#let him hug his brother you cowards
kyupidos · 6 months
04/02/24’s delivery 🏹✉️ twisted wonderland
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<3 stood still, when we first metヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ,ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ ;; summary. ‘eels are covardes—hence how the tweels are when it comes to romance.’
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characters. octavinelle : floyd leech , jade leech ( separate ) ;; romantic . 🖇️ tags. reader is gender neutral ( you/your ), reader is yuu, pre-relationship, romantic fluff
📡 _a/n. ‘the tweels could never be flustered’ this, ‘the tweels are slick when it comes to romance’ that.. i choose FREEDOMMMM!!
f. leech
— it’s a sure fact; eels are cowards, and with no exceptions, as is floyd. think him as intimidating, scary, a mereel who’s more than willing to terrorize a few people if it seems fun enough. but deep down, he’s very much a coward. at the very least, that much is true when it comes to who interests him most—you. he can’t recall exactly when you caught his heart, like a fisherman after some catfish for his dinner. but he knows for a fact, and remembers how all of a sudden you sent his heart a flutter. maybe, so long as you’re attentive enough, you’ll notice the way he tries ( and fails ) to hide his mushy smily face that makes it ever so obvious how much he truly finds himself infatuated with you, the way he at times twiddles his thumbs when you joke together like he wants to say something more, but his nerves leave him to back down.
— after all; despite their frightening features, especially floyd all things considered, eels are cowards. oh, but that’s alright, because even if he can’t seem to spit out even the words ‘you’re real nice lookin!’, at least there’s the true fact that, lo and behold, you’re capable. go ahead, be physically affectionate with him, tease him a bit so long as he’s in a good mood, just return the favor of romance. all of it, are things he absolutely lives for. especially when it comes to physical affection, even just a teasing hand hold is enough to get him flustered and looking away from you, albeit with a pout.
— really, he tries ( and still fails ) to tease you back, but when it comes to you, it really doesn’t seem to work, does it? “boo, shrimpy..you’re no funnn..” he’ll pout, and he pouts even more when you just giggle in response. what’ll be the ticking point though, for him to sum up his courage and confess to you? that’s where a gift comes in—some shiny jewelry, specifically speaking, a necklace. surprise him from behind and put it on, maybe let your touch linger around his neck. especially then, you can take the time to adore his ever so flustered face.
— he can barely keep in his sheepish delight, so mark his words, by after school hours he’s hunting you down over to ramshackle; albeit you get there first, so despite his nervousness telling him to run away, he knocks on your door, forcing himself to with his other hand. thus when you finally open the door, he proceeds to immediately envelop you in a hug, and pay attention to the way he kept the necklace on, as it clinked softly against your bodies at the quick movement. “eh, shrimpy..you like me right? that’s why you gave me this pretty stuff?” he’ll ask, head nuzzled into your neck like he’s scared to see if you reject the notion, so go ahead and pat his head and tell him outright, that you love him. so floyd summons bravery once more with his toothy grin, and gives you a peck on the cheeks in his glee.
j. leech
— when the jaws open wide ‘n then it gets all shy, that’s a moorayyy..and that’s also jade. indeed more reserved, though still as menacing as floyd, and yet so long as you push the right buttons, it’s rather easy to get him flustered. as equal a coward as his brother, but his usual smooth, calm-face helps him a bit, though he clasps a clenched fist to keep himself from trying to hold your hand in case you’d rather not and his eyes dart around when he tries to make eye contact with you. maybe he’d be good at hiding his feelings, if not for the way he hitches when you give him even the slightest of affection, like grabbing at the fabric of his sleeve to take him to eat lunch with you.
— he can go ahead and try to be suave, especially with his “do be gentle with me”, but well and goodness believe that he goes to bed kicking his feet and giggling like a high school girl whenever you act smoothly in reply. at the very least, your blatant honesty with your compliments and praise evens out with his cowardice that causes him to suck in a breath, leaving him without the ability to come up with a smooth comeback. give him some time to lessen his fluster, to keep up his reputation as the ‘humble, gentle’ mereel his first impressions leave him to be.
— and goodness, how he’s left with a flushed face whenever you give him princess treatment, run your fingers through his hair and offer to feed him food when he teasingly suggests it ( and his mind is like tv static..he didn’t expect it, but he really, really enjoyed it!! ). but to finally get the feeling across so he feels comfortable enough to know his love is requited .. you’re going to have to be direct here, and ask if he’d like to have dinner with you at ramshackle. at that point, no matter how impressive he may have been in hiding his shyness before, he’s just barely keeping himself together from stuttering when he agrees, his sharp teeth showing just barely then.
— for just one last time, feed him some food as you eat together, in comfortable silence before jade finally collects himself once he realizes you truly aren’t just teasing him, that you really did ask him out on a date, which he was brave enough to accept. maybe he lets a nervous chuckle before he takes hold of his utensils, still barely able to look you in the eye, unsure of how he managed to gather the bravery to do it even just then. “for you to treat me ever so kindly like this..” and just a slight quiver in his voice which he berates himself over, “by any chance..have you taken a liking to me?” and that, then, is when you can confess—ask to kiss him if you’d like, his stomach will do twirls sure; but he’ll say yes.
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milswrites · 7 months
Hobbies Part 8.
~Azriel X Reader~
Summary: In an attempt to keep Azriel away from Elain, Rhys sends him on a sabbatical to the Day Court. With a lot more free time on his hands Azriel needs to find something to keep him occupied. Unfortunately he meets Y/N who has the annoying habit of not staying away. Can she teach him that there’s more to life than he thought?
Grumpy!Azriel X Sunshine!Reader
Series masterlist
Warnings: you know the drill - angst
Sometimes one of the hardest things to do when you’ve been hurt is to carry on living.
Y/N was no stranger to sadness. Growing up an orphan is difficult enough as it is, growing up a female orphan means your life is destined to fail.
But Y/N had always had a different outlook on life. She had always been an optimist. Positive that she would break the cycle and forge a place for herself in the world, even if she had been born into an unforgiving one.
And she had. Her ability to charm and influence people with her warming smile and kind nature had enabled her to climb her way up and into society. She worked well enough to have had her gentle disposition noticed by Helion who was more than willing to welcome her into his court.
Y/N had built herself a great life, one worth being proud of, yet now she found it crumbling around her. It’s hard to imagine that one person who had been in her life for such a short amount of time could change the trajectory of it forever. But Azriel had.
Y/N was simply the fool for allowing it to happen, knowing that he would eventually one day have to leave and return to his own life. Which he was more than happy to do without so much as a goodbye, not even leaving behind a damn letter.
Y/N had found that the well from which her tears flowed from had run dry. She refused to allow herself to mourn what could have been. If he hadn’t have been gracious enough to bid her the goodbye she deserved then he clearly wasn’t the man she thought he was. She would not allow herself to waste away over a man who had no interest in her.
So Y/N did what she knew best, survived. Once she had escaped from the meeting with Helion she had retreated home, overwhelmed by her emotions as sobs wracked her body. The tears from the shock of the shadowsinger’s unexpected departure eventually subsided and with swollen eyes she began to pack for her next job.
The easy option would have been to beg Helion for some time off work while she recovered from the shock of the events that had unfolded. But her broken heart willed her to move and take action. To leave to the rural villages that Helion had said required the attention of the Court. A break would be good for her, an opportunity to clear her mind and do what she was good at. Making people happy. Even if she wasn’t feeling it herself.
With no time to waste, Y/N packed her bags for the long trip, eager to leave when dawn made its appearance. She could at least be thankful for her lack of sleep the night before which was now taking its toll on her body, allowing her to drift off into a fitful sleep rather than mercilessly letting her stay awake with her thoughts. Her dreams, a cacophony of wings and shadows.
When morning finally arrived she was gone. Leaving her emotions and problems behind as she slipped on the smile she had become so accustomed to wearing.
Azriel had woken in his bed. Cassian must have brought him here last night, his last memory of the previous day had been his brother hugging him in Elain’s garden.
The knowledge that Y/N was gone weighed heavy on his chest, but what hurt more were the words of her neighbour who had recalled the state Y/N had been in. The state she was in because of Azriel who had failed to be there for her. Who had left her waiting.
He knew he had failed her. Azriel could try blame Rhysand for whisking him away all he liked, but the truth was that he should have returned to the Day Court as soon as his brother had winnowed him away. He had been too late to react.
Azriel was a coward. He had dedicated most of his life to a woman he would never have and then spent the past few months pining after another that he wasn’t allowed to have. And yet when the most perfect being alive had crashed into his life with no strings or rules attached, just an instant overwhelming attraction between them, he had blown it.
He had done what he had sworn not to do and torn away Y/N’s cauldron-blessed smile and led only pain in its wake.
Upon being home at last, Azriel discovered that his life here was awfully dull. Had it always been this way? The same monotonous routine day in and day out. Train, work, eat, sleep and repeat. He longed for something to do to fill his time and someone to enjoy it with. There being only one person who he wished could fill the void that had grown in the days since he had returned to the Night Court. The one person who he had no idea where in Pythian they were.
In a desperate attempt to find Y/N, Azriel spent most of his time eagerly waiting for his shadows return. His shadows which he had sent to scour the Day Court for Y/N. He wasn’t sure whether it was their inability to find her, or some disgust at what their master had done to her, but every night they returned with no news of Y/N or her whereabouts.
So Azriel continued living. A stranger in his own body as he continued to live the life he once had, not the one that he was allowed a taste of before it was ripped away from him.
He attempted to keep himself busy, to find something in this Court that brought him the joy he had felt in the past few weeks with Y/N. The rest of the inner circle were stunned to find Azriel baking in the kitchen one morning, seething in anger at his poor excuse of a cake. Not wanting to further upset the male who had already been so down, Cassian forced himself to eat the cake with an overly enthusiastic grin on his face, hiding his gagging which had resulted from the revolting texture. His bad acting didn’t even crack a smile on the shadowsinger’s face much to the General’s disappointment.
Azriel knew his friends were concerned about him, especially after his breakdown in the garden. They were all aware it was due to this mystery woman that Azriel had met during his time in Day, however, Azriel refused to share anything about her and they couldn’t understand why.
It took several days for Cassian to realise Azriel wasn’t going to open up about it, that he would tell his brothers about her if and when he wanted to. Grateful for his friend, Azriel welcomed Cassian’s silent and unquestioning company whenever he tried something new. It wasn’t Y/N and it didn’t heal his aching heart, but the knowledge of his brother being there for him was enough for Azriel to get by. One day at a time.
Two weeks had passed since Azriel’s not so joyous return to the Night Court. He had adjusted to being back in his home but the Y/N sized hole in his heart still existed. He wasn’t surprised the pain was still present, Y/N was his once in a lifetime type of love and Azriel had missed his opportunity.
He was sulking in the kitchen when Rhysand tentatively approached him. The same way he has been doing since his return, as if he expected Azriel to disappear once more only to never return. “Oh Az! There you are I’ve been looking for you” He said upon his approach, “Helion’s sent over a few of your things I must have missed.”
“You didn’t miss anything though?” Azriel frowned at Rhys’s words, wondering what Helion could have given Rhysand seeing as all his belongings had been brought back from Day court upon his arrival.
“Oh? Well they’re in your room if you want to check, I can always send them back to him if they’re not yours” his brother replied shrugging his shoulders as he exited the kitchen.
Curious, Azriel readily made his way to his bedroom, entering to see two items he didn’t recognise on his bed. A painting and a gift wrapped in black and tied neatly with a velvet bow. He approached his bed, heart rate increasing and tears welling in his eyes as the image painted on the canvas came into focus.
An inky black sky, littered with stars that Azriel could have sworn were twinkling, glowing warmly on the page like a lit candle. The beautiful skyline below of the Court he had come to care for, because it was the home of the woman he loved. He needn’t ask who painted this picture, the image a perfect copy of the same scene that was burned into his memory. A token from the best night of his life. With shaky hands, Azriel lifted the painting to appreciate it in all its glory. Scared to remove his eyes from the piece, he kept them locked onto the delicate strokes as if he stared at it long enough he’d be able to crawl through the canvas and escape back to that night. That he’d be given a chance to fix what had been broken.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat on his bed and admired the painting, but soon his attention was drawn to the wrapped gift which seemed to tug at his chest, calling him to it.
Tremor still present in his hands, he delicately pulled apart the bow and slowly opened the wrapping as if afraid to tear it. The dark paper fell away to reveal a cobalt blue tunic, decorated with silver thread that poured over the piece like liquid moonlight. A matching pair, Y/N’s dress and a tunic. His tunic.
Azriel took the time to run his scarred fingers over each whirl of thread that constructed the familiar lines of an Illyrian tattoo, making sure not to miss a single stitch out of fear of not showing the item the respect it deserves.
Once this task was complete he sped to the mirror in his room, stripping himself of his old black shirt and pulling on the tunic. Hands running down the soft material as he appreciated the way it looked on him, the way it was made for his body.
That same strange tug in his chest panged as he observed himself in the mirror. Not wanting to ignore its presence, or because he couldn’t control the need to interact with the strange sensation, he tugged at his chest as if pulling on a long thread.
Pulling and pulling until something inside of him finally released and it felt like his heart had burst open. His world exploded into violent shades of pinks, yellows and blues, the garish colours that he associated with Y/N. Azriel felt as though his senses had come to life for the first time, the vanilla scent of Y/N that emanated from the tunic was driving him wild.
Azriel had spent centuries longing for a mate, a need which had only grown greater when his brothers had found theirs. And now it had clicked for him too. The cauldron had tied him to the ethereal beam of light in his life. His beautiful smiling Y/N. She was his. His mate.
Azriel looked back to his now panting form in the mirror and crazed, frenzied eyes stared right back at him. He knew what needed to be done. Where he needed to go. And so Azriel left to go and find his mate.
Part 9
Notes: Hope I’m starting to make up for all the tears I caused 😭
@thelov3lybookworm @minnieoo @going-through-shit @iluvyewman-blog @laughterafter @amysangel @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @justvibbinghere @honeybeeboobaa @willowpains @tele86 @mysticalfuncollectorus @mybestfriendmademe @starryhiraeth @gorlillaglue25 @moonlwghts @darling006 @anuttellaa @serendipityx150 @xxxalicerogersxx @that-one-little-soybean @scatteredstardustt @naturakaashi @nyx-the-alien @lostinpages13 @namelesssav @dreamlandreader @fightmedraco @maxmouse001
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dreadsuitsamus · 6 months
jealous choso... but not just any type of jealousy. post breakup jealousy
things didn't work out for one reason or another, but for the sake of his little brother yuji, who you've helped him raise, you've remained friends! things work out okay enough this way, and for a long time there weren't any issues. you're there for each other when needed, and sometimes it feels like you never split up to begin with.
but you are apart, and that much becomes absolutely crystal clear as you prepare for your first date after the breakup of your six year relationship with choso.
"you... have a date?" choso frowns softly, adjusting the phone between his shoulder and ear as he dries off the dinner dishes. he'd called to see if you'd come over to watch the new hour long special of yuji's favorite cartoon, only to be shot down rather shyly.
"well... yeah." you murmur.
choso's eye twitches. he'd bet any amount of money you're wearing that little black dress, the one that hugs your curves and shows off those delicious thighs, and you've no doubt paired it with those sexy stilettos that give your ass a bit more of a pop... "with who?"
"a guy i met at work." you fiddle with the hem of your dress. "it's nothing serious... just some dinner."
my ass!
still, choso does his best to swallow down the bitter flavor in his mouth. he should be happy for you! "hm. have fun. you need a ride?"
"no, he's picking me up."
oh fuck that
"okay. send me your location anyway."
sighing, though with fondness, you concede and hang up the phone. and as soon as choso's phone pings with the information, he's tying his hair up and making another call.
"sukuna, i need you to watch yuji for a couple hours."
and it takes some haggling, but soon enough the eldest itadori brother is over and choso is gone, flying out of the apartment parking lot like a bat out of hell and to the restaurant. spotting you and your "date" across the room, choso grabs a menu and settles at a table he can still see you at. the glower on his face is murderous as he takes in just how gorgeous you are, and just how much you're no longer his.
it's been a while since the breakup, but he still isn't prepared for this. it's just not right, seeing you with another man. he doesn't know you like choso does! he doesn't know how you like your grilled cheese, what side of the bed you like to sleep on, how you like to be held in strong arms...
he never should've let you go.
the vein at his temple threatens to burst just as much as his biceps do through the sleeves of his t-shirt. you're laughing. he's charming you and it's working. his girl, his baby is at dinner with a man that's doing all he can to get under the skirt of that dress.
admittedly, choso would love to be under that skirt too. it's been... a while.
flicking his amber eyes over the top of the menu, choso smirks as you decline the dessert menu and slips out of the restaurant. he'll catch you before you can leave with the schmuck, and then you're all his. he waits at his car, watching until you're stepping out of the restaurant—
his phone ringing is a bit unexpected.
slowly raising it to his ear, you're speaking before he has a chance.
"you know, you're really bad at hiding in plain sight with all of that brooding."
clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, choso bounces his leg a bit. "yeah, whatever... had to make sure you were okay."
"mhmmm." you laugh softly, and choso rolls his eyes.
"well if you're calling me, clearly your date is a bust."
"how couldn't it be?! there was a big, sulking man shooting daggers from the corner at us!"
"not my fault he's a coward." choso shrugs, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. "come on now, i'll take you home."
"you'd better! you scared off my ride."
"my ride's better."
in the car, choso drives right past your apartment complex, and you tug at the hem of his shirt. "you missed the turn, cho."
"did i?" he hums and gently takes your hand, tugging you across the bench and into his side, driving one-handed while his other arm slings over your shoulders.
"mhmmm." leaning into choso is still so easy for you. "and where's yuji?"
"'kuna's watching him."
"oh, i know that one cost you."
"'nother week with yuji." choso shrugs; it's not much of a loss for him, truly. he never quite relaxes when sukuna has their little brother for his week.
"so not all that much in the long-run."
"i actually gain more time with no gray hairs this way."
you hide a laugh into his neck and choso presses a soft kiss to your temple. "cho... why'd you come out tonight?"
"guys don't like their lady goin' on dates with other men." choso mumbles, a blush spreading along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
your lips linger against his neck, lipstick marking his fair skin through your mumble. "we broke up a year ago, choso."
your ex pulls over, parking the car before scooping you into his arms and laying you down on the bench with plenty of hot kisses to follow. "mm... i changed my mind."
"oh really? well, you'll still have to change mine."
choso just grins, and his methods of convincing you make dealing with sukuna's attitude a walk in the park.
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huntershoe · 6 months
A/N: I would like to thank @arctrooper69 for making this prompt and giving me a great idea. I am a little late tho because I only saw the post yesterday evening. I chose the NSFW prompt since I am trying to improve my smut writing abilities ;)
Summary: After intense past months, the tension between you and Hunter finally snaps.
Warning: NSFW (18+) minors DNI.
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Word count: 2439
Thank you for reading!
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It has been months since you, Hunter and Wrecker had any break, the fast pacing time and events simply wouldn't let you rest, even a good night sleep was rare. And with that of course came another few things to complain about. You and Hunter used to be so much more physically active together, and not just the flaming hot crazy sex, but also just small kisses here and there when no one was looking, the fleeting touches, just to reassure each other's presence.
It's not that you don't love him anymore, or the other way around, it's just that the stress from loosing Tech and Omega was too great, it wouldn't let you relax even for a second, knowing that Omega is still out there, suffering maker knows what.
So yes, you actually couldn't remember the last time you and Hunter managed to let out some steam and fuck and the only time you would get to kiss him was if you both managed get into your bunk at the same time to sleep and Wrecker took the watch.
The last few months consisted of constant deadly missions, doing the dirty work just to get some information, which usually ended up being useless but that didn't stop you and you kept on risking your life every day, to find Omega.
So once you got a mysterious transmission, sounding like Omega and telling you to meet at some backwater location, you didn't know what to believe. It simply sounded too good to be true. You could still remember the moment Omega ran down the ramp and into Wrecker's arms, it really was a sight to see, just like Wrecker said.
You were the second one Omega ran to, and you knelt down in front of her, squeezing her into a tight hug, until Omega spotted Hunter on top of the ramp, looking down at his two favourite girls with a small smile.
From then on, everything changed once Crosshair walked down the ramp to everyone's surprise.
Crosshair's arrival made Hunter a bit on edge, he didn't trust his brother as much as he wanted to. Who could blame him, Crosshair was the one hunting them just a little more than six months ago.
On top of that, with Crosshair now being around again, Hunter seemed more...pissy, it greatly bothered him that the sniper acted like nothing happened, like he didn't need to explain his actions.
With that, tension was all time high, because Hunter being pissy and on edge, made you pissy and on edge so you were constantly bickering. That's exactly why you were in the middle of a fight that was gradually becoming bigger and bigger, making Crosshair roll his eyes and go down to the beach with Batcher and Wrecker taking Omega fishing.
Not even realizing you two were now alone in the Marauder, yelling at each other about the most silly things until the topic somehow ended up on your failing relationship, or how it seemed that it was slowly failing.
And when Hunter tried to come up with a dumb excuse as to why he was pulling away, because he himself didn't actually know why but he just felt like he had to explain himself and when you called him on his bulshit he groaned, holding his head as he rolled his eyes and tried to walk away.
You weren't about to let him go, especially when you heard him mutter a quiet "Just go fuck yourself."
He couldn't help himself, it just escaped his lips and he knew he screwed up when you let out a loud scoff, crossing your arms in front of you and glared at his back. "Fuck me yourself, you coward."
That made him stop in his tracks and his breath hitched, not knowing if he heard you right and trying to decide how to respond back if he did indeed heard you right. Hunter turned around, his head moving before his body as he looked at you with raised brows. "What?"
You knew Hunter didn't mean it, he wasn't the type of man to insult someone and you knew very well that these past months weren't just bad for you but also for him. You knew it wasn't his fault that you two grew apart but still, you were frustrated. Frustrated that you can't have him like you used to, that you can't show him how deeply you actually love him, that even when you do, he barely acknowledges it. Frustrated with yourself that you were still thinking so selfishly. "You heard me, Hunter."
You rolled your eyes, still a little angry and tapping your feet against the ground. "I mean it's been months since you've last kissed me properly,"  You tried to justify your comeback, the last of your frustration fading away and embarrassment and self consciousness taking its place as you averted your eyes down to your fiddling fingers.
The embarrassment only intensified when Hunter stayed silent, just looking at you with his head tilted making you nervous in front of him for the first time since you've entered the relationship with him. "I...I know we hadn't had the time for us in these past months but I just miss us...I miss you Hunter." You started rambling, your voice getting quieter until you just barely whispered the last part but Hunter only stayed still, silently watching, making it worse.
The nerves finally got the best of you and you closed your eyes. "please say something." You whispered as tears started forming in your eyes. You let out one final breath waiting for him, to give you a sign, something, anything, to show you he still wants you and your relationship.
And when even after a few moments, he didn't let out a single sound, you turned away to hide your tears that finally spilled. Thinking that this was the end of it, you began walking away, trying to hide but you only managed to make a few steps before you felt someone grabbing your arm, stopping and spinning you.
Your eyes opened in shock as the world suddenly began spinning around you until your body came to a sudden halt and your chest was pressed against a solid and all to familiar armour. You didn't even get to look up at Hunter properly before his lips connected to yours and your body froze.
One of Hunter's hands sneaked around your waist, pulling you closer and securing you against his chest while his other hand moved up from your forearm to your cheek as he pressed a long and loving kiss against your lips. Butterflies exploded in your stomach and a warm feeling spread across your whole body. You slowly relaxed into his arms and your eyes closed as your own hands began sneaking up his armor plates and behind his neck. Hunter gently bit down on your lower lip, making you gasp in surprise. He took the chance, deepening the kiss, he slowly sneaked his tongue against yours, playing with it while exploring your mouth, trying to map every corner just like he used to.
This kiss was everything you wanted, everything you needed, everything...you missed these past months.
Your tongue danced around his, like two snakes, wrapping around each other as your hands moved higher up into his hair and he let out a quiet groan once you gently pulled on a strand of his hair.
None of you were even considering on pulling away, until your lungs began burning with the need for oxygen. Gently pulling away from his lips, you opened your eyes slowly. Your eyes locked with his as both of your chests heavied up and down, gasping for air.
His mesmerizing golden brown eyes were looking at you softly. Holding so many emotions, so much love for you, it made you feel bad about your latter outburst.
"Mesh'la" Shivers ran down your back at the Mandalorian nickname Hunter murmured while moving his hand from your cheek to a rogue strand of hair and tucked it behind your ear. "I'm sorry." Your eyes flickered from his right to left eye, until he closed them for a long moment and reopened them, watching you intensely.
"I never wanted to make you feel this way." His voice was laced with regret and he slowly moved his hand behind your neck, slowly pushing your head closer until your foreheads touched in keldabe kiss.
"Let me...us start this again."
Hope filled your chest and it almost felt like a giant stone rolled of off your heart. A smile grew over your lips and you moved your right hand on his tattooed cheek. Following the pattern of the black ink, your finger danced in small circles, until it stopped on his lips.
"Let's try this again."
You watched how his pupils slowly dilated, watching you with pure adoration.
"Good." Hunter rasped and then attacked your lips. It was like a switch in him flipped, letting out a man starving for you as his both hands moved down to your hips, pushing you against him while his tongue battled for dominance.
You felt dizzy, your eyes rolling back as they fell shut.
A breathy moan escaped past your lips as Hunter moved his hands lower to your ass, squeezing it hungrily and one of your leg automatically went up and locked around his hip.
You felt him pull back for a second to breathe, his chest violently moving up and down, just like yours.
"Good thing they left us alone."
Hunter murmured and a smirk spread across his lips as he kneaded your ass. You couldn't hold yourself back anymore and you kissed him again, pulling yourself as close to him as possible until Hunter gently tapped your ass, signaling you to jump and you did.
He caught you and you wrapped your legs around his waist, locking your ankles behind him. With your legs out of the way, Hunter began walking towards your shared bunk bed all while still managing to take your breath away.
He moved to sit down on the edge of the bed and with this newfound position, you could feel just how aroused he was, his hard-on poking through the gasps of his armor.
Moving your hands down his armored chest, you began taking off any piece of his armor that you could get your hands on. Helping you, Hunter took off his main chest plate, throwing it away mindlessly. With that, your hands found his cod piece and you began tugging it away, freeing his achingly hard cock.
Hunter let out a loud groan, his hands once again moving to your ass and pulling you closer and over his hard-on.
Moaning at how perfectly this position allowed you to grind your clit directly over his cock you began rolling your hips over and over.
Letting out a string of curses, Hunter broke the kiss and began planting open mouthed kisses all over your neck, starting at your jaw.
"Fuck mesh'la." Hunter groaned deeply before he started nibbling on that perfect spot just under your jaw.
After all these months of no physical contact like this, it made you so much more desperate to reach that perfect peak of ecstasy. Hunter could tell you were already close, with all those moans and gasps you were letting out. It was enchanting to watch you, so beautiful, sexy, mesmerizing. He couldn't take his eyes off of you as you neared your orgasm.
You felt amazing, in the arms of your lover and nearing your peak. Your eyes were rolling back and your breath hitched, just as you thought your orgasm would roll over Hunter stood up in a split second and gently threw you on the bed.
Gasping in surprise and then whining as that perfect peak subsided you opened your eyes wide, only to see him kneel in front of you and take off his black gloves.
"I want you coming all over my face and fingers." A quiet mewl escaped you, his voice was low, almost growling as he threw his gloves somewhere behind him and then grabbed your waist band, pulling it down quickly. A loud groan left him as he spotted a big wet spot on the crotch of your pants.
Hunter pulled both your pants and panties off in one go, throwing them over his shoulder just like he did with his gloves. Another growl escaped him as he grabbed your legs and threw them over his shoulder and pulled you up, closer to his face.
You watched his face, how his eyes looked at you hungrily and he wetted his lips, you saw his nostrils dilate as he breathed in your sweet scent. He looked downright sinful as you saw him close his eyes and lick a long stripe up across your folds, making you moan. Another loud groan echoed through the ship as Hunter began feasting on you.
Wrapping his lips around your clit he began sucking on it as if his life depends on it. His mouth felt amazing on you and you couldn't help but to grab onto his hair as you felt yourself quickly approaching that wonderful high again. A loud gasp left you when you felt his fingers prodding on your entrance. "Please Hunter, more." Feeling desperate enough you begged, rolling your hips into his face.
Wanting to fulfill your every wish, Hunter entered two fingers in you, groaning when your pussy clenched around them immediately. He expertly hit that spongy spot, managing to pump his fingers in and out only a few times before your eyes rolled back and your lips opened in O shape, letting out a long moan as your orgasm hit you.
Your body shook and Hunter had to hold onto you to keep you from moving too much as he kept on sucking on your juices. After a few more moments of pure ecstasy you began feeling overstimulated and you had to actually pull Hunter off of you by his hair. He looked wild, licking his lips and his eyes black as night, he was panting when he finally pulled away a little more just to suck on his fingers full of your juices. "One of these days I'm gonna take my time with you and won't stop for hours." Hunter growled, looking down, directly at your pussy.
You looked at him, your face completely flushed and you grinned at him. "Come here soldier." And you pulled him closer, connecting your lips with him.
Maybe this will be even better than before.
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hoaxriot · 1 year
pairings. regulus black x reader
synopsis. sirius just left home— regulus was still trapped. he felt so alone, until he ended up outside your window.
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it was a normal night in the black house hold, regulus sitting against his door as he heard his brother yelling in pain or screaming for his parents not to grab his little brother making regulus cry harder.
it had lasted longer tonight since sirius brought up james potter, the boy who had become his new brother. someone who took care of him and made him laugh, made him forget what happened at home on breaks.
regulus held his head in his hand grabbing his curly locks hard, he hated this. he wished that he could do something to stop them from hurting his big brother. sirius who stopped his mother from throwing a crucio curse at him when he was younger, sirius who came to his room after nights like this and stopped him from yanking too hard on his hair and helped him fall asleep. but no he was coward who locked his door and listened to his brothers screams of pain.
finally after what seemed hours the screaming stopped but the yelling didn’t, there was loud footsteps running up the stairs. regulus froze thinking his parents were coming for him but the door handle didn’t rattle, the footsteps passed and soon passed again.
his sobbing stopped as his heart started to beat faster and faster wondering what was happening, why wasn’t sirius coming back and why was there arguing. usually they did whatever they wanted and then left him. what was happening?
until he heard his mothers yelling loud and clear, “if you leave, you will never be welcome here again, sirius black!” regulus black froze completely. what? he heard the door slam.
leave. leave. leave. not welcome. not welcome.
sirius left? what? no, no way. his thoughts were everywhere, too much at once. his heart started racing once his parents door was shut. sirius left, he’s all alone in this house with them.
regulus brought his hands back to his hair and started pulling at it, he couldn’t control his own breathing. he felt like he was trapped in some kind of bubble that wouldn’t let him breath. he stood up pulling at his shirt that was buttoned up all the way, he started to tug at the top of the shirt aggressively feeling like it was suffocating— in reality he was suffocating himself.
he tugged and tugged until the buttons snapped off and fell all on his floor. he pressed against his chest trying to gain back his access of breathing on his own.
it took minutes for him to, but he did somehow. he doesn’t remember how but he did. regulus paced his room wondering what to do, sirius was gone. he couldn’t sleep without him helping him.
until his mind went to you. you could help him, you always did. when he went back to hogwarts you didn’t ask until he was ready to say, you just hugged him tightly. on the train you held his hand and did everything you knew what to do.
so he went to you, he had been to your home before. as much as he could go. so he found himself outside your house, he knows he could knock but if your parents saw him in his state they would freak— not in a bad way. they loved him, treated him wonderfully every time he came by no matter his surname or what house he was in.
so he came walked around your house to the window, he forgot that it was on the second floor so he grabbed a handful of pebble’s and started throwing them one by one.
you had been awake so it didn’t take many, you closed the book you were reading and paused your record player wondering what it was after the first couple ones. opening your curtains looking down at the bottom to see him mid throw, but when he saw your silhouette he stopped. your eyebrows furrowed why he would be throwing stuff at your window when he could knock.
opening your window so you could talk to him, “reggie?” he flinched at the nickname that came from his older brother but you couldn’t notice. “is everything alright?” you tried not to yell to wake your parents but it was hard not too.
“ye-yeah, can i come up?” he asked you as he put his hands in his pockets, you let out a confused laugh at his question.
“how? i’m coming down, okay?” before he could say something you were walking away from the window. he let out a sigh as he waited for you to come out the back door. once he saw you opening the door, he started to walk towards you. though, when he got close you noticed his bloodshot eyes and him messing with his hands through his jacket.
“love..” he threw his arms around your waist, you froze for a second before you heard his sniffles and you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck. feeling the contact regulus started to cry harder. you didn’t know what to do, of course he had cried in front of you— not like this. he was gripping onto the back of your shirt like you were gonna leave.
“reg? baby.. what’s going on?” you brought one of your hands to his neck, rubbing it softly with your fingers. he tried to control his sobbing but he couldn’t and it worried you so much.
“hey, regulus. you have to breath.” you pulled yourself away to grab his face gently, “love, breath. i’m right here. feel me, i’m right you. you’re okay.” you tried to get him to focus on you so he could breath, you hated this. why was he crying so hard, your mind went to the worst. what if his parents got him?
he reached out to you, you brought one of your hands from his face to one of his own hands. bringing it to your own face as he you still held on, he started to calm down. you felt a breeze past making you realize you were halfway out the door.
“come inside, let’s go to my room.” he nodded following you up the stairs as he held onto your hand.
as he stepped into your room he took it in like he hadn’t been into it before, it was so comforting just like you.
you let go of his hand quickly to shut the window that made your room colder than it was since your parents loved having the house cold. turning around to see regulus sitting at your bed staring down at the floor, you frowned seeing him slouched over picking at his nails.
“love, can you tell me what happened?” sitting down beside him, he doesn’t move. he’s so zoned out, he’s overthinking. so you gently grab his hand to stop him from picking at the nails that are already so picked. he flinches a little causing you to pull your hand away but he grabbed it back and intertwined your fingers.
he mumbled something you couldn’t hear but you knew he was getting ready to say it out loud so you rubbed your fingers against his hand as he continued to mumble and shake his head.
“siri-sirius.. he left.” he said quietly but you heard him, you were confused but you heard him. before you could ask regulus went on. “it was bad tonight, before dinner. during dinner, sirius brought up james, something, i don’t know. then i got sent up after dinner like usual,” he said it so bitterly, like he blamed himself, “it was so bad, the screaming didn’t stop, but then it did. i don’t even remember but then i heard my mother yell at him— then i realized he left..” he started to cry as he spoke about it, he trailed off at the end as he stared to cry more.
without saying anything you wrapped your arms around him once again, regulus fell into your embrace and held onto your arm where it held him in-front of his chest.
“i’m so sorry, love.” you whispered to him as you brought one hand to stroke his head. he was so sick of crying but he knew it was needed, he couldn’t cry every time he was sent to his room the not cry until it happened again. you continued to whisper to him everything you could to try to help him, nothing could make him feel better.
after regulus cried more and continued to hold onto you, you understood why he held onto you the way he was.
“alright, let’s take a bath then sleep, m’kay?” he hummed in agreement as you helped him up to the bathroom.
once you both got in and out of the bathtub, you grabbed him some extra clothes he had at your house. you helped regulus change and helped him in bed after brushing your teeth.
he usually didn’t cuddle until he fell asleep, but he put himself on your chest as you wrapped your arms around him.
regulus fell asleep to the sound of your heartbeat, the feeling of your fingers scratching his scalp, the warmth of you, holding him against you.
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masn-mount · 1 year
hiii what about a fic where Jude and you have broken up, him being the one to do it and one night he comes to you to talk or something and he sees you all dressed up ready to go out and you can take it from there. xx
thank you for your request anon! the ending is a little rushed because I wanted to post it before a trip I'm going on! I hope you like it and please let me know what you guys think. xx
warnings: swearing, a lil bit of angst, fluff,
words: 3,4k
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The back and forth pacing wasn’t doing Jude any favor.
It was making him more nervous and the longer he looked at the few stairs leading to your front door the more his head was telling him to turn around and leave.
You had ignored his calls and left his texts on read.
It upset Jude even if he didn't have any reason to think you would want to talk to him. He was the one who ended your relationship and left you heartbroken.
Six months ago you had travelled to Germany to visit him and when the weekend came to an end you were sat on his bed listening to him tell you that he ‘couldn’t do this anymore’, he had way too much on his mind and his new career decision was making it difficult for him to focus on anything else.
You were left speechless.
There had been no fight or any clues telling you that he no longer wanted to be with you. He hadn’t been distant or pulled away from you physically or emotionally so you tried telling him that if he truly loved you as much as he told you he did earlier that day then you could make it work but nothing you were saying was getting through to him.
That night you collected your things scattered around his apartment before leaving early the next morning and you didn’t cry until you got into your taxi and ‘someone like you’ by Adele started playing through the speakers.
It was like the universe was playing a prank on you.
Jude wasn’t sure when he had collected himself but after taking a few deep breaths and thinking back to the pep talk his brother had given him he walked up the stairs and pressed his knuckles to the door. He knocked three times before taking a small step back and like a coward he hoped you weren’t home even if he could see the light in the hall and your bedroom on. “Hi, I’m just going t-, Jude?”
You stood before him with your mouth slightly agape, unsure of what to say and all Jude wanted to do was leave because the last thing he expected to see was you standing before him in a black dress that hugged your figure so perfectly. Your lips were coated in a red lipstick and you were in the process of putting on a pair of gold hoop earrings when he had interrupted you. "What are you doing here?"
"Want t-, need to talk to you and you weren't answering my calls or texts so I just came here." He looked shy and embarrassed as he stood before you in a simple white shirt and grey joggers and all you could think about was how good he looked. He was undeniably the most attractive boy you had ever seen and somehow he had managed to get even more handsome in the few months you hadn’t seen him.
“You came here from Spain?”
“I went to visit family too but yeah, pretty much.” Jude knew you were getting ready for a date. The perfume you were wearing gave you away because it was the one you always wore on date night's. It was selfish of him to feel jealous and slightly angry at the thought of someone else taking you out, making you smile and possibly taking you home after but he couldn’t shake the feeling away. “You’re going on a date.” It wasn’t a question, just a simple statement.
You shrug before nodding, “yeah, just a guy I met at the gym. I guess he thought I looked pretty all sweaty and wanted to take me out,” you were trying to lighten up the mood a little because the way Jude was looking at you was making you nervous and you hated how he still had that affect on you. “It’s really casual still.”
“I didn’t want to know.” Jude regretted snapping, it wasn’t like him and he never wanted to talk to you that way but the whole situation was doing his head in.
You purse your lips, dropping your hands to your sides after finally putting your earrings on. “Right, so why are you here?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap.” You felt a little guilty about the whole situation even if you had no reason to. You had every right to go out and see other people after sulking for months but if the roles were reversed you know you'd feel upset too.
Your friends had tried to set you up with their friends and coworkers for months but you always said no until three days ago when Alex asked you out for dinner. You had seen him at the gym many times. He was nice and you shared some good conversations so when he asked you out for dinner you said yes because you couldn't sit around and wait for your feelings for Jude to just go away one day because you knew they wouldn't.
You look up at Jude, frown on your face to see him avoiding looking at you, his own brown eyes set on the wall where a picture of the two of you used to sit. “Yeah, that wasn’t fair.”
“I haven’t even looked at another girl yet.” It was a cheap shot and he’s not sure why he said it but it was true. Just like your friends, his own had tried to set him up with different girls but he always said no.
When he finally looked at you he could tell you were trying to keep your composure, trying to not go off on him even if it was exactly what he deserved for you to do.
"What you do is no longer my concern just like what I do isn't yours." You take a deep breath before looking at him, "you are the one who broke up with me out of nowhere and completely blindsided me." It was difficult for you to keep it together, to not cry but you wanted him to understand even if he was shaking his head the entire time you spoke. "You made it clear that you don't love me so I can't just sit around and wait for you, Jude."
“I never said I don’t love you.”
"You didn't have to." You awkwardly cough when Jude doesn't speak, repedetly blinking so you'd keep the tears you knew were approaching at bay. "My date's going to be here any moment."
"Bab-, y/n, don't go, please." His voice cracks at the end of his sentence. "I just want to talk, please stay and let's do that, yeah?"
"I can't do that, you know I can't," and just when Jude is about to tell you that he never stopped loving you for even a second he hears a cough behind him and he doesn't need to turn around to know that it's your date.
"Hope I'm not interrupting," Alex walks past Jude like he's not even there and leans in to kiss your cheek before standing up straight and giving the boy in front of him a once over. A little laugh escapes his mouth before he speaks. "If it isn't Jude Bellingham! I'm a huge fan, mate." You're standing biting your lip and Jude wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or punch the smug bastard in the face but in the moment he settles for shaking Alex's outstretched hand and without another word he turns around and walks away because fuck, that had not gone how he had hoped.
You’re not entirely sure if you’re awake or in a dream when you hear knocks against your front door.
You bury your head under your covers as you try to ignore the sound coming from downstairs but when another knock is heard you groan before getting out of bed and in your half sleepy state you make it down the stairs and to your front door. A quick look into the peep hole confirms your suspicions that Jude was the one disturbing your much needed sleep.
“Need to tell that twat from earlier that I’m not his mate.” 
“Jude!" You shriek when he walks past you.
He stumbles a little before sitting down on the ground when you ask him to take off his shoes before he steps on your carpet. "Have you completely gone and lost your mind? You can't just show up here at almost three in the morning!"
“You didn't answer your phone, you never do."
“I was sleeping!” Your eyes are bewildered and when Jude finally properly looks at you he can't focus on a single word you're saying or how angry you look as your arms move around you with every word you speak because all he can focus on is the black and yellow Dortmund shirt you're wearing. The fact that you had kept it made him happy and knowing that you wore it to bed made him feel all warm inside before it hit him that he wouldn't get to see you proudly wear his new teams jersey.
"My shirt?"
You shake your head before a tiny smile tugs at your lips, "no, I got it from Gio." You didn't realize just how much you had missed hearing him laugh until that moment. "I'm being serious tho, Jude, you can't just show up here this late." You help him up and to your livingroom before hurrying to your kitchen so you can fill up a glass of water for him.
"Please, drink this." He does as you ask and after putting the glass on the table he leans forward and rests his head on your chest, telling you that he just needs a cuddle and when you don't push him away you feel him smile against your neck.
"I know you hate when I'm drunk."
“I do.”
"Your date," he mumbles against your neck, "was he nice? did he pull out your chair and all that."
You laugh, "it was a shit date." You had nothing in common with Alex and even if he had come across as a nice guy when you had met him he was a total different person at dinner. You didn't mind confidence in a guy but he had been arrogant all night and borderline rude when you had told him you wanted to go home and not back to his place.
Jude can't deny that he feels happy that your date had been bad, happy that you probably wouldn't see Alex again but he also felt a little guilty because maybe the reason why you hadn't enjoyed your night was because he had showed up just before and ruined it for you. "M'sorry."
"You're not," you shake your head with a breathy laugh and when he giggles against your neck you suddenly feel overwhelmed and don't realize that small tears had gathered on your waterline until your blink and a few of them escape and fall down your cheeks. "You can't just show up here like this anymore."
"You've said that already but you won't tell me why," you just shake your head and when he presses his lips against the skin of your neck you just close your eyes because you can't find strength to push him away. "It's so fucking hard to not have you and hearing you say tha-, that you think I don't love you it hurt me and it wasn't fair because I love you so much."
"It wasn't fair making me feel that way either." Your tears are falling freely now and Jude looks up when he feels one land on his knuckles even if the crack in your voice already gave away that you were crying.
"Please, don’t cry, hate seeing you cry.”
"I know."
"I never ended things because I stopped loving you," he was starting to sound like a broken record but he needed you to understand that his feelings for you had never changed. "I know it sounds like the worst excuse ever, 'oh it wasn't you it was me' but it's the truth," a light shiver runs down your back when you feel his hand slip under your shirt, his fingers move across the skin of your back and it's almost like Jude doesn't even notice that he's doing it. "All of these incredible things are happening and when I'm in bed at night all I can think about is how I wish you were there with me and I wish I would have asked you to just pack your bags and come with me but at the time it felt so selfish to ask that of you because I felt like I let you down."
You frown at him followed by a light shake of your head, "you could never let me down."
"I promised you that I was coming back to play in England."
You just give him a sad smile, "plans change and if anything you deciding to challenge yourself again by going to another country only made me feel prouder, not many nineteen year olds have the belief and confidence to do what you've done."
"I just wanted the best for you."
"You gave me everything I wanted, Jude."
“Did I really?”
“Yes!” Your eyebrows are furrowed and lips parted, not quite understanding his reasoning because you had never given him a reason to think you weren't happy or that you needed more from him. The moment he had told you that he had made the decision on his future and that he had picked going to Spain you had been ready to move with him, all you ever needed was for him to ask but he never did.
"You would have moved to Spain?"
"I-," you feel your cheeks heat up because you hadn't meant to say those words out loud, "yeah, I would have."
"I'm such a fucking idiot."
"Yeah, you are," you smile a little and he just shakes his head, "I don't want you running around in the streets at this time so you can stay here if you want."
"Here as in?"
"On this perfectly fine sofa."
"I can't sleep here!"
"Sure you can," you laugh a little at how offended he looks.
"It's cold."
"I can bring you an extra blanket."
"Babe, don't be ridiculous."
Your knew you wouldn't be able to sleep by yourself knowing he was in your house but you enjoyed teasing him. "You're actually a child," you stood up, removing yourself from his hold and walk up the stairs with Jude following closely behind and when you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, he walks into your room and sits on your bed. He notices that besides your curtains not much had changed in you room. "Okay, just stay on your side of the bed."
"My side, yeah?" You tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear before crossing your arms over your chest and all Jude can focus on is how your shirt rides up and exposes even more of your thighs.
"Do you need anything before we sleep?"
"A kiss."
"You're really going to push all my buttons aren't you?"
"Speaking of buttons, can you help me undo mine? they're way too small." You want to tell him no but before you can you're already walking the short distance to where he's sitting. You stand between his legs, foot hitting into his shin when his hands move to the backs of your thighs, he gives you a lazy smile before he pulls his hands away and leans back on them. "I can't help it, you're so fuc-,"
"Don't be cheeky," you're trying to focus on the buttons of his black shirt but they were indeed small and the way he was looking at you was making it difficult for you to even think but after what felt like hours you managed to undo the shirt and with a pat to his now bare chest you walked around him and got under the covers.
You had more of his old shirts in your wardrobe but you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing you'd kept more than the one you were wearing.
You could feel the bed moving for a few seconds before Jude got comfortable. You stay still for a few minutes, back against him and you think that maybe he's fallen asleep but just as you're about to turn around you feel him move closer before his arm wraps around your waist, his face so close that you can feel his lips against the top of your head. Your whole body goes stiff before he mumbles for you to just relax against the top of your head and when he places his hand over yours and let's his thumb stroke over your skin you feel yourself melt into him.
"I just want to hold you. I missed you so much, so fucking much." You just nod, "I'll do anything to fix this, if you let me," he pulls you a little closer even if you didn't think it was possible. "I've wanted to come here so many times but I was a coward and called instead because deep down I knew you wouldn't answer so that would mean you wouldn't end the small hope I had that I could have you again." Jude could feel his eyes starting to feel heavy with sleep and he wasn't sure if you were still awake but when you squeeze his hand a little before turning in his arms he feels like his heart might beat out of his chest when you lean in and press a light kiss to his cheek.
When you pull back the tip of Jude's nose nudges your cheek as his face moves closer to you, you process what he's about to do and you let your head fall on his pillow to avoid his kiss, his lips fall on your cheek instead and you feel him smile against your skin, he let's out a chuckle before his head drops to your shoulder. Your hand moved to his back so you can lightly skratch it with your nails.
"Sorry, just got carried away," Jude felt overwhelmed being so close to you again because it felt so normal, almost like nothing had changed. "Just felt right," he said, you could barely make out what he was saying from how he was speaking against your neck.
"I know," you whisper because you felt the same and by that point you realize that you're completely gone for him, maybe you always were. You thought of him daily and when he would call you wanted to answer but just like him you were afraid that it would lead to that true closure neither of you had and you didn't want that. You never stopped checking up on him through your mutual friends, always asking them how he was and you never missed a single one of his games.
After a minute of silence, Jude speaks, "do you miss us?" He had wrapped his arm around you again, his chin resting on top of your head as he spoke, "do you miss me?"
"All the time," he rests his head against the pillow when you answer his question, eyes directly on you as he brushes his knuckles down your cheek before grabbing your jaw, eyes moving down to where his thumb was running over your lower lips. You know you won't be able to deny him again so instead of waiting for him it's you who leans in, capturing his lips with your own. Jude's fingers continue stroking over your cheeks as he pushes closer to you, trapping your body underneath his own.
His lips are just as soft as you remembered them.
He let's his tongue swipe across your bottom lip before sucking lightly onto it and you can't help but moan at the feeling which makes Jude smile against your lips. He leans his head back for a second, he nudges your nose with his own before leaning back in and it feels like you've kissed for hours when you pull away. Your eyes are closed, head still leaning back on the pillow when you speak, "I was meant to be stronger than this," you giggle. Jude kisses you once more before laying his head on you chest and when your hand moves to the back of his head while the other one moves up and down his back all Jude can think is that he was always meant to be right there, with you.
"M' girl."
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hanaruri-tunes · 1 year
Your latest HC post got me thinking. Do you think the bros ever tried to give MC some food or drink that had their “essence” in it? Maybe they’d also kick back and watch as MC slowly becomes addicted to it, wanting more as the days go by and probably begging to know what’s in it so they can recreate that delectable treat they gave.
Oh my god wudhydsjhf I didn't even think about that but yeah, each demon in the devildom is probably well-aware of the properties of their semen so they can in fact use it as "enhancement" on food. Pretty evil. Okay really REALLY quick and short headcanons on that idea, based on my earlier headcanons of course:
Has definitely thought about it but he feels like doing this would be "stooping too low" and it's not "classy" to use such a tactic to win you over, because yes the avatar of pride has SOME standards. But I can definitely imagine that once you're in a relationship with him he would let you taste some of his "essence" in food. THOUGH TO BE CLEAR he makes you aware of it, like, he warns you so you know beforehand what's in the food.
Also has definitely thought about it but he feels too guilty to do that to you. Even if he does end up putting some of it into your food of drinks he always chickens out at the last moment with a dumb excuse like "oh the choco milk is probably too cold already, I'll bring you another cup NO- t-this cup's no good forget it, don't even take a sip of it-"
Similar to Mammon (as in, he feels guilty) but his inherent possessiveness over you wins over and he swallows back his guilt and shame (also, if you find out you'll definitely mock him for it which he looks forward to.) Not like you will though since his semen has hypnotic side-effects, he'll ask for things from you like flashing your panties at him or hugging him or whatever then he'll make you forget any of it happened because he's a coward haha.
Hmm he's a difficult one to grasp for me- But I suppose the idea would cross his mind though he'll never act upon it. He'll imagine it for sure but even if demon seeds taste good and aren't all that "dangerous" to consume, making you drink something that came from him without your knowledge doesn't sit well with him. If you ever do it, he wants you to drink it because you want to while exactly knowning what's inside the cup.
Zero shame, zero guilt. Tries to do it at every occasion he gets but you (and the brothers) are already well aware of his intentions so you're not allowed to drink anything that Asmo has supposedly "prepared". Of course the reason why they're so protective is because he has already succeeded a couple of times in the past and your face looks way too cute under his seed's influence. The aphrodisiac aspect of it being way too strong and overkill it gets everyone too hot and bothered while looking at you, it's almost painful for them to see you in that state without being able to act upon their desires in front of the rest of their brothers.
To be completely honest I don't even think the thought would cross his mind djshdjz. It probably only would once you guys are deep in a relationshio and having sex, since he has tasted you and liked it he suddenly realizes he can "feed" you as well. "Oh- did I ever tell you that demons' semen have special tastes and side-effects? Would you like to try?" He's pretty genuine about it, no ulterior motives. Just wants to "feed" you.
This little fucker is the most devious little shit ever. EVERYTIME he's on cooking duty he does it. Since I headcanon that his have hallucinogen effects, at first no one exactly knows what's wrong with the food. With Asmo it was obvious since his aphrodisiac effect is 100% straightforward: pure pleasure. But Belphie? Might as well be slipping drugs in there dryjghfhd ANYWAY, he loves seeing you confused or impressed, a bit lost in your magical "daydreams". You start to like it and even praise his cooking not knowing how the hell he does that (you assume he just applies some sort of spell on the food.) But once the brothers find out/understand what he does to you, they're furious, and Belphie is banned from cooking duty which was probably about 30% of the reason why he started putting his juices there in the first place djhehdhz
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teecupangel · 5 months
Tee I can't remember if I've sent this idea before, but with [insert Desmond as an animal au] of your choice (or multiple of them, or all of them)--consider Desmond stuck as an animal and getting used to that being his new life. Until. He meets one of his ancestors he spent time as (havihg sought them out of course. He could never resist). And then, maybe it's by design, or maybe it's some kind of weird crossed wires from the Bleeding Effect, the echo of a flesh and blood body given a reminder in the code of the universe what shape it's supposed to be--
Whatever it is, it turns out that as long as Desmond is in skin-to-skin contact with his ancestor, he reverts to human form.
which is to say: big convoluted excuse for lots of hugs and hand-holding.
It would be funny if Desmond was some kind of big animal so when his ancestor lets go of him, enemies would be surprised by the sudden appearance of such a beast XD
Since you gave me free rein on this, I’m going for 12th century Levant XD
Malik did not believe he was close minded.
He accepted Altaïr was in love with a mysterious man who can turn into a beast even before Altaïr had admitted it.
Altaïr didn’t try hard to deny it anyway.
Saying “this is necessary” while they were holding hands or Altaïr’s hand was on his neck or they were in each other’s embrace (and many more positions that Malik didn’t have any time to list down at the moment) was such a weak excuse that Malik didn’t really think he should even be using the term excuse in the first place.
When he sent a letter saying he was going on a ‘trip’ with Desmond after they finished the mission in Cyprus, no one in the Brotherhood was surprised.
They immediately looked for Malik to lead them as if Altaïr had planned it.
This felt more like Desmond’s work. That man seemed to believe Malik could handle more things than Malik was comfortable with handling.
Yet, he persevered for no one was willing to take the mantle from him.
After the first year of his tenure as the temporary mentor, Rauf was already suggesting that he, Altaïr and Desmond should just be the mentors together.
The way he said it though made it clear to Malik that Rauf believed Malik was entangled in Altaïr and Desmond’s relationship.
Or was harboring unsaid feelings for either or both of them.
Malik wanted to vomit there and then.
He would rather lose both of his arms than be part of whatever relationship those two had.
They were the cause of Malik’s headache.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Their trip lasted for four long years.
Malik’s list of complaints had turned into a journal and he was planning to read everything out loud.
But his tenure as the long suffering temporary mentor has finally come to an end for those two idiots had returned.
When he reached the courtyard to greet them, Kadar grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“Brother.” Kadar’s eyes were wide and his hands were trembling.
“What is it?” Malik asked, his mind going through the many worrying fates those two idiots could have had while they had been away.
“I’m so sorry, brother.” Kadar looked like a man who had his heart broken.
… on behalf of Malik.
Oh no.
“Malik!” Desmond shouted and Kadar let go of him, stepping back into the crowd like the coward that he was.
Malik turned to where he heard Desmond’s face and saw Desmond’s grinning face.
With both of his hands holding two different persons.
Altaïr was, of course, one of them.
That was a common sight by now.
The other was a woman though.
“This is Maria Thorpe.” Desmond introduced, “The mother of our first son! He’ll be born three months from now!”
Oh, it was worse.
Many Assassins behind the three currently in front of Malik were looking at him with pitying eyes.
It seemed their imagination had run wild.
And now they had cast Malik into the role of an unfortunate man who just heard the two men (or one of these idiots) he was in love with (He. Was. Not.) had married a woman while he had been waiting for them to return.
Forget reading out loud his complaints.
He was going to beat the both of them with that damn journal.
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memoiich · 5 months
Obi wan Headcanons my lord? feed the poor
God, I have a lot of them .I'm going to split this up in a few parts just because it makes sense . Strap in !!!
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Part 0: baby obi wan
His parents noticed that he was a surprisingly bright child, and since they were farmers from stewjon, they weren’t well off. When they had their second child (a son) they brought obi wan to a near by testing unit on the neighbour planet Klommet , in hopes of giving both him and his brother a better chance at survival.
Obi wan was tested at the age 1 and a half. He was clearly gifted but nothing special.
He used to cry a lot when he first got to the jedi temple. Most jedi got rather annoyed at the younglings crying, except one ,qui gon jin .
Qui gon voluntured a lot at the creshe , he believed that crying children needed confort not a lecture. Obi wan got attached to qui gon rather quickly as a 2 year old ( qui gon looks a bit like his late dad)
As he grew up , he got along well with the other children and formed close friendships with them ( po ,kit ,quinlan) . Seeing this, qui gon went back to helping the new kids.
Part 1 : padawan years
Obi wan is rather talented at most things, not on a “ WOW YOU’RE THE BEST “ way but more like a “…that shouldn’t go so easily “ . He picks things up quickly, which causes him to be rather inpatient. Not impulsive, he doesn’t rush he simply hates waiting. That's why he hates meditating. He doesn’t understand it.
He doesn’t know it but when discussing who would get which apprentice , his name fell quite a few times . Obi wan likes to learn and so many suspect that he would be a nice well behaved padawan.
He was so happy when they informed him that qui gon would be his master . Qui gon had always stood out as the nicest jedi , not that the others weren’t but he had seemed to understand obi wan a bit more.
The first thing qui gon asked of him was to meditate. Obi wan started stressing immediately, and it went pretty bad in the beginning. Qui gon thought it was hilarious how quickly he was distracted. “ the wall paper does not need your attention right now “ he would quip or “ breathe through your nose and dont rush it” . It took obi Wan's a year to truly be able to meditate properly.
Luckily time wasn’t wasted because his fight skills and knowledge were unmatched.
Piloting took some getting used to. Not only was he scared of heights , but he also wasn’t a fan of rollercoasters. Qui gon always noted how slow he was . “ If you keep flying like this, we won't get there before im 60 “ or “ we can always walk , it might be faster” . But his master did help him, he would go to more desserted planets with obi wan . The planets that even if he would fly faster, he couldn’t hit anything . Obi wan got his red piloting bead 5 months later with the promise to let go a little.
He picks up quickly with missions , like i said he’s a natural . His first mission was a bit stressful but after that hes pretty much set . Also when they get back to their ship , qui gon cooks a home cooked meal because hes not going to let obi wan live on war rashens and blue milk.
He also teaches him how to cook
Obi wan starts feeling a bit quilty because he starts thinking of qui gon as his dad since well he is a little. But the jedi code says no attachments and he will follow that . Until he has a nervous breakdown because if qui gon is a jedi master that follows the jedi code he probably doesn’t care about him , he ends up getting in quite a lot of danger on a mission because of this . When he confesses to qui gon why he did all that he doesn’t respond,he just pulls his padawan into a hug . “ you are my kid obi wan “
When he turns 20 , he starts to really push qui gonn to let him take his trials. He just wants to be a jedi master.
That all changes a bit when he meets the dutches of mandelore Satine . He falls inlove quickly but he’s a real coward about it ( Satine notices) . Satine ends up pulling him into a kiss 2 months later at a gala she had to attend. They had a night together……
Qui gonn knows 100% . He finds it hilarious how his bumbling fool of a padawan got himsel into this mess . He prepares for the inevitable “ im leaving the order “ not that he wants him to . Obi wan is just that kinda kid .
When he sees obi wan the next morning, he looks like he cried acts rather somber and asks when they are leaving . Qui gon figures out what happened but doesn’t say anything. They leave and he gives him some space .
For the next 2 years it all goes smoothly until…
Part 2: early Anakin years
Obi wan isn’t too happy with the orphan. They are on a dangerous mission in the middle of who knows where with the queen of a planet that’s about to die . And now they have Ani , he wasn't going to lie it was a sweet child . But why now.
Obi wan has a quiet panic attack when qui gon says he will take anakin as his apprentice . He doesn’t feel ready to take the trials since his self esteem plummeted a bit after the Satine debacle and no one helped him take care of that ( fuck the jedi council) .
During the flight back to Naboo, padme went to her room and qui gon had a call with the council, leaving obi Wan to babysit ani . The child would yap non stop “ Did you make your own lightsaber?” “Yes” “can i hold it?” “No” “ when do i get mine?” “ When you're ready” “ but i am ready” “ no you’re not “ “yes i am “ “ no you’re not “ “ Did you choose THAT color?” “ Yes, i did” “ It's kinda ugly” “…” . A true test of patience but strangly lovable.
About 2 hours later was when the child fell asleep next to obi Wan . Anakin was still shivering , tattooine was a warm planet, something the ship heaters couldn’t compete with. Obi wan draped his long outer coat over the boy in hopes of giving him some warmth . Seeing the child peacefully asleep, Obi wan realised why his master liked him.
It took 48 hours to get to Naboo . It also took 48 hours for Obi wan to look at Anakin as his little brother.
When he first sees Maul he’s scared . He doesn’t want to be, but he simply is . Back in school him and his friends would joke about the sith and how cool it would be to defeat one . Right now , face to face with the first sith in ages , he’s horrified, and the red zebrak seems to kick on it
All he hears are the red force feels buzzing . He doesn’t hear his own scream or the blood dripping from his master . He feels an immense amount of pain, but the moment those shields lay down, he's up . He only focuses on gett to his master in time .And when he’s hanging in the hole , he snaps back into his jedi mind. The sith shows a new hubris, and he sees his chance. He wins
When qui gonn tells him his final wish , he can only lie to him . He doesn’t feel fit to be a master ,he might be the only jedi who pased the old trials ( to kill a sith ), but he feels like a fraud to weak to safe his master. Qui gon passes in his arms and obi wans let the tears fall.
He sees Anakin after he returns from his “trip” and he almost wants to cry again . Anakin looks so confused “ where’s qui gon ?” “ he passed away , anakin” The tears start to well in the little boys eyes, and all that obi can do is pull him into a hug .
The next weeks are quite hard , anakin becomes his padawan, and he becomes a jedi master. They attend qui gons' funeral, and anakins enters the academy since he needs to do both his padawan ship and the basic training. He is a bit pissy about it , but obi Wan cheers him up with home cooked meals .
They are not allowed to go on mission yet together just obi wan alone, and its extremely hard breaking to leave anakin alone .
When they are home together, obi wan pampers the little guy rotten. He brushes and braids anakins hair he buys him miniatuur planes in hopes of getting a better piolet than he is . He helps him with his homework, and he is just a total single dad .
When about a year has passed obi wan realised that he didn't know his birthday so he asked ani and he didn’t know either . They chose marche 5th because its a week from then and obi Wan can plan his birthday.Ani loved it.
Anakin doesn't make a lot of friends in school or anywhere. Which bothers obi Wan greatly , he thinks anakin is a great kid who can do no wrong. It all escalated when a child calls Anakin a slave ( obi wan does not know how they got here )
Obi wan threatens to destroy him to the boys face . He ends up crying, and Anakin isn’t bothered ever again. ( the jedi council was not happy )
And so it pretty much continues for a few years
Part 3: late anakin years
Anakin is now 20 years old, which is double the age he was when obi Wan met him .
Many people think that obi Wan is past his prime, but this man is absolutely ribbed. He has perfect physique, he’s just covered in robes and coats and stuff
He keeps extra kyber crystals around because Anakin keeps losing/breaking his lightsaber
Anakin requested black robes, and the council wouldn’t let him because of the association with the sith, and obi wan was like “ No , let my padawan express himself . Plus, I killed the last sith years ago “ so they let him because nothing is scarier than getting on obi wans' bad side
When they meet padmé again, obi Wan is almost laughing at how bad anakin is hiding his feelings for her . He also realises that he will have to talk to his padawn about it .
Obi wan gets a little stricter over the last year since anakin definitely doesn't think before he does anything
When the council decided to let Anakin go with Padme , he couldn't help but warn anakin once again. He reminds him of the problems that might occur or the heartbreak ( he's definitely not projecting)
When shmi dies, he tries his best to support anakin best he can . He doesn’t remember his parents, but he assumes it's like losing Qui gon, so he does everything he needed back then . Home cooked meals ,hugs ,pep talks, pulling him out of mission….
He noticed from the moment they set foot into the arena that they were together. On the one hand, he was extremely nervous about it, and on the other, he was a bit proud of his boy.
ALSO, he gets that shiver down his spine because he realises that qui gon knew about him and Satine, and he's a bit embarrassed about it .
He doesn't tell it to anakin because just like his master he thinks that it might be better to give them space .
He gets really offended that he wasn't invited to the wedding. He knows it was supposed to be undercover, but please
Padme and anakin will sometimes invite him for dinner as if they aren't dating, and he truly enjoys those evenings together.
He likes padme immensely . She helps to calm anakin down, and she's all around a great person .
She's also the first out of her and anakin to realise that obi Wan knows . Sadly, this happens after the wedding, so now it's like a shared secret.
Now that anakin left the nest , he gets to enjoy hobbies. He starts experimenting with cooking until Kit , Quinlan and Po are so done with it that they start ordering out . Then he gets a pet a feathered veractyle he names boga , when the planet he’s visiting allows it she will be his transport . He also keeps a variety of plants ( they remind him of qui gon) and books .he collects golden trinkets. Anakin jokes that it all goes against the jedi code, but he likes it .
HE ALSO LOVES TO GOSSIP with his clones anakin padme kit po anyone that wants to listen.
Talking about his clones , he loves them dearly not as much as anakin but like coby is one of his closest friends.
212 has tried to give him nicknames before, but it never sticks , they do like saying the negotiator in funny voices .
Obi wan thinks that his clones are the best clones, but it seems that every jedi thinks that.
He is now a jedi council member, and he still has that off feeling that he doesn’t deserve it . His ideas dont link with the others, and he feels that he doesn't have a lot of influence on it . Qui gon was never part of it, and he understands why more and more. He loves being a jedi master but kinda hates the council.
That also makes it really hard for him to help Anakin with his dissatisfaction with his position rn . Being on the council but not a master feels like the worst-case scenario, but he has to help anakin not be pissy, so he does . It is a great honor to be on the council.
He didn't know about padmé being pregnant. So he just thought anakin was so stressed out about his career and the jedi order . After everything happened as it did , he felt that he didn’t support anakin correctly.
Obi wan objected when they wanted anakin to spy on Palpetine . He doesn’t want his boy near any danger and definitely not in the front line . He yells and fights for it until it goes to a vote, just as his seat on the council, obi Wan would leave the council immediately if it meant that Anakin was 100% safe . In the end , the vote goes for the spying and obi wans demands to tell anakin himself. It doesn’t go well, obi Wan feels like he's betraying his brother.
In the coming weeks, he will see the loveable orphan of tatooine change to a traumatized war veteran, and he's not happy about it. He tries to calm him down and speak to him just like he did when shmi died . Sadly, this time, it doesn’t seem to work.
When his clones betray him , he feels fear for the first time since the deul of the faiths . Not only is he in danger, but they are in danger , anakin might be in danger . He feels his life falling from betw his fingers . Boga and some of his dear clones die when he gets back to his ship . He calls to anakin, but he doesn’t pick up . He flies to the temple.
When yoda and him visit the temple, dread fills his mind. He still didn’t receive anything from anakin and was really worried about it . They see the temple lithered with death children, and all he sees are small Anakin's death on the floor . Then they see the footage of the night before, and the world falls beneath him . Anakin is a murderer, a sith, and still his brother . Obi wan chooses to go alone to face him ….
{that one deleted scene }
The deul with anakin is the worst moment of his life. Nothing compares to it . He tries to enter with an open mind and the little voice in the back of his mind telling him to redeem anakin . Sadly hes to far gone. The deul ends with his dying friend near the fire , obi wans whole life in pieces and a almost death padme.
The birth of Luke and leia is a small piece of hope, but padmé passes away . Obi wan has no one anymore.
He's extremely happy with the organas asking to adopt leia, and he himself asks to adopt Luke, but that did not happen because of the circumstances. If the sith starts hunting jedi , Obi wan will be at the top of the list
In the end, he lives near Luke until he grows to be a jedi .
He tries to meditate, but his bond to the force is pretty much broken .
Part 4: obi wan alone
Since moving to Tatooine, he has got some new dreams . He gets flashbacks to his childhood before being a jedi, but the worst once are the anakin once . They all start the same , meeting ani quick flashes through their years together and then Mustafar .
He believes that he killed anakin and that he burnt to death .
He has mixed feelings towards his actions. On the one hand, he as a jedi had to kill him, but as his brother, he is simply broken.
He doesn’t think of himself as a jedi anymore. Over the years, he has come to question the jedi order . For how they treated anakin and ahsoka even padme . He promised to himself that he wouldn’t teach Luke to throw away his emotions.
When darth maul shows up on tattooin, he's in some strange way. Sorry for him . They were both just children raised for war , he wished partly that they could have got Maul out before Naboo or that he wouldn’t hold the anger he had towards him for the death of his father . He took a deep breath and let it go . In the end, Maul died in his arms , the same way he had hoped he would have pulled anakin up after their duel.
He tries to meditate again in hopes of connecting to qui gons' spirit or anakins . He hopes to apologise to anakin to pet his hair and tell him it's alright to get one last evening diner with padmé and Anakin . From qui gon, he just wants comfort a long hug or a smile that shows him he’s proud of his padawan, even a home cooked meal .
He starts working as a butcher for sand whales . In the beginning, he used to walk there, but then lars pointed out that that was really suspicious for the other people in town . So he went shopping for a transport that was nice and easy to maintain . That's how he ends up with his eopie Akkani .
Akkani is a bit of a lazy animal , she just wants to eat and walk and eat again. He's happy he has a pet, tho because he gets a bit lonely.
He keeps all of his jedi things in a chest in his gave , including his own lightsaber and 2 sets of beads . One set is his own padawan braid beads, and the other are anakins . He also has some other stuff such as qui gon' s old kitchen knife and some pictures of his clones scrabs of r2d2 when he needed repairs a feather of boga some model airplanes anakin used to play with and so on. ( NO BURYING IN THE DESSERT I HATE THAT)
He really wants to train Luke, but Lars won’t let him . Which hurts obi Wan a lot . He wouldn’t push Luke to be a soldier like the once before , he would connect him to the force just like qui gon wanted with Anakin .
That's why he started reading up on the ancient scripts about the jedi . He loves the Yawa sellers just because he can buy his books without the empire noticing.
He will wait forever in hopes of setting the universe back to balance for the mistake he made on Mustafar.
This took so long and its not even all of it .( i left out the kenobi series because i didn’t want to rewrite it and i couldn’t figure out how to add to it without rewriting it srry)
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Also i wrote a little obi wan reacting to ahsoka being Anakins padawn not that long ago ( link below )
And i left his later relationship with satine and maul out because it might be a bit long . If you want that you can always ask in my requests ( i do have some thoughts about those)
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
S/O is killed out of hate
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Thor, Zerofuku, Hades ]
[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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It hurt me to write this 😔 anyway, here it is hope you like it! 🤠
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Thor may don't be the best with feelings or to express them, but when he start a relationship with you is because he is sure that he loves you and that he does it with all his being
If you ever have a problem you can always count with him, even when he doesn't fully understand it or when the only thing he can do is hear you he promise to always be there for you, you have Thor's protection without even asking for it
Still, Thor isn't someone possessive or clingy, he loves spending time with you but is okay if you need some time alone or sometimes is him who have things to do that will make him be away for a while, he is still the one of the greatest gods after all
Also, if he knows that you or even him have an enemy that could be dangerous he will give you an bodyguard if is need it, someone that will keep you safe when he can't be by your side, just to make sure
Still, you are free to go wherever you want, so it would in one of those occasions where you were just having a walk alone when someone had approached to you and put an end to your life
Thor will not going to take this well, at first when the news of your murder reach him he really hopes that this is nothing more than a bad taste joke of his brother, he was already looking angrily at the person who had tell him the news, but when the person insisted on it Thor doesn't waste more time and rush to your side, it was obvious how desesperate and furious he was, so much that no one dared to say anything, even stepping aside fearing to get on his way
When he gets where you were he slowly approaches to you without saying a single word, he is just too focused on you, gently caressing you face before holding you carefuly un his arms, hugging you tightly close to him while asking whoever where there what happened, his voice was so intimidating and full of fury that the person it was almost unable to answer
However, if the case is that he was the one who find you his reaction will be a little more aggresive, just by seeing your body on the floor he is shocked, it took him a moment to notice your blood or how you weren't moving (it would be just worst if the bodyguard he assigned to you was death there too), getting back to his senses he rushes to your side, despertly searching for a hint that you were still alive, but your pulse weren't there anymore, he feels so frustrated and angry that he even let go an scream of pain that alertated everyone around
He have to recive help from others to conduce a proper investigation because he can't just bring himself to calm down, he is too focused on his desire to find the culprit and make them pay for what they have done to you. He isn't someone who normally resorts to violence, but this time he isn't going to hold back when confronting the person
When he discover that they killed you because he hated you he will be even more furious, almost unable to hold himself and kill them right there, Thor wants to fight them properly, mainly because he wants to make them pay for what he have done to you, the more the person says the more angry Thor gets (as if he wasn't already angry enough), but it would make things worst for both if the person did it because he hated him instead of you, in that case he will be even more aggresive with them while fighting, calling him coward and saying that he don't deserve to even continue living
However, he himself will be in charge of preparing a farewell ceremony with all the honors, he wants to say goodbye to you properly and thank you for all you have done for him
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After Zerofuku was consumed by the negative feelings he was left behind with nothing more than the hatred he feels and the inmense pain, and still you decided to stay by his side
It doesn't matter too much if you know him since a long time ago or you just met him after he transformed, the important is that you had made your way into his life and heart, showing him the kindness and love no one had show him before, and once he accepted you in his life he wasn't planning to leave you go away, you are the only good thing in his life right now
That is why he had grow pretty protective over you, not wanting to anything bad happening to you, if he ever notice (or you tell him) that other people doesn't seem to like you too much or you even have some enemies he will be even more protective, wanting to be by your side all the time in order to protect you
It was one day that you were alone, maybe you have some things to do and Zerofuku just couldn't be with you right now or just you (or him) need some time alone to relax or think, everything seemed normal, just a pretty day, but while you were busy in your own mind someone came from behind to attack you
By the time Zerofuku had come searching for you that person had already go away, leaving behind nothing but your body. The moment Zerofuku lay his eyes on the escene it was like time stoped for him, unable to move or response to anything just trying to process what he was seeing
When he finally was able to move he screams your name while running to your side, he didn't want to accept that this was real, he was desperately looking for your pulse, some sign that you are still alive, the feeling of your blood in his hands it was unpleasant and the cold of your body scares him
He hate it, he hates you for leaving him, he hates himself for not protecting you, he hates this situation, he has nothing more than hate. He didn't exactly calm down but he does noticed the signs of the murder, it could be the position of the wound or that there wasn't around any kind of weapon, or even signs that you had fought for your life, and with every new sign he discover he just get more and more angry
It doesn't matter much if your death was quickly, that doesn't make things easier for him, but if you had suffer while dying that will make him more eager to find the bastard who had done this
After giving you a proper sepulcher and saying a last goodbye to you he will spend every minute of his life searching for whoever have done this, he has nothing more that his hate again, he has nothing to lose anymore. Even if he part himself before being able to find the culprit that won't stop them to continue with this, he isn't going to rest until he put an end to life of the bastard who killed you with his own hands
He was already planning to make that person suffer for what they did, but when he discover that they had did it because they hated you (or him) and that they even were just glad that you died that will make him more furious and eager to end with their life. He start fighting with them without even a warning and won't stop until his body don't give more, he is planning to let out all his anger and pain against that person, making them suffer until the very end, and even if they die that won't stop him from razing with the whole place until he can't anymore, until he feel like his entire body will fall apart, until he feels like he will pass out and has no more strength to continue
Is until then that he can finally just lay down and quietly cry for his grief
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Hades is a really caring person, and even when he seem really calm he is passionate, he loves you with al his heart and he is willing to do everything in his power for you to be happy
If you ever have a problem he will like to know, he is willing to give you all the time you need to talk about whatever is bothering you, but he wants to know at some point, specially if the problem is with someone specific since he will hate for the problem escalates to a greater one (still he is ready to step in order to protect you if is need it)
Hades isn't exactly clingy nor possessive, so you are free to do and go to wherever you want, but he will like to know what you are into just in case you need his help or just because he cares for you. Although he is a busy man, so he may not be able to spend all the time with you
It was one of those occasions that you two were apart, maybe he was busy or you just wanted to do something alone, either way you being alone gives to however wanted to attack you the perfect oportunity to do so, being quickly and before someone notice it they put an end to your life
His reaction will depend a little for how the situation had happened, but what doesn't change is the feeling of anger and frustration for not being able to help you
If he was the one who had find your body his inmediatly call your name and runs to your side, holding you close to him carefuly and searching for the pulse, just hoping that is still there, it doesn't take him long to accept that you died but that doesn't make things less painful. However, if is one of the guards/servants of the palace who had bring him the news he stops whatever he is doing inmediatly and demand to be lead to where you were, even rushing himself to get there, when he finally get he just slowly walk to your side and carefuly hold you tightly, in both cases even when he knows that you are death deep down he just wants for you to open your eyes, at least once, even if is just for say goodbye
This kind of situation it would be pretty difficult to happen inside of his palace, there are a lot of guard and since it is his domain he has an advantage, still it isn't imposible, so if it was actually on the palace it would make him feel worst, this was supose to be a safe space for you, somewhere you could feel free and secure and still someone had manage to do this. If it was outside of the palace he still feels bad but knows that there wasn't much he could have done for you
He tries to stay clam during all of this, quickly starting to work and ordering some guards to help with the investigation, but in reallity he is just putting his feelings aside in order to concentrate to solve the problem, he will express all his frustration and anger later, right now you are more important
Hades makes sure that, after he end the investigation he makes an special ceremony to say goodbye, he feel like this and finding the culprit is the very least he can do for you, if he wasn't able to protect you as he should be at least he will make things right in your name
Hades is a really good leader and strategist so it won't take him so long to find the culprit of this, and even when he have the bastard who dared to take you away from him he tries to stay calm, wanting to know why exactly they had done this, why they had went against you
Hearing that it was out of hate make him feel even more furious, that person had killed you just because he hated you, he can't comprehend why some one will hate you that much to the point that wanting to see you death. But it will make him feel worst if it was actually because they hated him, if the problem was with him you shouldn't be affected, it anger him that just because some coward that couldn't face him properly you ended like that
Either way, unlike like him, he won't be able to hold himself more and he himself will make sure to make the culprit pay for what he had done, he does it for your honor too
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simplydannie · 4 months
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@skydiverdrawings @meadow-hearthfire @grinnworld You guys really had me on my toes! Lol I hope I did okay with it. This is inspired by and written for all of you. Based on @meadow-hearthfire ask here! Also introducing two new characters to you all!
Veneer can’t take it anymore… the abuse is too much… and now even from his own sister. He has the chance to leave, to runaway. He extends his hand to her to come with him… but is she too far gone to now think for herself?
Veneer landed with a loud bang against the wall… his whole body aching in pain.
“Please…. Stop.” He begged. Gruff looked at the Mistress, her green eyes glinting with a desire for pain. She snapped her fingers; the Bergen grasped Veneer by his neck and began pounding away.
“Stop! Please! Velvet!” He cried and begged, he looked to his sister… But Velvet had a distant look in
her eyes mixed with anger….
“Wait.” She finally called out. The Bergen stopped, Mistress turned her head to eye the girl. Velvet walked up to the Bergen, hovering over her brother.
“Why did you do it?… Why did you let him go?” She asked, tears of rage filling her eyes.
“It’s…. It’s not right what we’re doing Vels… We’re frauds. This isn’t right- AH!” He was silenced as Velvet struck him across the face.
“Why do you have to ruin everything!” She struck him again. “That little Troll was working! Working!” Again she struck.
“Velvet, stop, please. You’re hurting me.” Veneer coward into a corner, blocking his face and hugging his knees. Looking up at his sister, he was afraid… who was this, this wasn’t her. She stared at him with a pink glow in her eyes, dark circles appearing underneath.
Velvets breathing began to slow down… she looked down at her brother and saw the same fear when he was a child, when she would protect him from their aunt. But now… he was afraid of her… who was going to protect him from his own sister?
“Idiot.” She walked out the door. Mistress watched the whole thing with a smirk across her face.
“Well look at that. The one person who promised to protect you. Tsk tsk. Poor Vennie. All alone in this big, big world. You let that stupid Troll out.” She knelt down in front him… a little to close for comfort… it brought back horrid memories. “Getting hot and bothered are we.” She placed a hand on his leg, slowly creeping up, “You know this would be fair. You owe me after so much trouble of continually trying to letting that damn Troll out…” Her hand crept to his thigh… he shivered. Mistress leaned her face obviously close, “You’re a very handsome.” Her hand crept farther up, her lips brushing his ear. “I think I know how you’re going to repay me for this mess you caused.” But she pushed him away.
“After your performance, when you’re all dolled up. Then I can have fun with my toy, you owe me and you’re my property. Now, I need to see how I can go about getting another damn Troll. For today, Gruff, Ruff, a few beatings shall do. Enough to hurt him but not kill him. Carry on.” She snapped and walked out the door, leaving Veneer at the mercy of her Bergens…
Floyd had the chance to leave, to runaway, finally go home…. But he came back. There two reasons that he did: Velvet and Veneer. He denied them once, he wasn’t going to do that again. Floyd crept his way back into the vents from which he came. But he had to be careful, getting caught meant loosing a chance to freedom…And possibly loosing the twins. He had to find one of them, and right now, his best bet was finding Veneer first. Something was wrong with Velvet, something had changed her. She wasn’t the same fiery spirit he came to care for, a darkness loomed over her, like she was under the effect of some drug. Veneer, he still had some sensibility, and he was the only one Velvet would listen to right now.
Floyd ran and ran. He had to be quick. He knew the Bergens would pick up his scent, then it all go downhill from there. The little Troll looked through every vent into every room until he fell upon the right one…
“Veneer!” He called out. When he looked in, he found the Rageon lying on the floor, hugging his knees, his shoulders shaking from crying intensely. He made his way out of the vent and down to the boy. Floyd slowly crept up to him. “Veneer?”
He slowly moved his head up to get a good look at the Troll, “Floyd? You’re back? Why didn’t you leave?” A worry crossed his voice, it was then Floyd saw the bruising on his face, the cuts and gashes the Bergens had left him.
“Vennie… what…. What did they do to you?” Floyd said as he placed a gentle hand on the Rageons cheek.
Veneer buried his face again, “…. I can’t take it anymore Floyd…. I can’t…. I hate it …. I hate my life… I hate here. I want to go home.” He cried.
“Back to Under Rageous?”
“At least we were free… we can’t do anything here or make any mistakes. I’m done Floyd!” Veneer cried and cried. Floyd just stood there, holding him as much as he could…
“Then let’s go…” The Troll finally said.
“What?” Veneer looked up with tear stained cheeks.
“I came back for you and your sister. Let’s go. Let’s run and run till we can’t anymore.” Floyd said with a glint of hope in his voice. “Let’s go be a family again. Just us three.”
Veneer stopped trembling for a moment, his face still buried within his hands…he grew silent, terribly silent…. A worry crossed the Trolls face.
“…Family…Now….Now we’re a family?” Veneer looked up Floyd…his eyes glowing pink again. Oh no, Floyd thought. He had the same look in him when he was trapped, when Veneer trapped Floyd in that damn diamond bottle. Floyd began to slowly step away…
“You were willing to leave us! And NOW were family? After all she’s put us through! You’re kidding me Floyd! You thought me and Velvet were in her thing about using Trolls! You didn’t believe us!” Veneer looked at him, glowing pink eyes, stained in tears. “You told us we were never family! Those were your words!” Veneer ran his hands through hair, pratically pulling pieces off…mad…he was going mad. Floyd was continuing to back away..but then…he stopped. This is what started it, him running away is what drove him mad in the first place. So he stood his ground.
“Ven….I’m sorry….I am SO sorry for ever even doing that to both of you.” Floyd said creeping closer now.
“Saying sorry is going to fix it? Fix what you told us! If I hadnt trapped you’d be gone. We’d be alone!” Veneer began scratching at his skin, “These bugs, get them off me please!”…. There was nothing there. That woman, what was this essence doing to them?
“I know, I know. Trapping me was probably the best thing you did. I deserved it for even thinking of betraying you two, for betraying and leaving my own little brother all those years ago. I am not a good person Ven…” Veneer continue scratching at his skin as Floyd talked, but he was silent…he was listening. “You two…You two brought the color back in me. Do you understand what that means to a Troll? It means you brought me happiness. For so long I was alone…and that was my fault. I don’t know where my family is or if they’re even alive…but I found you two…You two became my family. I deserve all the punishment for even saying those things to you…It had to take me for me to see both of you tortured and manipulated to even see that you didn’t know…that SHE was the one changing you, grooming you…I let that happen…” Tears began forming in the little Trolls eyes as he got near to the Rageon. Veneer had stopped scratching himself, the pink fading from his eyes… “I want to make it up to you…please, please come with me now. That’s why I came back.”
“…What if I don’t want to come with you…” Veneer replied, a calmness finally coming over him.
“…Then I’m staying.. I’ll hide, I’ll get caught again…but I am not leaving you guys ever again.” Floyd replied.
Veneer had calmed down. Floyd could see he was back to himself. He hugged himself, “I can’t take here anymore Floyd….I physically can’t. The beatings. Her taking advan-…” He stopped himself. Floyd didn’t need to know what Mistress would do him sometimes…he didn’t need to know. “I want my sister to be happy, but not like this...I just can’t anymore!”
“Then let’s go to Velvet…and get the hell out of here.”
Night had fallen around the mansion. Veneer waited till the dead of night, before opening his door. There was nothing of value he needed to take, just the clothes on his back, Floyd, and hopefully, his sister. Veneer had saved his oversized red hoodie from the under-city, along with his black skinny jeans and combat boots….of course he HAD to save his dad’s old purple beanie. With Floyd on his shoulder, Veneer made his way out of his room and headed quietly towards his sisters.
“So far…no Bergens.” Floyd said.
“They normally guard her. She doesn’t think we’ll do anything…well…anything like I’m doing now.” He said.
“Point taken.”
Veneer opened the door to Velvet’s room and peeked in. She was sound asleep on her bed, her hair falling loosely around her face. Veneer quietly walked up next to her. He placed a gentle hand on her arm, “Vels?” He said in a whisper. She moaned a little in her sleep, hardly sturring. “Velly?”
“Five minutes.” She muttered…This was the Velvet he knew.
“Vels, it’s me.” He said. Opening her eyes slowly, she looked up at him.
“Ven? What the hell, bro?” She rubbed her eyes and blinked twice when she saw the Troll on his shoulder. “Floyd?”
“Hey, Vels.” He smiled softly, but a scowl came over her face.
“What the hell do you want? I thought you’d be long gone by now.”
“You have every right to be bad. But I couldn’t leave again…I came back, for both of you. We have to leae now.” Floyd warned.
“Leave? Like leave for good?” She repeated looking at her brother and how he was dressed. “You’re serious Ven? You’re really up for this?”
“I can’t take it anymore Vels! What she does to me, what those Bergens do…How you get when your under her, her, her, POISON! I’m loosing you little by little. I can’t have that. We need to leave. We need to leave now.” He said.
Velvet’s mouth hung open…she couldn’t believe it. After all they went through, after all they accomplished…he wanted to leave it behind. “Ven, we’re finally somebody! How do you want to just, LEAVE?”
“We’re stll nobodies! This isn’t us! This show we’re putting on? It’s all her idea! Think about it Vels.”
“We want this Ven! We deserve this!”
“But not like this! Sis, come on! Open your eyes.” He looked at her…a distant look began crossing her face…Her eyes were fading from blue, to pink. No, no, no, he was starting to loose her again. “Vels. Please just hear me.”
“We deserve this.”
“Those are lies. We were somebodies before this. Vels please I’m begging you. Do this….for me.” He held out his hand in hopes she’d take it.
The pink began taking over her eyes entirely, “…..No…..No I’m not sacrificing this…I sacrificed to much for you already…Not anymore…We’re not kids anymore!”
“Please Velvet, “ Tears began to fall down his face, “…I can’t do this anymore. I’m just tired, really tired.”
“….Then you’re not cut out for this…”
“Don’t make me leave you Velvet. Please don’t make me leave you here.”
“Go. I don’t need you. You’ve been nothing but a damn burden Veneer. The more for me, the merrier.”
Floyd looked between both twins. Veneer wiped away the tears in his eyes, he withdrew his hand and slowly backed away…She wasn’t coming…She wasnt going to leave….
“I’m sorry Vels…I can’t….I can’t do this anymore…I’m sorry…I love you…You know that. I really love you.” More tears fell as he turned away and walked out the door. Velvet still sat on her bed, the pink glow around her eyes, her mind couldn’t distringuish between reality or not. She just stared as he left her…
“Ven. What are you doing?” Floyd asked looking back towards her door. Did he really just leave his sister? Veneer would never do that…but then again…that wasn’t his sister…something overcame her that Veneer thought HE couldn’t even save. “Velvet?”
“Don’t Floyd please.” He cried as he continued heading towards the exit….they were almost there….they were almost there…Why didn’t she come with him? Why? His steps began to slow…He couldn’t leave her…He couldn’t…
“And where do you think you are heading too?” A deep voice came from behind. Veneer spun around to see Gruff standing in the hallway…Shoot, they found out. A voice behind Veneer caused him to turn back, Ruff was right behind him…The Bergen extended his arm and wrapped his giant hands around his neck. Veneer began gasping for air.
“I smell Troll.” Ruff replied as he squeezed Veneer’s neck tighter, “Mistress is not going to be happy.”
“Hey! Pea brain!” A voice called from above, standing on a light over head was Floyd, “Leave me kid alone!” Wrapping his hair near a fixture, he whipped himself straight into the Bergens eyes. Ruff cried in pain and let go of Veneer. He fell to the ground gasping for air. Gruff roared and started charging behind him.
“Ven!” Floyd cried. Though the Bergens were strong, they were not quick. Veneer moved within the last second, allowing for Gruff to collide with his Bergen brother…but that wasn’t enough, they began to growl and stir standing on their feet again.
“Run!” Floyd cried as he began running towards the exit.
Veneer ran, scooping Floyd up in his hand as he ran past. He slammed against the exit door, bursting it open. The smells of the outside world hit Veneer, his eyes adjusting to the lights. They were outside, but not free yet. Veneer took off running towards the gates that surrounded the mansion. He could here the Bergens finally coming out behind him.
“I have to make it to the fence..” He said. Floyd was on his shoulder again. He turned around to see the Bergens running like angry bulls.
“Hurry!” The little Troll yelled.
Veneer hadn’t ran like this since his time in the under-city, but muscle memory was catching up to him. He pace quickened. The roars and growls of the Bergens behind were still heard, but they sounded farther. Veneer neared the fence, in a leap, he mounted it and jumped over.
He landed on the other side. One quick look at the Bergens and he took off again…off into Mount Rageous. Gruff and Ruff finally reached the gates…but the boy was already far off…
“She’s going to be angry.” Gruff said.
Crowds of Rageons began to appear, that’s when Veneer finally decided to slow down. There was a bench in front of a record store…he sat down and caught his breath. Floyd hopped off his shoulder and on to his lap.
“You okay?” Veneer didn’t respond, he only gave him a thumbs up. “That was pure adrenline right there. We can take it slow. We got to make it out of Mount Rageous and onto the highway that leads out. Pull your hoodie up, hide that green hair as much as you can.” Veneer nodded as he pulled his red hood over his hair and beanie. Floyd hopped back on his shoulder, “Let’s go.”
Hardly anyone really payed him any attention. Of course, no one really saw him out of his glamourous outfits. To them, he was just another Rageon…and for a moment, Veneer enjoyed that. He passed some revenues he knew he and Velvet would have enjoyed…especially the roller rink and pizza parlor. A sadness crept into his heart…He had really left her behind…She could have been here with him. Veneer didn’t know how long he had been wlaking when he suddenly stopped.

“Hey. What’s going on?” Floyd asked.
“…Vels…I left her….”
Floyd sighed with a heavy heart, “You…you did what you had too..”
“…What if she hurts her…”
“She won’t Ven….That woman favored your sister. She’s her pride, her muse…That’s one good thing. She won’t hurt her while we get out of here and figure out how we can come back and get her out.”
Veneer knew if he would go back now…She’d kill him. But he had no choice…Velvet wasn’t going to leave with him…Her heart was now set on something different…He took in a deep breath.
“We have to make it to the highway before they find us.” He said. Veneer continued making his way through the crowds of Mount Rageous undetected…..for now.
Velvet sat on a diamond chair next to Mistress as she went through her files. The Bergens had just reported Veneers escape.
“This brother of yours really is a trouble maker.” She said not even looking up, “Decided to run off without you.”
“I didn’t want to leave with him any way.” She replied dryly. Mistress smirked as she saw the girl was under her control…Total loss of any free will. It all had worked.
“You know it won’t be pretty when my boyfriend get’s his hands on him.”
“Vennie, brought it upon himself.”
“Good. So we’re in agreement….To bad. He was a fun little pleasurable toy to play with every now and then.”
Those words stung Velvet’s heart. Something snapped and clicked inside her, as if the shackles were finally broken, the curtain was finally drawn back. What the hell did she just say? The memory of what their aunt did to her brother was released…Vvelt grew angry, but unlike Veneer, Velvet was cunning, just like Mistress, she knew how to play her game.
“We out grow toys.” Velvet simply replied.
“We sure do. Too bad. He would’ve made me money in other ways. Now. To plan for what we tell the public. You and Veneer broke up, you both decided to go seperate ways. This is your solo debut now…” As the Mistress kept talking, Velvet began planning. She should have ran away with her brother, she should’ve gone up and left…but she was here for one purpose now…to finally get rid of this evil woman once and for all.
It seemed like hours….but they had finally made it…The highway leading away from Mount Rageous. It was build mainly for those to visits Rageous….No one really went out into the rest of the world anymore. Why would they? Rageous had everything, everything they ever wanted…or so that’s what they would make the people think…That’s what Veneer had thought at one point, but it was all just an illusion. He continued slow and steady…his mind and heart stilling thinking about Velvet. He walked in silence as he began to cry…he fell to his knees.
“…..I miss her….” He cried, balling his fists on his knees. Floyd hopped off his shoulder and onto the ground, placing a small hand on the boy’s thumb.
“I know…I do too. But we need to figure out a plan before going back in there. It won’t be pretty…She won’t be herself.”
“I should’ve tried harder…Maybe I didn’t try hard enough…but I just couldn’t take it anymore…she’d beat me…She would never hit me.” Veneer said.
“Ven, we…” Floyd’s words were cut off as the sound of a car approached. Scooping Floyd up, he placed him in this pocket this time. Veneer didn’t know what to do, he froze. The car came to a screeching halt a few feet in front of him.
“Hello, Vincent.” A familair voice sounded as a hooded, cloaked figure stepped out of the vehicle. The figure pulled back his hood, reveavling a pale Rageon with dark, blue stringy hair pulled back into dreadlocks. Scars were patterened all over his body, he had a sharp toothy grin…Shank. He was one of the few to call the twins by their middle names.
“Where’s you’re hot sister?” He asked.
“Not here.” Veneer scowled…Shank had caused them trouble in the under-city. He was the one who would potentially sell them to the Mistress…his lover.
“Obviously. Got a call from my girl. You’ve been causing her trouble. Now she’s really had enough of you. You know how much money I have to refund her now because of this mess. Lucky she’s hot.” Shank reached into his belt and pulled out a gun…Veneer’s heart sank, he wrapped a protective hand around Floyd.
“What’s going on?” The Troll asked trying to peek out from his pockets.
“She really doesn’t care for you. Your sister was the one with all the potential. You were a fail safe. You’ve actually made it easier on her Vincent. Orginally she planned to stage your death, leaving Velvet with the solo career. But this makes it so much better…Running out on your own sister. Priceless.” His sharp teeth shined as he smiled. Floyd was able to poke his head out, he saw the glint of the gun in the other Rageons hand.
“Just…just let me go…please.” Veneer tried to beg.
“This is a business we run. And no one…I repeat, no one, runs out on us. You’re done, when we say we’re done.” He loaded the gun, pointing it at Veneer. “…And Vincent, we’re done.”
“NO!” Floyd tugged on Veneer’s sleeve. What little force he had caused Veneer to move…and with that little move, those few little inches, allowed the bullet to barely miss Veneer’s heart. He cried in pain, pressing his hand where the bullet went through. He staggered, his breathing heavied, his vision began to blur. Veneer got closer to the edge of the highway. His eyes rolled behind his head as he fell off the edge of into whatever waited in the depths below. Shank looked down and spat.
“Good night Vincent.”
As the day passed, Velvet could only think of her brother. Where did he go? How far had he gone? She stood a her vanity and stared at herself in the mirror. What had she become? What made her delusional to not leave with Veneer? She gripped the side of her vanity hard….Velvet finally had enough. She turned and walked out her door.
Mistress had full trust in her. She had to keep it that way…for now. No Bergens followed her around like they did her brother, and she had access to wherever she liked. Mistress had gone off to some meetings in which Velvet wasn’t invited, so she took this opportunity and snuck into her office. Velvet knew it would be locked, but she also knew how to pick locks herself. Within no time, she was in the office of The Mistress. She closed the door behind her and began to dig around.
It began to seem like it was all for nothing. Everywhere she searched was coming out empty… until she came across a locked segment on her desk. Velvet picked the locked and opened it… Files. What good were files? She began peering through them one boy one.
“Trolls?” She flipped through it… the memory of what Floyd told her came to her mind. “Non effective. Dead. Deceased….What the hell? Pop Troll… effective…..Floyd.” Everything he said was true. No wonder he thought they were part of it… What the hell were they using trolls to make?
“The whole damn agency is doing this?” Velvet and Veneer were just the muses of music for them, their pawns in one small act. Whatever Rageons that were part of this agency, were victims of the same thing her and her brother were. But then she figured, many weren’t really victims, some knew, and didn’t care. They wanted the fame and glory, it’s what Velvet had wanted too… but something was more important to her… family. She looked further inside the cabinet for anything else, that’s when she found the vile. A small vile with pink-like liquid inside. There was no label, no names, just a small cursive E imprinted on the lid….Velvet had had enough… Time to cut the head off at least one snake…
Veneer extended his arms… he felt something soft underneath them. Blankets? He moved his head. A pillow? His sense started coming back as he opened his eyes. He found himself in a room. He knew it wasn’t Rageous, the decor was much different. Where was he?
“Ven!” A small familiar voice called out. He turned to see Floyd standing on the drawer next to his bed side. The little Troll hopped on, ran to his face, and hugged him. “You’re awake! And alive!” Relief passing through his body.
“Where… What happened?”
“The highway. That Rageon shot you. Thankfully he missed your heart by inches. We fell, but there was water below. I was afraid you were going to bleed to death.”
“How did we end up here? Where are we?”
“Well, turns out someone was looking for me and happened to find us washed up on the banks.” Floyd turned as a group of smaller Trolls entered the room, “Ven, these are my brothers. Guys, this is Veneer.”
Veneer stared wide-eyed at the group Trolls. He kept of himself from going a little over board… they were just the cutest thing.
“Well our plan was to save our brother from you, but good old Rhonda picked up his scent a mile away and lead us to you two in the nick of time!” John Dory exclaimed.
“You guys moved me all the way over here!?” Veneer exclaimed. The Trolls laughed in unison.
“Well we’re flattered, but Trolls have a limit, even with an armadillo bus helping us. We called for back up.” Clay smiled. He saw the look of confusion on the Rageons face when he mentioned the armadillo bus, “Yeah we’ll explain all that later.”
“Where exactly are we?” Veneer asked.
“BergenTown.” Branch crossed his arms. At the mention of the Bergens Veneer jumped. He only knew the Bergens of Under Rageous, and they were brutal. He panicked and tried to quickly rush out of the bed. “Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy! Man, you’re more frantic than I was when someone mentioned a Bergen.”
“He…. He doesn’t have good experiences with Bergens either.” Floyd said. Branch glanced at his brother then the Rageon. Veneer looked embarrassed.
“Yeah. They’re not as bad as I thought either. You’ll see.” Branch offered a small smile. Veneer glanced at Floyd.
“You were out a couple of days… I went back and forth. There was no sign of her. I don’t think she followed us Ven.” Floyd replied, a sad look in his eyes. Veneer nodded looking down at his hands…. She made her choice, and he had made his. Did he plan for their choices to pull them away? No. But it did…and he had to live with it for the rest of his life.
“Come on. Let’s introduce you to the rest of BergenTown.”
Months had passed since she last saw her brother. Who knew where in the world he was. She wanted to go after him, and find him. But this plan had taken time, she needed to earn her trust, to make sure Mistress didn’t suspect anything…. Then the day finally came when Velvet just couldn’t take it any longer.
Her and two other young Rageons sat opposite of Mistress. They were her other muses in the music industry, another brother-sister duo a few years older than the twins: Cashmere and Luster. They were more ruthless, more ambitious, unlike the twins, they weren’t under any control, they were doing this for their sick twisted pleasure. They weren’t twins, a year apart. They were also Under Rageons: pale skin, their hair was eggplant purple, they’re were stunning in their own way.
“So dear old Vincent couldn’t take the fame life.” Luster grinned, “Once a loser, always a loser.” He laughed looking at Velvet. “Don’t worry cousin, maybe he died a quick death, somewhat painless death.” Hector smirked.
“Hm.” Was all Velvet replied. Cashmere was quiet… she still hated that her and her brother were below the twins, that Velvet managed to keep her title at the top without Veneer…. That they were still the better cousins.
“We’re done here.” Mistress said walking back into the room. “You two may leave now. You have your batch to last you the month. I except that new music to deliver and bring in the money.” She said to Cashmere and Luster.
“Don’t we always.” Cashmere casted Velvet a devious look before leaving.
“Enjoy your time at the top dear cousin.” Luster spat as he followed his sister.
Velvet was now alone with Mistress. She eyed the woman as she worked through her files. “May I ask why the hell you’re wearing THAT?” She looked at Velvets attire. She had her old dark pink vest from the under-city, tight black crop top, black mini skirt and combat boots.
“I’m not performing. Can’t I wear what I want?” She stated.
“Around me, no.”
Mistress stood up to pour herself her coffee. “I recommend you go change.” She turned to take a sip. Velvet only eyed her, a devious look in her eyes. A smirk started coming across Velvets face.
“….Do many know about the Trolls? About what you do?” Velvet asked.
“What do you think? But who cares. They’re Trolls. Resources for superior beings like us. Under Rageous knows this. Mount Rageous already has the perfect form of Rageons, we just need the talent, the enhancement.” Mistress said as she sipped her coffee.
Velvet smiled, “The perfect form of Rageon. Is that what we’re aiming for?”
“It’s what we’ve achieved. Look at you, look at your cousins. Look at anyone comining out of this agency on top! Look at you. You’re different, beautiful. Basically a goddess amongst them, now think of just making you more than perfect. That’s where the Trolls come in.” She sipped her coffee again. Velvet listened… is this what she had sounded to Veneer at one point? Mad? Velvet continued to smile, but it wasn’t for the reason Mistress thought. The Mistresses face churned as a bitter after taste stained her lips. “What the hell? Who made this?” She began spitting it out. She suddenly grasped her stomach wailing in pain.
“Velvet call an ambulance now!” She yelled as she fell on the floor holding her abdomen. Velvet stared with a gleeful expression as Mistress began to suffer. “VELVET!…. AAHHH…. GRUFF! RUFF!”
“They won’t answer you. I don’t think they will ever again. See, they decided to eat some “troll” chocolate . Idiots. I just wrapped Floyd’s old left over clothes in chocolate and those big idiots ate it up. Funny what kind of poisons you can make with this.” Velvet held up the vile she found that had contained the pink liquid. “I really have you to thank for the idea though.”
Mistress cried and wailed as her stomach burned. “WHAT DID YOU DO!!!”
“Just made sure you wouldn’t see the light of day again…. Or torture my brother.” Velvet kneeled on the Mistresses stomach, putting more pain than what she was already feeling. “How dare you touch him! How dare you take advantage of him! He’s not a freaking toy! And how dare you abuse either one of us for your own game. I know who I am… and I am NOT your pawn.”
White foam began to appear around the Mistresses mouth. She began to gag and choke. “You……vile…….girl……”
“If that means out smarting you, then yes, I’m very vile.” Velvet watched as the life left her eyes, as she took her last breath. Velvet stood up and screamed, she kicked the woman’s lifeless body…. She was gone… The Bergens were gone… and she had to disappear too. Velvet ran back towards the cabinets and collected the evidence she had found. She stuffed them into her backpack she collected….. and she ran….she ran out of building, out of her prison…. She was finally free..
Veneer. She had to go find him…. She hoped he was still alive. Velvet didn’t where to look, she didn’t even know where to start. She must’ve looked like a crazy Rageon running as fast as she did through the city…. Where? Where could she start? The world was big, and it had been months. If Veneer was alive… he could be anywhere.
She saw the glint of the highway. She could somewhat still feel his presence… he was alive, she knew it, she felt it… and she was going to find him.
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snowywolf1005 · 2 months
@onepieceformeplease : @snowywolf1005 it would be pretty interesting to have addams! reader getting married to sanji at whole cake island and the addams meeting the vinsmokes
There will be a few changes.
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So your dad is friends with Judge, sanji dad, and he also friends with Dr. Vegapunk. You haven't met Judge when you were a baby or a kid. But your dad did meet Judge children.
And your family is invited to big mom wedding of pudding and sanji, you feeling upset, you did follow the plan and save sanji. But your goal is to stay with your family. You told your family the plan, and they agreed.
And now it begins, you're with your family, and your brother, you wear black dresses, wavy black hair, and red lips. "Judge! It has been a long time!" Said your father, Judge turnaround to the addams family "gomez! It good to see you!" He said, walking towards.
Then you see sanji brothers blushing of your beauty, your father look over to see Judge children. "Oh, oh! Ichiji, niji, and yonji, you boys have grown and got stronger!" He said approach to them, "Hello, Mr. Gomez" said ichiji.
Then your mother notices rejiu, "rejiu! Look at you! You become a beautiful young woman!" She said. Rejiu smile, (as for your brother, well... just eating sweet food, also bring your pet lion, and thing the hand).
"I heard you want my daughter to marry one of your sons, is that correct?" Your dad asked, Judge smile, "correct! I'm so surprised by your daughter technique. She is perfect for my sons!" He said, you watch as the three brothers smile creepily.
'Any minute now,' You thought, hoping the plan works, your family and vinsmoke family sit on the table. You have to sit to the vinsmoke brothers, and let just say, you're very uncomfortable.
Ichiji is next to you on the left, niji is next to on the right, and as for yonji, we'll... he next to niji. He was very pissed, and the reason why you're very uncomfortable cause is that niji and Ichiji are very close to you.
Judge and your parents chatted while you were drinking some wine and finsh it, "want some more wine?" Niji asks, holding a bottle of wine. You gave the glass cup to niji, and niji poured your cup.
"Thank you." You said, niji smirk as he got himself a mate, ichiji and yonji were pissed off and jealous. Then the wedding begins, you see, sanji is with pudding and making a funny that want you to smile but you can't cause you don't know how to smile.
As you watched sanji getting married, 'it gonna be any second now,' You thought, waiting, and you saw sanji was making a surprise face. And say to pudding, you want to know what is going on, but you're being dragged by the vinsmoke brothers, trying to flirt with you.
Then you heard a gunshot, and the cake erupted. You saw a punch of luffy, sanji took pudding safely.
"I'm so sorry," said sanji. You were surprised, "I'm sorry that I'm a coward, I shouldn't have broken up with you!" He said, whimpering and crying. You walk towards him, and you place your hand on both of his cheeks.
"You're not a coward. You're just trying to protect me, and... You're my one thing that makes my heart bright as ever. Thank you for loving me." You said hugging him, sanji hugs you back.
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Monica x brother!reader - brotherly love
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Hiii, hru? I was wondering if maybe you could write a Monica Geller x younger brother reader in which the reader finds out about her's and Chandler's secret relationship and gets overprotective with Monica. Thanks! - @benjibing 💜
You were always so busy with your job that you never had much time to spend getting to see your brother and sister even though you lived in the same city as then.
But you had just started your holiday and before doing absolutely nothing you decided to go see them, so you stopped by Monica’s apartment hoping they were both there.
You flung the door open.
“Your favourite brother is here!” You shouted.
Hearing a scream and the sound of somebody falling over you snapped your head to the couch to see Chandler stood there looking guilty and Monica getting up from the floor.
“Well, this has been fun I’ve got to go.”
He went to walk past you, and you blocked his path.
“What were you doing to my sister Bing?” You asked lowly.
“Definitely… not kissing her…?” He whispered.
“(Y/N) wait!”
Before Monica could stop you, you had grabbed Chandler by the collar of his sweater, slamming him against one of the walls making him groan in pain.
“Okay! Okay I’m sorry I won’t even look at Monica again!”
Monica stormed over, placing her hand on your arm, giving your a soft look.
“Please put him down and let us explain.”
“No, I’m not having some guy making out with you, especially not Chandler. He’s Ross’ best friend he should know you don’t get involved with your best friends sister.”
“Please! Please just let him go!” She pleaded.
You looked at Monica and sighed, letting go of her boyfriend and he immediately hid behind her.
“Seriously? That’s a coward move.”
“You’re terrifying man!”
You went to step forward and Monica stopped you.
“Hey! Just sit down.”
You grumbled, sitting down on the kitchen chair and you looked at them, gesturing between the pair of them.
“How long as this been going on?”
“Since London…” Monica mumbled.
You slowly nodded your head.
“Does anyone know?”
“No, please don’t tell them. We’re not ready to tell anybody yet.” Chandler said.
You flicked your gaze to him, pointing to him and a chair, and he slowly walked over to sit down.
“Mon, can we have a few minutes?” You asked.
“You’re not going to kill him right? Because I really don’t want to visit you in prison.”
Getting up, you walked over and hugged her gently, patting her back a few times before you pulled away from her.
“I’ll come over in a few minutes, can you go keep Joey busy?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Monica walked over to chandler and kissed his forehead.
“Good luck…” she whispered.
With that she left, and you sat back down.
“Why my sister?”
“She’s.. she’s just amazing. Monica is the best woman I’ve ever been with.”
“How did it start?”
“It was supposed to be a causal thing just in London, then it progressed into a relationship but we’re trying to keep it just to ourselves.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“Do you love her?”
Chandler went quiet.
“Do you love my sister?”
“Yes! I.. I love her okay.. I love her so much she’s just amazing…”
You stood up, walking over to sit on the back of the couch as you carried on watching him.
“A lot of people have hurt Monica. She’s cried over a lot of guys, and I’ve had to beat down a lot of guys because of it.”
Chandler seemed to grow a little nervous, and he pushed himself away slightly on the chair.
“I couldn’t think of a better guy to date her.”
His face immediately lit up with a smile, and he stood up.
“Yeah man, I’ve known you a long time, I know you’re not a player like Joey, I know you won’t cheat on her.”
“That’s such a relief honestly I thought you were going to straight up murder me and this throw me over the Brooklyn bridge…”
You shrugged a little bit making his eyes widen.
“Look, I approve of you seeing my sister Chandler, but if you hurt her, if you make her cry, if you cheat on her, if you treat Monica less than anything than a literal queen that she deserves to be treated like I’ll find you, I’ll make your life a living hell. I’ll destroy every relationship you get into, I’ll run you out of every apartment, have you constantly looking over your shoulder.”
You walked over, placing your hand on his shoulder as you smirked a little bit.
“I’m a cop Chandler… trust me I can find you anywhere…”
With that, you pat his shoulder a few times.
“Later buddy, I’m taking Monica, Rachel and Phoebe out for lunch! And don’t worry, you secret is safe with me!”
With that you left the apartment leaving Chandler rethinking all of his life choices.
He decided to go to his apartment in the hopes maybe Joey could help distract him, but your words hung heavy over him.
He knew you were protective of your sister, and what scared him even more is he didn’t know if you would actually follow through with your threat or not, but he wanted to show you that he was for real.
He was going to show you that you could trust Monica to him, no matter what it took in order to do that
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doubledyke · 6 months
What do you think would happen immediately after BPS? How would all the parents personaly react to their disappeared and returning children? The kids would really ever throw a party, or just have to fix all the wrecks and be grounded? And Edd and Eddy would even have a face-to-face good conversation about their adventure and what they learned?
I think Eddy would need a validation from Edd more than ever, and the fear they could have lost each other would let them even more attached.
i had detailed ass theories written out for each kid as to what lies they could tell their parents and what the likelihood was that they'd be believed, etc. and then i realized that it could all be solved with a simple phone call from one parent to another lmao. and lbr, the chances that someone's kid is gonna be gone all night and they're not gonna flip the fuck out are slim to none. outside of a couple exceptions of course. i felt like a moron so i didn't include it here. i guess i like to pick and choose when to adhere to cartoon logic 😂
anyway i do think the non-ed kids would get into trouble and be grounded for varying lengths of time. they might have just enough time to have a little kiki in the lane before heading home and getting dragged inside by the ear/bear hugged/further ignored.
one exception might be rolf, because i don't think it'd be entirely out of the norm for him to be gone all night on occasion. maybe he had an urban ranger camping trip that his nana forgot to tell his parents about, or had to chase down an escaped animal into the wee hours of the morning. he enters the house, clearly disheveled and sweating nervously, but probably gets nothing but a fine howdy do from everyone inside.
eddy would be grounded for a comically short period of time because he's a spoiled brat. a couple of days tops. it's really only an attempt by his parents to appease the angry mob. all the other parents know he's the little shit stirring ring leader and berate his guardians accordingly. regarding his absence, he tells them he and the boys rode out the storm in the van and that they were fine. he accepts his punishment because telling them what really happened means telling them he visited his brother and that WOULD get his ass in big trouble. legal stuff, you know. as far as any takeaway he might have... let's be real here, eddy's still the same ole eddy at this point. i don't think the full weight of what just happened has hit him quite yet. he's still reeling about being invited to kev's for jawbreakers and whatever else preteens who don't really like each other do for funsies. i do think that while he's spending aaaaaall that time alone (again, 2 days max), in between trying on outfits for that party at kevin's, the image of edd standing up to his brother does cross his mind. edd, the coward. edd the wimp, stood up to his tormentor. and got swiftly beaten into the ground for it. yet still ran over to make sure he was okay after ed essentially saved his life. ed the dolt. ed the idiot was the one to think of pulling out the pin (literally), and blasting his abuser with a face full of door. i think the guilt, shame and embarrassment would hit him hard, along with a lot of weird mushy stuff that he doesn't really know what to do with. so he doesn't do anything with it. not immediately anyway. but i've already talked about post bps eddy a bit so i'll leave it at that.
i've seen people say that edd's parents wouldn't even notice that he was gone overnight, because... so were they. and yall know i'm the #1 hater of edd's parents so of course i agree lol. if word gets back to them somehow though, i imagine them being very passive aggressive about it. shocking, i know. i feel like they'd go their usual route and punish him by not talking to him - as in not even leaving sticky notes around the house. except for one that says something along the lines of "dear eddward, you are not to leave the house today, as you are hereby grounded until further notice." along with a scroll of chores of course. but yeah they make him wait around and wonder when he'll be able to see his friends again. probably a good few weeks or so. i've always had the headcanon that eddy would be banned from edd's house and maybe this is when that happens as well. if word doesn't get back to them- which is more likely imo because they're so elusive that no one knows how to contact them - i think edd could likely have a bit of a meltdown over their indifference. not to mention the guilt he feels in either scenario. for starters, he feels like he simply must tell someone what he's just witnessed- especially as a future mandated reporter... nah i'm kidding but i do think he'd want to tell an adult what happened to his dearest friend. but he knows it would only compound eddy's grief. outside of that, there's the fact that he feels that he never received a comeuppance of his own. eddy got thrashed by his so-called "hero" in front of his peers, and if his previous punishments are any indication, ed is very likely enduring what can only be described as suburban confinement for the foreseeable future. he, on the other hand, has gotten away with a horrible deed, with more than a year's worth of horrible deeds without so much as a scowl from his parents. he has to fight tooth and nail to resist his compulsion to confess his wrong doing, directly this time. cuz the confessional he wrote at the beginning of this ordeal is still on his desk when he gets home. it's kind of like when people say "at least if you're angry, i know you care", but magnified 100x for his entire life. i think this is when the switch kinda flips for him and he has to come to terms with the fact that his parents are at best, extremely cold and aloof. and at worst, knowingly neglectful. either will be hard for him to accept of course, because he's got an image in his mind already of what "true" neglect looks like:
ed's going in the hole, man. it's the cliche where his parents fawn over sarah and are so thankful that she's okay and "you had us worried sick, missy". only to turn to their other child who was also missing for 24 hours and proceed with the finger wagging and reprimanding. i don't think sarah would rat him out though. in fact at this point she might even try to stick up for her now suddenly not so bad older brother. but to no avail. in fact, it makes his mom angrier - she must have hit her head if she's sticking up for her troublemaking brother. "you see, edward? your erratic behavior has finally landed your little sister in the hospital. hope it was worth it." as far as they're concerned, ed put sarah in grave danger by running away. he was a terrible influence, and for that he's gotta be made an example of... to himself? i'm gonna venture a guess here that dad'll be taking the stairs again. he also boards up the basement window. they take his tv, his tapes, his comics, and all his model making supplies. his mom wanted to take his gravy tub but dad insisted it was too much of a hassle. luckily for him though, they can't take that vivid imagination of his. he spends the next two weeks staring at the ceiling, coming up with a storyline for his own comic, which he starts working on as soon as his belongings are returned. it ends up being sooner than he anticipated. he was told it'd be a month, but his mom is sick of looking at the box of his crap in their bedroom closet, so he's off the hook early. lucky feller. next time he runs away though, he's making extra sure sarah doesn't follow.
obviously i think edd and eddy, really all three eds are going to be even closer than they were before their little excursion. but i think it takes time for eddy to mature enough to truly grasp how meaningful it all was. like he knows, but admitting it is corny af. edd is probably gonna be so preoccupied with deconstructing his relationship with his parents that he's a somewhat aloof for a period. there's also a rumbling within ed, especially after seeing sarah's attempt at defending him. i don't really know what conclusion he comes to except that if he wants even a chance at having a good relationship with his sister, he's gotta get the fuck out of there asap. i do think he'd start "running away" more often, possibly staying with eddward during his burgeoning rebellion, or from time to time, eddy. maybe even rolf. he might also sleep in the van when the weather allows. anything to be away from that hell hole. i wrote in my fic that he'd move out and live with may at age like, 17 i think? literally as soon as possible lol.
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castieldelamancha · 1 year
"No." It comes out quiet and full of grief.
Dean stares at him, from a distance, just a couple steps away, the war room table between them, but he could well be all the way up in the Moon, just by the cold look in his eyes as they meet Cas'.
Sam gives him a confused look, coming to a halt half-way to where Cas is standing at the end of the stairs.
"Dean, it's me, Castiel." He will let them run all the test they have to to prove he is himself. Holy water, silver, whatever it takes, he doesn't care as long as by the end of it Dean is staring at him as he usually does.
Maybe that's too much to ask for, taking into account the way he left on the first place.
They can talk it out, they can fix it.
Sam starts walking again and, as soon as he is close enough, he hugs Cas tightly, "give him some time," he whispers, patting his back, "it's been bad." The cold grip of guilt's hand around his neck is tight, but Castiel makes an effort to breathe through it. Sam steps back, "It's good to have you back."
He hears him, but Castiel doesn't reply, focused as he is on the man on the other side of the room, on his hurt expression, on the way his hands open and close in fist, on how he takes a step forward, unconsciously, and then takes two back when he notices he has gotten a bit closer.
"You don't get to do this, man."
"I can explain-"
"I can't, Castiel," and his name shouldn't sound like an insult but it does, because for that voice he hasn't been Castiel for a long time, he was always Cas, "I can't keep doing this, I let you in and then you are gone, over and over again." He has stepped closer to the table, keeping something between them, and he is leans towards it, forcefully resting his palms against its surface, he lets his head fall down, hiding his face, "you told me you loved and then you were gone." Sam, who clearly wasn't aware of what happened in those last moments, gasps loudly at that, eyes widening as he stares at them, first at Dean, then at Cas. 
"I don't want you to say anything back, we can forget it even happened, I am terribly sorry I keep hurting you like this."
"You told me you loved me," Dean keeps talking, ignoring Castiel or simply too overwhelmed to have heard him, "and you were gone," his voice breaks slightly at the last word, Sam eyes the door, knowing he should leave them, but also aware of how any distraction could ruin this moment, "and I couldn't even fucking say it back." He rises his voice, using his hand to push himself back and away from the table and turning around.
"What?" Castiel mutters. 
"You heard me."
"Okay, that's it, I am leaving you two to talk this out." Sam doesn't give a shit anymore about being a distraction, he needs to get out of here, now. So he does, aware neither his brother nor Cas are paying him any attention.
"Dean?" Castiel dares to take a step forwards, he dares to take another one, and he dares to circle the table to stand right behind Dean. He reaches out and touches Dean's left shoulder, a brief thing that stars and it's over in the blink of an eye,"I would have never left if I hadn't been forced to by the circumstances, I would have stayed."
"I never asked you to, anyway, because i was a coward." Castiel sighs.
"Would you turn around and look at me, please?" At that Dean takes a deep breath and he tilts his head up, staring at the ceiling but, after what feels as an eternity, he turns around, eyes red-rimmed and avoidant, mouth pressed in a thin, tense line. "You won't ever see me again if that's what you want, but I won't leave without telling you that, even if I apologize for what I put you through, I don't regret what I did that day. I had to do it, for the world, and for all of us, and for you. I wanted to give you another chance. And," he makes a pause and smiles, feeling a familiar wetness in his eyes, " I don't regret what I said either." Dean has every right to push him away, to never forgive him.
"You are back for good, then?" Castiel can't help but hold on tightly onto that timid spark of hope in Dean's eyes. He nods a couple times.
"I will tell you all about it later, right now I just want-" he doesn't finish because he doesn't quiet know what he wants, to be with you, yes, to make things right. That too. 
He doesn't finish because a pair of lips pressed against his own effectively cut him off mid-sentence, "I love you too." The words fall from them as soon as they part ways with Castiel's.
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shivstar · 1 year
I have a guilty pleasure of reading Jegulus fics. Despite I shouldn't because of reasons-
#1 They are repetitive in their characterization. James is never shown as canon James that is cruel, arrogant and intelligent. Regulus is changed to diluted version of Sirius but with some self preservation because the dude went to Slytherin.
#2 I am majorly into Prongsfoot (obviously into romantic James and sirius for all those requiring clarification). So I feel like I am cheating on my babies for reading this fic where james is with sirius's brother.
# I hate wolfstar and Lupin with a passion. And if you had read a Jegulus fic, you will know that that pairing doesn't comes without wolfstar. Like ever. Ever. So, even though I have to suffer through this painful thing, I read it.
Because of the drama available there. Obviously. You get fluff. You get black brothers, you get strong women characters, you get different tropes and what's ifs, you get an ending where first war has better result as compared to canon.
But I hate it too because -
#1 James will never even look towards Regulus when he has the better black brother sirius right in front of him 24*7
#2 Sirius will never give a damm about remus when James is right in front of him for 24*7
#3 These fics forget that besides from the Wizarding war being about blood purity, it was also about dark wizards fighting for their rights. And Regulus black was a dark wizard. So okay maybe he does not want to be killing people for their status but if he also didn't want to be a dark wizard then you are making him sound like a very disfigured imitation of sirius but only more coward version who is a spineless, worthless follower.
I mean let the dude be a person who does not give a damm about whether other people are killed for their blood as long as he and his people are safe. Let him practice dark magic because he is a proud dark wizard unlike sirius who is a closeted dark wizard and has to hide his affinity to that part of magic just to fit with his friends.
#4 Every single Jegulus fic shows walburga and orion as physically and emotionally abusive parents. When I think it was never the case. I believe that with war on the horizon and with strong personalities, sirius and walburga clashed all the time because of their belief system. Walburga distanced herself when she felt that sirius was lost case and started focusing on Regulus who up until the point was not paid much attention.
Regulus was too happy to make his parents pay him attention, became even more malleable to their belief system in search of that affection while sirius thought that nothing he could do would be any better than Regulus so why try. He was jealous of his own brother. Like any normal child he resented his brother for getting his parents love. It was crystal clear in ootp if people dared to pay attention. {No but we were all busy paying attention to that brotherly hug in poa to have any brain cell remaining to pay attention to other books. Lol}
Why the reasons for sirius running away need to be exaggerated. Look around yourself. Have seen some parent child relationship in which there is no abuse involved, but still miscommunication, expectation, circumstances and belief were the reason of their estrangement.
#5 That point where you are reading form Regulus's pov and he has these abandonment issues because of sirius leaving him alone and not taking him away too and you feel for the guy because he is laying his heart out for his audience to see how much he suffered. He blames sirius and James. I feel that bullshit. First of all I think that Regulus was supper happy that he got to be having the sole attention of his parents. Again my version of his parents were not abusive people just two people who didnt know a thing about parenting. The guy was Slytherin, he liked winning. But he was also hurt by his parents still not being as concerned about him like they are of sirius, even when he is disowned. He hated his brother for having that concern in his parents' mind even now. He wanted to be better. He wanted to make them forget that sirius ever existed. He overcompensates by joining DE, he was not forced. He wanted to be make them pleasantly surprised when walburga never wanted that of her sons. She just wanted them to be bigots like her.
She absolutely despised the idea of her youngest bowing to someone. When Blacks are supposed to be the topmost. Practical royalty.
Regulus when he found out that his parents are in fact not happy with his decision, felt betrayed first and then lost. When he got the actual reality of death eating business, it was too late and he felt that he had no one in his corner. His only friends were all DE and quite happy in it. His parents were silently disappointed.
So when he found out about horcrux. He thought that he can make it upto his parents. But also he did not want to seek their help in his embarrassment. So he seeked to do it by himself and met his tragic end. Also I head canon that he could have fought to survive but his will to survive was lost because he felt adrift with no one to confide the complexities of his life, he felt alone. And he accepted death quite quickly with a relief because he was lonely in the world full of opinionated people.
So the bottom line is that I read Jegulus and then I hate myself for reading it. Because it is bullshit. But it has drama. And fanfics are their to entertain us even if it makes me pull my hair out and gauge own eyes.
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