes we had packed for them.
We got them changed and into the carriers, Tom softly rocking them so I could sleep. I fell asleep for a few hours, needing to rest desperately after everything that happened.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @tomscumdump @tomscumdoll @tomkaulitzloverr @ge-billsgf @syylss @bkaulitzlover @estxkios @ballhair @charliesgoodboy
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ughgoaway · 10 months
naughty vs nice // day 5
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content warnings; smut (or at least attempted smut), blow jobs, kinda public?, sub-ish matty, swearing, misogyny and drinking.
a/n; now... I am not good at smut writing but I felt it was my duty to at least attempt some for y'all. if this is completely tragic, I apologise in advance lol <3
word count; 2.9k
(this fic takes place after they've gotten together)
12 days masterlist
“So please, go and mingle parents and teachers! Your little ones are all having their own party in the gym, so enjoy your night off!” The headteacher raised his glass of wine as he finished his welcome, each person doing the same and then giving him a small round of applause. 
You were currently talking to Mrs Jones and pretending to listen to her whine about her new teacher assistant and how useless they are. But your eyes continue to drift over her shoulder to meet Matty’s. 
He stands across the room from you chatting to Adam and another teacher, but he can't keep focused on anything when you are dressed like that less than 20 feet away from him. 
Your asymmetric dress draped over one shoulder and left the other bare. The body con hugged your figure in a way that had Matty's heart hammering at his ribs whenever he looked at you. The small slit teased him further. Every time your leg shifted and more of your thigh poked out, he had to make a conscious effort to not get hard.
Matty's eyes were drawn to the glowing skin of your exposed collarbone. Thinking of not even 30 minutes earlier when he stood between your legs mouthing at that exact spot as you whimpered under him. 
“You can't leave a mark baby,” you pant out but make no effort to stop his motions, “everyone will know exactly what I've been doing” You giggle as he nips lightly at your collarbone.
Your legs were spread as you sat on your desk and Matty moved his mouth over you. 
“I don't care, I want them to know. Want them to know you’re my girl” he says, coming out from your neck with puffy kiss-bitten lips and messy curls from your wandering hands.
You sigh sadly and start to adjust his tie and stroke a hand over his hair to fix it, “I know, but we can't tell anyone. Not while im still so new here, im pretty sure if Mrs Richards knew I was fucking the hot rockstar Dad she’d fire me on the spot.”
Matty smirks and ignores most of your statement, opting to focus on one small part, “hot rockstar dad, huh? Is that what you teachers call me when you’re gossiping about me?”
Your cheeks go red, and you shake your head unconvincingly, matty hums and says “Sure sweetheart.”
You push him away playfully and stand, brushing your hands over your dress and straightening it out, not wanting to join the party looking like a teenager who has been caught fooling around.
“Okay you have to stay away from me tonight, or I'm just gonna jump you. you look too good in that suit” You smooth your hands over his lapels, and Matty smiles coyly at your words. 
“Mmm maybe I want that, though,” he teases as he smoothly slides his hands around your waist. A firm look from you has Matty backtracking, quickly saying, “Okay okay, I promise. I won't come near you tonight. Scouts honour” Matty faux salutes you, and you can't help but giggle at your boyfriend's ridiculousness.
That promise lasted all of 30 minutes, but soon you were roped into a conversation with Matty and two other dads, both of whom you hated. 
Mike Wilson and Martin Addams were two eye-roll-inducing men. You avoided them at all costs, but as you walked past them, Martin waved you over. 
“y/n perfect, we need a good woman's opinion here,” he says, smirking at you, shamelessly running his eyes over your body. You see Matty tense out of the corner of your eye, but he sighs and shakes it off.
“Ah hello everyone,” you say with faux politeness, giving Matty a subtle nod that he returns and fights the smile threatening his cheeks.
“You're a traditional woman, aren't you y/n?” Martin asks, not giving you time to answer before carrying on, “You have a job, but you get that women aren't meant to work. If you had kids or whatever, you'd be at home in the kitchen like a proper lady, wouldn't you?” his question had you frozen on the spot.
What kind of fucking question is that? What would possess him to ask you that?
Before you get a chance to try and give a fake, polite response, Mike jumps in, “Yeah! You get that a woman's purpose is to have kids and look after the house. You're all just babymakers, really, aren't you?” he says, laughing and nodding at you as if you'd agree with anything coming out of his mouth.
You fight to give an appropriate response. You really do. But Matty can see your shoulder tense as you begin to speak, and he knows exactly what's coming. 
“Excuse me if im being dense here,” you begin, “but have you seriously asked me, a woman with a full-time job and who is totally independent, if I believe women are meant to be ‘baby makers’?” you give a sarcastic air quote as you copy mikes words. 
You give them an incredulous look, and before they can stutter an apology, you cut them off, just as they had done to you. 
“Well forgive my language but since there are no kids around I can say pretty confidenly that you two are fucking insane. What possessed you to say that I'll never know, but I do know that both of your daughters are doomed if you say like things like that around them. How dare you speak about women that way? You should both be ashamed.” You shake your head in disappointment at the men in front of you, your teacher voice coming out as you scold them. 
Both men scoff and walk away wordlessly, leaving you and Matty standing there. You give him a disbelieving smile, and he simply nods in agreement. 
“God those two are dickheads. Good thing I couldn't care less about them,” you pause and suck in a breath before giving Matty an apologetic look, “Sorry my teacher voice came out at the end there, it felt like I was scolding two kids.” you roll your eyes as you finish. 
Matty shakes his head and looks at you shyly. He wordlessly motions you closer, and you lean in ever so slightly to hear his whisper. 
“Don't worry about it, babe, it was kind of hot actually,” he says shyly, avoiding eye contact with you as he says it. You give him a shocked look and watch the red spread on his cheeks.
A thrill of power skitters through your bones at his comment, liking seeing Matty slightly bashful. 
“Oh is that right?” Your breathy words are heavy with lust, and Matty looks at you speechless before nodding dumbly. 
You see his hand slide from his side to the front of his trousers and adjust his crotch slightly.
Oh, how very interesting.
You didn't think he'd be into that, or that you would. But you can't deny that the horny look in his eyes had you turned on. 
Teasingly, you raise your eyebrows at Matty. He bites his lip unconsciously as he stares at yours, and any resolve you had snaps. 
“Come with me” you demand, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the hall. His head shoots around to see if anyone is looking, but the only person's eyes he meets are Adam's.
He simply gives him a disbelieving chuckle and a shake of his head, knowing about the secret relationship the two of you had begun.
Matty smiles back and turns around to follow you like an eager puppy. You drag him down the empty corridors and stop in front of random doors to see if they're unlocked. Every time you jiggle a handle that doesn't move, you grumble angrily and keep dragging Matty along.
Eventually, the store cupboard door swings open, and you grin victoriously, shoving Matty in with two hands on his chest. With a thump, he smacks against the wall. The impact combined with the look of hunger in your eyes has him breathless. 
With a swing in your hips, you shut the door and stroll towards him. Once you're centimetres away from his face, Matty leans in, desperate to kiss you. 
“Ah ah ah,” you say as you pull away much to Matty's disappointment, but any sadness soon leaves his brain as you sink to your knees in front of him.
You smirk as his eyes shoot open wide, his mouth drops open as a shocked gasp crackles our from his throat.
“Oh fuck” he says disbelievingly as your hands start to smooth over his stomach and push up his shirt. 
“You like it when im bossy, huh?” You teasingly whisper and lean forward, kissing Matty's exposed stomach and tracing the spattering of hair trailing down with your tongue. 
He nods dumbly and watches you. You work your mouth over him diligently, nipping and kissing his abdomen. 
“Pleasepleaseplease just touch me!” Matty whimpers out from above you, bucking his hips forward desperately. His pathetic whimpers cause electricity to spark down your spine.
He grows increasingly impatient as you playfully kiss every inch of him. You can see him growing more and more needy for your mouth, and you love it.
Soon, it becomes too much, and he can't stay quiet.
The control you had was making you dizzy. With a firm hand, you press his hips back to the wall forcibly, pulling a weak protest from Matty's lips.
Matty couldn't care less how meagre he sounded at that moment. He needed your mouth on him now.  
before long, he isthanking whatever god there is above because your fingers begin to unbutton his trousers and pull them down his legs.
Your hands move up from his thighs to toy with the corkscrew curls you see sitting at the top of his boxers. A small damp patch sits on the front of his underwear, the dark grey making you salivate with want. 
Messily you lean forward and begin to mouth along the outline of his hard cock. The wet patch grows as more pre-cum dribbles from his head, mixing with your saliva the more you lick over him.
Pitiful noises come from deep within Matty's chest as his hand comes to rest on the back of your head subconsciously. You wrench your mouth away from him, and he whines desperately. 
“Ah no touching baby, did I say you could hold my head? Keep your hands to yourself,” you say forcefully, earning a loose nod from Matty, his head no longer feeling attached to his neck.
“M’ sorry it just feels so good i- ohmygod” you interrupt Matty by palming over his boxers harshly, giving his cock a firm squeeze that made him buckle at the waist. Almost falling forward at the sensation. 
Tantalisingly slow you pull his waistband down over his leaking cock, he groans at the pressure on his head. 
He was not sure he's ever been this hard. He could feel his heartbeat in his dick every time a bead of precum leaks down his shaft. The feeling of you releasing his swollen cock made his whole body fill with a visceral need for you.
You lean forward and kitten lick the tip, and Matty gasps so hard he breaks out in a fit of coughs, not prepared for any contact from your hot tongue. 
“Have you thought about this a lot, baby, huh? Me down on my knees for you? Choking on your dick? I bet you dreamt of filling my mouth with your cum” you say as you press a kiss on his rose tattoo, moving to recreate the same action to his other hip bone. Your hot breath teases Matty as you skip over where he needs you most.
His cock jumped at your words and his curls bounced in time with his needy nods, “Yes yes yes. I thought about it all the time. I dreamt of this. Just- please put your mouth on me” he whines out, trying not to buck his hips into your mouth. 
He didn't think he'd get off to being dominated, but the power in your eyes only made him more desperate for you.
“Well since you asked so nicely, my love,” you say with a sickly sweet smile before sinking your mouth on Matty quickly, taking as much as you can down your throat in one go.
The noise Matty made was animalistic, he felt completely out of control of his body. and he fucking loved it.
“SHIT. You're so fucking good at that. god-” Matty stares at your mouth, stretching out over him, admiring your red lipstick smudging on his dick. The ring of red moves further, and further down the more of him you fit in your throat. 
You moan in appreciation, which causes Matty's hips to stutter. A warning look from you has him furiously muttering out apologies.
“Im so sorry baby it just feels too good. Oh fuck- ill be good, I promise. I'll be a good boy” his cock throbbed painfully in your mouth. You marvel at the musky taste of precum on your tongue and pull it off with a wet pop. 
“Oh, you want to be my good boy?” You tease, leaning forward and letting a glob of spit fall from your plump lips onto his tip. Matty's eyes nearly bulge out of his head at the sight of your smudged red lips spitting on him and your hand working your salvia over his aching cock. 
“Yes yes. I wanna be your good boy-” he said, straining his words as he did. clearly yearning for your praise.
“You're such a good boy, sweetheart. My good boy” You give him a cheeky smile as you sink your mouth all the way down on Matty and begin furiously working his cock in your mouth.
Matty was chanting obscenities as your mouth moved over him, getting more and more incoherent as you went. Wet slurping noises filled the air of the small cupboard along with Matty's frenzied words. 
You feel his dick pulse in your mouth, and you know he's close. His body was telling the story that he couldn't.
“M’ so so close baby- please please can I cum?” he pleads with you, looking down with wide puppy dog eyes. His begging only caused the wet patch in your underwear to grow, holding this much power over a man like Matty was turning you on beyond belief.
You pulled off with a gasp and continued to furiously pump his cock with your hand, “What was that baby? Tell me again, I didn't quite catch it over your fucking pathetic whimpers.” ever so slightly your hand slows and Matty immediately stutters to repeat himself, desperate to give you what you want.
“Fuck yes, you're gonna make me cum. FUCK. please can I cum? I really want to cum in your mouth. Please please pleaseplease-” he nods as he speaks in a desperate attempt to convince you to allow him the release he needs so intensely.
“Since you've been polite, and such a good boy” his cock leaks on your fist at the praise, revelling in you calling him good. you lean forward as you speak, your mouth teasing the tip of him.
“cum” you demand and place his dick back in your mouth.
Matty's mouth falls open, and he lets out a guttural groan, with a few weak thrusts combined with your bobbing head he spills onto your tongue.
You moan at the taste of him as his cum trickles down your throat. He pants above you as you pull off and give him a sly grin. 
You knew he was staring at you like you were an angel on earth, so you opened your mouth to present him with the ribbons of cum that sat on your tongue.
You brought your hand up and stuck your fingers in your mouth, spreading his cum around the inside of your cheeks. Even bringing some out so smudge over your lips.
As you swallow, an involuntary groan comes out of you. You lick your lips deliberately, knowing Matty loves a performance. 
He stared down at you dumbly, in shock over what he had just witnessed.
Once he was capable of speaking again Matty groaned, “fucking hell, that was insane. You're insane ” he panted as he tried to catch what little breath he had.
You smile like the Cheshire cat and rise off your knees to stand chest-to-chest with Matty. You lean in and kiss him desperately.
Matty can taste his release on your tongue, and he briefly thinks this might be the hottest thing that has ever happened to him.
His tongue chases yours urgently, trying to keep you intertwined and chase the taste of him in your mouth.
Voices outside the door pull you away from each other. You both stare nervously at the door, but luckily, the voices drift past effortlessly. 
A laugh escapes the two of you, and Matty pulls you in for a hug. His chest heaves as you burrow your nose into the junction between his neck and shoulder. You pull up slightly and lick the outside of his ear before whispering, “So I think you liked that” with a cheeky giggle.
Matty looks at you with a grin that goes ear to ear and nods slowly, both of you lightly laughing at the absurdity of the situation. 
“I definitely liked that.”
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ihrtnjm · 2 years
Every Summertime - Park Jisung
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Synopsis: You and Jisung's relationship blossoming over time -- from dating to marriage. Based on: “Every Summertime” by NIKI Pairing: Park Jisung (NCT) and fem!reader Genre: straight up fluff!!!!, uni!au, dating to marriage, relationship progression Word Count: 1.2k Warnings: use of she/her pronouns, cursing, mentions of weird coworkers, reader is shorter than jisung, reader eats a strawberry  Content: pet names (hun, honey, babe), second person pov, idols as friends, just two cuties <3, jisung is a dance major, if marrying jisung weirds you out pls leave… a/n: this is my first y/n fic EVERRR <333333 a lot of the locations are vague, so it’s up to reader interpretation! pls reblog, comment and send feedback! support is very much appreciated!!!!! jisung has been on my mind lately (probs bc i’m learning his part for candy) like he’s so boyfriend shaped how can u not love him!!!!!!!!!!
。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ 𓂂 ˚ 𓂂 ₒ ° ₒ 𓂂 ˚˖⋆
Park, 5:32 AM
18, We were undergrads, 
Stayed out late, never made it to class
Jisung looks out at the sunrise and over to you. There’s no one else he would rather be with at this moment. Being with you makes him forget every worry on his mind. He admires the twinkle in your eyes, as the glow of the sunrise bathes you. As they sit out by the lake, he fumbles with the promise ring in his pocket. 
“Ji, you good?” you ask, trying to peek over at what he was hiding with curiosity in your voice.
“Huh? Oh, it’s nothing.” Jisung quickly takes his hand out of his jacket pocket. You’ve been out for a while now, but he doesn’t care if he comes back home and skips practice. He can make it up later. 
But with you, he doesn’t waste a single minute.
“You don’t have class later?” Jisung asks – he doesn’t plan on going to class later that day, but worries that you won’t make it. 
“I do,” you sigh, “but I don’t think I’ll go. I just wanna be with you.” you reply softly, leaning your head onto his shoulders, as you both take in the sunrise. You loved everything about Jisung -- the way he danced, the way he would buy her something because it reminded him of you, the way he stops and waits as you tie your shoelaces, every little thing he does. 
Jisung turns his head and kisses your forehead, then resumes to look onto the sunrise.
Dance Studio, 7:43 PM
And I swear the magnolias flashed a smile (flashed a smile)
And that's when I caught me hoping you'd stay a while (stay a while)
Jisung moves around the studio freely, with sharp yet somehow smooth movement. As he cleanly dances throughout the studio, you admire his talent from the walls in the studio. Seeing his facial expressions while he passionately dances his heart out, you can’t help but feel your heart glow.  
Here she is, admiring the love of her life as he does the thing that he loves. From every recital to late night rehearsal, she loves him all the same. You remember when you two started dating – when he asked if you wanted to watch one of his recitals. He was endearingly nervous, hands clammy and heart beating at a thousand miles per hour. When you had said ‘yes,’ it was like the largest weight was lifted from his body. Since then, you’ve seen him grow into one of the most talented dancers you’ve seen.
“This dance is coming along really nicely, hun.” you state, standing up and walking toward him. You wrap your arms around his torso, then nuzzle your face into his chest. Jisung smiles down at you, hugging you back. 
“Thanks. I think I still need to practice a couple more times, but I like where I’m at.” he replies breathlessly, taking a moment to grab his water bottle and take a swig. After putting it on the ground, he continues to hug you.
“Well as long as you’re happy, I’m happy.” you smile, looking up at him with pride. Jisung hasn’t stopped smiling, bringing your lips together while smiling into the kiss.
At that moment, you knew you wanted to marry this man.
Mark’s Apartment, 9:30 PM
Baby, I'd give up anything to travel inside your mind
Baby, I fall in love again come every summertime
“Dude, when are you gonna propose? You two have definitely talked about it, and it doesn’t help that you’re always with her--” Jisung tunes Chenle out as he rambles on about your relationship. Instead, he looks over at you while you talk to Ningning. He doesn’t know what you guys are talking about, but as he looks at her he admires the passion in your eyes about whatever you’re saying. 
Jisung has seen your passionate eyes up close -- and God does he love them. In late night rants, discussions on class readings, and how dogs should wear pants. 
Meanwhile, you’re having a similar discussion with Ningning right across the room.
“Wait -- so Jisung hasn’t asked you?!” Ningning says with shock. Ningning has known you two for a while and shares the same sentiment as Chenle – but probably wouldn’t nag you the same way Chenle does.
“No Ningning, he hasn’t,” you deadpan, “But I don’t wanna force him into anything he doesn’t wanna do, y’know? He just seems so happy with where we are, and I don’t wanna make things weird--” 
“Make things weird? Tell that to the guy who’s staring at you as if he’s about to pop the question right now.” Ningning remarks, noticing Jisung stare at the two of you. She’s right -- Jisung hasn’t stopped at all – all while Chenle nags at him. 
“You should probably talk to him,” Ningning whispers into your ear, a grin on her face.
Park, 5:15 PM
25, man we're missing church
Laugh 'bout everyone we're hating at work
You and Jisung are in front of the lake yet again — but the only thing that has changed was time. Older, out of college, engagement rings on your fingers. Jisung sits while you lie your head on his lap. 
“Babe, I’m telling you this man is so weird. He treats the female coworkers as if they’re goddesses – mind you there’s a difference when a woman does it – and acts all lowly and shit!” you joke, taking a strawberry from the basket into your mouth. “It doesn’t help that when they say no to him, he acts like gave his soul to these women and acts pissed.” Jisung smiles down at you, taking a hand and brushing off loose hairs from your face. 
“Isn’t HR doing anything about it? This sounds like a problem that a lot of people have…” Jisung ponders, his hand traveling between your brows and smoothing out the wrinkles. 
“I don’t know, it’s not like he’s hurting anyone I guess,” you reply, “He’s just weird, y’know?”
“Alright but if he ever bothers you, you know who to go to!” he emphasizes, chest puffed up as if to come off as intimidating. You giggle at his gesture, sitting up and then holding his face in your hands.
“You’re so cute, did you know that?” you smile. He’s left flustered, as he takes his larger hands and puts them on top of yours. Jisung leans in closer to you, lips softly touching as he gets a taste of the strawberry that was on your lips earlier.
“Yeah, but you’re cuter.”
“Fine, but you’re the cutest.” 
Outside of Your Apartment, 10:30 PM
We're strolling down the boulevard
And dancing under streetlights 
Every year we get older, and I'm still on your side 
“Jisung, we’re gonna fall!” you laugh as you both stumble around the street, one Airpod in each other’s ears. A typical ballroom song plays in each of your earbuds while you adjust yourselves, figuring out how to dance to the music.
“Honey, just follow my lead,” Jisung giggles, “Mind you, you’re the one who wanted to learn!” Taking your hands in his, you sway around the street as the post lights shine. 
“Mind you, you’re the one with the dance degree!” you retaliate, looking down at your feet to avoid stepping on Jisung. 
“Mind you, you’re the one who’s married to me!” 
“You got me there.” you whisper, moving your arms to wrap around Jisung’s neck. Jisung’s hands then land on your hips, and softly pressing your lips together. 
As you admire the summertime moonlight, you both sway to the song that plays in your ears. 
Every day is summertime
Every day is summertime with you
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hellsburners · 1 year
orange juice
summary: you're a new library assistant in an elementary school and you cant help but fall for the cute teacher visiting your desk. pairing: teacher!peter parker x librarian!male reader word count: 2.2k (im being ballsy with these fic lengths its actually fun) warnings: none really more of fluff a/n: was in a fluff writing mood :> (might get a part 2 if it gets received well)
masterlist | more peter parker
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You did everything by the book, literally. There was a handbook resting on the front desk of the library with everything you needed to do as an assistant. You took the books back to the shelves and made sure it was in the right order. You tidied up the library computers making sure every unit was logged off and the chairs weren’t a mess. You also took note of orders from the teachers, some lists from Mr. Jones, Mrs. Longford, Mr. Hayward, and Mr. Parker. You stretched your arms and legs, cracked your neck, and gave a little prayer to the universe that you wish your formal first day will be good. 
The bell on your desk pinged. A man, probably in his early 40s, stood in front of you. He wore a loose shirt with a pale pink tie, his hair was brown and sparse. 
“Mr. Parker?” 
“I’m sorry, I’m Roy Jones, from the math department,” he responds. You gave an embarrassed oh and gave him his stack of books. 
“Sorry, it’s my first day.”
“All good kiddo, you haven’t seen trouble yet, good luck on your first day,” Mr. Jones gave a kind smile before walking away. 
By 8:30 am the students came rushing to your door, you logged borrowed books, received returns, you even did the occasional hush to students being loud, it was going smoothly. The kid in front of you was borrowing a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray, an excellent choice you thought. You scanned the QR code inside the book, logged in the student’s info and you kindly smiled while giving the book away. Hours passed of you sitting around, sipping on an orange juice box. By 11 am at least 3 students were studying. 
Oh. The man standing in front of you was tall and handsome, probably in his mid-30s, he wore a neat suit in neutral colors, and his brown hair was combed to the side. You placed your juice box down. 
“Mr. Hayward?” you traced your fingers on the sticky notes on your desk. 
“Parker, Peter Parker,” he replied. Shit, not again. 
“I’m so sorry Mr. Parker.” you shook your head. 
“First day, huh?” you nodded shamefully. He gave you a cheeky smile. 
“Yeah, I’m so sorry,” you took the stack of books with the label Mr. Parker on it. He reached out to take the heavy books, your fingers were slightly touching. Your cheeks warmed from the contact. There was a certain pleasingness in his presence. You scanned the pile trying to spark a conversation. “So you teach physics?”
“Yeah, 8th and 9th actually,” he carries the books in his arms, he may look lean but you could see the way his arms flexed under his suit. “Are you new to the city?”
“Well kinda, I was born here but my family and I moved out when I was 5. I figured coming here in the city could give me more opportunities,” his brows would raise while you talked, making you feel like whatever words came out of your mouth he listened to intently. “How about you? Did you grow up here?”
“I grew up with my aunt, went to Midtown for high school, and Empire State in college. So, yeah, full-time New Yorker here,” he chuckled. “My daughter and I still live in Queens too.”
“Daughter?” you said shockingly. He looked down at his toes, and he laughed again, that soft deep laugh. “Sorry, you don’t look like one”
“I don’t look like a dad?” he said.
“I mean you look pretty young,” you bit the insides of your cheeks. “I’m sorry I must have been taking up too much of your time Mr. Parker, ‘twas a lovely chat though.”
“Oh it’s fine, I’m on lunch break anyway.” you waved him goodbye and he reciprocates the gesture. “By the way, Peter is fine, just Peter.”
He leaves, and you sit back down on your desk, your heart beating a little too fast for your liking. Your knees felt funny like they were going to give out. Oh, god. You were crushing on the physics teacher. 
Before your shift ended Mrs. Longford called and said she couldn’t go to the library due to her pregnancy. You gladly said you would deliver her the books instead. On the way to her room, you couldn’t properly find her classroom, they all looked the same to you, so you went one by one, looking through the windows and checking to see if Mrs. Longford was there. By the eighth classroom, you could see him. Not Mrs. Longford, but Peter. He was demonstrating the law of inertia to the class, making a funny action of being hit in the hip by force, and the class laughed. He seems nice, and the students all listened to him, taking in every word of his lesson. It was admirable really, to have such charisma over a bunch of impressionable kids and use it to educate them. 
The bell rings, and a swarm of students floods the halls. The books in your arms fall as a student bumps into you. You cursed, bending down to pick them up while a pair of arms reached out to help you. It was Peter, he had ditched the suit jacket at this point, his shirt sleeves rolled up to show his veiny arms. 
“Thank you, I was looking for Mrs. Hayward’s classroom and I couldn’t find it,” you hugged the book while Peter carried the other stack. 
“Mrs. Hayward’s room is in the other wing. Don’t worry I’ll walk you to it.”
“Oh no, you must have another class, I can find my way.” you try to take the books but he moves away.
“No it’s fine, my day is done. Let me walk you to her room.” he smiles, again, that pretty Peter smile. 
On the way to Mrs.Longford’s room, you talked about your education, where you went to high school, and in college, and where you live now. The conversation later went to his daughter, Mayday, named after his aunt who has sadly passed. She was 5 years old and in first grade, a smart girl, he says. 
You reached the 3rd door in the left wing. Peter told you that the lady with short hair and red cat-eyed glasses was Mrs.Longford, the baby bump also verified his claim. You knocked, and she waved at you with a smile, you and Peter went in to bring the books. Peter and Mrs. Longford exchanged greetings and talked about an upcoming faculty meeting. You asked Mrs. Longford to sign some papers for the book requests she had made and she obliged. 
Peter walked you back to the library. You continued to chat about random things, your favorite food (he was pizza), your favorite color (he was blue), and your favorite movie (his was Interstellar). You unlocked the library and turned the lights back on. You went back to your desk and Peter took a seat at a nearby desk. You stared at him, arms crossed, legs spread. 
Weeks passed, and Peter had been visiting you in the library. Usually, he’d stay to check student papers or read new scientific publications on the school computers, he was nerdy about stuff like that; but most of the time, he just stayed around to talk to you. He would talk to you about Mayday’s science project, which you helped him come up with. It was an iced tea stand presentation that used butterfly pea flower tea and lemon juice, and it changed the blue liquid to a bright purple. She won a silver prize, Peter says. 
Peter had mentioned before that Mayday lives with her mom and that she rarely gets to see her dad. You could see the way the line his mouth would make and how it would frown sometimes when he talked about her. You wanted to give him some piece of comfort, but every time he would smile because it was Mayday, it was his only girl. 
You were at your desk enjoying a sandwich with your favorite orange juice box, Peter sat on the floor next to you hidden from anyone who came to the desk. He, too, enjoyed a sandwich you made. You scrolled through your laptop, mainly on the news. 
“Hey Pete, have you ever seen Spider-man?” you said, Peter almost choked on his food.
“Spider-man?” He cleared his throat.
“Yeah, I mean you’ve been here your whole life you must’ve seen him right?” you took a sip of your drink. Peter thought long before he answered.
“No, I haven’t,” he whispered. 
“Boo! You’re boring,” you threw an eraser at him.
“Hey! It’s not my fault he doesn’t swing by my apartment once in a while.”
“Well, I wish he’d come by mine, take me into his arms as we swing away into the sunset,” you waved your arms around thwipping your hands like Spider-man. 
“You’re so silly,” he laughs, he takes a big bite of his sandwich, talking to you while chewing. “You know, Mayday’s been asking about you, she said she wants to thank the guy that helped her come up with her science project.”
“She said that?” you were touched.
“Well, I wanted to invite you, and she told me we haven't celebrated her win so why not invite the guy who helped her,” he finished his sandwich, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “You don’t have to if you’re busy.”
“Friday night right? I’m in.” You smiled.
You knocked at the light blue apartment door, you could hear some ruckus inside. Coming! A man’s voice yells. The doorknob turns and there he was, Peter Parker, dressed in a light gray sweater, the sleeves rolled up, and a red apron. Behind his leg was a little girl with light red hair. 
“Hey there, I’m glad you could come. This is Mayday,” she was shy but she gave you a little wave and a hi. 
Dinner started in a few. Peter served baked macaroni and a Caesar salad. Mayday brought a plate of cookies she made, without her dad’s help, she said (Peter shook his head). You brought a box of pepperoni pizza as per Mayday's (and Peter’s) request. The three of you talked over dinner about how proud you were about the medal and if she ever needed help you would gladly be there. 
After dinner, Peter took the dishes, you went to help but he insisted you not. You were left with Mayday in the living room, she was talking about her favorite book, a book about planets. Venus was her favorite, she says. You began to talk to her about the many books you have on planets in your library and if her dad permitted, you would lend some. 
“Do you like dad?” you were surprised. 
“Yeah, he’s nice,” you offered her a smile, and she gave you a curious gaze instead.
“Dad is always alone.” you looked back at Peter in the sink, the fabric stretching on his back.
“You’re here,” you stroked her hair. “Your dad always tells me stories about you y’know.”
“But when I’m with Mom he’s all alone.” 
“What are you two talking about,” Peter stands above you and Mayday, his hands on his hips. 
“We were talking about your hair. Mayday said you’re starting to look like a sasquatch.” Mayday giggles. 
A few hours later Peter took Mayday to bed. Mayday hugged you and told you goodnight. You bend down to hug her and she tells you to be Dad’s best friend, always. You were sitting on the couch with your hands on your lap. You looked around the place, filled with books and a bunch of Mayday’s stuff. It seems like Peter just lets her stuff stay there, so as not to forget about her presence. Your eyelids begin to fall as you let out a yawn.
“Sleepy?” he mutters. 
“Just a bit. My head is just filled with so many facts about space,” you made a mind-blown gesture, Peter laughs.
“She does that a lot actually.” Peter sits beside you on the couch, keeping his eyes on yours.
“She’s a lovely kid,” you smiled. 
“She is,” Peter sank his head on the couch, his eyes closed. 
“You think I’m alone?” he frowns. “I heard you two earlier.”
“I don’t think so. You have me,” you mutter. Your hands fall on your sides meeting his. He laces your fingers with his, you could feel the warmth of his palms with your cold ones. He chuckles. “It’s pretty late, maybe you should get some rest too.”
“You’re right, let me bring you home first,” you refused. 
“I’d be fine,” you assure him. 
You were outside the apartment. Peter was with you in just his flip-flops, his hand never leaving yours. “I had a wonderful night.”
“Me too,’ Peter said, he took his other hand and patted your hair. You looked at him with hooded eyes, his hand falling to your cheek. You inched closer, your face so close to his chest you could smell him, like an ocean breeze. His face gets close to yours, the moment seemingly getting more tense. His thumb rubs your hand, over and over, it calms you. Underneath the moonlight, your lips meet. A tender kiss weeks in the making. Your eyes closed and you lost yourself in him. Your lips leave him a few moments later, a smile plastered on both your faces. You hail a taxi cab and when one comes, you wave him goodbye. 
But you swore that night, the moment you entered your apartment, you swore you saw the Spider-man swing by, almost like he was waiting for you to come home.
part two posted here
interactions are greatly appreciated btw if u liked this fic and want more send me a prompt and i'd gladly make something from it :>
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darkstar225 · 9 months
@woso-fan13 Updated Masterlist
Updated: 04 January 2024
I have no clue why I did this, I just love this writer sm and wish I could check everything in one place since I keep re-reading the fics lol
PS: If the writer wants me to delete the post and send it to you so you'll post it, feel free to message me! I just love the fics and felt like doing this :D
It didn't fit everything so check out @woso-fan13 for the other masterlist with the rest S2
Sicktember 2023
Number 1: Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
Number 2: Quest For A Cure
Number 3: “What Happened To Your Phenomenal Immune System, Huh?”
Number 4: Hiding an Illness
Number 5: Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
Number 6: Sick & Injured
Number 7: “You’re A Jerk When You’re Sick”
Number 8: Persistent Fever
Number 9: White Coat Syndrome
Number 10: “The Only Place We’re Going Is To The Pharmacy”
Number 11: Beginner’s Guide To Faking Sick
Number 12: Home Remedy/Old Wives Tale
Number 13: Anxious Stomach
Number 14: “I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am.”
Number 15: Sick in an Inconvenient Place
Number 16: Consulting the Internet/Web MD
Number 17: Magical Remedy/ Healing Potion
Number 18: “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
Number 19: Curled Up With a Pet
Number 20: Cramping Pain
Number 21: “But if you stay, you’ll get sick too.”
Number 22: Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
Number 23: Coughing Fit
Number 24: “Did you just sneeze?”
Number 25: Confused/Disoriented
Number 26: Forehead Kisses
Number 27: Uncooperative Patient
Number 28: “I should have stayed home”
Number 29: Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
Number 30: Patient 0
Number 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Number 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Number 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.”
Number 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.”
Number 5: “You better pray I don’t get up this time around.”
Number 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Number 7: “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.”
Number 8: “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier.”
Number 9: “Learning everything ain’t what it seems, that’s the thing about these days.”
Number 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
Number 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.”
Number 12: “I haven’t slept in days but who’s counting?”
Number 13: “It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.”
Number 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.”
Number 15: “I don’t need you to help me, I can handle things myself.”
Number 16: “Would you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Number 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.”
Number 18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.”
Number 19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.”
Number 20: “People don’t change people, time does.”
Number 21: “See the chains around my feet.”
Number 22: “They never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor.
Number 23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Number 24: “I’ve got a head full of chemicals; mouth full of ridicule.”
Number 25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.”
Number 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.”
Number 27: “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.”
Number 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.”
Number 29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.”
Number 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.”
Number 31: “I thought that I was getting better.”
Comfortember 2023
Sweater Weather
Leaves Changing
Comfort Show/Movie
Late Night Phone Calls
Coffee/Tea Break
Loved Ones
The New Normal
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 6
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out.  Little angst, lots of fluff, handholding,kissing, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
I think I may have an ending now. Posts will continue to be 2-3k long. Every other day more than likely. The whole fic will be around 30k words.
Thank you all again and again for taking the time to read the stories I put out.
Your phone hasn’t stopped buzzing, your head is a little fuzzy but not nearly as bad as you’d experienced. Opening your eyes you flip the phone over to see it’s nearly twelve-thirty in the afternoon. Blinking a few times you make yourself sit up in bed flipping your phone on to see a deluge of text messages. Groaning you turn your phone off and stretch. Before any messages were answered you need coffee and maybe a shower. 
Showered and suitably caffeinated you finally flip open the text messages. 
9 am: So what happened?
9:1 5:Hello?
9:30: Look do I need to call the police?
10:30: It’s been hours….
10:32: You never texted me when you got home
11:01: Okay it’s after eleven. You never sleep in. 
12:45: I am coming over in thirty minutes if I don’t hear from you. 
You reply:
I am fine, I just got home super late. I hope you’re not coming over
You scared me! 
Why didn’t you text me back?
How late were you out
Wait did you go back to his place?????
You groan squeezing your eyes close and drinking a healthy swig of coffee.
We went for sushi, then went down to the beach. 
That’s all you're giving me! What kinda 1950s dating scene is this?
You chuckle replying:
We stayed at the beach until 3 am. 
Trevor: Wait did you have sex on the beach
It’s an important question. Don’t want to find out on the gossip train.
why can’t I have nice things TREVOR. No there was no sex in PUBLIC, we kissed and held hands. Can I not do that????
Trevor: Are you secretly asexual? There is nothing wrong with that. I think it’s romantic. 
I am going to become asexual if it means you stop asking me these questions. 
You could almost hear him laughing at you. 
You like it! 
You snorted and switched messages.
10 am: Hey beautiful, wanted to check in. See how you’re doing this morning. 
11 am: I was wondering about maybe going out to bar a city over next Friday? 
11:10 am: Promise I am not trying to kidnap you.
12:20 pm:  Thought you never slept in?
Hey handsome, sorry I actually slept in. Kept me out past my bedtime.
I would love to go out with you next Friday, fingers crossed they don’t keep us late
You set your phone down, pondering if you still trusted the milk in the fridge to make pancakes. Getting up you get a refill of coffee, phone buzzing. 
If they do we can always go out saturday? Can’t be keeping you up so late. Got make sure you can keep up with this old man. 
Oh I am sure I can keep up with you 😉
Careful little lady, I might have to come by and test that theory.
Your face goes bright red and that heat coils low in your belly. 
You: Promises, promises, 
If I didn’t have a zoom meeting in ten minutes 😠
Maybe next Friday. 
You’re not sure why you’ve become a tease, but you’re enjoying winding him up. 
Monday will be more like it.
😜 Your trailer or mine.
Yours just so Trevor will stop texting me.
You let out a laugh, seemed like Trevor was also enjoying winding him up. You spend the rest of the day chatting with both of them. Sunday is a bit quieter, more zoom calls for Walt and Trevor had gone to Decon’s. 
*** Monday goes by in a blur, Walton keeps his hands to himself when others are around. But it doesn’t stop him from following you behind the food tent to steal kisses. You are now sporting a permanent flush and some of your co-workers are raising eyebrows. You are ever grateful that Trevor has kept his mouth shut. Liz is as pissy as ever but seems to be letting it lay. Katie has slowly warmed up to you again, why you weren’t sure. 
The rest of the week is pretty similar. Early mornings bleed into later evenings, the endless weeks have worn on you. Then Walton slides into your chair with his latest story and you feel like a weight is lifted off of you. The man once more touches you gently and gives you lingering cheek kisses as he goes over to set or costumes.   
Friday night rolls around and it’s going to be a long one. You fiddle with a few of your brushes when the door opens quickly. 
“We are being released. There was a fire on stage, and it looks like we are out at least until Monday,” Liz rolls in looking flustered, her normal perfect facade gone. She looks haggard and frazzled. 
“There was a fire on set?” You ask sitting up and feeling much more awake. Panic shoots down the back of your neck.
“Yep, green sparky left a light on too close to set.” Liz sat in the chair grabbing cleaner. You had stayed in the trailer to start tucking things away as Walton was off-screen for the first three setups. You are out the door before she has time to say more. You stop at costumes knocking at the door. 
Rebeccas opens it and looks down at you, she looks flustered but still has a smile on. “Hey, I am guessing you heard about the fire?”
“Yes, I did,” You say trying not to sound panicked, even though your mind is racing. The thought of him being hurt makes you nauseous. “Umm -is.”
Rebecca looks into the trailer, “Walt. You almost done in there?” There is a bunch of commotion going on in the trailer, with people moving back and forth, and different actors in various stages of undress.
You looked at her puzzled at how she knew you were looking for him. 
Rebecca turns back to you, “He never shuts up about you, so figured that’s why you are here,” She replies, and you immediately feel flustered, clearly rumors are moving again. 
“Oh- umm- Yeah. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”
Walton pops his head above Rebecca his fingers nimbly button up his shirt. “Be right out.”
You blush and look away, “Sorry, I should probably go.”
Rebeca waved her hand at you, “Your secret is safe with me,” she winked. You wonder not for the first time if you were the only one who was never included in the rumor mill. 
Walton pops down the stairs, and has on grey button-up sleeves rolled up, navy wash jeans. He tilts his head when he looks at you. You let out a sigh seeing him unscathed. 
“You okay?” He asks, his hand touching your shoulder. You nod your head, turning to walk back towards the makeup trailer. You really don’t want to make a scene right now, there were way too many eyes on you both right now. 
“I know I said we should go to the bar tonight,” Walton says, his fingers brushing against yours. You try not to grab his hands, just to know he is still there. “But maybe we should get take out at my place?”
You get to the trailer, unable to stop looking around. He looks right at you, the way he could focus on you was both flattering and unnerving. Especially as you are trying to keep things under wraps. 
“Have to stop and grab a few things first.” You say trying to keep your voice from carrying. “Have you pick me up again?”
He smiles, “I would pick you up any day.”
You are bright red, as you open the door and follow the man into the trailer. 
A large paper bag of Chinese food was acquired, along with a couple of bottles of wine. You both devest at the door, slipping off your shoes, and placing the wine on the counter. You watch him move around the kitchen. Practice ease, you watch his muscles move under his shirt. You were tired as anything but being in his kitchen, waiting to eat greasy Chinese food couldn’t have been more perfect. 
You grab plates from him, laying out the smorgasbord board of different food. The two of you scooped a little of everything, before sitting down at the table and pouring some wine. 
“I feel like I should apologize for having you over instead of going out somewhere,” Walton says taking a sip of wine. “I don’t want you to think I am taking advantage of you being here.”
You chuckle, “Don’t know what you mean Mr. Goggins. I thought you invited me to your place to play some chess and listen to swing jazz.”
Walton nearly loses his food at the comment, his hand covering his mouth. “Swing jazz? How old do you think I am?”
“Oh you got to be at least in your seventies,” You tease back taking a bite out of your spring roll. 
Walton coughs, “I didn’t realize you where into grandfathers.”
You choke a little, “Well to be fair,” You wave your hand, “I am usually good with trying anything once.” 
Walton sips on his wine eyebrows raised, “Anything?”
You nod your head, a smile spreading across your face. “Can’t say I don’t like it unless I try it.”
He puts his glass down, watching you carefully as you finish your cup. “I could make some coffee while we clean up.”
You grab his plate stacking it with your own as he grabs the glasses. You two make it over to the kitchen, there is tension in the air as you clean things up. He grabs a French press out of the cupboards aswell as some coffee and cups.
You slide over to the counter and sit on top of it. Feet kicking back and forth as you watch the man ready things.  Flicking the kettle on to heat the water. He comes over and moves himself in between your legs.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” He whispers, placing hands on either side of your hips. Face inches from you.
You wrap your hands lazily over his shoulders, opening your legs to let him in closer. 
“No, you haven't today.” You lean in to kiss him, kissing him will never get old.
“You are stunning.” He whispers against your ear. Sending shivers down your spine. The kettle clicks and he's moving away from you. You watch him pour grinds and then water into the press. 
“Why did you wait so long to ask?” You inquire, moving your feet back and forth. Letting yourself briefly wonder if maybe the question was too forward.  
He turned to look at you, bottom lip caught in his teeth. “Umm-”  
Leaving the coffee he came over to you. Cheeks slightly pink, he tucked his hair behind his ear. 
“I - ahh. I didn't think you'd want to go out with me.” 
Your mouth falls open, “Are you serious?”
He shrugs, fingers fiddling with the outer seam of your jeans. You take his hand in yours using the moment to drag him back between your legs. Once he is there, you tip Walton’s head up to look right at you.
“You're so dumb,” You grin leaning in to kiss him. He chuckles and leans into the kiss, strong arms wrapping around you. “I am also dumb, 'cause I thought the same thing about you.”
Walton pulls back looking at you, eyebrows scrunched. “Didn't you just call me dumb? Seems like we both may have missed the sign somewhere along the way.”
You grin one hand finding its way to rub along his jawline. “Took us long enough.”
He smiled, “Trevor is never going to let us live this down.”
You let out a groan, “He is beyond impossible. I am gonna have a small textbook of text messages.”
Walton’s eyes glint, and he pulls his phone out. “Why don't we give him an update.”
You can't help but laugh, “Oh absolutely!” 
Walton flips his phone on turning on the camera he flips it to the two of you. You lean in and kiss him deeply as he clicks the button. The phone is placed on the counter as you wrap your legs around his waist. You pull out a deep moan that rumbles out of his chest when you bite at his bottom lip. It doesn't stop you from pushing your tongue in. Rocking your hips a little, the room feels hot. 
Walton pulls away, breathless, “If you keep doing that, I am liable to forget about our coffee.”
You let out a sigh, “I suppose a little coffee couldn't won't hurt.” You unwrap yourself from him. 
He moves down the counter as you slide off it. He mixes your coffee just the way you like it, handing you the cup as he fixes his own. You wait, watching him work, he turns and gestures toward the living room. You make your way over to the couch.  
Folding yourself up on the end of the sofa, tucking one leg underneath the other. You sip on the coffee, it is delicious and beats any store bought. Walton comes over and sits beside you, taking a long sip of his drink. Looking out the windows you can see part of downtown and the north shore. The lights still dazzling, as the evening wore on. 
“I know, before, I said I wasn’t sure you would want to go out with me,” He said looking out at the window as he spoke. “I tried, unsuccessfully to give you space. But the further I got away the more I missed being near you. Then when we went out for sushi, it all just kinda clicked. This isn’t conventional.” He gestures between the two of you. You hold your cup listening intently. 
“I am, ahh, older than you. And my life is not exactly straightforward. I don’t take relationships lightly, not that this is that. Or.” You can’t suppress the smile as he tries to explain himself. “I am terrible at this. I don’t want to move too fast, but also. I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
You put your cup down, and gesture for him to come closer. He places his cup down beside yours and moves over. Patting your lap, he slips down and lays his head on your lap. You run your hands through his hair, his eyes close and he hums softly against your legs. 
“I can’t tell you what's going to happen,” You say softly, “I am also not good at this, but I am willing to try. However fast or slow you want to go. As for the age thing, I don’t care, it’s never bothered me.” 
Walton’s breath slows and his hand slips under your thigh holding you close. You sit there a while longer, letting him just relax against you. Again you are struck by how simple it is, to just sit here with a warm cup of coffee and the city lights. You could get used to weekends like this. But as always he is moving sitting up and smoothing out his hair, grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip. 
“Would you like to come to bed with me?” He asks, you turn away from the lights. His eyes fixed on you, not hungry but curious. 
“I would like that a lot,” You say licking your lips and heart pounding in your chest. 
Walton stands up offering you a hand, which you take, pulling yourself to your feet. The coffee is left on the table as you follow him. Fingers laced together like they are two puzzle pieces. You pass by the guest room and there is a door at the end of the hallway. He opens it and you walk into the large room. There are floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the sea, a large king-sized bed on a wooden platform. The room is sparse, with two side tables with lamps. A large walk-in closet to your left along with a bathroom beside it. You wonder for a moment how often he has brought others back here. The thought lingers in the back of your mind as you wander over to sit on the edge of the bed. Walton has disappeared into the bathroom.
“I think I have another toothbrush in here,” He calls out, poking his head around the corner. 
You smile and move towards him, “I thought you wanted to take things slow?”
He’s blushing again and handing you the unopened toothbrush, “I–I umm. Just figure I’d offer.” 
You move into the bathroom grabbing some toothpaste off the counter and leaning against it, “I appreciate it, besides don’t want to have coffee breath. Would you happen to have makeup wipes?”
Walton thinks for a moment before he scoots you out of the way, as you brush your teeth. He pops up with a bottle of cleanser and a fresh hand towel. “I knew I had it here somewhere.”
You grin and thank him, he brushes his teeth before disappearing again. You take the moment to clean off your face and neck. Looking into the mirror you got a permanent smile on your face. Letting out a happy sigh you finish up, telling yourself not to put the cart in front of the horses. You walk out and Walton is standing there shirtless, blinds drawn. He slips into a grey cotton t-shirt, that you currently hate, and black sweatpants. Sensing you staring he turns around to see you. 
Chapter seven
*tiny cliffhanger. I always need at least one 😜*
*As always if you'd like to be tagged let me know! *
*reblogs, likes, and comments appreciated! *
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demiesworld · 1 year
sunday mornings - [husband!miguel x blackwife!reader]
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synopsis: just a domesticated miguel's sunday routine with his gorgeous black wife.
contents: sfw, suggestive theme, brief sex part but it is not graphically written, just fluffy stuff
notes: some use of spanish is used in this. my spanish is not very good, so if there is any grammatical errors please let me know. i wrote this bc i saw a lot of miguel x black reader fics that have smut in them, and rarely did i see some domestic or fluff with miguel and a black reader. miguel is not spiderman in this, he does not have any mutated abilities or powers. miguel is in his early 30s and reader is in their late 20s.
The weekends are always an anticipated time for Miguel. During the weekdays he would be working diligently in the confines of a cold laboratory. He worked the typical 8 to 5 as a bioengineer, pulling in money to support him and his lovely wife. On Saturdays, Miguel would spend them freely doing whatever errands or activities he couldn't do over the weekday. However on Sundays, there was a routine that him and his wife set in stone for them.
It starts off with Miguel waking up to the aromatic sweet smell of pancakes and a California king-sized bed with an empty spot beside him. The curtains and blinds in their bedroom are closed, yet the tell-tell signs of sunlight is evident from the peeks of rays. His sleepy brown eyes look at the wall clock and reads the time as five past 8 in the morning. Which was normal for his wife to be cooking their breakfast at a time like this on Sunday.
The man lifts himself out of bed, and doesn't leave the bedroom till after he's fixed up the bedsheets and laid the pillows back into place in a neat order. As he crosses the threshold of the door he shuts off the ceiling fan with a flick of his fingers flipping the switch down. Miguel runs his thick long fingers through his dark brown bed head hair as he walked through the hallway. The walls were decorated with family pictures, their wedding ceremony, and paintings of abstract African art.
As he got closer to the kitchen, he could hear the faint sound of the R&B song "Weak" by SWV playing from the bluetooth speaker. Accompanied by that was the sizzling of bacon cooking on the stove and the smell of that lingering in the air. Miguel came upon the kitchen entryway and he stood there leaning against the frame just to observe you preparing breakfast.
You were standing at the flat ceramic-top stove, flipping pancakes on a pan while keeping a watchful eye on your bacon. Your husband eyes your attire: a cream satin robe that ended above your knees and a matching color bonnet on your head. Your face free of any makeup, and you were just in your natural state. You looked beautiful as the day he first met you.
Miguel leans off of the frame and makes his way over to you. While you were in the midst of cooking, you felt strong arms and a firm chest press against your back. Large hands wrapped around your stomach, intertwining their fingers in a way to prevent from you escaping. As if you would ever do that. His supple lips attached themselves to the junction of your neck and collarbone just as a content sigh emit from him. A gentle and heart-warming kiss is what left goosebumps on your brown skin. A genuine, happy smile followed.
"Hmm... buenos días mi corazón." He whispers to you, and rests his chin on your shoulder to watch you cook. "Qué tenemos para breakfast?"
You daintily flip over a pancake while responding to him, "You are having oatmeal with apples, cinnamon, and honey. I am going to have pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs."
Miguel pouts at the meal he was going to be eating, "Do I have to eat that mi corazón? It's so bland."
"Hey, the doctor said your cholesterol levels were high Miguel and that you need to cut back on sodium. You wanna have a heart attack or do you wanna live to see 60?"
He rolled his eyes, but he couldn't argue with your factual rebuttal. "Okay, I get it." His lips kiss your cheek before he lets you go and takes a seat at the dining table. Your gentle voice calls from the kitchen, "I love you Miguel."
"Te quiero tambien, Y/N."
Once you were finished cooking breakfast for you and your husband you set out the plates. First you placed your plate of scrambled eggs, two pancakes, and three strips of bacon onto the tablemat. Then you served Miguel with his bowl of oatmeal coupled with four boiled eggs and his orange juice. You let out an amused chuckle when you saw the pout on his lips upon seeing his meal. Your lips kiss his temple before you go over to sit at your designated seat.
"It's only for a month, papi, don't worry too much."
Together you both ate breakfast and discussed over plans for your Sunday. You told Miguel that after church services you were to be a teacher's substitute for the children so you wouldn't make it home until a little after 12. Miguel said he was fine with that since he would be helping out one of your elderly neighbors with mowing his lawn today due to the guy's back being hurt. You also mentioned to him that you needed to do chores around the house. He reminded you that you were to have Sunday dinner with his parents tonight at their place.
"As long as you're not going to be drunk with your dad then we can do that." You say to him.
"I won't drink with my father, cariño." He promises.
After breakfast was over the two of you started to get dressed for church. You did your makeup in your shared bathroom, going for a soft glam look. You took off your bonnet and fixed up the Senegalese twists you had in your head. You laid down your baby hairs, massaged oil onto your scalp and conditioned your hair. When you were finished doing that you went on to get dressed. Out from your private closet you pulled out a long sleeve mustard yellow maxi dress and slid on sandals. Then you accessorized with gold bracelet, gold heart necklace and gold diamond tear-drop earrings.
You came out of your bedroom and walked into the foyer where Miguel was standing there waiting for you. He was wearing the dark brown two piece suit you had picked out from him the night before. A mustard yellow tie and handkerchief stood out. Your husband cleaned up nice.
His eyes met yours when he heard you walking down the hall and smiled lovingly at you. "Dios mío... Te ves hermosa en ese vestido mami." He gently grabbed a hold of your hand and spun you around just to get a glimpse of your butt. "I don't think I wanna go to church today now."
You giggle and swat him in the chest playfully. "Damn Miguel, you horny dog, we're not skipping out on church again for that. Maybe when we get home this afternoon..." You trailed off letting him know that you were insinuating it could happen.
After Miguel gave you another twirl then a slap on the ass you two set off for church. There the two of you sat in the middle section of the chapel. Some folks came up to you greeting you both, and conversated about what the preacher was going to say today. You both got many compliments on your matching outfits. Which to you wasn't a surprise as you both wore matching outfits on Sunday mornings with similar colors. You remember from last year how the two of you wore red, white and green colors in celebration of Christmas during a service.
The service held felt long despite it lasting an hour and a few minutes over time. You and Miguel did your donations to the church. You both separately put in $50 into the hat that went around the congregation. You sang the songs that the choir was singing and praised every time the preacher talked about the Lord. By the time it was time to leave you looked at Miguel and told him to not pick you up since you had a ride back home after the class with the Sunday school children. You gave him a kiss good-bye then went on about your day teaching.
Miguel went home and changed out from his church clothes to a loose grey tank top, khaki cargo shorts and sneakers. He went over to the neighbor's home and let them know that he was going to mow their lawn for them before doing it. The old man neighbor was thankful for Miguel, even offered him money, but your husband politely refused. To him kind acts of service shouldn't be paid for with money but with kindness in return.
At around 12 you were just arriving home from church and Miguel had just finished up with mowing the neighbor's grass. He greeted you at the door kissing your lips tenderly and his hands caressing your hips. You inwardly laughed as you weren't even a minute into being home when your husband started kissing you and feeling you up in the foyer.
"Papi, I haven't been home for five minutes!" You squealed when he carried you up off the ground and pressed your back against the wall.
Your husband smirks on your lips and replies, "You're the one who said we could do it after church."
He was right you did say that to him this morning. You threaded your manicured fingers through his hair, a soft moan slipping past your glossed lips and into his own.
"Hmm, Miguel, if you really want it we gotta go to the room." You say breathlessly in between the passionate kisses he was giving you.
Miguel carries you into the bedroom and lays you on the bed gracefully. Once you two have rid each other of one another's clothes and jewelry pieces you both engage in steamy coitus. Hands caressing bodies, lips sucking on flesh, and sweat sticking to skin. A song of low grunts, shrill pleased moans, and heavy rushed pants resonated in the bedroom. The loud pounding of skin sounded like a drum in the background and creaking of the bed frame. It all escalated into an unsteady rhythm then came to an abrupt halt once you both met your ending.
The two of you laid in the rumpled bedsheets just holding each other in the aftermath. Basking in one another's glow. You tilt your head up to look at your husband and then kiss the underside of his sharp jawbone.
"We can't stay in bed too long, papi. I still got chores to do and we have dinner with your family tonight."
Miguel let out a tired sigh, "Just five more minutes cariño."
You move to get out of the bed, "Uh-uh, Miguel we gotta get moving, come on now." You pull yourself out of the bed and turn to your naked husband still laying on the bed. You wave your hand, "Come on, get the bed sheets changed and let's take a shower."
"I love you."
You pause when he says those words, but your face softens when you feel butterflies in your stomach. The words, "I love you too." fall out of your mouth when you respond. After saying that you walk out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, Miguel could hear your voice shouting, "You better be getting out of that bed and changing them sheets!"
Miguel shakes his head followed by a roll of his eyes. Though he does as he is told. He changes the messed up bedsheets, putting the old one into the laundry room and then replacing it with clean fresh ones. As soon as he was done he met with you in the shower and you both washed together.
Yes this was Miguel's Sunday routine. Going to church with his gorgeous wife, helping out with the chores, and attending Sunday family dinners with her family or his family once a week. It was the one day of the 7-day week that Miguel looked forward to. And he wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.
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notes: slowly trying to get out of my writer's block slump. current fixation is fucking miguel o'hara. god knew not to make that man real bc he will have everybody and their mama on his dick. anyways lmk what you think of this fluffy piece! (つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )
© 2023 demiesworld please do not repost on any other website without permission. do not plagiarize. any similarities in this fic is purely coincidental.
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You're The Worst | Chapter 1
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Pairing: Touya Todoroki x Reader
Word Count: 875 words
Summary: Paw's and Claw's has a fun staff. However, the nosy bad boy, Touya, loves to pick on you. What will happen when he notices the array of bruises hidden under your sweatshirts? Maybe he isn't so bad after all.
Author's Note: So, this fic idea has been in my mind for a while. I hope everyone likes it. This will be a multi-chapter fic as I don't have a ton of time to write. Oof. Please be patient with me. Also, I inserted my cat Thomas because it's almost been a year since he passed, and I think of him every day. I know. So self-indulgent.
TW: Domestic Violence (Not from Touya), Fem!Reader, Violence in general (There will be a fight, not in this chapter though.), drinking, smoking, cursing. Let me know if I missed anything!
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“That looks like shit.”
Good god, I wish he would just shut up. This is the third time today he’s butted into my work.
“No, it looks great Touya. You’re just an ass with shit handwriting. Jealous much?” We looked over my work. The sign looked great honestly. I really outdid myself this time. In delicate script it read “Tom” adorned with little hearts around the name. I put up the sign on Tom’s’ kennel, a large grey and white cat sitting at the farthest possible corner of the kennel away from the door. “Do you have his bio?”
“Of course, what am I? Incompetent?” He made quick work of putting up his bio underneath the name card I made. He typed his up like normal. I gazed sadly at the big tom cat sitting in the cage. “Hey doll, he’ll get adopted. You always get too attached.”
I grimaced at the pet name. He always looks for a way under my skin. However, he took it upon himself to never call me by name. I need to come up with my own for him. Maybe he’ll leave me alone if I come up with something heinous.
“Some of us have hearts, jackass.” Wait, that one fits. Still not original enough. I glanced at him to see him already staring at me. If looks could kill. You would think working in a shelter there would be nice coworkers here. Everyone else was nice. Not this guy. His intimidating look didn’t help his case. Tattoos were everywhere but the one on his face gets the most frowns from potential adopters. The row of flames over his left brow. Wait is that… “Touya, did you redye your hair? You should do a better job of not getting that shit on your skin. You look insane.”
“Why you lookin’ at me so hard? Like what you see?” My face was already showing my irritation before, but now I could feel it twist in disgust.
“No. The hair dye stains are really not doing it for me.” I do a swift 180 degrees and make my way out of the cat room and into the lobby once more. “Hey Toga! Any new applications come in?” Her face lit up as she looked up at me. Her sharp canines stuck out as she smiled.
“(Y/N)! We had one come in for Mochi!” She was practically jumping out of her chair. “Dabi! Come and look at the place!” Touya leaned over the counter and looked down above the monitor as I walked around the desk. It was a beautiful house in suburbia with a huge fenced in back yard. “Mochi will love it, don’t ya think?”
“He’ll love it little vamp.” I said. My eyes hovered over the screen to notice the time. “You should head out. It’s 5:30! You know the boss won’t be happy about you staying over too much.”
Toga pouted, but I was right. Tomura gets so pressed when she stays over. It must be that big brother dynamic. She got up to gather her things for the evening and shut down the computer. “He’ll be fine, but I’ll tell him you guys said hi!” With that she gave me a big hug and skipped towards the door and out to the parking lot. Touya turned and stared at me as soon as he had locked the door. Without saying a word I got to work cleaning the lobby. Working with animals was messy and there was a mix of dog and cat hair being swept up. I heard Touya’s heavy boots moving towards the hallway leading to the dog kennels. I instantly relaxed and continued my chores, completely blocking out my thoughts.
“Doll,” My body was on autopilot as I put away the cleaning supplies. “Don’t ignore me doll. It’s time to bail.” I quickly finished putting things up and grabbed my bag. Both our footsteps synced as we made our way to the door. Touya held the door open. “Ladies first.” I could hear the cockiness in his voice. He wasn’t going to get a reaction out of me so late in the day. My car’s taillights blinked as I unlocked it. Today was a hot one. The evening sun was shining on me. I pushed up the sleeves to my sweater and was nearly to my car when I heard Touya’s deep voice closer to me than expected. “That’s a nasty bruise.”
The sweaters I wore for the last 6 months were to avoid these questions. It was no secret Kai, my boyfriend, wasn’t the best guy. His record was a mile long. No one would know he mistreated me, however. Kai made a good show of being a loving boyfriend while also being a piece of shit in every other aspect of his life. He won me over with gifts and treated me like a princess. He said I was his perfect girl. Do men treat perfect girls like this?
“Mind your business.”
Touya’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not a dumbass, (y/n).” With that he got in his black 5.0 mustang and pulled out of the parking lot leaving me standing next to my car.
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cybertroniannugget · 1 year
All for professionalism (Optimus x male reader)
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Can't find many OP x male reader stories so I'm here to change that. Hope y'all like it^^
About this fic:
Nsfw, zoomcall, dubcon, somewhat ooc OP ig, male reader, office spicy time, OP has a valve
2.845 words
You enter your personal studio and place the bag you had been carrying on your back onto the kitchen table.
Releasing a sigh, both hands placed on the kitchen counter and head hanging low, you went through today's schedule in your mind.
A swift look to the clock on the wall to your right, confirming the lack of time you had to actually do something other than organizing and listening to superiors.Pulling yourself together, you go for the fridge, taking a can of energy out.
"I'm so gonna need that, or Galloway's endless monologue will be the end of me."
Murmuring to yourself, then noticing the presence of someone else behind you.
Metal arms wrap around your waist and a helm is placed on your shoulder.
"It appears you are stressed."
Another sigh leaves you, as you place a hand on your lover's cheek.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."
You turn your head to press a tender kiss on Optimus' lips and it was at this moment that the embrace around you tightens a bit.
Your heart skips a beat as a servo made its way further down, gently grabbing your crotch area.
"Optimus, I can't right now. I've got a meeting to attend in 5 minutes."
He releases your sensitive area, turning you around rather quickly and lifting you up onto the table. Both hands on your hips he lets his lips crash down onto yours, a slight whimper escaping from you.
For a few seconds you indulge in the erotic act, but then you notice Lennox and Epps standing behind a glass door in the building opposite to yours, which gave them the entirety of the current view.
Pushing Optimus to the side you sprint up to the window, frantically closing the curtains, receiving a thumbs up followed by visible laughter from the two men before you dissappear from their view.
Thumb and pointer finger pinching the bridge of your nose, eyes closed and taking in a deep breath you turn to the side, before releasing yet another sigh. Crossed arms over his chassis, Optimus leaned against the table.
"You seem way too proud of yourself right now...", you mumble after turning to look at him. "Of us getting caught? I would not say so."
He nods, optics flickering towards your lower area, where he had just teased you before. "But one could say that I have succeeded in something else."
You had been so distracted that you couldn't find the time to realize that you were starting to get an erection.
Face red, and flustered you walked back to grab your bag and held it infront of the bulge forming in your pants.
"Very funny Optimus. But I really gotta prepare my setup for the call."
As much as you wanted to just ditch the probably uneventful meeting you knew that if you did, the hailstorm of complaints that were to come from the liason would be too much for you to want to take care of.
Luckily the equipment on your desk was brand new, so that leaving the kitchen and the computer now being ready to enter the callroom took about 30 seconds.
Want to know what took less than half a minute to occurr?
Optimus fucking Prime having a servo placed on your shoulder and pushing your back into a wall. At least the curtains were already closed in this room because of the sun shining in.
"Optimus I-" You grab his chin, keeping his helm steady, to remove his lips from yours and make him look at you.
"Not now.", you said firmly, watching the blue in his optics brighten, as to challenge you.
"You do know that this is far from professional right now?", you remarked, rasing an eyebrow at Optimus.
"Oh, I am all for professionalism.", he replied, voice boastful.
With another passionate kiss he grabbed your crotch once again, teasing you a lot more this time.
With a lively laugh you slap his arm, then grabbing it to free yourself from him.
"Stay out of the frame and be quiet.",you ordered him and while walking past your hand brushes along his arm plating and then you sat down.
" I mean it!", you add, a finger raised as he turned around to face you.
Vocalizers emitting a chuckle he places his servos on his hips, watching you intently with his helm tilted.
You couldn't help but blush upon seeing the smug expression he had on his faceplates.
Surely that bot was up to no good...
Whatever was going through his processor must wait until after the meeting, which you joined, camera and microphone on.
Shooting a glare at Optimus before the camera connected, you motioned for him to not make a sound by raising a finger infront of your lips.
He had been on earth long enough to know that this gesture meant for him to shut it and not make even the tiniest of sounds.
And he wouldn't be making any. Not even when you were focused on presenting your research.
So fixated on the subject that you didn't notice Optimus disappearing from your field of vision.
Only when a servo caressed up your thigh you realized and froze, stopping mid-sentence.
"Sir, you were saying?"
The screen changed to Galloway, whosw expression actually showed great interest in what you were saying.
A truly rare sight...
"Eh, excuse me for a second, I have to look it up again."
That was a lie. You perfectly knew when you had gone to Germany to talk with the Chancellor and what exactly the topics of discussion were.
Rustling through the folder laid open infront of you, you take a sip from the can of energy then clear your throat and continue.
"As I was saying..."
Optimus knew that he would receive a summary of this meeting later during the day, so he focused on the task before him.
Running a single digit up and down your inner thigh he spread your legs open, getting comfortable in between them. Knowing that anything else would make too much of a noise you reach down to smack his helm before pushing yourself back on your rolling chair.
That wasn't of great help as you were pulled back the same second you had freed yourself.
With his arm in a tight grip on your hip, you were left with nothing but to just continue and keep your composure.
A private notification pops up on your screen, the sender being no one other than the culprit beneath your desk.
I am all for professionalism, which is why you are going to have to remain silent and appear focused.
Continuing your lecture, tensing up as the servo, which was not holding you in place, started grinding along the bulge of your erection beneath the pants you were wearing at the moment.
Silently your belt was unbuckled, the buttons and zipper following suit.
The servo, that had been keeping you in place , let go to grip your waistband and pull your pants down, just enough to free your errection, He does so slowly as to not raise any suspicions.
Your fully errect dick exposed before Optimus now, your jaw tensed up as you knew what would come next.
His servo lazily grasped around you.
Feeling a slight moisture you sighed internally. Of course he had taken lube down there with him...
Taking a deep breath in through your nose as he began stroking you slowly, you listen intently to the remarks of the other people present in the call.
Someone's cat began running in the background off the call, making all kinds of noises. After everyone has had their laugh, you were advised to turn off the microphone unless you were speaking.
"This happened at the right moment don't you agree?"
Still looking at the screen, you place a hand infront of your mouth to look like you were resting your head in it.
"Shut up...", you whisper, a low whimper following suite.
You had to admit, that being able to keep the mics turned off would be beneficial.
A new sensation tingled across the underside of your length. He was stepping the game up, by now actively using his glossa to pleasure you.
And as much as you hated to admit it in this situation, he was damn good at it.
Adjusting your hand to cover a bit more of your face, you were having a hard time keeping your composure up. But no one noticed at least.
His servo started stroking you again, and combined with the licking you took in a sharp breath, hips jerking forward involuntarily.
"Someone appears to be needy.", he whispered, a low chuckle following while he continued the teasing with his glossa.
"Stop teasing already and-"
Your words were cut off as you felt a familiar warmth engulfing your cock.
Eyes still focused on the screen before you, you place your hands infront of you on the desk, giving it all right now to look relaxed and focused.
Desperately trying to get away you attempt on moving backwards again, only to be held firm again.
A low growl emits from the Prime's vocalizers, the vibration having you clutch the side of your table.
So he was threatening you now...?
You're thinking about ways to pay him back later as he started moving his helm up and down, glossa adding onto the pleasure.
You continue listening, one hand reaching down to grab his finials. This wasn't visible to the people attending the videocall, so everything went on smoothly.
How were you supposed to stay calm when he was giving it all to ruin you right in this moment?
"Speaking of Optimus Prime, does anyone of the people present know his whereabouts right this moment?"
Yeah of course you did. He was right here under your desk and giving you a blowjob that had you holding onto him for dear life.
Remembering that Lennox was attending the call aswell you prayed internally, hoping he wouldn't mention that he saw you passionately making out with the leader of the Autobots.
To your relief he didn't and just said that the Prime was probably busy on Patrol.
Busy? Definitely, but not on a patrol. Unless you could call sitting between your partner's legs and his dick deep inside your intake, a patrolling mission.
"We'll take a short break of 15 minutes. Everyone sort your gathered information."
And with that freeing sentence you make sure to turn off camera and microphone, throwing your head back, hand grabbing for Optimus' helm.
"You're going to be the end of me...!", you manage to hiss out between gritted teeth.
Looking down, your eyes meet his optics and you were met with a sly smirk before he went down on you again, gaze still lifted up to meet yours.
You knew that he himself was getting riled up by doing this, so you decided to add onto that by letting your whimpers and moans out.
The effect was drastic. Feeling Optimus stop for a moment and his grip on your hips loosen, with optics squinted, you took the matter into your own hands.
Checking the screen again to make sure both camera and mic were off, you quickly rolled back with your chair, out of his grasp, grabbing his arms to yank him with you.
Kind of taken aback by your sudden action, he did not protest, letting you pull him up to his pedes.
With a firm grasp on his chin, you look him directly into the optics, faces not even an inch apart. (2.5cm)
Your other hand placed on his waist, you smirk.
"That was very enjoyable, now it is time for me to repay the favor don't you think?"
Seeing that all too familiar spark in his optics, you lean up to embrace him in a passionate kiss, gently pushing him towards your desk.
Hastily moving the documents to the side and pulling the cord from the camera, you guide Optimus up to sit up on the table.
With one leg on each of your sides, you tenderly rub across his interface panel, feeling the heat radiating from it.
Gently grasping it with your hand, a low groan came from the Cybertronian.
"Open up for me, would you?", you whispered close to his audial, then placing soft kisses across his neck cabling while lazily working on your dick.
The Prime tilted his helm to the side, granting you better access to his neck area. You continue working on his neck, the hand that had been placed on his crotch now on his shoulder.
As you were rubbing yourself against his interface panel, you felt it parting, permitting your entrance.
Feeling his valve with two fingers, pumping them in and out, you managed to get more of those sweet sound out of your partner.
One of his servos on your shoulder, he grabbed your length with the other one, the message clear.
Retracting your fingers from his wet valve, you lift your hand up to your face, admiring the liquid coating the two fingers.
While maintaining eye contact, you take those fingers into your mouth, watching the Prime become flustered at this sight.
"Hm, you taste so good.", you whisper lowly, pulling your pants a bit lower, so they wouldn't be bothering you and putting one hand on his hip, the other one guiding you to his entrance.
A shudder went through his entire frame as you started entering him. His valve feels hot. Not enough to burn you though, rather it was a welcoming feeling whenever you were inside of him.
Lifting one leg to wrap around you, you knew he was becoming desperate.
And as much as you loved to tease him, in the back of your head you remember that the time you've got at hand was limited.
So without further hesitation, you begin moving inside the Prime, slowly starting to pick up in pace.
Now steadily pumping in and out of him, he had his helm laid back, optics dim, while you were looking down between the two of you.
Both hands on his hips, you inched closer, your chest now touching his.
Optimus looks back at you, facial expression indicating the arousal shooting through his systems.
"Gosh, you look so hot...", you whisper looking back up at him.
A weak smile appears on his features and then he lowers his helm to let his vocalizer emit a whimper.
Oh, how much you loved to hear him make this exact sound.
Gently pulling at the cabling on both sides of his hips you got another one of those sounds out of him.
One of your hands went to grab his chin again.
Oh how you loved that simple gesture.
"I want you to look at me when you make those sweet sounds.", and upon finishing that sentence you ram into him, hard, pulling yet another whimper from his vocalizer.
"Don't be shy, let me hear your beautiful voice.", you whisper, not slowing down your pace.
You felt him clench around you, knowing that you hit a spot with that sentence.
With both legs around your waist, he moved his hips more towards you, optics still locked on your own eyes. "So obedient.", you say breathlessly, fastening your pace and pressing a kiss on his lip plates.
Entering his intake with your tongue you feel him moan into your mouth, which gets you dangerously close.
Parting your lips again, your hand still keeping his helm fixed you looked him back into the optics.
Mouth slightly agape, he looks back at you, vents heaving, trying to cool his systems down.
He went to throw his helm back, only to be stopped by your firm grip.
"I want to see your face when you overload, while I'm inside of you."
That send him over the edge, and you had to place your hand at the back of his helm to keep him looking at you.
His whimpers were cut off by static filling his vocalizer, and his optics were flickering.
Watching him overload like this on your desk, is what made you finish and your movements became sloppy before entirely coming to a halt. With a deep groan you finished inside of the Prime, and you let go of his chin, your own eyes closed and head hanging low now.
Slowly withdrawing yourself from his valve you look back up at him, to be met with a smug expression.
"I won", he declared, proud of himself.
You shake your head and snicker, completely out of breath.
"Fine, you did, now let's get you cleaned up before I have to rejoin the call."
Sometime later
"So, I assume you and the bossbot had some funtime?" You spit out your drink, punching the tall black man wearing camouflage next to you.
"Shut up Epps!"
"I mean, he did look relaxed earlier so he definitely was able to get some steam out", Lennox added, earning a punch from you as well.
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neverenoughmarauders · 4 months
HP canon debater & canon fanfics writer
I am going to be off tumblr until October 1st! Absolutely feel free to send asks or whatever just don’t expect a reply any time soon <3
I am in my 30s, genderfluid - she/they - Scandinavian, but live in the UK, relatively new to Tumblr and a long COVIDer/POTSer!
On this blog, I am a canon-compliant Marauder fanfic writer - who likes to discuss the canon - and I am currently working on a long fic from 1971-1981 called: When we were up to no good.
More about my ambition below, but long story short - I just want a LONG fic that's not Wolfstar, that's a faithful interpretation of the canon, and which tbh isn't overly about sex or the usual fanon stuff. It's just four great friends; an 'enemies-to-lovers' love story; a war and a betrayal.
I mostly ship canon (especially Hinny, Romione, Jily) because I am boring, but I adore Prongsfoot and Sebinis, and I’m not anti most non-canon ships if they are true to their canon characterisation.
I will argue and discuss the canon with anyone who's interested. If you don't care about the canon, fine, but you and I probably won't enjoy each other's posts very much.
I don’t support JKR’s views (Read: I AM EXTREMELY ANTI HER VIEWS). I regularly question whether I should just abandon the fandom because of her (I have stayed away in the past), but then again, I discovered a lot about my own gender fluidity through the fandom, so it’s all very complicated.
I started writing When we were up to no good because I wanted to write a story where:
Sirius and James are best friends, inseparable and extremely talented
Remus and James have a solid friendship; not just Remus and Sirius
While Sirius and Peter take a bit of time to become close, Sirius ends up closer to Peter than Remus (at the latest) by the later stages of the war.
Peter is very much part of the Marauders, and there’s nothing obvious (to Sirius and James) to suggest he does a 180. Nevertheless, as readers who know what happens, we can see the small stuff that lays the foundation for the betrayal
James and Sirius are bullies! This isn’t a story trying to ignore their bad sides
Remus’ personality is affected by his lycanthropy - he has three great friends and that’s it: James, Sirius and Peter. He does not stand up to his friends (much) as he cannot afford to lose them
Lily struggles to adjust to the wizarding world given her blood status and she struggles with her friendship with Snape. She loves him so much but she’s not blind to his friends and the path he’s being led down
James and Lily have arcs that both make us understand why she disliked James so much, but also understand how the two are rather similar in their own way. The relationship, when it happens, should feel solid and lasting.
James does not go around declaring his love for Lily at every opportunity. It doesn’t fit with the canon
Not every OOTP member are in the same year as the Marauders. In my story, Marlene is 10 years older (and Molly’s best friend), Frank and Gideon are 6 years older; Alice and Fabian are 5 years older; and Dorcas is long gone from school etc.
Frank and Alice starts dating after Hogwarts (not everyone has to start dating at school)
There's lots of (hopefully canon-compliant) plot and character development. And it’s a long story! I want to make justice to their story and not rush it (but I don't want it to feel dragged out)
There is as much fun and fluff and comfort and hurt as I can get away with while feeling I can call it canon-compliant
There are plenty of Easter eggs and things we know happened in the canon, such as: Bertha Jorkins as a source of Hogwarts gossip; the Whomping Willow becoming off-limit, the newly built abandoned Hogsmeade house slowly becoming known as the Shrieking Shack, Mundungus Fletcher finding himself banned from the Hogs Head ca 1975; the 1974 World Cup and more.
That’s the ambition. I’m not by any means an experienced writer and I’m learning as I go. If this is something that interests you, then cool! Absolutely engage as much or little as you’d like with the story! I love geeking out over canon and writing!
I post extracts on here quite often! You might call it self-promotion - I call it oversharing - something I do in all aspects of my life! 😂
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