#minor ramble
loudestsludge · 1 year
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It’s actually been a while since I really buckled down and drew something 100% for myself. I’ve been so busy with life lately. It’s been fun! But it’s nice to get back to art a little.
I really enjoyed shading this piece, fun fact I shade commonly with neon pink then apply layer filters and adjust accordingly!
My art style has been in a IVE upheaval lately, classic I suppose. But I didn’t want to worry about lines or expression or anything like that. So I drew exactly what I wanted. Something floral, smooth and kinda shiny (in the way that it looks very lit up) I’ll be real there’s definitely an emotion attached to this sucker! Though I don’t know which one…thematic I suppose. Since it’s, yaknow, “lost” haha!
Yeah but, either way, I wanted to share it, it’s a piece I was happy to make and made me remember what I like so much about drawing. Just the process and seeing what comes out.
Have a lovely week delightful creatures
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anne-the-insomniac · 10 months
I love Dr stone so much it is so majestic.
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drawnaghht · 2 years
so I've been seeing this in various fandoms but ppl tagging stuff like "help this post in the tumblr algorihtm" or "help my post won't go popular" has been catching my eye again and wanted to make a post to adress this... I guess?
tumblr is a blogging site.
it's not like twt or even like insta/tiktok. even if it seems tumblr tries to add new similar features.... it seems it has mainly stayed for blogging purposes despite its own unique blogging system (the reblogs and multiple blogs system which I hadn't really seen much anywhere else before tumblr in 2009).
i also just remembered tumblr only uses the first 5 tags for the "Tagged" system they have now next to the "search" system,and the rest are "viewable" just on your blog,,,,, so yeah, no reason to use every tag possible unless it really does apply to your post ^^
This is fine for me, since I still use it mainly to archive my art, but I figured maybe this sort of reminder could help any other artists worrying about getting notes or people sharing their stuff. like posts "pop off" completely randomly, and even in big fandoms, sometimes the work you poured your heart into gets just 2 notes while the meme you made the same evening gets like 50+ and so on. it's pretty normal for most people.
Like it's fine. it's the internet, so many things are a little transitory anyway. It might feel a bit sad but it is what it is. what I've learned here is that having your 5+ friends is one of the finest ways to just enjoy your fandom stuff quietly (but I'm kinda rambling now) enjoy the fandom posts you make! don't feel bad bad about not getting notes! it's your experience and you curate it, and that includes just chilling and forgetting about the post that wasn't seen by anyone!
lol u can add here if u know anything else abt this, I haven't been using tumblr as much recently, but it seems things are mostly the same as 5+ or so years ago, with minor changes here and there.
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fledbeast578 · 1 year
Just finished lostbelt 6. It was good, as I expected. Although I can’t help but feel it was overhyped, I was expecting perfection and left a bit disappointed on that front. It was a great story, but I still have a decent bit of criticisms, and the constant circlejerking only made it worse. But overall I still enjoyed, 9/10 lostbelt.
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shkika · 3 months
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W1 design is done finally!!
W1 is both of the V models having combined themselves into one machine! Here are some notes on it! There's a lot to this fucker I think, but I'll do my best to cover what's most important.
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Design notes:
More fragile areas are usually using V2's standard tougher plating. Main examples are the base of it's limbs, as the less of it's arm it potentially loses the better, it's head (which has 2 brains inside!), kneecaps and it's shooter arms, which are less powerful but made to handle guns and weaponry with more finesse.
Note! The knuckleblaster largely is off-colored, because it is a creation of V2's before their merge (she was not made with it). She made it before they combined. Has modified only it's hand after their merge (blue).
Big surface areas or places where blood often ends up use V1's plating. So like it's chest, forearms, punching fists and so on!
Their eye looks like that, because it's cool. and. 2 brains.
Their wings are a combination, because of limited resources. If it could use all of V2's it would as they are better protected.
Character/lore notes:
The V's do NOT fight for the body. Actually any disagreement on actions it must perform are VERY dangerous and scary they prioritize reaching a solution as FAST as possible.
Not functioning correctly can mean death. That being said differing opinions specifically are okay as long as they reach the same final conclusion on what to do. Nobody is panicking if they disagree on what their fave color is.
The two brains send requests incredibly fast between each other to operate the body. Both have full control over the body and must operate it together. This is a VERY processing heavy task and an inefficient one so it requires a lot of blood. It is a VERY hungry machine.
W1 combines before the events of the game! W1 would go through the events of the game in place of just V1.
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fox-guardian · 4 months
starting to feel like part of the reason that Sam and Celia's romance thing feels a little off rn is cuz like. what do you mean they're actually dating. he asked her on a date and she said yes. and it's working out so far. it's chill and fine. what do you mean they're not pining for 4 seasons, not communicating, and then getting together only after one of them walked through hell to drag the other out and make sure they know they're loved and wanted. they haven't even patched each other's wounds yet hello. aren't y'all moving a little fast.
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sparrow-in-boots · 2 months
EDIT: the viper example picture got changed to a proper viper species, thank you @/the-white-eye for the correction!
everytime i see the winged serpents drawn/modelled as vipers, my heart breaks a little bit
guys, they are specifically pythons!! :3 mouth shape and all!! the sole viper head we see is Messmer/abyssal serpent!!
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pythons kill prey by strangling them with their bodies. vipers hunt through venom bite pounces. pythons are also more notably languid and slow compared to vipers or cobras. this isn't just a thematic distinction, but also a clear visual design cue, too!
in Volcano Manor and the Temple of Eiglay, you can see that the winged snake statues are Also python-headed. it's also notable that the snakes in the statues have fangs, and so do the winged serpents Messmer has. i doubt that's a coincidence.
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and most importantly, the Great Serpent is also closer to a python than a viper or even a cobra. it's admittedly a more distinct head shape than any real-life snakes i'm aware of, but the longer snout, the scale patterns (particularly on the temples and side of the head), and the teeth type are not unlike an anaconda, actually.
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canisalbus · 11 months
hello! i've written a short little machete fic, and i wanted to share it with you as thanks for all the incredible art and generous question-answering you've been doing these last few months. i hope that if you give it a look, you enjoy it. <3 keep up all your amazing work! archiveofourown [.] org / works / 50945128
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✦ A Voi ✦
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
Hello hello! 🍄
This happens every so often but sorry for the lack of posts and updates this week! I meant to have a more productive July but somehow the days escaped me between family matters and going on my honeymoon this month.
I'm definitely well-rested and in a better mindset to start working on the game again, I'll do my best to release it sometime in August! An exact date hasn't been confirmed yet, but keep an eye out for the seven day countdown like last time! 👀
Also, I'm aware I missed Alma's birthday on 20th July, I'll be working on something similar to Mychael's and MO's birthday soon.
Thank you so sososo much to those who drew fanart!!! Those are going right in the queue once I get my bearings straight 👻❤️
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goddess-of-frot · 3 months
I generally keep my writing on transmisogyny separate from this blog, but given that I’ve now seen the same Mutuals banned four our five times I think it’d be a good time to explain how this is a feature of transmisogynistic social murder itself. After everything has died down, after the ones leading the whisper network or the mob have satisfied themselves in causing enough damage to your life to feel you’ve learned your place, you begin to rebuild. You find new social circles, you recover what you can from old ones without risking exposure to the ones who participates in your own social murder, if you even now which. You try to create a new space for yourself, cultivate new support networks after the old ones were torched and cut ties with you, and you live in fear that it will all burn away again if anyone who participated in your social murder finds you. The unique thing on Tumblr is that while a lot of sites will passively enable social murder, Tumblr’s gone over the deep end. It’s common enough on most sites that auto moderation can be flooded with false reports (or even true reports that wouldn’t have happened without organized groups in places like Kiwi Farm), but on Tumblr you don’t get to know what it was or challenge it. The only cases I’ve seen of successfully challenging mass report campaigns and returning to original blogs took months, and only in the case of some of the most popular TME blogs.
In real life you fear meeting these people again because you know that they learned that social murder works, and now they’ve got experience. Here, every time tumblr refuses to step in or has their CEO harass outspoken victims, the same people perpetrating the abuse of shitty auto moderation learn that it works and is allowed because they won’t do anything, not only that but Tumblr moderation will go out of its way to scrub clean complaints of this and perpetually enforce the social murders that they allowed. Social Murder is a cyclical process meant to cultivate fear, despair, and obedience in the victim, and once it’s happened once you are marked as a target. What Tumblr has done is formalize that targeting and the fear that accompanies it by repeatedly banning the same people for being victims of social murder.
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yaboy-miz · 2 months
Being into Cult of the Lamb while also having gone thru that period where YouTube was convinced I was obsessed with sheep and llama shearing has given me a weirdly specific need to incorporate sheep facts into my cotl headcanons. Like specifically about wool and whatnot.
Sheep grow wool in excess because they were bred selectively to grow a lot of it, and while domestic breeds don’t shed their wool there are some kinds of sheep that still do. Depending on what kind of sheep the lamb is, they may not need a full shear every year, though even sheep that do shed their wool will need shearing from time to time. If we’re imagining the Lamb as a sheep that does not shed their wool at all, I’d imagine that they’d need help with it. Thinking about how a culture made up of sheep people would be built, perhaps shearing would be done by one’s family or those close to them due to how difficult shearing oneself would be, with their first shear being in their preteen/teenage years and being considered special. A virgin shear in real life is considered to be the highest quality of wool a sheep will ever produce due to how the fibers form and change with more shearing, so perhaps it would be sacred in some way. Since there are no seasons in the cotl universe, shearing for summer weather wouldn’t be as important but would still be done annually to prevent matting and heat stress.
I wanna research wool and shearing more I like sheeps.
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thesmollestsnek · 1 year
Death echoes
So a while ago, i found this dp x dc post that had a really interesting lore headcanon for Danny’s ghostly wail. Idk if I’ll be able to find it again, I’ll link it here if I do, but essentially it posited that every ghost has something called a “death echo”, which is an ability unique to them based heavily on their deaths. These echoes are the most powerful move in a ghost’s moveset, but they’re also extremely volatile and draining, typically damaging the ghost in some way when used, with Danny’s being his Wail because he died screaming. The original post then went on to some really cool halfa!Jason ideas based on these death echoes, but for this lil snippet with an extremely long intro I’d like to focus on Danny a bit more.
Edit: Apparently I may have extrapolated a lot of the actual lore behind these death echos myself? The inspiration post was a lot longer in my memories. Or I might've mushed multiple posts into one mental box and then forgot lol. So a lot of the actual detail from this point on is seemingly mostly original material? I think? Idk man, sometimes my brain spits out information without giving me any clues as to where it got that information. Anyway, this post got kinda long and since I'm... decently sure this is where I shifted from summarizing @ailithnight's post to writing all my own thoughts I figured here would be a good place to throw the cut lol.
So! with all of the context-for-the-context out of the way, let’s move on to the actual context for what I’m writing cause I can’t be bothered with writing an intro XD
Essentially, this is an au where Danny is an established member of the Justice League, or maybe one of the teen hero teams? I’m a slut for eternal teenager Danny, but maybe he’s enough of a powerhouse to be on the main team despite him both looking and acting like the dumbass fourteen year old he died as. Either way, he’s on a League/League-sanctioned mission and things go bad. Like, everyone-almost-dies bad. And so as a final desperation attack, Danny uses his Wail, a power he’s never told anyone on the league he even has. And it works, and they make it out, but after the fact everyone has. Questions. And because in this au death echoes are deeply personal, Danny dodges those questions, but the league coughbatmancough isn’t satisfied with that. So they push for answers. Answers Danny’s not willing to give, because. In my mind death echoes aren’t just based on how a person died, but also their experience of that death. What their last thoughts were. When Danny died the only thing that he could process beyond just an all-encompassing painpainpainpainpain was the sound of someone screaming. His screaming. And so his death echo is the sound of a fourteen year old child screaming in deathly pain and terror weaponized, which definitely gave the league Even More Questions than they would’ve had already. Which finally brings us to the actual snippet, which is a conversation between John Constantine, who was brought in for his experience with the supernatural once it became clear Danny wasn’t going to talk, and Danny himself. 
“So, kid. Batsy tells me you’ve been hiding some of your abilities, wanna tell me what's up with that? Call it an occultist's intuition, but somethin’ tells me you’re not just being stubborn for the hell of it.”
“It’s... complicated. And not anyone’s business, either!”
“Why does it even matter?! It’s not something I want to or am even able to do on a regular basis! I saved the mission, can’t they just accept that and move on???”
Sighing, Constantine reached up to start massaging his brow. “Kid, you and I both know that ain’t gonna be enough. Now I know that some things are better left alone, but the rest of these idiots? They can’t accept that, Batsy especially. That man’s never left bloody well enough alone in his life”
He looked up just in time to see the otherworldly teen shrink into himself, looking every bit the child he was. “I know but... why? Why do they need to keep asking questions? And why do they only ask the ones that hurt to answer?”
A sharp glance. “The fuck kinda questions are they asking? Batman was speaking in more grunt than word, so I didn’t really catch all the details of what this power you’re supposedly hiding even is.”
Phantom shrinks even more into himself at that, and responds in a voice so small it’s more sigh than speech. “I... I can scream. And it breaks things and pushes people back. But it, it sounds. Bad. And it brings up bad memories and I don’t like to do it or listentoitoreventhinkaboutitandtheywon’tletmeforgetand-”
“Breathe kid. I know you don’t need to but just take a deep breath with me. Don’t you go getting lost in your own head on me now., Constantine reassured the kid automatically, the sheer hopelessness prompting action long before the words themselves could be understood. Then the rest of him caught up, and he had to pause. Looked up at the kid, saw just how distressed he was. A picture was starting to form in the back of his head, and Constantine didn’t like what he saw one bit. A last-resort power that the normally open Phantom was strangely reticent about. A scream so horrible sounding the rest of the league would not to stop asking questions about it. Terrible memories to match said scream. And one truly miserable child who couldn’t bear to even think about any of it. 
“Phantom... is that your Echo? Screaming?”
A miserable nod is his only response, the tears that had been welling up in the kid’s eyes finally starting to fall. Cursing softly to himself, Constantine stood to leave, bracing himself for the Bat’s inevitable questioning. “Well then you just take all the time you need love, and leave the rest to me. I’ll make sure the rest of those idiots know not to ask you about this ever again.”  And with that Constantine turned and strode towards the door, leaving the quietly sobbing child to collect himself in privacy.
I had a whole-ass lore dump conversation between Constantine and Batman planned here, explaining how death echoes are deeply personal, and asking about one is a taboo on par with, potentially even worse than, asking a ghost about their death outright. Because they are formed from an amalgamation of how a ghost died, their last thoughts, and their final emotions, in some ways asking a ghost about their Echo is like asking them to describe their death in painstaking detail. But uhhh... inspiration bug left. So yea. Side note, I’d like to apologize if my depiction of Constantine’s accent was Bad, I’m but a lowly USAmerican whose only exposure to British accents is through tv ^-^’
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kittydoremi · 2 months
Let 👏 Magical 👏 Girls 👏 Keep 👏 Their 👏 Glasses!!!
So often when a girl with glasses transforms into her magical girl form, she loses her glasses. As someone who wears glasses, it bothers me because it's almost like the show is saying you can't be pretty, fashionable or a hero if you're wearing glasses, or it somehow makes you "less cool" or "less beautiful" and I hate it
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the only magical girl character i can think of off the top of my head who still keeps her glasses when she transforms is Hazuki Fujiwara from Ojamajo Doremi
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(If there are other magical girls who keep their glasses, please let me know 🥺💖)
Also, I know she's not technically a magical girl, but special shoutout to Bayonetta who is fighting against the "glasses are ugly/uncool" trope. She really helped me appreciate my glasses, be more confident with them and embrace them more.
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We need more magical girls with glasses 😭 If I ever make a magical girl series, I'm giving the main character glasses, and she WILL keep them after she transforms
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littlefankingdom · 16 hours
I feel like everytime the batkids are together in the comics and Bruce tells them to not do something, just after he left, Dick turns to his siblings to be like "So, what we do here is never listen to B. So we are going to do it." and one of them will be like "This is not going to end well.", and they follow Dick in the danger Bruce told them to stay away from.
It's incredible how Bruce still trust Dick SO MUCH when he is pulling this bs ALL THE TIME.
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fox-guardian · 1 month
wait I just realized. gotard rimbeau was written in that bonzo ep like a Gordon Ramsey stand in. but also Gordon Ramsey was brought up in this episode so he Also exists in the tmagpverse. so there's Gordon Ramsey and also his bootleg version that met mr bonzo. incredible.
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post-it-notes7 · 3 months
is keeping pressure on that arm actually helping at all or???
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sometimes he just needs the reminder that it's still there
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