#its just that i dont know how many more ways i can remind ppl that there are spoilers on here and theyre not gonna be tagged
thirteen-is-life · 6 months
Please remember that it's good form to tag spoilers!!!
I mean this as politely as humanly possible, but content tagging is a courtesy that some people choose to do, not a requirement.
A few days ago I posted a friendly reminder that I'm generally not a spoiler tagger and not to expect it going into the 60th anniversary specials. The same way that other people make posts reminding people of what tags they're going to use, I made mine to remind anyone following this sideblog that i likely wouldnt be tagging, and to otherwise be aware that spoilers might/will probably be here.
It is also in my blog description that I don't. The "I don't tag spoilers, scroll at own risk" bit is there specifically as a warning, not to be funny. This is my doctor who side blog. There is going to be doctor who stuff here
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snekdood · 2 years
i kinda think im not as bad as some paranoid strangers on here seem to think
#mood#i kind of feel like.#what if i just. dont have ulterior motives#what if im just here to get high and share my thoughts and opinions that im 100% willing to change on with better info provided#kinda feel like thats the least you can ask for for ppl on here that many ppl dont even live up to#also i feel like the only reason i seem bad to some ppl is that i dont put up a front of being perfect online. and i also dont do much to#hide my past and things ive done. i think if everything anyone has ever done was put online then yall wouldnt feel as bold as you do#acting like im the worst person in the world lmao#yall are not more perfect than me in any way lmao#and if for whatever reason you've been able to for the most part be free of problematic behavior: congrats on being morally lucky.#i think perhaps you should look up the term. and also consider how it applies to being raised and how YOU mightve been raised by perfectly#perfect lil progressive parents thus making you a perfect lil flawless progressive- but plenty of us didnt have that. or didnt have as#progressive figures in our lives. so we grew up thinking things were normal that werent.#so please. have patience with me while i unlearn things ive come to know as normal that arent.#that or shove your moral purity up your ass bc idgaf about how perfect you think you are in comparison to me.#had i known better for certain things i wouldnt have done them.#i knew better not to be kinda misogynistic on here but i still was and yeah its bc of trauma but it still wasnt okay#im not going around justifying this behavior and even back then i hardly tried bc i knew it wasnt justified. i was just wanting to vent my#frustrations honestly since this is a space divorced from my real life for the most part#though i recognize its a shared space and i gotta remind myself that bc often i just use this as a place to vent#regardless. it was wrong. and no im not gonna hide this apology in my tags. ill post one eventually though i feel like i want to iron out#my thoughts about it first. but aside from this#p much everything else is stuff im unlearning. and if anyones acting like im just genetically evil and its NOT my upbringing: suck a dick#even then. the misogyny is stuff im unlearning too
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crushedsweets · 10 months
Who are the people that Toby likes the most?
Natalie, Jack, and Ben!
Toby has known Natalie for about 5 years, and Jack for 4, and Ben for 3. ok now im gonna do long ass headcanons for their relationships bc im just soooooooo silly . .
toby and natalie knew eachother when they were at the height of like.. using murder as a relief/power trip. it was a really sick and fucked up thing to bond over, and it wasnt something either of them took lightly or as a joke. but it was something they did talk about, moreso 'let me tell you about my night' and they'd kinda just allude to the murder part of it. eventually, natalie stopped killing as much (and stuck strictly to freak weirdo men at bars/clubs who try taking advantage of ppl). toby doesn't have the luxury to stop bc he only did it when the situation/order calls for it.
they usually just lounge around together. watch trash reality tv, natalie was ashamed of her art for a while but toby loves getting her to show him her stuff. toby taught her how to axe throw and cut down trees. he helped fix up the barn she stays in so it's actually livable. he even got brian to help with shit like insulation cuz theres no heat/ac in it. sometimes he does her hair if shes having an awful night. she never had someone to brush her hair growing up, having no mother/sister/girl friends, and finds it to be insanely fucking relaxing. lulls her to sleep so quick. it reminds toby of lyra and he cried one time after she fell asleep from it. she never found out about it.
toby was the first proxy to be nice to jack. not that tim and brian were horrible to jack (only after he was . . 'tamed' i guess). but toby was the first one to like, bring him things, talk to him, actually attempt bonding. if tobys feeling lonely and natalies not in the mood to entertain, jack was almost always welcoming. ok maybe not welcoming in the like :) hiiii toby. way. but in the. 'ok yea whatever come in i guess' way.
jack used to cook a lot before he was sacrificed. now he doesnt have the same taste buds, and while he can eat human food, its all pretty bland to him. best he can enjoy is insanely spicy stuff, and thats more sensation rather than flavor. BUT TOBY. that fucking dude can EAT. he's brought like a fat steak and veggies and rice and random shit to jacks and asked him to make him dinner. and oddly enough jack was willing to do it. toby continued to do that stuff. jack didnt know about tobys CIPA for a while and was baffled when this white boy from rural colorado could actually handle the spice anytime jack made south asian food LOL.. ("how much spice do you want" "i dont care make it as spicy as you like" "toby are you sure of this" "yeah i can take it").
of the 3, toby is the least close to ben. mostly bc ben is best fucking friends w jeff and toby doesnt like jeff very much(who does?). plus toby figured ben was like a kid and wasnt exactly crazy about being besties with a 12 yr old. But then ben played some video games with him. ben doesnt really Act like an. ipad fortnite tiktok middle shcool type of kid so toby was like Oh he's cool i guess.!
they dont have much in common at all tbh, didnt have similar childhoods and toby didnt play many video games growing up. BUT toby finds so much joy in just having a fucking boyish childish fun stupid relationship where he could play video games and talk shit and eat like crap with yk. they have a very brotherly friendship and it's kinda weird for toby being on the big sibling side of something, but he's fond of it. they get into petty arguments about stupid shit, and went a while without talking bc toby punched jeff and jeff was bitching like 'uumm dont hang out with that prick' and ben was like lmfao ok. toby didnt even realize ben wasnt talking to him tho. . ("hey sorry i was avoiding u jeff was bitching" "u were avoiding me ?????")
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broodingheroine · 5 months
tmagp thoughts (this will be pure nonsense I just need to write it down)
alice is so tim coded
obviously there's a connection anyone can make to the multiple statements abt urban exploration/spelunking in tma and the redcanary forum thread.... it invites the horrors (connection to danny?)
gwen is a ✨️bouchard✨️ (implication that while its a parallel universe the same ppl still exist? supports possibility of spelunking forum thread connecting to danny somehow (not actually super sold on that but seen a lot of ppl mention it so))
colin is definitely going to succumb to the horrors :/ (either first to die OR..... this universes version of an avatar?)
I'm of the firm opinion that they're jmart BUT! but but but! I do believe they're echoes of who they were, this just so happens to be Somewhere Else.
also! yes I understand that we most likely will Not get any tma characters in any meaningful way in tmagp, however I also believe that alex and jonny couldve very easily.... not...... voiced the text to speeches....... like yeah I dont think we're getting jmart as we knew them but..... come on
also also. the text to speeches got less robot sounding the longer they were reading and it really reminded me of how ppl reading statements would slowly get invested as they were reading and emote as if it were happening to them.
sam is on the archivist (or tmagp equivalent) pipeline already yikes
the turpentine line was raw as fuck. so was the canary one obviously. don't want to beat a dead horse by talking abt that bc so many others have already said it. but! the institute is deadly stay away!!
the sound engineering is god tier I love all the bleeps and bloops
colin knows smth is Watching. inadvertently feeding the eye by being paranoid? does the eye even exist the same way it did in tma?
theres definitely smth to be said abt whether or not robert smirke did his thing the way he did in tma and if anyone in the know uses the same classification or if the oiar is the only group categorizing. the fears always kind of blurred together at certain points so maybe without the human interpretation of it being 14 distinct entities it's more of an..... amalgam?
magnus institute is in a different place which is interesting. if it was built for the same reasons (outside of just research) is there another panopticon esque structure underneath? (brings us back to if smirke was doing his thing)
very curious to see if theres gonna be a leitner books equivalent.
I deeply deeply deeply desire a michaela salesa cameo at some point. he's one of my fav side characters.
sam and gwen using classic horror characters to help him try and memorize the classification categories was very cute
another thing I'm sure everyone has talked abt already but the whole world wide WEB thing and possible jmart in the computers and omg they're in the web and the oiar is part of the web and blah blah blah u get the image.
lena is intriguing to me. my guess is she's going to be a gertrude esque character who knows at least the basics of what's really happening and is trying to put a stop to it.
I havent seen anyone talk abt like...... what IS the magnus protocol. like tma was the archives in the magnus institute. the magnus archives. self explanatory from like ep 1. what the hell is the magnus protocol. is it smth fr3-d1 will run? or the text to speeches? is it tmagp's version of a ritual? using protocol to reference the updated tech from tma? is it smth the actual organization has to run in the event of Something Happening? WHAT THE PROTOCOL WHATS IT FORRRRR
I know nothing abt the ARG shit, just to note that
okay I think that's it for now..... feel free to discuss in the notes lol
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the aromantic is confuesed
☆ Aromantic culture is just genuenly not understanding the difference between romantic relationships and platonic friendships.
☆ Fyi: apologies for the plethora of "like," statments, it just feels more natural for some reason. I expect this to possibly get hated on? I dont know, couldnt care less if it dose tho 🤷🏻‍♂️
☆ Like, I just dont understand the concept of cheating. I get its considered bad. I get why its considered bad as its a breach of trust/boundaries/etc, but i dont understand why people prefer to be monogamous as i genuinely just dont see a difference between friends and romantic partners, I get that there is a difference, i respect that differece where people draw it themselves, I just can't see it.
☆ Like, I see the difference between queerplatonic relashionships & friendship, but I just can't distinguish any other type of relashionship & romance for some reason.
☆ And i just dont get why theres a distinction between monogamy & polyamory either? Like, were people? Why not be open to the possibility of feelings not following the preset mold of a random relashionship Hiarchy? Like ofc you can have your own rules in a relashionship, but I just dont get why monogamy with the 1 perfect "other half of you" is the priority vs fulfillment? Like, I don't expect 1 person to be my "other half" for the rest of my life, nor do I want someone to expect that of me cause that just feels like dumping way to many expectations onto 1 person. And like, you can devide yourself amoung multiple friends why not multiple romantic partners?
☆ And i dont get wanting a lifelong relashionship like that? I mean i do get wantinv 1 but expecting 1 i feel is just throwing alot of expectations on anither person, people change, feelings change, alot changes in life. It reminds me of how people are expected to choose what they want to do for the rest of your life as a teenager.
☆ Why r y'all bringing the government into your relashionship? And why do y'all STRIVE for that? Like, "lets officially legaly combine ourselves into a unit and make it real damn difficult if we end up seperating." Why should having a romantic partner logustically help you in life?? Like "hey, these 2 ppl said i do infront of an officiant, lets see if we can improve theyre taxes." How is they're logistically a "making this relashionship official" outside of- consenting parties deciding they're in a relashionship????
☆ Like, everyone was assigned to make a different venn diagram and label it with arbitrary concepts and they're relation/similarities/lack thereof, and its graded on participation; But everyone still argued over the non answer because they just can't fathom they're being no wrong answer.
☆ This isn't really meant to change anyones mind on romance, do whatever tf you want with your relashionships its your life; This is just me being real fucking confused at why people arbitrarily made these catagories lol.
☆ This was origonally gonna be an ask on an aromantic culture is blog but I quickly realized this was gonna be way too long for that.
☆ I may or may not add more mini rants to this in future reblogs this is just what I could think of as I was writing. Thanks if you actually read all of this
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kittycowboy · 1 month
Im worried that ive gone so long without irl friends that I dont know how to actually make them anymore. The last friends I made irl were in kindergarden and first grade, and I kept them until my sophmore year of hs. Ig I made others but we always fell out of contact within a few months. Im always too formal or too casual with them. I cant gauge how theyll teact until after I do and then its just. ugh. It feels like I have to put on a show its so fucking annoying.
I hate it. I did so well with my friends until last year. I kinda resent them for abandoning me. They got closer with ppl in the theater department. Ugh.
Its been. Two years now without actual friends irl to talk to. I hung out with one person but realized I kinda hate being around her so I stopped. I think im unapproachable. I try to be really nice but ig it doesnt rlly matter if theres no one talking to me to be nice to. ugh. Whatever. Whatever.
Its annoying being reminded of it. When I get bored in weekends I just sit and scroll on my phone. I cant go to the mall or see a movie with friends. Because I dont have any. When I make too many cookies I have to eat them all or throw them oit because I dont have friends to give them to. My mom asked if I had any friends that might enjoy some extras we had the other day. What am I supposed to fucking say. No I dont. I dont have anyone irl I can do anything with or give anything to so stop asking. ugh.
I love my family and im really lucky to have such great parents but it sucks having to do everything alone or with them. I want to see the ghibli fest with my friends not with my mom. A new cat cafe opened near me and you have to have someone above 18 with you if ur a minor. Im young for a senior since my birthday is in July so a lot of ppl around me are 18. But the only ones I know are my parents. I want to go to the mall or walk around this market street near me. Its boring to go alone and I dont want my parents there either. So I dont go.
Im running out of things to do. The bookstore is way too expensive compared to online. 20$ more in person isnt worth it. The library is nice but I cant do much there. Ive read all the things that interest me. Its so annoying going to a cafe just to sit on my phone. The money isnt really worth it.
Whatever. whatever
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 4 months
👸- Ok lets get things straught
Unless someone held a newspaperup like a kidnapping to show proof of date the photo could be as o as old as 2017 he got dodger in 2015(possible 2016 idk when gifted stoped filming but they started in oct 2015 and he has more black kn his nose when he was younger) this shows minus someone, not necessarily a man, with a white kneee, thowrtically the person could be Latinx or Asian etc. 
THEY ARE DOING THIS TO GET FANS ATTENTION. They know we love dodger we've said leave dodger alone so another dodger oic and people are up in arms... they're troll dont go for it. At least he isn't speared in half again by a leg.
B) dodger going to doggy day care... wow. Sound the alarm. Now i dont know much about the video ive seen the photo and honestly it may not be dodger. His coloring isn't THAT unique. The quality is also bad too. I mean i could sqear that was my friends dog in the corner too. But i imagine Chris went out of his way to make sure dodger was well socialized because hed be around kids and in thr video with aly rushmans dog it showed dodger can be unknowingly a little rambunctious with small dodgs but who wouldnt get excited with a cute new puppy  playmate even though dodger givrs off the:  im not an animal im a human vibe. 
Who says that also isnt where a lot of cast and crew put thier dogs? Yes Im assuming its for a film and based on the placement of the tiles and the way they are a diffrent color it seems like it is purposely a diffrent type of tile... why? I dont know but its awfully evenly spaced and copied a couple feet down.
Ive seen people even claim that chris uses dodger for people to like him.  Hes now Will and Jada acting like theyre still a thing 6 years after they seperate. Its a man and his dog do you see the way Chris looks at him? If chris was that good of an actor we'd all be thinking he was really in love  with little miss nazi and no mstter what they do now i wont believe  it just cause he hasnt looked happy in 2 years UNLESS Dodger was the subject... 
You also see too many people talking too many nce things about dodger and chris with dodger
When this whatever shit started we saw a lot of orgs and fellow celebs pull away from chris a lot less birthday wishises publically  one of chris reoccuring costars (not scarjo or A.D.A.) had a very heartwarming and touching birrhday with with a few examples of how nice he is. There are also reports thst he lets people use his houses etc. when hes not in town. Now people ahve pulled away from him publically. We all know chris isnt a golden boy but when companies and charities stop working with someone suddenly (many stopped after the first pap walk) despite other issues it to me sayshe was nice enough to want to be associated with before.  I think its a fine line of what people will and wont tolerate and yes theres trolls and clout chasers but when ebolas associations and beliefs came out many broke away when a cetain company recived complaints things were dropped we all know a campaign was fropped and they mostly use OBJ and one of the founders dog whose has very VERY similar collerings to dodger. They also seemed to not get the enagwment they wanted on the cintest as it was like they were shoving it down people's throat. I do believe once things are over (whatever the truth is-theres do dobut its toxic otherwise chris wouldnt be looking like he does) there will magically be another campaign. 
Now people turn in seb for what a movie that is supposed to be really good? Because hes friend with someone who doesnt look like a typical movie star. 
Leave fans and their looks out of it. Be nice. Little miss nazi on the otherhand we finally saw what her soul looks like and I can actually look at these photos without wanting to puke - have no sympathy for nazis and those who hate others like that
Lastly another reminde rb/c ppl r still talking about it- 
STOP TALKING ABOUT the INTERVIEW  how many times do people have to tell you they want you to talk. Your playing into thier hands and being a pawn Nothing new was said and frankly it makes her look foolish. I relize I'm talking about it but its just to tell you all to stop talking about it because they've had to change strategies. They held back the "kiss" we all know that would've been released day off a year ago. So now they release something that like others said would not have been seen outside her country normally its been over a week. And Yes shes stupid forgetting where she is but The only thing ur doing is making their ship stay relevent.  And in peoples mouths. 
Also just an fyi to Ebola check which account you post things on... normally im.not a conspiracy theorist like that but this is getting way too stupid that fan sites are publishing things that the actors page would normally post. 
P.s. bookie lets see some of the wonderful exs chris has had gimmie some mink and jessica and Jenny to attach to Chris' tag. 
I seriously don't know how you do it, girl...
But seriously, I'm thankful for your PSAs. And look forward to reading and posting every single one 😁
Oh, and I most certainly will! It's all in good fun 🙃
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kil9 · 11 months
re: the taemin thing (sorry im so annoying about this but i feel you wanna talk about it as much as me!). i wanted to mention his blinking habit too, but as someone who is not autistic myself (not diagnosticated at least lmao) i was afraid it was just me making assumption but you noticed it to so!!! cool. anyway i could say many more things but the line between being just a strange little dude and being a strange little autistic dude is so thin!!! (like the fact that he eats random stuff at unlikely times of the day or that he's so forgetful). ANYWAY!!!!!! i just really love him and how shinee adapts their behaviour around him to make sure hes comfortable
YES ur never annoying i absolutely wanna talk abt it forever 🥺🥺
(this got kinda long so im putting it in the readmore lol)
but yeah the blinking habit for real !!! ur definitely not wrong to pick up on that ! (i even sponged it from him sometimes lol x_x) its cool that non autistic ppl have an interest in this stuff tbh :3 i think that more ppl understanding autism and all the weird specifics of it is rly the key to our happiness ykno 🤔because most non autistic ppl know literally. jack shit.
also the eating thing YEAH 😭😭 thats also so autism to me. shinee is so good to him !!!! u can tell that even if they dont know WHY he is the way he is, that theyve figured out how he works and how to treat him....
there was such a moment in the 15m thing when key was asking taemin to "prepare" the veggies... and taemin got such a look of dread where hes like "what...... wdym.. ?" & kibum has to be like "CUT THEM taemin" lol 💀💀 its such a silly moment but its SOO quintessential to me for both what its like to be autistic (ie: what the fuck are u saying to me "prepare" this. as if im supposed to know what that means), and what its like to be close with an autistic person (kibum having to kinda remember to "translate" what hes saying for taemin so he knows what hes talking about, it reminds me of how my partner is with me sometimes 🥺)
also back to when im saying they probably dont know why he is the way he is, even if they know all his ins and outs, i think this is probably the same for taemin 🤔 he strikes me as someone who prob doesnt know hes autistic, just knows hes "weird" and "different" and has figured out how to live like that despite. reminds me of myself kind of, cos i wasnt "diagnosed" (used loosely) until maybe 19 ? which is still young but at that point i had already been thru school and everything not knowing x_x its definitely possible to figure your life out & how you work without a diagnosis, and i think it happens all the time, but its also really really hard. i think having a name for it and something u can actually research & learn about is rly helpful. so even tho hes like 30 now im still kinda always hoping he realises 🤔 if it makes his life that much easier ykno ?
this is also why it pisses me off so much that ppl get THAT up in arms when this is brought up. ppl act like falsely "accusing" someone of being autistic will ruin their life, when really its basically harmless (obviously unless ur directly using it as an insult). even the opposite might be true 🤷‍♂️ someone can rly benefit from realising about themselves. also why im so pro self dx !!! even if everyone is "misdiagnosing" themselves these days (🙄 which prob isnt true anyway) like. whats the worst that could happen ? why does it matter if someone is wrong... they might still find some info that will help them 🤷‍♂️ theres not really any autism "resources" that are in scarcity so i dont rly care if someone thinks they are even if theyre not ?
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actuallyitsstar · 4 months
aaaaaaa so tumblr is not a functional website and it ate my next two drafted asks so prepare to get tagged in textposts but @brambleberrycottage sent Lord of The Rings (which will be v interesting bc im quite new to this franchise so pls dont crucify me i know nothing im baby lol) for the fandom ask game:
✨ send me a fandom and i'll answer with the following!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
↣ VERY IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE but i think i have no choice but to go with aragorn. idk i dont know enough yet about all the lore of the universe to unpack this but. idk. something about that specific Flavor of generational trauma and the concept of corrupted legacy/rejecting his bloodline and coming back to it and learning to accept it and himself and what that means for middle earth in the grand scheme of things and h ow he has to 'forgive' himself/his kind to help everyone else. idk idk. It Compels Me. ive only seen the movies 3 times and i have not yet read the books so im sorry if im saying anything stupid aldjfkfhf 😭
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
↣ SAM!!! SAMWISE GAMGEE !!! SAMWISE THE BRAVE! he is so so friend shaped i just love him so much so many of his scenes make me ugly cry. he was my big toss up for blorbo in this ranking. but i want to squish him. you know ???????
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
↣ NO idea who is underrated in this fandom but i have a Soft Spot for boromir. hes that type. the type we've discovered i always love. the traumatized man with emotional problems who is overconfident. akdjfkfjfkgfj and i KNOW he obviously has his faults but he redeems himself and he reminds us of his true character and he does right by those halflings in the end by god 😭😭 still sad abt it
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
↣ again not that obscure probably idk enough of the more background ppl yet and idk who is popular but i have a soft spot for king theoden. his speech on the hill about burying his son always rly gets to me and he seems very noble and level-headed and fair, if not a little bit prideful at times. so interested in the concept of legacy and the way he talks about it and then how aragorn talks about it too and i always wonder if there is meant to be contrast/reference between them.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
↣ LISTEN..... DO NOT COME FOR ME BUT ITS KIND OF SORT OF SMEAGOL......hear me out. if faramir hadnt caused frodo and same to betray him i think he might still have been good and might still have been free of the ring at last. and idk if that lines up w the lore at all i may be talking out of my ass. im just saying i feel so so terrible about that twist happening to him bc he seemed so happy and free before the ring and then its just IMMEDIATE awfulness and crimes forever. he must be suffering. he died suffering. for the stupid ring. id like to think in another universe he gets something better.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
↣ im sorry this is literally frodo i think 😭 canonically and also fandom-wise. frodo ily i am sorry this burden ruined your life it PHYSICALLY pains me, literally, yet i cannot stop reading about it and thinking abt your struggles.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
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isabelguerra · 1 year
sexuality hcs for the main cast? :D
NO idea what brought this on but yeah sure! unless stated otherwise my work usually writes everyone bi by default, even if they haven’t realized it yet, but it can be really fun to play with different interpretations too. honestly its not something i think about often or keep too rigid, sometimes it depends on what kind of story im writing and what messages i want to convey. but sometimes we stay silly
- isabel max johnny violet are bi
- isaac dimitri stephen are gay
- ollie tends to flip between ‘future bear’ and ‘token straight friend’ it usually depends which is funnier in context
- lisa and suzy being lesbians has always been a constant in my brain
- if im feeling REALLY indulgent ill spice max up with some lesbianism. hit him with the dyke beam
- ed usually isnt cis to me so whatever goes on there tends to switch up a lot. i dont try to name it i just focus on feeling it. when ed IS cis i think him being the token straight friend is pretty funny. like hes the really enthusiastic type but means well.
- RJ is similar to ed. sometimes i like them as a lesbian. sometimes i like them not interested in anyone. sometimes i like shipping them w ed. sometimes other ppl. theyre a really fun character to write actually
- jeff is gay but he doesn’t realize for a long long time. where everyone else is a bit more comfortable with themselves hes still got a lot of low self esteem and internalized stuff going on, not in a constantly sad way but like he’ll be the type to think ‘man i wish *I* could marry my best friend! too bad im straight haha’ or like when theyre teens he kisses cody and has a crisis over liking it before thinking ‘wait! what am i worrying about! codys gay, yeah, so maybe it meant something to him, but im not gay so that means i dont have anything to worry about. i should focus on supporting my good friend. its totally cool if he kisses me because im straight so its like a pass!’ he is wrong and he is gay
- whenever i write izjo its always bi. if anything their bisexuality makes a bigger spectacle out of how they like an opposing gender rather than liking their own which i always get a huge kick out of bc its as if i got so accustomed to being around gay people irl and online that sga became the norm and i had to remind myself that mf couples exist and its an option and its okay. there are a couple works ive never posted where this is actually like THE central theme
- i joke bc i like making fun of izjo but from testimonies/talks/essays ive heard/watched/read this is actually a very common experience among bi ppl
- like when ur young and just learning how to exist and be confident as an lgbt person and taking such wild pride and comfort in your sga that u forget your oga. maybe even feel a little weird about it. confusion and nervousness. dare i say shame.
- im flipping the script…… of COURSE youre gay what are you TALKING about… what youre going to feel confused repressed nervous and weirdly guilty over is liking a BOY. or like yes son we know you like boys we live in mayview. but youve never liked a girl before and you dont know how to and it terrifies you. and then sometimes it has absolutely no significance at all and it’s just normal. again it depends on the themes and what i want to get out of my brain. that post thats like ‘no gay pairing written by a straight person will ever be as unhinged as a straight pairing written by a gay person’ etc. is it bc i want to write a casual+ comfortable gay existence bc ive seen so many bad u happy ones? is it bc i enjoy exploring societal dynamics by reframing them in the perceived norm? is it yuri? is it yuri.
- i just reread the phrase ‘youve never liked a girl before and you dont know how to and it terrifies you’ and im thinking i made it yuri. is johnny my puppet. have i been using johnny as a puppet this whole time to work out my feelings towards liking women. izjo is bi because i write johnny like a gay girl who just happens to just be a boy.
- i got distracted anyway spender is meterosexual
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magnoliamyrrh · 8 months
I really hate how trauma effected my art. Ive seen many trauma survivors make beautiful art about survival and growth and other really beautiful stuff while i can only make really gross stuff about destruction and hopelessness. I dont like it. Every time i tried to make lighthearted things it didnt feel sincere.
I saw a movie about a disabled person who had an accepting environment and parents who loved him and everyone who heart him learnt from it and became kind to him and he grew up happily. It was around the time my story was really shapping up and i was even starting to be proud of it. But after watching that movie i felt so gross. That story actually gave hope to people but the only thing people will get from my stories is a small echo of my trauma. My brain is too clpuded by pain in order to create anything else. It makes me feel like a bad person. Did you ever go trough something like this?
heyo dear <3 yea i really do get what youre saying. my best friend some weeks ago was saying i need to put my art and writing and ideas out there and it send me down this same spiral, and its still something im struggling w tbh.. it makes me feel like maybe ive got nothing to add but my hopelessness, dispair, endless entrapment and contemplation of pain and sadness and doomfullness and trauma to this world... at least, most of it seems to be that, or it seems at best a fixation on trying to find some sort of grim, melancholic beauty in the rot. and whats the point, when theres already so much of that in the world..? and its made me feel like a bad person too, bc it just further reminds me im not that "ideal" trauma survivor
but. ive been trying to look at it other ways too. i think theres value in your writing and art if it comes from sincerity, and i think theres value in art which is depressing and doomful if its real and from the soul about it
i think it can provide a comfort for people who are much like you and i, at least, i always found that sort of art did.... if anything, while everyonce in awhile i appreciate a movie like the one youre speaking of, theres also many (most times) when even if i find it sweet, i find it.... harder to connect to, harder to resonate with, harder to care about. its nice and all, but i guess i tend to gravitate twoards art which makes my pain feel understood, seen, like someone else out there gets it, feels it too... and i think there really is just as much importance in that sort of art being out there as there is in that more positive side of it i guess ....... kinda like how i find comfort in even you sending this message, you know? you didnt write me some sort of hopeful thing, and yet, its both nice and sad just knowing someone has had these same thoughts and feelings running through their head and struggles w this too
... and.. maybe it doesnt seem like it to you at times, but i think in the first place writing a story, working on it putting it out there is in and of itself able to give ppl hope. bc its making something out of your pain and trauma, using it in some way, channeling it; hell, managing to get stuff out there despite feeling bad and traumatized - thats something
... and really on top of that, havent so many of the great pieces of literature of this world Been that anyway? doom, melancholy, lements, depression feeling haunted trauma endless problems endless tragedy with seeminly no resolution a general feeling of doom and dispair, clearly heavily influenced by these authors own shit.... and yet, they are read by so many people so many times, for both their artistic quality sure, but their relatabilty and realness too, their rawness, so that we can sit with something which understands. if you feel like your story and your writing is all doom and dispair you wouldn't be the first one for sure; plenty of great writers kept that going for decades
you cant and shouldnt force art, it should come from the soul. if right now this is how it is bc youre not feelijg or doing better, then it is how it is and it still has value.... and maybe one day, and i really hope so and wish so for you, you'll be better, yea? you will feel more healed, more hopeful, more at peace, in less pain, less tired deep down. and maybe then, your art will change and reflect what you will be feeling inside moreso, you will be making more of that art which feels more hopeful abt things... but until then, i rly think its still worthwhile and meaningful to keep working on what you've been working on <3 its what ive been trying to tell myself too
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
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part 2 after the author replied i wasnt sure if i should carry on but with their unapologetic attitude ofc i went through with it
omg kadar is 16 and maliks 19 shut the fuck up EWWWWW
ok let me explain it properly this author fetishised kadars teenage hormones why do we keep coming back to kadar wanting to have sex esp if hes a minor its disgusting theyve made a point that u can explore gross things in fiction because yk its fiction and not irl and tbh idgaf because youre telling me you enjoy reading about a minors sexual life? youre telling me you enjoy reading about a brother telling his MINOR brother about HIS sex life? defend incest if u want im not here to change ur mind about incest but if u think that u can just write about minors sexually u are fucking disgusting
a lot of talk about god but none of it relates to the story or being gay so idk not interested
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chapter 27^ i cant do it anymore its 3am as im typing i’ll finish the rest when i wake up
kadars only personality trait is being horny tf
adha is very religiously strict and thinks altaïr is a godless pig uhm. ok… making adha rude is very uncalled for you couldve chose to use a random woman like…. a stranger but no it had to be canon altaïrs dead ex… and altaïr says ‘i dont know much about islam’ i dont understand why some fanfic authors insist on making altaïr completely atheist, i feel like altaïr wouldn’t be religious tbfh but hed still have islamic norms and values. when we can write characters in a way the original source material doesnt why cant we include cultural and religious aspects? why do ppl try so hard to remove the fundamental aspects of islamic culture. altaïr not knowing islam just drags the story more because if he did then hed understand adha and like idk hed connect with malik more and adhas anger would be justified but here she is being an ass and assuming the worst because…? she could’ve just called him an asshole idk why she dragged religion into this its reminding me of strict religious ppl who hate the new generation so far there hasn’t really been much about the good things of islam
adhas apologising now for assuming the worst. she paints smth for him? doesnt really make sense but alright
if altaïr can honor his mum with a tattoo (which is haram but anyways) he could surely honor his dad by celebrating eid or smth or just praying some time idk the paragraph im reading is about how his grandmas not religious and his dad was a practising muslim but never taught altaïr which ok he died when altaïr was 5 fine but idk the authors very intent on making sure altaïr isnt muslim but personally if he was muslim it’d be interesting because then hed struggle with his faith and himself i mean malik doesnt seem to struggle at all so idk ig everyones different
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excuse me? so we can add black fetishisation to the list as well cuz wtf was that? it doesnt even add to the story its so random and unnecessary?
uhm altaïr and adha fell in love not a lot of depth to their relationship considering this mustve been over the course of days maybe even a few weeks idk just not a lot of time as it is to uh fall in love but shes engaged so theyve left it at that still not a bad plot point ig but it doesnt affect malik as of yet which undermines this plot point but lets see what happens
leo and sofias interactions are cute i like this leo malik and sofia friendship going on
im not gonna comment on any more incest its obvious this author just has a thing for it and theres so many fics that have incest and if i was to really fight that id do it for the other fics too also i wont comment on their writing as a whole anymore the main issue here is the cultural erasure and fetishisation
these do not affect the plot in any way shape or form, yes its an old 2014 fanfic but the author seems to not give a fuck that theyve written gross things. as well as poorly write islamic characters, it feels like a ‘youre either religious or your not’ and writing things like this is harmful! youre telling readers that muslims are either very harsh (like adha was) or very sweet (like maliks mum for being okay that maliks gay) but what about the catholic side of the family? theres no indication that they’re homophobia stems from religion. also ppl think its okay to just make altaïr unaware of his own heritage and faith? yes hes not muslim per say but hes syrian? his father died young but you can choose to write about the family wanting to help altaïr keep his customs alive. its white. its so white. it makes me more upset that the author will only focus on us disliking incest rather than accept that they’re wrong for cultural erasure. youve told hs that he’s syrian and white but just added that he misses his dad. and u cant defend sexualising kadar at all i wont hear anything about that because what u enjoy in fiction is also a reflection of what you enjoy irl. if you think incest is cool you will have a natural interest of it irl theres a reflection of your interests in your writing. if for example i wrote angst you would naturally expect that i like it or have a connection to it in some way, that i enjoy somehow. but i dont really like angst i could write for it but thats from my experience and thought process. someone who writes smut doesnt mean that they’re sexually active but theyve thought about it, they might’ve done some research to it. do u see what im tryna say? you are actively advancing on your interests when you right about them in fiction, you have a connection to it. if you hated smut someone would assume you hated it irl. the logic applies here too, if you dont like incest irl and it grosses you would simply not read incest in fiction because it grosses you out. if you dont like cultural erasure and sexualising minors irl then why tf would u add it to ur fic? why would u think that the boundary fiction would allow that to be okay? and the thing is micro-aggressions back in 2014 were bad and i know that but the author having had feedback and not even acknowledging it in this day and age is disgusting. ppl say they like sass verse, i have to say the plot of it is interesting but there were so many unnecessary aspects that did not contribute or feel nice to read at all. even if someone uses the excuse that they didnt know smth about islam, i as brown muslim you can not dismiss my feelings towards the way they wrote any muslim characters.
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benene-the-banana · 2 years
I don't have any specific questions, but I'm always interested in hearing other peoples theories and opinions on character dynamics.
Well I'll have to wing it since you haven't given me any specfic dynamics or theories so I'll just give you my personal favorite dynamic and a personal theory of mine even tho is technically more of a headcanon XD So as for my favorite dynamic between two character Huey and Dewey definitely take the cake. They are literally THE brothers ever and I absolutely LOVE/ADORE their relationship. The way their dynamic hits so many different dynamics and the way to me they are literally the most accurate siblings ever. One minute Huey is a very protective brother the next he's beating up Dewey himself, one minute Dewey is teasing his brother for being such a nerd or being a bit annoyed of how his brother can be about it at times to literally at the point where he's gonna cry bcuz of how proud of he is of what his brother has accomplished as a nerd, one minute they're sharing a braincell and the next you will see Huey rolling his eyes in unamusement literally more than anyone else has in their entire life specifically bcuz of the fact he's just so done with Dewey's shit and more 😭 i love them sm you dont understand they are absolutely hysterical. They also remind me of me and one of my brothers! Me being the Huey and my brother Dewey. As for my theory well that is Dewey being Repulsed AroAce coded. - He has mentioned how uncomfortable he gets of the thought of just being in a relationship the point he says it's a threating thought - He has never shown interest in relationships outside of just wanting a reason to annoy his Uncle Scrooge for fun or just appreciating how happy his Aunt Daisy makes his Uncle Donald So its not even that he's interested in the dynamics or the idea of the relationship it was just Annoying Scrooge is funny and his Uncle Donald who was usually very depressed and worn out actually had more reason to be happy. - Even when he was annoying Scrooge he still got grossed out when Huey made a kissing joke and said he was disturbed when it came to Goldie and Scrooge's relationship And that is why I feel like he is Repulsed AroAce coded. I mean after all there are kid characters like Huey who are HUGE in romance and have shown their interest in that before. With Dewey if he was actually interested I feel like it would've already been shown. The reason why I consider this MY theory is bcuz I know some ppl theorize he may be possibly aroace spec but also mspec bcuz his love interest in his dream where he mentioned his distaste for relationships had an overlapping masc and fem voice. And they thought he could of been coming to terms with the fact his sexuality happens to be bi or pan or something. While I think it could be a working theory I feel like my points of him even showing distaste towards other relationships outside of his own and the fact unlike the other kids he is shown to much more against the idea debunks that. I'm sorry this was a long post but hey you asked so I was gonna give you a proper answer 😅
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sojutrait · 1 year
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thank you so much!!! 😭💓💓💓hope u feel better omg fuck the plague
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i just simply started making sims kdjfkdk
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I DO im so happy season 2 has started it reminds me sm of old school sims 4 lets plays with storylines and such UGHHH im so glad that style is making a resurgence
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thank u!! again im so unhelpful when it comes to advice on making sims bc i really jus Go for it 😭 i dont really have a different approach when it comes to making masc frame sims either
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probably not bc its such a small action (like theres only 2 or 3 steps iirc) it just wouldnt be worth the hassle and i dont think that many ppl would find any use out of it😭😭
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well,,,, tis the season 🤔
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i highly doubt it dkfdkkd
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i didnt its from the gallery! i just decked out the inside
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ahhh i play on desktop but theres 3 and 4 columns for different screen sizes u can read more about it on the actual mod page iirc
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my defaults should be good but my mods arent but i cba to update them rn 😭
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( @simarcana ) TYYYYYYY she really is, i just wanna spin her around in cas all day and gawk dkfndk
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my only tip would be dont dress them in clothes only if u would wear it/its your style. more so let it be a reflection of their character and their own fashion sense. theres alot of my sims id never dress like djfdkfkd but i know its something they would like !
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NOW- DIFJDIFJDK me and nia orphyd have written many dissertations about... That aspect of dante's life but i will not confirm nor deny if that was included
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im drawing up blanks too rn 😭😭😭 id suggest if u already know like the ethnicity of ur founder sim to just google last names from that culture and go from there, thats what i usually do dfjkd
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thank u omg but no i would feel bad if anyone gave me their money esp considering my tendency to like.. dip for weeks at a time DFKDJK also love u tumblr but i absolutely do not trust u with my credit card information
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strip naked/bald, facial features, skin details, hair, clothes, repeat any steps if i dont like what i picked initially
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( @thatoneplumbob ) no thank u for enjoying them !!! 💓💓💓😭😭
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thats an easy one i dont JFKDJFK thats all neighborhood stories and mcc, i would simply die if i had to do all that myself 😭😭😭 i just pop in and give them quick makeovers
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( @cutie-with-glasses-blog ) thank u so much !!! u have a great day as well 💓💓💓😌
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i havent, im not a big marvel movie fan 😭😭 BUTTTTT i have seen edits and fancams of shuris actress and i agree i would also sell my kidneys and yours for her, shes so fine
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( @wildsangria ) THE WAY I ALREADY FORGOT THIS DISCOURSE HAPPENEDDHFDJHDJ ugh throwback to when i gatekept the decades old tabletop rpg game dungeons and dragons
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ive been staring at this in my inbox for almost a month and it never fails to make me laugh yet also feel horrified great job you two
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WELL GOOD NEWS I DID and ive only made one hs so far!! buttttt it was before hsy so it doesnt work with the pack 😭😭 ill prob make one for hsy eventually bc as much as i hate building im also drawn to it like a moth to flame
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thank u!! but ahhh no i havent been having any problems with uni
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thank u, i hope ur having a great day too! tbh its not like something i put like... effort into if that makes sense KJDSK like for my gameplay sims no matter how casual i try to make it i inevitably start adding unnecessary depth into them 😭😭 like ill just be cleaning my house and think hmmm this sim hates this food or once had this happen to them, so pretty much the same approach i do to my ocs!
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I ACTUALLY RECORDED A VIDEO i just gotta grow some bawlz and upload it 😭😭 its just a quick cas vid for a sim i wanna do gameplay with on there but im still peeing in nervousness
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TYYYY i am doing well i rlly am 😌😌 im on winterbreak so YIPEEEE hope ur both doing well too!
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
''puss in boots 2 made strange world its bitch proving ppl dont want stories where the conflict is intergenerational trauma but really just want classic villains'' that's such a ridiculous take, you can't compare the two
strange world was given barely any promotion by disney, that's why it's not popular and why so many ppl dont even know it exists. meanwhile puss in boots 2 had 1) a shit ton of promotion 2) it comes from a loooong franchise, shrek, and is a SEQUEL so obviously it was more anticipated and popular. so if you're basing that claim on popularity and reactions then....idk maybe compare it to encanto which was actually extremely popular ??
and like, pretending ppl just want classical villains is just incorrect- many do, but have you seen the amount of ppl who were happy about movies like encanto, turning red, and strange world utilizing different themes (intergenerational trauma, capitalism, metaphors to climate change and how people react to it in malicious ways, etc) instead of having a classical villain?
idk i just feel like you're getting unnecesarilly pressed about this. why are you so upset about great movies talking about real issues and focusing on that instead of focusing on a mad scientist trying to destroy the world or whatever
Because enough with movies especially cartoon movies that HAVE to be deep and psychological all the way with the antagonist who is actually a misunderstood baby and everybody needs to go to a therapist, it used to be fresh now it is overdone and unoriginal and moralizing everywhere it feels like watching a therapist session not a movie. And Disney has been doing that for a decade now and no magter how that shit called Encanto was popular it did not help much its company since it is losing in popularity a financial say and even already looking at a new strategy. However Puss in Boots ? It HAS psychology and a deep message, BUT it is also FUN with an ACTUAL FUN villain and doesn't believe itself pretentious, original and smarter than thou, they do have a redeemable villain yeah but is she really a villain, to be fair ? I repeat, Jack however makes that Disney trend to be "more realistic and smarter by having ALL our movies metaphorical without pazzaz anymore or it wouldn't be realistic in a magic world" its bitch. People want variety. People want something fresh. It was alright to have a few times a free therapy session through a character, but not all the time, now give actual entertainment or if you do give therapy give it with fun and not just "boohoo sowwy I was absolutely awful but I have an excuse" and "I HAVE TO RELATE TO ABSOLUTELY EVERY CHARACTER OR THIS MOVIE SUCKS" every fucking movie. Some people love fictional assholes for what they are or character who are drasrically different and go watch movies for adventures, and don't need to be reminded everytime of real life issues ALL. THE. TIME. Both kinds of movies can and MUST co exist, it must not be JUST one and not the other (it used to suck to have just evil villains and when Disney started to make redeemable deep ones who are not truly villains but miscommunication or situation are it was super fresh and welcome, to me too), and Disney has kept doing only one these days whereas Dreamworks has done BOTH in ONE movie which is a genius move and which is why despite all its promotion which sure did help (and let us be honest : I remember not a lot were thrilled by the trailer because it had Perrito pass as an annoying sidekick, some purists didn't like the animation and art change and some thought it was an unnecessary cashgrab sequel), it also had success because we both know promotion doesn't mean everything and a lot of movies were good or bad surprises throughout history. People are tired, people want to relax and people want novelty (which is ironically older)
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misslauwie · 1 year
Been in a slump for the past 2 days due to the BB Hot 100 clusterfuck.
As a Jimin-bias I was saddened and disheartened by the opps that Jimin face.
Its been a roller coaster since he releases SMF pt 2 where ppl were shading on his autotune. But fortunately it didnt show up much on my TL. Hence I wasnt too bothered. Anyway for me the song resonates more than LC so at my age I dont really care about other opinion but my own for important things. People will have different preferences and you cant expect everybody to like what you like or hate what you hate.
And then the 10s encore happened. To be honest when I first watched it. I cringed and dread pooled in my stomach coz I just know he is going to be dragged over it. Nevermind the stunning performances he delivered in Musicbank. But he shut up the haters again with Lee Mujin accoustic performance and I was over the moon again.
And then Billboard Hot 100 happened and I literally cried while holding my phone and posting to twitter and stationhead because I was streaming there. Couldnt sleep even though it was a working day after that night.
Anyways the takeaway here is that. I know its cliche but I also need to remind myself that Jimin knows he's love by many. More than the hatred hes receiving. The fact that he tears up during the live after BB 100 also is a testimony how it was so unexpected & moving for him.
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We came down and moved on too fast from the #1 BB Hot 100. It should be celebrated more. I was reminded yet again that Jimin is the first Korean soloist to achieve that title in the last 6 decades where competition is intense and GP is bombarded with new content every other day and where content is heavily curated for the GP to consume. So lets not dim the light from that achievement.
During all these chaos, I remember a saying...
The greatest light cast a long shadow.
As much as I hate all these shades thrown on Jimin... A publicity good or bad is still publicity. & Jimin will become more popular, well known because of it. We as his supporters just need to share more of the good stuff so GP dont misunderstand him or receives the wrong perception.
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But I have faith in Jimin because hes known to break boundaries and delivers more than what is expected of him. He never overpromises and underdeliver. He always slay and perform.
Actually know BTS since 2018 but didnt become a fan until Sep 2022. Jimin was the one who hooked me from ON MV with his blue hair and just great dance performance.
I can just binge on his Lee Mujin performance. I do think he needs to release that accoustic versions to streaming platform. Its such a waste that I cant listen to it while I sleep. His voice is a lullaby for me.
I guess the whole point of this blog is to remind myself and everyone out there that we need to celebrate more on his #1 BB 100 rather than focusing on the negative.
I was thinking that we can do a legal recourse with regards to how blatant the discrimination against Jimin is. But other than signing a global petition to boycott BB, cant think of any other way. But this discrimination against a colored and non US artist and how Armys rallied and use different platforms to support Jimin is actually the first ripple of a stone drop in the lake. It might takes away relevancy of the ruling platform like YT and chart like BB.
After all consumer doesnt like being treated as fools. Im pretty sure even non-army who saw the blatant discrimination if they are rational will also see that this kind of monopoly is not good in the long run.
Changes always start small and then ripples to become waves. I believe in Jimin. I believe in BTS. I believe in Army. Lets pay the positivity forward.
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