#its all about the found family come on guys yk this
vigarioamelia · 6 months
so i have been working on this fanfic which is basically:
instead of p being 'uh okay whatever i guess' when red fox (claudia) and black cat (lucio) tell him to just move forward without them during the malum district exploration, p insists on bringing them to the hotel and all of that.
it's 10k fucking words so far and i was definitely NOT planning on putting so much into it but i have so many headcanons and i really want to explore these characters... not only P himself, but Red Fox, Black Cat, the hotel crew and of course the Black Rabbit Brotherhood
so if anyone reads this would you mind giving your opinion on whether i should write a fic one-shot focusing on each (as in, a one-shot dedicated to what could red fox and black cat's relationship with P be, another one-shot with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood etc etc etc) or idk make every single one part of the same work with separate chapters?
all the one-shots would be part of a series btw
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chrissdollie · 9 months
Dad Bakugo x mom reader - I need more children in my life 😭✋🏾
def calls his kid "squirt" and "buddy"
in mY universe, he has a boy and a girl bc he needs the best of both worlds
we all know he wakes up really early, earlier than you even, so he's the one to check on the babies/kids every morning to see if they're ok :)
definitely keeps schedules of you and your kids days like exams, report cards, if they're going to a friend's house, etc
yk how most kids tend to be like "ewwww" whenever their parents kiss?? not ur kids nono. first of all, your son is the quieter one. not that he's not talkative, he just has a little bit of a hard time expressing himself. anyhow, his sister is very loud. but either way, they both think its sweet. your daughter even said something like "i hope my husband kisses me like that" once (when she was an older kid tho lol)
your son goes to talk to you a lot. he adores you so so much. but one day when he wanted to hang out with you, you weren't home. you were busy running errands while katsuki was at home watching tv. your son started crying and katsuki was like wtf?? eventually, your son grew accustomed to speaking to katsuki. as he got older, he actually talked to him more than you.
teaches your son how to be a man :,) katsuki knew he was bitchy in his younger years and he didn't want either of his kids to be like him. he taught them both manners and how to properly have a conversation.
little pitter patter of their feet ran into your guys' shared bedroom on christmas morning and began jumping your bed. katsuki groaned and rubbed his eyes aggressively. "it's christmas, mommy!" your little boy shouted. "wake up daddy!!" your daughter shouted in his ear. "alright alright you rugrats"
at your daughter's kindergarten graduation (idk if everyone had this but i did lmao), katsuki was tearing up and although he tried to hide it, he had to remain the strong one while comforting you while you bawled your eyes out.
p.s your daughter is the oldest
when she brought home her first boyfriend... ooo chile
i see a lot of people writing how katsuki would act up but tbh in his older years, i think he'd be a lot more mature. he'd greet the dude politely and treat him like he would any of her friends
btw lemme just say: your daughter is a mommy AND daddy's girl. she loves u both insanely
honestly while eating dinner with the boyfriend or something, katsuki would be very blunt and not pay too much mind to him LMAOO he'd be like "'tis is great, doll" as if you don't cook dinner every week and it's only when your daughter brings up how he wants to work at katsuki's angency, where he perks up
"oh shit, no kiddin'?" and you smack his arm lightly.
well this changes everything! he practically gave the kid his blessing. "welcome to the family son"
your son doesn't really care about them together, he just doesn't wanna see his big sis get hurt. lets say that your son is 15 and your daughter is 17. "so, bf/n. have you fucked her?"
you almost spit out your drink like a cartoon. your daughter is shook, katsuki's rage from UA is all coming back to him, and the boyf is scared for his life
you, katsuki, and your daughter have a little talk after dinner
"use condoms" kats stated. "i- WH- nono you can have sex next year." you corrected but ur daughter is like huh?? "wha why next year?" you scoff. "because you'll be a legal adult thats why." "no offense, momma, but that's really dumb. when did you and dad start having sex?" she folded her arms. katsuki shrugged. "like i said, use condoms."
you and your daughter gossip like crazy alr?? ur like the gilmore girls except you're married and didn't get pregnant at 16 (almost)
and this is nothing new to katsuki, he's heard u guys gossip trillions of times. but when he found out you guys talked abouy HIM TOO??
he busts into the room. your daughter squeals and runs behind you. "hi honeyy-" he shushes you, "you guys talkin' shit 'bout me?" "nope" you guys say in unison. "there's this other guy, uh.."
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lola-bunn1 · 2 years
can u do one where neteyam is expected to find a mate and you get distant and all bc yk its not gonna be you and another guy makes a move on u and he gets mad n confession n stuff? i love ur writing
❥ genre: angsty ish to fluff
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10 years, you've been best friends with neteyam for 10 years. you both saw each other grow up, and now it's over. you know it is
neteyam has finally matured, he was ready to get an ikran, ready to go hunting with the others, and most of all, he was now expected to mate.
you know whoever he's gonna mate with is not gonna like you being friends with him, you admit it yourself, you wouldn't like your partner spending time with another girl. so you understood why it would happen
so you began distancing yourself, as a preparation. but also to ease the pain for when you finally see him with someone that isn't you. it was bound to happen. you were stupid enough to fall for him, and now it was going to be harder than it should be
you cried, you cried at night just thinking about the way life would be, you were sure he didn't feel the same, besides, he was going to be the next olo'eyktan, he needed to have someone proper, someone actually important
who were you to be mating with someone like him? he would probably pick elmirìey, she was a proper girl, a gorgeous one. or maybe he'd pick awia, she was a great warrior, from a great family
not only did you distance yourself from him, but his family too. you were so close to them, hell even neytiri liked you. but now, you acted like you didn't even know them
you sat at a special spot you found in the forest, you and neteyam used to come here but he's too busy now. so its just you
"hey!" you heard a voice behind you
"oh, neteyam" you said
"what a way to greet me, do you not want me around that much?"
"what?" you furrowed your eyebrows
"don't be like that. you know exactly what I'm talking about." he said
"I heard you're looking for a mate now that you've had your ceremony"
he sighed, knowing you're trying to change the subject, "yeah. but to be honest, I've already found one. Just gotta figure out a way to tell her"
your heart shattered.
"oh, that's nice. I um, I have to go" you said
"y/n wait-"
and with that, you ran off somewhere, your tears sliding down your cheeks, how could he find one so fast? does he love her that much? has he been loving her, just waiting for his ceremony so he can finally pick her?
"oh" you heard a voice and sighed
"I'm sorry I ran--" you said, turning around to see that it was not neteyam speaking
"are-are you okay? you look like you've been crying" the man said
"i'm fine, thanks tenio" you said, wiping your tears
tenio was a fine young man, he was actually really nice, but you've never really talked to him
"i was just looking for some fruits to pick for my mother, but ill leave you alone-"
"no no, you can stay uh, i know where you can get the ripe ones, follow me" you said, walking along the forest with him next to you, you two talked for a bit as he was picking the fruit
"i heard you had your ceremony the other day" you said
"yeah, it sucks though." he said
"wait what? why so?" you asked
"well everyone is waiting for me to mate with someone, but there isn't anyone in my life, ill have to mate with some random stranger" he sighed
"oh...im so sorry"
"it's fine-"
"there you are!" neteyam's voice filled your ears, he turned to see tenio there, and his face faltered
"let's go" he said, grabbing your hand and walking away, an angry look on his face, you definitely did not want to do anything to upset him more
"uh, tell your mother i said hi! enjoy the fruits!" you said and he just nodded
once he was out of sight you pulled away
"why were you with him?!" he said
"i was just helping him pick fruits!"
"everybody knows that trick! you help him and he subtly mentions that he has nobody to mate with so you can feel bad"
"you're being insane right now. nobody has ever done that" you rolled your eyes
"they have, you just never realize it" he yelled
"what if i do realize it, hm? what if i want them to do it? why don't you go tell your stupid girl how much you want her to be your mate and leave me alone!"
"i can't go"
"why not!" you yelled
"because she's standing right in front of me"
"it's you, y/n. i don't want anyone else why don't you understand that? you think I don't notice how you've been avoiding me and my family too?"
"i-i avoided you because i couldn't stand seeing you with another girl."
"wait-you thought i was gonna mate with someone else?" he asked
you looked down and avoided looking at him, he lifted your chin up with his finger
"i've been waiting for years to finally make you mine, y/n. it hurts me to see you with anyone else too."
"really?" you asked
"i see you, y/n."
"i see you, ma nete" you smiled, and the two of you shared a kiss
how were you so oblivious?
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So may I request a poly ghost face (from 1996) where they have an autistic trans!reader. Ik a lot (I'm projecting) the reader stims vocally by mimicking what they say, and they have a special interest (am like bugs, gore, sharks, dinosaurs, something around those lines yk? I feel like gore would fit) the reader rambles and rants Abt their special interest a lot! Just those kinds of things. I feel like you'd be able to capture this perfectly, thank you! Have a wonderful time zone :)
Poly Ghostface x autistic trans male reader
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I always headcanon Stu as having something like ADHD, or just more hyperactive autism.
Been a while since I wrote about these two, huh? I’ve kinda missed em, ngl. Hope it’s alright I took some liberties with the hyperfixations :)
I can imagine that maybe you were friends with Stu when you were kids, because you were both “weird” in other people’s opinion. Stu because he was too hyperactive and could never sit still, and you because of your weird interests and how you were quite antisocial at times.
Time would pass, you guys would grow older. Stu would become someone popular, as his erratic and hyper personality becomes something others admire because he’s fun, whilst you stay being the weirdo with too much interest in medical texts, insects, and decomposition.
Neither of you meant to do it, but you would grow apart. Stu would get his new friends, specifically Billy, and you would stay by yourself burying yourself in your special interests. Its not strange to find you flipping through medical books or books about the horrors of war and medical malpractice. The more pictures the better.
When its not medical texts and war pictures with as much gorey detail as possible in the text and pictures, you can be found reading about death and the work of being a mortician, the way a body decays, and all that.
And when its neither of those things, you can be found looks at bugs, lifting rocks or moving trash to see what critters you can find. You have a sketchbook you like to draw in, three ones at that, one for each hyperfixation since you don’t wanna mix the information in them.
Its in the many niche medical books you learn about being transgender, and suddenly how uncomfortable you are in your own body makes sense. You don’t need any friends, or your families support to transition, that’s what you tell yourself at least.
You haven’t really had any real friends since you split form Stu when you were kids, and your creepy interests chase off anyone who might attempt to befriend you.
So, when you show up one day to school and openly tell people you are now a boy, no one really questions it, because why would they? You’re already weird, and compared to all your other quirks, being a boy is probably the most normal thing about you.
Through all these years you haven’t experienced as much bullying as you probably would have anywhere else, all thanks to Billy and Stu.
Stu because he still sees you as his friend in some way, and Billy because he’s fascinated by you. One day after you had come out, he walked behind you and saw you drawing detailed diagrams of top surgery in grotesque detail, and Billy has been hooked since.
At some point you and Billy would end up talking, one way or another. Maybe it was at the video store around Halloween one night, maybe the year Sidney’s mom died, and Billy would ask your opinion on the horror movie selection.
Youd grimace and say they sucked since the gore was so unrealistic, which Billy, the freak, would definitely ask into why you thought so. This would lead to you infodumping to him for a long time, going through multiple movies and explaining how its unrealistic and what would have made it better.
As infodumping goes, you don’t even realize how long you’ve been standing there talking to one of the hottest guy at your school about fictional gore, until Randy has to tell you guys that the store is closing soon.
You end up getting real embarrassed about wasting his time like that, which Billy is quick to tell you that nothing was wasted because he loved talking about it with you and hearing what you had to say. He would love to talk again some time.
You don’t really believe him, until he searches you out the next day in your shared free period when you are sitting outside drawing bugs and beetles, dragging Stu with him of all people. You haven’t actually interacted with Stu in a while, so you cringe and get jitters when he hugs you and gets into your personal space.
Its Billy who has to remind him of personal space, and before you know it, they’ve asked in about your special interests, and then they just sit back as you infodump and show them the pictures and drawings you have in all three of your sketchbooks, making the two Woodsboro killers fall for you harder and harder.
Time would pass and you three would start spending a lot of time together, Billy and Stu always hanging around you to listen to what you have to say, never growing tired no matter how much you infodump.
Stu would be the first to confess his feelings, as he feels fast and he feels strong, so one day when you two are laying on his bed and you’re talking about the difference between two beetles who look almost the exact same, whilst also talking about lungs and how they’re built, Stu just leans over and kisses you.
You would be so confused, until Stu tells you that he really likes you, he would even spill the beans that Billy feels the same way too. As if summoned, Billy would show up and Stu would be all like “right Billy? You like him too, right?” and Billy would facepalm cuz he planned on confessing in a much better way.
But hed agree and say he fell pretty damn hard for you, but neither rushes you in your decision as they know it’s a big step. I can imagine Stu also rambling about how hes always liked you since you were kids, even before you transitioned, and how he actually started liking you even more afterwards because you looked so much more comfortable with yourself and who you were.
At some point you would come to the conclusion that you felt the same way, and boom, now you got two boyfriends who like you for who you are, and would stab a bitch if they tried to disrespect you in any way, shape, or form.
When the ghostface killings happen, you wouldn’t be at the party since they are super overstimulating, but you would go to the hospital to check on Billy and Stu since they are the only “survivors”.
I thought it would be funny if you developed a special interest in the ghostface killers and started a fourth sketchbook filled with your notes and theories, but you would keep it hidden form Billy and Stu because you fear it would trigger their trauma, since you don’t know they are the killers.
The fourth sketchbook would also have rants you can’t put anywhere else, like how certain people have hatecrimed you because of your gender, or because you are “weird”, and how some dark sick part of your brain wants the ghostface killers to kill them.
At some point your boyfriends would find the sketchbook and go through it together, whistling as they see the detailed analysis made for each kill, and how you are so close to figuring it out. But when they read all the stuff you’ve written you never told them, it angers them that people have been hurting you without them knowing.
You wouldn’t have told them since you didn’t want to worry them, and it wasn’t their fight in your opinion. Billy and Stu decide that they have to pull out the masks once more, seems they have a couple of horrible people to get rid of for mistreating you.
Imagine your surprise when one night you walk into your room stimming with both your hands and repeating stuff that Billy and Stu said earlier that day, only to find not one, but two people wearing ghostface gear in your room.
It takes you a little too long to even spot them as you were scribbling in your death sketchbook, having gotten a sudden spark of inspiration on the way home from your apprenticeship as the local funeral home.
You almost get to scream before they pounce, never actually hurting you but clamping a hand over your mouth, their gloves wet with what you can smell is blood. After they make you promise to stay quiet, they unmask and reveal who they are.
You buffer like an old computer for a little too long, before smacking the shit out of both of them, wacking them in the chest for not telling you. Your opinion on death and murder are probably really twisted, and the people they’ve killed have either hurt you or you had no relationship with them.
It does light up every light in your hyperfixations though, and you might demand them to explain what killing someone is like, or what a freshly killed body looks like for your sketchbooks.
Billy would grin and try to kiss you, because how can you be so perfect? But you’d wave him off with a grimace and demand Stu explain once again what it was like stabbing someone so you can get it all down in your book.
I don’t know if youd join them as a third Ghostface, but they might take you along every now and then, letting you roam the place after they’ve done their thing if the chance is there. I could imagine them taking pictures of things for you too.
I’m imagining them both dressed up as ghostface, except no mask, both kissing at your cheeks and neck and being all lovey dovey and almost purring, whilst you are sketching down the different pictures and notes about them.
They love you so much, its insane. You’re gonna have them hanging on you for the rest of your life, sorry man, I don’t make the rules. Even if you move to another city and start studying to be a professor or like, investigator for the FBI, they would go with you. It would even help them in their Ghostface work as you are an expert in them not getting caught.
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xo-zozo · 2 months
hiii can I request jameson hawthorne on social media or like in public. like how he would interact with his fans and whatnot if yk what i mean
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a/n | yes ofc i’ve been waiting for this request tbh
tags | @flowers-for-em @nqds @sophiesonlinediary @reminiscentreader @lxvebelle @lyrakanefanatic @clarissaweasley-10 @zoyaaaabear @off-to-the-r4ces @x-liv25-jamieswife
i think we all know that he used to post lip sync thirst traps … and still does on occasion
he absolutely LOVES his fans and he’ll literally take pictures with them, talk to them, do tiktok dances, whatever
he’s always posting avery on his instagram but… i think we all already knew that
he posts goofy pictures of her and it makes her mad but she secretly dosen't really care
he does the thing where he’ll let his fans send him random questions on instagram and then answers as many as he can
he actually responds to comments on his posts sometimes
he also posts videos of him ranting about random things in his life (sometimes its how much he "hates" his brothers, how much he loves avery and sometimes those people make an appearance)
him and xander are always fan favorites because they're always interacting with their fans online
somehow fans found out the nicknames that his family and friends call him and they start to call him those nicknames when they meet him and he thinks its hilarious
definitely the kind of guy who would go viral in one of those videos where some little kid was trying to get an autograph and security wouldn't let them and blahahaha (💀)
we all know this but buddy loves attention so when he and avery show up to events and theres fans and paparazzi there, while avery rushes inside or goes inside before him, he stays there and interacts with them
compliments his fans when he meets them in public (in the friendliest most taken man way possible yk)
although he had a lot of attention from the media when he was younger, there was only ever really attention to their family from younger audiences when they started getting older
so, when he turned like fifteenth he was always surprised when people actually his age would come up to him and recognize him because it was always just paparazzi interested in his grandfather and stuff
i've mentioned before that i think that libby would have a baking youtube channel and i also think that jameson would make it his mission to interrupt every video at least once
people have definitely made compilations of every time that he's done it and it's just him being super chaotic
he's really good at making posts for people that he knows birthdays
there's always a bunch of photos of them and then a really sweet long caption (he goes back to his chaotic online behavior the next day ofc)
people ask him his opinions of new movies and music that are coming out and for each time someone asks he makes one of his super long ranty videos
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l0viez · 2 years
This is a very random idea but like imagine,,, instead of YOU🫵🏻 being the creator of Teyvat, your actually just your parents sassy smart ass kid! and somehow your parent is the "CREATOR" of Teyvat💀 but..
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Imagine this alright, your parent plays genshin and so do you (your the one who introduced it to them! isnt that nice) now you both somehow got sucked in Genshin Impact💀(dont ask how, its for the plot LMAO)
You and your parent got chased, almost got killed, yelled at, insulted, got called as a imposter yk all that normal typical SAGAU Imposter fanfics😭
Now you and your parent somehow got mora and decided to buy a house, howd you guys even got the mora to begin with and where are you guys even buying the house from? Some shady bussiness man from Sumeru that looks like they came from Snezhnaya (no its not one of the fatui's)
Alright so let's say you both got a house now, not too big not too small just right, Sometimes some abyss mages comes by to your house and brings food at first you and your parent was warry of it (Who wouldnt?😭) but seeing the abyss mages being actually friendly it calmed your parent down abit and decided to accept the foods
One day your parent decided to go and search for some extra food so you guys dont go hungry! which leads you being the only one inside the house.. Of course you didnt pay mind into it at first then later on, you heard some people outside your house (maybe 6-7?) you heard one of them yelling that they finally found the "imposters" house and is about to break in
You look through the window and remebered one of the rumours & gossips about whoever can capture the imposters will get a very high huge ammount of rewards
You noticed these people possibly trying to kill you and your parent were Treasure Hunters
You acted quickly and went to find items to protect yourself
//(Now you know that movie "Home alone"? Where that kid's name is kevin and made some traps to keep the robbers out of their house until his family , yeah thats you rn Lmao)//
Good thing you being in that boy/girls scouts payed off, you made sure to watch every Troom troom videos/jk
No but seriously, You and your parent is prepared for this and they trained you what to do if this ever happens, you quickly went to the room where you and your parents putted the traps to protect your house
You began to set off the traps and went a place to hide somewhere in the tables (you a kid so you bet yo ass your short asf) once you fully trapped the whole house and grabbed your makeshift weapon
Once you heard them go in the house you watched the treasure hoarders fail miserably on trying to get pass through the traps you have planted
Once theyre injured enough they finally gave up and flee not obtaining anything
Meanwhile you laughing your ass off
Once your parent finally came back you told them everything that happened
and your parent laughed with you
Lets just hope those treasure hoarders wont come back or call more back up or else theyre gonna get theyre ass beaten by traps planted by you once again💀
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frogcereal29 · 10 days
Pls read this first bit <:3 just so u know what ur getting into:
Ok. ITS FINALLY FUCKING HERE. PLSSS understand theres little to no structure to these, just random little ideas thrown about, some of this shit might even contradict itself, but I've read over this like 4 times and if anything is out of place or misspelled lmk. NSFW WARNING, its all mixed in with sfw sorry😭 also there is an TW for SA!!! Its not in detail but I touch on stuff i think nikto went thru and i mention it along with abuse and him being burnt alive briefly so yeah :( you don't have to read that I'll put a warning before it.
And Now I present....
Frog's Nikto & Krueger headcanons:
- I think Nikto would actually love music, he's just picky. Please don't play some catchy radio-pop shit, the voices will be repeating it in his head for hours. He needs something loud and/or emotional that silences them. Or classical music, weirdly enough.
- He learned that from Krueger, who you would never expect it, but dabbles in classical music often. Like its not his whole music identity, probably only a third of it. But he introduced it to Nikto and he found the same solace in it that Krueger did. What can I say? Classical music really is just nice to the brain, even to mentally unstable guys.
- Nikto is bisexual, and is comfortable with it, despite his religious upbringing. And Krueger has NO label. He refuses to be bound by one. As long as you have gentials, are hot, and can consent, Krueger is stickin his dick in it.
- Both used to primarily swing towards women, but the predominantly male environment of the military brought out their deepest dreams and desires with the same sex. Krueger definitely swings mostly towards men now, but Nikto is exactly 50/50 split, just don't feel like he'd have a side yk?
- Nikto doesn't get action a lot outside of sex with krueger, and sex is rarely passionate/meaningful for him (he mostly uses it to relieve stress or cause he's bored, Krueger gets it. Though the post-nut clarity nikto gets is immense, but he keeps doing it anyways), and he probably doesn't feel attraction often, so I feel like he doesn't think about which gender he swings towards more. Just fucks whoever he can get some action with and goes about his life.
- I feel like despite everything though, Nikto is a lover, he loves his friends, he loves his family, his pet. Its just not the typical outward kind of love. You gain his trust and you have a friend til the grave, also he's for sure a family man, at least he deeply yearns to be. He knows he can't though, and that it's not possible (or safe) now with the life he's led, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't lay awake at night thinking of what could've been...five kids, a big house with a white picket fence, right back in the hometown he grew up in in Russia.
- he still wouldn't mind a partner in his current situation, but please don't expect a normal relationship with him. He's anything but and needs a partner that can handle it.
- expect silence, it doesn't have to be uncomfortable unless you make it that way, but if you're someone who enjoys carrying 95% of the conversation, or sitting in silence, you'll come to really enjoy his company
- good listener, you can tell all the tea and drama to Nikto, and he's not a diva so the drama dies with him, not like he cares anyways.
- CANNOT TRUST KRUEGER WITH THE TEA. He has selectively loose lips, if he gains some funny new information (potential blackmail hehe :3), he'll grab and run with it.
- Him and Krueger genuinely do love and care for eachother (and they have a freaky weird way of showing it), but they aren't dating. They still sleep around with others, but they somehow always end up back in each other's arms.
- I feel like this is partly cause of Krueger, who really isn't the type to seal the deal like that. He jokes and calls nikto his husband or boyfriend sometimes (especially if nikto is nagging at him) but he likes his options open. Although he would be lying if he said he didn't think about Nikto when fucking others... That man just does something to him.
- in those rare moments Nikto does find himself deeply attracted to someone, whether that's Krueger or someone else, he feels like a weak little boy again, his heart is beating fast and he can't even pin point the feeling until he finally caves and goes to the on-site nurse because the feeling of being this infatuated is so foreign he thinks he's sick.
- even prior to his facial deformalities, I don't think he had many girlfriends, he probably had some in High School, but I feel like he joined the military early on and put his work and life goals first and foremost before any woman (or man). Around the time he started finally thinking of settling and finding someone nice, the Zakhaev situation happened, and it just about killed his love life for years.
- This is my own dark personal hc, and please don't paint this as me being disrespectful (TW HERE!!) but I do believe he was SAed, along with being physically, mentally, and emotionally abused during his time there. Guys can experience abuse too, and having rep for them is important!! (Especially rep w/o it being comically charged, wtf hollywood😐) and I believe that anything awful that can happen to a person without killing them, probably happened to nikto, whatever he went through litteraly erased his old sense of self so like... It was awful, absolutely horrific. Because of this, he wouldn't let anyone touch him for the first few months back from being captive, he was aggressive and set off by things that seemed little to others, but sent his mind spiraling, bringing the horrors back to memory. it took being forced by fellow soliders to get him into very temporary therapy, (it lasted three months) at least enough so he could trust and work with people again and so he could get back to his job.
- (Another tw here!!) I also think he was burned, chemically, and with cigarettes, and I wouldn't be surprised if they doused him in gasoline, lit him up, and then put him right back out with a bucket of freezing cold ice water. He suffered so much shit that no human should have to go through, the fact he's alive should earn him a comically large trophey and a free trip to hawaii, he deserves it and so much more💔
- if you are close to him, you'll very quickly find he has subtle ways of showing his affection
- Man is an acts of service and gift-giving type of lover. Expect lots of russian treats, and jarred goods randomly appearing in your fridge, or wrapped neatly in a gift bakset on the kitchen counter. And expect anything around you that breaks to be fixed within the hour. Table leg broken? Blink, and think again! Leaky pipe? Boom. Consider the pipe, unleaked.
- I just know they are BOTH ass men. Ass and thighs all day, everyday. Man or woman, don't care, SIT ON THEIR FACEEEEEE🗣🗣🗣
- Nikto's entire face has texture. From scarring. Do with that what you will.
- Krueger has a tongue slit, as well as a shit ton of peircings, he loved body mods in his youth, but he hasnt worn any of them since he fled his home country. (The piercings he had specifically, cause I love piercings, as for anyone else who does too☺️: eyebrow piercing on both sides, bridge, snake bites, smiley, septum and both nostrils, industrial on left side, 3 lobe piercings on both sides, helix & forward helix on right side, snake eyes, nipple piercings, and yes... A prince albert to top it all off, like i said he sadly doesn't wear any of the jewelry anymore because it would just be more inconvenient for his job, but you can see the piercing holes are still there if you look close enough.)
- because of this, you can imagine what that freaky-deaky split tongue can do ;)c ur welcome!
- Nikto has a breeding kink. Like I said earlier, he wants to be a family man. If his partner is afab, he fantasizes getting them pregnant, the pride that would swell in him seeing them swell with his kids. this man will whisper things about your future with him, and your non-existent children into your ear like its the hottest shit in the world. But he always pulls out💔 (he won't use condoms, pulling out is the only method of 'protection' he'll use. Same with Krueger honestly.)
- when his sex life does get passionate and serious, Nikto feels like a Pearly Gates kinda guy (look up 'pearly gates sex position' if you dunno) especially if his mask is off and its the beginning or early on in a relationship. He looses confidence easily in the bedroom with lovers, especially if he thinks for even a moment that they might be unattracted to him. This position allows him the best angle to feel them up and carress their body, and whisper sweet things into their ear, all while also hiding himself from them (since they'd be looking up at the ceiling in this position)
- omg there so many nikto hcs here, i forgot all my Krueger ones sksgska
- Krueger listens to Mindless self indulgence, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
- Krueger knows how to play the drums. He learned back when he was a young rambunctious teenager, and now, he's a old rambunctious man :)
- I think Krueger always had a rebellious nature to him, he spent his teenage years commiting petty crimes in Austria with a gang of doggish boys like him. He finally killed his parents after a long history of disagreement and dissaproval with them. He was 19 years old and so fucking sick of their bitching, and when they found out he was doing hard drugs, they threatened to turn him into the police, he just couldn't have that.
- Krueger and nikto have matching tats somewhere, idk of what, but I just imagine one dumb drunk night, krueger got nikto all hammered and feeling riskque, stumbling around bars with him, they stumbled right into a tattoo parlor and got a small one, maybe tramp stamps, maybe right on the buttcheek or above their crotch, but somewhere they have something really silly or eachothers names tatted down, and neither of them want to talk about it.
- Kruger's names for Golem and Nikto is his phone are 'Ehemann Eins' and "Ehemann Zwei" and if he meets anymore men and gets close with them, they will be named and numbered accordingly in his contacts.
- both Nikto and Golem (yay golem hcs!!) Have their contacts for him as 'the fucker' but in their respective language.
Is this enough to post? Lol? I had more before the deletion cause I wanted a lot of hcs for ppl to read but I've seen how much I've rewritten and I don't wanna risk my dumbass loosing this again, so im posting it at the length its at, crazy it took me weeks to think and write everything down originally, but took maybe 2 hours total to rewrite it. Anyways, enjoy!! I can just write more later if I remember anything else!
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gaybananabread · 10 months
HI HI HI, just noticed that you have ATSV in your fandom list and literally exploded?!???? I’d like to order oranges, bananas and cherries pls!! Ler! Miguel and like Lee!Reader BUT LIKE, the reader is like just a teenager?? Found family trope if you catch my vibe yk
Fruit(s): Oranges, Bananas, Cherries
This is a pretty fun idea, don’t get many insert requests! I’m pretty sure you meant the reader to be a spider person, so that’s where I went with it. If not, eeeeeh sorry! Never written for Miguel, so I hope he isn’t too crazy OOC in this. Also, since it wasn’t specified, went gender neutral. A tad angsty because it’s been that kinda week. It’s long because I’m a sucker for found family stuff.. Thank you for the kind words, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Gender Neutral Reader
Ler: Miguel
Summary: You’ve been taking unnecessary risks on missions, trying to show off and impress a certain Spider-Man. It has the opposite effect, only worrying the man and making him question you. After you joke around and play off the danger, he uses a special tactic to make sure you learn your lesson.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Your life was interesting, to say the least. For the past seven months, you had been your universe’s one and only spider person. That…that was hard. Especially when you had nobody to turn to. Trying to stay in school and keep the city safe was easier said than done, and it was still a mouthful. That stress took its toll on you, and it wasn’t pretty. Long story short, you managed to isolate yourself from everyone who cared.
On one particular night, you were fighting a strange villain you’d never seen before. He…kinda looked like he had a fishbowl on his head; his appearance was cartoonish. Called himself Mysterio. The guy kept yelling about his revenge; how Stark, whoever that was, wronged him. Just another crazy guy. Unfortunately, he was a very powerful crazy guy.
He gave you everything he had. Mists, holograms, hallucinations. You were reeling, struggling to stay in the fight. Mysterio prayed on your anxieties, your fears, your past: everything you had been facing. One thing was painfully clear. 
You couldn’t do it alone.
And that’s when your luck turned. A bright flash of orange and red light broke through the green smoke, someone’s booming voice bringing you back to reality. Glowing red webs popped the hologram devices, a blue-and-red suited man landing a hit square in the fish bowl. 
In a few quick strikes, the fight was over. The man caught your attention with his fighting skills and quick thinking. You could tell he was trying to keep Mysterio away from you. When the fight was over, you rushed over to him, trying to get any information from him. 
He looked you over, having LYLA scan your signature. You were…all alone. Everyone you loved had been shoved away. The man related a bit too closely to that…
Before you could come off as completely desperate, he tossed you a watch and waved you towards an open portal. The rest was history.
The man, Miguel O’Hara, took you under his wing. He was a bit temperamental, but it was clear he cared for you. No matter how many stupid mistakes you made, how many anomalies got the drop on you, he was right there. You definitely grew attached, placing him high on your mantle. You wanted to impress him, though that was more difficult than it seemed. Pushing your limits, you gave every mission your all, even if it put you at risk. You were fine. Just needed to do better.
Miguel was concerned. No, scratch that, he was worried and downright anxious for your every move. Why were you taking so many unnecessary risks?! He certainly hadn’t taught you that, though a few names came to mind… Regardless, it was a habit you had to drop.
The mission you went on that day was the last straw. It was a low-grade villain, just an average Kraven. Easy catch-and-send; only you didn’t make it easy. 
Kraven had laid all sorts of traps, though thanks to his brightly-colored universe, they were detectable. At least, they would’ve been if you hadn’t rushed in. In your mind, the quicker you captured him, the more impressed Miguel would be. Bursting into action, you didn’t notice the traps and sprung a flash-bang snare. While you managed to dodge the wire, you were dazed and your spider sense was left reeling. Not good.
Struggling to your feet, you shot out webs in every direction, trying to nail him or at least get a sense of where he was. The flash wasn’t good, though if you still caught him, Miguel would at least be a little impressed. A yelp to your left got you what you needed. As you ran to try and web him up, you stepped on a wire; a wire connected to a high-voltage unit. The sound of the electricity hit your ears before the shock itself. 
“What were you thinking?”
The dim lighting of Miguel’s office just made everything twice as intimidating. You had gotten a clean bill of health from the med bay, though it didn’t make you feel any better. It felt like you let him down. When you shrugged, he sighed, running a hand down his face.
“Malditos adolescentes.” He mumbled under his breath, trying to stay calm and collected. Miguel was far from mad, but he was definitely worried, and yeah, a little annoyed that you kept ignoring your training. Still, he knew showing that would only upset you further. “You going to start talking or sit here in silence a little longer? It’s empanada day, and I’d be happier if you came clean.”
You rubbed your arm, remembering the way your nerves lit up from the trap. It was safe to say you were embarrassed to admit the real reason you rushed. “Uh…felt like I needed a little recharge?” Okay, dumb joke, but it’s how you dealt with stuff. How a lot of spider people dealt with stuff.
He huffed, not appreciating your attempt to play off his concern. “Look kid, I’m gonna tell you how it is. You’ve been rushing missions, over exerting yourself, and making risky calls I’ve never seen from you before. Tell me what’s going on with you. I promise I won’t get mad.” His voice softened at the end, his look shifting to one of concern and worry.
That made you pause. Lying wasn’t going to get you far, and it was really close to lunch… “I…kinda, sorta, maybe wanted to…ya know, i-impress you…” Your voice dropped off at the end as you suddenly found a scuff on the floor incredibly interesting.
“Kid…” Miguel paused, taking a deep breath. “C’mon. You know you don’t have to try and impress me. I just don’t want you making stupid mistakes and getting hurt.” It didn’t take a genius to decipher the look of guilt that went across your face. Miguel thought back to a few weeks ago, when you had gotten a minor side injury. He had bandaged you up and made a rather adorable discovery while doing so. That’d work.
Trying to control his expression, Miguel got closer, sitting beside you on the ledge. Miggy was trying to get better with his people skills, and since he met you,  he was doing good. “Look, burbujita, it’s okay. Get the guilt off your face, try a smile~” 
You understood where he was going with that immediately. You quickly shot out a web, shooting up towards his tall office cieling. He shook his head, a throaty chuckle escaping him before he followed. It was big, but he knew his office better than anyone. Silently, Miguel landed on the cieling, scanning for you.
A place where rebar met the ceiling gave you a place to crouch. You clamped your hand over your mouth, trying to hide any giggles or heavy breaths. Unbeknownst to you, it was the only spot up there like that. He knew exactly where you were.
Miguel crawled over, springing up and grabbing you by the waist. He huffed at your shriek of surprise, carefully dropping back down and sitting you down on one of the ledges. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, sitting beside you and pulling you close. If he hadn’t been planning such silly antics, it would’ve been sweet.
Before you could try to shove him off, you felt five clawed fingers on your side. The arm around your shoulders tightened, blocking any escape routes. “M-miguehehehel?!” Tickling was the last thing you expected; maybe yelling or a two-week probation, but that? And he was so smug about it, too.
“You should really laugh more, kid. That sound? Que lindo…” Miguel raked his claws up and down your side, being extra careful not to scratch you. You twisted and squirmed in his grip, but it was solid; you weren’t going anywhere. “Cohohome ohon! Ihi’m sohohory!”
He clicked his tongue, shaking his head. “None of those apologies. Just stop putting yourself at risk, kid. I’m proud of you for just putting the mask on and going out to fight. You don’t need to overdo it.” Your cheeks reddened at the praise, though you blamed it on the silliness. 
Just when you thought he was done, you felt the claws move to your belly; specifically, he started on your navel. Ignoring your squeal of protest, he dug in. “They really need to make these suits thicker, huh? Great for flexibility, though not too good against wiggling fingers.”
You kicked your feet, squealing and laughing like a little kid. Miguel found it adorable. When he first met you, you were stuck in worries and the unpleasantness of life. It was nice to see you just let loose and laugh, even if it was a little unprofessional. 
He caught the redness of your cheeks, deciding to tease you just a bit further. “You’re so red, kid. Should I start calling you cara rosa?” Feeling your face heat up further, you tried to hide it in his chest. He tugged your shoulder, keeping your red face where he could see it. It was cute.
Wanting to hit one more spot before he quit, Miguel moved to claw at your ribs. He climbed up and down your ribcage, trying to get as many happy giggles out of you as he could. “You gonna stop trying to impress me and just do your best?” 
You nodded, thrashing like a worm on a hook. “Yehehes! Ihi prohohomise!” Miguel chuckled, pinching your side one last time before stopping. He rubbed your back, hugging you close and trying to help you settle down. “Was that so hard?” A small laugh escaped him at the look he received. “Alright, alright, I’m done. If you ever feel like that again, just tell me. I’ll help.”
Right as he stopped talking, a small sound made him smile further. You groaned, hiding your face in your hands. “Guess I tired you out, didn’t I? We should go get you some lunch.” He patted your shoulder with a smirk, standing up and walking to the door. You cursed your stomach’s stupid growl before following, reflecting on everything that had happened to you since you got bit. Living with a man who cares about you, working to keep the spider-verse and all the people within it safe. Yeah, not a bad way to live…
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anzynai · 6 months
Ah!! I just saw your Housewarden tickle HCs and I was wondering if I could add to that person’s request and ask for vice house wardens (+ Ruggie and Ortho) tickle HCs if you can? Thanks in advance! 💖💖💖
Vice Housewardens Hcs
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a/n: as the ask said, ortho and ruggie aren’t housewardens but that’s fine! sometimes i forget that fact too UHHH also there probably won’t (or i’m not really sure) be as many headcanons as the housewarden one but we shall see. this is a super late ask but i hope u like these heascanons anyway.. i mean, at least i got them out haha but as always, enjoy!
so i think that he would be a 7? LIKE some spots he will be like “😊” (the smile is out of pity) and some he will be like 😂😂 (laughing his head off)
ITS PRETTY HARD TO GET HIM TO THAT POINT THO because his worst spots are his back and his thighs, which aren’t always so easily accessible?
but if someone happened to just,, trace a finger down his back while he’s doing something, he will jump and flail and produce the silliest noise you will ever hear in your life
he’s the type to be shy-embarrassed about his ticklishness. like he wouldn’t want to be known for it, but at the end of the day, he doesn’t mind it too much, yk?
he’s really strong so it’s difficult to pin him so it’s probably not even worth trying. it doesn’t matter though, because he’ll usually let you tickle him anyway. (at least if he can get you back)
when he gets you back, he has this wholesome smile on his face and you can’t help feeling embarrassed. he’s super gentle and does it to try and make you happy.
he’s done it to riddle though when he feels like the redhead hasn’t been smiling enough, yk?? like he loves cheer up tickles and while it mostly happens to riddle, he’s done it to others too.
he would also be the type to use it as a sort of motivation. “every question that you get wrong is ten seconds of tickling. how is that?”
ergggg tickles with this guy,, they were always a pretty big thing with him! growing up, his family always would tickle eachother (meaning ofc he was involved as well) and as of late, tickling between leona and him has been becoming more and more frequent (to leona’s disdain)
he’s definitely like an 8, leaning a bit towards a 9? idk he’s pretty ticklish.
his worst spots.. his sides AND his tail. most people learn he’s ticklish if they try to pet his tail, so he doesn’t let people, unless he really trusts them (such as yuu). only leona knows his sides r ticklish cuz he tickles ruggie if he wants him to stop bothering him. rook knows about his tail if you’ve seen that one scene 😊😊
he enjoys being tickled and can usually last for a while, but he doesn’t like when it’s so intense.
if ruggie had an s/o, i think he would be the type to like,, nibble on their neck to make them giggle yk??
not really anyone KNOWS about his sensitivity (apart from his fam) but leona and rook. leona found out one time cuz ruggie kept pestering him and he pushed him away in his side and was very shocked by the very loud squeal that ruggie let out.
i think that he’s not necessarily embarrassed about his sensitivity but also like, not for any real reason. he just doesn’t think about tickling all that much. like, it’s completely normal to him. so it’s not like he’s all for it but he’s just pretty neutral about it (if that makes sense)
that being said, that is regarding his OWN sensitivity. for others, while he doesn’t do it often, he looooves tickling others
he gets teasy w it too!!! “you’re so ticklish, it’s so funny!!” all that stuff yk?
he is for sure the type to use tickling to “exploit” people into doing what he wants them to do. obviously, nothing super bad but if he REALLY wants something and u happen to be ticklish? well, yk what that means.
he has a sneaky, gentle touch? like hes strangely good at finding the spots that makes someone tick. comes from experience LOL
to be honest, among the three, i kinda see him as the least ticklish. now that doesn’t mean hes NOT ticklish, i mean, its AZUL and FLOYD im talking abt?? so yeah, id say hes like.. a 6, leaning towards 7!
AHHHH deep breathy laugh ftw!! most spots that ppl get him elicit this kinda laughter which is like literally to die for. like, its just so…
ofc, this required training(?) on jade’s part because he wanted to maintain his persona of being the calmer twin because floyd’s got the complete opposite laugh (cackly and loud)
STILL, it doesnt mean he never breaks! tbh, he doesnt necessarily hide his ticklishness, but as someone who would prefer to be the one in power, he doesn’t bring it up either. sometimes, when the ler finds a really good spot (his armpits or i imagine the area JUST below his ears, like just at the top of his neck is ridiculously sensitive), its a lot harder to keep himself from squawking lol
kinda circling back to my last headcanon, i think its super funny how jade could definitely manipulate YOU into thinking hes still the one in power while being wrecked to pieces hehe
like idk how he manages it, but he can make you think that hes just indulging and that he could get out anytime he wants. not that this isnt true, but he would definitely struggle more than he lets on. especially if its floyd or azul (or both) who happen to tickle him
like vil from my last post, i think he would be good at keeping himself still for the most part.
no one really gets near him, ESPECIALLY to tickle him except for floyd and azul (and yuu/reader(??) if youd like) so he doesnt get tickled often, especially when he tends to get to the upper hand with them from the get-go.
still, he doesn’t mind this dynamic. he prefers to be the ler than the lee.
on the other hand, as a ler, hes not so bad when hes teaming with someone (usually floyd) like most of the time, he will let the other tickle the person more while he holds onto their arms or something
but alone? ABSOLUTE menace. he knows just the right things to say to make you as flustered and right where he wants you. he knows just the spots he needs to touch to have you squealing. and the worst part of it, is that he will keep it stored in his brain for later use.
like going further with that, im saying if youve got a sensitive neck, he WILL be swiping his finger across his neck and then gaslight you and everyone else into thinking it had never happened in the first place. and if you lose ur sanity over it, thats just part of the fun in his eyes.
hes very attentive when it comes to ensuring the ler doesnt like, completely die. hes actually really good at telling when a ler is about to reach their limit and will stop when he realizes that. hes saved a few from floyd’s wrath because of this.
generally gentle tickles when he first begins, but he can change his style depending on which works better on the lee, compared to others, who often have a pretty distinct tickling style
people tend to overlook this because kalim is like super ticklish, but jamil is actually very ticklish as well and he hates it. id say hes about a 7, actually.
tbh i think he would be the type to think of it as a weakness😞😞 like its not necessarily the sensation that he dislikes, but moreso the fact that it makes it much harder to fight back
he seems like he would have a ticklish back im not even gonna lie AND HEAR ME OUT. like his muscles just right below his armpits (blanking on the name rn) so he would never let anyone touch his muscles because it tickles
also think he would have a ticklish collarbone but people arent really aware of that so hes safe? (only for now ofc)
he would be the type to try to hide his face. like maybe stuffing his face into a pillow, into his shirt, etc. he is shy about people seeing his blushing face which is so cuteeee
i feel like kalim would try to tickle him all the time. “its what friends do!” “you look so glum.. let me cheer you up!” “i know a way to take a break from all this studying!” it offers a pretty good distraction tbh
i think yk when ppl lightly tickle ur arm and it tickles but not enough to make u laugh? i feel like jamil would secretly find it comforting
as a ler, he would be suuuuper teasy. im talking like “how embarrassing for you to be this ticklish, huh?” or even worse if the lee cant say “tickle” he will be like “cant even say the word? you must be more ticklish than i thought.”
i feel like he would be one of those ppl who is intimidating yet gentle at the same time. he doesnt want to hurt you obviously but he wants to make sure you feel everything that he is doing to u
like jade, hes pretty good at sensing when the ofher cant take it for much longer so he always stops before they reach that point
he usually tickles kalim, because he feels its too awkward to even try tickling someone else (unless they tickle him first, them its war)
azujami again sorry: jamil likes poking him in the side at random times to hear him gasp and blush because he finds joy in breaking azul’s business persona LOL he relishes in the glare that azul sends him afterwards
im gonna be so fr. i lowkey see him as not ticklish, except for ONE SPOT. so ill say 1.
that one spot? his SPINE like running a finger down his spine will have him shiver, gasping, and giggljng. hes really ticklish there, but no one has tickled him there since his arrival to NRC so to everyone, he may as well be not ticklish at all.
one time, vil poked him on his back and when vil noticed his reaction, he thought he was busted. still, vil seemed to brush it off after rook started spilling out nonsense.
because of his lack of sensitivity, he doesnt hesitate to tickle others because he knows he doesnt have to worry about retaliation
in fact, he loves when they try and he just laughs at them and tickles them to pieces
that being said, sometimes he wishes he was ticklish because he really loves seeing people laugh and have fun and let their walls down and he kinda wants that too?? but he doesnt always feel like that, he just cant help being a bit envious at times
since hes literally a canon ler, i think its safe to say that he tickles people when he feels they arent smiling enough. whether its jusy because theyre spaced out, or are sad, or just dont happen to be smiling, the reasons matter not. he will get them.
going off of that, cheer up tickles are a big thing with him. especially with epel and sometimes with vil, though vil usually pushes him off after about a minute talking about how “childish” tickling is and all that. but he notices how it makws them feel more relaxed so he never takes either of them seriously
his tickling depends on the ler. he likes to experiment. he noticed that for people like jack and epel, rougher tickles work best. as for vil and ruggie, gentle tickling is better.
kinda (???) unintentionally teasy. of course, he knows what teasing is. but, he’s just a very blunt person (though not everyone understands he is because of the way he says things) but he will talk about how beautiful they look and fluster the other
of course, he knows how to tease and uses it sometimes when he wants to see the other all red and flushed when regular compliments dont work, but he tends to just be blunt because that yields the same results oftentimes
all in all, he loooooves tickling and tries to tickle people a lot (which to some, makes him come off as a weirdo, but that has never stopped him).
so i might be wrong but im pretty sure hes actually canonically ticklish, which is think is so cute
and then if u think abt it, idia must have done that on purpose. anyways, i give him a 5. hes sensitive in some places and not in others. (thatd be a LOT of work for idia)
i think it would be like.. in the crevices of his body that get him. like just below his neck, especially
he doesnt really mind his sensitivity! in fact, he finds it pretty fun and he thinks of tickling as a bonding activity hehe
he got more ticklish once he owned like a soul/heart, idk how it works but it does
he loves tickling people! especially his brother. sometimes when idia doesnt get out of bed or is being too snarky, he tickles him
or sometimes i would imagine ortho uses tickling as a way to help people out of their comfort zones. not even just for idia, but like when people are awkward around each other and whatnot, he might be like “i think we should have a tickle fight!” the funny thing is that it actually works
hes the type of teaser thats not really aware they are teasing like “are you having fun!!?” “you’re smiling and giggling a lot!” “you seem so happy, do you like this?”
hes kinda gentle?? i mean as gentle as a robot could be. could u imagine how funny it would be if ortho started off as being too rough when tickling so he has like feathers on him at all times (in some kind of compartment) when he thinks he might be hurting the other.. however, he doesnt need to use them much because he has gotten a lot better
like can tell ur heartrate and when ur at ur limit or getting close, never goes too far basically
is about half and half lee and ler! mostly any tickle fights are between him and idia, or the freshmen, but occasionally others in nrc
LOVESS tickle fights!! thinks they r so so fun and honestly cant blame him lolll
honestly. not that ticklish, like im gonna say a 4 and even thats pushing it.
not that i dont want him to be super ticklish, but i think that with old age comes him being less sensitive to tickles
though, i think his back would be a pretty bad spot!! he cant ever get back massages because it makes him laugh
when he laughs while being tickled, its super breathy and deep and its just to die for— cuz its not like his normal laugh..its literally a laugh that only occurs when he is being tickled
also very open when tickled, like instead of curling up, he kinda spreads out and kicks out?? its easier to access his spots though
he used to hate being tickled when he was younger because he was more ticklish and it made him feel weak, though as he grew older, he learned to embrace it and likes tickling now
while its true he doesnt mind being tickled, he definitely prefers to be the one doing the tickling lolll
his main victims r obviously the other members of the diasomnia dorm! he gets silver and sebek the most, but that doesn’t mean he doesnt get malleus quite often as well. its just that.. malleus puts up a fight— a pretty good one, at that.
great tickler, somehow knows all of ur spots before he even touches u and ur just like… how??
i think he likes to sneak attack ppl like will just randomly appear behind someone and tickle them cuz he thinks its funny, will do it to anyone he considers a friend LOL
he would be the type to say “tickle tickle tickle~” or “coochie coochie coo~” stuff like that or even just teasing his lee by wiggling his fingers
he would be the type to use punishment tickles its very funny like if someone does something wrong, “for your punishment, u must endure __ minutes of tickling” (time depends on what was done LOL
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periludic · 10 months
Can I put in a small request for soft long distance besties Derek headcanons? No pressure ofc!
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📌 Pairing: Derek (In between Steps) x GN! Reader (Platonic)
📌 Authors note: you guys sure love Derek (its okay he deserves it) but ofc!! ty for the request i had fun writing this
As a romantic partner, Derek may be on his best behavior to impress you
But as his best friend? The dude is an absolute madman (with manners)
He wouldn't be as conscious around you, he doesn't feel the need to impress you all the time, so just imagine the shenanigans he drags you into
Though Derek is a very busy person still, he's not as afraid to bother you and ask you to hang out with him
"Let's go to Mcdonalds :P" "Derek you live an hour away and its 9 pm what the actual fuck" "I'll pick you up then!"
Or if you're too far away to physically be together, he gets you two to play a multiplayer game!
But of course, he leaves California to pursue his goals elsewhere, and you two just can't find the time to talk to each other because of your timezones
He texts you every hour, from sweet reminders such as "Drink lots of water!! Take care of yourself!!" to really dumb messages "Hehe look at this topless Shrek figurine I found"
You're so done with him (you care about him so much)
Oh! He definitely sends you packages :D
He sends you lil collectables and stuff he knows you like! Or you know, that topless Shrek figurine he found..
You're the first person he calls whenever he achieves something!! Yes yes he knows he should inform his family first but no one matches his vibe more than you do okay.
Whenever he's going somewhere, he sends you a picture. It doesn't matter if he's only going to the grocery store, this is what you get for being his best friend
"*image attached* so yk the last place i went to just in case i get kidnapped" "im praying so hard for you to get kidnapped rn STOP BOTHERING ME"
Asks about your day! Somehow always knows when there's something you aren't telling him. Its a talent of his, one he actually likes
"How are you? Are you feeling okay?" "Yeah dont worry :]" "I can smell your lies from here"
He comes to you for advice, or when he can't pick because of his indecisive ass
"Hey should I get the orange one or the yellow one?" "You look silly either ways" "Rude. The yellow one it is" "No wait I'm sorry get the orange one."
Sometimes. every once in a while, he'll suddenly text you about how much he misses you
You know that whenever he does, it means he's not feeling well
The two of you talk to each other until you pass out still on call on those days
He treasures those days a lot
Not as much as he treasures his best friend though :D
📌 again, sorry if my english isnt all that great
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itztim3todi3 · 2 years
Leona (twisted wonderland) x reader
Reader has been leonas personal servant since childhood so they're close. Reader couldn't attend the school though. But he comes to all the magic shift tournaments so he saw leona overblot and visited him in the infirmary. At the same time that everyone else is in the room
sᴇʀᴠᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴ ɪᴅɪᴏᴛ
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Thank you for the request! I'll be doing headcanons cause its easier for me lol
Requests | Open (read rules on pinned first)
Fandoms | Twisted Wonderland
Platonic or Romantic? | Romantic (srry if you wanted platonic)
when he first found out you were watching he groaned and blushed, his mind filling with your voice that screamed at him
when you entered the infirmary with Chika, oh boy he felt a headache forming already
he wanted to sleep cause child but you
when they saw the servant outfit they automatically knew you were a servant for Leona's family
Ruggie sorta knew about you from little hints and such but not much that's for sure Leonas a quiet and secretive guy
Leona would answer all your questions with an annoyed tone but understand your concern as he's your best friend and lover
begrudgingly, he'd let you check his injuries, unwrapping the bandages to see the damage he was caused
he not so secretly would place kisses on your arms, cheeks, hands, anything he can reach
he thinks no one is looking but Chika, oh the cheeky lion cub
hed call his Unca Leona out right away causing the other people in the infirmary to let out surprised noises
Leona Leona Kingscholar has a BOYFRIEND?! they dont understand
ace is whining asking how this jerk has a partner before him
Deuce is trying to process it before stuttering out a confused congrats
and Ruggies laughing in the background trying to not fall off the bed
they're all surprised but not too shocked yk? they sorta expected it with the texts in class, the more genuine smiles, etc etc
they find it cute how worried you are over the big bad lion and how he's slightly flustered and annoyed by it, its good blackmail material as well
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we have never properly interacted but i wanna know about ur chnt x vocaloid stuff please tell
yay!!!!!!!!! okay so idk how to organrize my thoughts just a fair warning and this is mainly a joke (the fact that this would mean hatsune miku is in the chnt universe is hilarious but anyways)
Campers: Kaai Yuki, Rin and Len, Moke, Oliver, maybe fukase...?
yk what there's CITs (counselors in training) too bc i need to cram more in and the idea of miku being a cit is fucking hilarious
CITs: Miku, Flower, Piko
anyways to the funny stuff... this isnt even a proper au its just a series of funny interactions i think would happen
First one! Okay so Oliver hears of the elephant man and is like "hmmm,, this guy is kinda weird but I've seen more horrific!" Then he encounters the elephant man and is like OH SHIT ITS COUSIN ELIJAH- (elijah is the one guy banned from family gatherings😭😭 so of course he's scared shitless)
Second one: Adam is like the most upbeat father ever and whenever Adam starts regularly visiting camp (i hc that he lives somewhere under the camp) he makes fuka go to camp there and is like "It's gonna be fun!!! :D" and fuka is just like "I hate uou"
Third one! Oliver drank the lake water. thats all im saying
Fourth one: Yvonne and Flower are totally friends. source: ME! BECAUSE IM THE ONE MAKING THIS AU
fifth: Rin tried to kill a counselor at one point. She has a lot of attempted murder under her belt-
sixth: moke got lost in the woods and almost got eaten by... something..? We don't know what exactly it is, but it sure was hungry! Luckily fuckass found him and his weirdass freaky aura scared it
seventh: kaai yuki is the only one that leaves without some sort of severe injury TRUST
eighth: Len likes to hide in Sydney's office. The boy is afraid :(
Ninth: Piko hates taking care of the campers. So much. But his parents made him otherwise he would spend the whole summer playing genshin or whatever he does
Tenth: Flower is actually really good with the kiddos even though they seem mean
Eleventh: Miku probably started some underground gambling ring not even gonna lie😭😭 she has them kids WORKING
thanks for reading mwah mwah if i come up with more i'll post or if i draw anything of this
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lotus-sunn · 7 months
(note does this count as spoliers to the movie??? maybe but just in case SPOILERS!!!)
(didnt you hear me SPOILERS GUYS!!!)
your still here? good then you know!
Anyway, on further notice, the April x Leo...we will see how I feel about it. I felt a little stingy after seeing 2012 Donnie and April; it practically was the same scene. but nevertheless, I will be willing to give this a shot! My guy leo deserves love and he is a teenager! So of course he would fall for someone. Of course.
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i cannot STRESS IT ENOUGH THEY ALMOST SAY THE SAME THING but that will be another post where i show the similarites in the scenes. Now Im not here to say things that are mean to enjoyers of apriltello! You guys like your things, and I like mine! 
Anyways, all in all, I really like it, and I also like the concept of a new-found family. It looks like Splinter actually gets to have a love life that will seemingly (from the looks of it) last.
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unlike well these two
Also how, when the post credits play, we see the SHREDDER and that HE will be involved in maybe a new movie! But most likely, the cartoon SHOWS THAT THEY ANNOUNCED. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? AHHH, I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED!
Ahem. Moving on, at first I was kind of shocked at how squeaky (no offense) Donnies voice was, but it kinda grew on me after the end of the movie. i mean cmon, JUST LOOK AT HIM.
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Of course his voice grew on me. Anyways I really liked the art style. First of all, it was so creative, especially how colorful it was! I mean, did you see Superfly at the arcade when he was with turtles? LOOK AT THAT EXPLOSION OF COLORS 
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Also the SONGS???? ABSOLUTELY ALL FUCKING BANGERS I KNEW ALL OF THEM (the ones with lyrics yk) I NEED MORE CONTENT OMFGGG AHHH AND ALSO they ACT like teenagers (no hate to Rise they did it great as well or any other version of tmnt its just it kinda felt a little more for adluts at times or mature but thats just me dont attack me ) BUT LIKE THEY EMBRACED WHAT GEN Z IS AND ALSO THEY ACT LIKE JUST SOME FUCKING GUYS IN NEW YORK (I only confirmed that information with my cousin who lives in New York I'm taking her word for but of course take everything i say with a grain of salt.)
Personally, I'm still down with my girl APRIL ONEIL! I liked their April! I personally still LOVE Rise April more then mutant mayhems but thats juust me being biased of course! But I love how they continued with the "April is like their sister" thing and am glad they made Splinter more of a father-like rise which I EAT UP they did great!
Also while I watched the beginning I noticed how early they brought Baxter stockman up. I was confused at first but later understood but that my dear readers begs the question
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Is he still alive?
Well, the movie kind of makes it look like he IS dead, but in the scene where they had him, they just took him in with them, so does that mean he is still alive? Will he come back to his mutant family?? How will he react to Superfly, his first kid, being presumably dead?
questions and more questions or should I say curiouser and curiouser? (I'm sorry.) 
Also, did any of you notice while they played the credits that THEY DREW MASTER SPLINTER FROM THE ROTTMNT?? I can't get the image now, but as soon as I do, I WILL SHOW YOU GUYS 
I also love the references to the old turtles in the credits and, I think, some of the movie scenes. 
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loved that ( a nice call back)
And they also gave back Raph's sai's! Maybe they didn't want to upset the ahem uptight fans that are afraid of change, to completely tear down their movie (yes, I'm targeting you). (I saw what you did to rise. It was just a new weapon IT WASNT THAT FUCKING SERIOUS) But of course, if that was just their preference and choice, then that's cool too! 
Anyway, that's enough from me. This post is going to get way too long if I keep going, i might overload your brains haha!
so I will save you all the trouble and shorten this up and conclude my rant/friendly check in with all of you
Final thoughts:
All in all, it was a fantastic film that I enjoyed watching. It was SO worth the year I had to wait for. (Don't ask me to elaborate, please.) Should you watch it if you want to get introduced to TMNT? YES! Should you watch it if you are already a fan of TMNT, who is a nice person who isn't afraid of change??? Yes, you should!
I promise, you will love it! or at least, like it somewhat, no pressure! 
Good day and good night my fellow readers who took the time out of their day to read someones thoughts.
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p3n-i3 · 1 year
Mk x reader(male but if you don't write for em then GN or even fem) uhhhhh Demi-god reader? Yk like they have light power and stuff- and could create some sort of beautiful things out of it for entertainment 👀
-Awkward Anon 😊
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨; Mk x GN!Reader 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦; Fluff 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺; Mk often found himself cowering in the darkest corners he could find to comfort no one but himself. He found comfort in the darkest place, but there was always an unpleasing feeling there. During one of his moments to himself, he never expected to find a rose made of light laying right next to him. 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴; This is my first request and I wanted to say thank you! I have no official ask page yet but I do plan on making one. For the mean time, everything is first come first serve. 𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘨; Just for me by PinkPantheress 𝘓𝘺𝘳𝘪𝘤; ,,And I'm dreaming of you leaving roses at my feet (At my feet)'' 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵; 2.6k
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With a dry heave, Mk sat himself down in a dark corner, his staff laying dormant on his side. He's had a rough day, but that was just his usual. He would fight the bad guy, the bad guy would apologize and Mk would let them run away. However, that wasn't the case today.
Today, the bad guy not only threatened to make a return, something they always do, but he threatened much more. They threatened Mk's friends, his found family, and said that he was too weak to protect them. Mk usually wouldn't take these sayings to heart, but after the LBD incident, he wasn't quiet sure anymore.
So, he sat himself down in a dark corner and though about everything the bad guy had said to him. He doesn't know why he was stressing so much about it, he could easily take the enemy down like it was a normal walk in the park. Sighing, he just assumed that it was simply because he wasn't used to threats like that.
Mk didn't know where he was, or how he even got there, but all he knew was that it was dark, something that he wanted. He knew there were better methods of comfort than this, but it made him feel safe. He didn't want to burden Mei or the others with his problems, so he kept to himself. He liked sitting in a place where no one could find him.
While digging through his mind, Mk rested his hand down to his side, jumping when he felt something sitting there. Turning his head over, his eyes widened a little at the sight of a small rose. Picking the rose up into his hands, he noted how it illuminated more of the dark space he was in.
Squinting at the rose, he came to find that it was made of pure light, a finding that made him jump. He accidentally dropped the flower, and watched as it unfolded right in front of him, petals flying away from his feet. Mk slightly panicked and reached his hands forward, trying to grasp any of the petals that were flying away in the draft. He managed to catch none.
Biting his lip and sighing, he fell back down onto the ground and looked at his empty and calloused hands. Maybe it was a sign, that the flower was supposed to fly away from him. Maybe it just meant that his friends would fly away, too. Maybe it-!
Mk was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a snap, almost like someone had done so with their fingers. Reaching over and grabbing his staff, Mk was shocked once more when he felt something soft near it. Tilting his head over, he saw a bunny looking and sniffing at his hand, curious as to who he was.
Mk sat there silently, mostly in shock, as he let the bunny made of light sniff his hand. The bunny gave it a small lick before hopping away, light following it's path. But, before it could leave Mk alone again, it paused and turned its head round, meeting Mk's gaze.
The boy weighed his options before grabbing his staff and rushing forward, chasing the bunny. He knew he was running through uncharted territory, but there was just something so strange about these light objects that drew him near. First, a rose so soft it made it jump, and now a bunny leading him else where, he was really hoping it wasn't a trap.
Mk soon came to the conclusion that he was in a cave and stopped when he was met with a pool of deep water. The bunny jumped across the small pond with ease, leaving Mk to only watch in his darkness. When he swore that the bunny was about to disappear, it stopped and tilted its head, dipping it low and sniffing.
Furrowing his brows, Mk watched as a pair of slender and delicate hands came into view, grabbing the bunny by its soft and light fur. The hands picked the bunny up, and brought it close to their chest, Mk watching with his staff at the ready. The bunny looked up and tilted its head, only lighting up the chest area of said person.
With only a small head scratch, the bunny cooed and shined just the ever bit more brighter, finally revealing your face. Mk stared on in awe as he watched you pet and pamper the bunny in your arms, the light slowly illuminating the cave. Eventually, the light hit Mk's feet, then slowly dragged upwards to his face, revealing him to you.
You paused your petting and looked up, spotting Mk standing there, practically dumbfounded. "Oh, I didn't see you there." You smiled, Mk swearing that he saw more light illuminating just from that simple smile. "Are you lost? No mere mortal walks in a cave with the intention of staying." Placing the bunny back down onto the waters surface, you slowly gave it a reassuring pat.
The bunny rolled on its stomach before exploding into a ball of light, the cave now fully illuminated. The area Mk ran into looked run down, but not to the point it looked abandoned. There where white pillars and over grown plants surrounding the area you both stood in. It almost seemed like a castle to Mk.
Blinking once then twice, Mk turned over to you and slowly straightened his posture, watching as your eyes danced over his own. "No, I was just... looking for a place to think." He admitted, tilting his head to the side to avoid your gaze, shifting the staff in his hand a little. "I didn't expect to run into anyone else, I'm sorry." Looking back over, he only saw the same smile on your face, confusing Mk a little.
Your eyes flicked down to the staff for a second, your eyebrows slightly twitching in confusion. "I see, do you like to sit in dark places to think?" You questioned him, now looking back up to his eyes, Mk slowly storing his staff into his ear. "Sitting in dark places is better than sitting in lighter ones, it's less distracting and peaceful. Too bad I don't know what that's like." You chuckled a little, turning over to look at the ruins of the cave you were in.
Mk stuffed his hands in his pockets and kicked his feet at the dirt, not knowing what to do. "So... who are you?" He questioned, watching as you blinked in astonishment. Where you not used to meeting new people? "I'm Mk, you know, Monkie Kid, hero of the city?" He started to roll his hands in front of his body, watching as you just stared in confusion.
Your face softened into yet another smile as you watched the boys antics. "You're strangely different from anyone I've ever met..." You muttered, now walking a little closer to the boy. "I'm Y/n, and you're in my domain." You pointed a finger sheepishly towards the boy, cocking a larger smile when you watched his face flood with color.
Mk started to apologize rapidly, bowing his head and asking for forgiveness from you, all those responses dragging a rain of giggles from you. "No need to apologize! You didn't know, besides, there's something about you that just seems familiar. I wouldn't mind having your company for a little longer." Mk paused his sorry's and looked up, now finding you standing just a little bit too close to him.
Mk blinked before clearing his throat and taking a step back, looking everywhere but you. "I... could stay for a while longer. But, I should be going soon." Looking back up at you, he only watched as your eyes sparkled in delight, now grabbing hold of his arm.
"Really? You would do that, just for me?" You queried the boy, pulling him slightly closer to the waters edge. "You're so sweet, come this way." Now, you dragged Mk over to the water, pulling him across with no mind to look back. Mk expected himself to fall in and be drenched, but he was shocked to find himself walking atop the water.
Mk put his full trust into you that you weren't going to kidnap him and try and harm him, after all you seemed to sweet to do such a thing. So, when you finally reached a wall covered in vines, you pushed it out of the way to reveal the outside. The sun was down and the animals where all running away towards their homes.
Mk hadn't known how much time had gone by since he left, but he couldn't just leave you now, not after he promised to stay for a while. "Come, look." You dragged him over into the middle of the meadow, pointing a finger at the moon. "Isn't the moon pretty? The light it admits is almost perfect." You gushed, opening your palm towards the moon, acting as if you were about to reach out for it.
To Mk's shock, he watched as you bottled a small amount of light in your palm, bringing it closer to your chest. "Woah... how did you..?" Mk paused his words when you pushed the light close to his chest, smiling up to him. "Do you want me to hold it?" He asked with a nervous giggle, only to receive a small nod of your head.
Reaching upwards, he grasped your hands as your slowly slipped the light into his own, the light somehow staying there. "Now, imagine something you really want to see!" You suddenly blurted out, cupping your hands together and watching Mk patiently. "Big or small, just make sure it's something you want." You further emphasized, Mk just furrowing his brows and looking down at the light.
With a deep sigh, he closed his eyes and imagined something small, but something he knew he'd enjoy. Blinking open his eyes when he heard you giggle, he gasped a little in shock when he saw a small monkey curled in his arms. Not knowing what to do, he poked at the monkeys tummy, wondering if it was alive.
The monkey shrieked a little and climbed up Mk's shoulders, then hopped over to your own. "A monkey? Interesting, but on brand for you I suppose." You spoke, petting the underside of the monkey jaw, Mk just watching silently. "You have the same power as the Monkey King, are you related in anyway?" You asked, now grabbing the monkey off your shoulder and holding it out towards Mk.
He hesitated for a moment, but grabbed the monkey and held it close to his body. "Yeah, he's kind of my teacher. I just picked up this staff one day and from then on, I've been known as Mk the Monkie Kid!" He spoke with enthusiasm, never taking his eyes off the monkey he was petting. So, he inevitably missed the soft and gentle looks you were giving him.
Turning over your shoulder to look up to the sky, you smiled at the stars. "So I've heard, you're very brave for your endeavors, Mk." You hummed, Mk looking upwards to see you staring at the sky and not him. "I do have to thank you for disposing The Lady Bone Demon, she was truly a horrifying being. Sometimes, I can still see her shadows in my light." You hummed, turning over and smiling at Mk once more.
Kissing his teeth, he petted the monkey for a little longer before setting it down on the ground. "So, you control light?" He asked you curiously, only to receive a head nod, the monkey rubbing itself against your legs. "Are you... an immortal?" Tilting his head, he watched as the monkey exploded into a stream on sparkles and lights.
You nodded and swiped away the remaining light that once made up the monkey he was holding. "I am indeed, however I'm only a Demi-god, so I'm nothing special really. My mother was that of an immortal and my father mortal. That's how I came to be!" Floating your hands through the air, trails of light slowly followed, Mk just watching with widen eyes.
Following your around, Mk jumped when you turned around and waved your hands slightly, light wrapping around the boy. Mk's eyes widened as he looked at the streams of light, sparkling around him and showing him many images. Some where of his best battles, and others were that of softer moments with his friends.
Following the last memory in the light, Mk accidentally bumped into your chest, backing up with a red face. "How did you.." He gasped out a little, you only shrugging your shoulders and turning around, walking deeper into the forest. "Can you read my mind? I don't understand..." He continued to question, following right behind you as you slowly walked forward.
You only hummed a small tune, your hands moving around the air and dispensing light. "No, I cannot read your mind. I simply just give you the light you need, and you can make what you want with it." You explained, opening your once closed eyes and pausing your walk, the light you generated fading away. "It's just like your hero work Mk," turning round, you met his pale blue eyes. "it's not how you use your power, it's what you do with it that matters. That's how I use my light." And once again, you turned around and started to play around once more.
Mk could only sit and ponder about what you had said, embedding your voice in his brain. "So... what you're saying," running forward to catch up with you, he traced his fingers over the trails of light you were leaving behind. "is that, no matter how deep I go, as long as I have a motivator, I'll be able to succeed?" He questioned, watching as you thought for a second before nodding your head, a soft strum of hums coming out your throat. "So, what if, theoretically,
someone threatens your friends and you don't know what to do, what would you do?" He asked his very direct question, expecting you to just blow him off. He was gently surprised when you turned around, the light following your movements when you did so.
Grasping his hands, you brought them upwards to his shoulder, a violin placing itself on there. "Do you know how to play this?" You asked, Mk only shaking his head while your smile grew. "Place your hands like this, and hold the bow like so... Now you just..." Dragging his hand across the string, a strained note came from the instrument, Mk watching as you winced a little.
Pulling your hands away and dropping his, the violin disappeared and left a small patch of light in it's way. "You didn't know how to play a violin before, but now you know how to play a note. Isn't it great?" You gushed, turning over and letting more light follow you. "Sometimes, all you need is assistance, Mk. Ask those around you and surely they will help." Turning your head over your shoulder, Mk gasped slightly when he watched parts of your body disappear form view.
"Wait, where are you going?" He asked in a panicked tone, reaching his hands out for you. "I though you wanted me to stay?" He continued to ask, trying to grab hold of parts of your body, only for them to disappear.
With a closed eye smile, you gave Mk a small wave before opening your eyes back up again. "I did, and I'm glad we had the time together. Now, I believe you have people you want to see." And with that, you disappeared from view, leaving Mk facing a sunrise, Megopolis in the near distance.
Knowing what you meant, Mk summoned a cloud and shot himself down towards the city, desperate to see his friends once more. As he flew off, he remained blissfully unaware of the figure watching him leave. A smile rested on your face before you turned away, wishing for nothing but the best for Mk.
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hope this wasnt too short...
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sourslices · 1 year
hc that the titans know/knew dick better than the batfam — and it makes sense, but i dont feel like elaborating on this part. anyway...
it'd be nice to see too, yk... considering dick is the eldest in the batfam and (in at least fan content) he's known to be very caring about family and yadda yadda.
dick was the first. the first child hero/sidekick, the first robin... the leader of the titans. a charismatic leader, a faithful friend. most people idolise him, and even if you get disillusioned after getting to know him personally, there's still a certain amount of admiration and respect that will never go away when it comes to nightwing.
this also works with the yj universe — esp yj because dick's the youngest out of all of them (not too sure abt the titans, but ik he isnt the youngest)
damian's perhaps the closest to dick out of the batfam. most people are aware of the distance between them and him but jason and tim don't realise that they don't know a lot about his brother...
it starts with cass calling him out for pretending to be okay and even trying to adjust his body language to hide his fatigue and his wounds. it goes on with jason commenting about a movie night that dick had wrestled everyone into (the movie had been steph's choice btw) and then either roy or kori respond like this.
jason: *off-handedly commenting abt the movie night and dick*
roy/kori: ???
roy/kori: we saw that movie when it came out. dick hated it and swore not to watch it ever again lmaooo
or maybe it was food. jason talks abt alfred's meals and then kori chuckles and recalls how dick had told her that he wasn't too fond of alfred's cooking. jason had been like "???" because dick always acted like he loved it and then roy goes like no lmaooo dick finds most of alfred's food kinda tasteless. something about british men and not knowing how to put seasoning
when jason confronts dick, dick admits to it
dick: okay yeah true
dick: i didnt rlly like alfie's cooking when i first came here but he got better... gradually. it's better than before but
dick: ...if you ask me, i prefer his baking.
jason: roy said smth about him trying to make one of your ma's recipes
dick: i never asked him again.
dick: (starts thinking about how he had nobody to teach him how to cook like his parents did and becomes SadTM)
and then cass damian and duke all go like "??? im not alone ??" because in reality they all find alfred's cooking a little... subpar. its not bad per say but u have to rmbr alfred is old white british man and there are battles you lose. anyway, cass damian duke and dick all bond over this because they thought it was only them who found the meals prepared a little... yk. alfred still works on getting better but there is nothing that will beat food made by hands who know how it shld taste yk...
(sorry about the alfred slander)
anyway, tim starts to realise despite being dick's little brother, and the only little brother dickie had for a while, there's a lot he still doesnt know abt the guy. which is funny because tim used to essentially stalk him
kori and dick make up after a long discussion about assault and victim blaming and there are a lot of apologies and they resolve their remaining issues (that doesn't mean what happened was okay, or it was forgotten or whatever)
dick actually asks for some space and tells her their friendship will probably never be what it was and kori is sad but is like. okay. they're still friends after a few months of distance and a lot of therapy on dick's side. he didn't blame her for any of it but he still needed... time
roy and dick also sort their shit out. im unclear as to what that shit actually is because roy used to adore dick when they were speedy and robin but whatever they sort it out and there's some homoerotic tension between them im telling u... dick still asks for space el oh el it takes a while to recover from years of distance and they're not the same
but just because they aren't the same doesn't mean everything's different.
the titans are subjected to the changes in dick and they watch him interact with the batfam, meanwhile batfam realises they don't know a lot abt dickie while watching the titans take care of him in several different ways while they, despite being a family of investigators, didnt know smth was up. it's mostly donna who does the "taking care of"
ik i actually didn't mention many of the titans but... yeah
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1010ninetynine · 15 days
a masterpost of what i consider gay subtext in Uramichi Onii San - the Manga
not the Anime quite yet. no offense Touko Machida but I simply do not want to deal with two interpretations of the work at this point in time.
Generally Kinda Romantic Subtext Between Certain Characters that I Think Can Be Interpreted Either Way
Uramichi and Usahara I cite this for the near telepathic communication. Say what you will - married couples are known for this shit - and while it's definitely not anywhere close to confirmed that these two characters have strong feelings for each other, imo this was pretty gay of them. But to put it one way - are you really friends if people don't mistake you for a gay couple at times? imo not really.
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additionally, while it might be just beginning chapter art...tell me where our favorite bunny is looking? Is he being respectful?
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(honestly i do think usahara is straight but yk...this mangaka likes his gay men pathetic methinks so there is a chance!)
2. Uramichi and Iketeru
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back when iketeru was in hs and uramichi's age isn't given - but i think they're the same age? anyway the lyrics over this scene are just...gay as hell. And they're helping a child find their mom. That is married couple behavior.
(obviously could just be a joke/not intended. their relationship is literally a gag on not understanding each other because iketeru is too happy for uramichi)
3. Kumatani and Iketeru
there's also some somewhat strong subtext between kumatani and iketeru. Like first, kumatani was the first guy who got the weird shirt iketeru found.
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and next, the constant protection of iketeru from alcohol is courtesy of kumatani our mvp
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he even protects him from our favorite loser
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while not as extreme as his protection of HACHITA THE BABY it is still noticeable that Iketeru is someone he cares about.
and both kumatani and iketeru hid their love life from the camera (as did the whole cast hehe). Kumatani literally says his love life isn't family friendly - which can mean a lot of things, including that he's homosexual. Iketeru says it's too beautiful to be shared - which can mean anything really, even that he's straight and had a normal love life that he ain't willing to share.
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Imo this sequence of behaviors can be read one of two ways. First of all, you'd have to be blind to not see the obvious resemblance between Iketeru and Hachita, so the affection and thus acceptance of strange gifts due to their similarity is natural. But also...gay? Hmmmmmmmmmm
4. Uramichi and Kumatani
They kind of just hang out a lot, and Kumatani regularly reads more positivity in Uramichi than is probably there. Not really as showstoppingly romantic as the other three examples of subtext, but imo still quite a nice bit of fun in its own right. They're probably the ship easiest to imagine writing besides kumatani and iketeru and my personal favorite but before we get to that...
The Predatory Gay Man I Must Mention For The Completionist In Me
ok look. homophobic caricature he may be. but i said I would catalog all gay subtext in uramichi and imo on this website gay subtext include gay text (hxh moment) and capellini furitsuke is in fact. gay. and a horrible predatory man the likes of which rival your worst coworker. And probably beat him.
he torments the men around him and forces them to engage in behavior they're not interested in. i cite here usahara and saito's mistreatment but there might be more I missed.
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like you can't describe capellini's behavior as anything but horrid and disgusting. i'll call uramichi onii san many things - particularly pro-lgbt in terms of rep isn't close. Still love it in general - and I'm pretty sure the author himself is gay given the ludicrous amount of male character thirst traps he draws - but i don't think he likes that about himself tbqh. But I don't really know him - just go on his twitter now and then.
Finally, the moment I've been waiting for but you all don't realize is coming maybe idk
Uramichi and Kikaku - a mostly one sided love story
This relationship isn't so much implied as it is easily ignorable yet true: it is obviously intended to be read as a love story of sorts, whether it be a gag about how lonely uramichi is and how he needs some emotional connection, or just plain 'he's gay'. This is literally the only guy who gets the door to Uramichi's heart regularly attempting to open treatment, let alone the fact that when Kikaku begs Uramichi to help him out with work he always agrees...maybe more so due to fear than genuine care but still.
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there's probably more examples, but these are enough to prove my point imho
he also invites Kikaku to the first end of year party (there aren't any others at the time of writing, specifying in the case of a reader from the future)...or attempts to. Not to Saito Uebu or any other staff member - perhaps because he expects the ones he's closer to already be there, but still - specifically the guy who's only ever bothered him to help complete his work. It's what being horrifically lonely and dick brained does to you (i would know that best).
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so uh yeah. uramichi's constant giving in to kikaku i think makes more sense if we consider the (slight) romantic inclination he ""might"" have for him.
BONUS: Uramichi and Utano had a moment that was pretty cute but not enough to qualify as subtext in my eyes because they kind of have no chemistry in canon so i still get to title this gay subtext but I also like them
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