#lucius malfoy x narcissa black
lilbeanz · 4 months
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POV: Draco had a nightmare.
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souryam · 3 months
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lucissa's firstborn
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raphael-angele · 17 days
James: Oi, Pads. I'm taking Reggie out to Hogsmeade this Saturday.
Sirius: Aight. *realizes smth* Ooooh, actually, I can't give you permission for that.
James: ...why not?
Sirius: I don't have custody over Reg that weekend.
James: ...What?!
Sirius: Yeah, no, he's not under my supervision this Saturday.
James: Then who do I ask?
---Slytherin Common Room---
James: *carefully approaching* Ms. Narcissa...
Lucius: Fuck off, Potter
James: I'm here to talk to her, Malfoy; not your Targaryen looking ass.
Lucius: Well she doesn't want to speak to you. So, why don't you run along back to your little tower and-
Narcissa, not taking her eyes off her book: Lucius. That's enough.
James: *impressed* Damn
Narcissa: What do you want, Potter?
James: Uhm...I wanted to ask if it was okay if I take Reggie out to Hogsmeade this Saturday.
Narcissa: Why not ask Sirius?
James: He said to ask you since you have custody of him that day.
Narcissa: Of course, he did. Very well. Make sure he eats his breakfast first. Treat him to lunch. Don't let him have too many sweets. And bring him back before dinner.
James: uhm. Yes, I'll make sure to do that.
Narcissa: And Potter.
James: Yes?
Narcissa: If I so much see a hair out of place, I will not hesitate to throw you into the Forbidden Forest
Narcissa: And I want two packs of Exploding Bonbons *smiles innocently*
James: ... Yes, mam.
Narcissa: Good. Now, shoo.
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meemoop · 7 months
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RIP Gourdon pt. 2
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not-rab · 3 months
u know how narcissa doesn’t have a star-related name like the rest of the blacks
what if her middle name began with an e
so her initials would spell out neb like the nebula
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daantihero · 9 months
Scorpius: Did you have a bully growing up?
Draco:Have you met your grandfather?
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 8 months
I know Snape was the only death eater that was able to produce a patrons and I’d just like to beg your pardon.
Snape conjured a patrons based on an obsession. What he had for Lily might have been love once but let be real, we’ve surpassed that phase. Now it feels like it’s just an obsession over her.
Other than Lily, his life was fucking miserable. His father was a prat and his mother was weird. He got bullied at school and he doesn’t really seem to enjoy his teaching life very much.
It’s also portrayed that his patronus is conjured from love and not happiness.
So excuse me if I feel like any other death eater has happier memories than Severus Snape.
Lucius Malfoy, he’s respected at the ministry and has a wife, a son that he at least cares about, a nice ass mansion. He’s wealthy and grew up in a famous, rich family, why can’t he conjure a patronus?
Bellatrix Lestrange, like the only death eater who really enjoys what she’s doing with Voldemort. She straight up laughs when killing Sirius. Why can’t she conjure a patronus?
Regulus Black, whose love for his god damn house elf got himself killed. Why can’t he conjure a patronus?
Narcissa Malfoy, who loves her son more than anything, so much that she straight up lied to Voldemort who can read minds just because there’s a chance her son is still alive. Why can’t she conjure a patronus?
Why can’t any of the death eaters conjure a patronus especially since Harry, at 13 years old, could do it based on a made up memory.
It’s a shit excuse to get people to like Snape more.
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orchideous-nox · 11 days
I can't help but notice that Narcissa waited until Deathly Hallows when they're in the depths of the war to get bangs. Like does she magic them or is she standing in front of a mirror with scissors making Lucius late for the Death Eater meeting at their own house until she's got them even?
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cuntrygirlcallista · 10 months
☆ I had to let you know that I got a crush on you..
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draco malfoy has a crush on you…
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Draco is extremely arrogant so initially he would try and impress you.
Bragging about his home and the lavish, expensive possessions his parents can afford him. It’s not charming at all, it’s actually quite annoying.
He’d have Crabbe and Goyle help him play it up more. They would sing his praises incessantly anytime they saw you. One time you even let them convince you to go see him at Quidditch practice.
It was a nightmare.
While attempting a very daring feat on his broomstick that involved a midair roll, he fell. Luckily Madam Hooch was supervising and was able to save the poor wizard. Seeing you giggling at his misfortune definitely hurt his pride.
Eventually Blaise snitched, even though by then you’d already pieced it all together.
You decided one day at the end of one of his long bragging sessions to finally tell him you knew.
“and Draco” you say haltingly, before walking off making him turn to face you. “The bragging isn’t going to win me over, I prefer gentleman”
After that something finally clicked for the moron. From then on he was as charming as could be. Taking you out on dates, calling you “princess” and surprisingly treating you like one.
You were actually starting to like him
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moutainrusing · 22 days
Lucius: You’re starting to look more and more like me everyday, son.
Four-year-old Draco, bursting into tears: But I don’t wanna look like you! You’re ugly!
Narcissa, leaving the room so she can laugh while owling Alice about how Draco has inherited her opinions:
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hazedwords · 7 months
Chaos Club
Y/N: Oh god, she texted you ‘hi.’ Punctuation only means one thing, Lucius. She’s mad at you.
Lucius: No, it's Narcissa. She’s just being gramatically correct!
Narcissa: And then I used a period so he would know that I'm mad at him.
Severus: Cissa, a period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.
Narcissa: I stand by my choice.
(Genz marauders era)
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gods-graveyard · 10 months
Little Harry Potter-
"This is my Mom, and my Dad, and my Papa, and my Padfoot, and my Moony, and Uncle Severus, and my Uncle Barty, and my Uncle Evan, and my Auntie Andromeda, and Aunt Narcissa- oh and Lucius, and my Aunt Pandora, and my-"
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souryam · 6 months
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they color match their outfits with each other's eyes
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somesnapefan2 · 1 year
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actuallymoon · 2 months
me reading a fic where Lucius is portrayed as abusive: ALLEGATIONS!!!! FALSE ALLEGATIONSSSSS!!!!
(Yes, he's a strict parent but he truly loves Draco and wouldn't disown him for being gay or beat him up as a child - as if Narcissa could let that happen)
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rockongolddustw · 12 days
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The brilliantly talented guine_evere on IG drew this commission for The Black Prophecy - beautifully capturing the Black Sisters hearing a prophecy in the first scene. Fic can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57587314/chapters/146531797
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