#my life is definitely gonna be full of regrets because of this game but
lunartrashbin · 2 years
Main Team ft Leonidas and Mercury
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probably a lil late but i still wanted to post this since I’m not sure if I’ll have the heart to finish it
been playing since the p5 event (which is funny because i never played it but i always play games that have events w/ it) and summer Norwin has been my main since day 1 :,,)
also had a few team member swaps here and there but the most left 4 have been my main team for 2 years, honorable mentions of Mercury whenever i needed a water unit and Leonidas who I built last minute as in the 28th of this month just to beat Xenos (which i couldn’t)
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
Trailer park Steve AU pt 56
part 1 | part 55 | ao3
"Steve, honey," Claudia calls from the living room, where he can hear her shuffling around to get her things ready for work — the rustle of a jacket, the clink of keys against her thermos. "Do you need anything before you go?"
"I'm fine, Ma!" Steve answers.
And he is. He is fine. It’s been three weeks, and Steve is fine! He has a date tonight with a girl he doesn’t care about, and he's gonna cheer on Lucas at the championship game, and the other day at work he got a fifty cent per hour raise. And sure, his nightmares are worse than ever and his head aches all the time, and he’s had some weirdly persistent sinus infection or some shit going on, but he only teared up once this week while jerking off to thoughts of Eddie, so.
All in all, not bad.
He shoves a plain bagel in his mouth and rushes to leave the house; passes Claudia on the way out, who's now rapping her knuckles impatiently against Dustin’s door and asking, “Dusty, what’s going on in there? You’re gonna be late!" to which Dustin replies with a panicked shriek: “DON’T COME IN, I’M NAKED!”
Jesus Christ. "Deafen my other ear, why don't you?" Steve mutters under his breath.
He throws Ma a parting wave and heads out to pick up Robin so he can take her to school before his shift starts. She looks nicer than usual, and she won’t stop reapplying her mascara, and by the time Object of My Desire starts playing on the radio Steve is practically begging her to just suck it up and end this will-they-won’t-they thing with Vickie because it’s been months of obvious flirting and Robin still won’t make a move.
“I listen to you, and now look at me!” he argues, as if the handful of pointless dates he’s used to distract himself from Eddie are anything to look at. “Boom. Back in business.“
“Mm,” she objects, a little ‘you’re so full of shit’ frown on her face. “Not the same thing.”
Don’t say it, you bitch, don’t even—
“You ask out a girl and she says no…”
Oh, thank fuck. Steve sags in relief and licks the corner of his mouth as he listens to her rant, grateful that she’s just working the small town homophobia angle and very graciously not pointing out how half-hearted and sad his attempts to move on with his life have been. It’s a small mercy he repays by rambling about girls and boobies and girls who definitely like boobies until she scowls so hard at him that she smudges her mascara and has to apply another coat.
Dustin calls the store some time around lunch. Asks if Steve wants to sub in for Lucas at tonight’s Hellfire campaign, which, first of all, fuck you — he’s been helping Lucas practice for months now, he’s not about to miss this game — and secondly:
“What, to hang out with you and Eddie the Freak Munson?” he asks, idly playing with a slinky. “Uh, yeah. I’ll pass.”
"You can’t just call him names because you’re pissed at him! That’s not cool!”
Steve rolls his eyes and tugs the slinky so hard it flops off the counter’s edge.
“Look,” Dustin says, his voice dipping into that low and slow and trustworthy thing that makes Steve want to snap the kid’s non-existent collarbones. “I know you won’t tell me what happened, but whatever it was, he’s sorry, okay? He’s really, really sorry. And he asks me about you, like, every day; if I didn’t know any better I’d swear he was in love with you or something.” Steve chokes on his own spit, and Dustin just keeps going; steps right over Steve’s corpse to continue his impassioned plea. “Besides, friends forgive each other! Right, Steve?”
Goddammit. Steve really regrets saying those exact words in that exact order the last time Lucas and Dustin had a fight. “Man, you can’t just use my own brotherly advice against me.”
“I can, and I will.” Wow. What a little shit. “Seriously, dude, come on! How many times do I have to pass on his apology messages before you just talk to him?”
How many times? How many times?
Steve doesn’t know.
He just knows he’s not ready; knows that as soon as he talks to Eddie, it’ll make it all real. It’ll be over for good. Whatever words they exchange next will get etched into the headstone of the thing they briefly had. He opens his mouth to say something, to try and make sense of the vortex in his head, but all he gets for the effort is a fresh migraine coming on.
He’s saved from answering by the doorbell’s chime. “I got some customers,” he says over Dustin's squawk of protest. “Gotta call you back, bye.”
part 57
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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dmwrites · 1 year
Mumbo and Grian were out for a stroll in the shopping district- Mumbo to check on his button, Grian to feed The Entity. It was a nice day out, with hermits flying overhead like little birds. Grian was sulking about Mumbo’s newly installed button game.
“It’s just… I’m your best friend! No crown is gonna make you stop being best friends with me… right?”
“I don’t know, G.” Mumbo mused, smoothing his sideburns (it was the weekend, he had his weekend biker skin on). “I mean, saving the button when it’s on purple… that’s basically like coming by my vault, showering me in diamonds, hopping on my hog, and riding off into the sunset with me. Romantically.”
“I can do- wait, did you say romantically?”
Mumbo was spared from answering that in the form of a small, copper-colored thing standing in front of the button.
“What is that… like a piece of trash or something?” Mumbo asked, squinting at it as they got closer.
“Oi! Who’re you calling trash, boi?”
Mumbo and Grian screamed as the small coppery being turned to look at them.
“It talks!” Mumbo gasped.
“It’s… Pearl?” Grian squatted down, only to get kicked in the knee. “Ouch! Yeah, that’s definitely Pearl.”
“Pearl? What on earth happened to you?” Mumbo asked, squatting down too to look at the tiny being. Pearl didn’t look like her normal, trash lady self. She was tiny, for starters, about the size of an allay. Her skin was a bright coppery color, with a shine that indicated that she was actually made of the metal. She also had a very tiny, and very cute, antenna coming out of the side of her head.
“Oh, all this?” Pearl looked at herself. “Yeah, so I’m in this other smp- called New Life- and I’m a copper gollum over there and I think the codes got all messed up when I came back to Hermitcraft. So, I suppose I’m just all coppery for a while, until I get someone with admin powers to sort it out.”
“Wait… I’ve only heard of these things in long-forgotten texts…” Mumbo rummaged in his pockets and put a stone button down on the floor. “Do you-”
Grian and Pearl pushed the button at the same time. One bit of redstone dust plopped out and landed in Pearl’s inventory.
“WHAT?” Grian shrieked.
“Grian!” Mumbo chastised. “That wasn’t for you. Goodness sakes, you two really are siblings.”
“I can’t help it, I have to push buttons, Mumbo!” Grian cried.
“Same!” Pearl said happily, pressing the button over and over. “But I’m better then G because I get redstone with every button I press.”
“Like, redstone just… appears?” Mumbo asked hesitantly.
“Correct!” Pearl was fighting off Grian, as they were both trying to push the button now.
Mumbo turned to Grian, his eyes full of wonder. “Can we keep her?”
“Keep her? She’s not a pet, Mumbo.” Grian said with a laugh. “Or a redstone producing machine, before you try to argue that angle.”
“Keep me?” Pearl sounded quite offended, which was fair. “Keep this, fucker!” She tore the button off of Mumbo’s Button game, and took off, and hid amongst the tall grass for hours before giving the button back. Many hermits had near-heart attacks in the meantime, seeing the button gone, although Pearl would go on to say that she didn’t regret her actions, and in fact would do it again if provoked.
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kingkunigami · 2 years
I'm not sure if this counts as a thirst but I'm obsessed with fighting and making up as a trope, especially with characters that might have trouble apologizing—I think Barou + Raichi immediately come to mind?
I love thinking about other characters in that trope as well [like how Bachira (my fave) or Shidou might react differently], but I'm currently mulling over Barou and Raichi specifically.
imo, Barou would be more stubborn with thinking that he's right, whereas Raichi would have a faster period of extreme reactivity that immediately melts into guilt or regret once you two part ways post-argument.
It would take a little more to push either of them to reach out and apologize first (though I think if you were the first to reestablish communication, they'd both try to show that they were sorry through actions). Maybe having you go radio silent for a couple more hours might do it.
I think Barou would struggle with words, so he might default to "acts of service" type behavior, perhaps trying to fuss over you the next time he sees you.
I can imagine that Raichi would eventually attempt to apologize verbally, he would just be shit at it—but you can feel the sincerity behind his jumbled words, and that's what really matters.
Disclaimer, I think I have a problem where I project a level of idiocy onto every character I like... lol. They're always slightly more moronic or pathetic in my head than I think they are in canon.
That said, I think Raichi might cry a little if you stay mad at him even after he tries to apologize. Just a couple angry tears, and he begins to try and write a draft for a better apology so that you'll be happy with him again.
Ahhh I definitely agree with you! (And I love my men pathetic just for you too!)
Barou — I think pride gets in the way a lot when it comes to apologising, so a lot of the time Barou is stubborn enough to stay silent until you extend the olive branch. I think deep down he knows it too, knows he doesn’t have to worry because even if he’s really pissed you off, you’ll be back in his arms soon enough. That isn’t to say he doesn’t have his way of apologising— he holds you a little tighter, presses a kiss to your temple as you cuddle together. No words need to be exchanged but you can feel the warmth radiating from him and the tension slowly leaving his body that tells you he’s happy to have you back on side. Gives those long, lingering, sloppy kisses after like you haven’t kissed in months.
Raichi — I feel like at first Raichi is combative and stubborn. He can easily go a couple of days without talking to you, he’ll just surround himself with football. But that’s not to say he isn’t reading over your old texts each night and looking at selfies you have together. It’s what prompts him to make contact— he’s got absolutely no shame in going up to you or texting you “are you gonna apologise/are you gonna talk to me?” And it seems rude and distasteful, but it really is his way of saying I miss you. If you tell him no or ignore the texts he just becomes more agitated, enough to swallow his pride as he decides to apologise in a mumbled tone that’s full of sincerity. Like you can just feel how sorry he is through his eyes, and the way his head hangs low, a hand on the back of his neck. You can see the sniffle threatening to break through as he fights to hold back tears— Just accept it and give the poor boy a kiss, he misses you.
Bachira — breaks easy. He doesn’t do those psychological warfare games, and he’ll quickly beat himself up about the argument especially if you���re ignoring him. The poor boy doesn’t want to be alone, so even if the fight was his fault he’s doing the “are you mad at me?🥺” thing, and of course you are. But he’s quick to apologise and it’s always sincere. He hates being without you for too long, and would rather extend the olive branch to have you back on side because his worst fear is losing you. You’re instantly scooped into his arms as he clings to you like his life depended on it, smothering you in kisses.
Shidou — And you mentioned Shidou! I feel like he would deliberately try to wind you up even more, a coy smirk on his face as he makes whatever the argument was about worse, just because he likes how pretty you look when you’re angry. “Aw, come on, babe. You know I was just jokin’—” but it’s his tone that has you seething as you contemplate blocking his number. But he’s quick to reign you back in when he can sense you growing cold, weaving his forearm around your neck as he pulls you against his chest, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he cages you in with his arms. Even if you try to struggle he’s like “Sorry, baby. You know I am, right?” And you hate it, because he makes it so hard to be mad at him when he looks down at you with his pretty eyes and gives a smile reserved just for you.
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aylaaescar · 3 months
Tysinno, please! I love him and want to know more about him!
nd I'm always happy to talk about him! :') thank you, Kris! he's my best guy <3
01. Full name:
Tysinno Maratis. if he has a middle name, idk what it is... or if people in Maj had middle names? maybe next Q&A I'll ask that one.
02. Best friend:
this one is kind of a tie between Tallys, Shery, Briony, and Mimir. :D back in his circle days, it was Red. they're still friendly now, but their relationship is a lot more awkward than it was when they were teenagers. (it'll get better, though.)
03. Sexuality:
biromantic and demisexual. I was wondering if he's demiromantic as well, but I think not, given how quickly he got a crush on Ayla.
04. Favorite color:
I'm thinking a really dark navy blue? like:
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05. Relationship status:
as of right this moment in-game, he's single. he's absolutely fallen for Ayla, though, and I'm eagerly awaiting when they can become an official couple. :')
06. Ideal mate:
someone who isn't afraid of harsh truths when necessary, and is able to pull him out of his own head. someone with a good heart, and a sense of justice. someone he can talk to about travel and art and literature and know they'll be listening. :)
07. Turn-ons:
kind of N/A for most of his life, tbh, given that he's demisexual, but I guess it's worth noting that seeing Ayla in the sheer outfit she wore for the Lockwood dinner is where I realized he is demi and not ace, so... 🤣 I'm gonna say muscles definitely do things for him.
08. Favorite food:
you know, I'm not entirely sure. I think that as of right now, I'd go with the Blest equivalent of spiced chickpea stew, with coconut and turmeric. Tysinno doesn't eat a lot of meat, and enjoys things that are both hearty and have some spice.
09. Crushes:
Ayla <3 he started crushing on her pretty quickly. probably while they were still in Capra after Quiial, tbh. he had a (mutual) crush on Red back in their circle days, but it never went anywhere, and there was some brief attraction to Tallys and Chase that fizzled out in favor of friendship.
10. Favorite music:
I have no idea how I'd answer this for Blest, since idk what music styles exist, but in terms of a modern AU, he'd definitely lean towards gothic, dark rock and metal. he'd be very fond of O. Children's sound, and special mention to The Cure and Guns n Roses (obligatory shout-out, since I named his undercover name and call sign after those bands lol)
11. Biggest fear:
being responsible for the deaths of all his loved ones. oh, wait.
honestly, anything like Maj happening again. he's been avoiding groups and connections for years because he's convinced he's bad luck - it's kind of why he left the Circle without so much as a goodbye after graduation.
if you want a silly fear, I feel like clowns used to creep him out until he befriended Chandry, lol.
12. Biggest fantasy:
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just kidding (or am I...). I think that his biggest "man, I wish this was my life" fantasy is being a traveling artist. going all over the continent, able to make a living off his art, seeing all the sights and exploring different cultures and having a home to come back to. also, having a cat. or several. he's not picky.
Ayla, of course, also features in his fantasies a lot more lately. :)
13. Bad habits:
he bites his nails. he knows he shouldn't, but he really can't help himself when he's stressed. it gets kind of gross, and it's the one nervous habit he's retained from childhood and hasn't been able to kick.
14. Biggest regret:
well, there is Maj. :') Tysinno also regrets leaving the Circle without a goodbye, the more the story goes along. he left because of his fears of a repeat of Maj, but as time passes, he just wishes that he hadn't been so afraid. he doesn't know what life would've been like if he hadn't left.
15. Best kept secrets:
the Words of Power and the incident at Maj are probably the biggest two he's kept, so far. Tysinno also keeps his art to himself, but I wouldn't call it his best kept secret by any means.
16. Last thought:
"Gods, if I catch those recruits ignore Shery again, I'm making them run laps around Haven itself."
17. Worst romantic experience:
technically speaking, Tysinno's never actually been in a romantic relationship prior to Ayla. but he and Red had a mutual crush on each other in the Circle back as teenagers, which was never acted on. they didn't want to ruin their friendship, for one, and Tysinno just... wasn't ready for a relationship, yet. he left the Circle because he was terrified of something happening to another group of people he cared about, and telling Red that he had feelings for him just wasn't something he was ready for then. obviously that ship has sailed by the time SHOH rolls around, but I'd say that's the worst (and only) thing so far?
that, or the mutual crush on Zori when they were kids. poor Zori.
18. Biggest insecurity:
I've mentioned already that he thinks he's bad luck for people, and it remains true. it gets better over time, but it's still very much there. he tends to second-guess his decisions, does that count as an insecurity?
more minor ones: his prominent eye bags, and how bad his nails can look if he's been chewing on them. this is why he wears goggles and brings around a pair of gloves, just in case.
19. Weapon of choice:
healer with a gun! he's no Tallys or Trouble by any means, but his aim isn't half bad. I think he favors magic more often in a fight, though.
20. Role Model:
he looked up to his mother, Hecathe, a lot when he was a kid. I think he also sees Tallys as a role model in some areas, but not enough to really qualify her as one in general?
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kitsaystransrights · 9 months
Okay I’m starting a new series on here called “I just finished this game” where I gush about a game I just finished.
Anyway, if you’re a fan of musicals, visual novels, or Greek mythology, you NEED to play Stray Gods.
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If you haven’t heard of it before, Stray Gods is a visual novel with branching story routes, but it has the twist of also being a musical! Many of the game’s major choices take place in the songs themselves, and the songs will actually changed based on your decisions! Each song has numerous different permutations based on around 3-5 choices in each one. I recommend checking out Challenging a Queen, one of the early game songs that’s relatively light on spoilers, to see how some of the choices really add some spice to the game and weave through the songs.
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The game’s story just follows Grace, a 20-something girl who witnesses the death of Calliope, the Last Muse, and to make matters worse, she has inherited her powers and role. The Chorus, leaders of the remaining Greek gods (known as Idols), give Grace one week to prove her innocence before she is executed, and the line of Calliope is gone forever.
Accompanying her on this journey are a variety of gods, monsters, and her mortal (strictly platonic… strictly) roommate, Freddie. The cast of Stray Gods is easily its best aspect, full of lovable and complex characters, leaving you laughing a lot, sobbing sometimes, and sometimes not knowing who to trust. And when it’s backed up by a fantastic voice cast, and nearly every character getting their own song if not multiple, I’d be astounded if you managed to get through the game without getting attached to SOMEONE lol.
(For the record, my favorite characters are Freddie, Persephone, and Aphrodite hehe)
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And of course, what’s a musical without its music? The soundtrack of Stray Gods is absolutely incredible, even beyond the incredible amount of work and dedication it took to integrate so many variations of all the songs in the game. Lots of variety with the genre, sometimes even changing in the middle of a song! If I haaad to pick a few favorites, I suppose it’d be The Ritual, Look Into Me, and If Only. I’m a sucker for the emotional songs, but Look Into Me is suuuuuch a banger, it feels so threatening and I LOVE it.
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OKAY now I’m gonna gush about my favorite parts of the story and get all spoilery so if you don’t want to be spoiled, DON’T KEEP READING! Go play the game yourself! Iirc it’s on all current platforms. Enjoy :)
So HOLY SHIT APHRODITE’S SONG HIT ME LIKE A BRICK??? I love the moral dilemma her whole cycle of rebirth puts you in, deciding whether to honor her wishes and let her die again or to convince her to find peace in life rather than trying to forget. I tried SO HARD to save her without forcing her and she ended up passing on anyways.
Persephone’s character is also SOOOO well done here, the reinterpretation of her story where she kills Hades is a fantastic direction to take her character. She ended up being my main investigative partner for the game and I did NOT regret it. I almost ended up romancing her, and I definitely will on my next playthrough, but I didn’t this time because of…
Freddie!!! Freddie absolutely rules and is my favorite character in the whole game. Mortal Greek mythology nerd who is super gay and wears a cool hat, how could I NOT love her??? My heart was completely torn to shreds when she died, and even though I knew she had to be able to come back somehow because you could romance her, the fury it raised in me made me blaze through the last four hours of the game and finish it in one sitting XD.
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And JEEZ the way they let you bring her back is so well done. It’s not outright good or bad, it’s complex! Freddie and Grace are both traumatized by her death and resurrection, and the fact that you went against Freddie’s wishes and passed the line of Calliope onto her just makes it even more interesting from a storytelling perspective. It’s part of what makes If Only one of my favorite songs in the game. And of course, I’m a sucker for stories of unrequited love like Freddie’s is for Grace and now I’m gonna feel so guilty romancing anyone else 😭. Freddie is so relatable istg.
Anyways uuuuuh that’s all I have to say, maybe I’ll do a full review on my YouTube? Thanks for checking this post out tho! Okay bye :)
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alyjojo · 7 months
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Thinking of You - March 🥺 2024 - Gemini
Whole of their energy towards Gemini: 3 Wands rev
Feelings: King of Pentacles
Intentions: 5 Swords
Actions: Page of Wands
Do you owe someone money? Robbery is the Oracle that came out for them, and they’re waiting on you for something, have been for some time. This person feels robbed of *something* where you’re concerned, definitely money for someone. They could also be waiting for karma to “bite your ass”, this person is bitter where you’re concerned. If they haven’t gotten that satisfaction, that would describe the Robbery, though idk how they would know or not. They feel pressured to be nice to you, like it’s not something they would ordinarily do, could be a family member or a forced interaction or some kind, maybe work.
King of Pentacles clarified by 3 Pentacles, definitely work for some of you. Could be an ex spouse or someone you’re supposed to pay child support to (do you though?). It’s like they have to interact with you, have to get along, but they feel like they know some deeper truth about you - and that is they you’re full of shit. Like they *know* you have money but you act like you don’t, that’s the example I’m getting.
Their intentions are not great. They intend to be a total dick to you, 5 Swords, King of Swords, The Devil, 4 Cups. Yeesh 👀 If they consider you to be involved with toxic things - and this has an effect on their life, they could be intending to call you out on this and hold you accountable. They don’t want to mince their words either. It’s like they think you’re toxic and don’t even care to do anything about it so they’re *morally obligated* to, especially if you work with this person 💯 They want to knock you down a peg, because they feel that’s the fair or honest thing to do. If this is a boss, they’re going to discipline you. If you’re the boss, they’re going to fight back, I’m seeing withheld money on a paycheck, dodging child support, addictive tendencies that are somehow involved with this person or your “duty?” to them. Heard it as duty, not even a relationship. Like you owe them. You might. In action, heated messages and competition, arguments, drama, they’re going to do what they intend to do…maybe not as cruel. Or those cards already came out and just can’t come out twice, they won’t mince words, this isn’t a person with a filter, that keeps being said. If you’re dodging something you owe, they’re definitely gonna come after you, that’s the biggest vibe I get from this whole reading.
Their side:
- Living My Life
- Blaming You 💯
Your side:
- Makes you laugh 😂
- Combined Families
Possible signs:
Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius, Capricorn & Virgo
If you’re dealing with:
The Star shows healing in some of your relationships, and others you know have a deeper meaning or lesson attached to them, and you’re seeing that now. Soul ties, karmics, maybe a Twin for some, things have gone sideways and you’ve bounced back with faith and optimism for how things go from here, you’re not staying stuck to this person or anything unless it’s what you’re supposed to do. If it is, you have faith it’ll work out.
Aries - “not done with you”, but you’ve blocked them? Feels blocked from you in some way. Also feels angry, could be why.
Taurus - not engaging in your “reindeer games”, what a weird term…sees you as a manipulator and they’re not interested
Gemini - telling you a secret or you are, or you’re finding out about one regardless
Cancer - doesn’t understand why you don’t talk to them anymore - or switch it
Leo - could be a one night stand, or there’s a happy occasion and then it goes nowhere
Virgo - asserting themselves and their position on things, they know they’re right about it
Libra - feels they have all of the information they need to start over with you and that it will be a big success, could have something to celebrate together or just them either way
Scorpio - they regret waiting so long to start over or to get together and have fun with you
Sagittarius - pleasantly nostalgic, over the pain of the past & remembers the good stuff
Capricorn - healing from what you said to them, but thinks you’re an asshole - or switch it
Aquarius - doesn’t care about a decision or what you think about it rather, they’re doing it regardless
Pisces - could be tied up in addictions or fkboy/girl behavior that’s hurt this connection - either side
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laurelindebear · 7 months
BG3 update: spent the whole weekend waffling about whether to romance Halsin (aka my last chance since I messed up.) Went for it, then reloaded and said no (which took a minute because it's bugged, so if I expressed interest but then declined after the poly questions it still thought I said yes and ran the sex scene and romance dialogues anyway.) I decided my bard was just gonna pine for Dammon. (Cut for spoilies):
Halsin's a good guy and all, but his interest and definitions of what he wants seemed kind of all over the place to me. In one breath he seems to indicate that he feels differently about you than most people, even other sexual partners ('my heart does not stir lightly; it does now') and in the next he chides you for even enquiring about your 'relationship' because he doesn't like the word. Bro, we had a 'relationship' even when that was 'acquaintances because I broke you out of goblin prison'. We can be FWB or we can be partners in an open relationship and either is fine, but like...which is it?
Now I've gotten a fair bit past that point and I'm kind of regretting it again. Dammon is barely a character (he's nice, sure, but we don't see enough of him to see flaws like we do in the companions.) Halsin's dialogues can be a bit...full of naturalistic fallacy and I think I'm too ace/insecure/messed up to be enthusiastic about his preferences, but...he's there, he's a perfectly good slab of man, idk.
I don't necessarily see my bard as hellbent on world travel any more than I see her as promiscuous like the stereotype, so I could see her happy enough to settle in Reithwin and help rebuild, entertain at the tavern, tell stories to the orphan kids, do some alchemy, whatever. If that's an option with the later patches (vs Halsin just leaving and de facto ending the not-relationship with no opportunity to say 'I'll come along'), maybe that would be good. I love romances in games so I'm disappointed I've missed out here. Maybe it's the age thing? I'm half-elf, so he's already lived longer than my Tav will at all.
But part of me thinks it's cute to imagine Tav as a skilled performer (and incredibly persuasive individual) who is painfully awkward in her personal life. Everyone in camp knows she has a crush on Dammon but she's convinced he fancies Karlach and won't make a move. Plus, she's pretty preoccupied with the whole 'saving the world' thing. Maybe Lae'zel even tries to give her The Talk because she thinks she doesn't know. But if the world doesn't end, and she doesn't turn into a mindflayer, or die, and she joins Alfira's bard college and sticks around Baldur's Gate...
Oh blerg idk I'm stupid and in my head about everything and ruining my own ability to finish a damn game, quelle surprise. I should have just married Wyll, or talked to Karlach at the party.
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TLOU HBO Series Episode 3 fucked me up
I cannot deal with the pent up energy I get after watching these damn episodes so I'm just going to word vomit my every single thought about episode 3 in this post.
Again, SPOILERS, if you're still reading at this point that is entirely on you, my guy.
Let me start by saying how proud I am of Ellie for reminding Joel that he is an adult who made a choice to deliver her to the Fireflies and will not tolerate any resentment he decides to project onto her over Tess' death. Way to set those boundaries babe. Joel simply nodding like yah okay fair also made me proud considering how emotionally crippled that dude is.
Joel has one burn and one burn only and he's going to use the hell out of it. What a Dad.
THANK YOU to the writers for fucking addressing the uterus owner problems of living in a post apocalyptic world. Tampons would indeed be like finding gold. What the fuck do people do just free bleed? God dammit it gives me so much anxiety just thinking about it.
Ellie waving the tampon box shamelessly in Joel's face like be lucky you don't have this problem you privileged bastard.
Okay cool so flour or sugar caused the outbreak, I would have been infected immediately because I love carbs.
All the dead bodies that FEDRA killed, but particularly the dead mom and baby... brutal.
Oh god, BILL YOU BEAUTIFUL AWKARD BASTARD I LOVE YOU. The pure joy I felt watching him in his element after everyone left. Throwing everything in his cart at Home Depot like it was the best god damn day of his life. Yeah he was definitely a conspiracy theorist/doomsday prepper but the guy clearly WANTED the world to end so he could enjoy his life of solitude. We love that for him.
OH MY GOD THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. THEY SAID SCREW SUBTLY WE'RE JUST GONNA GIVE YOU THE FULL GAY EXPERIENCE. I can't even form words about this... I just am so happy we got to see the tender side of Bill that most of us knew was laying dormant in him the whole time. He got to enjoy a wonderful life with the person he loves and he didn't regret a thing. I honestly prefer this storyline over the miserable fuck from the game who was too stubborn to just let himself be happy and in love. What a win for the queers. Particularly the old queers. 🏳️‍🌈
I FELT their first kiss. The emotion behind it. The relief of being intimate with someone after being alone or not touching anyone for years. Unreal.
Bill is canonically a bottom and I am living for it.
"the government ARE all Nazis!!!" 😂
I love how GAY Frank is. Iconic
That pure blissful moment with the strawberries 🥹
The way Frank just brings Bill out of his shell and shows him how to love and why it's important to love and SHARE that love outside of the two of them. To take risks. I love them.
TESS IS SO HOT. I was so excited to see her again.
Joel and Bill are besties, fight me.
UGH I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO MAKE ME SOB AND IT DID. The way the writers chose to end their beautiful lives together by coming full circle. I couldn't imagine a more peaceful way to go in a world like that.
"you were my purpose" fucking killed me.
I loved this storyline. I loved that the episode stood strong on its own as they all have so far. I could have watched 4 more hours of just Bill and Frank living their happy little lives together.
The fucking note at the end. Bill calling Joel out for loving Tess even with his emotional limitations. Sharing his lessons about caring for someone rather than the "caring about people will get you killed" garbage from the game. Loving people is the whole fucking point of being alive and I'm so so so happy Bill got to learn that.
The way Joel went outside and tried not to fall apart... he cared about Bill. He wasn't just some guy he traded with. On some surface level he was the closest thing to family. Tess was family. He experienced back to back, devastating, losses and watching him try to hold it together... man that almost broke me as much as the Bill and Frank storyline.
"Dude, there's a wall of them" - I just fucking love her.
Way to take that gun Ellie, you deserve to feel safe. Proud of you kiddo.
THE UNADULTERATED JOY in Ellie's face as she gets in a working vehicle for the first time. Man it would feel like a space ship. Her amusement of every little button, compartments, the visor... what a pleasure to watch.
Joel hates Chevy vehicles LOL
He put her seatbelt on for her. 🥹
Ellie shitting on Joel's taste in music. Classic.
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robo-nya · 13 days
HA HAHA I’m home from work and I still feel like shit!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK CAN I CHILL AT ALL
I feel like I should be doing something better with my time. Rather than playing video games and smoking. But also I don’t even wanna be alive so whatever distracts the pain of living I guess.
Last night I thought to myself “am I imagining I’m taking my meds?” Because I’m in such a horrible mental state since spring. Summer flew me by in my misery and I’m nearly 25 now. I have wasted a quarter of my life being a failure and constant source of stress for other people. I am considered a full adult around this age but I definitely don’t feel like one still. I keep fucking up and hurting myself and getting obsessed with childish things. Now more than ever I am regretting how I spent my teen years. There was good parts about it but I keep thinking back to sitting there in misery, unable to function because of my OCD and gender dysphoria. I lost so much time and watching others succeed at life hurts me. I could have made it further but it seems I’m way farther back than I thought. I really have nothing to offer this world. I am a parasite. I should be shot. I am declining rapidly and I feel hopeless.
Now that I know intense therapy will never help heal me, it hurts even more. I did so much self work to become a drag on everyone even more. I can’t even properly buy my hormones because I have to pay for a stupid fucking apartment and bills and groceries and transportation and and and and THE LIST NEVER ENDS BUT YOU KNOW WHATS ALWAYS PUSHED BACK????? MY T. IM GONNA SWITCH MYSELF OVER TO INJECTABLE I DONT CARE IF I HAVE AN ALLERGIC REACTION I DONT CARE IF MY BADLY MANAGED ASTHMA KILLS ME DURING A REACTION. LET ME DIE
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fenrisisms · 1 month
17, 21, and/or 25 for hela and/or kat?
yayyy my girls thank you <3 it will always be AND i love to yap especially about lesbians. thank you for the questions !!
17. what were they like as a child?
hela - wide eyed and curious, infinitely fascinated with the hows and whys of the world. she's also carried a lot of her childhood earnestness into her adult life as well, she's just genuine in her interest in other people. she was one of those children that teachers would describe as a 'pleasure to have in class' for sure LMFAO. i don't think the clan really considered her a remarkable child, but she was well-liked by her peers because she's just like. nice.
kat - truly the only way i can describe her is audacious lmfao. she definitely had a tumultuous childhood (her parents were qun defectors who then joined the fog warriors in the fight for seheron so that was where she grew up. as you can imagine that does things to a person) but i think she grew up kind of feeling untouchable and very assured of her place in the world. i wouldn't exactly say she was arrogant, but definitely confident beyond her years and okay yeah. maybe a little smug about being so Good At Everything at such a young age. her parents being killed really rattled her confidence, but she got it back in her early teens and has held it very tightly ever since, although she was a LOT more rambunctious and rowdy than she is as an adult that's for sure
21. what is their biggest regret?
hela - okay well. hela is 20 years old and the most significant event of her life is like literally the conclave so i'd say probably That, although i do think post-inquisition she'd have the time & space to start mourning the fact that really so much of her life and the time she had to explore and discover herself was lost to being the inquisitor, and ultimately she just regrets that it all happened when she was so YOUNG.
kat - she has a very practical attitude toward regrets where i think she lets them go very easily because she just doesn't have space to like. hold on to that hurt, nor does she want to, but contextually post parent-death she ended up sent to orlais as a "servant" (read: they were not paying her ass) which is where she met her adopted siblings and became irrevocably bonded to them for life when they staged a full-scale revolt and escaped together. and i think some nights when she's alone with her thoughts for too long she really regrets not having kept in touch with the others who escaped with them. like she has Her Guys with her and she knows they're safe and alive and happy, but i think she wonders about the others sometimes too.
25. what did they plan for their life to look like before the events of the game happened?
hela - she was just baby so jot that down. and i don't think she really HAD plans for life yet, she was still trying to figure out who she was as an adult and adjust to her new dynamic within the clan, but i think with that limited understanding, that was what she expected from her life. she would live with her clan, and she would be free, and she would be happy there and maybe one day she'd have a wife and children. i think she had a lot of vague ideas about what her life should be like but i don't think she really knew what she actually wanted just yet.
kat - on the contrary, kat's old enough to have had an established life. she's always kind of operated on a "holy fuck i'm surprised i made it this far" kind of approach to her age, so everything has always been one meticulously-planned day at a time to her. okay today it's this job, the next we'll focus on after we've finished this one because i'm not gonna die distracted etc. and she LOVED her life. she thought she would do her mercenary jobs until she fucked her shoulders up too much to swing her axe anymore, and then she and her siblings would use all the money they uh. repossessed <3 to find some nice place to retire, probably in rivain or something, and they'd leave the new guard to take over the company, and live the rest of their days drinking good booze and talking shit together... or they'd all get themselves killed, but they'd go down swinging and they'd go down together. the sky getting blasted open and kat becoming a religious icon was Not part of the plan. and kat really hates when things do not go according to plan.
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uncl3badtouch · 6 months
I read The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager, and I'm gonna tell you why you need to read it too
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I finished this book about a day ago, and I am still reeling from it! I love that it sits with me. It's such a twisty adventure that has inspired a little bit of fear in me that I'll probably think about every time I swim.
Now, normally when I'm diving into a book that says things like "a terrifying read" or " an insane ride that'll keep you white knuckled the whole time" on the back with all those reviews from people I've never met or really paid attention to, if I'm being honest, I just kind of take it with a grain of salt. I like to go into things without anyone else's ideas in my head. But if I had paid more attention and had and looked at the back, I would probably agree with whatever was written.
It started kind of in the middle of a scene, a pretty intense one too, and it really drew me in. The chapters are divided up between Now and Before, with each part twisting in with the other, oftentimes making my jaw clench and unclench trying to figure out how the story is going to end.
We start with Casey, a recent widow whose fame didn't mix with the depression and alcoholism and was forced by her mother to stay at the summer home in Vermont she grew up in until she isn't always drunk. We meet sweet older Eli, the retiree who moved there full time after his wife had passes, and is kind of like the wise older uncle to Casey. There's and empty house occupied by Boone, a widower cop the same age as Casey, who was no longer a part of the police and does odd jobs around the area. Finally we meet Tom and Kathrine Royce. Tom being an app creator (and jerk) and Katherine is a supermodel who is taking a break from the game.
Casey wakes from a drunken stupor one morning and notices something strange in the lake. From there, she and Katherine make nice and a friendship starts to blossom. Casey has made a habit of spying on her neighbors though, and when it's discovered it kind of gets her into a bit of trouble, of course. After another night of drinking until she can't feel, Casey is woken at the crack of dawn by a sound she's not even sure she heard.
Casey soon finds herself in a life and death battle between her past and a new friend's future, that was an intense ride with an ending I didn't see coming. It really made me think about the truth behind myths and legends we hear about places, and how a kind act can change lives.
I cannot think of a single time that my mind had wondered from the story (sometimes I have to re-read because my mind wanders and I get distracted. Not always because of the story, and it's more of a me problem)
It had inspired a few spooky thoughts in my mind that I would love to write out one of these days. I really admire how the twists and turns fell perfectly into place and the timing of it all was perfect.
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So, I would give it 9/10 stars. It was more thriller than horror, although some parts are classically scary, it wasn't something that gave me nightmares, and when I read horror, I want that. Not thrill.
I urge everyone to read it, there's a reason there's a lot of buzz going on about it. I hope that more media comes of it. I couldn't quite tell about a new movie being made about it, but I would definitely will watch it. It wasn't a long book, and it was really easy to get through. I read in chunks at a time, unless I'm so close to finishing and I just can't put it down, that happens sometimes. Do yourself a favor and just pick up a copy, or listen to the audio book. You won't regret it!
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kalims · 2 years
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "if we ever break up I'd go back to my ex because I love them too much—you're my ex stupid."
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"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
premise. let's all pretend that in a state of emergency at the word of "breaking up" some are gonna lose all logic and not register the ex part.
parts. one , two
characters. cater, idia, riddle, epel, jamil, kalim, jade, and floyd.
cw. established relationship, fluff, teensy tiny angst, crack, tweels being highkey red flags, nothing too triggering so this is safe to proceed with.
🏷 : for @cynthinesia
note. also, I already have the characters for the second part planned, courtesy of @/vyndiesel since they did get 2nd when i asked for it.
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cater diamond
"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
"haha. what."
the only way that you'll actually get him is if that he isn't directly looking at you. cater is scarily perspective and I don't lie when I tell you he'd figure it out immediately the second he takes a look at your face but whose to say he can't tell from your voice alone? I do.
anyways! if you do actually get him and he has no idea on what's happening cater will awkwardly laugh at first and think you're joking. you are but at the same time you're not? you'll have to know what your sentence means before understanding that.
cue staring contest with cater wearing a bright look while you're trying your best to keep a straight face and not burst into laughter at the look he gives you alone. it looks quite normal, there's still the cheery look he has but the thinly veil of irritation in his eyes honestly says otherwise.
that's fine... but like rather than why your 'past lover' WHO THE FUCK IS YOUR EX?? you need to tell him their social media username so he can judge the fuck out of them and analyze if they are good enough. (spoiler: no one is better than him atleast)
finally you concede and end up telling him that HE'S the ex if you end up breaking up. his face just breaks and he starts laughing with you, proceeds to playfully threaten you because um.. don't break up with him 🔫 .... please? ^^
cater on his way to make sure he's gonna get you back, he will but I reccomend for you to watch your back. it's fairly easy to spot when he'd try prank you back cause he posts in the exact same day, containing a lot of questionable stuff and "get ready for havoc" insert long ass tags
for someone you'd consider smart cater's actually pretty dumb (in a good way♡)
idia shroud
"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
"..😨 I knew it.."
literally stop before you make him even more depressed. lets think of a scenario where you're chilling together in the empty room of his club, surrounded by board games, generally something he knows he can manage and win.
see this is why he doesn't go outside.. 😞 he would've gone back to the dorm since classes were over but you were insistent on talking to him alone so he helplessly let you drag him around the school until you pull him inside the room. not that he'd ever have the courage to deny. (you out of all people as well.)
you struggle to stifle a laugh when he looks like he's ascended and not in the good way you'd think. to put it simply, he looks horrified and most definitely not having processed all your words yet. I will be using this pic once again because it's too big of an opportunity to ignore.
starts stammering a sentence but too horrified to actually finish one so he just shuts up and lowers his head in a way that makes you feel bad, just as you're seconds away from comforting him—
ortho from somewhere in the room? how did he get there, was he always there? simple. we will never know. anyways ortho casually says that if you broke up with idia your past lover would be idia in a happy-go-lucky super smart tone. /j
oh... now he gets it! but that wasn't a very nice thing to do prefect. you had him questioning his life existence and choices because if he didn't go with you would this have still happened?? full of regret.
no he will not let you inside his room... temporarily *hides in the dark while gloomily playing games*
riddle rosehearts
"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
how dare you say this atrocious thing right at his face?! are you stupid because now you have the short end of the stick. you honestly would've been punished to the fact that you'd wish you never told him but since he loves you he just.. teensy weensy gets a bit harder on the rule breakers :).
ace is highkey spamming you because he does not want to get collared once again and him and a bunch of other people are walking on eggshells around riddle because he's suddenly more sensitive to stuff so = more easier to anger.
ngl that kinda made him sad cause :( ur gonna break up with him? </3 even if there was an 'if' please stop ir cause ur putting ideas, doubts, and a bunch of things that aren't good in his head.
so he just reacts in a way he knows best. ✨anger✨, maybe it's not healthy but it's a response that had grown into a habit soooo he just starts getting red in the face while frantically excusing himself cause he will never let you see him actually crumble.
so when you see him actually struggling to keep it up, he looks upset so you just blurt out that HE'D be your ex if you broke up with him.
riddle turns incredibly stiff, like you can see the invisible jolts that climbs up his whole body (for comedic purposes) and his red face is no longer an indication of an upset, or angry emotion. it's more of embarrassment and maybe shyness.
awkwardly clears his throat and mumbles a; "I see, that's.. a relief." also he surpassed the 6 bulleted per character i set for everyone so next..
epel felmier
"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
"WHAT--ahem.. what??"
was two seconds away from bursting a nerve, and slipping into his accent but it was gonna be used on a more aggressive-flabbergasted reason. you know he's gonna start bothering you to subtly ask who exactly your ex is.
that's just one of his questions by the way, he's also gonna ask what you saw in your ex and why you were gonna break up with him. I honestly think epel wouldn't be able to tell that it's a joke cause if he sees something bigger(break up with you part); which conceals the small loop hole. (i'd go back to my ex part)
so he doesn't really register it just like any of the boys listed here. epel is both mad but also curious since you never mentioned an ex so he wants to see if your ex did you justice. either you laugh because you don't have an ex, or just at epel's unconscious cute behavior.
if you don't tell him the joke, he's gonna end up spilling to either vil or rook, one way or another. and the two would decipher it quite easily since their minds aren't erratic like epel's was when you first spoke of it.
so how to know if epel now knows the joke? he's stomping his way over to you but also awkwardly slowing down, and calming his steps because he remembers pomefiore residents that might report his 'ungraceful' behavior to vil.
anyways he doesn't know whether to feel more mad or happy, but hey! atleast epel's back to being himself. maybe more talkative and affectionate... hehe.
jamil viper
"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
oh, what was that? what did you say prefect? oh you'll go back to your ex? hmm.. okay thanks for telling him /s goodluck on your new relationship cause he does not give a fuck because he knows you won't actually break up with him.
jamil poker face on. atleast he's 98% sure you won't, but he knows 2% still means it's possible.
also he has a huge radiar of the bullshit detector. given that he's dealt with a hefty amount of dumbasses the people trying to take advantage of kalim so you're not fooling him any time soon.
anyways since you have a lot of free time to prank him why don't you go and help him around with the chores huh? passive agressively dumps work on you because he's secretly salty about the fact that you told him that.
^ now he's in a certain mood which makes him more quiet and dismissive of people who try to talk to him, if someone that he doesn't know came up to him right know he's too absorbed to put up the polite act so he says some random excuse.
pretends he wasn't getting worked up over it after he randomly realizes that he would be the ex if you broke up with him. also secretly relieved cause that means you love him still, regardless whethee you're together or not..
kalim al asim
"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
":(.... that's good for you.. :(("
our pure boy still sees the best in every situation even if it doesn't please him in the slightest and instead, makes him sad & gloomy. kalim really does wish you happiness if he loves you so much, even if it isn't with him.
takes this 100% seriously so you feel like absolute shit garbage for pulling such a prank on him when he looks so... SAD?? this depends on how intent you are on finishing this, or you just want to torture yourself by prolonging the truth by him.
OKAY this can go in two ways. if you end up breaking face at the sight of kalim quite literally near tears while wishing you all the best cause he thinks this is an implication of the future and that you're really gonna break up with him </3
—and tell him that it's a prank and he'll be the ex if you break up with him. his sad face just immediately goes away as he tearily leaps straight at your body and doesn't think about the landing for a moment since he's so relieved. "MC!😢💛"
but, if you were intent to keep it up until the end of the day atleast. you're gonna get a jamil knocking at your homeroom with an exhausted look on his face as he stares at you as if to say. 'what did you do.' because he's receiving the end of kalim's mood.
he's gonna 100% drag you over to go to kalim because no way you're gonna get away with the hell hole you just put him in. if you won't spill what you did he WILL make you spill it trust me.
jade leech
"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
"fufu, what makes you think I'd let you leave me?"
high key went yandere for the span of two seconds. but I think we can all agree that jade is a sadist and he really wants to test how deep in depth your love is so he starts taking your sentence seriously and watching you fumble around with an easy smile.
maybe he means harm, maybe he doesn't but his intention is more pure than you'd think, not actually pure pure but y'know. just to test how much you love him hehehe 🚩and cause he thinks your joke is so, funny.
out of all the 8 characters here. jade would be easily the first one to discern the certain trick in your joke and he's pleasantly suprised when he comes to the realization that if you indeed, did break up with him. he will be your ex and that means you'll go back to him.
guess your love does really run deep, so sweet. 🚩😃
nothing really ever changes but jade will convince you that he doesn't know the catch of the joke by pretending he's upset, with his stupidly decent theatre skills. basically you won't know that he knows about it.
overall it provided very good entertainment for him. even if you ended up being centered around it instead of the other way around. jade somehow twisted it to his advantage and it's his joke now, not yours. 🙄
floyd leech
"if I broke up with you, I'd go back to my ex."
"noooo shrimpy! don't leave me or else I'll beat up the guy that you go back to 😡"
in all honesty you can't tell if you should consider his statement cute or a whole ass red flag cause he's basically acting so cute yet so malicious at the same time. so *crosses out last part* there now it looks normal.
floyd doesn't give you any time to react as he walks away with a big frown and everyone immediately starts scattering. you come to know that he's attempting to threaten everyone to check if you've dated any of these... buffoons....
if you won't tell him then he'd just get everyone else to tell it to him instead, he'd never force his shrimpy to say something they don't want to! 😇 *starts forcing everyone else* congrats you're an exception to his shenanigans.
since he's already gone and terrorizing the students, jade will find him one way or another to ask about his foul mood so floyd being floyd who can't keep something to himself, especially if it's jade asking spills everything vaguely.
but jade is used to that so he easily gets it and tells floyd. his mood immediately goes up and his scary aura disappears and is now replaced with a sparkly one. he's touched ♡♡
floyd: :0
floyd: :D
jade: :)
he's happy again and most probably running away to crush you with a hug. floyd is now more clingy and highkey possessive, using every single reason to keep you away from everyone, pouting when your attention drifts from him to somewhere else.
ask mc on how to make a tall, big, scary eel man happy.
anyways since ur here have song reccomendations:
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okay hear me out
au where Chrissy is a youtuber à la Jenna Marbles
she started out doing dumb lil sketches in college and built up a loyal fanbase who absolutely adore her (why wouldn't they?)
she's graduated to making silly slice of life kind of videos about whatever interests her most week to week, and she also streams sometimes (usually playing games but sometimes she'll do like 'get ready with me' streams)
she's always talked about her boyfriend (Eddie, obviously) in the abstract, mostly just gushing about how sweet he is to her and how he's so supportive of her silly little youtube channel (her words, and several million followers isn't silly or little)
but one day she decides to do a goth makeover on stream because her subscribers have been asking for it, so she maybe steals a couple things from Eddie's closet to wear and gets a wig with long black hair that she styles on camera
she's in the middle of doing the makeup when Eddie accidentally enters the room (but not on camera), and her face lights up when she sees him so of course, the chat goes absolutely bonkers
they can't see him but they can hear him, and Chrissy can't stop smiling!!!
(he wasn't supposed to be home while she was streaming, but something came up with his plans so he came home early and totally forgot that she was doing a stream, otherwise he wouldn't have interrupted her) (but he definitely didn't expect to catch her in near full goth makeup and it does things to him)
he just keeps staring at her until he finally manages to ask "when are you gonna be done?" and Chrissy thinks maybe he needs her for something, it doesn't click that he's barely holding it together and she just keeps asking if he's okay, if she needs to come help him with something, and finally he's just like "babe you're streaming i can't say it please don't make me"
and then it clicks. Chrissy's eyes go wide and her face turns bright red. she makes a quick apology to the stream and cuts it short, but the damage is already done. her reaction is immediately made into a gif by her fans and it's everywhere.
from then on, her subscribers are practically begging for a boyfriend reveal. it pops up in the comment section of every single video and she's so embarrassed but Eddie thinks it's hilarious, and in the end he's the one who convinces her that he doesn't have a problem doing it (because he'd do anything for her)
the video, "braiding my boyfriend's hair (BOYFRIEND REVEAL)" goes viral. everyone loves it. it's fifteen minutes straight of Eddie and Chrissy being the cutest couple everyone's ever seen and they're desperate for more.
the next time she streams, Eddie's with her. she announces that she's going to be attempting to do acrylic nails on herself and the chat explodes with requests for her to do his, too. Eddie agrees in a heartbeat.
it's chaos. Eddie can't still, he's so curious about every step of the process and he goes wild picking the design he wants ("there's a coffin shape??" "OOOH PAINT THEM BLACK!!" "wait WAIT CAN YOU DO BATS??") and Chrissy's laughing so hard she can't breathe
he's an absolute menace as soon as he's got a full manicure and Chrissy's seriously regretting this (but also loving every second of it). she has to chase him around (while the stream is still going) to get him to agree to let her take them off because there's no way she's letting him keep them
the next video she posts is Eddie doing her nails, and he spends a good half an hour trying so hard because "I want to make sure they look good, babe!"
after that, Eddie's in all of her videos. every time she does a makeover video, if Eddie's not on camera he's in the background hyping her up
he never hesitates to join in on the fun because he'll never turn down the opportunity to make her smile and laugh
basically they're just youtube royalty and everyone loves them and when Chrissy posts a video to tell everyone that Eddie proposed, they break the internet 🥺
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maburito · 3 years
What IF do u recommend? 👀
ALRIGHT so since i keep falling on new if games and have a lot on my to read list I will make a second part of this list ozijfazorgj. But for now here are some of the IF games i highly recommend!
The Wayhaven Chronicles : First I'm starting with the obvious (that I've already recommended before i know shut up) Wayhaven Chronicles! After a strange murder in the usually tranquil town of Wayhaven, the newly appointed detective (aka the MC aka you) is gonna have to work with 4 beautiful vampires to "solve" this mystery. It currently has two books with a complete demo of the third book available. Honestly if you have followed my blog recently you saw me scream about this game cos I am obsessed and seriously i really recommend it, even if vampires aren't usually your thing.
Fallen Hero Rebirth : Oh boy, Fallen Hero, literally everything is in the title, and not at the same time. Basically you play as a former hero who's decided to become a villain for reasons i will absolutely not spoil bc it would be criminal. But know that this story is glorious, you can choose what kind of villain you would be (from an anarchist/anti hero type to a full blown heartless villain, everything is possible) and choose how your villain costume looks like. And of course you have different love interests all of them super interesting (tho i am very soft for Ortega, the Doctor and Argent but mostly the Doctor got me like 🥺🥺🥺 ). It currently has one book out with the second book demo almost all out called : "Fallen Hero Retribution".
Mindblind : Alright this, made me cry. Like actual tears came out of my eyes and i hate it ezokrafoprkg. In a world where the majority of people either have telepathy and other mental superpowers OR at least enough mind defense to not be too affected by those mental superpowers, your MC is the only "Zero" who's mind is basically an open book and a possible puppet for anyone with mental superpowers. Sucks even more when the MC family are basically renowned superheroes. For now only the demo is out and honestly i can't wait for the full book because this story has me hooked!
Speaker : Once again, a supernatural story because i can never get tired of them okay??? This time you can play as "a Speaker". Born from a generation of Seers, you went to the world a few seconds after ur twin sister, which means she got the traumatising visions while you're the only one who can "understand" them somewhat. Or at least try to make sense of them. But of course everything becomes troublesome when visions get more frequent and violent. Great premise, Lovable LI's (looking at Az, Rory and Kana 👀👀) what more could you want?
When It Hungers (formerly Smoke and Velvet on dashingdon) : First just so you know, the game is currently on dashingdon as Smoke and Velvet but will be moved to Twine with the title as "When it hungers" (u can go see the author tumblr if u curious). Anyway, as a lover of horror stories i can't wait to see more of When It Hungers, even if i made the mistake of reading this at night the first time 😔. The coolest thing ? You can choose to make your MC in three different monster : Basilik, Hellhound or a Haunted Doll, and each of them have a different past based on that choice.
A Tale Of Crowns : Basically A Tale of Crowns is a story based on a fantasy world (inspired by the Middle Eastern) where the big ruler aka The Crown is sorta chosen by the gods and can only be recognised by their golden eyes. Except that usually future crowns are found years before a current crown's death, and your character has been running away their whole lifes. I honestly don't even know how to begin to tell you how much i love this story. The universe built around it is just so well done, the love interests are all interesting for different reasons and i feel transported every time i read it. Even now saying this feels like too little but as usual im not good with english, but yeah just trust me it really deserves more than one look.
The Hunt : Demon Eyes : Just like When It Hungers, this IF is still on dashingdon but will be moved to Twine just so you know opzeakfaz. Anyway the premise is basically you play as a hunter, as in a hunter of supernaturals, whether you think all supernaturals are bad or think there are good ones is up to you, though u know, most of the love interests are supernaturals pzokfga. BUT! One day u end up possessed by a demon you were hunting and only break free TWO YEARS later! So u gonna have to try and find out what the hell happened all this time. There's not much out yet but im already really intrigued by the premise!
Bloodmoon : Who doesn't love a good story about werewolves? If you don't then im sorry you have such a lack of taste 😔. A story which updates every full moon (literally) about a clan of werewolves who just moved into a city, and unfortunatly it doesn't go as well as it could. Honestly between all the unique RO's (Vicky is my personal favorite even if Carrie and Shawnie also got me heart), the twist on the relationship between the wolves and the moon, and the whole story and dynamics between all the characters, Bloodmoon is a delight to read. And yeah i definitely re-read it way too many times oiajgfaoiej.
The Exile : Are you tired of fantasy stories? Well too bad here's one more because i love them!! And boooy this one got me obssesed. Playing as a former commander who was once admired by the kingdom they had vow to protect, they are now a fallen hero due to a tragedy that they cannot even remember. Between new encounters and former allies, trouble just keep finding them no matter what. Sorry for the bad summary but honestly the demo of this story got me so hooked!!! And you can basically choose what kind of "semi magic creature" your mc is! (werewofl, phoenix, etc). Seriously give it a go you won't regret it
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xiaoderys · 4 years
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pairing: Football Captain!Jeno x Mean Girl/Cheer Captain!Reader
warnings: smut, going into subspace, creampie, overstimulation, praise kink, cum swallowing, overuse of the word ‘baby’
word count: 2.8K
requested: yes
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Everybody knows who you are— student body president, homecoming queen, cheerleading captain; you were the school’s it girl and you had everybody wrapped around your tiny little fingers with just a single look in your eye, but while you had everyone falling on their knees for you, Lee Jeno was not having any of your bullshit. Instead, he went out of his way to avoid you and since Jeno was the school’s hotshot, it came as a surprise to everyone that the infamous Mr. Golden Boy and the school’s most precious darling sweetheart hated each other’s guts.
But what people didn’t know was that behind all this facade you and Jeno both put up for the whole school, you were just a sucker for each other’s touch.
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You swore to yourself that you would never even dare lay eyes on anyone from the football team, after everything you’ve experienced from Jeno, you just grew an overbearing hatred towards football players in general and much to your cheer squad’s dismay, your rule applied to them as well. Call it being too harsh but you’re the captain and what you say goes so you would always tell your girls: “Guys on the football team are off-limits. You think it’s cute for cheerleaders and football players to date? Then you’d be glad to know that you’re not the first girl they’ve fucked in the locker rooms.. and definitely not the last. If I find any one of you getting too close with one of those assholes, don’t even fucking dare show your face here ever again.” 
But you’re a hypocrite.
After one too many shots of some cheap alcohol and two horny teenagers at the homecoming games after party, you could only imagine what happened next.
Hands around your waist, body on top of his, tongues fighting for dominance; he tasted like beer and regret. You could’ve stopped it, you could’ve ran away, you could’ve told him no before he was shoving his tongue down your throat and fucking you senselessly on his roommates bed.. you could’ve done so many things to stop all of this before it even started but you didn’t. Because Lee Jeno is a drug and unfortunately for you, you just found your new addiction.
After that night, it became a habit, a ritual for the both of you. After every game or practice, you would meet up in the East building locker room and he would rail you until you were too sore to go to cheer practices the next day. Not your proudest moments but it’s just as if there wasn’t enough air in the room to fill your lungs whenever you were with him.
Now, it’s 4pm and you’re kneeled on the floor in between Jeno’s thighs as he guided your head up and down his thick length. You swirled your tongue around the slit, licking all the way from the base to the tip which resulted in unholy words and gutteral moans to leave his mouth. All the praises and lewd sounds escaping his lips were going straight to your core and you were so painfully aroused by now. You wanted to reach one hand down to relieve yourself while getting Jeno off but you know that’s just gonna cost you a mind blowing orgasm from him so you chose not to.
“Fuck, baby, just like that- shit!” head thrown back, fingers laced in your hair, sweat coating his well-defined abs; seeing him like this really makes you forget about all your built up frustrations towards him “Please keep going” his breathy whines sounded so angelic yet sinful at the same time.
He pulls your head up by your hair forcing you to make eye contact with him, lips still wrapped around his swollen cock “God you’re so pretty like this” he smiles “It’s almost as if you were made just for it” his features softened, admiring the sight before him, his adorable baby on her knees, teary-eyed, mascara running down her flushed cheeks, and mouth full of cock, Jeno swore the view alone could make him come right then and there but he had more plans for you.
“That feels so good, baby, keep doing that, fuck!” he groans, encouraging you to take his whole length until it hit the back of your throat. Jeno met each bob of your head with a thrust which had you gagging around him and that only added to his pleasure.
The sight of your swollen red lips wrapped around his thick cock so perfectly was enough to make him go feral so it wasn’t long before Jeno was bucking his hips up into you “Shit, I’m gonna come” he tightened his grip on your hair forcing you to go down on him faster and after a few more pumps, he was climaxing and you being the good girl that you are, swallowed everything he could give you, feeling the thick, hot liquid running down your throat. You licked up and down his length to collect all the cum that you didn’t catch, not letting a single drop go to waste then you stuck your tongue out to show him that you’ve swallowed it all. “Fuck that’s so hot” he growled.
You continued to suck his tip, trying to get as much out of him as possible but he removed you from his cock, pulling you up to straddle his lap “Come here, baby” he smashed your lips together and he could taste himself on you. He thought he actually tasted kinda nice
“You want my dick inside you, pretty girl?” he mumbles against you breathlessly and you try to nod, replying with a tiny ‘yes, please’ and he hovers you above his throbbing dick, spitting on his fingers and bringing them to your pussy so he can prep you because he knows your little cunt needs all the prepping it can get to take his fat cock. “You’re this wet just from sucking dick?”
“Just. Want. You. Inside. Please!” he chuckles at your neediness, fascinated by how he could have the school’s infamous snobby it girl drooling over his cock and all he had to do was whisper sweet nothings into your ear.
“You’re on the pill, right?” you nod at him and he bunched your skirt up to your waist, aligning himself with your heat as he slowly sunk you down on his length. 
No matter how wet you were or how many times Jeno fucked you, you still couldn’t seem to get used to his size, squirming as soon as he entered you. Small whimpers were falling from his lips due to oversensitivity and you could’ve sworn they were the prettiest sounds you’ve ever heard in your life.
“S-so big! Feels so good!” Jeno’s a simple guy, feed his ego, tell him how big he is and how good he makes you feel and he’ll give you a good fuck.
He knew your body so well and found your sweet spot right away which had you almost screaming at the top of your lungs, thank god this area was secluded or else, anyone walking by outside would definitely know what the both of you were up to “Right there! ahghh please!” you squealed and he held your waist, thrusting up to meet your heat “Right here?” he asks, giving a particularly hard thrust, hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
“Yes! oh my god!” you threw your head back in daze, leaving Jeno more room to mark his baby’s pretty neck. He sucked purple marks on your skin that would definitely be a pain in the ass to cover up tomorrow but that was the least of your problems right now.
“Please go faster!” you needily whine and to be honest, who was he to decline your request? He tightened his grip on your waist and guided you faster up and down his length.
“Fuck! Come here” he pulled your face closer to him and once again put your lips together. He could tell you were close by the way you were clenching around him and as usual, he was right “G-gonna come, Jen, can I please come?!” you plead against him and you could feel his lips form a smirk “Of course, you can, baby. Come for me” that’s all it took for you to moan uncontrollably and release all your juices around Jeno’s cock.
But you noticed that his movements weren’t getting any slower, in fact, they were getting faster and faster and faster.
You laced your fingers in his hair, gripping them tightly “W-what are you doing?” you whimper “I’m fucking you, baby, what does it look like I’m doing?” he growls “B-but I already came!” you squealed and he pushed your body to lay you down on the bench, hooking your legs around his waist as he hovers above you, face inches away from yours “You don’t mind doing it a few more times for me, right baby?” he stills for a second, waiting for assurance. His features softened and holy fuck, you swore you couldn’t breathe. You shook your head with wide eyes leaving him with a grin “That’s a good pup” he kissed the tip of your nose before he continued to relentlessly pound into you.
His tip repeatedly brushed against your sweet spot, leaving you gasping for air and clinging onto his body like your life depended on it “Jeno..“ you sob, feeling yourself get closer and closer to the edge again.
“Fuck! How are you this pretty?” He brought one of his hands to your face, removing all the strands of hair covering it. Seeing you like this, drove him insane and all he could do was chuckle at your wrecked state “Look at you, all desperate and whiny under me. I wonder how your little cheer squad would react if they find out that their snobby little captain who talks big game about hating football players is just a little whore for me?” you couldn’t even reply to tell him otherwise because you both knew he was right, he was always fucking right and you hated it.
You could feel your next orgasm approaching, you try to warn him yet nothing but incoherent words and cries of his name fell from your mouth “J-jeno plea-hmnngg!” He watched you intently, brows furrowed, mouth agape and tears falling on the sides of your face “What is it, baby? Use your words and tell me what you want” he taunts “I’m so close!” you gripped the back of his head and pulled him closer “Don’t hold back, doll. Show me how good I make you feel.” You felt your walls tighten around him once again and you were cumming for the second time.
You thought he would stop there but it still wasn’t enough for Jeno. He loved seeing your flustered face; your whines and pants were like music to his ears, it would be a shame if he stopped now.
The sweat forming on his forehead was dripping down onto you, his thrusts weren’t letting up and you couldn’t think straight. Your mind was all fuzzy and all you could think about was Jeno.
He had you writhing underneath him, cock still deep inside your sensitive pussy, pounding into you mercilessly even after having come two times already.
Your whole body was shaking, you could only take so much. You let out cries and whines yet it only seemed to inflate Jeno’s ego and drive him to go faster and harder. “J-Jeno! I can’t take it anymore!” you thrashed under him but his big, strong arms held you in place “Yes you can, baby, just one more” He knew your body better than anyone else, he knows when you’ve had enough and he knows you can take more-- he knows you want more. “Just one more, okay?”
He continued to plunge his cock deeper and deeper until you were nothing but a whiny, sobbing mess. The overwhelming pleasure filled your senses. You held onto him tighter as soon as you felt another high approaching. Your mind was all over the place and you felt like you were gonna black out. You dug your nails into his biceps and they were sure to leave marks. “Too much, too much, too much!” you chant like a mantra “Just a little more, baby” he tries to reassure you but you were feeling dizzy at this point and his words almost stopped making sense.
You could feel every vein on his cock grazing your walls so deliciously. Every praise and groans that fell from his lips were the only things you could comprehend. “You’re doing so well, baby.. almost there” Your eyes were now rolling to the back of your head, your body stopped shaking and you were in a state of pure bliss, you felt dizzy and your vision was slowly fading to black “J-jeno…” you mumble “Yes, baby, you’re doing so so good, stay with me, just a little more” All you could think about was Jeno and the overwhelming pleasure from his cock rubbing against your tight walls and right at that exact moment, it felt like nothing in the world mattered but the both of you.
You felt spurts of cum being released inside you and you so almost passed out “Fuck, baby. you feel so good” he was panting and kept thrusting sloppily into you “That felt so damn good, baby” as he was coming down from his high, he noticed that you weren’t responding so he cupped your cheeks “Good job, baby, you took me so well” you were still deep into subspace and Jeno tried to be gentle with you as much as he could “You’re okay, baby. I’m here. Just breathe, okay?” He tucked the messy strands of hair covering your face and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
He pulls out ever so slowly, trying his best not to hurt you. He watched his cum drip out of your cunt and he swore he almost came for the third time “God look at that, my cum’s dripping from your tiny pussy. One of these days, I’m gonna have to buy you a plug so you can keep everything I give you inside” he slowly collected both of your juices mixed together on his fingers and hovered it in front of your lips “Open up, baby” you still couldn’t understand anything and it took you a while to register what was happening but as soon as you did, you opened up your mouth and started sucking on his fingers “Does it taste good?” you nod frantically and kept mumbling incoherent words which made Jeno coo at you.
He took his fingers away from your mouth and you whined “m-more please! more!” Jeno chuckled at how needy you were but he didn’t want to push you way beyond your limits ”You’ve already done enough, baby. You can calm down now, okay? just breathe” a few minutes pass by of Jeno trying to bring you back into reality and you finally calmed down.
He pampered you with kisses and praises, making sure you were okay after coming down from your state of pure ecstasy. “You did so well, baby, I’m so proud of you” he smiles sweetly as he wipes your mascara stained cheeks with his thumb “Thank you, Jen” you murmur, trying not to look him in the eye. “What’s wrong?” he asks, turning your head to face him “Nothing” Jeno could tell something was bothering you but he just shrugs it off because he knows your relationship was strictly physical and you would never open up to him anyway.
“Okay, well, I need to get going now,” he gets off of you “I still need to help Jaemin prepare for the party tonight” you tried to stand up but your legs felt like jelly so you stumbled a little but thankfully, Jeno was there to catch you “Woah, careful there. Do you need help getting home?” Yes, you do, but you weren’t gonna tell him that “No, I’ll be fine” you shook your head with a small smile.
“You’re still coming later, right?” you fixed your clothes and tried to collect your thoughts and you shot him a confused look “Hmm?” he chuckled, clearly your mind was still in shambles from earlier “the party tonight” your body still felt sore but you just couldn’t say no “Oh yeah, of course, how could I miss it?” He smiled at you, throwing his shirt back on “Good, you know where my room is, I’ll see you again at 7?”
You watched as he tried to tidy himself up and collect his belongings, thoughts running around your head, wanting to tell him so badly to stay and just talk for a while, to sort things out between the two of you because god knows you could only contain your emotions for so long, but instead, you just nod at him and smile “I’ll see you at 7” he returns your smile and walks out, leaving you there to mentally curse yourself for not having the courage to tell him how you feel but this is what you signed up for. You made your bed and now you have to lay on it.
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