#lions and tigers and asks oh my!
nostalgicfun · 2 years
could we get a full post of the rhino and tiger? they're rly cool :o
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Rhino and big cat! 🌈
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incognitopolls · 9 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
✨ 💛 🧡 🦖 for the asks?
I hate my full name, so nickname: Katie
Piercings: Just earlobes. I'm more interested in looking at a tattoo than extra piercings.
Colors I can't stand: Super bright ones like hot pink, fuchsia, or magenta. I wouldn't be caught dead in those colors.
Favorite extinct animal: Bali tiger. I have a thing for wild cats.
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bamfkeeper · 1 month
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RQ: 'Hi! Hope you’re having a good day! I Saw your requests were open! Would I be able to get some headcannons for Kurt as a father/with a pregnant reader? If not that’s perfectly fine!' - @cherri-leaf
Warnings: Kurt x f!reader, pregnancy topics, birth and baby themes
A/N: This is not helping my baby fever. Do I care? Nope. Soo happy to get one of these, I love writing things like this. Ignore any grammar errors bitte und danke.
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Kurt would be the best father to be. When he found out you were pregnant, he was completely overjoyed.
He would absolutely do everything in his power to make sure that you are comfortable and happy throughout your pregnancy. He can hardly wait, and he'd want you completely stress-free during.
Kurt would always ask what he can do to help, he wouldn't want you bending over or lifting anything.
Kurt is an excellent cook, so he'd be cooking a lot of your meals. He doesn't want to control you, but he only wants you to be eating the best foods he can get you. And cooking it himself, he knows exactly what is going in your body and feeding your baby.
His German heritage comes out more, he likes to feed you typical German meals, most of which are high in protein and good for your body. Lot of meat and potatoes, and lots of fruits and veggies.
He does let you have desserts too, he makes them himself though. Or if you want to bake with him that's obviously okay! He loves to bake, as long as you don't get too tired with your belly.
He loves massaging you, knowing how laborious and exhausting pregnancy can be. He always tries his best to massage parts that hurt. Kurt massages your legs, ankles, feet, back. He also tenderly will massage your breasts, it's good for milk production and to help the tissue as your milk comes in.
One of his favorite things is to sit down and lay his head beside your belly. He loves listening to your little one most around, gently rubbing over it and speaking to it. He talks in German to your little one, speaking soft and sweet, laying kisses all over your stomach.
Kurt does a ton of research on pregnancy too. Before you are even pregnant and you're both trying, he reads books and watches videos of pregnancy and what it does to your body, getting as much information as possible about it. He wants to know what he can do to take the best care of you. Plus he wants to understand what's happening to the love of his life.
Some of it makes him cringe, and he frowns seeing how your internal organs shift, or all the symptoms and mental strain pregnancy causes. "Liebe...I will do everything I can to help you. It is scary, but I will be right here." he reassures, even if you have no worries about it.
Does he go nuts over the nursery? YES. Circus themed, naturally. Without the bad parts of his youth of course. Lots of fun colors, circus stuffies, (elephants, zebras, lions, tigers, bears, oh my!), and he absolutely paints it with you.
He also loves to shower you with gifts during your pregnancy, some for the baby, but some for you too. He always makes sure your friends know what you need when the baby showers comes along.
Baby clothes shopping? He goes nuts. "Liebe, bitte, bitte our little one has to have lederhosen! Bitte!" he begs and pleads with you, and you can't resist for long.
He makes a lot of jokes when your baby moves around a lot. "Heh, takin' after me already? Mein Gott...a little acrobat you are..." he coos to your belly, "Careful now, little one, you're gonna hurt your mama." he kisses your belly where the baby seems to be doing summer saults.
Kurt does really well with your hormonal changes too. He understands, sometimes you get impatient or lose your temper, never at him, but things are so overwhelming and stressful sometimes. You get frustrated with your self esteem or the fact that standing up is always a struggle. He calms you down, helping you ground yourself. "What do you need, schatz...anything. Food, space, love?" he questions, wanting to ensure you are okay.
When you go into labor, he tries his best to stay calm but...he can't help it. He freaks out. He rushes to you, no teleporting, it makes you too dizzy. He helps you to Beast's lab, no hospitals, he heard about how they treated Madelyne, he didn't want to deal with that.
You feel better surrounded by friendly faces anyway.
Of course it's just him in the room when you do give birth, he talks you through, telling you how good you're doing...how close you are, to breathe, etc.
He is so worried, giving you lots of love and making sure you're doing okay above all else.
When your little one arrives, he is in complete awe. Imagine how you want the baby to look ofc, but come on...it's gotta be a little blue!
It is such a sweet bundle of joy, it doesn't cry more than necessary when it's first born, and you hold your baby as it's placed on you. Kurt doesn't care if it is a boy or girl, that is his little one and he will cherish it with you.
Kurt respects the motherly bonding, so he steps back and lets you hold and be the first one to cuddle and kiss, and of course warm the baby with your skin. It's a sight he won't forget.
Ideally, he'd like to name the baby a German name, but he of course talks with you if you have any cultural or personal preference. You both come to a conclusion on what to name your new baby.
He's the best after too. He does everything he can while you recover with the baby, and helps wherever is needed. He helps if you nurse, he cleans and cooks still, makes sure you have hot showers ready, anything you could imagine.
You know you and your baby will be forever and always be loved by your adorning blue teleporter ~
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Thanks for reading.
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Dividers by @/adornedwithlight
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Kalim, Jamil, and other Scarabia students: *are looking for a few wild animals that escaped from their cages*
Jamil: Have you found any of them?!
Scarabia student A: No, sir!
Scarabia student B: Same here, sir!
Kalim: Could they have left the campus?!
Jamil: No, it would be impossible. Let's keep searching and—
Yuurin: Kalim-senpai, Jamil-senpai.
Jamil and Kalim: Huh?
Yuurin: *carrying a lion (one of the animals they've been looking for)*
The Scarabia students: ...
Yuurin: What's going on here?
Jamil: Y-Yuurin! Where have you seen that lion?!
Yuurin: He approached me while I was on my way to Professor Crewel's class.
The Scarabia students: ...
The Scarabia students: Let's go check the classrooms! *runs to find the others*
Kalim and Jamil: ...
Jamil: Yuurin? Can you communicate with animals?
Yuurin: No.
Kalim: Aww...
Yuurin: But I can understand hints.
Kalim: Oh! That can help!
Jamil: Yuurin, can you help us find the other animals? They were together with that lion.
Yuurin: Are they also feline creatures?
Kalim: Yes! We're still looking for the tiger, jaguar, cheetah, and leopard!
Yuurin: Okay. Let's go.
Jamil: Um, Yuurin? You can hand us the lion now.
Yuurin: ...
Kalim: Yuurin? Do you like lions?
Yuurin: *nods* And other animals too.
Jamil: ...
Jamil: Well, that lion seems to like you too.
Yuurin, Jamil, and Kalim: *have successfully found the other animals*
Jamil: Thank you for helping us, Yuurin.
Yuurin: I'm glad I could assist.
Kalim: So... About that lion...
The lion: *being playful with Yuurin*
Kalim and Jamil: ...
Kalim: He can stay with you for a week.
Jamil: *nods in agreement*
Yuurin: Are you sure?
Kalim: *grins* Yes!
Leona and the lion: *staring at each other*
Leona: ...
The lion: ...
Leona: Grr...
The lion: *growls back*
Yuurin, Ruggie, and Jack: ...
Ruggie: They're just greeting each other.
Yuurin: ...
Jack: Are you sure about that, Ruggie-senpai?
Ruggie: Nah. They're telling each other to fuck off.
Leona: ...
The lion: *is cuddling with Yuurin as she sleeps*
Leona: You punk.
The lion: *growls*
Akihiko: *laughs*
Leona: *frowns*
Akihiko: There, there.
Leona: I'm not asking you to comfort me.
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What if... the CEOs were hybrids? Bonus chapter | BTS OT7 au
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Welcome to the prequel, I cannot believe how long it's taken me to update this story I really hope you enjoy this <3 (the gif makes me think of the 6 in their office waiting for MC, but Yoongi’s hiding her in his office 🤣) Warnings: menstrual cycle stuff, hormones, possessiveness
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Hybrids: KNJ - Wolf, KSJ - Bear, MYG - Panther, JHS - Lion, PJM - Arctic fox, KTH - Tiger, JJK - Bunny.
“Kitten if you keep pouting so hard you’ll look like a fish,” Yoongi teases without looking up from his paperwork. 
“I’m not pouting,” you deny wearing the proverbial pout.
Hoseok snickers, covering it with a weak cough when you glare at him for a second, turning back to Yoongi with your arms crossed. 
“Flower you need to look in the mirror,” Taehyung says deeper than usual, making your heart flutter momentarily, the sound makes him smile, but you avoid his gaze. 
“Hyung stop being mean or you’ll cloud my sunshine,” Hobi pretends to berate the panther hybrid, all of their tails swishing in the air enthusiastically as you get more riled up. 
You were in the main CEO office with three big cat hybrids, most people would stand guard or scared, Yoongi thought, but of course his kitten would stand defiantly in between them with no ounce of fear.
“Just admit you did it on purpose Min Yoongi,” your pout was getting more pronounced at the accusation, a big cute frown on your face that makes Yoongi bite his lips to stop smiling but he fails. 
Hoseok and Tae laugh behind their hands or paperwork, both of them clearing their throats and schooling their features before you turn on them. 
“What exactly did I do wrong, kitten?” Yoongi asks with a dare in his eyes, a lot of people thought you both didn’t get on but they were wrong. Yes, you both argued and disagreed with each other without care about who was watching but it was only play-fighting, and Yoongi did it on purpose to see his kitten’s claws. Who else in the company would dare confront him like this with his full name on their lips in that demeanour. 
“I emailed you my report because you asked for a digital copy AND YOU CHANGED THE FONT!”
Hoseok and Taehyung both clasp their hands over their mouths as the giggles escape, you eye them both distastefully, narrowed gaze piercing them.
“And what’s the problem?” Yoongi smirks, oh you wanted to wipe that smug look off his face.
You groan exasperatedly, huffing loudly which only makes his grin wider. How he loved playing with his kitten, any piece of string he dangled in front of you sent you running in circles with him and he always loved the sight. 
“Why did you change it?” The pout is back.
“You’re pouting again Kitten,” Yoongi sighs, “stop it.”
You only pout harder, looking at him like a child being told off but not backing down. 
“I’m not pouting,” you argue, and your tone tickles him. For your own safety you needed to be more aware of your facial muscles, or did you not realise every time you purse your lips like that you were just asking to be kissed, and Yoongi was not a gentleman, how long did you expect him to resist?
“Hyung,” Taehyung whines, copying your expression exaggeratedly. “I can’t believe you changed the font on flower’s hard work.”
“How could you?” Hoseok joins in, adopting a childish tone in his voice as he pouts extra hard. 
The fake support only makes you glare at them, they sounded ridiculous as they struggled to keep their composure. Yoongi doesn’t hold back his soft laughter, the sound cooling your anger a little.
“You’re not funny,” you say to the duo, watching both their tails swish behind them as they mock you. 
“I disagree,” Tae chuckles. 
“We’re hilarious sunshine,” Hoseok chimes in, “and Yoongi hyung was right, you are pouting.”
“That is beside the point,” you disregard them, “the point is Min Yoongi disrespected my work.”
“I changed the font Kitten, I didn’t insult it,” he rolls his eyes but the smirk doesn’t disappear. 
“Helvetica is an insult,” you mumble, walking away with a stomp in your step. The three cat hybrids start to petulantly whine and complain as you leave, begging for you to stay.
“Kitten, I’ll change it back,” Yoongi calls after you.
“Flower come back,” Taehyung whines.
“Sunshine we were joking!” 
But your only response was the slam of the office door.
“No one tell Namjoon.”
“Hyung you were pushing it,” Hoseok berates him gently, “or did you not scent the change yet?”
“Of course I did, it’s my favourite time to play with Kitten,” Yoongi admits. “She’s extra volatile this time of month.”
Taehyung shakes his head in disbelief, “Hyung you’re sadistic.”
Hoseok just stares at the panther with a knowing look. Min Yoongi could pretend all he wanted, but the man was soft for you and your attention. 
Did their hybrid ears deceive them, or was that your heart pumping out of pace as you stared up at Jin with a spaced out look. The bear hybrid was devastatingly handsome, the whole company knew it, even you weren’t immune to it.
“Angel, are you listening to what Hyung is saying?” Jimin calls you out with a smirk.
“Huh,” you take a second to snap out of it, meeting the knowing look in Jimin’s eyes before you feel your cheeks burn. “Yep.”
It sounds like a squeak as you turn back to the file Jin was holding, trying to read the words on the page but you can’t make out a single sentence. You hear him chuckle beside you, wishing the floor would swallow you whole to escape the sudden embarrassment you felt. 
“Beautiful girl, are you feeling okay?” Jin asks with a grin, bathing in the sight of you becoming flustered. 
“Flower,” Taehyung stands from his desk with mock worry on his face, taking your hands in his as he stares you down, “your heart rate just skyrocketed, are you okay?”
Jimin and Jungkook push Jin out of the way, the trio surrounding you as they voice their concern over your health, making you want Hell to open up and take you if it meant you could escape this. 
“Ya!” Even Jin couldn’t save you now, he may have been the oldest but when the maknaes wanted something they’d get it. He sighs, shaking his head as you fight for words against their attack. 
“You don’t have a temperature,” Jungkook mutters with a pout, the back of his hand pressed to your forehead. 
“This is serious,” Jimin contemplates, his hands on your cheeks as he looks into your eyes, “there’s no reason for angel’s heart rate to shoot up out of nowhere,” he fights the smirk but you can hear it in his voice, he knows exactly why you were like this, damn their hybrid senses.
“Bunny, are you sure you don’t have a heart condition?”
“Should we book an appointment with the company doctor,” Taehyung says to the two, his acting skills better than them by far, even you were almost convinced it would be a good idea. 
“This isn’t the first time it’s happened Bunny, what if it’s something serious?” Jungkook teases, unable to stop the grin on his face. 
“Has no one else picked up on it Angel?” Jimin asks innocently before his eyes change again, a cheshire cat smile on the fox’s face forming without restraint. “It only ever happens with us.”
Your whole head feels like it’s on fire, the open mouth of shock pressing shut with annoyance. 
“Maybe I’m allergic to you guys,” you say through gritted teeth, making the boys gasp in outrage at the idea. 
It hurt like a bitch, like little fists were punching you from the inside out and all you could do was grit your teeth and take painkillers, which you swear did nothing. You try to suppress a groan, pressing your lips together hard as you get through another cramp. You wish you didn’t come in today but there was an important meeting and you stupidly thought that was more important than crying in bed in pain alone. 
You don’t notice three sets of eyes on you, looking on with worry. It's when you clutch your abdomen, eyes squeezed closed, that they know they can no longer leave you be. 
“Y/n you stink,” Suran says nonchalantly as she passes your desk, the Chihuahua hybrid dropping off some files before giving you a fake sympathetic smile and holding her nose as she walks away. 
Taehyung growls as he overhears, the chihuahua’s attention snapping to the tiger with fear widening her eyes, noticing Jimin looking at her with the same predatory hate that makes her cower away with a whine. 
You sigh when she walks away, hating the fact that every hybrid in the room knew exactly which point of your monthly cycle you were in, even with all the suppressants they had to take. At first it was weird to get used to, embarrassing even but with time it was just the way things were. Sometimes you had to admit it did have it’s benefits, like when you ranted to your panda hybrid BFF about Min Yoongi and the helvetica altercation she may have pointed out that you were PMSing and your patience with the panther was at sub zero because of it. Maybe you were overreacting about the whole font thing, just a little. 
“Noona,” Jungkook calls for your attention, the other two in tow looking at you with so much sympathy it was as if someone was dying. 
“Angel, care to follow us?” Jimin says holding out his hand for you to take.
You smile knowingly, but it doesn’t stretch very far. Every month your favourite trio found a way to distract you from work and form a cuddle nest in Yoongi’s office which he always allowed to your surprise. He would stare at the four of you while he pretended to work, both of you wishing he would just join the cuddle pile. 
“Guys I can't, I've got a meeting soon,” you say, glancing at the clock. “And you three are 20 minutes late to yours.”
They mumble feeble excuses which you silence with an unimpressed look. 
You almost crawl into the meeting room, your pace so slow your usual 30 minutes early to prep was now cut to 25, Jin had been pacing the room for five minutes wondering whether you had died, Namjoon restraining him from going to look for you telling the bear hybrid he was being too dramatic.
Of course, Namjoon eats his own words when they see you enter. Jin was normally the one to preempt your ritual of setting up, normally joining you so he could steal your time before being surrounded by your colleagues. This time round, Namjoon decided to join him and he’s so glad he did.
The protective growl is barely contained, he doesn’t know what hits him first, your palor, the smell of blood or the way you are so obviously in excruciating pain. 
“Baby girl,” his voice is on edge, “what are you doing here?”
You frown at him, wincing when another cramp makes you want to double over and die, did he have to ask you stupid questions? 
“Setting up,” you say breathlessly with a slight groan, pressing your lips together as if those two words alone just added tenfold to the agony. 
“I don’t think so,” the characteristic rise of his eyebrow tells you he’s serious, “go home, you’re in no state to work.” he turns to Jin, “Hyung, do you think you could drive-”
“I’m fine,” even through the struggle of those quiet words he could hear your stubbornness. 
He exhales, staring you down, jaw clenched. Jin glances between you both, even in your frailer than usual state he could see you weren’t going to back down, either of you. 
“Beautiful, maybe we should-”
“Nope,” you shake your head, ignoring them and starting to prep for the meeting, you were running out of time. You try to behave as normal, standing a little straighter, but your movements were slow, your head fuzzy.
“Y/n I am not kidding around, you look like you’re going to pass out,” Namjoon grits his teeth to stop himself yelling, he never yelled, but this or something similar happened every month and his patience ran out about a year ago.
You scowl at the lack of his term of endearment in that sentence, didn’t he know you were in pain? And he was going to call you by your name? The gall of the lead CEO, thinking he could just boss you around like he was… Huh, maybe your brain was suffering from a lot of blood loss, you genuinely forgot this man was your employer.
“I’m going to be fine,” you sigh, tired of everything. You just needed to make it through the day, only… 7 more hours left. You stop yourself from bursting into tears at the thought, why was time torturing you today? 
Jin watches Namjoon clench his fist, the bear hybrid taking a step back when the wolf’s eyes have that red glint in them that meant oncoming doom. You were somehow blissfully unaware, although he knew that wouldn’t last long. 
It's when you try to muffle a wince that he can hear the low growls coming from the male, his tail stiff and straight, making Jin’s instincts want to stand in front of you and defend you but the more rational part of his brain knew Namjoon would never hurt you. 
“Beautiful girl…” He tries again, nervously laughing but you seem to be oblivious to the state of the predator in the room. “I think-”
The whimper you try to conceal cuts him off, you’re clutching the edge of the table in front of you so hard your knuckles are white, your whole posture stiffening as you ride out the spasms your lower region assaults on your body. His eyes go wide when he doesn’t hear you breathe, he steps closer to you quickly as it passes and when you release the table you stumble back into his chest. 
His arm wraps around you quickly, keeping you steady as you catch your breath. Your stance is weaker, he can see your eyes are out of focus when he tilts your head to look at him. 
“You shouldn’t be here beautiful,” he sighs. “You should be at home, in bed, resting.”
“I’m taking you home,” he insists, and he’d stay with you, no way was he going to leave you alone like this. He bet you hadn’t had anything to eat today either.
“But the meeting,” you whine weakly, you put so much work into today and your biology was ruining it. “No, I’m going to stay.”
You both hear the low rumbling sound behind you, tentatively turning towards the hooded eyes directed at you. You feel a shiver shoot down your spine, Jin holding you tighter against him.
When he takes a step closer you instinctively try to take one back, unable to move with Jin freezing in response to the wolf. Namjoon lets out a deep breath, as if trying to control his instincts, instincts that scream at him to take his mate home, build her a nest and trap her in it until she recovers. 
“Baby girl you either let Hyung take you home now,” he pauses, searching your eyes for the defiance he needed to subdue. The corner of his lips twitch as if he’s almost amused, but really it's because his patience has been tested to its limits. 
You try to speak but no sound leaves, all you can do is watch the predator stalk up to you, looking up at him as his gaze almost dared you to try and challenge him.
“Or…” his smile doesn’t reach his eyes, stretched thin like his nonexistent tolerance for your attitude. 
“I call security to escort you out of the building.”
You gawp at him in surprise, he wouldn’t, there is no way on Earth he would call security on you.
“Don’t test me Y/n, it’s for your own good,” he grunts in reply to your unspoken thoughts, the fake smile gone to reveal his glare. He doesn’t back down, doesn’t flinch even when he can see your eyes starting to water. He marches over to the internal company phone when you don’t move towards the exit, Jin having released you to watch your reaction. You cross your arms, looking at the wolf with just as much contempt despite the pain you were in. The adrenaline of your standoff helped a little, but you would die before you admit it. 
He scoffs after waiting a second too long, unbuttoning his cuffs and pushing his sleeves up his arms. They felt like they were constraining him, the tie and collar would have to be loosened next once he dealt with you. He glares at you again, ready to end this stalemate, but your eyes aren’t on his with fire like he expects. Instead, they travel down his arms, breath caught in your throat at the angry veins protruding out of his skin. The smirk on his face was real this time, only when he picks up the phone do you return his stare. He wouldn’t… 
“Security,” it’s a gruff command and your jaw drops in disbelief. 
“So Bunny isn’t talking to you?” Jungkook isn’t gloating, not really, the grin he has on his face wasn’t cruel, he just found the situation entertaining. 
“Even I thought he was bluffing with the security card,” Jin shakes his head at the memory, you held back tears the whole drive home, you ranted to Jin about how Namjoon could possibly to that to you and who did he think he was, you didn’t stop for the whole afternoon and evening until Jin left. 
“I was half bluffing,” Namjoon groans, “I didn’t really call them, I just made her think I did.”
“But you would have if she didn’t move,” Yoongi challenges, a smirk evident on his face that he wasn’t buying it. 
“As if you wouldn’t have called them either,” the lead CEO huffs.
“Oh please, Kitten wouldn’t refuse me,” the smirk only grows when the wolf glares at the panther. “And if she did, she would have paid for it.”
“She was already paying in pain, hyung,” Taehyung whines, not liking the way Yoongi was talking. “My poor flower.”
“It’s been a week,” Namjoon starts massaging his temples with his fingertips feeling the stress radiate from his brain like a migraine. “When is she going to let it go?”
“Have you apologised?” Hoseok asks, not looking up from his paperwork until his question is met with silence. 
Oh if only you could see the wolf with his tail between his legs right now. He tries not to laugh at the obvious embarrassment on Namjoon’s face as he tries to come up with an excuse. 
“I don’t think he needs to apologise,” Yoongi says.
“Of course you don’t” Jimin sasses with an eye roll. “Whether hyung was right or wrong, he still hurt my angel’s feelings.”
“I think he’s paid for it enough,” Jin chuckles, “you should’ve seen his face when beautiful called him Mr Kim.”
Jaws drop, in shock and a little in second hand pain if that was ever a thing. They wouldn’t know at all how to handle you acting so coldly. 
“Not even Kim Depyunim,” Jin continues as if he was sharing a scandal. “Mr Kim.”
“Woah,” Jungkook breathes, completely taken back. “Remind me not to get on Noona’s bad side.”
“Ididitforherowngood!” Namjoon yells to his own defence, sounding unusually high pitched before groaning, planting his head on the table. 
The others snicker to themselves, the sound making the wolf bang his head lightly but repeatedly on the wooden desk. 
“Sunshine, are you still mad at Namjoon?” Hoseok asks you as you both walk to your meeting. His question pulls your attention out of the file you were rechecking. 
“No…” you deny, pouting as you return to reading.
“Sunshine…” he sighs.
“Maybe,” you try again more honestly. 
“Well then you should be mad at all of us,” he replies, making your snap towards him. He doesn’t meet your gaze, staring in front of him with confidence. “We all would’ve done exactly the same thing.”
You sigh displeased with that information. 
“But Hobi-”
That does make him turn towards you, pulling your arm and stopping you both in your tracks. Thankfully the corridor was empty, but he still glances around before giving you his full attention.
“Sunshine, none of us like seeing you in pain,” he explains, “and for some reason you don’t listen to your body.”
You open your mouth to argue but his stare makes you back down, pressing your lips closed with another pout. He chuckles softly at the sight. 
“He didn’t go about it the best way, but he didn’t do it to undermine you sunshine,” he explains calmly. “He did it because he was worried about you.”
You stare at his shoes, feeling mildly dejected at his gentle berating. You miss the grin on his face, finding you adorable. He gives the corridor another glance around to make sure no eyes could catch him, before he pulls you into a hug, chuckling to himself at how endearing he found everything about you, even the parts that sometimes exhausted them. 
“No!” he roars childishly. “I know Flower better!”
You wince at his volume, the three maknaes tended to forget about the crowd of colleagues surrounding you when they had these battles for your attention. 
Jmin and Jungkook scoff loudly, making you wince even harder, glancing at the other desks and watching people whisper in amusement. Why did they do this to you?
“Please, you don’t even know your flower’s favourite flower!” Jimin contends with just as much volume as the tiger, tail swishing back and forth faster and faster. 
“You just admitted she’s my flower,” Taehyung counters as if he’s won. 
“Guys,” you say quietly, not wanting any more attention, but needing to stop it. You pull on Tae’s sleeve to get him to stop.
“Look you can’t even read Bunny’s body language,” Jungkook stands with his hands on his hips, stalking up to the tiger as if he wasn’t a prey hybrid. Honestly sometimes you’d forget if it wasn’t for the bunny ears on his head. 
“And you can?” Jimin and Taehyung say simultaneously.
“Better than you can!” Jungkook shouts back, “you’re making Noona uncomfortable right now.”
Oh the irony obviously went over the youngest’s head and then twirled around him and yeeted for good measure. 
“Can you guys please quieten it down?” you beg, “or take it elsewhere.”
Three sets of eyes now snap and stare directly at you, oh shit this was exactly what you wanted to avoid. 
“Flower tell them I know you best,” Taehyung demands, crouching beside you and turning your chair to face him. 
“Angel don’t you dare lie to him to save his feelings,” the arctic fox growls, the sound not as impressive as Namjoon’s but you find it cute, or you would in any other situation. 
A large shadow looms over the four of you, catching the hybrids’ tongues in their throats. They audibly swallow, slowly turning to see the daggers the big bad boss wolf threw at them with his glare.
“Didn’t we have that thing…?” Jimin cowers back without taking his eyes off the lead CEO, swearing to himself he could see steam leaving his ears.
“That important thing,” Taehyung seconds as if he didn’t spend the last half an hour disagreeing with everything the fox said. 
The three of them scarper off, as if the ends of their tails were on fire, unable to leave fast enough. You shake your head at their antics but smile in amusement despite the trouble they caused. 
Namjoon’s presence had everyone turn back diligently to their work, he surveys the whole floor, making sure not a single hint of attention strayed from what he paid them to do. You look up at his glowering presence, grinning at how serious his demeanour was. His eyes catch yours when he hears your light laughter, the stern expression on his face melting away. 
You weren’t giving him the narrowed eyes of spite that he was getting used to, was it too early to sigh in relief? He watches you cautiously, words catching in his throat that he clears, but when he opens his mouth nothing comes out. You smile at him so radiately it disarms him, his palms starting to sweat, you reduce the strong alpha to a pup with that look of endearment.
“Thanks Joonie,” you whisper, “they were getting to that stage where it would’ve been impossible to stop.”
You shake your head again, looking down at your computer completely unaware of the puddle the CEO was turning into beside you. He feels his soul elevate back into place after being dragged along the floor for a week. He wasn’t Mr Kim anymore, the relief flooded through him. 
“Baby girl,” he calls for your attention quietly, standing over you with an arm on your desk. You glance up at him, caught in his soft gaze, blinking a couple of times at the sight. 
“I’m sorry for last week, I was out of line but I was worried about you.”
He leans down closer, his face an inch away from yours. He smirks when he sees your eyes dilate, an inner voice berating him about rules and etc that he ignores for a second.
“That being said,” he continues gently. “Never call me Mr Kim again.”
He breaks out into a grin at the sound of your soft laughter.
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chaoticharrington · 4 months
Chapter Three: Queer Panic and Smutty Books
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Pairing: Professor! Steve Harrington x Best Friends Dad! Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Angst, Steve being sad, Robin being awkward, Eddie being sexy as hell, kissing, cum eating, blow jobs, oral female receiving, major dirty talk, Dom! Eddie, masterbation, voyerism (if i've missed any lemme know), Eddie and Steve are in their early to mid 40s, reader is in her mid 20s
Summary: Eddie takes you out on a proper date, and you have some words with Steve
Authors Note: YAYYYY THE SMUT HAS COMMENCEDDDD! i'm sorry this took so long to upload, I genuinely was having major writers block writing the smut for some reason, plus I just wanted it to be perfect for you guys! Anyways ENJOY :D 8k words
**Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Four Chapter Five**
(banners and headers by @cafekitsune)
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You could get lost in this man’s lips forever, constantly intertwined. He kissed you like a man starved, like his life depended on every kiss. He tasted like whiskey, you didn’t even like whiskey that much, but you couldn’t care less. You want him, you want him in such a primal way that you huff when he finally breaks off the kiss and touches his forehead to yours.
“Slow down there tiger” he breathes as his chest rises harshly up and down trying to catch his breath. You huff in protest, trying and failing to pull him back into a kiss with your arms still around his neck. But Eddie is too strong, he pulls your arms from around his neck and holds your wrists in one of his hands and holds your chin with the other.
“If we’re gonna do this I wanna do it right, kay?”, he says, nuzzling his nose against yours. You look at him confused, unsure of what he means by that, head still clouded with lust and want.
“Do it right?”, you question him. He smirks at you like you’re oblivious and missing something obvious. He runs his thumb over your lips while he explains.
“Well..If we’re going to do this...us.. together. I want to take you out on a proper date, you can pick where we go. But I want to show how you deserve to be treated. That alright with you?” he proclaims.
You bite your lip to hide the smile that was threatening to spill out and nod your head in excitement. This was really happening, with him. With Eddie fucking Munson.  
“Good girl”, he coos, looking at your lips again like a lion hunting its prey.  And you almost give in, and let him kiss you, touch you, fuck you. But Eddie was right, you wanted to see what it felt like to be treated like a woman, like someone desirable.
So, instead you groan and put your head into his chest, inhaling his scent. He smelled like cigarettes and leather, you breathed in deeper like a woman starved.
“You’re making it really fucking hard here mister”, you groan into his chest. His laugh vibrating his chest making you look up to see the smile on his face, eliciting a smile on your face too.
There he is.. there’s my Eddie... MY Eddie
“I didn’t know being a gentleman was considered a crime nowadays,” he taunted, his eyes twinkling under the light of the kitchen. You roll your eyes.
Oh yeah, he’s still Eddie
“No not that Eds... what you said AFTER that” you said your voice faltering at the end, your cheeks turned a light shade of pink, unable to utter the actual words “Good girl” out loud.
Eddie raises his eyebrows, clearly amused by your sudden shyness after basically eating his face off. “Oooohhh you mean when I called you a good girl?” he asks knowingly.
You look down at Eddies feet, unable to look him in the eyes, your cheeks surely bright red by this point. Eddie’s hand that’s still resting on your chin, forces you to look at him again.
“So easy to fluster, this is gonna be fuunn,” he taunts lowly, giving you a quick kiss on your lips. You whine against his lips indignantly.
The two of you spend the rest of the night entwined on the couch, alternating between kissing each other or how the two of you usually were; just laughing and talking about life.
You felt so free, like part of you that you had left in a cage long ago was starting to flap its wings. At some point the talking and kissing ceased and the both of you fell asleep entangled together on the couch. As you were falling asleep, you genuinely thought that you had never been this comfortable in your life.
You woke up in the middle of the night with a gasp, waking Eddie up too, making him fall off the bed with a thud.
“Gawd princess you gotta warn a fella, I’m not invincible like the young bucks you’ve been with before” he says sleepily, rubbing an ache out of the small of his back.
You giggle at him and look at the time on the clock, 5:04 am, you sigh in relief, still time to sneak back into Violet’s room and get some sleep before she wakes up for work.
“I can’t believe we fell asleep on the couch” you whisper, trying not to make too much noise as you get off the couch. You were young, but no one’s back feels good after sleeping on the couch.
“I was just so comfy, with you laying on me.” Eddie admits.
“Me too,” You reply sheepishly, now fully awake you remember the events that transpired not a few hours ago.
You help Eddie up off the floor, he immediately wraps his arms around you. You hum into his touch, appreciating how natural this already feels to you. He kisses the top of your head and then lifts your head up with both of his hands and kisses your lips firmly.
This time he moans into the kiss, hearing him sets your skin on fire. You squirm out of his arms to look at his face to make sure it was real, that this is really happening.
He looks back at you scanning your face for any doubt but finds none and smiles idly at you.
“I should probably go back to Violet’s room,” you voice.
He does a dramatic frown and pouting noise, before kissing you one last time.
“Just need one more for the road,” he teases, eventually releasing you.
The two of you walk up the stairs together, holding hands the entire way, parting at the top of the stairs to go your separate ways. You feel giddy, never having felt this way before.
You get one last peak at him before he goes into the master bedroom at the other end of the hallway. You touch the doorknob to Violet’s room and turn it slowly. Trying to make as little noise possible in hopes of not waking her up. You slide under the covers soundlessly. Staring up at your best friend’s ceiling.
What the fuck am I doing?
Violet turns over in her sleep and rests her arm over your chest, completely unaware of what transpired between you and her dad. You take a deep breath in, willing yourself to calm down so you can sleep.
Deciding that future you, would think more about this tomorrow, right now you just wanted to bask in the fact that Eddie Munson kissed you.. and now he wants to take you out on a date.
You wake up to the sound of Violets work alarm, you hear groaning next to you as Violet wakes up to turn the alarm off. She sits up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes.
“Good Morning babe,” she says tiredly.
You smile, she looks so much like her dad, her deep brown eyes, her infectious smile, even how her eyes look when she’s just woken up. Little things you never noticed before because you tried so hard not to think about her Eddie. But now you can’t not see it, not after last night.
“Morning,” you mutter, still waking up yourself.
You sit up in bed, you’re exhausted, between the emotional rollercoaster of a day you had yesterday and staying up late with Eddie, it feels like you’ve gotten almost no sleep.
“What’s that?” Violet asks, pointing at you.
“What’s what Vi?” you look at her curiously.
“Is-is that a hickey on your neck?” she asks a bit louder.
You cover your neck faster than a flash of lighting, you were so caught up in the moment with Eddie yesterday you weren’t even thinking about whether or not him kissing and nibbling on your neck would leave marks.
Violet moves your hand away to get a better look at your hickey, you try to fight her off, but she pins your hands with her legs, stuck in her grasp. Your decisions from last night suddenly becoming very very real and very scary. You wanted to tell Violet eventually about you and Eddie. But not right now, not before you’ve even had your first date.
“Damn... He kissed you like that and still rejected you. What a fucking prick, I was so caught up in helping you yesterday I didn’t see this last night” she says still admiring your hickey.
Relief floods your system, Violet assumes you got the hickey from Steve. Why wouldn’t she? She has no reason not to trust you, until now.
“Yeah, that’s why I was so embarrassed” you lied, you fucking hated lying to her, but you’d tell her when you were ready; And the timing just wasn’t right.
“Give me his address so I can kick his ass, better yet give me the name of the Dean so I can get him fired for using you like that,” she retorts.
“No Vi it’s really okay, I’m only going to be in his class for a couple more months and then I won’t have to see him ever again,” you reply.
Violet nods seemingly satisfied with your answer and got off you. You watch her as she gets out of bed and starts to get ready for work, quickly concealing the hickey Eddie gave to you the night before. You really do have the best friend in the entire world.
Even with everything that happened with you and Eddie, your interaction with Steve still really stung. Remembering what happened, felt like a pit was sitting in your stomach. Thinking back on it you don’t blame him for how he reacted, he’s your professor, he could lose his job if the wrong person found out about the two of you.
You do regret how you reacted to him though, you’re not usually one that is quick to anger, but you just felt so rejected by him. Maybe you would apologize to him after class, you hoped he would accept your apology.
Violet lets you borrow some of her clothes and the two of you get ready for the day in her room. You do some light make up, while Violet fixes her hair.
“Fuck where is it?” You see Violet searching around in one of her drawers looking for something.
“Do you mind running to the bathroom for me and seeing if my hairspray is in there?” she asks.
You nod and head out into the hallway, looking at the stairs that you walked up last night hand in hand with Eddie. You can’t help but smile lightly at the memory.
You walk down the hall to the bathroom and go to open the door. But as you reach for the handle it swings open. Coming face to face with a shirtless Eddie, wearing only a towel around his waist.
You lips go into an “O” shape at the sight of him, your panties practically dropping to the basement floor. He smiles widely at you, looking at Violets door and then scooping you up into a kiss. You soften into his grip, glad that he hadn’t changed his mind about the two of you since sleeping.
“Mornin’ m’lady” he smiles into your hair.
“Morning Eds” you say as you kiss him on the cheek because that’s as far as you can reach on your tippy toes. It takes every atom in your body to not jump him right there in broad daylight with Violet in the other room. He beams at the nickname, giving you another swift kiss.
“Did you find it?!” Violet yells from the other room.
Both of your eyes go wide, and Eddies hands drop to his sides at the sound of his daughter. He winks at you before leaving to go to his room. Your head now dizzy after kissing Eddie, you scramble through the bathroom drawers to find what Violet needed, and running back to her room before she went looking for you.
The rest of the morning continuing with business as usual, the three of you eat breakfast together, courtesy of Eddie. He made French toast and bacon, and he put whip cream smiley faces on all the French toast stacks.
Violet announces that she’s spending the following weekend at Quinns, because they were going to have a Lord of The Rings marathon, something they both take very seriously. Violet leaves soon after to go to work, while you and Eddie both take your time finishing your food.
“So next weekend then?” Eddie questions, with a mischievous smile.
You look up at him from your plate, “Can’t wait,” you confess.
He looks down at his food again, pushing his food around his plate with his fork like a child. His eyebrows are knit together like he’s thinking really hard.
“You alright over there old man?” you joke, nudging him with your foot under the table.
He looks up at you like you broke his concentration, “Yeah, I’m good, I just don’t want you to think that I’m trying to keep you a secret or anything, ya know? I know Violet is grown and what I do with my life isn’t really her business anymore, but I just don’t think I’m ready to tell her yet if that’s okay with you?” he explains.
You look at him kindly and nod, feeling the same way. You hoped that when the both of you did eventually tell Violet that she would at least want the both of you to be happy, even if it took her awhile to get used to it.
You finish breakfast shortly after, needing to stop at your apartment before school to grab some books. You grab all your stuff from Violet’s room, and you’re about to put your stuff in the car before he calls out to you.
“Not so fast princess” turning you around and pinning you against the inside of the front door. Cradling your face in his hands, a sensation you were now very familiar with, dipping down and kissing you fiercely.
“I could get used to this” he whispers into your neck, giving a swift peck before grabbing your bookbag and walking you out to your car. You were so shocked you didn’t know what to say, a guy had never carried anything for you before, you could get used to this too.
“Text me later k?” he asks, you had his number in your phone because technically the two of you work together, but up until this point you had been too chicken to ever text for anything other than necessary for work, and maybe a few memes you thought he’d get a kick out of.
You nod and give him one final kiss, addicted to his lips at this point, and then drive off down the road towards your apartment.
Driving away from the safety of Eddie’s house was making the anxiety in your stomach boil up into your throat. You had to see Steve today and you had to apologize. As much as you didn’t want to go to class and face him, you knew it was the right thing to do. If you wanted to keep your job and work civilly alongside him then you had to.
Before you could even think about Steve, you had a huge paper due on Queer Cinema in your Gender Studies class. Gender studies really was one of your favorite classes that was sure to put you in a good mood before you had to face the music.
Professor Buckley spent a majority of the class showing clips from iconic queer films and discussing the importance of representation in media. She was in the middle of taking about a scene she had just played and why its relevant, when a male student raises his hand.
“Plus, he’s really hot.” he said.
The entire class erupts into laughter, and one of the girls you sit behind in your sociology class chimed in.
“Not hotter than Professor Harrington though!” she giggled, a bunch of other girls and guys from the class agree along with her.
Robin rolling her eyes, “This class is supposed to give me hope for humanity, not swooning over some GUY, and dingus isn’t as hot as you all think. Plus, he’s really into TAs so you’re all out of luck” she says nonchalantly, not knowing that your Steve’s TA.
The room went silent, the only sound you’re able to hear is your heart begging to explode from your chest. The few people that you have in your sociology class look at you in horror, Robin covering her hand with her mouth realizing what she had done.
Your feet move without you thinking, standing up and grabbing your things and fleeing the room as fast as they could take you. You were utterly embarrassed with tears threatening to spill from your eyes for a third time in less than 24 hours. You don’t even know where you’re going until you do, and you’re standing outside of Steve’s classroom. You know he likes to get there early to get everything ready for your class.
You open the door and shut it, Steve jumps at the noise. Lips formed in a tight smile once he realizes that it’s you.
“So do you do this with every one of your TAs then?” you say loudly, hoping it would stop him from hearing the quiver in your voice.
He walks carefully over to you, like you’re a wounded animal ready to pounce. You can’t bare to look at his face, so you look at the floor, blinking vigorously willing the tears back into your eyes.
“What are you talking about?” he says carefully.
“I was just made a fool of in Robins class, because one of the girls thinks you’re hot and she said that you only have a thing for TAs, was all this just a fucking game to you Steve? To get me to like you and then make me feel like an idiot?” You spat at him, looking him in the eyes now so he can see the anger behind them.
Steve sighs loudly and nervously runs his fingers through his hair, his eyes look tired, like he didn’t sleep a wink the night before. “No- I, No that’s not even remotely true, Y/N you have to believe me, nothing like this has ever happened before. This is all uncharted territory for me,” he says tiredly.
“How do you expect me to believe you? After rejecting me the way you did last night, after weeks of flirting with me. You were just toying with me all along, weren’t you? I thought you were better than that!” tears now spilling over your cheeks, conceding in your fight to keep them in.
“Y/N I- Fuck I’m so sorry this is all so fucked up. I didn’t expect anything of this to happen, I shouldn’t have kissed you, I should have waited until you weren’t my student anymore, so it was less complicated. But you have to believe me when I say that my feelings for you are genuine, regardless of how messed up it is. None of this should’ve happened. Please just let me explain and it’ll all make sense,” he begs.
You take a deep breath in and wipe the tears from your eyes, “You are right about one thing Steve, this never should have happened” you seethe.
Steves eyes sadden, and he nods in defeat, knowing he’s lost the battle and you along with it.
“Go find yourself another TA to fuck with Steve because I’m done.” you growl.
You turn your heel and walk out of the room, working alongside Steve was no longer an option. If you didn’t need the credit to graduate you would’ve marched into the student center and drop his class right then and there. But your education was more important than some guy.
The rest of the day happens in a blur, unable to concentrate on any of your classes that day. Your mind constantly just floating aimlessly in the air, if someone coughed to hard in your direction you’d probably float away. Going through the motions of the day, kept you safe, steering clear of all thoughts about Steve was the best course of action for the moment.
You did feel conflicted, your feelings continuing to confuse you. Why were you so upset about this? Your thing with Eddie is so good, the best you ever had, so why are you so upset? It’s all so confusing, you’ve never liked one person as much as you like Eddie, and reluctantly Steve too. Yet it felt so right, like it was the most normal thing in the world, for the short while before the whole thing went to shit.
As much as you are furious with Steve, it also made things easier and less confusing. Now you could just focus on Eddie, and that you didn’t mind at all. You could spend every day of forever with him and it still would never be enough. That’s not to say that thoughts of Steve still didn’t pop up in your mind and dreams, he still was your teacher so you still saw him almost every day. The first few days after the initial shock of what Robin had said were awkward, both in class with Steve and Robin.
Robin was relentless with her apologies, apologizing for it every chance she got.
“I’m so sorry, sometimes I just do this thing where I start talking, and then I don’t know what I’m saying until I say it. It’s like I blackout in the middle of taking and then by the time I realize, the damage has already been done and I’ve put my whole foot in my mouth. I’m so sorry,” she rambles anxiously.
“Its fine really, water under the bridge,” you dismiss her kindly.
You really didn’t blame Robin, it’s not like she knew what was going on between you and Steve, she was just trying to make a joke, a bad joke but a joke, nonetheless.
Steve, on the other hand, went completely silent. His classes were filled with less energy than before. He seemed tired, like he stopped sleeping through the night. His skin seemed less shiny, his eyes no longer bright, and his hair always seemed slightly out of place from anxiously running his fingers through it. Steve was a mess.
You almost felt bad, yes he hurt you, but there was a part inside of you that still cared deeply for the man that you once had a connection with. He didn’t try to talk to you anymore or explain himself after the fight that the two of you had. Just radio silence.
You tried your best not to think about it too hard, plus you had an amazing distraction. It had been about a week since you and Eddie first made plans to go out on a date, with that date now fast approaching only a few days from now. And still stumped as to where your first date should be, maybe you were over thinking it, but you wanted it to be perfect. Your head was swirling with so many different ideas. You wanted to do something unique, that would show him parts of you. You weren’t always the best with your words, but if you could show him parts of yourself maybe he’d understand. You were shaken from your thoughts when your phone buzzed a few times in a row.
“I’m bored and you’re cute call me when you’re free x”
You smile widely at your phone; Eddie always knew how to make every day better. You pick up your phone and dial his number.
“Hi handsome,” you beam into your phone.
“Hey baby, how was your day?” you can hear the smile in his voice
“Eh fine, I’d rather be with you,” you confess.
You really wish you could be with Eddie, but instead you were surrounded by your textbooks swamped with the homework you had this week.
“Then come over here, Violets out, and I have the house to myself,” he asks.
“Can’t, homework,” you sigh.
“You can do your homework here, I won’t distract you. Pinky Promise! Only several thousand kisses that’s it!” he begs. You groan into the receiver, and Eddie retorts with a chuckle knowing that he’s wearing you down.
As convincing as Eddies offer was, and it was really convincing. You wanted to have a good time on your date, you needed to get all this work done to give Eddie your full attention, and not worry about school.
“I don’t trust you mister,” you joke.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t either, but you should still come over anyways,” he retorts.
You laugh at his goofy nature, and that alone almost makes you say yes.
“How bout this princess, I’ll come over there. I’ll sit and read a book or something, and be a good boy while you do your work,” he suggests.
You ponder this over in your head for a minute but who are you kidding, how could you possibly say no to him? Plus, you really only have to revise two papers, shouldn’t take too long.
“Alright alright you win, come on over stinky,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
“Be over soon pretty girl,” he says slyly.
How could you ever say no to Eddie fucking Munson.
You appreciate that Eddie didn’t make it too hard for you to concentrate when he finally showed up at your apartment. He did as he said he would, sitting next to you on your bed, one had rubbing circles on your back and the other holding a book that he was trying to finish.
His touch soothing you, as you rub stress out of your own temples. When you could, sneaking glances at the very beautiful man sitting right next to you. He was dressed down today, hair in a low bun, in a pair of sweatpants and an old Iron Maiden T shirt. He could wear a brown paper bag and he’d still be one of the sexiest men you’ve ever seen. It made the time between today and the date that much more excruciating, Eddie had been very adamant that there would be no funny business prior to the date, which is honestly a surprising amount of self-control for him. It showed he meant business, which you respected. But it was also driving you to the brink of insanity, cursing into the abyss that the universe would give you the prettiest man in the world and not be able to jump his bones. It was a cruel world indeed.
Your insatiable urges aside you could get used to this. Him being here, even if you weren’t talking, his presence soothed and ache inside of you. You also loved that Eddie loves books almost as much as you did, you wouldn’t think by just looking at him. But he had his nose in a book quite often, whether that’s a new DnD manual, researching for a new campaign, or just reading random sci-fi books.
And that’s when it hits you, you know where the two of you are going to go for your date. You look up from your computer screen and look at Eddie. His brows lightly scrunched together, probably reading a thrilling part in his book. He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
“Take a picture it’ll last longer gorgeous. I’m trying to be good here and you’re distracting me,” he taunts, as he flips a page in his book very dramatically.
You roll your eyes at him, if he wasn’t so cute, he’d be the biggest pain in your ass.
“Alright then I guess you just won’t get to know where we go on our date then, fine by me!” you hint.
Then you’re jumped by a mass of dark brown curls and you’re tackled onto the bed.
“Tell me tell me tell me!!!!” he says in between kisses to your cheeks and neck. Giggling uncontrollably, you concede.
“Fine fine, you win! Me and you. Saturday. Coffee shop and bookstore. 12 pm don’t be late Munson.” You reveal with a light kiss to Eddies bottom lip.
Expecting Eddie to continue his shenanigans, his eyes soften a little and he dips down to give you a firm kiss on your lips.
“You’re perfect, ya know that?” he says sincerely.
You roll your eyes at him. He holds your chin in place, the way that makes your breath hitch.
“Nuh uh, don’t be mean to my girl,” he coos.
You blush and kiss him back with the same ferocity, your homework can wait. You spend the rest of the night snuggled up against Eddie while he read his book to you in between the thousands of kisses he promised.
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The day the date actually came around you were a fucking mess, you woke up super early, trying to figure out the right outfit to wear. Not that you thought it would matter to Eddie all that much, but it mattered to you. You were something of a perfectionist and you wanted this date to go well.
You decide on a comfy green sweater, a pair of leggings, and black platform combat boots, and your winter jacket. It was getting colder outside, and you were not used to the Indiana winters, you swear you had never seen so much snow in your life.
You were just doing your finishing touches in the mirror when you heard a knock on the door. You can’t contain the smile that spreads across your face as you basically leap to the door in excitement. You swing the door open, and you are face to face with a excited smile that matched yours.
“Hi princess,” he greets you, giving you a light kiss on your lips.
“Hey Eddie,” you smile up at him, even in your platform boots, this man was so much taller than you. It made your heart flutter and your body tingle.
“Ready to go?” he says seductively leaving a more passionate kiss onto your lips, making your legs buckle slightly. The kiss makes you want to abandon the date all together and take him right here on your couch. The week since your first kiss had been grueling, and you wanted more than kisses.
“Yeah, let’s go,” you beam up at him leaving a kiss on his jaw. He moans and you know he’s thinking the same thing as you.
In his car the energy is electrified and nervous, Eddies knee bouncing wildly in the driver’s seat while you fiddle with your hands. Hanging out at his house or your apartment was one thing but going out in public together. On a date, completely different. You just try to remind yourself that it’s still Eddie, the same goof that he was the day before and the day before that.
You go to the local coffee shop in town, he grabs a black coffee which you make fun of him for, making the tension between the two of you, ease. And you get a chai tea, which Eddie makes fun of you for.
“You know that chai is tea in Hindi right? So, you basically just ordered “tea tea”? he snickers.
“Yeah well at least I didn’t order a steaming hot cup of bitter water old man,” you retort as you grab your drinks from the barista.
You hand him his coffee and he pulls you in to leave a kiss on your forehead. The people in front of you look at you inquisitively, and that’s when you realize that the two of you probably look a little odd. A 45ish year-old man and a 25 year-old woman together. Age was never a thing that either of you ever thought too much about in all honesty. Besides the “old man” jabs that you gave him occasionally. Regardless of the age difference between the two of you, you had so much in common that it never seemed that noticeable. You give the couple in front of you a glare and head out the door with Eddie hand in hand.
Any bookstore is the best place on earth, any book you could ever dream of stocked on the shelves, endless possibilities. Plus, the new book smell, is just addicting. Eddie watched in amusement as you picked up every other book reading the backs of them, completely immersed in your own little world. Following along behind you holding your hand or wrapping his arm around your waist, reading the backs of books that look interesting to him. That is until you get to the DnD section, and he becomes the biggest nerd you ever met and it makes you swoon even harder if possible.
After almost looking at every section in the store, the two of you stand in front of the romance section. You had decided before the date that you were going to steer clear from this section to avoid any teasing from Eddie because you basically read porn. Not just porn, porn that would make a grown man clutch his pearls.
But the spicy section had been updated since you had been there last, and you remembered that one of your favorite authors had dropped a new book. You gasp lightly and Eddie looks at you inquisitively.
You walk briskly over to the section of steamy books, searching for the book you were looking for.
“I didn’t really peg you as a girl who likes romance books, I’m intrigued,” he taunts lightly.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me Munson” you say, still looking for the right book. Instead, you find another smutty book that you’ve been meaning to read, one about an older guy owning a BDSM club that a bunch of your online friends were gushing about. You pull that off the shelf and accept the fact that you’re going to have to ask an employee for help to find the book you were looking for.
“Do you mind holding this for me for a sec? I just need to ask an employee for help,” you ask.
Eddie’s eyebrow is upturned in curiosity but takes the book from your hands as you go off to look for an employee. The book was in the “New Releases” section and that’s why you couldn’t find it.
When you finally make your way back to Eddie you look at him in horror, he has the book you asked him to hold for you,  open to the middle of the book, smirking like a devil in disguise. He looks up at you before you can defend yourself.
“Princess, you like this stuff? Seems a little intense for a pretty little thing like you,” he says tauntingly under his breath so none of the other patrons can hear you.
You let out an anxious squeal and try to grab the book from Eddies hands, but he’s too quick. He dangles the book easily over your head still reading from the pages.
Your heart is beating so fast threatening to drop into your stomach. What if he thought you were weird and didn’t want to be with you anymore? What if you fucked all of this up before you even started?
“Give it back Eddie I mean it,” you whine, still trying to reach the book in his hand.
“Then tell me you like this kind of stuff, and ill give you the book back right now,” he says still holding the book out of your reach. He leans in really close, his eyes dark with lust. Caging you in against a bookshelf and puts his lips up to your ear.
“Tell me, you get off on reading this stuff, tell me you read this late at night right before bed with your hand down your pants and the book is all yours,” he whispers before backing away to a normal distance, leaving the rest of the customers none the wiser.
You shiver when his breath touches your ear, you have to bite your lip as to not whine out in the middle of the bookstore. If you were needy before the date, nothing compared to how you felt right now. You were an omega about to go into heat, and the only thing that was going to put out the fire brewing in you was Eddie. Your legs threatening to give out below you, you take a deep breath to steady yourself before responding. Eddie patiently awaiting your response, taunting you with his one hand cupped behind his ear.
“I do,” you say meekly.
He gets closer to you, flaunting his size against your frame.
“You do what pretty girl, come on use your words” he coos, caressing you cheek with his thumb.
This time you let a whimper escape and a smile the size of Texas spread across Eddies face. You clear your throat and wet your lips.
“I touch myself when I read them,” you whisper loud enough for only Eddie to hear.
“Good girl baby,” he praises you, rewarding you with a kiss on your cheek.
He grabs the other book from your hands, leading the two of you to the checkout line. You felt like you were floating, you had never been this turned on in your life and Eddie barely touched you.
Then there was the dilemma, that Eddie refused to let you pay for your own books despite your countless protests. You pouted lightly next to him while he paid for your two book and one for himself.
“Don’t worry babycakes, I’ll pay for your porn” he teased with a wink as the two of you walked out of the store. He helped you into his truck, grabbing your waist tightly, making you gasp.
The car ride back to Eddie’s house was intense, both of you feeling the consequences of the little stunt Eddie pulled in the bookstore. Your chest heaving up and down heavily, Eddie holding on to your thigh with one of his hands.
“Do you trust me?” Eddie asks seriously, once the two of you get inside, he helps you shrug off your winter jacket hanging it up for you.
You nod quickly with no hesitation, only admiration in your eyes. You needed this man more than you needed air; did he really expect you to say no? And with final confirmation Eddie takes your hand and leads you up to his bedroom. Your eyes fixating slightly on Violet’s room before forcing her out of your head and focusing on the man in front of you.
He ushers you in, immediately tackling you into a heated kiss, pushing you closer and closer to the edge of his bed until you feel it with the backs of your knees. You inch yourself farther into the middle of his bed pulling him closer, looking up at him through your eyelashes, Eddies eyes are dark looking at you like he’s the hunter and you are his prey. Eddie follows suit incasing your body with his, enveloping your lips again.
But with more urgency, like the first time you kissed in the kitchen. You open yourself up guiding his body between your legs. He thanks you by grinding his bulge against your sweet spot making you gasp. Eddie takes that as an open invitation to slide his tongue into your mouth. Your lips clash together feverously, a mix of lips, tongue, and teeth. You pull back taking his bottom lip in between your teeth. Biting hard enough to elicit a hiss from his mouth.
“Fuckkk,” he groans loudly.
Changing pace, he dips down and starts sucking on your pulse point, sending shivers down your body. Your hips moving on their own rolling into his, the friction making you both moan. You could feel him leaving little bruises all over your neck, your mind too empty to care, having only one thing on your mind now. Him.
You become very aware that Eddie was wearing entirely too much clothing, tugging at the bottom of his shirt, he takes the hint and lifts up to exposed to pale ink decorated skin under his T-shirt. You were in awe of him, grabbing and kissing anywhere and everywhere, wanting to taste every single part of him. His arms were almost completely covered in ink, and most of his chest was covered too. You made a mental note to spend an entire day kissing every single tattoo on his body, but that day was not today.
Eddie wanting the same from you, he starts to pull up the bottom of your shirt, looking into your eyes for the okay. Seeing no protest, he takes it the rest of the way off. If his eyes could bulge out of his head, they probably would have with how wide his eyes got.
“Jesus Christ” he groans as he re-attaches his lips to yours, only to pull apart slowly making his way down your chest, leaving bruising kisses along your collar bone and the swell of your breasts that were peaking out from your bra. Getting impatient he peels the cups of your bra down to expose your nipples to him and incasing one in his mouth. Swirling the bud with his tongue, groaning into your chest. Each pinch and lick sending shock waves through your body.
Eddie stops what he’s doing and looks up at you, “Show me baby,” Eddie says while leaving little kisses down your stomach. You look at him slightly confused, unsure what he means. A small smirk falls on his lips as he uses his hands to reach up and take your left breast in his hand. Your nipple brushing up against his fingers. Enticing a hissing noise from you.
“Show me how you touch yourself when you’re reading your books, show me how you like it.” he says leaving more kisses on your breasts as his fingers continue to play with your nipple.
Getting impatient, Eddie grabs the hem of your leggings and panties, pulling them up and off your body. Pushing your knees apart exposing your dripping center to him, guiding your hand to your slit.  
Then his touch is gone, you look to see his figure rummaging next to the bed in the bag from the bookstore. He pulls out the book he was reading and taunting you with. Flipping open to a page that seemed to peak the older man’s interest, pushing it into your hand.
It was your turn to become speechless, looking down at the words on the page he picked out for you. Your cheeks turn a bright shade of pink. His eyes dark but still warm and encouraging, still your Eddie. You bite your lip and nod back at him.
You look back to the words on the page, moving your hand slowly up and down your slit. Gathering the wetness from your center and swirling it around your aching bud. You see Eddie in the corner of your eye, palming himself through his pants, watching intently where your hand and legs meet.
Breathy moans spilling from your mouth while you touch yourself, your mind clouding in pleasure. If you weren’t so turned on, the wet sounds that echoed around the room would have embarrassed you.
“So fuckin naughty, you look so good touching your pretty little cunt like that,” he says breathily, pupils blown.
His words only edging you on, you moan loudly as you sink a finger inside your entrance, making your back lift off the bed in ecstasy, book completely discarded. You feel Eddie remove your hand from your core, you whine in protest. Enveloping you hand in his mouth, lapping at your juices, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
“Spit,” he commands, holding his hand out in front of your mouth. You gather the saliva in your mouth and spit it into his hand.
“Good girl” he praises, rubbing your spit onto your slit, making you gasp loudly. His fingers quickly replaced by his wanting tongue, teasing your entrance, and nudging his perfect nose against your clit.
“OH FUCK EDDIE!” you cry out.
Your words encouraging him to buckle down, swirling and flicking his tongue on your clit making you see stars. You buck your hips up to meet his tongue, chasing your release.
“Shit, you taste so good baby, could drown in this fucking pussy,” he babbles, re-attaching his lips to your bundle of nerves.
You can feel yourself getting close already, your entrance pulsing in anticipation. You grab a fist full of his curls in desperation. Eliciting a deep groan from him that vibrates through you.
“S-so good, so fucking good Eds, holy shit” you say with another roll of your hips. Then without warning Eddie sticks one of his fingers inside of you, finding a spot inside that you could never reach yourself.
“Fuck Eddie I-im gonna” you breathe.
“Come on sweet thing, cum for me” he purrs into your core. Keeping his pace with his tongue on your clit, adding another finger inside you. The feeling of fullness finally sending you over the edge.
You throw your head back in a silent scream, the coil inside you finally snapping sending wave after wave of pleasure through your body. Eddie leaving sloppy kisses on your inner thighs brings you back into your body.
“Still with me princess? You did so good f’me,” he murmurs into your skin.
You look at him hazily, he looked so pretty between your thighs. His strong arms incasing each thigh, his lips and chin glistening with your release. You reach for him, wanting to feel his lips on yours once again. He obliges you, tasting the remnants of your release on his slips, sighing against his mouth contently.
You roll him over so he’s on his back, leaving kisses against his stomach down to his clothed cock, making him buck up into you. You strip him quickly from his pants and boxers, impatient, you want to make him feel as good as he made you.
His cock is bigger than you expected, not too thick but long, a little patch of curly dark brown hair at the base. You situate yourself between his legs and look up at him through your eyes.
Eddie was trying to be patient, but you could see the desperation in his eyes. You start swirling your tongue around the tip, collecting his precum in your mouth. You groan deeply at the slightly salty taste, encasing the rest of your mouth around the tip. You hear Eddie curse under his breath, his hands cup the hair falling around your face so he can see you better.
You take this opportunity to lock eyes with him, gathering all the saliva in your mouth and spitting sloppily onto his cock, working it from the tip to the shaft.
“Jesus, fuck! Such a dirty fucking mouth,” he babbled. His words making you clench around nothing, Eddie was more vocal than any other partner you’d ever been with but you liked knowing that you were making him feel good.
You go back to working your mouth down on his cock, forcing it lower and lower until the hairs at the base of his shaft were tickling your nose and lips. You gag slightly around his cock, throat constricting around the tip, making him thrust farther down your throat.
“Shit, fuck I’m sorry baby, you just look so fucking good with your mouth full of my cock, couldn’t help myself,” he sputters. You hum as you remove his cock from your mouth leaving opened mouth kisses all the way down the shaft and onto his balls. You hear his breath hitch when you reach his balls. You spend time down there licking and sucking.
Taking your time lightly sucking each ball into your mouth and swirling your tongue around them. Truth be told you loved sucking and licking balls and you could tell Eddie did too by his reaction.
“Fuck, Fuck yes, you like that? You like sucking my balls? Good fucking girl, such a good fucking girl, shit” he cries out, tightening the grip he has on your hair. The new hold he had on your hair leaving a delightful sting on your scalp and that made your eyes roll back. You pull of his shaft with a pop , sloppily licking up and down his member.
“Fuck my face Eddie, please, fill my throat” you plead with your mouth still full of his length
“Don’t have to fuckin ask me twice sweetheart,” he says grabbing another fist full of your hair. You give up control and let him lower your head back down on his cock. His pace starts out slow at first seeing what you can handle. You can take most of his cock, and the rest that you can take you use your hand to stroke it, making sure every part of him feels good. He continues to shower you with praises, all of it becoming to much, you start to feel your own wetness start to drip down your thighs.
You can feel his cock twitching in your mouth has his pace picks up, slamming his cock in your mouth with reckless abandon. Making you gag every time his tip hit the back of your throat, Eddie swearing obscenities left and right.
His pace getting sloppy as he comes closer to cumming, and with one final thrust into your mouth he releases his load down your throat. You both moan in unison at the act. Smooshing your face down into the curls at the base for good measure before pushing off to straddle his waist.
Opening up your mouth to show him his cum gathered inside your mouth, Eddies eyes rolling back farther than you thought humanly possible. Looking back at you with hungry eyes, he holds your face with his one hand, cupping your cheeks. And with his other hand dipping two of his fingers into your mouth, fucking his cum farther down your throat.
“Swallow for me pretty girl,” he commands, your body tingling to obey his every thought, his eyes watching you like a hawk.
You swallow the rest of his cum left on your tongue, and stick your tongue out to show him the job done.
“Good girl, such a good girl,” he praises again, kissing you fiercely on the lips. Then you collapse onto the bed next him contently.
He grabs hold of your waist forcing you to cuddle close, he leaves kisses in your hair and your run circles across his chest with your fingers. Your mind completely empty of everything that wasn’t Eddie Munson.
That was until your phone went off, buzzing next to the bed. You ignore it, deciding that whatever it was, could wait. That was until it buzzed again, and again, and again. Finally you climb over Eddie and reach for your phone, seeing a couple missed calls from Violet.
You call her back without even thinking, there’s no way she could know that you were naked in her dads bed, no way.
“Hey Vi, you okay?” you say sleepily, worn out from your previous activities.
“They’re cheating me, they’re fucking cheating on me, I can’t fucking believe it!” Violet wails into the phone.
“Woah woah, slow down and start from the beginning babe what’s going on?” you say, concern in your voice. Eddie now sitting up wanting to know what was happening.
Violet goes onto explain that her and Quinn have each other’s phone passwords, and that she went to go look up something on his phone, and they had changed their phone password and had a text message from an unsaved number on their phone.
“Fuck,” you mutter into the phone.
“I need you to come over, I need you right now, i'm on my way back from Quinn's house now,” she pleads with you.
“I’ll be there as soon I can babe, don’t worry we will figure this out” you reassure her, feeling guilty for lying to her again.
You hang up the phone and look at Eddie, you fill him in on whats going on. Eddie wanting to go over to Quinn's house right now and give them a piece of his mind, but you talk him out of it until you know exactly what’s going on.
“Sorry we gotta cut this short,” you chuckle, leaning back into Eddies exposed chest.
“S’alright, I’d rather know that Vi’s okay. You’re a good friend Y/N, Vi and I are so lucky to have you." You blush at his words, he leans down and leaves kisses along your hair line and neck.
The two of you dress, you cover up your very obvious hickeys from Eddie, and part your separate ways. Just in time for the two of you to share one final kiss in the living room before the door opens.
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Tag List! **If you want to be added to the tag list just lemme know, just need to be 18+**
@chaoticmunsons @sweetblinginrose @tlclick73 @paleidiot @frogtape @too-efn-old-to-be-here @peaches-roses-sins @micheledawn1975 @untitled74745 @hellv1ra @cozyquinn
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kenandeliza · 5 months
a collection of ideas of a post-suspendium Golden Age comics Billy Batson if he ended up in the 21st century (pick any comic continuity
1.adoption scenario
(If a leaguer wanted to adopt Billy, he’d just show them his birth certificate)
Billy smirking:” Sorry, you can’t legally adopt a grandpa”
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2. Billy teasing with a smug boomer voice: “Back in my day, we used to play with atomic machines!”
3. youtube
Billy:thanks for showing me how to use a modern phone (insert friend from 21st century)! But I wonder, where is the tv remote for changing the youtube channel? And Where is the news?
(Friend from the 21st century):*sighs* it’s so over
4. Old friends
Aside from the fawcett city heroes, Billy in this case probably relates more to the older heroes like wildcat, Alan scott or Jay Garrick, maybe they have multiple team ups in the past and would reminiscent over it (the rest having their favorite drinks while Billy preferring his hot chocolate ice cream)
5. Teasing
The younger hero teams who know his identity would teasingly call him a “boomer”, Billy wanted to protest that he technically was born before boomers but they ignored it and still teased him about it.
to the rest of the heroes who didn’t know about his identity, they assume captain marvel is more than centuries old, and thinks this is the reason the kid heroes calls him a boomer.
6. Jokes
Billy: “oh so these memes are like what replaces comic strips i used to read, how nice”
Some of these ideas are taken from the fanfics i’ve written, some just came to me inside my head, but it’s fun to think about it.
(Edited: added more scenarios)
7. Caprisuns
Caprisuns werent invented yet when Billy was in suspendium. After getting out of suspendium, He really likes caprisun.
Other leaguers would be confused, Marvel's liking of caprisun is comparable to Martian Manhunter's love of oreos. When asked about when his capri sun addiction started, Marvel shrugged, "They weren't made before I was born, so it was only recent"
The league is now confused as to how old marvel is. Wonder Woman relates to this with her fascination of ice cream flavors.
8. Billy automatically put on a Mid-atlantic accent whenever he is near a microphone due to his habit and work with Whiz station for his TV segments as well as radio programs.
Whenever Captain Marvel uses a communicator, he unintentionally uses a mid-atlantic accent (this confuses the leaguers, "who is this guy!?"). Some of the leaguers enjoyed listening to his voice
Marvel would occasionally file an audio JL report (yes, with the same mid-atlantic accent) when he's on a hurry and couldn't type it out with his typewriter (he still finds it difficult to use a computer) : "And there you have it, folks! In a nutshell, I managed to handle the There was an outbreak of imps but Mary and I already took care of it, Junior apprehend the acrobat after a terible case of Moonitis, the three of us thwarted Mr. Mind's dastardly scheme to seize control of the sun, and we all prevented Sivana from being promoted to "King of Earth" by hurling his atomic bomb straight into the heart of the sun itself! That's the latest from me, This is Captain Marvel, signing off!"
Leaguer: "Why does he sound like a radio host commenting on a football game?"
Other leaguer:*shrugs*
9. Billy watches a cgi lion movie for the first time
..and thought innocently that there are other talking tigers like tawky tawny.
Some of these ideas are taken from the fanfics i’ve written, some just came to me inside my head, but it’s fun to think about it.
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calisources · 9 months
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THE   ROYAL   TREATMENT.   all   sentences   are   either   taken   from   fantasy   or   fictional   and   historical   novels   about   kings,   queens,   royal   blood   and   some   sparked   romance   and   magic.   change   all   pronouns   and   names,   locations   as   you   see   fit.
“You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.”
“She was a ray of sunshine, a warm summer rain, a bright fire on a cold winter’s day, and now she could be dead because she had tried to save the man she loved.”
“He was a man known for the violence of his temper as well as the deliciousness of his touch.”
“Am I making you nervous, Natalie?”
“Sad it is, the fate of kings.”
“Go to this masquerade ball with your new friends, put on a pretty gown, and dance the night away.”
“Repentance is like a royal cheer.”
“Even the small joys are worth cherishing, and they will lead to greater ones.”
“when you become king shall find many difficult tasks and you shall have to hurt others and yourself.”
“The throne brings trouble and grief along with the glory.”
“Anger is a feeling afforded only by royal blood. Ordinary people ask for mercy in such situations.”
“True leadership is serving others; follow Queen Elizabeth's noble example.”
“Success isn't wealth or status; impact matters.”
“The power of empowerment can change the world, one person at a time.”
“Leadership is service, not a throne to seize.”
“I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine.”
“Proper training is key, it allows one to accomplish a great deal."
“Oh honey, someday a real man is going to make you see stars and you won't even be looking at the sky."
“Royalty comes with a cost. My great-great-grandfather was one, and he left me no royalty but loyalty to empower people.”
“At all times an empire is more important than emperor and empress, prince and princess.”
“You might have to ask yourself, however right your claim is, if you are the leader the realm needs and wants.”
“You’re Royal. Get used to it and that involves a lot of burdens and things you don’t want to do.”
“I’m in awe of you, Rowan Palotay.”
“Slow down there, princess. How do you know what kind of first impression you gave me?”
“Prayer is a royal power.”
“You forget yourself and who you are speaking of.”
“Anyone young, famous and beautiful who dies young is forever frozen in time and fascinating to all of us.”
“Youths are the life blood of any nation.”
“I am not yet come of age, my lord. How can I be queen?”
“To crown her is to kill her.”
“He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you.”
“Little by little, the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him.”
“I believe we are what we make ourselves, and as such, you, Crown Princess, are nothing.”
“Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.”
“There’s a fine line between gossip and history, when one is talking about kings.”
“We kings do develop a certain ability to recognize objects under our noses.”
“...alone is such a nebulous state when one is queen.”
“I respect you as my king, and I respect you as my father, but I do not respect you as a man!”
“She was made to be a queen, just like her mother.”
Protect Myrcella with your life. Defend her... and her rights. Set a crown upon her head.“”
“You’re my princess, right? You were always going to be my princess, no matter what you were born.”
“For dogs we kings should have lions, and for cats, tigers. The great benefits a crown.”
“This marriage had resulted from impulse.”
“The king is a saint and cannot rule, and his son is a devil and should not.”
“One does not ask if one likes the Blood Royal. They simply are. It is like asking if one likes the Gods.”
“You are a king worthy of their allegiance . . . with a queen full of fire and promise.”
“The idea that how you are born or the name you are given dictate the sort of person you really are.”
“You seem to think that you can still turn back, but it’s too late. You’ll have to face it, Princess. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon enough. And you can’t be this scared when the time comes.”
“Was it worse, she wondered, to be wanted dead or wanted Queen?”
“My royal status is both a shield that protects me and a sword that impales my heart.”
“Respect shouldn't be hereditary; it must be earned.”
“You know, for a pampered princess, you have a certain gift for violence.”
“There is nothing sharper than a well mannered princess’ words.Their true meaning are a mystery.”
“People are born great but yet need to grow into greatness”
“Kings needn’t raise their voices to be heard.”
“She was their witch queen, and they adored her.”
“To be fair, I don't quite see any difference between an assassin and a knight. They both kill people, only one "in the name of Honour '' and the other is just a "monster"
“Crowns belong to those that serve.”
“I have the softness and meekness of a daughter but I also have the boldness and Braveheart of a Son.”
“Will you visit my chambers tonight?”
“A throne won in blood will soon be drenched in it.”
“Even when she's dethroned by hardship, she still wears the sun as a crown.”
“The Princess knew in her heart she is strong, smart, and capable because it is in her blood.”
“There is the matter of succession that has to be settled. You don’t start a reign without settling how it continues.”
“My reign has been anything but traditional. Let’s not start now, shall we?”
“Every girl thinks about growing up in a palace. Few ever ponder living in a cage.”
“Often blessings and burdens comes hand in hand. The bigger the Crown the heavier the burden”
“If stubborness were all that was needed to be a good queen, I'd rule the world.”
“Some girls have a frightening killer instinct. Don't let the ball gowns fool you.”
“You don't turn your back on your destiny.”
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mariariley · 1 year
omg thank you bb!
so i was thinking, what if the reader (aka us) brings simon to a family cook out? let’s say your mom has been dying to meet him anyways—& not only that, you notice that spaced out look on his whenever the team starts talking about their family members when it’s time to go back home.
and you’re kinda nervous because your family can be a chaotic mess, esp at cookouts. and while you both are there at the cookout, you can’t help but to notice how he barely leaves your side, almost stuck to you like some sort of adhesive!
likeeeeee! imagine your younger cousins running up to him, asking if he could help them fix their nerf guns because they keep jamming the bullets.
or how your aunties keep giving him flirty looks…and your grandma may or may not have made a comment about letting ‘him put a baby in you.’ and on the drive back to your place, you start apologizing for how embarrassing and chaotic they were and he can’t help but to smile to himself because he enjoyed every part of it <33
I told the person they can fill my inbox with as many ideas as they want :)
masterlist || have a request/ask? Here are the rules <3
Aunties would admire his muscles and height, his tattoos as well and “oh my gaaaawd he’s in the militaryyy” aka special forces but they see no difference.
Grandmas too but in the “You’d be a great lookin’ father” way. They would squeeze his muscles nonchalantly I swear. They would definitely start the “bearing children” subject a little too many times.
At some point Simon would have to tell them he doesn’t want kids mostly considering his job to which they’d wave their hands and laugh.
Uncles and grandpas would admire him as a patriot and ask him bunch of military and weapon related questions considering most of them served in the army as well. Tbh he would enjoy talking to them about it.
Cousins (and younger siblings if you have any) would sit down and listen to him talk about his missions. He would add some unrealistic stuff that didn’t really happen just so he would make it more entertaining for them. He would show them a scar and tell them how he fought a lion or something lmao. They’d be like:
“WOOOOAH! You fought a tiger AND a lion at the same time!?”
“With bare hands.”
I love the nerf gun part you mentioned. He would definitely end up playing with them for some time. He would teach them how to hold the guns and aim properly lmao. The game would end with him being “shot and defeated” by the kids. Simon laying on the floor pretending he’s dead while the kids are dying from laughter at his goofy death sounds mimicking.
Simon would eat like never before, he would praise your mom’s cooking.
When you’d apologize on your way back home he’d definitely tell you he enjoyed it and that he would come again.
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Divider owners already tagged in my previous posts, I don’t want to spam them 🖤
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
… for the tiny tiger au. How about Wanda and Nat freaking out thinking that R got out. Which we did, we’re alone outside. But instead of running like they think we did, we found a baby fox and start poking it and what not to see if it’s alive (cause it’s sleeping) and thinking it’s cute we bring it back to mommy and mama who are in hysterics trying to find out where we went, only to turn when tapped to find us covered in mud/dirt presenting the new friend we have to them, wide eyed kan we eep em? Mommy mama pweeesss?
Nat and Wanda don’t know what to do side eyeing one another because they don’t want their baby to cry, but also. It’s a fox.
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Muddy Buddies
Paring: Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Little!Reader x Momma!Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: this is a dark AU, wandering off into the woods, finding a friend, fluff, heavy MD/LG, needles, rabies shots
A/N: This immediately reminds me of this video I saw where this kid found a raccoon and is crying because she can’t take him home 😭 Another small drabble for Into The Tiny Verse:) Also, I'm so sorry. I am so tired so if it sounds like a 10-year-old wrote this (my vocab sucks when I'm tired) then just- Idk bear with me here 😭
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Your little self was none the wiser when an opportunity to go outside came up. You didn't have any intention of escaping from your new caregivers, all you wanted to do was go on an adventure with your lion! And when this opportunity came up, you took it.
Natasha had just returned from her trip to town, grocery bags in her arms. Usually, she was much better at keeping an eye on you when Wanda was busy, and when she didn't see you come running to the door to say hi to her, she figured you were asleep or with your mommy.
At this point, you were now a couple feet into the forest surrounding the cabin. Not wanting to scare your mommies, you never lost sight of the house. That is until a little hint of orange just a little further inside the trees caught your eye.
Your curiosity moved your feet closer to the unknown blob of color, and once you saw it you let out a soft gasp. Your hand covered your mouth and you moved just a little closer.
It was a baby fox!
Looking around, you grab a stick with some leaves still on it and you kneel down next to the still fox. Is it dead? Your head pushes. Why isn't the mother here? Another question you ask yourself. With the stick in your hand, you gently poke the soft bum of the fox. The animal twitches, and you jump in surprise. Dropping the stick, you crawl to it, not caring about the mud on your pants or hands.
The small fox squeaks, and opens her little eyes, looking up at you. However, it did not run away. Instead, she yawned and got up from her position on the muddy forest floor. She stretches and even approaches you. Carefully, you hold your hand out and you smile as the fox's wet nose sniffs your fingers.
"Aren't chu jus' the chutest ting?" You whisper, scratching the fox's chin. "Yous name is Butto! (Butter)"
Butter lets out a small whine and a raspy bark, and you pick her up. She looks around as you stand up with her, and she slightly starts to struggle. You hold her comfortably tight, and you walk quickly back to the cabin.
Upon entering the cabin once again, you hear your mommies' worried voices. They shouldn't be worried... I'm right here! They don't hear you come in through the front door, too focused on reviewing the camera footage from outside of the warm abode. The two women don't even hear you enter their office!
Holding Butter and Leo (your lion) in one arm, you gently tap Wanda's shoulder to get her attention with the other hand. Her head snaps to the side, her eyes widening when she sees you. "Tiny! Oh my- Oh, and tiny's friend..." She says with a hesitant laugh, pulling her hands away from your muddy self and your muddy friend.
You tilt your head at her reaction to you but shake it off to ask the more important question at hand. You look up at the woman with doe eyes, "kan we eep em? Mommy mama pweeesss?" Wanda and Nat look at each other, surprised to say the least, but not wanting to hear you cry if they take your friend away.
"Who- uh- who is this, little one?" Natasha says, looking down at the fox in your arms.
"Her name Butto'" You say nonchalantly, as if it was just a new stuffed animal.
"Butter?" Wanda confirms and looks at her wife, eyes wide and asking for some type of support. Natasha can’t help but chuckle, and she kneels down in front of you.
“Tiny, I know this little one looks like a friend, but these little guys are tedious. They aren’t very friendly,” Nat frowns, starting to take the fox from your arms.
“Nnnnooooo! No she fren, mama, she nice,” you protest, pulling yourself away from the woman. “She tan stay wif me in m’room, and she can snuggle wif us!”
Wanda and Natasha devise a plan to get the little fox away from you and back to its mother, and they do that by putting you outside with Butter. In the backyard of course.
Butter in fact wasn’t nice. She scratched you, bit you, and made you cry, but your intentions on keeping her never wavered. Your little brain was just seeing another friend, and that’s all you thought this little fox was.
Wanda offered you a deal. “How about we make a trade?” She asks with a smile. “How about I take Butter, and you take Pancakes?” Your mommy pulls a plush fox from behind her back, and you tilt your head. “Just like you need mommy to take care of you, so does little Butter, and we need to get her back to her mommy.” Wanda says, and you start to understand.
“Butter has mommy too?” You ask, tears forming in your eyes at the thought of being taken away from your caretakers. Wanda nods softly and takes Butter from your hands.
“Yeah, so let’s get her back to her home and we can play with Pancakes all night. How does that sound?” Wanda asks you, finally pulling the baby fox from your scratched up hands.
Natasha had contacted Bruce Banner. He may be a human doctor, but he knows where this little fox can go to get real care. He even said that you and your mommies could visit her too! While Wanda held you in her arms, Natasha was distracting you while Bruce gave you a few rabies shots, and a few other vaccines to help you stay healthy after touching a wild animal.
You were not a fan of needles, and the two women knew that.
As you waved goodbye to Bruce and Butter, you sighed softly. “Butto’ sc’atched me,” you sniffle, looking down at your hands that now stung.
“Oh honey, it’s ok, let’s go get you cleaned up for dinner, ok?” Wanda says, picking you up bridal-style and taking you to the bathroom to wash up.
Once your bath was finished, Wanda bandaged your hands and arms and got you all warmed up in your pjs. After dinner, your mommies kept their promise and you played with your new (fluff-filled) friend until you fell asleep!
“We need to watch her carefully…” Natasha chuckles, stroking her knuckle over your sleeping face.
Wanda nods, “Agreed!”
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starboykel · 3 months
Little Mermaid 🌊🐬 pt 2 !
part 1!
mermaid!reader x sailor!John Price
!!warnings: fluff, none really just super cute :) F!Reader
English isn't my first language! Not proofread, i apologize for any gramatical mistakes
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It has been a few weeks since the strange encounter with the mermaid and captain Price hasn't stopped thinking about her since then. Her beautiful tail, who had shine in that moonlight, the cutesy way she spoke... He wasn't being able to get her out of his mind.
A few months passed. He had lost hopes to find the mermaid again, she was probably too scared to get out of her place again, he tried staying up as long as he could but he was always dragged to bed by his sailors after 2 am...
Price had a mission today, catch some fish. He prepared everything and got on his boat, he wasn't planning on getting some big catch, just some small fishes that he could eat in 2 or 3 days.
He was in a safe distance from land but still a few far into the ocean, the sea was calm and he didn't had any worries...
While waiting for some fish to take the bait, he starts appreciating the landscape... Which was just the sun and water, but it was still beautiful.
After a few moments, he starts noticing a strange movement on the water, it was getting closer and closer and closer... He grabs his gun and points at it but when he sees the familiar color of the mermaid's tail, he immediately puts it back down.
"Y/N?! Is that you?!" He shouts, looking at the water for any sight of you until you emerged from the water, looking at him with curiosity.
You wanted to ask him what he was doing here, in the middle of nowhere, if he was lost but you couldn't figured out how to say it, it was too complicated for you.
He sighs in relief, "I thought you were dead." He says and sits back on the boat, "What brings you here?" He asks, grabbing a cigarette from his backpack and lightening it up.
When you doesn't answer, he looks at you with a raised eyebrow, "Did the cat got your tongue?" He asks. You tilts your head, looking at him confused... What's a cat?
"What... What cat?" You asks, trying to sound audible, the strong accent making it almost impossible. Price stares at you for a moment before realizing... You don't know what a cat is. He chuckles, looking at you softer.
"Cat is a domestic animal, a feline. You know what a pet is?" He added, looking at you and taking a puff of the cig. You nods, you've read about dogs before in your books but never cats.
"Well cats are... Like little lions, tigers. They hunt rats, cockroaches, uh... You don't know what any of these are, right?" He explained and then asked and sighed when you nod. He took off his phone from his backpack and showed you a picture of a cat, "that's my cat, his name is Whiskers, my daughter begged for a cat after she went to her friend's house, she takes care of him and such." He spoke, smiling.
Your eyes sparkles, that thing was cute! The cat's orange fur mixed with white was adorable, his big dark eyes and pointy ears were like nothing you saw before. Price chuckles, seeing how amazed you looked, you try reaching for the phone but he flinches, "Nuh uh. You're gonna get it wet." He puts his phone back on the backpack, you looks up at him confused and he smiles, "Don't give me that look... Hey, can you get on the boat?" He asks and gives him hand for you to grab. You grab his hand and he lifts you up like if it was nothing and puts you on the boat, that's when he gets a good look on your body.
Your tail was beautiful, shining in the sunshine, the jointed fingers and the fact you didn't had a belly button, it was weird but fascinating, you were so pretty, the wet hair and how the sun shines in your skin was mesmerizing.
"Oh god, you're so beautiful." He was amazed, he touches your cheek and caresses it, feeling your soft skin and how cute your eyes were, it was nothing like he saw before, big but with sharp pupils, probably to see better on the dark sea, you touches his hand, leaning into it, his touch was so comfortable and warm and your skin was chill, kinda blue.
You then see the fishes in the bucket and looks at it a bit confused, you points at it. He looks at it and smiles, "That's what i do to survive, pretty. I sell fish to feed my little girl." He explained and you nods understanding, your family had a similar business, your father hunts shrimp, crab from the deepest seas, the ones that tasted the weirdest and was still extremely delicious.
"Mine... Dad sells... Hm..." You starts but forgets the word for 'crab' and 'shrips', so you starts mimicking the movements of a crab, which makes Price starts laughing heartily, finding it funny and cute.
"Crab? It's that what you're trying to say?" He calms down a bit and asks and but nods.
"Yes... Crap!" He then laughs again, making you confused. "Crap...funny? Haha... Haha!" That just makes him laugh more at your attempt to laugh with him but clearly confused.
He takes a deep breath, "No, no. Crab, crap is what you say when something goes wrong, you know?" He says after calming down a bit, smiling.
You nods, "You know, you nod a lot, does your head doesn't hurt? You can always say 'i understand', 'got it' or 'yes'. C'mon, say with me 'got it'." He teaches you, "G...goot it...?" You try.
"No, no. Got it. Don't extend the 'o'." He smiles, explains. "Got... It.... Got it!" "Yeah! Like that!" His smile widen and he pats your head.
It was getting late and he had to go back to the beach, where the base was so he ruffles your wet hair, "I have to go, it's getting late and you should go too, it might be dangerous, the sea is full of surprises." He says. You smiles, your sharp fangs surprising him, "bye...bye!" You say before jumping on the water, swimming away on the big ocean.
He sighs happily and starts paddling back to base, he caught a good amount of fish and found the mermaid he was looking for, what a day...
┄┄ ︰ ┄୨୧┄ ︰ ┄┄
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brokenpieces-72 · 2 months
*taps mic* lion hybrid reader and horangi shenanigans? That is all *trips over the mic wire while trying to walk away* - 🇰🇷 anon
🇰🇷 anon you have unlocked a new reader character... and I wasn't sure what to name the reader here, but I'm gonna make them gender-neutral.
Lions and Tigers
TW: Financial troubles/abuse, I think that's all there is.
Horangi had been on edge since getting back from a mission. He's on high alert for some reason, and he wasn't sure why. A new hybrid was on base, he could smell it. Of course he tried to maintain the cool and relaxed facade, keeping his arms crossed or giving the smug cat like smile he was known for... except his mask was over his face so it was hard to tell. When he went to the briefing room as requested, the new scent was stronger. Konig had joined him, and noticed his partner was standing straight, rather than sitting or leaning against the wall. Konig could smell the newcomer as well. It was a little humorous seeing the man who was completely unphased by his percht, seem so nervous about someone who could hardly be a threat.
Then you walked in with their boss. You stood tall, but relaxed, fully aware of the dominating presence you give off. Your body while not as big as Konig's, had more muscle than Horangi's, your core peeking out underneath your tight shirt. Your lion tail flicked behind you while your golden eyes roamed over the two masked operators.
"This is Y/N, callsign Leo." Their boss said. "They will be working with you two on missions for some time. I recommend treated them with respect."
Horangi's jaw clenched. A haetae was capable of many things, a spirit from ancient times, but a lion. There was a reason lions are considered rulers of animal kingdoms. You may have be the dominant cat in the room but Horangi was intent on wiping that smug look off your pretty face....wait...
The next week or so went by with little issue, as you familiarized yourself with the base and how everything worked. The haetae had been avoiding you, and you assumed it was out of intimidation. One disadvantage about being a lion hybrid is that you can rub people the wrong way. Either hybrids want to fight you or avoid you. Horangi seemed to want to avoid you. Until you saw him in the breakroom.
"Tea?" he offered. You tensed a little, not expecting the friendly offer. The steam wafted from the cup and holy... wow that smelled good. No joke you wanted to bathe in that brew. You sat down accepting the offer. You couldn't stop smelling the cup, feeling so relaxed by the cup in your hands. It was sweet and minty, your tail swaying behind you. By every god in existence it was so nice!
"What kind of tea is it?" You asked, trying to keep your eyes open. You yawned, covering your mouth with your hand. Maybe it was a brew Horangi had brought from his hometown or something. Then you noticed his tail flicking, and while he had his face mask on, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"It's a sleepy time sort of tea, especially good for cats." He hinted, sipping his own. Did this motherfucker drug you!? But you hadn't sipped it yet. "Take a sip."
You take a sip of from the cup and nearly choked realizing the contents of the tea. This asshole had drugged you, but not the way you thought. Oh this little shit, was snickering now, no wonder he still had his mask over his nose when he was drinking his own. He was trying not to smell it himself.
"You are a bastard." You said drowsily.
"At least you're actually relaxing. As soon as you walked in, I thought you were going to ask me to do something." He said sipping his again.
"Catnip? Re-really?" You asked, yawning again, your nose still hovering in the cup. Horangi gave your sleepy state a small giggle before you gave in and drank your tea. It wasn't that bad, and he had a point. You'd been working hard, trying to maintain a strict routine for yourself, despite being in a PMC of mercenaries. Maybe this was his way of saying you needed to relax.
"Damn it, my neck is stiff." Horangi complained. You'd just come back from a small mission, where Horangi had to strain his neck in human form. You finished getting your combat gear off before going over to him. He was still rubbing at his neck when you reached out.
"What are you doing?!" He asked a little panicked.
"Relax, I'm trying to help." You told him before swatting his hands away from his neck. He tried to protest as you turned him around, placing you thumbs on the back of his collar bone and started to rub. Horangi's protests were silenced as he groaned softly, finding your touch to be soothing.
"Is it helping?" You asked, your other fingers rubbing the sides. The tiger's tail flicked in enjoyment. And then you heard it. You had to bite your tongue to not laugh. Holy shit, Horangi chuffs? Like tiger chuffs? In human form?!
Horangi's head tilted into your touch, and you can feel the vibrations from his throat. You snickered and that's when he stiffened, whipping around at you. Was his face red? Horangi held up a finger as if to lecture or warn you but his mouth just kept opening and closing. You spoke up instead.
"It's nice to know someone trusts me." You said. Horangi's embarrassment seemed to let up a little, in fact, he seemed less tense. You gave him a toothy grin and he can't help but smile. He had to admit, he did feel comfortable around you.
You and Horangi were about to head to shooting range, when you got a call from home. Damn it not this again. You excused yourself which tipped off Horangi. The two of you don’t bother with pleasantries really, usually it was straight to business. When he overheard the conversation with the caller he knew something wasn’t quite right.
“Yeah I’ve sent the money over… I know it’s less than before.… I don’t have any I can spare, I’ve used it all on necessities… I needed some new gear and I-no no it wasn’t just for the gear, and it wasn’t that much.… I’ll send more for the next one to cover what I missed.… yes… yes I’m sorry. I’ll see what I can send over, I have to go to training-… fine I just need to let my partner know.… no not like that, just for work. Okay… bye.” You hung up and Horangi was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.
“I take it training is postponed today?” He asked, making you jump and whip around. You eased a little, before holding up your phone to show what you were doing.
“Need to do some stuff.” You explained.
“Debt collectors can be nasty.” He commented. You give a half hearted chuckle.
“So can family.” You added. Horangi started to put some pieces together about the past few weeks. Some days you would only eat something small, or you’d fret about the prices of items when you went out with him for some chill time. During an op, you’d gotten tangled up with another hybrid can had clawed your vest from the front, leaving deep marks. The vest was too dangerous to use, leaving weak spots that a well trained sniper could take advantage of. You had looked everywhere online for tutorials to repair it, or cheaper alternatives. Horangi had walked in on you scouring the internet for more options, only a couple days before the next mission. Even asked if he had a spare you could borrow. Now he knew why you went quiet when he insisted you buy a new one.
“Never that simple is it.” Horangi said standing up straight.
“Nope.” The two of you stood in silence, eyes flicking around the room for a change in topic, tails gentle brushing over the air or floor. Horangi was paying debt collectors to protect his family. You were paying your family like they were debt collectors.
“… I’ll make you some tea.” Horangi said. “Meet you in… wherever I find your scent.”
With that he slid around the corner of the door way and down the hall while you stood there with your phone still in your hand, that still had left over notifications for angry text messages.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing rather than training, after stressing over bank statements and paying bills ahead of time. You sent what you had left over from your pay check to your family and then Horangi took over. He got you to make a new account, and made sure you went to KorTac’s financial department ensuring they send a small portion of any jobs to the private account. It wouldn’t be much but at your family couldn’t know about it.
Horangi had gotten orders to go to a SpecGru base with Konig. The amount of time was undetermined and you wouldn't be going with them. There was a dragon hybrid on base, which meant there would be some conflict with your presence there. It sucked, because you felt like a kid being told you couldn't go on a class trip.
"So what are you gonna do when I'm not here?" Horangi asked you. You shrugged not really answering. When Horangi noticed your tail was slack and still it was easy for him to know how you felt. You'd only gotten close with Horangi, and maybe with Konig a little bit. Now he was leaving. Horangi just smirked, getting a smug look on his face. "Aww, is the big kitty gonna miss her playmate?"
"Shut up." You said, your tone confirming he was right. He chuckled and walked over to you, putting a hand on your back. You don;t make eye contact at first, instead letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I'm going to be fine if that's what you're worried about. For a lion you can be a real pussy when it comes to me."
"Okay if this is your idea of reassurance, it's coming off as insulting." You said, looking up at him. Horangi gave you that smug cat smile.
"I'll miss you too. Don't get yourself killed before we can come back." He said. You sighed. Then you grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him closer. Horangi's eyes widened in surprise a little. You would never let him forget how much stronger you were than him, physically.
"You better fucking not." You warned him. He nodded.
It had been maybe a month or so that Konig and Horangi had been gone. You sat at your desk, looking at the personal account which had cumulated a pretty high sum. You'd stood up to your family and lowered their allowance despite their threats. Reminding them that kicking you out of the family would mean losing your financial support, regardless of the amount got them to back off a bit.
To top it off, Horangi had kept in touch, even if it was infrequent. Konig was doing better, which was good. Horangi had gotten into some trouble but the guys at Specgru seemed to take care of it. Your tail was sweeping against the floor as you scrolled through past messages. Horangi probably didn't see you like that, but could it hurt to take the step? You could always step back if you wanted, but earlier you were trying to think of what to say in your text. What kind of a message would tell him you wanted to meet up with him and maybe call it a date?
You didn't need to worry for long, because he sent you a cheeky text.
H: You up?
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends @thriving-n-jiving
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junekissed · 11 months
what svt would dress their kids as for halloween
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member | dad!ot13 genre | headcanons, humor, fluff word count | 400 warnings | children below the cut (?), most of the babies are white i'm sorry it was super hard to find ones that weren't but don't pay attention to the kids they're just there to show the costumes! notes | all photos are from pinterest! this is based on a conversation i had with @duhnova earlier hehe :) comment which costume is your fav!
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seungcheol - pumpkin
he would spend so long looking online for the cutest one. he'd probably want to do a pumpkin patch themed photoshoot to go along with it
jeonghan - lion
honestly i think he just went to spirit halloween at the last minute and picked out the silliest one he could find. fortunately for you they were out of the avocado costumes
joshua - grandma/grandpa
i think he would just get such a kick out of it. he would bring them to your parent's house and he would make those stupid jokes that waiters do when babies eat at restaurants like "oh no margaritas for her, she's driving" or handing the check to the baby "dinner's on him tonight"
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junhui - elephant
i have no reasoning for this one just a gut feeling tbh. he would probably like the big floppy ears. and also the fact that you told him if he dressed up your kid as a cat for the 3rd year in a row, you would throw the costume away (you wouldn't but you had to get him to change somehow)
hoshi - tiger
do you even have to ask. your baby has been wearing tiger onesies since they left the hospital
wonwoo - ladybug
i think he would think the little red and black spots are so cute :( he would be a very soft dad
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woozi - shark
he probably has a demo version of a remix of the baby shark song on his computer. he would be dressed as an octopus or a fish or something and he would pretend he hates it but he would secretly think it's funny
mingyu - giraffe
he's manifesting for your baby to grow up to be tall like him a giraffe
minghao - skunk
again i don't know why i think this i just do. the black and white seems very minghao to me
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seokmin - chicken
he would insist you have the cutest baby in the neighborhood and he would just be grinning and giggling the whole time. look at those little orange feet aren't they so precious. he would dress up as a farmer and carry around a basket of plastic eggs
seungkwan - monkey
he would dress up as a banana. also probably makes jokes "there better not be any monkey business tonight"
vernon - pineapple
i'm just laughing thinking about vernon holding a baby dressed like a pineapple
chan - bat
he would want to do a halloween-y costume and he thinks the little wings are cute. might dress up as a vampire to match
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
A completely unrelated note, since the queen mother and PIF are big cats in your verse(PIF being half), would catnip effect them?
Big cats can be effected by catnip and there are some cats that develop a tolerance to it. Catnip was discovered around the late 1600s and surprisingly is in the mint family. And on contrary to dogs it brings calmness and relaxation.
So for the queen mother, I imagine Erlang brings back this nice looking bunch of flowers that were near wild mint that relaxed Quan to the celestial realm. Jade Emperor saw it and asked Erlang if he has some more bc the flowers look nice and thought it'd make a nice bouquet to send to his wife. Unfortunately once it was presented to her she face planted on the catnip. She has developed a tolerance so it wouldn't be used against her.
PIF accidentally stumbled upon catnip by accident during DBK’s imprisonment and ended up rolling around it eventually developing a tolerance to it to ease her depression during the time.
What about Redson, Nezha, Bai He and other cat related characters in the AUs?
Ref. Yes!
Catnip and Catmint are in the mint family, and are related to Snapdragons - something more obvious when it's in bloom. Some cats are more affected than others, my own elderly house cat doesn't care for it but loves silvervine.
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Other plants that cause a similar reaction in cats are Valerian (Honeysuckle family) and Silvervine/Matatabi (kiwi family). Hilariously, all are used frequently in traditional Chinese medicine, Catnip for cough medicine, Valerian as a sedative, and Silvervine to prevent hypertension. Silvervine sticks are also sold as teething aids for cats.
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I love the imagery of Erlang grabbing some catnip cus Quan seems to like it (catnip calms dogs down), and the Jade Emperor asking for some as decoration in a bouquet for his dear Tiger Lily.
The Queen Mother looks at her husband's bouquet, and after an adoring smile, shoves her entire face into the flowers whilst purring loudly. The Emperor at first thought he just did really well when his wife then proceeded to pounce on him hungrily. One lesser known side effect of catnip - makes larger cats randy. XD
Xiwangmu embarrassed by her reaction, at first thought it was an attempted poisoning or seduction. Li Shou, the goddess of cats, overheard the incident and was there to defend Erlang from punishment.
Li Shou: "Mao Bo He! It's a breed of mint beloved by my subjects! It blooms very briefly and the oils help keep biting insects away." Xiwangmu: "But what of my... undignified reaction?" Li Shou, giggling: "Oh thats normal! In order to spread its pollen, the plant causes a euphoric reaction in cats, and since the oil of the plant is released when bruised - it encourages you to rub into it." Xiwangmu: "Goodness! However, if it's meant for your subjects, why am I affected?" Li Shou: "It seems Mao Bo He is indiscriminate which type of cats it affects." (*the two look over to where Erlang and some of the celestial agents are watching Azure Lion rolling in the remaining flowers.*) Li Shou, laughing: "No matter the size!"
The Queen Mother doesn't want the plant used against her in the future, so she secretly has it planted in her Jade Pond garden so that she can develop a passive resistance. The first couple of years were a little awkward though - it appears half her daughters are affected too!
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Funnily enough, catnip oil has been used as an insect repellent for cattle since ancient times - so it's not out of the realm of possibly for DBK to have some on hand. Imagine slapping on some sunscreen and your gf start rubbing all over you. DBK wouldn't be 100% upset by PIF's reaction, but he'd make sure to switch to citronella or similar so he doesn't accidentally dose her in future. PIF appreciates his consideration, but keeps some around for fun. >:3
PIF canonically "hits the bottle" in Jttw when her marriage is on the rocks, so I could see her "hitting the 'nip" as well to deal with the pain of losing DBK during his imprisonment. She's managed to wean herself off of it, and bars Red Son from having any out of fear of him developing a similar reliance.
Red Son accidentally gets exposed to catnip when he joins Mei and MK on one of their snack runs. He passes by the pet section and gets entranced by a catnip toy. He buys it for himself, and while his reaction isn't as strong as his mothers, it brings him calm. He gets grounded when his mother sniffs it on him.
Nezha is more snake-like in his lineage, so catnip just smells nice like how lavender does to humans. He does however, have a stronger reaction to valerian - he took some to help with insomnia and he was out of it for the rest of the day. He chalks it up to a weird drug side effect.
Azure Lion has the most intense reaction to the 'nip - male lions especially become big kitty cats when exposed to it. He got introduced to it in the celestial realm on accident when Erlang brought it in. And you know he sneaking into the Empress's garden to roll around in it when no one's looking. The rest of the Brotherhood found out about this reaction when DBK had put on some insect repellent, and Azure got a little silly. It became a bit of a prank to leave catnip in Azure's armour for a bit to humble him. He hasn't been exposed to it in a long time, so if he happened to find a even a tiny cat toy he'd be out for the count. No plans for universe domination, leader of the rebellion too high rn.
Bai He is part cat-demon in the TMKATI au, so she's involved in all his catnip talk. Kittens actually don't get effected by catnip like the adults do till they're teenagers, so Bai He likely doesn't have a reaction until one day her parents find her face buried in Sandy's cat toys. The adults agree to keep catnip out of the house and the restaurant, but they keep some Silvervine sticks to help Bai He with her teething adult fangs.
And ofc Mo is a kitty-kitty cat and just rolls around in the nip like a cat do.
ty for sending this in! I'm a plant nerd at heart (horticulture course ftw) and this was fun to do a deep dive into!
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
I was looking through Pinterest because i have an addiction which is called 'making a moodboard for the slightest prompt' and no spoilers but completely unrelated i found some wonderful art of a known prompt which is Ghost!Cat.
And... Here's what's eating my neurons:
In a world where some have a soul link to a kind of animal, making them able to share some particularities with said animal, Simon Ghost Riley doesn't show any. Everybody knows he has a soul link.
He hides them. No one has ever seen it. There's rumors, bear, wolf, tiger, lion, viper, crocodile... God who knew what kind of terrifying animal he could be?
You were just as curious. But you left it at that. No more. He was your lieutenant and you wouldn't even dare ask him. As others flaunted and displayed their particularities, tails, scales, feathers, fur, the only thing visible once in a while was his slighted pupils on the field.
It was inked in your head, the way his pupils dilated and shrunk right under your gaze. It was beautiful.
You hurried as night had fallen, running up the strains to his office. Captain Price had instructed you to give the lieutenant a file for the report before you could go to your barracks.
You hadn't intended to barge in. To be blessed with this view. But the door was slightly open. And your knocking only opened it more. The fluffy black tail and perked up ears grabbing all your attention.
He had stared at you wide eyed, the same look on your face. You were both frozen in place.
"Sergeant?!" He scolded a slight hiss behind his voice.
You stumbled. He was going to kill you. On the spot. You scurried to his desk dropping the file before running for the door. Unfortunately for you, he was fast ... nimble. He had hopped over his desk, shutting the door in font of you before you could even reach it, pressing you against it. You were panting. He was going to kill you! This was the end.
"Breathe..." He whispered against your ear.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. He spun you around, now your back against the wall as you tried not to look up at his fluffy ears. His hand grabbed your jaw making you look up at him.
Oh... This mask has holes for his ears... Funny...
You blushed at the thought.
"You didn't see anything." He stated.
You shook your head.
You bit your lip as he let go, looking down at you.
"Are you...?" You tried, making him tilt his head to the side, the heat rising in your cheeks even more at his cuteness. "Are you .. a panther?" You asked.
He winced. No. Not a panther.
"Cat..." He mumbled.
You eyes lit up, expression excited as you slightly jumped on your feet, his eyes filling with confusion.
"No way!! That's so cool!!" You chimmed happily.
He blinked a few times, wondering if he heard you right.
"It's cu-"
"Don't you dare. I'll make your existence a living hell." He warned.
You smirked, taking him by surprise.
"I was going to say... It's curious that you hide it."
"It's not... What they expect of me..."
You felt a slight ping in your heart. Expectations. It must feel heavy on him, having to be the best, and follow a reputation. On the field, it was easy for him, it was his safe space ironically. But here, being a lieutenant, he had a reputation to hold. And the rumors didn't help.
"Who cares what they expect?" You surprised your own self. "Cats are amazing! Amazing hunters and nimble, their vision in the dark is impressive, and their sense of smell is 40 times superior than a normal human being! They also have an amazing sense of distance and topography without even talking about their sense of observation that makes them-"
Your mouth hung open. Oh... You spilled. Shit. You looked down.
"Sorry Lieutenant."
He cleared his throat. "It's alright. I'd like to keep it... A secret." He clarified.
"I won't tell a soul sir. I give you my word." You answered solemnly.
He nodded before giving you permission to leave. You didn't ask for anything more as you turned to leave. However, from the corner of his eye, he could see you take a last looks at his tail, a soft happy smile on your lips.
Fuckin hell... This was far from over.
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