#meditations on torture
stuckinapril · 4 months
Just a girl who wants to be her mother’s daughter in the ways that matter
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litchiteany · 5 months
Resolve 🪷
In a breath of fresh air, long craved,
I confront a stalemate, deliberated and braved.
Acceptance soothes wounds, as medicine to pain,
Relieved by absence, where my presence was in vain.
Beyond your walls, my refuge lies,
Unwelcome, I'll seek under different skies.
Your space perturbed, my journey denied,
Battles fought, answers reveal in high tide.
As long as my feet can tread,
Wisdom sought, no path unread,
Against dead ends, I'll forge ahead,
Sails set for new horizons, spirit led.
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Test Track AU (T$$ AU Masterlist)
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@violet-prism-creatively , @whump-me , @pirefyrelight , @soheavyaburden , @snakebites-and-ink
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stfubunny · 3 months
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early morning in sunny parks with crows sitting on the branches of tall trees
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”
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helpless destruction
catastrophe is a haphazard companion of a spirit
who never got a chance to feel real
if your true confessions of pain aren't believed
how can you claim its authentic to others
when one absorbs the shame of a thousand shameless acts
it's rather difficult to trust your own perspective
catastrophe has a way to convincing even the most
reluctant of believers into begging for a grace
that even the merciful angels are contracted to ignore
trust is a process between two people who take risks
trust can be given by the cognitive mind
but the body has a way of remembering sabotage
and the mind notices patterns of like feelings
so trust goes beyond our consciousness
you did tell me you didn't trust me
and you proved that to be true, didn't you?
I don't blame you for it
life doesn't always give us many reasons to have faith
especially during a time where we are learning
all sorts of painful lessons in the darkness
hypervigilance allows you to read a person in a way
that reveals feelings in micro expressions and gestures
but I'm no longer hypervigilant
the spectrum of my thinking allows me to take in
every inch of detail in a situation or a person
but I will no longer respond to subtext
if you cannot own your own passion than
someone will own it for you
if you discard an honest heart
do not blame it for biting the hand that wrote lies
about what kind of beat it keeps in love
I may not be paid to act in roles to entertain
but I do have a choice in which roles I play in life
the world is my stage just as it is yours
and if you make all your choices subconsciously
you never learn the path to your own destruction
or how to redeem your own good graces
and make the best moves in a game
that is meant to serve you
not the other way around
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cairoscene · 2 years
thinking about bruce training his kids. thinking about bruce as a teenager and a young adult training with the world's best and how that meant a lot of the time suffering daily pain and abuses for the sake of becoming the best. thinking about bruce passing along none of the abuse but all of the skill to his kids. learning how to teach better than he was taught. looking at dick and then jason and then tim etc and knowing that he can't hurt them the way he was hurt. wondering if that will underprepare them, if they will be weaker bc he himself is too weak to do it. thinking about bruce being a strict teacher still. he pushes them to be better, uncompromising, unsympathetic, but still training them in his own way, not in the way he was taught. thinking about bruce realizing his kids are better than him, will be better than him. despite all the times he fucked up, despite the things he couldn't spare them, the things he thought were too important to overlook.
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a-lex-ithymia · 1 year
The nightly struggle of, do I try to meditate and maybe manage 4h of consecutive sleep, or do I beat up the blorbos in the brain theatre until I doze off
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lemememeringue · 2 years
still don't understand what to Do to "sit with the discomfort" so I've just been imagining myself, the ghost of my childhood trauma, and the blorbofication of my mental illness walking down from the brain to the chest cavity and sticking our hands into the black sludge rapidly coating my beating heart and channeling healing golden energy into the black heart until the sludge slows down to an ooze. and then we go back up to the brain and I put the kids to bed.
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
How do y’all have TGM dreams??? Because all I get are scary ass dreams LMAO
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or like hyper-realistic dreams of me doing very normal things like dying my hair or getting a new phone or buying a new t shirt LMAO
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litchiteany · 6 months
Metamorphosis of Love
In our hearts' garden, love takes flight,
As butterflies, in vibrant hues of dawn’s soft light.
Each choice, a dance, as butterflies in trance,
Echoes through time, shaping fate's elegant advance.
Do you wish to vanish, a whispered breath?
Or embrace change's dance, defying death?
Like butterflies emerging from cocoon's gloom,
We too evolve, under night's silver moon.
Fear not the winds of change that blow,
Guiding us where we're meant to go.
Let love's essence birth, let it bloom and grow,
In shimmering hues, life's ebb and flow.
Do not miss life's sweet, enchanting song,
Join me in our destiny, where we belong.
Let our wings soar, high above,
Embracing change with boundless love.
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party-gilmore · 2 years
And thus begins the overly anxious lead up and transition into the Day That It Is Very Important Not To Eat Or Drink via the annual “Overthink Everything The Day Before And Doubt Yourself And Start Feeling Guilty Because You’re Already Sure You’re Going To Fail Because You Have No Self Control When It Comes To Consumption And You’re Considering Tweaking Your Fast Plan To Allow For Water Based On The (Mental) Illness But Then You Swing Back Into Heavier Guilt Because You Aren’t Even Sure It IS Mental Illness Rather Than Just Your Analytical Brain Looking For Excuses To Make It Not As Hard And You’re Just Really Starting To Feel Like You Just Kind Of Suck. As A Person. Fundamentally. That You Can’t Even Do This One Thing Right. Then Get A Boost Of Defiant Energy And Decide To Just Chug Water Like Dry Potting Soil And Piss Like Racehorse All Day While Pretending You’re Not Terrified That You’re Going To Abysmally Fail Your Own Expectations Of Yourself” tradition.
Haha WELP. At least they were right! That soul sure CAN afflicted!,!
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chron0ph0bia · 2 months
you parents constantly telling u the shit that you've been trying to unlearn surely is smth
#my mum is very “tough it out” its all in your head meditate and never experience and emotional reaction this way. make rules for yourselfetc#shes the bhuddist equivalent of a bible quotes spewing christian basically. n its cool i know how to control my emotions and shit now but#thats my problem lmaooo. it took me counseling to learn how to feel emotions and im still not nailing it most times#also i used to be so strict about rules i made for myself like “u have to brish ur teeth before bed” that i would stay up until 4am not doi#anything because i was too tired to get up and go brush them until i passed out from exhaustion#unlearning that was very good for me right#mothers undiagnosed adhd most likely lmao and is just constantly teachibg me all the coping skills she developed#and its so fun cuz she just always tells me stuff she struggled with and im like mother youve been telling me this since i was born i GOT I#funnily enough i use all the meditation and bhuddist shit when talking to her specifically#every conversation is me going ok.. deep breath. think from her perspective. calmly explain and address. its not personal. getting agitated#would resolve nothing#and thats fascinating cuz when i moved out i was like oh you people dont receive the training of a bhuddist monk by age 5??#i had a roomate who i didnt get along with sadly who was the complete opposite and had learned to communicate via shouting and confrontatio#like thats literally how she communicated n i had such a hard time saying anything to her cuz id learnt to just go meditate till feeling go#away before talking to someone#like i never saw my parents shout at each other or argue in my life. they usually retired themselves from the situation#when i explained this shit to someone they were like “lucky u my parents fought all the time” my brother in christ youre not hearing me#you can be unhealthy in different ways.#my conclusion now is my mums a cool person just totally clueless on how to raise a child#like i remember feeling very unheard and bad about her becayse literally every sentence out of her mouth is a life lesson#and even if u catch her in a genuine social interaction with u she quickly corrects herself and brings the life wisdom back in#and even if she agrees with you shell go in a ten minute tangent because she wanted to talk about bhuddha when literally there was no point#fuck as a kid with adhd i remember it being torture#now i learnt how to deal with it better but good christ#and yeah just had to tell this to someone because i have the patience of a saint and its not being recognised#like even my cousin is always like you know how ur mom is cuz being lectured 24/7 is exhausting#and fr everytime i talk to her i have to be like “ok. now remind her subtly that you are a human being”#lmaoo#readme.txt
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ev3rythingbootifvl · 3 months
She can only understand so much
She can only be here for this much
We can’t all be too good and too perfect
Learning to accept the painful parts but never forget the good chapters
The most overwhelmingly sad thing im going to have to accept in life is that i cannot expect my favorite people to be perfect all the time. Theyre eventually going to fuck up, i will eventually get my feelings hurt, and who i think of them as, in my head is different than how they think of themselves as well as how they think of me.
Ill have to accept that maybe i love them more, thats okay even though i dont think so right now. But the real goal is to…. Be at peace with reality, be adaptable to changes, never expect too much from someone especially being careful with the labels we give them to define the relationships we have with them and our dynamics.
So goodbye to the version of my people i have always known and hello to the version they are showing me.
Goodbye to the version of myself that always wants to see the best in people and ignored the worst parts until she couldnt anymore.
Goodbye to addressing issues months and years later and not in the moment
Goodbye to suppressing my emotions in the moment.
Goodbye to not forgiving myself for not knowing or having the tools to guide myself with unconditional love, protection, patience, mercy and peace.
Goodbye to people not treating me how i know i should be treated.
Goodbye to not trusting myself to stand tall and speak clearly with conviction.
Goodbye to not calling out haters who are slick and not confronting then or putting them in their place with love.
Goodbye to everyone whos time is overdue in my life.
Everyone is just a person. They are all just people, and the attachment to them is only fleeting. Enjoy people for the moment, the chapter, the season they are here for. Detach from your expectations of them and let them be who they want to be. Thats a perspective from reality. That people are here for seasons and to teach us lessons. But it doesnt invalidate the love, happiness, and heart felt moments youve experienced. Its just the way life is. Now its time to focus on your new chapter. So never invalidate your feelings, allow them to flow, but also be willing to see different perspectives, points of views, and most of all reality.
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archvillain · 3 months
and what's truly fucking awful is that tales of the borderlands had a really fucking good ending. it had an amazing ending with a big fat open-to-sequels teaser that makes you go WHERE IS TALES 2!!! and then they pull some wacky ass bullshit like this because they can't keep their offices open, they can't keep their writers employed, and they can't! stop! printing! mids!
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elderberry phantom
you are a good person and a good friend
that's all I need to know to love you
where you put me in your life doesn't really matter
as long as I get to be there and we get to talk
no matter what we name it beyond a point
it always remains a love between two people
just a different vessel to contain it
life is more sorrowful without you
but also I have to trust you to know
you own feelings because I can't know them
usually I can guess them pretty well
but I didn't pick up those skills in places
where I felt safe and deserving
if I must go I will go
your silence was an answer
I listened and faded away
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mechawolfie · 1 year
im like in a bad mood today. i mean I'm often in a bad mood but this one I'm like can everyone just leave me alone. only interact w me if ur going to bash me over the head w a hammer. otherwise? we have no business together
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