#it's the loneliest feeling
the-sea-speaks · 1 year
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tenten18282 · 10 months
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All he has
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neurodivergenttales · 10 months
Shoutout to all the people who...
Are always talked over in group settings
Rehearse what they are going to say loads of times in their head and still end-up with their words coming out jumbled
Take longer to process jokes/people's speech
Just get brushed-off when they ask people to repeat their jokes
Always feel like they are seen as an acquaintance rather than a best friend by others
Find parties overwhelming and feel boring for preferring nights in
Feel lonely but also don't know how to go about making friends as an adult
Feel embarrassed/ashamed for not having friends
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preludetomydeath · 3 months
What’s the point of living if I’ll never be loved?
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wingedmachine · 3 months
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She haunts me like a ghost and I'm the dead one.
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wishingintotheunknown · 6 months
I’ve lost myself and I don’t know where to look
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totalshockwaves · 2 years
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harukahik4r1 · 6 days
a year ago I swore I wouldn't make it to my next birthday, yet here I am, a year older, once again looking at the moon, remembering the time last year I was crying about it all, wishing I wouldn't wake up the next day
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whitechocolateanti · 2 months
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and one day you're gonna look around and you're gonna realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you
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hellishkaa · 21 days
„I don’t know what’s worse: to not know what you are and be happy, or to become what you’ve always wanted to be, and feel alone.”
Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon
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myhiddenquerencia · 1 month
"I hate you the most. But I also want to thank you, because if it weren't for you, for your mere existence, I wouldn't be who I am today, nor would I be a poet. I thank you for that. But for now, I will continue to fool myself and lie, saying that I hate you."
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angadgautama · 3 months
under the shadow of thousands unfulfilled desires.....
this heart beats, doing marvelous.
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ishratmumtaz · 6 months
I wish I had someone who knew the real me. The raw version of me. Someone who could listen to me. Someone who would understand my heart and its problems from my perspective, not theirs. Someone who won’t judge me for who I am. Someone who won’t change me just so that I can fit in their world.
Sadly, this “someone” will probably never exist in my life.
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starvebuteat · 6 months
Maybe I'm meant to be alone?
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Can't even make a simple friend
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katerinaaqu · 2 days
The Tragedy of Odysseus (The Hero who ended up being alone/Thoughts from the void)
I believe one of the greatest tragedies in the character of Odysseus is not his arduous trip nor the deaths he experienced or even the trauma he went through or even the fact that he loved his family more than anything and somehow he couldn't be there for them for most of their lives.
Judging from my own experiences as well I should say one of the greatest tragedies in the homeric hero is the fact that he was alone. When I say alone I do not mean how he ended up alone after he lost his men and having to survive by himself. It was his technical abandonment by everything and everyone.
If someone reads the Iliad or the Odyssey Odysseus was respected and admired by many for his wits, his ability with words, his boldness to take action no one else dared, his diplomatic skills and many ore despite the fact he was also obviously disliked by many others for the same reasons. When he disappeared for over a decade, by the end of that (possibly the last 3-5 years) his house was swarmed by the suitors, his wealth being eaten away and his wife and son harassed constantly.
Yet no other king of his peers came to his assistance.
Odysseus came back after 20 years and sorted the matter himself. He roamed about the seas abandoned by all the gods he had ever worshipped and sorted things himself. He made sure justice prevailed and sorted it out himself. He clawed himself there alone. None of the other heroes was there to save or assist him for their own reasons
Fate was cruel to him and his peers. Kings that returned and found destruction in their home (for example Agamemnon) or suffered long and had no more energy to do anything (Menelaus) or had no real political power (Teucer) or faced their own tragedies (Diomedes) and yet even if there were people who had power or returned home (Nestor) none of the heroes ever went to Ithaca, none of them came to his assistance, none of them showed him their support and till the final year of his arduous trip, he barely had his gods by his side with the exception of Hermes who arrived by himself at Aeaea.
Menelaus and Nestor heard from Telemachus how terrible the situation was and yet neither of them sent help, support, ambassadors or anything for that matter and only expressed their disdain on the fact and the hubris Odysseus comitted had him at the bad side of the olympian gods (or at least them being unable to do something till the prophecies were fulfilled) till much later.
Odysseus probably knew everyone had their reasons for it but there is no more profound feeling of abandonment for a person than knowing you had supportive words all your life and yet when you needed it the most, no one was there for you. When you hear compliments for your achievements and support and admiration and yet when you need someone's support at most everyone has their reasons not to be there. All valid reasons I am sure but surely the worst feeling of abandonment is when you do not receive help from those you counted on the most.
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thewaitingluna · 1 month
I just want to know what it is like to come home and not feel the crushing weight of everything.
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