#kidnapped by the state
gophergal · 5 months
28. favorite lgbt horror film
.... Damn I'm blanking on them so hard. Would Alien be a cop out?
Like. Ripley has strong queer energy and there is a canon trans girl? Chestbursters are kinda like pregnancy horror and I've always thought pregnancy horror was pretty queer flavored?
If I have to go more recent and explicit, then Freaky. Its horror comedy, but it enjoyed it
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A Black couple living in Dallas say their 2-week-old daughter was taken from them because they decided to have a home birth with a midwife.
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Home-births and midwifery services are increasingly sought out by Black pregnant people and families over traditional hospital settings amid a mounting maternal mortality crisis exacerbated by systemic medical racism. Black pregnant people are three to four times more likely than white pregnant people to die from pregnancy-related causes, per the CDC.
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When Black pregnant people and families can’t feel safe seeking pregnancy and birth-related services from the hospital, and can’t feel safe choosing home births and home care options that draw police attention.
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yellowwwcrayon · 12 days
ok, this is the actual *real* live footage of Deadpool snatching Logan from his universe:
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xehanortsreport · 5 months
you ever just think about the heartless manufactory. peak environmental horror (dreamy sigh)
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lunamugetsu · 7 months
Do you think Bruce keeps track of all of the members of the batfamily by using the number system? Like when a family with 2+ kids, the parents keep track of their kids by just counting their heads. (1,2, 3,etc)
Like there's a Justice League meeting/briefing, and Bruce needs to bring basically all of the members of the batfamily to the watchtower to attend the meeting. And when they're all ready to leave. Bruce just does a mental headcount on everyone as they're leaving. (Yes, even the adults of the batfamily are included in the headcount) Batwoman, Azrael, and Batwing are not exempt from headcount just because they're adults. If they're a member of the batfamily, they are included in the headcount.
And when they all meet in the Batcave, Bruce does another head count just to make sure that he didn't leave any of the kids behind or that one of the kids stayed behind. Because one time Stephanie snuck away from the group and proceeded to superglue all of the cabinets in the cafeteria in the Watchtower shut because Green Lantern and her had a difference in opinion on which tv show was better.
The counting comes in handy when one day an extremely sleep deprived Bruce, that is running on nothing but coffee and two hours of sleep for the past week. When bringing all the batfamily members into the batcave, he realizes that the headcount is one more than there should be.
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odinsblog · 8 months
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Dozens of Ukrainian children from a Russian-occupied city in Ukraine were taken to Belarus and sent to “emergency survival training” with the Belarusian military, according to local media.
The Belarus 4 Mogilev state television channel reported on Wednesday that 35 children from the city of Antratsyt in eastern Ukraine, which Russia has occupied since 2014, were sent to the eastern Belarusian city of Mogilev, where they were taught “how to behave in extreme situations” in exercises with the Belarusian military.
In the report, the children — some of whom are wearing tracksuits with Russian flags printed on their sleeves — are shown holding on to each other and covering their faces during a fire drill.
Thousands of Ukrainian children have been deported to Russia and Belarus from Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022. In July 2023, Russian Children’s Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova put the figure of Ukrainian children “received” by Russia at 700,000, claiming most were accompanied by their parents or other relatives.
A study by Yale University found that between September 2022 and May 2023, over 2,400 Ukrainian children aged 6 to 17 were deported to Belarus from the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine, which are occupied by Russian forces.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko met with a group of deported Ukrainian kids last month, promising to “embrace these children, bring them to our home, keep them warm and make their childhood happier.”
In March 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Lvova-Belova, accusing them of overseeing the “unlawful deportation” of Ukrainian children.
(continue reading)
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bluerosefox · 1 year
The (Not) Normal One...
I LOVE the stories where Danny is deaged and later found by one of the bats and taken in as a son or he's Bruce's bio son and is either Damian's twin or half brother or little/big brother BUT I don't see a lot of reborn/reincarnated Danny into the batfamily (I can think of two but one of them he is Dick's son?clone?somewhat clone? And the other is an amazing story where Danny is reborn as Jazz and Jason's kid and I love it to bits)
So let's change that a bit and have some fun.
Here's the idea
Danny, either from finally aging to his death (it was slow and long aging but he is still partly human too don't forget that) or dying at the hands of GIW (or by his parents if we go the Bad!Fentons route), is reborn into the batfamily.
He could either be Bruce and Selina's kid after they finally tie the knot, or be a one more attempt by Ra's or Talia to get the heir they want but is immediately found out when Tim notices certain labs active and they find baby Danny. OR Danny can be an oops baby to Bruce's one night stands OR one of the batboys baby. EITHER WAY, Danny is reborn into the family from the start.
And he has his memories. (He has little hints of his powers btw, they dont fully come in until his 14th bday)
And his new family all swear to give him a proper and happy childhood (as best as they can seeing how it's Gotham)
Only I want Danny milking being a baby then toddler/kid and later a teen for all its worth. He's going to enjoy this new life with everything he gots.
Like imagine the chaos and shenanigans he gets into as a toddler. He's the king of hide-and-seek. He uses his tears to get away from whoever annoys him. He's mastered the puppy dog look to get away with things (it holds no effect on Alfred though, man is immune to all tricks).
But then of course there's the... odd things that happen around him. Sometimes they catch him talking to no one. Sometimes they spot a ball or a toy rolling to Danny despite him not touching it. Sometimes they think they see or hear someone in the room with Danny only to go busting in to find nothing. (One time someone busted his nursery door down they heard on his baby/toddler monitor the distorted voice of a woman singing him a lullaby (it was Martha who was soothing him to sleep after a tiny nightmare, boy was Bruce not ready for one of his kids to hum the tune in the morning)).
Danny asking for an extra drink and the newspaper after Bruce is done before he runs off to one of the many sitting rooms the manor has. There he leaves the drink and the newspaper near a chair, hops into another chair nearby and chats to someone (they all think its his imaginary friend but that honestly doesn't explain why the drink seems to slowly disappear without anyone touching it. (btw its Thomas, Danny is talking to they like chatting in the morning)
OR when Danny gives hints to cases his family is working on, how he knows? No one knows. Sometimes they chalk it up to a kid randomly saying stuff or seeing it from a different simple outlook but sometimes it seems a little too on the nose and they think Danny might know about their night jobs... (He does know, but he gets some info from Lady Gotham who visits him and gives him little hints to pass onto her fav Knights)
Basically what I want is a reborn Danny trying to get a decent childhood/teenage years before his powers kick in full swing, his family trying the same but they got no idea about the powers (maybe), and ghosts like to visit Danny. The shenanigans that follow will be amazing.
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darkfluffydragon · 4 months
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Infoxication!Shadow Milk has a design now :D
My boy Info 😌 such a wet Pomeranian
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folklorespring · 4 months
I still can't process the fact that russians kidnapping Ukrainian children, adopting them in russia, changing their names and other personal information from Ukrainian to russian, "re-educating" them and raising them as russians is our reality.
BBC article
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xoheisse · 4 months
Ukrainian children kidnapped by russia are undergoing "patriotic" trainings in russian orphanages to completely strip them of Ukrainian identity and develop love for russian army.
If this war persists for years or is frozen, there is a high chance they will be fighting for russia.
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c10wnss · 2 months
silly art collab with @cl1ffemall :3
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wenellyb · 2 years
Excuse me but how is Namor a villain? Someone explain it to me like I'm stupid because I don't get how he's a villain.
An opponent maybe but certainly not a villain. He didn't do anything Wakandans wouldn't have done when they were still in hiding.
Not saying him or the people of Talocan are perfect, but saying he's a villain is a little too much imo. He's just a ruler protecting his people. Just like the Wakandans.
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ksenka-zarazka · 2 years
this keeps me up at night
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katy-89 · 5 months
"Aang has violent destructive tantrums"
Zuko literally had tantrums in the show and threw a guy across the room for talking to Mai :)
Keep setting him up, please
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so self indulgent aftg au where mary takes neil to england to be with the hatfords and co. and neil grows up pretty much like he would at his fathers, but less psychopath and more 'the life we live in is dangerous and you need to be able to make the hard calls'.
but neil knows that he doesn't want that life (in the books it is said that if he had kevins life he would have hated it; would rather be free and dead than trapped and alive) and he runs back to america, trusting his father wouldn't notice he was there (at least for a while) and knowing if he stayed in europe his mother would find him.
and he ends up at palmetto, maybe bc he remembered kevin and wanted what he had.
and kevin remembers him, because neil doesn't change his appearance in england, his mother forces him to keep it to 'show him we aren't afraid' or some kind of twisted logic like that.
and kevin looks like he's seen a ghost, bc to him he has, and andrew immediately goes guard dog mode and tackles neil.
who promptly flips him on his ass and they eventually stand with knives at each others throats until kevin tells them to stand down.
neil tells kevin everything (along side 'just neil, nathan was my father :/') an kevin tells him he's a moron trying to get himself killed.
neil trains with them over summer, having played a little social exy in england bc his mother wouldn't let him play at school, and eventually gets signed with coach who had been struggling to find a replacement striker.
idk where this is going ngl, i literally just wrote this and am posting un edited o7
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odinsblog · 8 months
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“From the start of the invasion, Russian authorities have abducted thousands of children from Ukraine and relocated them to Russia.” —Oksana Markarova, Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S.
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