#mood support
drishti24n · 1 month
Finding Peace and Quiet: My Experience with Quietum Plus Supplements
For as long as I can remember, I've been a troubled sleeper. The constant noise of city life, along with a racing mind, made it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Tossing and turning became a nightly ritual, leaving me exhausted and irritable the next day. I tried various sleep aids over the years, some with harsh side effects and little success. That's when I discovered Quietum Plus Supplements.
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A Natural Approach to Better Sleep:
Determined to find a natural solution to my sleep problems, I decided to research natural sleep remedies. After reading positive reviews about the benefits of its all-natural ingredients, I decided to give Quietum Plus Supplements a try. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the formula contains herbs like chamomile, lavender, and passionflower, all known for their calming properties.
Drifting Off to Sleep with Ease:
Since incorporating Quietum Plus Supplements into my nightly routine, I've noticed a significant improvement in my sleep quality. Falling asleep has become much easier. The calming blend of ingredients seems to quiet my mind and lull me into a peaceful state. No more counting sheep for hours!
A Deeper, More Restorative Sleep:
Not only do I fall asleep faster now, but I also seem to be experiencing a deeper, more restorative sleep. I wake up feeling refreshed and energised, instead of the usual grogginess I used to experience. This has had a positive impact on every aspect of my life. I have more focus and concentration throughout the day, and my mood has significantly improved.
Waking Up Without Side Effects:
One of the biggest concerns I had with traditional sleep aids was the potential for side effects. Many left me feeling drowsy or hungover the next day. Thankfully, Quietum Plus Supplements are completely natural and haven't caused me any unpleasant side effects. I wake up feeling alert and ready to tackle the day.
A Convenient Addition to My Bedtime Routine:
Quietum Plus Supplements come in easy-to- swallow capsules. I take two capsules about an hour before bedtime, and that's all it takes! The capsules are small and easy to take, making them a convenient addition to my bedtime routine.
Overall, I'm incredibly happy with the positive impact Quietum Plus Supplements have had on my sleep. If you're struggling with sleep problems like I was, I highly recommend giving them a try. These natural supplements have been a game-changer for my sleep quality and overall well-being. Remember, consult your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
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devid-lifestyle-blogs · 2 months
Pronervium: A Supplement That Sharpened My Focus and Improved My Wellbeing
I used the Pronervium supplement for a few months now, and I'm really impressed with the positive changes it's brought to my cognitive function and overall well-being.
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Enhanced Focus and Mental Clarity
One of the most noticeable benefits I experienced was a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. Throughout the day, I found myself less easily distracted and able to concentrate on tasks for extended periods. This was particularly helpful during work, where I often deal with complex information and tight deadlines. My ability to absorb and process information improved, leading to a better understanding of concepts and a sharper overall mental edge.
Increased Energy Levels and Reduced Fatigue
Prior to using Pronervium, I often battled afternoon slumps and felt drained by the end of the workday. However, the supplement provided a sustained boost in energy levels, allowing me to stay productive and engaged throughout the day. This newfound energy wasn't jittery or artificial; instead, it felt natural and long-lasting. I also noticed a reduction in fatigue, allowing me to enjoy my evenings with more vigour.
Improved Mood and Overall Well-being
Beyond the cognitive benefits, I also experienced a positive shift in my mood while taking Pronervium. I felt more optimistic and generally had a more positive outlook on the day. This could be attributed to the improved focus and energy levels, but it also felt like the supplement had a subtle mood-boosting effect. Additionally, I believe the natural ingredients in Pronervium contributed to a greater sense of overall well-being.
Final Thoughts: A Recommendable Supplement for Cognitive Enhancement
Overall, I highly recommend Pronervium to anyone seeking to enhance their cognitive function, boost their energy levels, and improve their overall well-being. The natural ingredients and noticeable positive effects make it a worthwhile addition to my daily routine.
It's important to note that everyone's experience may differ, and it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. However, based on my personal experience, I believe Pronervium is a valuable tool for anyone seeking to optimize their mental performance and well-being.
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sinnamonrollcat · 4 months
My fav jjk duo moment
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innovamush · 5 months
Nurturing the Body and Soul
For detailed Information visit the Innova Mush Website: https://innovamush.com
As we wrap up our exploration into the holistic health benefits of mushrooms, it's clear that these natural wonders are more than just a culinary delight. They are a powerful ally in our quest for overall wellness, bridging ancient wisdom with modern science to offer us a comprehensive approach to health that nourishes our bodies, minds, and souls. From boosting our immune systems to enhancing cognitive function and emotional well-being, mushrooms hold the key to unlocking a more balanced, healthy, and harmonious life. Let's embrace the gifts of nature and incorporate mushrooms into our daily routines, exploring the myriad ways they can enhance our health and transform our lives.
#HolisticHealth #MushroomsForWellness #ImmuneBoost #AntiInflammatory #GutHealth #Adaptogens #BrainHealth #StressRelief #MoodBooster #NaturalSupplements
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lifewaykefir · 6 months
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Foods that Make You Feel Good, Plus a Pomegranate Rose Smoothie
What we choose to eat and what we choose not to eat directly affect the way we feel both physically and mentally. Food choices are connected to the health of our mood and overall outlook on things due to how our gut microbes either benefit or suffer from the dietary choices we make, a connection known as the gut-brain axis. For example, the probiotics in fermented foods, such as kefir, are increasingly showing that they are vital for optimal mood support by supporting a healthy microbiome. Other foods provide important nutrients to feed the gut and brain which contribute to […]
Read more: https://lifewaykefir.com/foods-that-make-you-feel-good/
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suicidal people deserve a space to talk about their suicidal feelings without risking hospitalization/institutionalization or being accused of being manipulative or attention seeking
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aubryjoi · 2 months
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Battle cat stickers 🐱🔪
Coming to my shop for a limited time on 4/27! ⭐️
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dead-core · 5 months
i know people love me but i am a black hole and it's just not enough. hope this helps!
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a-random-daydreamer · 1 month
What BPD feels like for me
BPD can be a different experience for everyone but I figured I would share a bit of what it’s like for me.
It feels like a constant battle
A battle between my two selves. The rational side and the irrational side. The “good” brain and the “bad” brain as I call them. Being someone who is very self aware, it can complicate things a bit. I know when I’m doing something or feeling something that is irrational, however I can’t stop it. It’s like a part of me takes over and I can’t control it.
It feels as though I’m under constant attack
For me, it always feels as though someone or something is out to get me. My brain is constantly whispering things like “they hate you”, “they only did that to upset you”, “they’re going to betray you”. It always feels like something bad will happen. This leads to much anxiety, anger, and emotional pain.
It feels like I have no identity
I have no clue who I am. This is something I am working on in therapy but it is very difficult. My interests are always shifting and it is hard to recognize myself in photos and my memories. It feels like I am a shell of who I was. Everyday, I feel I have a new calling and purpose and then the next day it’s gone.
It feels like I’m banging on a sound proof window
I keep banging, hoping someone will notice, but everyone just passes by. There are people around but no one seems to see how much I’m struggling. Without physical signs, no one seems to care either. I feel trapped in my mind and I just want out.
It feels like the end of the world
A minor inconvenience to you feels like the end of the world to me. Sadness feels like I’m dying, anger feels like rage, distance feels like abandonment, and pain is always turned into suffering.
I’m curious if anyone has similar experiences or different experiences! I’d love to hear it all :)
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will-pilled · 10 months
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neuroticboyfriend · 3 months
After seeing this Mental Health Pain Scale a while ago, I realized that it doesn't really work well for people whose mental wellness changes frequently (ex: people with BPD or C-PTSD, addicts), and very extremely. So, I made some tweaks for myself, and hopefully it can help others:
Here's a version with a table :) Emotional Distress Scale
0 - I feel great! This is the best I’ve felt in a long time!
1 - I’m feeling really good! There’s no distress to address.
2 - I’m feeling good. If I start feeling bothered, I can be easily distracted or cheered up.
3 - I’m okay, but there are some things bothering me. I can easily cope with them, though.
4  - I could be better. There are a few things distressing me right now. It’s not exactly easy to deal with, but I still have the skills to get through it.
5 - I’m not okay. It’s getting harder to do the things I want to do, but I can do them. My coping skills aren’t working as well anymore, but enough of them work to get me through the day. I need some support.
6 - I’m feeling bad, and it’s very hard to do the things I need or want to do. Most of my coping skills aren’t effective right now, and it’s taking a lot of energy to stay stable. I need help.
7 - I’m feeling awful. It’s hard to focus on anything but my emotions, and/or I’m avoiding things that distress me. I can’t do much but try to take care of myself, which is already hard in itself. I’m running low on, or have run out of, effective coping skills. I need a lot of help right now.
8 - I’m feeling awful, and I can’t escape it anymore. How I feel is affecting every part of my day, and I’m reaching the point where I can’t function. It’s hard to sleep, eat, socialize, etc. I need help before I can’t handle anything.
9 - This is approaching the worst I could feel. I can’t function anymore. My emotions have totally consumed me. I may be a danger to myself or others, or I may be neglecting myself. I need urgent help.
10 - This is the worst I’ve felt ever/since [last time]. I can’t care for myself at all. My emotions are so intense, I’m at imminent risk of dangerously acting on them. I need crisis support immediately.
11 - I have acted on my emotions and hurt myself or someone else. Everything else in my life is impossible to comprehend. I need medical care and/or crisis support immediately.
Note that this doesn't really work well if your positive states end up being unhealthy (ex: mania, idealization, etc.), so it's geared towards negative emotions. This is also meant to be about how you feel NOW. The other scale works best for viewing your overall state.
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borderline personality disorder is known for making it hard for people to manage their emotional reactions. most of us with bpd were punished or shamed as a child for being emotional. our feelings & thoughts were never valid & we never learned how to control our emotions. since we never know what emotions or reactions are correct, we just end up with too much all at once & boil over. we were never able to understand if our feelings were correct in certain situations, which makes things much, MUCH harder.
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folklorespring · 15 hours
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And don't forget this diva in Kyiv subway during air raid
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arkiwii · 8 months
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i was supposed to draw something sad but my hands slipped, so oops?
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SEE You on the Tok
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