#informed and valid
tadfools · 9 months
POV the last piece of your grand evil scheme walks into the room for the first time and they have ‘forehead’ tattooed on their forehead
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i'm still processing everything and my mind is both all over the place and hyperfixated on that final scene.
oliver said there have been crumbs throughout the show for years
oliver said this is how he has always seen buck
oliver said the fans weren't crazy for clocking buck as queer, because he himself saw it too
oliver said he had to pull back from fan interaction on social media because he wanted to validate our feelings so much but couldn't because those as*holes over at fox were holding him back
oliver said he planned on playing buck differently this season, leaning more towards bi buck and this was WITHOUT knowing what tim had planned
tim said there were studio execs back when who held all the cards basically confirming that fox refused to give them the green light for this story arc
tim said he's always viewed buck's love interests as flat and never moved the story forward
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hellaephemeral · 2 years
i love how the biggest problem of the ua siblings isn’t that they don’t share the bits of vital information they all individually collect over the season with each other (or can’t because they are separated) but that they do and are immediately dismissed by each other because “oh well we don’t have time for tHIS rn” and “whatever this can’t be as important as THIS” and “oh klaus says weird shit all the time so like why even question his story about a glowing orb in the basement??”and “i heard what you said but i am just gonna ignore you“ it’s not even miscommunication at this point. they ARE communicating, they just couldn’t give less of a fuck about what comes out of each others mouths and i love that
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catfindr · 2 months
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llyfrenfys · 5 months
See, I personally find this quest to find pagan/pre-Christian elements in Welsh/Irish literature quite unnerving - I don't know about anyone else.
There's something to be said about genuinely discovering pre-Christian elements in a narrative or story and that being where evidence and study has led you. But I see some people on this fruitless quest to find pagan elements in very Christian texts and sometimes it feels like if no pagan elements can be found, people start making stuff up out of whole cloth - and that can be very dangerous for already not-well known texts in minoritised languages!
There's already so much misinformation out there about Irish/Welsh texts and literature in general - so it hurts to see people carelessly adding to the misinformation either out of ignorance or lack of respect for the source material.
I promise you the source material being Christian doesn't ruin it - you can in fact, enjoy these myths without making them into something they're not!
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hungwy · 23 days
lived experience does NOT VALIDATE hearsay of mao pee wife allegations
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yagikidd57 · 6 months
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I am 100% positive tht if this were true the ace community would NEVER welcome incels with open arms.
Incels are known to be violently misogynistic, feel entitled to sex (even justify r*pe culture), hate women and anyone who is sexually active, there also have been mass murders done by incels and mass r*pes too. 🤢 according to James Cantor, a psychologist and sex researcher, “Incels are a group of people who usually lack sufficient social skills and find themselves very frustrated". and there you have it, Asexuality is not the reason incels struggle forming a relationship and there is no evidence to prove this claim. 💁🏽‍♀️
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meregrin · 1 month
my two cents are that people outside of finland (and even the more left-leaning circles in finland) are not really taking into account that an average person here doesn’t know jack shit about israel or palestine. the first and only time either of them got mentioned in my 12 years of schooling (i’m a few years younger than jere) was an optional history course focusing on post-ww2 history in my final year of high shcool. jere went to vocational school and they don’t teach history at all there so he’s relying on his junior high education which isn’t saying much considering he’s said multiple times he didn’t pay attention at school.
it doesn’t help that the mainstream reporting (which he’s forced to rely on since he doesn’t speak fluent enough english) about the palestinian genocide has been frustratingly neutral and both-sides-y here in finland. obviously some of that is due to journalistic ethics and responsibilities because our news medias can’t get their reporters within gaza’s borders and they can’t report on things unless the information comes from a reputable source or they can fact check them.
all this is to say that i'm willing to bet actual money he doesn’t even know the definition of genocide in finnish, not to mention IDF or zionism or even judaism. those things are simply not taught here and the idea of him being a zionist is laughable. i studied anthropology at university and the amount of times i’ve had to explain fairly simple concepts like colonialism or genocide to people, even highly-educated ones, is staggering. and i didn’t really understand those things either before i went to university. finland used to love to rave about our PISA scores but the truth is that the level of basic education here has been really poor for decades.
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kanerallels · 1 month
I love perusing Wookipedia for fan fiction anyways did you guys know that Ezra Bridger is canonically taller than Admiral Piett?
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petals-and-ink · 4 months
Oh Vanilla Orchid, your eyes betray your very smile
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What are you if not a serene being?
Are you truthly who you appear to be?
Or are you just a being sinking into it's own regret and shame, unknowingly dooming itself to a constant pain lurking just around the corner?
Do I you shield my your soul away, wishing for it all to leave my your mind someday?
Or is it a self inflicted punishment against what I you abandoned?
Is this truthly how I you wish to live?
Should I you speak up and tell the truth I you claim to be oh so important?
How could I risk loosing and hurting the ones I care for the most again?
After my failure, what would it do? How would it even turn out?
I can't live another tragedy, I can't fail everyone all over again, what would the two even feel if they were here?
Gods, they would be so devastated..
I must keep this to myself, it would be only fair wouldn't it? No one will get hurt if I keep quiet for now, after all.
I'm guilty of not reaching them in time, and this is my price to pay.
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witchescollection · 1 month
"why are israel in esc if they arent in europe" they're part of the ebu, the broadcasting company which makes eurovision. last time i checked australia wasn't in europe either babes
"i can't believe they banned the palestinian flag this week!" they've been banned since 2016, alongside any other flag of a 'disputed territory', anything containing a political message, and any local or regional flags.
listen, i'm not saying don't boycott, but what i am saying is if you're gonna call people horrendous insults and tell them to kill themselves because they aren't, you better at least have your fucking facts straight <3
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moonlit-positivity · 5 months
Somebody needs to hear this but yes it was that bad baby. Yes. It absolutely crushed and demolished you. You barely fucking survived that shit. It was that bad. IT WAS THAT BAD.
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scoriarose · 1 month
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She heard me doing things so she came up to the side of her baby bin and blelelelele'd at me until I noticed her. She greets me every morning where we spend the first hour of every day together, her just resting in my hand and me holding her, often gently petting her head and tiny scales. If there is a heaven, that first hour we spend together is it.
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She is getting a larger enclosure for her birthday in a month and a half. :D Hopefully I can get it done in time, as I haven't sculpted a custom enclosure before and will be trying some new artistic critiques. I do have experience sculpting though. My biggest worry is the paints and sealing them properly! Art I can do- but food safe art that will be in a moist bioactive enclosure is new for me.
#From her enclosure camera#hognose#hognose snake#snake#pets#She is getting a bigger enclosure soon it is preordered and we need to wait#She greets me like this every morning#She ate yesterday and should be in a food coma!#You can even see her lump#So I gave her pets and told her I love her#From inside her enclosure the photo of her being held is from yesterday#She really enjoys pets#Especially after a big meal#I need to get a video of her asking for pets#She will pet herself with her chin#And when I stop sometimes she will pet herself with her chin asking for more!#And then I will pet her and she will relax looking like she is in heaven#Those posts saying “snakes cannot enjoy being pet and will only learn to tolerate it” are absolute BS outdated information#from people who are insecure that they are less valid as humans if animals are capable of feeling love and asking for affection#My snake will LITERALLY ASK TO BE PET#And she will pet me too!#I think she saw me petting her#Thought “This feels nice. Is this what we do for each other?”#And when we are snuggling she'll wiggle over to my arm or shoulder and start petting me. She doesn't pet me in any other places.#It is a lot of effort as she has no hands and has to use her chin#moving her whole upper body#So she'll only pet me maybe 20-10 times and take a rest#Does anyone else's snake pet them?#It is unusual but I think maybe she learned it from copying me and it makes her happy ^_^#What a wonderful world we live in where snakes enjoy being pet
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What are you writing at the moment?
this is a very dangerous question are you sure you want to hear it?
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ollieartss · 4 months
jesus whenever I rewatch dark era or fifteen parts of the anime I get reminded at how painfully childish dazai is. his little expressions. playing video games. skipping on rocks. playing arcade games. picking locks like it’s a magic trick. the entire nickname of odasaku just screams little kid energy.
and then he’ll get stabbed and viscerally traumatized in the same episode and we have become so accustomed to the port mafia’s violence that we forget how BAD that is. he’s so sad holy fuck.
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Instead of answering the several news asks concerned about bots again, I’ll just say here:
The swiftness with which votes have been coming in for this poll seem, in my opinion, perfectly believable. Specifically, I was told of someone watching roughly 150 votes new votes come in over 10 minutes, but in the context of how the rest of the entire competition has gone, to me that just seems regularly plausible. Especially considering how in the first moments of the poll going up, at midnight, it had already garnered 32 votes in 5 minutes. Again, at a time of day when a large percentage of the voters would’ve been unavailable.
Considering the circumstances—people knew about this 2 days in advance, it’s already the talk of both fandoms, everyone voting themselves would tell everyone they know to vote immediately, and everyone knows that this one only has 24 hours—I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion of more fraud.
I don’t want to drag out this war forever, and this was the only solution that seemed remotely fair to both fandoms, in any capacity. So whoever wins this poll, and with whatever speed, that’s the winner. End of discussion.
Sidenote: I do have answers for some other asks I’ve gotten, but I don’t want to post anything else until the poll ends.
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