#its literally so whumpy????
stagelightwhump · 4 months
I swear to god, the two main reboots of this defunct d*sney MMO are the WHUMPIEST things imaginable. Like, in one of them, a guy wins the election and immediately gets kidnapped for ten years, and in the other, you literally get drafted into a war AND it's implied (design-wise only, sadly) that one of the enemies used to be someone on your side. What the fuck! /posi
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half the time we write things it's because we look at the selection of What's Available For X Thing and because it sucks ass, we go "FINE, we'll do it ourself" and that's at its core why we write for bug fables
#we mean no offense to the vast majority of bug fables writers#but we are REALLY tired of cracking open the ao3 tag and literally the first line its 'he would not fucking say that'#we do whumpy stuff bc we enjoy it! however we really really feel that our characterization needs to Work#because if it DOESN'T match the characterization then why tf are we writing for these characters#we have One Specific Work that we dislike specifically bc we feel it falls too much into the trap of like#making the whumper and whumpee basically just The Same Personalities#we are still gonna post it ofc but we dont like it that much and we're only delaying until art gets done#we are always improving! blessing and a curse in one compact package#bc it means unfortunately some stuff we make will suck#misc.#my posts#writing#bug fables#anyways if we cannot nail down mothivas personality in a satisfying enough way to make her seem In Character#when shes a whumpee in a situation where shes highly predisposed to start fawning#then we will die. and then we'll have to do it better next time bc like fuck if we're giving up#so we're gonna make her act more like an asshole in the beginning bc thats how she Acts under stress#and then have that abrupt fakey turn to fawning in presence of an authority figure#hopefully this turns out right bc if it doesnt we Will die and it Will be this that kills us#smth smth we can't just get into and make content for things that are Purely Good its got to suck a bit#so we can get off our ass enough to go 'you're a fucking idiot and im writing this myself'
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ashintheairlikesnow · 7 months
🦷 for…literally anyone. Go crazy with this
CW: BBU, some mouth whumpiness although the whump is emotional, medical whump
"Okay, here we go. Now, I'm going to insert this into your mouth, and you're going to bite down, as evenly as you can, and hold it until I say. Got it?"
Oskar looks at the little plastic tray in Arvid's hand as though the spongy, grayish thing inside of it is something alive that might bite him at any second. "Why?"
"I want to make a mold of your teeth."
Oskar shifts rapidly backwards in the exam chair in Arvid's 'medical room', also known as the half of his basement space he doesn't sleep in. One wrist brushes against the open leather buckles that can be used to restrain patients and he flinches violently away from it, face going suddenly white except for two red spots in his cheeks. "But-"
Arvid closes his eyes, taking a breath. "Oskar. Just do it."
Oskar shakes his head, curling his knees up to his chest and sliding his arms around his legs. His mouth opens and closes a few times on a word that never seems to quite make its way out. "I-... I don't want to," He whispers, hiding the bottom half of his face behind his knees, only his dark eyes showing, staring, hurt, at Arvid. "I don't want to do that. Please, Arvid, I-I don't, I don't want to-"
"Oskar," Arvid says, keeping his voice calm only with difficulty. This is irritating. "
Oskar's eyes drop and he stares down at the stirrups that hang off the end on long metal poles, where patients can slide their feet and hold their legs open. If possible, he blanches even further, and Arvid fights down his annoyance at the delay. "I have Samael coming in in like half an hour for bloodwork, we need to get this done before she gets here."
Oskar curls himself up even more tightly, closing his eyes and giving his head one more weak shake. "Please," He whispers. "I don't want to."
"Oskar. It is just to get a teeth mold! This is completely normal!" He thinks. Actually, Arvid doesn't have much of a comparison for normal, but it's normal for the work he does, anyway. He has molds of the mouths of all of the archangels and most of the other employees of the organization, too. He has molds of his own teeth, damn it. "I'm tired of you wasting my time with this, so just... fucking do as I say. You're my pet, aren't you?"
Oskar's breaths are coming shallowly, and he doesn't open his eyes. "Yes," He whispers. "I am." One of his hands moves to touch the collar around his neck, as if reminding himself. "I, I am yours."
"Right. So just. So just do the thing, so we can get it done and I can go back to doing my actual job before Samael shows up and wonders why nothing's ready for her..." He trails off as he hears a strange noise, like a clicking, and tilts his head. His eyes trail downward, until he realizes... it's the chair rattling in place.
Oskar is shaking so hard the exam chair is shaking, too.
"... hey." Arvid looks down at the molding clay in the dental tray - it'll dry out and be more or less useless if this takes much longer - and then, with a sigh, he sets it back down on the little metal rolling table and reaches out, putting one hand on either side of Oskar's face. "Talk to me. What's wrong with this? The tray, the... the chair? Is that it?"
Oskar hesitates, then opens his eyes again, looking up at Arvid without raising his chin. "... both."
"Okay... uh. What the fuck is wrong with them?" The chair is... just a chair. Arvid had gotten it at an insanely low price some years back during a private estate sale he decided not to look too closely into - but Oskar is clearly terrified of the damn thing. He's not even restrained - Arvid only uses those when one of the archangels is violent or hallucinating.
"Clinic c-chair." Oskar's teeth click together from his trembling. His eyes are glimmering in the lights with tears that haven't fallen yet. "The, the mold for a-... a gag, I don't... I don't want to have a gag here, Arvid. I don't-... I don't want to-"
"What? It's-... it's not for a gag."
Oskar swallows hard, licking at his lips. "It's... not?"
"No... no. Jesus Christ, Oskar, it's for if you get hurt and lose a tooth or something, so we can get you a good screw-in tooth and shit. I was thinking the other day about how you've ended up going out on fieldwork with me twice, plus you've been climbing the tree in the yard, and just in case, we should have shit ready to go for your records. That's all."
Oskar glances sidelong at the little plastic tray, then back at him. His lips press into a thin line, the skin paling at the pressure, before he tries to talk again. "I don't... want anything in m-my mouth, Arvid. Please-... I, I can't. Please, please don't make me. Please."
Arvid inhales. He knows if he checks his phone that time is running out, Samael's going to walk in any fucking second. "Oskar. We are going to do this and we are going to do this now. Open your fucking mouth. I am ordering you, as your owner, to open your mouth."
The look of open, honest pain and fear on Oskar's face sends a twist of some strange unpleasant chill through Arvid's chest, but he at least slowly nods and - jaw trembling - opens his mouth wide for Arvid to slide in the tray, then bites gently down. Sounds come, unbidden, from his throat - muffled whines that he doesn't even seem fully conscious of. Arvid can all but see his pulse racing in the spot just under his jaw. His eyes lock on Arvid's face and stay there.
"Good boy," Arvid soothes. Usually praise is a one-way ticket to fixing Oskar's bad moods, but this time it just seems to bounce right off him. The tears finally fall, running in clear trails over his cheekbones. Arvid wipes them away with his thumb and Oskar flinches, minutely, never quite pulling away. "It's all right. It's all right. Just a few more seconds..."
He takes the little handle on the tray, murmurs for Oskar to open carefully and slowly, and pulls it out to set it aside and get the next one ready for the bottom teeth. Oskar's trembling never stops, the chair rattling lightly, the pet's fingers dug into the padding until his knuckles are pure white.
Arvid finishes the second tray, and as soon as he removes it and says a soft all done, you were very good, Oskar uncurls, bolts off the chair, and races past the curtain that separates the two halves of Arvid's life. His feet slap on the concrete floor and Arvid watches him go, sighing.
He hears Oskar climb into the bed, the gentle squeak of the springs in the mattress as he buries himself under blankets and probably curls right back up into the little ball likes that. Muffled sobs are just barely audible, and Arvid's teeth itch to go ask him to stop that shit, it's annoying and he has shit to do today, he can't waste his time comforting Oskar's every fear.
But... he caused the fear.
Arvid hesitates, feeling that strange unpleasant twist again.
It's guilt.
He inhales, looking over at the curtain. "Oskar..." He trails off. He should just... go over there and apologize, hold him for a while, let him talk about it or something. It'd be the kind thing to do, and Oskar is the best thing he has in his life these days.
There's a harsh, loud sniff. "Yes?" Oskar's voice is thick and heavy with his tears.
"Listen, I just-" The door to the basement opens and Samael, a woman who seems created entirely in shades of black and slightly less black, steps inside. Arvid swallows the rest of his sentence.
The sounds of Oskar's fear stop - muffled even more thoroughly as he must hear Samael enter, too.
"Am I early?" Sam asks, eyebrows raising. The piercing in one glints in the flat white light of the exam side of the room. "Where's your little creature, isn't he around you all the time these days?"
"He's... busy," Arvid says. "Just give me a second to get the vials ready for you."
"Busy? Doing what?" Sam hops up onto the exam table, even swinging her legs a little. She's maybe five foot three on a good day, but Arvid knows damn well she can snap necks with her thighs alone and is one of the best in the business. "What do pets even do?"
Arvid ignores her. He walks over to peek around the curtain, faintly smiling as he sees the very Oskar-shaped lump on the bed, a hint of his hair showing on the pillow.
"We'll talk about it later," He says, pitching his voice low. "Okay?"
There's a rustle as Oskar shifts around under the blankets he's hidden himself in. He peeks out, just a bit of hair and pale forehead and huge eyes. "Yes, sir," He says, voice weak.
Arvid sighs. Oh, good. He's sir again. Great.
Sometimes, this shit is harder than he thought it would be.
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greenapplespider · 2 months
Blood in Moderation is long, arduous, a bit overly esoteric, has too many characters, and I write it like a spastic maniac jumping from one non-congruent scene to the next based off vibe. But, because it’s me, the story is dark and whumpy.
There’s a massive portion of two characters back stories (Jeffery and Romulus), that I’m iffy on whether to leave vaguely mentioned or to just delve into it hog wild.
Here’s the whump scenario, between these two. Also, I write my notes like little stories.
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After being turned into blood-suckers by, Adrien. Our newly minted mutants are imprisoned and experimented on for years until a moment of chance occurs and Romulus is able to escape his cell. Hastily, he looked for his friends but is only able to find Jeffery, before they are beset upon by the guards.
Despite having his magic bound, Jeffery powered through- with the assistance of some blood magic- and is able to narrowly teleport the both of them away, but with great harm done to himself.
Jeffery and Romulus eventually make their way to one of their old bases, a seldom used old-world bunker, a weeks walk from Torch City and in the middle of an old-growth forest.
The two intend to regroup and rescue their friends but being a blood-sucker is a difficult thing. You don’t think right, everything seems to be teetering on a knife’s edge of insanity, all your instincts are new and intense. Denying even one intrusive thought is an monumental task; paired with the unending urge to eat and fuck and nest and rip and tear and-
Higher thought can be an even more difficult thing for a fledgling, especially when half starved on animal blood and under-stimulated.
Months turned into year and years into decades, time a meaningless swirl only disrupted by occasionally tearing each other apart.
In the midst of it all, Jeffery slowly started coming back to himself, sooner then Romulus. Being beat half to death, during another fight, was a final straw for him, regardless of how regretful Romulus seemed. Jeffery decided it was probably best for the two of them to part ways.
Romulus, still rather insane, took issue with this. Jeffery was, quite literally, the only thing he had left and he would rather kill himself then be alone, at this point. There was a part of him that knew it was fucked, that Jeffery was right and that they couldn’t keep living like this. But the animal part drowned out any reason to be had.
They fought, Jeffery still recovering from their last bout, was easily over powered. Romulus locked him deep inside the bunker, within one of the magic retardant rooms, forcing the old magic restraints on him, and chaining him to the wall.
Weeks passed before he’d come down from it enough to realize the line he’d crossed. But it was too late, he couldn’t undo what he’d done; the guilt was gnawing and not something he wanted to think about. So Romulus didn’t.
It was years before the part of him- he wouldn’t call it human as he was anything but at this point; but it was the part of him that was more then just the debased animal he’d become- had matured enough to be sobered by his actions.
Romulus finally forced himself to unlock the door he’d pointedly avoided for who knows how long. He didn’t realize how much he hated himself until then. How much of a pathetic coward he’d become.
Looking at the still, emaciated, figure lying on its back, covered in old and crusted blood. Claw marks littered the walls and door, it seems at some point Jeffery had gnawed off his own hands and feet, to slip the cuffs; enough time having past that the limbs had even regrown.
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He looked like a monster. Pale, hairless, elongated arms, widened mouth, with clawed hands and no genitalia to speak of. The creature, once deathly still, was on him snapping its jaws before it chirped and began smelling him, burying its face in the crook of his neck. Romulus could feel a slight nibble break the skin, the creature taking only a taste before chirping again and moving off him. Gangly limps moving clumsily, quickness and grace gone once it was clear there was no food to be had. The creature laid back down and began staring at the ceiling again.
Romulus sat up in the doorway. That was his friend. He’d done this to his friend.
So he started to feed him, feed him as much and as often as he could. Forgoing food himself most days just to make sure Jeffery had his fill. Animal blood wasn’t enough, Romulus knew what was needed but he didn’t want to risk leaving his friend unattended. So he hunted as much as he could and grew skinnier and skinner.
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Jeffery began filling back out, his hair started growing in, covering his head and lower torso in a red peach fuzz. He almost found it cute. It didn’t help how happy Jeffery was whenever he brought him food, chirping excitedly when he’d arrived. Sometimes nipping at him, as though to convince him eat. Sometimes Romulus did and it broke his heart at how delighted it made the other.
The healthier Jeffery became the more physical he wanted to be, always trying to touch him. Burry his face in his neck, nipping at him, and even other things; guiltily, Romulus let him.
Eventually, Jeffery seemed, physically, more or less recovered but his mind was still elsewhere. Completely animalistic, but sometimes he’d wake from a nightmare and for a moment the look in his eyes made Romulus nauseous.
Romulus decided, then, if Jeffery was ever able to regain himself he would let the other man kill him. Do whatever he wanted with him- it would be his right.
Physical attributes of feral blood suckers:
Emaciated figure
Hair falls out
Enlarged mouth and sharpened teeth
Elongated arms with clawed hands
Both sets of genitalia shrivel up and recess into the body
Does not appear able to urinate or defecate 
Stronger then average human but weaker then a well fed blood sucker
Extremely slow healing but undeterred by injuries
Mages turned feral are able to perform the most base spells at their disposal
Reacts only to outside stimulation
Enters torpor without stimulation
Incapable of speech or high order thinking (completely animalistic)
Driven purely by the need for food
With proper food and close proximity to nest mates for a prolonged period, there is a chance of regaining one’s faculties and human form
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Found fictional story/novel
So... I have found a fictional novel that I wrote over the last ten years that I had completely forgotten about, and then, once I found it again, I realised there is so much of it - like 90,000 words much of it - and it is a lot to comb through and I kind of shut down mentally when I found it but I am working more now on updates for the WIPS I have on Tumblr!
So you can Expect updates soon in:
Delirious Villain x hero caretaker,
Heroic betrayal,
Intoxicating fear (updates every Saturday) (from now) :)
and, A Benignant Mischief
which are all started in the drafts!
Updates continued under cut
(*not necessary* to read as it is mostly rambles and ranting about the novel I found (and others), but I want to share some fun revelations I found while skimming it)
There are some whumpy scenes from the novel that I may post as I find them, cause some of them are very whumpy, and I enjoyed reading them~
The plot has a lot of male characters which is both interesting and annoying— interesting because I love the two brothers dynamic, even not even blood related, like two brothers joined together by fate, blood, prophecy etc. Annoying because it’s obvious that I looked at the media I was surrounded with and was like “nobody wants to read about women, if they did, there would be more women centric things” so I’ll write about boys!
Point 2 Contd. (Rant!) Obviously discounting the genre of YA dystopian fiction which was great, and populated by mainly female protagonists, and which I enjoyed, but then, were shit on by the mainstream media because GIRLS CAN’T FIGHT? Girls can’t be the main driving force of a novel? Girls suck, boo girls, unless they’re tom boys or men. Ahem, thank you for your input on teenage girl’s book choices FORTY YEAR OLD WHITE MEN :D WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT YOU
Part 2+3 contd. (the brightside!) However, the good thing about this is that I can populate the rest of the novel with strong female characters! There are a few dotted through who i dote on a bit, I love them, like come here my little beautiful minority <3
The plot centers around two brothers who get torn apart when outlaw's raid in their coastal village - actually, my newest Medieval WIP was inspired by the novel!! Same setting/vibe (as in the coastal village) so very fun
This to say that actually I think the new Medieval WIP is my brain trying to flesh the world out more and see what the average people would do in the world… but it’s a story in its own right too!
There are magic, gods, good gods and bad gods ofc, ancients, bloodlines, descendants, royalty, soldiers, outlaws, magic schools, political intrigue - like it is a mix of everything I have loved over the years which is so funny to see because clearly I haven't changed...
The dialogue?!?!? I don't think I have written like that ever, but the dialogue is so much better than the dialogue I write today and idk why? Maybe because I wrote it off a sudden throng of inspiration or something? But, fuck, how do I write like that again? I mean, without editing, because the amount of editing I had to do to make the novel READABLE wasn't funny, it took so long... it's finished now though, just the editing, NOTHING else - give me strength, I need it
Also, realised that I hate editing - is it something new? Not really, but holy moly... editing sucks, but it also?? Improves the story and fluidity so much, I should start editing my pieces before I publish and come off as far more eloquent than I do
Planning... is also so difficult - 90% of the novel is like this:
Scene X: completed Me: ah, good, that scene is written, I can move on to the next one Me, still staring at Scene X: ...move on now My brain: but what if it happened like this? PROVIDES SEVEN DIFFERENT ALTERNATE ENDINGS TO THE SCENE THAT WEREN'T NECESSARY AND NOW I HAVE TO CUT SO MUCH CRAP BUT MY BRAIN'S STILL LIKE - BUT WHAT IF?
My brain's literally like the writer's brain from Hush, such a good movie... ANYWAYS!!!!
That's the end of all my ramblings for today, was this post necessary? No, but like, I clearly wanted to get it off my chest and vent so we live, laugh, love... I hope all your days are going well :3
~ Orphan,
(P.S. - I'm toying with the idea of dropping my nickname in the bio, or doing a whole overhaul of the blog - the name, the layout... get rid of orphan, or maybe just become "nickname_the orphan", or something. But, see orphans are just so whumpy though I love a good orphan story... thoughts, ideas, waste management? I'm just dunking all my overflow of thoughts on this update today, but sure, look, be grand — I’m truly sorry if you read this far, I am having an ✨episode✨)
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one whumpy thing i absolutely cannot get enough of is immortal/hyper-regenerating whump. like when a character is some sort of vampire or demigod or something where they can still get seriously injured and still feel the pain, but they can regenerate from it. The depths of the injuries can be much more serious without killing the character. Smashed skulls, getting impaled, limbs removed, it's great
i once read a book where a character like this had her head literally ripped from her body and it described in excruciating detail everything she felt as her brain slowly shut down, while she was trying to telepathically pull her body closer so she could regenerate. the whumperflies were unmatched. I think I was like, maybe around twelve, maybe younger when I read it and it's still stuck with me to this day.
most recently i've been reading The Locked Tomb books, which have a lot of this sort of whump thanks to all the necromancy, but also a lot of great whump in general.
the only downside with this type of whump is that it lacks the whumpy whumpy goodness of leaving scars, depending on how the regeneration works.
sorry for the rambling lol, what are your thoughts on this?
you’re not rambling. there’s no need to apologize! ♡
I talked a bit about immortal whumpee a little while ago here, but basically, my thoughts on immortality when it comes to whumpee are that I will always have a soft spot for whumpee who literally, physically cannot die. (and by soft spot, I mean ‘yesssss give the little guy all the torture, put them in ✨situations✨’)
I couldn’t agree more when you said the whumperflies are when whumpee feels all the pain but literally cannot escape that pain via death. so they’re left struggling, suffering, absolutely in the state where they’re miserable endlessly. it gives me whumperflies too.
p.s. I actually do have a blorbo who is immortal (he does die, but every time he dies, he will always immediately come back, thus his deaths are never permanent), and seeing him die a gruesome, horrible death in every episode of his show has been such a great source of whumperflies for me. the show’s called Forever, and its main protagonist, Henry Morgan, is cursed to live forever. also Henry Morgan’s a medical examiner so, apart from his constant death (this guy is never good at staying alive for long), we also get other whump via each murder Henry solves in each episode. although… while Henry’s many, many deaths are mostly rather quick (not that quick — don’t worry, the audience can still clearly see him in pain — but the show never lets him suffer for too long), the whump is actually very good. and overall it’s such a great show. it unfortunately got canceled after the first season, but a part of me will forever hope that it will maybe one day get a second season somehow 🥺
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ihni · 9 months
My 2023 in fics
Tagged by @billyharringson, thank you, this was a lot of fun!
January: Hot and Cold (or How To Serve Revenge) - a fic I wrote in January (but posted in February, schhhh). Got challenged by @callieb to write hurt/no comfort, and I have it on good authority that I succeeded ... (it has spawned no less than two fix-its and one more continuation by other people so far, which I am awfully pleased about actually)
February: Again and again and again and again, a time loop fic that I love, and would like to read like 80K about. ... yes, read. I don't have time to write more on it now. But I had so much fun writing this, and it is one of my favorite kinds of fics; a short one with potential.
March: March was busy. There was Billy's Birthday Bonanza, and also I wrote for the Billy Hargrove Bingo. I posted a lot of fics then, most of them short. So I'm gonna link two, because I can (and no one told me any rules for this tagging game); Boys, Beards and Best Friends, because it was so much fun writing Billy and Heather being BFFs and also the boys being set up, and then Over the edge, which is one of my favorites, because it was so goddamn fun to write! (Murder mystery prank going wrong, muahahaaa! Don't worry though, no one dies for real.)
April: A piece of meaning on your skin, a little fic I wrote for the Harringrove Flip Reverse It event, about the boys choosing tattoos for each other as a part of a bet. I still think it's cute.
May: I like Flo, okay, and like to incorporate her into fics. In Patience, I wrote about her first impressions of Billy, for the Billy Hargrove Bingo.
June-July: Posted in June, finished posting in July (but written on and off over the course of several years previous ...), Taking Notes is my longest fanfic yet at about 93K. And, listen, I love it. It's a body swap fic, where the boys swap bodies. And then again. And again. Etc. I am so proud of this one, actually.
August: Posted Pal, which is 17K of Billy befriending a stray demodog. I 100% believe Billy would like animals better than most humans, and this fic is basically him being a bit dumb but also a good friend to Pal, the demodog. And then them going into protective mode for each other. I am soft for this one, still.
September: I'm picking a short one that I first posted on tumblr and then onto AO3; Seagulls. It's ... well, it's sad in a way, in that it takes place when Billy's dying at the mall, but it's also comforting in a way, because he gets to leave all that bullshit behind and is greeted by his mom again.
October: Picking Just another night at Motel 6 on Cornwallis, because Billy deserves to get to tell Karen no, and Karen deserves to be shamed for what she did (yes, in this fic she showed up). It was immensely satisfying to write.
November: I didn't get much posted in November (because NaNo), but I did get chapter 3 of Finding Billy posted (it's a finished fic now, though, don't worry). It's a whumpy fic I had to write after a couple of chats with friends, about Billy being held with the Lab people after the whole Starcourt thing, and then Steve and Max and Hop finding out and getting him out of there. Poor boy's been through a lot in this one - but things are getting better, promise!
December: Started posting Home is where the knitted mittens are, which is my latest fic. No ships, no romance. Just Billy finding out he's a werewolf and having to deal with that in Hawkins, Indiana, without much of a safety net. Listen, I'm weak for werewolf Billy, okay? And I made up some werewolf lore in this one which is a mix of all the things I like. (It was literally a reason for me to get to write something "nesting"-adjacent, without having to go into A/B/O-territory.) Definitely written mostly for myself, and I love it dearly. (Featuring werewolf!Scott Clarke too, because why not right??)
Huh, I never thought I'd had enough to fill a whole year's worth, but look at that! I'm proud of myself for this :)
Tagging @callieb (yes, individual chapters work!), @weird-an and @mikajupiterjonesingtimcurryfeet if you guys wanna do it as well :) (And YOU, reading this, if you wanna do it! Consider yourself tagged if you're reading this and think it looks fun - because it IS)
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cactusspatz · 1 year
July recs
It might be the very last day of the month, but that means I'm not late! Five Sandman recs under the cut, and one each for Batman, Murderbot, and Biggles.
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What Manner Of Creature by @ro-moray (Dream/Hob)
Hob's had a number of theories about his strange friend over the years. They are all, of course, completely incorrect.
Great through-the-years look at Hob and Dream, with humor and understanding.
to dream you was remembering by @cuubism (Dream/Hob)
Hob understands now both why Dream created this nightmare, as well as why doing so was an unconscious rather than conscious act, and the thought hurts more than the nightmare itself. After all, Hob has had four hundred years to grapple with his own loss. He's not sure that, even after so much time, Dream has grappled with his.
Short scene with Hob and Dream and a baby nightmare, but it packs a hell of an emotional punch.
The Dread and Fear of Kings by @maybemalapert (gen)
"I'm afraid I'm not much into charcoal sketches," Hob said, taking in the crude rendition of himself and his Stranger that he'd last seen in the hands of Johanna Constantine. "Now, oil paintings on the other hand--" "Mr. Gadlen," the man interrupted. "I have gone to great lengths to find you and to confirm that it was indeed you who met with Dream of the Endless in 1889 and every century prior. Let me assure you, I do not make a habit of kidnapping people on a whim."
Deliciously whumpy fishbowl rescue with Burgess being a real bastard (what else). Happy ending, but mind the tags.
Yours for the Taking by @signiorbenedickofpadua (Calliope/Dream/Hob)
When Hob spots a sad woman in white through a window of a famous author's house, he gets a bad feeling. Further investigation reveals that she's in need of rescue, but what Hob isn't prepared for is the fact that the woman he sets out to save turns out to be a literal Greek goddess, the ex-wife of the Stranger he keeps waiting for, and a rather lovely person to boot.
SUCH a good and satisfying read, with a skillful build to the three-way romance.
more sky comes and more days by Chrome/@catalists (Calliope/Dream/Hob)
In the aftermath of her imprisonment, Calliope is determined to learn to trust humans again, so she finds a roommate and settles in the mortal world. Meanwhile, her former husband has been on another quest that ended in grief, and he seeks her out for solace. What could possibly go wrong? or, “Hey, Zed,” Hob answered. “Something the matter?” “Yes,” she said. “Calliope’s ex showed up and he’s fucking terrifying.”
Really enjoyed this way of them all colliding - funny and bittersweet at turns - and the resolution.
Birdwatch11 by @smilebackwards (Batman, gen)
Tim hadn’t actually meant to start a popular Batwatch blog. He hadn’t meant to start a blog at all honestly but by the time he turned eleven he’d accumulated hundreds of pictures of Batman and Robin on his Nikon DSLR and it had just seemed inefficient to go through the trouble of printing them and storing them in a box under his bed when BlogSphere had a perfectly adequate platform.
Short, funny, sweet story about someone trying to claim credit for Tim's pre-Robin photo habit, and his A+++ response.
in recognition by isilee (Murderbot, gen)
Volescu's first communication from SecUnit, once it had pieced together its brain again and settled into Preservation a little more, appeared in his feed inbox right as he took a sip of his morning coffee.
*dies laughing* In which Murderbot recognizes Volescu for having the sense to retire. Cute look at the friendship of the whole survey group.
Biggles in Sarawak by @philomytha (Biggles/von Stalhein)
Biggles is asked to help the CIA transport a Soviet spy they've captured in a remote jungle location. The trouble is, the spy is Erich von Stalhein. And that's only the first problem.
Excellent adventure jam-packed with tropes from hurt/comfort to teaming-up-with-your-nemesis to sex pollen (with said nemesis, of course).
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moons-cozy-corner · 3 months
Whumpmas in July
I've never done an event (event?) like this before, and im really really excited to participate! I'm only an hour early to day two, since ive been writing tomorrows prompt, but I'm going to slap this here anyways!
Day 2) What are your top three favorite whump tropes?
I love, and I mean LOVE, whumper turned caretaker. Especially if the whump sorta continues, or if the sadism and reasons for whumping whumpee are still there, but there is this newfound hesitance, maybe remorse. I like it when the whumper initiates this change, but then there's the times where whumper is forced to hold back. I like that less but it's still so good!
Pet whump. I loved the whole BBU thing, its so creepy. Whether whumpee understands it's wrong and has to go along with it, refuses to go along with it, or only knows a life of going along with it. And the healing and reconditioning/unconditioning they have to go through? That's the shit.
Anything with vampires. I know that's not a trope.. But I love love love vampires. Especially when people have their own twists to the species. My vampires don’t react to silver, but I love reading about ones that do - digging deep into flesh, being unable to rip it off, melting through layers of muscle and flesh!! The searing pain, unimaginable, hot and white, can’t focus on anything else. Where is it used? In a muzzle, on their face? In their mouth? On their neck? It’s literally so good!
(If anyone wants to DM me… I could go on for hours talking about whumpy things, oc's, anything - I could use more whump friends since I currently have... uh... zero)
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philosophicalparadox · 4 months
The brain worms got me.
😅When deleted scenes from other fanfic take on a new life because the canon has moved so far from its planning phase its predecessors write their own narratives.
Orrrrrrr I wrote some very whumpy scenes for Of Sins, Scars and Secrets during the rough layout phase and when I re-read them, they became Plot Bunnies.
So here we are!
PAIRINGS: Itachi x Kakashi, Kakashi x Tenzou, a brief scene of Itachi x Kisame. Others TBD.
RATING: Explicit. Why? Because medical stuff, mainly. Though I do plan on having a few deliciously bittersweet and angsty sex scenes. Because trauma.
SUMMARY: (we went cheap and lazy)
What if.
Such a powerful question.
What if they found him. What if he wasn’t fine.
What if they were wrong. What if he was lying?
What if they should have known. What if they couldn’t.
What if, all along, they found out he’d been human?
Canon-divergent, (we are making it worse, naturally) set initially during Ep. 122 of Shippuden, the start of the Itachi Retrieval Arc.
In which Absolutely none of it goes according to plan.
GENRE: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Bittersweet, Whump-ish, Medical, SickFic
ADDITIONAL SUMMARY: in which more or less Kakashi becomes Itachi’s caretaker due to suddenly advancing illness that causes his partner to abandon him quite literally on the teams doorstep. Much cognitive dissonance ensues.
Somewhat graphic depiction of PTSD and CPTSD. Relatively graphic Depiction of respiratory disease, including pneumonia and lung cancer. Mentions of rape, suicide, and self harm but no depiction. Mention/implication of child abuse that is physical. Exceedingly angsty. Very Itachi and Kakashi centric. (Except when I go off on POV escapades, because Contrast is a fundamental part of art and nobody knows how to feel in this situation.)
Features a few canon divergent extras to add spice and conflicting perspective, because I love to torture my readers.
NOT Beta read, uses medical terminology and did I mention the angst?
Have fun kiddos. Posting this here as a courtesy.
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
Ohmygod I love matchups
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
Too sweet by Hozier ofc ofcm I looove Hozier and the way he sings about relationships 😭 Im like not fixated on a specific lyric, I'm fixated on the wedding bells in the background of the chorus
What is your Enneagram type?
Okay it has been a FUCKTON of time since I looked at that stuff but iirc it was 2? Me being an infp is literally the only thing I can consistently remember bc ADHD brain
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
YESS I listen to them whenever I'm playing Sims or working on something. Any of Jenny Nicholson or Li Speaks’ videos are common for that Nostalgic Essay Stuff. SPECIFICALLY Jenny Nicholson’s jeff the killer fanfiction book video because I OWNED THAT BOOK. I WROTE CREEPYPASTA FANFICTION AND I OWNED THAT BOOK
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
I did not have one and I pretended to because everyone else did and I felt weird for not having one
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Imagining being loved and cared for 😭 or whumpy fanfiction scenarios no in-between. But they usually overlap
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I named myself after a character cause I relate ofc but I also named myself echo because it was another birth name in consideration for me and it feels like… whimsical
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Gavin </3 I am simply not a sexual person and it puts me off a bit lol
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
This spectacular show called dramaworld about a girl whos obsessed with kdramas and gets sucked into the world of them, but not in a “the events are real” way, in a “the entire world is a setup for the same characters to go through various plots, forgetting and falling in love over and over again” and it's hilarious and it's such a comfort show even though I can't watch it anywhere anymore I don't think. The main romance is top tier. It's so funny. And the stakes and plot twists are actually pretty good
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Probably Sam? I want him to be my dad. I have issues.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
Apparently when I'm half asleep I start talking about horses? But when I'm still conscious, I mostly talk about like. Vampires mostly.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
doritos dinamita and mountain dew yes I am basic
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
I don't have favorite playlists so much as I play 4-6 songs over and over on repeat until I'm sick of them. Currently, those songs are too sweet by Hozier, no more birthdays by sophie may, and Every Chappelle Roan Song.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
I love bad romance novels the more ridiculous and bad, the better. kresley cole's immortals after dark are fun to make fun of (no. Hate if you like them)
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
Uhhh my favorite form of interaction is parallel play. irl or digital, in a digital sense it means “we're liveblogging two separate things we're doing at the same time” lmao
- Asher-Echo/vampire-bite
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Ooh, there’s a lot of good info to consider here. Initially, it was hard because I find Type Two’s easily compatible with most of the Redacted bois, but what said about “not being a sexual person” made it easy to choose Ollie for you.
Because he has never and will never get a BA, I love to headcanon Ollie as either asexual, low-libido, or both, so that’s one reason I think he’d be a good match for you. I also love that y’all would like so many of the same things like open-world games, bad/silly romance novels, and spending time with one another without the pressure to actively interact or engage with each other. (Also creepypastas. I love to headcanon Ollie as a horror, creepypasta fiend, given he grew up on the internet around when Jeff the Killer came to be.)
Every day with Ollie would be so comfortable and domestic, so sweet. Like, on a long weekend like this one if you’re American, I can see y’all spending it at home, a little staycation. He’d be in the other room or one end of the couch reading, and you’d be on the other reading one of your romance novels. Cattywumpus would be on your lap, because you’re his favorite. Your music is playing in the background, and you both stop what you’re doing to dance to “Hot to Go!”, because Ollie would totes love Chappell Roan.
Spillin' wine and homemade drinks/ We throw a cheers, the worries sink/ Damnit, it's so good to be alive/ We know that we don't got much/ But, then again, it's just enough/ To always find a way for a good time
Ollie strikes me as the type of guy who loves simple, feel-good, folk-esque music, someone being honest and emotional with a guitar. That’s one reason I like this song for y’all and can imagine it shuffled with yours as y’all hang out. The other is that this love song is sweet, catchy, simple just like Ollie~
Your love of the Sims and cheesy paranormal romance novels compels me to give you Elliott as a runner-up, because he could bring the things you read and create to life in your dreams, and that’d be so fun! In contrast, your Enneagram type and identifying yourself as nonsexual makes me want to pair you with Cam who gives me an asexual, easily affectionate vibe.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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wormlips · 4 months
The way I got into Thramsay, I was frightened at the thought of reading ff about them, even though I shipped the guys from Killing stalking — arguably not as whumpy. But, they were the most toxic pairing I’d shipped, up until that point. I had only ever watched GoT too, till recently. I thought the fanfiction would be darker, I think. But I was still intrigued, cause I did draw them on one occasion. Then like 5 years later, I came to check this tag on a whim, and had such a visceral reaction to some fanart on here. Long story short, I now strangely ship three pairings where one half of the ship kidnapped (“kidnapped”) the other. And two where one character has .. lost some bits. *whispers* how are there two?? 💀
Yeah it's funny how you can tell yourself 'im just going to take a quick look' and then fall head-first into things. like you never saw it coming but suddenly it's a part of your life
or dismissing a thing only to return years later and realize that it was right up your alley all along
Your ask made me write even more because like you I hadn’t shipped anything on thramsay's level before so i didnt have a good frame of reference what it might have been like but i were intrigued too and it's cathartic putting into words what i think makes them so captivating to me
I definitely had interest in toxic relationships with abusive and dark elements in it long before but none where one of them had literally removed body parts from the other. I think Ive always been on the softer side so I need (needed? Idk if i do currently) some sort of mutual feelings even if it is irrational or non genuine like people who cant help but still love someone who hurts them or the reverse - loves someone but cant keep from hurting them. The DA fic kind of pushed that to its limits but it contained some sort of lingering sentimentality amidst graphic descriptions of flaying and i was thinking you can do that??? Though in that fic the torturer had been corrupted by magic so their relationship had been normal at one point which separates it from thramsay. but it had been proven to me that ppl could justify* ”love” in horrible conditions that is interesting to read and i should stop writing but i went into thramsay fics to find out if someone had done so (also whatever else, i was fucking around to find out)
It just hits the spot i ❤️ characters being conflicted about their lover and i want to be unable to tell if the ”love” they feel for their counterpart is actually something else
even though i'm not particularly into show-verse thramsay anymore the best example i can give is the infamous bathing scene where ramsay asks if reek loves him and reek says of course with full conviction and it's like obviously it isn't true though reek might feel like he does because he has conditioned himself to have that response, he brainwashed himself to cope and for safety because he has to believe so ramsay can't find out he's lying but then if he thinks he feels it so much that he does............? how do we define real vs fake love an-... whatever i'm going too far we don't need a philosophical discussion of this rn
you can make it worse by switching between him being self aware of all this to fully believing he's always been ramsay's, the way he slips back into theon's thinking patterns in the book from reek's and anything inbetween until you have toxic sludge on your hands and furthest thing from a normal, healthy relationship
and even more fun if you do the same to ramsay, it doesn't have to be real love but it's such a clingy obsession and dependency, mutual belonging and the idea that he will always return so his closeness, his whispers will be likened to that of a lover because what else is there to compare it to *there's probably a better way i could put it but by justify i mean the author writing something that makes sense from the character's point of view. i don't want to be misconstrued
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wollemi-whump · 8 months
there are WAY more whumpers out there than people think. i remember at one point i was reading A TON of fics for this very popular fandom, like when i had literally any free time i was reading fic for it. i only searched for fics by a single relation tag and a giant number of the fics were WHUMPY as hell. like angst to the max, hurt/comfort galore. yet almost none of them are tagged as 'whump'. these authors who seem like such devote whumpers didnt tag it as that! so yeah i dont think its the tendency to enjoy beating up fictional character that's uncommon, its the vocabulary to describe that is
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flowerslut · 6 months
shamefully despite how easily i am influenced i have not made my way through your ao3 catalogue. where would be a good starting point? (licking kink not required but always appreciated)
wow thanks for giving me an excuse to make a compilation of my (shorter) twilight fics that I want more people to read!!!!! ok ok so all my best favorite ones (minus call of the night. we are pretending call of the night does not exist, okay? dont think about it. dont even look at it) are my mid-length ones. now, first and foremost: I am an angst writer, and boy do I love to whump on alice and jasper, so in no particular order, you should read these fun little jalice fics while you wait for me to update roots over the next few weeks/months
North Star
rated: M words: 20,336 chapters: one-shot summary: "He’s the Eye of the South. The god of war. Master of battle and oracle of death. He’s not just the most dangerous weapon the world has ever seen, but he’s a man in love. And combining those two just makes this so much worse. Jasper sees a girl in his head, and he's afraid of what comes next."
thoughts: okay i lied, they are in a particular order. or at least this one is. this is my favorite twilight fic I've written (I think) and I got dramatic as fuck with it. written for jalice week back in 2021, the prompt was "power/ability swap" and you get exactly that: jasper is the psychic, alice is the empath, everything else is the same... or is it? this is also notably the first fic I ever sent to someone (g, obviously) to look over/give corrections to, so that might be why it has fewer stupid grammatical/sentence structure issues than most of my other stuff (minus roots). content warning for physical abuse, implied sexual assault, and mild sexual content. (also on ff.net)
The Almost Quiet
rated: T words: 10,365 chapters: one-shot summary: "He wants to blame loneliness, but maybe this is what was meant for him all along. A long road that leads to a depressing end. Longing after a girl he doesn’t know whose mind is lost."
thoughts: the last line of this fic is my personal favorite one I've written in recently memory! anyways this is an all-human AU, (sort of). in 1920, alice and jasper meet as humans and jasper's job gets much harder after that. this one is far from the best on this list, but it's entertaining, angsty, and has a satisfying ending imo. content warning for forced institutionalization and ableist language. (also on ff.net)
rated: T words: 6,551 chapters: one-shot summary: "It's nothing Alice had ever seen. It was no vision, no dream. It was only a possibility that had haunted the back of her mind like a nightmare for as long as she'd known what was out there for her to fear. Jasper had never known about this fear until it became their reality."
thoughts: this is the shortest one on this list, and since you like roots, you'll probably like this. its vaguely similar in that it's a whumpy post-breaking dawn AU, but this is only a snippet of an aftermath in which alice loses her power. wrote it for secret santa 2022 and had a BLAST with it. (if you want more whumpy one-shots my ao3 is chock full of whumptober prompts)
No Friend of Mine
rated: T words: 15,199 chapters: one-shot summary: "He contemplates telling Peter about Alice’s visits, but something holds him back from doing it. Perhaps because it doesn’t feel like Alice whenever she’s lying on his bedroom floor, curled in an old blanket that’s too small for him but perfectly sized for her, utterly still and silent even while awake. A part of him feels like it would be a betrayal to reveal this side of her to someone even as close to him as Peter is. After all, Peter is his friend. And Alice is… well, not."
thoughts: I think this fic is severely underrated, but maybe that's because I literally came up with the concept and wrote it over the course of a day and a half or something insane like that, and I think that for a hastily written secret santa gift from 2020, it holds up sooo well. it's an all-human AU where alice is the weird new girl, and like always, jasper is in way over his head. all the cullens get a role, it has the 'fluffiest' moments, and its faaaantastic. content warning for child abuse.
The Hunted
rated: T words: 26,664 chapters: 11 summary: "It's not so wise if you try to run."
thoughts: this one is the most self-indulgent (with the most questionable characterization tbh) based on g's post from 2019 that says 'twilight, but when bella slips away from jasper and goes to the ballet studio to meet james, he isn’t there. he waited until everyone split up in the airport, and then went for alice instead. in the ensuing chaos, while everyone is freaking out, victoria grabs bella.' this is the only one on the list I might take a look at in the future to rewrite chunks of, but it's great fun your honor. ignore what anyone else tells you about the ending. but make sure to keep this short sequel/epilogue handy, for... reasons. (also on ff.net)
A Loyal Wife
rated: M words: 21,930 chapters: 5 summary: "Alice is only a Lady because she was forced to be one. She much rather preferred being untitled. Just a constant in this strange family of women. Girls both grown and not, betrothed to the man who protects and spoils them. Quickly the newborns realize that Alice is more weapon than wife, and that suits her just fine."
thoughts: last but certainly not least is my attempt at 'jalice enemies-to-lovers' that I wrote over the course of two days while on vacation. this story has everything: southern wars, a marriage cult, weird power dynamics, and [checks notes] trying to seduce your enemy mid-fight. this is another one of my favorites, and maybe the messiest (affectionate) as far as story content goes (of course, minus roots). content warnings for sexual assault/dubious consent.
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sith-obikin · 1 year
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Stay tuned for fic author reveals in the upcoming days!
📣 A small note from the mods:
We’ve been contacted by a few participants about issues with the deadlines. We don’t want anybody stressed with our fest, so we decided to still keep the window open for posting art and fics until (and including) the final date of the festival: May 1st!
We’re absolutely thrilled with the engagement and reach of this project, and if keeping the deadline open until the end can help, we’re happy to oblige ❤️‍🔥
• Art by @weillschmidtdoodles
Reverse Master Padawan AU
• Art by @kana7o
Same age raised as a sith AU
• Art by @obibabywan
Obi-Wan thinks banging Ani back to the light would work but instead he rides the man into the dark side instead. They end up falling together
• Art by @weillschmidtdoodles
Qui-Gon dies but Obi-Wan doesn't get to train Anakin, he is given to another Master. Years pass and without the help of taking care of his young charge Obi-Wan is not dealing well with his grief and emotions.
So when during a mission to investigate Kamino he is approached by his grandmaster Dooku, there isn't much holding him in the Jedi Order.
What Obi-Wan doesn't know is that young Anakin harboured a massive crush for him and now will do anything to bring his beloved Obi back to him.
DW: Anakin being obsessed over Obi-Wan, finding ways to seek him out and confront him, getting angry and jealous when Kenobi fights or flirts with other Jedi. Obi-Wan secretly trying to protect the boy from Sidious grand plan.
DNW: Infidelity. Obi-Wan or Anakin openly engaging in any sexual or romantic activity with someone else (past mentions of flings are fine).
• Art by @leighbirdart
sith!obi and padawan!anakin
• Art by @bi-wan
• Art by @mandhos
• Video edit by @goldendaffodilskenobi
A very passionate and possessive Sith Anakin lures in his beloved Obi-Wan to the dark side
• scattered like stars across the universe by Anonymous
Whump with sith Obi-Wan + jedi anakin.
They haven't known each other for long but actually long enough for them both to develop feelings to each other despite their differences. The context on how they meet is up to you. It can be because of a mission the council assigned to Anakin, but yeah you decide.
One day Anakin gets seriously injured by one of Lord Kenobi's inquisitors. Obi-Wan goes feral and fully in protective boyfriend mode (The guilty inquisitor is immediately killed of course).
DW: The more angsty and whumpie the better!, Blood loss injury
DNW: major character's death (it can be temporary tho), smut
• taste of the divine by Anonymous
married sith obikin!
could be with either one as emperor and the other being their 'right hand' or the proposal/ceremony, or literally however you want it, just them being happily married and very evil :D
DW: since its an au so preferably suitless vader, smut not required but idm, also its okay if they border on a little unhealthy
DNW: non-con, scat, etc. and anidala
• Blade to Blade by Anonymous
Anakin was sent to take down the Sith lord Darth Placidus, but made another choice instead. But returning to his life as a Jedi afterwards won't be as simple as he thought.
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c-c-cherry · 2 years
Wish there were more mob writers like you fr fr fr
Ahahah I'm flattered! :))) I always write what I want to see and read, and because I'm greedy, that also means I wish there was more content that aligns with what I like to put out there. I swear my niche side of the fandom (whatever that side even is...gen?? ow??) is being DEPRIVED on ALL LEVELS.
What I can do is direct you to some of my favourite Mob authors and fics at the moment, hand-picked from the bookmarks of Cherry herself.
Want more long fics that hurt? Check these two out:
Kegare by Zillasafe. A modern classic right now. I bet anyone who's waiting for Area Hysteria is also waiting for this devastating masterpiece to update.
one is the loneliest number by bingbangbong_dead. MAN this one hurts. Incredibly underrated and deliciously painful.
If you want a break from the dread and anticipation of long fics, go check out some of these shorter works:
Walking Mob Home by Cryran88, which I've mentioned on my blog once before. The author has plans to write a VERY whumpy Reigen fic that I know is coming soon and I know its gonna be delicious.
I'm not a big reader of age-swap or aus in general in this fandom, but I remember reading tea leaf bandages by shcherbatskayas back when I first entered the fandom and it just hit the gen spot.
Want an angsty Reigen birthday fic? piinkdarkboy's got you covered with nobody special. I love reading about Dimple & Reigen friendship and wish it was written about more.
Its also SO worth checking out works from BeyondTheClouds777, who writes a fair bit of gen hurt/comfort and it hurts in the best way. I've reread Rails so many times it's probably unhealthy.
Your message literally had nothing to do with recs but if you're hungry for food, I urge you to feast. These fics and people are part of the reason why I started writing for Mob myself!
New update from me will be out soon. Hope you're having a nice weekend <3 <3
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