#its disgusting <3
padfootswiftie · 1 year
🎨 by greenlights 33 on ig
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we should just kiss like real people do
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justaz · 25 days
thinking about arthur who has crazy quick reflexes and is a relatively light sleeper who woke up to the sound of someone in his room and saw merlin crouched down messing with his keys before softly asking “whatre you doing?…before breakfast?”
#like in that scene in s2 when merlin was calling out arthurs name from under his bed#and he jumped up (thinking merlin was long gone) grabbed his sword and postured for a fight#or that one in idk which season when merlin was sneaking in his room and he woke up and grabbed his sword when merlin bumped a chair#and then merlin brought the canopy/curtains around his bed down on him#vs waking up to see melin splayed over him and staring for a beat#before flinching back#(he was definitely having some thoughts and/or dreams but thats neither here nor there)#idk thinking about arthur who trusts merlin inplicitly and allows himself to lower his guard around him#his guard which he keeps up even in his sleep#GOD imagining them in an established relationship and merlin for once has /so/ much trouble waking arthur up#like before it was sorta bad but arthur was always in that half awake state#but now that theyre together….arthur wont even groan when merlin starts poking his ribs#arthur finally feeling so safe and protected that he allows his guard to drop in his sleep#and its the first time hes ever felt truly refreshed in the morning#so now merlin has infinitely more trouble waking him up but when hes up hes UP and ready to go#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#arthur bby they could never make me hate you#hes just a girl desperately craving love and protection#merlin isnt even offering it#hes shoving it into arthurs arms with insults flying off the tongue#theyre so disgusting#(affectionate)#<3#headcanon#head canon#hc
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obsob · 2 years
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sending emails but sniffling and whimpering after typing each word
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laniidae-passerine · 1 month
I don’t think Tashi’s look of disgust when Art kisses her knee is actually about him. It’s at herself. Their dynamic is so entirely shaped by power, by the fact that Art is lesser than her. She’s better at tennis, better at keeping her control, better at getting Patrick to fall into her bed. It’s the uncaring idol and the tortured devotee. Hell, it’s outright stated; she asks “what am I, Jesus?” and he says “yes” like it’s obvious. Even the way they sit in that scene shows how Tashi is a religion to him, kissing and bowed over her lap like in prayer. Which is why, to a woman who buys into that dynamic, who also thinks of herself as God to Art’s worshipper, it’s so disgusting that she truly does love him. Tashi adores him. Not even close to as much as she adores tennis, but she does. Right after that scene she goes and asks Patrick to throw the match - because if Art loses, she leaves him. And she doesn’t want to have to leave him. It goes against what she knows. God is not supposed to make sacrifices for mere mortals. Achilles is not meant to swoon at the soft weakness of his heel. But here she is, seeing the chip in her armour and thinking it lovely anyway. Hence the look.
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
I know it's quite the topic of debate, but I thought I'd share my thoughts on Strauss getting kicked out of camp anyways.
Just to be clear, Strauss having a place in the gang proves that Dutch doesn't follow his own code unless it benefits him in some way. It's true that Strauss brings in money, but the fact that Dutch said himself that robbing banks is more dignified than usury - loaning money with insane interest to the poor - says an awful lot. He knows exactly what Strauss does to lure in the poor to take up his offers and still allows him to do it.
In a way, Strauss and Dutch are similar in how they lure in the poor and destitute to work for them. That's likely why Dutch has no strong feelings towards Strauss and his work, because they aren't too different from one another.
Common criticisms I see for Arthur kicking out Strauss is how unfair it is since "Strauss is as bad as the rest of the gang". While I would usually agree to an extent, but Strauss is a unique case.
Robbing banks, rich folk in trains, shops and killing lawmen are still big crimes that cannot be downplayed, but compared to deliberately prying on the poor - and offering them loans they will never be able to pay off - is sick work on its own. Especially when Strauss is so nonchalant about it, calling it simply "legal work" with physical abuse involved.
Strauss stayed in the gang because they protected him and he was able to use Arthur as means for guaranteeing payment. It's worth noting how much Arthur despised the work too, he loathed it entirely and his resentment for Strauss built up until he finally took action.
To highlight, majority of Strauss' "clients" were working themselves (and their families) to death even if they were already sick themselves. Families with children, the elderly, the ill, destitute, starving and working themselves ragged to pay off an impossible debt.
And Strauss knows this, that's why he still did it because he knew these poor families had no choice.
Compare that to robbing a train full of rich folk.
Almost laughable, right? The rich can afford to replace their stolen goods, Leviticus Cornwall can afford another train, the city can afford to reimburse the banks. The rich, however, cared very little for the poor. These destitute families had nobody to help them and these loans seemed like answered prayers until they needed to be paid off.
And they were beaten for not being able to pay.
The gang never targeted the poor for just monetary gain, apart from Strauss.
Strauss is a vulture, going for the easy pickings in his work. I believe he deserved to be kicked out and I agree with Arthur that it was long overdue.
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normystical · 1 month
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basslinegrave · 4 months
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so i had an idea because i work with fur and have 3 dogs and all of my clothes end up covered in fur. i thought about these two just going thru lint rollers rapidly - but no, they wouldnt. everything is covered in fur. paired up with a dingy sofa.
unshaded (and unfurred) under the cut
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thaliasthunder · 3 months
they make me feel physically ill
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rugwurm · 8 months
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ah no way.. sinclair......
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dykesevika · 6 months
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my wife :3
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I’ve been laughing for 5 fucking minutes about Howdy just wetly slapping on the floor with a slide sound affect after emerging and everyone just staring at him really amazed yet absolutely disgusted, I’m going into orbit
behold, the Majestic Product of Metamorphosis ✨
#ok i was aiming for amazed-but-disgusted#but my hand slipped so now we have unimpressed-concerned-disgusted#but yeah no yeah trust me i also find the concept Really Fucking Funny#been periodically thinking about it for the past like. 2 days#breaking into sporadic and slightly manic cackling over it#i wouldve put more effort into this except its 5 am and im tired and honestly?#the lower quality scribbles add to the experience#scribble salad#welcome home#yassified howdy <3#butterfly howdy my beloved disaster <3#honestly i spent the most time on getting the right sounds. that part is Important to me#even if the visuals arent up to snuff the audio Will be on point#i actually put way too much effort into the sounds#there were like. three layers of track#and i even recorded my own slap sound (wet napkins on my bathroom floor)#along with ambient bg noise (recorded the same silent bathroom). for some reason. there Was a reason....#anyway i havent stopped thinking about butterfly howdy#he owns my brainspace lately#he forcefully shoved everyone else into the garage and locked the door#k alright im gonna post this and pass tf out for anywhere between 6-19 hours#a lil early morning treat for us all#i should make a butterfly howdy tag... no no i shouldnt. unless...#also i wouldve incorporated your slide sound effect except i had no idea what you meant <3 oopsies <3#but im glad someone else also found this Highly Entertaining ty for this opportunity to shitpost#actually is this vid even funny or am i Tired. maybe both! either way Someone will get a kick out of it
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orangechickenpillow · 5 months
Playing Astarion’s origin is kind of weird because every so often you have to go against his character for the sake of the plot and say something like "You're welcome to join me" to Gale Dekarious, which Astarion would never in his undead life be caught saying
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the thought of every demon in the northern palace being confused and disgusted w how a cowardly, pathetic, wimpy, weak, annoying, sad excuse for a cultivator like shang qinghua was able to bag such an absolute baddie like mbj is so hilarious to me bc can u imagine working for the stoic, merciless, lethal mobei jun who slaughters anyone who dare disobey him, right hand man to the demon emperor himself
and then suddenly one day mbj just appears w a disgusting little thing attached to him crying and wailing nonstop 24/7 and mbj is just? ok w that?? in fact, it seems he doesnt mind??? like at all????
like someone caught sqh eating an entire stick of butter from the palace fridge at three twenty five am and instead of getting mad the next day mbj ordered the entire fridge to b stocked w butter and only butter
every single demon is downright terrified of this odd little man bc he has mbj completely wrapped around his finger and neither of them seem to notice
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princsstwilightsparkl · 3 months
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saying "if aroace people can date, then can lesbians date men?" is absolutely aphobic narrative btw!
#sorry just have to say this lol#so tired of people generalizing all aroace people as romance averse#its absolutely erasure of the rest of the spectrum#the top tweet isnt so bad depending on who theyre talking about#if a character ACTUALLY is canonically romance/sex aversed then yea its weird to erase that#but if they're canonically AROACE and you go 'erm that character cannot date or have sex🤓☝️' ur being aphobic as fuck#the 'shown no attraction to anyone' part kind of throws me off there#i hate when people say 'well this character didnt have feelings for anyone in the one year time span of the show so theyre romance aversed-#and nobody can ship them or else i'll harass u and subtweet u!1!!'#like. a characters life may not involve sex or romance at all fucking times. that does not make them aroace.#ur headcanon- even if you think its based on a logical conclusion- is not reality#sometimes yall just be making shit tf up#complaining about 'fanon' as if ur not the one pretending ur hc is real and treating everyone else like theyre the bad ones#but if that tweet is just saying that IN ADDITION to theyre canon identity then yea. thats valid.#their* </3#obviously the reply is fucking disgusting#i couldnt reply directly cuz my twitter is priv#people will say this kind of shit to ME- AN AROACE PERSON#u preach about aro/ace erasure but when an actual aroace walks in you tell them their way of being aroace is wrong#not everyone is the fucking same.#non-partnering aroaces deserve more rep but telling partnering aroaces that their way of being aroace is wrong is genuinely horrific#like actually fuck u#aromantic#asexual#aroace#arospec#meowing (yapping)
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Ugh there's something so cool and sad about jason working his way up to humanity and being allowed basic decency repackaged as 'rewards'
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mujinzzzzz · 1 month
just got to act 3 in my first durge playthrough,,, I get it now,,, gortash fuckers I apologize I kinda get it now 😧
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