#like if we end up… distant acquaintances who would i talk to?
cornerihaunt · 4 months
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breadandblankets · 5 months
how i hc duke's relationships with the other (main) bats
bruce: mentor/friend/weird HS teacher u bond with kinda thing, i think bruce on his end still feels simmering guilt for not being there for duke when he needed him, duke feel simmering resentment towards bruce for being another adult that left him, this will boil over at some point but then they'll get over it, they will never be that dumb nuclear found family thing, i think doug and elaine would like bruce tho so maybe one of those friend of the family situations where u call someone ur not related to aunt/uncle
cass: very very good friends, would probably consider her a sister from another mister if u will, i would hesitate to call her a best friend *gestures at all of war* but i think she's up there, i really love the headcanon that there is some tension on duke's end because cass has the ability to be more efficient but she actively chooses not to, i think for a long time duke is going to be holding some unhealthy and unrealistic standards both for himself and also people around him, like everything else this causes tension then erupts before it gets resolved, cass i think would know about said tension the whole time but have no idea how to bring up the issue or how to even think about resolving it so it drags on
dick: i think duke holds a grudge for the robin war thing, and i think he fucking should iykyk, (the way he just leaves duke on a roof??? with cops????, i was shouting at my fucking comic) idk i think dick would probably make light of it for a while but duke would be real fucking clear that he remembers and won't be forgiving and forgetting any time soon, i think they're acquaintances at best but realistically, coworkers
damian: like cass Extremely good friends, found family if you will, honestly i think they got a lot of their interpersonal issues out of the way before duke becomes signal, so really its a matter of time before they actually become friends and not just acquaintances, they're old man young to me, i think they do old man things like feed birds in the park and play Go together, i think damian is probably one of the only people duke doesn't hold to his standards, he thinks damian deserves to be a kid, making damian be a kid is probably some of the only time that duke is forced to relax by proxy, therefore duke and damian's friendship is strongly encouraged by bruce who is out of his depth for what to do with both of them and throwing them at each other seems to be working (👍 parenting)
tim: i honestly don't think they know each other well, like i think they may have talked once??? so i don't have shit to base their relationship off, generally i think they're amicable if distant, like a coworker you say hi to at the coffee machine
babs: i Need them to interact, honestly it would be really funny if duke meets babs for the first time as oracle and he's just like??? you're my favorite librarian? and babs is like !! we missed you when you stopped volunteering!!! and duke has to be like yeah that was the joker, i think they would have a good relationship, they don't work together all that much cause oracle doesn't run duke's ops and duke isn't usually on the night shift but they know they can call each other in if they need. one of duke's few trusted AdultsTM
jason: i think rocky at the start, duke would definitely have some Memories of the red hood, that would probably be a hill to overcome, but i generally think that jason will eventually move into a more positive position in the city even with the shadows of all that stuff following him ofc. they are absolute Assholes to each other in a way that is clearly affection, jason will let duke get away with anything up to and including murder, duke will never let jason get away with anything, its like a typo in the group chat
steph: re same as tim, and babs practically nothing to base the relationship on BUT i think they would get on like a house on fire, like cass: sister from another mister energy, steph is giving duke the "you just found out ur dad is a supervillain" support he needs, they are the only bats successfully going to college they probably go to events on campus together, idk they have so much potential as the forgotten robins and all that, i think they should bully bruce together that would be so fun.
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Jamie didn’t forgive his dad’s abuse; he let go of the control his father has over him: Ted Lasso 3x11
Watched Ted Lasso 3.11 last night, and I really regret going on social media to see peoples’ takes before watching the actual episode. Based on some reactions, I went in scared about how bad they fucked up, and came out bewildered at a general lack of media literacy and bad faith people have in shows they profess to like?? 
Tons of people with more relevant life experience have spoken about the controversial plot line of Jamie “forgiving” his dad, but it truly did not read to me like a story of a victim forgiving an abuser and letting them get away with stuff or even inviting said abuse back in their life. His mom, who had the most significant conversation with him in the episode imo, insists that his dad won’t change and embodies the “fuck him” attitude. 
However, this episode also makes it clear that isn’t working for Jamie! He is constantly affected by the specter of his dad (looking back in the stands over and over, clearly worried about seeing him after a long gap), regardless of his dad actually being there. 
Explicitly, textually, within the show, any forgiveness would be for Jamie, not his dad. But also, nothing in the show indicates that Jamie actually forgives his dad, even after talking to Ted. 
Instead, to me, it reads far more like Jamie letting go of the control his dad has over him, despite not even being present. Before the conversation, the stands are a source of fear and anxiety for him (get Phil Dunster an emmy!!), but not only because the Man City supporters are booing him, but because he connects that to his dad (his mom literally says that his dad will be in the stands booing him, for him, all those Man City fans hating him could camouflage the larger threat of his dad).
After the talk, he taunts the crowd back, essentially letting go of that fear to better heal himself, taking control of a threat that isn’t really a threat at all. He is taking his mother’s advice to let his father out of his life, to stop proving anything to him, to stop setting himself up in opposition of his dad - hence the crucial climax of him making a “selfish”, solo goal, despite that being something his dad would want from him. 
In regards to the text to his dad at the end, it was the most bland text I’ve ever seen. There was no forgiveness or emotion to him hoping his dad would be okay, it’s like a text you sent to an acquaintance from ten years ago because you heard their dog died. Instead, this is also Jame in fact letting go of his anxiety and fear - multiple times, he is anxious *because* the last time he talked to his dad was when his dad showed up unexpectedly in Wembley, and he’s constantly paranoid it will happen again. In my mind, this is Jamie taking control of the situation while being emotionally distant in order to cut that sense of anxiety out and make the first step toward that inevitable meeting again. He is reducing his dad from a terrifying unknown to a situation he starts and can control. 
Because this time Jamie knows he will be able to handle whatever is thrown at him; not because he deserves or accepts abuse but because even if abuse is doled out to him as a result of reaching out, the rest of the episode shows how much love he is surrounded by, how much support. When the announcer says “this must be so meaningful to his family,” it is his mom + stepdad, his coaches, his fans, and his team we see first. His dad is an afterthought (though I think it is completely in character for the “forgive and humanize everyone” show to have his dad also choose to heal - completely separate from Jamie’s own journey or even his knowing.)
And that the direction he has chosen to take is in honor of that love, and for that love of his team and his real family. 
People keep saying he should have cut his dad out entirely, but he is already doing that at the start of the episode, and for this specific person and situation, it isn’t working. It isn’t contributing to his healing process, and it seems kind of one note for everyone to insist that all victims be able to or willing to cut people out of their life. Peoples’ relationships to their abusers is not black and white, which the show has already demonstrated with the fact that Rebecca and Rupert can have good times together while she still has strict boundaries and knows he was and is abusive. 
I thought Jamie’s story was a well done, nuanced take that didn’t give an inch to his father’s previous treatment of him, from Jamie or the people around him. I believe even Ted offers the path of forgiveness because he recognizes Jamie is in a place for it - an emotional place where he has moved beyond anger and spite, and a physical place where his dad doesn’t present physical danger to him. The episode was so sincere in showing how badly his dad’s abuse has hurt and damaged Jamie, and how forgiveness, for him, means choosing to let that relationship stay in the past and move on.  
Respect to everyone’s opinions though!!! I think it’s totally okay to be critical of the show, especially when some story lines are so important and sensitive. I just truly didn’t even see the biggest issue most people have with the plot line, which is a sincere forgiveness of abuse i.e. that the abuse was okay. I definitely also think him blocking his dad would be another way to get control over his anxieties, but not one I think meshes with the tone of the show.  
Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I loved the episode—though I do think next week will rip my heart out. 
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I would like to put my Asher ramble coupon to use please! ^^
i shall take this opportunity to ramble about THE BOYS!!!!! the boys are mathew mckoy and alex ruinde, two of the three protagonists for a fantasy book im planning to write titled power doesn't guarantee glory :D
basic info:
Mathew Mckoy, he/him, at the beginning of the story hes 15 but he turns 16 close to the beginning, cisgender and bisexual biromantic!
Alex Ruinde, he/they, 17, genderqueer and just generally queer
through the plot theyre basically forced together again with their old acquaintance aria allen after the death of their childhood friend salveria ramel (they also discover theyre fated to become the closest thing their world has to gods BUT WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW THIS IS ABOUT THE BOYS) but mathew is angry at alex. the two find it hard to get along and it takes alot for them to be okay again. why, you may ask? WELL.
mathew, alex, and salveria were childhood friends (aria was their friend as well but those three were a trio that aria really wasn't a part of) the three of them were all really close. mathew was the goody two shoes good boy, salveria was the silly cheerful one who never took things seriously, and alex was the adventurous and agressive boy who was constantly getting in trouble
like i said, they were close. they were all the three of them had and they were fine with that.
although throughout the first year of middleschool alex became...distant. the others tried to give him space in case they needed it, thinking they'd come around eventually. and for a short time, alex did seem to be getting better.
then the second year of middleschool happened. alex pretty much ghosted the others and outright ran away when mathew or salveria tried to talk to him. coincidentally around the same time rumors started to spread about alex being queer. mathew was hurt, salveria wanted to believe alex had his reasons. (and then the plot happens years later!!! woooooooo :D)
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By: Richard Hanania
Published: May 14, 2023
The topic of black crime has taken over Twitter. It all started when Elon Musk responded sympathetically to a Tweet that presented data showing black-on-white crime is the most common form of interracial violence. The original tweet was completely correct, and you can see Noah Carl for some of the sophistry that has been used to try to deny or obfuscate on the underlying facts.
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I personally don’t have the patience for taking part in these kinds of arguments, at least in the way that Noah is engaging here. It’s like the people who spend all their time arguing with trans and feminists by pointing to *scientific studies* showing that boys have penises and girls have vaginas. Men have more grip strength. Scientists just proved it! I guess someone has to do it, and I’ve run into some actual human beings (on the internet anyway) who tell me that they accepted the blank slate view of sex until they looked at the data. This makes me sad. But since the data does convince some people, I guess I’m glad someone is providing it.
Race and crime is similar. The numbers are there if you need them. I suppose foreigners might. But I grew up just outside of Chicago, and data on black criminality is to me just as unnecessary as sex comparisons of grip strength. Chicago is about a third black. Like many midwestern cities, it is extremely violent, with nearly all of the crime concentrated in black neighborhoods. When crime does spill over into the nicer areas, it’s committed by the people from those neighborhoods.
I knew many family friends who were Middle Eastern immigrants and store owners in the city. Every now and then, some distant relation or acquaintance would get their store looted or, in at least one instance I remember, shot and killed. Michael Jordan’s greatness was much appreciated and respected but its consequences used to fill the community with fear, because another championship tended to create another possibility that stores would go up in flames. The Arabs would speak in shorthand. “What happened to Walid’s store?” “You know, the blacks…” “Ah.” Actually, they would say “the slaves,” if you want to really know how Arabs talk.
Here’s the thing: while only immigrants and white proles explicitly discuss this aspect of their reality, every single person within the orbit of the city behaves as if they know the truth. No matter who you are, unless you’re one of the residents of those communities, your life is organized around avoiding the pathologies of the inner city. If you’re a desperate immigrant, you might open up a store, put up a “We Take EBT” sign, and take the risk of being shot. White Americans are less inclined to do this, so they instead just flee black neighborhoods and do what they can to get their kids out of black schools. They’ll make any commute or pay whatever tuition is necessary. No one is confused about this — liberals are correct that entire swaths of a major city don’t end up with zero white people by accident. They just attribute this to “racism” rather than the desire not to be sexually assaulted or physically harmed.
I’ve been talking about Chicago, but the same things are true for Milwaukee, Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, and countless other major cities. It’s also true for the cities where American elites and policymakers live like Washington, DC, which is why I’m always amused by theories that say they are actually acting in their own interests by coddling criminals. Other than blacks themselves, no group would benefit more from solving our crime problem than wealthy urban whites.
We can therefore ignore those who deny the reality of black crime. They’re either too stupid or dishonest to engage with. Among others on the left, there has been an acceptance of reality combined with pleas to simply frame the issue differently.
When liberals talk about perspective here, what they usually mean is that the likelihood of a white person being victimized by a black person is small in an absolute sense, so why worry about it? It would be a fine argument, except that we are constantly told to obsess over the harms done by police shootings, white supremacist violence, and vigilantes falsely accusing innocent black men of crimes.
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I thought about showing you NYT and CNN headlines implying that blacks have to live in constant fear due to racism. But you’ve probably seen them, and instead I’ll share this clip showing how the topic was addressed a few years ago on a major network TV show.
As a digression, I would recommend checking out a few episodes of A Million Little Things if you want to see the horror that is the PC therapeutic slop that normies are being fed these days, but that’s a discussion for a different time.
So the crime debate has been going something like this.
Conservatives: Look at all the black-on-white crime.
Liberals: Get some perspective man. It’s nothing compared to the chances of being murdered by your own race. Not to mention heart attacks or covid. These are very small numbers.
Conservatives: You guys are the ones telling us blacks are living in constant fear. Stop doing that.
Now, when having these debates, what’s frustrating is that people are usually talking past one another. There’s not like one guy named “conservatives” and one guy named “liberals.” The liberals who are telling you to have some perspective on black crime often aren’t the same ones pushing the narrative that blacks should live in fear of whites. It’s easy to “own” the other side by putting together views of different people and finding contradictions.
That being said, the myth of substantial white-on-black violence is so deeply embedded in the culture that it’s a storyline in network TV shows. I think it’s fair to ask people to take a position on it. If you dislike racists on Twitter focusing too much on black-on-white crime, know that they are closer to the truth than the race obsessives on the other side, and have a lot less power.
One odd thing about these calls for perspective is that when liberals say that intra-racial crime is more common than crime that crosses group boundaries, what they are essentially saying is don’t worry about black crime, because the victims are overwhelmingly black people. But wait! Since when are liberals uninterested in problems that disproportionately affect blacks? These are the people who write serious NYT think pieces about how national parks are too white. They now turn around and say, let’s not talk too much about murder, because blacks are the victims? It’s a very odd thing, and it’s hard for me to even steelman their lack of interest in solving this issue as they obsess over every other black grievance, real or imagined.
Some years ago I noticed that fact checkers started providing “perspective” on claims rather than simply saying whether they were true or false. Of course, what perspective to take on facts is a huge part of what political discourse is about. Do blacks commit a lot of violence against whites? Compared to the number of cancer deaths, no. But in the context of a comparison to white-on-black violence, absolutely. One can conduct a similar analysis of issues like covid, terrorism, and school shootings.
For me, I like cost-benefit analysis as the way to understand what problems are worth worrying about and what we should be doing about them.
Black-on-white violence is not the biggest issue in the world, but it is useful to talk about in order to challenge narratives that pose much more serious problems. Arguments about supposed racism committed by whites against blacks are why we can’t effectively fight crime in this country and why we can’t have freedom of association or meritocratic criteria in hiring. The belief in white racism as a major factor in American life is the force that distorts all of policymaking and culture. Any arguments that are effective at discrediting that narrative are worth making.
And no, I don’t consider acting on statistical realities to be a kind of racism society should solve. Once you remove reactions that are based on group behavior, and private preferences that are none of the government’s business in a free society, the remaining “racism” in the United States against blacks is negligible, and more than balanced out by the ways in which they are advantaged.
The truth of the matter is we have a disgraceful amount of crime in the US, and the costs are not simply a matter of the number of people robbed, raped, and killed. It’s also a tragedy that what could be some of the most valuable urban real estate in the country is basically uninhabitable. In fact, part of the reason that black-on-white violence is rare in this country is because whites have overwhelmingly fled places where blacks live due to the threat of violence.
Other pathologies of American life, like NIMBYism, which drives up the cost of housing, are also downstream of the crime issue. If you’re a resident of Tokyo, you don’t need to worry about greater density leading to a decline in public safety, the way that Americans have to.
There’s no “perspective” one can take from which a reasonable observer won’t find that inner city crime is a major problem, and something we should do our best to solve. The chart below shows the ten American cities of at least 100,000 people that have the highest murder rates, and how they compare to the most violent countries in the world. The murder rates for cities come from CBS, while the country data comes from the World Bank.
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[ How the ten most violent US cities with a population over 100,000 compare to the most violent countries in the world. Red is US cities, blue is countries. ]
You might be saying that it’s unfair to compare cities to entire countries, since urban areas might have concentrated violence. Yet the most violent countries in the world tend to be small. For example, St Louis, which is number one in murder in the chart above, has 293,000 people. That’s a larger population than St Lucia (180,000) and St Vincent (104,000), which are shown on the graph. Detroit has 632,000 people, making it more than 50% larger than either the Bahamas (407,000) or Belize (400,000). New Orleans (384,000) and Cleveland (373,000) are close behind. So this isn’t a matter of cherry-picking areas with minuscule populations and making them look bad. These cities are the size of small countries, which means we are pretty much comparing apples-to-apples in many of these cases. And if you want to make a real apples-to-apples comparisons, try contrasting American cities to those in other first world countries, like London.
As I argue in my articles on El Salvador, any polity that has a high enough murder rate needs to make solving crime its number one priority. This was true for that nation before Bukele came along, as it is for major American cities today. It’s not a big mystery how to do this, it’s just politically difficult, because literally everything that works is considered racist. You need more cops, more prisons, and more use of DNA databases and facial recognition technology. You can’t have concerns about disparate impact in a world where crime is so overwhelmingly committed by one group. And yes, liberals are right about one thing, which is that gun laws matter too.
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But the left is so out of its mind on everything touching on race that even though they’re right that gun laws matter, when it comes to actually enforcing them, they tend to shy away from doing so for the obvious reason.
While I support policies that can make incremental improvements, actually solving our crime problem to any serious extent would take a revolution in our culture or system of government. Whether you want to focus on guns or the criminals themselves, it would involve heavily policing, surveilling, and incarcerating more black people. If any part of you is uncomfortable with policies that have an extreme disparate impact, you don’t have the stomach for what it would take. And, unlike some, I’m not naive enough to think that non-criminal blacks would end up grateful towards those who took the steps necessary to make their communities safer.
Dealing with the crime issue is complicated for reasons that go deep to the heart of the American psyche, which means there’s little hope that things will change any time soon. Until they do, we should continue to at the very least push back on the most malicious lies being told about race in America.
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flamingplay · 3 months
Anyway, a post that I was postponing for weeks. Now I see why thanks to today's incident
Never have I ever felt so fucking embarrassed and such a phony considering that I publicly hyped up being in a video but thankfully only on one social media. That wasn't me in a video but obviously I was there so any distant pixel from the drone shot of the video is me somewhere.
Good that I didn't eventually post anything about the concert days I'm more than sure now that 99% if not 100% of what I took as interaction with me could've been literally anyone in the crowd. There were fucking 70000 people each day in the crowd, so obviously I shouldn't be a delusional idiot.
The facts are:
- I went to meet Coldplay's bassist Guy Berryman at his clothing brand's pop up event. Everything that I told about it sounded like a fanfic to people then I assume my brain played a bad role in it and mistook probably everything. I didn't have anyone I know together with me to confirm that or deny. I'm sending huge thanks to H and Laura who let me know that meeting Guy is possible and where and gave me lots of support. I had an anxiety attack and was near the exit, supporting words from my 2 friends made me change my fucked up mind. But in the end the only real fact is I have a photo with Guy. I feel that I shouldn't have mentioned some things to him.
- I met an iconic coldplayer Stephie. I absolutely loved seeing her and I was very hyped about that. She's a very nice person and I honestly miss her presence and felt that when I was at the square when I first met her several days ago.
- I was at ColdplayXtra meetup and saw Coldplay's manager Phil Harvey. I was all dressed up as my delulu hoped for meeting Jon any minute of that day so I was also carrying guitar strap that I fully designed and painted and embroidered for Jon and a bracelet that my Ukrainian acquaintance made. I held up Phil at the very end when he was near the exit and asked him to pass the presents. That was an extremely short moment. I heard a new song that came out weeks later and was happy about strings in it and upset about Jon being muted. We were told that it wasn't a final version so I was happy nevertheless.
- I was at 2 sold out gigs one of which was phenomenal and featured Don't Panic with Chris making Jon sing his line twice, Politik, My Love (to be out in September) and Charlie Brown instead of Humankind.
- I met a lighting director Shaheem and I was among the gathered bunch of fans who took a setlist from him and a souvenir guitar plec. He was the sweetest and most adorable person ever. We've got a photo together. The rest I'm not sure about, can be my brain coming up with the reaction etc. I was euphoric before meeting Shaheem as I more than certainly mistook Jon's attention being towards me, it could've been anyone getting smiles, nods, laughs from him and the girl that confirmed that could've been wrong too. Afterall there were 70000 people and I ain't special there, so don't be a fucking idiot N.
- I was at the music video filming the next day after that which was open for anyone who saw the social media post about filming at 7 am of the same day in Greek. I was in fact there, as one of the Ukrainian students was there too and Stephie was there and we talked while queueing. I have a special bracelet from filming and cereal bars and love button, so don't think I stole that from anyone and came up with this being my real experience. Jon there smiled at someone and showed a peace sign. I shouldn't take this towards me either, would be too good to be true. Either way someone would say be happy you were there at all and had concerts once in 15 years of waiting for that to happen.
- the music video for feelslikeimfallinginlove is wonderful, their most accessible and I sincerely love it
- if not Stephie absolutely none of the concerts and music video filming would've happened. I was a loser who got 0 tickets on all types of sales. Also thanks to Lauren I had money to pay back for one of the tickets. If not Stephie I'd probably just stay at home on Friday too as I knew no one personally.
- I've got a "Jonny says THANK YOU 💙" tweet without even tagging the band. I posted about my presents publicly out of feeling enormously hurt that I had some certain hope given of meeting the band backstage and eventually I wasn't the chosen one. I saw a tweet of some person meeting the band and was crying in a queue. And only such phony as me would decide to post out about the presents out of feeling deeply hurt by something that wasn't promised and that was too much of a privilege for small idiot like me.
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Transformers: Mosaic #340 - "Heroes"
Originally posted on February 9th, 2009
Story, Letters - Carlos Oliveros Art - Iván Mas Colours - Rafael Yáñez
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: (chuckles) I’m in danger. For over a week, I’m going to be serialising the “Human Component” strips by Iván Mas, which each focus on a different character from the Japanese Transformers cartoon Super-God Masterforce. A curious fandom titbit is that, while the Japan-originated continuations of the G1 cartoon were never broadcast in English, they were translated and dubbed into Spanish, giving them surprising prominence in Spanish-speaking pockets of the fandom. Thing is, I haven’t seen a single episode of Masterforce, so take my annotations with a big fat pinch of salt. Luckily, this first strip by Carlos Oliveros basically serves to provide a dramatis personae and acquaint readers with the conceit of Masterforce as laid out in its first episode. The Autobot and Decepticon Pretenders arrive on Earth in its distant past, and over the course of history the Autobots successfully seal away the Decepticons, inspiring humanity’s myths. In the present day, however, the Decepticons have escaped to wreak havoc anew! Gasp! This strip was dedicated to the memory of the lead writer of both Masterforce and Victory, Hiroyuki Hoshiyama. Weirdly, in the commentary, artist Mas seems to talk as if this was intended as an IDW strip, despite there being absolutely nothing in the strip itself to present it as anything other than a direct adaptation of the anime? Anyway, it seems to me that the Mosaic editors didn’t really know what to do with the “Human Component” strips, which made limited use of sequential storytelling, focused on an extremely obscure series, and were being produced at a startling rate. Mas had intended for them to be interspersed with other strips of his, but collaborators would result in delays; in the end, the Mosaic editors more or less paced them out between other strips by other creative teams, but I’ve decided to lump them together for ease of reading. And because I’m a freak, I’m tagging all the characters under their original Western names; Bomb-Burst is here called Blood (because he’s a vampire), Skullgrin becomes Dauros (a corruption of “tauros”, i.e. bull), and Submarauder becomes Gilmer (because he’s a fish with gills). A huge quantity of teasers and behind-the-scenes material is included below the break, along with my massaged machine translation of Mas’ own commentary for the strip.
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Bullhorn, Minerva & Mega
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Buster, Hydra & Giga
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Shūta & Lightfoot
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Clouder & Cancer
I'm not sure how the idea of making a mosaic of these characters came up, but the truth is that I consider Masterforce by nature of the characters, chapters, drawings, plot, variety, etc, it’s the best Transformers series that has been made and certainly I think it has enormous potential.
In contrast to this maybe that's why I'm surprised by the fact that outside Japan there is almost nothing of this theme, and almost everything we find is from the 80's, a shame, but I thought it was a good way to introduce the subject in the IDW-verse, even if it is in an UNOFFICIAL way, but at least it will see enough people who may be curious about the series, they can see it and maybe they will like it.
Hopefully in the not too distant future we will be able to see something of these characters.
The concept of transformer presented here is very different from what we are used to, it is a very japanese concept, but not worse, it is simply different, in this aspect the mosaic is more as you can see, a kind of introduction to the characters and setting the scene than anything else, but as a first point of contact I think it's fine, there is another Masterfroce on the way, I hope you can see it soon.
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ace-sher-bi-john · 9 months
Me, feeling lonely: I should try to make more friends
My brain: Here's a list of all the reasons why we don't do that,
I experience hyperfixations which take up all of my mental energy to the point where I barely have enough energy to take care of myself. I can't handle having more than two obsessions at a time, and even that is draining. When my friends talk about their obsessions, I try really hard to listen, but lose interest quickly if it's not my current hyperfixation. In turn, I love to infodump and obsess over small details in my hyperfixations. I try really hard not to do this when talking to people because it feels very self-centered. Like they would care about hearing every single detail about my obsession, with no room for them to talk about their interests...
I'm an introvert and find human interaction exhausting unless that person is my mom (who I could literally talk to all day and never be tired, and she in turn would never tire of talking to me). Even talking to friends online is super exhausting and I overthink everything I say, which is even more exhausting
I have zero ability to gage how close I am to someone. I don't want to make things awkward by being super clingy, because several friendships failed throughout my life due to me being clingy and only wanting to play with one specific person even if they didn't feel like playing with me. So I've overcorrected and now I don't make any attempts to progress in our friendship out of fear of appearing clingy. I'm either the most clingy friend or the most distant friend. Friendships require a healthy balance of both and I am incapable of that, so I go for the option that will be seen as the least annoying/selfish and we remain at best really good acquaintances
My interests are very specific and change every couple of months. Even if I found someone who was obsessed with the same thing at the same time, as well as my more niche hobbies, the friendship would last as long as my hyperfixation. Once we no longer share common interests, I would inevitably talk to them less and less until one day, we're no longer friends. My brain would no longer find that person interesting and I would forget about them
I believe that I have it in me to be a really good friend. To get it right. But it would be at the cost of myself. I would try to make enough room in my brain for everyone else's lives and I wouldn't have any interests of my own. I would constantly be exhausted.
So instead I choose the option that sometimes makes me happiest, but other times leaves me sad and lonely wondering why I can't just be better at being a good friend?
I do have friends IRL. I have four people who I would consider to be close friends, possibly even best friends? Two of them have given me the label of being their best friend. But I don't talk to them as often as I probably should. I talk to one of them almost daily for hours at a time, because they just so happen to be obsessed with BBC Sherlock, the MCU and cosplay. But I fear that the second my BBC Sherlock obsession ends, I will stop talking to them.
Outside of those people, I don't know where I stand with anyone who's not family. I have my old classmates from high school. Some of them I talked to every day and had friendly interactions with, but I don't make any effort to stay in contact with them now and didn't feel much of a connection with when we were in school. I have my co-workers who I don't feel much of a connection to, but they're always happy to see me and sometimes interact with me in a way that makes me feel like we're friends. One of my co-workers hugged me before she went home on the day before she started her holiday break because she was going to miss seeing me everyday while she was off. That caught me off guard. I guess we're friends if she felt close enough to me to hug me?
Apologies for the rant. I just really needed to put that somewhere. I won't make a habit of this.
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peaches-are-sweet · 1 year
New Years Party: Prelude Pt. 1
Dawns apartment 
The strong scent of Booze clogged the air as the apartment was filled with the many sweaty, drunk, and slightly unhinged teens dancing the night away and it made me glad that I had opened the balcony doors a few hours earlier.
‘Give me everything’ by Pitbull was playing in the background but was drowned out by the millions of voices talking over it on the 2 large speakers, these voices were due to the cluster of people, that occupied more room than I thought it would and in this cluster stood me, Dawn Hikari, tall and proud to of hosted such a spectacular event in such little time, since it was just last week that Andrew Hayden, or drew as many people liked to call him, asked such a daunting task from me since we should “End this year with one more bad mistake” and thus a party was born. I had invited many of my closest friends and distant acquaintances, this list includes but is not subject to: Ash Ketchum, Misty Waterflower, May Maple, Leaf Green, Gary Oak, and Paul Revere. 
I tried to keep close tabs on them since I was closer with these people than the random ones who either were invited by Drew or just some random people that somehow wandered in here… yeahhh, I have to do something about that. 
“Dawn!” yelled a charismatic voice while walking towards me, distracting me from my previous thoughts,
“Ash!” I shouted back with just as much enthusiasm. 
“God you look amazing! Let me tell you right now that black dress is doing wonders for you right now!”
“Awwh, Thank you… I think….And may I say you look Great! But where’s your Blazer?” I asked, looking around a little in case it was floating mind-air around somewhere:
 Ash always made the impossible seem possible.
“Oh yeah, umm, so Misty said she was a little cold earlier on and being the chivalrous man i am, i decided to give her my blazer” he said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck,
“Awhhh, look at you two! Remind me again: why aren't you two dating?” I said cheekily and giggling a little bit 
“Shut it, You know i could ask the same question about you and-”
“ASH KETCHUM IN THE HOUSE!” shouted Gary wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “Do you mind if i steal this fine young chap from you? I need him,, for an experiment” Gary asked turning his gaze towards me 
“No No it's fine, by all means, take him!” I said shoving them away 
And with that they were lost in the sea of people and never to be seen again… oh wait that reminds her, Ash and I need to finish a school project later, oh well I guess she has to look for him later. 
As the party progresses I talked to many, many people and ran many, many errands like refilling drinks or hanging out snacks, or having the ambulance on speed dial because one of the guests was a little too drunk and a little too close to the balcony railing for my comfort. 
And by the end of it, my feet were on fire so when a few spots on the couch opened up I practically leaped over there. 
“God's sake, how on earth did Drew convince me  again?” I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes a little 
“Oh, he doesn't convince people, “ someone’s voice started to say, a voice she recognized a little too well “, he borderline manipulates you into doing it” Paul finished with a faint giggle being heard from the blunette in response. When I turned to look at him he had his head leaning on the couch facing upwards and his eyes closed.
“Are you doing okay?” I questioned with some worry lacing in my voice. “You looked fine a while ago?” 
“Yeah, Yeah I'm fine, just kinda drunk” he signed a little, his head now turning to face her with his onyx eyes now piercing into mine.
 “Oh,” I said a little quietly this time taking in his features  ‘Jesus Christ we are close’ i realized and some heat began to rise to my cheeks. ‘I need to say something, quick’
 “Uh so, uhh…”
I stuttered averting my eyes in many directions and fidgeting with my hands while Paul’s eyes just stayed on me making no effort to ease some of the tension rising. 
“Hm?” he questioned, quite seductively may i add with that deep voice of his and… wait a minute… is that a smirk she seeing? 
“Ohhh, okay I see what your doing” I rolled her eyes jokingly a small smile showing 
“What?” he asked back faking innocence his deep voice really shining though… oh god that deep voice of his.
“You pulling that face”
“What face?”
“Are you kidding me? Your face is making a face!”
“Yes! And look at how close we are”
“How close we are?”
“Yes, we look like were on the verge of kiss-”
“Do we?”
What the heck should i say? ‘Yeah, we’re so close we may as well make out on the couch here’ nope. ‘Yah, can you kiss me right now?’ God no. ‘Please make out with m-’ Okay i'm going to stop now.
“Should we?” he asked
“what?” she in absolute shock
He said nothing as he chuckled and sat up again. “Nothing”
But I was not about to settle for that.
“No wait,” I hurriedly said as I sat up as well, “What were you going to say?”
“Dawn!!” yelled a voice from behind me by my fiery redhead; Misty. ‘God's sake Misty!’ Dawn thought ‘Literally anytime but now! Why now??’
 “Two things!,” said Misty walking up to us in her sparkling deep blue dress with ash’s jacket loosely hanging off her shoulders, first holding one finger up as I stood up from her spot on the couch“, one: Leaf wants to know if the sandwiches have ham in them”
“Yeah some of them do but there’s another tray of sandwiches that don't: i think i labelled them?” 
“Okay that's great i’ll tell her, second is that drew wants us all to meet on the balcony in like 5 minutes, so it's great that you two are together, that's make it's much easier”
Said misty while waving a finger between me and Paul.
“Okay yep, message received we’ll be there” i said with a thumbs up 
“Great, because hes been trying to round up us and I think Drew is this close to popping a vein” she replied with the index and thumb being quite close together. Actually i think they were touching. 
“Noted” Said Paul getting up from his seat on the couch 
“Okay great! See you there in 5!” said misty waving back at us as she turned and walked away into the party. As she was walking away I turned my gaze toward the clock; 23:12.
Lol, this has been sitting in my drafts for ages and I didn't know what to do with it. Reading back over it it's quite shit and I may change the storyline to make it make more sense if THAT makes sense. I need to go develop the characters more but yeah.
Hope you've enjoyed it and if so could you like this and maybe follow?
✍(◔◡◔), Thank you
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thelordturnip · 1 month
Ophelia x Torveas Snippet: Boar Encounter
Some background: Ophelia is a human healer who has come to the wood elf lands to learn healing from an Elvish university. Torveas is a wood elf who goes to the same university as Ophelia. The two have become friends. Then this happens, which changes some things.
That fateful day was the end of the school week. I came to the glen right after classes. I wanted to pick some herbs to study. I was sitting under a tree taking notes in my notebook when I heard a branch snap from behind me. I turned around to see a familiar sight. Dark brown hair with tight curls that moved with the slightest breeze. I knew without a doubt it was Tovyeas who was walking up to me. His glowing smile and sparkling green eyes always brightened my day. 
“Hello, Ophelia,” Tovyeas said with a smile.
I smiled as soon as his eyes met mine. I stood up and closed my notebook. “Tovyeas! It is so pleasant to see you today.” 
“I am glad to see that you have found this spot. It’s beautiful here,” he said as he walked closer to me. By the time he finished speaking, we both were underneath the tree.
“I can’t argue with that point. Like how we can argue over whether or not nymphs exist.” I ran my fingertips over the tree's bark as I spoke. 
He stared at my hand and then at me. “I wouldn't argue with you about that. I couldn't bring myself to argue with someone as delightful as you.”
“Me? Delightful? How?” 
He chuckled. The sound that I longed to hear for over a week. “Your intelligence and vivacity delighted me so much I wanted to talk to you again.”
I felt a rush of happiness at hearing him say that. My smile was bigger than it had been in months. “What kinds of things do you wish to discuss with me?”
“Whatever makes you smile like you did just now.” He said. I assumed I’d see a naughty glint in his eyes thanks to his tone’s flirtatious nature. He did wear a small playful smirk though. 
“Oh, nothing I could talk about could make me smile like you can.” My words came out of my own mouth without hesitation. His smirk did grow upon hearing that. 
“Then I shall have to get more acquainted with you. I do wish to make you smile more. When I see you smile like that, it makes me feel peaceful. Like absolutely nothing is wrong with the world. It makes me want…” 
Tovyeas’ words trailed off at a distant rustling of leaves. He turned towards the deeper part of the woods. The rustling got louder as it got closer. Then there was a loud grunting that turned into a bellowing sort of roar. It was a wild boar. I had only heard stories of these creatures. They rampaged through the forests, eating just about everything in their path. They plowed through their obstacles using their massive tusks. They had a reputation for killing those who stood in their way. My panic increased as the boar came closer. I raised my arms as if that would ward off the impending attack. 
Tovyeas stepped out in front of me. And in the boar's path. I felt as though my stomach dropped as the boar came closer to him. I didn’t want to see Torveas die in front of me. I didn’t want him to get hurt because of me. I tried to move towards him but I was frozen in place. He placed one hand on the handle of a dagger he had sheathed. I had no idea what he was intending to do. It took a human hunter training with a special spear and a pack of trained hunting dogs to take down a boar. I wanted to scream at him that a single half-elf with a dagger would not be a match for a rampaging boar. In my fright, I remained silent even as he put his free hand out towards the boar with his palm facing up.
The boar kept its pace until it could see Tovyeas’ hand. Only then did the beast slow down. The boar’s charge had diminished to a leisurely gait when it came within attacking distance. Then Tovyeas spoke some gentle elvish to it. His tone was sweet and endearing. The boar made a soft grunting noise of some kind. It was almost as if the boar agreed to do something Torveas had asked. Then the boar turned around and left. 
With the boar’s retreat came a flood of relief over me. I let out a huge sigh that made Torveas look at me. There was a mix of emotions I could detect in his eyes: mostly happiness, a slight bit of fright, and something else. There was something else on his mind as he looked at me. It was just a gut feeling I had. 
“I… I’ve never seen one before,” I managed to say. 
“Are you okay?” Torveas asked. 
I wasn’t sure how to answer that. I wasn’t hurt but I was startled. My heart was racing and my mind was reeling. I tried to think of how to answer but it only worsened my feelings. Torveas said something that I didn’t bother to pretend to understand. 
Torveas touched my arm. Even through the sleeves of my tunic, I could feel the warmth of his hands. He was so close to me that I could smell that he carried peppermint leaves and he lived somewhere that burned cedarwood. A typical incense offering for the deities of the Wood elves, or so I had been told.
I put my hand on top of his. I wrapped my fingers underneath his palm. His hand had been on my elbow. I softly squeezed his hand, seeking some kind of response from him. 
“Would hug help?” Torveas asked. His tone was so sweet that his words might as well have been pure honey. 
I didn’t have to think twice. I nodded. He let go of my arm and then wrapped both his arms around me. He kept his hands on my upper back. I buried my face in his chest. His calm heartbeat helped me reach a sense of calm. I wasn’t sure if I was still awake at that point. This felt so pleasant that it had to be a dream. A faint, distant dream that I could never chase in reality. Everything about him in that moment was what I needed. His warmth, his arms holding me close, his herbal and woodsy scent. Nothing mattered in that moment outside of him holding me. I felt him squeeze me gently once and I squeezed him gently back. I did not wish to let go even though I knew the hug had gone on long enough. I would have let him hold me for an eternity. I had felt utterly safe in his arms. Safer than I had ever been in my life. He lightly started running his fingers through my untied hair. It was lovely having his delicate fingers combing through my thick hair. His embrace lifted any distrust I had in him. I trusted him. He trusted me. This was a moment that was meant to happen. My gut, my heart, my soul all told me that it was true. My brain tried to reject it but my visceral reaction was to ignore my rational thinking. I can trust him, I can want him. The thought hit me like a stack of books hitting the floor. I opened my eyes when I fully understood what my current feelings were. 
Neither one of us spoke for a long moment. His heartbeat and breathing stayed calm, even as I looked up at him. He smiled as he looked into my eyes. A smile that reminded me of the thought that made me open my eyes in the first place. 
“Do you feel better now?” His tone was unchanged from before. 
“Yes,” I said. 
He hesitated in letting me go. Please, I remember thinking, please hold me longer. Then I looked over my shoulder. The sun was setting. What light there was happened to be diminishing right in front of us. He let me go as I looked at the sky. 
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hansoheeglobal · 6 months
[Exclusive] “they only met once last year”… Hyeri knew exactly about the breakup.
[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jihyun] Actor Ryu Junyeol is currently on trial. The charge(?) is transit love. He is being accused of getting off a running bus and switching to another car in November 2023.
It feels like the jury (the public) who attended this trial has already confirmed Ryu Junyeol's guilt. The basis for the judgment is a few photos circulating online and Hyeri's apology letter.
“Last November, there was an article saying that I was ending my 8-year relationship. It wasn't a decision made in a short period of time, and even right after the news about our breakup was published, we had a conversation about wanting to talk more. But we haven’t had any contact or meeting since that conversation.” (Hyeri)
Hyeri's apology, which seemed like a cool apology, was actually not cool. The post “Let’s talk more” ignited the controversy over Ryu Junyeol’s transit love affair.
This news heard from Ryu Junyeol and Hyeri's close acquaintance who watched the beginning and end of their relationship, the timeline of their breakup in 2023. A close personacquaintance said, “The two met only once after discussing their breakup last year. They are just postponed the announcement of their breakup.”
They took a break in February last year, saying, “Let’s take time to think about each other.” It was a virtual farewell. At the time, Hyeri was filming the movie ‘Victory’ in Geoje Island, and the two became estranged.
In June, Ryu Junyeol and Hyeri's breakup became an open secret. When Ryu Junyeol did not show up for Hyeri's birthday, the rumors became even more intense. Rumors peaked in July and August. Reporters have also begun to confirm the breakup of the two people.
A close acquaintance of the two told TV Daily, “Ryu Junyeol and Hyeri delayed giving a clear answer to the outside world. Aren’t most long-term relationships like that? As they had been a couple for a long time, it would have been difficult to officially acknowledge their breakup,”.
Ryu Junyeol is under fire because of Hyeri's "let's talk more" words. However, their close acquaintance say that this does not mean "Let's start again. I will contact you. Wait for me."
"It's not like one party unilaterally asked for a breakup. They met once last year. They had already become distant. I think Hyeri knows that those words (let's talk more) are just a formality. But it would be unreasonable to assume that he was in transit (relationship/love).” (close acquaintance)
Hyeri might be disappointed. Is it because Ryu Junyeol started a new relationship "quickly" (4 months after their breakup)? However, the current criticism is hard to understand. They might have been angry at the place. You might be angry at a place called Hawaii. In fact, the two liked Hawaii and enjoyed dating. Could it be that various emotions brought about ‘that’s fun’?
A close acquaintance to the two said, “When I first saw ‘That’s fun,’ Hawaii came to mind,” and “He went to Hawaii with another woman. “I interpreted it as ‘that’s fun'".
The relationship between Ryu Junyeol and Han Sohee is not an incident. Hyeri’s ‘That’s Funny’, Han Sohee’s ‘Dog Knife’, and Ryu Junyeol’s ‘Silent Words’ only stimulated the imagination and are far from causing social controversy.
Hyeri will definitely know. The fact that there was no problem with her own breakup. Therefore, there is no problem with another start for Ryu Junyeol. Right now, only some fans are using their imagination. It is no longer an issue to be consumed.
Ps: rough trans
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mpcedric · 1 year
Sàbhailte (solo)
TW: mention of torture, abuse both physical and mental. And fire guns. NOTE: The deity mentioned in the thread is Hecate (@mphecate)
Slowly, Cedric's senses started coming to the surface, waking him to reality. First, he could listen to his surroundings but everything was mostly quiet, a couple of distant chatter and the rustle of equally distant trees. A dream? No, he didn't have one for months now. Then his eyes opened and the movement was too quick, making Cedric flinch at the sight of natural light and he would try again but slower so his eyes could adjust to the room's brightness.
The room. Cedric glanced around as much as his body allowed, which wasn't much considering the amount of medical care supplies that were plastered all over him. From bandages to IVs in his arms and nose, to the devices on the side of his bed, it was clear he was in a hospital. Needless to say Cedric felt a urge of relief but also confusion. His brain felt immensely pressured down, trying to fit the pieces together and that was when his memories started flooding back.
His naivety and ambition to break free from the blackmail and threat from the underground agency took the best of him. Cedric found himself being caught and betrayed by former MI6 colleagues, who accepted a deal for the sake of being part of the group that would dethrone whole deities. But to their disappointment, Cedric refused to share any information after living on the island for a year.
With this, Cedric's fate was filled with nothing but pain. The agency wasn't creative with their choices of torture, resorting to the classic waterboarding, sleep deprivation, burning and multiple other methods that would cause physical distress but never a fatal blow. After all, an injured Cedric would eventually talk but not a dead Cedric right? Even throughout the many episodes of pain, Cedric's heart kept itself in the same place: to protect the ones he cared about.
And every day he would think about them. From the people in MPPD, to the other acquaintances and friendships he made in Mount Phoenix but, if he would be honest to himself, there was one person he thought the most about during those dark months, Angela. Cedric never questioned why, never concerned himself to ponder over the fact her smile and her eyes wouldn't leave his mind whenever he'd need comfort. Naturally, we would think of Siwoo as well, of their first encounter in the park, the ice cream. And wished he could see them once again, have the chance to take them camping or to the beach since it was Summer.
With time, Cedric would lose hope about leaving that place. He had come to terms with his destiny and would just hope the people he was protecting would continue their lives peacefully. But, Cedric wouldn't go down without a fight and without wasting the group's time yet again. That morning Cedric informed he would talk, but he demanded everyone to be present, that he would not repeat his words. The agency was reluctant, but hours later, Cedric was taken (more like dragged) to a large office room where twenty people sat, waiting for him. And Cedric knew all of them.
From MI6 agents to sergeants and even the one store clerk from a grocery shop he visited the day before being captured were there. He had been followed the minute he step foot in the country. But that wasn't relevant now. Cedric stood up, pretending he was about to speak but in a second, he leapt to the closest guard, punching him unconscious and took the gun, landing three headshots on three different people sitting. Soon he was being pinned down and screams could be heard. "Don't kill him! Motherfucker, I should let you die." The people in the room started debating what to do, most agreeing to end the circus and reciprocate Cedric's actions.
But while curses were being thrown and the conclusion seemed close, the room was filled with fog thick enough that one couldn't see anything in their immediate surroundings. Cedric was questioned but he equally had no idea what was happening and honestly, the demigod wouldn't dare to move in that moment to figure it out. A faint but audible wail could be heard, like it was coming from the walls and each second that passed, the thud of a body falling to the floor could be heard.
His recent rush of adrenaline left Cedric's weak body completely immovable, his mind equally exhausted and nothing made sense at that moment. His eyes started to shut down but not before Cedric felt a presence right next to him, a barely familiar face hovering his body. "You're-" He mumbled before falling unconscious.
Now coming to the conclusion somehow he had been saved, Cedric was even more eager to understand his present situation. The window. Cedric tried to lean forward to get a better view on the landscape outside of the building and he easily recognised the university. He was back in Mount Phoenix, meaning, whoever helped him, had to be a deity. Cedric had seen her before, but couldn't connect a face to the mythos.
But most importantly, he was back home and everyone had been kept safe. He was free and he knew exactly what to do with his new found freedom.
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Hakuoki - Modern AU - Teacher - Chapter 2
Pairing: Female reader x Hijikata
Warnings: none
Word count: 610
A/N: chapter 1 here. You can also find the previous chapter through my masterlist. Let me know if you can't access it :D
It’s the following day after you saw that god-like man at Kondou’s school. The conference is coming to an end, which means there is still time to enjoy the rest of the night.
While you are spacing out thinking about how you will spend your free time, Sato, an acquaintance from an international school in Tokyo, approaches. He invites you to seat at his table, along with other colleagues of his.
During the conversation, he says they want to offer you a position to work with them in their international school in Tokyo. Although the offer seems tempting, there is no way you would leave your school. You have achieved many accomplishments since you became a guidance counselor.
The fact you are the only member representing your school shows how much prestige you gained in the last few years.
You thought refusing the offer would be an easy task, but it didn’t end quite the way you expected. Sato is persistent. He doesn’t want to take a no for an answer.
“Come on! This will be a life-changing in your career.”
“ I highly appreciate the offer, but I've made up my mind. Sato, I hope you…”
“What about I show you the facilities? I know you are probably heading to Chiba tomorrow morning, but we still have time.”
“That won’t be necessary. I mean… I don’t mind visiting your school, but it’s really getting late, and as you said, I need to take my flight tomorrow morning.”
“ It’s not that late. I promise it will be quick."
When you are trying to come up with another excuse to ditch him, your life savior appears to rescue you from this awkward situation.
“Oh my, good evening. I can’t believe I just find you here. I hope you don’t mind if I ask to talk to her for a moment.”
Sato, who was not interested in letting you go just yet, tried to explain the situation. “We are in the middle of a conversation here, Kondou-san.”
Noticing Sato is not planning to back down, you use this perfect timing to strike up a random conversation with Kondou and leave without waiting for Sato’s reply. “Kondou! What a coincidence! I have something urgent to talk to you about. We’ll have to continue this conversation another time, Sato. Have a lovely evening, everyone!”
You notice Sato was not satisfied with that outcome, but you just don’t care. He is not going to ruin the rest of your night. No more working for today.
Kondou politely bows to Sato's group and quickly guides you to a distant area. He is heading to the entrance hall, which is perfect because you are one step closer to getting out of there, but that’s when you see another familiar face standing close to the valet.
“It’s him!”
Kondou laughs at your spontaneous reaction and promptly explains what he was planning.
“I’m so glad you remember him. I was thinking that it would be dangerous to let you go back to your hotel alone late at night, so I asked my good friend Toshi to head you home. It’s not as he is busy, so don’t need to worry about that, okay?”
“You did what?”
“Plus, I have some questions to ask you, nameless lady. Come,” says Hijikata.
“You two have fun. I’m also heading home. Stay safe!”
“Wait… Kondou, could you please tell me what is…”
Hijikata grabs your arm and, in a matter of seconds, you see yourself inside his blue Lexus LC convertible. He doesn’t care to inform you how it all came to this. He will take you home and that's that.
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werekess · 2 years
With chapter 7 of Star Fox: Lylat's Binaries fanfic out, I've finished what I had set out to do in June of last year.
Of the five, chapters 2 (the encounter of Fox & Wolf) and 5 (their talk) ended up being split into two each, which is how we ended up at the current seven.
The last chapter was intended to go one of two ways, depending on my experience with it. If I didn't like the overall experience too much, the plan was to wrap it all up in the last chapter, post it immediately after, and abandon the project. If I did like it then I'd instead keep the threads open and post it with the chapters of the next batch.
For those who like shorter stories: I have bad news! For everybody else: I greatly enjoyed it, and will continue writing it!
It wasn't all good, though. I started this fanfic with some respect for canon, and planned to get acquainted with more of it so I could be sure I was either respecting, or at least being heavily inspired by, it. I knew I was gonna break it eventually, but when I did, I wanted it to be *intentional*. I failed that from the get-go, and I definitely haven't researched enough to be even moderately confident that I haven’t failed more after that.
I could try to do better, but that's hard, and I need to allocate resources to wherever they're most effective, so instead I decided that in the future I won't be caring as much about canon. I'll still try to do my best to respect it, it's just that my best probably won't be very good.
The rest of it was *very* good, and I'm motivated to continue the story. I've been loving writing in a second language, and it's pretty cool to see how fast I've been improving. I feel there are many plot points I can grab, and of all of those there are many I *want* to grab. The Star Fox world is pretty interesting and has a lot to pull from.
It helps that I love the characters, of course. I already loved Wolf and Fox when I started, and writing this fanfic not only increased that love, but it also expanded it to the other characters. I never paid much attention to either Krystal or Panther, but I've been loving thinking of what I can do with them. It's great!
The reception to the fanfic has also been mostly positive, and in much greater quantity than I thought I would ever get. If you're reading this, and you're one of the people who left a positive comment, a kudos, or simply read it: I appreciate you immensely, thank you <3
As for the future, I already have the next seven chapters drafted, and they're in various degrees of completion in the draft-to-ao3 pipeline. They'll be out in the hopefully not so distant future.
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omnisent1 · 2 years
A Date with every train ride: date 3
….. I gone to my usual metro station as I remembered the girl from before that supposedly worked at the college, I would think that maybe meeting every day wouldn’t be ideal so I went into a different car so that I could be far from the chance of meeting her, so as I went into the train car and sat down, I would close my eyes and sigh. 
As my eyes were closed, I would hear a familiar voice saying  
“It is either that you didn’t notice me or you are trying to avoid me”  As I opened my eyes and looked forward to look at her and respond, the only thing I could see in my eyesight are breasts so I quickly turned my head away only for a crack to be sounded from how fast I whipped my head away, she would giggle from that as I would answer  
“Maybe both?”  “Huh? So, you don’t like dealing with me?”  “It is not like that; I just don’t want you to think that I am a stalker or something” 
“Maybe you are a stalker and you just wanted to be distant for a while?”  “or maybe I just didn’t want to trouble you also, you shouldn’t be standing, here take my seat”  as I stood up in a calm matter to let her sit down, should would grab the side of her pants that was not too tight nor too loose and should would make something similar to a royal bow that you would see in fantasy stories before sitting down and I would be standing in front of her. 
As she sat, her hand would mostly be on her chest, covering the open part of her shirt as she looked away with a slight blush but for me as long as she covered that part, I was fine as I would continue talking saying  
“If you are troubled us constantly meeting like this, we can make sure to choose different cars from now?”  “What if I said to that a big no?”  “Why? Do you enjoy our talks?” 
“slightly”  “I see ….... how about we become acquainted then, my name is “  but then she would cut me off mid-sentence saying  
“I don’t want to give each other names, I want to keep it a secret while we meet like this”  “Scared your boyfriend would get jealous or something?”  “hahaha, nah, I am single, it is mostly family reasons”  “Ah …... HUH?!”  and it wasn’t just me who was surprised as the stranger that was sitting beside her was looking at her with wide eyes and a lot of people in the train were the same when they heard that she was single so I shook my head and spoke  
“I think you shouldn’t have said that”  I would give a small chuckle as she looked down with her face all red from embarrassment before getting up to get ready to go off 
We would be silent for a while as she walked right beside me, her face still red from embarrassment and as we were going up through the escalator she would say  
“you can call me B as that is the initial of my first name”  “and my name is Sultan because whenever you call that name is better than my first name Ahmed”  “Yeah, you have a point also I want us to meet at the same car like always so will I meet you tomorrow?”  “yeah I will be there”  as we ended the conversation at that we went our separate ways, well these seem more like small dates than knowing each other, either way today is another day and I hope tomorrow comes quick. 
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moonlit-jeno · 3 years
red door, yellow door (m.)
pairing: mark lee x fem reader x jung jaehyun
genre/warnings: explicit sexual content | demon au | slight dubcon??? the mans a lust demon idk | Very mild horror themes | minor mlm | don’t attempt this game pls !!!
words: 8.1k
a/n: this is a repost from my old bts blog! pls don’t ask abt it bc i no longer actively follow bts :)
One of these days, you’re going to kill your coworkers.
You love them, you really do, but sometimes they can just be so dumb. It was Donghyuck and Renjun who came up with the idea to play this stupid game, one that is probably only played by naive 12 year old girls during slumber parties.
Normally you’d just brush it off, but Renjun had called you a wimp, so naturally you had to do it. Which is how you’ve ended up on your back with your best friend massaging circles into your forehead.
“Red door, yellow door, any other color door,” is being chanted around the room. You fight the urge to move your neck to a more comfortable position on Mark’s lap. Your hand twitches above your head, where your arms are raised. “This is stupid,” You whisper, and Mark laughs, scolding you lightly.
After a while, the mindless chanting lulls you to sleep, and you feel yourself drift off.
“What do you see?”
Two doors appear in front of you, one red and one yellow. They both look kind of old, paint chipping and peeling off.
“Anything else?”
A black door appears next to the yellow one and you find yourself drawn to it, wanting to go in. This one is shinier, considerable newer and more inviting compared to the other two
“Go in.”
You open the door and walk through, a sense of relief flooding through your senses as you give in to the pull. The room that you find yourself in seems never ending, the only thing in it a large bed.
“Do you see anyone?”
A man appears, sitting on the bed. The suit he’s wearing is unfitting for the plain surroundings- in fact, he’s unfitting for the surroundings in general. His teeth are blinding white when he smiles, not a hair out of place on his entire head. He’s attractive, all golden skin and beautiful features. Almost too beautiful. A shiver crawls up your spine, a tinge of discomfort bleeding into your senses. He smiles, dimples popping out, and you push the discomfort to the back of your mind.
“Who are you?” Your voice comes out distant to your own ears, echoing around you.
“Call me Jaehyun. Why don’t you come here, little bird? We can get properly acquainted.” The voice sounds haunting, like a distorted video. You wouldn’t believe that he’s speaking if his lips didn’t move in sync. Despite the unnatural voice sounding warning bells in your brain, you find yourself moving forward automatically and settling down on his lap when he pats his thigh for emphasis.
“And what’s your name, little bird?” He trails a hand up and down your thigh and you shiver, leaning back against him. He chuckles when you tell him your name, a pleased smile lighting up his features.
“Well, little bird, seems that we’re going to have some fun together.”
Your name is being echoed all around you, and you wake with a jolt, eyes flying open to see Mark staring at you.
“Are you okay?” The rest of your group is also gathered around you, standing in a half circle.
“Yeah, just fell asleep for a bit. Why?” You push yourself onto your elbows, sitting up so that you can lean against Mark.
Donghyuck plops down on the floor, sitting so that he’s facing you. “You were talking like you were having a conversation with someone. Who was it?”
You shrug, trying not to dull his excitement. “I don’t know, just some guy.”
“Was he wearing a suit?” Renjun asks, standing behind Hyuck. He grimaces when you nod. “Y/n, we literally told you not to talk to anyone in a suit. We told you not to talk to anyone. It’s in the rules.”
You roll your eyes, knowing how serious he gets when it comes to stuff like this. “Relax, it’s fine. He seemed nice, and it’s not like it was anything real.”
Renjun still doesn’t look convinced, but Mark interrupts his paranoia by doing what he’s best- or worst, depending on who you ask- at, cracking jokes.
“Hey, was he eating deviled eggs?” He laughs at his own joke, and everyone else groans. “Hey, don’t get mad at me. His place was probably such a hellhole.” The bad mood dissolves into jokes and loud laughter for the rest of the night.
You leave the party- or gathering as Donghyuck had called it because it sounded more mysterious- when it starts storming. The rain drenches you and pretty much everyone else that’s sitting on the porch, leaving you scrambling for shelter. Luckily, Mark offers you a ride.
“Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!” Mark hollars out the window of his truck, his words getting lost in the night as he speeds off. His truck hits a pothole and you can imagine him swearing as his head hits the roof. Giggling to yourself, you unlock your apartment and slip inside. It’s close to 2 in the morning, so you decide that if you’re already not going to get that much sleep, why not binge Shameless?
You only get through two episodes before your eyelids feel heavy, and you have to fight to keep them open. On screen, there’s a bar fight that you try to take interest in, but sleep quickly pulls you under.
“Welcome back, little bird.” The voice is all around you, but no matter how much you turn and search, no one’s to be found.
“Turn around, little bird, I am here.” Spinning abruptly, you come face to face with the man from earlier, Jaehyun. He gives you a chilling grin.
“So we meet again,” he starts, and his voice no longer sounds eerie or inauthentic. He sounds like, well, a normal man. “Tell me, what would you do if I were to kiss you?”
You swallow, tongue darting out to wet your lips on instinct. “Depends. Are you a good kisser?” You aim for coy, but you miss the mark and land closer to worried.
“You could say that.” He pulls you close with one hand on the back of your head, stopping right before your lips. “May I?”
You nod, and he pulls you in for a gentle, closed mouth kiss.
It’s like that touch ignites a fire in you, because before you know it, your arms are thrown around his neck, dragging him closer to deepen the kiss. You lick along his lower lip and he readily grants you access, a throaty groan leaving him when you suck on his tongue. Liquid heat courses through your veins when he nips at your lower lip, tongue flicking over it in apology. You moan, raw and needy. He likes that, if the chuckle and wicked grin is anything to go by. Picking you up so that your legs are wrapped around his waist, he walks over to a bed that definitely wasn’t there before.
He drops you on the bed, and then suddenly you’re both naked. Jaehyun leans over you, all lean muscles and golden skin. His cock hangs hard and flushed between his legs, and you have the urge to swallow him down. He groans, as if reading your mind, and then reaches to pump himself slowly, long fingers wrapped around the length. “Not now, little bird, not now. I have something else in mind.” With one gentle push to your shoulders, you’re lying flat on the bed, Jaehyun between your legs. His mouth hovers over your core, already wet and dripping despite not having been touched. He plays idly with the slick on your upper thigh, drawing random patterns into the flesh. His eyes are dark, and you could swear that they’re entirely black, no white visible. He peers curiously up at you from between your legs, watching your reaction as his fingers get closer and closer to where you want him. Your breathing picks up as arousal thrums through your body, center pulsing and aching for some sort of relief.
“May I have you?” His breath ghosts over your center when you speak, the sensation making you even needier. 
You nod quickly. “Take it, fuck, you have all of me.” He grins, wasting no time in diving in. His tongue feels impossibly good, licking up your folds and circling over your clit. He leaves sloppy kisses along your core, one hand massaging your thigh and keeping you spread open. You cry out when his tongue pushes into you, his nose brushing your clit and sending sparks up your spine.
His tongue feels impossibly long, so good inside of you that you feel like you’re losing your mind. Your hips buck up desperately, riding his face to hell and back. One arm gets thrown over your stomach to keep you in place while two fingers from his free hand dip into your soaking core, curling into that spot immediately. Stars flash behind your eyes, one hand coming down to fist in Jaehyun’s hair. Your feet scramble frantically along his back, heels digging in in an effort to anchor yourself, toes curling at the sensations singing through you.
You feel your orgasm drawing closer, heat pooling in your center. You whimper brokenly as you try to chase after your high, grinding your hips along his tongue. He lets you, just holding his tongue flat out for you to ride.
You come like that, falling apart on his tongue, screams of his name falling from your lips. He works you through it, tongue gently licking along your folds, slurping up your arousal as if he hasn’t had a meal in weeks.
You lay there, boneless and whimpering weakly through the aftershocks until Jaehyun pulls away to kiss up your body. He licks into your mouth hotly, reminding you that he hasn’t come yet. You bat weakly at his chest, pushing him onto his back. “Your turn,”
He groans in appreciation at the view of you above him. “So perfect, little bird. I’m gonna have so much fun with your soul.”
This sentence freezes you in your spot. “What the fuck does that mean?”
Jaehyun meets your gaze, black eyes entrancing you. “That means, y/n, that I’m going to have your soul. You belong to me now, hmm?” One of his hands plays gently with a strand of your hair. “That’s what you agreed to earlier, no?”
“N-no.” You try backing away, but the inhuman voice from earlier is back, echoing everywhere, repeating his words over and over until you can’t take it anymore-
You wake with a gasp, hitting your head as you sit up. Your computer is still on your lap, episode fifteen playing. Fuck, you’ve only been asleep for forty five minutes. It’s not even three yet, and you don’t have to go to work until eight. Deciding there’s no way you’re falling back asleep, you get up and decide to bake.
Five hours later, your coworkers love you when you show up with containers of cinnamon rolls, five different types of cookies, and a coffee cake. Mark looks mildly worried.
“You okay? I haven’t seen you bake since high school.” You snap out of your thoughts and turn to face Mark. The look of concern on your best friend’s face is enough to make you feel guilty and you nod, forcing a smile onto your face.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Had a bad dream last night and couldn’t sleep, that’s all.” You respond, trying not to show how bothered you actually are.
“Wanna talk about it?” Mark leans forward over his desk, chin planted on his hand.
“No, it’s gonna sound dumb.” You whine, shaking your head. And it is dumb, even to you. You’re scared because you had a dream that some man ate you out and then told you he was going to take your soul?
“Well, you always sound dumb. Of course your dreams are gonna be dumb.” Mark laughs as you chuck a piece of cake at him, infectious laugh soothing you. You sigh.
Mark raises his eyebrows at you when you finish telling him your dream. “You’re scared because you had a wet dream? Damn, I’d be living in a nightmare if I was scared after every wet dream I’ve had.”
You kick him under the table. “Mark! It was really scary. He told me he was going to take my soul!”
Upon seeing that you’re actually freaked out, his face softens. “Look, y/n, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You probably just thought that he was hot, and your brain remembered his face and put it in a dream. I wouldn’t worry about it; what’s the worst he’s gonna do, haunt you?”
You give a shaky nod, agreeing. It’s not like something from your dreams could actually harm you. Mark reaches across the desk, taking your hand in his and giving a tight squeeze, warm brown eyes gazing at you openly. “And if something does happen, just remember that I’m your best friend. I’ll be here for you.”
“Thanks, Mark. Means a lot to me.”
He leans back in his seat. “Anytime, anyplace, anything. Triple A.”
You smile, raising an eyebrow. “Anything?”
His eyes go wide, taking in the glint in your eyes. “Within reason.”
“How about a sip of coffee?” You nod down at his cup, pasting a huge smile on your face.
“I did say within reason, so no.”
You huff. “I expected that.”
Although you don’t scare easily, it’s safe to say that you’re a bit unsettled tonight, especially after your nightmare last night. You find yourself jumping at every little noise, hand slamming the light switch on with your pulse racing every five minutes. This has been going on for an hour, and after a final sweep of your room reveals nothing, you decide that maybe a face mask will help you relax.
Your bathroom has two mirrors facing each other, which is normally a blessing when you do your hair, but tonight it does nothing but make you want to hide under your blankets.
Get a grip on yourself, you chastise, grabbing your phone and opening spotify. Maybe some music will help? You click on your Christmas playlist because what better way to cheer up than to think about your favorite holiday?
A mistake, really, because it seems that you’ve forgotten how creepy Santa is.
“He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake,” Yikes. You stop that song in a hurry, feeling anything but comforted. No music then, noted.
You reach for your face wash, turning the sink on and waiting for the water to warm. You can’t help but glance in the mirror behind you every so often, paranoia getting the best of you. Man, you feel pathetic, worrying about monsters in your closet like you’re six and not twenty-six.
You wash your face quickly, hoping that your fears will wash away as well. No such luck.
You swear you see something move behind you after you dry your face off, but there’s nothing there. Shaking it off, you reach for your face mask, taking your time painting your face with the green clay.
It’s after your face is coated that you spot someone in the glass behind you. You scream, whipping around to come face to face with a man. Not just any man- Jaehyun.
Your heart thunders in your chest, eyes widening in fear. He seems to be in the mirror, copying your petrified expression mockingly.
“Hello, little bird.” He purrs, smirking lightly.
“Are you- are you in my mirror?” You’re in disbelief, mind struggling to comprehend this. First you spot him while in a weird trance, then in a dream, and now in your mirror? Maybe you’re having a quarter life crisis.
“No, I am not. Mirrors are just gateways to alternate dimensions. I’m merely using the mirror to visit you.” He says this like it’s common knowledge. It feels like your throat is made of sandpaper with how hard it is to choke out your words. “O-okay. I’m just gonna- yeah.”
You grab your phone from the counter and bolt, fumbling for your keys before jumping into your car and speeding off in the direction of Mark’s house. You call him, fingers fumbling on the screen. He goes to voicemail the first time, and your heart drops. “No, no, no,” you whisper frantically, calling again. He does pick up this time.
“Y/n? It’s the middle of the night.” His voice sounds gruff, and you feel guilty for waking him up. One glance in your rear view mirror reveals that Jaehyun is joining you on this ride, and you scream, car swerving violently to one side before you straighten it out.
“Where are we going, little bird?”
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Mark’s voice has lost its sleepy edge, taking on a concerned tone. He says your name again, more frantic.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Your tires squeal as you make a turn, now only two blocks away. “Can I- can I come over? I really need to be with someone right now.”
“Of course, you know you’re always welcome. The door’s unlocked.”
You hang up, willing the tears in your eyes to not spill over. Finally arriving, you slam on the breaks and haphazardly pull next to a curb, yanking the key out of the ignition and sprinting to Mark’s house.
You lock the door behind you when you step inside, testing the handle as if a door could stop a mirror traveling demon or whatever the fuck Jaehyun was from coming inside. “Mirrors,” you mumble, reaching the stairs.
“Y/n? What’s-” Mark stands at the top of the stairs, one hand rubbing at his eyes. You cut him off, flying up the stairs.
“Mirrors, fuck. Mark, we need to cover the mirrors!” You breeze by his shocked figure, not noticing the way he turns to stare at you incredulously.
“What, why? Y/n, are you crazy?”
Ignoring him, you throw a towel over the mirror in his bathroom, ripping open a pack of bandaids to use as adhesive.
You throw another towel over the mirror in his bedroom, collapsing on his bed when you’re done and finally allowing yourself to sob.
“Y/n, hey, what’s wrong? Talk to me.” Mark, as gentle and caring as ever, comes over to sit next to you, one hand combing through your hair.
“I- don’t laugh at me.” You stare him straight in the eye, pleading with him. You know you’re going to sound crazy, but you’re praying that your best friend listens to you. He nods, urging you to go on.
“That- that man I saw in my dream and during whatever fucked up game Hyuck had us play? He was in my fucking mirror, Mark. I- the whole night, I had this feeling that I was being watched, and then I went into my bathroom and he was just there, and-” You’re hyperventilating at this point, fighting for every breath, tears clouding your vision. “He was in my car, in the rear view mirror-” Mark pulls you closer, enveloping you in his arms and allowing you to sob loudly into his chest. You cry for a few minutes, until you’re finally able to pull yourself together.
“Shh, it’s okay. You’ve had a rough week, I know. It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay.”
He wipes a tear away from your check, patting you lightly. “Why don’t you go wash this off, okay? We can watch a movie after.” He offers, and until that point, you’d forgotten you were wearing a face mask. You grimace at the green imprint on his black shirt, but he just chuckles. “I’ll go grab you some water in the meantime.”
Nodding, you garner up the energy to walk to his bathroom. It’s fine, the mirror’s covered, he can’t hurt you. You close the door just in case, wanting an extra level of protection
You rinse your face with cold water, hoping that it will clear your mind. You give your face a couple more splashes before drying off with a towel.
“You missed a spot on your forehead.” You freeze before looking around wildly. There’s no one around, which can only mean that Jaehyun can still see you. Swallowing, you start the water again, rubbing at your forehead.
“And your left cheek.” You rub at the skin, being way too harsh but you excuse it considering your situation. “No, your other left. My left.”
“Jesus,” You growl in annoyance, reaching up to rip the towel down. Sure enough, there’s a splotch of green on your cheek. Jaehyun’s nowhere to be found. Maybe I am losing my mind.
You finish rinsing the mask off, finding some face lotion buried in Mark’s drawer, screaming bloody murder when Jaehyun appears in the mirror again. “Looking for me?”
“No! Leave me alone!” You cry, head spinning. Jaehyun fakes a pout, holding a hand over his heart in mock hurt. Do demons even have hearts?
“Ouch, little bird. You don’t want to finish what we started the other night? When I had you moaning so pretty, so wet for me. I’m sure your pussy would take me so well, hmm?” Your heart rate kicks up again, but for a different reason this time. You almost moan, thinking about the dream.
Because he was right, you had been so wet. The want comes back full forces, slamming into you like a truck. You remember how needy you were, wanting to suck his cock so bad, wanting him to fuck you like there’s no tomorrow. All fear that you previously had is slowly disappearing, fading into lust.
The demon smiles knowingly. “Ah, little bird, so you do remember. Remember how you promised me that you’re mine?”
You nod, eyes glazing over. You’re wet, panties starting to stick to your throbbing core uncomfortably.
“Mmmh, I bet you’re already dripping for me. Just waiting for me to come out and fill you up.”
Hearing your name leave his lips sends a wave of arousal crashing through you so strong that your knees buckle, grabbing onto the counter for support. He chuckles, but whatever he’s about to say is cut off by Mark.
“What were you say-” Your best friend trails off, eyes wide as he observes the scene. You snap out of your haze at the interruption. His mouth parts in shock. “You really weren’t kidding, shit.” He laughs humorlessly.
Then, quick as lightning, he rears back and punches the mirror. You scream in surprise at the crack, shards falling to the floor.
You and Mark both stare at the broken shards of glass on the ground, gleaming under the lights. “Mark,” You start, trailing off once you realize you have nothing to say. He seems to understand, walking forward until he’s close enough to pull you into a hug. You feel tears start to slide down your cheeks, dampening the cotton of your best friends shirt. You hug him closer, burying your face into his broad chest. He wraps himself around you, and you let yourself be lulled into the sense of security that his larger frame brings you. A sense of security that vanishes once you hear a low chuckle that definitely does not belong to Mark.
You both scream, leaping backwards and away from the noise. Jaehyun stands there, just in front of the door, with a shit eating grin on his face. You cower behind Mark, who is wrapping a protective arm around you while simultaneously trying to hide behind you.
“I really must thank you for finally setting me free. Normally I have to wait for some asshole with a ouija board, but then there’s just so many other demons that I have to compete with. So I just stick to the dream world-” He pauses to wink at you for emphasis “-but this is so much more fun.” His eyes are black, and you can’t tell where he’s looking. Swallowing, you clutch onto Mark’s arm for dear life.
The demon seems to regard the two of you for a moment, before his amusement seems to grow. He begins to move forward.
“Ah, Mark Lee. Lovely name for a stupid boy. Didn’t you know breaking a mirror is bad luck?” By this point, you and Mark are flattened against the wall, while Jaehyun stands less than a foot away from the two of you. There’s nowhere to run. This is it, you think, this is how I die.
Jaehyun chuckles, turning to you. You lower your gaze to the ground; it hurts to make eye contact with him. “No, little bird. This isn’t how you die, don’t worry.”
Then he’s backing away from the two of you, motioning to follow him. The logical part of your brain is screaming not to, but you find yourself drawn to him, legs carrying you after him without your consent, Mark clutching your arm tightly as he walks next to you.
Jaehyun seems to know the layout of the house, leading you straight into Mark’s bedroom. The demon grabs a chair from the desk and spins it around, straddling it so that he’s facing the bed.
He motions lazily. “Go on now, have a seat. Get comfortable.”
You find yourself sitting down on the edge of the bed, following his words like marching orders. Mark sits about half a foot away from you. Jaehyun shakes his head. “No, no, no. That won’t do. I said to get comfortable, did I not?” He raises an eyebrow as if daring you to argue with him. “Go lay down at the head board.”
You crawl to the head of the bed, settling so that you’re on your side, facing the demon. Mark follows suit, pulling you close to him so that you’re spooning. Jaehyun lets out a pleased hum. “Much better. Aren’t you much more comfortable now?” Nodding, you realize that you actually are more comfortable. It’s not just the change of position, but the energy in the room as well. The demon is no longer giving off a threatening aura. It’s more relaxed, maybe even happy? He certainly looks more relaxed, probably as happy as a demon can get, if not a little smug.
Your body is pulsing with energy, and it takes you a moment to place what you’re feeling. The earlier need to run that you had felt has been replaced with another need, albeit further down. Your thighs clench as another surge of heat pulses through your core, and your face warms at the realization. Why now, of all times, are you horny?
Jaehyun’s grin broadens as he seems to sense your dilemma. “Oh, little bird, if only you knew. Tell me, what type of demon do you think I am?” He watches you curiously, black eyes staring into your soul.
You try to tilt your head towards Mark, but the position’s too awkward and you only catch a glimpse of the side of his face. He looks a bit flushed from what you can see, teeth digging into his plush bottom lip, teeth that you could easily replace with your own- you blink, dazedly. What the fuck? Sexual thoughts about your best friend? That’s a new one. Even if you’ve noticed that he’s hot, you’d never thought about him sexually. Now, though, you can feel the hardness of his dick against your ass, and you can’t help but think about how good he could fuck you.
“Incubus,” You finally manage, blinking rapidly to clear the haze of your vision. Jaehyun grins, looking genuinely surprised that you’d gotten it right.
“Good girl. Make a little sense now?” You nod, fighting a moan as Mark starts to rock against you, slowly, as if he’s unconsciously doing it. Jaehyun notices.
“How about you, Mark? You doing alright over there?”
Your friend, your best friend, buries his face in your neck and groans, deep and delicious. It sends another surge of heat through your body, the growing need between your legs pulsing pathetically. “What are you doing to us?” The words are growled behind you, vibrating against the skin where his lips are pressed.
“Oh no, Mark, I’m not doing anything to you. The only thing I can do to you is make you realize your desires. Your deepest, darkest fantasies? I make that happen. Finally being able to fuck the girl you’ve been in love with for years? I make that happen.” The words take a minute to register with you, but you stiffen when the meaning hits you. Mark Lee, in love with you? An unlikely story, bordering impossible.
The demon chuckles at your inner turmoil, rolling his eyes at how dumb humans can be. “You too, y/n. You love Mark, even if you won’t admit it. You let the idea that he was too good for you scare you away from him. Do you not remember how often you thought of him, late at night after first meeting him?”
You groan in protest, not because it’s not true, but because you do remember. It had been so long ago. When you hadn’t known Mark, had only known of him. You pull away from Mark, awkwardly pushing him to lay flat against the pillows while you clamber on top of him.
“Mark, is it true? Do you love me?” You hold his face between your hands, staring into his eyes. He meets your gaze, pupils blown and eyes half lidded. He nods as best he can.
“So, so much.” Mark’s voice comes out raspy, matching his flushed skin. You lean down to kiss him, uncaring of the other presence in the room. Mark moans when your lips make contact, hands pulling you to straddle him. Your eyelids flutter at the feeling of his clothed cock against your center, rocking your hips to try to ease the throb of your core. His hands fly to your ass, pulling and kneading at the flesh as he urges you into a harsher pace.
The kiss is rougher, needier now, open mouthed and panting. Mark’s got his tongue tangled with yours, sucking in such a way that sends waves of heat through you. You want him in you, any part of him really.
Jaehyun seems to agree, speaking up from right next to you. You jump, having forgotten he was there although he’s the reason you’re like this in the first place.
“Let’s get the show on the road. As much as I’m enjoying this, I think we’d all enjoy something else a little more.” The demon reaches for the hem of your shirt and you nod, raising your arms above your head to let him pull the garment off. Mark groans at the newly revealed skin, hands going to cup your breasts through the fabric of your bra. “Fuck,” He whines, staring in awe at your chest. He doesn’t waste time before leaning up to kiss along your cleavage, pulling the bra down to expose your breasts. Another set of hands unclasp the bra before traveling down your torso to rub circles into your hip bones, sliding your sleeping shorts and panties off at the same time. Jaehyun throws the shorts somewhere off the bed. He keeps the panties, a pleased sigh leaving him as he appreciates the ruined fabric.
“Fuck, little bird. You’re really enjoying this,” He comments, as if he isn’t a fucking lust demon that can sense these kinds of things. You don’t voice your thoughts, because Mark chooses this moment to suck a nipple into his mouth, nibbling and sucking on the sensitive skin so that all you can do is moan. “You’ve even ruined your panties. They’re soaked.”
He hands the strip of lace to Mark, who lets out a throaty groan at the sight. “You’re not getting these back.” He informs you, slipping the garment into his bedside drawer. You ignore him, instead tugging insistently at his shirt. He takes pity on you, grabbing the collar and yanking the baggy tee over his head.
You let your hands slide down his chest in admiration, feeling the hard lines of his muscles. You lick your lips at how broad his shoulders are, how strong he looks. Jaehyun doesn’t give you much time to enjoy the view, gliding two fingers along your slit before circling around your little nub. A cry of pleasure leaves you to mindlessly press your face into Mark’s collarbone, nipping and sucking the flesh until you’re sure you’ve left a bruise.
Jaehyun slips the two fingers into your aching core, curling and dragging them so well along your walls. Sparks of electricity flow through your veins, heat pooling in your center.
Mark groans from below you. Looking down, you see that you’ve unconsciously dug your nails into his hard chest in an effort to ground yourself. You remove your hands, only to spot little red half crescents littered over his skin. You rub your palms over the marks as if to soothe them, but it seems that the man wasn’t groaning from pain.
“Y/n” He sounds so fucked out, voice hoarse and raw even though hardly anything has happened yet. “You look so good like this, so perfect for me.” He brings one large hand up to cup your cheek, thumb delicately stroking over your cheekbone before moving down to trace your lower lip. You part your lips, letting him slide in before sucking around the digit, tongue curling around it as if it were his cock. His eyes darken a fraction, tongue coming out to wet his lips, swollen and kiss bitten.
You moan around the digit as Jaehyun adds a third finger, stretching your walls so pleasantly that you can’t help but buck your hips back for more. A whine forces its way out of your throat as the demon pulls his fingers out of you, leaving an empty ache between your thighs.
“Don’t you think it would be more fun if she was sucking on something a bit bigger than your finger, Mark?” The voice startles you, breath tickling your ear as he speaks. The man under you nods, swallowing thickly. Your eyes are drawn to the way his Adam’s apple bobs with the movement, and a gush of wetness pulses down below. Your thighs are probably covered in your arousal at this point.
You scoot down his body, trailing kisses and bites down his toned stomach. You take your time unzipping his pants, sucking a mark into the soft skin below his navel. He’s hard as a rock, and you moan in appreciation at the sheer size of him once you shimmy his jeans down his thighs.
“No underwear?” You ask, mouth curling up in a teasing smirk. He huffs out a laugh, propping himself up on his elbows so that he can watch. “No, ‘s too restricting.”
You lazily pump his dick, thumb flicking over the tip once or twice. You plan to tease him more, but then Jaehyun’s pushing your head down and you have no choice but to open your mouth wide, innocent eyes peeking up at Mark as you take his cock in your mouth. He’s so big that you can’t take him in all the way, keeping one hand curled around his cock to stroke what your mouth can’t reach. You let it get sloppy, using your spit to ease the glide until you’ve got a pleasant rhythm going. Mark replaces Jaehyun’s hands with his own, gathering strands of your hair in his palms and using that grip to control your pace. “F-fuck,” He lets out a shaky exhale, letting his head fall back against the pillows once he’s satisfied with the pace.
Jaehyun slaps your ass, a loud smack sounding throughout the room. You moan, pitching forward onto Mark’s cock and gagging as he hits the back of your throat. A strangled cry leaves the man above you, his hips thrusting even further into the tight, wet heat of your mouth.
The demon kneads your stinging flesh before using his grip on you to pull your hips up. “Good girl,” You keen under his praises, sticking your ass up even higher. The warm, wet pressure against your center has you faltering, moaning almost violently around Mark’s cock. He doesn’t seem to be having any complaints, the vibrations forcing a moan of his own out.
Your eyes roll up into your head as Jaehyun wraps his lips around your clit, sucking harshly. You’re sure you’d be screaming by now if Mark’s cock wasn’t halfway down your throat. You’ve given up sucking him off by this point, content to let the man fuck your mouth while Jaehyun sucks your fucking soul out from between your legs. It feels so good, not used to being the center of even one man’s focus, let alone two.
Mark eases you off of his cock after you accidentally bite him, using your spit to ease the slide as he lazily fucks up into his loose fist. You rest your head on his thigh, alternating between moaning wantonly and mouthing messily against the skin as you feel your orgasm approach.
Jaehyun pulls away at the last second, and you whine loudly as your orgasm is cut off. The feeling of frustration leaves you close to tears, and you jiggle your ass in hopes that it will regain his attention. It does momentarily, as Jaehyun lands a harsh smack on the flesh, but he pulls away again.
“Mark,” The man in question looks up, hand freezing on his dick as if waiting for Jaehyun’s orders. And fuck, what a sight that would be: your normally brash and confident friend being so pliant and submissive to a near stranger… You blink out of it, feeling mildly ashamed even in your current state. Luckily, Jaehyun interrupts your thoughts. “I’m feeling generous today, so I’ll let you go first. You’ve been waiting long enough for this, anyway.”
Mark nods eagerly, pulling you into a desperate kiss. You paw at every inch of skin you can reach, searching for a release from the ache inside of you. Your wish is granted when he hooks two fingers in your soaking cunt, groaning at how wet you are. He scissors you open quickly, hissing at how tight you feel.
“Ready, angel? Want my cock?” The pet name has you moaning, though it draws a low chuckle from Jaehyun, who’s watching from his position next to Mark.
“Hurry up, already. Need you in me, ‘ve waited so long.”
Mark lights up at this, smile stretching his features. He looks so breathtaking in this moment, skin glowing and flushed, hair mussed up, eyes blown wide and half lidded.
“I’m yours,” He breathes, leaning up for one last kiss. His hands slide down to your hips, pulling you forward so that you’re hovering above his thick cock. “Ride me baby.”
“I’d love to.” Reaching one hand down to position him at your entrance, you start to lower yourself down. Of course, Jaehyun chooses this exact moment to stop you. He truly is the spawn of Satan.
“Little bird, hold on just a second. I found something of interest in the back of Markie’s brain.” You cringe as he mocks your earlier nickname for the man. “What’s this I’m seeing, Mark? You like it up the ass?” His tone is teasing, but Mark groans in embarrassment. His face has gone an alarming shade of red by this point. “N-no,” He tries to deny, sputtering excuses but Jaehyun cuts him off with a press of a finger to his lips. “Oh, Mark, don’t get shy on me now. It’s a perfectly fine thing to like. Little bird, you’ll get your turn in a minute. You,” He snaps his fingers at Mark. “Come here. Kneel up, just like that. Perfect.” He appraises Mark’s ass for a moment, hands moulding the flesh before slipping a finger in. Mark’s eyebrows furrow, and you shoot up in alarm. “Doesn’t he need lube?”
Jaehyun looks at you, surprised that you care, before chuckling. “I can produce lube. Perks of being a lust demon.” Winking at you, he returns his focus to Mark. You can’t see what he’s doing, but the pure pleasure present on your best friends face has you clenching your thighs together, waves of need crashing through you. If you thought he looked good before, he looks absolutely gone now. Breathless groans are leaving him now, eyelids fighting to stay open as he sinks down on the others fingers. You watch him, mesmerized, before shuffling over to him.
“How close are you?”
He forces his gaze down to you. “Kind of- nngh- close, w-why?” 
Wrapping a hand around his base lightly, you start stroking. “Will you come if I blow you?”
He moans, a punched out sound that takes you by surprise. “Fuck, yes, I’ll definitely come if you blow me.” You pout in disappointment. Upon seeing your crestfallen expression, he continues. “Maybe we c-can- oh, yes- figure something out. Jaehyun,” He turns his head back behind him, struggling to get the words out between moans. “Can I eat y/n out?”
There’s just something so hot about Mark asking for permission from someone else that you can’t help the whimper that escapes you. Jaehyun must nod, because then you’re being laid back, Mark settling between your thighs. He’s sucking sweet kisses into your core almost immediately, pulling your legs over his shoulders to give him better access. You’re letting out sharp cries of pleasure the whole time, eyes fighting the urge to roll back in your head in favor of watching Mark between your legs. A particularly well placed flick of his tongue has your hips rolling against his face, grasping the sheets in your hand as your mind blanks. The pleasure climbing through your system is insane, threatening to burn you from the inside out.
It only gets better once Mark starts moaning, his sinful mouth sending sweet vibrations traveling up your core. You manage to catch sight of Jaehyun behind him, kissing wetly along his shoulders and neck, features curving into a smirk once he notices you watching him.
“Little bird likes this, hmm? Like watching another man pleasure your boyfriend while he pleases you?” You hum, unable to tear yourself away from his gaze, unable to even think, letting his boyfriend comment slide. Whereas before it hurt to look directly into his eyes, you now find yourself getting lost in his dark orbs. It’s like a drug, your pleasure being amplified by the man, demon, whatever in front of you.
You finally break eye contact, head falling back against the mattress as Mark draws you closer and closer to your peak. Burying one hand in his hair, you use the leverage to grind your core against his face, chasing your sweet release. “C-close, Mark, please-” You don’t know what you’re begging for at this point. It’s too much but not enough at the same time. Jaehyun saves you from having to decide by cruelly ripping your orgasm away from you, again, dragging Mark’s face away from your pussy.
A few tears slip down your face at this point, frustration reaching its peak. Jaehyun wipes the tears away, laughing lowly. “Don’t worry, you’ll get what you desire soon.”
He must pull out of Mark, because your friend whimpers before seeming to realize what he just did and clears his throat uncomfortably.
“Mark, would you like to fuck our little bird now?” Mark nods, tongue flicking out to wet dry lips.
Jaehyun smirks. “Good. On your back. Y/n, ride him.” You don’t have to be told twice. You scramble onto your knees, wasting no time in straddling Mark before dropping yourself down on him. You both moan in satisfaction, you at finally being filled and Mark at your tightness. You have to brace both hands on his chest, almost collapsing at the overwhelming relief you feel. Beyond the burn of the stretch, his cock filling you up so nicely, there’s a sweet pleasure, a satisfaction.
You don’t wait very long to adjust, grinding your hips in smooth circles before lifting yourself off of him and dropping yourself back down. You quickly start a rhythm of you bouncing on his cock, eyes rolling at how fucking big he feels in you.
Mark’s hands are locked in a vice grip on your ass, fingers digging into the supple flesh and using his grip to urge you into a faster pace.
Jaehyun decides to join, coming up behind you to kiss at your neck, one hand reaching up to your mouth. “Suck,” He commands, slipping two fingers past your willing lips. You do, hollowing your cheeks and slurping around the digits, wishing that it was his dick. He hums behind you, bringing the wet digits down to your entrance, finding your clit with ease and rubbing fast circles into the little nub. You moan even louder now, feeling yourself speed towards your climax. You’ve been on edge for too long, you can’t hold on anymore.
“You close, little bird? Going to come on Mark’s cock? Gonna make him fill you up, pound into that dirty cunt?” His words get to you, your head falling back against his shoulder once more.
“Yes, yes! Oh, please, please-” He cuts off your mindless rambling by pulling you in for a kiss, one that you melt into. This is the first time he’s kissed you, and you’re quite upset that you hadn’t kissed him earlier. It’s a hot kiss, lots of tongue and teeth. It heightens your pleasure immensely, and you can’t stop kissing him. You suck on his tongue filthily, and oh, he must like that if the resulting groan is anything to go by. Even when he goes to pull away, you won’t let him, one hand fisting in his hair to keep him close. He seems to be speeding up your release, if that were even possible. Your mind feels hazier now, every sensation heightened, core screaming for release. You feel your orgasm twisting painfully at your insides, pulsing before finally exploding. The intensity of it rips a scream out of your throat, nails scratching across Mark’s chest as Jaehyun licks even deeper into your mouth, drinking up the noises you make.
When you come down, Mark is still thrusting desperately up into you, though he stops at the demons command. “From behind,” You hear Jaehyun say, but everything’s hazy at this point. Your mind is still fuzzy from your orgasm, and it’s like watching through a screen. Like you’re high, though you hadn’t had anything the whole day.
Mark manhandles you into position, hands and knees with your ass raised high in the air. He leaves one gentle kiss on your shoulder blade before relentlessly pounding into you, cock hitting even deeper in this position. Jaehyun kneels in front of you, pulling your face in towards his cock. You moan around him as he slips inside, mouth not quite burning at the stretch like Mark, though the demon still has you gagging. His cock has the same effect on you as his kisses did, and you feel addicted. You’re slurping and sucking and moaning around him, not wanting the intense pleasure to stop. You barely hear the kissing above you, taking far too long to register that Jaehyun has pulled Mark into a messy kiss above you. The image has you moaning even more wantonly, ass pushing back against Mark.
The kiss seems to have a similar effect on the man, because then he’s slamming into you at an even more relentless rate, moans higher and more frequent before he’s coming with a shout, finally filling you up. Your core pulses again at the feeling, and you suck at Jaehyun’s dick with renewed vigor. His hands fist in your hair, keeping you still so that he can fuck your mouth as hard as he wants. You relish in the feeling of your throat being fucked raw, spit dripping out of your mouth and down his cock. He lets out a deep groan, hips slamming deep one last time as he finishes. His cum seems to ignite a fire within you, because you’re coming almost simultaneously with him, despite not even being touched.
You collapse afterwards, dragging yourself to Mark and letting him drape himself over you. You let yourself drift off to sleep, sated and still riding the high.
The demon kisses each of you one last time, drinking in the last remaining parts of your soul, watching as the two humans take their last breaths. “Thanks for the meal, lovelies.” He chuckles, petting your head almost affectionately before walking out into the night sky, not sparing a single glance back.
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