#it felt easier just answering each prompt for everyone at once
veryberryjelly · 6 months
flaunt it
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sarah cameron x fem!reader
lyric prompt ; 'stolen kisses, pretty lies' - blank space - taylor swift
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it had become normal to wake up in the arms of your girlfriend.
more often than not, the two of you would stay over at each others houses. in the last 2 months it would be easier to find the two of them sleeping in the same bed rather than finding them alone.
you had been friends with sarah for years so neither of your parents thought about it as anything other than two really good friends.
and thankfully, your parents didn't often barge into your bedroom to find the two of you tangled up in each others limbs, often in minimal clothing.
but just because it was normal to wake up with sarah, didnt make the fuzzy feeling in your chest any less present when you woke up with her body pressed against yours.
like this morning.
you woke up first, but were truly scared to move in fear of waking up the girl with her head laid against your chest.
you simply pressed a kiss to the top of her head and went to close your eyes again in hopes of sleeping for a little bit longer, but when your phone buzzed on the nightstand you knew the question would itch at your brain until you looked at it.
you eased yourself up slightly to grab your phone, flipping it in your hand to see the screen.
the pogues group chat.
jb ; heading out on the hms pogue. who's comin'
jj ; in. when ?
jb ; 9
kie ; i'm in. be there @ 9
pope ; if you can drive by, i'm in.
jb ; u got it.
kie ; sarah ? y/n ? u comin'
you knew you didnt really need to consult sarah before answering for the both of you. you both loved days out on the boat.
y/n ; i'm with sarah and we're both in! be there @ 9
as you set your phone down to try and enjoy the last few minutes before you had to wake sarah up, you felt her fidget against you, her head burrowing into the place between your shoulder and your neck.
a smile spread across your lips at the feeling of her soft skin against one of your more sensitive spots.
when you felt her lips puckering against your neck you knew she was awake.
" mornin' sunshine " you whispered, which earned you a soft sigh in response.
" you've got about 10 minutes before i pull you out of this bed."
at that she lifted her head from your shoulder and rested her head against your chest again, causing you to lift your free hand and brush her hair from her slightly confused face.
" meeting everyone at the dock at nine "
another sigh slipped from her lips before she answered. " m'kay, well can i use those ten minutes to shower ?"
two quiet laughs filled the space between you.
" as long as you plan to share with me "
a grin lit up her face as she pulled away from you and pulled you off of the mattress and across to the bathroom.
45 minutes later and the two of you were walking up to the dock where you found kiara, jj and john b waiting for the two of you.
you had dropped her hand around the corner, but picked it up again to help her onto the boat before you climbed on yourself.
once the two of you were sat down , the boat started and you all chartered to pick up pope.
and when he was finally on board, it was just the six of you and the open ocean.
30 minutes later and the boat stopped in the middle of nowhere, ready for your day out on the water to start.
the minute the boat stopped, jj pushed kie into the water and jumped in after her. john b stationed himself at the head of the boat, his legs hanging over the edge with a beer in his hand, and pope pulled out a book.
leaving you and sarah to entertain yourselves.
you were barely able to contain your laughter when you felt a head rest on your lap and you brought your attention down to the blonde head of hair scattered there.
your hand lifted to brush some hair from her face. it may have definitely lingered around her freckly cheeks.
" you got sunscreen on your pretty face ? " you questioned, unable to stop your fingertips from rubbing over her cheek.
" not yet, you wanna give it a go ?" she teased, her smile growing wider as you reached slightly to your left to grab the sunscreen from your bag.
you were never going to turn down this type of opportunity.
once you had an adequate amount of sunscreen on your hand, probably a little more than necessary, you began spreading it around on her cheeks and her nose, noticing with delight the way her nose scrunched at the cold feeling.
when her face was fully covered and protected you didnt really think about it before leaning down and pressing a short peck onto her lips.
"can i do you now ?" she questioned causing a giggle to bubble up from your chest.
" you already did me, baby. i'm too tired to do it again " you joked causing her to lightly shove your arm in jest.
" what am i looking at ? "
both yours and sarahs heads whipped towards the sound of tiaras voice, clearly directed towards you two.
" oh, yeah..." you paused for a moment, unsure if this was the right time to do this, but with a soft squeeze of your leg from sarah you were assured that she was okay with it if you were.
" we're dating. have been for about two months. " you said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
the shocked faces of your friends assured you it wasn't.
you knew this would happen eventually, that you were bound to get caught, you just didnt think it would be because you were too desperate to kiss sarah out on the boat.
" we don't really hide it, we just don't flaunt it either " sarah explained as she sat up beside you.
" yeah, why do you think she's always over at my house ?"
" i think i speak for all of us when i say we thought she was sleeping at yours because her family is batshit crazy " you weren't surprised to hear that coming from jj
" that is definitely the second reason " the blonde explained.
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Heyoo, I hope your having a great day/night!
Congratulations on 400 followers!! That's a great achievement right there 😁
I was wondering if I could join your writting event? If so, can I please ask for a "Pick a Prompt" for number 8, the characters being present mic and a f!reader? (as in "xreader")
It can be romantic, but can you please avoid any drinking/sexual themes?
If not, it can just be platonic!!
Wish you the best!
Hello! Thank you so much @bingewatchintilldawn for requesting for my writing event! I'm so glad you're here ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
I'm so sorry for the delay, I do hope you enjoy! Sorry for any grammatical errors as well, it's a little late where I am right now, so I'm a little tired ‪(´•ᴗ• ก )‬՞ ՞
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Request for my writing event!
Slot Chosen: Pick-A-Prompt 1
#8: "Why are you hiding behind me? What did you do?"
➜ CHARACTERS: Mic & Fem! Reader (Platonic - I'm sorry, I didn't know how to write this off as romantic)
➜ Word Count: 2230 [I got a little side-tracked with this one, I hope you don't mind (ㅎ.ㅎ ) ]
➜ WARNINGS: Mentions of food, I believe that's it
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Students chattered amongst themselves as the day passed by, with conversations ranging from light-hearted compliments, to angered rants, to teasing taunts and the scoffs that would come from the receiving end. It was a relaxing day, one that you were grateful for since that usually meant that there wasn't much work for you to do.
Glancing at the small stack of papers that needed to be organized and stapled so the class can receive them the next day, you sighed before cracking your knuckles and getting right to work.
One might begin to think you were a teacher at UA, what with all that you do, but that wasn't exactly what you were. While you weren't a teacher, you were a teacher aid, tasked with helping and following the orders of whichever teacher called upon you for the day.
It seemed you were doing something new each day, whether that be helping out Snipe with rearranging his books for history class, or answering the students' questions when Eraserhead was sleeping, or even dashing throughout the halls to get a folder to Nezu. It's one of the many reasons why you enjoyed your job so much. Not only was it interesting, but the people were also quite amusing as well. Some more than others.
That was probably the reason behind why you were always offering to help assist Present Mic with his class, often enjoying the thrill of his funky attitude and excitable demeanor. Kind to everyone and ever so intriguing, you felt it was just a little easier to talk to him at times. He wasn't very judgemental (then again, neither were any of the teachers really), and could hold and start any conversation with anyone with ease if he so wished.
Oftentimes a couple of his students would stay behind in his class during lunch and eat there, enjoying the jokes and conversation their teacher brought. It was only a plus to it all that he never really required you to do much work for him. While it seemed he wouldn't be one to do much work or preparing, you couldn't help but notice how each morning a newly stacked pile of papers were always printed and stapled before everyone else had even started. Or how you never had to help grade any papers since they'd all be finished the same day they were turned in. It was one of the many things he never really spoke about but still quietly did in the background.
Thinking back to that fact, you smiled as you found yourself once again not needing to do much work, the stack of papers thin and simply needing to be stapled in groups.
"Sorry it's a bit much today! The printer wasn't workin' on me, so I'm a little behind today. Oh well! Ya live ya learn!"
Turning to the voice coming from the door to the classroom, you smiled as you saw Mic walking through, work bag and a folder in one hand and a water bottle in the other as he fumbled with the door. After getting up and helping hold the door open, you smiled at the "a-thank-you" that you were given as he walked by.
"It's not much really, did you need anything else done today? Or is that it?"
He placed his work items down as he waved his hand at you, "No, no! That's all for today! No need to overwork yourself, I'm no Eraser!", he laughed, enjoying his jab to his good friend while you shuddered. Aizawa was much more strict, and wasn't always keen on having a new face around. While he did have his moments of leniency, they were often overshadowed by the stacks of paper given to grade, or the number of times you had to run down the halls to fulfill the errands he had asked. No, he was indeed no Eraser.
The day ran smoothly, with schoolwork being handed out and students being taught. It was something you hoped you'd reach one day. Until then, being an assistant wasn't too bad.
Debates were common occurrences in his class, seeing as he taught English after all, and not only did they commonly happen, they were sometimes encouraged. 'It's good teaching material', he had told you as the students discussed the pros and cons of having heroes advertise products. There were times when they had to be shut down though, sometimes provoking the wrong kind of passion in the students. And when screaming matches occurred, there wasn't a single soul that challenged the Voice Hero.
UA was certainly a one-of-a-kind school. All the teachers there treated you as an equal despite your lower profession, and each had a unique spark to them. Midnight always loved having you around for her art classes, though there were times where you couldn't handle the risque attitude that she radiated. Vlad was much more professional in a sense, but that never meant be didn't enjoy a good conversation every now and then.
You learned that during breaks Snipe loved to play cards, and that Midnight loved to challenge anyone in anything. Lunch Rush appreciated having company whenever he was cleaning, and Recovery Girl loved to have someone to listen to her stories about her past work. It was a tight-knit community, and although everyone ran under the same set of rules, it couldn't feel more familiar.
The bell rang for lunch, signaling the day to be half-over. Resorting to mindlessly doodling on a piece of paper at the teacher's desk could only ever get you so far before it became redundant. You normally sat at Mic's desk since he rarely ever sat still, always up and walking around the class, or up and down the length of the chalkboard when the students were taking a test. Even then he wasn't completely silent, settling on whistling some jaunty tune he either made up or heard somewhere.
With the class being dismissed, all the students left for the cafeteria for the day, leaving you and Mic to eat your lunch in the teacher's lounge for the day. It was only when you entered that you remembered you had left your lunch at home.
Turning to Mic, who was whistling that same tune to himself once again as he flipped through his planner, you spoke up.
"Hey, I forgot my lunch today at home, do you mind if I run down to the cafeteria to pick something up real quick?"
This caused him to look up, but before he could say anything, a woman's voice cut him off.
"You can have my lunch, honey. I actually just came from the cafeteria so I don't need it."
Midnight walked the rest of the way in and held up a little tray that she had gotten for herself from Lunch Rush. "I couldn't resist, he made my favorite today so I had to go down. Take whatever's in the fridge, I should've left my bento in there from yesterday"
Nodding, you smiled and thanked her as you rummaged through the fridge, finding it empty except for a single bento box in a plastic bag. It didn't look homemade, but rather store bought as the box still had the price sticker on it.
"I'm gonna head off to the office, I need to work out some typos on an assignment before I print it out. You okay with staying here?" Mic questioned as he packed his things and headed to the door.
"I'll be fine, you can go if you need to" Was your answer as you ate your lunch, the bento being an oddly simple one that just consisted of three compartments; one for rice, one for beef, and one for pickled vegetables.
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This was the best photo I could find, I hope it helps (=゚Д゚=)
It wasn't something you were used to seeing Midnight eat, as she normally picked bentos that mainly consisted of vegetables, and her go to protein being fish. It was new, but you didn't question it.
Once lunch was finished, you checked the time to see you still had about 20 minutes left to yourself. Taking advantage of what time you had left, you decided to go give Mic a visit, tired of sitting alone in the lounge as Midnight had only come by earlier to grab a cup of coffee.
However, you nearly bumped into a figure that was entering the lounge at the same time you were exiting, the deep "Watch where you're heading" giving you a clue as to who it was before you even saw him.
Looking up and meeting eyes with Aizawa, you hastily apologized and went to leave, only for a single sentence to freeze you in place.
"Who ate my lunch?"
Aizawa was crouched in front of the communal fridge, frowning at the empty shelves before slowly turning to look at where you were frozen in the doorway with one foot out.
Hesitantly, you slid your eyes over to him. As soon as your eyes met you panicked and quickly scuttled out of the lounge, giving him the answer to his question and causing a chase to form.
Dashing throughout the empty halls, you immediately spotted Mic walking down in the opposite direction of where you were headed, casually chatting alongside Cementoss.
"Hey, [Name]! So nice of you to stop by- Whoa, whoa, whoa, why the rush?!" He questioned as you quickly made your way over to him, only to position yourself right behind him and attempt to use him as a human shield of sorts.
Just the same, his question was answered as an annoyed Eraserhead stomped his way to where the three of you were standing.
"I just want to talk to her-"
"It wasn't me!" You retaliated, trying to weasel yourself out of this mess.
"Okay, okay, why are you hiding behind me? What did you do?" Mic was beyond confused, having been forcefully tugged into the situation.
"She ate my lunch, that's what she did" Aizawa answered, an agitated tone to his voice. "The one day I actually bring some food to eat, and it's gone"
"N-no, I... "
Aizawa raised an eyebrow and silently waited for your answer, never one to raise his voice or cut someone off to argue. His belief was to just let the person try and fail to explain themselves, causing them to dig themselves into their own hole without him having to retaliate.
Mic then thought back to what Midnight had told you earlier, suddenly understanding what had occurred.
"Ah, man, it looks like ya caught me Shouta"
You, Cementoss, and Aizawa all turned to look at Mic with a confused expression, the situation growing even more complex at the sudden confession.
Rubbing the back of his neck, he continued, "I'll pay you back, promise, just don't go blaming her. Y'know, maybe you should've labeled your lunch in the first place, then we wouldn't be here, now would we?"
Aizawa scowled at his friend's cheeky tone, throwing his hands in the air. "You know what? I'm not going to stand here and argue about the food." Turning and beginning to walk away, he muttered just loud enough for you all to hear, "I'm going to take a nap, don't disturb me"
You watched Aizawa's retreating figure disappear down the hallway, possibly to his class, and turned to Mic. He spoke before you could get a word out, "Now that that's taken care of, let's get back to work, shall we?", right before bidding Cementoss a temporary goodbye.
Walking down the halls, you still had to ask him why he had taken the blame, especially knowing he'd be getting an earful as soon as school got out.
"Oh, none of that! No need to get so worried about me, I've been annoying everyone here since I first started working." He slipped one hand into his pocket as the other held a folder and a clipboard for his teacher-ly duties. "Did I ever tell you about the time I put plastic wrap across the door frame, only for Nemuri to walk right into it?" He laughed out loud as he spoke, clearly enjoying the memory that was brought back to him.
"Man, she was pissed! I had to hightail it out of there if I wanted to see the next morning sunrise! Y'know, I ought to ask her if she remembers that, cause I sure do! "
You chuckled alongside him, happy to have such a kind, yet intuitive coworker... No, friend. Yeah, it was nice to be surrounded by such charismatic people you could call your friends.
There was just one thing you needed to do.
Aizawa scowled as he walked through the halls towards the teacher lounge, hoping that at least no one stole his rice koji packets. Those were strictly his, at the very least.
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Honestly, this was my best guess as to what it is that he eats ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌
Opening the fridge though, he was met with a surprise.
Inside was a plastic bag with his name on it, in handwriting that was clearly not his. Opening it revealed the same bento he had bought from the store, only this was a new one. Alongside it, was a note:
"Sorry for eating your lunch. I didn't know it was yours. Hope this repays for the mistake.
Till next time, [Name]"
Aizawa smiled.
He knew it was you the whole time.
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Thank you again for requesting! I really appreciate you taking the time to do so! Please have a lovely day ( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ )ツンツン
*A little side note: I think writing for Present Mic is actually very fun. I love his character a lot! ʕ ◦`꒳´◦ʔ
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Chapter 2: Prelude
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Two weeks later, all of the search parties sent to Hyrule had landed ashore. There is really only one shore in Hyrule, but having arrived at different times, none of them had run into each other, and several, for one reason or another, had split up. Itto and Shinobu evading capture for stowing away, Bennett, Fischl, and the adventerers decide to, well adventure, and Xiao is the lone wolf type. The Sumeru Akademiya were the last to arrive at Lurelin Village.
Meanwhile, you were sitting under a tree near the Dueling Peaks thinking.
(Y/N): It's obvious this is Hyrule before the calamity. The question is, which one?
Looking at your sheikah slate, as if it would give you an answer, you sigh. You get up, gather your things, and begin heading towards the Great Plateau. Never having seen it before the calamity, you could only hope it was open to the public, as while housing the temple of time, the walls surrounding it suggest it to be similar to a fortress.
Unknown to you, a battle was unfolding near Hyrule Castle Town, where a blond knight finds a small pale guardian. Given the large monster force, most soldiers were called back to the town to protect it, meaning if there were any at the plateau, they weren't anymore. You make your way inside and find where the tower would be, only it wasn't uncovered. Without any mining gear, you were about to cut your losses when the ground started to shake, and the tower burst from the ground. Thinking quickly, you decide to grab the side of the tower, taking shelter from the falling rocks beneath one of its ledges. Once the tower comes to a halt, you calm yourself from the heart attack you had from nearly being crushed, then start climbing. These towers were a lot easier to climb than the games suggested. Their walls' design resembling that of a ladder.
You reach the top and slide your slate in the slot, confirm that the map has been added, take it back, and climb down. You then go through the process of downloading the runes onto the slate. When you're finished, you decide to "take some notes" so you can pass as a foreign researcher. You needed some kind of excuse for having a sheikah slate.
Meanwhile, a group in the southern forests of Faron was conducting actual research, which would be cut short.
Tighnari: So? Did you find anything?
Kaveh: Nothing that hints to this towers purpose.
Faruzan: There was a slot at the top, but without the corresponding piece, it's not much use.
Wanderer: Then let's go already. Correct me if I'm wrong, but our trip has an actual purpose to it.
Everyone was put off by his attitude, but couldn't say anything, as he was correct.
Back with you, you had just exited the magnesis shrine, having saved it for last, not wanting to spend too much time around sheer cliffs. You also didn't complete them, not having a use for the goddess orbs.
(Y/N): Alright, that should do it. Now, the next closest tower should be at Lake Hylia. Even if I'm not exploring every inch, having a map of the places I will be is going to be helpful.
Meanwhile, the princess and her group were returning from the Hateno Tech Lab. As they were approaching the halfway point, Zelda heard a strange noise come from her sheikah slate. Curious, she takes a look at it to find a map being updated.
Zelda: Huh? What is...
As she investigates, she realizes her location is marked by a yellow arrow and notices a second, blue arrow. As she taps the slates screen, she is greeted with a prompt. The princess was so enamored by this sudden development that she was deaf to the call of her retainer. Being too curious for her own good, she accepted the prompt and was enveloped in a blue light. When the light faded, the princess was gone, leaving her group panicked.
Sorry, but this felt like this was going to drag on if I continued to where I wanted this to end, and I know it's not much given how long it took, but I still hope you enjoyed this regardless.
Also, this is a minor thing, but does anyone know why they were going through Tabantha to reach Hateno? The game specifically says Hateno, and they're traversing the Breach of Demise. It doesn't ruin the game for me. It just really bothers me.
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
It's diwali week and i couldn't find enough time to write anything for the RRR event. I do however have this small drabble that has been in my drafts, collecting dust for weeks now. Hopefully this is entertaining enough. :))))) @fangirlshrewt97 @stanleykubricks
Prompt inspiration:: first (day 1) and free for all (last day) by @celebrrration
Other fics : masterlist
It was quite late, the chatter on the road had died down. Everyone locked their doors early owing to the temperature drop of the month.
Y/n sat on the study table and scribbled down the notes from two separate books in order to make it easier to discern and isolate the facts she would need to confirm from other sources.
Weather was dry and the scent of sandalwood floated in the air. Her skin felt alive, she pushed back her shoulders, allowing her chest to expand and take in the surreal and divine spirit.
Her feet tingled.
Cold air seeped through the cracks and shadow kissed her.
The bright bulb made yellow painted room seem even cozier. Ink took a little longer to dry on the rough pages of her diary. Y/n twisted a little to see the hands of clock point to one.
Exhaustion slowly took claim of her body. Wiping her watery eyes, she tried to blink away the irritation. Using her feet, she pushed back her chair and stood up.
Stretching her limbs, she sweeped the purple curtain to the side, allowing air to rush in unhindered.
Curious, kohl-lined eyes peeked at the street and stepped out in the narrow balcony. She saw how mist drapped itself over the area as a thin blanket. Gripping the iron railing, she raised her shoulders, trying to breath in, trying to imprint the ambience in her mind.
Her eyes closed and lips stretched in a sweet smile of content. Tasting earth in the mist.
Y/n thought about all the men and women roaming in the neighborhood, trying to use the shadows to navigate and blankets as body armors. A bittersweet feeling overtook her senses.
She looked down at the street to catch a man just in time. The sleeves were folded upto the elbows and his hands were shoved in the pockets.
Her eyes glistened and pink dusted her cheeks. She exhaled a deep longing sigh.
Ram. Her neighbor.
He lived down the street. Once in while she'd catch on his way back home, on the rare occasions when she stepped out, she would see him in the markets.
It was unbecoming how one glance of him could make her day, dispel her stress and put a smile on her face. If someone knew this, God she'd never hear the end of it.
She spotted his gait getting drowsier with each step.
Please look up.
Y/n prayed silently; his eyes were magnetic, they always seemed to talk ahead of his words. They weren't friends, not by long shot.
How could she be friends with a police officer? Moreover how would she become his friend when she got tongue-tied around him?
It never stopped her heart from betraying her everytime she saw him. He had been nothing but kind to her. Maybe it was the wishful thinking but she always felt a sense of warmth from his gaze, as if to say 'I got you.'
Oh, I really am becoming more and more delusional.
He had only ever talked to her eleven times. Her eyes widened, I kept a count, he bhagwaan.
Crickets chirped, along with other insects in the bushes. His steps were loud against the pavement. As he approached her balcony, he slowed and looked up.
She couldn't stop the smile from forming.
No! he must think I'm pathetic. Who smiles like that?
Her lips retracted and she pursed them worriedly, only relaxing when his eyes crinkled and he smiled.
Y/n felt air condensing to slight sparkles around her. Blood rushed to her cheeks.
"How are you, Y/n?"
His deep voice disoriented her for a second. She kept looking at him, feeling a little lost. "You are okay, right?"
Finally she seemed to regain her speech abilities, "yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. How-how are you Ram?"
She wondered if he would mind if she facepalmed with a brick just about now.
He seemed pleased with her answer, "I'm good too."
Y/n bit her cheek when he averted his eyes  and passed her house's boundary. She almost turned when he stopped and looked back.
"Tomorrow, I'm going to a play with my friends. Will you join us?"
Too shocked to form words or even smile, she nodded quickly. He smiled one last time before disappearing in his home.
It took no longer than a millisecond to step back in the room and draw curtains.
"Oh God, thank you, thank you, thank you bhagwaan ji. Thank you sooooo much."
Hopping in excitement, she twirled around, flailing her dupatta. Collapsing on the carpet, she stared at the ceiling. Watching the fan spin, her brain slowly spun a story of its own and whisked her away into a fantasy.
A world where Ram was hers in name and by heart.
Ritualistic, if you want to be tagged pls lemme know. Tags :: @thewinchestergirl1208 @budugu @yehsahihai @vaijayantheee @chaanv @ramcharantitties @rambheemisgoated @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin @mizutaama @jeonmahi1864 @bromance-minus-the-b @ronaldofandom @sabi5 @saanjh-sakhi @maraudersbitchesassemble @whyismynamecommon @nyotamalfoy @rambheemlove @lite-teesko @jjwolfesworld @shreyalokesh @rorapostsbl @amnmich @filesbeorganized @bitchy-bi-trash @moonyrox @ramayantika @bluebeadss @nerdreader @army24--7 @ginazmemeoir @castiel-holmeshasthephonebox @that-one-percent-germ
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
Putting the Blood in Blood Blossoms
Based on the Phic Phight prompt: Being Phantom makes the fits easier and faster, so when Danny feels the beginnings of an itch in the back of his throat, he quickly goes ghost. When the coughing starts, though, his lungs burn like they never have before, each hacking cough tearing his throat to shreds and each wheezing breath costing so, so much. Once it stops feeling like an Alien is trying to claw its way out of his chest does he carefully look past the tears in his eyes to see what he coughed up: blood blossom petals. (Hanahaki AU! Romantic or platonic works!) (from @a-closet-emo)
AO3 Link
[Warnings for graphic pain, and minor asphyxiation]
Being Phantom makes the fits easier and faster, so when Danny feels the beginnings of an itch in the back of his throat, he quickly goes ghost. When the coughing starts, though, his lungs burn like they never have before, each hacking cough tearing his throat to shreds and each wheezing breath costing so, so much. Only once it stops feeling like an Alien is trying to claw its way out of his chest does he carefully look past the tears in his eyes to see what he coughed up: blood blossom petals.
The feelings that rise in his throat are almost as suffocating as those faintly luminescent petals. Danny was never one to believe in signs, but even he thinks this must be one. Her favorite flowers are blood blossoms. Just one more thing she loves that will kill him. If that's not the harbinger of a doomed relationship, nothing is.
It isn't the first time Danny's had Hanahaki. It's not even the first time since Danny became a half-ghost. Most kids get it at least once during their adolescence, and it's easy enough to cure. All a person has to do is confess their feelings, and whether they're accepted or rejected, getting closure makes the flowers go away.
Only idiots and cowards keep their feelings bottled up once those flowers rise in their throats, and, contrary to popular belief, Danny is neither. As worried as he is about how Valerie will take it, he's got enough on his plate without poisonous flowers growing in his lungs. Even the harshest rejection would be better than this.
"Valerie," Danny stopped her after class and gently pulled her to the side, away from everyone, "can I talk to you? It'll only take a second."
"Sure, what's up?"
"Uh..." Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "I like you."
"Like me? Are you sure?" she asked, and he chuckled.
"I've been coughing up some weird red flowers, so I'm pretty sure," he said.
She smiled and reached into her pocket. Out of it she pulled out a few, damp sunflower petals. "I like you too." She threw away the petals and held out her hand for him to take, and they walked to their next class hand in hand.
That should've been the end of it. Danny had his answer. The flowers should've withered and dissolved before the day was over as soon as he learned how she felt, and he was even lucky enough that she liked him back.
A hacking cough wracked through Danny's chest, but he knew not to transform this time. Even in his human form, the petals burned like none had before, and his muscles started to seize up from in reaction. Even when the coughing stopped, the fire in his lungs remained from the flowers still growing there. But why?
He'd confessed. She liked him back. So what was the issue?
"You still don't know how she feels." Danny jerked his head up when he heard his sister's voice. "You're dating her, but as long as she doesn't know you're Phantom, you'll never know how she really feels about you."
"Confessing my feelings is one thing, but I can't tell her that," he said, shaking his head. "She'll try to kill me. You know that, right?"
"And if you don't tell her, you'll die anyway," Jazz pointed out. "Sam told me about blood blossoms. Those things are growing inside you. Normally, Hanahaki isn't fatal for months, but as long as you're coughing up blood blossoms, you could die any day now. Not ghost dead, gone dead." Danny didn't have anything to say to that. She was right, after all.
"I'll figure something out," he said finally.
"You'd better do it fast. I don't want to lose my little brother."
Danny took a few days to think over a solution. There had to be a way to get rid of the flowers without ruining his relationship. Being with Valerie was easily the highlight of high school. She was smart, and fun, and interesting, and so protective of him. Even with her grumbling about wanting Phantom dead, he felt safe with her as long as he was human. He didn't want to give that up.
"You're really insane, you know that?" Sam told him flatly when she heard his plan. "I know you can't help your feelings, but why are you so intent on dating someone who wants you obliterated."
"I don't expect you to understand," Danny told her. "You've never had Hanahaki before, and you think romance is lame, but I'm really happy with Valerie. Can't I just want to be happy?"
"You're still insane," Sam scoffed, but she didn't try to stop him from going ghost and flying to Valerie.
The ghost she'd been after was safely contained in one of her ghost traps, and her hoverboard floated still in the air. Danny swallowed hard as he stopped behind her and cleared his throat. In an instant, she had no less than five ghost hunting weapons pointed directly at him.
"I don't want to fight," he said, raising his hands in surrender. "I just have something I need to get off my chest." Her body language showed that she was ready to fight anyway, and her black visor gave him no read on her emotions. Her weapons were still drawn and aimed, but she didn't fire.
"Talk fast," she sneered.
"I know we're enemies," he said, "but somehow... I've fallen in love with you anyway. I know that doesn't change how you feel about me, but I had to tell you."
"You're right," she said. "I still despise you as much as I always have."
"That's all I needed to hear," he said, and promptly vanished before she could start shooting. That was that. It was done. She knew he liked her as Danny, and she liked him back. She knew he liked her as Phantom, and she hated his guts. Her feelings were clear, his were out in the open. That should be the end of it.
So why? Why did his lungs still burn like this? The flowers were blooming even more than before. After a week, he was forced to skip school because he couldn't get out of bed, writhing in pain, vomiting up flowers that shredded his throat and poisoned him on the way up.
There was nothing for it. By all rights, his Hanahaki should have gone away when he confessed to her as Phantom. Actually, it should have gone away the first time he confessed his feelings, but for some reason, it didn't. And the fact that is hadn't killed him yet was a miracle. There was a knock on his bedroom door.
"Go away," he called out hoarsely. His voice was utterly destroyed by that point, so whoever was on the side probably hadn't heard him, or hadn't understood him. The hinges creaked as his door swung open, and there was Valerie.
"Danny?" she said. Her brows furrowed in concern as she looked at her boyfriend, dying on his bed. "You look like hell. You really are sick."
"Valerie?" he rasped. He opened his mouth to ask was she was doing there, but the tickle in his throat returned and he broke into a coughing fit, choking and wheezing as a whole flower tore up his trachea, leaving him convulsing in pain.
"Danny!" Valerie dropped the papers she was holding and rushed over to him, kneeling at his bedside. "What's... these are blood blossoms," she observed, picking one up. They were too obscure to be anyone else's favorite flowers, so they had to be for her. Sam Manson, maybe, but she was openly pro-ghost, so probably not. "Why are you still coughing up flowers? How long have you been like this?"
"Few weeks," Danny responded, his throat so wrecked that she had to lean in close to even hear him.
"A few weeks?" she repeated, shocked. "Danny, it takes months for Hanahaki to start doing this much damage! And why... you confessed, I like you back, why do you still have it?"
"The flowers," he wheezed. "Poison."
"No," Valerie shook her head. "No, blood blossoms are completely edible."
"Not for ghosts," Danny said, and another shuddering cough tore through him. Normally, after less than a month, the flowers wouldn't be coming nearly as fast, but his body was rejecting them even worse than was normal for Hanahaki. More petals spilled onto his bedroom floor. He knew what would happen if he transformed now, but he didn't have the voice to explain. He couldn't get the words out, even if he wanted to.
White rings flickered around his middle, and he screamed in agony as his transformation overtook him. It was tolerable in his human form, but in ghost form, the blood blossoms were truly unbearable.
"Danny..." Valerie breathed, her eyes wide with shock. He could see a thousand thought running through her head behind those eyes, but the next thing he knew, her arms were wrapped around him, Danny Phantom, her greatest enemy. "Danny, please, please turn back," she begged. "If you don't, they'll kill you faster. I... I love you. I don't want you to die."
She loved him.
She knew the truth, and she still loved him.
He started to cough again, hacking and choking. Valerie pulled away to help him into a sitting position and make it easier on him, but there were tears in her eyes. It went on for minutes, but when Danny could finally breathe again, the whole plant had been forced out of his lungs and onto his floor, damp with saliva and traces of blood and ectoplasm, and just as deadly on the outside of his body as it was within.
"Danny!" she shouted over his screams of pain as he fell back on his bed, seizing and writhing. She tried to drag him away and out of the room, but ghosts couldn't pass blood blossoms, and he was stuck there. She looked down that the flowers and back at Danny in a panic. "No! No no no!" She had to get rid of them somehow, or Danny was done for.
The window. She scooped up the flowers and loose petals and vines and she threw them all out Danny's window, ignoring the thorns, not leaving so much as a leaf behind. When, finally, the flowers were gone, Danny had calmed down.
"You're gonna be okay," she promised him, pulling him into a hug again. He returned to his human form in his arms and wrapped his weary arms around her. "You're gonna be okay."
"Valerie," he croaked, then coughed again from his damaged throat, though thankfully, there were no more petals to expel. "I love you, too." Tears dampened the shoulder on his shirt and she squeezed him tighter. This was the first time he'd ever seen her cry before, and it was for him.
Eventually, Danny fully recovered, and he explained his situation to her. She revealed that she already knew about half-ghosts because she'd seen Dani transform, and suspected that Phantom might be one, since they were clearly allies, but she wasn't sure.
"How could you fall in love with me, when I was always so cruel to you?" she asked. "I mean, I dedicated my life to destroying you as Phantom, liking me almost killed you."
"The heart wants what it wants?" Danny answered, sounding uncertain. "My parents try to kill me all the time." He shrugged. "I love them anyway. It's just not that big a deal to me, I guess. Valerie, you're the most amazing person I know. How could I not fall in love with you."
"Well, if it makes any difference, I won't try to kill you anymore."
Danny sighed dreamily. "You're such a romantic, you know that?"
"Shut up." She elbowed him gently. "I understand why you didn't tell me sooner, and I'm sorry."
Danny smiled and leaned into her side, cuddling up to her contentedly. Her body was a lot warmer than his, and he loved everything about it. "You didn't know."
There was no way she could have known without him telling her. Just like she didn't know the blood blossoms she'd thrown out his window would take root there, blocking the safest way out of his house, or that their aroma would waft up into his room, making him weak and giving him nightmares. She didn't know, and he didn't need to tell her. He just wanted to let himself be happy for once.
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sadnesslaughs · 10 months
As your spouse lays dying in the hospital, they ask if you’d choose them all over again. You say that you always will. Once they pass away, you rewind time to the day you met each other for the hundredth time.
(A response to a writing prompt)
“Do you remember that song?” She asked, strength fading as she tried to cling to my hand. I didn’t answer for a moment, knowing how close she was. I had seen this a hundred times now, and it still felt like a stake was being driven through my heart. I gave a nod, trying to hold back the tears. She didn’t like it when I cried and she deserved a smiling face before she passed.
“Disco and the Fever. The song we first danced to. Well, the song you danced to, I kept tripping over myself.” I couldn’t stop myself from crying, embracing her one last time. Why did we have to die? What loving god did this to a person?
“Heh…” It was a tired laugh, one that was begging me to let her go. How hard it must have been to give me these last moments, how much she must have been fighting the reaper for my sake. Then she said her last words. “I love you. Would you choose me again?”
“Always, my love. I’ll always choose you.”
Then silence.
I sobbed, holding her as tightly as I could, hoping to pull her back from death, but death never let her go. Not once in those hundred times had I won that battle. Jackie, the nurse, came over, offering me a solitary look of grief. She was a nice girl, Jackie. Young, fresh-faced, and full of compassion. A person who would go far in nursing. At least I believed so. I never exchanged any words with her after Emily’s death, never feeling up to the conversation.
I stood, gave her a thankful nod, and headed into the hallway. My thoughts swirling back to the day we met, a flood of memories prodding at my mind until I was back, sitting in a stool at the Grey Trenchcoat nightclub. Taking the drink sitting before me, I swirled it, not feeling in the mood to sip it.
How awful did I look? Peering past the energetic bartender, I tried to spot myself in a drink cabinet. There I was, about twenty-two years of age, with messy brown hair and a scowl of rebellious youth plastered onto my face. Of course, I was wearing that stupid bomber jacket too, the one that felt like I was resting a case of beer on each shoulder.
The bartender cut off my view, returning to his spot in front of me. I think I had been downing the drinks pretty heavily that night and the bartender’s happy face seemed to compliment my theory. The man’s arms swinging before his bright yellow vest, ready to pounce on me for another tip. He stayed for a minute until he noticed the liquid in my glass hadn’t moved. Noticing his latest cash cow was out of milk, he moved on, leaving me to scowl to myself.
Why was I always scowling when I was younger? You would think doing this a hundred times would make it easier to remember the reason. In reality, it only made things hazier. Those original memories were now lost in the repetition of each spin.
Maybe I thought it made me look cool? I did always want to be that type of guy. The type of guy that girl’s approach, the one that’s cool and hip with it. I thought scowling made me closer to those guys. Sadly, it only made me look like an anxious knob head, which wasn’t far from the truth. Everyone wants to be that guy, don’t they? Not even for the bedroom fun, just for that sense of feeling important. Hell, at this point in my life, I wanted anyone to acknowledge my existence. Someone to make me feel real.
Or was it for an entirely different reason? I also wanted to be an actor when I was younger. Perhaps I believed this made me look more photogenic. That ideal depiction of a downtrodden youth sipping his drinks with that punk aesthetic. I was a catch for any Hollywood manager that was salivating at the thought of having the next hit drama star. Yes, such a catch I was.
I laughed into my drink, keeping the glass close to my lips, teasing the thought of a sip without committing to it. I really didn’t know who I was at this stage of my life, did I? Do I even know who I am now? It’s scary to think that after a hundred times, I’m still not entirely certain who I am. Maybe the answer changes with each spin?
“I said a fever.” A male voice sung out.
“What fever?” The female vocals followed.
“I SAIIIIIID THAT DISCO FEVER. A FIRESTARTING FEVER. BABY MY WOOD BURNS YOUR FIRE WITH DESIRE. NOW WE BOTH HAVE THAT FEVER.” What a crap song. The more I listened to it, the less it made sense. Even the innuendo felt lazy.
A hand tapped my shoulder, drawing my attention. I turned and watched Emily’s lips move, that angelic smile lighting up the dimly lit club. I couldn’t hear a word she was saying, the stupid song drowning out her sweet melody.
“WHAT?” I leaned forward, wiggling the bottom of my ear.
She leaned forward, lips nearly touching my ear before speaking. “Want to dance? You’re pretty cute.”
It still stunned me to this day. Cute? That was what she thought of me, the miserable knob sitting alone at a club. What about that was cute? No matter how many times I asked her about it in the future, she only shrugged, saying. ‘Something about you felt fun.’ That hunch leading to fifty years of love.
In the presence of her beauty, I only nodded, getting pulled to my feet. The bomber jacket feeling weightless now, as my feet shuffled behind her. When we made it to the dance floor, she turned with a spin, mouthing. Follow my lead.
I tried to, but dancing wasn’t part of my limited skills. I staggered, tripped and wobbled. All the while she kept ahold of my hand, never letting go. She was a natural, able to swing her body with a grace that made it appear like she was floating. I could feel the other guys watching her, every one of them jealous that they weren’t me. They all knew I was the luckiest one there that night.
When the song ended, we were embracing, both of us panting with big silly grins on our faces. After our little performance, we stepped outside, talking more while sitting in the gutter. The conversation topics didn’t matter. We were so fixated on each other that the topics were only an excuse to stay in this moment a little longer. Unfortunately, all good nights must end, but not without a kiss and the exchanging of numbers. We went our separate ways and again I was on track to another beautiful fifty years.
Maybe this would be the last time, or maybe I would be going for a hundred more. I wouldn’t know until I reached that day again.
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superbatson · 4 years
For the ask meme: Rick, Beth & Pat
okay, so, i've been, like, stress-posting for the last half hour that i had a whole thing typed out for this and lost it bc of a fucking tumblr glitch thing, which ironically seems to only happen with these sorts of ask posts, so i'm just gonna give you some more generalized summary stuff instead. or maybe i could just post the ask format but kinda condense my answers for all of them into one response. i apologize for the headcanon portion that will be a little half-assed, it's hard to make lightning strike twice, you know?
Sexuality Headcanon:
rick: demisexual
beth: pansexual
pat: bisexual
Gender Headcanon:
i see them all as cis but i am open to other hcs (i just got in trouble once for, i guess, going a little far with a trans hc once that, like, offended someone bc i myself am cis, so ever since, i kinda strayed away from making any sort of trans hcs)
A ship I have with said character:
rick: beth/rick, courtney/rick, also open to cameron/rick (cam and hunter have, like, ridiculously good chemistry, okay?)
beth: beth/rick (duh), beth/joey (they'd be cute if joey weren't, ya know, dead)
pat: pat/sylvester, pat/barbara (he's got two hands!!!), pat/larry (you can't convince me larry doesn't wanna get into pat's pants, okay?)
A BROTP I have with said character:
rick: rick & yolanda, also rick & courtney too, let's be honest
beth: beth & chuck, beth & yolanda, beth & pat (i loved them together in the last ep)
pat: pat & courtney (we love a step-father/step-daughter duo!!!), pat & beth, pat & rick (forgot to mention earlier, whoops; rick needs a dad so pat should adopt him!!)
A NOTP I have with said character:
any teen with any adult bc age difference/legality/morality/etc (i repeated this a few times in my original version of this post 😅)
A random headcanon:
rick: he likes music. while working on cars is his main passion, he likes music a lot too, both playing and listening. it helps him calm down and really channel his emotions. he taught himself to play guitar and finds that it helps relax him when he's feeling particularly angry at the world.
beth: i like the thought of her picking flowers in her free time and turning them into flower crowns. usually, she just keeps them for herself or gives a few to her mom, but now that she's joined the jsa, she makes ones for everyone! (and of course now--i didn't have this element before--i'm picturing rick reluctantly putting a flower crown on his head, but then he sees beth's smile, and it makes his heart skip a beat and he can't help but smile back.)
pat: after taking a while to think of a Not Sad hc, i came up with pat realizing he's bi bc of sylvester. perhaps with all the superhero-ing, syl hadn't been able to do a lot of "normal" teen things, like go to parties and date and kiss a girl, for god's sake. so on the eve of his 21st birthday, he's whiny about it, complaining about being both a kissing virgin and a legit virgin, and pat puts up with it for a while until he finally just snaps, shutting syl up by kissing him on the lips just as the clock strikes midnight, marking syl's birthday. it had just been meant as a joke, a friend helping another friend, but then pat pulls back with a soft, "oh," slipping out of his mouth, and he realizes that he actually liked it. and that he maybe wants to kiss syl again. and again. and maybe a few more times after that.
General Opinion over said character:
rick: My Son who has been through so much shit and deserves the world and will hopefully begin to see the light again now with his girls by his side
beth: my sweet darling angelic daughter who also deserves the world and if you dare say anything mean about her, i will not hesitate to yell at and/or block you
pat: sweet tired dad who's running after 5 (maybe soon to be 6? we don't know) kids and deserves some rest so i would be more than willing to wrap him in a blanket, make him a cup of tea, and smooch his forehead before sending him off to take the nap he so rightfully deserves
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yuzukult · 3 years
bittersweet. (m) || kmg & reader
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title: bittersweet. pairing: kim mingyu x reader genre: angst, fluff, smut, established relationship!au word count: 3.1k warnings: dirty deed is done (aka explicit sex if you didn't catch that). profanity. prompt: you're always fighting. he doesn't get you. so why are you even still together? a/n: before any of my friends make fun of me, shaddup. anyways, this is for @/ficscafe dialogue prompt event! i'll be using #14: you make me weak.
He’s so adamant.
The crinkle in between his brows, the scrunch of his nose, and his incessant blinking from all the nerves, despite it all, he still stands firm on his beliefs.
But you’re fighting. Always fighting.
He doesn’t get you—he spends most of the time he's with you arguing about how insensitive you are as a person, how nonchalant you can be when you should be reacting with some type of emotion, and how he wished you’d been more affectionate with him.
But he doesn’t understand you. He thinks you’re selfish (sure, he didn’t outright state this, but you can sense him feeling this way.)
Albeit you’re unsure how you got yourself in this position—back flat against the wall, his hands on your wrists with his crotch pinning yours as your legs wrap around him securely to meet his gaze from the height difference.
“I need you to talk to me,” he rasps, anger filled in his voice. “I’m so tired of making this into some guessing game. Why can’t you just tell me how you feel?”
Although he’s got you cornered, rutting his hips into you once again, it's not persuasive enough. “Talk to me.”
“If you can’t figure me out, maybe we should just break up. I didn’t want to date in the first place.”
Jaw clenched, his eyes continue to melt into yours. He’s looking for anything—a sign, a glimpse, a crack in your exterior to see whatever it is you’re truly feeling inside. “Why do you always use that as a solution? Instead of just communicating?”
“Because—“ you halt, breath hitching when he shifts, the head of his cock rubbing against your bud through your thin material shorts. “—Because it’s an easier solution. What do you expect from me?”
“To tell me and show me if you like me or not. You’re like a fucking boulder. I can’t move you.”
You quirk a brow. “Your fucking holding me down right now. You’ve evidently proved you can move me elsewhere.”
“Emotionally,” he says, exasperated. “The most I can get you to feel something is when we’re fucking. I’m surprised we’re even fucking in the first place. You barely let me hold your hand!”
Rolling your eyes, you pull your arms from his hold and he lets go easily. It’s the type of person Mingyu is—he’s gentle, the complete opposite of you, with a heart of gold that everyone loves and appreciates. He’s lovable, known to many, and desired by them all, and somehow, you got him in your grasp and truthfully… you’re not sure what to do.
He’s fragile, but you have rough hands with toughened skin from years of experience and encounters. There’s this fear that you’ll drop him, shatter him into pieces as brittle as chinaware. So you hold the front, keep yourself strong with a facade tougher than concrete, because you’re afraid if you hold on too tight, he might break. And at the same time, he might break you too.
“You wanna know why?” You finally blurt, words firm and sharp. “Because you make me weak. And I don’t like being weak. I don’t like being known as weak. And you—you do that to me. I hate it.”
He furrows his brows. “I make you weak? The one girl I know to be the most resilient?” Mingyu has to scoff in disbelief because it’s the first time he’s hearing this. “You realize how insane you sound? It’s okay to have feelings for me. It’s why we’re together.”
Nose twitching, you suck in your cheeks. “I hate it. I hate this. I hate that when you turn to look at me in the morning, you give me that fucking… smile. Like I’m your whole world. Like you’re head over heels for me and I’m all that you see.”
“And why do you hate that?”
“Because, some part of me, deep down into the abyss, wants to look at you like that too.”
His jaw loosens, just like the restraints he had over his heart in the past hour of arguing, hands now finding purchase on your thighs to pull you back up closer. “Baby…” he calls out for you softly, the term of endearment nearly bursting your heart, but you keep yourself calm and collected as you normally do. “Then do it. Why are you so scared?”
“I told you.”
“That’s not a good enough reason.”
“Well, it’s good enough for me.”
He heaves a heavy breath. “Baby, I can’t keep doing this. I feel like I’m chasing you but I’m getting nothing out of it.”
Then, you reiterate the same words you’ve said multiple times, but there’s never any genuinity in it because you never actually… meant it. “Then let’s break up.”
“We’re not breaking up.”
“Then what do you want to do? Tell me. If breaking up isn’t the option, then tell me instead of having me up the wall if we’re not gonna fuck.”
“Fucking only happens when you’re pissed or when you’re making up.”
“So, what now?”
It’s Mingyu’s turn to roll his eyes. “We make up. I need you to talk to me. I can barely read you—the only thing I know for sure is that you don’t want this to end because you just admitted to me that you wanna look at me the same way I look at you.”
Frustrated, you let your head drop onto the wall behind you. “This is annoying. I don’t like expressing stuff. You just take what you get or leave. If you can’t figure out what’s going through my mind, what’s the point? Why put in the effort?” Eyes fluttering shut, you feel yourself wanting to crawl into a ball and just… hide. Despite being fully clothed, you feel naked when Mingyu asks for more. And what he’s asking for isn’t even unreasonable—you’re just horrible at telling people what you’re feeling. “I just… why can’t I just let you lay your head on my lap when you get home from work? Or… cook dinner with you. Even have it ready when you have long nights at work. Maybe even fold your laundry—I don’t know. I don’t like PDA but if you asked me, I’d hold your hand under the table. Or… hold it in your pocket on cold days.”
Then, Mingyu stays silent (for the first time).
It finally hits.
You’re not outspoken when it comes to soft things. You’re loving but not in the same way he is. You’re also honest and straightforward about everything except when it comes to admitting feelings for him.
And for once, when you say those words, he… he feels loved by you.
He remembers those days—after spending hours at the gym despite having a long work day, he’d come home and you’re there waiting for him on the couch so you could shower together. You’d help scrub his limp body, even though he moans and groans about how sore he is, but you do it nonetheless because you like him. Or when you stopped by at his apartment, one he shares with all his friends, because he was stuck with helping one of them build their beds and you brought them all, including himself, lunch. And that wasn’t to mention you were already working twelve hour days.
“Can you answer one question for me, then? I won’t force you to tell me again. I just need to hear it once.”
Your eyes open, and it feels like a mistake because your heart drops into your stomach. His gaze is hypnotizing, like he’s got you in a trance, and you respond with a ‘yes’ without much thought because of him.
Mingyu swallows all his anxiety before asking that million dollar question.
“Do you love me?”
Although you feel small being put on the spot like that, the one thing you’ll admit is that you’ve already predetermined the answer to this. And just as much courage as Mingyu puts into asking, you’ll reciprocate and do the same in answering because he’s admirable for even trying.
Without much thought, he presses his lips against yours. You love him, although you rarely if not never say it, but you finally said those words and all he needs is to hear it just once for assurance. To know that there’s something he’s chasing for, that he’s not running in place like on a treadmill.
Arms snaking around his neck, you keep your hold there as his hands reach to your jaw, leveraging the kiss in an angle he’d prefer. When you kiss, he feels complete. He’s never felt like this with another girl before, this feeling of home, the feeling of comfort. You’re colder than brisk winters, but something about having you in his arms makes him warm.
Your fingers comb through his locks, and although it’s doused in gel and spent hours on doing this morning, he doesn’t mind because he knows he’s yours. When you kiss him back, he’s as anxious as he was when he had to go on stage and perform in front of people for the first time.
Gently pulling away, both your lips are pink and swollen with a string of saliva connecting between. Pants brushing against each other’s face, a soft smile tugs on the edges of your lips as you feel heat creeping up your neck.
“I love you too,” he says, as low as a whisper. “And… I’m okay if you don’t say it again. You know how I show you that I love you… and I should’ve been better at learning what you’re comfortable with in showing how you love. But I still need you to help, too, to make this… better. I need you to talk to me, when you need me. When I need you. I need you to be here for me too.”
“Okay,” you respond, volume matching his. “If that’s the case, I love you. Just… as another reminder since I only said yes the first time.”
He lets out a chuckle, vibrating from his chest and everything about him makes your heart race. “Good. Can I show you how much I love you?”
“No,” you retort quickly and bashfully. But he knows you’re playing because you nod afterwards, allowing him to carry you to the couch. “Maybe.”
“I need a yes, love,” Mingyu says cheekily, face nuzzled into the crook of your neck. “You know I’m not going to go any further until I hear it.”
“Yes,” you reply embitterly, but Mingyu knows better now. He knows what you want, because all he needed was assurance. “Please show me how much you love me.”
And fuck, because he never knew how much he needed to hear those words all his life.
You’re so pretty when he has you stripped down to nothing, laid out on the leather couch of your living room; hair messy, mouth gaped open from all his teasing, and with an arm covering your face because it’s all too much for you. Mingyu is a passionate lover, you’ve come to recognize, and although it’s all an unfamiliar territory, you love him and you’re willing to step into the unknown.
“How am I doing?” He asks, as if he doesn’t have his head in between your legs and a grip on the meat of your thighs. He loves the taste of you, he reminds you plenty of times, but dirty talk coming from such an innocent face makes you slightly embarrassed. “Feels good?”
“Shut up,” you hiss, avoiding his infatuated stare. “Just… just fucking do it, you asshole.”
“What? Show you how much I love you?”
There’s a tornado in the pit of your stomach. He keeps saying things that make you awkward because you’ve never been loved like how Mingyu loves.
You don’t react, and this displeases him. Laying his tongue flat out against your cunt, he gives you another lick that lets a whimper escape from your lips. “Tell me, baby. Am I doing a good job?”
“Yes,” you croak, only because you feel like he’s got you in this position for so long. You’re so exposed, and he at least has his boxers to protect him like a shield, but you’re all out in the open. (Not to mention his fucking built body. He makes you feel so insecure about yours—how is this puppy looking boy so… wide? What the fuck?) “Can you… can you take that off?”
He leans up, tilting his head in confusion and now you can see how hard he is in his undergarments. “My… my boxers?”
“Yeah. I feel like… I’m the only one exposed here.”
He laughs. “Baby, we’ll get to that.”
Mingyu snorts. “Anything my baby wants.” He bumps foreheads with you gingerly, something he's always done playfully, and tugs off his boxers swiftly as requested. “Let me make you cum first and—“
“No,” you interject, eyes closed and biting down on your bottom lip. It's the only way to remain bold—to not look him in the eye because he’ll melt you like a stick of butter left on the kitchen counter. “Show me how you love me.”
Mingyu doesn’t hesitate to shuffle quickly through the little stash hidden on the first shelf underneath your coffee table (he likes to be prepared in every situation even though this is your apartment) and finally spots the condom he hid a week ago. Tearing it open rapidly, he gives himself a couple pumps that have beads of precum building at the top and slips the rubber on with ease. “Ready?”
“For you?” Mingyu gulps, because before today, you’ve rarely said anything that made his heart stutter. “Anything.”
With a push of the head of his cock into your heat, a quiet wince escapes from your lips and his chocolate orbs are saturated in apologies. He doesn’t want you to feel pain, especially not you, but even his efforts to loosen you up beforehand, you still manage to be so tight around him every time. It feels good to have you around him snugly, yet he knows the consequence of the beginning is the ache in between your legs from the first intrusion.
“I’m sorry, bub,” Mingyu presses a tender kiss on your forehead. “Bear with me, yeah?”
“Mm,” you hum dismissively, warming up when he finally slides himself all the way in. He stills, in fear that you’re hurt, but instead, you’re surprisely impatient as you cross your legs behind him and pull him close. Bringing your lips close to his ears, you breathe, “fuck me, baby.”
Mingyu laughs brightly, and your jaw clenches. “What?”
“After today, I’m not going to fuck you.” You quirk a brow. “I’m gonna make love to you.”
“Don’t make me throw up. You’re ruining the moment.”
He grins mischievously before pulling out and shoving himself back in swiftly that earns a groan from you. “Oh? Am I?”
“Stop playing, Mingyu,” you state sternly, but Mingyu is enjoying himself too much. “Or else you're not getting any for the month.”
Well, that does the trick.
He has his hands on your hips, pushed down against the seat cushions of your loveseat couch, hips once flushed against yours now thrusting into your throbbing pussy. God, you’re fucking done for, honestly, because he’s a pro with his hips when he angles it just right that he’s brushing against your swollen clit, hitting so deep into you.
“You curse too much, baby,” Mingyu puffs, pecking the side of your lips sloppily. “Everyone thinks I’m such a nice guy and when they meet my—fuck—g-girlfriend and find out how much of a dirty mouth she has, they’re always struck.”
“Too fucking bad,” you spit, fingers digging into the skin of his shoulders. He’s so big, stretching you with each shove, but you’d never tell him that or his ego would inflate. “Stop talking and fuck me harder.”
Mingyu loves. He loves and loves, and although you won’t pretend that he comes to your home often with crumpled pieces of papers with girls’ names and numbers on them that fall into the catch-all bowl by the door with his keys, you don’t forget that besotted daze he falls into the moment he sees you. So when you ask for something, he delivers without fail.
Abiding by your urge, his hips move briskly, pistoning into you as fast as he can. Biceps tense, you can’t help but let your hands slip there, gripping onto the muscle and has you wondering fuck, how did you get so lucky? He’s hot, cute, sweet, loving and geez, he could fuck. He’s so clumsy, so dumb sometimes, but he’s so freaking lovable it makes you sick. Lovesick.
His pretty eyes shut close, you notice, because those two cups of hot chocolate are gone and he’s chewing on his bottom lip as he groans, ends of his hair that brush over his eyes now drenched in sweat. His skin glistens underneath the dim lights, and he reminds you of the stars in the night sky—so gorgeous, so special. Always a sight to see.
“Fuck,” the not-so-innocent boy curses (even though he just said you curse too much) “Baby, you just got so tight. Are you about to cum?”
“Possibly,” you manage to say, still attempting to play games even though Mingyu could very so threaten to steal your orgasm away from the tip of your fingers. But when he slightly shifts in the midst of his pounding, you let out a raspy, “Almost,” because he’s rubbing against your nub incessantly that you’re losing all your focus.
When you finally see those stars, you let go.
Mingyu feels this, grunting when you convulse around his dick, head dropping to watch you tug and tug around him, begging for him to cum. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long because after a couple thrusts, he stills, spilling ropes of cum into the condom and dropping the entirety of his weight onto you, face snug into the crook of your neck once again.
“You’re heavy.”
“Fuck, baby, we just had sex and that’s the first thing you say?”
He can’t see you, but there’s a smile on your face. “Yeah. And you got my couch all sticky from your sweat. Not to mention the cum. Are you gonna clean it after?”
Mingyu doesn’t care. He’s blissful. He’s happy. He knows you’re going to toss a damp rag at him later, despite his dick out and still drenched in your arousal, and tell him to ‘wipe down the fucking couch because that’s gross.’
All because he knows that you love him.
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neurodiversebones · 2 years
31 of the autistic prompts with sweets?? autistic sweets means sm to me as i came to a huge realisation he is autistic but isn't aware of it until much later in his life!!! zack + sweets autistic solidarity 👍👍
all the people's mouths are moving / all you hear are car alarms (1/1)
prompt : an autistic character with hyperempathy who struggles to deal with it
rating : general audiences
ship : lance sweets / zack addy
other tags : canon autistic character, autistic lance sweets, hyperempathetic lance sweets, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, panic attacks
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Lance collapsed against his office couch, head in his hands- it was all becoming too much. He felt like he absorbed everything his friends said to him- like their emotions were his own times a hundred. He enjoyed his job- really- it’d been his dream for years. As far back as he could remember, actually.
Emotions were always something easy for Lance to understand. He may have struggled with making friends, or staying still in class, or talking in turn with others, but he always knew how people felt. He could comfort people. He could learn more about them in a short conversation than they’d know about him after months of friendship.
Psychology was the obvious choice, right?
And it was, most days. But today, he was just exhausted. Booth and Brennan were going through an intense case, one that hit close to home for the both of them. A child was involved, which hurt everyone on the team a little more. Between a tough case, therapy sessions, and the interpersonal drama of his friends, he was more overwhelmed than he knew how to handle. His head was swimming with hundreds of conflicting emotions- reds and blues swirled together in his mind, not to make purple, but a mixing pattern that made him feel dizzy and nauseated. 
He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and tapping his fingers against each other in some sort of rhythmic pattern. In an attempt to self soothe, he tried using some of the breathing techniques he taught his patients oh so often. What did he need right now? It was hard to push past the thoughts of what everyone else needed to get to his own. Brennan needed to talk about feelings the case was bringing up for her. Booth needed to talk to Brennan about his feelings. His friends needed to be reminded to take care of themselves. His three o’clock appointment needed him to research something before they showed up, but he couldn’t remember what it was.
What did he need?
He needed to call Zack.
Zack picked up the phone almost immediately- he always did. “Lance?” He asked, confused as to why he was calling mid-afternoon. Some of the tension in Sweets’s shoulders released just at the sound of his voice.
“Zack, I’m-” Lance tried to get the words out, but his voice was starting to fail on him “I need you. Please.”
“What’s wrong, Lance? You sound distressed,” Zack’s tone was as matter-of-fact as always, and it brought some peace to Lance in his panicked state. 
“I’m… I don’t know. I’m overwhelmed. Just needed to hear your voice.”
There was a pregnant pause while Zack considered what he should say next.
“What do you need?” He asked. “What can I do?”
Lance knew that Zack wasn’t the greatest with emotions. He didn’t always understand what other people were feeling or why. He couldn’t look at a person and tell you about their thoughts. He thought the idea was silly, but was impressed with his boyfriend’s proven ability to do what Zack would have called mind reading if they were in one of the science fiction movies the two of them both enjoyed so much.
Zack, however, was fantastic at following patterns and rules. Once he was told what someone needed, he was a great comfort. Even if he didn’t understand why that would help someone, he would do his best to provide- and honestly, his lack of assumptions and expectations about other’s feelings made things easier sometimes.
Lance thought for a moment before answering Zack’s question.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just needed to talk to someone. Someone who isn’t one of my patients, preferably. I’m just… exhausted.”
“Why don’t you take a rest then?” Zack replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Lance chuckled, and Zack became even more confused. “Why are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” Sweets explained to the other man. “I’m not laughing at you. You’re just… you’re sweet, that’s all.” He blushed as he explained himself, but chose to ignore it for the time being. “It’s a different kind of tired. Emotionally exhausted. I just feel… so overwhelmed by how many people are relying on me right now. It’s like I can’t do anything.”
“Once again, you should take a rest,” Zack repeated his prior advice, and Sweets tilted his head in confusion despite knowing that Zack couldn’t see him. “An emotional rest. Get done what absolutely can’t be pushed to tomorrow, and then go home. It’ll help.”
“But-” Lance started, about to defend his overworking habit before his boyfriend cut back in.
“You’re of no use to anyone if you push yourself too hard. It’s important to recognize burnout as it is approaching, so that the appropriate measures can be put in place,” Zack reminded him. “What would you say to a patient who was feeling the exact same way you are now?”
Damn him. Using Sweets’s own techniques against him. He had a point, but it was mildly annoying to have to acknowledge that he was wrong.
Sweets sighed, giving in. “I would say the exact same thing you are right now.” He took a deep breath, now that the panic had subsided and exhaustion had creeped back in. “Thank you for helping me. I know you’re busy.”
He felt a little guilty for pulling Zack away from his work. There was a lot going on at the lab right now, but his boyfriend had still taken the time to step away and comfort him. That was a big deal for Zack, and he knew it.
“You’re important to me,” Zack stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Sweets blushed like a crushing schoolboy at the statement. He grinned ear to ear before realizing he forgot to reply.
“I love you too,” he said. Those words were difficult for Zack to say, but he’d told Sweets one night that he still appreciated hearing them. He showed it through actions rather than words, and that was enough for Lance. “You should come over later. We can watch movies and I’ll cook.” He invited. “I know you’re stressed right now too.”
He could have sworn he heard Zack smile through the phone. “Star Wars?” he asked, and Sweets laughed, because he would watch anything if it meant he got to spend time with Zack- even something with no explosions, if it came down to that. He told Zack that yes, of course they’d be watching Star Wars, and then overheard Brennan calling him back to the platform.
They hung up, and Sweets felt relaxed for the first time in weeks. Taking Zack’s advice, he cleared his schedule for the day and began to pack up. He had a movie night to prepare for.
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Last Night Beca (4/4)
pairing: bechloe
rating: t
The walk to the door began, as did Chloe’s wondering if she made a mistake by thinking she was up to the task of walking Beca home, no matter how much she wanted to.
Chloe thought it almost would’ve been easier if the singer had been unconscious so she could’ve carried her. Instead, Beca insisted that she could do it herself, staggered across the floor like a newborn calf learning how to walk, and tripped over a table, flinging herself into the doorframe at the entrance.
[seriously, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this. each comment I've seen on it has made my grinch heart grow 3 sizes. more things to come!! :) ]
Read chapter ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) here!
Read on AO3!
Friday Night
Chloe was certain she had never been through anything as difficult as getting Beca from her stool to the entrance of the bar.
After telling Aubrey and Jesse that she was walking Beca home, earning a very not-subtle look from both of them that told her exactly what their assumptions were, she stood to help Beca off of her seat. That was difficult enough in itself, as the brunette felt like a ragdoll and almost collapsed in her arms. Beca began to walk to the door but only stumbled a few steps before turning around and insisting that she took a picture of Chloe and Aubrey together first, claiming that “it’s only fair since you took such great pictures of me!” The sentiment was sweet, but as she watched Beca sway as she tried to keep herself steady enough to take the picture, Chloe wished Beca was a little less sweet at the moment.
Then, the walk to the door began, as did Chloe’s wondering if she made a mistake by thinking she was up to the task of walking Beca home, no matter how much she wanted to.
Chloe thought it almost would’ve been easier if the singer had been unconscious so she could’ve carried her. Instead, Beca insisted that she could do it herself, staggered across the floor like a newborn calf learning how to walk, and tripped over a table, flinging herself into the doorframe at the entrance.
“Oh my god ,” Chloe said with a laugh once she caught up with Beca at the door and led her outside. “You are a walking disaster.”
“I am doing just fine, thank you very much. Just needed some wonderful fresh air.”
“Yeah, totes.”
Chloe watched as Beca made her way out to the middle of the sidewalk on unsteady legs, apparently unconcerned with the people walking around her. Beca paused a few feet away from the bar and tilted her head up, prompting Chloe to ask what she was doing and if she could do it somewhere not in the way of the people trying to get around her. When the girl didn’t answer and kept staring at the sky, Chloe shook her head with a smile and pulled the disposable camera from her purse, taking another picture. She highly doubted Beca would remember everything about tonight, so the pictures would be a good thing to look back on, as well as an opening to hopefully see her again.
Beca was initially startled from the flash and then broke into a giant grin, stumbling the few steps over to Chloe. “We have to take a picture together!”
Chloe let her arm be yanked until she and Beca were positioned in front of the red neon sign for the bar and stretched her other one not still held by Beca out to take the picture. As she took it, she realized that she felt Beca breathing against the side of her face and turned her head slowly, feeling her heart pound with how close the shorter girl’s face was to hers.
“You weren’t even looking at the camera,” she said, trying to ignore how breathless her voice sounded.
“I assure you, I was looking at something much better.”
Chloe’s heart was racing as her eyes stayed locked on dark blue ones, unable to look away. She watched as Beca’s eyes kept flitting to her lips and found herself doing the same. Beca began leaning forwards to close the small gap and moved her hand to rest it upon Chloe’s cheek when-
“Wait! Wait,” Chloe said, leaning away to try to gain some distance. Beca’s face first looked adorably confused but quickly turned panicked as she jolted backward with wide eyes.
“Holy shit, holy fuck , I am so sorry, I just- I thought…”
“Beca, it’s okay,” Chloe smiled as she reached out to pull Beca closer again, trying to break her out of her panic. “Trust me, I really want to kiss you. But you are still extremely drunk and I don’t think that would be very nice of me.”
Beca had her brow furrowed in confusion for a moment, presumably trying to register the words in her drunken haze before her face lit up. “If that’s the only issue then that’s fine.” She began to lean forwards again, moving right towards Chloe’s lips.
Chloe clapped her hand over Beca’s mouth when she got mere inches away again and dissolved into a fit of giggles.
“Beca, I’m sorry, it’s going to have to wait,” she said through her laughter, having to physically hold the shorter girl’s face back with her hand. “You can’t even walk in a straight line. Once you can, we can discuss it.”
Once Beca took a few steps back, Chloe removed her hand from her face and observed the small pout that was uncovered. Just like in the bar, she couldn’t get over how adorable the girl was.
Chloe had been following Beca’s career for a couple of years now, ever since she was looking into one of her favorite songs and found out that the producer was very attractive. Once Beca had put out her first album, along came the talk show and radio interviews. There was something about Beca’s slightly awkward yet confident-in-herself demeanor that was the perfect mixture of being both hot and endearing.
Chloe was instantly hooked.
Now, looking at the girl standing before her who was steadily making the shift from Beca Mitchell: the celebrity to Beca: the stumbling and swaying twenty-something year old who was full-on pouting because she wouldn’t kiss her, Chloe was finding herself more than hooked.
“Come on cutie, let’s get you home,” Chloe said with a fond smile to the still-pouting face. She grabbed Beca’s hand and began walking, but not without noticing the blush that appeared on her cheeks.
- - - - -
“Chloe, god , I am so fucking sorry.”
In plain and simple terms, Beca was fucking mortified . When she went out the other night, none of this was in her plans. She didn’t plan on getting shitfaced, she didn’t plan on meeting a pretty girl, and she definitely didn’t plan on making the pretty girl babysit her as she continuously tried to make moves on her.
The tripping over a table wasn’t in her plans, either, although the bruises she has been discovering made a lot more sense now.
“Really, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” Chloe said with a warm smile. “I literally told you I wanted to kiss you, just not at the moment, mainly for your benefit.”
Trying to compose the butterflies that began flying around in her stomach at yet another mention by Chloe about wanting to kiss her, Beca took a sip of her now second drink. “Well, I’m still sorry.”
“You’re forgiven,” Chloe smiled. “If you really do feel bad about trying to kiss me, though, you probably should hold off on saying sorry for now. You tried probably another ten times just on the way to the park.”
“I’m choosing to ignore that. How did we get to the park? I thought you were taking me home?” Beca asked as she tried desperately to fight the off waves of embarrassment rushing through her.
“You got distracted by the lights. It’s kinda like you were a moth, you targeted right in on them. It was very cute.”
“Oh my god, please don’t compare me to a bug.”
- - - - -
Friday Night
“Dude! Look at those lights!” Beca said, pointing at the lights strung in the trees at the small park they just approached. Chloe let herself be yanked along the gravel path, following Beca to a wooden bench where she watched on in amusement as the shorter girl flung herself onto it.
It had been about a fifteen-minute walk to where they were now, one that could’ve been shorter if her companion wasn’t hammered. In that time, Chloe had to pull Beca out of the way of three trash cans before she walked into them, tie her shoe because the brunette insisted that she couldn’t figure it out on her own, and stop her from kissing her about ten times.
All things considered, it was shaping up to be the best night Chloe has had in a while.
“Don’t go passing out on me now,” she said with a laugh. “I know I said I would carry you home if I have to, but you haven’t told me your address.”
“I’m not gonna pass out, promise. Now bring your pretty face over here and come sit with me.”
Chloe walked over to the bench and sat down next to Beca, not bothering to ask her to move over from where she was seated in the center of the bench. After hesitating for a brief moment, she reached over and clasped Beca’s hand in hers as she had on their walk, feeling comfort in the warm softness of her fingers intertwining with hers, only interrupted by a couple of cold metal rings.
“I know it’s probably super annoying,” Beca started, a slight slur still in her speech, “but thank you for coming with me. I have really liked it.”
“Of course. I’ve really liked it, too.” Chloe said with a smile. As she said it, Beca shifted, wrapping her arms around Chloe’s neck and swinging her legs across her lap. Chloe felt her breath hitch as Beca leaned impossibly closer and buried her head in her neck amongst her red curls. “Hey, Becs? Whatcha doing?”
A soft kiss was pressed to her neck and she heard a mumble come out, muffled against her skin.
“You’re really pretty.” Another kiss. “And nice.” Another. “And your skin is really soft.”
Chloe screwed her eyes shut at the sensation and tried to muster any of her self-control that was left to hopefully stop herself from tackling the other girl and kissing her senseless.
“I’m going to take another picture, okay?” she said, her voice coming out much shakier than she had been hoping.
Chloe reached for her purse on the ground, a much more difficult task than it had to be with Beca still wrapped around her, and dug the camera out of it. She stretched out her arm and before she clicked the button, she twisted her head to the side and placed a small kiss on the top of Beca’s forehead. She let her lips linger there as the flash went off and interrupted the soft glow from the lights in the trees behind them.
After placing her camera and purse on the ground again and leaning up, Chloe was greeted by Beca staring right at her with a giant grin on her face.
“What’s that face for?” Chloe asked as she began to mirror the smile.
“You kissed me!”
Beca looked positively elated and Chloe couldn’t hold in her laughter. “You just kissed me three times, I figured I could return the favor.”
“If that’s the case…” Beca began with a smirk, slowly moving her hand over and laying it on the top of Chloe’s leg. “You owe me two more.” Her fingers were moving absentmindedly across the bare skin of Chloe’s thigh and her eyes were watching her with an intensity that hadn’t been there moments ago.
Chloe struggled to contain the emotions she was currently feeling. Just as she had crossed the line from being Beca Mitchell to just being Beca, Beca was steadily crossing the line from being adorable to being really unfairly hot with each passing second.
Chloe wasn’t sure if she’d survive it.
Deciding to go with the safest option that the request suggested, she gently grabbed Beca’s face and turned it to look forwards again before slowly leaning in. When her lips connected with Beca’s cheek, she heard a shaky inhale and couldn’t help the smirk that ended up pressed to the skin.
When she pulled back, she saw that her lipstick for the night was prominently displayed in a perfect mark on Beca’s face.
“This lipstick is really putting in some work tonight. Sorry about that,” Chloe said as she slowly traced around the print with her thumb.
All Beca had to say on the matter was a quiet asking of “One more?”
While the first two kisses had been innocent, as she took in the flush on Beca’s cheeks paired with the memory of her lips against her neck, Chloe truly couldn’t help herself. In a split-second decision, she stood up from the bench to position herself in front of Beca, giggling at the small whine that came out of the singer at her movement.
“Patience is a virtue, Beca.”
Chloe brushed Beca’s hair off of her shoulder and held it at the back of her head, tilting her slightly with her grasp. Leaning down slowly, she pressed her lips to the side of Beca’s neck and reveled in the whimper she heard. Before backing away she gave the skin a slight nip and reflexively tightened her hand in the soft locks of hair at the small moan that bubbled out of Beca’s throat.
“How’s that?” she asked as she straightened up to put some space in between them before she really lost control.
It seemed that Beca had been rendered speechless at that, as she just sat on the bench staring at her with a furious blush on her face. Shaking her head in disbelief at the turn her night took, Chloe grabbed her camera once more and took a picture, needing proof that this memory that would stick with her forever had actually happened.
- - - - -
“Were you trying to kill me?”
“You are so dramatic, I was not.”
“I think you were.”
God , how Beca wished she hadn’t drank so much that night. As Chloe was telling her about what happened once they were at the park, all she could think of was what else could’ve happened had she not still been falling all over herself.
But, then again, had she been sober, she probably wouldn’t have been so bold.
It seemed like Chloe would’ve been, though. The thought made her shiver involuntarily.
“You were the one who kissed me first! If I had been trying to kill you, it would’ve only been in retaliation.”
Beca faked offense at that, scoffing at the insinuation that the escalation had been her fault (even though it definitely was. Last Night Beca was known for being a bit of a ‘horny fuck’, as Stacie often put it).
“Maybe if you weren’t so hot, I wouldn’t have,” Beca said, trying to keep her voice accusatory.
She only realized what she said when she saw Chloe looking at her with an incredibly pleased expression on her face, and immediately felt her face heat up what felt like a thousand degrees.
“We’re going to come back to that later,” Chloe said with a smirk. “Do you mind if we take the rest of this retelling on the road? It’s getting a little late and I have work in the morning.”
Beca nodded her agreement as Chloe went to the bar to pay the tab and tried not to let any surprise show at the unspoken idea that Chloe would be walking her home again. She gathered her things, including Chloe’s dress, and met her over at the bar as she was signing her receipt.
“Good seeing you sober, Beca,” Jesse said in a teasing tone once she stood beside Chloe at the bar. “Will I be seeing more of you?”
It was a simple enough question; Jesse probably meant for it to be simple. An easy question of “Will you be coming back to the bar where I work?”, but as Beca looked at Chloe, meeting her light blue eyes with her own, she heard a question coming from Chloe despite the redhead not opening her mouth.
Will she be seeing Jesse more because he’s Chloe’s friend and she’ll be seeing Chloe more?
With her eyes still locked onto Chloe’s, Beca gave both a simple and complex answer.
“Yeah. I really hope so.”
- - - - -
Beca was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down her face.
“I’m sorry! She came over all starstruck and all you wanted to do was finish serenading me with some Avril,” Chloe said around her laughs that were honestly coming out more as wheezes. “I panicked!”
“That doesn’t mean tell one of my fans that I accidentally took drugs!”
“You kept trying to grab my ass! You seemed much worse than only drunk, it wouldn’t have explained everything. Don’t worry, I cleared it up afterward.”
The pair had been walking for around ten minutes now, neither of them being in any real rush to leave the other. While Beca was enjoying listening to Chloe’s dramatic retellings of Friday night, half of her brain was focused on the way that not even a minute into walking Chloe had grabbed her hand.
She wasn’t normally one for physical contact from near-strangers, but this?
This was nice.
“You were very sweet with her, though. It was really cute,” Chloe said in a softer tone, her laughing finally calming down and the wild grin turning into a gentle smile.
“Well, yeah,” Beca smiled back. “I get to live my dream, have to be at least a little appreciative of the people who helped me get there.”
Chloe kept glancing at her as they walked in silence for a few minutes, expression unreadable, until she finally broke the silence. “Then the live stream happened, which you saw. I don’t think I’m going to take up your offer for a restraining order, though.”
“You should. If that’s what I was like the whole night, you really should.”
The rest of the walk home was taken up by Chloe saying how while the walk from the park wasn’t as bad as the walk from the bar, it was still pretty awful- or at least would seem so to Beca.
She had tried to kiss Chloe again. Repeatedly. And when that didn’t work, she took up begging. Again.
For some reason, after all of that, Chloe had still been nice enough to walk Beca up to her apartment (“I was worried you were going to die!”) and somehow got convinced to play with her hair for an embarrassing half-hour (“You told me it was imperative to ward off your hangover”).
Finally, the two made it to the entrance of Beca’s building.
“The last thing you did Friday night was make me change into your clothes. You said it was for comfort but immediately after I did, you said that I’d have to see you again to give them back, so I don’t really believe that first part.”
“Like half of the other things you’ve told me, I’m going to ignore that,” Beca said, once again cringing at how awkwardly forward she had been.
“Your loss,” Chloe said with a grin. “By the way, do you have those pictures from the other night with you? I’m sure they came out super cute.”
Reaching into her pocket, Beca grabbed the forgotten pictures and handed them over to Chloe with a smile. Chloe was right, after all. They did come out super cute.
Beca kinda wanted to make fifty copies of all of them and plaster them over everything in her apartment.
She watched as Chloe went through them and at the same time, watched as Chloe’s smile grew wider and wider. After making it to the last picture, Chloe handed them back over with a smile still on her face.
“You can keep them for now. Maybe I’ll have you make copies for me.”
Beca was at a loss for words as she stared at Chloe’s smiling face, the photos safely in her pocket again. She knew the night was coming to a close and much like earlier in the day, she was faced with the question of what to say to someone who has given her the best night of her life.
Although now, it was two nights.
Luckily, Chloe decided to take pity on her.
“You know, Beca, there’s something I noticed on our walk home.”
Beca felt her brows furrow in confusion, trying to remember if she did anything else embarrassing or that would warrant teasing. “What is it?”
Beca watched as Chloe took a step towards her, closing the already-small gap that had been between them. Her heart began to pound at Chloe’s proximity and all she could do was stare into the ocean blue eyes as Chloe lifted her hands, one resting on Beca’s waist and the other coming up to cup her face.
“You were walking in a pretty straight line.”
“Was I?”
The last thing she saw before feeling Chloe’s lips against hers was that sickeningly-sweet smile she had been dreaming about.
The rest of the world disappeared around her. All Beca could focus on was the softness of Chloe’s lips and the feeling of her hand against her face. She moved her own hands upwards, immediately tangling one in red hair and the other in Chloe’s (her) sweatshirt and trying to pull her impossibly closer.
After what felt like seconds and eternities at the same time, Beca pulled away slightly, just enough so she could mumble out the only coherent thought in her mind (besides dear god, this is amazing ).
“Go on a date with me?”
Chloe’s smile was enough of an answer, but the kiss that followed cemented the deal.
- - - - -
realbecamitchell: last night beca’s got GAME. thanks drunky
| current beca can’t stop smiling
| :D
chlobeale: See you Friday <3 xx
60 notes · View notes
infernal-fire · 3 years
suburban dream
summary: how do you wake up from a nightmare? is it a nightmare if you’ve been asleep the whole time?
major warnings: noncon/dubcon smut, stalking, mention of pregnancy, some cum play (check the prompts for indications of other warnings)
a/n: this is for @iraot​’s 1.1k writing challenge. BIG congrats on 1.1k (i cannot explain how glad i am that others get to read your amazing work) and another BIG thank you for hosting this challenge.
Here are the results of my wheel spins:
Kink wheel: daddy kink, somnophilia, breeding kink Character wheel: Jake Jensen Situation wheel: Neighbours AU
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You let out a breath of relief as you dropped the last brown box into the corner of the room. How you managed to own this much stuff, you’d never know. Glanced around the living room, it was difficult to decide where to begin. After much contemplation, you huffed and picked up the pizza catalogue, deciding to call it a day. 
It was unbearable to leave the house in the mess that it was. On the other hand, your right hip wailed in agony every time you bent down. Lacking the much-needed support of friends or family, you had no option but to suck it up and unpack… but that can wait till tomorrow. 
Fishing out just the necessities for the night, you climbed up the stairs and headed into the master bedroom. Massive house for one person, you noted. You did insist that an apartment would suffice but Tony was a stickler for rules.
All Stark employees have to be residents of a Stark-Jensen neighbourhood. 
Before getting the job, you weren’t even aware that “Stark-Jensen” neighbourhoods were a thing; it was a term coined by the tech company itself, referring to neighbourhoods that are protected by Stark-Jensen technology. The crime rate in these neighbourhoods are always startlingly low, the odd criminal or two being from inside the community itself. All things considered, how could you say no to free housing? 
Sure, the security measures assured that you never had to worry, but it also made you wonder why they were there in the first place. This place was as secure as the Stark Tower; why? You tried not to ask too many questions, afraid of getting on Tony’s bad side. Besides, it isn’t characteristic of him to give you a straight answer anyway. 
Life is good, your most harrowing concern at the moment being that your new place had no curtains. It had been a long time since things were calm and you were just recognizing that your days had been free of storms for some time now. Counting your blessings for the second time that night, you stepped into the shower and reminded yourself of all the things to be grateful for. 
To say you were in a good mood was an understatement. You finished your night routine right as the pizza was delivered and excitedly skipped down. No one told you how fun living alone was but they didn’t need to - you quickly found that independence is a glorious necessity in everyone’s life.
Jake stood bewildered at your person throwing the door open. He gripped the pizza box tight to ensure he didn’t drop it and continued to look at you like you had grown a third head. He never was very good with his words, but your beauty truly inhibited his ability to think.
“Hi?” you asked.
“Hey, I-I’m your neighbour, Jake. Saw that you were moving in and I came to ask if you need any help.” 
“Oh,” you contemplated, looking past him. “Where’s the pizza person?”
“I paid for it. Housewarming gift?” he  said like a question and handed it over. 
You received the warm box and waited for him to say something as he fiddled with his hands. His smile looks so familiar but you couldn’t place your finger on it. 
“So…Do you need help?” He looked up right at the end. You grinned at how shy he was.
“I would really appreciate the help tomorrow,” you replied casually. 
“Oh, so… I’ll come by tomorrow morning?” He looked hopeful, as if you were the one handing him the olive branch. You took a once-over of his build, sure that he would come handy when your hip gives up again and nodded in response. 
He nodded back slowly and turned around to leave, but seeing him at your doorstep felt eerily similar to a puppy left out in the rain. 
“I don’t think I can finish this pizza alone,” you called out. He turned around, a glint of happiness apparent in the shine of his eyes. 
“Do you have time to help me with this right now?” It was your turn to look hopeful and you really hoped this cutie took the bait.
He did. 
You couldn’t ignore the nagging at the back of your head that you had seen him somewhere. You also couldn’t dismiss the fact that dinner together was just a little awkward. The conversation started off with small talk, and it didn’t take a genius to tell that neither of you enjoyed it. Luckily, it shifted to talks about the neighbourhood and your old job. After that, the words flowed easily, the two of you bonding like you had known each other forever. Although it was smooth sailing, you couldn’t help but wonder how he knows so much about the neighbourhood security measures. When he mentioned that he had lived there for about 6 years, you chalked it up to a simple accumulation of knowledge he must’ve acquired from being around for so long. 
“So everyone who lives around here works for Stark-Jensen, right?” you questioned, trailing your finger on the rim of your second wine glass for the night.
“Yeah, for the most part. Though it’s hard to tell who works for who.”
You chuckled in agreement.
“What is it with that? I mean, I work for Stark, and my colleagues, too… but exclusively for Stark. Jensen does exist right?”
“Yeah,” he snickered, “He does. Stark makes the tech and Jensen does the coding.”
“So they’re a two-man team, but Tony’s the face of the company? Seems sort of unfair,” you muttered, quirking your brow a little. 
Jake smiled at your comment, glanced at his hands and looked back up at you. 
“Maybe he wants it to be that way.” He nudged his glasses up and took a little sip of his wine while peering at you. 
You cocked your head to the side and considered the information. Your head was hazy and you needed to stop drinking; alcohol and cute guys are not a good mix. 
“Wait.” You squinted at him. 
“Does that mean you’re a Stark-Jensen employee?” 
He let out a chortle and took your glass from you. 
“Hey, hey I want that back!” you whined, not even caring that you’re embarrassing yourself. 
“I think that’s enough for today.” He gently helped you up, waiting for you to move. 
“I can usually handle my liquor,” you promised, clinging onto his broad form for support. 
He started moving you up to your lone mattress in the corner of your room, softly laying you down. 
“Jake,” you caught his arm. “You didn’t answer the question. Do you work for Stark-Jensen?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
You pouted at his answer, still gripping his wrist like you owned him. He tenderly pried your fingers off him and placed them on your belly. 
“See you tomorrow,” he mumbled as he left your room. You drifted asleep easily, blissfully unaware of how you’d never be able to live down the humiliation of your drunken stupor. 
The next day, you hoped Jake wouldn’t show up. It would save you from the burning heat that crept up your neck every time you recalled the night before.
Unfortunately, Jake had found it way too amusing an opportunity to tease you, showing up at your doorstep at 10 AM on the dot. 
The day went on without a hitch, the conversation picking up easily from where you left off. Jake found it endearing when you groaned at the mention of your state, only after three glasses of wine. The question of his employment never crossed your mind again, both of you having way too much fun unpacking. You felt ten times better knowing that your neighbour was a loveable, single, hunky nerd; it made the stress of settling in that much better. 
Of course, like all good things, the weekend came to an end. Monday morning, you eagerly prepped yourself for a new week at the office. Being Tony’s right hand took five rounds of interviews as well as background checks into every living relative you had. After the turbulent hiring process, you found that the job was not any easier. Luckily, the move had you feeling more thankful about being in sync with all the Stark tech; with FRIDAY managing your house and personal appointments, it was easier to keep track of Tony’s day. 
You stepped out of the house and shielded your eyes from the beautiful day. Just then, your lovely new friend stepped onto his porch wearing casual attire.
“Have fun at work!” he called after you.
“Thanks! Are you going to work?”
“Yes, I am.” You took in his outfit one more time, chuckling as you wondered what job would pay enough to live here while dressed in sweats.
“Well, in case I don’t see ya’... Good afternoon, good evening and good night!” you exclaim loudly. 
Jake giggled like a schoolboy and waved goodbye before ducking into his car. 
Tony’s 10 AM meeting has been pushed to 11 AM, Miss L/N. 
“No, no, that won’t do! He has another meeting at 12 PM, the timing will clash. FRIDAY, who was he supposed to meet at 10 AM?”
Speaking to the AI felt more like talking to yourself, but with time, you assured yourself that it would look as cool as Stark when handling your things.
He’s meeting Mr Jensen, the co-founder of Stark-Jensen. I believe you have not met him yet. 
“Yeah, I haven’t. Could you call him for me, FRIDAY?”
Sorry Miss L/N, Mr Jensen’s phone is switched off. He has already notified Tony of the change in plans. 
“What an asshole,” you grumbled. 
On the contrary, I think you would like Mr Jensen, Miss L/N.
“You can just call me Y/N, FRIDAY. Oh, and, send out a notification to all of today’s meeting hosts and tell them to push it by one hour. If they complain, send them my number to take up any problems they have.” 
It’ll be done by the time you reach your office. 
“Thank you,” you smiled and pulled into your parking spot, right beside Tony’s. 
It was hard to imagine what would’ve happened today if Tony didn’t give you access to FRIDAY. Calling each meeting host and personally asking them to push their meetings seemed like a tedious and mind-bending task. And frankly, you didn’t ever look forward to talking to Karen’s. But now, you would never have to know; FRIDAY was an absolute godsend. 
You stepped onto the other side of security clearance just as the clock struck 9 AM. Strutting up to your office, you made a mental checklist of everything you need to do during the day. Usually, Tony didn’t require you to sit in for his meetings. He has a different set of assistants for note-taking purposes. 
Too consumed by your thoughts, you didn’t notice the large picture of Jake and Tony sitting side by side on the wall beside the elevators. You also didn’t notice Jake’s smirk as he passed by you with ease. He would’ve stopped to say hi, but he knew that you didn’t realize who he was yet. Now he just had to figure out a way to get you to show up to his and Tony’s meeting and give you the heart attack of a lifetime. 
Beep, beep.
The Stark-watch buzzed on your wrist, letting you know that Tony was calling for you. You had barely even stepped into the elevator and he was already whining like a baby. 
You shook your head and stepped into the doorframe of his lab.
“Come here!” his voice called from the far end of a lab. Your suspicions of him being under the work table were confirmed when he wheeled out on his back and handed you a wrench. 
“Do me a favour. Tighten this for me?” 
He handed you the arm of an Iron Man suit, what you assumed was his latest mark. He already lived at the lab as it was, you wondered how he ever had time for Pepper. 
“Come on, put your arm into it L/N! You know what, you’re distracted, give it here.”
“Did you call me here to tighten your screws?” You shifted your weight onto one leg and crossed your arms. It was sassy of you, but Tony’s assistant needs to have some backbone, famously said by Rhodey.
“Well, you know me, screws always loose.” He knocked on his head and chuckled at his own joke. You sighed and turned to walk out. 
“I need you to sit in for my 11 o’clock. And cancel everything else today.”
You gasped and turned again, marching to where he was lying down. 
“Tony Stark, you have no regard for anyone’s time! I already pushed everything back by one hour because of your buddy Jensen and now you’re asking me to cancel everything?”
“I know, and I agree. I wish I could go to the mind-numbing meetings with corporate clowns, but I want to show you and Jensen something cool.”
He stopped fiddling with his toy just long enough to glance at you. 
You sighed and called for FRIDAY, groaning for the umpteenth time since that morning. Why were you acting like this was the first time he’s done this? It was probably your lack of energy from moving. You couldn’t wait to get home and maybe call Jake over for dinner. Now that you considered this possibility, time seemed to pass slower, but at least there was something worthwhile to look forward to. 
When 10:55 rolled around, you were sitting in Tony’s lab, patiently waiting as Tony set up his latest invention for demonstration. 
“Where’s your buddy?” you asked, checking your watch for the time again. 
“On his way,” he replied without turning away from his work. 
He paused and took a step back to admire his work before facing you. 
“You haven’t met Jake, have you?”
Right on cue, Jake walked through the doors of the labs and you whipped around to find your grinning friend.
“Howdy neighbour,” Jake sneered. 
“Oh, right. You live beside each other,” Tony muttered as he gathered some more things from his desk. 
You shamelessly inhaled the pinewood and vanilla-infused scent of Jake as he sat down beside you. To have him so close to you was a dangerous thing, your cunt unknowingly clenching every time he moved his biceps. 
“Stop making heart-eyes at him.”
You threw whatever was in your hand at Tony’s head, and it happened to be a pen. It narrowly missed as he ducked and doubled over in laughter at your embarrassment. The bastard took sick pleasure in it so he often made it a point to humiliate you, but it usually wasn’t in front of the co-CEO of the world’s largest tech company. 
The rest of your time in that lab went on without any heart attacks - as far as anyone knew, the slick between your thighs doesn’t account for a ‘heart attack’, per se. You shouldn’t even be thinking about Jake like that. He was technically your boss too. 
Tony dismissed you at lunch and told you to take the rest of the day off, much to your delight. You slid into your car and dropped your head onto the steering wheel.
You had barely moved into the neighbourhood and you’re already finding ways to be fired.
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~Time skip~
You sighed and laid back in the over-the-top maternity chair Jake got you for feeding. Your baby gurgled as curled his little fingers into his palm before knocking on your breast once. With a light chuckle, you cooed as the little bundle began falling asleep. 
This was the only place in the house that had a sliver of sunlight gracing the inside of the house. 
You could have outdoor privileges if you didn’t pull that little stunt. 
Could you really blame yourself for trying to leave? How were you to know that it’s impossible to leave a Stark-Jensen neighbourhood?
Because it says “Stark-Jensen” in the name, you dumbass. 
Fair enough.
You lost count of how many times you sigh on the daily, instead opting to count the number of times you’re able to hold off a mental breakdown. Today, you got the rare privilege of privacy, with Jake being gone to another one of Stark’s presentation.
You reminisced about the last time you sat in Tony’s lab and watched him explain his latest creation. Little did you know that the first time you sat with Jake in there would also be the last time you ever sat in there. 
You gently placed the Jim in the cradle. Again, one of the many over-the-top investments made by Jake to ensure the baby got state-of-the-art care. The way Jensen had made you sit beside him as he put the contraption together almost had you lurching. But you didn’t want to wake the baby. The horridness of the memories cannot outweigh your will to keep Jimmy from crying.
“Look at it!”, Jake excitedly spun the box to show you. It must’ve cost an unreasonable amount of money - not that he couldn’t spare to spend the coin, but the purchase confirmed your worst suspicions; he was serious about this all. 
Your eyes, puffy from the days of crying, were barely open. Yet you still nodded, figuring that if you put up with his enthusiasm now, he’ll let you go to sleep without raping you like he did every night. 
Anyway, you were wrong. 
When did everything go so wrong?; How?
You picked up your phone. Your eyes flickered between the only two contacts saved on it. Jake made sure you couldn’t do anything except call him or Tony.
You missed your ex-boss (who was always more of a friend to you). But, it was obvious that calling him wasn’t worth it and would rarely yield any fruitful conversation. Tony always spoke as if he were walking on glass around you and your words were always monitored and censored by Jake. It didn’t take long to figure that one out. 
“I don’t know what happened, Tony, she’s just unhinged,” Jake explained over the phone. In the background, you struggled against the bonds that held you to his bedframe. You sobbed harder into your gag and tried to scream ‘help’. All that came out was a shriek. 
“You hear her? She’s completely unfit to come into work… What happened? I don’t know man… She’s breaking down under all the stress. A few days of rest might do the trick. No, no, you don’t have to come down. I’ll take care of it.” 
He ended the call and you went limp, pausing your hysteria. He smiled at you as if he hadn’t kidnapped you. As if he hadn’t just made Tony believe that you were off your rockers. As if he hadn’t just fucked you five times over the span of 48 hours. 
He had planned every step of your entrapment to the letter and it was all going according to his plan.
You put your phone facedown on the dining table and walked back upstairs to your room. His room. Your room, too. 
Never, you internally screamed.
Well, it’s too late to debate it. 
You stood at the foot of your bed and traced the footboard. He took you countless amount of times on this bed and every instance held some clue that he was working up to what was happening now. You could see that now - but what was the point now?
You giggled as Jake pushed you onto his bed. Who knew this golden retriever could be so rough?
“Shhshshshhh” you slurred and Jake laughed in response. 
“Tony’s not here, baby,” he replied, climbing on top of you. 
“We’re not gonna get fired?” 
“He can’t fire me, sweetheart.”
“Oh… yeah.” You frowned, remembering that your risqué relationship was only risky for you. 
In your drunken haze, you didn’t realize Jake was rubbing his bulbous tip against your folds, gathering slick. 
“Don’t have,” Jake lied. 
“Oh,” you hesitated. 
“It’ll feel so good, baby.” He nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck and sunk in before you had the chance to protest. 
“Jakeeee,” you whined. Writhing under his grasp, you shook your head side-to-side as he vigorously fucked into you. 
He abruptly stopped and pulled out. “What have I said about saying my name?”
“I’m sorry, daddy,” you sheepishly say. 
“That’s right, slut. You’re gonna make me a daddy, right?” He pushed back in. 
“Yeah, you are. Gonna make me a daddy, so call me daddy.”
The implication of his words flew right over your head in your drunken haze and blank mind. Any ounce of sense that you had left was being fucked out by his thick length. 
“Gonna blow my load. Fill you tight cunt, not gonna last long.”
His words were broken with loud moans. He couldn’t think straight with your warm, wet pussy inviting him in over and over. 
As you shook from an overwhelming orgasm, your pussy involuntarily clenched, causing Jake to lose any last bit of restraint he was holding onto. He pushed in as far as he could go as you flailed around. He pinned your arms down and pressed his mouth into yours, delivering a hot and heavy kiss that had you panting. 
He pulled out, but the string of cum that followed made you blanch. You never were one for cum play. Still, you didn’t protest when Jake pushed everything back in with two fingers. 
“Gotta’ make sure you’re full baby.”
You shake your head now, but again, what’s the point? It’s all done and dusted. Though, you should give yourself some credit. Even if you had realized earlier, it wouldn’t have made a difference. He would’ve realized that you knew before you could’ve even thought about escaping.
As you drifted asleep, you adjusted the volume of the baby monitor one last time and slumped into the fluffy pillows. 
How do you wake up from dreams? Was it by pinching yourself? You couldn’t wake up from the nightmare that was your reality when you pinched yourself. You doubted that would work right now. You couldn’t recall how to open your eyes. Instead, you whimpered in your sleep, reliving the moment Jake finally revealed his ulterior motive
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“You did what?” Jake was seething, but the only indication of it was his clenching jaw and red face. His tone was the perfect embodiment of the calm before a storm. 
“I know you aren’t happy… but Jake, you- you’re always talking about babies and a family. It was so overwhelming and I… I-I…” You were shivering now, unable to withstand the heat of his glare. You had never been on the receiving end of his anger. Hell, you had never even seen him angry. 
“I didn’t have an abortion, Jake, for god’s sake stop looking at me like a killed a baby! Plan B is not a crime. I’m only even bringing this up because I started on birth control anyway. Plan B every time we have sex is just not practical or feasible.”
At this point, you could’ve been speaking to a wall. Jake still hadn’t said anything and you were beginning to wonder if he had even been listening. 
“I can’t believe I didn’t notice,” he whispered, at last. 
“I watch you do everything, I can’t believe I didn’t know about the Plan B.”
“What… What are you saying?”
“I said,” Jake stood up, “I’ve basically been watching you 24/7. And I don’t know how I didn’t notice this.” 
“What do you mean watching me?” Tears in your waterline were threatening to blur your vision but you blinked furiously in an attempt to keep looking Jake in the eyes.
 “You think FRIDAY works for you?” 
Jake leisurely cracked each knuckle and took a step towards you. You took one back. 
“Oh, now, don’t be like that.”
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You woke from your nightmare that was the boiling pot and jumped straight into the fire. Jake was already moving in and out of your channel, moaning about how he missed you too much. 
You tried to adjust yourself but he caught your arms and pulled out just long enough to flip you onto your stomach. 
When he pushed back in, the hopelessness of your life manifested as tears; it happens every once in a while. 
Today, you had a new record: you were able to hold off a total of 7 breakdowns.
But, of course, that was right before he pinched you awake every time.
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lunaastoir · 3 years
Hi! I really enjoy your writing so is it alright if i request xiao, diluc, childe with an idol s/o where one of their old stalkers come back or they just recently had a stalker in general but with how busy they were since they’re an idol they don’t even notice? And something bad happens (i cant think of anything</3) Thank you very much !!
hi anon!! a million apologies since this is so late but i hope you like the fic <3
there also aren’t any explicit details for anything bad happening - i briefly touched on subjects that you may not have control over, i hope that’s ok! 
warning (?): struggled a bit on this prompt so i apologize in advance if this isn’t my best work LMAOO
gn! reader
tw: hints of assault, slight angst, very light abuse if you squint
now xiao is a very observant man but he's also extremely busy keeping liyue safe
he makes it a point to always come to your shows even if you don't actively see him bc he cares a lot abt you and he enjoys listening to your music ‼️
it's normal for him to sometimes get lost between his own world of demonslaying and the world he shares w you
so one night, he's hanging on the rafters of a house with the perfect view of your singing
everything goes smoothly, he sets his spear down while lightly swaying his head to the music
the concert ends and fans disperse after you say your farewells
a night like this is rare since for once, xiao can walk home w you back to the inn sweet boy really cleared out his schedule for you huh
you're unsurprised when you see him materialize next to you, opting to flash him a smile and a hello
his cheeks are lightly flushed as he crosses his arms before talking quietly about how well you did
he relishes in the wide smile you give him as a result of his praise and he lets the corners of his lips curve upwards slightly
the quiet bustle of the harbor seemed to slow down as the night grew longer
since this was a fairly large concert, you had boxes among boxes of equipment so xiao decided to make your life easier by quickly flying them to their appropriate locations
when he got back however, he was surprised to see you talking animatedly with someone
he didn't think anything was wrong until he saw the person trap you between the stage and words filtered into his ears
your back was painfully pressed against the stage wall as you defiantly met their gaze. after xiao had left, they had immediately come over to you: first introducing themselves as a fan and making amiable conversation, before divulging in personal details of your life that made your skin crawl. you weren’t helpless, you always had your weapon on hand regardless of whether you were performing or not. the way they pushed you against the wall however, made it near impossible to summon your sword should you need it. 
they leered down at you while balancing an arm against the wall next to your head. you had dealt with things like this before so you weren’t overly worried; you could defend yourself. you almost felt pity for the person in front of you as they asked for your number with a sadistic grin, disgusting words tumbling off of their lips. however, that was before you felt their cold fingers idly make their way to your stomach and you felt your breath hitch. oh no
the telltale sound of whooshing alerted you of xiao’s presence, and the press of the tip of his spear against their jugular brought you relief. 
“back away” he tightly growled while his golden eyes narrowed into slits. they stared at him in shock before holding their hands up and moving to step a foot away from you. 
“farther” he motioned with his spear before stepping in front of you as you attempted to collect yourself. 
“ok ok, i’m far away can you put your spear down now?” 
you mentally cursed as you watched the two of them glare at each other. this was supposed to be a carefree night but this unfortunate twist made the air thick with tension. you could feel the anger radiate off of xiao in waves and in an effort to deescalate the situation, you spoke. 
“i’m glad to meet such an...avid fan but i’m sorry the two of us must get going now” you hastily said before attempting to grab xiao’s hand and walk off past them. 
the next words had you halt your steps as they divulged their secret. 
words painted in careless arrogance with hints of violet overconfidence flew out of the person’s mouth - “judging from the weeks i’ve been following you, it didn’t seem like you had a boyfriend”
at the mere mention of prolonged stalking, xiao immediately lunged to pull you behind him. god, he didn’t kill mortals but he swore if he plunged his spear into this human being right here, no one would even blink twice considering how low of a person they were. 
“if i ever see you near them again, i will not hesitate to kill you. i won’t blink twice, i already have blood on my hands.” he ground out.
at the threat, the person grudgingly turned their back to you before leaving the two of you alone in the quiet harbor. 
you carefully reached a hand out to touch your boyfriend’s shoulder, but stopped after you saw the expression on his face. the mix of rage, sadness, and anguish imprinted his features as you watched his chest rapidly rise and fall - a result of his emotional battle. 
“i’m sorry i didn’t notice them before. i should’ve been paying more attention to you” he whispered before silently striding away from your grasp 
you knew that no matter how many reassurances you gave him about how, “it’s not your fault xiao, i didn’t notice them either” he would still blame himself. 
he was supposed to protect you right? so why couldn’t he sense the danger beforehand? what would’ve happened if he wasn’t there?
it’s still a learning process for him to realize that things happen, and he inevitably couldn’t be there to save you from everything. he needs time to understand and adjust. you’re willing to wait, patiently helping him through it. why? because love is worth it. 
god im sorry this ended up kinda sad whoops
i swear everytime i say i’m a childe simp diluc kinda wrecks me
ahem anyways onto the hc!
he’s kinda never around but similar to xiao he will overwork himself to clear out an hour or two just to watch your concerts 
he’ll always stand off to the side too so if you tilt your head while you’re singing you can spy his red hair 
you always flash him the sweetest smile and this man blushes like CRAZY before quickly lifting his hand up to give you a thumbs up 
everyone watching the both of you like 😍😦
people think it’s the cutest thing i swear like c’mon the elusive “bachelor of mondstadt” being seen in public supporting you??? wow pls can we share him
he walks with you back to the winery, the entire time linking his hands with yours while gushing about your performance 
1939248/10 it’s literally the sweetest thing 
the next day however, adelinde brings you a pink letter addressed to you 
he doesn’t pry because it’s addressed to you and it’s your business but as the letters start coming by everyday, he starts to grow curious 
one day he straight up just asks you about it
“hey, you know those pink letters you keep getting? who are they from?”
you laugh slightly at his bashfulness and respond with a “just some overexcited fan” and he smiles before kissing your forehead 
he loves that people are noticing your talent 
loves it! until you get stalked by the same person who wrote you those letters while you were shopping!
diluc knows something’s wrong when you rush into angel’s share panicked after not returning his usual smile. 
“darling? are you ok?” he asks worriedly before quickly setting down the glass he was cleaning to move towards you. 
the widening of your eyes as you looked behind you at the sounds of someone else entering was all he needed to swiftly step in front of you, blocking their gaze of your face. 
the slightly panicked look in your eyes before you hurriedly whispered, “they’re following me” made diluc glance at them subtly out of the corner of his eye. he watched as they walked over to find a seat next to the bar, seemingly ready to order a drink. he quietly asked if you would like to sit in the room reserved for the employees, away from their prying eyes. your hasty nod was all the confirmation he needed for him to let you access the door behind him. 
the night went by fairly smoothly with kaeya’s usual teasing and venti’s usual begging for alcohol. diluc’s eyes narrowed however, when the person seemed to ask him questions regarding you. things like, “i heard you’re dating y/n... they’re amazing, how long have you been together?” and “do they live with you at dawn winery?” diluc answered these questions as short as he could, trying to convey with his body language that he truly did not want to talk to them. 
everything was going well until he made the mistake of leaving the bar unattended. he had briefly forgotten about your residence in the room behind him as his mind immediately gravitated to breaking up a brawl. when he returned, the half drunk glass of liquor combined with the person’s absence from their seat, caused sparks of worry to light up inside his chest. 
turning to the door, he knocked once. 
“is everything alright in there love?”
the sounds of things rustling about and the occasional muffled voice had him opening the door quickly. he saw you with your arm being held tightly in their grasp, your mouth muffled with their hand, while you strained against them by pulling at your arm. 
diluc immediately made his way over to you, quickly pulling your arm away before letting you enter into his embrace. 
“get out.” the venomous words clawed their way out of his throat as he looked at them with eyes that screamed hatred. his blood was boiling as his mind replayed the scene; your scared expression and their greedy eyes. 
diluc didn’t need to repeat himself twice as they ran out, trying not to trip over crates of wine. he made a mental note to find out who they were in order to make sure they never came near you ever again. 
he quickly looked down at your form, relaxing slightly at the sight of your tentative smile. “my knight in shining armor” you joked before softly nuzzling your head into his shoulder. the anger had yet to dissipate from his veins, and although he knew you were still shaken up, he was sure you would be fine. 
a pink letter placed on the table next to you caught his eye, and he made sure to quickly pocket it as he led you out, gently jesting with you about the “unnecessary amount of wine barrels in here, diluc this is a safety hazard!” 
he would deal with this person later. 
ok tbh he’s very rarely around so he unfortunately cannot make it to all of your shows 
dw tho, he will try his hardest to be there for the ones he’s in town for bc what is he if not your number one hype king??? 
ok kinda creepy! alert 
he’s tasked two of his subordinates to keep watch over you whenever he’s out of the harbor
it’s not anything creepy,,, he just gets extremely worried abt you and wants to make sure you’re safe 
sO when he gets a ransom note??? he’s understandably confused but also very much freaked out 
bc did they not know who he was??? the fact that they thought they could get away with holding you captive was quite honestly kind of funny to him 
very stressed and angry tho - hides it behind a facade of smiles but he’s raging 
takes him only a few hours to track you down bc he had everyone and i mean EVERYONE looking for you 
the note crunched in his hand as the harbinger made his way towards windrise. his pace was erratic, long legs rushing towards the small cave his agents had found. they were bordering the perimeter of the enclosure, careful to not alert you or your captor of their presence. childe’s subordinate head had calmly stated that childe need not come out to rescue you, the situation was under control and they could do it for him. however, childe’s sharp gaze along with his sickly sweet words of “thanks but no. i’m coming out to see this sorry asshole for myself” had the agent backing away apologizing. he wanted to see the look on this person’s face before he shoved their sorry ass into the abyss himself. 
as he reached the opening of the cave, he glanced over his shoulder at his head agent; a silent warning to keep the area sealed. his blue eyes glinted with a thirst for blood before making his way into the cave, sealing off the exit with his body. 
“well well, playing games with the love of my life are we?” 
his teasing words reached your ears as your eyes immediately found the face of your boyfriend. you weren’t horribly scared, just a little shaken up and sore from the bindings on your wrists. relief coursed through your body at the sight of him. you needn’t put in your plan of getting out of these bindings to fight your captor yourself anymore. 
childe’s eyes quickly scanned over your frame, making sure you weren’t hurt. at the state of you completely unharmed, the harbinger let his heart calm down slightly. you were completely ok. 
“wait a little longer, love? i promise this will be over soon”
the wink he sent you had you lightly rolling your eyes at his antics before he directed his attention back to your kidnapper. if your captor wasn’t scared before, they were certainly shaking in their boots now at the sight of childe’s twin hydro blades rotating playfully in his hands. 
“listen, all i want is the money-”
“and all i want is your head” 
your boyfriend smiled after cutting them off. the severity of the situation truly seemed to sink in at that moment before pleas of mercy fell from your captor’s lips, desperate to escape the bloodthirsty gaze of the harbinger. childe’s eyes flickered over to yours where you sat there, with your head ferociously shaking. a silent “no.” he sighed before swiftly bringing his arm up to hit your captor on the head, effectively knocking them out cold. 
his hands worked at the ropes holding you and he gingerly rubbed at your bruised wrists. you silently thanked the archons he could never say no to you. archons forbid what would've happened if you hadn’t said anything. while you were explaining what happened, the young man quickly scooped you up in his arms before walking out of the cave. 
you playfully hit his shoulder while muttering “drama queen” but you stopped when you saw his face morph into an expression of seriousness. you had informed him on the situation about your captor revealing themselves to be a recent stalker of yours, completely oblivious to the look of frustration on his face as he freed you from your bondages. 
“i was scared you know.” he quietly divulged. “i knew that it wasn’t anything extremely serious but i... i was still scared”
you swore as you looked at him in that moment, he had turned ten again. the youth of his face betraying his vulnerability. 
you quietly hummed before tangling your fingers in his hair. “i hope you know it wasn’t your fault. it wasn’t anyone’s fault. not even the two fatui agents who you sent to stalk me while you were away.”
he quietly laughed at that before mentally filing away a reminder for a lecture to those two agents in the near future. 
“i’m just glad you’re safe. i know you can save yourself but i’ll always be here. i still wish you would let me take care of your asshole kidnapper myself though.” he pouted jokingly. 
“i’m sure the millelith will lock them up for a long time.” you laughed sweetly. 
his usual smile reappeared at your antics. maybe he didn’t get to beat your captor up and do...much worse. however at the end of the day, your smile was still intact regardless of what happened. that’s all he wanted. 
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
Hiii! Can I request no.9 from the cliché prompts and fake dating au?
Making Amends
Abby Anderson x Reader
Prompts: 9. “There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling” 18. Fake dating au
Warnings: swearing, fluff, hint of angst, Owen and Mel slander (sry I had to)
No pronouns are mentioned for the reader
Link to the prompt list here
A/N: Both tropes are literally my favourite things ever and it was so fun to write so ty for requesting it. It ended up way longer than I intended so uhhh yeah hope you enjoy LOL (esp if you requested it)!!
“What the hell Abby?! Have you been telling people that we’re dating?” You had cornered Abby into a secluded hallway, trapping her against the wall with your finger on her chest accusingly.
There was a flicker of fear in Abby’s eyes as she chewed on her lip nervously. Abby was considerably stronger than you and you probably looked like a mouse trying to intimidate a lion, but you didn’t care.
Abby couldn’t meet your burning gaze, all she replied with was a prolonged “Uhhhhhh”.
“Abigail Anderson, answer me right now or I swear to God-” It was rare for you to whip out her full name. And maybe it was kind of a cheap move, but it was a cheap move that almost always worked.
“Fine!” Abby interrupted, letting out a short sigh and preparing herself for the worst. “I kind of told Owen we were dating and I'm pretty sure he’s been telling other people.”
She said the words as quickly as possible, closing her eyes like a bomb was about to go off. Your reaction wasn't far off to say the least.
“You what? Why the fuck would you tell him we’re dating?” There was venom in your words and Abby flinched just slightly.
You were angry, incredibly so. You and Abby have always been close friends, or more so you had been until she started dating Owen. At first it was small things; cancelling plans or leaving early because she was busy and you completely understood. It’s not like you didn’t want her to hang out with him, and obviously you wanted her to be happy, but eventually it got to a point where she hardly ever spoke to you. Aside from the occasional greetings in the busy stadium, it was like you guys had never even been friends.
Now, after completely ignoring you for the past months, she decided it was a good idea to tell people that you guys were dating? It only seemed right for you to be pissed off.
“I just... Everyone kept looking at me like some sad puppy dog because I broke up with Owen, which normally I can handle. But every single day I kept getting the same sad fucking looks and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I told them I was seeing someone. I never mentioned your name but they kept prying, and prying and you were the first person that popped into my mind. I’m really sorry Y/N.”
You didn’t say anything at first, instead you looked at Abby without a hint of emotion on your face, and even less in your tone when you did finally speak. “Why didn’t you tell me you guys broke up?”
Abby paused, she didn’t know what response she was expecting but it definitely wasn’t that. “I um, I figured you knew. Pretty much everyone in the stadium knows.”
“Yeah well… I didn’t.” You were quiet. A part of you was angry and annoyed, but another part of you pitied Abby. She had never been one to lie, especially about something as petty as this.
Before you could think of something to say, Abby broke the silence. “Listen, I know you probably hate me right now, but I need to ask you a small favour.”
“Seriously?” You nudged Abby’s chest, pushing her into the wall again. The pity quickly dissipated to nothing, leaving you once again with a seething rage.
“Look, I know things between us haven’t been ideal but-“
“Haven’t been ideal?!” You interrupted, the absolute ignorance in her words tipping you off the edge. “Abby, you threw me away like I was trash! We were friends and you left me to hang out with Owen. I didn’t even know you guys broke up because you don’t tell me shit anymore!”
“I’ll do anything Y/N, okay? I’ll do your laundry, clean your room, I’ll even take your shifts for patrols.” Abby’s hands were on your forearms as she spoke. “Please just do this one thing for me and I’ll spend the rest of my life paying you back.” There was sincerity in Abby’s face, a hint of desperation too.
You paused. What could Abby possibly want so badly that she’d be willing to do all this for you? Even though you were angry at her, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t just a little bit intrigued.
“I’ll do anything Y/N, please. There must be something that you want.” Abby pleaded, absolute seriousness in her eyes.
“What I want is to never see you again.” Your finger was pointed at her chest again, poking her lightly.
Immediately you could see the hurt on Abby’s face. Okay, maybe that was a little bit harsh (and kind of petty) but you weren’t just gonna let Abby off that easily. Not after everything she’s done.
“Fine…” Abby paused to contemplate her next words, wiping the sadness from her face. “Fine, after tonight if you do this thing for me, we’ll never have to see each other again, I promise. I just need you to come to this party with me. We don’t have to talk or hold hands or anything and you can spend the whole night hating me, but I just need you there.”
“I-“ You couldn't do that. You couldn’t just pretend and lie to all of Abby’s friends for a whole night… Could you?
“Please Y/N. It’s embarrassing, okay? When we broke up, Mel immediately jumped in to fill my space. Everyone knew it and I had to pretend like I didn’t care so people would stop treating me like a wounded animal. If they find out I lied about you? I don’t think they’ll ever stop seeing me that way.”
You looked at Abby and felt a tinge of sympathy, she looked so sad and desperate, and for a second you even considered it. One night couldn’t hurt, right? Wait, no.
You mentally slapped yourself, trying to snap yourself out of it. You were not going to give in that easily. Nope. This was Abby, the same girl who threw away your friendship like it was nothing, and you were not going to let her use you like this. Not even while she’s looking at you with those sad, blue eyes. Nope, you’re mad, you’re angry, you’re-
“Fine.” Fuck.
“Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Abby’s eyes lit up as she wrapped her arms around you, lifting you into the air while she let out a breath of relief.
What did you just get yourself into?
“I can sleep on the floor, it's really no problem.” Abby offered, there was a slight nervousness in her tone as she stood in front of you shifting her weight on the balls of her feet.
“Abby, that’s stupid. It’s not like I’m infected or something.” You huffed, reaching for the box of matches to light the candle next to you.
Sometime after the party there had been a power outage and the entire WLF base went lights out. Meaning there was no heat and most annoyingly, no lights.
After a night of uncomfortable looks and even more uncomfortable conversations in which you spent most of the party trying to avoid Abby’s friends, she was walking you back to your room when everything suddenly went dark.
The both of you practically crawled to your room before you could locate a light source of some kind. It had been an hour since the power went out and you insisted that Abby sleep in your room, for… safety purposes.
You shook the match till it was out, suddenly you were thankful for impulse buying those candles last week.
“It’s fine, I’ll just crawl halfway across the stadium until I find my room. No biggie.” You couldn’t tell if she was joking, but something in you felt like she would actually do it if you didn’t insist she stay here.
You sighed. “Just sleep here Abs, it’s easier and I’m offering. Plus, I don’t need you army crawling across the entire WLF base. It’s hard on the arms, even for someone as strong as you.”
“You think I’m strong?” Abby smiled teasingly and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, looking away as you tried to hide the small grin on your face. God, it was hard to stay mad at Abby.
“Shut up and take the bed.” You could tell Abby was reluctant but she still plopped herself onto your bed. She sat awkwardly on the edge, unsure of how this was going to work.
You tried to ignore Abby’s weird energy as you buried yourself beneath the covers. It took a minute for her to actually lay down in the bed but when she did, she was careful to keep her distance. It was pretty funny (and pretty cute) how unsure she was.
After a few minutes of silence you heard Abby whisper your name softly, almost like she wasn’t sure if you could hear her.
Nuzzling your nose into your pillow you whispered back a small “Yeah?”.
“Thank you.” You could hear the genuity in Abby’s voice, how grateful she was for such a simple act and suddenly it hit you, you didn’t want her to leave you alone. You missed this—missed Abby.
Instead of responding you nudged her foot lightly with yours. It was something you guys had done as kids, like a silent way of saying “I’m here.”. Under the dinner table with the Fireflies or during training when you first joined the WLF; it was an unspoken thing between the both of you. An action that spoke much louder than words possibly could.
The both of you laid on opposite ends of the bed, your backs turned to each other. You shifted under the sheets before finally finding a comfortable position, you fell asleep that night to the steady sound of Abby’s breathing.
You were first to wake up, confusion washing over you when you felt your head rising and falling. Why the hell was your pillow moving? Then it hit you; it wasn’t the bed moving, it was Abby. Your head lay resting on Abby’s chest, her arm over your back while your limbs were wrapped around her like a giant stuffed animal. The sound of her beating heart was soft in your ears and you could feel her breath coming out in steady increments, blowing lightly against your head.
You weren’t sure what to do about your compromising position. It was already too late for you to leap out of her arms and a large part of you didn’t want to move anyways. So you decided to pretend to sleep until she woke up. That way you wouldn’t have to decide what to do, she would.
Abby woke up shortly after you, you could tell she was awake by the way her breath hitched in her throat upon noticing how you guys were situated. However, instead of jumping out of the bed in a panic, Abby didn’t move either, and it took everything in you to not open your eyes.
After a few moments of stillness, you almost thought she had fallen back asleep. It wasn’t until you felt a light touch on your temple that you realized she was awake. The touch so light you nearly missed it when Abby brushed a small strand of hair away from your face.
Then slowly, Abby pried you off of her and you nearly let a small groan slip from your lips when you felt the absence of her warmth. She gently rolled you over, covering you with the blanket before walking into the bathroom.
That’s when it happened: the ache. A sharp, jarring ache in your heart that you only felt with her— that you haven’t felt since the two of you were best friends. It had left you when you and Abby stopped talking, but it returned just the same when you witnessed the tenderness of her actions. You never thought to put a name to this feeling (and maybe a part of you didn’t want to), but it was near impossible to ignore it.
You couldn’t possibly be harbouring secret feelings for Abby, right? You tried to distract yourself from these thoughts, it was way too early to be worrying about these things.
Feigning tiredness you rolled off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. You knocked on the door and when Abby opened it you noticed she was in the process of redoing her braid.
You leaned against the doorway as you watched her skilled fingers work. “Abs?”
“Hm?” She replied as she tied off the end of her braid.
“I didn’t really mean what I said to you last night… about never wanting to see you again. I’m sorry.” You picked at your thumb anxiously, eyes wandering around the room, looking anywhere but at Abby.
Abby turned to face you, letting the braid fall to her side. “You don’t have to apologize Y/N, I deserve it. I didn’t even hesitate to leave you when Owen and I started dating, and I was-“
“Stupid?” You finished for her, looking up from the floor to meet Abby’s gaze.
“Stupid. And for what it's worth, I’ve really missed hanging out with you Y/N, even if it is under these circumstances.”
“You know… I think I know a way you can make it up to me, if you’re still up for it?” Abby looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you noticed the corner of her mouth curling into a small smile.
“Oh yeah? What would that be?”
“You see, there’s this guy that’s been trying to ask me out for weeks even though I keep rejecting him.” You gave Abby a tiny grin as you continued. “Well, maybe if he found out I was dating a certain soldier who could pound his ass into the ground, then he’d leave me alone.”
Abby nodded her head nonchalantly as she took a small step towards you, crossing her arms across her chest. “You know what’s crazy? I think I have just the person for you.”
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coykoii · 2 years
😭😬 ready for u 2 break my heart into a million pieces bae
😬 confessing their feelings
😭 unrequited love
ohhh you menace!!! but also the way i was writing this drabble for @miranduh1 already bc she deserved it after sending me angsty petermj edits and it fits 🤭 two for one ty!!
loving (and losing) you under the sun
Sometimes, it’s easier not knowing.
It’s easier and it’s less painful, and she thinks she would’ve done anything to prevent this.
MJ doesn’t know what’s worse. Knowing that he did love her and he has loved her for as many years as they’ve known each other, or knowing that he’s falling out of it now. Slowly but surely.
“Stop,” MJ says in the middle of a laugh, her eyes watering as she nearly keels over, having to grip her knees for support. But he absolutely lights up at the sight of her laughing at his joke. It wasn’t funny—he isn’t funny. And yet. “Could you please just shut up for once—”
“If I shut up, you’d miss hearing me talk. I just know you would,” Peter replies with an expression sticky with fondness, and she smiles easily at the sight, the sunlight beaming down on them. He’s wonderful, really. One of the best people she knows.
His hair blows in the wind, already ruffled from his mask, the two of them standing on top of his favorite roof. She’s felt honored ever since he told her that she was the only one he’s ever brought up here and wonders now what he’s going to do when she leaves for college.
He’ll still be here, in the city. For Spider-Man, for his responsibilities, for May.
The thought of it brings her back down to earth, her smile fading a little as she crosses her arms, the wind starting to pick up some more. Maybe too much.
“Everyone’s going to be gone soon. Gayle just got married. Ned’s leaving for college,” MJ prompts quietly. “And so am I.”
“It’ll just be me then.” He tilts his head slightly, his smile kind of sad. “That’s okay.”
“You don’t have to stay here.”
“I can’t—I can’t leave the city for just anything,” Peter says, his shoulders drooping. She knows that he’s thinking of Spider-Man, that he will always put the suit first and foremost in his life. She doesn’t want to think about it too hard because it makes him happy, and that’s all she cares about.
“There’s nothing you’d leave it for, is there?” The question is rhetorical, or it should have been because she knows the answer. But he’s always been good at proving her wrong.
When Peter looks at her in that moment, she thinks this is the most open she has ever seen him before. His eyes are full of tenderness, emotion, soft enough that she feels she could be at home if she just kept looking. It scares her.
It terrifies her, actually. Because she knows what this look means. She’s seen it before, exchanged between Gayle and her husband, between her parents. Even between Ned and Betty. But she never could have imagined seeing it with him.
“Em, you have no idea—”
“Wait, please,” she interrupts, the panic evident in her voice, knowing the worst might be coming and she hasn’t had any time to prepare for it. “Please don’t—”
“If I don’t say it now, I never will.” Peter swallows hard, wringing his mask in his hands with so much force that she fears he might break it. His voice is gentle yet firm because the answer must seem so obvious to him. “I would leave for you, MJ. I would go anywhere with you. I just…I can’t really help it.”
“Yes, you can—” He would never put her above being Spider-Man. He could never.
“I can’t,” he stresses. “I can’t because—because I love you. I’ve loved you ever since I’ve known you, Em. I thought you would notice considering how observant you are, but I’m telling you now…before you leave.”
“You’re lying—you can’t do this, Peter,” MJ says, her voice tremoring in her throat. “Your responsibility isn’t to me, it’s to the city. It deserves you more than I do, and you know this.”
“That’s not true. You’re not a responsibility to me. You’re just…you’re MJ. I love you,” he admits again, and she can see the way his eyes shine with tears and sincerity because he means it, and her heart pangs in her chest. “I love you so much.”
She can’t do this. Not with the earnestness in his eyes, not with the knowledge that he deserves far better than whatever half-assed love she can give him back. He deserves the world, and she can’t give that to him.
“You’re too good for me. I’m so grateful for you and I’m so proud of you—of everything you’ve ever done,” she says, a tear escaping her eye when she blinks. Her vision is blurry which is great because she doesn’t really want to see him clearly right now anyway. “But I can’t love you in the same way.”
“You can’t?”
“I can’t change how I feel and if I said I did love you back when I…when it’s different, it would just be worse,” MJ tells him weakly, and he takes a step back as if she slapped him across the face and she feels it too.
But she can’t love him as wholly, as unadulterated as he loves her. She knows it would be ruined if she tried, and then they would be ruined, and that’s how they end for good.
Peter looks at her, his smile fragile as he nods like he understands, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t get it because she can’t even put it into words herself.
She just knows that she has to tell the truth somehow, even if it hurts his feelings.
“I can’t love anyone else,” Peter says, looking down, a tear dripping down the angle of his nose and splashing on the concrete of the roof.
“Yes, you can. You’ll find somebody else, okay? They’ll be beautiful and accomplished and you’ll love them, and you’ll be glad that you didn’t make a mistake by choosing me.” MJ inhales sharply, wondering why it hurts so bad to say it when she knows it’s what’s right. “You’ll be happier, and that’s all I want you to be.”
“Anything else?” he asks, his voice cracking.
“Just that…I know you put Spider-Man before everything, but I don’t want that for you. I don’t want to be your only exception,” she finishes, knowing that if there has to be an exception, it should be himself. “You deserve to live and put yourself first every once in a while.”
She dries her face in the crook of her elbow and wishes that she could travel back ten minutes to when she could look him in the eyes and not see heartbreak.
“Yeah,” is all Peter says thickly before absently shaking his head, pulling his mask back on. He jumps off the roof and swings away, and she doesn’t even have a chance to say goodbye.
It’s worse knowing both ways.
Knowing how he was while he loved her. His smiles were fond and long-lasting, and he made every excuse in the world to touch her, hold her hand, press silly kisses to her temple for no reason. He would come over to her house and cook dinner with her, watch murder documentaries with her even though he hated them. And he would trust her to patch him up, to talk to him, to just be there if he needed her.
And knowing how he is now, in the few weeks before she leaves. Distant, barely matching the effort in that she still is. There are no silly kisses, no touching, no smiles that linger for more than a second. There’s no more patching up, no more trust, no more coming to her when he needs someone.
He’s throwing himself into Spider-Man more than ever before, the opposite of what she wanted for him, and now it just makes her heart ache.
Especially since she doesn’t know where he goes now, but she knows that it’s not home.
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xoluvx · 3 years
this is me trying; t.holland
Tumblr media
» pairing: tom holland x reader » song: this is me trying » word count: 1.6K
"Hey, you want to join us for movie night today?" Zendaya's voice brought you back to reality. You glanced at her, she was holding the door open while leaning her head in through the small space. There was a small smile on her face like she was too scared to show too much emotion in case it triggered you.
Shaking your head, you leaned further into your bed pulling the covers closer to your chin.
"Are you sure?" she asked again. Usually, she would've given up, but this time she was persistent. There weren't many nights left.
"I'm sure," you said blankly not looking at her. You turned your back towards her bringing the covers over your shoulder. You heard a small sigh followed by the door closing. You felt your throat tightening, the familiar knot making it difficult for you to lay in peace.
The warm tears started forming and it wasn't long before they were streaming down your face.
"I don't understand what the big deal is," his voice echoed as you walked down the hallway. Your hands were fists at your side and all you wanted to do was disappear. "I'm talking to you," he called out again hoping you would stop.
But you weren't stopping.
"Tell me why that's wrong?" he asked again. His voice settling into a softer tone realizing that raising his voice wasn't going to help. He was quickly walking now in the hopes to catch you. His fingers wrapped around your arm gently and you stopped.
"What's wrong? I told you I didn't want to go public, you went against what I specifically told you I didn't want. Why would you do that to me?" you asked the hurt in your voice piercing through his heart.
It hadn't been his intention. It'd slipped. It wasn't something he could take back now.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" he rambled, but you jerked your arm away shaking your head. The last words you spoke directly to him rung in his head.
"It's over. We're done."
Sinking deeper into the mattress, you held on to the comforter tighter. The tears had dried, but the pain was still holding on tight. You'd seen Tom since then. Obviously, you had to. There was no way of escaping him while you promoting the film, but you hadn't spoken to him. Not directly. Not intentionally.
There was a knock again. This time you didn't react so you were surprised when the door opened slowly and in came the familiar figure again.
"It's not the same without you," Zendaya said sitting at the edge of the bed. She wasn't leaving this time. "Why don't you talk to him?" she asked. She knew everything. She was the one person you ran to, but recently you'd started to slowly isolate her too only leaving the hotel room when you had an interview or special appearance.
"He doesn't want to talk to me anyway," you mumbled. Your voice was muffled by the comforter.
"How do you know? Has he told you that?" Zendaya flopped on the bed, she rested on her side watching the back of your head. Her hand came up to the covers trying to them from your face.
You groaned pulling on the cover.
"He doesn't want me back. I was awful to him," you said remembering how everything went down. The look of hurt he had on his face. The way he'd tucked his hands into the pockets of his trousers and slowly backed away like you'd just accused him of the most horrible crime. The way he turned around and didn't look back. Not once.
"Did he say that?"
"No, but I know." That was the end of the conversation. And the last time you really spent time with her. Or with anyone no the cast for that matter.
"He's not here tonight, just come down for a bit." She pulled on your arm. Finally, you gave up. You let her lead you to the rest of the cast. Sitting down on one of the couches you pulled your sweater sleeves down so your hands saved in the fabric.
There was laughter and talking, but you spaced thinking of the times when you were on this very couch with Tom making jokes with everyone. Back before the world knew about the two of you. Before your world seemed to come down in flames.
It'd been almost a month. A month without Tom. You'd think a month would be long enough to forget about him, but time did not heal your wounds. You'd tried texting him. You missed him. But he never replied. You had no idea where he was or what he was doing. Did he go back home for a break or did he stay in the country to work?
He hadn't posted on Instagram. It was like he'd vanished into thin air, just like you'd wished for when you broke up with him. Which you had to remind yourself, you broke up with him. It didn't make it any easier.
Have you heard anything from Tom?
You'd given in and texted Zendaya, with who you'd patched things up. You couldn't bear to lose her too.
He's actually in town.
The reply was quick and it almost caused your heart to jump out of your chest. He was in town and you didn't know. She hadn't told you without prompting. Had he asked her not to?
The address to the hotel he was staying in flashed on your screen and your heart started jumping again. Thumping loudly, so loudly you could hardly hear yourself think.
It was late. Late enough that paparazzi wouldn't follow you. Late enough that Tom would probably be asleep. Late enough that maybe he wouldn't even want to talk to you if he was awake.
After pulling a few strings, you were standing outside his hotel room. Your hands cold in the pockets of your jacket. Taking out a hand, you formed a small fist knocking on the door gently. No response.
You waited, biting your lip and debating whether you should just go. Shaking the defeatist attitude, you knocked again. This time with a little more force.
It took a few seconds, but the door opened slowly and a shirtless Tom peaked his head through the small crack.
"Hi," you exhaled. You hadn't realized you were holding your breath until you saw him. There was a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest. Your heart was happy to see him.
"What are you doing here?" he asked rubbing his eyes. He had been sleeping.
"You didn't answer my text," you almost whispered. It was as if you'd forgotten how to speak, how to put words together to form a cohesive thought.
"What?" he said furrowing his brows, he still hadn't opened the door completely and you were standing outside his hotel room awkwardly playing with your fingers.
"I text you-"
"You broke up with me. Am I obligated to respond? I've been busy..." he added almost as if to soften the blow.
Stepping back at the sound of his raised voice, you nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come." Walking backward, you apologized again turning on your heel, walking back towards the elevator. You heard the door close as you walked away cupping your hand over your mouth to block the ugly crying noises that were desperate to escape.
Pushing on the elevator button aggressively, you waiting for the ding. It felt like the longest seconds of your life. When the doors finally opened you stepped in. Again, the wait felt like an eternity. They were finally closing, but you saw an arm stop the doors.
It was Tom with his disheveled hair and a shirt. He'd put on a shirt.
"I didn't reply because it hurt too much," he confessed standing in front of you as the elevator doors closed. Your bodies shook as the elevator moved down and you held on to the railing to hold your ground.
"I wanted to. I wanted to reply, but you broke up with me." His voice cracked. You wiped some of the tears that'd started falling from your face. He was right.
"I'm sorry," you said finally looking at him. The tears were back, but you weren't wiping them this time. "I want to-" your voice cracked and your chest tightened. You stopped and inhaled deeply watching Tom stand in front of you with confusion.
"I want to try again. Please." Stepping forward you tried reaching for his hand, but he retracted it quickly running both hands through his hair and cupping one over his mouth.
"We can't-" he said softly the elevator doors finally opening. This was your queue.
"It's fine," you smiled forcefully shaking your head as he tried approaching. "It's okay. I'm going," you said pushing past him quickly leaving him dumbfounded on the elevator.
The air was cold as you stepped outside. Your tear-streaked face was faced with the cold wind and tucked your hands into your coat again silently sobbing as you aimlessly walked down the street.
Were you hallucinating? Turning you saw Tom standing by the hotel entrance. He was walking towards you. Your feet worked quicker than your brain, you started walking towards him too. Each step quicker than the one before and soon enough you were face to face.
His breathing was heavy, his hands cold as they made contact with your cheeks.
"Let's try again," he whispered as he brushed his nose against yours. His lips only centimeters away from yours. Wrapping your arms around his body, you closed the gap. The tears that pooled on your cheeks coursed down your cheeks as you closed your eyes. Losing yourself in the kiss, you tightened your grip around him and his thumb gently wiped the tears.
You didn't know how things would work out, but you knew you wanted to be with him. Publicly or not. You'd never stop trying.
folklore masterlist
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Writing Prompt AU: Childhood Best Friends to Lovers
PART 6: Age 18 
“California is pretty far away,” Percy says softly into the night as Annabeth lays on the rooftop by his side. He hears her shift so that she can look at him, and he mirrors her, looking at his reflection in her pale eyes. 
“2914.9 miles,” she answers. 
“You really had to choose the farthest college from me didn’t you?”
Annabeth snorts and shakes her head. 
“Yes Percy, I chose it purely because it’s the furthest from you in particular.” He pouts and pushes himself up on an elbow so he can look down at her. 
“Why are you leaving me?”
“I’m not just leaving you Perce, I’m leaving everyone else as well. My Dad, my brothers, Thals, Grover...not just you.” Her face shifts and he sees sadness replace her joking smirk. 
“Yeah but I’m special...I’m your favourite.” Percy is half-joking but he wishes with all his heart that the first part of his sentence is true, that he is in fact special to Annabeth. Special in the same way that Annabeth is special to him. 
“Don’t let Thals hear that,” Annabeth says, rolling her eyes but Percy leans in closer, poking her repeatedly until she’s laughing. 
“You’re only saying that because it’s true.”
“Shut up.” Percy notices how she doesn’t deny it and it brings a smile to his face. 
 “I’m going to miss you.” His heart gives an uncomfortable squeeze as his voice softens and his smile drops. Annabeth gives him a sad look and pokes his chest trying to get him to look at her properly. 
“Don’t get all sappy on me now Seaweed Brain, we’ve still got summer.”
“And then you leave and forget me, and find a cool Perry Johnson to be your new best friend.” He says and dramatically throws his head back, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead like he’s about to faint. 
Annabeth groans and pushes him away so he falls back on the blanket they’ve laid out. The other two aren’t due to arrive for another hour, but Percy has been spending so much time at Annabeth’s house already, that it made no sense to go back to his last night, so he stayed over and helped set up the apartment rooftop for their sleepover under the stars. 
He thinks they’ve done a pretty good job for the two of them, there’s an array of pillows, blankets and sheets all over the floor, and plenty of snacks to last them through the night. A couple of years ago, way back when they were younger, Mr Chase set up fairy lights along the edge of the roof, so they’re not in complete darkness, not that New York can ever be truly dark. The lights illuminate Annabeth’s features as Percy turns his head to her, she looks like a goddess and Percy swallows deeply when she returns his stare. 
“What are you looking at?”
Percy shrugs and sits up so he can rearrange snacks that don’t need rearranging to hide his blush at being caught. 
“Oh, I nearly forgot! Can you sign this, you never did?” Annabeth says changing the subject and tugs on his arm so he can come back and sit with her. 
He looks at her confused until she brings out her yearbook. Their school emblem shines on the front cover, and she places it in his lap, pressing herself to his side, so she can flip the pages, looking for an empty space to write. On the back, there’s an entire blank page and she smooths the paper down and hands him a marker. 
“All yours.” She says and watches him expectantly. 
“Are you going to watch me write in it?” He twirls the pen uneasily and rubs the back of his neck, slightly uncomfortable under her intense gaze. 
Annabeth huffs. “Do you want me to leave?” 
“Can you?” He asks half-jokingly. 
“You’re such an idiot. Fine. I’ll go check if there’s anything we forgot downstairs. Do you want anything?” He grins as she shakes her head, pretending to be annoyed. 
“Anything blue.”
“Of course,” she mutters and gets up, using his shoulder to steady herself. He leans into the touch and tries to ignore the way his body misses her warmth when she leaves.  
When she leaves Percy flips back to the front, reliving their senior year, one page at a time. He skips past the photos of the people in his grade and goes straight to the events. It starts with homecoming, and there’s a photo of Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia all dressed in black suits. Percy smiles fondly at the close-up photo of Thalia and Annabeth posing together, in matching suits and corsets. Since Thalia broke up with Luke, she’s reintegrated back into the group with no issue, and it’s like she never left. 
He turns the page, skipping through the other homecoming photos, and pauses at the one of him and Annabeth. It’s a candid, and even though he’s already seen it, his heart still stutters, because in the photo she’s fixing his hair in the photo right before the official photos like she always does, and Percy can’t help but think about how much they look like a couple. 
He keeps turning through the pages, trying to find more photos of their group. They’re not a very social group, preferring to hang out with each other than go to school events, but they’re at all the major ones. 
There are small snippets of them at the football games, student fairs and pep rallies, it’s not till the end where there are photos that focus more on students not part of clubs that he sees more pictures of his friends. 
There’s one of them all laying on their back enjoying the sun looking up at clouds the way they used to when they were kids (completely unaware that someone is taking photos of them). There’s even a photo of Grover with Thalia on his shoulder as she tries to climb a tree with toilet paper in her hand from prank day. The next one is a blurry photo of Percy completely wrapped in toilet paper and chasing Annabeth. 
Moments from their senior year have been captured and immortalised in these pages, and Percy’s heart heaves at the thought of leaving this all behind or watching people leave. 
Tears start to prick at his eyes as he reaches the graduation and prom photos. There’s a huge shot of his entire grade, a choice of a few students throwing their caps up. In the corner on the page before the prom photos, there's a small snapshot of the four of them, their arms thrown around each other, heads pressed together. He remembers this moment vividly. All of their names are relatively close together in the roll, so as soon as they were announced, he had bolted straight to Grover, who had bolted to Thalia, who had bolted to Annabeth, and they had all ended up screaming and jumping into each other's arms. 
He’s going to miss this. 
He finally comes to the prom photos, and he’s not surprised when his breath catches in his throat when he sees Annabeth in her prom dress again. It’s a deep blue, the colour of the sky above his head, and it makes his stomach flutter each time he sees it. In the photo, she’s posing with Thalia again, but she’s mid-laugh and Percy would be lying if he said it wasn’t one of his favourite photos of her. He has copies of photos from the night on his computer, but the ones taken at the venue are better quality, it’s almost like he’s back there in the moment. 
Thalia had come with a date, once again wearing a tight-fitting suit, a girl on her arm and Grover had brought Juniper, his girlfriend. Percy and Annabeth had agreed to go together, just because it was easier. 
“Platonically,” he remembers telling Grover. He remembers Grover laughing and shaking his head. 
“There is nothing platonic about you two but okay. Have fun, Perce.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Grover had never explained what he meant and it still haunted Percy. 
There isn’t a photo of the two of them at prom together, at least not in the yearbook, but he asked for a favour from a friend in the yearbook committee and has the photos that didn’t make it on a USB drive back home. His favourite is his wallpaper, and it’s of him and Annabeth dancing their heads bent close together. It’s not obvious it’s them two but he can recognise her blonde hair anywhere. That’s another moment he holds close, them dancing and swaying to a song they don’t recognise, whispering to each other in the night. He’d almost told her that night. Told her everything, about what he felt, about how he would always feel, but when she let go, he realised that he didn’t want to risk losing what they had. It was too precious to him. 
Percy finally reaches the page that Annabeth initially brought him to and he uncaps the pen, tapping the back of it against the page a couple of times trying to think of a message. It’s not an accident that he didn’t write in Annabeth’s yearbook. When they were all doing it, Percy had purposefully avoided her because he knew that what he had to say to her couldn’t be said like this. 
He sighs as he begins a doodle instead. A little owl because he knows that they’re her favourite, and a dolphin because they’re his. His mind is still blank at what to write to her, but he knows she’s not going to let him get away with not doing it this time. 
He hears footsteps coming up the staircase and he writes the first thing that comes to his mind. The only thing that never leaves his mind when he’s around Annabeth. It’s not a long message so he’s finishing it just as Annabeth sits back down. He slams the book shut and chucks it behind him so that she can’t immediately read it. She notices and raises an eyebrow. 
“Read it later. It’s embarrassing,” he says sheepishly. She laughs and hands him a bag of sour blue candy stripes. He tears open the package and starts eating as he hears other footsteps. Grover and Thalia appear in the doorway, holding pillows and even more bags of snacks. 
“Let’s get this party started!” Thalia exclaims and drops her stuff unceremoniously on top of Percy, burying him under the wright. Everyone laughs at him as he sputters his way out. 
Thalia plugs in some music and Annabeth helps pull Percy to his feet, and they start the feast of snacks. Grover helps Percy set up a projector for their movie and it’s nearing midnight when they finally settle on Disney’s Hercules. 
As always Grover falls asleep halfway through the movie, murmuring about how his tummy hurts in his sleep. They take group selfies with him, and Percy grabs the marker next to Annabeth’s yearbook so that he can draw on Grover’s face. He’s holding back giggles with Thalia as they pose next to him and Annabeth takes a photo of them. 
He pulls both girls close to him when he falls back and squeezes their shoulders. 
“I can’t believe my favourite girls are leaving me to deal with this idiot,” he says and nods to Grover who has started snoring. Thalia scoffs and pushes his face so that he lets go of her. He gives in but doesn’t take his arm off Annabeth, and he swears that Annabeth cuddles just a bit closer to him. 
“We’re not dying, Percy, we’re just moving to the West Coast,” Thalia says as she opens a can of coke and Percy briefly remembers how he first met Annabeth and how she had protected him from Nancy. He exchanges a look with her and sees that she’s already smiling at him, knowing exactly what he’s thinking. 
“Betrayal. That’s what this is,” he says and squeezes Annabeth’s shoulder again. She threads their hands together and Percy tries not to react and turn to her again. 
Thalia catches his eye and smirks at their interlocked hands. 
She stands up and brushes her pants. 
“I need to go pee, do you two need anything from downstairs?” 
They both shake their heads and she nods before carefully stepping over a sleeping Grover and leaves the two of them. 
Percy and Annabeth stay like that, leaning on each other, hands interlocked and Percy wishes he could freeze this exact moment. 
“Did you write something?” Annabeth asks softly as she pulls away from him, but doesn’t let go of his hand. Percy nods tightly and she smiles as she reaches across from him and grabs the yearbook from their makeshift table. She skips straight to the back and opens to his page. She gave him an entire page to write on, but there’s only one sentence in the middle and two small doodles. She stares at it for a moment, rereading it before she looks up. 
“You’re my number one,” Annabeth reads, holding the yearbook open at his page, “What does that mean?”
Percy swallows, suddenly terrified. There’s no time like now to tell her, and he has no real doubts about loving her, but with her unflinching gaze on him like this, it’s hard not to be nervous. He tries not to overthink and takes a deep breath, speaking the truth that he’s kept under wraps for years. 
“There’s only one meaning, Wise Girl, what else could it mean?” He says with a shrug and reaches for her hand. She lets him take it. “My Mom once said that people who have a big heart have a lot of love in them to share, but they’ll always have their number one, and that’s you. That’s been you for years, my entire life probably.”
He takes another breath and waits for Annabeth to respond. When she doesn’t he continues, suddenly full of words. “You’re the one for me. The only one that I could ever want. The one I put before everything. You’re my-”
“Do you mean that?” Her face is full of doubt and Percy brings their joined hands up so he can press his lips to the back of her hand. 
“Of course,” he breathes, and pulls her closer. He’s barely breathing when she puts the yearbook down for a moment. They stay frozen like that, pressed against each other, foreheads touching and breath mingling.  
“I think I was made for loving you,” he whispers and carefully pushes her hair back. 
The smile she gives him is one to rival the sun that is going to rise in a few hours. 
“If that’s so, then I was made for loving you just as much.”
She kisses him, and he almost forgets his name. He brings his hands up to cup face and bring her closer and she smiles against his lips and-
“Seriously? You two couldn’t wait until after I was asleep. Jeez.” 
Annabeth jerks away from him and they both stare at Thalia who is giving them a tired look from the rooftop doorway. Percy can’t help it and starts laughing, shortly after Annabeth joins and falls onto his chest, laughing too hard to keep herself up. Eventually, Thalia sits back down and bites her lip trying not to laugh, but the more she tries to keep it in the funnier it gets. 
By then all three of them are laughing so hard their stomach hurts and Grover stirs awake. 
“What’s going on?”
“This,” Annabeth says and proudly holds up her hand that is still firmly clasped in Percy’s hand. 
Grover blinks sleepily at it and shrugs like it’s not a big deal. 
“About freaking time,” he says and lays back down. 
Percy and Annabeth look at each other again and he smiles at her before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to her mouth. 
“It was worth the wait.” 
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