#jason black coffee grace
jgracie · 5 months
rip jason grace u would’ve hated the way i make my coffee
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Let’s talk more about accents in the Riordanverse!
• Percy with rounded New York vowels and that quick run-together way of saying his sentences. Percy with an accent you can’t quite place until he orders some coffee or water.
• Annabeth with a Virginia drawl and long vowels that don’t quite go away, even after years on Long Island Sound. Annabeth, who will randomly spit out phrases like “nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs”, whose cup always fills with sweet tea in the mess hall/
• Carter with a fairly standard American accent until he pronounces a word so bizarrely it’s clear he must have learned it halfway across the globe. Carter, who gets slightly antsy in the same place for too long and goes to language classes at night just for an excuse to practice.
• Sadie with a London accent that’s begun to fade after years in Brooklyn House, who accidentally says “cheers” when people hold the door for her. Sadie, who skips over her t’s and who drops consonants and, like Carter, isn’t exactly sure where her home is.
• Magnus and Alex with strong Boston accents and nasally a’s that Hearth is glad he can’t hear. Magnus, whose accent gets stronger in battle, who intentionally leans into it when he’s on the West Coast. Alex, who makes people guess where she’s from and tells them something different every time, who argues with Magnus over whose accent is stronger.
• Jason Grace with languid California vowels, who drops the end of every word when he’s relaxed and over-enunciates when he’s in charge. Jason, whose accent is only present when he’s comfortable.
• Leo Valdez with a Texan accent to boot and quick clipping consonants, whose accent sounds nearly the same as Annabeth’s to the untrained ear, but insists that they’re completely different every time someone brings it up.
• Hazel Levesque with a thick New Orleans accent, whose vocabulary is peppered with French and old-fashioned phrases and the occasional Southern saying. Hazel, who sticks to Deep South manners (and passive-aggression, when necessary), who orders in French when she goes to a bakery and watched old black-and-white movies when she feels homesick.
• Frank, who sounds American except for when he says “sorry”, who speaks a bit of Canadian French (which Hazel hates, because she can’t understand it), and gets teased every time he says “about”.
• Piper with a slight valley-girl sound that she’s worked hard to get rid of, but tends to slip into when she’s tired or angry. Piper, whose voice becomes sweet and soothing in charmspeak, who understands every fluctuation and intonation and how to use them to her advantage.
• Nico di Angelo with a seemingly standard American accent, until you pick up on the odd transatlantic pronunciation or Italian rolled “r”. Nico with an arsenal of phrases so jumbled and eclectic that people do a double take when he talks.
Just. Yeah. Riordanverse accents.
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leth-writes · 1 month
Yandere batfam x reader part 4!
The cafe, Little Spoon, was extraordinarily quiet for this time of day; last time you had been the line had been out the door to get a drink, let alone sit at the tables and enjoy a meal. Yet, you supposed the complete lack of jobs and the constant villain attacks had created the perfect storm to kill most small businesses. In that light, you were happy such a small cafe was able to stay open, especially with the encroaching giants in the area. Sitting at the table, picking at your bagel with your head down, you felt shame. Having dumped your entire life story out for TIm and Jason to pick at, you felt weirdly hollow.
It felt like someone had scooped out your insides with a dull spoon, and you stared despondent down at your mangled bagel. Jason was texting again, and Tim was staring into the distance, lost in thought. You got the feeling you were the subject of his reverie. It felt weird, seeing them both so lost in their own worlds, especially after the intense way they had stared as you explained your reasoning behind choosing their family.
You didn’t know what to do now, and shame radiated through your core at facing the victims of your crime face to face. No matter how much you had apologized, and how much they had promised they didn’t mind, it still felt hollow, like you wouldn’t ever be able to make up for what you’d done.
“Well, I sicked Barbara on your landlord; if he’s got any dirt, she’ll dig it up.” Jason sighed as he plopped his phone down on the table, leaning back in his chair. “It’s probably a mafia connection. We’ll have to alert the … authorities.” Tim pondered, still half lost in thought and staring out the window. The idea of your landlord, the very one who had indirectly put you in this situation, and who you still hadn’t seen, having some sort of criminal connection had never crossed your mind; you couldn’t believe it was even possible. Hell, it was the type of thing to happen in film, not in real life! Yet, the more you thought about it, the more it made sense; it would explain the constant patrolling from the bats the last little while, you supposed.  You stared at Tim’s face in profile, noticing the sharp turn of his thin, high nose and his full, pink lips. You couldn’t believe you were soulbound, destined to have some sort of relationship that only time would reveal. You weren’t sure what your next steps were, but you felt guilty enough to do whatever Tim and Jason would suggest.
Jason abruptly stood up, making meaningful eye contact with Tim. “Hey, I’ll get you a coffee. Want anything else to eat besides that poor bagel?” He questioned you, a half-smile gracing his chiseled face. You shook your head mutely, unwilling to ask for even more. Besides, you weren’t feeling hungry, the anxiety killing any appetite you may have. Tim had turned to look back out the window, so you occupied yourself with glancing around the small room. The only other customer was a young Asian woman, maybe mid-twenties, with choppy black hair ending at the nape of her neck and flaming her face in floaty whisps. She was looking down at her phone, small mouth upturned into a smile, with her chocolatey dark eyes locked onto her screen. She was giggling slightly, evidently at the response from whoever she was texting.
As you attempted to get a closer look at her screen, both out of boredom and curiosity, Jason crossed your line of sight and sat a large porcelain cup and saucer in front of you. “Here,” he started, “It’s hazelnut. Drink up, then we can leave for the manor so you can meet the others”. You took a small sip as he sat down, looking behind you toward the door. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t really feel comfortable going to the manor. I can’t impose on your family, not after everything I did…” You responded, taking another sip of the rich, thick drink. Jason huffed playfully, rolling his eyes and smiling. “I told you it’s fine. You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last, but you’re definitely the cutest,” He smirked as you hiked your shoulders toward your ears in embarrassment. “Listen, the least you can do is meet the others. I’m sure they’d love to get to know you for who you really are, they’ve been curious for ages,” Tim turned toward you, staring earnestly into your eyes and gently gripping your free hand. 
“I… I don’t know…” You said hesitantly, pausing to take a large sip of the drink and glance out the window. What did you have waiting for you? Your apartment was empty and the neighbors weren’t exactly great company as of late, and the constant rejection while looking for work was definitely taking its toll. You yawned, overcome with a wave of sudden exhaustion. Your adrenaline must have crashed after it spiked earlier, you supposed. Through the fog of the exhaustion, you found yourself nodding along to their gentle affirmations as they led you out to the car that was now parked in front of the cafe. If you were more conscious, you would’ve questioned it, but the exhaustion wiped you out and you ended up passed out, laid over Tim’s lap as he ran his hand down your back and whispered reassurances.
Getting in the car was the final mistake that sealed your fate.
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Lucky // J. Todd x f!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: smut 18+ ONLY, praise kink, tooth rotting sweetness
Summary: You and Jason were opposites. He was a foul-mouthed, gun-toting vigilante. You were painfully shy, not even daring to look at the guy from across the coffee shop. It doesn’t matter. He shows you how much he loves you regardless.
A/N: still working on catching up with holiday requests! I just wanted a break in between writing them. anyway, it’s cuffin’ SEASONNNN I NEED A BIG BOY, GIMME A BIG BOY
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The gradual warmth flooding across Gotham indicated that spring was encroaching on winter. In a small one-bedroom apartment on the edges of the Bowery, you scribbled down a grocery list while you waited for your lover to wake up. Delicate golden rays washed over your skin and seeped into your soul, lighting up your body inside and out. Adjusting your glasses, you peered outside as the sun crested over the tops of the buildings.
The sound of the bedroom door opening caught your attention and you looked over to find Jason watching you carefully. He leaned against the doorframe, gray sweats hanging low on his hips. His firm, solid torso was on display and your cheeks flooded with heat despite the fact that you had seen him like this a million times before and slept next to his half naked form merely hours before.
Jason was the opposite of you. You both savored quiet days in the apartment with your choice of book, a new recipe to try, or a show in the background while you worked on your computer and he napped on the couch next to you. He worked nights and you during the days. He was out in the streets, beating criminals black and blue for going after the innocent. You waited for him to come home so you could ease the sting of his broken knuckles with antiseptic and ice. He was loud, brash, and didn’t hesitate to get in people’s faces if he felt justice needed to be served. You were quiet, shy, and felt it impossible to raise your voice sometimes.
“Morning,” you greeted softly. Sleep still clung to his teal eyes, but a small smile graced his lips. Jason pushed away from the wall and made a clean hop over the couch. He settled his weight on top of you, careful not to crush you, and nestled his head on your chest.
A giggle escaped you and you tossed the notepad and pen onto the coffee table. You tangled your fingers in his messy dark hair and laid a kiss on top of curls. He hummed at your ministrations as you scratched your nails along his scalp and his hands came down to settle on your hips.
No words needed to be exchanged between the two of you. You slid your hands down to run along the heated skin of his back. The glow of the sun illuminated his body and when he raised his head, he was crowned in golden light. A halo perfect for your angelic protector.
His hands slid under your shirt and he tugged it off in one swift motion, tossing it somewhere in the direction of the kitchen. You laughed again and he smiled against the flesh of your breast before his tongue swiped across the pebbled nipple of your right breast. Your grip tightened on his bicep and Jason grunted in pleasure. He loved knowing his girl felt good.
Jason reached up and pulled your glasses away from your face. He gently set them on the coffee table and pulled himself up, straddling your waist but making sure to not press his weight down on you. You reached up and cupped his cheeks, pulling him down to meet your lips in a searing kiss. You slipped his lower lip between both of yours and sucked slightly, savoring the taste of him on your tongue. Jason groaned and slid his hand along the waistband of your pajama pants. He brushed his pointer finger along your clothed pussy and you gasped against his mouth.
Triumphantly, Jason pulled your panties to one side and circled a finger against your cunt. Shocks of pleasure shot up your spine and warmth flooded down into your cunt. You could feel your arousal grow and he tested how wet you were by slipping the tip of his finger between the lips of your cunt.
One finger slid into you, crooking and teasing along the fleshy pad of your g-spot and your hips canted towards him instinctively. Jason nibbled along the side of your jaw as you panted, open mouthed and debauched. His fingers fucked you as his clothed cock rubbed against your hip.
If someone told you two years ago that you would spend your mornings getting your mind and back blown out by your gorgeous boyfriend, you would have laughed and walked right out of the building. Hell, you were painfully shy sometimes. The chances of you talking to a guy was slim. Dating? As if.
But then you kept running into this one customer at the coffee shop under your apartment. The first time you saw Jason, you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him without wanting to shrivel up into a hole and never appear in public again.
After three months of you both glancing at the other, Jason made the first move because there was no way in hell that you would be doing it. He simply walked up one day and asked if the seat across from you was empty. Once he broke past your initial walls, you realized how comfortable you were around him. He was loud, from his laugh to his very personality, but you didn’t mind it. He chatted with the baristas, paid for people who didn’t have enough change or clearly needed a pick me up, and he got in the face of the folks who yelled at the baristas.
You were falling before you knew it. Everything else just fell into place as easy as your heart.
Of course there were bumps. The whole vigilante thing and rich family had come as a shock, but at that point, you didn’t really care. Jason was your Jason. He was the guy who got a lemon poppy seed scone and a cold brew every day. He loved the taste of coconut but hated the texture. He loved to read, always had, and he loved to tell you about the latest book he had read.
He had died. He had come back. Sometimes, he kissed you like it would be the last time he would ever touch you. You didn’t care.
You loved him.
“C’mon, baby. Come for me,” he grunted against your lips as the cord of pleasure in your body pulled tighter and tighter. “God, you’re so pretty. Such a good girl for me. You’re gonna be a good girl and come, right?”
“Yes,” you whispered. “I’m your girl.”
“That’s right.” He kissed you sweetly and you couldn’t help but notice the contrast between the lewd squelch of his fingers scissoring and thrusting out of your sopping cunt and the soft, gentle way he pressed kisses across the bridge of your nose and against your lips.
“That’s my good girl, that’s my baby. God, I love you so much.”
His raspy, sleep-coated voice sent your brain haywire and you opened your lips in a silent, choking gasp as your pussy fluttered around his fingers. He rutted against your hips just a few more times before he stilled. If you looked down, you were sure you would find a growing stain at the front of his sweatpants.
Jason slipped his hand out from your pants and laid his hand on your bare stomach. He collapsed next to you on the couch and rested his head on your breast once more.
“What was that for?” you teased. “Not that I’m complaining.”
He rested his chin on your sternum and blinked up at you with lust-addled eyes.
“Thought it was obvious,” he mumbled.
You shook your head. “Gonna have to spell it out for me, bubs.”
Jason settled a kiss on the skin of your chest, right where your heart beat steadily. “Because I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in this entire city.”
Tag List: @khaetiin​ @mcrmarvelloki​ @gone-batty-fics​ @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @havingarebelliousstage​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @kimm4710​ @kat-nee​ @khaylin27​
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paranormaltheatrekid · 4 months
Use this as an excuse to dump a bunch of Hatchetfield headcanons, go wild.
Wow ok here we go:
-Ted Spankoffski is a pineapple pizza enjoyer.
-While we’re on the topic of Ted, Tinky definitely keeps clumps of his hair in a bag somewhere.
-Like Richie, Steph used to have dyed hair at some point.
-Becky Barnes is very much an animal person. She definitely got multiple pets once Stanley was gone.
-I didn’t create this headcanon, but I just adore it: Duke named his cat after Miss Holloway.
-Paul likes ice Carmel frappes. He just orders black coffee because it’s easy for Emma.
-Alice Woodward listens to Chappell Roan religiously.
-Webby’s favorite brother was Wiggly. They used to be really close.
-Miss Holloway definitely had the gift even before she made the deal. She saw Webby and stuff.
-Ruth is a Hamilton fanatic.
-Despite the fact that he didn’t make it, Pokey loves the phantom of the opera. He tries to make Paul be Cristine. He hates it, obviously.
-Xander Lee is John’s husband.
-Max and Stephanie were childhood friends.
-Lex and Ethan are bi4bi
-The nerds cosplay together. Ted takes them to conventions and teases them about it, but he secretly loves going.
-Miss Holloway runs karaoke nights at the diner. Her and Duke do duets together.
-Richie’s favorite food is the Miku ramen.
-Hannah Foster likes the Percy Jackson books.
-Also, Hannah didn’t speak until she was like 10 or 11.
-Charles Coven had involvement with Peip. He knew John and Wilbur.
-Nibbly is either the best cook ever or burns everything he touches. No in between.
-Shelia Young and Linda Monroe are both heavy red wine drinkers. Also, Shelia knows the Murrays through the church so she definitely knows Linda.
-I’m not really sure about this one, but I think it would be cool if Miss Holloway was related to the Waylon family.
-Max is secretly a musical theatre enjoyer.
-Kyle isn’t in the best of you scene because Grace killed him before Jason.
-Grace learned how to bury bodies from watching the Jerries. Or perhaps she learned from her mother.
-Benji, the kid who was said to have been able to talk to dogs in yellow jacket, was Scrags from the solve it squad.
-Blinky is an avid smut reader.
-Hannah made Ethan a bracelet. It’s his prized possession.
-Grace used to have a crush on Alice.
-Wilbur Cross has green eyes, like bright green. Idk that he doesn’t. I think he should.
-Charlotte makes her own sweaters. She gave the CCRP gang ones for their birthdays. Bill and Melissa love theirs. Paul hates his. Ted pretends to dislike his, but he’s glad that she made him one.
-Melissa and Woman are gay and in love.
-The reason that Webby taught Hannah how to play the ukulele was because her brother Pokey taught her how to play instruments.
-Linda’s mom was definitely a honey queen.
-Pete is really interested in space. I think it suits him, but also know he can be the space bastard to Ted’s time bastard.
-Forever and Always!Paulkins adopt a dog and multiple kids.
-Nibbly’s human forms are inspired by past honey queens.
-Zoey and Zach used to be very close as kids.
-Steph is very good at makeup. She practices her skills on Pete.
-Some movies Miss Holloway likes are labyrinth and the princess bride. She will not watch a movie made past the 90s. Brenda calls her old.
-Paul doesn’t hate Moana. He is the only one who knows all the lyrics.
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I'm BACK helloooo! Oh my goodness friends! I have so much to tell you all! So I kinda was collar grabbed by this story so my edit of chapter 4 is SO different from what I posted here, SOOOOO I'm posting a bit of the edited Ch4 so no one misses out on plot! ahhh I've been so excited to share this all with you!!!! Transference chapter 3 is in the works as well as a secret WIP! I really wanna focus of my first two stories though so Idk when that will be up or what an update schedule might look like.
Anyways the Angst is strong, the trauma and body horror is as strong as the blasphemous tea I brew, read at your own leisure I aint yo mama lol
Stay safe, give yourself grace, take your meds, get some sun, burrow in a blanket nest, drink water and eat a snack lovelies!
Once Danny makes a decision he throws himself in head first, this will be no different. Danny has to start at the beginning. He must tell them everything to have a hope of them understanding how Danny ended up dropping through a portal to his brother’s side. For… their family to understand what true danger hunts him even now.
Dick sips his cup of coffee only to look at it betrayed when it’s bitter and cold. He has been in Bruce’s study watching the live feed of the recovery room for hours. He managed to drag himself to bed when Alfred had insisted but his dreams had been plagued with Danyal trembling on the floor, knife hilt deep in his small neck, the sight of them in the doorway had made him panic and then he was bleeding out, his breath gurgling in his throat as he died. It was an awful way to wake up and he couldn’t even go check on Danyal in person! Damian had cashed in a lot of the blackmail he’s kept on them to keep them away. While Dick was proud of his little brother’s emotional growth, seeing their youngest in person would go a long way for Dick to shake off his nightmare. He is a bat though so he will endure, especially because this involves his family, his brothers. 
As the sun started dipping below the horizon behind the curtains Tim walked into the study with two large cups filled to the top with coffee, one with a ton of sugar and cream the other plain black coffee, “Awe Timmy! You brought me coffee!” Dick snatches the plain one up with a smirk. 
Tim just grumbles at his grabby hands and relinquishes the cup. He shuffles over to the couch and pulls out his laptop to work on something- Dick isn’t sure where Tim had managed to safely carry the computer with two fresh coffees- and promptly ignores the others as they file in the next ten or so minutes. Judging by the dark circles under everyone’s eyes, sleep was hard to come by. 
Bruce is slumped into his chair watching the twins. No one breaks the silence. Dick eyes Jason from where his brother has propped himself against the wall out of the way Their father’s shoulders are tense in anger. So Talia is probably giving him the slip. He can’t help but feel resentment for the woman who keeps secrets that hurt his family. She knows that people don’t always stay dead. When Jason died, the only reason Dick had to face it, recognize that his little brother was dead was because they had his body as sure proof he had been murdered. Dick has seen many times how Bruce grieves and it’s never good. Adding in a twin? Bruce is holding himself together with sheer will power and meticulous training. Bruce might be almost impossible to read but he was the first boy to be adopted. He has more Bruce experience than anyone else in the family but Alfred. He can see the cracks. 
Turning back to the screen Dick lets out a little coo at the image. Damian is awake and is looking at Danyal like he’d disappear from under the blanket they share. The boy carefully extracts himself to use the restroom that’s tucked away in the corner. When he comes back onto the screen he is changed into his sweatpants and a t-shirt Dick recognizes as his own. He also spots a change of clothes for Danyal in his arms, which he sets on the side table next to the bed before Damian goes around refilling the water pitcher and glass to be ready for use, setting fresh towels out. 
Turning his attention to the younger boy, he can see how sickly the boy is when they’re side by side to compare. His pale skin shows off the dark veins underneath, his cheeks are caving into his face, all his baby fat eaten away, dark bruises under his eyes, and with how injured he was… it’s not telling a pretty story. Dick is confident that if Danyal hadn’t dropped out of the rafters in that warehouse they’d never know he could’ve been out there. He desperately needed help even if he hadn’t realized it yet. Bruce and Dick watch Damian crawl back into bed, Danny doesn’t wake but he does turn towards where Damian has frozen owl-eyed. An arm snags the bottom edge of Damian’s shirt and like a signal the rest of his limbs follow to entwine them together. It’s very cute. With a smirk Dick takes out his phone and snaps a quick picture. It’s unlikely to truly upset Damian since it’s probably the only picture that they have of the twins together right now, but however Damian responds when he knows the picture exists will be satisfying. 
“Are we gonna get on with it or just sit in silence with our thumbs up our asses?” Jason glares, looking significantly more tense. He stares down the room while crossing his arms across his chest. 
Dick sees Bruce’s shoulders square up like he’s bracing for a physical punch instead of the verbal jab. Batman has an almost obsessive need to know everything he can about a situation, it was one of his many lessons that they as his children made into muscle memory. Knowledge made carefully crafted contingency plans that kept their family safe on and off the streets. Something to hold, to have in reserve for when they need it. To be thrown so many unknowns in the shape of a brother was unsettling them all. 
“Jason.” Dick throws him a disappointed look from where he stands by Bruce, placing a hand on his shoulder to diffuse the argument that would shortly explode. “Danyal hasn’t been conscious, he hasn’t had the chance to explain anything yet, has he?” He raises his eyebrow at his brother. The family might not always reach an agreement on, well most things, but Dick knows his younger brother cares. He does. He won’t admit it but he’s here. Red Hood sticks to Crime Alley, looking after his people and- though he won’t claim them- his kids. One glance at Danyal’s wounded, still form was all it took to gain his loyalty. Red Hood liked to take his aggression out on those who disrespect his claim. Jason’s impulse to run off and hunt the monsters who could harm a child this way was poorly hidden. Dick understood the feeling so he didn’t push further.
Jason sneered at his words but didn’t bite back, just turned his impatient gaze towards Tim. “I’m sure Tim has been doing more digging than sleeping.”
Bruce inhales sharply drawing all of their attention. He’s looking at the monitor, hitting the unmute, Damian’s voice floods the room. “I simply meant you only have to tell me what has happened since we were separated… Once, here. I-We had thought you would prefer what privacy we can afford while we determined who had made the grave mistake of harming you. The family, while well intentioned, can be overwhelming. It is difficult gathering everyone and having them sit quietly for extended periods of time and our family is… large.” 
Damian’s description brought a small smile to Dick’s face. Danyal’s quiet reply dimmed the edges because he sounded so young. 
The whole group shifted and was laser focused on their new family member. Dick can’t think of any way to describe this whole situation as wrong as he took in what he could see.. It had nothing to do with Danny himself, or maybe it was more accurate to say whatever made his newly claimed baby brother look like that was what was firing off all his finely honed warning bells. A glance around at the others makes it clear they’re all, for once, on the same page.
If Bruce’s glare could kill the poor monitor would’ve been smoking at this point. Danyal was clearly at the end of his rope. Dick will admit as much as it irks him Damian was right to sequester the recovery room and keep Danyal in a calm area. They watch in horror as Danyal starts to speak. He was hesitant and nervous at first but slowly gained confidence when Damian didn’t react adversely. 
The rest of them didn’t have to restrain themselves. 
  “What the actual fuck?” That’s Tim’s angry voice, Dick shutters. He sounds like he’s already started on researching his shit list by the furious tapping that comes from the couch. Drs Fenton, the Ghost Investigation Ward, and Vlad Masters can’t possibly know what is coming for them. Dick isn’t sure whether to step in when Jason sinks down into the couch next to their younger brother and they immediately start whispering between themselves. 
He decides after a long look at the twins murmuring to each other that he would rather check on Bruce. “B?” 
The man that stands firm against Gotham’s most unsavory rogues, looks back at him lost. His eyes get drawn back to his sons on the screen, “He’s so small Dick. I-” It’s rare Bruce breaks in composure and Dick’s chest squeezes. His father looks haunted. 
“We’re here for him now, B.” He says gently. There are no words he could say that can erase what is already done. 
They listen to Tim and Jason in the background while watching Damian help Danyal get out of bed. Once on his feet Danyal waves his twin away. He’s weak and shaky but they breathe a bit easier when his legs don’t give out underneath his body weight. The short walk to the bathroom door seemed to have winded him. Danyal reaches for the wall and presses into it while he pauses. And pauses. 
Damian hasn’t rushed to his side so Dick tries not to panic. He probably needs a moment to gather himself. “Do you think we need to send Alfred down?” He asks Bruce. 
“What?” Tim and Jason both looked up at him in tandem. 
“Danyal! He was- well he is- fine. But look! He’s all hunched like he can’t breathe right? Why is Damian just watching?” Dick frets wringing his hands.
Attention diverted from their plans of destruction the two leave the couch and crowd around Bruce’s desk. 
“Oh fuck!” Tim curses, roughly rolling Bruce’s chair away from the keyboard. “I don’t know how they did it but I think the feed was paused, or spliced or looped. I’m trying to override it- Ah! I got it!” 
The feed clears and they all blink at the empty room. The bathroom door is open and Danyal’s things that were by the door are gone. 
Bruce jumps out of his chair. “What were they doing right before?” 
Tim pulls up the saved file and finds the moments right before the glitch. “They’re hugging?” A few lines of code and Tim has the background volume boosted. A hushed conversation in Arabic reaches their ears. 
“Okay Danyal, I understand and will help you,” Damian studies his brother for a moment, “how can I help you best in this moment Danyal, what is it you want.” 
They watch Danyal look around at the room, fear leaking in now that he’s not focused on the boy with him. “I can’t be here. I won’t heal.”
Bruce flinches like Danyal had hit him.
They embraced, and whatever else was said was too muffled to pick up.
They watch entranced, like a bruise you can’t help but press on, as the scene plays out and ends with Danyal leaning against the wall. 
“They can’t have gotten far, the demon brat wouldn’t risk hurting his precious twin, Dickie-Bird and I can fetch the chicks that flew the nest.” Jason sighs.
Bruce’s phone rings and they all look at it with reluctance. That’s Oracle’s ringtone so it’s important. Dick swipes the device and answers with a quick, “O, we’ve got a situation, please tell me this is important.”
“Yeah it is,” Barbra agrees, “if you guys were gonna patrol why wasn’t I looped in, huh?” 
Dick exchanges a confused look with the others. “Uh no, O, we agreed no patrol tonight, Black Bat, Signal, and Spoiler were our covers.”
“Then why is the Batmobile headed towards the edge of town?” 
They, with years of experience fighting side by side, spring in sync for the hidden entrance and pile into the elevator to the cave to change and to track down their brothers.
Gotham was unusually muggy this evening. Bruce could feel the sweat drip down his scalp and his suit was already damp. Breath blazed through his lungs yet brought him no warmth. He had to suppress his instinct to shiver. Fear was all he could feel. It was bone chillingly familiar. Nothing like Scarecrow’s toxin yet he was still sinking deeper into glacier littered water. As Batman, Bruce has taken many hits, faced the cruel underbelly of Gotham from the shadows and had said enough. Birthed from vengeance and relentlessly courting justice, he gets back up, keeps moving, doesn’t stay down even when he probably should. No one else had managed to stand against the city’s rogues. Every night he embraces their seething rage that blistered the streets and exploded buildings. Batman turns towards danger, not away. He is the shield that protects his city's people from the impact the best he can. It’s never enough. Batman has flung himself head first into a race that had long since started. 
In the rare hours he is alone surrounded by the soft glow of the Batcomputer and the quiet rustling of sleeping bats he can admit, those first years, he had enjoyed the vicious fights. Tangoing with death each night. He was entranced, he would dance until the curtain dropped. It was a destructive cycle he couldn’t escape. As he’s aged his compulsion to run off has cooled, and it was only after the first time Dick got more than just a few bruises did he realize the true cost. Even if he couldn’t stop them, perhaps he should’ve tried harder to work with his children to ensure their safety.  A family of vigilantes was a double edged blade. His curse to bear. The curse he spread. Every night his heart is split into pieces and goes with them as they stalk their prey from within the shadows. His children amaze terrify him in how they’ve all risen to fight back the miasma that threatens to swallow Gotham whole. 
He doesn’t know Danyal, has never learned what his favorite breakfast is or seen him off to school. They have never shared late night training sessions. His youngest has never fallen asleep sequestered away in his own world working on a case and for Bruce to find him and tuck him into bed like he has with all of his children at least once. No. He was never given a chance. Danyal’s existence was hidden from him. His death was a secret Damian was manipulated into thinking he had to carry the weight alone. And people believed Batman to be some sort of legendary detective. If Bruce was less controlled he might scoff at the thought. He missed things, big and small, all the time. Most often it was his children that were affected by his carelessness, his lack of understanding. 
He knows what it is to lose a son. In death and because of his own parental ineptitude. Bruce knows what it is for his world to spin out from under his feet and to let his rage blindly guide him. Bruce risks a glance at Jason, his walking, talking, breathing miracle. Why couldn’t he just say that to the person who needed to hear it. Jason had died, it was awful, truly awful. As an adult he has never felt so lost. Jason was only a child. A brilliant, bright, life snuffed out in the cruelest way only for some universal hiccup to thrust his soul back into body and for Talia to pick him up. They’ve never talked about the Y-incision that spans his entire torso. Jason hadn’t intended for him to see it. Bruce doesn’t know who is responsible. He doesn’t know if they dare breathe another breath on Earth. He’s afraid to ask. He’s afraid of what he’ll do if they aren’t already dead. No, the only thing he knew about it was what Jason had deliriously shared with him while sick with whooping cough. The cut may have happened but that was as far as they got. His ribs remained intact, his organs undisturbed. Bruce has to trust Jason told him the truth. Bruce hadn’t had the strength to imagine alternatives.
He has no choice now. Whatever Danyal’s journey has been, wherever he’s been. Bruce despairs that his youngest’s life journey has been too similar to Jason’s. Danny had listed off to Damian the multitude of injuries he had and Bruce just knew. Two of his sons have been dehumanized, valued as objects for other’s use, to state their curiosity. His youngest didn’t just get cut into, as despicable as that already was, no, he was awake, aware, alive as some sick fuck rooted around behind his ribs. (Half-alive. His gut rolls at the implications yet it brings none of his usual suspicions to draw his attention to what his son was hiding. Only he wasn’t hiding, not from the Wayne family. No, he had shared everything with very little prompting from Damian. Danyal was running from them) Bruce could only stare at the screen in his office in horror. How fast did his regenerative ability work to regrow his harvested organs? Did he have to break wrongly healed bones and had to hold them in place until they healed enough for him to escape or did his bones snap forcefully into place on their own-    
It’s a race against time now. Danyal is in no condition to be on the run. It would crush him to send him away but Bruce would. He can find a secure place away from him for his son if that’s what it took to make him feel safe enough to rest. Recovery needs to be his number one priority, he had been slowly relaxing with Damian yet as soon as he wasn’t disoriented he fled. What does that say about how he thinks they’ll treat him? What does it say about Bruce that Damain felt he could better protect his twin alone?
Bruce forces himself to reach for his comms and connects to the main comm line they use for patrols. “Everyone, change of plans, keep your eyes open for both boys. They fled from the cave in the Batmobile, hail the line immediately if they’re sighted, I don’t expect Robin to linger once it stops.” Bruce internally curses at himself that he didn’t think to have some sort of code for his youngest. He’s known for creating contingency plans for his contingency plans, yet he is not prepared for this. He could’ve never prepared himself for the knowledge he had not one blood son but two, twins. He couldn’t be too revealing incase someone was listening. “We’re in pursuit of the Batmobile now. Remember the boys are both League trained, Robin likely will have some tricks he’ll play.. The boy’s full capabilities are still unknown and he is heavily injured, proceed with caution, the boy is likely running on instinct, resistance is expected. We want to avoid making them feel cornered.” His tone is tight with worry, He doesn’t blame Danyal for being suspicious. He may be their father, but as far as he knows it wouldn’t be safe. Well, Bruce can’t blame either of them, they’re children, his children. He will blame their mother though. “We want them to get them home safe with no further injuries.” 
Some very distant part of him is proud of Damian for unequivocally having his brother’s back, if only they could bond over things that didn’t shave years off his life. Bruce has never been more stressed. Some day soon he’ll just have to embrace the grey that was sprouting in his black hair and give Alfred relief from helping him hide them.
“Copy that B-man! Our eyes are peeled!” Spoiler responds “I’m currently in Burnley, Orphan’s got Somerset covered and Signal is in Old Gotham! If they’re out here we’ll find them.”
“From what Oracle sent, I think I should be able to pick something up with my powers, I’ll keep trying while we move, B.” Signal pipes in.
“Thank you Signal.” Bruce is flooded with relief. He really is lucky to have them, there’s no one else he’d rather have at his back. They’ve all grown into their own. He tries not to sigh. 
Discovering the twins missing had sent them scrambling, even Jason had looked worried and tucked away his instinct to question him or to argue, his second son had simply followed them down to the cave. At this rate he may get an ulcer. He had felt panic steal his critical thinking, as he led his boys south towards where the Batmoblie was speeding away faster than they could grapple. He had to find them. Gotham isn’t safe at night and Danyal’s movements will be restricted if he deems it important not to rip his stitches. 
Moving through the air usually calmed him but tonight grappling wasn’t moving him around fast enough. Taking the Batmobile was smart of his sons, he begrudgingly had to admit, not only was it faster, the boys would be hidden inside. If Robin had driven his bike he’d have superior maneuverability even though Batman could’ve followed them faster, but if the boys had impacted something during a high speed chase to flee? They’d both be thrown. Danyal is already severely injured anything additional.. Bruce couldn’t make himself focus on that. 
His Trouble Twins probably planned it this way to slow them down. To throw them off their tracks. It was working, the boys had a 10 minute lead on their group. They’d left as soon as they had suited up but they still were too far out of reach. Away from the protective shadow of his cape. He couldn’t protect them now that they left the safety of the manor. Jason was cursing underneath him on the street racing past buildings on his bike, he was slightly ahead of Batman and Nightwing’s position in the air, on the bike next to him Tim was working with Barbara to try and get eyes on the boys. Quiet suggestions on what to look for. Shadows that move unnaturally, flashes of color there and gone, how they needed an algorithm up to analyze all of the feeds simultaneously. With the many cameras in Gotham-more than half Bruce had bought for the city to install- they wouldn’t be so hard to find. They shouldn't be so difficult to find, but Damian was particularly slippery when he put in the effort. Bruce glanced at his eldest besides him. 
Dick was one long string pulled too tight. He, of course, was still chatting happily with Barbara but his smile was strained at the edges, his movements too careful and precise. He hasn’t joked once. The possibility the man would snap increases the longer the twins are missing. It’s rare to see Dick outwardly expressing something other than the pure sunshine and patience. By the time Jason had come around he had curbed most of his bloodlust, it was a faint memory by the time Tim weaseled his way into their lives. It reminds Bruce too much of Brucie. The persona that he developed to hide from the vultures that would’ve taken everything from him as a child when tragedy struck. Before Bruce had decided to be active in Gotham’s social scene he knew it was better they underestimate poor orphaned Bruce Wayne. Brucie hid Batman, a shield to protect his family from those who would expose their secrets. He was necessary, even if Bruce felt suffocated most of the time. Was Dick hiding from him? 
He has to suppress a shutter. All his children to some degree, whether on or off the streets, have adapted to Batman’s mannerisms and habits. It was essential to survive facing the threats they do. Dick though fell more into Bruce’s habits. His eldest son, who with a smile looked after his siblings while Bruce was distracted by some crisis or another.They both often blamed themselves for things they couldn’t stop or foresee. That heavy invisible weight that sits on their shoulders because they claimed it. Bruce knows that he’s failed his children, Dick.. Dick in particular has had to step up on his behalf to smooth things over between family members. Forced to become another parent to the kids he brought home. It was never Dick’s responsibility and it’s taken time and a lot of effort but Bruce is making steps forward, trying to stop repeating the same mistakes. It was only Alfred’s guidance and help raising the boy that he excelled instead of crumbling under Bruce’s incompetence. Bruce was trying though. Even if it was hard to talk about casually, he was in therapy, it was.. Helping. He’s not putting so much of himself onto his children these days. He’s been processing his thoughts and feelings instead of bottling them inside and letting his anger rule him. 
Words though, they still escaped him on the best days. Today was shaping up into an absolutely horrible one. Bruce wanted to say something to reassure his sons that things would be okay. None sounded right. He let them choke him. If they could just find Danyal. As much as it would pain Bruce, his youngest doesn’t have to stay with them-with him. Bruce could never trap him here. He… He just wants Danyal to recover. Recover and be safe, whatever that looks like. The boy looked so small next to Damian. They’re twins and Danyal was so small on that bed next to his brother, all skin and bones, his skin stretched over his face making him look years older and the blood, oh God, it took a second but once they realized all that green was coming from inside of him, Bruce was sure they were going to be planning another funeral. The Y-shaped wound was gruesome and he had stared in shock. Another one of his children getting cut open, violated. Vivisected. He was going to mourn another child. He was going to puke. He was going to destroy those who dared to touch Danyal. A heady mix of vengeance and justice for a boy he’d never properly meet. Somehow though, the boy had stabilized. His boy, another one. He’s too old for surprise kids. Only to be spirited away by Damian behind layers and layers of traps that had made the family hesitate and then they were gone, on the run with Alfred’s careful stitches being the only thing holding Danyal together.   
What were they thinking? Why wasn’t I? Why didn’t I fight Damian harder when he locked them out of the recovery room? No…Danyal was already compromised. Damian saw this and ran from his family because he didn’t trust them to protect Danyal, didn’t trust them not to set him off. Maybe they would’ve made it worse, maybe his son was right even if Bruce didn’t want to admit it. Damian was saving them from an error. The boy who he had only met unconscious or through a screen, would’ve lashed out at himself again and they would’ve caused his-
“B? The Batmobile’s tracker has stopped moving on the edge of Burnside near the Craig Bridge. I can’t get a clear view.” Oracle reports 
“Hn.” He adjusts his trajectory and his sons follow suit, adjusting their positions to be out behind him in a V-shaped formation. If someone were to see them at this hour they’d see the vigilantes and would draw parallels between them and their namesakes, in normal circumstances it might bring a ghost of a smile across his face, they were a mixed bag flock. His flock. His family. He was thankful to have them at his back tonight. They’d find the boys, they had to. They still had nothing on the threat that was nipping at Danyal’s heels. If they were caught…
“Why would the Demon Brats go there?” Jason grumbles. They’re three blocks away now so Bruce has to fight his nausea down. They might have to subdue the boys if they won’t listen to reason. The idea of injuring Danyal further or obliterating any chance to build a relationship because he sees them as a threat rather than family. He has to stay firm though. He might have not been allowed in the room but between Alfred’s worried fretting and the security feed Bruce is very aware how Danyal shouldn’t be moving let alone going on the run with Damian. If Danyal would just let him explain he had options maybe he’d come back on his own.
“Hood, Red Robin, hang back and spread out. Start searching. I’d like to have our newest addition to Agent A within the hour. Nightwing with me.”
His grapple connects to the next roof and he leans into the arc so his path can wrap around the corner. Just ahead the Batmobile is stopped. The doors were open, no signs of the boys or of a struggle. Bruce knows they won’t find anything inside the Batmobile, Damian is efficient and clean in his work, but they look anyway. Bruce shares a look with his oldest and sighs. 
“Nothing in the Batmobile, Hood, Red Robin, report.” He shoots his grapple at the closest roof to get a better view of the surrounding area, Nightwing follows closely behind him. 
“Nothing that I can see.” Hood grunts.
“Nothing here either, no alerts from the cameras.” Red Robin sounds frustrated, “You don’t think they bailed in a dead zone, do you? Robin wouldn’t have him jump from a speeding vehicle, right?” 
“Hn.” Bruce refuses to acknowledge that thought. Even if it was a likely option, if they felt it necessary to throw them off to that degree. Dick is quiet next to him. He wants to say the right thing to ease his worries. Bruce has never been good at finding the right words, to reassure without false promises but will always try, “We’ll figure out what happened, Chum.”
Dick looks at him for a long moment. Bruce lets him and tries not to shutter himself away. Dick needs Bruce more than Batman right now. “Yeah,” It comes out grim, “before or after my youngest brother reopens something?” 
Bruce squeezes his son’s shoulder before turning away and shoots his grapple at the next roof. Right before he jumps he says, “We can only hope the boys are being careful and try our best to find them.”
75 notes · View notes
kekaki-cupcakes · 9 months
Hellooooo! Halloween is approaching and I was thinking… how about a werewolf (but like can turn whenever) s/o (prefribly like male pronouns or gn) with Jason? Maybe Jason fixing his bf up after he got into a fight and like petting him and comforting him cause the bf though he had scared away Jason with his wolf and aggressivity? Like the scary kinda punk-ish and bad boy one type of boy? (I loved your punk girl x Jason btw! Soo cool!) sorry if it’s so detailed, feel free to refuse ofc!
this is pretty late lol but its 2.5k words so... It's written as gender neutral but the word boyfriend is used twice I think idk. Enjoy!
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Violent In-laws--- Jason Grace/ Punk male or gn werewolf! reader
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jason turned over, his mattress on the floor squeaking with protest. He pulled his pillow over his head and felt soft feathers billow out, vaguely registering that he must’ve torn it up in his sleep. He peeked out the window of the stone cabin and realized it was still dark out, meaning his pillow problem was for later. 
There was light rain on the roof but that wasn’t what had woken him, so he lay on his back for a moment, listening out for someone or something outside. 
Had Piper tried to cut bangs again instead of sleeping and messed them up again?
A scratchy sound, nails on chalkboard, came from the doorway. Jason sat up and felt around near the head of his bed, knocking over an empty cup and finding his glasses under a coffee stained paperback. 
His phone torch was as second later and he shuffled out of bed, his purple and gold doona cover twisted around his leg. When he managed to untangle it without face-planting onto the cold ground, he got to the door and opened it a little, peeking out into the soggy night and hoping it wasn’t a monster, because he was far too tired to fight. 
Jason blinked into the empty space in front of him and then looked down at the shaggy figure on the ground. He frowned at you, but with concern, not anger. “You should be in bed, you’ve got cabin checks tomorrow, remember?”
“Fine,” Jason relented quickly, and swung the door open. He shut it behind you and turned the little battery powered yellow lamp on by his bed that Leo had made when they found out there were no powerpoints in cabin one. “But we can’t stay up or-”
Then he saw the shining puddles on the ground, paw sized and dark red. 
“Hey,” Jason started, his stomach sinking quickly. “Are you okay?”  
He watched you sink down on the floor next to his bed and rest your head on your sticky paws with a whine, looking up guilty. “Woof?”
Jason ran to the bathroom and felt around until he grabbed the first aid kit, bringing it back to you with a glass of water as well. “Here, I’ll fix you up, just stay still so you don’t bleed out anymore. What happened? Did someone-”
He cut himself off when your tail went between your legs and sat down on his popped pillow instead, unzipping the red bag and pulling out rolls of bandages and a tube of antibiotic cream. “You can come up here, the ground’s cold. I have to wash the sheets tomorrow anyway, for cabin inspections.” 
When you stayed on the ground, looking up with big sad eyes, Jason rolled his own, and patted the spot next to him encouragingly. “Up.”
You hobbled over and then flopped down on the mattress with a little huff of pain. Jason winced at the sound and brought your paws onto his lap, dabbing them with a wad of gauze until there was less blood and he could dip more gauze into the water and clean the last of it off. “What happened?”
“I was just in the woods,” you muttered, sitting next to him with your forehead digging into his shoulder as he wiped your hands clean. “And then there was a pack of wolves. They chased me for a bit and got a few bites in, but I’m a lot bigger.”
“Are you okay?” Jason asked quietly, looking down at the ripped up black and gray striped long sleeve drenched in blood. He picked up some little scissors from teh first aid kit and cut off the sleeves at your shoulders. 
There were cuts from your fingers to your elbows. Jason began wrapping one of the bandages around your wrists, making his way up to the last deep scratch as you sighed. “I hid in Bunker 9 for a while until they left. Leo forgot to shut it again. Then I came here.”
“You shouldn’t have been out,” Jason shot back gently, tying off the bandage and putting one of those little clips on it. Then he started on your other arm, making sure to put enough pressure on. “What if it wasn’t wolves, what if it was harpy’s, or hellhounds, or, or what if it was something you couldn’t fight, and-”
He looked down at you, expecting an apology, but you were just staring up at him, dried blood smeared on your cheeks. Somehow you still had those soft dog-like eyes rimmed with eyeliner that made Jason’s chest feel tight and warm. You smiled a little, “but I’m okay.” 
“What if next time you’re not?” Jason argued, feeling his eyes prick at your stupidity. Didn’t you realize that just cause you could turn into a big flesh eating canine you could still get hurt, or worse? The woods were literally purposely stocked with monsters, and you acted like it was your playground. “What if something happens and I can’t fix it?”
You ducked your head, and Jason knew that if they still could, your ears would be flat against your head like they did when someone found you chewing on something you shouldn’t be. “Okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t think that-”
“You never think,” Jason muttered grumpily, tying off the last bandage and picking up the smaller one for your hands. 
You smirked a little bit, sharp teeth revealed. “That’s why you love me.”
“Shut up,” Jason said. “I’m still angry at you.”
“Okay,” you said, resting your head back on his shoulders and closing your eyes with a little grin. Thank the gods, Jason couldn’t stay angry for very long when you were giving him the puppy eyes that everyone fell for, despite the fact you stomped around in doc martens and a studded belt everyday. 
Jason threaded the bandage through your fingers, layering it enough that it cut off the blood dripping down your palms until it was just white and no longer splotched with red. He pinned them into place and then kissed your hands gently, wondering if you’d fallen asleep. 
“Are you finished being angry?” you asked, opening one eye and sitting up properly, going to rub your eyes with your hands. 
Jason held them in place and squinted at you, chewing on the inside of his lip, a bad habit he’d been trying to break for a while. Then you leant forward a bit more than you needed to for just a conversation, “you shouldn’t do that.”
His resolve left his body once you tilted your head a little and he sighed, a smile creeping across his scarred mouth, “Oh yeah… why?” 
“Cause it’s my job,” you said, your words muffled by Jason’s lips. 
He bit down a grin and slid his hands around the back of your neck, careful not to yank on your safety pin earrings that were actually just normal safety pins. His eyes closed involuntarily and he sighed again into your mouth when you leant forward, pulling his face closer, bandaged hands on his jaw line. 
Jason parted his lips and felt his cheeks warm at the feeling of you so close, smelling like rain and blood and wet animal fur, bitten down nails coated in black polish scratching a little at his cheek bones while you pushed him back into his crumpled bedspread. You rolled over, holding Jason tightly and pressing your mouths together once more until you pulled away a fraction, “so… you’re not angry anymore?”  
“Nope,” Jason said, his hands fiddling with the tag of your band shirt. “Still angry.”
“What a shame, I guess I’ll have to give you a while to cool off,” you muttered, and pulled away with bright eyes and puffy lips. You sat up, shaking pillow feathers off yourself and began to stand, “seeya tomorrow, isn’t your sister visiting?” 
“Fine,” Jason huffed, grabbing at the edge of your shirt and chopped up long sleeve to pull you back while you stepped over him. “You win, ‘m not angry.”
Jason opened his mouth to speak louder and then caught sight of the grin on your face. He glared until you sunk back down onto the mattress opposite him and rested your bandaged hands over his, palms up. Jason brushed his fingertips along yours, “I just get worried, and you don’t seem to care that you get hurt, or that it stresses me out. We’ve had this conversation so many times and you keep getting into fights.” 
You stared up at him blankly, then your head drooped. You spoke like you were telling yourself off. “I started them.”
“I started the fights…” You began to rub your face again and Jason tightened his grip on your arms, pulling them back down before you broke a scab and started bleeding again. “I was trying to… I…” You looked up, “I have to change everyday, I have to run around and bark and do all that stuff or I start to itch everywhere and it hurts so much. The quickest way to be okay is to just… attack something.”
He wiped a tear from your face and gulped, “why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Didn’t want to scare you.”
Jason pulled you forwards into a hug, hoping it was tight enough to push all of the bad feelings from you and make you feel better. “You do scare me, but only when you’re hurt… And when you sneak up behind me and grab my shoulders.”
“...But it’s funny.”
He pressed a finger to your mouth before you veered the conversation somewhere else. “Hey, hey, listen to me. You chase your tail and you chew on your own clothes to make them look more punk and you tried to bite your reflection yesterday, no offense, but you aren’t scary.” 
You squinted up at Jason, “should I be offended?” 
“Other people are scared of you, but not me. I promise.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jason ducked a stray knife boomerang and followed the path past the campfire and the Infirmary, peering up at the lava wall already filled with hunters yeeting stray campers down into the foam mattresses that really didn’t do much.
He was about to go ask one of the less scary girls in silver where Thalia was when he heard her yell across the entire field. “JASON!”
“Thal’s,” he said, a smile on his face as the tall girl ran up, the immortal shimmering around her wavering in the sunlight. “You’re here!”
She ruffled up his spiky hair and then hugged him properly, lifting him off his feet easily, his face squashed into the spikes on her leather jacket. “Little brother, I missed you! And now we get to fight people together! We’re gonna stick around for a few days and I already-”
Thalia pushed him away and then to the side, an arrow loaded in her bow loaded in less than a second, the sharp tip lined up with your snout as you cocked your shaggy head at her, blinking slowly. 
Jason sighed, “I told you to give your hands a rest, you’re just gonna pop Will’s stitches!”
“Don’t worry,” Thalia said. She whistled, presumably to call her little white wolves over, and aimed her arrow at your chest while you stuck your pink tongue out at Jason, “I got it.” 
“Please don’t… this is my boyfriend.” 
Thalia lowered her bow and frowned with concern at him, like she was wondering if he was mentally okay. Considering how this looked, she had every reason too. Jason pushed her weapon out of the way a little and she slid her arrow back into her quiver when he walked up to you, “this is my sister, she won’t kill you.”
When you just blinked up at him and wagged your tail happily, Thalia gave Jason a strong side eye. “Uh, little brother-”
“Stop making me look like a furry,” Jason hissed through gritted teeth, nodding towards Thalia, who looked a second away from calling for help. He smirked, “or I’ll tell Lacey and Harley they can’t play fetch with you anymore.” 
You glared at him and folded your arms, which were still wrapped up in fresh bandages that Austin had done up a lot better than Jason ever could. To avoid chafing you had to wear a singlet, but you’d managed to make that look grunge with a black choker and ripped up jeans. You’d even put fingerless skeleton gloves on, but Jason wasn’t sure how safe that was for your injuries. “You’re no fun.”
Thalia made a choking sound, her face pale. 
“What?” Jason asked. Then he remembered not everyone was used to you. “Right, this is my boyfriend, he’s a son of Apollo, and Apollo’s the god of wolves or something.”
“Also, the Twilight movie came out the same week he had me,” you piped up with a shrug, silver earrings [of course, not real silver, Leo had found some sort of alternative in the boxes upon boxes in Bunker 9] shining like Thalia’s jacket as she stepped back, her bow slipping out of her shaking hand. 
You glanced at Jason, hands in your pockets, and rocked on the balls of your feet nervously. “Y’know I actually had to help Lou Ellen will this thing, I should probably head off-”
“I am so sorry,” Thalia said with wide blue eyes,
It was your turn to back away this time, and Jason stood there, thoroughly confused, until he too spotted the little pack of white wolves racing over to Thalia. Then he connected the dots.
You grabbed onto the sleeve of his teddy bear jacket and he figured your tail would be between your legs if you were to change back. 
“Did they-”
“Yup,” you hissed, fiddling with the bandages around your arms and watching as the wolves tracked circles around them and butted playfully against Thalia’s legs. “Yeah, it was these guys.”
Thalia blinked. “To be fair, I thought you were a hellhound. It was dark.”
You spun around and beamed at Jason, “I told you I was scary!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
79 notes · View notes
justarandombrit · 5 months
I did the thing again. If you missed the livestream but want to know what happened, I wrote down some notes again. (Spoiler warning, obviously, as I will mention who won the death match)
. The Nightmare Time theme is so fucking good
. Xander murdered Grace last death match and won
. James and Matt like wrestling (not each other - the sport)
. BOTTLE IMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Lmao the backing music is Jane's A Car
. We are the Lords In Black
. Ted and Hidgens are a duo lmaoooooo
. Melissa and w o m a n
. Mariah really loved w o m a n
. CCRP set up a water filtration system that pissed people off
. Harmony and Barry are just so annoying that Paul and Emma want to fight them
. Paul is the first to die
. Coffee makes Barry stronger
. Jon is the only one who thought Paulkins would win
. Rip Harmony :(
. Paul throws spare change at Harmony and Barry, summoning the Homeless Man, who wins the fight for them
. Bill and Alice get an easybake oven stolen from them by Sherman
. Love Vs Crazy
. Frank and Bill get mistaken for eachother mid-fight
. Sherman is vicious
. Frank wants Sherman to die
. Alice eats Sherman's soul and becomes a little kid again
. Ruth has a crush on Hidgens
. Ted and Hidgens have a dead body???????
. The dead body is a Frankenstein amalgamation of all the Workin Boys
. Frankenruth?????????
. Ted and Hidgens win with help from the Workin Boy
. “w o m a n is here!”
“I'm fucking here, bitches”
. Shapiro + Bailey are looking for Roman
. Dog…
. Oh no
. Roman is the dog.
. Melissa and w o m a n die
. Bottle Imps was supposed to be between Forever and Always and Time Bastard
. Bill meets the founder of CCRP
. HOWIE?!?!?!?!?!?
. Bill's been at CCRP 13 years
. Coven’s Communication Research and Power
. Charles wants… ALL the money
. If it's actually Billted oh my god…
. Jane didn't die, but their dog did so she divorced him
. Everyone is cheating on each other
. Ethan used to bully Pete
. Pete and Steph don't tip
. Lex flips out
. Lex suddenly develops a gluten intolerance????
. Jason and Kyle save Steph and Pete
. Max breaks into Camp Idontwannabang, Grace reads him Bible stories, they're about to kiss, then Boy Jerry and Girl Jeri burst in to kill them
. Grace is so Jesus loving that Lumberaxe kills the Jerries
. Excorcism???
. “Christ’s in hell with your mother”
. Miss Holloway has a witch hat!!!!!
. Evil mask??
. Riley's in hell smh
. “You basic bitch”
. Joey is Ted again
. Alice and Bill get pissed about Paulkins trash talking Mamma Mia
. Joey: “This is the future the libs want”
. General MacNamara drops in from a helicopter and shoots Bill and Alice in the head
. James will murder Paul and Emma himself if they survive again
. Ted accidentally confesses to murdering Ruth and Richie
. Joey: “Here's the thing, ACAB”
. Thrash murders Shapiro for being a cop lmaooooooo
. Sam’s a dick to Tim at Pizza Pete’s
. Hannah straight up murders Charlotte and Sam
. I have to go to bed :( (Stopped right before Holyghost v Lautity)
. I'm baaaa-aaaaaack! It's the next day, I have pancakes, and I'm just realising I accidentally wrote Lautity instead of Lautski… I just love them too much
. I haven't checked Tumblr cause I don't want to be spoiled for who wins
. I'm back on the livestream, I'll check that out later
. They're at Perky's Buds, Grace has dragged Max there for a protest, Steph dragged Pete there for weed
. Grace wants Steph to go to heaven
. Five minutes for A THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?!?!?
. Joey: “You horny little fucks”
. Max just murders Steph and Pete
. Max wouldn't want to hit a girl, Ziggs comes out, fails to land a single shot on them, but attracts the nighthawks which peck out Steph and Pete’s eyes
. Nicole Rodriguez is so fucking talented damnnnnnnnn, also I love Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)
. This song will always destroy me emotionally :(
. Why is Joey doing a British accent lmaoooo
. This isn't the next scene, but is after it chronologically
. BRENDA!!!!!!!!!!
. If only it was a real werewolf… Wayward Guide, anyone?
. “Shit-eating grin” is my favourite Americanism. It's so funny I love it
. I kinda love Tucker
. More skidoos???
. Kyle's in college?????????????? Damn
. Even Stacy's in college
. Miss Holloway: “Cause the 80’s were bitchin’ ”
. Oh nooooo :(
. Miss Holloway: “The intranet”
. Oh god
. Oh shit
. Oh fuck
. Even though I knew this was going to happen I'm still devastated
. Oh god :((((((((
. God we need NMT3
. Joey: “Is this a bad time to announce Curt and Kim are getting divorced?”
. VIRGINITY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Tedgens are stealing from CCRP, Paulkins are about to go on a date, they find them, and Hidgens goes all murder-crazy
. Corey: “Some of us are wrong and many of us are right”
. Joey: “Jon, Ted is gooning all over this office”
. Jon: “Great job everybody, all the food is gonna be poisoned next week”
. Goddamnit I just got spoiled for it :(
. Tedgens manage to find the Bastard's Box and trap Paul and Emma in it
. Hidgens hears Workin Boys coming from the box, but Ted stops him from touching it
. Tom and Becky want to buy the Waylon Place, and find Grace and Max burying Pete and Steph
. Tom coaches the Hatchetfield Nighthawks??????????
. Gen Z Vs Millennials
. Someone pulled $800 from the Kickstarter :(
. Will arrived literally as soon as Max died
. Grace and Max are ghosts now
. Meg Lloyd is also insanely talented
. Will loves Tom and Becky
. Sauce Saturday
. They're in the Starlight theatre, Wilbur is there for some reason
. “He was driving the car that killed your dog”
. LAUREN!!!!!
. Wilbur just straight up cheats so Tedgens win
. Ted always dies though :/
. A girl Miss Holloway saved has died
. Lore….
. Miss Holloway chops off her toes?????
. That's what that tune is called?
. Why do the Lords eat toes
. Blinky has a mouth???????
. Nibbly lmao
. Mariah: “Lauren, you're muted, baby”
Lauren (muted): “FUCK”
. Blinky, my love
. This is so fanfiction coded I love it
. Tinky likes Miss Holloway????? Duke really was right about everyone being in love with her
. Lmao Tinky
. Double calculators, and an abacus????
. Blinky (covering his ears): That's a bad word!
. Ted wins!!!
. Well.
. Nightmare Time Cover!!!!!!!! Needy Beast, my love
. Oh god that was amazing
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gilded-gotham · 7 months
Dancing Knights: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Dancing with the Stars AU
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TW: No triggers in this chapter
Summary: What starts out as a joke turns into a romance
Mr. Jason Todd,
Congratulations on joining the prestigious lineup of Gotham's Dancing with the Stars! Your star power is undeniable, and we're thrilled to have you on board.
Prepare to dazzle audiences with your charisma and talent as you grace the dance floor. We'll provide all the support you need to make this season unforgettable.
Stay tuned for further details. Let's make magic together!
Best regards,
Gotham's Dancing with the Stars Team
What the fuck…?
Jason looked up at Alfred with his jaw slack and brows raised.
“This is fake, right?” He laughed, but underneath the humor, a hint of uncertainty lingered. Alfred's calm demeanor only added to the surreal nature of the situation.
“Master Jason, all our mail goes through multiple security checks. This letter is undeniably real. I don’t suppose you remember signing up for this? Unless…”
“Unless what?” Jason's grip tightened on the crumpled letter, his mind racing with possibilities.
“Perhaps your brothers are responsible for—”
Alfred's words hung in the air, stirring a mixture of annoyance and amusement within Jason. He had grown accustomed to the unpredictable nature of his family, but this? This was a whole new level of absurdity.
Without a word, Jason stormed down the hall to the dining room, his footsteps echoing in the halls of the manor.
The door swung open with a bang, silencing the gentle chatter of breakfast. All eyes turned to him, their curiosity palpable in the air.
He zeroed in on Dick, a familiar mix of frustration and exasperation bubbling within him. Of course, it had to be Dick.
“Did you do this?!” Jason's accusation hung in the air as he whipped the wrinkled paper in Dick's face, fueled by a mix of emotions he couldn't quite name.
Dick's expression shifted from confusion to amusement, a playful glint dancing in his eyes.
“Wow… we never thought they’d actually accept you,” he chuckled, his nonchalant demeanor only infuriating Jason further.
“So it was you!” Jason's voice rose with each word, his frustration reaching a boiling point.
The crumpled letter found its way into Damian's lap, his laughter ringing out like a taunt.
“Dancing with the stars? You’re about as coordinated as a baby elephant,” Damian quipped, his words cutting through the tension like a knife.
With a resigned sigh, Jason sank into his seat, allowing himself to be swept up in the whirlwind of their antics. He ran his hand through his black and white locks as he grabbed the pitcher of orange juice.
Beside him, he heard Stephanie giggling as she and Tim typed chaotically on their phones and he heard his phone ding.
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He drags a hand down his face as he groans in exhasperation. No point in asking them to delete their posts, too many people had seen them already.
"I can't believe you did this," he grumbles to Dick, who shrugs.
"I'll be honest, Jason. Did I help? Yes. Was signing you up for Dancing with the Stars my idea? Possibly. Was I the one to initiate it? ...No." Jason looks at Dick quizzically. "Then who signed me up for this?" He asks, a little too calmly. Tim slouches in his seat.
"...Tim?" Jason asks slowly.
"Damian made me do it!" He says quickly, finishing his last sip of coffee and rushing out of the room. All eyes turned to Damian.
The boy sighs. "That's what you get for taking the last of Alfred's cookies," he says simply before exiting the dining room.
"I can't with you all," says Jason, beginning to feel overwhelmed with anxiety. "I'm going to go out. I'll see you at dinner." And he too leaves the room, running down to the Bat Cave.
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A/N: omg, this story has been in the back of my head for MONTHS now. i can't wait to start writing more! tysm for reading!!
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akairawrites · 10 months
Born for conflict | Jason Todd mini series
⇐ Previous
@ella-fella-bo-bella @ayoitsurfavdesigurl @luvvvjada @aiq39 @420sprite @stvrfir3 @instabull @lumineliax @rukia-uchiha-98 @1lellykins @skyesayshi @imarimone12 @mysticalhills @deliciousfatblackcat @4arancia @bat-h-tic @luvelyxp @urmomsbananabread @strawberrycreamb @dollceesstuff @just-reading-dany @godknows-shetried @that-levi-kenma-kinnie @cascadingbliss @solaris-love @bbiaa420 @roxanne-loves-Luffy @mess-in-side @jasontoddsthickthigh @lilupie @Crystals-faith @debirbie @c-losur3 @harleycao @did-someone-change-my-name @princessbl0ss0m @oranoyaora @lavender-dinos @deimks
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A few days later, following the Joker's kidnapping of Black Mask and a near-fatal encounter, he found himself in police custody. However, despite the severity of the charges, he managed to secure his release on bail.
Word of Y/n’s encounter with the Red Hood circulated, adding another layer of complexity to the city’s volatile atmosphere. The information reached Black Mask’s ears, sparking a storm of frustration and resentment within him. The notion that Y/n, seemingly under his employ, had faltered against the Red Hood didn’t sit well with the crime lord.
Amidst the chaos, Black Mask’s legal battles intensified. The courtroom became a battleground, but the scales of justice tipped against him. Convicted, the once-powerful figure found himself on a journey through the grim corridors of Arkham Asylum.
Months after Black Mask's incarceration, Gotham appeared to settle into an uneasy calm, with only petty crimes and the sporadic Joker antics, challenges that Batman effortlessly handled.
Freed from the shadow of Black Mask, Y/n embraced a newfound sense of free will. It was a realization that dawned on her after a long period of submission. Uncertain of where to begin, she took a page from childhood books and secured a job at a popular coffee shop. Money wasn't a pressing need, but this marked the beginning of her journey toward a life unfettered by the constraints of the past.
"Good morning, Claire," Y/n chirped, gracefully removing her sweater and hanging it on the rustic coat rack before clocking in with her time ticket. The soft hum of the coffee machines and the rich aroma of freshly ground beans enveloped the cozy space.
"Good morning, Y/n." Claire greeted her with a smile from behind the polished counter. The coffee shop, adorned with exposed brick walls and vintage-inspired decor, exuded a warm and inviting ambiance.
Claire, a petite, middle-aged woman and Y/n's co-worker, shared a warm exchange. Most days, it was just the two of them working, a dynamic Y/n found comforting. The subtle jazz playing in the background added a touch of serenity to their morning routine, making the shared workspace at this charming coffee haven all the more enjoyable.
Claire meticulously counted the money in the register when Y/n approached from behind, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I got this," Y/n said, gently taking the money from Claire's hands. Claire looked up, a smile gracing her face, but it slowly faded.
"Hey, Y/n?"
"Could you check on the kids again for me tonight? I’m working a late shift," Claire asked, fiddling nervously with her hands.
Y/n glanced up from the money, concern in her eyes. "Sure, but why not let me cover your shift?"
Claire looked down at her shoes and shook her head. "Money is a little tight right now; I need all the hours I can get."
"Oh, Claire, I can lend you some money if you need it."
"No, Y/n, please. It's okay." Claire met her gaze with a mix of gratitude and reluctance. Y/n understood Claire's financial struggles, especially given her situation with her late husband, and despite the refusal, she intended to help.
Y/n sighed. "Okay, but if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask."
Claire nodded appreciatively and excused herself to attend to the tables. The coffee shop buzzed with the rhythmic sounds of the espresso machine and low conversations, a quiet understanding lingered between the two women.
The bell above the coffee shop door jingled softly as it swung open. Y/n, engrossed in her tasks, looked up to see a tall, brooding figure entering. It was Jason Todd, a familiar face among the regular customers.
Claire, noticing the entrance, greeted him with a warm smile. "Good morning. The usual, Jason?"
He nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes briefly meeting Y/n's before shifting away. Jason, aware of Y/n's presence, observed her from a distance, the familiarity in her face tugging at the strings of a history she was oblivious to. As Claire prepared his order, the air in the coffee shop held a quiet curiosity, with Y/n unaware of the complex connection that lingered between them.
"Can I help you?" Y/n inquired, her focus on her tasks, not bothering to look up. She sensed his lingering gaze. Jason straightened up, suddenly aware that he had been staring.
"No, sorry," he replied, turning away and pretending to search for Claire with his coffee. Y/n finally looked up and frowned. "Hey, don't I know you?"
Turning back to her, he shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I come here a lot, so that might be it," he shrugged.
She shook her head, her suspicion evident. "No, I don't think that's it. Your voice sounds so familiar." Y/n squinted at him, trying to unravel the mystery that lingered in the air.
Jason maintained a composed exterior, masking the turmoil beneath. Y/n's probing gaze hinted at a recognition he wished to keep veiled.
"Well, I'm not from around here, so it's probably just your imagination," he said with a nonchalant smile, attempting to divert her attention.
Y/n, however, wasn't easily dissuaded. "I don't know. It's strange. Maybe I heard your voice somewhere else," she mused, her curiosity unabated.
Claire returned with Jason's order, breaking the tense moment. "Here you go, Jason," she said, oblivious to the undercurrents between the two.
As he took the coffee, Jason nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Claire. Have a good day," he said, sparing Y/n one last enigmatic glance before exiting the coffee shop, leaving her with an unresolved sense of familiarity and a lingering question in the air.
Y/n watched him leave, a perplexed expression lingering on her face. Claire, noticing the exchange, couldn't help but inquire, "Everything okay, Y/n?"
Y/n shook her head, still lost in thought. "I don't know, Claire. There's something about him. It's like I've heard his voice before, somewhere."
Claire chuckled, dismissing it lightly. "Probably just a regular customer. Don't let it bother you. We get all sorts here."
As the bell above the door chimed with Jason's departure, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the encounter than met the eye. Little did she know, the echoes of a shared history lingered just beyond her reach, a mystery she was unwittingly drawn into.
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I am so sorry for feeding your delusions also this chapter was very boring I just wanted to get something out before the end of the week
↳ Reblogging also helps!
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 2-Murder
I didn’t realize I had posted the 1st story a day early. It was a stressful day and I thought I was going to forget to post. I didn’t realize until the next morning. Sorry.
It was game night in the Wayne household. Damian had taken to bringing his new girlfriend, Marinette, to the manor. She had become a regular at Wayne Manor for close to a year now. Just about everyone in his family loved her. Bruce had become very selective on what games were allowed in the house after the Monopoly Incident and the Uno War. Tonight was a card game with questions; he thought he was prepared for anything. When it came to the boys, they always proved him wrong.
"Question, have you ever wanted to murder someone?" Dick read out.
'Who makes these cards?'
"Joker." Jason answered immediately.
"Yes. I have dibs on someone and I have the backing to get away with it." Marinette answered.
All the Waynes, except Damian, looked at the little sunshine who had graced their lives.
"What?" she asked, looking at them, confused, "You all live in Gotham. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it."
"Are they in Gotham?" questioned Bruce, carefully.
"Paris." she replied, handing the dice to Jason.
"Who pissed you off enough for you to want them dead?" Dick asked, "Look at you! You're like sunshine!"
Marinette shook her head, "I'm not telling. I have no doubt in my mind that Damian would go after them and as I said, I have dibs."
"You wouldn't go through with it." Damian implied.
She turned to him and smiled, "I applied to a bunch of scholarships to get away."
"How close were you?" Tim questioned.
"Your acceptance email popped up during my planning so I burned all the evidence and never looked back." she answered, "Congradulations, your email saved someone's life."
Damian scooted closer to his girlfriend, "Who do I have to kill?"
"This is a no killing household, I remind everyone." Bruce announced.
"Fuck you, I have dibs." Marinette replied, ignoring Bruce, "If anyone kills her, it's gonna be me!"
Game night was finally over and Damian had declared he was taking Marinette home.
"I still can't believe Demon Spawn is dating her." Todd declared.
"He takes after Bruce." Tim yawned.
"What does that mean?" Bruce asked.
The trio looked at each other and smiled.
Todd smirked, "If they end up together, she probably wouldn't bat an eye if he came home covered in blood. Honestly, probably wouldn't blink if we told her who we really are."
"She could kill him, too, at this point." Drake stated.
"You like dangerous women, B." Dick winced, "Sure, you put on an act for the media, but those gala ladies don't do it for you."
"Junior isn't that different from you." Jason commented.
"Well, maybe she'll become our legal sister." Tim commented, making the other two nod in approval.
"I call dibs on killing Demon Spawn if he breaks her heart!" Jason shouted.
Bruce sighed, "You can't kill your brother."
"I can protect my sister, though!" he shot back.
"She's not your sister." Bruce declared.
"Fuck you!" Jason stood up, "You adopted us; I can adopt her!"
The boys laughed, while Bruce just sighed.
'Why did I think game night was a good idea?'
Jason was quick to notice Marinette pouting in the Wayne kitchen; he didn't even know she was going to stop by. Usually, Damian told everyone as a precaution. He noticed the air of sadness around her. It was weird to see her looking like Tim when he ran out of coffee.
"What's with Pixie Pop?" he asked.
Damian chuckled, as he drank his black assam tea, "She's been in a bad mood since last night."
"Why?" Jason asked.
"Remember my dib?" Marinette questioned, continuing to pout.
"The murder one?" the older Wayne asked.
"Yeah." she sighed.
"What about it?" Jason groaned.
"She died." Damian declared.
"You killed someone?" Jason shouted.
Marinette glared at him, "You think I would be this pouty if I had done it? I would be baking a storm of macarons, right now!"
Damian smirked, "Bitch died of natural causes."
"Yeah, naturally spreading her legs open." Mari huffed, "Apparently, one of her many boy toys wasn't as faithful as she thought."
"So," Jason spoke looking at the down-hearted Marinette, "karma? How did you find out anyways?"
"She's trending on Parisian twitter." Mari answered, making the brothers chuckle, "Turns out the cause of death was written in her obituary. One of her boyfriends said he was gonna get tested. He was always faithful and wondered if it was from an ex and just never told her. He posted a tweet saying she was the best girlfriend he ever had and how long they had been toegther. Other guys started coming out of the woodworks claiming they were dating her. They started posting pictures and comparing dates. Let's just say it got quiet after awhile and they all started bashing on her afterwards. Her perfect saint picture was shattered and many things came into the light."
Jason walked over and patted her head, "Well, perhaps, those that threw you away will learn the truth."
"Who cares?" Mari answered, "I've been done with them for almost five years. They wanted their golden ticket. They just never noticed the spray paint cans."
"Go rest up." he called, turning to leave the room, "I'm sure sooner or later someone will come looking. They always do."
"They better not." she growled out.
The older Wayne turned and scrutinized her, "You have a whole hit list, don't you?"
Damian walked over and kissed his girlfriend's head, "She was at the top."
Todd smirked as he walked out of the room.
'I knew I liked her.'
"Let's go get you some cheesecake ice cream and you can plan homicide in your pajamas, where you're comfy." Damian declared.
Marinette smiled and kissed his cheek, "You know me best, Habibi."
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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dc-and-arfrona · 1 year
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Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 1.2k+
Summary: You’re a local friendly barista.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as Jason stepped into the cozy café. The place was a haven, a respite from the chaos that defined their life as the Red Hood. As they approached the counter, their gaze fell upon you—the barista with a smile that could brighten even the darkest of nights.
"Hey there," you greeted, your voice warm and welcoming. "What can I get for you today?"
Jason couldn't help but feel a flicker of intrigue as they met your eyes. "Just a black coffee, please," they replied, their voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.
With practiced ease, you prepared their order, the rich aroma wafting through the air as you handed them the steaming cup. "Here you go. Enjoy."
As the days turned into weeks, Jason found themself drawn to the café, unable to resist the magnetic pull of your presence. Your conversations were fleeting yet meaningful, laced with humor and genuine interest. In those brief encounters, they found solace—a respite from the relentless battles that plagued their nights.
"You're becoming a regular," you remarked with a smile, as you handed them their usual black coffee.
Jason's lips curved into a smirk, their eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and something else—a flicker of warmth. "Guess I can't resist the coffee or the company."
In that moment, an unspoken connection formed between you—a shared understanding that went beyond words. The café became more than just a place to grab a cup of coffee—it became a sanctuary where two souls found solace in each other's presence.
Days turned into weeks, and your encounters with Jason at the café became the highlight of both your days. However, as feelings began to bloom, Jason couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness whenever they approached the café.
One afternoon, as you stood behind the counter, Roy, another regular customer, approached Jason with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Jaybird, I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time here. Got your eye on someone, don't you?"
Jason rolled his eyes, trying to play it cool. "What are you talking about, Roy? I just like the coffee."
Roy chuckled, seeing right through Jason's act. "Uh-huh, sure you do. But I've seen the way you look at them, the way you light up when they're around. You've got it bad, my friend."
Jason's cheeks flushed slightly, a mix of embarrassment and a realization dawning on him. "Yeah, maybe... maybe I do. They're just... different, you know? They make me feel something I haven't felt in a long time."
Roy nudged him playfully. "Well, it's about time, Jay. Life's too short to let love pass you by. Maybe it's time to take a leap and see where it goes."
Jason's gaze drifted back to where you stood, your attention focused on another customer. The nerves gnawed at him, but he knew Roy was right. It was time to confront his feelings and take a chance.
Later that day, Jason found himself standing outside the café, taking a deep breath to steady his racing heart. He glanced at his reflection in a nearby window, adjusting his appearance, an unconscious effort to present himself in the best possible light.
As he entered the café, his eyes sought you out—your smile, your laughter—everything that made his heart flutter. The nervousness gripped him, but he couldn't let it hold him back any longer.
You looked up from behind the counter, a radiant smile lighting up your face. "Hey, Jason! The usual?"
Jason approached the counter, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. "Actually, can I try something different today? Surprise me."
Your eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Sure thing. I've got just the thing in mind."
As you prepared the drink, Jason watched you with fascination, his heart pounding in his chest. He admired the way you moved with grace, the way your eyes lit up when you added the final touch. The nerves began to ease, replaced by a sense of anticipation and hope.
Finally, you placed the drink in front of him—a masterpiece in a cup. The rich aroma tantalized his senses, and he couldn't help but be amazed by your creativity.
"What's this?" Jason asked, curiosity lacing his voice.
You smiled, your gaze meeting his. "It's a blend of bold espresso, infused with a touch of sweetness and a hint of cinnamon. I call it the 'Courageous Heart.'"
Jason's eyes widened, the name resonating with him. He took a sip, the flavors dancing on his tongue—a perfect reflection of the complexities within him. "This... this is amazing," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.
You leaned closer, your voice gentle. "I wanted to capture the essence of who you are, Jason—the strength and resilience, the layers of sweetness beneath the surface. It's my way of saying I see you, and I appreciate everything that makes you who you are."
Jason's heart swelled with warmth, a realization settling deep within his being. This café, this drink, and most importantly, you—they had become a beacon of light in his life, offering him love and acceptance.
The next day, Jason walked in ready. Well, nervous… but ready.
Jason stood outside the café, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. Why was he so jittery? It was just a simple visit to see you, the person who had captured his thoughts and sparked something new within him.
But it was precisely that thought that made him nervous. The idea of something new, something different—it both excited and scared him. He had faced countless dangers, but this vulnerability, this opening of his heart, was an entirely different battle.
Pushing aside his doubts, Jason steeled himself and stepped inside the café. As his eyes landed on you behind the counter, a smile brightened your face. His nerves eased slightly, comforted by the familiarity of your warm presence.
"Hey, Jason! The usual?" you asked, your voice filled with warmth.
He nodded, trying to appear composed even as his heart raced. "Yeah, the usual sounds great."
As you prepared his coffee, Jason couldn't help but steal glances, admiring the way your eyes sparkled and the way your smile reached your eyes. The nerves slowly melted away, replaced by a growing sense of comfort and belonging.
Handing him the cup, you met his gaze, a hint of curiosity in your eyes. "You seem a little different today. Everything okay?"
Jason's lips curved into a small, genuine smile. "Just a little nervous, I guess," he admitted, his voice laced with vulnerability. "Being here with you... it's starting to mean a lot more to me than I expected."
Your expression softened, a gentle understanding in your eyes. "I feel the same way, Jason," you confessed softly. "This connection we have—it's special. And it's okay to be nervous. It means we're opening ourselves up to something beautiful."
His nerves eased further, replaced by a warmth that spread through his entire being. "You're right," he murmured, his gaze locked with yours. "I'm ready for this, for us."
In that moment, the café transformed into a haven where their love story blossomed—a place where two souls, brought together by chance and fueled by bravery, found solace in each other's embrace.
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Okay okay okay okay
We all know 15 is important in Hatchetfield.
But you know what else is important? 5.
And because if a free school hour, here is a list
Two actually
TGWDLM, BF and NMT 1 aren't all that heavy on the 15 but 15 minutes into TGWDLM is the meteor sequence, the Apotheosis's first appearance
Hidgens came up with the theory of the Apotheosis 30 years (two 15 year cycles) before it happened
Honey Queen is about the 75th Honey Queen pageant, which is a multiple of 15
Holloway's aliases are good for "about 15 years or so"
The Gift peaks at 15
Hannah is 15
15 years prior to the events of Honey Queen, PEIP opened the portal
Nerdy Prudes Must Die has 15 songs
15 years before NPMD, Solomon obtained the Black Book
Hatchetfield consists of 15 stories (we will not be talking about hey melissa)
Every musical follows 5 main protagonists (or at least focuses on their fate)
Paul, Emma, Bill, Ted and Charlotte
Lex, Hannah, Tom, Becky and Howie
Steph, Pete, Grace, Ruth and Richie
The fifth song in TGWDLM is the song to reveal the Apotheosis (cup of poisoned coffee), which is also sung by 5 people (Nora, Zoey and the three customers)
The fifth song in Nightmare Time 1 and 2 refer to their stories' respective Lords in Black (One Thousand Eyes, the Nibbly Ditty)
The fifth song in NPMD is the first step taken to Max's death and him turning evil (Bully the Bully), which is also sung by 5 people (Steph, Pete, Grace, Ruth and Richie)
There are 5 Lords in Black
If you count the NMT seasons as a single project, Hatchetfield consists of 5 projects
Hatchetfield has been going (as a show) for 5 years
Hannah was born in 2005 on October (the tenth month, 2×5) 5th
In 2005, PEIP opened the portal
In 2005, if the timeline theory is correct which it probably is, the timeline split
The countdown in What If Tomorrow Comes consists of 5 numbers (9 7 5 3 2)
Including the NMT theme, the first episodes of both NMT seasons have 5 songs
NPMD features 5 more stereotypical nerds (the ones in literal monster) and 5 more stereotypical popular kids (the football players and cheerleaders): Pete, Ruth, Richie, Bryce and Kim's characters, and Max, Kyle, Jason, Brenda and Kim's cheerleader
The Lords in Black's song has 5 seperate verses (not counting the final one, because it is a condensed version of the first): their introduction, the Lords in Black we are, the Lords in Black will help you, whatever we want, Stephanie has got a gun
We know 5 disciples of the Lords in Black (that weren't under some form of their influence that we know of like the infected or Linda): Willabella, Wilbur, Roman, Sheila and Grace
We know 5 members of the Church of the Starry Children: the Waylons, Sheila and Mr. Young, Roman
We know 5 people who have frequently used the Black Book: Willabella, Holloway, Grace, Solomon, Jane's patient from the soul transferring ritual
Feel free to add on if I missed anything!!
There are 5 additional Webbies in Yellow Jacket (Naughty Webby, Nerdy Webby, Emo Webby, Peppy Webby, Mom Webby)
There are 5 stories to have mentioned the Black Book (Jane's a Car, the Witch in the Web, Daddy, Killer Track, Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
(edited this to try and make it more coherent)
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xotrashratxo · 1 year
Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Thoughts During the Premier last night Part 2: Everything Else
She’s so evil I love her. 
Kyle and Brenda are so adorableeeeee
AWEEEE EVERYONE’S ADORABLE!!! they’re gonna die. 
Mariah’s extensions kinda ate. 
Jason and Kyle are so in love lol. 
FUCK clivesdale. 
oh no he’s gonna die. 
Here comes the horror bro. 
Get this shit a Kill Count. 
RIP Richie. He was just starting to live. 
I hate theatre kids /j
It’s giving 80s I love it. 
And we’re all caught up. 
Fucking Clivesdale. 
oh I love fear mongering. 
Ziggy cameo!!!!! 
I love a cameo song!!!! 
“Suddenly the show is real upsetting!” 
Slaaaay miming Joey
The barbecue monologueessssss
What accent is that. Southern, New York, slightly British???
Oh Barbecue monologues is gonna fucking EAT. 
Fucking TREVOR. 
Thank you 10! 
Uh oh. 
OH she’s a theatre kid. Aw I’m gonna cry at her death. 
no the lighting is red. 
*Ruthy EATS* 
She just wants to be loved ☹️
Im gonna cryyyyy
Stop I’m cryingggggg
*Pets dead Ruthy’s head* 
That ATE omgggg
*Drinks hot water instead of coffee.*
Fuck Clivesdale. 
oh shit at the old Wayland place. Next to the body. Fuck. 
If they start singing Your Fault I’m gonna scream.
Speaking of, “HWHAT???” 
Love a good angry breakup sexual tension song
They’re gonna kiss. 
Grace swearing is hilarious
*whips out a Canadian accent* 
Omg she’s crazy
why is the mayor…. Kinda fineee??? 
Why is mayor lauter….. kinda fine????
It’s the lords fuck. 
Bro said fuck science. 
GASP. He’s killing his daughter. 
Her dad is a cultist omg
He already performed a ritual didn’t he
well shit there’s red lighting. 
shucks. nothing like traumatizing Corey and Mariah by killing their kid/parent
Officer Shapiro eats. But NOT. Ben. 
Couldn’t avoid the tide pods huh? 
RIP Officer Shapiro, she was a bad bitch. 
bring about the apocalypse. The apotheosis is upon us. 
I love them omggggg
why do I get Oompa Loompa vibes tho. 
Nooooooooo my boyyyyyyy
They’re fucking EATINGGGG. 
Oooooh they ate. 
Noooooooo my boyyyyyyy
I think I own that flannel. 
Grace! Distraction! Yay! oh no. 
I hate this. 
Grace is so evil I love her. 
Sexxxx with a ghostttt-
Grace, you fucking queen. *Smokes a cigarette after sex.* 
Rip Mayor Lauter, you were kinda hot. 
FUCK Clivesdale. 
oh this makes me smileeeeee
but the cliffhangers that come from Hatchetverse. What’s the twist. 
This homecoming flash mob is too good. I’m terrified. 
this is too good what’s happening. 
What’s the twist here. What is it. WHY IS THERE A BLACKOUT. 
aweeeeee this is gonna be bad. Yeah, get tricked Jason. 
She’s gonna kill him. 
Yup. the sequel: Horny Pervs Must Die. 
OH she’s a reverse succubus? 
Grace is psycho and I love her. 
Angela, my chaos hamster. 
Darkness will spare my soul! 
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
"I get it," Dora suddenly said confidently and looked up [bright blue sparkling with sea green, the perfect combination of Jason's steel and Percy's ferocity] into the impenetrable darkness, as if she could see something there.
The cacodemons ruthlessly rubbed her flesh instantly disappeared and Nicolo Di Angelo himself appeared before Grayson.
The man looked as perfect as always — a starched snow-white shirt, an impeccable expensive black suit, sparkling shoes, coal silky strands tied with a ribbon at the back of his head represented casual perfection Just a glance…
Just his eyes not as smart, cold and condescending as usual, but furious, literally burning with impotent rage and bitterly sad.
large drops of tears were already flowing down his porcelain cheeks.
"You're not bothering me because I have to learn to let people go," Dora Mireya exhaled heavily and moaned softly, a cracked rib made itself felt, "because you're jealous, and you're also hurt because of the loss of Jason Grace.
For clarification, this ask is a reference to this post, in which I made Nico an antagonist to Dora's, the daughter of Jason and Percy, journey to bring his father (Jason) back to life.
Since anon has been so kind to offer a drabble, I suppose it should be fair for me to return it. So.
From the first moment Dora could understand the concept of family, she knew that she had two fathers.
One of them was Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, hero of Olympus, two times world savior, Titan Slayer, one of the Seven, and the best father in the whole world Dora had come to know, whom she loved the most and loved her in return.
The other father - his name was Jason Grace. Percy told her he was the most effulgent, gentle, loving, heroic, magnificent person who had ever existed. He was a Hero, his Hero. Everyone said that. Apparently, he was just as awesome as her daddy Percy. And honestly, Dora would always believe Percy, but for some reason, he never told her anything past the praises that he sang to her every night by her bedside.
Nor had Dora ever met Jason Grace.
Everything she had come to know of her supposed father was from Nico di Angelo, who she called an Uncle and acted like an enabler when Dora could tell that her daddy would spill no more.
Nico told her a lot that Percy didn't and wouldn't. He was as transparent as the ghosts he beckoned and was kind enough to indulge Dora every time she pestered like how he indulged the dead ones' last wishes. She showed up at his doorstep, sad as a wet cat, and his black glassy eyes would melt like honey as he sat her down with a blanket and a warm cup of chocolate because his house was always freezing.
She wondered if Nico could see something in her that made him so willing to relinquish.
The stories he told were glamorous, yellow-tinted by the way Nico's voice dipped slightly, flowing like deep undercurrents that held just as many emotions as an ocean. It was through his voice that Dora learned of Jason Grace's greatness and silliness, that she could somehow picture the relaxing slope of a pair of scarred lips whenever Percy mentioned his gentleness; or the twinkle of morning stars in an azure sky when Uncle Leo absentmindedly mumbled "He would have loved this."
Dora watched the shadow nestling under Nico's intertwined fingers as he spoke - telling another story about this rare Capture the Flag game that both her parents had joined - in that same slightly hoarse, low voice. The son of Hades reclined on the only other single chair, looking down at the coffee cup as if he could see the playback on its surface. Dora soaked up his words like a sponge, each and every one of them a piece of a memory she had never lived through, but was eager to review just the same.
"I don't know what could have possessed Jason for him to decide that summoning lightning was a good idea when Percy had had them both drenched," he quipped monotonously, and Dora giggled, "but he did. And the disaster that followed almost had Will tear his hair out."
The scenario sounded ridiculous. Dora wished she was there.
Percy made sure her life was filled to the brim with joy and happiness, but Dora could tell there was a hole in his heart - their blood was the same, after all. It itched at the tip of her tongue whenever her daddy zoned out in the middle of a family dinner, his gaze drifting far away like a lost boat. Something all that joy and happiness failed to alleviate.
Dora knew it was wishful thinking, though, so she shut her mouth and told herself to be content with Nico's reminiscence. Wetness welled up in her eyes, Dora willed it back down, and laughed when Nico mentioned how stupid Percy's hair was after that stunt.
Before Dora knew it, the world around her blurred away and her eyelids weighed more than she could lift. Her chocolate mug sat cold on the table. Something soft draped over her body - a blanket, Dora recognized - and Nico's abyss eyes looked down at her with more warmth than she thought the night was capable of embracing.
That time, Dora dreamed of a creek, Capture the Flag, and startling thunder in the otherwise blue, clear sky.
When Percy first found out about their story-telling sessions, he stared at Dora for three seconds, and whispered a hollow "Oh."
And that was it.
He never said anything about it. It almost felt like he even didn't acknowledge it. The most Dora got after returning from Nico's house was a soft "Did you have a good time with Uncle?", and then her daddy would, without fail, immediately, conveniently venture to their supper or the upcoming movies for the marathon.
At their next meet-up, Dora clutched on her daddy's jeans when Nico walked through the door with Aunt Hazel. She didn't know what she was all nervous about, yet her heart beat so loud she couldn't hear the sounds of other Aunts and Uncles chattering, watching Nico walk up to them along with his sister.
Aunt Hazel hugged her and kissed her cheeks cheerfully. Dora could barely focus on her smooching. Her attention zeroed in on the way her daddy bit his lips before greeting Nico with a muted "Welcome," to which the black-eyed man simply nodded.
She did notice them not talking again throughout the meal.
She did notice the pained look her daddy shot them the moment Dora flopped down between Nico and Will on the sofa. But again, he never said anything.
That time, Dora was on the verge of crying when Nico appeared from the shadow, smiling so gently. He extended his hand, and Dora let go of the statue's hair to throw herself into his arms, crying out in a flurry of fear and relief.
The winds picked up around them, cold up on the shoulder of the Athena Parthenos. Dora buried her face into Nico's chest, clutching his jacket as if her life depended on it - which, in Dora's little mind, was not so far from the truth.
Nico's hands landed on her hair, patting softly. Shadow tendrils poured out from the folds of his long jacket, wrapping her in their ethereal embrace.
"Don't be afraid, little one." He reassured her, and Dora felt his power tug at the strings of her soul, slowing down her heartbeats.
The hysterics passed quickly after that - Nico had that effect on people, but there was one thing that stayed in Dora's heart, like the hope that remained inside Pandora's box, albeit not so pretty.
As they sat, tucked in the shade next to the golden Athena's head, Dora glanced down the Half-blood Hills below, where her father and Chiron stood together, seemingly arguing. Percy was still looking up here, no doubt worrying his heart out.
An invisible hand closed around Dora's heart. "Was my father better at this?" She asked.
Nico hummed. "As far as I know, he fought a gigantic Gaea in the air whilst trapping her in a tornado with Piper tucked in his arms."
It sounded like an astounding sight. It must be - her father, shining gold as he raised his sword against the Primordial of the Earth, the whole sky under the tips of his fingers, whereas Dora struggled with just flying and ended up stuck on a forty-feet-tall statue of her godly Aunt. Even now, she was scared of looking down and seeing the height, or losing her steps and somehow slipping off Nico's shadowy hold.
"I'm not like him," Dora mumbled quietly, wiping the sticky tears on her sleeves. She wasn't him. She wasn't the Jason Grace about whom her daddy sometimes marveled. And she wasn't the hero he loved, no matter what the blood in her veins had to say.
Nico's hand settled on her shoulder, his touch cold and feather-light. He waited until Dora finished smearing her face with her sleeves and turned to him.
He didn't smile, but Dora could hear the reassurance in his softened tone, "You know, I heard that Jason was afraid of flying, too."
Dora stared at him. "No way." She shook her head vehemently, shaking off the thought, arguing. "He's the hero son of Jupiter. He's the living real Superman. He can't be afraid of flying! And you just said he fought Gaea when flying!"
Usually, Dora would believe what Nico told her, just because she had no other sources to confirm. Just this thing, she found it hard to believe.
Nico was unfazed. "What if I told you he was afraid of flying because he was afraid of falling?"
"Falling?" Dora titled her head, "But he could fly."
"The higher you fly, the more it will hurt when you fall" was Nico's reply.
Dora frowned hard. She could vaguely see the logic, but there was still something not right about it. She couldn't tell what it was, though. Nico was sometimes cryptic like that, even though she was sure Uncle Austin was the one talking in riddles.
The said riddler, upon noticing her frustration, merely smiled - a reserved, fleeting smile that held more melancholy than cheer, "You are your father's daughter, little cloud."
Dora was sure she understood that. Nico didn't let her ask.
"Let's think about it at home," he tapped her shoulder, "Now, your daddy would have my head if I'm not bringing you to him right this instance."
The shadows engulfed Dora before she could so much as blink.
Since the start, Nico di Angelo had always been the closest link to Jason Grace that Dora had.
It was natural that he was the first one whose gaze she sought out from across the table after declaring her determination to "bring my father back."
However, not in a million years, could Dora have predicted Nico's reactions.
Dora knew her uncle was scary. Yet, it seemed like she had been blinded by the indulgence he had offered her up until that moment, to the point that her heart stuttered at the sight of his eyes darkening threateningly and shadows coiled under his hair menacingly.
"I do not allow." His voice came out akin to the resounding of hundreds of souls, the tenderness all gone.
Blood ran cold in Dora's veins. The light flickered. The sound of a chair scraped against the floor, a large hand pulled at her arm and Percy appeared in front of her, his back a shield to her frightened mind. Around the table, the adults raised their voices.
"Boys," It was Aunt Annabeth. "What do you think you are doing? Sit down."
Her father didn't budge. Dora had never been more grateful to have him in front of her, shielding her from Nico's penetrating gaze.
"Nico," she heard her father speak up, a cautious edge to his tone, "You are scaring Dora."
Dora hated admitting to being scared, but she was scared. Right at that moment, Nico appeared to her like Death personified, all translucent skin and bottomless eyes, larger than life and darker than even Nyx's House in Percy's stories.
"I apologize," he said, somehow managing to sound just a bit apologetic, his gaze never left Dora, "Regardless, let me make it clear that: resurrection is strictly forbidden; there would be no exception, be it Percy or Percy's daughter."
A breath hitched in her throat. Dora watched her father's fists clench painfully by his sides.
Nico's eyes gleamed dangerously, the shadows seethed along him, and gods isn't it Death looking down at her. "And should anyone attempt to alter the fact that Jason Grace is dead, I would personally make sure of their failure."
In him, Dora thought she saw all the monstrosities she would have to face once she set foot into the Underworld with a smidge of intention to reach her lost father.
She wanted to cry.
Dora clutched her father's sleeve, "B-But..." But you were right there. But you knew how much I wanted to see him.
She couldn't utter a word. Her throat closed off. Her body trembled with the weight of Nico's words. Dora's instincts were screaming at her to defend herself while the other half just wanted to close her eyes and bury her face into Percy's chest, hiding from the world.
This wasn't what she had expected - not Nico's disapproval, not his threat.
"Okayyyy--" Will spoke up from where he sat next to Nico, raising his hands in a time-out gesture. He was smiling, but even it seemed forced, "Chill, guys. Let's just settle down, alright?"
"Nico, knock it off," Aunt Hazel, the brave one she was, admonished firmly, "You're scaring poor Dora. There's no need for that."
Usually, when it came to Nico, Will and Hazel worked quite well as tension breakers. Not this time, though, as the son of Hades did not let down his terrifying scrutiny. Percy's shoulders stiffened up and Dora could feel the muscles and blood revved up under his skin, ready to fight.
The thought sent chills down her spine. Were they going to fight? Could her father take Nico? What if something were to happen to him?
Nico dropped his fork and stood up. Dora nearly screamed.
"I'm sorry for the disruption." He said flatly, "I'm full now. So if we're all clear in this matter, I'll take my leave.”
He turned away, glancing at Dora for the last time. A warning.
Nico disappeared into the curtains' shades, the shadows leaving with him just as Percy pushed her further behind him.
But Dora doubted they would leave her.
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iceflwers · 5 months
𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 “𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂” 𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓴𝓪 !
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˚✧ ₊˚ʚ THE BASICS !
— ❥ FULL NAME: Allison Marilyn Tanaka.
— ❥ NICKNAMES: Ally (most commonly used), Al, A, Princess of Darkness, Tattoo Girl (by Matthew Knies for a while), Naka, sweetheart, honey.
— ❥ DATE OF BIRTH: October 30th, 1998 (Scorpio).
— ❥ BIRTHPLACE: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
— ❥ CURRENT RESIDENCE: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
— ❥ SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French (not fluently), Japanese (not fluently).
— ❥ ORIENTATION: Panromantic, pansexual.
— ❥ GENDER IDENTITY: Cisgender female (she/her pronouns).
— ❥ OCCUPATION: Tattoo artist.
— ❥ FACECLAIM: Lyrica Okano.
— ❥ HOGWARTS HOUSE: Slytherin (ambitious, cunning, determined).
— ❥ MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE: ISFJ - The Defender (observant, reliable, humble).
— ❥ ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type Four - The Individualist (reserved, honest, self-aware).
— ❥ MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good.
— ❥ LOVE LANGUAGES: Acts of service for both giving and receiving.
— ❥ SKILLS: Tattoo artistry, sketching, makeup, hair styling, calligraphy, jewelry-making, dancing, painting, deadpan snarking.
— ❥ LIKES: Romance novels (secretly), drawing to relax, getting her eye makeup right on the first try, when a tattoo turns out exactly like she wanted, punk music, when people give her a wide berth on the street because of her appearance, spending time with her family, laying in someone’s lap and letting them play with her hair.
— ❥ DISLIKES: Fake people, people being rude for no reason, people saying she’ll only be pretty “if she stops wearing so much black,” being scolded for things she feels justified in, her makeup or hair getting messed up, people who use religion as an excuse to be assholes, coffee, pigeons.
— ❥ FEARS/PHOBIAS: Complete darkness, getting trapped in an elevator, getting hit in the face, being left by the people she cares about.
— ❥ FAMILY: Hina Tanaka (mother), David Tanaka (father), Audrey Tanaka (younger sister).
— ❥ FRIENDS: Cameron Findlay, Jason Brightford, Lily Walters, Matthew Knies, Pontus Holmberg, Fraser Minten, Connor Dewar.
— ❥ ACQUAINTANCES: Remainder of the Toronto Maple Leafs roster, Trevor Zegras, Quinn Hughes, Jason Robertson.
— ❥ ROMANTIC INTERESTS: Kira Holloway (first crush), Ariana Cole (former crush), Grace Darcy (first girlfriend), Hayden Donnell (first boyfriend), Jason Brightford (ex-partner), Ayman Hadid (ex-girlfriend), Joseph Woll (current romantic interest).
˚✧ ₊˚ʚ FUN FACTS !
— ❥ Both Ally’s middle name, Marilyn, and her older sister’s name, Audrey, come from classic movie actresses - Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, because their mother is a big lover of black-and-white movies.
— ❥ Ally has been in love with romance novels ever since she was eleven and read an old copy of The Princess Bride that she borrowed from her sister. She’s never been exactly good at sharing her love of them with people, but actually falling in love herself has been enough to open her up about it a little bit more.
— ❥ Despite the stereotype of tattoo artists being covered in ink, Ally only has two tattoos of her own: a pair of deer antlers with flowers curling around them on her ribs, and some small bats flying through a starry sky on her left shoulder. She wants some more in the future, but she also wants any future tattoos to be based on designs she’s drawn herself, and she has yet to pick any that she really wants on her body.
— ❥ In addition to her reading of romance novels, Ally is a huge Neil Gaiman fan, and has read almost all of his books and watched all the movie and TV adaptations of his works. Some of her favorites include the Sandman graphic novels and show, Good Omens, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book.
— ❥ Even though everyone who looks at her generally expects her to love black coffee, Ally actually doesn’t like coffee at all - she’s a big tea drinker, especially a nice cup of Oolong first thing in the morning.
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tagging @lovings4turn, @hiya-itsamber, & @theopenlocker !
─┈ ♡ copyright © 2024: you do not have permission to copy, translate, or repost my works, nor to use my oc ideas or plots.
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