#magical realism AUs
meetinginsamarra · 1 year
My Fave Sherlock BBC AUs - Magical Realism
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Around mid-month I’ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP on AO3.
Not always tagged with “Magical Realism”, these fics feature supernatural beings and/or circumstances. No vampires, demons and merfolk here, they already have their own lists. No ghosts as well, they’ll get a rec list of their own later.
“The Horse and his Doctor” by khorazir @khorazir
Invalided after a run in with a poacher in Siberia, veterinary surgeon John Watson finds it difficult to acclimatise to the mundanity of London life. Things change when a friend invites him along to a local animal shelter and he meets their latest acquisition, a trouble-making Frisian with the strangest eyes and even stranger quirks John has ever encountered in a horse.
“The Summer Boys” by khorazir
About half a year after the fateful events at Appledore, Sherlock and John embark on a private case in Sussex. For Sherlock, it’s a journey into his past, bringing up memories both happy and sad that he has locked away for almost thirty years. For John, it means coming to terms with the present – and a potential future with Sherlock.
“Rise and Fall” by All_I_need @the-reading-lemon​
Sherlock Holmes is a Fallen looking for a distraction. John Watson is an invalided soldier looking for a flatshare. When they meet, both get more than they bargained for. But while Sherlock keeps John in the dark, someone else is patiently making sinister plans for the two of them.
“The destruction of ice” by All_I_need
The year is 2081 and Sherlock Holmes never expected to encounter a threat to his Silence, the conditioning that keeps him sane and unfeeling. John Watson, on the other hand, never thought he'd find a flat in London. He certainly didn't expect to find one that comes with a Psy flatmate: brilliant, emotionless and more intriguing than John would like. When a series of brutal, random murders shakes London to its core, it is up to them to stop a vicious psychopath - preferably before Sherlock's latest experiment gets them both killed.
“The Wicked Path of Destiny” by hogwartswitch
To save the man he loves, Sherlock sacrifices his life to become the God of Death for eternity. He walks the earth in a new, monstrous form, but a part of him has always remained human. John Watson has been touched by tragedy from his first breath. After losing all of his loved ones, he finds himself at the wrong end of a bullet. A prophecy, an act of sacrifice, and an epic quest for redemption link their destinies irrevocably.
“Darkling, I listen” by You_Light_The_Sky @youlighttheskyfanfiction​
No one who enters old London ever comes out. They say that the beast devours them. When his sister disappears, John ventures into the dead zone beyond the wall, and finds a brilliant madman under a terrible curse...
“Not the hands that kill” by You_Light_The_Sky
Having wings does not make Sherlock Holmes a guardian angel, not in the way that John Watson is his.
“A study in strays” by philalethia
John Watson moves to 221B Baker Street. Unfortunately, the flat's already occupied.
“Left” by lifeonmars​
John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible.
“How to sell your soul and get it back” by WhatIfIAmInsane @whatifiaminsane​
Sadly unfinished but still so good!
Sherlock made a deal with the devil, quite literally. After years of drug abuse and neglect his body wouldn’t let him go on. Obviously, it happened right when he had finally found something to make his life interesting. The logical response was to offer his soul in exchange for a working transport. That had happened when he was 27. Now, at 34, he gets an unexpected visitor. The devil needs a favour and is offering Sherlock’s soul as payment.
“Hell Sent, Heaven Bound” by ConsultingHound
Ex-War healer and current angelic guard John Watson is not having the best day. He overslept, he’s underpaid, and now there’s someone tagging the Council’s building walls. However things may be about to get interesting: there’s an unusual stranger hanging around (the definition of tall, dark, and handsome), a literal underground cult is brewing, and rumblings are coming from hell. Can he keep his neighbourhood safe, how and why is he being connected to all this, and who the hell is Sherlock Holmes?
“Chaos Theory” by entanglednow @entanglednow​
"You want me to let him go, of course," Mycroft says, before John even opens his mouth to speak.
“Mineralogy in slow motion” by entanglednow
All John wants is somewhere to spend the next few months, while he's blind as a bat. Just the next few months. The doctors were optimistic.
“Genius of the bottle” by GoldenUsagi @fancybedelia​
The last thing John expected to find in the desert was a bottle containing a genie named Sherlock.
“An impermanent destination” by GoldenUsagi 
Out of all the species on the planet, dragons were the only ones that had a human level of intelligence. And that’s why they were the most dangerous.
“Anachronisms” by GoldenUsagi 
“Do you ever wonder if there’s something wrong with us?” “We’re gods created by an age that had no use for them. I would be surprised if something weren’t. We were never welcomed by the others, nor adored by humanity. We should have withered long ago.”
“Secrets of the mind” by kryptaria  @kryptaria​
In a world where almost a tenth of the population are born gifted, psychics and nulls live side-by-side, without fear or prejudice. Children are tested in their late teens. Those who are gifted are trained in the safe use of their gifts. After training, they are tattooed with the mark of their gift, proudly displayed for all to see. Throughout history, the most feared serial killers and mass murderers have been multis: psychics born with multiple gifts. To be a multi is to be fated for a lifetime of incarceration for the good of society. There is no way to hide a psychic gift — no way to escape detection.Unless you’re Sherlock Holmes.
“Trenchcoats and Capes” by jomochi (Jominerva)
He’s twirling a strand of hair around the finger of his other hand. His coat, which honestly looks more like a cape than anything, is spread out beneath him. His chest rises and falls slowly with calm breaths, the tight black material of his suit stretching to accommodate the movement. John has seen many pictures of him but not one did him any justice. The sight before John is breath-taking. It isn’t right. Evil shouldn’t look this good.
“Curse of the Were-Tuna” by WhoGroovesOn
John couldn’t help but feel as though the large tuna beyond the glass was staring at him, which was weird because it’s not like fish had eyelids, they always seemed to be staring at things.
“Stranger at the gate” by bendingsignpost
As far as initiation rites go, kidnapping a human doctor from a defended town ought to seem extreme. When James Moriarty offers him the challenge, Sherlock never considers saying no. (Fantasy vampire AU)
“Man and Beast” by Jupiter_Ash
Sherlock is a werewolf who is captured by a facility which wants to experiment on him.  When John is placed into his cage they expect Sherlock to attack him, but instead, he tries to mate with John.
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twopoppies · 1 year
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like a boomerang by youwill (M, 48K) Very loosely based on the movie Groundhog’s Day (essentially just the concept of re-living a day over and over), this fic is delightful and charming and really worth a read. Link is to a download.
my heart is breathing for this moment in time by usedtothebeach (E, 160K) Probably my absolute favorite time travel fic. I’ve read it more times than I’d like to admit, and every time I love it more. One of the things I like most is how organically the author weaves in canon events…every little moment is an easter egg without it being so obvious that it pulls you out of the fic. Anyway, this one is so moving and so absorbing, I hope you like it if you give it a try! There’s an 18K companion piece to it as well, but you’ll see the link at the appropriate time when you’re reading the main fic.
your quietest voice by flimsy (E, 8K) Beautiful writing (like, just savor the sentences…they’re so pretty) and a really unique concept for time travel.
as we move slowly by snk (GA, 3K) A canon fic tinged in magic and truly gorgeous, poetic writing.
feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream by togetherwecouldbealright (M, 123K) I read this one so, so long ago that all I remember is that I loved it, that there’s some really romantic and sweet moments, and that my notes from way back when only say, “OMG this one is so good! And I’ve barely gotten to the smut!” HAHAHAHA! (Link is to a download)
every universe but ours by @28finelines (E, 50K) This fic isso touching and funny and sexy and I read it all in one go! Please go read it because it’s like reading multiple Larry fics in one, each one with that “I would find you in any lifetime” vibe.
Soul of the Sea by vurdoc (E, 33K) A gothic romance set in a small Scottish village. Mysterious, melancholy, tender, and such a pleasure to read.
The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep by @helloamhere (WIP, 4 part series, mixed ratings, 128K) Amazing world building, complex characters, beautiful writing.
Black With Autumn Rain by Whimsicule (T, 93K) This writer is a favorite. If you like intense, creative stories, with complex characters and tight dialogue, you should read all of their fics. This one has the flavor of a Daphne du Maurier novel – dark, creepy, and moodily romantic. Plus a supernatural edge. It’s so good.
i was at an all night diner by @yoursongonmyheart (6K, NR). This is more of a prose poem, and i really enjoyed the way the author built such an intimate portrait of the 5 boys in so few words. It’s beautiful and dreamy and I think about it still.
I Won't Let You Forget by graceling_in_a_suit / @graceling-in-a-suit (T, 7K) I love the writing in this one. It’s one of those fics that has that kind of melancholic, dreamy feel to it that I really enjoy. Plus, it has a “no matter what, I would find you in any lifetime” vibe. So good.
Take Care Down By The Water by shyserious (M, 37K) Oh my goodness I loved this fic. Magical realism, mythical creatures, dreamy/moody atmosphere, beautiful writing. The link is to a download.
The Haunting of Louis Tomlinson by @helloamhere (T, 31K) Like everything else this author shares with us, this is so well paced and so well written and just charming. Great dialogue, great zouis friendship, and this one also has one of my favorite tags ever: Harry is a complete drama queen and also A GHOST
Loyal Knight And True by rainbowninja167 / (E, 52K) Really original story, mystery and magic, great characterizations. All around a very good read!
the bearded stranger by juliusschmidt (E, 2K) This is a wild twist on strangers to lovers and it’s fun and funny and really kind of hot.
You Take Me Over, You’re The Magic In My Veins by supernope (E, 36K) I read this years ago and my notes are not terribly helpful: “medieval princes. Pining forever! Sexy though.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I like this author, in general, so if that sounds good, give it a whirl!
For more magical fics, check out these recs:
Time Travel AU fic rec
Mermaids and Other Mythical Creatures
Witches and Wizards
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starry-bi-sky · 8 days
i have... ✨Danyal Al Ghul Headcanons✨ but specifically for my yaelokre danyal oneshot
There's also the tumblr post here but I recommend the link in the title because its the ao3 version, and that one is edited and has some stuff in it that's not in the tumblr post, and will be the version I'm using.
So for summary: this Danyal is also from a Demon Siblings Au where Danny is five years older than Damian. However, things turned out a bit differently, and Danny and Damian had a fantastic relationship with one another. Danny loved music and regularly came up with songs to sing to Damian with. Specifically the folk band Yaelokre's EP "Hayfields" (seriously go fucking listen to it its sooo good. Harpy Hare is the second song but its my favorite. Special shoutout to @gascansposts for introducing the band to me)
He falls off a train when he's twelve and Damian is seven while the two of them and Talia are on mission. He ends up with magically induced amnesia and wakes up in Arkansas while the Fentons are on their yearly Divorce-iversary visit to Aunt Alica, and since he can only remember his name, he ends up being taken into their care.
Yaelokre Danny has the same facial scar as Things in Threes Danyal, since he was initially another version of him where things turned out better. I'm debating on whether or not I should take it away however, and give him a different scar (maybe from when he fell off the train?), just because the scar is a pretty key identifier for Ti3 Danyal.
Danny frequently visits Aunt Alicia in Arkansas! Well, only after he gets settled in and stuff. He doesn't really like the city that much and prefers the countryside where Alicia lives. I know she lives in a cabin but I'm changing it to a farm, so she puts Danny to work and gets him to help her.
I don't want to confine his hobbies to only being star stuff, because people tend to have more than one hobby and I feel like it reduces him to one-dimensionality, so he likes to garden, and learns guitar. His room becomes filled with plants, and he turns their roof into a rooftop greenhouse right below to OPS Center.
He has a complex relationship with the weapons from his past, but he's not... like... appalled by it? When he finds his weapons in the Fenton attic all he thinks is that they're his weapons, and he starts carrying a knife on him afterwards. Essentially he becomes fascinated with weaponry because its one of the few physical ties he has to his past, and while he's not training like he is in the League, he allows his strong muscle memory to guide him through his katas.
Danny likes climbing things. This causes Problems For Everyone Else.
Danny was not the "kinder Al Ghul" in the League. His kindness extended to his brother and family, and that's it. To everyone else he had high expectations out of them, and the pride you'd expect from the grandson of Ra's Al Ghul and trained by its top members. While he wasn't like, unnecessarily cruel or anything, he wasn't merciful either.
This transfers post-train fall as him coming off as no-nonsense and unforgiving. He's not fond of the idea of giving people second chances, and is skeptical of the idea. He's disgusted by incompetency and views it as an unforgivable offense, especially if he thinks that the person should know better, although he's not sure why. Some egocentrism for the soul.
He doesn't like being touched by anyone who isn't family, and gets irritated when anyone grabs him or holds onto him for extended amounts of time. Dash has gotten hit so many times. With Jack Fenton's tendency for abrupt physical affection, it doesn't make it any better. I'd argue it'd make it worse because Danny doesn't want to be touched more often than not.
Danyal had a red scarf in the League that he wore on his last mission, it came off before he fell off and caught itself on the roof. Damian still has it and took it with him to Wayne Manor. He's got it locked in his room and takes it out when he's alone and missing Danny the most. One time he forgot to put it away before leaving his room, and Dick was visiting the manor for something and found it. Damian found him holding it and freaked out.
Dick could only say "I've never seen you wear this, Damian, this is really pretty--" before Damian shoved him to the floor and stole it out of his hands, before screaming at him; "Don't touch this! You don't ever touch this! This is mine! You hear me!?"
It caused such a commotion that the rest of the family present came to see what the fuss was about, and Damian kicked them all out of his room. Dick is the one brother Damian's the closest with, so the fact he reacted so strongly shocked them all.
This is likely what leads to the "Danyal" conversation.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#danyal al ghul au#yaelokre danny#yaelokre danyal al ghul#the yaelokre danny post didn't really go into him interacting with other people but i'm trying to figure out his personality post amnesia#just know this: he's not canon danny. im spitefully refusing to make him a Cookie Cutter of canon danny because the idea pisses me off lmao#he's complex and confused and morally gray even with the amnesia bc memories aren't stored in one part of the brain they're stored#in different parts depending on the memory and muscle memory exists and danny might not actively remember the things that shaped him but hi#body does. and somewhere deep in his mind so does his brain. his memories weren't destroyed theyre locked away in a place where his active#conscious can't reach. plus its magic amnesia and i have comic AND cartoon realism on my side.#danny's personality from the league doesn't get challenged that much by the fentons because danny's learning this about himself just as muc#as they are. Jazz can't “Fix” what's wrong with him when neither of them know it and Danny is always the first to figure it out and then#keeps it to himself. Also. Jazz has a fucking life? she's not the family therapist she has friends and hobbies even if we the viewers don't#see it. But also i just really deeply despise the idea that Jazz “fixes” danny's league issues just by existing and being the therapist#because it waters her down into a one-dimensional character who only exists in the context of providing emotional support and life advice t#danny. also therapy only works on someone that's actively trying to change. otherwise its just psychoanalyzing and people tend to hate#being psychoanalyzed without consent. which as a result may have them refuse help. anyways point is: i believe that growth is slow and#complex and danny would hide a lot of the stuff he discovers about himself because if there's one thing he still retains from being an#assassin. it's how to hide. he likes jazz but there are some things you just hide from people.#damian also told dick to “keep his filthy hands off his things”. which was also a shock because it sounded something he'd say more to tim#damian was distraught the entire time.#okay thats all i have for now.
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aziraphales-library · 1 month
Hello and thank you all so much for all of the extensive organization and help with finding fics! Unfortunately I recently lost the page to a piece that I was really enjoying and cannot remember the title. A fair warning, this fic was very explicit.
Basically, Crowley is a type of fae called a Lure and is meant to be leading humans into faerie rings, but he doesn’t because he doesn’t actually want to hurt people. A human Aziraphale moves into the village and him and Crowley begin to have a romantic relation.
Also Anathema is in this fic and she initially warns Aziraphale not to trust Crowley due to him being fae and even has him drink some sort of protective tea blend, but she eventually comes around.
Thank you for any help you may be able to give!
That would be Fairy Rings, my dear!
Fairy Rings by AppleSeeds [Rated E, 51K words]
Desperate to escape life in the big city, Aziraphale impulsively moves into a cottage in the quaint little village of Tadfield, which he later learns used to belong to a witch. Apparently Tadfield is a village filled with magic, not that that's something Aziraphale believes in. Not at first, anyway.
Aziraphale starts to question his scepticism as he gets to know Crowley, the mysterious local gardener he found loitering outside the cottage one day. Aziraphale experiences an attraction to Crowley immediately, but would never have imagined where it would lead him - to the fulfilment of his deepest desires and most extreme secret fantasies.
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inexplicablymine · 5 months
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Seven Sentences Sunday Monday
I am currently on the tarmac in an airplane to do a short term move across the ocean for a work project… So I am a little harried (on mobile) and a lot excited for both this move and all of the INSANE snippets yesterday.
As a little treat for all the amazing words I was fed here is the first (slightly nsfw) look at my multichap magical realism soulmate au “Mind Over Matter”
Alex’s stomach plummets out of his ass and settles somewhere in the southern hemisphere, about three thousand miles from where he is currently nursing his only drink of the night.
He scrutinizes the image in front of him, a prince and a first daughter, twirling around on a croquette floor inside a Swarovski laden venue that inexplicably cost enough to feed a medium sized country if the seventy-five thousand pound cake is anything to go by.
It’s a waltz in 3/4 time, and Alex’s fingers twitch at an approximation of the one-two-three step that he perfected through one-too-many lessons on royal etiquette with Zahra in the last three months in preparation for propriety at this “event of the century.”
Propriety is the last thing on his mind in this very moment.
Because tell him why the fuck Mr. Straight- and-Narrow isn’t thinking about June right now.
Instead, Alex can hear, clear as a bell, with more lucidity than he has ever heard anyone’s thoughts before that Henry, yes the god damn Prince of England, does not want to have his arms around June.
Instead, he’d much rather they were gripping Alex’s head, hands tugging on tousled curls as he pulls Alex onto his cock.
Well… I’ll leave you with that to ruminate on while I disappear across the ocean till Wednesday to give you more <3
Thank you to the amazing lovelies who all tagged me with your pretty words @kiwiana-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @sherryvalli @indomitable-love @orchidscript @dumbpeachjuice @littlemisskittentoes @ssmtskw @cha-melodius @leojfitz @songliili @wordsofhoneydew @14carrotghoul @happiness-of-the-pursuit @onthewaytosomewhere @rockyroadkylers @firenati0n @cultofsappho @suseagull04 @read-and-write- @affectionatelyrs @leaves-of-laurelin @indestructibleheart
And now for a few more (but also pls open tag I want to see the words) (I know it’s late you can just use it for Wednesday ;)))) @rmd-writes @matherines @saintlynomenclature @anchoredarchangel @onward--upward @daisymae-12 @heybuddy-drabbles @lizzie-bennetdarcy @tintagel-or-cockleshells @magicandarchery @gay-flyboys @gayrootvegetable @sparklepocalypse
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candycoatedghoul · 1 month
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
17 - holding the other’s chin up for the touching prompts 💕
Thank you for the prompt!! 😊 I wrote maybe 2 different scenes for this, wasn't sure where I wanted to go. But I think I'm ok with this one. Tried to shoulder in a Magicians/magical realism AU. Not sure i accomplished anything or if it even makes sense lol
Max's eyes widened as Daniel's own surprised brown found him. His pale fingers twitched where they rested on the coarse hair of Daniel's beard.
"You–" Daniel stopped himself, stupefied. He didn't know what to say or do. This had never happened before. Then again, he went out of his way to avoid touching people; this was never supposed to happen.
This, being Max's hand cupping his chin. This, being a silence he can't remember ever experiencing. This, being an absence of sound so potent it actually made Daniel's knees buckle.
"I'm sorry– I– I didn't– I know you don't like to be touched!" Max moved to pull his hand back as if Daniel's skin burned him but a tan hand gripped his wrist; a rose blooming in his vision.
He'd always loved Daniel's tattoos, knew he charmed a few of them to move. The rose bloomed before a few petals 'fell' and then the remaining rose would bloom again. The sails on the ship on his thigh would sometimes billow in an invisible wind, and the cowgirl would wink if she saw someone staring at her. She winked all the time at Max, he's sure she blew him a kiss once time
Daniel stood to his full height and Max could only follow him with his eyes; still frozen and aware of Daniel's touch lingering on his. That was only momentary, however, because then he couldn't focus at all. His brain felt like bees and his blood felt like sludge in his veins. It happened for a split second and then everything was ok again.
Except it wasn't, because they were no longer in the hallway of the library building. They were in the Physical Kids' Cottage, Max could hear the upbeat music from the forever party below them. He looked around the bedroom then swung his eyes back to Daniel who was still touching him– voluntarily.
"We Traveled?" Max's heart beat wildly, he'd never traveled before. He didn't know Daniel could take other people with him when he teleported.
"Sorry I didn't warn you. I– I thought we– privacy y'know?" Daniel stuttered unusually. This afternoon kept going from normal to unusual the longer Max stayed in his presence.
Daniel did a series of hand signs with his fingers, Max recognized the casting of a silence and sealing spell. Daniel had just locked them together in his room.
"What?" Max turned confused eyes to the man who still clutched his hand and held it to his face, the prickle of Daniel's beard was now a comforting feeling to Max's greedy mind.
He watched as Daniel took off his ever present pair of headphones, it was widely known that he used it to ignore the sound of other people's thoughts– especially when the semester got too intense and his own mental wards were no longer strong enough.
"Max." Daniel sounded awed and it showed on his face. His brown cow eyes were wide, the bags under his eyes were just starting to look like bruises.
"Daniel, what's happening?"
"They're gone…" Daniel whispered, "I can… can only hear me…"
Max went to move his hand again and Daniel's other hand clutched him.
"No!" Daniel shouted, alarmed. Max froze.
"I dunno why, but your touch is keeping them away." Daniel explained hesitantly. He eyed Max apprehensively.
Max's brain whirred with implications. Daniel was a rare kind of magician; a traveler. His psychic abilities were always a little uncontrollable but he rarely let on how bad it could be. Charles was the one to mention that if Daniel wore his headphones, to leave him alone because he was overwhelmed.
He sometimes disappeared for days on end and when he returned; his ever present smile always seemed brighter. Max had never seen this look on Daniel's face before.
"Ok." Max nodded and it seemed Daniel was surprised at how easily he accepted the current situation.
"Ok." Daniel nodded as well and then they lapsed into silence, staring at each other.
Max wasn't quite sure what Daniel wanted but Max would never say no to holding the man in front of him.
"Your eyes are beautiful Maxy…" Daniel whispered and Max felt a blush bloom on his cheeks like the petals of his favourite rose.
The prompt is from this list.
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toughpaperround · 8 months
Magic Fic Recs (2)
Feels like magic in the air ... more 911 fics with a spiritual edge, coming up!
'One Golden Glance of What Should Be' by UisceOneLove | @wolfnprey (G, 3k, 8k in series) in which Omega!Buck meets Witch!Eddie
'today, yesterday, everyday, and tomorrow night' by @trippedandfell (T, 4k) in which Eddie's not like most people.
'The Curse of Sleeping Buckley' by @corgiqueen14 (T, 2k) in which Buck's family has a curse on it and Eddie just wants to help
'My accidental happily ever after' by @lamardeuse (T, 7k) a magical realism fic in which Buck's day is both bad and weird.
'Feels Like Magic' by 42hrb | @exhuastedpigeon (T, ~30k, WIP) in which Buddie are a witch and a psychic.
'Choral Chant for Practicing Witches', ch 7 in a series of one-shots, 'The Monsterfucker's Symphony' by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (rated E) in which Witch!Buck uses his powers for good
'Buck's café (take my heart, just not my order)' by MonsterRae1 (E, 10k) in which probationary Firefighter!Eddie meets Barista!Buck.
'collectively unconsciously composed' by Rianne | @rianneeyre (E, 47k, 72k in the full series, 'let it pour out of your soul'): a great series with fun world building.
Part 1, 3 | Rec list Masterlist
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terrence-silver · 8 months
Hi, Fae!Terry AU fan here! Spooktober seems to be a good time for this ask 😉
Could you write about Fae!Terry meeting his Beloved at some gala or charity auction and enchanting them to just leave everything behind and go home with him?
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-"You can't just leave like this! This is insane!"-
-"I have to."-
You answer, staring at the reflection of the ladies room lobby mirror, your fiancé of three years firmly by your side, one arm leaning against the marble sink, staring you down and refusing to move; a stalemate that has been going on for longer than you bothered counting, entirely certain the two of you missed the speech, the auction, the charity exhibit and the first course meal in the dining hall by now. But, you couldn't help yourself. You retired here because you needed to retire here. He followed suit, his collar disheveled and his bowtie undone, appearing distressed and untidy and you didn't blame him. You on the other hand felt nothing but the uncanny desire to walk out of here and never return. A yearning as overwhelming as the need to blink. To breathe. -"Why? Who the hell is he!? Has he been threatening you!? You sleeping with him or something!? Are you in trouble?"- He questions vehemently, having done so for the better portion of this gathering, his face so close to yours you could feel the spittle in his breath hit your cheeks. A woman rushes out of one of the flushing stalls, clearly disturbed by the commotion taking place in the hallway, her heels clicking against the tiles as she hastes, clutch purse in hand and you barely register her. She's like a ghost. The door slams shut behind her and your fiancé lowers his tone to a seething, discreet murmur, not wishing to draw any more attention to the situation than was necessary. -"If you're in some sort of trouble, please, tell me and we'll call your parents. We'll call the police! Security! We'll call whoever you want."-
He demands, running an exasperated hand through his hair and truth of the matter was, you were in no trouble whatsoever. Nobody was threatening you. In fact, this evening was nothing but wonderful. Beautiful. And now, it was time to leave. Go home. You wanted to go home.
-"No. I don't even know him. I'm perfectly fine. Don't call a soul."-
You explain, feeling your own voice grow silent as you proceeded staring at yourself in the mirror, fingers gripping the sink and then letting go suddenly, relieved of pressure. Free. You appreciated your fiancée being so adamant in trying to help. You really did. But, nonetheless, this would end here and tonight. You trusted him to be able to say goodbye to your parents for you. Your family. All your friends. Everyone who ever knew you. Give them as much closure as he possibly could've. -"For fuck's sake! This is how people end up on the back of a milk carton!"- He snaps suddenly, slamming his fist against the toilet counter. They do? They end up on the back of a milk carton? Really? You didn't figure that would ever happen to you. In fact, you were convinced your photo wouldn't end up anywhere, anytime soon. With that thought, your body moves towards the exit. -"I have to go. I have to."- You manage, wrangling your wrist free with a strength you didn't even know you possessed when he attempted to grab at you to stop you as you fingers reached for the door knob and the isolated quietude of the ladies' room is soon replaced by the chattering crowd in the corridor lobby you slide through walking in a straight line, running into several shoulders and several bodies on your way out, the distant echo of your fiancé's shouting fading into all the noises around you, the cool air outside the venue offering clarity. It was like magic --- you knowing exactly which vehicle in the long line of cars to approach in the lot out front.
A Rolls Royce with tinted windows rolls down and a hand beckons to you.
A ring with a sapphire calls out to you from a man's pinkie finger.
He's been waiting for you here. You know he has been. A face speaks out you from behind the lowering glass.
-"You know, if I were him,"-
He begins, smoothly, a pair of full lips moving and quirking up into an inviting, warm smile. -"I'd never let you walk out of there like that. I'd drag you back by force, if I had to. But, to each their own."- He pushes a cigar into his mouth, lighting the tip, smoke engulfs his features like a veil. You saw him sitting a few seats removed from you at the auction, one Terry Silver, esteemed donor and the frequent bidder who outbid everyone at the hall with ease, taking an open enjoyment in doing so, your eyes meeting by chance during the intermission for drinks and since that moment, this outcome right here seemed inevitable. You knew this is how this night would end. You going home with him instead of your own fiancé. There was no guilt in it. No regret. No fear. No hesitation. Only assurance. If someone put a wall between you and this end goal you were certainly you try to ram yourself against it in an effort to break through it. -"The very fact he let that happen, well, says a lot about his character, almost like people show you exactly who they are under pressure."- He adds and his hand moves forward from the interior of the backseat, unhinging the door open for you, revealing the spacious leather seating he was cozied up on, legs crossed. The chauffeur of the car remaining invisible, somewhere up front. Part of you was almost convinced there was no driver to begin with, but it didn't matter. You were right where you wanted to be. Bright eyes sparkled up at you from inside of the car and Terry gestures for you with a cocked head, extending his hand for you to take it, ever the gentleman.
-"C'mon. Get in."-
He coos with a chuckle and you don't think twice. You don't have to think at all. The doors shuts and the car does a turn away from the lights of the building and the courtyard riddled Bentleys, Porsches and the odd Limousine, speeding away into the night, far away from the venue before anyone is fast enough to stop you. As if they could stop you even if they managed to be expeditious enough to reach you in time.
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greyskyflowers · 1 year
✨🌙 Magic AU ideas for fun ✨🌙
~ Please credit me if you use any of these.
🕸️ Ink spiders
Spider like creatures that tend to live in places with lots of ink (think libraries, book stores, antique shops, etc).
Most people think the black spindling legs are the creature and it's made of ink (hence the name), but the spiders are actually made of the spaces between words, the black ink is the shadow. They're very thin and you have to get close and look sideways at them to faintly see their actual bodies, which almost look like very thin glass threads. More of a distortion in the air than an actual image. Leave ink splatters when startled and make little clinking noises like tea cups when they get curious enough to climb something you've left close enough to the page.
**Think that photo of camels in desert where people think shadows are the camels
🚪Little shops in between the books on shelves in antique and bookstore.
They look like little miniature houses/apartments but they aren't fond of people lingering so if you look away they'll shut the doors and windows by the time you look again.
Some even take their welcome mats back inside.
🌌 Planetary rings can be bought for an unbelievable price but only the best magic users have them. They make amazing engagement and/or wedding rings.
🐠 If you find the right crosswalk in the rain, you will loo down between the painted line over a mirror image of the city, see fish swimming, leaves floating, etc. Stepping on the blocks gets you across but stepping in the water spins you around and you end up in the city. If you look up you'll see the blocks in the sky and fish swimming high above like clouds. You can watch people walking across the street above you.
This is the only way to find certain magic market places and it can be hard to find the right crosswalk. People usually end jumping in lots of puddles trying to find the right one.
**You leave the same way
🌧️ Kitchen clouds that rain spices
🌊 The most expensive and rare lace is foam from the sea pulled off at high tide under a full moon. White with the gentlest hints of blue, perfectly imperfect in it's details. They say it smells of salt and feels cool against the skin.
**Sold by mermaids, sirens, ocean nymphs. If you buy if from someone else it's probably fake
💡Sting lights that fly off the string when not in use and flicker on and off around the room. When you ask for light or turn it on, they all come floating in to sit on the string at their spots.
**Like lightning bugs but just little puffs of light
🌱 Rooms where grass grows on the floor or up between floorboards. Wildflowers and clover joining it. Sometimes sunflowers pop up to keep depressed or sick people company, common in hospitals
🛁 Night bath bombs: Black ones that turn the water black and silver dust forms accurate constellations in the water.
Cloud bath bombs: White ones that cover the top of the water in rolling puffs that look like cotton but dissipate like fog when you wave your hand through it.
Ocean bath bombs: Blue ones that foam and make small waves, sea salt scent and the grit of sand at the bottom of the tub.
Rain bath bombs: Grey ones that smell like rain and look like puddles, the occasional leaf or two floating by, and the perfect warm summer rain feel and smell.
🎨 Colorful butterflies like paint chips travel together and always form beautiful murals when they land. They usually stay for awhile before getting up to move their artwork to somewhere else.
🐙 Upside down flowers that move like octopus, the petals like little legs they scurry around on. They sometimes produce pollen puffs when startled or angry.
🦷 Dentists that do teeth whitening for vampires
👗 Dresses with flower edges, the skirt made of stems all going up to form the waist with leaves occasionally helping to cover and the flowers all at the bottom. Living dresses.
Along the same thought, flowers that weave in your hair and stay, Ivy, lavender, gardenia, etc.
🥪 Swamp houses on giant lilly pads with monsters that lives in the muddy waters, ancient beings that adore grilled cheese and will accept it as an offering of friendship.
🐾 Veterinarians that can speak multiple animal languages and can ask animals what's wrong as well as follow up on any neglect or abuse claims
⚓ Tattoos that move and change as the person does. Flowers that go through blooming and wilting. Words that change fonts. Animals that wonder around the body. Anchors that sink down to the feet. Watercolor that leaves the skin damp
🛒 Groceries that pop into your kitchen as you order them.
**They keep putting the milk in the wrong place and at this point you think it's just to fuck with you.
🪞 Store changing rooms have two types of rooms available, with mirrors that flatter and support, or mirrors that are brutally honest and occasionally hurtful.
💉 Werewolves that need to stay up to date on their rabies/disease shots instead of their flu shots.
💰 The best thieves and scammers are fae because they're amazing at getting information, names, numbers, etc. Also kitsune because of their remarkable cuunning and playfulness.
💧 Depression medicine that shoos away the rain clouds over your head
Calming tinctures that literally stop your head from spilling
Warming spells that start at you toes and roll up your body like sinking into warm water
Cooling spells that run down from the top of your head like a cool shower
💀 Classroom skeletons that teach their own classes and love dad jokes. Real ones that tell stories from their lives, or died very recently but it was in the middle of the semester and they still have shit to do. Fake skeletons that like to pretend they were famous/fictional people and spread completely ridiculous and often hilarious rumors.
🏘️ Ghost towns/neighborhoods like spirited away. Quiet and empty during the day but bustling streets and shops as the sun goes down. They aren't on maps for a reason - tip your hat or nod your head and remember your manners while quickly passing through
🌫️ Spells that hide your home from those with ill intentions. Sometimes they can't see your house or it looks abandoned. Sometimes it switches the roads around so none ever lead to you. Those with good intentions will always find their way to you, even if they get lost.
**Think irish proverb about the road rising up to meet you vibes
🗑️ The creature that lives in the break room trashcan always has the latest gossip and will gladly trade you some in return for some old coffee or a snack from the vending machine.
🐌 Sea slugs as street cleaners, make their way through the streets at night in slow wiggles like how they clean the bottom of the ocean.
**Often cause traffic delays if they get behind and can stay out til morning, so listen to the local morning radio to make sure to avoid any road closures due to slug
👁️ Seers make the best personal assistants, front desk, nurses, etc. Catch things right as they fall, will call and reschedule appointments before people know they need to, can make sure messages get where they need to go exactly when needed.
**Fake seers will sometimes try to pose as weathermen or similar to get some fame and money. They usually get booted quickly.
🌿 Eucalyptus that grows in the shower and greets you in the morning with happy waves and wishes you good night in the evening. Moss that grows on the floor like a rug and sprouts like flowers when it thinks you need some cheering up.
⌛ Time delays are a thing, however they must be approved by the time equality agency. You can request to change the hours in your day. For example, a student might request to have more time to study before their 7am final. If approved, they might have say 5am last 4 hours before time resumes as normal. However they'll have 4 hours removed at the end of their day.
**Kind of like daylight savings where the clock jumps forward and backwards
Usually this is reserved for very special situations as there's a lot of paperwork and requirements involved.
🚀 Spaceships gets stars stuck on the side, like boats get barnacles stuck to them, and they have to be scrapped off and throw back up into the sky
**Stars also go too low sometimes and get stuck in tree branches and gutters
🍄 Giant mushrooms used at part of the structure and/roof in forest homes. Living homes.
🌳 Willow trees are incredibly protective. If someone gets a willow whip mark (snapped a branch at them like a towel) it usually means they were somewhere they shouldn't have been.
🦋 Some butterflies have extra pollen on their wings that gets shaken off. This can be gathered and used in magic makeup - doesn't harm the butterfly as they shake it off themselves when it gets too heavy.
🐉 Fire flowers that burn blue at the base and end in flickering flames. Little embers in the middle like pollen. Very small dragons take the embers and soot like bees.
Please note that it's illegal to take anything from a dragon, including fire honey, but sometimes if you befriend them they'll trade you. Maybe a shell of honey for something shiney. They're fond of things like tinsel and shiney confetti, it's easy to carry and they sometimes wrap it around them like little scarves.
🗺️ Physical maps that direct you like Google maps but also refuse to ask for directions if they themselves get lost. Sometimes they fold on the sides like little arms on their hips when they're mad.
**Map: don't you dare pull over, take the turn in .5 miles.
Driver: There is no turn!
Map: Take the turn!
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filet-o-feelings · 2 months
☕️ or 👻 please!
how about both?
☕- magical realism coffeeshop au
“Well, if you ever decide to start drinking specialty coffee drinks, or would like a fancy breakfast sandwich, I’ve got you covered.”
👻- basement ghost singing/ghost!Patrick (reminder, this is a rewrite so I may have previously shared something eerily similar)
He briefly considers the fact that he owns the place and can take a long lunch break should he feel like it, but then he reminds himself that he owns the place and if he loses business because of his late lunch, that’s money out of his own pocket.
Send me a symbol and I will write 5 sentences for the corresponding wip and share at least 1.
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secretlywritingstories · 11 months
What if I Told You I'm a Mastermind? | poly!skz magical AU
Yang Jeongin had seen it quite clearly in his first ever vision. A pack of eight members of different species who shared a home and loved each other so fiercely. He knew he'd have to go out and find them and he'd pull on every string and turn over every leaf until he got his chosen family together.
The story of how an oracle, a fairy, a vampire and a siren/wolf hybrid each came to join a wolf pack.
Tags: Werewolf pack AU, oracle!Jeongin, werewolf!Jisung, werewolf!Changbin, werewolf!Chan, vampire!Hyunjin, fairy!Felix, siren/wolf hybrid!Seungmin, polyamorous pack, queerplatonic relationships, aspec identities, found family
Word count: 42.5k
Any warnings will be in the top notes of each chapter
Prologue to Rest in the Belly of the Wolf and "sequel" to Perfect Trio Bound by Blood
Read on AO3
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sea-owl · 1 year
Inspired by my favorite fairytale Snow White and Rose Red. Was originally gonna be for polin week day six but I'm late, oh well.
In the wooded country side of England sat the Ancestral home of the Featherington family, and on the lands their home grew several flowers in honor of the family's crest of the Butterfly. Among those flowers grew two shrubs, one containing the blush white Penelope Roses, and the other grew the multicolored pink, lavender, and green Felicity Hydrangeas.
The lady of the house, Lady Featherington, loved these two flower shrubs so dearly she had named her younger two daughters after them, Penelope and Felicity. As seemed to follow their namesakes the two girls were also like the flowers. Penelope was the quieter one of the two, preferring to read and write her stories. Felicity loved running through the woods, and causing mischief. The two girl loved one another dearly, often seen walking about hand in hand as they roamed about the woods.
The animals of the woods that surrounded their home trusted the two girls. Little hares would eat cabbage from their hands, deer would graze beside them, and the birds would continue to sing their songs in the trees. Neither girl fearing the woods that surround their home, as they knew they were perfectly safe, and trusted the woods. Many a night the girls laid down on the mossy ground when it had grown too dark to continue forward.
On one such of those nights, the two girls were collecting berries and had lost track of time. A tree root has gently raised itself to stop the girls from going forward.
"Perhaps we should stop here for the night," Penelope suggested. Felicity nodded and the two girls drifted off to sleep.
Felicity's eyes shot open at the sound of her sister's gasp and hands yanking her back. "Penelope?!" Felicity exclaimed, still groggy.
She looked up, but Penelope kept her eyes straight ahead. Not far from where the girls were sleeping was a rocky cliff. The trees last night had stopped them from going over.
When the girls later told their mother and older sisters, Portia did not seem at all shocked. "Remember, girls, so long as we take care of the woods, the woods will take care of us."
As summer turned to fall, Portia had to leave for business in London. She took her two oldest with her and instructed her younger daughters to take care.
"Remember, my daughters trust the woods. So long as you do it will not lead you astray."
Penelope and Felicity nodded. "Yes, mother."
As the girls finished their chores, night fell, and they sat by the fire. Penelope read aloud while Felicity practiced her water colors.
"Then the prince kissed the sleeping princess-"
Felicity wrinkled her nose. "That's creepy."
"-with true love's kiss. The princess had awoken and they live happily ever after."
"Could you imagine how weird it would be if you laid down for a nap, and then some bloke is just standing above you and ruining your good dreams by kissing you!" Felicity said, waving her paint brush around. "Like, good sir, I would like to nap in peace, please!"
Penelope giggled but was soon interrupted by a knock on the door. "Felicity, please open the door. It must be a traveler looking for shelter for the night."
Sheltering travelers was nothing new to the girls. It was often told that part of protecting the woods, they must also protect its travelers so no harm came to either.
Felicity nodded and got up from her spot. Unlocking the door, Felicity was not expecting the sight before her.
Felicity let out a shriek at the sight of a very large brown bear head poking through the door. Throwing herself backward, Felicity quickly hid behind her sister.
"Please," a voice said. "I mean no harm. I only wish to warm myself a little."
Both sisters snapped their full attention on the bear. The brown bear was looking at them with green eyes that almost seemed human.
"It's a talking bear!" Felicity exclaimed, now coming out of her hiding spot. She came closer, excitedly curious about their new guest.
"Oh, you poor thing," Penelope said. "Come in and lay by the fire."
"Thank you," the bear said as he made his way inside. "My name is Colin."
Felicity giggled. "How silly, a bear named Colin."
The girls took a broom and gently sweeped off leaves and early frost off the bear's back. He was patient with the girls especially when they brushed through a particularly knoted tangle. When the Colin's fur was dry and warm from the hearth, Felicity had climbed up onto his back. Colin laid down to make it easier for her.
Penelope sat next to them as she read more stories.
"She's likely to fall asleep up there," Penelope said as she finished another story.
"It does not bother me," Colin said. "She's so small I barely feel her."
Penelope tilted her head. "What's it like being a bear?"
"What's it like being a human?" Colin countered.
Penelope giggled. "We do humans things, I suppose. Eat, sleep, walk, marry, read, paint, and write, among other things."
"Some of those things bears do too," Colin pointed out.
Penelope giggled again. "I suppose you're right."
The two continued to talk until Penelope could no longer hold open her eyes. Unknowingly, she laid against Colin and his warm fur.
Colin couldn't help but smile himself as he laid his head down to sleep. It has been so long since he had been in the company of others. Maybe listening to the woods wasn't a bad idea since it led him to the Featherington sisters.
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suppotato123 · 1 year
Thank you to everyone who voted on the last poll, and all the people who put their cool ideas in the tags. This is the new poll and it’ll have to be two parts because there’s too many degrees.
Thaumaturgical Artificing- The scientific study and application of magic as it pertains to Alchemy (the creation of of potions) and Arcana (the engineering of magical devices).
Advanced Applied Necromancy- A degree for those looking for the most modern and ethical methods of raising the dead. This is a degree for those looking for new and inventive ways to apply the Necromantic Arts to the betterment of society. Students can expect to learn the ways in which Necromancy can be applied to various fields such as medicine, criminal justice, and even industry, all wrapped up in serious discussions about ethics and consent.
Arcanic Archaeology- This degree walks students through the history of magical artifacts, how to find them, and their proper uses to aspiring Sorcerers and non-magic users alike.
Linguistic Incantology- The study of the properties of magical languages as well as the characteristics of those languages in general ascertained in order to gain mastery over the magical art of incantation.
Runic Studies- the study of the history of runes and sigils, their relevance in art, politics, and culture, and their various uses to the modern spell caster.
Magiphysical Sciences- The study of Humanoid systems, anatomy, and physical health and fitness as it pertains to magical gestures and more physically involved magic systems.
Mystic Virology- The study of magical diseases and curses, their effects on the humanoid form, and the treatments and counterhexes for such magical conditions.
Beasts Behavior and Health Sciences- This degree will prepare students for work with both wild and domestic fantastical creatures by giving them essential knowledge and essential skills in magical veterinary medicine and biology, grooming, feeding, and care, as well as wildlife rehabilitation.
Magical Performance Arts- A degree for those seeking to enchant and bewilder audiences of all ages. If you’re looking for something something showy and fun, look no further! Includes the option for courses like Enchantments and Shapeshifting.
Wandsmithing Technologies- This is a course for students looking to design wands. Students will learn to many essential lesson including, but not limited to, magidynamics, the magical components of many different wand building materials, and a comprehensive analysis on different wand styles throughout the ages. At the end students will have several wand prototypes and models under their belts.
Criminal Justice- Study how criminal justice organizations function, deal with people and their recurring problems, and create programs and policies that include and benefit the community. Here’s the twist; we add in a little magic to make your job easier. A popular magic class taken for this degree Scrying (with a warrant of course).
Supernatural Physics- the study of how and why magic came to be and how and why it works. Students will learn the structure of magic and how it interacts with other fundamental constituents of the universe.
Economic Divination- This degree provides studies in supply and demand, consumer behavior, and financial markets with an added twist. Students will learn the most reliable methods of divination to help insure future financial success.
Mystic Ecology- The study of relationships among living magical organisms, humanoids, and their physical environments. This degree looks at organisms at the individual, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere level. Students can expect to learn how to use their magic to help repair damaged ecosystems, increase power output, and cast diagnostic spells to access what remediation is necessary.
Novel Entomology- The scientific study of magical species of insects, arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans.
Magic History- The history of magic and it’s uses across different ages and cultures. This class will look at the different major events involving and influenced by magic and it’s interaction with society.
General Studies- This degree covers the most basic information on various magical studies and provides a great opportunity for students to discover their magical passions and/or complete their prerequisite courses before moving on to a more advanced degree.
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 2 years
Okay but what if there was people that already knew about their nations being real beings, and I'm not saying like conspiracy theorists I'm saying like the whole population from third world countries.
Swedish people going "omg I can't believe Sweden was some guy all along!" Meanwhile in Mexico be like "yeah we knew they got drunk at my niece's quinceañera"
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tlt-big-resurrection · 11 months
by @for-camilla-hect
Art by @firebloodmayhemred
Read the Fic & See the Art HERE
Rating: M
Summary: Harrow was dreaming in the way she always dreamed—with that old and unnamed horror trailing at her heels, accompanied by the sharp smell of loss...
When the Body requests that Harrowhark Nonagesimus go to Canaan, she is in no position to refuse, even if it means tagging along with her persistently affectionate colleagues, Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus. Yet as she negotiates her way through the intricacies of Canaan's underground necromancy circles, Harrow is finding it difficult to maintain her image and keep Camilla and Palamedes from discovering the truth about her past - which is made no easier by her newfound connection with local coffee shop barista Gideon Nav.
Though she is doing her best to keep the peace, she will soon be forced to admit that this gathering in Canaan is no coincidence - beneath the surface, old powers are waking. And like Harrow herself, no one is quite who they say they are.
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