#like it'd be fine if I asked for advice
dare-to-dm · 7 months
I don't enjoy cooking, but I do love eating home cooked meals and also doing nice things for people. So when I have the energy, I'll make a meal to share with someone as an act of love.
When I did this for my family, it would inevitably result in getting a bunch of unsolicited advice on how I could have done it better. As a result, I don't cook for them anymore.
I cook for my friends and they only say nice nice things. So I want to cook for them more. It's a virtuous cycle.
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lvllns · 1 year
there’s something very comforting in going from talking on skype until three in the morning almost every day to reaching out once every few months and yet. it feels like nothing has changed.
#reed.txt#i feel like we could catch right up where we left off and it'd be fine#one of my best friends in the world who i've never even met in person and it's been like. thirteen years.#i dunno it's just like. people exist outside of you.#shit happens and sometimes people you thought were going to be a daily staple become. not that.#you can keep in touch and talk and update each other and it's. i dunno. sometimes people are meant to leave#and open that space for someone else who fits better. who. who settles you and makes you feel comfortable and at ease.#it's just. the knowledge that things change but the cores of humans remain (mostly) the same#i know if i asked her for advice she'd happily give it (because i did this a couple months ago)#and she sends me horse things saying 'this made me think of you' and i don't know!!#everything is okay!!! everything is going to be okay!!! that's the WHOLE POINT#the sun rises and sets and the earth spins and it will be cloudy and rain but there will be sunshine and clear skies#and there will be nights so ink black you can't see and they feel suffocating#and there will be nights so lit up by the moon and stars you have to shield your eyes#some people are meant to be cyclical in your life#they are meant to ebb and flow like tides#and sometimes if you're lucky you find a person or maybe a few#who become a forest of trees#stalwart and tall and you can sink to your knees and know that they will remain#you have people that shift and warp and people that never once flicker#i dunno i dunno i'm spewing out words but i just. not everyone you meet is going to be a constant is the poinst#*point#but when you find someone who is a tree or a lighthouse or. or.#or someone who makes you feel so SAFE you can't take it you have to keep them close#the amount of people i've met and been 'i want you in my life forever' is very few. my forest is small. but it is made up of people#who bring me so much inner peace and who i love so very much
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simphornies · 4 months
A/N: Thanks to some help from a wonderful writer ( @markster666 my new writer bestie ) this story might be longer than I think. Filled with a lot of emotions. I can't wait for you all to see what we've come up with.
Word count: 4.2k (4,240)
part 1, part 3, part 4
Deal Breaker [ Vox x Angel!Reader ] part 2
His second day was filled with the same trust exercises that Vaggie did earlier on. Vox and the other guests were thrown into another turf war once again to fight alongside each other. Alastor decided to join this time around, seeking entertainment in Vox's attempt at the exercise.
Vaggie hoisted Vox up into the air and threw him down the building. You watched over them, making sure that they don't get too injured. Alastor walks next to you, tapping his microphone as he watches Vox get punched in the stomach and saved by Angel Dust.
"Y/N, my dear, do you truly believe that this 'courtship' is real and not some frivolous stunt?" He asks, "I have grown accustomed to your friendship and it'd be a shame if he pulled strings to whisk you away from us and the hotel."
"To be quite frank with you, Alastor, I am not quite sure myself. Rest assured that I shall have my wits up." You put a hand on his shoulder, "I will not fall for meager attempts or tricks."
He hummed, "I rarely share this advice but do stay safe, darling. I will not find entertainment in failure from you. And I would hate to be disappointed in failure."
Though Alastor is...Alastor, you two have formed a bond. With you working to free him from his chains and him providing you with insight on how Hell functions, you became close friends. As sadistic as he is, he truly wished you good fortune.
You hear a scream coming from below and you quickly fly down to the source. Vox got surrounded and a demon managed to land a hit on him, stabbing him through his side. You opened up your wings fully to create distance and whisked him back up, blasting the perpetrators away with light. You gently sat him on the ground, kneeling beside him.
"Vox, where did they get you?" You ask in a hurry, trying to find the source of the bleeding. His side was covered in blood. "Take your shirt off, let me heal you."
"Take my shirt off? You want to see me naked that bad?" He weakly laughed, his screen glitching due to the pain, "And you can heal too? Hah. What can't you do, angel?"
"Now is not the time for jokes. Take your shirt off or I will rip it off of you." Your voice was stern, making him unbutton his shirt. You applied your magic to close off the wound and stop the bleeding. "My powers can only close wounds and stop bleeding. The pain will be there so take it easy."
You stood up, "I think that's enough. Let's all go home." And with a snap of your fingers, you all were transported back to the hotel through a portal.
"Vox is injured. No sudden or rash jerks to him until he's recovered. My magic's sped up the healing so he should be fine tonight. Alastor, no punching the injured please." He squinted at you in disappointment to which Vox flipped him off.
Charlie was apologizing profusely to Vox, offering him every kind of drink or snack that the hotel had. Vaggie drags her away so you can deal with him. You sat next to him at the bar, "A drink?"
"Yeah. That'd be great. Shit hurts like a bitch." He got a glass of rum from Husk and you got the same. Vox looked at you, a little bit in disbelief before smiling. "Thanks for saving my ass, angel."
"Do stop calling me that. But you're welcome." You chug your drink rather quickly, impressing Vox.
"Rum tonight huh? What made you decide to switch it up?"
"Mm. You." You smiled at him before asking Husk for the whole bottle and he gladly handed it to you. You and him clinked your bottles together before you pour it into your glass. Vox caught himself blushing at your response but he quickly wiped it off of his face.
He couldn't think of how to keep the conversation going so he drank in silence. He stared at the ice floating in his drink, messing with it with his claws.
"I have something to discuss with you Vox. In private." You say before getting up, face flushed from the stronger alcohol. "Please, meet me in my room after your drink." You take the bottle with you as you teleport into your room.
Angel elbows him on his good side, "Oooooh~ The angel's tryna fuck." He teased making Vox glitch a bit.
"Fuck! You! Don't jump out like that. Where did you come from?" He groaned before getting up, taking his glass with him. "It's probably business."
He walked up to your room, limping a bit from pain. He knocked on your door and entered as soon as you told him to. You sat at your desk, reading something in front of you.
"I want to discuss something and I sure do hope you consider this. Please, sit." You pointed at the seat across the table.
"Talking business early on? Are you going to agree to the deal?" He grinned mischievously, putting his hand under his chin to prop his head up on the table.
"No. It's about one of our patrons. Angel Dust." You slide a copy of his contract over to Vox, "This is a personal request of mine. I would like his contract, his deal with Valentino, to be terminated."
He was taken aback at your boldness. "Oh shit, okay. Well..." He leaned back, sucking air through his teeth somehow, "Yeah...I'm not sure, angel cakes. Valentino is pretty possessive over who he owns."
"I understand but I am willing to form a deal of some sort with you to get this to happen. Please, give me offers in exchange for this favor." You looked at him pleadingly. After seeing Angel Dust get hit and insulted by Valentino at the bar stirred something in you and you promised to find a way to break his deal.
Vox perks up at this opportunity. "A deal to break another deal?" He laughs, "You don't start small with your offers, do you?" He sat and pondered a bit.
"I'll accept your deal and get Valentino to break the contract on the condition that you make a deal with me."
You noticed his left eye beginning to spiral. Was he trying to hypnotize you? You laugh at the attempt, "Sorry. I'm not laughing at the offer but are you trying to hypnotize me?" His facial expression changes at the realization that he got caught. "That doesn't work on me, unfortunately for you. But what condition are you looking for?"
He retreats his attempt in shame, crossing his arms a bit. "Worth a shot." He huffed, “But I want you to work with me for the same length that you have me here. 3 days. And on top of that I want 3 dates with you. Let’s make a deal with that and I promise you that I’ll try to get Valentino to break his contract.”
You extend your hand out to him and he shakes it, sealing both of your words into a contract. He grins, knowing that he left out what exactly you have to do with him in his company. But a new feeling bubbled within him. The moment he held your hand he felt sparks in his system. He felt himself heating up with such a simple gesture and he couldn’t shake the feeling even hours after it had happened.
Hours had passed after your deal with him and at this point everybody was already fast asleep except for him. He couldn’t forget the way your hand felt in his. He paced around his room anxiously, trying to pinpoint the source of this pit he felt in his chest and stomach. He tried to distract himself with the technology provided in his room but every now and then he’d stare at the hand that held yours. Vox would replay the way you swooped in to take him away from danger and heal you. Your words echoed in his head over and over. Your smile slowly became a goal for him to maintain.
On his third and final day at the hotel, it was a party. Everyone wanted to go to the same bar Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb took the hotel staff to when Charlie was out. Alastor opted out of this because of “proximity reasons” or so he said. It was you, Vox, Husk, and Angel going this time.
You dressed yourself into an outfit that wasn’t the usual “I’m the famous angel that fought for Hell” look. Instead you wore shorts, courtesy of Angel Dust, and a crop top that Cherri gifted you a while ago. You were indecisive on which boots to wear and with Alastor off doing something you probably didn’t want to know about, you called Angel Dust.
He stood in your room as you frantically gathered all the shoes you owned and dropped them in front of the two demons. “I am not one to typically go out but I will absolutely not go out looking a mess. Please help me.” You practically begged. Angel helped you put together your outfit, fixing your hair up into a ponytail. He was proud of how you looked in the end.
The two of you walked to the lobby, chatting and laughing about how you can’t style yourself outside of your comfort zone. Vox stared at you, engulfed in your beauty. He was not used to seeing you outside of your usual attire and he was stunned. He couldn’t pry his eyes off of you and he was convinced it was purely due to your angelic powers. You wore black heels with eyes on the back, a shredded crop top that had a spray painted eye in the middle of it and simple black shorts. It was simple enough for you to be comfortable in but, in Angel’s words, slutty enough for you to blend in without getting immediately recognized as the angel that fought for Hell.
“Your ass looks nice in that, sweet cheeks.” Angel jokes. “I bet you’re gonna get eyes all over you at the club.”
“You flatter too much. It’s just a simple outfit, unworthy of such attention.”
But Vox agreed with him. His eyes wandered all over you. Your waist, your legs, your curves. He devoured the sight of you. It wasn’t until you made eye contact with him that he snapped out of it.
“Apologies! I was unable to settle on what to wear and if Angel hadn’t come to my rescue, I think I would have had to sit this one out.” You hugged Angel, proud of his work.
“What can I say? Sex isn’t all I’m good at.” He laughs.
You created a portal that led to the entrance of the club and the four of you immediately ordered drinks. Angel suggested drinking games and by the end of it, you were wasted. A sight that even Husk had only seen once. Your head was spinning, your vision fuzzy. Husk took another shot away from you, making you pout.
“One more shot!” Your words were slurred, “Please.”
“Absolutely not, you’re going to throw up and I am not cleaning it.” He shook his head and took your shot for you. “Shot’s gone.”
You whined and leaned into Vox’s arm, who was still sober. “Vox~ Can youuuu get me a shot?” You whispered.
Your voice sent shivers down his spine in a way he never expected. He almost caved but decided against it. “No. I think you’re done for tonight.”
You huffed and got off of him to his disappointment. You made your way onto the dance floor and uncharacteristically went all out. You followed what the crowd did and soon enough, they all lost track of you which sent them into a panic.
“Shit, where’s Y/N?” Angel asks.
“I saw her go towards all the dancing but I think she’s deep in the crowd.” Husk stated before running in there to search for you alongside Vox and Angel. Vox felt panic but he didn’t understand why. He didn’t know why he felt it urgent to get you in front of him and secure your safety. He was here to steal you from the hotel but yet he’s working with the staff to look for you. He pushed and shoved until he finally saw you. You were surrounded by three drunk demons with lust-filled eyes that danced on you a bit too sexually for his liking. The moment he saw one of them rub their hand from your hips to your waist, a fiery rage blazed within him. He quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you away from them and out of the crowd. He regrouped with Angel Dust and Husk who called Lucifer to portal them back to the hotel.
You were slumped against a flustered Vox, hugging onto his arm mumbling nonsense even after you all arrived back safely. He sat you down on the couch to which you immediately laid down.
“Wow. I haven’t seen an angel this wasted before.” Lucifer spoke, leaning over you. “Y/N, are you alright?” You giggled in response, not answering with words. “Yeah, I think she needs to go to bed. With lots of water!”
Everyone eyed your savior Vox and he groaned, “Why me?”
Alastor phased from the corner of the bar and next to him, “Because you were the one that wanted to court her. If you truly desire a relationship with someone in our staff, you should be able to take care of them as well as we do.”
Vox rolled his eyes at him, “Yeah well it wasn’t my idea to do a drinking game and get her fucked up knowing she’d lose.” He eyed Angel Dust who threw his hands up in the air, “Hey! I didn’t know her tolerance was shit. She took fifteen shots! Husk and I can handle more than that.”
“They have a point Vox. Please, take care of her for the night while the rest of us. You’re free to skip out on tonight’s activity.” Charlie says, “She likes getting tucked in.”
Vox carried you up to your room. You messed with the edges of his screen, tracing it with your finger. “So smooth.” You said. “Do you clean your screen? Can you stick your tongue out? If you can stick your tongue out, can I stick my hand in there?”
Vox was bombarded with questions but his focus was on your finger as it continuously went up and down the side of his head. He was blushing and flashed a couple of error screens until he finally got you into your room. You stumbled in and grabbed your usual dress. “Y/N, what are you doing?” He asked to which he received no response from you.
You began to take your clothes off sloppily, tripping over your own feet. Vox panicked and turned around. “Y/N! I’m still here, what in the unholy hell are you doing?” Though he was turned around, he shut his eyes for safety measures. He wasn’t one to get flustered at the sight of nakedness especially with Valentino on his team. He was confused why he felt and heard his heart pounding out of his chest.
“Yeah? If you’re here, why don’t you help me?” You whined. “Help me get into my gown.”
Vox turned and saw you on the floor, shorts stuck to your ankles and your top half off. He immediately began to scream and glitch. “Y/N!” was all he could say before he ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He yelled down the stairs from the railing, “For fu-ucks sake someone please dress her!” Everyone snapped their heads at Vox who was a glitching mess, “She is half-naked on the floor stuck in her shorts. I ca-cannot do this.”
Vaggie and Charlie ran up to get you into your night own as everyone else laughed at his flustered self.
“Holy shit! The big bad overlord got shy over that!” Angel was on the floor, clutching his stomach, absolutely dying. “What’s wrong? Never seen a naked angel before?”
He covered his face with his hands in shame. “I swear I brought her in there and the moment she was on the floor she started stripping. I turned around and when I looked back she was like that!” He groaned.
“Yeah, forgot to warn ya but…” Husk drank his bottle before continuing, “Last time she got fucked up like that she started changing in the lobby.”
“What’s wrong, old pal?’ Alastor teased, “Afraid of a little skin?” He laughed, mocking his rival.
“You know what. Fuck you. I’m going to my room to reboot myself. I cannot wait to get the fuck away from you.”
Alastor grinned at his frustrated and flustered self, his shadow doing the same.
You woke up surprisingly with a terrible hangover. You found yourself tucked into bed and in your nightgown. You had no recollection of the night before and the last thing you remembered was taking your 10th shot. After that, everything was gone. You stretched before you started to pack a couple of bags for your stay with Vox.
Charlie came into your room to check in on you, “You’re awake? How are you feeling? And…what are you doing?”
“I made a deal with Vox.” Charlie’s face dropped at the news, worried for you and your safety. “It’s a chance to get Angel Dust free and on the path to redemption. I…I can’t bear to see him come home after a rough night and I can sense his sadness.”
Charlie hugs you, “Be safe, okay? I know you’re strong but please…don’t get hurt.” You smile in return, placing a hand on her rosy cheeks.
“Thank you. I promise. I’ll be safe.”
Vox was waiting at the lobby entrance for you. Alastor was more than glad to get him out and was practically trying to throw him out the door with Angel and Husk watching in delight, munching on some popcorn.
“I’m waiting for Y/N! She’s coming with me!” He protested, dodging his black tendrils.
“She is not going with you.” Alastor hissed, static in his voice, “She would inform me if she would and she has not.”
You heard the commotion from the stairwell and flew down the stairs, using your body to keep distance between the two rivals. “Alastor! I apologize but I am. I have made a deal with Vox.” Vox straightened himself out, a smug smirk on his face. “I…want to get Angel Dust’s deal broken off. He and I have discussed and agreed that I shall stay and work with him for 3 days.”
Alastor squinted at you, reverting back to his regular form. “A deal with him? My…That is the most foolish of decisions you have ever made.” He scoffed, ears pinned to the back of his head. You step closer to him, holding his hand in comfort.
“Alastor, I apologize for not informing you sooner. I shall remain safe. My duty and loyalties remain with the hotel. I have told you before and I shall tell you again, I must work on breaking the deals that harm the staff the most. You, of all people, should understand that.” His eye twitched a bit at the reminder of his own chains but he did understand. He sighs and nods.
“If anything brings harm to you, inform me immediately.” That was Alastor’s way of telling you to stay safe. You smile and give him a hug, whispering a ‘thank you’ to him. He hugs you back before letting you go off with Vox into a portal you had created.
Upon arriving in his lobby, he was immediately greeted by Velvette and Valentino arguing about how Valentino had, yet again, destroyed one of Velvette’s models. Vox groans and looks at you, his face saying ‘See what I have to deal with?’ before approaching them.
“What the fuck’s happened now?” He says, “And please do not rip each other apart in the lobby.”
“This little piss baby ripped apart not one but two models. I have a show tomorrow and I would have been able to work with but he went ahead and ripped apart two unlucky bitches!” Velvette growled.
“That little bitch Angel Dust texted me to fuck off last night! Me!” Valentino screamed, “I will murder that little whore.”
“Enough.” His voice distorted, left eye spiraling before clearing his throat, “That is no way to act in front of our new temporary guest, Y/N.” He held his hands out and pointed at you. “She’s going to be here for three days and I do believe she’d be a good candidate as a model for you, Velvette. Is she not?”
Velvette squinted at you, eyeing you up and down, “Oh I don’t think I’d be a good-”
“Shush. Shut the fuck up for a bit.” Velvette raised a finger at you before swiping with her other hand, quickly switching your outfit. You were now suddenly in a red dress that showed your curves. She hummed and walked around you. “I suppose she could work. Do you know how to work a catwalk, angel?”
“I-” You cleared your throat, “I certainly know how to walk.”
“Not the fucking question. Pop your little wings out and walk in a straight line.” She ordered. You complied, revealing a set of wings before walking forward, “Alright…now turn. On your heel. Quickly.” You pivoted on your heel and walked back towards Velvette.
“You know what…This could work.” Velvette lit up a bit, “Pleasure to finally meet you. I’m the famous Velvette. One of the better Vees.” She shook your hand quickly before going on her phone.
Valentino slid over to your side, leaning down to your height, “Ah…the famous angel that fell from Heaven to fight for Hell.” He gave you a big smile. You had a vendetta against him because of what you know. He takes you hand and spins you before pulling you close, “I’m Valentino. If you ever decide to drop that tacky hotel and make real money. Let me know~ I can make you a star.”
Vox pulled you away from him, noticing your discomfort. You laugh nervously and fiddled with the dress you were now suddenly stuck in. “Thank you kindly for the offer but I am alright. I have no intentions of partaking in…your art.”
Valentino’s smile didn’t falter, “You know how to find me~” He states before walking away. You see him angrily typing away at his phone to probably harass Angel. You let out a sigh, putting away your wings before looking at Vox.
“I know. A handful, right?” He rolled his eyes, “You’ll get used to it.”
He leads you to your room, “This is where you’ll be staying. Don’t worry, I won’t spy on you.” He winked, “Unless you want me to.” You rolled your eyes in response. “Let me know as soon as you’re settled in. I want to go over what we’ll be doing for the next 3 days.”
“Alright. Thank you for your hospitality.” You nod. You were about to turn around to unpack when you felt his hand grab yours. He gave you a gentle kiss on the back of your hand before teleporting off into the nearest camera.
Vox sat in his office with the Vees while you were in your room.
“So what’s the plan here, Vox? Why is the angel in our building?” Velvette asked, a bit on the edge of the fact that someone as strong as you was in close proximity, something she didn’t allow you to see earlier.
“She wants me to break Angel Dust’s contract with Valentino.” He responds. Valentino slammed his fist on the table in anger. “She made a deal that in return for me trying, she’ll be here for 3 days working with us.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Valentino growled. “You can’t make me break that deal. That little whore makes me the most money!”
Vox simply grins menacingly, “I can make this all worth it, Valentino.” A plan brewed in his head. He just had to get you to put your guard down around him.
“And what if this shit doesn’t work and I lose that motherfucker because of your deal?”
“It’ll work. And I’ll find somebody better for you. You have so many whores, Val. Angel Dust is just one whore. He’s already going against you, don’t you want somebody that’s a little weaker? Somebody easier to control? By the end of this, we can have all of Hell to recruit.”
“Who would be better than Angel Dust?”
Velvette rolled her eyes, “Why don’t you try and get that popstar in? Verosika Mayday’s her name.”
Valentino calmed down a bit, “Hmm…If I can get Verosika on board, then I might just consider it.”
“Then we have a deal. I get you Verosika and in return, you break Angel Dust from his contract completely.”
Valentino grins, “Deal.”
“Are you really into this angelic bitch?” Velvette asks, aimlessly scrolling through her phone.
Vox laughs, “Absolutely not! I need her power and after those 3 days, I think I have just the plan to get her on my side.”
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cryptidcorners · 7 months
Josh Futturman x Reader Headcanons
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= Character: Josh Futturman
= Media: Show!Future Man
= Prompt: N/A
= Description: Just !Platonic & !Romantic mixed Headcanons!
= Request: N/A
= Tags: Fluff ! Headcanons, Shy/Awkward Josh, Romantic + Platonic, Established Relationship, Some Comfort + Reader is !GN
= Warnings: None.
= Please Read my INTRO before interacting !
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Josh has always struggled to maintain relationships, including ones with friends. Not only because he's incredibly socially awkward, but his escapism within videogames plays a major factor. So, he treasures what he has with you much more seriously than anyone you knew.
Rambles about his games all the time. His interests are something you can never get him to shut up about. Josh is usually into strategies, lore & development, his favorite being "Biowars", which you already knew had quite the reputation for being a challenging videogame.
He's pretty bubbly, especially around you. Josh is an absolute sweetheart and will get flustered at almost anything. His childish personality roots out much more when you're around, mostly because Josh feels more comfortable.
He isn't very open about his feelings, mostly because he's afraid of losing people. Josh desperately wants to be a part of something and refuses to mess it up somehow. Josh, however, is very different when you're opening up. He'll advise, comfort and try to cheer you up. (It's actually crazy how good his advice is sometimes.)
Josh is content with following you anywhere, as long as it doesn't involve his house or hear his parents. If I'm going to be honest, if he's particularly choosing somewhere to lounge, it'd be an arcade. It's a field where he specializes in and he can impress you easily. It's also somewhere he can discard his low self-esteem and indulge in his skills.
Praise is like a drug to Josh. Compliments or any sight of you liking him (or what he's doing), he feels intense dopamine. He really enjoys making people happy.
He's pretty charismatic sometimes, even when he's not trying to be. Josh is usually awkward when directly talking to somebody with a set question or goal in mind, but when he needs to go with the flow, it's much more grounded. With you in mind, Josh is much more relaxed, so he isn't as shy as he is with strangers.
Wouldn't exactly say he's very affectionate, but he wouldn't mind hugging either. Again, Josh is pretty awkward, and I doubt he rarely showcases soft intimacy around anyone (whenever it's platonic or romantic). He would love to do it, but he's very shy. Though, he isn't afraid to try. If you ask, he's perfectly fine with holding your hand or sitting close.
As I mentioned, Josh is very tentative on affection, especially receiving it, but he loves getting his hair and face touched. Dude needs love.
Digs through your trash. He doesn't have any ill intents, but Josh will take time out of his day to scavenge through waste instead of asking you a minor question. I know I mentioned he's very relaxed around you, but Josh definitely overthinks, especially with relationships. He tries his best.
Will cry real tears of joy if you ever give him something. Josh really appreciates gifts, no matter who it's from. Even if it's not game related, he's definitely holding onto it for a while. (Bonus Points If: It's an animal toy, a decoration or handmade.)
Romantically speaking, he enjoys kissing you or indulging in anything sweet. A lot of giggling & sweet talk. Josh isn't very experienced in relationships like this, so he tried to wing it. Needless to say, he probably gets advice from Google images and it's adorable to see him try his best to impress you.
Will always defend you, even if he fails miserably. Absolute trooper.
Josh will one hundred percent get emotional at any piece of film he is watching with you. Especially if it's a game cutscenes and it involves animals.
Huge softie. I don't think Josh can handle saying anything remotely mean to you or reviving it. If he does, expect a flood of apologies.
Can get way into character sometimes, whatever context this is. You know what I'm talking about.
Very clingy. No other words.
Lastly, he'd definitely call you nicknames in the cutest way possible. If he lets you call him "Joshy", you've probably earned the highest pillar of his trust.
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luvfy0dor · 3 months
Hey, I’m kind of new to requests and stuff like that and idk if you take them. But, could you do like a Bsd x Child! Reader. Like, Nikolai as a dad or Fyodor when he finds out his child has a S/O? You obviously don’t have to. Btw, I love your stories! ☺️
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“ You Have a What?! ♡⁠˖” BSD Men x Teen Child!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol
Warnings; they/them for partner, maybe ooc
Description; Dad!Fyodor/Nikolai finding out their kid has a partner
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A/n; Thank you!! I assumed that the reader would be a teenager/highschool age. This is really cute to think about- they're in a headcannons format but i hope they're acceptable ^^ !! ♡⁠˖
⑅ Fyodor Dostoevsky ⑅
• You never really had a conversation before about romance with your father, and therefore didnt know how he felt. You figured it'd be best to just avoid telling him about it because of stories from your friends about their dad's finding out and being upset, but your secret couldn't be safe forever
• As a matter of fact, he finds out pretty quickly. It only takes a few weeks for your phone screen lighting up with a notification to catch his attention.
• When he sees it's a name he doesn't recognize and it has a heart next to it, he'd call you back and ask you about it, and that's when you finally tell him about it.
• He wouldn't be upset, per say, but he feels like you'd definitely be better off without a partner for now. He'd also be a little off-put by your assumption that he'd be angry.
• Fyodor would encourage you to invite them over for dinner to get to know them better and deem them trustworthy enough, and if I were in their shoes, I would be shaking in my boots.
• He's so intimidating, he looks like his mood is permanently ruined, even if he finds the conversation pleasant. He asks all the regular questions- do you have a job yet, how are your grades in school, what about my kid do you like, etc etc.
• If Fyodor doesn't like them then he'll insist you drop them and refrain from seeing them outside of school (if they go to the same one)
• If he does like them, you're allowed to invite them over occasionally as long as he's home.
• "Keep the door open" type dad
⑅ Nikolai Gogol ⑅
• You probably told Nikolai yourself. He didn't seem like he'd be upset and was always the type of parent to encourage sociability and relationship forming- friendship or not.
• He, like Fyodor, would also invite your partner over for dinner to meet them and to get a feel for what they're like. He'd try to put on the tough guy demeanor, but ultimately he'd end up performing a silly trick or two
• That being said he still keeps a close eye on you and looks out for you. If he feels like your partner is shady, he's going to tell you.
• He tries to get on your partners good side, though. He cracks a couple harmless jokes, asks you to wish them a happy birthday or holiday on his behalf, stuff like that
• He'll give you advice, but only if it's asked for. If you don't want his input, that's fine. When you do tell him about how things are going with the two of you, he feels in the know and trusted.
• He warns you about dependency though, and tells you to keep yourself able to function without your partner around and to keep your grades up instead of putting all of your effort into a relationship. He wants you to remain and individual.
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A/n; I have such a good idea for my next post guys like it's actually gonna be so cute istg, reqs will be back open in a couple weeks prolly
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Take A Hint
Please just notice their advances
Ft. Diluc, Dottore, Itto, Zhongli
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It's not you, it's him
Truly, he could not be any more vague
Why? You might ask?
Simply put, he's trying his best to romance you without letting you know it's him who's romancing you
Something something anxious you'll reject him something
So yeah, flowers, subtle gifts in the form of things you happen to need, everything is handed to you on a silver platter of convenience
And the sender himself is nowhere to be found or even heard of
Throw in how he's not exactly known for being amorous, as popular as he is, how could you possibly have suspected it was from him?
Of course you'd ask around, sparking a whole new chain of talk about your mysterious admirer
And lots of unwanted advice from the well-meaning citizens of Mond
"You should try asking around at the Angel's Share. Master Diluc always seems to know a little about everything, maybe he has something for ya."
Having no other leads, you went ahead with it
As with every other evening, the place was packed, drunkards exchanging tales over their liquor
There was nothing of value to be gotten from them, so you made a beeline for the redhead behind the counter
"Good evening, what can I get for you this time?"
"You wouldn't happen to have information, would you? On umm, the person who's been sending me all these presents."
He stiffens up, though not enough to be distinctly noticeable
He was going to say no, continue to lay low for a bit more, but when you looked at him so expectantly, it was hard for him to turn you down
It was even worse when you pressed further, prying for details to push your luck
Still, he caved and answered, fumbling as he did, because there was only so vague he could be the more you questioned
"You seem to know this person really well, it's almost like- Wait, Diluc, are you??"
In your excitement, you had gotten up, kneeling on the barstool and leaning across the counter to come face to face with him
"I've thought of something else you can get me, bartender~"
"Y-yes, and...what might that be?"
"Just like that?" Kaeya confirmed, throwing his head back and laughing as he turned to his brother. "Yeah, just like that," you echoed, smiling at your lover who glowered at the blue haired captain. Diluc sat himself between the two of you as he wrapped an arm around you. "I told you it'd be easier to just ask them," Kaeya quipped, only to be silenced with a glare. "I recall," Diluc said. "But it worked out fine all the same." And fine it was, as he pressed a kiss to your temple, content that he no longer had to fret over hiding from you.
For someone who's all about the enjoying the experimental process, even he was growing tired of the lack of results
Were his hints (link to past post) too difficult to notice even for you? Had he overestimated your abilities?
Perhaps that was the case, so he'd have no choice but to resort to a more tried and true method
But of course even then he'd twist it in his own way to suit himself
It's not like there was any point in conforming to a standard the complete opposite of his own lest you fall for anything short of who he truly was
So he approaches you under the guise of a personal experiment, a little something that had piqued his interest
"You can be my lover for a... how's a month sound?"
You choked on your drink
As if being approached by the harbinger you worked for during your lunch break wasn't nerve wracking enough, that was what he wanted to talk to you about?
Despite his offhanded demeanor, seeming to not care about whether you agreed to it or not, you had a feeling it would be in your best interests to go along with it
It's not like you weren't at least somewhat into him anyway
His smile from under the mask did seem very ominous to any sane person though
Perhaps you weren't entirely sane, because the doctor's low chuckle didn't send you running for the hills in spite of you having no idea what he was planning
But really, how hard could it be to play the part of Il Dottore's lover for a month?
The answer was not at all
The position came with a number of privilege you were sure you'd miss once you lost them
Free access to anything under Dottore's command? Almost the same level of authority?
Really, it was insane just how much you were getting out of something that stemmed from his curiosity
And it really had you wondering just how he could afford to spare you all this luxury without batting an eye
Your colleagues, while understandably jealous, had been surprisingly supportive as well, giggling in your ear about how soft the doctor seemed to be for you
But all you could think of was how it was all a lie
You had to keep reminding yourself how quickly it would be over, and that you'd soon return to your old post
Even in the doctor's presence, which was often, you were doing mental gymnastics to stay calm at his every doting gesture
How was it even possible for him to hold you so gently? You'd never know
His duality was such that he could snap at the Regrator in a tone you're sure was icy enough to make the Tsaritsa proud all while holding you in his lap with the warmest possible embrace
And every moment felt like it'd last forever
Could he freeze time? You sort of hoped he would experiment with that and inevitably extend the time you had with him
You, ever the fool, had gotten comfortable with the arrangement even when you'd repeatedly reminded yourself not to
Although one could say you were an even bigger fool for not realising how he set you up to fall for him
Did you really think he was capable of looking at anyone he didn't consider special to him with enough warmth to melt a room when you can't even see his eyes?
On the final day of your agreement, you were finally starting to worry about how you were supposed to go about your old job after all you'd experienced with Dottore
Could you even function without remembering how nice it was to have his reassuring hand on your back?
"Oh my, anyone would think you were upset by the thought of leaving me if you pulled that face."
"Lord Dottore! I didn't notice- I'm sorry I-"
"No, this has been...a very successful experiment, if I do conclude. It has definitely helped me to confirm something important, I was just thinking of how to reward you for your help."
"I'm honoured I was able to assist, my lord. I'd be happy to accept any gift you might grace me with."
He frowned a little, and you were worried you had misspoken
Well, technically, you had, because he was hoping you'd have gotten comfortable enough with him over the month to drop the formalities
"Any gift? Then it's decided. We'll just have to make this a permanent arrangement, wouldn't you agree, my dear? In which case I think it only fitting that...when we're alone like this, you should call me Zandik."
The last part was softer, like the utterance of his name was for no one but you (it was)
Dottore might have been the feared harbinger, but Zandik was your affectionate maniac, and yours alone
"Zandik, I never really did get to ask...why did you choose me for that experiment anyway? It just all seems far too fortunate for everything to fall into place so easily," you asked. You hadn't expected him to grin - more to himself than anyone else. "Yes, very fortunate indeed, you must be quite the lucky one then, favoured by the goddess of love herself, no?" he chuckled. He wondered if you would ever figure out he schemed it all, or if you'd remain blissfully ignorant. Gingerly, he took off his mask and set it on your face. "Would you look at that, it suits you too," he mused. "So why don't we just take it, that we were bound to end up like this one way or another, my precious?"
You'd think it's obvious since he's such an outspoken guy
But he's fairly prideful too, so chances are, he's gonna try get you to ask him out
Unfortunately for him, he very much does want to cut the chase and ask you out so he doesn't have to wait
It's really a dilemma, and it doesn't help that no one in the gang apart from Shinobu gives sound advice
Just ask you out? Yeah right, Shinobu, he's gonna go with what the other guys say and just make himself seem so cool you'll be dying to go out with him
So he hangs around you a lot, dragging you with him and talking about how the Arataki Gang is doing stupendously
And who's leading the gang? None other than him, of course!!
Surely you'll think he's awesome, right?
Of course, credit where credit's due, he does end up talking about Shinobu a lot, praising her and how well she helps manage things
In part, that's supposed to help you see how humble he is despite his awesomeness
Too bad it gave the impression that he liked Shinobu, leading to you trying to set them up
Did you kinda like Itto? Yeah, sure, what wasn't there to like about him?
But that was also why you thought you should put your own feelings aside and help him out
And Itto, the sweet dumbass, not knowing any better, went along with all your ideas thinking you just wanted to spend time with him
You were taking him shopping for stuff!! That seems like a date, right? He was counting as a date
Yes, you were trying to dress him up and "coincidentally" bump into Shinobu and abandon them to have dinner together, but Itto didn't know the second half of that
He was absolutely memorising every detail to tell the rest of the gang after about how it worked and you slyly tried to go on a date with him
He was planning up how to tell them already
And you were dressing him up too? Look at you, acting like you're already married, he's very head empty
My guy is so ready to call you out on it when you bump into Shinobu a little earlier than expected
"Oh, what are you two up to? No offence, y/n, it's just that Itto typically doesn't come around town without some sort of mayhem following."
"Hey, you know that's not true, people love me, I-"
Red alert: he was looking stupid in front of his crush
And when you were quick to defend him? Boy, he looked like he wanted to kiss you then and there
You thought you were salvaging his reputation, but really, it just made you look like you were taking his side unconditionally
At least that's how it seemed in the moment
"How about that, boss. You actually got them to fall for you hard enough to overlook your idiocy. Who'd have thought?"
"Well, of course no one can resist the one and Oni Arataki Itto, y/n included, right my bug?"
You couldn't even be offended at his awful petname for you because there was so much to process
Were you dating now? Was that how it went?
Honestly, you could roll with that, as funny of a way as it was to get together
You didn't even have the heart to tell him about the misunderstanding because he seemed so proud to show off to everyone how you finally got together
The members of the Arataki Gang gathered around with gathered sakura blooms as they scattered the petals around to congratulate the two of you. For the most part, Itto was just recounting the tale from his perspective, which was pretty funny to hear since you knew how it all actually went down. Had you really looked at him with the love the ocean had for the moon? It was almost embarrassing to hear how he described you, the poetic brilliance so unlike his typical crude speech. Certainly, it was a simple as comparing you to fresh grass in the summer, but it was very him to do so. And you supposed that was the magnetic charm of his after all.
He can't think of a time when he's ever been so desperate to reach out to someone and yet so hesitant
But that had to be all the more reason for him to keep his distance because imagine if he lost you once he'd gotten attached?
Absolute devastation
But a small part of him insists you're worth the risk
Sadly, not enough to convince him because what if one day you realise you're just wasting your time with him? If you didn't actually like him any more than as a dear friend?
So you end up in this awful push and pull, hot and cold situation where one day he's inviting you out, eager to spend time with you
And the next day he's nowhere to be found, uncontactable as though he was never a part of your life
It got tiring really fast, so you roped in Hu Tao, since as his boss, she probably had his schedule
That and Hu Tao very much seems to be aware of something you aren't (aka the fact that Zhongli is immortal)
She wants to fill you in so badly because she's pretty done with watching Zhongli pine and then act like he never did
Still, she respects his boundaries (mostly) so she just helps drag him out of hiding
And by that, I mean calling him to work for something really important so he'll rush over
So you can imagine how his eyes widened when he saw you waiting with the director
"Director...and y/n, did I miss something?"
He knew he was being played the moment he saw Hu Tao's close-eyed smile but it was too late to run
Even then, Hu Tao wasn't one to break character, so she sent the two of you on some errands for her
So off you go, wandering Liyue on tasks you're certain have no relevance to whatever Hu Tao actually needs
Part 1: Scouring mountains for qingxin
At some point, Zhongli decided it'd be so much easier to just boost you up with his geo structures and catching you when you jumped/slid back down
No, he's definitely not the geo archon he's just very proficient at using his vision, he assures you
With the way he talks about Liyue as you search for flowers, even you end up piecing it all together
"What's it like to no longer be worshipped?"
"It's definitely more peaceful."
He pauses and slowly turns towards you
"I seem to be slipping up a lot today. This is exactly why I can't be around you. Still, what were the chances you'd figure this out before picking up on my feelings for you?"
Look at him turning the tables on you, it was now your turn to be flustered
How dare he
With a gentle tenderness only the passage of time could train, he picked out one particular flower from the bunch and held it beside your cheek
"Would it be inappropriate for me to comment on how you put even the loveliest of flowers to shame? Or should I find an equally appealing piece of jade or cor lapis to match the shine of your eyes?"
"What's with this sudden flattery?"
"You do bring out the worst in me sometimes. Even centuries of solitude couldn't grant me the patience to wait for you to choose me."
You'd returned to the funeral parlour with Zhongli, both of you hauling massive bouquets in your arms. "We've found the-" Zhongli began, only to be cut off by his boss chiding him. "Aiya, I gave you the perfect opportunity and you still have no game!"
"No, but I did-" He turned to you with pleading eyes, but it was a sight too funny to pass up on. You'd make it up to him later, of course. But for the time being, you'd let yourself be amused with his suffering as payback for ghosting you all those times.
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Commissioned by @monstersealclubber
Taglist: @myluvkeiji @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @missesclaus @cxlrosii @miss-fantazmagoria @astrequa @kokomist @lemonswriting @eowinthetraveller @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate @the-lost-anime-dad @ash-astrophel @moonbyunniee @greyrain23
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Dating connor headcanons
He's so sweet, dear God.
Ask for anything and he'd do it for you.
There will be moments where you're like, "Honey, you didn't actually have to do that. i was gonna do that in just a moment"
Sometimes you worry, he thinks he still needs to surve because of it. Eventually, you told him you felt bad about him doing everything for you and how you worry he still feels rhe need to be a machine and just goes, "I know I don't have to. I choose to." You get a little confused, and he continues."I want to help you. I can stop if you don't like it?"
After you start dating, he definitely asks Hank about advice a lot.
"Hank, how does one... swoon a girl?"
"Hank, what do people look for in a relationship?"
"How do you go about pleasuring someone?"
Dear lord poor Hank.
Eventually, connor downloads some programs to help him better understand the art or romance. To say he's bad at it, he understands the basics, and of corse he loves you, but it all feels a bit... stiff. He doesn't quite get it yet. He's too formal. He's so used to his profession making things very cut and dry, straightforward. He needs to relax .
Just let him adjust. He'll pick up on it.
He loves trying new things with you. He has so many date ideas. Ice skating, amusement parks, paint ball (rip fr), crafting
He thought it'd be fun to take you on a paint ball date, and you lost instantly. In hindsight, you both realized that was a bad idea. He was programed to hunt deviants after all. With the athletic and shooting skills he's equipped with you walked out coated in paint and welts for days
It's OK, though. He apologized profusely and took care of all your wounds with so much love. Made sure your baths were at the perfect temperature, always had ice ready, creams on the ready dude was practically your stay at home nurse, lol. You insisted you were fine, but he wouldn't back down.
Ever sense deviancey he's started alot of new hobbies. Painting, ceramics, cooking, gardening. From each new hobby, he gifts you little crafts. Romantic paintings, mugs, flowers, your favorite meals. And when ever he picks up a new hobby you make sure to buy him what ever supplies he needs.
He does so much for you, you love to give back.
He loves receiving hugs and kisses oml.
A hug from behind will make him melt, or a kiss on the jaw can make him weaken at the knees, he loves physicality.
He especially loves those nights where you both are wrapped in cozy blankets, and one of you is lying on top of the other. It'll turn him into mush. He feels so happy
He trusts you so much
I hate to say it, but he often worries he's not a good enough partner because his deminor is so... stiff, even compared to other androids. When he eventually expressed this concern, you admitted you worried the same thing about yourself.
He was extremely baffled as to why, and you, of course, explained. He's so perfect and caring. He's always doing tasks for you and making things for you. You often felt you couldn't keep up and return the generosity the way he did.
When you told him you thought of him as perfect, it made him extremely flustered.
Of corse, he reassured you how great of a partner you were. So caring and supportive of his endeavors, always making sure he's alright, he just felt so much trust.
Ug, the relief you both felt.
He'd definitely wanna get a dog with you. When you expressed you wanted one, he got very enthusiastic at the idea. Lots of resurch into different breeds.
One day, you came home to a spreadsheet of dog breeds and all their stats. It was overwhelming.
Eventually, you two compromised and got something like a staffy. (Or whatever you want ofc)
He's very protective of you. Sometimes, he is a little overprotective. If he has the sense someone hitting on you, he'd slide up so fast and passively try to scre that person off. There have been a few moments where he misidentified someone just talking to you with flirting. You had to explain the situation to him and he felt bad afterward. You appreciate the thought, though. You really do.
Enough about what he does for you. We need to go back to what he like you doing for him. Cause he does so much
You looked into engineering to help with small repairs. You don't exactly have the brains of a cyberlife engineer, but you can fix small bugs and replace any damaged parts.
One day, he came back from a mission, a few dents, a shot leg. Nothing to critical but still concerning.
"Oh god, are you alright?"
"Just a few minor injuries. I can go in for repairs tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? Sweet heart, your shot."
"I can't feel pain, remember? I'm fine, I promise."
You insist on helping out and he accepts. He hasn't admitted it yet but he loves the care you put into repairs.
You'd roll up the sleeve of his pants and carefully remove the white plastic shell, patiently fix any broken wires. Tenderly clean the thirium leaks, replace the plastic with a new, not shot one. And carefully buff out any dents he had.
You somehow managed to get your hands on a few bags on thirium, so you replaced whatever he bleed.
You taking care of him like this always makes him blush. The amount of attention to detail and care you had was very admirable.
He'd always kiss you afterward.
He loves to dance with you. If you plan a date to somewhere nice and secluded and play some music... dear Lord, he's gonna be love sick. Slow dancing, whether you're good at it or not, makes him so happy. He'll absolutely teach you if you can't, it'd be so romantic.
He installed a warming system in his body after starting the relationship with you
One night, you came home freezing, and you threw on a heated blanket, trying to warm up. And he got an idea
A few weeks pass, and a snow storm blows over detroit. You are about to grab the heated blanket again, but you can't find it. You opted for grabbing a normal one and cuddling with connor instead. Suddenly, the body below you starts to warm up.
"Do you like it? I recently installed a heating function to properly warm you if you needed."
He likes to call you pet names every now and then.
At first the practice was confusing to him. He was aware of the practice and why people did it, on a technical sense, but to have it actually happen to him felt a little strange at first.
He quickly grew to love all the little pet names you gave him
He really likes sweet heart, sweetness, honey, prince charming, etc.
Eventually he started giving you pet names as well
The same ones you call him mostly. Though he definitely got experimental and called you a bunch of weird ones for a few weeks.
Oh, the possibilities of a robot lover
Before we start with that, his introduction to a sexual relationship. It's not what he was built for, but he goes into shops to get some upgrades ;)
He's switchy for sure.
He can dom if you want him to and he'd happy to ablige.
Boy, is he good at intimidation. With all that interrogation software, he can be as mean as you want him to be.
He really likes to pin you down.
And tease you. Dear God he loves to tease you rip fr.
You can be tied up, and he's graising your skin and talking about all the things he wants to do to you, getting you riled up and flustered is probably the most rewarding thing.
He'll make you beg after teasing for sure. Don't worry, he's not too cruel about it unless you want him to be.
Sub connor
He loves to be tied up and pinned down, too.
Hand cuffs, with his own tie, belts. The more creative you get it excites him.
And make him beg. Don't be too harsh with him, but he loves the desperate feeling
Praising. Praise him, PLEASE. It'll make him a mess.
Tell him he's a good boy, tell him he's so beautiful, tell him what a good job he's doing just... ug.
Every now and then I feel like he'd like edging.
Certainly not something he frequents and prefers not to, but on rare occasions, he'll suggest that he wants to do edging. Give him all the kisses when you're done.
He hates to admit it but he likes getting a little steamy at work.
He knows not to do it to frequently, and avoids the frequent practice
But on occasion, he allows it, and when he does, he's really into it.
Seeking off into bathrooms, janitorial closets, exchanging touches under desks. The desperate and secretness of it all excites him
And roleplay. He's very into role play.
Cop and criminal (of corse), massage therapist and client, professor and student, strangers
He likes giving and receiving roles for all of them.
Though if he's the sub, he can be bad at staying in character. He'll put up a convincing act until you get him hot and bothered. The closer he gets the role slips from him lol
Now, let's finally explore all the updates he's gotten.
His dick definitely moves on its own. Like one of those sex toys that thrusts inside of you.
And it vibrates. What doesn't vibrate, really? His fingers, palms, tongue
All sorts of new mobility features in his hips to get the smoothest movement.
Ok, I got this idea, and I feel like I can leave it out, but if you request it, he'd look into aphrodisiac dispensers in his mouth so when you swap spit, kisses can lull yiu further into lust.
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euniexenoblade · 20 days
I may have asked you this before, and I'm really sorry, so I'm gonna be on anon for this. I. hate. cleaning. I've always hated cleaning. I just...have some strange aversion to cleaning. When I'm elsewhere, I clean just fine. But when it's my own stuff and area...I just avoid it for as long as possible. Executive dysfunction really sucks. What advice do you have that you can give me?
Executive dysfunction is tough, because it's really really hard to get around sometimes. Nothing I say will be a sure fire way to get through it, but I hope something I say can be helpful.
First of all, do not expect that you'll clean the whole house or anything. Just focus on a small amount at a time. Doesn't even have to be a whole room. Make it like, "today I will take care of x in the bathroom." It'll be so much easier. Maybe do like, one task a day if possible, and allow yourself to not keep up with that. You're allowed to skip chores, it's not the end of the world.
I like to open up the windows and let sunlight in, I also really like to blast music (or headphones if need be) and just go for it. I approach it like a jog, activity i need to power through and music is the energy. Serious about that sunlight, it wakes you up and brightens the mood.
As I said, start small. Is there garbage in your room? Pick it up and throw it out. There you go, there's one task. You can call it done there if you want. Do you have dishes scattered around your room? Pick em up and put them in the sink. There you go! A whole new task completed!
If the trash needs to go out, take it out when you leave the house. On your way to work? Take the trash out on the way. Gonna check the mail? Take the trash out.
Dishes can be daunting but if you break it into smaller tasks it can be a lot more manageable. When I'm at my girlfriend's house I tend to do the dishes immediately following the meal. (This is largely cuz they have so few dishes in general and so they're available when we want to eat next buuuut) This makes it so dishes don't stack up. Washing one bowl and one spoon and maybe a pan is a lot less work than a collected stack. You could also just load dishes into a dishwasher (assuming you have one) as you go. A lot of people don't do this which kinda always surprises me, but if you finish your meal, immediately when getting up, put the dishes in the dishwasher. No wait. Just do it. Dishes can't stack if they're already in the machine that's going to clean them.
Executive dysfunction is really hard to get around sometimes, and I'm sorry if none of this actually helped. But, with a lot of things with low energy or depression, you gotta kinda just make yourself do it. I know that seems redundant, "I can't make myself do it that's why it's a problem" but it is genuinely true. Sometimes you gotta just force it to happen. It's ok not to always be on top of everything. It's ok if today you just can't do it. It's ok if there are things you can't do and need help. Don't beat yourself up over it, that's not gonna help. Remember that it's ok to take breaks and not finish tasks.
Reward yourself. After you do the thing, do something you like. Eat chocolate, watch that show you've been waiting for, get high, whatever you want. (I like to take a big hot bath with a lush bath bomb, it's a great reward hehe~)
Buy a maid uniform, lots of people have told me that helps them power through chores :)
I don't know if any of that will help, but I hope it does.
Also, while I'm doing this, back on my last blog I wrote a post in reply to an ask of "how exactly do I clean my room" and I haven't been able to find it. So I think it'd be good to recreate it here. This is a lot more intensive, so anon plz don't feel inclined to do any of this. This is entirely for if people have the energy and ability, a bit closer to what I do.
Put on music. Absolutely the most important thing is having fun with it. Put on that song you like to sing along to, or that song you like to dance to, get yourself some energy. Jam the fuck out.
This is big optional, so feel free to skip this one if you don't want to do it. If you have a ceiling fan, wipe the top of the blades. Dust collects there even if you've been using it. But, if you haven't been using it, you don't want to knock all that dust down when you finally do. Go get yourself a duster for like $5 somewhere. If you just can't do that I'd recommend using a dry rag (always use dry things for dusting).
Do you have any dirty clothes? Whether in a hamper or on the floor, pick them up first and get the washer going, do the rest while the washer runs.
Get a trash bag. Do you have any trash in your room? Empty bottles, cans, wrappers, paper, any trash whatsoever: pick it up and put it in the bag.
Do you have any dishes laying around? Pick them up now and put them in the sink.
Wipe down any surfaces that might be dusty. Again, duster or dry rag. You can use paper towels if you want but I feel they're not very good for this task. Now wipe down any that might be dirty, from trash, dishes or whatever. Wet paper towel is allowed if you have no alternative, wet rag is probably better, lysol wipes tend to be my preference, if you're really fancy then you can get specific cleaners for wood and stuff (I wouldn't worry about this if all your shits cheap Ikea or Walmart though).
Whenever the washer finishes, of course move it to the dryer, but also put your bedding in the wash. You're cleaning the whole room, there's no way there isn't gunk on your bedding. This bit is kinda predicated on being able to wash/dry whenever you want. if you're reliant on a laundromat, edit this to whatever makes sense to you.
If you have carpet, I'd recommend to vacuum now. If you don't have a vacuum, no shame but I do recommend them. I wouldn't recommend a Dyson even though they look and seem cool, if you want a decent vacuum just stick to the normal top brands and you'll be fine. If you want one but don't have much money, get one of those small hand ones. If you have a hard floor, swiffer that shit.
You are largely done! Sometimes things may not be this easy but try your best with what you have and it'll be fine. Even doing just one of these things will feel good afterwards. Feel free to take breaks, to stop all together, reward yourself when you're done. It's just cleaning your room, don't think of it as a big deal.
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
Hot Hearted request if it works...
MC convinces JK that going out and having a casual date is ok, but will wait for him to ask her first. He tries to think of something but ends up needing advice. And then date day happens and it is hilariously weird?
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Jungkook has been panicking for the last two hours, frantically trying to reach any of his hyungs to ask for advice, but deciding against it out of pure embarrassment. Online research didn't help at all either, because it all states to have a date somewhere that's not home- but he can't go anywhere that's no his home.
So when he lets you inside, it feels oddly like nothing special is supposed to happen, even though he'd asked you on a date yesterday at his home. The apartment is lit by his familiar moodlights, lasers on the walls traveling. "I'm sorry-" He sighs, running his hands over his face. "I don't know what to do, and I pushed it to the last minute, and I didn't want to call anyone and tell them I don't know how to have a fucking date-" He rants, when you suddenly hug him from behind, his hands almost instantly reaching to hold yours where they sit over his abdomen, noticing how cold they are from the outside. You smell a little like rain.
"Hello to you too, yes, I'm very happy to see you. I'm doing well, and you?" You giggle, and he whines in complains, letting his head fall back while you laugh and let go of him. "It's fine. I could've brought takeout if you'd just told me you were overwhelmed with it all." You gently scold, and he shrugs, shuffling after you, no tension in his body.
"I'm sorry." he apologizes quietly.
"Let's call a delivery service then?" You chirp, finally having taken off your coat and shoes to sit down at his kitchen table, swinging your legs.
"But I wanted to cook.." He scratches the back of his neck. "If we just.. ring up delivery it's no different from usual." He says.
"It is." You shrug. "Usually we have sex right away and I leave after. So, it'd be very much different from usual." You note, throwing his past behavior right back into his face like cold water.
He cringes at himself. God what the fuck was wrong with him?
He knows by now that it was pure laziness. He just got too comfortable with the way things were going, his life of freedom still the same just with the added bonus of you- and since you never complained, he never questioned it either, even though he should have.
"I'm sorry-" Jungkook repeats, and you laugh.
"Stop saying sorry and call up some food, yeah?" You giggle. "No use in crying over spilled milk." You shrug, and he nods, searching for his phone to order something via an app installed, before he walks back to you. "Do you have something to drink?" You wonder, and he nods.
"What do you want?" He asks, and you just lean your head on your arms on the table.
"Something alcoholic." You hum towards him. "I wanna get a little tipsy." You joke.
Jungkook is a bit nervous. He can't remember a time where you've been even remotely tipsy or even drunk at all- should he stay sober then? Just to make sure you're alright. But won't it be weird if you drink alone?
"Jungkookie, don't stare at the beer, gimme!" You laugh, making grabby hands for it, making him laugh a little. How come he's never noticed how.. cute you are?
He really only knows you as calm, and quiet, and just.. yeah. Calm and quiet. Barely talking much. Always somewhat with your head in the clouds. But right now, right there, sits someone with sparkling eyes, full of life, full of emotions and warmth to give.
And as he pours you both a drink, food arriving a little later, he knows as he watches you with flushed cheeks and eyes full of love that he wants to cherish you just like that. Filled with color and laughing happily.
He never wants to see you so grey ever again.
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faeflowerz · 1 year
The First Years Crushing on their Upperclassman (PT 1)
I think it'd be cute. Besides, the first years are absolutely adorable and I would die for them. I would. They're honestly my favorite group bc of how well they play off of each other.
Warnings: Characters thirsting for people older than them, Me thirsting for anime boys in general
Characters: Deuce, Ace, Jack
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Deuce having a crush on his upperclassmen would be pretty adorable. He's already fidgety around girls so when he's got a crush on someone, it will show. He remembers how it happened. Deuce was running late for homeroom and crashed into you, sending all your stuff scattering to the floor. He's apologizing over and over again as he helped you pick everything up. Then, he bowed and you giggled. Deuce is so serious sometimes and you find it cute. You patted his head, letting your hand linger just a bit as you considered how soft his silky hair is. "It's fine, sweetie."
From there, he's a mess any time he interacts with you. Sweaty, blushy, tongue tied, the works. You'd think it was a romance anime with the way he's acting.
"U-uh, senpai, I w-wanted to ask if...you could tutor me sometime? I mean...well..."
"Senpai! I g-got this from the Mystery Shop! You don't have to accept it if...huh? You will?"
"If...you're not busy...I have a track meet after school...if you'd like to come..."
Yes, our usually bold n brash recovering delinquent is really into you. And you stand there smiling and waiting patiently for him to make it through his sentences. You've started to crush on him too, actually. He's always so passionate and earnest and admittedly, you had been checking him out long before you officially met. It's Deuce that confesses first, but he blurts it out as if he'd explode if he didn't.
Ace is shameless with his crush on Senpai. We expect nothing less from him. His boyish charm is insanely attractive and it carries him for the most part. Light brushes of your arm, winking at you and some other stuff I'm sure he asked his brother for advice on. He's had a gf before so this should be easy, right? Right?
HAH! His senpai is going to make him work for it. You volley back a lot of his flirting, and when you're unexpectedly playing the same game, he's speechless. Your touches linger, you get into his personal space, you talk to him like he's a clumsily little boy. It's all maddening and exciting to him.
"Ace, you know better than to talk to me like that. Did you talk to your lil girlfriend that way too?" You purr softly as you tug lightly on his tie. Now, he's blushing so hard that his heart tattoo nearly matches the rest of his face. Personally, I hc that ADeuce are into older people/attractive to older people respectively. Like I said, their boyish personalities are just too fuckin cute.
Ah, anyways, Ace is speechless and it's you who finally confesses. He's your new pet and training him is the best part of your relationship.
Jack crushes on his upperclassmen and it's literally puppy love. He thinks the way you carry yourself is inspirational. You breeze through the school with your head held high and secretly, Jack thinks youre cooler than Leona. When you brush past him once, he's particularly interested in the way you smell. I think he's into scents. He's gotta be. Anyway, if it's shampoo, cologne or just your natural body, Jack is really really into it. So much so that he knows where you are pretty often. Sometimes he follows you or his tail wags when he's doing something else. Like, literally you turn the corner before he comes into the hallway and his ears are alert and he's sniffing the air. Very low key about it though.
So the period goes fine until you're listening to instructions. Jack's by your side and Vargas is going on and on. You're bored to tears until you feel something twhap twhap twhapping on your butt. You nearly jump out of your skin until you realize that nobody's behind you. Is it a ghost? They like to bother people during gym the most.
He must get closer to you. The scant scent trails aren't enough. When you officially meet, its through a crossover class for PE. You're not abysmal, but having a good buddy for the period would be essential. Before you can assess who you want, Jack is awkwardly standing next to you. "Do you...need a partner?" And when you say yes, you see his eyes light up. Was he...surprised that you agreed?
Until you subtly glance behind you. Jack's tail is hitting you! Its so fucking cute that you stifle a laugh. He heard you and it clicks that he was thumping your ass. Once Vargas shuts up, Jack is trying to find a way to apologize to you but you stopped him. "It's alright, I'm not upset. Besides, it makes me happy to see you excited. You like being around me, don't you?"
"...Yeah...I kind of do..." when you reach out to pat his head, he's surprised and extremely flustered. "H-huh?!"
"You're such a good boy, Jack. I like being around you too." From there, you seal the deal even though he sort of confesses first.
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porkcracker · 2 months
I just wanna say I really liked your Optimus father figure headcannons and Ratchet grandpa figure headcannons! It was really nice!
I was wondering if you can do a oneshot of those headcannons with a Non-binary reader? I think it'd be really wholesome and nice to see ^^
I was staring at this ask for a very long time and man I wish I had time to answer it quicker, because it hits some buttons. I'm happy you liked my headcanons btw. Still being probably months late, I still hope you enjoy this.
Dad!Optimus & Grandpa!Ratchet & NB!Reader It had been in no way your fault, but nonetheless you still found yourself shrinking into yourself as Optimus looked at you with a disappointed look in his bright blue optics. As the oldest of the humans on base, you had taken to watching over the three younger ones. Which as a result lead to you being equally in trouble, when they got in trouble and like in moments like this had broken something. You had been busy with yourself for a few minutes, so there was no clear way to say who had started it, but by the time yells and screams had drawn your attention they were running around the base, chasing each other with water guns.
To a degree you could understand them, the summer was hot, and even the base could grow uncomfortably warm at the height of the day, but to use water guns? Around a lot of technology? An exasperated sigh had left you, and you had to move to stop them, yelling after them. Alas, too late, an over enthusiastic shot from Miko had missed its intended target of Raf and instead hit Ratchets workstation. You watched with bated breath hoping it would do no damage, relaxing as it seemed to be fine and turning to the equally frozen kids, when there was a crackling noise and just as you turned back around the previously lit display darkened.
As the Bots returned, the children and their guardians were quickly sent on their way to bring said children home, which left you alone with Optimus and Ratchet. Ratchet had not left his damaged station since returning, attempting to fix the damage. Optimus on the other hand had turned to you. Which was what had led to this moment. The big bot wasn't angry, but the disappointment in his optics was far more disheartening in your opinion. Disappointing Optimus never sat right with you at all, not that you had been at this point very often before. No, rather, you were far more commonly sitting on his shoulder and conversing with him.
"(Y/N), I'm very glad that you watch the younger ones when you're alone at base, but if you need help than please do tell me. I would not want you to be overwhelmed by watching three other humans by yourself. I am quite sure, leaving one of the others at base to help you, would be manageable.", his voice was as gentle as always and perhaps the fact that he was seemingly more concerned for you than the damaged equipment and even considered leaving someone at base was worse. With the Deceptions being more experienced fighters and having no qualms, leaving someone to watch would be impractical. While usual Ratchet was at base, he was ready to leave base when necessary, so to stop that would be impractical.
Still you nodded and watched, still hunched into yourself, as Optimus joined Ratchet to look at the damage from the equipment. Coming to a decision, the next day, when the Bots and the kids left base, you made your way towards the workstation and had a closer look at the damage. It was quickly clear why such technically minimal water damage made this much trouble. The cables were sized for humans and while it must have been hard to connect when building the station it had no casing then and no it did, making it even harder for big cybertronian hands to work half hidden small human cables.
It didn't take long to get a torch and a few tools from your back, something you carried with you just in case, since you had started to get along better with Ratchet, often listening to his stories and grumbled life advice. Once back at the workstation, you turned the torch on and climbed into the casing of the workstation and working along the few small cables that needed to be fixed. Fixated on your work, it only registered that Optimus and Ratchet had come over, both not out with the others, when they began to talk, or well you assumed began to talk as you hadn't registered it before.
"It's almost amusing to watch you, how do the humans say it, mother hen them.", the sentence made you slow in your work with curiosity, wondering if they were talking about the other kids, your curiosity mirrored by the confused tone of Optimus. "What do you mean, old friend?" "Hah, it's obvious. (Y/N), you talk like you're their creator.", the way Ratchet said it was not judgemental, rather it seemed genuinely amusing. "I-", Optimus began, but was cut almost off immediately by a yelp. Both bots snapped their helms around, looking around, pinpointing the origin just as you crawled out of the casing of the workstation, your finger bleeding where you had slipped at the answer of the medic.
Before you could even fully get over the hem of the workstation, Ratchet scooped you up and walked off with words of chiding for injuring yourself. As much as Optimus had been caught off-guard by the words of his old friend, reflecting on them proofed them true. But alas, at least he was not the only one, he mused quietly as he watched said old friend fret over your cut with a rare care in his optics.
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hisui-dreamer · 10 months
Congrats on 1K, Rinna! It's such a big number :O
Actually is it okay if I request an AU of my own?! It's called PHD AU (I'm so smart 😔) bc @/rakiah put the idea of Ancient Magic PHD student Leona, and since I'm planning on pursuing a PHD myself it'd be pretty interesting bc I'm planning to pursuing archeology so like- similar fields but also not so rivals-to-lovers speedrun during a research project idk 😳 anything short works! I just needed someone to scream about this too 💀💀
pull your weight
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
Synopsis: he was the one person you never wanted to work with, but life never goes the way you plan
Tags: banter, forced collaboration, academic rivalry, teasing, slowish burn(?)
Word count: 1k+
Notes: im like 2 months late wth sorry soru (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠), i hope you'll enjoy this haha
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He was the last person you wanted to work with.
All you needed was a solid grade on your final project for you to finally say goodbye to all your years of studying. But fate seemed to have a cruel sense of humour, for your academic fate was intertwined with his in a dreaded group assignment.
The universe revelled in its own sadistic humour as it matched you with none other than the very figure you had observed, with a mix of bemusement and irritation, in the library on countless occasions. A man seemingly fused with the furniture itself, always deep in sleep even as you worked tirelessly away.
You drew in a deep breath, readying for the challenge of a less-than-motivated teammate as you approached his seat with determined steps.
In truth, he was a striking man, or beastman, more accurately. His untamed, lengthy brown mane matches the intensity of his emerald gaze, creating an impression akin to a masterpiece fashioned by Pygmalion himself. But aesthetics aside, you couldn't just stare at him; you had an actual task to complete together.
"Kingscholar, right?" you asked, reaching out your hand as a gesture of goodwill.
His gaze shifted from a distant point to meet your outstretched hand. A brief pause hung in the air, during which you're uncertain if he would even acknowledge your gesture. Then, almost begrudgingly, he raised his hand and shook yours with a firm grip.
"Yeah, that's me," he responded, his tone carrying a touch of irritation. "Whadaya want?"
You felt your eye twitch in annoyance, yet you maintained your smile. "I'm your assigned partner for the research project."
"Tch... what a pain," you overheard him grumbling, his hand absentmindedly brushing back his unruly hair. "Fine, but you better pull your own weight, herbivore." A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
"Of course," you replied with an unaffected tone, though any warmth in your voice had long dissipated. "I assure you, I'm here to contribute. And I expect you to do the same."
A charged tension lingered in the air, a blend of rivalry and cooperation intertwining like threads in a complex tapestry.
With an abrupt turn, he shifted his gaze away from you. "Let's just get this over with. Meet at the library Thursday at 3 o'clock," he grumbled impatiently. "And stop calling me Kingscholar," he added as he began to stride away.
You raised an eyebrow at his sudden shift in demeanour. "Okay," you murmured, your voice softening, "... Leona," you hesitantly pronounced his name, testing it on your lips. But by then, he had already disappeared into the distance.
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"Leona..." you groaned, the tip of your pen repeatedly poking his arm "Wake up..." though it seemed none of your efforts could stir this man from the land of dreams.
Hours had passed in focused collaboration. Each of you brought your strengths to the table, your efforts converging into a symphony of intellect and expertise. Leona, though rude and demanding, was surprisingly knowledgeable, and hidden behind his sharp words laid great advice and ideas for the project. Despite the initial friction, a sort of rhythm began to form, a silent understanding of when to speak and when to listen.
You heaved out a sigh, fatigue settling in after an afternoon of relentless work, not to mention the late-night study session you had to 'pull your weight' as he demanded. You had continued working for quite a bit even after he fell asleep, the passage of time fading as the sun sank below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the room where your joint project lay spread out before you.
'Alright,' you conceded to yourself. 'A short break won't hurt.'
Your gaze rested on his peaceful slumber, his lengthy eyelashes casting ethereal, feather-light shadows upon his features. In response, a subtle smile tugged at the corners of your lips.
"You really are just a big, grumpy cat, huh?" you murmured to yourself.
As the sun's last rays painted the room in hues of warmth, fatigue finally caught up with you. The chair beneath you seemed to cradle your weariness, its embrace inviting and soothing. Your eyelids grew heavy, and despite your intention to take a short break, the weight of the day pulled you under.
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"Hey," a gentle voice penetrates your drowsy state. "Wake up."
You groggily pry your eyes open, squinting against the ambient light of the library. The world swims into focus, shades of muted gold and soft shadows dancing before you.
"Leona…?" you mumble. "What time is it?"
"Half past ten. The library is closin' soon."
Your groggy mind stirs to life, realization piercing through the haze like a ray of sunlight breaking through morning mist. "Half past… ten?! Oh no, the project!"
With a hushed urgency, he places his palm over your mouth, muffling your alarm. His face looms close, his breath brushing against your skin in gentle wisps. "Shhh, you're still in a library, herbivore," he cautions, his words painted with a touch of amusement. "The project is halfway done."
A moment of bewildered disbelief freezes your thoughts in mid-air. "Wait… Huh? Did you—"
"I said hush," his voice is a silken thread of command, pausing your entire line of questioning. A playful glint dances in his eyes. "If I were you, I'd be more worried about the drool on your face."
Your hand shoots up to your face like a reflex, your fingers searching for the phantom traces of embarrassment, only to find nothing but your own flushed cheeks.
"Hahaha, that woke ya up, didn't it?" he chuckles.
You're left momentarily bewildered, a mix of relief and embarrassment coursing through you. As your senses fully awaken, you sit up, your grogginess slowly dissipating as you reclaim your wits.
"You know," he begins, his voice still hushed, "you're not entirely useless," he conceded, his tone a mixture of grudging approval and a touch of surprise.
You blink at his words, processing for a few seconds before realising he was referring to your work on the project. Your initial embarrassment gives way to a rekindling of your competitive spirit, and you respond with a half-smile that mirrors his own. "Likewise, I suppose. Turns out, this 'herbivore' can hold their own."
The smirk that plays at the corner of his lips was no longer purely condescending. "Don't get too comfortable. This doesn't mean I'm going easy on you."
"Wouldn't have it any other way, Leona" you shot back.
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prowlingz · 9 months
⭒ Jealousy, Jealousy.. ⭒
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✩ Price x AFAB-Reader | No use of y/n | SMUT, DUB-CON 18+ ✩
✧ w.c: 2.8k ✧
It's no secret you and Price had the hots for each other, though you both knew you couldn't act on it. This never stopped you two from sneaking off into each others barracks and having a fine time, or finding some time in the middle of a mission. But eventually everything came to a halt.
He summoned you to his office, and you assumed it was for your usual discreet encounter, the one where you'd be leaning over his desk. But to your surprise...
Upon entering, he greeted you with an uncharacteristic seriousness, saying, "Please, have a seat, Sergeant."
You settled into an aging armchair, and an unusual sense of restraint washed over the room. Silence enveloped you both as you locked eyes with his cold, piercing blue gaze that had always stirred something within you.
Breaking the eye contact, he exhaled, and you released a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. He lit an unfiltered cigar with a lighter, taking a measured puff before disposing of the ashes in an ashtray you had gifted him a couple of years ago.
Your attention remained fixated on his actions, anticipation and tension mounting.
Finally, you mustered the courage to inquire, "What's on your mind, sir?" Although your voice betrayed a hint of nervousness, you tried to maintain composure.
He continued to manipulate his cigar, drawing another puff before reclining in his chair, sighing, "We can't continue like this."
It was a heavy blow. You were aware that the one unbreakable rule of your relationship was that you both cannot allow love to enter the equation, particularly given the significant age difference of almost 13 years.
You sat before him, shocked, eyes widening.
He continued to scrutinize you with a detached gaze, seemingly assessing every micro-expression.
In an effort to preserve your pride and not reveal how deeply his words affected you, you replied, "Very well. Is there anything else, sir?" you managed to convey this without sounding entirely shattered.
"That's all, yes" before he could do anymore damage to your mind, you had left, urgently going to your barrack and sobbing your heart out into your pillow.
The next day you meet up with everyone for your next mission, a simple hostage situation.
Quickly flying out there, Captain Price tells everyone their positions:
"Soap, you'll be with Ghost flanking the left side of the building and neutralizing any enemies"
he calls your name, "You will be the recon sniper, watching the building making sure all hostages are safe once they leave"
"Gaz and I will flank the right side, neutralizing enemies and releasing hostages, any questions?" he yells over the sound of helicopter.
Your hand shoots up, "Sir, I think that it'd be best if Ghost is the sniper, and I head with Soap. You know I am not the best sniper on this team and that I'd be much better with flanking-" he puts his hand up to stop you from talking.
"No, we will follow my order" he speaks loudly.
You furrow your eyebrows, knowing that he usually would at least consider your advice-but ever since last night, he's likely trying to forget all about you outside of his task force.
You keep your head down, but move your eyes over to Gaz who is seemingly watching you intently.
Your eyes meet, and his gaze falls over your body, a slight smirk crossing his face. You smile at him and trace his body with your eyes.
You look over to Price, who is staring daggers at you.
It's not like you weren't wearing what you normally would, but it seems like rumors gone around that you're not tied to a man right now..
"Go, go, go!" Price shouts as the group jump from the helo.
You make your way to a hill, quickly equipping a ghillie suit and a wrap for your sniper. You look through the scope and confirm your position, "In position".
"See anyone on the roof, Charm?" Gaz asks. Charm was a name you were called sometimes as ever since you joined the task force you've been quite a lucky charm for them.
"Yeah, one on the East and two more maybe 20 meters from your position West" you reply while looking through binoculars.
A static reply, and you soon switch from your binoculars to your sniper rifle. Staring through it, you consider the pin drop. Usually Price was with you to tell you the bullet drop, but now it was all up to you.
"Shit" you whisper at the predicament.
"I'll take out the one to my left, Charm, get the one on the right" Gaz finally clearing the silence of your radio.
You hold your breath, looking through the scope. "Maybe, two pins for the drop? Shit.. maybe 3? Fuck." you always second guess yourself.
"On your bullet," Gaz says your name, waiting for your shot.
You exhale, grasping for another, new, fresh breath. You pull it up 2 pins, and shoot..
Gaz knifes the other one and you watch him through your rifle, "Fucking ay, Charm" you feel a smile cross your lips.
"Maybe I should be the new recon for this team, huh?" you slyly remark.
"I don't see why not".
The mission concluded in a resounding success, largely attributed to your exceptional sniper prowess.
"I can't believe you nailed that shot, Charm! You're an absolute virtuoso with that rifle," Gaz exclaimed, gesturing towards your weapon.
"Damn, that guy had his gun aimed right at you, and you called his bluff? How did you know he was out of bullets?" Soap inquired.
"I had been observing him closely before making my move. I had the advantage of surprise," you calmly replied.
Morale soared as a result, and the atmosphere was brimming with positivity.
However, the relationship between you and Price remained complex, as always.
"How about we all head out for drinks tonight, my treat?" you proposed to the group.
Without hesitation, they all agreed, and at around 11 pm, everyone convened at the bar. Well, everyone except for Price. Understandable.
Soap and Ghost talk to each other at the bar, Ghost still rocking his famous skull mask, clearly making those around him slightly uncomfortable. You observe the two, Soap possibly drinking a long island tea with a lemon on the tip of the cup, and Ghost likely drinking bourbon.
You get distracted just watching them, when you feel a tap on your shoulder, Gaz.
"Hey, you" he chuckles to you.
"Well, hello young man! I don't think I've seen you around here before" you say in an innocent voice and quite confused, cute face.
"I know everyone told you, but you kicked ass on the mission today" he smiles to you while changing the subject.
You bite back on your bottom lip. "I know, I know. I'm kind of the best" You dramatically respond.
He jokingly scoffs.
"Have you had anything to drink, yet?" you finally ask him.
He hums, "No, not yet".
"You seem like a.." you pause and dramatically look him up and down, "Strawberry mimosa kinda person".
He laughs, "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?".
You look up at him, whispering into his ear "A cute drink for a cute boy".
You pull back to see his reaction. He's looking at you with a huge smirk on his face. His eyes go behind you, and you notice his smile fade.
You look at him confused, "I..I need to go to the bathroom" he says, while not breaking his look from off of you.
Before you can ask him what the hell he is talking about, he turns on a dime and goes straight towards the bathroom.
You turn to see who he was looking at, and your heart drops.
It's Price.
He makes his way over to you, "Already moving on, hm?" he hums.
You furrow your eyebrows, "So?" you scoff.
He looks down at you, hungrily. Without saying a word, he grabs your forearm and drags you outside.
"Hey-" you begin to shout, before he swiftly puts his hand over your mouth. He puts you in the passenger seat of his military truck, and shuts the door.
You catch your breath, and attempt to open the door, locked, shit.
You turn, he's already gotten into the truck and put the keys in. "What the hell do you think you're doing??" you shockingly say.
His eyes don't lift off the road, "I'm taking you to my office for a punishment".
You look at him in utter shock, "What the FUCK are you talking about? You just told me no more than 24 hours ago tha-"
"Shh..running such a mouth for your Captain, hm?" he hums back to you, inquisitively.
In the dimly lit confines of the military truck, the tension between you and Captain Price was palpable. His gaze remained focused on the road ahead as he navigated the dark streets, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the situation.
You couldn't believe what was happening. It was as if Price had thrown caution to the wind and decided to act on his desires, despite his own earlier words of restraint.
"Price, this is madness," you finally managed to say, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and confusion. "You can't just drag me away like this."
He glanced at you briefly, a hint of regret in his eyes. "I know it's reckless, but I can't keep denying what I feel. It's tearing me apart."
As the truck came to a stop in front of a nondescript building, Price unlocked the doors and motioned for you to step out. You hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire to resist and the overwhelming attraction you felt for the man before you.
With a heavy sigh, you exited the vehicle, and Price led you into the building, up a flight of stairs, and into his office. The room was sparsely decorated, with military memorabilia lining the walls and a large wooden desk dominating the center.
Price closed the door behind you, his expression a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "I need you to understand that I've never done anything like this before. But I can't fight this any longer."
Before you could respond, he closed the distance between you, his lips crashing onto yours in a searing kiss that left no room for doubt. It was a kiss filled with longing, passion, and the weight of unspoken emotions.
Your resistance melted away as you responded to his kiss with equal fervor. The desk became your refuge as Price pressed you against it, his hands exploring every inch of your body with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine.
Price's lips left yours, trailing down your neck and sending waves of pleasure through you. "I've wanted this for so long," he whispered, his voice husky with desire.
You could only moan in response as he continued to tease and please you, each touch and kiss driving you to the brink of ecstasy. It was a forbidden passion, a love that defied all rules and regulations, and in that moment, you didn't care about the consequences.
"Fuck.. P-Price.." you stutter as he draws his lips towards the hem of your dress.
His lips pressing on your inner thighs and he brings his large hands draw your dress up, revealing your laced white panties.
"Hmm.. looking for trouble, princess?" he asks you, looking up to you. His lips leaving marks on your now exposed thighs. He draws his lips to the wet spot growing in your panties.
"Please..", you're not even sure what you're begging for, him, maybe?
"Please, what, princess?" he asks, humming onto your clothed bundle of nerves.
So many thoughts are running through your mind, yet your head stills feels so empty.
You continue looking down at him with your eyes slightly closed in pleasure.
He swiftly pulls your panties off of you, exposing your depilated sex.
"Hey, what are you doin-" before you can finish your sentence, he pulls you to the corner of his desk, covering your mouth.
"You're so much cuter when you're not talking back" he chimes, while slipping his fingers into your folds.
The lewd noises begin to fill the room, your moans reverberate onto his hand. Your back arches off the able slightly the more he continues. His fingers tease your bundle of nerves, and without a warning, moves from your nerves to your hole, quickly filling you with two large fingers.
You can't help but wiggle and squirm on his desk as he hums in compliance to it.
"So good..so fucking good for me.." he whispers, as if confirming it to himself.
You continue to moan into his veiny hand, as he presses further into you with his other hand.
"Fuck, I can't hold out much longer.."
Your eyes become teary and vision going cloudy.
He pulls his fingers out of you, making you whine into his hand. But you soon hear Price's belt clicking and look up just in time to see him throw his belt off the loop. He quickly pulls his pants down, and you catch yourself staring into his clothed erection.
"Needy aren't you?" he huffs, ironically.
You give him pleading eyes, and as if he has read your mind, he pulls off his boxers, and plays the tip onto your bundle of nerves.
He removes his hand from your mouth, allowing you to catch some air. "Fuck!" you moan out as his tip glides across your clit.
"So fuckin' hot, baby" he cries out.
You only moan in response as he now plays with your sopping hole. Without warning, he shoves it completely into you, causing your back to arch off of his desk yet again and screaming his name, "Fuck, Captain.. John..Please-Ah!" is all you can manage.
He slams further and further into you with no warning, and moves your legs onto his shoulders to get deeper into you.
"How's it feel, baby? Hmm? You like taking it, huh?" he asks to you.
He continues to press into you, his tip kissing your cervix, causing you to yell out in both pain and pleasure. "Mmfphh.." you try and suppress your moans with your hands, which he quickly stops by dragging your hands above your head.
His mouth gaping open, and groans, moans and grunts falling from him.
He pushes himself so far into you, quickening his already speedy pace causing you to squeeze around his length. You feel your legs begin to shake and writhe on his shoulders. Your hips swaying onto him, hoping for him to fill you even deeper.
"Shit, I'm so fucking close" he screams out your name.
You begin to see a splash of white as your orgasm fills you out. You tighten around Price's cock, and feel his hot seed spill into you.
He stays still for a moment, making sure you're completely filled to the brim before pulling out. Once he does pull out, its slow and calculated, making sure his seed has completely coated your walls.
A pop is heard when he finally pulls his member from your now abused hole.
He stares at his masterpiece for a minute, then looks back up to you.
"So good for me. Let's get you home". He helps you stand and places your panties back up, hearing the squelch of his seed. He pulls your dress down.
You can barely even stand he fucked you so hard.
"Are we still over?" you look at him, exhausted.
"Hmm..definitely not" he hums to you, giving you a kiss while holding you up and out to his car.
The rest of the night is a blur, but from what you can remember Price ran you a bath, set a cup of tea on your nightstand and helped you into bed, cuddling you into the night. In the morning he was gone, but an envelope was on your nightstand.
"See me tomorrow, princess. This is for Plan B" a £100 note falls out of the letter placed in the envelope.
You scoff, "Fucking Price".
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wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 4 months
i am neutral towards galladads (more so...towards no), but every so often i tangle with my personal takes (or what i'd love to see) and i wanna share. strap in, it's long. pt. 1
Ian doesn't push the thought of kids. They had a conversation about it after s11x12, but it took some time, it wasn't immediate. Basically, I think Ian relished the idea of being an uncle for a while. After all, it's always Mickey before anything.
They took care of Franny, Freddie (+upcoming kiddo), and Liam when they were asked to as favors. It subconsciously became this mental practice for them. Some unspoken tension kept rising, cause they felt the other was thinking the same thing but went unmentioned. Partially cause Ian decided not to press, and doing so meant breaking that threshold.
I think Mickey brought it up one day probably, Ian felt somewhat defensive at first, but since he always reminds Mickey about the importance of "communication," it'd bite him in the ass, so he gave in and spoke his truth. They had another conversation about it that ended in an agreement to see a "shrink." They started going, it was a deconstruction of years of trauma, fears, repressed emotions, y'know the drill.
Considering that they were between 25-27 when the show ended, I think they engaged in "intense" therapy for like 5-7 years maybe. Trying to talk through the bulks of it, for the purpose of parenting in the near future.
Through that time, they first contacted Debbie, had thoroughly researched artificial insemination (pls mickey thinking he would have to bang Debbie makes me cry 💀), had a lengthy talk with her. I haven't reached shameless far enough to know Debbie's character, but I think she probably gives them informed advice, a lot of "you guys sure you wanna do this??" And I don't think it stems from a place of objection, more so worry. I like to think she eventually caves in and accepts to help them when they're ready. She loves Ian, Ian loves Franny and Debbie (fuck JW for making it seem like he doesn't in s11) and Mickey and Debbie are besties.
(this is a huge reach but I ponder nonetheless) After thinking of Debbie, I think maybe Ian thinks of Mandy. I fully believe (like many other people) that Ian kept in touch with Mandy from time to time ever since she left, and at some point encouraged her and Mickey to reconnect. It's a slow process, but he knows both of them needed it and yearned for it deep down.
He breaks the news to her that they're gonna be parents at some point, sort of fills her in on the process and the years of therapy, gets Mickey to tell her anecdotes too or whatever. The thing is, at some point in the conversation, he yaps about how he has always wanted two, a boy and a girl (because Ian is a dork like that). That Debbie is only gonna do this once for now because...well that was the agreement, ofc, and he just doesn't wanna overwhelm Mick with two kids of their own even though that's what they practically baby sit.
Jokingly (at first), Mandy offers herself as a surrogate in case they aim for another kid. Ian sheepishly declines, that he couldn't ask her after everything she's been through, but Mandy reassures him that shit is different now. Times have changed, and that even though it's a big deal, she'd comply. Ian says he'll think about it, talk with Mick in case shit does happen as to not spook him. It was a pleasant talk.
He talks to Mickey and at first he doesn't know how to handle the thought of two kids, one of them from Mandy, and he almost feels like all this time in therapy could crumble down at the thought of Mandy being a surrogate. They have a long ass talk.
At the end Mickey affirms that he is open to the responsibility of two kids. The whole thing goes like Ian telling him he doesn't have to do this, that he's fine with just one and that he doesn't have to comply just because Ian would love two kids, and Mickey being like "all these years and you still don't get it through your thick skull that you ain't making me do anything I don't want to" (affectionately ofc). He reassures Ian that if he's making these decisions with him it's because he wants to, and he admits he owes a lot of it to that "shrink" they go to he's come to appreciate. It was a lovely conversation tbh and many fears and goals were shared between them.
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itsjaywalkers · 1 month
hi my sweet lil buttercup laurie 💕 i have an odd question for you and i need to dig into ur brain and it is a lil nsfw but when it comes to jegulus, how would you see them if one of them worked as a phone sex operator? like who would be the person to make the call and who would be on the other end? like what are your headcanons on this and do you think they'd meet each other irl etc?
hi india my darling angel <333 sorry i didn't reply yesterday, i spent the morning getting tattooed with my sister AND THEN the afternoon and the evening at work.. but i'm finally here and ready to give u anything u want <3
i could see them both being the phone sex operator and viceversa, it all depends on the situation and how u decide to write/portray them!! however, i have a harder time picturing reg calling a sex line, unless it's like . for a bet . and i don't see him agreeing easily to a bet like that yk??
so to me, it'd be reg being a phone sex operator!! probably doing it either to earn some extra cash after he's been disinherited and doing odd jobs OR desperate for money and not wanting to rely on his brother/friends!! i think he was . very awkward at first and had no idea of how to do it, so he had to research/practise a lot and regrettably . ask barty for help, which would result on barty making fun of him until the end of times while also using it as an excuse for them to start hooking up again. but it's okay bc barty does give him really good advice in between it all
after he becomes more comfortable and gets the hang of it, i feel like reg would reply to calls while he's doing other shit around his flat or in his room yk?? he's sporting the most deadpan expression known to mankind while he fake moans in some stranger's ear and reorganises his books. he's unaffected and doesn't really care, this is just his job and he's only focused on doing it well enough to earn money
james would call at some point!! it can be either as a joke, bc of a bet, or even bc he's been broken up with recently and in a bit of a dry spell and just . trying something new bc he saw a leaflet for it or bc someone recommended it. i think he'd be nervous and be awkward during the first call but in a very charming way, and reg would find it endearing + he'd be quite into james' voice (which is the thing that would call his attention in the first place)
i doubt anything would actually happen during the first call!! they'd just talk and tease and banter, until reg realises their time's up and he hasn't given james the services he advertises for. he apologises profusely, offers another try, but james assures him it's completely fine and pays him anyway
next time james calls, it's with the attention to just . speak to reg again . bc he had a lot of fun and he's already a bit obsessed with his accent and how witty he turned out to be, but when reg realises who it is, he's on a Mission to do his fucking job and keep this man from getting him sidetracked
james is little confused about why reg's attitude changed all of a sudden, but after pushing slightly and getting no results, he supposes that he might as well get off to this yk?? it's the reason why he called in the first place, after all
reg starts doing what he always does, waiting for james to get all hot and bothered, except james realises quickly that what reg is saying is very . robotic and script-like and . generic . so it's not doing much for him. he mentions it, they start bickering, which turns into fighting, until reg snaps and retorts with something along the lines of . as if u could do it better etc etc
as u can imagine, james takes it personally
i won't get into a lot of detail, bc this ask is already ridiculously long, but they do end up having phone sex AND getting off. james kinda takes the reins and manages to coax reg out of his shell + finds out about what turns him on along the way. reg finally gets to let go and enjoy this whole phone sex thing and james gets what he was looking for (and more, bc he never expected it to be so into it or find it so hot)
the rest of their calls would go on a similar fashion, even if james is always the one calling and reg always begins their calls trying to . retain control and do his fucking job
and i like to think they'd meet irl at some point??? they move in similar circles, they have sirius in common etc etc. even in a situation in which reg and sirius are completely estranged, sirius could end up reaching during the story, or they find out they live in the same neighbourhood. or, well, as a bartylily stan, i could also see both friend groups coming together (sort of) bc barty and lily start seeing each other. i also think they'd recognise each other by voice alone and have a breakdown about it. i think reg would notice immediately bc of his kink with james' voice and i think james would take a bit longer and be so chill while reg is losing his mind (only on the inside tho). and then reg would say something, like an specific word or . turn of phrase and it'd click for james!! he'd be ecstatic and trying to get reg alone bc this is like . his dream scenario while reg runs away from him lmao
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Fandom: JJBA part 4
Character: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura
Pairing: Rivalry (romantic for both)
Type: Concept
I reallyyy loved the yandere Okuyasu concept you made!!!, i thought it'd be interesting to see how a rivalry between Josuke and Okuyasu would pan out. Darling could be gn or fem whichever is fine by me❤ Honestly i feel like the drama will be going from 0 to 100 real quick with these two, especially since they're best friends obsessing over the same person and that could never turn out well. Like, imagine darling being a friend of theirs or in the gang like the original okuyasu concept, shit would hit the fan😭😭
- 🥝 anon
As usual, here's an obsession that ends up tearing two friends apart since they're both insane.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata vs Okuyasu Nijimura
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Possessive/Protective behavior, Jealousy, Minor violence, Dark themes, Clingy behavior, Murder implied, Blood, Dubious relationship.
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While the two are very close friends, they no doubt have moments of tension.
I mean... When they first met they were trying to kill each other.
It would make the most sense for you to be part of the gang.
That way the two often have time around you as you're usually around the group.
For the sake of simplicity, I like to think this happened after the events of Part 4.
The two can often be seen as intimidating around you, but overall just like hanging out with friends.
Before their obsession the two always were with one another.
They are your classmates in school and often like to drag you with them on different activities around town.
The two most likely wouldn't have a rivalry until they knew the other had a crush on you.
Josuke and Okuyasu have similar views on love.
They both seem to believe in their heart when it comes to love, often following it.
Okuyasu is more perverted than Josuke at times but they both believe that their "one and only" will come to them.
So what happens when their chosen sweetheart is liked by them both?
First of all, Okuyasu would definitely be jealous since Josuke already has admirers.
So why can't Josuke give him you?
Meanwhile, Josuke is flattered by his admirers, but his heart truly yearns for you.
I'll be honest, there's a chance they could share, but they'd rather only one of them dating you.
You wanna bet they ask people for advice on how to approach you?
Both of them probably get flustered at the idea of approaching their crush.
Although Okuyasu may be bold enough to come out and be honest with you.
Josuke would do the same with time, although if Okuyasu makes a move first then he feels rushed.
The two follow you around, be it in school or outside of it.
They both refuse to see it as stalking, Josuke may even excuse it as being a "bodyguard".
After all, Kira may be gone... but other Stand Users are still around.
Imagine if they caught each other "stalking" you and confronted one another.
Maybe that's how they realize they both have a crush to an unhealthy degree.
The two would get into physical fights over you at times if pushed hard enough, or at the very least sling threats at each other.
The two are both hopeless romantics, often fanboying about you to themselves.
Everything you do is cute to them.
They both are poor at flirting but try their best.
They're both protective of you and will not give you any alone time.
Their fights with one another most likely alert you to their red flags.
You and especially Koichi can tell something is wrong.
The two tend to follow you around like puppies, competing with one another to have your attention.
They're fighting over doors to open for you, they're offering to make/buy you lunch, they're even offering to help you with a paper or other project you need done.
You're often invited over for video games by Josuke while Okuyasu wants to show you some cool spots around town.
You see, if their rivalry was harmless, it could even be cute...!
Unfortunately... These two can easily become volatile.
They both have a temper and can snap easily.
Which, if you're around, means you have to calm them.
It's a bit difficult but the two melt when you calm them down.
You're willing to do anything to stop their fighting.
They may not seem like it but they can be dangerous yanderes.
If someone gets caught in their crossfire (that isn't you) then they'll be caught in a Stand fight.
They're both easily jealous, even more so when they catch one another too close to you.
The two would probably only make a temporary truce for one of three reasons.
You seem genuinely upset about their fighting, which causes the two to snap out of it momentarily.
You're in danger and they need to work together to protect you, they both care about you obviously.
You're attracted to someone else and they need to get rid of another rival.
The two would not kill one another, they're still friends for the most part.
Plus... Josuke went through so much effort to heal Okuyasu many times before, he's jealous but doesn't want the guy dead.
They're both in this dangerous competition of gaining your attention.
The only way they'd stop conflicting with one another is if they saw their fight affecting you negatively or one of them gives up.
Even if you wanted to pick them both as your boyfriends, they'd still be competitive yet less violent.
The two grumble about the idea of sharing... but anything to make you happy, right?
I didn't realize this until writing this but they would have very similar yandere behaviors.
Clingy, Easily jealous, Volatile, Protective, Affectionate, Easily flustered, Mischievous...
Those are all traits they both share.
Granted, they have different quirks in their personality, but they both even have powerful stands.
They both just want their obsession to be happy.
In fact, your happiness may override their jealousy at times.
Their friendship will always have a bit of a rift in it... but their love for you both brings them together and tears them apart.
It's a complicated situation as they both care for each other and are romantics in some way.
Although... they both dream of hugging and kissing you...
Which brings more fighting.
Their rivalry is constantly teetering in between sharing and fighting.
It's tiring for you to deal with, especially when you begin to notice blood on their clothes.
They wouldn't stop until you force yourself away from them.
That's when they realize what they've done.
The two would probably clean up their act more when they realize they're losing you.
They never wanted to drive you away.
But you feel you have no choice as you're scared by their new volatile nature towards themselves and others.
This is another way they'd make a truce with each other, desperately trying to convince you to come back to them.
The two are willing to put their fights on pause to try and make things up for you.
They may want to fight one another deep inside themselves...
But the two care for you much more...
They'd do anything to have you back, including setting aside their rivalry just to make you happy.
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