#is this a poem or a vent. idk
disposablelimb · 4 months
if i were a better poet i'd write about how my aunts decorate the house with fake flowers and fake pinecones and rustic landscape paintings and their favorite wax melts carry pictures of the sunrise over a wild field or a calm teal beach at midday yet they hate the smell of the outside so they never spend any time in the yard (besides mowing because the lawn must be mowed before a single dandelion grows) and if a real leaf or a real piece of dirt or a real insect appears indoors it's a small scandal. i'd imagine their misery being born in a place like West Virginia, which is all rural countryside, and the countless hours they spent roaming the hills because their mother, my grandmother, like them was obsessed with keeping a "tidy home" and children, like nature, are antithetical to this, so she wouldn't let them inside until nightfall. i'd consider what it means that we otherize and commodify nature at the same time, repackaging the tangible and the real into little knock-offs that were manufactured in a prison or might-as-well-be to let people like them pretend that they love nature and they think the earth is beautiful while maligning every actual thing about our planet. i'd be sad, because everything their parents did to them they've just passed on to me, whether or not they think they were doing better, and absolutely nothing has been fixed.
instead i recall the times when i was a small child, even well into teenagerhood, when i wanted to go outside and they gave a snide look and said "no; you'll get dirty."
i love the smell of the sun, the sound of frogs coming through my open window, the way wind prickles every hair on my arms, but despite this i barely spend any time outside myself, because i feel like i'm being watched and judged. it's so unbearable that i stopped going for walks around the neighborhood after a few days of trying to make it a habit. so i claw for every inch of outside i can stand to have, and personally, i kind of think fake pinecones are just tacky.
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letgoofthatego · 5 months
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love exists
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real-hot-grl-shi · 3 months
I hate how people shame me for being hypersexual. I hate how people shame me for being honest about my feelings. I hate how people laugh in my face when I try to explain them. I hate how people hate me just because im like this. I hate how my actions always come first before I think. I hate how sexual I can be at the smallest things.
I hate how draining it can be just to hold myself back to not say anything. I hate how people go and "support" me for what im going through just to turn their backs on me when they see the hard truth. I hate having to change how I act around people just for them to like me. I hate how draining it is just to go a day without putting my hands on my body. I hate how hard it is to keep composure and not let my thoughts spill.
I hate how I look in the mirror and know that im at the end of the day im a sexual slut with 0 control over my body. I hate being hypersexual.
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etherealspacejelly · 9 months
its funny how quickly i revert back to my old coping mechanisms the second im back at home. me and my 16 year old self are both sitting on this bed listening to music and dancing inside our minds, trapped in a bunk bed that feels oddly like a cage, dreaming of escape. the boredom clings to my bones, but i cant bring myself to do anything about it. there is a book sitting next to me but i cant seem to pick it up. i want to retreat, further, further into my mind. my daydreams protect me from the harsh reality: my house never felt like a home, my room never felt like mine. i will never feel fully myself within these walls.
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dying-marshmallo · 1 year
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🍡 At the very least.
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feelo-fick · 1 month
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also yes i do actually have a flamingo mug thats sorta chipped, and it is a little ugly, here it is :
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its not super chipped, but i was still devastated when i found out
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oceanmoongirl143 · 5 days
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jackson-sage · 5 months
A message to my parents:
you don’t know me
I hide half of my personality from you
the fact that I vape
drink until i can’t remember anything
I hate my body
and sometimes, I hate you
my friends deal with my panic attacks
over loud noises or raised hands
and you will never know the impact you had on me
the trauma you have caused
the sleepless nights
the parenting skills i have learned
just so my siblings could grow up happier then me
i’m glad you changed for them
but I will never forget how i was treated
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morororinnnn · 3 months
cool poem thing i wrote on accident (it kinda slaps)
cw: kinda depression
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Yeah, I suck at human things without assistance
Some super smart computer i’d be
I’d need repairs on the daily
or else they’d throw me out or sell me
(probably to a place filing bankruptcy
but whatever, at least they’d try to make me look pretty)
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cry4-m3 · 2 months
Dear dark, dear love, take me in your arms and swallow me whole. Take me in for greater comforts even when I tell the wind I’m scared of you. Because I am. But, I rather be with you than feel a pierce in my heart, from the community who thinks I am too small for their sympathy, and too big for their pity.
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letgoofthatego · 20 days
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like who am i?
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milfygerard · 5 months
living in the inbetween hell where I dont hate or love ttpd enough to agree with anyone on the dash so im just sort of flinching whenever I see a post about it from any side
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exmotranny · 1 year
farmer boy
stupid fucking farmer boy from the
stupid fucking farmer boy
doesn't know when to quit it
stupid fucking farmer boy
stupid fucking farmer boy…
are you sorry yet
for what you've
stupid fucking evil man
who should've known better
stupid fucking evil man
wish you were a quitter
but instead you brought these people's lives to rot
stupid fucking lies you taught…
and now we're
dealing with your
stupid fucking dead old man
wish you died sooner
stupid fucking dead old man
liar, cheat, a groomer
somehow you ruined my life
brought all these people their demise...
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ereesfd · 9 days
like a cactus some parts of me may be pretty and delicate yet I am still thought of as sharp and terrible by the unknowing
on the inside I am still attempting to survive in a cruel harsh world
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burningvelvet · 6 months
looking at lists of writing submissions and weeping because i can hardly find anything correlated to what i thought were my own niche interests but i did find an "annual anthology of feminist bicycle science fiction" currently seeking "original queer Halloween short fiction (in written or comics form) about bicycling from a feminist perspective" which pays a minimum of $50 per story (link). and if there are several people out there operating on this level of niche who are still managing to find recognition and get paid for it... that gives me a little bit of hope...
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anonymousfoz · 9 months
Poetry - Him
Note: This is a very personal poem directed at someone who will never see it. I feel like posting it because it's good and why the fuck not? Don't give me pity. It's dealt with. This isn't for everyone so there is a cut
Taglist: @vite-poh @theoracleofgiana @full-on-sam @the-mindless @eldritchx @teacupsandstarlight
What is the point of trying to repair to fix a relationship a friendship.
for you to throw it away Why?
Am I not good enough? Have I lost my touch? Am I too good for you?
I worked too hard for you throw it away
for your immaturity to kick in
I'm angry, but I will never insult you despite how much you want me to so you can feel better I refuse to stoop to your level
I will not give you a reason for my mercy
I rather you sit and feel the disappointment in my heart my soul
when you decided to say words that carry such meaning to make me force myself away Was a joke worth it when no one laughs?
I want you to feel the anger rage i carry with every message every conversation this entire past 2 weeks
So you grow up, because i'm tired of one in the friendship taking all the hits
I'm tired I'm upset I'm so over you
And if I were to leave, you have nothing and nobody
So I give you my mercy and hope you get better
Because in 6 months you get no choice
I'll be moving onto bigger and better things With college With my writeblr friends With my family
And where will you be?
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