#its cause when i was a kid every time i hugged my dad id get fuckin smacked in the face with whatever cologne he was wearing
todayisafridaynight · 7 months
weird ask but what. do the arakawa family smell like. like what perfumes do they use/do they stink of cigarettes/etc.
arakawa = the scent of cigarette smoke and bourbon does well to equalize the profile of oud wood, not allowing the sweet smell to overpower his mysterious profile. whatever does seep through, you're more likely to catch the more woody, tangy notes- though people who stay around long enough recognize that sweet, nutmeg smell first
sawashiro = legally have to say he smells like a smokey leather couch cause of his 2019 outfit and for the occasional cig or two he'll have BUT as for colognes, definitely something akin to masato where it's more on the down-low as far as scent impressions go. unlike masato though, it's nothing superbly complex and isn't trying to invite anyone to stay and compliment the profile. besides the leather, theres a deep, earthy smell- but stay around long enough, and you might catch a speck of rose
ichiban = definitely tried to find a dupe for arakawa's cologne, though our boy's on a budget: cause'a that, he's got a preference for more woody colognes, wearing a sweet patchouli cologne that possesses an undertone of orange. luckily, the help of cigarette smoke and shea butter helps dilute the potency of his cologne
masato = definitely isn't shy about buying something pricey, and there's payoff for it. leans towards more extravagant fragrances, a castoreum and leather blend being his usual wear. his cologne isn't overly strong, yet it's present enough to make you want to linger to catch it. the only one on this list to not smell like smoke in the slightest
aoki = wears abundantly brighter and more inviting colognes. opposed to harsh, mysterious smells he'll wear the likes of cedarwood. there's still notes of leather to his profile, though. it's just barely masked by the cedar
mitsu = if we're talkin' the 90's, then nothing especially of note. doesn't care too much about colognes (or can even really afford anything especially nice), and he doesn't pay any real attention to deo and body/hair wash scents. legally has to smell a bit of cigarette smoke on account of hangin with people who smoke, but i couldnt tell you if he smokes himself or not. fast forward to 2019, something about him's telling me he'd wear some kind of aquatic cologne- like sage and sea salt..
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ghostismybbygorl · 1 year
Okay heres how id vibe with cod characters
First off i think my call sign would be 'mouse'
Bc im small i can scurry around places pretty quick and i can escape out of a situation fast as well that or cause i sneeze like a mouse
Id be a sniper and demolition expert ngl
Legit i would call him dad 24/7 not like in a daddy kind of way but like legit a father figure
he'd just roll his eyes and accept the fact that he has another kid he has to take care of
100% would smoke a cigar with him though id smoke those tiny cigarillos (my brother smokes cigars and ill smoke a little with him)
Gift giving is my love language so whenever id visit a new country id buy him a cigar from there
I have a hat like his and i WILL wear it around and mimick him
Id do the grunts and everything
I feel like id be on more missions with him than anyone else
Definitely would hang out in his office to keep him company and annoy the shit out if him
Dont let anyone near us
wed be doing diabolical shit especially since im an arsonist and free will plus military grade explosives plus mouse and soap. have the fire department on speed dial
We'd be the reason price is greying faster
100% stealing his shirts and hoodies they'd be so big on me
Im gonna be up front with this one
We'd be fucking. I'm down bad for this man
We'd annoy the absolute piss out of ghost. He can handle one soap but TWO hes gonna need the backpack leashes for us
Quoting vines and tiktoks ON THE DAILY
Jam seshes in the car would be 100% perfect
We'd have a snap streak and its only stupid photos we take
Im recording everything he does i know damn well hes always in a silly goofy mood
Definitely in the blunt rotation
He's definitely the type to find my snack rations and eat them in front of me
Lots of hugs and kisses for this man
Except when he eats my snacks
Wed play fight all the time. When i'm really close with someone ill start "beating them up" (just be faking to fight you)
Oh this poor poor man
Have sympathy on him because he's going to try to avoid every ounce of my being
And i wont stop that
Im giving him hugs left and right this man needs some love
I feel like once i start cracking dark humor jokes he'd open up to me
100% would be making the most absurd worst dad jokes and laughing about it
We'd text on the daily mostly just me sending him memes and him sending a 👍🏻or a 👎🏻
Im stealing his hoodies and his masks
Id probably piss him the fuck off to be honest
Id give him so many gifts to make him happy i know he crinkle's his eyes when he smiles
In the blunt rotation too but i think he'd just join for the company and not smoke that much
Id be over in his room if im overstimulated and i don't want to deal with people
Id have him proof read my fanfiction and he'd be my personal dictionary cause i cant spell for shit
Did i say big brother vibes cause HE WILL BE MY BIG BROTHER
Id steal his hat so many times but like not in the ride a cowboy kind of way
Id buy him the most ridiculous hats and he will 100% wear them
I feel like he was a spondgebob kid so i know damn well we'll be quoting some of the lines
Part of the blunt rotation as well
When I'm upset he's the one id rant to
Definitely would vibe in a room without talking to him in general
He's most definitely the one to keep me from being unhinged
Totally would listen to murder podcasts together
So at my previous job we had to wear full body harnesses and we played this game called the carabiniere game where you take a carabiniere and hook it on to someone without them knowing and you see who can put the most on them
Soap, gaz, and i would be playing it 100% all the time with each other.
Id also grab them by the harness and pull them around or clip myself to them
Let me get a video from my old job and just put em here and id just explain
Okay back to writing
Once again id call her mom and she's just gonna have to deal with it
Id definitely spend time with her outside of work (especially since she lives in maryland my family lives up there) which gives me more of a reason to visit her lol
Shopping sprees i feel like she's a frequent shopper at tj maxx and target
I also feel like she gives the best life advice so id come calling if im in a predicament
Okay so i am partially fluent in spanish, my god mother and best friend are Mexican so I've been around Mexican culture the majority of my life
definitely calls me niña or cariño
I feel like he'd roast my spanish and doesn't correct me if i say something wrong
100% my drinking buddy
I feel like he'd be very protective over me
Id be his date (platonically) and hed be mine to all the family gatherings
Fucking Mexican families are so much fun too. party my tia throws one and im there two shots of tequila in my hand listening and damcing to music
We'd text on the daily i feel like he'd frequently visit me and my family in the south as well he'd be the life of the party at my tia's parties
He's the one that corrects my spanish and WILL only speak spanish to me until I understand whst he's saying
Insert him pointing to a random object and says it in spanish
I feel like we wouldnt bond much but we would you know?
I also feel like he gives great life advice
Id kick him in the balls
He's the type of guy i avoid or ruin his reputation
Absolutely despise him
Completely roast that motherfucker
Drop kick him
He pisses me off so much
Gives off leo and cancer energy
Id 100% try to fight him even before Alejandro would
Tbh id probably get killed by one of his shadows bc of it
Sweet babe i would help him through an axiety attack
id hug him every-time i see him
Definitely would say uppies and have him put me on his shoulders
He definitely wont see me at all ( im 5'4) so he would definitely have to crouch down to see me
His nickname would be bear cause of how big he is
I feel like when he'’s comfortable around you he’s very out going
I have no clue how to speak german but i will act like i do
He's in the blunt rotation as well
Thats all i got for now 😊
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lildepressmews · 9 months
I went somewhere with my children and partner, we went away giving them memories i cant remember, as we pulled in it crushed my soul, my daughter yelling mummy dont leave me made it a million times worse, i smoked a cigarette looking out at murky uk seas replaying everything. i try my best every single day so my children dont see me vulnerable about places and phases, we got them dressed and into the pool, crushing me in memories i didnt ask for, id forgotten. My nonverbal son started to shout his dad, my daughter smiling, i looked back i rewrote the past. I replaced all my birthmothers shit with love for the tiny humans i made, the tiny humans i love endlessly and i cant ever imagine leaving them, i dont know what hurts the most, the fact i had PTSD taking my children or knowing the love of having children and you didn’t give a shit enough to love me how i love them. I think about being a mother to my sister taking the abuse of your partner only for her to do it to her when she was older anyway, its bad that as siblings when i had a mental break down we bonded over trauma caused by you. I thought i failed my children, i thought they hated me, they dont its just me i hate you i cant rewrite the hate, the scars the sickening feeling when i find out your close, close enough you could run into us and look at what you dont deserve to see, you emotionally blackmailed me when i was pregnant with her, stalking behaviour your new partner getting a job where i worked, i warned her to protect her children from you because you’ll get bored she tutted and walked away, shes not laughing anymore because its 6 kids youve now walked away from. I walk with my head high hiding all the hurt, the ptsd when people remember childhood memories when mine are all nightmares until i was 14, i felt so bad none knew until i was 21 when someone told me i thought i was better than anyone else, no i was guarded none could know my weakness i fucking broke, you fucking broke me, every birthday for my child every event, every single fucking thing i will be there because ill never be you. I have paranoia of failing, i have fear of never being good enough then my 3 year old nonverbal autistic child hugs me out of the blue, my 5 year old tells me mummy ive had the best day ever, thats what being a mother is. YOU DONT ABANDON YOUR KIDS!!!
You do not let someone kill them internally
You do not blackmail your children
You do not leave them to fend for themsleves at 10
You do not state sexuality and invite me to a club
You do not make me a mother at 11 so when i meet my partner his ex girlfriend tells him what a fucking weirdo i was and i have to explain the heartbreaking reality that i was being a fucking mother instead of concentrating on myself and my looks, he had to put her right about the abuse and trauma i was going through at that time
You do not get the right to tell me you deserve to be part of their lives when all you did was fuck mine.
Im 28 now, im still healing, dont you realise your toxic you still invade and rule my life so i dont become you
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anonil88 · 2 years
Euphoria Season 2 Ep 2 After Thoughts
❄ Not exactly a live blog or my normal format because I'm dealing with my own stuff but still spoilers below ❄
I realize every Nate episode is going to be the slowest episode because while he's complex character wise he is also is a basic boring white man.
Fez is an angel and Cassie is being dumb. Cassie is the girl that's okay with being a secret because at least that person loves her in private or when the lights are off. I need her to seek help.
Dear Kat, it is okay to break up with the nice guy if you do not like him. It isn't because he's too nice, she just doesn't like him like that and she can't change that he's corny. It is okay to focus on yourself and its not like Ethan does not know he is fourth wheeling. He can sense something is off it seems so I hope that they talk.
Rue is not ready to communicate honestly with Jules, drugs aside shes a teenager and at 17 your communication skills are piss water poor. Because she should have gone to Jules' before going to NA and had lunch or just spent time with her girlfriend but she is 17. So she went to the person she can get high with who doesn't judge her and also won't tell her to stop or slow down. I get wanting that validation but only getting fed what you want everyday gets old. So she is going to end up single, which its going to hurt her but it may be a wakeup call. And if she wants people in her life romantic or not then she has to just be honest. She also does not like being confronted with her addiction and how bad it is. She doesn't face the consequences of her actions. Ali cares like really cares and scared her just a tiny bit. Rue is very much black because yes she's afraid of the consequences of her own actions, they are coming and they will come fast especially with H, but she is afraid of her mother.
I like Faye she deserves a good hug and counseling, but I don't trust her to keep her mouth shut. She's funny but she could snitch.
Jules needs to sit with Rue and maybe Elliot too and be like i need honesty and part of her truth is knowing Rue is not the best influence and telling Rue that. Jules isn't an idiot she just doesn't know about the heroin yet, once she finds out I hope she snitches. If i was in her position id be the villian so many people paint her to be, yea you don't stay clean for one week or at the very least cut your use in half since cold turkey is actually very bad for the system no helping you pass xyz class. Enjoy being grounded. Elliot is in for a storm.
Nate is too focused on his own fantasy of a future where he can be better than his father is without admitting his own faults. He is also still playing mindgames just like his dad does based on the way he treats Cassie. He's playing Cassie so he doesn't loose Maddy or at least keeps Maddy in his good graces so she doesn't expose his father for fucking kids.
Maddy needs to enjoy not having Nate in her life and maybe she will forgive Cassie because she is a bit self absorbed it may be like an "oh well since he can't have me i guess he went to whose closest like me then." Maddy is envious of Kat's relationship because its pure but Kat is envious and lying to have the wild intense emotions that Maddy had. But they both aren't realizing how neither of them is in a great spot but Maddy is the IT girl but she still is insecure and wanting more from life.
Lexi was/is in the same spot Jules and Elliot are now in so its not like anyone in Rue's life is shouldering the hurt alone. But, Lexi held her tongue and feels guilty for it. I'd of not held my tongue in that gas station though I'm about to tell Cal all about himself and all about his son. You raised a monster cause what I'm not gonna do is be a lil bitch again and not speak up especially not in front of this man. At least she can be a witness should shit hit the fan with Cal and Nate.
Oh also i get why Rue texted Jules so fast I'm done N.A but can I come over but she should have said so I was on my way to N.A. and I saw Cassie and Nate making out. Hope to God Maddy would have seen the tape too lol.
To be honest exposing Cal would fix like 40 percent of everyone's issues here but there would still be the other issues they are dealing with that are just the follies of being a teenager or Rue's biggest issue her using drugs and her depression.
Overall: Everything is an illusion, everyone has bad in the happiest of situations. To be honest they all need to be confronted with their truths and just face the consequences. But we all hate that don't we so its likely that these characters will do what we all do, avoid them or try to.
That hour went by very fast, but I am liking these changes. It feels even more like a drama which I had hoped for before the season aired. It also does NOT linger into the realm of skins or spam for too long. It still manages to set itself apart but I am worried because we are being inched slowly into what is going to come next. Rue is going to be manic and on heroin what a wild combination of actual bad behavior and fun stupid teen shit she is about to take her friends on.
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Ocean Eyes - Part 9
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A/N: Finally another chapter is done! 😂
Please like/share/comment, It makes me write more when i know you’re all enjoying it 💕💕
Chris opened up the back door and Dodger jumped out making a run for the house while i unstrapped Mason from his car seat. When i turned Lisa was already walking towards us with a huge smile on her face, Scott walking beside her.
"Hey Ma" Chris called out greeting his mom with a quick wave.
"Hey baby" she smiled coming to a stop in front of us "Y/N.....its so good to see you sweetheart!" She pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tight, i couldnt help but smile and return her hug.
"Hey Lisa, its good to see you too"
"Okay okay, enough! Where's my hug?" Scott asked pouting at me, i laughed and gave him a quick hug.
"Oh my god, you must be Mason" i heard Lisa say "he's a spitting image of you Chris.... i mean wow"
"Mason say hi, this is your Nana Lisa"
"Hi" he said quietly clinging to my leg.
"Oh you're gonna act all shy now bud? You were so excited to meet Nana Lisa before" i stroked his hair smiling down at him "Give him 5 minutes he'll soon be talking your ear off"
"Its fine hun, come on inside i've made some lunch for us all" Lisa said happily and turned to head inside.
"Mace, baby you're gonna have to let go of my leg"
"Come on pal lets go eat" Chris picked Mason up putting him up on his shoulders causing Mason to laugh loudly.
"Oh god be careful...."
"He does this with my sisters kids don't worry he's a pro" Scott laughed throwing an arm around my shoulders and leading me towards the house.
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After lunch i was left with Lisa, we were laughing as we watched Chris, Scott and Mason running around playing some kind of ball game, Scott and Mason were apparently ganging up on Chris.
"I haven't seen him this happy in so long" Lisa suddenly said with a huge smile on her face.
"You haven't?"
"Nope, he's not been the same since you left. He puts on this front of being happy but i know its bullshit"
"He's the one who left" i mumbled quietly.
"Oh i know sweetie, he told me everything, i just mean he's been different since he's not had you in his life".
"When you say everything....."
"I know about the vegas wedding" she smiled "and how you're still married"
"Not for long, i signed the papers again..."
"Are you sure that was the right thing to do?"
"I thought it was done years ago" i shrugged "besides he asked me to sign them because things are getting serious with Lindsey"
"Ugh" Lisa mumbled under her breath but i caught it.
"Not a fan of Lindsey's then?" I chuckled.
"No, not at all! That girl gets on my last nerve"
Mason suddenly run over to us but his attention was on Lisa.
"Nana can i have a drink please?"
"Of course sweetheart" Lisa offered her hand to Mason and he happily accepted following her inside.
"Y/N your kid has worn me out!" Scott said dramatically collapsing on the grass beside me.
"You getting too old Scotty?" i laughed
"He'll crash out soon don't you worry"
"Oh thank god" Scott laughed "i might crash first just a word of warning"
"Come on Uncle Scott!" Mason called loudly running back out and diving on Scott.
"You okay?" Chris asked me quietly, i nodded yes with a smile.
Lisa came back out holding up a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses.
"Oh god, my mom's trying to get you drunk" Chris shook his head and laughed.
"I am not! A few glasses of wine with lunch is fine. Besides, you're the one driving not Y/N"
"She's got a point there" i smiled up at Chris wiggling my eyebrows.
"Fine, you ladies have fun" he rolled his eyes looking amused.
"Dad come on!" Mason called from across the yard.
"Okay i'm coming pal" he called back with a smile, every time Mason called him dad he'd light up.... it was the cutest thing i had to admit. Chris's cell phone started ringing and he pulled it out checking who it was, he sighed before answering it and walking away for some privacy. His phone had been ringing all afternoon but he hadn't taken any of the calls until now.
"Lindsey...." i heard him say as he answered the call, i couldn't hear any more than that though. I took a mouthful of my wine trying to act as if i didn't hear who had called Chris, that it didn't effect me.
"You wanna know something?" Lisa suddenly said making me raise my eyebrows at her.
"You and Mason are all that boy of mine talks about, i've not heard him even mention Lindsey"
"I don't know what to do with that information Lisa...."
"Just keep it in mind" she smiled lovingly "its so nice having you back sweetheart, i've missed you"
"I missed you too".
"So tell me, any guys on the scene?"
I laughed and shook my head.
"Honestly? No, well not really"
"So there is someone?"
"No, there's a guy i meet who has asked me out a couple times but...."
"You not interested?"
"If i had met him before Chris showed up  again, i would have accepted in a heart beat. He's so sweet and hot! But its not fair to start something with him while i'm trying to navigate things with Chris and Mason.... i just don't have the time"
"You know it might be what you need..."
"You think i should accept a date with him?"
"I do, Y/N you deserve it"
"Maybe i'll go on one date.... see how it goes" i shrugged "i haven't been on a date in years, i'm so bad at dating"
"You'll do fine sweetie, text him"
"I'll think about it" i chuckled shaking my head, maybe Lisa had a point though....
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Mason was asleep the minute we started the drive back to Chris's, he had done well staying awake as long as he had.
Chris carried him in from the car and put him to bed while i made tea and fed Dodger.
I was sat reading a news report on my phone when Chris came back and sat on the opposite end of the sofa.
"These COVID reports are scary, have you read the latest? They're talking about a lockdown...."
"What?? Are you serious?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah look" i passed him my phone to read it for himself.
"Wow this is crazy....."
"Do you think it will happen?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if it did" he shook his head as he continued to read "If it does, i think you and Mason should stay here"
"Yeah, i mean... i think it would be best. I can help out with Mason and id know you were both safe"
"Oh... okay" i nodded, i guess it made sense....Besides, Chris wouldn't want to be apart from Mason.
"You'd be okay with that?" He asked me looking a little nervous
"Yeah sure, it makes sense" i shrugged.
"Cool, then thats settled. If this lockdown happens you guys will stay here with me"
"If it happens yeah" i nodded giving him a quick smile. Chris suddenly cleared his throat passing me my phone back.
"You've got a message" he said before getting up and storming off into the kitchen. When i looked at the screen there was a message from Derek.
Derek: Hey, i was so happy to hear from you.
I would still like to take you on that date.
When’s a good time for you?
Oh shit.... Chris just had to see that!
But why did he react like that?? He was with Lindsey! And why did i feel so guilty about it??
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ginnympotter · 4 years
uhm this is kind of a vague prompt but harry and ginny going on a date in the muggle world doing the things he always wanted to do as a kid but wasn't allowed? x
LOVE ITTT. OK anyone who actually lives in London reading this, I apologize. I know nothing and admit to this. Also this ended up much longer than intended I’m sorry lol. Hope you like it!
“Ginny, I already told you-”
She groaned, closing the front door of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place behind them. “And I’ve already told you that I don’t give a damn.” She took the invisibility cloak from the crook of his arm and threw it over them. “Now, I’m going to need you to apparate us so please concentrate and stop being a humble git.”
Harry sighed, recognizing defeat. “Where to, then?”
“Westminster Bridge Road,” she informed him.
He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Muggle London? What for?”
She rolled her eyes and grabbed on to his hand. “If you would exert some patience, please, you will find out shortly.”
He conceded, securing her hand in his. “Hold tight.”
He spun on the spot, and Ginny felt herself being squeezed into nothing, suffocating, and then suddenly her feet landed firmly on pavement, the rush of traffic ringing in her ears. Her hand still firmly locked in Harry’s, she dragged them into an ally and took off the cloak, handing it back to its owner. “Put it in your pocket.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he responded, doing just so. They both put their wands in their pockets as well, and then Ginny dragged them back to the sidewalk. 
People walked around them in haste, and Ginny looked at the street signs on both sides of them. “This way,” she determined, tugging Harry’s hand and navigating them to the right. Ginny strode down the street excitedly, Harry by her side, chuckling. 
“Are you going to tell me what we’re doing now?”
She chanced a glance at him, and his face held both suspicion and amusement. “Listen,” she began. “I know you don’t care much about making a deal of your birthday, but you should. I mean, need I remind you, it was only about 3 months ago that you almost died.”
“I remember,” he mumbled.
“And so the fact that you made it to 18 is something to be celebrated! And I wanted to do something special, since all I gave you last year for your birthday was an interrupted snog and an overbearing brother,” she smiled. 
He laughed at that, squeezing her hand. “Fair enough.”
“But I knew going out in any Wizarding areas would be too stressful. We don’t need anyone hounding you, and I suppose we could’ve taken Polyjuice Potion but I’d prefer to see your handsome face.”
“Not sick of it yet?”
“Never.” She stopped abruptly, pulled him to her, and kissed him firmly on the mouth. Then remembered herself and kept them moving as to not cause any further pedestrian traffic. Harry had a lopsided smirk on his face as she resumed to steer them towards their destination. “Anyway,” she continued, “we should be pretty safe here. It’s crowded and not many wizards come roaming about Muggle London, except my dad, maybe.”
“I hope you’re right, but I wouldn’t underestimate Rita Skeeter’s determination.”
“Good thing I’m not afraid of beetles,” she quipped back, shooting him a smile. “So now that you’re of age in both the Wizarding and Muggle world, I thought we’d exercise those freedoms in the most optimal way possible- aha!” She spotted the place and made a sharp turn down the block, Harry still holding her hand but tailing her, and stopped short at the entrance. “Ta-da!” 
Harry took a moment to catch his breath, then looked up at the sign above the door. Namco Funscape.
“No...way...” Harry gaped breathlessly. “No way.”
Ginny felt triumph beating in her chest. “Last month, you told me about all the things your aunt and uncle would take Dudley to do, or allow him to do at the house, all of which you were deprived...and I wanted to make that up to you and take you myself. But as an adult, it’s all up to you what we do. And you can even have a Muggle drink now that you got an ID last week.”
Harry continued to stare at the building front, then turned his shocked expression to Ginny, which quickly melted into the kind of warm smile that left Ginny immobile, like the one he had given her when they first exchanged ‘I love you’s, or when they played one-on-one Quidditch two weeks ago and she caught the Snitch right under his nose. He let go of her hand and closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around her, fitting her snugly into his chest. She closed her eyes, content to just stay like that for the rest of the day if he wanted. But she was a good gift-giver, and she knew how eager he was to go in. “I will always be grateful for gifted snogs, interrupted or otherwise, but this is...really...” He released her from his grip and kissed her once hard, the second time more softly. “You’re the best. The best.”
“I am pretty amazing, aren’t I,” she joked, the look on his face making her heart flutter even more rapidly. 
“You are,” he confirmed, his smile widening. “Now c’mon, let me introduce you to all the fun Muggle activities I wish I could do as a kid that you will surely kick my arse in.”
She could hardly contain her own excitement seeing Harry display his own so openly, swinging the door open and striding through into the massive arcade and entertainment center. Harry explained to her the concept of tokens, and before he could pay for them to have any Ginny took out the stash of Muggle money she brought. She handed the clerk the bills before Harry could get a full objection out. “Ginny, let me-”
“It’s your birthday,” she stated simply. “Stop. Let me take care of it. You can waste all the money you’d like to pamper me in eleven days.”
“Fine,” he replied resentfully but seemed to get over it quick enough as the clerk handed him the cup of tokens. He took her through the rows of video games, and it was some of the most fun she ever had, having Harry teach her how to play and, as predicted, quickly dominating him in almost every game he taught her. The only one Harry continued to beat her in (though only marginally) was Pacman, but she demolished him in Skee-Ball on the first round, and the four others that followed. “Should’ve seen that one coming,” he snorted, trying and failing to hide the gleam in his eye he’d get when turned on by Ginny’s unexpected prowess as she successfully sunk her final ball into the top goal. “Bloody Chasers.”
“How could you forget, when my Quidditch Captain badge arrived just yesterday?” she beamed at him, bending down to collect her plethora of tickets. 
“You’re a usurper, is what you are,” Harry shook his head.
Ginny gasped dramatically as she pulled the last of her tickets up and shoved them into Harry’s hand. “Not usurper, rightful successor!” Harry laughed as he took the tickets and put them in their bucket. “You know, jealousy doesn’t look so good on you.”
Harry pulled her toward him and put both hands on her cheeks. “I’m only jealous of everyone who’s going to be there to watch you shine.”
Ginny felt her heart sink slightly. She knew it was a difficult decision for Harry to forgo the rest of his education, to not return to the Quidditch team for one final season, and most of all, to spend the better part of ten months apart from her after finally getting back together. But they both knew it was what made the most sense, and that they would be okay. He offered her a small smile before leaning in to kiss her. 
She sighed, his lips gone too quick. He chuckled, throwing an arm around her and leading them to another area of the arcade. They tried the jackpot machine game multiple times, and on the sixth attempt, Ginny hit the jackpot, which was 550 tickets. Harry and Ginny decided they had enough accumulated to go claim a prize, and Harry convinced Ginny to get something called a skateboard, which she was able to pick up rather quickly before they were reprimanded for riding it inside. Then Harry taught her ping-pong, which took her a bit longer to pick up, but by the end of it won two matches. All the playing left them famished, and so they went to the bar and got pizza, and Ginny convinced him to try Muggle beer. He eyed it skeptically, took a sip, swallowed, and made a face of disgust.
Ginny laughed heartily. “That bad?”
“Yes,” he confirmed, pushing it away. “I can’t believe anyone would drink this when butterbeer tastes so much better.”
She tugged at his collar and pulled his face close to hers. “Let me have a taste.”
“You’re not of age,” he said, looking at her curiously.
“Not that way,” she informed him, the suggestive grin forming on his lips stunted by Ginny’s crushing against them, prodding his mouth open, sweeping her tongue over his. She pulled away briefly, told him, “I can bear it,” then continued to kiss him.
She only got to have her fun for about thirty seconds, however, as they were interrupted by a loud and recognizable “Oi! You’re in public!”
They broke apart, and Ginny could see the blush spreading across Harry’s cheeks. “I thought interrupted snogs and overbearing brothers were gifts of the past,” he whispered quickly.
“I thought you were grateful for them, anyway?”
“The snog bit, yeah-”
Hermione’s voice cut in. “Sorry,” she winced, then glared at Ron. “Somebody still needs to learn manners.”
“Yeah, them!” he retorted, gesturing towards his sister and best friend. 
Hermione rolled her eyes, then walked forward to hug Harry. “Happy birthday, Harry! We didn’t mean to interrupt-”
“It’s okay, Hermione,” Harry told her as she let go. “I didn’t know you two were coming!”
“I meant to mention it,” said Ginny. “But I lost track of time. I wanted to try that bowling thing, and I thought it’d be fun to have them join us for a bit before we head back home for dinner with everyone.”
“We’re bowling?” Harry shouted in excitement. “Oh, man is this going to be fun. I’ve always wanted to bowl. I got to watch Dudley once but wasn’t allowed to play.”
Ron threw his arm around Hermione, pulling her to his side. “Alright, Hermione, we’re ready to learn.”
After three matches, the first as individuals (Harry just winning, all scores rather close), the second as boys versus girls (girls demolishing), and the third as a couple match-up (Harry and Ginny victorious), their arms were sore and they were ready to apparate back to Ottery St. Catchpole for Harry’s birthday. 
Ginny’s mother made an elaborate dinner and cake that, seeing Fred’s empty seat, Ginny could tell he did not quite feel he deserved but expressed his gratitude all the same. Most everyone he loved was there, including little Teddy, whose hair and eyes matched Harry’s throughout most of the meal, which made Ginny’s heart swell. As her mother insisted Harry stay the night, she helped him bring up all his presents to Ron’s room before turning in for the night herself, although not before making sure Ginny was in her own room with Hermione. And although Ron still could not hold back his disgust, he knew there was something to be gained for himself in having Harry and Hermione swap places once they were sure it was safe. Hermione quietly left, and a minute later, there was a light rap of knuckles against her door.
She flicked her wand and the door opened. Harry, his face lit in his own wand light, wearing his pajamas, stepped in quietly and closed the door behind him, clicking the lock. He walked over to Ginny’s bed, whispered ‘Nox,’ put his wand and glasses on her bedside table, and crawled into her small bed. 
“Hello,” he whispered, and she could see his smile in the dark as she pulled him closer to her. 
“Mm,” she sighed happily, intertwining her legs with his, firmly planting her face in the crook of his neck. “Good birthday?”
He wrapped his arms around her. “The best, I think. Today was...” he paused, and Ginny knew he struggled to verbalize his feelings sometimes, so when he uttered out a loving, “thank you,” and kissed the top of her head, she knew he was happy, and so her goal was achieved.
“So it surpasses last year’s gift, then?” she asked playfully.
“Well, I did receive the same gift this year too, earlier before bowling, didn’t I?”
“I suppose.”
Harry readjusted them and put a hand on her face, causing her to look up at him. “And as incredible as today was, I was hoping for that present in an uninterrupted format if you’d be so willing.”
Ginny laughed, melting at his touch, feeling pierced by the sparkle in his eyes, made brighter by the contrast of the dark. “How could I deny you such a gift?”
Harry grinned widely as Ginny drew her face closer to his. Their lips impossibly close, she whispered against his, “Happy birthday, Harry.”
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bi-bard · 4 years
You Aren’t Alone... I Promise- Malcolm Bright Imagine (Prodigal Son)
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Title: You Aren’t Alone... I Promise
Pairing: Malcolm Bright X Reader (I tried to make this gender neutral)
Requested: Nope!
Word Count: 2,687
Warning(s): Kidnapping, death, mentions of previous murders, general dark subjects so please read with caution
Summary: Malcolm and (Y/n) were always close. (Y/n) had accepted every part of Malcolm, no questions asked. Most people would look at this as something amazing, right? But what if there was something more? What if there was something more to the situation than anyone knew?
Author’s Note: I have been tossing this idea around for so long! I am very excited to writ it but it’s going to be a little bit long so be prepared. 
“Hello,” I said in a cheery voice, closing the door slowly behind me. My mom walked around the corner and hugged me. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, sweetheart,” she replied. “What are you doing here?”
“I managed to get ready early so I thought I’d stop by on my way to work,” I shrugged. 
“Would you like some coffee,” my mom asked, pointing at her coffee maker. “I just made a fresh pot.”
“That sounds great,” I nodded, walking to her fridge and grabbing out some coffee creamer. 
“Have you guys had any interesting cases lately,” she handed me a travel cup, its lid, and a spoon. I shrugged.
“We had a murder last week but nothing too extreme since then,” I replied. 
“Well, maybe you should head in so you don’t miss anything,” she stuck her tongue out at me. 
“I’m sure talking to you a little bit in the morning won’t make me mi-”
And then my phone started ringing. I groaned and looked at the caller ID. Gil was calling. 
“And that’s my queue to go,” I shrugged. My mom pulled me into a tight hug, wishing me good luck. 
I quickly answered my phone on my way out, struggling to push open the door with the travel cup and my bag. Gil quickly rambled off a few quick facts as I went jogging out of the apartment. 
**Time Skip**
Come at least pick-up a little dinner tonight, I smiled to myself as I read my mom’s text. 
She didn’t have to offer me food on a normal basis... I was an adult. She didn’t need to let me steal her coffee. She was always doing the most. Probably more than needed but I loved her more than anything for that. 
“I thought I was the only one who smiled at crime scenes,” my smile went from my phone to Malcolm, who was walking over. “How has your morning been?”
“Definitely better than others,” I shrugged, giving him a brief hug. “What about you?”
He raised his eyebrows for a second with a look. That had become a simple signal. Still didn’t get enough sleep, probably didn’t eat, and his mom probably stopped by. I hugged him again, kissing his cheek. 
“Okay, we have a crime scene to look at,” I said with a grin. He nodded and grabbed my hand, dragging me over to the scene, and then promptly dropped my hand.
The scene was in an alleyway. It was like the killer was making a show of it all. Who were they entertaining? No one besides themselves. It was disturbing to see or think about.
I was ready to vomit when I walked into the room. A girl was tied up by her wrists. She looked like she was covered in blood. Her hair was matted, her clothes had blood stains and tears in it. Malcolm’s hand briefly touched my back as my face morphed into a look of pure disgust.
“Alright, please fill us in,” I said, looking over to our little team.
“Chloe Morrow, 23, found tied up without her tongue,” I grimaced as Gil relayed the information. “Edrisa has more specifics.”
“Yes,” Edrisa popped her from behind the body. “So... as bloody as she looks... that wasn’t the cause of death.”
“How the hell is that not the cause of death,” J.T asked.
“Well, the cuts were made after the victim had died, something else killed her,” she shrugged. “I don’t quite know what it was but my money would be on an overdose if it wasn’t lack of food or water. She was definitely dead before most of the bigger marks were made.”
“That’s so demented,” I mumbled. “And then to display them in public. God.”
“What are these,” we all looked at Malcolm, who had since walked over and lifted the shirt of the victim. 
“Don’t know, it looks like a code but I don’t understand it,” Edrisa replied. 
I stepped a little closer, staring at the markings. They were written in pen...thick, black marker. The killer wanted to know that you could see the marks. My eyes widened as it clicked.
“I know what this is,” I said. Everyone gave me the look that they usually give Malcolm, absolutely confused and a little more shocked than they need to be. “It’s Pigpen cipher. I learned it from my... parents.”
“What does it say,” Malcolm asked. I held my hand out, asking for a pen and paper. I quickly jotted down the symbols and filled them in letter by letter. “So?”
“‘I’m home,’“ I answered. “That’s what it says. Why?”
“Edrisa, find the cause of death,” Gil started listing off responsibilities. “Dani and (Y/n), go see if we have files on any other killers that use messages like this.”
**Time Skip**
“Nothing,” I smacked the table. “We’ve been searching for hours and we’ve found fucking nothing!”
“Hey, hey,” Dani stood up from her seat. “We’ll figure this out.”
“I just want answers,” I groaned, grabbing a file and opening it. I read over the general details. “Holy shit.”
“Did you find something,” she asked. 
“Unsolved case, the photos are of pigpen cipher, and disturbing injuries,” I handed a few photos over to Dani. “It looks like that last case was almost 13 years ago.”
“Maybe the killer was on the run for a while and now feels like they can come back,” she suggested. 
“Or it’s a copycat,” I mumbled, praying that it was only a copycat and not the original killer because... of personal reasons. That’s when the team walked in.
“What did you find,” Malcolm asked, looking right over my shoulder. 
“Almost an exact match for our murder,” I answered. “Cipher, injuries, all of it.”
“What does the cipher say,” Gil leaned on the table. 
“It looks like quite a few have been translated,” I shrugged. I rambled off a few examples, “‘Faith, money, liar...’“
“They’re all messages, lessons,” Malcolm added. I nodded.
“This guy has a serious John Kramer complex,” I looked at the confused stares from Gil, J.T, and Dani. “Jigsaw? From the Saw movies? The torture-porn ones?”
“Ew,” J.T. mumbled. 
“He thinks he’s superior,” I continued explaining. “He thinks he’ll inspire people by completely mutilating others.”
“Disgusting,” J.T grimaced. I nodded.
“The Pigpen Killer,” Malcolm decided. We all looked at him. “What? I can’t give the serial killer a name?”
We all ignored his question as Gil started speaking.
“Alright, we comb through evidence, follow up on any leads they had,” Gil instructed. “We need a list of who to look into. Got it?”
“Yes, sir,” Malcolm playfully saluted before grabbing the file from my hands. 
**Time Skip**
“Try and get a little bit of sleep,” I mumbled, kissing Malcolm’s forehead as I went to walk out of the precinct.
“I’ll try,” he replied before fully kissing me. “Get home safe, please.”
“I will,” I promised. “Bye.”
“Goodbye,” he waved at me as I walked off.
I was on high alert the entire walk. I had rounded corners slowly, ready to fight if I needed to. I probably looked insane but I didn’t care. This was exactly what I needed to do. 
I thought that everything was perfect. I thought I was being safe... and I was. I thought I was going to be able to go home and relax.
I did get home.
I didn’t get to relax.
I walked in and was met with another person right inside. I was about to scream when a cloth was held over my mouth. I struggled against whoever had grabbed me until I felt a cloud form around my brain as my body went numb. I slowly stopped fighting as everything went black around me.
**Time Skip**
I slowly woke up, blinking and trying to clear my head. The entire night slowly came back to me as I looked around. I was still in my living room. My arms were secured behind me and my legs were tied. There was some kind of cloth tied in my mouth.
My breath picked up when I heard footsteps behind me. I wanted to yell or do something but I couldn’t. I only saw the person’s back as they walked to my table and grabbed a chair, placing it in front of me. 
He yanked his hood off. My eyes went wide. He pulled the cloth out of my mouth with a smirk. It wasn’t a copycat. Why couldn’t it be a copycat?
“Dad,” I asked in absolute shock. He chuckled before doing some weird, condescending version of jazz hands.
“Hi,” he said. “Did you like my little code? Did you tell your cop friends or did they figure it out?”
“Why are you here,” I asked. “Why did you come back?”
“Can I not visit my kid,” he replied. 
“You were on the run,” I continued. “You probably could have hidden away for the rest of your life. You didn’t need to come back to the city and start killing again.”
“I don’t want to hide,” my dad rolled his eyes. “And I won’t have to.”
“Why,” I mumbled.
“Because you’re going to confess,” he explained, standing up to grab a camera from my closet that typically had my paper towels and other cleaning supplies. My apartment was kind of tiny. “You’re going to confess on camera to the murders of my 13 victims... well... now 14. I go off, never looking over my shoulder again, and you get a cute fluffy prison cell where you might get to eventually see your little boyfriend.”
“If you hurt Malcolm, I swear-”
“I won’t touch him,” my dad rolled his eyes. “I will... however.... kill your mom if you refuse. Remember when she tried to turn me in?”
“You’re psychotic.”
“The police still have me as a suspect because of her,” he ignored me. “Now... she’s tied up in your bathroom. If you refuse, I make a message out of her. If you don’t refuse... it ends. You and your team will never have to deal with me again. Look at the facts. You confess... and I disappear. Deal?”
“How do I know I can believe you,” I asked. “You could just be lying so I’ll play by your rules.”
“Oh my god,” my dad moved and grabbed the back of my chair. 
He tilted it back slightly so he could drag me over to my bathroom door. He pushed the door open and there was my mom, tied in place, sobbing, clearly scared out of her mind... and I couldn’t help her. My eyes filled with tears.
“So, do we have a deal,” he repeated. I nodded. “Good... keep yourself together. The crying will give something away.”
He dragged me back to my previous spot and set up the camera. I bit my lip, staring at the floor. I was trying to figure out exactly what I was going to say... and then another thought came to mind.
Malcolm. He was pretty much the perfect profiler. He would know this was fake. Maybe he would know that I wasn’t actually guilty. He could be my hero.
“Ready,” my dad clapped his hands. I nodded slowly. “Okay... and...”
He just pointed to me when he hit record. 
“I guess that guilt gets to us all at some point,” I started. “I have fooled everyone since I was in my teens. I used the appearance of innocence to hide everything I did and create a conspiracy around my own father. I am what the police have named the Pigpen Killer. I’m sorry to my team and to everyone who trusted me. It’s time to move forward. It’s time to face the time for my actions. It’s over.”
The camera switched off and my dad clapped again. I jumped at the sound. 
“Good job,” he cheered. “All of that in the first take, I’m impressed.”
“Just let my mom and me go,” I hissed as he walked over to my computer. I watched him transfer the video. This was it. The day everything ended. 
“I can’t let you call the police after I leave,” he shrugged, finally moving away from the computer. “So we’re going to watch the news of your little video.”
“How are you going to make sure that you don’t get caught if they come here to get me,” I asked. 
“Don’t worry about that,” he shrugged, pulling a chair over to sit next to me after turning on the TV. 
I couldn’t see anything but I could hear it. My heart started beating faster and faster. This was going to be the end of it all... if Malcolm couldn’t help me. I needed Malcolm to help me.
**Time Skip**
I had started crying once the report started. Not only was the news going, but Ainsley was the one reporting. I could hear her voice crack as she spoke. My shoulders were shaking as I started sobbing. They all thought I was evil. Everyone.
I had gotten to the point where I had given up hope. I was going to jail, my dad was going to go free, and my mom was going to be left on her own.  It was over. I was done for.
“I should really be going,” my dad said, as if I wasn’t tied up. “It was nice seeing you, kiddo.”
I just glared at him as he walked around me. I turned my gaze to the ground as he started to untie me. Both of us froze when the door slammed open. 
A group of detectives walked in. A few grabbed my dad but I was focused on Malcolm, who had come speed-walking in after them. He was quick to untie my arms before starting on one leg while I started on the other one. 
I basically dove off of the chair and hugged him tightly. Malcolm rubbed my back, mumbling quietly in my ear. I moved back for a second. 
“My mom,” I said through my sobs. “She’s tied up in the bathroom.”
“Get her,” Malcolm nodded to Dani. 
The rest of the event was a blur. Malcolm had guided me outside. I watched my dad get pushed into the back of the cop car. Malcolm wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I leaned my head on his shoulder. 
“Thank you,” I finally mumbled, after standing next to him in silence for a long time. “I knew that you’d know I was lying.”
“You didn’t move your body at all,” Malcolm explained. “I knew something was wrong.”
“Thank you,” I repeated before kissing his cheek. “I... I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about my dad.”
“It’s alright,” he replied. “It’s just he was still running around and I didn’t want him to hurt you or Ainsley or Jessica or Dani or Gil or-”
“I understand,” Malcolm cupped the sides of my face as he cut me off. “I completely understand, I promise. From one kid with a psychotic dad to another, I understand.”
“Can I stay at your place tonight,” I asked. He nodded softly, kissing my forehead. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” he mumbled, pulling me closer as he started leading me away from the scene.
That night, my name was cleared. With a smile, Ainsley reported that my confession was false and that the true killer has been arrested. My mom was taken care of and protected so she could have a peaceful night’s sleep. Everyone was safe... everyone was home.
The city blew up with the news. Some of them were honoring the victims. Some of them were saying that they knew I was innocent. The internet ran with it; screaming about the false confession from the comfort of their couches. 
Malcolm and I just went straight to his apartment. He sat on the couch with me, waiting for me to fall asleep... which I didn’t. We found this quiet peace where no one had to talk. No one had to be scared. It was the only thing I could ask for at that moment.
What I Write For
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Musical Prompts
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When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
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cupidssrosses · 4 years
i. love. ship. playlists.
so, i know for a FACT that im not the only one that uses songs to picture scenarios with a pairing i really love. like, sometimes im so set on the idea of a ship that i have to rewrite the entire show in my brain, rework it so that they end up together logically. songs are always so good to visualise too. harringrove is the BEST for this, because the show itself uses scenes set to 80s music all the time. 
anywho, this is a really longwided way of saying hey heres my harringrove playlist enjoy :)
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this song has always been made for a scene where tension has to slowly build.
so, instead of the scene with billy and neil happening at the end of the season when theres much more world-end-y  things to deal with, it happens earlier. 
the  scene happens, billy goes to find max and ends up finding steve and the kids in that junkyard. 
“am i dreaming or is that you harrington”
(really rushed) “yeah its me dont cream your pants what the FUCK are you doing here hargrove you have to leave right now”
billy won’t shut the fuck up so steve has to cover his mouth and try to push him into the bus. then we hear a demidog, steve gives up on billy and gets ready to fight, quietly hands billy a broken pole or something just in case. 
the song starts from 0:00 right when billy sees the demidog, the camera pans in on his face, just so confused and scared, processing what hes seeing. then he joins the fight, he and steve back to back protecting the kids. this leads to billy being part of the gang, at least in some respects. hes strong as fuck and now they have to fill him in on the circumstances now so hes around more often to help. he wants to protect max, but also be near/protect steve. 
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so ! during subsequent fights/situations, billy and steve get a little closer, damn they’re not in love but hey they’re getting more comfortable and theres deeeefinitely some mutal attraction, the energy from those shower and basketball scenes hasn’t gone away. if steves the mother figure billys the dad. 
on the “i need a hero” (BAM) part that leads into the chorus, billy saves steve with some kind of big action you know? RIGHT on the beat i swear i get chills every time i picture it to this song. like he pushes something off of him or pull him out of the way really suddenly after running reaaaallly fast to get to him. right after it cuts to steve looking all suprised and impressed while billy keeps fighting. 
same applies to the part that goes “watched out here i COME” in the second song, except its steve saving billy. 
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since two thousand and fucking 17 ive seen this song as billys image of steve. it always sounded like his thoughts about him. 
this is one of the first moments billy realises he might really REALLY like steve. hes not just horny he might actually love this moron. at around 2:07 when all the instrumental goes away and its mainly the drums, thats when it happens. 
hes picking steve up from somewhere. theyve been spending more time together as buddies. he apologised for being a dick, theyve had some more serious conversations. hes taking him to hang out with the kids, maybe he just needed a ride home from school or work. anyway, its golden hour. hes waiting to see him and hes weirdly nervous, more than he ever was waiting to pick up a date with one of the hawkins girls.
and then he sees steve walk out onto the street, or come around the corner.
his heart STOPS. steve just looks so beautiful. the light hitting his hair. he smiles at someone he knows as the walk by. billys just HIT with hoe much he loves this stupid moron and his stupid fucking smile.
steves looking around for the car and looks so. happy. when he sees billy, billy smiles back. its been a while since hes smiled that genuinely. 
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billy really really part of gang now. this might be sometime after the final events of season 2 i think?? billys saved them all, had a lot of experiences, hes built up some trust with the group and it feels normal that hes there. hes part of the family, and thats what this songs about. 
it night time, theyre at steves house, all the kids, nancy, jonathen, etc. some are swimming, everyones dancing, things feel a little more okay. 
at around 1:54, (again im a sucker for stripping away most of the instrumental and relying on a few key sounds, including loud drums) billy looks around. he has for one of the first times in a while this sense of FAMILY and ACCEPTANCE and SAFETY.
theres all these shots of everyone having fun, like 2 or 3 cuts, then to steve. just standing there laughing, hairs all wet from the pool, towel around his shoulders. he looks over, catches billys eye, gives him a smile, it feels like he knows what hes thinking, and he feels the same way. 
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same night, during the part build up that starts at around 2:53, everyones trying to get billy to dance, hes been smoking on one of the pool chairs, not antisocial just not dancing. not his thing. plus he doesnt want to look like an idiot infront of steve. anyway. 
one of the kids starts it, starts gesturing for him to get up, pointedly singing the lyrics, the rest join in unti theyre all singing and chanting for him to join, all while the song builds and builds. finally steve joins in. maintains eye contact. thats enough for billy. he just keeps his eyes on steve as he stands up. its more like theyre dancing together, less like the kids are there. right at the end of that bridge he just lets go. takes of his jacket and dances around with everyone. he doesnt look stupid either. he looks good. and steve notices 
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this is a small one, i dont even have a story to it. all i know is that comparisons between the scene that accompanies this song in top gun and the basket ball scene in st2 have been made, and itd be a super fun, corny scene :)
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starts at the very begining. this song has ALWAYS felt so magical and me. i get chills every god damn time i hear the intro. i want their first kiss to be to the intro. 
its after the last fight of season three. someone else was flayed, someone we dont love. obviously billy survives. in FACT, he was along for the ride with robin and steve, all the shenanigens with the russians, billy was tied up and drugged too. BOTH he and robin admit their sexualities. 
billy still sacrafices himself to save the kids from the monster, he says something cute like “see ya round pretty boy” or some corny shit like that before he goes to run and save el, theres a moment when steve knows what hes about to do, theyre staring at eachother and theeeerse the electricity steve knows so much about. theyre really about to kiss, staring at eachothers mouths, but the monster makes a noise and billy knows its now or never, so he runs off. 
steve tries to save him but gets nocked out. he goes unconcious thinking billys going to or is already dead. 
it cuts to the end scene when theyre all in the car park. steves got an icepack to his face, hes obviously been sobbing. 
but he heres a voice. 
(clearly overjoyed and kind of smug) “am i dreaming or is that you harrington”
he looks up. its billy. we get a nice long run-jump-hug. steves in billys arms before he can even finish his sentence:
(nearly crying but SO excited) “yeah its me dont cream your pa-”
NOW. OKAY SO. i love love love they idea of billy steve and robin going home with murray, or at least showing up at his place. maybe billy cant stand the thought of going home, hell maybe neil was the one that got flayed and died idk. anyway.
nancy and jonathen are like, we know a place if people dont want to go home, and they go murrays place. when they show up at the door murray KNOWS. hes like “ffs two more people who have repressed feelings for eachother what am i a therapist. but he lets them in and they have a similar conversation that murray had with nancy and jonathen/joyce and hopper. poking fun at how much they like eachother etc. 
billy and steve have a really intimate talk. not sexaul intimate, just really open. theyre both so tiered, steve thought billy was dead, billy had to say goodbye to steve, who he KNOWS hes in love with by now, thinking he was about to die. they both KNOW how the feel about eachother now, but they havent said it explicitly. just lots of “i really thought id lost you”, “your my best friend”, “i cant believe youd do that for me” etc etc. 
they decide to go to bed, billy walks steve to his room, the one nancy stayed in when she and jonathen got together, theyre standing at the door. just staring at eachother like they were during that fight sequence. the energies back. billy really thinks he might go for it, but decides he doesnt want to ruin things if steve doesnt really feel the same way. he doesnt even know if he likes guys yet. so he just says “night steve” (steve, get it, not harrington, cause theyre close now and he loves him and those defensive barriers are down ahhhh). 
just as he turns to leave, steve does this:
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this exact thing. he grabs billys arm, leans down and kisses him. he thought he lost his chance once, he nearly died like a million times in the past 48 hours. he cant stop himself. 
RIGHT HERE is when the intro to jump kicks in. FUck that synth, the rumbling note that runs through the whole thing. time. stops. its perfect. billys wanted this for so long, so has steve but in the grand tradition of fanfiction he didnt know it until he nearly lost billy for good. 
their arms are all over eachother, just as the rest of the instruments come in, at like 0:15, they both smile into the kiss and shut the door behind them, and it cuts away :). 
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theyre finally together!!! theyre in the happy, honeymoon stage of realtionship. god theyre just fucking every. chance. they. get. i think this is a new season. it’s a montage of them hooking up all over hawkins. 
in the back of the video store, robin covering for them. in the car, outside school, steves house. someone walks in and billy has to hang out of the window. he makes a noise and steves like “thats probably just a bird or something” and billy MAKES A BIRD NOISE TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITY. 
when steve helps him back inside he just stares a him with that “youre a moron but your my moron now” face. “~mimics the sound billy made~ really?” and then billy just laughs and goes back to hooking up with him. 
theyre just HAPPY. theyre comfortble, theyre stupid idiots whod die for eachother and horny as fuck allllll the time, like young guys are. i just want a really lighthearted, NOT INNOCENT, but lighthearted tone to a whole montage of them just being happy and stupid together. 
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aaaaand we’re bassically at the end of the storyline i have for them based on music. these three i just like the thought of. i want steve do dance super shamelessly in his bedroom in a towel, not in a sexy way dont get me wrong he looks DUmb, and billys at his door window just admiring this stupid idiot dancing around. i cant believe im in love with this man this graceless lanky man i had to choose this one. but ill be damned if i wouldnt give my fucken life for him
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and finally trust me go listen to any scorpions song its bassicaly a harrington anthem. it all started with rock you like a hurricain for me, i saw steve look at him, i saw billy and listened to the lyrics and just thought theres no god damned way this man is straight whats the bet hes into steve and then BAM same season hes just so obviously flirting with him constantly i-
anyway okay so
this song, like many other scorpion songs is allll about billy and steve in my opion. go have fun. 
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PlayerEntity made this gif not me all credit to them i just wanted to include it cause its my favorite edit of them ever. 
and thats all!!! if youre seeing this and you thought it was cool thanks i had fun. i really just wanted to get this shit out of my brain its been up there since i was a fuckn 14 year old, now im 18 lol. 
i love these men more than myself and sometimes i forget that theyre not acutally together in show cause i live so completely through fanfiction and the sequence of events you just read. 
fuck why am i signing out like you just watched a youtube video or something i should just post this okay by now xxxxx
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dirt-grub · 4 years
Some random ass stories I have that sounds like some shit Fry would do;
I once saw a Fourth of July fireworks show over the Hudson River, and bc my dumb ass is short I went RIGHT up to the water on the rocks to get a better view and surprise surprise I fell into the river. For those who don’t know, the Hudson is DISGUSTING like absurdly polluted and we have an invasive species of super sharp water chestnuts so not only was I stinking and soaking wet in my jeans but I got an ass full of spiney hell barnacles. Me and the family I was with all took a picture and they made me stand in the back because I looked absolutely nasty lmfao 
I once got flashed by a Rockette at the Radio City Christmas Spectacular
I once hugged a 12 foot Christmas tree and then it fell on me and my whole family laughed instead of helping me
Chuck E Cheese almost killed me when I was 3 
I once skipped school to see a Green Day concert in central park at 8 in the morning
The kindergarten bus driver ran over my shoe bc I wasnt paying attention to where I was going and she was HAULING ASS down our residential street. Like an inch closer and she would’ve broken my foot. We became friends after that and she’d stop and all the little kids would wave whenever she saw me lmao 
I learned how to swim bc my dad threw me in the pool and was like just fuck around and find out
Also I had a really shitty kiddie pool at my mom’s when i was little and it was like only one foot deep so id just lay face down in it and practice holding my breath and nobody checked to see if i was like. dead
I was once grounded for two months with nothing but a pink walkman and a Billy Joel CD. Even after I got my stuff back I took the walkman with me to school every day lol
I once grabbed a fishing hook like with my bare hands and got it caught in my finger. We were swimming in a lake with these two brothers, one had to be 7 and the other 10, and the 7 year old had one of those fake fishing poles with a plastic fish on the end, so I assumed the older brother had that as well so I grabbed under the water near his lure. So imagine me, a 13 year old, sobbing as a tiny child nonchalantly tears a hook out of my finger
I once mistakenly swam in sewage in Wildwood NJ 
The only time I can ever recall being openly hit on was in a McDonalds (I’m sure its happened more but I am Dense)
My older brother put me in the dryer when I was little (he didn’t turn it on thankfully) He also used to hold my upside down by my ankles and shake me
I was so scrawny in middle school my first girlfriend could pick up my desk with me in it and carry it across the room, and i started dating her like a week after she punched me in the junk as a dare (i later found out i was gay bc she tried to kiss me at a school dance and i ran away) 
the first time I made out with someone we got stuck together bc we both had braces
(lowkey nsfw under the cut bc i am an adult and i can overshare about those things if i want but i recognize that makes some folks uncomfy)
I first got to third base after losing a round of super smash bros melee (”bro i can roast your ass as any character go ahead pick your main i’ll destroy you” “If you do i will literally jerk you off” and I am a man of my word) I did not realize this guy actually liked me until a month later because I am, in fact, a moron
I lost my virginity while watching the Princess Bride
I almost broke my nose cause I slipped in the shower while doing stuff and while my bf at the time was freaking out i asked if we could finish, unaware that blood was just pouring out of my nose
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parkersvibes · 5 years
finding out peter is spiderman
read part one here
a/n: omg guys. i got so much feedback from you all on part one so i decided to make a part 2. and yeahh i really hope you guys enjoy. if you do lmk and i’ll do a part 3 (:
(i also apologize if the read more doesnt work )))): )
warnings: fluff, a smidge on angst
pt 2. peter parker x stark!reader
• figuring out he was spiderman
• alright you’re a stark
• but no one knows that
• but you’re really intuitive
• so there were little things you started to notice
• after uncle ben died there was some weird shit (if you want a part ab comforting peter ab uncle ben lemme know. he deserves his own part)
• like how he stopped wearing his adorable glasses
•and i guess started almost bulking up????
• he got WAY taller
• and usually you’re used to seeing him shirtless but this one time you walked in on him
• holy mother of god
• freshman peter also got winded walking up the stairs
• must be nice
• but then things got more sus
• all of a sudden he was skipping class more
• leaving early
• cancelling study sessions and skipping movie nights with ned
• and you and ned were clueless
• you and ned started hanging out more
• he was like this little ball of happiness
• you found out his real name is Edward
• ngl pete got a bit jealous
• one night,,, when pete cancelled YET AGAIN
• ned asked you, “hey y/n?”
• “hm”
• “why don’t we ever hang out at your place”
• “i told you ned, my family is just a lot yanno. plus your family and may are really cool”
• “okay but how come you don’t have any social media under your name?”
• “wdym?”
• “like you go by ‘y/n Smith’ but everything that pops up on the internet isn’t YOU”
• “pfff i told you,,, i dont believe in that stuff”
• “y/n, you know you can tell me anything”
• you wanted to be honest. this was one of your best friends. and you’ve been lying to them about your family for over a year now
• “ned i just. it’s complicated”
• “like peter’s family?”
• “nonono, i’m lucky to have both of my parents- well i have a step mom. my real mom wanted nothing to do with me. so she left me on the steps of my dads house. never came back”
• “oh shit bro, i’m sorry”
• “nah don’t worry. my dad is really cool and my step mom... she’s awesome.”
• “what’re their names”
• “well- uh- my step moms name is,,, um. well her real name is Virginia”
• “and my- my dads name is ehm... st, steve???”
• natasha was gonna have your ass
• “y/n,,,”
• “yeah”
• “you’re a horrible liar”
• “dude you left your spiderman fan tumblr open on my laptop that one night,,, and i MAY have done some snooping”
• okay you mightve had a slight obsession with the webslinger. HE WAS COOL. and what better way to keep track of him without alerting your family,,, good ol tumblr
• oh god ned, HOW MUCH SNOOPING”
• “enough to know that you have a weird obsession with that spider guy and that your last name isnt smith”
• so you told him the truth. you were a stark
• and well,,, he reacted with
• “okay cmon,,, don’t lie”
• so you showed him your late night dance parties with Nat when she was feeling goofy
• and your random snaps of steve when he was trying to figure out how to work technology
• videos of you reacting to vines with bucky
(if yall wanna see domestic life with the avengers just lmk)
• which usually results with THE WINTER SOLDIER ALMOST PEEING HIS PANTS. and trying to reenact it with sam or the other avengers
• “heyheyehy y/n guess what?”
• “what bucky?” *is in the middle of doing hw*
• “FRESHOVACADO” *bolts out of the room before you throw something at him*
• only the two of you getting vine and meme references
• (meaning getting in trouble during meetings bc you’ll make eye contact and start laughing)
• OH HIS FAVORITE IS THE “country boiiii, i love you,,, 😛”
• anywaayyy
• ned was SHOOK
• “nowayohmygodyoureanavenger”
• “no ned,,, only when they need me to be”
• *led to him asking 100000 questions*
• “does Mr. America smell like old man”
• “what language does Ms. Widow think in”
• “how many shirts does Mr. Hulk own”
• “so do they wear normal clothes or are they always PREPARED”
• “does your dad have to walk a weird way when hes in his suit”
• “do they ever chafe in their suits”
• “yes ned. we’re stocked up on baby powder”
• which you didnt mind bc it felt nice telling the truth
• “ned no, i don’t want him to think of me differently”
• he understood. but still defended peter and said that hed still treat you the same
• anyway,,, peter started showing up with bruises and stuff which had you v concerned
• “pete what’s up? you’ve been avoiding ned and i and you have skipped out on every movie night since sophomore year started”
• “t’s nothing. dont worry ab it”
• “peter cmon, it’s just me”
• you figured maybe it had to do with ben??? but you gave him his space. you just wanted to be there for him yanno. you didnt want him to shut you out
• “Y/N I SAID ITS NOTHING. FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE???” he snapped (and not in the good way)
• and this was on your way to class so the whole hallway heard
• ouch
• so you left him alone. probably more than he meant. but it hurt
• i mean he was your first friend here, and now he yelled at you to leave you alone
• ned felt awful at first. trying to comfort you and tell you it wasnt your fault
• but then he started acting weird. whenever you brought up peter hed be super antsy about it
• you- “i think he got into another fight or something”
• ned- “pFFT PETER? FIGHTING? no way,,, i got-i gotta go”
• so you figured that whatever peter was hiding, ned knew about,, which also hurt your feelings
• so you closed off
• and wow could the super family tell something was wrong
• wanda- “little stark, i can feel your sadness all the way to my room”
• sam/bucky/rhodes- “okay what’s the deal, we’ve played 5 rounds of fortnite and you havent once rage quit even though you’re doing terrible”
• tony- “kid, what’s wrong? everyone here can tell you’re not feeling great”
• nat- “cmon. ive given you 3 opportunities to kick my ass and you havent once complained about me going easy?”
• thor- “lady y/n what is causing you distress? not once have you smiled, i even wore my hair in pigtails,,, and that seems to always do the trick”
• and you gave the same response every time “‘m just tired” “lots of homework”
• they noticed you werent going out on weekends anymore
• so tony figured that your friend group and you were having some Stuff
• pep gave him an idea of meeting his new prodigy
• now tony knew it’d be kinda sus because peter went to midtown but he figured that if the kid kept his mask on it’d be fine
• “dad i don’t wanna see another one of your weird maid robots”
• “wha- no i want you to meet someone”
• “dad college isn’t for another 2 years. if it’s your friend from MIT-“
• then right before your eyes was the insect boy that youve been admiring through the internet
• needless to say
• your jaw dripped
• “y/n meet spiderling, spiderling meet my daughter y/n stark”
• *seconds pass*
• “i uh- oH- um- sp-spidERman, h-hi. biG fan of you- your work”
• *silence*
• you- “oH dad diD you hear th-that? moM is calling mE”
• tony- “what?? pep wouldve called on the interco-“
• spiderman- “y/n”
• you- “p-peter???”
• tony- *shocked pikachu face* “you know each other???”
• you- “so-something like that yeah”
• peter takes off his mask
• “ohmygodpeterisspiderman”
• “ohmygodyourlastnameisntsmith”
• tony- “im gonna let you guys figure this out” *walks backward slowly*
*insert silence*
• you- “so this is what you were hiding, huh?” with a cold tone
• *yelling at each other for another minute. even though you couldnt hear what the other is saying*
• peter- “you really thought id do that?” (heartbreaking voice)
• you- “i- once i got to know you, i knew you wouldnt but i was scared. i didn’t know how to tell you. for once in my life i had found someone my age who liked ME for ME. not for my name or money or my dad. and i didn’t want to change that. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner”
• peter- “... i get what you mean. after ben died everyone gave me that look. except you and ned.”
• you- “why didn’t you tell me”
• peter- “everyone i love or ever cared about dies. my parents and then my uncle ben. so once i got my abilities i knew that the risk was even higher and i didn’t want to put you in that position. i wanted to keep you safe. but it seems like you know how to handle yourself” (referring to the fact that you grew up with THE EARTHS MIGHTIEST HEROS)
• y/n- “so how come ned found out?”
• peter *scratches back of neck* “well- he- i- May let him in my room and i happen to be crawling on the ceiling in my suit and he dropped the death star” *head hangs in shame*
• you had to giggle at that i mean CMON
• you stepped closer to him
• “pete you’re my best friend. you can tell me anything okay?”
• “no more secrets?”
• “no more secrets”
• and you both pinky promise and your thumbs “kiss” bc IF THEY ITS THE ULTIMATE UNBREAKABLE VOW DONT @ ME
• but you wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the moment
• wow he is really cozy
• * the avengers are watching from the cameras in awe*
• led to MANY questions at dinner
• and so everything went back to “normal”
• it wasn’t until you went to bed that night that you realized peter said the L word
• so much for no secrets
taglist: @silver-winter-wolf @emmmmszy @everythingaboutnothingsstuff @rexorangecouny @wishiwasanavenger @marjoherbo @nologinisoksothatsit @mindset-jupiter @hpnjrph @soup238
some favs/mutrals: @h-osterfield @starksparker @stuckonspidey @sunshinehollandd @keepingupwiththeparkers @hey-marlie @spyder-bites
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Saving Grace - Part 4
Summary: Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
(Takes place after The Avengers defeat Thanos and people lost in the snap are back).
A/N -Sorry summary sucks! If i say too much it will give things away! 💜
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"Hey Y/N, its good to see you!" Peter said as he saw me walking into the compound with Harrison.
"Hey Pete, how you doing?" I smiled giving the young boy a quick one armed hug.
"Oh my god your pregnant...."
"Yep" i nodded placing a hand on my growing bump "another one on the way, hey can we catch up later i have an appointment i need to get to and i've gotta drop Harrison off with Clint first" i said looking down at my son who was holding my hand.
"Yeah sure! It was real good to see you"
"You too".
After saying goodbye to Peter we headed to the elevator and made our way up to the common area. Harrison saw Clint as soon as the doors opened and run straight to him jumping into Clints arms as he bent down to his level.
"Did you get bigger?" I heard Clint ask Harrison as i walked towards them.
"Nooooo" Harrison laughed.
"I was actually talking to your mama"
"HAHA! and yes i probably did!" I rolled my eyes at him "i feel huge"
"You look beautiful! Im just playing with you"
"Thanks Clint! Your sure this is okay?...."
"Yeah of course we'll be fine, right bud?"
"Okay, here's his bag with some bits he might need and also... Fred" i held up his dinosaur teddy that he loved "i shouldn't be that long"
"Go, we're good here i promise"
"Okay.... be good for Uncle Clint buddy" i kissed his blonde hair quickly and turned back to the elevator. As the doors opened Bucky and Sam were standing there both giving me huge smiles.
"Hey doll, what you doing here?" Bucky asked before Sam could.
"Just dropping Harrison off with Clint, you guys are back early"
"Yeah another waste of time with Ross, I'm gonna go see my little man" Sam said leaving me with Bucky.
"So how come Clints watching Harrison?"
"Ive got a doctors appointment, i didn't want to have to worry about keeping Harrison occupied. You guys were busy and Clint offered"
"Your okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, just got an ultrasound. Its just to check on the baby, routine stuff"
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"You dont have to..."
"Id like to....if you dont mind of course"
"Sure, it'd be nice actually".
The drive to the hospital was quiet but not awkward, i kept catching Bucky looking over every now and then and we'd share a smile, butterflies going crazy in my stomach each time! The effect this man had on me was crazy!
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Walking into the hospital he suddenly became very nervous and i couldn't help but think he regretted offering to come with me.
"You can wait in the car if this makes you uncomfortable Bucky..."
"What?... no im fine doll. These places just freak me out" he gave me a small smile. I reached for his hand and laced my fingers with his giving his hand a squeeze.
"Come on, we wont be here long i promise".
After checking in we went to sit with all the other couples waiting for their appointments, some women clearly only attending their first check up, others looking like they were ready to pop any second. But all i could see were the happy couples, they all sat there looking happy. Last time i did this i was just like them, Steve and I were happy and in love.... or at least i had thought so.
"you okay?" Bucky asked quietly leaning closer to me.
"Yeah" i nodded quickly turning to look at him, by the look on his face he didn't believe me.
"Your a terrible liar" he smiled taking hold of my hand "you thinking about him?"
"I guess so, its just being here this time around is different from when i was pregnant with Harrison. I was just like them" i looked over at the happily loved up couples "thank you for coming with me Buck it would have been so much worse sitting here alone"
"Anytime. Anything you need I'm your guy" he leaned closer and pressed a kiss to my temple just as the nurse came out and called my name.
"I'll be right here when your done"
"Your not coming in?"
"I didn't think you'd want me to"
"Come on, i need you Bucky".
Bucky got up quickly nodding and following me into the examination room.
"Good afternoon Y/N" an older gentleman greeted me when i walked in.
"Im Dr Green"
"Where's Dr Gale?"
"Sick I'm afraid, your in good hands i promise" he smiled "okay so mom if you wanna get on the bed.... I'm guessing this is dad?.... you can pull up a chair to get a better look"
Bucky and I looked at each other but didn't correct the doctors assumption that Bucky was the dad, it was easier to just let him think that.
"Okay if you can just lift up your shirt i'll get started".
A few minutes later i was looking at my baby girl on the screen, the sound of her heartbeat filling the room.
"Everything looks great" Dr Green smiled at us as he clicked some buttons and made some notes "i'll get some of these printed for you guys and you can be on your way"
"Thats it?" Bucky asked looking confused.
"Yeah this was just to check everything is as it should be. I wont need to come back until D day now"
"D day?"
"Delivery day" i laughed wiping the gel of my stomach with the towels Dr Green had handed me.
"Oh right" Bucky nodded before smiling at me.
"First time dad huh? Its all very overwhelming i know, but just relax. This bit is the easy bit" Dr Green laughed handing the print outs to Bucky "i have four kids and 6 grandkids.....the hard bit is when their here"
I scoffed at that statement, it was easy for him to say he didn't have to push the kid out!!
"Really? Cause i would have thought the hardest part was Y/N having to actually have the baby" Bucky said looking at the doctor with a murder glare and i had to hold in a laugh.
"Oh of course! Im not saying giving birth is easy....."
"I should think not. You ready doll?" He held his hand out for me
"Yeah" i nodded smiling up at him as i took his hand "thank you Dr Green".
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"Man i wanted punch that guy in the face so bad" Bucky said quietly to me as we walked out to the car "as if the birth is the easiest part of having a kid?? The hard part is when their here??" He mimicked the doctors voice making me laugh "his kids and grandkids must be monsters! I mean Harrison's not hard work, his no trouble at all".
We stopped at the car and i couldn't help but smile at him "what?" he asked.
"Nothing, its just..... your pretty amazing Buck" i smiled reaching up and pressing my lips to his gently. He let out a little surprised gasp but quickly kissed me back, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. When we broke apart we were both breathless "wow" i smiled up at him feeling myself blushing.
"You got that right doll" he beamed.
"I know i said i wanted to wait til after the baby but i just couldn't help myself"
"Im not complaining, lets just take things slow. If you wanna kiss me again i wont object" Bucky smirked and i could just imagine him being like that back in the day before the war, before Hydra.
"Maybe later" i chuckled "lets go get Harrison and go home"
"Sounds perfect".
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@jennmurawski13 @kenzieam @captainchrisstan
@s-t-r-i-k-e-us @lets--be-honest @ms-betsy-fangirl
@damnaged-princess @farfromtommy @disneylovingal
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gh0stfacesho3 · 5 years
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader 
Warning: Mentions of death
Type: Angst with some fluff
Words: 1,864 words
Quirk: Puppeteer. This quirk allows you to control someone’s actions once you touch them with all five fingers. The only drawback is that you sometimes you get frozen in your position while you’re controlling someone.
   You and Katsuki have always butted heads from a young age but it wasn’t the same as him and Midoriya. It was almost worse then because y’all would always get into fights as kids that would end up terrifying your parents. Not to mention, Bakugo’s mother and your father dated in school before you and Bakugo were born, but then split up after Bakugo’s mother caught your father cheating on her with your current mother which created you. Then Bakugo’s mother got back at your dad by sleeping with his best friend which is currently Bakugo’s father. So there was rivalry before you and Bakugo were even born. You and him always hated each other but as you got older, the two of you just stopped talking because y’all hated the trouble you’d get into when you destroyed parks and playgrounds. Yet now, here y’all are. Stating each other down as you sit in your desk. The hate literally effected everyone in the room.
   “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much negativity in one room before.” Kirishima spoke with a small cough to clear the silence.
   Then Aizawa walked in, causing everyone but the two of you to look forward. Aizawa used his scarf to grab the two of your heads and make them turn to the front.
    “We are here to learn how to become Pro Heros, not to have rivalry. We will be doing a lot of things together so you need to learn how to work together, got it?!” Aizawa spoke with a stern tone.
    “Tch- yeah whatever. I’d never work with that poor excuse of a person.” Bakugo spoke under his breath.
   “Pft you act like I had anything to do with what happened between our parents.” You muttered back to him.
   “You did! If you were never born my mom would have been happy. She told me how amazing your father was but you ruined their chances of ever getting back together!” Bakugo yelled as he stood up.
   “You would have never even been born if it weren’t for me if you wanna pin this all on me. I understand why you’re mad but grow up Katsuki! We’re not little kids anymore so grow up. You’re just mad because my father has a better quirk than your father has!” You yelled back, standing up as well.
    “Enough!” Aizawa yelled, using his scarf to force both of you in your seats. He covered the two of your mouths to keep y’all from talking.
    That was the first day of school and now its the almost the end of the semester. You and Bakugo were alone in the commons area of the dorms, cleaning because y’all were punished for a fighting.
    “Why do you hate me?” You spoke up as your washed the dishes.
    “Because your fath-“ He started off before you cut him off.
    “No damnit! Me! Why do you hate me? Not my parents. Me.” You yelled as you slammed your hands on the counter. This question seemed to stump Bakugo for a few seconds so you decided to speak up. 
    “I’ll tell you why I hate you....because I’ll never be you. I’ll never have the confidence or power you have. You have so much and you don’t even realize it. You have an amazing mother who isn’t dying and a father that has a steady job. You don’t have to work just to make sure you can continue to attend the school or to help pay for your mother’s medical bill damnit!” You yelled as tears streamed down your face. “The only thing you have to worry about is being the number one hero and I would kill just to have that one thing to worry about but no, I’m stuck with all this bullshit and you hating me doesn’t help. As kids I hated you because I wanted to be you, I still do sometimes, but now I want to be better than you. The only reason we fought so much was because you wanted to because YOU hated me. So please Bakugo, tell me why you hate me.” You yelled out, looking at him with tears streaming down your face.
    “I always thought you hated me so that’s why I started to hate you. You always seemed so happy no matter what happened. Even when we fought yesterday you ended up smiling, saying that you could learn something from your loss. You have all these things wrong in your life yet everyone loves you because you’re so happy all the time. I never understood how you could be so happy all the time. That’s why I hated you, because you looked so happy all the time while I watched my parents argue over and over again. I wanted to live your life because you seemed like you had everything.” Bakugo admitted.
    “Now you know, I don’t have everything. I never had anything if you think about it. The only thing keeping me sane and alive was you. I never had real friends before UA. My mother was an alcoholic, that’s probably why she is dying in the hospital now, my father always wanted me to be better than him so he pushed me to limits that shouldn’t be pushed as a kid. I had every reason to leave this place but you were the only thing that got me out of bed because I wanted to be better than you.” You responded back as tears still streamed down your face. When you looked up, you see Bakugo standing in front of you.
    “I-....I’m s-sorry.” He apologized with gritted teeth to you as he stared at his feet. “I didn’t know all this was happening. How-...how could you be so strong?” He asked as he looked at your bloodshot eyes with his crisim ones.
    “Because I was basing my strength off of you.” You replied with a small smile as the tears started to slow down. Bakugo hugged you tightly. He doesn’t mind hating people but hating people over the wrong reason or for something they didn’t do is wrong.
    “Woah what the hell?” You asked as you laughed lightly.
   “Shut up...this is a once in a life time experience okay. The only other person I’ve hugged was shitty hair and it was an accident.” Bakugo said as he rolled his eyes.
    “Then I’ll enjoy every bit of it. I’m sorry for all the past things.” You replied as you hugged him tightly.
    Bakugo didn’t know what came over him but he melted into the hug too. “Don’t be sorry.” He replied as he pulled away and wiped your tears.
    “Now stop crying you nerd. We have cleaning to do and you have a lot of smiling to do.” Bakugo responded with his normal tone.
    It was now mutual between you two and the two of you actually started to become friends, well at least Bakugo’s understanding of friends.
    All of class 1-A was in the commons area having fun. It was about 6:30 pm and y’all were playing truth or dare for a little bit before you got a phone call.
    “Excuse me you guys. I gotta take this.” You said standing up. You walked over to the corner of the room and answered the call.
    “Hello?” You asked.
    “Hi is this f/n l/n ?” The caller asked.
   “Yes this is them. What’s going on?” You asked remember this caller ID was from the hospital. Your heart started to race as you waited for an answer. Last time you check you’re mother was about to leave the hospital so maybe today is the day you get to take her home.
    “Your mother passed away today. I’m so sorry for your loss.” Was all they said. You dropped your phone and screamed out, falling to the floor bawling. Everyone came running over, asking what was wrong.
    “She can’t talk you dumb asses.” Bakugo said as he walked over to you.
    “Oh yeah and do you think you could make her talk anymore than us?” Jiro asked with a huff.
    “No, but I can at least take get her to stop crying so that way she can talk.” He said as he picked you up. You tried o fight and protest but you couldn’t, you hated when people saw you like this but you just couldn’t do anything but cry. He brought you to the showers, telling you to take a shower and calm down. Momo walked in and looked confused yet concerned.
   “You’ll get in so much trouble, I’ll help her shower. You go get her clothes and come back.” Momo said causing Bakugo to nod before he went up to your room. He felt kinda weird going through your stuff so he went to his room and grabbed one of his hoodies along with a pair of boxers.
    “Hey Denki, I don’t want people seeing me take care of her and all that so distract them. Calm them down with that dumb face of yours.” Bakugo told Denki. He went back down to the showers and handed them to Momo.
    “Really?” She asked and went to create some clothes but you stopped her.
    “That’s fine.” You muttered softly, holding the fluffy towel to your chest. Bakugo turned around and waited for you to get dressed. Once you were dressed, he went over to you, walking with you to the commons area.
    “Here or your room?” He asked you quietly.
    “Room.” You said as you stayed close to him. Bakugo made Denki distract them for a little bit as he brought you up to your room. He placed you on your bed and went to walk out.
    “Bakugo?... Can you stay please?” You asked as you looked up at him. He sighed and closed the door, crawling into your bed while pulling you close to him. The two of you laid like that for awhile before you spoke.
    “My mother...she passed away today.” You told him causing Bakugo to hold you tight.
    “I’m sorry that happened.” He said looking down at you to see you staring at the wall, as it was keeping you from crying. He played in your hair, hoping you’d fall asleep soon, luckily you did. He slipped out from under you and went downstairs.
    “She’s okay. Her mother passed away today.” Bakugo told them and a lot of them gasped.
    “How?” They asked as they looked at him.
    “She’s been in the hospital for awhile now so she might have finally passed but she doesn’t know the cause yet.” Just as he said that, your phone that was still on the floor rung again. Izuku went over and let it ring, allowing it to go to voicemail. They left a voicemail so he opened it, seeing it was from the hospital.
    “Y/n, you need to be careful okay. We found out your mother died from an overdose but the autopsy showed there was struggle which means she was forced. We might have a murder on our hands. Please get back to us soon or we will call authorities in two hours.” The voicemail read out.
    “Shit.” Bakugo said as he looked at them.
part 2 coming soon
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Are you willing to write a Stucky with a child that has Cystic Fibrosis? If so, can it be a domestic fluff? Like Bucky finds the kid and they remind him of Pre-serum Steve so he and Bucky take them in. Thank you if you can. (I'm sorry just want to see a CF character in a fandom I love)
Hi dear!! I was very nervous to write this as I wasn't very aware of the symptoms of CF. I went on a lot of medical sites and I think I have the information right? If not I am so so sorry and I will redo it!! Also I'm going to make their child a daughter but feel free to switch up the pronouns!  -Selenophile
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Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition, which means that it is something you are born with. Cystic fibrosis is known to cause your lungs to produce extra-thick, sticky mucus. This mucus builds up and clogs your airways. Side effects include persistent cough with phlegm, postnasal drip, wheezing, shortness of breath, inability to exercise, as well as poor growth and low body weight despite a good appetite.
Y/N reads the doctors note every day. When she was younger, she didn't understand one word of it. At two years of age she would hand over the card to the family that had high hopes of adopting a little girl. They would usually leave without her. Her housemother, Mrs. Hamilton, always played it off as a different type of superhero form the comic books. Not a lot of adults want superhero babies. It was so easy to believe that. Now she’s 18. She getting released into the real world Luckily, her friend offered her house just till she can find a college to stay at.  Y/N had to learn the hard way that adults don't want a sick kid.
“Hey kiddo” Mrs. Hamilton said, her tone soft like silk.  “You read that dumb note everyday. It means nothing.”
“It apparently does. No adult wanted me in my 18 years of being here.” Y/N retaliated. 
“Don't think about that. They didn't deserve you anyway.” 
Y/N sighed and picked up her tote bags. “I’ll miss your kindness, Mrs. Hamilton.”
“You have my number if you need me.” 
“I know”
They shared a long tender hug. Y/N pulled away once she felt a little tickle in her throat. The tickle sadly turned into a whole fit. 
“Hey, if you ever need me to pay for your Bronchodilators, please text me. I don't mind.”
“Of course Mrs. Hamilton. Ill see you around.”
And with that, Y/N made her way down the stairs. This place, so familiar, was now going to be apart of her past. She remembers running all around with her “brothers”. Patiently eating dinner with her “sisters” was the best. Even exploring the world with their gender-fluid and non-binary siblings was so exciting. Mrs. Hamilton and her always had the best talks. Mr. Hamilton helped with her homework. So, so many memories from this place. She’ll miss it.
The outside world was so much different now that Y/N was out on her own. She took her meds this morning, so that once gross, pollen-infested air didn't even bother her anymore. Her brave feet carried her away from the place she used to call home. The first order of business before heading to her house of 2 months though, get some lunch. Wendy’s has a pretty amazing salad and it was only 2 blocks down. Lucky for her, 2 blocks was her walking limit. Off she went.
That's where Bucky and Steve were enjoying a lovely lunch as well. Steve had a hamburger, and Bucky had some chicken nuggets.
“Alright dear” Steve said “Check Wendy's off your list”
“Already did. I think its pretty good! Not my favorite though.” Bucky replied happily. 
The newly-founded couple have been going to one fast food place a week to introduce Bucky to different types. Any fast food restaurant one could think of, they're going. It was a mix of a date and bringing Bucky up to modern times. It was good for them.
“Bucky, all you get is chicken nuggets you should branch out.” 
“Leave me aloneeee I love my chicken nuggets”
They giggled together, and returned to eating. That's when Y/N walked through the door. She was already panting. Not even realizing, she passed the two men who would change her life. 
Y/N stood patiently, waiting to order. Bucky watched her. Her small, skinny stature reminded him so much of young Steve. Even the way she panted after walking in. Steve would do the same.
“Who are you looking at my love?” Steve questioned.
“Oh, the girl on line. She reminds me so much of you. Skinny, Small, I heard her panting. Look she's coughing now too. What was it called?”
Steve turns around and smiles “Bucky she's cute but what's your point?”
Bucky jumped up “I'm gonna talk to her!”
“That's cute love but please come back id like to enjoy our date before our next mission”
The long-haired man nodded, skipping happily over to Y/N. Just as he was approaching though, an older man came behind her and snatched her wallet. Bucky was ready to pounce, but Y/N was first to it. She was so weak, so she flung right off with a simple push of the man.
“Hey doll, you alright?” He asked softly. 
She nodded weakly, already shaking. Steve rushed out the door to follow the man.
“That's my boyfriend, he’ll get your wallet. Why don't you sit with us? I’ll get your lunch! What would you like?”
Y/N looked up at him. “I-I” she took a minute to wheeze out a cough “T-that's too kind of y-you.”
“Please its my pleasure! what would you like?”
Y/N tells him a simple Caesar Salad. He happily picks her up, along with her stuff. Bucky told her where she was sitting, and she made her way.
This is so weird. Y/N thinks to herself. She takes a seat regardless through, watching the tall blonde walk towards the shorter brunette. She sees her wallet and feels at ease. 
“She’s either a runaway or an orphan whos turned 18. We need to take her in” Bucky whispered into his ear. 
“Or she's just heading off to college? I cant put a girl a risk” Steve whispered back. 
“Please Steve. She reminds me so much of you. She cant survive out here one her medication runs out. And to be honest? She seems like she has a low dosage the way she's still wheezing and coughing like that.”
“One day James. If she changes my mind in one day, we can keep her”
Bucky happily kissed Steve's cheek. He carefully grabbed the salad and took it to the girl. 
They ate together rather happily. The couple learned her name was Y/N. She’s and 18 year old girl who just came out of the system, just like Bucky hypothesized. To sum up her condition , she showed them the note - which was only kept for nostalgic purposes - which made Steve feel connected to her more. 
“So no one adopted you because you have Cystic Fibrosis?” Bucky asked
“No one wants a sick kid”
Steve sympathized. “I used to have CF too. Once I got the super solider serum I never had to deal with it again. I understand where you come from though. Being constantly underweight and small, also no matter how hard you try you cant become better at exercise. I get it.”
Bucky took Steve’s hand and kissed his cheek. Y/N smiled, continuing to eat her salad. She didn't even question the fact that he was Captain America, she understands how it feels to be bombarded with questions. 
They managed to convince Y/N to stay for the night. She fought them on it, telling them they were being way too nice for a girl who was about to ruin their night. Bucky continued to tell her to shush it, while Steve was having a change of heart.
It was a good night. They watched TV together, enjoyed a lovely home cooked dinner, talked some more about each other and even played some old timey board games. Y/N had the time of her life. No way on Earth would she do this with any other adult who offered her help. Since Steve had a similar experience and Bucky helping him through said experience, it gave Y?N the confidence to take the offer. She never regretted it
That one day became one week. That one week became one month. The one month became a year. Steve and Bucky were there every step of the way. Convincing to ask the little web slinger Peter Parker out to prom, taking said prom pictures, helping Y/N with homework, taking her on cool adventures. The day of her high school  graduation they gave her the gift of a car. She gave them the official title of Dad. When the papers for official guardianship were clear, it was the happiest day of the trio’s life. 
Now, its the night before Y/N goes to college. Her bags were packed. Her small, cozy bedroom looked so vacant now. Her dads were cuddled up on the couch.
“Got any room for a jellybean?” She asked softly. 
“Yes we do! Always!” Bucky cheered happily,splitting apart from Steve. The small girl jumped in, which was a big mistake since she was already taking deeper breaths. 
“Did your school accommodate for your CF?” Steve asked, giving her a big fat kiss on her cheek.
With a giggle, she replied “Yeah dad, They put me in the closest dorm to the classroom. They also put me on the lower floor on the dorm building. AND Peter said he was gonna help me out.”
“You and Peter are too cute, I'm happy he takes interest in you”
“Thanks Dad 2″
Y/N leaned right into her dad 2 where she was scooped under the chilly metal. Steve got up, moving to the fleshier side of his husband. Yes, in the year Y/N lived with them, they finally got themselves together and got married. Y/N was Bucky’s maid of honor, and she joined in on the couples first dance. 
They watched the stupid soap opera that was on late at night. all three of them couldn't even keep up with what was happening.
“Dads, I love you” Y/N blurted out. 
“Woah kid, you better catch your breath, because we love you too.” Bucky responded as Steve reached over, playing with the girls hair. Her happy giggled gave Steve and Bucky the message: they changed this girls world.
Send all requests to the Inbox!!💌
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macgyvergirluk · 4 years
macs big birthday
i done this for lucas birthday on monday but as its my own birthday on sunday im not going to have time to shear this on time so thought id put it up earlie.  hope you have a wounderful 30th birthday monday :)
Jack has a plan, it’s not every day you turn thirty and Jack is going to make sure Mac has the best thirtieth birthday ever. Jack knows that once Mac’s father had left on his tenth birthday. Mac hasn’t cared much for birthdays ever since. Until he met Jack. Jack got kind of upset when he found out by accident that Mac was having his twenty first birthday in the sand box, so he grabbed a few fellow soldiers and they had a little party of their own for him. And even though it wasn’t much Jack had to give to Mac. He gave him his first taste of alcohol, and it was not the good stuff. Ever since then Jack had tried to make the day special for Mac.
But this one has to be extra special it is the big three zero. But he had promised Mac no fuss or big parties as Mac hated to be fussed over and Jack want this to be the best birthday Mac has ever had and the most memorable.
Jack has spent months planning Mac’s birthday and checked in with Matty that it was ok for him and Mac to have that weekend off. Also the Friday and Monday to make it an extra-long weekend. Matty had given it the go ahead and even planned to give Mac a lot of lab work that week so Mac and jack wouldn’t end up getting injured. Jack had sorted it with Riley to track them and where they were going so if she saw any suspicious activity to warn them and then send someone in to sort it before it got to Jack and Mac as Jack actually wanted to enjoy this vacation as much as he wanted Mac to. And that meant not getting kidnapped or shot at.
As the time grew closer Mac was getting suspicious of all the secrecy around him and was worried that Jack may have gone over the top for his birthday. Not that Mac didn’t appreciate Jack's efforts but he just liked have a couple of quiet beers with friends, no mad parties. But he knows Jack loves an excuse to throw a party from time to time.
So Mac is quiet surprised when Jack tells Mac to pack his hiking gear and anything he would need for a few days away fishing. He is even more surprised that Bozer wasn’t packing and says he’ll see him in a few days and to enjoy his trip. Once Mac’s jeep is all packed up, he and jack set off early Friday morning. Jack jumps in the driver’s seat, Mac in the passenger’s and they set off.
‘You excited, hoss. Just us and the wilderness.’
‘Yeah I was surprised when you told me what you had planned.’ Mac smiles.
‘Well, it’s your big three zero, you got to enjoy it, man.’
Three hours later Jack pulled up in front of a lovely log cabin situated next to a large lake.
‘Let’s get the stuff inside, then hit the lake. I fancy fish for dinner.’ Jack says.
‘And what if we don’t catch any?’
‘Then you’re gonna be out there a long time, hoss, cause we got nothing else.’ Jack jokes.
An hour later once they have settled in to the cabin, Mac and Jack are out on the lake, rods out in the water relaxing and sipping a beer.
‘Now this is the life.’ smiles Jack.
‘Who new turning thirty could be so peaceful?’
‘You won’t be saying that when we’re back at work.’
‘Right now I’m not even thinking about that.’
It takes them two hours to get a bite and by that time jack has nearly given up until Mac’s rod starts to move and he catches the world’s smallest fish.
‘Just put it back that won’t even scratch the sides. [AM1] I suggest we go and cook those steaks I brought just in case.’
‘Sounds good.’
Mac loves sitting outside cooking on the campfire and listening to Jack ramble on about his dad, who would bring him to places like this as a kid. Mac is grateful he has Jack in his life.
The following day they go for a hike through the woods and find a waterfall. Mac can’t think of any place he’d rather be right now.
Jack was so glad he has tired Mac out today, hopefully the kid wouldn’t wake up too early for the surprise tomorrow. Being a secret agent has its draw backs when you want to sneak around.
For extra measure Jack may have slipped a little bit of a sleeping tablet in to Mac’s hot chocolate as he knew Mac hates any type of drugs. But Jack wants to make Mac’s thirtieth birthday special.
The following morning Jack makes sure the blond was sound asleep which he was and he quietly lets Bozer, Matty and Riley in to the cabin to start preparations. While Bozer starts on his famous pancakes, Jack and Riley start to put up decorations while Matty sets up all the cards and presents on the coffee table.
It isn´t till nine am that a disheveled Mac walks out the bedroom, hair a mess, half asleep. He has woken to a surprise smell of pancakes not just any old pancakes but the ones he only associates with Bozer.
He nearly jumps a foot in the air when Jack, Matty, Riley and Bozer jump out from behind the sofa yelling happy birthday.
‘Before you say anything about no parties, this is not a party, this is your family wanting to spend time with you on your big day.’ Jack explains, leading Mac over to a seat in the living area where Bozer hands him a plate with pancakes.
‘Thanks Boz.’
Mac looks at them all, as they all dig in to their food. He can’t believe they have driven all this way just for him on their day off. They could have been in bed still relaxing.
‘Thanks for coming, you really didn’t have to.’ Mac says.
‘It’s not every day my man turns thirty.’ says Boz.
Once breakfast is eaten, Riley announces, it’s time for presents and excitingly hands Mac her gift, a blue envelope, inside is a message saying he was going to be spending 2 days with NASA engineers behind the scenes.
Mac looks at Riley in disbelieve.
‘I think you mean thanks and that’s for me to know and you not to know.’ she smiles.
‘Thanks Riles.’
‘Me next, me next.’ Bozer chants, handing Mac his present.
Mac laughs when he opens it, it’s a book called cookbook for scientists.
‘You do know that probably won’t help his cooking.’ Jack says, ‘may help him blow it up more.’
‘I hope not.’ Bozer answers, now worried about his gift while the others laugh.
‘Now blondie, I’m not one for getting all sentimental on you but as it is your thirtieth happy birthday.’ Matty hands him a large box. Mac doesn’t know what to say as he opens it and pulls out thirty boxes of paper clips and thirty rolls of duct tape.
‘You can never have to many.’ she smiles. Mac puts the box down and gives Matty a big hug.
‘Now my turn, I bet you can’t wait to see what I got you hoss.’ Jack goes over to the cupboard and comes back, handing Mac an odd shape parcel. It’s a bear holding the number thirty. Mac looks at it as he was not expecting that from Jack. Jack is known for his randomness but normally it’s something Mac can use or they can do together but a bear…
‘You like it?’ Jack asks.
‘Yeah.. its.. great.’ Mac smiles. He knows big birthdays mean a lot and maybe as this bear has thirty on it it’s to remind him of his time here. And mac shouldn’t be ungrateful, he isn’t, he’s just surprised. It isn’t till he goes to put the bear on the table that he notices a string round the bear’s neck and that string led to a bag behind the number thirty. Mac takes the bag from the bear and opens it and inside is a set of keys. A set of keys he recognized. They are the keys to the Mustang he and jack had spent the last year doing up together, after jack had bought it as a random buy.
He looks at Jack stunned, then back at the keys.
‘Happy birthday, hoss, she is all yours. You need a great set of wheels for when you find a lady friend one day instead of that jeep of yours. I know she doesn´t beat my GTO, but…’
‘Jack, it’s perfect, thank you.’ Mac says trying to hold back his emotions on such a gift. He pulls Jack in a hug which Jack returns not wanting to let go of his boy. Mac may not have a dad to share in these moments and make these moments special, but Jack is sure going to make up for that loss.
The rest of the day is spend swimming in the lake playing random outdoor games followed by a lovely birthday meal prepared by Bozer with a massive number thirty cake, made to look like it had been made out of paper clips.
Mac can’t be happier as he blows out his candles. This has been his best birthday yet. And he got to spend it with the people he loved.
‘Right, some of us have to work tomorrow blondie, so we got to love you and leave you and we’ll see you both bright eyed and bushy tailed on Tuesday.’ Matty announces as they prepare to leave.
‘Absolutely Matty.’ Mac smiles.
As Mac shuts the door after their goodbyes and settles down with a cold bear with Jack, he feels that no other birthday will ever come close to this one.
‘Thanks Jack.’
‘For what?’
‘You know.’
Jack just smiles.
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angelcatsiel · 4 years
I reblogged an ask game thing the other day but no one sent any asks so I just fuckin answered them all because I was bored and I am learning to not give a fuck what anyone thinks of me and it was fun
1. What is your favorite childhood story of yourself?
This is a hard one. I want to think of a funny one but my childhood wasn’t great. My dad has told me that when I was a toddler, before I can remember, he used to play AC/DC and I used to put clothes pegs in my hair for some unknown reason, stand on the sofa and violently headbang.
2. What is the stupidest way you have ever gotten hurt?
When I was about 11, I was swinging on a swing in the garden, and got curious about what would happen if I put my hands right at the very bottom of the chains while I was swinging. The answer was that I fell off backwards and hit my head. I went in to my dad crying, calmed down, and went back on the swing again. I tried to work out what exactly I had done to cause myself to fall off. I remember thinking, I think I held the chains near the bottom like this... and tested the theory, and fell off again, and hit my head again.
This is one of many stupid injuries. Other considerations were the time I climbed up a slide and hit my head on the bar at the top and knocked myself out, or the time I got kicked by a horse in a field and grabbed onto the electric fence to hold myself up.
3. What was the first PG-13 movie you watched?
Literally no idea.
4. What was the first R rated movie you watched?
I think it may have been the first Deadpool? Haven’t seen that many tbh
5. When was the moment you felt most badass?
When I was about 8, I was at the park with my brother, and this much older kid (maybe about 16 or 17, hardly a kid) with an aggressive dog stole my brother’s ice cream money. I marched up to him and demanded he give it back. He let his dog off the lead and it sniffed around my ankles and growled, and he told me it would bite me if I ran. I stood there and stared him down for a good 20 seconds or so before he called back the dog and walked away. I didn’t get the money back.
6. What is a band you can reliably always love?
Marillion. Favourite band, always.
7. What is your favorite form of self expression?
Probably singing even though I’m very bad at it.
8. What is something from your childhood you wish you still had?
My stuffed rabbit Hoppy. I haven’t been able to find him in several years. Can’t think about it too hard or I’ll cry.
9. Where is your favorite place on earth?
The Isle of Wight. My dad used to take me and my brother there for holidays every few years. It’s beautiful and full of memories, the most precious memories being the time we saved up vouchers in the newspaper to go the year after my dad left his abusive wife and ended up homeless. We were so poor but with the vouchers we could just afford to go, and it was the first time I saw my dad happy in a long time.
10. What is the longest friendship you have ever had?
My best friend @van-helsa124 who I have known since literally nursery and I love her so much.
11. Is there anyone is your life you wish you had met sooner than you did?
Maybe my friend Luce who I only met a couple of years ago, but we’ve grown close pretty quick.
12. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yep definitely. Pretty sure I was visited by my gran after she died and I’ve had a few creepy experiences.
13. What is the coldest water you have ever swam in?
No idea tbh, I don’t swim much
14. How old were you when you learned how to swim?
Maybe 8 or 9? I had lessons in primary school.
15.  What song do you listen to when you’re sad?
Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift. It’s my cry song.
16. Are you an adrenaline junky?
Yep! Love roller coasters and stuff like that, and would love to do something extreme like jump out of a plane or something.
17. What is a song that takes you back to childhood?
I have a few but the main ones are probably Man on the Moon by REM, and You Were Right by Badly Drawn Boy.
18. What is your favorite word?
Not sure I have one. For some reason the only one coming to mind is a place not too far from where my family live called Biggleswade, and I have to say it every time we drive past because I love saying it. I also love saying tiddies at every opportunity.
19. What is your least favorite word?
Don’t think I have a least favourite either, the usual infamous ones (e.g. moist) don’t really bother me.
20. What scent reminds you of childhood?
Cherryade. I drank some several years ago and the smell before I tasted it transported me immediately back to my childhood and a memory I’d completely forgotten, which was my gran constantly buying me a shit ton of cherryade every time I stayed over her house.
21. Were you sad when you found out clouds weren’t like pillows, or did you never think that?
I don’t think I was sad, I think I was just curious and interested to learn, and I tried to come up with new interesting ways of describing the feeling of clouds in my head, since even as a kid I loved to write.
22. When in life did you laugh the hardest?
A few times come to mind and they all involve @van-helsa124. A lot would make absolutely no sense, no matter how much I tried to explain. They’re now ‘friendship memes’. The only one that might be explainable is the first time we ever got drunk, to celebrate achieving ultimate friendship, after we found out that her mum had believed me and her were in a relationship for a year and a half. We even created our own drink, named the year and a half, which was literally just a mix of vodka, koppaberg, rose wine and cloudy lemonade. Tasted better than it sounds. Got me drunk in about 0.5 seconds. Ended the night hugging her trash can trying not to throw up while she read me a destiel fanfic to take my mind off feeling sick
23. What makes you laugh when you don’t feel like laughing?
Old yogscast videos.
24. Do you come from a big family?
Fairly big, lots of aunts and uncles and cousins.
25. What is your favorite part of yourself?
My positivity and the inner strength that I have, that helps me find happiness and courage even when my mental health is low.
26. What is the worst pain you have ever felt?
Trigeminal neuralgia pain (facial nerve pain). Spent 90% of January this year constantly crying and even screaming in pain. Hospital couldn’t do anything for me. I get occasional flare ups now but nothing that severe, but it’s probably going to come back. Feels like someone trying to rip out my cheekbone and jawbone or like someone is literally drilling into the bones in my face, and that’s the milder part. Every so often that pain is interrupted by stabs of sharper pain like electric shocks which have caused me to collapse to the floor screaming. 0/10 do not recommend
27. Do you swear often?
Not super often out loud but very often in my head.
28. Do you get confused for being older or younger than you are?
People always assume I’m younger than I am. I get asked for ID for everything.
29. What is your favorite way to eat a potato?
Probably roast potatoes, but they’ve gotta be done right. Soft inside, crispy outside, and obviously with herbs and spices.
30. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Honestly no idea.
31. Describe yourself in 6 words?
Slightly unstable yet somehow happy weirdo
32. What is the worst insult you have ever received?
Can’t think of any major insults either lmao no one talks to me apparently
33. Have you ever taken in any media that changed your life?
The Good Place and Supernatural. With supernatural it wasn’t the actual show so much as the friendships it made me and the confidence and happiness the conventions gave me, at a time when my mental health was at its worst, although the show helped massively too. Idc if it’s cringey, it kept me alive. The Good Place changed my entire worldview and actually made me less afraid of death.
34. Have you ever collected anything?
My model horses! I have at least 10 at this point
35. Strangest thing you have ever broken?
As in bones or objects? Can’t think of any objects and the only time I ever broke a bone was when I broke my toe at like 12:01am on new year’s day when I got up to pour myself another drink and tripped over the table
36. Weirdest food you have ever eaten?
I’m not that adventurous with food so nothing that weird
37. Childhood nickname?
My dad would call me Flo. Not sure why.
38. Most people you have shared a bed with in a non sexual manner?
Two. Shared a bed with my best friend and my other friend Josh, once at a convention, once at Josh’s birthday. Birthday one is a bit blurry as I was drunk but at the convention I got to be in the middle and spooned Josh while my best friend spooned me and it was very cosy
39. What is something that makes you fall asleep?
The Marillion song Angelina, or this one ASMR video that’s supposed to be the sound of being in the Impala with the Winchesters. Laugh all you want, I like it.
40. Did your parents ever accidentally lose or forget you?
No but my teacher did once, can’t remember the context, I think she had to drive me and some other girls somewhere for some club event and when we got back to the school she forgot me in the car because I was so quiet lmao
41. If you were a superhero what would your weakness be?
I would be a terrible superhero and have many weaknesses. Loud noises would immediately put me out of action. Someone makes eye contact with me and I disintegrate immediately
42. What food reminds you of home?
Tuna pasta! With this one specific sauce that my mum used to make it with
43. What is your comfort food?
Probably also that tuna pasta. And chocolate. A shit ton of chocolate.
44. Cold room with lots of blankets or hot room with no blankets?
Cold room with lots of blankets, no question.
45. No shoes without socks or no shoes with socks?
No shoes without socks
46. Do you run hot your cold?
I am presuming this means ‘do you run hot or cold’ and the answer is, usually, both simultaneously. My body has no idea what temperature regulation is. Catch me out for a walk in short sleeves in the snow, sweating profusely while violently shivering bc I’m feeling extremely hot internally but my skin is freezing (and yes, I have actually done this). Do I have some sort of legit medical issue? No one knows, least of all my doctors!
47. Favorite condiment?
Probably ketchup. Though I also love garlic dip. Does that count as a condiment?
48. What utensil do you use the most?
Probably my tongs for turning chicken and stuff
49. When are you most comfortable?
Any time I’m home alone, just doing my own thing
50. If you could be really good at one thing, what would it be?
Singing! I would love to be an amazing singer but sadly I am a terrible singer though I do practice every day in the vain hope that maybe my voice will improve. If the neighbours could hear me they would have killed me by now
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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