#maybe one day you'll understand all the ways i could never forgive you and how much it eats at me
i thought maybe if i changed myself enough i would no longer be someone you touched, maybe if i scrub harder i could forget the feeling of your skin against mine
perhaps i might be able to wear the clothes that touched your skin if i put them through the wash one more time
trying to touch my things knowing you held them for countless nights has become my cryptonite
the things ive loved so dearly my whole life have become repulsing to touch because some part of you might still be lingering on them
i hate the way they all sit inside of a bag in the furthest corner of my closet collecting dust, hoping one day i might hold them again
they deserve to be held and receive the same love that i gave before the day i handed them over to you
i despise the way i cant touch any of it because i feel nauseous everytime im reminded of the person that held and wore these things, and the things they did while in possession of my most precious items
i wish i could pick your atoms off my things with tweezers to make sure theres none of you left
but none of these things will help the way i want them to
i will bury my treasures to keep them safe, ill vow to never let another person near any of it, even if im promised a saccharine moment
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1800rue · 1 year
Keith Kogane X Reader: Fluff Alphabet
gender: gender neutral
type: fluff alphabet by @snk-warriors
acronyms: f/c = favorite color
characters: keith kogane
warnings: maybe out of character keith?
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He enjoy's any quality time you both spend together. However, you- besides Shiro, are one of the people he's really close with. So he likes to train with you and show you some new moves he could use some criticism on. He also enjoys you showing off some of your moves.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
You understand him better then anyone. That's what made him know you were on the one for him. You can contrl his anger issues and calm him down when he seems to just- go all out- if you know what I mean.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Not the best at comfort, but I headcanon (or is this canon, idk) he struggles through he's on panic attacks. Everyone has them, so there's nothing to be ashamed about. He wants you to be able to go to him when you're down or on the verge of panic attacks. He would try his best to stop you from crying, for example, rubbing your back, whispering in your ear, combing your hair with his fingers, or just holding you when you need him the most.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He just wants you to be happy. If he's with you, there's no other place he's rather be. He's travel hell and back with you if it was possible. He's basically traveled through space for/with you, so hes got that all setted.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Somewhat like Lance, he's a switch between passive and dominant. He likes to hear what you have to say and will never deny any of your ideas, unless there stupid. Then yes, he will have to take charge, but he does like to have others pitch in- sometimes.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He's a hothead. So going into this relationship with him you were bound to run into arguments here and there. He would never actually do anything to physically hurt you, but he may say something and you let it sink in for days until he apologies. He tends to say sorry at first, but leaves and doens't talk to you until he's ready. He doesn't enjoy arguing with you, but sometimes he can't help but raise his voice at you for something stupid.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He had no idea where his life was going until he laid eyes on you and actually got to know you. He felt like he had a place in the world and that would be with you through out everything. Good or bad. He is aware, how can he not be. You make sure he's eating. You make sure he's sleeping properly. That he's not overdoing it training. Taking breaks and having some time with friends and loved ones. He won't admit it in front of the others, but he sheds a tear when you do these small things for him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He lies sometimes. And normally, you'll catch him in the lie but before you could question he's already gone. In his room, his lion, or even just out on his own somewhere. He doesn't want to lie to you because he knows youd never lie to him, but everyonee lies about something. You both know you have your personal problems, but you both want to get through those problems together.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
As said in 'G' he wouldn't know where he would be going in life if he hadn't met you. You gave him a purpose to keep fighting. He would want to try new things with you,but he would never forgive himself if he saw you hurt and he could have done something to prevent it. As said in 'H' as well, you both want to help each other overcome personal problems one step at a time.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He mostly gets jealous at Lance when he 'play-flirt' with you. This was also when you both weren't even dating yet. Yup, it was that early he was alreadt getting jealous. "Y/N. It's time for traning, get moving or I'm adding in an extra 10 mintues for the rest of the week!" Lance would notice and tease the half-Galra Paladin about, but he pushes the Cuban away. "Is someone a little bit, oh what's the word? 'Jealous~'?'" "Shut up, Lance." He tends to talk to you about his jealousy, days after the incident had happen.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
You would say he's an amazing kisser, but he says otherwise. He tenses up mid kiss, unsure when to pull away so you're normally dominant when it comes to kissing and making out. The first kiss? He made the first move at a family celebration of yours. That was also the time he confessed his feelings for you.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
-kinda answered already, but I'll add detail- It was your siblings graduation party. You invited Keith and the others, but they didn't want to intrude in your family celebration. However, you were shocked to see Keith by your doorstep. You invited him in and introduced to your family. Of course, your mother asked if you both were dating and you both blushed. You father pulled your mother away and apologized. At the end, everyone was heading home while some slept over. Keith, not wanting to intrdude any longer, pulled you outside to have a small talk with you. How your week was, if your doing okay in school. Until he watched as you were about to walk back into after your father called to help clean-up. As you turned, the Galra grabbed your wrist and turned you back toward him. Gefore you questione, he smashed his lips to yours and you were both shocked. You actully, non-intended, melted into the kiss. Moments later you pulled away for air. Keiith pants, watching you smile softly. "Is there- something you wanted to say, Mullet?" You teased, panting for air as Kaith blushed a deep red. "I-" It was written all over his face. He fell for you. Hard. And you could tell. "I-I love you, Y/N." You giggled as you pushed his bangs back and kissed his forehead, "Took ya' long enough."
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He is flustered when it came to proposing to you. You've been dating for years, he didn't want it to be taken away by a silly question. Howver, through all you've been together, meetings, all the Voltron show bizz, saving the universe, he couldn't find a time to ask you until the end of it all. This was day's after Allura's sacfrice. He found you on your balcony one starry night, looking up into space. The same place you watched the lions leave once more, ready to fight along side new Paladins. His hand was behind his back, gripping a small box as his other covered his mouth as he couched, attemping to get your attention. At first, you both talked and laughed about your pst adventures. You already missed your time as a Voltron Paladin, but in a couple of minutes, you're life was about to change forever. As you were distracted by the shooting star, Keith was able to sneak behind you and bend down on one knee. You called his name before you turned around, almost falling to the floor when you saw him on one knee with a ring box in his hand, revealing a beautful (f/c) gem in the middle of the silver metal. He promised to stay with you until the day he dies. He will never let you do anything on you're own anymore. He will be with you every step of the way. As you cheered 'YES!' and tackled your fiancé to the ground with a hug, All the others watched from the door and Lance snapped a quick picture of his friend getting attacked with kisses and hugs.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
When he's cheeky, Sweetheart.
He mostly calls you by any preferred nickname, but those two are his top pick to use for you.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He tries to hide it, but is terribly at it and accidently blurts it out durning an agrument with Lance, causing everyone to literally freeze and drop whatever they had in their hands. He didn't see anybody after that 1 afternoon until the next day. He saw Lance hand two 20's over to Pidge, who snickered at Lance's deadpanned face. Keith being in love is nothing to joke about. If he say's he loves someone, he'll be dead fucking serious. He wouldn't tell anyone if he wasn't.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's so shy- oml. Not as shy in private though- ahem ahem. Moving on- Keith likes to hold you close while cuddling. His also likes to rub your thigh now and than, catching you off guard sometimes. He tends to hide your relationshp to others, but of he see's another person on you he'l drag you back and leave a kiss to your lips, loud and clear enough for the other perosn to see. He sends them a death glare saying 'touch them, and you die.' Plain and simple.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He respects you so much. If no body worthships the ground you step on, their nothing to him. He does everything he can to make every date night a special one. Little doesn he know, just being with him is special.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Cliché. To make you happy? Just be with you. That's all he needs to do in order to make you really happy. He can be romantic at times, while other times he's got no clue what he's doing at first and lets you to take the wheel. Don't get use to all this power though, because he's a fast learner.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
100% he believes in you. He tells you if you seriously know what your doing, he'll be your number one supporter, trailing behind you. He wants to help to the best of his ability, but if he doesn't think it's a good idea he will step in and ask you to re-think your ideas.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He would prefer for a certain routine, but he also finds it fun how excited you get when you want to try new things. He's like the black cat in the relationship while your the golden reteriver. Of course, he will never let you do anything that will, or may, get yourself killed.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He'll listen to what you need to say and try his best to give the best advice his can. However, there are sometimes where he doesn't know what to do but ask for some help from Shiro. Give him time and he'll try his best to help you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
If someone hurts you he's going full Galra. Fangs and claws are out, baby. Better start running, You're so important to him, he wouldn't know what to do without you. He never thought he'd be here, but now that your in his life he's doing everything he can to keep you in it.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
I headcanon he's hands, oher then Lances, are cold and somewhat rough. He laughs at your cute reactions when he stuffs his hands up your shirt, rubbing your bare skin. This leads to a all out tickle fight. Laughter and sceams could be heard from down the halls.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He doesn't hate it, but he would want his personal space once ina while. He also does the same for you. However, other times when you do hug him he may never let you go. You're so warm and cuddly he'll basically use you as a blanket/bed from now on.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Doesn't matter, because he's never going to lose you. If you're away on a mission, that's something else. He'll write to you when he can and smile when he finds you wrote back to him.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He. Will. Kill. For. You. Okay, too extreme. But he will try his best to do anything for you. If you need help, he'll be there in less then 2 seconds.
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daegall · 10 months
pairing: bf!mark x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship!AU, college!AU
warnings: mentions of cheating (a past relationship)
word count: 1.2k words
a/n: happy late mark day!!!!!! our watermelon boy deserves the whole world <3 wrote a little drabble a little too late, so I hope you'll forgive me for that (had a very busy first few weeks of school!!) anw, other than this, i think im gonna start of my spidermark fic!!! (if i get motivation lol) i hope you guys enjoy <3
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kflixnet @nct-writers @k-radio + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy @justalildumpling <3
🎧 :: Bewitched (Laufey)
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The last time you dated someone was in your junior year of high school, before swearing off boys after the boy you had been with cheated on you. Plus, you needed the extra hours to get ready for all your AP exams and your final year of high school.
But now, you find yourself in your second year of college, and with another guy.
Mark Lee is unlike any guy you've ever met in your whole life. Who could be so human, yet so flawless? He was so raw and was never afraid to show himself to anyone, and god knows he was the one to make the first move. How could you ever, after being date-less for more than 2 years?
Nonetheless, you find your rhythm with him quickly, naturally, everything falling into place as if it's always supposed to be like this.
And here you are, walking in the lonely streets of the city, clock indicating you've been out long after the curfew you had given yourself in the beginning of the year.
Fuck that curfew, because you would trade anything for this moment, laughing at Mark's lame dad joke, bumping your shoulder with his.
It's been so long since you've felt so genuinely happy with someone, someone you could be yourself around and not be scared, someone who could match your energy just as easily.
Mark plays the guitar. He showed you on your second date, when he came back from a tutor session (he teaches kids, for fucks sake! He's perfect!) and was fully willing to play a few songs of your choice. That was the first time you felt fully comfortable with him, and felt okay to be yourself around him.
He likes watermelons. He adores watermelons, more than he should. On a random hang out to the local market, Mark unintentionally charmed up one of the store ladies, running his mouth on and on about how much he loves watermelons, eventually ending up in getting a free watermelon. You found the way he grinned and cradled the watermelon adorable.
Mark takes his time.
'It's better that way, kinda like fermentation, you know?'
You get what he meant just a little bit, but with every moment spent by his side, you completely understand. He takes time to write his songs, even when he gets a surge of inspiration in the middle of the night, staying up until 5 in the morning just for 1 verse.
Another thing he claims he wants to take his time on, is your relationship. He had asked to be your boyfriend about a month into your little situationship, and he does not rush into things.
It's a nice change of pace, you admit. The 2 other guys you had been with both definitely rushed into things very fast, and you felt way too overwhelmed by the speed. With Mark, you don't have to worry. He'll wait for you.
When you had asked him for the reason he would even try waiting, your heart seemed to be plucked from your chest, taken into the warm and (not so) safe hands of Mark Lee.
'The best things are worth waiting for. You're worth waiting for.'
And now here you are, and you want to savor each moment spent next to Mark, taking your time.
He's walking you back to your apartment, after a date to the movies. You barely even paid attention, you really were just there for the popcorn and soda, and maybe just a little cuddle with Mark.
"Thanks for tonight, Mark," You mumble with a smile as you two halt in front of your apartment lobby. He beams at you, grinning.
"Thank you too, Y/n, I really liked tonight,"
He looks absolutely dreamy right now. So cozy with his sweater and baggy jeans, the genuinely smile tugging at his lips, the sparkle in his eyes. You continue to observe him, not wanting to let go of the oddly intimate moment.
He seems to think the exact same thing, reaching out to take your hand in his, swinging it side to side as his gaze shifts from your eyes, to different parts of your face, and back to your eyes.
Mark's thumb stokes across the back of your palm, and it's like a spell, disabling you from taking a single step away from him. He's got you bewitches, and you don't mind one single bit.
Finally, be breaks the spell, tugging you closer to wrap his arms around your waist. Your own automatically circle around his shoulders, hands settling for the hairs on the back of his neck, playing with the strands, just like how he always asks you to do.
"Call me once you get to your room, okay?" He murmurs with a smile, tilting his head to the side. He's got an adoring look on his face, entranced.
"I promise, Mark." You respond, taking one hand back to hold your pinky up, urging him to do the same.
That's exactly what he does, taking his hand off your waist to wrap his pinky around yours gently. "Good."
With one more sway of your intertwined fingers, you pull away, slowly, as if to remember every little detail. "I better go to my room now then, huh?"
"You do that,"
After what seemed like hours, you peel away from each other, parting. There's no sadness, not a single bittersweet smile, because you know he'll be there for you, always. As you will be for him as well.
"Goodnight, Mark!"
He simply waves as he watches you walk away little by little, each step resonating through his ears, along with his heartbeat.
Mark Lee likes to take his time. He's always preached this. But now, as you walk away, it's like his clock quickens a tenfold, and you have a string to his heart, tugging on it.
Before he knows it, Mark's reaching out, jogging slightly, calling out your name. "Y/n!"
You feel confusion flood over you at the sudden call of your name, turning to reply, but you don't even get to. Mark has his arms around you, leaning into you, as his lips place against yours clumsily.
'Take your time,' you've always told yourself. And yet, you don't even waste a second to reciprocate the kiss, head tilting to the side with a sigh.
'Take your time,' Mark remembers saying over and over again. He's wanted to kiss you for months, he's taken his time, and it feels perfect. He knows its perfect as his lips part to deepen the kiss, he knows there's nothing better as his hand cradles your cheek, the other wrapped around your waist.
You know as well, as your knees grow weak, as your lips smile against one another, as he leans in for yet another kiss as you pull away, chuckling into his skin.
And when you pull away, Mark Lee looks even dreamier than before, if it was even possible. He's got a goofy smile on his lips, the lips that had just kissed yours, his eyes shining with nothing but absolute pure love for you.
"Goodnight," He mumbles.
"Goodnight," You echo back, smiling at him. "a-and, thank you,"
Mark chuckles, shaking his head, as he pulls away from you, stroking your cheek one more time. "Hey, can we make this a thing now? Can I get a goodnight kiss every time I walk you back after a date?"
"Go home, Mark! It's late!" You push him away playfully, shooing him away.
"Fine, fine!" He throws his hands up in a surrender. He has an awfully boyish smile on his lips, eyes twinkling with mischief. "We'll see tomorrow, after I take you home after our date, right?"
Mark Lee has you bewitched.
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universaln0b0dy · 7 months
HEYaaaaa , may I request a dozen roses for the third years please ?????? cute serie
A dozen roses. (Twisted wonderland third years (-housewardens)x reader)
《Characters》: Trey, Carter, Rook, Lillia
《Summary》: You and him had a fight. For whatever reason and the other would only be forgiven if they would be brought a dozen Roses, handpicked/self made or at least that's what they think. Though it was only said out of anger the next week they hold said roses.
《Note》: established relationship. Also fluff, simply fluff
Trey Clover:
Okay, how did that happen. You and Trey having a fight? That was considered impossible. Both of you were the most understanding people in the world wich means a fight shouldn't even have broken out?
Well it did. Though neither you nor Trey can remember what it was about. Something about you having scared Trey to death with fighting all of these Overblots.
You wanted to be the bigger person in this case, planning on apologising for letting the fight get out of control when the only thing Trey did was watch out for you.
Well what might suprise a lot of people is that Trey holds grudges. And you get to experience that rare sight of Trey ignoring you out of anger. And you feel horrible about that.
Wanting to apologise, you crack your head with thinking about what to do as an apology. You get the idea for the roses, by looking out of your window.
"Trey? The prefect is here to see you." Trey perks up, sighing with a slight frown. He really didn't want to see you at the moment, but he had been ignoring you for exactly one week now and maybe he should talk to you.
You step towards Trey, holding the self picked flowers out to him, trying your best to hide the small scratches that littered over your arm.
"I am really sorry. Your right, I shouldn't be so reckless and I shouldn't have said all of that, you were just looking out for me." You exclaim looking at Trey.
The green haired male sighs, but takes the flowers. He looks at them and than smiles at you. "You are forgiven my sweetheart. After all what you are doing helps a lot of people, just promise me that you'll tell me about it, so I can help you."
Carter Diamond:
Carter was known for his cheery and social media based personality, hiding that he had a hard time getting close to people or showing others his none perfect side.
Exept you. You were willing to wait for him, allowing him to take his own time with communicating his feeling. And he probably ruined that.
It was a simple prank he posted without your consent, that made you walk out of the door angrily and avoid him even after he took down the video.
He really doesn't know what to do and it shows, the whole week he seems kinda anxious fidgeting with his fingers pacing around the dorm, or letting his smile falter for just a few seconds.
Trey is the first one to give him an idea on just how to apologise, wich he follows, hoping that you would accept his apology.
You open the door to Ramshackle, flowers greeting your face. They are hand picked, you can tell by the small scratches that cover Carters hands.
"My love, I am very sorry. I shouldn't have posted that video without your consent and- and maybe I should really not post everything on social media I-I..." His voice breaks and you take the flowers giving him a kiss on his forehead.
"I forgive you, but never do that again okay?"
Rook Hunt:
Well no one would believe that you and Rook could fight. Rook was down bad for you in a way that no one else was and you loved Rook even with his little quirks and habits.
But even you could get irritated by his constant stalking. Wich you tell him after a long and exhausting day working for Crowley, in a not a polite way, leaving Rook speeches.
You feel horrible. Rook had stood up and left without saying another word, but by the fact that Vil came knocking on your door later on, asking you just what the hell happened.
You tell Vil what happened, along with asking if he knew just how to apologise to Rook. Luckily Vil sighs realising that it's nothing serious and he won't have to expect Rook being quiet forever. It was spooky.
You on the other hand try your best to catch Rook somewhere in order to properly apologise, but when a hunter doesn't want to be found he won't be found.
By the end of the week you are completely devastated,running into the Pomefiore dorm, asking everyone about Rook. The students told you that he might be in his room and you run towards the direction that was pointed to you.
Before you can knock on the dorms door, Rook opens it. He looks at you, looking gloomy in some way. You hand him the roses with tears in your eyes.
"I am really sorry Rook! I shouldn't have said all that! I don't think it's annoying that you follow me around, I feel safe. And I know that I sometimes might get angry but I want you to know that I didn't mean anything I said that day!" You exclaim, before you suddenly get pulled to the floor by a hug. Rook had tackled you.
"You are forgiven monsior/mademoiselle trickster!"
Lilia Vanrouge:
Oh dear, Lillia and you that was a story. You were an immortal that was recently thrown into this world and Lilia was well Lilia, a veteran fae in the schools textbooks.
It was love on first prank how people might say. Well the relationship was so good that no one expected you two to fight. But well you and Lilia did and you really had a bad fight.
Silver didn't understand what had happened, you just stormed out of the dorm without saying another word, leaving behind a very angry but at the same time really sad Lilia.
The fight was about you returning to your world, with Lilia voicing clear displeasure at the fact you might leave again, but you understood. He was your boyfriend after all.
But something irked you on the way he said it, sounding like he was trying to accuse you of abandoning him and Silver, who you have become a parental figure for.
You simply need time for yourself for now, ignoring the faes advances of talking with you, until Malleus shows up at Ramshackles doormat looking like a lost puppy.
You of course let him in, brewing the dragon fae some tea and Malleus asks you about your fight with Lilia, telling you about how weird Lilia has been behaving.
When he asks you about what apology you would accept, you tell him that a dozen roses would be perfect. Malleus smiles. The dragon fae had really taken a liking to you, seeing you like a parental figure, just like Silver did.
It's now been a week since your fight and you were about to walk over to Diasomnia, until you hear a knock on the door. You open it, seeing Lilia stand in front of you, with exactly a dozen Rose's.
"I am sorry my dear, I shouldn't have gotten so worked up about the fact you might return to your world one day, after all it's your choice! But I was scared that you would just leave..." The fae mutters. You smile pulling Lilia into a hug.
"I would never leave you, Malleus or Silver. I am not going anywhere!"
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nogenderbee · 16 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕖... ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: HAII can i req the pjsk boys having an argument with their sensitive gf saying smth like "if u loved me u would understand" and reader be like feeling rlly guilty, maybe some comfort at the end? srry this a little long, take ur time and thank uu 🫶🏼
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hello!! I see you picked angst~ 😈 oh boy I love angst!!!
But I did small comfort as well at the end, a bit shorter but still some comfort! So hope it makes up for it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ angst, fluff
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✧ Akito was always bad with handling his anger... bursting out at you for smallest mistake after hard day...
✧ in short, fights weren't a rare thing in your relationship, but all that mattered that you two got your comfort at the end and forgived each other
✧ but right about his singing career were rare... but how could you just let him be do careless and push himself when it's clear he's gonna ruin his voice?
"You can take one break! RAD WEEKEND won't run from you!"
"You don't understand, I already slacked off with practice yesterday! I can't do that AGAIN!"
"Yes, you can. It's for your own good!"
"No! You still don't know what I'm talking about, do you?! If only you loved me, you'd understand what I mean..."
✧ his words hurt and he knew it, because you suddenly stopped answering and instead looked at him with hurt eyes... and he did nothing but walk away
✧ he just didn't felt like continuing this argument when it was clearly over, so he left you alone, standing in your place
✧ this time, he knows he messed up but his apology doesn't come as fast... so if you won't be the first one to apologize, it might take some time...
✧ but once he does, he has heart-to-heart conversation with you, surpassing RAD WEEKEND is important to him but so are you... and he doesn't want to loose ant of those things
"I'm sorry, I know you love me. I just... I said the things I didn't mean that day. It's just.. really important to me."
✧ for once, he has no harshness or irony in his voice, he's soft and not his "good boy persona" softness but honest one~
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @hayillaaaaaaa @stellas-starry-stove13 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your pancakes lover!
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✧ Toya is rather more of a sweet boyfriend... you never have heated fights with him
✧ if there even is a problem between you two, you usually solve it by calmly talking together
✧ so why did that changed? He just got a bit mad for you standing on his father's side... he didn't wanted to leave you for stupid piano lessons after all!!
"That's not what I wanna do."
"I know but... if he'd stop complaining maybe it's worth a shot?"
"*sigh* If you loved me you'd understand. I'm not changing my opinion."
✧ he said it so calmly and with confidence... it was hard to believe he didn't mean all he said
✧ he didn't flee immidietly after saying it, he stayed in case you'd want to talk about anything more, but when he's met with silence, he just says farewell for now and leaves your place
✧ but he always was the first one to apologize... so after one day, he's already at your doorstep with flowers, no matter if the weather is sunny or rainy
✧ he's feeling so bad when he remembers how he treated you and that he let the argument happen in the first place
"I'm sorry, I didn't meant my words. Believe me when I say I love you and... I simply don't want to leave you for something I care way less."
✧ if you'll be still on him going with his father's will, he will do that but with big reluctance. Though as long as you forgive him, he doesn't mind
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @toyaslove @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @stellas-starry-stove13 - come get your cookie lover!
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✧ maybe fights with Tsukasa happen but luckily, they're not that often... and you quickly get back together after them!
✧ it's honestly either you or him apologizing first, but if you're slow with apologies, it's more likely that he'll be the one who usually apologizes
✧ your fights aren't usually serious either! If anything it's smaller topics and you usually don't yell but more like speak louder... you usually discussed serious topics
✧ so what changes now? Simple, he was tired and he wanted to rest, yet you presented him 1000 ideas of what you wanna do together... yes, he is a socialable person but that much can even tire him
"I just wanted to have a little date with you! Why fant we go..??"
"I told you, I'm tired!! We can do that tomorrow!"
"Tomorrow's not gonna be a good weather for all of that... we need to go today or the ocassion's gonna run from us!"
"Why can't you understand I want to rest?! I feel like if you loved me in first place, you'd definitely understand!!!"
✧ he was a bit grumpy at that time so he quickly waved his hand at your stunned expression and went to his room, shutting the door after himself
✧ if your fight happened at his place, there's high chance Saki will take the initiative of comforting you and talking to him for you
✧ even then, he can't stay mad at you for long when it's so clear to him it's his fault for messing up
✧ he comes to you not only apologizing... but ready to get down on his knees if it meant you forgiving him
✧ he's sorry for his sudden outburst and he's not afraid of showing you exactly that
"Y/N, I'm really REALLY sorry for what I said and did... I know being tired is not an excuse but please forgive me... I promise I'll never treat you this cruelly ever again."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bad-the-an-enjoyer @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your future star!!
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✧ Rui may be a bit sensitive due to his past relationships and friendships...
✧ maybe fights with him were extremely rare, and if they happened they were more of a heated discussion, but you also could see that he was often worried...
✧ so you could say jealousy got into him and one day, he began to he a bit more ignorant towards you
✧ so of course you asked him about it! But what you didn't expect is to hear his voice full of hatred and worry
"Why are you so mean today? I just wanted to talk!"
"Oh? Well I don't think there's anything both of us can talk about."
"You know there is... just tell me what's wrong."
"I believe if you truly loved me, you'd already know answer on that question."
✧ his answers were blunt, on top of that, he just looked at you with his eyes, not his head as he crossed his arms
✧ it was obvious he was mad but didn't wanted to talk about it, and you soon didn't saw meaning in continuing this conversation so you just stopped
✧ it definitely takes a while for him to realize it's him who messed up, but once he does realize that, he feels so bad with himself...
✧ he probably has to get small kick from his group to finally confront you and apologize properly
✧ also probably brought you flowers, chocolates or anything else that you may like and he might even go on one knee to show he's truly sorry
"I'm so sorry... I let my feeling carry me and I known now I should've never assumed the worst of you... Could you ever forgive me? Please?"
✧ and when he apologizes, you may finally get explanation on why he acted that way! So when you know that, please give that bot some reassurance!
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @superstar-ethereal @stellas-starry-stove13 @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your crazy inventor~
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changetyre · 1 year
Not the last time
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SUMMARY: You're stuck in a complicated love triangle with 2 of your closest friends, you decide that you're not gonna pick either and that's how you'll get out of this situation. Except it seems it only takes one night to change everyone's minds. Daniel Ricciardo x Reader x Max Verstappen.
WARNINGS: Terribly written intense smut, threesome, fem!oral, male!oral, face fck, PinV, an*l.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing Smut so forgive me for the mess but hope you enjoy ;) Also this isn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes.
Realizing that you could in fact be in love with two people wasn't as fun and dramatic and interesting as it appeared in the movies. And what makes things more complicated is that the two men you're in love with completely reciprocate your feelings.
You, Daniel, and Max had been best friends ever since the boys become teammates. You were Max's new P.R. manager and you hit it off with Max straight away, both realizing that although you should get along, what you had was a little more special than that.
Given your proximity to Max, you quickly began forming a friendship with Daniel too, what made this all the more fun was the fact that you were in between them both when it came to ages which meant you connected with them both on different levels.
It didn't take long before you three became inseparable, even after Dani left Redbull and even after you'd been offered a better job in a different team and took it.
However, the feelings between the three of you started becoming clearer as the increased time apart became more apparent. And it all came into understanding when you realized how much you despised seeing the boys being way too friendly with any woman and the boys felt exactly the same way about you with other men.
You were never one to wallow around with your feelings, being the kind of person to just face them up front so pulling the boys aside at the club one night after they were both practically throwing daggers at you for dancing with another man you finally revealed your feelings.
You were in love, with them both. BUT you didn't want anything to be ruined between the three of you. The boys revealed they felt the same way about you and you agreed the best approach would be for everyone to ignore the feelings and they would eventually go away. That way non one would get hurt. Right?
2 weeks later:
You'd be lying if you said things between the three of you didn't get slightly awkward. There was now a weird tension in the atmosphere and you all took notice of the lack of contact with the opposite gender from all sides.
You thought the best medicine to get you guys back to being your usual selves would be for one of your movie nights like you had in the old days. You got the boys to clear their schedules for a weekend so they could spend 3 nights at your place, a slumber party if you will.
After scrolling through countless movies for too long and not coming to an agreement you decided to simply close your eyes and scroll until you landed on a random movie.
Secretary (2022), was the title of the movie. None of you had seen it and you decided to watch it.
It all started out okay, until you started realizing what this movie was about. Was this some kind of cruel prank form the universe?
You were at what was maybe the 4th sex scene in the movie, you were extremely horny at this point and little did you know the boys felt exactly the same.
The tension in the room was almost making it hard to breathe. You squeezed your thighs together and your mind wandered to the last time you had sex only now noticing how long it had actually been and now realizing how much you need a relief right now.
The boys take notice of your shifting and almost imperceptible whimpers as they start shifting uncomfortably in their seats trying to tame their need for you.
You can't take it anymore.
"I can't do this I'm so f*cking horny, I need one of you to fuck me right now." you blurt out, knowing damn well there's a possibility you might regret it later but all logic is out of the window right now, your wet core doing all the thinking right now.
Although the next thing that came out of Max's mouth took you by surprise.
"How about both of us?" he asked.
You looked at him waiting for any sign of a joke to which you find none. You turn to Daniel who already had a smirk on his lips.
"I've never been one to turn a threesome down baby." He bit his bottom lip already undressing you with his eyes. That's all the confirmation you need of what you're about to do.
You get up and start walking to your room the boys exchanging confused looks. "What the hell are you waiting for?!" You turn around to ask them both.
They jump up immediately following behind you.
You're not sure where to start but to yours and Max's luck Daniel chooses to take the lead. He pulls you in kissing you softly as he starts pushing your clothes off you fumbling with his belt.
Max stands awkwardly unsure of how to follow but Daniel finally unlatches from you starting to kiss down your neck, and then your body nods for Max to come over.
This time you're the one taking the lead as you grab Max's collar pulling him into you with desperation to get your lips onto his. You're so distracted kissing Max and trying to undress that you don't realize when Daniel had left you completely exposed from the waist down now wearing nothing but your black lace bra.
The next thing you feel is as Daniel has found his way in between your thighs gliding his tongue over your folds making you tremble with surprise and let out a moan into Max's mouth.
You look down grasping onto Daniel's hair and pulling him back in between your legs indicating for him to keep going. His tongue covers you whole licking back and forth in slow swipes before he starts picking up the pace and occasionally sucking on your clit making you moan loudly.
Max getting incredibly turned on hearing your moans of pleasure. He guided your hand to his now exposed dick and you begin stroking him. Max starts kissing your chest, unclasping your bra before he starts sucking on your already hard nipples, showing equal praise to them both.
You bring your hand up gathering spit and licking it before bringing your hand back down to Max's shaft as you kept stroking him at a good pace hearing him groan in pleasure.
Once Daniel had given you your first orgasm all gentleness seem to go out of the window from there. Daniel picked you up throwing you down onto the bed before climbing over you.
He scooted all the way up before hoovering over your face, tapping his dick on your chin indicating for you to open up which you gladly do. You take him and Daniel lets you go at your pace at first.
Max now has full view of your dripping wet core, he wants a taste of it too. He kneels down between your legs locking his arms over your thighs as he takes his turn eating you out.
Your strangled moans being enough indication of how much you're enjoying this as well as the fact that he has to use a slight bit of force to keep your legs open for him.
Daniel grabbed the headboard behind you as he angled himself slightly to start thrusting into your mouth, the glint in your eyes letting him know you're more than okay with this as you open your mouth wide for him to face fuck you.
You're taken by surprise when Max has now lined himself up with your entrance and started thrusting into you causing an overwhelming amount of pleasure to course through your body.
You bring your hand down rubbing circles on your clit as the boys keep their pace going.
"Fuck y/n!" at this point it's hard to distinguish which of the men it's coming from with how much they've repeated the phrase tonight.
You all uncoil at the same time, Daniel cumming into your mouth, Max spilling all over your folds and you trembling at the 2nd orgasm of the night.
The boys take turns fucking you in different positions, you have your 3rd, 4th, 5th orgasm and you're not sure how much longer you can go.
Max is now under you as you bounce on his dick, barely able too from your trembling legs but the need for pleasure being enough strength for you to keep bopping.
Daniel licked your ass adding to your enjoyment and takes a step back as he takes in the view of his best friends fucking. But now he can't resist his urge to fuck you too watching as Max's dick thrusts deep into your pussy.
"Sweet," he whispers.
"Hmm." You only hum in response as your breathlessly moan.
"Can you can take us both?" he asks as he's rubbing circles over your asshole.
You've never tried it before. The question takes you by surprise.
But you accept being in a high unlike anything you've ever felt before and knowing if anyone's going to take care of you through this it's them.
"Yes." You finally give him a vocal agreement.
Daniel approached you and Max slowed down his pace giving you time to adjust to what was about to happen. Daniel lined himself up with your second hole starting to push in slowly as he can feel you clenching.
The stretch from their both massive lengths had you wincing at first but as Daniel kept pushing in slowly you almost felt your body shut down at the new and immense pleasure that filled your body.
"Faster!" You tapped Max's chest feeling a new feeling arises in the pit of your stomach that needed to be explored immediately.
Daniel didn't move until you indicate to him to and it doesn't take long before you're also reaching back and tapping Daniel's arm telling him to speed up.
You thought the pleasure these boys had already given you couldn't get any better but oh how wrong you were when they were both thrusting into you at the same time making you completely lose control of your body.
It only took a few minutes of this before the wave finally hit, fireworks in your entire body, seeing starts, ringing in your ears, collapsing atop Max's body trembling in complete ecstasy letting out loud cries of pleasure.
Both boys moderately slowed their pace letting you ride out your explosive orgasm.
Daniel gave you a few seconds then was the first to start pulling out of you and as he did you squirmed over Max's chest as he rubbed circles on your back. Max then gently placed you beside him as he began pulling out too, making you squirm once more.
The boys had literally fucked the living daylights out of you as you were still trying to catch your breath occasionally shaking at the remnants of pleasure left in your body, barely able to move at how weak they'd left you.
You were barely aware as Daniel went to the bathroom starting a warm bath as Max lay next to you still rubbing soft circles on your skin, your back, your cheeks, and your legs which had you letting out soft huffs at how sensitive your entire being felt right then.
A few minutes later Max got up and scooped your naked body into his arms, you're too weak to even protest at wherever it is he's taking you so you only loop your arm around his neck knowing damn well you trust the man to take you anywhere anyways.
He carried you into the bathroom where Daniel was adding oils into your bath before Max very slowly with Dan's help started placing you down into the bath letting your body adjust to the very warm temperature of the water.
The bath certainly helped you relax especially after the boys started helping you wash up. Max massaged and washed your hair while Daniel gently scrubbed your body.
You had asked the boys to join you needing to feel them with you. Max sunk in behind you spreading his legs on either side of you as you leaned your back against his chest. Daniel then sank in front of you as he picked your legs up placing them over his, you comfortingly rubbed circles over Dan's chest.
"Please don't let that be the last time boys." You hummed as your head laid back into Max's shoulder in comfort.
You felt so at peace in their arms conscious of the fact you were completely vulnerable. Naked and raw in front of them but they were your safe place, your happy place. You were completely surrounded by love.
Max and Daniel shared a smile, not answering you right now but knowing they could get used to making you feel like this. Being so head over heels madly and deeply in love with you they couldn't let you go.
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aceghosts · 3 months
Five Songs, Three Outfits
I was tagged by @clicheantagonist, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @carlosoliveiraa, @marivenah, @onehornedbeast, @voidika, @nightbloodbix, @amalkavian, and @cloudofbutterflies92.
Tagging (Opt In/Out): @bbrocklesnar, @fourlittleseedlings, @alexxmason, @captmactavish, @captastra, @derelictheretic, @henbased, @theelderhazelnut, @direwombat, @strangefable, @cassietrn, @katsigian, and anyone else who would like to do this.
RULES: post 5 songs associated with your oc, followed by 3 outfits they would wear. (Because I'm a weirdo, I did this for all my OCs.)
Blue Murphy
Rocky Mountain High by John Denver
Now he walks in quiet solitude, the forests and the streams/Seeking grace in every step he takes/His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand/The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake
Raise Hell by Brandi Carlisle
You have a mind to keep me quiet/And although you can try/Better men have hit their knees/And bigger men have died
The World Ender by Lord Huron
I'm the World Ender, baby, and I'm back from the grave/They can run for their lives, but they cannot be saved/I'm the World Ender, baby, and I'm coming for them/They put me in the ground, but I'm back from the dead
Elijah by Matthew and the Atlas
Wish you could have talked to me/Found another way to be/Living hard don't sound so good/It's hard to get out of the wood
Elijah, you're too young to be lost/Elijah, don't fade out on the cross
Up the Wolves by The Mountain Goats
There's bound to be a ghost at the back of your closet/No matter where you live/There'll always be a few things, maybe several things/That you're going to find really difficult to forgive/There's gonna come a day when you feel better/You'll rise up free and easy on that day
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Rooney Shepard
Uneven Odds by Sleeping at Last
Maybe your light is a seed/And the darkness, the dirt/In spite of the uneven odds/Beauty lifts from the earth
Too Close/Too Late by Spiritbox
Stranger things I've learned on the outside/Separated by an open door/I find it hard to reach the end of my timeline/Salivating 'cause I wanted more/Is this the end or is this the beginning?
I know where I wanna go/But it's too close/And it's too late this time/I know where I wanna go/But it's too close/And it's too late this time
The Foundations of Decay My Chemical Romance
You must fix your heart/And you must build an altar where it swells/When the storm it gains, and the sky it rains/Let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away/And as you stumble through your last crusade/Will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays?
Jaded by Spiritbox
And I've always been ashamed that I wanna/Fall into a dream with my honour desecrated/Blood is jaded/I've never found a way to be honest/All I know is a place where I haunted memories faded/Blood is jaded
The Altar/Mary by Silverstein
At the base of the ivory tower/The bodies pile up/Lured you with a future but it won't exist/Shame you for a failure that they won't admit/Somebody has to die as a warning to the rest/Shut up and get in line, take what you can get
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Hunter Delaney
Throne by Bring Me the Horizon
So you can throw me to the wolves/Tomorrow I will come back, leader of the whole pack/Beat me black and blue/Every wound will shape me, every scar will build my throne
Alone in a Room by Asking Alexandria
All I needed was the last thing I wanted/To sit alone in a room and say it all out loud/Every moment, every second, every trespass/Every awful thing, every broken dream/A couple years back and forth with myself in a cage
Little Wonder by Architects feat. Mike Kerr
I wanna sing you a different song, one that's easier to swallow/(Everything is fuckin' fine)/We can dance, we can all sing along/We can say how we all wanna be saved, but it's еasier to follow
BFG Division by Mike Gordon
All My Life by Attack Attack!
You blinded my eyes now for way too long/Well I thought we were friends, but you proved me wrong/You got in my head with the things that you said/And you left me a mess now to top it off
There's one of us here without virtue/Look in the mirror, don't want to/You're keeping me down for your debut/But your reign is through
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Sawyer Beaumont
Houdini by Foster the People
When I feel kinda bad and don't want to stress/I just pass it off on ability/Well, you got what you want and what you never knew/Perfect gift from me to you
Iscariot by Walk the Moon
Perhaps I lack some foresight (Should have known)/But, brother, you were so right/Sure as the setting sun/You can't trust just anyone
Own Worst Enemy by Robert DeLong
Always feeling like I made a mistake like I'm dropping the ball/Found the worst thing to say, ya/Never feeling like I'm getting ahead like I'm doing my best/'Cause someone did better
Firestorm by SIAMES
Now hold your horses/Why do you have to go down that road?/Get back on your tracks/No good can resist so much wrong/How bad you want it?/And how bad you need what is not your fault?
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Blake Maddox
a new moral low ground by Architects
One love for your enemy/Two steps from the edge of your sanity/Three strikes for the cavalry/You cut me close to the bone/Four walls that you'll never see/Five waits for a taste of humanity/Six feet, what a travesty/You cut me close to the bone
New Dawn Fades by Joy Division
An angry voice and one who cried/We'll give you everything and more/The strain's too much, can't take much more/Oh, I've walked on water, run through fire/Can't seem to feel it anymore
Final Girl by CHVRCHES
In the final cut/In the final scene/There's a final girl/Does she look like me?/In the final cut/In the final scene/There's a final girl/And you know that she should be screaming now
Hurt by Wage War
It still hurts/I can never seem to find the right words/I guess it's still the way the world turns/You break me, forsake me and show me everything that I can never be/It still hurts/It feels like everything just gets worse/But I can't be the only one at ends with this/To live until I've learned
Violent Delights by CHVRCHES
And these violent delights/Keep creeping into my nights/And they're reading my rites/And I'll never sleep alone again
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Riley Callahan
The Faster The Treadmill by I Fight Dragons
Every time I say what I want to be/Someone says that's not how it's going to be/Come on, baby, quit your dreaming/Grab your things, the train is leaving/Time to pick that somewhere you want to go/Get there quick or drown in the undertow/Come on, baby, time is wasting/Choose a wheel and get to racing
Miracle Mile by Cold War Kids
Get outside, get all over the world/You learn to love what you get in return/It may be permanent, it may be peace of mind/But you have to slow down and breathe one breath at a time
Wanderlust by Valiant Hearts
Oh, I'll walk to the edge of the world/If it means I can chase this feeling one more time/I'll scream from the top of my lungs/From the mountain tops my body could never climb/I'll stare into the great unknown/Until the mesmer has overfilled my mind
The Hymn by FLOYA
Let my journey change me/I wanna see where the stars might lead me/I feel the heat envelop my heart/Setting sail for a new shore (New shore)/To find the light in my soul
Shy Away by Twenty One Pilots
Shed your modesty/Don't circle the track/Just break the cycle in half/And leave your skin on the floor
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Emerson Wright
Doomsday by Architects
Souls don't break, they bend/But I sometimes forget/I have to do this for you/And the only way out is through/Yeah, death is an open door
The Summit by Spiritbox
I could not go on/Break me down and hold me 'til the dawn/Poison is the purposeful, it's gone/Desperate to find that beating heart/And run
Fighting Gravity by Of Mice and Men
If everything is where it's supposed to be/Then why does space just feel so incomplete?/If everything is made to fall into place/Why am I always fighting gravity?
Goliath by Architects feat. Simon Neil
Bury your head in the sand/Soon you'll be feeling the fangs/So sleep with two eyes open/'Cause jackals live by the candlelight
Me Against Myself by Wage War
Feel like I'm a broken shell/Hard to lie when you're overwhelmed/It still hurts when you're numb/Every walk becomes a run/It's getting hard to hold on/When you come undone
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(For context, whenever I think of Emerson's style, it's directly inspired by Kurt Cobain.)
Dallas Warden (AKA Bellamy)
Take What You Want by Flight Paths
And it finally came the day/I start giving my heart away/For Heaven's sake, my bones will break/But you'll never own my soul, no
Rotoscope by Spiritbox
I can't take back the skeletons that haunt me frame by frame/I can rapture the imprints sent to bore into my brain/And I know that I feel the end is imminent
How long have I felt this way? Sign of the times/Shadows sway to light up my life/Trace the answers, tears have never made me/Change from violent delights
Perseus by Local Dialect
Salt by the Devil Wears Prada feat. Dayseeker
Some days I think I'm afraid of my shadow/I show up to fight at all the wrong battles/And I don't think my mind will be right 'til I/Pour the salt into the wound
Take Me First by Bad Omens
I lie to myself like it's not too late/Convinced the past can still be changed/We know it's gone, but I can't move on/I want to rewind, but it just replays
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Been wondering about this one for a while and like to see your interpretation:
So, when I'm at home and won't go out again (or for a long while) I just take my bra off. It's not like I need it when I'm home.
So, two things:
1) the boys (TBB and anyone else you'd like to add) reacting to reader (pre-relationship or established) to being able to take their bra off with removing their shirt (as all bra people can do)
And 2) their reaction reader not liking to wear a bra during off times (when flying in space, at home, etc.)
Thank you
(Can be as fluffy or filthy as you like)
Okay I get your point. I'm guessing that's individual. I can't stand not wearing a bra. I have pretty big boobs for my stature and it feels super uncomfortable walking around without a bra, even in bed I wear a sports bra. It just feels better for me somehow. But I do know a lot of women who prefer it the way you do. But that's not what you asked for, forgive me :D Let me give you some HC's :))
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Bra-less Comfort
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Warnings: Might Be Partly Suggestive
Pre-relationship with feelings starting to develop
Magical Removal
You are talking about something more or less serious. last mission is done and for today there is nothing else to do, so you want to get comfortable.
Hunter begins stammering as you remove your bra without removing your shirt. When you pull it out from under your shirt, he just pauses mid sentence. Staring at the garment you just took off.
Finally your eyes meet. You realize he's pretty puzzled.
"How did you do that?"
He shakes his head. Feeling aroused by the whole thing makes him feel a little ashamed and he's retreating hastily.
"Never mind, I shouldn't have asked that"
Uncomfortable Comfort
Hunter can't help it. As soon as he realizes there is no bra under your shirt, he keeps trying to see your nipples through your shirts, tops or blouses, depending on what you are wearing. He's trying not too, but he catches himself doing it again and again. Hunter feels childish for doing it and he's dying inside when you catch him doing it.
"I'm so sorry... I really didn't mean to, it's just... so, so distracting"
You should take the advantage. Maybe suggest that you don't mind him looking. Maybe ask him if he want's to feel them too? If you're in the mood, go for it. He'll jump right at it.
Magical Removal
He's fascinated and speechless. In his mind he actually tries to find out how you did that. His stare is not suggestive, just puzzled. He'll be thinking about it all day and suddenly say.
"I think I know how you did it, took me all day, but I think I know it now"
"Did what?"
"Remove your bra"
You smile at him and ask with a smirk, "You thought about me and how I remove my bra?"
You'll see Tech get some pink-ish color on his cheeks.
Uncomfortable Comfort
It makes him nervous and uncomfortable. Tech want's to be mature about it, but it's so freaking distracting seeing your nipples poke through your top.
He can't help but look at it and imagine how it would feel to let his fingers glide over them, over the fabric und under it. Tech's getting hard and he hates himself for being this weak.
He's sooner or later, probably retreating. Later on, if you'll ever get to be in a relationship with each other, this scene will play out differently, of course. He'll act on his imagination, if you let him.
Magical Removal
At first he is perplexed and does not quite understand what is going on. However, as soon as he understands what you are doing, he hastily turns around.
"Echo relax. I'm taking off the bra this way so that no one will be affected".
Echo laughs nervously.
"Well, that's not going to work. The thought alone is distracting enough"
He stands with his back to you as long as you don't put anything else on or put the bra back on.
Uncomfortable Comfort
"We're not close enough that it would be okay to see you like this."
"But we could be"
He blinks and turns to you.
"Is that what you want?"
You smile at him and nod.
"Actually, I just wanted to get comfortable, but why not kill two birds with one stone?"
Echo is skeptical, although he actually likes you a lot, the whole thing is a bit too unromantic for him, this is not how he had imagined it. But he is also a man, he will still be tempted.
Magical Removal
He watches you quite unabashedly. Wrecker won't beat around the bush or puzzle around for long.
"You have to show me how you do it."
"But that's not the point of the action. The point is that you just don't see it"
Wrecker sighs.
"Hmm okay. But that's boring"
"Excuse me?"
He shrugs and grins.
"Sorry, but that's just how I see it".
Uncomfortable Comfort
As always, Wrecker doesn't hide or hold back. He feels turned on but he's not acting on it. Once again, though, he tells you very directly what he thinks.
"This is really very, very distracting"
"What is?"
"Your nipples," he says directly.
Hey chuckles, "Don't worry, it doesn't really bother me".
Magical Removal
He is neither confused nor ashamed. Crosshair watches you intently, folding his arms in front of his chest.
His gaze is interested and there's that cheeky glint in his eye that makes you pause for a moment before continuing.
When you have taken off the bra and put it aside, Crosshair takes it brazenly in his hand, holds it out to you and says, "Now put it back on without taking off the shirt."
Uncomfortable Comfort
Crosshair doesn't beat around the bush.
"Are you doing this for comfort or to turn me on?"
You look at him in surprise.
"It's obvious you're not wearing a bra."
"Oh… actually for comfort reasons"
Crosshair grumbles, "Hm. Too bad."
You could take the opportunity now if you feel like it. He's obviously interested.
"Does it turn you on?"
Crosshair slowly turns his head to look at you.
"I wouldn't have asked if it didn't."
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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win-writes · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day! The chocolate themes for the prompts are really cute. I love the connection!
Can I request Dazai (if you get a lot of Dazai requests, I’ll request Nikolai instead) with milk chocolate 6 and 10?
Once again, Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope it was great for you!
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୭ ˚ 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘬 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 6: “𝘋𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶?” ୭ ˚ 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘬 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 10: “𝘐 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘶𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘵? 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘐 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯δ 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪’𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭”
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༶ pairing; dazai x reader
༶ contains; angst, toxic!dazai, fighting, no comfort
༶ word count; 1.1k
༶ a/n; tysm sweetheart, i'm really glad you liked the event<3 hope you'll enjoy this as well<3
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At first, there was screaming.
So many emotions filling your soul, so little space in your heart to contain them all. Therefore, you let it out with your words. Words that hit his own soul like knives. Words that poison his heart like venom. Words you kept inside for so long, not wanting to put more burden in his life that he already carries every day.
The day he walked out of your life, was the day you felt your heart stop for the first time. And with him, he took everything that made your days brighter. But you didn't give up. You kept fighting each day for your own sake. Picking up the pieces he so easily smashed your heart into. And you did it. You finally managed to find the light he stole from you. You finally found yourself sleeping peacefully without waking up to a soaked from your tears pillow. You found the sun after countless of days spent inside the storm he cursed you with.
So why is he here now? Why is he standing inside your once shared apartment again? What else could he possibly take away from you? Why is he speaking of love and asking for forgiveness when he's the one who made crystal clear that he fell out of love for you and left you at your lowest?
"Don't you dare spit that word in front of me again!" you're wild with rage, not a care in the world if your neighbors can hear you. Dazai's face lacks expression, as if he knew that would be your exact reaction. And he did "Why? Does it scare you?" he takes one step closer to you "Does it scare you knowing you're the only person that made me feel something?"
"Feel something?" you laugh sarcastically "Did you also feel something when you left me here to rot?" his lips are pressed in a thin line "I did what was best for you" you turn your back at him, hopelessly trying to erase him from your vision "Of course you did" your tone is low but cold "The great Dazai who knows everything!"
He's about to approach you before you turn to face him again "I never asked you to make decisions for me! Yet you didn't even bother yourself to ask me what i needed" your face hardens. Dazai's sad eyes observe your face carefully. Your expression is almost unrecognizable to him. You've never looked in his eyes with so much darkness.
"And now what? Suddenly it's okay for us to be together? Are your predictions telling you that now the best thing for me is to take you back and pretend nothing ever happened?" you raise your hands out of frustration, unable to contain your rage anymore. "Maybe if you listen to me, you'll understand" he grabs you by the wrist, pulling you closer to him, but you snatch away your hand and take a few steps back.
"Alright then" you take a deep breath to collect yourself "I'm all ears" you cross your hands under your chest. Dazai huffs "I know what I said that day and I know how much I hurt you" his eyes fall to your feet, almost ashamed to look directly at you "I know you deserve better, I always did. So I thought that if I leave you and you moved on, things would be right" your face softens at his words.
You know how lowly he thinks of himself. You spend so many nights trying to talk him out of it. To make him see himself the way you do. To convince him that he's so much more than the horrible things he did in the past that still haunt him.
"But my feelings for you never changed" he finally raises his gaze from the ground "Call me selfish, but I couldn't bring my heart to let you go" and with his final words, you snap "So you came back now that I finally picked myself up from the bottom you dropped me?" a frown flashed across your face "Do you think I want to live with the fear I'll have to go through this again the next time you decide to leave?"
"Do you think I wanted to love you?"
Your eyes widen and your jaw drops "Do you think it was easy for me? To let go of the only person that took me in despite my past?" you feel tears pool your eyes "No, don't turn this on you, you're not the victim here" your voice cracks. You bit your lip, desperately trying to hold back your tears of frustration "I'm not one of those criminals you play mind games with! Don't try to make me feel sorry for you when you're the one who destroyed what he had!"
Dazai slowly takes steps your way "I'm simply trying to fix the mess I caused" you walk backwards, but your back hits the wall. Cornered with nowhere else to go, Dazai takes the chance and places his hands against the wall with you in the middle. He smirks, staring at you like a predator stares at its prey "We both know that deep down, you love that I came back running to you" another wave of anger hits you violently and forces you to push him away "Drop the act, you can't fool me. I told you, you can't play your mind games with me" your reaction turns his cocky expression to a shocked one "Tell me why the hell are you here"
"I miss us, don't you get it? Every day I spend without you feels like i'm in hell"
And now silence.
Both of you just stand there looking at each other. His face is full of all kinds of emotions. Agony, rage, sadness. All mixed together perfectly. As for yours?
On the outside, one would assume that maybe you didn't hear him. Or maybe you simply didn't care of what he just said. But on the inside, you were relieved. You can't really explain why, but the fact that you managed to bring the Dazai in such state, relaxes your soul. Like that was the missing piece in the puzzle you tried to put together all this time away from him.
"You should have thought of this earlier" your tone is soft. You walk right pass him towards the door with his eyes glued on you "I think it's time you leave. For good" you open the door, waiting for his last words before finally closing this chapter in your life.
But he doesn't say a thing. He gives you a forced smile and simply walks out of your house for the last time. You close the door and let your body fall against it. A few tears you've been holding back roll down your face at last. Tears of sadness? Happiness? You can't tell. And you don't care to find out. All that matters now is that you're finally ready to move on.
Finally, you're free.
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eyelessfaces · 2 years
headcanons for steven with a s/o who's fluent in french
hello babes here's my contribution to the steven grant fanclub because I recently realized I had never posted anything for him..... (I have written some things but I've never posted them. shame on me)
it's canon that steven loves french poetry so LETS GO
also hey surprise I'm french so this one is very self indulgent lol sorry. god why am I so nervous about telling you I'm french I feel like I'm coming out to my family what the hell.
anyways I hope you'll enjoy this <3
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-okay so I think you would be pretty secret about it but not in a 'you'll never know that I speak french' way but more in a 'oh yeah I can speak french I forgot' kind of way
-so you and steven would have been dating for a few months already and he still wouldn't know you speak french
-I think he would discover it the most random way possible. like by hearing you speak on the phone in french
-and he would be like :O wHAT
-he'd be so shocked
-and maybE a little turned on. (yk..... that cliché about people that speak french being so sexy mh)
-but I still think he'd be a little offended that you never told him you could speak french like that.
-once your call is over he'd just come to you with a beaten expression and would just go 'why did you never tell me you could speak french?'
-and you would just go 'désolé(e). forgot to mention it'
-he would immediately forgive you because he's admirative
-'wow... you're even more amazing than I thought you already were'
-he wants to know everything about how you've learned french
-he'd tell you about his favorite french poets and he'd ask you for some translations of the words he didn't quite catch
-he would ask you to correct him on his accent even though you think it's really cute
-he'd try to have chats with you
-I said TRY.......
-he quickly realized he just prefered when you read to him in french
-or just told him about your day in french
-even if he can understand like half of what you're saying
-he would ask you to teach him french pet names and he'd use them on you ALL THE TIME because they make you blush SO HARD
-'ma chérie/mon chéri' 'mon amour'
-you'd just crumble everytime they come out of his mouth
-I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote his own poems.
-so he'd try to write some in french
-and they're ALL about you
-there are some mistakes here and there but you really don't mind because it's just adorable
-he'd stay awake late at night to perfect them but he would just fall asleep on his desk
-so marc takes control of the body to put it in bed but reads the poem and goes
-'wow buddy you're next level whipped'
-but he thinks that's cute
désolé(e) = sorry;
ma chérie/mon chéri = darling;
mon amour = my love
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anisecandy · 7 months
Socratic monologue
Summary: If a soulmate is someone you're connected to through fate, then perhaps, in some shape or form, they were soulmates. Bonded by a barbed wire.
Rating: G
Words count: 1330
Genre: Exploration of Feelings, Angst
Parings: Peter Parker/Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote
Author’s note: A little somthing I wrote on the bus. I might polish it later. Or not
(link to the ao3)
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
The simple answer is, you don't.
You hate them for the rest of your life and have nightmares for the half of that, from which you wake up screaming, with the sweat crawling down your spine making everything so much worse.
Here's another one.
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
Well, first they push you down the stairs…
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
The reasonable answer is, you don't.
You agree on a labile cease-fire, once, or twice, or trice and join forces in the face of something far worse. And when you look over your shoulder, expecting backstabbing, you're horrified at the fact you've accepted this necessity, no matter how begrudgingly. And then there comes the fourth, the fifth, the next and next time and you realize you grew numb to the moral dilemma of this happening. And you hate that the word "numb" feels like a cope out, because what is really happening, is that you've grown used to this. You've grown used to this, the way one grows used to having a rude coworker, or having to daily walk by a lawn with a dog that hates you. Except they aren't a dog and they definitely aren't a person-
You can't believe you've started to see them as a person. Just the very idea of it makes you burn with rage. But when there's nothing but ashes left, and you're left with only the parts of yourself you keep burred deep down, you can't believe their personhood is something you're still denying them. You aren't too hard on yourself for that, though. You have to be the bigger person when it comes to everything else. This feels like a fair exchange. Your violation for their humanity. Your personhood for theirs.
This isn't something that can be forgiven. So you're comforted by the knowledge you'll never receive an apology.
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
The more complex answer is, you don't.
But on some level, you have to forgive them to move forward. Maybe because with so many others it's just impossible. So perhaps you take it as a small victory for the sake of your inner pace. Or maybe its simply the pity. Not the compassionate kind of it that would come with wondering about how it had come to this and where it had lead to, about your role on it all and the things you could have done different or better, making for a different path and a different story... It's a condescending, but warranted pity of somebody looking down. (Then again, you look down at your own shadow too.)
But then, you are offered an apology after all. It's at the same time sincere and ultimately meaningless, because due to the circumstances of it you have no other options aside from accepting it. And this, this isn't fair. You should get closure. Instead, for the next few days you feel worse than you did in years. You're cornered. You both have to forgive them and can't and the looping paradox of it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. It's not fair to make you forgive and it's not fair to make you sympathize with them. You should at the very least be allowed to hate them. That's the basic courtesy the universe refuses to grant you. Pushing you into understanding them defies the point of that and steals the ground from under you. And you're not even given any alternative.
For a while, you think that’s what saving them instead might be. Then, they go behind your back and save themself out of their own accord. Attempt, at least. Like an old rancorous carpenter, you discover that you don't trust any work that didn’t come from under your hands.
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
The difficult answer is, you don't.
You wake up in the middle of the night, again, but this time not because you had a nightmare. Although with how wrong it was, it might as well be one. You know the dream you were dreaming wasn't yours and you know that because this wasn't the first time. You feel sick for so many different reasons, the smallest of them being that what wasn't a nightmare for them, to you was often still more twisted than the worst fever dream. The biggest being knowing that even after forcefully ripping yourself from this revolting bond, this means that there's still somebody out there dreaming your dreams as well. And on the peaceful nights, you can swear you feel their heart beating somewhere beside yours. You leave through the windows to cool your head on the rooftops and then swing above the traffic, hoping that the noise will drown the unwanted sensations and the even more unwanted thoughts about this parody of closeness that was thrown at you against your will. You realize you've become something horrifyingly unlike mortal enemies and you're overpowered with helpless anger. Whatever it is that actually connects the two of you only exists in the realm of quantum physics though. There one second and gone the moment you try to examine it.
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
The obvious answer is, you don't.
That would be as absurd, as falling for an empty frame, with last few shards of mirror glass hanging in it. Looking at them makes your stomach turn. Like seeing a butchered collage, created out of torn up pictures of yourself, vandalized with vulgar scribbles, bastardizing already caricatural imagery. It's simultaneously so close and so removed from you, that you feel as if you were looking at it through an autorefractometer. It makes your head hurt and you look away. From the corner of your eye this paper mâché monster blurs and could almost be mistaken for a human. From then on, you look straight at it. In the end, your eyes tire and the picture blurs either way.
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
The painful answer is, you don't.
But you do grow bitter that they understand you in a way nobody else would be capable of. It's a form of intimacy stolen from you and you hate yourself for the very act of acknowledging it. When it comes to them, you hate yourself for many things, as if the hate you couldn't pour onto them accumulated and ate you from the inside.
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
The logical answer is, you don't.
How do you know you love someone?
Oh, that's simple. You want to see them smile.
So you couldn't love them. You'd be too scared to see stripes of skin stuck between their teeth.
How do you know you love someone?
Oh, that's simple. You want to kiss them.
So you couldn't love them. You'd worry they'd bite off your tongue.
How do you know you love someone?
Oh, that's simple. You want to know everything there is to know about them.
So you couldn't love them. Every information you have on them makes them less monstrous and you wish you could carve every single one of them out of your brain.
How do you know you love someone?
Oh, that's simple. They are like a half of your soul.
Just like they are a shadow to your light. A mirror to your reflection.
A soul to your soul.
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
You bleed out and mistake the light-headedness for something it isn't.
How do you fall for someone who had tried to kill you?
The short answer is, you don't.
And it's better to not think about it too much.
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aleksa-sims · 9 months
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RL Simself-Story (18+)
⚠️CW: breakup, addiction ⚠️
Under the cut I only briefly tell, how this one day/morning went, when Daniel decided to leave me. 😞😢
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Daniel came home very late that day/night and I was mad at him. He couldn’t sleep, which he never really did the last days anyway. He often just sat there awake at night, watching me sleep. Still, this time something was different. Daniel looked totally devastated.
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I was so worried. I knew it had to be something really serious. He could barely talk. I thought he was gonna...... cry or something. I swear, he looked deeply sad and kind of.... shocked? I’ve never seen Daniel like that.
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Me: Daniel?... What’s wrong? Please tell me what’s bothering you.
Daniel: I-.. I can't. I don't wanna hurt you..... And...I can’t take it with you... but I don’t want to leave you. Ily sm. You did nothing wrong... I-... I did something really bad. But like I said, I can't tell you. It might hurt you. It's serious and... also dangerous. I screwed up, I ruined everything with it. 😞
Me: Please, tell me. I just want to help you! You can trust me, I won’t get mad. We're married, we can fix it. I'll do my best, okay...no matter what you did, Ily.😟
Daniel: You don't understand. I just can’t tell you!! I want it, but..ugh. However, I just have to..... forget and repress it somehow. But it’s all really hard for me. I-.... I can't handle it rn... Maybe I should.... stay away from you. 😞
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Me: I see you’ve been torturing yourself for days for something that’s getting worse. But I won’t let us lose each other. Please baby. You need me & I you.... I don't care what you did. Come, lay with me & hug me. 🙁
Daniel: I'm so sorry. I just want to protect you.
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Me: It's ok, D. I'm there. You don’t have to tell me. I don’t want to put any more pressure & stress on you. Soon you'll get better and we'll talk.
Daniel: I hope you can forgive me someday.
Me: 😟😟...... 😢
A few hours later I had to get up. Daniel said he'll stay at home. He wasn’t well and I wish I hadn’t gone to work that day. But he fell asleep. I was gonna talk to him later, after work. Maybe he’ll get better after he’s slept and rested?... Anyway, I took Daniel’s phone before I left. I checked his messages. I thought maybe I could find out? What he meant? What he did? I thought it had something to do with Tina. I noticed a strange text between him and Domnick. It was about that night in the club. Daniel texted Domnick, that he couldn't forget what Tina said to him. I got kind of mad.... And the way Daniel spoke to me tonight, it sounded like he had a guilty conscience towards me. He said he made a mistake and didn’t want to hurt me. He just wanted to forget this thing and protect me. My guess was that he wanted to protect me from Tina, because she acted like a crazy stalker and also harmed Irena. I mean what else could it be??
But ugh, I was so wrong! Why he left, he will tell me months later. Anyway, it has nothing to do with Tina, it was about that damn drug he and I were hooked on. And yes, I get why he didn't tell me.🤦‍♀️It was BAD!... Still, UGH! I wish he’d confided in me.
When I came home in the afternoon after work, Daniel was gone. He just texted me that he was sorry but he couldn’t stay with me. I shouldn’t call him or look for him, he will call me one day. But first he's to finde out, what's right for him. 🤨 Of course I called him, but Daniel’s phone was off and he also said goodbye to his sister. He told her the same thing he told me. However she couldn't stop him. I think if Daniel hadn’t suffered from that mental disorder, he would have decided otherwise.
He left on March 3rd. Now 2 weeks have passed without a sign from him. The more days and weeks passed, the more I believed that he really left me because of Tina.
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jessource · 10 months
still argue like my mother and suppress stuff like my dad.
i don't think i wanna get better.
the way i loved you, i will not be embarrassed of that.
you broke me big time.
you give up like a ghost leaving halfway through the band.
i let you butcher my big heart.
you broke my heart and my self-esteem.
came a boy and left a man.
this is armageddon.
i knew loving you was letting you leave.
i am exhausting and you're not in love.
i'm the best thing that almost happened to you.
i stay up, you're sleeping like a lamb.
you're gonna walk into some underground bar.
goodbye from your biggest fan.
i wish i would've seen it sooner.
you got two types: countryn and western.
this is my coming of age.
lost my page when you kissed me.
the love we had was covered in snow.
told her you were just a friend.
was i just an idea you liked?
yeah, i'm sure there was heartbreak.
i saw you and your girlfriend.
i'm dating but dating just for sport.
i am unhinged.
it was endless roads in the same old boots.
loving you was easy, that's why it hurts.
i'm delaing with the heart you broke.
you built me like a promise 'til it broke me like a curse.
we could live off magic and maybe's.
you couldn't have loved a girl any harder than you loved me.
i'll leave you behind, but that don't mean it's easy.
it wasn't real, but it was for me and you know that.
one day, you're gonna wake up.
oh, is she just like me?
i'm throwing you a bone.
still don't play the black keys.
how's it feel to have made me cry?
got the news just last month.
i've pleaded.
i'm not holding my breath.
i wish it was two weeks ago.
you swore that you'd be there for me.
mr i don't want a label.
you're kinda awful, but you're not awful on purpose.
you look better, what the fuck?
i tried to rewrite it, but i can't.
if a man says that he wants you in his life forever, run!
well, fucking sue me, 'cause at least then we could talk.
you took what you took and you left what you left.
i'm kinda busy but like, stay in touch?
i sleep through the night.
if i'm tricky, why'd you kiss me?
has she got a better body than mine?
i know the girl that you want and it scares me.
oh, mr bruce wayne, where is that cape now?
you're laughing like a kid.
i thought i gave you the best of me.
how come you're taking me from your arms?
oh lord, i'm going back to therapy.
if you don't love me, why you'd act it.
what was cheap to you to me was all i had.
maybe you're lost and you just can't see what you have.
i will try forgiveness, but i will not forget.
you couldn't keep what you couldn't tame.
i was good to you.
i still love you.
you still get to me, but i still let you.
you were it for me.
if i'm not careful, i'll wake up and we'll be married.
do you love her?
you're pretty like a girl, till you're vicious like a man.
i beg you, and you don't understand.
i am not allowed to want you any longer.
now we're living the dream and i hope we never wake up.
will you tell me just one more lie?
it's sad and it's true.
we don't speak 'cause it's too tricky.
you touched me, now your touch will last for centuries.
i wish when we went to the beach that day we'd taken more pictures.
bye bye from your girl.
i'm doing better.
i've been lied to.
i can write you out the way i wrote you in.
you said we're like your mom and dad.
i'm the greatest love that you wasted.
you got every single thing you want and i just watch.
i gotta get my act together.
you burnt down easter island as if it wasn't sacred.
i still want you back.
taste my venom.
pretend that it's what you wanted.
i know how your tone works.
you pushed me out quicker than it took me to put my jeans on.
don't you know that you're losing this?
i thought it would be us for life.
but now you're gone, honey, i can't sleep.
you made me little miss unstable.
this song's for you, and it's all we have.
i gave you all of myself.
oh my, what happened here?
yu gave me the world and you gave me your word.
you'll throw your rocks and you'll scream that you hate me.
still flinch at the sound of a door.
i'm on a one way trip to take over the world.
a haunted house nobody lives in.
wow, hey, it's been forever. do you wanna get a drink, like together?
i save you a seat and you say you wanna stand.
of course, you couldn't read me.
i can finally breathe.
what about (name)?
you're just a boy, and i'm kinda the man.
you wanna hear about it?
i can't help thinking that she's got a better body.
everybody pretends that they're great but what if you actually might be?
yeah, i know you did bad, but if one more person says it i might go mad.
the worst way to love somebody is to watch them love somebody else and it work out.
you think i'm alright but i'm actually bloody motherfucking batshit crazy.
take the hand and go with him.
i'm just talking to your memory.
you'll see a pretty little thing catching eyes in the dark and it's me.
i'm not gonna wait, now i know better than that.
she stays up, he's sleeping like a lamb.
i had to let it go.
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bluemoondust · 2 years
Could i request General Yandere Headcanons for Yuri (DDLC)?
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✧General Yandere Headcanons✧ — Yuri
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Warning(s): Obsessive Behavior, Hints of Overbearing Behavior, Slight Passive Aggressive Behavior, Unhealthy Habits (nail digging into skin, biting lip till it bleeds)
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Yuri can immediately be categorized as an obsessive yandere. Upon first meeting you, she was very hesitant to make conversation but slowly and surely there was a growing desire to get to know you. Seeing how you are and the interactions you have makes her desperately want to get closer to you. She thinks you're amazing and cannot lose this sort of opportunity. She'd never forgive herself if she let you go. Yuri gathers whatever information she can on you. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, and all that stuff. She wants to impress you in some way as well. However, this gets out of hand when she starts to collect stuff from you. Dropped items was one thing but then escalating to rummaging through your bag is another.
She even swaps your uniform jacket with a newer one so she could keep yours! It makes it feel like you're with her no matter where she goes. Yuri makes sure she has worn it enough before returning it. Now it smells like her. Would you notice? Some part of her hopes you will, just so you can think of her.
There's a mental battle within Yuri's mind to if this behavior is unhealthy or not. She isn't the best at interacting but she certainly does not want to drive you away. I mean, so far everything is going alright and now she's talking to you! What she has done so far hasn't really hurt anyone... So it's okay, right? You won't really miss your pen or such anyways since the two of you do share sometimes. She did let you borrow her book. Yeah! She's just borrowing your stuff. Eventually Yuri will give it back but only after she leaves her presence upon it. Looking into every aspect of your being is only because she cares. It just makes her a more suitable partner than everyone else. They don't know you like she does.
The one thing that doesn't sit right with Yuri is there are any signs of you becoming uncomfortable around her. She understands that the things she says can potentially insult a person, so she watches her words. This is especially in regards to you. Presenting herself as a reliable, sophisticated individual is key in getting you to chose her. You'll be so amazed by how intelligent she is! Though maybe... You'll also like her actual interests too? Oh, she wishes that every day. It would send her over the moon. The excitement of such makes her intense in interaction and if she realizes, strings of apologies fall from her lips. Yuri hopes you forgive her, she didn't mean to weird you out.
Biting her tongue back from sharing her inner thoughts, she isn't very fond of people getting too buddy buddy with you. She sincerely hopes they'll only stay as a friend. They... they don't stand a chance. You clearly know she is a better choice is what she tries to convince herself. In Yuri's version of jealousy, she becomes insecure and loathes it. She is very aware that she has her own set of flaws but having them out in the open is another thing. Yuri gets a little passive aggressive towards the person as well as getting a little more clingy with you.
Yuri is more of a danger to herself than anything else. The only danger she poses on others is their self esteem if they really get on her nerves. It's subtle, but even the smallest of cuts can bring in so much pain. But still, sometimes during her moments of intense emotions, Yuri can get impulsive. Extremely. There's an itch that needs to be scratched, so she creates unhealthy habits to cope. Hair pulling, skin scratching, digging her nails into her skin, or biting her lip too hard. It seems to bring her back to reality when she feels the pain.
She will claim that she isn't selfish... but she at times she will admit that maybe she is. Yuri can't help wanting to keep you away from others or wishing the downfall of others for taking too much of your time. It's just that she can't handle the idea of either being rejected by you nor you ever leaving her. She wishes she can always be alone with you to share such great moments. Everyone else just ruins them. They could never understand what you two share. You're connected on a deeper level. Will you accept her?
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slasher-male-wife · 11 months
To, I was wondering if you could write a FTM reader x Rick grimes where the reader is really exhausted and depressed and doesn't have motivation for anything and Rick helps him?
I'd love to write this for you. I haven't been watching TWD as much recently so forgive me if this is out of character. I'm also still on season three. But I love writing gay things for y'all. This is also set in the after the prison and in a random location because I don't know where they went after that lol even though I'm decently into season four. Can be read as romantic or platonic.
I do care: Rick Grimes x ftm reader
Warnings: Vague descriptions of readers body, mention of top surgery scars, depressed reader, Rick tries his best, Rick helps reader shower in a non-sexual way
It's been becoming clearer and clearer that you're not doing well mentally. A month ago you were barely able to help out around camp, but now all you can manage to do is stay in bed, and maybe go to the bathroom if you can gather enough energy. Now that you're staying at a farm house it's very clear you're not doing well.
Rick noticed how you've been declining mentally over the past month. When he was a cop he had to do wellness checks and he can see those symptoms in you too. So when he got up extra early one day and found you still awake he knew he had to do something to help you. He pushes your 'bedroom' door open further and walks in.
"Hey uh Y/N. I need to talk to you," He says. You look over at him from where you're laying but you can't bring yourself to sit up, "I've noticed you've been acting like this for awhile and I wanted to know what's going on," Rick takes a seat by your bed and looks up at you, "Is it that uh, feeling you get sometimes where you don't feel man enough?" You'd laugh at his words if you weren't so exhausted.
"I feel man enough Rick. I just can't get myself out of bed right now. If you want to feed me to the walker outside go ahead." You mumble. Rick stiffens and quickly gets closer to you.
"I'd never do that. I'd also never let you die on my watch. Has someone suggested that's gonna happen to you?" He asks, his tone coming off more aggressive than it is comforting. You shake your head.
"No one said that to me. But I know y'all are thinking about it. I mean why not. I'm a burden right now anyway. Why not do it?" Rick runs a hand over his mouth and sighs.
"I'm not going to let you die. I'm also not going to let you waste away in bed anymore. When was the last time you showered?" He asks, his tone still more aggressive than it is comforting. You shrug.
"I don't know, probably a few weeks ago," You say. Rick stands up and holds out his hand for you, "You're trying to get me to shower?" You ask, looking up at him.
"I'm going to make you shower, even if I have to stand behind you and keep you upright. Now make this easy on me." You sigh and slowly sit up. Rick watches carefully and makes sure once you're up, you'll stay up. Once you're sitting up, Rick pulls you up to your feet and lets you lean against him as he walks you to the bathroom.
"Rick we need to save the water we have. I know there's that well pump outside but showering shouldn't take priority." You say and he sits you down on the sink counter.
"I want you to shower because you're starting to smell like a damn walker. Doesn't help you have all that dried blood on you." He says. You sigh in defeat.
"Fine. If you insist on getting me clean I'll shower." You say. Rick smiles and grabs some soap and turns on the shower head. You take off your shirt and start to undo your pants. You notice Rick staring at your top surgery scars.
"I told you about them before Rick. They're just surgery scars," You say, slipping off your shoes and pants. You feel the water and quickly tell you can't wash your body fully. You look back to Rick and he seems to understand what's going on, "Can you help me?"
"Of course I can. Just tell me where I should wash." He says, taking his shirt off and tossing it aside to keep it dry. You slip off your boxers and manage to keep yourself standing.
"Upper body is fine. I can do my lower half if you help me stand," You hold your arms up and stand under the water, letting it wash over your hair and body. Rick starts to wash the soap over your arms, avoiding looking down at you, "You don't have to try to hard to ignore my body. I've already done enough of that for a lifetime." You chuckle. Rick smiles slightly and moves over to your other arm.
He washes over the rest of your upper body, being more careful around your scars, making you chuckle again. He eventually hands you the soap and hold one of your hands.
"I'll uh, help you stay standing." He says, looking away from you as you start to wash off your lower half. Rick keeps his eyes off of you the entire time until you turn off the water. He hands you a towel and you wrap it around your hips.
"Thank you Rick. Now I can go sit in my bed again but this time I'll be clean." You joke.
"No. I actually wanted to take you to go eat something since you haven't been eating much at all." He says. Still holding your hand he walks you back into a bedroom and starts digging through some clothes.
"I thought me not eating was a good thing. We need to ration some food." You say, taking some boxers Rick hands you.
"Carl and Deshawn went out and got more food. Enough for you to eat a small meal. Don't fight me on this or I will force feed you." He says in the tone of a joke, but there's an air of seriousness to it. He hands you some jeans and you put them on too.
"You're really set on me not dying huh?" You joke back as Rick hands you more clothes. You pull on a shirt and flannel. Rick adds a belt with an empty gun holster, socks, and your old shoes.
"I am. Now you'll get your knife back after you eat something," He says. Helping you up from the bed and walking you downstairs, to the kitchen. He sits you down at the table and gives you a water bottle with lots of dust on the outside and an opened can of fruit cocktail and three fried pieces of spam. You look down at the food and he hands you a fork, "You're not leaving this table until you eat at least half of that."
"Alright Rick," You say, picking up the spam and taking a bite out of it. You eat in silence for a couple minutes until you feel it start to become awkward, "Why do you care so much about me?" You ask, opening your water bottle.
"Is there something wrong with caring about you?" He asks. You shake your head and take a sip.
"I just haven't been here as long as everyone else and you didn't have to take me in. You don't have to care about me."
"But I do, and I will."
"Thank you Rick." You say before you start eating again.
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yeetusdabussy · 2 years
Hi!, Can you do a nsfw of dom kakashi x black fem reader, where they are already in a relationship and kakashi did something to make the reader mad and she won’t talk to him and ignores him while he’s trying to apologize to her but he slowly start to get through to her and they have make up sex?
૮˃̵֊ ˂̵ აㅤㅤㅤas you wish
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Don't Act Clueless.
╭══• •══╮
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┊┊🌙Kakashi x BLACKfem!reader
┊ !
🌸 Sexual themes, fluff, make up sex, foul language,a bit of angst, pet names(Lotus,baby,goddess,love),mating press, oral (F and M receiving),
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He's always fucking late. ALWAYS fucking late. Honestly you weren't surprised but you still hated it with a passion. You and Kashi were supposed to go out today, but that stupid job kept him away from home so much and for so long. Leaving you alone at night most times or even leave you alone for days. You worry about him all the time, you try your best to be understanding, you try to be patient. But after a while, that shit just doesn't work forever, you needed him but you were lonely. Maybe you two have grown away from each other, maybe it was nothing but Lust and not Love in this relationship. You teared up at the thought but maybe that's just what you need to do. Accept that you two just don't belong together anymore. You Cook for two, but there is only ONE person who sits at the kitchen table day and night. That's you, YOU sit there alone with food made for two people! Doing laundry, making breakfast, even being kind enough to visit him with lunch sometimes when you can.You just miss him, and it angered you how alone you were, did he even care? He doesn't even try to check up on you either. Sometimes you wonder If maybe perhaps you weren't his spark anymore, maybe he lost interest and wanted to get away from you. Either way you're confronting him, you don't care how late it is either. You threw on your jacket, purse and keys. You went out there bonnet and all because, who the fuck cares about opinions when your men isn't coming home to your cooking!?
"So, that's how its gonna be. Alright madafucka ima have his gray hair having ass hanging by my nails."
So, what is the best answer? Be petty. You'll just wait, you'll wait all night if you have just to get his dumbass to understand what the hell his missing before its gone. These lonely nights and late night lonely dinners was taking a toll on you. Sometimes you wondered. Could he be cheating? You sure hope the fuck not. Your blood boils with so many scenarios that you didn't even notice the front door opening and closing. Not until you heard his voice, "Hey baby, surprised to see you up so late. "He walked over, hugging your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. But you shoved him away, your actions surprised and confused the poor man. What did he do wrong? And why aren't you even bothering him a glance?
And why the hell are you walking away from him too?
He's never seen you do that before, so his automatic reaction is to follow you and ask what's wrong. And if he did something wrong,"what's wrong? That hurt a little." He chuckles nervously. But stooped quickly once he noticed your distasteful expression. Oh boy he knew he knew he was in for it. "Your hurt?" you scrolled at him. "Uh oh" he thought to himself. "YOUR HURT?!" And there it is, he knew he was about to get it from you tonight. He knee better to talk back to his woman when she's upset, so he simply sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed. "Forgive me for my selfish words. Tell me what's on your mind dove."He knew if he acted calm towards you and acknowledges your feelings. He knows you'll be fine soon. "Kakashi you're never home anymore... I know you're busy, I know you have so much to do but I miss you! Its not fair m'kashi!." You wanted cry, sniffling to hold back the tears. Kakashi felt bad, he knows he's been gone a lot so he can't make any excuses, he didn't think it affected you so much. He should've known better to think that anyways, he got up from his seat and hugs you close. "Shhh, I'm sorry love. I shouldn't have thought it wouldn't affect you this much. I knew better to be so careless, I'll work a little harder to spend more time with you. How about I take three days off, just for you." He talked to you so sweetly, making feel more at ease. "You-, you mean it?" You looked up at him With doe eyes, he pulled his mask down and kisses your cheek. "Of course, would I break my promises?" He raised a brow once he heard you giggle at him. "You've broken a few. Like taking out the trash this morning." You smirked.
His eyes widen remembering that, he cleared his throat and chuckled meekly "s-sorry lotus, that won't happen again. I promise this time." He rubbed the back of his head neck. You smiled and kissed his jawline softly, giving him a knowing smirk. Kakashi knew that look, he wasn't stupid. Clearly you want- NEED him at this exact moment. Who was he to deny you? Your beautiful dark/brown skin always made him want to keep his hands on you at all times, the way your C/T(curl type) hair feels in his fingers, the way your skin is always so soft, to the way you throw down in the kitchen. He couldn't ask for more seasoning in the world when he has you by his side.
you couldn't help but giggle at the mesmerized Hokage who was already getting heavily aroused so easily. What can he say? He loves you, he wants you everyday, you're all he thinks about. Sometimes he wonders if you put a spell on him, because of you, he can BARELY get work done. You know how many times he's nutted in that office? Getting clones to sneak and get your underwear. It was bad, very bad. But he has you now, right here in the flesh. And honestly, he's still feeling a little heartbroken that you think he forgotten all about you, that hurt his ego. He didn't waste time to kiss you and hug your waist, kissing down your neck and moving his hands down to your ass giving it a little pat to signal you to jump. You knew what that meant, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist. He carried you to your shared bedroom, it didn't take long before both of your clothes were scattered on the floor.
He loves the sound of the bed banging against the wall, you screaming in his ear about how much you missed him, and his cock. "M'Kashi! Missed you! Missed you so much!~ missed this cock so much kashi!~" Oh how you spur him on! He loves it, he had your legs on his shoulders, his hips swirling and rolling into yours as the skin on skin echoed in the room, the way hr had your gummy walls tightening around his shaft had him in a pussy drunk daze. He missed this, just as much as you did. He kissed and caressed every inch of your body that he could. Whispering soft love you's and praises. "Feels so good my little goddess, but I feel as though you deserve some extra attention somewhere else? ~" he whispers into your ear before sitting up and beginning to lower your legs down and gripping one of your thighs, he caresses his hand down your body and Squeezes one of your breasts, teasingly rolling your nipple between his thumb and index finger. He leans down and begins to kiss down your jawline, leaving small hickies down your neck and chest before attaching his mouth on your other nipple. You moaned and raised your hips go meet his, he shifts his hips that's had his pelvis grinding against your clit each time.
"Kashi!~ gon- m'gonna cum!" You cried out, oh Kakashi loves this part, seeing the way your brown and beautiful folds spreading your cum all over his cock, the way he looks down at your pussy like some chocolate covered strawberry had him in shambles. "C-cum! Cum on my cock!~" And with that, you obeyed. Cumming right on que just like he asked. He groans as he stares at the way your pussy left a beauty creamy ring around his base. It was too much! He came after the third thrust, pressing himself as deep as he could inside of you, mixing your cum with his. You couldn't help but scratch his back in the process as your legs shook. "F-.. Fuck love." He slowly pulled his softening cock out of your hole and watched the way your pussy begins to drip out your mixed potion. You laid there panting and squirming from your powerful orgasm.
You reminded him of a cat getting out of its heat, he had a slight blush and cheeky smirk on his face. "I think, I wanna Go for another round. Yeah?~"
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