#mental health mod
aurora--sky · 1 year
Mental Health | Polskie tłumaczenie
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Tłumaczenie moda Mental Health.
Ten mod dodaje do gry system zdrowia psychicznego, psychoterapię, terapię farmakologiczną i możliwość uzyskania diagnozy.
Istnieje 11 możliwych zaburzeń, które można zdiagnozować u Twojego Sima:
choroba afektywna dwubiegunowa
depresja kliniczna
osobowość zależna
zaburzenia odżywiania
dysforia płciowa
zaburzenie narcystyczne
schizoidalne zaburzenie osobowości
I 2 nie chroniczne choroby:
ogólna depresja
Tłumaczenie trzeba włożyć do folderu z modem
Bez moda tłumaczenie nie zadziała
Mod wymaga XML Injector i Ability to Read
Część moda o dysforii płciowej wymaga Hormone Replacement Therapy
SFS lub CF | 8.10.23
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fatphobiabusters · 9 months
As unhealthy as you perceive any food to be, it is much more unhealthy to be scared of the act of eating.
-Mod Worthy
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mroddmod · 21 days
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bro u gotta stop fuckin looking at me like that
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didtipsandhelp · 10 months
When you're dissociating and someone asks you if you're okay
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You're allowed to be proud of yourself
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Being fat, actually fat, with an eating disorder is fucking hell.
People assume you have BED, and if you actually do have BED people are so gross about it. If you have a restricting disorder people get concerned when you start eating more. People get concerned if you start to like yourself. People love to see you fucking miserable, and will completely ignore your misery in the same breath. It makes them feel good. They benefit at your expense through weight stigma.
So many physicians prescribe disordered eating to us. ED specialists in many places won’t even consider how EDs affect us. Our own community uses our bodies as inspiration to hurt themselves. Because nothing could be worse than looking like us, right? How are you supposed to love yourself when so many people actively don’t want you to?
To the fat person reading who needs to hear this, I give a shit if you recover. I give a shit that you are hurting. So many people don’t notice, so many don’t give a fuck, but I do. You deserve better. I want you to eat even if it means you gain weight. I want you to be happy in your body as it is. I want you to feel loved, I want you to feel seen.
If you are fat with BED, I see you. There is so much stigma and it is not your fault. Your weight isn’t “your fault”, you are sick. It’s not a moral failing. You deserve compassion, and the extent to which people project their own issues onto you is awful. You deserve to be comfortable in your skin, and your body is wonderful.
If you are fat with purging tendencies, or with restricting ones I see you too. We get praised for hurting ourselves, or no one notices. I see you. I’m sorry.
I wish so badly the world were more compassionate to you, but if no one else gives a shit, I do. Fight for recovery for me, even though I know that journey can be so, so lonely when you aren’t thin.
To those of you who have recovered, to those of you that may. You are worth it. You may be fat for the rest of your life, and that’s okay. It’s wonderful, your body is wonderful, and I see you and I’m proud of you. Sadly I know many of us recover alone, but I hope you know you aren’t. I’m rooting for you.
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modmad · 6 months
Hey Mod, I don't know what's going on that hurt you, I feel like I missed something that's happened, but I can tell from what I did see that it didn't just hurt you, but scared you and made you feel a Lot of doubt. I've also seen a lot of messages pouring in with support, and I want to share mine.
I have hypermobile type EDS, fibromyalgia, and a whole bucket's worth of faulty wiring in my brain. And I've always had stories to tell but I never felt I was good enough to share them. If it's because I can't focus enough to get through nanowrimo, or because I can't manage the focus and time towards drawing as a hobby, or the fact that an excessive amount of either for me leads to my hands wanting to shut down. But you? You *inspire* me. Your stories, all the ones I've seen, read, experienced in some way or another, they're so good. And you're open and honest with your fans about your own health, and of course, we support you and always would rather you rest and feel as best you can, instead of pushing out something and working yourself too hard. But all of this is to say that. I think I would have given up on my own stories if I hadn't found you and yours.
I hope whatever is going on sorts itself out, I hope you're able to keep telling your stories. At your own pace, in your own way. I think you deserve to be happy. If there's anything we (your fans, especially those of us too awkward to come off anon, whoops,) can do, to help in some way? Even if it's silly videos or cute cat pictures or whatever it is that could just help you smile. We're here. We love you.
woof. I woke up to so many messages I can't even read them all in one go I'm getting too emotional- I do feel I owe an explanation so I'll explain what happened under the cut but all you guys need to know is I'm okay, I got through it, I love you, and you're so important to me and I'm so grateful for all the messages that have asked me to stay.
tw for suicidal thoughts and all that
yeah so I have the bad morning of all mornings: was introduced to the fact there's this one character (Mr Puzzles) on a very popular youtube that. resembles RGB. incredibly strongly. like. I don't want to link to it just look if you want to. Anyway at the time I thought it had just dropped (seems to have been around for 6 months actually), and having commented on it I immediately got an inbox full of hate mail.
My website, meanwhile, had locked both me and my web designer out of it, and- already in a bad state of mind- I went into full on panic/paranoid spiral of 'they have hacked it, and they are going to delete any proof that I was here before them.' This of course wasn't true, and we have since recalimed control of the site (don't know what happened there but hey. it's fine???? haha. ha.)
On top of this my father has terminal cancer of the pancreas, which is horrible for everyone already but it means that- at some point this year- I am going to be the only person with an active income in my house. I am disabled, do not make a lot of money, and the cost of living is skyrocketing. Combine that with months of Despair at the world right now, with the multiple wars, genocide, corruption and AI and the loss of control any of us have over our IP or lives and I just decided it was time to end it all.
I somehow remembered this was a bad idea to act on immediately (hard during a period of entirely irrational thought) and instead went for a very long walk, crossed the bridge I could have jumped off and during that I came out of the worst of it. I then came back home to so much love online I felt deeply ashamed for ever contemplating it, and I cried a lot. My nose is still puffy and now my feet hurt! lmao
Anyway. Yeah. There's your context. I am not going to stop hoping, making, or living. I am prone to moments of weakness and this was one of the worst of them and I am still here, thanks in a large part to all of you. I might need you in the future to defend me against this, or people who take our ideas, but I hope you know that I will do the same for you. We need each other, and to be there for you I need to be here at all.
also fuck Mr Puzzles
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support-ponies · 1 month
May I request Celestia saying some comforting words about dealing with PTSD and emotional triggers?
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Experiencing PTSD and emotional triggers is a natural response to difficult or traumatic experiences. It’s important to understand that these feelings are a part of the healing process, and you should be kind and patient with yourself as you work through them. It's okay to take your time and seek support when you need it. 💕✨
~ Mod Faeling
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love-triangles-au · 1 month
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Exploring the idea of Euclideans going through moults. I think I kind of love it. I imagine it's utterly humiliating for a proud guy like Bill to be looking so ridiculous (and with his shape so uneven!!) so extra angst potential too
But, y'know, had to add his boyfriend being endeared by his ugly-cuteness and squish. I always love petting my snake after she sheds, her colors get so vibrant too :]c
He looks so disgusting and naked I almost feel like I should be tagging it as nudity he's so gross. If I saw that damn thing in my living room I'd stomp on it until it was a small brown stain
~ Mod Emily 🦇
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aziraphales-library · 18 days
Hi team! I was wondering if you might have some recommendations for Aziraphale-centric fics? Not really looking for whump, or fics where his feelings for Crowley are his sole focus (though I'd still enjoy it if were a significant part of the story), but moreso fics that look at Aziraphale holistically. First fic that comes to mind as an example is "Angel-Centered Therapy Through A Multicultural Lens: An Integrative Approach" by Nnm. Thanks!
Hello! Here are some Aziraphale-centric fics for you...
Could you breathe with me? by Euny_Sloane (T)
Aziraphale goes to counseling/therapy with an unnamed therapist and spends some time exploring his feelings related to love, loss, and family. Note that this is an imagined counseling session, and so may bring up uncomfortable feelings, regardless of how many tags I place, especially if you have the unfortunately common experience of feeling unloved by your family, or unworthy of love. Nothing graphic happens except a reference to Pompeii, though.
In a Perfect World, I would Hold your Hand and Kiss your Cheek by boredom (T)
A chance encounter with a young man leads Aziraphale on the path of healing and discovery. Maybe now he can finally admit to what he wants, without guilt and without fear. Maybe now he and Crowley can finally move forward, together.
Human Labels, and Angelic Discovery by Hemlock_Holmes (G)
Aziraphale discovers autism, and goes on a one-angel mission to learn everything he can about it. This is a purely self-indulgent fic about discovering yourself after many years, because I am so tired of reading books (not fanfic!) where the word autism is skirted around and treated like taboo, even when everyone knows that's what the author means. Just say it people! Also because nothing gives me greater joy than watching Aziraphale stim.
something wretched about this by IvyOnTheHolodeck (T)
You might wonder why Aziraphale can't seem to enjoy his retirement in peace. You could ascribe his distress to the series of terrifying thoughts that haunt his days, or the only book he wishes he'd never read, or even the wound that still hurts after six thousand years. Really, though, you should blame the fact he's never learned to talk about his feelings.
The Other Arrangement: or, How the Angel Got so Hungry by burnttongueontea (T)
‘It’s just… funny. Don’t you think it would be funny, if it turned out we’d had it the wrong way round all these years? If I ate all the time, and you hardly ever?’ Crowley discovers that Aziraphale has been strictly and obsessively limiting his food intake for millennia, due to fear of punishment from Heaven if he gets caught eating too regularly. The angel’s confident facade comes apart at the seams after they move to the South Downs, as he struggles to cope with new-found freedom while still keeping his past a secret. With the future of their relationship soon hanging in the balance, Crowley must find a way to convince Aziraphale that he is a safe pair of hands to collapse into – and that they can rebuild things from the ground up.
My Favorite Ghost by cassieoh_draws, DiminishingReturns (T)
Decades after the world didn’t end, Heaven and Hell got their war — and nearly destroyed everything in the process. When Aziraphale finally manages to reacquire a corporation and return to Earth, he discovers he was gone longer than he thought and the planet has become unrecognizable. As he searches for Crowley and tries to figure out how he fits in a world that Heaven, Hell, and God have all wiped their hands of, nature works around him to reclaim the bones of an old civilization as the scraps of humanity build a new one. A lush and optimistic post-apocalypse story, told from the POV of an immortal who can't let go of the past.
And the one you mentioned...
Angel-Centered Therapy Through A Multicultural Lens: An Integrative Approach by Nnm (G)
“I’d love to meet with you,” Davey said, apologetically, when he had been called up by a fellow looking to initiate therapy, “but I’m all booked up for months.” “Are you sure?” The fellow said, through a poor connection that crackled. Davey had been sure. And yet. Right there in his calendar was a blank spot, just a few days away, which he had somehow completely overlooked before. “How about that…I’ve got Wednesday at eleven, if you can make that work.” “What a miracle,” the fellow said, “that would be just the perfect time.”
- Mod D
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ask-shane · 15 days
i’m back, unfortunately.
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aurora--sky · 1 year
Czy przetłumaczysz moda mental health?
Chodzi ci o tego moda? Mogę przetłumaczyć, ale proszę potwierdź, czy to ten 🍂
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fictionkinfessions · 25 days
Okay Google, how do you know if you're taking the bit of acting like a character too far? Okay Google, how normal is it to want to be called a fictional character's name so nbadly that you feel terribly anxious about getting called something else? Okay Google, how normal is it to get stressed that you don't look like your comfort character? Okay Google, how much can you "not feel like yourself" before it's Mental Illness? Okay Google,
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nayypretty · 2 months
princess treatment
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tiktok: nayygirl1
instragram: nayybienestar
youtube: nayybienestar
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didtipsandhelp · 11 months
The rest of the system: who is this new alter?
That one alter that knows everything about the system:
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Struggling with self-compassion?
Recommended Reading:
Bluth, K. (2017). The Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness and Compassion Skills to Overcome Self-Criticism and Embrace Who You Are. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Brach, T. (2003) Radical Acceptance: Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha. New York: Bantam.
Brach, T. (2020). Radical Compassion. NY: Penguin.
Brown, B. (2010). The Gifts of Imperfection. Center City, MN: Hazelden.
Desmond, T. (2015). Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy: Mindfulness-Based Practices for Healing and Transformation. Norton.
Germer, C. K. (2009). The mindful path to self-compassion: Freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions. New York: Guilford Press.
Germer, C. K. & Neff, K. D. (2019). Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion program: A guide for professionals.  New York: Guilford Press.
Gilbert, P. (2009). The compassionate mind. London: Constable.
Hickman, S. (2021).  Self-Compassion for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
Neff, K. D. & Germer, C. K (2018). The Mindful Self-Compassion workbook: A proven way to accept yourself, find inner strength, and thrive.  New York: Guilford Press.
Neff, K. D. (2021). Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive. New York:  Harper Wave.
Neff, K. D. (2011).  Self-Compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself.  New York:  William Morrow.
Pollak, S. (2019). Self-Compassion for Parents: Nurture your child by caring for yourself. New York: Guildford Press.
Shapiro, S. (2020).  Good Morning I Love You.  Boulder, Sounds True.
Silberstein-Tirch, L. (2019) How to Be Nice to Yourself: The Everyday Guide to Self Compassion. San Antonio, TX: Althea Press
Beltzner, E. (2019).  How to tame the tumbles:  The mindful and compassionate way.  Ontario: Mosaic Press.
Garcia, G. (2017). Listening with My Heart: A story of kindness and self-compassion. Gabi Garcia Books.
Marlowe, S. (2016). My new best friend. Summerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
O’Leary, W.  (2023).  It’s OK: Being kind to yourself when things feel hard.  Bala Kids.
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