#mac 1 weed
blunts-and-babes · 1 year
Mac 1 fire too🤤
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cannabisbutch · 6 months
Got 2 whole oz of weed for $160 lets goooooooo
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cannibros · 2 years
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MAC 1 from Fraser Valley Weed Co. is a strong hybrid strain with dense frosty buds and a distinct citrusy aroma with hints of earth and gas. You can check out the full review including some additional pics on our website here.
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littlestardude · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞☆Dating Kenny HCS|| Reader x Kenny McCormick
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Plot: Just sum HCS!
Note: I love Kenny McCormick so fucking much he's so pookie smookie, also first post yippee!
TW: Drugs, death bcs of drugs (its Kenny he comes back-), incest ment (concerning rats), smut HCS at the end
Gender: AFAB Gen neutral
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FLIRTS NONSTOP. all day every day, he just doesn't fucking stop. But the moment you flirt back.
Bro is dead, 6 feet under, giggling and kicking his feet
Has trouble falling asleep and sometimes you'll wake up and he'll be just staring at you
"Kenny what the fuck are you doing... "
"You're so pretty... Can I not stare at my partner in the middle of the night!? :(("
Demands you cuddle him to sleep
Did I mention touchy?
Super fucking touchy
Literally has to be touching you all the time as if you we're his phone in his pocket or he'll freak out
Actually learned the value of life once you stepped in. He's died only once.
Why you ask? In his words
"I can NOT just say no to free drugs"
Drugs in question were something called... Crazy 8...basically 8 fucking drugs mixed together.
Yea he wasn't gonna survive.
Now you have to keep an eye on him, and tell him to just stick with weed
Oh yeah weed
Bro is toasted most of the time.
AND reeks of weed 24/7
Anytime you smell weed the first thought that pops into your head is, "where's Kenny? "
Basically weed is a comforting smell to you now 💀
Asked you to get high with him
You were reluctant at first but then you tried it... Let's just say it's a common occurrence now
You think he's flirty when he's sober? When he's high omfg.
Compliments like crazy, and can actually take compliments back when he's high
You adore high Kenny because he literally turns into the silliest mf alive
Super duper touchy when you're both high, like on top of each other the whole time
Piercings out the wazoo
Tattoos to come...
You let him shower at your place so he actually became CLEAN once you started dating.
Like his hair is actually touchable now, and not greasy
He's still a rat boy tho, and does dirty rat boy things
Actually HAS rats
You came over one time and he introduced you to his ratty children
"This is Frankie, and Frankie Jr, and Frankie Jr Jr, and that's Maggy, and Rosie and- FRANKLIN JR GET OFF YOUR SISTER RIGHT NOW! >:("
"Um, Ken... I don't know how to tell you this but rats dont care about incest..."
Almost cried, "it's like medieval Spain all over again... "
You pat his back, "it never gets easier... " you sighed dramatically
Loves animals, you guys wanna get a dog and cat together!
He loves you and adores you so much
He thinks you're the best person to ever come out of this cruel world, and he tells you that all the time
You also love him. So much. You think he's the prettiest, sweetest boy
You tell him that most of the time when you think he's asleep, he usually isn't because he loves hearing it
Back to the weed thing, LOVES when u guys order McDonald's when ur both high and have the munchies
Bro can throw down 2 big macs, 1 double quarter pounder, 20 piece chicken nuggets, and 2 orders of large fries and still be like
"I need something sweet... " 💀
Anytime you're out with your friends, Kenny's usually wearing his parka and you're the only one who can understand Kennish
Also holding hands the whole time
It took you awhile to get used to the fact you had a super clingy partner but you got used to it
You guys were able to get a place together eventually after high school
It's super shitty but it's home <3
You'll eventually upgrade after grueling work and endless shifts
But you definitely make time for each other
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(The fun begins *rubs hands evily together*)
SWITCH KENNY SUPREMACY!!! Literally does not mind either, as long as he's with you and he's naked? And you're naked? Bros chilling
Fucking loves oral, receiving and giving
First time he ate you out, you were on cloud mf 9, seeing stars n shit
He LOVES your thighs, like before he eats you out he just likes kissing and squeezing your thighs
HOWEVER. The first time you sucked him off. Omg, HIS thighs were MESMERIZING.
Something about boys thighs... Just seeing them pushed together, your fucking weakness.
His thighs are pale and ever so slightly plushy... Help me
He grabs you and stimulates you in the best fucking spots
You guys will just be chilling watching a movie, and he'll just go like
"Babeeeee... " that's literally all he needs to say bcs you know what he wants.
After some time of just being on his dick it kinda hits you, "I'm on his cock, I could literally do what ever I want... " you think, evily
You'll shift your body around to where you're looking at him and he already knows what's coming, his hands are IMMEDIATELY on your hips
And you start slowly bouncing up and down
Doesn't take him long to start making noises
He's very vocal during sex, he sees no point in staying silent
Plus the first time he moaned super loud during sex you literally came on the spot.
Now he can't help but moan and whimper when you're on top of him because he knows you love it
Usually urges you two to take a shower after sex
Sometimes ends up into shower sex if the both of you still have the energy
You bought a shower stool so you both could fuck in the shower because one time he almost slipped and will NEVER live it down
"You stepped on the soap babe... You almost went flying"
Yea a shower stool and those mats for the shower floor
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thaisibir · 4 months
SEES members react to getting anesthesia: headcanons from a real anesthetist
(Go here for post on Phantom Thieves react to getting anesthesia)
Makoto: the guy who secretly smokes weed, chews through roc every 15 minutes, needs over 1.5 MAC maintenance sevo. (Laymans terms translation: smokes weed so he burns through a ton of muscle paralytic agent (rocuronium) and anesthetic gas (sevoflurane) needed to keep him relaxed and deeply asleep)
Yukari: had her hair and nails done the day before surgery, wakes up from anesthesia asking if she said anything dumb and apologizing if she did. (Complimenting patients on their nice nails is part of my small talk to attempt calming nerves when they're rolled into the OR)
Junpei: would try to fight anesthesia and count past 10 seconds, tries to cheat by counting fast (he loses anyway) (It's so amusing when patients try to challenge anesthesia. Some put up a good fight, but in the end, anesthesia always wins.)
Mitsuru: takes 300 mg of propofol on anesthetic induction, scares the shit out of OR staff when she still reaches for the airway device as the anesthetist tries to insert it. (Redheads tend to need more anesthetic than average. For context, the induction/knock-you-out dose for propofol is about 2 mg/kg. For frail old people, I halve that dose. Most people don't need more than a single 20 ml syringe/200 mg of propofol. I push 200 mg for big tall football/basketball guys. I've seen redheads take at least 2, even 3 syringes. Mitsuru would be a tough one to knock out.)
Akihiko: the extremely athletic ASA 1 guy with baseline bradycardia bordering on need for anticholinergics. Will most definitely wake up swinging fists and knocking out teeth and trying to jump out of the bed if he didn't get enough sedative on board beforehand. (Healthy athletic young patients (HAY patients, I call them) tend to wake up violently and delirious from anesthetic gas. To mitigate this, there's a sedative called precedex that helps smooth out emergence from anesthesia. Good to give for little kids, teenage girls, and big strong-looking guys. As soon as I see I'll be getting an Akihiko/HAY type patient for an upcoming case, I already know to draw up and dilute precedex to have at the ready.)
Fuuka: actually a very pleasant and compliant patient, but has family history of malignant hyperthermia and allergies to practically everything, apologizes for all the trouble. (Malignant hyperthermia is a very rare, but very deadly anesthetic complication if not treated promptly. Many anesthesia providers go through their entire careers without ever seeing MH, but we're trained to know what to do if it ever happens. Anesthetic gases and a muscle paralytic agent called succinylcholine are MH triggers. The anesthesia machine must be completely removed of the gas canisters and flushed through with high flow oxygen for an hour or so, to really make sure none of that stuff is exposed to an MH patient. I like the idea of Fuuka turning out to be a patient requiring an extensive anesthetic plan when she totally wouldn't mean to)
Ken: the rare kid who's cool with getting an IV in preop. (Pediatric patients typically do not get an IV placed before being rolled back to the OR, as most kids are terrified of needles. Induction of anesthesia in the OR must instead be achieved by delivering high flow anesthetic gas through a mask. Once the kid is unconscious from the gas, then an IV can be placed to give medications throughout a case intravenously. Amada seems like the type to be fine with getting an IV placed when he's awake because that's what adults have to do.)
Aigis: is a robot, physically can't process anesthesia. (Probably goes without saying)
Koromaru: Mitsuru or Akihiko, as the oldest members of SEES, act as guardians to sign anesthesia consent forms. Holds out his front leg and rolls over to offer his chest so staff can put on the blood pressure cuff and EKG stickers. Adored by the vet and vet techs for being so smart and adorable.
Shinjiro: the guy you think would smoke weed and drink a lot but actually has a history of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and prolonged emergence from general anesthesia. (Somehow I like the idea of Shinjiro turning out to be a delicate flower when it comes to anesthetic requirements)
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Felt like making an MLP next gen lol (something something, inner child or whatever)
[[Link to the base i used]]
Characters from left to right
Daisy bell - fluttershy x tree hugger
....yeah, i know that you were probably expecting a different ship considering neither fluttershy OR tree hugger have curly hair. I gave daisy curly hair because tree hugger's design makes it look like she has wicks or some other black hairstyle and that leads me to believe she may be black. Anyway...daisy's special talent is grooming animals and i imagine she probably smokes weed in her spare time
Hailey - applejack x rainbow dash
In all honesty, i'm not really too invested in shipping in the MLP fandom though considering how it's implied RD and AJ got married in the series finale i decided to keep that with my next gen because i feel it makes sense. I chose the name "hailey" for this character for a multitude of reasons: 1. That's the name i chose for ALL my rainbow dash next gen kids ever since i was twelve, 2. It's a pun on "hail" as in the weather condition and 3. "Hailey" just SOUNDS like it could be a farm girl name. Basically hailey's thing is that she earned her cutie mark after getting bit by a vampire fruit bat as a child and therefore has a pair of bat wings. Personality-wise she's pretty much your typical "manic pixie dream girl" type (ramona flowers from scott pilgrim immediantly comes to mind, i've never read those books and i'm just going off of what i've heard)
Pastel dream - twilight sparkle x flash sentry
I admit this is a bit of a generic choice but tbh this was one of the first ships i EVER had so i feel it deserves a place in my next gen. Basically twilight and flash got married though their marriage didn't last very long and they got divorced a few years after pastel was born and twilight eventually got with big mac, pastel was very fucking angsty about having a new stepdad and only really calmed down after her little sister lavender was born. She's emo and also believes in aliens, her special talent is interpreting dreams (also, yes i know she doesn't really look THAT much like her parents. I'm just kinda tired of people ALWAYS making their flashlight fankids straight up just twilight but orange and i wanted to do something different)
Lavender web - twilight sparkle x big mac
Yeah i only really put this ship here because of the semi-infamous fanfic "the spiderses" and her personality is no different, this lass just LOVES her some spiders.
Rosemary - rarity x braeburn
This was actually the very first MLP ship i ever got into! At the time, i hadn't watched the episode braeburn was in and didn't know he was basically male applejack. 8-year-old me just saw him in the gameloft app and thought "wow that's one handsome horse! I must ship him with rarity because she's my favorite character!" So i put the ship into my next gen because of how much sentimental value i have for it. Anyways....i imagine rose to be somewhat of a "southern belle" type, her special talent is writing romance fiction and she's got the flirty nature to match! She's slightly inspired by blanche from the golden girls, i do admit.
Chocomint ice - pinkie pie x minty
To be honest....i only really added this ship in because of how often they're shipped in G3. I don't really have much to say about her other than she's based on the song "aoi-chan is going to eat chocomint no matter what" (bit of a mouthful of a song title but y'know...it's a japanese song so it's probably much shorter in the original language lol) also her bangs are modeled after the titular aoi-chan in the song's music video
I don't know if i'm going to do anything with this AU, but if i do: i'll probably include celestia x mirror!sombra and luna x discord
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Fic Update: Pennsylvania Under Me
To celebrate, here's chapter four, the penultimate chapter :)
Buck is determined to have one good day in Pennsylvania before they drive home.
Somewhere on the drive back to Hershey, on their fourth, uninterrupted Fleetwood Mac song, they pull onto a quiet country road that Eddie doesn’t remember driving on earlier. 
“What’s this?” Chris asks, looking out the window the cracked pavement and shallow ditches, overgrown with weeds and wildflowers. 
“ This is the road where I learned how to drive,” Buck says. “Figured I’d take the small detour, for old time’s sake.”
Something snakes inside Eddie’s stomach at the thought. To be honest? Learning to drive is not an experience with which Eddie has a positive association. The first time he drove anything, it had been his father’s truck, right into the side of the garage, intending to drive his mother, in labor, to the emergency room. He’d been eight. After that - after the severity of the punishment that followed, despite the terror of it all being punishment enough - Eddie never really lived down the mistake. When it was time, finally, for his dad to teach him to drive as a teenager, the experience had been marked by impatience, humiliation, door handle clutching, and shouting. It had honestly taken Eddie years after that not to jolt any time something remotely surprising happened while he was behind the wheel. 
“Did your father teach you?” Chris asks Buck. 
“Mm, no,” Buck says. “My parents paid for a driving instructor, but never did it themselves.”
“So the driving instructor took you here ?” Chris asks.
“Nope,” Buck says. “She just let me drive around Hershey. No, my buddy on the football team, he was a couple years older, had his license. He did it. Took me out here one weekend, before my proper lessons started, because I was kinda jittery about the whole thing. He had his mom’s old minivan. Was super nice about it. Good guy.”
Something about that makes Eddie feel more sad than maybe it should.
Tagging @epicbuddieficrecs @theotherbuckley @sevenweeksofunrepression @slowlyfoggydestiny @devonwritesstuff @diazsdimples @exhuastedpigeon @aquamarineglitter @loserdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @your-catfish-friend @incorrect9-1-1 @hawaiianlove808 @babytrapperdiaz @watchyourbuck @lyricfulloflight @tizniz @aroeddiediaz @estheticpotaeto @buddieswhvre
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abisbookcase · 5 months
100+ songs that remind me of kiribaku/bakushima: the ship between eijiro kirishima + katsuki bakugo from my hero academia (anime)
best friend - rex orange county
sunflower - rex orange county
just a friend - jordi
pluto projector - rex orange county
i love you so - the walters
falling for ya - from the "teen beach movie" - grace phipps
line without a hook - ricky montgomery
mr. loverman - ricky montgomery
the only exception - paramore
devil town - cavetown
falling for u - peachy! & mxmtoon
best friend - laufey
let me down slowly - alec benjamin
anxiety - blackbear & FRND
training wheels - melanie martinez
like or like like - miniature tigers
would you be so kind - dodie
i like me better - lauv
nothing - bruno major
paper rings - taylor swift
puppy princess - hot freaks
i wanna be your boyfriend - hot freaks
let's fall in love for the night - FINNEAS
every summertime - NIKI
cloud 9 - beach bunny
wish you were gay - billie eilish
wish you were sober - conan gray
the king - conan gray
sports - beach bunny
say you won't let go - james arthur
fight or flight - conan gray
are you bored yet? - wallows & clairo
heather - conan gray
cruel summer - taylor swift
comfort crowd - conan gray
lemon boy - cavetown
apocalypse - cigarettes after sex
can i call you tonight? - dayglow
this is home - cavetown
everybody talks - neon trees
someone to you - BANNERS
i love you - billie eilish
this side of paradise - coyote theory
mystery of love - sufjan stevens
always forever - cults
silence - marshmello & khalid
safe & sound (taylor's version) - taylor swift, joy williams & john paul white
safe and sound - capital cities
sweet tooth - cavetown
astronomy - conan gray
me and my husband - mitski
my love mine all mine - mitski
as the world caves in - sarah cothran
strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan
pierre - ryn weaver
eyes closed - ed sheeran
perfect - ed sheeran
photograph - ed sheeran
can't help falling in love - elvis presley
talk to me - cavetown
we fell in love in october - girl in red
hey there delilah - plain white t's
crush culture - conan gray
for him. - troye sivan & allday
make you mine - PUBLIC
loving is easy - rex orange county & benny sings
i hear a symphony - cody fry
daylight - taylor swift
wildest dreams (taylor's version) - taylor swift
juliet - cavetown
this is what falling in love feels like - JVKE
this is what heartbreak feels like - JVKE
what was i made for? - from "barbie" - billie eilish
reflections - the neighbourhood
oh no! - MARINA
cabo - ricky montgomery
partners in crime - set it off & ash costello
it took me by surprise - maria mena
seventeen - MARINA
this december - ricky montgomery
never ever getting rid of me - waitress original broadway cast
guys dont like me - it boys!
deja vu - olivia rodrigo
drivers license - olivia rodrigo
1 step forward, 3 steps back - olivia rodrigo
bad idea right? - olivia rodrigo
teenage dream - olivia rodrigo
meant to be yours - ryan mccartan, barrett wilbert weed & michelle duffy
verbatim - mother mother
lovers rock - TV girl
lover - taylor swift
freaks - surf curse
electric love - BØRNS
sure thing - miguel
ribs - lorde
sofia - clairo
boys will be bugs - cavetown
i wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red
people watching - conan gray
as the world caves in - matt maltese
two birds - regina spektor
i can't handle change - roar
cardigan - taylor swift
pretty boy - the neighbourhood
cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant
history hates lovers - oublaire
numb little bug - em beihold
where's my love - SYML
dark red - steve lacy
heart to heart - mac demarco
chamber of reflection - mac demarco
for the first time - mac demarco
my kind of woman - mac demarco
kids - current joys
christmas kids - roar
10 things i hate about you - leah kate
boyfriend - dove cameron
my blood - twenty one pilots
my blood - ellie goulding
drumming song - florence + the machine
you belong with me (taylor's version) - taylor swift
sparks fly (taylor's version) - taylor swift
enchanted (taylor's version) - taylor swift
i knew you were trouble (taylor's version) - taylor swift
all too well (10 minute version - taylor's version) - taylor swift
don't blame me - taylor swift
gorgeous - taylor swift
bags - clairo
open arms - SZA & travis scott
all i wanted - paramore
the great war - taylor swift
i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
afterglow - taylor swift
you get me so high - the neighbourhood
runaway runaway - lullaby layla & keevin
the night we met - lord huron
watercolor eyes - from "euphoria" - lana del rey
late night talking - harry styles
shameless - camila cabello
those eyes - new west
here with me - d4vd
golden hour - JVKE
what a time - julia michaels & niall horan
we belong together - ritchie valens
can't take my eyes off you - frankie valli
i like you (a happier song) - post malone & doja cat
sweater weather - the neighbourhood
K. - cigarettes after sex
out of my league - fitz and the tantrums
until i found you - stephen sanchez & em beihold
loverboy - a-wall
set fire to the rain - adele
mrs magic - strawberry guy
je te laisserai des mots - patrick watson
rises the moon - liana flores
last dance - scratch massive & maud geffray
crush - cigarettes after sex
trust fund baby - why don't we
hooked - why don't we
jenny (i wanna ruin our friendship) - studio killers
not another song about love - hollywood ending
the red means i love you - madds buckley
i won't say (i'm in love) - disney cast from "hercules"
first love/late spring - mitski
love grows (where my rosemary goes) - edison lighthouse
stereo hearts - gym class heroes & adam levine
did i mention - cast from "descendants"
bad romance - lady gaga
sunsetz - cigarettes after sex
still into you - paramore
i kissed a boy - jupither
bang bang (new version) - K'NAAN & adam levine
dress - taylor swift
midnight rain - taylor swift
baby i'm yours - arctic monkeys
falling - chase atlantic
say yes to heaven - lana del rey
cry - cigarettes after sex
sweet - cigarettes after sex
my type - saint motel
they don't know about us - one direction
something just like this - the chainsmokers & coldplay
no one compares to you - jack & jack
yellow hearts - ant saunders
if we have each other - alec benjamin
hey stupid, i love you - JP saxe
if i saw him, i'd still kiss him - mccafferty
i love you like an alcoholic - the taxpayers
i am falling for you - loving caliber
dream boy - waterparks
disaster - conan gray
@ my worst - blackbear
golden - harry styles
start a riot - BANNERS
i love you - woodkid
maniac - conan gray
there is more in the spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08jACx5UDxnojbTv4I5NR0
if you have any other recommendations for songs please let me know and they will go straight into the playlist. also, please don't be disrespectful and this is a reminder that these are my opinions, i hope that you enjoy the playlist!! ❤️🧡💋
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nrc-confessions · 6 months
I’m going least to most bcuz suspense? Idk
16. That guy from Savanaclaw in my p.e class that helped me when I fell off my broom he’s kinda hot
15. Weed mod lowkey (/j)
13. Ruggie Bucchi hes whimsical in nature
12. Vil… I mean he’s Vil he kinda has to be here
11. Riddle rosehearts. I could ruin him
10. Ace Trappola he’s a bitch boy little bitch little fuck face little shit little annoying little fucker but he’s. Kinda cute ig
9. The guy from my dorm that helped me cook that one time and has very soft pretty blonde hair
8. Calliope 😔 (🐾/paw anon)
7. The cute ginger guy from my club that said my hair is cool 🥰
6. Azul Ashengrotto
5. Silver… pretty… pretty boy…
4. Floyd leech…
3. Floyd leech mer form 🤤
2. Azul Ashengrotto MER FORM 🤤 octopus……
1. Kalim
- everyone’s favorite anon (🕷️)
🙄ok I know you’re like my fake honorary hoe but damn I thought I would be higher /jjjj
Anyways look who’s at the top 🤭🤭🤭
Also why do you have a thing for mer forms
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teddybearsims · 10 months
oc(s) as obscure associations - august milan
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thank you for the tag @raiiny-bay 💖
ANIMAL: jaguar  COLORS: pink, purple, and cyan (full rainbow tbh) MONTH: october SONGS [leave me alone - kaytranada] [father figure - george michael] [drugs - upsahl] NUMBER: 1 PLANTS: venus flytrap SMELLS: overly expensive cologne, menthol cigarettes and weed GEMSTONE: opal TIME OF DAY: 10pm (aka when his goblin streaming hours begin) SEASON: fall PLACES: rooftop overlooking the city, the smoking area outside of a club, early morning diner FOOD: a big beefy burger with a side of boxed mac n’ cheese or poutine DRINKS: coconut water, cold brews ELEMENT: earth ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: scorpio w/ leo sun + gemini moon SEASONINGS: chilli oil  SKY: cloudy WEATHER: stormy night MAGICAL POWER: necromancy WEAPONS: gold plated .50 caliber pistol SOCIAL MEDIA: twitch, twitter, & tiktok MAKEUP PRODUCT: soleil lip blush from tom ford CANDY: jolly ranchers or rainbow strips METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: private jet ART STYLE: urban  FEAR: abandonment  MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: caught between a phoenix and a pegasus PIECE OF STATIONARY: glittery pen THREE EMOJIS: 🐻 💥 🧁 CELESTIAL BODY: sun I tag: @piconoodlez @zinxsims @madfeary @simulation-machine @meoanii @intramoon @theosconfessions 💖
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cannibros · 1 year
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Looking for a new strain to add to your cannabis collection? Holy Mountain's MAC-1 by Big Bag O Buds is a hybrid strain that promises a delicious citrus flavour with a hint of spice and a heavy body high. But does it live up to the hype? Read on to find out our full review here, including its appearance, aroma, flavour, and overall experience.
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hottoepecker · 3 months
(Mod Mac here)
So we headcanon that Mac eventually moves into Foster's once he comes of age, and not only does he get his own room, Bloo does too. And Bloo decorates his room with the following:
1: Christmas lights all year round
2: A Scarface (1983) poster (and you just know Bloo is totally one of those white suburban kids obsessed with "gangsta" stuff who thinks Tony Montana and Breaking Bad's Walter White are the coolest guys ever)
3: A Bob Marley poster (Bloo's totally one of those white suburban kids who stans Bob Marley less for his music and more because he smoked weed)
4: The poster of John Belushi in Animal House wearing the "COLLEGE" sweater
5: A Family Guy wall calendar
6: A poster of Heath Ledger's Joker from The Dark Knight (another character he thinks is the coolest guy ever)
He would. You know he would.
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ash5monster01 · 3 months
Headcanon’s Masterlist
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DPS Boys
My texts pt. 1
Disney Princes
Fav 80s Movies
Fav 80s Movies pt. 2
Growing up on Campus pt. 1
Favorite Musicals
The Muppets
Helping you study
Asking you out
Childhood Obsession
Mac as your boyfriend
More to come….
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Our Little Secret - JJ Maybank
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(credits to owner of the gif)
A/N: I hope you guys love this, I thought this story is good but please give me positive feedback!
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!Reader 
Warning: smut, protected sex (pls be careful), oral (m&f), swearing, Smoking/Vaping, & fingering.
Summary: you're a kook secretly dating a pogue and you don’t want your family and friends to know. 
My family including my friends don’t even know that I’m dating a Pogue, if anyone found out, JJ would say, ‘Fuck them, you make me happy and I make you happy, it’s none of they’re fucking business.’ and also, I’m a Kook. I always make up a lie every time I go see JJ or his friends.
I go to John B’s house and instantly see JJ outside Vaping, of course, I walk up behind him and hug him behind and he turns around and hugs me back. The best feeling in the world.
“Hey Princess.”
“Hi Jay.”
We let go of each other.
“How’s things back home?” JJ says grabbing my face making he close to him.
“Well, my parents are making a winery and my asshole of a friends, you know, the kooks,”
JJ nods and makes a mm-hmm, “They invited me to a party at Topper’s house.”
“You going?” Kiara says behind us.
“Oh god no!” I let go of JJ to go inside.
“Then why are you friends with them?” Kiara sits down on the couch in the indoor porch.
“My family and their families have been friends for years.” I sit next to Kiara.
“And hey I heard your parents and making Wine!” Pope enters the conversation by walking in the indoor porch.
“And that’s all you heard from JJ’s and Y/N’s conversation outside.”
“Yep.” Pope sits on a chair. I scoff. 
“Hey JJ and Pope!” John B came out with no shirt. 
“Want to help me with the outside chores?” 
“Why us?” JJ says.
 “One of the chores involve cutting up wood and I really need the help.” 
“Fine.” JJ says lazily.
 “JJ, help him alright.” I grabbed JJ’s left wrist, JJ looks at me and looks at John B and says, “Okay, I will.” John B, Pope, and JJ goes outside and getting the supplies that they need while Kiara and I watch them getting ready.
“Hey, how’s things with you and JJ?” Kiara lightly touches my right arm.
“It’s going great actually, but we have to sneak around a lot.” I look at her.
“All because of your family and friends.”
“Yeah.” I look down at my lap and look up at the boys working outside.
“I mean I haven’t seen JJ this happy since, he tried weed the first time.” I giggle while looking down.
“God that kid, really weird but charming.” I smile.
“Wanna get some music on?” Kiara says getting her phone out.
“Yeah sure but at least have actual good music.”
“My music is good.” I get up from the couch and look at her and says, “You don’t even have old music.”
“Yes I do.” Kiara walks up to me.
“Name one song from Fleetwood Mac, not the famous songs.”
“I hate you. Alright, um, Silver Springs.”
“See, you know old music.” I put my hands on her shoulders.
“What songs do you want to listen to?” She says.
“Let see, ‘Whenever I Call You “Friend”’ by Kenny Loggins & Stevie Nicks.”
“Fine.” Kiara puts the song on and we start to dance and singing along with the lyrics.
‘I’m every moment there’s a reason to carry on.’
Kiara and I dance to the lyrics and we hear the boys coming in and joining us and sang the next lyrics to the song.
‘Sweet love flowin’ almost every night, I know forever we’ll be doin’ it right.
I feel JJ swaying my hips from behind me and I put my head on his left shoulder and look at him, he looks at me, it feels like we were the only ones in the room.
Friday, June 26th 01:30 am
I wake up and found myself on a sofa with JJ sleeping, the most cutest thing I’ve seen. I look around and see John B sleeping on the floor, I wish he could sleep on the sofa, he looks uncomfortable. I feel JJ wake up and I look at him and see his face looking a little bit tired.
“What time is it?” JJ yawns.
“It’s, 1:30 am Jay.” I look at his watch.
“Should you be leaving by now?” JJ looks at me.
“No, I wanna stay here baby.” JJ gives me a smile.
He rarely smiles at his friends.
“You wanna go somewhere more comfortable?” He said touching my waist.
I nod.
He takes me to John B’s room, I walk to the edge of the bed, which feels comfortable, and I see JJ closing the door and locking it. He walks up to me and starts kissing me, I pull him on me so he could be on top of me. He grabs my body and takes me to the end of the bed and took his shirt off, holy shit, he starts to giggle.
“What?” I looked at him.
“You can touch me y’know.” I don’t know why but I get nervous when he gets shirtless.
I start to touch his lower chest and once again I get nervous. I feel his hand going to vagina and look at him but he looks at me and says, “Do you want me to do this?” 
“Yes JJ please.” He starts fingering me and I gasp, the best feeling I’ve ever gotten from anyone. I put my right hand on back of JJ’s neck and pull him to my face and start kissing him, we were like this and it felt like for hours. JJ stops kissing me and stops fingering me and goes to John B’s night stand and grabs a condom and rips the wrapper apart to get the condom out and lays next to me and puts it on his dick. He gets on me and gets his covered dick at my entrance and starts to go in and out and it felt so good.
We start to breath heavily, JJ puts his forehead against mine, “I love you JJ.” 
“I love you to Y/N/N.” I put a strand of his hair away from his face and I could see him sweating. We start kissing again and I still feel him inside me. 
JJ and I stop and he gets out of my vagina and gets the condom off of him, puts it in the trash and lays next to me. 
“You know your family is going to know about us Y/N.” 
“I know but your friends make me feel what I don’t feel like when I’m with the Kooks.” JJ looks at me and says, 
“What do you mean?” 
“When I’m with my friends I don’t get the feeling you guys give me.”
I mess with the sheets and look at JJ and say, “I’m happy when I’m with you but when I’m with my friends, I get an off feeling like, I just want to leave and get out of the situation and go to you.” 
“Do you really mean that?” 
“I do Jay, you make me happy it’s so hard to explain it.” I put my right hand on his cheek and see his left hand come up to my right and lightly rub it.
JJ starts kissing my lips lightly and puts his forehead against mine. 
“This is our little secret you know that Y/N/N?”
 “I know JJ, but not to your friends Jay, we’re not a secret to them, we’r-.” JJ interrupts me by putting a finger on his lips and says, “We’re a secret to the Kooks.” 
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altschmerzes · 9 months
🌹the torture fic
It is the great love of my life (there should be a question mark after 'fic' but my keyboard is very broken. It looks really agressive without it, sorry. Love the writi
sdlfkjds thank you!!! i'm so glad you enjoy it and no worries, not aggressive at all <3
here's a (very long sldfkjs as is the trend with clips from this fic) clip from part 2, which i've been working on today! as per usual with this fic, it's under a cut, with specific warnings at the top
(warnings: not much actively going on here, just that this is from right when they're leaving the motel mac was tortured in for two days, so he's in extremely bad shape. he's in a lot of pain, and there are references to what murdoc did to him in part 1, though none graphic or descriptive.)
The injection takes effect quickly once they’re back on the road and the relief is so strong that it makes Mac dizzy. Or maybe he’d been dizzy already and the pain has just eased away enough that he’s able to notice anything aside from that and the cold. He’s tired, too, and it’s hard to stay awake, though more tolerable to do so now that being conscious isn’t an automatic intolerable crush of constant shifting agony. It’s not gone, but it feels survivable at least.
Mac can’t let his eyes close. While the meds had helped the pain, he’s discovered that they haven’t done much at all for the anxiety still singing through his veins like the long, high note of a violin. It’s not particularly logical but Mac can’t help the sense that if he closes his eyes for longer than it takes to blink, he’s going to be right back in that room again, and Murdoc will be waiting. So he remains alert, not even given the choice to rest. Not yet.
Around the edges of all of it - the panic, the thudding of his own heart, the slight haze of the painkiller - Mac can hear Jack talking to him. The voice is unmistakable, though he can’t make out the words. It reminds him of when he’d been pushed past his limits and Murdoc’s voice had faded into a static blur, but with the opposite effect. That had been an insistent, cloying awareness that he was not safe and that Murdoc was ever-present, that there was no getting away from the threat, the promise of further pain and violation.
This, though… This is countless days on some couch or another, too exhausted to keep his eyes open but needing the sound of safety and home around him to remind him that he’s not out in some unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar people. This is getting lost in a puzzle - a literal puzzle or just a complex problem that needs solving - and being guided along by a current that let him think clearly without getting too lost in the weeds. This is the shadow of a nightmare and the thick post-surgical haze and the jittering anxiety of an almost-flashback, calmed and soothed away by a voice he knows, a voice that belonged to a person who would keep Mac safe until his dying breath, and thus proof that whatever was going on, if that voice was calm and even, he didn’t have to worry about it, and everything was going to be okay.
Eyes barely kept open a slit, Mac drifts, slumped in the car’s seat. Jack is closer than he should be from the other side of the back of the car, but Mac isn’t complaining. The looming presence of someone else beside him isn’t as frightening as he might have expected it to be, and the warmth is welcome. Mac finds himself leaning over, drawn to the source of the warmth and safety that he knows even without being able to think clearly. At some point, clearly noticing this, Jack shifts. He slowly and carefully eases an arm up over the back of the seat, letting his hand rest high on Mac’s back, between his aching shoulders and just beneath his bruised neck. Jack puts just enough pressure into the point of contact to ease the burden on Mac’s shoulders and Mac leans into it, soaking in the point of heat and the paradoxical sense of safety.
The awareness that someone is touching him after what’s just happened makes Mac frightened and wistful at the same time. It sends a crawl of fear down his spine at first, calling forth fresh memories he wants desperately to keep stuffed down and locked away, but there is enough fighting against the reminders of his captor that he wants to turn and lean into it more than he wants to rip himself away. The man in the back seat with him is beside him and not in front of or behind him, and there’s still that voice, always that voice reminding Mac that he knows exactly who this person is, and that there’s nowhere he could be farther from harm than here with Jack’s hand on his back.
They continue on their drive to the airstrip, which seems both insanely far away and closer than Mac would’ve guessed for how remote the motel had been. Most of the trip passes by in a blur, aches renewed whenever they hit a rough spot of road. Several times, Jack sends an admonishment to be careful at the driver’s seat, and Mac flinches with every snapped word. They’re just tiny twitches but he knows that Jack notices. The hand on his back responds, a thumb smoothing over his spine in silent apology.
It happens again the next time, though. The car skids very slightly on a patch of ice and Jack hisses, “Watch it,” which is how Mac knows that Jack is having a hard time holding it together himself.
Ordinarily, he would have noticed in about a hundred other ways. Mac should have caught on much sooner, but the mess of his own head is taking up so much of his bandwidth that it takes that obvious of a tell to make its way through.
Another snap up at the front of the car and Mac inhales sharply.
“Sorry, kid,” Jack murmurs, and his voice is tight and strained.
A pang of worry clatters through Mac’s chest, followed by an even stronger wave of guilt. He fumbles with his good hand, trying to reach over. He wants to pat Jack’s knee or his shoulder, but he can’t get his arms to cooperate well enough. They’re tangled in the blanket wrapped tight around him and it hurts too much to try for long, so eventually Mac lets his head tip back and roll to the side instead. His neck throbs at the movement and it nearly tips him into another coughing fit, but it’s not as bad as it would’ve been before the injection, and he needs to get Jack’s attention somehow. Mac’s cheek presses into Jack’s arm where it’s stayed braced against the seat back, and he blinks up at him, determined to make eye contact at least for a few moments.
“Y’ ‘kay?” he asks. It’s hard to get it out but Mac needs to, even though he can hardly hold onto a coherent train of thought. Now that he’s aware of how badly Jack is struggling with this, he has to find some way to check in.
“Am I…” Jack stops before he finishes repeating the question and sighs, short and harsh. This close to Mac’s head, it sounds loud. Mac twitches, almost a flinch, and tries to pull himself up and away.
He wants to apologize, but he can’t get the words out through his raw throat and he’s too mired in exhaustion and pain to make a second attempt. It doesn’t help that he isn’t even sure what he’s apologizing for, and Jack doesn’t usually let him get away with saying he’s sorry without being able to answer that question.
“It’s okay,” Jack is quick to add, the press of his palm strong and warm on Mac’s back. “Hey, it’s alright. Sorry. I’m not upset at you, Mac. It’s okay.” There’s an insistence in the way the fingers of Jack’s hand dig in very slightly, and getting Mac to lay back down is a swift and easy fight.
There they stay for the rest of the drive. Mac still can’t close his eyes for longer than a moment or two, but it’s more than he’d managed before, and he’s almost up to four seconds at a time by the point that the car stops, and Thomas King announces that they’ve arrived.
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piratesexmachine420 · 2 months
I'm fascinated by this bizarrely bad video essay
1. What is going on with this guy's delivery? It's like he's treating commas as periods and vice versa. Like the bit at 4:31, for example.
An unknown threat actor began working fast in secret to turn EternalBlue into a worm. A self-propagating virus engineered to traverse networks autonomously. Hunting for one vulnerable port in particular. This doorway, utilized by SMB. Stands for "Server Message Block". Needs to be version one. In specific. It's a transport protocol. Facilitates remote services, like printers and file sharing. More importantly, it's open to the internet. [...]
What's going on with all these sentences omitting their subjects? Why would you ever write like this? Why would would keep writing like that for another three paragraphs?
2. What on earth is this camera? Like seriously I'm getting straight up motion sick trying to watch this, does it ever stop zooming or panning? Does this guy even have an editor?
3. It's plagiarized! Of course it's plagiarized. Compare, for example, this section at 14:32--
Then, on a quiet Wednesday, after days of relentless partying and drinking, Marcus stepped out of the mansion to collect a McDonald's order from an Uber driver. That's when he spotted a black SUV. It reminded him of an FBI vehicle, but in his inebriated state he brushed off the suspicion and returned inside to continue his indulgences. Rolled another spliff of that fine legal Nevada weed. Ate his burger, and began packing for his return to the UK.
--to this excerpt from Wired's article "The Confessions of Marcus Hutchins, the Hacker Who Saved the Internet".
At around 7 am on a quiet Wednesday in August 2017, Marcus Hutchins walked out the front door of the Airbnb mansion in Las Vegas where he had been partying for the past week and a half. A gangly, 6'4", 23-year-old hacker with an explosion of blond-brown curls, Hutchins had emerged to retrieve his order of a Big Mac and fries from an Uber Eats deliveryman. But as he stood barefoot on the mansion's driveway wearing only a T-shirt and jeans, Hutchins noticed a black SUV parked on the street—one that looked very much like an FBI stakeout. He stared at the vehicle blankly, his mind still hazed from sleep deprivation and stoned from the legalized Nevada weed he'd been smoking all night. For a fleeting moment, he wondered: Is this finally it? But as soon as the thought surfaced, he dismissed it. The FBI would never be so obvious, he told himself. His feet had begun to scald on the griddle of the driveway. So he grabbed the McDonald's bag and headed back inside, through the mansion's courtyard, and into the pool house he'd been using as a bedroom. With the specter of the SUV fully exorcised from his mind, he rolled another spliff with the last of his weed, smoked it as he ate his burger, and then packed his bags for the airport, where he was scheduled for a first-class flight home to the UK.
I mean really, man? Come on. What are we even doing here?
Also: I'm straight up laughing my ass off at "Rolled another spliff of that legal Nevada weed." It's such a stupid (para)phrasing, it doesn't flow whatsoever, and it makes him sound like a forty year old school principle giving a D.A.R.E lecture. I love it.
Anyways, don't watch this video.
Unless you want a good giggle.
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