#look at how much he has grown since his red Robin days
tim-drake-scholar · 4 months
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Hey idk if anyone else needed this but hey look at Bruce not just giving his approval, not just giving affection, but truly appreciating Tim Drake and everything Tim has every done to help Bruce/Batman. I just think it’s nice
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honeyhoneypp · 9 days
Can you do part 2 of "One Piece men figuring out their feelings for you"?
I’ll give my heart to you
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One Piece men confessing their feelings for you
Every day their love for you has grown more and more, every time you do the simplest things like passing by them makes their heart beat like a drum, one day they couldn't bear this feeling any longer and decided to confess these feelings to you.
Part 2 of “One Piece men figuring out their feelings for you” :)
Female pronouns! Fluff on everyone’s! :)
It had been days since he couldn’t stop thinking about you, his thoughts were filled with “meat, king of the pirates, crewmates and you”. He just couldn’t stop thinking about you and he didn’t know why, so he decided to ask Robin for help.
Robin helped Luffy figure out his feelings for you since he didn't understand what those feelings were, and now that he understands what those funny feelings were, he was finally going to confess his feelings for you after a long time.
Luffy happily walked towards the back of the ship, where you were, and the reason he was happy was because he finally discovered what those strange feelings in his body meant, all thanks to Robin.
When he finally got to the back of the ship, he saw you sitting near Nami's tangerines as you looked out at the ocean for any sort of danger. You looked so beautiful, the stars shining on your face and the reflection of the stars in your eyes.
Luffy just started to get those funny feelings in his body, “being in love sure is weird,” is all he could think of.
He stared at the sky and then at you for a few seconds, comparing the beauty of both of you, of course, he thought you were more beautiful than the sky itself. He approached you and finally decided to talk to you.
Luffy— “Hey, ____!”
— You flinch — “Luffy! Oh my, you scared me!”
Luffy— He giggles — “Sorry for that” — He sits next to you —
— “So what’s up? Why are you awake this late at night?”
Luffy— “…Couldn’t stop thinking”
— “And what were you thinking about?”
Luffy— “You”
— Your cheeks turn red upon hearing that, he couldn't stop thinking about you? — “What..?”
Luffy— “It’s been days since I couldn’t get you out of my head, and every time I’m with you my body feels strange… and I asked Robin and she told me that I like you… that I have feelings for you.”
— “Luffy…”
Luffy— “____, I really like your eyes, your smile, your personality, your hugs, the way you look at me, how you always have fun with me, how you smell, how kind you are to everyone, how beautiful you are, how you support me no matter what, how you always care about us, your—”
— You hug Luffy — “Luffy… I like you too.”
Luffy— Hugs you back and he smiles — “So does that mean we’re together now?”
— You nod with a bright smile —
Luffy— “So people who are together do this kind of thing, right?” — He grabs your chin and gives you a clumsy kiss —
— You kiss him back, his lips felt so good, but maybe you’ll have to teach him how to kiss —
Luffy— He separates from the kiss — “So? How was it?”
— you giggle — “I liked it, but maybe I'll have to teach you how to kiss better”
Luffy— “Shishishi, I like the idea, that means I’ll get to kiss you more!”
— “I guess you’re right!”
You rest your head on his shoulder and Luffy puts his arm around you, you never thought that Luffy would love you back. After a few minutes you both fall asleep, not noticing that someone was watching you.
Robin— “So everything worked out, I’m so happy for them” — Robin said, making the ear and eye disappear with her powers —
He kept trying to deny his feelings for you, not wanting to accept that he actually needs you so much that he can't even stand to see you interact with Sanji, or as he puts it, the “shitty cook”. He couldn't get you out of his mind.
So he finally gave in and accepted his feelings for you and decided to ask Nami for help since he knows that you two are close friends and she will know what to do.
He was ready, he was ready to confess his feelings for you, he took a shower and everything just to look presentable. Normally he wouldn't care about looking presentable, but it was you, he wanted to look his best for you, so he even asked Nami for help to look presentable.
When he finally finished getting ready he went to look for you, but he was so busy getting ready to look presentable that he didn't even notice that they had already arrived at an island and you were no longer on the ship.
Zoro— “Dammit, now where did that woman go?”
He got off the ship and went to look for you, but while he was walking he got lost, as usual… He ended up far away from where the other people were, and ended up in a forest that was full of beautiful flowers.
Zoro— “Flowers?” — He thinks for a second — “I remember ____ mentioned that she loves to study about flowers… I wonder if she’s here”
He went deeper into the forest and more and more beautiful and different flowers started to appear, then he found you, you were sitting in the grass, examining and drawing the flowers.
You were doing something as simple as examining flowers, but that was enough to leave Zoro breathless and turn his face as red as the flower you were examining.
— “I never seen this type of flower, it’s beautiful…”
Zoro— “But not even that flower can compare to your beauty”
— You flinch and turn your head around — “Zoro?! What are you doing here?”
Zoro— “Hey, ____. Did you get lost?”
— “Um… No, I was just looking for a forest to find new flowers… did you get lost?”
Zoro— “Of course not! I-I was just looking for you…”
— “You were looking for me? Why? Did you needed something?”
Zoro— “Just want to talk with you about some things…” — He sits next to you —
— “What do you want to talk about?” — You ask, continuing to sketch the flowers —
Zoro— “____, do you think I hate you?”
— You stop sketching the flower and close the book — “…I- Yeah, I don’t know, Zoro. You just been acting really cold with me lately, and I’ve notice that you always try to avoid me too.”
Zoro— He doesn’t say anything, he just stares at the sketchbook in your lap — “Can I see it?” — He points at your sketchbook —
— “Um, sure” — you hand him your sketchbook —
Zoro— He starts going through your sketchbook, looking at the beautiful drawings — “you’re a really good artist, you know? And you’re really smart too, I’m sure this will come handy to Chopper”
— “I guess, I do help him with new medicines sometimes”
Zoro— he nods — “You’re really smart, that’s something I love about you” — He pats your head —
— You turn your head to look at him — “What..?”
Zoro— He sighs — “Look, ____, I don't hate you. Actually, it's quite the opposite, I like you a lot, I love your strong and kind personality, I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner, I'm just not good with this kind of things, I find it difficult to show my feelings and communicate well... I'm sorry I acted this way… But I would love for you to give me another chance”
—Your eyes shine when you hear those words—
Zoro— He scratches his neck — “Just think about it… I’ll let you think all the time you want” — He put the sketchbook on the grass and stands up —
— You grab his hand and pull him down — “No, stay.”
Zoro— He sits back down —
— “Zoro, I give you another chance, I… I like you too” — You smile at him —
Zoro— “____…” — He smiles back at you — “Can I kiss you?”
— You shyly nod —
Zoro— He grabs your face and gives you a kiss —
— You kiss him back, it felt so good, it felt so right , after a few second you separate — “So we’re together now, huh?”
Zoro— He smiles and nods at you, then he picks up a flower and puts its behind your ear — “This flower looks perfect on you”
This is definitely the best day of your life.
He thought you were beautiful the first time he saw you, but then it wasn't just about your looks anymore, now it was also about your personality, he fell in love with you and that's why he couldn't talk to you without getting nervous, which made him less flirtatious with you and act colder towards you.
But without him realizing it, he hurt your feelings since you thought he hated you, Usopp was the one who made him realize this and was the one who encouraged him to confess his feelings for you.
He finally finished making dinner, everyone was already at the table, eating, but he was preparing special and delicious drinks for Nami, Robin and you... But of course, he was also preparing one for Usopp to show his appreciation.
You were eating quietly, trying to ignore him and not make eye contact with him, and he understands this and decides not to say anything about it, just hands you the drink without saying anything else.
The next morning the ship finally arrived at an island and Sanji was the first to get off the ship, he was excited to buy you the most biggest and beautiful bouquet so he could finally confess his feelings to you.
You stayed on the ship, not feeling like getting off the ship you decided to volunteer to take care of the ship. After Sanji finally bought the most beautiful bouquet he could find he quickly returned to the ship because he knew you were there, taking care of it.
As he boards the ship, the image of you quietly sitting while reading a book and the sun rays hitting your entire body making it shine welcomes him. His nose almost bleeds but he manages to control it, he doesn't want to make a scene in front of the love of his life.
— Your gaze shifts from the book to him — “Sanji? What are you doing here?”
Sanji— He doesn’t say anything and just quietly approaches you, while hiding the bouquet behind him —
— “Um… What are you hiding?”
Sanji— He pulls the beautiful bouquet behind him and hands its to you —
— “Is this for me..?”
Sanji— Nod —
— You put your book on your lap and grab the bouquet — “Thank you they’re beautiful… but why? I-I thought you hated me…” — You look down, not wanting to make eye contact —
Sanji— “____.”
— You look at him —
Sanji— “Listen, I would never hate you. And you know why? Because I love you, ____. And I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise… You’re just too perfect, in every way. I can’t even talk to you properly without stuttering or getting nervous, you’re the first person who’s ever made me feel that way…”
— You listen to him, now understating where all of this cold treatment came from —
Sanji— “I can’t get you out of my mind, I really love you, and I just can’t forgive myself for hurting your feelings and I never realized… it was so foolish of me to make you feel this way, so please, ____.” — He gets on his knees and puts his hands and head on the ground — “Please forgive me and give me another chance, I’ll do anything, I promise I’ll make things right this time.”
— You smile and laugh — “Get up, you dummy. I forgive you… I give you another chance, Sanji. Because I really like you too.” — You stand up and put the bouquet on the chair —
Sanji— He stands up and quickly gives you a hug — “Thank you, ____. Thank you so much for giving me another chance.”
— You look at him lovingly, making his face turn more red —
Sanji— “You’re just so beautiful, ____. I love the way you look at me… May I- May I kiss you?”
— You giggle — “Hehe, go ahead.”
He carefully touches your cheek and begins to move closer to you until finally your lips touch, after a few minutes the two of you finally part.
Sanji— “Your lips are so soft… I always dreamed of touching them, you’re perfect, ____” — He caresses your lower lip with his thumb —
He was finally able to confess his feelings to you, making this the best day of both of your lives.
In the end, all three are complicated in their own way, but they were able to understand, accept, and encourage these feelings with the support of their crewmates :)
Please let me know if I made spelling mistakes, some things don’t make sense or got their personality wrong!
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arjudy224 · 9 months
Alfred’s extra help
Batfamily x new maid part 1
The past couple years haven't been kind to Alfred. Although, he would never admit it... His years have slowly been catching up with him. After a recent attack on the household, Alfred took it upon himself to hire some extra part time help during the school year. The new help just so happened to be a college band kid in desperate need of money. This is how it went.
It was the little things, Jason had decided, that made the family enjoy the extra addition to the household. The faint singing that could be heard three doors down as she made her usual morning rounds. Dusting. Bleaching . Sweeping. It didn't matter what she was doing: music always played in her head. If you were lucky, sometimes you'd get to hear it too.
Monday Mornings were Alfred's favorite. After a long weekend of dealing with super-powered vigilantism, Alfred looked forward to the way she would clock into Wayne Manor with shy grin. It didn't take much prompting to get a play by play of how the Gotham U football game went. The Batfamily had never considered her being targeted by Batman's Rogue Gallery until Halftime was interrupted by the Joker emerging from a comically large birthday cake. When reinforcements arrived, they were shocked to discover the entire Color Guard beating the Joker senseless with their wooden rifles. To any outsider, this would have appeared to be part of the choreography with the way each guard member chanted "5,6,7,8 SLAM DOWN."
Y/N couldn't figure out why Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin had all come to check on her until Monday morning when the door opened to reveal a hallway full of smiling Wayne's. Even Damian couldn't help, but give her a hug... after an intense lecture on how dangerous the Clown Prince of Crime was.
Even more confusing was the way Damien's older brother, Jason, would always end up forgetting something at the manor when she worked. After chatting for a couple hours, she would say her goodbyes and silently acknowledge the fact he left empty handed... again.
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Damien admired the dedication on display. In the early morning mist when she thought nobody was awake, the wooden rifle would make an appearance. With the kitchen wiped down and the oven on self cleaning, all there was to do was wait. Damien admired her resilience when practicing rifle. Each brutal slap of the wood and metal on skin had to be painful, but she never complained when the bruises littered up and down her forearms. She was radiant. In her element, it was easy to get distracted by the crisp rotations on display. One day, he hoped she would feel comfortable enough to show him a few tricks... until then he enjoyed his early morning performances.
Dick had warned her against working for Bruce from the beginning. The Bats mood swings could drain even the sweetest of souls. The relentless pursuit of a better Gotham has always been tainted by the blood of those lost. Bruce Wayne was not always known as the nicest guy to work for. Yet, after years of witnessing the tragedies of Gotham... Dick couldn't help, but notice the way her eyes shone with excitement whenever they would visit a new part of the city. The alley Scarecrow tested his fear toxin for the first time now is littered with book shops, ice cream parlors, diners, etc. In each street that’s rooted with trauma, a new sprout of hope grows out of the shadows. The quiet formality that he had grown accustomed to growing up in the Manor faded away. It was a nice change.
Tim didn't even notice there was a change in the household until he stumbled into her conversation with Jason for the 3rd time that week. Typically, her shift would have been over at 3pm, but since her classes had been canceled that day she had worked overtime. With Jason's sudden reappearance after months of no contact, Tim took note of the way his older brother's voice deepened ever so slightly whenever she was in the room. Or how during Saturday night patrol they always managed to spot Red Hood "doing business" on a building close enough to the stadium to watch halftime. If anybody questioned it, Jason would have fiercely denied any interest claiming that he was merely "watching out for the Joker".
Tim mostly minded his business whenever she was working. His night life tended to consume most of his waking time, so if he got sleep (big if) he tended to wake up hours after she left. Mostly he appreciated the cute little animals she would make out of the groceries that week. One day, he opened the fridge to a cheese ball that looked like a turkey. Two olives made the eyes and each of the turkeys feathers were made out of crackers. His favorite had to be when she made a Robin out of Bell peppers and Grapes. Tim had left his sketchbook out the night before flipped to that exact drawing. After she had cleaned the kitchen, she left the treat along with a note explaining how beautiful she thought the drawing was.
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dykelips · 5 months
steddie — friends with benefits to lovers drabble
“friends don't do what we do.”
rating — teen & up. | tags — fwb to lovers, roommates au, everybody lives/nobody dies, gay steve, gay eddie, mutual pining, friends to lovers, love confessions, angst and hurt/comfort, friends with benefits.
steve's never really had self control. he's never had any when it came to several instances—calling jonathan byers a queer, kissing tommy on a drunken night when he was 15, going straight into an alternate dimension, facing billy hargrove and getting his ass beat, or even telling robin he has feelings for her, soon to find out she's a lesbian, and that he himself is a gay man.
steve's self control surely didn't exist the day steve proposed an... idea to eddie—a no attachment, friends with benefits who bang and get it out of their system type of deal. they're already best friends, deeply bonded from the whole vecna ordeal, so what harm could this do to them?
and now that steve thinks about it, it didn't do a small amount of harm, it practically ruined steve. he fell for eddie, and he's not sure eddie feels the same way.
steve broke his own rule. he found himself attached to eddie, thinking about eddie, talking only about eddie, being in love with eddie.
after steve comes home to their apartment and sees eddie making out with someone on their couch, he starts an argument. he doesn't own eddie, they aren't dating, and eddie's a grown man who can do whatever he wants, but seeing someone else other than himself lay their lips onto eddie's and kiss him, that really starts something inside of steve.
he can practically feel all of the months worth of collected feelings and thoughts bubbling up inside of him and almost spilling out over the sides the second eddie says what he says.
"we're just friends. we're friends, steve. you're you, and i'm me, and that's it," eddie says, arms crossed over his chest, hiding himself away and trying to tuck himself together.
"friends!? fucking—fucking friends, eddie? that's what we are? friends don't do the things we do."
steve scoffs and looks directly at eddie, face going red with anger and a mix of pain inside of him.
eddie looks down, lips pulled into a thin line, eyes downturned and hair hanging down around him, shielding him like a cave hidden behind a waterfall.
"yes, harrington. friends," eddie breathes out, head snapping up. "you act like you want me to say that we're more than that, but you're not into me. you just want to fuck me and act like nothing happened. i can't deal with that. i need someone who loves me, who tells me they need me and will take care of me and isn't disgusted or annoyed by me. that's what i need, not a fuck-buddy."
steve sputters and reaches his hands out, mentally saying fuck it and telling eddie how he really feels.
"eddie, jesus christ! i'm in love with you! i've been in love with you since you woke up from that goddamn coma last year."
eddie's eyes go wide, comically large and round, looking like bambi. he really fucking loves him.
"stop messing around, man."
steve shakes his head, not letting eddie dismiss him and believe it's just some sick joke that he's playing on him.
"why would i lie about loving you, eddie? everything i've done, it's all because of you. do you really think i would tell you this and compromise our friendship if i didn't feel just like i'm telling you now?"
eddie's mouth opens and closes like a dead fish, and he finally shuts it fully. "i, i don't—"
"if you don't love me back, that's okay. i just had to tell you, eds. you don't understand how much you mean to me," steve confesses, lips pulled into an apologetic smile. he goes and turns to walk out the door of their apartment,
eddie shoots out his arm, hand grabbing onto steve's forearm, squeezing, trying to stop him from leaving. "steve! fuck, i love you, too! i do, i really, really do. and, look, i didn't know how to tell you, because you're always being so frustratingly you, clearly not understanding all the hints i've dropped, trying to signal that i've been in love with you for months, too."
eddie licks his lips and his eyes seem to plead.
"really?" steve asks, hope bubbling up inside of him.
he nods, hair shaking around. "yeah, stevie. cross my heart and hope to die. i mean it. swear on it, even."
steve smiles at that.
"swear on what, exactly?" he knows the line he's crossing, and if eddie says what steve thinks he'll say, then steve knows it's true.
"on my guitar. my sweetheart. you know the one. i swear on her," eddie tells him, eyes flipping down to steve's lips and back up to meet his eyes.
"that's a big swear, munson. might need you to kiss me to prove it," steve teases, stepping in closer to eddie's bubble, noses almost touching.
eddie grins, wider that steve has seen for as long as he can remember. "i can do that."
he certainly swears on his guitar if the kiss that they shared proves anything.
whoops i suck at endings and writing in general, but this has been stuck in my head and i felt like trying to write. here it is. love you xx
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hbyrde36 · 1 month
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Midsummer Nights (a.k.a Summer Camp Fic)
It's finally here! This one has been percolating for a while, and I'm so glad to have the start of the story written and out there. Updates might be a little sporadic until my Steddie big bang is complete, but I'm so excited to finally give this fic some attention!
WC: 3154 | R: Explicit (for eventual smut) | Ch 1/? | AO3
Chapter 1
Steve had been a camper at Sunset Lake since almost before he could remember. 
He was seven that first summer, and hadn’t spent more than a night away from his own bed before, for sleepovers with family or childhood friends. 
Regardless, his parents didn’t hesitate to dump him off in the middle of nowhere upstate for the full eight weeks the camp ran, with total strangers, many of whom were hardly more than kids themselves, the second he was old enough to attend. From then on, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington spent their own summers partying it up at the country club, pretending they didn’t have a son. 
It used to hurt, having the fact that they didn’t give a shit about him shoved so blatantly in his face. When he was still young and hopeful he would wait patiently by the front gates every visitor’s day, hoping that the next car full of visiting parents and family would be for him. 
It never was.
And by the time he turned eleven, he had stopped waiting. 
He also stopped signing up for activities that he had chosen only to impress his dad, like tennis, basketball, rock climbing—even if he was good at them—and instead began to fill his days with art, theater, and music. Anything that caught his interest, even if he was terrible at it. 
Suddenly he lived for those eight weeks of summer that used to leave him feeling so lonely and unloved. Knowing it was the one place, the one time of year, where he could be the most himself. And he was too busy with performances and showing off the projects he’d completed on visitor’s days to think too much about the fact that no one ever came to see him. 
That was how he met Robin, his best friend and platonic soulmate. They were twelve and had both auditioned for roles in Shakespeare in the Summer, a series of famous scenes from the playwright's works, a pet project of the counselor who ran the theater department meant to be the big final show at the end of camp that year. They got the roles of Romeo and Juliet, respectively. 
As they rehearsed he developed a very small, but still very embarrassing crush on his co-star and eventually confessed, knowing he would feel guilty about kissing her if she didn’t know how he felt. 
Robin broke it to him gently, explaining that while she’d grown to like him a lot, as a friend, over the time they’d been working on their scene together, he just wasn’t her type. 
The last bit was said with a particular significance, but Steve, oblivious to what she was so subtly trying to convey, had protested that he was everyone’s type. She’d rolled her eyes and given him a fond, if exasperated, smile, and after swearing him to secrecy, put it in plain terms he could understand. 
She was a lesbian. 
Robin liked girls, exclusively, and her tastes ran long in soft skin, cherry red lips, and blonde ponytails—all of which Steve, for better or worse, lacked.
It was the 90’s, and the world was slowly changing, so it wasn't as if Steve had never heard of gay people before… it's just that he had never met one in real life. He accepted her immediately, his crush gone in a flash like it had never existed, and felt a kinship with her snap into place that he didn’t quite understand at the time, but was so obvious looking back. 
In the end they faked the kiss. Steve grabbed Robin’s face with both hands and all the faux passion he could muster, slipping his thumbs between their lips at the last second to keep them from crossing that particular line, and she had trusted him to do it. 
They were inseparable from that day forward. 
As promised, he kept her secret, and exactly one year later after coming to terms with a few realizations of his own—namely that he wasn’t as straight as he assumed, that in fact, he wasn’t sure he actually liked girls at all—when he confessed a secret of his own as they walked along the edge of the lake before curfew, he knew she would do the same for him.
This summer they were eighteen, part of the graduating class of 1999, on the brink of college, and finally old enough to be hired as full fledged counselors with paychecks and days off and everything. 
Not that it paid much, but Steve wasn’t in it for the money. He was in it for the love of the place. Sunset Lake Camp had become a second home to him over the last decade of his life, his real home, and the people there like family. There were always a few new faces that came and went, but most of the kids and staff alike came back year after year like him.
Robin was mainly in it for Steve, excited at the prospect of getting to spend the entire Summer with him for once instead of the single session, two short weeks, she was used to—all her folks had been able to afford each year growing up. 
It was poised to be the best summer of Steve’s life. 
Then he met Eddie. 
Pre-camp was exactly what it sounded like. A full week of cleaning, painting, maintenance, and general setting up of the place before the first crop of kids was set to arrive. It wasn’t mandatory for the staff, and some counselors wouldn’t even arrive until the day before the first session began, but it did come with an extra paycheck and the opportunity to get out of his parents house that much sooner. 
Steve was so in.
And naturally, that meant Robin was too.
They both arrived mid afternoon. Steve had driven himself in his beloved second hand BMW all the way from Hawkins, his excitement mounting as the scenery changed, flat boring highways finally giving way to lush green rolling hills and mountains, the roads eventually going from asphalt, to crushed stone, to dirt as he turned onto camp property and made his way to the employee parking lot. Robin arrived just after, her parents' car rolling to a stop next to his while he was still unloading his duffel bags from the trunk.  
Steve had offered to pick her up on his way so they could ride in together, it wouldn’t have added that much time to his own trip, but Mr. and Mrs. Buckley would never give up the opportunity to see their only daughter off for the summer, no matter how old she was. They were good parents, and just plain good people.
Robin was horribly embarrassed by the sheer number of hugs they gave her, and Steve, before finally getting back in their car to head home, and he couldn’t help wondering if she knew how lucky she was. His own parents had hardly looked up from their coffee when he’d said goodbye to them that morning.
“How was the drive?” Robin asked with her face squished against Steve's chest, as he pulled her in for his own bone-crushing hug. God he fucking missed her. Emails and once a week phone calls just weren’t enough. Damn long distance fees.
“Long, boring, the usual.” He said, pulling away from her reluctantly. 
In truth he didn’t mind the long journey. It was nice getting to shut his brain off, and sing along at full volume to whatever songs had made it on American Top 40 with Casey Kasem that week.
The low rumble and put-put-put of an old engine had them both looking up, signaling the arrival of Director Hopper in his ancient pickup truck, its tires kicking up dirt and rocks no matter how slowly he drove. 
The truck rolled to a stop in front of them, and the man behind the wheel leaned out the open window to wave. “Long time no see, kids!”
“Hop,” Robin whined, “we’re not kids anymore.”
“Oh! My apologies—Miss Buckley, Mister Harrington.”
Steve wrinkled his nose. “Okay, now you're just being mean.”
Hopper threw his head back and laughed, before stepping out of the truck. “You know you’ll always be kids to me.”
After another round of hugs the man helped load their stuff up into the back, then helped both of them climb up on top of their piled luggage.
As the truck bumped along slowly towards the north side of the campus, where the bunks were, Hopper slid open the back window of the truck so he could shout out to them.
“Me and Joyce got two of the cabins fixed up already so you-all have someplace clean to sleep tonight. One for the women, one for the men.” Hopper’s eyes narrowed as he stared them down through his rearview mirror. He, along with almost everyone else, thought they were dating and had been for years. If he only knew how wrong he was. “Dinner is at six tonight in the dining hall, and I suggest you settle in and relax till then. The real work starts tomorrow.”
“You sure you don't need help with anything today?” Steve asked, sticking his head through the little window to make sure the older man could hear him.
“Thanks kid, but I got it covered. All that’s left today really is picking up a few international staff from the airport. I would have been on my way there already, but the flight got delayed, not due in till late tonight now.”
It was one of Steve’s favorite things about this place, getting to meet and make friends with all sorts of people from all over the world. The cultural exchange program that the camp worked with brought in support staff and counselors from other countries that wanted to come work for the summer, many of them visiting America for the very first time.
Soon enough they came to the end of the road, hooking a left through a break in the trees and came out into a huge clearing. Two giant half circles made up of small white and green buildings faced each other, with a wide open field between them where, in a week’s time, kids would be found lounging around on towels and blankets in the sun, or throwing frisbees and baseballs to each other during their free period. 
Hopper pulled over on the girl’s side, which was fair—if sexist—considering Robin had more stuff than Steve did, and got them unloaded before quickly heading off with a reminder about dinner.
Robin slid her backpack on and began to drag her small trunk up the old wooden steps of the cabin. 
Steve heaved her big duffel bag over his shoulder and moved to follow, but she spun abruptly, letting the trunk drop, slapping a hand hard against his chest before his foot even made contact with the lowest board. 
“Woah, woah, woah, where do you think you’re going?” She asked.
“Seriously? I’m just trying to help you with your stuff!” 
“Yes, seriously! You know boys aren't allowed in the girl’s cabins!” She whispered boys as though it were a dirty word.
Steve snorted. “I’m pretty sure those rules are for the campers, Rob, not us, and what could possibly happen?! There’s no two people on the planet less likely to hook up than you and me.”
“Yeah but people don’t know that, Harrington!” 
She was right. As much as camp had always been Steve's safe haven, his sexuality was still something he felt the need to hide, as did Robin. They just couldn’t be sure how their peers would react, and he wanted to believe Hopper would be accepting and open minded but what if he wasn’t? What if he fired them, or used it as an excuse not to invite them back to work next year, because parents might freak out if they knew their children were being ‘exposed to the gays’? 
Steve couldn’t lose this place, for that reason or any other. 
He tossed her bag up the short staircase and onto the porch, letting his shoulders slump in defeat.
“Don’t pout. I just don't want to get in trouble on our first day,” Robin said.
“Yeah, me either,” he agreed.
“Good. Now move along to your own bunk.” She dropped her voice down low, looking around before she spoke again, wriggling her eyebrows. “I’m sure Jonathan will be around to help you get settled in.”
“You’re never gonna let me live that stupid crush down, are you?” 
“It was two years ago!” Steve hissed.
“I still say you had a chance.”
Steve sighed heavily. “Even if he wasn’t straight—” he began but Robin cut him off with a judgy stare.
“You don’t know that.” She said.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “But even if he wasn't, I told you, I'm not getting in the middle of whatever on-again off-again dance he and Nancy are doing.”
Robin tilted her head from side to side. “That’s fair. She scares me.”
“Me too.”
Jonathan was, as a matter of fact, already at the men’s temporary cabin, greeting Steve with a hug and everything, and offering to help him carry his stuff inside. Not that he’d be telling Robin any of that. 
His brief crush had been nothing short of awkward. They’d known each other since they were little, Jonathan’s mom being the camp nurse, and Hopper becoming his and his brother Will’s stepfather a few years ago, and out of nowhere Steve couldn’t even have a conversation with the guy without blushing and stuttering. Thankfully, the other boy’s sad little puppy dog eyes didn’t really do anything for him anymore.
They talked a little, making the usual catching up small talk that you do with people you know well but maybe aren't truly friends with, and soon were joined by a new face, fresh off a days long road trip from California. 
Argyle greeted Steve and Jonathan like they were all long lost pals. He had the longest, shiniest hair, the most colorful wardrobe Steve had ever seen, and his smile was infectious. He also absolutely reeked of weed, and within minutes had talked Jonathan into taking a walk in the woods with him to “open their minds”. It was clear the two stoners were well on their way to becoming best friends.
Steve left them to it, knowing Robin would kill him if he showed up to dinner high and smelling of smoke. 
He chose a bed by the door and started making it up, tucking the sheets in tight and tossing his ugly plaid comforter on top. There was no point in really unpacking until they got their final bunk assignments, the night before the kids came, so after pulling out a few random t-shirts, shorts, and a bathing suit, and shoving them all into one of the cubby holes built into the walls of the cabin, Steve grabbed his discman and headphones and went to lay out in the sun. 
It was late, well past midnight and Steve had been tossing and turning for the last several hours. He never slept well on the first night of camp, the quiet always taking a little time for him to get used to, and It was no wonder he heard the soft footfalls of someone walking up the steps of the cabin.
The door opened slowly, revealing a figure painted in silhouette by moonlight. A riot of wild hair, and a guitar case slung across the boy’s back were all Steve could make out at first through his barely slitted eyelids. 
He watched, careful not to move too much and give away that he was awake as the boy quietly closed the door behind himself, and tiptoed further into the cabin, tossing his stuff down beside the bunk right next to Steve’s. It meant Steve had a perfect view of the newcomer’s backside as he bent to slide his guitar under the mattress frame and unzipped his bag. He straightened with an arm full of linens and hastily made up the bed, not even tucking the bottom corners of his fitted sheet in before throwing a quilt over the whole thing and calling it done, and began to undress. 
Steve swallowed hard, knowing he should probably look away now, or at least close his eyes, if for no other reason than to put on a better show of being asleep in case the other boy’s gaze swung his way, but he was enthralled.
The unfamiliar figure was still blanketed in shadow, but stood close enough now that Steve could make out a pair of huge sparkling dark eyes, brown he assumed, though the night had a way of stealing all the color from the world, to go with the boy’s even darker curls. A rounded nose and full pouty lips made up the rest of a face that would, Steve was fairly certain, now and forever haunt his dreams, as well as his every waking thought. 
He wanted to scream. 
He’d never felt so drawn to someone at first sight before. How much worse would it be once he saw this vision of beauty in daylight?
Powerless to resist the urge, Steve let his gaze roam down past the curve of the other boy’s jaw, eyes drinking in whatever details they could. The bob of an adams apple as he swallowed, the outline of his collarbones, black and gray markings on his chest and arms—tattoos that Steve couldn’t quite make out the shapes of. A trail of dark hair ran from his navel to the top of his pants, stark and inviting against pale white skin.
The boy reached for the button on his jeans and Steve did look away then. It was one thing to see the same skin that might be on display when someone took their top off down by the lake or at the pool, but another to ogle someone below the belt when they didn’t even know they were being watched.
Second passed and a dull thump had Steve snapping his eyes back open, grateful the other boy still had his boxers on at least, so he didn’t feel like too much of a creep. 
“Bollocks,” the stranger cursed softly, hopping on one foot for a second as he sucked air between his teeth, nursing a stubbed toe.
Steve’s stomach flipped at the sound of his voice.
International, right. He had an accent. Of course he did, obviously, Steve just hadn’t thought—
Why was that so hot?
He groaned internally, he hadn’t even properly seen the guy’s face yet and he was already absolutely fucked. 
Finally, mercifully, the other boy climbed into bed, yawning as he pulled the quilt up over his head, turning to face the other way.
And it was to the sound of this intriguing stranger’s breath that Steve finally drifted away into a fitful sleep.
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Steve's Summer Mix Eddie's Summer Mix
Thanks as always to the lovely @penny00dreadful for being the best beta, friend and cheerleader.
Permanent taglist(open): @penny00dreadful @pearynice @hitlikehammers @bookworm0690 @wonderland-girl143-blog 
@goodolefashionedloverboi @themagicalari @awkwardgravity1 @rocknrollsalad
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pricelessemotion · 1 year
I’m such a fool | S. H.
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part one part two
Summary: steve has his own confession to make. you’re not sure how to take it. 
Pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
Warnings: language, angst with a happy ending, alcohol, underage drinking (reader and steve are both 20), friends to lovers, little women “you’re being mean” reference 
Word count: 1.7k
Notes: part two of the linger duology but can be read as a stand-alone. pic is not mine all creds to the owner!
“What are you doing?” 
You’re currently cradling Steve’s face in your hands, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead. The droplets of perspiration at his hairline are indicative of a typical day in Family Video, where the AC doesn’t work and neither do the employees. 
“Making sure that you’re not sick.”
Steve murmurs a sound of confusion as you take your hand away and dramatically wipe it against the bottom of your vest. It’s been a slow day, the customers few and far between. On days like this you’re normally in the back, sorting through new shipments and cataloging them. Instead, you’re leaning against the counter and looking at Steve like he’s grown two heads. 
“Two very pretty girls just walked out the door without a failed pick-up line or a signature smile. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” You ask, your brows furrowing in faux concern. 
“Oh, fuck off.” He waves his hand in the air as if swatting away an annoying fly and turns to look down at his clipboard so that he doesn’t have to look you in the eye.
If Steve is being honest with himself, he hasn’t felt in the flirting mood lately. As much as he has pretended to be normal since your confession, he hasn’t been. In fact, Steve feels like all he has been doing is pretending. Pretending like he doesn’t notice the way your hair smells like coconut shampoo every time a scarce summer breeze pushes the scent in his direction. Pretending to sort the returns while you sit behind the counter reading a weathered copy of a romance novel he can never remember the name of. Pretending to curse the lack of AC in the store, when really he’s grateful for it because it means he gets to see you in as little clothing as possible. 
Yeah. Steve’s gotten real good at pretending lately. 
What he doesn’t know is that you’ve gotten real good at pretending too. You try to ignore the relief that settles over you at the fact that Steve seems to be in too weird of a mood to flirt. Hoping to lift his spirits you cast a sidelong glance at him. 
“Are you doing anything tonight?”
Steve doesn’t even know why he decided to come to this stupid party. Actually, he does. The reason standing right in front of him, wearing a mini skirt and nursing a red solo cup of whatever the hell was in the punch bowl in the kitchen. 
Robin’s arm is slung around your shoulder, the two of you wrapped up in your own little world when suddenly the song changes. You’re pulled out of the kitchen, hand in hand with your best friend as she slur-screams I love this song. You begin dancing together, albeit haphazardly, in the middle of the living room. Usually this is the part where you would turn around and beg Steve to join you, but he’s still standing in the doorway of the kitchen. You’re shining so bright tonight that he’s afraid if he gets too close he might get burned. 
He sighs and looks down at the cup in his hand. It was more for show than anything because he promised to be the designated driver tonight but, god, if he didn’t wish he could drink right now. 
The sliding glass door opens with little resistance, his drink forgotten on the kitchen counter. As he steps outside and sits down at the edge of the pool, he curses himself. Since when did he become this guy? He used to go to parties all the time. He used to have fun. Instead, he’s the guy who isolates himself and sits at the edge of the pool while letting the girl of his dreams dance the night away. 
The door opens again and he hears the melodious sound of your laughter. You shut the door quietly, but the sounds of the party are only ever so slightly muffled. You’re still giggling when you join him, the slight sway of your walk giving away the depth of your inebriation. Clumsily, you drop onto the ground next to him and gently nudge his foot with the tip of your converse.
“What’s on your mind, Stevie?”
The nickname sounds easy coming from you. 
“Where’s Rob?” He’s avoiding the question and he knows it. He hopes that you’re too drunk to notice. 
“Vickie showed up. I thought I’d give the lovebirds a little alone time.” You give him a thoughtful look. “You didn’t answer my question.” 
He huffs. He should’ve known that even in the state you’re in that you would see right through him. You’ve always been able to see right through him. 
You let the silence hang in the air while you drop your head back and trace the constellations in the sky. You’ve gotten as far as Orion when he finally plucks up the courage to speak again. 
“I think you know what.” He says it softly, as if the tone of his voice could ever cushion the blow he’s about to deliver. 
The first look you give him is one of confusion. You’re still thinking about Orion and the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. The second look you give him is one of betrayal. A million responses run through your head. Some are angry. Some are spiteful. Some are, annoyingly, full of hope. Shaking your head, you decide to go with the simplest option.
“I think you know why.”
But that’s all that Steve does. He thinks. He thinks about your incessant need to always have a paperback in hand. He thinks about the mixtape that’s been on repeat in his car since you gave it to him. He thinks about the way your lips might feel on his. He thinks about how you might react to his confession, but he doesn’t know. You’ve always been able to read Steve like an open book. He still struggles to know what page you’re on.
Maybe it’s the moment. Maybe it’s the alcohol flowing in your veins. But the words flow out of your mouth as easily as the spiked punch flowed in. 
“You’re being mean.” Tears begin to collect on your lower lash line. You lift your head and blink as if trying to will them away, but they fall down your cheeks anyway. Steve wants nothing more than to cradle your head in his hands the same way that you did that morning and brush them away. He doesn’t. His hands stay firmly planted on the ground. 
“Don’t.” You begin, your voice low and threatening. 
You struggle to stand up because your entire body is shaking with anger. Or hurt. Sometimes one disguises itself as the other and you can’t find it in yourself to figure out the difference. Not when he’s looking at you like that. 
“What am I? A last resort? You worked your way through the entire female population of Hawkins and thought you’d settle for a sure thing?”
“Do you know how many girls I had to see you flirt with? How many dates I had to watch you go on?” You cringe at the hurt filling your voice and want anger to come back and take its place. 
Steve tries to cut in again but you don’t let him have the chance. He may have been the one who started this conversation, but you were sure as hell gonna finish it. 
“You don’t get to do this to me. Not when-” The tears are making your voice sound watery and garbled in a way that you despise. “Not when I have spent the past year of my life loving you.”
Steve is mentally kicking himself because he really needs to stop going to parties and letting the girl he’s in love with get drunk and break his heart. Once is bad luck. Twice is a pattern.
But against all odds you’re still standing there. The mascara you had so delicately applied earlier now smudged. Steve doesn’t know if you’re shaking from anger or from the cold but he shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders anyway. You don’t push him away or storm off and leave him in the dust. Instead, you trace the constellation of moles on his neck until eventually you’re looking into his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers. “I’m sorry that it took me so long to figure out and I’m sorry that my timing is awful.”
You take a moment to really look at him. The alcohol that once clouded your judgment is long gone. It seems to have been swept away in the flood of your argument, taking the anger and hurt along with it. It’s been replaced by something lighter. Something that feels a lot like hope.
“I’m sorry too for, uh, basically calling you a whore.” Steve laughs and you can’t help the smile that tugs at your features.
“I kinda deserved that. I swear I’ll do everything in my power to make it up to you. You deserve the world. Hell, you deserve the entire universe and-”  
When the two of you finally kiss, it’s something akin to a stellar collision. Hands desperately grasping at each other as if afraid you might slip from the other’s fingertips. The muffled sounds of the party, the chirps of the crickets, the slight gurgle of the pool filter all fade into the background. There’s nothing on your mind, only Steve. Steve. Steve. 
Once you remember that breathing is a thing, you pull away and laugh at how Steve whines at the loss of contact and chases your lips. You press your forehead to his and close your eyes, toying with the hairs at the nape of his neck. He hums appreciatively, arms circling your waist to pull you ever so closer.  
“You’re a fool, Steve Harrington.” You say, still trying to catch your breath.
The smirk that graces his features is nothing less than devilish. He uses the pads of his thumbs to wipe at the tear streaks that have since dried, cradling your face as if it were the most delicate thing he had ever touched. 
“I’m a fool for you.”
likes are appreciated, comments and reblogs are cherished ♥️
taglist: @freezaz123
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
what do you think are the Batfam’s enneagram types? Specifically Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, Tim, Damian, Barbara and Steph, And anyone else you think important (l think Dick is mostly a type 2 and 1. Haven’t looked into the others yet) I’m asking because I think knowing a character’s personality type (OC or not) can help you write them in character, and I know a personality test probably isn’t going to fit them 100% just like real people but it could be a great guide
Ennegram Chart source
Bruce is a 5 no doubt.
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I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory. The description is a checklist of his personality traits.
Dick is 1, 2, and 3.
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I would say 3 is his overarching personality, 1 is a secondary/support of the main one - 3 - and 2 is the other half of his personality. The thing about Dick is that he feels an almost pathological need to keep succeeding, keep doing better, and break every limit. It's not for anyone else, it's for himself because he doesn't feel like himself if he's not perfect. All of 1, 2, and 3's traits
Jason is an 8.
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Ever since his Robin days, Jason has always been more on the willful side. As in, I want to do my own thing. Deal with it. And after coming back as Red Hood he wasn't initially self-confident but he's grown into it. No one can influence him to do anything and he's ready to throw hands if someone pushes too much.
Tim is a 5 or 6.
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Smart, genius boy detective obviously (he's no isolated tho) so that explains 5 but Tim leans more towards 6. He's loyal to the cause and he's very responsible. But he's also a huge cute dork who's always on the look out for something that is off and he's always worried and thinking about what's wrong and what could go wrong. He's mainly a 6 with a little bit of 5 added in (perceptive, innovative, sometimes secretive).
Cass is a 5.
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Cass and Bruce are identical. The way they think and act, Cass is a like a Batman 2.0 but better.
Steph is a 4.
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DC really wants her to be a 7-
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But I wrote a whole essay on why she's not a 7, but a 4 instead. She's not self-absorbed in the "I only love myself" way, she more of a "How can I constantly improve myself" type. When something bad happens her mind can get really down in the dumps about it but she tries her best to be positive - she's not withdrawn but expressive, dramatic, and temperamental definitely.
Dami is 3 or 8.
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The achiever was instilled in him by his mother to constantly work to be the best at whatever he tries and now it's just a part of his personality. He's very self-conscious. 8 because like Jason, he does what he wants when he wants. No one can tell him what to do (unless it's Dick but gosh Bruce really tried).
Duke is 9.
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Duke is extremely strong-willed but he does it in a nice way. He works towards heroism and every action he takes, it's aimed at helping people. He has a very strong sense of right and wrong and nothing will stop him from doing what is right. That being said, he gets along with everyone and is very easy going and caring, it's just that he won't compromise his morals for it. He's very loving in like a familial way.
Barbara is an 8.
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Dominant. She has a strong need to be in control at all times and know everything and when something gets in the way of that control, she gets very angry and persistent. She's confident in her abilities and makes decisions in which no one can influence her. She knows what she wants and she will get it whatever may come.
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roxy-bat-wolf-pack · 4 months
😈Vampire Eddie/ Reader ⚡️
Readers gender is not mentioned
This is being posted before the release of the final season. This story is operating under the fan theory that Eddie will be brought back as vecnas right hand. Based on the D&D campaign being played in the show.
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Left Unsaid
I groaned at the sound of my alarm. This had to be the fifth time I hit snooze. If only the action led to any actual sleep. Instead, I just lay and watched the flicking red letters.
How does time go by like this? I glared at the clock, remembering how Chrissy had confided in me about seeing the grandfather clock. Back then, I didn't listen. I was too blinded by the news that she had been spending one on one time with Eddie. I sighed, silently scolding myself, realizing how stupid I was for letting the jealousy get to me. I shut my eyes tight, trying not to let my mind wonder to this past year.
So many people lost so suddenly. So many things left unsaid. The guilt of it all was eating away at me. My mind flashed to what Robin told me the other day, and although I was awake, the memory felt like a fever dream.
"Steve said he saw him, that he's somehow alive, but it's all wrong. He's not like himself. Vecna has some sort of hold on him."
"That can't be true. We all saw his body. He's..." I chocked on my words. " He's gone, and I- we just have to deal with that."
She looked down solemnly, and it was strange to see her face so serious.
"Steve said," She paused as if she was trying to think of the right thing to say. "He said that Eddie is under Vecna's control. That he's been, I dont know, resericted somehow, but it's not really him? Like who he was is still dead."
I nodded. Despite my denial of it all, I trusted Steve and Robin. God knows they have saved my life more than once this past year.
"And Steve thinks it was Ed- Kas?" I corrected using Dustin's chosen name. The name from one of the characters from our campaign, "that is reporting back to Vecna. All our plans?"
The question from my memories went unanswered as I forced myself to sit upright, ripping the memory from my mind. Angrily, I grabbed the nearest pair of jeans and slipped them on. I didn't even look at the shirt I reached for from my closet before slipping it over my head. My socks slipped on the carpeted stairs down to my living room. Mom was looking in the fridge and glanced over its door at me.
"Going to Wayne's place?" She questioned. She tried to hide the worry in her voice, but it still shown through as she glanced me up and down. I paused at the entry to the kitchen, looking wide-eyed at her. It was as if an invisible barrier was up between us.
"How did you know?" I muttered stupidly, but she just smiled at me.
"Oh, um.. the foil covered casserole in the fridge." She answered casually before moving the gallon of milk in her hand to the table. She set a box of cereal next to it for my little brother. "I thought I heard you in the kitchen last night. What is it this time? Green bean? Sweet potato?"
I sighed, sneaking up behind her and slipping the tray from the fridge.
"Chicken pot pie." I answered simply.
"As a casserole?" She questioned.
"Uh yea, he needs more protein." I answered back. Before she could give me her usual retort about how what he really needed was to cook for himself, and how I shouldn't be helping someone who raised a "murderer", I slipped out the door. I heard a faint,"Be safe, honey!" and it only made me scoot across the yard to my car faster.
Wayne had wanted desperately to move, yet his finances wouldn't allow it. Especially since he put so much of his m money in trying to recover Eddie's body. Not bringing it back from the upside down had grown to be another one of my regrets. Because he couldn't move, he put a fair amount of effort into repairing the trailer. I think it helped him to pretend it was a different place.
I noticed the door had changed color since my last visit and hoped the glossy, green paint had fully dried when I knocked.
Wayne opened the door quicker than usual. I must have caught him right before he left for work. But instead of saying his usual greeting, he just stared at me. Well, perhaps not right at my face. His gaze was hard on my torso. I glanced down and immediately closed my eyes. Embarrassment and frustration ran through me. The shirt I grabbed this morning was Eddie's Slayer shirt. The bottom I had haphazardly tucked into my high waist jeans, making the letters look all crooked and cutting off the bottom of the y.
"Mr. Munson, I'm so sorry! I should've asked permission. I didn't even realize what shirt I grabbed this mo-"
"No, it's alright." He said softly, stopping my ramble. He stepped to the side. "Come on in."
I sighed before stepping inside.
"He has more shirts. Really, they're just collecting dust. You and that Henderson boy are the only ones who are interested in any of his things." He gestered to Eddie's room. "Feel free to grab more. It uh...it keeps his memory alive, you know?"
I set the casserole on the small kitchen counter. If only he knew how much of Eddie's things I had collected.
"That's ok, Mr. Munson. I actually have to go soon." Before he could respond, a noise drew our attention to the back window. Like someone was lurking just under the window sill.
"Damned kids!" He muttered under his breath before turning to me. "I would think after a year they would start leaving me alone. I guess between what happened to your friend here and Eddie. Hell, the whole towns gone to shit with that earthquake."
"It's ok. I'll go tell them to leave this time." I started, hoping to spare him from the pain of dealing with the hecklers. He simply smiled.
"Thanks for doing so much to help me. Does my heart good to know Eddie had such good friends."
I gave him a sidehug before leaving.
The door closed behind me, and I looked down at my trembling hands. A small green smear of paint covered my knuckles.
I took a deep breath and circled the property. No one was there, but they couldn't have gotten far.
I looked around and saw out of the corner of my eye the faintest movement in the tree line. I hesitantly stepped across the tall grass that lined the woods.
"Hey, leave him alone. I don't care who you are. He doesn't deserve to be stalked like that."
Nobody answered. I stepped deeper into the forest, the mobile homes behind me growing smaller.
"Hey! You heard me? No ghost! No portal to Hell! No murderers! You got that?"
As my voice died down , I realized just how quiet it was. My heart quickened. It was as if some kind of natural instinct was taking over me , and it screamed through my veins to run. A twig snapped behind me, and I whipped around to see him.
It was him, yet at the same time, it wasn't.
Eddie stood there, his clothes ragged and torn. He looked wrong with his signature vest missing. Despite his ragged clothing, he looked...healthy? When Steve said he saw him, that he was brought back from the dead, I had pictured a reanimated corpse. Thin, pale, fangs. His face had color, his hair was just as big, he stood just as tall.
The only indication that something was wrong was his eyes. They were dead, glazed over, somehow looking at me and not at the same time. I was hit in the chest with pain at the memory of his smile. The way his eyes crinkled at the ends. We had just been staring at each other, neither speaking.
"Eddie?" I tried my voice, and it wasn't as strong as I had hopped. He said nothing.
"Eddie, do you remember me?"
Some faint memory of Steve's warning lingered in the back of my mind. He's dangerous now. Was everything I was saying just going back to Vecna? I saw him look down at my shirt. His shirt. He inhaled deeply, as if he could smell his own scent on it, as if he was searching for something.
"Yea, it's yours," I answered the question he didn't ask.
"Dustin and I went through your things, you know, to help your uncle out. Some of it was too precious to put in a box."
He stared back up to me, and as our eyes locked. My body screamed at me. My legs begging me to let them move, let them take me far from here.
"I've been helping him. He's a mess. We all are."
The words felt stupid. I had so much to tell him. My mind swimming with words, struggling between them to form a sentence.
I miss you
I'm sorry
it should have been me
"I love you!"
The words came out without me realizing. Fast and dangerous. His eyes stayed locked on mine, somehow more intense, while still remaining empty. The words started to spill out of me like vomit.
"I've loved you for a long time, and I regret not telling you before. God, I don't even know if you can hear me. I know, I know you liked Chrissy, that's fine. I just needed you to know how I felt. It's been eating me up insi-"
My words stopped abruptly as he was suddenly in my face. In the span of a blink, he went from two yards away to almost nose to nose with me.
He inhaled deeply, and I wasn't sure if it was a threat or not. His head dipped down, almost as if he was leaning in for a kiss, but my body shouted DANGER. Then he passed my lips and moved to my neck.
This was it. He was going to kill me. My mind, body, and soul could end up anywhere, and I had thrown it all away to confess to a boy who was dead, who couldn't hear me. I closed my eyes shut and waited for pain. Instead, he inhaled deeply again.
His body relaxed. The tension I didn't realize he was holding floated off his body like steam. His eyes were suddenly back to mine, face to face, but this time they were alive. They were Eddie's eyes.
"You love me?" He questioned. His voice was weak. As if it hadn't been used in a year.
If it wasn't for the wetness of my cheeks, I wouldn't have realized I was crying. One of his hands came up slowly, as if his own body was fighting the motion, and he brushed the tears from my cheeks.
He tried to speak again. "I...lo..v"
And then he was gone. My brain hardly possessed the sudden absence of him. So fast, his voice still lingered in the air. His smell, holding me in place. I fell to my knees. My body shaking, adrenaline rushing through me.
I wasn't sure how long I had been laying there when Dustin found me.
"Dude, are you ok? Steve, over here!"
I barely heard footsteps shuffling through the leaves on the forest floor.
" Dude, everyone's been looking for you." Someone's voice said as I was lifted from the ground.
I faintly realized they were taking me to Wayne's house. Part of me registered that he wasn't home. Dustin must have used the key he took months ago. They sat me on the couch and threw a coat around me to try and warm me. I hadn't realized I was cold.
"I saw him." I mumbled
"What?" Steve asked, leaning closer to hear as he rubbed my arms, trying to warm me.
"I saw him." I said again, no louder than before.
"Saw who?" He asked, growing frustrated.
Dustin looked at me, eyes widening, in realization.
"You saw Eddie?" It wasn't a question, at least not one that needed a response.
They suddenly stopped trying to warm me, both in shock. I looked up to see the fridge across the room. It was decorated with Eddie's band practice schedule, Metallica, and Dio magnets, but right in the center was a photo.
Hellfire club. The whole group smiling. Eddie and I stood there, his arm around my shoulders. I had always seen it as friendly, but now as my mind raced I wondered if their was more to his actions, more to his touch, more to driving me home late after D&D, more to inviting me to his band practice, more to his weak voice trying so desperately to tell me something,
"I lo-v-" the sound of it replaying in my mind.
I looked to Dustin and put all the determination I had into my voice.
"We are going to save him."
That was a promise.
✨️Authors note✨️: Hey loves, thanks for reading! I just want to say that I take requests🦇
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jessysapphireblue · 9 months
One Piece Advent Calender Door 23
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Door 23: A night in a Cabin
Tomorrow would be Christmas Eve and while Sanji and you took care of the rest supplies, then tomorrow on this island all the stores would be closed. “Nami, please!”, whined Luffy. “NO! NO MONEY FOR YOU!” “Nami, please! I need it!” “You will NOT! and I repeat NOT GET A SINGLE BERRY FROM ME!”, she yelled at him. “PLEASE!” “Fufufu~ for what, Captain?” “This!”, he pulled your Christmas wish list from his pocket and pointed to a big red circle. “I want to give her this! But Tomorrow Evening is it closed since he wants to spend time with his family so today is the only day left!”
Nami took the list, and Robin looked over it. “What a nice wish”, she admitted. “So I want to make it true! Please!” Luffy fell onto his knees and looked at Nami. “How much is it?”, she sighed out. “Oh! ehm...5000”, he smiled and Nami broke a little. “So much? Really?” “Please! I wouldn´t beg if I had it!”, he admitted and Robin took the list. “why, what wonderful wishes she has. I wouldn´t mind it” Sighning again, Nami closed her eyes. “Fine”, she muttered under her breath. “NAMI!”, Luffy jumped up. “UNDER 1 CONDITION!” “Yes?” “I go with you! I don´t trust you” “Fine by me! But shh! It´s a surprise”, he took your wishlist again before walking away with Nami. Robin took the liberty to tell everyone about it. Minus you.
Humming out christmas carols, you checked Brook´s Christmas List again, as well as the other presents for the rest. “Looks good, don´t you think, Soma?” Your dragon looked at you from the bed before rolling around. “Such a needy little dragon” Closing the door, you walked to your bed and flopped onto it and began to sigh in happiness.
Evening roled by and with it Dinner. “So guys dig in. Tomorrow there gives no meat”, smirked Sanji at Luffy, who was swallowing everything not even caring and/or listening. “Oh, this will be fun”, Nami rubbed her hands together. “Nami, don´t spoil it”, you nudged her and she smiled. “Oh yeah! After dinner we go somewhere!”, declared your captain after he swallowed. You nodded along with the rest, and you held him a piece of crispy bacon out, which he snatched directly away. “You spoil him too much”, stated usopp. “It is my nature! What you want me to do?” “Be more strict”, he said. “No!”, Luffy, Nami, Chopper and Sanji said. “Jeez guys, just saying”
It was after dinner as you all assembled on the deck as “YOSH! WE CAN GO!”, Luffy came out, his fist in the air as your eyes widen. We wore long pants...LONG PANTS! “D-Did I miss something? Are we gonna raid something?” “Why that?” “The last time you wore long pants we went against Shiki, bub” ”...oh...nah! COME!”, he said and in one swift movement grabbed your hand and dragged you away. “LUFFY!”, Nami screamed but sighed out when he saw you two vanish from sight. “UGHHHH! If this continues I need Blood-pressure Medication. On we go” “Yohohohoho- but that Luffy-san made this” “He´s grown up”, Franky began to sniffle. “I want to be lucky too. Why does he get an literal Goddess as girlfriend” “Fufufu~he does love her”
“Luffy, where are we going?” “A surprise! Come!”, he tugged you along a pathway, beaming and feeling the excitement in his bones as “THERE!”, he shouted and pointed to a cabin. “A cabin?””mmh! Come! Come come come” Pulling you to the door, he handed you a key. ”...you know what, I just roll with it”, sighing, you unlocked the door, any your eyes widen. “TADAAAA!!!”, he rushed to the middle and beamed like a child. “L-Luffy what-” “I wanted it to give you tomorrow night but the man said he just have it open until midday tomorrow so- an early Christmas present”, he smiled and you looked around the cozy cabin “Luffy”, you whispered and he stopped. “Something wrong? Did I mess up?”, he asked and you leaped fully onto him, pressing a big kiss onto his lips, his arms around you and kissed you back equally big. “Oh Hon! You-I love you!” “And I love you! so like it?” “Oh Luffy! I love it!”, hugging him again, he squeezed and lifted you up, spinning you around. “You make me all so happy! My heart is beating in happiness when you say that!”
“We´re here”, said Nami and Zoro opened the door. “Ah, you guys are also here!”, grinned Luffy, you two Setting in front of the fire, you in his lap, snuggled into him. “Finally?! You just ran off!”, Nami admitted and hung her coat up. “sorry Nami” “You´re not at fault. HE-YES!” “SUPER COZY!” “Ah, so warm here”, smiled Sanji. While the rest began to look around and settle down “So, you did got my wish list”, you whispered. ”...” your boyfriend looked away from you, making you chuckle. “Oh, how I love you”, you said and leaned your head against his neck. “Seeing you happy makes me happy”, he admitted. “Ah, this is nice”, said Usopp and sat behind you two on the couch. “Yohohohoho! Indeed! This is so comfy” “At least they have booze here”, smirked Zoro.
While the night continued with laughter, dancing and music, Nami watched with Robin. “Sometimes he surprise me” “Luffy? His idea was so sweet” “Yes. Je is his safe heaven. I don´t want to imagine what would happen if-” “Nami, come join us!”, you waved Nami over for a dance, “We show the guys how to dance real good” “Oh! I demand prize money 100.000 Berry!”
Complaining from the boys beside Sanji, who was swooning, as Robin chuckled. Christmas would be so much warmer now.
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b-tchymoon · 2 years
Just Kiss me Already
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A/N: So this is my first time actually posting any kind of imagine or one shot. So I apologize if it's trash. If you have any suggestions, let me know❤️
word count: 2k
cw: angst to fluff, enemies to lovers, cussing, minor details of inappropriate touching, Eddie being a dick at first, fem reader, Andy being a perv, y/n used
Edward Munson,
The biggest pain in your ass since you could remember. It never failed no matter what you did, he’d always have a shitty ass remark to make to it. If you said the sky was blue he’d tell you you're wrong and say it's pink just in spite.
You want to say it started in 8th grade when the talent show happened. Your band was also competing against everyone after Eddie bragged his band was the only band performing. To put the icing on the cake, your band at the time won 2nd place while his was in 4th. 
You would think that after almost 4 ½ years he would’ve gotten over it or grown up at all, WRONG. He has constantly sent glares yor way. You know because you were always glancing his way.
You couldn't help it, Eddie Munson was your personal eye candy. After all these years he still caught your eye. Did you still have a crush on him? Kind of. His shitty attitude normally left a bad taste in your mouth when you talked to him. Does that change the fact that his smile and the way he scrunched his nose when he was angry made you turn into a puddle? Absolutely not.
“The tension between you two could be cut with a spoon, Y/N.” Robin said as she stole another grape off my tray. “I don’t know why he hates me, Rob, I’ve literally done nothing to him.”
“Does it surprise you, he hates everyone besides his groupies.” You rolled your eyes at the remark. “Those groupies happen to include my brother, Mike and Lucas.” It was her turn to roll her eyes at you. “How are you even comfortable with Dustin hanging around him if he hates you? Isn’t that a little weird? I know that they’ve played DND at your house before because Steve has complained that Dustin is devoting all of his attention to Eddie most days.” 
“It’s not Dustin’s fault that he has more in common with Eddie, and Dustin doesn’t normally get involved in mine and Eddies drama. He minds his business.” You give Robin the rest of your grapes and let her know that you have to go to the library before your next period. “Don’t forget you told Steve you’d come see him today at the shop.” She called out as you were walking away.
You go to dump your tray and you are stopped by Jason Carver and his side-kick Andy. “Hey Y/N, you’re looking as beautiful as always.” You scrunch up your nose at Andy. “I have places to be boys, if you could move.” You attempt to move past them and Jason stopped you.
“Henderson, he’s just wanting to have a friendly conversation.” You glare at Jason. “I have places to be. Sorry not sorry.” You attempt to move past one more time. “C’mon Henderson, he just wants to invite you to the party Patrick is hosting tonight.” 
“As much as I would love to show up and still ignore your existence there Andy, I have to take my brother to his DND club tonight.” Andy’s face turns red at me declining his offer. “Of course, the satanic cult he’s in. I’d be careful if I were you Y/N, there are rumors that Eddie brainwashes people. Your brother, Dustin, seems to already follow him around like a lost puppy. Wouldn’t want you being his first sacrifice.” You take a step forward and get in Andy’s face. “Let me make a couple things clear to you, first off,  Dungeons and Dragons is a fucking game. Secondly, you better leave Dustin and the rest of Hellfire alone. If I so much as hear you breathe wrong around them, I will knock your teeth down your fucking throat. Am I clear?” You say glaring at him. All he does in return is smirk and say crystal. 
You push past the two boys and make your way over to the Hellfire table. “Dustin, do you need a ride home from school, or just from Hellfire?” Before Dustin could even get his answer out Eddie decides to cut in. “No bitches at our lunch table Henderson.” You cut your eyes at Eddie for a split second before snapping back. “Give me two seconds and I’ll move away from your sorry excuse of a table Edward.” 
Dustin jumped up and dragged you out of the lunchroom into the hallway. “Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N, are you trying to piss him off even more today.” You glare at Dustin. “I was just asking you a question. Do you need a ride home afterschool? I can give you one if you need.” He sighed and rubbed his face. “I’m staying at Lucas’ house tonight. Can you atleast try to get along with Eddie.  He is a great guy once you get to know him.” Dustin pats your shoulder and walks back into the lunchroom.
Later that day, you did as promised and met Steve at Family Video after school. “Y/N are you going to the party tonight?” You look at Steve like he grew 3 heads. “How the fuck do you know about a highschool party?” “Robin.” You roll your eyes and tell him no. 
“Why not? You love parties, Y/N.” You continue to flip through the horror movies at the counter. “I would rather not go to a party that Andy and Jason Carver invited me to. No thank you.” He scoffed and snatched the stack of movies away from you. “C’mon I get off at 7:00, I’ll go home, change and pick you up at 8. Please?” You scrunch your nose in disdain but reluctantly sigh. “Fine, since you’re practically begging me. I’ll go to this stupid party, but I swear Steve if I get uncomfortable-” “Then either I’ll take you home, or I will find someone who we both trust to take you home. Go home and get ready, and I’ll see you at 8ish” You roll your eyes and flip him off as you walk out the door.
As the time went by while getting ready, you managed to shower, blowdry your hair, and do your makeup. You decided on wearing your high waisted black bell bottom jeans, and a loose dark green crop, and your black booties. You were lacing up your booties when the doorbell rang and you heard Steve’s voice come from the living room. “I’m here Y/N, hurry up.” You grab your house keys and met him in the living room, he was wearing a matching dark green sweater and black jeans. “Damn great minds think alike huh Stevie?” He playfully shoves you out the front door and goes to his car as you lock the door.
We end up pulling up at his house and you look at him confused. “Why are we here and not the party?” He tells you that the party is a block away and we would be walking there. You get to Patricks house and knock and he opens the door greeting us. “Y/N, Steve, it’s good to see you guys! Come on in and make yourselves comfortable.” He leads us to the kitchen where he has about 15 different kinds of liquor. “The punch is spiked as well. If you guys don’t want alcohol there's water and sodas in the fridge.” He left us after that and went to do his own thing. 
“So Y/N, shots?” Steve asked, smirking at you. You agreed and you both picked your favorite liquor and took about 5 shots before he left you to go to the bathroom. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N it’s great to see your sexy ass here.” You turn to see Andy leaning up against the counter as you are pouring yourself a cup of punch. “Ah Andy, what can I do for you?” You ask before downing the cup and refilling it. “Oh nothing, just admiring you.” You make a disgusted face at him and tell him to quit being weird.
You walk past him and head outside to get some fresh air. All of the alcohol had finally started hitting you and you were tipsy. “It’s rude to walk away in the middle of a conversation.” You roll your eyes at him. “Andy, what do you want? Can’t you see that I’m not interested.” He glares and pushes you up against the wall. “I’m tired of you playing hard to get Henderson, you know you want me. Stop denying it.” He grabs your ass and attempts to kiss you. “Andy, stop.” He knocks your cup out of your hand and is about to pin your hand above your head when he is ripped off of you, and is shoved up against the wall beside you.
“She said no. Can you not fucking comprehend english?” The person who had him shoved up against the wall was Eddie fucking Munson. “She asked for it dude, chill the fuck out freak.” Eddie shoved him against the wall harder. “I heard her say stop. If you ever fucking touch her again I will fucking kill you. Now get lost.” He lets go of Andy and Andy runs back inside. “Did he hurt you?” You finally look away from the doorway Andy just ran in to see Eddie in front of you. “I’m okay Eddie-” “I asked did he hurt you.” You shook your head and started to tear up. 
“C’mon, Steve saw me come in and he asked me if I could give you a ride home. He left with some blonde chick.” You grab Eddies hand and let him lead you to his van. He opened the door and helped you in. “Thank you, my stupid knight in leather.” He smiled and shook his head. “How much have you drunk Henderson?” You tell him enough and he closes the door and gets in the driver's seat.
“Why are you helping me, Eds?” You asked him finally coming down from the adrenaline rush from earlier. “You could’ve gotten hurt Y/N, now buckle your seatbelt.” You do as he tells you to, but glare at him in the process. “Why the fuck do you care Eddie? All you have ever done is been a dick head to me. I’ve literally have done nothing wrong to you, and you fucking hate me.” 
“Oh yes, Y/N Henderson, little miss perfect ball of sunshine. Who thinks she can do no wrong and everyone loves her. Grow the fuck up.” You look at him shocked. “You know what fuck you Munson, I’ve always fucking defended you. I’ve tried being nice, but nothing ever fucking helps. You’re just a cunt, and to think I fucking liked you.” You scooted down in your seat and stared out the window as he continued to drive you home silently.
As he pulled up in your driveway and put his van in park, he turned to you. “You like me?” He muttered loud enough for you to hear. “Liked, well I don’t really know anymore. All you ever do is treat me like shit Eddie.” He sighed and rubbed his face. “Probably because you’re always glaring at me or staring at me like I am a disease.” You laugh at that. “Eddie, I only ever glare at you when I catch you glaring first, and the whole disease part, I never did that. I was just staring at you, to be honest” “Well you were judging me.” He said accusingly. “Eddie, I've never judged you.”
“So all of this time, you were just staring at me because?” He asked hesitantly. “Because I thought you were funny, attractive, sometimes loud, and really fucking hot.” He became flustered and played with his rings. “Tell me it's a joke.” You look at him confused. “Eddie, why would I joke about this?” He shrugged and made eye contact with me again. “I’ve always been afraid you’d hate me. That’s kind of why I acted the way I did.” You frown at that statement and grab his hand. “Eds, I could never hate you.” 
“You know Henderson, if you weren’t drunk, I’d fucking kiss you right now.” You smirk at him and tell him you’re not drunk. “So is that a yes, because as we’ve found out I can’t read-” You cut him off by grabbing his face and pulling his towards you.
“Just kiss me already Munson.”
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Eddie's Birthday Weekend: Friday, October 28th YTAU Warnings: Steve snarking at Eddie near the end, oops. This chapter is short, but I hope you enjoy! You can read my detailed info about this entire fic HERE.
The sound of an alarm going off makes Eddie groan. Dimly aware it’s not his but his boyfriends, the artist hunkers back down under his nest of blankets, listening as Steve’s weight disappears from the left side of the man’s bed. 5:00am is far too early for anyone, but the coffee shop owner takes it like a champ, something Eddie admires about him. He himself doesn’t mind mornings, but there’s always some defining line of absolutely not, and anything before 6:00am is where that line appears. 
Listening to Steve shuffle around quietly, Eddie can picture the man, his ever-flawless hair a little sleep-ruffled, his eyes puffy from sleep. There’s a pause in movement and he knows the younger man is rubbing his face and stretching, probably trying to decide what shirt he wants to wear or if he has time to shower. A minute later he hears the shower turn on. Bingo. In the past month, he feels as though he’s become pretty well versed in Steve-isms, can picture perfectly in his mind the way his nose wrinkles up when he’s yawning, or the way his hand will find his hip when Max or Dustin say something that makes the man annoyed. 
Outside of Steve’s room, he picks up on Robin moving around the apartment, a quiet string of cuss words falling out of her mouth as she bumps into something. Eddie’s grown to love waking up in their apartment, something he thought would take more time getting used to. He’d roomed with Chrissy for a while, and even Gareth at one point, and having roommates had been a test of the man’s patience. Now though, it’s comforting, hearing Robin and Steve go about their morning while he lays there half asleep. 
Time passes, though Eddie’s not sure how much exactly. One second he’s imagining his boyfriend showering, the next there’s a kiss being pressed on his forehead. Eyes opening, he looks up and dark brown eyes meet light. Steve’s smiling at him, wearing a dark red polo and dark wash jeans. 
“Hey sleepyhead. Just wanted to let you know Robs and I are heading out. I hope you have a good day at work, and don’t forget you have your lunch with your uncle.” 
Shit. Steve’s right. Per tradition, he and Wayne have breakfast or lunch together every year to celebrate his birthday. This year, due to schedule conflicts, they’ve decided on a few days before his actual birthday, but Eddie is still excited all the same. It’s easier, too, since he’s living back in the same town as the other man, and not three hours away. 
“Mm, thanks Stevie,” Eddie nods, rubbing his face and sitting up a little so he can catch his boyfriend’s lips in his own. 
“Lemme know how it goes babe! I’ll see you tonight.” 
Steve leaves and Eddie lets himself enjoy another two hours of sleep before his own alarm goes off, alerting him to start the day. Usually, he’ll start his day out with oatmeal and eggs, but because the long haired man is at his boyfriends, he starts it out with changing clothes, popping a Zyrtec from the bottle on Steve’s bathroom counter, and making his way back to his own place. Letting himself into his two bedroom apartment, Eddie pulls up an episode of Gourmet Makes on Youtube and lets it play as background noise while he works on the eggs, mind wandering to the idea of getting a pet. 
Obviously, dogs are a no go- the only kind he’d be able to get is a hypoallergenic one and goldendoodles aren’t really his style. He’s been debating on a cat, but Steve’s allergic. Logically, he knows that shouldn’t be a deciding factor, especially when the man himself says not to worry about it (and they both know Steve kind of wants him to just for indulging purposes), but Eddie can’t help but worry. The other options are a rat, or maybe a hedgehog, which both seem pretty cool and relatively easy. Maybe once his birthday weekend is over and things have calmed down he and Steve can go look at the cats at the shelter, just to get an idea of it all. 
Sitting down at his table with his food, the tattoo artist checks his levels on his pump, makes sure his bolus insulin is set correctly for meal time, then digs in, savoring the hot meal on such a chilly Autumn day. Sunlight is streaming into the apartment, making it look cozy, the balcony allowing for a perfect view of the yellow, red and orange trees in front of the apartment complex. When Eddie finishes; a bite of one and then the other repeated until gone just like every other day for twenty eight years, he rinses his dishes, sets them in the half full dishwasher, and makes his way to the shower. 
11:00am rolls around and Eddie finds himself sitting in a booth by the window at the local diner on Main Street, waiting for his Uncle to arrive. Not a minute later, Wayne Munson walks in, a blue and green flannel on, underneath his well-worn work jacket, a Chicago Cubs hat perched on his head. The twenty eight year old stands and hugs his uncle tight, not having seen him for over a week, then sits back down, handing him the laminated menu despite both of them knowing what they’re getting. 
“Missed you old man, anything new going on?” 
“It’s been less than two weeks, Eddie, Christ. What do you want me to tell you, I’m engaged?” 
Snorting, Eddie rolls his eyes and pushes his arm a little from across the table. 
“I’m just curious about your life, sue me,” he shoots back with a smile. 
The lunch goes like every other one before it- Wayne gets a burger, Eddie gets white bean chili, and they eat in comfortable silence. It reminds the younger man of every night in the trailer when his uncle wasn’t working, how they would share a meal on the couch while watching an old episode of The Andy Griffith Show or Everybody Loves Ray. When he was little, he’d beg for Home Improvement, always enjoying Tim’s antics. 
After the check comes- “I’m payin’ Eds, it’s your damn birthday meal, quit it,” - Wayne pulls out a card from the pocket inside his jacket, and hands it to the guitarist. Opening the envelope, Eddie takes the card out and starts reading, slow and careful. The message on the card is generic, but when he opens up the front, there’s a long note written in slanted, cursive writing. 
You know I’m not much of a sap, but getting to watch you grow up, getting to raise you, it’s been the biggest blessing of my life. I miss your mom every single day, and I hate that what happened, happened, but the outcome isn’t something I’d ever trade. You’re one year away from thirty now, and I can’t find the words to tell you how proud I am of you. I’ve seen you go through so much shit in the past twenty years, things no one should ever have to witness or go through, but I’ve been amazed every time at how you’ve been able to handle it. I’m sorry I wasn’t more involved before you came to me, and I’m sorry I didn’t step in with Trent. I’ll never forgive myself for either. 
Anyway, I know you’ve been saying you need to get a new van. Lucinda ain’t running like she used to, and after seeing that death trap in action helping you move, I decided if I don’t do something about it, god knows when you will. When you’re available next, we’ll head down to Indy and find you something good, so long as it’s reliable. 
Love you kid, 
Blinking rapidly, Eddie looks up at his Uncle and swallows, eyes glassy. Clearing his throat, he gives a wobbly smile, receiving one back, then laughs a little. 
“Thanks Uncle Wayne…it..you don’t gotta do that, ya know?” 
“Oh trust me, I know. But you’re just as stubborn as your mother, and if something were to happen to you in that van, I’d never forgive myself.” 
Knowing there’s no point in arguing, Eddie simply nods, then straightens up a little. 
“I should be free next Friday, if you are.” 
“Wouldn’t miss it.” 
They say their goodbyes, share another hug, and then Eddie’s off to work, smiling to himself as he walks across the street then down a few stores to where Green Light Tattoo Parlor is nestled. Making his way in, arms crossed over his leather jacket to hold in heat, he nods at Carson and Louie as they wave, deep in conversation about some band that’s touring. It makes Eddie think of his own band, and how on the 6th of November they have a gig up in Indianapolis. Steve and Robin are coming too, both excited to see him play, and it makes him nervous but excited, knowing they’ll be cheering him on. 
The day is taken up by one client who’s getting the outlining of a full sleeve done. It takes seven hours, but the guy is able to sit through it well, and they only stop a few times, once for food, a couple of times for bathroom breaks and for Eddie to check his pump and blood glucose levels. By the time he’s finished, he’s got a solid amount done, a solid amount of money in his pocket, and he’s ready to go find his boyfriend and relax. 
Hoping he can convince Steve and Robin to watch Dracula, the artist packs his bag up, then says goodnight to Annaleigh, the only other one in the shop, who’s finishing up piercing a girl's septum. Robin opens the door when he knocks, despite having a key. He feels weird just barging in when the two friends are home, and uses it mostly to lock up when he’s alone in the mornings. 
“Just in time,” she smiles, which makes Eddie’s head cock to the side, reminiscent of a puppy. 
“Steve’s about to have a breakdown because he can’t find…something,” the freckle faced woman laughs, eyes rolling fondly. “You’ve not experienced a Steve freak out have you?” 
“Not that I can reca-” 
“It’s not here Robin! I told you! I knew it!” 
Both of them wince from the intensity and bitchiness in Steve’s sudden words. Eddie is almost amused, especially when Robin grumbles about how Steve does this all the time. He’s always known his boyfriend can be a bit of a worrier, but the bitchiness is new, and frankly, Eddie’s living for it. Following Robin into Steve’s room, he sees drawers in his desk and dresser are opened, and there’s stuff all over the man’s bed. 
“Uhhh…did a tornado go through here?” 
Steve, whose back is to the door, whips around, eyes wide, almost manic. His brow furrows and he puts a hand on his hip. 
“What’re you doing here?” 
His boyfriend’s tone isn’t rude persay, but it’s definitely surprised, which confuses the tattoo artist. 
“Uhh, you invited me over tonight right? Or…I mean, I can leave,” he jokes, turning dramatically to leave.
When Steve doesn’t say anything, doesn’t try to stop him, Eddie freezes, then looks back. Robin looks like she wants to be anywhere but here. Frowning, the guitarist turns back around and stares at the younger man. 
“Steve, seriously, I can go if you need me to.” 
“It’s not…it’s not that I don’t want you here. But I’m trying to find something, and I’m already stressed, and…” he trails off. 
Wait. Does Eddie stress him out? He said ‘already stressed’ as if his own presence causes his boyfriend stress regularly. Trying to ignore the sting, trying to tell himself Steve’s just worked up, the musician nods, biting his lip. 
“It’s all good man, seriously. Everyone needs their space every once in a while. I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?” He walks closer to kiss Steve goodbye but at the last second merely presses a kiss to the younger man’s cheek. Leaving, he walks down the hall, Robin following.
“It’s fine Robin, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” He offers a tight smile and closes the door gently behind him, blowing out a breath. 
What the fuck? 
Making his way home, Eddie tries to think through all logical explanations, attempting not to read too much into anything. Of course the honeymoon phase can’t last forever, but damn if it doesn’t suck when it ends. He knows Steve’s probably just had a rough day and this just happens to be the tipping point, but it still stings. He ends up asleep on his couch, watching Dracula alone. It’s not a great night, but it could be worse. Before he falls asleep, he manages to send a text message. 
Night Stevie. Hope whatever was missing you found, and your night got better! ❤️ See you tomorrow. 
“What the hell Steve?!” Robin’s voice is loud when she steps back into the bedroom, and the man feels about two inches tall. 
Steve knows he’s royally fucked up, knows he needs to apologize to Eddie and explain. Right now isn’t the time though, not with how frazzled he is. Work had been busy which already left him jittery, and then he’d wanted to wrap his boyfriend's present, only to forget its hiding spot. Way to go Harrington. Rubbing his face, he looks at Robin, who’s staring a hole into him, making him feel shittier by the second. 
“I…I didn’t mean for it to happen like that.” 
The woman scoffs and rolls her eyes in a way that reminds him of Nancy, when he was being unreasonable back years and years ago. Even now, Nancy Wheeler is a sore spot, even though they’ve talked everything through and are friends. It was his first true girlfriend, and he’d really loved her. The night of the Halloween party will always be one of his lowest as far as he’s concerned. 
“Well, it did, and now Eddie’s upset, and I would be too. It’s just a present Steve. You need to fix this.” Robin’s tone leaves no room for arguing. 
“I’m going to! Tonight I need to cool off, okay? It’ll all be fine. I just…really need to find the damn present, and sleep. Today has been a shit show.” 
His face must convey how he feels, wired and upset, because Robin walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder. The touch is grounding, and thank god for his best friend, because without her he’d be spiraling even more right now. 
“We’ll find the present, Dingus. Just take a few breaths and try to remember where your past self would put it, and why it would be there and not one of the first places you looked.”
Ten minutes later, Steve finds the box that’s holding the nice guitar pick necklace, ‘Type 1’ inscribed on the back, along with the new soft sweater and special edition Midsommar DVD he’d snagged a couple of weeks prior. 
It hits him now, really settles in, that he’s been a dick to Eddie, and he hopes he can fix it.
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wrencatte · 1 year
request fill ficlet 7 out of 20 Dick & Damian + Damian picking up mannerisms from Jason during their time together in the LoA. Except I put a little twist on it and added it to the majesty of caged lions verse (when my cage is by the window (I can see the sun))
The stove light is on when he comes into the kitchen. Not unusual, Alfred leaves it on as a just in case even though the likelihood of one of them waking up so soon after patrol when the sun hasn’t risen is pretty low. 
Normally it would be Dick or Tim who came to the kitchen when the insomnia or nightmares got bad, but Tim's been off with his team since last week and Dick doesn’t normally hang around Gotham anymore. More than he did when Jason – More than he did before Tim became Robin, but even then, he has his own team, his own city, and Tim has grown into a capable hero that doesn’t need him as often.
Circumstances have changed, though, and that circumstance is sitting at the kitchen table, legs folded up under him, a book open under his palm. Damian’s eyes flash in the dim light – almost cat-like – and Dick wonders how he can read with how dark it is.
The kid watches him impassively, tracking Dick as he wanders over and flips the light to a higher setting – he doesn’t turn on the overhead light, neither of them would like that – and checks the kettle, unsurprised to find it half-full. The canister of loose-leaf tea that hadn’t been among Alfred’s selection up until two months ago sits ever-so-slightly out of line to the rest of them. Dick nudges it back, adds some water to the kettle, and sets it up to heat.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Dick asks, keeps his voice low but not soft. Damian doesn’t do well with soft – he gets kind of awkward and stiff, the tips of his ears get red. It’s adorable, but for all of Dick’s skills, he can’t tell if he’s embarrassed by it or uncomfortable, so he does his best to keep it to a minimum when he can.
Damian shakes his head. The kid is a bottomless well of snark and attitude and genuinely hilarious but on point observations on a good day, can get downright mean on a bad one, but the in between moments, like now in the cool grey pre-dawn, with the kettle clicking softly behind him, the sound of pages crackling as Damian shifts his hand – Dick finds a capable, but traumatized kid who really doesn’t know how to handle the world.
He doesn’t talk much about growing up in the League of Shadows. He mentions Talia the most, all full of love and adoration, and Dick doesn’t really like her much, but he can’t find it in himself to hate her when Damian loves her so openly. There’s gaps here and there. Wide, gaping voids of things Damian doesn’t talk about, doesn’t hint at – and Dick thinks to the little wooden robin from a couple weeks ago, stained red. The way Damian held it like it was something precious. How he cried – the first time he’d cried since coming to Gotham.
“Neither could you,” Damian finally says.
Dick smiles, shrugs. “It happens.” They lapse in silence, watching each other, until Dick gives into his curiosity and asks, “Whatcha reading?”
Damian visibly startles and covers the open pages with his other hand like Dick can read it from there. His shoulders curl in and he looks away. “ Tuck para siempre ,” he mumbles.
Tuck Everlasting . And something about the title nudges something in the back of his mind.
“You like it?”
Damian shrugs. “It is alright.” Almost absently he ghosts his finger down the margin of the page. “I like the notes more.”
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vic394 · 2 years
Eddie Munson's Upside Down Chronicles
A/N: Started as a hc and became its own thing. Established Steddie. Enjoy!
Between composing the lyrics for Corroded Coffin and planning out the DND campaigns, Eddie Munson turns out to be quite the writer. It helps that he reads a lot, too, with Lord of the Rings being one of his favorite series. He spaces through a lot of fantasy, thriller and horror novels.
He's practically born to be a storyteller.
So it's really no surprise for Steve to find him sitting down at their kitchen table on an early morning, pouring words into one of his notebooks like his life depends on it.
"New campaign?" Steve asks casually as he prepares coffee for the both of them. He offers Eddie a cup and plants a kiss on the top of his head.  A quick look over Eddie's shoulder doesn't give him any insight, the writing too messy to be deciphered from afar.
"I don't know, not really... but sort of?" Eddie doesn't really know how to answer. It's not a DND campaign, but in a way it's their very own campaign, isn't it?
"Why don't you take a seat and give it a go?"
So, over breakfast Steve reads bits of their own story, pieces of information about the Upside Down, the battle against Vecna, the aftermath they've had to deal with.
It's heavy for him to relive it, and he has to stop from time to time to take it all in, making a final pause when he's finished.
"Eds, this is... This is really good" he says eventually and Eddie beams at him, drinking the last of his own coffee.
They both still have nightmares, of the monsters and the war and those damn bats, but Eddie has just come to find out that putting it on paper somehow makes everything less scary, to a point where it's almost cathartic.
"I think I might be onto something."
Day by day, he keeps adding entries, some longer and more detailed and other ones messy and feverish as he struggles to get the memory away from his mind and onto the pages, where it can't hurt him.
Steve soon enough starts to fill the gaps in Eddie's knowledge, having been around for most of what happened before Eddie came along.
It's been a few years, a lot has happened and they've grown some more since, but Steve tries to be as accurate as he can.
Eddie starts keeping a notebook specifically for his Upside Down Chronicles (a temporary title before he can think of a better one) and as time passes he starts collecting Robin's side of the story, then  Dustin, Mike and Lucas. Everyone gives him a piece of the puzzle he's slowly putting together.
One afternoon before Christmas, Nancy invites him over for a cup of hot chocolate. They chat about everyday stuff for a while and once they’ve gotten comfortable enough, Nancy gets to the point.
“Mike says you guys have been talking about some things”
And just like that she opens up to him about Barb, giving him all the details that had to remain a secret for the public, details no one outside of their group would have believed, details that Eddie suspected because of what Steve had told him, but that he’d never dare ask to Nancy. By the end of it, Nancy is sobbing in Eddie’s arms, his already black shirt now showing darker stains of mascara. He lets her stay there as long as she needs and she eventually pulls away, composes herself and thanks him.
“I didn’t know how much I needed this.”
Her face is red and her eyes puffy, still glossy with tears, but the smile that breaks through is sincere. Eddie smiles back, his chest filled with warmth, and only now does he truly understand that what he's doing is helping the people around him just as much as it’s helping him.
“Anytime” he says.
He meets up with Will and El when they come visit from California, and it feels like winning the jackpot. El is an incredible source of information and while there's some stuff she doesn't want to talk about (and Eddie never insists, he’d never want her to feel uncomfortable) she does help him a lot and sits down with him for hours with her tales of Hawkins Lab and the ways she’s developed and used her powers.
Will also contributes, but in a slightly different way. He asks for a pencil and a piece of paper and gets to work. It's a simple drawing of the Mind Flayer, only the necessary details, but Eddie falls in love with it as soon as he sees it. He begs and pleads and manages to convince Will to make more, and after some more begging and pleading, Will agrees to contribute as the official illustrator for the project.
So, when Steve tidies up the table in the evening, he finds it full of Demogorgons, Mind Flayers, even the Demo-bats that Will has never seen but that he drew based on Eddie's detailed description. Steve smiles; Will has done a superb job.
It takes a couple years to collect and edit everything, and by the time he's finally done Eddie has a stack of notebooks and drawings on his desk and smaller papers with notes and memos scattered everywhere.
Steve, being the proud and supportive boyfriend he is, gets everyone’s permission and then starts mailing the first chapters to a bunch of publishing houses. Eddie hadn’t really thought things would get this far, after all what he wanted to do was find a good way to deal with his nightmares and leave it at that. He decides to humor Steve though, convinced that no one would respond anyway. Steve shrugs as he looks up more publishers on the phone book.
“I mean, stranger things have happened-” and suddenly the phone book lays on the floor and Eddie has Steve pinned against the wall and he’s kissing him with all his might because that right there? That’s a freaking good title.
A few months later, a small editor gets in contact with Eddie, wanting to hear more about the story. Eddie has to suppress a laugh when the editor says it might be a successful “fantasy horror” novel.
And he might cry with joy when Steve finds the first copy in the mail, a heavy hardback edition, larger than life going over a thousand pages, with one of Will’s best illustrations on the front cover. Eddie opens the book with trembling hands, glances at the foreword by Dustin Henderson, the acknowledgements where he thanks Steve and the entire Hawkins gang, and he has to choke down a sob at the dedication page, two words standing out on the empty space.
For Chrissy.
It becomes a bestseller, gaining popularity through word of mouth. It makes its way to the top of the New York Times charts and it stays there for a few years. In an interview, he’s asked if he’s planning on writing a sequel;  Eddie can’t help but laugh at the journalist and all he has to say on the matter is “Oh, I sure fucking hope not”.
He keeps up his work with the band too, but by the time he’s turned 30, so many more people know him as Eddie Munson the author as opposed to Eddie Munson, the lead singer of Corroded Coffin.
He can’t say that he minds.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Robin ran around the corner to come face-to-face with the Heretic's glowing red eyes. Robin's legs went numb "Heretic..." He took a step back and the Heretic took two forward. Robin cried out and before he could move the Heretic grabbed him under his arms and held him. Robin struggled against his foe, leaning his head forward and slamming it back up to hit the Heretic. Robin scrambled out of the Heretic's grasp, he had stumbled back with the blow and beneath that mask Robin could swear he saw anger.
Then the steel dragging on the floor made Robin freeze for a mere second. That damn sword was in his grasp. Can he really survive this? The first time said otherwise and that was with Nightwing helping. Now... this time he was all alone. No one can save him, not Batman, not Nightwing, not even his mother would. He's alone and he has to fight a more perfected copy of himself that is ten years older. Robin spent too much time frozen on the spot, the Heretic got closer and Robin flinched as he threw a batarang and grabbed his katana "I refuse to go down without a fight" "Very well, then you shall lose again. You get to experience Hell once more and stay there forever" "Tt"
Robin ran, ramming the katana toward his right, the Heretic blocked the clang of steel as Robin held his katana down, the Heretic went to punch Robin with his left. Robin saw how the Heretic kept an eye on the katana, with that distraction Robin ducked and grabbed his dagger. Slicing the Heretic on the leg, Robin flipped back to gain distance. "You fool, you could have been the true blood son had you not grown so soft" "Are you trying to talk this out or are we going to do as trained and fight it out you coward" The Heretic growled and swung to the right. Robin parried at the right time and the sword flew out of the Heretic's hands. Before Robin could do any damage, the Heretic grabbed him by the neck taking his katana and beginning to squeeze making Robin's vision go in and out. Then it came back on the exact same spot as last time. Robin looked down at the sword that impaled him as he was stuck to the wall, the Heretic moved back and laughed "This is our true power, now it is mine. Goodbye failure"
Robin was somehow still alive for now, just alive enough to feel the excruciating agony of the sword through his chest. Robin couldn't move a single limb, he felt the blood dribble down his mouth to the sword and mixing with the blood blooming from his chest, the dark red from his chest poured to the floor. Robin was in a puddle of his own blood, unable to look anywhere else. Robin simply watched the blood as if it was a wonder to be seen. He was somehow alive and he can't even tell how or why. Yet no matter how much pain he could feel, every other bit of being alive was gone. His hands won't move, his feet won't turn, his mouth won't close as the blood flowed down. He was so fucking cold, yet the blood was warm in comparison. A part of him should hate it, but being warm means being alive enough to feel... but it will be gone soon.
Robin managed to control one part of himself, he managed to close his eyes and hope that his family will be okay. Hoping that if they see him like this, they won't cry. That they will move on, because you can't truly escape death so many times, by the time you've reached your limit it drags you away forever.
"He's still asleep?"
"Yeah... this one was severe, that night when he attacked Batman, he kept talking and as usual he attacked. Then he stopped once Bruce managed to pin him to the wall and administer the antidote. He hasn't woken up since then"
"How long has it been?"
"About six days"
"What... what do you think he saw this time?"
"The possibilities are endless... and that scares me"
Damian opened his eyes slowly, it's the only thing he can move. Scanning the area, it was not too bright and he felt safe. He looked down, the sword was gone from his chest except the pain was unbearable and couldn't be ignored. Then to the left was someone he knows, someone he can't recall the name of...
Is this Hell again?
The person spoke, but it was like muffled static and nothing reached his ears. He could only see their mouth move and the blue blur on what he assumes is their shirt.
Then a bit far off from the first person was another he should know, but no matter how much he racked his brain he couldn't draw a face or name to anyone. The person by the blue blur was a red blur that he can't recognize, but the red blur had a striking white blur to their head which captivated Damian's attention at the difference.
Damian looked at where the sword should be, but it was gone and he was left with the pain. Damian tested out his fingers, he could move it at a slow pace. Any pace to move is one wanted in a "just got impaled and bled out" situation regardless of how slow. Damian managed to feel the nerves in his arm regain control as he lifted his hand to his chest, it felt as if he reached down more he could have a grasp on the hilt of the sword. Damian looked at the blue blur and patted lightly at his chest to indicate the sword that was now missing.
Their mouth moved and Damian frowned, moving his hand to his ear and covering it before going back to his chest. It seems the blue blur got the idea that he couldn't hear and they rested their hand on top of Damian's and shook their head.
There was no sword at all? How? Damian knows he was stabbed.
Damian pat at his chest a bit more harder, he knows he was stabbed. Another shake of their head and Damian closed his eyes, maybe they were right? If he was indeed stabbed as he claims, then how could he be here? The sword went through his heart, no one can survive that. So they must be right. It must be a hallucination of some sort.
Damian's body was lifted and he was sitting up, the red blur with a white streak held something in their hand. Carefully bringing it to Damian's lips, it struck Damiam how parched he was and he ever so slowly opened his mouth. Instead of the metallic taste of blood, he was greeted by the clear cool water that definitely helped here and Damian felt his senses clear a bit. The blurs, he recognizes them, it's Richard and Jason. His hearing was a bit better, but his body was still sluggish.
"Hey, how do you feel Dames?"
"...he killed me or was... was that a trick?"
"Fear toxin, it looked really bad. How are you feeling though?"
"I got stabbed... again"
Jason rubbed Damian's back and offered him more water to which Damian accepted graciously.
"Is there anything we can do for you?"
"..."He can't focus, the pain was so bad that his vision blurred a few times. Gripping his shirt and the flash of red that came from the Heretic flashed through his mind. Then the red blood going down his mouth onto the sword as he hung there helplessly.
Then behind Jason and Dick, in the shadows shined red eyes. Damian wanted to speak, to call for help, but all that came out was a wretched gasp. Damian fumbled off the bed and landed on his butt, moving back in horror. Was he here to stab him again?
"Damian, look at me tell me what's wrong"
Damian shook his head the pain in his chest getting worse as he his breath quickened and cracked at certain points. "NO! DON'T COME CLOSER" Damian kept staring at the Heretic who stood in the shadows waiting for the chance to strike him for a third time.
"No no no no no no no no no no!!! I-I can't do this! Don't come closer, I'll do whatever you want! I'll go back to Nanda Parbat just please don't do this again. I don't want to die! Please please don't do this don't kill me, I'll go back to the League. I'll do whatever you want just don't kill me I beg of you"
How pitiful of the Heir of Al Ghul be brought down to beg for his life. This won't stand
You've learned nothing
You are a mistake
To go so low as to beg for mercy
I am the one who will be better than you
You are nothing
Damian wailed and something warm enclosed around him. He looked down to see if the sword was back, it wasn't. Then up, to see the Heretic was no longer there.
"Breath in... good now out" Unbeknownst to him, Damian had unconsciously done as told. He followed the orders given.
"Can you feel my pulse?"
"Good, breath in again"
He did as told.
"Now out"
Damian rested most of his weight onto his father who had already tasked himself with doing so. "I- He was there... I saw him watching me" "He's no longer here, some of the fear toxin from a few nights ago must have kicked in when you began to have a panic attack" Damian held onto Bruce as tight as he could, taking in his father's warmth. Damian opened his eyes to see Dick with red eyes and tear stained face.
"I'm fine, I got a little spooked is all. Don't worry" Jason looked worried, but he managed to hold it together a bit more "Don't worry on us baby bat"
"You're okay, you're safe here with us" Bruce kissed Damian on the forehead when he finished talking.
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History (Damian Wayne x Scarlet Witch Reader)
A/N: This is still part of my Movie Night series but it’s just a lil blurb I though of. This also might be the shortest thing I’ve written on here and the fluffiest. I was feeling really uncreative with the title but honestly I’m just glad I was able to write something and I only hope you guys enjoy it! Please do let me know if you do, don’t be shy! And so here you go and I hope you have the loveliest of days! <3 
Details: In a nutshell, the first time Damian tells you he loves you ^^
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Words: 800
The first time Damian Wayne met the Titans, it wasn’t under the best or most willing circumstances.  
“I don’t need to be in a team. I work perfectly fine on my own,” he complained.
“That’s the problem,” Dick simpered as he drove them to the tower.
“Being competent as an individual is a problem now?”
“No one said anything about your competency, Damian. We know you can handle yourself, Bruce would never let you be Robin if that weren’t the case but you can’t take on everything by yourself. Eventually you’ll need some help.”
“And these teenagers are supposed to provide that?” he spat.
“Okay, one,” he side-eyed him, he was getting quite tired of his attitude, “they’re around the same age as you and two, you’re a teen who dresses up as a traffic light who helps a grown man who dresses up as a bat to fight crime.”
“... You’re the one who picked out the colors,” he grumbled.
“And I looked great when wearing them.” 
Damian tutted and crossed his arms. “Whatever. Teammates are a liability. They’ll just get in the way.”
Dick rolled his eyes. “Look, just try to keep an open mind to this. Who knows, maybe you’ll actually make a friend there.”
“Unlikely,” he muttered indignantly.
He remembers the exact moment he first laid eyes on (Y/N). He was being greeted by the other half of the Titans when he saw her and Beast Boy fly from the rooftop to the ground to greet him. 
He was very interested by the red energy radiating from her hands, he had never seen anything like that before. From the unsteadiness of her landing he was able to tell she was still getting accustomed to her abilities. Somehow, despite the wobbliness of it he still found her graceful. Upon finally locking eyes she gave him a friendly smile but he simply looked away. 
Never would he have imagined how important these people would become to him. Nor the bonds he would create with them or how fervently and unequivocally in love he’d become with (Y/N) (L/N).
To his credit, he came to the realization a lot quicker compared to how long it took him to recognize his feelings for her in the first place. It happened at night when they were getting ready to sleep after a particularly tedious mission. 
It wasn’t unusual for the pair to sleep over the other’s room, in fact their sleepovers had only become more frequent since they’ve kissed, and on this night it was Damian who came into (Y/N)’s room. They were all cozied up in bed, (Y/N)’s back against Damian’s chest while his arm was wrapped securely around her waist. He breathed in the soft scent of her shampoo and contentedly sighed as he watched her play with his outstretched hand. 
“Your hands are so pretty,” she mused.
“I much prefer yours,” he lightly chuckled at her random remark. “Mine are far too rough.” 
“I like rough,” she said in a suave tone as she traced the veins on his hands. “And I like you. A lot.”
“I like you more,” he kissed the back of her head and snuggled her tighter. “So much more, beloved.”  
She couldn’t see but Damian couldn’t stop smiling. It wasn’t a night unlike any other but this was his favorite night time ritual. (Y/N) in his arms, safe, content, and relaxed. She meant everything to him and normally this would scare him but with her he felt safe. And so he knew. And he wanted her to know too.
“(Y/N),” he started and she turned her head to look at him, “I need to tell you something.”
“I suspected so, my head has become too heavy and caused your arm to fall asleep,” she sat up to rearrange herself but he sat up with her and halted her movements.
“No, it’s not that at all.” 
“Oh. Then what is it you need to tell me?”
Damian gazed into her inquisitive eyes and gently cupped her cheek before leaning in and kissing her. It was soft yet it became more ardent as he laid her down and peppered her neck, temple, and cheeks with kisses.
“I… love… you..” he whispered in between kisses. 
“What?” she asked hazily. 
“I love you,” he repeated more clearly before kissing her again. “You don’t have to say it back just because-”
“But I do too, love you I mean,” she smiled as she caressed his cheek. “I love you Damian.”
Damian's lips curled into a lovesick grin upon hearing those sweet words escape her lips. Her hand slipped behind his neck, ushering him to kiss her again and he happily obliged.
Taglist: @trashmouthsahra​
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luckybyler · 2 years
I made two song charts based on ST characters' music tastes, as per their playlists. How did I do?
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The first one is based on songs from up to 1989, and the second one on songs from 1990 to the present.
The songs in red are the ones that define each character's musical taste. The ones from the first chart are the first songs in each of their playlists, except in Max's case, which is Running Up That Hill for obvious reasons. For the characters that have no playlists, Eddie's and Argyle's are the songs that identified them, and in Robin's, Erica's, and Murray's cases, I had to take a wild guess. I went from that and extrapolated it in order to make both charts.
The songs in black are the intersections between the characters' musical tastes. Basically, if two characters were in a car and this song came up on the radio, both of them would enjoy it. Here's a summary of how I viewed each character:
El: She's pure pop, bubblegum, euphoria, and joy to explore the world. She provides a little magical flair to other people's music. It's Eleven, bitch!
Will: I thought it would be hard because his music taste stems from Jonathan's, but his style actually seems pretty defined. He looks like he will grow into a hipster style. He probably listened to your favorite band before it was cool.
Mike: I had a rule for him: No US artists, only the rest of the world. He watches the FIFA World Cup, has an opinion on the Gallagher feud and uses the metric system. And judging by his playlist, he's also severely depressed (oopsie!). Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
Dustin: He likes to party, and he likes technology. He's not averse to feeling, but prefers it wrapped up in a sick beat. Work hard, play hard.
Lucas: He's funky, but also nerdy. His heart broke when Kanye went off the deep end. He's the fratboy of an academic-minded college, he's the book-smartest of his basketball team.
Max: She's all about ska, skater culture, and California, although she has a more poppy, feminine side as well.
Erica: I can't shake the idea of her as a little girl, even though realistically she'd be in her late 40s right now. So she brings out a fun, childlike vibe to our matrix.
Nancy: She's a powerful woman, and her music reflects that. Her taste is more eclectic, and a little grown-up.
Jonathan: Whereas Will grows into hipster rock, somehow Jonathan was grunge since 1983, and remains so to this day. Rock is not dead.
Steve: He likes to move it, move it. He tried to recreate Tom Cruise's dance scene from Risky Business and openly flirts with his wife, even decades after getting married. He's sexy and he knows it.
Robin: Lilith Fair-core. She's proud and loud (as much as she can be, anyway).
Eddie: Surprisingly (or not?) the hardest to match. Metalheads tend to be purists, and I had to make him influenced by the others, who have way different tastes from him. This is a pretty open-minded version of him (death has a way of doing that to you).
Argyle: I was gonna write a description of him, but then I got high.
Joyce: A total mom, but she tries to keep up with the times. She loves a good ballad, but definitely knows how to have fun as well.
Hopper: He's all country and Grandpa rock. He's weathered and rough, and that's reflected in his music taste.
Murray: Shame is a word that doesn't exist in his vocabulary. He likes what he likes and does what he needs to do, to hell with societal expectations. He's a master at revealing the truth, and that extends to music.
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