#lgbtq analysis
tg-pilled · 5 months
Let's discuss: Queerness in Tokyo Ghoul!
To start off, I just want to mention that these are things I have noticed. Nothing is necessarily canon (or non canon) but it's something I'm very interested in. I've been learning a lot in the queer horror club I'm in and it's been really fun dissecting Tokyo Ghoul in the same way!
This will go character to character. It's not going to be a complete list as there's SO much to cover but...
Kaneki: Not to state the obvious but his friendship with Hide surpasses a Lot of what heteronormativity usually allows. I don't think he's even fully aware of his attraction until after he meets Touka. Because Hide had been such a permanent fixture in his life growing up, they never really had ever been apart. Their bond is deep and strong and definitely can be looked at from an extremely queer perspective. (I'm not trying to say that all men who show affection to one another are queer because that is simply not true.) Once he becomes a ghoul and he has that separation from Hide, I think that is when his sexuality is fully recognized. Especially in the manga, his bond with Hide runs deeper than with almost every other character. I'd say the exception to that rule is Touka in :re. In the manga during the death kiss, he didn't even know if Hide was real or not. He was in such a state of disorientation and confusion but Hide was still the one that he saw. Of course, Hide was actually there with him. But because Kaneki was in such a delirious state, surely he could have hallucinated the death kiss to be with Touka? Or anyone else? Why specifically did Hide come to mind during that time? Again, he was in a moment of crisis and Hide had always been that stability for him but it's just curious to think about...
Hide: I've seen and read so many different rumours about how Sui Ishida intended for Hide to be canonically bisexual. However, I can't find that interview or confession ANYWHERE in a way that makes it clear that Sui Ishida actually said that so we will disregard that for now. Setting that aside, Hide has a very intriguing point of view of Kaneki. His insight on Kaneki's life is the closest we get to an outside perspective of Kaneki's behaviour from an intimate view. Obviously we see other ghouls, CCG members, etc. studying the way Kaneki behaves but we never see it in the same way that we do with Hide. That boy has been taking notes on Kaneki since he first started acting odd. He caught onto Kaneki being a ghoul with ease (ofc this depends on the version as well. We are ignoring the live action version because it screws up the source material.) No matter how hard Kaneki tried, he could not get Hide to stop caring and stop observing. Hide went undercover in both the CCG and ghoul world to make sure Kaneki was okay. His life centred around Kaneki. That in itself is a confession of love and not in the platonic way.
Uta: Setting aside the way he looks at Renji for a moment, his entire being breaks the norms which is what queerness and queer history has always been. Uta quite literally makes masks so ghouls can create a whole other identity surrounding their otherness. His entire presence screams queer-coded.
Tsukiyama: I don't think I need to explain this one much tbh but his obsession with Kaneki cannot be overlooked. It is obviously super creepy in a lot of way and he crosses a TON of boundaries. However, that level of obsession is definitely not in a "you're my guy pal, let's go lift weights at the gym" (idk what cishet men do I'm sorry). His fascination with both the male and female ghouls feels very queer to me even though it is to an extreme that needs to be observed and dissected with caution.
Nico: He is the embodiment of a gay stereotype. Obviously not all rep is good rep but he definitely fits the mold and he is definitely queer, no doubt about it.
Mutsuki: Without a doubt, he is trans. Many people argue "oh he only transitioned so he could become a Quinx Squad member and change his identity better blah blah blah." HOWEVER. I raise you: once Urie found out his assigned gender at birth, why did he feel so deeply uncomfortable? Obviously, he was worried that Urie would tell everyone and their mom but even after Urie kept that a secret, he was still nervous. It's almost like he didn't want to be treated differently because of his assigned gender at birth and transition... There is a lot about Mutsuki that could have been handled better but I also think that him keeping his preferred name, pronouns, etc. is so important. Not once did Urie question it, he just wanted Mutsuki to keep doing his job well. Mutsuki is a very complex character and you can dissect his storyline from a million povs but I think first and foremost that he is trans and that there isn't really a question as to whether or not he wants to be referred to as a man or not
Overall, all these characters are only a small part of an even LARGER queer analogy! Tokyo Ghoul is about a man learning to grapple with being both ghoul AND human. Taking this into account, a ton of queer people have to be worried about being 'found out' or 'outed' because we live in a world where it is dangerous for queer people to exist still (much like it is dangerous for ghouls to exist). Kaneki is coming to terms with the fact that he might not be fully human (or the societal norm). Learning to deal with that, especially when you feel like you're the first EVER because you have no prior experience or relationships with other members of the LGBTQ+ community is terrifying! That feeling of 'otherness' or 'monstrosity' is unfortunately something a lot of queer folks have to go through. The CCG has a very religious/governmental parallel to it and could even be used as a metaphor for the hate that queer people receive from institutions that benefit from our suffering. However, Akira AND Amon both empathize with Takizawa eventually and are subject to abuse and rejection because they love and care about someone in the 'other' community. Haise's transition and morphing with Kaneki is a beautiful metaphor for how many queer people will try to be 'normal' or conform to society for protection but you always kind of know your identity is there. As mentioned earlier, Uta makes masks for other ghouls so they can create a separate identity to protect themselves when trying to exist. That feeling of two separate identities, two separate worlds that you think cannot combine is SO common in the queer community. Kaneki feeling like he isn't enough of ghoul OR human to fit into the world at all is often how queer people are treated too. Being told you're not enough of something and being rejected by communities who allegedly were there to protect you. To conclude, I'd like to say thank you for reading all this (if you did) and also feel free to add on, debate, or include things I'm missing! Also I wrote this very very sleep deprived so I'm sorry about my grammar. Okay goodnight oomfies
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Shipping is fun and all but I swear every single time someone makes a comment, whether as a joke or in a legitimate analysis, about there being "no other explanation" for a pair's interactions, I lose just a bit more of my sanity
Like, no, you guys don't get it. Romance is not about the Amount of devotion, it's about the COLOR. the FLAVOR of it all. a character can be just as devoted to their platonic friend as they are to their romantic partner, and they don't love either of them more, just differently.
But because the majority of people still have it stuck in their minds that romance exists on the highest tier of love, I'm stuck seeing endless takes that boil down to "these two care about each other too much for it to NOT be romantic" as if that's the core determining factor to how literally any of this works
In conclusion: stop telling me that I don't understand the story if I don't interpret the leads as romantic, I am TIRED
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them-faetale · 10 months
The good news about Hbomberguy's plagiarism video for everyone who used to like James Somerton (I recently discovered him and hadn't got to any of the misogynistic shit yet), is that the queer analysis we liked is still out there - just not written by the thieving little shite. Great place to start is the playlist Harry created of plagarised or otherwise hardworking (but underrated) creators:
Also, as he's gonna send the profits to the writers James yoinked (without the twist) from, if you wanna help financially, you could always just... Put the video on in the background on repeat...
Tangentially, I met Harry a few years back at WorldCon in Dublin, and thanked him for his videos. He gave me a hug. The guy is just as sweet and lovely, and delightfully wild-eyed*, in real life.
*Seriously, the magnificent bastard has beautiful eyes.
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shyjusticewarrior · 5 months
The thing about "I always thought you were super straight" is it implies Tim was thinking about whether Bernard likes guys. And didn't question why he wondered about that.
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bigbeanbear · 8 months
I don’t really understand how some people can interpret Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship as “sisters” or “uninteresting” if they have finished Hazbin Hotel Season 1 completely, because Chaggie’s love languages (both mutual and unique ones) are so obvious.
Their mutual love language is obviously “Physical Touch”. From the start, their hands are on each other constantly. Sure, they are not a PDA couple like Moxxie and Millie, who like to passionately tongue kiss in public, but they LOVE holding hands to support each other. Plus a lot of small gestures like touches on face, shoulder and thigh, just come very naturally to them like an old married couple. I think they enjoy their more intimate moments in private, as Charlie kisses Vaggie on the lost eye in their bedroom, or they deep kiss in an empty hallway.
When it comes to the unique ones, Charlie’s giving love language to Vaggie is “Gifts”. Even when she rants about Vaggie hiding big secret from her to Alastor all the way to Cannibal Town, as soon as they are in Rosie’s emporium, Charlie lands her eyes on the souvenir section and immediately picks up that keychain doll that somehow resembles a chaggie love child for Vaggie. Also, I think it’s possible that the red bow and eye patch that Vaggie wears all the time were gifted by Charlie too, considering how the red theme symbolizes Charlie, especially in the pilot, these things are the only red parts on Vaggie contrasting her own grey/white color theme. Giving gifts showing how much Charlie loves Vaggie makes sense, she’s super rich as the Princess, and Vaggie owned nothing when she was left in Hell. So I definitely think Vaggie appreciates and cherishes all the small gifts from Charlie.
On Vaggie’s side, her unique giving love language to Charlie is “Act of Service”. She manages the hotel for Charlie, supports Charlie’s dream no matter what, and swears to protect Charlie with her life. It also makes sense, considering Vaggie had been a faithful soldier for years, being in service for the person she loves most just comes naturally from her. Again, Vaggie had nothing when she was left to die, so she devotes her whole body to Charlie. I can see that it’s kind of unhealthy to Vaggie’s own psyche, since she sees no value in her own being and feels worthless if she cannot be useful to Charlie, but I think it is something the show might explore in the future. Charlie seems to enjoy receiving service from Vaggie too, she appreciates how much Vaggie’s done for her, and considers them as a team with herself leading and Vaggie executing. Vaggie is very good at materializing Charlie’s plans too. I don’t see anyone analyzing this, but Vaggie’s persuasion of Carmilla is pretty well done that efficiently gets to the weakest spot of Carmilla. Vaggie is the one that acts.
Chaggie is not the perfect sapphic couple, but what makes them kind of outstanding is them being a deeply-in-love stable couple beyond the initial crush and honeymoon phase. I like having such representation like them.
Btw, the script writer of episode 3 and 7 highlighting Chaggie’s relationship is Ariel Ladensohn, who is a lesbian in a stable relationship irl, so I have some faith that the show can do Chaggie justice in the future seasons.
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“You’re too old to be shipping Byler”—asdfghjllzxbcnwm Byler is for the older queers. Ofc teenagers can like it but the target audience or Byler is gay people who are too old to have gotten their teenage years properly represented in mainstream television. It’s for the people who have already been let down many times before by writers and studios and are familiar with every trope in the book like bury your gays, “and they were roommates,” friends to lovers, slowburn etc. etc. the people who never got to see their favorite queer pairing come to fruition. Obviously Byler means a lot to teenagers too, which is great, but trying to gatekeep a ship from fandom elders is wild. No one is too old for Byler.
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thewistlingbadger · 1 year
Is Spider-Gwen trans: An analysis
After leaving the theater yesterday for Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse, one thought sat in my mind: could Gwen be trans? This may seem like a reach, but just hear me out.
1. Trans Flags
There are two trans flags that I spotted in the movie, both of them are in Gwen's home. In Gwen's room, a small trans flags with the phrase "Protect trans kids" hangs above her doorway. Now, if Gwen isn't trans, then why would she have a trans flag in her room? Most ally's wouldn't have a trans flag in their room. Maybe someone she's close to is trans? There's only 3 people Gwen has in her life. Her father, her dead best friend, and Miles. There isn't any evidence to suggest that any of them are trans. Especially her dad and Peter, since they didn't have much screen time. The phrase is an important clue too. If she was just an ally, why the phrase "Protect trans kids"? Why not "trans rights are human rights"? That phrase is equally as popular and it's more general. Protect trans kids is personal and usually refers to anti trans legislation that affects minors. Gwen is a minor, so is it really too unbelievable to suggest that she has the flag because she's trans?
The second flag is a patch on Gwen's dad's police jacket. Does this flag mean that her dad is trans? Or, is this a dad wearing a trans flag in support of his daughter?
2. Color theory
This is a weak point, but I'm going to include it anyway. Gwen's world is full of pastels. In fact, in most scenes with Gwen in her dimension, the colors light blue, light pink, and white are in the background. Those are literally the colors of the trans flag
3. Spiderman as a trans allegory.
Now, it's no secret that a lot of trans people like the character/concept of Spiderman. For a long time, I, as a fellow trans person, didn't understand the obsession until seeing this movie. A main theme of this movie, if not Mile's franchise, is that anyone can be Spiderman. Anyone can wear the mask, each Spiderperson is unique. Spiderman isn't really a person, it's a concept, and that's why its so applicable to everyone, regardless of who they are. Spiderman is a good person with a "secret" identity who goes trough struggles and also lives a "double life". And when you look at the story like that, the trans allegory becomes clear. Across the spiderverese is a brilliant movie with an abundance of representation. To black spiderpeople, Indian spiderpeople, disabled spiderpeople, hijabi spiderpeople, even spiderpeople who are cowboys and all sorts of other different variants. If all these different people can be Spiderman at the same time, then who's to say there isn't a trans spider person? And who's to say that person isn't Gwen?
So, is Gwen Stacy trans? I don't know, and I'm not saying she is. But I think it's entirely possible and the fact that it is, the fact that any spiderperson could potentially be queer, is something to be celebrated because it opens more doors for representation.
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Yorki and ‘His Illness’;
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Oda really knew how to drive the knife in when it comes to the story of Yorki and his crew, man…
From the choice of scenes before we get to see the bed-ridden body to the actual real world equivalents, its really rough on the heart.
What we knew about Yorki, from the scenes right before the announcement of his illness getting worse, is both his confidence and his strength.
The scene we get to see is his crew surrounding his brand new bounty, Yorki cheering and proudly proclaiming his joy for it. We see the great swaft of muscles on him, his chest fully exposed and his hair bright and fluffy along his shoulders. His face is clear, his arms fill out his coat, which is important later on, and he holds such a pride that he reminds me quite a lot of Luffy. We see him break up fights, offering advice to his men and we see him joking and drinking alongside his caring crew… and Brook. Brook is always by his side, during the mornings when he brushes his teeth, to the night when they drink side by side. They’re always together.
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[ buff pirate cowboy! ] Until they’re not. Now comes the topic that may be a bit rough, the real life equivalent of what we see Yorki suffering from. I'll list the symptoms and y’all can make what assumptions you wish, and again, I’m not truthfully claiming its any REAL ILLNESS, but I mean simply it is inspired by, acting the same and such. We see a cold compress, so it’s bothering his body temperature. We see sunlit windows, open to the fresh air as if that could help. We see spotting across his face, and hands; small wounds, growing in number. We see his hair, like a mock halo loosely scattered across the pillow he lays in, and it’s stringy now, not glossy or kept. His mouth his covered by a mask, so they believe its airborne/touch. These sound to me, a lot like a certain sickness, one passed by blood which is interesting given the scenes we see before this are Yorki and the members who now are sick, sword fighting with a rival crew. It’s also notable this sickness, and spots of this illness do not show up until the few month mark. Brook would have had to watch he changes wrack his body. Yorki, would have had to watch the changes wrack his body. The doctor states he's unsure what it is, perhaps the plague, but is treating it best he can, as what he believes it to be is unknown. But knowing what we do on old methods of that certain sickness, it would make sense. The mask helps, the spit and body fluids being a factor, but the idea of sunlight and fresh air helping is an olden falsehood. The men come into the room, and Yorki speaks to them through horse coughs, offering words of encouragement and laughing through the mask as they shuffle out. They know the truth of this serious matter, and Yorki does too. They leave, each crying their hearts out for perhaps they did not realize the truthful change until that moment. Brook certainly looks perturbed, staring blankly ahead at the bed. Note, most do not get too close to the bed, standing feet away, and not touching Yorki.
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What a physical change from the man we saw before. But not too much mentally… or has it. He has a mask, mentally and physically still up; he gives them hope, tries, but… they see through it after months of his brushing off of the sickness perhaps.
After everyone leaves, Brook remains to stand, away from the bed until called. Called. Yorki calls to him, stating his name as he always did. “Brook.” “Yes.” And Brook comes closer, but not quite to the bedside, staring ahead with a blank expression. Than Yorki leans over, and grabs his hand, and in a flash of a moment Oda CHOSE for us to see, Brook looks disgusted. He grimences, brow furrowing at the wounded hand that touches him, but than we see what he sees lying in the bed; a weeping, broken husk. Yorki has begun to weep, sobbing as his confident facade is broken and melted away in front of his Vice-Captian. And Brook melts too, dropping to his knees and forgetting all of these ideas of illness, tossing any safety away for his crew and himself just to make Yorki feel seen, or perhaps because of his own need to love his dying partner. He clutches Yorki’s hand, and now we see the true damage the illness has done; Yorki’s wrist is thinner than Brooks. His arm is gaunt, and we see the bone. He is withering away, has been for months it seems, but Yorki always was good at excusing it with a confident smile. But now, in the bed, unable to stand and wracked and eaten away by something we can only claim perhaps as some blood related illness, he weeps before his partner. “Brook-” “YES? My Captain?” “Give them HOPE.”
I’ll just include the rest of the scene here for your own enjoyment.
I could dive into the fact that Brook believes he failed those words, or the fact the crew did not just die of poison, and their deaths were so gruesome the anime had to censor it. The fact Brook continues to “give the crew hope…” or the way he mentions he may not have made it out of the triangle alive.
However! That is for another day.
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shinpikurage · 21 days
Okay but, if Byler isn't canon, we can definitely say it's queerbait
They will try to say it's not, that it's a beautiful story about a boy learning to love himself and accept himself, despite being in love with his best friend at a time that is wrong. But it's not that, it's queerbait, even if one is canonically queer
Everything inside the show points to them being canon in a narrative sense, and there's interviews, tweets, likes on Instagram and Pinterest, songs on Spotify playlists, that tells us it's leading to Byler
Do not let anyone tell us it was still a beautiful story, that it was obvious it wasn't meant to happen and that we are delusional. Especially when we have people that work for the show making cheeky references to it
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
I wanna thank @tumblingxelian, @markzschiegnerii and @marylizabetha for their videos explaining why RWBY is a fun and enjoyable show that is worth watching, or at least giving a chance.
This video is a compilation of their youtube videos which you should give a watch and subscribe. As to why I'm doing this? Because All we're saying is....GIVE RWBY A CHANCE.
You can also hear from the RWBY Fandom themselves at http://www.tumblr.com/iamafanofcartoons/729899953876566016/rwby-fans-talk-about-what-makes-rwby-enjoyable-for
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you-fuckin-judas · 6 months
The beautiful discussion of love through physical touch
[young royals s3 spoilers]
We are back where we started, but this season was full of BEAUTIFUL moments of this conversation through physical touch. Wille & Simon have learned and grown so much together, and it so VERY clear in how we see it.
LETS DISCUSS [and cry again together]
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1. I'm just glad you're okay.
Let's start somewhere familiar, but dealt with in a new way. Simon has once a gain experienced violence as a result of online hate, and again Wille wants to be there to protect and comfort him. BEFORE when Simon was in times of stress he would push Wille away, unsure and stifled by the emotions of the moment.
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BUT this time. THIS time he welcomes it, the warmth Wille has offered out and breathes it in. This moment is beautiful, in the way that they are communicating verbally and physically. They both sit there together, in the embrace. Together.
2. We have a new member of the choir
THIS moment right here, I won't lie had me running laps in my house. We just left the choir practice where literally everything was golden, the lighting, Simon's shirt, his face when it was announced Wille was joining.
EVERYTHING was golden.
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We then have moved to this VERY intimate space, no music in the scene. no other members of the school in the locker area either. JUST the two of them, and their love for each other literally EXPLODING.
I have said it before and I will say it again : Omar is VERY good at depicting Simons love through his hands. Exploring Wille. His hair. His face. His chest. His neck. Literally anywhere he can reach. It's literally like he's soaking him up like a sponge.
Not in a intense, overwhelming way. But more of a : I think you're beautiful and I love every part of you. and I want to show you that.
3. Hey
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If we have ever seen these two, it's always fueled with passion and intense love. We hardly are able to see them in situations where they are sensitive and soft with each other.
let's be for real, they hardly ever were given a second of PEACE.
THIS moment is so beautiful, so GENTLE. They see each other at school for the first time, and in front of everyone they share a kiss. THE WARMTH of it makes my HEART WARM. For the first time in front of their peers, in the open, in the light they can share their love.
Neither one shys away from it, and again we see Simon wandering with his hands on Wille, so comfortable in his love.
Also, I want to point out that they both are in bolder colors much different than what we are used to seeing them in.
Usually we see Wille in his signature structured school jacket, as well as in darker hues. Here we see him in this soft, plush pink sweater.
Simon we are used to seeing in purples, looser colder colors. Whereas here he's back in that beautiful golden hue, just shining.
4. Working out
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Once again, we are in front of our peers. Bold in our choices physically. We see them working out, Simon joking with Wille.
We of course discuss the trip, but we cut to this quick but beautiful moment of their love to just be with each other.
Their smiles, their closeness, their confidence in their love in that beautiful lighting.
5. What was your dream?
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First episode of the season, we have already been met with an uncomfortable situation full of tension and anxiety.
They are both able to take a break and Wille takes Simon on a small tour in his home, of course like magnets they once again can't stay away from each other.
We have this intimate moment, where I won't lie I was worried SOMEONE was going to walk in because oh my GOD the timing??, and this discussion physically.
Of course the switching of who is in control, both laughing in joy by just being with each other again. We switch into this extremely passionate tone, but I want to point out something.
We obviously couldn't care less that one; we have our shoes on in this bed. Two; that both of them aren't on it properly. I'm only pointing it out because Simon is literally 2 inches from falling off it, but he couldn't care less because Wille has him in his arms and he trusts him. He's not trying to scoot back on it because he's gonna fall, he doesn't care because he knows Wille won't let him fall.
Once again, Simon showing his love with his hands in Wille's hair, his face. And Wille showing his love by holding Simon and not letting him fall.
ALSO the lighting? STUNNING.
6. What the hell do you think?
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LETS TALK ABOUT HOW THIS SCENE HAD ME CRYING LIKE I HAVE NEVER CRIED BEFORE. I was furiously checking the time left on the episode I was so SCARED.
ALRIGHT I saved my favorite for last on this post. Let's go.
THE EXPLOSION of relief from them, from US was absolutely insane. The collision of this hug? I could HEAR it. They were hugging so tightly their ribcages might have locked together.
We also have this BEAUTIFUL lighting, the LUSH green behind them, the fresh air.
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I want to applaud the acting from them here because the relief you could see, I don't know about you but I could feel it in my throat. Their hands grabbing at each other, holding as tight as they could, scared to let go? GOD.
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Simon's FACE, the tears, the way his hands won't leave Wille and his face. He cannot believe that this is real, that this is really happening. He is just so overwhelmed with emotions and love it absolutely is breathtaking to see it.
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I'm sorry but this was the most beautiful scene I have ever seen. Their overwhelming love for each other, their joy at finally being FREE. You can see it; their hands not leaving each other, their SMILES, their eyes locked.
Will I do an in depth discussion on this finale sequence here? Yeah probably because it's EVERYTHING to me.
Young Royals is so personal to me, and this show has meant so much to me. I'm crushed its over, but I think the ending we got was absolutely perfect.
I won't stop the analysis posts because there's just so much I want to talk about, young royals forever 💜
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altf4d3lete · 7 months
So are we gonna talk about how wenclair also makes the most sense in terms of Wednesday’s morals?
Wednesday is shown to be someone who cares greatly about outcasts and about their place in the world. She nearly sacrifices herself to fight Joseph Crackstone and save the school, she seems to be upset at the notion of being the reason people at the school are hurt. She’s very clearly enraged by the way Goody is treated and by the outcasts being executed in the barn.
Tyler: Tyler was raised with a very negative view on outcasts, and that was only fueled by Thornhill. He already hated them before Thornhill even came along, and now he hates them even more, to the point of willingly going along with a genocide plot. While we don’t know his true intentions, as of now they don’t make much sense together, given that Wednesday seems to hold the treatment of outcasts fairly high on her list of things she’s upset about.
Xavier: I have a feeling that because Xavier is a psychic and his father is rich/famous, he doesn’t have to worry about things that other outcasts have to worry about. Maybe this is just a writer thing, because I find it weird he wouldn’t be more fired up about it given that he was literally hatecrimed, but when Wednesday opens up to him about what she saw and is clearly upset about it, his response is essentially “so?”. He very clearly doesn’t care about things like the unfair treatment of outcasts unless it directly affects him.
Enid: Then you have Enid. A werewolf. She can’t shift, but she has claws that make it hard for her to visually hide that she’s an outcast. She’s one of the outcasts directly affected by the fact that she can’t hide who she is, one of the most likely to be hunted and/or hatecrimed as well, since werewolves would be viewed as violent creatures (probably why they have the Lupin cages). She’s more similar to Wednesday. Untrusting of normies, likely stemming from a fear of being hatecrimed or the dislike of them knowing that they have hatecrimed people in the past.
In terms of morals and senses of political justice, Enid aligns the most with Wednesday. Of course hate can be unlearned and a sense of justice can be taught, but as the three love interests stand, Enid makes the most sense.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk 🙏
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lemonboyjosten · 1 year
neil josten’s complex kiss analysis
can we talk about neil’s first kiss for a hot minute?
ok so here’s the thing. yes, we can all agree neil is a questionable narrator but consider the way he describes his first kiss with andrew:
"andrew kissed him like this was a fight with their lives on the line, like his world stopped and started with neil's mouth."
this is an intense portrayal of a kiss that goes beyond mere romance. have you ever thought about the deeper meaning behind neil's words? why would he even describe it that way? for someone who has never even fathomed kissing anyone, why would he describe it so intensely? think about it, neil's life has indeed been filled with survival instincts and a constant need to stay on guard due to his troubled past. when andrew kisses him, it's likely a powerful and overwhelming experience for neil, as he might subconsciously associate it with the intensity of survival mode.
see, neil's life has been shaped by a rollercoaster of danger, abuse, and evading deadly threats from a young age so he’s become a master at staying alive. surviving has been his primary skill, and his instincts are always on high alert, just like the when he is in a fight for his life. so, when andrew kissed him, it's only natural for neil to draw a comparison because our boy was caught off guard. so, andrew's passion and intensity may have reminded neil of the survival mode he's been living in for so long, hence the sudden tilt and shift of the world beneath him that he experiences post kiss.
in this light, andrew's kiss becomes more than just a romantic gesture. it represents a moment of vulnerability for neil. throughout his life, he's learned to shield himself emotionally, keeping his guard up to protect against any harm that might come his way. but andrew's kiss breaks through those barriers, leaving neil exposed and defenseless, much like the vulnerability he experiences when he is forced into his aliases to stay alive.
besides, our darling goth babygirl andrew here plays a significant role in neil's journey towards growth and healing. the trust and connection they share gradually guide neil away from a life solely centered on survival and toward a path of understanding and acceptance. andrew's passion to protect neil at all costs contrasts neil's survival instincts, showing him that life is about more than just making it through the day.
(ps. i personally think that the way he describes every single interaction with andrew is just so beautiful.)
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wordsmith30 · 1 year
Another important thing I noticed in the scene where Beatrice goes to check on Ava is that she’s surprisingly open right off the bat. Honest. 
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She tells Ava about her parents to try and bond with her – that they’re Conservative English diplomats who sent her away to Catholic boarding school. She even admits to starting the “Cruella de Jesus” nickname for Mother Superion, hinting at her more playful and mischievous side (the side we rarely get to see).
But when Ava (rightfully) guesses that there’s more to the story, Beatrice moves up onto the step behind her, out of the light. Though she admits that Ava’s right, it does come across as a bit of a retreat.
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It’s like she thinks that if she hides, Ava won’t be able to gauge her secret. Won’t be able to read it in her expression. It’s a very subtle way of showing that that’s still a touchy subject and she’s not ready to talk about it yet.
But at the same time, there’s a tenderness in that moment as Beatrice is also moving closer to her, leaning against the wall just by Ava’s head. It makes it so that Ava has to look up at her, and Beatrice smiles.
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Just goes to show that Beatrice was the first real friend she made at the convent.
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shyjusticewarrior · 5 months
The way Bernard puts his hand behind Tim's head 😍
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akimojo · 3 months
the fanille scene in lr is actually so fucking insane because it mirrors marriage in every way imaginable while at the same time opposing it
vanille in a veil, standing at the literal altar as lightning and fang ascend the stairs, almost like lightning is accompanying fang down the aisle. fang joining hands with vanille, but instead of 'til death do us part', she swears that not even dying can separate them
hell, at one point they even had a priestess at the altar yapping about how what they're doing is unholy, and in a game where christian evangelicalism in particular is being criticized, having two women commit an act that so closely resembles holy matrimony while they grant salvation to those shunned by religion has me hollering and pumping my fists in the air to this day
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