#like hes never anyones priority ya know
toolazytodecide · 1 year
How does Theo live with the stress?! 😩😩😩😩
66% in so far
Drugs, alcohol and repression mostly.
I give him shit, but having read about all the shit hes been through its no wonder he didn't grow up to be the most well adjusted adult.
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canarydarity · 9 months
having a normal one watching Bdubs lim life tonight and thinking about how when Bdubs betrayed Tango in last life, Skizz told Tango that for the sake of team best he had to go and forgive him.
But when Bdubs boogey kills Skizz in lim life before team ties is even really formed, Skizz is allowed to have it out for Bdubs for almost the entire first half of the season, even when the clockers ally with them and it would've been easier to let sleeping dogs lie.
Tango, the perpetually extraneous and undervalued member of his alliances...the too often shoved aside and betrayed...being told it was his duty to the team to forgive bdubs and move on....
But no one—especially not Tango—tried to tell Skizz to let it go.
#and like. now im thinking about how no one is ever really ride or die for tango. ever#people are allied with him but no one PRIORITIZES him#as a team rancher fan myself id be tempted to argue Jimmy is but you can just as easily point to how that was in a way self serving#and I dont just mean with the soulmate mechanic so worrying about tango was worrying about himself for jimmy#but i mean it in the way of jimmy was so worried about tango because#jimmy was worried about HIMSELF being the thing that hindered him and dragged him down#whihc is not to say that jimmy didnt also worry about tango#but it is to say that the dl rule set played heavily on jimmys insecurities and fears#he was most of the time worried about himself. YES because of how that affected tango. but also because it served his guilt complex#and so his intentions were colored by that as someone whos incredibly willing to make himself the problem whenevr he sees fit#whihc is again nothing on him hes my fave ya know i love the guy#i just mean even in double life where by design it shouldve happened tango wasnt made anyones top priority#not in the way that we come to see it across many other pairs. not in the obsessive worrying about his safety#or just in the general Being Weird About Each Other Way#sure you could argue skizz and tango last life...tango was for a while skizzs priority—until skizz shifted his sights to team best#even when team best wasnt giving their all backt o him that was skizzs focus#and if tango were really his priority over the wellbeing of the team such as it was for bdubs and etho#skizz wouldnt have tried to make tango forgive bdubs after he was betrayed#skizz wouldnt have kept asking tango to give more and more to a team he got little if not nothing out of over and over.....just#GAH! NO ONES EVER DEVOTED TO TANGO!!! NO ONE EVER CHOOSES TANGO TO BE THEIR //PERSON// THEIR. HES NEVER SOMEONES TOP PRIORITY#again im nto saying teh ranchers werent devoted to each other you know i love them more than anything in the whole world#i just mean. not in exactly the way i mean....#and not completely when jimmy was so (understadnably) preoccupied with trying not to carry on his curse again#especially while attached to someone else#worm says
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Yandere! Jock Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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🌟 Yandere! Jock who unlike most stereotypes is really kind and hates bullies with a passion.
🌟 Yandere! Jock is the definition of a himbo. He’s 6’5 and extremely jacked.
🌟 Yandere! Jock has three brain cells and he spends them all on loving you.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who first meets you in elementary school where you steal his juice box. Back then, he notices how cute you are and makes sure to bring a juice box everyday just for you!
🌟 Yandere! Jock has been slowly becoming more and more obsessed with you. He wants to monopolize your attention and have you all to himself.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who refuses to play in any of his games unless you give him a kiss for good luck. Who can blame him though he just does so much better with them.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who kisses you and carries you after ever game he wins.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who frequently gets yelled at by the coach for looking at you during practice. Honestly who would have been kicked off by now if he wasn’t their star player.
🌟 Yandere! Jock is 100% the type of person to shoot a basketball and say “This one’s for you” and then completely miss.
🌟 Yandere! Jock gets jealous of both guys and girls around you. What someone tries to steal you away when you're not with him?
🌟 Yandere! Jock always has to touch you in some way shape or form. Whether it be an arm around the shoulder or the waist he has to be touching you. Man’s love language is physical touch.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who once took an IQ test with his dog and it was revealed that his dog was smarter than him. His friend suspect that he was dropped on the head as a baby because there is just no way—
🌟 Yandere! Jock who has a section in his room just for you whenever you come over to his house. Wherever he is he always makes sure to have a space for you.
🌟 Yandere! Jock values your opinion more than anything and if you state that you don’t like something then he’s getting rid of it without question. Besides his yandere tendencies, those are staying no matter what.
🌟 Yandere! Jock stalks you everytime he gets the chance to. He enjoys watching you go about life and do your thing.
⭐️ Yandere! Jock who reads your diary every time you invite him over. It his weekly ritual to read your diary he looks forward to it all week.
🌟 Yandere! Jock is willing to cancel all his plans and ditch his friends if you ever text him saying you want to hang out. You take top priority in his heart.
🌟 Yandere! Jock radiates golden retriever energy and kind of looks like one when he smiles
🌟 Yandere! Jock is the biggest simp you’ll ever meet in your life. Worships and kisses the ground that you walk on.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who always partners up with you when there are group projects. Can’t have anyone else taking his baby’s time.
🌟 Yandere! Jock is really dumb but knows how to fight. Ever since the age of 10 he’s been able to box and is good at it. Can easily throw anyone to the ground and knock them out.
🌟 Yandere! Jock only started boxing because you once commented that a boxer on T.V was hot.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who never has to worry about anyone approaching you while he’s around because of ‘scary dog privileges’
🌟 Yandere! Jock is a softy at heart but is willing to smack a bitch when he needs to.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who doesn’t understand the meaning of personal space. No seriously, do you know what it means because he has an English test next period and could really use your help.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who only got into college because of a scholarship. There is absolutely no way that he is getting into college the normal way with his IQ.
🌟 Yandere! Jock loves eating out with you. He makes sure to make it a weekly thing and he pays for everything. Food and you, what could be better than that? Absolutely nothing.
🌟 Yandere! Jock loves everything about you. To him you have absolutely no flaws and just perfect.
🌟 Yandere! Jock hates misogynistic comments and likes it when you wear the clothes that you like. If anyone says otherwise he’s taking that on a personal level and fighting.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who feels his heart explode whenever you wear his varsity jacket. You look so good with it on.
🌟 Yandere! Jock does not think of his actions when doing them. He likes living life on the edge like that I guess.
🌟 Yandere! Jock is the type to flip a coin to make a decision for him. The amount of times you will hear a coin flip during a test is just unbearable.
🌟 Yandere! Jock who comforts you when your friends start to be strangely distant from you. Oh Well at least you’ll always have him by your side.
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martiansodas-blog · 1 year
Talk me through it
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• Joel Miller x reader
• Summary: Your sexual experiences were never a priority for your partners. They never even cared for you when it was over. When your friend Joel finds out, he wants to be the one to change that.
• Contents: Smut, age gap, friends to lovers, huge praise kink, aftercare, fluff.
• Authors note: My first fic in a few years… would love your feedback! ☺️ I take requests babies.
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Your body in Jackson but your mind a million miles away, you were daydreaming about a man two decades your senior.
What did his hands feel like after a hard day of work? Coarse and dry most likely.
But we’re they gentle when they came in contact with someone else? When they were taking off someone’s clothes…
Snap out of it
He’s simply a regular at the bar. An acquaintance. And even that was pushing it. The only people he truly softened for was Ellie and Tommy.
You gaze at the clock : one hour left. The last hour is always the longest. Most customers had filtered out and you were cleaning with your coworker Amanda.
“How did your date go?” You asked
“Didn’t know if he was my type at first, but after he ate me out I decided he was.”
You tried to chuckle with her but your body cringed.
“You enjoy that?” You asked embarrassed.
It seemed like everyone liked it but you. Was there something wrong with you? Dumbfounded Amanda looked back at you.
“You don’t?”
“I don’t know, receiving head is just…boring. It’s not painful, it’s not exciting, it’s just meh. I’d rather move on to the main event, ya know?”
Her expression didn’t change.
“What are you talking about!? Receiving is practically the only thing that makes being born female worth it.” You both laughed as you stood on your tip toes to put a glass away.
Your words made Joel’s whole body stiff.
One night with me. One night with me and I’ll give you the head you deserve. Stupid boys your age don’t know how to pleasure a woman.
He couldn’t say that tho, especially not in public. Hell go for something calmer.
“Maybe you just haven’t been with an experienced enough person.”
You jolt around in shock. You had no idea until now he was in the bar, let alone listening to your conversation.
“Um, yeah, maybe. It’s not a big deal for me.”
You shrugged the topic off and quickly turned around making yourself busy. You went beat red knowing the most attractive man in town heard about your sex life, or lack thereof.
It’s a big deal for me, you’re torturing me here.
Joel decided he shouldn’t say anything else and risk making you uncomfortable, it wasn’t his intention. Without saying another word he headed home.
“Maybe he’s right, maybe you should have a night with someone older.” Amanda said in a suggestive voice. When you laughed this time it was out of awkwardness.
“Good one, I don’t think so. Im not one for one night stands. Plus, in a commune this size, Ive had a good look around and haven’t been attracted to any guys.”
You and Joel were on good terms. You don’t use the word ‘friends’ because Joel isn’t really friends with anyone. At least he wouldn’t say that. He doesn’t let his walls go down enough for that. But he does care about his inner circle and that’s obvious.
You could tell you were one of the people he softened for. Mainly it was Tommy and Ellie, but somehow you always managed sneak your way in there. Most of the reason being you were giving him drinks.
Your affection for him was one sided, but it didn’t matter. He was never going to find out. Your crush just gave you something to look forward to during work.
• • •
It’s an hour before closing and Joel had yet to come in. Odd. Maybe he was under the weather today.
Pulling you from your thoughts was the bell of the door opening.
Speak of the devil
“Hey! Was wondering when you’d show up.”
He smiled at you. Thats rare. He liked a little too much that you wanted to see him. He wanted to see you too, he just still not good at expressing his emotions and letting people in.
“Whiskey?” You assumed.
“Actually, I was thinking of not drinking here tonight.”
The smirk on his face showed that he had a plan but you couldn’t figure out what in the world it was.
Why would he come to a bar if he wasn’t going to drink?
“How about I be the bartender for once. I hope that’s not forward of me to ask, but would you like to come by my place after your shift? If you’re too tired I understand-“
“Yes that sounds great, yes.” You could hear your smile in your voice.
“Alright then, peach. You know which house is mine. See ya then.” He got up and walked away.
Peach. He’d never called you that before.
Yes, you did know which house Joel lived in, but you’ve never been in it. You wondered what kind of decorations he hung up. Did it smell like him? You could barely stand still the remainder of your shift.
You have to put away your school girl crush.
• • •
As soon as it hit the hour you threw off your apron and went into the bathroom to freshen up.
You wished makeup survived the apocalypse, just a little to make your eyes pop.
What are you doing? He’s not your boyfriend.
You really must stop letting your mind wander. You ran your fingers through your hair and tried to get the smell of spilt beer off you. You don’t know what to expect. You’ve never hung out with Joel like this.
A few minutes later you’re knocking on his door. Nearly vibrating with nerves.
He opens it and
There’s that enchanting smile again.
It’s contagious. For a few seconds you two just gaze at each other with grins.
“Hey” you said shyly
“Glad you came, come on in.”
He opened the door as far as it went and you stepped in.
Definitely Joel Millers place.
Not much decorations, but his presence is here. Things Ellie has made for him hung around the living room. Things that survived of his from before the apocalypse. It felt homey. It felt safe.
He led the two of you into the living room. When your legs hit the couch you let out a sigh.
There were already two cold beers and glasses of water on the coffee table in front of you. Normally you don’t like to drink because you’re around it almost everyday and the smell gets annoying. But with Joel it seemed fun.
You both picked up your bottles and instead of making small talk or clinking the drinks together, you just nodded at each other and sipped.
Oh wow, this was actually kind of good. Where did he get this from? You groaned as it warmed your body.
“Haven’t been able to rest that much today. Work was busy. This is nice, Miller.”
He shifted closer to you. Closer than a acquaintance would normally sit. Not that you’re offended, you almost feel flattered. Joel speaks in actions.
“As long as you don’t go tellin people I’m nice.” He joked
“I like nice Joel.” Your voice wasn’t light anymore. “I hope I get to see more of him.”
You knew once those words came out of your mouth that they pushed a boundary. It’s a miracle anyone in this type of world is nice. It’s not an expectation you have anymore.
Your sentence didn’t seem to bother him, though. He stared at you for a few beats. He scooted once again until your knees touched. You’d never been this close to him, it was making your face get hot.
You both seem to have fallen into a comfortable silence, studying each other. There are details on his face you’ve never seen before. He pulled off facial hair like no other. His beard a mix of white, gray and brown.
You don’t know how long it stayed like this, but when you looked up at him to feel out the situation, he wasn’t looking back at you.
He was looking at your lips. You assumed they were dry or you had something on them. Instinctively you licked them.
“Don’t do that to me.” He whispered.
Your heart stopped.
Instead of answering he put his hands on each side of your face. You made eye contact and thought you must be dreaming.
I’ve had dreams of him before, this must be another one.
But no. You can smell the drink he had and feel his big hands.
“Do you trust me?” He asked. You didn’t need time to think.
In milliseconds your lips touched.
If this is a dream I never want to wake up.
The kiss starts gentle. Feather light. Sweet. Your noses bumping into each other. Not at all what you expected from Joel Miller.
You press your face into his to make the kiss more intense, but he puts his hands on your shoulders to keep you where he can be tender.
You pull away. Both taking a moment to process.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks.
You can’t help but laugh because who wouldn’t want him. Especially after that kiss.
“I’ve been wanting you for so long.”
He breaks out into the biggest smile you’ve seen. Any nerves or unfamiliarity between you two is gone.
Now you’re both giggling and hugging. So happy that feelings have been confessed.
Your head nuzzled into his neck gave the perfect opportunity to whisper in his ear.
“You’re not going to break me. I want you to kiss me like I’m not delicate.”
Something snapped in him.
Maybe it was your warm breath on his ear, maybe it was that you were close enough to straddling him but not there yet. Maybe it’s because he thinks you’re the most beautiful woman in town, no, on earth.
He grabs your face with more force this time. Kissing you aggressively. You enjoyed how his fingers dug into your jaw. You gasped and he took the opportunity to introduce his tongue to yours.
He grabbed your legs and settled you over him. It was obvious he was strong but goddamn. He lifted a fully grown woman like it was nothing. It made a fire start in your lower belly.
“I need you. I need you right here on this couch.”
You didn’t respond. Too drunk on him already. You knew once his cock touched you there’d be no thoughts left in your brain.
He chuckled at your state, snapping his fingers to get your attention.
“Sweetheart are you with me?”
“Yeah sorry, I just can’t believe I’m doing this with you. You’ve already made me feel better than any guys I’ve been on dates with and-” your words got muffled by you taking off your shirt. You went braless today.
Now Joel was the speechless one. Staring at your chest. Running his hands up and down your sides.
She isn’t real. She can’t be.
“You’re so … beautiful. Now I really can’t wait, darlin.”
With the same urgency as before he picks you up and laid you out on the couch. Kissing your stomach, not giving you time to process.
He continues kissing down your body while unbuttoning your jeans. He rips them off along with your underwear in one motion.
Jesus, fuck.
“You’re already dripping for me, aren’t you babe?”
“Yes, it’s all for you.”
He lets out a noise that can best be described as feral.
“But, um, you don’t have to do that. It’s not a big deal to me.”
The man looked up at your from between your thighs.
“Will you let me have a taste? If you say stop, I’ll stop.”
“Mmm, let me show you how a real man makes you feel.”
All apprehension and doubts you had floated away. Joel licked up both sides of your folds slowly, and you swore you could cum right then.
Your core fluttered around nothing. You needed it again and again and again. He was taking his time with you. Mapping your body out. His tongue making sure to know every inch of you.
The deeper his tongue went, the more your body relaxed. You don’t think it has ever relaxed this much.
The house filled with sinful noises. Your moans, him lapping against you, the couch cousins being gripped.
When he groaned it sent vibrations through your whole body, pushing you closer to the edge.
He went back to licking you from bottom to top. Flattening his tongue as much as possible. Leaving a kiss on your clit before going to the other side.
I love it when he does that. God.
He started to pick up his pace. Inserting his tongue as deep as it goes. Eating you out like a starved man. And he was. You were his new favorite meal. He’s perfectly fine with not getting laid tonight and doing this instead.
“Fuck please- ohh-”
He loves that he can make you sound like that. It makes his cock beg to get out of his pants.
“Joel,” you whimpered out, grabbing his hair.
“I can’t believe you’ve been keeping this from me. You’re the sweetest fuckin thing.”
His words were sweet but his tone was filthy. It made your back arch. He knew you were close. He kicked it up a notch and inserted a finger in you.
You gasped at the size and feel. You could finally clench around something and your body was so happy.
“Fuck it feels so good! I’m close.”
I know you are
“You’re doing so good.”
He added a finger and moved them in a come hither motion.
You were done for. His calloused hands bringing you to release. He kept pumping in and out of you, getting all he could of your liquid. When he saw you regaining your breathing he removed his hand.
Laying there for a few minutes with half lidded eyes, you felt like you were on drugs. You were trying to find your composure but your body wouldn’t stop tingling.
The man who just gave you your best orgasm crawls up and appears in your view.
“Hey there sweetheart.”
He has the biggest smirk on his face, arms on either side of you. You don’t care. You’d give everything up if it meant you’d get more of his talent in your future.
“That was incredible.” You exhale
“For me, too.”
In what was becoming classic Joel Miller fashion, he presses the gentlest of kisses to your lips, then rests his forehead against yours.
“Did I wear you out?”
“Not yet.”
“Good. I have a lot planned.”
You bite your lip in anticipation.
“Oh yeah, cowboy?”
He liked the nickname.
“Yeah, but I prefer to fuck my pretty lady on my bed.”
With that he stood up and carried you bridal style to his room. It was darker in there with one orange lamp on which made the mood even more sensual. He placed you on his bed and resumed the position he was in before.
“I’m gonna make sure you feel me tomorrow, sweetheart.”
You let out a whimper. Crashing into another kiss.
It was his turn to take off clothes.
You hastily unbuttoned his flannel and threw it across the room. He would laugh at your urgency if he wasn’t just as bad.
You smooth your hand over his new bare skin. Soft with scars. You reached his belt and he pushed your hands away to do it himself. Taking the belt then his jeans off much faster than you could’ve.
You stared at his outline, unable to mask your expression. You can tell he’s big without even seeing it yet. By the smirk on his face, he knows it too. You were really boosting his ego tonight.
“You gonna gawk all night or should I take it out?”
Fuchsia creeping onto your cheeks.
“I don’t think I’ve been with anyone your caliber before.” You say meekly, still looking at his clothed cock.
He bring his face right above yours and tilts your chin so your eyes meet.
“Sweet girl, I’ll be gentle. I’ll start slow for you.”
You’re reassured. You feel safe with him.
“Okay. I’m ready.”
He brings his lips to meet yours once more. Not breaking it while he tugs off his boxers.
Your breath quickens as you get nervous again. He immediately takes notice and strokes your cheek. Caring about you in every touch.
You feel the head of his cock meet your entrance. Your head falls back against the pillows. He takes this as a sign to push in a few inches deeper.
“That’s my girl.”
Your gasps like angels singing. Your legs squeezing around me because you need more.
Joel goes like this for several minutes. Pushing in, letting you adjust, making sure he doesn’t immediately cum, then pushing again.
You needed movement. Unable to control the pleas that left your mouth.
“Joel, fuck me. I can take it. Stretch me out.”
He can’t say no to you. Especially when you’re like this.
He pulls almost completely out of you then slams back in. Going from 0 to 100. His tip touching your cervix.
He was reaching depths of you no man ever had before. You couldn’t help but be loud.
“I know baby, I know. Let it all out.”
His words made you moan even more. You’re so turned on it got caught in your throat. No one had ever talked you through it before. No one had said such dirty things to you while making you feel this good. No one has made you feel as good as you deserved.
“So good. So good for me.”
You were so wet it was seeping out of you and onto the sheets. You’ve had the briefest feel of him and are already addicted. You rolled your hips into him and hooked your legs around his waist. Instantly he groaned at the feeling.
“Just like that baby, there you go.” His low voice registered in your ear. You always admired the sound of his voice but you never thought it’d be praising you. It was a fucking drug.
He kissed you hard on the mouth and it made the little bit of your body you had control over go limp. He took this opportunity to take your hands and pin them together above your head. It turned you on so much, your back began to arch. Anyone within a ten mile radius would be able to hear you.
Joel had to focus to get a complete sentence out because of how tight you were clenched around him.
“You sound so good. I love hearing how I make my girl feel. You’re so spent on my cock, aren’t you?”
You nodded eagerly.
“Of course you are. Never truly been taken care of, have you?
“N-No.” you whimpered.
“Think you can take more of me, sweet thing?” He let your hands go so he could caress your cheek.
You were nervous but you nodded.
“Good girl.” He smirked at you when he said it. He loved how much power he had over you.
He grabs your legs and put them over his shoulder. With intense speed starts fucking you again. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he pulled obscene noises from your mouth.
“Oh god oh god”
“That’s my girl. I love being buried in your perfect cunt.”
Your back was arching, your fists were gripping the sheets and your clit was throbbing. Your orgasm was nearing quickly.
Your moans got higher and closer together as your legs squeezed around him.
“Words baby, use your words.”
“Fuck, I’m close. Oh I’m close, oh Joel please. It feels so fucking good.”
He knew exactly what you needed. He circled your clit with his rough thumb and continued to thrust into you hard.
“Good girl, cum for me. Cum on my cock.”
“Oh god oh god-”
You came harder than you ever have before. Leaving a mess on and beneath you. Your ears have a light ringing in them and you were seeing stars. You couldn’t even register if Joel was still near you until you felt a warm washcloth bringing you back to reality.
You opened your eyes and saw him. Someone you knew now you couldn’t live without.
He delicately rubbed one of your legs with one hand and cleaned you up with the other. Making sure you wouldn’t be uncomfortable if you fell asleep right there, which after that experience, was likely.
His actions are a huge juxtaposition to his reputation. He is not stoic and harsh and self centered. He is caring and affectionate and thoughtful.
You smiled up at him while half asleep.
“Thank you.” You managed to choke out. Your voice was half gone.
“Of course, darlin. It’s only the decent thing to do.”
He tossed the cloth on the floor and placed a soft blanket under where you both came. He’d wash the sheets later.
“No guy I’ve been with has really given me aftercare before…”
For some reason saying that was more venerable than the act you just did with him. Your face feels hot.
“You deserve so much more than what’s been given to you. And I don’t just mean with sex.”
You knew if either of you said much else you’d burst into tears. You made grabby hands at him and the two of you fell into a warm cuddle, touching as much of each others skin as possible.
“Goodnight, cowboy.”
He kisses your forehead.
“Goodnight, peach.”
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supernaturalgirl20 · 1 year
I don't know if you are taking requests and I'm sorry if you aren't (feel free to ignore this message if you like), but I would like to ask something like the reader meeting Sarah for the first time. Joel talked to her about the reader and she doesn't know how to feel on a first date because she is the first woman Joel introduces her to. Thank you for your attention and I love your writing <3
Thank you so much, you're so sweet. 🥰🥰Love this idea nonnie. I hope you enjoy. 😉
Head Over Heels
Pairings: Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, PinV sex, breeding kink, talks about the future, cursing, fluff, meeting Sarah for first time, admission of feelings.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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You could get used to this. 
Sitting on the couch, cosying up to Joel as you both watch one of his favourite movies. You weren’t sure what exactly he’d thrown on and to be honest you didn’t care. All that mattered was that you were both together. 
“Not fallin’ asleep are ya darlin’?” He asked, the rumble of his voice stirring you from where you were nestled on his chest. 
“Would I ever?” You teased and his fingers moved up over your hip to pinch your ass. A small yelp passed your lips, and he couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh, you are in for it now, Miller,” you laugh as you sit back and glide your hands under his arms, tickling him.  He wriggles beneath you as he laughs hysterically. 
“Stop…please…” he begs as he continues to laugh. “I’m beggin’ ya…. please darlin’.”
You pull your hands from under his arms and let them slide down his torso. His gaze meets yours and you suck in a breath at the way he’s staring at you. Like you're the only thing that matters in the world. Obviously, you know that’s not true, Sarah is his priority but maybe you’re a close second? 
“I love you, baby,” he breathes out and you swear your heart has stopped. He loves you. It’s the first time he’s ever said those words in the eleven months you’ve been dating. 
Of course, you’d hoped he felt that way, had even suspected it from the way he treats you but to actually hear those words fall from his lips, it was like you’d died and gone to heaven. 
“I-I love you too, I…”
“I want you to meet Sarah,” the words had fallen from his lips so fast your heart stuttered. “What?!” You gasp. 
He takes your hands in his and rubs his thumb against your skin soothingly. “We’ve been…. I mean we’re together a year next week and I….I love you so fuckin’ much baby and I want to introduce you to my baby girl. What d’ya say?” 
His eyes shift between your own waiting for an answer but all you can think about is how your heart is going to burst from your chest. “You said you don’t introduce women to her, that you’d only do it if…. if it meant something…. I….”
You bite your lip, and you look at him with a smile on your face. You can feel your skin heating and when he places his hand on your cheek, you release a breath.
“I did say that, and it’s true. I’ve never introduced anyone to her before, never wanted to. Baby, I’m madly in love with you and I want the two most important people in my life to meet.” 
His brown eyes are gazing at you as if you held all the answers to the questions in the universe, as if he could see straight into your soul. A sob escapes your plush lips as a single tear runs down along your cheek. “Yeah, ok. Let’s do it.”
“Yeah?” He asks, his voice low as he beams down at you. You nod and then his lips are on yours in a searing kiss. “We’ll have dinner over at mine next weekend. I’ll cook. Now,” he says as he slouches back on the couch, pulling you with him. “Let’s finish the movie.”
Sitting at the table eating breakfast, Joel plays with the food on his plate. He’s nervous. He wants to introduce you to Sarah, to have her meet you because he feels it deep in his bones that you're his one. 
“What’s going on?” The sound of his daughter's voice startles him from his thoughts, and he turns to look at her. “Hmm?” 
“I said, what’s going on? You seem distracted this mornin’.” She places her knife and fork on the table and turns in her chair to face him. 
“How’d you know somethin’s going on?” He asks as he takes a gulp from his coffee mug. Sarah raises her eyebrow at him. 
“Alright. Ok, you win. I’ve been seein’ someone.” He chances a look at his daughter to gauge her reaction only to find her smiling at him. “What?” He asks. 
“You honestly thought I didn’t know? You’re not very subtle dad.”
“What are ya talkin’ bout. I’m subtle.” Sarah laughs as she places a hand on his arm. “Yeah. Subtle as a sledgehammer more like.”
“Hey now, I can be subtle.”
“Hmm Hmm. Whatever you say, dad.”
“Anyway, as I was sayin’, I’ve been seein’ someone, and I want to introduce her to you. She’s uh, she’s…I really like her. Hell, I love her and I think it’s about time you two meet. What d’ya say?”
Sarah stares at him and he can see she’s having a battle inside her head. “It’s alright. Forget I said anythin’.” He continues to eat his breakfast when Sarah touches his arm again. 
“Dad, I’m sorry. Don’t mind me. I’m just- it’s just you’ve never brought anyone home before and I’m worried.”
“Hey now, what are you worried about baby girl?” He holds her hand, rubbing it with his thumb soothingly. 
“What if she doesn’t like me? Or she pretends to and then once she moves in here with us decides she doesn’t want me here.” Sarah rambles and Joel can’t help but smile. 
“Baby girl, you know you are always gonna be my number one. Ain’t no one ever gonna change that, ok? If you meet her and it doesn’t work out or you don’t like her, then I’ll end it.” 
Joel’s heart clenches at the thought of ending it with you. It would break his fucking heart but if you and Sarah don’t get along, then that’s what’s gonna happen. Even if it kills him. 
“Ok. When were you thinkin’?” She asks as she pulls her hand from Joel’s and continues to eat breakfast. 
“This weekend. Was hoping to have her come here and I’ll cook dinner for us all.” 
“You’re gonna cook? This I gotta see,” she says with a laugh. 
“Hey,” he nudges her with his elbow, a playful smile on his face. “I can cook.”
“Yep. Sure you can.” Sarah stands dropping her plate in the sink before making her way back upstairs. 
Joel sits back in his chair and rubs his hand down his face. “Fuck. I can’t cook for shit.” What the hell was he gonna do? 
You were nervous, fiddling with the strap of your bag as you pushed the doorbell and waited with bated breath. 
Not two minutes later, Joel was opening the door with a huge smile on his face as his eyes took you in. “Damn, baby. You look fuckin’ hot in that dress.”
He leans in, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you close as kisses you softly. “It’s not too much?” You ask nervously.
He shakes his head. “It’s perfect, baby.” He smiles down at you as he closes the door behind you and just when he’s about to lean in and kiss you again, the sound of the fire alarm blaring startles you both. 
“Shit.” He curses before running off towards the kitchen. You stare after him with a smile on your face and then a creak on the stairs has you turning your head. 
“I told you to order take out. Better hope you can salvage it before…. oh,” the girl says a little startled and you can only assume from how closely she resembles Joel, that this is Sarah. 
“Hi,” you say with a wave of your hand. “I’m Y/N, you must be Sarah. I’ve heard so much about you, it’s nice to finally meet you.”
She stands still with her eyes trained on you and you can feel anxiety begin to bubble inside you. Oh shit. She hates me already. 
Suddenly she’s making her way down the stairs towards you with a shy smile on her face. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you too. Dads been a nervous wreck all day.”
“I can imagine.” The sound of pots banging and a slew of curses coming from the kitchen draws both your attention and you turn to face each other before bursting into laughter. 
“Think maybe we should go help him out. What d’ya say?” You ask, eyes shining brightly at the girl you hope will one day become your step daughter. 
“Most definitely. I told him not to cook, he’s never been overly good at it but he insisted. Think he wanted to make a good impression on you.”
“I don’t know why, I’m already madly in love with him,” you blurt out and when Sarah stops in her tracks you worry you’ve said the wrong thing. 
“You love him?” She asks, a hint of hope in her voice. 
You nod your head sheepishly. “I do. If
I’m being honest, I’ve been in love with him from the first date.” Sarah doesn’t say anything as she turns away from you, but you catch the smile on her face. 
“We’re here to help,” you say as you walk into the kitchen, Sarah standing beside you. His eyes meet yours and you want to laugh at how adorable and flustered he looks. 
“I-I don’t know what happened…” he huffs out a frustrated breath and pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“Oh god it’s really bad, he only does that when he’s really stressed,”’you whisper to Sarah and she nods in agreement, the faint hint of a smile on her face. 
“How about I cook us something?” You ask as you move towards him, reaching out and wrapping your arms around his waist. “I can’t ask you to do that. I said I’d cook for us.” 
“I know, but I don’t mind, baby,” you say softly as you run your fingers through his hair. He releases a contented sigh and closes his eyes at the feeling of your fingers in his hair. 
“If you’re sure?” He looks down at you with eyes full of love and gratitude. “Positive.”
“Can I help?” You turn to find Sarah staring at you both with a huge smile on her face. “Sure,” you say as you pull away from Joel and slap him on the ass. 
“Why don’t you set the table and we’ll cook something up.” He raises his eyebrow at you, a cheeky smirk on his face. “You’re gonna regret that later, baby,” he whispers in your ear before turning and making his way to the table. 
“Ok,” you say, clapping your hands together as you look around at the mess. “First things first, let’s clean up your dads mess and then we can see what is left to work with.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Sarah says as she empties the burnt pot into the bin.” 
Joel takes a seat at the table, watching as you and Sarah work together to make dinner and he can’t help the smile that spreads across his face.
His heart swells as he watches the two of you laughing and joking, both getting on like a house on fire, something he had been so nervous about since he met you. Wondering if the both of you would get along. Hoping you would because he didn’t know if he had the strength to keep his promise to Sarah, to break up with you if things didn’t work out tonight. 
As far as he was concerned, you were the love of his life. The woman he was going to marry and start a family with. The woman he was going to grow old with. He’d even bought the ring. Hidden away in his sock drawer waiting for the perfect moment. 
“Dinners up,” you shout startling him from his thoughts and he sits up smiling as you carry over the plates of food. 
Sarah joins you both at the table and turns to her dad with a smile. “We made a stir fry. Y/N used the steak that was left, and we found some veg in the fridge.”
“Well, it smells delicious. Thank you.” He beams as he reaches across the table to pull Sarah into a tight hug. 
You smile at them and your heart flutters at how much they love each other. Joel is such a great dad. You hope that Sarah has warmed to you, and that Joel might consider settling down with you. 
Everything is riding on tonight. You can just feel it in your bones. Joel had told you before that if Sarah didn’t get along with the woman in his life that the relationship would have to end. God, you don’t want it to end. 
“That was amazing,” Sarah says as she finishes off her food. “You are an amazing cook, Y/N. Maybe you could teach my dad some simple dishes, or better yet, you could come live with us and then I’d always have nice meals all the time.” She says with a laugh but stops abruptly once she realises what she’s said. 
Her eyes drift to Joel but she finds him staring at you with googly eyes, a happy contented smile on his face as he holds your hand in his. She knows at that moment that she could never ask her dad to give you up, not that she had planned to anyway. You were amazing and perfect for him. 
“I really like her,” Sarah whispers as you grab the popcorn from the microwave. Joel’s gaze drifts from her to you and back again. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. She’s amazing, dad. I feel silly now for ever being worried. I’ve only known her a few hours and I know already that she’d never come between us or want rid of me. If you ever want her to move in, I’d be ok with it.” She shrugs her shoulders and Joel smiles down at her as he squeezes her shoulder. 
“Ok. I’m ready. Let’s turn it on,” you say as you sit back on the couch and snuggle into Joel’s side. “Don’t you two fall asleep now, ya hear?” 
“We won’t,” you say in unison as you wink over at Sarah who’s curled into Joel’s other side. Within ten minutes you hear soft snores coming from the other side of the couch and you lift your head to find Sarah fast asleep on her dad. 
“Every time. Are my movies that borin’?” He tilts his head in your direction, his fingers running along the length of your arm. “Maybe just a little,” you tease. 
Sitting up he leans in and kisses you softly on the lips. “I’m gonna lift her up to bed and then I'll be back, ok?” You nod at him as he stands and gently lifts Sarah into his arms. 
“Be down in a second.” You smile at him as he walks towards the stairs carrying Sarah close to his chest. Maybe I should get going, you think to yourself as you begin to tidy up. 
“Hey, what are ya doin’ baby?” He asks as he walks up to you in the kitchen, arms winding around your waist. 
“Just tidying up before I go.” His eyes drift from yours to your lips and back again. “Was thinkin’ maybe you could stay, ya know, the night.”
“You askin’ me to sleep with you Miller?” You tease, running your finger along the seam of his bottom lip. 
“I am. So, what d’ya say baby? Want to stay over and sleep in my bed tonight?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and you can’t help the laugh that escapes past your lips. 
“I would love to be in your bed tonight baby. So, we gonna go now or do you wanna fuck me right here?” 
He groans loudly into your neck as his lips kiss a trail along your skin. “As much as I love the sound of that, I don’t think my back would let me.”
“You’re not that old, Joel.” You gasp as his teeth bite into your neck, a wave of slick pooling in your panties. 
“Old enough, baby. Now, I need to get you to my bed because I need to be inside you.” He pulls back and places his hands on either side of your cheeks as he pulls you into a searing kiss. 
Grabbing your hand, he leads you towards his room as quietly as he can. Once he has you inside, he quickly closes and locks the door before pulling you against him, kissing you passionately as he walks you back towards his bed. 
His hands pull and grab as he quickly removes both your clothes before laying you back on his bed. His lips leave a trail of kisses along the skin of your thigh and it’s clear what his intentions are, but you don’t have time for that, not with how horny you are.
“Joel, please. Not tonight, I need you, now,” you plead as you pull him close, his body flush with yours as he nestles himself between your thighs. 
“You sure, baby?” He asks as he runs the tip of his cock along your slick. You nod frantically because you’re unable to speak. 
“Need you to say it baby.” 
“Please Joel, I need you inside me. Just fuck me already…. oh god,” you gasp as he rolls his hips, sheathing himself inside you. His hand comes to cover your mouth as he stares down at you with lust blown eyes. 
“Gotta be quiet, baby. Don't want to wake Sarah.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he continues to thrust into you, the thick length of his cock hitting that sweet spot deep inside you. 
“Fuck, baby. You’re so damn tight…. made for me….so good….god I love you,” he groans as his grip on your hips tightens. 
He can feel your cunt flutter around him, and he knows you’re about to come so he kisses you roughly, swallowing your moans. 
“Oh god…. Joel…. fuck,” you breathe raggedly as he begins to pick up the pace.
“Fuck baby…. I’m close…..I’m gonna…..can I-can I cum inside you….please…” he begs, practically feral at the thought of spilling inside you and watching you grow round with his baby. 
“Inside…fuck…. cum inside, please. I want it Joel…want you to fill me up…”
He groans into the curve of your neck as he thrust once more before he spills inside. He slumps on top of you and you both stay like that for a little while. 
His head resting on your chest and your fingers running through his hair until you can feel the weight of sleep take hold.
 “M’just gonna get somethin’ to clean you up baby. Be right back,” he says as he pulls out of you, kissing you softly before he hops off the bed and grabs a washcloth.
 He’s gentle with his touch as he cleans you up, and then he’s handing you one of his t-shirts to sleep in. “Thanks baby,” you say softly, throwing it on and snuggling under the duvet. 
Joel throws on  pyjama bottoms and slips into bed behind you, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. 
“Think it’s safe to say that Sarah likes you, baby,” Joel whispers into the shell of your ear. 
“Well, I really like her. She’s amazing, Joel. You did a great job with her. You should be so proud of yourself because it’s not easy.” 
He’s quiet. And you worry you’ve offended him somehow until his grip on you tightens. “I love you so much baby. You’re it for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, baby. Just me, you, and Sarah.”
“You can’t forget about Tommy,” you tease, and he pulls your face towards him, kissing you softly. “Couldn’t forget about him, even if we tried. And maybe…. maybe we could have a baby of our own. Ya know…if you want of course, I’m just sayin’ it would be ....”
You turn in his arms and quieten him with your lips. “I’d love to have a baby with you, Miller.”
“Yeah?” His expression is soft, and you honestly can’t believe that this man is so perfect, and that he’s completely yours. 
“Yeah. Our own little family of four. And Tommy.” 
“Sounds like heaven.” He whispers as he snuggles closer. After a few minutes you hear his breathing even out and you thank whatever god brought him into your life. 
“Sounds like heaven indeed."
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac   @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan25
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
The Brothers are Damsels in Distress!!
I was flicking through my feed, saw something and went: "But what if Rapunzel??"
Content: Hints of Fairytale AU, but on crack
Scenario: One morning, through utterly inexplicable means, a portal opens up and drops one of the brothers into a cottage-style tower straight out of a fairy tale. The whole room is enchanted so they can't break out on their own. Their only means of communication are their phones and a crystal ball they can use to see what the MC and others are doing.
How are they taking this?
This man is livid. Fuming. Almost apoplectic.
He has no idea what being has decided to put him in this position, but he's already planning on making them Cerberus' next chewtoy the moment he finds his freedom.
After establishing that he can't teleport out, break the walls, jump out the window, tunnel through the floorboards, or just blow up the room out of spite... he finally accepts his fate.
Lucifer... is miserable. He's doing his best to conserve his phone battery so he can still coordinate with his brothers from a distance, but watching them stumble around cluelessly through the crystal ball is honestly painful. He quite frequently shouts at the feed like a football dad screaming at a TV.
He puts all his hopes in MC and Dia coming up with something because everyone else is mostly useless... There were multiple instances where he just holds his head in his hands, resigning to the idea of being stuck there until he's just a dried out skeleton.
Even if they finally get to him, he won't be happy. He'll be humiliated by the whole affair and trying to anything in his power to save face and get out on his own as much as possible. Anyone who values their lives will forget that it ever happened in the future.
MC: *standing under the tower*
MC: Lucifer! Lucifer!! Let down your-gah!!
*they rub their head and feel something wet hit their fingers*
MC: Was... was that a tomato?!
MC: You know what, fuck you man!! Go help yourself!! 🤬
He's flipping out.
An extrovert like Mammon trapped in a room like that all alone?? He'll go stir crazy in three days tops!
It took twenty minutes and 3 selfies for anyone besides the MC to believe that he was trapped in there. ... Then MC raking his brothers over the coals for them to actually start treating it like a priority. He really didn't do it to himself this time, dammit!!
Mammon's ADHD brain is already going mad after a few hours of nothing to do. MC gets piles upon piles of texts ranging from, "Are ya any closer yet??" to "MC, if ya can't get me out of here, take care of Goldie for me... my car too."
They have to reassure him multiple times that he would not, in fact, die in there if they could help it. Though after his phone goes dead from the constant spam, they do start to worry...
If there was any bright side to the situation, Mammon gets to watch his treasured MC absolutely tear his brothers a new one if any one of them so much as think about giving up or postponing the search. Their anger is truly frightening... so good thing he isn't there! Ha!!
When they finally find him, he's never lept for the MC so fast... Literally. He literally jumps. He wants out of there FAST.
MC: *standing under the tower*
MC: Mammon! Mammon!! Let down your-
Mammon: *leaps from the tower, knowing they'll find some way to catch him*
Mammon: FREEDOM!!!
MC: Oh dear God, don't just jump!!! 😫
Panicking like crazy and running around in circles. Can you even comprehend how many premieres he's going to miss like this?? The spoilers!!!
After the MC gets a hold of him through the phone and they tell him to hang tight and if he figures out where he is to let them know.
So uh... He had intends to keep his phone usage down to a minimum so he could conserve the battery life. However, he figures he could at least do his mobile game check-ins and the next thing he knows his phone dies during a weekly dungeon....
Honestly? His soul might have died along with it.
He spends a lot of time staring at the crystal ball, hoping in vain that one of his brothers will watch TV or something, anything that could give him something to do.
That was his only way of communicating with the others and, more importantly, the only source of entertainment an otaku like him could have in a room like this! Does he look like a cottagecore enthusiast?? No!!!
If anyone is in his bedroom, he'll try to zoom in on Henry's fishbowl and talk to him to decompress... He already feels like such an idiot for wasting his battery life. Henry, why is he so stupid...?
Yeah, he's going to be bored and moping until somebody comes to find him. But at least he won't mind the isolation as much so they're not too worried about him going crazy in there. He'll be fine... right?
MC: *standing under the tower*
MC: Leviathan! Leviathan!! Let down your-
Levi: *scrambles to the window* MC, DID YOU BRING A CHARGER?!?
He is naturally furious, but also weirdly intrigued. Is this like one of those escape rooms MC sometimes talks to him about...?
Much like Lucifer, he quickly finds that trying to break through stuff wouldn't get him anywhere... as the heavy countertop he smashed into smithereens again the wall shows him.
Tantrum out of his system, Satan is probably the most rational the seven. He does his best to communicate to the others where the tower is based on the landmarks he can see, but he also uses his phone sparingly to conserve the battery.
While they all work to track him down, he keeps himself busy by listening to their plans through the crystal ball or searching for any weak points on his own, because what good would just sitting around do him?
He's surprisingly flexible. If the group plans to look for him from above, he sets out cushions on the floor just in case of any falls. If they want to look for him on foot, he makes sure to light as many candles as possible to give them a makeshift beacon to guide them.
By the time that they actually find him, he's already figured out a couple ways to help get him out depending on the possible exit points and has prepared accordingly.
MC: *standing under the tower*
MC: Satan! Satan!! Let down your-eh?
*they watch as a looong chain of tied together sheets, tablecloths, and towels gets tossed from the window, followed by Satan using it to calmly rappel down*
MC: U-uh.... Never mind! I guess you got this. 😅
Asmo would be living his best life if only anyone could actually see him up there!
Asmo is all down for playing the role of the helpless, beautiful victim in need of rescuing but how is he supposed to pull that off if he's trapped all alone?? There's no attention! No pageantry!!
After getting the situation across to his brothers, he also kills his phone battery by posting selfies and livestreaming the situation to his adoring public. They're so scared for him, but he's not worried. MC will come find him, after all!
By the time they actually arrive to come get him, Asmo has already dolled himself up to play his newfound role perfectly.
After his phone dies, he keeps himself busy in small ways... Like practicing his relieved expression in a mirror for a few hours. Or using the curtains and his sewing skills to make himself just the cutest gown!
MC: *stand under the tower*
MC: Asmodeus! Asmodeus!! Let down your... hair...?
Asmo: ✨️COMING~!!✨️
*the MC watches as yards and yards of beautiful strawberry blonde trusses indeed gets thrown from the window above, all connected to a very hammy Asmo standing on the window sill*
MC: ... It's only been two days, how did you even grow all that?!?
Very confused, upset, and hungry. Somebody please help him!!
The minute that Beel sends the message that he is trapped somewhere, it was really all hands on deck. MC and Belphie were freaking out of course, but all of his other brothers were just as worried as well. This is Beel here! He's going to be so hungry out there!!
And hungry he is. He went through an entire two weeks worth of rations stored in the room within an hour. By the end of the day, he's so mindlessly hungry that he starts taking bites out of the tables, chairs, and even his phone...
Since he can't use half of a phone, Beel has to watch his brothers work through the crystal ball while he gnats on the drapery, feeling guilty about making them all so worried...
At least this time his brothers don't argue nor fight with each other at all. Everyone understands what the priorities are and they follow whatever roles they are to the letter. They want to find him ASAP and they even take turns comforting Belphie with MC while they search.
By the time they find him, the whole family is willing to bust through the walls with pickaxes if that's what it takes to get to him. He would feel really touched by all of their efforts, but he's just so hungry... need... food.....
MC: *standing under the tower*
Beel: MC... s-so hungry.... 😓
MC: You stay right there, don't move a muscle! I'm coming to you!! 😫
... Deja vu, right?
So this isn’t Belphie's first rodeo. He's practically a "stuffed up somewhere he can't escape from" veteran now. Though this place was more... cozy than the attic.
Call it the cow in him, but he's always had a soft spot for cottagecore. It's so homey and comforting, just perfect for lazy naps under fruit trees! The atmosphere is so relaxing...
So he naps. A LOT.
He ends up communicating a lot more sporadically with everyone than the others. Largely due to the long periods of unconsciousness. But like, could you blame him? What was he even supposed to do in there? MC would figure something out again.
Whenever he goes over to check the progress, he shoots out sarcastic texts about his brothers' dumb ideas to pass the time. It's very apparent how unconcerned he is about this from the get-go...
Does he know when they are on their way to get him? Surprisingly yes. Does he manage to stay awake until they show up? Unsurprisingly no. Go figure...
MC: *standing under the tower*
MC: Belphegor! Belphegor!! Let down your hair!
Belphegor: .....
MC: ... Belphie?
Belphegor: .....
MC: Bitch, are you seriously asleep?!
Belphegor: ....zzzZZzzz....
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ghostboneswrites2 · 3 months
Drabble time!! (Is this considered a drabble????)
Prompt: Hair's normal
18+ MDNI || Warnings: mild age gap (feel the need to specify reader is not underage)
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        You were too young. He always had to tell himself that, every time you licked your lips in the dry heat or bent over unassumingly to pick something up. The two of you had been alone so long, walking through the forest, making fires, killing and eating things. The routine was so mundane it could drive anyone mad. The only thing that kept him from putting an arrow through his skull was the simple fact that he didn't know how long you'd make it on your own.         But, on days like this, when it got so hot outside you'd wear those short shorts, he struggled. On this particular day you were shaving in a little stream. He'd set up a camp there a few days ago. The two of you were growing so tired and sore from the weeks of endless travel.         "Why you still doin' that anyway?" He asked.
        "What? Shaving?" 
        "Yeah. Ain't like ya got anyone to impress."
        "I don't know." You shrugged. "Just makes me feel normal, I guess."
        "Hair's normal."
        "Is it bothering you or something?" You smirked. You saw the way he'd look sometimes but you never said anything. You were sure it was hard to be alone for so long, not having any of his urges satisfied, and having to keep his eyes off of the 20-something year old girl he was stuck traveling with. You always took comfort in the fact he'd  never try anything, and tried to save the short shorts for the days where you couldn't stand to be in jeans. Plus, you were letting your jeans dry at the moment, still damp from the wash you gave them the night before.
        "Nah." He shook his head in defense. "Just weird. Who the hell shaves when they ain't even got food in their belly every day? Fucked up priorities is all."
        "Whatever." You giggled.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
ShuggyUta family is so cute and funny bc like.
One one hand - AAAA CUTE Uta one day having the EPIPHANY that half of her hair is WHITE, and HAIR DYE EXISTS so she hunts down the closest blue to Buggy's hair. She dyes it in the middle of the night, and either comes out next morning completely casual OR bursts out like "DAD, PAPA, LOOK NOW I HAVE BOTH OF YOU WITH ME :DD"
They both implode immediately ((and Buggy gives her the "The sentiment is so sweet baby, but remember you never ever have to change your appearance to be worthy of love. If you want to, want it for yourself, okay? We love you no matter what" talk))
Then there's also the shenanigans.
Buggy: .... whatchya got there?
Shanks and Uta, both holding one of Luffy's hands, holding cups in the other: ........ smoothies?
Buggy: Shanks so help me, I TOLD YOU not to get another kid-
Shanks: whaaaaaat? Hahaha, no Bugaboo. You told me very specifically I am not to adopt another child :))
Buggy: so why are there two new children in the kitchen
Luffy: I adopted them!
Uta: we have big brothers now!
Shanks: you told me not to adopt anyone. You didn't tell Lu or Uta.
Buggy: alright. That one's on me.
Rayleigh, surprise visiting his kids: hello my children, I have swam across the Grandline- is that a kid?
Buggy, Uta on one hip, Sabo on his shoulders, Luffy on his back and Ace clinging to his leg and glaring death at Ray: four, actually.
Ray: I'm a grandpa? And you didn't TELL ME??
Shanks: happy mothers day, Bug!
Buggy: i'm... not a woman?
Shanks: maybe not but you ARE a botto-
Buggy: punches him I'm keeping the roses and chocolates
Buggy and Shanks teaching them the pirates code, weapons, Haki, sailing, navigation, etc.
Shanks has a moment of "is it really okay to have them on the ship? We were in danger, Bug, it hurt us, what if we're hurting THEM-??"
Buggy smacks him. "We're learning from our dads' mistakes, Red. It's not perfect. We're not perfect. We just need to be the best we can and always put them first. We need to communicate. If we leave them, we can't protect them. If we leave, they'll be on their own. This is the lesser evil. We need to have their security as our priority. We're pirates, but we're parents, too. We can not commit to one over the other, but we can't let it hurt our babies. They're ours now. We are NOT leaving them behind."
Ace gets a crash course in his history. It's rocky at first, but it's only bc he asks Buggy and Shanks ((separately, mind you)) about "if Gold Roger Had A Kid".
Buggy responds with a snort. "I mean, he kinda had two? But if we had another, then word, I guess? I'd be a little annoyed."
"Bc of his blood?"
"What? No. I'd be pissed that Captain didn't tell me. Asshole move, that. Why do you ask, freckles?"
Shanks, meanwhile, just shrugs. "Ya know how they say blood is thicker than water?"
"... yeah?"
"Yeah, it's bullshit. I wouldn't really care. If Captain had a kid, that's just not my business. I bled with him, for him, and he did for me. I think of him as my father, so I guess that would be sort of like... a little sibling, maybe? But it'd be up to the kid. Your blood doesn't define you, Ace. That's a lesson all good pirates know."
"......... mm."
Sabo, no warning, in the middle of dinner: I'm a runaway noble.
Shanks: oh neat.
Buggy: oh? Which family? Want me to rob them for you?
Sabo: you aren't mad???
Uta, shrugging: it doesn't matter. You're still a feral jungle brat. Besides, if anyone in the family passes as a fancy pants noble, it's me!
Buggy: 🤨
Uta: ... and mama Bug. I guess.
Luffy: I don't care. Sabo is Sabo.
Ace: yeah, what he said.
Buggy: I will still rob them though.
That's all I got rn baaaaiiii
Help these are all great 😭 You made my day with this <3
They just keep adopting kids and expanding the family. When they grow up, they get their partners and Zoro, Yamato, Koala, and Perona are there 24/7 because these kids cannot have a normal relationship that isn't based on codependency and both Shanks and Buggy have to deal with four more people around.
Ace telling them he is Roger's child and Sabo telling them he is a noble??? That kills me. They'd be so supportive and protective of them, too. It kills me.
Also, Buggy would ADORE these kids. Rayleigh comes over and sees the whole thing and Shanks thinks he's going to be angry because they didn't tell him but the man is just amazed they managed to have a family of their own without fucking up. Buggy keeps saying it was thanks to him because Shanks wouldn't have been able to do it on his own and, like, everybody agrees.
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brokenpieces-72 · 17 days
Going Dark
COD Gangster AU
Kate had met with her friend, Charlotte at the gathering. Her hope was to exchange what information she could with her while having another ear close by.
When Makarov gave his speech she’d gotten a text from Price.
“141 going Dark.”
Kate didn’t have time to try and help Farah, and there was too much risk in doing so. At least Alex had tried. Her main priority was you and getting you to safety. As soon as Charly noticed the text she left to get the car.
You sat in the backseat furiously texting Kyle and Johnny, praying for a response. You keep trying to refresh the messages, seeing how long it’s been since sending them.
“Ya alright back there love?” Charlotte asks from the front seat. Laswell is staring out the window, lost in thought in between text messages. You look up from your phone, and meet Charlotte’s eyes in the rear view mirror. You nod.
“Y-yeah. Fine.” You say, finally setting your phone screen down. Then you pick it up again and text Graves.
“What happened?! What did you do?!”
He texts back right away.
“Exactly as you told me to. We got em kid.”
You try to ask him what he means but your text won’t go through. He’s blocked your number.
Charlotte pulled into a parking lot and exits the vehicle with Laswell. While Laswell made her way to the old hotel building Charlotte opened the door for you, offering a hand. After everything you welcome the comfort of physical touch. Charlotte escorts you inside and you make your way up a few flights until you reach the honeymoon suite. Laswell knocks on the door.
“Watcher-1.” Laswell says, and the door opens. You go in with them and looks around eyes wide.
Alejandro is pacing, bruises blotting his face and arms. Simon is helping Rudy who is laying on ratty couch, getting makeshift stitches. Kyle and Soap are bandaging themselves, with a nasty wound on Soap’s arm and Kyle’s arm caked in blood. Price closes the door behind you.
“You said Graves would help.” He comments before anyone can say anything else. You go very very quiet. Price is staring you down. His face is blank but one word will change that. You don’t know what to say to him. Graves had fucked them over but surely something else was going on.
“I dont know what happened.” You say quickly.
Price shakes his head and steps further into the room while all you can do is stand there, frozen in place. You shouldn’t have told Graves, you shouldn’t have tried to help. Price doesn’t say anything and yet it feels like he’s saying everything. You just want it out.
“I don’t know what happened!” You repeat turning to look at Price.
“You told Graves. That’s what happened! Graves is not your father, he can’t do what he did!” Price tells you. Laswell tries stepping in and he raises a finger to stop her.
“No. Don’t defend them. They messed up, they take the fall.”
“I was trying to help!” You argue. “That’s all I’ve been doing!”
“You took a risk that was never your decision.”
“I got the cops involved so that something could actually be done, people could be put behind bars!”
“You’re not your father!” Price shouts. The entire room goes silent. You don’t have anything to say to that. The others don’t say anything either. No one defends you. No one argues with Price.
Then you notice red and blue lights. Your eyes widen. How could this get any worse? Graves was about to show you. Price looks at Kate and Charlotte who leave the room. The last thing Price wants is for the two of them to get into shit and lose their positions as high as they are. Alejandro curses in Spanish seeing the place is surrounded. There was no way out, but the cops weren’t looking for Charlotte and Laswell.
“Go with them.” Price orders you.
“I’m staying.” You say. You look at Soap and Gaz who look away to finish up their bandages. You know you’ve screwed up. Time to pay the price. Except you pay for it in a whole new way.
Graves opens the door and sees you. He looks relieved.
“Officer l/n. Well done.” He says approvingly. “You’re all under arrest.”
“Graves what the fuck?!” Soap barks, getting to his feet. You see more cops shuffling in behind Graves. You get between Graves and Soap.
“Soap leave it!” You tell him.
“You have some nerve Graves.” Price says.
Alejandro says something in Spanish again, as an officer approaches each one of your friends. Simon doesn’t put up a fight. He knows there’s risk in fighting back when they’re all injured, and while they had weapons, there didn’t need to be more blood shed.
“You did really good kid. Your dad would be proud.” Graves said patting you on the shoulder, raising his voice a little so everyone in the room can hear.
“What?” You ask.
“Seriously I don’t think even your dad could pull an undercover case like so well. Impressive.” Graves continues.
Soap looks at you with a look of anger and betrayal.
“You little shit.” Johnny says, looking you dead in the eyes. No. There was no way. What the fuck. You don’t know what to say. Before Johnny can do anything, he’s pinned to the closest wall and put in handcuffs. Kyle raises his hands, and Rudolfo is helped up. Alejandro is ignoring the Miranda rights and continuing to tell them off in Spanish. All you can do is stand there with Graves gently nudging you around so everyone can be escorted out. You stare at the ground unable to face anyone. You don’t know how to feel. You’re upset your friends are being arrested, you’re worried about what will happen to them, you’re pissed at Graves for what ever shit he was pulling, and… you were scared. Once everyone is outside, it’s just you and Graves.
He shuts the door instructing his officers to wait downstairs.
“What the fuck.” You say turning and facing him. Graves looks back at you with a stern expression.
“You did it kid good job.” He says.
“I didn’t do shit! You! This was all you!” You shout.
“Listen to m-“
“No! I’m done. I resigned! I left the force because I finally found something worth doing and the one second I trust you, you turn around a pull this shit!”
“I am trying to hel-“
“No! No you didn’t. If anything you’ve done the exact opposite of what I wanted. I’m not a cop, and I’m not my father! You fucked up and now you’ve pinned it on me.” You say and you leave the room slamming the door closed.
Once you get outside you catch sight of Price before the door is closed on him. It’s a look that haunts you, and is unreadable. A couple of officers come over to congratulate you on an excellent con. You shove past them and leave the scene. You don’t want to be there anymore. You just want to go home. Except you can’t go home. Your home just got piled into cars and taken to the police station.
So you return to your old apartment. You sit on the couch after getting yourself a beer. You don’t know what to do now. You’re pissed off and afraid. But you know there isn’t much you can do.
“You’re not your father.” Those words sting all night.
Graves returns to the police station where he sees a pleased Makarov. He gives a smug look to Makarov striding over to stand next to him.
“Officer Graves. Well done.” Makarov says with praise.
“Wish I could take the glory, but not me.” Graves says watching the 141 be taken to the holding cells. Makarov glances at Graves.
“Unfortunately we lost a few good officers thanks to undercover work… but I don’t think I need to tell you that.” Graves says giving Makarov a friendly nudge, before checking his watch.
“I better get going. I haven’t eaten anything all night, need to run a couple errands.”
“Who is responsible for bringing them in?” Makarov asks.
“Heh, believe it or not, the officer who resigned. Kid can do a long con.” Graves says, before leaving the station. Makarov looks toward the holding cells. A bit of time and it would hardly be an issue. This kid would certainly be an issue, but something to worry about later.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @tai-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
With an extremely lazy mc, that can be worse than belphegor in that aspect yet is always on top of what they need to do.
Homework? Finished, Chores? Done, Pranks? Happened. Yet they haven't seemed to move from their spot in the last 7 hours.
It's later revealed that it's just them using magic but entertaining nonetheless
Hi there, anon!
This was fun to write, I have to say. I mean, if I could just use magic to get everything done, I absolutely would.
Thanks for the request!
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brothers reaction to lazy GN!MC who gets everything done with magic
Warnings: none!
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Previously thought there was no way anyone could be lazier than Belphie… but he's surprised by how close you get. At first he's annoyed, but then you somehow get everything done anyway? And then he's just confused.
Confused… but also suspicious. How are you doing that, MC? He wants to lecture you so bad, but he can't since you actually do everything you need to do. Secretly a little worked up about it, but he's trying to keep his cool.
That essay he knew was due for your class tomorrow isn't just finished, it's well written, too. The dishes it was your turn to do are all washed and put away. And yet you haven't moved for hours.
Figures it out when he falls for one of your pranks. Because he can see how the prank was done with magic. Confronts you about it directly. Go ahead and pretend you don't know what he's talking about. It'll drive him crazy, especially since you haven't actually done anything wrong and he can't actually prove that prank was yours.
Amazed. He's just shocked that you're able to do everything while actually doing nothing. How is it that all your homework and chores are done when you haven't moved?! What is going on here?
Asks you to teach him your ways even before he knows you're just using magic. He's imagining a life of never having to do homework or chores ever again. He'd be able to spend all his time partying or finding a way to rake in the Grimm. Ya gotta show him how ya do that, MC!
Mammon is in awe of all your perfectly executed pranks, too. Doesn't even mind if he falls victim to one considering how good they always are.
Doesn't figure it out. He'll only know you were using magic the whole time if someone tells him. If you tell him yourself, he'll pretend he knew all along. Now teach him all those spells.
He's amazed, but he's also suspicious. There's no way you're able to stay on top of everything like that. You can sit with him and play video games all night while your homework somehow still gets done. Something is up with that.
Doesn't care too much, though, so he doesn't try to figure out what's going on. Your ability to do your homework and chores isn't his concern. Let Lucifer worry about it.
He's just happy that you have more than enough time to spend with him, watching anime or reading manga or playing video games, etc. Let's be real, Levi has different priorities.
Only figures it out when he asks you to help him clean his room, which has gotten a little cluttered. You proceed to assist with magic and that's when it clicks. Of course! Everyone knows what a good sorcerer you are, MC! He can't believe he didn't realize it sooner!
It doesn't really register at first. He just knows that you're very efficient at getting things done without being busy at all. Assumes you have a strict time management style to keep yourself on track. That's certainly the most logical explanation, right?
Eventually realizes that you are in fact quite lazy, though. The fact that you haven't left the couch in hours makes him a little antsy. Don't you have things to do, MC?
Make him really crazy by just smiling and saying you've already done everything you needed to do that day. Tell him all about whatever homework, chores, and pranks you've done in the time you've been sitting on the couch.
He does figure you out pretty quickly, though. Satan is smart and he can tell that you're doing magic over there, even if nobody else seems to realize it. He's impressed. Why shouldn't you use magic to accomplish everything? Your skill as a sorcerer allows you to do it, so why not?
Complains about how lazy you are. He doesn't care about your homework, chores, or pranks. But MC, you really should be more diligent about your skin care routine. Do you even use the products he gave you?
Show him your half empty product bottles and watch his expression go from surprised to happy to confused. He's thrilled that you're actually using what he gave you, but… when? How? He's never actually seen you use them?
Keep your secrets, Asmo likes how mysterious you are. Always sitting around, always doing nothing, and yet everything is somehow still done. How interesting! You're like a little puzzle he needs to work out.
He does, eventually. He really wants to make sure you're doing what you say you are, so he spies on you to see what you're up to. Won't figure it out until you actually use magic to apply the various skin care products. Now he's onto you. He's another one who's going to be impressed by your clever use of magic.
Doesn't notice how lazy you are, but does notice that your stuff still gets done. His instinct is to help you out, so he might try to do some chores for you only to find that you've somehow already done them? How did you do that? He's confused.
This is going to go on for a while. He's going to notice your stuff is done, but he's just gonna go ??? and then move on with his life. He's not worried about it, though it is a little mind boggling.
Assuming you're sometimes on meal duty, though, that's when he's going to make the connection. If you use magic to make meals and they turn out really good, he's going to want to know how you're doing it. He's going to notice that you somehow get it done without even going into the kitchen? MC, please explain. He needs to know where your food supply is coming from.
In the end, you likely just tell him about it yourself. You go ahead and use magic to make him snacks. He's so thrilled, but he's not going to ask you to teach him. He's just going to ask you to make him food all the time. You're really good at magic, after all.
Annoyed at first. How dare you surpass him in laziness? This isn't something he actually cared about until he realized that some of his brothers were saying you were lazier than him. Hey. MC. This is his thing, you know?
Turns out he's too lazy to actually pursue any kind of rivalry with you about this. So instead you become partners in crime. If you're sitting around for hours, you can be sure that Belphie will be by your side, probably asleep. He's happy to keep you company.
Figures out what you're doing pretty fast. Since he's with you all the time, he sees that you're using magic to get everything done. Starts trying to get you to do his stuff, too. You get to decide if you're going to or not, but if you do, then he'll never leave your side again.
Especially fond of your pranks, particularly ones aimed at Lucifer. Will never give you away. The others might ask him how you do what you do, considering he's spending all his time with you. But he'll never tell, so they'll have to figure it out for themselves.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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t4tstarrailing · 7 days
selfish (avenhill)
ship dynamic: a deeply traumatized guy who has never had someone to protect him and a deeply traumatized guy who lost everything he had to protect.
I dunno, I struggle to see these guys as enemies to lovers because of their shared background and how agreeable boothill is. like, the minute he got an explanation from acheron, he set aside everything and is pretty much chill with her. i'd imagine he'd do the same with aventurine, esp with their relationships to oswaldo. sorry, I'm yapping. they've given me brainrot and I fear it's terminal
"sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if you'd found me and saved me before everything happened."
following his stint into the abyss, aventurine had found himself thinking on the past. it was a weird experience, after having spent so much of his life trying to avoid it. but nowadays he found himself sitting on his balcony, in nothing but messy grey sweats and a white tank top, speaking out loud. most of the time he was alone, letting the wind carry his words away.
but sometimes he wasn't. and there was an immediate answer to his question.
"that's the thing about the past, fudgin' hard to change and even fudgin' harder to accept, ain't it? but... I reckon, I gotta question fer ya 'cause I'm just a bit curious."
boothill's head rested on his lap, hair unbraided and shirtless as he rested in the sun. aventurine didn't look down at him as he spoke, instead only looking forward at the horizon.
"would you let me save ya now?"
there was a moment of silence before the stoneheart spoke.
"... would that be too selfish of me to ask?"
he didn't know what he was asking. truth be told, he didn't know what true freedom even looked like. he'd been shackled in one way or another his whole life, be it his slave master or to the IPC. he'd never been a priority to anyone, just another pawn to be thrown out when his usefulness was done.
he was the little sacrificial lamb saved from the altar. and now he was stumbling around blindly, frozen from fear of a future that has never existed before.
boothill groaned as he sat up, wrapping an arm around his new friend's waist. he rested his chin on his shoulder, rubbing his stubble playfully.
"I know a nice little planet the IPC doesn't touch. heck, ain't even listed on the most dangerous planets brochure 'cause they want to ignore it so fudgin' bad."
his voice was dreamy as he spoke, like he was recounting stories from his own home planet. something about his voice made the stoneheart soften and smile, resting his cheek against the top of his head as he played with his hair.
"... clear blue skies, desert to roam, land to ranch, all the lamb you could ever want... no one will ever find you."
another pause before aventurine laughed softly.
"I just.... I don't know what i'd do with myself. I've never known freedom."
"I'm just askin' ya to taste a little freedom from the IPC before ya make any decisions," boothill explained, tracing small circles on aventurine's back. "we both know we won't ever be able to go back home, so why not find somewhere new to settle down at? the folks ain't gonna expect much from ya, and I can put in a good word for ya."
another breathy laugh as aventurine dug his nose into boothill's hair.
"are you asking me to settle down with you, boothill?" he asked teasingly. "have I won you over that quickly?"
"aw, shirt no! I ain't gonna be settlin' down for a while now," he retorted. aventurine noted the fans whirring, his sure sign of embarrassment. "... but if I do end up missin' ya while I'm on the road, it'll be far easier to find ya. and I won't have to worry myself stupid about whether yer safe or not."
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basilone · 3 months
can i request... demarco, and scrub or flash please <3
Oooo yes you can! 💙 I'm always up for writing Benny, he's great fun. (Applying a small warning here regarding a war-typical slang term for the Germans, and a slightly bigger warning for descriptions of Meatball having been a skosh under the weather.)
scrub / flash
He’d have been a whole lot madder about this if Buck had looked right as rain.
“Jesus,” he says instead, whistling low through his teeth once he gets a proper look at Buck’s face. “You lose a fight with a big glass door or something?”
Buck’s grimace makes the small splinters of glass sparkle in the light. “Or something,” he agrees. There’s dried blood on his cheeks, where the worst of the splinters still resides. “Crashed into someone’s kitchen. Straight through the window. Had enough sense to shield my eyes, but…”
“Not enough sense to avoid the window, huh.”
“Would like to see you try.”
“I got into a standoff with a couple o’ sheep,” says Benny, feeling at least a little bit defensive about his own dire circumstances here. “One of them stomped on my nuts and it went downhill from there. Fuckin’ Jerries found me by the sound of my squeaking. That shit hurts, Buck. More ways than one.”
Benny’s somewhat pleased to see the flash of deep amusement in Buck’s eyes. Knows there will be jokes about sheep somewhere in the distant future, mentioned when Benny least expects them to be. He can almost see Buck filing it away for future reference even now, though the man’s prolonged grimace makes it hard to tell how many jokes Benny will be subjected to.
“Want me to try and take the glass out?” he asks, already fishing around in his pocket for a cleaner cloth than the bloodstained one Buck’s holding. “That’s fucking unsanitary, you know. Leaving it in like that.”
“They had other priorities.” A slightly ragged huff of breath escapes the man seated in front of him. The glass shards tremble along with the breath. “Like finding out more about that B-17 shipment.”
“You too, huh.”
“Originality is not their strong suit.”
Benny chuckles at that. “They don’t have strong stomachs, either,” he says conversationally while he plucks the biggest shard of glass out of Buck’s cheek. “Mine was eating while questioning me. I made him regret it.” He snorts out a laugh as he wets the cloth in the nearby mug of water. “He was fishing for anything about the base, so I told him I was real fucking worried about Meatball.”
“Jesus, Benny.”
“Hey, not my fault that my dog woke me up with the most explosive case of diarrhea yesterday morning. Like I was tellin’ Investigator Jerry out there,” says Benny, jerking his head at the window, “damn dog crapped all over the bed and over half of me. Whining something fierce about it, too, making more noise than should be legal before dawn. So I said to the guy questioning me, Meatball’s got me all worried like that, like do dogs even get the flu? So I told him how it all smelled and looked, ya know, to get a second opinion?” He sucks in a breath as Buck’s motion almost makes the cut on his face worse. Swats at him with the cloth. “Hold still, there, I didn’t get–”
“Tell me you didn’t just spend the whole of interrogation,” laughs Buck, shoulders shaking slightly, “talking about the damn dog being sick, Ben!”
“I did,” he nods sagely. “We got real deep into it once I managed to explain that I’d had to take three increasingly colder showers to get rid of the stink. He looked real queasy about it. Stopped eating by the time I talked about the fact that Meatball started to sick up once he was done shitting everywhere,” says Benny, grabbing hold of Buck’s chin just to minimize the effect of the man’s laughter on Operation Glass Removal. “So I asked Jerry if he was done with his food, because it smelled real nice after all Meatball put me through, and I reached out to move his tray over to me so I could eat, you know? And that’s when he just cracked, Buck. Never had anyone remove me from their office faster, and I’m countin’ the time Harding asked me about that morning when I got back to base real late.”
“You outdid yourself here.” Buck winces as Benny’s fingers press down on his cheek to get a stubborn piece of glass out. “You were always the best of us at interrogation training.”
Benny shudders a little to himself. “Only because nobody’s scarier than my Nonna.” He eyes Buck critically. “I know you didn’t give them shit, either.”
“Name. Rank. Serial number. Enigmatic smile.”
“Putting Mona Lisa to shame there. Think they’ll try again?”
Buck damn near chuckles at that. “With you? I want to be in that room when they do.”
“Watch and learn, buddy.” Benny grins as he plucks the last shard out of Buck’s hairline. “There. You’re all set for some nice scars.”
“Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m real good to you like that. But Buck”– he says, sobering up fast, feeling the lingering knot of frustration tighten in his belly –“the next time I tell you to scrub the flight, we scrub.”
Buck scrapes his throat. “Won’t be a next time, Benny.” He nods at the bunk beds, the scratchy blankets, the uncomfortable everything of being completely trapped. “Look where we are.”
“Next war, then,” he replies, leaning back against his chair in a bid to get comfortable. Tries to ignore the fact that they’re stuck here. That they’re not gonna fly again any time soon. “Somewhere warmer than here. Sunnier. I wanna get real tan, Buck. Africa, maybe.”
“Next war.” A nod. The ghost of a smile flashing up at him from underneath the wet, bloodied cloth. “Sure, Benny, we’ll go to Africa.”
He exhales loudly. Feels the knot in his belly finally loosen, too. “That’d be an honor, sir.”
Buck’s eyes are calm. His hand barely trembles as he holds it out for Benny to shake. “Honor’s all mine, Ben.”
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scarletwritesshit · 27 days
💊 Kotone Shiomi x Shinjiro Aragaki 💊 Pain In My (Our) Ass
It felt a little lonely waiting for those gutter rats to drop by. Shinjiro wouldn’t admit that in a million years, however. The alley cats were always oh-so-tempting to befriend, but he couldn’t let them catch him in such a position. Not like they would really do anything, but it was more because he had no interest in becoming more of a laughing stock to them than he already is.
Shinjiro crossed his legs, stuffed his hands into his coat pockets, and huffed. They’ll show up whenever they felt like it, so no use holding them to any timely expectations.
He heard footsteps approaching, but not from the usual direction. It was probably just some punk ass passersby, he thought. He paid no mind as he continued waiting for those rats to show up.
Unfortunately, the source of the sound wasn’t from just any "passerby." It was worse. Way worse.
It was from one of his own teammates. His leader, in fact.
"There you are, Shinji!" Kotone shouted. "This is where you’ve been hiding?"
"You were looking for me?" he asked.
"Of course! You have a tendency to disappear on some nights without telling anyone where you’re heading."
"You of all people should know that I can hold my own."
"Sometimes, I doubt that," Kotone said, inviting herself to sit directly next to Shinjiro.
Shinjiro grumbled and crossed his arms, yet did not shoo Kotone away. This was the company he was secretly desired; it would be nonsensical to push her away now. It was unfortunate that she would find out about the source of his suppressants in such a way, but it wasn’t like she was unfamiliar with their existence. He used them on Chidori once prior, so the cat was well out of the bag at this point.
"Doubt that? I’ve made it this long on my own… a little late-night walk before the Dark Hour never hurt nobody."
"Alone with the exception of those," Kotone said, nudging the coat pocket in which Shinjiro kept his suppressants.
"Tch. It’s for our own good. Trust me."
"What do mean by our own good? Don’t those things slowly kill you?"
"Why do you care so much?"
"I’d hate to see you, or any of my friends, die prematurely."
"Trust me. You won’t be missing much with me gone."
"I’ll miss you, which I think that’s a lot."
"…Idiot," he said, completely caught off guard.
Shinjiro looked away, a bit embarrassed at how much Kotone seemed to care for him. Rather than be offended, Kotone smiled and gave him a loving pat on the arm. She leaned close against him, practically gluing herself to his side so Shinjiro couldn’t even force her away if he tried. He did not protest one bit, in fact, he had no intentions of resisting. His main focus was attempting to keep his cool around her, so much so that his original reasoning for waiting in the alleyway had slipped his mind.
Unfortunately, he was reminded of his mission a bit too late once he heard a pair of footsteps approaching his location. Shinjiro was snapped back to reality by the sight of Takaya and Jin staring him down, only this time, they appeared thoroughly amused rather than starving for payment. Shinjiro was praying that, at the very least, they would take a rain check for their collection of intel. Kotone was the last person that he wanted to find out about their questionable exchanges.
"Was that a smile I saw ya holdin’ back?" Jin teased.
"...Hurry up and hand em’ over. I ain’t interested in playing your games," Shinjiro said.
"Winning over the heart of your leader so that she would allow a deranged mutt like you to stay. How clever…pitiful, even." Tayaka teased.
"I don’t have time for this,” Shinjiro said, attempting to shoo them away as fast as possible.
Get the suppressants and quickly clear the air with Kotone before Strega lands him in deep trouble with the entirety of S.E.E.S. That became his top priority. Not to mention, he was concerned about Kotone deciding to take a literal stab at them herself, though understandable as to why she would, he had no other means of acquiring the suppressants. Losing their lives could lead to countless more murdered if Castor rampages without a means of subduing him.
Kotone blinked at them with curiosity, rather than blatant hatred. Odd. He would’ve thought that she saw them as cold-blooded enemies to be struck down on sight. Perhaps keeping Chidori under their care had altered her perception of Strega as a whole.
Perhaps she was simply too kind. A kindhearted soul who cared even for someone like himself. Bastard. Shinjiro had to shake off these thoughts immediately. He couldn’t allow his weakness to seep through. Especially not in front of Strega.
"Why, got a hot date with your leader?" Jin sneered.
"Just give me the damn suppressants."
Jin and Takaya exchanged glances, as if they were attempting to silently communicate their next move while within the presence of the S.E.E.S. leader. The two of them exchanged clueless shrugs but not a single word of discussion. Then, Jin tossed the suppressants to Shinjiro.
"You owe me," Jin barked.
"Figured as much," Shinjiro said, catching the pill bottle.
Without another word spoken to him and Kotone, Jin and Takaya turned around to walk back the way they came. Takaya was highly uninterested in what was brewing between those two, but Jin was plagued with lingering curiosity.
"...Ya really think those two got something going on?" Jin asked.
"I could care less. Doesn’t change how they still attempt to stand in our way… though perhaps, this means I could eliminate two targets in one fell swoop." Takaya said.
"If those two are always gonna be together, it’s goin’ to be a bit harder to weasel intel outta Shinjiro. Plus, ya can’t target one without pissin’ off the other.”
“Which is why I specifically said for us to target both, Jin.”
Jin went silent, taking a moment to think. It would be nice to take out two high priority members of S.E.E.S., but that could ultimately give them a disadvantage considering how aggressive the retaliation from the surviving members would be. Though, they would no longer be of use to them if they were exchanging valuable suppressants for literally nothing.
Losing a source of intel compared to losing their lives before Jin and Takaya could fully serve their purpose. Jin knew the obvious route to take in this dilemma. He looked back at Shinjiro and Kotone briefly to see them staying put, apparently rather invested in their conversation. They didn’t even seem to notice (or care) that Jin and Takaya were still well within their range of attack. That only further solidified Jin’s stance of withholding offensive measures.
"Takaya, I think we’ll be more than fine leavin’ em’ be," he said, rolling his eyes.
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zippidi-dooda · 1 month
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 - To Continue
"What the hell do you mean there's nothing? She has to be somewhere!"
"We've searched everywhere for her, sire."
"Clearly not if you still haven't found her!"
"Sire, if I may-"
"What!" Rias threw his goblet across the room at the new person who entered his chambers.
It shattered upon impact on the wall, narrowly missing the person's head. Had it been anyone else, they would have slunk away in terror. But this man, Rias' advisor, Cymore, had become accustomed to his fits of rage and acted as if it had not happened.
"It has been years since she left. She isn't here or in any of the neighboring kingdoms."
"No shit! These men are all just fucking worthless! Get out of my sight already! You're lucky I don't have you executed for not doing your job properly!"
The soldier on the floor wasted no time running out of the room.
"Sire, I admit that this is my fault for not doing this sooner, but this has gone on for far too long. The kingdom has been falling apart, it's only a matter of time before disaster strikes. After your marriage, your kingdoms combined. You have masses of people who need your leadership. But youre not giving them that. If, God forbid, a revolt or an uprising occured, you'd have no chance of winning. Y/N and Lucas are long dead by now. You need to change priorities and repair the kingdom your family has worked so hard to create. Before it really falls in ruins. It's time you give-"
"No." Rias held up a finger, his voice dead calm all of a sudden. "Don't you dare give me that crap again. Y/N is not dead. If she were, there would be an announcement about a dead woman's pregnant body long ago, or a dead woman and a toddler now, in the papers."
"Many dead women and children are unheard about in every kingdom, Sire. Including ours. The fact that there's no news doesn't mean a thing. I doubt she lasted long out there, she is only used to being pampered by everyone. You have to try to understand that maybe there will be no happy end for-"
"... Excuse me?"
"Lyanne Chesterfield. Age 32. Long blond hair, brown eyes, a little on the short side. She has no family to speak of, just a few neighbors she holds close. Lives in a modest house near town square, right beside the little bakery she works at. Normally clocks in at seven thirty AM and leaves home at at six PM. Works occasionally on weekends. She's the girl you've been courting a little over a year now. The one you plan to marry in a few months. Am I correct?"
The advisor stiffened at all the, accurate, information being thrown at him. 
"I never told you all of that, Sire."
Rias laughed and walked around the table towards him. "Oh, I know. Just her name and that you had a fiancée is all you said. But, as your friend- oh. You do know I think of you as my dearest friend, don't you Cy? You've been my right hand much longer than the others. I tell you all my secrets and you tell me yours."
Sweat dripped down Cymore's neck but he stood still as Rias laughed and shook him by his shoulders.
It was a gesture he'd done a million times before, in a friendly mood after Cymore lifted his spirits. This action once made him relaxed, let him know he did his job right.
But right now, he couldn't help the fear creeping up his spine.
"I think we have a lovely little thing going on here. I'll never find an advisor better than you, one that I can call my friend and trust with everything, truly I can't ... but an advisor being my friend isn't a necessity. Just a perk I enjoy. Anyone else can do the job.
"Anyways, as your friend, I took the liberty of searching about this girl. I wanted to know she's the best match for you, ya know. That she won't break your heart. And she won't. You've picked a perfect girl to wed, Cy. I can't wait for the wedding.
"That is, if nothing bad were to happen that prevented that. God forbid she were to go missing too, like my wife did."
Rias let Cymore go and sat on his bed. He stretched casually as if what he said was normal and not a cause for worry.
"That must be awful, right? Losing the woman you love more than anything in the whole world. Right before she could even be considered yours officially by the church. I don't want that for you, Cy. But sometimes, bad things happen right? And you just have to learn to let go?"
Cymore's mouth felt dry. He tried to ignore the implications that Rias' words held. "Yes, Sire. It's healing to let go. To move on."
Rias laid back, folding his arms behind his head and let out a long sigh. "Ahhhh. Hm. Cymore. If Lyanne were to go missing, would you give up trying to find her?"
He wanted to continue to believe Rias was just joshing him, in a sick way. A reflection of his pain from losing you.
"... I'd search through hell and high water for her, Sire."
He wanted to continue to work by his side. Treat him kindly when everyone else ran away from him. Like the true friend he was.
"For how long?"
He wanted to continue to pin this on the unfortunate events that befell Rias throughout his life. Not on the truth. The truth that this king was a twisted person from the beginning.
"... as ... for as ... long as possible ... Sire. Until I had ... definitive proof that she's gone ... forever ...."
He wanted to continue to believe ...
Rias closed his eyes and smiled. "I like that answer. It means you do understand exactly why I can't give up on Y/N even after so long."
... that Rias was a good man. 
"Yes ... Sire ...."
That he'd never actually threaten him, his future wife ...
"Good. Now, Cy, you are the person I can trust most. You are the one who found that bastard who fucked my wife in the first place. So, if you never want to experience losing the girl you love most like me, I'm finally going to assign you to the task of finding and bringing back Y/N, and her son, to me, safe and sound. And you better not come back unless she is with you. I'll keep your beloved safe from others until then, okay?"
Like he just had.
It felt like the weight of the world had been dropped onto Cymore's shoulders as he knelt to the ground, head bowed and fist pressed to his chest. 
"Yes ... Sire."
"In Ruins" Masterlist
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missbunnybunny · 1 year
Do you or anyone you know happen to know a Widow? Is so call 1-800 how is the fucking did the tv catch fire? I left for one minute, how?? You might just be entitled to compensation.
Widow is just a warning all on herself. That's my warning for yall.
Please like,reblog, or boost this post, THANK YOU!
Author-san: Yes, hello police? This one right there, arrest her. Why?, cuz she belongs in a Psychword no questions asked.
Dispatcher: Alright, will be there in 10.
Widow: y que te hice?- what did I do?-
*Author-san pointing it out*:
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Widow: see, this time it wasn't me and cómo diablos pasó eso?-how the fuck does that happen? -
Widow: also in my defense, it's fucking Walmart?! That shit is normal!
Author-san: mmm...bueno. -fine-*not fully trusting her*
Widow would 100% use the excuse that " she to cute for jail."
Widow: look everyone i found a new pet!
The pet:
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Ghost: no.
Soap: Why is it runn' like that? No! Stay awayyyy!! * runs away*
Gaz: come to florida they said. It'll be fun they said. Fuckin' florida man Disney typa shit.* shaking his head in disappointment*
König: maus......* his having a internal heart attack*
Widow: his cute. Can i-
Price: no, put it back where you found it. * growing rapid grey hairs, every time Widow does this type of shit.*
*Florida people this a normal day*
* other states and countries, Florida what drugs are you taking????*
*Yup folks, this is the daily life of poor 141. F in the chat for this poor man.*
*Everyone having normal thoughts*
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* the second one is a mood honestly*
*Gaz and Widow having fun while on cleaning duty*
*Widows fav song comes on*
Widow: my song is onn!
Gaz: haha. Well ya having fun dancing.
Widow: yup.
*Widow starts singing*:
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
Ghost: well, that explains a lot.
Soap: huh?
Ghost: when i asked her to join, she asked how much it paid.
Soap: Ah!
Widow: money, makes the workd run boys. And if am gonna retire, I best get paid a pretty penny.
*In the background*
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world
It's a rich man's world
A man like that is hard to find, but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad?
And if he happens to be free, I bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game. My life will never be the same
Widow: money is second to könig anyways.
König 😳: maus.. your 1st on my list.
*Widow goes back to her madness🤪*
Author-san: Widow may have some screws lose and most likely be more unhinged than ever. But one thing is true she got her priorities DAMN STRAIGHT.
Thank you, everyone, for the love on my other posts 🙇🏽‍��️.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 9 months
Reply to this: https://www.tumblr.com/lightofunova/728289550572617728/previous-ask-the-royal-absol-stopping-in-the
*Felix had to think for a moment about what Reshi had said. Destino was one to take things a little too far sometimes. However, the sight of her made it difficult to even consider them a priority. Felix just wanted to look into her eyes all day. Those gorgeous, watercolour eyes. She truly was a delightful sight to look at. He had to respond. He couldn’t let a beautiful woman like this wait for him. He could feel his cheeks blushing harder.*
Felix: Sorry, ya beauty is truly distracting. Ya really are just so gorgeous. I really mean that. But… I can see where ya comin’ from. Perhaps I should have a word with ‘em. Maybe. But, I don’t really wanna be responsible for them all the time, ya know? Maybe I can get ya a drink or somethin’ ta help ya forget all about ‘em?
*From the corner of Felix’s eye, he noticed a figure emerging through the crowd, sauntering towards him. Those sunglasses and white hair instantly gave away who it was. It was odd but Felix felt incredibly protective all of a sudden. He shouldn’t feel like that around his friend but something was telling him to not let his guard down. Destino casually approached, resting their arm on Felix.*
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Destino: Of course you do. And I’m saying that she isn’t good enough for you. Come on buddy. I know you. Known you for years at this point. I know what you like. And she isn’t on that list. She wouldn’t even be top 50. Just look at her. Disgusting.
*Felix’s feelings were strong for this beautiful woman. He used to not believe in love at first sight but he couldn’t deny what his heart was telling him. He loved this woman and wanted to protect her from Destino.*
Felix: Well, ya clearly don’t know me. She’s one of the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen and, for once, I don’t like the fact that ya ain’t being nice to someone I like. No, I’m gonna say love. Someone I love.
*That end part stung like a swarm of beedrill. Love? No, whatever had infected Felix was strong. He wasn’t usually like this. Then again, the Pokémon had never shown any signs of infatuation towards anyone else before. How was Destino supposed to know when he loved someone? They had to snap Felix out of this, somehow. Time to bring out the old Destino special.*
Destino: So, you mean to tell me that this woman who wears curtains for an outfit has captured your heart? This woman who has some of the most disgusting hair I have ever seen and shouldn’t even consider herself a legendary Pokémon because she seems rather basic to me. My friend, you have a shit taste in women. At least choose someone who has a semblance of a sense of style. Come on buddy. You’re lying to yourself.
*Felix's tolerance for Destino's verbal insults had dropped. He could feel an anger flare up inside of him. His face turned hotter, teeth clenched together and his hand curled up into a fist.*
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*Destino stumbled back from the impact, sunglasses flying off their face. That was unexpected from Felix. How dare he touch their face like that?! Destino had to stop for a moment. They touched the spot where the hit had landed and pain flared up. Destino’s hand flinched away. That was going to leave a mark. Destino wanted to get angry at Felix. Show their friend that he had no right to touch the Prime of the Underdark's face. They did it with Snow. So what was holding them back from lunging at Felix?
Felix breathed heavily. The gorgeous woman wanted Destino to learn their lesson. Felix figured this would be the best way for it to happen. He'd never punched Destino before. He could see Destino tentatively touch their face. How would Destino react? Felix had to make things clear for his friend.*
Felix: I ain’t gonna have this from you. Ya constant insults. I find someone I like and, as my friend, ya don’t show any support for me? I don't need ya approval about who I can love and who I can't. I don't care about ya shitty opinions. Why do ya even care so much in the first place?
*That was a very good question. Why did Destino care so much? They supposed it was because they just wanted the best for their friend. But something deeper told them that it was more than that. But they still couldn't pinpoint what that was. It seemed Felix wasn't going to back down from his defensive nature. Looking away, Destino felt frustrated. They felt uncharacteristically sad. Sad. Why were they sad? Destino didn’t understand. They were so confused as to how they were supposed to be feeling. They weren't going to respond with their usual demonstration of proving they were the Prime and should be listen to.*
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*Destino picked up the sunglasses that had fallen to the ground, placed them back on and brushed themselves off. Destino began to slowly walk away, hand holding their cheek. The pain of their cheek stung, but not as much as what Felix had said. They had to get away. Destino walked towards the outside area. Perhaps the cool night air could cool off these emotions.
No anger? No dominance displays? Not even a slight mention of being the Prime? That was different. Felix watched as his friend quietly walked away from the situation. He hoped what he had done did not draw to much attention to the both of them. He sighed.*
Felix: I'm sorry ya had ta see that. Things got a little heated there. I just couldn't let Destino insult ya like that. I'm hopin' they're off thinking about what I'd said. I'm sorry ya had ta get caught up in all of this. Please, let me get ya a drink or somethin’.
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