#it all goes back to mj huh!
sugaggukkie · 2 years
my initial thought from the vibe music video: the dance moves were very michael jackson and the beat was very bruno mars
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joonie-beanie · 1 year
Side-Gig | [Peter B. Parker x Reader]
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Pairing: Peter B. Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter gets worried about your apparent “side-gig” and goes snooping, only to discover your side-gig is writing Spiderman smut on commission.
Contents: Fluff, Smut, Consensual Sex, Pussy Eating, Banter, Friends to Lovers???
Author’s Note: I swore off posting fics on tumblr, but since this is just a one-shot, I figured why not. I think Peter B is charming, had to write a lil smth smth for him. And by that, I mean a 7.1k wordcount fic.
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You and Peter Parker are friends. Not best friends, but pretty good friends. 
You like to say you’ve looked out for each other over the years. You don’t talk all the time, but it’s kind of an unspoken promise that when one of you needs someone to lean on, the other person will be there.
Which is why, when Peter and MJ separate, you make a point of inviting Peter over for meals. 
At first, he turns you down every time you ask, and you know it’s because he’s wallowing—depressed about his situation. And that’s understandable. You can’t exactly say you know what he’s feeling, but if you put yourself in his shoes, you’re sure you’d be a little bit fucked up about everything too.
Therefore, you give him a little space—wait for things to settle and for Peter to come around. 
Except, Peter takes it all way worse than you expect—going radio silent after your third invite in two months. Then, you really start to get worried (and also a little mad that he’s ghosting you).
So, you manage to scrounge up his new address using some internet-sleuthing skills, and show up at his door. When he opens it, he’s dressed in a greasy wife-beater, worn-out gray sweats, and white socks with a hole in the toe.
“Jesus Christ, Peter.”
You spend that evening scolding Peter and letting him cry it all out—handing him tissue after tissue as he blubbers about everything on his mind. When he’s finally done, he apologizes for ignoring your last call, and thanks you for looking out for him.
With a smile, you assure him you’ll always have his back, and that now he really has to come over for dinner, because he owes you.
Laughing, Peter agrees. And luckily, he sticks to his word.
Since then, you and Peter make a point of doing dinner twice a month—typically at your place, sometimes out at a restaurant, but never at Peter’s. Not until he deep cleans his messy apartment, and you know that won’t be happening anytime soon.
Tonight, you’re at a restaurant of your choice—a local Italian joint. Peter arrives late, per normal, and you wave him over when you see him walk in the front door. He immediately spots you and hurries over, his eyes darting to the plate of bruschetta you’d ordered for the table, that now only has two pieces left.
“Aw, that’s not fair,” he says, sliding into the booth across from you. He immediately reaches for one, shoving it into his mouth. You shrug, not sorry.
“That’s what you get for always being late. And if I waited for you, I’d be hangry by now. So really, you should be thanking me.”
“Uh-huh,” Peter says with a roll of his eyes, picking up the menu to see what it is he wants. 
“So, how have you been? I know we just saw each other two weeks ago, but—how’s work?”
You sigh at Peter’s question, resting your chin against your palm.
“Fine, I guess. Work is cutting hours since things are slow right now, so I’m gonna be pretty strapped for cash the next month or two.”
Peter blinks at your response, staring at you over the edge of the menu.
“Should we be here then? We could just get the check now and go down the street to the bodega—”
“No—no, it’s fine,” you reassure him, taking a sip from your glass. From the look of it, Peter can tell the glass is filled with rum and coke—your simple, yet timeless go-to. 
“This is kind of my last hurrah, y’know? Gotta get one last plate of carbonara in before I’m eating ramen and eggs for the next few months.”
“I dunno about that,” Peter responds. “Eggs are pretty expensive now—you might have to settle for canned tuna.”
You roll your eyes at him, yet can’t help the little giggle that escapes you.
“You’re the worst.”
“I know,” he says with a smile.
The waitress wanders back over, and you and Peter put in your orders. Peter also opts to get a drink (after all, if you’re drinking, why shouldn’t he), and a few minutes later, a cosmopolitan is placed onto the table in front of him.
You watch him with a wide smile as he picks up the girly drink and takes a long sip—his pinky sticking out and everything.
“You and your love of sweet drinks,” you say, swirling around the ice in your half-empty glass. Peter hums happily.
“Listen, this is way better than beer.”
Honestly, you can’t disagree.
“So,” he continues, picking up the previous topic. “Are you gonna be okay? Money-wise?”
It’s not like he has much help to offer. Being a masked vigilante doesn’t pay very well, after all, but still.
“Yeah,” you assure him. “I have a side-gig that brings in a little cash-flow, so that’ll help cushion the blow. But I think I should still be able to afford rent and some groceries. I’ll just have to budget better, y’know?”
Peter nods. “Oh, okay. Good—,” but then his brain repeats the phrase “side-gig”, and his words cut off.
“Wait, what kind of side-gig are we talking about here?”
Despite how long the two of you have known each other, Peter has never heard anything about any kind of “side-gig”. It’s a little concerning, honestly, since the two of you don’t really keep secrets from each other.
Although it’s not like you know he’s Spiderman.
“Yeah. It’s nothing illegal, I promise,” you tell him, your attitude remaining pleasant. Peter stares at you, waiting for you to say more, but your smile only grows wider.
“Not telling,” you say, laughing quietly to yourself when Peter huffs in annoyance and grabs his drink. “You’ll just have to trust me. I’d never do anything illegal—you know me.”
“I dunno,” he responds, a playful lilt in his tone. “In college I seem to remember you stealing soft drinks from the mess hall without paying—”
“Oh c’mon,” you shoot back, and Peter grins, knowing you hate when he brings that up. “We were already paying to go to classes! Why should I pay 3 dollars for a cup of watered down coke?!”
Peter laughs as you go on a mini tangent about how college is a ripoff—ordering both you and him two more drinks when your waitress stops in to check on your table.
After a short while, your food comes out, and the two of you catch up over the hot meal. Conversation flows like normal—touching on any other life updates, and also local news topics, and things of the like. 
At your insistence, Peter splits a tiramisu with you to close out the evening, and by the time the dessert is gone, Peter thinks he may explode.
“Ugh, why did I let you talk me into that?” Peter groans, curling over and holding his stomach as you fetch enough cash from his wallet to cover half the bill.
“Well, if you were smart like me, you would have kept half of your entree to take home with you for later, and then you would have had enough room left for dessert. Which, by the way, is too good to waste—so don’t puke it up.”
Your waitress swings by to grab the bill, and you assure her it’s all set—passing her the small stack of money taken from both your and Peter’s wallets. She thanks you with a smile, and then scurries away, leaving the two of you alone.
You reach over the table, patting Peter’s shoulder.
“You’ll be fine. Your stomachs gotten bigger, after all.”
“Hey—,” Peter frowns, lifting his head. You’re already grabbing your purse and takeout box—sliding out of the booth. He quickly follows after you.
“Are you calling me fat?”
“No,” you respond, holding the door open for him as the two of you step out into the cool New York air. “You’re actually still surprisingly in-shape for someone whose diet consists of pizza and frozen meals. But, that being said, you can’t deny you’ve put on a few pounds.”
Peter places a hand on his stomach.
“Remind me again why you’re so mean to me?”
You can’t help but laugh, the sound getting lost in the crowd around you.
“You just make it too easy,” you admit, grinning up at him. Despite himself, Peter smiles back.
Being the gentleman that he is, Peter fully intends to escort you back to the doorstep of your apartment building, but—
His spidey senses tingle, and he can tell something is off. 
“Hey, um,” Peter grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. Before your brain can even catch up, he’s yanking you into a quick hug, and then backpedaling towards the alleyway the two of you had just passed.
“Sorry, I just remembered there’s something I have to do. It was nice seeing you! Let’s touch base soon!”
He’s gone before you can even get a word out, disappearing around the corner. You stare after him for a moment, befuddled, and then continue on your way with a sigh. 
Same ‘ol Peter.
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Exactly one hour later, Peter collapses in a pile of trash—his lungs heaving, and body aching. The fight itself hadn’t been that hard—just a few wannabe criminals with deadlier than normal weapons. 
No, the real challenge had been not barfing up his dinner while doing acrobatics across the city.
And maybe laying in a pile of trash to take a breather isn’t exactly helping his current predicament, but fuck—he doesn’t have the energy to move right now
Spreading out his limbs, Peter stares up at the smog-coated night sky, his mind wandering. He thinks about a lot of things—all the villains he’s fought in his time as Spiderman, the people who have come in and out of his life during it all, including you. You…who apparently has a “side-gig”.
…but like, what kind of side-gig?
Peter groans, knowing he won’t be able to let this go. 
You can’t just drop the knowledge that you have a secret side-gig on him and then not tell him what it is! 
And if you’re insistent on keeping it a secret, it must be something bad, right? RIGHT??
“Goddammit,” he grumbles, picking himself up. He swings off into the night, his mind reeling.
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Peter lasts all of 3-days before he decides he can’t be left alone with his thoughts anymore—that he just needs to confirm what exactly your side-gig is, before his theories can get any wilder.
Because so far, his top guesses are that you’re either 1. Unknowingly acting as a middle man for some illegal trafficking operation, or 2. Providing “services” to New York sleazebags to get in their wallets.
And Peter knows it’s likely neither option—you’re too smart to get roped into something stupid. Plus, you had assured him it was nothing illegal.
But if he doesn’t figure it out, he thinks he may explode. 
So…he goes snooping. 
It’s not his brightest moment—using the spare key you had given him “in case of emergency” to sneak into your apartment one evening. (But to be fair, to him…this might just be an emergency).
He’d used his spidey senses to scope out your apartment before coming in, so he knows you're not home. Which is good, but…he doesn’t know when you’re gonna be back either, so he has to move fast.
Softly closing the front door behind him, Peter tip-toes across your apartment, deciding to start in your bedroom. He stands in the doorway for a moment, guilt bubbling up inside of him, but he decides to push forward anyway.
He’s just making sure you’re okay, he tells himself. You’re one of his closest friends, and you won’t tell him your secret—so it’s understandable he’d be worried.
Like the true Sherlock that he is, Peter starts with you dressers. He quickly checks each drawer—gently lifting up the stacks of clothes to make sure nothing is hidden beneath them. (The only time doesn’t is when he encounters the drawer with your bras and panties. He simply stares at them with flushed cheeks, rocking awkwardly on his heels, before he quietly closes the drawer. Surely nothing would be in there anyway, right?)
The small stack of papers on your nightstand ends up being recent receipts, and a manual on how to use the white noise machine you've apparently just purchased, considering it's sitting on the floor beside your nightstand, still in the box.
Getting on his hands and knees, Peter does a quick check under your bed, and freezes when he spots a covered box. He pulls it out without thinking, tugging off the fabric lined lid—
—and immediately slams it back down.
…veiny, pink, silicon—
Peter haphazardly pushes the box back under the bed, hurrying to his feet. He bustles into the kitchen with cherry-colored ears.
All-in-all, it takes Peter about half an hour to search your apartment, and unfortunately…he comes up empty handed. It seems like you have nothing to hide (except a box of sex toys under your bed, but Peter thinks that’s pretty understandable. You don't want dumb assholes like him accidentally finding it, even though Peter had—)
Sighing, Peter takes one last glance around your apartment.
“Ugh, I shouldn’t have done this,” he sighs to himself, taking a step towards the door. But—not watching where he’s going, he stubs his toe into the leg of your coffee table.
A curse leaves his lips, and your opened laptop—which had previously been dark—jolts to life. Kicking the table must have moved your wireless mouse, Peter realizes.
Having already decided to leave, Peter fully intends to continue on his way. That is…before he takes a glance at your computer screen and sees that you have it open to a Google doc titled: “Spiderman x Reader Commission #6”.
…then, he’s scrambling onto your couch and yanking your laptop towards him.
“Number six??” he hisses dramatically, his eyes scanning over the document so fast that he doesn’t actually end up reading anything. 
He has to pause and go back to try again, but the second Peter reads the sentence “Spiderman’s cock strains painfully against the tight confines of his suit, his fingers twitching against your waist as he drags you in closer”, his brain effectively blue screens.
In a panic, he clicks into a different tab that’s open—landing on your email inbox, where a thread sits open. A transaction between you and an apparent “customer”. Someone who had contacted you in regards to your open “commissions”. 
Hi there! 
I saw you’re accepting commissions, and I really enjoyed reading the other Spiderman fics you wrote! Would you be open to writing one for me? Preferably a Reader x Spiderman, and a smut/fluff genre. Based on the rate sheet, I think I can afford it, but I’d appreciate it if we could talk more and discuss the final price based on the idea I have.
Holy shit, Peter realizes. Your side-gig is writing Spiderman porn on commission.
He sinks back into the couch, his mind whirling. 
How long has this been going on?? Do you…are you attracted to Spiderman?? As long as Peter has known you, you’ve never really fangirled over Spiderman. If Spiderman had popped up in the news, the two of you would talk about him, but…that was it.
And now you’re writing Spiderman smut for cash? Holy hell.
Peter supposes he should be relieved that what you’re doing truly isn’t illegal. That you’re just making money in a mostly innocent way, from the safety of your home. Meaning, Peter can call it quits, and leave.
…but instead, he leans forward, clicks back onto the Google doc tab, and starts reading more.
The document is still a work-in-progress, but Peter scrolls back up to the top, wanting to see how you’ve managed to set up this scenario.
As it turns out, a villain had injected Spiderman with some sort of aphrodisiac, and the reader is a bystander, bravely offering Spiderman her services to get him out of this pickle.
While embarrassing to admit, Peter gets sucked into the story—impressed by your ability to write, and your portrayal of him—err, Spiderman. In fact, he gets so distracted by the story and the multitude of thoughts running through his head that his spidey senses don’t kick in until danger is right on his doorstep.
Or, in reality, you are on your doorstep—your key shoving into the lock on the door. 
Peter’s heart nearly rockets out of his chest, his eyes darting to the window across the room. It’s closed, and even if he used his web shooter to rocket over to it, he wouldn’t be able to safely open the window and escape outside in the two seconds it’s going to take you to finish unlocking your do—
Before he can even finish the thought, your front door shoves open, and you flick on the lights—your gaze immediately finding Peter, who is still firmly planted on your couch, looking like a deer in headlights. 
You stare at him in shock.
“Peter? What…? Why are you here?”
“I was…worried about you,” Peter responds, forcing himself to smile. And it’s not like it’s a lie.
“You said you were strapped for cash, and I…I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
You kick the door shut behind you, your purse and keys discarded on the small table beside your entryway. 
“I thought I told you to just trust me?”
You face him with a hand posed sternly on your hip. You appreciate his concern for you, but it’s a little upsetting that he hadn’t just been able to trust your word. 
“I know,” Peter responds with a sigh. He runs a hand through his graying hair, and your gaze flits to his ears, noticing how red they are. Why is he so flushed?
“And I’m sorry. I’m dumb, I should have. Trusted you, I mean. I’ll just—,” he pushes himself up, planning to excuse himself and run, but freezes half way to his feet. 
He’s half hard. Fuck.
If he gets up now, it’ll be a lot harder to hide that—especially since he’s wearing sweatpants.
Making a lil noise, Peter eases himself back down onto your couch. You cock an eyebrow.
“...you okay?”
“Yeah, sorry…back spasm.”
“Well, you don’t have to rush out. You’re welcome to stay for a while if you don’t have anywhere to be.”
You flash him a smile and turn towards the kitchen. Peter watches you as you open your fridge and bend down—fetching two bottles of water from the bottom shelf. His eyes glue to your ass the second you lean over, and Peter punches himself in the knee—forcing his gaze up towards the ceiling.
He’s going fucking insane. He’s not used to being this…feral feeling. Arousal is usually one of the emotions that evades him nowadays, but here he is—done in by fucking Spiderman fanfiction. 
Who knew he’d get turned on reading about himself fucking some nameless woman? And who knew that arousal would make him thirst after you?
(Honestly, if he thinks about it, it’s not that surprising. The two of you have been friends for years, and he feels comfortable around you. Not to mention, you’ve always been attractive, even if you do like to push his buttons—)
“Here,” you say, snapping him out of his internal panic. You plop down onto the couch next to him, handing him one of the two bottles of water. 
Peter reaches out to take it, and you notice the sweat beading on his brow. Why the hell is he—?
At that moment, you spot your laptop on the coffee table—open, and still showing the commission document you’d left open earlier on. Your first instinct is to reach over and slam your laptop shut before Peter can see—
Peter reaches forward to take the water bottle from your grasp, but when he grips it, you don’t budge.
Confused, he looks up—only to find you intensely staring at him.
“Did you read it…?”
Peter’s face heats up, his eyes darting to the side to avoid looking at you.
You pulse races, embarrassment blooming in your chest.
HE DID, you realize. HE READ IT. Your fucking Spiderman smut!
“Ah, shit…,” you mumble, letting go of his water bottle and crumpling in on yourself. You curl onto your side, hiding your face in the couch cushion. 
Feeling horrible that he has embarrassed you—having discovered something you’d tried to keep private—Peter hurries to try and smooth over the situation.
“Okay, yes, I did read it,” he starts by saying. “But…it was…really good! You’re a good writer, and I can see why people are commissioning you! You’ll surely make some cash with the skill you have.”
If he was smart, he’d have stopped there, but no—Peter keeps going.
“A-And hey! I’d be willing to help too. Y’know, help give you some inspiration for your stories—”
His voice dies in his throat, realizing what it is he has just offered. And obviously, you realize it too—your head immediately lifting, staring at him with curious surprise.
“Did you just…offer…to fuck? To help me with my stories?”
The insinuation is so insane that you can’t help laughing. Peter coughs, straightening his shoulders out.
“I think I’d be very good inspiration for Spiderman.”
There’s disbelief in your voice. Peter narrows his eyes.
“You don’t think so?”
You hum, uncapping your water bottle and taking a swig. Peter mirrors you, his throat feeling dry.
“Spiderman is…suave and heroic, and you’re…dorky. Smart, but dorky.”
Peter frowns. “I can be…suave.”
You cock an eyebrow, a playful grin breaking out on your face. Your heart is racing a million miles an hour, because never did you think you’d be sitting here with Peter, the possibility of sex between the two of you suddenly laid out on the table. You’d never deny he’s an attractive male, and maybe because it’s him, and because you’ve missed the feel of another human being, you end up saying—
“Yeah? Show me then.”
You lean back, waiting to see if Peter will make a move. 
Unfortunately, the realization that you’re open to whatever is happening right now causes Peter’s brain to stall, and he takes a second too long to act—just long enough to allow doubt to worm its way into your head.
You’re putting him on the spot. And he’s still probably dealing with some complicated feelings from the split—you shouldn’t have poked him.
Without saying anything, you decide to try and create some space. You push off of the couch, padding towards your bedroom. You’ll make an excuse about needing to fold your clothes, or something stupid—and hopefully Peter will take what you’ve said as a joke, and will move on. Yeah, that sounds like a solid plan—
Pausing in the doorway of your room, you force yourself to smile, and turn to face Peter—only to find that he’d snuck up on you—your gaze meeting his chest the second you turn around.
“Pe—,” you’re only able to get the first syllable of his name out, your chin tilting back as you look up at him. The feeling of his palm cupping your cheek is what makes your voice die out, his chestnut eyes boring into you. 
You can see the hesitation on his face. A certain lack of confidence that you’re sure stems from his past relationship issues. But beneath that, you can see desire. A craving for intimacy he hasn’t shared in a long time.
You decide to be the one to close the gap—pressing onto your toes, your palm resting flat on his pec as you lean upward—connecting your lips with his. You can feel his heart racing beneath your fingertips, and you silently convince yourself that if Peter backs out, you’ll be fine with it. 
Luckily, he doesn’t. His brain finally kicks into gear, his arm wrapping tightly around your waist as he kisses you back. 
You make a pleasantly surprised little sound, your arms lifting to wrap around his neck—effectively deepening the kiss. A wrinkle appears between Peter’s eyebrows, his grip on your waist tightening. Your chest presses flat against his torso, and he rubs his thumb against your cheek, obsessed with the plushness of your lips and the feel of you against him.
It’s been way too long since he’s been intimate like this…that’s apparent by the blood absolutely rockets into his dick.
Although, to be fair, he’d already been half-hard before this.
“You think our local hero gets hard this quick?” you mumble against his lips with a grin, giggling when Peter makes a noise of annoyance and nips at you.
“You’d be surprised,” he responds. He slots his thigh between your knees, backing you into the doorframe. His clothed cock grinds against your stomach, trapped between your bodies, and his muscles tense.
“Adrenaline can go straight to the dick sometimes…”
(Peter has lost track of how many times, after an intense fight—especially earlier in his career—he’d swung home and immediately jerked off).
“That’s fair, I suppose.”
Your fingertips coast up the nape of his neck, tangling in the messy hair at the base of his skull. You yank him downward ever so slightly, your lips connecting with the skin of his neck. He immediately shivers, the first of many embarrassing sounds ripping from his chest as you lick and suck at his flesh.
“Think Spiderman whimpers?”
You’re teasing him. As to be expected, given the dynamic of your relationship. But Peter doesn’t intend on taking it quietly.
“Maybe,” he admits, “If you make him feel good enough. But if you wanna know what I think—”
Peter surprises you by ducking down—his arms looping around your thighs as he lifts you off the floor. Your squeal, arms and legs instinctively wrapping around him since you don’t want to fall, but Peter carries you easily enough—striding into your room and depositing you onto your bed.
He doesn’t waste any time—quickly caging you down. His knee reclaims its spot between your thighs, rubbing incessantly at the dampening fabric covering your privates, and his lips find your neck—a shiver raking up your spine as his stubble scratches against your skin.  
“Peter,” you gasp when his fingers slip beneath the hem of your shirt. His fingertips ghost over your heated skin, brushing past your waist, and finding the clasp of your bra. You have to arch to give him room to work, and Peter sucks a hickey of approval into your neck. He debates telling you “good girl”, but the thought leaves him the second your bra pops open.
He needs your tits in his mouth.
“—I think Spiderman has a thing for boobs,” Peter says, finally finishing his earlier statement. This exclamation is followed with the immediate removal of your shirt and bra—Peter forcibly tugging them over your head and discarding them on the floor beside your bed. 
The sight of Peter groping you and lowering his mouth to your chest is enough to have your heart skipping a beat, and you can’t help the mewl that leaves you when Peter sucks one of your nipples into his mouth.
Peter groans when your fingers fist in his hair, practically keeping his mouth trapped where it is, which he hardly minds considering he intends to lick and suck at your tits until you’re panting. 
And, that’s exactly what he does.
He lavishes your chest with his mouth—relishing in the way your hips jump at each little nip of his teeth or roll of your nipple between his fingers. It’s embarrassing, honestly, how wet it gets you—your panties feeling quite wet as you continue grinding your pussy against Peter’s thigh.
You try and think of some smart response in regard to Peter’s opinion that Spiderman is a tit man, not an ass man, but words seem to be avoiding you. You can’t think of anything coherently when Peter is touching you like this. Especially when his face finally leaves your chest, his lips peppering kisses down the length of your torso.
You lift your head to look at him, propping up on one of your arms. Peter reaches your navel, but doesn’t stop, heading towards—
“Peter,” you pant, your face flushing hotly as you realize the path he’s carving. 
Peter hums, his eyes flitting up and meeting your gaze just as he hooks his thumbs beneath the band of your pants. 
“Another thing about Spiderman…,” he begins, kissing the skin of your tummy as he inches your waistband down your hips. You watch him with blown-wide eyes, chest rising and falling rapidly—excitement and nervousness mingling inside of you.
You lift your ass off the mattress to help him shuck you of your bottoms, and Peter smiles, tossing your pants on the floor beside your other clothes.
Never in your life did you imagine the sight of Peter sinking to his knees, his hands gripping your hips and dragging you closer to him—his gaze falling between your legs. Your panties are soaked, and the sight causes more blood to rush into his dick. He’s so hard that it honestly hurts—just a little bit—but Peter still doesn’t touch himself, because—
“...Spiderman loves eating pussy.”
“He’s a people-pleaser,” you quip breathlessly, your thighs quivering in Peter’s hold when he presses a kiss to your skin, right beside your panty line. He quietly chuckles.
Peter thumbs at your clit through your panties, relishing in the whine he rips from your throat. You hips buck in his hold, craving more, and when Peter sees the desperate look on your face, he decides to not tease you.
Peeling your panties to the side, Peter finally connects his mouth with your pussy—his tongue licking a wet, broad strip between your folds.
Oh, shit, you think to yourself, the muscles in your abdomen convulsing as you watch one of your closest friends eat you out. The whole situation is making you feel light headed, so you can’t help it when you collapse back onto the mattress, your fingers fisting in the sheets as Peter groans into your cunt.
He eats you like a man starved, his face quickly becoming covered with your arousal. His nose bumps against your clit as his tongue sinks between your walls, and you full out whimper—your hips needily grinding against his mouth.
Peter’s palm presses down on your pelvis, forcing your hips to the mattress. He doesn’t want you squirming—just wants you desperate and pliant. To see you cumming on his tongue.
His name falls from your lips again, more debauched than he’s ever heard, and Peter curses.
His tone is guttural, and sexy, and—
He presses a finger inside of you.
“Oh, fuck, Pete—,” his name deterorates into a moan, your brain function declining as Peter begins fucking his finger inside of you. At the same time, he focuses his mouth on your clit, his tongue urgently flicking against the bundle of nerves. 
You unconsciously wriggle at the assault of stimulation, but Peter’s hand on your stomach keeps you in place.
Why is he so strong? You think to yourself, moan ripping from your chest as Peter slips in a second finger. It doesn’t take him long to locate that spongy little sweet spot inside of you. The one that causes your thighs to shake as he practically abuses it—rubbing the pads of his fingers against it repeatedly until you’re nearly sobbing.
The coil in your belly winds tight, heat searing your veins. You can feel your clit throbbing against Peter’s tongue, and the walls of your pussy tightening up around him.
“Peter,” you cry, your entire body trembling. You’re so fucking close.
“Cum,” he rasps. He needs to see you orgasm—needs to feel you unraveling on his mouth and fingers. 
Hearing the gravel of his voice is the final nail in your coffin—the tension in your muscles releasing as your orgasm washes over you. Just as he wanted, you cum all over him, your cunt gushing arousal around his fingers as his tongue continues lapping at your clit, dragging out the waves of your pleasure until you’re panting and pawing at his head, trying to push him away.
After a moment, he relents—sitting back to look at you.
You’re covered in a sheen of sweat, your chest heaving, and an arm draped over your eyes. Your tits are peppered with an array of hickies, and Peter feels his chest (and cock) swell with pride. He’s clearly done a number on you. And yet…
You feel the mattress dip, and then the room is spinning around you. When things finally settle, you find yourself laying on top of Peter.
He has one arm wrapped around your waist, his palm resting on your ass. The other brushes a few stray strands of hair out of your face when you lean back to look at him.
“Spiderman also loves being ridden,” he says with a grin. You place your hands on his chest, feeling it rumble with laughter as he watches you struggle to sit up.
“You think I have the energy to ride you after you just did that? And why do you keep saying Spiderman enjoys these things like they’re facts—you don’t know.”
“Just a feeling,” he responds, licking his lips. His hands find your hips, and he grinds you downwards. Your sensitive pussy rubs against his aching length, still trapped behind his sweatpants, and it’s hard to miss the way Peter harshly swallows at the feeling.
You sigh, scooting backwards.
You shove his sweats and boxers down his thighs, careful to not snag them on his dick. And damn, he really must be aching—a sticky string of precum dripping from the head of his cock, and pooling on his abdomen. 
He opens his mouth, but you don’t give him the chance to say anything. Your fingers wrap around his cock, smearing his arousal across his length, and whatever Peter had been planning to say crumbles into a needy garble of non-words.
You can’t help but smile at the sound.
“Surprised you didn’t cream your pants already,” you tell him, but your tone is hardly teasing. No, seeing him beneath you like this—the muscles in his torso clenching with every stroke of your hand—it’s actually quite endearing.
“I’ll cum in your hand if you keep doing that,” he pants, glancing into your eyes. You spot nothing but lust there, any previous reservations gone.
“Is that so bad?” you ask, thumbing at the head of his cock. Peter’s grip on your waist tightens, and you hear him take a shaky breath.
He wants to be inside you, that much is clear. And while it’d be so easy to draw it out and make him beg…you don’t feel like being mean to him. Not tonight, after he’d just given you the best oral of your life.
“Fine,” you relinquish. You scoot forward, planting one hand on his chest, and gripping the base of his cock with the other. Peter’s breath catches when you rub the head of his cock between your folds, a heady groan following a beat later as you begin sinking down onto him.
By the time his cock is fully inside of you, your thighs are shaking. Whether from the lack of energy due to your previous orgasm, the remarkable size of Peter inside of you, or both—you’re not totally sure.
“There’s no rush,” Peter reassures you, but the needy warble of his voice betrays his words.
“My legs might give out at some point,” you respond with a breathless laugh, and Peter echos you, giving your waist a squeeze.
“That’s fine. I’ll help.”
With your palms planted firmly on his chest, you begin to ride him. 
And god, you feel so fucking good.
“Fuck,” Peter bites out, watching the space between your bodies, where his cock disappears inside of you with every roll of your hips. It’s been ages since a cunt has squeezed his dick like this, and honestly, he can see himself very easily getting addicted to the feel of you.
The bounce of your tits as you ride him, the cute little sounds you make when his cock rubs against the sensitive spots inside you—he feels like he’s going crazy.
“Peter,” you whine, your pace flattering. Having his cock inside of you is incomparable to the feeling of his fingers, and very quickly, you can feel another orgasm building, but…the closer you get, the more your strength falters.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he responds, praises falling from his lips. “You’re doing so good. You feel so good.”
His words cause your walls to clench around him, and he groans—his hands sliding down to your hips as he helps rock you down onto his cock. The sloppy sound of sex fills your bedroom, and you watch Peter with half-lidded eyes, soaking up the desperation showing on his face. 
His hair is slicked back with sweat, brows pinched together in concentration as he forces you to continue riding him. At least, until he starts craving more.
With his orgasm quickly approaching—despite the immense pleasure he gains seeing you bouncing on top of him—Peter’s hunger gets the best of him.
He grabs your wrists, moves your arms so they’re wrapped around his shoulders, and then secures his arms around your back. Before you can even digest the slight change in position, Peter is fucking you.
An incoherent string of noise slips past your lips, your fingernails digging into his shoulders as his cock pistons inside of you. With his arms trapping you against his chest, you’re helpless but to take it—your orgasm rushing to the surface at the desperate yet brutal pace that Peter sets.
“Peter,” you sob into his neck.
“It’s okay,” he responds without missing a beat, his voice breathless. “I’m right there. Cum for me again, sweetheart.”
As if you could stop.
Holding onto him for dear life, you cum for the second time that night—your walls clamping down on his cock so tightly that Peter’s rhythm falters. A curse rips from his throat, and his hands find the plush of your ass—stuffing your body down onto his dick as he cums along with you—pumping you full of his seed.
The needy tension of the room melts away, and you and Peter can only lay there—a pile of sweaty yet sated flesh. It takes you both a minute to catch your breaths, and you make a quiet noise of disappointment when Peter’s cock slips out of you. 
You can feel his cum running out of your pussy.
“Your balls aren’t dried up yet?”
Peter’s chest rumbles beneath you.
“I’m in my 30’s, not my 60’s.”
You glance up at him when you feel Peter’s fingers clearing the hair away from your face, and he smiles at you. Your heart jumps.
He must know how handsome he is, right? Even with that crooked nose of his.
“Don’t you ever get tired of taking cracks at me?” he wonders, using his grip on your ass to slide you farther up his chest. You giggle, cupping his cheeks as you find yourself suddenly face to face with him. 
“Mmmm, no?”
He rolls his eyes, yet his smile widens. You lean down to kiss him, and he reciprocates easily enough.
“Feeling good?” you ask him, carding your fingers through his hair. He nods.
“Very. I…really missed that.”
“Same,” you agree, sitting back. You need to get to the bathroom before any cum gets on your nice sheets. You crawl off of Peter, swinging your legs over the side of your mattress. He rolls onto his side, watching you with furrowed brows as he tucks his dick back into his pants.
“Same? You haven’t—?”
“Not in a while,” you admit, pulling a fresh shirt and a pair of panties from your dresser drawers. You’re about to make a joke that the only action you’ve gotten recently is from the toys stashed under your bed, but when you turn to look at the spot where they’re hidden, you find that…the box has moved. It’s not where you had left it.
“Did you…find my sex toys? Before I came home?”
Peter’s face goes carefully blank, but the red flush of his ears betrays him. 
You shoot him a glare, leaving your room with a huff.
“Dude doesn’t trust me…how fucking rude…”
“Hey now—!” 
Peter’s feet pound against the floor as he chases after you, and he catches you around the waist just before you make it into your bathroom. His lips press against the crown of your head.
“Again, I’m sorry for snooping. I’m dumb.”
You sigh, wriggling around to face him.
“You are,” you agree, lightly patting his chest. “Dumb, and insistent that Spider man loves tits, eating pussy, and getting ridden. Still holding those beliefs?”
“Oh, absolutely,” Peter grins. “And I have other beliefs about his preferences as well.”
“Of course you do,” you laugh. You kiss his cheek, and then step out of his hold—heading into the bathroom. 
“I’m going to shower,” you tell him. “There’s some leftovers in the fridge if you want any.”
Peter nods, and the last thing you see is him heading for your fridge when you close the bathroom door.
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30 minutes later, you exit your steaming bathroom in your fresh oversized t-shirt and panties, fully expecting to find Peter lounging around your apartment, eating all your food. But…to your utter disappointment, you don’t spot him anywhere.
You sigh, shoulders sagging. Had it been too much to assume he would have wanted to stay the night?
Shuffling into your kitchen, you spot an empty plate on your table. One that you know had previously been piled high with leftover chicken and potatoes.
“He eats my food and runs off…of course,” you mumble, picking up the plate to put it in the sink. However, before your annoyance can truly get the better of you, a piece of paper that had been stuck to the bottom of the plate floats to the ground.
You bend over to pick it up.
Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to stay so long, so I left my apartment earlier without locking the door. I’m running back home to lock it, but I should be back at your place by 9!
Don’t get mad at me. I’d never run off without a word :p
PS. I have a working theory that Spiderman also has more stamina than you’d expect, even for a guy who’s been doing hero work for 20+ years, so…round two when I get back?
You can’t help but laugh.
What an idiot. 
But…you like him.
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forest-reblogs · 1 year
Danny: *gets home and finds Red Robin passed out on his bed*
Danny: Huh. What's he doing here? *nudges Red Robin with his foot* Hey, you. Wake up. That's my bed you've passed out on.
Red Robin: Five more minutes.
Danny: *goes to the kitchen and makes a fresh batch of coffee*
Red Robin: Alright, I'm up, I'm up! Don't you dare drink that coffee without me!
Danny: I'll drink it all unless you start talking about why you're back.
Red Robin: Thanks, but no thanks. Even I can tell that's not a good deal. And besides I'm supposed to be questioning you. So start talking. Where the fuck did you get lasers from?
Danny: I put 15 shots of espresso in this. Are you sure you don't want some?
Red Robin: Don't do this to me.
Thank @ghostly-frogly for this piece, they motivated me to continue this in the Dp x DC discord server. I wasn't even aware that they were reading it!
If you want to get tagged, please comment on this link.
Parts 1-6 Part 7
[Tag List Under The Cut]
@mur-ururu @kisatamao @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @robinmedea @meira-3919 @idfk-man10 @amercurio @i-always-say-yea @thegatorsgoose @dannyphantomphan @aveInfear @lady-time-lord- @akikkobara @pheonixdemonqueen @oddessy @observethevoid @some-rotten-nest @rosecinnamonbun @awkwardmaiden @thenerdycupcake @bun-fish @ambiguouslyominous @smilingfox22-blog @andsatisfactionbroughtmeback @onlyhereforthechaos @eternal-watcher @terzatheunderscorerima @numbuh-7-knd @kittenline @markus209 @cat-in-a-fedora @anonymousf28 @v-inari @joyfulcollectordreamland @treepainting @adorablechaos @littlecameron @idkmrpianoman @basementloser @joseph557 @chaos-n-kindness @vythika96 @thatonegirl10 @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @greenmuffinofdoom @mynameisdoofthelizardandamlesbi @stargirl1331 @mj-arts-n-stuff @my-nameis-apollo-kid-number7 @gender-theif
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periprose · 5 months
i kno its not everyones cup of tea but would u ever do tasm!peter parker as a baby girl dad?? like reader and him are parents to a baby girl 🥹🥹 maybe even pregnant reader!! ajfdhjfd i have many thoughts but i kno again not everyone likes pregnancy/baby stuff
yeah maybe!! honestly I had a dream about this once. It was pretty cute and I can see myself writing something about it lolol. I love babies and pregnancy stuff tbh. If it was feasible financially I'd love to be a mom too!! Baby fever goes hard lol
and I just know tasm Peter would be so good at being a dad... he would love that lil baby to pieces.
Like just imagine him balancing his work and little baby Mayday (just abusing the canon baby name here lol sorry MJ) on his knee. She's full of giggles and wandering hands constantly touching whatever tech he's working on.
And Peter's all gentle so he pulls her away with soft hands, not wanting to dissuade her, just for her safety, but he secretly loves that his daughter clearly takes after him.
"Who's gonna be a cute little inventor, huh? Is May-May gonna take after her papa Peter Parker?" He jostles her around and she shrieks with laughter.
Eventually he'd set up a LEGO block corner for her so her hands can stay busy. And Mayday loves building things, so eventually Peter looks over to see just the top of her red hair, as she's mostly obscured by the giant LEGO wall she built.
And he's be so proud, the first thing he would do is show you when you get back home from work:
"Look at what May made!" He would hold her up and she'd grin really proud as they both motion towards the big wall she made in the corner of your bedroom.
"Aw, you wanna be an architect like Mommy?" Because of course you'd be an architect in this scenario, and it would be a hilarious, small-fake-beef between you and Peter. And Mayday, not really processing your sentence, nods, adding to your shit-eating grin.
"Uh, no, just wait until she gets into software. Mayday's gonna be a coder like her Papa." Peter fixes his glasses and side-eyes you. Mostly jokingly.
"Well, I don't see any tech embedded inside the LEGO wall." You coo at Mayday, who's reaching towards you from Peter's hands. "You want to build beautiful, artsy buildings in the heart of the city like Mommy, right?"
"Nuh-uh." Peter puts on a silly, girly voice mimicking Mayday, placing his face behind her as if his voice is really coming out of her. She bites her thumb, laughing. "I wanna be like Papa because coding actually does something."
"Hey!" You pull Mayday out of his hands, with a falsely offended gasp at his audacity to use Mayday in his propaganda. "Housing important things is something, you jerk."
"Yeah, but it's not an action executed by a program, is it?" Peter prods your shoulder. "Architecture is cool and all, but it just... is."
"Wow." You blink. "Why did I marry you?"
"Papa?" Mayday tilts her head at you and you burst out laughing, rubbing your face against hers.
"Yeah, May."
"Cool." She points to him, and you roll your eyes, as Peter takes this with some nerd-afflicted ego.
"Yup. Papa cool, May."
"You so told her to say that." You shake your head at him, and he shrugs, pulling the two of you into a hug.
Whatever Mayday does, you know you'll both be proud of her.
(NGL I could write this into a whole actual fic if we want it, instead of a blurb lol)
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themculibrary · 5 months
Spider-Man's Identity Revealed Masterlist 2
part one
5 Times Someone at Midtown Knew a Hero (ao3) - Nexas_Hart mj/peter T, 6k
Summary: +1 Time They All Realized They Knew One
closed for renovation (ao3) - love_on_a_wire G, 1k
Summary: Peter Parker and his Academic Decathlon team have finally made it to regionals. Everything goes great!
Well, until the building comes crashing down.
Decathlon Dicks (ao3) - spectators T, 18k
Summary: Cindy: Alright, so I know this might sound crazy, but it's really not that far-fetched. You know how Peter just disappears for no good reason? And how he's always making up some bad excuse to make sense of those disappearances? And how he's always coming into school late, usually sporting some black eye or bruise covered up with really bad makeup? And, guys - the Stark internship. Look me in the eye and tell me that's not sus.
Cindy: Guys?
Cindy: Guys?
Cindy: I know you're ignoring me. It won't work. I will literally annoy you into submission if you don't answer me within the next five seconds.
Cindy: Okay, seriously. You've got five seconds to answer, or I promise you won't sleep for the next ten days. I'll make sure of it. _
The trials and tribulations of One Cindy Moon and Her Idiotic Friends as she attempts to convince them that Peter Parker is, in fact, Spider-Man. As told from Cindy's iPhone (mostly) and abetted by the (occasional) help of third-person.
Don't do anything stupid. (ao3) - Spicysauce T, 5k
Summary: “You think I should do something?” Peter whispered, staring at the door.
Ned's grip on Peter's arms tightened, as if he was scared the teen might run off at any moment, “Are you crazy? You can’t just - just, no - “
“But you’re right, someone could have a gun. I can’t just do nothing!”
“Parker, I swear to god,” Michelle spat, “Don’t you even think about doing something stupid.”
Or: After failing to sign the Accords, Thaddeus Ross and a group of guards storm Midtown in search for Spider-Man. But Peter would rather not live out the rest of his days in the raft, so figures his best chance is to stall until Mr Stark gets here. He will know what to do
Do Spiders Even Like Coffee? (ao3) - Ace_Of_Spades7 G, 2k
Summary: “I have a large caramel macchiato for, uhh,” the barista, Emily, called, unsure of how to proceed. The name on the cup was written with perfect penmanship, unable to be mistaken. And yet, there was no way. “Spider-Man?”
Peter uses "Spider-Man" as his Starbucks name and things get a bit out of hand
How Not To Keep Secrets (ao3) - whydontyoucomeonover T, 10k
Summary: Occam’s razor is the problem-solving principle that suggests that the simplest explanation is usually the best one. Suzan Yang had used this idea when putting together the pieces of the mystery of Peter Parker and arrived at the obvious conclusion. He must be a male escort.
When Betty Brandt told the acadec team this theory, at first, they laughed. Stopped for a moment of consideration and collectively looked out the window. Peter was running down Midtown’s stairs to an Audi R8, with his top few shirt buttons undone and designer sunglasses across his face. They watched a large guy in a suit step out the car and attempt to tame Parker’s curly mop before pushing him in the backseats. A moment of silence lasted as the car drove away before the entire academic decathlon team dragged in a breath and realised, “huh. This explains everything.”
i'd start a riot (ao3) - multiworlds111 G, 5k
Summary: If it’ll make Flash go away, there’s no harm in taking a stupid selfie with him. He needs to head back to his apartment in about an hour, and there’s no telling what he’ll be dealing with in that hour. He doesn’t want Tony or May breathing down his neck about missing curfew. The sooner Flash left, the better. Peter nods in agreement, and Flash grabs his phone from his pocket. He wraps an arm around Peter’s shoulder, aims the camera at the two of them, and grins. Peter grits his teeth, thinking of how Flash had shoved him last week and called him a waste of space. It really doesn’t bother him, coming from Flash, but he still doesn’t love making his bully’s dreams come true.
Especially not when Flash grabs the back of his mask and yanks it off of his head.
OR: After Spiderman saves Flash from a robbery, he pulls off the mask. Peter turns to Tony for help.
I Hate Mondays (ao3) - Odd_I G, 5k
Summary: It was a Monday. And Mondays were the worst. That was just a known fact. 
However, Mondays were especially the worst for teenage superheroes who just so happened to have spent the weekend fighting off the villain of the week. God seriously, people needed to start getting a life. This time it had been a bit more than he could handle if he was being honest. The guy was just a normal human guy but had somehow gotten his hands on alien tech. 
— OR —
Peter's really just trying to get through Monday, but it seemed like Flash had no intention of letting that happen.
in this moment; we are infinite (ao3) - merikai tony/stephen T, 10k
Summary: Clint feels a chill run through him. Sixteen. A high school student, not even in college. Probably the same age as Cap was when he enlisted.
His eyes feel wide as plates, his hands just slightly borderline clammy, and he squints even more at the photos popping on the screen. The room has gone dead silent, and he watches as photos of Spider-Man holding back trains and saving people from street fights and pulling cats out of trees is shown. Spider-Man.
Ah. Ah. Clint audibly lets out an oh.
Peter's identity is revealed—and people he'd never expect come to his aid.
Itsy Bitsy Spider (ao3) - MellarkandArt T, 5k
Summary:“What,” Tony’s voice broke and he coughed to clear his throat. “What are you- no, wait, maybe first just, who are you?”
There was a long and awkward pause before Tony received a response from the lunatic stuck to the building. “I’m- I’m Spider-Man.”
after Civil War, Tony aims to distract himself from the trauma by focusing on developing his nano tech, and somehow gets caught into a spider's web along the way.
Oh, snap. (ao3) - OoBooksAreLifeoO N/R, 7k
Summary: The Midtown Decathlon team are curious about Peter's odd behaviour after the blip, so they do some digging. What will they do when they discover his secret?
Pieces of the Puzzle (ao3) - sabertoothhousecat G, 6k
Summary: The entire Decathlon team figures out Peter’s identity. He has no idea.
Or: The Decathlon team takes Peter’s Secret and names it Our Secret
Or: Peter is a dumbass in a school full of geniuses
Seeing Double (ao3) - inkinmyheartandonthepage G, 2k
Summary: Peter forgets to keeps his own identity a secret and reveals it in the most Peter Parker way.
The Tale of Flash Thompson (so3) - sinkinnie mj/peter T, 4k
Summary: Flash Thompson hates Peter Parker, and he absolutely loves Spider-Man.
But Flash Thompson has morals.
So, when he saw Spider-Man steal a kiss from Parker’s girlfriend MJ in an alley, swinging away while she looked around with a blush on her face to make sure no one saw them, he felt weirdly honour-bound to tell his nerd of a classmate what he saw, even though it would mean betraying his ultimate idol. Who may or may not be a cheater.
the web of our life (is of a mingled yarn) (ao3) - lemonlillybee G, 8k
Summary: Michelle Jones is a people person. More specifically, she loves to people watch. Sometimes, she types out lists in her Notes app about people she encounters– not that she’s obsessed with people, or anything. She’s just observant.
One night, Spider-Man lands on her fire escape and she gives him a scarf she knitted. After their interaction, she starts a note on her phone about him, too, and she’s starting to notice some pretty interesting things about the superhero who may or may not go to the same high school as her.
the wind; the leaves (ao3) - Hale13 mj/peter T, 4k
Summary: “Not this again,” Peter groaned as he blinked sore eyes open and rolled his aching head up to survey the room dizzily. The cold metal chair he was seated in was bolted to the floor and his arms were restrained in, what had to be, vibranium behind him. Unlike the first time he had been kidnapped, Peter felt only annoyance with the whole situation even though he was wearing his Spidey suit with the mask torn to show a chunk of his forehead and hair. He tugged ineffectively on the cuffs and tried to pull the chair off the ground before giving up and letting his head dangle forward to rest his chin on his chest.
Tribute (ao3) - ForEdwall G, 1k
Summary: Peter and the Academic Decathlon team are watching a Spider-Man tribute video, and Morgan Stark interrupts
who needs gym class anyway? (ao3) - DiveInsideMyMind G, 1k
Summary: It was just one backflip. One little backflip. Followed by- maybe- followed by sticking to the ceiling. It's all Flash's fault.
Peter Parker's identity gets revealed in the most Peter Parker way.
worthy is the spider-man that lifts the hammer (ao3) - Singing_Siren T, 3k
Summary: “No, it’s okay, Tony,” Peter says. He unzips his backpack and stuffs Thor’s hammer into it. It stretches a bit but holds. “I’ll drop it off at the tower after school. I can’t just leave it where anyone can take it, that would be irresponsible.”
“Um, kid? Did you pick it up?”
“Yeah, why?” Peter shrugs his backpack onto one shoulder and starts kicking dirt into the hole that the hammer made from the impact of Thor’s throw.
“No reason,” Mr. Stark sounds strangled.
You Know What They Say (ao3) - patrochilles_trash T, 5k
Summary: The moment Mr. Harrington stepped further into the classroom, revealing the figure standing behind him, Peter was pretty sure that he had stepped into an alternate reality. That, or someone was playing a nasty joke on him.
The person standing directly behind his teacher, waving cheerfully at the decathlon team, was dressed in a replica of the second gen Spiderman suit. It was about as close as one could get from referencing pictures and videos, and they guy was a similar enough build that Peter could see how people would be fooled.
A frightening thought struck him that he might be fooled too if he wasn’t actually Spiderman.
Harrington does his best, but Peter really isn't a fan of impersonators.
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
hoax ~ p.p
chapter eight: the story of us
series masterlist
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“Who the hell is that?”
Everyone turned their heads to see who Peter was staring at. Like always, it was you. But this time, it was you and a tall blonde boy that was making you throw your head back laughing.
“That’s Sebastian.” Kate replied.
“Sebastian? Psht. What? I’ve literally never heard of that name. What is he, a crab? Psht.” Peter scoffed and continued to stare daggers at Harry, who was leaning against your locker to be closer to you.
“Don’t “psht” him.” Gwen laughed. “He’s a nice guy.”
“Says who?” Peter scoffed again.
“Says Y/n. Because she’s totally in love with him.” Kate said in a sing-songy voice.
“Huh?” Peter asked as his eyes went wide.
“They’re a thing.” Gwen shrugged. “You didn’t know that?”
“Huh?” Peter asked again, louder this time.
“Can you stop doing that?” MJ asked him.
“What do you mean they’re a thing?” He asked the girls.
“They’re talking.” Kate shrugged.
“About what?” Peter wondered and looked over his shoulder at you again.
“No, dingus. They’re talking. As in in a talking stage.” Kate explained. Peter looked at you again before leaning in closer to the girls.
“But what are they talking about?” He whispered.
“Oh my God.” Gwen groaned. “They’re in the stage before dating. It’s commonly known as the talking stage. Haven’t you ever been in a situationship before?”
“Are these real words?” Peter asked genuinely and looked to MJ for help.
“I don’t even know what to say at this point.” MJ held up her hands in defense.
“A situationship means they have feelings for each other but aren’t in a committed relationship. At least, not yet anyway.” Kate explained.
“Exactly. They text and go on dates. That’s a situationship. And as we’ve said, the stage before dating.” Gwen continued.
“There’s a stage before dating?” Peter asked. “Isn’t that just friendship?”
“How have you never heard these words? What do boys learn in school?” Kate asked.
“Where did she even find that guy? Under the sea? He’s way too old to be blonde. Men should not be blonde past age 10. He seriously needs to grow up.” Peter scoffed as his jealousy got the better of him. He turned around to look at you again and you were doing your fake laugh as Sebastian told you a story in an obnoxiously loud voice.
“They met in her sociology class.” Kate replied. “He asked for her snap and then walked her to her next class. Isn’t that so cute?”
“So she likes that guy? And goes on dates with him?” Peter asked without taking his eyes off you. All he could think of was how some other guy was filling his space beside you on walks and taking you on dates that Peter never took you on.
“That’s what being in a situationship means, yes.” Gwen answered.
“But she just broke up with me- uh, Spiderman two months ago. She’s already moved on?” Peter asked sadly and looked back at the girls.
“Duh. Spiderman was so last semester.” Kate chuckled.
“And she’s happy with that guy?” Peter asked in a quiet voice.
“She’s over the moon.” Gwen insisted. “He’s all she talks about.”
Peters face crumbled when he heard this and he turned to look at you again. You were telling Sebastian something while he texted on his phone. You looked up when you felt eyes on you and made eye contact with Peter. He quickly looked away and felt tears come to his eyes. He blinked them back and pretended to fiddle with his shirt buttons. MJ noticed how upset he looked and as the only one present who knew why this upset him, she felt obligated to cheer him up.
“I think she’s just trying to cleanse her pallet of Spiderman. She doesn’t really like this guy. She just wants to start the process of moving on.” MJ said as she looked at Peter. Peter relaxed when he heard this and wiped his face.
“You’re sure?” He asked her.
“Trust me. She’s never getting over Spiderman. In fact-“
“Hey guys.” You said as you approached the group, accidentally cutting off MJ. She was about to tell Peter that you were very much still in love with him, but now he’d never know.
“Hey girl.” Kate smiled and wrapped an arm around you. You smiled at her and then looked at Peter, who looked like he had just seen a ghost.
“Hi Peter.” You smiled at him, making him look at you in surprise.
“Me hi?” He asked and pointed to himself.
“Yeah. Hey you.” You nudged him playfully, making him blush.
“Hi. You look really nice today.” He told you, reminding you both of old times.
“Thanks.” You smiled sadly and fixed your shirt.
“You do look nice.” Kate noticed. “All dolled up for your man?”
“Yeah, like I’d dress for a man.” You snorted. “In fact, lately I’ve been dressing for revenge.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” MJ chuckled. You laughed as well and then noticed the pained look on Peters face.
“He’s not actually my man.” You told him, though you weren’t really sure why you said it.
“I know. They were just filling me in on your situationship.” He said with a tight smile. Your smile dropped and you gave your friends a look.
“Guys. You told Peter?” You whispered in annoyance.
“Why would Peter care? Just because he had that crush on you two months ago?” Kate asked. You and Peter exchanged a look and quickly looked away from each other.
“Yeah. I don’t mind hearing about it. We’re friends now and friends talk about these things.” Peter shrugged but you both knew he was lying. The bell then rang and Kate and Gwen groaned.
“I gotta go.” Kate said and squeezed your arm before walking away.
“Same. See you later.” Gwen waved and headed towards her next class. MJ gave you a knowing look before leaving as well. She didn’t have a class now, but she wanted you to talk to Peter alone. Once it was just the two of you, you stepped in front of Peter so you could face each other.
“Look, I’m sorry you had to find out this way.”
“It’s okay. We broke up. You can date whoever you want.” He said with a tight smile.
“I’m not really dating him. I’m not even sure I like him. He takes five hours to text back and we’ve only hung out twice. I kinda played it up to my friends so they don’t think I’m pathetic for still being totally in love with….” You trailed off when you realized how much information you were spilling. Peters eyebrows went up and all the hope in the world filled his eyes.
“Sorry. This whole conversation was way too much exposition.” You laughed awkwardly.
“A little bit, yeah.” He laughed as well and desperately hoped you’d finish that sentence.
“All I wanted to say is, I’m not moving on. It’s important to me that you know that.”
“Why?” Peter wondered. “Why do you want me to know that?”
“Because I don’t want you to move on, okay?” You admitted without looking at him.
“You don’t?” Peter asked as a smile broke through on his lips. You were about to say more when the second bell rang, meaning you were already late.
“I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later?” You asked genuinely. Peter nodded and felt his heart piece itself back together. He went to his next class with a huge smile on his face and for the first time in months, allowed himself to be hopeful about getting back together.
A few days later, you were on your third date with Sebastian. He invited you to watch his lacrosse game and met up with him afterwards. As he approached you, his entire team followed him and clapped him on the shoulders while hyping him up. He pulled you into a hug that you didn’t want because he was sweaty and people were watching.
“Oh, hi.” You laughed awkwardly and stepped out of the hug.
“So you liked watching me play?” He asked you like he already knew the answer was yes.
“Yeah! Yeah, it was so….fun.” You kept your smile as you struggled to think of an acceptable adjective. You didn’t actually enjoy watching a bunch of sweaty guys jump on top of each other, but you wanted to be polite.
“Cool, cool. So while my boys are all with me, I wanted to ask you something.” Sebastian said while running his fingers through his hair. His hair wasn’t actually in his eyes, but he liked to do that when he wanted it look cool. His teammates started barking and clapping him on the back again, which made you step back uncomfortably.
“What did you want to ask me?”
“I want to make this official.” He said and rubbed his hands together. His teammates started barking again and shouting some crude remarks while you smiled nervously.
“Make what official?”
“Us, dummy. You and me. Aha.” He laughed and gestured between the two of you. Every single one of his teammates was staring at you and expecting you to say yes. You gulped and forced a laugh to ease the tension.
“Are you saying you want to be my boyfriend?”
“Yeah. I do. Lucky you.” He said with a suave smile. You folded your lips in and looked to the side to see if anyone was hearing this.
“But, uh, don’t you think it’s a little soon?” You laughed nervously.
“No. I think it’s the exact right time. Right, boys?” Sebastian turned to ask his team and they all hyped him up.
“But you barely even know me.” You pointed out. “We’ve only been on two dates. And one of them was a movie so we didn’t really talk.”
“I know you. And that’s why I want to give you this.” He said and stepped forward. He cupped your face and pulled you into the most lifeless, stiff kiss of your life. You kept your eyes open and didn’t move a muscle until he pulled away.
“It was horrible, MJ. Horrible. It felt like kissing a concrete wall. Only colder and a lot less fun. No passion whatsoever. I gotta get out of this.” You told MJ once you were back in your room that night. You were both sitting on your bed and you were hugging a pillow for comfort after being traumatized by the worst kiss of your life.
“Is he at least nice?” MJ asked you.
“I don’t know. I guess so. He doesn’t excite me though. Not the way…” You trailed off and looked to the side.
“Peter did?” She finished your sentence.
“It’s just, I would get all these butterflies when Peter texted me. I was checking my phone all day to see if he sent anything. I’d hear love songs on the radio and think of him and I. He made me laugh, he asked me questions, and took his time getting to know me. But with Sebastian, I feel like we’re just in an endless cycle of “hey, what’s up?” , “not much, you?”, “Yeah not much”. And then five hours later, we’re having that same conversation all over again. I don’t know if he has siblings. I don’t know what he likes to do for fun. I his favorite songs. I couldn’t even tell you what color his eyes are even though I’ve see him three days a week in class. Because you know what? I don’t care. He’s not Peter.”
“And you want Peter.” MJ said as more of a statement than a question.
“I do.” You admitted. “Ugh. Am I totally lame and pathetic for wanting someone who lied to me?”
“No. You are totally lame for those socks though.” MJ said and looked down at the Spiderman socks you had on.
“I bought them from a guy on the street.” You mumbled as you moved to sit on your feet.
“I could tell.” MJ mumbled back.
“It’s been two months. I’m done torturing Peter.” You decided. “I’m gonna end things with Sebastian and tell Peter I still love him.”
“Tonight? Please say yes. My wifi is buffering and I’m so bored.” MJ whined and shook your arm.
“Tomorrow.” You told him. “I don’t want to ruin Sebastians night.”
“Fine.” MJ huffed. “But you better tell him tomorrow. He almost died when Gwen and Kate told him about Sebastian. I thought he was gonna throw up.”
“I’ll tell him, okay?” You promised her.
“Good.” She nodded in satisfaction. “Get your boyfriend back.”
“You know what?” You smiled. “I will.”
The next day, you didn’t have any classes with Peter so you had to wait until lunch to see him. You unblocked his number and texted him that you had to talk to him about something but that it had to be in person. Peter was ecstatic to see that text and couldn’t wait until lunchtime when he got to see you. You were already sitting at the lunch table when he got there, making his heart pound. He quickly fixed his hair and shirt before approaching the table.
“Hey, Y/n.” He smiled at you as he sat across from you.
“Hey, Peter. Do you think we could-“
“Hey, little lady.” Sebastian cut you off as he slung his arm around you. Your smile fell almost as quickly as Peters did with Sebastian’s unexpected presence.
“Sebastian. What are you doing here?” You laughed nervously and took his arm off of you. Peter gulped and balled his hand into a fist as he tried to stay calm at the sight of some other guy with his arm around you.
“What? I can’t sit with my girlfriend and her friends at lunch?” Sebastian asked you as he put his arm back around you. Everyone froze and exchanged a look before looking at you and Sebastian.
“His what?” Kate asked and raised an eyebrow.
“His what?” Peter asked as his face crumbled.
“Uhhhh…” You forced another laugh and took his arm off of you. You had never actually agreed to being Sebastian’s girlfriend after the kiss incident. You had just excused yourself and ran back to your dorm as fast as you could.
“Y/n didn’t tell you? We’re official. I’m not like other guys. Labels don’t scare me. I’m crazy about this woman and I don’t care who knows it.” Sebastian said with a smug smile. You turned your face and gagged a little at every single word choice he made while Kate and Gwen tried not to laugh.
“Do you even know her last name?” MJ asked him. You felt grateful she had come to the rescue because you yourself had no idea what to say.
“Doesn’t matter. Because one day, it’ll be the same as mine.” Sebastian smirked before leaning in to kiss you. You quickly turned your face so the kiss landed on your cheek instead. You made eye contact with Peter when you turned your face and he looked like he was near tears.
“Wow.” MJ mouthed and looked at the girls to signal that they needed to help you.
“Sebastian, I’ve never seen where the lacrosse players practice. Would you mind showing me?” Kate asked when she picked up on MJs hint.
“You know what? Neither have I. I would love to see it.” Gwen agreed and stood up.
“Oh, sure. I could take you.” Sebastian agreed. “Let’s go, Y/n.”
“Actually, I’m gonna stay here with Peter.” You told him.
“No, you should go with him.” Peter said and stood up as well.
“I don’t want to go with him. I wanted to talk to you.” You kept your eyes solely on Peter as you got up from the table.
“It’s okay. You should go with your boyfriend.” Peter said as his eyes brimmed with tears. You stared him in the eyes for a long time before he wiped his face and ran out of the lunchroom. You let out a sigh as you watched him disappear but decided that you were done playing games. You turned to Sebastian to tell him the truth.
“Sebastian, I didn’t like how you asked me to be your girlfriend in front of all your teammates. It made me feel like I had no choice but to say yes. And honestly, I didn’t want to say yes. I don’t know you well enough. And right now, I don’t see a future between us. I’m sorry for wasting your time.” You said simply before running out of the lunchroom after Peter.
“I don’t really give a fuck where the lacrosse team practices.” MJ admitted as she sat back down at the table. The other girls were silent for a minute before nodding in agreement and sitting down as well.
“Peter, wait.” You called after him as you chased him down the hallway. Peter kept walking but you eventually caught up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders. He was crying and looking down while wiping his runny nose on his sleeve.
“Peter, please talk to me. I need to explain.” You said as you pulled your sleeve over your hand to wipe his tears.
“You said you weren’t moving on. You said you didn’t want me to move on. When you asked me to talk today, I thought…” Peter trailed off when he felt too embarrassed to admit he thought you wanted to get back together.
“You thought what?”
“I thought you were ready to forgive me. And not just as pretend for our friends. You’ve been so nice to me lately and I felt like we were getting back to the way we used to be. But I’m such an idiot. I actually thought there was gonna be another chance for us.” He laughed sadly at Hoe dumb he felt for thinking that.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. I blew it with you and I know that. I don’t know why I was stupid enough to let myself think you wanted to get back together. You obviously don’t and moved on and I don’t have any right to be upset about that since it’s my fault for fucking things up between us. I should’ve just told you who I was right away. We could’ve been happy and in love if I had. I’m sorry I ruined everything between us. I’m sorry I lied to you. And I’m sorry for being a baby about it now. I know I shouldn’t be upset. I just can’t believe you have a boyfriend and it isn’t me.” Peter said and broke into tears again. He tried to walk away but you pulled him into a hug and let him cry for minute.
“Peter?” You said and pulled away a little.
“What?” He sniffled.
“I don’t have a boyfriend. I never did. He asked me to be his girlfriend last night and I never gave him an answer. But it doesn’t matter now because I just ended things with him. I never moved on. And I was never gonna date that guy. I had no idea he was gonna sit with us at lunch and do that whole thing. I really wanted to talk to you, not rub some guy in your face. I never meant for that to happen. I would never purposefully try to make you upset. Please, believe me.”
“I believe you.” Peter nodded as he stared into your eyes. You stared back into his and smiled a little at how easily he accepted that you were telling the truth. He knew you, more than anyone else could say.
“Can we talk? About everything?” You laughed at how fucked up it all was now.
“I would like that.” Peter smiled softly.
“Maybe tonight? We could go for a walk like old times.” You offered as you took a pack of tissues out of your bag. Peters smile grew as he took the tissues.
“That would mean a lot to me. I can pick you up outside your dorm at 6.”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then.” You squeezed his arm and walked away.
That night, Peter was outside your dorm but 5:45. He had showered, dosed himself in aftershave, and put on his least wrinkled shirt. He checked the time every minute or so in anticipation of your arrival. His nervous hands fiddled with his shirt, his hair, his watch, and anything else he could play with as he waited for you. 6:02 came and there was no sight of you. Peter grew hopeful every time someone came out of your dorm but it was never you.
6:11 came and went and you still hadn’t shown up. Peter sent you a few texts to make sure everything was all right but hadn’t gotten a response.
By 6:34, he assumed you had forgotten about your agreement to meet up but also wondered if he had gotten the day wrong. Maybe you hadn’t actually said tonight and said “tomorrow” instead.
At 7:06, Peter called it a night. He stood up from the stair he was sitting on and walked back to his apartment in tears. He didn’t care about the people staring at him because he was too heartbroken over you standing him up. He cursed himself for not realizing it was too good to be true. He wished he never let himself believe that he could get a second chance with you and just accepted that things were over for good. If he had, he would’ve saved himself grieving this relationship a second time.
Peter plopped his bag down at the library table the next day and immediately put his head down. He was anxious to see you and hear what you had to say about why you stood him up. Ned came to the table first, followed by Kate, MJ and Gwen.
“Hey, dude. How did things go with Y/n last night?” Ned asked and excitedly shook Peters arm. Peter sat up a little and rested his chin on his hand.
“I don’t know. She never showed up.” He said quietly. MJ immediately perked up when she heard this and looked at Peter.
“Oh, I’m sorry man.” Ned frowned. “That really sucks. I thought things were starting to change between you.”
“So did I. But I guess not.” Peter sighed and put his head back down.
“She never showed up?” MJ asked and lifted Peters head up by grabbing his hair.
“Ow.” He said and pulled away. “No, she didn’t. Did she tell you why she changed her mind?”
“She didn’t change her mind. She went downstairs to wait for you at like 5:30 because she was so exited. It was all she talked about all day. She even put on the perfume she was wearing the day you guys “met”. What do you mean she never showed up?” MJ whispered to him. Peters eyes went wide and he looked at Ned to see if he was hearing this too.
“I waited outside the dorm for an hour. She was never there.” Peter told her.
“Well what time did you arrive?” MJ asked.
“5:45. We agreed to meet at 6.” Peter told her. MJ’s face twisted in panic, making Peters do the same.
“MJ, what are you not saying?” Ned asked. Peter got a sick feeling in his stomach as he turned to MJ for answers.
“Y/n never come home last night. I assumed it was because she was fornicating with you.” MJ said, making Peters stomach drop.
“Gross. Fornicating?” Ned grimaced.
“She never came home?” Peter asked slowly. The energy at the table was filled with collective dread as everyone tried to think of the last time they spoke to you.
“If she wasn’t with you and she wasn’t with me, where the hell is she?” MJ asked angrily. Peter shrugged helplessly as Ned turned to Kate and Gwen.
“Is everything okay, guys?” Kate asked when she noticed the three of them looking like they had just seen a ghost.
“Have you guys seen Y/n today?” Ned asked them.
“No. She wasn’t in our first class together. I was just gonna ask you if she was sick?” Kate asked MJ.
“She’s not sick. She left our room last night and was supposed to meet Peter outside but he says she never showed up.“
“And she never came home?” Kate asked while Gwen covered her mouth in fear. MJ shook her head, making everyone fall silent. No one knew what to do next until Gwen spoke.
“Call her. Everyone call and text her.” Gwen said to break the silence. Everyone whipped their phones out to text and call you but no one was able to reach you.
“No answer.” Gwen sighed after the fifth missed call.
“Me either.” Kate shook her head. “My texts aren’t being delivered.”
Everyone was quiet as the gravity of the situation became more apparent. Peter felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, something that only happened to him when danger was near.
“Guys.” Peter began. “I think something really bad happened to her. And I think it’s because of me.”
Tag list 🏷️
@miwagila @gidgett11037 @hoetel-manager @deffnotnia @uncle-eggy
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@tom-hollands-wifey @helen-on-earth @amberpanda99 @freyaxx
@xorderedkaosx @riordanness @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes
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foolsocracy · 1 year
Do you have any fic recommendations? I've just read the open road and other anesthetics, which was good, but I'd love more Noir content.
oh boy do i
Here are a few fics i have on hand! If I have time or stumble across more, I can make another post/add to this one. Heads up, the open road and other anesthetics is pretty light hearted and these probably will not be. so say vigilant LMAO (its noir, ya know?). If you wanted more spiderverse centric fics rather than noirverse let me know i'll see what i can pull together.
Burning Matches by HopelesslyLost (complete) 344,746 words
Cant have a Spider Noir fic rec list without the gospel itself. Definitely on the whumpier side, lots of "this guy can never catch a break huh" but very good! Takes the noirverse and makes it so so cool. I pull a lot from this fic. Great stuff Its a post ITSV setting and features a great deal of everyone but Pete is def the focus. The spider gang is trying to get back together, but when they get to Noir's world things don't go as planned. Heavy on the found family. Heavy on the angst. Love Noir's relationship w/ Miles' parents
The Wind Follows by HopelesslyLost (incomplete) 99,501 words
Goes along with Burning Matches as a side story of Pete infiltrating the KKK to get them tf out of NYC. Very heavy handed on the angst. Even whumpier than Burning Matches. Where it stands right now, it ends on an incredibly low note, very much like Eyes Without a Face. Peter's kicked while he's down & physically incapable of getting a win. But Peter does kick Nazi ass which is always nice to see If you like the noirverse HopelesslyLost writes this is very interesting! Gotta be my fave part of this fic. I love seeing Noir Cage, Daredevil, and Tony Stark. Plus the who "cursed" situation.. mwah
i'll go back to december by snapplebee (incomplete, recently updated) 14,503 words
This fic reminds me of the open road and other anesthetics, but if it was a little angstier w/ Noir. The spider gang is hanging out for the holidays, Noir doesn't know how to fuckn relax.
Catch a Tiger by the Tail by Gruoch (completed) 40,049 words
Just finished this one today! Was very fun. It's an MJ spider-man (her POV) and a Black Cat Peter. Gwen Stacy, a dancer at Felica Hardy's place, is found dead. Her fiancé, Peter Parker, is found dead soon after. Its very much a mystery! TBH i think i was out of it reading this because a twist got me that I'm almost positive was obvious from the beginning LMAO. Slight Peter/Johnny Storm as well
Between Midnight and Dawn by Gruoch (incomplete) 14,158 words
Prequel to the previous rec. I love this one and I'd do anything to see it update again. Shows you how Peter got to be the Black Cat, he has cool run ins with the Dare Devil and Stark, all the fun noir folks. Heads up on the dysfunctional found family tag, thats for sure Peter and Felicia. But they're strange in canon anyway so its not really much of a surprise.
He Sleeps in a Town of Darkness by luckystarsandgarters (complete) 21,278 words
This is the fic i mentioned a post or 2 ago about Johnny Storm being a drag performer. I really love the atmosphere of this fic, I thought it was pulling from an offical comic thats how well it got me. This one's Pete/Johnny Storm! They're cute. Lots of focus on the gay subculture of the 30s I think.
Trust by Ackerhardt (complete) 6,989
Peter & Jean De Wolfe vs the world. Quick read in the classic noirverse. Jean is fun we should talk about him more tbh. Peter/Jean actually! Just colleged aged guys taking on crime in the city.
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achillesmonochrome · 1 year
So MJ and Gwen huh
Starting reading Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider has been quite a ride, but I didn't expect how much MJ is into Gwen.
I know they are just friends in canon and all, but for fucks sake-
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She really is on top of being her ride or die huh.
Honestly, I am half-convinced part of the reason she is so insistent in band practice is that she wants a way to keep Gwen put and complete her dreams of becoming famous- and making Gwen her wife.
Like she goes to crazy territories at times.
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MJ, Peter, Harry- Gwen can really just charm everyone to fall for her huh.
I think the funniest part about discovering this, is that is not a fluke, MJ has apparently always been kind of crazy about Gwen. And this shows in other worlds.
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I didn't even come to look for the ones with MJ being ADAMANT about getting her Gwen back, and unlike the other Gwen in the comics, this version is smart enough to get her redhead.
(No they aren't canon either, but c'mon look at them, they are clearly in love.)
Heck our MJ is not immune either!
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You know I am more and more convinced MJ's dream scenario is a polythriad between Peter and Gwen.
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67 Percent Sure
cw: vomit
Mj turns around in her seat again and bites at the inside of her cheek, frowning a little. It didn’t take Betty this long to get opera glasses, so where is Peter? The curiosity that’s stirred inside her since Washington arises again.
She turns back around when she hears her name. Brad is smirking at her like he knows something she doesn’t. She’s not sure about a lot of things, but she’s definitely sure he knows severely less than she does.
“Hey Michelle, I was thinking maybe we could ditch this whole bullshit and leave once the lights go down. You with me?”
She hums. That would give her an excuse to go look for Peter, but she’s really not wanting Brad to try and tag along for that.
“Eh, actually the opera sounds pretty cool to me,” she lies. “Feel free to ditch if you want though.”
Hopefully he’ll leave. That’ll make it even easier for her to slip out unnoticed. He’s been freakishly clingy this whole trip. The relief she feels when he decides to go is so nice.
She turns to see Ned shuffling into the aisle next to Betty and gets his attention. He turns to look at her just as the lights dim.
“What’s up?”
“Have you seen Peter?”
Ned hesitates a little before he answers. “Oh, yeah, I forgot. He, uh, told me to tell you he’s going back to the hotel because he feels sick.”
“Huh. Okay.” Funny. He looked just fine a few minutes ago. Well, maybe he was a little awkward, but that’s not too out of the ordinary for him.
Still, the curiosity burns brighter than ever. She’s done with him running away and disappearing every five seconds. If she leaves now, she might finally catch him in the whole spider act.
There’s nothing stopping her. She stands and starts making her way down the aisle, slipping away easily now that Brad has taken her advice and left. Mr. Harrington doesn’t so much as lower his opera glasses.
She heads out into the crowded street outside the opera house and starts trying to spot Peter. When she has no luck, she heads back to the hotel to see if maybe he did actually stop there. It’s a long, impatient ride up the elevator, and it only increases her will to just ask him directly on the spot if she finds him.
Still, standing in front of his door is making her palms sweat. She shakes them out a little, breathing out sharply in determination. Finally, she bites the bullet and knocks on the door.
Her heart is racing when he actually opens up and his face fills with an unreadable expression. It looks like he’s about to say something, but she has to beat him to it before he tries to slither his way out of this one, too.
“I’m gonna be real honest here, Peter, and I need you to be, too. Don’t try to lie to me, because I already know. So just say you’re Spider-Man.”
Peter’s mouth opens and closes a couple times, and she sees that he’s really pale. He blinks at her with what seems to be straight-up confusion. He’s looks like he’s in his pajamas, which she wasn’t exactly expecting, but she can’t back down now.
“Mj, what are you—“
“Don’t play around with me, I’m not entirely stupid, okay? I just need to hear it from you.”
“What makes you—I don’t. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not Spider-Man,” he rushes out, but Mj doesn’t miss the way his voice goes quiet with the last part.
“Explain to me, then. Explain all the times you’ve disappeared.”
“I’m—I told Ned to tell you I don’t feel good, that’s why I left the opera.”
“I’m not just talking about tonight,” she clarifies. Peter’s throat clenches, and he looks stunned to say the least. “Peter, Washington? Homecoming? Not to mention the fact that you’ve quit nearly every club you were ever a part of.”
Peter shuts his eyes tight, leaning his weight against the doorframe. A wash of discomfort colors his face, and then he steps back a little.
“Just…come inside for a minute, okay? I need to sit down.”
She wasn’t really expecting that, either, but it’s a good sign, she supposes. Especially when she was half-convinced he would shut the door in her face. Now her heart is hammering in her chest as she follows him into the room, shutting the door behind her. It feels oddly private to be in his room even though it looks just like hers.
He sags down against the couch in the corner, and she slowly joins him there. A blanket of silence falls over them, and Mj watches as Peter lets his head fall into his hands. They stay there for a moment and then run through his hair. He breathes out shakily. She’s suddenly not ready to hear everything, but she’s too frozen to stop him when he starts to speak.
“Look…it’s hard to explain, but the thing with me and Liz was…,” he starts, voice unsteady. He wraps his arms around his stomach. “I didn’t like having to do that to her at all, but I figured out her dad is, like…really mixed up with the wrong crowd, and when he talked to me in the car it really freaked me out. I went home.”
Mj feels the disappointment sinking in her chest. What he’s saying makes sense, but she knows in her heart that there’s something else he’s not telling her. The bruises and cuts on his face the next day tell her a different story. Unless Liz’s dad beat him up. She really doesn’t want to think about that.
“And Washington, I went…”
He trails off, swallowing audibly. His eyes fall shut again, and Mj prepares for another lie. It’s really frustrating, and to be honest, it hurts. She thought she was making friends that she could trust and that trusted her for the first time, but now it feels all wrong. She was wrong.
She’s about to just tell him never mind, and that she’s heading back to the opera, but suddenly Peter is shoving himself off the couch. He stumbles past her and nearly trips over himself as he flees. Mj feels totally caught off guard as he disappears into the bathroom.
He leaves the door open, but she can hear him knock something over, and then there’s a thud. She’s up in an instant. What if she pushed him so hard he passed out?
She quickly follows him and freezes at the door. He’s knocked over all the mini soap bottles into the sink, and she finds him on his knees in front of the toilet. Not even another second goes by before he gags, and she hears vomit splash into the water.
“Shit,” she curses, moving closer so she can sit on the edge of the tub beside him. He throws up again, and it’s pretty violent. Mj is sure now that she’s never felt like more of an asshole. He coughs a few times and almost chokes on the next wave that comes up. “Oh God, are you alright?”
He shakes his head, because of course he’s not fucking okay, he’s puking his guts out. Mj feels her cheeks heat up with embarrassment. It feels awkward and intimate, but she starts rubbing his back so he hopefully doesn’t nearly choke again.
“Sorry, I know. That was a stupid question. Do you want some water?”
He shakes his head again, and she realizes his whole body is trembling a little. He probably has a fever and she was just sitting there grilling him like a criminal. She thinks hauntingly that she’ll probably never get over it.
He lets out a sick burp and heaves out the biggest stream yet. She’s starting to get seriously concerned. Maybe she should go back and get Mr. Harrington, although she doubts he’d be able to do much to help either. Peter retches out a couple small streams in a row. Maybe she should just call May.
“I’m really sorry,” Peter finally says once he has a moment to catch his breath.
“You don’t owe me an apology.” It’s the exact opposite, really.
“S’just…,” he starts, swallowing back a half-gag. He dry heaves and spits. “M’gross.”
“Doesn’t bother me. I just wasn’t expecting you to actually be sick when Ned told me…I don’t know, I just had that whole idea, and I thought I’d find you, like…yeah. I’m really sorry you’re feeling like this.”
Peter takes some toilet paper and wipes his mouth, throwing it into the toilet and closing the lid. He flushes and lays his head down on the toilet with a sigh. He hiccups quietly.
“It’s okay…I feel a lot better now. I really needed to throw up. Think I’m done.”
“That’s good.”
“Yeah…do you think I could maybe have that water now?” His voice is weak, and Mj is suddenly so much more upset with herself. All Peter has ever been is sweet, and here she is acting like he owes her something.
“Of course. Um, just give me a second.”
“M’kay,” he replies, letting his eyes fall shut where he rests. “Thank you.”
She stands up and goes back into the room to find the stash of lable-less water bottles and empty coffee cups. She grabs a couple waters and heads back to the bathroom, sitting back on the tub and opening one for him.
“Here,” she says, and he opens his eyes. He thanks her again. “Don’t thank me, Peter. I’m doing the bare minimum as a friend now that I’ve grilled you about a lie in the middle of you trying not to get sick.”
Peter takes a few sips and swallows an extra time for good measure. He shakes his head slowly, and she knows he’s about to try to make her feel better. She thinks that might really just make her feel worse.
“Mj…I’m telling you this because you deserve to know, and I feel really guilty right now.” She frowns, confused, but he looks like he’s going to continue. “Mj…I am Spider-Man.”
The room goes dead silent. Mj doesn’t so much as breathe. It’s not like she could, anyway. Several seconds pass before she can even manage words.
“Are you being serious right now? Because if you’re joking this really isn’t funny,” she breathes out. He looks at her and nods slowly, smiling in a wincing sort of way. “I mean—I was only like 67 percent sure, I—“
“M’not lying. Not anymore, I promise.”
She can’t even begin to process the way she feels in that moment. Everything she’s been thinking and obsessing over for months is true. She’s not crazy, but she sure feels like it.
“Prove it,” she blurts, then wishes she could take it back. Then again, it would be nice to know for sure now that she’s probably losing her mind entirely. What if she’s just asleep at the opera house?
Peter breathes out a shallow laugh, resting his forehead on the toilet seat again. He sets the water bottle down on the floor and sighs.
“I would, but I sort of feel like human garbage right now, and I think swinging across the city would definitely make me hurl again.”
“Right, sorry, I didn’t really mean it to come out like that.”
“S’okay,” he says softly, hiccuping again. “What if I just show you the suit?”
Suddenly, Mj flashes hot. Something about seeing the suit up close makes her feel like she’s meeting a celebrity. I mean, she is, but it’s also Peter. Her Peter.
“Oh,” she says. “I don’t want to force you or anything.”
“You’re not. I’ve sort of been dying not telling you, but…I also know that the people who know are in more danger. I never wanted that for you, so I have to be completely clear that this could be a huge mistake. I really care about you.”
Her face grows hot, and words seem lost again. She nods. Here she is, finally getting the satisfaction that she’s wanted, if you can call it that. She didn’t exactly imagine finding out in a hotel bathroom after watching Peter throw up his lunch, but she figures it is what it is.
“C’mon, I’ll show you,” he says as she’s trying to collect her thoughts.
She helps him off the floor and back into the bedroom, where he slides his suitcase closer to the bed where they’re sitting. Her heart is nearly in her throat. This is all so strange.
“Ready?” he asks, voice a little raw. Mj nods slowly.
He flicks open the closures and hesitates a bit before he lifts it up, revealing the red and blue suit she watched scale the Washington monument. She freezes completely, in awe of the reality she’s now faced with. He bends over with a groan and holds it up, starting to quietly explain some of the features.

Mj’s mind is humming, and it’s like she’s hearing him from several rooms over. She just keeps blinking at the thing, flashing back to all the times she saw it on the news. All the fire and destruction. He was there, and here it is. Here he is.
She tears her eyes away from the suit after a moment or two, staring at Peter as he continues to explain things she couldn’t begin to understand. Suddenly it all makes sense, and she is so, so screwed. This boy with a heart of gold is responsible for helping and saving so many people, and she can’t take her eyes off of him for even a second. She never wants to.
Suddenly, he’s staring back, but something is wrong. He doesn’t look excited, he doesn’t look happy, he doesn’t look like he’s feeling the same thing at all.
“Mj…were you…,” he starts, gaze falling to his lap where he laid the suit. “Were you only watching me…because you thought I was Spider-Man?”
She wasn’t expecting that in the slightest. The answer is complicated, but ultimately no. At the same time, she’s already made herself look like a massive stalker. The last thing she needs is to scare him away by getting emotional all of a sudden. Especially when the love that she feels for him will be interpreted as love for Spider-Man and not Peter, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Suddenly, the suit seems to hold no value.
“Yeah…why?” She settles on lying, hoping that she can bring the other stuff up right when the time comes. But then, heartbreakingly, he looks disappointed. She wishes there were an easier way to do this.
She changes her mind, never wanting to see that kind of sadness in him ever again. Maybe she can redirect this.
“Why did you think I was?”
“No, never mind, it’s…it’s stupid,” he breathes out, suddenly looking ill all over again.
“Try me.”
Instead, Peter starts to stand up, swaying. The suit falls to the floor. Mj is up in a second, ready to keep him from hitting the ground if he passes out. He looks nearly grey.
“I don’t feel good,” he murmurs. As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he throws up a gush of water between his fingers. It splatters down onto his shirt, his suitcase, and the floor.
“Oh—okay, alright,” Mj panics, looking around for something to save them from more damage. She spots a small ice bucket on the top of the dresser and rushes to get it, but from the sound of it, Peter’s just been sick again.
She moves as fast as she can and returns to him, positioning it under his mouth. His hands are covered in watery stomach acid and bile, so she holds it for him when the next wave comes up, keeping a steady hand between his shoulders. His breathing starts to pick up.
“You’re okay, Peter, I’ve got you,” she says, wishing there were some way she could just make it all stop. He doesn’t deserve this.
This round is considerably shorter, but he looks twice as spent when it seems like it’s over. His eyes are brimming with tears, and her heart feels like it’s dropped clean through the floor.
“Feel like you’re done?” she asks, rubbing once over his back. She doesn’t care that it might embarrass her later to be so attentive, but Peter is clearly really sick, and her insecurities can’t get in the way of making sure he’s taken care of.
He nods slowly, swallowing with effort. She lowers the bucket. He stands there sort of in shock and looking half-conscious, so Mj takes it upon herself to guide him to the bathroom.
While he washes his hands and rinses out his mouth, she dumps contents of the bucket into the toilet and flushes. When that’s done, she finds him braced against the sink with his eyes closed.
“I’m gonna grab you a fresh shirt, okay? You wanna hop in the shower?”
He shakes his head, and she can hardly blame him. It looks like it’s killing him just to stay upright.
“Okay, come here.”
He follows her into the bedroom and she pulls out the first t-shirt she sees in his suitcase. She turns away while he gets changed, but her face burns crimson all the same. He softly lets her know she can turn back around now.
She finds him eyeing the splattered carpet with what she can only describe as sorrow and disappointment. She can’t have that.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s totally fine,” she insists. He doesn’t look convinced in the slightest, so she moves toward him regardless of whether she’s going to regret this or not.
She wraps her arms around him, and he wilts, slowly bringing his arms up around her back. It’s the first time they’ve hugged like this, serious and gentle. Mj hopes it makes up for at least some of her stupidity tonight.
“It was an accident, Peter. I know you feel really shitty, but things are gonna get better, okay? I can take care of that, you don’t have to worry.”
Finally, she pulls back to get a better look at him. He’s worse off than she’s ever seen—even the times when he came to school probably freshly thrown around in the street.
“Why are you being so sweet to me?” he asks suddenly, voice paper thin.
“Because you deserve it. And I really do care about you,” she says. This is her chance to try and clarify this whole mess. “I mean it, with or without Spider-Man. You’re closer to me than anyone has ever been.”
Peter’s face all but crumbles, and that’s not what she intended at all. She doesn’t know what to do. The apology is on her lips when Peter cuts her off.
“Mj, I…I had this whole plan with the Eiffel Tower and…now that I’ll probably be too sick to go, I think I should just do it now.”
She’s listening so carefully that she’s not sure time is passing for them anymore. Nothing exists outside this room as Peter walks past her to the desk in the corner, opening the drawer and pulling out a small bag. She recognizes it from a couple days ago and gets unexpectedly nervous.
He sits on the foot of the bed and quietly urges her to come over. He looks really sick. She almost feels like she should go get the bucket from the bathroom, but suddenly whatever this is seems more important, and she finds herself crossing the room to join him.
He reaches in and fishes something out, which she quickly realizes is a chain. He pulls at it, and hanging at the center is what looks like a couple of dark glass petals.
“Oh no, no, shit,” Peter curses suddenly, sighing and sounding like he actually might cry now. “It’s broken.”
Suddenly Mj can tell what it used to be, and something so big swells inside of her that she’s on fire all over. Peter starts rambling about his plan and how the elementals ruined everything, but she cuts him off.
“Hey, Peter, stop it, it’s okay. It’s perfect.”
“It’s supposed to be—“
“Black dahlia. Like the murder, right?”
Peter freezes. “Yeah, like the murder,” he breathes out, a laugh barely audible, then the sadness overtakes him again. “I really wanted this to go differently.”
“I love it, Peter. Giving it to me whole on the top of the Eiffel Tower wouldn’t make it mean any more to me than it does right now,” she says, watching him look at her with something unreadable filling his eyes. She opens the small latch and places it around her neck. “I love it. Thank you.”
Before he can try to regret what happened anymore, she wraps her arms around him again, holding there for a moment before she pulls back and places a gentle kiss at the corner of his mouth.
“Mj, m’gonna get you sick,” he murmurs, turning away.
“I don’t care,” is her reply, and she reaches up to align his face with hers. She kisses him fully now, her heart threatening to escape wherever it can.
When she pulls back, she hopes she hasn’t gone too far, but then he’s looking at her, and suddenly no decision she’s ever made has made more sense. She trails the hand that made its way to the back of his neck slowly down to the bed, and she rests her forehead against the heat of his.
“Thank you for trusting me,” she whispers, her hand finding his and placing her pinky on top of his. “I wasn’t just watching you because I thought you were Spider-Man.”
He pulls back a little, his eyebrows half-raised in a softly pained expression. He looks at her in mute suspension.
“Mj…I don’t want you to get dragged into this…,” he says, so quietly she can hardly hear him from inches away.
“Whatever happens, we can figure it out together. I’m not scared.”
He reaches a hand up to scrub at his face in frustration. Wilting, he covers his eyes and drops his chin to his chest.
“You don’t understand. Everywhere I go…people get hurt. Ben, Tony, May. Everything I touch gets ruined,” he says, voice heavy. “It’s like I can feel death breathing down my neck all the time, Mj…all the time.”
Mj immediately takes her hand to the back of his neck, fingertips just barely brushing through his hair where she rests it. “Peter, that is not true. Life hasn’t been fair to you, but you hold absolutely no blame for that. You shouldn’t have to carry that around.”
He slowly lays back against the mattress, and she can see where tears begin to trail down his temples. She lies beside him.
“You know what actually happens when you’re around?” She asks, turning on her side to face him. “People feel safe. You buy them food. You save them from burning buildings. You give them back what the bad people in the world take from them.”
He closes his eyes tightly, and more tears escape. He wipes them away, breathing out shakily. In the dim light shining from the bedside lamp, she sees just how worn he looks. Suddenly, she realizes he’s been letting thoughts like those consume him for a long time.
He’s sick, he’s tired, and there’s no doubt he’s still injured from fighting the elementals just a day earlier. The ugly feeling in her chest spreads deep, and she reaches over to rest her hand on his heart. She can almost feel how run down he is.
“I really like you, okay? But I don’t want you to have to worry about me. You already have more than enough on your plate. I’ll be a friend if you need me to be, and if you ever feel comfortable with more than that, I’ll still be right here,” she promises, knowing now that there’s nothing she won’t do to help him, even if that means waiting. Even if that means they’re never more.
Peter turns his head and slowly opens his eyes. She wipes away a tear that pools at the bridge of his nose.
“I really like you,” he finally says. “I…I need to think about things for a little, but…I don’t think I can go on and act like everything that’s happened tonight doesn’t mean as much to me as it does.”
“Me either,” she replies honestly. “I really just want you to be happy. Whatever that means for you.”
He’s silent for a second, eyes flickering between hers. “This makes me happy. Even though I feel like someone ran me over, I’m happy. It’s always been you.”
“Then that’s enough.”
Mj can’t imagine feeling any more content than she does in that exact moment. No one else exists outside this hotel room. There’s enough life in the two of them to sustain the rest of the universe. She leans closer and softly brushes her lips against his shoulder.
“You need to get some rest, Peter. Come here,” she urges, sitting up and scooting back to the headboard.
He manages to get himself up and under the duvet, resting his head on one of the pillows. Exhaustion covers his face. Mj stands up.
“I’m gonna grab your water and put it on the nightstand. Do you feel like you might get sick again?”
He hums, shutting his eyes. “I don’t know…maybe.”
“Okay. I’ll bring the bucket and set it on the floor next to you just in case.”
“Thank you.”
She does just that, urging him to take at least a couple sips before he actually falls asleep. He doesn’t put up too much of a fight, but that’s probably due to being absolutely drained.
His breaths even out quickly after that, so Mj tries to be as quiet as she can while she does her best to clean up everything from earlier. It’s mostly just water, so it’s not too bad. Oddly enough, because it’s Peter, it doesn’t bother her one bit.
When she’s done, she gently climbs back onto the bed next to him and takes a minute to try and comprehend everything that’s gone down in the past hour or so. She reaches up to grasp at the remnants of the black dahlia, feeling a wave of warmth draw over her whole body. She wouldn’t change a thing.
A/N: Thank you guys for reblogging my posts and reading! It means a lot :)
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spidercrusadersworld · 8 months
ahhh kidnapping, my favorite fanfiction trope trope.
peter B's pov
I woke up to a scream. I'ts something that will always get me up out of bed, I'm dead tired, but if I hear commotion, I have to act. as I start to leave my bed side, I feel Mj's hand grab mine.
"be careful" she says tiredly. I quickly kiss her on the forehead.
"I'll be back before you wake up" I say. I go out into the living room, and Maya's waiting outside my door. "You too, huh?" I ask.
"yeah, guilty conscience I guess." she says. "can I come? please!" she pleads with me.
I look out the window, to see two men stealing a purse from an old woman.
"fine but be quick, don't let anyone else see you, don't want any of Jonah's reporters to find out about you!". shes been asking to go for a swing around my neighborhood for a while now. I always say no because If Jonah sees there's another spider, well, you can imagine what he'd do. he'd hunt her down, stalk her, antagonize her, the whole bit. that's the last thing I want for Maya. this universe should be a safe place for her. but since it's the dead of the night, and it's only a small robbery, I'll let it slide.
we both suit up and I admire Maya's different aesthetic, It's still clearly a spider suit, But with much more... Maya.
we head out the window and immediately we take out the thugs and return the purse to the woman.
"oh thank you, thank you so much, you heroes!" the old woman says. "here, won't you give a poor old woman a hug! those men almost gave me a heart attack!"
that's so sweet I think and I give maya a que to head back home. I go over and hug the woman when my spider senses start blaring, I feel a sharp stab in my shoulder. and before I can even process what's happening, I pass out. the last thing I feel is a cold hard object being pressed against my head.
Maya's pov.
I head home ready to go to my bed, when my spider sense starts screaming. I turn around as fast as a bullet to see an uncommon sight. peter collapsed on the ground, the woman and the two thugs all with guns in hand. two of them aimed at me, but the most concerning is the womans, which is aimed straight at peters head.
I stand there stunned not knowing what to do, in my universe, guns were rare, even most high level criminals, like green goblin, would never lay their eyes on one in their entire lifetime. seeing three of them being held by street thugs, was unexpected and concerning, and I was frozen in fear from seeing one aimed straight at peters head.
I had only ever found myself fighting against someone with a gun twice, the first time, I was nearly killed, and the second i couldn't even lay a hand on the shooter. and that was one person, this is three. to be honest I wouldn't have cared about getting shot if all three guns were aimed at me, but seeing peters limp and completely defenseless body being held at gunpoint, that's what's keeping me frozen in place.
one of the men turns their gun to peter, while the woman drops hers to tie him up and stuff him in a god damn trunk.
my spider sense goes off again and the men drop smoke bombs, and disappear, leaving me alone and in the dark.
Part One
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madhare0512 · 2 years
A Comprehensive List of SpideyFist Interactions (pt.4)
hello and welcome back to: reasons Spideyfist is canon. a series where i take you through each episode of The Ultimate Spiderman and show you why i believe that Peter Parker and Danny Rand are dating in canon, or at least that they are each other’s favorites. and also give you commentary on the show itself as i do
warnings for: episode spoilers, season spoilers, action/injury description, unsolicited commentary, probable cussing, violence, caps lock, bullying, mentions of pedophilia
this part features episodes 21 through 26 of season one
S1E21 I am Spider-Man:
- before i even opened this episode to watch, my brain assaulted me with the plot and i can tell you right now that it was fucked up in more ways than one. Danny’s not really in this episode, so this is probably gonna be headcanon and commentary only and i’m sorry for the commentary you’re about to receive. 
- MJ calling creepy guys out on their bs like the queen she is
- also, the fucking Trapster is boarderline pedo
- okay, we all know how Peter feels about his secret identitiy. that’s always been clear through every iteration of Spiderman, Peter Park does NOT want people knowing he is Spiderman. so, what this is to say: when Peter removes his mask on stage and the camera pans to the reaction, there’s shock on MJ, Luke, Ava, and Sam’s faces. but Danny’s not shocked. Danny looks scared. this is gonna be apparent in later parts, but Danny knows how much Peter’s identity means to him, the entire team is fully aware. Danny’s scared for Peter, not shocked it’s him under the mask
- MJ wanting to change the public opinion is so valid
- Coulson is so self-centered in this episode it scares me
- how in the fuck is Spiderman wrong for the part of SPIDERMAN
- Peter’s bully being chosen to play him is ironic
- Sam’s blatant dismissal of Peter’s bullying, also the costume switch, is another reason i ship what i ship. Sam had no right to take Peter’s costume, that he put time and effort into making, and honestly, i don’t blame Peter for being angry about this
- JJJ really just has a grudge a Peter at this point
- the understudy list is so fucking wrong. also, it shows how much Coulson DOESN’T know Spiderman. Sam is on the list after Flash, Ava after him, Miles Morales next, then Peter. you wanna know who’s NOT on that list? either of the other two people specifically mentioned ealier in the season to be quite similar to Spiderman by Taskmaster. bull-fucking-SHIT
- honorable mentions of poly!team: Danny, Luke, Sam, and Ava show up to support Peter (or laugh at him, but they could’ve just watch a video for that)
- Peter does his job to the best of his ability, even against Flash
- Peter’s the fucking best at speeches
- Peter’s gonna look less like the real thing, which is something else that goes towards his secret identity
- in the team line up, Peter says Danny’s name first
- Danny’s the first one with an inkling that this fight may actually be real, doesn’t count towards SpideyFist, but it does show how observant and smart he is
- “is there some chance that’s the real Spiderman?” Danny knows exactly what Peter looks like when he fights and exactly how he acts as Spiderman, which counts because you have to be paying attention a LOT for that kind of memorization, he dismisses it, probably because of May distracting him, but it’ll bug him until he’s proven right
- headcanon: Danny always knows when Peter’s in a fight from here on out. he’s constantly got a line of his attention focussed on Peter in some way
- Coulson just pisses me off this episode
- the second-hand embarrassment was so real this episode, i had so much of it. i nearly turned the episode off like six times, kid you not
- of course Ava’s worried about sitting out an actual fight
- Flash being a good guy for all of five seconds
S1E22 The Iron Octopus: 
- Danny’s also not in this episode, so it’s headcanon and commentary
- ah, second Deadpool mention
- happens all the fucking time, apparently, Peter
- huh, i don’t remember this episode well
- nope, nevermind, yes i do
- Peter doesn’t like guns, which likely comes from trauma relating to Ben
- Iron Man no longer has a head
- Tony destroys his own tech regularly, which is kinda funny when you look at it through the “he gets mad when his armor is broke” lense
- two rich guys, one his best friend’s father and the other his mentor. looks at my SpideyFist lists ...man, Peter just attracts rich guys, huh?
- among the things i don’t blame Doc Ock for are being so utterly pissed off at Norman.
- “might want to sit this one out, doc” Peter being so protective of Dr. Connors is adorable on all levels
- knowing what i know now about the team and how the SHIELD thing works for them specifically, i think it’s fucking weird how little Fury calls on them. they’re supposed to be training to be heroes, correct? how are they supposed to learn if they don’t get real-word experience. is it that they aren’t ready? but Peter is? idk maybe i read too much into this. also, what’s the team doing right now that they can’t go and help in this situation with Doc Ock is attacking the hellicarrier?
- Peter’s done things to villains that would apparently see him strung up
- Osborn’s manipulation thing is disgusting
S1E23 Not a Toy: 
- “i need back up! front up? side up?” Iron Fist appears out of the fog and yes this freaking counts
- “tell me you’re not freaking out and maybe i’ll calm down!” translation: Danny is the most zen and chill guy Peter knows, if he’s freaking out, then Peter knows this is something worth freaking out over
- the second Peter lands, he’s trying to find Danny
- Coulson, i’m pretty sure there are stronger people than Cap around
- Danny and Peter are standing next to each other after a battle again!
- Peter fighting until his last breath to get Cap for one more round just because he and the team are excited about it
- the absolute SHOCK on their faces when Steve puts his shield on the line to keep
- listne, Peter just wants JJJ to stop being so cruel to him and that’s a very valid goal
- Danny lasting more than two seconds in a fight against Captain America when he’s still a trainee and having not trained as long as Cap has. AND landing a solid hit on him
- something i think shows since the beginning is that Danny is always well prepared when fighting against Peter or his fighting style. we know from later episodes that they have a weekly sparing session, but we don’t know how far back it goes. given that it’s pretty far into season 1, i think it goes back far enough, like definiately mid-season 1 at least
- Danny, who’s been trained in a multitude of weapons, knowing EXACTLY how dangerous that shield can be
- i’m not saying Sam ratted Peter out, but i am saying he’s the one quickest to blame Peter for things. 
- headcanon: this version of Captain America can look at someone and know exactly what they’re capable of and the potential they have
- “know the fight” is a piece of advice i try to live by these days
S1E24 Attack of the Beetle: 
- Danny’s not in this episode, no notable interactions. and unfortunately, at this time, i don’t have the energy to provide more commentary, so headcanons you’ll get. 
- headcanon: Peter doesn’t believe he’s going to get good things (until, you know, the team and Danny), but he does believe he deserves them
- Peter things his aunt and Coulson shouldn’t go out because Coulson isn’t COOL oh my god
S1E25 Revealed:
- guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, i have a small confession. i’ve been waiting for this episode since i started this plot. this one and a few others are pretty big for Spideyfist. one of those episodes is Strange Days, this is the next one on the list. i apologize for nothing about what i’m about to do
- celebrating the small things
- Danny doesn’t pull Peter away from things. to my knowledge and so far to where i’m at in USM, Danny’s never called Peter in. Ava has, Sam has, and now Luke, but Danny hasn’t. which i’m counting because it means Danny doesn’t want to pull Peter away from his “me time” or his friends
- i feel awful for Harry in this moment. his best friend and his father have both abandoned him
- when Klaw is about to attack Peter while his back is turned, Danny comes barrelling in immediately to make sure Peter stays safe. and the thumbs up they give each other is adorable
- Peter and Danny are standing next to each other during a battle again. i should binge USM and take a shot of chocolate milk whenever this happens, just to see how long it takes me to get a sugar high
- “let’s take ‘em out!” aaaaaaaand Danny’s the first one to follow the order
- “try to maintain calm, friend.” right after you just went and punched the robot so hard it fucking exploded?
- gee, i fucking wonder where Spiderman is. y’all didn’t watch him, so the bad guy snatched him
- also, Sam and Luke look in one direction confused, but Danny looks AROUND in a panic
- headcanon: Danny may not be the first one out the door, but he’s right on Ava’s heels
- ah yes, the Goblin serum
- headcanon: Peter has lightning scars
- Danny is right there at the front, closest to the way this little bot is going. he talks about having patience like he needs to remind himself that he need to be patient, which counts as being very worried about Peter
- “eventually it’ll lead us to Spiderman.” not “to the person who has Spiderman”, not “to where we need to go” both of which would’ve been more in character with Danny not even two episodes ago. “it’ll lead us to Spiderman”
- Danny moves first to go after the robot. almost desperate, like he NEEDS to get to Peter
- you know, for all Doc Ock rants about being a great scientist, he sure doesn’t do well at the whole “creation i can control” thing
- who’s the first one to jump down into the fight to help Peter? Danny’s the first one to jump down into the fight to help Peter
- and Peter’s talking directly to Danny instead of the rest of the team again
- oh, look at that, Danny walks up to get a closer look at the new creature formed and who does he stand behind (protecting his back while also knowing he’s going to be protected)? Peter, it’s Peter. of COURSE it’s Peter
- hey remember when i said back in like part 2 that Danny only talks himself up twice? i was mistaken, it’s just the once. Danny’s saying they should’ve stayed and finished the fight. but why would he do that, this is a new creature, they don’t know it’s power set. well maybe it’s because Doc Ock stole his boyfriend and he’s a little touchy about that. 
- also, Peter says “we’re drawing it out” and lemme just flashback to Damage Control when Luke and Danny’s plan was to draw the assailant out
- in the fucking fight. in the fucking Green Goblin fight, who gets hurt first? Luke. Luke, who’s been electricuted and is not getting up, who Danny and Ava where both worried about depsite having trained with and understanding his powerset. and who does Peter go to when injured? NOT LUKE. NOPE! no, no, no, Danny gets smacked into a wall and Peter goes to Danny instead
- “Iron Fist! Stay with me buddy!” other teammates getting hurt and knocked out around him
- you wanna know something else? Peter’s all quips and wit until someone fucks with the team. like this is the first serious battle where we see the team get hurt to the point that they aren’t getting back up. Peter isn’t saying any quips, he’s not using those one-liners he’s so famous for. what does he say to Goblin when Goblin makes towards his fallen teammates? he says, “you sick freak.” this isn’t a game to him, and that’s not his best friend’s dad anymore, that’s the person who hurt his team. that’s not Norman Osborn, that’s the Green Goblin. 
- he’s also not holding back. you see him giving EVERYTHING he can. “i should beat you into a paste!” like it’s something Peter can DO without trying. Peter’s fucking terrifying under the quips and the sarcasm and rookie-ness
- and STILL he extends help to Goblin. even after he beat Peter’s team up, even after causing pain and injury to the people Peter considers family, he still says, “let me help you”
- “sorry, Mr. Osborn, but my team? they’re like my family. and if i have to take you out to save them, then that’s what i’m gonna do” FUCK
- the fact that the team is literally carrying each other out is something awful and terrifing. i didn’t watch this episode when it first came out, and watching it now as an adult just sinks it in that we’re meant to view Goblin as an Ultimate Adversary
- Peter blames himself because of course he does
- Danny’s the only one facing away from Peter when the camera pans to the team when Peter says “everyone i care about”, i know i talked about how Danny doesn’t like letting people see him vulnerable or weak. he’s supposed to be a king, a leader, of course he doesn’t want someone to see him injured. this goes DOUBLE for Peter, Danny’s leader. 
- Peter cuts the team coughcoughDannycoughcough out of his life to keep them safe but of course we know that won’t work. their leader sets an awful example
S1E26 The Rise of Goblin:
- Peter, babe, that’s not healthy, you gotta sleep
- Peter is shocked to see his team, despite knowing that his team would literally follow him to the end
- “what are you guys doing?” following their leader, dumbass
- do i think Spideyfist broke up this arc? no. but i do think their relationship was a little strained. they had to work it out. 
- and despite not wanting his team in the middle of this, he lets them hold Goblin off while he gets Harry out of danger
- “it’s that serious?” no, Harry, it’s all a practical joke being played on you by Spiderman and his team to fuck with you
- Danny is the first one to try and convince Peter that he needs the team and Peter gives Danny his full attention
- Peter gets after Ava, Sam, and Luke for being at the fight, but not Danny who was also there. Peter literally doesn’t even LOOK at him during the fight except for when Danny’s talking directly to him
- “nobody. and i mean NOBODY hurts my friends.” and we’re back to Peter being all business
- hey guess what. Peter and Danny where walking next to each other after a fight again. 
- camera pans over to Sam when he speaks and shows Sam and Danny instead of just Sam
- Peter says stop and Danny (and Luke) is right there to enforce Peter’s rules
- do i even need to say it at this point? becaue Fury may have been right behind Peter but Danny was a step behind Fury and that fucking MEANS SOMETHING
- the SECOND Gobling starts going after Danny, Peter is on his feet and MOVING to take the threat out
- “you wanna know who’s responsible for who i am? my mentors! my friends! my team!” aww, he gives credit to his team, that’s so cute
- Peter doesn’t quip when he’s pissed off at the villain he’s fighting. Goblin not only attacked him and Harry, Goblin attack Peter’s teammates. Goblin hurt Peter’s teammates and that’s a transgression Peter cannot forgive
- honestly, i’m just taking a shot every time Peter and Danny are standing behind or next to each other after, during, or before a battle
- there’s a metaphor here about mental health and how the Goblin is the angriest and darkest part of Norman. Goblin wanting to stay as he is, is kinda like a metaphor for a person who doesn’t want to get help, who wants to stay the way they are dealing with the symptoms and triggers that are part of their mental illness. it’s awful to see, in a way
- “i will find them. all of them!” and Peter’s up on his feet threatening both Goblin and Venom with bodily harm if a single one touches his family
- and this is forshadowing for the season 2 finale
- when Peter is presumed dead after the hellicarrier explodes, Ava, Sam, and Luke all call out for him, they’re worried about who’s gonna tell Aunt May. you know who doesn’t say a word? Danny. you know who doesn’t say a word when someone they love and car about had died? that person's significant other. Danny was speechless
- and when Peter comes back up on the beach, they all look happy and shocked, but Danny? Danny’s face is pure relief
- and Danny coming in with the comforting advice that makes Peter stop and LISTEN
- and here’s where we find out that the other four heroes actually live on the hellicarrier which once again brings me to the question, where the hell have they been the past season when the hellicarrier was under attack? you don’t see them anywhere else but school or training or mission
- honorable powerspideyfist mentions: Peter (teasingly) insults Ava and Sam, gives Luke and Danny compliments. this also applies to Spideyfist
and this seasons total Spideyfist count is: 169 interaction out of 26 episode. 
thank you so much for reading! season 2 coming soon!
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measuringbliss · 9 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 044: Peter's Graduation (ASM 181-186, Ann 12)
Len Wein's run finished with an astounding Green Goblin story, what will Marv Wolfman bring to the table?
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Oh wow, we're not wasting time, huh!
I also know some little kitten is coming soon...
Our story begins a grave. Uncle Ben's grave!
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And what a striking first page. Beautiful colors, smart positioning for the artists, overall really impressive beginning.
This issue is just a recollection of how our hero came to be, with a subtle retcon of Harry Osborn existing back when Peter was in high school. There's an entire page about Jameson's various ways to attack him--he really tried his best! The issue features really nice art, and there's a page where it recounts Spidey's foes... including Will O'The Wisps and Stegron. Uh, sure. Not gonna let me forget the latter now, are we?
My boy the Prowler also gets a cameo, which is quite lovely.
At the end, a penniless father steals Peter's old microscope he just dropped to Ben's grave. That's another kid who'll be happy!
#182 time!
Marv Wolfman's first tenure is to bring beloved supervillain Rocket Racer. Huh! Paying respect to your predecessor, I can appreciate that.
More importantly, this issue starts with one of these panels that Ross Andru seems to love and that, for me, have come to define his tenure:
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Mindbending perspectives.
And you know what?
I think Ross Andru loves Rocket Racer, because their chase gives him the occasion to have fun angles and draw specific buildings, and i'm sure it was pretty much Christmas in his head, hahaha. Good for him!
So Spidey loses RR, who blackmails his employer who wants incriminating evidence against himself to make it disappear.
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First off: those angles in the first three panels are a rare kind of thing, I feel! And secondly: Hmm, who might that be? A small, thin figure... I'm intrigued!
At the hospital, May tells Peter that married life is really cool. Uh-oh... Are we going to get a proposal, folks?
I didn't notice that right away, to be fair. It's MJ who lampshades it as they leave the room, and she's even about to say she's sad she doesn't have anyone like that (at least, before she gets cut off: where's Anna in all this?) when Peter, who doesn't care in the slightest, has a bad feeling. Doesn't notice anything though, although we definitely see some focus on a character...
Later, the blackmailed guy tries to end things, but Rocket Racer saves him--he wants money after all.
There's a fun scene where two police offers try to catch RR, to no avail. It channels Spidey's chase with the Tarantula through the city a bit. Just a bit.
Interestingly, Spidey says that he'll be graduating "in a few months" and he's been offered a scholarship to teach at ESU and pay his PHD. Nice!
While chasing RR, Spidey notices that his web has been getting weaker for months now... something affecting the original formula (um sure Peter, let's go with that). Set up! Set up!
Anyway, RR escapes once again, but it doesn't matter because...!
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Aww that's cute! I admit the scene made me smile.
You know, that was a fun issue. The hero side was fun, and the human side was fun as well!
In #183, Spidey tells us that MJ hasn't answered the proposal yet (oof, that "gulp" was sinister enough...) and we get this...
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Lmao, why does Peter look so smooth in the middle panel? Get outta here with that omega man stuff, hahaha.
So Weele, the guy blackmailed by RR, goes to the Tinkerer and decides he wants to be a supervillain too. So the Tinkerer's effectively becoming "that guy every villain comes to to become a supervillain", given that he already built RR's suit.
At the hospital, May's gonna be fine, but "Robert" is there too. His mom is not fine, and the hospital bills keep piling on. He's definitely doing something shady to pay stuff, but what?
Turns out Robert is Rocket Racer. Nice, we get backstory and motivation! Interestingly, both heroes fight while wanting to protect their mother figure in the same room, it makes for a nice moment.
You know what is bonkers?
Weele's new alter ego: Big Wheel. The famous one. I'd heard he was pretty remarkable, and. Yes. I can see that.
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The fights ends with Big Wheel rolling into the Hudson. Oops. It was nice to know you!
More importantly, Spider-Man's appearance at the hospital has put May in need of intensive care, says the most asshole male nurse I've ever seen. And then MJ comes... to give back the ring. Oof.
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Poor Peter. Who is this in his apartment? That era where you let anyone go to your place, I swear...
Anyway, good issue too! I definitely enjoy the tighter focus on the personal lives of the characters.
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Hehehe. A lot of people had guessed it was him! I think having multiple months during the storyline definitely was in their favor.
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Some people are NOT happy, but I personally am. They're not yet ready!
In #184, Betty Brant is back! Is she gonna be a serious romantic candidate? I don't feel like Peter's ready for a new partner just yet... and isn't she with Ned Leeds?
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Look, if I'm putting this here, it's because Peter Parker is fine as fuck. I think he looked better some 50 issues ago, but he's fresh regardless. He doesn't look as cute anymore... Then again, he's been through some stuff.
Oh right. The plot!
So Betty just left Ned, which means Peter and Ned can finally start dating. I've been waiting for this!
Her story is kind of sad, but also, I really understand it. Not speaking the language can be pretty isolating.
Peter quickly thinks that hey, Betty and him could rekindle their old romance, but he immediately thinks that's not a good idea. She's still married, and he's a good Jewish man.
...I kind of want to see that, though. A bit of drama. Scandal!
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And she's into it too, clearly, because she's not going to let Peter go alone to his graduation practice. Is that a thing? I don't have my high school diploma, and I'm still not entirely sure how/when I'll be able to get my university diploma hahaha. Oh, Americans.
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Nice to see Marla's still here. And continuation of the Man-Wolf storyline, that's great!
At university, Peter and Betty have a nice time, at least until they cross the path of Philip Chang, who obviously has some PTSD.
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Let me enjoy hot Peter in peace.
There's Spidey business for a bit, then back to our betrayers! Betty says Paris is depressing, and she's entirely right. It sucks! It has beautiful things, but it sucks!
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Unfortunately, their water is Philip from earlier! Philip is not jazzed up about it, but Peter once again tries to reach out to that lonely figure that calls back to his past self. It's heartwarming, I like it!
So turns out Philip is threatened by this gentleman below.
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The White Dragon kidnaps Philip and in consequence, Peter quickly gets rid of Betty, but she seems enamored still, and he has to admit he's also not indifferent to her.
Turns out, Philip has to choose between one of 4 gangs to belong to. Oh. Spidey gets rekt by the White Dragon, and if he wants to save him, Philip has to pick a gang.
But Philip can't, and Spidey's thrown in a gigantic vat of burning oil. Poor guy.
In the comments on *a certain website*, one guy tells his own horror story, about how he also proposed to his girlfriend, who accepted the ring without saying yes or no... then they gradually stopped talking. Oof. That's rough. Hang in there, buddy.
In #185, Spidey gets off fine because while the oil burns his chains, it somehow doesn't burn HIM. Suuuuure. After drowning in the nearby river, he goes back to free Philip. Turns out Philip's dangerous activity back in Hong Kong caused the deaths of his parents, and he vowed to never use violence again. Naturally, that means he can't enter a gang.
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These are fun panels. The White Dragon is easily defeated.
Now, onto the graduation! Robbie brings a TV to May's room so she doesn't miss anything, that's sweet!
All of Peter's friends are there (well, not Ned, nor MJ), but there's bad news... he's not on the list! No matter, he still goes to the ceremony. Jameson does a speech that literally lasts "several hours" until, at last... he concludes with "Excelsior" and a reminder that everybody should subscribe to the Bugle.
Peter's name is never called though. The dean tells him he misses one credit, for his sports class. How ironic!
Well, at least, he can always catch up in the summer.
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...Wait. What is that.
Is Ross Andru leaving? Is he gone? Was it his final issue? It's a great issue to end on, with a sense of finality, but god damn it, to say I was so happy to have him all this time! Are you kidding me?!
#186 time! Hello, Keith Pollard. Let's see how you're faring.
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It's like Ross Andru never left.
Spidey saves a guy from this burning building, to Jameson's despair, but the guy's not happy...
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Ooh, that outfit has aged terribly. But the Chameleon seems gay for Spidey so I'm invested.
Anyway, Peter needs money because May needs to be treated and the US health system sucks. So...
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Oh my god, they actually fucked.
This is awful, I love it.
The next page helpfully informs me that no, they didn't, they just spoke all night while very obvious sexual tension threatened to ruin their lives. I'm into this too, but it's a bit disappointing, I'm not gonna lie.
Spidey is fed up with being considered public enemy, so he goes to the feds, but...
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Spider-Man is starting to look dangerously like Danganronpa.
Oh well.
Spidey gets an interview in Central Park, but the Chameleon tricks him and his reputation is once again ruined.
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It looks right out of a horror movie, I love that left panel hahaha
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Aww, Flash, baby! My babyboy
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Hmm, we haven't seen Electro in a hot minute... Okay, alright, why not!
So that was alright, this issue. The artists did a good job!
If you're wondering, Annual 12 is ASM #119 and #120, so nothing special. I covered them here already!
Overall a really good batch, I loved the amount of social life we got to see, and I'm curious to see what happened in Spectacular throughout this batch. Next time, folks! I do seem to recall we've got a mystery...
Should be fun!
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1nm2 · 1 year
❛ why is it whenever we see each other, one of us is covered in blood? ❜ tobey peter to andrew peter
Peter covers his mouth and his fingers rapidly fumble before uh – ‘ M-Theory?  ‘
His smile is freakishly amiable, while the tears not-well in his eyes, confused, slightly hurt, like you could punch him in the liver and you’ll get a whisper, ‘sorry…’. For being arrogant. Around them and the dozen tiny spice bottles she doesn’t prance back and forth confused altogether, either. She wouldn’t. He slams his grip down around other me’s bicep. She’d know what to do with that--thaaat...-- bloodily fibrous flesh wound he's squinting at.
‘  Another you could have been in Spain…
--You know it’s always Aunt May, not Aunt June. All three of us ha-have an MJ – or. Had.
And Gen Z got his suit as like a.. a Christmas present? Cool.  ‘   He hangs his head.  
‘  It’s, it’s… different, huh?  ‘  The sweet kicks, the midair swings had been a lot less. It all goes skittering off into the dark of the neighbourhood mazes and disappears. His place’s not what it used to be. One day there’s police buzz below the apartments, and then…  
‘   Is there a Stark in your world?   ‘ 
0 notes
metalsiren-a · 1 year
                          —— 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬  𝐚𝐫𝐞  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫  𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧,  anyone  who  is  anyone  knows  that  when  sawyer  and  mj  show  up  that  it  will  be  a  night  to  remember.  whether  those  memories  are  chrystal  clear  or  a  little  bit  hazy  depends  on  the  night,  though  for  sawyer  it  often  ends  up  in  the  latter.  alcohol  flows  freely,  sawyer  on  the  opposing  team  of  her  best  friend  and  her  new  boyfriend  for  a  not-so-friendly  game  of  beer  pong.  sure,  herself  and  vili  together  are  a  formidable  duo;  however,  up  against  the  sorest  losers  and  least  graceful  winners,  they  look  like  childsplay.  rules  change.  technicalities  enforced.  the  brunette  shouldn't  be  surprised  that  they  end  up  losing,  with  mj  and  odin  hollaring  and  topping  off  their  win  with  a  small  victory  dance.  all  the  while,  an  already  fairly  drunk  and  carefree  sawyer  can  feel  the  way  vili  is  absolutely  seething  at  her  side,  calling  out  cheat  plays  and  his  own  technicalities  that  matter  none  percent  now  that  the  winners  have  been  chosen. 
                      leaving  the  three  of  them  to  hash  it  out,  sawyer  slowly  backs  away,  trying  to  disappear  into  the  crowd  and  find  the  kitchen  to  make  herself  another  drink.  the  lack  of  competitive  streak  in  her  is  rare,  as  it's  usually  mj  and  sawyer  being  the  ones  rubbing  salt  in  the  wounds  their  opponents  are  still  licking.  however,  seeing  her  best  friend  find  that  joy  and  energy  matched  by  someone  she  can  be  happy  with  douses  any  sort  of  need  for  arguement  over  trivial  points.  
                      with  a  fresh  vodka  soda  in  hand,  sawyer  finds  herself  in  the  backyard;  a  space  where  it's  a  little  more  quiet.  as  extroverted  as  she  is,  there  are  moments  where  she  desires  repieve,  a  small  instance  of  recharging  before  she  goes  back  into  the  frey.  though,  another  reason  she  enjoys  finding  solitude  is  because  it  often  leads  to  deep  (  albiet  very  intoxicated  )  introspective  conversations  that  are  forgotten  (  purposefully  or  otherwise  )  come  morning.  it's  an  opportunity  to  meet  new  people  and  escalate  friendships  in  a  way  that  doesn't  often  happen  outside  of  sobriety.  however,  instead  of  a  new  friend,  a  familiar  redhead  takes  a  seat  at  her  friend's  side  by  the  one  small  firepit  in  the  center  of  the  yard  and  sawyer  finds  nothing  but  contentment  in  mj's  presence. 
                      though  no  words  are  spoken,  it's  almost  like  an  entire  conversation  is  had  between  the  two  of  them  simply  through  looks.  sawyer's  lips  pull into  a  grin  as  mj's  does  the  same.  the  nature  of  each  are  vastly  different,  with  sawyer's  expression  a  cheeky  statement  about  mj's  feelings  for  her  new  beau  and  mj's  a  response  to  said  statement  with  a  failed  attempt  at  dismissal  and  denial.  only  a  moment  passes  when  mj  looks  to  her  friend  with  a  somewhat  softened  expression.
@redhead-reporter :  ❛  don't  let  me  destroy  him . . . ❜ 
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                     brows  lift  in  surprise,  the  brunette's  smile  widening  before  a  long,  drawn-out  'woooooow'  leaves  her,  ❛  you  really  like  him,  huh? ❜  her  teasing  is  met  with  a  rather  abrasive  nudge  from  the  redhead's  shoulder  against  her  own,  causing  sawyer  to  almost  lose  her  balance  even  as  a  laugh  leaves  her.  catching  herself  at  the  last  moment,  she  straightens,  expression  softening  some  before  she  leans  against  mj  completely,  foreheads  touching  as  her  nose  scrunches  playfully,   ❛  i  think,  for  the  first  time  in  the  history  of  everything . . .  you  need  to  make  sure  he  doesn't  destroy  you. ❜   
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ravagedarkness · 2 years
Spider-Man: Home Rebuilt, Chapter 27: The L Word
MJ called up Kitty. I was going to do that, but she pointed out that I tend to ramble a bit whenever I’m panicked and… she’s not wrong. So, I sat on Michelle’s bed and watched her as she explained everything. During this, I was mentally kicking myself. I didn’t mean to forget about my suit and gadgets there. I kept those there in case of an emergency, but since I’ve had better suits and gadgets, I never had to resort to the old stuff. So, I forgot about them.
“Uh-huh… Uh-huh… Okay, I’ll let him know… Alright, thanks. See you around.” MJ ended the call, then looked straight at me with a slight scowl. “Okay, I’m going to need you to stop kicking yourself.”
I tried to smile. And I did. But I felt the fakeness of it. “I’m not,” I said. “I’m grand. I’m…” I sighed. “Yes, I’m kicking myself.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry Em. It’s just that – ”
“Peter,” she interjected. “You have nothing to be sorry about.” She walked over and took a seat next to me. “Things beyond our control happen every day.”
“I know.” I took in a breath. “…Another thing I need to work on, huh?”
“We all have things we need to work on.” MJ leaned over, placing her head on my shoulder. “Recognizing that is usually a good first step.”
I nodded. “What did Kitty say?”
“She said go about your day as normal – she’ll bring you your old suit and gadgets after she swipes them.”
I tilted my head. “What? But what about the government agents? I’m sure she can swipe the stuff with ease, but the agents are there and – ”
“There’s nothing they can really do, as far their investigation goes. Had this been before The Spell, maybe you’d have something to worry about. But now, only a handful people know that Peter Parker was ever a student at Midtown High, and only three of them go to Midtown. No one is going to suspect that we have any connection to Spider-Man as long as we keep our mouths shut.” I looked down at her, and she looked up at me. “You do trust us, right?”
“You know I do,” I replied.
“Then let us handle it. You’re not alone anymore.”
I nodded. We sat there in silence for a bit. I knew we would have to leave soon. MJ had school and I had to swing by work. But I didn’t want to leave. Maybe if her parents were out until tomorrow, I might’ve tried to convince her to stay. But, as it was, I just decided to enjoy this moment with her. However, a question popped into my head.
“Hey, Em, may I ask you a question?” I inquired.
“You just did,” Michelle jokingly pointed out. “But yes, you may.”
“How come you’re not freaked out about us having a shared dream?”
MJ raised her head from my shoulder before she shrugged. “It’s really not all that uncommon. I remember reading about it a while back – I was watching Look Who’s Talking Now, and I was curious to see if shared dreams were really a thing. Turns out that it’s not only real, but it’s not too uncommon. Apparently, it tends to happen between people who are very close.”
“You’ve had one before?”
“…No. You’re my first.”
I lowered my head in embarrassment. “Ah jeez.” Michelle leaned into me. I felt her hand move up and down my back.
“Hey,” she said soothingly. “Things started off a bit hectic, but it was still fun. I couldn’t think of a better person to share a dream with.” She paused for a moment. She then scoffed. “This sounds like we’re talking about sex, doesn’t it?”
I chuckled a bit. “I didn’t want to say anything, but… yes. It does.”
MJ chuckled. She then sighed. “I’m going to be honest, though. That wasn’t the question I expected you to ask.” I turned a bit to face her as I tilted my head. “I thought you were going to ask me if I love you, too.”
“Oh.” I smiled slightly as I shook my head. “No, I… Listen, when I told you that… I meant it, but I was feeling…” I paused for a moment to think of the right word. “…open. Vulnerable, you know? And at that moment, I just… It just felt like the right time to tell you how I feel about you. You’re freaking incredible, you know? And there’s so much I love about you. I love your dry wit. I love your knowledge of the darkest parts of history. I love the way you’re there for me and keep me grounded. I love how you’re always open with me and straightforward without being too mean about it and… I don’t think there are enough hours in the day to tell you everything I love about you.” At this point, there was a certain look that came over MJ’s face and her cheeks became a bit flush. “Like I said, I didn’t have any expectation from you, and I’m sorry if it feels like I’m pressuring you but MMPH!”
Before I knew it, Michelle’s lips were against mine. It took me a moment to reciprocate – I wasn’t expecting this. But once I did, it only took us a few moments to get into a rhythm. My senses were focused on her. I barely even registered when we lay on our side. I took in everything about her – the way she smelled, the way her skin felt when I placed my hand on her cheek, the way she tasted when her tongue found its way into my mouth to meet mine, the sound of her heartbeat… At that moment, MJ was the center of and the only thing that mattered in the universe – or multiverse, rather. I didn’t even know or care about how much time passed.
Eventually, the kiss ended. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see MJ staring right back at me. We both smiled at each other goofily for a moment. MJ’s smile then faded as that expression of hers came over her face – the one of vulnerability.
“…I don’t know if I can call what I feel about you love,” she began. “But, I know that, despite the fact that you’re a superhero, I worry for you, and I want to protect you and take care of you. I know that, whenever you’re at Peter Pan, my job becomes a lot less crappy. I know that whenever I think about you, I can’t help but smile because there are things I enjoy and admire about you, such as how protective you are of me and the rest of us American Idiots, and how you try to always do the right thing, even if you don’t quite go about doing it the right way.” She then smirked. “I also know that I may or may not enjoy that cute butt of yours.”
I chuckled as I shook my head. “You have a butt fetish,” I said jokingly.
MJ rolled her eyes. “I enjoy a nice set of cheeks, sue me.” She then looked straight at me, her serious expression returning. “…But in all seriousness, the most I want to say is that I really, really like you. But, considering everything I just said, and considering you got me thinking about things I normally wouldn’t think about, from little things like what to wear when I’m about to hang out with you to major things like what our life together after college and beyond could be like… We should probably call a spade a spade.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Does this mean…?”
“Yes, Peter. I’m saying I love you, too.”
I was at a loss for words, not that I wanted to say anything. I just wanted to kiss her. And that’s exactly what I did. We kissed for some seconds before she pulled away. “Come on, Peter,” she chastised halfheartedly with a smile. “I have to go to school, and you have to go to work.”
“I’m not going to lie to you. I probably won’t be able to focus on anything else for the rest of the day.”
At that, MJ scoffed. “Dork.” She then smiled. “My dork.”
I smiled back at her. “Always.”
The rest of the day went by in a blur. I was barely able to focus on what I had to do at work and at school. As a matter of fact, Scott pulled me aside after class and asked me if I was okay. I told him my day couldn’t get any better. After I explained to him what happened this morning, he stared at me. He then smiled and said one word.
There was only one damper to my whole day. But, in hindsight, it was a crucial moment for me.
After I got home from patrolling, I went to bed. But I didn’t go to sleep. The dream conversation I had with MJ played in my head again and again – specifically, the part where she said I needed to find some professional help. I made a promise – a promise in a dream, but a promise nonetheless. Looking back on it, I could have waited until the morning to do what I was about to do. But, instead, I sat up in my head, grabbed my phone, took it off of my charger, and went through my contacts. I found Scott’s number before I called it. The phone rang a few times. On the fourth ring, I figured I was going to get his voicemail. However, on the fifth ring, Scott picked up.
“Hello?” he said in a raspy voice.
“Hi Scott,” I greeted. “Um… you have a minute?”
“Is everything okay? It’s about three o’clock in the morning.” He went quiet for a bit. During this, I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the screen. It was indeed about three o’clock in the morning – 2:56, to be exact. I brought the phone back to my ear. “You didn’t run into Scorpion, did you?”
“No, no. Um… I’m sorry for calling you around this time but… I was wondering if you could help me with something.”
“Does it have anything to do with Michelle? I can give you advice on that front, but I haven’t dated since I was married, so….”
“Not really, no.” I paused. “You were married?”
“Yeah, I was. Long story short, my wife died and got resurrected as a vessel for a cosmic force. We ended things on an amicable note before she went off to space.” I couldn’t help but mouth a “wow” at that. “But, enough about me. What do you need?”
“I was wondering if you had a number for a therapist.”
“Psychological, or physical?”
“The former. I…” I sighed. “MJ thinks I need one and… I don’t think she’s wrong. The problem is that I need one I can be completely open with. I really don’t want to have to skirt around certain things, you know?”
“So, basically, you want a therapist for costumed vigilantes.”
“Yeah. I know it sounds stupid, but…”
“Pete,” Scott interjected. There was a certain seriousness to his tone – one I would hear in Aunt May’s voice whenever she was about to tell me something really important. “There’s nothing stupid about looking out for your mental health. I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of people I’ve seen burn out or explode at the worst possible moment because they believe that going to therapy was for the weak. Honestly, I’m glad you’re asking me about this. As for your request, I do know a guy. His name is Jericho Drumm. He’s based out of New Orleans, but he does a lot of online sessions as well. I can give you his number to call after class tomorrow, if that’s okay.”
“That would be a great,” I replied.
“Good, good. Now with that squared away, is there anything else you need?”
“Um…” I thought about it for a few moments. Then Aunt May popped into my head. I realized it been a long while since I visited her grave. I’ve been avoiding it for a long time – I didn’t want to cry anymore. But, maybe me not crying wasn’t a good thing. “…I… want to go see my Aunt May tomorrow.”
Scott didn’t respond at first. Maybe it took him a moment to realize what I was saying. “Okay. Do you need a ride or anything?”
“Technically, no. But…” I paused for a moment. “I would like it if you were there with me. I’m going to ask my fellow American Idiots if they can be there with me, too.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t mind. But, usually, that kind of thing is reserved for family.”
“You are my family, Scott.”
There was another pause. There was a part of me that thought that he was going to contradict what I said. But, much to my relief, he spoke again. “I’m free after class. Would that be okay?”
“Yes. Yes it would be.”
“Okay. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow… or today, rather. Good night, Peter.”
“Good night, Scott.”
I ended the call. I then brought up the American Idiots group chat. I started typing away before I sent the message.
“Hey guys. I’m sorry for the late text. But, tomorrow I’m going to visit Aunt May’s grave. I know this is kind of short notice, so don’t feel obligated to do so, but I wanted to know if you guys can be there with me. It’ll be in the afternoon after I’m done with my GED class. Just, let me know if you can.”
I put the phone down and looked forward at the wall in front of me, staring off at nothing. I smiled sadly. I wished Aunt May was still alive. Knowing her, she’d have all of my friends over for dinner just to get to know all of them. She’d tell the group embarrassing stories about me, and I’d whine about it. She’d also tease me and MJ. And then she’d tell them we could sleep over whenever we needed a place to crash. Craig would finally get to know her beyond the two times he met her.
I felt myself start to unravel. This time, I didn’t stop myself from crying as tears flowed from my eyes. I just bowed my head and sobbed, letting it out. I didn’t stop crying until five minutes later. Once I was done, I sniffled as I wiped my eyes with my forearm. Once again, I felt a bit of weight off of my chest. I started to wonder what else was weighing me down. After that, I heard and felt my phone vibrate multiple times on my lap. I picked it up and checked it, seeing I got messages – all from the group chat. I unlocked my phone and checked the messages. I then smiled.
“You know I’ll be there, Peter,” MJ wrote. “I’ll call out of work.”
“Of course I’ll be there, dude,” Ned chimed in. “See you then.”
“I’ll be there as well, even though I never met your Aunt,” Betty added.
“Is this even a question?” Craig demanded. “You already know I’ll be there.”
“I got to be there for my little brother,” Kitty messaged. “Let’s all wear nice clothes, okay?”
I closed my eyes. Tears flowed through my eyes again. This time, it was tears of joys and gratitude. After wiping my tears away, I sent one more message to the group before I called it a night.
“I love you all.”
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ptergwen · 3 years
something about peter and the reader being idiots in love and everyone thinks they’re dating because of how close they are and they’re soooo shocked when they finally find out they have feelings for each other
just friends
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w/c: 2,747
warnings: one slightly suggestive joke, a whole bunch of pining, and a god awful ending
a/n: as you can see i got carried away once again lmfhwjshs sorry for the wait but i hope this makes up for it :D also y’all have been asking so yes requests are open! send them in! and with that i wish you a happy reading <3
“this ink isn’t permanent, is it?” peter asks, squinting at you suspiciously. “i dunno. only one way to find out,” you snort and grab his hand.
you’re in art class, although you’ve taken to drawing on peter instead of the work your teacher assigned.
as per usual.
you situate peter’s hand in your lap and roll up his flannel sleeve to access his arm, which is serving as your canvas. peter pushes his tongue into his cheek to suppress a smile.
“lemme remind you of the rules. no cusses, nothing vulgar,” he begins to list out. you huff. “yeah, yeah. this isn’t my first rodeo, parker,” you dismiss, uncapping your pen. “i know what you like.”
peter lets himself grin this time, eyes meeting yours. you hold his gaze with your lower lip chewed between your teeth. breathing a laugh through your nose, you flick peter’s wrist a few times to prepare him.
“brace yourself. you might feel a little prick,” you joke. “hold my hand?” peter quirks a brow.
your fingers naturally thread through his, peter locking them together. you use your other hand to begin drawing.
you decide on a smiley face and a couple of hearts for his wrist. he watches, but his eyes stay on you rather than your artwork. after scribbling your best attempted stars onto his skin, you move up to his arm.
you neatly write out peter + y/n 4ever in big letters.
that being the finishing touch, you squeeze peter’s hand to signal you’re done.
“thoughts?“ you prompt him, setting your pen down on the table. peter looks over what you drew before looking back up at you. “it’s a masterpiece, y/n. you did it again,” he declares. “easy when i have you as my muse,” you lean in so your nose nudges peter’s.
he chuckles and shakes his head, the tips of your noses rubbing together. your index finger traces over one of the hearts on his wrist.
“greetings, losers,” mj nods at you two as she plops into an empty chair at your table. “how’s it coming along?”
you use your intertwined hands to raise peter’s arm, showcasing your so-called masterpiece. peter shrugs a shoulder.
“seems about right,” mj comments, a smirk pulling at her lips. “she obviously understood the assignment,” peter jokes. you play along. “what can i say? you either have it, or you don’t.”
you rest yours and peter’s hands on the table. his thumb brushes over yours.
“sure,” mj narrows her eyes at you both. “anyway. parker, mind if i steal your girl for a while? i need her expertise for my first draft.”
peter’s eyes nearly pop out of his head.
“my girl?” peter repeats. “what’re you talking about? y/n’s not my girl,” he awkwardly laughs out, looking to you for backup. “yeah, no. that’s… that’s crazy. we’re just friends,” you scoff. “best friends,” peter adds.
“you sure about that?” mj points at your hands, still in each other’s. “so what? we hold hands, like, all the time,” peter defends you two. mj sighs. “my point exactly. you guys are way too touchy to be ‘just friends’,” she air quotes you. “everybody sees it but you, huh?”
well, she’s not wrong.
you glance over at peter. he’s staring down at his feet, head hanging low. there’s a sudden heaviness in the air.
“i think i’ve disturbed the peace enough for one day,” mj observes your changes in mood. “i’ll leave you to it. later, losers.”
she stands from the table and goes back to her own. you and peter sit in silence for a few moments, unsure of what to do with yourselves. he’s the first to break it.
“can you believe her?” peter tries to laugh it off. “i mean, where did that come from? we’re totally just friends… right?” he gulps when you take too long to answer.
before mj called you out, you wouldn’t have hesitated to agree. now, you’re not so certain. you have to think about it.
you’ve loved peter as long as you’ve known him, and he loves you right back. the connection was instant. you two just clicked, like it was meant to be, like everything fell into place right then and there.
the way you feel for peter, you don’t anyone else. you’ve memorized every little detail about him. you can confidently say you know him better than he knows himself. you know all his takeout orders, what makes him tick, the one spot on his head he likes to be scratched.
peter swears his life’s mission is to be yours, and for you to be his. there’s nowhere he would rather be than by your side. he’s spent countless nights falling asleep with you over facetime calls because he doesn’t want to hang up, he never lets you get too far without a pinkie linked in yours or an arm around your shoulders.
neither of you have ever questioned the nature of your relationship. it’s just been what’s it’s been, two besties for the resties.
until now.
“just friends,” you confirm, although unconvincingly. “yeah.”
your hands slip from each other’s.
you and peter begin working on your projects. instead of your usual back and forth, you don’t dare speak a word. your only exchange is when your knee knocks into peter’s by accident, resulting in a deep blush coating his cheeks.
the bell finally rings after what feels like forever. you both pack up your work in your art folders at lightning speed, ready to go. art is your last class of the day. you slide your folder towards peter, as a reminder. one of you always brings them up to your teacher at the end of the period.
“your turn,” you muster a smile. peter returns it, his lips pressed tightly together. “meet you at the door,” he murmurs.
peter collects both your folders while you gather your backpacks. he heads over to your teacher’s desk, making it halfway there when flash stops him.
“yo, check out parker’s tramp stamp,” flash announces, grasping at peter’s arm where both your names are written. “looks like a y/n original. that’s dope,” he compliments. “the mrs has talent, don’t you think?”
“get off me, flash,” peter scowls and yanks his arm away. “we’re just friends,” he corrects. flash nods at him. “keeping it on the low. i respect that,” he approves. “what a gentleman. y/n’s a lucky lady, that’s for sure.”
peter’s face heats up in embarrassment.
“i just told you, we’re not-“
he’s interrupted by betty, whose attention was caught by flash’s remarks.
“aw, that’s so cute! did y/n draw this?” betty grabs ahold of peter’s arm. she admires your work. “you guys are adorbs,” she gawks. “babe, come check this out!” she summons ned over. peter groans. “oh my god, does anybody listen?” he grumbles.
he storms off, before ned can join them. he then drops your folders on your teacher’s desk and hurries over to you, where you’re waiting at the door. you hand him his backpack, noticing a frown etched onto his features.
“thanks,” peter mumbles, tightening the straps around his shoulders. “no problem. you okay?” you question. “i’m alright. let’s just get out of here, hm?” he bumps his shoulder with yours. “lead the way,” you grin.
the tension between you two slowly fades on the walk home to peter’s apartment. you complain about homework and hold hands the whole way there, like normal. only this time, peter’s palm is sweaty against your own out of nerves.
everything your friends said is still at the back of his mind. do they really all think you’re a couple? does he like you as more than a friend and hasn’t realized it yet? does he love you even?
do you love him?
“snap out of it, pedro,” you elbow peter’s side. “we’re here. you spaced out for a sec,” you explain, peter blinking rapidly as he zones back in. “sorry,” he apologizes. you follow him to the main doors of his building. “you’re good. it happens,” you squeeze his hand in reassurance.
you wonder if peter is thinking about the same thing you are.
the two of you collapse on peter’s couch the second you get up to his apartment. peter insists you start your homework, and you suggest english first. it’s a reading assignment. so you won’t be bored to tears by shakespeare, he offers to read it to you. of course, you take him up on that.
you’re laying in peter’s lap, a blanket sprawled over both of you. peter holds the book where you can see it.
“this better be good, parker. i want nothing less than an oscar winning performance,” you demand, gazing up at him. peter opens the book with a chuckle. “then that’s what you’ll get,” he promises, beginning to read.
you go through the first scene of the play, entertained by the voices peter does for each character. he beams to himself every time he makes you laugh. you’re enjoying it so much that even after he finishes your required reading for the night, you urge him to keep going.
you’re playing with the collar of peter’s flannel, listening to him reenact hamlet. he runs his fingers up and down your shoulder soothingly.
“do not mock me, fellow student,” peter reads in a terrible british accent, earning a giggle from you. “i think it was to see my-“
he pauses when aunt may walks through the door. she’s back from volunteering at the shelter. she has a takeout bag in hand, grinning at the sight of you and peter curled up on the couch.
“hey, kiddos. am i interrupting?” may wonders. “not at all! we were just doing some homework,” you assure her, tapping the book in peter’s hands. peter flashes his aunt a smile. “hi, may. how was work?” he asks her. “good, good. slow day, so i got off early. you know how it goes,” she hums.
you sit up from your position in peter’s lap, the blanket coming with you. he cuddles into your side to make up for the loss of warmth. his face nuzzles in the crook of your neck, your arms secured around his torso.
“something smells good,” peter speaks against you. “i got thai! our favorite,” may winks. your face lights up. “ugh, just what i need. i’m starving,” you pat your stomach for emphasis. “me too,” peter concurs. “me three,” may chuckles, placing the takeout bag on the kitchen table.
she pads over to you and peter, taking a seat beside peter on the couch. peter stretches an arm out and puts it around her shoulders with a sigh of content.
“me and my girls,” he smiles lazily, eyes fluttering closed. “what a sap,” may teases. you press a kiss to peter’s styled curls. “never change, pete. never change,” you laugh out.
peter leaves a kiss on the side of your neck. you and may exchange pouts. your drawings on peter’s wrist from earlier are peeking out from under his sleeve, sparking may’s interest.
“what’s this?” may questions. “oh, it’s nothing. i drew it. we were messing around in art today,” you reply, voice quieting. peter hides his face further in your neck. “here we go again,” he mutters.
you were both hoping to put the fiasco behind you.
may rolls peter’s sleeve to get a better look. she reads over what you wrote, peter + y/n 4ever.
“nice ink,” may gives you a knowing grin. “you two are just the cutest. reminds me so much of ben and i at your age,” she reminisces. “ah, to be young and in love.”
you clear your throat uncomfortably. peter softly squeezes your side and dips his head out from in your neck, shifting to face his aunt.
“we’re not in love, may,” peter states. may’s brows knit together. “no? but you love each other, don’t you?” she asks. “of course,” you answer a bit too quickly. “but… that’s not the same thing,” you rush out. peter nods, furiously. “right. we’re just friends,” he says his signature line.
“uh huh. you’re not fooling anyone but yourselves,” may clicks her tongue, getting up from the couch. “let’s dig in before the food gets cold. i’ll set the table, you two go wash up.”
she pats your arm on her way to the kitchen. you and peter head to the bathroom, his cheeks burning bright red and your heart pounding.
deep down, you both know may is right. you have such a strong love for each other, stronger than either of you can comprehend. that’s why it takes someone on the outside looking in to truly see.
you can’t run from your feelings forever, though. you have to confront them.
once you reach the bathroom, peter turns on the sink for you two. you shut the door behind you. your gaze stays fixed on him as he digs around a drawer for a washcloth, wetting it under the water. he pumps some soap onto it and begins to wipe off your drawings.
peter scrubs as hard as he can, but the ink doesn’t fade. he lets out a frustrated breath and looks to you.
“could you help me? this won’t come off,” peter speaks lowly. “uh, yeah. sure,” you agree, walking over to him. he hands you the washcloth with an apologetic smile. “sorry. it’s just that everyone keeps asking about it, and…” he trails off. “i get it, it’s easier. nothing personal,” you half smile.
you squirt more soap onto the washcloth and lather it up. peter holds out his arm to you, you starting to clean off the ink. you’re much gentler about it than he is. he appreciates that.
the ink still doesn’t budge, despite your efforts. once you’ve been at it for long enough, you come to the conclusion that it’s a lost cause.
“guess you have your answer,” you laugh lightly, wringing out the washcloth. “the ink is permanent, after all,” you finish. peter shakes his head, the hint of a grin on his lips. “when you said forever, you meant it,” he references what you’d written.
peter + y/n 4ever.
you turn off the sink and get a towel for peter. he lets you dry his arm off, fully grinning at you as you do so. you shyly smile back every once in a while. after you’re done, you hang the towel back up on the rack. you hop up to sit on the counter and exhale definitively. peter comes to stand between your legs, his hands on either side of the counter.
“thank you, y/n,” he starts. “i, um, i was thinking…” he peeks up at you. your face scrunches. “that’s never good,” you cut in, peter chuckling nervously. “no, seriously. hear me out,” he retorts.
“i was thinking about what may said. and mj, and flash, and betty, and,” peter sucks in a breath. “well, everyone,” he admits. you giggle, bringing a comforting hand to his shoulder. “and?” you ask. he presses his forehead against yours, some stray curls tickling you. “are we really just friends?” he almost whispers.
“you tell me,” you reply. you search for peter’s eyes, your free hand settling against his chest. “i’m not sure,” peter responds, waiting a beat before he continues. “but i wanna be more,” his eyes flick up to yours. “if… if you do. i don’t know. do you, uh, do you feel the same?” he checks.
that’s not what you were expecting, especially with peter being so adamant on the fact that there’s nothing more between you two. then again, neither of you have been willing to face it. you’ve been ignoring your feelings just as much as he has.
your hand on peter’s chest travels up to his cheek, thumb caressing his skin. he bites on his bottom lip.
“i think so,” you smile, relief washing over you now that you’ve finally said it. “i love you, pete,” you nod once. peter pulls back to look into your eyes. “yeah? like, love me love me?” he wonders. “more than i could say,” you cup his cheek tenderly.
this is certainly a turn of events. when peter came to terms with how he felt, he was worried you wouldn’t reciprocate.
peter takes your hand into both of his own and kisses the back of it. you hook your legs around his waist, keeping him in place.
“i love you, y/n,” he grins. “forever.”
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