#mine: i am young and desperate for attention
quensty · 1 year
also thinking abt how surprisingly funny elain is with azriel. she jokes with him more than once when i don't think we really see her joke with anyone else. and the kicker is that azriel thinks she's funny! a stone-cold being over 500 years old thinks this strange, nice, quiet woman is funny.
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sillyblues · 1 year
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the ocean and the wind. (7)
ੈ✩‧₊˚ synopsis: tonowari is the ocean and ronal is the wind. where does it leave you?
ੈ✩‧₊˚ notes: another late update again aaaaa our finals is so near i am shaking sobbing screaming!! as an apology there will be like mini extras after this so stay tuned for that also what the hell this is literally the final part of totw. my first fic and baby is ending. oh my god. i have written so much in this fic compared to my writing club lmao. whats your fave part and line?? i love them all but mine is lowkey part 3 because that's the start of misunderstandings and pain i love it. tell me ur thoughts and dont forget ily all. thank you so much for the huge support for this fic im so grateful to all of you JKSDGDISKJBDS :(((
part 1 ✩ part 2 ✩ part 3 ✩ part 4 ✩ part 5 ✩ part 6
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Ronal knew guilt. Guilt introduced itself to her when she made a young boy cry and it never left her side ever since. She also learned helplessness. Helplessness hugged her from behind when she overheard her parents' worries for her, and it never took its arms away ever since. Hopelessness intertwined its own with her fingers when the friends she made after a long time got upset at her and it never took its arms away ever since.
But you came along and gently pried the sticky and murky darkness that eroded her and rendered her incapable of feeling more. You took her out from their figures and suddenly, she met joy. Joy chuckled along with her with your ridiculous banter with Tonowari. Faith introduced itself to her when she found herself talking with you and Tonowari and a couple of other friends. She learned of love from you, a beautiful and gentle breeze of air, and found one with Tonowari.
Then, your sudden disappearance came and the blues came back and turned into raging winds that wanted to sweep her away. But she held on tight to the joy of the memories with you. She held on tight to the faith that you gave her. She held on tight to the love that formed out for and from you.
But, she has never known anger. She never knew about the red that blinds her and the rage that boils within her veins. She never knew about the wrath that forms a hurricane and wants to destroy everything in its path. She never knew about the madness that wakes a typhoon that thirsts for violence and ruin. Not until now when she sees you in tears on the ground in the beach side with some wretched creatures laughing and looking down on you.
How dare you. How dare you.
“What is this?” a voice booms from behind her, low and deep, and Ronal did not need to look behind to see who it was. The girls look at her and Tonowari behind her. They let out grating giggles and she snarls, hissing at the sound.
“I said,” his voice thunders and the loudness attracted the attention of the others as they stopped to look at the situation, but Ronal paid no heed to them. “What is this?” 
She did not know what to look at, the girls who dared to make you cry or you who is sobbing so painfully that she herself wants to cry with you. The anguish she holds for you, the pain each drop of your tears increases she feels for you overpower the unfamiliar terrifying storm that makes her want to shout at the short-haired girl that finally stopped their useless giggling. So she hurriedly comes over to you and embraces you in her arms. 
“No, please let me go…” she feels you struggling, trying to hit and push her away but she knows—desperately hopes—you do not even hold an inch of intention to be away from her as she did when you tried to calm her down when she first met you. She lets you and did not let you go, not even soften her embrace on you just once.
She leaned close to you and perhaps Eywa heard her prayers but she felt relief when you finally understood that she wants to protect and help you this time. But a huge part of her hurts in the way, you cover your face into the crook of her neck and your sobs are muffled against her skin. The wetness of her shoulder brings over a hot air that wants to melt one of the girls who dared to make you cry which she finally recognizes. Letsakx.
“What’s wrong, Tonowari? I was just telling her how you two did not need her anymore,” her thin voice said in a disgusting sickly tone, “How you are to be mated before Eywa soon enough and lead the clan together. Without her.”
She batted her eyelashes at Tonowari like a blind snake that wiggles its body to attract a mate. Disgusting. She looks at Tonowari who clearly has the same thing in his mind. His jaw clenches and his fist tightens, his eyes as still as the calm before the storm.
“Why are you looking at me like that, Tonowari? Aren’t I right?” she condescendingly giggles once more, “Don’t be shy, tell her the truth. She’s just a plaything you’ve gotten tired of when Ronal entered your life—”
Ronal snarls at her. “Shut your mouth! You do not know anything! How dare you run off your useless mouth with such lies!”
“Or what? What would you do?” the vile wench scoffed at her, “Besides, everyone knows, everyone knows Tonowari wants to mate with you. Not poor little useless [Name] who has been with him for so long and still couldn’t have him. I wonder what you have that she, a long-time friend of his, doesn’t? What everyone else doesn’t?”
Amidst her anger, Ronal could care less what she’s insinuating. She could not give a single piece of her mind what interesting choice words she says to insult her. Perhaps, if the past version of Ronal was the one standing as of now, she is sure it would affect her and destroy what little of care she has for herself left. But she is not the old her now. The one in front of her that stands in front of everyone is the Ronal of the present, the one who has changed and will continue to change. So no, whatever slander the unblessed by Eywa herself says about her does not offend her.
But it is entirely a different matter when it is you who she dares to commit such blasphemy and disrespect. It is a different matter when you, Eywa’s blessed child of love and joy, are reduced to sorrow and grief. You, who are full of smiles and everything nice of this world, are reduced to tears and sobs.
Ronal can feel your breath hitch at Letsakx’s words and you go limp in her arms like you had given up on everything. Like you had given up on the love that she and Tonowari have for you but you do not feel. Like you had given up on the way she and Tonowari see you but you do not see.
No. No. Nononono—
“[Name]... no, no, don’t believe anything she says. I see you. He sees you.” Ronal pleads with you as she gently lowers herself and you to the sand. She rocks your body gently and caresses the wet hair that is stuck to your face from your tears. She finally sees your eyes and oh—you’re gone. Your eyes are glossy but they do not shine anymore. You don’t even look at her. You don’t see her. You don’t see them.
“[Name]...” She chokes out a sob and she’s helpless in the storm that harshly scratches her skin. The wind has become blades that tear whatever is left of her heart and dried her blood dry.
“Hahaha! How pathetic! Is it your tears that seduced our future Olo’eyktan? I can’t believe a tramp like you has—”
“Take my mates’ name out of your mouth.” Tonowari’s deep voice permeates the whole island and suddenly everything stops. The murmurs and the hushed whispers of the onlookers, the giggling of the girls who managed to kill her life and love, the whiffs of the winds, the waves of the ocean. It all stops.
Ronal looks at Tonowari who stands in front of the both of them. She can only see his back, his figure towering over the other girls. Letsakx’s arm is held by him, and she could see the fear and confusion creeping onto her and leaving her legs slightly trembling.
“W-What? Let me go—”
“My mate had told you to shut your mouth but you did not, did you?” his grip tightens, his veins becoming more prominent and his muscles tensing, and she struggles as her arm turns purple.
Ronal purses her lips and let her tears fall. Despite the pain in her heart, she feels warm. She feels loved. She feels seen. Tonowari is a blessing and you are her miracle. Really, it hurts how fate won’t let her live peacefully and contented. She silently grieves over the lost future she dreams of with you and him.
“You are our soon-to-be Olo’eyktan! I am one of your people, you cannot do this to me!” She shouts at him but panic can be easily heard from her voice. Tonowari is silent and she takes this as him contemplating her words as she continued as arrogance comes back as she believes her delusions, “You cannot hurt me. You can only serve me as our Olo’eyktan.”
“And as your future Olo’eyktan, you should have known better than to insult my chosen mates,” his voice is thick, full of calm yet venomous wrath that threatens to break the weak constraints of his patience, “and to insult my mates is to insult me.”
He pushes her away with force to her group of friends and did not care that she fell. She starts to sob and Ronal can only grit her teeth. Forgiveness was a lesson she had to learn by herself. She learned to forgive the parents of the boy who hated her and humiliated her without them asking to. She learned to forgive her friends who blamed her for something she never really intended to make them feel without asking to. She learned to forgive herself for the faults she committed and learned how to grow stronger and mature.
But she does not think she can forgive Letsakx for what she has done. To you. To Tonowari. To herself.
“This is a warning to each and every one of you. Touch them again, hurt them again, and I will not hesitate to show you what your soon Olo’eyktan’s wrath is.” He glowers at them and the people kneel at him. They bow their heads showing their alliance to their leader.
Ronal looks at you once more and finds you looking at the setting sun on the ocean. The golden rays glisten so beautifully on your skin. The wind sways your hair, it whispers out to you,  and the waves try their hardest to reach out to you and call out your name.
He comes back to both of you. She looks at him and tells him with her eyes to take her and you away from this mess. Tears slip out and he sends her a smile that hides the same pain she feels, but she sees through him. She sees him. She sees you close your eyes.
Tonowari carries the both of you in each of his arms and into the inner island where no one would come to disturb nor dare to hurt each of you again.
“Take my mates’ name out of your mouth.” Tonowari’s words still ring through your head over and over again. Mates? The sinful part of you, the greedy little thing desperately hopes what he said is true. That he considered you to be truly his mate. But you know better. You learned better. Tonowari is a kind man. Very, very kind that he would put anybody else first before himself. He is putting you first despite what anyone will say to him because he is kind.
Ronal’s warmth encases you and the green monster wishes to be buried hidden beneath her loving embrace. But you know better. You learned better. She is a thoughtful woman. She cares about others first, most of the time overlooking what she thinks and feels. She cares for you first despite what anyone will say to her because she is thoughtful.
They only protected you back then because they are kind and they care for you. Because you are their friend. And as a friend, you should thank them for defending you and offer your congratulations for their bonding. 
But you can’t open your mouth. The words are stuck in your throat, it encloses and constricts what you want to say and you find yourself feeling so stupid and pathetic all over again.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it now,” Tonowari says suddenly. He carried you and Ronal into the inner parts of the island. The creek where you first met Ronal. The creek where you witnessed the love they had for each other and left none for you. He placed you both on the grass nearby the streaming water and sat close to you. “Please.”
“Please see us,” Ronal takes your hands and you look at her.
“I do.”
“But you don’t.” Tonowari leans his forehead against your temple as he pleads with you. You frown. How could he say that? How could he? You try to withdraw your hands and you leaned back away from him. They look at you with so much hurt in their eyes but they still don’t let go of you. It pains you to see them like this but you swallowed it down.
“I don’t? What do you mean? I see you two. Eywa knows how much I look at you and how much it hurts me. She knows how I desperately beg for her forgiveness because I shouldn’t be hurting. I should be happy for both of you, you two who are so in love with each other. I should be happy for both of you because I am your friend!” like the creek that trickles continuously nearby you, your tears flow down endlessly, “But I’m not. Seeing you two hurts me.”
You tilt your head and close your eyes. It’s odd. You don’t even dare to say what you feel out loud to yourself, much less even think about telling them both. But you did. The suffocating and heavy weight that kills you inside is finally out in the open. You scoff inwardly. You guess it won’t be too long till they would shun you out for daring to disturb their love.
You were alright with being just their friend. You accepted and settled just for that so that you wouldn’t ruin anything. Why… Why did you have to push me like this?
“Do you love us?” Ronal’s trembling voice made you open your eyes. You look at her, with your hands in her tight grip, not leaving you any chance to turn them away. You take in her beauty which made it irresistible for you to say the truth.
“Yes. I love you two so much.” You breathe out. 
“Tell us how much you want us. Let us understand you. Let us see you.”  She crawls towards you until you back away. But you can only move so much until your back hits Tonowari’s chest. She sits so close to you, only a breath away from each other. His arms snake around your waist and you feel your breath hitch. Like a captivated Na’vi who fell victim to the storm that brew in their eyes, you let the wind and the ocean drift you away.
“I want you. I want you two so bad it hurts. You are my source of greed. My selfishness.” Your hand is placed on Ronal’s cheek by herself and you caress it. Her eyes look at you with so much wonder and love. They are so full of life and you find yourself looking at your reflection in them. “You are my prayers to Eywa.”
Tonowari rubs his head against yours and he kisses the temple of your forehead and it takes all of you to not melt underneath his warmth.
“But you two are made for each other. Tonowari, you are mighty and strong like the ocean. You have what it takes to be our Olo’eyktan. Ronal, you are as gentle but as powerful as the wind. You have what it takes to Tsahik. You even proved it once more a while ago, you can make quite the storm together,” you lightly chuckle with a sense of pride and bitterness.
“But between the two of you, there is no place for me,” you smile painfully, “So let me go. Leave me with the sins of being greedy and selfish to both of you. Leave me and go forward with each other.”
“You said you see us. But you’re wrong.” Tonowari suddenly says against your skin. You shiver at his breath. You look at him questioningly. He looks at you, his blue eyes are deep with emotions you find yourself drowning in.
“If you do, then you should have known how we long for you as well. How we want you so bad. How we want you to be with us. Together.”  Ronal rests her head on the other side of your shoulder.
“If you do, then you should have known how greedy and selfish we are as well for you. Be greedy with me. With Ronal. Be selfish with us and let us be the same with you.” Their words make you widen your eyes. Shock leaves you speechless and their confession leaves you breathless.
“You say we are the ocean and the wind, but you are the life. You are the gleaming plants and the flora the wind dances with. You are the glowing lights underneath the ocean it flows with. You are the direction that guides the wind. You are the water that makes the ocean.”
“We might be the ocean and the wind, but without you, there is nothing of us.”
Suddenly, you are aware of the way they look at you. The way they touch you. The way they are so close to you.
“Do you hear the ocean and the wind that has been longing for you and calling out your name for so long?”
“Do you see us now?”
With more tears not out of sadness, but surprise and tenderness, flow out once more, you chuckle hoarsely. You finally rest against Tonowari and fully embrace Ronal. You close your eyes. You hear the waves of the ocean from the distance and feel the breeze of the wind. You open your eyes and look at them.
“I see you.”
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series-taglist: (tumblr won't let me tag some blogs so if you changed your username, please lmk!) @totesnothere04 @ducks118 @narutoboi @yeosxxx @fanboyluvr @ladylovegood-69 @northsoulss @thatfictionalwh0re @ghostlyworld @toodaloo432 @lovefromjazzy @greendino7 @neteyamforlife @vermilionzombie @vxncxntt @adaiasafira @tsuteysyawntu @mooniequeen @eywas-heir @arminsgfloll @dev1lm4n @myh3artttt @thehoneymushroomhealer @delightcandlelight @shadowmoonlight0604 @dae-dreamer @buttercup-beeee @ms5m1th @cryingwhilereading @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @manumanulau @ssc7514 @loveofvernonslife @cheolattes @bobaopal @riahpickle-blog
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yuesya · 1 month
Aventurine tilts the wineglass in his hands. A careless, indolent gesture. Light catches onto the glass rim at this angle, bright and sharp.
Rapid footsteps sound outside the doorway, indicative of a brisk run. Then it ceases, followed by a perfunctory knock, and then the door swings open–
“My sincerest apologies for the wait, sir.” The man who enters the room is well-dressed, with oiled hair slicked back neatly upon his head. There’s a deeply fake smile stretched wide over his lips –or at least, the joy within the expression is feigned, but the greed is real. “It is a great honor to receive a guest such as yourself to our humble establishment.”
Aventurine answers with his own friendly smile. One that is equally fake as the one that he’s presented with, although less overtly so.
“A pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he says, lifting the wineglass raised between his fingers just slightly so. He does not rise from his seat to greet the other man.
“Please, the pleasure is all mine.” The man’s smile twitches, but he visibly reins himself in and refrains from expressing any sign of discontent at the treatment. “If any of the arrangements or other services during your wait are lacking to your tastes, I must deeply apologize again. We were not expecting to receive such distinguished personnel from the IPC.”
“Oh, think nothing of it,” Aventurine responds casually.
The man licks his lips. “… If I may ask, honored guest… what is it among the wares of this lowly auction house that has caught the IPC’s attention?”
Impatient, and greedy. Hmm. 
In that case… 
“Ah, that.” Aventurine pauses, noting the unconscious manner in which the man’s fingers rub together, the unblinking attention that hangs on to his every word. “It seems that I must disappoint you, then. Aventurine is not present on behalf of the IPC.”
The man’s expression falls swiftly, his disappointment a dark storm. “That, that’s…”
Aventurine ignores the stuttering.
“I’m merely here to kill some time,” he laughs, “Don’t think too much about it. Unless, do you really think that you’re in possession of something that the IPC would be interested in? I’m not averse to assessing the product and perhaps making a deal, if that’s really the case.”
Red colors the man’s face, but to his credit, he does not lose his composure. “… Surely you jest, sir. If we knowingly possessed something of that value, then we would’ve left this planet for greener pastures a long time ago.”
“Oh? So I suppose your auction house holds nothing of interest, then?” Aventurine arches an eyebrow.
The man grits his teeth. “… Nothing that would be of any worth to the IPC, perhaps. But you seem like a man who is appreciative of the finer things in life, and… and, our auction house is renowned in these parts for luxury items. I am quite certain that there will be something in our catalogue that will suit your tastes!”
A small-time auction house like this… if someone like one of the Ten Stonehearts of the IPC were in attendance to one of their auctions, it would be a massive boost to their reputation, and open many doors for him. Hence the man’s initial delight in Aventurine’s arrival. His hope plummeted upon hearing that the IPC was uninvolved, however. And now that Aventurine himself made it clear that he was only here on a whim, and fast losing interest…
The auction owner was desperate to entice him into staying.
For a small planet like this, there was quite a broad range of selections that the man was presenting before him. Exotic delicacies, uncanny knickknacks, rare materials…
“–a-and we have new additions to the choice of personal servants, as well!” Sweat beads upon the man’s brow at Aventurine’s continued disinterest. “There’s an albino Foxian, very sweet and obedient, although she’s quite young. I-if young children aren’t to your liking, then there are also other options! We have a lovely young lady with very pretty eyes, almost like gemstones–”
There it is.
… The entire reason why Aventurine is even bothered to be in a place like this at all.
“Pretty eyes?” Aventure stretches and yawns exaggeratedly, finally cutting off the man’s tirade. “Even prettier than mine?”
The man freezes. Triumph blatantly flashes across his expression, before he swiftly ducks his head.
“A slightly different kind of beauty, if I might offer my humble opinion,” he says. “She’s a recent acquisition, from one of the war-ravaged worlds –a lucky find; our suppliers there usually bring in malnourished children, but that’s been growing steadily more difficult, ever since that singer from The Family traveled there in person and started interfering.”
Frustration. The man sucks in a deep breath.
“But this time, they found a lovely little bird,” he continues smugly. “One with silvery hair, and gorgeous blue eyes that gleam like jewels when they catch the light just right.”
“Like jewels, you say?”
“Quite so.” The man lifts his gaze to carefully study his reactions. Aventurine’s smile does not waver under the unsubtle scrutiny. “Ordinarily, the goods of our auction are not to be displayed before the auction begins, but… for an honored guest such as yourself, exceptions can definitely be made.”
‘Goods,’ he says. Slavery.
Aventurine remembers the pain of the brand being burned into his neck, of the days when he’d been bought and as considered nothing but merchandise–
The Avgins of Sigonia are dead.
… Aventurine knows this.
And yet, there is still a part of him that cannot help but… pay attention to trivial, useless things, even when the chance of any survivors aside from himself is bleak.
An auction selling a young, pretty girl with beautiful eyes, found from one of the neighboring planets beside Sigonia-IV?
Even if it’s a long shot, Aventurine still…
“Since she’s such a new acquisition, there hasn’t been time to train her properly yet. But, fear not! I am sure that she will–”
The man breaks off with a startled yelp as the entire building suddenly shakes.
Briefly, there is silence.
And then–
The screaming starts.
Pain. Terror.
Aventurine ignores the panicked, incoherent blubbering next to him, and promptly rises to his feet.
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pandoa · 8 months
the thief is a huntsman
a thief declares his love for you
~rook hunt x gender neutral reader~
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Like a thief in the night, a dark, brooding figure flutters past your vision, the stranger's form tall, slender, and intricate.
Shadows cast down your creaking windows as any trace of twilight dissipate, the midnight sky now baren and left with no inkling of stars. The thundering clouds barricade themselves around the moon and stratosphere, causing any source of light to be hidden away from your world. A night of total darkness.
You sit in your chambers, shivering from the aggressive autumn wind entering your room. An annoyed scoff escapes your lips as you glare at the opened windows of your chambers, the rattling of each chaotic movement mocking you in your comfortable spot on your cotton mattress.
You could have sworn you locked the windows earlier.
Begrudgingly, you stand up to close the windows you had already closed hours before, a sense of deja vu now filling your mind as the chilling wind caresses your cheeks and neck in an electrifying breeze. Strange things had been happening throughout your whole house ever since the night of the full moon.
Candles were mysteriously blown out, pieces of clothing and jewelry were missing from both your closet and vanity, strange shadows were cast through the silhouettes of your bedroom's curtains.
It was as if a thief of the night had begun haunting your senses.
Brushing off your hysterical thinking, you turn your attention back to the metal lock of your window, shutting the glass tightly as the breeze in your hair ceases. You let out a sigh of relief.
Exhaustion then strikes your body as you groggily trudge back to the warm comfort of your bed. You yearn for it. Crave it.
That is, until a warmer force contrasting your own shivering skin wraps around your waist, engulfing you in warmth you strangely lean into. The figure rests their head against your shoulder as you feel their lips lightly brush the nape of your neck. The figure is tall, and their hands are rough and full of calluses you can tell that were earned through time. They speak in a hushed, almost desperate tone as the deepness of their voice causes tantalizing vibrations to run through your own body at how close the strange person was to you.
The figure then bends slightly to the left, giving you a clear view of their beautiful disposition and reveals that this figure was, in fact, a young man. The man wears a midnight cloak that hoods over his emerald eyes and a face peppered with freckles that added a certain charm to the mysterious individual. His blonde hair whisps over his forehead, the golden bangs under his hood causing you to stare at the man in a complex temptation of allurement. He whispers into your ear, tickling the skin of your neck with the softness of his hopeless words.
“My darling, I am regretful that I cannot wait. I need you to be mine.”
This thief had snuck into your walls, past your echoing hallways, and broke his way into your home. He studied your ways, your mannerisms, the way you'd place your dying candle precisely forty-five millimeters away from the edge of your nightstand before sleeping in the name of gathering intel on his target.
The only difference now was that he was after your heart.
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a/n: spooky month with my spookie pookie rook hunt c:
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honeybeefae · 9 months
Secretly Mine (Azriel x Eris)
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Eris Week Day Three: Secrets
Summary// Eris is visiting the Court of Nightmares to keep in touch with things now that he is officially High Lord of Autumn. As he mingles he is introduced to a lovely vixen who, despite Eris's resistance, takes no hints to his distaste. While Eris tries to search for a way out he catches the eye of a Shadowsinger who is none too pleased about the wandering hands touching what is his, even if in secret. 
(I love Azris. If I can’t have Eris I am more than happy to have him go to Azriel. Also sub Eris is HAWT. Writing this was so much fun if you know what I mean so I hope you guys enjoy it!)
WARNINGS: Smut, Secret Relationship, Dom/Sub Dynamics
Eris had never felt more uncomfortable in his life as Keir practically shoved the young fae woman into his arms, his tone dripping with satisfaction as he not so subtly brought up the woman’s accomplishments and marriageable age. 
“Such a beauty, wouldn’t you agree?” He pursed his lips. “She’s the daughter of one of the elite here. Well-read, submissive, beautiful, everything a man could wish to have.”
“Oh, you boast too much, Keir.” She faked a laugh, turning to Eris with a sly smirk. “My name is Carina and you, my lord, need no introduction.” The bow she gave him was so deep that he could see right down her dress, which he was sure was the point. “I am honored to be in the presence of such a powerful man.”
“Two powerful men, right Carina?” Keir corrected, his jaw clenched from the slight of being forgotten. She nodded quickly, a bit of fear flitting through her eyes before she turned docile once more. “Of course! You know I could never forget you and all you have done for my family, Keir.”
“And it should stay that way.” He raised his glass though his tone was anything but calculated as he bid the two of them goodbye. Eris went to turn around, hoping she was distracted, but sighed when she latched on to his arm. 
“And where do you think you are going, my lord?” She purred.
“I was just going to fetch myself a drink,” Eris replied cooly, trying to pull away which only seemed to cause her to sink her claws in deeper. “Did you need something?”
“A dance if you please, before you wander off and get stolen away from me.” Carina pouted her lips. “I would love to show you my moves…” Her fingernails ran up his arm suggestively and he had to resist the urge to cringe. 
He looked around for anyone to save him, desperate for an out, but found none. Eris ground his teeth and forced a smile while holding out his hand, leading her out to the floor. The music was soft as he began to sway, hating the way her body pressed against his.
If he were being honest there was only one body he wanted to be pressed against and that person was somewhere hiding in the shadows, watching his every move. He could feel the skin on the back of his neck prickle as he tuned out the woman’s mindless chatter, spinning her so that he could do a sweep of the room.
It wasn’t until his second turn around the room that he finally spotted the Shadowsinger. Azriel was lounging against a far column, his hazel eyes blazing with jealousy as Carina stroked Eris’s back while bringing him down to whisper something.
Eris could see Azriel’s jaw tighten, and could practically feel his hands around his throat as he finally broke his gaze to look at his dance partner. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“You’re hardly paying me any attention, my lord. I thought you were raised with better manners than that.” She chided, her ruby-painted lips ghosting over his ear as she cooed, “Perhaps you need a reminder of how to treat a lady. One night with me and you’ll never forget the lesson.”
“Wow, I-” Eris tried to respond, pulling back only to stumble into something hard. The smell of darkness and night air filled his nostrils as he turned to see Azriel glaring at the two of them, his jaw tight. “Azriel.”
“Eris.” He replied lowly, never taking his eyes off Carina. “My High Lord has requested an audience with you. Now.”
“Can his lordship wait? We were in the middle of-” She tried to interject but flinched back when he took a step forward, shadows curling over his scarred hands. “I’ll look for you after, Eris. Don’t keep me waiting long.”
However Azriel and Eris are already halfway across the room by the time she finishes her sentence, the anger and jealousy rolling off the Illyrian in waves as Eris holds back a whimper in his throat. 
It had been so long since he had seen him. They had to keep their…whatever it was between them, secret, for obvious reasons but especially now that Eris was High Lord of Autumn. And with how busy he had been with taking over the court he had barely had time to sneak away to his favorite distraction.
They entered the hallway and Azriel gave a quick look around before he all but shoved Eris towards a small closet, ordering him quietly to ‘Get the fuck inside now.’.
As soon as the door shut behind them Eris was pressed against the cold stone wall, a tan arm pressed against his throat as Azriel pushed his hips against his. He could feel his hot, throbbing cock through his leathers and this time Eris did whimper.
“Azriel, please, let me explain.” He swallowed, mouth dry as Azriel cocked his head. 
“What is there to explain? You vanish on me for weeks and then suddenly here I find you dancing in the arms of someone else, someone who was very keen on what you had to offer.” Azriel’s words were like ice as he tried to control his breathing. “By the pathetic noise you just made for me I know you still crave my cock so that little show was obviously a ploy for my attention.”
“It wasn’t! I didn’t want to dance with her, I swear, Keir-” Eris argued only to gasp when Azriel moved his arm away from his throat to grab a fistful of his long, styled mane. “Fuck, Az…”
“Look at how quickly you submit for me, prince.” He smirked, biting his bottom lip as he shoved his head back into the wall to expose his throat. “You were just dying for me to stake my claim for you in there, to fuck you in front of everyone and show them who owns you.”
Before Eris could protest Azriel had wedged his thigh between his legs, pressing up against him at just the right angle that had the redhead groaning. “You’ve got my attention, fox, what is you want?”
“You, fuck, I want you.” Eris crumbled faster than cake as his voice turned into a whine, his eyes half-lidded. “Please, Gods I’ve missed you so much. I need you, Azriel.”
“That’s not what you’re supposed to call me,” Azriel tsked, lowering his mouth to his throat and grazing it with his teeth. “Come now, be a good boy and try again.”
Eris’s throat bobbed as he took a shuddering breath, feeling a wet spot forming on the front of his pants from how pent up he was as he whispered, “Please, Sir. Please touch me.”
He could feel the Shadowsinger’s lips turn up in a smirk as he whispered praises into his skin, his hand wandering up until he was palming him through his pants. Eris’s reaction was immediate, his back arching and hips rising to get more as he remained pinned against the wall. 
It was torture, sweet torture, as he kept the pressure just light enough to keep his pleasure from growing as he kissed his way up the High Lord’s neck. Azriel paused over his mouth, his gaze drinking in the neediness on Eris’s face, before kissing him passionately. 
The closet was too small for actual sex but that didn’t stop the two of them from grinding against each other, their tongues dancing together sensually as Eris fisted his hands in his lover’s hair. Azriel growled, pulling away to suck a deep bruise onto his neck, marking his territory before he placed a hand on Eris’s shoulder and shoved him to his knees.
“Worship me, prince. Show me how much you’ve missed me.” He purred, running his fingers through Eris’s hair as he made quick work of Azriel’s laces to free his cock. It was long and thick, dripping with precum and begging to be shoved down his throat which is exactly what Eris planned to do.
His mouth opened wide and Az wasted no time in shoving himself all the way inside, his eyes closing as the tip of his dick hit the back of his throat. Eris gagged, trying to breathe through his nose as he looked up at the God above him. Azriel’s shadows were peeking over his shoulders as his eyes practically glowed in the dim light of the room, his aura absolutely dominating as he clicked his tongue.
“Much better use for that mouth.” He taunted, gathering the long strands of hair in his hand before he started to fuck into his mouth. “You can feel free to go back to that girl after we’re done…though I doubt you’ll be able to speak after this.”
Eris tried to garble out something but Azriel wasn’t interested in what he had to say, more focused on using him to get off as his balls hit the High Lord’s chin with how hard he was going. The sounds coming from his mouth were filthy as drool leaked out the side of his lips, his hands desperately trying to free his own cock.
The musk of sex and sweat was making him dizzy as he finally got his dick out. He thanked the Mother that Azriel didn’t say anything to stop him, allowing him that small bit of pleasure as he started furiously jerking himself off. One of his hands braced itself on the Illyrian’s thigh while the other fisted his cock, squeezing tightly when he got to the top as he slobbered all over Az’s member.
“Such a desperate, pathetic little fox,” Azriel grunted, his eyebrows furrowed together. “A needy, greedy slut for this cock, for me. The only thing you’re good for is for me to use and abuse, isn’t that right?”
He pulled him off his cock for a moment, waiting for an answer, to which Eris moaned out, “Yes Sir.”
“Gods, your mouth was made for sucking cock.” Az growled as he shoved himself back in his mouth, throwing his head back as he felt the first tingles of his approaching orgasm creeping up his spine. “What would that woman think if she saw you like this, hm? Saw you on your knees for me, the Spymaster of the Night Court?”
The thought of others seeing him like this made him feel shamefully more excited as he stroked himself faster, his moans vibrating around his lover’s dick which only added to his pleasure.
“You love the thought of that, don’t you? Imagine if we didn’t have to hide. If I could just take you wherever, whenever I wanted.” The Shadowsinger sped up as image after image flooded his brain. “In the courtyard, on your throne, on the dining table, I would fuck you so much that there wouldn’t be an inch of your body that wasn’t covered in my cum.”
“Please, please, please,” Eris wailed around him, his eyes rolling back into his head as he suddenly found himself on the edge of bliss. “I want it, I want it so bad, Sir.”
“You know the rules, prince.” He reprimanded, tightening his grasp. 
Eris blinked away tears as he focused all his attention on making Azriel cum, knowing that as soon as he came Eirs could as well. His tongue toyed with the underside of his cock every time it slid in, his throat constricting around him while his hand went up to fondle his heavy balls.
Azriel’s hips started to stutter as he slammed his cock all the way into his throat, ignoring his gasps for breath as he growled loudly and emptied himself into his mouth. Eris swallowed like the good boy he was, drinking it down like wine as he went back to playing with himself.
It didn’t take Eris long to find his own release as Az pulled his softening cock from his throat, his cum dribbling out of his mouth as Eris threw his head back and moaned deeply with each spurt of cum that came out his cock.
Both of them were breathing heavily, a small pool of cum staining the floor as Eris closed his eyes and sagged to the ground. 
“I’ll give you a moment to rest, High Lord, before we go back out there,” Azriel smirked, tucking himself back into his pants as he crouched down and caught some of his own cum trickling out the side of his mouth. “I suggest you make a quick excuse to leave and meet me in my chambers within the hour lest you let everyone smell cum on your tongue.”
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thiccpersonality · 5 months
Damian (Gremlin) Wayne...and his even more gremlin-esque family
A newly introduced Damian sits in Bruce's Bat-chair, observing his new "siblings" with judgmental eyes. His emerald green ones rolling into the back of his head at the ex-carny babying him: "Look you fool, I shall let you know right now that your efforts to entertain me like I'm some child will prove fruitless. Whatever I have done to make you think I'm approachable, forgive me, because I already hate you."
Richard's smile slowly fades and he clears his throat. His medium blue eyes narrowing into a suspicious glare, his lips forming a tight lipped smile: "Right down to business I see? I'll have you know that you may be the baby, but I was Bruce's first one. Whatever title you held before doesn't matter now...in fact, I would suggest you get rid of it before someone helps you get rid of it."
Damian scoffs and picks at his nails, swiveling side to side in HIS father's chair: "Worried about the competition already? As expected from a weak-willed and spineless peasant such as yourself. I suggest whatever title you held before-" his green eyes rake up and down Richard's lithe form like a predator with it's prey-"Which from your disposition I would say you are the favorite-ah! Or I should say EX favorite."
Jason grunts from where he's punching at a dummy: "Look you little shit. All we did was exist-"
Damian: "Then stop."
Jason: *stops punching to glare at the small fry* "Ex-fucking-cuse me? I already un-existed before, I am NOT doing that again. And drop the attitude before I drop kick you back to your mother."
Damian: "How cute. It's like a puppy learning to bark for the first time. I can already tell you are desperate for my father's attention like a dehydrated ma-"
Jason: *cocks his gun and points it at Damian* "Did no one tell you along the way here that I don't mind killing for Bruce? Would've tried to get rid of Bozo the Clown over there if I knew I could get away with it. And then I'd shoot Bruce myself."
Tim looks up from his tablet with a sigh: "Trying to kill another bird I see? I guess I wasn't enough for you?"
Jason: "That was due to my pit induced rage. I had no control over that-" gestures towards Damian-"But this overly confident little bitch is a choice."
Tim raises his hands in defeat: "Just saying that you shouldn't threaten the new one so soon. Plus...I'm the smart one, Bruce needs me more than all of you combined. And I know everyone's weaknesses well, do you really want to test me?"
Damian sighs and finally hops down from the chair: "Childs play. My mother has made sure I knew everything from acrobatics to knowledge of cultures, religions, languages, books and other things you plebeians would surely combust from the brains it takes to memorize such things. She made sure I had it all so I can replace all of you. And father will be mine and mine alone."
Richard plasters a friendly smile back on his face: "Seems like the one spot she missed was etiquette. Don't worry kid, I'll be happy to show you the way things work around here."
Before the argument can get further out of hand, a clearing of the throat stops the four boys. They quickly turn to see Alfred standing at the bottom of the cave steps with a tray full of cookies.
Polished shoes click across the cave floors unhurriedly, the older gentleman quietly serving the boys their cookies and turning to leave. Not before clearing his throat once again and turning to give the four boys stern looks.
Alfred: "All this bickering is pointless. You all are now family and I hope you lot will act like it. Master Bruce is already making arrangements for your schooling young master Damian, and he expects a somewhat peaceful dinner tonight."
The older man can't help the small smirk he gives, one that is confident and self-assured. "Plus, as long as I am here, there is NOT much competition. You may be his first child master Richard, but I am his first partner in anything he's done. I do hope from here on out you ALL will remember your places. Good day."
The four boys frown at the authority radiating from the usually calm butler.
Damian clicks his tongue and slinks into the shadows while silently plotting his new victims demise.
(Hello everyone! I write fics on AO3 by the same name, Thicc_Personality. I'm sorry this is my first post and it's nothing but chaos, threats and crack...they truly (do) care for each other, they just don't know it atm XD. But I am a sucker for gremlin bat family and an oblivious Bruce to the very obvious competition. That or he lets it slide so easily (especially for Damian) cause he thinks his baby son is the cutest thing ever. If anyone manages to see this...well, I hope there was some enjoyment found here xD. Stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. 💜)
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greeksorceress · 2 years
‘he’s mine to ruin, and he’s mine to cherish’ is what aemond tells them before betraying them. 
it’s been two weeks since his unprompted meeting with lucerys over storm’s end, and he has refused to let the council and his grandfather take the boy away from him. otto proposed a public beheading, to send a message and teach an important lesson. aemond had refused, baring his teeth at his own grandfather while explaining that the boy wouldn’t die under his watch. aegon suggested cutting an ear, or an eye, and sending the boy back to rhaenyra like that, with his own maimed body serving as a warning. aemond had refused this too, slamming his fists on the table, declaring that lucerys’ body was off limits. alicent, in desperation, had begged for lucerys to be given back to rhaenyra safe and sound, with all his pieces still attached, wanting nothing more than forgiveness for this mistake and the possibility of staling the war once again. aemond had roared like a dragon, because lucerys was not to be parted from him. ever. 
alicent cries that night, seeing vhagar fly away, leaving them all behind. her rider is with her, and so is the treasure in the shape of a boy that aemond had never stopped fighting for. there’s the crown of the conqueror inside his travelling bag too, soon to be on rhaenyra’s head.
she wonders if it would all have turned differently if she had seen things in aemond as they had been and not the illusions she had wanted to believe. if she had admitted that his protectiveness and possessiveness over lucerys ran a little too deep, a little too strong. if she had said something when she realized aemond didn’t let anyone play with lucerys when they were young, because he wanted to soak all that love and attention, and lucerys’ childish admiration. if she had said something during those years of unhinged longing and want from aemond, who would train the hardest and always go for the eye and then would moan lucerys’ name at night when he thought nobody was walking down the corridors. how aemond had always wanted to hunt lucerys down, from the clearings in the forest behind the castle to the clouds in storm’s end. the possessiveness, the passion, the protectiveness, the jealously, the want, the need. the obsession that always rises like a tide when lucerys is in aemond’s sight or mind. 
she didn’t say anything, because she didn’t want to believe it. such a profuse devotion from her son that always seems to grace lucerys and only lucerys; the type of love one should have for salvation. she turned blind eye after blind eye, and now her son was about to bend the knee and give rhaenyra the crown, and request mercy for his family. 
and when rhaenyra concedes mercy over helaena and the children, and even spares aegon’s life, and asks him for the reason he’s doing all of this in the first place, he will tell her the same he told alicent before leaving them.
‘i need no crown, and i need no title. but i need lucerys like the air in my lungs and the blood within my veins. i need his fury and his resentment, and i need his love and his devotion. and i will give him as much and more. i will live to serve him, because he’s the owner of my mind and my heart and his existence is the purpose of mine. i am his. and i want him, for he’s already mine too. he’s mine to ruin, and he’s mine to cherish.’
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ddemurezy · 1 year
The Witch of Westeros
CHAPTER ONE - what heavy storm brings
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I do not own House of the Dragon nor the Scarlet Witch and her powers. Credits to Marvel and Stan Lee.
gif not mine, I got it from pinterest
this fanfic does not follow the plot of the series nor its books. storyline belongs to me.
I am so so sorry for not updating for weeks, I've been busy with school and friends and christmas. And I also lost my motivation with writing but I'm back now!!
anyway, sorry for the long wait!!
mention of blood, open wounds, and I think that's all, but if I missed anything, please tell me. !! NOT EDITED !!
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Thunder was heard from the gloomy sky, and a howl of wind passed through the crowd of people from the busy streets of the market. Yells and cries of vendors who desperately call for customers to buy from their shops mixed with the sound of talks of the people passing by, but the only thing you can focus on that leaves their mouths is the topic of the prince's name day.
Prince Joffrey's 12th name day was the only thing people talked about the whole week. And it was tomorrow. However, the king hosted a get-together party tonight and invited a few noble houses to celebrate. Despite not having an invite, the people of King's Landing are hosting dinner feasts in their homes in honour of the prince's day.
Though, you can't say the same. Unlike the others excited about the prince's name day, you were lost.
Five months, that's how long you've been in this...peculiar world. Although, you can't say that the last five months had been treating you with nothing but peace, something you needed after everything. The world you landed in was strange. Nevertheless, it amazes you how it all works. You don't know everything about it yet, but the experience was enough to tell you that it's nothing like the others you've ever been to.
Another rumble from the sky was heard, and it was enough to signal you that rain—perhaps a storm might arrive due to the gloomy weather.
The thought of a storm coming made you quicken your pace. You were making your way home from the market since you decided to shop for food like the others. Though your house wasn't much like a real house, it's more of a cabin. But it was big enough for a family of three.
Your house came into your view a few feet away. It was located nearby the shore and a few miles from the city. The waves from the sea were getting harsher and more vigorous. You internally thank your past self for putting an invisible barrier, a hex, around the house for safety.
Just as you were about to enter, something floating from the sea caught your attention. You don't know what it was, but a small voice in your mind told you to check it out.
Dropping the bags you held to the ground gently enough, not letting anything fall to waste. You position your hand to your side, ready to summon your magic in case it is dangerous you're walking towards.
As you approach the sea, you notice that what is floating isn't a creature or an object. It was a body. A human body.
But you didn't know if they were alive or not.
The thought of a possible dead body floating in the sea made your hesitation go away and run toward the sea, not caring if your skirt got wet. You'll dry it later with magic.
When you got closer to the body, it gave you a good look at them. He was a boy, merely a man. His sleeve was ripped open, and a deep gash on his arm. Blood dripped down from the wound, and it was clear it was still fresh. You pressed your fingers on his pulse, sighing in relief when you realized he was alive.
Not wasting any more time, you waved your hand, lifting the young boy with your magic and snapping your fingers with your free hand, teleporting you and the boy inside your home.
You placed him on the sofa, carefully lifting his wounded arm. You crouched down beside him and started using your magic to heal him.
Once he was fully healed, you took some heavy metal off the armour so he could be more comfortable and used your magic to dry him off. Looking at his wound again, your magic helped it heal, but there was still a dark scar.
You summoned a clean towel to clean off the excess blood on his arm. He stirred a little from your touch, and you thank the gods that he was alright. You softly smiled, bringing your free hand to brush his hair, soothing him back to sleep.
He reminded you of your twins with his dark brunette hair, but he mostly reminded you of your Billy. He was usually the gentle one, keeping his brother out of trouble or, at least, he tried to. You wondered if this young boy is like him too or if he has a brother or sister.
"Oh, Gods." You mumbled, eyes widening in realization. Your hand slowed as your mind became clouded with thoughts. His family, his parents. They must be so worried about him.
Sighing, you continued cleaning his arm and stood up, patting your dress that was still wet. You figured you would ask him when he wakes up. Hopefully, he trusts you enough to tell your where he came from so you can bring him back to safety.
The storm wasn't stopping anytime soon, so you thought you could make a nice warm soup for you and the boy when he woke up. It was a cold, chilly night, and you changed into a more comfortable dress to keep you warm. You noticed the young boy was shivering from the cold, so you brought a nice fur blanket and wrapped it around him.
You sat on the stool, looking out the window as you got lost in your thoughts, thinking about, well...everything.
This world was different, but it somehow felt familiar to you. You weren't a nostalgic person, per se. But you do value things, especially memories.
You sighed blissfully, the sound of heavy rain dropping from the skies with thunder following. It was the same weather when you first arrived, and it caused you a sense of deja vu. You still remember what happened months ago.
But before you could get lost in your thoughts again, you heard a groan behind you. He's awake.
You turned to see him sitting up, looking around, confused. You felt bad for the young boy. "You're awake," You spoke in a soft tone.
He turned in surprise before standing up quickly. "W-who are you? Where am I?" He urgently asked in a shaky tone.
You sent him a soft smile, hoping to ease him. "You're in my house, dear. I found you in the sea with a deep wound in your arm and brought you here before you lost more blood and healed you." You explained to him.
He seemed speechless for a second as if he couldn't believe he was still alive. Was the accident he was in so bad that he is contemplating his survival?
"Thank you," The young boy said, looking down shyly before looking you in the eye. "Thank you for healing me, my lady."
You smiled at him, "Of course, it's no problem." Just then, you remember the food you made. "Oh, I made some food if you want some. It's still warm, perfect for the weather."
He seemed hesitant, but his stomach let out a grumble. His gaze dropped to his stomach, frowning as if he felt betrayed. You chuckled, gesturing for him to sit on the stool on the other side. You then stood up and got him a bowl of food, placing it on his side of the table.
"Come, don't be shy." You sent him a gentle smile. He eventually gave in and sat on the stool. You observed as he took his first bite, and seeing his eyes light up made you smile wider.
"Are you feeling better?" You asked, trying to make small talk but also concerned about his health.
He looked up and nodded, "Yes, my lady. I feel a lot better."
"Oh, please, call me Y/n." You insisted.
"If you insist, my lad- I mean, Y/n. My name's Lucerys," Lucerys said, nodding his head respectfully.
For some reason, the name felt familiar to you. Sure, you heard it from somewhere before. Lucerys...Lucerys Velaryon, oh gods, he's a prince. The son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Leanor Velaryon, but he and his brothers were rumoured to be bastards. You knew better than to assume things, although the people in the city were sure of it. Anyway, it's not like your opinion mattered.
"You're a prince." You pointed out, trying to be calm so he wouldn't freak out.
Lucerys looked around before sighing. "Yes, I am a prince. And I assure you, lady Y/n, that I mean no harm to you and your family."
"I am not worried about that, dear." You assured him, standing up from your chair. "Tea?" you offered, placing two cups on the table. He nodded, muttering a small 'please' and 'thank you' before taking a bite of his food.
Another thunder was heard from outside, startling Lucerys a little. You looked out the window and saw the rain getting heavier.
"Lucerys, honey," You started, and the young boy looked at you, "I don't think the storm is going to end soon. Should you stay here for the night until the storm stop, we will figure out how to bring you back to the princess safely," you suggested.
"Oh, no, no. I couldn't intrude, my lady." He declined, shaking his head and taking a sip of his tea.
"Don't worry, dear. You're not intruding." You said, putting away your plate and cup. "I have two rooms and extra clothes for you to be comfortable." Lucerys was undecided, but when he looked at the hardy storm outside, he eventually agreed.
You guided him to one of the empty rooms you had and gave him spare clothes to change into.
"Lady Y/n," Lucerys called before you could close the door.
"Yes, Luke?" He insisted that you call him that instead of his full name just a while ago when you showed him the room.
"Thank you for this, all of this." He said, smiling at you shyly, but there was a grateful look on his face to show that he was completely genuine.
You smiled back at him, but the more you looked at him, he kept reminding you of your Billy. "You're welcome," you replied, nodding your head before closing the door.
You hoped that you could bring him home safely tomorrow to his family.
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taglist: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @floralenvu @scarwicht @todod0kii
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basicallyjaywalker · 5 months
Wanna ramble about a moment/character in ninjago you think people need to talk about more?
I don't know who you are anon, but I'm glad you asked!
I am desperate for people to character-analyze Wu. I'm desperate for a lot of character analysis including Nya but since I got a lot of my Nya feelings out with some lovely folks the other night (edit: the other night was a month ago dw about it. this took a minute) I'm going with Wu this time
Master Wu to me is such an interesting case of a character who it is so easy to ignore the bits of the show that hint at his wider issues and traumas. He is a man defined heavily by his family and by his past. A lot of criticism he gets, I think, is due in part to that.
I've mentioned before that I've been rewatching S1 with a friend of mine and intermittently pausing to infodump on them about interesting character things I notice from that season. A lot of that has been Wu-focused because despite having seen RotS dozens of times throughout my life (watching it on CN, watching it on Netflix when only it and Legacy were around, rewatching it with friends) I have only just started noticing the seeds of character written in.
I might also just be reading too much into things, but hear me out
In S1 (and by extension, the pilots), Wu is characterized as your typical old wise teacher. In the first few minutes of EP1: Rise of the Snakes, he is chewing out the Ninja for playing video games instead of training. The line he uses? "Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today."
It's a line that gets repeated throughout the series. In fact, it gets repeated that very episode when the ninja go (pun not intended) to fight the Hypnobrai and a literal pre-teen. At first, it seems to just be a piece of wisdom. Some old proverb Wu's picked up over the years, possibly one he even coined himself. However, in EP7: Tick Tock, Wu tells the story of who, possibly, first told him this.
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(Source: Tick Tock/Transcript | Ninjago Wiki | Fandom, highlight added.)
It was Garmadon. Now, I'm not gonna dwell too long on Garmadon, if you spend five minutes talking to me you'll learn he was the first character whose story I obsessed over and I want this essay to be about Wu, but I think he plays a role in Wu's overall story, as does Wu's family as a whole.
Prior to this, Wu and Garmadon's relationship has been more of a sibling rivalry taken to a good vs. evil extreme. We didn't know why Garmadon was evil and we didn't know about Wu and his relationship as kids. However, this scene establishes the backstory. They were, as Wu puts it, "the best of friends." That is, until Garmadon gets bit by the Devourer going to get the katana Wu lost.
Now, I know the Devourer bite was destined to happen because of the Overlord or some shit, but Wu doesn't. As far as he's concerned, Garmadon getting bit was a direct consequence of both his mistake and his cowardice. He lost the katana. He was too scared to get it. Garmadon went over instead. Garmadon got bit.
The scene goes on to show the FSM tending to Garmadon in the aftermath. Wu is watching from behind the door, likely told to stay back, but concerned. And in his POV, we get this intense moment, where Garmadon turns, looks directly at him (his eyes turning bright red for the first time), and says "It's all Wu's fault!"
(This clip should begin at the start of Wu eavesdropping. If it doesn't, skip to 0:58. I highly recommend also paying attention to Wu's body language during this scene.)
The camerawork does a great job of showing how this probably felt for Wu. It zooms in, Garmadon's voice echoes, and the background blurs. We see in the flashback that this is a moment Wu has etched into his memory. Not to mention, he was likely a very young child when this happened. LEGO characters' ages are weird, but Wu in this scene has the Big Eyes, which always seem to be used for characters under 12. We don't know exactly how much older Garmadon is to my knowledge, but he doesn't have the Big Eyes, so he's probably closer to 12 and a few years older than Wu for sure.
Imagine that. Being in elementary school and your older siblings gets hurt. They're acting strange. They're lashing out at your father. Then, they blame it all on you. They're hurt because of you. Wouldn't you internalize that?
I could go on about Wu's relationship with Garmadon, but again, I think I've spent enough time on it and I don't want to only focus on that. It's an important part, but there are others.
Let's talk about Wu's relationship with his dad.
Now, I have not yet read the Spinjitzu Brothers series. I cannot speak to any development of Wu and the FSM's relationship in there. I have, however, read The Book of Spinjitzu and blogged some of my thoughts on it here, including some of what it says about Wu.
For those who haven't read it, first, there is a Google Drive folder floating around with all of the canon spinoff books/graphic novels in it. Here's the link if you wanna read them!
The FSM is an... intriguing figure. I mean, in the series he's basically god? He made the entire world. That's already a very high bar to live up to. Then, in Book of Spinjitzu, there's a few specific parts that, when I read them, signaled that Wu internalized a specific message when he was young.
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(Source: The Book of Spinjitzu, Page 3).
Wu does not want to disappoint his father. It is up to him (and Garmadon until he turns evil) to "uphold the legacy of Spinjitzu" and, by extension, his family. He says he was "very young" when this was explained to him. Considering he seems to already be training at an elementary age, "very young" means VERY young.
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(Source: The Book of Spinjitzu, Page 16).
Here, we again see Wu being very aware that he has some large burden to carry. Something else interesting here is that the thought of the Green Ninja Prophecy is already weighing on him too. His considering if he might be the Green Ninja is of extra interest because of how the Green Ninja Prophecy and the--I wouldn't call it obsession, possibly fixation?--with who it is factors into his later actions, but we'll get to that later.
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(Source: The Book of Spinjitzu, Page 19).
This one in particular gets me because it comes after Wu mentions Garmadon becoming more evil. It is a statement of power. Wu knows that the legacy of Spinjitzu now rests in his hands alone. He cannot let himself fall the way Garmadon did. He cannot disappoint his father. Whether or not the FSM intended it, Wu always knew the fate of the world rested, at least in part, upon his shoulder. He knew this from the time he was a young boy and it remains in his mind to this day.
Now, these quotes are indirect, but they all point to one clear idea: As a child, Wu internalized the idea that he alone is responsible for keeping Ninjago safe. He will play a pivotal role in its history.
There's not evidence in this book that the FSM's was a bad father, per se. However, just because one doesn't set out to harm their children, doesn't mean they won't. I often say Wu has an "Atlas complex," which I have no idea if it is an actual concept but use it to refer to this idea. Wu feels as though he is responsible for holding up the world, much like Atlas. He must keep the balance, he must solve the Green Ninja prophecy, he must make his father proud.
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(Source: The Book of Spinjitzu, page 61).
I'm going to get further into what this means for Wu as a teacher to the current Ninja Team, but for now let's look at Wu's first foray into teaching.
Morro. Wu's Biggest Mistake.
That might seem like an overstatement, but it's not.
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(Source: Ghost Story/Transcript | Ninjago Wiki | Fandom)
Okay he says regret, not mistake, but I was paraphrasing.
Let's turn back to his quote about his destiny. Wu writes, "Is my life's mission to be the Green Ninja? Or maybe it will be to find the Green Ninja and protect him (or her)??"
From a very young age, Wu was not only aware of the Green Ninja but prophecy but also thinking about his place in it. We see this again when he takes Morro in and trains him.
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(Source: Ghost Story/Transcript | Ninjago Wiki | Fandom, highlight added)
A big thing Wu is criticized for here is making Morro believe he is meant to be more. That he is the Chosen One. And Morro, being a young homeless orphan just now given some semblance of power and protection, latches onto that. And I can see it, but when you take into account the above that he was trained from (likely) a younger age than Morro and given a similar level of responsibility, it becomes more understandable. Wu is just doing what he was taught. He doesn't believe that he is harming Morro until it is too late.
This is the entire story, but I'm specifically going to be discussing 1:36 onwards here. I also wanted to add that rewatching this scene made me lay down on the floor! What the fuck! But I digress.
There's a lot going on in this scene. For one, Wu washing his hands of Morro in some ways, but not others. He turns his back on Morro when he tells him that destiny has decided, but looks at him again when Morro storms out. He goes to save Morro from the Grundal, but decides that he cannot "teach those who would not listen." Most importantly, when Morro leaves to go find the Tomb of the FSM, Wu leaves the door open. He waits for Morro to return, but never goes after him. And Morro never comes back.
Wu gives Morro's fate a dismissive response at the end of his ghost story ("I am saddened he was banished to the Cursed Realm") but it's clear he still cares deeply about him in the finale of the season.
Wu's VA in this is phenomenal btw. That "Please Morro!" and "MORRO!" make my heart ache.
Morro believed Wu stopped caring, but he didn't. Even after all he's done, even after trying to destroy all of Ninjago--destroying what Wu had spent his life trying to protect--Wu tries to save him. He begs for Morro to come with him. Morro refuses, Wu watches him perish.
Someone else Wu is close to is gone. Wu again considers himself responsible. Everything is his fault.
And finally, we reach Wu today. A cautious, secretive man. He loves his students, this much is clear. Even as early as the pilots, he drops his wise teacher persona to joke around with them.
As with Morro, he trains them like his father did him. He even uses the same methods his father used when he trains them.
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(Source: The Book of Spinjitzu, page 32)
While he is hard on the Ninja, wanting them to succeed and training them to help defend the Realm, he lets his guard down more than it seems he did with Morro. He also learned a valuable message from his experience with Morro when he hides the Green Ninja Prophecy from the Ninja, getting angry when they start to push themselves in the same way Morro did upon learning about it. It's clear he doesn't want a repeat.
Now, I can't speak for later seasons (I will eventually) but this fear of repeats, his students going down a dark path because they're tempted by power or greatness, losing someone else, likely drives Wu not telling them other important information. That is just a passing thought though.
Final notes:
I'm currently in the process of rewatching S7: Hands of Time. I actually got this ask right after finishing EP68: Scavengers, which opens with Wu having a nightmare. In it, he and Misako are walking outside of Yang's temple. While walking, Misako delivers this line in response to Wu reminiscing about the time they've spent together:
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(Source: Scavengers/Transcript | Ninjago Wiki | Fandom)
This line, to me, is Wu's subconscious trying to tell him something he needs to hear. It's hinting at what might be his greatest flaw. Wu is haunted by his past, by his mistakes. He finds it difficult to tell others because of both his guilt and his desire to not put that worry upon them. In this very season, he makes the mistake of trying to face his past on his own, and he nearly dies for it.
In the same episode, you see Wu trying to make sure Lloyd doesn't make the same mistakes.
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(Source: Prev)
Wu stresses the important of the team. It's as if he sees Lloyd blaming himself for what happened to Wu, sees him doing the same thing Wu has, and is trying to prevent him from doing the same thing. This is further emphasized when, after Wu falls asleep (well, fakes falling asleep), Lloyd says "Wu's mistake was going in alone. So was mine."
Master Wu is, like many characters in this show, someone who is more complex than meets the eye. He is not just a wise, old teacher. He is a man who, throughout his life, has made mistakes and carries the weight of each of them on his shoulders. He is a man who tasks himself with making up for those every day. He is a man who wants better for his students, his family.
Until the day he dies, he will guide and protect his students. And possibly? Even after death too.
#ninjago#lego ninjago#master wu#long post#anon tag#this made my day i looooooooooooooove character analysis#i know a lot of what i post about it may not encompass the full series but i just think that makes it more fun tbh#i'm working with what i have and later i may come back to this and add even more things#i'm also very passionate about wu analysis as a former wu hater because i think the fact that his character stuff is so buried#leads to a lot of the hate#Why didn't he tell the ninja things? well he told morro things and look how that turned out#he grew up believing the weight of the world was on his shoulders#in one way or another#i won't lie and say the man does not make mistakes#but like i mention in s7 when he does he is fucking haunted by them#he is not breaking the generational trauma but he is damn well making an attempt for someone who probably doesn't realize he has it#p.s i tried to add image desc to each ss to make it more accessible but if i messed it up please let me know!#i spent way too much time on this#somebody do a word count i'm curious but too tired to copy this all into docs#falls over#part 2 of this is just the dark island trilogy but i think i'm gonna wait to do that#this took so long and the words are now refusing to words#thank you for reading#i need to take a nap after writing this I feel physically spent#please enjoy another rook branded ramble disguised as a comprehensive essay#other essayists bring you professionalism and academic vibes#i scream into the void and put way too many links o7#happy birthday ninjago!!!! i finished this in honor of you hopefully it is worthy
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,037
Gifs NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If either gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2022
*Vampire Lord as in Skyrims Vampire Lords, which are essentially just a more superior species of vampire. But when you take your vampire form, imagine the way Dracula's brides looked like in Van Helsing (2004). 💚 Also I still haven't watched the show. 😅
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No one but the King knew of (Y/n)'s secret, as her Lord father had sent her to him many years ago as a gift, claiming he was sending a "one man army" to the King. When the King initially laid eyes on her, he was furious with her Lord father. She was but a woman, a beautiful and gentle looking woman. So to prove her might she revealed her true form to the King, which had both terrified him, and impressed him greatly. From there on (Y/n) was sent far and wide to deal with any threats to the kingdom quietly. Only once ever going into a proper battle at the Kings command, where she was required to hide herself among the men, and restrain from taking her true form. Once there was a rogue dragon that needed to be dealt with quickly and quietly.
Prince Daemon had intended to deal with the rouge beast himself, but (Y/n) had already torn its throat out before he could intervene. The dragon laid in a pool of its cooling blood, dead, by the time Daemon arrived. It mattered not to the King, when his brother informed him about the peculiar state of the dead dragon, as he knew full well what had happened. Years would pass, and no one hardly paid any mind to the young woman, who was most often found by the King's side. Had they paid enough attention over the years, and maybe they would have noticed her lack of aging. The Kings family grew as time passed, and the only person to ever notice the young woman, was little Prince Aemond.
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And even that wasn't until he was a young boy, trying to prove his strength to everyone, despite being dragonless. On several occasions (Y/n) found herself in the young Princes company, late at night when he was unable to sleep. The first time he crossed her path it was after a particularly bad nightmare, and he believed only some fresh air and a walk would quell his shaken mind. "Out so late little Prince?" She mused from the shadows, startling the young boy, who spun on his heel only to find himself face to face with a woman he vaguely recognized. She straightened her back, now towering over him, grinning at the sound of his thundering heart.
"W-who are you?" Aemond questioned, silently scolding himself for stuttering. "I am Lady (Y/n) of house Draculia." She bowed respectively, her glimmering eyes looking almost red in the candle light. "What are you doing out here?" He wondered, finding himself relaxing despite her intimidating presence. "I was in desperate need of some fresh air. And you little Prince? It's not safe to wonder the halls alone at night." She mused casting a glance to the darkness, making the hairs stand on end upon Aemonds neck. "Are you not worried dear Lady?" He wondered. "Not at all. It's the darkness that should fear me." She grinned, her words making the young boy chuckle.
"I had a nightmare." He admitted in a soft tone. "I thought a walk would help." He added, now toiling with his fingers. "Well then I shall walk with you little Prince, can't allow any creatures of the night to sweep you away, now can we?" She hummed as she placed her arm around his shoulders. Aemond grinned at her words, shaking his head no in agreement, while he subconsciously leaned into her hold. And for many nights after that, the boy found himself wondering the halls of his home with Lady (Y/n). Taking whatever opportunity that presented itself to speak with her whenever he could throughout the day.
Learning quickly that if he wanted to see her, all he would have to do was find his father. He asked his mother many times about her, but even the Queen found herself unable to answer most of his questions. Who was she exactly? When did she come to the castle? Why was she here? And why was she always with the King? The Queen eventually began asking her husband about the young woman, who in turn only gave short and vague answers. When Aemond obtained his dragon, he had found himself desperate for (Y/n)'s approval and praise. Only to be disheartened by the news that she had been sent away by order of the King.
When he questioned his father he was only told that she had been sent away on a diplomatic mission. A mission that in reality had sent her far beyond the wall in the north, where she would spend the next few years trying to obtain the artifact in question that the King had sent her after. Aemond begged and argued with his father about learning her whereabouts, only to be shot down time and time again. Had be known her location he would have got upon Vhagar and gone to simply check up on her. And as the years ticked by his mind was only ever plagued with her.
The King had assured him begrudgingly that Lady (Y/n) was well and alive. Though his own health was taking a drastic decline as he waited for her return. When she finally returned one cool summer night, she held the chalice of Artmaria in her hands. A chalice said to give those who drank from it the strength of a God. A twisted legend of the truth of the chalice, as all it could really do was alleviate someone of their pain, leaving them feeling numb to everything they touched. She had offered to allow the King a taste of her blood, to grant him eternal life, with the warning that he would remain in his physical state after the transformation.
"I do not want eternal life, I only wanted more time." He had stated, declining her offer and stating that he had come to peace with his impending demise. She had accepted his choice, and vowed to remain loyal to his family for as long as they would have her. The following day Prince Aemond, now a young man, was ecstatic when he found out about her return. Rushing to the throne room where he knew he would find her beside his father as always. His heart leapt into his throat at the sight of her, she hadn't changed a bit, hadn't aged a single day. He quickly came to realize that his infatuation with her ran much deeper than he once thought.
"Little Prince." She greeted him with a fond smile, her hand coming up to hold his face in a delicate touch. "Not so little anymore hm?" She grinned when his cheeks dusted in pink. "Are you well Lady (Y/n)?" He asked, his eye scanning her for any injuries. "I am well." Her thumb brushed the scar on his cheek. "I heard about what happened little Prince." She muttered softly. "Part of me wants to say it was a foolish thing to do... But I find myself unable to do so. How very admirable of you my Prince." He beamed at her praise, leaning into her touch. "You shall have to meet her." He mused, making (Y/n) chuckle softly. "I would love to." She smiled.
The day turned sour when a mercenary had made his way to the throne room, claiming that Lady (Y/n) was a vile unholy creature, one that had killed his sister two winters ago. He was right of course, but the Prince had tried defending her honor. And when the man unsheathed his sword, (Y/n) rushed to place herself between him and the Prince. Moving so quickly that if you had blinked you would have missed any sign of movement from the young women. Aemond had stumbled back a little, eye wide with surprise. "Vile creature." The man hissed, placing the tip of his sword against her sternum.
"Perhaps." She chuckled lowly before pushing forward, impaling herself onto his sword until she was face to face with him, grinning at the horror in his eyes. "But if you wanted to expose me, you should have done so with a crowd to bare witness." She growled into his ear, erupting in laughter as her body chained forms. Her soft skin becoming grey and leathery in look, wings spanning from her back, with sharp and long claws protruding from her fingers. Aemond fell in sheer horror at the sight, unable to tare her eye away when she flew up to the rafters with the man in her hold.
First the man's sword fell at Aemonds feet, then blood rained down, some of which painted Aemonds pale skin. Aemond scrambled to his feet, watching as the man's now very dead body fell to the ground with a loud thud. His eye casting up just in time to watch (Y/n) float back to the ground, her skin becoming normal once more as she changed forms again. "I hope I did not frighten you little Prince." She cooed softly, despite being able to hear his thundering heartbeat. Aemond shook his head in denial, his eye darkening when he looked to the mercenary, remembering what the man had intended to do to his fair Lady.
"So now Aemond knows our little secret." The King mused from the throne, peering down at his youngest son. "You knew?" Aemond questioned. "Of course I knew." The King scoffed, waving them both forward. "She is my greatest champion, and she will remain the Targaryens greatest champion and ally long after my death." He spoke softly, taking each of their hands in his own. "And I believe a union between our houses will prove to produce a formidable line in the family." (Y/n) frowned a little, as the King had never spoke of a union between their houses before.
"I have seen the way you interact, and I know Aemond adores you." Viserys spoke to (Y/n), who smiled softly at his words. "So you shall marry in a fortnight." He concluded with a nod of his head, his decision surprising Aemond, though the young Prince had thought about it many times before. "Her secret shall remain ours, for now." He added as he released their hands, waving them off in dismissal afterwards. The body of the mercenary was dispossessed of shortly after, and the Kingdom was informed about the union between Prince Aemond Targaryen, and Lady (Y/n) Draculia the following day.
In the coming years Aemond sacrificed many men and women to his Lady wife, and not long after his brother became King, he accepted her gift of eternal life. When the next war struck the immortal couple laid waist to all who opposed them and house Targaryen. All who knew their names knew of the legends surrounding them, and none were brave enough to oppose them directly, even within house Targaryen. Dragons were no longer the Targaryens most lethal weapon, and in time they would be referred to as the Blood King and Blood Queen. The couple giving birth to a whole new generation of bloodthirsty monsters, and ensuring the Targaryen bloodline would be unstoppable.
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*I intend on writing more with this later, but for now enjoy this little piece. 💚
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dreamonseems · 1 year
King Haaland Part 2
Erling Haaland X Female Reader
Summary: Reader is brought to Norway as a slave, and King Erling buys her.
If you guys have any requests for this series, let me know in the comments or send me a message!
Ok, so I'm using Google translate for the Norwegian language, so if you speak, I'm sorry if it's not the proper way of writing it, lol.
Also, I am so happy you guys have been liking this series! Thanks for all the love, guys!
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"Kom, liten en, for å sove,(come little one time to sleep)" King Haaland beckoned, hoisting me over his shoulders. Confusion and panic welled up within me, causing me to stammer out, "Wha... what?!" Seeking reassurance, I turned to Celine, desperately hoping for some clarity.
"You will be fine. King Haaland is a good man. He won't do anything to you that you don't want. You're just sleeping in the same bed, that is all," Celine assured me, offering a small, comforting smile.
As King Haaland strode down the hall, carrying me like a sack of flour, my heart raced with a mix of trepidation and a flicker of hope. He kicked open a massive wooden door adorned with intricate carvings and gently placed me on the floor as he closed it behind us.
Taking a moment to survey the room, my eyes wandered over the grandeur it held. A large bed, a wardrobe, and a trunk caught my attention, while weapons adorned the walls alongside cozy animal furs. The juxtaposition of comfort and danger left me unsettled, yet I found myself drawn to the bed, curiosity compelling me to poke at its softness.
"Fortsett å legge deg ned,(go on lay down)" he commanded, breaking my reverie. Startled, I turned to face him. "What? You do remember I do not understand, right?" I blurted out, a surprised squeak escaping my lips. Standing before me, he stood naked, his physique a testament to his strength and the intricate Viking tattoos adorning his powerful frame, are beautiful. Clearing my mind of such distracting thoughts, I quickly regained composure and focused on the immediate issue at hand.
My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and I quickly covered my eyes. "Where are your clothes?" I demanded pointing at his clothes, my voice tinged with exasperation.
Confusion clouded his face as he looked down and burst into laughter. "Vi skal sove. Jeg trenger ikke klærne mine, lille,(we are going to sleep I do not need my clothes little one)" he chuckled. I felt my frustration deepen. "I still do not understand," I confessed, my brow furrowing in confusion.
He gestured, making signs for sleeping, pointing at his clothes, and then signaling "no." I deduced that he meant he didn't wear clothes to sleep. But how was I supposed to sleep with him naked?
He sat down on the bed and pulled me towards him, pointing at his hair. It was as if he was instructing me to undo his braids. Tentatively, I climbed onto the bed, positioning myself on my knees. With hesitant fingers, I began to unravel his intricate braids. As I finished, I ran my fingers through his hair, untangling any knots. A satisfied moan escaped his lips, which both surprised and unnerved me.
I swiftly withdrew my hands, realizing the intimacy of the act. In my haste, I lost my balance and began to fall, but Haaland's swift reflexes caught me, preventing my descent. I found myself perched on his lap, his deep gaze fixed upon me.
"Vær forsiktig, lille,(Be careful little one)" he whispered, his eyes holding mine with intensity. At this close proximity, I couldn't help but notice his true handsomeness. He looked young, his features softened, and it occurred to me that perhaps he wasn't much older than I.
Despite this realization, I pulled away from him, retreating under the furs and signaling my desire to sleep. He chuckled and shook his head, retreating to his side of the bed. There were no unwanted advances or intrusive touches. He simply lay down, closed his eyes, and left me to find solace in the comforting darkness.
As I nestled myself beneath the furs, a wave of relief washed over me. In this moment, it seemed that everything would be alright.
The enigmatic King Haaland respected my boundaries, and a glimmer of hope emerged, whispering that perhaps this unexpected journey held more than just fear and uncertainty.
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As the morning light illuminated the room, its soft beams dancing upon the walls, I slowly became aware of my surroundings. The weight of the previous night's events still lingered in my mind, intertwining with the present reality. King Haaland, a figure both captivating and mysterious, sat on the edge of the bed, his presence commanding attention.
The room seemed to hold its breath as our eyes met. I felt a flutter of vulnerability, unsure of how to navigate my next move. His gaze, though inscrutable, held a certain tenderness that belied his formidable stature. A blush crept across my cheeks, and I instinctively looked away, momentarily unable to meet his penetrating gaze.
"God morgen, lille,(good morning little one)," he spoke, his voice a deep and melodic rumble. The words, foreign and yet strangely comforting, hung in the air. I gathered my courage and met his gaze once more, searching for any clues to his intentions. There, amidst the enigma of his eyes, I detected a glimmer of kindness, a flicker of understanding. It was a stark contrast to the tales of Viking kings I had grown up hearing—ruthless conquerors with hearts as cold as the winter seas.
"M-Morgen,(Morning)," I stuttered, attempting to speak his language, my voice barely above a whisper. I worried about my pronunciation, fearing that my words would fail to convey my thoughts clearly. However, his slight smile reassured me, as if he understood the meaning behind my imperfect words. It was a gesture of acceptance, a gentle acknowledgment of my efforts to bridge the gap between us.
As the sun ascended higher in the sky, signifying the start of a new day, I found myself seated beside King Haaland, partaking in a morning meal. The feast before us was a display of abundance, with an array of fruits, freshly baked bread, and hearty meats. My stomach churned with a mix of hunger and apprehension, unsure of what this shared meal meant for our newfound relationship.
Haaland ate with a measured grace, his movements fluid and controlled. There was an air of discipline and strength that emanated from him, a testament to the rigorous training he undertook as a Viking king. As he finished his meal, he stood, signaling his departure to engage in his daily training regimen. With a nod to me, he left the room, his figure exuding an aura of power and determination.
Left in the company of Celine, the day unfurled before us like a tapestry waiting to be woven. Together, we embarked on a series of chores and tasks that had become our daily routine. Yet, amidst the mundane tasks, Celine took it upon herself to teach me the intricacies of the language spoken by King Haaland and his people.
Words flowed between us, both foreign and familiar. Celine patiently guided me through the pronunciations, the grammar, and the nuances of the language. With each lesson, I felt a growing connection to this new world, a sense of empowerment as I began to grasp the means of communication in this foreign land. It was as if the words themselves were bridges, spanning the divide between my old life and the one I now found myself in.
Throughout the day, we moved from one chore to another, the sound of laughter occasionally punctuating the otherwise quiet atmosphere. As I swept the floor or tended to the hearth, I absorbed every piece of information Celine imparted, eager to grasp the intricacies of this culture and its language. It was a way for me to find my footing in this unfamiliar realm, to understand the customs and traditions that governed the lives of those who called themselves Vikings.
With each passing moment, I grew more adept at stringing together coherent sentences, my tongue beginning to mimic the inflections and cadences of the language. It was a small victory, a glimmer of progress in a sea of uncertainty. And as the day gave way to evening, I found solace in the fact that, step by step, I was inching closer to understanding the world that now enveloped me.
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As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks transformed into a month, my life within the halls of Haaland's kingdom settled into a rhythm that felt strangely comforting. Each night, I would find myself in the embrace of sleep, sharing the same bed as the grand Viking king. The initial apprehension had dissipated, replaced by a growing sense of familiarity and trust.
Mornings began with the sunlight peeking through the windows, casting gentle rays upon the room. Haaland would rise from his slumber, his presence commanding, and his gaze warm. We would gather for breakfast, sharing meals that were no longer marked by tension or unease. It was during these shared moments that I realized Haaland's true nature, one that defied the expectations often associated with kings.
Throughout the day, my hours were occupied by a myriad of tasks and chores. From tending to the castle gardens to assisting in the kitchen, I immersed myself in the daily workings of the kingdom. Celine remained my steadfast companion, guiding me through the intricacies of the language spoken by the Viking people. Together, we navigated the complexities of grammar and vocabulary, piece by piece unraveling the secrets of their linguistic world.
However, it was during one of our conversations that Haaland revealed a surprising truth. His eyes twinkled mischievously as he confessed that he understood and spoke my language, albeit to a limited extent. He had learned it in secret during Celine's early days as a slave in his kingdom, he started practicing it more when I was brought here. It was a testament to his intelligence and curiosity, a demonstration of his desire to bridge the gap between us.
As the days turned into nights, Haaland proved himself to be a benevolent ruler, respectful of my boundaries and wishes. He possessed a playful spirit, often engaging in lighthearted banter and jests, effortlessly dispelling any remnants of fear or apprehension that may have lingered. It became clear that beneath the hardened exterior of a Viking king lay a compassionate and understanding soul.
Haaland's linguistic prowess extended beyond my own language. Through his interactions with merchants and travelers from distant lands, he had acquired fragments of various tongues, becoming a polyglot of sorts. This revelation only deepened my admiration for the king, highlighting his thirst for knowledge and his willingness to embrace diversity.
In this dance of languages and cultures, my world expanded. I found solace in the fact that despite our differences, Haaland and I could communicate and connect on a more profound level. The barriers that once seemed insurmountable crumbled, leaving room for understanding and companionship to flourish. Within the halls of the kingdom, I discovered not only a king but a man who defied expectations, captivating me with his intellect, his kindness, and his capacity for growth.
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Today, an unfamiliar emptiness greeted me as I awoke in the vast expanse of the bed. It was a stark contrast to the usual routine, where King Haaland would patiently await my awakening, eager to embark on our shared breakfast ritual. Uncertainty gripped my heart as I made my way through the echoing corridors towards the grand feast hall.
As I neared the hall, the clamor of raised voices pierced through the air, causing me to halt in my tracks. Haaland's commanding voice reverberated against the walls, sending shivers down my spine. My instinct was to retreat, to remain hidden and observe from the shadows. With bated breath, I peered around the corner, my eyes widening at the scene unfolding before me.
"Finn den hesten og bring ham til meg!(find that horseshit and bring him to me)" Haaland's words thundered through the hall, his frustration palpable as he directed his words towards Gunnar, Knut, Sven, and Balder—his most trusted warriors. Their determined nods indicated their compliance as they swiftly exited the hall, leaving Haaland seething in his own discontent. In an outburst of rage, he lashed out, his foot connecting with a nearby chair, shattering it into pieces.
My heart skipped a beat as I involuntarily flinched at the sound of destruction. In that moment, Haaland's piercing gaze pierced through my hiding place, his eyes locking onto mine. "Forlat meg!(leave me)," he bellowed, his voice echoing through the hall, the words stinging like a verbal blow. Feeling the weight of his anger directed towards me, I turned on my heels, fleeing from his presence.
Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, my heart heavy with a mixture of confusion, hurt, and disappointment. Haaland's outburst had shattered the delicate equilibrium that had been established between us. The realization that he could unleash such fury upon me left me feeling vulnerable and betrayed. Yet, I refused to let my emotions consume me. With every ounce of strength, I willed myself to be resilient, to hold back the tears that threatened to betray my true emotions.
Steeling myself against the pain, I pressed onward, reminding myself of the strength that resided within. I refused to let this sudden shift in Haaland's demeanor define my worth. With each determined step, I vowed to remain steadfast, even in the face of uncertainty and unspoken questions that lingered in the air. I would find solace within myself and seek understanding in due time.
As I retreated to the solitude of my chambers, I allowed myself a moment to collect my thoughts. The once familiar walls now seemed to close in around me, suffocating me with their oppressive silence. I longed for the comforting presence of Celine, but she was nowhere to be found. It appeared that I was truly alone in this bewildering turn of events.
Resting my trembling hands on the edge of a table, I closed my eyes, attempting to steady my racing heartbeat. Haaland's anger had struck me deeply, leaving me questioning everything I had come to know about him. Was his previous kindness merely a facade? Or was there something more beneath the surface that I failed to comprehend?
As I battled with my inner turmoil, a soft knock on the chamber door startled me. Tentatively, I approached, hesitant to face whoever stood on the other side. Slowly opening the door, I found myself met with Celine's concerned gaze. Her presence brought a flicker of relief amidst the storm raging within me.
"Y/N, I heard what happened. Are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.
I struggled to find my voice, but eventually managed to utter, "I... I don't understand. Why did he... why did he yell at me like that?"
Celine sighed, stepping into the chamber and closing the door behind her. She gently placed a hand on my shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Y/N, you must understand that Haaland's temper is as fierce as his loyalty. He carries the weight of his responsibilities heavily, and at times, it spills over onto those around him. It was not directed at you personally."
Her words provided some solace, but the ache in my heart remained. "But why did he tell me to leave? What did I do to deserve such treatment?"
Celine looked at me sympathetically, her eyes filled with empathy. "I believe Haaland's outburst was driven by frustration and an overwhelming sense of pressure. He didn't mean to hurt you, Y/N. Please remember that."
Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over the dam I had painstakingly constructed. "I just don't know how to face him now. How can I trust him after this?"
Celine's grip tightened, offering me the strength I desperately sought. "Trust takes time, Y/N. We all have our flaws and moments of weakness. Give him the chance to explain, to make amends. Remember, there was kindness in him before, and there may still be kindness within him yet."
Her words echoed within me, resonating with a flicker of hope that refused to be extinguished. Perhaps this was a test, a hurdle we needed to overcome to forge a deeper connection. With renewed determination, I wiped away my tears and straightened my posture.
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Later that night, the room was immersed in darkness, with only a faint glimmer of moonlight filtering through the window. My body lay tense on the bed, entangled in a web of conflicting emotions. The events of the day weighed heavily on my mind, casting a shadow of dread over the chamber.
In the midst of my restless slumber, I sensed his presence before I saw him. Haaland's figure materialized, his silhouette cast against the dimly lit room. He moved with a familiarity that was both unsettling and comforting, his steps echoing through the silence.
My eyes fluttered open, and I pretended to be asleep, hoping to gather my thoughts before confronting him. I felt the mattress yield under his weight as he settled beside me, the faint scent of Mead wafting through the air. His voice, tinged with a mix of regret and vulnerability, broke the stillness.
"Are you awake?" he inquired softly, his voice carrying a hint of apprehension. I remained silent, my heart pounding in my chest, uncertain of how to respond.
"Fuck," he cursed under his breath, his frustration evident. The warmth of his arms enveloped me, drawing me closer to him. Anxiety coursed through my veins as I wrestled with my conflicting emotions.
"I am sorry, little one. I did not mean to yell at you. Please forgive me," he implored, his lips pressing gentle kisses against my forehead. His apology hung in the air, laden with a sense of sincerity that tugged at my heartstrings.
"Why?" I found myself asking, my voice barely above a whisper. His admission caught me off guard, my curiosity piqued.
"I have a traitor in my ranks, selling my secrets. The frustration got the best of me," he explained, a mixture of weariness and determination coloring his words.
I let out a frustrated huff, my anger mingling with understanding. "Fine, I understand. Just... don't do it again," I conceded, my tone softening slightly. Despite my lingering annoyance, a sense of empathy welled within me, recognizing the burdens he carried as a king.
He chuckled, his laughter resonating through the darkness. "Yes, little one. I promise," he vowed, his voice laced with sincerity. A shy smile tugged at the corners of my lips, his presence somehow managing to ease the tension that enveloped us.
"Now, go to sleep. You're drunk," I teased, attempting to lighten the mood. His laughter filled the room once more, mingling with the soothing rhythm of his breath.
"Yes, you are quite fiery tonight," he jestingly remarked, yet his hold tightened around me, pulling me closer. As sleep claimed him, I found solace in the safety of his arms, an unexpected warmth radiating through my being.
That night, as slumber claimed us both, I found myself nestled in the king's arms for the first time. Unbeknownst to me, an ember of happiness ignited within my heart, signaling the possibility of a deeper connection. In the midst of uncertainty, a glimmer of hope emerged, weaving together the delicate threads of forgiveness, understanding, and the potential for a future intertwined.
Part 3
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quensty · 8 months
genuinely the funniest day of my life. what do u mean nora sakavic is releasing a new aftg book in 2023. what do u mean it’s going to be abt jean. what do u mean it has the word sunshine in the title. my aftg mutuals are rising from their graves. i seriously feel like i’m going to wake up back in 2014 any second now
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roronoaswifey · 2 years
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summary. your feelings and thoughts are all over the place when your best friend suddenly reappears in your life after having disappeared months ago.
pairing. portgas d. ace x gn!reader
warnings/tags. angst, implied past sex, best friends to strangers to lovers, ace is kinda a slut but we been knew, reader is yet again jealous, reader has hair, kinda ooc ace
wc. 4.3k
kazu’s note. listened to best friend by the weeknd and his toxic ass had me thinking… half of these lyrics are from the song LMFAO
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you hadn’t seen that freckled face in months.
his pearly whites, grinning boyishly, the oh so familiar mischievous glint in his eyes. he screamed trouble wherever he went. whether it was sending flames into pirates who asked for problems, whether it was a clumsy mistake in which ended in you sprawled beneath him, bulky arms trapping you, moans and cries slipping into the moonlit night.
“you…” you trailed off, mug filled with booze nearly slipping from your loosen grip.
no matter where he went, he radiated a charm so intoxicating, so daring. was it the confidence in his steps? was it the way he always held his chin up, pink lips stretching into that infamous smirk? whatever the reason was, he always managed to have you folding every single resolve you had built in the first place.
“missed me, best friend?”
you nearly scoffed at his audacity. that’s what it was. even if he was annoyingly attractive and had an intriguing personality, one thing the man had was the nerve.
“fuck off, ace,” saying his name felt almost taboo. you hadn’t— or tried not to— thought of him in nearly a year. he up and left you in the worst of situations, in your most vulnerable moment, ghosting you and every responsibility he left with you, choosing against holding himself accountable and fleeing.
“is that a way to greet a bestie you haven’t seen in so long?” the raven haired slipped into the seat next to yours, fingers tapping at the wooden counter, signalling the bartender to come over.
you rolled your eyes, not holding back on your scoff either, “and who’s fault is that, exactly?” you heard ace chuckle lowly, and you thanked whatever god that’d been looking over you, grateful you weren’t able to see the way the corner of his lips definitely curved into that smile.
“suppose it’s mine,” he shrugged, as if he wasn’t at fault, as if hadn’t smashed and dashed you about a year ago.
when the bartender made her way towards the both of you, you weren’t surprised to see the blush draping over her cheeks so desperately, her shaky fingers wiping a previously used mug with a cloth.
“w-what could i get you, sir?” she posed nervously, eyes having a hard time to keep up with ace’s flirtatious ones.
“surprise me, love.” you visibly stifled an unimpressed laugh, focusing on finishing your drink and ignoring ace’s eyes now on you.
he looked back at the young bartender, propping an elbow on the counter and leaning his cheek into his cupped palms, “make sure it’s as sweet as you are,”
“s-sure! give me a second,” she was now steaming in blush head to toe, clumsily placing the cleaned mug onto the counter and scurrying off to mix a drink to ace’s liking.
when the bartender left his field of vision, he barked a laugh, now shifting his body so he could focus his attention back onto you. with a raised eyebrow, he spoke, ���what a sweet thing, am i right?”
“what would i know?” you grumbled moodily, annoyed at both him and yourself for falling into his obvious bait. “she barely got to say anything before you started speaking with your dick.”
“is that what i was doing?” ace urged, leaning forward and you got a good whiff of his familiar scent, cursing yourself for the way your heat began throbbing at unnecessary flashbacks.
“i mean i get you’ve always been slow, but don’t try to play stupid,” you snickered, wrist moving in circular motions as you twirled the remaining of drink in your cup.
“me? slow?” ace pulled back in faux offence, slapping his hand over his bare chest dramatically. “i’m offended you’d ever say such a thing! i am no where near stupid, that’s you projecting!”
“tone it down, pretty boy,” the casual nickname, that initially began as an insult, slipped past your tongue with ease. your own eyes widened in shock for a split second, and you were certain he’d caught on.
“pretty boy, hmm,” he now entirely shifted in his seat, full body facing you. he went back to leaning his cheek in his palm, a wolffish grin decorating his pink lips, “i missed that name.”
your heart sunk at the implication. how dare he say he missed that nickname as if it was your fault he wasn’t hearing it anymore? what was the matter with this incredibly sexy idiot?
“again, who’s fucking fault is that?” you now turned your body to face him, face contorted in pure annoyance. your brows creased in the centre of your forehead, nose scrunched and lips set in a frown.
“i did say mine, i believe,” he tapped his index finger on his chin, pretending to think things through.
“why’d you leave, ace?” you finally asked, the question weighing heavily on your mind for as long as you could remember.
why’d he leave? where had he gone to? why didn’t he ever try to keep in touch with you? was it something you did? did he pick up on the feelings you were catching? was that really what drove him to leave you?
“cutting straight to the point, i see,” he chuckled, though it wasn’t his regular, flirty ones. it felt almost regretful, almost sad, but you didn’t want to think too much on it.
“i’m sorry, did you expect causal small talk after having dipped out of fucking nowhere?” you countered, jerking back and eyebrow raised in an unimpressed manner.
“maybe,” he teased, and when your frown only deepened, he laughed apologetically, hands thrown up in surrender. “alright, alright, don’t kill me now,”
“hurry ace, or else i’m leaving in the next few seconds,” you glared coldly, hoping he caught onto the double-implication of your statement.
from the way he tensed in surprise momentarily, you knew he did. good.
he let out a defeated sigh, a short smile falling on his face, “yeah, i guess that’s fair. i mean, i only did it ‘cause—”
“your drink, sir!” the bartender spawned out of the blue, a more confident aura all over. she had a bright smile, despite the evidence of her nervousness tainted on her cheeks.
you didn’t hold back the roll of your eyes. it wasn’t that you had anything against the girl. you hadn’t even cared for her even when she gave you your drink a few minutes ago. but did she have to show up when you were finally ready to hear the reasoning behind ace’s disappearance?
“thank you, sweetheart. may i ask what did you concoct here?” ace asked, definitely stalling so he would either have more time to think an answer through or drive you to leave so he wouldn’t have to answer.
much to his dismay, you were determined to hear what he had to say.
“i probably shouldn’t say, it’s the bar’s secret recipe,” she fiddled with her thumbs shyly, her blue eyes everywhere but on ace. you hated how you knew just exactly how she felt, seeing as you were once in her shoes.
you kissed your teeth under your breath, your own eyes set on your drink.
“what a bummer,” ace feigned sadness, lips falling into a pout. he suddenly switched into a happy mood, the pout fading into a cocky smirk that had both you and the bartender definitely folding. “i do enjoy surprises though.”
the bartender’s lips parted slightly, eyes shimmering in awe, “i… i hope you enjoy it. it was my first time trying it out, s-so i’m not sure if it’ll amount to your expectations but—”
“nonsense. i’m sure it’ll blow me away,” and before she could retort, he brought the mug to his lips and took gracious gulps of the mixture.
while the bartender eyed expectantly, waiting for a reaction from the freckled male, you watched from your peripheral to see what his reaction would be.
not that you didn’t know already. you knew exactly what kind of guy ace was.
ace pulled the drink away, the liquid trickling past his mouth and down his chin as he brought his hand to swipe the drink away. his lips smacked for a while, marinating the taste with precision, before a grin appeared on his face.
you rolled your eyes at his hopelessness. you knew exactly what was coming.
“this surpassed any expectation i had!” he laughed, before taking more sips of his drink as if to prove his point. he probably missed the way heart eyes jumped out of the bartender’s face.
“i-i’m glad you enjoyed it! feel free to have some more!” she brought another mug before him, placing it too excitedly on the counter.
“i’m planning on it, love,” he winked, handing her his previous empty cup in favour for the newly filled one. you only caught a glance of it, but the drink seemed to be a light pink-brownish mixture, and you did wonder what exactly was in the drink.
“although,” he leaned forward, propping himself on his elbows, eyes watching her intensely, “i really would love to hear more about this recipe,”
“i could always let you know some other time, since i am on shift right now…” she trailed off, subconsciously leaning in as well, almost in a trance at ace’s hypnotic gaze.
“yeah? you’d do that for me?” he pressed on further, loving the way you tended in annoyance at his side. you knew he knew you were pissed, and that only enraged you further. why were you always falling into his cheap games?
your hand clenched unintentionally around your mug, but the bartender was too far deep in love to even notice.
“i would.. i really would..” the bartender let her lips part, mumbling as her eyes basically beaming in joy. ace hummed, letting his eyes fall from her lips back to her gaze, and you felt your heart sink to the deepest pit of your stomach.
was he really going to do this right in front of you?
“‘m sure you would,” ace indulged, waiting to see how long it’d take for you to crack. “you are a sweetheart, after all.”
“o-only for you…” was she even realizing how ridiculous she sounded, submitting to a man she hardly knew? how unprofessional was she, to be flirting with her customers on shift? why was this bothering you so fucking much?
“you’re too cute,” ace scrunched his nose, bringing a hand up to push a loose strand of pink hair past her face and behind her ear. “has anybody told you that?”
you could throw up. you’re almost certain he used that exact line on you when you both had met for the first time. says a lot about him, you supposed.
“you’re the first,” her eyes diverted back to the counter, blood rushing quick all over her skin, and you cringed at her humbleness.
“i mean,” ace’s eyes glanced so quickly at you that you thought you were imagining things until he spoke his next words, “i could be your first of many things—”
you slammed your drink on the counter. the bartender snapped out of her daze, and ace had finally sunk back into his seat, a proud smile on his face.
fishing in your pocket, you pulled out a twenty dollar bill before flicking it to your drink, “keep the fucking change,” before wasting no time to bolt past the exit. you didn’t care anymore to hear whatever the raven haired had to say, he clearly didn’t care for how you felt at all.
making your way outside the dark sky, you let out a deep sigh, shoulders sagging in defeat as you felt your blood boil in annoyance. how could he joke about something so sensitive like that? did he find a thrill in genuinely pissing you off? you had confided the last of your innocence to the man, and for him to sneak diss you like that in public made you feel foolish.
“the nerve of that fucking bastard,” you mumbled, kicking at a pebble on the floor.
you walked further down the shore of the sea, wanting to be away as possible from the loud and smelly bar. the fresh gust of wind of the sea brought you at peace, clearing your mind from its previous tense state.
so what if ace doesn’t care for you anymore? it’s not like you gave a fuck, even if you had been locked in your room for weeks, wondering what you’d done that drove him away. even if you had called his younger brother and asked if he heard any news of the boy, that doesn’t mean you cared. and it has much less to do with the fact you found yourself weeks later craving for a sense of intimacy in strangers you met in bars, fucking them to numb the pain of your best friend leaving you.
you didn’t fucking care.
“so you were jealous, after all.”
your left brow twitched in irritation. the last person you wanted to hear, the last person you wanted in your presence just had to come after you. what was his deal? you left him alone with that goddamn bartender so he could drag her to the nearest stall and fuck her as he pleased.
so why was he here?
“fuck off, ace,” you repeated your previous words but with much more malice. “just fucking leave me alone— that’s all your best at doing anyway.”
“y/n,” he said your name for the first time tonight, and you couldn’t help the way your head whipped back at him. the way your name rolled off his tongue so easily made you realize you missed him more than you’d like to admit.
“thought you were gonna give me a chance at explaining myself?” he dared to ask you, and for what felt like the nth time this night, you rolled your eyes at him.
“well that was before you decided to strip the bartender with your eyes,” you countered, your stomach churning with uneasinesses at the thought of it.
ace, however, shrugged helplessly, “it was just to rile you up. you know how much i love to piss you off,” and yes, you were painfully aware of the fact. it still didn’t change the fact you knew and still felt a twinge— more like twinges— of jealousy. you were an idiot, a jealous idiot.
“doesn’t change anything,” you turned back around, feeling yourself crumble at the soft gaze he gave you, like the manipulative bastard he was, because there was no other logical explanation for it.
“guess not.” he concluded, and a silence fell between you both. you slightly regretted having turned around since you now couldn’t read his expression or know how he was feeling. though, ace was always unreadable.
the stars that lit in the moonlight painfully reminded you of multiple nights you’d spent on the roof of a house, in the middle of a field or even a random ship on sea, and how you’d always been coddled in warm arms, chattering away about absolute nonsense, soft kisses shared that even led to mind-blowing sex.
how many other people had he shared the same experiences with? how many other people had he cuddled, sexed up and left just as hopeless as you were? did you really not matter to him at all?
“what we got, y/n, is secure,” ace spoke softly, and your arms found themselves crossed over your chest almost protectively. “there isn’t anything or anybody else that could ever amount to what you and me had.”
“so why’d you leave?” you whispered, hating the vulnerability laced in your tone. your arms clutched you further, “why leave if that was the case?“
“that’s just it, darling,” you heard him take a step closer and instinctively, you took one too. you wanted to keep a distance with the boy, fearing you’d do the impossible and beg him to stay.
he sighed at your actions, before continuing, “i didn’t want to be responsible for your heart, if we fell,” he bravely took another step and this time you stayed still. “things you wanted, i wasn’t looking for. i feared that if anything ever escalated, i’d get clumsy and tear your heart apart.”
you stiffened, eyes wide as you blankly stared the sea. so he did know of your feelings. he knew how you felt, and instead of turning you down gently, he decided to fucking run away? he wanted to handle it like a child instead of the adult he was?
“i loved you,” he confessed after a moment of silence. your heart sunk at the revelation. “i realized a few weeks into our relationship. but you were my best friend, and i foolishly thought we couldn’t get any closer than that.”
“so you ran off?!” you cut him off, turning around. you were fuming, how could he mess with your emotions like that? “you fuck me for months and the minute you sense a change you tuck your dick in your pants and fuck off to god knows where?”
“i thought we had arrangements,” ace tried to justify himself. when you scoffed, he sighed helplessly and ran his fingers through his hair, “when i realized you caught feelings too, i got scared, terrified even. i thought you weren’t like that, the type to fall for somebody like me.”
“but i did. and you stupidly decided to scurry off,” you repeated yourself, wanting your point to come across. you wanted him to realize how selfish he’d been, and how much pain he put you through. “had it ever even crossed your mind on how i would feel?”
“i never wanted to hurt you,” he whispered, stepping even closer. he was now right before you, and the way he towered over you was so comforting. “it was never my intention. i know i was being selfish, but the truth is that i feared what would happen if we had taken it further and you realized i wasn’t worth your time.”
“you can’t just go and decide things for me, ace!” you exclaimed in annoyance, and to further that annoyance, ace stayed quiet. “shit like that is up for me to decide— i would never do you dirty like that!”
“i knew that,” ace nodded, and you wanted to rip the hairs off your head. “but deep down, something was telling me the opposite. that you’d realize you had much better for you waiting past the grand line. and i didn’t want to put myself through that ache,”
“so you decided to put me through it instead.” you deadpanned, no ounce of remorse or guilt. ace bit his lip in shame, eyes momentarily diverting to the floor before he found your cold eyes again.
“i’m sorry. i’m not expecting you to forgive me, not in the slightest, but i do what you to know there wasn’t a day i wasn’t think of you, and how badly i wanted to apologize.”
“don’t give me that bullshit,” you snarled, and when you felt warm hands holding your shaky shoulders, you felt tears pooling in your eyes.
“it’s the truth,” he reassured you, thumb grazing your skin so delicately, that you bit your lip in attempt to hold back a sob. the gentle look he was giving you did nothing to help your shaken thoughts.
so, ace loved you back. was that in the past? had his feelings for you vanished? and he left you because he was scared you would realize you could do better than him. what a load of bullshit— who else knew you better inside and out than he did? who cared of his heritage, his bloodline, his reputation? he was simply ace in your eyes, not the infamous rookie fire fist ace, or portgas d. ace, son of former pirate king, gol d. roger.
just ace.
“you didn’t have to say it, but i knew you didn’t want to have sex as friends no more,” ace filled in the silence with more explanation, and you didn’t think you could stomach what else he had to say, “i could feel it in the way you’d look at me with so much love. i didn’t and still don’t think i’m worthy of holding all of it. so, in the only way i knew how, i left. i took every single feeling i had for you and ran away with them, hoping both you and i could move on,”
“i got sidetracked,” ace admitted, fingers now pushing away your hair from your shoulders behind your back, and the way your face shone from the moon’s reflection had his stomach tumbling with fondness. “the deal was initially to fool around, and the more we took it further, i focused less on our friendship and more on what could’ve been a potential relationship.”
your glistening eyes watched in anticipation, waiting for him to do anything. the way his fingertips left traces of warmth all over your skin, the way his dark eyes grazed all over your facial features, the soft smile he gave you— you wanted him to kiss you like he meant it.
“and i can’t believe how stupid i’d been. i talked things out with marco, and he made me realize i needed to come find you and settle this straight once and for all.”
settle this…? “ace, what are you implying?” you asked, hoping desperation didn’t leak through your voice. you were hoping he was implying just what you thought he was. you wanted nothing else other than him, and no amount of money or dates or dick could ever change that.
he flicked you a charming smile, “y/n, let’s try it again, but properly this time. can i be yours? if you’ll have me of course,” his left hand cupped your cheek, the pad of his thumb smoothening your soft skin.
your stomach tightened. your heart erupted in butterflies. you felt a shorten of breath, throat suddenly clogging and mouth dry. was this a joke? surely this couldn’t have been real. you’d been longing for him for so long, you were scared you were gonna wake up and realize ace was never yours in the first place.
but, at the feel of his calloused fingers caressing your cheek, brown eyes staring down at you deeply, the warmth of his body hitting you all at once with his unique scent, you knew this was far from a dream. it all felt too real.
and as ecstatic as you were, you were also an asshole. and so, for the fun of it, you brought your hand to the one resting on your face and when his face lit up you almost felt bad for what you were about to do, “i’ve already moved on, ace…”
his smile dropped, and you swear you heard his heart shatter. you held back a laugh, watching as his own eyes began to water, slowly retracting his hand from your cheek.
“ah, i see…” he trailed off awkwardly, and you wanted to stop but you needed to see how this would play out. “of course. it’s my fault anyway, so i get it.”
“yeah..” you trailed off yourself, out of words to fill in the silence. you watched as he gulped, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek out of reflex. he looked on the verge of tears and you really didn’t want to bring him that far but you wanted to push it just a little further, “i’m sorry ace, but i found somebody else.”
“o-oh,” he nodded, eyes boring to the rocky floor beneath you both. he bit his lip, eyebrows scrunching as he most likely held back his tears, “well, i wish the both of you the best—”
“oh my god ace, fuck i’m sorry, i’m joking!” you broke out of character, a laugh escaping you before you could help it. you revelled in the way he jolted in surprise, teary eyes widening and his lips parted in shock. he looked like a dumb puppy, and your chest only blossomed further with warmth.
“y/n, what the fuck?” he whined, pouting childishly as he softly shoved your shoulder. you doubled over, laughter consuming you as the taller boy continued to mumble about how he was ready to sob on the floor in seconds tops.
“i’m sorry but you deserved it,” you wiped a tear from your eye, giggling at the idea of him crying over your rejection.
“i guess… but still?!” he rolled his eyes sassily, hands resting on his hips. “i was about to fly out of here in tears, you fucking sadist!”
“my apologies, best friend,” you emphasized, leaning closer towards him, and when his arms snaked to your waist with practiced ease, you flung your arms over his neck, fingers fondling the nape of his hair.
“apology not accepted,” he complained, and you rolled your eyes playfully at his attitude. as if he had any right to deny an apology, you thought but decided to bite your tongue. “you’ll have to prove to me you’re actually sorry.”
“is there something i could do to earn your forgiveness?” you played into his game, subconsciously pushing forward, the familiarity of his eyes pulling you into a trance.
ace hummed in faux thought, his eyes flicking from your glossy lips back to your seductive gaze. his infamous smirk etched on his face, flashing his boyish grin, as his fingers massaged the flesh of your waist with delicacy.
“gimme a kiss and i’ll consider it.”
“you’ll consider it?” you giggled, and when ace sassily rolled his eyes, you nodded, pressing your chest onto his bare one. you felt the grip around your hips tighten, and you tilted your head to the side, your own lips parting.
you watched as he hypnotically leaned in, falling to your charms, and you mentally high fived yourself for being able to make the ace all dazed and blushy like a schoolgirl.
“consider it done, pretty boy.” you smiled prettily, and finally locked lips with the man your heart had yearned for months.
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he’s such a slut ugh.
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house-strong · 2 years
༄࿔ unbent and unbroken
summary ; drabble requested by anon as part of my 1k follower celebration.
“Naz (Urdu) - assurance/pride in knowing that the other’s love is unconditional and unshakable with Jace ❤️”
pairing ; jacaerys velaryon x betrothed!reader
notes ; au where visenya lives and nyra ends up as queen AND has all six children living, because that’s my favorite trope 🧡 slight warning because jacaerys is a certified lover boy and this made ME shy writing it,, it’s also currently 1am so very obviously unrevised sorry lads
all young lords from across the country had flocked to king’s landing to court the princess visenya targaryen. queen rhaenyra, first of her name, decreed that visenya would choose her own suitor – the same luxury her father had granted her all those years ago. these courtships lasted almost a month and jacaerys was quickly tiring of the constant attention.
his mother, somehow, persuaded him to stay when he was threatening to leave a fortnight in to the occasion. she told him that he was the prince of dragonstone and crowned heir to the iron throne, and it was one of his duties to see his only sister off.
to share his agony, he dragged you, his betrothed, with him to kings landing. it wasn’t much so dragging, per se, you loved celebrations; the music, the attire, the food. despite being promised to the heir of the iron throne, lords from across the lands always found some way to flirt with you, whisking you away from your handsome prince.
instead of being your knight in shining armor, jacaerys would grin and watch the lords take you away. he never paid any mind. no jealousy, no spite, or sour looks. he was absolutely confident in your faithfulness. despite not being married just yet, you and jacaerys shared an indestructible bond – one that he put his all in. when alone, you two would gossip about what the lords would willingly tell you. jacaerys thought it was hilarious how much trust they had put in you within mere hours.
his attention is torn away from the conversation he was having with his mother. he knows it’s disrespectful, especially in front of crowds, to not be listening to his queen mother, but he didn’t care. instead, a smile spreads his lips open like the way a crowd does when royalty approaches. he’s watching you carefully, his stomach twisting in knots, doing flips, somersaults, as he watches you toss your head back and laugh – it’s loud, boisterous, and undoubtedly you.
no envy, no anger – only bliss. he’s ready to chuckle himself as if he heard what you were laughing about, but the touch on his shoulder brings him back to the present. he turns to his mother, mouth slack as he realizes his disrespect. he’s ready to apologize, but the soft look on his mother’s face dissuades him.
“you’re not worried?” she asks, following where his gaze had once gone. the queen is eyeing you and surprisingly, a smile hugs her right cheek.
his attention returns to you and he shakes his head, dark strands of hair bouncing with volume, “not at all. look at her, she’s marvelous, isn’t she?”
queen rhaenyra’s eyes return to jacaerys, where she watches him continue to smile absentmindedly at the sight of you conversing with other lords. he reminds her so much of her former lover; like a spitting image.
the same devotion jacaerys bears for you is something she’s envious of – it was something she herself had all those years ago.
“she returns to me, without fail, every night. they can laugh with her all they want, but she’s mine,” jacaerys continues, hand settling on the loop of his belt, “and i am hers.”
the words make thoughts become real and he feels pride bloat in his chest. tenderness, sincerity, and unconditional, irrevocable love floods his being when he fully understands that he’s off the deep end. he’s infatuated, so desperately in love with you. you are to jacaerys as wine is to a drunkard – he wants to drown himself in you and keep you by his side, his cup never emptying.
feeling a hard stare that’s almost burning holes into your skull, you turn your head and meet jacaerys’ distracted gaze. your smile only seems to broaden and the prince feels himself swoon. he’s so lucky, lucky in the fact he’s found love doing his duty, and blessed that it’s you. he gives you an equally big grin, his teeth poking out beneath his pink lips.
he’s perfectly imperfect and you’re beautifully crafted by the gods themselves.
you give him a bashful wave, one that he returns smoothly. he can hear his mom giggling beside him, but he doesn’t care. lords and lady’s can call him names, his uncles can call him a lovesick fool, but he’d rather be that with you by his side than anything else.
you’re both staring at each other now, each gaze soft and full of unwavering adoration.
he notices that your mouth moves in silent words.
he’s sure it’s saying, ‘i love you.’
jacaerys bites his lip to try and conceal the wicked grin that’s eating at his cheeks – a harsh fatigue beginning to settle under the flesh. he waits a few moments before he mouths the same exact phrase back to you.
“excuse me, your grace,” he moves to give his mother a chaste kiss on the cheek. he dips his head in respect before moving away, making a beeline towards where you were. he finally reaches you, smiling at the other lords, “pardon me, my lords, but my betrothed is needed elsewhere.”
the lords mutter words of ‘my prince’, ‘my lady’, and perhaps a goodbye was thrown in. jacaerys doesn’t pay mind to it, for he slips his hand into yours and pulls you into his side, leading you away from the crowd.
you giggle, “i’m needed elsewhere, am i?”
jacaerys shoots you a look in the corner of his eye; he was never a good liar.
“yes, your handsome and dashing, young prince needs you.”
“handsome and dashing, hm? let me know when you see him.” you tease.
it’s jacaerys’ turn to laugh and he gently pinches you through your dress, you jump at the action.
“maybe i should just return you to the lords over there?” his steps slow and his brows furrow, his arm removing itself from the small of your back. he gently motions towards the lords he had just taken you from. he starts walking toward them, a grin on his lips. his cheeks are crying out, but the pain is worth it.
you swat at him and pull him back towards you, “you wouldn’t dare.”
“want to see?”
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mrwavellswaps · 1 year
A Life He Never Had - Part 2 (Father’s POV)
➡️ Son’s POV ⬅️
Oh god I can’t help but moan, these nipple are so damn sensitive. I know he can hear me as well with my door wide open. It might be a little cruel of me to keep teasing him like this but I just can’t help myself. You know I originally had my doubts but fuck am I glad I decided to steal my Son’s body!
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When I’d first bought that switching potion I honestly wasn’t sure if it’d work or not. I would’ve tested it first but apparently it was only good for one use. However I was so fucking desperate to have another chance at the life I never got that I decided to throw all my chips in and risk it.
Next thing you know I’m drugging my own Son after having our weekly meal together and lugging his barely conscious body up to my bedroom. I don’t think think he was fully out but it didn’t make a difference in the end. I was able to get him to drink some of the potion before downing the rest myself. After that I laid down next to him and prayed this stuff was legit.
I wasn’t sure exactly what I was expecting to be honest. One second I was awake and the next I was out cold with my soul being forced out of my body. I could see my old body lying unconscious on the bed next to my Son while his soul was floating next to mine. Only, unlike me, his soul seemed dormant. I knew what I had to do. I used my ghostly hands to grab my Son’s soul before stuffing it inside my 51 year old body and watching as it sealed itself inside forever. Once that was done I turned my attention back to his young sleeping body. With a lick of my lips I dove down with a hunger for the youth that body was about to grant me.
Waking up that next morning had to have been the greatest moment of my life. The second I returned to consciousness my eyes shot wide open, eager to inspect my new form. Looking down I certainly wasn’t disappointed. I was so lean, muscular and hairless that it seemed unreal. And when I looked to the side to see none other than my fat old body, that’s when I knew this for real.
The first thing I did was throw off my Son’s clothes and get a good look at his, or should I say my, naked body and I have to say I was more than impressed with what I saw. Not only did he have some very well sculpted muscle from years of hard work but he had a cock on him like a horse! It had to be at least twice the size of my old one so there’s no way he got it from me. Same with this ass! I remember turning in the mirror and being genuinely shocked at how well shaped my Son’s big bubble ass was compared to my relatively flat one. Whatever the case they belonged to me now and I was gonna use them however I goddamn pleased.
Truth be told I’d actually done a little preparation before hand in the hopes that the swap would be a success. I’d done a little shopping for my new body in the form of some fun new clothes to try on. Mainly underwear. I grabbed them from my secret little stash and started trying them on one by one. Jock straps, speedos and just a bunch of saucy underwear. And let me tell you I looked fucking incredible. The way they all stretched over my ass and bulge was nothing short of breath taking. With a body like this I couldn’t have been more certain I’d be able to bag a guy to fuck my brains out.
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I eventually decided to head downstairs and make myself a coffee, still wearing a kinky pair of white briefs at the time, when I heard a scream come from upstairs. I shook my head knowing that he’d finally woken up so I grabbed my cup and made my way back up to him. When I got there he nothing short of was hysterical. Especially when he saw me in these briefs. Yelling and screaming about what the hell was going on but I just couldn’t help smiling and teasing him. I think I even gave my ass a smack just to see what he would do. I thought he’d try to punch me honestly but he must’ve been in too much shock I suppose.
Ever since then my life has felt like a living a dream. One of the very first things I did was break up with my son’s girlfriend. I might have his body but I still don’t care much for chicks at all. Dick is all I wanted. All I needed. And I was now more certain than ever that I was gonna get it.
Almost as soon as I could I was heading out to all sorts of gay clubs and signing up to hook-up apps and let me tell you it wasn’t long before I had stud after stud in my bed. Guys I would never have had a chance with before now drooling over me as much as I was over them. It was a little… painful at first I’ve gotta say. Considering my Son was straight before I took his body it only made sense that his hole was as tight as could be but I was working on loosening it up. With every fat cock I took up there it got easier and easier. Some might consider me a man whore now but can you really blame an old man for wanting to catch up on all that he missed out on.
Originally when I’d first gotten this body I was partly considering keeping up my Son’s ritual of shaving his body and facial hair to stay smooth. After all I’d been so hairy for so long that it was kinda nice to be so smooth for once. But after quite a few of the guys that fucked me suggested growing out some fur again I decided to do just that. I prefer a more masculine look anyway. And so over the coming month I simply let my body grow its natural hair again and allowed a short beard to form which I’ve gotta say seems to have gained me some extra attention.
I’ve gotta say though I’ve really enjoyed teasing my Son since the swap. Does that make me a bad person? Probably. Am I gonna keep doing it? Absolutely! It’s just too much fun to walk around the house with barely any clothes on just so I can not only flaunt what he used to have but also show him how much of a slut I’d made his body now. I made sure to reinforce that even further whenever I brought a guy home by moaning as loud as possible to make sure he heard. Just to make sure he knew I was getting his former straight guy hole filled to brim with cum. And just for good measure I made sure to tell him all about it afterwards.
You know before all this I thought I was a total bottom. That is until I slept with a much more versatile dude. He was a pretty big bear of a man and made sure to fuck me good first. But after he’d pumped his load inside me, he started to compliment me a lot on the size of my cock. I was flattered of course but when he asked if I’d ever used it I said I hadn’t ever really considered topping before. Well wouldn’t you know it the next minute he’s bent over and displaying his furry ass for me. I was a little apprehensive at first but once I shoved myself inside and started pumping, I gotta say it wasn’t bad. I’ll probably still bottom most of the time but maybe topping here and there could be fun after all with my Son’s huge fat cock under my control.
Speaking of cock this thing just doesn’t stop! For over ten years I’d been struggling to get my old dick fully hard but this one does it all the time! Even just the slightest glance at a hot guy, especially when there was nobody else around, and boom! Massive erection! It’s fucking amazing! I’m jerking off all the time and squirting my young new seed on everything I own when I’m not just having straight up sex. I forgot how endless the sex drive is for guys in their early twenties… though I’m certain I was never this horny when I was originally this age.
And that brings me back to present, sat in my new bedroom tweaking my nipples and groaning as loudly as possible. My young cock beginning to strain against this new jockstrap I bought myself. You should see the way it frames my ass. I’m sure the guy that I’m having over tonight will appreciate it.
Speaking of, I’ve had this guy around a few times now and honestly I’m really starting to like him. Maybe after he’s filled my ass again I’ll ask him out for dinner. Wouldn’t that be something. My first ever date with a man. I hope he says yes!
Until then I’ll just keep enjoying my new body and all it has to offer while shoving it in the face of its former owner. I couldn’t be more happy that this swap is irreversible…
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megsironthrone · 9 months
I Hate That I Don't Hate You (Part 1 of 2)
Based on this request:  Can I request a Jaime x reader. Maybe themed around 10 things I hate about you? Her as Kat and him as Patrick. She’s a Stark and maybe they can only pair off Sansa when reader is so they ask Jaime to charm her but they end up falling for each other?
Here you are, lovelies! *Familiar characters are NEVER mine!* Also, this was getting rather long, so I've split it into 2 parts.
Warnings: Modern/Movie based AU (10 Things I Hate About You), angst, a smidge of fluff.
Pairings/Characters: Jaime Lannister x fem!Stark reader, mentions of other Starks, Tyrion, and Podrick.
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Jaime stared at the two men in front of him. "Perhaps I misheard. You want me to…what?"
          "Ask Y/N Stark on a date." Jaime blinked in surprise before gazing around to see if he could spot you. This was not what he expected from today. At all. "Why?" he finally asked when he couldn't see you. The young man in front of him sighed. "A mutual acquaintance wants to go out with Sansa, but Sansa can't date until her older sister does. You're about the same age and seem like the kind of guy she'd go for."
          "What's in it for me?" Jaime asked. "What do you want?" Jaime let his eyes wander again. This time, he did spot you in the crowd. "Hold that thought," he replied before getting up to approach you. You friend spotted Jaime before you did and gestured in his direction. Your head snapped over to him.
          Jaime supposed, up close, you were rather attractive. For a Stark, anyway. As he drew nearer to you, you cocked a brow at him. "Is there a reason I'm being graced with all your glorious majesty this morning, Lannister, or am I just unlucky?" you snarked, earning a giggle from your friend who Jaime now recognized as Margaery Tyrell. Oh this was going to cost Tyrion and Podrick. Still, Jaime liked a challenge and you were certainly a challenge.
          When Jaime didn't reply, you simply rolled your eyes and turned away. Jaime walked back to Tyrion. "I do this, the two of you owe me. Big time. Y/N Stark is not a woman easily tamed." Both Tyrion and Podrick agreed and Jaime smiled. Let the fun begin.
*time skip. Your POV*
       "What the hells is Lannister's problem?" you grumbled, shoving the note into your locker before grabbing your books and slamming the door fiercely. You jumped at the sight of Jaime standing next to you yet again. You sighed loudly. Why wouldn't he just leave you alone? "My problem is that my charm seems to be failing me. I've been trying to get your attention for weeks now."
          "What do you want? Seriously, three weeks ago, you didn't even know my name and now you won't leave me be," you told him, exasperated. You began to walk away when his next words froze you in place. "I want to date you." You slowly turned to face him as your mouth hung open in shock. "You what?"
          "Just one date, Y/N. If you still hate me after, you'll never have to speak to me again." You narrowed your eyes at him. He was being suspiciously nice to you. Aside from Tyrion, most Lannisters avoided or hated your family. Still, you'd never had anyone else brave enough to ask you out. You thought about Sansa, who desperately wanted to date another boy in school but couldn't unless you dated first.
          You let out another long sigh and nodded. "Fine, Lan-Jaime. One date." The smirk on Jaime's face grew. You held up a hand to stop him from speaking, "BUT! I reserve the right to leave at any time." Jaime nodded. "Great. Pick you up Friday at 7." He jogged away before you could argue. You shook your head wondering what you'd just gotten yourself into.
          That Friday, you sighed as you waited for Jaime's car to pull into driveway. "Where are you going?" Sansa asked you. "Out, Sansa. On a…date." Sansa's face lit up with excitement. If you hit it off with your date, Sansa would be able to start dating. But when your date pulled up and she realized it was Jaime Lannister, her face fell. There was no way the two of you would get along well enough.
          "Jaime Lannister?" she asked quietly, but not quietly enough for your father not to hear.  "What about Jaime Lannister?"
          "Y/N's got a date with him," Sansa announced and you rolled your eyes. "A date?" Another sigh. "Yes, a date. He asked…more like begged, and I said yes. That's it. Nothing more." Before anyone could argue, the bell rang and you raced to answer it before any of your siblings could. When the door was open, you froze a little.
          Jaime Lannister was a good looking guy. There was absolutely no denying that. You'd be lying if you said you didn't notice before, but this was completely different.  You couldn't tell what it was, but he exuded confidence and something else that you felt guilty thinking about with your younger siblings in the room.
          It wasn't until Jaime cleared his throat that you realized you were staring. You glanced at his face to see that damned smirk of his gracing his lips yet again. "Let's go, Lannister. If this date's a bust, I'd like to be back home before my show comes on." Jaime laughed and offered his arm to you. You took it and let him lead you to his car as you mentally prepared yourself for a long night.
*Jaime's POV*
          Jaime did his best to impress you, but nothing seemed to work. You just weren't a easy nut to crack. You didn't trust people at all, but Jaime was determined to change that. He wasn't about to fail. Not when Tyrion was counting on him. Plus, you were the first woman to not give a damn about his family's influence or wealth. It was nice.
          As the night went on, however, you seemed to loosen up a bit. Jaime even got you to smile once. That was a win in his book considering how long it had taken just to get that. When Jaime pulled into your driveway after your date had come to an end, you shifted in your seat to face him as best you could.
          "Alright, Jaime. I have to admit that wasn't the complete disaster I thought it would be." Jaime chuckled, his voice filling the car. "High praise indeed, Miss Stark." Your rolled your eyes, but smiled at him again anyway. Jaime continued, "Would you want to do it again?" Your brows rose a little and you asked if he was sure he wanted to go out with you again.
          In that moment, Jaime swore you were one of the most adorable people he'd ever met. He had never seen you look so unsure. "Yeah. Why not? We had fun, I like your company. And your face isn't too bad either…when you're not scowling at me, that is." You playfully glared at him and sat in silence for a moment while you contemplated your answer. "I suppose one more date couldn't hurt. Just to make sure this was actually a good one." Jaime laughed again as you climbed out of the car.
          Your and Jaime's relationship seemed to advance quickly after that first date. And day-by-day, Jaime became more and more enamored by you. You were so much more than the frosty woman people thought you were. Underneath that icy exterior was a warm, kind, and compassionate person. You loved fiercely and loyally. You were also so intelligent, even helping Jaime with his coursework from time to time. Your quick wit and sharp tongue could even put Tyrion to shame sometimes. Jaime found himself falling head over heels in love with you. There was only one problem. His agreement with Tyrion.
          The guilt began to gnaw at Jaime the more time he spent with you. But it was only after your fifth date, when you let him kiss you, that Jaime decided enough was enough. To this very day, Jaime had no clue why he chose to confront Tyrion at school that day instead of at home. Maybe it was because Podrick was with him. But with just a few words, Jaime's world came crashing down.
          "The deal's off," he told the two younger men, "I won't do it anymore. I should have never agreed to it in the first place." Tyrion arched a brow and smirked. "Could it be that my dear brother has developed feelings for a certain Stark sister?"          
"Tyrion, this isn't a game. I don't care. You don't owe me anything. I was stupid to ask Y/N for a profit anyway." Tyrion didn't reply, his gaze somewhere behind Jaime. Jaime felt ice creep down his spine when, from behind him, he heard, "You asked me out…for a bribe?"
(a/n: I hope like it! The second part is almost finished and will hopefully be posted in a few days!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @brewsthespirit-blog @etherealpotter @cd1242 @frozenhuntress67 @smalltownbigheart @gruffle1 @line-viper @supernatural4life2022
Jaime Lannister Tags: @faith-in-dean @bellarkeselection
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