#jason: am i really that transparent?
undertheredhood · 11 months
imo, danny fenton and jason todd (and before anyone gets the wrong idea, i do not ship these two characters at all) meeting each other would be so hilarious because all danny would need to do is look straight at jason and say “you’ve died too?” for jason to immediately start panicking.
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splatoonpolls · 4 months
so the Pokeverse drama for those who don't use twitter
I am using these threads
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They copied the slogan from the biggest pokemon group in the Philippines
The tickets costed P1000 (17$) and for The Philippines that is double the average price, and the VIP tickets were P6000 ($102). and the three day ticket costed P19500 ($331). While children got in for free, it was either under 5 or under 12. That info wasn't clear enough
Cosplayers got in for half the price, except one who cosplayed someone the staff didn't recognize
There were first 39 artists tables, that then went down to 15
There was the ravioli man, a man who ate a jar of ravioli and smelled bad (children were at the event btw)
It was 9000$ per table. and the tables were 1mx1m
Several activities were falsely advertised or had a lot of missing info. The baking one not even being baking and the digital painting one being for kids, but they required the kids to bring with them their own ipad. The teacher was prepared to teach in autodesk sketchbook for an older kids, there were 9 year olds there. The teacher did do a good job though
The artists were not treated well at all. One of the artists spoke out about it on her facebook
They ran out of tickets on day two so they used stars
After a decade long return, the inflatables returned
there was no lounge for the cosplayers to change into their cosplays
The camera crew did not respect people's privacy
The healider guests, Veronica Taylor (one of Ash's voice actors) and Jason Paige (the guy who sang the pokemon opening) were really nice during the entire event however. But they were not paid
A really shitty stamp rally compared to one organized by Pokecon (organized by Pokemon Philipines)
Make-a-wish worked with Pokeverse. But instead of pokeverse letting the kids meet the headliner guests in private. They had immunocompromised kids stand on stage with a ton of stranger around them. They recorded the kids faces and everything on facebook, they had to introduce themselves. They decided to film someone who the staff knew had scopophobia and uploaded their face without their consent,
They filmed several people without their consent,
the person who made the thread complained on facebook and pokeverse did not liked being exposed
Also she posted this
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TLDR, this is probably the worst con event i have seen someone talk about. Not respecting peoples personal space, not protecting immunocompromised kids, and having horrific company transparency and taking advantage of pokemon fans both young and old
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Gurl your writing is getting better and better with each new story! Especially the last one with Goo was so fun to read!! Buuuut if its okay to make a small request with our boy Jake? Let's say he falls for a bit different girl. She is the same age as him, travels everywhere on her bike, and has fiery red hair. For the most part, she is like one of the guys type, straightforward, honest, and won't hold back from fighting, but it takes time for her to become interested in Jake, rather at first she thinks he is a bit of a (I am sorry for this language) fuckboi~
Ah ty for the kind words anon! Buddha, it's been so long I'm not even sure which Goo one but I'm glad you're liked it! Sorry I could only really fit in the bike naturally in this 🙇🏻‍♀️
Jake Kim x Reader: Cleaning duties
F!Reader. Jake cleans your motorbike.
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"Boss, what are you doing?"
The sweltering summer sun is blocked out by Jerry's shadow.
"Cleaning." Jake answers simply, avoiding looking at his second in command.
Jerry looks pointedly at Jake's car, courtesy of Sinu, sitting off to the side and covered in crap and dead bugs and bits of debris... Then back to the motorbike Jake is very very thoroughly cleaning.
It's spotless.
"Shut up, Jerry."
"I didn't say anything."
"I can hear what you're thinking."
Jake takes a step back to admire his handiwork, wiping the sweat off his brow.
It looks good, probably cleaner than the day that it left the shop.
Sure he has more important things to do, but he thinks of your face when you see your baby pristine and immaculate, glistening in the light.
And perhaps he shouldn't be so transparent with his approach, with how much he likes you... Except he's always found it hard to hide his feelings around you. It's a small indulgence he allows.
Ah, speak of the devil.
You appear next to him, giving him a good-natured nudge with your elbow. "You trying to get into my good books?"
Jake looks at you and now knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was definitely not a waste of two hours. Your face remains as neutral as ever though your eyes grow fond.
It holds a softness that he's been seeing more and more of.
He wants that softness all the time and all for himself.
"Does this work on all the girls?"
Jake chuckles softly, "Only the girls with bikes... " Then flashing you a cheeky grin, "So is it working?"
A snort. "No."
"A little?"
"Nope." And you crack a smile.
Ok, you gotta admit... It is working.
Only a little though.
Jason and Brad watch your exchange from across the road.
The latter turns to his friend, "Our boss is doomed, isn't he?"
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Mm hi, I'm gonna be so transparent. I've never written anything before this blog that wasn't just a silly fun thing for myself. So, if I mess up or write something that doesn't feel inclusive, you can tell me, and I'll do my best to edit it.
I never intentionally do anything malicious on this blog because it's just something that makes me smile. If you bring something to my attention at least politely and not hatefully, I'll try to adjust my work in the future. I really just do this in my free time, and I know my writing isn't perfect or for everyone, even if I mean it to be.
I am open to constructive criticism and tips, but I'm not okay with hate or an unwillingness to have an understanding conversation. I'm just a girl here to yap about Jason Todd, not a professional.
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maniacwatchestheworld · 8 months
Several small BatFam notes
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@moss-covered-thoughts (I'm answering questions and providing information for DPxDC fans.)
lol don't worry about it! Nothing about you talking about your fic will make me feel left out! I'm just happy to help you out with your work! If anything will make me feel left out, it's the lack of rogues content and people within this fanspace underutilizing Vlad and not having much of that juicy, juicy polycule content (specifically Vlad/Jack/Maddie) that I keep coming back to Danny Phantom for. :p Speaking of, I want to be as transparent as I can with the information I'm giving out, because just like all comics fans, I'm not an expert on everything and I am very much in my own specific niche and haven't read everything out there! I'm actually not much of a Batfam fan and am much MUCH more of a rogues fan! (Specifically my hyperfixation is focused around Harvey Dent and Two-Face.) So while I do have some information about the members of the batfamily, my knowledge isn't nearly as comprehensive as someone who's deep dived into that part of the DC universe! I'll give you the information I can, and hopefully someone with more cohesive Batfam knowledge can reblog this post with extra notes to fill in the holes I have in my knowledge. >.<
Adoption Order
So I can't tell you the specific specifics of adoption specifically, but I believe that the order of each member joining the Bat Family would probably be along the lines of: Dick Grayson -> Barbara Gordon -> Jason Todd -> Tim Drake -> Cassandra Cain -> Stephanie Brown -> Damian Wayne -> Duke Thomas.
Batgirl and Duke recs
Again, I haven't read much Bat Family stuff because my primary focus is on the rogues. But I do have a handful of recs! If you're willing to watch a long-ass video instead of reading, I would actually highly recommend Linkara's retrospective on Cassandra Cain and here's the link to said video! It's very good and goes into just about every major comic appearance she was in at the time of the video first coming out (in 2019)! You will get a very good image of her character from that, I like Linkara's analysis, and by watching that video, you will definitely be able to come away from it with a number of recommendations for both Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown! (He does talk about Steph some in this video, but it's limited.)
Speaking of Stephnie I'm sorry to say that I don't really have any recommendations for Steph as I sadly have just not really happened to come across any works that have her in them in my poking around in different comics and related media. But honestly, while I can't give you any recs for Steph, maybe you should toss Linkara (@atopfourthwall) a message! He's actually a decently active Tumblr user and given that he wants to do a different retrospective on Stephanie Brown, certainly he would have things to recommend!
As for other Cass reccomendations... The only thing I have in my back pocket is Spirit World. It's not about her, it's a solo series about the brand spanking new character, Xanthe Zhou, but Cass IS a main character in it, and people seem genuinely happy with what they did with her in that story!
If you're looking for good Barbra Gordon content... Well... Personally I would recommend giving her episodes in Batman: the Animated series or the issues that include her in The Batman Adventures a look-see...? It's always a solid time with her around in B:TAS, or in the Batman Adventures! They characterize her very well in those serieses!
If you want both a Cass and a Barbra suggestion... Maybe check out No Man's Land...? Asking you to read all of the comics that were part of that saga might be a little much, but there is a novel adaptation of the No Man's Land storyline out there, and personally I listened to the reading of that novel as done by Graphic Audio and it is genuinely excellent! Like, the marketing may be tacky, but it is on the level of quality as something like an audio drama podcast or a Big Finish Audio. It just happens to be a book reading. :p But No Man's Land IS where Cass was first introduced, (also where Harley Quinn joined the comics universe fun fact!) and it has plenty of good moments from Barbara in it too!
As for Duke... Honestly, if you aren't already reading the Wayne Family Adventures, then you really ought to. >.< That series is available for free on webtoon and the first several strips have him as the main character before it becomes more of an ensemble cast thing. (And in case you were wondering it IS official DC media!) >.< I also haven't read much of Duke's stuff, and so in terms of his backlog, I really don't know what to recommend. The one story that I did happen to read that heavily featured Duke... Was "My Own Worst Enemy" (it's like volume 1 of All-Star Batman) which was... Fine...??? Like, as a Two-Face and Harvey Dent story, it was pretty bad and ablest in how it portrayed Harvey's DID. (But this isn't necessarily unusual for books that include him... SIIIIIGH!) But it was also incredibly stupid and fun, and had a lot of good forwards momentum and offered a number of interesting ideas that I don't entirely hate! So overall I find it... Fine... But as a Duke story... Honestly it's not bad as far as a Duke story can go! And the back-up story for that little arc (the Cursed Wheel) was pretty alright too! I do feel like after I read My Own Worst Enemy that I did understand Duke just a little better as a character! So while it's not good... You might find it to be decent in what you're looking for...? Because I really cannot speak on any other stories he's been in. >.<
So uh... Sorry about my whole limited perspective thing... But I do hope that you find some of this useful at least! I wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors!
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cuephrase · 3 months
On the subject of data crunching related to the Robins, a couple months ago I compared the numbers of people following the tumblr tag of different Batman characters to the number of ao3 works tagged with the characters, and while the ao3 results were a decently consistent slope the top tumblr tag follow characters were magnitudes larger than the rest and it was kind of wild (there are of course things the numbers don't fully capture, such as tumblr tagging not accounting for multiple tags being used for one character, and ao3 not really accounting for how central the tagged characters are to the fic, but it was still interesting to see)
omg that is INSANE.
Tim Drake feels like such a strange combination of popular and obscure at the same time and it is bizarre.
he really does and you are so right it is so bizarre. and i totally get what you mean by obscure, which at first glance sounds contradictory to popular, but like...how i do phrase this.
you hear about him/his fans a ton. (i feel like this either tends to fall into complaining or like stuff that leans more fanon.) but also i don't personally tend to see a lot of people talking about tim the way dick/jason/damian stans do, in that he is rarely the sole/primary focus of a meta dissertation/character analysis/content in that vein. which full transparency- this could be me not being super tumblr-savvy, such blogs probs exists i just have yet to stumble across a lot of them. (i cannot overstate how Bad i am at tumblr/socmed in general)
so it's kind of like, you hear that he has fans but...where are they? i even wonder if it has like some kind of correlation to like comics!tim stans being more likely to also really enjoy other characters vs. other stans being more likely to have a laser focus on a Single Blorbo. which is not a critique, by any means!!
bc like, taking myself as an example, i'd say i love all the boy robins equally, but if you put a gun to my head i will say tim is my fave. however. there is no gun to my head. so i can love freely. like if you were to just look at my ao3, you'd probs assume dick was my fave bc so far he's been in every batfam fic i've written lmao
man, the difference between tumblr and ao3 tags tho, even keeping skews in mind, is crazy. it would be so fun to go mucking around in that data
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kollapsar · 9 months
Tl;Dr discussion of rates, the art industry, personal thoughts etc.
For a long time there- a period of about 3 years when I started freelancing again- all I wanted was to work for companies like Wizards. I held the art made for them in such high esteem, I got a mentor to help me work in that direction and I've labored in blood to get my skill and style there. Stress straight up put me in the emergency room.
And gods I've grown, but the critical, negative, you're not ever going to get there in my head has grown so strong that the rift between what I see and what I make has grown even wider. I genuinely only see what I could have done better in my work most of the time these days. I struggle to share it because between Twitter's slow motion implosion and the industry being Like That and this aforementioned rift, I am torn between "it's not good enough" and "what's the point?"
When honestly, my style and work have thrived best under work for private clients and small entities. I'm starting to realize that maybe that's where it's at- and I'm closer to something I really wanted all along. I don't want to make something that is an asset, I want to make pieces that sing, or shriek, right into a heart. I want to make work that is a collaboration between my client's imagination and heart and my heart and my hand.
That's not to say that the private client atmosphere is always going to be conducive to artists living healthy lives or getting paying wages. The balance is hardly struck, through by god I love madly in my heart each client that will pay my high rates and help me set that example that my work is worth $30 an hour.
But I also haven't raised my rates for private clients in 2 years. I've painted maybe 300 complete paintings since, probably more, and that number hasn't changed, because the people I love working with most can't afford it.
But in turn, I've found out that the artists who work for people as big as fucking Wizards are over delivering masterpieces for wages that haven't changed in 20 years. Storm the Seedcore by Jason Rainville is a fucking piece of triumph that I have had as my wallpaper for years as an aspirational piece a fucking beauty of motion, composition and color that he delivered for $1200. (It's his spirit of transparency that he showed in discussing it that I hope to share in talking about this now).
$1200 to a megazillion corpo that indubitably made so much more off that incredible piece. Like, Jesus Christ. Sure he got the right to sell prints and he probably lives better than me but, what?
So until things get better, and who knows if they will, maybe it is best that I stay here struggling. And all I can do is try to take care of myself while working with the beautiful people that I do and making the art that I want. But god, finding that balance has been so difficult I have stretches of days paralyzed by indecision and depression.
It's been hard to think and I genuinely have made a resolution of 2024 to be more cognitively present instead of self medicating to keep working, because my art needs me, not just the skills I've cultivated over years to autopilot out a painting. And I have to be in one sane piece to deliver.
So I'll keep striving to share my work even if my critical self keeps seeing problems. I'll keep loving and trying to reward all the care and investment my followers and clients have given with more of this work. I'll probably keep bleeding a little into my paintings the way I have, though I'll try to take care of myself and feed myself too.
It's all just a storm of imbalance distracting from the heart of it all: we're trying to create something that will outlast us here. Something that sings.
It shouldn't be this hard, but hell, it always feels worst before a breakthrough, right?
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dead-girl-prolific · 8 months
I am currently working on a Jason The Toymaker fanfiction and i not only need someone who is willing to proof read, but someone who pays close attention to detail, as i make a shit ton of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. i also need help with brainstorming and shit, i'm currently in the earliest stage of writing this fic, but if i had at least one person helping me it would get out a lot faster, and i also believe that two heads is better than one. i need a fresh pair of eyes on my fic.
skype or any screen-sharing app(if you're comfortable with calling and stuff so i can share my screen and we can brainstorm)
must be at least 16 or older(this fic might have smut in it, i haven't really decided i'm not the most experienced with writing smut so if i do decide to put smut into my story, i will require heavy assistance.)
google docs(that is what i write my character sheets on)
basic understanding of the character(Jason)
this shall be posted on; Quotev, Tumblr, Wattpad, (and hopefully AO3)(in this order)
no i cannot pay you sadly, but help is greatly appreciated.
you will get credit for your role in helping.
thank you for reading this, if you made it this far, please consider helping a small beginner author out!
I've been writing on and off for about a year and a half, my first ever work was a short horror story about the rake! It's posted on quotev go check it out!
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catihere · 3 months
The wind, smelling of ocean salt and light, swaying the hems of clothes, hair and the veil on his head. Kore feels uncomfortable. She always feels uncomfortable in the past, especially someone else's, sticking her nose in their business is not very good. And it's not pleasant. She lowers her head and hunches her shoulders, pulling the white veil tighter over her head - a light, slightly transparent silk hugs her shoulders and back as if wet - in visions she always wears Greek clothes. A white chiton, green himatias and a veil to protect her from the heat/hide her from her father's eyes and hide if necessary. Although she does it more for self-satisfaction, no one can see her anyway. She is a ghost, an ephemeral creature from the past or the future. She swallows and stubbornly walks forward, her bare feet are pleasantly caressed by the hot sand and yet, raising her head, she sees a giant ship - a real work of art, as if created by the hands of Hephaestus himself, this is definitely the best ship this century has to offer. But she doesn't care about the ship - Argo, the ship of the hero Jason, the favorite of Hera - she is attracted to the people standing next to him and their loud voices… She notices the bright golden sheen of long hair, the same as hers. She runs, letting go of her veil. She freezes just a few steps away from them, her eyes greedily absorbing the scene in front of her, the major moment of her brother's fate - Idmon Abaseis, the son of their father Apollo and Abas, mortal seer of his brother-king. He looks like her, really looks like her, even more than the other Apollo children. If they were the same age, he could have been her twin - Idmon was tall and slender on the verge of painful thinness, his silky golden hair shining down to his waist, even their clothes were similar. His golden-green eyes shone dimly. There was a slight smile on his lovely face. "Welcome Idmon!" Telamon's voice was booming and strong on the beach along with the wind, he carefully held a veil on his hands, embroidered at the edges with thin gold threads "The new seer of the Argonauts and advisor of Jason!". Idmon looked away from his friend and looked at her, his gaze warm and understanding. He moved slowly towards her, walking gracefully like a swan sacred to their father. He stood directly in front of her and leaned towards her, his kiss on her forehead was soft and pleasant, balm and comfort. The Argonauts looked confused, they'll get used to it. "My radiant sister," his voice sounded soft and affectionate, like basking in the rays of the setting sun, "You have done everything in your power... I'm sorry that you look like me" "It was an honor for me." she bends down and snuggles up to him, he is warm and soft, she absorbs his warmth like a hungry earth absorbs rainwater. They hug until her visions end.
It turned out to be much longer than I wanted. And by the way, the conversation between Idmon and Kore may look a little strange because they are both oracles, they both know everything and just said what they wanted.
And I would like to send this as a question to your @ask-princessandromeda, I am very interested in the reaction of Luke, Alabaster, Chris and Silena, and Ethan might experience some feelings of horror because the way he greeted Kore as an advisor is similar to the way the Argonauts greeted Idmon. But I'm worried that this question might be too long.
And I am interested in your thoughts and feelings about this passage, please do not hesitate to express them :)
The relationship between Kore and Idmon is so special, they are separated by thousands of years yet they’re so closely knit together, almost like they’re the same person… even regarding physical similarities. The way you described their look-alikeness send shivers down my spine; everything about it is hauntingly beautiful. They find each other through the centuries, communicating through the delicate weaving of the world; they’re so connected to the fabric of the Universe, yet so helpless in its continual unfolding.
Ethan’s shadow will be in for such a shock when it’ll reach the Underworld expecting to find Kore, only to run into the arms of her so distant lookalike
I’m intrigued by the parallels between Idmon’s welcoming on the Argo and Kore’s arrival on Princess Andromeda. (If I try hard enough, I can find an Argonaut to parallel Ethan) You’re right, it would be interesting to see the demigods’s reactions to this story. I might try to formulate a post about this, your amazing work is definitely worth it.
Once again, I have to thank you for this amazing piece of writing. The story of Jason and the ship Argo is one of my favorite myths ever, and it’s breathtaking seeing your interpretation of it and its link to Kore.
Side note, I really enjoyed the ghost detail. It gives me an idea for an ask.
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cabezadeperro · 3 months
hi! for the wip asks, could you say something about the shortest night and/or when in rome?
hi! thanks for asking!
i talked about the shortest night here
when in rome is actually a dc/star wars fic i started like. three years ago. i should have probably moved it to my limbo folder, but now and then i open it, poke at it, and then leave it again for a couple months lmao.
i don't usually do crossovers (they're not my kind of thing), but this one is a jason todd/boba fett fic. the premise is very. well. bonkers in a very dc way: somehow, jason gets lost Again in the multiverse and decides to make it everyone else's problem. he finds himself the biggest baddest cartel in the gffa and decides to fuck with them, as he does.
however: boba.
a small snippet!
He’s wearing body armour under his reinforced leatheris jacket and his tunic. It’s not like any body armour Boba has ever seen. Boba takes off his gloves and his gauntlets and helps him take it all off. He pauses with his hands hovering over the featureless helmet. Red huffs. He bats Boba’s hand away and takes it off himself. He’s human, very pale. He has dark brown hair, very thick and very curly, a shock of white close to his forehead, and pale green eyes. He’s also very young. Weirdly, disarmingly young, with a soft face and chapped lips. There are freckles under the blood. Boba reaches for the scanner. “Keep still,” he tells Red. Red does. He’s watching Boba, those transparent eyes of his flat.  “I feel like I’ve seen your face somewhere, Fett,” he says after a beat. He’s fearless. Boba ignores him. “It’s a good face.” Boba pauses. He glances up at Red. “You’re a child,” he tells him plainly. “And I don’t sleep with the help.” Red wheezes out a laugh that becomes a groan of pain.  “That’s fair,” he says again, and falls quiet.
i am very out of touch with current dc fandom, and back when i WAS in the fandom i didn't really vibe with the way jason was written. i probably won't ever get back into it (that fandom was the first where i saw a creator black list 🫠), but jason's still very dear to me as a character.
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Reservoir Dogs (1992) - Movie Review / Fancast
I watched Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs for the first time tonight. (By the time I finished this, it is actually DAYS later) Remember all of the things stated in this review are my PERSONAL opinion.
Let's talk about Reservoir Dogs, because I enjoyed this film much more than I thought I would.
So, being completely transparent, I accidentally spoiled myself ten minutes in when I went to search which color Tim Roth was playing. Regardless, I enjoyed the film.
I thought the latter half of the movie was more entertaining, with the inclusion of Joe and Eddie and the more in-depth looks into White, Blonde, and Orange.
I'm not very good at serious movie reviews and don't take movies all that seriously anyways, so I am comfortable admitting that Mr. Orange was a big selling point for me. I very much enjoyed the close-up of him smirking. It really felt like a tragic love story at some parts, I was rooting for Orange and Mr. White.
Now on to the more entertaining part, let's recast. Pictures at the end.
We'll start with Mr. White. Originally played by Harvey Keitel, I think Jason Bateman would be an exceptional recast. He does serious, as Ozark proves, he does comedically dramatic, he is dilf material, and I don't think they look UNALIKE... there are some similarities that caught my eye. Honorable mention goes to a man of the same name, Mr. White, Bryan Cranston.
Mr. Pink feels like a no-brainer. Originally played by Steve Buscemi, who else other than Bill Skarsgard. Mr. Pink is slimy and he has awful posture and, for some reason, that reminded me of the very handsome Bill Skarsgard. He will never escape the typecast. For as long as I can remember, Roman Godfrey to Pennywise to that dude in Barbarian... they're all shady as fuck.
You know who else is shady as fuck? Mr. Blonde. Michael Madsen is the original Mr. Blonde and he brings such a specific energy to Blonde. I found it hard to find a good match. Looks-wise, Richard Madden. Though, in general, I think Vincent Cassel would be a very creepy, very sexy Blonde and if you've seen that scene in Ocean's Twelve, you'd know the "Stuck In The Middle With You" scene is in good hands.
I reluctantly add this next one. "Nice Guy" Eddie, played by Chris Penn, is being recast to probably my least favorite actor of all time, Jonah Hill. Fuck, it just works so well.
You know that cop, Martin whatever? Yeah, he's now Rami Malek. This is payback for being in Amsterdam.
Tim Roth, the reason I knew the plot of the entire movie before watching it, I fucking love your face man. Mr. Orange is now fan-cast as Andy Bean. Completely self-indulgent. Though, past Gee apparently thought Joesph Gorden-Levitt was a good contender because his name is very bold in my notes. Also, self-indulgent.
Randy Brook's Holdaway would be brilliantly played by Brian Tyree Henry. If you've seen Bullet Train, he is fucking incredible.
For Joe, originally played by Lawernce Tierney, I give thee Brian Cox of the Logan Roy variety. Or Vincent D'Onofrio of the Marvel supervillain variety.
Moving on to Mr. Brown, I could not decide. Give my dude Jake Sim a couple of years and he's perfect. I also have Michael C. Hall, Matt Berry, and Mark Sheppard. I don't guess it really matters as long as they can deliver an entire speech about Madonna's Like A Virgin and make it as disgusting as possible.
Before researching, I had wanted Edward Bunker's Mr. Blue to be Danny Trejo. Here's a fact I learned while researching for this review, Bunker and Trejo actually served jail time together. Small world. Oh, and Bob Odenkirk was the runner-up for Mr. Blue. I love that man.
Shit, I think that's it. Now I have to go make a collage of all these actors.
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The Menzingers Mask Halloween Jason Voorhees shirt
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John Boyega's The Menzingers Mask Halloween Jason Voorhees shirt . issues with the Star Wars franchise are well documented. The actor has previously voiced his frustration with Lucasfilm, at one point specifically noting how "they gave all the nuance to Adam Driver... Daisy Ridley," but not his own character, Finn. Of course, that's far from the only thing the actor has said on the record. In an Instagram post, the actor commented, "lol no thank you," in response to a commenter who suggested another appearance in Star Wars, even further declaring that " moved on." All of his negative comments regarding his time in the franchise even drew the attention of Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy. According to Boyega, the two had a "really nice, transparent, honest conversation," where she "verbally showed support." But as nice as that sounds, does it increase the chances the actor may return to his role of Finn at any point in the future?The Menzingers Mask Halloween Jason Voorhees shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's During an appearance on SiriusXM's Tell Me Everything With John Fugelsang, John Boyega commented on the possibility that he'd return to the franchise in the future as his character Finn and his experience facing racism while working on the Sequel Trilogy The Menzingers Mask Halloween Jason Voorhees shirt . Boyega commented that he "feel like to was good for him:" “I think Finn is at a good confirmation point where you can just enjoy him in other things, the games, the animation. But I feel like ‘ VII’ to ‘ IX’ was good for me.” When the topic of Moses Ingram came up and how Ewan McGregor came to her support, the actor noted how the incident " feel protected" and that when he started, "it wasn't really as a conversation you could bring up:" “Moses Ingram being protected makes me feel protected. Do you understand what I’m saying? It makes me feel like, ‘Okay, cool. I am not the elephant in the room.’ Because when I started, it wasn’t really a conversation you could bring up.. you know how they went through it. It was kind of like, let’s just be silent. It wasn’t a conversation you could bring up. But now to see how blatant it is, to see Ewan McGregor come and support… for me, fulfills my time where I didn’t get the support.” You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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Drinking Buddies
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--- If Jason ends up going home with someone, call me and I’ll come pick you up.
Y/N read the text from her boyfriend with a smirk. He’d sent it 20 minutes ago, but she was just now seeing it.
It was the only message Dick had sent her all night, always trying to give her the independence and space she needed.
Dick was always amused by Y/N and Jason’s little “club.” It even became an ongoing joke within the family. But Dick also knew that there was something sincere underneath it, as well.
Dick realized early in their relationship that there were some things in Y/N’s past he could never fully understand or help her with. Yes, he had his own trauma. But it didn’t involve abuse. His parents had died, but there wasn’t a day before that when Dick felt unloved by them.
Jason and Y/N had parallel childhoods: abusive parents, fighting to survive on the streets of Gotham, robbed of a happy and sheltered adolescence. Unfortunately, they were both victims of the darkness that Gotham held. The same darkness that drove both of them to risk their lives to stop it from continuing.
Outsiders probably thought it was weird for a man to let his girlfriend go out with his younger brother alone. Especially when said brother was as tall and handsome and broody as Jason Todd. But Dick felt more comfortable doing that than when Y/N had girls’ nights. At least with Jason, Dick knew that Y/N would be safe.
But Dick also knew Jason needed a friend just as much as Y/N did.
--- I doubt that will happen. But I promise I’ll call you if it does. 
Y/N typed back.
--- You’re a freakishly good wing woman. Don’t underestimate yourself. 
Dick texted back instantly. 
--- Have fun. Be safe. I love you.
He double texted.
--- I love you, too. 
Y/N answered before slipping her phone back into her small purse.
“He’s so obsessed with you,” Jason commented without needing to ask who had her smiling down at her phone.
But Y/N wasn’t taking the bait that easily. “Good thing I’m obsessed with him, too.”
“He’s probably sitting at home and crying because he misses you so much.”
Y/N punched Jason in the arm. And it felt like punching a wall rather than a human being with skin, muscle, and fat. “Stop being mean. I didn’t come out with you to listen to Dick get ripped on.”
Jason gave her a crooked smirk. “You’re right. I wanted a drinking buddy.”
“Yes,” she agreed. But then she narrowed her eyes. “But you always wanted to talk to me about a woman.”
“I never said that.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I have female intuition.” But her amusement and teasing faded. “Is it Artemis?”
Jason’s body tensed and gulped down the rest of his whiskey. 
“That obvious, huh?” He asked slowly, his embarrassment was easily caught.
“No, it’s not, actually. I’ve just been paying attention.”
“I told you I hated her and that she drives me to insanity,” Jason scoffed.
“Yeah, and I knew that was your sexual tension speaking,” Y/N teased with a tilt of her head and a smirk before taking a sip of her drink.
Jason chuckled at that. “You’re not wrong…”
“So,” Y/N leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms with interest. “Tell me about her.”
“She’s an Amazon. And a badass. She’s tall – taller than me, actually. Red hair. Doesn’t take anyone’s shit. Loves to pick a fight. Loves to get her way even more.” Jason sighed. “And…she’s beautiful,” he finished with. “Absolutely fucking beautiful.”
“OK. Now that you’ve basically given me her dating app bio,” Y/N ridiculed. “Get to the good shit.”
Jason glared at her.
But he took in a deep breath. “We’ve been…” he didn’t know how to put it politely.
“Fucking?” Y/N offered.
“Fine! Yes, alright?” He growled. “It was just casual at first. Friends with benefits – or whatever.”
Y/N couldn’t stop her laugh from escaping. 
“Jason, even though you try really hard to pretend to be a heartless hard-ass, you and I both know that you’re actually a hopeless romantic. So why you thought you were capable of having a fuck buddy, without falling in love with them, is beyond me.”
Jason rubbed his face in frustration. “I know. I fucking know, OK?”
Y/N finally decided to have some sympathy and gripped his shoulder. “You’re gonna be fine, bud.”
“Am I? I hate this. I feel like such an idiot. I don’t want to mess this up. But I also don’t want to keep pretending like I’m not in love with her.”
It was moments like these where Y/N truly forgot that Jason was also the Red Hood, one of Gotham’s most feared vigilantes. He was also a murderer, if she was being transparent. But right now, he just seemed like a lost young man, terrified of his own feelings.
“Why don’t you get us another round and I’ll put some music on the jukebox? And then we’ll figure out your shit,” she offered.
Jason smiled. “Deal.”
There were at one of the roughest dive bars in Gotham.
Jason was a regular – as was almost everyone else that was there.
He already made his reputation known. 
And even though on the outside he looked like a helpless pretty boy, the bar patrons learned rather quickly not to pick a fight with Jason Todd. Not that most of them wanted to, he was a perfectly polite guy and tipped far too nicely for the shit service he got there.
Y/N made her way to the vintage jukebox and started scrolling through her options.
“What are you picking? Justin Bieber?” A froggish voice said to her right.
Y/N paused to give him a glare. “Is that because I’m a woman?”
This was negging. And Y/N hated this pick up tactic more than any cheesy line.
The man shrugged. “Just wanted to make sure you put on something good.”
“Oh, I will,” Y/N snapped before turning her attention back to the songs.
“How about I help you DJ and then you let me buy you a drink?” He muttered far too closely to her ear.
It made a chill go up her spine and she suddenly felt ill.
“No thanks.”
“Come on. One drink,” he grabbed her wrist.
Y/N whipped her attention back to him and tried to tug her wrist away. “Don’t fucking touch me,” she growled.
But his grip tightened.
“Get your hands off her,” Jason barked suddenly from behind her.
Jason had at least 5 inches on the guy and was probably twice his weight.
It was enough to make the man immediately drop Y/N’s wrist. “Maybe don’t leave your girl alone…”
“She’s not ‘my girl.’ She’s my brother’s girlfriend,” Jason corrected with a glare.
He wanted to say more, but he could tell by Y/N’s body language that she didn’t want to start a scene, hating all the eyes that were already on them.
The man had given up. 
But not before both of them heard him mutter, “Fuckin’ whore.”
Without missing a beat, Jason punched him in the face.
The hit knocked the guy off his feet and possibly knocked out a few teeth. 
So much for not causing a scene…
“Say another word about her and I won’t use my hands next time,” Jason practically spit down to him. 
Then he slyly opened up his jacket to show that he had a gun on him.
The guy didn’t need to hear anything else. He jumped to his feet and tried not to run out of the place.
A beat passed before Y/N erupted into laughter.
“Oh, Jason! Oh, my knight in shining armor! You saved me!” Y/N put the back of her hand to her forehead dramatically as she mocked him.
“I should’ve let him grope you,” Jason mumbled as he led them back to their seats.
They both knew he didn’t mean it.
“Dick’s been showing me some self defense, you know.” Y/N beamed proudly as she took a sip of her new drink.
The bartender came over and silently offered them a free round of shots, proving that he’d seen the exchange. And this was his way of apologizing for their troubles.
Jason nodded his head in thanks before handing one of them to Y/N.
“Yeah?” He played dumb.
She nodded excitedly.
They clinked their shot glasses together before throwing them back.
“You know Dick would have my ass if I hadn’t intervened, right?” He asked her.
She sighed. “Yeah, I know. He’s overprotective like that.”
“I’d be the same way,” Jason agreed.
“Even if it was with an Amazon, who was bigger and stronger and had lived for hundreds of years?” Y/N teased, reminding him that she wasn’t done talking about his love life.
“Even then,” he smirked.
The night went on as normal. 
Y/N asked Jason a million questions about Artemis. 
And together, they came up with a game plan.
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Dick was working on his computer.
Gray sweatpants on. No shirt. A couple of empty beer bottles on the coffee table where his feet were propped up.
He wanted to lie to himself and believe he was waiting up for Y/N to make sure she got home safe. But he knew Jason would die before he left anything happen to her – especially on his watch.
No, Dick didn’t bother trying to go to sleep because he basically couldn’t when Y/N was gone. 
Even if he was in bed and she was still up working or walking around the apartment, it was like Dick could feel her presence and that was enough. He needed her to sleep, even if she wasn’t right next to him.
Dick smiled when he heard the loud clattering of keys failing to match with the slot of the lock.
Finally the apartment door opened.
“Special delivery for Richard John Grayson!” Y/N screamed in a slur before he even could see her.
“Shh!” Jason hushed quickly. “He’s probably sleeping.”
But when they rounded the corner, Jason relaxed at the sight of Dick being wide awake.
Y/N was piggybacking Jason with a drunk smile.
“Looks like you two had fun,” Dick commented with a laugh.
“So much fun,” Y/N agreed.
But then she was squirming and Jason realized she wanted off. He released his protective grip on the back of her thighs and carefully dropped her to her feet.
Y/N sprinted to her boyfriend and tackled him into a hug on the couch.
Thankfully Dick saw this coming and had quickly moved the laptop off his lap before she crushed it.
“Well hello to you too,” Dick chuckled as she wrapped her body on top of his like a koala bear.
He kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair.
“I’m very tired. And Jason wouldn’t get me Taco Bell,” she whined.
Jason looked offended and held his hands up in surrender. “I did try to get you Taco Bell, but it was closed.”
“He’s lying,” Y/N whispered.
“OK,” Dick managed to suppress his laughter. “How about we get you into bed and maybe chug some water?” Dick asked her softly.
She just nodded into his neck.
“Alright. Here we go,” Dick warned her before he managed to lift both of them off of the couch and carry her to their bedroom.
He helped her out of her clothes and then got her into one of his big t-shirts, not bothering with shorts or pants. He managed to convince her to take out her contacts before he handed her a makeup removal wipe. Then he very nicely asked her to drink some water for him.
“I’m gonna go say bye to Jason and then I’ll be right back,” he whispered as he tucked her into bed.  
Y/N sleepily nodded. “Jason punched a creepy dude for me. So be extra nice to him, K?”
Dick sighed.
Of course Jason did.
When Dick walked out of the bedroom, his younger brother was chugging a glass of water in their kitchen.
“You punched a dude?” Dick asked as he crossed his arms and gave him a suspicious look.
Jason shrugged. “Just another asshole who didn’t know the word no.”
“Thanks. For always looking out for her, I mean.”  
Jason nodded.
“You spending the night?” Dick asked.
They purposely rented a place that had a guest bedroom. It was rather common for someone from his family to crash. A lot of the time it was someone hiding from Bruce out of spite and needed some space from the manor.
“Nah. I just wanted to make sure she got home. I’m walking back to my place.”
Dick nodded, expecting that to be his response.
But Jason seemed to be lingering for some reason.
“You OK?” Dick asked him after a few moments.
“Yeah! Yeah, I just…Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“How do you make sure you don’t fuck it up?”
Jason didn’t need to clarify that ‘it’ was Dick’s relationship with Y/N.
Dick scratched the back of his head. This wasn’t a usual subject for him and Jason. They almost never talked about women with each other.
“I guess I just…” he thought about it for a moment. “I’m honest with her. So she never questions where we’re at. She always knows how I feel. And then it’s never scary for her.”
Jason nodded his head, clearly deep in thought as he mulled over Dick’s answer.
“I’ll see you guys later,” he finally said his goodbyes.
“Get home safe, yeah?”
Jason scoffed. “Always do.”
Dick locked the door behind his brother.
When he made his way back to the bedroom, Y/N appeared to be passed out.
But when Dick crawled into the other side, she instantly moved to him and placed a kiss on his bare chest.
“Hi,” she sighed sleepily.
“Hi,” he kissed the top of her head as he wrapped his arms around her. “What’s up with Jason?”
She smiled with her eyes closed. “Can’t tell you. It’s club business.”
Dick rolled his eyes and shook his head.
He tickled her sides. 
“Noooo,” Y/N whined as she buried her face into his chest.
Dick only stopped because her reaction was so adorable.
“I’m kidding,” she breathed her surrender. “Your brother…is in love.”
“In love, huh?” Dick said in awe, processing the idea. 
“And what advice did you give him?” He asked.
But when he looked down, he realized Y/N was now actually asleep.
Dick kissed her cheek and mentally reminded himself to run to the store early tomorrow so he could make them a greasy breakfast. He could only assume Y/N was going to need it with the inevitable hangover from a night drinking with Jason Todd.
Guess I wasn’t finished with them yet 😏
Let me know what you think. And I’ll see if I want to keep doing these. 
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by the bedside
Characters: Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste, Jason Todd
Summary: A job goes wrong, and Marinette fears the worst until Damian wakes up. 
Notes: Cross-posted on Archive of Our Own. 
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"À la claire fontaine," a soft voice sung, pulling Damian out of his hazy daze. "M'en allant promener, j'ai trouvé l'eau si belle…"
Damian groaned and tried to turn on his side, to try and reach whatever it was singing, but the moment he did, the song stopped and was replaced by a gasp. Damian blinked his eyes open, ignoring the sting, and saw sitting next to him was a disheveled and red-eyed Marinette sitting next to him.
"Damian….," she whispered. Damian tried to reach out a hand to her, but found that it felt like lead. Moving it felt like a splitting pain, and it was weighed down by a cast. Damian shut his eyes and leaned back into the pillow. The building, the explosion, and –
"Adrien?" Damian croaked. Marinette nodded her head and took the hand not enclosed in a cast in her hands. She gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled.
"He's fine," Marinette said. "He's doing damage control with your brother."
Ah, yes. Dick. Nightwing had come to Paris as one Dick Grayson, something to do with Wayne Enterprises or other, when he had realized what Damian was up to. Robin had become an unofficial third member of Paris's own dynamic duo, Ladybug and Chat Noir once all their allies identities were exposed. Hawkmoth was long gone, so it was just petty criminals and the like, but adding a fourth member to that so suddenly had thrown everything off. Even if it was for one mission. A bomb was missed, and now –
"How long was I out?" Damian asked. He narrowed his eyes and looked around and saw a familiar location had enveloped him. "And ho-how did we get to the Batcave?"
"Two days," Marinette said breathlessly. "And a Zeta tube."
Ah, Zeta. He should have known. Damage control probably meant making sure Paris still had someone patrolling and keeping it's citizens safe.
"Nightwing insisted we bring you back here," Marinette said. "Said you should be with family."
That meant it was touch and go for a moment. Damian felt unfrazzled by the brush with death, how many times had he had one since he was born? Not to mention he actually had died once. He looked down at Marinette's outfit, and saw she was wearing the same purple sundress she had been wearing before her transformation two days ago.
"H-have you been here the whole time?" Damian asked softly. Marinette looked down at her fingers sheepishly.
"I-I had to be sure," Marinette said. "When the Lucky Charm didn't work, and –" Marinette cut herself off with a chortle of tears. "Ma moitié, I had to make sure you weren't dead."
Damian shut his eyes. This was what frazzled him. He knew in their line of work, one got hurt. Sometimes you didn't walk away. But to hurt Marinette, to make Marinette feel hopeless and lost as Damian fought on a hospital bed. Marinette was the one good, pure thing he had ever been able to keep, and to make her feel pain felt like a betrayal.
"You should have gone home," Damian said slowly. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
Marinette shook her head and squeezed his hand.
"If you expected me to do that, then you don't really know me."
Damian turned his head to the side, and tried to ignore the sharp burst of pain at the top of his back from the movement. But try as he might, he still winced. Marinette reached forward and put a hand on his shoulder to try and steady him again.
"Be still, ma moitié," Marinette said. "Monsieur Pennyworth said it was best for you to remain as you are."
Marinette was so polite, and despite Alfred's continued insistence, Marinette continued to call the man by his proper name. Damian found it was one of many adorable things about her to love.
"Nawaret aynaya," Damian said, "I promise I'm fine –"
"No you're not!" Marinette busted out. "You're hurt, you- you nearly died! All because I couldn't keep my team – I got distracted and –"
The young girl burst into tears, and Damian took his hand from her grasp and reached up to caress her cheek. Oh, Marinette. She always took ever mistake, every misstep, as some misgiving on her part. To Marinette, the safety of all Paris and all of her friends sat squarely on her shoulders. She might shoulder that responsibility with her brother Chat Noir, but Marinette would always hold it as a personal stake in her heart.
"It's not your fault, nawaret aynaya," Damian said softly. "This – this comes with the mask, you know that. If you had or had not been there, this would have happened eventually." He wiped away a tear form her cheek, and Marinette reached for the hand still caressing her. "I love you Marinette. And I know you would never hurt me. So stop blaming yourself."
Marinette gave a weak smile.
"If you expect me to stop just like that," she hiccupped, "then you don't really know me at all." She sucked in a deep breath and rubbed her thumb across his wrist.
"I love you too," she said. Damian's heart sang. For seventeen years he had waited for something and someone that would look at him and not see a monster. Not see an assassin or a danger or someone to fear. And by some miracle, that person turned out to be the love of his life.
And he'd be damned if he let her go.
"He's flatlining, I'm calling it," a voice said, breaking the moment around them. Damian retracted his hand and Marinette wiped away a last tear. In the doorway stood one Jason Todd, mask gone but still wearing spandex and his leather jacket. "Mari, time of death?"
Marinette bit her lip and looked down at her hands, but Damian could see the beginnings of a smile on her face. Jason stepped into the room and dragged a chair from the corner and sat down next to Marinette with a loud thud.
"Papa Bat should be here in a little bit, Brat Bat," Jason said. He took out his gun and began to fiddle with it, probably to clean it since he pulled out a white cloth from his pocket. Damian frowned.
"I'm not a brat," Damian said. Jason rolled his eyes.
"You might be seventeen, but you're still a brat sometimes," Jason said. Marinette looked up from her hands, that familiar mischief shining in her eyes.
"You're kinda. Sometimes," Marinette said softly. Jason laughed and slung an arm around the girl's shoulder.
"Ah! I got the girlfriend on my side!" Jason said. "I win!"
Normally Damian would keep going and insist he wasn't a brat, but Jason was as transparent as a plane of glass. Jason was trying to cheer up Marinette with this joke, and Damian was not going to try and ruin that. Marinette was going to be happy and not worry too much about Damian, that was his mission.
"What did you win?" Adrien asked, popping his head into the med bay. His blonde hair was still damp, meaning he probably just got out of a post-patrol shower. He came up behind his adopted sister and hugged her from behind, placing a kiss to her temple.
"Marinette admitted Damian was a brat sometimes," Jason said.
"I am not!"
"Yeah, you are," Adrien said. Tim and Dick entered the room, and Tim was texting someone on his phone. Probably Stephanie, telling her he was okay. Dick pulled a chair over to the other side of Damian's bed and leaned back, his long legs stretching out underneath the medical bed.
"Be nice to the injured child," Dick said. Damian frowned.
"I am not a child," Damian said. "I am the same age you were when you went solo, Grayson."
Dick raised a brow. "And? I was a child then, henceforth, you're a child now."
Damian furrowed his brow again and Marinette laughed softly, but once again he did not fight. If it made Marinette smile, it was worth it.
His father finally materialized, Alfred behind him. His father was as stoic as ever, his eyes steeled and guarded thanks to the new visitors to the Cave. Despite the Miraculous duo having been unofficial members of the Batfamily for a year and a half, Father still seemed opposed to giving them official membership. Damian wondered if it had anything to do with Marinette being his girlfriend. He hoped not.
"Master Damian," Alfred said, and a phantom smile overtook his professional form. "I see you are recovering well. I assume Miss Marinette has made sure you've stayed where you should?"
"He only woke up a little while ago, Monsieur," Marinette said. Her lips upturned wickedly. "The real problems in that regard have not started yet."
Adrien laughed and hugged his sister tighter.
"Trust me, mi'lady is here is plenty capable of keeping Damian in line."
Once upon a time, Damian had been jealous of Adrien's nickname for Marinette. Now Damian knew better. Adrien may have once been desperately in love with Marinette and Ladybug, but once one Kagami entered the picture it was game over. Now, the nickname was mere relic of that time and a testament to the depth of their bond.
"I expect nothing less," Alfred said. Father stood at the foot of his bed. He was still dressed in his suit, but his cowl was down, revealing his identity. That made Adrien and Marinette's lack of inclusion even more baffling – they knew who all of them were, the biggest secret they had.
"Are you alright Damian?" Father asked. Damian nodded.
"Yes Father," Damian said. A sigh of relief left his father's form. Despite medical evidence, after everything that happened with Jason, Father would never be certain of his kid's state until he heard from them exactly.
"Well, I mean, wasn't he just fighting with Jason?" Tim asked. He looked up from his phone. "Me and Dick heard them outside. If he's in a fighting mood, he's fine."
"I almost died, and you guys treat me this way," Damian said. Jason rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, this is how we show our love," Jason said. He eyes Dick. "Except for Dick. He does the whole normal shit. Damn well-adjusted asshole."
"Damn non-well-adjusted asshole," Dick shot back. Marinette giggled. Father turned to Marinette and Adrien.
"You two can stay here as long as you need, to make sure Damian is okay," Father said. Damian tried not to let his surprise be palpable. Marinette and Adrien were barely allowed in the Batcave half the time, now Father was offering to let them stay while Damian recovered? What had happened in the time he was asleep? "You can Zeta home for clothes, if you need them. But we have enough clothes that might fit you Adrien, and I'm sure Cass left some things behind before going to Hong Kong."
"Thank you, Monsieur Wayne," Adrien said for the both of them. Marinette smiled and then turned her attention back to Damian.
Damian for seventeen years wondered what it would be like to be purely loved.
Now he knew. It came from Marinette Dupain-Cheng, that kind of true love
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Extreme Aggressor: Part One
Pairing: Eventual Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, woman gets killed in an alley, talk of strangling and stabbing a woman
Summary: Jason Gideon is called back from a six-month leave from the Behavioral Analysis Unit to profile a killer. Meanwhile, the team flies across the country to Seattle when another young woman goes missing at the hands of "The Seattle Strangler," another serial killer.
Author’s Note: Here is it finally! After hard work, it is finally ready for your viewing pleasure! Please, feedback is always appreciated so let me know what you like about it and what you didn’t! 
I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
So without further ado, please enjoy!
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"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." - Joseph Conrad
Not everyone knows this but each and every person has an aura around their body as if it hovers to remind people like you that they have things to hide. Not many people can see and do what you can do, but then again, you don’t want them to. All your life, you have been able to connect with people on a much deeper level than the average human. Those auras contain energies that you are able to connect with, therefore see more than what the normal eye can.
This ability that you have has gotten you in places you should never be. It’s gotten you where another dare not to venture. It’s allowed you to see the true intention and personality of a person no matter how high and thick their walls may be. Now, some people are better at hiding their true selves than others, but you always manage to figure out what makes them tick.
Your abilities have captured the attention of a really great friend, Jason Gideon. When he figured out the thing you could do, he knew you would make a great addition to his team. Granted, he was on a “summer break” so to speak, but he would be more than happy to give you a recommendation. It’s not that you didn’t want to work for the FBI, you just didn’t know if you would be good enough.
Never have your abilities let you down even if they didn’t always give you want you wanted. No one really knew what you could do, not even your family. It made you feel like a freak, like you never belonged anywhere since all you could do was see on the soulful plane. Maybe the BAU would benefit from having you on board, but would you benefit from having the BAU on your side? Your father always told you never to join any kind of government work, and at the time, he gave a good enough reason to keep you away. Something about them always taking jobs right from underneath everyone’s noses, and you believed him when you were a kid.
Now, not so much.
It was hard to when all you saw was death wherever you go. You didn’t ask for this ability, but you got it, and it was your responsibility to help as many people as you could with it until the day you die. That was the only reason why you were considering taking Jason up on his offer. There was still some hesitation on your shoulder, and you thought a walk would do you nice.
The crowded city rushed on without you, but you only had one thing on your mind. It was the busiest part of the city, but you liked walking through there once in a while. Everyone’s thoughts and feelings came to light when they were in a rush. It bombarded you and often overwhelmed you, but nothing overcame the sickening feeling you got in your stomach when you stepped on Jefferson Rd.
The energy in the air swirled around you, but it wasn’t energy from the people around you; it was from the dead. Even spirits leave energy behind when they pass which allow people like you to snatch it up to figure out their story. The way it works is that you become so overwhelmed with the emotions and the energy that you begin to see some of the last moments that spirit went through before it passed. You are allowed to see it based on how well you connect with it.
Some people have called you being psychic while other people called you a witch. Being an empathetic person helped you see the picture clearly. Not always will you get a clear one, and sometimes, you may not even get a full body. It’s whatever the spirit left behind and wanted you to see. They laid down the stepping stones, and it was up to you to be able to pass them.
Standing still in the middle of the sidewalk, you looked to your left to see a woman appear out of thin air. She was a bit transparent which is how you were able to spot the difference between an energy source and a real human. She was maybe in her mid-twenties, and she was jogging with headphones in. She passed by you without a second glance, and everyone around you seemed to disappear since the only person you were able to focus on was her.
She jogged for a few more seconds when a black apparition came out of the alley not far from you. The black shape grabbed at the woman, but you needed to replay that scene over if you wanted to connect with his spirit. Sometimes, when a picture isn’t clear, you have to replay the mini silent movie over and over again until you can either get a clear picture or you knew that you weren’t getting anything more.
As if you had a remote in one hand, you pressed it which rewound the action. The woman jogged backwards past you to where she first emerged, and you hit the play button. Just like before, she jogged past you, minding her own business when the black shape came at her. This time, he was a bit clearer. Repeating this process over and over again, you watched the woman get kidnapped about twenty more times before you could see the exact details of the man’s face.
He grabbed her and pulled her into the alley, but you couldn’t seem to move. The clearer the picture, the stronger the energy. The stronger the energy meant the event you watched happened recently. The longer the event goes unsolved, the less amount of energy you are able to connect with.
Something happened in that alley, but you dreaded going anywhere near it. However, this woman’s story was untold, and her spirit won’t rest unless someone tells it for her. Taking a deep breath, you looked at the busy street and suddenly remembered that you were in the middle of a city with a bustling amount of people around you.
Pushing past the crowd, you made your way to the alley until you were completely alone as the rest of the world left the single girl who was in the alley alone. There was one particular spot that drew you in, and you took a few steps towards it before getting another vision. The man jammed a knife into the woman’s abdomen, and you gasped when you felt her emotional pain. Being an empath is really hard work since you had more than yourself to worry about.
The woman dropped to the ground with a loud thud, and the man kept stabbing her over and over again until she was way past dead. Once he was satisfied, he took the murder weapon with him and fled the scene, running right past you to do it. It took everything in you to look away from his eyes despite your body telling you to do so.
The noise of the busy city drowned out the sound of a body thumping on the ground, and you crept to the area where she was stabbed. Instead of a body, there was a thick blue tarp covering the ground. It looked like a body was underneath it, but it could be trash. Please let it be trash. Please let it be trash. Picking up the end of the tarp with your gloved hand, you peeked underneath it to see wide soulless eyes staring at you.
The shock overwhelmed you, and you dropped the tarp in shock. Tears threatened to escape your eyes, but if it wasn’t for you, this woman probably would have never been found—or, at least, not right now. From what you could gather, the body was still fresh with only sight signs of decaying. If you called the police now, they might be able to find her killer.
Taking out your cellphone, you dialed 911 and put in an anonymous tip before getting the hell out of there. It didn’t take long for first responders to arrive on scene, and you watched from the deli across the street as they uncovered her. She was found because of you. She is going to get justice because of you.
That was all the evidence you needed to make your decision.
Taking out your phone once more, you called your dear and beloved friend. It took him three rings to pick up.
“Jason, it’s me, Y/N. I’ll take it.”
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Gideon was sucked back into the BAU on a case after he needed to take some time for himself. He was involved with a bomber that took out one hostage and six agents, so you could understand why he requested for your help. He trusted you to aid this team in finding a killer, especially when he saw what you can do first-hand. It was hard to explain your abilities to someone who couldn’t possibly understand, but you knew you had to since he had a jet full of his other teammates.
It didn’t take long to get to the airport where the jet was waiting, and before you ascended the stairs, you could feel everyone’s emotions—impatient, curiosity, calmness, and eagerness. They were all waiting for you, and you needed to show them that you belonged on their team. Walking on the jet, all heads turned at the new presence. Gideon stood up and approached you with a welcoming smile on his face.
“It’s good to see you again,” he stated.
“Well, you needed me. Here I am,” you nodded, looking at everyone else on the jet.
The person you noticed first was what you assumed to be the second person in charge. He had almost black hair and a hard gaze since he didn’t really like newcomers. The next person was a black male who emitted impatience since he just wanted to get in the air. The last person was a scrawny young male which is where the curiosity was coming from.
“Y/N, this is my team. Agent Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, and Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“Spencer Reid?” you asked, and the young man perked up at the sound of his name. “Sorry, but I’ve read everything you have ever written especially Identifying Non-obvious Relationship Factors Using Cluster Weighted Modeling and Geographic Regression. You have a very intelligent mind.”
“Thank you,” he smiled, clearly impressed that you read his work.
“Guys, this is my good friend Y/N that I’ve asked to help us on this case.”
“Is she FBI?” Hotchner asked.
“Not exactly.”
“I am what’s known as an empathetic psychic. If ‘witch’ makes you sleep better at night, then call me that. I see things that most people are not able to see. I connect with people’s energies, especially the dead. Believe it or not, I see events that lead up to someone’s death due to the energy and the spirit they leave behind. The more recent the event, the stronger of a picture I get. It doesn’t always give me what I want, but it always provides me with what I need. I’ll be a valuable asset to this team.”
“I already approved it with the board. She has her firearm qualification and she passed the academy with flying colors,” Gideon sided with you.
“We need to get going. We’ll see how you do on this case,” Hotchner nodded.
With that, the plane was off. It wasn’t until the pilot let you know it was safe to move around the cabin that everyone start to talk about the case.
“His first victim was Melissa Kirsh—stab wounds and strangulation,” Spencer read from the file.
“Wait, wait. Back up. Back up,” Derek interrupted. “He stabbed her and then strangled her to finish her off?”
“Other way around,” Gideon cleared his throat before turning to you, the hopefully newest member of the team. “Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder?”
“Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe,” you said, earning a few stares from the others. You knew it would take some time for them to get used to you, especially when they didn’t even know you. The fact that you’re with them is because you’re friends with Gideon. “He tried and probably found that it took too long so he stabbed her instead and realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood.”
“Next time, our boy's got a method—the belt,” Derek added.
“He's learning and perfecting his scenario. Becoming a better killer,” Gideon stated.
“So, Y/N, where did you learn about profiling?” Hotchner asked, taking a break from the case.
“I have a PhD in Criminal Justice with a sole focus on profiling. Another one in Psychology which better helps me connect with others. I thought Gideon told you all of this,” you asked, looking at your friend.
“How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” Spencer asked.
“Twenty-three. Well, I turn twenty-three in a few months.”
“Wow, I’m impressed. How did you get two PhD’s at your age?”
“How’d you get three at yours?”
“I’m a genius with an eidetic memory.”
“Yeah, well, I worked my ass off to get where I am so just know that you’re not letting just anyone on this jet with you. I’d be happy to prove myself to you guys. I’ve been doing it since I could read.”
“There’s a few more of us you still have to meet,” Hotchner stated.
“Lucky you, Reid,” Derek grinned. The young doctor stared at his friend in confusion. “You’re not the youngest one here anymore.”
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Just how long do we have to “pretend” that Grayson still has feelings for Babs? It better not be more than 1-2 episodes. Dude left her and Gotham 6 years ago and had no intention of going back until Bruce went off the rails. In one flashback he says we make sense and she didn’t seem pleased with that, presumably because she wanted him to say he loved her 🤷🏽‍♀️ Also from the TL it sounds like he took up with Dawn shortly afterwards. There seems to have been a modicum growth for him in between Dawn and Kory so instead of being a total dick (pun intended) with her he agrees that they figure their situations out and try again. However, this nonsense that he has to still feel something romantically for Babs to be able to work with her and protect Gotham is unnecessary BS. And if he’s being petty because of Fiddei, he really needs to stop. This is supposed to be Kory’s season so why am I halfway through and still dealing with Dick’s family drama and romance issues? ENOUGH with him constantly regressing! Where is the Titans show we were promised?
To be fully transparent (because I have another Titans asks in here I haven’t answered yet), I still have not watched the past two episodes. I said there was a limit to my patience with this show, and I apparently hit it when I heard ep 5 was 98% Jason flashback focused and then ep 6 is DickBabs flashback heavy/starts the wanting to rekindle in the present. I’m so sick of the Batfamily/Dick’s problems taking up so much space in a show called “Titans”. I’m sick of the writers overuse of flashbacks to allow Dick to “sow his wild oats” with his exes so they can avoid having to justify why Dick and Kory can’t be together in the present. Finally got rid of Hawk and Dove and it means nothing because all the air they sucked out of the plot is now transferred to Jason and Barbara. Whenever they decide to get back around to centering Kory or literally ANY other (actual) Titan, then maybe I’ll decide to tune back in. But for now, mentally, I’m here:
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