#it just feels so STRANGE for them to be romancing like normal people
fox-guardian · 22 days
starting to feel like part of the reason that Sam and Celia's romance thing feels a little off rn is cuz like. what do you mean they're actually dating. he asked her on a date and she said yes. and it's working out so far. it's chill and fine. what do you mean they're not pining for 4 seasons, not communicating, and then getting together only after one of them walked through hell to drag the other out and make sure they know they're loved and wanted. they haven't even patched each other's wounds yet hello. aren't y'all moving a little fast.
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foreverdolly · 3 months
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ೃ࿔ SAVAGE BONDS part 2 『 feyd rautha x atreides!reader 』
summary: destined to one another since conception, your very life belongs to feyd rautha. as a token of good will you are sent to the strange planet of giedi prime a week before your wedding ceremony, only to learn that it is far more hostile than you imagined it would be. a failed assassination attempt has tempers flaring and sparks flying when it is decided to be safer to sleep alongside feyd. you hate to admit it, but he has played the part of a "protector" better than the guards who were tasked to watch over you. whilst you have been dreading this union all of your life, feyd has been anticipating it. meeting you as children had left him awe-struck. . . and a bit obsessed.
warnings: !SMUT HEAVY IN FUTURE PARTS!, feyd is super overprotective in this fic and kills multiple people in your honor, blood and gore, it's a dark romance folks, political marriage, forced proximity, temporary unrequited love, a lil dubious consent in some scenes, there's a lot of talk about breeding, enemies to lovers (in your mind, not his), there's a "who did this to you" scene, knife play, blood kink, breeding kink heavy, lots of scent marking/marking.
word count: 4.5k
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Legs tangled in gray sheets. The lightning-quick flash of a silver dagger, held by a pale hand.
The images in the dream are more like fragments- impossible to discern and decipher. On the bed, asleep and vulnerable. . .
There’s you.
And then Feyd wakes up, heart hammering in his chest so hard he can feel it in his throat. Slowly his fingers crawl up, up, up the expanse of the bed in search of something. In search of warmth, of you. Nothing. He’s just as alone in his room as he was when he drifted off into sleep. He lays awake the rest of the night, tossing and turning with worry.
This dream felt more like a warning than just another disjointed nightmare. It felt real. He was used to having dreams every now and again which clearly depicted a future outcome. He saw you in his dreams quite often, more so once he was no longer a boy-child.
If someone thought to hurt you… he’d just have to hurt them first.
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The customs you and your people practiced were completely different to those that were normal on Geidi Prime. You watched one of your ladies-in-waiting as she brought over another small bowl of sweet smelling bath salts, dumping it in and using her hand to properly dissolve them. For a moment you felt self conscious, running your fingers through your hair as you looked at their perfect complexions and shaved heads. What did they see when they looked at you? Someone beautiful and strange. . . or an alien?
Still, you would eventually have to disrobe and bathe. Pressing your luck and refusing their help would only solidify your place as an outsider. You were sure that whispers of your arrival were already spreading like wildfire, and it was almost guaranteed that no one was happy about it. An Atreides amongst Harkonnen’s? You were nothing more than a pariah on their industrial wasteland of a planet.
The air was even more acrid in your lungs than it had been the night before, and while the smell of the rose body oils and salts were thick and hazy in your room, you could still catch the scent of pollution. Already you missed the cool, crisp air of Caladan. You missed your horses, your parents and your brother to the point of pain. This was not where you belonged. Not here in Geidi Prime. Not here with Feyd-Rautha.
The urge to cry yourself hoarse was practically undeniable, and yet you somehow managed to resist. You were late to breakfast already, and surely the Baron was making some unsavory comments about your family and their taught “manners”. So you untied the front of your nightdress and shimmied out of it, letting the soft cotton pool at the ground beneath your feet. The women couldn’t help but gawk at the tiny imperfections they saw there- a beauty mark you’d had since you were a child, a scar you’d received while training with Gurney. You weren’t used to feeling so self conscious, and so you were quick to grab one of the women’s extended hands so that you could sit down in the murky bath water.
They rubbed floral smelling soaps into your hair and on your skin, making sure to handle you as though you were as fragile as porcelain. You wished they would scrub you raw. Even then they wouldn’t be able to cleanse you of your fears. You were in the hands of the Harkonnen’s now.
No one could save you.
“We are not very used to styling hair, my lady. It might not be to your liking.” One of the women said anxiously. The way that her hands shook as she gripped the hairbrush was not lost on you.
How cruelly were they treated here? Or even worse- what did she think of the Atreides family? What lies had they poisoned these people’s impressionable minds with? You didn’t care to dwell too much on such thoughts. Reaching out you gently removed the brush from her hands, flashing her the kindest smile you could muster before shaking your head.
“Leave this to me then. Why don’t you pick something for me to wear from my things?” Your bags were still packed, lying exactly where a few servants had laid them last night. You had denied every offer to have them unpacked for you.
Denial. You refused to believe that you were actually stuck here. This would never be your home. It couldn’t be.
“He’s not here,” Feyd was sitting at a long, slate-gray table by himself. The food on his plate had barely been touched, but he had busied himself with chopping the meat up into miniscule pieces, too small to even fit on the prongs of his fork. “If you were planning on trying to make a good impression, you can forget about it. He always has his food sent to his quarters.”
You thanked the two ladies that had shown you through the colorless halls under your breath, moving to sit on the other side of the table. At least eight chairs separated you from the Na-baron and it still wasn’t enough. You wished you were on an entirely different planet, lightyears away from the Harkonnen scum.
The room was practically empty aside from the large dining room table. No art decorated the walls or rugs to cover the floor. It was all cold, black marble with white accents.
“I don’t care, actually.” And you were being truthful. You didn’t care about getting on the Baron’s good side any more than you cared about getting on Feyd’s.
He smiled then, staring at you long and hard before licking one of his black painted canines. He was amused by the blase way you brushed off his uncle so easily. Indifference wasn’t something he was used to, especially not when everyone in the galaxy had tried so hard to get on their good sides. People tended to tread lightly as far as the Harkonnens were concerned. They were as wealthy as they were cunning.
“Be careful, little Atreides. Saying things like that might get you hurt around here.” His gruff voice was but a whisper now, and suddenly you felt as though there weren’t twelve feet of dead-air separating the two of you.
You had picked up your fork, ready to eat whatever bland food had been prepared for you, but froze at his words. Heat rose to your cheeks and you were quick to lean back in the ornate high-backed chair, the cool iron seeping into your back through your clothes.
“Do you mean to threaten me?” Your words were icy, tongue sharp and ready to give him a proper lashing.
“It’s not a threat, darling.” He was practically purring, reveling in the joy of referring to you whilst using a pet name. It suddenly looked as though a switch had been turned on, his eyes narrowing on you. “I know him far better than you do. He’s killed people for far less. Be careful.” There seemed to be something he wasn’t telling you. There was genuine warning in his tone.
A pause.
“Please.” And then he went back to eating.
So were you supposed to act gutted at his uncle’s absence? You picked up the fork and took a bite of whatever had been put on your plate. It wasn’t at all what you were used to. Even the food tasted. . . fake. The meat tasted like it had been pumped full of chemicals and was mealy in your mouth, like sand. Still, you swallowed despite your distaste and shoved the plate away from you.
“Who have you assigned to be my sparring partner? I’m sure that my father made your uncle aware that I train daily, correct?” If you didn’t physically exert yourself and blow off some steam then you were bound to get no sleep tonight.
Last night you had tossed and turned, unable to stay asleep when your body was constantly alerting you to possible dangers. Even now you were on high alert, eyes locked on the knife that sat on the right side of Feyd’s plate. Your own fingers danced towards yours it you watched. Waited. Worried.
“Training?” He tilted his head again, eyes narrowed in disbelief. You could almost see the cogs turning as he mulled over your words. “What good would training do you now? If there are any threats then I am here to protect you- that’s my duty as your husband.”
Ah, yes. Why would a woman train when she could just sit back and play the part of a perfect little wife instead? You could spit.
“Would you rather I just hunt down one of your servants and kill him for sport?” You hated that he was so good at getting a reaction out of you. Maybe you were acting too much like a brat, but you wanted to see him squirm. Seeing him mad must be better than seeing him. . . like this.
For a second he sat there, arms perched nonchalantly over the armrests of his chair, staring at you with a crooked smile. You jumped in surprise when a chuckle escaped him, the act itself so out of place, so surprising that all you could do was stare in horror. The chuckles soon morphed into frenzied laughter, and he was quick to lean back in his seat so that he could place a hand on his chest.
“Was that funny to you?” You spoke through gritted teeth.
He watched the muscle in your jaw clench and unclench with wild eyes, sucking in a deep breath in the hopes of calming himself. Still, to hear such a beautiful woman speak such hideous words. . . it was wonderful, bordering on perverted.
“If you do kill a servant, please make sure I’m there to watch.”
He was too busy watching your face to notice the knife that you slid into the sleeve of your dress. With a huff you stood up, your skirts dryly brushing along the ground as you started to make your way out of the large room.
“I require a trainer.” You tried to mimic your mother’s tone, straightening your shoulders as you turned to look at him.
Lady Jessica always had a way of commanding a room. She was powerful, your mother. You needed to channel that same power now.
“You’ll train with me then,” He stood up from the table, the height and build of him alone nearly causing you to take a step back. You’d forgotten how large he was. How formidable. “Consider it a wedding gift.”
This had you balking, mouth opening and closing as you tried to think of some way to refuse. He was already stalking past you though, ignoring whatever retorts you were bound to make.
“I recommend getting changed. . . Unless you want me to tear that dress to shreds.”
That awful, ugly, no good- 
“Bastard!” You whispered under your breath, wadding up your dress just to angrily toss it onto your bed. 
You sank to your knees, braiding your fingers into your hair so that you could give it a few good yanks. He was doing this to fuck with your head. All of this was calculated on his part, it had to be. Was it all just to get a rise out of you? Or did he truly want to try and hurt you? You couldn’t figure him out, and that boiled your blood. All Harkonnens were cunning, blood thirsty schemers. You wouldn’t put it past him to be unhappy with the marriage arrangement, choosing to resort to violence in order to end things. 
‘Now. Now is the time to strike.’ 
You’d already hidden the blade under the mattress of the bed. The Baron wouldn’t allow you to live if you killed his precious nephew, but you’d much rather put up some sort of a fight than be put down like a dog. After taking a few steadying breaths you somehow managed to pull on your trousers and shirt, your mind plagued with dangerous, dangerous thoughts. If the moment called for it you were certain that you could not kill Feyd in hand to hand combat. His skills with a blade was well known across the galaxy, and while you were more than able to defend yourself, you weren’t delusional enough to think that you could manage to beat him without using underhanded tactics. 
You’d have to wait until his guard was lowered. 
“Do all women take this long to get ready?” 
You hadn’t heard the door open, nor his footsteps approaching. Who knew how long he had been watching you. The intrusion was an unwelcome one. You looked up to glare at him, trying hard not to balk at his appearance. The clothes he wore were skin tight, a black material that caught the dim lighting- like it was made of pitch black oil. His pants were tucked into big black boots, laced up high on his calf. 
He stretched his arms up, leaning against the doorframe so that he could continue his awkward staring. 
He did a lot of that it would seem. Any time you turned your head to face him you found that he was already looking in your direction. It was odd. . . off putting to say the least. Of course you couldn’t know that he was currently tracing the lines of your face with his eyes, committing every detail to memory. You were so different when he compared you to the females that he was used to seeing. You were all soft lines, long lashes and doe eyes. He found it impossible not to look at you. Gorgeous… you were gorgeous. 
“It took me a while to get out of my dress on my own.”You shoved your way past him in the doorway, his chest warm under your palms. 
You were quick to jerk away, startled by the fact that this was the first time that you’d touched him since the two of you had reunited. 
You didn’t hate the feel of him, but you should have. 
“Then you should have asked for some help.” He said, reaching out to grab you by the back of your shirt when you started to walk off in the wrong direction. 
Feyd pulled you along like he would a pet on a leash through the triangular halls, ignoring your mumbled curses as you tried swatting him away. 
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The shield vibrated in your ears as you switched on the button, enveloping you in its warmth. 
You used to find it uncomfortable as a child, the tight, foreign warmth triggering a mild case of claustrophobia. You were used to it now, wearing it like a second skin. You waited for Feyd to turn his on as well, the blade clutched tight in your palm. 
You waited. And waited. And waited. 
“Where’s your shield?” You asked him, motioning towards his hip with your free hand. 
There it was, that crooked smile again. He was laughing at you. Was he trying to infer that you were weak? Was he so confident in his skills that he didn’t even see you as a threat?  
“I don’t see the nee-” He didn’t get very far. 
You kicked your leg out, catching the back of his right knee. His legs buckled, and he was quick to adjust himself, his left arm flying up to catch your wrist before you could sink the blade home. For a split second the two of you just stared at each other. Mild shock in his eyes, your own alight with an anger so consuming that you feared you might be burnt up with it. He gave your arm a sharp tug, hard enough that the joint rolled uncomfortably in its socket. 
You kicked your leg out before he could throw you over his shoulder, landing a sharp blow to his ribs. You heard him let out a pained moan before you hit the ground. Using your weight to your advantage, you tucked your body in, rolling to the side so that you could easily stand up to your knees, blade poised at your side and ready for an attack. 
“You fight well, Atreides.” Feyd purred, spinning his blade between two fingers before letting it fall back into his pale palm. 
“Turn on your shield.” You growled, rising to your full height so that you could begin circling him, a panther ready to pounce. 
“Was it Duke Leto that trained you?” Still, he was ignoring your statement. 
“No, of course it wasn’t him,” He took a step closer to you, eyeing you down. No one had looked at you like that before. . . and it made your skin crawl. You didn’t want to be desired by this man, the thought alone was miserable enough to have bile rising in your throat. “Your father is too weak-spirited to ever train you himself, lest he accidentally harm you.” 
Your heart was beginning to pound in your ears now, vision tunneling. All you could see was Feyd. All you could imagine was the blade that you were currently white-knuckling sunk hilt deep into his chest. 
“How horrible it must be for Caladan to have a Duke so. . .  spineless.” 
You bared your teeth, and for a second you were sure that you would snap the hilt in half with how hard you were gripping your blade. You demanded blood for such an insult. How dare he. How dare he. 
“I should cut out your tongue!” You screamed, pointed the blade at him. 
‘Don’t come any closer’ you urged with your eyes, feeling the angry tears causing your vision to fog. A Harkonnen was insulting your father. He was insulting your family and now he was smiling at you. The bastard had the gall to smile and this time all of his teeth were showing. Wide, unabashed in his joy. He was terrifying. So much so that you felt your legs begin to shake underneath you. 
“But you’ll want to put this tongue to good use eventually.” His gravelly voice purred. 
“Silence!” And before you could even control yourself you were using the Voice. 
You might not be as talented as your brother when it came to hand to hand combat, but your mother had taken the time to teach you well. Feyd’s mouth snapped shut so hard that you heard his teeth clatter together. 
“One more word and I will gut you.” Your voice shook and before you could rethink your actions you were lunging forward, the blade cutting through the air. . . 
Aimed at his throat. 
He was quick to push your arm away with his forearm, and even with the shield up you could feel the bone shattering pressure he put behind the movement. He was stronger than Paul- stronger than even Gurney. He took advantage of the fact that you were put off balance and grabbed a fist full of hair, the shield around you flashing red as he pressed his blade as close as he could to the base of your throat. Your scalp exploded in pain, eyes watering as he gripped harder to yank your head back so that you were staring directly into his eyes. They held no malice towards you, even despite the fact that you were obviously trying to maim him. 
And then he leaned in closer. And closer.
“If I didn’t know any better then I would think that you were actually trying to kill me.” He whispered against the shell of your ear. You could practically feel the warmth of his lips against your skin as he spoke, your heart roaring in your ribcage. With your chests practically touching like this you could smell him.
 You’d only caught the scent of spice once in your life- and it was akin to bitter cinnamon. There was something else though, something more complex to it. Aromatic spices you couldn’t quite put your fingers on and. .  . the natural musk of his skin. 
“So you can speak again?” You managed to tease him through your pain, wincing as he brought you even closer against his chest. The blade that you clutched in your hand was now pressing against his side, the pointed edge digging into his skin. 
He didn’t wince, even when you put more pressure against it. 
“You think it wise to use the Voice on me in my own home, little girl?” He hissed as he pulled away from your ear, and the fire that was in your eyes was now mirrored in his own. 
Slowly you moved the blade away from him, the metallic clanging echoing around the room as you let it fall to the floor. Your palm hurt from the vice-like grip you had been holding it in. 
“Release me now.” You didn’t shy away from staring into his eyes, unwavering even when he pressed the blade even tighter, the shield vibrating louder and louder around you. 
He leaned in, even when your hands moved to press against his chest, willing him to give you space. You could barely breathe with him this close to you. His own knife clattered to the ground, and using his free hand he ripped the shield from off of your hip. The gasp that escaped your lips was uncontrollable. You could feel his breath on your lips as his eyes continued to swallow you up whole. 
They looked even bluer when you were up close like this, framed by long black lashes. For a split second you wondered what had become of that beautiful little boy you had met. Had Baron Vladmir beaten the beauty out of him? Or perhaps it had never truly been there to begin with. 
When Feyd looked at you, up close like this, all he saw was the object of his ever-present affections. Something yawned to life in his chest- the need to protect. All at once he felt wrong, disgusting and horrible for causing you any sort of pain. 
But you looked so lovely with those tears in your eyes. So much so that he gave your hair another small yank, a shuddered breath escaping his lips as you yelped in pain. He saw the hate in your eyes and he detested it. 
‘Fear me’ he silently urged. ‘Love me, do as I say and I will become your slave.’ 
His lips brushed against yours, achingly slow- painfully soft. 
“I yield.” You were quick to say, pulling as far back as you could even with the grip he had on your hair. 
Fire. Your scalp felt like it was on fire. 
And then he released you, taking a step back with a heaving chest. The spell now broken, it felt like the world around you suddenly resumed its orbit. Wordlessly he pressed a hand to his side- the side that you had pressed the knife- and when he pulled it away you could see that it was stained with blood. 
“Didn’t you say that you were going to gut me?” There was no hint of humor in his voice now. 
“I wanted to.” You conceded. 
“Then you should have tried harder.”
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Again you lay in bed awake, unable to fall asleep. You told yourself that it was just homesickness that had you clinging to the blankets, but you knew better. What had happened today left you rattled and confused. 
There were a hundred times today that Feyd could have killed you. Everything that Gurney had ever taught you had disappeared like smoke in the wind the second that your father was mentioned. You had acted on instinct alone. 
And if it was an actual fight to the death then you would have lost. Miserably. 
There was something strange about it though. It never once felt like an actual training session. He taught you nothing and gave you no feedback. Not only that but. . . it never felt like he actually wanted to damage your pride. He didn’t turn on his shield before and after taunting you, almost as though he actually wanted one of your attacks to land. 
He had allowed you to get everything out of your system. You hated that it had worked. It wasn’t helping you to sleep tonight though. No, you had other things on your mind now. 
Like the fact that he had almost kissed you. 
Your knowledge was limited where men were concerned, but you were nearly positive that there was something sexual about the way that he had treated you. It was like he didn’t want to actually hurt you, but still went out of his way to touch you. 
You’d be sure to ask for someone that might be willing to train you again tomorrow over breakfast. Someone who wasn’t Feyd, preferably. Lunch and dinner had been spent in silence on your part tonight. He had tried to strike up conversation a few times, even baiting you in ways that might warrant annoyance and anger. You didn’t budge. Why? Because you hated how nervous you felt in his presence now. 
Was it because you were afraid of him? That had to be it. Hearing about his proficiency in fighting and seeing it first hand were two different things. He had practically swung you around like a ragdoll. It was absolutely humiliating. 
Yes, that had to be it. . . well, you hoped. 
The sound of your name had you bolting up into a sitting position, willing your eyes to adjust to the non-existent lighting in the room. The sound of footsteps had your heart jumping up into your throat, adrenaline flooding your system once you realized that it wasn’t a voice that you recognized. 
No one had entered the room since you’d gotten back from dinner, which meant. . . 
Whoever this was had been hiding, waiting until you completely lowered your guard. You were in danger. Horrible, horrible danger. 
‘Be careful. Please.’ You remembered Feyd’s words from earlier. 
He had been trying to warn you.
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ೃ࿔ savage bonds taglist:
@elf-punk @shitfuckeryclownverse @mydarlingelvis @heartarianagran @ohdearmaggie @chalametism @killingboredom @obsessedvibee @avidreader73 @softboo @tedcruzumakii @luminnara @narniansmagic @torchbearerkyle @ziggy-stardust-world @tian-monique @adoxra @zz-snow-zz @tiredsleepyhead @icontrolthespice @itsparksjoyhuh @verveta345 @shegatsby @zae5 @ertepla @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @lotus-888 @meetmeatyourworst @moonchild-artemisdaughter @abswifey @flower-frog @auroranodyssey @forgedfromthestars @moony-artemis @juliskopf @moonsoulk @serrendiipty @atrxidxs @the-ruler-of-death @mintoblobo @just-pure-trash @randominterwebthings @springholland @so-dramatic1 @ashy-kit @aslutforscarletwitch99 @sofia-013 @gamorxa @ricecakeslove @alexandrainlove @selfishlittlebeing @ceres27
the wonderful line “fear me, love me. do as i say and i will become your slave” is from the movie “the labyrinth”!
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Can you do a Clark Kent, with a mate? Maybe she gets jealous of Lois but doesn’t know why; an to get over him she tries to go out with another guy but Clark is like no. Your mine.
.⋆。Office Crushes。⋆.
Alpha!Clark Kent x omega!plus size reader
Little bit of Bruce Wayne x plus size reader
Your best friend has an office crush that seems to be becoming something more, maybe you should get your own office romance but not because you’re jealous- obviously
Warnings: a/b/o, jealousy, mutual pining, idiots in love, little bit of angst, protective!clark, fluff
WC: 3.1k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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It was quite common for any office to have its workers develop a sort of infatuation with each other. A confined space where you spend upwards of 40 hours a week with the same people, feelings are destined to arise, especially when it’s such a large mixture of alphas, betas and omegas. Hormones tend to go wild.
You were proud that you had never developed an office crush, knowing how disastrous it could be if the relationship ended, but you doubted your best friend could say the same. Clark had a big heart that he always wore on his sleeve and tended to attract a lot of romantic interest from practically everyone in the office. And apparently, Lois Lane was the lucky one who finally caught his eye.
A strange churning in your stomach began as you looked over the wall of your cubicle and spotted Clark leaning on the small kitchen counter, head thrown back in laughter as Lois chuckled over her now full cup of coffee. You know you should have seen it from a mile away- they were constantly paired up for articles, their chemistry was unmatched and they were by far the most attractive people in the office. You had even teased Clark on occasion for how often he met up with her after hours for some new lead, calling them dates.
Evidently, you were right. And for some reason, it was really bothering you. You felt physical disgust as Clark bent down to whisper something into the smaller omega’s ear and down right nausea as she placed a hand onto his broad chest to steady herself.
You swallowed down the bitter emotions and forced yourself to return to editing your article though a sour taste remained on your tongue. Maybe it was finally time to get your own office crush and the perfect opportunity had just landed in your inbox.
‘Bruce Wayne Interview- I trust you’ll get this done professionally’. You bit your lip at the offer, not only would an interview with Gotham’s golden boy boost your career, but whenever you had encountered the alpha before, he had always asked you out and you had always brushed him off. It was a win-win for you, and maybe it would stop the inexplicable rage you felt when you looked up and saw the goofy grin on Clark’s face as he sat back down at his desk.
Your nose wrinkled as you caught Lois’s scent clinging to him. Your fingers flew across the keyboard as you quickly sent a response back to your boss, accepting the offer. 
You just needed a distraction and then everything would go back to normal.
The tension in the conference room at the top of Wayne Enterprise was so thick you swore you could cut it with a butter knife. You cleared your throat and tugged down your pencil skirt, over-aware of just how high it sat on your plump thighs as you reclined in one of the many expensive seats in the room. 
Bruce’s eyes flicked down to where your hands were curled into the material of the skirt and then back to your eyes but not before stopping very briefly at your lips. “Mr Wayne-“ You began again, glancing at your notepad. The small talk had gone well as did the customary chit chat about any new scandal he happened to have instigated and the photos of the both of you for the article.
“Bruce please, I think we’re far beyond that now.” He winked and you swore that his tone held a bit of a teasing purr. Your stomach flipped at the blatant attention from the alpha but it quickly dropped as yet another wave of thick, bitter scent filled the room making you cringe away from the other man standing to the side.
Through a series of several unfortunate events, your usual photographer had fallen ill and his stand-in got hired from right under the company and left so the only person that even had the slightest bit of talent with a camera in the office was forced to come with you today for shots of the billionaire. And in the worst stroke of luck, that person happened to be the very man that ‘inspired’ you to take the job in the first place.
Clark shifted on his feet and you barely repressed an eye roll. He had been very vocal in his disapproval of the whole thing given how often the mogul had put the moves on you but none of his arguments had done anything to deter you, instead they only fuelled the fire.
Bruce’s jaw clenched and you watched in fascination as the muscles beneath his skin moved, although they were not nearly as impressive as Clark’s (you would never admit that out loud). “Well Bruce,” He beamed at you, “Wayne Enterprises has just introduced a new product line that promises to ease the severe heats often experienced by omegas, my question for you is, what about this product is so different from all others on the market that promise the same things yet all others have failed?”
The alpha leaned back in his seat, his muscular thighs spreading slightly, instantly drawing your gaze to the thick bulge that was perfectly hugged by the material of his pants. Your eyes immediately flicked back up to him but given the smirk on his lips, Bruce knew exactly what he was doing. 
“I’m actually quite proud of my team for this, they’ve worked tirelessly on development for years and I believe that it really shows. While other products are usually prescribed by doctors in the forms of ointments and perfumes that mimic the scent of an alpha, which almost never work by the way, we have gone in a totally new direction. Instead, omegas can buy these pouches at any pharmacy and when heated, they give off the scent of a pup.” Bruce gestured to the small bags that were barely the size of your palm that sat on the table next to him. They gave the appearance of a miniature version of a microwavable heat pack but he was right, if you concentrated hard enough, you could smell the mixture of milk and flowers that all babies had.
“It is common knowledge that the presence of pups actually help to lessen the effects of a heat whereas the scent of an alpha is far more complex to manufacture and can actually make an omega’s heat worse if they don’t have any other-“ he paused then, his smirk growing as the room seemed to grow smaller, “-tools to help them through it.” You barely suppressed a squeak and quickly ducked your head as if you were checking your notes once more.
You gathered yourself for a moment then spoke again, missing the way that Clark was glaring at the other alpha over your shoulder. “And how affordable are these products?”
“Wayne Enterprises are donating 2 million to women’s shelters throughout Gotham and we plan to sell them for less than $10.” As if anticipating your next question, Bruce licked his lips and continued. “While it is not feasible to gain a profit from such a low price, I would rather give them away to the people that need it but I do have a board that I have to listen to… sometimes.” He winked at you.
Heat crawled up your neck and settled onto your full cheeks. You squeezed your thighs together though you weren’t quite sure if it was because you were attempting to feign arousal or keep him from looking up your skirt. You laid a hand onto your notebook, shutting off your recorder, as you leaned forwards and offered him your other one. “Thank you for being so open to this interview, you have been a hard man to pin down.”
You could feel the way Clark’s body seized as Bruce’s smirk grew and his eyes twinkled deviously. “If it’s by you miss Y/L/N, I would gladly be pinned down any time.” He shook your hand with a firm grip, letting the tips of his fingers brush against your wrist. “For an interview that is.”
He rose to his feet and politely helped you to yours, steadying you with a hand on your waist as you wobbled on your heels. Once he was sure that you were steady, he ducked down and grabbed one of the unopened boxes of Heat Helpers (quite the cheesy name in your opinion) and gave it to you, along with a small piece of cardstock. “Why don’t you take this, a thank you for a great conversation.”
You flipped over the piece of paper to reveal a phone number scrawled on in pen. You gave him a questioning look to which he chuckled. “My number, if you ever want to have a one-on-one with me, with or without the tape recorder.” 
You swallowed thickly and stuttered out some kind of polite response before Clark ushered you out of the room, muttering under his breath about being in a time crunch. You were barely able to catch one last, “Anytime miss Y/L/N” before the heavy door slammed shut and you were quite literally pushed into the awaiting elevator by your friend.
As soon as the doors were shut, you were on him. “What was that all about?” You crossed your arms over your chest and gave him a scrutinising look. Clark refused to make eye contact with you, instead he stared at the elevator doors like he was willing them to open.
“He was flirting with you.” You rolled your eyes and looked away from the tall alpha. “And you let him.”
“So what? He’s attractive and available, as am I. It was only natural.” Clark’s shoulders tensed, his grip on his camera tightening until his knuckles turned white. The confined space was now filled with a bitter scent that made your stomach drop and your omega howl in displeasure.
“Why are you so concerned about this, Clark?”
The elevator doors opened with a ping and he quickly walked out. “It’s nothing.” He said and you knew you weren’t going to get anything else out of him until he decided he was done throwing a tantrum.
“So have you called him?” Lois was leaning against the bar next to you, her drink half empty but the flush on her cheeks told you that it wasn’t the first one of the night. 
“Called who?” She rolled her eyes like it was obvious.
“Bruce Wayne! He obviously wants you too, I saw the photos Clark took. He’s fucking—what’s the word— enamoured!” You scoff behind your tumbler of whiskey which you had been nursing since Perry gave it to you an hour ago. The whole office had gathered at the bar down the road for an end-of-workweek drink and against your better judgement, you had decided to join.
Clark had been convinced into joining a game of pool, leaving you without anyone to talk to but it’s not like he would anyway. For some stupid reason, the alpha had been giving you the silent treatment for days and it was really starting to piss you off. You regarded Lois with a look but she was far too tipsy to get it.
“He was just flirting, he does it with everybody.” You dismissed it but she scoffed.
“Then why did he ask Perry for your personal number?” Your head snapped up, your eyes wide. “Clark didn’t tell you?” Evidently, your wide open mouth and lack of a verbal response told her everything she needed to know. Suddenly, Lois was very sober, a serious expression on her face.
“We were in a meeting with Perry the day after the interview and Wayne just strolled in like he fucking owned the place. He said how great you were and that he was hoping to get your number for a follow-up interview sometime soon. Clark said he would handle it, I assumed that he would have talked to you.” Her gaze travelled over to said man. “Shit I guess he didn’t.”
You slammed back the rest of your drink and without any sort of conscious thought, stormed over to the group of men huddled around the pool table. “Where the fuck do you get off Kent?” You snarled. Immediately all of the men seemed to find their phones incredibly interesting.
“I’m sorry?” He asked in that way too polite way he did that really meant ‘what the fuck is the matter with you’ but you were having none of it.
“Why didn’t you tell me Bruce asked for my number?” 
“There’s a lot of Bruces in the world, you’ll have to be more specific.” He dismissed.
Anger flared in your gut. “You know exactly what I’m fucking talking about.” You snarled, making Clark stand up straight and meet your eyes. In the dim light of the bar, his expression was far darker than you had ever seen before as aggravation rolled off of his powerful body in waves. “You had no right to keep something like that from me!”
“I had every right! He was just going to use you and then never talk to you again! I was protecting you!” 
“I didn’t ask you to!” The bar went completely silent as Clark visibly flinched but you were far too upset to care. “You know what, I’m done.” You raised your hands in surrender as you turned and pushed through the stunned crowd, your anger slowly trickling away into sadness.
The night air was like a punch in the gut but it also eased the tenseness in your shoulders. Taking a deep breath, you willed yourself not to cry. It wasn’t like you were in love with Bruce, but even if you were, Clark’s blatant disapproval of him and his distrust in your decisions made you feel incredibly small. And it was breaking your heart.
He was your best friend, he was supposed to be supportive if not a little teasing about your choice in men. He was supposed to console you when things went wrong, not say ‘I told you so’. Why did he get to control your love life while you could only sit back and watch him fall in love with someone else?
Your feet carried you further and further from the bar as the urge to sob was quickly becoming overwhelming. “Y/N!” You turned in time to see Clark throw open the door, the light from inside spilling out onto the street as he endeavoured to chase you.
“Leave me alone!” You cried or at least tried to, but then suddenly, the air was knocked from your lungs and you were looking up at the stars.
The shrill screech of a speeding car came from somewhere on your left as bright headlights illuminated the mass of a man above you before the sound was in the distance and darkness folded over you both. His weight kept you pinned to the slightly damp grass and you had the vague thought that you must be in a park of some kind, even though just a second ago you were standing on a sidewalk- or was it the street?
“Are you okay?” That was Clark’s voice but he had been so far away from you. “Omega?” He sounded distressed and for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out why.
“Say something!” His huge hands were planted by your head and it was only when one of them cupped your cheek did you find your voice again.
“Clark?” His whole body sagged with relief and he let his forehead rest against yours.
“Thank god. I thought I didn’t get to you in time. The car came out of nowhere and you were so close.” You turned your head away from him, your eyes focusing on the bar… that was across the street… a block away. The glint of something in the grass catches your attention, Clark’s glasses. 
He looked so different without them and all your confused mind could think was just how blue his eyes were when they were unobscured by the glass. 
His button up shirt which was normally so perfectly done up was unbuttoned, exposing the tight material of something navy beneath. “What?” But you couldn’t get out anymore, not when he shifted his weight, exposing even more of what was covered by his shirt and you were stunned into silence.
The red ’S’ practically glowed as realisation dawned into you. His brows scrunched in confusion, following your gaze. “I- I can explain.” Your head spun as he yanked you to your feet, though his hands never left your skin like he needed the reassurance that you were still there.
“I was going to tell you but then I realised how much danger it would put you in and if you were hurt in any way because of me, I couldn’t even stand the thought. And then we had known each other for months and Lois said you would feel betrayed so I kept it a secret-“ You placed an open palm onto his chest, stopping him in his tracks. His mouth snapped shut with a click.
“Is this why you were acting so weird about Bruce? You thought he would hurt me because of you?” Your voice wobbled with emotions as your nails dug into his warm peck. 
Clark’s growl was shocking in its intensity. The vibrations shot up your arm as the ground shook beneath your feet with its power. “No, he would never even dare to fucking touch you. He knows who you belong to.” Your heart skipped a beat, this possessiveness was nothing you had ever seen from the soft-spoken reporter before. You knew that you should find it disgusting considering how he had been treating you but instead your veins filled with warmth.
“And who is it that I belong to? There’s no claiming mark on my neck.” His grip on your hips tightened which should have been a warning but the anger was quickly returning now that the foggy haze of danger had passed. “If I can remember correctly, you’ve been courting Lois, not me.”
“I’ve been asking her for advice on how to ask you out!” He said, exasperated. “I just couldn't find the perfect time to do it.”
“You’re an idiot.” You retorted before grabbing his black curls in a tight grip and yanking his mouth to yours. His body tensed but then quickly melted into you, groaning against your lips. 
Maybe you did have an office crush but it’s not like you’d actually admit it.
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tunafruitt · 5 months
--> || ❝ I’m The Favorite! ❞
Reverse! Isekai/SAGAU || Warnings: fluff, some crack :3, gender neutral reader
[ Reverse Isekai with the genshin boys !! A day out for the first time since they were somehow transported into your world… ] [word count: 1.9k]
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“Your Grace, with all due respect… THIS ISN’T FAIR AT ALL!”
“I understand what you’re saying Venti but I can’t bring all 20-something of you outside… 8 people is already too much! An average friend group has around 3-4 people and I’m bringing double that! I promise I’ll take the rest of you out some other day.”
Hearing consecutive sighs of disappointment, you turn to look at the rest of the men. They were visibly upset. It’s not that you DON’T want to bring them all outside! Really! It’s just that some… or, most, of them have features that would stand out in a public setting. Take Gorou and Tighnari for example! Their ears could maybe be hidden for some minutes at a time using a hood or beanie, but what about their tails? Not to mention ITTO. He literally has the most red, obvious horns.
You did your best to make them look somewhat normal. Kaveh and Wanderer could pass as a normal citizen if you removed some accessories, but characters like Diluc and Neuvillette couldn’t. So it was up to you to dress them up! Yayyy!!!
No. This was NOT an easy job. Diluc’s bright red hair couldn’t be hidden no matter how hard you tried. Neuvillette’s long hair could maybe pass as normal... maybe. His horns though? I guess you’ll have to go with the “Oh! Why are they dressed like that? Well you see, my friends just left a cosplay convention a while ago. They look cool right? Yeah.” Excuse.
You gave them what you had left in your closet. What did fit them were sweats, loose pants, pajamas and some old shirts. It was odd not seeing them in their usual complex and pretty outfits. The buffer and more muscular characters looked (not surprisingly) attractive in your shirts… they were tight just around the right spots. They noticed your eyes in their direction with your face ever so slightly flushed, but decided to not say anything about it. ( THEY KNOW.)
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With the boys dressed up and ready, it was finally time to head out! The people you brought with you were: Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Kaveh, Xiao and Al Haitham.
Xiao insisted on being the one to “protect you”. Denying his request felt awkward for some reason…
Kaveh had been interested in the simple and strangely large buildings cramped next to each other. You wouldn’t be so mean to deny his request to go see some of them in person right?
Al Haitham was interested about your world and wanted to learn more about it, maybe he’d find some books that weren’t all fiction and romance.
You’d feel bad if you only brought one Ragnvindr brother.. so you brought both. You also didn’t want to hear Kaeya bickering with Diluc about him going out on a “date” (it wasn’t.) with the Creator.
Neuvillette and Wriothesley look a bit intimidating so maybe they’d scare people off. Who would’ve known you’d have two scary looking men protecting and looking after you?
And Childe….. well he’s Childe. He was stuck to your hip.
You didn’t really know where to go.. The park? A restaurant? A supermarket? All of these options were a bit difficult since they’re usually filled with people. Of course, no matter where you go there’s likely to be people, but it’d be easier to not have to be completely and utterly aware of every stranger around you in fear that they might find out who the men you brought with you actually are. Your only option was to ask them if they had an idea or if they wanted to visit an area.
“Oh! Can we go to one of those food places you’ve talked about before? What is it called.. uh.. curly… curly fries..?”
“Jack in the Box. The name is Jack in the Box, Childe.” Wriothesley remembers every little thing you talked to yourself about when the only way they were able to feel you was through a screen. All of them would listen to you talk about a movie you watched, something funny that happened, or gossip that was spreading around your school or workplace. Anything.
You let out a small chuckle at their conversation. Their recommendation isn’t bad you think. All they’ve been eating is whatever you had back at home, since ordering takeout for more than 20 people would be wayyyyy too expensive.
So a fast food restaurant it is!
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The walk there was…. tedious. Childe was trying his best to not wander off, he really was! But there was so many new things he’d never seen before, so it’s not his fault. Neuvillette was probably the calmest out of everyone. He was right by your side following your lead. Maybe holding onto your arm once or twice.. on accident! (it wasn’t) Xiao was observing his surroundings a little too hard.. yeah this is all new to him, but I guess he was serious about protecting you. Though you didn’t really need it with 7 tall men around you.
“Mortals… The need for human interaction is what makes them weak.”
Diluc and Kaeya would not SHUT UP. If you passed by a bar, Kaeya would ask if he could go in, just for a second! He just wants to see how different they are from the ones in Mondstadt, really. Diluc would follow up with “You’re no better than that… that drunkard Venti.”
Kaveh would stop mid-street to look at the buildings...
“These buildings are so… long. How do they hold up so much weight? It’s impressive! What would they need so many floors for though… Why is there a man’s face as the logo in that restaurant? Oh! He’s glowing?”
“If you get ran over by one of those vehicles it’ll be your fault.”
“Huh? Al Haitham! YOUR GRACE! Wait for me!”
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The next problem was choosing what to eat. Ordering food for 8 people, not including yourself, was expensive. You knew that! But you didn’t mentally prepare for the bill.
“Oh god…”
“Your Grace? Is something wrong?”
“It’s nothing you need to worry about. Eat up! We can go somewhere else after this if you want.”
You had realized that a woman had passed by your table countless times. She was very obviously staring at the men, looking almost flustered? Oh, she must think they’re attractive.
Okay. Thats okay. As long as she doesn’t ask for their numb—
“Uh-uhm.. excuse me, sir. Can I have your number? Or.. just Instagram is fine too.” She was staring directly at Wriothesley. You should’ve known letting him go out in a tight shirt and loose pants would’ve attracted more people.
“Uhh.. Pardon me, ma’am. Number…? As in… prisoner number..?” The Duke had an obvious confused and conflicted look on his face.
“Aha.. ha… forgive him. He’s taken! So he can’t give out his number to just anyone.”
“Oh.. S-sorry. Forgive me I’ll just— I’ll get going.“ She was very obviously embarrassed over this whole ordeal.
“What did she mean by number, your grace?”
“Don’t… don’t worry about it…”
The group of men began to eat. (Neuvillette ordered a cup of iced water and Xiao didn’t eat anything.)
“Your Grace, there’s some food on the corner of your mouth.. Here. Let me help.” As Kaeya was about to reach his hand and wipe off the food with his thumb, there was thud on the window next to your table. Huh? It’s Itto.
It’s Itto?
“WHAT THE HELL. HOW DID HE GET HERE!?” You whispered screamed as turned to Itto. Did he follow you here? Was he here this whole time????
Through the glass Itto was saying something. His voice was muffled but you could make some things out.
“Your Grace! Don’t let this… this BUFFOON touch you! I, Arataki Itto will volunteer instead!”
You let out a loud sigh. You had to go get him… imagine seeing a tall, buff man with white hair and what looks like horns with a black hoodie up against a restaurants window…
Yeah that looks weird from an outsiders view.
You signal to the rest of the men to follow you out. When you got outside you wanted to tell Itto to never do something like that again… but he looked so sad, almost like a kicked puppy.
“Sorry Your Grace… I just wanted to accompany you! I might have gotten a teenyyy tinyyyy bit distracted on the way. You never told me there was so many cool lookin’ beetles in your world! There was one that that was very small and red with black spots, probably not useful for beetle fighting though. And I also saw some… uh.. not to disrespect anyone but there was a really weird lookin’ dog..”
SIGHHHHHH. You started to wonder what would have happened if he really had gotten lost, or what if someone recognized him? The thought of losing one of the men scared you. Would you be to blame if one of them never made it back to Teyvat?
“Itto… I love you and everything, but never do something like this again. What if we never found you? What would have happened then? I think we should head back home..”
Itto was on the verge of tears. He’s had more beans thrown at him than he could count, but nothing ever hurt as much as this.
It took Itto a while to process that you had also said you loved him.
“M’ bad Your Grace.. I won’t follow you next time… but, I love you too Your Grace!!”
The men turned to him SO FAST?? Xiao was about to take his spear out, Al Haitham looked DISGUSTED. Kaveh and Childe’s jaws were wide OPEN.
“Childe’s right, we all love Our Grace, not just you.” Diluc only said this because he wanted to be the one to say “I love you”, but you didn’t need to know that. If it was for anything else he would never agree with a harbinger.
“That doesn’t even make sense! Why can’t I love and appreciate our beloved Creator? You guys are all just mad that I, the Number One Oni, Arataki Itto, am Your Grace’s FAVORITE.”
“WHAT? NO! Your Grace is that true?”
How many sighs have you let out today? This must be a full time job because you just let out another sigh.
“No, it’s not. I love all of you equally! Don’t start any problems with each other in public, please… We should be heading home anyways. Look at the sky, the sun will set soon.”
Almost in synch, the men respond “Yes, Your Grace!”
Seeing them like this made you feel all happy and giddy… It was nice seeing them together with you in the picture. You smiled at them and they just stared. They waited for you to turn around before looking at each other almost competitively. It was clear that each and every one of them wanted you for themselves in some way.
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It was finally time to head home!!! After one long and exhausting day, you finally made it back.
The rest of the men were waiting patiently for you (Venti, Wanderer, Lyney and Heizou had to be held back by Albedo, Dainsleif and Pierro.)
“Hi, Venti… I missed you all too..” Venti’s arms were wrapped tightly around you, while he cried onto your shoulder.
“Your Grace, you’re here!” Thoma looked.. tired. Just what happened while you were gone? You decided to ask just incase.
“Hi Thoma, and everyone else. Did anything happen while me and the others were gone?” You had a gut feeling that something happened… they were unusually quiet… too quiet.
“A fight broke out between The Puppet and Cyno.”
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AAAAAHHHHHHH thank you so much for 200 notes on my last fic omg y’all got me giggling to myself and spinning in my bed stop.. First long fic!!1!1! I plan on making little comic based off of the “The Creator has a.. LOVER?!” fic with the Zhongli and Venti scene with reader!! Yayyy! I Hope u guys enjoy this AUGH it makes me so happy to see people liking my noob writing thats really just me writing my thought and daydreams ilyily
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theyanderespecialist · 5 months
(Remake) Base Yandere Alastor Headcanons (Part1) Hazbin Hotel
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! Now That the show is out (The first four episodes) this is the remade Headcanons for Alastor, The Radio Demon! As we know more about his character. Though I feel we will learn more about him, so this is just part 1. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here!] 
(DISCLAIMER: Alastor is AroAce but in this headcanons and possible scenario and video (on YouTube) he is yandere which means love sick. So the love he has for the reader or listener is not romantic and is more obsession and possession than anything. Asexuals and Aromantic or anyone on those spectrums are NOT like this in reality! Thank you! 
DISCLAIMER 2: Alastor is not yandere in canon. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life, and neither are demons! Please remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!) 
-Remade Base Yandere Headcanons With Alastor, The Radio Demon Part 1- 
.Alastor he is not interested in sex or romance. 
.He is a bit of a chaotic evil or neutral (It is up for debate) 
.Though when he did see you, he got this strange feeling in his chest, a feeling he had NEVER felt before. 
.It made him feel unnerve like you had done something to him. 
.So he would start to watch you, like a hawk, having his shadow watch you at all times. 
.Sooner or later he realizes that he wants you, not sexually or romantic. No. 
.But he does want you to be HIS to own you and to have companionship with you 
.To spend the rest of eternity together. 
.It is very less romantic and more controlling and possessive. 
.Where he very much sees you as a prize and as HIS And HIS ALONE! 
.He would want to keep you though, and he would learn that sex and romantic acts help his cause of courting you to be his. 
.He also does like that when he does these things for you it makes you happy. 
.So even though sex and romance are not his thing, he does them for you! cause they make you happy. 
(Mid-headcanon disclaimer: Asexuals can choose to have sex and physically enjoy it (Sex is a physical act and anyone can do it regardless of attraction) Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction. Choosing to have sex while on the ace spectrum is being sex favorable. And you can still choose to do romantic acts as an aromantic. Asexuality is a spectrum. Aromantic I am not 100 percent sure how that works but I know that Aromantic can still want to have a life partner and or closeness to other people just without the romantic parts, now! Back to headcanons!) 
.He does want you to be happy and content with him and he is willing to do those things cause of his twisted version of what is, for him. That is the closest he will ever feel to romance. 
.Of course, he is a yandere so there are some toxic traits as well. 
.Such as he is a tad bit controlling and very manipulative. 
.Using his charm and affection to manipulate you to want only him. 
.And also manipulate you from being near anyone who could try and trick you into being with them. 
.Cause let's be for real, Alastor has a bit of an ego and he for sure is confident that he is the best option for you. 
.That he is the only one that is good enough for you. 
.So there is no chance that lesser demons will be able to woo you. 
.But he knows that you, his sweet darling, could be manipulated and tricked into being with another demon or WORSE giving your soul to another demon. 
.Speaking of which, he will very much make a contract with you for your soul there is no way he is going to let that chance to have you bound to him and where he Will QUITE LITERALLY OWNS YOU! 
.So yeah, be ready for that. 
.He will of course not have it be a normal contract, but instead a marriage contract where you will be made his spouse. 
.That way you belong to him. And also, will be his life partner. 
.Still, he would have your soul, so it would not matter what you do, you will be his spouse FOREVER! 
.Now back to how else he would be as a yandere! He is beyond PETTY. 
.If he had rivals (Which he does not consider to be rivals) he would be SO Petty with them. 
.Always showing them and you, how much better of a partner he could be and how pathetic they are! 
.He is willing to humiliate them. 
.Though he does have a bit of a possessive jealous side of him. 
.If someone was to try and kiss you or touch you? Well, he is going to rip them from limb to limb. 
.He would take sick pleasure in destroying anyone who would DARE To defile you with even something as small as kissing your cheek or holding your hand! 
.It is unforgivable. 
.Though he fully outright denies being the jealous type. (He may even gaslight you into believing he is not the jealous type) 
.He loves to cook for you, and will slowly condition you to eating deer meat. 
.Do not worry he is not going to give you a bloody dead deer right away. He will cook it for you. 
.It makes him feel connected to you and feels a stronger bond and closeness to you when he cooks you a meal. 
.He may even teach you to cook, another bonding experience. 
.Though I am sorry vegans and vegetarians he is going to make meat for you and most likely trick you into liking it. He just would he is a cannibal he is for sure not going to let you eat like that! 
.Side note he may even take bites of you, maybe even during sex. 
.And lastly, for part one, I will go deeper into other things and dynamics he would be a bit more okay with you touching him. 
.THOUGH He prefers to initiate physical touch with you, as he would still tense up if you caught him off guard, but he would not fling you away. More just accepts it as he is a little uncomfortable. (I am pretty sure he is a touch-adverse AroAce and is only fine if HE is the one touching!) 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Part one is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this and, stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter One
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter One: Girl Problems and Beach Woes
Summary: Saiki tries to avoid Yumehara since she has a crush on him and gets dragged to the beach.
            “How do you get a girl to stop liking you?”
            “I thought Teruhashi was just confused about how you don’t react to her,” said (Y/N). They weren’t offput by the sudden conversation. Saiki wasn’t one to beat around the bush. And, hey, it was nice to have people get straight to the point.
            “It’s someone else.”
            “Well, aren’t you popular!” teased (Y/N).
            Saiki gave them a look. “I don’t want to be.”
            “Alright, I understand,” said (Y/N). “The best way to get a girl to stop liking you is to stop giving her hope, get her a different guy, or get a partner yourself. However, there are some girls who will never lose hope. In that case, it’s pointless to do anything. Only time would solve that one.”
            “So if her attempts to flirt with me or get to know me don’t work, she might lose interest?”
            “Yeah, unless she’s a determined one.” (Y/N) shrugged.
            I already know what Yumehara is planning, but I can’t let (Y/N) know since it wouldn’t be normal. “What might a girl do?” asked Saiki.
            “Hmm, she’ll probably use classic tropes like bumping into you from around a corner. She might ‘drop’ books or papers to make sure you have a reason to stick around,” explained (Y/N), “She might use a slight variation of that by dropping something of hers by you and pretending not to notice.” They smiled. “Those are some of the common ones, at least.”
            “Alright,” said Saiki.
            “Good luck!” said (Y/N).
            The day had ended, and (Y/N) stood out in the rain. The students passed by them with umbrellas, but (Y/N) paid them no mind. The downpour was rejuvenating. It made them feel alive. They spun around, feeling the rain on their skin. Was it a little manic-pixie-dream-person? Sure. But it was also “Singing in the Rain,” which is classy and not a terrible cliché.
            Yare yare. They’re going to get sick from that.
            They held their arms out wide, tilting their head to the sky and closing their eyes. At that exact moment, a beam of light struck the sky. A circle of light fell down, hitting (Y/N) at just the right angle. They seemed to glow.
            If someone saw them, maybe they’d say “oh, wow.” If.
            The moment ended as the sky cleared, and Saiki teleported down, walking out to where (Y/N) was waiting.
             “Hey, Saiki, solve your problem?” asked (Y/N), pushing their damp hair back.
            “You look like that and you’re asking about me?” Saiki deadpanned more than usual.
            “What’s life without a bit of romance?”
            “What does dancing in the rain have to do with being in a relationship with someone?” questioned Saiki.
            “Romance is also about the feeling of excitement and separation from the everyday,” said (Y/N), smiling. “I like to enjoy the little things in life. Some people like to be serious—” they grinned at him teasingly “—but I like a little fun. And anyways, you haven’t told me whether or not you solved your problem!”
            Saiki looked back to where Yumehara was standing under an umbrella with a boy and blushing. He could hear her thoughts, and she was already into the new guy (although Saiki was slightly insulted about how easily she got over him). “Yeah, it all worked out in the end.”
            (Y/N) followed the pink-haired boy’s gaze and saw the pair. They found it strange that the pair were under an umbrella since it was sunny outside now, but it was sweet all the same. “Aw, what a nice ending. She has happiness, and you have one less bother.”
            A couple days later, (Y/N) headed over to Saiki’s. They were bored, planned to go to the beach, and wanted someone to go with. Coincidentally, Nendou had the same idea and was going to Saiki’s house. Together, they knocked on the door.
            Yare yare. I can’t read either of their minds, so I didn’t realize it was them before opening the door. Saiki sighed inwardly.
            “Hey, pal!” said Nendou, “Let’s go to the beach!”
            “It’s so sunny and beautiful! You can waste tomorrow inside,” said (Y/N), knowing exactly what Saiki was up to. They put their hands on their hips and grinned. In their pink swim-shorts and white swim shirt, they weren’t very threatening.
            “A-a-are they Kuu’s friends?” asked Mrs. Saiki in complete shock.
            “He’s not my friend.” Then, realizing what he forgot, Saiki added, “Neither are they.”
            “Wahh! This is the first time any of Kuu’s friends have come to our house to visit.” Mrs. Saiki was nearly in tears. “I’m so happy!”
            “We’re best friends,” declared (Y/N) proudly, and Saiki deadpanned.
            “To think that Kuu has finally gotten a best friend!” Mrs. Saiki dabbed at her eyes.
            “Hey, pal, I didn’t know you had a big sister,” said Nendou.
            “He thought I was his big sister! I’m so happy!” Tears continued streaming down Saiki’s mother’s face.
            “Just how many times are you going to make my mom cry?” asked Saiki.
            “Yeah, I’m starting to feel kinda bad, even if they are happy tears,” admitted (Y/N).
            “What? What? You’re his mom?” Nendou was surprised. “Me and pinky here are off to the beach and came to ask him to join us.”
            “Why am I pinky?” wondered (Y/N).
            “You wear a lot of pink,” said Saiki matter-of-factly.
            “Oh, that sounds nice,” commented Mrs. Saiki happily.
            “Obviously, I’m not going. I’ll spare myself the pain,” said Saiki.
            His mother suddenly had a scary look on her face. “Your friends went to all the trouble to come and get you. You’re going to the beach, Kusuo.”
            “Oh,” said Saiki. He wasn’t going to argue with her. He may be a psychic, but she was still his mom and quite intimidating at times.
            They had arrived at the beach finally. Along the way, the group had picked up Kaidou as well, who was now being teased by Nendou since he didn’t want to get in the water (it seemed he couldn’t swim, though he denied this).
            Saiki sat down on his beach towel. (Y/N) spread theirs out beside him. They lay back and closed their eyes, basking in the sun’s warmth. A nice moment of peace was just what they needed before they started swimming.
            “Kaidou’s drowning.”
            “Huh?!” They sat up suddenly, and sure enough, Kaidou was floundering on his back in three inches of water. (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief. “You almost gave me a heart attack, Saiki!”
            “I’ll save you!” came an energetic cry. A lifeguard dove into the water, sliding on his stomach because it was shallow. Unfortunately, his swimsuit got stuck in the sand, revealing his bare bottom. It was, of course, Hairo.
            “Oh, it’s you, Hairo!” said Nendou.
            “Great job, Hairo!” cheered (Y/N).
            “Why are you congratulating him? Kaidou wasn’t in danger.”
            “Because it’s nice,” answered (Y/N). They were there to encourage their friend.
            “Oh, Nendou, (Y/N)! You, too, Saiki?” commented Hairo.
            Saiki didn’t answer. He was too busy reading.
            “What’re you doing here?” asked Nendou after they were out of the water.
            “I volunteer as a lifeguard,” explained Hairo.
            “Ahhh! I’m drowning!” screamed a swimmer.
            “I’m coming!” yelled Hairo. He dove into the water and swam out to sea.
            “Volunteering when it’s this hot? That’s amazing,” said Nendou. “Hey, pal, pinky, aren’t you guys gonna swim?”
            “Just forget I’m here,” said Saiki, not looking up from his book.
            “I might in a moment,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            The tall boy looked disheartened until spying a group of girls. “Okay, then!” He put on shades. “I’ll go hit on girls.”
            “Do you have any idea what you’re saying?” commented Saiki.
            “He lost interest in swimming pretty quickly,” said (Y/N), amused.
            “Hey, have you ever looked in a mirror?” cried Kaidou from behind Nendou, “Why don’t you try walking on walker?! You have better odds of pulling that off!”
            “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Guys’ looks aren’t important.” Nendou gave a confident thumbs-up. “It’s all about attitude.”
            While Nendou walked off and was (inevitably) rejected by multiple girls, (Y/N) turned to Saiki.
            “Sorry you got dragged here,” said (Y/N).
            “Weren’t you the one who invited me?” questioned Saiki.
            “Well, yeah…” (Y/N) rubbed the back of their head sheepishly. “But I wanted you to come by choice. I didn’t expect your mom to be so scary.” They smiled at the pink-haired boy. “So anyways, feel free to stay here and read. If you need me, I’ll be swimming.” They stood up and headed towards the water.
            “Yare yare. The other idiots are just going to come bother me, so I’ll join you.” He glanced over to where Nendou was chasing after girls. “And I don’t want people to think I’m with him.” He took off his jacket and t-shirt, stole Nendou’s floatie, and began walking to the water.
            “That’s fair,” admitted (Y/N), cringing at poor, clueless Nendou.
            Soon enough, the pair were swimming in the ocean. No words were needed; both enjoyed the soft sounds of the waves (Saiki was plagued by people’s thoughts, however). Saiki decided to give (Y/N) a turn in the floatie so they could relax their muscles from swimming (and so he could swim down to the bottom of the ocean to try to avoid thoughts). (Y/N) was bobbing on the waves watching the shore, not paying attention to Saiki, when something caught their attention. A young girl seemed to be floundering in the waves.
            “Is that girl in trouble?” they wondered, concerned and stressed now. There was no response. “Saiki?” They frowned and turned to where their friend should be, but he was gone. Worried for the girl, (Y/N) left the floatie and began to swim over. They tried to drag the device behind them, but it was cumbersome and slowed them down. They let it go and swam to the girl, who was already sinking. (Y/N) held their breath and dove under. They dragged the girl to the surface, gasping for air. Struggling to support the unconscious woman, (Y/N) started to pull her to the shore.
            Luckily, Nendou, already carrying Kaidou, arrived and helped hold the girl. “All right!” said Nendou. “You doin’ good, pinky?”
            “I’m fine,” panted (Y/N), relieved to have some of the weight lifted from them.
            “Hey! What happened?” asked Hairo, swimming up to them energetically.
            “Oh, Hairo! Great timing,” said (Y/N).
            “Give us a hand!” said Nendou.
            “Sure, I’ll h—Ahh! My leg’s cramped!” Hairo began to fall below the waves.
            Oh, boy. (Y/N) sighed and pulled Hairo up. They and Nendou were now holding up three people between them.
            “You, too?! Geez,” said Nendou.
            “Sorry,” mumbled Hairo.
            “It’s fine, let’s just hurry to shore,” said (Y/N).
            Yare yare. They’re so high maintenance. Saiki swam up from underneath them.
            “This is too much for you guys! Let go of me!” said Hairo.
            “Shut up!” said Nendou, but he was starting to fall underwater.
            (Y/N) wasn’t fairing much better. They had already been swimming for a while before doing this, so they were exhausted. “Crap…!” They fell below the waves with Nendou and the others. Nendou grabbed them, but they continued to sink. Suddenly, they were lifted above the waves. (Y/N) felt something was support them from below.
            “A-Are you standing on water?” gasped Hairo.
            No, I’m holding them up, thought Saiki. He began carrying them to shore but made it appear like Nendou was running across the waves.
            “See? Didn’t I tell you that you could pick up walking on water faster than you could pick up girls?” said Kaidou.
            Just as they were about to the shore, (Y/N) slipped from Nendou’s grasp and fell into the water. Nendou was close enough to walk everybody to the beach, so Saiki let go of him. He dove deeper into the water and grabbed (Y/N)’s wrist, pulling them up with him. Calmly, he carried them out of the water and put them down on the beach gently. (Y/N) coughed up water but seemed unharmed.
            “Are you okay?” asked Saiki.
            “I’ll feel better after some rest,” said (Y/N), smiling. “Thank you for saving me.”
            Saiki sighed. It seemed to be a sound of exasperation, but it was really a sound of relief. He didn’t like his friends (acknowledged or not) being hurt. “It’s getting late. Let’s go.”
            (Y/N) grinned at him. “Good idea.” They decided not to harp on Saiki helping them. They’d not tease him like that.
Saiki and (Y/N) gathered up their stuff and began walking back with Nendou and Kaidou, who had been talking to the girl who was saved.
            “Knowing you, I thought you’d demand something in return for saving you,” said Kaidou to Nendou.
            “Humph, I wouldn’t do something so lame,” said Nendou, “Of course, if she fell in love with me, well, I guess I’d have to live with it, right?”
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped but was amused at their dramatic expressions. They doubted that in particular would happen. After all, just saving someone’s life wouldn’t make them fall in love. That being said, it was a rather nice thing to do.
            And I guess it is a nice fantasy, thought (Y/N). And being saved by Saiki was fun, like a fairytale.
            …Huh? That was a new thought.
            “That won’t happen,” said Kaidou.
            “What’d you say?!” demanded Nendou.
            (Y/N) began laughing at their antics. They could put those thoughts on the backburner.
            “You never got thanked by that girl, aren’t you upset that Nendou gets the recognition?” asked Saiki.
            Huh, I thought he wasn’t around when that happened… thought (Y/N). They shrugged. “She was saved. That’s all that matters, right? I imagine that if you were saving people you wouldn’t care about recognition.”
            Saiki blinked. Am I sure they aren’t a psychic?
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reidreaders · 11 months
A Very Strange Night
Poorly Kept Secrets: Part 1
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Summary: An already awkward night gets weirder when an unexpected guest arrives at Spencer's apartment.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: implied smut, a quick mention of throwing up, use of y/n, kissing, and I think that's it but lmk if I missed anything!
A/N: I'm thinking of making this a series about how each of the BAU members find out about you and Spencer, so lmk if you want a part 2!
Part 2!
You and Spencer had been dating for a couple weeks when he called and invited you over for dinner. You knew that he didn’t often invite people into his space, let alone try to romance them with a home cooked meal, so you were excited to say the least. It felt like things were starting to move forward from just talking to actually dating. 
When you pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building, you started to get nervous. You really liked him, even though you’d only known him a short time. But what if he was messy? What if he cooked you something disgusting and you had to sit there and eat it? Or, worst possible case scenario, what if he was a murderer trying to lure you into his apartment? You wouldn’t normally go into the home of someone you didn’t know all that well, but the fact that he was an FBI agent made you feel safe. I mean, what are odds that an FBI agent was a murderer? That thought comforted you until you realized that you had never actually seen the badge and he could just be making the whole thing up. It didn’t matter anymore though, as you were already knocking on his door; your fate had been sealed. He opened the door and gave you a shy smile that said he was just as nervous as you were.
“Hey!” You said, trying to seem calm, cool, and collected.
“Hi.” He responded as the two of you sat in the awkward silence that followed. 
“Are you going to invite me in? Or are we just going to stand in the doorway for the rest of night?” You chuckled, trying to make the situation a little less uncomfortable.
“Oh! R-right sorry,” He sputtered as he fumbled to open the door a little wider, “Please come in.”
You entered the apartment and he closed the door behind you before leaning in to give you a quick kiss. The two of you had shared much more passionate kisses in your short time together; it was obvious that you were both nervous to scare the other away. As soon as he pulled away, you heard something sizzling from the kitchen. 
“I should probably go check on that,” He said as he made a bee line for what you assumed was his kitchen, “Make yourself at home.”
You stood still for a minute before wandering into his living room. His apartment was small, but cozy, the kind of place that made you feel warm and fuzzy and like you were at home. You thought that you could see yourself coming over here more often. You looked around at the bookshelves full of titles you’d never heard of, some of them in languages you didn’t speak. You looked at little tchotchkes you presumed he picked up on his travels for work, and you saw photos of him with people you assumed were his friends, and a couple with a woman who you assumed was his mother. Your snooping was interrupted by the feeling of a hand on the small of your back. 
“Dinner’s ready, if you want to go eat?” Spencer asked you shyly.
“Yeah, I’d love to.” You responded.
Spencer had set the table and already dished out the food, some sort of pasta dish that smelled amazing. He had even ordained the table with a bouquet of flowers, clearly trying to garner up some romance. 
As the two of you ate, you both started to feel less awkward and nervous. You told him about the latest office drama and he told you about his latest case, sparing you the gory details of course. As the two of you began to feel more comfortable in each other’s presence, things started to go a little deeper. You talked about your childhoods and what college was like, you even told him about that time that you got so drunk on Halloween that you threw up all over yourself in front of your crush. 
After dinner was over, Spencer asked if you wanted to stay a while longer and watch a movie. So, the two of you sat on the couch, not totally watching the movie and things started to heat up pretty quickly. He got up from the couch, telling you he had to run to the bathroom for a second. As he closed the bathroom door, you heard someone knock on the door to his apartment. You waited a minute, thinking that it was probably the apartment next door, but sure enough, another knock rang out and it was definitely someone looking for Spencer. You stood up from the couch and crept halfway down the hallway towards the bathroom.
“Spence,” You shouted, not wanting to interrupt whatever he was doing in there to psych himself up, “I think someone’s at your door.”
“It’s probably just Mrs. Booker from downstairs, you can open it.” He shouted back.
You had heard stories of Mrs. Booker, the little old lady who lived underneath Spencer. She routinely brought him baked goods because she thought he was too skinny. You whipped open the door to Spencer's apartment, excited at the prospect of a delicious treat, but instead you were met by a very tall, stern looking man with dark hair. 
“Spenc-” He started, “Oh-oh I’m sorry. I must have the wrong apartment,” The man said as he glanced at the number on the door, “Is this Spencer Reid’s apartment?”
“Uh yeah.” You sputtered, unsure of what to say. You turned to face the bathroom and yelled, “Hey Spence! Someone’s here for you and it’s not Mrs. Booker!” 
Spencer scrambled down the hallway, shirtless and confused by who could possibly be at his door. 
“H-Hotch! I’m sorry, can you just give me one minute please.” He panicked as he slammed the door. He raced down the hallway to his bedroom and began to fumble through his dresser drawers looking for a shirt. 
“Who is that? Why are you freaking out?” You questioned. 
“My boss. I’m freaking out because my boss just saw me half naked.” He spoke even toned, but even that couldn’t hide the panic exuding from him.
He raced back down the hallway, leaving you standing alone in his bedroom. You skulked halfway back down towards the door, not wanting to eavesdrop, but not wanting to stay in his bedroom, such a personal space. 
Spencer started, “Hotch, I’m sorry, I had no idea you were coming, and-” He was cut off.
“Reid, really, it’s okay. I don’t usually make a habit of showing up at my co-workers' houses unannounced, but I got called in at the last minute to consult on a case and I can’t find anyone to watch Jack. I was hoping you might be able to keep an eye on him for a few hours.”
“Uh,” Spencer started to speak as he peered back at you, “Um, I guess I could do that? But I do have company, I don’t know how you feel about Jack being around strangers like that.”
“Well, you could introduce me to her.” Hotch smirked. 
You headed towards the door and waited for Spencer to introduce you. “Uh Hotch, this is Y/N, my, uh my- this Y/N.” He stuttered, not yet knowing what you are to him or how to introduce you. 
“I’m Aaron,” The man said, reaching out to shake your hand, “And this is my son, Jack.” The small blonde boy sheepishly waved at you as Spencer welcomed him into the apartment. Hotch thanked the both of you and apologized for ruining your evening before heading out. Once Spencer got Jack squared away in front of the TV, you moved to put your shoes on. 
“Well, I guess I should head out then, huh?” You chuckled, but it wasn’t enough to mask your disappointment. 
Spencer met you at your place by the door, peered over his shoulder, and when he noticed that Jack was too preoccupied by TV to pay any attention to the two of you, he put his hands on your waist, pulling you close. 
“I mean, you don’t have to go,” He stated, “Hotch will only be gone a couple hours and we can pick up right where we left off?” He said it more like a question.
“Are you sure? I really don’t want to make anything weird.” 
“Oh I’m positive. I’m never going to hear the end of this at work so I might as well get to enjoy the rest of my night.” The more he spoke, the closer he got to your face, his lips just millimeters from yours. Finally, he closed the gap, giving you more than enough reason to stay. 
As you made your way back into the living room, you and Spencer laughed a little, as if the night couldn’t have been more awkward. But hey, at least you know for sure that he’s not a serial killer, right?
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! My requests are open so lmk if there's anything you wanna see :)
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it-happened-one-fic · 5 months
Nothing to Gain - Azul
Author Notes: I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this fic. Part of me really likes and another part of me.... Either way, I decided I might as well post it since I really didn't know what I wanted to post for this week. This fic was written while I listened to "Whataya Want From Me" by Adam Lambert which definitely affected the overall tone of this fic. As per usual, reader is gender neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-netural reader/ fluff/ some angst/ pining/ romance/ mentions of Octavinelle and Scarabia overblot so spoilers for those chapters
Word Count: 1820
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There was something frightening about relying on others. It was something that Azul had noticed before and was the reason he preferred to surround himself with only the most reliable individuals. 
He could rely on them, and they could rely on him.
But his overblot had shaken him to his core. He’d questioned even his most basic beliefs about himself, and, to be honest, he still wasn’t entirely sure what to think of the events of that day.
However, neither Jade nor Floyd had changed their opinions of him or abandoned him after that day, as he’d feared they would. Instead, they remained by his side, as they always did. But there was a benefit to being there. Even after his overblot, Azul was still housewarden and had a say in how the Octavinelle dorm was run.
There might be some cost, but the benefit was great enough that the twins stayed, and Azul was comfortable with that. He understood it. 
What he didn’t understand was you. 
You stood nothing to gain by being kind to him and supporting him. If you were a normal person, you would either attempt to blackmail him or avoid him. Only allowing enough interaction to show how much you detested him for what he’d put you through.
But you apparently weren’t a normal person. Because you stayed by him and helped him through the aftermath of the overblot. 
Soothing the fleeing students whom he’d robbed of their spells and talents. Assuring them that all was well and such a thing wouldn’t occur again. Reminding them what a good, competent housewarden he was.
It hadn’t been easy, and it had taken you, Jade, Floyd, and Azul all working together to cover up everything that had happened and finally put his overblot to rest. And the entire time you were there, it made him nervous.
But at least after it was done, you would leave. That only made sense. There was no reason for you to stay past that point.
Azul had surmised that you must just be one of those people who liked to see their work done. Sort of like Jack, who’d been with you since the very start, even though he quite obviously had a distaste for both Azul and the tweels.
And, as expected, Jack left as soon as everything was settled. He had no further business with Octavinelle, and all was well on that front. But you didn’t leave.
Rather, you kept appearing in the very fringes of Azul’s vision. Smiling and offering a wave that was always returned by at least one of the tweels, as Azul found himself faltering.
Why were you still here? There was nothing to gain.
By the time winter break had come, he’d come up with a new plan and explanation for your strange behavior. You were always around because you wanted remuneration for your services. That made sense.
Having the tweels offer you a place to stay over winter break with an ever-benevolent warning about the fee was easy enough. An offer for your payment that wasn’t grounded in worry for the fact you were staying in the most run-down building on campus, no matter what Floyd said.
But you hadn’t accepted, and Azul was lost once more. You’d turned the offer down with a fond smile, joking that you didn’t want a bill like the one his offer would mean hanging over your head.
But that was that. Azul was sure he wouldn’t hear anything from you, at least until the next school year had begun. And by then, he would surely have figured out what it was that you wanted.
But he did hear from you. You’d quite literally crashed into the Mostro Lounge, landing in a heap on the ground. Covered in sand and trembling in fear as you’d looked up at the horde of angry Scarabia students that had come to collect you.
And Azul repaid you right then and there. He’d shielded you from those who’d sought you out and handled that matter promptly. 
It wasn’t as if there had been no reward for his actions after all. He’d assured himself that this was all just to get information on how, exactly, you’d managed to upset the students of Scarabia.
And that had led to another debacle, not entirely unlike what had happened to him. Jamil’s overblot.
Despite what Jade and Floyd may have teasingly suggested, Azul knew he’d only assisted you to give himself an in to winning over Jamil. And as for you spending the night safely in Octavinelle under his and the tweels protection for free one night…. That was just another part of his plan. Nothing odd at all.
By the end of the winter break, he’d repaid you, now had a perfectly good excuse to seek Jamil out for conversation, and everything was as it should be.
Or rather, it should have been.
Some part of Azul had seemed to grow cold when he’d seen you run into Ace and Deuce’s arms just after the Scarabia overblot, though. Perfectly happy to leave him behind in favor of your two friends.
And now Azul was having to question himself. Why did that upset him? He’d wanted you gone and handled because there had been no reason for you to be around him. Your lingering had made no sense, and his moroseness was equally ridiculous.
…. Right? Azul wasn’t expecting much as the next term started. He was fully prepared to go back to the way things were. With you hardly ever noticing his presence, while he would do his very best to ignore yours.
But he didn’t have to ignore you. Because as soon as he saw you in the hallway, you were turning to look his way. A smile on your face and a hand raised in cheerful greeting.
And suddenly Azul was frightened. What did you want? Why did you seem so happy to see him when you had your friends right by your side?
There was no benefit to staying near him, and you had seen him at his weakest, lowest, and most vile. So shouldn’t you want to have nothing to do with him?
He’d overblotted and attacked not only you but your friends. There was no reason to look so happy in this instance.
In his confusion, Azul found himself walking towards you quickly. Stopping as you looked at him with a slightly startled expression.
“Angelfish, if we might talk,” He started before glancing at both of the young men who flanked you with confused expressions that matched yours, save the wariness in their eyes. 
“Alone,” He finished a little more firmly than he’d intended, but if you noticed, you didn’t react.
Instead, you just nodded, a slightly uncertain smile appearing on your face as you responded, “Okay.” 
You waved off your two obviously concerned friends and followed Azul without a single concern. Only confusion.
Like you really did trust him. Like you really weren’t concerned in the slightest by his reputation or the things you knew that he did.
As if his past actions didn’t bother you and you weren’t the slightest bit upset by how he’d attempted to shoo you away with paltry offerings.
And it frightened Azul. He didn’t know what you wanted, and he didn’t know what he wanted. 
It was only once he was sure it was only the two of you that he turned to face you once more. Dropping any facade he had of confidence the very moment his eyes met yours.
“What do you want from me?” His voice quivered slightly, but he stood firm as you looked at him with utter confusion.
But then, as if you saw something in the depths of his pale blue eyes, your expression shifted to one of concern for him, and you stepped closer. Your voice dropping to a whisper that was perfectly filled with loving worry and that only made Azul feel more lost than he had before, “Azul? What do you mean?”
Azul had lived the entire first part of his life in the very deepest part of the ocean, but he knew that in this moment he was well beyond his depth.
Because suddenly all Azul could really think was that he didn’t want to let you down. Not when, as your simplistic question had just evidenced, you’d never been with him for any ulterior motive.
No, you stayed for a reason that Azul himself was only just now beginning to understand. You stayed because you cared for Azul, and that was enough.
And, looking back, Azul knew all those things he’d done in the past…. Offering you a room in Octavinelle for a fee only to waive that fee the very moment you’d appeared in front of him, frightened and covered in sand…. All of that had been him not wanting you to come to harm. 
Because even after seeing him at his most shameful, you hadn’t judged him as weak, untalented, or anything less. Instead, you looked at him like he had just as much worth as anyone else here.
And you genuinely cared for him. In your own way, you’d been supporting him ever since then, as he leaned on you without even realizing it.
Knowing all of that now, it felt wrong to ask you what you wanted. Because was it really you that wanted something, or was it him?
You continued to look at him, worriedly searching his eyes for an answer as one of your hands reached up to cup his cheek, “Azul?” Your voice was so soft, and it nearly broke him as he realized exactly how wonderful you were and how it didn’t make any sense for you to be here with him when he was so perfectly broken.
But he inhaled, a smile working its way onto his face as he let his hand cover your own, “I’m sorry, Angelfish. I… Just don’t give up on me yet.”
Your eyes widened as his hand wrapped around yours and pulled it from his face before squeezing it lightly, “I’m having to work all of this out and…”
He trailed off, faltering as he searched for words, but you only smiled. Shaking your head slightly before you responded, “No, I understand. You need time, and what happened to you… It messed you up.”
Azul nodded, half-touched that you could still be so understanding despite the confusing circumstances he’d put you in, and half-disappointed in himself.
Because he could only hope that you would keep appearing in peripheral vision and helping him get through the difficult days.
And he would do his best. He was slowly coming to understand what it was to care for someone without a cost-benefit relationship. And even if he didn’t know exactly what he wanted from you, he would with time, and he would repay you tenfold for everything you’d given him.
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Hi, there, again! 🌼
If it's not too much trouble, make a second and last request, I can request:
There is a really lovely moon outside tonight that you find yourself admiring, but if you would just turn around you would find someone admiring you.
With Silver, Jack and Sebek
Take your time and at your pace, bye 🌠🌌✍️💐
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11. There is a really lovely moon outside tonight that you find yourself admiring, but if you would just turn around you would find someone admiring you.
Hello again yourself! Sorry this took forever! I hope you like this I was considering not putting that prompt on the list but I did anyway because I really like the moon. She does so much for romance, we should thank her.
notes: they/them used for Yuu. I should write more Silver the glomas made me think about him more, Jack gets made fun of, and Sebek is Sebek. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist here.
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It is rude to stare, but Silver gave up willing himself not to blink a long time ago. He is afraid that he will put himself right to sleep and be forced to content himself with a hazy memory of your beauty. Not that he is opposed to dreaming of you, he is sure he does already anyway, he just... can't remember it.
"Silver?" He has been caught, you are blocking his vision, but he is only looking at you anyway so he finds himself smiling. "Are you ok?" You reach to check his forehead and he sighs happily into your touch.
"I'm glad you came to see if I was alright, but I promise I'm ok." You let him take your hand in his and guide you to sit next to him, he finds his smile widening but he can't see how you react. "I wonder if humans are warmer in your world."
"Oh um," he falls onto your shoulder, eyes closed but not asleep and reveling in the completely unfamiliar feeling "I don't think we are. Were? W-why would you think something like that?"
"Because I'm always really warm whenever I'm with you." He takes your hand into his lap and places his other over it, breathing deeply and slowly. "Oh and you are getting even warmer now! That's amazing. Unless it's not nice and you are uncomfortable?"
"No I'm fine." Your whisper tickles his ear even if it's not quite next to it. That's another thing he finds amazing about you, your voice has a really powerful effect on people when you lower it. That's the only way he can think to explain his increased heart rate. But then...
"Are you sure?" He opens his eyes to look up at you, your eyes aren't on him anymore, but they aren't on anyone else. You seem to be very determined to continue admiring the moon, even when he has placed himself in your grasp. There is a strange sort of ache in his chest at the thought of your voice being used on anyone else. "I would hate to be keeping you from anyone else..." You turn, more slowly than he would like but probably completely normally, to look at him and steal him back away to daydreams with your smile.
"Don't worry Silver," you squeeze the hands that hold you and rest your head on his "I'm right where I want to be. Promise." And so does he.
"Tale as old as tiiime~" Ruggie croons somewhere off to the side and Jack takes a deep breath and tries to remind himself that this is his valued senior. "True as it can be~" Someone he deeply admires, who he wants to think highly of him. "Barely even friends~"
"Zip it." Jack growls as soon as you turn towards the noise, not wanting his reverie to be interrupted just yet only to find Leona standing next to Ruggie with just as smug of a look on his face.
"Then somebody bends, unexpectedly~" He has a surprisingly nice voice. Jack really wishes the first time he heard his dorm leader sing was not at his expense. "Aww look Ruggie he's blushing. Didn't know he could do that."
"Shishishishi. And now that you've pointed it out his ears are drooping, poor baby is embarrassed."
"Of course I'm embarrassed," he growls more than grumbles, but Ruggie doesn't even bother pretending to be afraid, to say nothing of how unfazed Leona is "you don't gotta go airing my business for everyone."
"So there is somethin' there." Leona laughs and Jack makes the mistake of looking back towards you.
You have gone back to leaning on the balcony, the moonlight glitters off silk of your costume or maybe it's just his heartsickness messing with his head. Jack rather likes the moon himself, the tales of werewolves his parents would tell had always excited more than frightened him. There was something that just felt right about letting the moonlight embrace him, like he was meant to exist under it. The way moonlight looks on you makes him think the same thing; that maybe he is allowed to want to keep you here forever basking in its glow. He moves, he tells himself it's because Leona and Ruggie have started humming that dumb song again, but the pull of the moon drowns out every word as he stumbles inelegantly to your side.
"I was wondering when you were finally going to come out here." You are enviably relaxed, moving to make room for him on the balcony he takes all of, not wanting there to any ambiguity in why he is standing with you.
"Sorry you were waiting so long." His tail briefly touches your leg before he reels it back to its proper place as he tries to keep his eyes firmly placed on the moon.  He hears you take a deep, deep breath of air and turns to see the puff of steam that you exhale.  “Are you cold?”  He worriedly asks, mind already racing for a solution that doesn’t involve too much actual helping on his part.  But despite that desire he finds himself pulling you into his side before you can say anything.
"Well not anymore." Your voice is muffled by his embarrassment more than his weight. "Stay with me? The moon is too pretty to go back inside just yet." His worry is not enough to deny you.
His place is by Lord Malleus's side. His hard won, honored place, the only thing he is allowed to desire is his praise. Sebek is aware more than anyone how merciful his lord is, he has so far to go to be worthy of anything other than the role he has been given, even as he screams for more at every given opportunity.
That is why all he is willing to allow himself to do is look. Look, long, and admire. Sebek can stare a hole deep enough to bury himself at your side as he silently praises the moonlight that shrouds his people for how well it suits your form. He knows his words are inelegant, that his prose is crude, that his knowledge of human courtship is-
"Go on." Master Lilia has descended from the ceiling causing someone (not him certainly) to startle. "You want to, don't you? It's a ball, you're a knight. Go on, talk to them."
His feet move before his mind does, bringing him into full view of the moon as he imagines you catching your breath as you turn to see him.
"Sebek! Have you come to look at the sky too?" You speak so freely, foolishly unconcerned with decorum and yet admirably free in yourself. "It's beautiful tonight."
"Why are you mumbling?" He grumbles himself, trying to focus on the soothing, cool light as you shrink into yourself. "I can barely hear you human, usually you have no trouble speaking to me." It's annoying really, considering how loud you can be to insult him by speaking so slowly now.
"The moon." You choke and refuse to elaborate. He fumbles around in his waist coat for a handkerchief and fussily hands it over.
"Humans are so weak." Don't get sick oh please don't get sick. "You should have accounted for this when picking your costume." If anything happens to you I'll get sick myself from worry. "You should be grateful Master Lilia noticed you were alone and sent me over to check on you."
"Thank you Sebek." You manage a normal tone before he makes it clear he intends to wipe your nose himself. He almost wishes you would speak and save him from the tenderness of the moment. But you don't you just let him do as he pleases and allow him to pretend to return to admiring the moon.
And miss the way you continue to admire him.
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fllagellant · 6 months
After screenshotting my original 1:27 am rant just for safekeeping and returning to this line of thought, I think I would like to swing this bat at a hornets nest . And I shall call it ;
BG3 And Polyamory, AKA The Discourse From The Eyes Of The Polyamorous
Hi, I am now disclosing the polyamorous part of my queer identity to the internet. Yay! Remember, I am only one polyamorous person on this website and I am not the spokesperson. This is just my own opinion and my own feelings with how both the game and the fandom seem to be handling the inclusion of polyamorous relationships and characters.
And in my humble opinion: Yikes !
This should be no surprise, but the polyamorous rep in bg3 isn’t … really good . It’s there, sure, and maybe I’m the fool for expecting it to be good when it really is the first time I have ever really heard of a game having an actual polyamorous option. Like on purpose. But with how much bg3 was hyped up as being super inclusive and completely different from all other games in the genre, I had hoped that it would take a good approach to polyamorous people and relationships.
Suffice to say, it fell flat once I actually looked into it.
The companions listed as open for an open/poly relationship are Astarion, Shadowheart, Minthara, and Halsin . What’s wrong with that?
3/4 of these characters already feel like they lean into the conservative fear of polyamory . Three of them are the ‘ evil ‘ members of your party . While ( besides Halsin, but we’ll get to that ) the rest of the ‘ good ‘ character are all monogamous. Growing up in a conservative home, in a conservative province, discussions of the idea of polyamory always came back to the same argument. That only the strange and amoral would do it. Only people who can’t be trusted and don’t actually care about you want to be in a polygamous relationship. And sadly, that is what I see echoed in the choices of who is and isn’t polyamorous.
I romanced Wyll in my first playthru. I had always planned to romance Wyll, actually, since I first saw his design when I first learned of bg3 during its early access days. When I met Halsin next, and chose the options to flirt with him, I thought that a polyamorous relationship between my Tav, Wyll, and Halsin would be cute. I had hoped it would work. I had already seen plenty of Astarion and Halsin and Tav art and gifsets and every other piece of fan content floating around . I had hoped that maybe that bit I read about who is and isn’t open for polyamory was outdated, and I could have this relationship play out in my little playthru .
Of course, it came down to having to choose. And I shrugged it off, at first. Sure, Larian didn’t make Wyll polyamorous for whatever reason. It is the first game that has polyamorous options, and I can just continue the game but have that polyamorous relationship in my head as my canon for my character. That’s fine, that’s what I’ve done before. It can’t be different now, right?
But then, I looked online, opened Tumblr, wondering what other people would say. Not thinking that it would be a big debate about if it is or is not okay to pair certain characters in an ot3 or not.
Wyll can’t be polyamorous, because knightly tales of courting and the mere act of courting is strictly monogamous. Pairing him in an polyamorous relationship is fundamentally misunderstanding the character and you’ve missed the point of him if you do that. It’s wrong to want that, wrong to think about it. The game has polyamorous options, be happy with what you have.
And so, I felt guilty. Larian already set up this dichotomy between their good leaning characters having the normal and good monogamous relationship and the evil leaning characters having the strange and perverse polyamorous relationship. But then, to see that the mere act of pairing your own character with two characters because you think it’s cute, is now being looked down upon so heavily and being seen as a “ fundamental misunderstanding of the characters “. And to have those ideas an opinions suddenly become the most agreed and accepted stance on the topic? How was I supposed to feel anything other than shame. Like I had been enjoying the game wrong, in a backward way.
If Wyll was polyamorous, you do know his approach to love wouldn’t change, right? Same with Gale. Same with Karlach. Same with Lae’zel. None of them would suddenly have to have completely different approaches to love and how they want to show it and how they want to go about it. Wyll can still be replicating the courting, the dancing, the slow burn that he always heard about in bards tales and he could still be polyamorous. There’s this idea that polyamorous love is only able to be expressed in very specific, very narrow ways. That miss the point of what love is.
People don’t act like this with the polyamorous companions, I’ve noticed. You aren’t suddenly bad and misunderstanding the story of Astarion or Shadowheart or Minthara or Halsin for having a strict two person relationship with them, and not expanding into the idea of those characters taking on another partner at some point. If you have Astarion in a strict monogamous relationship, no one says anything. But saying that you have a Tav who’s dating both Karlach and Gale? People are going to talk about you. They’re going to make vague posts. They’re going to talk about how it is Impossible for those characters to Ever be comfortable in a polyamorous relationship and how it is Wrong to protray them as happy in one.
I didn’t think people forgot that the stereotype of monogamy = good and polyamory = bad is still alive and well, but it seems that when it comes to the funny dungeons and dragons video game, it’s okay to prop that stereotype up and get mad when that is possibly challenged.
Now, what about Halsin? He’s a strictly good companion. He cannot fall under the pervious argument, so is he an exception?
No. It’s worse.
Halsin being polyamorous stems in racism. Wood Elves are all described as being polyamorous, and that they do not understand jealousy. And that they do not ever settle with any of their partners. And that the relationships they have are seen as “ doomed to fail “ . This is a stereotype. Commonly associated with indigenous people. That we cannot hold a ‘ proper ‘ relationship and that we always sleep around . We didn’t fit the white model of what a (white) family and a (white) relationship should look like, so the stereotypes and misconceptions started. And, unsurprisingly, ended up as another bit of dnd racism and bioessentialism.
Halsin doesn’t uphold the pervious argument at all, but he shows another part of the discussion that I don’ t think anyone really thought of. The racism stereotypes didn’t vanish when Larian made BG3, they’re all still there. You still have good races and evil races. You still have all the dnd bioessentialism that everyone was so keen to say was gone or just pretended it wasn’t there anymore.
And Halsin is an example of those stereotypes that people are still feeding. So much content with him in it narrows him down to ‘ Big Elf that Fucks and is Horny ‘ or ‘ Big Elf that can be Sexualized no matter What he Does ‘ and it is because Larian didn’t remove the stereotypes in the first place , and fandom doesn’t care enough to take a step back for a second to realize they’re playing into them.
Am I saying you shouldn’t have an ingame polycule with the characters available? No. If it’s cute, and you like it , and it makes sense with the story you’re making for your character, and literally just because you can, go for it! But for the love of god, can we be a bit more careful with how we treat the concept of polyamorous relationships and how we talk about them? Polyamory isn’t just a fandom thing with your ot3s, it’s a real life thing. And we can see how you treat people just having fun with their characters. You understand that, once you get that torn up over the act of making three characters hold hands, it becomes a little bit hard to forget that that is the attitude you hold towards the concept of polyamory when it doesn’t fit the molds you’ve subscribed to.
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heartflynn · 12 days
Love Language Yandere Genshin tw: oc like writing, yandere content
Venti’s love language is words of affirmation. He’s the type to praise you relentlessly regardless if you crave praise or not. His music also changes once he falls for you, he begins writing much more romance songs. Venti is also a poet, so don’t be surprised when you start getting strange love notes all over.
Diluc is a huge gift giving person. He has the money to spoil you, and he does not disappoint. Once he kidnaps you, you become practically his spoiled wife. You get the finest jewelry, the finest clothes. Anything you set your mind too. If you decline the gifts, he’d make you take them. If you do play into these behaviors, it would probably get worse and worse.
Wanderer would be a quality time person. He doesn’t initially love you, but after much quality time his craving for you only grows. He gains a really close attachment, to the point where you are barely ever apart. Wanderer also only likes quality time with you only. He doesn’t do well around most people, because he has a similar mentality to that of a feral cat. He is extremely bitter to everyone except you, and wants needs all of your time.
Itto loves physical affection. He would actively force affection on you if you didn’t accept it. Itto would sometimes just up, and grab you and hold you. Burying his horns into your chest, as he pouted because of the game he lost. He wouldn’t function normally if you weren’t somehow touching him, either hand holding, or even just having your hand on his shoulder is enough to keep him calm.
Arlecchino is a woman who values acts of service. She does something for you, in hopes of you falling in love. In hopes of making you feel indebted to her, and began to grow closer to her than before. She’d save you from the treasure hoarders, for nothing at all. This is how Arlecchino would try to court you, she’d do any thing you need as long, as you began to grow even slighty closer.
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mooncleaver · 2 years
how they would hold your hands
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pairings: percy jackson, annabeth chase, leo valdez, jason grace, piper mclean; gn! reader
warnings: once again i am rambling. are we surprised
masterlist <3
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��� percy is a physically affectionate boy!! he likes to hold your hand or any part of you really at every chance he gets.
➵ now don't tell me he wouldn't wear rings. i refuse to believe he doesn't. (LIKE OMG imagine him just doing his normal business, wearing the most gorgeous pinterest bf vibe clothing plus being laden with all sorts of accessories; vintage, gold, silver, turquoise/opal. what a concept. PEOPLE WOULD BE SCARED!) this man would have a generous collection of them and they're amazing fidget items. he also let’s you wear them and at some point you guys have matching rings <3
➵ i’m the number one (1) supporter of percy jackson being a vivienne westwood king. but feel free to comment on that my besties x.
➵ it becomes such a common thing that if you sit next to him he'll automatically grab your hands. its a subtle way for percy to show you he’s there and to make sure you’re safe.
➵ when he gets nervous he searches for you and 99% of the times ends up with your hand on his lap. (or vice versa, really)
➵ when i tell you he has grip that's so evident whenever you're holding hands.
➵ this is so genius to me wtf but you have a handshake that leads to hand holding. when it's been a thing for a really, really long time the two of you would probably start doing it subconsciously. in a cabin meeting? boom silent handshake. approaching him during a group conversation? boom absolutely soundless and flawless handshake. no eye contact was even made. it ends up with your hands intertwined behind your backs if it's not a pda kinda moment <3 i'm not gonna get into the technicalities of the handshake because i'd be damned, so you get to decide how you want it lovelies!
➵ likes to do regency-ball-type-beat-jane-austen-slay gentlemanly kisses to the back of your hand while greeting you. (ikyk) it's silly but it's a 10.
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➵ i’m gonna base this off of like percabeth 2/4 romance arc so i think annabeth may be a little shy (sometimes prideful lol) to hold your hand at the beginning. it's not that she doesn't want to, but she's like um.. im kinda embarrassed,, so its a sweet and slow thing that you will have to initiate most of the times.
➵ my bestie definitely has other, more prominent love languages lawl
➵ finger holding is her get-go!! the type to drag you everywhere (gently) on dates. now it's guaranteed she'll do that if you’re going to a museum or a place with lots of architectural structures. you best believe she’ll be tugging you around explaining the origins of each monument to a t!
➵ overall, annie has loose and almost fleeting contact when it comes to hand holding. but it can be upped to like a 100 during distressing situations.
➵ sometimes when you're around, she'd start tapping or lightly pulling on your fingers in stressful situations. like when she's trying to decode or figure something out on daedalus' laptop and she feels too much all at once, the comfort of your hands may just be her anchor.
➵ i don't know why i’m imagining something so emotional with annabeth but when things get really bad; in the middle of battle.. or something tells the two of you that tragedy is over the horizon, she'll just grip your hands and look at you with the most vulnerable and intense—almost heartbreaking—look in her eyes. complete with the eyebrows furrowed and nostrils flaring in barely-subdued panic. you don't need her to say it to know that she loves you.
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➵ leo!! i think leo runs hot so he's like your cute little furnace. he would quite literally warm your hands up while cradling them between his. it's very convenient when you're sitting on his lap or leaning your back against his chest.
➵ this probably goes for all the characters that they can be quite fidgety, but leo does these.. strange positions when hand holding. very unorthodox ways to combine each other's hands but you'd go along with it anyways bc its cute and fun.
➵ for some reason he always has something in his hands like tools, food—yes food. snacks that are exclusively for the two of you to share—or smears of oil and ashes. (courtesy of the lovely festus) so you'd have to be particularly mindful about that.
➵ gosh he would be the type of person that twirls you around for a hug. i think it's just me being super cheesy and romantic, but just imagine... it's such a fun and carefree way of greeting each other. esp happens during joyful moments. so spontaneous and unexpected when you think he's only taking you by the hand but he actually spins your body towards his embrace :,,)
➵ also very accessible. literally will just hold his hand out in the air and there'd be a telepathic signal for you to plop yours atop his. people are staring at him like sir?? what? and then you'd come in and everything makes sense. (when you're more familiar with each other, this would def apply for giving him tools and scraps when he's tinkering and making things)
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➵ jason.. dude.. something compels me to say he would be kinda awkward. like partially bc of his strict upbringing in camp jupiter for idk 12? years of his life.
➵ but he’s SO SWEET like if you were the one to initiate it—smiling at him and taking his calloused hands in yours—he would blush like mad idc what anyone says. jason really has an adorable, jarring carmine blush whenever he feels flustered or embarrassed and it paints the tips of his ears too.
➵ definitely one for super subtle, pinky-to-pinky hand holding and fiddling with them whenever.
➵ sometimes when you two are alone he holds both of your hands and it allows for a more intimate face-to-face conversation/ moment. jason thinks doing all these gestures are very personal and.. sacred? almost. like, he treasures them a lot and it's incredibly heartwarming.
➵ there’s a really specific idea i thought with jason but you have this thing where you’d do the ‘measure my hands against yours’ gesture and turn it into hand-holding. i think that’s so cute.
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➵ piper is a hand swinger ong. like yeah she's in a relationship and she's not afraid to flaunt it??
➵ piper has really beautiful, nimble? fingers. i don’t know how i can explain this without sounding weird, but there’s an unusual elegance to the way they move. it’s very distinctive to hold.
➵ she holds you by the elbows. so looping your arms together :)
➵ that opens the door for brushing her fingers atop your skin. but with piper, she tends to do so over your wrists, stroking the skin encasing your veins.
➵ she traces over your palms too; all the lines and jagged marks. dunno if you guys also did this, but when i was younger me and my friends would do palm readings to "predict the future". it's not actually true i think pls, but piper seems like the kind of gal who'd do it just for laughs.
➵ you obviously have matching charm bracelets. also lots of those diy friendship bracelets that decorate your wrists like rainbows.
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🦋: ok so.. originally this was supposed to be hand holding only but i went a little bit off the rails
credits to original artists for the arts that i used! also, they're only references and i'm not trying to pertain to a specific gender :D
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Harry’s Home
Part II.
Read Part 1 Here!
Pairing/AU: Roommate!Harry // Roommate!Y/N
Word Count: ~ 8.7k words
⚠️ Content Warnings: Adult Language, Lots of Flirting, Pining, Sexual Desire, References to Body Weight (“Chubby” Reader), Mentions of Body-Type Biases, Fantasies of Rough Sex, Breeding Fantasies, ~Slow Burn~
My mom adores Harry (probably more than me, sometimes) and she’s confident that we’ll fall in love and get married within the next year or so. To Harry’s chagrin, his own mother seems to also be manifesting some sort of whirlwind romance to ignite within this cottage. Not to brag, but Anne Twist has already practically declared me as her daughter-in-law. She mirrors my mother’s doting of Harry, and I don’t mind it one bit. I’ve even heard Anne and Harry talking about me a few times during her brief visits to the states. Always pleasant things, thankfully.
One time, they were chatting in the kitchen while I’d just passed them to continue laundry in the room across the hall. I could hear every word—whilst I’m sure that Harry hoped to God I couldn’t hear any of it…but these walls are just so thin. 
“‘Scuse me, guys…just gotta get these goin’.” I smiled, making my way down the hallway with Harry’s clothes hamper. Before I’d passed by, I made eye contact with Harry for a brief moment. My heart sank as if I was nervous all of a sudden. I didn’t know why, but things felt weird that day. Between Harry and I, I mean. Normally, I wouldn’t even bat an eye whilst giving the man a quick greeting in passing. I lived with him, he was the first and last person I’d see and speak to every day, so I was used to his presence being a constant in my life. But that afternoon, something just seemed off. 
Maybe it had something to do with his mom visiting us—uh, I mean, him. Ugh, I’ve gotta quit making a habit out of grouping Harry and I together as a package deal. We’re not a couple. No matter how much his mom hugged and doted on me like I was her own daughter, the line was already drawn when we signed our lease.
That’s not to say that Anne has ever made me feel uncomfortable. Quite the contrary. It was strange how natural and familiar it felt to be around Harry’s mom. I suppose one thing that bothered me is that she’d tend to assume things about our relationship. And so the unavoidable reality of my roommate’s mother suspecting us to be more than just friends certainly made me a little uncomfortable. Actually, insecure would be a better word for it. I was insecure that I may have been too obvious in the way I care for Harry, and that I was stupid for even having thought he could feel anything similar towards me. 
I teetered between optimism and self-pity constantly. Men could be so complicated. Nay. Harry could be so complicated. But that’s beside the point. The real issue was the growing tension in the air…the flickering flame left unattended, slowly eating away at both Harry and myself for far too long. And Anne, of all people, would be the first one to bring attention to it.
Once I’d made it to the laundry room, I popped open the washing machine and dumped out all of Harry’s dirty clothes. I was truly minding my own business, drifting off in my own little world; but then I was yanked out by Anne and Harry’s restless banter that echoed down the hall and disturbed my relaxed state of autopilot.
“Oh, you’re cheeky, Harry.” Anne hummed. Even though they couldn’t see me anymore, my ears still worked fine from where I was. I don’t think Harry’s mom really intended to be quiet anyway. “What?” Harry asked after sighing. “Oh, don’t act so shy, dear. I’ve seen the way you look at her.” As the last words exited her mouth, it was like a light switched on inside of her. She gasped and swatted at Harry’s shoulder—him instantly reacting with a, “What I do?!” Anne then scoffed, “Why didn’t you tell me the two of you finally got together?!” A kaleidoscope of butterflies danced around the soft curls that cascaded down my shoulders and traveled south to tickle my belly. 
Harry looked at me…like that? In front of his own mother? So he wasn’t just a horny bastard…he was actually attract—
—“What on Earth are you talking about? Me ‘n her?!” Harry gestured towards the hallway. Anne pursed her lips and nodded. “Oi, tha’s ridiculous! Y/N and me?! Tha’s just…that’ll never happen…”
Oh, um…never mind.
“…‘Sides, mum, you’re mad if y’think I’d start somethin’ up' with my housemate. Just be makin’ things weird…She’s not even my type, anyway.”
I silently sighed out a breath and roughly dumped out the rest of Harry’s dirty clothes into the washer, a faint scowl adorning my face.
“Yeah, right. You can’t possibly expect me to believe any of that rubbish. I think you’re just afraid of getting hurt again.” I could tell by the sadness in her voice that she was frowning. “Oh, my poor baby boy. Don’t you think you should put yourself back out there, Lovie?” 
“No, no. It’s not because I’m afraid, mum. I’m just…I’m too busy. Vol. 6 is working on an autumn collection, and I’m in charge of the ad design. I’ve got a lot on my plate, you know?”
To be fair, Harry was actually getting pretty busy at work. He’d told me about the new campaign he’d been working on and how it needed to be approved by corporate by October. That meant he had a couple weeks to complete it. I was excited for him, as he’d become the brand’s lead marketing strategist earlier this year, which had provided him with a lot of decision-making power in his department. Surprisingly, the promotion made him slightly more humble, but in-turn, he was also a bit crankier at home. I think it was because he was overworking himself, honestly.
Anne huffed and said, “Well, not everything in life has convenient timing, dear. Y/N could get scooped up tomorrow and you’d have completely blown it f’yourself!” The front door opened and it sounded to me that they’d slowly made it out onto the front porch. Harry kept the door open, as there was a slight chill in the air and I assumed he was also feeling a bit flushed at the time, so the breeze was welcomed. Since Harry didn’t shut the door, I was still able to listen to their conversation from the laundry room. Though, their voices became less intelligible due to the distance and the outdoor ambiance.
“Oi, mum! Please keep your voice down!” I found it funny how Harry was claiming he had nothing but platonic feelings for me—that he was too busy and we weren’t compatible in that way at all—yet, he sounded so desperate to ensure I wasn’t able to overhear their discussion. If he didn’t care about me romantically, why would he be so adamant about keeping Anne’s volume down? Why would he be so defensive about it? It’s not like he’d be lowballing if he were to go for me. I may not be perfect, but I don’t have to be a skinny little model with legs for days—my body has curves to die for, and no man has to worry that he’ll break me in half. My feelings are fragile, but I can take a good, hard fucking any day of the week. Hell, I’d take it every day of the week if it were up to me. And for his information—I have…it’s just been a while…
“She’s doin’ your laundry, for bloody sake!” That was true, I was doing his laundry. But that was only because Harry’s always insisted that I do it. Ever since this one time when we were sitting on the couch together, and I was falling asleep watching tv. Attempting to get more comfortable, I’d stretched my legs out towards him and laid back against a pillow and the couch arm. Luckily for me, Harry was nice enough that night to let me get away with using him as a leg rest without any complaints. I also remember him starting to doze off. Instead of pushing me out of the way and going up to bed, he squeezed himself to lay behind me and spooned me. He nuzzled his face into my hair and into my neck, and then rested his cheek against my shoulder. I then heard the rumble of his sleepy voice as he said, “Mmh…you smell…s’sweet…kinda like vanilla…I like tha’…wanna smell ya all the time…you should wash my clothes f’me so I can smell you on me wherever I go…”
At the time, as I laid there in a soft daze with Harry’s strong, inked arms wrapped around my middle, his stubble scratching my neck, and something firm rocking back and forth ever-so-gently against my ass…my heart soared at his words, and I couldn’t bear to deny him his request.
Later, standing alone with an alert mind sans sexy, tattooed, British rake pressed tightly against my plush body—I was no longer swooning. Harry was perfectly capable of using the same combination of detergent, softener, and scent beads that I use. If he desired my aroma so badly, the ingredients would’ve been all he needed. I guess he was in charge of cooking and the dishes, so there wasn’t really an imbalance of responsibilities. But, damn. What a doormat I'd been for going through with that. He may be insanely hot, but he’s still just as stinky as the rest of them. Sure, I’ve been more than happy to fold all his clean clothes for him, but only if they’re fresh out of the dryer and smell all light and powdery like Downy.
“No, no, we split the difference! She’s got the laundry, and I’ve got the, uh…kitchen. Cooking and all tha’.” Even though he was responding defensively, he was only digging himself a deeper hole in front of his mother. She saw right through all those excuses, explanations, etc. So did I. However, Anne was approaching her disbelief a lot differently than how I would’ve if it were me who he was blabbing all that nonsense to. Granted, I didn’t raise him from infancy, nor had I even known the man for very long. But the truth was that Harry’s never been great at confrontation—well, when he’s on the opposite end of it, at least. And so he tended to struggle with his words whenever someone caught him at a time when he wasn’t prepared. 
“I know you’ve got feelings f’her, Gemma knows you do…hell, I bet Y/N even knows it! C’mon, Harry. You two are so cute!” Anne sounded absolutely delighted. I didn’t blame her, but I couldn’t share her same excitement.
Instead of stepping in and saving Harry from any further humiliation from his mother, I decided I’d just stay hidden and let him dig himself out on his own. He’s a grown man, he could fight his own battles. Besides, I was too busy doing his fucking laundry.
“I—Gemma’s a right nutcase, and you know tha’, mum!” Harry whispered.
“Oh, nonsense. Gem knows you even better than I do, Harry!”
I have to give credit to Anne for so shamelessly putting him on the spot like that. Typically, I was the one who tripped over the simplest of words and phrases. It’s just in my timid nature. But it was entertaining to hear someone else—someone who’s normally so haughty and snide—experiencing that kind of social mishap. Especially since that same person tended to use my weakness against me. Karma’s a bitch, huh, Harry?
“That pest—!” He seethed before Anne immediately cut him off.
“—Oi, hey! Be nice to your sister, Harry! You know, one day, when I’m all old and sickly…”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows.
“...You’ll want me to live with her! Keep up that attitude, boy, and you’ll be the one changing my diapers!”
Aw, what a Hallmark moment.
I wouldn’t have been surprised if Harry was white-knuckling the doorknob. I could picture it vividly—deep lines between his brows, nostrils flaring, his free hand held up to his bottom lip, whilst his sweet mother grinned ear to ear and pinched at his adorable, pink cheeks. “...Ooh, but Harry, lovie, it’s so exciting to think that once you and Y/N finally get together, I’ll have a second daughter! God, I just can’t wait for the wedding!” Anne squealed. Harry must’ve glared at his mother right then because I couldn’t hear him say anything. “Do you think you’ll have it here, or will we fly you back home? In that case, it’ll probably need to be a smaller ceremony, hm? ‘Could always have the ceremony in Holmes, and then close family can fly out for a reception here. I’ve heard of couples doing things of that sort…No matter—we’ll cross that road when we get to it.” She beamed with a quick laugh.
My cheeks hurt and I didn’t know why until I noticed I’d been fighting a smile. I felt childish. It was silly to consider all of that stuff even remotely possible—I mean, Harry and I being a couple. Thinking about us getting married…no, no…that could never happen. Just as he said.
“My grandchildren are going to be so beautiful!” Suddenly my fantastical mother-in-law sang from the front porch.
G-Grandchildren..? I’d almost dumped the entire jug of detergent into the washing machine at that one. Marriage was one thing. But giving birth to…m-m-multiple children?! 
I didn’t have any intention to have a baby—let alone babies, plural. I might’ve not wanted children at all…well, maybe one…or I could just forget about the classic American Dream and get a cat instead. I had no clue. But now I was thinking about it. 
More than just thinking about it, though. I was fantasizing.
My mind was locked on the specific scenario of Harry impregnating me. Marking me as his own. Sowing his seed deep inside my fertile cervix. Hot waves of liquid heat then soaked into the crotch of my panties. I guess my body was quite fond of that fantasy.
As the damp cotton between my generous thighs uncomfortably clung to my sensitive skin, I thought I’d might as well just add them to the wash. So I pushed them down my legs and stepped out of them before taking a moment to examine the evidence of my obnoxious downpour of arousal. I bit my lip at the sight of the large, sodden stain. How was that arrogant asshole able to do this kind of shit to me? He wasn’t even in the room!
I scoffed, shaking my head at the humiliating outcome of my sexual deprivation and desperation, and flung the soiled panties into the machine. Good thing I was wearing a dress where the skirt was long enough to cover my newly-bare ass and cunt. Well, provided I wouldn’t be standing at the even slightest off-angle. Lord, I was so grateful to have been out of sight as my body was bent over at the waist, reaching out for the fabric softener.
Whilst I kept on loading the washer, I was also daydreaming about my newest fantasy. 
Maybe I wouldn’t mind bearing Harry’s children…one wouldn’t be so bad, would it? I wouldn’t be all that against weaning off my birth control and letting the inevitable happen. You know…once he’d pump all his hot cum inside me…He could give it to me every morning before work…after work…before bed…in the middle of the night…hell, if he called me on a lunch break asking if I could take another load, I know I wouldn’t be able to resist. Standing commando in the laundry room got me wondering what Harry would do if I just started walking around the house with tiny little shorts and dresses and rompers with nothing on underneath (except for a bra, probably. I’d need the support). I was grateful for my large, gap-less thighs at that moment as I could sense that more moisture was threatening to escape down my wobbly legs.
I was trying my best not to peek out from the laundry room to witness the scene unfolding for myself, but I stood still with my back pressed against the washing machine, Anne’s words repeating themselves over and over again in my head. Whether any of that dreamy nonsense was true…that Harry had romantic feelings for me…it just wasn’t realistic. I had to remind myself that it was just a bunch of harmless teasing. That Harry’s mom was exaggerating the truth for a laugh. Making up elaborate future plans to get his goat. Yeah, that’s all it was. I could understand why she’d push Harry into throwing one of his lil’ man-tantrums—he’s awfully adorable when he’s stuttering and all red in the face, having the hardest time letting it go.
Growing curious, and not being able to hear them as clearly anymore, I moved myself out from the laundry room and closer towards them at the entryway. I still kept myself somewhat hidden behind one of the large wooden columns situated between the hallway and the front door, near the kitchen’s island counter. I was right when I assumed they’d already made it outside onto the front porch. Anne was so close to actually leaving, but I guess Anne preferred to do a Minnesota goodbye that afternoon. She proceeded to gush about Harry’s non-existent future with me, adding more details for wedding planning. Meanwhile, Harry was trying to keep her mouth shut in the most patient and polite manner he’d deemed possible. He’d already stayed silent through the comments about providing his mother with grandchildren, but it seemed as though she wasn’t going to end the discussion any time soon. It was time to take more drastic measures. He knew better than to be disrespectful towards his mother, and he never intended to blatantly disrespect her in any way. Except, by this point, Harry was reaching the limit of his patience. If it meant he could keep his personal business from reaching curious ears, he’d be willing to suffer the consequences.
“ALRIGHT! I GET IT! SHHHHH!” Harry was desperate to get her out the door as soon as he could at that moment. He’d never act that way towards his mother, otherwise. Anne, however, was not in the mood to tolerate his behavior. It didn’t matter that Harry was a full-grown, 30-year-old man. A mother will always be a mother. She gasped at the way her son tried to silence her and lightly smacked his shoulder. I saw it coming from a mile away, and I wasn’t even technically there.
“Don’t you shush your mother, Harry Edward.” She tsk-tsked. “But—!” Before he could even defend himself, Anne cut him off. “—Enough! Zip it.” The snap of her fingers made my mind create a hilarious image of Harry standing there at 6-feet tall, but presenting as a tiny toddler on the verge of a tantrum. I had to muffle my giggle with my hand.
Then, I decided to sneak a quick glance from behind the column. From where I was, I could see Harry leant up against our opened front door, his arms crossed over his abdomen, one set of long, ringed digits pulling at his lips. “Oi, and quit picking your lips! She’ll never wanna kiss you if you’re all chapped ‘n bleedin’, lovie!” 
“Oh, f’fuck’s sake!” He whisper-yelled. I heard him smack his palms down at his sides like some crabby 3 year-old having just been told to behave himself. Anne cracked up at her son’s childish display of whiny defiance. “Alright, well, I’ll head out now. Gotta give you two some alone time.” Harry’s mom hummed suggestively. I rolled my lips into my mouth and fought not to laugh out loud.
Then, I had a feeling that, to Harry, I must’ve seemed to be ‘minding my own business’ for a bit too long in the laundry room, and that I should’ve actually been finished with the chore by that time. Except I’d just been eavesdropping like a nosey-Nellie for their entire conversation. Mildly flustered, I bolted back to the laundry room, opened the dryer, and began to hastily pull all the warm towels and linens out from the front of the machine. I was pretty sure my breakaway was ‘smooth’ enough that they had no idea I was snooping. Well, I knew for sure that Harry didn’t…or at least that’s what I thought. 
It was a good thing towels aren’t able to make much of a ruckus when they’re dropped into a plastic basket. I made sure to fuss around—emptying the lint trap, reorganizing the coat-rack, gathering stray hangers, and clicking the ‘start’ button on the washing machine. I was doing all of that just to make up an internal alibi of sorts for having been putzing for so long. Just in case. 
In the midst of my rush to complete miscellaneous tasks, some of the dust from the lint trap puffed out into the air in front of my face as I was dumping it out, and I had to hold a knuckle to my nose in an effort to keep an incoming sneeze at bay. Eventually, the tickle died down and I could carry on dicking around and acting busy. 
“That’s a wonderful plan, Mum. Be seein’ you.” Harry sighed.
“I LOVE YOU, BOTH!” Anne called out with a slight amplification, intending to also inform me of her departure. “Love you, too!” I responded, almost instantaneously, also at the exact same time as Harry. My voice ricocheted against the walls and I knew I’d been much too quick to speak. My hand immediately slapped over my mouth once the words left my lips. There was no way I could’ve convinced Harry anymore that I’d been genuinely oblivious of their back-and-forth, innocently occupied by a pile of towels for the past 5-10 minutes. If he didn’t already know that I was listening in on them, Harry definitely realized it then. But everything just proceeded as usual—Harry grumbling back at his mother, returning her affections with a huff. 
“Um, also, could you let Gemma know that if she keeps running her mouth, she can bloody forget about her early-access to the autumn catalog? Cheers.”
The door closed after one final guffaw from Anne, and Harry hastily turned the lock before eventually releasing a frustrated breath into his hands. I decided it was a good time to get going with my chores.
A basket of warm washcloths, towels, and sheets was held between my plump hip and my soft hands. As I exited the laundry room, the heat radiating off the freshly-tossed cloth caused a flush of pink to wash over my skin. It was a nice contrast to the cool breeze that had entered through our front door. I made eye-contact with Harry who then let his hands drop from his face once he met my eyes looking through his fingers. Warmth radiated off of him like a space heater, his cheeks were flushed red, and it seemed as though he was burning up—unaffected by the bite of the autumn air.
Maybe he’d also been imagining the two of us making babies. Or maybe he was just mortified by the way his mother assumed our relationship to be more intimate than it truly was. It was possible that the idea of marrying me made him nauseous—and not just in an innocent, nervous way, either. Rather, he was disgusted by imagining such intimate things involving me.
Regardless, I found him adorable whenever he blushed like that. To me, his rare displays of bashfulness brought him back down to earth, and they reminded me of the fact that we were similarly human. Similarly sensitive. Similarly deep in our thoughts. I don’t know why he made a point out of telling Anne that I wasn’t “his type.” Obviously, he hadn’t had much lasting success with whoever fits into his “type,” so maybe he could use someone new for a change... 
As I approached him, I gave him a kind smile and greeted him with a simple question.
“So, what’s for dinner?” I beamed at him sweetly.
Right as I was a meter or two away from him, I suddenly needed to sneeze again. That incessant tickle that tortures the nostrils and sinuses before raging out of the body—it came back to sabotage me in that moment. My previous attempt at holding it in was deemed absolutely useless, as this time it felt like the sneeze doubled in magnitude purely out of spite. My body was fighting against me. The universe was laughing, finding my indignity entertaining. I guess that’s what I get for eavesdropping, huh?
I sniffled a few times—my last efforts to prevent the inevitable. But I had failed. I sucked in a deep breath before “achoo”-ing into my elbow. It was a loud, high-pitched sneeze. If I hadn’t known it came from me, I would’ve assumed the television was turned on in the living room, playing a children’s cartoon. At least I didn’t shoot snot onto my pretty, ruffled sleeves. Or worse, failing to cover my nose and mouth and sneezing right onto Harry. Gotta look for the silver linings, you know?
Unfortunately, my sneeze miraculously sent the blushing boy, who felt so close to my level, back up to his normal self—reuniting him with his high-horse, his pedestal, his soapbox, his big head, and everything else that keeps him standing at a mile taller than me. 
“Oh, my goodness…God bless you…” Harry bellowed, his hand pressed to his heart in mock-aghast. Though he was taunting me, I oddly didn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed. He paused and his lips formed the cruelest smirk before he continued, “…my sweet Bunny.” My thighs subconsciously squeezed together at him using his favorite pet-name he has for me. What I’d never let him know was how it was my favorite, too. 
“Humph, thanks.” I sniffled, trying my best to pretend unfazed by the special nickname. His eyes finally drifted down my figure, and it seemed he was parched due to the way he was drinking me in through his pupils. Everything around me, especially Harry, seemed massive compared to my shrinking frame. Perspectives were changing drastically, and I was no longer safe from Harry’s sharp scrutiny. I was aware I’d been the one to place myself under his spotlight—that I had the ability to stay in my lane and keep my nose clean—but I was too weak. I craved his attention. I was starving for it—for every inch of me to be thoroughly inspected and explored by that smug son of a bitch whilst he just stood there and acted like he owned me. 
I wanted him, and I wanted him bad.
My bottom-energy may seem readily accessible to Harry, but that’s only because he’s made it so easy for me to tempt him into his dominance. I just knew he was internally obsessing over how he’d further push me into submission. That’s one of the many reasons why being a sub is so liberating. I’m the motivation. I’m the star of the show. I’m the cum-dump. And God, I’d been wanting for so long to be all of those things and more for Harry. Only Harry.
As I continued walking in his direction, a washcloth accidentally fell onto the floor by his feet. “Ope, sorry…” I squeaked. I stepped up to him so that we were directly in front of one another. I dramatically dropped to a bend at my knees—spreading them widely apart in a bouncy crouch in order to retrieve the rogue towel, giving Harry a nice view of my cleavage as I stretched my arm downwards over my hiked-up skirt, intentionally pressing my breasts together with my straightened elbow. If only he was at a lower angle, then he could’ve seen a different set of drooling lips desperate for his cock…
Christ, alive—I am so glad I wasn’t ballsy enough to accidentally say that out loud.
His eyes followed my movements, but he stood in that same spot unwaveringly, not stepping away even a little bit. My confidence strengthened due to his intense fixation upon me. The basket I was holding at my waist was slightly tipping at the new angle whilst I was reaching for the washcloth. My gaze flickered down to the basket, then back up at Harry. Ambitiously provocative ideas and scenarios flooded my brain. I thought about what would happen if I were to dump the basket onto the floor on purpose just to provoke him. Perhaps he’d tease me for my clumsiness and help me. Or maybe he’d get pissy instead and leave me to my mess. My body reacted out of curiosity and desire before my brain had the chance to refute the idea. Well, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, right? 
The towels had poured out onto the floor at Harry’s feet in a massive heap. Letting out a soft gasp, feigning shock, I set the basket aside and knelt all the way down to sit on my knees. I blinked my doll-like lashes back up at Harry, whose stare never left me, and I couldn’t distinguish what he was thinking, let alone feeling. His expression was set in a firm deadpan. He could’ve been on the verge of an outburst, but he also could’ve been plainly unimpressed by my foolish antics. The man was annoyingly skilled at masking when he wanted to be.
I swallowed thickly at the silence. On the inside, I was kicking and screaming with regret. Why did I think he was going to play with me?! Why, after hearing him explicitly tell his mother that he wasn’t interested in me, did I believe it would be a good idea to get on my knees in front of the man?! He obviously didn’t desire me! I was humiliated. Rather than scrambling back onto my feet like a fool, I thought it would be best if I were to just stay in character. Hoe hard or hoe home.
“Oh, no…I’m sorry, Harry.” I managed to peep out without my composure cracking. My voice was small and cute, but it still held enough power to it that I saw Harry’s jaw clench. It worked. I finally saw him narrow his eyes down at me with a tight jaw and flared nostrils. Sure, Sarah warned me that he had a hot temper, but she never told me how sexy he gets when his buttons are pressed. I’d witnessed it myself a few times before this, but my body perceived it differently as I was down on my knees. 
My breathing became harsh, my cleavage rising and falling more noticeably as I anxiously awaited more of a reaction from the man before me. I realistically expected a snarky quip and an eyeroll. Inversely, his face gave the impression that he was frustrated and struggling to keep it together. I was confused as to why he hadn’t raised his voice at me yet. I expected him to be in more of a sensitive mood after his mother embarrassed him just a few minutes prior. I guess all that talk of marriage and babies didn’t have much of a negative effect on him after all. Harry stayed stoic, and his silent glare was locked onto me for a good minute. 60 seconds is dreadfully long when there’s nothing but steamy sexual-tension filling the room. My filthy mind had me imagine he was fighting his urge to throw me down prone onto the cold hardwood, lift my dress up over my ass, and spank me until I was begging him to fuck me. That was certainly my ideal outcome. 
Logically speaking though, I could tell from the speckles of amber in his sage eyes that his emotions were in the red zone—he was angry. It wasn’t because of the mess. No. 
Harry may be a himbo, but he’s not stupid. He knew what I was thinking, he knew why I was acting the way I was, and he definitely wasn��t going to let me get away with any of it.
He was hatching his own plan, and I was convinced a part of it was stretching this out for as long as he could physically restrain his primal instincts. It excited him to play this little game with me. How did I know? Because the bulge in his pants was almost at my exact eye-level, and I had no shame in looking right at it. 
Why wouldn’t I? That was my doing. I deserved to observe my hard work from my delicate little point-of-view.
Feeling a bit more daring after successfully bothering Harry with my suggestive positioning on the floor beneath him, I pouted my bottom lip and grabbed onto the bottom hem of my skirt, dragging it up and down my juicy thighs tauntingly yet sheepishly. The goal was to tease him and guilt him at the same time as if to tip-toe around being blatantly naughty. The breathy moan I’d added on top of it all definitely did him in because I saw his Adam’s apple bob as he gulped at the sound. 
My gaze fell back down to the tightness in the front of his pants for just a second or so, and I couldn’t help the giggles that escaped me. Once the reality of the situation finally set in, I was unable to hide my true intentions.
There I was—on my knees, looking up at him, my tits pushed out, eyes rounded and glossed over, my angelic face adorned with a devil-woman’s lip-biting grin, and the rate at which I was collecting each piece of laundry was just too agonizingly slow to be a legitimate attempt at the task. 
You know what…he could’ve pulled his cock out and fucked my throat right then and there. He could’ve pushed me down onto my back and flipped my skirt up before shoving himself deep inside my needy little cunt. He could’ve demanded me to sit pretty while he jerked off onto my sweet little face. He could have held me down and made me scream so loud that Anne would’ve heard me from her car, which was probably already 10 blocks away and counting at that point.
He had the ability to do whatever he wanted to me; I was physically and mentally incapable of resisting him. And yet, there I sat, my natural essence dripping down the backs of my thighs as Harry had me wrapped around his finger—and he didn’t do a single fucking thing to me. 
And so I huffed, and I repeated what I’d asked him previously before I sneezed, and before he said the one word that tipped me into my subspace.
“Humph…What are we having for dinner?” I asked softly, my voice sultry, yet impatient, and I had my arms crossed over my chest to emphasize my defiance towards him.
Harry took a deep breath and reached out to me. He caressed the side of my face and jaw with his gentle hand. I leaned into his touch as I awaited his answer. I was literally in the palm of his hand—I mean, if he was holding bread crumbs, I’d be licking it all up without a second thought. I would take anything and everything from him. What had this asshole done to me?
I felt his thumb slide up from my chin to fondle my bottom lip. It grazed from side to side for a while before he pulled downwards, tugging my lip down and releasing it. The gesture caused me to keep my lips separated for him. Harry took advantage of the small opening by pushing the same digit through to make contact with my slick tongue, and I instinctually gaped my mouth wider to grant him more access to my drooling entrance. He tapped the pad of his thumb onto my tongue a few times and I moaned at the taste of him—at simply the salt of his skin. My lips wrapped around his thumb and I gently suckled. I can’t even imagine how much of a desperate slut I made myself look like as I slowly nursed on his thumb and hummed against its warm tip with my eyes lazily rolling back. 
He just observed me in my catatonic bimbo state. He stood there and allowed me to put on that pathetic display on the floor at his feet for a few moments longer. I was sure he’d got just as much pleasure out of it as I did, as the sensual act taking place before him had forced a moan out of his throat.
He slowly pulled out of my drooling mouth and rubbed the wetness across my pink lips. 
“D-Did you hear me?” I whispered breathlessly against Harry’s slippery thumb, my lashes fluttering up at him. “Yes, love. Of course I heard you...” He sighed. Then, he bent down to a crouch, lowering himself down to my height so he could speak directly to me. “...But…I don’t think it really matters what we have, hm…?” My brows furrowed in confusion which made him smile. Then he continued, “...You’ll take whatever I choose to give you, won’t you, Bun’...?” 
His fingers raked through my hair lovingly as he said it. His voice was so soft yet the words so deafening at the same time. They pounded against my eardrums and almost knocked me on my ass when they left his lips. 
I just nodded in reply, my eyes and my mouth glistening as rays of the afternoon glow beamed in from the front window and illuminated my irises. Harry’s mouth twitched as if he was fighting a smile. He never once took his eyes off of me. I had all of his attention, and it was addicting.
“...Mmh, sweet girl…never you doubt these ears of mine, either…I can assure you, I hear everything…”
I couldn’t stop the helpless whimper that came out of me. It was like he was speaking to me through code—telling me much more than what his words were able to reveal.
The sun was setting beyond the glass at our home’s entrance. The air around us was almost bitterly chilly. I typically preferred the cold, but it seemed to be much more noticeable at the time. Goosebumps covered my arms, my neck, and my bare knees. I was feeling exposed and naked regardless of my dainty dress providing modesty.
But I could still feel Harry’s hot breath warming the cooled tip of my nose. His closeness cloaked my bare shoulders with security. Even though the wooden floor was bruising me, I felt entirely protected by Harry’s touch. By his presence. By his expressive adoration of me. My heart pulsed so hard against my chest, yet Harry seemed so relaxed. So calm. So strong. I needed him. I could not continue this ridiculous charade of ignoring my natural instincts just so that I can protect my feelings from potential social betrayal. His eyes bore into mine so deeply, so intensely. It was like they held me there, silently commanding me to keep being good for him. I’ve always been such a good girl for him. His best girl. 
Whatever he wanted, I knew at that very second that I’d obey each demand with a goddamn smile on my face. It didn’t matter what he desired to give me. Whatever it was, I would take it, no questions asked. I lived off of his affections, addicted to the attention he provided. Was he as intoxicated by this as I was? Was he holding back? Did he need me, too?
Before I could even stutter out a response, Harry rose back up to his feet—releasing me from his trance and his touch by curling a lock of my hair through his fingers and setting it bouncing free.
“...I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you, a’right?” He assured me kindly. 
I confirmed my understanding with a  subtle nod. My lips rubbed together and I swallowed the abundance of moisture that had threatened to drip down the sides of my mouth.
“Th-thank you.” I just about squeaked out.
With that, he smiled sweetly and backed away into the kitchen.
The next thing I knew, I was still sitting alone near the entryway, my fingers fiddling with the tag of one of the bedsheets from the pile. I was worried I’d made a puddle below me with my arousal, but my legs had been clenched too tightly for any of it to escape past my thighs. My knees were suddenly aching from the stiff support of the hardwood, and the clean linens—of which had been forgotten about since before I’d even taken them out of the dryer—were all cool and wrinkled. I shoved them all back into the basket as quickly as I could and hid in the laundry room until he called out to me that the food was ready. 
Harry was right. I took whatever it was he made for us that night without a second thought. If he hadn’t already served me a plate, I probably would’ve eaten out of his bare hands. My brain had completely shut down for the rest of the evening. I remember I had to take care of the ache between my legs right after our meal, it was so unbearable.  
That reminds me—didn’t he mention something about his ears? 
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I typically get home from work before Harry does, and so my current state of rest and relaxation—coincidentally adjacent to the book I’m holding: My Year of Rest and Relaxation—is an occurrence Harry’s used to coming home to by now. I mean, not that he’s coming home to me. He’s just…coming home, and I also happen to be living here. Speaking of which, I’m situated in my bedroom. I've already slipped into my night clothes—thin, loose pajama pants and an oversized crop tee—laying my back against the cushioned headboard of my bed. 
Suddenly, my ears perk up. The hum and vibration of the garage door opening and closing pulls my attention away from the novel I’d been engrossed in for the past hour towards my empty door frame. Less than a minute later, a door slams, physically startling me, and my posture straightens as if I’m expecting a scolding from an authority figure. I have no reason to react this way, really. It’s not like this is anything out of the ordinary.
Harry’s home.
That’s all. But judging by the door slams, I should prepare myself for the likelihood that Harry’s had a bad day (again). He’s been so overworked lately, but he doesn’t like to talk out his stressors in much detail or duration because it just riles him up more. More accurately, in his own words:
“I appreciate that you care, Bun’. I do…but it’s just too complicated…’s too much to get into right now. Think I’m just gon’ meditate, or whateva’.”
His therapist definitely had more to advise him beyond meditation, but I think that Harry just cherry-picked whatever was closest to what he’s accustomed to…and so he thinks that his isolation method is perfectly justified (as long as he calls it meditation). He’d never admit to that, though; and I’d never call him out on it either. I know better than to poke an angry bear.
Harry believes he can continue living and avoiding the inevitable, but I have a good feeling that he’ll take me up on my offer sometime soon. I just want to help him relax. Help him release some of that built-up tension. However, he prefers to hide himself away whilst simmering in a fuming silence until his primal instincts are numbed away. 
I wished that I could be some sort of Black Widow to his Hulk—although the incredible sulk would be more like it…but he can’t stand being around anyone when he’s angry, not even me—nay—especially not me. 
I can’t help but to feel somewhat unworthy. As if Harry isn’t comfortable enough with me to unpack all of his emotional baggage. Or maybe it’s not that I feel unworthy, per say, but rather that I’m sick and tired of waiting for him to make a fucking move on me already. I’ve been patient for so long. The least he can do is use me as his stress relief…in whatever way he needs to. Honestly, I’m not picky anymore. I’m dying for anything he can give me at this point. 
We've had our arguments as I’ve mentioned. He'll seclude himself in his bedroom for an hour and eventually knock on my door once he’s cooled down to apologize. The vulnerability and innocence he shows me is quite sweet. I appreciate that side of him. And I understand that the man needs his space. It makes sense to me because whenever I’m upset, I’d prefer to be alone as well. So each time Harry taps his rings all melodically against my door after one of his little fits, I always acknowledge him warmly by opening the door and pulling him in for a hug. Emotional compatibility is one of our greatest strengths as…friends. I think he appreciates me in that way, too.
It’s become a thing with us now—ever since the day that I cried. I’ve never shared a closeness like this with another person until I moved in with Harry. We have this mutual understanding that home is a feeling, not a place. And honestly, I’ve internally accepted the fact that it wouldn’t have mattered where we would’ve lived—as long as I was with Harry, I’d be at home. 
To me, Harry’s home.
One time, we brought this topic up…Harry likes to refer to it as the ‘kindness law’ or something like that. Harry began with, “Well, I jus’ wanna treat you the way I wanna be treated—w’kindness.” He sighed, plopping onto his back on his bed and resting his hands behind his head, looking at me. I stood at the foot of his bed with my hands on my hips. He not-so-subtly raked his eyes over my figure and smirked to himself.
“So, you’re gonna be nice to me now that I’m doing your laundry, Styles?”
He chuckled and scooted up the bed until he could rest his back against his headboard. “Mmm, tha’s right. I do have you doin’ my wash. Y’so good to me, Bunny...” I rolled my eyes and turned to walk out, but Harry quickly grabbed my hand in protest. “…Oy, where y’goin’?” I looked back at him over my shoulder and giggled. “What, Harry.” I asked with a bored voice, but a cheeky smile on my face to counteract it. “Wasn’t finisshhhhed-uh!”
I was typically the whiner, so I was immediately cringing at the sound of Harry’s attempt at my art. He playfully tugged on my arm until I clumsily toppled over face-down onto his bed, and he chose my giggle fit as the perfect time to continue his speech about…whatever it was he was talking about.
“Alright, now that the class is all here…let me continue…” He boasted confidently. I slowly calmed down and propped myself up onto my elbows next to his lap, my loose curls messed and my oversized, off-shoulder sweater disheveled enough that he now had an excellent view of what was beneath my sweater: my ample breasts and the plunging push-up bra holding them up. 
I smiled and nodded my head, signaling for him to carry on. He cleared his throat and ran a hand awkwardly through his hair. 
“So…” He hesitated, noticeably struggling to remember what he was saying previously. “Kindness?” I reminded him. “Yes, yes…kindness. Uh…well, uh…Home is where, um, where love’s made, or whateva’, yeah?”
I practically squealed and I added, “Ooh, yeah! Home is where we make all the love, huh, Harry?” Harry just blushed and shook his head. He was trying desperately not to stare at my chest as my lower half sunk down onto the floor and I held my hands and breasts against the edge of his bed whilst I wheezed with laughter. He spent the following 10 minutes with a pillow over his lap and he eventually asked me to leave because he was tired…
The only reason this had been remotely funny beyond our shared childish humor was because neither of us had anything going on in that department for ages. Actually, come to think of it, I don’t think we’ve ever discussed each other’s sex lives. But what I know for certain is that both of us have been extremely horny. It’s been dreadful. According to Mitch, Harry hasn’t had sex in at least a solid year and he can’t even remember who he last slept with. 
Apparently, there’s just this vivid memory Harry has of not being able to stay hard, the other person complaining, and then everything suddenly stopped. Harry quickly grabbed all his clothes and just rushed straight out the door to drive back home to me. The only reason I can attest to this rumor of Mitch’s is that I remember when he came home that night. He reeked of cheap, floral body spray, his eyes were puffy as if he’d been sobbing the whole car ride home, and he burst through the door calling out for me. He apologized if he had woken me up, as it was a bit past midnight. However, I was still up watching reruns of The Nanny and nursing on a pint of ice cream when he came home, so I just laughed at him. He told me to pause the show and hurried to his bedroom to change his clothes. I silently thanked God he did because the second-hand perfume stench was stale and it made me a little nauseous. His natural scent is much more pleasant than whatever that girl was wearing. Not to mention a part of me died inside at the thought of Harry being close enough to another girl for that long to come home smelling so strongly of her.
Once he’d switched into new clothes—a fitted t-shirt and flannel pajama pants—he’d climbed up onto my bed and eventually squirmed his way into laying his head atop my thighs. My hand brushed through his soft curls that had loosened into waves by that time. I think he fell asleep in my lap after one episode. It felt so natural in the moment that I, myself, started to doze off. And so I turned the tv off and pulled the man’s lean body down onto the pillows so I could be the big spoon and I held him. We fell asleep like that.
The next morning, I woke up and he’d already left my bed. It hurt me to see he was gone. But I had no reason to take it personally. He’d just had a rough night and he needed some love. I was happy to have been the one to give it to him—even if it was just some innocent, virtually-platonic cuddling, and nothing more. A part of me still ached a little bit whenever I thought back to how Harry chose to release himself from my arms and abandon the cozy nest we’d unintentionally made together. Maybe that was just the lonely part of me feeling that way. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a while since I’d been sexually intimate with someone as well. I’ve never brought anyone back to the house (neither has he), but Harry always notices when I get dressed up to go out and then come home late…and he knows I was with someone else because—similar to the way his scent had been overcome by a putrid cloak of trashy body spritz—my signature scent would also be significantly altered. It causes a stir in Harry. He knows how childish it is to huff and puff to himself in his bedroom as he waits for my arrival. He knows he shouldn’t be upset when the two of us aren’t romantically involved. And he knows I‘ll always come trudging my way back home…back to my own bedroom where I end up finishing the job for myself. Regardless of his understanding of the situation, Harry refuses to act upon it. Refuses to take initiative. And I have no fucking idea why.
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Part 3
Writer's Notes: Hi, everyone! Ok so there will be at least 2 more parts to this baby. Again, I'm sorry I suck at updating regularly. I have a job and stuff lol. Also I'm a compulsive perfectionist when it comes to my writing, and I'll re-read my work and edit it until it's a million pages long...but I hope y'all like what I post and that you wanna read more! Please like, reblog, follow, send me messages/requests/submissions/anons, and let me know if you wanna be on my taglist! And I appreciate any and all feedback you can give me. Truly. Thank you for reading. :) xoxo - Regan <3
@victoria-styles @daphnesutton @pishhhh20989
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sixosix · 2 years
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blurb little au where a third changes everything and katsuki and izuku stayed friends—only because katsuki refuses to have you alone with izuku.
# fem!reader, 1-A shenanigans, fluff and humor, childhood bffs are something else, says 1-A student, NO ROMANCE? BUT YES PINING
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the order goes like this: katsuki, izuku, then you.
katsuki leads first—he always does, izuku exclaims happily—while izuku likes to follow after him, happy to be in the middle of his best friends, and you trail after izuku, comfortable with getting to watch the way his hair bounces every step. it reminds you of a bunny, you explained once.
what some notice except for you three, is that katsuki likes to follow after you. it’s instinct sometimes, to have katsuki lingering around you as you interact with people outside of your small group.
mitsuki gushed about how hilarious it was that you three sometimes end up in metaphorical circles with how katsuki trails after you like a lost puppy.
inko wonders if it is normal for her child to have hearts for eyes, gushing over you about the littlest of things.
“this is so dumb!” you exclaim, glaring hard with all your might. “i hate this! izuku was right about you!”
katsuki and izuku watch as you continue to glower at your untied shoes with such fierceness that it almost makes katsuki wonder if you got it from him.
“it’s just a damn shoelace,” katsuki grunts. “you're so dramatic.” he nudges the boy beside him with a sharp elbow. “she got it from you, definitely. your dummy-ness rubbed off on her.”
“ah, sorry, kacchan!” izuku doesn't look sorry; he looks seconds away from bursting into a fit of giggles as you fail over and over again to tie your shoelaces. but his hands keep twitching as if he wants to help.
“oh my fucking god, give that to me.”
katsuki knocks your hands away and twirls the shoelaces around his fingers, eyeing you while giving a demonstration. izuku holds you up by the small of your back when you lose balance, smiling widely.
“fuckin’ watch this, alright? you fold it like this, put them like this, and then insert this one—and just like that.”
it goes like this:
“so cool, kacchan!” izuku squeals. katsuki grunts, because that’s the 27th time izuku has said that today. “are you okay, y/n-chan?”
“thank you, katsuki,” you mutter shyly, a little too quiet because you have an ego. “yes i am, izuku. thank you.”
“whatever, fuck off,” katsuki says, pleased either way because it feels good hearing it from you. “shitty nerds.”
izuku beams, hugging your head.
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even now, in UA.
you thought katsuki would be a little ashamed to be friends with someone from the support course, but never has he shown that he was bothered. he just looks at you with the same, sharp blood red eyes, and looks at others with hostility in them.
izuku, of course, is far from ashamed. in fact, he’s delighted that you're in UA with them. his eyes sparkle every time his eyes slide over to you and he sees you in the uniform. he is so cute.
1-A watches as the door slides open and immediately katsuki and izuku are fretting over you; and you, unfazed, as they talk over each other. katsuki thwacks izuku’s head and you coo over izuku and katsuki throws a tantrum when izuku blushes.
“wow, that's the first time i've seen blasty not-hostile around someone,” mina squeals, “and she's a girl! could this be!?”
“this is the first time i've seen deku-kun act so smoothly around a girl, too,” uraraka adds, smiling eagerly, thirsty for drama.
double woah.
“chill,” jirou says, but she’s also observing the strange sight, “what if she’s, like, the sister of one of them?”
“probably bakugo’s then.”
“yeah. he barely tolerates midoriya.”
“or maybe she's midoriya’s sister and bakugou has a crush on her?”
triple woah.
as if sensing that the class is whispering about them, bakugou and midoriya spin around to meet the eyes of their classmates, one glaring and one shy.
then, midoriya whispers something to your ear, to which you excitedly nod at.
1-A watches in awe as you wave, eyes bright at the sight of hero students. “hello! my name is l/n y/n, it's nice to meet you.” added with a polite bow.
mina makes a noise of awe. “wow, you're so pretty! you're cute!”
you seem to be flustered, but the gentle smile that follows means you know how to handle compliments. probably because you’re best friends with midoriya izuku.  “ah… thank you. you’re also pretty…”
kaminari grins to himself, about to open his mouth but unfortunately, bakugou is faster.
“quit it,” bakugo snarls, stepping forward in front of you, “leave her alone, you fucking extras.”
but before any of his classmates can protest, you nudge bakugou with a sly grin. “don’t worry, kacchan, i think you’re also pretty.”
“s— shut the fuck up, stupid! that’s not what i fucking meant!”
midoriya snorts and then laughs loudly; they’ve never heard that from him before. “kacchan! did you just stutter?”
“awh, katsuki,” you coo, pinching his red cheeks and magically didn’t get blown off the face of the earth. midoriya stifles his giggles and you smile softly at the freckled boy’s delighted face.
maybe it’s a love triangle, except both boys are truly, madly, deeply in love with the same girl.
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class 1-A sees you the second time when it’s 8 pm and everyone is preparing to go to bed.
the couch across the television is occupied, with a familiar mop of green curls and a shock of pale blond—but there’s also someone in the middle.
“is that l/n-san?” uraraka whispers to her classmates nearby, eyeing the three figures with surprise.
katsuki is on the far corner, resting his cheek on his palm (that would hurt when he wakes up) with his other around your waist, while you’re laying on his chest, your hand resting on midoriya’s head as the boy sleeps soundly on your lap, mouth hanging open and soft snores coming off his mouth.
both the boys are still asleep, but you’re wide awake, smiling contentedly. you meet the curious eyes of 1-A and raise your finger in a shh motion.
(everyone stays silent when you fall asleep a few minutes later as midoriya and bakugou blink awake. bakugou moves to carry you back to your dorm, while midoriya clings to you like a koala bear. they glare at each other. they end up staying on the couch for the entire night, protective limbs wrapped around you.)
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“young bakugou and young midoriya… do they not like each other?”
aizawa turns to all might lazily, eyeing the frail man with narrowed eyes. “not like that. they see each other as rivals.”
all might brightens. “ah! in the hero rankings? they’re both fit for number one.”
“mm, maybe more than the rankings.”
both teachers watch as bakugou and midoriya jump around the training area, palms lit up and arms smothered in lightning green. push and pull. feral grins. aizawa takes a glance at another student watching the boys from the sidelines, notebook and pen in hand but too entranced to write anything.
all might follows his gaze. “that’s young l/n, yes? the support course student young bakugou and midoriya always want nearby.” he laughs. “those boys only work together perfectly when it comes to l/n.”
aizawa smiles under his scarf so no one else would catch a glimpse of it. “the three of them together…they’re formidable. but if you take l/n out, you might as well be a dead man to both of them.”
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even now, as official pro heroes.
it goes like this: katsuki blasting his way to the top but never too far, izuku always somehow one step ahead of everyone but always somehow waiting for his best friends, and you, pushed forward by two pairs of hands.
the wonder trio. the big three. always together, but out of reach from anyone else.
everyone always wonders if you like one of them more than the other.
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a/n. yes it ends there LOOOOOL!11 this fic focuses more on friendship bc i loooove friendship, but if anyones interested i might make fics with a route for each of them as endgame hmmmm
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cosmickuneho · 2 months
Yandere! Cielomort
Felt a little silly goofy ♡
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Cielo having a natural charisma that attracts people... Always calm and collected, highly intelligent. He takes his duties very seriously... But then ONE DAY, he sees a stranger standing off in the distance, perhaps a little shy with their head lowered. Everyone in the room is surrounding Cielo, all of them engaged and focused on entirely him. Everyone except you. It's... Intriguing... But he doesn't think much of it. His days continue on like usual. He protects his lord, he performs his duties, he remains calm and steady. However- he now begins to notice you when you're in the room. So distance, so quiet... You must be seriously shy! And since he's from a place known for innocence, friendship, and love, he figures he should approach you and become acquaintances. He's never thought of romance very much before, JUST friendship. As you look up at him and smile, he feels a strange twinge in his chest. It's... Unfamiliar, a teeny-tiny bit nerve wracking. But it doesn't get the best of him. He engages in conversation with you, maybe cracks a charismatic joke or two, then gets your name. His obsession with you would start out very, very slowly. Now when he's out doing his duties, he can't help but wonder if you're around. Are you doing well? Are you feeling lonely? They're only small thoughts, but they're practically the seeds for something much darker yet to grow. Every time he sees you, he's quick to walk up to you and start a chat. You're still a little bit shy- probably because he has such a prestigious reputation. That's what he figures, anyway. But he's determined to make you his friend...! Just his friend. Of course. Cielo slowly starts to fall deeper in love with the way you laugh, your demeanor, your smile, your everything. He doesn't recognize it as love, though.
Cielo doesn’t think that anything is out of the ordinary until, one day, he sees you talking to somebody else. For another person– you’re smiling, giggling, and talking to someone that isnt him-!? Love is something he’s a little unfamiliar with… And jealousy? Jealousy is practically an alien feeling from a distant universe. He has absolutely no idea what he’s feeling– there’s basically not a term for it in Cinnamoroll’s sweet, innocent kingdom. Cielo is not used to losing his composure. He finds himself almost stomping over to your side, asking you “who are you talking to..?” His heart aches, knowing that it’s not just him who gets to talk to you and make you smile.
When he’s on duty, he finds himself thinking about the entire situation over and over again. It practically haunts him. And when he, for the first time, messes up during a situation at work? He finally realizes that something is deeply wrong. But it’s not like he can talk to anyone about it. Nobody would ever understand what he’s feeling–! He shouldn’t be feeling these things at all. So unfamiliar with romance… He doesn’t even know what it means to kiss somebody. He wants to do SOMETHING with you, but he absolutely doesn’t know what exactly he wants. So, during his off hours, he instinctively winds up seeking you out. When he’s alone with you, that’s when his weird feelings and urges start to disappear, and he can go back to being his calm and charismatic self.
Cielo loves it when you stand close to him. It’s so sweet… Without realizing it, he stands super close to you, his hands mere centimeters away from your own. Ah, he also loves leaning his face down close to yours… The feeling of breathing in your air makes him feel… Funny.
He can’t help but wonder: is… Is that what a friendship typically is? Friends don’t normally do this… Do they? Or is this just a different kind of friendship?
Ah, and late at night, he can’t get you off his mind. When he thinks about you, he feels so hot and strange, but he can’t pinpoint what the hell he’s feeling. He’d be in definite denial at first, but after months go by, he’d finally realize that something is definitely wrong.
At some point, he absolutely can’t keep his calm anymore. It’s like a small part of him breaks. He needs… Something… He doesn’t know what. So under the cover of darkness, he would sneak out of his house, down the dainty streets, and right up into your bedroom. And he can’t help but admire just how cute you look…
You’re just as adorable as the day he first laid eyes on you. Cielo finds himself crawling on top of you as you sleep, his eyes admiring your form as he leans in closer and closer. The warmth of your body… He loves the feeling of it. His hands slowly rub up and down your skin, shivers running down his spine. He doesn’t know what he’s doing… He’s just doing whatever his heart tells him to.
Cielo leans in close to your face, and without thinking, he presses his lips to your own. They’re so, so soft. He keeps them there for a few seconds before pulling away.
Part of him feels guilty for what he’s doing, but another part of him tells him that he HAS to do this. He dives in for a second kiss. Then a third. Then a fourth. He does everything in his power to make sure you don’t wake up… He wonders if you would hate him for doing all of this.
What would he even call you? You’re so special to him, he likes you so very much. Would… Would he call you his best friend? Perhaps that’s what it is.
The two of you are Best Friends.
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koos-kave · 10 months
Yandere Obey Me Brothers HCs except the idiot who wrote them is an actual idiot.
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Yandere Obey Me brothers headcanons 
Gender neutral MC || TW: violence, mention of furries, guys I swear Belphegor is literally a meme lord and you can’t convince me otherwise, stalking, slight spoilers, mind breaking, conditioning || I do not condone kidnapping, stalking, or any of the things mentioned in these HCs. This is a *WORK OF FICTION* || Please like and interact, I’m lonely… || requests are always open <3
He would realize he had overly protective tendencies when someone severely injures you. (Belphegor?!)
He’s extremely intelligent and crafty, one of the  worst characters to have obsessed with you.
He would share you with Diavolo, but nobody else. (Unless Diavolo wants to share you with Barbatos.Big three on top! Literally…)
Things would probably be the same unless you’re in love with another or discover Lucifer’s infatuation with you. Be prepared to find yourself locked up someplace nobody else can find if Lucifer decides it’s the only way to effectively protect you. (Holy shit Belphegor reference two?!)
He says he considers you an equal, but you know he thinks he’s better than you. You’re just a weak human that needs protection.
Would purposely not heal you after punishments, but would never leave permanent scars on you.
Would not try to break you, condition you to certain things, or permanently disfigure you. He prefers his human in ‘mint condition’.
Will occasionally gaslight you into thinking it’s your fault for his obsession.
Biggest downside is that he doesn’t get memes and doesn’t like them.
Would realize he wanted you for himself if he saw you becoming romantically interested in another.
MC… he loved you even if he claimed he didn’t. Why would you do this to him?
He’s hurt, but realizes eventually he has to stop sulking and take control of the situation.
He makes it painfully obvious that he’s been sneaking into your room at night, the greedy bastard can’t resist taking some of your belongings for himself!
He secretly hopes you notice.
He’ll find more and more reasons to keep you close to him, he would definitely let you off the hook for being disobedient unlike Lucifer and some of the others.
Chill most of the time, I bet his crows would really like you too. :)
The type of guy to take pictures of you while you sleep. 
Would realize he needed you the first time you defended him.
Everyone says he’d be a perverted freak.  I personally think they’re wrong.
He’s the type to try and lock himself away until these strange feelings for you go away…
And if they don’t…
Leviathan will turn to romance manga and anime to try and see what it is he should do.
Honestly, I think he’d have more respect for you than the others. He thinks everything about you is impressive.
If he realizes he’s acting like a yandere he’ll probably shut himself in his room again.
He’s so scared that you’ll find out he’s a ‘freak’ that he goes back to watching/reading romance manga/anime to try and copy the actions a normal protagonist would take.
If he gives up on trying to be normal and turns to darker content… well…
That’s when things could possibly become freaky.
He realizes that you belong to him when you tell him you think he’s more than his sin.
Probably goes to Asmodeus for advice at first. 
He’s been grooming you for quite a long time, earning your trust like a stray cat.
He wants to give you the perfect, domestic life.
He tries to make you fall in love naturally but seeing you around other people (especially Lucifer) makes his blood boil.
Another case of wanting things to stay the same.
He has an incredible amount of patience, both from years after years of attempting to repress his unexplainable amount of rage, and from the sweet delusion that one day you’ll love him too.
Unlike his dad, he’s okay with conditioning. He will do it slowly- like training an animal.
There’s a good chance that, like Leviathan, he’ll stay away from you. Not because he’s worried about what you think of him, no. It’s because he knows these urges will eventually get the better of him and that when they do terrible things will happen to you.
It’s complicated- you know he’s constantly partying and sleeping with other demons, yet when you do it he feels upset.
That’s sooo not fair to you, darling-! He’ll try not to let his jelousy get out of hand. He wants you to have fun too!
He starts to feel like you enjoy yourself more when you’re around others, he doesn’t like that.
He’s the glorious Asmodeus. You need to know that nobody will ever compare to him!
He’d take breaks from social media to start doing research on what you like.
His content and look will start changing based on whatever you’re into. 
Asmodeus doesn’t feel perfect anymore, not until you can see him as perfect in your eyes. 
Let’s be honest, the closer he becomes to your ideal man/whatever you prefer the harder it’s going to be to not fall for him. 
You’re going to fall for him.
Sorry gang, I really struggled trying to think about yandere Beel. He just… I just don’t know that much about him and he really doesn’t seem like the type? If someone wants it, I’ll come up with something. I have a few ideas.
You’re going to lose a limb or two. Or three- or just everything!
He’ll slowly fall for you, there won’t really be a pivotal moment that will make it click for him. Maybe he’d fall for you sooner if Beelzebub thinks you’re neat.
A small plus with Belphegor is sometimes he’ll overlook something you do he doesn’t like because he’s too tired to do something about it.
Will literally chug a fucking monster energy to do whatever without falling asleep if you really piss him off.
Actually kind of considerate, knows he sleeps a lot so he usually has a show on to entertain you. Once he woke up and apparently My Little Pony was playing and he said something about gay furry propaganda and went on a rant about why it makes him mad when people call him a furry for having a cow-print pillowcase.
Unlike Lucifer he fucking loves memes. Will snort if you show him a good one…
if you still have hands or access to a device.
This took me months.
I started it 3 months ago, forgot about it, and spent an hour trying to write the rest so I could have something mildly decent to post. I bet there are an unfathomable amount of grammatical errors that render this entire thing unreadable. 😭
W do I have so much anxiety that people will hate these when I post them? #FailingTheObeyMeFandom
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