#mind control mention tw
ghosts-and-glory · 5 months
I desperately wanna know what it was like for each of the bishops to gain their crowns. Like they were all children, Shamura was the first. They were alone for a long time until Kallamar came along.
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I feel like every time I answer an ask I just leave y’all with more questions. But Shamura, dispute being the first of the bishops, was not alone. They are about 12 here.
I have a headcannon that a lot of Shamura’s game dialogue are phrases that they have said or heard before their injury. Left over fragments from their past that they can’t quite remember yet are still haunted by.
Don’t ask me what happened with the visual style here, it’s out of my control. This is barely even cult of the lamb anymore, I’ve gone rouge.
Comic about Narinder getting his crown here.
Also extra unused panel of Shamura.
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feyre: heavily implies that rhysand was raping her
tamlin and lucien who watched her be objectified, humiliated, degraded, tortured, coerced, and sexually assaulted by rhysand for three months, not to mention he has killed thousands of innocents and his public seat of power is called the court of nightmares: believes her
feyre: ugh wow i can’t believe they would think such a thing about my totally wonderful mate who has never done anything wrong in his entire life. i’m gonna destroy their home
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phoebepheebsphibs · 30 days
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 44: Death of a Mutant
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Leo takes his three brothers down the hall to a more spacious area -- a mostly empty room filled with a few storage boxes and cabinets. Leo keeps them in the hall while he quickly surveys, making sure that there is no one nearby. They've had enough surprise attacks for today...
He gives the room a once-over before ushering them in.
"Here's as good as any," Leo breathes, his hands jittering ever so slightly as he grips his swords. "Let's get out of here."
"The sooner the better, if you ask me," Donnie grunts, still scratching at the tender sore on his arm.
"Are we sure that April and the gang will be okay?" Raph asks nervously, his hands wringing. "I don't feel good just leavin' em here."
"They'll be fine," Donnie reiterates flatly. "They have a government agent watching them and a robot to help. Plus, Cass is crazy, she won't let anything happen to them."
"But what if they find something crazier than Cass?"
"What on earth could be crazier than Cass?" Donnie scoffs.
Mikey giggles at the statement. Donnie smiles in response, though he's not completely sure why. He wasn't trying to make a joke.
"...However, if it makes you feel any better, I will call them and double-check to make sure that they are alright before we leave," Donatello offers.
Raph nods with a grunt, and Donnie quickly whips out his phone.
As Donnie speed-dials April, Leo goes to Mikey.
"You okay?" he whispers. "It's been a long day... are you holding up alright?"
"I think so," Mikey sighs. "Just... ready for everything to be over, I guess. I mean, it will be over today, right? Everything? All of it?"
"Maybe," Leo answers honestly. "I mean, I hope so. Once we get back, I doubt the TCRI will try to relocate you because of a definite lack of Chaplin. And with Fugitoid and Bishop working on their case against both the Earth Protection Force and the Techno Cosmo Whatever-It-Is, I'm sure that the whole organization will be dead and gone within the month."
Mikey gives a deep sigh of relief as he leans against Leo's arm.
"...But that doesn't mean that everything is over..." Leo mumbles.
Mikey looks up at him curiously.
"Whaddya mean?"
Leo reaches into his fanny pack and produces Mikey's cure.
"Do you know what you want to do with this?"
Mikey stares at it nervously.
"I...I thought I did," he mumbles. "Now I'm not so sure."
"That's okay," Leo nods, handing the syringe to him. "You don't have to know immediately. You don't even have to know by the end of the month, or the end of the year. Think about it for as long as you need, bro."
Mikey cradles the retro-mutagen gently.
"...I thought that if I had this, then it would be easy to take it," Mikey whispers. "I thought it was what you all wanted. But now..."
"It's totally your call, dude," Leo assures him. "We won't force you or make you feel like one option is better than the other. You're you, with or without your tail and super cool animal traits."
Leo ruffles the nonexistent hair on Mikey's head to make sure he knows that everything is okay. Mikey chuckles softly as he hides the syringe in a fold within his broken shell for safekeeping...
"Update, April has been notified of our departure," Donnie announces. "And everything is fine. She said that they not only found Cassandra, but also somebody called Dr. Finn."
"Finn?" Leo repeats. "That's the woman who shot the Professor!"
"She's a head scientist here," Mikey fills in. "She was mostly in charge of my surgeries and studies."
"I'm sure she'll be of great use to the Professor and Bishop," Donnie nods. "Now, let's get out of here."
"Alrighty, mi hermanos!" Leo says, huffing with effort as he pushes against his knees to stand. "¡Salgamos de aquí! Lo antes posible, ¡gracias!"
Leo swings the katanas and a shaky portal opens up. The bright flash of blue temporarily blinds them. Mikey squeezes his eyes shut and grumbles. His head is starting to hurt again... Must be the flashing light...
"Okay, this should take us to the lair..." Leo says, gesturing to the break.
"Should?" Raph questions. "You're not sure?"
"Hey, it's hard to focus on making a portal when you feel like you're about to fall over, dude," Leo mumbles exhaustedly.
Mikey's head continues to throb. He tries looking away from the portal. It never hurt like this before when Leo made a portal...
"Why the lair and not the Yokai resort where Dad and Draxum are?" Donnie questions.
Leo gives an exaggerated groan and rolls his eyes. Mikey grumbles a bit as well, stepping away from the portal and clutching his head tightly.
"It's my default safe location!" the irritated slider argues. "I always go there in an emergency! Besides, I don't exactly know exactly where we are right now, so..."
"We're on Staten Island!"
"Can we just hurry up and go through?" Raph interrupts, glancing back at the youngest sibling. "I don't think Mikey's doing so well..."
The three turn to see Mikey, still gripping his head tightly as they argue.
"...Michael?" Donnie asks, taking a cautious step. "What's wrong?"
Mikey groans in pain, barely managing to look up at his brother.
"I... I-I d-don't know.... m'head hurtss...."
He grunts and groans and growls, pressing his knuckles against his temples and squeezing his skull as the headache persists and grows.
Why does it hurt so much? Why is there a ringing in his ears that whirls around his brain? Why is the noise getting louder and louder??
Donnie takes a step closer to him, reaching out to touch his shoulder.
"Mikey, what's wrong--"
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Mikey screams, falling to his knees.
The portal fizzles to a close as the three run to his side.
"Mikey, what's happening?!" Leo shouts, terrified. "Just tell us what--"
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Mikey's screams turn up an octave as they transform to agonized sobs. He clutches his head so tightly, his knuckles turn white and the skin underneath his hands starts to bruise from the force.
"MIKEY!" Raph shouts, louder than his baby brother's cries. "Mikey, just tell us! What's wrong?! What's going on?!"
"H-he's --" Mikey gasps, writhing on the floor. "He's in my head!"
"Who?" Leo begs.
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"DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!!" Mikey shrieks, sobbing loudly.
"Make you do what?" Leo asks, holding Mikey still. "Mikey, what is happening?!"
Mikey's face becomes a scowling snarl as he takes Leo's hands off of him and pushes him away, practically throwing him across the room.
"Mikey?!" Raph gasps, turning to look at him.
Mikey's eyes continually dilate, the pupils going from round and terrified to thin and cutting in an instant before growing wide in shock and confusion again. His facial muscles spasm, unsure which expression to hold -- hate or horror.
"I-I'm sorry!" Mikey begs, scooting away in fear. "I-I don't--"
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Mikey screams again, skittering as far as he can before his back slams into the wall behind him. He sobs loudly, his head ringing.
Raph and Donnie jolt at hearing that.
Leo runs back in and slides right up to Mikey, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Mikey --" he says calmly, "-- you won't kill us. I know you won't."
"He's in my head!!" Mikey sobs, body jerking and jittering as he fights himself.
Leo takes in a deep breath and places a hand on Mikey's forehead.
His eyes glow white as he mind-melds with his baby brother...
Leonardo is almost psychically thrown back as his thoughts are blasted with death threats at full volume, orders flooding for Mikey to follow. The voice is garbled, indiscernible, yet part of it is strangely familiar.
Leo is certain he's heard these voices before...
'Wretched little pest...'
Leo steadies himself and grips Mikey by the shoulders.
"Mikey, you have to listen to me! I know you don't want to kill us, I know it's hard to fight these thoughts, but you have to!"
Mikey shrieks a shrill cry of pain as he stares at Leo blankly.
"I-I... I c-can't -- h-he's too strong, he's too loud!!"
"Who is?" Donnie begs? "Who is doing this to you?!"
The door creaks open slowly.
All eyes turn to see...
A monster.
Large and grotesque, a mangle of strawberry flesh and amalgamation of limbs, eyes, teeth, claws, tentacles, and thorny barbs. It lumbers slowly into the room, its eyes trained on the four boys.
"THERE YOU ARE..." he growls.
Half of the face is exposed, the skin of the wretch underneath and the tuft of hair frayed outward reveal the monster's identity.
"...Chaplin?" Leo says, his voice barely a breath. "It... n-no, you... I thought you were dead--"
The creature growls at him, snarling fangs bared.
"KILL THEM, MIKEY," he orders. "KILL THEM."
Raph stands up and guards Donnie instinctively. He reaches for Leo and Mikey as well.
"Don't listen to him," Raph states sternly, staring daggers at Chaplin. "He can't control you anymore, okay?"
Mikey can't answer. He grips his head so staunchly, he leaves bloody scratches where his fingers were. He presses his face against his knees, desperately hoping that the added pressure and self-made enclosure will help him ward off the demands and keep him protected like a fortress.
Mikey sobs loudly as he realizes it's not working.
"I WANT YOU TO KILL THEM, MIKEY," Chaplin repeats, becoming impatient. "DO IT. NOW."
Mikey's head lifts up softly, a blank expression on his face. His breath comes in shuddering gasps, his face drenched in sloppy tears. His eyes zero in on his brothers. He slowly stands up.
"...Mikey, no," Leo begs, standing along with him, holding his arms out to guard his brothers. "Mikey, please."
Mikey doesn't say anything. He just watches them.
"Mikey," Leo begs, eyes glazing over with tears. "Don't... I know you, you don't want this. I promised that... that nothing would change how much I love you. No matter what you do. But I know you can fight this, I know you can. I have so much faith in you, dude. I know you can do this."
Mikey's brow furrows. The corners of his mouth turn downwards.
"I know you can do it..."
Leo cautiously steps forwards and wraps his arms around Mikey in a hug. He squeezes him close to his chest, as tight as he can.
The markings on his arms, legs, face, and shell begin to light up.
Mikey blinks softly.
He raises one hand up to touch him.
Mikey doesn't move.
Raphael and Donatello walk over and join the hug.
Their markings begin to glow as well.
Mikey leans into their embrace, burying his face in Leo's shoulders.
His body begins to shimmer.
The monster snarls and hisses with fury.
Chaplin pounces.
A golden mystic chain tears through the air and crashes into him, completely severing at least three krang arms from his body in the process.
Chaplin roars an ungodly sound at them, and charges again.
Mikey bursts from his brothers' hold and soars at the monster, chains in hand and eyes the colour of a thousand suns.
It's as if a nuclear explosion goes off in the room, knocking Leo, Raph, and Donnie into the wall as Mikey and Chaplin battle it out.
Raphael creates a giant hologram over himself and shields his two brothers, watching over his shoulder as Michelangelo goes absolutely ape and obliterates the monster one blow at a time.
Mikey severs arm after arm after arm after tentacle after giant jaw that attempts to literally bite his head off.
Chaplin knocks Mikey back just enough to get the upper hand and pounces atop him, threatening to rip him apart. His claws shred at Mikey's chest, gashing his shoulders, and even causing several more deep potential future scars on his face as he does what he can to damage his ex-perfect-living-weapon.
Mikey kicks the monster off his chest, sending him flying into the room above them. Mikey gets an idea and flies after him, grabbing the fleshy beast where he can and soars upwards, crashing him through floor after floor after floor until they disappear from sight.
"...Uh... so yeah, we should go after them?" Leo asks.
One mystic portal later, the three remaining brothers find themselves on the rooftop, where Mikey and Chaplin are in the heat of the duel, away from causing more structural damage. Mikey is swinging mystic chain after mystic chain at Chaplin, cutting him down to a more manageable size as he removes the krang parasites from him one by one.
Leo drops to his knees, worn out from the portal. Donnie catches him before noticing that the krang parasites are still alive, and crawling around in an attempt to reunite with each other.
"Raphala," Donnie seethes. "Hold this for me, will you?"
Raph takes their leader into his arms as Donnie activates his ninpo and transforms his staff into a variation of the bug-slapper he'd once made for capturing Draxum's oozesquitos. Only this time, the device will capture a different kind of 'bug'...
Meanwhile, Mikey's fight is showing to be more difficult than he expected.
Chaplin dives at Mikey, talons elongated and ready to stab him straight through. Mikey manages to dodge the claws, but not the tentacles that follow. The slimy extremity coils around him and throws his across the rooftop. Another appendage creates projectile thorns, and as Mikey regains his bearings, the krang monster begins firing.
Left, right, left, right!
Mikey has to dance quite creatively to avoid the projectile barbs.
Mikey ignores him.
Mikey shoots his own projectile barbs and spines at Chaplin, making sure not to hit any vital organs, but only aiming at his feet and additional appendages.
One strikes right through and severes an arm from the body.
Chaplin howls profusely and retaliates, charging Mikey.
Donnie slides in behind the battle scene and scoops up the parasite, trying to keep them from getting out of hand. He doesn't notice that one -- which has managed to evade capture -- begins crawling up behind him.
"Dee, LOOK OUT!"
Donnie turns around just in time to see Raph's ninpo arm stretch out and slam down on the parasite, as though he were swatting a fly.
Donnie jumps away, pulling each limb he can as far from the squashed parasite as he can.
"Yikes! Thanks, Raph!"
"No 'probbles'," the eldest replies.
Leo slowly stands to his feet and wobbles over to Donnie.
"What can I do?" he asks. "How can I help?"
"I doubt you could keep up with Mikey and zombified Chaplin in your state," Donnie calculates. "But could you make a portal? Even just a small one?"
"We need the formula to eradicate these parasites as best we can."
"Got it," Leo nods, clutching his swords and creating a meager fist-sized portal. He sticks his hand through and pulls out three vials of glowing blue liquid.
"Perfect," Donnie sighs, pouring the formula into his ninpo weaponry filter. "Time for some extermination..."
As Donnie begins his obliteration spree, Leo glances back at Mikey, who is starting to slow down. Chaplin on the other hand, refuses to give up, his parasites forcing his body to move even through the injuries and exhaustion.
Mikey dodges the projectile barbs that Chaplin fires at him for the most part. One snags him in the side and creates a gashing mark. Mikey takes a quick knee, clutching his side. Chaplin seizes his oppurtunity.
Mikey stares up just in time to see Leo's sword get thrown between them, and suddenly Leo himself phases in its place. He kicks Chaplin square in the jaw before slicing his katanas at him, the blows deflected by the thorny spikes the creature wears.
Raph joins in as well, slamming his fists against the monster as it tries to run Leo through with his barbs. The duo continue to fight against it, Mikey joining a moment later despite his injury.
Krangified Chaplin throws a pretty powerful punch at Raph, sending him reeling and clutching his face tightly. Mikey pounces on his back and starts tearing the krang parasites off of him with his bare teeth. The creatures shriek and howl, and Chaplin roars at him as well.
He reaches back, grabbing in fury. He grips Mikey's shell with desperation and throws him across the rooftop. As Mikey reels head over heels, he throws a series of mystic chains at the monster, which wrap over his body and pull him along.
The two whirl around each other, pulling and spinning as they fight to knock each other off the roof in a ridiculous version of ring-around-the-rosie. They soon lose understanding of where they are --
"Mikey, the ledge! Watch out--!!"
Mikey and Chaplin slip to the farthest edge of the building, Chaplin losing his footing first and dragging Mikey along with him.
Mikey's claws cling to the edge, van der Waals forces coming into effect and helping him stay connected to the building as best they can. Chaplin's krang limbs extend and reach out for the building as well.
The two are practically suspended in midair, hanging off the side of the building.
Raphael shouts to them, his ninpo arm reaching out and wrapping around Mikey's waist, trying to pull him back as Chaplin attempts to take Mikey down with him. Chaplin's eyes burn through Mikey's skull as Mikey holds on to the man's exposed shirt collar, gripping him tightly and carefully.
"I got you!" Raph shouts. "I-I got you!!"
"Pull him up!" Leo yells.
"I'm trying," Raph grunts, straining as he pulls and pulls with effort. "Chaplin's fightin' me! He's trying to pull Mikey down or somethin'!!"
Chaplin snarls loudly at Mikey as he attempt to absorb him into the krang parasites; the pink flesh begins to spread over Mikey's hand, still clutching Chaplin's neck. Mikey growls in protest, trying to wrench his hand free.
"Spray Chaplin with the toxins, Dee!" Leo shouts.
"I can't, I'd hit Mikey!!"
"Well somebody do something!"
Mikey suddenly gets an idea.
He reaches into the fold between his shell scutes...
"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A MONSTER," Chaplin hisses at him.
"Maybe," Mikey answers, taking the syringe of retro-mutagen from its hiding place. "But I'll never be a monster like you."
Mikey stabs through the putrid alien flesh and pierces Chaplin's neck, injecting the cure into his veins.
Almost instantaneously, the cure takes effect, destroying the krang fused to him.
The parasites shriek in agony as they shrivel up and burn away into nothingness. Chaplin shrieks in unison as his body goes through extreme detox.
He nearly slips from Mikey's grip, but the double-mutant keeps a firm hold on him.
Raphael pulls the two back, and Mikey sets the man down once they are secure.
"...W...w-why..." Chaplin gasps, choking softly as the last of the krang melts from his face. "Why would you....?"
"Because THAT'S who I am," Mikey states, enunciating every words as he speaks, to drive the fact home into Chaplin's thick skull. "Not a monster. Not an experiment. Not a weapon. I'm just... Mikey."
The double-mutant box turtle smiles at the man before turning away to go back to his brothers and portal home.
...It's just too bad Chaplin didn't like that answer...
The mad scientist growls, grabbing one of the discarded spines on the ground and lunges at mikey, swinging for his neck.
Mikey's hears him coming and immediately whirls around, foot extended on instinct to swipe at Chaplin's ankles.
Dr. Chaplin roars, and manages to pounce on Mikey before his tail knocks him back.
The man is thrown harder than he expected, and cries in shock as he stumbles over the side of the building, before screaming as he falls to his true and final death...
Mikey gasps, hyperventilating as he realizes... he just... did that just happen?
It... it's over?
It's over. Ha.
Hah... He... he won...
He won, he really won!
Haha! He did it, he really --
A week of torment, so many days of recovery, and a full 24 hours of trauma later, Mikey has finally won!
He turns around to face the cheers of his brothers at the final and very real defeat of Dr. Chaplin.
Mikey smiles brightly.
His neck twinges.
He... h-he won, M-M-Mikey.....
Something hot flows down onto his shoulder.
His brothers' cheers fall quiet. Their expressions shift to that of horror and fear.
Mikey won... right?
The pain in his neck worsens. He looks down, and sees a trail of red...
Mikey lifts up a claw and feels at his throat. Why is it getting hard to breathe?
His hand brushes against something thick, long, and rough embedded in the skin. One of the krang spines. The one Chaplin grabbed, the one he... h-hhhe......
...The trail of redd becomes a stream down his neck and chest...
Why..... is the world... ssssspinninggggg.......
One of his brothers shouts out his name.
He looks out to them.
He smiles at them.
"Mikey.... do... good?"
Mikey manages to take one step before he feels his weight overwhelm his center of gravity and tip him over, eyes rolling in the back of his head as everything goes dark. The last thing he registers is Leo running to him, just barely catching him before he can hit the ground.
Mikey doesn't hear their sobs.
He doesn't hear their pleas.
He doesn't feel their warm embrace as they beg him not to do this, stay with them, stay alive, stay, stay, stay...
Mikey feels nothing anymore. It's just...
But there's a light up ahead. One that is blue, and red, and purple...
...and orange.
He'll see them again. One day...
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 9 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,207 Word Count
Summary: Stitchwraith has a way of breaking his new soon-to-be allies. Blood Moon gets the unfortunate result of being the main victim.
Warnings: Injury, Mild Gore, Torture, Controlled Shocks, Mind Control, Separation, Asphyxiation, Near Death Experiences, Cannibalism, Blood, Blood Loss, Angst, let me know if I should add anything else.
Ghost Of You: Chapter 1
“Get in!” The tangle of wires and metal somehow had beaten them. Dragged to the ground with blows and damage inflicted to their newly fixed body. A few error messages flashed in their eyes of the damage.
It was mainly cracks and holes etched into their outer shell but one blow had severed the inner endo of their right arm from its circuit, warping the metal that now poked out of their shoulder in a twisted spike of metal through their shoulder. The other major injury was their left foot that had been crushed under the Stitchwraith’s foot.
“No.” They spat at him.
“You’re going to be difficult?” The being growled, yanking them up by their thin neck.
“Of course!” They laughed at the prospect. They didn’t fear him, they didn’t fear death even.
“Then I will put you in.” The Stitchwraith picked them up by their neck frame and shoved them into the tube, a sort of machine, the twins didn’t exactly know what it did but the way they floated in the tube brought to mind a test tube. “And you two will know how it feels to truly lose.”
The machine stuck out a mechanical arm and put something on the back base of their head, under where their hood usually hit but it had fallen down in the fight. Blood Moon’s vision gained a black aura, like the room was closing in.
Something felt painful enough to scream but Blood Moon wasn’t sure if he was actually screaming or not. He heard someone screaming but he wasn’t sure it was him or his twin. Could it be them? It might be with how painful whatever Stitchwraith was doing was.
“See? This isn’t all of it.” Stitchwraith growled at them, almost tormenting them. What even was ‘this’? What had he done? Their body felt weird and different! Was he fixing them? He couldn’t be, it was too painful to be ‘fixing’.
Suddenly a splitting migraine began and both twins screamed, their screaming bouncing off each other’s voice, frying their voice box since both of them didn’t use it at the same time ever, they’d been careful of that because it could overload. But the pain caused them to break it.
High whirs, loud rattles, and deep glitching noises let out of their damaged voice box as the migraine continued to grow and suddenly Blood Moon couldn’t feel his twin, he could hear his twin screaming but he couldn’t feel him there. He took rattling breaths as the migraine settled and looked up at the damned Stitchwraith.
“What? Scared?” The thing chuckled.
“Why the fuck would I be afraid of you?” Blood Moon spat at him.
“Because I own you two now. You’re mine. My personal little slaves.” Stitchwraith chuckled at them.
“Like hell we are!” Blood Moon screamed back.
“It seems this one needs some reformatting. Hold still.”
“Huh?” Blood Moon looked up as Stitchwraith hit a button and Blood Moon felt agony through his endo, like volts running through his body but it wasn’t normal controlled shocks, it felt…different. His body felt different. It felt weird.
Once the jolts ended, Blood Moon looked down at his body and screeched at the flesh he could see, covering his arms feeling the skin on his arms and stomach. He was fleshy! He was human!? Why could he feel hair falling into his eyes!?
“The other one, don’t have too much fun.” The tanks suddenly released the both of them, Stitchwraith nowhere in sight, the devices on the back of their heads disappearing and Blood Moon fell over himself and knelt on the ground, huffing and confused. He looked up to see his twin standing before him, still a machine, still animatronic.
“Brother?” Blood Moon asked his twin’s attention but his twin didn’t respond, eyes blazing a glow of black unlike the usual white his twin’s eyes were in their mind. But his twin’s eyes glowed down at him.
“Target. Devour. Consume.” Harvest Moon spoke unlike himself, he sounded different, devoid of emotion. Blood Moon couldn’t move away faster than his twin reached down and grabbed him by the neck.
Blood Moon tried to yelp or scream, but Harvest Moon’s hand was tight on his neck, slamming him into a nearby wall and Blood Moon felt the air knocked from his lungs, struggling to get it back with the hold on his throat.
The feeling of the lack of air was dizzying and he felt his heart beating what felt like far too quickly. Harvest Moon was looming over him like some kind of demon, like he wasn’t himself anymore but a monster and Blood Moon was scared. He was actually afraid of his own twin.
Then Harvest Moon seemed to glitch a second, eyes flashing between white and black, hand releasing Blood Moon’s neck and dropping him to the floor gasping and choking on air, holding his achy throat.
But then Blood Moon have a scream as Harvest Moon sat on his stomach, the weight of it feeling painful on his insides. It felt like his twin weight thousands of pounds right now. Did he? Probably not, they weighed several hundred pounds of machinery but not thousands.
Black glowing eyes stared into his with a manic look, this was his twin, but warped and twisted, more dangerous to Blood Moon himself now, especially because Blood Moon was human now.
“W-What are you doing?” Blood Moon whispered.
“Consume.” Harvest Moon’s voice came out as some form of demon, mouth opening and Blood Moon gave a scream as he felt Harvest Moon’s teeth sink into his neck, hands gripping at his twin’s head and trying to pull it away to no avail, shivering as Harvest Moon sucked at and swallowed down the blood that was flowing from the bite.
“Please stop!” Blood Moon hiccuped.
“No.” Harvest Moon’s voice was dark and twisted, something about it was malicious unlike his twin brother was to him.
Harvest grabbed his hands and slammed them into the floor, making them ache and his wrists hurt at the hold. Blood Moon shivered at the feeling of being bled and fed from like they used to for their victims. He was getting lightheaded and dizzy, eyes glassing over and simply staring at his twin, breath shaky. He couldn’t fight back, he was trapped here and he couldn’t get away from his twin.
“Blood is sweeter than any. Keep you.” Harvest Moon growled, seeming to have some form of self-control as he drew back with blood on his face and Blood Moon shuddered shaking with blood loss. He felt cold, everything felt cold.
“Sleep.” Harvest Moon demanded, throwing a blanket haphazardly at Blood Moon. Blood Moon shivered under the blanket and held it close with his fingers as tightly as he could. Blood Moon could feel arms under him but he could barely move so he simply accepted it being moved.
He looked up to see Harvest Moon but his twin’s heaters were so warm, it felt so comforting when he was so cold and he couldn’t really struggle at the moment either way. So he let Harvest move him into a nearby half-broken bed and Blood Moon curled up and quickly fell asleep.
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writinggremlin · 4 months
Red Dead Redemption: Bound and/or gagged for the Coffee shop pals???
Helloooooo anon! Everybody give it up for the one who prompted this entire series!!! Wooooo!!!!!!
Sorry it took me so long to respond! If this is your first time hearing of this series, then you might want to check out the masterlist (linked above the CW) so that you may have all of the context.
I am answering this with part 3 because this is the main juice. This is the part that contains the main premise of this ask. Then part 4 will contain the execution, actually going through with the binding, gagging, and killing(¿).
I hope you enjoy!
(Disclaimer: There is a character mentioned in here (Damien), who is not one of my characters. He belongs to a friend of mine that I rp with. They don't have a Tumblr, but they go by ducks._.andcoffee on the platform I know them on. Their character is only used in a passing mention here, but I just thought I should give credit anyway lol.)
CW (above cut): (Hypothetical) Murder Mention
CW (under cut): More Murder Mentions, Suicide Mention, Self Harm Mention, Threats To Harm Others, Manipulation/Coercion, Torture Mention, Restraints, Knife, Implied Drugging Mention, Brainwashing/Mind Control
(If I missed anything, feel free to let me know!)
Bind... Gag... Kill? (Pt. 3)
The Choice
"WHAT?!" Kage snapped, temper boiling over.
"You just need to assign one per person," August calmly explained, "So, for example, let's say: bind Jacky, gag Sunni, and kill Mars!"
Mars objected, "HEY!! I get that I'm annoying sometimes but COME ON!!!"
August continued her explanation as if he didn't exist, "Whoever you choose to bind will be bound into a stress position, whoever you choose to gag will be made to wear that muzzle, and whoever you choose to kill will be, well, killed!"
Sunni objected too, "What the hell-- You can't just do that to us!!"
August smiled up at her, a look Jacky thought was too innocent for somebody so shamelessly unethical, "I can, and I will!" She turned back to Kage, gesturing to the three behind her, "So who will it be? Who will you choose to get what?"
Kage seemed to contemplate it, and for a moment, Jacky grew concerned.
"I choose to kill... myself."
"Hey now, you know that's not how--"
"Well FUCK that and FUCK you!! I am NOT gonna just-- choose one of them to die, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! What-- What happened to 'I'm not gonna hurt them', HUH?!"
Her smile seemed to stretch just a little too wide, "I'm not. I won't lay a single finger on any of them! Promise!"
It went silent for a few seconds, and Jacky almost felt like she was going to puke at the idea of what she was implying.
August stood there while he had his outburst, silently taking the screaming and the insults without taking even the slightest trace of offence. Or at least, that's what it looked like-- her demeanor and expression didn't change even the slightest bit. She merely just waited. Waited patiently for Kage to calm back down.
"Well..." She finally said, taking a step back. Then another, "You're either going to have to choose..." She turned and walked behind Jacky, whose heart started to beat frantically as August rested the knife she was holding right against her neck, "Or I'll have to choose for you."
Jacky raised her chin and tried to pull her neck away as much as the restraints would allow. She silently glared up at August, though no amount of that could hide the tremble in her body.
Sunni audibly thrashed against her restraints, "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE, BITCH!!!"
Mars' eyes widened, and he looked over to Kage, "You're not actually going to kill any of us... right?"
Kage immediately shook his head, "No!! Fuck no!!! And none of ya are gonna die here. Because if any of you do and Damien finds out, he'll--"
"Ooo!!~" The sudden sound of August's voice made Jacky flinch. A dangerous thing to do in this situation, "So these three are under his protection too, hmm? Now that's interesting... I never would've guessed!"
"All of my friends are under my fiancé's protection, dipshit."
"Hm... That does throw a wrench in my plans though..." Jacky breathed a sigh of relief as the knife was lowered away from her neck. August stepped out in front of her and folded the blade back up, "Hm. Well, ok. Maybe not kill, but what about harm? I'll even let you pick the method! Is that better?"
Jacky caught the sight of Kage glaring daggers at August once again, as she stepped down and returned by his side. He clenched his jaw, his hands clenched the armrests on the chair, knuckles growing white.
The silence stretched on for a few more seconds, before he finally took a breath, his head dropping in defeat, "...Fine."
August clapped a few times, grinning excitedly, "Yay! Alright, then you may start whenever you're ready! Oh, and feel free to take your time with it. It's not like anyone is going to be going anywhere anytime soon."
Mars rolled his eyes, "Gee, I wonder why that is!"
She laughed, turning to face him, "Y'know, I really like you! Mars, right?"
He froze in place, stiffening like a statue, "Wait, how did you know my--"
"I have my methods!"
"Like torturing our friend?"
"Well, others may call it "torture", but I call it interrogation. I would never wish to inflict any more pain than what is absolutely necessary! Just the pin prick of a needle is all it takes-- if even that!" She laughed, turning back to Kage, "Isn't that right?"
He grumbled, "Shut up."
She put her hands up, "Ok, alright Mr. Grumpy Pants, I will. Sorry! I did get a little off track for a second there, didn't I?" She laughed, then cleared her throat, "Anyway, it's time for you to finally answer my question..."
She gestured to the others, "Who do you choose?"
Jacky's breathing picked up it's pace, becoming quicker and sharper, as the air grew still and quiet. She watched Kage as he silently looked over the three of them, his eyes slowly scanning across them one by one, his solemn expression weighing heavily on his features.
It was something that he had to do; there wasn't really a better option. She knew that, and she knew that he knew that too. But still, some part of her was still daring to hope that he wouldn't actually--
Tipping his head back, Kage let out a frustrated groan, "Bind... Mars."
Jacky's eyes widened as she watched August take the rope she presented earlier, and bring it to the metal plate in front of Mars, who looked utterly stunned.
"You're still young," Kage explained, raising his head back up to look at the other, "Probably still got some flexibility in ya. With any luck, it won't do too much damage; hopefully won't take ya too long to recover. And 'ey," He showed a half-smile that Jacky assumed was meant to be reassuring, "At least you'll have your mouth free so you can sass back and use all the sarcasm you'd like. That's gotta be somethin', right?"
Mars only gave a half-hearted chuckle and somber nod in response.
Kage's gaze seemed to linger for a moment, before dropping down to his lap, "I'm sorry, man..." he muttered.
Jacky couldn't help the tears that started pricking her eyes as the reality of the situation sank in. He was actually going through with this. And Mars getting bound meant that it was either going to be her or Sunni getting the worst option. Secretly, she hoped that he would choose Sunni for the muzzle, sparing her from the harm. Jacky looked over to the right, and found that Sunni was looking back.
Please just let her be safe. Please.
She'd gladly take the beating if it meant Sunni's safety. She wondered if she might've been feeling the same way; thinking the same thing. Maybe. It's possible. ...She looked back to Kage.
He was smart, she knew he was. He was great at thinking on his feet and strategizing. He was also great at making judgements about others, observing them and evaluating their behavior; picking apart every last detail about them until he knew them. Jacky knew that she wouldn't take it personally if he chose to hurt her.
But... did he know that?
Kage finally looked back up at August, "Gag... Sunni."
Jacky met Kage's eyes as August went to go place the muzzle in front of Sunni. A somber smile couldn't help but to cross her lips. Of course he would.
August turned back to Kage, "And that means..."
And that means...
"Harm..." He hesitated, drawing in a slow breath, before looking August dead in the eye, "...myself. I'm not hurting any of them. Fuck no."
A quiet breath of laughter escaped Jacky as she smiled further. Of course he would.
August got a dangerous glint in her eye, "Is that so?" She slowly stalked over to Kage, who kept his gaze level with hers. He didn't shrink back as she got closer, firmly holding his ground, a flame of determination alight in his eyes.
His voice was low and steady, "You aren't gonna make me. You can't make me." Jacky had to admit, it was a little eerie to hear him speak like that.
"I can't make you, hm?~" August crouched down behind him, getting close to his ear. She sounded unbothered, a little smug, even, and she wore a smirk to match, "You wanna bet?"
She placed a hand on his shoulder. Jacky could've sworn that just for a moment, just for the smallest fraction of a second, she saw him start to smile. But when she blinked, his expression only held confusion.
"What the hell are y--"
His breath hitched.
Jacky's eyes widened, and she helplessly watched as the determination, the spite, and even his very will seemed to drain from his face. She watched as the tension melted out of his muscles; as his eyes fluttered shut, and his head dropped forward. It was only a matter of seconds before he was completely limp in his seat, only being help up by the hand on his shoulder.
August didn't even need to command him to wake, he just did so on his own. His head gradually rose, looking back up at-- no, through Jacky with glassy eyes and a blank expression. He looked empty... hollow...
A shiver ran down Jacky's spine.
August placed the knife from before into Kage's hand, "You've made your choice. Now follow through."
The restraints on his chair opened, and slowly, he stood.
Ahaha... Whoops!! There he goes! Whoopsies!!
Turns out that you can't beat August at her own game.
Tune in next time to witness the carnage.
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Taglist: @whumperofworlds, @3-2-whump (:000!! Lookit that! A second person on the taglist!! Hello!! Hi!!! Thanks for reading, you two! :D!!)
If anyone would like to be added or removed from the taglist, please feel free to let me know!
(Holy shit I hit the tag limit. Wow.)
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anti-endo-help · 1 month
tw for ramcoa? (specifically mind control?) mention and abuse
we were wondering if you could help us out here and I hope I’m just being paranoid and wrong
We’re a system and we just remembered recently something we went through and we aren’t sure if it’s just the usual gaslighting and manipulation or if it falls under mind control
just to sum it up, when were 5-6, there was someone who had convinced us that we were related and that their biological family was actually our biological family, and that our current family actually adopted us.
they continued to use this against us and reinforced it a lot. They would force us into bullying our only friend, taking the blame for everything they’ve done leading us to get in trouble, make us do other things we didn’t want, etc typically by using things such as “do [blank] to prove you really care about your real family” or “we’re real family, meaning you’d do anything for me” etc (not word for word obviously, but relatively what was said)
this is where the dissociation started for us and we became dependent on that person (and I’m sure where our co-dependency comes from) to be used as a tool for them. They even often got their friends involved in this, leading to a group manipulating us into this delusion to be used. We were forced into believing we were this person’s sibling and that we had a “fake life” (leading to the start of our struggle of sense of self and not being able to grasp who we were)
we’ve read on mind control, but it’s still confusing to us and we just aren’t sure if this counts or not 
hi. please see a professional about this.
this is very serious, and very concerning. I am not a professional and can't really tell you what this is or how to deal with it, so please seek some kind of person who is able to assist better than I can.
as a ramcoa system, I am sorry for what you went through.
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[ID: STOP! this blog is a strictly anti-endo space! pro-endos and endo neutrals, shoo! shoo shoo!]
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Funeral for Hikaru Akarii
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It’s a beautiful day for a funeral. The night is calm and quiet, the two moons shine shamelessly through a thin veneer of cloud. It’s common practice, when a troll is famous enough, to have two funerals, one for the quote unquote ‘industry’, fans, others, usually in a much larger building, and then a smaller, more personal wake for close friends and family. The industry funeral had been a few days ago, it had been shit weather then, trolls crowding into a venue to say their goodbyes in the pouring rain. But it’s been two days, and the rain is gone, and the earth is in bloom. 
Tonight is clear, and pretty. And a good thing too, it being outdoors. A crowd of thirty or so close accolades is making conversation in the graveyard, giving well wishes. A key few are struggling to keep the somber tone of the event. Most importantly, Verula’s quadrants, the ones Gihyun had invited in the hopes of susing out her location. To the side of the fresh dug grave, a confused Hascha Demork is nursing a bottle of wine, squinting at the people around him. 
“Okay” He says finally. “Who invited you?” The violetblood accuses, pointing at The Reverend Mother. Anyita is staring at the grave in a not quite dissimilar look of confusion and contemplation. 
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” She says. 
“Aren’t you the murder?” Hascha says. 
“That’s why you won’t believe me.” She repeats. 
“Spit it out” 
“Gihyun” The Reverend says. “I got an email from Gihyun.”
He stares at her with squinted eyes for a long moment, and then looks back at the grave. 
“Yeah,” He says. “Yeah, okay. I don’t believe you.” He says, taking a drink straight from the bottle. 
“Did she invite you as well?” The Reverend Mother asks. 
“Well” Hascha looks away. “Yes.” 
“Perhaps?” Says a tiny little troll, stepping out of the shadows. “Gihyun wanted to bury our grudges with her grief,” Eponin says. 
“Ha Ha. Fat chance” Demork retorts. “She’s up to something. I just want to know what. I was so baffled by the invitation I actually showed up here.” 
“Or maybe” Eponin says. “She had the same idea I had.” 
“Which is what?” Gihyun says, finally making her way over and into the conversation, dressed in a plain black suit. 
“Why are we here, Gihyun” Demork asks. 
“Solidarity. I don’t know.” She curses. “Thought maybe you all could get your heads out of your asses long enough to show a little respect.” She accuses, and then glances at them. “Guess I was wrong.” The jadeblood says, taking a drag of her cigarette. 
Eponin straightens up, glancing back at the crowd to see if the few of them are being listened to. There's only one young purpleblood and jade nearby. They then turn to the tight circle of ancestors, eyes flitting from Anyita, to Gihyun, to Haggis, and back to Hascha. 
“Is he the only one who doesn’t know?” They say. Instantly, Gihyun and Anyita’s eye’s narrow, and glance towards Hascha, whom the rust had just gestured towards. 
“Doesn’t know what?” Hascha blinks. 
Eponin stares for a moment, and then chuckles, pushing up their glasses. 
“It’s funny” They say. “To see you be the last up to speed, Hascha” They grin, and then the smile is replaced by something more somber, they glance at the trolls in their little circle. 
“I know The Reverend knows.” They say, with a nod towards their old friend, “I know Gihyun knows” They say, and the jade narrows her eyes back at them.”I know Hikaru knew.” They conclude, gesturing at the grave.
“Verula Dentry is alive.” Eponin says.
Hascha nearly drops his bottle. 
“Can’t we, all of her quadrants, agree that she was better off dead?” They say, with a gesture, straightening out their gray sweater vest“Won’t you help me kill her?” The rustblood proposes. 
Gihyun watches contemplatively, thinking on it. “I’m not a quad.” She says.
“In law.” Eponin dismisses, upset she was more preoccupied with their word choice than the content of their request.
“I’m also not Verula’s quadrant.” Hascha says, raising his hand. 
Eponin pinches the bridge of their nose. “Well maybe not officially but if we’re counting affairs, Hascha.”
“Wh- fjksd. Okay.” He says, holding up his hands. “I… never fucked the geneticist. That was a tabloid rumor.”
“Oh I’m sure you never did, and neither did Hikaru!” Eponin says sarcastically, once again gesturing at the grave. The rustblood fumbles in their pockets for a moment, pulling out a newspaper. 
“Will you can it! There is concrete proof that you fucked Verula Dentry and everyone here has been seeing nothing but her face on television for the past sweep! She looks just like both of you!” They accuse, gesturing to Twitch Monark on the cover of it.
Hascha inhales, glancing away. “Okay. Add it to my list of sins. Whatever. In tiny print at the bottom of the list made the same mistake as everyone in this room. Shocker. I mean didn’t you too?” He decides, flipping Eponin’s accusation back at them. “What’s her name- Hanagi. Seems awfully apt for the sciences.”
Eponin, seeming supremely unhappy with the turn the conversation has taken, retorts, 
“Me and Verula never had sex.”
“Sick, is she ours then?” Demork muses. 
“You wish. I cannot believe I ever dated you.” the rust retorts. “You’d truly be so flippant right in front of Haggis!”
Haggis, upon hearing her name, looks up from her wheelchair. “I’m sorry. Who are you people?” She asks. “Whose funeral is this?”
Eponin sighs frustratedly, and then turns back to Hascha.”Still! What kind of man has a red affair with his moirails matesprit.” They say through gritted teeth, gesturing at Haggis again. 
Hascha stares blankly for an age, before commenting. 
“Gonna disrespect the time honored profession of being a Verula Dentry mistress over Hikaru Akarii’s fresh dug grave? Really Eponin?”
“You’re one to talk.” The rust says. “What is it, 10am and you came here clearly intoxicated with a bottle to boot? When did you become so shameless. This is a funeral.”
“Cheers.” Hascha says, lifting the thing. “It’s what Hikaru would have wanted. Also you’re the one suggesting we form a death squad to go hunt down your supposedly undead ex at funeralllllll Eponin.” Hascha says, trailing off as he points his finger at his ex. 
Finally, Gihyun is sick enough of watching this trainwreck she pauses to speak. “I cannot stand literally all of you but I think Eponins onto something.”
The Reverend Mother pauses, before piping up. “I agree.” She says. 
Gihyun fixes her with a death glare that would have killed birds. 
“What? I’m not allowed to agree?” The nun retorts. “She cheated on me.”
“I would literally rather eat glass than work with you bitch” Gihyun hisses.
“We all have a common enemy.” The Reverend Mother insists.
“I don’t care.” Gihyun says. 
The Reverend Mother stares back at her, as if brewing some witty retort in answer, but instead bites her tongue, and sighs. 
“I’m sorry, Gihyun.” She says. “If you asked me why I killed him, I honestly couldn’t tell you. I thought I was older and smarter and wiser than I was 50 sweeps ago when I was young and insecure and heartbroken and angry at the wrong people. I had a lapse of temporary insanity. I wouldn’t know what else to call it. I know I did it but I could not fathom why. I had long since forgiven him.” She describes looking at the grave conflictedly. “But I guess what’s done is done. And I only hope you can set aside your grief enough to do the world of good by taking Verula down with him.” 
Gihyun stares at Anyita, as if utterly unsure how to process or feel about what she’s heard. Were this death real, it would be a pitious and feeble apology. That she cannot accept at the risk of blowing her moirails cover. But knowing what she knows, it’s probably the best one The Reverend Mother could have given. She had never paused to wonder if the woman would or could have grown out of her hatred. Something like the traces of guilt stir in the back of her mind. She seems so genuine, and confused. 
“I’ll kill you when this over” she settles on. “But I guess I do wanna kill that bitch more” 
“We have a common enemy” Eponin repeats.
Hascha stares at the group of them, as if believing them all insane.
“I don’t.” The violetblood says. 
 “Why does she deserve to die again?” He says. They seem to have forgotten- Hascha was the only one in this circle who didn’t know about the grub experimentation.
”I know cheaters burn and all but Eponin I thought you of all people liked her. How’d she come back to life in the first place? Did she fake it the first time? I don’t have enough information.” He says, throwing up his hands.
Eponin turns back to him venomously.
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“Then why don’t you go sit someplace else while the adults talk Hascha.”
Only a few feet in front of them, a young purpleblood peaks over the grave with a morbid curiosity in his open eyes.
“So no open casket?” Sunset asks. Leaving you to wonder how he even gained admission to this private wake.
“I mean he was a hemoanon.” The jadeblood next him deduces. “There’s probably blood on the corpse.”
“Could be. Does The Gravedigger seem awfully cheerful to you?” He says, nodding his head ever so slightly toward Gihyun, calling her by her ancestor name.
“Gihyun? Didn’t she break up with him?” Tonine replies.  
“That could explain it.” Sunset says, like he doesn’t quite believe that’s the case. “Why do you recon she’s not at Anyita’s throat right now?”
“Consumed by grief?” Tonine guesses.
“Maybe. Even the Reverend mother seems confused by it. She seems confused in general.” The young man sighs.
“I don’t know, she’s old?” Tonine guesses, again, struggling to keep up with his employer.
“She is old.” the purpleblood says in a low tone. “How do you think she managed to get the jump on Hikaru, a trained acrobat?” He says, glancing back at the crowd. “None of the people at this wake really seem to care about the man. Why would Anyita show up if she murdered him? She doesn’t look like she’s gloating.”
“Boss, what are you implying all that means?” Tonine says. Wishing he’d just cut to the chase as always. 
“Nothing.” Sunset says. “I’m just thinking.” He says, glancing back to where the circle of ancestors has started arguing again, digging up sweeps old dramas to throw in each other's faces. He turns back to the grave with an ever so slight look of contempt.
“If no one else is going to be doing it.” The young crime lord muses. 
Tonine sighs. “Don’t you think there’s more, I don’t know, productive things we could be doing then flying halfway around Alternia for this guy's funeral? “I mean why are we here?” 
“Oh Toni” Sunset sighs, walking over towards the podium, where eulogies had been made mere hours ago. He steps up onto it, picking up the mic and holding it toward the speaker. There’s a shrill, sudden and disarming feedback sound, and the small crowd of people at the funeral immediately look up- 
oh no. 
What is it they say about voodoos and eye contact? 
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Sunset clears his throat, leaning into the microphone. 
“I was never here” he says to the crowd, voice layered over with power and resonate. A wave of amnesia snakes through the crowd, leaving no troll untouched. 
Suddenly, everyone looks confused, as if wondering why they are even looking at the stage in the first place, and go back to their conversation. If asked later, about a young man attending this wake in a cropped three piece, they would not be able to recall the stranger. Sunset steps off it, exiting the graveyard, dragging Tonine behind him. 
“Christ, boss” Toni says, hand going to his head.
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“Shit. That must have been. At least thirty people.”
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Augusnippets Day 31
Bonus Day Prompt; "Breaking the Conditioning" + " Forgiveness" ("Mind Control/Betrayal" Part 2)
FINAL DAY of @augusnippets August 2024 Whump writing challenge! (Augusnippets Masterlist)
- POV/Whumpee/Whumper; Lancelot - The Weeping Monk
- Whumpee; Gawain - The Green Knight
- Whumper; OC "Sorceress"/"Mistress"
(Characters; Whumpees)
(Characters; Whumpers)
(Ao3 Link)
Wordcount; 449
TWs; near death, mind control, hypnosis, betrayal, forced to hurt, whumpee turned whumper, abuse.
Continuation of Day 1, Day 16, Day 25.
Direct Continuation of Day 28.
Blood flowed where steel kissed skin.
Emerald eyes widened with shock, then narrowed in bitter pain and understanding.
Gawain's life-force stained the ground, the Knight sunk to his knees with a quick exhale of tremouring breath.
At the terrible sight the hold on Lancelot's captured mind shattered like a million shards of painted glass, a bloodied sword slipped from his fingers and clattered to the floor.
Lancelot sunk down beside Gawain, horror upon his face. Futile hands tried to undo what he had done, pour blood back into a broken, feeble body.
A feeble body HE had broken.
A woman's voice, confusion. Her voice. The one who'd commanded his blade.
That sword found his hands once more.
He would break two bodies today, for the curse of what she'd asked of him. For the sin of his lover's blood upon his hands, leeching into the grass at his feet like melting snow.
The Sorceress spoke soft whispers once more and yet they made no mark upon him.
Faced now as she was with unwavering steel and a mind that would not break again, she quite wisely fled.
Her once sworn blade spared not even a moment to watch her go.
Lancelot dropped to his knees again, weeping into the dirt as he cradled the Green Knight to his chest and begged any God that would listen to undo his cursed actions, to wash this blood from his hands.
"Forgive me..." He cried, buried face into a bloody neck, a heartbeat that still somehow stuttered against his ear.
The voice of the one man he loved, the one man who's destruction would have been the ultimate test of his loyalty to her. The loyalty he had proven until it was much too late.
"It takes more than that to kill me, Lance."
Vines of gold and green crept over the Green Knight's skin and stitched him whole once more, new growth drowning the marks of ruin Lancelot had rent upon him, this desperate prayer answered by Gods he could not name with unholy, blessed magics.
A memory Lancelot could not yet reach told him he'd seen this once before.
"You're free now."
"I'm sorry..."
"You're free..."
"Forgive me, my love..."
"I'm here."
A trembling vine wreathed hand cradled his sharp jaw, brushed a tear away and hooked it gently, then turned it to meet the soft, bloodstained lips of his lover. Lancelot made no move to resist.
This taste upon his tongue, this distant memory made true once more burned through the cobwebs of his mind, a searing clarity shining brightly against the fading throes of the Sorceress' magic.
Awareness flooded him like sun breaking through cloud.
And there we have it, all 31 days of @augusnippets Whump Writing Challenge complete!
Big thank you to @holy3cake for reading this one for me and reassuring me the stilted-for-dramatic-affect writing still read ok.
Hopefully these drabbles and snippets have made sense, being taken from random ideas at random points for/from my main story. Speaking of the main story... Chapter 1 of Horizons into Battlegrounds, my Lancewain fic, has been posted on Ao3 HERE and will be posted on tumblr too shortly, please do go and check that out!
I've really enjoyed these, and I hope you have too. Please let me know what you thought of these, even if your comment is just a heart, it means the world to me and motivates me to keep writing! Thank you for reading, you lovely lot :)
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waywardtyrantpirate · 1 month
Tw: sa, ramcoa, themes of torture
Pls don't read if not in a good headspace
Uhm, can anybody give me some tips on what to do when the memories come back? I've been having a hard time w/ memories resurfacing an I can't really talk to anybody about them. If anybody has any advice pls let me know, im really struggling here.
Pls note: I am not a system or have did but I do have schizoffective disorder.
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c0ntr0lledchaos · 1 year
oh god the brain rot.
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generation loss brain dump under the cut as I go back and analyze the vod
so, my first thoughts are the set is very different in this episode, and we see that the more gl!ranboo moves around. The first episode was very much a stage-like set while this one was set in what looks like a mall. if that has anything to do with this episode showing more characters becoming aware of their situation and it not being just a show anymore idk.
It's fairly obvious that while looking for the key in gl!Charlie something happened so that the act was dropped for a couple seconds and what was 'really' happening was shown. I wonder if that was due to the person who has been communicating with gl!ranboo (I'm assuming they're 'the savior') trying to hack in.
that last point also makes me wonder if at the end of this, we will see clips from the first episode shown in a 'new light' and see what was actually happening. I already saw someone point out that the bowl of slime looked the same as the guts. was gl!charlie covered in blood actually? Were some of the ingredients not what they seemed?
Mr squiggles saying 'Hey new friends!' to a group of people tied up with bombs around their necks was just the start of all the creepy vibes I was getting from them this episode
THE HAT. Mr squiggles did not like the hat. the hat is defiantly the one gl!Sneeg wore in episode 1 but it is also implied it was planted in this episode since Mr. Squiggles says 'Who put that there.' (That is later confirmed by the savior as he was trying to save gl!Sneeg as well) as soon as gl!Sneeg put the hat on he immediately started freaking out and his eyes start darting around the room. we already saw that the slime was guts but what else did he see I wonder
the chills I got when the showfall masks came into view
gl!Sneeg gets back in place, the mind-control mask is removed, a new hat is put on his head, and the person doesn't even bother to handcuff him again before leaving, confident that he wouldn't try to escape. then everything goes back to normal and gl!Sneeg is notably using his 'streamer voice'
in that scene the camera also focuses on the puzzler's face a few times, showing a look of what I believe was confusion. he didn't know what was going on but was aware of what was happening unlike everyone else
Mr squiggles also goes on as if this is the first time they are acknowledging gl!Sneeg
again, Mr squiggles with a cute little animation saying 'I like them all, I wish they could all live' just unsettling now
The puzzler seems to have just a little bit of knowledge about what is actually going on, hinting to Chat being in control of helping during the choosing of who gets to live and also when gl!Sneeg and gl!Niki are about to go through the tunnel
shout out to @twilight-trix who translated the winding:
"Ah it's simple you just have to find the cage"
"The cage that's in Charlie remember?"
"Another piece is in a jar of something sweet"
"The last one comes at a price :/"
the fact that all the other victims were kept alive means they planned for all of them to die in the games and puzzles. for gl!Niki's death even though Mr squiggles had already said a price needed to be paid, the puzzler still acts surprised that she had to die even though he was the one who killed her
also, I scanned the QR code, it just takes you to the genloss website. buy their merch, this shit is fantastic
this fucking screenshot has no business being that creepy
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so showfall grabbed the back of the mask and the light on the logo came on but what exactly did that do? did it just up the filtering considering what was 'really' about to happen would have been pretty gruesome. EDIT: so I didn't notice before but the mask flashed and turned off as Ranboo went to leave the room. maybe the mask only works for so long before it has to be turned back on?
again, the puzzler seems as if he is talking about chat, saying that someone is saying his puzzles are too easy and 'is this one too easy' before another pipe puzzle shows up on the screen. he even finish the puzzle for us
gl!ranboo said a few things threw out the episode that sounded like generic videogame protag dialogue but it felt strange having the prompts like 'where should I search?' but not giving us the option to actually choose. I wonder if that is due to the first episode being a point-and-click style while this one was more dedicated to puzzles. is he still stuck on point-and-click mode? or are the other NPCs searching before we even get the option?
speaking of protag dialogue, gl!ranboo says 'It must not be the way, maybe there is somewhere else' in the same tone while staring hard at gl!Ethan, the next person to die. I've been thinking about how much control showfall has over everyone in this episode since they seem to have at least a little control over everyone except the savior trying to help gl!ranboo. I don't think gl!ranboo knew that gl!Ethan was next to die but I also don't think he is the one talking when he says stuff like that. just like a game's dialogue is supposed to prompt the player in the right direction, I think showfall is using him to prompt their show in the direction they want it to go. not all the time but at least sometimes
he also does not react at all to gl!Ethan dying or the pool of blood, speaking again in the same tone
and now that gl!Ethan has died, gl!ranboo is the first to say the other door is the exit even though he had just said that it must not be that door. he even volunteers to go first! I wonder if in the next episode, gl!ranboo will feel guilt over the deaths he was forced to help cause
the puzzler is fiddling with the detonator, working on it for some reason. why?
'I hope he's ok' gl!ranboo says in the same unfeeling protag voice. there is a chance he is just doing it whenever to drive home the fact of he is a protag but whatever
gl!ranboo solves a freaking Rubix cube in less than a minute then immediately says that he doesn't know what to do. yes, it might have been just an excuse to flex his Rubix cube skills but him saying that after makes me think. Gl!ranboo is a really smart person but is being controlled by showfall to forward the plot whenever they see fit. just how much of the actual gl!ranboo have we seen and how much has been showfall speaking through him?
I think this is further proven when he declines to solve the other cube in favor of looking around more even though we saw how fast he could do it the first time
the puzzler says he had been prototyping toys that go on people's heads, could he have helped make the mask gl!ranboo is wearing? what if he is an ex showfall employee and that's why he seems to know a little bit about chat
I think the fact that the camera remains on the empty chair for so long means that showfall was not prepared for us to go into that room. gl!ranboo was not supposed to go in there
the puzzler knew he was going to die but didn't know how. he knew that showfall was going to kill him
the puzzler tells gl!ranboo to go, to be set free, and gl!ranboo ignore it. once again showing how he is under Showfall's control
even while the savior talks Mr squiggles is trying to tell gl!ranboo and us not to trust him
gl!ranboo looks at all the cameras, looking at the one that was following him just as it fades out
closing thoughts:
the cast is made up of npcs, gl!ranboo (who is the only playable character), and the savior who is not under showfalls control.
the 'vilians' are not actually villains, seen as gl!charlie (and I do mean gl!charlie and not cc!charlie) played a random person this episode and also the villain from the first episode. the npc's are random people who have had personalities programed by snowfall to help push the protagonist forward, like most story. I made a joke to my partner about gl!sneeg being 'factory reset' when the mask was put on him but I think that is more true than I realized.
the puzzler is still an npc but is special, he was on showfalls hitlist for some reason. I am going to go ahead and guess he was a former employee and because of that he has managed to retain some of the information even after being put in the show. that is why he knew he was going to die and spoke to chat a couple times.
finally, gl!ranboo, the only playable character but not to us. I belive it is showfall who is 'playing' gl!ranboo and is simply letting us make a few choices along the way. that would explain why we didn't get to control gl!ranboo as much as we did in the first episode. we are the viewer's, not the players. why we get to control him at all? I'm sure that will be discovered in the next episode now that the fourth wall is gone.
also, the mask is definitely who gl!ranboo is being controlled so storywise it would make sense if at the end of this, when he truly brakes free, he takes it off. while I'm not entirely sure if that is going to happen I have two guesses on what might happen if it does.
he takes the mask off and this is the biggest fucking face reveal ever that will be extremely difficult to beat
or he has some really cool gory sfx makeup under it that will be horrifying.
I will not be disappointed no matter what happens though so until then, we will just have to wait for the next episode.
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superfallingstars · 10 months
one of the (MANY!) things that i can’t stop thinking about regarding that horrible discourse post is the way that the terms sexual harassment and sexual assault are thrown around. i think that whether or not the incident (where james turns snape upside down with his own spell and exposes his underwear in front of everyone) “counts” as sexual harassment or assault doesn’t really matter. at least, not in the way the people in that discourse post think that it matters.
how we as the readers would define this event based on our own morality is relatively unimportant. what actually matters in this situation is how snape experienced it. nobody involved in that discourse post considers whether snape himself would define this event as sexual assault – and even if he would define it as such, whether that would influence his perception of how harmful it was. after all, people can experience the same event differently; what one person considers a bad day can be extremely traumatic for someone else. because of this, trying to objectively quantify the degree of harm snape experienced by defining this incident as sexual assault, harassment, bullying, or whatever, obscures the most important part of the incident – which is how it affected snape! it's so frustrating, because this is something that we could actually have interesting discourse about. did james know how deeply his actions were affecting snape? would he have changed his behavior if he knew? or did he already know, and simply not care?
but even more frustrating is the fact that despite all of the animosity in that post, i don't think anyone involved actually cares about whether or not the incident was sexual harassment/assault. the function of those terms in that post is simply to assign morality to the people involved. if the incident counts as sexual assault, then snape is a Victim and therefore Good, and james is a Perpetrator and therefore Bad. if it wasn’t sexual assault, then the incident wasn’t really that harmful, so snape is Bad and james is Good. it’s mind-bogglingly reductive. i guess it's just remarkable that everyone involved in that post seems so confident in their ability to define sexual harassment and assault, while simultaneously ignoring any of the effects that this could have had on snape. instead, sexual harassment and assault just serve as proxies for morality in the never-ending argument of whether or not snape Bad.
tl;dr what you call this incident does not determine the amount of harm it caused, and also you should care about the amount of harm it caused if you're going to make claims about morality
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 35: Monster
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Leo readies his twin katanas. Raph raises his sai. Donatello points the end of his bō staff in Chaplin's direction.
"You," Donnie growls. "What. Have you done. With our brother."
Chaplin smiles.
"What haven't I done is a better question," he jokes. "I've improved him. Though, let's be honest... with your kind, improvement isn't enough."
"What the heck is that supposed to mean?!" Leo spits at him.
"It means that the Yokai and the mutants are... how shall I put this..."
"What, a disease? A cancer? A deformity? I've seen the movies with the evil villains who want to eradicate a species, I know this bullcrap speech!" Leo snarks at him.
"No no, you misunderstand. Your people are quite talented and impressive!" Chaplin says with a grin. "I've studied your cultures, your biology, your abilities. I've travelled the world and seen many Yokai cities. But you are a threat. And I won't allow any threats to humanity. Alien or otherwise."
"So, then why the mutations?" Raph asks. "Why do so many cruel experiments?? If you hate mutants so much, why make more?"
"Quite simple, really," Chaplin explains, lifting his legs and recrossing them the other way around. "We've been trying to fight fire with fire. To destroy the mutants and the Yokai, we had to make some of our own. Though, our experiments continuously failed us. We were missing some crucial element, the secret ingredient that allows you to function and survive and have incredible supernatural abilities -- until we found your Mikey."
Leo hears Raph growl from behind him.
"He is quite resilient, your brother. So much stronger than we expected! And that was even before we mutated him! His potential is practically unlimited."
"Why would you subject him to this?!" Donnie hisses. "What was the purpose of this room?! Why make him fight?!"
"Three reasons," Chaplin explains calmly. "One: we needed to see his abilities in action, and the extent of those abilities. Two: it was a way to train his problem-solving skills. We knew he was strong and powerful, but we also needed to confirm he had intelligence. None of our other experiments were advanced in the mind. Far from it, they seemed to deteriorate rapidly."
"...What was the third reason?" Donnie asks with hesitance.
"Oh, yes. Waste management."
Leo glares at the scientist.
"Well, we'd been doing quite a number of experiments, and they were piling up. We were running out of space, supplies, food, etc. And they were all disappointments. True, they had interesting new abilities and enhanced strength, but they were disgusting failures in the end, and we had to free up some space to try again with new vermin. So we had to eradicate the excess mutants, and Mikey was a big help with that."
Raph stomps forward.
"You're... you're a sick, twisted, sadistic MONSTER!"
"I'm a man who is working towards a goal," Dr. Chaplin corrects.
"What does Mikey have to do with it? How does he accomplish your goal?!" Leo shouts. "How does kidnapping my baby brother help you?!"
"Mikey is a weapon," he explains, leaning back nonchalantly. "MY weapon. He is indestructible, powerful, his instincts are impeccable, and he can take orders. He's the perfect living weapon, and he will help me eradicate every threat to humanity."
"You can't turn our brother into a weapon!" Leo shouts.
"Yeah, that was my idea!" Donnie chimes in, though Raph smacks him upside the head in frustration. "Ow! Right, right, not the time..."
Leo saunters up to the mad scientist and presses a katana against his neck.
"Now. WHERE. IS. MIKEY?! What have you done with him?!"
"Oh, of course!" Dr. Chaplin laughs. "Don't worry, he's right here..."
Dr. Chaplin taps a button on the side of the chair, and a panel in the wall opens.
From the darkness, two glowing yellow and red eyes can be seen peering at them. Slowly, Mikey steps out, staring blankly at his brothers.
"Mikey!" Leo gasps, releasing Dr. Chaplin and rushing over to his baby brother. "You're okay! Come on, we're getting out of here and--"
Leo takes Mikey's hand and pulls, but Mikey refuses to move.
"I'm afraid he can't hear you," Chaplin huffs.
Leo turns to glare at Dr. Chaplin. He suddenly notices the headband crowning him, the bright pink lights that adorn the sides. How had he not seen it before?!
Leo steps away from Mikey, staring in fear as he realizes what's about to happen.
"Mikey... no..."
"Wonderful little gadget, this!" Dr. Chaplin brags. "Can work up to a three mile radius in all directions. It's based on Krang technologies and biologies."
"B-biology...?" Raph whimpers, hand going to his eye once again.
"Oh yes. We learned a lot from the infected zombies. This machine combines a severed part of the brain from that one alien we captured. I'm assuming I have you four to thank for that..."
"Her... brain?" Leo gawks. "You took her brain?"
"Oh, don't act like that is some terrible and horrific thing after all they tried to do!" Dr. Chaplin groans. "You honestly can't say that you're not relieved that 'she' is dead now. And besides, the real person you have to thank for this machine is actually your own brother!"
Leo, Donnie, and Raph simultaneously turn to look at Mikey.
"You see, he showed us something we never expected -- Mikey could control the zombies. That was when we realized, there was a hierarchy to the Krang -- the zombies were the omegas, and Mikey was the beta, hence why they followed his commands. The Krang were the alphas, and as such could control all of them easily. That was what we needed with Mikey. During of our evaluations, some of our staff psychiatrists discovered that Mikey had an alternate persona that activated during moments of intense emotion or physical distress. It was strong, forceful, and wasn't afraid to go for the kill. But he was also stubborn and dangerous, and refused to comply willingly. We needed a way to have Mikey be the monster while also listening to instructions. And so I created a way to mimic the Krang brain waves so as to control him."
"You... you beat him," Donnie heaves. "I saw the video, you tortured him..."
"That was for a reason," Dr. Chaplin insists. "I needed to see if he would follow orders to a tee, even if it meant physical harm."
Donnie heaves again.
"And he did superbly; his compliance was wonderful. A perfect living weapon that will follow orders unto death! Speaking of which --"
"D-don't do it, don't listen to him --" Leo tries, reaching for his baby brother.
"Mikey," Dr. Chaplin orders, "If you would be so kind as to dispatch these intruders for me."
Mikey glares at his brothers. His mouth curls into a snarl, his irises slit into thin lines. He places himself in a ready stance, claws elongated and ready to fight. His tail whips around him, the tip spiking like a mace.
"Mikey, please, I-I don't wanna fight you!" Leo begs. He doesn't want to go through this again... not again...
Mikey rushes forwards.
Raph pulls Leo away and shields him, holding his arms up and activating his ninpo. Large holographic arms cover over him, protecting him from Mikey's onslaught. Mikey lunges and starts biting the hologram, tearing it apart piece by piece with his sharp claws and talons. He sinks his fangs into them; they go so deep they nearly puncture Raph's actual arm.
Donnie's robot arms protrude from his battle-shell, grab Mikey from behind, and yank him off of Raph. Mikey shrieks angrily and turns back to attack Donnie.
"Mikey, snap out of it!" Donnie yells.
Mikey screeches and slashes his claws at him. Donnie reels back, dropping his brother as he guards himself. Mikey slashes his tail and several projectile spines fly at him. Donnie twirls his staff and hastily creates a shield, deflecting them at the last second. Raph wraps his ninpo arms around Mikey, who struggles against him. He howls and yowls. The cries sound desperate, scared --
"M-Mikey?" Raph gasps. "Wait, did I hurt you--"
"Raph, no, don't--!"
Raphael drops Mikey, afraid that he may have held him too tight. Mikey instantly turns on him and attacks, his tail slashing at the ankles and knocking him down. Raph yells in pain as he falls, clutching the wound and trying to stop the bleeding.
"Mikey!" Leo scolds. "Snap out of it!!"
The double-mutant turns and glares at Leo. He's next.
"Dee, keep him distracted, I'm going to take out the controller!" Leo hisses.
Donnie nods, and creates a series of mini missiles to fire at (and purposefully miss) Mikey, as Leo creates a portal and slips through.
The portal reopens and appears right behind Dr. Chaplin. Leo reaches for the headset before being swatted away by the mad scientist. He says nothing, but the string of pink glowing lights around his head indicate he's given another order. Mikey is by his side in an instant, pouncing on Leo and crashing him to the floor. Mikey bares his teeth and tries to bite him, but Leo narrowly blocks with his katana hilt. Mikey chomps down on it, growling as he tries to pull it away.
A mini missile strikes him in the back, and he turns to roar at Donnie.
"Mikey, you have to ignore whatever he's telling you to do! Wake up! It's US!!" Donnie shouts.
Mikey has had enough of their antics. His eyes burn bright, a series of scales on his neck lift up, revealing what almost looks like gills. They vibrate, charging up with a pink and orange glow. Mikey roars loudly, deafening the entire room. Visible sound waves pulse like giant ripples, throwing everyone off balance.
Donatello is knocked back, slamming into Raphael with a thud and a groan as the mystic shockwaves dissolve his hologram weapons, and disintegrate Raph's armour.
Leo watches as the portal he made evaporates, the markings on his arms and legs flicker out before dimming.
N-no... no, not again --!
Mikey jumps to Donnie and starts to attack. Raph shields him again, but Mikey snaps his teeth and bites down hard on his forearm. Raphael screams, shaking and waving his arm as he tries to get his baby brother to release. Donnie grabs Mikey and pulls. Mikey turns to snarl at him before wrapping his tail around his neck, placing him in a chokehold. Mikey grabs his two hands and clasps them together between his talon grip, essentially cuffing him. Donnie gags and gasps, sputtering as he slowly turns blue.
"Mikey!" Raph screams. "L-let him go--"
Mikey whirls around, maneuvering in such a way that he throws Donnie's body at Raph's head. The two crash to the floor. Mikey regains his stranglehold on Donnie as Raph tries to get back up. Mikey doesn't give him the chance, and punches him between the eyes, knocking him unconscious. Donnie slowly goes limp as well, his eyes rolling back in his head as he chokes-out. Mikey releases him once he's certain he also has succumbed.
He turns to face his last adversary.
"Mikey," Leo whimpers. "I-I know you don't want to hurt me. And I don't want to hurt you..."
"Oh, don't worry about that," Dr. Chaplin laughs. "He won't give you the chance."
Mikey rushes him, gaining speed before leaping and kicking Leo in the chest, crashing him into the wall behind him. The tiles and panels leading to hidden rooms crack from the impact, leaving a gaping crater. Leo coughs and holds his side, looking up just in time to see Mikey do a spin kick before the side of his foot collides with his head.
Mikey slips into the vents easily. The EPF should really work on their security, any nutcase could break in!
He crawls around, going deeper and deeper into the ventilation systems, floor after floor after floor. Every once in a while he can hear some animals crying and growling and barking loudly. He shudders at the thought of what they could be doing to these poor guys...
He pushes on.
Mikey hears a snarling sound, eerily familiar. It's animalistic, but not like any animal on Earth. It's alien.
He peeks through the vents to see the EPF men taking the krangified dude he saw from earlier into a lift. It's perfect luck that the angle of the vents lets him see the elevator room, a mirror glass on the back wall reflecting everything. He can see their reflections, he can see the button they pressed -- The very bottom floor.
Mikey goes in pursuit of them. He has to know what they're going to do with that poor man...
Mikey's almost there when his phone buzzes again. Probably Leo or Donnie, they've been calling him a lot. He picks it up and checks the lockscreen. Oh, it's Raph! Mikey guesses he wants to know where he is... He should have left a note or something. He answers.
"Shello?" He whispers.
"Mikey? Where are ya?!" Raph hisses at him. "I thought we said no inside stuff!"
"I saw a weird van pull up," he explains. "They took a krangified person in through the back."
"They what?" Raph sounds terrified. Mikey can't blame him, not after everything that has happened.
"Yeah, I know. I wanted to see what they were gonna do with him."
Because that's what heroes do! Mikey thinks to himself. That's what Raph always says, and that's what he expects him to say. Instead he's met with a panicked and desperate command.
"Mikey, I think you should get outta there."
That's not like Raph, why is he so scared? Sure, the place is creepy, but no creepier than when they broke into Draxum's lab that first time...
"I will in just a sec," Mikey responds, having finally made it to the bottom floor vents. "I think I found the room where..."
Mikey's voice trails off as he sees the entirety of the basement. It's a little dim, but there are a few lights here and there. Mikey flips the vent flaps open just a bit more for a better view. It looks like some kind of secret lab. Why is this lab separate from the rest upstairs? What's different about this one, apart from the colour scheme?
The krangified victim is strapped to a chair, several scientists standing beside him and a few guards with special futuristic-looking weapons pointed at him.
"Mikey? Mikey, what is it?" Raph's voice hisses nervously through the phone's tinny speakers.
"I'm not sure... hold on a sec, 'kay?" Mikey whispers as he watches. He puts Raph on mute, just to be safe.
The scientists are talking about something as they operate on the guy, pulling pieces of krang flesh off bit by bit. Mikey can't hear much, just the occasional "Hold him still," "Be careful," "Not too much," etc. They're... curing him?
Mikey watches as a doctor takes a vial of the bright blue liquid April found. Guess these guys found it, too. Donnie made sure to release the formula publicly so the police could help save the infected people. The scientist fills a syringe with mixture, then inject it into a part of the krang on the guy's face. The krang screeches in agony, the flesh flailing and wriggling.
"Now!" he hears one of the doctors yell.
The scientists pull the flesh away, ripping it off of his face.
The guy yells, his eyes roll in the back of his head, and he flops over in his chair. One of the guards checks his pulse.
"He's alive."
Mikey sighs with relief.
"Good, now get him out of here before he wakes up," one of the doctors orders.
The man is slowly unbuckled from the chair and carried away by two of the guards, the other two remaining.
"Now, let's get this thing into storage for the next batch of test subjects," the head scientist says, taking the still-alive-but-barely krang parasite away and placing it in a jar.
Mikey crawls a bit more through the vents, trying to follow the scientists to wherever they store the parasite. How many more do they have??
Mikey gasps when he sees the centerpiece of the labs -- a giant cylinder tube housing the Krang Sister, her eye still melted from where April attacked her. She looks thin, wrinkly and emaciated. Her left eye is still intact and open, but unfocused. He can almost see her breathing if he watches hard enough. But there are parts of her missing, torn off, cut off, melted off, take your pick.
There's a cryogenic freezer cabinet or something housing her organs and severed limbs, along with so many other krang parasites. Bits of pink and pale purple flesh, teeth and fangs, claws and talons and nails... He sees a jar of just eyeballs, krang eyeballs... he recognizes a few from the traincar that attacked him and Donnie!
"Ohmigosh," he whimpers, unmuting Raphael. "Okay, that's enough for me, I'm coming out now!"
"Mikey?! What did you see, what's going on?" Raph asks, his voice high and shaking.
Mikey doesn't respond at first, he's trying to crawl away as fast as possible. He lifts up his phone to try and tell Raph what he saw, but his fingers slip and it falls. Mikey's heart stops as the device clangs and clatters against the metal with a hideous echo. He can hear the scientists start yelling.
"What was that?!"
"Something's in the vents!"
"Call security, we have a breach!"
Mikey quickly scrambles to get his phone, he starts crawling with lightning speed, not trying to be quiet anymore as his kneepads smack loudly against the panels. He knows Raph heard what just happened.
"I dropped my phone," Mikey whimpers into the device. "I think they heard me."
"GET OUT NOW!" Raph yells at him.
"I am! I AM!" Mikey whines, terrified.
He should never have come in here, what was he thinking?! If they find him --
There's a clicking sound from his phone as another voice joins the call.
"Raph? What's going --"
"Mikey's been made," Raph says in a hurry.
"Get out of there, now!" the voice shouts.
"Leo?" Mikey whispers nervously. "Is that you?"
"Mikey, we're on our way now," Leo informs him. His voice is stern, but smooth, feigning frenzied calmness as he tells Mikey what to do. "Just get out as fast as you can! Don't worry about whether or not you're seen, just get out!"
"I'm trying!" Mikey yells back, desperate not to let the sound of his tears come through the speaker. He turns a corner in the ducts, coming to a small fork in the road. Wait, which way did he come from? Which way gets him out of here?!
"I'm stuck in the vents!!" he realizes out loud, hoping somehow his brothers will help him -- maybe Donnie can look up the building plans and use that subdermal tracker to guide him, or Leo can make a portal, or --
Something pushes against Mikey's chest, slamming him into the top of the vent. One of the guards shoved the barrel of their weird gun thing into him and is trying to knock him down! The panels underneath him start to shake, the duct comes loose from Mikey's weight and the jabbing of the guards.
Mikey screams as the section he's trapped in falls to the floor. His phone hits the ground and bounces just out of his reach.
He looks up in terror and sees that he is surrounded by six or so people.
"There he is!"
"Get him!"
"Come'ere, kid!"
Mikey shrieks, trying to scramble away. His legs are grabbed by a scientist on the end as the guards rush and nearly tackle him, trying to secure his arms.
"Let me go! Stop! Leave me alone!" he begs, trying to wrench himself free.
Mikey kicks, shoving the scientist back and forcing himself up, lifting the security guards who have practically dogpiled him.
Mikey struggles under their weight, and reaches for his nunchucks. He's kneed in the gut by one of the guards, knocking the wind out of him and he falls, face mashing into the floor.
He can hear the cell phone, he can hear Raph and Leo shouting for him, yelling instructions or pleas for him to get to safety.
"Raph! Leo!" He screams, reaching frantically for his phone.
He just catches them shouting back to him before one of the scientists can smash his heel into the device, breaking it into pieces.
"NO!" Mikey yells, struggling against the men who hold him down.
"Keep it still," one of the lab coats say, grabbing a syringe with clear liquid in it.
Mikey growls as he pries an arm out from under their weight, shoving and pushing as best he can. His hand is grabbed by one of the scientists, the one who broke his phone.
"Let me go!" he yells. "Let me go! I wanna go home!"
"You should have thought of that before you trespassed on government property," says the scientist.
"What?! Who are you people?! What is this place?!" Mikey demands.
"A better question is, what are you?"
The doctor with the needle kneels down beside Mikey's head.
"Hold him still," he orders the others.
A hand is pressed against Mikey's head, shoving him down into the linoleum floor as hard as he can. Mikey shouts and screams in protest as the needle is stabbed into his neck.
It stings, the sharp pain masking over the feeling of the instant anesthetic being injected into his veins. He leans his head as far away as he can, trying to keep away... k-keep away fr-from... the... ttthhhhhe.......
Mikey is flooded with the oddest sensation of panicked anxiety meddled with forced calm as the anesthetic takes effect. It ends up giving him the biggest feeling of butterflies in his stomach, fluttering up into his head and through his limbs, making them light as a feather yet heavier than lead. His thoughts swirl messily, trying to stay tethered to reality...
A countdown starts in him. Mikey's limbs slow, relax, fall limp against the cold linoleum tiles. The tears in his eyes slip loose and drip down his cheeks. His breathing is deep and sluggish, he clicks his tongue and whimpers as he tries to make some kind of last attempt or argument to save himself. Mikey's eyes flutter closed... he vaguely registers the men climbing off of him and lifting him up, a doctor giving orders to carry him somewhere... Mikey mumbles a sleepy protest before his tongue and vocal chords seem to disappear... Everything disappears... Everything goes dark...
Where did Mikey go...?
Where are his brothers...?
Where is the world now... where... where are his dreams...?
It's all inky black void. It's all deep and mindless sleep.
Mikey has vanished.
Mikey's head rolls groggily as he comes back to reality.
Feeling seeps back into him, though his head is numb and still exhausted from the drug.
He can't move. His limbs are tired. And there's something cold and heavy against his wrists and ankles. Leathery straps tie him down by the waist and thighs and across the shoulders.
He slowly starts to register sight and sound, as a painfully blinding light is shined in his face.
"Ah, it's awake," a voice says. Mikey recognizes it as one of the doctors from the secret basement...
Mikey grumbles softly, squinting his eyes shut tightly and turning away from the light.
"Mmnngh... too bright," he mumbles in discomfort.
"Since you can speak, that means you can answer a few questions for me," the voice says.
Mikey can't see anything apart from the blinding light being shined in his face. He peeks one eye open and immediately regrets it; the light burns his retina and leaves spots in his vision.
"First off, what are you?" the scientist demands.
Mikey groans again.
"C-could you maybe turn the light off? I can't think straight with the full force of the sun in my eyes," Mikey half-jokes. Somebody has to fill in for Leo.
There is a huff of a dry laugh, followed by the dimming of the light. Mikey opens his eyes slowly, adjusting to the new level of brightness. There are a group of scientists in the room, each one staring and glaring at Mikey.
"Uh, hi, guys," he chuckles nervously. "What's the happs?"
"The 'happs' is that you broke into a government sanctioned facility for genetic studies," says an elderly doctor with frazzled white hair. "That's... well, that's illegal."
"And kidnapping isn't?" Mikey challenges. "I saw that guy you took. I saw what you did to him."
"We saved him," one of the doctors growls. "We were able to take the alien infection away from him --"
"You stabbed him with a needle and harvested the krang parasite!" Mikey argues. "And then you just took his body away!"
"He's alive," the elderly doctor says. "He's alive and well and back in his right mind!"
"Professor Honeycutt, if you wouldn't mind?" one of the other doctors grumbles. "We're in the middle of an interrogation..."
"O-oh, yes, right..." the elderly professor says meekly, cowering away.
"Now, how do you know about the -- what did you call it? Kang?"
"The Krang?" Mikey answers, confused. "That's... that's what they are. Didn't you know that? You've got the Krang Sister downstairs in your creepy cellar dungeon thing!"
"So, you DID see it," the younger doctor says. "Well then. That means you can't leave."
"What?!" Mikey gasps. "W-wait a sec --"
"Dr. Chaplin will be arriving soon, and what will we tell him when he discovers that there was a breach in security?! There have been setbacks after setbacks, and we have yet to provide a successful mutation --"
The doctor turns to contemplate Mikey. Mikey swallows nervously.
Uh oh.
"...I say we try it out on this one," the young doctor snickers before turning to the rest. "Prep him."
"Prep?" Mikey echoes. "P-prep for what...?"
"Do you realize what you're saying?!" the man called Honeycutt asks, pulling the younger man's arm away. "No, that's -- that's a horrid suggestion, Timothy! We can't just operate on -- he's a kid!"
"He's a freak of nature, look at him!" 'Timothy' shouts at the frail old man. "He's probably one of those mutant monsters that's been running feral on the streets these past two years. I don't see why we shouldn't."
"He's a sentient being! He has a higher intelligence than one of the rats or rabbits -- it would be inhumane!"
"Does he look human to you?" Timothy asks.
Mikey's heart is pounding in his chest.
"W-wait, please, I-I -- please, don't do this," Mikey begs. "I'm not a monster!"
"Maybe not now," Timothy says with a wicked smile. "But you will be."
The doctors place masks on their faces and gloves on their hands as they get ready. Mikey's head is strapped down and the light turned back on to its fullest extent, blinding him again.
"Wait!" Mikey screams. "Wait! I-I've got lots of other interesting things to talk about! I can tell you where the Krang came from, how we defeated them -- Please! You can't do this! Don't do this!!"
"I wash my hands of this," the older doctor says. "I won't have any part of this ridiculous madness.... I'm staying out of it."
"If you don't like it, then you can go back to working on your little robot pet 'Sal' of yours, or that android 'Ms. Campbell'," Dr. Timothy replies drably.
Mikey sobs in terror as the chair he's strapped to is lowered even further so the doctors can operate on him. Odd circular metallic suctions are pressed against his temples and cranium.
"Please! No! No!"
"You know, most of the mutations don't take very well, but considering you're already a mutie, that may mean you could survive this," Dr. Timothy teases. "I'm excited to see how your biology will react..."
"NO!!!" Mikey shrieks.
Mikey's ninpo starts to activate, the marks on his arms glowing as he struggles to pull himself free. One hand shatters a cuff.
"Hold him down!!" Dr. Timothy yells.
As Mikey is shouting and shrieking, one of the scientists lunges at him and holds his arm down.
A second doctor takes advantage of the fact that Mikey's mouth is open and starts shoving a tube down his throat. Mikey almost chokes on it as he struggles.
Mystic chains start to fill the room, a golden glow builds.
"Start it!! NOW!" Timothy shouts.
The doctor who shoved the tube down Mikey's throat pulls a lever connected to a big metal container. Pink and green glowing ooze starts flowing through, filtering into Mikey's mouth.
Mikey watches in terror, screaming muffled cries as he waits for the vile slime to pour through his throat and infiltrate his body.
It's cold and slick and slimy. As soon as it enters into him, Mikey's body starts convulsing. He howls, shrill and high and blood-curdling and despairing and pained. His body jerks every which way as it tries to reject the profane concoction.
The glow on his arms flickers out.
The golden chains in the room shatter and crumble away to dust.
Mikey is sobbing, tears streaming down his face as he tries to get free, tries to spit the tube out, tries to vomit up the ooze he's being force-fed. He doesn't notice the doctors preparing injection-devices by his neck, filling several vials and test tubes with different colored liquids and DNA samples. A soft mechanical whirring sounds, and cold metal clamps are pressed against his throat.
"Now!" Dr. Timothy shouts above the noise.
Mikey's world turns into a hurricane of static and unbearable pain as electrical charges course through him via the suctions pressed on his forehead. Needles pierce his skin and fill his veins with sludge and poison.
Mikey screams like he's never screamed before.
His body becomes a living x-ray, glowing bright blue from how much voltage he's taking. His skeleton is showing through the lights against a black silhouette. His body snaps and breaks and reforms. He can feel himself dying and coming back to life over and over again as he is morphed into something horrid, terrible, cruel.
Mikey blacks out. One last mercy his body bestows upon him, thankfully.
Mikey wakes up in agonizing pain. His limbs are a tangled, sloppy mess underneath him.
He can't move yet.
He can barely think.
All he can do is breathe and cry. The tears burn against his cheeks.
The position he's lying in gives his tortured limbs a numb buzz of pins and needles. Mikey tries to sit up, but trips over his arms and legs.
He doesn't know how to move them anymore.
They hurt too much. He can't feel them, but every movement he makes sends a rippling effect of horrid pain throughout his body.
There's something in here with him. A snake... a serpent... it slithers away from him. The slithering hurts... it... is it part of him...?
Mikey's eyes flutter open and closed as he fights to stay awake... and then fights to fall back asleep, be put out of his misery and just be unconscious. He doesn't want to hurt anymore.
His throat feels like it was mangled, burned, crushed.
His eyes sting like acid was poured into the tear ducts.
His hands ache, the palms are cut from where he dug his sharp nails and claws into them.
His feet must be disfigured, as far as he can tell.
His back is broken, the shell is shattered and cracked; he can feel air filtrating inside it.
But his head hurts the most. It is heavy and impossible to lift up. It aches and stings and pounds in a hundred different ways. His ears are stuffed up and ringing loudly. He's dizzy and disoriented. He's... so confused and lost... he doesn’t know how he got here. He doesn’t know what happened to him, or why he's hurting, or what he did to deserve this...
He doesn't know why he's longing for someone to hold him.
Someone that is blue. Or red. Or purple.
He's... he's unsure what those shadows dancing in his mind are, who those silhouettes belong to. But they mean something. They'll be coming for him, soon.
How he knows this, he isn't sure.
But he's a little scared for when they do find him...
Because, while he doesn’t know much...
...He knows he isn't 'Mikey' anymore.
He tries to sit up again. He somehow manages to do it, for two full seconds, before almost passing out again and falling to the floor of the cage, hitting his head against the metal.
Don't try to get up, Instinct whispers. Don't move yet. Rest. No moving, just rest. I will protect us now.
Mikey doesn't need to be told that twice...
His eyes slip shut.
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
what do you think of the theory that Vincent is a death god now?
Hey Anon! Well, I used to be pretty against it, but nowadays I think it all depends on what we currently know about Shinigamis, which is to say not much.
What I mean is that, in ch105, Yana revealed that Shinigamis are former humans who killed themselves...
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...however, we do not know if that's the only way for a human to become a Shinigami.
Remember, Yana could hold onto some additional truth that we have yet to figure out, especially considering that since ch105, Sensei strongly hinted several times that the Shinigamis' higher ups are super sketchy. [x][x][x]
In other words, there is possibly a real gap between what Shinigamis themselves believe to be the truth whereas the actual truth is hidden by the higher-ups.
Additionally, that's just my opinion but, seeing as UT (and the possible other deserters he works with) is very anti higher-ups, I wonder if editing the records (to make dead people into BD) is not an idea he got from finding out some truths about Shinigamis, which led to his desertion. [x]
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For example, maybe all Shinigamis had their records altered in order to become Shinigamis ? And if that's the case, then maybe some altered memories (read: lies) were put to their records, making them all believe that they're overworked slaves "because of suicide" when none of it is true? Just like the redemption reward is also probably a lie.
All that to say that I believe UT's BD project is a hint to a big and terrible truth that we have yet to fully grasp (take it as a rebellion towards the Shinigamis' higher-ups, on top of UT missing the dead Phantomhives) so, for now, I think it's important to be very careful about the "truth" we were told about the Shinigami Organization.
Back to Vincent: for now, I believe that he was definitely murdered.
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Meaning that if suicide is really the only way for a man to become a Shinigami, then he did not become a Shinigami. However, if becoming a Shinigami is not just about suicide, but about several other factors, then it's not impossible that Vincent became a Shinigami after he died. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In my opinion, Yana-sensei made sure not to rule out the possibility in canon, as in, she left a few hints that could be red herrings, just like they could be used to interpret that Vincent is not really "dead". Those hints are
1) ch107.5, because, even though he's supposedly dead, he wears gloves and a suit that could resemble that of a Shinigami's.
Additionally, even if the rosette power thing was just for comical effect, it's interesting that he showed up at all even though UT said he cannot be brought back as a bizarre doll.
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2) the state of his body, that UT mentions in ch105.
After all, if it's burnt so badly, that means his cinematic record can't be read and thus altered to turn him into a BD, so how certain are we that they buried Vincent's body?
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3) the fact that he constantly breaks the 4th wall despite "being dead" (ch107.5, short story "with Father", etc), which so far has no explanation in canon.
All of these could be nothing important, because Yana's simply playing around with us, just like they could be significant on some aspects.
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The point is : the more the story goes, the less we have a reason to believe that what Sascha explained in ch105 is entirely true. Not with UT and possibly other deserters actively working against the higher-ups, without a real explanation from their side so far.
TL;DR the possibility of Vincent having become a Shinigami can't be entirely ruled out and won't be, until we have found out the entire truth about the Shinigami Organization.
Is the key to their fate really suicide ? Or are there other actions in life that will turn someone into a Shinigami post mortem? Until a deserter, UT or somebody else, tells their version of the truth, I will not trust the information we've had in canon so far about Shinigamis.
(Personally I'd rather he's truly and definitely dead, but if him becoming a Shinigami furthers the very important plot thread of the Shinigamis' higher ups being absolute assholes who need to be taken down, then I'll be okay with it.)
Sorry if it's a bit confusing, but there's no way to be sure of anything on that topic. Have a good day Anon!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 9 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,327 Words
Summary: Harvest Moon’s first task goes well? Well, it goes well for the twins, at least.
Warnings: Injury, Mind Control, Nausea (mentioned only), Kidnapping (not described in detail), Mild Violence (minor fistfight), Blood, Cannibalism, Cursing, Bomb (mentioned only), Implied Mild Violence (mentioned possible second fistfight) let me know if I should add anything else.
Ghost Of You: Chapter 2
Blood Moon groaned waking up back in the tube again, getting released by it. His neck didn’t hurt anymore except a bruise. He didn’t know how he’d gotten here but Stitchwraith was by the control board for it.
“What happened? Why am I here?” Blood Moon asked as the tube released him and he took a few shaky steps out of it.
“Shut up. Eat.” Stitchwraith demanded.
“But I don’t want blood…” Blood Moon could barely believe he was saying it but the thought of eating blood made him nauseous, yet his stomach growled loudly regardless. The feelings from being human were awful.
“Not blood, idiot, human food. You’re human.” Stitchwraith sighed. Harvest Moon stepped forward with a bowl of human food. It looked like rice with corn, carrots, and peas with what looked like chicken whitish-brown sauce on top.
“Eat.” Harvest Moon demanded him and Blood Moon trembled under his twin’s gaze, shaking as he took the bowl and spoon and nodded, spooning a bit into his mouth and quietly eating as he realized it tasted really good.
He finished the bowl and handed it back to Harvest Moon, who traded the bowl for a cup with water, which he drank quickly. He handed the cup back and looked to Stitchwraith. Harvest Moon was terrifying right now and he felt too shaky to give him more blood.
“Go lay down. Now.” Stitchwraith demanded him and he quickly did, laying back on the half-broken bed again and staying there.
“You’re going to go hunt down that gator and fox and bring them to me.” Stitchwraith demanded Harvest Moon. Harvest Moon nodded, internally growling as his eyes darted to Blood Moon before leaving.
He was hurting his own twin. He was scaring him and he couldn’t make it stop. He’d broken through for a second and didn’t allow him to stop breathing when he was feeding last time, but he hadn’t managed anything else since.
It was like he was paralyzed and someone else was piloting his body. And the feeling of Blood Moon almost dying under his fingers was haunting him. He had nearly killed his own twin. Twice, actually. Because he’d almost bit into a place that could kill him.
It was a terrifying prospect, the thought of killing his own twin was heartbreaking and having almost done it twice was crushing him. Sure, it was the mind control, but he loved his brother. Blood Moon was the only person he had left and he was a fragile human compared to Harvest Moon’s reinforced animatronic body.
Harvest was too busy to pay attention when he saw Montgomery in his vision and then the stupid fox, he was dragging them, he thought, back to Stitchwraith as he could remember the way there and the place he went the first time with his twin.
He could feel the gator’s fist connect with his faceplate, reeling him backward into the ground and Harvest Moon used the confusion of the moment to break through the mind control.
“It’s not willing!” He managed to tell them.
“What?” Foxy asked but Harvest could feel the wash of the mind control trying to take back over.
“Keep hitting me!” He ground out and Monty absolutely did just that, giving him more blows and pinning him on the ground. Harvest Moon was almost grateful for this stupid gator.
“We’re not here willing. He’s mind controlling me. He’s making me use Blood Moon as a living blood donor.” He told them.
“How the hell does he have blood?” Monty asked.
“He made him human.” One blow connected with Harvest’s jaw and he felt his jaw ache but he saw this as his penance for draining his brother of almost a pint and a half of blood.
“He’s human!?” Foxy asked incredulously.
“He’s human. I almost killed him because I couldn’t control my body.” Harvest Moon hacked up oil and Monty stopped the punches.
“Alright, take us in there.” Monty told him. Obviously they had a plan, so Harvest let the mind control take over again and let it take them in to Stitchwraith.
“Good job. Bite.” Stitchwraith grabbed Blood Moon and held out his right wrist.
Blood Moon’s eyes were wide and he was staring off into space like he wasn’t all there, shaking with trauma. Blood Moon hadn’t even been this scared of Harvest Moon this morning, why the hell was he so scared now?
As Harvest was biting into Blood Moon’s wrist as he was directed, he glared at Stitchwraith. Harvest Moon pulled away after a few seconds of drinking. Blood Moon looked faint and dizzy, his blood hadn’t fully built back up. He was only a human, he had to be careful with him, so he glitched himself to release quicker and held Blood Moon against himself.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me. I’ve seen a lot of shit, but slavery and imprisonment is a bit much even for me.” Monty sighed and pulled Blood Moon away from the two of them.
“Oh really? Even these two morons?” Stitchwraith asked.
“Especially these two ‘morons’ because I made their body the first time. Kinda like kids to me. Bit of a maternal instinct, gotta say.” She answered.
“Well, it’s not like it’ll matter in a few minutes.” Stitchwraith told them.
“Oh, I’m sure it won’t. But I can let my sons know they’re at least not hated by everyone. Even Foxy was worried about them.” Monty offered.
“Yeah, kinda got soft for kids.” Foxy admitted.
“So I’ll propose a deal.” Monty told him.
“What kind of deal?” Stitchwraith asked.
“Me for them. You get me, Foxy gets my kids and you leave all three of them and all my friends alone.” Monty told him.
“What?” Foxy asked.
“Deal. Disengage.” The machine on the back of Harvest Moon’s head fell off, disengaged and Monty pulled him away from Stitchwraith, over toward Foxy and put Harvest Moon’s hand into Foxy’s and Blood Moon’s into his own.
“Now.” Stitchwraith held out his hand.
“Actually no deal.” Monty chuckled, pulling Blood Moon against herself and Harvest Moon felt himself get tugged close by Foxy.
“What-“ Stitchwraith didn’t get to finish before Monty opened a portal and shoved Harvest Moon and Foxy through first and they landed in the main entrance and then Monty came back with Blood Moon and Blood Moon immediately hiccuped and clung to Monty.
“I’ll get him back to normal, or at least almost normal. But you need a distance right now. Whatever happened there, you two need a break from each other while I fix him and make sure he’s okay. Prolly take him to a hospital to make sure.” Monty rubbed Blood Moon’s back.
“What did you do to Stitchwraith?” Harvest Moon asked.
“Blew up his base. What? Ya think I don’t carry around bombs?” Monty chuckled.
Blood Moon held out a hand and tentatively held Harvest Moon’s hand, Bloody’s small hand inside Harvest’s much bigger hand, fitting but also not. It felt fragile and delicate compared to Harvest Moon’s so he cradled it in his own hand like a precious jewel.
“I still trust you.” Blood Moon whispered.
“I still trust you too. But try to trust him for now too. I can’t help you right now. The gator’s gonna take you to a hospital. And make sure I didn’t hurt you irreparably.” Harvest Moon told him, rubbing his thumb as carefully as he could over Blood Moon’s palm.
“I will. But you’ll visit if they keep me?” Blood Moon asked.
“I’ll visit.” He promised. “And I’ll probably talk to the damned daycare idiots, make sure they don’t try to hurt us.”
“Yeah, Foxy, stay with him so he doesn’t get punched in the face.” Monty told Foxy.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Won’t let your kid get punched in the face.” Foxy huffed. With that, the two led the twins opposite directions, one up to the daycare and the other to the hospital.
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bbyboybucket · 5 months
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I’m trying not be a hater rn, bc it may be really good but damn I wish marvel would move on from brainwashing/possession at this point or at least take a break. I mean they have wore that concept out by now, just recently we had Wanda brainwashing a whole town and then being possessed/brainwashed herself by the dark hold, we had the black widow movie which was all about brainwashing. Captain Marvel was Brainwashed. The Eternals were semi-brainwashed. Clint and Loki have been brainwashed. Even Peter Quill was temporarily brainwashed by his dad. This is just off the top of my head, there’s probably more.
I mean are you really telling me that there aren’t better, cooler things to do Isaiah than reuse a plot point from a previous cap movie 10 years ago? This just sounds so fucking lazy, it sounds like marvel thought “everyone liked a brainwashed super soldier friend in one cap movie, so we’ll do it again for this one.” LAZYYYY. We’ve seen it with Captain America, we’ve seen brainwashing in a million other marvel projects. Like holy fuck can we please let go of the “mind controlled good guy acting bad” and use some of the other cool concepts from the comics. It’s just disappointing bc I don’t wanna see the same concept used for the 3000th time when there’s so much story potential here
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csaventing · 6 months
What are the differences between sexual conditioning and programming? How do the two present?
I am not super informed on either subject, but with some googling this is my best guess. Other accounts may be more suited to answer.
Programming is a specific form of conditioning that is intentional with the goal of creating certain reactions to certain stimuli. This is done by using dissociative states and intentionally creating new parts. Creating a structure inside a system to perform commands. As you can read it involves parts and system stuff, usually in a very structured way. Exactly how this is done can be find on other sources. To my knowledge programming is closely related to mind control.
Sexual conditioning:
With sexual conditioning I assume you mean the process of getting a victim used to sexual abuse by normalizing it and also making the victim believe their purpose is to provide sexual gratification to others. This can happen via someone starting to touch a victim in more common ways such as hugs, proceeding to kissing, then touching genitals etc. Mentally it can look like talks about sex and sexual habits, starting to mix what the victim tells about their sexuality with what the abuser wants, using guilt tripping/coercion to make the victim go along with what the abuser wants. Over time this can instill a belief of existing for others to use/for sexual reasons.
Differences between programming and sexual conditioning:
Sexual conditioning does not need to involve systems/parts and I would think the conditioning done there is more a general thing of “I exist for others to use” and not as specific as “this cue means I need to perform x command” as seen in programming. Programming is more structured where as sexual conditioning describes a more general process, alike grooming.
Again, I may have misunderstood what you mean by sexual conditioning and I also am not so informed. I apologize if I have gotten something wrong, and if anyone who knows better wants to correct me or add more info then feel free.
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