#maybe he just yoinked it for himself
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can someone explain the boat thing to me? :'>
i've seen people mention it here and there but never a proper explanation,,,
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edwinisms · 2 months
wait yeah hold on how the hell did edwin open a door from hell to earth? like if powerful beings like the night nurse or certain demonic entities are necessary to open and close doors to other planes (especially hell where souls being trapped there is kind of the point) then what the fuck did edwin manage to pull off? did he somehow trick a demon or whatever into opening one? was one opened for one reason or another– maybe upon a demon’s return from retrieving a soul– and he timed it, booked it, and jumped in? there certainly isn’t just some constantly open ever-accessible door at the top of The Endless Staircase considering that would make hell kind of pointless. did edwin payne manage, somehow, over the span of 70 years, to figure out how to open a door from limbo/the staircase to earth by himself? am i just missing something here?
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
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oioend · 10 days
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tired cronos be upon ye
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evilminji · 1 year
You know... >.>
My Dad always used to tell me, if I get a Genuine Genie(tm)? Get a lawyer first. Before I make my Wishes(tm), so they can help me word them correctly.
Obviously, a human lawyer would not be foolproof... BUT! What about a Ghost Lawyer?
Like? Obviously Desiree would be PISSED. How DARE you twist HER wish twisting! Her THING is "what you believe is your heart's desire always comes at a terrible cost" which is what she DIED to learn.
So obviously she would NEVER, willingly, bend her Obsession for ANYONE. And you'd have to make a DAMN good case to that Lawyer for why he ISNT breaking the law by helping you. Probably some "you can: save the life of an unconscious person against their will/shove an unobservant person OFF the train tracks, even if they get hurt, to save their life" clause.
Like? Using a ghosts Obsession against them? Bad. Illegal.
Using it against their will, to save OTHER ghosts, who are in immediate danger? Not illegal, but they will be PISSED. Still not great though, you will want to apologize and fast.
So like??? Reality Bending Power. Patrick Star Method of "what if we MOVED the city... somewhere else?" Considered at 1am. Team of Ghost Laywers, acquired.
Amity and all Limnals are REMOVED from the DP-verse.
Wish worded juuuuust so. Any ghost that forms there? Yoink! Instantly removed to the Zone. Natural Portals? Cut off. Let the whole Reality fade out at an accelerated rate, as no NEW energy is fed into the system. Entropy will do, what entropy does. Exactly as they wished it.
They hated Death so much, they speed up the heat death of their ENTIRE universe by Eons. Congratulations, you guys "Won". Enjoy the wildly more fragile flora, fauna, and general ecosystems. Now that none of you have that ambient Ectoplasm strengthening your bodies. Yeah, the things you used to shrug off? Those are gonna maim or kill you now.
Doesn't MATTER if you "learn your lesson" though! Cause this is WAY past that point! This is "cutting off the tumor before it kills us" territory, and buddy? Amity ISNT the tumor. Go forth a grow, just like you wanted.
They won't be here to fix your messes anymore.
Because Danny got himself a dictionary thick "I Wish..." contract. Which was worded, as it needs to be, in one loooooooong run on sentence. Shouted "I Wish what's written on THIS, as it is currently, and without any form of editing or negotiation!" As fast as he could. Yote the document in Desiree's direction. And Flew like an INCANDESCENTLY pissed off Genie was trying to set his everything of fire.
Which she was.
Thankfully, Paulina came in clutch with her History of all things Jewelry, world fashions, and Make-Up knowledge. That, coupled with the Power Of Rich Friends(tm)? (Sam. Her mother was THRILLED to take her Jewelry and clothing shopping for something other then blacks and dark purple. They went on a jet setting whurl-wind tour. Sam actually kinda liked a some of what she found.)
They have Apology Bribes.
They shamelessly HIDE behind the mountain of Apology Bribes, while they explain themselves. Is Desiree HAPPY? No. But those bracelets are magnificent and she DOES deserve nice things. Those silks will really bring out her eyes. And she... DOES... admit...
That things are not... SAFE. Any longer. Danny TRIES. Everyone else can see it. And he's made incredible strides! Even convinced his lunatic parents. Though they're still not quite POPULAR. (WAY too pushy and invasive with their questions, for most people.) But the fanatics in white?
They nearly killed Box Lunch. If her father hadn't BEEN there...
And the poor man will have that scar on his back for the rest of his afterlife. Desiree can see why Danny is pushing. Does she LIKE it? No. But...
She supposes she will content herself with the suffering of the Fanatics in White and all who support them. THEIR wishes, twisted. Their ugly heart's desires.
And? The ghost town of what WOULD of one day grown into Amity, had the witch's there not been found by those they had fled from, which sits in long rotted ruins, amongst the trees in nowhere Illinois? Poof! Two "Towns" are switched.
The roads out of town coming to a clean line stop, meeting not even goat paths. Just trees. Old growth.
But it's not ALL of Town, is it? Faces missing. New, confused, faces from every corner of the map, taking their place. No Limnal left behind. No supporter of the GIWs genocide, brought along. Family's kept together where they could be. But by the few, scared and upset, green flashing eyes of children in the crowd?
It seemed for some, it was easier to fear and hate, then love their children.
Already they were being gathered up by school teachers and PTA parents. As everyone tried to figure out what had happened. Concerned, quite muttering a dull roar as everyone tries to coordinate.
Red Huntress joins Danny and Dani in the Sky. She doesn't get a word in. Wanted to know what the HELL was going on. She was with her dad in Chicago! Dani was in Taiwan! Literally! As in, sitting in a SUBWAY station one second, the next? Outside!
But they don't get to demand those answers. Because there is a sonic boom on the horizon. And then? Floating... weird... not ghosts?
That much blue... sure is a Statement. Like the cape and... bloooomers? Shorts. Bikini bottoms? It.. it's a Cool Look, dude! No, really. They are being VERY supportive here! If YOU like it? That's the only thing that matters!
Red Huntress smacks the Danny/i's Repeated upside their heads and demans to know what the Not-Ghosts are doing in their airspace.
Oh YEAH. Good point! What she said! And can it WAIT? They're kinda going through A Thing right now...
Kon? Wants it on record he loves these guys. They're hilarious. The LOOK on Clark's FACE?? He wishes he could frame it. Preserve it for future generations. Thing is? There was NOT a town here a second ago.
Well, bout 30 minutes or so, but you get the idea. One moment? Tree noises. Bam! Thousands of people! Obviously the checked it out. Only to be met with two... three maybe? Heros who have NO IDEA who they are.
Clear Reality warping shenanigans. Might be time travel or multiverse. Question is... are they STAYING? And if SO? What now...
@hdgnj @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @nerdpoe @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation @hypewinter
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dragon-ascent · 10 months
Rex, incognito; and you, frustrated.
When your god goes incognito, his only giveaway is his amber eyes. And you’ve been running into amber-eyed folk a lot lately…
When you go fetch the morning paper, the man delivering them tells you not to believe the front-page news about Qiaoying’s monster crisis and that the matter has already been dealt with swiftly. You frown at him, confused, and that’s when you see his amber-hued gaze as he trudges away.
The bookstore has a new highly-anticipated book in stock! Demand is sky-high, and just when you’re about to snag the last copy…some guy takes it for himself, smiling apologetically at you. One look at his eyes and it’s made known that Rex Lapis just swiped the book you’d been looking forward to reading.
A black cat runs over to you one day, nuzzling the everloving crap out of you. How cute, you think, and pick him up, and as he licks you eagerly you notice his damn amber eyes. (You still cuddle him for a bit, though. You’re not going to hold a grudge against your archon for some book.)
Taking a stroll along the foot of Mt. Aocang, you find a painter expertly decorating his canvas in a vivid array of colours. When you approach him and ask what he’s painting, he says without even looking up, “It’s a scene from a book I have been entranced by recently. The scene takes place at the foot of this mountain here, and I was inspired to try my hand at recreating the scene. Here, you may have a look.”
And when you do look…it’s a spoiler from the book you’d wanted to read but failed to snag. The book Rex Lapis literally yoinked from under your nose.
You look up hastily, intending to erase whatever you’d seen in that moment from your mind, and you meet the curious painter’s amber eyes.
Rex Lapis the painter tilts his head. “Is something the matter?”
You’re eating your lunch by the pond you frequent, minding your business when someone quietly sits near you, opening his lunchbox. His eyes meet yours and oh boy, they’re amber.
Your eyes widen. Maybe it’s time for a confrontation. “I know you’re Rex Lapis.”
The man looks away, a deep blush blooming on his rather lovely face. “Rex Lapis…I’m afraid I have never heard of him.” And then he goes back to eating his home-cooked, traditional Liyuen meal.
You sigh as you stir your tea, venting to the tea seller about all your encounters. And yes, you checked to make sure: this man’s eyes are grey. Thank archons.
“Perhaps He simply wishes to get to know you better,” offers the man earnestly. “When Rex goes incognito, He attempts to understand us on a deeper level, yes?”
“I suppose so.” You sip your tea in contemplation. “By the way, this tea is exquisite.”
He beams like it’s the greatest compliment he’s ever gotten. “Thank you.”
You down the rest of your cup and are about to ask for another one when something small falls onto the table. You pick it up, frowning. A…grey contact lens..?
The tea seller blinks at you, equally taken aback as you register how his face has now changed; one eye grey, one eye teasingly golden. The man fidgets, shielding his eyes from you but it’s too late.
Sighing, you gather your things, leave a tip for Rex Lapis the tea seller, and head straight home.
★彡Sort of a sequel-but-not-really to this post hehe
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tizeline · 1 month
Giggling at the fact that Donnie probably has a lot of only child habits like only getting food for himself and eating it Infront of them and getting genuinely annoyed if they try to steal some. Astonished when they borrow anything of his without permission (WHO MOVED MY PENS?!). Being genuinely perplexed when one of his chores gets done randomly 😭
Poor Donnie isn't in on any of the inside jokes probably 😔
LMAO yeah I've been thinking about Only Child Donnie a lot XD
For example, Donnie having no idea how to differentiate between normal sibling bickering and genuine fights. After Raph starts hanging out with Donnie and Leo, he'll get to see way more of that classic sibling bickering in action. And considering Leo's tension with the rest of his family during this time because of the whole Dark Armor incident, he'd worry that Leo and Raph still feel some actual resentment towards each other. Leo and Raph are arguing with each other to the point they start play-wrestling and Donnie is all like "shit shit what do I do they're gonna hurt each other" and the next second Leo and Raph are laughing at random some joke and Donnie is just left confused over the whole interaction because what even was that?? Weren't they mad at each other just a second ago??
I will say though, me and my sibling weren't the type to just share each others stuff freely. Well, we did when we were young, most of our toys we both played with. But maybe because of that we got a bit possessive over our own stuff as we got older (we also shared a room until I was like 10-ish, so we were probably both a bit desparate to become separate induviduals at that point). Point is, if my bastard of a sibling even DARED to step foot into my sacred abode (my room) without my express permission, they would be forced to face my unbridled fury (I'd gently beat them up with pillows)! And if they were to steal as much as a single pencil from my treasury, my wrath would lead me to even more drastic measures (I'd snitch to our parents)!
That being said, I have no idea how The Drax Bros behaved regarding this when growing up. IF they were the type to just yoink each others stuff constantly (which I definitely think is possible) you are completely right that it would drive Donnie up the wall if they did the same to him XD
In my experience and from what I've observed with others, when you have siblings close in age to you, you tend to develop a very intense obsession with everything always needing to be 100% fair and equal. For example, if you're cutting up cake and your siblings piece is as much of a millimeter wider than your own piece, it's basically the end of the world. I can see Leo and Donnie sharing a pizza and afterwards Leo's all outraged over Donnie getting more pizza than him. Donnie's confused cuz they each got an equal amount of slices, but then Leo accuses Donnie of getting all the SLIGHTLY bigger slices and as such got a LITTLE bit more pizza than Leo! Completely unfair!
Actually, Donnie being a math nerd would be good at measuring food in this scenario, his brothers would constantly try to get him to divide any food they're sharing to make sure it's as even and equal as possible. Donnie quickly gets tired of this, but the alternative is the other turtles all arguing with each other over who gets which piece which is even more annoying so he just goes along with it lol.
And oh yeah, Donnie definitely feels quite left out whenever his brothers joke about or even mentions something they did growing up that he did not get to partake in (little does he know that his brothers feels similarly whenever he and April do the same thing and references stuff from their shared childhood that they did not get to be part of)
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pumpkin-cake · 27 days
(Domestic) Cowboy
Logan Howlett x gn!reader
i can't get logan with cowboy boots out of my head, here you go :3 also im not to the point in x-men where people get lumberjack logan, i just know the gifs lol, so please forgive me if there's any inaccuracies!
summary - you get logan a present (i got out of control and wrote some domestic stuff with him)
a bit suggestive at the end >:)
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Logan sat quietly on the front porch of the small wooden house the two of you shared. He rocked himself on the porch swing he had built for the two of you. He watched as your simple little car pulled up in the dirt-paved driveway, and he smiled just a tad. The corner of his lip couldn't help but quirk up when he saw your face through the car windshield. He took a puff of his cigar, blowing it away from the car so he could see your excited face. He watched you lean over to the passenger seat and grab a box, getting out of the car and hurrying over.
"Logan!" You chirped, sitting with him so abruptly that you jerked the porch swing.
"Woah, careful." He chuckled, about dropping his cigar. If it fell on him? No big deal. On you? What if it burned you? He'd never ever forget or forgive himself. "How was the store, sweetheart? I woulda gone with ya. You shoulda woke me up." He said gently. He had just woken up to a note on the little janky fridge.
"No no! I didn't want to." You quickly responded. You never liked to wake him if it wasn't necessary. Logan had trouble sleeping as it was. If you woke before him, you would always let him sleep as long as he could. "Besides, it would have ruined the surprise!" You said joyously, putting the box into his lap.
"I thought you went for groceries?" He said, taking another puff of the cigar.
"I did! In the trunk, I just saw those and I had to get them for you." You answered sweetly, leaning on his broad shoulder and playing with the buttons of his flannel.
Of course, you had just thought of him. It made his heart swell underneath his adamantium ribcage. God, what did he do to ever deserve you?
"Thanks, sweetheart." He chuckled, putting the cigar in his mouth so he could use both hands to open the box. He could feel your excited gaze on him, and he gave you a curious smile, his eyebrows raised. "Maybe we should carry in the groceries first." He hummed out, trying to hold in a laugh when you pouted.
"Logan!! Please!!"
"I dunno, hun, you got cold stuff in the trunk? Should really get that inside." He cooed out, snickering playfully when you got off the porch swing and 'stomped' to the trunk, popping it and taking some bags out of it. He stood up and intercepted you, yoinking the bags from your hand. "I got it." He assured you. God forbid you do any work. Not on his watch.
"Now you won't even let me take it inside?" You complained, exchanging the plastic bags for the cigar in his mouth.
"Nah." He hummed, bringing the bags inside the house and putting away the food into either the fridge or the shuttered pantry. You loved those doors to the pantry, painted them white when you had the chance. He didn't care what his house looked like, as long as there was a roof over your head and a bed. But you wanted it nice, so goddamn it was going to look nice. He went with you to the hardware store and stood with you while you looked at the paint swatches. He didn't understand what the hell the difference was between snow white or porcelain white, but you certainly had trouble picking between the two.
"Can I get a color for the walls, too?" You had asked him with that smile on your face, and even if he wanted to say no, there's no way he could bring himself to do it.
"Whatever you want, sweetheart." He had hummed, taking the white swatch you'd decided on and holding it between his fingers while you browsed the selection of greens and yellows.
"What color do you want our room, baby?" You asked him, eyes still focused on the array of colors.
"Don't care." He said, and you gave him a bit of a glare.
"You have to have a preference." You argued.
"Not really, sweetie. Don't give a rat's ass what the bedroom wall color is as long as you're in our bed." He said in a casual tone. It really was that simple to him.
Your face softened for a moment, and you grabbed a nice yellow. You showed it to him. "How's this? Light Goldenrod?" You suggested, reading the name he personally thought was goofy as all hell.
"Perfect, hun." He hummed, taking the swatch from you and sneaking a kiss to your cheek.
You insisted you paint everything, and Logan wasn't going to argue when you were so stubborn. He did have to come help when you got too short to get everything. It was raining, and the ladder was outside in the shed. He wasn't letting you go get wet, and he just didn't feel like going out himself.
Logan got all the groceries inside and joined you on the porch again, taking the box into his lap. "Alright, let's see." He hummed, deciding to no longer tease you and open it up. He pulled out a pair of boots, his eyebrows quirking.
"Cowboy boots?" He asked curiously, and you grinned happily.
"They'll go great with your clothes!" You chirped, gesturing to his flannel over his white beater, along with his jeans and belt. "Do you like them?"
"'Course, honey." He said, kissing your temple. Even if it wasn't what he was expecting, he'd be damned if he wouldn't give them a shot. He handed you his cigar and kicked off his regular work boots, pulling up his jeans a tad and putting them on. He was surprised at how well they fit. You really did pay attention.
"Walk around in them!" You urged, wanting to make sure they were absolutely perfect. That earned a chuckle, and he got up from the porch swing with an old man grunt. He walked a bit aways and turned a bit sassily, and you giggled. He pulled up his pant leg and flashed the boots to you like a model on a runway. If anyone else saw him like this he would die, but you? Worth it to see you laugh and smile at his silliness. He strutted back to the porch swing and sat.
"They fit well, baby." He chuckled, watching you continue to giggle at his goofy walk.
"Maybe you should get a cowboy hat." You teased, and he cocked an eyebrow. He took the cigar from you, putting it out on the nearby ashtray and grabbing you by your hips. He yanked you (carefully) onto his lap, the porch swing creaking a tad.
"You know what they say." He said lowly with a mischievous smile. "Save a horse, ride a cowboy." He cooed, and you blushed.
"I'd ride this cowboy any day." You countered with your hands now on his flannel, and Logan could hear your heartbeat speed up.
"A'right. Let's get to it."
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the-s1lly-corner · 22 days
This one request may be a little out there but can I request various creepypastas walking the reader home after they notice someone trailing behind them? They don't know the reader that well, maybe they've just entered the friend stage?
Various crps walking the reader home
Ooooo love this idea sm, sm sm might YOINK this for other characters in a different post
Characters: nina, hoodie, masky, toby
Notes: reader is GN, you and the crp arent dating but you guys are friends/friendly
CWs: stalking(? Does it count if it's an isolated instance of being followed?), implied violence
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doesnt even wait to greet you when shes close by, she calls for you and says hi as she rushes up to you from... wherever she just was-
hooks her arm around yours, and keeps her hold on you firmly... perhaps out of concern... the risk that you might get snatched by someone else and taken?
though its not likely, given that shes twirling her knife around in the air in plain sight as she practically skips by your side- talking to you so casually as if there was nothing wrong
as soon as the person is gone shes asking if youre alright- do you need her to add someone on the chopping block? because she can probably track them down and-
fully understanding if you dont want her to do anything like that, but you can tell shes still... contemplating... insists she spends at least some time with you when you get home to make sure all is well- during the time shes there shes making sure youre alright as well as helping ease yourself after something like that
very tall, likely towers over whoever is making you feel threatened. unlike masky, he does look back at the other person... almost as if he is sizing them up
in the light you swear you catch a shine of something hidden away in his pocket- but the need to pull it out never arises as the person keeps their distance
its dead quiet between the two of you- as expected, and he does give you some breathing room... hes slightly behind you, almost like a barrier between you and the creep
immediately stomps out any attempts the person makes at getting closing the gap by blocking their way and glaring down at them until they either go the other way or pass ahead of the two of you... and even then hes going to continue moving to keep between you and them
will come inside if you offer him, he keeps an eye out long after the danger has passed
you were already so caught up in making a plan for what to do, that you didn't even realize Masky taking his spot next to you. He nearly scared you just as much as the person behind you, at least.. until you realized it was just him
keeps close to you, and doesn't give the one following you a look.. to further push the point that the two of you are together he wraps an arm around you and tugs you closer
for someone who is usually so adverse to touch, and being interested in keeping his personal space- he was more than willing to toss all of that out of the window to bring you even an ounce of security
you eventually lose them, but thats not going to stop him from walking you the rest of the way home. he doesnt invite himself in, but you catch him stalking around the outside of your house- as if making sure there was no other unwanted visitors
not as quiet as his fellow proxies, and in fact will spin around to make a conflict if the person isnt dropping it as you draw closer to your neighborhood
its... hard to say its the right choice, but making noise does add in the uncomfortable fact that it may draw attention- that in of itself isnt the best for toby given his record... you know, with arson and the like..
and if the person takes it as an opening to rush forward? toby goes no where without his weapons, and if the person didnt take that into account or didnt notice them then thats on them! anything that happens afterwards is just karma!
even if it doesnt escalate to that he talks with you, making it clear that the two of you are familiar with each other- he spares no volume as he catches up with you- will flash his hatchet and perhaps drop some recent work he was meant to do for his boss
gladly takes your invitation to stay, keeps you company and you both end up having a sleepover together
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
TW: Kidnapping and involuntary servitude. Dehumanization, both of Killer and Murder (who is dehumanized by both Nightmare and Killer, despite how Killer isn’t aware of/doesn’t much care how he comes off, even if that’s not the intention.)
Hunting, predator/unwilling prey dynamics that is encouraged. Pet/master as well.
Also past hints to previous hunts, starvation as punishment, abuse.
Was thinking about how canon Murder was said to never want to willingly join Nightmare and wouldn’t have any interest in other AUs or ATs outside of his own, and I was thinking about how there’s a canonical Something New timeline where Nightmare just straight up yoinked up Killer and took him into involuntary servitude.
And then I was thinking about these two facts with a Bad Sans Gang AU, and my first thought was “flight risk Murder” and predator/prey dynamics with Murder and Killer (they’re both prey and predator bc Murder is very good at setting traps) and owner/pet dynamics with Nightmare and Killer.
Like, NM is old and ancient and spent some time away from most mortals for quite awhile and Killer didn’t really fight back or attempt to escape him as he yoinked him up, so he assumes it’ll just be the same with Murder.
Only, nope. First mission out and the guy’s making an immediate run for it. Killer has to track him down and drag him back, which presented a surprisingly good challenge because this guy is fast and light on his feet and good at thinking quickly (like Killer). He set up so many various traps or made impromptu ones, he kept Killer on his toes.
This becomes a bit of a routine (no one uses that word around Stage 2 Killer, because then it becomes something to avoid).
Nightmare sends them out, Murder tries to run if he has the energy and Determination, Killer hunts him down with something bordering on amusement and glee.
He’s never hunted another version of himself down quite like this before, and unsurprisingly this leads to moments of squabbling and vicious fighting between Murder and Killer who gets closer and closer to Stage 3 with every hunt. He’s having fun, falling into habit, the thrill of the chase.
They always both come back bloody, beaten, injured, and exhausted, Killer either carrying Murder bridal style or by the scruff of his hoodie, but Killer is uncharacteristically pleased and almost happy to be hunting someone down. (“You fell back into form easy enough, huh. Just like old times, right, partner?”)
Murder is always beyond exhausted and pissed, something bordering on realizing how powerless he actually is when compared to Nightmare (worried he might not ever be able to stop his human because he’ll never get free), and Nightmare is just…endlessly amused.
It’s like watching the cat drag in a mouse to its owner, so he will of course give Killer his well deserved praise and treats. This new behavior is something he hadn’t observed in his weapon yet, and he is admittedly curious.
You’re allowed to rest more today, eat more today. Just make sure to take care of Murder, have him up and ready for the next time. (This is what you’re supposed to do with mortals you don’t want dying on you just yet, right? It seems so tedious..maybe just this one time, just to see what happens.)
Feeling Murder’s anger at Killer, his disgust and discomfort around him (Murder’s embarrassment and humiliation at being wrangled and treated like a pet, even though Killer always takes care of his injuries well just like he does for the cats he adores so much), is like a nice side dish for Nightmare. He can feel Murder’s slowly, ever slowly, dwindling hope; and he assumes it’ll eventually be just like Killer.
That Murder will accept his place, and then will make the best of it, and they’ll all move on from this. Or maybe they’ll keep going but now both his pets will enjoy playing out in the woods or something.
But, no. Murder’s escape attempts begin losing its previous zeal. He’s just doing it because it’s habit now, and not because he thinks he’ll actually get free this time. He causally wanders off, and he spots Killer leaning against a tree like, “so..you come here often?”
He immediately turns around and goes back.
Killer is getting bored and apathetic again, Nightmare can tell. The tingle of “something new” has worn off, Murder is no longer novel. He’s boring and lame now.
But Killer knows he isn’t broken yet. Murder isn’t like him, he can see the spark of defiance and life in those dim eyes. It’s so different from what Killer sees when he dares to catch a glimpse of the reflection in the blade of his knife.
If Murder isn’t broken yet, then he’s just biding time. And Killer can’t wait to see what he does next.
(Who knows. Maybe Killer even does things to attempt to keep Murder’s hope up. Because he wouldn’t be fun if he were just like Killer.) (He doesn’t want anyone becoming like him)
(..of course things would get difficult if Killer starts thinking that Murder could genuinely start escaping him. Hunting someone down brings back memories, feelings, consequences of failure..
Stage 3 will not let this prey get away because no prey means no food means more pain means upset-angry-stomach-body. Pain to stomach and pain to head and pain to bones and soul and disappointment means becoming prey.)
(..eventually, though, it all comes to a head. Maybe Killer finally triggered into Stage 3 and kills Murder in the fight, before it can bring in the prey for observation, proof of having done well.
And maybe this is how Nightmare becomes aware of Stage 3, and is..deeply intrigued about this new side of his weapon. Perhaps this explains why Killer had been behaving oddly, outside of the thrill of something new. Perhaps this wasn’t as new for his killer as Nightmare had thought it was.
The next one they get will be more willing, somehow, someway. “I will get you another friend to play with,” he reassures his killer.)
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nothomegal · 9 months
Broo please Hear me out.. how would y/n react to pyramid Head/pyra giving them a paper flower??
(i bet pyra saw some survivor make a paper flower and just watched how they made it so he could make one for you cause like there's no actual flowers in silent hill)
Aww that's so sweet! Hope you don't mind if I respond with a lil' fic instead of a messy doodle 😅 I just have so many things to say!
"Little flower"
(Pyramid Head x GN Reader)
Warnings: none, just fluff!
World count: 1.6k
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—"What you're thinking about, big guy?"—
The voice of his human awokened the monster out if his erratic state. By the look on (Y/N)'s face, it seems like they've been trying to get his attention for a little while.
—“Is everything alright?"—
He let out a short metallic clank and nodded ones.
—“Just zoned out I see.”— you chuckle as you lean against his broad shoulder. —“I was daydreaming too, but had to stop when someone began to squeeze me a bit too much."— you add.
Squeeze-? Oh, right. The beast was currently walking through a corridor of the building they've unofficially turned into their home. Only that, Pyra was the one moving. (Y/N) meanwhile was being carried by the monster, their body effortlessly supported and held closely by one massive arm of their lover, whose grip was a bit too tight at that moment.
The two of them were silent most of the walk, just enjoying the presence of the other one. But the quietness was interrupted when (Y/N) softly hummed.
—"Have I ever told you you're very handsome?"— you playfully say as you look at his pyramid shaped helmet.
(Y/N) couldn't hide their grin, not when their lover lowered his head down as if he got flustered. Only when a small giggle escaped them is when Pyra squeezed them against himself, causing them to laugh instead.
—"Alright alright, I get it. No saying pretty things about the big scary Pyramid Head."—
Pyra doesn't react to their comment, at first. But soon a quiet little growl would slip from inside his helmet as he moves it to then gently nuzzle one of the edges against them. (Y/N) giggles again, and responds to the gesture by running one hand along the rough metallic surface of their lover's head.
Pyra's been acting very clingy since he had returned. A few hours prior he had left abrubtly, leaving his little human all confused. Despite being a tag startled, (Y/N) wasn’t too concerned, probably his duty as an executioner and punisher of Silent Hill calling. But imagine their surprise that when as soon as he came back, instead of a usual greeting like nuzzling his helmet against them or licking their cheek, the monster simply yoinked them up and began to walk with them in his arms.
The whole time their walk lasted, (Y/N) couldn't stop thinking about what Pyra could have in mind. They've been his for a long time already and know that things never happen out of the blue with him, there is always some sort a reason for everything he does. Though some could be quite... Silly or small, maybe straight up petty. (like when they were 'too tolerant' with a Creeper, a fucking bug. Jeez they probably were carried and manhandled like a rag-doll for a week-)
They zone back in when Pyra suddenly stops and gently sets them back on their feet. (Y/N) eyes the room curiously, but it seemed to have nothing out of the ordinary or special, just another abandoned room of Silent Hill.
—"So... You want to chill in here for..."—
Their voice quietens when the beast suddenly sticks the sword into the floor and stalks towards one of the few furnitures the room had. (Y/N) observes him in silence, curiosuty slowly morphing in confussion when they witness their lover open and take something from the inside. Huh? Okay... That's something new.
And the silence remains even when the monster turns back and begins to make his way towards them.
The executioner is known for his brutality and determination, never backing away or leaving his victim be, always hunting them down and providing the scariest of the punishments...
This is how everyone viewed him. Viewed it.
(Y/N)? They already seen a side of him that no mortal or creature could ever imagine, but it seems like such side had corners yet to reveal.
When close enough, Pyra reaches for (Y/N)'s hand and brings it towards himself, their palm facing up. Then, he places...
(Y/N)'s breath shakes a little and eyes wide when they see what was placed on their hand.
Flowers. Paper flowers.
The time seemed to freeze and reality fade away. (Y/N) couldn't believe their eyes. Pyra... Pyramid Head himself, just gave them a gift?...
They take in the apparence of said gift. The flowers weren't perfect, more like a bunch of scrunched paper shaped the best it can be into a flower. But even if the result wasn't the most perfect, the effort and care put into these was reflected... Wait, did...
(Y/N) slowly drags their gaze towards the monster, who was standing in front of them completely still.
...Did he made these?
...For them?
The silence was suffocating. (Y/N) remained frozen in place, their eyes now directed again to the flowers but their gaze seemed lost. The beast remained just as still, even his breathing got quieter.
Pyra is known for his steel composure. He never experienced anything like fear or anxiety. If anything, he is the sourse of these. But now? Now he's probably feeling something of this for the first time of his existence. Was that a bad decision? Did he reopened the already scarred wounds by reminding (Y/N) of the real world and the fact that they've been gone for so long? That they will never return to see the real flowers and life without him going absolutelly ballistic about it?
Maybe it is, maybe it was a bad idea... But the attempt was worth it, right?... They always observed the few pictures and paintings of nature with such fond eyes, trying to take in and store that little piece of landscape into their memory. They always showed particular likeness to flowers, sometimes drawing those and commenting which are their favorites. He never really got the point of these though, but (Y/N) liked them so it had to be important.
Only when he witnessed some unfortunate newcomer making some using paper, is when he really started to think about it. And after seeing how (Y/N) perked up when they saw yet another landscape drawing, something just snapped inside of him and he knew he had to take action.
And now, seeing how still his human is, he really began to second guess his decision. They must be dissapointed with the results, he had to try harder and be more careful... But it's so damn hard to fold the paper without breaking it with these damn huge hands of his-.
The sudden sensation of arms wrapping tightly around his waist pulled the monster out of his thoughts. Pyra tilts his helmet down, looking at (Y/N), who's face was hidden in his chest. Their shoulders would shake at times and a muffled huff would come out... Are... Arethey sobbing?
Pyra of course tensed, clearly affected by seeing his lover cry. But when (Y/N) lifted their head and looked up at him...
—"Thank you... Thank you so much...!"—
Yes, there were tears in their eyes... And so the shine of absolute hapiness and gratitude, so pure that it resembled the eyes of an angel, at least to him.
—"I-... It's just-..."— you let out a small chuckle as you struggle to put your thoughts and emotions into words. —"It's just... No one ever did something so... So loving and special for me."—
(Y/N) falls silent again as they snuggle closer to Pyra, most likely realizing that no ammount of words could express just how thankful they were. As they're clinging to their lover like a lifeline, they feel his body slowly relax and then contract just enough for him to wrap his arms around their form, hugging them back.
They stayed like this for a good ammount of minutes, just holding each other while (Y/N) spoke time to time, gifting Pyra with their lovely voice and more gratitude. It's a small thing, yes, but for (Y/N) is huge. Especially because a creature who never even concerned itself with such silly meaningless things like flowers made it, putting its time and effort into the gift for them.
When it became clear that the snuggles wouldn't end anytime soon, (Y/N)'s body is suddenly lifted into the air and swung over a shoulder to then be carried towards the closest wall. Despite being manhandled, (Y/N) couldn't stop smiling and would often giggle as they're transported like a sack of potatos. It's a bit of a contrast with the usual gentleness their partner handles them. But hey, Pyra's allowed to have some fun too!
They're both soon settled down, embracing each other once again. Pyra sitting and leaning against the wall while (Y/N) is cofortably nestled on his lap and against his chest. They observe the paper flowers, fingers carefully tracing along the imperfect petals that they're looking at with such love-filled eyes.
—"They're beautuful, really. You're very talented."—
A small rumbling groan escapes from Pyra's helmet as he tights his grip around them.
—"I'm serious! You're an amazing artist!"— you exclaim. —"Just look! Your hands and strenght have the triple of my size and power yet you still managed to make it look like a flower! Bet If I tried to make one it would end up looking like some cursed paper mess."—
He groans, clearly disagreeing with their statement. (Y/N) simply sighs with a giggle.
—"If you don't believe me then we could try to make some more later."— you cassually comment.
Pyra remains quiet, thinking. Eventually he makes a noise and dips his head in a small nod, agreeing with the suggestion. (Y/N) smiles, their eyes sparkling with excitement and joy, as genuine as from a little kid. 
The monster would definitely smile if he had a face for it. He haven't seen (Y/N) this bright and alive ever since they realized their feelings for each other are mutual.
Looks like his assumptions were right, flowers indeed are important for his human if it made them feel like this.
To be honest...
He kinda likes them too now.
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i love the idea of damien being the most protective batkid.
like you’d think it was dick but nope it’s damien who was mostly raised by dick and has learnt to show his love and affection by worrying about and protecting his family in his own way. if u mess with any of his siblings be prepared to know why they call him demon brat.
when an old guy starts coughing up a lung at a gala while standing in front of an immunocompromised tim, damien immediately starts lecturing the guy about wearing a mask while simultaneously yoinking antibiotics out of tim’s pockets and handing him a glass of water.
one time a villain makes dick cry (maybe it’s scarecrow) and yes while damian knows dick cries often when he’s happy or proud or sad or sometimes when he’s angry but he has never cried in fear before. and damien is pissed because how dare you make his big brother cry? he beats the shit out of the villain.
(i’m doing two for dick because while i love the above one i realised the rest of them are civilian ones so i decided to add this one)
someone making weird comments about dicks body, stuff like, “what i would give to have him for a night”. damien is borderline murderous. “you know he has a name and Richard is not an object for you to use for your pleasure, he’s a person.”
someone says something ignorant about the people living in and around crime alley and before jason can even open his mouth damien is already going into how you should assume peoples living situations and how not everyone has the privilege the rich gothemites have.
someone says something weird and misogynistic about Steph? you already know damien is there defending all women and even bringing in points about why steph especially is incredible.
and you know if anyone said anything about any of his POC siblings ( dick, cass, duke) or himself he’s already on his “wait until i tell father that you have such racist ideals” and recording prepared to ruin this guys life.
someone is fetishising or infantilising cass? he comes out of nowhere with “she can speak for herself.” or “she’s not a work of art for you to stare and make comments about she’s a human being.”
someone making comments about how duke doesn’t below among high society because he wasn’t born into it. damien is there defending him and saying how he has better manners than they do.
this is very ooc but the idea of damien using his vocabulary to just absolutely eat people up is so pleasant to me.
also u can tell i don’t know much about the less “mainstream” batfam members but im doing my research and writing what i find down in my hyperfixation book.
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moonlit-dreamers · 1 year
"Hurts." Says the Sun.
"I know." Replies the Moon.
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Moon can't eat the nightmares this time.
rubs my grimy little rat hands together IT DONE!! ITS BEEN COMPLETED! this has to be one of the biggest projects ive done in a while. but its finally finished!
made this for @sootybunny once upon a dream au/fic. this specific scene was so- mwah heart wrenching. the lines i put down are the ones that hit me the most emotionally so here ya go <3
versions without static and without text will be under the cut
also maybe a bit of rambling :) (also warning for spoilers teehee)
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ill be honest, this was quite the struggle. took me a bit to find the posing and the fucking hands were a pain in the ass. the clothes were also a struggle but quite a big of it was covered by shadows or different body parts so yippee! but despite how i struggled and how i still lowkey dislike certain parts of this drawing im still really proud if it!
but just- this entire au the fic the everything- all got me in a choke hold. i have so many theories about it and so many thoughts but my brain isnt letting me put it in a way thats even mostly coherent so yeah- maybe someday i can reblog this and write down my feelings fully when im not half asleep
but im just loving the apocalyptic setting and how everything is so scary and messed up. the whole "virus" going on with the automatons (which i have my own theories about tho sooty has seen/heard them a bit :]). im also obsessing over moons character. he sees himself as such a monster and it doesnt help that the way hes treated only reinforces it. we see it especially in chapter 3 and OW all of them hurt/pos
but yeah! this was by far my favorite scene in the fic. except maybe that one silly scene where sun gets yoinked and things get a bit goofy and everyone nearly dies :) but thats a close second
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catcze · 1 year
Hiii catte, just wanted to appreciate your work towards the whoreslay nation I EAT UP everything you put out.
Hmmmm as for wrio thoughts, maybe him making pink coloured tea after finding out it’s your favourite colour 😏 better yet, a pink themed tea party.
(yes I am encouraging you to write something self-indulgent because the yoinking accessories off your person fic has been rotting in my brain despite my irl aesthetic being like wrio. I just think it’s cute :])
Take care and have a lovely day/evening/night✨
anon i literally love youuu thank you for enabling me to be self indulgent tee hee ♡ take care too baby !!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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It's something so offhanded— you hadn't expected him to give it much importance.
"Something wrong with the tea?" Wriothesley asks one afternoon, brows furrowing when he notices that you had yet to take a sip of your teacup. Instead, you had been staring at your drink for quite some time, lost in thought.
His question startles you out of whatever thoughts you were having, though. "What? Oh— no no, nothing like that. It's just... the color's really pretty," you tell him bashfully, a small smile on your face.
Wriothesley looks down at his own cup in thought. To him it's just... pink? It tasted good, don't get him wrong. Sweeter than some of the other teas he had served before, thanks to the dries strawberries and raspberries that had been infused into the tea. But he didn't realize that it was something you found particularly entrancing.
That one instance with the tea makes him notice something afterwards: you always had something pink on your person. Whether that be a charm, an accessory, a piece of clothing, or if your whole outfit was just the color pink. Even the color of some of the foods you eat— cakes with pink berry cream, milk colored pink with strawberries, you name it. If there's food with anything pink on it, chances are you're going to try it. Wriothesley honestly wonders how he doesn't realize it sooner.
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When you walk up the stairs to Wriothesley's office, you're expecting it to be just any other afternoon tea session with him. Maybe, if he wants to spice things, he got his hands on a foreign blend that he wants you to taste. Maybe he brought some cakes and crepes from a new bakery in the city.
What you are not expecting, however, is for his dark and relatively industrial-looking office to be covered head to toe in pink.
All you can do is gape, mouth open as you try to take in the barrage of pastel pinks, creams, and whites that decorate the whole space. Even Wriothesley himself, who meets you at the landing of the staircase, has donned a little bit of pink against his otherwise black outfit— one of your pink neck ties replaces his usual red, and a heart shaped earring dangles from his ear, both obviously pilfered from your collection.
"What—" you can't help but giggle, giddy and overcome with wonder. "What is this?"
"Nothing special," your boyfriend says humbly, even though what he did means the world to you. "Just wanted to do something nice for you, is all. You really seem to like the color pink, so I thought to myself... giving you a pink tea party is definitely something I can do."
You can feel your heart swell, choking up because damn you love this man so much, and he loves you even more. You can't bring yourself to say anything, can't even will away the tears gathering in your eyes because you're so touched by this sweet, sweet man and all the love he's handed to you on a silver platter. You sniff, and you can already feel the waterworks coming.
Wriothesley panics when he sees the way your lip wobbles and the way your eyes shine with tears. He grimaces, hands immediately going to your arms to hold you and pull you close. And if anything, that just makes you cry even more.
"What's wrong, baby?" he murmurs into your hair, hand petting your back in an attempt to soothe you. You just hiccup, burying into his warm chest even further, neither of you caring about how you're getting tears on his shirt.
You cry for a bit more and Wriothesley lets you, cooing into your ear. He hugs you close, kisses your forehead, and runs his hands through the ends of your hair, carefully undoing any tangles. And when the tears die down, you pull away from his chest with a small sniff, just enough to be able to look at his face.
"All done?" He asks, and you nod, rubbing the tears from your eyes. No doubt you look like a mess— bitten lips, tear stains, swollen eyes and messy hair, but Wriothesley still looks at you like you're the only thing in this world worth looking at.
"Sorry," you begin, voice hoarse, "I- I just really love this—" you cast a glance around the room, eyes tearing up again, but you try your best not to cry this time. "And I just really love you. So, so, so much. You make me so happy," you tell him, leaning close and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Wriothesley's heart races. His face flushes and his hands shake and gods he can feel an itch in his eyes that he does his best to tamp down, because no doubt if he started crying, so would you, and the tea he worked so hard to prepare would go cold, and he can't have that. So he inhales deeply, wipes away your tears with the pad of his thumb, and leads you by the hand to the pink table where your pink tea party awaits.
"I love you too, sweetheart," He murmurs, sitting across from you, still holding your hand over the table. "Forever and always."
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jelly-fish-wishes · 23 days
HELLOOOO !!!!! I met you through the AU where Luigi escapes, And honestly, what an incredible Au!!! You have so much talent!!
But I wanted to clear up a stupid little doubt , I don't know if you've ever thought about this, but how old would these characters be? (I believe they are your OCs )
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You know, I haven't actually thought about their ages, so lets figure it out using the ✨️Power of Overthinking✨️
According to the film, it seems like the type of shell indicates the rank, with blue with spines being the highest and smooth green being the lowest (red and pink could be somewhere in the middle).
Cooper is a green shell promoted to green shell paratroopa, so assuming Bowser doesn't yoink his citizens to join his army at a young age, Cooper, being just a prison guard and not exactly a soldier, would be ranked as someone ranking higher than a novice or rookie (or whatever terms properly fit someone who isnt new, but not combat ready), so he'd be in his mid 20s. I know I said Cooper was the Koopa from the beginning of the film who was shaking inside his shell. So if I declare him to not be combat ready, then why the spear? That's easy. Intimidation. Because Bowser and Kamek didn't even NEED the army.
Felicity was one of the Shy Guys who was out on patrol when she and her other lackies found Luigi alone in the Darklands, making her some sort of scout. So she's probably in her early 20's. Maybe...Chances are Cooper and Felicity are in a similar category perhaps? And of course they'd know each other and hang out a lot. If Felicity catches prisoners, she probably sees Cooper pretty often when turning them in.
Doug is a fun one to figure out. Remember the Koopa who gets burned by Bowser after asking a dumb question? That's him. And if you remember that scene, he was holding a spear, which means this boy KNOWS how to fight, making him older than Cooper and Felicity since he's a soldier. Hes probably a little older than Cooper by a pinch. But he is a gentle soul. I mean, he straight up asks Bowser a question that could get him killed. He has seen too much to like being in the army. And in the comic, he gets locked up afterwards, uses his bones to pick the lock and sneak behind Luigi, Lumalee, and KP (I ran out of pages to post, which is why I didn't draw that scene TT-TT), doesn't rat them out after his head gets stolen, but has to put on a facade once Felicity and Cooper get involved, even gave KP one of his bones so that he doesn't hurt himself while his foot gets cut off, and even gives Cooper advice on how to get his wings to not tickle his shell! Doug fans are gonna like this next update hehehehehe.
So to paraphrase, They're all in their 20s, Doug is the oldest while Felicity is the youngest
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
LOVE ur fluff writting its always a treat <3<3 *extends their hand when they notice the other searching for it in their sleep* would be ADORABLE for sleepy cuddles (or angst 👀) but on the other hand
"Till death do us part. Forever until the end of eternity" would be a REALLY good excuse for tim to bust out the 00FFFF decorations
I cant decide so whichever you like the best!
Something tugs at Tim’s shirt.
Tim blinks, frowning. He looks down, but there’s nothing there. Maybe the fabric just got caught in the back of his desk chair or on the armrest or something? He has been sitting in a kind of weird pose, all folded up with one leg tossed up onto the desk as he stares at the case files on his screen. So probably—
Tug. Another one, sharper, more insistent. And he hasn’t moved, so it definitely wasn’t just the shirt getting caught on something. Tug, tug.
Tim blinks. What…?
An invisible touch runs down his arm, circles his wrist, and gently but insistently tugs him away from the desk, towards his and Kon’s bedroom (their bedroom, both of theirs, now that they’ve finally moved in together for real)—
Oh. It hits him a second later, and he can’t help the grin that spreads across his face in response. He probably looks like a goofy, lovesick fool, but like, in his place, who wouldn’t?
Honestly, if it took him this long to realize that it’s Kon’s TTK, trying to pull him into Kon’s arms as Kon sleeps, he’s so not making any more progress on this case tonight anyway. Still grinning like a besotted idiot, he closes his laptop and peels himself out of his chair. The little tendril wrapped around his wrist pulls at him again, and he huffs out a breathy laugh as he clicks off his desk lamp.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he murmurs. Kon’s still asleep—if he was awake, he would’ve just yoinked Tim straight into bed, with none of this gentle tugging and nudging—but hopefully it’ll still reassure him on some level.
Man, now that he’s actually gotten up, Tim realizes he’s tired. He makes a quick stop at the bathroom, then tosses his pants in the vague direction of the hamper and clambers into bed. The second his knees touch the mattress, the TTK goes from tiny tendrils with gentle tugs to a feeling almost like a giant hand grabbing him around the torso (just as gentle, though). Tim goes limp, grinning again, and lets Kon haul him over and bundle him up in his arms as if Tim’s a big teddy bear.
Kon lets out a big, satisfied sigh, sleepily nuzzling into Tim’s neck. His embrace is loose and relaxed with sleep, but his TTK is still firmly wrapped around Tim, shoulders to hips; it’s kind of like a weighted blanket, but cuddlier.
“Hi, you.” Tim wraps his arms around Kon’s shoulders and presses his lips to Kon’s forehead, still beaming. His chest is full of warm fuzzies, and if he wasn’t so tired, he’d be giddy. Kon loves him. He knows that, of course, but to have Kon’s telekinesis plaintively reach for him from sleep really just hammers it in all over again.
Kon hums something unintelligible and smushes his face into Tim’s collarbone in what might be supposed to be a kiss. Tim grins, melting in contentment. Kon’s boneless and warm against him, and their bed is soft and cozy. He’s ready to drift off.
“G’night, clone boy,” he murmurs, heart full. “Gonna tease you about this tomorrow.”
Kon lets out a soft, breathy mumble against his neck and sighs. Tim strokes his fingers idly over the shaved hair just above the nape of his neck, and finally closes his eyes, smiling.
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