#inspired by we fell in love in october
skyler10fic · 2 years
that's why i love fall
By Skyler10
Summary: Carol is a park ranger in a growing mountain town. Daisy is a cybersecurity city girl in town for a job interview at the town’s biotech lab. Under the autumn leaves, fate brings them together (aided by Daisy’s parents, Phil and Melinda). As sweet as a PSL and with as much plot as apple pie.
Notes: This one is pretty canon-free. Basically original fic but with the personalities, names, and faces of my ships.
Read on Ao3
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Carol drove fast, maybe a little too fast, around the curve through the forest back home to Mountain Skye Village. She loved the thrill it brought: the freedom, the magic in the air this time of year, the swirl of the changing leaves around her car, the passages between the rock walls and mist between the trees… 
She snapped back into reality as a figure and car on the side of the road came into focus. The person was waving as frantically as the blinking of their car’s tail lights. Carol’s tires screeched as she braked on the slick road and pulled off into a shallow bed of leaves on the shoulder. The young woman relaxed in relief against her trunk as Carol approached. 
“Hey! Are you okay?” Carol called. As she got closer, her heart lept to her throat. This damsel in distress was exactly her type. Dark sparkling eyes, a quirk of a smile, a little red lipstick to match her beanie and puffer vest. Figure-hugging jeans and practical but stylish boots… 
“We’re a match,” the woman remarked with a slight laugh to her voice. 
“Sorry, what?” Carol wondered if this was a forest fey reading her thoughts. 
The woman pointed to Carol’s flannel shirt, in autumn colors, and her own under the puffer vest. 
“Oh!” Carol realized what she meant.
“Sorry,” the woman rushed out. “It’s just I saw a car coming and was terrified what would happen if I flagged down a creeper or weirdo or something. I could be even worse off than lost in a forest with a broken bridge! But it’s you.”
“Carol.” Carol stuck out her hand. 
“Daisy,” the young woman replied and shook Carol’s hand with a curious smile. “Actually, this sounds so stalkerish, but I think you’re the guide who led my parents' hike last week? They told me all about you and sent me the picture they took with you to prove to me there were cool young people in this town.” 
Carol laughed. “Phil and Melinda, right?” 
Daisy closed her eyes, pressed her lips together, and nodded. “Yep, always subtle, those two.” 
“Well, it’s good to meet you, Daisy.” Carol noted the Boston Pride Parade sticker on the back of Daisy’s car right next to the MIT alumni one. When Daisy’s parents had seen Carol’s rainbow pin on her guide gear, they had mentioned Daisy volunteered her computer skills for the Pride festival. Not subtle at all, that Johnson couple. “I heard a lot about you as well.” 
“I’m sure you did.” Daisy laughed and blushed. 
“So what brings you all the way out here?” 
Daisy sighed. “My parents think they have found the perfect job for me. There’s a biotech lab in the town with a cybersecurity role they heard about.”
Carol shook her head in amusement and pointed to the trees and their roadside setting. “I meant here on the side of the road, specifically. You never really answered my question. Are you okay?” 
“I am now.” Daisy considered Carol for a moment with a charisma that drew Carol in. Daisy broke her own spell and clarified. “I mean, that is, if you can figure out another way back to town. That bridge is washed out and my cell service is zero out here. I’m not even entirely sure where we are. All these trees look the same to me.”
“Yeah.” Carol settled her hands in her pockets. “I can help with that, but I have a favor to ask in return.” 
Daisy cocked an eyebrow. “Me waving at you to stop so you didn’t wreck your sports car off a bridge doesn’t count as a favor?” 
Carol let her eyes linger down Daisy’s form. God, she was hot when she was sassy. “Oh, so it was really me you were saving here, not the other way around?” 
Daisy leaned back on her car again. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m willing to hear what you had in mind.” 
A leaf fell in Daisy’s hair and instinctively, Carol moved forward to pluck it out. Daisy didn’t flinch at the gesture, nor did she toss the yellow and orange leaf away when Carol handed it to her. To the contrary, she met Carol’s eyes and thanked her as if it were a gift.
“Follow my car back to town and I’ll take you to the best pie in town?” Carol offered with a shrug of nonchalance. “My treat.” 
“Still sounds like you’d be doing me the favor in that case.” 
Carol shook her head. “Pleasure’s all mine. You did save my ‘sports car,’ after all. And Betty’s Diner is the first thing you need to know about Mountain Skye.”
“Deal.” Daisy stuck out her hand and they shook again, the touch lingering a longer this time before falling away. Daisy tucked a fallen strand of hair behind her ear as an excuse to look down and back up again, long lashes slowly dipping and rising.  
Carol’s head spun at how Daisy captivated her so effortlessly. Carol inhaled the cool mountain autumn air to ground herself and backed away. “Gonna get chilly out here soon. We’d better head back. I know these roads blind but best not to get caught in the dark with wildlife.” She nodded to the woods next to the road. 
Daisy shot a nervous glance to the woods and moved to the driver’s side of her car. “I’ll pull around the other shoulder and wait to follow you.”  
Carol headed back to her own car. She turned around and Daisy followed. This time, Carol watched her speed and kept checking her rearview mirror to make sure Daisy was right behind her. Even though she was the one leading, an irrational fear rose up in her that this enchanting woman would vanish at the edge of the forest and leave her wanting. 
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But Daisy was real and pulled into the diner parking lot next to Carol when they reached the town square in the historic district. The town had grown a lot since it was just a village below the mountain, even expanding so large it had the prestigious lab that attracted MIT-level talent like Daisy. It still felt magical too, though, so it wasn’t hard for an overactive imagination to be wary of things or people who seemed too good to be true. Carol couldn’t help her smile of relief when they were face to face again. 
Inside, they found a booth next to the window with a picturesque view and slid in. By the time the waitress came with an irresistible offer of seasonal soups and chili, the sun had set behind the tree line. Conversation flowed easily, and the soup warmed them from the inside out as the air outside the window grew brisk with the dark. 
“This place really is beautiful,” Daisy remarked as if conceding a point. 
“You should see it in winter.” Carol pointed up with her spoon to the alpine peaks. “Skiers mostly stay up there at the resort but a few come down for the antiques.” 
An older woman stopped by the table and finished Carol’s sentence for her. “And for my pie.” 
Carol laughed. “Daisy, this is Betty, the owner. And she’s right.” 
“Ahh, good to meet you, Betty!” Daisy held up a menu with Betty’s name on the logo. “I hear you’re famous around here.” 
“And don’t you forget it.” Betty winked, but then grew serious. “We take care of each other here. Carol’s been one of our own since she was little. I trust you’ll treat her right.” The last part sounded vaguely like a veiled threat, especially with Betty’s stern motherly appearance.  
“Betty!” Carol blushed and thwapped the owner with a menu. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Daisy answered somberly and then winked at Carol. “I have nothing but good intentions with this one.” 
Carol’s heart raced. Daisy was the new one in town, now getting a quick briefing from Betty on the major downtown historic sites, but somehow Carol was the one feeling helplessly unmoored. Perhaps she’d been spending too much time with the retired couples and lab nerds and family vacationers living in this town, but Daisy’s glimmering city confidence both inspired her and swept her off her feet.  
“Carol!” Betty tapped Carol on the shoulder with her pen. “Pie?” 
“Oh!” Carol came back to earth from her thoughts. “The pumpkin is an obvious choice, but the apple cinnamon is to die for.”
Daisy giggled. “I already ordered a slice of apple, a la mode at Betty’s insistence.” 
“Good girl.” Betty nodded and gave a thumbs up. Carol realized she’d missed an alliance forming and chuckled. 
“Then I’ll have the same.” 
Betty shook her head. “You have to get different kinds and share. You know the rules.” 
Daisy laughed. “I already love this place.” 
“Pumpkin?” Carol asked both to Daisy and Betty. 
Betty wrote down the order and added, “Pumpkin pie and decaf. Anything for you to drink, honey?” 
Daisy added a tea to her order and thanked Betty, who sent Carol a look that said she approved of Carol’s guest before returning to the kitchen.
Daisy looked out the window at the navy twilight fading to black starry night. “It’s funny. I came out here to see my parents and interview at the lab because they wanted me to.” She turned back to Carol. “I knew they would never let it go until I did. But I never expected to want it.” 
Carol’s breath caught. “And now you do?” 
Daisy settled back into the booth seat. “I might. I haven’t seen enough of it yet. It certainly seems charming. Like a TV show.”    
Carol followed her glance at the diner around them: kids with their parents, teens laughing over dumb jokes in the big corner booth, old men playing their weekly card games, the leading ladies of the town planning a fundraiser, lab scientists grabbing a bite between shifts. 
“Yeah. It kinda does now. I left when I was 15 to live with my aunt in D.C.,” Carol confessed. “I was so ready to get out. And I needed a change, new people, a new start.” She could read that Daisy knew what she meant. 
Daisy leaned in. “But you came back.” 
Carol’s lips turned up with a sad smile. “Almost two years ago now. After I got my degree and wildlife certifications, I got hired by the parks service. This was one of the jobs open and I knew. I just knew it was time. My parents moved away to be with my grandpa, but the people of Mountain Skye welcomed me back with open arms.” 
Betty arrived back as if on cue and laid down the pie plates and mugs. “Like I said, you’re part of our family. And if anyone has a problem with that, including your father, they can take it to hell.”
“Dad, on the other hand, is not missed by anyone here,” Carol explained. “And he was not thrilled about me coming back either. Among other things about my life.” 
Betty patted her on the shoulder. “My Rita and I went through the same thing in the ’60s. Some things never change.” A crash sounded and she turned. “Oh speak of… CLIVE! I told you not to bus your own table! For the last time! Can’t leave them alone…” 
Betty bustled away, but Carol finished the sentiment. “This town was a safe haven for gay skiers for a long time. They could come and stay here instead of the resorts on the mountain, and they could live together and run their businesses in peace. Sort of a safety in numbers thing. My dad never really had a problem with it, at least not that he talked about, until…well.” Carol shrugged and gestured up and down at herself.   
“Ohh,” Daisy sighed in empathy and wrapped her hands around her mug. “Yeah. That’s rough.”
They ate their pie slices in silence for a bit before Daisy spoke again.
“I had sort of the opposite situation. My parents were so cool with it, but high school… I graduated and never looked back, you know? The more time goes on, the more it hits how messed up it was, people I thought of as friends.” She shook her head at the tarnished memory and stabbed at an apple piece. 
“Sometimes you don’t realize until you get out just how much the people you love are also your bullies?” Carol guessed. 
Daisy met her curious gaze and nodded slightly. Then she brightened as she remembered. “Hey, aren’t we supposed to be sharing these? House rules or something?” 
Carol brightened too and cut off a significant piece of pumpkin pie. “Here.” Daisy reciprocated and they scooted their plates closer for the exchange. 
“I hope you like it,” Carol said. She meant it on the surface about the pie, of course, but her eyes darted to the window where the town square outside was lit up and people rushed by as if blown like leaves on the biting autumn breeze. 
“It’s just as wonderful as advertised.” Daisy followed Carol’s attention to the window where two old men held hands as they crossed the parking lot and one helped the other into the car. Staff at a bookstore with a handmade paper rainbow in the window locked up for the night, and a group of gender-nonconforming teens took selfies under the lights in the town square.
“We can be ourselves here.” Carol took a final sip of her coffee. “It’s not perfect, but it’s home.” 
Daisy’s phone rang. “Sorry, it’s my parents. I didn’t realize how late it was!”
“It’s okay,” Carol assured. Daisy got up from the booth and went outside to take the call. 
Betty came back to collect their plates and deliver the check herself, a sure sign that she had something to say. 
“She’s the Johnson kid, right?” 
“Yeah. How did you know?” 
“News travels fast in a diner, sweetheart,” Betty reminded her. “Besides, the college hiring a new president and that old hanger getting a fresh coat of paint? It was all the old vets talked about for weeks. I heard the stories about the glory days.” She jerked her thumb to a table of retired pilots. 
The rusting hanger and torn-up runway the retirees had trained on were briefly resurrected when Carol was a teen, but she left before the airport was open for her to train and get a pilot’s license. It was still a dream of hers. It had sat empty since then, however, until it was purchased by the local community college and vocational school to train pilots, mostly for careers with the resort communities’ private planes, regional rescue services, and agriculture. When they found out their new president’s wife was a flight instructor, a new training program was officially launched.
Betty offered a coffee refill, which Carol declined. 
“You know,” Betty added, “you wanna be careful with a girl like that.” She used the coffeepot to gesture to Daisy, who was on the phone in view of the window.
“Because her parents are important?” Carol guessed. She handed Betty cash for the check and plenty for the tip.
“No, because she’s the type of wildfire that burns hard and fast, but you can’t keep her anywhere she doesn’t want to be.” Betty said it so plainly that Carol could only assume she was speaking from experience. 
“How can you tell?”
Betty just raised a knowing eyebrow and returned to the diner counter.
Daisy reentered the diner. “Sorry that took so long. My dad had his first round of midterm meetings… I don’t know why I’m telling you this. Anyway, I better head out. But, ah, they were thrilled we met and wanted to hear all about it, so I told them I’d be home soon.” She rolled her eyes affectionately. 
“No problem,” Carol said with a laugh of understanding and got up from the table. She searched for an excuse to ask Daisy for her number. Daisy reached for something in her bag and Carol grew hopeful they were on the same page, but she pulled out her wallet, not a pen. 
Carol quickly assured her, “I already paid, so no worries there.” 
“Oh! You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to.” Carol gestured to the door and they walked out but hesitated at their cars. “Your parents said they are on Aspen Ave., right? I’m going right by that neighborhood on my way home.”
“If you want,” Daisy finished, “you could follow me and make sure I don’t get lost on the way.” 
“Yeah, exactly!” Carol knew they were just delaying the inevitable parting. “Just in case.” 
“Okay, um, see you there!” Daisy got in her car and pulled out of the parking lot, and this time, Carol followed. 
Carol pulled in behind her in the Johnsons’ gravel driveway, which was lined with tall pines. The porchlight and a light inside the wood-cabin-style house were on, but there was no other sign of Daisy’s parents. Carol and Daisy both got out and stood awkwardly under the stars, not knowing what to say next to move forward but not wanting to say goodnight just yet. 
“Thank you for dinner and pie and everything tonight,” Daisy said, moving in closer than strangers but not as close as Carol’s desire wanted. 
“I mean you did keep me from wrecking my car. I never would have seen that bridge in time,” Carol admitted. 
“And you rescued me from being lost in the woods,” Daisy countered. “If it weren’t for you, I’d probably still be driving around in circles out there, having to forge for berries or something.” 
Carol grinned. There was her opening. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to get lost around town either. I can give you the official tour this weekend, if you’re still going to be around.”
“I have heard you give great tours,” Daisy teased, referring to her parents’ strong hints.
“And if you like my tour of the town, perhaps a hike on Sunday? I’m leading a group from the lab, so you could meet your future coworkers.” 
A chilly breeze whipped around them, and they moved closer instinctively. Carol resisted the urge to draw her in closer.
“I don’t have the job just yet,” Daisy cautioned, “but that sounds great. I’m here until Monday.”
“And what then?” 
“Then I go back to my apartment in Boston, wait around for a while, and hopefully, give my notice at my current gig. Then, if all goes to plan, move out here. Not with my parents though! I’m… we’re close, but… Not that someone living with their parents is bad or anything! But … space is good.”
“I get it,” Carol assured. Daisy calmed a bit from her verbal fumbling. Trusting her gut about this new crush, Carol went out on a metaphorical limb, “My housemate, Jemma, is moving in with her boyfriend soon and they are looking for a new place, so 1., I have a spot open and 2. if you’re not into the whole housemates thing, she would know all the places to look.” 
Daisy blinked in awe. “That’s perfect. Are you like a miracle or an angel or something?” 
Carol laughed and barely restrained herself from saying, I was thinking the same thing about you. Instead, she shrugged and offered, “I can give you my number and you can text me when you’re done with the interview and ready for the town tour. And I can let you know the details about the hike. And if everything works out, let me know and we can talk about the house situation.” 
Carol pulled her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it, then opened a new contact and handed the phone to Daisy.
Daisy shook her head in disbelief as she added her information and got out her own phone. “You are. You’re a total miracle. I could seriously kiss you right now. I was so stressed and now…”
She trailed off and froze with her hand holding her unlocked phone as she realized what she said. Carol took the phone and kept her eyes focused on adding her information in return, trying to come off calmer than she felt. “If you want to, you can. Just so you know.”
“That’s good,” Daisy whispered as she leaned in. “Maybe I will.” 
They jumped apart and squinted as a flashlight shined from the front door. “It’s just Daisy and a friend,” a man called to someone else in the house. 
Daisy groaned. “That’s my dad. And this is not how I pictured this night ending so I’m just going to say goodnight.” 
“See you soon,” Carol promised. 
“See you soon,” Daisy repeated back to her and ran to the front door, but Carol knew Daisy’s attention was now on scolding her dad for his bad timing. Carol returned to her car and drove home with her windows down, blasting a girl in red playlist, warm with hope despite the night air.
Notes: The other chapters are pretty short so they will be coming soon. This chapter is almost half the total fic, tbh.
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marieandersoneq · 4 months
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thequeerness · 2 years
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so i did this
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shepscapades · 5 months
So the part 5 thing huh? Welp IT'S GOOD I LOVE IT
Because X is my blorbo I just wanted to point out some things here
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MMMMMMMM HE HAS LONG HAIR??? I mean *looks at my posts* long hair fits him absolutely [Still not sure if he has long hair or not but looks like he has his hair tied in a ponytail or in a bun, I don't know it just looks like it on the second image]
[oh and also he called him "Doc" again, instead of Docm which I don't know what could mean in this situation yet, but one day it'll probably make sense as we get more parts]
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This Etho right here looks either terrified or confused, and I think it's because
X is going to go absolutely crazy and he's scared that X is now in control [based on the "you dropped your crown king'' caption that might refer to Etho who isn't the attacker anymore but could also refer to Xisuma which I'll explain later]
2. He finally snapped back into his senses
3. he sees X without his helmet for the first time and his good 'ol computer brain is like '??????? Who tf is that"
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"you dropped your crown king" could also refer to X as his helmet got destroyed in process [being the crown] and from what I know, we don't know the reason for why X wears helmet in this AU. The most popular headcannon for his armour and helmet is that he's a voidwalker and can't breathe in the overworld, we don't know if it's a thing in this AU but if it is that could mean that now he's powerless, he "dropped his crown" - he became weaker, powerless against his enemy. Also Doc looks kinda scared, or maybe just surprised after seeing X's face for probably first time. [if he's scared, then he's probably aware of Xisuma's condition when it comes to air]
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But also poor Doc he looks horrified
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*looking for lore through old posts* huh these seem familiar... WAIT
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[it's in Polish sorry, but it says 13th October]
SO THE COMIC HAS BEEN SKETCHED OUT SO EARLY?? Damn those really take long to do, I mean I was aware of that fact but It's been like 3 months since those sneak peeks have been posted and WOW THAT'S A WHOLE LOT OF MOTIVATION YOU HAVE HERE SHEP
[also only now noticed how in this panel Etho's body sketch is red as a sign that he's the danger in Doc's eyes and Xisuma's is green/blue. Oh and in the first sketch X didn't have his hair visible in the visor hee hee ]
So yes, loved it, even if there were only 3 images I still think it's amazing ! We got to see your Xisuma a bit [he- he handsome -makes big eyes]
Sorry for the long ask again!! just!! excited!!
Now I'm going into my drawing cave as I'm full of inspiration already bye bye <333
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(also also to reiterate, I have no idea how long part 6 will take since I just kinda have rough storyboarding for the rest of the comic, and classes just started up again— this is my exhibition semester so most of my drawing energy will be prioritized for my grad gallery… we will wait to see how much energy I have left by the day for destruction :3)
ALSO ALSO ALSO! “You dropped your crown king” was absolutely me trying to find a silly caption for what’s supposed to be a serious/dramatic part of the story while also referencing the fact that Xisuma’s helmet shattered/fell off— there are many conspiracies and clues to be had here but I just wanted to clarify that that line is not one of them SFKDFGHJ
I will therefore also not directly respond to anything else being discussed here BUT thank you as always for sharing your theories and analysis!! It always makes my day >:D
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madlittlecriminal · 8 months
YESSSS smuttober has arrived!!! I do so require a smutty smutty fic with my boy, Miguel O'hara. As long as it includes (you guessed it)
a love confession,
stretch marks,
plus sized! reader with mad insecurities (but Miguel is mad about you not finding yourself hot AF.)
You can do what you will with that! if you need a lil itty bitty plot I'll give you one lol just hmu.
One in a Million ⥓ Miguel O'Hara × Plus Sized!Female!Reader
yeeeahhhh! i might release a Steven Grant one soon, so stay tuned for that. there's also a few hobie ones that I have to release and I might release one later today since i didn't post one yesterday :')
Ne-Yo inspired the title. sue me.
Warnings: fwb to lovers, angst, insecurity, fluff, smut, unprotected p in v, riding, lots of kisses, oral (f!receiving), praise
disclaimer: im not plus-sized, but i do have stretch marks since i have thick thighs & a small booty. feel free to give me feedback to improve.
for the month of october, im only writing smut. anything that is only fluff or angst will have to wait until november. requests are open if you have anything you'd like to send me.
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You ran your hand down your stretch marks and sighed. While there was nothing wrong them, you felt slightly insecure about it. Especially when your best friend was Miguel O'Hara that you occasionally had sex with. You both were friends with benefits, but of course, no matter the gender, the ethnic background or body type, they would flirt with him. It sort of hurt because you were in love with him, and he didn't know it.
You also didn't know that he was madly in love with you.
"¿Todo bien, muñequita?" (Everything alright, doll?) He asked as he leaned against the doorframe of your room, startling you a bit since you didn't hear him open the door. You relaxed and nodded as you heard him close the door behind him. "Yeah, I'm okay." He raised a brow and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Are you sure?" You looked up at him and gave him a fake smile. "Of course." He shook his head. "You're such a bad liar, you know that?" You rolled your eyes and pushed away from him. "Maybe we should just stay as friends, Miguel." He was taken aback and scoffed. "What?" You gulped and he shook his head. "No. I don't want to be just friends."
"And why not?" He walked over to you and grabbed your hips, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. "If you tell me what's wrong, I'll tell you why." You glared at him, and he cocked his head to one side, waiting for you to respond. "Because I have stretch marks. I have cellulite. Plus, it's not like we're an actual relationship. I'm just asking to drop the benefits aspect." He chuckled and shook his head. "And I want to drop the benefits and make you my girl." Your eyes widened at his words, and he smiled. "You're kidding." His hands rubbed your thighs as his eyes met yours. "I'm definitely not. I love you. From your heart, your soul, every part and mark of your body. I'm not ashamed to say I fell in love with my best friend."
He nuzzled his nose against yours, making your cheeks warm up before he planted a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you too..." Miguel beamed before placing you on your bed and began kissing you again. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'm actually quite pissed that you don't think you're beautiful, you know that?" He whispered against your lips. "What?" He looked down at your dress and looked back at you. "You don't need this, do you?" You raised a brow before shaking your head. He gave you a curt nod before ripping the dress off of you. "Let's get one thing straight, muñequita: you are fucking stunning, alright?"
"You think so?" He smirked before pressing a kiss on your neck, then going down to the top of your breasts that were still covered in your bra. "No tienes idea, mi cosita bella." (You have no idea, my beautiful thing.) He took of your bra with ease before running his tongue across your nipples. You moaned, your fingers running through his hair. "Fuck, Miguel." He looked up at you with a smile before going down to shower your torso in kisses. "I really don't see how you don't think you're beautiful. You're sexy." He kissed your stomach and the stretch marks that decorated it, his eyes never leaving yours. He continued his journey down as he began to kiss your inner thighs before bringing them up and kissing the bottom of them, kissing each stretch mark along with your cellulite, humming in pleasure.
"I love every inch of your body. You are a damn goddess in my eyes, baby girl. Never forget that." You hid your face with your hands, but he quickly removed them. "Let me see that pretty face." Your eyes met his and he smiled. "There she is." Miguel plants a kiss on your clothed cunt, causing you to moan. He took them off of you in one swift motion before licking your cunt, your fingers gripping his hair. His mouth closed around your clit as he moaned from the tugs you gave his hair. The vibrations from said moan, made you cry out in pleasure, making him chuckle. You swore he was trying to make you cum right then and there because the vibrations were too much. "Miguel!" He smirked before he continued to eat you out as if he was a starved man.
"Oh my god!" You pressed his face closer to your pussy, making him slide his tongue inside you. He fucked you with your tongue until you couldn't hold back anymore, coming on his mouth and tongue. "Always so delicious." You felt the warmth from your cheeks, but you weren't sure if it was from his words or from the orgasm. Either way, you weren't complaining. Miguel quickly undressed and sat on the bed. "Ride me." You bit your lip before climbing on top of him and aligning yourself on his cock before slowly sinking down on it. "Ay, mi amor. No sabes que rico se siente estar adentro de ti." (Oh, my love. You don't know how good this feels to be inside of you.)
You moaned in response as you began to bounce on his cock. His hands rest on your hips as you grip his shoulders, his lips meeting yours, swallowing your moans and whimpers. When you went back down, you began moving your hips back and forth on Miguel, making him break the kiss and throw his head back. "Asi mi corazón. You make me feel so good, you know that? Such a beautiful woman. All mine." You nodded as your brows furrowed while you moaned softly. "All yours, Miggy." His lips met yours once more while his hands traveled up and down your body. "Good girl," he mumbled against your lips, making you clench around him. He groaned with a smirk before his hand went back down to your hips and pulled away from the kiss. "Want more, baby?"
"Please," Miguel nodded before lifting you up and down his cock, groaning and moaning. You ran your fingers through his hair as your eyes became hooded along with his from the pleasure. He then kept you steady before he began thrusting his hips up, pounding into you. "Oh fuck, baby! Yes!" You moan, wrapping an arm around his neck as he kissed your shoulder while fucking into your pussy. "Play with that pretty clit of yours while I fuck you, baby." He whispered. You reach down with your free hand and began playing with your clit. "That's a good girl. My beautiful good girl." You clench around him again, feeling yourself reach closer to your orgasm. "Cum for me, my goddess. Cum all over my cock."
With a cry of pleasure, you cum on his cock. Miguel continues thrusting until he holds you close to him as he comes inside of you. "Fuck!" You stood there for a bit before getting off of him and laying on the bed. Miguel smiled as he caught his breath, pressing a soft kiss on your lips. He got off the bed and grabbed a pack of wipes that were on your bedside table and cleaned you up before cleaning himself. He plopped down next to you before pulling you closer to him and resting your leg on his hip. "I love you so damn much, my love." You smiled and kissed his chin. "I love you too, Miggy." He rubs your back softly. "I hope you know every inch of you just makes you more beautiful in my eyes. The others don't matter to me when I have you. You're all I want and all I need. You're one in a million, my love."
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skzstannie · 6 months
"We Fell in Love in October"
SKZ -> Seungmin x reader
This is a song fic inspired by "We Fell in Love in October" by girl in red. Song lyrics are italicized!
genre: fluff cw: none, just Seungmin being a soft boy :) wc: ~900
Happy scrolling!
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"It's been a long week; I've missed my girl." Seungmin's voice echoes through the stairwell, his soft tone travelling to floors below you.
Walking up the stairwell towards the rooftop of your apartment complex is you and Seungmin. It was your turn to pick what to do for date night, and you decided on stargazing, because what's more romantic than laying on a candlelit rooftop while looking at the stars.
You reach the door to the rooftop, and you walk through the opened door, courtesy of Seungmin. It's an absolutely beautiful scene, the night sky scattered with thousands of stars. One seems to stick out to you, looking significantly brighter than the rest, and Seungmin points out that it's a planet, probably Jupiter.
He grabs your hand, leading you over to the plush blanket you set up earlier. Alongside the blanket are numerous throw pillows off your couch and your small Bluetooth speaker. Your things rest in the middle of the roof, a spot void of the nice outdoor furniture that litters the rest of the space. Seungmin compliments your choice of drink for the night, immediately reaching for the chocolate milk upon sitting. He pours it into the mugs sitting beside you guys and hands you one, offering up the bigger mug knowing the beverage is your favorite.
You two sip on your drinks for awhile, and you bask in the comfort that is your boyfriend. You gently grasp Seungmin's arm and pull him down next to you. He stretches his arm out to you, allowing your head a comfortable place to rest.
"If the night sky was my life, you'd be Jupiter," he comments, glancing over at you with a teasing smirk on his face.
"That is entirely too cheesy, but you know I love it," you chuckle back, leaning into him to give a light peck to his cheek. He blushes slightly, and you find it endlessly precious how he still gets flustered from the smallest amounts of affection.
You sit in silence for a few moments, admiring the beauty of the clear night sky. It's a beautiful evening late in November, one of the warmest days you've experienced since the early days of September. You can hear the sounds of cars rushing below, the occasional horns beeping when people become too impatient.
"Ya know, we fell in love in October, which really wasn't that long ago. I don't know how I survived my whole life without knowing you." Seungmin apparently came prepared with the loving compliments tonight, throwing them out left and right.
"You wanna know something else?" you ask, your gaze sweeping over to him. "I can't imagine my future without you either," you counter back.
Having only been dating for around two months, you were both still relatively new to each other. The other's mannerisms were slowly being learned, the vocabulary becoming shared as the days go on. You learn new things about Seungmin everyday, all his cute quirks and habits that you didn't recognize the day before. You do know, however, that you're slowly falling more and more in love everyday.
"It truly is a beautiful night, thank you for setting all this up."
"I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but I wanted to wait until we were a little more comfortable with each other. It's pretty romantic, so I didn't want to scare you away," you explain.
"You know, honestly, I never thought I'd be here, with you. And I don't just mean here on this roof, stargazing, I mean, like, in this relationship at all." You look at him, your eyebrows knitting together. In your mind, it's the other way around. He is perfect in every way imaginable. Way too perfect to settle with someone like yourself, not that you are complaining.
"What do you mean? We clicked right away, I thought," you question.
"I watched you for so long before we talked, admiring [you] from afar. I'd see you walking down the street, thumbing through your favorite book at the coffee shop, at the grocery store. I was always too nervous to talk to you," he confesses, his eyes roaming the sky until they finally meet yours. "I'd always hoped, 'her, that girl right there, she's gonna be my girl one day', but I never had the guts to make the move."
"I never knew that," your voice fades away, thinking back to remember whether you'd ever noticed Seungmin the day before you first met him.
"And now look at us, you're my world, my everything," his arm tightens around you, pulling you in closer.
Your heart bursts with love for the man next to you, enjoying the way he's finally starting to open up to you more. He's had a hard time expressing himself to you, so hearing such heartfelt compliments from him enamors you.
The rest of your night goes exactly how you imagined it- perfect. You know, in your heart, it doesn't matter what you two are doing, this is how it always feels, how it will always feel. You truly complete each other.
"I told you earlier that you'd be my Jupiter in a sky full of stars," he pauses, his face softening. "I take it back, in a sky full of stars, you're my galaxy. You are the stars, the planets, all of it combined. If there's no galaxy, there is only nothingness." You look to him, expecting to see another teasing smirk plastered across his face. However, you notice the way his eyes stare at you with bliss, all signs of teasing seemingly melted from his features since you're earlier conversation. "Yea, I like the sound of that. You're more than the stars in the sky, you're my galaxy, my own personal Milky Way."
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vilsoo · 2 years
WANNA PLAY PSYCHO KILLER?⌇ghostface!eren jaeger
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。゚・ 𖤐 WORD COUNT : 6,219
。゚・ 𖤐 SYNOPSIS : as you were getting ready for a horror movie night, you receive a call from your ex-fwb, eren, reminiscing about you being his perfect little fucktoy before your new boyfriend. but all that sweet talking, nostalgia, and reminiscing suddenly takes an ominous, dark turn…
。゚・ 𖤐 WARNINGS : home invasion, dubcon, yandere, slight stalking, phone sex, jealousy, implied infidelity, chase scene, blackmailing, slight knife play, many plot twists. do not interact if you are uncomfortable with dark content. ⚠︎
inspired by augustinthewinter’s nsfw audio but with more darkness and intensity.
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[RIDE ANNOUNCER] As you are getting seated, be mindful that this 4D simulation ride contains flashing scenes, special effects, and jarring motions. Please remember to stay seated and keep all arms and legs inside when the vehicle is in motion. Keep your 4D glasses on for a better experience. Any kind of photography is not allowed during the ride. And absolutely no eating, smoking, or drinking while riding. Thanks for your attention and cooperation. We hope you enjoy.
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You and your boyfriend love when October arrives. The Autumn weather dropping cooler, the shimmering mass of cornelian leaves flittering around, and of course the Halloween thrill. Venturing haunted houses, baking cookies, eating candy, drinking pumpkin spiced lattes, watching classic horror movies, decorating, dressing up, and shopping at Spirit Halloween. Although you were excited to dress up and go all out with your boyfriend this Halloween, you both decided on a much better option— staying indoors to watch a horror movie while eating some Halloween cookies.
You’ve been talking to this man for almost six months until you finally made it official the other day. This will be your first time spending Halloween home alone together and you already know what’s about to go down. You couldn’t contain the excitement stirring in your stomach. After cleaning the house, baking the cookies, and arranging everything neatly, you went back to your room to get ready before he arrives.
After finishing up in your bathroom, you walk over to your phone charging on your bedroom floor and wait for it to turn on, checking for any new texts or notifications. Sadly, your boyfriend hasn’t texted back yet. While you were lingering on your phone, your screen suddenly fades to an incoming call from an unknown number. You analyzed the number and instantly recognized that the area code matches yours. Perhaps it was a number from some acquaintance that you forgot to save. Feeling a bit skeptical, you unplugged your phone and took it with you to sit down on the bed and answer.
You sighed and held your phone against your ear. “Hello?”
“Hi… It’s been a minute, right?”
Just after hearing that voice, your body fell frozen like a deer caught in headlights. That spine-chilling, sultry, warm voice that sends your heart pounding erratically and leaves you breathless. You could feel your stomach twisting and your lungs tightening. The excitement you were feeling awhile ago had now became this gut-wrenching and unsettling mood. All because of a phone call from a man you used to fuck around with…
“Eren...?” you fretted. “Why are you calling me?”
“Well, I saw your story on Instagram just now. So you guys are, like, official now?”
You frowned, thinking about your entire Instagram story from today until you realized he was talking about the most recent one: you and your boyfriend with cute candid pics layered like a collage along with your favorite song playing.
“…Why does that matter to you?”
“‘Cuz… I just wanted to congratulate you two,” Eren hefted a chuckle, then sighing deeply from making the situation slightly awkward awhile after. “You know— for some reason, just seeing that after rapidly tapping through other boring stories… I really shouldn’t be this fucking pissed.”
“Are you fucking serious? We literally established before there are no strings attached. You know what— honestly, this call was a waste of time. I’m gonna go.”
“So why’d you answer anyways, sweetheart?” Eren cooed as if he was teasing you, the same way he used to tease you before with the allure in his voice.
You chewed on your bottom lip. “Because… I didn’t know who you were… I unsaved you from my contacts because, you know…”
You hear him chuckle across the line and your stomach felt like it was all tied up in knots. “Fine, I guess I’ll take that. But back to what I was talking about earlier… your Instagram story, right? Those photos of you and your new man, smiling together and having his arm around you… You know, speaking of photos— I’m looking at a really cute photo of you right now. Can you guess which one?”
“Eren, please... I really shouldn’t be talking to you right now. And why do you still have those photos of me?”
“For momentums, of course,” he coaxed. “What do you think I’m gonna do, send ‘em to your boyfriend? You think I’m that kind of asshole?”
“No! No, I never said that… But— but which photo is it?” you faltered, suddenly thinking back on the wildness you and Eren had together as a fling.
“The fact that you asked,” he sneered. “We took a lot, I know… There’s a whole bunch of photos and videos of us still in my camera roll. But it’s the one of you on your kitchen floor… with your ass in the air and my cock in your mouth.”
You remembered it. You can even visualize it so clearly. The time when you dragged Eren out of a Halloween party you went together last year, him taking you home and getting it on right at your kitchen. Oh the irony of spending Halloween this year with a different man you genuinely had feelings for and so deeply committed to spend all of your time together.
Across the line, Eren took a moment for staring right at you in the picture in awe, exhaling deeply and feeling his cock throb in his pants. “God… you look so fucking good like this. Such a mess. Your lips just wrapped around me, drooling down my dick… Those pretty eyes looking right up at me and into the camera…”
“Okay, that’s enough. I don’t care how much you miss what we had, but we really shouldn’t be talking right now. I’m sorry, I have to go.”
“Aw, c’mon,” he pouted. “We haven’t talked in months and I can’t check in on my girl? My favorite girl that made me feel like the luckiest man in the planet because you were into me?”
My favorite girl.
After lingering on his words that you knew was supposed to tempt you, your heart felt heavy. “Eren, I’m… I’m not yours. Not anymore.”
“Oh, but deep down you wanted to be.”
Suddenly you fell quiet and immediately hung up. You hated how he knew what you wanted to hear from him. At any given moment, his way of words with you had you laced onto him stronger than any drug or wine. It’s as if he can read every thought, every insecurity, every assumption of yours and affirm them so sweetly to you with everything you wanted to hear. He was, after all, a man that could go on days with the most titillating words of affirmation… And he made you feel like the most beautiful, cherished woman on the planet because of it. No matter how complicated the circumstances were back then.
After walking away from your phone, feeling your body growing hotter from the agitation, it started ringing again. You were praying that it was your boyfriend this time, but it was still Eren’s number. You sighed in exasperation knowing he’s still gonna blow up your phone with more calls until you answer. You needed to keep your phone on just in case your boyfriend calls or texts back. To make things simpler for you, you blocked Eren’s number and pretended nothing happened.
There was finally silence. Your excitement had channeled in again as you headed downstairs, approaching the kitchen to leave your phone on the counter and grabbing a drink from the fridge. You couldn’t wait any longer for your boyfriend to come. But for some reason, he wasn’t answering your texts or calls and it’s been three hours. That worrisome, agitating feeling was swirling in your stomach, thinking about what was going on with your man until you were suddenly startled by your landline phone ringing. And that landline phone hardly ever rings… you even forgot that you still had it.
You were starting to grow paranoid. After slowly walking by the corner of the counter where the landline phone kept ringing, you checked the screen for the number and your shoulders dropped in disbelief. You immediately recognized that it was still Eren, trying to phone you through a number you never even gave out in your life. You’ve never imagined this man to be this fucking desperate just to talk to you. It made you wholeheartedly regret posting on your story about your new boyfriend.
Out of spite, you pick up the phone. “Oh my fucking god, Eren. Is this a fucking prank?! What do you want?”
“I want you to not hang up on me, Y/N.” The tone in Eren’s voice became more terse and ominous, as if he was making a threat.
You took it as a bluff and scoffed. “Or what?”
“I’ll send all 200 of our photos to your boyfriend. He’ll never find out how long ago it was. You won’t even be able to explain yourself. And I know… I know, deep down… you still never told him about me. And how long ago have you been talking? We used to be seeing each other a lot while he was still trying to get to know you. Remember, babe?”
It felt as if something got caught on your throat after realizing that Eren suddenly set you up by blackmailing you. At first, it felt unbelievable. This entire phone call through a goddamn landline phone, especially so out of the blue, was just fucking surreal. But mentioning that he can easily send all the photos to your boyfriend felt slightly troubling. You know how playful and sarcastic this man can get at times to the point it leaves you in a feeling of uncertainty. You liked playing along with his jokes and pranks, but he would never reject even a simple dare. Say that Eren won’t do it, and he’ll do it right there and then. You didn’t want to prompt him further.
“Yes, I… I remember. But— I thought you said to me earlier you would never send those photos to him… Not even to anyone. That you weren’t that kind of asshole.”
“Aw. You’re fighting really hard for this relationship even when it just started. I can give you that. But, you know… I’m just that fucking desperate! I really don’t give a shit about your boyfriend, Y/N. You have no fucking idea how much I’ve missed being around you.”
All you did was remain silent, dwelling and pondering into the many memories with him that were buried deep in your mind. Nostalgia has never felt so soul damaging, thinking to yourself that this was all just a regression of a past life you once lived. That special day on October last year, those seven months you spent together going forth…
“He doesn’t have to know anything,” he continued, “that is, if you don’t hang up on me again… But after thinking back at everything, I just realized how naive the poor guy is. I mean, it’s not like you were doing anything wrong. You were just starting to see him at that time. It’s not like you guys were exclusive… yet. But he never knew. Oh, he never fucking knew— what was going down after those five to six dates with him.”
“I bet he felt all nervous during those dates. I mean— how could he not, going out with you? But just imagine how excited he felt when you admitted you wanted to keep seeing him. Probably thinking, ‘Oh, she really likes me. Maybe this is gonna turn into a real thing…’ But he didn’t know anything, did he?”
Your heart sunk to your stomach when you immediately knew where this was going.
“Remember after he took you to Horrorland on Saturday, I was fucking you stupid on Sunday…?That literally happened. You even told me your legs were too sore from all that walking, and you couldn’t ride me like you wanted to. So I just let you lay on your stomach and I pounded you prone… letting me take care of you by burying my face into you from behind, eating your pussy and your ass until you came. Then fucking you hard into the mattress until you came again.”
All the flashbacks with him you forced yourself to forget were suddenly flooding back in like an unwelcome guest. As you stare off onto the floor, all you could think of was Eren. When you shut your eyes for an instant, you can see him in the depths of your mind. When you inhale deeply through your nose, you immediately take in Eren’s scent. That addicting, earthy, yet titillating aroma of his that blossomed in your body like wildfire. Everything you had to bury away about Eren Jaeger now came back, haunting the vulnerable corners of your mind you felt utterly vanquished. It was proof that he could never leave you.
“You still there?” he chimed in suddenly with a chuckle. “C’mon, I wanna hear from you. I know you miss it. I know that you miss the way I make you feel whenever I had you… Because I do. Fuck, I miss how your pussy tastes. I miss getting you all over my mouth and chin. The way I held you down so you wouldn’t squirm away, fingering you and eating you out so good that you squirted for the first time. Fuck, that was so hot… So glad I got some of it on camera.”
You couldn’t reply with anything. It was as if your brain was on a different planet, lingering on all those flashbacks and memories as Eren reminisced. Deep down, you really did miss everything you had. Deep down, you really were aroused by him speaking to you like this again, hearing his sultry voice over the phone that gets you weak in the knees. If temptation were a person, it was Eren himself. If an orgasm from a man was unreachable, Eren wouldn’t exist in this world.
“Fine! Jesus, I miss it, okay?” you spluttered, rubbing your eyes from feeling flustered and ashamed for admitting such a dark truth. “What we had, Eren… I miss it all so much. I may love being treated like a princess by the man who’s now my boyfriend in the day, but being treated like a whore by you at night… I miss that the most. He doesn’t eat me out the way you do, he doesn’t make me come more than once like you made me…”
Eren smirked in amusement, lightly scoffing after hearing what he’s been dying to hear all day out of you. “You don’t have to sound so embarrassed about it, baby. Like I said, he doesn’t have to know anything going on right now... But I do find it really sad— pathetic, even— that he can’t make you come like I do. Looks like I have to show him how it’s done.”
You suddenly froze after hearing the last few words. “Wait, what?”
“You’re in your kitchen, right? Remember when I picked you up and put you onto the kitchen island where I ate you out? I want you to sit on that same exact edge again, lay down, and just rub that pussy for me…”
Suddenly you snapped back into reality after hearing his absurd request. “Are you fucking insane?! I’m not having phone sex with you, Eren. I’m not!”
“Why, is your boyfriend coming over? Is that why you wanted to leave so bad?”
Your heart suddenly raced. There was absolutely no reason for him to know your business, so you decided to lie. “No— no… It’s just, you can’t fucking make me have phone sex with you right now. It’s not gonna happen.”
“Hm… Okay. You wanna bet on that, then?” the man provoked with a deep chuckle. “I know you so well, Y/N. You can deny to me all you want but I know you’re turned on by this. I know how fucking wet you get just listening to my voice from our late night phone calls before… Now, do what I fucking say if you don’t want your boyfriend to find out. Lay down on that counter, baby.”
Your heart felt heavy again. This was all so wrong; having phone sex behind your boyfriend’s back with your ex-fling, the man you had a situationship with for seven months. Longer than the months you and your boyfriend have been talking. What else felt so wrong and shameful was that Eren isn’t wrong— you really were turned on by him talking to you like this again. Your cunt has been furtively throbbing at the allure in his voice and the lingering flashbacks…
Overwhelmed by everything, you put the phone down to lift yourself up onto your kitchen island. Then you slip off your pajama bottoms, dropping them to the floor and slowly lying down on the counter. With your legs spread open and the phone in your non-dominant hand, your other hand lightly grazes your swollen cunt through your panties, your breathing growing heavy just feeling yourself at how soaked you were.
“You know— I’ve been stroking my cock this whole week thinking about you,” Eren sighed out. “Fuck, I’m so hard for you right now… Please, just rub that pretty little clit for me. I want you to feel good— I wanna hear every moan, every whine— everything over the phone... Just by listening to me.”
You were no longer in control of the situation. In the midst of your state of arousal, your fingers slipped inside your panties and chafed against your swollen clit, your body caving into the sensation. Your eyes shut, your back arching, and the phone against your ear with your mouth agape. Eren can hear your small sighs and your heavy breathing, driving him to stroke his cock harder. You can hear him, too— the slickness of his cock and his soft exhales. Remembering all those times where he would be leaking precum from how much you teased him... As you were lost in your own dark, forbidden desire for Eren, the sounds of your pussy juices became louder.
“That’s it, baby. Just fuck that pussy for me,” he kept cooing. “Fuck, I’d do anything to see you playing with yourself right now. Think of how nice my fingers felt inside you… stroking your g-spot that night after your boyfriend took you on your little art museum date…”
You kept moaning and whining, a small smile creeping at the corner of your lips. There was no way out after hearing Eren subtly groaning from stroking himself in your ears, a blissful reminder of how crazy you drive this man. You loved how vocal he was with you and his dirty talking always sent you delirious. Orgasm after orgasm, just by degrading you into your ears while pinning you down, then praising you for taking him so well.
“Oh, please—! Please, Eren— Tell me more,” you moaned out as you fingered yourself. The more eager you were, the more you pulsed around your fingers, wanting to thrust into your pussy faster.
You hear him chuckle again over the phone. “You want to hear more now, huh?”
“Fuck— yes, please! I need to cum to your voice again, you know I fucking love that,” you whined to him.
“That’s what I wanna hear, baby. Such a good fucking girl for me… Keep fucking that pussy for me, I don’t want you to stop.”
You threw your head back as you were lost in your own pleasure, the landline phone falling out of your grip. You had no care in the world, no care for your situation— all you did was embrace those heated flashbacks and the nostalgia. Everything you did together months ago, from the sweet princess treatment to the messy whore treatment, was when your life felt perfectly balanced and you had no worries about anything. Maybe a couple pregnancy scares from Eren, but whatever happens, happens. He was just obsessed with the feeling of being around you just as you were. Manhandling you, molding your cunt every night as the shape of his cock, breeding you constantly that you felt him in your guts for a week straight before…
“Oh yeah, you remember that time when I let you hang your head off my bed so I could use that perfect throat of yours?”
“Yes… Oh, god— that was fucking hot…”
“Right? Fuck, I remember like it was yesterday. Just training your little throat so you could handle my size, especially while I was rubbing and fingering your pussy? You kept moaning and humming on my cock like the little slut you are… I’ll never forget that. How I made you into my fucking perfect little slut… Say it— I want you to say you’re my perfect little slut.”
“I’m— I’m your…”
Suddenly, your phone started ringing on the dinner table it made you flinch. You quickly glanced at the screen and see that it was your boyfriend. What made matters worse was that Siri read his contact name out loud as your phone kept ringing. Sliding off the counter, you rush to the table and tried to mute your phone but his call suddenly faded away. Then, you realized you were much more screwed now.
“You have one unheard message,” said Siri in the living room, loud and clear that Eren in the other line could hear. “Hey, you weren’t answering but I know your voicemails get through because you have this thingy in your house that can automatically play voicemails out loud. But anyways, I’m nearby, I’m gonna be there in like five minutes. I can’t wait to see you tonight, babe.”
And silence.
A long, unsettling silence as you sauntered back to the kitchen island and staring down at the phone, your heart erratically racing faster. Suddenly, all that built-up arousal and your skyrocketing sex drive vanished, which felt oddly anticlimactic.
“…You fucking liar,” Eren chastised over the landline phone. “You said he wasn’t coming over.”
You grabbed your pants off the floor and slid them back on, then grabbed the landline phone to your ear. “So what if he’s coming over? Look, I know we were in the middle of something, but… I’m sorry, Eren. Besides, we just became official yesterday, it’s not really cheating… And I know you can keep secrets...”
“You want to know something, Y/N?” he spoke more terse again, making you frown in consternation. “I was actually watching you this whole time… when you fingered yourself on the kitchen island.”
You scoffed, almost holding back a chuckle from his bluffs. Sometimes you couldn’t take him seriously. “Oh wow, really? At least you enjoyed it, because this is seriously the last time I ever wanna fucking hear from you, Eren. Leave me and my boyfriend alone.”
“Aw, but how can I leave you alone? Especially with those cute Halloween pajamas you got on right now, and the black laced thong I saw you wearing earlier…?”
Just as you were about to leave the kitchen, your movements suddenly freeze at his haunting, unsettling words. It felt as if the walls in your body were closing in on you, making it difficult to breathe. There was an uncontrolled staccato rhythmic in your chest and this ache in your muscles from every nerve in your body suddenly high in alert and soaring adrenaline. You slowly drift your gaze to the sliding door behind you, moving none of your limbs except your teary eyes, which were widening in horror after staring into the darkness outside. Obviously you couldn’t see anything, but there was this immense amount of panic thrashing in your brain. You were on high alert of every sound and every movement in your house, all alone at night while waiting for your boyfriend to come over. What you thought would be a pleasant night was not other than an experience of starring in your very own slasher horror movie.
“I won’t be showing myself yet, sweetheart,” Eren mused in the phone, hefting another chuckle. “I won’t even tell you if I’m inside your house or not. But after lying to me… I decided to switch up our little game a bit.”
“. . .Game?” you uttered weakly. “You never said… this was a fucking game…”
“Oh, it is now. C’mon, Y/N— you should already know I love games. The game earlier was supposed to be a harmless little parting gift from me that you can easily win; if I made you cum over the phone, I’d leave you alone for the rest of the night. Delete all our photos and videos, too— it would be the last time we’d ever talk. You were doing so good and doing everything I say… But then, when you lied to me that your man wasn’t coming over, you screwed everything up. It’s time I just let it out of my fucking system.”
“No, no, please— Please, Eren,” you begged, feeling your nose and face burning from holding back your tears. “Don’t ruin this, please. I’ll do anything you want, just stay away from him… He’s not apart of this.”
“You’ve already given me what I want. The best seven months I ever had with you. But… something wasn’t quite right to me, you know? It just— it wasn’t fucking fair that… another man is also making you cum. He spoils you with everything you could ever want. And while I give you throat training, he gets to fucking benefit from all that. Every time I see you two together, it fucking pisses me off.”
At this point, you started trembling. As you leaned against the counter, you slid yourself down and sat on the floor in misery. There was this nauseating pit of anxiety and stress gutting your vulnerable state like a fish. After how long it’s been, this was what Eren has been suppressing this whole time. His underlying, forbidden feelings that he had for you.
“Please, Eren. I can’t take this any longer. He’s gonna be here any minute now.”
“I can’t take this either, Y/N. Whenever stuff doesn’t go the way I want to, I tend to handle it… differently. Which is why, tonight… you have more than one surprise waiting for you and your boyfriend.”
When Eren hung up abruptly, the doorbell suddenly rang and your heart leaped. Slowly getting up, you peek over to try and make out the figure behind the door. It wasn’t until the figure knocked and tried peeking through the side windows of your front door.
“Y/N? Babe, I’m here!” your boyfriend called out.
Relieved, you scurried all the way to the door and quickly opened it. The sight of your boyfriend calmed you down for a little bit, knowing that it was him and only him. But you knew something wrong was about to go down and you needed to explain fast.
“Quick, get inside. Hurry!” you urged, dragging him in and swiftly shutting the door, putting all the locks, and closing the blinds.
He frowned at your distress. “Hey, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
You instantly shut him up with a tight embrace, forcing yourself to calm down with deep inhales and his warmth. “I’m okay, baby. I just need you here with me right now…”
“Aw, poor baby,” he cooed, hugging you tighter and planting kisses on the top of your head. “It’s okay… Did something bad happen? Were you paranoid over something?”
You shook your head, once again overwhelmed. “Don’t worry about it, baby. I’m just so happy you made it.”
“But… you’re shaking right now. And I can feel your heartbeat, too. It’s beating fast,” he spoke in perturbation. “Hey. I know when something’s not right. I want to know what happened.”
When you arched your neck to stare into his eyes, you instantly melted from the way he was gently caressing you. Holding your face, bringing your entire body closer, and rubbing his hands all over trying to ease your stress… He knew how to take care of you with the most genuine, loving affection. An open-minded boyfriend that supported you with love, comfort, trust, support, and everything a girl could ever ask for and deserve. He saw you for you, and loved all of you. That was the slight difference between him and Eren— the way he was committed to pursuing you because you were undeniably the girl of his dreams. He cherished your wildness, your adventurous side, and your amazing personality. You were both very compatible and that was just what you desired.
“Will you kiss me first, baby?” you whispered. “I’ll tell you… if you just reassure me with your kisses. I just miss you so much. I have a lot to say.”
“Of course. Anything for my pretty girl,” he obliged sweetly, inching closer.
My pretty girl.
Your body felt like it was on vibrate when he kisses you, condensed in the tender moment laced with blossoming passion. A soft and gentle kiss from him was soothing enough for the contorting feeling in your stomach. That sinking, paranoid feeling had now subsided as your boyfriend kept caressing you. His hands all over you, dwelling into the kiss, and subtly humming… you love receiving this kind of comfort from him. It gave you this sense of urgency to protect him and cherish him forever.
But you spoke too soon.
Just as you thought everything was fine, you parted away from the kiss and gazed into his eyes again, smiling. It wasn’t until you caught glimpse of something different in your peripheral vision; this shadowy, masked figure standing right behind your boyfriend. Your eyes widened in horror and your body went straight back into panic mode. Then, everything happened in a blink of an eye.
Before you knew it, your boyfriend got stabbed in the stomach by a knife from behind. You pant heavily and your vision started to blur from the tears at the unbearable sight of him collapsing to the ground, bleeding everywhere. Your body failed to decide on an immediate response, whether to run from your dying boyfriend or stand still like an idiot. Your mind bears the weight of speeding through every option, every possible source of control, but only slamming sharply into blaming yourself.
You see his figure standing before you holding the knife, all in black cloth with a Ghostface mask. You already knew who it was and you’re left defeated.
I’ve always wanted to get fucked by Ghostface, you recalled in your head when you went shopping at Spirit Halloween with Eren last year. Would you be down for wearing it?
“…Run, please…” your boyfriend uttered weakly on the floor, coughing up blood.
“You heard him,” said Eren, watching him slant his head at you through the mask, and raising his arm where he held the bloody knife.
And you ran. You ran through the kitchen as fast as you could, panting heavily and feeling your tears stream down your cheeks. Every corner you turn in your house, Eren would be standing menacingly in your way, urging you to run the opposite direction. You knew it would be dumb to run upstairs. You knew it would be dumb to hide somewhere— hell, there were not a lot of good hiding places. You needed to run. Get out and get help. Call the police and send an ambulance as your boyfriend is still dying on the floor.
When it was silent, you caught glimpse of the landline phone in the kitchen. Standing up from hiding behind the island, you reach out to grab it until you noticed Eren’s gloved hand reaching out before you from the opposite side, smashing it with his knife. And with your poor hand in the way, you screamed in agony from the violent slash in your skin throbbing.
“You fucking piece of shit!” you cried out, almost out of breath. You darted your gaze at the sliding doors for your backyard, dashing towards it and reaching out your unharmed hand to open it. When you see Eren catching up, you swiftly pulled the door back closed, hearing him also groan in pain when you squished his fingers.
Turning back to run with nothing stopping you, you were about to reach the door that leads to the front of your house. But just as you were about to grab the handle, you feel something grabbing your shoulders from behind, pulling you back aggressively onto the ground where you landed painfully on your head and your back. From there, Eren straddled on top of you to prevent from getting up. One gloved hand choked you by the neck and the other gloved hand using the knife to lightly drag it on your bare chest, causing you to shiver.
“You know, for a fucking whore like you— I thought you would love being manhandled and treated so aggressive like this,” Eren chided, tightening the grip on your neck you started suffocating. “But it doesn’t even matter to me anymore. At least I’m being nice enough to save you from the unbearable pain of witnessing me killing your perfect little boyfriend.”
After hearing those words, you knew you were helpless in your situation. The world suddenly fell silent and slow, where you thought about everything in life and how you came so far. Your sweet talking with your boyfriend, all those moments you spent together. As you watch him raise the blade higher in the air, ready to stab you wherever he plans to stab you… everything stopped.
Once again, everything happened in a blink of an eye. You gasped for air when his grip on your neck suddenly became loose, watching in bewilderment and confusion as his unconscious body collapsed. Eren has been stabbed, but through the heart. Your eyes trail up at another figure standing before you; your boyfriend, with one of your knives from the kitchen in his hand.
“Baby!” you exclaimed, jumping up to embrace him and panting in relief. “Oh my god, I’m so happy you’re okay… You saved me!”
But something felt odd to you. And you didn’t know what it was— the nonchalant, lifeless look in his face, his motionless body not even hugging you back, or the fact that he didn’t utter a single word from his mouth. He just kept staring down at the ground, clenching the grip on the knife tighter. And very slowly, you watch as his gaze weakly drifts onto yours, those pupils that used to dilate at the sight of you now lifeless and mundane.
“Baby..?” you uttered, caressing his face. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna be fine and get you some help, okay? Is your wound still hurting?”
After a long minute of unsettling silence and no response, he abruptly took your hands off his face and clenched his jaw. “Did you really think I was that naive this whole time, Y/N?”
Your heart dropped. “What?”
“Cheating on me with Eren Jaeger. You’ve been seeing him way before we met. I wish you told me sooner about him, even though I suspected the feeling from the start. But I trusted you that one day you were gonna tell me… instead, you go back to his place and keep him as your little secret.”
Your words got caught in your throat and your nose felt as if it was burning, like you were about to cry again. “No, no, please… That was a long time ago before we were official. I was eventually going to tell you about him, I swear! You deserve to know—“
“Liar. You fucking liar. You know— Eren really messed up my plans I had for you. That piece of shit wasn’t supposed to kill you tonight. I was.”
Your eyes widened in horror, slowly backing away. “Wait— what!?”
It wasn’t until he aggressively grabbed your neck to stay in place, inching his face closer to yours. “You’re just a helpless whore good for nothing but a fuck. When I grew suspicious and finally found out about everything you were doing behind my back, I saw red… I did everything for you and now you’re making me get all violent with you. I wanted to kill you for treating me like shit, but now… I think you just have to live with every shitty thing you’ve done. You don’t deserve death yet.”
By now you’re helplessly sobbing, once again trapped in a vulnerable, helpless state with no alternative option of getting you out. He takes the knife and holds it between your faces, just mere inches away. You even hear him sobbing too.
“Look what you made me do,” he sniffled, still holding your face. “You made me kill this helpless man for you… I hope I’ve ruined your Halloween just like you ruined mines. And now you’ll also have to live with the trauma of this night forever.”
And in the blink of an eye… you watch your boyfriend slice through his neck with the knife. It took a moment for you to scream loudly, forcing your eyes shut from endless tears and your heart racing like wildfire, pounding loudly in your ears. You could feel your own blood being forced through your veins with every loud thump of your broken heart. Your face started feeling sticky from his blood getting splattered all over you. You fall to your knees on the ground, trembling and crying out loud in agony, your brain forcing itself to replay everything that just happened…
All alone in the backyard, surrounded by two dead bodies and painful memories… You will never enjoy Halloween as much as you used to anymore.
[RIDE ANNOUNCER] Please remain seated until the ride comes to a complete stop. Then collect your belongings, watch your head, and step carefully out the vehicle. Don’t forget to dispose your 4D glasses at the bins before you exit. On behalf of all of our crew, thanks for riding with us, and we hope you have a happy and memorable visit here at Horrorland!
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ALL WORKS BELONG TO VILSOO ©. do not steal, plagiarize, translate, or repost/share any of my works on any social media where minors have access.
NOTES :: holy shit this fic is so goddamn long… but i had so much fun writing this! happy halloween everyone <33
TAGS :: @neemuu @jaaaysblogg @lilacs-lavender @shady-the-simp @michealsfinalboy @milanesasupremacy @neko.sya @slashersluttt @eighties-milf @dedicatedahlias @akiyaasworld @satoriluvs @yeetingmypencil @valoruzky @estrey @aft0nsimp @vintagexparker @savsxz @looveb4 @kristvns @gothbitch2078 @lustry106 @heartcigs @6bloody6bunny6 @etoariana @lilshades @dspria
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haizediz · 8 months
We fell in Love in October.
Hailee Steinfeld x Female Reader
Summary: You and Hailee having a cozy day on your anniversary.
Warnings: sm cuteness and fluff that it needs a warning^
a/n: it's october!! So this fic is of course inspired by "we fell in love in october" by girl in red. I actually wanted to post this on the 1st october.., well better now than never ig. Enjoy reading! <3
P.s. Thank you all for the support, Notes, Reblogs and Comments are highly appreciated.
Btw Requests are open!
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You slept peacefully in your soft, warm bed, the window open, which why you could hear the birds chirping, the sun shining through the glass of the window into the room. and the most beautiful of all, Hailee's hands clasped around you and her leg over your hip. And her warm breath that you feel on your neck. It was perfect. Especially because it's your and Hailee's relationship's anniversary. You and Hailee have been together for exactly 5 years today so you wanted to make something special for her.
Something you always do on your anniversary is breakfast. Usually you would just go to the bakery, buying Hailee her favorite things, serving it on the dining table and wait in the kitchen until she steps into the room with sleepy eyes, messy bun, and wearing an oversized t- shirt.
But not this time.
You wanted to make her a breakfast in bed. It's something different but it still has the point of your tradition.
So you slowly climbed out of bed and directly went into the kitchen where you took the time to make delicious looking pancakes, some fresh orange juice, coffee and before you could change your mind you went to the bakery too. You served all the stuff on two big plates and went back into the bedroom where you found a snoring Hailee. She looked adorable sleeping in your hoodie and snuggling into your pillow, like she has missed your scent. You love her so incredibly much.
After some time staring at your sleeping girlfriend you put on one of your favorite songs "We fell in love in october" to wake her up. You love this song especially when you listen to it with Hailee, because you fell in love with her in october, so did she with you. It´s like your relationship song.
Before you played the song, you connected your phone with the box and turned up the volume.
You started laughing as Hailee jumps out of her sleep and looked at you with her sleep swollen eyes. As she realized it was just you being annoying she fell back into the comfortable pillow, closed her eyes again and yawned. "Let me sleeeeeep." She begged while you paused the song and sat next to her. You looked at her with raised eyebrows and just placed one of the plates on her stomach. "Happy anniversary, you lazy mouse." Now she was looking at you with raised eyebrows and sat up. "You're annoying, but I love you." Hailee placed her soft lips on yours and kissed you multiple times. "I love you too, now eat your breakfast." You whispered into the small kisses. She giggled and took a look on the plate, which was in her lap. "This looks really good, thank you baby." Hailee cuddled to your side and you both enjoyed the food while talking about some random things. And you must admit the pancakes weren´t as good as they looked but that didn´t matter.
After breakfast, Hailee persuaded you to watch some movies. I mean you couldn´t say no to her puppy eyes, who even could? So now you were here laying in your lovely girlfriend´s arms, snuggling close to her while watching some love films.
Later that day you went for a little walk in the woods. Hand in hand and most importantly without any security people.
Both you and Hailee were never scared of paparazzi making pictures of you kissing or generally being in a not so private relationship. Especially today you didn´t care, and mainly you´ve never wanted to go out with Hailee when a security guard comes with you. No thanks.
One weird but so adorable thing which Hailee always does when you walk side by side is resting her head on your shoulder. And as she exactly did that, you rested your hand on her waist as you made your way back home.
When you got back to the apartment, you and Hailee sat down on the balcony and watched the stars as it was already dark outside.
After ten minutes of absolute silence Hailee breaked it saying "You look so pretty and I love this view." You immediately grinned at her words, noticing that she used the line of your favorite song. Instead of telling her something back you kissed her slowly and gently. You felt her hands approaching your cheeks and deepen the kiss. "You know why I love fall so much?" you suddenly ask. "Why?" She whispered and you could still feel her breath on your lips. "Because I fell in love with you in october." Hailee started giggling which made you smile widely as you were a little child who just got chocolate.
It was already midnight and you and Hailee were still sitting on the little couch you have outside. Both of you cuddled together into a big blancet, your hand going through your girlfriend`s hair, who´s resting her head on your chest, almost falling asleep, just like you. "I think we should go inside, babe." You tell her in your already sleepy voice. She just hummed in response and right then she drifted into a deep sleep. You sighed in defeat and started thinking about how the best way is to carry her to the bed. Just then you took her in bride style into your arms and slowly went to your bedroom where you softly placed her into the bed. You laid down next to Hailee before you also fell asleep.
It was a perfect day to start the month.
[This is so short lmao, sorry]
Can't thank you too often for inspiring me etc. @hard-core-super-star <3
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kiskisur · 10 months
Hello! So hm I'd like to request some fluff with Lyney x male/ftm reader👉🏻👈🏻 reader asking Lyney why do he loves them (if ftm reader and you're comfortable with it, because theyre feeling some dysphoria) all of sudden while he's doing some magic tricks, and the magician start being all cute and flirty🫡
ᝰ.ᐟ we fell in love in october.
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warnings: male reader, lyney being a cutie patootie :((, reader is referred as [name] and goes by they/them pronouns, slight angst(?)
note: honestly this is so cute!! tysm for the idea! :D atp I was crying over my own story HAHAHA btw I am not french so I do apologize if I made a mistake :( I just used Google Translate huhu. anyways I was born so I decided to do this lolol
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Under the moonlit sky, Lyney and [name] found themselves on a tranquil hillside, the soft rustling of leaves and distant chirping of crickets creating a serene atmosphere. They often came here to escape the hustle and bustle of their daily lives, to share quiet moments away from the world.
On this particular evening, Lyney had set up an array of flickering lanterns, their gentle glow painting the surroundings in a warm, inviting light. [name] leaned against a tree, watching as Lyney moved gracefully amidst the lanterns, his movements fluid and mesmerizing.
As the last lantern was lit, Lyney turned to [name], his violet eyes sparkling with excitement. "Tonight, I have a special performance just for you," he announced with a mischievous grin.
[name]'s heart skipped a beat, their curiosity piqued by Lyney's words. They settled onto a cozy blanket spread out on the ground, their eyes fixed on Lyney's every move.
With a flourish of his hand, Lyney conjured a deck of shimmering cards, each one glimmering like stardust. He shuffled them expertly, his fingers dancing across the cards as if they had a life of their own. "You see, [name]," he began, his voice a melodious whisper, "magic isn't just about tricks. It's about creating moments that make your heart race, moments that take you to another world."
As he spoke, he revealed the top card, a queen with a radiant smile. "This queen represents your strength," Lyney continued, his words holding a quiet reverence. "The way you face challenges head-on, never giving up. It's the fire within you that inspires me every day."
With a flick of his wrist, the card transformed into a blooming rose, its petals unfurling to reveal a hidden compartment. From within, Lyney produced a delicate silver necklace, a heart-shaped locket dangling from its chain. He approached [name] with a soft smile, placing the necklace gently in their hands.
"This locket is like the key to my heart," Lyney confessed, his eyes locked onto [name]'s. "Inside, there's a small mirror – a reflection of all the beauty and wonder you bring into my life."
[name]'s fingers traced the contours of the locket, their heart swelling with emotion. It was a gesture so heartfelt, it left them speechless.
But Lyney wasn't done. With another flourish, he waved his hand over the locket, and the necklace began to glow softly, casting a gentle light around them. "And now, [name], it's your turn," he said, his voice a velvety whisper. "Tell me, what's in your heart?"
As [name] met Lyney's gaze, a mix of vulnerability and determination flickered in their eyes. "I... I love you, Lyney," they admitted, their voice steady yet filled with emotion. "But sometimes, I wonder why you would love me."
Lyney's smile never wavered as he knelt beside [name], his hand gently lifting their chin to meet his gaze. "Oh, [name], you are a treasure beyond measure," he replied, his words carrying the weight of his feelings. "I love you for the way you make me laugh, for the kindness that radiates from you. I love the way you see beauty in the simplest things, and the strength you show even when you doubt yourself."
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small crystal orb that shimmered in the lantern light. "This orb represents the bond between us," Lyney explained. "It's as unique and iridescent as your smile, [name]."
With a gentle touch, he placed the orb in [name]'s hand, their fingers brushing against each other. "You ask why I love you?" Lyney murmured, his breath warm against their skin. "It's because you're the magic that fills my world with wonder. Your flaws and insecurities are part of what makes you so beautifully human, and I cherish every part of you."
As [name] looked into Lyney's eyes, they felt a sense of warmth and acceptance they had never experienced before. In that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of lanterns and the twinkle of stars overhead, they understood that love wasn't about being flawless, but about finding someone who saw their true worth.
With a soft smile, Lyney leaned in, his lips brushing against [name]'s in a tender, lingering kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them and the magic of their love.
Their hearts beat in sync, and [name]'s hand instinctively found its way to the back of Lyney's neck, drawing him closer. The kiss deepened, a gentle exploration of emotions they had both held back for so long. It was a kiss that spoke volumes – of affection, desire, and the unspoken promise of a shared future.
As they finally parted, their breaths mingling, Lyney rested his forehead against [name]'s, his violet eyes locking onto theirs. "You are my greatest enchantment," he whispered, his voice a caress against their skin.
ᝰ.ᐟ that's why I love fall <3
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lex-loudestwoman · 8 months
Kaylor Swiftgron: Which Muse Inspired Which Songs on Red & 1989
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On the precipice of 1989 TV's release and amidst the Kaylorification of 1989 TV's rollout, I thought it'd be a good time to figure out which muses aligned to which songs. I did my research, which includes: lyrical analysis & music video analysis, the timing of when songs were written, which producers and co-writers were credited to each song, social media posts, and where the girls were in real time. Shout out to @sophietv for her incredible work on the Kaylor timelines and evidence, and to @swiftgronmasterpost and @swiftgronmasterpost for their work to outline everything from Achele to Rivergron to Swiftgron. Round of applause to you both!!
Let's get into it!! (and if you want to just see my conclusions for which songs are about which muse, scroooolllll to the bottom)
The Red Muses
Red was written in two phases. First, she worked with her producer from Speak Now & Fearless, Nathan Chapman. They wrote 25 songs together between February and October 2011. She took these songs to Scott Borchetta and he congratulated her on a finished album, but she wanted to experiment with other producers and writers to play with new sounds. So, after October 2011 she started working with a handful of other producers to write more tracks for Red. Here's a breakdown of Red songs by producer.
Nathan Chapman:
State of Grace
All Too Well
I Almost Do
Stay, Stay, Stay
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Begin Again
The Moment I Knew
Girl At Home
Martin & Shellback:
I Knew You Were Trouble
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Message in a Bottle
Bhasker: Holy Ground
Wilson: Treacherous, Come Back...Be Here
Walker: Everything Has Changed
Lind & Bjorkland: The Very First Night
McKenna: I Bet You Think About Me
The first time we know for sure Dianna and Taylor interacted was on September 4th, 2011 at the Fairfax Flea Market, which implied that the songs Taylor wrote with Chapman weren't about Dianna.
Karlie and Taylor dated (I think) starting in the summer or early fall of 2011. I think they weren't expecting anything super serious, but it was one of those flirtations that starts out strong and feels good with them and all of the sudden you're in love and you barely believe it and feel ridiculous for knowing but you have a feeling this person is for you, maybe forever... It sounds right for Taylor who has admitted how fast & hard she tends to fall for people when she's in love.
Taylor attended the Rodarte Spring/Summer 2012 fashion show during NYFW and sat front row next to Anna Wintour on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. Karlie walked in the show (slay). This was also the day that Taylor spent with a Vogue interviewer for her iconic January 2012 Vogue Cover and Article where she is quoted as saying "I love Karlie Kloss! I want to bake cookies with her!" She said this straight after leaving the Rodarte Fashion Show.
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Interestingly, Karlie was quoted in a magazine as having been introduced to Taylor Swift at the Met Gala and they joked about baking cookies together! They both attended the Met Gala in May 2011, just four months before the Rodarte Fashion Show/Vogue Interview day! So it's pretty weird that Taylor would say the exact same thing, unprompted, when she saw a photo of Karlie Kloss at a fashion designer's studio on the exact same day she sat front row for a fashion show Karlie walked in!!
I imagine that Taylor and Karlie fell into something new and beautiful and sweet by accident. The Rodarte Show was on a Tuesday, maybe they met up for coffee the next day on Wednesday, September 14th in NYC? Who's to say!
All that said, I think Begin Again is about Karlie. It was written sometime between February and October 2011, which would've been a really, really fast turnaround for it to be about Dianna. Between the music video and the lyrical connections, it's very Kaylor coded. Starlight also could plausibly be about Karlie because they attended the Met together in 2010 and 2011, and their 2011 dresses were sparkly and tbh Karlie looked hot AF.
But, let's also remember that Taylor is on tour and just got herself out of two on-again-off-again, fairly toxic relationships, and as she said herself in Begin Again that the last 8 months she's been heartbroken and scared to get hurt from love (earliest would've been June 2010-February 2011 and latest would've been February-October 2011). Plus she's not even 22 years old, so she's not necessarily good at being in relationships yet. She's in a messy place, and she falls in love like a ton of bricks.
I think that this delicate, precious new thing with Karlie didn't work out (not for malice or hurting each other, just life) and over the winter they were distant but were still in contact.
On January 17, 2012 we get tweets from BOTH Karlie and Dianna about the *iconic* Vogue article. This makes me think:
1. Karlie is still interested in exploring this new relationship with Taylor
2. Dianna and Taylor have kept in touch and have a lil something something going on, a little curiosity they might want to explore
3. Taylor likes public attention, and she likes feeling wanted, and she's got two hot ass women who want her. Do you blame the girl for being messy!?!
Dianna and Taylor attend the same pre-Oscars party on February 24th, 2012, and this is where I think Swiftgron starts to take off. Dianna is all happy and heart eyes online for the next three weeks until the Speak Now Tour ends. They're spotted together frequently in March and April. The Shirley MacLaine birthday party thing happens April 25th, Dianna's circus birthday party is April 28th, and I would bet anything they started hooking up sometime these first two months. I think Holy Ground was written about Dianna's birthday party, with the note on the door with the joke we made, and that was the first day.
Taylor writes Everything Has Changed and Run on May 15th, 2012, with Ed Sheeran, and records both EHC and The Last Time on May 28th, 2012. Everything Has Changed seems Swiftgron (thanks Gaylor twt for helping me figure out that the freckles are IN Dianna's green eyes bc girl bye I was full of questions). The Last Time is almost certainly about Liz.
But Run is very Kaylor coded! The pale blue eyes, use of darling, the laugh like a child (Begin Again), locket, picture frame...
On May 31st, 2012, Dianna is bearding hard with Henry Joost to distract from her appearance with GLAAD. I have a working hypothesis that Taylor Swift hates beards and is not a fan of having to use them or be with people who have them. I just don't think it works for her with how insanely famous she is, the guys are hyperscrutinized and she's honestly not very good at being a convincing heterosexual woman. I think there's some conflict between Taylor and Dianna because of the beard.
By June 10th, 2012, Taylor has written 22, WANEGBT, and IKYWT. I am inclined to believe that WANEGBT is about Emily or Liz. Same thing with IKYWT. 22 is about her besties and living life and being carefree and embracing all of the beauty and pain of falling in and out of love and everything that is your early 20s.
We get the whole Hyannis Port x Kennedys summer week of pap walks featuring Swiftgron all over the place! But it seems like they probably break up later in July. This was a hot and cold relationship for real.
WANEGBT is released on 8/13 and Dianna tweets at Taylor (like never ever?). On September 29, 2012 Dianna and Naya Rivera are on a cheeky, lil sexy vacation in Paris. Taylor goes to Paris that same weekend to film Begin Again at the Love Lock bridge (Karlie is also in Paris but there's no evidence to show that they saw each other at all).
However, I wouldn't put it past Taylor and Karlie to have seen each other while Swiftgron was cold. Perhaps in September 2012 right around when she filmed Begin Again?
October 17, 2012 Taylor writes This Love in LA according to her diary entries. So I think This Love is about the Swiftgron reconciliation for whatever happened this summer. Things are good for a bit, they go to the Ripple of Hope gala together on December 3rd, 2012. They're pictured together on December 6th, 2012 and Dianna's all cryptic online about her secret love.
Quick Aside: Karlie and Josh have been "officially together" ever since June 2012, but they were first seen together in November 2012 when they both attended the VS Fashion Show. I'm under the impression that these gay celebrities in their early twenties only needed a beard when they were in another relationship they were distracting away from. They didn't need a beard, they could just say they were focused on friends and their career (aka 1989 era). So who was Karlie dating in mid 2012 that needed to be covered up with plausible deniability? This would've been in the works for a bit before they launched it in November 2012.
Also, super interesting that Karlie also met Taylor for the "first time" at the 2013 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, hmm? Anywayssss.
I think everything Swiftgron blew up on February 14th, 2013 with the 'I Do' episode of Glee where Dianna Agron and Naya Rivera hook up on screen. Taylor made a whole big deal about this episode containing one of her songs and encouraged her fans to watch, but her song wasn't in the show (tweet was later deleted). But picture this: Happy Valentine's Day, watch your girlfriend hook up with the girl she told you not to worry about!! And then learn that they actually did hookup when y'all were on a break, like two weeks before y'all got back together!! Oooh boy!! I'm pretty sure this was what inspired Babe (in the music video Taylor was the mistress, but IRL Taylor was the main character who got cheated on instead of the mistress!!).
Dianna is a mess on Twitter after that and there might have been about two months of back & forth, maybe some breakup sex, but I think Swiftgron died dead by the time the article about them secretly dating dropped on April 16th, 2013.
The Red tour started on March 18th, 2013 and I can't imagine that made things any easier for Swiftgron. Meanwhile... I think Karlie and Taylor re-reconnected in this time period.
The 1989 Muses
Taylor wrote 1989 while on tour for Red (except for This Love, according to the diary entry it was written on 10/17/2012). I think the breakup songs are about Dianna and the love songs (excluding This Love) are allllll Karlie.
If Taylor and Karlie did reconnect in Fall 2012, then Spring 2013 would be a long six months later...
Taylor and Karlie "meet for the first time" (which we have so much proof that it's not but like, okay, fine) on November 13, 2013 at the Victoria's Secret Fashion show. We know this isn't their first meeting or flirtationship, but it certainly is their first public outing to test what people say about their friendship.
Then, I'd wager Taylor plays "cat & mouse for a month or two or three" until they officially are girlfriends on March 6, 2014. Yay!!!
Songs About Dianna:
Red: Holy Ground, Everything Has Changed, Come Back...Be Here, Better Man, Babe
1989: Clean, Wonderland, All You Had To Do Was Stay, I Wish You Would
Songs About Karlie:
Red: State of Grace, Treacherous, Stay, Stay, Stay, Starlight, Begin Again, Message in a Bottle, Run, The Very First Night
1989: Welcome to New York, Blank Space, Style, OOTW, Wildest Dreams, How You Get the Girl, I Know Places, You Are in Love, New Romantics
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blingblong55 · 10 months
Eternal Sleep- John Price
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F!Reader, loss of a child, stillbirth (I'm not sure if this is the correct term), angst, some fluff
This super short one is dedicated to all those mothers whose babies are in eternal sleep.
Inspired by: Sign Of The Times- Harry Styles
R/N and John, are a happy couple in their early to late 30s. They met when John was a lieutenant. Met each other's parents and decided to not get married simply because they weren’t ready to elevate their relationship to a legal one.  Or that's what John says. In reality, he's afraid of giving in and failing, but he really does love her. They've been together for over 7 years, Some may say it's been the best 7 years of these two love birds' lives, but we’ll leave that up to you. 
And nearly about 8 months ago they found out they were pregnant. John got a promotion as a captain and R/N got a promotion at her office. She's now a manager of a small but important team. They’ve saved up for their baby’s life, it's not much, but it's something! Jolene is now on maternity leave and John in about 3 weeks will be on leave too.
He decided to not get any vacations since the announcement of her pregnancy just so he could save the days for their baby’s arrival, he even works extra hours too.  R/N is now at their baby’s nursery, she's placing everything they might need for when the baby arrives. She holds her stomach and looks at the reflection in the window, She feels the baby kick her belly,
  “Just a little longer my sweet angel” she smiles. John arrives, he leaves his bags at the door and walks upstairs. “How is my pretty girl doing?” He walks behind her and hugs her. She never understood how a girl like her could be with a man like him, but she was lucky nonetheless. “Pretty good for a chilly October” She looks down and watches as the kids go by, running in costumes and candy in their bags.
“Soon our little angel will be running down the streets with a bag of candy,” he says, he walks back to the hallway and turns the heat on, “I don’t want the both of you to get sick darling.” he loudly says as he walks back down the stairs. “Promise we won't!” She answers back and walks downstairs too.
“How was work? Any new drama I can hear about?” she asks, sitting down on the sofa and smiling. He laughs knowing she lives for all the gossip he’s about to give her. “C’mere, my sweet sweet r/n” 
And for the remainder of the evening, he watched her as she gasped, laughed and even added comments to all the gossip he had for her. Once he finished his rant he leaned in and kissed her, Do her lips taste like heaven, pure heaven and I’m the one who gets this glory he thought.
“Marry me, R/N, marry me darling, please” he almost whispered his words. His face got warm. And when he thought she’d say no her smile creeped in and she looked him in the eyes, “The answer is yes, but are you sure? I know you have that issue and-”
“Can I kiss you? and give you this ring?” he furrowed his eyebrows, afraid of her response. “John? You don’t have to ask me silly” She placed her hand on his chest.
“Consent above all my darling”
She nodded her head. 
He was never the one people would think he'd settle down and start a family, but the dates and many days he spent with R/N he slowly and hopelessly fell in love with her. He never thought of another woman. In fact, when another woman would tell him they bought new perfume he’d ask which one they wore because maybe his lady would like the smell of it, anything that he would see or hear about he would immediately think of her and wonder if she'd like it. If she talked about a new makeup, jewelry or any sort of product he would write it down and take her to the stores that weekend. But she always felt bad and would only get one thing, just one. 
-3 weeks later- 
R/N slept on her side and John slept on a chair beside her, patiently waiting for her to get any sort of signal their baby was ready to be delivered. At around 2 a.m. she woke up and he jumped to her side, “You think it's time doll?”She nodded and he ran to the nursery and grabbed the bags they had prepared a few days before tonight, he rushed to the car and back to her, she was already sitting on the bedside. 
The entire way to the hospital he kept checking on her, he held her hand and would often kiss it. 
Once they got there a nurse rushed outside and took her inside in a wheelchair. He waited out in the hallway and paced back and forth. He had promised her he wanted her to feel free when delivering their baby. But curiosity kicked in, and he made his way inside her room. There she was, smiling through the pain. She reached her hand for him to take, and he walked to her side and held her hand in his, “You got this, you’re so strong” he kept whispering in her ear. The nurse gave him a towel so he would dry the sweat off his forehead. When he thought everything was going right he heard alarms going off and more doctors rushing in. They pushed him aside and took her elsewhere.
A nurse told him it was so they could focus on R/N and the baby. He stayed in the room alone. Walking through the room, he called his parents, and they called hers. He cried and even prayed. He hadn’t done that since he was nearly 6 years old. A kid praying for his brother's return now praying for his girl and baby’s life. He remembered all those moments of him and her dancing in the kitchen while they baked some food for Easter and running down streets drunk and messing around.
“I think I love you!” he said as she took her hand and kept running from their friends and she kissed him, and at that moment he knew there was no other girl for him. No one could replace her, she filled up his heart, and memories. To him, she had become his gold memories, the ones he went back to when he felt sad. 
A doctor walked in, his face told what his voice couldn’t say. 
“Doctor?” he walked up to him, “She is fine, you can come in now.” John still had doubts, why didn’t he mention the baby? “And our baby?”
“Looks healthy” 
Once he walked inside of her new room for at least the next day or three, he saw them. He felt all that weight gone from him. A tear threatened to fall down, but he played strong. “Hi handsome” she whispered, her voice sounded weak, like she was sick. But he understood that she went through too much pain to even mention this. “Hey, beautiful” his voice cracked. His hands felt sweaty, but when his eyes laid on his baby all that fear and nervousness left his mind. 
“Is this angel really ours?” a nurse walked back in, ready to poke another needle on the baby’s foot. R/N nodded. “You want to hold it?” He looked at her and nodded, his smile widened. “Please,” he answered. Thankfully her bed was pretty wide and he sat right next to her. She handed her their baby. He was afraid of hurting it, “W-wow, darling….you created this, thank you. Truly thank you. Now I have these two angels with me.” he kissed the baby’s forehead and smiled. “Thank you R/N for making me a father. I respect how strong you are, seriously babe.” 
But tragedy struck. The baby stopped breathing. The nurse rushed to their side and called for backup. She took the baby off his arms and rushed elsewhere. John walked into the hallway. A security guard kept him out there. About ten minutes later a doctor came up to him. A few nurses followed behind. “I’m sorry” he paused and looked down, “we did our best, Your baby fought for every breath left in their little chest, but it wasn’t enough.” 
John took a few steps back and shook his head, the tears now became a river stream. “Please tell me this isn’t true, Our baby can’t be dead, please.” he cried and at moments his voice would give up on him. “Can I see her?” was all he was left to say. “Please, I need to see my r/n” his voice felt weak, almost like a breaking point.
“My baby, where is it? I held it but they took it away, do you have it, John?” His eyes water and his skin shivers, how is he supposed to tell her this news? “Darling, our baby” he inhales and looks at her, Her eyes are filled with joy, but when she takes another look at him it all vanishes. “They did everything they could, they even gave us this.” he hands her a teddy bear, the weight of their baby. R/N held tight and cried. She shook her head and cried for so long that he walked out and into the hallway once more, he cried out there. Holding himself. Holding the pieces of a memory, the memory of a forever sleeping baby.
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marieandersoneq · 2 years
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jessjad · 7 months
A very happy Halloween
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Summary: Y/N friend takes her to a Halloweenparty. Not what she wanted to do this evening. And on top of it, she puts Y/N in a costume that's totally out of her comfort zone. But she would've never guessed how this night would end.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Reader
Warnings: Annoyance, some body insecuritys, typical Ben (yes, he get's his own warning), Smut: 18+ only!
Word count: 2247
A/N: I had this idea in mind because we all love this grumpy 'ol gramps very much. And I've read so many great storys in the last time. Especially @zepskies awesome little excursion into this world got me inspired. So, do yourself a favor and go check it out here. And since october is almost over and I looove october, the setting was really fitting to me. Like a little halloween treat for you guys. 😊 Let me know what you think.
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Y/N had enough. This whole evening was not going as she had planed. Normally by now she would be laying on her couch with a cozy blanket, drinking a warm cider and watching some halloween classics on Netflix. A spooky evening at home, by herself. That's what she had invisioned and now her best friend Caroline had brought her to this lame party for "fun". But it was not fun, it was dragging.
The house was big and fancy. It looked like one of those somenone rich would inherit just for status purposes, but actually noone really stayed there. A lot of empty bedrooms and nothing more. Y/N wasn't quite sure how her friend even got invited to this, but here they were. And not just them, many other people too. Some of them seemd familiar, but Y/N couldn't quiet put her finger on it. Caroline had excused herself ten minutes after they arrived and was now sitting by the improvised bar with a guy in a sausage costume, making out.
Maybe Y/N should just leave. The music was horrible and she hated her own costume. Sitting on the couch alone for what felt like an eternity, it seemed like everyone was staring at her. She downed her drink and started to feel her anxiety fade a little, but Y/N still felt very out there and cought people looking. Coming to this party was basically a last minute thing, so there were not a lot of choices what she could've be wearing. And with Car leading this operation she had almost no say in this. Eventhough she tried, hard.
"I can't wear this, Car." Y/N protested after her first look at the costume her friend had brought with.
"Of course you can! It's THE best costume for you."
The brownhaired woman took it into her own hands and held it infront of Y/N.
"C'mon, Y/N. You love black!"
"But this..." Y/N gestured wildly to the piece of fabric infront of her. "... is a jumpsuit! I don't have the body to be wearing something like this."
"Of course you can! Your curves are just right for this. C'mon, try it on." Caroline hushed her into the bedroom.
"No, no, no, no. YOU have the right curves, Car. You look beautiful in almost everything you wear." And it was true. Y/N loved her friend and she was beautiful. Her Queen Maeve costume looked just right. "I have just a little to much from everything."
"No, you don't. Sometimes I wish I had a little more of you..." and Y/N saw in her friends eyes that she really meant it. "Now, stop trying to talk your way out of it. Get dressed."
The jumpsuit fitted but Y/N still didn't feel comfortable. "I'll have to peel myself completly out of it if I wanna use the bathroom."
"That's not a bad thing, if you don't have to do it yourself." Caroline giggled.
"That's not funny." but Y/N still had to smile. "I don't fell comfortable in this. Can I not just stay at home?"
"We're gonna have fun, Y/N. Why are you fighting this so much?" Car asked. "Is it because of Roy?"
"Caroline..." Y/n didn't wanna talk about her ex, but her friend knew what was actually wrong.
"Why do you still think about what that asshat had to say? He was wrong and did not deserve you. And now..." Caroline squeezed her arms and smiled. "...we will have a really fun night. Let's go."
But this wasn't fun at all. In the corner of her eye she saw a man approaching her. It wasn't the first time this evening, but she really didn't wanna have another weird encounter. Y/N stood up and was about to leave as the guy in the crappy Homelander costume caught up to her.
"Hey, hey... don't leave."
"I need to find my friend, so..." Y/N turned around, but the man grabbed her arm.
"C'mon, don't be like that. It seems like you need someone who can carry some weight and as you see... I'm Homelander. So, why not..."
"No." Y/N cut him off and freed her arm. This was really the worst she heard tonight.
"We're gonna have a really good time..." he made attempts to grab her arm again but didn't get far with it.
"I think she said no." a dark voice came from behind her.
Sighing internally Y/N turned around to face the other man the same way, but as soon as she laid eyes on him, her mind went blank. Tall, broad shoulders and a devilish grin on his handsome face.
"Are... are you really Soldier Boy?" Y/N full attention now on him.
"Ah, man! C'mon, I was making my move here." complained the poor man's Homelander behind them, but the Supe was quick to answer.
"Put your beardsplitter away and fuck off before I forget myself." The look he gave the other man left no room for a protest and seconds later they were alone.
"But to answer your question: Yes, I am." with a charming smile he gave Y/N his full attention now." But for you, it's Ben."
"Oh, wow. I mean... what are you doing here?"
"Looking for some fun... So, you wanna have a drink with me?" Ben was already heading to the bar, so very sure of himself that her hesitance irritated him a little.
"Wait, wait! Just... just to be clear." Y/N gleamed at him and he smiled. "You're really THE Supe?"
Ben saw the hopeful glance in her eyes and he puffed his chest out a little more. "The one and only, yeah."
"That means... you're just like all the others?"
Ben saw the shift in her eyes and it got him a little confused. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, I just know all to well how your kind is. Ruthless, brutal, not caring about us 'normal' people?" Y/N's tone got a little sharper and the awe in her eyes got replaced by a hard look.
"Hang on a minute..." Ben's brows furrowed, but the woman in front of him wasn't done.
"And now all of you don't even care anymore and kill in the middle of the street at broad daylight!"
"I didn't kill anyone!" Ben boomed over her outburst.
Y/N ignored it and kept talking. "You are all so self-assured, you feel like gods and think you are invulnerable. But I'm not falling for that! SO, why would I drink something with you? You didn't even care to ask for my name!"
Carolines voice called out for her and before she could respond, her friend was at her side, Mr. Sausage right behind her. Y/N wasn't sure if she was happy or sad about it.
"I was looking for you everywhere!"
"I didn't move in the last hour..." Y/N answered, but Caroline didn't seem to hear it. Ben on the other hand did.
"But I see you already have company. That's good. MIke and I thought it would be fun to have some shots together. C'mon! And your handsome stranger can join us if he wants."
"No, he does not..." Y/N stared hateful at the tall man, but he just grinned and flexed his hands infront of her.
"I would love to join. Or else I need to find somethings else to do."
There was no need for him to explain what that might be. The unspoken threat in his eyes was all it took for Y/N to swallow hard and keep her mouth shut. And within seconds Ben knew he had won.
"Well, that's something we definitely cannot let happen. Right, Y/N?" Car winked at her friend and gave Mr. Sausage a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Let's go." chimed Ben in and laid his arm around Y/N shoulders, but the grip his hand had on her upper arm was just hard enough for her to know that there was no escaping this.
"Why are you doing this?" Y/N whispered to Ben.
"Because it's fun, doll." And one look at his face showed Y/N just how much fun he had.
A moment later all four of them were standing at the bar, Ben's arm still securly around Y/N's shoulders. She should've been threatened by it, but in a weird way Y/N felt safe for the first time this evening. Maybe he influenced her mind in some way. After all nobody could really tell what all his powers contained.
"Okay...." Caroline announced and handed out for small glasses. "...now we let this party really getting started.
Four beers and many many shots later Y/N felt herself pressed against the door from the inside of an actually closed bedroom upstairs. Ben was keeping her level with his body whilst his hand roamed her curves and he sucked at the skin on her neck.
She had no idea how or when it happend, but at some point they started to have a really good time. The supe told entertaining storys and made all of them laugh. The alcohol did probably the rest and now here they were. Pressing against eachother and moaning into the other's ear.
"I can't believe this is really happennig." she panthed as she closed her legs around his waist.
"You should believe it, doll. I'm gonna make you feel so good."
His rough voice dripped with pleasure and Y/N's body started to shiver. Oh, she had no doubt about that. With her hands carding through his hair she tried to pull him impossibly closer. But when she heard fabric ripping, Y/N started to protest.
"No, Ben! Don't rip it! I need to wear it again in the morning."
"Don't worry, Y/N. I'll peel you out of it, bit by bit."
And that he did. It took a little time but eventually he had her infront of him, just in her underwear. Ben let go of her and walked back until his legs hit the mattress. He sat himself down and checked her out, from head to toe. That's when Y/N's mind cleared a little and she started to get nervous. In the jumpsuit her body was fitted snuckly but now, without the support of the fabric, she was reminded of her imperfect body and looked to the floor.
A zipper being opened pulled her eyes back to the man who was sitting on the bed. His stare was lustblown and he had freed his dick to pleasure himself as he watched her. With this sight her core started to clench around nothing.
"C'mere" Ben rasped and Y/N smiled at him.
"Only if it's fair." With a now leisure smile she pointed at herself and than at him.
Ben didn't respond. He only got up and within seconds his suit was laying on the floor. Y/N mouth gaped a little after he was standing before her in his naked glory. Hard muscles, a toned body and a cock that made her mouth water. Y/N knew it was wrong, so wrong, but in this moment she did not care. Ben was palming himself again as he beckoned her over to him and now she followed his order.
With a fast move Y/N found herself on the bed and Ben didn't waist any time to hover over her. His mouth searched hers again with a searing kiss that was raw, intense and just tongue and teeth. They both found their rhythm very fast and Ben explored every inch of Y/N's body. Her head started to swim with all these new sensations and when the supe found her mouth again, she could feel his dick pressing to her core.
"Hurry up!" she moaned and closed her legs around his waist again.
"So eager." Ben chuckled and dragged his cock through her wet folds. "All you women just learned how do open a bottle by yourself and now you're thinking you can order us men around."
"I'm just gonna ignore what you just said."
And with these last words thrusted Ben forward and buried himself in her soft heat. A deep moan escaped Y/N and she felt the slight burn. It was a tight fit and Ben gave her a moment to relax. His hand found her clit and he began to rub slow circles. They kissed again and when Y/N's first orgasm hit, she couldn't keep quiet. Ben observed her and he liked the way she came undone.
When Y/N slowly came down from her high Ben started to move. Slowly at first, but he picked up his speed shortly after. Her hands found his asscheeks and she knead them. She felt so incredibly full and her moans became louder again. The pressure inside of Y/N came back and Ben could sense it. He pushed his hands underneath her hips and lifted her a little.
"Oh god... you're so deep!" she gasped and her arms found their way around his neck.
In this new position it didn't take long for both to climp over the edge. Y/N fell first, even harder and more intense than before. Ben followed just a few seconds later and helt himself still balls deep insight her and spilled his seed to every last drop. The bliss that followed afterwards made her sigh in content. Y/N felt exhausted in a good way. Ben let himself fall beside her.
"I told you I'd make you feel good." he chuckled.
"Yeah, well... whatever." Y/N answered. "With all the alcohol we drank I probably won't remember anything in the morning."
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A/N: Aaand, done. 🤭 What do we think? I actually feel this has potential for a miniseries. With some glimpses into Ben's mind, maybe? I mean, they could be an explosive mixture. 🤔
You can check it out here.
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penelopecolinb · 18 days
hello! thanks for the rose, my dear!
here's an excerpt from chapter 17 of a spare heart:
Excerpt from a letter written by Colin Bridgerton to Penelope Bridgerton, sent 3 October 1812, received 7 October 1812:
An unexpected detour towards the west of Scotland has brought me to the island of Jura. There sits the Strait of Corryvreckan, where an eternal wonder of nature resides, spellbinding and dangerous and awe-inspiring. 
It is a whirlpool, Pen, and it is utterly magical. In the otherwise peaceful waters sits a roaring wave, spinning perpetually and creating a sight to behold. The mysteries surrounding the formation of this whirlpool have yet to be answered, and in its place tales of romance and tragedy have been spun. 
Perhaps the most popular tale is of a prince named Breacan, who fell in love with a local princess. The King, unimpressed by his title, issued him a challenge: successfully anchor his boat by the whirlpool for three days and three nights, and win his daughter’s hand in marriage. 
Undeterred, Breacan accepted the challenge. He made three ropes to anchor his boat - one from wool, one from hemp, and one from a maiden’s hair, which was believed to be so pure it was unbreakable. 
The hemp rope snapped on the first night. The wool on the second. And finally, the hair on the third. The boat was dragged under, and Breacan perished in the water without ever marrying his love. 
Though this tale is marked by the tragedy of lost love, I wish to impart a different version, slightly altered to fit us. Will you be patient with me, my darling wife, as I rewrite our story into this whirlpool of fiction?
It would be easy, I know, to liken you to the fair local princess with whom Breacan fell in love. But the princess plays such a fleeting role in the original tale, and I feel that it would not be an apt comparison to make. You are the star of the story, the pull of the tale.
You, Penelope, are the whirlpool itself. 
I think it fitting, do you not? I have anchored myself as near to you as possible with our marriage. In my haste to search for a purpose, I tethered myself to shore with fanciful ideas of travel, freedom and independence. And yet with every passing day spent by your side, my tethers wore down, and the allure of a life lived with you grew and grew. 
The ropes that tied me to shore were nothing compared to the strength of our connection. In the end, I did not need those ropes. I would have drowned freely, willingly, blissfully into your whirlpool, my Pen. The week we spent together before I left was the best days of my life. Simply being your husband brought me such joy; arranging for your comfort brought me such purpose; ensuring your happiness satisfied me more than you could ever imagine. 
Do you see now, my love? You have tried desperately to keep my ropes from snapping, believing that I would resent you if I drowned. But I could not, would never, ever, resent you, for drowning in you is the greatest adventure I could have ever imagined.
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sarahsmi13s · 8 months
Birthdays, Puppies, and Hayrides
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pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x sarah grant (fem!oc)
characters: sarah grant, jake seresin, the seresins, nugget seresin
warnings: language, birthdays, faked kidnapping (prank), protective!jake, mentions of religion and praying, let me know if i missed any
word count: ~3.4k
a/n: this story is inspired by ‘His Little Girl’ (bradley bradshaw x reader) by the lovely @roosterscockpit  ( @milesdickpic​ ) and characters from this story are mentioned. also, yes, the oc is based on me lol (well a fantasy version lol)
i got this birthday piece up later than i wanted, but it's the thought that counts 😂
also, this takes place in 2021
summary: jake gets one of the best birthday surprises he could have asked for
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Jake rested his head on his fist, sighing as he looked at his phone.
His birthday had just passed and his family always did something the weekend after, if Jake was able to come home, but he just wasn’t feeling very festive right now. Sarah couldn’t make it to the ranch for the party this year. She’s a teacher, it’s hard to get away to Texas on a random weekend in October.
“Jake? You okay? You look distracted,” Zach, his brother in law, asked as he came in from the kitchen with Blakely’s refilled cup. 
Jake hummed and looked up from his phone, “What?” “I asked if you were okay. Clearly somethin’s up, what’s wrong?” Zach said as he sat down.
Rolling his lips between his teeth, Jake sat his phone down and wiped at his mouth. “Just um… just wish Sarah could be here.” His sisters all frowned a little at him, “Jake…” 
“No, I’m okay. I get that her job doesn’t allow for random trips. And we talked practically all day yesterday when she wasn’t working. Lunch was an entire facetime session. And we fell asleep on the phone. She um, she had gotten ready while I was still asleep.”
He had woken up that morning to Sarah humming along to a song as she had breakfast. Then he rode with her to work and they talked as she got her room set up for the day. They could only text most of the day and they called before she said had to go.
Jake just wanted to do this with her. He didn’t get to spend last year with her because he couldn’t get to Texas having to stay for training the week of his birthday. And this year he couldn’t visit her during her birthday so he hadn’t seen her since he spent a few weeks in July.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed out of his chair, “I just miss her is all.” He adjusted his jeans before pointing up the stairs, “I’m gonna shower and go to bed. G’night y’all.”
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Slow ride, take it easy! Slow ride-
Jake groaned as he dug for his phone and turned his alarm off. “No, I don’t have to get up this early, fuck off alarm.” 
He rolled onto his back, forearm draping over his eyes. “Ugh, I hate this, why can’t I sleep in on a Saturday?” His arm plopped next to him, dangling off the bed a little. He turned his head, looking at the pillow next to him. 
He felt a little silly, like he was a teenager again who was cuddling a pillow and pretending it was Daisy Duke or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But this time he was pretending it was Sarah, her perfume permanently in the fabric of the pillow case at this point. Jake sighed and picked up his phone. He went to his texts, immediately going to Sarah’s contact. He sent a quick, “Good mornin’, I love you. I hope you have a good day 💜” text before tossing his phone down and rubbing his face.
Sighing again, he rolled back over and snuggled the pillow, inhaling the fall scent of toasted marshmallow and vanilla. Sarah changed perfume during the seasons, but he loved the warmth the sweet smokey scent brought him. It just felt like Sarah, it felt like home.
But sadly, he was pulled out of his thoughts when someone knocked at his door.
He grumbled into his pillows, “Whaaat?” “Do ya have paints on?” He huffed but responded honestly, “Yeah.”
The door opened and Paisley stepped in. She giggled a little as she walked over and shook him awake. "Jake, there's a present in the kitchen for you."
 Jake looked over his shoulder at her, his look incredulous, "I'm 27, I don't need gifts." He snuggled his pillow again, “Plus my birthday was Thursday.” “Jaaaake, come ooonn!” He shooed his little away with his hand, “I’ll be down there later, I wanna sleep.” 
Paisley huffed and put her hands on her hips. He really needed to go to the kitchen. "Okay well, mom made bacon pancakes just for you soooo." She teased as she left, slowly exiting and waiting for Jake to respond.
Jake inhaled and rolled over before sitting up, "And I'm up, I'll be there in a second."
She smirked and patted the door as she closed it, "That's what I thought."
Jake grunted as he got out of bed and put a shirt on before going downstairs to the kitchen.
He was still a little groggy when he got to the kitchen, so at first he didn't realize that his girlfriend was handing him his coffee. 
"There you go Darlin'," Sarah said with a smile as she handed him the warm mug of black coffee with two scoops of sugar and a little bit of creamer – just the way he liked it.
"Thank you Sugar," he mumbled sleepily, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he took a sip. 
Then as he swallowed the bittersweet coffee, his eyes widened in realization and he looked at his mom and sisters, who were grinning ear to ear. "Is she... Is she really here?"
Jake had to be sure he wasn’t dreaming, he wasn’t looking down until he got confirmation that it was really his girl.
“It’s her JT, you’re not dreamin’,” Addison said with a smile as she fixed a bottle for Peyton.
He looked down, his pasture green eyes meeting the warm woodsy brown eyes staring up at him. The corners were crinkled, telling him she was smiling. 
“Hi Cowboy.” 
The moment her honey sweet voice hit his ears, porcelain was hitting marble and he was wrapping his arms around her.
“You’re here! Oh my gosh, you’re here!” 
Sarah giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m here Darlin’, I’m here.” Tears pricked her eyes and she could feel Jake’s tears hit her neck. 
They stood there embracing for God knows how long before they pulled apart, both wiping tears.
“I-I-I thought you couldn’t make it! What are you doing here?” Jake asked, his grin still on his face. “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now would it?” Sarah teased as she brought him closer and pressed her lips to his. 
Jake smiled against her lips, threading his hand into her hair as he wrapped his other arm around her in an attempt to pull her as close as possible.
Sarah’s hand cradled the back of his head, her manicured nails scratching at his scalp gently as her mouth moved against his. Her other hand cupped his cheek, her thumb moving back and forth on his scruff.
After a few moments they pulled away, softly laughing as they rested their foreheads on one another.
She giggled as she swiped her kiss swollen lips with her tongue before rolling them together.
“Happy birthday, Jake,” she said softly with a lovesick smile.
“Thank you, Sugar,” he smiled and kissed her nose. “Best present I could have gotten. I was prayin’ for this.” Sarah teared up a little before patting his chest, “You have one more present.” 
He chuckled, “Honey, havin’ you here is enough of a gift. I doubt you could top it.” Sarah raised her eyebrows, “Well, we’ll just have to see about that. Won’t we?” He hummed before pecking her lips, “I guess so.” 
Sarah hummed as well before pulling back, “Close your eyes and sit down. I’ll be right back.” Jake nodded and did as told, sitting at the kitchen table.
“What do you think she got you Jake?” Tilly asked as she got the plates and cups down. He shrugged, eyes still closed, “I don’t know. She could have made me something and I just know that I’ll love it.” 
“You’re so cheesy,” Delilah chuckled, shaking her head fondly at her son. “I get it from Dad, Ma.” “Got that right.” 
“Okay,” Sarah’s voice came from around the corner. “Your eyes closed, Lieutenant?” “Sure are, Coach.” She couldn’t help but giggle and roll her eyes, “Pay? Are his eyes actually closed?” “They are Sarah, buuuut,” Paisley went over and covered Jake’s eyes. “Okay, c’mon on in.” 
Jake heard Sarah giggle before hearing her pad over, “Alright, open your eyes.” 
Jake did so as Paisley moved her hands and his eyes went straight to the little bundle of black and white fur in Sarah’s arms. 
He jerked his head up, “You did not.” She nodded, giggling as she scratched the little guy’s neck, “I did.” She carefully put the pup in Jake’s arms. “I remember you telling me about Duke, and the pictures you showed me. I saw this little guy and thought he was a spitting image of Duke when he was that size.” Jake teared up. He told Sarah about Duke after he saw her border collie, Raven. It was such a fleeting conversation that happened months ago. It was followed by the immediate talk of where they should go camping and Duke wasn’t brought up much after that.
So to see that she remembered not only the dog’s name but the four photos he had shown her? It choked him up.
He sniffled and looked down at the pup, “Hi buddy.” The pup immediately licked at Jake’s chin, “Oh yeah, hi hi,” he chuckled before kissing the pup’s head. “Where did you find him?” 
“A local shelter actually,” Sarah said with a soft smile as she sat down. “He was um… He was the last of his litter to get adopted. His mama was found wandering around the silos in Waco. And affectionately they named her Maggie. Sadly she didn’t make it after the birth… But all 6 pups did.”
Jake leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips, “Thank you. I love him.” Sarah smiled, “I’m glad. You wanna learn what the shelter named him?” “Of course, I do.” Her smile widened, “His name is Nugget.” “Nugget?” She nodded, “I can tell you why.” “Please do, I’m curious.
Sarah giggled excitedly, shifting in her seat, “Okay, so I was talking with one of the receptionists and she was telling me about Nugget. I asked her why they settled on Nugget for him and, I swear this is the truth, she said it was because he stole the shelter workers Chicken McNuggets.”
“What?” He laughed, “No there’s no way! This sweet little guy? He would never steal.”
“That’s what I thought! But she showed me proof. This little lunch bandit would steal unattended nuggets. Thus becoming, Nugget.” 
Jake chuckled, the story of how Nugget got his name sounding familiar.
“Sounds a lot like getting a-” 
“Call sign,” Sarah nodded, grinning. “Yeah I thought the same thing… reminded me of you.”
Jake smiled wide at her, his heart fluttering almost concerningly. 
He didn’t think it was possible, but he was falling for her even more. Everything she did just made his stomach swoop and his whole body flushing when he thought about her.
“I love you, so so much.” 
She kissed his lips before standing, “I love you too, Cowboy.”
He watched her walk behind him before looking and Nugget, “Well Nugget and Hangman, perfect duo.”
Sarah looked over her shoulder at him as she got orange juice out of the fridge. She smiled, her heart warming at the sight.
“Well, look who decided to show up!” 
“Ah!” Sarah laughed as she was picked up and shook a little. “Carter Wells put me down!” 
He did and everyone laughed as she hit his chest before shoving him away.
Everyone else filed into the kitchen, giving her a hug before settling for breakfast.
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After breakfast, the rest of the late morning and early afternoon was preparing things for the grill and other things for the afternoon. 
Sarah may or may not have been caught watching the Razorback game on her phone while making dirt cake. But no one really cared, Texas wasn’t playing that weekend so they needed some entertainment. 
Jake, his dad, and his brother-in-laws were getting hay bales in the back of the trailer for the hayride.
The kids were outside while they loaded the trailer and Nugget was getting his energy out chasing them and nipping at their heels.
More family members, some of Jake’s high school buddies and some of Tilly’s friends showed up around 4 o’clock. 
Jake was excited again about the event, now that Sarah was here to enjoy it with him. And now they had a cute little addition to the family. 
Everything was perfect.
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Once it hit 6:30 and the sun was really starting to go down, Jack got everyone’s attention. 
“Alright everyone! The sun is setting, so we’re gonna get started eating but I think Jake had something he wanted to say?”
Jake put his drink down as he nodded, grabbing Sarah’s hand and pulling her with him to where people could see them.
“Hey, everyone, I just want to say thank you all for comin’ out tonight to celebrate my birthday. I made it one more year,” he said, chuckling as squeezed Sarah’s hand. “And I plan to make it through many more years, don’t think I don’t.” He looked down at her, “I got too much waiting for me at home.”
He looked back at everyone, “I want to say grace before we dig in.”
Everyone bowed there heads as Jake blessed the food before they started eating.
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“Okay, it’s 8 o’clock! Let’s get this hayride started!” Jack said, pointing to the trailer and tractor.
Jake pulled Sarah to her feet and toward the trailer, “C’mon we gotta get the good seats!” She giggled, “Hold on Jake, I’m not bringing Nugget with us, not at this age.” 
She turned to Addison, “Will you watch Nugget?” Addison nodded, “Yeah of course, I’m staying back with Peyton.” Zach came over and took Nugget from her, “We’ll make sure he stays out of trouble.”
“Wait, you’re staying?” Jake asked, confused. “Yeah, staying here to help get the bonfire started.” “Oh okay, well have fun being lame, Zach. We’re gonna go see what Tilly and her friends had set up for tonight to scare us. C’mon Sugar.”
Sarah giggled as Jake dragged her to the trailer, helping her up and to a hay bale.
Zach sighed and looked at his wife, “Oh Addie, he has no idea what he’s in for.” She arched her eyebrow, “What do you and Tilly have planned?” 
“You’ll see Adds, you’ll see.”
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Jake looked over at Sarah, she was giggling as Ethan tried to tickle her just for her to get him back.
She sighed as Ethan ran to his dad and looked at Jake, “What?” He shook his head, smiling, “Nothing, just still so happy you’re here.” She smiled and leaned over to grab his hand, “I’m happy I’m here too.”
Jake can’t help but lean forward and press a kiss to her lips, “I love you.” “I love you too.”
“Hey JT?” 
“Yeah PT?” 
Paisley leaned against her boyfriend, “Why are you across from her and not next to her?” Jake chuckled and leaned back a little, “Well, I wanted to watch her reactions. And then if she was scared I can bring her over here. But she was laughing the whole time.” 
Sarah shrugged, “I don’t scare easily.” Jake laughed and shook his head, “I’ll get you eventually.”
They all laughed before looking around at the calmness of the ranch as Jack drove back to the house.
The ride was calm, everyone mingling and looking at their phones occasionally.
Then suddenly, arms wrapped around Sarah’s midsection and she was being yanked off the trailer.
Gasping, she reached for her boyfriend, “AAH! Jake! Jake!”
Jake looked up, thinking she had simply lost her balance and was falling. But over her shoulder he can see a hooded figure pulling her back off the trailer. 
Panic rushed through him and he dropped his phone, leaving it to clatter to the floor of the trailer, “What the hell?!” 
Should he have watched his mouth with little ears around him, yeah probably. But his girlfriend was being dragged away by whoever this person was.
Jake got to his feet, moving so fast he nearly fell over. He reached for his girlfriend only to graze her fingers as she was pulled off the hay bale.
“Jake, help me!” Sarah screamed as she was dragged away.
He didn’t think twice as he jumped off the moving trailer, chasing after the figure that was dragging his girl away.
He caught up to them and grabbed Sarah’s hand, pulling her toward him and then behind him. 
Though the figure in front of him was nearly towering over him, that didn’t change the fact this man tried to hurt his girl. He was the only thing between the danger and Sarah; he had to protect her, no matter what. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?! Who the hell are you?” Jake wasn’t quiet yelling, but his voice was strong, commanding. His chest was puffed out as his shoulders were drawn back, making himself wider. His eyes were stern and his upper lip was curled in a snarl. He wasn’t Jake, he was Hangman.
When the man didn’t respond, Jake shoved at his chest, “Hey, I’m talking to you!”
Sarah's eyes widened and she gripped his shoulder, “Okay, Jake, Honey.” 
He shook her hand off, his eyes still on the figure. 
“Jake,” she sighed as she pulled out her phone and turned on the light. She wormed her way between them, shining the light up, “Jake, it’s Zachary. It’s just Zach, everything’s fine. It was just supposed to be a prank.”
Jake looked up seeing his brother-in-law trying not to laugh.
“You asshole,” Jake said, relaxing a little but punching Zach in the shoulder. “That wasn’t funny. I actually thought Sarah was gonna get hurt.” He looked down at his girlfriend, “Why?” “I’m sorry Jake, we didn’t think it would scare you that much.” 
He sighed, wrapping his arms around her, “It’s okay. Just maybe next time, pick like Tyler or someone not built like a tree to do it.” Both Sarah and Zach chuckled, “No promises, this was also Tilly’s idea.” Jake shook his head, “Of course it was. Imma take this up with her.”
Jack brought the tractor over, “You know I thought you would have noticed that no one else was freaking out.” Jake rolled his eyes, “Well excuse me for being worried that my girlfriend was being dragged off the trailer by a giant.”
He sighed and helped Sarah up into the trailer, “But it’s alright now, but Zach is still an ass and I’m givin’ Tilly a stern talking to.”
His dad chuckled, “I would expect nothin’ less. Let’s get back to the house.”
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Jack drove them back to the house, letting everyone get off before taking the trailer to the haybarn.
When Jake and Sarah got off the trailer, a little bark greeted them as they walked over to the firepit.
“Nugget! Hey my little man!” Jake said with a grin as he sat down and the pup got in his lap, jumping up to lick his face. “Yeah yeah hi!”
Sarah giggled and sat next to Jake, “Looks like I picked the right pup. He loves you.” Jake smirked, unable to help himself, “Who doesn’t love me, Sugar?” She opened her mouth to respond but Kassandra beat her to it.
“All she has to do is call your base and she’ll get her answer.” 
“Hey, you hush,” Jake said pointedly before laughing.
He turned and looked at Sarah, “Don’t listen to her.” Sarah giggled and shook her head, “Alright, I won’t.” Jake chuckled and kissed her forehead before she looked at the bonfire, her hand absentmindedly petting Nugget and he settled next to her. 
Jake couldn’t help but look at her eyes. The fire reflected in her eyes beautifully. It enhanced the color, the shadow casted by her lids creating a contrast of dark chocolate to the warm amber lit up by the flames.
“Have I ever told you how gorgeous your eyes are?”
He watched her brow furrow, “What?” “You’re eyes, they’re gorgeous. They have this depth and mystery to them, but they aren’t cold. One look and I feel like I drank an entire pot of hot chocolate, warm and cozy,” he whispered lowly against her temple.
“Jake, that’s so sweet but extremely cheesy,” she giggled. “You love it,” he laughed, kissing her head and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She hummed and looked up at him, “That’s not all I love.”
A grin split Jake’s face and he pressed his lips to hers. 
“I love you too Sugar.”
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hi yes, i know it's whumptober, but i had to follow my muse and do a birthday piece for glen's birthday, which for this series is also jake's birthday
i hope you enjoyed!
I do have a pinterest board set up for this, just to help me get into the vibe (one is to help with future parts, one is only for the current parts)
if you want to check it out and get more of a feel for the dynamic going on---- you can click right --->   here
if you would liked to be tagged in this series, please comment or reblog the masterlist linked here! or you can comment here!
j and s tags <333: @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia @mayhemmanaged @nobody7102 @djs8891 @kmc1989 @marbledaesthetics @fangirlbang @penguin876 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @bellaireland1981 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @harryigprompt @sky2nd @scarlettwidow19 @whatislovevavy @coffeewithcal @showthemwhoyouare-6
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 8 months
Day 21: New Discovery
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inspired by this art on pinterest!
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𝖑𝖊𝖊: Jisung
𝖑𝖊𝖗: Chan, Minho, and Jeongin
𝖙𝖜: my brainrot on the frickin shirt, the art isn’t mine
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @dandyboyseungmo @leeknowstan33 @vale-143@wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday
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Jisung winked up at the crowd as they screamed for him. 
The outfit he was wearing today was sure to drive the STAYs absolutely mad, he knew.
The white button up would certainly be weird on its own, but paired with the pants and the bolera, the top looked great. 
The holes in the shirt showed off his upper waist and belly button, with two straps coming from the bottom. 
Jisung was just waiting for the internet to blow up. He loved the outfit, the members loved the outfit, and he was so ready. 
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After the concert was over, Hannie headed backstage to change, but caught the sight of 3 of his members staring at him. 
“Woah.” Minho said. 
Jisung looked all over himself. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 
Jeongin walked up to him. “I knew your waist was small but hyung? It’s so cute-ahh” He commented with a poke to the older’s belly button. 
Hannie let out a loud squeak. The entire room fell silent. 
“No way.” Lee Know smirked evilly. 
“You’re ticklish?” Chris practically shrieked at the new discovery, immediately running over to the quokka and latching onto his sides. 
Jisung squealed before bursting into loud giggles, squirming and slapping at Chan’s wrists. 
When all three members surrounded the defenseless ace, he knew he was screwed. 
“C-Cmon! You know i’m ticklish!” Han whined as he tried to use his hands to cover up the holes.  
Minho immediately latched onto one, digging his fingers into the ace’s upper ribs. 
“AGGHAHAHA!” Jisung immediately raised his arm to slap the invading hand, but a quick poke to his armpit had his arm slamming down yet again. 
Jeongin immediately aimed for the other hole, drilling his finger in and relishing in the loud cackles the older produced. 
Hannie almost bent over completely, overwhelmed by the bare tickles to his waist. 
Chan poked a singular finger into his belly button. 
Jisung immediately slammed his arms into himself and screamed loudly, trying his hardest to catch one pair of hands.
When Minho and Jeongin involved another hand each, poking into his stomach near his sides, Jisung felt like he was actually going to ascend. 
“HEHEY! NO NOHOHOT THEHEHERE AHAHAHA!” He wrapped his arms around himself and sank to the ground, knees buckling. 
The scribbles to his bare, sensitive skin were unbelievably ticklish, and increasingly unbearable. 
“Ihihit’s tooho muHUHUHUCH! LEE MINHO!” Hannie screeched as Minho’s lips connected to his skin, blowing raspberry after raspberry onto the warmth. 
“AHAHAHA NAHHOHOHO IHIHAAAHHAH PLEHEHAA!” Jisung’s screaming was incoherent as he fell backwards into Channie’s lap, tears falling down his face as Lee Know’s lips only followed. 
When he felt nibbles teasingly tasering his sides, Jisung absolutely howled with laughter, slapping at the older’s head as he tried to stop the buzzing sensations.
Soon enough however, Hannie knew he couldn’t handle it anymore, and screeched one last time before falling into silent laughter. 
Minho let up, laughing at how hard Jisung panted. 
“Sorry Hannie. It was a discovery and we couldn’t miss a chance, plus you and your waist are so cute and prettyyyy!”
The ace could feel his face going bright red, and he coughed awkwardly as he stood up to leave. 
“You all are meanies-”  He commented before racing out of there, three boys right on his tail.
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i hope you enjoyed this fic! have a spooky october! ✨🎃
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