#king kingscholar
theonemarvelousness · 1 month
Distance [Third to Scar of King's Roar [TW]]
Every break, Farenah makes an effort to try and regain what he lost.
The horrible distance is there. The polite greetings turn bitter, by the time he graduates. A nine-year-old shouldn't act like this.
Their father is entirely indifferent.
Kifaji's lines of worry grow deeper every visit.
Summer's are filled with tasks, learning how to become the next king of Savanaclaw. He tries his best to spend time with Leona. He tries his best to take him away from here, but his father ushers him away time and time again.
Even at his graduation, his little brother looks at him with the same detached, polite look. He says the right things for a prince to say in front of their father.
It hurts.
He misses Leona's smiles.
He misses being called big brother.
He misses the joy the other had years ago.
By twelve, Leona's become a hellion. Running off from lessons, sleeping in places where no one can find him. He's an honest problem, and Kifaji chases after him non step. When he sits down to his lessons on whatever whim, his work is perfect. His certificates are endless. His magic is impeccable. It's all natural to him.
His indifference has turned to snide remarks.
At least there's emotion, but it's all bitter.
"We'll be wed soon, Leona." Farenah tries to engage his brother in one of the most important events in his life. Yes, he's fallen in love. They'll have a wonderful family.
Maybe having a big sister might help? He doesn't know, but she tries. That's what matters to him.
He looks at them with absolute disinterest. The scar over his eye does not detract from the brilliant emeralds that shine with such intelligence. "Congratulations." And his gaze drops back to his book.
"Would you be my best man?"
Leona's brows furrow, he looks up from the book.
"It'd mean the world to us, Leona." His bride-to-be echoes.
It looks like he's weighing his options. "Sure.
It didn't bring them closer.
He carried out every duty perfectly. With the same distance and detachment he did with almost everything else.
He's watched Leona for nine years.
He's tried all he can to bridge this canyon between them.
Farenah returns from his honeymoon with the most amazing news. "Leona, we're having a baby!"
The pen breaks in the younger's hand.
"Congratulations." He stands, and leaves the room to take care of the ink and blood of a mess he's made.
That's... not what he expected.
Father stepped aside, and he ascended the throne due to his poor health.
Leona looked even more neutral than before, or maybe he looks worse?
But he's been paler for awhile.
An invitation to attend Night Raven College comes.
"Look! You got accepted into NRC!" Farenah offers it with a grin.
"Eh. What can I learn there? Toss it."
"...Alright." But he just leaves it in his room. He might want to go someday.
Cheka is the most perfect child in the world. How his tufts of sunset hair shine in the light. How his bright, barely-open eyes are like the sun. How his little ears twitch so perfectly with every sound.
"I won't let anything happen to you, my son." He promises.
He won't let this heart wound like his own little brother's.
He won't let Cheka feel the despair Leona has in his life.
"I'm going to NRC this fall." Leona casually mentions at breakfast, the invitation in hand as he sits down.
"Oh? What changed your mind?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Is this going to make you happy?" He just wants to know it will help.
"Sure. Happier than listening to your sweet little sobbing prince."
Cue another screech from Cheka...
Well, maybe he'll make friends there.
"Love, why are you crying?" His wife leans in as they watch Leona's Interdorm Spelldrive match. She wipes his eyes.
"I--I haven't seen Leona smile in t-ten years."
There he is with their victory, and he's beaming the brightest he's seen since he was a small cub. There's booming laughter from his lips. Savanaclaw's won, and it's of course partially in thanks to his brother. His brother that put his all in this. His brother that fought hard and won the victory.
This is the happiest he's been in a decade.
He finally sees Leona again.
Farenah couldn't be more grateful.
Perhaps this was the best thing that could happen.
Scar of King's Roar: https://theonemarvelousness.tumblr.com/post/715140951050469376/scar-of-kings-roar-tw Homecoming : https://theonemarvelousness.tumblr.com/post/715696576307380224/homecoming-sequel-to-scar-of-kings-roar-tw
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luyo-mi · 1 year
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the royals 👑
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cyath · 1 year
This is an animated bit inspired by @dilatorywriting Monsters Mayhem: A Lion's Pride
*read it for context*
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Anyway~ To the author, their writing is just a m a z i n g. Each time they post it makes my day and just KSBSNAKKA i can't put it into words. They are one of my favorite writers and following them was one of the best decisions I've made on my short time of Tumblr. I send them much love and hope they are doing well and continue to grow with much love and support(•̀ᴗ•́)و Go follow tHeMMM, they are amazing
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ventique18 · 1 year
Oh my god!!! OH MY GOD!!
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rakiah · 9 months
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✨Greetings from 🦁👑 ✨
Have a happy end of the year~
Leona’s outfit model
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justanotherfanfolks · 10 months
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Detective Time! Book 2 keeping the ball rolling with mystery, lore, Grilled Cheeseburglers, and wild Malleus appearances.
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skyenish · 6 months
I don’t know why I bite
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Hey have you seen the latest Mufasa trailer? It shows us Scar or Taka as he is called in the film in a positive light. He saves Mufasa, who is an orphan, and accepts him as his true brother even though the other lions in the pride reject Mufasa. I wonder if this is the history that is taught in Twisted Wonderland because the King of Beasts is also seen as a noble figure.
[Referencing this trailer!]
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Yes, I took a look at it! I believe D23 happened like… yesterday? That’s the annual convention where Disney drops a ton of news about upcoming projects, and the new Mufasa trailer was one of the announcements made.
I was really skeptical about Mufasa when I first heard about it, and that snowballed into dread when I saw the previous trailer. The wording of that one basically yells us that Mufasa is an orphan with no real claim to the throne, which only serves to justify Scar’s outrage when he was overlooked for the position of king. Not only that, but it nullifies Simba’s claim to the throne since the implication is that blood apparently doesn’t guarantee that you’re next in line. The new trailer makes this issue all the more apparent, because now it seems to be completely redeeming Scar…? I think they’re trying to explain his downfall and his turn to “evil”, but from the looks of it, it instead feels like unintentionally give grounds for Scar’s hurt and rage in The Lion King. It’s definitely… a choice… and I’m not sure how much I like them adding that to the animated TLK lore.
Thar being said, I do think this poses considerations for Twisted Wonderland. I had very similar thoughts as you did, Anon! It has already been suggested that the version of history being told in their universe is “twisted” or altered from the versions Yuu/we, the audience, are familiar with. So… what we see in the new Mufasa trailer (up to a certain point) could very well be the “real” version of what is taught in Trein’s Magic History class. It fits SO well with the canon narrative we already have on hand. The King of Beasts is described as a hard worker and someone who accepted animals of all kinds, including hyenas that had once been excluded from the Pridelands. What better way to exemplify that virtue than a story of the King of Beasts himself accepting a no-name orphan cub as his own brother when all the other lions claimed the cub would never be accepted as part of the royal family???
I wonder how the story of Mufasa (if incorporated into TWST in the future) is interpreted by the characters too?? For example, Leona doesn’t think too highly about the concept of the great kings of the past in the sky, nor does he like “Hakuna Matata” (deeming it self-serving rather than as something positive). These are both things introduced in the original TLK. However, I’d imagine that Leona would actually admire the King of Beasts for his act of selflessness. (“He didn’t just talk the talk, he walked the talk too. They weren’t just pretty words, the King of Beasts lived by his ideals. The world he envisioned is one where beasts of all kinds could come together in harmony. Heh, what a guy.”) BUT AT THE SAME TIME Leona might be cynical about himself living to the legacy of the King of Beasts. He still bears resentment toward Falena and he refuses to cooperate with his older brother (despite Falena, their dad, and Kifaji all asking him) to govern Sunset Savanna. The King of Beasts wasn’t nearly so narrow-minded—he accepted a peasant and orphan as his equal. Leona in this hypothetical is, of course, tunnel visioning on his shortcomings and not paying attention to what he has accomplished: many younger students who look up to him, a dorm of students (many of which are beastmen of different varieties) that unite under his rule, and his own acceptance of “lowly” beastmen like Ruggie. I would love to see how he grapples and deals with these kinds of stories and how he reflects on his own life through them.
Anyway, the new Mufasa trailer sure sucks for Scar’s character but this has so much interesting potential for TWST 😭
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rikas-things · 2 months
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My relationship to Leona in a nutshell.
And yes, Leona stans do exist. All five of us.
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theplatinumcritter · 2 months
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Was this... Is... Is this... Zira mention??
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Homecoming [Sequel to Scar of King's Roar [TW]]
[Summary: Farenah comes home from RSA to find Leona... changed.]
What a whirlwind! He can't believe that a whole semester is over, and the winter break is already here! It seems like yesterday he went off with his little brother waving goodbye. Now, he has all these photos and adventures to share! He's going to love coming here when he gets older.
Farenah Kingscholar, heir apparent and first born of the current reigning King of the Sunset Savannah might be a bit unprincely as he rushes up, dragging his suitcase behind him. The transport back was quick, and as he's just a moment from saying goodbye to his new friends he's rushing to the palace gates with a grin.
Kifaji's there, scoffing. "We were to FETCH you, Prince Farenah!" The familiar, scolding tone brings a smile to his face.
"I missed you too, Kiji~" A laugh at the childish nickname. Though--"Where's Leona? I thought he'd be waiting here..."
There's something off about the frown on Kifaji's face. Not that the old bird's a happy guy, he's very serious and proper--but this is... sad. "Is he... okay?" Cautious. Feeling his own ears lower.
"The King has determined due to his amazing magical abilities presenting in... the recent discovery of his Unique Magic... that he would start intensive magic lessons. He is currently in those magic lessons." The bird continues, cautious of who overhears.
"Well, let's go see him! He must be bored out of his skull in lessons!" Bright--he has the bird lead the way.
The curious six-year-old he left now sits surrounded by a pile of books, writing down a lot of old spells for memorization--and with a patch over his eye.
The big breath he took in to say hi is gone.
Who hurt him!?
Coming over, he's very cautious. That small brow is furrowed in concentration. This work--sure, it's already advanced for a six-year-old because they're royals but... this is... a little ridiculous. Ancient magic circles of containment?
Then he sees the mark on his little brother's arm.
What happened?
"Leona?" His voice is very soft.
Leona looks up at him. The bright light in his eyes are... just gone. He's only been gone a couple months. How can a six-year-old change like that?
His brother stands, and bows. "Prince Farenah. Welcome home." It's.
It's just so proper.
"Woah--hey." He kneels down, gently tilting his chin up. "What happened there?"
"Nothing." Leona responds. It's... dull.
The mark is the containment from the book, and without a teacher here he actually thinks that maybe, just maybe, he's trying to break it. But, right now he leaves it alone. "Hey, c'mon, you can tell me."
"It's nothing. It comes off tomorrow."
"...Well okay." It's no good to press. He slowly stands up with a bright smile. "I've gotta unpack, so I'll be back to get you later!" And a wave, as his brother nods him off...
He turns to Kifaji down the hall. "What the Hell happened?!"
A glass of wine and three glasses of water in, he's still not calmed down. "What happened to the nanny, to the servant?" The one that locked Leona up, and the one that hurt him.
"I've discovered a plot of five people. The nanny was apprehended at the border. ...They were executed..." A sigh, the old bird rubs his temples, shaking his head.
"A six-year-old... They'd kidnap and try to starve to death a six-year-old. M--mother's death isn't his fault. She wasn't--she wasn't very strong." A hand runs through his sunset locks. "Has he been like this since then?"
"Yes. He... studies. He'll eat after someone taste tests it. And he sleeps. He sleeps... most of the time." Kifaji ventures softly. "I've suggested a visit to a psychologist but your father... is quite stubborn. He claims Leona is fine, and just matured with the truths of royal life." A sigh. "He's only six..."
"Well, I'm home for a few weeks. I'll see what I can do."
Kifaji was right. He eats, studies, and sleeps. Sure, some of that involves outside training to make sure he gets plenty of exercise but there's no... play.
A useless argument with their father...
"When you're King, Farenah, you can make these decisions." Rings in his ears.
The scar over his eye looks a lot like the King of Beasts. Scar. One of their ancestral bloodline, if the records are right.
But nothing he brings up to Leona gets a smile. He's thanked as Prince Farenah and...
He wouldn't have gone to school if he knew he'd lose his little brother like this.
Leona's sleeping in the gardens. It's the only time he's caught a smile on his face since he's been back. He takes a seat by his brother's curled-up form, seeing him at ease for the first time since he's been back.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you, Leona. I'll do everything to keep this from happening again."
But that means... he needs to make sure he's king as soon as he can be.
It's clear no one else is going to be able to, or have the power to protect him. So he has to make sure he has all of it.
It also means he has to go back to school.
"I'll be King soon, Leona, then you won't have to worry about anyone ever again. I promise."
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luyo-mi · 2 months
you draw him with such kissable lips...
dont blame if you see your canvas covered in kisses 💋💋💋💋
-leona simp anon 🦁
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I got you homie 🫵 I gotchu 🫶
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lapin0522 · 1 year
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🏜 🦁🍩 🐺
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peskygirl13 · 1 year
Proposing to Him with His Disney Movie: Riddle, Leona, Vil
It’s been a few years since you graduated NRC. Crowley never did end up finding you a way back home, but you were content spending your life with your love. Although recently you’ve been wanting more.
You loved your partner with all of your heart and you knew that you wanted to be tied with him forever. After years of being together, marriage seemed like the most obvious step. But how to propose?
Then it struck you.
You remembered a man who had commissioned someone to draw himself and his then girlfriend (now wife) into her favorite Disney movie for his proposal.
(If you’ve seen this video, you know what I’m talking about.)
When you arrived in Twisted Wonderland, you still had your phone. And while it didn’t work with calling and texting, you did have a few classic Disney movies downloaded onto it, including your partner’s movie.
You got to work right away. You had picked up a few hobbies in Twisted Wonderland to preoccupy yourself, drawing and animation being one of them, and you wanted this proposal to be as personal as possible.
Besides, you didn’t think it was a good idea to show anyone in Twisted Wonderland a movie where the Great Seven were painted as villains.
It took a long time to start and finish the animation for your proposal and to find the perfect ring for your love, but after several long months of prepping and paranoia it was finally time.
You asked your partner if you two could have a movie night on his next day off, and he agreed.
Everything was set. Blankets for cuddling were washed and dried (still warm) along with your movie jammies, the snacks had prepped and sat out, the “specially selected” movie was in the DVD player, and you had bribed Grim (who stayed with you all these years) with tuna to leave you two alone for the night.
It was time to make him yours.
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle’s life was constantly busy.
After graduating NRC he became a rather successful lawyer. He cut ties with his mother, which was messier than his overblot and ended with a restraining order, but he was much happier afterwards.
Due to his busy schedule, he always adored every peaceful minute he could spend with you. Especially recently, when those moments what become few and far between.
You had been acting odd these last few months, and Riddle was worried. You had assured him you were just busy with something, but wouldn’t tell him what, which concerned him since you told each other everything.
This is one of the reasons he was so excited when you brought up the movie night.
He worked extra hard that day to get home early to you. Once he arrived you nearly had a heart attack because you hid his ring in the blankets. Thankfully he didn’t notice anything and even brought home a tart from Trey’s bakery.
You quickly stowed the ring away while Riddle changed his clothes, thankful that you pajama pants had pockets, and finished getting everything ready.
Once Riddle came back, you were under the blankets, ring box hidden in you lap, and surrounded by snacks. Riddle quickly joined you and you started the movie.
It was rather peaceful watching Alice in Wonderland with your dear Riddle. At least, it would be if the ring box wasn’t burning a hole in your lap as your heart beat erratically.
It had been a while since Riddle watched Alice in Wonderland with you and he enjoyed pointing out things in the movie familiar to him and would give you a brief lesson about them.
You know he was just excited and loved trying to impress you with his knowledge, and normally you loved that, but he kept pausing the movie to do this and it wasn’t good for your poor anxious heart.
Finally, after turning an hour long movie to a two hour long movie, it was time for Alice to meet the Queen of Hearts. Which also meant it was almost time for you to propose.
You shifted your position as The Queen of Hearts appeared on the screen. It was difficult for you to sit still as the seconds towards your proposal kept getting shorter and shorter.
After the Queen sent off the card solders, she looked at Alice who was on the ground.
When the movie transitioned from Alice back to the Queen, Riddle let out a “Huh?”
Instead of the Queen of Hearts, Riddle appeared wearing his old Dorm Uniform.
Movie Riddle blinked before smiling down at ‘Alice.’ The scene switched back to show that Alice had been replaced by movie you, wearing her outfit/a similar outfit.
Movie You got off the ground and curtsied to Movie Riddle before reaching into your apron pocket and pulling out a red velvet box with a tag that read “Open Me” on it.
Movie You threw it up in the air and real you pretended to catch it before turning to face Riddle, who was watching you with wide eyes.
You knelt in front of him and held out the box, an exact replica of what was on the screen, and handed it to him.
He carefully picked it up, as though it was the most precious thing in the world, and held his breath as he opened it, gasping at the sight of the ring you picked for him.
“Arriving at Twisted Wonderland was like a dream. For me it was a land of pure wonders with the most wonderful of all being you. Being around you alone makes me blush as red as the roses you love. I love how clever you are, how passionate you are, and I especially love the faces you make when you eat sweets.”
Riddle let out a little laugh at this, but didn’t dare interrupt you.
“There hasn’t been a thing about you that I haven’t loved and will stop loving. We may have graduated, but you’re still the queen of my heart and it will always be yours if you’d have it. Riddle Rosehearts, become my queen forever. Marry me?”
Riddle blinked away happy tears before using a hand to tilt your chin up to his face, gently kissing your lips.
“Yes, my love. My rose. My heart. Yes.”
Leona Kingscholar
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Even though Leona finally managed to get himself to class long enough to finally graduate, he didn’t want to return home yet. And he sure as heck didn’t want to abruptly introduce you to royal life without any prior preparation.
Fortunately he was scouted by a professional Spelldrive team, who was more than eager to recruit him, and the two of you started traveling.
You were pretty much Leona’s manager in all but name and without the pay (As he put it, his income was your income). You did do some odd jobs from time to time, not wanting to solely depend on him, but you did have a lot of free time. Which did come in handy when you decided that you wanted to propose.
You and Leona had been on the road with his Spelldrive team for a few years now, and Leona was beginning to think it was time to return to Sunset Savana.
You decided you’d propose on his final game. You spent the entire Spelldrive season working on this proposal, recruiting his coach and teammates to keep him busy, and finally, the night before his finally game, everything was ready.
You told his coach, who ended practice early so that Leona wouldn’t be too tired during the movie and fall asleep.
Leona was suspicious of his coach’s decision. Why would he let the team off early before their big game? But ultimately ignored it and texted you that he’d be coming back to the hotel room early.
You tried not to make it obvious that you had been staring at your phone, waiting for this text, and responded telling him that you wanted to have a movie night with him to celebrate his hard work before he retired.
Leona was always looking for an excuse to lounge in bed with you, so he obviously agreed.
You, on the other hand, were wondering if you’d stay awake long enough so that you wouldn’t miss your que.
You had been working on this and stressing about it for months and Leona was your personal weighted/heated blanket. You knew that he wouldn’t mind if you fell asleep, always down to cuddle, but you would.
You got everything ready, from the snacks, to the pjs, to the cuddle blankets, so that by the time Leona made it back to the hotel room, all he’d have to do is shower and change.
Leona was admittedly a bid suspicious of how eager you were (as much as you tried to hide it), and that, mixed with the coach letting everyone off earlier, made it obvious to him that you were planning something.
He just didn’t know what.
Deciding to ignore it for now, he took his shower and changed while you double checked everything and started up the dvd.
When Leona walked out, he wasn’t exactly thrilled to see the starting screen of ‘The Lion King’ on it. He gave you a dirty look, which you returned with a sheepish one, before clasping your hands together and begging him.
“Please, please, please! You can pick the next one.” You promised.
Leona just sighed and crawled onto the bed and started cuddling you, his tail wrapping around your thigh.
You smiled and started up the movie.
As unamused as Leona was with your movie choice, he at least stayed awake during it. He only smiled during ‘Be Prepared.’
You were enjoying the movie about as much as he was, but that was because of the proposal.
Leona could tell by the smell of your pheromones that you were nervous about something.
“Oi,” He squeezed you a bit tighter, a small frown of his face but concern evident regardless. “You’re nervous about something.”
You shook your head with a small smile.
“I’m fine.” You reassured, calming down a bit. It was weird, but his concern gave you a boost of confidence.
Leona wasn’t convinced but didn’t press anymore. Only giving you an occasional glance to see if you were still ok.
It wasn’t until the scene where Nala and Simba were reunited that your pheromones spiked again, much stronger this time.
Leona could actually see the sweat forming on your brow.
Grabbing the remote before you could realize, he paused the movie and turned to face you.
“What’s wrong?” He demanded, holding the remote out of arms reach when you tried to grab it. “Why are you so nervous?”
You bit your lip nervously. You really didn’t want to propose to him like this, but you also knew he wouldn’t give you back the remote until you told him the truth.
“Leona, it can’t tell you but if you please play the movie you'll know why.” You promised.
Leona glared at you. He hated when you kept secrets from him. He hated it even more when you were hurting and you wouldn’t tell him why.
“Please, please, Leona.” You begged.
Leona narrowed his eyes even more, but ultimately pressed his thumb on the play button and continued the movie.
At this point, you two weren’t cuddling anymore and Leona was watching you more that the movie, waiting for a reaction.
‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight’ started playing and you shifted your body to a more alert position, mutely telling Leona that something important was about to happen.
You looked over at him and pointed at the screen. “Please watch.”
Leona listened, but still glanced at you every few seconds.
You both watched as Nala and Simba tumbled down the hill, but Leona perked up when the scene changed to when they were at the bottom.
Instead of the two lions, images of Leona in his old dorm leader uniform pinning you, wearing your own version of the Savanaclaw uniform, flashed across the screen.
Movie You kissed Movie Leona’s cheek and the scene changed to a close shot of Movie You smiling up at Movie Leona before switched to a close shot of Movie Leona smiling down at movie you.
Your movie counterparts sat up, and Movie You reached into their pocket and pulled out a black ring box, opening it and holding it out to Movie Leona.
You grabbed the pillow you had been leaning against and pulled the ring box out its hiding place. You couldn’t really kneel on the bed, so you turned your whole body to face him.
Leona’s eyes were wide in disbelief as you opened the box to show the ring you had bought for him (with the money you had earned from your odd jobs, not what he earned from Spelldrive).
“I’m sorry for worrying you.” You firstly apologized, “This wasn’t how I wanted this to go. I wanted to surprise you. Have us cuddle while enjoying a movie before surprising you with this,” You waved towards the screen, “and proposing. It’s funny how I planned everything but didn’t even remember that you’d be able to smell my nerves.”
You laughed humorlessly to yourself as Leona gave you a soft look, feeling a twinge of guilt.
He gently brushed you cheek and you leaned into his palm.
“I’m sorry from ruining this, (Y/n).” He apologized. You shook your head in denial.
“It’s not ruined.” You argued, taking your hand off the box and placing it on top Leona’s. “Not yet.”
“Leona,” You started, working up your confidence, “You are the best thing that's happened to me. I don’t, and will never, want anyone but you. Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” Leona breathily agreed, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you into a kiss that you happily returned. “Yes.”
Next day’s Spelldrive game was one for the history books. The fans couldn’t remember a time they had seen the King of Spelldrive this eager and energetic. 
And it wasn’t hard to figure out why when they saw the ring he refused to take off for the game flashing on his finger.
Vil Schoenheit
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You were never more thankful that Vil was a movie star than when you were working on his proposal.  
Vil was near impossible to surprise, so you were wondering how you were going to keep your proposal a secret.
However luck, and Vil’s manager, seemed to be on your side.
Vil got an offer to star in a huge movie that would take him away from home for a few months.
Normally you weren’t a huge fan of these offers, but this one worked in your favor.
Vil found your eagerness for him to take this offer suspicious, but ended up listening to you. You did call each other everyday and you visited him every so often during shooting, but he was away from home long enough to remain oblivious about your secret proposal.
Now to figure out what scene to propose during.
You knew Vil never cared for the movie ‘Snow White’ since the main character reminded him of too much of Neige LeBlanche and the queen died at the end, so you had to get creative.
Your original idea was to have Vil as Snow White at the end of the movie and yourself as the Prince, kissing her awake, but you weren’t sure if Vil would be in a good mood by that time if he had to sit through the movie’s entirety.
So you came up with a better idea.
After several long months without your Vil, he finally returned home. He had called you before his flight home and that's when you asked for a movie night when he got back.
Honestly, Vil was a little tired of movies after working on one for so long, but he agreed as long as he got to spend time with you.
You watched several of Vil’s old movies once he got home to put him in a good mood, knowing how grumpy he’d be when you brought up Snow White.
As you predicted, his face fell when you showed him the DVD you’d made and said it was Snow White, but didn’t do more than roll his eyes.
You started the DVD before telling him you were going to drab something from the kitchen and not to pause the movie. Unbeknownst to him, you were grabbing the ring box.
You quickly grabbed the ring from its hiding place and all but ran back to the movie room were Vil was. You didn’t have much time before your que.
You made it to the door and cracked it open just enough to see the narrator finished the introduction of the movie and the camera was zooming in on where the Queen would make her entrance.
Only, it wasn’t the Queen.
You held your breath was you watched Vil tilt his head in confusion at the sight of himself wearing his old dorm leader uniform walking up some stairs to a giant mirror.
You watched him sit up, more alert when his voice came from the audio. You had spliced together his voice in the movie using audio from his other movies.
“Lady in the Magic Mirror,” Movie Vil spoke on the screen, “Come from the farthest space. Through wind and darkness I summon thee. Speak! Let me see thy face.”
You quietly walked towards Vil, taking care that he didn’t see you. Thankfully, he was transfixed on the screen.
Instead of the normal/iconic masquerade mask in the mirror, an image of you appeared within the mirror, wearing your own version of the Pomefiore uniform
“What wouldst thou know, my Queen?“ Movie You asked Movie Vil.
“Magic Mirror on the wall, who does thy heart belong to?” Movie Vil asked.
This was it, you though to yourself, stopping behind Vil who had still yet to see you.
“My heart is yours, tis true my Queen. Tis why I bring you a wedding ring.”
Movie You and Movie Vil turned to face the audience, making your Vil’s eyes widen as he turned around in his seat to see you kneeling with a beautiful ring in your hands, held out to him.
Taking a deep breath to work up your nerve, you looked your queen in the eyes and started your proposal.
“I’m not eloquent.” You started, swallowing hard. “I’m not good with fancy words, like Rook. And I wouldn’t have known what write out for that movie if I didn’t have a reference. And I’m not perfect. Not nearly like you I see you. But I can tell you that I love you, and that I will do anything to make you happy. I’ve been doing my best so far, but I’ll do better than my best in the future. And I only want that future with you. Vil Schoenheit, will you marry me?”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Vil look more soft in his life.
Pink danced across his cheeks like the prettiest blush, his eyes were the slightest bit misty, and a bright, loving grin covered his face.
“Yes. Yes, my Sweet Potato. I’d love to marry you.”
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chernabogs · 3 days
Ok someone put out leaks of the sprites (possibly, unconfirmed) for the new halloween event like 2 weeks ago and Leona's chibi is so cunt i'm living. Also Malleus and Sebek's??? If this is true omgg the lineup... 🙏
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tsubakill · 3 months
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On the journey to draw each housewarden in an outfit worn by their movie inspiration, I was initially stumped on how to include Leona since Scar doesn't exactly wear clothes. But then I remembered there's a show in the theme parks called Festival of the Lion King where a performer wears this outfit to sing Be Prepared. I think it works really well here.
The other housewardens are linked on my pinned post. Only Malleus is left to go now; it wasn't intentional, but I guess he's the last one to be invited.
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