#indian hair care tips
the-phrase · 3 months
Understanding dandruff is key to prevention. Learn how The pHrase's natural shampoo and serum tackle the root causes—be it oiliness or product buildup, and find out how to maintain a dandruff-free scalp with a suitable hair care routine and the right products for diverse Indian conditions.
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larentsgirl · 1 year
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beautytips123321 · 1 year
Cheerful Asian woman curling hair
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I have long hair because I'm American Indian. I'm an Oklahoma boy, and I'm very proud of my heritage.See more...
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phootra · 2 years
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Maintaining healthy hair is essential. But many people are experiencing frequent hair loss these days. Continuous levels of stress, unhealthy diet, busy routine, genetic disorders, and habits like smoking, excessive air pollution, have increased the rate of hair fall in more than one-third of the population. Thinning of hair is also the main concern these days. Below are some tips and home remedies to keep your hair healthy and prevent hair loss. These remedies have been proven useful for treating dandruff and hair fall.
Massaging your hair often- Taking about 15 to 20 minutes to rub your scalp softly at night will not only prevent hair loss but also encourage the growth of your hair. Regularly massaging your hair from the forehead to the nape and repeating the same procedure will stimulate your blood circulation and will help you have shiny and healthy hair. The results might be slow, but never forget that patience is the only key to having long-lasting healthy hair.
Practicing Asanas- Practicing forward being asanas that help enhance the blood flow in the body from the head region to the toe. The downward dog poses and standing forward bending asanas are recommended and proven to be the best practices for best results. Experimenting with various hair care products might pose a risk to your hair, especially for people, who are unaware of their hair type. Practices like these promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.
Regular hair washing- Washing your hair with good and a mild hair care shampoo at regular intervals is the best and safest way to reduce hair fall. It keeps the scalp clean and lowers the chances of adhering to dandruff or bacteria which are the root causes of hair loss.
Messaging with best quality hair care oils- Using the best hair care oil for massaging your scalp gives the best results as oiling your hair thrice a week increases the tensile strength and helps prevent breakage. Regularly massaging your hair with hair care oils for a few minutes will nourish your hair by providing an adequate amount of nutrients. Almond and sesame oils are the best for dry hair.
 Hair care treatments- Many Hair care treatments in the best salons in Jodhpur are available with many hair spas offers. In the current situation, many home services salons are available. If you are too occupied with your work, getting a hair spa in the best salons in Jodhpur is suggested as it helps fight hair fall issues also.
Adapting to some of the above measures will help you improve the quality of hair by making them strong, shiny, and healthy that will eventually prevent hair loss.
Tips To Protect Hair From Heat Review
Top Hair Care Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
(Idia's Part)
Previous part (Kalim)
A/n: Out of every housewarden, I felt like sobbing writing Idia's cause of how fluffy he is, I love him so much. Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Potential Inaccuracy in Indian Tradition, Indian and Greek clothing, if ever you see inaccuracy about it, please let me know, I only did a bit of research about it. The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personalities of our beloved boys. You have a child with Kalim here!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul
Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Kalim = The sultan Idia = Hades ─────❅───── Idia: The underworld has always been Idia’s little comfort zone, although at first, he didn’t want to rule it, due to how depressing it gets sometimes, but along with his brother Ortho who takes care of “outside” activities, aka meetings with those overbearing gods and goddesses who think they’re better than anyone, he didn’t mind the work as long as it’s with him. So far, his duties were all just about guiding souls into whatever the fuck they want or are allowed to go, honestly if they all became lost souls, he wouldn’t give a flying damn.
One day, however, an odd discrepancy appeared in the calculations of souls being accepted—an unregistered soul had entered the narrative. Concerned, he strolled toward the portal of Tartarus to investigate. When he peered inside, a sudden flash of blinding light erupted, disorienting him. Before he could react, a heavy force slammed into his body, causing him to stumble.
“What the!” he grunted, feeling a heavy body on top of him, he rubbed his head, opening his eyes, adjusting to the sudden light-to-darkness transition.
You stirred, finding your hands pinning him down. His eyes widened in shock as he pushed you off, scrambling backward so quickly that he hit his back on the wall with a loud slam.
“What In the world?!” he screeched, his hair glowing brightly meaning he was incredibly nervous, while you seemed to be lost, standing up, you pat away the dust off your outfit, taking notice of Idia who still was pressed on the wall.
“Idia?” you went closer to him, he looked like an angry kitten, glaring at you at first but the moment you got closer he stiffens up, pushing his hands to protect himself from you.
“Stay back! You anomaly!” he shouted that it echoed around the empty room, you were taken aback, “Idia, it’s me.” you said, eyebrows knitting in frustration.
“H-how do you know my name?” he asked, looking at you confusedly, were you sent by his other brother who he doesn’t even think of one, Zeus? You look kind of angelic so there’s a suspicion.
“Idia, you’re my boyfriend” Wow point blank you decided to kill him with those words, boyfriend his ass, what boyfriend, all he knows is that he prefers to be single than have a lover, also he wants to add that you are way out of his league, there’s no way you like him that way, and this is the first time you met him, was there a camera around here? The edited laughter? Where is it? He’s waiting for that to come.
Realizing that he was overthinking again, you snapped your fingers catching his attention; stating your name you tried to see if you got any reaction, but nothing. He really didn’t remember you.
You were going to be saddened by this, if it weren’t for the fact that the tips of his hairs had a slight pink on it meaning was still a chance for you to get your boyfriend back.
Okay, you two might be misunderstanding things, while Idia was observant, he can’t think straight when he’s in front of someone, his black and blue robe being a perfect cover for himself, he even had a hoodie knitted for him to cover his hair with.
You noticed that he was taller than before, raising your eyebrow, you grabbed his arm, which made him freeze up, looking at you like you just harassed him, his sweat drops. “What?”
“Since when did you get taller?” you asked, he slides your hand off of his arm, rubbing it a bit, “I don’t know?” he answered confusedly, before waving his hand dismissively, “No more questions, I’m bringing you back to Zeus” he grumbled, his stupid brother playing pranks on him again.
“What? Zeus?” you walked faster to catch up on him when he started speedwalking away, “Y’know, God of Olympus?” he said, weirded out why you didn’t know Zeus, everyone knows him.
“Wait, Zeus as in the God from long ago?” you asked further, which made Idia stop his tracks, turning to look at you, his figure looming, he looked like a grim reaper when he stands with you before, but now it’s more evident.
“What do you mean long ago?” he asked as bewildered as you are, why are you acting this way anyways? Anomaly that popped out of nowhere and almost giving him a concussion and right now you’re giving him a migraine, what’s next huh? brain aneurysm?   
“Are you not my Idia?” you frowned, looking at him closer, he exhibited a different style, he was taller, slightly shorter hair, bluish skin instead of pale.
“Your” Idia? What does that mean?
The more you open your mouth the more questions pop out, sighing he decided to cover your mouth with his hand. “Please… just shut up for a minute”
Okay, first theory! You’re not from around here, I mean you just got spat out like trash by the Tartarus and suddenly proclaiming that he’s your boyfriend, he feels bad for you, your standard is in hell if you’re dating him, you’re pretty too, a disrespect to your face really.
Second theory, which he’s leaning on more, you’re a spy sent by his brother Zeus; to make him fall for you and you break his heart and upload it to magicam or something.
If you think he’s self-deprecating too much, please, he’s just being realistic with the situation.
“First off, I am not yours” he clarified, lifting his hands as if he’s surrendering to you. “I never met you in my whole life, you’re cute but no”
Rejected by your own boyfriend, you wanted to pinch his cheeks for it, you were going to be hurt by this, but the thing is, the way he acts reminded you of the first stages of your relationship with him, he wasn’t the best with it.
“Okay,” you said, being short with him, for some reason that made him feel bad, scratching the back of his neck, he wanted to hold your cheek or hand to comfort you, an odd feeling.
“Sorry- I mean if you want to, I can act like your boyfriend or something” he murmured, his voice gradually decreasing to the point you barely heard the last words.
“It’s fine Idia, no need” not wanting to force him into that kind of thing, however, you noticed that his little fire hair started to fizzle out, panicking a bit you touched his hand, holding it, “wait I mean, okay, sure we can act”
Phew, that got his fire back up, lucky you. “Okay…” he said awkwardly coughing as he uses his tech to call for Ortho. “Ortho, can you come here?”
Ortho was impressively fast with going back to the underworld, looking the same except his clothes or rather his cyborg parts looked Greek like, it explains why you were wearing a tunic.
“Scan her” Idia said, using his eyes to signal ortho who to scan, in which Ortho grins brightly. “Okay!”
You stayed still as Ortho used his eyes to scan you, it was something that came natural for you, especially since your Ortho does that often.
“So?” Idia asked, leaning on the wall, Ortho shook his head, looking conflicted. “Nope, she doesn’t have any data around Ancient Greece, or anywhere”
“Huh” he didn’t seem surprised. “Are you sure about this?” he asked, patting Ortho’s head. “Yeah! I did another scan but there’s no indication of her presence anywhere.
So, you really were just transported by Tartarus to Ancient Greece, connecting the dots, that means Idia here is…
Noticing you staring at him in deep thought He smiles a bit, you looked funny thinking like that, pouty and all. “Since you’re really not from here, my name is Idia, God of the Underworld, and this is Ortho, my brother.” Ortho waves at you enthusiastically and he was genuinely surprised that his brother introduced him instead of himself.
“I know” you hummed, crossing your arms. “I told you already, we’re dating- “
Idia tried to cover your mouth before you spout that out but failed as Ortho’s eyes widens. “You’re dating my brother in the other world?! You mean there’s another version of us in your world?”
Oh dear, you’re in it now.
Ortho basically asked you plenty of questions, already happy that his brother pulled someone like you, you were gorgeous!
Idia was a bit happy you got along with his brother, he sometimes feels bad that he keeps Ortho in such a depressing place instead of being a normal kid outside and playing.
Also he can’t help but get flustered whenever you randomly get physically affectionate with him, he’s been trying to find a way to get you back in your world, but it’s proving to be difficult since Tartarus maybe his domain, but it’s a system that’s entirely independent from him, think of it as the pity system in his gacha games, even if you hit enough 80 pulls, it doesn’t guarantee the limited character you want.
But, as long as he can, Idia tries to make sure every time he hangs out with you is worthwhile, it’s the first time he made effort to spend time with someone, when he’s off work, he finds himself going to the guest room, asking if you wanted to come eat with him and Ortho, or sometimes, you end up in his room, playing a two-player game with him.
Ever since you came into his life, he started going out of his room more, back then he usually just… does his work and go to his room. That’s all Now he’s trying to go outside more, especially when Ortho told him that to get you back faster was by “thinking outside the box” which just meant that he should go touch some grass and let the gears in his brain think of a solution.
He didn’t really know when he fell for you, but he noticed it when you were outside with him, in the largest field that had nothing but nature around. The outfit that Ortho lend you fits your palette so perfectly, it almost made him want to take a picture.
You were admiring the view while glancing around, picking up flowers.
Confused with what you were doing he walked to you. “Hey what-“ getting cut off as you shove a bouquet of flowers on his chest, a ribbon clumsily wrapped around the stems of the flowers.
“For you” you said, smiling, making his heart skip a bit, he accepted the gift as Ortho called out for you, giving him a glance before you grab his collar, pulling him down to kiss his cheek before walking away.
That got his hair to burn bright pink, shaking from the adrenaline, he coughed awkwardly, hopefully, Ortho didn’t see what you did.
Well, he’s having a hard time finding a way to send you back home, so… it might take a while.
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fayeraa · 2 months
youtube ❤︎
featuring:Ace, Usopp, Nami, Robin
Prompt : what do they watch on youtube ? | a lil swf hc 💆🏻‍♀️
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•𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐠𝐚𝐬 .𝐃 𝐀𝐂𝐄
you know the indian home-builders ? the ones you come across randomly at 3 am, yea those ones
obvi mugbang videos w/ luffy >:)
tuto videos like « how to restore a burned car »
videos of ppl risking their life by climb into buildings it has a name but i forgot it , he secretly wanna film some videos like this too
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slingshot tricks
prob videos like « stars before and after » or « the most dangerous waters slides of THE WORLD » ft.Luffy :D
hair care and haircuts tips
i really don’t know why but asmr videos but like it’s his little secret yk
slime recipes without glue, floor, borax, water, eye drops and wtv
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fashion vids, i bet she would be into doin’ her own 🤭
fashion shows
« how to make money easily »
« how to make money off people »
« how to pull off the heist of the century discreetly and easily in three steps »
it’s progressively getting worse
a lot of makeup vids too and self/skin care
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like jazz replays of her fav albums or sum
archeological digs
most important history moments
historic full of childish vids bc of chopper like « cotton candy eating for 10 hours straight »
but also « #top ten kids falls » or vines
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a short one piece hc but i felt like writing self indulgent stuff recently :) | back2blog
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pedgito · 2 years
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𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭 pt. iii ✧ ˚ · . 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary: you and eddie settle into a routine, but nothing good stays that way for long, and eddie hates the sight of you with anyone but him, it’s a shame he can’t admit it to anyone but himself
cw: 18+ (minors dni) teacher/student relationship, age gap (21 & 29), corruption!kink, oral (f & m receiving), protected/unprotected sex (they can’t make up their mind), lots of teasing, jason is a grade a asshole, use of tie as bindings, naughty acts while others are around, one degrading word made by the reader toward themself, eddie is a jealous baby who doesn’t know how to handle himself, tense arguments, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 10k - part one, part two, part four
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The prospect of sneaking around enlightened something in Eddie—you couldn’t say you hated it, but it was a lot to take in all at once. After the agreement was settled, you both dove in head first. Eddie really couldn’t get enough, but neither could you—it was an endless sequence of sneaky note passing that would, no doubt, end in a late night hookup—sometimes pressed up against the back of Eddie’s van if he was getting too impatient, other times laid out in the back, spread out over Eddie’s lap with your hands bound behind your back by his tie; which was always tied properly around his neck now, whether by himself or by you, sneaking into his class early in the morning to make sure it was perfect—it helped him feel like he had his life together, which wasn’t the case at all. 
He’d also, by some stroke of luck, had kickstarted a string of shows on the outskirts of Indians, away from Hawkins population and their prying eyes, their notoriety being spread by word of mouth until he was spending almost every weekend playing his heart out with his band—it’s what he always wanted initially, but life had other plans. 
He had to grow up, graduate, get a job and force himself through college; make something of himself—and maybe he had, but it was never what he wanted. He enjoys his life now, the stability and the ability to help others, even if momentarily. It’s why he chose the course of study he did—it wasn’t throwing darts at a board and picking the one it landed on, it was always intentional. But at this point, he felt stuck. 
No one knew he’d enrolled himself into being a professor, surprising even himself that he’d enjoyed it as much as he did, even if the entire concept and uniform drove him nuts—it helped keep him afloat, and more recently, led him to you. 
It’s like, after a lifetime of horrible outcomes, things were finally starting to turn around for him—even if it was all only temporary. 
You also watch all of us shows, never missing a single one, not in the two months string that follows your initial agreement—school, Eddie, more school, and more Eddie—it was a cycle that you fell into easily. 
He was highly insatiable on the nights after a show, more handsy and needy than usual, propping you up in the passenger side seat, legs hung over his shoulders as went down on you—it was almost too much. 
“Eddie,” You pant, one hand forced behind you to keep yourself upright, the other cradling the back of his head as he licked into your cunt, the shlick sound of your wetness so loud against the dim rumble of the music coming from the bar, “—fuck, what if we get caught?”
“They’re busy,” His bandmates—his friends, buried in copious rounds of shots courtesy of some eager women who latched onto them the moment they stepped off the stage, Eddie could care less, though—he had more important things to worry about, “yeah—use my face, baby.”
Baby. It was new, too new—but it had your stomach twisting in knots, a gentle throb in your cunt as the words left his lips. It sounded so sweet falling from his lips, almost like he meant it. 
You whine softly, gripping his hair gently to arch yourself further into his mouth, letting him suck at you greedily, the tip of his tongue sliding against your clit, pushing you further into the pleasure high you were drowning in, your underwear wadded into his hand as he gripped your thigh with the other, pulling you wider and wider, massaging at the soft flesh.
“Louder,” He comments, mouth molding around your clit to suck gently, a jolt of electricity running through you as you gasped loudly, pulling harshly at his hair, “that’s it, good girl.”
You nod idly, arm giving out on you as you fell back, grinding absently against his face, allowing him to do most of the work—Eddie knew just how to work you up until you were breathless and exhausted, willing to let him take over, and you were, so he did. 
“Don’t have time to fuck you like I want,” He tells you, mumbling against your cunt in a way that has you clenching around nothing—the heat of his breath was enough to nearly send you over the edge, “so I guess this will have to work.” 
You didn’t care—it couldn’t get better than this. 
You moan outwardly as his pace quickens, bringing you over the edge quickly, cunt spawning against his mouth as you come, the faint, teasing laugh he lets out as you fall over the edge was enough to drive you mad. 
“You’re too good at that.” You comment idly, chest heaving with shallow breaths.
“I’ve had a lot of practice.” He points out, allowing you to slip your underwear back on, hands intertwining in yours to sit you upright.
“Oh?” You push, knowing who he was referring to, but only wanting to mess with him further. 
“Yeah—“ His hands slide against the outside of your thighs, pulling your core flush against him, the hard line of his cock that showed through his jeans pressed perfectly up against your cunt, “she’s loud, the fucking mouth on her, and she tastes like honey—that pussy is so sweet, can’t get enough of it.” 
“I think you’re drunk,” You laugh softly, letting Eddie pull you in for a light kiss that quickly turns into more, your thighs widening to let him grind up against you, his tongue diving into your open mouth, feeling you out, “or tipsy, at least.”
He shakes his head in disagreement, “Just wanna fuck you,” He pleads, nudging at you neck with his nose, leaving short, biting kisses against your skin, “gonna let me?”
You make a small noise of amusement, pulling him away to look at you, his head heavy in your hands as he bares the weight of it against you, “Not tonight, you remember the deal.”
“I know,” He pouts cutely, his eyes half lidded as he looks at you, “not before semester finals, I remember.”
It was the one thing you both decided on—after the incident in his van, you knew it was better to hold off and keep things less complicated—not that this was much better, but it kept you focused, and Eddie would hang himself over you all day if you let him.
“Time to go?” You suggest softly, catching the faint smile that graced his face. 
Part of you wishes he’d take you back to his place, but he never offered—you didn’t try to pry either, it didn’t seem like a good idea. 
“Yeah, get in.” He suggests quietly, waiting until you’re seated inside the van fully to close the door, jogging quickly to the driver’s side. 
Eddie knew exactly what was in store for him, it was the best part about his weekend drives with you, off the adrenaline of performing and wanting nothing more to sink himself inside of you—he settled for your mouth, which was just as good. 
“You focused?” You ask, watching as his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, leaving enough room between his body and the front dash for you to fit—you know, if you wanted to. 
You absolutely did. 
He nods, rewarded with the gentle glide of your hand over the crotch of his jeans, fingers finding the zipper easily, and unbuttoning his pants just as quickly, a great relief from the pressure that was constraining his hard cock, sighing openly when you take him in your hand.
“Easy,” He warns, knowing that if he got worked up to fast he would have to pull over and you were on a tight schedule—because despite how badly you wanted to stay out all night, you both had responsibilities, “go slow.”
You nod dutifully, leaning over the length of the console to rest comfortably, his right hand pulling from the steering wheel to cover the expanse of ass, squeezing lightly until you were mouthing lightly at the base of his shaft—finally, exactly where he wanted you. 
He hums softly, the quiet hum of the radio drowning out the rough sounds of rubber against pavement, but not enough to overpower the sounds that you made as you worked him over, your tongue tracing the vein on the underside of his dick, mouth closing gently over the tip to suck, earning a small grunt of approval, his fist clenching tightly against your ass, the cold sting of his rings biting at your skin.
“Uh—oh, fuck—more, baby. You can fit more, can’t you?” He asks encouragingly. He knows you can, looking down at you briefly with dark eyes, glazed over with pleasure and a familiar sense of dominance. He didn’t let it out often, or by much, but you knew it was there. It was thrilling, but still secretly terrifying—you wanted to know all about him. 
You nod obediently, your plush lips sliding against his ruddy tip, tongue poking out to swipe at the slit, tasting the small bead of precome, his heady scent from the earlier performance only urging you on, wanting to make a mess of him. 
His hand grasps the back of your head gently, settling into your soft strands, pushing and guiding until he’s nearly settled at the back of your throat, you eyes closing in an attempt to focus, breathing deeply through your nose—it’s the soft nudge of his cock that has you gagging slightly, pulling back to take a breath, before diving back in, taking him into your mouth fully, a small whine tearing from his throat as your hand moves to his balls, cupping them lightly. He’s never been one to care much for the attention, but you treated him like royalty, making sure he was just as satiated as you were after your weekly hookups—it was only fair.
“God, I wanna fuck that mouth so bad,” He sighs, his hand coming around to pull at the edge of your mouth gently where your cock is stuffed inside, “hold your hair back and make you take it, that sound good?”
You nod weakly, willing to agree with just about anything he says. But, the idea isn’t lost on you—you wouldn’t mind at all.
“Shit, sweetheart—“ He says, hand flying up to grip the steering wheel as you swallow involuntarily, you pull back for a short breath, tongue trailing up the length of his dick until he’s cursing again, hips bucking up into your mouth.
You hear the engine rev slightly, car jolting forward unexpectedly, Eddie’s quick to grab you, though—his hand soothing at the back of your neck in reassurance, “I said slow, remember?”
“Sorry,” You mumble against his skin, the words only half true, “couldn’t help myself.”
The van pulls to a stop at some point, interior illuminated by red light, Eddie shifts the car in park unexpectedly, giving him full range and motion to grab at you, fingers twisting in your hair wildly, groaning out at the overwhelming sensation of your mouth as you swallowed him down steadily, thoughts too cloudy to focus on the road—he’s thankful that the streets are so empty at this time of night, dick twitching as you moaned, letting him guide your head down his shaft willingly. 
“Fuck—gonna come, sweetheart.” He warns tensely, jaw clenched. He’s pulling gently at your hair, hoping you’ll get the message, but you ignore it, bringing him right to the edge and letting him spill into your mouth, the guttural groan he lets out shooting straight to your core, “shit—you didn’t have to do all that.” 
You pull back with a satisfied grin, swallowing what remained of him in your mouth, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth innocently, his eyes melting at the sight. You were a goddamn prize, the rarest of the bunch. 
His thumb pulls gently at your lip, rubbing the pad of his finger against the skin, your own eyes lighting up, “You can never hold out, can you?” 
“It’s just too good,” He admits shamelessly, “I’m sorry.” 
You laugh softly, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against his lips—it shouldn’t turn him on as much as it does, tasting himself in your mouth, but the thought sends a tinge straight to his dick. 
It takes another half hour to finally arrive at campus; Max is fuming when she has to open the door for you, key forgotten on the floorboard of Eddie’s van, unbeknownst to you.
So, naturally, you wake up in a panic—thinking it’s probably lost on the dingy floor of some crappy bar out of town, never to be seen again. 
“You two are ridiculous,” Max complains, rubbing at her tired eyes as she forces herself out of bed, “next time you show up after midnight with no key I’m ignoring you.”
“Max,” You plead, hoping she wasn’t as upset as she sounded, “I’m sorry.”
“No—next time: no key, no entry, you sleep on the floor outside.”
“You wouldn’t,” You counter, perched up in your bed as your eyes follow her around the room, her figure disappearing behind the bathroom door, “Max?!”
“I absolutely would,” She shouts back, “try me!”
And you know she’s capable, so it’s crucial that you find the key—rather than accepting your fate and begging her to make another copy. You just hoped that, by some miracle, Eddie might have it. 
When you arrive at class, your usual seat is taken—it’s been nearly four months and not a single time has this happened, until now. You approach the individual hastily; despite the lack of assigned seating, it still felt like it was rightfully yours and you weren’t going down without a fight.
Eddie hasn’t even arrived yet, the classroom filled with the hushed conversations of other students. You clear your throat, tapping the boy on the shoulder, his thick letterman feeling sticky against your finger.
“Excuse me,” You chide, voice sounding a little harsh, “that’s my seat.”
He rounds on you, pale blue eyes staring back intensely, a small strand of his blonde hair falling over his forehead. He’s got the type of smile that would scare away who was shy, not willing to confront their problems, but that wasn’t you. 
“I don’t see your name on it.” He smirks, leaning back in the seat, legs spread wide for good measure. 
“Good one,” You say, forcing a smile, “move.”
“No.” He replies confidently, a smile turning into a tooth-filled grin, clearly enjoying how much it was bothering you.
“You’re new to class, right?” You ask, ignoring his scrutinizing gaze. “This is your first day?”
He nodded silently, eyes taking a noticeable glance along your body—he wasn’t unattractive or creepy, he was just infuriating and not at all the good kind.
“Then you don’t know that I sit there everyday,” You explain, voice calm despite that annoyance that flooded through you, “so I’d really appreciate it if you’d move.”
He laughs, head tilting up to make another snide remark, “Look, I—“
Eddie calls out to him, setting his bag on his desk, “Jason, right?” He asks curiously, staring down at the paper on his desk, “Up here.” He orders, fingers motion for him to move toward the front of the classroom. 
You smile snidely, watching him remove himself from your desk, taking your rightful seat back. 
Eddie only talks to him for a few minutes, handing him a small stack of papers, before Jason is returning to your row, claiming the seat beside you, much to your dismay. 
“Actually,” He takes a moment, examining the desk, his eyes trailing over to your exposed legs before landing on your face, “I think I like this one better.”
“Sure, whatever.” You say nonchalantly, avoiding his gaze and you stared at the board, chin resting in your palm—at least there was your professor to look at, keeping your mind off of the constant gaze of your classmate, who despite being obnoxiously rude and condescending, still participated in the class. 
He answered questions correctly, engaged in discussion, it was almost like he actually cared for the subject and wasn’t just forced here—still, you wanted to shove him flat on his perfect face, tired of the way he stared right through you; he was up to something, but you weren’t sure what. When class nears its end, he turns to you.
“Hey,” He calls out, your name lingering on his tongue weirdly—you hadn’t even told him, “hold on.”
His face contorts up in a look of confusion, almost like he’s battling with himself, confused on what he wants to say.
“Look—I wasn’t trying to be an asshole,” He admits, which falls on deaf ears, “I’m sorry.” 
“Apology not accepted.” You snark back, arms crossed over your chest. 
“I’ve seen you, around,” He states, “that’s how I know your name.”
Still weird, but you take the bait. Your eyebrow quirks up in question, urging him to continue. 
“Your friend Max—I’m friends with Lucas, the guy she’s been hanging out with,” It makes more sense, but not much, “I just—I thought you were cute, so I was teasing, I didn’t think you’d take it so harshly.”
“You call that teasing?” You ask, amused at his horrible attempt to correct his behavior. “Gross.”
“I’m not used to, you know,” He does a back and forth motion between the two of you with his hand, “—girls usually just smile and laugh, they don’t really argue back.”
“What point are you trying to prove?” You ask desperately, tired of this pointless circle of conversation, “That you’re terrible at flirting? Is that why you took this class? For desperation, hoping that I would take one look at you and fall in love?”
“I mean—not fall in love, necessarily,” He says dismissively, “I am interested in the class, I just…thought it would be cool to get to know you.”
You were going to kill Max the moment you laid eyes on her. 
You force a tight smile. “I don’t make friends easily, and I’m not nice—so it’s better if you just stay away from me.”
He doesn’t even get a word in before you’re scampering away, avoiding Eddie’s unknowingly heated gaze, averting right to Jason the moment you’re gone. 
Unfortunately for you, Jason liked the challenge. 
“You did what?” You question tensely, eyes narrowing at your red headed friend. 
“He asked if you were single,” Max explains, “I said yeah.”
Max throws her hands out in defeat, “I mean, you are? Aren’t you?”
“Then?” Max snarks back suddenly. “What’s the big deal?”
“Are we ignoring my complicated situation with Eddie?”
“You two are just screwing around,” Max points out, “who cares?”
You rub your hands over your face in frustration, allowing yourself a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. It was no better if you took any of this out on Max, who was just trying to help you out—her intentions were never meant with harm, but it had created a difficult and dangerous domino effect. 
“He’s not that bad,” Max points out, “Lucas says he’s really cool.”
“He’s the captain of the basketball team—of course Lucas thinks he’s cool.” You point out obviously. “I’m screwed, Max—screwed.”
“Just go on a date with him,” She suggests, your eyes nearly bulging out of your head at the idea, “hey, don’t look at me like that—you might change your mind. Besides, you don’t owe Eddie anything. Didn’t he say that he wanted to keep things casual?”
You nod regretfully. 
“So?” Max shrugs, “Fucking live a little, go on a date or two, you don’t have to sneak around at night with him, at least.”
“You are the one who pushed me toward getting closer to Eddie, don’t you remember?” 
“I just want you to be happy, babe.” Max replies honestly. “Keep your options open, that’s all I’m saying.” 
And you hated yourself for even considering it, but you definitely were.
Jason propositions you the next morning.
“A movie,” He suggest, “just one, and if you hate it, I’ll never bother you again.”
It didn’t seem convincing, but you tilted your head, considering your options. You can’t remember the last time you’ve ever been treated to a proper date; doted on or showed off, engaging in genuine conversation or just being able to hold someone’s hand in public. Eddie always made you feel butterflies, but it wasn't because of gentle touches or sweet words of acknowledgment—it was the rough texture of his fingers as he pressed them inside of you, your cunt clenching around them like they were meant for you. 
Eddie didn’t look at you out of love, it was all lust. 
You’re startled out of your own thoughts by someone bumping the back of your chair—it was Eddie, unfortunately, forcing himself behind you to reach another student who was concerned about their assignment. His eyes didn’t linger on you, immediately tracking to Jason, who’s smile was beaming, inherently charming in a way that made you want to vomit. 
“So,” Jason urges, voice covered in a saccharine sweet tone that made you sick, but you couldn’t help wanting to try it out—even if it went horribly, you could still rub it in Max’s face, “one date?”
Eddie’s head pivots immediately, eyes burning holes into the back of Jason’s head. You catch his scrutinizing line of sight, shooting him a confused look. He’s never reacted so openly in front of students, it’s almost startling. 
Eddie catches himself though, reeling it back in like it never happened—but you knew it was going to emit something, you just weren’t sure what. 
“I don’t know,” You say unsurely, watching Eddie’s shoulders shift uncomfortably, “let me think on it?”
“Can you let me know by tomorrow?” Jason asks, a small glint of hope in his eyes.
“Uh—I’ll try.” You tell him, turning in your chair to suffer through the rest of the period.
Eddie doesn’t glance at you once—but he doesn’t let you leave as easily, hand clasping around you arm after everyone has already departed. 
Truthfully, you just wanted to leave—you weren’t even in the mood to be around him right now, not with his sudden, silent outburst at Jason’s question. You didn’t owe Eddie anything.
“Are you going to?” He asks, removing his hand after a moment, shuffling through a pile of papers on his desk to seem busy—watchful for prodding eyes. 
“Going to what?” You ask dumbly, it wasn’t that hard to guess. 
You feel the tension radiating off of him, a small tinge of jealousy in the way he laughs as a response, eyes flicking up to catch sight of your own. 
“You know what,” Eddie decided, “you should.”
“Go on a date with Jason?” You ask.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to—you weren’t even sure if you did, either. It wasn’t a concern, but to Eddie, it clearly bothered him. 
“Yeah, go,” He tells you, almost like he’s attempting to order you, which doesn’t sit well, “enjoy it.”
“Why are you acting like that?” You ask suddenly, slamming your hand against the stack of papers, the sound of it driving you insane, “Do you have a problem with it?”
You weren’t a thing. He shouldn’t have one.
“No,” He lies, “—but go, seriously.”
“You know what? No.” You decide, frustration flooding your body for the millionth time that day. “You don’t get to order me around, not like this.”
Eddie takes a step closer, face nearly inches from your own—it was dangerous, but he needed to get the message across. 
“I’m telling you,” He orders, “go on the date.”
“And if I don’t?” You ask snidely, head cocking to the side.
“You will,” He says confidently, “you want to.”
It was pure curiosity really, a small bit of self indulgence—you didn’t even like Jason that much, but it still seemed harmless. And if that was what Eddie wanted, you’d give it to him.
“I’ll pick you up after,” He tells you, a reminder of your weekly weekend activities, “and you can tell me all about it.”
He’s got a smirk on his face, riddled with something you can’t quite put your finger on—it’s intriguing, sure; but his gaze is hot, like he wants to destroy you. 
And honestly, you’d let him. 
You rushed after Jason only a few minutes after leaving Eddie, still reeling from how intensely he’d approached you. 
“I’ll go,” You pant out, grabbing at his crisp letterman jacket, “just once, that’s it.”
“Cool,” Jason nods, “Okay.”
“And I have to be back by nine,” Jason looks at you quizzically, “Max will lock me out of our dorm otherwise.”
And it dawns on you then, you’ve been so caught up between Jason and Eddie that you didn’t even think to ask Eddie about the key; but the day prior or today. It felt like you were losing your mind.
You didn’t need to be home by nine, either—Jason didn’t need to know that, but, like Eddie said—he still planned on seeing you afterwards, so it could wait until then. The chances were slim to none, anyways, so you tried not to focus on it too much. 
“I can do that,” Jason agrees, his entire demeanor changing before you. He looked appreciative, happy—you didn’t know what to make of it, “I’ll pick you up at six?”
You nod, lips pulled into a tight smile. 
It was worth a shot—what’s the worst that could happen?
The date couldn’t have been worse if you tried—Jason, despite his valiant effort, didn’t have much to talk about, other than his feeble attempts at trying to make a move on you. You should have expected it, really—all those boys on the basketball team were always the same, with the exception of Lucas. There was one goal in mind—sex. Jason was no different.
“If you wanted to have sex, you couldn’t just asked.” You snark rudely, forcing yourself away from where he’d pulled you against him in the front seat of his car, “It makes you look less desperate for it.”
“Would it have worked?” Jason asks curiously, clearly annoyed by his failed advances. 
“No—not a fucking chance.” 
“You’re all the same,” Jason remarks, “just get the fuck out of my car.”
You didn’t even have a ride home, but you had no other options. You leave him without a word, slamming the door for good measure, desperately trying to think up how you were going to find a way back to your dorm—no one was going to drive you home at this time of night, it was pointless even thinking that someone would be willing to do so. 
But it dawns on you soon after, digging in the pocket of your wallet that was stuffed in your back pocket—you’d kept his number tucked away, just in case you ever needed it. You didn’t think you ever would, truthfully, but there was no better time like the present. 
And even if he was upset with you, you knew he’d drop everything to help you out—it was just the type of person Eddie was. 
There’s a pay phone a half a mile down the road, barely in working order as you stuff the coins in the slot, dialing his number desperately—praying, hoping that Eddie picks up.
“Who is this?” He answers initially, his normal and calm timbre of voice gone. He sounds upset, almost—bothered or annoyed, you couldn’t place which one. 
“It’s me,” You answer quietly, “Can you pick me up? I’m kind of stranded.”
Left behind, pushed to the side, it was all the same.
“Where are you?” He asks, voice still caring that intensity behind it. You tell him the address, rambling off some other noticeable landmarks in hopes that he’ll piece it together. 
“I’ll be there in ten, don’t move.”
You weren’t even thinking about it, perching yourself against the curb of the street, knees pulled to your chest as you sat, waiting—Jason a distant, fleeing memory; that was too good to be true and you should’ve seen it from a mile away. 
Your naivety always got the better of you—constantly giving people the benefit of the doubt.
Eddie rolls up slowly—he doesn’t get out or roll his window down, thankful for the dark tint of his car, for once. You knew it wasn’t safe, even in this area, littered with several students—even if they didn’t take his class directly, they would easily be able to spot him. 
“Thank you.” You mumble softly, a simple acknowledgment of appreciation. Eddie doesn’t respond, his fingers white knuckling the steering wheel.
He was upset, that was fine—though, could it really be justified?
He drives for what feels like eternity, missing his exit, passing it up without a thought. “Where—where are you going, Eddie?” You ask softly, glancing over at him wearily. You didn’t feel unsafe with him, that wasn’t possible, but he’s never gone this way.
“My place,” He answers softly, glancing over at your fidgeting hands, pulling at the sleeves of your shirt nervously, “you can stay there tonight.”
“Oh—okay.” You try not to let him see how your eyes light up the prospect, seeing the inside of his place or just the very idea of being allowed that privilege—seeing a small glimpse into his life.
“Besides, your key is there,” He adds, making the choice not to touch you, knowing that it would likely calm you and he wanted to keep you on edge, squirming, making you feel as anxious as he did about you date with Jason—even if it was for vastly different reasons, “I forgot to give it back.”
You nod gently, “I thought I left it at the bar last weekend.”
“It fell on the floorboard,” He admits, “—you okay?”
It’s a sudden inclination that he was still worried, even if he wasn’t trying to show it. And you were okay, in a sense, but you still felt off—Jason had managed to ruin a good night, something you had a lot of hope for, and now you were forced to sit in the car with Eddie, who seemed just as upset as you. 
“I’m fine.” You settle on, wanting to melt into the seat and disappear, letting the silence overcome the both of you, riding the rest of the way without speaking a word. 
Eddie doesn’t live far from campus, surprisingly—nestled into a small apartment complex on the edge of the busy, bustling college area. It kept him close, but not close enough that he’d run into students—plus, he’s never had a place to himself before, it was a weird experience for him. 
You follow silently, up a couple flights of stairs, watching as he turned the key in the lock and slipped the door open, motioning you inside before him, the soft glide of his hand against your back as you brushed past—it burned like fire, but you tried to ignore it. 
Eddie couldn’t not touch you, it was an inherent part of his nature now, but he can’t help the flood of jealousy that runs through his body at the thought of you being out with Jason tonight—entertaining the idea in general. You didn’t owe him anything, he knew that, but it drove him insane—you being with anyone else but him, regardless of how; it made no sense to you, but all the sense to him. 
He needed to take his frustrations out the best way he knew how.
Eddie’s apartment is spacey but packed to the brim with tons of items he’s collected over the years and no doubt, probably brought with him from home—it fit with him perfectly; all over the place, but still managed to make perfect sense. You wanted to look around, familiarize yourself with the place in case you never saw it again, but Eddie doesn’t really give you a chance, his fingers coming to wrap around your wrist and pull you to him. 
His hands roam the slope of your ass, gripping at your thighs until you wrap your legs around his waist, allowing him to lift you to the top of his countertop, in the kitchen that’s squeezed just beside the entrance of his apartment. You squeal slightly, the squeeze of his hands on your soft flesh as he pulls you to him is enough to make you lean forward to kiss him in earnest, but you don’t make it.
Eddie leans away slightly, just out of reach. “What are you doing?” His time is accusatory, harsh. You frown slightly, confused at his words.
“Kissing you?” You say, “I thought that’s what you wanted.”
“You’re supposed to tell me about your date.” Eddie tells you, his hands traveling up to grip your face gently, thumbs rubbing tenderly at the sides of your jaw, his touch gentle despite his mood. 
“It was—boring, I guess.” You shrug, “That’s why I called you. I wanted to leave.”
“So—why didn’t you ask him to drive you back?” He asks curiously, eyes narrowing on you, a small tilt of your head as he adjusts his hands back.
“He—“ You hesitate, wondering how Eddie might react, “He kicked me out of his car.”
“That's all?”
You shake your head gently, lips pulling together in a tight line, contemplating your next words. “Uh—he wanted to have sex with me.”
“And what did you say?” Eddie asks, fingers tentative and careful against your skin—your legs squirm at his sides. 
“I—I said no.” You tell him honestly, “Why would I want to?”
Eddie shrugs, “I don’t know—you went on the date with him, didn’t you?”
You pull back suddenly, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance, thinking back to his earlier words. “You told me to—you didn’t really give me much of a choice, Eddie.”
Eddie laughs softly, a soft chuf through his nose. “Wasn’t what you hoped for it to be, was it?”
“Is that why you pushed me to go?” You asked, voice ticking up an octave, Eddie leans back with a faint smirk, enjoying himself too much. “You wanted me to feel like this?”
“You’re the one that entertained the idea, you know.” Eddie points out, pushing back into your space as you pull away. “I just had to make sure you knew it was a terrible one.”
“You’re an asshole.” Your words laced with venom, Eddie nearly laughs in your face.
“Yet—,” Eddie shrugs, tilting his head slightly to stare intensely, “you still called me.”
Your face scrunches up in frustration. “Fuck you.”
Eddie squeezes your face between his hands suddenly, cheeks squished until your lips are pushed out, the skin underneath his grip turning red. “Yeah, you should.” 
Your cunt pulses at thought, despite your anger—it seemed like a horrible, running theme with Eddie. He was determined to fuck the hate right out of you, but you weren’t letting go that easy—if he wanted intense, you’d return it back tenfold. 
“I thought we had an agreement,” You say tensely, voice muffled by the grip he had on your face, “are you giving in that easy?”
“We never agreed on sleeping with other people,” Eddie points out, but it seemed pointless; this wasn’t a relationship, “I guess you just couldn’t handle yourself, could you?”
“Are you trying to call me a slut?” You ask accusatory, shoving his hand away from your face. “Because one guy was flirting with me in front of you?”
Eddie stalks back slightly, hand curling at his side in a slow, rising flood of temptation and hate, wanting to put you both out of your misery—he just doesn’t expect to be called out. 
“I thought you said this was casual, Eddie.” You remark, adding emphasis on his name as you step forward, shoving a single finger into his chest—he isn’t fazed, unfortunately. “I thought—well, I could fuck whoever I want.”
Your head tilts down, eyes narrowing in his direction. 
“Does that bother you?”
Yes, he wants to say. But instead, he shakes his head.
“Prove it,” You challenge, slipping the jacket off your shoulders, throwing it directly at his chest, “fuck me like it doesn’t bother you at all.”
Truthfully, he wasn’t sure if he could—he shoved that thought deep down. 
Eddie wastes no time in picking you up, throwing you lazily over his shoulder, squirming against the tight grip he had on you, yelling from him to put you down—but he’s dropping you against the bed in his large studio apartment and it feels too intimate.
Maybe you should forget all of this happened—leave, close the door behind you and never look back, but Eddie’s pulling at your shoes, the edge of your jeans, panties disappearing with it until you're naked from the waist down, and his mouth is on you instantly. 
You cry out at the contact, overwhelmed by the suddenness as he falls to the bed with you, spreading your legs as wide as they could go. “This what you want?” Eddie asks accusingly, voice a low rumble against your cunt. You shake your head profusely, mouth hung open on a silent gasp, hand fisting into the hair at the back of his head, using the leverage to grind against his mouth, his nose bumping against your clit in surprise. 
“Want you,” You moan out, his mouth disconnecting from your cunt to bite at the inside of your thigh, sucking a deep, purple mark into the skin—he does it again, and again, until the inside of your thighs are nothing but a sea of reminders that he had you right where he wanted you, “—need you.”
Need you, he feels the internal tug at the words—how desperate you sound, how willing you were to let him destroy you, corrupt you; he could have his way with you and you’d let him. 
He pulls away, eyes dark and intimidating—you almost can’t stand looking at him like this, his bangs flowing down over his forehead, slightly obscuring his view, mouth parted slightly but his lips flushed a beautiful pink from how intensely he was attempting to torture you, bring you to orgasm before he even had the chance to slip inside you—that wasn’t going to happen though, not if you had a say in it.
“What happened to your rule?” He teases, arms climbing up your body until he’s settled over you, the front of his jeans pressing against your bare cunt, grinding slowly, providing just enough friction to drive you mad. 
“Fuck the rule, Eddie.” You retort, voice steady as you stare at him, tired of everything he’d put you through today, the past few weeks—and god forbid, making you start to like him, beyond the point of a meaningless hook up. “You wanted me to go on that date so I’d be miserable—you wanted me to come back here and grovel, tell you how much I hated it. You don’t get that—either fuck me or take me home, you choose.”
“Turn over.” He demands, leaning down to press his lips against the shell of your ear—he wasn’t sure if he could stand to look at you, right now. It wasn’t because he was mad or upset, but the idea of being able to look at you, willingly let him connect with you in such an intimate way, it was almost too much to handle. 
He shouldn’t have brought you back to his apartment—he shouldn’t have, and even so, he didn’t want to accidentally cross another line—despite how badly he wanted to watch you fall apart underneath him; that was the part of him that wanted, so deeply, to keep from falling for you. 
You flip onto your stomach, feeling his hands squeeze your legs, ass, settling on the dip in your lower back as he pulls you up, using one hand to wrestle with his belt, yanking at the front of his jeans until he could free himself, a small sigh of of relief as he slips his boxers down enough that he can palm his aching cock—you were getting impatient, rightfully so.
“Eddie,” You press, coming up on your hands to lock back at him—he presses you back down in an instant, face shoved against the pillow as his fingers slip inside of you, two fingers curling against your walls, an intense sensation that has you clenching around his fingers, desperate for him to be inside you, “—oh, fuck.”
“Be quiet,” He chides, “don’t say anything unless I speak to you, got it?”
It was all too familiar. You weren’t as good at following the rules though, unfortunately—if the situation you were in wasn’t already a testament to that. 
Eddie doesn’t appreciate the silence, his hand fisting into the back of your hair to angle your head upwards—you grunt at the harshness of it, but it was far from uncomfortable, “I asked a question. Answer it.”
“Yes—yes, okay.” You stutter out, the mix of his fingers and his intense demeanor giving you whiplash, it was impossible to focus on one thing. He pulls again—he just wants to hear, even if it’s the last time. “Fuck—yes, yes sir.”
At this point, it seems like he’s doing it to demean you, humiliate you—but you weren’t even sure you cared anymore. 
Eddie laughs softly, releasing your hair gently until your head hits the pillow, pulling his fingers away from you slowly, reaching over you toward his bedside, pulling at a long strip of condoms shoved into the drawer there—it made you wonder; how much sex was he really having? 
Was it just you? Maybe it shouldn’t matter, Eddie could sleep with whoever he wanted—the thought crosses your mind, invades it, and you’re not sure why. 
He tears the foil with his teeth, discarding the trash haphazardly on the bed, slipping the condom down his cock with ease, before pressing himself up against you suddenly, allowing himself to press against your aching center.
You want to beg, plead with him—but he can sense it, finally putting you out of your suffering and pushing inside of you, right to the base, your body remembering him perfectly, cunt molding to him like he was meant for you. 
You muffle your moan into the fabric, the slight change of angle as he pulls your hips up, slamming into you in one quick, harsh movement—it was exactly what you needed in that moment. Quick, mindless, intense—you wanted to lose yourself in it. 
Eddie’s groaning loudly above you, no effort to stifle how badly this was affecting him too, his hand traveling up to pressing against the back of your head again. He didn’t try to fist his hand into your hair again, the edge of anger he had in that moment had dissipated, replaced with need for release. 
“And you wanted me to wait,” He laughs bitterly, “—that’s torture, sweetheart.”
You whine softly, his right hand gripping your hip roughly, aiding your hips in the desperate slap of skin and against skin, feeling useless against the hold he had on you.
“No one deserves this pussy like me.” He says confidently, “No one can take care of you like I do, right?”
You shake your head furiously, the small telling grip as he winds his hand into your hair is a warning. Answer, think.
“No, no—no one can.” You say brokenly, gasping at a sharp thrust of his hips. 
“And definitely not some trust fund college kid,” Eddie spits back, “—you—you want to go out and find someone else to fuck, go ahead and try, but I guarantee you won’t find anything better.”
“Don’t want to.” You mumble quietly, low enough that you don’t even think he can hear it, but he does—it almost halts him completely, but he shoves the thought away.
He’s relentless in his thrust, attempting to fuck his frustration out through you—it’s almost too much, your hands griping at the sheets in desperation, begging for any type of relief, even a break, just a moment to collect yourself. 
“Please, Eddie,” Your voice is soft, “slow—slow down, please.”
Eddie almost forgets what he’s doing, so lost in his own release of emotion that he doesn’t realize that you’re almost in tears, a hand flying back to grasp for his wrist, begging him to loosen his hold, slow down, or at least take a moment—and he feels horrible. 
He hates how nothing you two ever do is out of pure enjoyment, always riding off of some estranged since of anxiousness or anger toward each other—and Eddie just wants to look at you, the softness in your face as you fall apart, even if he couldn’t admit to himself how badly it affected him. 
He slows, almost to a dead stop, but that seems even worse.
“Do you want to stop?” He asks timidly, whatever emotion he was feeling earlier now gone, replaced with the Eddie you knew best, “I’m sorry—I just,”
“No, no—can I—maybe turn over?” You ask quietly, turning back to look at him. His eyes are soft, still dark, but less rough around the edges.
He nods, pulling away enough to help you roll over to your back—it’s almost a relief to see his face, void of everything but worry, his eyebrows furrowed into a tight line. “Better?” He asks, his hand pulling at your thigh until it’s settled high on his hip. You nod fervently, his head tilting down to aid himself as he guides back into you, the angle even more satisfying than before.
“Oh,” You sigh, feeling a sudden tinge of fear as you speak, remembering his earlier words, “shit—sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
Eddie huffs a small laugh through his nose, his eyes scanning over your face, “I didn’t mean any of that,” He shakes his head, “I was just—upset, I guess.”
Your hand reaches up to touch his face, finger tracing over the curve of his lips, he frowns slightly, causing you to frown back. He can’t take the intensity of your stare, leaning down to tuck his face into your neck, forcing himself deeper inside of you, hitting a spot that can only be defined as euphoric, gut wrenching—you whined out into the quiet room, feeling him thrust into you once more, your arm coming to curve around the back of his neck, blunt nails scratching at his shoulders.
“I just—I just wanted to be shown off, you know,” You say with an immense amount of vulnerability, barely able to get the words out, “I know that isn’t what this is—I don’t expect that,” Eddie’s lips latch onto your neck, more careful about leaving marks, just admiring your skin and the sweet mewling noises you made in return, “it doesn’t matter, anyways.”
Eddie hates how you disregard it all, knowing it’s mostly his fault—filling you with unreal expectations, forcing you into a position, a situation; one that would ultimately end in flames. It was his own selfish indulgence that got you into this mess and he was fully responsible—but he’s stuck now, past the point of not caring, he’s fallen for you.
And maybe he had from the start, but none of that mattered.
“I didn’t know—that you wanted that,” He confesses, his voice even more wrecked than your own, building in the precipice of his own orgasm, “I should have—should’ve noticed.”
“It’s not your fault,” You assure him, forcing him to pull away to look at you, “this is all for fun, anyways. I don’t expect anything from you.”
It’s a painful reminder. 
Eddie nods gently, moving his hand between you both to press against your clit, rubbing slow, heavy circles against the nub, “Oh, fuck—“ You sigh, mouth hung open in desperation. Eddie smiles, watching you fall apart by his own hand, the steady pace against your pulsing clit was overwhelming, but his gaze was even worse; nodding, almost egging you on as you keened against him, rutting yourself into his hand. “Please,” You beg for no apparent reason, “shit, I’m gonna come—Eddie.”
“You got it,” He encourages, slowing his own pace to focus on you fully, the slow grind of his hips and his fingers against your clit as you fall over the edge, “—that’s it, fuck—“ Eddie stalls at the feeling of you clench around him, orgasm hitting you unexpectedly.
His hand soothes you through, the soft praises of his voice as he watches you fall apart, mouth hung open, begging to be kissed. He leans forward, pressing his lips to yours in a deep, messy kiss that doesn’t feel casual; it reeks of love and wanting, but you can't find it in yourself to care right now.
“Good girl,” He coos softly, fingers brushing your hair away from my face, “So fucking pretty when you come, you know that?”
You laugh at the absurdity, a drunken giggle as your eyes fall shut, barely enough energy to keep them open. Eddie leans forward to kiss you once more, quick and chaste, trailing kisses down your neck as he speeds up again, hips snapping into your roughly, his desperate hands pulling and gripping your thighs as he rides through his own orgasm, groaning against the warm skin of your chest, lips dragging against the dip between your breasts, the shirt Eddie couldn’t be bothered to remove was shoved up under your neck.
“That was—“ You say after a moment, a faint smile spreading across your face, “intense.”
Eddie snorts softly, pulling himself out of you to discard the used condom, tossing it in the trash can near his bed.
“I don’t want you fucking other people,” Eddie says suddenly, your eyes lifting up to meet his own, hands slowly working your shirt back down your chest. 
“I thought you wanted this to be casual?” You asked, remembering his words from the beginning of all of it. 
“I do,” He lies, it’s entirely too unconvincing and you can hear it in his voice—you don’t try to question him on it, “I just—I don’t like the idea of you messing around with anyone else, not while I’m with you.” 
“And if I meet someone?” You ask curiously, “What then?”
“Then we end this,” He settles on, even though the words pain him to say, “—you don’t owe me anything, okay?”
You nod gently, “Do you ever think—I don’t know, what would’ve happened if I wasn’t your student?” 
Eddie pulls at the hem of his jeans until they’re settled at his waist, unbuttoned as he climbs on the bed beside you, mattress dipping as he sat, “I would’ve asked you out—probably.”
You smile at the thought, still aware of your lack of clothing, though—Eddie tosses you a blanket to cover yourself, his hands resting on either side of your curled legs, knees pulled to your chest. 
“It’s unfortunate,” Eddie says softly, his hand coming up to cup the side of your face, “maybe if we’d met under different circumstances this would be easier.”
“We’re still here somehow, aren’t we?” You challenge, watching his face scrunch up in amusement. 
“I’m sorry if that was too much,” Eddie apologized, hurt glazing over his eyes, “—part of me enjoys it—I just couldn't get the thought of you and him out of my head.”
Your eyes narrow slightly, face pulled up into a cheeky smile, “Eddie—I think that’s jealousy.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, pulling away from you. 
“It’s fine!” You console him, “I don’t mind—but you could’ve just told me you didn’t want me messing around with other people while we were doing this—it would’ve saved me a lot of trouble and humiliation.”
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He says softly, leaning forward to press a quick peck to your forehead, “I should have just told you.”
He should have told you he was in love with you, but it never came. You hated yourself for feeling that way too, knowing that nothing would ever come of it—it was impossible.
You yawn, stifling the noise into the blanket as you raised it to your mouth—Eddie laughs, forcing you gently against his mattress. “You can sleep here,” He offers, “I’ll drive you back in the morning.”
You smile tiredly, eyes gleaming with adoration for the man sitting in front of you. “Good—Max isn’t too happy with me and I don’t feel like making it worse.”
Eddie tilts his head slightly, staring down at you in question. 
“She’s annoyed—all of our sneaking around. I mean, she knows—of course she knows.” You couldn’t keep this from her even if you tried. “But, she’s also the one who told Jason to ask me out—I don’t want to make her feel worse knowing that it was a disaster.”
“Red’s tough—and really fucking persistent, actually.” Eddie comments, laughing at a far, distant memory, “I’m sure she meant well.”
“Yeah, I guess.” You shrug, hand wrapping lazily around his forearm. “Will you sleep here? With me?”
“If that’s what you want.
“I do want,” You laugh, pulling him toward you, “I want it a lot.”
It doesn’t help when you wake up to his sleeping face the next morning, void of any stress, inclination of his bad days or worse night, he was calm. And as much as you wanted him to, he didn’t touch you the entire night—despite your lack of clothing, almost like he couldn’t bring himself to do it—like he was scared.
You scoot closer, wedging your arm against his side and under his own, feeling the soft soothing warmth of his skin as he nuzzled against your neck, leaving a short peck against the column, mumbling, “Morning, baby.”
He doesn’t even realize he’s said it.
And it makes you breath catch, wishing that you could wake up to it every morning; the groggy morning voice, the tired and post-sex bliss in his eyes, it was everything. 
“Careful,” You tease, “I might think you’re falling love with me.”
Too late, he wants to say. Instead, he changes the subject. 
It’s a wonderful way to kill the moment, but that’s what Eddie needed—and it gets both of you out of the bed without much complaint.
“You read my mind.” 
Eddie turns out to be an amazing cook, a nice step up from the usual scrambled eggs and instant meals you indulge in on a weekly basis.
He slips up again Monday, much to your own surprise and bewilderment, turning to point at you from where he’s leaned against his desk—Jason is a few rows back, thankfully.
Out of sight, out of mind. 
Anyways, Eddie makes a small comment toward a student, turning to your raised hand, “Yes, sweetuh—ma’am?“
You choke on the dead air, scrambling to recover from his vital slip up, thankfully no one noticed—but, you definitely did. 
And again a few days later—you almost think it’s on purpose, at this point. 
It’s more intimate this time, Eddie huddled over your desk as you talked over the assignment—which truly was the entire reason he was here, but he just couldn’t help himself when he was this close to you.
You answer the question correctly, earning a soft smile from Eddie and a hushed, “Good girl.”
The sound you make disrupts the entire classroom, heads swiveling toward your direction—thankfully, Eddie is an expert at diversion, and you could live out the rest of the class reeling over Eddie’s slip up—though, that one was really just for his own amusement 
You decide there’s only one way to seek revenge on him, punishing him for his endless teasing and antics—you corner him near the end of the school week, a Friday night. Eddie usually stays late to grade work in his office, which lends to a little too much downtime, and since your schedule was completely free, you ended up in his office that night—it was a first. 
“We’re going to get caught,” Eddie says lazily, scribbling something down, “is that what you want?”
“Well,” You shrug, “guess I’ll have to hide, right?”
Eddie’s eyes pull up to yours, watching as you knelt and crawl underneath his desk, settling yourself in the space between his legs, feet curled underneath you. The rough, dingy carpet dug into your skin, but it was manageable.
“Are you serious?” Eddie asks, leaning back in his chair to stare at you from where you sat, looking entirely too mischievous. 
In all fairness, Eddie is rarely interrupted during after school hours and spends most of his time in silence, getting his work done, and then leaving without much of a problem—unfortunately for him though, it wasn’t one of those nights. 
A short, hard knock on his door has him scrambling forward, doing his best to seem casual—despite his student being tucked between his legs underneath his desk and—oh, that was definitely a hand pressing against his thigh. He slips his own hand underneath the desk, shoving yours away.
You let out a quiet laugh, ignoring his protests. Instead of going for his thigh, you go straight for the growing tent of fabric at his groin, squeezing gently. Eddie’s leg is bouncing nervously, his eyes trained on the Dean as he walks through the threshold.
“Edward,” He says curtly, attempting to remain a certain sort of professionalism, “hard at work?”
You smile at the double entendre, silently undoing the zipper and button of his pants, reaching into his underwear to pull his cock free, half hard and heavy in your hands. 
“Just trying to get through these papers,” He replies calmly, “then I’ll be out of here for the weekend.”
A weekend spent with you, laid up in his bed.
“I just wanted to drop this off personally,” The Dean says, the sound of a paper hitting the surface of the desk. You lean forward to lick along the line of his shaft, the shaking in Eddie’s leg suddenly calming. It’s a small inclination to take things further, slowly fitting as much of him in your mouth as you could before pulling back slowly—you can feel the muscles of his thighs tense, rubbing against your shoulders as struggles to keep his computer, “it’s for my son.”
Eddie grabs the paper from his desk, looking it over, “Oh—Carver, yeah. He’s transferring out?”
You can’t see Eddie’s face, but his voice is all too telling. He was elated, relieved, excited—Eddie’s never hated a kid so much in his life, and he’s been around plenty of them. 
“Yeah, he seemed pretty insistent about—that’s why I came here. I just need you to sign on the line to complete the paperwork.”
You lean down to mouth at Eddie’s balls, his cock still firmly in your hand as you stroked him—he clears his throat unexpectedly, gently kicking the side of your thigh. 
He’s never been more thankful for the large radio shoved in the corner of the room, playing at a low volume—but still managing to muffle the ungodly noises you were making below him, silent to everyone but you and him.
Eddie doesn’t argue, signing the paper with ease, handing it back over. 
“Thanks,” The Dean says, “Enjoy your weekend, Edward.”
There’s a few moments of silent footsteps, a closed door, before Eddie is pulling away abruptly, locking both of the looks on his door and pulling harshly at the string connected to the blinds on the window—you crawl out from underneath the desk slowly, coming face to face with Eddie’s shoes as they stop in front of you. 
“Get up,” His voice is tight, his face even tighter as you finally look at him, “Are you fucking insane?”
You smile devilishly, “Oh, Edward,” Eddie hates it, hates how it falls from your tongue, “Yes—I am.”
Eddie crowds into your space, shoved up against the edge of his desk, ass hitting the edge as he moves up against you. He grabs at your face gently, tilting your head up to meet his gaze.
“Don’t call me that,” Eddie says seriously, “I mean it.”
You pout, eyes soft, “Fine,” You settle on, Eddie didn’t seem to be lenient on the idea and if it made him uncomfortable, you weren’t going to push it any further, “Can I leave, then?”
“Leave?” Eddie laughs, “You’re not leaving yet.”
You move to push away from the desk, but Eddie holds you there. You didn’t have anywhere to be—you wanted nothing more than to be here right now, but it was all a part of the game, riling Eddie up the best way you knew how. 
“Oh?” You ask, voice lilting up, “So, you make a big fuss about me being in here and when I want to leave, I’m not allowed?”
Eddie’s face pulls up into a smirk, his thumb trailing along the line of your, squeezing at the base of your neck. He yanks roughly at his tie, losing it in one swift movement until it’s grasped in his hands.
“That’s exactly it,” Eddie answers, “—give me your hands.”
Your eyebrow raises in question, but you don’t make much of a fuss, offering your hands to him willingly. He smiles like he’s got a secret to tell, but he doesn’t want you to know—he moves your hands behind your back, leaning over to bind your wrist with the silk material of his tie.
“What’s this for?” You ask curiously.
“This if for,” There’s a soft tug, making sure your wrist are secured, “thinking it would be a good idea to come into my office, during work hours,” He leans back slightly, his lips a mere inch or two away from your own, “and put that filthy fucking mouth around my dick.”
You laugh in his face softly, tugging against the restraints—they weren’t for show, that’s for sure. 
“I guess I really worked you up,” You tease, watching as he palm himself openly, he hadn’t even bothered to tuck himself back into his pants, still open for your earlier activities, “didn’t I?”
“Oh, baby,” Your heart jumps at the word, “you have no idea.” 
Eddie leans into you, grinding himself against your core, his fingers slipping over the hem of your underwear to pull them down, pulling away long enough that he can toss them to the floor, his hands gripping underneath your thighs to pull you toward him, as close as humanly possible.
“Fucking me in your office?” You question with a sweet tone to your voice, “Sir, that’s against the rules.”
“Oh well,” He says offhandedly, taking no time to sink into you in one steady thrust of his hips, your hands settled behind you are the only thing managing to keep you upright, gasping at the sudden but welcoming intrusion, “I’m already breaking enough of them.”
Eddie didn’t care, anyone—he’d break all of them if that meant having you.
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Give me a description of your appearance, personality, hobbies, and what fandom you want and I’ll match you with a character in my fandom range!!!
ooo this is so cool! thank you btw!! uhh im an indian teenage (14-15 though i look younger) girl and she/her presenting. im very easy to tell im indian. i have brown/tan skin and dark brown eyes. i have black curly hair but the tips are dyed a dark red. my face shape is pretty sharp, heart shape i think?? and people say i look like a cartoon? i have bangs that curl and swoop across my face though they fall straight across my forhead when straightened. I'm very energetic and it shows. Im bouncy and fidgety and easily excitable. I'm very friendly and silly, and just chaotic in general. I'm an ENFP and fit like all the stereotypes and everything. Or if you know Owl House, I'm exactly like Luz Noceda. I care a lot about my friends but im not sure if i show it enough? i come off as a lot at first and am very awkward i like to read! and hang out with friends! adventures and exploring and doing things im not supposed to FIRE AND NATURE AND OOO ANIMALS i live and love adventure and will break the law with you i also like to write, though im not very good at it. I doodle sometimes for fun. Crafts are fun too! I bake when i have time but i mainly hang out with friends <33 Any character or fandom! this is just a really cool idea and seems fun! so thanks for seeing my super long ask ( i blabber a lot lolol) :DD
Your Fandom Ship: Leo Valdez (Heroes of Olympus)
Lucky mf
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Explanation: first things first I think that he would love the way you look in your heart shaped face and would totally make some friendly jokes about it if you were comfortable with it and if you were insecure, he would stop doing that. He definitely makes jokes about how you’re the more attractive one in the relationship. You both are quite similar personality wise and I think he would complement each other really well because Leo is always cracking jokes. He’s a chaotic mess and he’s just full of so basically a background story is demigods in general are supposed to have ADHD and dyslexia, but even for a demigod, Leo is off the ADHD charts, you get the idea. (He built a freaking flying ship and used a Nintendo switch controller to control it) he’s also a bit of a dork and awkward at first or at times so I think you have that covered and he’s a son of a Hephaestus (the builder/forging God from Greek mythology) and he literally has fire powers so if you like fire, he’s your guy. I think he would totally sit down and write goofy things with you or sketch little doodles with you as he’s often sketching and his own notebook not drawings as much but more outlines for building things but good luck trying to bake with him because it’s just going to end up being a huge flour fight. 
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desigirldairies · 2 months
Reveal Your Bollywood Glow: Unveiling Celebrity-Inspired Skincare Secrets.
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This blog is going to be all about Indian & bollywood inspired products and skincare tips. If you also want a blog separately about Indian natural and authentic skincare or hair care I'll surely make it. 🫶
Know Your Skin Type : Identify your skin type - whether it's oily, dry, combination, or sensitive - to tailor your skincare routine effectively.
Cleanse Like a Star : Use a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil or Neutrogena to remove dirt and makeup and a oil cleaner is a must if you wear makeup daily. Opt for micellar water for a quick and effective cleanse on busy days. (But I don't really recommend it).
Exfoliate for Radiance : Incorporate a mild exfoliator like St. Ives Apricot Scrub or The Body Shop's Vitamin C Glow-Revealing Liquid Peel to slough off dead skin cells and reveal glowing skin. And my personal favorite coffee scrub from The Bombay shaving company. Don't exfoliate more than twice a week.
Hydration Is Key : Use a hydrating toner such as Clinique Moisture Surge Face Spray for an instant boost of hydration or toner + mist from pilgrim works like magic (my fav 😭).
Targeted Treatments : Include a serum with ingredients like hyaluronic acid (for hydration) or vitamin C (for hyperpigmentation) if you are under 17 or 18 like me don't use vitamin c or if you want to use in very less %, I use 2% kojic acid for my uneven skin tone from pilgrim, it's very begniner friendly. (Always consult a dermatologist for your skincare don't go around seeing videos on insta and YouTube believing them). I recommend Minimalist if you want chemical bases serums.
If you are above 23 or 25 Incorporate a retinol-based cream like RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream for anti-aging benefits. (Got this tip from mumma for y'all 😭✨️)
Sun Protection Essentials : Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, such as La Roche-Posay Anthelios Ultra Light Fluid, to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. More affordable and effective sunscreens from brands — dot and key, aqualogica, Dr. Seth and wish care.
Overnight Nourishment: Use a hydrating overnight mask like Laneige Water Sleeping Mask to replenish moisture while you sleep. Incorporate a facial oil like The Ordinary's Rose Hip Seed Oil for added nourishment and radiance.
DIY Treatments Inspired by Bollywood:
- Try a turmeric, gram flour and yogurt face mask inspired by Priyanka Chopra for glowing skin.
- Use aloe vera gel like Deepika Padukone for its soothing and hydrating properties. (MY fav bolly actress btw 😭❤️)
Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Skin : Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day people are not stupid that they are going around telling you to drink water, IT'S A MUST!. Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and green tea into your diet for overall skin health.
Some of my fav brands (mostly available in india) : dot and key, Foxtale, pilgrim, minimalist, st. Botanica, organic harvest and aqualogica!
Fav brand released by a bollywood actress: Hyphen by Kriti Sanon, their lip balm can even beat Rhode's lip balm istg- and their sunscreen 🔛🔝.
Channel your inner Bollywood diva and achieve a radiant, flawless skin with these skincare tips and product recommendations. Let your skin glow like a star!
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spencereidwannabe · 6 months
a real (not promoting products) glow up guide
atp i like to think i am pretty good at glow ups, physical and mental. the main principal to remember: you are going to want to make lots of little changes and one more noticeable one. let's start with the smaller ones to improve yourself!! <33
• skincare
(requires products)
- first of all implement a simple skincare routine (cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen for the morning, cleanser and moisturizer for night). 10 steps are not necessary. if you want to go an extra step at night, double cleanse (water based and then oil based cleanser)
pro tip - when purchasing look utilize a pore clogger checker to check if the ingredients are harmful, then make sure the product matches your skin type (i use the app skin bliss)
and (!!!!!!) - check if the company tests on animals or support occupation, we want take care of ourselves but never at the cost of others
- make sure to bring all products down to your neck
- spf everyday
- try to do skincare about an hour before bed (so the product doesn't transfer to your pillow and has time to absorb). if you can sleep on your back (i can't to save my life)
- DO NOT WASH YOUR FACE AFTER FACE MASKS (you the oils everything away)
- before sleep vaseline under eyes (only do this if you own vaseline already, don't repurchase, they test on animals)
!doesn't require products
- ice face once a week, ideally before a facemask
- make a ricer toner (!to then use after cleanser before moisturizer!)
- wash makeup brushes once a week if you can
• body care
- use an african net cloth, holds less bacteria
- double cleanse body
- write down three things you are grateful for everyday (i use the app three things, to make my life easier)
- listen to an affirmation tape on youtube or meditate every day
- do one thing everyday that involves your hobbies (for me that's reading)
- move your body once a week in some way (i dance and take exercise classes)
- green tea after meals if you are interested in reducing bloating (but remember, bloating is so so normal. you're going to have to leave insecures behind for this project)
- 8 hours of sleep over everything and everyone
- use a water tracker and look up how much water intake based on weight
remember this:
- korean skincare
- indian hair care
- african body care
- arab perfume
transform all of these things into a habit tracker to keep you motivated (to summarize, ill show you what we discussed)
- wear spf
- skincare × 2 (using the phases and rice toner we discussed)
- vaseline on eye bags
- green tea
- gratitude
- meditate / affirmations
- insert hobby
- clean makeup brushes
- ice face
- exercise
and keep in mind the tips to incorporate (like bringing products to the neck, apps, ecc...)!
now the one big change, by big i mean something noticeable: hair dye, hair cut, piercing, new clothes, ecc...
this is optional but with all the little improvements your glow up will stand out even more <3
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hindulivesmatter · 3 months
hey, I was wondering if u have any tips for playing holi/more info on it?
im an nri and never celebrated it but a town is having a holi event nd it seems so fun & beautiful but idk how to play lol
tysm <3
How to play Holi: The Basics.
What you need:
Old clothes. A lot of people wear white during Holi, but I prefer to wear old clothes so I don't have to worry about it.
(Edit: tip from @mae77eris ) Oil your hair and body. Liberally. It helps keep the color from sticking and prevents your hair from turning dry as fuck.
Powder colors. You'll probably find this on Amazon, or the Indian stores where you live. Try getting organic colors that don't stain, or you'll have a temporary dye job for the next week.
A water gun or pichkari. Choose your weapon. Water guns sometimes come with containers which are helpful so you don't need to keep refilling water, but I've found that pichkaris have a bigger range.
Water balloons. Aka projectile missiles. These things can hurt like a bitch if they aren't filled properly so be careful, but nobody cares because its fun.
A bucket. Fill up the damn bucket and dump it over people's heads. It's delightful to watch them shriek in surprise when they get cold water down their backs.
Tips to be sneaky:
Wear pants with pockets, and fill them up with balloons and color packets. If someone attacks, retaliate in kind. This is sparta.
If you're playing in an apartment complex, or if you can get to higher ground (bonus points if you're above the people playing), use it to your advantage. Toss water balloons and color at the people playing. All's fair in Holi.
Wear shoes you can run in. People will chase you with colors and water. You can try to evade, but you'll be caught. At least give them a chase :)
The aftermath:
When you get into the bath, shampoo the shit out of your hair at least thrice. Especially if you were playing with colors that stain.
You can wash or toss your clothes. I usually wear clothes that have a hole in them so I can use them for craft or as a new duster.
Eat some traditional Holi food. Gujiya, thandai, dahi bhalla and jalebi.
I know I described a lot of this as a sort of war, but that's how I play with my friends and family lmao. It's all or nothing for us.
Make sure YOU have fun while playing Holi. Be respectful of people's boundaries, be nice, and have a blast. It's a wonderful experience, I promise.
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slothgiirl · 1 year
a rose by any other name epilogue
reader x druig.
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New York. North Dakota. 2024.
You had never been to New York before. Not in this life, or any other. You weren’t sure this counted either.
Seeing a city from the airport cab ride to Doctor Strange’s place in the city seemed like cheating. You’d seen the famous skyline, but hadn’t step foor anywhere.
“Is there some superhero directory I’m not aware of,” you ask Druig, craning your neck. You were pretty sure that was central park, gone in a flash.
“Sanctums are quite stationary,” he shrugs, licking ketchup off his fingers. You thought airport hotdogs were a bag idea. “This one’d been around since the 1700s. When it was New Amsterdam.” 
“Wasn’t Hong Kong closer?”
Druig shakes his head, “we need someone. . .flexible about all those rules they made about the mystic arts.”
“Two thousand years and it never occured to you until now,” you ask him, slouching into the seat. The world was still intact. The news hasn’t stopped reporting on the new chain of islands in the indian ocean that look like fingers. 
Tiamut was neither alive or dead in some weird cosmic energy thing you didn’t understand. 
Druig looks over at you sheepishly, “I had other things on my mind.” His gaze flickers down to your chest.
It’s probably the whole averted apocalypse that has you in such an indulgent mood; you lean you head against his shoulder and smack his chest lightly.
“Careful my lady,” he says sounding terribly smug, “Ikaris did attempt to murder me.”
“I guess I’ll have to finish the job,” you rest your hand against his chest, feeling his ribcage move as he breathes. He wasn’t fine. 
Druig was careful to keep weight off his left foot. 
Phastos had given him the all clear which didn’t make you feel much better. Not when two of them had died in the span of days. 
Phastos had left quickly, unable to be away from his family for any longer. 
“Oh, is that how it’s gonna be,” he laughs.
“I guess I could let it slide,” you meet his gaze, feeling immense relief all over again, “you did just save the world.”
Druig tips his chin up, looking full of himself. 
There was a lightness to him that you’d missed, a playfulness that was so characteristic of your Eternal lover. Your eyes rover over his features that you knew so well. The scar on his cheekbone, near the outer corner of his eyes, had not faded at all. The way his brilliant blue eyes crinkled with easy smiles and how his laugh filled a room. 
He was there. Alive. You were both alive. 
So many lives and you continued to be enamoured of him. It never got old, being in love, making a home with him. Anyplace, anytime. 
There were tears in your eyes.
All you’d done this week was cry.
“I did,” he nods, pressing his lips against your hair. “Though if you hear Phastos tell it-”
“Yeah,” you clutch the fabric of his shirt. 
Sensing your somber mood, Druig wraps his arms around you. “I’m right here, love.” He tucks your head under his chin, “‘S alright.”
“When the plane started to shake,” you say quietly, “I thought that was it-” It was over. The world ending with you in a private plane. 
There had been so many close calls.
“The world’s always ending,” you mutter, breathing in his scent. You understood Lizzy, finally. 
It was never over. Earth was still in trouble after Thanos.
Captain Marvel had her hands full with the rest of the universe.
“Is this what being part of the universe is like?” Always being scared some empire would come in and take over, being invaded, some asshole destroying your planet for no reason. You didn’t want to sit by and hope for the best. You couldn’t.
It would drive you mad.
“I-,” he frowns. “Well, I wouldn’t really know. Don’t remember anything but Earth.”
“All those planets-” you shift your gaze out the window as the cab pulls to a stop. What about the planets where Arishem got their way? 
“I know.” 
Druig’s expression grows weary. It was the same way he’d looked when Ajak had forbidden them from aiding the Mexica from smallpox and the genocide on the horizon. He wasn’t going to let this go.
You pay for the cab. 
The sanctum is an unassuming building. The plaque is the only way you know you’re in the right place. 
You're surprised there's no awards for saving half the universe. No Avengers insignia for Doctor Strange. 
Druig holds your hand.
“This isn’t some. . .” you pause, “He can help right?” You didn’t understand much of anything when it came to magic. 
“If not,” his eyes glow. “I can always. . .”
It’s comforting. 
“Okay.” You nod.
The world was still spinning. There was nothing else you could do but go for it. 
Dr. Strange seemed the type to break whatever rules suited him, very Iron Man-esque who thought he was above the Sokovia Accords. Right? You try not to think to hard about Ultron. About ashes and world heritage sites getting destroyed by the latest threat. The London Eye was still closed. 
You breathe.
And knock against the door.
It swings open.
You aren’t sure what to expect as you step through: cauldrons and black witches hats covered in dust and cobwebs. The last sanctum had been ordinary for it’s time, filled with students and ancient sayings in calligraphy hanging on the walls. That isn’t New York either. It lacks the faux orientalism prevalent in Europe circa the 1800s. 
No, the New York sanctum feels like a rundown hotel that’s decades past its prime but no less grand for it. There’s tasteful tables with relics you imagine are just as magical as Phastos inventions. 
You peer around the grand staircase, expecting to see someone. “Hello?” You don’t have to check to know Druig’s a step behind you. His presence is an anchor as you venture further into the sanctum. 
There were no students. 
It feels abandoned compared with Hong Kong. 
Your chest tightens at the thought of the sleepy fishing village. Hong Kong was nothing like that now. There was a certain pain that came with knowing the world was transformed each time you lived. You thought of street food vendors whose names only you knew. 
All that history you carried with you. The faces of people you’d loved. The memories of books that had not survived. 
You press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. 
In your mind’s eye, the ashes of the Snap were the same as the smoke of Tenochtitlan burning. 
Druig sets his hands on your shoulders, “do you think they have an Instagram we can message?”
“Ha, very funny,” Dr. Strange walks in from a corridor, looking over his shoulder like a teenager sneaking out of the house, “do you mind if we move this into the laundry room. Don’t want Wong to interrupt us,” he says even as he leads the way.
“You were expecting us. . .Dr. Strange,” you state aloud looking for confirmation. It was a parlour trick for these sorcerers. 
“Yes and no.” He whips his head, turning to you as he opens a door, “and please call me Stephan. Dr. Strange is grandiose even by my standards.”
“And the discount Jedi robes aren’t,” Druig says cocking his brows. 
You elbow him, “look who’s talking.”
“My lady,” he holds his hand against his chest in mock offence.
You roll your eyes at him. 
Stephan looks on, amused. “I foresaw the high possibility that you’d stop here. . .it the world wasn’t destroyed, if you both survived, if you chose to leave. There’s so many factors. A background in statistics is useful in the mystic arts.”
“Well that’s no fun.” You’d been hoping for less maths and more wand waving. In the news, it seemed so easy, just a wave of his hands and-TA DA. 
“And neither is reincarnating,” Stephan snarks back, taking a seat on a laundry basket full of either robes or linens. 
You purse your lips. “It’s not ideal. But not awful.” You never really remembered dying unless it was awful. That hadn’t happened in a while. No, it was more like being homesick for a time and place that didn’t exist but people struggled with that all the time. People moved so often in this century: never knowing when they’d go back home. 
And that wasn’t even touching on displaced people. Millions of Sokovian refugees. . .
“So you're not here to get that fixed?” Stephan asks pointedly. 
He must’ve decided to become a doctor by watching House M.D. Copied the whole schtick off there. 
“I thought it couldn’t be. . .changed.” You frown, crossing your arms over your chest. You wish you could google this magic stuff. You didn’t like being so badly informed. 
“No. The spell you cast can’t be modified,” Stephan agrees, “I’d have to break it and create a new one. Though granting any type of immortality is a big no-no in the mystic arts.”
“Which is why we’re hiding,” Druig infers.
Stephan Strange frowns ruefully, “I’m not Sorcerer Supreme anymore or it’d be my call. I still-I’m still going to help.”
“Earth needs all the allies it can get.”
“So not out of the kindness of your heart,” you surmise, feeling like a pawn. You’d never liked how Ikaris and Ajak had made you feel like a tag along. Like Druig’s human pet. It left a bad taste in your mouth. 
“You don’t think you’ve lived long enough?”
And wasn’t that also true. You’d been lucky to witness so much. History and people and spend it with the man you loved, your soulmate, not just once but over and over. It was far longer than most people got. You’d told Druig something similar once. 
What made you so special you deserved an exception?
“Oi,” Druig stiffens. 
But this wasn’t his call. This wasn’t about him. Not really. 
This was about you. You who was just another human having an unusual conversation with a peer. Often, you’d be the token human in the Eternals conversation and no matter how long you’d lived there was still something unique about the human experience that you could relate to Stephan Strange in a way that Druig and Sersi would never understand. 
(You’d talk about this with Sprite one day.)
“I think I’ve been very lucky,” you acknowledge. “But all I want is this life. For however long that is. I think I’ve done enough reincarnating, y’know.” It had all been a cosmic accident you didn’t even remember creating. Had you been trying to save yourself and the magic came out like this? Had you meant to create another spell? 
These memories were lost to you now. And they didn’t matter. 
You were done with living again and again. You didn’t want to forget and remember and forget again. You wanted to hold onto all of you, your memories and thoughts and your muchness as it was right now in this moment and die knowing that was the end. Just like everyone else. (You were curious about what came after, if anything.)
“Okay,” Stephan smiles kindly. “I’ll help you. But- this’ll be it. No second chances. No next time. No do overs. You’ll be frozen in time. You’ll still have your magic, but you won’t age. You couldn’t ever have children. You’ll still be just as breakable as me and every other sucker in New York.”
“Alright.” You nod.
“You sure? I can always just break the spell.”
“I’m sure.” 
He nods. “Well then, try and stand still. I need to concentrate.” Dr. Strange waves his hands in cyclical movements. 
It’s like a buzz under you skin. Something’s happening, but it’s too foreign for you to understand what. The small cramped room fills with light. 
You shut your eyes and count, steadying your breath. This was it. 
By this time tomorrow you’d be in space. 
It was crazy when you thought about it. No less crazy than Thanos and New York and falling in love with an alien. 
1. 2. 3. 
Deep breath. 
Makkari waves her pointer finger in a circular motion, the most universal hand gesture for spin around. 
You indulge her, “you’re acting like I grew another head or something.”
The speedster smiles, I am glad you are coming with us. 
You grin, “you’re only saying that so I help you with your eReader. Or did you splurge on an Ipad? Wait, you probably stole it.”
Looking awfully mischievous, Makkari holds her finger to her lips, hush now. Didn’t happen if there’s no witnesses.
You laugh, figuring there were worse crimes than stealing from the Apple Store. 
The Domo floated above head. Thena was all packed up and ready to go. You’d said your goodbyes to Sersi, Kingo, and Sprite days ago. 
Now it was just about leaving. Leaving this green and blue rock you called home. 
You bite your bottom lip. It had been hard packing up, mostly because you didn’t know when you’d be back. Clothes, essentials, a magic book from Dr. Strange. Saying your goodbyes hurt the most. 
What would Sprite look like at twenty? You were so used to her as an adolescent. Your siblings. . .
“We don’t have to go.” Druig reaches for your hand. “We can stay if you wish, my lady.”
North Dakota was gloomy today. 
“I want to.” That was true. You also felt bittersweet at leaving this planet. “I want to see the stars. Find the other Eternals.” You meet his startling blue eyes, cupping his cheek. “I want to do all of it with you.” 
He rests his forehead against yours. “I love you.”
“I know,” you nod, “just, give me a moment.” You squeeze his hand, before slowly heading towards Thena. You take your time, gazing over the landscape. The grass was brown and dead for the season. You're pretty sure it’s going to rain tonight. 
It was frightening to say goodbye to everything you knew. It was frightening to begin a new chapter after so long. There’s security in the known, in the constant, and now that is gone. But you were ready for it. You were ready to begin a new chapter. You weren’t in this alone. You had Thena and Makkari, and the man you loved and that was all you really needed. The people you loved. 
You look over your shoulder, watching as Druig hugs Phastos, ready to explore the stars.
notes: bookendings with makkari and druig at the end just like how the first chapter was makkari and druig mainly. im making up that dr strange timelooped reader’s physical body so shes frozen in time. idk. idk. he’s also like yeah mb this is important to the cosmos the way he connected the dots that tony start needed to live to defeat thanos. either way druig and reader get to have lots of sex on the domo after saving the world and thena forces makkari to organize her piles of stolen things. mb reader learns to use magic and starts being able to hold her own in a fight.
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beautytips123321 · 1 year
Bride Getting Her Hair Done
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My fashion philosophy is, if you're not covered in dog hair, your life is empty.See more...
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dspflv · 6 months
welcome to my silly little blog ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁
is this outdated? maybe. Do I care? absolutely not! :D
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౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆˚ ABOUT ME
My name is nysa! but I just use rory because I can, refer to me as whichever you like :)
I'm a libra, my birthday is on 18th october!
I'm Indian (gujju, incase you were curious)
my blog's instagram
I love writing, @sukisheadlights if you wanna check it out <3
I have hazel green eyes :)
I've dyed my hair red <3
my favourite colours are navy blue, dark cyan/ dark teal, tiffany blue, & white
I'm a true winter (got colour analysed lol)
I play a few games but they're pretty basic
I love formula 1!
mean girls, jennifer's body, clueless, all the harry potter movies, goliyon ki rasleela ram-leela, bajirao mastani, maleficent, alaadin, mulan, shang-chi, anything from the mcu really, avatar (the blue aliens), zootopia, fast & furious franchise, enola holmes, jurrasic world, k-12
friends, b99, f1:dts, only murderers in the building, voltron:ld , pjo, bridgerton, gilmore girls, gossip girl, F&F:spy racers, TUA, AWAE, mako mermaids, shadow and bone, stranger things, the deep, obx
taylor swift, dua lipa, ariana grande, sabrina carpenter, gracie abrams, conan grey, olivia rodrigo, arctic monkeys, lana del rey, mitski, lyn lapid, laufey, madison beer, doja cat, melanie martinez, hozier, kali uchis, childish gambino
I've always wanted a blog/vlog but I never had the confidence to post videos on youtube so I'm just going to be posting here hopefully even after I eventually start a channel.
So hey, my name is nysa :) I want to be a singer so assuming I become as famous as I wish to be one day, and a fan of mine finds this...don't bully me too much? back to present day, enjoy this look into my chaotic labyrinth of my mind. I love you say it back <3
We'll be doing a little bit of everything here <3
advice, tips, general conversation, blogs, anything you name it :D
except writing, that's gonna be just @sukisheadlights (sorry)
okay, bye!
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youremyheaven · 9 months
hiiiii, from one curlyhead to another here's my two cents:
do you wash your hair on a weekly basis?
if so,
deep condition your hair instead of using just conditioner
invest in a good hair mask (i like keratase personally)
after the wash, when you style your hair (with whatever curl cream you like) put it into a protective style (i do twists because it's the best easy lazy girl option 🫣) and sleep in that overnight
about the wash as well if your curls are super damaged i think you may want to be careful about the towel you use on it .. like consider switching to a microfiber one or you can opt for a 100% cotton t-shirt for your hair instead
anyways when you undo your protective style the next morning oil it afterwards
2 other things: don't use too much shampoo (our hair is already dry as is). concentrate it on the scalp and bring what you already have from that down the rest of the hair and for the love of god avoid heat and bleach at all costs 😭. oh and if you're not already sleeping on a silk pillowcase or wearing a silk bonnet/wrap to bed please get on that!!!
ive heard some people say oiling your hair isn't good for curly hair which is 🤡😭😤bc I'm Indian and I literally can't go without oiling my hair once or twice a week. how was your experience been?
tysm for all your tips 🥺💛im going to really invest in my hair bc i can't see my hair like this anymore 😭
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boygiwrites · 10 months
Harley D. Dixon 18
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
I want to give a shout out to Cora_Line99, who made a beautiful edit inspired by this story! :)
I'm just constantly blown away by all of your support. Buckle up, because this is a crazy one. Enjoy!
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We break through the trees just half an hour later. The sky yawns wide and blue, the vibrant pastures cracking open like summer fruit. It's so beautifully weird, prancing through the grass in my soaking wet clothes, hair plastered to my neck, a bundle of Cherokee roses in my hand, the smell of pollen on the breeze. My squeals and giggles ring out through the morning as I race through the tall wheat, toward the farm.
It's the happiest I've felt in a long time.
Dad trails behind me, all the way up the thin path and through the gate, until we reach Andrea standing watch.
She tips her straw-coloured hat at us, looking us up and down with a small, sceptical smirk. "What the Hell happened to you guys?"
"We went swimmin'!" I laugh without explanation, skipping past without a care in the world.
"Sure," She chuckles, watching me go. Dad asks her where we can find Carol, and she points to the RV. "Oh, uh. She's in there, just knock."
Turns out, swimming's real easy. Weren't as scary as I thought, 'cause yeah, I guess I was a little scared, but all I had to do was kick my legs like I was riding a bike and swish my arms like a bird, and then that was it! I can't wait to go with Sophia, when we find her. She gon' love it.
We step up to the RV together. I wait with ants in my pants as Dad knocks on the door. He takes a respectful step back after, giving me a lopsided smile. He tugs on my wet ponytail. I whack his hand away, giggling, and glance over at the main gate, where Rick's car is parked on the gravel driveway. It must be time for them to take Shane, soon. The doors are all open, a couple supply bags strewn across the back seat. Rick and a few others are checking maps and pointing and nodding in agreement around the hood, while Shane leans against the opposite side of the car, head hung. The sight makes my stomach roil strangely and my fingers tighten around the flower stems. I know he deserves this. But did my Momma deserve what happened to her? Before my own thoughts can consume me, my attention is pulled back as Carol's muffled voice calls out, come in. 
I take a deep breath and follow Dad inside.
I notice straight away all the crumpled tissues littered on the floor. Smells like sadness in here. It's so dark from the drawn curtains that it feels like we're in a cave. When my gaze finally lands on Carol, who up until now I thought was just a lump of blankets on the sofa, I straighten. I realize we must look like a pair of idiots. She watches us stand here awkwardly in the narrow walkway, a grown man and a little girl dripping pond-water onto the floor, holding a bunch of white roses in my muddy hands. I think there might even be algae in my hair.
Wiping her wet eyes, Carol mutters, "Sorry for the mess." 
She was scared of my Dad last night. She still looks wary, but maybe she likes flowers, 'cause she cracks the tiniest smile.
"Oh. This is nothin'." Dad assures her, picking his nails so he can avoid lookin' her in the eye. "Should'a seen our old house. We're used to mess."
Sometimes I like to wonder if our paths would'a crossed had the world not ended. Most the time, answer's no. But somethin' tells me Carol ain't lived a life so different than ours. Both had cruelty, and bad people, and suffering. Bet we both shopped at the Dollar General, too.
I like to think we would'a run into each other at some point or other.
"We picked ya some flowers." I tell her, fiddling with them. "Cherokee roses. Found 'em growin' by a pretty lake this mornin'."
Her smiles grows a little bigger.
"Story goes that when the American soldiers were movin' the Indians off their land," Dad starts telling the story, mustering up the courage to meet her gaze, now, "The Cherokee mothers were cryin' and grievin' so much, 'cause they was losing their little'uns along the way to disease and starvation that the elders, they said a prayer; asked for a sign to give 'em strength. Next day, these roses grew right where the mothers' tears fell. I ain't fool enough to think there's any flowers growin' for our family... but I believe these ones bloomed for your little girl."
Holding them out to her, I add, "To make ya feel a little less like the whole world's against ya." 
Her eyes grow shiny with tears. Uh, oh. Did I say the wrong thing?
Peeling the blanket off her body, she stands and comes to kneel in front of me. She takes the flowers, and then hugs me. Even though I'm wet and I must stink like fish and dirt, she hugs me. Pulling back, she places a little kiss on my cheekbone. It makes my skin tingle warmly.
"Thank you." She sniffles, before standing and placing another kiss on Dad's cheek. I swear he goes red as a cherry. "Thank you both."
He begins, "About... yesterday—"
She shakes her head, clutching the flowers to her chest. "You're a good man, Daryl." She says. "Shane's wrong. People can change."
Just like yesterday, all he can do is nod. He ain't the best with words, just actions.
Carol turns to arrange the flowers in a jar, looking a little brighter than before.
Once we're outside, I see the white roses sitting in the sill of the now-open window, soaking up the sun. Across camp, I also see Lori, Jacqui, and Carl sitting at the picnic table together, smiling like they were watchin' the whole interaction. Glenn, sitting near the fire, trying to look angry but not doing a very good job of it. Dale next to him, sending Dad a stern look, and after Dad nods, an accepting look on his face.
"I'm goin' out, now, chicken." Dad calls out from behind the towel I'm changing in front of. I peel off my wet clothes and they land on the ground with a solid slap. Man, it feels good to be outta those. I pull on a blue tank top over my white shirt. "Look for the kid for a while."
"Oh, okay." I hum, and then ask, "Can I come, too?"
"No. You're stayin'." I hear him rooting around for his boots. "I ain't up for losin' another little girl while I'm at it. 'Specially not mine."
I really wanna search for Sophia, but I guess I've had my fair share of wandering around the woods for now.
With a sigh, I agree, "Fine. You gotta come back before dark, though."
Amused, he sarcastically quips, "Yes, boss."
After stepping into my khaki shorts, I push past the towel and head into the tent to look for my hairbrush, but my bag ain't here.
"Dad, you seen my bag anywhere?" I ask with a frown, upturning our blankets and sleeping bags. "I can't find it."
"Should be there." He shrugs. "I ain't touched it."
"Me, neither."
The duffel with our clothes in it is here, and so's Dad's bag, but mine's up and vanished. I swear it was here just this morning. I check the truck, and the truck bed, and even under the truck, and then the tent again, and around the fire. By that time, Dad's about ready to head out.
He hauls his crossbow over his shoulder and places a quick kiss on my hair. "Just keep lookin', you'll find it. I'll see ya later. Be good."
"I will." I mumble out of habit, left standing alone in our camp.
Guess I'll just have to use someone else's brush.
"Hey, Harley." Lori greets me when I reach camp again, after Andrea happily lends me her hairbrush. "Would you like to join us?"
Looks like they're still working on those spelling quizzes, the ones Carl was sayin' his Momma makes him do sometimes. It don't sound very fun, but it'll kill some time 'till Dad gets back, so I take a seat next to Jacqui at the picnic table. They hand me a lined piece of paper and a pencil.
"You know I ain't good at this," I pre-emptively warn them all, to save myself the embarrassment later. "Wait, no. I'm not good at this."
Lori just smiles. "That's alright. That's why we're doing this. Now, Carl's doing some big words, but you were in second grade, right?"
I nod, taking a peek at his page. Survival, Radishes, Difference, Counterpart. Wow, those are big words.
"We'll get you to do some one-syllable words, then; start small." That's what we did back at the quarry. "You wanna put your name at the top?"
"But you know it's mine."
"Just do it," Jacqui winks at me. "She likes to do things the old way."
Shrugging, I carefully pencil in the letters of my name onto the first line. Harley. I ain't done that in months. Looks like shit, kinda. But Lori tells me Well done. Then I gotta try spell Place, which is the weirdest word ever. When since does c make an s sound? And what's with the e?
As I'm working on the next word, Road, Lori asks, "What school did you go to, Harley?"
"Northwood Elementary." I muse, tongue stuck out in concentration. "Didn't go very often, though."
In my last school report, my attendance was at thirty-nine percent. That's bad, apparently. Some lady had to come talk to my Dad about it.
"Is that why you suck at spelling?" Carl giggles, earning a hard kick under the table. "Hey!"
I remind him sassily, "You can't spell, neither."
He wrote 'Harly Dikson' on that Pokémon folder, after all.
"Eyes on your own work, Carl." Lori chides him. "Don't think we've forgotten about that spelling bee we had at the quarry."
Jacqui laughs, "Boy said K-A-T."
"Whatever," He huffs.
"You done there, Harley?"
"Think so." I hold up my page. Rowd. "That right?"
"Almost. It's an A instead of a W." Lori corrects me, making me roll my eyes. Whoever made this language was a real twat. "Try Duck, next."
"Sophia was better than both of us combined." Says Carl, a little sadly. "I wish she was here, already. Dad said we'd find her days ago."
"I know. We just have to be patient, honey."
"I hate being patient."
"It does put a damper on things that Shane won't be around to help search, anymore." Jacqui sighs. "One of our best men, gone."
Lori scoffs. "'Best'?"
"You know what I mean. Crazy, sure, but good with a gun. We need that."
"His heart wasn't in it, Jacqui. You know, he told me the other day that finding her was hopeless. Wanted to quit."
"Really?" She mumbles, "Wasn't that way when Harley went missing."
"He tried convincing Rick to call off the search. He wouldn't hear any of it, though. Rick won't give up. He's not like that."
She shakes her head. "Well, thank God for that."
"My Dad's lookin' for her, too." I add. "He left not long ago."
Lori smiles warmly. "And thank God for him, too."
I mirror her smile. Thank God for Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon.
It's as I'm writing my final word, Horse, that we hear a shout from across the farm. We all jump at the suddenness of it, whirling to look in its direction. Oh, no. From what I can see, Shane's refusing to get in the car. T-Dog scolds him from the driver's seat; Rick from right in front of him, one hand on his holster, the other on Shane's shoulder. Lori lets out a small gasp when he shoves Rick into the door, his whole head red.
"If you ain't gonna do it, I will." He angers, pointing at the barn. "Them things in there are gonna kill you all, Rick!"
"What's goin' on, Mom?" Carl asks worriedly, his quiz abandoned. "What're they arguing about?"
She mutters, "I-I don't know. Just stay here with us."
"You don't sort this place out, what's the point? Kickin' me out won't solve nothin' if you ain't even gonna keep these people safe, Rick!"
"Please, Shane. This is hard enough as is!" Rick retorts, teeth bared. "This is on you! You brought this on yourself!"
"All I ever did was make sure you were safe. I'm askin' you to do the same!"
"You know I will!"
"Not without clearing out that barn, you ain't. You ain't keepin' nobody safe 'till those things are gone! You know that!"
"I am doin' my best, here!"
"Well, your 'best' is gonna get everyone killed 'fore the day's done!"
T-Dog runs around the car just in time to stop Rick from jumping him, and we watch the scene play out like a distant film, our hair standing on edge, mouths agape. They continue arguing over T-Dog's shoulders as he separates them with two strong arms, urging 'em to chill the fuck out. Others start to emerge from the house, the tents, and the RV, until everybody's standin' around the field, even Herschel and Carol.
If you won't do it, I will, is all I can hear in my head as Shane storms over to the RV and snatches up one of the rifles leaning against it.
Rick's on him like glue, hounding him as he loads it, one bullet, two, three, four, five, and cocks it, snarling, "You know what? To Hell with the Greenes, Rick. They're dumb enough to keep a bunch of killers in their barn, they had this comin'. S'like you said, you got kids here."
"This is not your decision to make!"
He throws the rifle to Glenn, who catches it on instinct, looking panicked. "Take this, man. Take it. You gonna protect you and yours?"
He stammers, glancing at Maggie, who shouts, "You do this, Shane — You hand out these guns, and my Dad—"
"What? He'll kick me out?" He laughs. "Bit too late for that, now. You see that car all packed up? I ain't got nothin' to lose, no more!"
"That's not true!" Rick grabs his shirt but gets pushed off, doing nothing but making him angrier. "You have to stop this!"
Shane loads another rifle, this time throwing it to Andrea.
"Whether I shoot that barn open right now or not won't do anything except keep ya'll safe after I'm gone. Seems pretty simple t'me."
"No. Listen, we could get kicked out, anyway. This would've all been for nothin'!"
"You're wrong. I'm the trade-off, remember. I leave, ya'll stay." He grabs a box of bullets for his pistol. "Listen, it would'a been one thing leavin' ya'll here to sit around pickin' daisies if it was safe, but now we know it ain't. I'm doin' this. I'm doin' it for Harley and Carl, since you won't."
With that, he takes all his anger down to the old barn like a storm.
When Shane makes up his mind, there ain't nothin' short of Hell itself that'll stop him from gettin' what he wants. We all know that by now. Still, Rick tries. We leave the table and bunch in with everyone else, making our way down the hill, anxious to see what'll happen, all yelling over one another, Stop, What are you thinking, Don't do this, Hey, and Herschel, who holds Beth's hand, croaks pleadingly, Stop this!
When we make it to the doors, Rick reaches out at the last second and forces Shane to face him. "Let's talk about this."
Oh, this is bad.
"Whatchu wanna talk about, huh? All you ever wanna seem to wanna do is talk. These things kill. That's the end of the matter."
"Just stop and think about this for a second."
The padlock rattles loudly. Behind those doors, there's a whole, hungry army of walkers ready to come down on us, sick or not.
"I'm not a second-guesser, man." He takes a step closer to Rick. Dale and Jacqui move forward to shield me and Carl. "You might be, but that's not me. They killed Amy. They killed Morales. They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all'a ya'll, if someone doesn't do somethin' about it right now!"
T-Dog holds up his hands. "Put the gun down, man."
Feels like Rick and Shane are about to draw on one another, when a lone walker slips from the broken panel.
"Hey. Herschel, lemme ask you something. Could a living, breathing person walk away from this?" Shane goads, raising his pistol. Before anybody can plead with him to stop, he pulls the trigger over and over again, making the rotten thing stumble around. "That's three rounds in its chest! Could someone who's alive—? Could they just walk away from that? Why is it still coming?" Bang. "That's it's heart!" Beth, squealing, Patricia crying, Rick, on the verge of tears, clutching his revolver. Bang. "That's it's lungs!" Bang. "It's throat. Why is it still coming!?"
"Shane, that's enough." Glenn bravely intervenes, not a single bullet missing from his chamber. "That's enough, man."
"Yeah." He agrees, but I know it's not for the right reasons at all. "That is enough. Enough waitin' around, scared of doing what needs done."
"No," Herschel puffs, barely able to stand. "No."
"If ya'll wanna live — If ya'll wanna survive once I'm gone — You gotta fight for it. No doubtin'. No waitin'. No second guessin'."
"Shane," Rick breathes, trying to keep everybody calm, voice brittle. "We'll do it. I'll do it. Just— Just not now, brother. Not now."
His answer is the cocking of a gun.
He knows what's about to happen. "No. No, please. This isn't the way. You can still leave without doing this."
"Can I?" He retorts, squinting. "I ain't so sure you know what it takes, man. I'm not leavin' just so you can keep puttin' everyone in danger."
"I won't. I promise you that. Please."
"See, I don't believe that. Weren't for me, this barn would stay sealed 'till someone gets killed. That's your problem, Rick. You wait to take action."
"Shane, please. Don't do this."
"You saw how close Harley was to being bitten last night."
"I know. And I promise, I will never let that happen again. Just put the gun down. There's another way to do this."
"Get behind me." Glenn mumbles shakily, herding Maggie in behind us, because he knows, too.
"There is no other, way, Rick." My heart leaps up into my mouth, making it impossible to breathe. "This is what needs to be done."
Rick only has time to let out half a cry before Shane turns, aims, and fires. The lock explodes into hundreds of tiny metallic shards, raining down like shrapnel. I huddle into Jacqui's side, wondering when exactly this whole thing went so wrong. Today? Yesterday? The moment we stepped foot on the farm? The doors whine open like two old, hurt animals, releasing the dead upon us. Then, the groaning. Then, the gunshots. A familiar cacophony. I hide my face, squeeze my eyes closed, and wait for it to be over, 'cause there's nothing else we can do.
When the last of the gunshots die out, I slowly lift my head, peeking out from behind Jacqui, who I think is trembling.
A whole barn of sick-dead people, now laying in puddles of their own blood on the ground.
My stomach drops to my feet when the last of them staggers out.
A distant gasp, "Oh, God."
That's Sophia.
Carol's legs give out.
Rick moves to catch her.
Sophia — Or is it just the walker, now? Is that all that's left? — creeps forward in her small, blue shoes, gazing up at the sky. The feeling drains from my body. I go numb all over. This can't be real. It just can't. Everything else, yes, but not this. She noses at the air like there's a sweet scent on the breeze that only she can smell. I notice now how even walkers can have headbands in their hair, mismatched socks, bracelets their old friends gave them, a face I recognise. I notice how she's much less different than I would have imagined. Just skinnier; slower, paler. Still just a girl.
"Sophia," Carol weeps hopelessly, "Sophia."
A hic leaves my throat, then. My friend, dead. Somehow, I'd convinced myself that this one thing, out of all of it, was impossible.
How long has she been dead for? How long have we been talking about a dead girl without even knowing it?
My Dad's out there searching for her right now.
Rick hands Carol over to Andrea, and like always, steps up to do the impossible.
But this time, he almost can't do it. He tries to raise his gun, but his arm falters, and he has to look away.
I look away, too. I look at the sun, and I think about the pond. I think about how much fun we would've had there. I think about nice things.
Her body drops into the dirt with barely any sound.
Another one of our own, dead.
All Hell breaks loose after that. Happens so suddenly, I can't even tell which way is up.
Beth wrestles free from Jimmy's embrace, falling to her knees over one body in particular, one with blonde hair like hers. A few rush forward to try pull her away, a few start crying, but most do nothing. It's in this chaotic moment that Shane chooses to make his next move. A look of pure, unbridled determination on his face, he makes a beeline for me. Shuffling, arguing, but ultimately, a big hand in mine. Shane pulls me from the group and drags me away up the hill. People start to alert each other of what's happening before I can even figure it out myself. Rick runs after us, suddenly, and then Glenn, too. Then, Lori, Andrea, everyone else. We're through the gate, now, halfway across the field and nearing the car.
Wracked with sobs, I try to tug my hand out of his, shuddering hotly, "Wh—? What's goin' on? What're you doin'?!"
His grip is far too strong to escape. He doesn't answer me, doesn't even spare me a glance.
"Shane!" Rick screams, racing up the path. I can't quite tell if he's enraged or terrified. "Stop!"
We reach the car. He grabs me up off the ground, precise as a machine, and shoves me into the backseat.
"Get in the car, Harley."
I don't wanna get in the car. More than anything, I do not wanna get in the car.
He tries setting me down, but I kick, and push, and squeal against him, even beat on him, scratch his arms, anything but get in the car, but nothing stops him from pinning me to the seat. He growls at me to, Stop it, ripping the seatbelt down and over me. He locks me in with a, click.
"No!" I grunt, grabbing for the buckle, but by the time I'm free, the door is already slamming shut. It don't budge when I yank on it. "Shane!"
He rounds the car, locking the second door, and the third. He steals the map from the hood and throws himself in the driver's seat, shoving the key straight into the ignition. The engine comes to life as I climb up to the window. Rick and Glenn are running faster than I've ever seen them run, but still so far away, screaming on the top of their lungs for someone to Stop the car!
"Shane, what's goin' on?" I breathe, petrified, trying to brute force the door open again. "What're you doin'? Let me out!"
He ignores me and orders, "Put your seatbelt back on."
"No!" God damn it! Why won't this door open?! "Let me out!"
Locked in a car, engine on. This can only mean one thing.
He's leaving, and he's taking me with him.
"Put your seatbelt on, Harley!" He shouts, twisting to grab my arm, before something over my shoulder makes his eyes go wide. "Shit! Get down!"
He manages to shove my head into my lap just in time for the entire back windshield shatter all over us.
As I clutch my head, covered in hundreds of little pieces of glass that bite into my skin, Rick screams, "Don't you dare drive away, Shane!"
He must've shot the window.
"Shit," He panics, checking if I'm alright. He glances at the bullet hole in the dash before another one splits the air and hits the radio. He grips the wheel. He steps on the gas. The tyres squeal. He makes a break for the gate, driving over rocks and twigs and even someone's camping chair, which snaps under the tyres and goes flying out behind us. I scramble to look out the broken window. Rick and Glenn, who seemed like they were moving fast as the wind, are now shrinking smaller by the second. I feel my stomach shrink with 'em. They can't outrun a car. I know that, and so do they, but they don't stop for nothin', anyway. They even try shooting the tyres, but they're too difficult to hit like this.
Even after Glenn doubles over, Rick keeps on sprinting after us down the long driveway, drenched in sweat.
But even he has limits. Watching Rick Grimes succumb to exhaustion is like watching the sun stop shining, and all hope leaves me in an instant.
"God damn it!" He cries out, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, until he's just a little speck of beige in the distance.
"No," I murmur under my breath, realizing the horror of what's just happened. Just like that, everything's been turned upside down. I swear I was standing in front of the barn just a minute ago. I sink down onto the seat, utterly stunned. With each moment that passes, the distance between us and the farm grows larger, and the chances of them finding us grows smaller. Already, I'm trying to imagine all the ways this could end, but none of them are good. I glimpse Shane's paled face in the rear-view mirror. His knuckles are white around the steering wheel. His brow, wet.
I ain't up for losin' another little girl while I'm at it. 'Specially not mine.
What do I do? What can I possibly do?
"Shane," My voice shakes, thin as paper. I don't know what I'm trying to say.
"I know." He mutters, just as shell-shocked as I am, gripping the wheel tighter. "I know. I'm... I'm gonna make this work."
Make this work? Make what work? Are we just going to keep driving until we're lost? Is that it?
He keeps on muttering, "I'm gonna make this work."
Somehow, I think that's been his mantra since the beginning.
Highway 86, Reads the big, green sign on the side of the road, 5 Miles Ahead.
Besides me on the seat, my backpack sits on top of his. 
"I'm gonna make this work."
That's where it went.
Sometime after the sun's moved halfway across the sky, Shane pulls onto the side of the road.
As he brings the car to a stop, I try not to let myself panic. I need to steel myself. I remember. Getting outta this — getting back to everyone — means I gotta be smart. I reckon we're about a day's walk from the farm, by now. I can't make that. Not alone. I don't even know where we are, what roads to take, how to get back. A map, then. I'll need a map. Shane's got one. It's laying out across the passenger seat. Maybe I could—
"I know what you're thinking." He suddenly speaks up, tone flat. He's been looking at me in the mirror, I realize. "I can't let you do it."
I try not to let my fear show on my face.
"You wanna go back." He tells me simply. "I'm not an idiot, Harley. Crazy, accordin' to Rick and all the rest of 'em... But not an idiot."
I know that. I think that's why I feel so scared right now.
I ask him, "What are we doin' here, Shane?"
"Startin' over."
"But I don't wanna start over. I want..."
I want my Dad.
He takes a minute to calm himself down, gazing out the window, at the trees. Eventually, he looks at me, again.
"You'll learn to get over it." He says. "There's a lot we can both learn to get over. But you're safer out here, with me. It's always been that way."
"What happened back there?" The barn, Sophia... "Were you always gonna do that? Were you always gonna—?"
"I was." He admits. "Since I walked into that room at the CDC, I've always known what I was gonna do. Just... Happened the wrong way, I s'pose."
I shake my head. "You ain't gonna get away with this."
"Harley," He chuckles, shrugging. "Look around. I've already 'gotten away with it'. It's already done. It's just us, now."
It's just us, now.
I look out the window. Trees, trees, and more trees, and a thin road that stretches for miles. Silence. And nobody but us.
He sees the defeat wash over me and turns to get out. "I need to clean out the glass."
He comes around to my door and helps me climb out. My feet hit the leafy ground. The breeze skirts across my skin. It would be so easy to run. But where am I meant to go? He's right. I'm safe with him. Somehow, the open air and the endless forest makes me feel more trapped than ever.
I sit on a nearby log, staring at a little beetle crawling across my boot, as he uses an old shirt to sweep out the broken glass.
Once he's done, he whistles for me. "C'mon, sweetheart. We gotta move."
We gotta move, 'cause they'll be looking for us. I let that thought calm me. It's all I have.
I get back in the car and he closes the door behind me.
Dad's gonna raise Hell when he gets back.
Author's Note.
Daryl and Harley have made up. It was time for some more drama. 😼
Don't worry, THIS IS TEMPORARY! Trust me, Daryl's not going to let this slide.
Sorry about Sophia... I know there were some of you who didn't want me to kill her off. I would've loved for her and the other kids to live long lives together, but I just couldn't do it.
Also, when I was writing the first scene, all I could think about was that episode where Daryl just walks up to Leah's cabin and throws a dead animal on her doorstep 😭 No decorum
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
Again, shout out to Cora_Line99 :)
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